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List of Nobel laureates in Physics - wikipedia <H1> List of Nobel laureates in Physics </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Front side ( obverse ) of the Nobel Prize Medal for Physics presented to Edward Victor Appleton in 1947 <P> The Nobel Prize in Physics ( Swedish : Nobelpriset i fysik ) is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to scientists in the various fields of physics . It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel ( who died in 1896 ) , awarded for outstanding contributions in physics . As dictated by Nobel 's will , the award is administered by the Nobel Foundation and awarded by a committee that consists of five members elected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . The award is presented in Stockholm at an annual ceremony on December 10 , the anniversary of Nobel 's death . Each recipient receives a medal , a diploma and a monetary award prize that has varied throughout the years . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Statistics </Li> <Li> 2 Laureates </Li> <Li> 3 See also </Li> <Li> 4 References <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Notes </Li> <Li> 4.2 Citations </Li> <Li> 4.3 Sources </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Statistics ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , of Germany , who received 150,782 SEK , which is equal to 7,731,004 SEK in December 2007 . John Bardeen is the only laureate to win the prize twice -- in 1956 and 1972 . Maria Skłodowska - Curie also won two Nobel Prizes , for physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911 . William Lawrence Bragg was , until October 2014 , the youngest ever Nobel laureate ; he won the prize in 1915 at the age of 25 . Two women have won the prize : Curie and Maria Goeppert - Mayer ( 1963 ) . As of 2017 , the prize has been awarded to 206 individuals . There have been six years in which the Nobel Prize in Physics was not awarded ( 1916 , 1931 , 1934 , 1940 -- 1942 ) . </P> <H2> Laureates ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Year </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Laureate </Th> <Th> Country </Th> <Th> Rationale </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1901 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1902 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Hendrik Lorentz </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Pieter Zeeman </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1903 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Antoine Henri Becquerel </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Pierre Curie </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Maria Skłodowska - Curie </Td> <Td> Poland France </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1904 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Lord Rayleigh </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1905 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard </Td> <Td> Austria - Hungary Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his work on cathode rays '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1906 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Joseph John Thomson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1907 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Albert Abraham Michelson </Td> <Td> United States Poland </Td> <Td> `` for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and metrological investigations carried out with their aid '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1908 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Gabriel Lippmann </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1909 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Guglielmo Marconi </Td> <Td> Italy </Td> <Td> `` for their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Karl Ferdinand Braun </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1910 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Johannes Diderik van der Waals </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1911 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wilhelm Wien </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1912 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Nils Gustaf Dalén </Td> <Td> Sweden </Td> <Td> `` for his invention of automatic valves designed to be used in combination with gas accumulators in lighthouses and buoys '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1913 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Heike Kamerlingh - Onnes </Td> <Td> Netherlands </Td> <Td> `` for his investigations on the properties of matter at low temperatures which led , inter alia , to the production of liquid helium '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1914 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Max von Laue </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` For his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals '' , an important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1915 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> William Henry Bragg </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` For their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays '' , an important step in the development of X-ray crystallography </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> William Lawrence Bragg </Td> <Td> Australia <P> United Kingdom </P> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1916 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War I </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1917 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Glover Barkla </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` For his discovery of the characteristic Röntgen radiation of the elements '' , another important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1918 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Max Planck </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for the services he rendered to the advancement of physics by his discovery of energy quanta '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1919 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Johannes Stark </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1920 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Édouard Guillaume </Td> <Td> Switzerland </Td> <Td> `` for the service he has rendered to precision measurements in physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel - steel alloys '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1921 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Albert Einstein </Td> <Td> Germany Switzerland </Td> <Td> `` for his services to theoretical physics , and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1922 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Niels Bohr </Td> <Td> Denmark </Td> <Td> `` for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1923 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Robert Andrews Millikan </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1924 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Manne Siegbahn </Td> <Td> Sweden </Td> <Td> `` for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1925 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> James Franck </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Gustav Hertz </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1926 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Jean Baptiste Perrin </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter , and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1927 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Arthur Holly Compton </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the effect named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Charles Thomson Rees Wilson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1928 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Owen Willans Richardson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the thermionic phenomenon and especially for the discovery of the law named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1929 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Louis Victor Pierre Raymond , 7th Duc de Broglie </Td> <Td> France </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the wave nature of electrons '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1930 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman </Td> <Td> India </Td> <Td> `` for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1931 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1932 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Werner Heisenberg </Td> <Td> Germany </Td> <Td> `` for the creation of quantum mechanics , the application of which has , inter alia , led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1933 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Erwin Schrödinger </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Paul Dirac </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1934 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1935 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> James Chadwick </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of the neutron '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1936 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Victor Francis Hess </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of cosmic radiation '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> Carl David Anderson </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his discovery of the positron '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1937 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Clinton Joseph Davisson </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> George Paget Thomson </Td> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1938 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Enrico Fermi </Td> <Td> Italy </Td> <Td> `` for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation , and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1939 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Ernest Lawrence </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it , especially with regard to artificial radioactive elements '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1940 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1941 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1942 </Td> <Td colspan="4"> Not awarded World War II </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1943 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Otto Stern </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1944 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Isidor Isaac Rabi </Td> <Td> United States Poland </Td> <Td> `` for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1945 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Wolfgang Pauli </Td> <Td> Austria </Td> <Td> `` for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle , also called the Pauli principle '' </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 1946 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> Percy Williams Bridgman </Td> <Td> United States </Td> <Td> `` for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures , and for the
The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to
[ "Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, of Germany" ]
Who got the first nobel prize in physics?
Deadpool 2 - wikipedia <H1> Deadpool 2 </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Deadpool 2 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Teaser poster </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Td> David Leitch </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Produced by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Simon Kinberg </Li> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> <Li> Lauren Shuler Donner </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Rhett Reese </Li> <Li> Paul Wernick </Li> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Based on </Th> <Td> Deadpool by <Ul> <Li> Rob Liefeld </Li> <Li> Fabian Nicieza </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Starring </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Ryan Reynolds </Li> <Li> Josh Brolin </Li> <Li> Morena Baccarin </Li> <Li> Julian Dennison </Li> <Li> Zazie Beetz </Li> <Li> T.J. Miller </Li> <Li> Brianna Hildebrand </Li> <Li> Jack Kesy </Li> <Li> Stefan Kapičić </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Music by </Th> <Td> Tyler Bates </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Cinematography </Th> <Td> Jonathan Sela </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Edited by </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Craig Alpert </Li> <Li> Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Marvel Entertainment </Li> <Li> The Donners ' Company </Li> <Li> Genre Films </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributed by </Th> <Td> 20th Century Fox </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release date </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> May 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 18 ) ( United States ) </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Language </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Deadpool 2 is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Deadpool , distributed by 20th Century Fox . It is intended to be the eleventh installment in the X-Men film series , and a sequel to the 2016 film Deadpool . The film is directed by David Leitch from a script by Rhett Reese , Paul Wernick , and Ryan Reynolds , with Reynolds starring in the title role alongside Josh Brolin , Morena Baccarin , Julian Dennison , Zazie Beetz , T.J. Miller , Brianna Hildebrand , Jack Kesy , and Stefan Kapičić . In Deadpool 2 , Deadpool forms the team X-Force to protect a young mutant from Cable . </P> <P> Plans for a sequel to Deadpool began before that film 's release , and were confirmed in February 2016 . Though the original creative team of Reynolds , Reese , Wernick , and director Tim Miller were quickly set to return for the second film , Miller left the project in October 2016 due to creative differences with Reynolds , and was soon replaced by Leitch . An extensive casting search took place to fill the role of Cable , with Brolin ultimately cast ; the casting of Beetz as Domino was also noteworthy . Filming took place in British Columbia , Canada , from June to October 2017 . During filming , stunt woman Joi `` SJ '' Harris died in a motorcycle accident . </P> <P> Deadpool 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States on May 18 , 2018 . A sequel , Deadpool 3 , is in development . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Premise </Li> <Li> 2 Cast </Li> <Li> 3 Production <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Development </Li> <Li> 3.2 Pre-production </Li> <Li> 3.3 Filming </Li> <Li> 3.4 Post-production </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Music </Li> <Li> 5 Release <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Marketing </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Box office projection </Li> <Li> 7 Sequel </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Premise </H2> <P> Deadpool forms a team of mutants called the X-Force to protect young mutant Russell from the time - traveling soldier Cable . </P> <H2> Cast </H2> <Ul> <Li> Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Deadpool : A wisecracking mercenary with accelerated healing but severe scarring over his body after undergoing an experimental regenerative mutation . He forms the X-Force , a team of mutants . </Li> <Li> Josh Brolin as Nathan Summers / Cable : A time travelling cybernetic mutant soldier , `` in many ways the opposite of Deadpool '' . Director David Leitch called the dynamic between Cable and Deadpool `` sort of classic buddy - cop fare '' , and compared them to the characters portrayed by Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy , respectively , in 48 Hrs. ( 1982 ) . Brolin signed a four - film deal to play the character , and described his appearance here as just the introduction for the character , with `` three more movies to reveal more . '' </Li> <Li> Morena Baccarin as Vanessa : An escort and Wilson 's fiancée . </Li> <Li> Julian Dennison as Russell : A young mutant being hunted by Cable . Dennison was the only actor that the creative team considered for the role , with Russell `` sort of a tailor - made character '' for the actor . </Li> <Li> Zazie Beetz as Neena Thurman / Domino : A mercenary with the mutant ability to manipulate luck , who joins Deadpool 's X-Force team . Leitch described the film 's version of the character as Beetz ' own `` real fun interesting take '' . Beetz began `` doing strength conditioning , so that 's like working out everyday '' when she got the role , for which she has to `` be shooting guns , I fight and a lot of that movement is full body and physical . '' </Li> <Li> T.J. Miller as Weasel : Wilson 's best friend , the owner of a bar frequented by mercenaries . </Li> <Li> Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead : A teenage X-Man with the mutant power to detonate atomic bursts from her body , she is now a `` new level of X-Men '' after being a trainee in the first film . Hildebrand felt that `` it 's cool that she 's grown and matured and she still has so much of this essence of a punk kid '' from the first film , and added that the character would have a `` cooler '' costume in the sequel . </Li> <Li> Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy : A mutant who can manipulate energy through plants . </Li> <Li> Stefan Kapičić as the voice of Colossus : An X-Man with the mutant ability to transform his entire body into organic steel . Kapičić described Colossus as one of the most important characters in the film , requiring a more intense process for Kapičić during recording for the character . He explained that Colossus would continue to try make Deadpool a better person and potential X-Man after doing so in the first film . </Li> </Ul> <P> Leslie Uggams and Karan Soni return from the first film as Deadpool 's elderly roommate Blind Al and the taxi driver Dopinder , respectively . The X-Force team also includes Terry Crews as Bedlam , Lewis Tan as Shatterstar , and Rob Delaney as Peter . Shioli Kutsuna , Eddie Marsan , and Bill Skarsgård have been cast in undisclosed roles . </P> <H2> Production </H2> <H3> Development </H3> <P> Producer Simon Kinberg revealed in September 2015 that discussions had begun regarding ideas for a sequel to Deadpool , which was set to be released in February 2016 . One idea was for the film to introduce the character Cable , who had previously been looked at to appear in the first Deadpool , and X-Men : Days of Future Past before that . Cable 's inclusion in the potential sequel was confirmed by the character Deadpool , breaking the fourth wall , in the post-credit scene of the first film . Domino , a character with connections to Cable in the comics , was also believed to be featured in the sequel . By the first film 's release , 20th Century Fox had green - lit a sequel , with writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick returning to write the screenplay . Though director Tim Miller and producer / star Ryan Reynolds were not confirmed for the sequel at the time , Fox was `` intent on keeping the creative team together '' . Miller and Reynolds ' involvement was confirmed at the 2016 CinemaCon that April , though Miller had still not formally signed on to direct the sequel yet . He began work developing the script with the writers , while Reynolds had signed a new contract granting him `` casting approval and other creative controls '' . </P> It has to tonally and stylistically be as fresh and original ( as the first film ) . That 's a big challenge especially because they had 10 years to gestate on the first movie and we do n't have that kind of time on the second movie . That 's the biggest mandate going ( into ) the second film ... we have to resist the temptation to make it bigger . <P> -- Producer Simon Kinberg on approaching Deadpool 2 </P> <P> In June 2016 , Kinberg said that a completed draft from Wernick and Rheese was expected `` soon '' , and that they were looking to begin filming the sequel at the beginning of 2017 . By August , Kyle Chandler was believed to be in the running to portray Cable . Testing of actresses for Domino had also begun by October , with the shortlist of actresses under consideration including Lizzy Caplan , Mary Elizabeth Winstead , Sienna Miller , Sofia Boutella , Stephanie Sigman , Sylvia Hoeks , Mackenzie Davis , Ruby Rose , Eve Hewson , and Kelly Rohrbach . The producers were particularly interested in casting a black or Latina actress in the role . </P> <P> At the end of October , Miller left the film over `` mutual creative differences '' with Reynolds . The rift between the pair was reportedly based on several factors , including Reynolds ' expanded creative control over the sequel ; Miller 's wish for a more stylized follow - up than the first film , versus Reynolds ' focus `` on the raunchy comedy style that earned the first movie its R rating '' ; and Miller 's intention to cast Chandler as Cable , which Reynolds opposed . Fox ultimately backed `` its marketable star '' over Miller , who had made his directorial debut with the first film . Miller denied these reported reasons , while Reynolds said , `` All I can really add is that I 'm sad to see him off the film . Tim 's brilliant and nobody worked harder on Deadpool than he did . '' A week after Miller 's departure , Fox was looking at David Leitch , Drew Goddard , Magnus Martens , and Rupert Sanders as potential replacements for the director . Leitch was the `` strong frontrunner '' for the role , and signed on to direct a month later . Reynolds , a fan of Leitch 's John Wick , said the director `` really understands those Deadpool sensibilities and where we need to take the franchise from here . '' He added that Leitch `` can make a movie on an ultra tight minimal budget look like it was shot for 10 -- 15 times what it cost . '' </P> <H3> Pre-production </H3> <P> Reese and Wernick had completed multiple drafts of the script by January 2017 , saying , `` It 's taken different twists and turns , but it 's really coalescing '' ; the film was still on track to begin filming that year . The pair felt a responsibility to explore the team X-Force , which includes Deadpool , Cable , and Domino in the comics , with Reese saying the sequel 's purpose `` is not to set up X-Force ( but ) it will likely set up X-Force . '' He did clarify that though the film will be `` populated with a lot of characters ... it is still Deadpool 's
The next Deadpool movie is being released on
[ "May 18, 2018" ]
When is the next deadpool movie being released?
Fortnite - wikipedia <H1> Fortnite </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For the battle royale version of the game , see Fortnite Battle Royale . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Fortnite </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> European box art </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developer ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Epic Games </Li> <Li> People Can Fly </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Publisher ( s ) </Th> <Td> Epic Games </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Director ( s ) </Th> <Td> Darren Sugg </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Artist ( s ) </Th> <Td> Pete Ellis </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Composer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Rom Di Prisco </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Engine </Th> <Td> Unreal Engine 4 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Platform ( s ) </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Microsoft Windows </Li> <Li> macOS </Li> <Li> PlayStation 4 </Li> <Li> Xbox One </Li> <Li> iOS </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Release </Th> <Td> 2018 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre ( s ) </Th> <Td> Survival </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mode ( s ) </Th> <Td> Single - player , multiplayer </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Fortnite is a co-op sandbox survival game developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly and published by Epic Games . The game was released as a paid - for early access title for Microsoft Windows , macOS , PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on July 25 , 2017 , with a full free - to - play release expected in 2018 . The retail versions of the game were published by Gearbox Publishing , while online distribution of the PC versions is handled by Epic 's launcher . </P> <P> Fortnite is set in contemporary Earth , where the sudden appearance of a worldwide storm causes 98 % of the world 's population to disappear , and zombie - like creatures rise to attack the remainder . Considered by Epic as a cross between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead , Fortnite has up to four players cooperating on various missions on randomly - generated maps to collect resources , build fortifications around defensive objectives that are meant to help fight the storm and protect survivors , and construct weapons and traps to engage in combat with waves of these creatures that attempt to destroy the objectives . Players gain rewards through these missions to improve their hero characters , support teams , and arsenal of weapon and trap schematics to be able to take on more difficult missions . The game is supported through microtransactions to purchase in - game currency that can be used towards these upgrades . </P> <P> A standalone mode , Fortnite Battle Royale , based on the battle royale game genre but based on the core Fortnite gameplay , was released for the same platforms in September 2017 . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Synopsis </Li> <Li> 2 Gameplay </Li> <Li> 3 Development <Ul> <Li> 3.1 History </Li> <Li> 3.2 Art and design </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Reception <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Sales </Li> <Li> 4.2 Accolades </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Synopsis </H2> <P> One day , 98 % of Earth 's population suddenly disappeared , and the remaining population found the skies covered in dense clouds , creating chaotic storms that dropped husks , humanoid zombie - like creatures , that attacked the living . The survivors found ways to construct `` storm shields '' , a field that cleared the storm clouds from immediately overhead and reduced the attacks from husks , and used these to set up survivor bases across the globe . The player is a commander of one of these bases , charged with going out of the storm shield to find resources , survivors , and other allies to help expand their storm shield and find a way to return Earth to its normal state . </P> <H2> Gameplay </H2> <P> Currently , the paid - for product Fortnite provides two distinct modes : access to Fortnite Battle Royale , ( which is also available as a separate free - to - play title ) and the cooperative player - versus - environment `` Save the World '' , which is unique to the main Fortnite game . </P> <P> The `` Save the World '' mode is described as a co-op sandbox survival game and is about exploration , scavenging items , crafting weapons , building fortified structures , and fighting waves of encroaching monsters . Tim Sweeney , Epic 's founder , described the game as `` Minecraft meets Left 4 Dead '' . The game cycles between managing one 's resources at a safe home base , and then going out on missions to complete quests as to collect resources and obtain rewards to advance the game 's story . </P> <P> In the meta - game , the player has an inventory of weapon and trap schematics , hero characters , defender characters , and support characters , along with collected resources . Schematics are used to construct weapons and traps when on the field . Hero characters represent characters from one of four classes that the player can use while on a mission , as well as used to undertake resource - gathering missions making them unavailable to use until they return from the mission . Defender characters can be summoned to help with defense but only if there are less than four players on a mission . Support characters are used to form various non-playable squads that provide passive bonuses to the player 's attack strength , building speed , armor , and health , with additional benefits if the player can match certain characterization attributes within a squad . The player can spend different types of experience points and resources earned as mission rewards , from loot boxes ( represented as llama pinatas ) , or other sources to level up and evolve schematics and characters . For weapons and traps , this generally boosts their effectiveness as well as unlocking additional attribute bonuses , while leveling up hero characters will unlock special skills the character has while in the field . Schematics and characters are generally assigned a rarity , which determines how much they can be leveled and evolved . A player 's inventory of schematics and characters is limited , but players can opt to slot anyone they do not need into a collection book to gain rewards when certain collection sets are completed ; use one or more of these schematics or characters to transform them into a new random item , or simply retire them to gain back experience points and other resources to free up the inventory slots . </P> <P> The player also can spend skill points , earned by completing missions , and technology points , earned over time , to unlock new skills and technologies in the game 's skill and technologies trees . These can improve a player 's base attributes , attributes that are shared with the other players while on missions , unlock higher levels of evolution for schematics and characters , open up new squad positions , or unlock general skills that players can use in the field . Collectively , the player 's progress on these skill and technology trees , their squad composition , and their selected hero character make up the player 's current `` power level '' which relates to what difficulty of missions the player should take and the game 's matchmaking services . Also , players can review their current story progress and quests , which can include daily , side , and event quests , which when completed provide in - game currency or resources . </P> <P> Mission is currently divided between four world locations , some available only after progressing far enough in the story , and special locations for timed events and for the Survive the Storm mode . Within a location are several possible mission areas that show the type of mission , the terrain it takes place on , its difficulty rating relative to the player 's current power level , and whether the mission is currently under special `` storm '' conditions that throw random effects , like buffed husks or mini-bosses , into the mission but have potentially better rewards if completed . The player optionally can select a special site that automatically matches them with players at a similar power level and story progression on a random mission for added rewards . </P> <P> Most missions take place on procedurally - generated landscapes . Most missions are based on locating site ( s ) representing the objectives on the map , build up fortifications around those locations , and then face off against several waves of husks that will try to destroy the objectives . During completion of these missions , players are generally given a `` storm forecast '' to know where husks will spawn in as to enhance fortification in that direction , though this direction can change in more difficult missions . Other missions are time - limited , requiring the players to locate and help a number of survivors , build out several radar towers , or clear out various encampment of husks scattered around the map before time runs out . These missions encourage the players to explore the map and farm for resources ( either by searching objects or destroying them with an axe ) used to build the fortifications , weapons , ammunition , and traps needed to defend or attack the husks . Players also frequently need to seek out bluglo , a special resource that does not carry over between maps to activate certain mission objectives . Some missions are considered a loss if the objective is destroyed or time runs out , while other missions allow the players to rework their fortifications and start their defense again if the objective is destroyed . Maps will frequently have optional objectives that are discovered through exploration , such as human survivors that need help . Completing these successfully earn immediate in - game rewards such as resources , weapons , and traps . Missions themselves may provide bonus objectives , such as by completing the mission within a certain in - game period , using a limited number of fortification pieces , or saving more survivors than the minimum necessary , which affects the qualify of rewards the players receive after the successful completion of the main mission . </P> <P> During missions , players can make their fortifications from one of three base materials ( wood , brick , and metal ) , and in a number of configurations , including floors / ceilings , walls , stairs , and ramps ; players have the ability to edit these for more configurations , such as adding a door or window to a wall . Each fortification part can be upgraded with more resources of the same type to improve their durability , and when they are damaged , can be repaired by spending additional resources . Traps , which have a limited number of activation before they fall apart , can be placed on floors , walls , and ceilings , and arranged in means to make them more lethal or effective against husks . Traps may also include beneficial resources for players , such as healing pads , defender posts , and launch pads . Similarly , players can use a range of weapons but these have limited durability that drops as they are used or as a penalty if the player should be downed by husks and need to respawn without the help of allies . Players can construct new weapons , ammo , and traps from gathered resources , or find these from searching containers across the map . During missions , the game progresses through an accelerated day - night cycle ; during the day , the husks are more passive and do not generally pose immediate threats , while during the night , bands of husks may spawn in and will aggressively seek
The idea of Fortnite originated
[ "as a cross between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead" ]
Where did the idea of fortnite come from?
. </P> <P> See Shortwave relay station for the actual kinds of integrated technologies used to bring high power signals to listeners . </P> <H3> Frequency allocations ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Shortwave bands <P> The World Radiocommunication Conference ( WRC ) , organized under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union , allocates bands for various services in conferences every few years . The last WRC took place in 2007 . </P> <P> At WRC - 97 in 1997 , the following bands were allocated for international broadcasting . AM shortwave broadcasting channels are allocated with a 5 kHz separation for traditional analog audio broadcasting . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Metre Band </Th> <Th> Frequency Range </Th> <Th> Remarks </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 120 m </Td> <Td> 2.3 -- 2.495 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 90 m </Td> <Td> 3.2 -- 3.4 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 75 m </Td> <Td> 3.9 -- 4 MHz </Td> <Td> shared with the North American amateur radio 80m band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 60 m </Td> <Td> 4.75 -- 5.06 MHz </Td> <Td> tropical band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 49 m </Td> <Td> 5.9 -- 6.2 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 41 m </Td> <Td> 7.2 -- 7.6 MHz </Td> <Td> shared with the amateur radio 40m band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 31 m </Td> <Td> 9.4 -- 9.9 MHz </Td> <Td> currently the most heavily used band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 25 m </Td> <Td> 11.6 -- 12.2 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 22 m </Td> <Td> 13.57 -- 13.87 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 19 m </Td> <Td> 15.1 -- 15.8 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 16 m </Td> <Td> 17.48 -- 17.9 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 15 m </Td> <Td> 18.9 -- 19.02 MHz </Td> <Td> almost unused , could become a DRM band </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 13 m </Td> <Td> 21.45 -- 21.85 MHz </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> 11 m </Td> <Td> 25.6 -- 26.1 MHz </Td> <Td> may be used for local DRM broadcasting </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Although countries generally follow the table above , there may be small differences between countries or regions . For example , in the official bandplan of the Netherlands , the 49 m band starts at 5.95 MHz , the 41 m band ends at 7.45 MHz , the 11 m band starts at 25.67 MHz , and the 120 , 90 and 60 m bands are absent altogether . Additionally , international broadcasters sometimes operate outside the normal WRC - allocated bands or use off - channel frequencies . This is done for practical reasons , or to attract attention in crowded bands ( 60m , 49m , 40m , 41m , 31m , 25m ) . </P> <P> The new digital audio broadcasting format for shortwave DRM operates 10 kHz or 20 kHz channels . There are some ongoing discussions with respect to specific band allocation for DRM , as it mainly transmitted in 10 kHz format . </P> <P> The power used by shortwave transmitters ranges from less than one watt for some experimental and amateur radio transmissions to 500 kilowatts and higher for intercontinental broadcasters and over-the - horizon radar . Shortwave transmitting centers often use specialized antenna designs ( like the ALLISS antenna technology ) to concentrate radio energy at the target area . </P> <H3> Advantages ( edit ) </H3> Soviet shortwave listener in Borisoglebsk , 1941 <P> Shortwave does possess a number of advantages over newer technologies , including the following : </P> <Ul> <Li> Difficulty of censoring programming by authorities in restrictive countries : unlike their relative ease in monitoring the Internet , government authorities face technical difficulties monitoring which stations ( sites ) are being listened to ( accessed ) . For example , during the attempted coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev , when his access to communications was limited ( e.g. his phones were cut off , etc . ) , Gorbachev was able to stay informed by means of the BBC World Service on shortwave . </Li> <Li> Low - cost shortwave radios are widely available in all but the most repressive countries in the world . Simple shortwave regenerative receivers can be easily built with a few parts . </Li> <Li> In many countries ( particularly in most developing nations and in the Eastern bloc during the Cold War era ) ownership of shortwave receivers has been and continues to be widespread ( in many of these countries some domestic stations also used shortwave ) . </Li> <Li> Many newer shortwave receivers are portable and can be battery - operated , making them useful in difficult circumstances . Newer technology includes hand - cranked radios which provide power without batteries . </Li> <Li> Shortwave radios can be used in situations where Internet or satellite communications service is temporarily or long - term unavailable ( or unaffordable ) . </Li> <Li> Shortwave radio travels much farther than broadcast FM ( 88 -- 108 MHz ) . Shortwave broadcasts can be easily transmitted over a distance of several thousands of kilometers , including from one continent to another . </Li> <Li> Particularly in tropical regions , SW is somewhat less prone to interference from thunderstorms than medium wave radio , and is able to cover a large geographic area with relatively low power ( and hence cost ) . Therefore , in many of these countries it is widely used for domestic broadcasting . </Li> <Li> Very little infrastructure is required for long - distance two - way communications using shortwave radio . All one needs is a pair of transceivers , each with an antenna , and a source of energy ( such as a battery , a portable generator , or the electrical grid ) . This makes shortwave radio one of the most robust means of communications , which can be disrupted only by interference or bad ionospheric conditions . Modern digital transmission modes such as MFSK and Olivia are even more robust , allowing successful reception of signals well below the noise floor of a conventional receiver . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Disadvantages ( edit ) </H3> <P> Shortwave radio 's benefits are sometimes regarded as being outweighed by its drawbacks , including : </P> <Ul> <Li> In most Western countries , shortwave radio ownership is usually limited to true enthusiasts , since most new standard radios do not receive the shortwave band . Therefore , Western audiences are limited . </Li> <Li> In the developed world , shortwave reception is very difficult in urban areas because of excessive noise from switched - mode power adapters , fluorescent or LED light sources , internet modems and routers , computers and many other sources of radio interference . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Shortwave listening ( edit ) </H2> A pennant sent to overseas listeners by Radio Budapest in the late 1980s Main article : Shortwave listening <P> The Asia - Pacific Telecommunity estimates that there are approximately 600 million shortwave broadcast - radio receivers in use in 2002 . WWCR claims that there are 1.5 billion shortwave receivers worldwide . </P> <P> Many hobbyists listen to shortwave broadcasters . In some cases , the goal is to hear as many stations from as many countries as possible ( DXing ) ; others listen to specialized shortwave utility , or `` ute '' , transmissions such as maritime , naval , aviation , or military signals . Others focus on intelligence signals from numbers stations , stations which transmit strange broadcast usually for intelligence operations , or the two way communications by amateur radio operators . Some short wave listeners behave analogously to `` lurkers '' on the Internet , in that they listen only and never make any attempt to send out their own signals . Other listeners participate in clubs , or actively send and receive QSL cards , or become involved with amateur radio and start transmitting on their own . </P> <P> Many listeners tune the shortwave bands for the programmes of stations broadcasting to a general audience ( such as Radio Taiwan International , China Radio International , Voice of America , Radio France Internationale , BBC World Service , Voice of Korea , Radio Free Sarawak etc . ) . Today , through the evolution of the Internet , the hobbyist can listen to shortwave signals via remotely controlled or web controlled shortwave receivers around the world , even without owning a shortwave radio . Many international broadcasters offer live streaming audio on their websites and a number have closed their shortwave service entirely , or severely curtailed it , in favour of internet transmission . </P> <P> Shortwave listeners , or SWLs , can obtain QSL cards from broadcasters , utility stations or amateur radio operators as trophies of the hobby . Some stations even give out special certificates , pennants , stickers and other tokens and promotional materials to shortwave listeners . </P> <H2> Shortwave broadcasts and music ( edit ) </H2> Composer Karlheinz Stockhausen <P> Some musicians have been attracted to the unique aural characteristics of shortwave radio which -- due to the nature of amplitude modulation , varying propagation conditions , and the presence of interference -- generally has lower fidelity than local broadcasts ( particularly via FM stations ) . Shortwave transmissions often have bursts of distortion , and `` hollow '' sounding loss of clarity at certain aural frequencies , altering the harmonics of natural sound and creating at times a strange `` spacey '' quality due to echoes and phase distortion . Evocations of shortwave reception distortions have been incorporated into rock and classical compositions , by means of delays or feedback loops , equalizers , or even playing shortwave radios as live instruments . Snippets of broadcasts have been mixed into electronic sound collages and live musical instruments , by means of analogue tape loops or digital samples . Sometimes the sounds of instruments and existing musical recordings are altered by remixing or equalizing , with various distortions added , to replicate the garbled effects of shortwave radio reception . </P> <P> The first attempts by serious composers to incorporate radio effects into music may be those of the Russian physicist and musician Léon Theremin , who perfected a form of radio oscillator as a musical instrument in 1928 ( regenerative circuits in radios of the time were prone to breaking into oscillation , adding various tonal harmonics to music and speech ) ; and in the same year , the development of a French instrument called the Ondes Martenot by its inventor Maurice Martenot , a French cellist and former wireless telegrapher . Karlheinz Stockhausen used shortwave radio and effects in works including Hymnen ( 1966 -- 67 ) , Kurzwellen ( 1968 ) -- adapted for the Beethoven Bicentennial in Opus 1970 with filtered and distorted snippets of Beethoven pieces -- Spiral ( 1968 ) , Pole , Expo ( both 1969 -- 70 ) , and Michaelion ( 1997 ) . </P> <P> Cypriot composer Yannis Kyriakides incorporated shortwave numbers station transmissions in his 1999 ConSPIracy cantata . </P> <P> Holger Czukay , a student of Stockhausen , was one of the first to use shortwave in a rock music context . In 1975 , German electronic music band Kraftwerk recorded a full length concept album around simulated radiowave and shortwave sounds , entitled Radio - Activity . The The 's Radio Cineola monthly broadcasts drew heavily on shortwave radio sound . </P> <H2> Shortwave 's future ( edit ) </H2> PC spectrum display of a modern software defined shortwave receiver Further information : Shortwave listening § Future of shortwave listening <P> The development of direct broadcasts from satellites has reduced the demand for shortwave receiver hardware , but there are still a great number of shortwave broadcasters . A new digital radio technology , Digital Radio Mondiale ( DRM ) , is expected to improve the quality of shortwave audio from very poor to standards comparable to the FM broadcast band . The future of
The mode used for short wave broadcast service is
[ "MFSK" ]
Which mode is used for short wave broadcast service?
Health ( Gaming ) - wikipedia <H1> Health ( Gaming ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search A health bar , a possible representation of the health of a character . <P> Health or vitality is an attribute assigned to entities , such as the player character , enemies and objects within a role - playing or video game , that indicates its state in combat . Health is usually measured in hit points or health points , shortened to HP . When the HP of a player character reaches zero , the player may lose a life or their character might become incapacitated or die . When the HP of an enemy reaches zero , it may be defeated or die and the player is usually rewarded in some way . </P> <P> Any entity within a game could have a health value , including the player character , non-player characters and objects . Indestructible entities have no diminishable health value . </P> <P> Health might be displayed as a numeric value , such as `` 50 / 100 '' . Here , the first number indicates the current amount of HP an entity has and the second number indicates the entity 's maximum HP . In video games , health can also be displayed graphically , such as with a bar that empties itself when an entity loses health ( a health bar , typically red ) , icons that are `` chipped away '' , or in more novel ways . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Usage <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Regeneration </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Display </Li> <Li> 4 References </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Dave Arneson described the origin of hit points in a 2002 interview . When Arneson was adapting the medieval wargame Chainmail ( 1971 ) to a fantasy setting , a process that with Gary Gygax would lead to Dungeons & Dragons , he saw that the emphasis of the gameplay was moving from large armies to small groups of heroes and eventually to the identification of one player and one character that is essential to role - playing as it was originally conceived . Players became attached to their heroes and did not want them to die every time they lost a die roll . Players were thus given multiple hit points which were incrementally decreased as they took damage . Arneson took the concept , along with armor class , from a set of a naval American Civil War game 's rules . </P> <P> US Navy used similar concept in their tactical war games already in 1920s and 1930s . In their simulation each ship had Life parameter . The unit of Life of the ship was a number of `` equivalent penetrative 14 - inch shell hits '' . The Navy considered ie. that Kongō - class battlecruiser had 12 Life points and Nagato - class battleship had 18.8 . </P> <P> A visual power meter representing stamina was used in Nintendo 's 1983 arcade game Punch - Out ! ! and Data East 's 1981 DECO Cassette System arcade game Flash Boy . </P> <H2> Usage ( edit ) </H2> <P> In action video games as well as in role - playing games , health points can usually be depleted by attacking the entity . A defense attribute might reduce the amount of HP that is lost when a character is damaged . It is common in role - playing games for a character 's maximum health and defense attributes to be gradually raised as the character levels up . In game design , it is deemed important that a player is aware of it when they are losing health , each hit playing a clear sound effect . Author Scott Rogers states that `` health should deplete in an obvious manner , because with every hit , a player is closer to losing their life . '' The display of health also helps to dramatize the near - loss of a life . </P> <H3> Regeneration ( edit ) </H3> <P> Player characters can often restore their health points by consuming certain items , such as health potions , food or first - aid kits . Staying a night at an inn fully restores a character 's health in many role - playing video games . In general , the different methods of regenerating health has its uses in a particular genre . In action games , this method is very quick , whereas role - playing games feature slower paced methods to match the gameplay and realism . </P> <P> Some video games feature automatically regenerating health , where lost health points are regained over time . This can be useful to not `` cripple '' the player , making them still able to continue even after losing lots of health . However , automatically regenerating health may also cause a player to `` power through '' sections they might otherwise have had to approach cautiously , simply because there are no lasting consequences to losing a large amount of health . </P> <P> This mechanic initially appeared in action role - playing games , with early examples including the Hydlide series , the Ys series , and Woody Poco . In Woody Poco , the rate at which health recharges is based on food level . In Hydlide and Ys , the player character has to stand still for their health to automatically regenerate . This system was popularized in first - person shooters by Halo : Combat Evolved ( 2001 ) , though regenerating health in The Getaway ( 2002 ) has been cited to be more comparable to later use of the mechanic in first - person shooters . </P> <H2> Display ( edit ) </H2> Heart - shaped icons can indicate the amount of health a player has left . <P> The way health is displayed on the screen has an effect on the player . Many games only show the health of the player character , while keeping the health of enemies hidden . This is done in the Legend of Zelda series , Minecraft and Monster Hunter series to keep the player 's progress in defeating their enemy unclear and therefore exciting . In these games , the fact that the enemies are being damaged is indicated by their behavior . On the other hand , many fighting games , such as the Street Fighter series , use easy - to - read health bars to clearly indicate the progress the player is making with each hit . </P> <P> It is common in first - person shooters to indicate low health of the player character by blood spatters or by a distorted red hue on the screen , attempting to mimic the effects of wounding and trauma . These visual effects fade as health regenerates . </P> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Moore , Michael ( 2011 - 03 - 23 ) . Basics of Game Design . CRC Press . pp. 151 , 194 . ISBN 1439867763 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Chris Antista . `` The 10 most creative life bars '' . GamesRadar. 2010 - 08 - 17 . p. 2 . Archived from the original on 2014 - 12 - 28 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Rogers , Scott ( 2010 - 09 - 29 ) . Level Up ! : The Guide to Great Video Game Design . John Wiley & Sons . pp. 276 -- 277 . ISBN 0470970928 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Allen Rausch ( 2004 - 08 - 19 ) . `` Dave Arneson Interview '' . GameSpy . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ American Calculations of Battleline Strength , 1941 - 2 , Alan D. Zimm , The Northern Mariner / le marin du nord , XIX No. 3 , ( July 2009 ) , 291 - 317 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Glass Joe Boxes Clever '' . Computer + Video Games . Future Publishing : 47 . August 1984 . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 02 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ John Szczepaniak , History of Japanese Video Games , Kinephanos , ISSN 1916 - 985X </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Nickogibson ( 2012 - 09 - 12 ) . `` What is an RPG - Intro to RPG Games '' . Slideshare . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 09 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Fullerton , Tracy ( 2008 - 02 - 08 ) . Game Design Workshop : A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games . CRC Press . pp. 72 , 73 . ISBN 0240809742 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 19 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Duggan , Michael ( 2011 ) . RPG Maker for Teens . Cengage Learning . pp. 109 , 141 . ISBN 1435459679 . Retrieved 2014 - 12 - 09 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jonathan Moriarty ( 2010 - 12 - 02 ) . `` Video Game Basics : The Health Bar '' . . Archived from the original on 28 April 2012 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : Dunn , Jeff ( 2012 - 11 - 15 ) . `` Stop , Drop , and Heal : The history of regenerating health '' . GamesRadar . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 08 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Sulliven , Lucas . `` Top 7 ... Games you did n't know did it first '' . GamesRadar . Retrieved 2015 - 01 - 08 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : John Szczepaniak ( 2016 ) . `` dB - SOFT Gaming 101 '' . The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers . 2 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Szczepaniak , John ( 7 July 2011 ) . `` Falcom : Legacy of Ys '' . Games ( 111 ) : 152 -- 159 ( 153 ) . ( cf . Szczepaniak , John ( July 8 , 2011 ) . `` History of Ys interviews '' . Hardcore Gaming 101 . Retrieved 6 September 2011. ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Jon Martindale ( 2012 - 10 - 03 ) . `` Let 's Kill off Health Bars '' . Kit Guru Gaming . Archived from the original on May 28 , 2015 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Novak , Jeannie ( 2013 - 04 - 11 ) . The Official GameSalad Guide to Game Development . Cengage Learning . p. 31 . ISBN 1133605648 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Voorhees , Gerald A. ; Call , Joshua ; Whitlock , Katie ( 2012 - 11 - 02 ) . `` Disposable Bodies : Cyborg Regeneration and FPS Mechanics '' . Guns , Grenades , and Grunts : First - Person Shooter Games ( Google eBook ) . Bloomsbury Publishing USA . ISBN 1441191445 . Retrieved 2014 - 11 - 21 . </Li> </Ol> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> Concepts of video games </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Glossary of video game terms </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Attributes </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Health </Li> <Li> Life </Li> <Li> Experience point </Li> <Li> Magic </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Mechanics </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Item </Li> <Li> Power - up </Li> <Li> HUD </Li> <Li> Warp </Li> <Li> Fog of war </Li> <Li> Invisible wall </Li> <Li> Cutscene </Li> <Li> Mini-map </Li> <Li> Paper doll </Li> <Li> Destructible environment </Li> <Li> Loading screen </Li> <Li> Replay value </Li> <Li> Scripted sequence </Li> <Li> Password </Li> <Li> Line of sight </Li> <Li> Critical hit </Li> <Li> Level </Li> <Li> Permadeath </Li> <Li> Status effect
In the game War and Order, HP stands for
[ "hit points or health points" ]
What does hp mean in war and order?
Cyrus Cylinder - wikipedia <H1> Cyrus Cylinder </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Cyrus Cylinder </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> The Cyrus Cylinder , obverse and reverse sides </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Material </Th> <Td> Baked clay </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Size </Th> <Td> 22.5 centimetres ( 8.9 in ) x 10 centimetres ( 3.9 in ) ( maximum ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Writing </Th> <Td> Akkadian cuneiform script </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Created </Th> <Td> About 539 -- 538 BC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Period / culture </Th> <Td> Achaemenid Empire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Discovered </Th> <Td> Babylon , Mesopotamia by Hormuzd Rassam in March 1879 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Present location </Th> <Td> Room 52 , British Museum , London </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Identification </Th> <Td> BM 90920 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Registration </Th> <Td> 1880 , 0617.1941 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Cyrus Cylinder ( Persian : استوانه کوروش ‎ , translit . Ostovane - ye Kūrosh ) or Cyrus Charter ( منشور کوروش Manshūre Kūrosh ) is an ancient clay cylinder , now broken into several pieces , on which is written a declaration in Akkadian cuneiform script in the name of Persia 's Achaemenid king Cyrus the Great . It dates from the 6th century BC and was discovered in the ruins of Babylon in Mesopotamia ( modern Iraq ) in 1879 . It is currently in the possession of the British Museum , which sponsored the expedition that discovered the cylinder . It was created and used as a foundation deposit following the Persian conquest of Babylon in 539 BC , when the Neo-Babylonian Empire was invaded by Cyrus and incorporated into his Persian Empire . </P> <P> The text on the Cylinder praises Cyrus , sets out his genealogy and portrays him as a king from a line of kings . The Babylonian king Nabonidus , who was defeated and deposed by Cyrus , is denounced as an impious oppressor of the people of Babylonia and his low - born origins are implicitly contrasted to Cyrus ' kingly heritage . The victorious Cyrus is portrayed as having been chosen by the chief Babylonian god Marduk to restore peace and order to the Babylonians . The text states that Cyrus was welcomed by the people of Babylon as their new ruler and entered the city in peace . It appeals to Marduk to protect and help Cyrus and his son Cambyses . It extols Cyrus as a benefactor of the citizens of Babylonia who improved their lives , repatriated displaced people and restored temples and cult sanctuaries across Mesopotamia and elsewhere in the region . It concludes with a description of how Cyrus repaired the city wall of Babylon and found a similar inscription placed there by an earlier king . </P> <P> The Cylinder 's text has traditionally been seen by biblical scholars as corroborative evidence of Cyrus ' policy of the repatriation of the Jewish people following their Babylonian captivity ( an act that the Book of Ezra attributes to Cyrus ) , as the text refers to the restoration of cult sanctuaries and repatriation of deported peoples . This interpretation has been disputed , as the text identifies only Mesopotamian sanctuaries , and makes no mention of Jews , Jerusalem , or Judea . The Cylinder has also been referred to by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , the last Shah of Iran as the first declaration of universal human rights , a view rejected by some historians as anachronistic and a misunderstanding of the Cylinder 's generic nature as a typical statement made by a new monarch at the beginning of his reign . Neil MacGregor , Director of the British Museum , has stated that the cylinder was `` the first attempt we know about running a society , a state with different nationalities and faiths -- a new kind of statecraft . '' It was adopted as a national symbol of Iran by the Imperial State which put it on display in Tehran in 1971 to commemorate 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire . On October 14 , the Mohammad Reza Shah 's sister , Princess Ashraf Pahlavi , presented the United Nations Secretary General U Thant with a replica of the Cylinder . The princess asserted that `` the heritage of Cyrus was the heritage of human understanding , tolerance , courage , compassion and , above all , human liberty '' . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Discovery </Li> <Li> 2 Description <Ul> <Li> 2.1 Text </Li> <Li> 2.2 Associated fragments </Li> <Li> 2.3 Relation to a Chinese bone inscription </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3 Interpretations <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Mesopotamian and Persian tradition and propaganda <Ul> <Li> 3.1. 1 Similarities with other royal inscriptions </Li> <Li> 3.1. 2 Analysis of the Cylinder 's claims </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 3.2 Biblical interpretations </Li> <Li> 3.3 Human rights <Ul> <Li> 3.3. 1 Pahlavi Iranian government 's view </Li> <Li> 3.3. 2 Reception in the Islamic Republic </Li> <Li> 3.3. 3 Scholarly views </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Exhibition history </Li> <Li> 5 Freedom Sculpture </Li> <Li> 6 See also </Li> <Li> 7 Notes </Li> <Li> 8 References <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Books and journals </Li> <Li> 8.2 Media articles </Li> <Li> 8.3 Other sources </Li> <Li> 8.4 Editions and translations </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Discovery ( edit ) </H2> Hormuzd Rassam in Mosul circa 1854 . The Cyrus Cylinder was discovered during Rassam 's excavations in Babylon in February -- March 1879 . <P> The Assyro - British archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam discovered the Cyrus Cylinder in March 1879 during a lengthy programme of excavations in Mesopotamia carried out for the British Museum . It had been placed as a foundation deposit in the foundations of the Ésagila , the city 's main temple . Rassam 's expedition followed on from an earlier dig carried out in 1850 by the British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard , who excavated three mounds in the same area but found little of importance . In 1877 , Layard became Britain 's ambassador to the Ottoman Empire , which ruled Mesopotamia at the time . He helped Rassam , who had been his assistant in the 1850 dig , to obtain a firman ( decree ) from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II to continue the earlier excavations . The firman was only valid for a year but a second firman , with much more liberal terms , was issued in 1878 . It was granted for two years ( through to 15 October 1880 ) with the promise of an extension to 1882 if required . The Sultan 's decree authorised Rassam to `` pack and dispatch to England any antiquities ( he ) found ... provided , however , there were no duplicates . '' A representative of the Sultan was instructed to be present at the dig to examine the objects as they were uncovered . </P> <P> With permission secured , Rassam initiated a large - scale excavation at Babylon and other sites on behalf of the Trustees of the British Museum . He undertook the excavations in four distinct phases . In between each phase , he returned to England to bring back his finds and raise more funds for further work . The Cyrus Cylinder was found on the second of his four expeditions to Mesopotamia , which began with his departure from London on 8 October 1878 . He arrived in his home town of Mosul on 16 November and travelled down the Tigris to Baghdad , which he reached on 30 January 1879 . During February and March , he supervised excavations on a number of Babylonian sites , including Babylon itself . </P> Map of the site of Babylon in 1829 . Hormuzd Rassam 's diggers found the Cyrus Cylinder in the mound of Tell Amran - ibn - Ali ( marked with an `` E '' at the centre of the map ) under which lay the ruined Esagila temple . <P> He soon uncovered a number of important buildings including the Ésagila temple . This was a major shrine to the chief Babylonian god Marduk , although its identity was not fully confirmed until the German archaeologist Robert Koldewey 's excavation of 1900 . The excavators found a large number of business documents written on clay tablets buried in the temple 's foundations where they discovered the Cyrus Cylinder . Rassam gave conflicting accounts of where his discoveries were made . He wrote in his memoirs , Asshur and the land of Nimrod , that the Cylinder had been found in a mound at the southern end of Babylon near the village of Jumjuma or Jimjima . However , in a letter sent on 20 November 1879 to Samuel Birch , the Keeper of Oriental Antiquities at the British Museum , he wrote , `` The Cylinder of Cyrus was found at Omran ( Tell Amran - ibn - Ali ) with about six hundred pieces of inscribed terracottas before I left Baghdad . '' He left Baghdad on 2 April , returning to Mosul and departing from there on 2 May for a journey to London which lasted until 19 June . </P> <P> The discovery was announced to the public by Sir Henry Rawlinson , the President of the Royal Asiatic Society , at a meeting of the Society on 17 November 1879 . He described it as `` one of the most interesting historical records in the cuneiform character that has yet been brought to light , '' though he erroneously described it as coming from the ancient city of Borsippa rather than Babylon . Rawlinson 's `` Notes on a newly - discovered Clay Cylinder of Cyrus the Great '' were published in the society 's journal the following year , including the first partial translation of the text . </P> <H2> Description ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Cyrus Cylinder is a barrel - shaped cylinder of baked clay measuring 22.5 centimetres ( 8.9 in ) by 10 centimetres ( 3.9 in ) at its maximum diameter . It was created in several stages around a cone - shaped core of clay within which there are large grey stone inclusions . It was built up with extra layers of clay to give it a cylindrical shape before a fine surface slip of clay was added to the outer layer , on which the text is inscribed . It was excavated in several fragments , having apparently broken apart in antiquity . Today it exists in two main fragments , known as `` A '' and `` B '' , which were reunited in 1972 . </P> <P> The main body of the Cylinder , discovered by Rassam in 1879 , is fragment `` A '' . It underwent restoration in 1961 , when it was re-fired and plaster filling was added . The smaller fragment , `` B '' , is a section measuring 8.6 centimetres ( 3.4 in ) by 5.6 centimetres ( 2.2 in ) . The latter fragment was acquired by J.B. Nies of Yale University from an antiquities dealer . Nies published the text in 1920 . The fragment was apparently broken off the main body of the Cylinder during the original excavations in 1879 and was either removed from the excavations or was retrieved from one of Rassam 's waste dumps . It was not confirmed as part of the Cylinder until Paul - Richard Berger of the University of Münster definitively identified it in 1970 . Yale University lent the fragment to the British Museum temporarily ( but , in practice , indefinitely ) in exchange for `` a suitable cuneiform tablet '' from the British Museum collection . </P> <P> Although the Cylinder clearly post-dates Cyrus the Great 's conquest of Babylon in 539 BC , the date of its creation is unclear . It is commonly said to date to the early part of Cyrus 's reign over Babylon , some time after 539 BC . The
The first declaration of human rights was written by
[ "Cyrus" ]
Who wrote the first declaration of human rights?
Governor - General of India </H1> Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the position of Governor - General of India . For individual Governor - Generals , see List of governors - general of India . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Viceroy and Governor - General of India </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Standard of the Governor - General </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Louis Mountbatten , the last Viceroy of India & the first Governor - General during the dominion period </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Style </Th> <Td> His Excellency </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Residence </Th> <Td> Viceroy 's House </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Appointer </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> East India Company ( to 1858 ) </Li> <Li> Monarch of India ( from 1858 ) </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Formation </Th> <Td> 20 October 1774 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First holder </Th> <Td> Warren Hastings </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Final holder </Th> <Td> Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Abolished </Th> <Td> 26 January 1950 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Governor - General of India ( or , from 1858 to 1947 , officially the Viceroy and Governor - General of India , commonly shortened to Viceroy of India ) was originally the head of the British administration in India and , later , after Indian independence in 1947 , the representative of the Indian head of state . The office was created in 1773 , with the title of Governor - General of the Presidency of Fort William . The officer had direct control only over Fort William , but supervised other British East India Company officials in India . Complete authority over all of British India was granted in 1833 , and the official came to be known as the `` Governor - General of India '' . </P> <P> In 1858 , the territories of the East India Company came under the direct control of the British government ; see British Raj . The governor - general ( now also the viceroy ) headed the central government of India , which administered the provinces of British India , including the Punjab , Bengal , Bombay , Madras , the United Provinces , and others . However , much of India was not ruled directly by the British government ; outside the provinces of British India , there were hundreds of nominally sovereign princely states or `` native states '' , whose relationship was not with the British government , but directly with the monarch . To reflect the governor - general 's role as the representative of the monarch to the feudal rulers of the princely states , from 1858 the term Viceroy and Governor - General of India ( known in short as the Viceroy of India ) was applied to him . </P> <P> The title of viceroy was abandoned when British India split into the two independent dominions of India and Pakistan , but the office of governor - general continued to exist in each country separately -- until they adopted republican constitutions in 1950 and 1956 , respectively . </P> <P> Until 1858 , the governor - general was selected by the Court of Directors of the East India Company , to whom he was responsible . Thereafter , he was appointed by the sovereign on the advice of the British government ; the Secretary of State for India , a member of the UK Cabinet , was responsible for instructing him on the exercise of his powers . After 1947 , the sovereign continued to appoint the governor - general , but did so on the advice of the Indian government . </P> <P> Governors - General served at the pleasure of the sovereign , though the practice was to have them serve five - year terms . Governors - General could have their commission rescinded ; and if one was removed , or left , a provisional governor - general was sometimes appointed until a new holder of the office could be chosen . The first Governor - General of British India was Warren Hastings , and the first Governor - General of independent India was Louis Mountbatten . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Functions </Li> <Li> 3 Council </Li> <Li> 4 Style and title </Li> <Li> 5 Flag </Li> <Li> 6 Residence </Li> <Li> 7 Insignia </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 Further reading </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Warren Hastings , the first Governor - General of Fort William from 1773 to 1785 . <P> Many parts of the Indian subcontinent were governed by the East India Company , which nominally acted as the agent of the Mughal Emperor . In 1773 , motivated by corruption in the Company , the British government assumed partial control over the governance of India with the passage of the Regulating Act of 1773 . A Governor - General and Supreme Council of Bengal were appointed to rule over the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal . The first Governor - General and Council were named in the Act . </P> <P> The Charter Act 1833 replaced the Governor - General and Council of Fort William with the Governor - General and Council of India . The power to elect the Governor - General was retained by the Court of Directors , but the choice became subject to the Sovereign 's approval . </P> <P> After the Indian Rebellion of 1857 , the East India Company 's territories in India were put under the direct control of the Sovereign . The Government of India Act 1858 vested the power to appoint the Governor - General in the Sovereign . The Governor - General , in turn , had the power to appoint all lieutenant governors in India , subject to the Sovereign 's approval . </P> <P> India and Pakistan acquired independence in 1947 , but Governors - General continued to be appointed over each nation until republican constitutions were written . Louis Mountbatten , 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma remained Governor - General of India for some time after independence , but the two nations were otherwise headed by native Governors - General . India became a secular republic in 1950 ; Pakistan became an Islamic one in 1956 . </P> <H2> Functions ( edit ) </H2> Lord Curzon in his robes as Viceroy of India , a post he held from 1899 to 1905 . Lord Mountbatten addressing the Chamber of Princes as Crown Representative in the 1940s <P> The Governor - General originally had power only over the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal . The Regulating Act , however , granted them additional powers relating to foreign affairs and defence . The other Presidencies of the East India Company ( Madras , Bombay and Bencoolen ) were not allowed to declare war on or make peace with an Indian prince without receiving the prior approval of the Governor - General and Council of Fort William . </P> <P> The powers of the Governor - General , in respect of foreign affairs , were increased by the India Act 1784 . The Act provided that the other Governors under the East India Company could not declare war , make peace or conclude a treaty with an Indian prince unless expressly directed to do so by the Governor - General or by the Company 's Court of Directors . </P> <P> While the Governor - General thus became the controller of foreign policy in India , he was not the explicit head of British India . That status came only with the Charter Act 1833 , which granted him `` superintendence , direction and control of the whole civil and military Government '' of all of British India . The Act also granted legislative powers to the Governor - General and Council . </P> <P> After 1858 , the Governor - General ( now usually known as the Viceroy ) functioned as the chief administrator of India and as the Sovereign 's representative . India was divided into numerous provinces , each under the head of a Governor , Lieutenant Governor or Chief Commissioner or Administrator . Governors were appointed by the British Government , to whom they were directly responsible ; Lieutenant Governors , Chief Commissioners , and Administrators , however , were appointed by and were subordinate to the Viceroy . The Viceroy also oversaw the most powerful princely rulers : the Nizam of Hyderabad , the Maharaja of Mysore , the Maharaja ( Scindia ) of Gwalior , the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir and the Gaekwad ( Gaekwar ) Maharaja of Baroda . The remaining princely rulers were overseen either by the Rajputana Agency and Central India Agency , which were headed by representatives of the Viceroy , or by provincial authorities . </P> <P> The Chamber of Princes was an institution established in 1920 by a Royal Proclamation of King - Emperor George V to provide a forum in which the princely rulers could voice their needs and aspirations to the government . The chamber usually met only once a year , with the Viceroy presiding , but it appointed a Standing Committee , which met more often . </P> <P> Upon independence in August 1947 , the title of Viceroy was abolished . The representative of the British Sovereign became known once again as the Governor - General . C. Rajagopalachari became the only Indian Governor - General . However , once India acquired independence , the Governor - General 's role became almost entirely ceremonial , with power being exercised on a day - to - day basis by the Indian cabinet . After the nation became a republic in 1950 , the President of India continued to perform the same functions . </P> <H2> Council ( edit ) </H2> Main articles : Council of India and Viceroy 's Executive Council The Viceregal Lodge in Simla , built in 1888 , was the summer residence of the Viceroy of India Viceregal Lodge , Delhi , where Viceroy Lord Hardinge stayed ( 1912 -- 31 ) , now the main building of the University of Delhi <P> The Governor - General was always advised by a Council on the exercise of his legislative and executive powers . The Governor - General , while exercising many functions , was referred to as the `` Governor - General in Council . '' </P> <P> The Regulating Act 1773 provided for the election of four counsellors by the East India Company 's Court of Directors . The Governor - General had a vote along with the counsellors , but he also had an additional vote to break ties . The decision of the Council was binding on the Governor - General . </P> <P> In 1784 , the Council was reduced to three members ; the Governor - General continued to have both an ordinary vote and a casting vote . In 1786 , the power of the Governor - General was increased even further , as Council decisions ceased to be binding . </P> <P> The Charter Act 1833 made further changes to the structure of the Council . The Act was the first law to distinguish between the executive and legislative responsibilities of the Governor - General . As provided under the Act , there were to be four members of the Council elected by the Court of Directors . The first three members were permitted to participate on all occasions , but the fourth member was only allowed to sit and vote when legislation was being debated . </P> <P> In 1858 , the Court of Directors ceased to have the power to elect members of the Council . Instead , the one member who had a vote only on legislative questions came to be appointed by the Sovereign , and the other three members by the Secretary of State for India . </P> <P> The Indian Councils Act 1861 made several changes to the Council 's composition . Three members were to be appointed by the Secretary
When India became independent, the Governor General of India was
[ "Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma" ]
Who was the governor general of india when country became independent?
Reading FC - Wikipedia <H1> Reading FC </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with Reading F.C. Women . <Table> Reading <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Full name </Th> <Td> Reading Football Club </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> The Royals </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Founded </Th> <Td> 1871 ; 147 years ago ( 1871 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground </Th> <Td> Madejski Stadium </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ground Capacity </Th> <Td> 24,161 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Owner </Th> <Td> Dai Yongge and Dai Xiuli ( majority ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Chairman </Th> <Td> Sir John Madejski </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Manager </Th> <Td> Jaap Stam </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> League </Th> <Td> Championship </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 2016 -- 17 </Th> <Td> Championship , 3rd </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> Club website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Td> Home colours </Td> <Td> Away colours </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Current season </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Reading Football Club ( / ˈrɛdɪŋ / ( listen ) RED - ing ) is a professional association football club based in Reading , Berkshire , England . The team play in the Championship , the second tier of English football . </P> <P> Reading are nicknamed The Royals , due to Reading 's location in the Royal County of Berkshire , though they were previously known as The Biscuitmen , due to the town 's association with Huntley and Palmers . Established in 1871 , the club is one of the oldest teams in England , but did not join The Football League until 1920 , and had never played in the top tier of English football league system before the 2006 -- 07 season . The club competed in the 2012 -- 13 Premier League season , having gained promotion at the end of the 2011 -- 12 season after winning the Championship , but were relegated after just one season back in the top flight . </P> <P> The club played at Elm Park for 102 years between 1896 and 1998 . In 1998 the club moved to the new Madejski Stadium , which is named after the club 's co-chairman Sir John Madejski . </P> <P> The club holds the record for the number of successive league wins at the start of a season , with a total of 13 wins at the start of the 1985 -- 86 Third Division campaign and also the record for the number of points gained in the professional league season with 106 points in the 2005 -- 06 Football League Championship campaign . Reading then finished eighth in the 2006 -- 07 Premier League , their first ever season as a top flight club . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Crest and colours </Li> <Li> 3 Stadium </Li> <Li> 4 Support <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Rivalries </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Sponsorship <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Additional kit sponsors </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Ownership and finances </Li> <Li> 7 Players <Ul> <Li> 7.1 First - team squad </Li> <Li> 7.2 Under - 23 squad </Li> <Li> 7.3 Under - 18 squad </Li> <Li> 7.4 Out on loan </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Records and statistics <Ul> <Li> 8.1 Notable players </Li> <Li> 8.2 Player of the season </Li> <Li> 8.3 International players </Li> <Li> 8.4 Former players </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 9 Club officials </Li> <Li> 10 Managers </Li> <Li> 11 Women 's team </Li> <Li> 12 Honours <Ul> <Li> 12.1 Managerial </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 13 Affiliated clubs </Li> <Li> 14 References </Li> <Li> 15 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 16 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> Main article : History of Reading F.C. See also : Thames Valley Royals proposal <P> Reading were formed on 25 December 1871 , following a public meeting at the Bridge Street Rooms organised by the future club secretary Joseph Edward Sydenham . The early matches were played at Reading Recreation Ground , and later the club held fixtures at Reading Cricket Ground , Coley Park and Caversham Cricket Ground . The switch to professionalism in 1895 resulted in the need for a bigger ground and , to this end , the club moved again , to the purpose - built Elm Park on 5 September 1896 . In 1913 , Reading had a successful tour of Italy , prompting the leading sports newspaper Corriere della Sera to write `` without doubt , Reading FC are the finest foreign team seen in Italy '' . </P> The team from the 1926 -- 27 season <P> Reading were elected to the Football League Third Division South of the Football League in 1920 . Reading 's best performance in the FA Cup came in 1926 -- 27 when they lost to eventual winners Cardiff City at Wolverhampton in the semi-final , a placement the club would not match again until 2015 , when they lost to holders Arsenal in the semi-final . Reading lost their place in Division Two in May 1931 , and remained in Third Division South until the outbreak of World War II . The club won the Southern Section Cup , beating Bristol City in the two - legged final in 1938 , and when taking part in the regional London War League and Cup competitions , gained another honour by beating Brentford in the London War Cup Final of 1941 by 3 -- 2 at Stamford Bridge . </P> <P> When League football resumed after the war , Reading quickly came to prominence once again . The club 's record victory , 10 -- 2 versus Crystal Palace , was recorded in September 1946 , and Reading twice finished runners - up in the Third ( South ) , in 1948 -- 49 and 1951 -- 52 , but they were denied a return to Division Two as only the champions were promoted . The side 's moment of cup glory came in 1988 when they won the Simod Cup , beating a number of top flight sides en route to their Wembley win over Luton Town . Reading were promoted to the Second Division as champions in 1986 under the management of Ian Branfoot , but were relegated back to the Third Division in 1988 . </P> <P> The appointment of Mark McGhee as player - manager , shortly after the takeover by John Madejski , in 1991 saw Reading move forward . They were crowned champions of the new Division Two in 1994 . Thirty - five - year - old striker Jimmy Quinn was put in charge of the first team alongside midfielder Mick Gooding and guided Reading to runners - up in the final Division One table -- only to be denied automatic promotion because of the streamlining of the Premier League , from 22 teams to 20 . In 1995 , Reading had eased past Tranmere Rovers in the play - off semi-finals and looked to have booked their place in the Premier League only to lose against Bolton Wanderers in the final . Quinn and Gooding 's contracts were not renewed two years later after Reading had slid into the bottom half of Division One . Their successor , Terry Bullivant , lasted less than one season before being sacked in March 1998 . </P> The last ever competitive match played at Elm Park between Reading and Norwich City in May 1998 <P> The year 1998 also saw Reading move into the new 24,200 all - seater Madejski Stadium , named after Chairman John Madejski . Tommy Burns had taken over from Terry Bullivant but lasted just 18 months before being replaced by Alan Pardew , who had previously been reserve team manager before being released . The club finished third in 2000 -- 01 qualifying for the play - offs , losing 2 -- 3 in the final against Walsall at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff . Reading returned to Division One for 2002 -- 03 after finishing runners - up in Division Two . The following season , they finished fourth in Division One and qualified for the play - offs , where they lost in the semi-final to Wolverhampton Wanderers . Alan Pardew moved to West Ham United the following October and was replaced by Steve Coppell . </P> <P> Reading won the 2005 -- 06 Championship with a league record 106 points , scoring 99 goals and losing only twice . Reading were promoted to English football 's top division for the first time in their history . The 2006 -- 07 season saw Reading make their first appearance in the top flight of English football . Reading defied pre-season predictions of relegation to finish the season in eighth place with 55 points . Reading turned down the chance to play in the UEFA Intertoto Cup . In the run up to their second season in the Premier League , Reading took part in the 2007 Peace Cup in South Korea . This second season was less successful , however , and Reading were relegated back to the Championship . </P> <P> Reading started the 2008 -- 09 season with a 15 match unbeaten home run . They finished fourth and qualify for the play - offs , where they lost to Burnley in the semi-final . Manager Steve Coppell resigned just hours after the game , replaced by Brendan Rodgers . Rodgers left the club by mutual consent on 16 December 2009 and Brian McDermott made caretaker manager the same day . In the 2010 -- 11 FA Cup , Reading reached the quarter - final , where they lost 1 -- 0 to Manchester City at Etihad Stadium , Reading eventually finished fifth in the Championship to qualify for the division 's play - offs . After beating Cardiff City in the semi-finals , they lost 4 -- 2 to Swansea City in the final at Wembley . In the 2011 -- 12 season , a streak of good form in the second half of the season , ensured promotion to the Premier League on 17 April 2012 with 1 -- 0 home win against Nottingham Forest . </P> <P> McDermott led Reading to their first Premier League win of the 2012 -- 13 season on 17 November 2012 at their 11th attempt , defeating Everton 2 -- 1 at home . On 11 March 2013 , however , he left his position at Reading . Nigel Adkins was then appointed as manager , though he was unable to save them from relegation after drawing Queens Park Rangers 0 -- 0 on 28 April 2013 at Loftus Road . The following season back in the Championship saw Reading make two high - profile signings in Wayne Bridge and Royston Drenthe in hope of an immediate return to the Premier League . Reading , however , missed out on the playoffs because of a last minute winner from Brighton & Hove Albion 's Leonardo Ulloa , which meant they made the playoffs at Reading 's expense . </P> <P> The summer before the 2014 -- 15 season saw further arrivals of Jamie Mackie on loan , Oliver Norwood and the return of Simon Cox . The club was under a high threat of administration , causing departures of Sean Morrison and Adam le Fondre and a Thai consortium taking over the club . A good start to Nigel Adkins ' second season in charge was followed by a poor run of results that ended with his sacking after the 6 -- 1 away defeat to Birmingham City with Steve Clarke taking over the next day in the hope of a promotion push . However , a lack of goals and some poor form in the league meant the club faced some fears of relegation to League One , but luckily safety was secured with few games to spare . Nonetheless during that time , the club embarked on a successful FA Cup journey , reaching the semi-final where they were unlucky to
The owner of Reading Football Club is
[ "Dai Yongge" ]
Who is the owner of reading football club?
Tuskegee Airmen - Wikipedia <H1> Tuskegee Airmen </H1> Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Tuskegee Airmen ( disambiguation ) . <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Tuskegee Airmen ( unofficial ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <P> </P> Emblems of wing </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Active </Th> <Td> 1940 -- 1948 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> United States </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Branch </Th> <Td> United States Army Air Corps United States Army Air Forces United States Air Force </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Role </Th> <Td> trained for aerial combat </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Part of </Th> <Td> graduates assigned to the 332nd Fighter Group ( 99th Fighter Squadron , 100th Fighter Squadron , 301st Fighter Squadron , 302d Fighter Squadron ) , 477th Medium Bombardment Group ( 616th Bombardment Squadron , 617th Bombardment Squadron , 618th Bombardment Squadron , 619th Bombardment Squadron ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Nickname ( s ) </Th> <Td> Red Tails Red - Tail Angels </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Motto ( s ) </Th> <Td> Spit Fire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Engagements </Th> <Td> World War II </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Tuskegee Airmen / tʌsˈkiːɡiː / is the popular name of a group of African - American military pilots ( fighter and bomber ) who fought in World War II . They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces . The name also applies to the navigators , bombardiers , mechanics , instructors , crew chiefs , nurses , cooks and other support personnel . </P> <P> All black military pilots who trained in the United States trained at Moton Field , the Tuskegee Army Air Field , and were educated at Tuskegee University , located near Tuskegee , Alabama . The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force , and one pilot from Trinidad. . It also included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic . </P> <P> Although the 477th Bombardment Group trained with North American B - 25 Mitchell bombers , they never served in combat . The 99th Pursuit Squadron ( later , 99th Fighter Squadron ) was the first black flying squadron , and the first to deploy overseas ( to North Africa in April 1943 , and later to Sicily and Italy ) . The 332nd Fighter Group , which originally included the 100th , 301st , and 302nd Fighter Squadrons , was the first black flying group . It deployed to Italy in early 1944 . In June 1944 , the 332nd Fighter Group began flying heavy bomber escort missions , and in July 1944 , with the addition of the 99th Fighter Squadron , it had four fighter squadrons . </P> <P> The 99th Fighter Squadron was initially equipped with Curtiss P - 40 Warhawk fighter - bomber aircraft . The 332nd Fighter Group and its 100th , 301st and 302nd Fighter Squadrons were equipped for initial combat missions with Bell P - 39 Airacobras ( March 1944 ) , later with Republic P - 47 Thunderbolts ( June -- July 1944 ) , and finally with the aircraft with which they became most commonly associated , the North American P - 51 Mustang ( July 1944 ) . When the pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group painted the tails of their P - 47s red , the nickname `` Red Tails '' was coined . The red markings that distinguished the Tuskegee Airmen included red bands on the noses of P - 51s as well as a red rudder ; the P - 51B and D Mustangs flew with similar color schemes , with red propeller spinners , yellow wing bands and all - red tail surfaces . </P> <P> The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African - American military aviators in the United States Armed Forces . During World War II , black Americans in many U.S. states were still subject to the Jim Crow laws and the American military was racially segregated , as was much of the federal government . The Tuskegee Airmen were subjected to discrimination , both within and outside the army . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Origins <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Background </Li> <Li> 1.2 Testing </Li> <Li> 1.3 The First Lady 's flight </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Formation </Li> <Li> 3 Combat assignment <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Active air units </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Tuskegee Airmen bomber units <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Formation </Li> <Li> 4.2 Command difficulties </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 War accomplishments <Ul> <Li> 5.1 Controversy over escort record </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 6 Postwar </Li> <Li> 7 Legacy and honors </Li> <Li> 8 Artistic depictions of the Tuskegee Airmen </Li> <Li> 9 In popular culture </Li> <Li> 10 Squadron images </Li> <Li> 11 See also </Li> <Li> 12 Notes </Li> <Li> 13 Citations </Li> <Li> 14 Bibliography </Li> <Li> 15 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Origins ( edit ) </H2> See also : Civilian Pilot Training Program <H3> Background ( edit ) </H3> The P - 51C Mustang flown by Commemorative Air Force in the colors and markings of Lieutenant Colonel Lee Archer Tuskegee Airman P - 51 Mustang taken at Airventure . This particular P - 51C is part of the Red Tail Project The Stearman Kaydet training aircraft used by the Tuskegee Airmen , bearing the name Spirit of Tuskegee Portrait of Tuskegee airman Edward M. Thomas by photographer Toni Frissell , March 1945 <P> Before the Tuskegee Airmen , no African - American had been a U.S. military pilot . In 1917 , African - American men had tried to become aerial observers , but were rejected . African - American Eugene Bullard served in the French air service during World War I , because he was not allowed to serve in an American unit . Instead , Bullard returned to infantry duty with the French . </P> <P> The racially motivated rejections of World War I African - American recruits sparked more than two decades of advocacy by African - Americans who wished to enlist and train as military aviators . The effort was led by such prominent civil rights leaders as Walter White of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People , labor union leader A. Philip Randolph , and Judge William H. Hastie . Finally , on 3 April 1939 , Appropriations Bill Public Law 18 was passed by Congress containing an amendment by Senator Harry H. Schwartz , designating funds for training African - American pilots . The War Department managed to put the money into funds of civilian flight schools willing to train black Americans . </P> <P> War Department tradition and policy mandated the segregation of African - Americans into separate military units staffed by white officers , as had been done previously with the 9th Cavalry , 10th Cavalry , 24th Infantry Regiment and 25th Infantry Regiment . When the appropriation of funds for aviation training created opportunities for pilot cadets , their numbers diminished the rosters of these older units . In 1941 , the War Department and the Army Air Corps , under pressure -- three months before its transformation into the USAAF -- constituted the first all - black flying unit , the 99th Pursuit Squadron . </P> <P> Due to the restrictive nature of selection policies , the situation did not seem promising for African - Americans since , in 1940 , the U.S. Census Bureau reported there were only 124 African - American pilots in the nation . The exclusionary policies failed dramatically when the Air Corps received an abundance of applications from men who qualified , even under the restrictive requirements . Many of the applicants already had participated in the Civilian Pilot Training Program , unveiled in late December 1938 ( CPTP ) . Tuskegee University had participated since 1939 . </P> <H3> Testing ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td> This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The U.S. Army Air Corps had established the Psychological Research Unit 1 at Maxwell Army Air Field , Montgomery , Alabama , and other units around the country for aviation cadet training , which included the identification , selection , education , and training of pilots , navigators , and bombardiers . Psychologists employed in these research studies and training programs used some of the first standardized tests to quantify IQ , dexterity and leadership qualities to select and train the best - suited personnel for the roles of bombardier , navigator , and pilot . The Air Corps determined that the existing programs would be used for all units , including all - black units . At Tuskegee , this effort continued with the selection and training of the Tuskegee Airmen . The War Department set up a system to accept only those with a level of flight experience or higher education which ensured that only the most able and intelligent African - American applicants were able to join . </P> <H3> The first Lady 's flight ( edit ) </H3> <P> The budding flight program at Tuskegee received a publicity boost when First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt inspected it in March 1941 , and flew with African - American chief civilian instructor C. Alfred `` Chief '' Anderson . Anderson , who had been flying since 1929 , and was responsible for training thousands of rookie pilots , took his prestigious passenger on a half - hour flight in a Piper J - 3 Cub . After landing , she cheerfully announced , `` Well , you can fly all right . '' </P> <P> The subsequent brouhaha over the First Lady 's flight had such an impact it is often mistakenly cited as the start of the CPTP at Tuskegee , even though the program was already five months old . Eleanor Roosevelt used her position as a trustee of the Julius Rosenwald Fund to arrange a loan of $175,000 to help finance the building of Moton Field . </P> <H2> Formation ( edit ) </H2> Major James A. Ellison returns the salute of Mac Ross , as he reviews the first class of Tuskegee cadets ; flight line at U.S. Army Air Corps basic and advanced flying school , with Vultee BT - 13 trainers in the background , Tuskegee , Alabama , 1941 <P> On 11 September 1941 , the 99th Pursuit Squadron was activated at Chanute Field in Rantoul , Illinois . </P> <P> A cadre of 271 enlisted men was trained in aircraft ground support trades at Chanute , beginning in July 1941 ; the skills being taught were so technical that setting up segregated classes was deemed impossible . This small number of enlisted men became the core of other black squadrons forming at Tuskegee and Maxwell Fields in Alabama . </P> <P> The Tuskegee program officially began June 1941 with the 99th Pursuit Squadron at Tuskegee University . The unit consisted of 47 officers and 429 enlisted men , and was backed by an entire service arm . After primary training at Moton Field , they were moved to the nearby Tuskegee Army Air Field , about 10 miles ( 16 km ) to the west for conversion training onto operational types . Consequently , Tuskegee Army Air Field became the only Army installation performing three phases of pilot training ( basic , advanced , and transition ) at a single location . Initial planning called for 500 personnel in residence at a time . </P> <P> By mid-1942 , over six times that many were stationed at Tuskegee , even though only two squadrons were training there . </P> War poster featuring a Tuskegee Airman <P> Tuskegee Army Airfield was similar to already - existing airfields reserved for training white pilots , such as Maxwell Field , only 40 miles ( 64 km ) distant . African
The first African American Air Force unit trained at
[ "Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field" ]
Where did the first african american air force unit train?
The Belt '' </Td> <Td> Tom Verica </Td> <Td> Paul William Davies </Td> <Td> February 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 606 </Td> <Td> 6.06 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 95 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` They All Bow Down '' </Td> <Td> Millicent Shelton </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee </Td> <Td> March 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 604 </Td> <Td> 5.26 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 96 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Extinction '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen </Td> <Td> March 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 605 </Td> <Td> 5.63 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 97 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` A Traitor Among Us '' </Td> <Td> Tom Verica </Td> <Td> Alison Schapker </Td> <Td> March 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 23 ) </Td> <Td> 607 </Td> <Td> 5.40 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 98 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` A Stomach for Blood '' </Td> <Td> Oliver Bokelberg </Td> <Td> Severiano Canales </Td> <Td> March 30 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 30 ) </Td> <Td> 608 </Td> <Td> 6.57 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 99 </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> `` Dead in the Water '' </Td> <Td> Nicole Rubio </Td> <Td> Michelle Lirtzman </Td> <Td> April 6 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 06 ) </Td> <Td> 609 </Td> <Td> 5.10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 100 </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> `` The Decision '' </Td> <Td> Sharat Raju </Td> <Td> Johanna Lee </Td> <Td> April 13 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 13 ) </Td> <Td> 610 </Td> <Td> 5.35 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 101 </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> `` Trojan Horse '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Jess Brownell & Nicholas Nardini </Td> <Td> April 20 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 20 ) </Td> <Td> 611 </Td> <Td> 5.11 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 102 </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> `` Mercy '' </Td> <Td> Nzingha Stewart </Td> <Td> Severiano Canales & Ameni Rozsa </Td> <Td> April 27 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 27 ) </Td> <Td> 612 </Td> <Td> 5.29 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 103 </Th> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> `` The Box '' </Td> <Td> Steph Green </Td> <Td> Raamla Mohamed & Austin Guzman </Td> <Td> May 4 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> 613 </Td> <Td> 5.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 104 </Th> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> `` Head Games '' </Td> <Td> Zetna Fuentes </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen & Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> May 11 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> 614 </Td> <Td> 5.10 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 105 </Th> <Td> 15 </Td> <Td> `` Tick Tock '' </Td> <Td> Salli Richardson - Whitfield </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee & Michelle Lirtzman </Td> <Td> May 18 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 615 </Td> <Td> 5.23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 106 </Th> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> `` Transfer of Power '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Matt Byrne & Mark Fish </Td> <Td> May 18 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 616 </Td> <Td> 5.23 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Season 7 ( 2017 -- 18 ) ( edit ) </H3> Main article : Scandal ( season 7 ) <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Prod . code </Th> <Th> U.S. viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 107 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Watch Me '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Shonda Rhimes </Td> <Td> October 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> 701 </Td> <Td> 5.52 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 108 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Pressing the Flesh '' </Td> <Td> Tony Goldwyn </Td> <Td> Matt Byrne </Td> <Td> October 12 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 12 ) </Td> <Td> 702 </Td> <Td> 5.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 109 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Day 101 '' </Td> <Td> Scott Foley </Td> <Td> Zahir McGhee </Td> <Td> October 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 19 ) </Td> <Td> 703 </Td> <Td> 4.70 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 110 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Lost Girls '' </Td> <Td> Nicole Rubio </Td> <Td> Ameni Rozsa & Austin Guzman </Td> <Td> October 26 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 704 </Td> <Td> 4.88 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 111 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` Adventures in Babysitting '' </Td> <Td> Oliver Bokelberg </Td> <Td> Serveriano Canales & Tia Napolitano </Td> <Td> November 2 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 02 ) </Td> <Td> 705 </Td> <Td> 4.89 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 112 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Vampires and Bloodsuckers '' </Td> <Td> Jann Turner </Td> <Td> Chris Van Dusen & Tia Napolitano </Td> <Td> November 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 706 </Td> <Td> 5.00 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 113 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` Something Borrowed '' </Td> <Td> Sharat Raju </Td> <Td> Mark Fish </Td> <Td> November 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 707 </Td> <Td> 4.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 114 </Th> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> `` Robin '' </Td> <Td> Daryn Okada </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 18 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 709 </Td> <Td> 5.17 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 115 </Th> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> `` Good People '' </Td> <Td> Nzingha Stewart </Td> <Td> Shonda Rhimes , Jess Brownell & Nicholas Nardini </Td> <Td> January 25 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 708 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 116 </Th> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> `` The People v. Olivia Pope '' </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> February 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 01 ) </Td> <Td> 710 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 117 </Th> <Td> 11 </Td> <Td> `` Army of One '' </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> February 8 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 08 ) </Td> <Td> 711 </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 118 </Th> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> March 1 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 01 ) </Td> <Td> TBA </Td> <Td> TBD </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Specials ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Narrator </Th> <Th> Aired between </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> U.S. viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> `` The Secret is Out '' </Td> <Td> Joshua Malina as David Rosen </Td> <Td> `` White Hat 's Back On '' ( season two ) `` It 's Handled '' ( season three ) </Td> <Td> October 3 , 2013 ( 2013 - 10 - 03 ) </Td> <Td> 5.75 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Webisodes ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Gladiator wanted ( edit ) </H3> <P> A web series debuted prior to the sixth - season premiere and features Guillermo Diaz as Huck , Katie Lowes as Quinn , Cornelius Smith Jr. as Marcus and George Newbern as Charlie . All of the episodes were directed by Darby Stanchfield , who portrays Abby in the show . </P> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Directed by </Th> <Th> Written by </Th> <Th> Original release date </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` So You Want to Be a Gladiator in a Suit '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` A Job to Kill For '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Induction '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Governments Fall '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` By Dawn 's Early Light '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Exit Interview '' </Td> <Td> Darby Stanchfield </Td> <Td> Juan Carlos Fernandez </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Molloy , Tim ( January 10 , 2012 ) . `` ' Scandal , ' ' Apartment 23 ' Get Premiere Dates , ' Cougar Town ' Does n't '' . The Wrap . Retrieved May 12 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Wagmeister , Elizabeth ( February 10 , 2017 ) . `` ABC Renews ' Grey 's Anatomy , ' ' Scandal ' and ' How To Get Away With Murder ' for New Seasons '' . Variety . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gorman , Bill ( May 24 , 2012 ) . `` Complete List Of 2011 -- 12 Season TV Show Viewership : ' Sunday Night Football ' Tops , Followed By ' American Idol , ' ' NCIS ' & ' Dancing With The Stars ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Zap2it . Retrieved November 5 , 2012 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( May 29 , 2013 ) . `` Complete List Of 2012 - 13 Season TV Show Viewership : ' Sunday Night Football ' Tops , Followed By ' NCIS , ' ' The Big Bang Theory ' & ' NCIS : Los Angeles ' '' . TV by the Numbers . ZAP2it . Retrieved May 30 , 2013 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Full 2013 - 2014 TV Season Series Rankings '' . Deadline . May 22 , 2014 . Retrieved October 1 , 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ de Moraes , Lisa ( May 21 , 2014 ) . `` Full 2014 -- 15 TV Season Series Rankings : Football & ' Empire ' Ruled '' . . Archived from the original on May 22 , 2015 . Retrieved June 10 , 2015 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Full 2015 - 2016 TV Season Series Rankings '' . Deadline . May 26 , 2016 . Retrieved May 27 , 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Final 2016 - 17 TV Rankings : ' Sunday Night Football ' Winning Streak Continues '' . Deadline Hollywood . May 26 , 2017 . Retrieved May 26 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Ausiello , Michael ( June 26 , 2017 ) . `` Scandal Farewell Update : Final Season Episode Count Revealed '' . TVLine . Retrieved July 28 , 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gelman , Vlada ( January 8 , 2018 ) . `` Quantico Season 3 and Shondaland 's For the People Get ABC Premiere Dates '' . TVLine . Retrieved January 8 , 2018 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Bibel , Sara ( April 6 , 2012 ) . `` Thursday Final Ratings : ' Big Bang Theory ' , ' American Idol ' , ' Person of Interest ' , ' Missing ' , ' Up All Night ' Adjusted Up ; ' Scandal ' Adjusted Down '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved April
The next episode of Scandal is coming out on
[ "February 1, 2018" ]
When is the next scandal episode coming out?
Adobe Flash Player - wikipedia <H1> Adobe Flash Player </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> Adobe Flash Player <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original author ( s ) </Th> <Td> FutureWave Macromedia </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Developer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Adobe Systems </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Initial release </Th> <Td> 1996 ; 22 years ago ( 1996 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Stable release ( s ) ( ± ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS </Th> <Td> 28.0. 0.137 / January 9 , 2018 ; 16 days ago ( 2018 - 01 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Android 4.0. x </Th> <Td> 11.1. 115.81 / September 10 , 2013 ; 4 years ago ( 2013 - 09 - 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Android 2. x and 3. x </Th> <Td> 11.1. 111.73 / September 10 , 2013 ; 4 years ago ( 2013 - 09 - 10 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Solaris </Th> <Td> 11.2. 202.223 / March 28 , 2012 ; 5 years ago ( 2012 - 03 - 28 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Preview release ( s ) ( ± ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS </Th> <Td> 28.0. 0.152 Beta / January 24 , 2018 ; 1 day ago ( 2018 - 01 - 24 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Written in </Th> <Td> C++ </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Operating system </Th> <Td> Windows , macOS , Linux , Chrome OS , Solaris , BlackBerry Tablet OS , Android , and Pocket PC </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Platform </Th> <Td> Web browsers and ActiveX - based software </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Available in </Th> <Td> Chinese Simplified , Chinese Traditional , English , French , German , Italian , Japanese , Polish , Russian , Spanish , Korean , and Turkish </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Type </Th> <Td> Run - time environment , Media player , and Browser extension </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> License </Th> <Td> Freeware </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Website </Th> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> Adobe Flash Player ( labeled Shockwave Flash in Internet Explorer and Firefox ) is freeware software for using content created on the Adobe Flash platform , including viewing multimedia , executing rich Internet applications , and streaming video and audio . Flash Player can run from a web browser as a browser plug - in or on supported mobile devices . Flash Player was created by Macromedia and has been developed and distributed by Adobe Systems since Adobe acquired Macromedia . </P> <P> Flash Player runs SWF files that can be created by the Adobe Animate and Adobe Flash Professional authoring tools , by Adobe Flash Builder or by third party tools such as FlashDevelop . Flash Player supports vector and raster graphics , 3D graphics , an embedded scripting language called ActionScript , and streaming of video and audio . ActionScript is based on ECMAScript , and supports object - oriented code , and is similar to JavaScript . Flash Player has a wide user base , and is a common format for games , animations , and graphical user interfaces ( GUIs ) embedded in web pages . Adobe stated in 2013 that more than 400 million out of over 1 billion connected desktops update to the new version of Flash Player within six weeks of release . </P> <P> Flash Player is distributed for free and its plug - in versions are available for every major web browser and operating system . Google Chrome comes bundled with the sandboxed Adobe Flash plug - in and Windows 8 and later come with their own integrated Flash Player ( for Internet Explorer and Edge ) . </P> <P> Flash Player has become increasingly criticized for its performance , consumption of battery on mobile devices , the number of security vulnerabilities that had been discovered in the software , and that Flash is a closed platform . Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was highly critical of Flash Player , having published an open letter detailing Apple 's reasoning for banning the Flash platform from being used on its iOS device family . Its usage has also waned due to modern web standards that allow some of Flash 's use cases to be fulfilled without third - party plugins . In July 2017 , Adobe announced that it would end support for Flash Player in 2020 , and continued to encourage the use of open HTML5 standards in place of Flash . The announcement was coordinated with Apple , Facebook , Google , Microsoft , and Mozilla . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Features <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Data formats </Li> <Li> 1.2 Multimedia formats </Li> <Li> 1.3 Streaming protocols </Li> <Li> 1.4 Performance <Ul> <Li> 1.4. 1 Hardware acceleration </Li> <Li> 1.4. 2 Compilation </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Development methods </Li> <Li> 3 Development tools <Ul> <Li> 3.1 Game development </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 4 Availability <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Desktop platforms </Li> <Li> 4.2 Mobile platforms </Li> <Li> 4.3 Other hardware </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Open source </Li> <Li> 6 Criticism <Ul> <Li> 6.1 Usability </Li> <Li> 6.2 Privacy </Li> <Li> 6.3 Security </Li> <Li> 6.4 Vendor lock - in </Li> <Li> 6.5 Apple controversy </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 7 Release history </Li> <Li> 8 See also </Li> <Li> 9 References and notes </Li> <Li> 10 Further reading </Li> <Li> 11 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Features ( edit ) </H2> <P> Adobe Flash Player is a runtime that executes and displays content from a provided SWF file , although it has no in - built features to modify the SWF file at runtime . It can execute software written in the ActionScript programming language which enables the runtime manipulation of text , data , vector graphics , raster graphics , sound and video . The player can also access certain connected hardware devices , including web cameras and microphones , after permission for the same has been granted by the user . </P> <P> Flash Player is used internally by the Adobe Integrated Runtime ( AIR ) , to provide a cross-platform runtime environment for desktop applications and mobile applications . AIR supports installable applications on Windows , Linux , macOS , and some mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android . Flash applications must specifically be built for the AIR runtime to use additional features provided , such as file system integration , native client extensions , native window / screen integration , taskbar / dock integration , and hardware integration with connected Accelerometer and GPS devices . </P> <H3> Data formats ( edit ) </H3> <P> Flash Player includes native support for many different data formats , some of which can only be accessed through the ActionScript scripting interface . </P> <Ul> <Li> XML : Flash Player has included native support for XML parsing and generation since version 8 . XML data is held in memory as an XML Document Object Model , and can be manipulated using ActionScript . ActionScript 3 also supports ECMAScript for XML ( E4X ) , which allows XML data to be manipulated more easily . </Li> <Li> JSON : Flash Player 11 includes native support for importing and exporting data in the JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON ) format , which allows interoperability with web services and JavaScript programs . </Li> <Li> AMF : Flash Player allows application data to be stored on users computers , in the form of Local Shared Objects , the Flash equivalent to browser cookies . Flash Player can also natively read and write files in the Action Message Format , the default data format for Local Shared Objects . Since the AMF format specification is published , data can be transferred to and from Flash applications using AMF datasets instead of JSON or XML , reducing the need for parsing and validating such data . </Li> <Li> SWF : The specification for the SWF file format was published by Adobe , enabling the development of the SWX Format project , which used the SWF file format and AMF as a means for Flash applications to exchange data with server side applications . The SWX system stores data as standard SWF bytecode which is automatically interpreted by Flash Player . Another open - source project , SWXml allows Flash applications to load XML files as native ActionScript objects without any client - side XML parsing , by converting XML files to SWF / AMF on the server . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Multimedia formats ( edit ) </H3> <P> Flash Player is primarily a graphics and multimedia platform , and has supported raster graphics and vector graphics since its earliest version . It supports the following different multimedia formats which it can natively decode and playback . </P> <Ul> <Li> MP3 : Support for decoding and playback of streaming MPEG - 2 Audio Layer III ( MP3 ) audio was introduced in Flash Player 4 . MP3 files can be accessed and played back from a server via HTTP , or embedded inside an SWF file , which is also a streaming format . </Li> <Li> FLV : Support for decoding and playing back video and audio inside Flash Video ( FLV and F4V ) files , a format developed by Adobe Systems and Macromedia . Flash Video is only a container format and supports multiple different video codecs , such as Sorenson Spark , VP6 and more recently H. 264 . Flash Player uses hardware acceleration to display video where present , using technologies such as DirectX Video Acceleration and OpenGL to do so . Flash Video is used by YouTube , Hulu , Yahoo ! Video , BBC Online and other news providers . FLV files can be played back from a server using HTTP progressive download , and can also be embedded inside an SWF file . Flash Video can also be streamed via RTMP using the Adobe Flash Media Server or other such server - side software . </Li> <Li> PNG : Support for decoding and rendering Portable Network Graphics ( PNG ) images , in both its 24 - bit ( opaque ) and 32 - bit ( semi-transparent ) variants . Flash Player 11 can also encode a PNG bitmap via ActionScript . </Li> <Li> JPEG : Support for decoding and rendering compressed JPEG images . Flash Player 10 added support for the JPEG - XR advanced image compression standard developed by Microsoft Corporation , which results in better compression and quality than JPEG . JPEG - XR enables lossy and lossless compression with or without alpha channel transparency . Flash Player 11 can also encode a JPEG or JPEG - XR bitmap via ActionScript . </Li> <Li> GIF : Support for decoding and rendering compressed Graphics Interchange Format ( GIF ) images , in its single - frame variants only . Loading a multi-frame GIF will display only the first image frame . </Li> </Ul> <H3> Streaming protocols ( edit ) </H3> <Ul> <Li> HTTP : Support for communicating with web servers using HTTP requests and POST data . However , only websites that explicitly allow Flash to connect to them can be accessed via HTTP or sockets , to prevent Flash being used as a tool for cross-site request forgery , cross-site scripting , DNS rebinding and denial - of - service attacks . Websites must host a certain XML file termed a cross domain policy , allowing or denying Flash content from specific websites to connect to them . Certain websites , such as Digg , Flickr , Photobucket already host a cross domain policy that permits Flash content to access their website via HTTP . </Li> <Li> RTMP : Support for live audio and video streaming using the Real Time Messaging Protocol ( RTMP ) developed by Macromedia . RTMP supports a non-encrypted version over the Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) or an encrypted version
The most current Adobe Flash Player version is
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What is the most current adobe flash player version?
The Sleeping Beauty ( ballet ) - wikipedia <H1> The Sleeping Beauty ( ballet ) </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th> Ballets by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <P> Swan Lake ( 1876 ) Sleeping Beauty ( 1889 ) The Nutcracker ( 1892 ) List of all compositions </P> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Sleeping Beauty ( Russian : Спящая красавица / Spyashchaya krasavitsa ) is a ballet in a prologue and three acts , first performed in 1890 . The music was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky ( his opus 66 ) . The score was completed in 1889 , and is the second of his three ballets . The original scenario was conceived by Ivan Vsevolozhsky , and is based on Charles Perrault 's La Belle au bois dormant . The choreographer of the original production was Marius Petipa . </P> <P> The premiere performance took place at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg on January 15 , 1890 . The work has become one of the classical repertoire 's most famous ballets . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Composition history </Li> <Li> 1.2 Performance history </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Roles and original cast </Li> <Li> 3 Instrumentation </Li> <Li> 4 Roles </Li> <Li> 5 Synopsis </Li> <Li> 6 Structure </Li> <Li> 7 Versions by other hands <Ul> <Li> 7.1 Piano arrangements </Li> <Li> 7.2 Aurora 's Wedding by Sergei Diaghilev </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 8 Trademark controversy </Li> <Li> 9 References </Li> <Li> 10 External links <Ul> <Li> 10.1 Video samples </Li> <Li> 10.2 Scores </Li> <Li> 10.3 History </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Composition history ( edit ) </H3> <P> Tchaikovsky was approached by the Director of the Imperial Theatres in St. Petersburg , Ivan Vsevolozhsky on 25 May 1888 about a possible ballet adaptation on the subject of the story of Undine . It was later decided that Charles Perrault 's La Belle au bois dormant would be the story for which Tchaikovsky would compose the music for the ballet . Tchaikovsky did not hesitate to accept the commission , although he was aware that his only previous ballet , Swan Lake , met with little enthusiasm at that stage of his career . </P> <P> The ballet scenario that Tchaikovsky worked on was based on the Brothers Grimm 's version of Perrault 's work entitled ' Dornröschen ' . In that version , the Princess 's parents ( the King and the Queen ) survived the 100 - year sleep to celebrate the Princess 's wedding to the Prince . However , Vsevolozhsky incorporated Perrault 's other characters from his stories into the ballet , such as Puss in Boots , Little Red Riding Hood , Cinderella , Bluebird , Bluebeard , Ricky of the Tuft and Tom Thumb . Other French fairy tale characters to be featured are Beauty and the Beast , Pretty Goldilocks and The White Cat . Regardless , Tchaikovsky was happy to inform the Director of the Imperial Theatre that he had great pleasure studying the work and had come away with adequate inspiration to do it justice . </P> <P> The choreographer was Marius Petipa , ballet master of the Imperial Ballet , who wrote a very detailed list of instructions as to the musical requirements . Tchaikovsky worked quickly on the new work at Frolovskoye ; he began initial sketches in the winter of 1888 and began orchestration on the work on 30 May 1889 . </P> <P> The ballet 's focus was undeniably on the two main conflicting forces of good ( the Lilac Fairy ) and evil ( Carabosse ) ; each has a leitmotif representing them , which run through the entire ballet , serving as an important thread to the underlying plot . Act III of the work , however , takes a complete break from the two motifs and instead places focus on the individual characters of the various court dances . </P> <H3> Performance history ( edit ) </H3> <P> St. Petersburg premiere ( world premiere ) </P> <Ul> <Li> Date : 15 January 1890 </Li> <Li> Place : Imperial Mariinsky Theatre , St. Petersburg </Li> <Li> Balletmaster : Marius Petipa </Li> <Li> Conductor : Riccardo Drigo </Li> <Li> Scene Designers : Henrich Levogt ( Prologue ) , Ivan Andreyev ( Act 1 ) , Mikhail Bocharov ( Acts 1 & 2 ) , Matvey Shishkov ( Act 3 ) </Li> <Li> Costumes : Ivan Vsevolozhsky </Li> </Ul> <P> Moscow premiere </P> <Ul> <Li> Date : 17 January 1899 </Li> <Li> Place : Moscow Imperial Bolshoi Theatre </Li> <Li> Balletmaster : Aleksandr Gorsky </Li> <Li> Conductor : Andrey Arends </Li> <Li> Scene Designers : Anatoliy Geltser , Karl Valts ( Waltz ) </Li> </Ul> <P> Other notable productions </P> <Ul> <Li> 1896 , Milan , La Scala , staged by Giorgio Saracco , Carlotta Brianza as Aurora </Li> <Li> 1921 , London , Alhambra Theatre , as The Sleeping Princess , Diaghilev production , staged by Nikolay Sergeyev , scenes by Léon Bakst </Li> <Li> 1937 , Philadelphia , staged by Catherine Littlefield </Li> <Li> 1946 , London , Royal Opera House debut , performed by the Sadler 's Wells Ballet . </Li> <Li> 1968 , London , with the London Festival Ballet at the Royal Festival Hall </Li> <Li> 1990 , San Francisco , with San Francisco Ballet as choreographed by Helgi Tómasson in tribute to Tchaikovsky , and with a focus on maintaining the Russian - French connection </Li> <Li> 1992 , Basel Theater Basel reworked by Youri Vámos with new narrative involving the life of Anna Anderson and her claim to be Grand Duchess Anastasia . The order of musical numbers has been slightly changed , some numbers omitted with other music by Tchaikovsky added and major set pieces of Petipa 's choreography retained , but now placed in different narrative context - often performed as Anderson 's `` memories '' . This version has been performed by a number of central European ballet companies over the past two decades . </Li> </Ul> <H2> Roles and original cast ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Role </Th> <Th> Mariinsky 1890 </Th> <Th> Bolshoi 1899 </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> King Florestan </Td> <Td> Feliks Krzesiński ( Mathilde Kschessinska 's father ) </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Queen </Td> <Td> Giuseppina Cecchetti </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Princess Aurora , the Sleeping Beauty </Td> <Td> Carlotta Brianza </Td> <Td> Lyubov Roslavleva </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Lilac Fairy </Td> <Td> Marie Petipa </Td> <Td> M. Grachevskaya </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Carabosse </Td> <Td> Enrico Cecchetti </Td> <Td> Vasiliy Geltser </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Prince Désiré </Td> <Td> Pavel Gerdt </Td> <Td> Ivan Khlyustin </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Bluebird </Td> <Td> Enrico Cecchetti </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Princess Florine </Td> <Td> Varvara Nikitina </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The ballet 's premiere received more favorable accolades than Swan Lake from the press but Tchaikovsky never had the luxury of being able to witness his work become an instant success in theatres outside of Russia . He died in 1893 . By 1903 , The Sleeping Beauty was the second most popular ballet in the repertory of the Imperial Ballet ( the Petipa / Pugni The Pharaoh 's Daughter was first ) , having been performed 200 times in only 10 years . </P> Original cast members costumed for Act I . At center is Carlotta Brianza as Aurora . Mariinsky Theatre , St. Petersburg , 1890 <P> A production mounted at the La Scala in Milan did not arouse much interest and it was not until 1921 that , in London , the ballet finally gained wide acclaim and eventually a permanent place in the classical repertoire . In 1999 , the Mariinsky Ballet reconstructed the original 1899 production , including reproductions of the original sets and costumes . Although the 1951 Kirov production by Konstantin Sergeyev is available on DVD / Video , the 1999 `` authentic '' version is only available in short excerpts as of 2007 . </P> <P> The Sleeping Beauty is Tchaikovsky 's longest ballet , lasting nearly four hours at full length - counting the intermissions . Without intermissions ( as it appears on several CD sets ) , it lasts nearly three hours . It is nearly always cut . </P> <P> At the premiere , Tsar Alexander III summoned Tchaikovsky to the imperial box . The Tsar made the simple remark ' Very nice , ' which seemed to have irritated Tchaikovsky , who had likely expected a more favorable response . </P> <H2> Instrumentation ( edit ) </H2> <Ul> <Li> Strings : Violins I , Violins II , Violas , Cellos , Double Basses </Li> <Li> Woodwinds : Piccolo , 2 Flutes , 2 Oboes , Cor Anglais , 2 Clarinets ( B ♭ , A ) , 2 Bassoons </Li> <Li> Brass : 4 Horns ( F ) , 2 Cornets ( B ♭ , A ) , 2 Trumpets ( B ♭ , A ) , 3 Trombones , Tuba </Li> <Li> Percussion : Timpani , Triangle , Tambourine , Side Drum , Cymbals , Bass Drum , Tam - tam , Glockenspiel </Li> <Li> Other : 2 Harps , Piano </Li> </Ul> <H2> Roles ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Royal Court : </P> <Ul> <Li> King Florestan XXIV </Li> <Li> Queen , his wife </Li> <Li> Princess Aurora , the Sleeping Beauty , their daughter </Li> <Li> Catalabutte , the master - of - ceremonies </Li> <Li> Courtiers , maids of honor , pages , lackeys </Li> </Ul> <P> The Fairies : </P> <Ul> <Li> Candide ( Candor ) </Li> <Li> Coulante , Fleur de farine ( Flowing , Wheat flour ) </Li> <Li> Miettes qui tombent ( Falling breadcrumbs ) </Li> <Li> Canari qui chante ( Singing canary ) </Li> <Li> Violente ( Force ) </Li> <Li> The Lilac Fairy </Li> <Li> Carabosse , the evil fairy </Li> <Li> The Gold , Silver , Sapphire , and Diamond Fairies </Li> </Ul> <P> The Four Suitors : </P> <Ul> <Li> Prince Chéri </Li> <Li> Prince Charmant </Li> <Li> Prince Fortuné </Li> <Li> Prince Fleur de Pois </Li> </Ul> <P> The Prince 's Hunting Party : </P> <Ul> <Li> Prince Désiré ( Florimund ) </Li> <Li> Gallifron , Prince Désiré 's tutor </Li> <Li> The Prince 's friends , duchesses , baronesses , countesses , and marchionesses </Li> </Ul> <P> Fairy - Tale Characters : </P> <Ul> <Li> Puss - in - Boots </Li> <Li> The White Cat </Li> <Li> Cinderella </Li> <Li> Prince Charming </Li> <Li> Princess Florine </Li> <Li> Bluebird </Li> <Li> Little Red Riding Hood </Li> <Li> The Gray Wolf </Li> <Li> Hop - o ' - My - Thumb , his brothers , and the Ogre </Li> </Ul> <H2> Synopsis ( edit ) </H2> <P> Setting </P> <Ul> <Li> Time : Baroque </Li> <Li> Place : Europe </Li> </Ul> The bad fairy Carabosse by Léon Bakst , who created the décor and about 300 costume designs in 2 months for Diaghilev 's lavish 1921 production of The Sleeping Beauty in London . <P> Prologue ( The Christening ) King Florestan XXIV and his Queen have welcomed their first child , Princess Aurora , and declare a grand christening ceremony to honor her . Six fairies are invited to the ceremony to bestow gifts on the child . Each fairy represents a virtue or positive trait , such as beauty , courage , sweetness , musical talent , and mischief . The most powerful fairy , the Lilac Fairy , arrives with her entourage , but before she can bestow her gift , the evil fairy Carabosse arrives with her minions . Carabosse furiously asks the King and Queen why she had not received an invitation to the christening . The blame falls on the Master of Ceremonies who was in charge of the guest list . Carabosse gleefully tears his wig
Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker are three famous ballets by
[ "Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky" ]
Swan lake the sleeping beauty and the nutcracker are three famous ballets by?
and guest starred as Detective Chester Lake in the eighth season , Wolf felt that Adam Beach would be a good addition to the cast and asked him to be a permanent member beginning with the ninth season . Although Beach felt the role was a `` dream role '' , the character proved unpopular with fans who felt that he was designed to gradually write out either Richard Belzer or Ice - T. Feeling there were too many police characters on the show , Beach left the show after only one season . Michaela McManus was originally felt to be too young for the role of an Assistant District Attorney ( ADA ) before being cast as ADA Kim Greylek in the tenth season . McManus , months removed from a recurring role on One Tree Hill , remained with the series only half a season , however , before departing for unspecified reasons . </P> <P> Paula Patton joined the cast as ADA Mikka Von . She replaced Stephanie March . However , Patton dropped out after one episode to film Mission : Impossible -- Ghost Protocol , and was replaced by Melissa Sagemiller in the recurring role of ADA Gillian Hardwicke . </P> <P> Before the end of season twelve , Mariska Hargitay asked for a lighter workload . As a way of writing her out of certain episodes , a plan to have her character promoted to a supervisory role was discussed . At the end of season twelve , Christopher Meloni departed the cast , unable to come to terms with his contract . Warren Leight became the new showrunner during this same year and signed on before he knew that Meloni would be leaving the cast . The second major departure to be announced in 2011 was that of B. D. Wong . On July 17 , Wong announced on Twitter that , `` I actually do not return for season 13 , I am jumping to Awake ! It 's awesome ! '' Wong added , `` I do n't know if or when I 'll be back on SVU ! It was amazing to have such a cool job for 11 years and to be a real NY Actor . '' Wong reprised his role as Dr. Huang in season 13 's episode `` Father Dearest '' . In response to these departures , two new main actors were hired , and several changes were made to the recurring cast . </P> <P> In June 2011 , it was announced that Kelli Giddish and Danny Pino would join the cast as new series regulars . Weeks later , it was announced that Stephanie March and Diane Neal would be reprising their roles as ADA Alexandra Cabot and ADA Casey Novak , respectively . The launch of season 13 was marked with a retooling of the show that Warren Leight referred to as `` SVU 2.0 '' . Changes that accompanied this included Tamara Tunie 's being bumped from the main cast to a guest starring role and recurring actor Joel de la Fuente 's not appearing for the first time since 2002 . Of the latter change , Warren Leight said , `` those scenes ( which featured Fuente ) can be dry '' and hired Gilbert Gottfried as a more comedic replacement . In addition to these changes , Linus Roache became a recurring cast member in his role of Michael Cutter , whom he played on Law & Order ; on SVU former Executive ADA Cutter serves as the Bureau Chief for ADAs attached to the Special Victims Unit . </P> <P> In season 14 , Raúl Esparza joined the cast in a recurring capacity as ADA Rafael Barba and prior to the season 15 premiere , Esparza was promoted to a series regular . Also in season 15 , Belzer departed the cast in the fifth episode , `` Wonderland Story '' , in which Sgt . Munch retired from the NYPD and took a job in the DA 's office as an investigator . Later in the season , Captain Cragen announced his departure from the NYPD , which made newly promoted Sgt . Benson the temporary squad commander . In leaving the cast , Florek ended a 400 - episode run as Captain Cragen . In season 16 , Peter Scanavino joined the series , first in a recurring role for episodes 1 -- 3 and then was promoted to the main cast in episode 5 , with Kelli Giddish , Danny Pino , Ice - T and Raúl Esparza no longer appearing in every episode . On May 20 , 2015 , it was revealed that Danny Pino would be leaving the cast after the season 16 finale `` Surrendering Noah '' . </P> <P> In August 2017 , it was announced that Philip Winchester will recur in season 19 as ADA Peter Stone , his character from Chicago P.D. and Chicago Justice , who is the son of Benjamin Stone , the ADA on the original Law & Order show . It was later also announced that Brooke Shields was enlisted to assume a major recurring role starting in Season 19 of the long - running dramatic series . </P> <H3> Salaries ( edit ) </H3> <P> By season twelve , both Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni had become among the highest - paid lead actors on a drama , with each earning nearly $400,000 per episode , a salary that TV Guide said was exceeded only by House 's Hugh Laurie . During season sixteen , Hargitay was reported to be earning $450,000 per episode , or $10,350,000 per season , In season seventeen , her salary increased to $500,000 per episode . </P> <H2> Cast and characters ( edit ) </H2> Main article : List of Law & Order : Special Victims Unit characters <Table> <Tr> <Th> Cast </Th> <Th> Character </Th> <Th> Rank / Position </Th> <Th colspan="3"> Seasons </Th> <Th> Notes </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Regular </Th> <Th> Recurring </Th> <Th> Guest </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Christopher Meloni </Td> <Td> Elliot Stabler </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 1 -- 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mariska Hargitay </Td> <Td> Olivia Benson </Td> <Td> Lieutenant </Td> <Td> 1 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Richard Belzer </Td> <Td> John Munch </Td> <Td> DA Investigator </Td> <Td> 1 -- 15 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 15 , 17 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Dann Florek </Td> <Td> Donald Cragen </Td> <Td> Captain </Td> <Td> 1 -- 15 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Michelle Hurd </Td> <Td> Monique Jeffries </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 1 -- 2 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Stephanie March </Td> <Td> Alexandra Cabot </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 2 -- 5 , 11 </Td> <Td> 2 , 10 , 13 </Td> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Ice - T </Td> <Td> Odafin `` Fin '' Tutuola </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 2 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Tamara Tunie </Td> <Td> Melinda Warner </Td> <Td> Medical Examiner </Td> <Td> 7 -- 12 </Td> <Td> 2 -- 6 , 13 -- 17 </Td> <Td> 19 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> B.D. Wong </Td> <Td> George Huang </Td> <Td> FBI Special Agent </Td> <Td> 4 -- 12 </Td> <Td> 2 -- 3 </Td> <Td> 13 -- 15 , 17 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Diane Neal </Td> <Td> Casey Novak </Td> <Td> Senior Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 5 -- 9 </Td> <Td> 13 </Td> <Td> 12 </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Adam Beach </Td> <Td> Chester Lake </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 9 </Td> <Td> 8 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Michaela McManus </Td> <Td> Kim Greylek </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 10 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Danny Pino </Td> <Td> Nick Amaro </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 13 -- 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Kelli Giddish </Td> <Td> Amanda Rollins </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 13 -- </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Raúl Esparza </Td> <Td> Rafael Barba </Td> <Td> Assistant District Attorney </Td> <Td> 15 -- </Td> <Td> 14 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Peter Scanavino </Td> <Td> Dominick Carisi Jr . </Td> <Td> Detective </Td> <Td> 16 -- </Td> <Td> 16 </Td> <Td> </Td> <Td> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Dl> <Dt> Positions </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Olivia Benson was previously a Detective ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) and a Sergeant ( seasons 15 -- 17 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ John Munch was previously a Detective ( seasons 1 -- 8 ) and a Sergeant ( seasons 9 -- 15 ) ; the character , played by Belzer , first appeared on Homicide : Life on the Street ( 1993 - 99 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Captain Donald Cragen was the commanding officer of the unit until his retirement ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) ; the character , played by Florek , first appeared in the first three seasons of Law & Order ( 1990 - 93 ) </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ George Huang was the unit 's forensic psychiatrist and criminal profiler until his retirement ( seasons 1 -- 15 ) </Li> </Ol> <Dl> <Dt> Appearances </Dt> </Dl> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ Christopher Meloni was first billed as `` starring '' during seasons 1 -- 12 </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Mariska Hargitay has been first billed as `` starring '' since season 13 ; she was previously second billed after Meloni . </Li> </Ol> <H2> Series overview ( edit ) </H2> In the criminal justice system , sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous . In New York City , the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit . These are their stories . -- Opening narration spoken by Steven Zirnkilton <P> Based out of the New York City Police Department 's 16th precinct in Manhattan , Law & Order : Special Victims Unit delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force , the Special Victims Unit ( SVU for short ) , investigate and prosecute various sexually - oriented crimes including rape , pedophilia , and domestic violence . They also investigate the abuses of children , the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling . All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives . Its stories also touch on the political and societal issues associated with gender identity , sexual preferences , and equality rights . While the victim is often murdered , this is not always the case , and victims frequently play prominent roles in episodes . The unit also works with the Manhattan District Attorney 's office as they prosecute cases and seek justice for SVU 's victims and survivors with precision and a passion to win and bring closure to the intense investigations . The series often uses stories that are `` ripped from the headlines '' or based on real crimes . Such episodes take a real crime and fictionalize it by changing some details . </P> <P> Originally the show focused around the detective pairings of Elliot Stabler & Olivia Benson and John Munch & Brian Cassidy . Stabler is a seasoned veteran of the unit who has seen it all and tries his best to protect his family from the horrors he sees every day . His partner Benson 's difficult past as the child of a rape victim is the reason she joined the unit . Backing them up is John Munch , and his first partner Brian Cassidy . Munch is a transfer from Baltimore 's homicide unit , who brings his acerbic wit , conspiracy theories , and street -
The cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit includes
[ "Christopher Meloni" ]
Cast of law & order special victim unit?
New Earswick - wikipedia <H1> New Earswick </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> New Earswick </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> New Earswick New Earswick shown within North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Population </Th> <Td> 2,737 ( 2011 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> OS grid reference </Th> <Td> SE609555 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Civil parish </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> New Earswick </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Unitary authority </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> City of York </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ceremonial county </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> North Yorkshire </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Region </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> Yorkshire and the Humber </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country </Th> <Td> England </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Sovereign state </Th> <Td> United Kingdom </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Post town </Th> <Td> YORK </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Postcode district </Th> <Td> YO32 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Dialling code </Th> <Td> 01904 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Police </Th> <Td> North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Fire </Th> <Td> North Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Ambulance </Th> <Td> Yorkshire </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> EU Parliament </Th> <Td> Yorkshire and the Humber </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> UK Parliament </Th> <Td> <Ul> <Li> York Outer </Li> </Ul> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> <Dl> <Dt> List of places </Dt> <Dd> UK </Dd> <Dd> England </Dd> <Dd> Yorkshire </Dd> </Dl> 53 ° 59 ′ 31 '' N 1 ° 04 ′ 21 '' W  /  53.992020 ° N 1.072380 ° W  / 53.992020 ; - 1.072380 Coordinates : 53 ° 59 ′ 31 '' N 1 ° 04 ′ 21 '' W  /  53.992020 ° N 1.072380 ° W  / 53.992020 ; - 1.072380 </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> New Earswick is a model village and civil parish in the unitary authority of City of York in North Yorkshire , England , near the River Foss , north of York and south of Haxby . According to the 2001 census the parish had a population of 2,812 , reducing to 2,737 at the 2011 Census . Before 1996 it had been part of the Ryedale district . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History </Li> <Li> 2 Governance </Li> <Li> 3 Community </Li> <Li> 4 Geography </Li> <Li> 5 Economy </Li> <Li> 6 Transport </Li> <Li> 7 Education </Li> <Li> 8 Religious sites </Li> <Li> 9 Sport </Li> <Li> 10 Gallery </Li> <Li> 11 References </Li> <Li> 12 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History ( edit ) </H2> <P> The village of New Earswick was built as a genuine mixed community . There was housing for both workers and managers , in a green setting with gardens for each home with its own 2 fruit trees . It was founded by the York philanthropist , Joseph Rowntree , who was quoted as saying , `` I do not want to establish communities bearing the stamp of charity but rather of rightly ordered and self governing communities '' . The first 28 houses were built between 1902 and 1904 by the architect Raymond Unwin , after which the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust ( now the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust ) was established to continue building and manage the new village . The Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust is part of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation . </P> <P> The village had contemporaries such as Bournville , Saltaire , Port Sunlight and others . This was in sharp contrast to the slums that had developed in York and other cities during the previous century , the deprivation of which had been revealed in Seebohm Rowntree 's report of 1901 , entitled Poverty : a study of town life . It revealed appalling statistics of dark , overcrowded and insanitary housing . </P> <P> As a result of the report , Joseph Rowntree 's conviction that it must be possible to provide better housing for people on low incomes led him to acquire 150 acres of land near the village of Earswick , two and a half miles to the north of the centre of York . The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker were commissioned to produce an overall plan for a new ' garden ' village and the detailed designs for its first houses . They also designed the garden cities of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City . </P> <P> The building of New Earswick created a balanced village community where rents were kept low , but still represented a modest commercial return on the capital invested . Houses were open to any working people , not just Rowntree employees . The village was to be a demonstration of good practice . </P> <P> The Trust Deed of the Joseph Rowntree Village Trust , which was set up in 1904 to build and manage New Earswick , safeguarded generous open green space . All the grass verges were planted with trees after which almost all the roads are named . The village was built with bricks that were made in the brickworks on the outskirts of New Earswick . From 1950 the brickyard , which closed down in the 1930s , was developed into a nature reserve . </P> <P> Due to their religious beliefs , The Rowntree family decreed there would not be a public house in the village . There never has been , although the Sports Club obtained a drink 's license in the 1980s . </P> <H2> Governance ( edit ) </H2> <P> New Earswick is part of the Huntington & New Earswick Ward of the City of York Council . As of 2010 it is represented by Keith Hyman , Keith Orrel and Carol Runciman who are all members of the local Liberal Democrat Party . </P> <P> A Parish Council was created in 1934 consisting of ten elected councillors and a clerk . </P> <H2> Community ( edit ) </H2> <P> There is a local community centre , the Folk Hall , which hosts activities such as keep - fit , yoga , snooker , and a junior youth club . New Earswick has recreational facilities , including a swimming pool ( due for closure without public consultation ) , tennis courts and football , rugby and cricket pitches at the New Earswick Sports and Social Club . There were two open access play areas close to the Folk Hall , including a hard surface play area which have recently been bulldozed for a development of houses . There is a library based in the Integrated Children 's Centre at the local primary school , a doctor 's surgery and a range of shops , including two general stores , a pet shop and Post Office . As of 2017 the Post Office is situated within the Folk Hall . </P> <P> The village has 36 allotments in two areas , Willow Bank and Sleeper Path . </P> <P> In the 1960s , the Folk Hall was a live music venue featuring the likes of Procol Harum and Pink Floyd . </P> <H2> Geography ( edit ) </H2> <P> The River Foss runs along the eastern boundary of New Earswick with the York to Scarborough Line running to the west . The Nestle factory and grounds mark the southern border with the northern border being the A1237 York Outer Ring Road . The village was built using bricks from the brickworks on the outskirts of the village . From 1950 the brickyard was developed into a nature reserve . The reserve is the home of New Earswick Angling Club , which was formed in 1948 . </P> <H2> Economy ( edit ) </H2> <P> Unlike the villages of Port Sunlight , Saltaire and Bournville the village was not designed specifically for the workforce of the nearby Joseph Rowntree Cocoa Works although some do earn their living at the factory which was taken over by Swiss firm , Nestle . </P> <H2> Transport ( edit ) </H2> <P> Transdev York operate a bus service that stops in the village as part of the Askham Bar to Clifton Moor route . First Group operate two bus services that stop in the village as part of the Wigginton to Acomb and Haxby to York City Centre routes . </P> <P> New Earswick was served by Earswick railway station on the York to Beverley Line between 1847 and 1965 . </P> <H2> Education ( edit ) </H2> <P> There are both primary and secondary schools in New Earswick . New Earswick Primary School was built in 1912 . The primary school is one of eight Integrated Children 's Centres in York . Joseph Rowntree School is a secondary school and was built in 1941 . In 2006 , the Joseph Rowntree School secured £ 27million for a complete rebuild that was completed in late 2009 . The catchement area for the secondary school is from the village itself , Huntington , The Groves and the villages of Haxby and Wigginton . </P> <H2> Religious sites ( edit ) </H2> <P> In 1914 the Anglican church of St. Andrew 's was built on the edge of the parish . The church was extended in 1939 to cater for the new housing in South Huntington just across the River Foss . A Methodist chapel and meeting house for the Society of Friends were added later . St. Andrew 's Church is now part of the ecclesiastical parish of Huntington and New Earswick . </P> <H2> Sport ( edit ) </H2> <P> New Earswick Cricket Club play at the recreation ground on White Rose Avenue . As of 2014 their two teams will play in Division 3 ( South ) and Division 4 ( Central ) of the York and District Senior Cricket League . </P> <P> The recreation ground is shared with New Earswick All Blacks , an open age rugby league club that was founded in the 1980s and currently play in The Pennines Amateur Rugby League competition , in 2013 / 4 , playing in the Championship ( the second tier ) . </P> <P> Steve Webster , 10 times FIM Sidecar World Championships , world champion was born and raised in the village. . </P> <H2> Gallery ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Views of New Earswick </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> The Folk Hall in New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> White Rose Avenue in New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> <Table> <Tr> <Td> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Westfield Beck behind housing on the west of New Earswick </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Civil Parish population 2011 '' . Neighbourhood Statistics . Office for National Statistics . Retrieved 19 February 2016 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Village History '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Village planning '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` New Earswick : a village of new ideas '' . BBC . Retrieved 29 March 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Couoncillors '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> ^ Jump up to : `` Village Information '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 4 October 2013 . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Procol Harum and Pink Floyd play New Earswick '' . Archived from the original on 30 March 2014 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Transdev Bus Service '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` First Bus Services '' . Retrieved 12 December 2010 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Butt , R.V.J. ( 1995 ) . The Directory of Railway Stations : details every public and private passenger station , halt , platform and stopping place , past and present ( 1st ed . ) . Sparkford : Patrick Stephens Ltd . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85260 - 508 - 7 . OCLC 60251199 . </Li> <Li>
The garden city of New Earswick was designed by
[ "The planner Raymond Unwin and the architect Barry Parker" ]
Who designed the garden city of new earswick?
ability to detect motion or to resolve objects , and whether they can discriminate colours . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 History of research </Li> <Li> 2 Rate of evolution </Li> <Li> 3 One origin or many ? </Li> <Li> 4 Stages of eye evolution <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Early eyes </Li> <Li> 4.2 Lens formation and diversification </Li> <Li> 4.3 Other developments <Ul> <Li> 4.3. 1 Color vision </Li> <Li> 4.3. 2 Polarization vision </Li> <Li> 4.3. 3 Focusing mechanism </Li> <Li> 4.3. 4 Location </Li> </Ul> </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 Evolutionary baggage </Li> <Li> 6 Footnotes </Li> <Li> 7 See also </Li> <Li> 8 References </Li> <Li> 9 Further reading </Li> <Li> 10 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> History of research ( edit ) </H2> The human eye , showing the iris <P> In 1802 , philosopher William Paley called it a miracle of `` design '' . Charles Darwin himself wrote in his Origin of Species , that the evolution of the eye by natural selection seemed at first glance `` absurd in the highest possible degree '' . However , he went on that despite the difficulty in imagining it , its evolution was perfectly feasible : </P> <P> ... if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist , each grade being useful to its possessor , as is certainly the case ; if further , the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited , as is likewise certainly the case and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life , then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection , though insuperable by our imagination , should not be considered as subversive of the theory . </P> <P> He suggested a stepwise evolution from `` an optic nerve merely coated with pigment , and without any other mechanism '' to `` a moderately high stage of perfection '' , and gave examples of existing intermediate steps . Darwin 's suggestions were soon shown to be correct , and current research is investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying eye development and evolution . </P> <P> Biologist D.E. Nilsson has independently theorized about four general stages in the evolution of a vertebrate eye from a patch of photoreceptors . Nilsson and S. Pelger estimated in a classical paper how many generations are needed to evolve a complex eye in vertebrates . Another researcher , G.C. Young , has used the fossil record to infer evolutionary conclusions , based on the structure of eye orbits and openings in fossilized skulls for blood vessels and nerves to go through . All this adds to the growing amount of evidence that supports Darwin 's theory . </P> <H2> Rate of evolution ( edit ) </H2> <P> The first fossils of eyes found to date are from the lower Cambrian period ( about 540 million years ago ) . The lower Cambrian had a burst of apparently rapid evolution , called the `` Cambrian explosion '' . One of the many hypotheses for `` causes '' of the Cambrian explosion is the `` Light Switch '' theory of Andrew Parker : It holds that the evolution of eyes started an arms race that accelerated evolution . Before the Cambrian explosion , animals may have sensed light , but did not use it for fast locomotion or navigation by vision . </P> <P> The rate of eye evolution is difficult to estimate , because the fossil record , particularly of the lower Cambrian , is poor . How fast a circular patch of photoreceptor cells evolve into a fully functional vertebrate eye has been estimated based on rates of mutation , relative advantage to the organism , and natural selection . However , the time needed for each state was consistently overestimated and the generation time was set to one year , which is common in small animals . Even with these pessimistic values , the vertebrate eye would still evolve from a patch of photoreceptor cells in less than 364,000 years . </P> <H2> One origin or many ? ( edit ) </H2> <P> Whether the eye evolved once or many times depends on the definition of an eye . All eyed animals share much of the genetic machinery for eye development . This suggests that the ancestor of eyed animals had some form of light - sensitive machinery -- even if it was not a dedicated optical organ . However , even photoreceptor cells may have evolved more than once from molecularly similar chemoreceptor cells . Probably , photoreceptor cells existed long before the Cambrian explosion . Higher - level similarities -- such as the use of the protein crystallin in the independently derived cephalopod and vertebrate lenses -- reflect the co-option of a more fundamental protein to a new function within the eye . </P> <P> A shared trait common to all light - sensitive organs are opsins . Opsins belong to a family of photo - sensitive proteins and fall into nine groups , which already existed in the urbilaterian , the last common ancestor of all bilateral symmetrical animals . Additionally , the genetic toolkit for positioning eyes is shared by all animals : The PAX6 gene controls where eyes develop in animals ranging from octopuses to mice and fruit flies . Such high - level genes are , by implication , much older than many of the structures that they control today ; they must originally have served a different purpose , before they were co-opted for eye development . </P> <P> Eyes and other sensory organs probably evolved before the brain : There is no need for an information - processing organ ( brain ) before there is information to process . </P> <H2> Stages of eye evolution ( edit ) </H2> The stigma ( 2 ) of the euglena hides a light - sensitive spot . <P> The earliest predecessors of the eye were photoreceptor proteins that sense light , found even in unicellular organisms , called `` eyespots '' . Eyespots can only sense ambient brightness : they can distinguish light from dark , sufficient for photoperiodism and daily synchronization of circadian rhythms . They are insufficient for vision , as they can not distinguish shapes or determine the direction light is coming from . Eyespots are found in nearly all major animal groups , and are common among unicellular organisms , including euglena . The euglena 's eyespot , called a stigma , is located at its anterior end . It is a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals . Together with the leading flagellum , the eyespot allows the organism to move in response to light , often toward the light to assist in photosynthesis , and to predict day and night , the primary function of circadian rhythms . Visual pigments are located in the brains of more complex organisms , and are thought to have a role in synchronising spawning with lunar cycles . By detecting the subtle changes in night - time illumination , organisms could synchronise the release of sperm and eggs to maximise the probability of fertilisation . </P> <P> Vision itself relies on a basic biochemistry which is common to all eyes . However , how this biochemical toolkit is used to interpret an organism 's environment varies widely : eyes have a wide range of structures and forms , all of which have evolved quite late relative to the underlying proteins and molecules . </P> <P> At a cellular level , there appear to be two main `` designs '' of eyes , one possessed by the protostomes ( molluscs , annelid worms and arthropods ) , the other by the deuterostomes ( chordates and echinoderms ) . </P> <P> The functional unit of the eye is the photoreceptor cell , which contains the opsin proteins and responds to light by initiating a nerve impulse . The light sensitive opsins are borne on a hairy layer , to maximise the surface area . The nature of these `` hairs '' differs , with two basic forms underlying photoreceptor structure : microvilli and cilia . In the eyes of protostomes , they are microvilli : extensions or protrusions of the cellular membrane . But in the eyes of deuterostomes , they are derived from cilia , which are separate structures . However , outside the eyes an organism may use the other type of photoreceptor cells , for instance the clamworm Platynereis dumerilii uses microvilliar cells in the eyes but has additionally deep brain ciliary photoreceptor cells . The actual derivation may be more complicated , as some microvilli contain traces of cilia -- but other observations appear to support a fundamental difference between protostomes and deuterostomes . These considerations centre on the response of the cells to light -- some use sodium to cause the electric signal that will form a nerve impulse , and others use potassium ; further , protostomes on the whole construct a signal by allowing more sodium to pass through their cell walls , whereas deuterostomes allow less through . </P> <P> This suggests that when the two lineages diverged in the Precambrian , they had only very primitive light receptors , which developed into more complex eyes independently . </P> <H3> Early eyes ( edit ) </H3> <P> The basic light - processing unit of eyes is the photoreceptor cell , a specialized cell containing two types of molecules in a membrane : the opsin , a light - sensitive protein , surrounding the chromophore , a pigment that distinguishes colors . Groups of such cells are termed `` eyespots '' , and have evolved independently somewhere between 40 and 65 times . These eyespots permit animals to gain only a very basic sense of the direction and intensity of light , but not enough to discriminate an object from its surroundings . </P> <P> Developing an optical system that can discriminate the direction of light to within a few degrees is apparently much more difficult , and only six of the thirty - some phyla possess such a system . However , these phyla account for 96 % of living species . </P> The planarian has `` cup '' eyespots that can slightly distinguish light direction . <P> These complex optical systems started out as the multicellular eyepatch gradually depressed into a cup , which first granted the ability to discriminate brightness in directions , then in finer and finer directions as the pit deepened . While flat eyepatches were ineffective at determining the direction of light , as a beam of light would activate exactly the same patch of photo - sensitive cells regardless of its direction , the `` cup '' shape of the pit eyes allowed limited directional differentiation by changing which cells the lights would hit depending upon the light 's angle . Pit eyes , which had arisen by the Cambrian period , were seen in ancient snails , and are found in some snails and other invertebrates living today , such as planaria . Planaria can slightly differentiate the direction and intensity of light because of their cup - shaped , heavily pigmented retina cells , which shield the light - sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light . However , this proto - eye is still much more useful for detecting the absence or presence of light than its direction ; this gradually changes as the eye 's pit deepens and the number of photoreceptive cells grows , allowing for increasingly precise visual information . </P> <P> When a photon is absorbed by the chromophore , a chemical reaction causes the photon 's energy to be transduced into electrical energy and relayed , in higher animals , to the nervous system . These photoreceptor cells form part of the retina , a thin layer of cells that relays visual information , including the light and day - length information
The first step in the evolution of the eye is the development of
[ "photoreceptor proteins that sense light" ]
What is the first step in the evolution of the eye?
The Curse of Oak Island - wikipedia <H1> The Curse of Oak Island </H1> Jump to : navigation , search <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> The Curse of Oak Island </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Genre </Th> <Td> Reality </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Narrated by </Th> <Td> Robert Clotworthy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Country of origin </Th> <Td> Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original language ( s ) </Th> <Td> English </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of seasons </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> No. of episodes </Th> <Td> 62 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Production </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Executive producer ( s ) </Th> <Td> Kevin Burns </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Camera setup </Th> <Td> Multiple </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Running time </Th> <Td> 43 minutes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Production company ( s ) </Th> <Td> Prometheus Entertainment </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Distributor </Th> <Td> A&E Networks </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Release </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original network </Th> <Td> History Canada </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> Original release </Th> <Td> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) -- present </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> External links </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Website </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="2"> Production website </Td> </Tr> </Table> <P> The Curse of Oak Island is an active reality television series that first premiered in Canada on the History network on January 5 , 2014 . The show features what is known as the Oak Island mystery , showing efforts to search for historical artifacts and treasure . </P> <P> </P> <H2> Contents </H2> ( hide ) <Ul> <Li> 1 Overview <Ul> <Li> 1.1 Background </Li> <Li> 1.2 Theories </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 2 Series overview </Li> <Li> 3 Production </Li> <Li> 4 Episodes <Ul> <Li> 4.1 Season 1 ( 2014 ) </Li> <Li> 4.2 Season 2 ( 2014 -- 2015 ) </Li> <Li> 4.3 Season 3 ( 2015 -- 2016 ) </Li> <Li> 4.4 Season 4 ( 2016 -- 2017 ) </Li> <Li> 4.5 Season 5 ( 2017 -- 2018 ) </Li> </Ul> </Li> <Li> 5 References </Li> <Li> 6 Further reading </Li> <Li> 7 External links </Li> </Ul> <P> </P> <H2> Overview ( edit ) </H2> <P> The Curse of Oak Island follows brothers Marty and Rick Lagina , originally from Kingsford , Michigan , through their efforts to find the speculated treasure or historical artifacts believed to be on Oak Island . The series discusses the history of the island , recent discoveries , theories , and prior attempts to investigate the site . Areas of interest include the `` Money Pit '' , Borehole 10 - x , Smith 's Cove , `` Nolan 's Cross '' , the `` Hatch '' , the `` Watchtower '' and the `` Swamp '' . </P> <H3> Background ( edit ) </H3> <P> The Lagina brothers became fascinated with the island after reading the January 1965 issue of Reader 's Digest magazine that features an article on the Restall family 's work to investigate the so - called `` Money Pit '' . Marty and his brother Rick obtained a controlling interest in Oak Island Tours , which reportedly owns most of the island . The brothers were later approached by Prometheus Entertainment to do a reality show . Rick and Marty have engaged the assistance of father - and - son Dan and Dave Blankenship , permanent residents of the island who have likewise been searching for treasure since the 1960s . </P> <H3> Theories ( edit ) </H3> <P> The series explores various Oak Island theories and conjectures through conversations with independent researchers . Persons featured have included Zena Halpern discussing her theory about North African gold and sharing copies of a French map of the island which she claims is dated 1347 ; J. Hutton Pulitzer discussing his theory of ancient mariner visitations ; Petter Amundsen discussing his theory about codes hidden in Shakespearen literature and a secret project involving Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians ; Daniel Ronnstam discussing his theory about the 90 foot stone being a dual cypher containing instructions as how to defeat the money pit flood tunnels with corn ; authors Kathleen McGowen and Alen Butler discussing their theory involving the fabled Knights Templar treasure and an alleged relocation of historical religious artifacts to the island ; and John O'Brien discussing his theory that the island contains treasures of the Aztec Empire . It has also been suggested by Zena Halpern , without evidence , that the Templars worshipped the Phoenician goddess Tanit . </P> <H2> Series overview ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th colspan="2"> Season </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Episodes </Th> <Th colspan="2"> Originally aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> First aired </Th> <Th> Last aired </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> February 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 09 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 10 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> January 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 13 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 13 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 10 ) </Td> <Td> February 2 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 02 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 16 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) </Td> <Td> February 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 21 ) </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> </Td> <Td colspan="1"> 5 </Td> <Td colspan="2"> 18 </Td> <Td colspan="1"> November 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 07 ) </Td> <Td> March 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 06 ) </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> Production ( edit ) </H2> <P> Having started in 2014 , The Curse of Oak Island is currently in its fifth season . On August 2 , 2016 , it was announced that Nova Scotia Business Inc. approved $1,271,546 in film funding for the production of the 4th season . In October 2017 , a fifth season was announced , which began airing on November 7 , 2017 . </P> <H2> Episodes ( edit ) </H2> <H3> Season 1 ( 2014 ) ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` What Lies Below '' </Td> <Td> January 5 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 05 ) </Td> <Td> 2.53 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina now own most of Oak Island . Determined to resume the search for treasure on the island , they explore an abandoned shaft called Borehole 10 - X and use water pressure to pump material to the surface . They find a tiny piece of metal . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Mystery of Smith 's Cove '' </Td> <Td> January 12 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 12 ) </Td> <Td> 2.35 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A scuba team that includes Marty 's son Alex Lagina dives Smith 's Cove and finds what are claimed to be non-indigenous coconut fibres and anomalous stones . Meanwhile , more metal fragments and cat bones are found in the slurry from 10 - X . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Voices from the Grave '' </Td> <Td> January 19 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 19 ) </Td> <Td> 2.33 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> As Rick and Marty Lagina begin working to drain a swamp , they are visited by a woman who lost her father and brother to a tragic accident on Oak Island . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Secret of Solomon 's Temple '' </Td> <Td> January 26 , 2014 ( 2014 - 01 - 26 ) </Td> <Td> 2.72 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A visitor to the island presents Rick and Marty Lagina with his theory about where the treasure on Oak Island is located and the idea that the Menorah might be among the treasures for which they are searching . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 5 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` The Find '' </Td> <Td> February 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 02 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 2.97 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> The team digs in a shallow muddy swamp and finds what appears to be an antique Spanish copper coin . A diver is later sent into the swamp and finds no additional objects . </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H3> Season 2 ( 2014 -- 2015 ) ( edit ) </H3> <Table> <Tr> <Th> No . overall </Th> <Th> No. in season </Th> <Th> Title </Th> <Th> Original air date </Th> <Th> Viewers ( millions ) </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 6 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Once In , Forever In '' </Td> <Td> November 4 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 04 ) </Td> <Td> 2.60 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> After dating the Spanish coin they found last summer to 1652 , brothers Rick and Marty Lagina return to Oak Island and begin searching the swamp again . Two men perform a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance test in which they present a map of ground voids and metals under the ground . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 7 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` Return To The Money Pit '' </Td> <Td> November 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 11 ) </Td> <Td> 2.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> The team drills in the area of the money pit but is unable to drill through the underground material . A visitor shows them alleged evidence that the treasures from King Solomon 's Temple could be buried on Oak Island . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 8 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Eight - Pointed Star '' </Td> <Td> November 18 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 18 ) </Td> <Td> 2.23 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A treasure hunter presents a theory that Phoenicians visited the island 2500 years ago and left behind the ark of the covenant . Rick and Marty Lagina unsuccessfully look for evidence to prove it while also trying to locate the original Money Pit . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 9 </Th> <Td> </Td> <Td> `` The Breakthrough '' </Td> <Td> November 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 25 ) </Td> <Td> 2.15 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A tree stump in the swamp is examined . Core samples extracted by drilling are discovered to contain rocks and wood . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 10 </Th> <Td> 5 </Td> <Td> `` The 90 - Foot Stone '' </Td> <Td> December 2 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 02 ) </Td> <Td> 2.46 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> A visitor comes to the island suggesting that he has discovered a secret method of getting to the treasure . He claims that Francis Bacon has left behind instructions to the effect that the `` flood tunnels '' can be disabled by pouring corn into the money pit . The team declines to test the theory and instead visits a masonic lodge . The team searches the swamp again and finds nothing . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 11 </Th> <Td> 6 </Td> <Td> `` Seven Must Dye '' </Td> <Td> December 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 09 ) </Td> <Td> 2.90 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> Rick searches for man - made flood tunnels without success ; Marty and John visit Europe to track down a lead . </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Th> 12 </Th> <Td> 7 </Td> <Td> `` The Trail of the Templars '' </Td> <Td> December 16 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 16 ) </Td> <Td> 2.47 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td colspan="5"> While work begins in the swamp , Rick and Marty travel to Scotland to investigate more corn - related theories about the money pit . They are also presented with a theory that Oak Island is a copy of King Solomon 's Temple and that the entrance
The TV show "The Curse of
[ "Oak Island" ]
Where is the tv show the curse of oak island filmed?
Director of the United States Mint - wikipedia <H1> Director of the United States Mint </H1> Jump to : navigation , search Seal of the United States Mint . <P> The Director of the United States Mint is the head of the United States Mint . The position is currently vacant . Since January 20 , 2017 , the senior career official at the Mint has been Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl . </P> <P> The office of Director has existed since the creation of the Mint by the Coinage Act of 1792 . Initially appointed serving at the pleasure of the President of the United States , the Coinage Act of 1873 specified a five - year term for Directors . The Director operates with general directions provided by the United States Secretary of the Treasury . </P> <P> Since the resignation of Edmund C. Moy in 2011 the mint has been without an official director . Initially Matthew Rhett Jeppson was nominated by US President Barack Obama to become the mint 's 39th director and was given the temporary title of principal deputy director , however the nomination was never confirmed by the Senate . Jeppson stepped down as principal deputy director in January 2017 , being replaced by Acting Principal Deputy Director David Motl . </P> <H2> List of Directors of the United States Mint ( edit ) </H2> <Table> <Tr> <Th> Name </Th> <Th> Assumed Office </Th> <Th> Left Office </Th> <Th> President Appointed By </Th> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David Rittenhouse </Td> <Td> April 1792 </Td> <Td> June 1795 </Td> <Td> George Washington </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry William de Saussure </Td> <Td> July 1795 </Td> <Td> October 1795 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Elias Boudinot </Td> <Td> October 1795 </Td> <Td> July 1805 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert Patterson </Td> <Td> January 1806 </Td> <Td> July 1824 </Td> <Td> Thomas Jefferson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Samuel Moore </Td> <Td> July 1824 </Td> <Td> July 1835 </Td> <Td> James Monroe </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert M. Patterson </Td> <Td> May 1835 </Td> <Td> July 1851 </Td> <Td> Andrew Jackson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George Nicholas Eckert </Td> <Td> July 1851 </Td> <Td> April 1853 </Td> <Td> Millard Fillmore </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Thomas M. Pettit </Td> <Td> April 1853 </Td> <Td> May 1853 </Td> <Td> Franklin Pierce </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Ross Snowden </Td> <Td> June 1853 </Td> <Td> May 1861 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Pollock </Td> <Td> May 1861 </Td> <Td> September 1866 </Td> <Td> Abraham Lincoln </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> William Millward </Td> <Td> October 1866 </Td> <Td> April 1867 </Td> <Td> Andrew Johnson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry Linderman </Td> <Td> April 1867 </Td> <Td> May 1869 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James Pollock </Td> <Td> May 1869 </Td> <Td> March 1873 </Td> <Td> Ulysses S. Grant </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henry Linderman </Td> <Td> April 1873 </Td> <Td> December 1878 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Horatio C. Burchard </Td> <Td> February 1879 </Td> <Td> June 1885 </Td> <Td> Rutherford B. Hayes </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> James P. Kimball </Td> <Td> July 1885 </Td> <Td> October 1889 </Td> <Td> Grover Cleveland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Edward O. Leech </Td> <Td> October 1889 </Td> <Td> May 1893 </Td> <Td> Benjamin Harrison </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert E. Preston </Td> <Td> November 1893 </Td> <Td> February 1898 </Td> <Td> Grover Cleveland </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George E. Roberts </Td> <Td> February 1898 </Td> <Td> July 1907 </Td> <Td> William McKinley </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Frank A. Leach </Td> <Td> September 1907 </Td> <Td> August 1909 </Td> <Td> Theodore Roosevelt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> A. Piatt Andrew </Td> <Td> November 1909 </Td> <Td> June 1910 </Td> <Td> William Howard Taft </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> George E. Roberts </Td> <Td> July 1910 </Td> <Td> November 1914 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert W. Woolley </Td> <Td> March 1915 </Td> <Td> July 1916 </Td> <Td> Woodrow Wilson </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> F.H. von Engelken </Td> <Td> September 1916 </Td> <Td> March 1917 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Raymond T. Baker </Td> <Td> March 1917 </Td> <Td> March 1922 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Frank Edgar Scobey </Td> <Td> March 1922 </Td> <Td> September 1923 </Td> <Td> Warren G. Harding </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Robert J. Grant </Td> <Td> November 1923 </Td> <Td> May 1933 </Td> <Td> Calvin Coolidge </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Nellie Tayloe Ross </Td> <Td> May 1933 </Td> <Td> April 1953 </Td> <Td> Franklin D. Roosevelt </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> William H. Brett </Td> <Td> July 1954 </Td> <Td> January 1961 </Td> <Td> Dwight D. Eisenhower </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Eva Adams </Td> <Td> October 1961 </Td> <Td> August 1969 </Td> <Td> John F. Kennedy </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Mary Brooks </Td> <Td> September 1969 </Td> <Td> February 1977 </Td> <Td> Richard Nixon </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Stella Hackel Sims </Td> <Td> November 1977 </Td> <Td> April 1981 </Td> <Td> Jimmy Carter </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Donna Pope </Td> <Td> July 1981 </Td> <Td> August 1991 </Td> <Td> Ronald Reagan </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David J. Ryder </Td> <Td> September 1992 </Td> <Td> November 1993 </Td> <Td> George H.W. Bush </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Philip N. Diehl </Td> <Td> June 1994 </Td> <Td> March 2000 </Td> <Td> Bill Clinton </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Jay W. Johnson </Td> <Td> May 2000 </Td> <Td> August 2001 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Henrietta H. Fore </Td> <Td> August 2001 </Td> <Td> August 2005 </Td> <Td> George W. Bush </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> Edmund C. Moy </Td> <Td> September 2006 </Td> <Td> January 2011 </Td> </Tr> <Tr> <Td> David J. Ryder </Td> <Td> April 2018 </Td> <Td> Incumbent </Td> <Td> Donald Trump </Td> </Tr> </Table> <H2> References ( edit ) </H2> <Ol> <Li> Jump up ^ About the Mint at ( retrieved 20 April 2015 ) . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ Gilkes , Paul ( 23 January 2017 ) . `` Rhett Jeppson leaves U.S. Mint as principal deputy director '' . . Retrieved 13 April 2017 . </Li> <Li> Jump up ^ `` Director 's Office '' . US Mint . Retrieved 13 April 2017 . </Li> </Ol> Retrieved from `` '' Categories : <Ul> <Li> Directors of the United States Mint </Li> <Li> United States Department of the Treasury </Li> <Li> 1792 establishments in the United States </Li> </Ul> <H2> </H2> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> Talk </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <H3> </H3> <Ul> </Ul> Add links <Ul> <Li> This page was last edited on 16 April 2018 , at 21 : 26 . </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> About Wikipedia </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul> <Ul> <Li> </Li> <Li> </Li> </Ul>
The current director of the US Mint is
[ "David Motl" ]
Who is the current director of the us mint?
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