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% isabellesym.sty), use only when needed
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\title{Attack Trees in Isabelle for GDPR compliance of IoT healthcare systems}
\author{Florian Kamm\"uller}
In this article, we present a proof theory for Attack Trees. Attack Trees are a well established and
useful model for the construction of attacks on systems since they allow a stepwise exploration of
high level attacks in application scenarios. Using the expressiveness of Higher Order Logic in Isabelle,
we succeed in developing a generic theory of Attack Trees with a state-based semantics based on Kripke
structures and CTL (see \cite{kam:16b} for more details).
The resulting framework allows mechanically supported logic analysis of the meta-theory
of the proof calculus of Attack Trees and at the same time the developed proof theory enables application
to case studies.
A central correctness and completeness result proved in Isabelle establishes a connection
between the notion of Attack tTree validity and CTL.
The application is illustrated on the example of a healthcare IoT system and GDPR compliance verification.
A more detailed account of the Attack Tree formalisation is given in \cite{kam:18b} and the case study
is described in detail in \cite{kam:18a}.
%bla \cite{kk:16}\cite{kp:16}\cite{mw:09}\cite{kk:20}
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