Text Generation
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(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* This bundles an interactive session into a proof. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let labels_flag = ref false;;
let LABEL_ALL_TAC:tactic =
let mk_label avoid =
let rec mk_one_label i avoid =
let label = "Z-"^(string_of_int i) in
if not(mem label avoid) then label else mk_one_label (i+1) avoid in
mk_one_label 0 avoid in
let update_label i asl =
let rec f_at_i f j =
function [] -> []
| a::b -> if (j=0) then (f a)::b else a::(f_at_i f (j-1) b) in
let avoid = map fst asl in
let current = el i avoid in
let new_label = mk_label avoid in
if (String.length current > 0) then asl else
f_at_i (fun (_,y) -> (new_label,y) ) i asl in
fun (asl,w) ->
let aslp = ref asl in
(for i=0 to ((length asl)-1) do (aslp := update_label i !aslp) done;
(ALL_TAC (!aslp,w)));;
(* global_var *)
let (EVERY_STEP_TAC:tactic ref) = ref ALL_TAC;;
let (e:tactic ->goalstack) =
fun tac -> refine(by(VALID
(if !labels_flag then (tac THEN (!EVERY_STEP_TAC)) THEN LABEL_ALL_TAC
else tac)));;
let has_stv t =
let typ = (type_vars_in_term t) in
can (find (fun ty -> (is_vartype ty) && ((dest_vartype ty).[0] = '?'))) typ;;
let prove_by_refinement(t,(tacl:tactic list)) =
if (length (frees t) > 0)
then failwith "prove_by_refinement: free vars" else
if (has_stv t)
then failwith "prove_by_refinement: has stv" else
let gstate = mk_goalstate ([],t) in
let _,sgs,just = rev_itlist
(fun tac gs -> by
(if !labels_flag then (tac THEN
tacl gstate in
let th = if sgs = [] then just null_inst []
else failwith "BY_REFINEMENT_PROOF: Unsolved goals" in
let t' = concl th in
if t' = t then th else
try EQ_MP (ALPHA t' t) th
with Failure _ -> failwith "prove_by_refinement: generated wrong theorem";;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let saved_thm = ref ((Hashtbl.create 300):(term,thm) Hashtbl.t);;
let save_thm thm = Hashtbl.add !saved_thm (concl thm) thm;;
let mem_thm tm = Hashtbl.mem !saved_thm tm;;
let remove_thm tm = Hashtbl.remove !saved_thm tm;;
let find_thm tm = Hashtbl.find !saved_thm tm;;
let dump_thm file_name =
let ch = open_out_bin file_name in
(output_value ch !saved_thm;
close_out ch);;
let load_thm file_name =
let ch = open_in_bin file_name in
(saved_thm := input_value ch;
close_in ch);;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let old_prove = prove;;
let old_prove_by_refinement = prove_by_refinement;;
let fast_load = ref true;;
let set_fast_load file_name =
(fast_load := true;
load_thm file_name);;
let set_slow_load () =
(fast_load := false;);;
let prove (x, tac) =
if (!fast_load) then (try(find_thm x) with failure -> old_prove(x,tac))
else (let t = old_prove(x,tac) in (save_thm t; t));;
let prove_by_refinement (x, tacl) =
if (!fast_load) then (try(find_thm x)
with failure -> old_prove_by_refinement(x,tacl))
else (let t = old_prove_by_refinement(x,tacl) in (save_thm t; t));;
if (false) then (set_fast_load "thm.dump") else (fast_load:=false);;