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Copyright (c) 2021 Kevin Buzzard. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Buzzard
import algebra.module.basic
import linear_algebra.finsupp
import linear_algebra.free_module.basic
# Projective modules
This file contains a definition of a projective module, the proof that
our definition is equivalent to a lifting property, and the
proof that all free modules are projective.
## Main definitions
Let `R` be a ring (or a semiring) and let `M` be an `R`-module.
* `is_projective R M` : the proposition saying that `M` is a projective `R`-module.
## Main theorems
* `is_projective.lifting_property` : a map from a projective module can be lifted along
a surjection.
* `is_projective.of_lifting_property` : If for all R-module surjections `A ββ B`, all
maps `M ββ B` lift to `M ββ A`, then `M` is projective.
* `is_projective.of_free` : Free modules are projective
## Implementation notes
The actual definition of projective we use is that the natural R-module map
from the free R-module on the type M down to M splits. This is more convenient
than certain other definitions which involve quantifying over universes,
and also universe-polymorphic (the ring and module can be in different universes).
We require that the module sits in at least as high a universe as the ring:
without this, free modules don't even exist,
and it's unclear if projective modules are even a useful notion.
## References
- Direct sum of two projective modules is projective.
- Arbitrary sum of projective modules is projective.
All of these should be relatively straightforward.
## Tags
projective module
universes u v
/- The actual implementation we choose: `P` is projective if the natural surjection
from the free `R`-module on `P` to `P` splits. -/
/-- An R-module is projective if it is a direct summand of a free module, or equivalently
if maps from the module lift along surjections. There are several other equivalent
definitions. -/
class module.projective (R : Type u) [semiring R] (P : Type (max u v)) [add_comm_monoid P]
[module R P] : Prop :=
(out : β s : P ββ[R] (P ββ R), function.left_inverse ( P P R id) s)
namespace module
lemma projective_def {R : Type u} [semiring R] {P : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_monoid P]
[module R P] : projective R P β
(β s : P ββ[R] (P ββ R), function.left_inverse ( P P R id) s) :=
β¨Ξ» h, h.1, Ξ» h, β¨hβ©β©
section semiring
variables {R : Type u} [semiring R] {P : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_monoid P] [module R P]
{M : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {N : Type*} [add_comm_group N] [module R N]
/-- A projective R-module has the property that maps from it lift along surjections. -/
theorem projective_lifting_property [h : projective R P] (f : M ββ[R] N) (g : P ββ[R] N)
(hf : function.surjective f) : β (h : P ββ[R] M), f.comp h = g :=
Here's the first step of the proof.
Recall that `X ββ R` is Lean's way of talking about the free `R`-module
on a type `X`. The universal property `` says that to a map
`X β N` from a type to an `R`-module, we get an associated R-module map
`(X ββ R) ββ N`. Apply this to a (noncomputable) map `P β M` coming from the map
`P ββ N` and a random splitting of the surjection `M ββ N`, and we get
a map `Ο : (P ββ R) ββ M`.
let Ο : (P ββ R) ββ[R] M := _ _ _ (Ξ» p, function.surj_inv hf (g p)),
-- By projectivity we have a map `P ββ (P ββ R)`;
cases h.out with s hs,
-- Compose to get `P ββ M`. This works.
use Ο.comp s,
ext p,
conv_rhs {rw β hs p},
simp [Ο, finsupp.total_apply, function.surj_inv_eq hf],
/-- A module which satisfies the universal property is projective. Note that the universe variables
in `huniv` are somewhat restricted. -/
theorem projective_of_lifting_property'
-- If for all surjections of `R`-modules `M ββ N`, all maps `P ββ N` lift to `P ββ M`,
(huniv : β {M : Type (max v u)} {N : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_monoid M] [add_comm_monoid N],
by exactI
β [module R M] [module R N],
by exactI
β (f : M ββ[R] N) (g : P ββ[R] N),
function.surjective f β β (h : P ββ[R] M), f.comp h = g) :
-- then `P` is projective.
projective R P :=
-- let `s` be the universal map `(P ββ R) ββ P` coming from the identity map `P ββ P`.
obtain β¨s, hsβ© : β (s : P ββ[R] P ββ R),
( P P R id).comp s = :=
huniv ( P P R (id : P β P)) ( : P ββ[R] P) _,
-- This `s` works.
{ use s,
rwa linear_map.ext_iff at hs },
{ intro p,
use finsupp.single p 1,
simp },
end semiring
section ring
variables {R : Type u} [ring R] {P : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_group P] [module R P]
/-- A variant of `of_lifting_property'` when we're working over a `[ring R]`,
which only requires quantifying over modules with an `add_comm_group` instance. -/
theorem projective_of_lifting_property
-- If for all surjections of `R`-modules `M ββ N`, all maps `P ββ N` lift to `P ββ M`,
(huniv : β {M : Type (max v u)} {N : Type (max u v)} [add_comm_group M] [add_comm_group N],
by exactI
β [module R M] [module R N],
by exactI
β (f : M ββ[R] N) (g : P ββ[R] N),
function.surjective f β β (h : P ββ[R] M), f.comp h = g) :
-- then `P` is projective.
projective R P :=
-- We could try and prove this *using* `of_lifting_property`,
-- but this quickly leads to typeclass hell,
-- so we just prove it over again.
-- let `s` be the universal map `(P ββ R) ββ P` coming from the identity map `P ββ P`.
obtain β¨s, hsβ© : β (s : P ββ[R] P ββ R),
( P P R id).comp s = :=
huniv ( P P R (id : P β P)) ( : P ββ[R] P) _,
-- This `s` works.
{ use s,
rwa linear_map.ext_iff at hs },
{ intro p,
use finsupp.single p 1,
simp },
/-- Free modules are projective. -/
theorem projective_of_basis {ΞΉ : Type*} (b : basis ΞΉ R P) : projective R P :=
-- need P ββ (P ββ R) for definition of projective.
-- get it from `ΞΉ β (P ββ R)` coming from `b`.
use b.constr β (Ξ» i, finsupp.single (b i) (1 : R)),
intro m,
simp only [b.constr_apply, mul_one, id.def, finsupp.smul_single', finsupp.total_single,
exact b.total_repr m,
@[priority 100]
instance projective_of_free [ R P] : module.projective R P :=
projective_of_basis $ R P
end ring
end module