OK, what are we going to make tonight? We're having noodles and meatballs, your favorite. Are you really going to help me? Of course, I promised you I would. You've been working a lot lately and taking care of the kids on top of that. I really want to help out. Thanks so much, Patrick. That means a lot to me. No problem. So what do we do first?
No problem. So what do we do first?
First, I'll start boiling the water for the noodles. Why don't you get the ingredients out to make the meatballs? And last we'll make the sauce.
Doctor Joseph, why did you want to be a doctor? Both my dad and mom were doctors and I wanted to be like them. But it all started to be more than imagination once I got to college. What do you mean? Well, when I was a freshman, I didn't know what I wanted to major in. So I took a health class that included an emergency first aid certificate. I figured it would be useful to know how to help someone an emergency if they needed it. Sounds good.
Sounds good.
Well, one night as I was walking back to my dorm. I saw a woman on the ground who had stopped breathing. I gave her mouth to mouth breathing and called 911. By the time the ambulance arrived, she had been able to breathe normally. In addition, she left the hospital the next evening. The doctor said that I had saved her life.
Shall we go to the cinema then? I don't think there's much on this week. How about going bowling? I've never really taken to it. And it's not so cheap, either. OK, then how about getting the bus into town? Each of us doing whatever we want there, then meeting up again at the bus station. That makes sense. Though I'll have to be back here by 10:00, because I'm going out on a field trip first thing in the morning.
That makes sense. Though I'll have to be back here by 10:00, because I'm going out on a field trip first thing in the morning.
So am I. But I'd rather stay 30 minutes longer than that.
Reception desk, may I help you? Yes, this is Smith Brown, from room 1016. The last room on the east side of the hotel. Yes. Can I do something for you? You certainly can, I can't get to sleep. The people in the next room, room 1014 are making too much noise. They're probably having a birthday party. All the cheering and laughing are driving me crazy. I see I'll give them a call.
I see I'll give them a call.
I wish you would, this has been going on for over 2 hours.
Hello Helen, you look bad. Is everything OK? Yes, I'm fine, thanks. I'm just a bit tired this morning. That's all. Why is that? Did you stay up last night? Not at all, but I had this dream and it woke me up so I didn't get much sleep. I dreamt of walking through a forest at night. I couldn't see anything. That sounds frightening.
That sounds frightening.
In my dream, I saw white light behind some trees. It was a strange light because it seemed to get bigger and then smaller as if it was alive. At first I just stood where I was. But then the light seemed to move toward me and I could see something in it like the face of an old man. I tried to run away, but my feet felt very heavy, and I couldn't run fast enough. That's when I woke up I was shaking all over.
Who do you work for at the moment? Um, I work for the BBC World Service. I've been with the BBC for 5 years. Before that, I worked as an interpreter for the EU. As you know this job is based in Geneva. Have you ever lived abroad before? Oh, yes, I have. In fact I was born in Argentina and I lived there until I was 11. That's interesting, have you traveled much?
That's interesting, have you traveled much?
Oh, yes. I've been to all over Europe and many parts of South America.
What do you like doing in your free time, Ann? Well, reading is my favorite thing to do. What else do you like doing? Listening to music. Do you play any musical instruments like the piano?
Do you play any musical instruments like the piano?
No, I don't play the piano but I play the guitar sometimes, I spend a lot of my free time practicing. What about you, John?
Why don't we get you some shirts, darling? I want to leave, we've already been here 2 hours. But we should get you some shirts. You need summer shirts. I would rather buy them somewhere else. Why? They have everything here.
Why? They have everything here.
I don't like shopping in the malls. I like shopping on the street, there was more variety.
Good morning. Good morning. I'm looking for a place to rent near the University. There are 3 of us looking together, we thought we might share if we could find something suitable. So something near the University? Yes, if that's at all possible. We're all students. So it be good if we could find something within walking distance. Are you in your first year?
Are you in your first year?
No, I've been here a year already.
Are you having a party? Yes, I am throwing a party for my cousin Sheila. That sounds fun. Is it her birthday? No, she's graduating from nursing school. The family is very proud of her. That's wonderful. Does she live here in Houston?
That's wonderful. Does she live here in Houston?
No, she lives in Dallas. But she will be moving to New York next year after she gets married.
I can help the next person in line. That's me. I, I need to Mail this package. OK, great! Where is it going? It's going to Saint Louis, Missouri, and I needed to get there as fast as possible. It's my mother's birthday present, and her birthday is tomorrow. I don't want it to be late. OK sir, I can do that. Will have to deliver it overnight which will cost extra money? Let's see it will be $32.50 to get the package there tomorrow, will you pay with a credit card or cash?
OK sir, I can do that. Will have to deliver it overnight which will cost extra money? Let's see it will be $32.50 to get the package there tomorrow, will you pay with a credit card or cash?
I have cash and please mark fragile on the box.
Good afternoon doctor. Good afternoon, Mrs Brown. Wow, what's wrong with this little boy? He is my son Jim. He's gotta cough. How long has he been like this? Ever since last night.
Ever since last night.
Has he had anything to eat today?
Hey Mary, you've really been gone a long time. How did you manage to do that? Hi. Well, I talked with my teachers before I left about the work I would miss, but my aunt in Denver made me study a lot there. I thought she was your rich aunt. Not really. But she doesn't have any children, so she does have some money even though she was a teacher. How was the holiday?
How was the holiday?
Cool and I saw so many people on the mountain on Washington's Birthday.
I'd like to congratulate you on your wonderful performance. Thank you very much. I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play. I have travelled many miles and I'm very glad I made the effort. You play the piano beautifully! What are your next plans? At present I'm giving a lot of concerts. Fortunately, people want to come and hear me play. But I'm getting very tired of traveling. Why are you working so hard?
Why are you working so hard?
I'm planning to start a school, so I'm trying to save as much money as possible.
What are you reading? It is a book written by a guy who was born without arms or legs. What? So how does he get around? He can actually walk pretty well, but he can't move that fast. He also has an assistant who helps him. He is actually quite successful. He must have worked pretty hard.
He must have worked pretty hard.
Yeah, he travels around the world and gives a speech is to young people. He's changed many people's lives. Even when nothing seemed possible he stayed positive and put in even more effort.
Now I've collected all your personal information. Then when will you exchange the CD for another one? After I give the information to the shop manager we will solve your problem. Please don't worry. But when? Could you tell me the deadline? I don't want to be bothered by it all the time. Um, I promised the day after tomorrow.
Um, I promised the day after tomorrow.
Then I will be here in your shop on that day to get a new CD.
What can I do for you, sir? I want to book a ticket to Hong Kong on October thirtieth. OK. I will check for you. Wait a moment, please. Would you like a business ticket or an economic one? Economic, and I prefer the afternoon. Well, Dragonair Flight, KA621, leaves at 4:00 PM and arrives there at 6:25 PM. Is that all right?
Well, Dragonair Flight, KA621, leaves at 4:00 PM and arrives there at 6:25 PM. Is that all right?
That's fine. How much should I pay?
What are some of the good things about being a teenager? Well, you don't have to go out to work for a start. Another thing is, we don't have to do the housework, which is really boring. What are the bad things? The problem is that you never have enough money. We get some money from our parents but it's never enough. You aren't allowed to buy what you want. What do you think it's like being an adult?
What do you think it's like being an adult?
Well, adults have to look after their family. They have responsibilities. I feel more sorry for my mom. She's always rushing around and she has to go to work as well. She doesn't have to work on Thursdays and Fridays. But she has loads of different things to do in a day like shopping, uh, cooking, taking me to swimming.
Welcome to this edition of writers. Tonight, we have Steven Darcy with us. Congratulations on your book Life and Everything in Between, Steven. It's such a success. Thank you. This is your first attempt at poetry? Did you ever try it before? Did you take any classes in poetry? Well, my only real experience was writing business plans. Other than that, I have zero experience, where writing is concerned. I have always had a good grasp of English language, thanks to my mom who started me reading when I was very little. What is the hardest thing about creating your work?
What is the hardest thing about creating your work?
Definitely finding the perfect words to fit what I wanted to say. There is always a word or 2 that I might still rewrite if given the chance.
Are you busy this week? Yes. This morning I need to write a business report and this afternoon at 1:30, I'll discuss the report with the general manager. What's your schedule for tomorrow? I'm attending the sales meeting at 9 o'clock and in the afternoon at 3:00, I'm seeing Mr .Black, the marketing manager. What about Wednesday?
What about Wednesday?
I've got an appointment at 8:30 with Mr. Anderson, the bank manager. In the afternoon, I'm taking the 4:45 flight to Hong Kong for the conference.
Hi. My name's Mary Jackson and I have a friend Susan, whose son Bobby is taking gymnastic lessons from you. She suggested I call you. OK. Will the lessons be for yourself or a child? They will be for myself. My son's only 3 and I'd like him to start taking lessons next year. Very well. Do you like sports or do you have another reason for taking up lessons? I like sports.
I like sports.
Then what would you like to learn?
Morning, Mrs Jones. Morning, what's wrong? Well, I've made a list here of all the things that are already in my job description and I'm very happy with that. What I'm not really comfortable with are all the extra duties that I'm having to take on at the moment. Do you need someone to help you? To be honest, I'm OK about doing the extra work. I just feel that some sort of a salary increase would be appropriate.
To be honest, I'm OK about doing the extra work. I just feel that some sort of a salary increase would be appropriate.
I can't make a decision right now, but I'll look at the details and tell you the result next week. Alright?
What are you doing, little Sarah? I am looking at my pictures. dad. I painted them in class. Show me your pictures, dear. Oh, what's that, Sarah? It's a house. And what are those?
And what are those?
Those are rooms. This room is the kitchen. That's my bedroom.
Everything seems to be OK, but how long do you want the place? Six months. Oh well, that might be a problem. I only sign one-year lease. Well, one year would be fine, too. I'm not planning on leaving the area soon. Well if it's not a problem, then here you go.
Well if it's not a problem, then here you go.
Just let me look at it quickly.
Welcome, how may I help you today? I'd like a pizza, please. Then you'll be happy to hear that today. All our pizzas are on sale 2 for one. You're right, that is great! What size would you like?
What size would you like?
A medium one would be perfect. Thank you.
Hi, Monica. Hi, Peter. What are you doing on Wednesday night? There will be a great show at the Global Theater. Would you like to go with me? Wednesday night? Oh, sorry, I'm planning to finish my composition. Oh, well, never mind. How about Thursday? Why don't we go out to dinner, just you and me?
Oh, well, never mind. How about Thursday? Why don't we go out to dinner, just you and me?
That sounds like a good idea, but I might have to help my roommate clean up the apartment.
Have you heard there's a car accident just in the opposite of the street? No. I have just returned from London. 2 people lost their lives at once. The road condition needs improving for long. It was late and there were few cars.
It was late and there were few cars.
That may make a driver careless than during rush hour.
How was the airplane ride yesterday? It couldn't be worse. It was a 12-hour flight and the couple sitting next to me kept talking all the time. That was really annoying! Why didn't you listen to some music? My ears ached when I listen to music, so I had to stop listening to music. Why didn't you watch a movie?
Why didn't you watch a movie?
The same problem. I couldn't use my earphones or my ears ached.
Hey Martin, I just did some running in the park. What are you doing? There was a windstorm last night, so it blew this mess everywhere, what's up? I just wanted to see if you'd like to see the latest movie with me tonight? Why do you have to do this kind of work? My father and I have a deal. I help around the house and he pays me. Once I get these leaves into bags. I have to cut the grass. Tomorrow, I will water the flowers in the garden. How long have you had this arrangement?
How long have you had this arrangement?
Since I became a teenager, I help him fix his motorcycle, too.
Come in, come in! Hi, Gary. What happened? I was waiting for you at the theater. Why didn't you meet me there? I thought we were supposed to meet here. Don't you know our movie starts at 7:00 and we were going to meet at the theater at 6:45. Then it doesn't make sense to meet at the apartment. I'm sorry, we must have misunderstood each other.
I'm sorry, we must have misunderstood each other.
Why don't you try to be clearer about our appointment?
Hi, Kerry. Do you follow the news every day? Sometimes. How do you follow the news? Well, here in Japan, mostly on the radio or the internet. Oh, really? OK. What radio station?
Oh, really? OK. What radio station?
NPR. But on the military station.
Jack, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out this Friday. Oh, Rose. I haven't seen you since we last met at our classmates party. What are you going to do? Well, I was thinking if we could go to a movie after a western dinner. That sounds like fun. Of course. We can do something else if you'd like.
Of course. We can do something else if you'd like.
No, no. The movie sounds great.
Well, Jenny, the school year is almost over. We just have 2 more weeks before exams. What do you plan to do this summer? I'm going to teach English to some immigrants in the universities community service program. That sounds interesting, don't you need to speak a foreign language for a job like that? No, I don't. I just have to present the language simply and give the students a chance to practice speaking. Come to think of it. That's the way I was taught to speak Chinese, but speaking Chinese didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
Come to think of it. That's the way I was taught to speak Chinese, but speaking Chinese didn't help me learn to read and write Chinese.
My students won't want to read and write English, at least not now. They are more interested in speaking.
Come on, Dad. The shops will be closed if we don't hurry. Don't worry and the shops are open until midnight on Christmas Eve. Yes, but it will take us a long time to find a car park and it will be midnight before we choose a present for mother. Plus, we don't know what to buy for her. Maybe a hat. No, she is already had so many hats. Well, maybe a box of chocolates.
Well, maybe a box of chocolates.
But she never eats them. Anything else is OK. You know, she will be satisfied with what you buy for her.
I'm qualified for affordable housing this year. You are lucky. But I don't have enough money in hand. I wonder if I should buy it or not. This is a good chance. Don't miss the boat. I know. But where could I get so much money?
I know. But where could I get so much money?
You can get a loan from the bank.
Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to? I'm writing to my parents, telling them I'll stay here this summer. You're not going home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. Well, I intended, but I thought again in changed my mind. Tell me. I'm interested in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here?
Tell me. I'm interested in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying here?
Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle's institution.
Hello, I'd like to return this sweater. I have the receipt right here. OK, let me take a look. Uh, so you bought this over a month ago. That's right. It was a birthday present for my niece. I'm sorry, ma'am. But if it has been over a month, we can't return your money. Are you kidding me? I haven't even opened the package, my friend.
Are you kidding me? I haven't even opened the package, my friend.
Well, that is just our store rule.
Julia, how was your trip to Amsterdam? It was great. You know the best thing I did? I rented a bicycle. It was really cool. I got to leave the college area and go out and meet some locals. They were really surprised when they found out I was American. Why is that? Well, they think Americans are all rich and fat and drive cars and never ride bicycles. Yeah, well, that's kind of true.
Yeah, well, that's kind of true.
Yeah, another interesting thing is that nobody locks their bikes there.
Albert and I need a lot of things to furnish our house. But I don't know where the best place to shop is. Could you give me some advice, Jack? Sure, Carol. What kind of things do you need right now? Well, we have most of the furniture already. But Albert wants to set up a little office in the small bedroom. Well, as for Albert, he should go to an office supply store. There's a very good one called Office Depot. It has everything he will need and the prices are good, too. It's very convenient. Can I write that down?
Can I write that down?
Sure, here is the pen on your table. It spelled office and then D-E-P-O-T.
Why didn't you come to my party last night? I'm sorry. I couldn't make it. I had to go to visit my grandmother at the hospital. Is your grandmother ill? No, she was hit by a car. I'm so sorry to hear that. Was it serious?
I'm so sorry to hear that. Was it serious?
No, the driver stopped his car in time and just hit her slightly. But the doctor suggested she stay in hospital for several days, so how was the party?
Can I help you? Yes, I'm looking for a sweater in a medium size. Let's see. Here is a nice white one. What do you think? I think I'd rather have it in blue. Oh no, the pink one. It looks better. OK. Here's pink in a medium. Would you like to try it on?
OK. Here's pink in a medium. Would you like to try it on?
OK. Yes, I love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it?
Today we have Jane Couch with us. Good evening and welcome, Jane. Good evening. Now this is a question that everyone would like to ask you. How did you get interested in boxing? I saw a little television program about women boxing about 6 years ago. And at that moment, I said to myself, I'm going to do that. And it just changed my life. But my parents disagreed at first. And were you interested in sport at school?
And were you interested in sport at school?
No, nothing. I wasn't ever fit or anything. I just don't look after myself at all.
My mom thinks that we should name the baby after her. What do you think? I think your mom is a little too selfish. Plus, I don't really think Betty Betson sounds like a name I'd want to have. OK, I just had to ask. I didn't like the idea much either. I really love the name Laura, though. That's nice but I think we should give her a really strong name so she stuff. How about Helga or Josephine? Those names make me think of unattractive women. Elga sounds like a lady who could carry me under her arm.
Those names make me think of unattractive women. Elga sounds like a lady who could carry me under her arm.
That's the idea. I don't want anyone thinking they can mess with my daughter. I want her to be able to stand up to people, especially any boys who might try to look at her.
Hello, I'm calling about the apartment you have advertised in today's the daily mail. Yes, I will have a trip, so the house will be empty for 2 weeks. Great. I'd like to hire a short period of time. 2 weeks is just enough. Could you introduce your apartment to me? Sure. It's a one bedroom apartment with a big balcony, but it has a small kitchen. That's just my cup of tea. What's the price?
That's just my cup of tea. What's the price?
$400 per month. You need only to pay for electricity, for gas and water are included. And you can use the parking lot free of charge.
Did you have a good vacation Katie? Yeah, I took a nature adventure tour. For the first part we went hiking. It was so much fun. We hiked all the way up to these beautiful waterfalls. I took lots of pictures. Sounds great, so what else did you do on the tour? Well, the best part was at the end of the trip. I jumped out of an airplane. Wow.
Yeah, it was just a fantastic vacation, but anyway, that's enough about my vacation. How did you spend your break, Ryan?
Tina, how long have you been learning the piano? For 8 years. I began to play when I was 7. My father found a teacher for me who is from the UK. Ah, are you still learning it from that teacher? Yes, I go to her home every Saturday. No wonder you can play so well.
No wonder you can play so well.
Yes, my teacher is very excellent and she has won many awards.
Can you believe the school year is almost here? I know. Every time I walk by our new school, I get a little anxious. Why? Everything is going to be so much better. Really? I heard it is a lot of extra work. Relax. We'll get used to it, apparently there was a huge computer room we can study in. Also, they have just finished building a new running track and put in artificial grass.
Relax. We'll get used to it, apparently there was a huge computer room we can study in. Also, they have just finished building a new running track and put in artificial grass.
Cool! We'll have lots of fun on the playground.
Today we are going to discuss how to write better. Excuse me. Ah, Tom, you're late again. I'm sorry, Mrs Green. What's the excuse this time?
What's the excuse this time?
I must have turned off my alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.
I'd like some information about opening a savings account. A savings account? Certainly, what would you like to know? Could you tell me what the interest rate is? It's five and a quarter percent. I see.
I see.
Would you like to open the savings account with us?
Dad, dad. Uh, what? The movie is over. You slept through the best part. Ah, I must have fallen asleep during the last few minutes. You did. He were out for so long. You should've brought your pillow and blanket. So what did you think about it?
You did. He were out for so long. You should've brought your pillow and blanket. So what did you think about it?
Well, overall, I'm a little disappointed with the movie. The story was not believable. You have to admit.
Good morning, Mister Black. Good morning. Could you help me please? I'm looking for some books for my mother. OK. What kind of books is she interested in? She's very fond of romantic love stories. I see. What about this one? Has she read it before?
I see. What about this one? Has she read it before?
I'm not sure. But she probably won't remember the story even if she has. She's very forgetful.
Is this table on the corner OK? Sure, we can sit here. Gee, you've hardly got anything on your plate. Yeah, I guess I'm just not that hungry. What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?
What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?
Well, I've been really worried. It's my car. It's in the shop again.
There is only 20 minutes left. I've got an appointment. I'm meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9:00 AM. I hope not to miss it. Well, I'm going there, too. I can give you a lift if you like. Could you really? That would be kind. Where are you meeting your friend? Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine.
Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine.
The park's not far out of my way. I'll take you there.
Here we are Friday night, do you want to go dancing? Well, not really. I'm kind of tired and hungry, I had a pretty hard week. How about going out to listen to some music? How about a little light jazz? That sounds nice. How about going to a restaurant with live music? Sure, do you have any place in mind?
Sure, do you have any place in mind?
What about the club Blue Note?
Welcome back, everyone. Now I'm talking to Nick Parker, the singer with the band, Crispy. Hello, Nick. Welcome to our show. Hello. Nick, I have one question. Your sister Mel is in the band, too. Isn't she? Yeah, we've been playing and singing together since we were young. Dad took us to hear the great bands playing live, Mel and I put on shows at school. But mom didn't want us to get too serious about our music. She thought we should concentrate on our study. However, we were still enthusiastic about our music. Then how was your band formed?
Then how was your band formed?
2 musicians from music schools saw us playing in a concert. They asked if we'd like to form a band with them. We agreed to try it out.
So what are your plans for this summer? I could work for that company again, but I have a great chance to do some traveling and learn more about the world. My friend Bill is going to travel around Europe this summer. He has some relatives in France. He wants to visit and he also plans to go to Germany, Lithuania and Latvia. All I need to pay for is my air tickets and meals. What about hotels when you're not staying with Bill's relatives? We'll stay in guest houses. I have enough money saved from my part time job. What about money for next term?
What about money for next term?
I'll need to borrow a little from you, but this is a once in a lifetime chance. I really think I could learn a lot and I can improve my French, too.
Now we have five-day classes every week, so we have more spare time than before. How do you spend your time, Timmy? I have interest in playing the violin and I'll continue to practice playing it. Do you often take part in a concert? Yes, I like to listen to some music. At present, my major objective is to learn from others.
Yes, I like to listen to some music. At present, my major objective is to learn from others.
Do you like classical music or pop?
Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food service next year? Not yet, are there a lot of changes? There sure are, instead of paying one feet to cover all meals for the whole school year. We are now able to choose how many meals a week we want, and can contract just for that amount. We still have to pay the whole year at the beginning, but we can choose to buy 7, 10, 14 or 21 meals per week. They give you a card with a number of meals you get each week marked on it. That's a big change Tom, and a complicated system. Yeah, but it will be much better for people who don't eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week in the cafeteria, because they don't have to pay for meals they don't eat.
Yeah, but it will be much better for people who don't eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week in the cafeteria, because they don't have to pay for meals they don't eat.
So, what's the deal for those who do eat at school all the time?
Oh, Ann, that was a wonderful dinner. That's the best meal I've ever had. Thank you. Can I give you a hand with the dishes? I'll do them myself later. Would you like some coffee? Thanks a lot. I'd love some. Oh, Ann, I didn't realize you were such a good cook.
Thanks a lot. I'd love some. Oh, Ann, I didn't realize you were such a good cook.
It's because I've been taking these courses. Actually, I've just learned how.
How was your trip to New York? It was fun. I took the train there. I didn't know that a train went from Los Angeles to New York. Well, it doesn't go there directly. First, I took a train North from Southern California to Seattle Washington, then I transferred to another train, this one went across the northern part of the country, from Seattle all the way to Chicago, Illonois. How long did that part of the trip take?
How long did that part of the trip take?
45 hours.
Liberty Park. Good morning, how can I help you? I would like to know more about art festival next week. What can I do at the festival? Oh, you can do lots of things! You can listen to music, look at paintings by local and international painters, joined the picnic in the park or watch play. Wow! What paintings can I see at the festival? There are best, local painters are showing their paintings. Two of them are very traditional and like to paint landscapes. The third local painter is a modern artist and her paintings show the world in a different way - the way she sees it. You can also see new and old paintings from France, Japan, Brazil and Norway.
There are best, local painters are showing their paintings. Two of them are very traditional and like to paint landscapes. The third local painter is a modern artist and her paintings show the world in a different way - the way she sees it. You can also see new and old paintings from France, Japan, Brazil and Norway.
When is the art exhibition?
We need to have a serious talk. About what? Your attendance or rather lack of it. OK, so I've missed a few classes. A few classes? I've been told you've missed 6 out of 8 times in 2 different classes. That's really setting yourself up to fail. You're about to be in big trouble.
A few classes? I've been told you've missed 6 out of 8 times in 2 different classes. That's really setting yourself up to fail. You're about to be in big trouble.
What's the big deal about missing some classes?
Hello. This is Jim Evans from the Market Research Company. May I ask you a few questions? Oh, I suppose. Do you read any newspapers and if so, which ones? I read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
I read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
About how many hours a week do you read newspapers then?
Only 2 months to go, so what are you going to do after graduating from college? My uncle has a company. He'll give me a job. I want to gain some work experience there. How long do you plan to work there? Just one year. Then I'll look for another job. Why won't you just worked for your uncle?
Why won't you just worked for your uncle?
Because I want to go to London and work there. You know the competition is very fierce there. With some work experience, I can find a job there more easily. So what's your plan?
What can I do for you? I'm here to see Mister Romero. Do you have an appointment, sir? Yes, my last name is Clark. Jordan Clark?
Jordan Clark?
Yes, that's me.
Something important has just happened at the office, Anna. So I can't meet you for lunch. After all, I'm afraid. What is it? I have to meet an important buyer at the airport. That's really annoying? What about the play tonight? You promise to go with me. I already have my mother take care of our kids. Yes, darling, I promised, but I'm afraid we'll have to cancel it.
Yes, darling, I promised, but I'm afraid we'll have to cancel it.
What about Thursday. Could we go then?
Hello, my name is Peter Jones. I'm your new neighbor. I just moved in next door. Oh, nice to meet you. My name is Miss James. I hope you enjoy living here. I hope so, too. You know when we were considering whether to buy the house, Mr. Johnson, the housing agent told us that jogging was very popular here. I am a big fan of jogging. I used to go jogging every day in my old neighborhood. Aah, yes. Many people here love to jog. I go jogging twice a week. Can you tell me a good place to go jogging near here?
Can you tell me a good place to go jogging near here?
Sure, the long coast path along the beach is a perfect place for jogging.
May I drive the car this time, Bill? OK, I know you're a good driver, but be careful. Thank you Bill. Where exactly are we going now? I am not sure. Maybe we're heading for a small town to have a stop there. What do you think about, Laura? Shall we go down the valley to find a nice place for a camp? It will just take a short time to the valley.
Shall we go down the valley to find a nice place for a camp? It will just take a short time to the valley.
Good idea, and we can also have a delicious meal and a bush-walk there.
Jim, why were you late for school this morning? I'm sorry, Mrs Brown. Did you get up late? No. I got up at 7:00 o'clock as usual this morning. Then I had breakfast and left home at 7:30. It only takes you about 20 minutes to walk to school. Why were you late?
It only takes you about 20 minutes to walk to school. Why were you late?
Well, on my way to school I saw a boy lying on the street. He had fallen off his bike. I ran to help him and found he was injured.
Alice, you are calling all the morning. Because I have a wonderful idea. You want to hold a grand party and you're inviting friends? No, I want to buy a diamond necklace. But it's too expensive. I don't know your meaning.
I don't know your meaning.
It's $12,000 and it's really lovely.
Hello there. I'm Paul Daddy Lee. And there is fun time. I'm very happy to welcome actress Gemma Louis today. Thank you. Actually, shouldn't I call you a film star rather than an actress? After all, you've been world famous since making the film Starshine 2 years ago, haven't you? Well. Yes, I suppose. I enjoyed making that film, but I really want to be a stage actress. It was quite a surprise to get the lead in Starshine, wasn't it?
It was quite a surprise to get the lead in Starshine, wasn't it?
Yes. I got the part in spite of having no film experience.
Veronique, when you are not studying, what do you like to do? I like listening to music by French singers. Go into any French music store and you'll find the Top 10 albums by US, German and English artists. It's good to have variety, but I love French music. Do French teens like fast food, you know, hamburgers, chips and things like those? Well, we don't really like that. We usually have quick breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and a family dinner at around 8:00 to 8:30 in the evening. The younger teenagers like to eat hamburgers at McDonald's. Paris is well known for popular clothes, so I'm sure it offers French teens the most up-to-date clothes to choose from.
Paris is well known for popular clothes, so I'm sure it offers French teens the most up-to-date clothes to choose from.
Exactly. I like to wear clothes by Agnes B, a popular French designer. I think Agnes B clothes are kind of classic, but they can also be very lovely. One of my favorites is a silver jacket, because it came from one of the shows and most importantly, there is no other like it.
I was thinking of starting my own business. I know you wanted me to take over your restaurant business but I can't stand working in the food industry. OK, but what do you really want to do? I want to sell skateboards, clothing and shoes. You want to run a clothing shop? No, it's actually a skateboarding shop.
No, it's actually a skateboarding shop.
What would make your shop different from all the others?
There is a really good art competition in teens news. Isn't that the one that's on every year? You have to paint a picture of your family or your friends. This year it's a picture of the countryside. Can I enter then? Neither of us can. You're too old at 16.
Neither of us can. You're too old at 16.
Isn't your younger sister good at art?
Hello, mom. Hello, Dan. Have you arrived in your office? Yes, I have. Are your shoes totally wet? The rain was so heavy when you went out for work. Yes, but don't worry about it. I have bought a new pair of socks. They make me feel better.
Yes, but don't worry about it. I have bought a new pair of socks. They make me feel better.
I think you need a pair of rain shoes. I know your size is 41. But what color do you like?
I'd like to buy some meat. What kind would you like today? I'd like a pound of roast beef. That's my son's favorite sandwich meat. Really? My daughter likes it, too. OK, that's going to be $5.50. Perfect.
Anything else? Perhaps some pork?
Hi Jenny, are you going to school now? Yep, I have English at 9:00 in the morning. Got any plans after the class? Not really. What about you? We will have our midterm exams next month. I plan to look for some important books and study at the library. Do you want to join me?
We will have our midterm exams next month. I plan to look for some important books and study at the library. Do you want to join me?
Sure, I need to return some books. They are do today. Besides, I can also read some weekly publications, magazines and newspapers.
Why do you look so upset, have you been robbed? Well, I lost my wallet. That's horrible! Do you have much cash in it. Not much, but I have several cards in it. That's bad, do you need to borrow some money?
That's bad, do you need to borrow some money?
No, thanks. I still have one card, I should have been more careful.
Hello, Mr. White. This is Maria and Mr. Evans' office. Hello, Mary. Do you have any plan? Mr. Evans would like to set up an appointment with you. About what? He hopes to talk about buying some new computers with you.
He hopes to talk about buying some new computers with you.
Sure, I'd be glad to. What time friend did he have in mind?
Did you grab everything from the car? We should check before we leave this area. We have a long day of hiking ahead of us. Yes, I did it already. Where should we go now? We're going up to the top part of the mountain. Is that where we get the tickets? Yeah, it's about a 20-minute walk from here.
Yeah, it's about a 20-minute walk from here.
That's not so bad.
Did you get to talk to the Browns about their trip to Venezuela? Oh yes, they said they had a great time. What did they say the weather was like? They said it was extremely cool. They suggested that we take some warm clothes. Did you ask how the hotels were?
Did you ask how the hotels were?
It seems they're excellent and not expensive.
Hi Harry, it's great to see you again. I heard you have been traveling a lot recently. Yeah, over the past 80 days. I've been to many countries in Africa. I really envy you. Did you ride a lion? What? I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
Well I didn't ride a lion, but one time a mother elephant ran after me. And it was fun.
Hong, it seems like you really struggle to learn English, is this level too hard for you? I don't know. I think it's just boring. I don't like the workbooks because the lessons talk about baby things. I'm not a little child. I want to learn something more exciting. Hmm, I have an idea that you'll like. This week, you can do a special project for class. Oh, what's that? I want you to watch some YouTube videos of people speaking in different English accents. I'll send you the links for the ones you should watch, they're very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in 10 minutes.
I want you to watch some YouTube videos of people speaking in different English accents. I'll send you the links for the ones you should watch, they're very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in 10 minutes.
Wow, that's great, but, won't it be harder for me to learn English if I'm listening to so many different ways of speaking the language?
Excuse me, do you offer air flight reservation service here? Yes, is there anything I can do for you? I want to book tickets for Canada. How many flights are there each day? 4, at 6:30 am, 8 am, 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm. What's the airfare?
What's the airfare?
8000 Hong Kong dollars including security insurance.
Can you fix the time for the next meeting, Alex? How about June twelfth that's after the trade exhibition? I thought something was happening on that day, Rebecca. Oh, yes. You're right. The people from head office are coming. What time does the airplane arrive? Can we have the meeting in the morning? No, it's all arranged. I'm meeting them at 10:30, so I won't be available at all that day.
No, it's all arranged. I'm meeting them at 10:30, so I won't be available at all that day.
Well, let's have the meeting earlier in June then. The trade exhibition finishes on the third, doesn't it?
Our luggage hasn't arrived. Are you with Sunny Times Tours? Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. And which flat were you on, Mrs. Cameron? The fast jet flight from Manchester to Berlin. I think it's FJ2498.
The fast jet flight from Manchester to Berlin. I think it's FJ2498.
It seems some bags have gone to another airport.
You only have an hour for lunch? No, now I only have 45 minutes. That's not enough. Where are we going? We can go to a place near the mall. Oh, alright, let's go across the street. We can eat at Tony's Italian restaurant. I love their pizza.
Oh, alright, let's go across the street. We can eat at Tony's Italian restaurant. I love their pizza.
I love their food, too. But they are really slow. Last week I waited 30 minutes for my food.
Hurry up, Jack! It's going to be late. I'm coming now. Don't forget your name card and umbrella. It's going to rain. It's only cloudy outside and it will turn sunny later in the afternoon. So it was yesterday. I know, but look at the dark clouds.
I know, but look at the dark clouds.
All right, but I will take a rain coat rather than the umbrella. It broke.
Do you know that the price of meat has gone up? Yes, I do. That's why I buy some fish here. This shop usually sells high quality goods at a lower price. Really? It's my first time to come here. I just want to buy some pork. I like pork, too. If you like beef, you can come tomorrow morning. My wife's fond of pork very much. But my 2 children and I like beef better and my wife seldom eats it.
My wife's fond of pork very much. But my 2 children and I like beef better and my wife seldom eats it.
In fact, eating chicken and fish is good for health and cannot make you fat.
Have you seen Dan the Bear? No, I haven't. Oh, well, he supposed to give his performance in 10 minutes. All the kids are waiting for him to sing. Maybe he's out by the fish tank, giving away balloons and talking with the dolphin trainers. Did you check there? Yes, I did, but they said they hadn't seen him. If you see him, please tell him that he's needed on the small stage as soon as possible.
Yes, I did, but they said they hadn't seen him. If you see him, please tell him that he's needed on the small stage as soon as possible.
OK. I'll send a radio message out to all of the security officers and have them look for him. I'm sure he's on his way right now.
Hello, Ann. Oh, hello. Come on in. Let me take your coat. You managed to find us then. Well, I got a bit lost coming off the ring road. Sorry I'm a bit late. Oh, don't worry. The dinner hasn't been ready yet. Martin is still in the kitchen. So he is cooking, isn't he?
So he is cooking, isn't he?
He is quite an expert in the kitchen. Fortunately for me, I can't boil an egg myself.
Hey Joe, is there anything to eat? I'm starving. No, I thought there was a frozen pizza but it's gone. Um, Meg, why don't we get take out? Oh oK. Why don't we get Chinese food wongs quick? OK. Where is the? Oh it's on the notice board in the kitchen.
Oh it's on the notice board in the kitchen.
Oh here it is. OK, what do you feel like having?
Hi, Maria, how's it going? Good. I finished all my courses today, so I can relax. Great. Maybe you'll have time for some traveling now. Maybe, but I think I'll stay at home this weekend. Oh, well, why don't you come to my house? My family is coming over. We're having a barbeque in the back garden.
Oh, well, why don't you come to my house? My family is coming over. We're having a barbeque in the back garden.
Thanks. But it's with your families, so you probably don't want other people there.
Sam, where's the closest ATM? It's not that far. Do you see that yellow building over there? It's next to it, on the right. Oh, I see. Do you know if there's a convenient store around here? Well, you could go down to twenty second street. There are a lot of stores down there that are open 24 hours a day. Can I take the subway to get there?
Can I take the subway to get there?
Yes, but that will probably take about half an hour. You should just take a taix.
Can you help me find some books? I need them for my class. I'm writing a report about US history. Of course. Do you know how to use our computers? Our entire book collection is on our website. You can look up the books you need, then I'll walk you over to their location in the main building. Thank you, but I'm not sure which books to look up on the computer. My topic is very general. How can I search for a few books on a topic instead of one specific book? I'll show you. Type your topic into the search box on the screen and a list of books will come up. Then pick the few books that you want and will look for them on the bookshelves. Thank you.
Thank you.
Remember, you can only check out up to three books at a time.
Good morning, Miss Gray, could I talk with you for a moment? Yes, Tom, come in. What's the matter? I want to change my deskmate. Why? Don't you get on quite well with Lisa these days? Yes, but actually it is she who wanted to change the deskmate. She said she didn't want to be my friend anymore.
Yes, but actually it is she who wanted to change the deskmate. She said she didn't want to be my friend anymore.
Oh, why? Can you tell me the reason?
Have you heard about Donna? No. I haven't seen her for a couple of months. How are things with her? Well, she's just so so right now. She had a little accident last week in her new car. Oh, you're kidding. Was anybody hurt? Was there much damage? No, it was really a small accident and everybody was fine. It was the other driver's fault.
No, it was really a small accident and everybody was fine. It was the other driver's fault.
Well. That's good. Other than that, how's she doing? Is she still going out with Graham?
OK, the books are free, but the DVD costs $1 to borrow. That's fine. When do I have to return the books and the DVD? The books are due back next Monday. The DVD must be returned in 3 days. So the books must be returned in 6 days and the DVD in 3 days? Usually it's 5 days for the books, but because Sunday is a holiday. We changed the return date to Monday.
Usually it's 5 days for the books, but because Sunday is a holiday. We changed the return date to Monday.
OK. That means I can spend one extra day reading. I won't have to rush through then, like I normally do.
Hi Jenny, I'm calling to ask you if you want to go to the park with us tomorrow. I'd like to but I cannot. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow. Are you going there to see a friend? No, I'm going there for work. Will you go by train or plane?
Will you go by train or plane?
Neither. David is driving to New York tomorrow. He'll give me a lift.
Why don't you have some of my cake Sue? I made it just for this party. Sorry Bill, I'm not into cakes at the moment. I thought you knew about my diet. On your birthday? Surely you can eat whatever you want on your birthday, you can start your diet tomorrow. And anyway, you look great. Well, thanks Bill, I am not on a diet to lose weight, actually. My doctor told me to stop eating certain foods. I'm trying to avoid being allergic to something. I didn't know food could help with that. I also noticed you didn't eat any of the sandwiches Jill brought.
I didn't know food could help with that. I also noticed you didn't eat any of the sandwiches Jill brought.
Yeah, and you and Tom and Sharon all brought different cakes. I'm dying to try them.

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