Why is it not working when I use it?

by i08505 - opened

I put it in "\ stable-diffusion-webuis \embeddings" and wrote negative values to it while using, but there is no effect and no use
Isn't that how it's used

the same here

I get a message that it is not an embedding trigger and the gen will proceed without it

I encountered the same issue as you, perhaps it's a graphics card problem?

My problem is I thought it is this pt file that makes the picture more colorful. Turns out the VAE should also be enabled. But I don't know back then.
Two recommended VAE: the built-in counterfeit VAE and pastle VAE. You can enabled them in Settings -> Stable Diffusion.

I have solved it, and if I use it successfully, I will obviously feel the difference in effect.

so does it mean we need counterfeit VAE for this to work properly?

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