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post h CASE_aec ambul CASE_abat ies CASE_us in galilae CASE_am non enim vol CASE_ebat in iudae CASE_am ambul CASE_are quia quaer CASE_ebant e CASE_um iudae CASE_i interfic CASE_ere
After these things, Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him.
despect CASE_us t CASE_ibi s CASE_um nec qu CASE_i s CASE_im quaer CASE_is Alexi qu CASE_am dives pecor CASE_is nive CASE_i qu CASE_am lact CASE_is abund CASE_ans mille me CASE_ae sicul CASE_is err CASE_ant in mont CASE_ibus agn CASE_ae lac m CASE_ihi non aestat CASE_e nov CASE_um non frigor CASE_e def CASE_it
You scorn me, Alexis, and ask not what I am'how rich in cattle, how wealthy in snow-white milk! A thousand lambs of mine roam over the Sicilian hills; new milk fails me not, summer or winter.
frument CASE_a non sol CASE_um tant CASE_a multitudi n CASE_e iument CASE_orum atque homin CASE_um consum CASE_ebantur sed etiam ann CASE_i tempor CASE_e atque imbr CASE_ibus procubu CASE_erant ut si qu CASE_i etiam in praesent CASE_ia s CASE_e occultav CASE_issent tamen h CASE_is deduct CASE_o exercit CASE_u r CASE_erum omn CASE_ium inopi CASE_a pere CASE_undum vid CASE_eretur
the corn not only was being consumed by so great numbers of cattle and men, but also had fallen to the earth, owing to the time of the year and the storms; so that if any had concealed themselves for the present, still, it appeared likely that they must perish through want of all things, when the army should be drawn off.
tal CASE_ibus h CASE_ic poen CASE_us sed contra Oenotria pubes non ull CASE_as voc CASE_es duc CASE_is aut praecept CASE_a requir CASE_it
Thus spoke Hannibal; but the men of Rome, on their side, needed no speech or appeal from any leader.
non tul CASE_it ulterius capt CASE_i blasphemi CASE_a monstr CASE_i virtut CASE_um regin CASE_a fid CASE_es sed verb CASE_a loqu CASE_entis inped CASE_it et voc CASE_is claud CASE_it spiramin CASE_a pil CASE_o pollut CASE_am rigid CASE_a transfig CASE_ens cuspid CASE_e lingu CASE_am
No further did Faith, the Virtues queen, bear with the outrageous prisoners blasphemies, but stopped her speech and blocked the passage of her voice with a javelin, driving its hard point through the foul tongue.
quippe tiberi CASE_us Gracchus tiberi CASE_i Gracchi clarissi CASE_mi atque eminentissi CASE_mi vir CASE_i fili CASE_us p african CASE_i ex fili CASE_a nepos qu CASE_o quaestor CASE_e et auctor CASE_e i CASE_d foed CASE_us ict CASE_um erat nunc gravit CASE_er fer CASE_ens aliqu CASE_id a s CASE_e pact CASE_um infirm CASE_ari nunc simil CASE_is vel iudici CASE_i vel poen CASE_ae metu CASE_ens discrimen tribun CASE_us pl creat CASE_us
Tiberius Gracchus, the son of Tiberius Gracchus, an illustrious and an eminent citizen, and the grandson, on his mothers side, of Scipio Africanus, had been quaestor in the army of Mancinus and had negotiated the treaty. Indignant, on the one hand, that any of his acts should be disavowed, and fearing the danger of a like trial or a like punishment, he had himself elected tribune of the people.
tenu CASE_i quidem veluti m CASE_ihi vid CASE_eor intu CASE_eri sed ex t CASE_e aperti CASE_us cognosc CASE_ere mal CASE_im
I think I glimpse them as it were through a narrow crack, but I should prefer to learn of them more plainly from you.
qu CASE_ae pri CASE_us qu CASE_am perfic CASE_erentur Longinus omn CASE_em su CASE_um equitat CASE_um emis CASE_it qu CASE_em magn CASE_o s CASE_ibi us CASE_u for CASE_e cred CASE_ebat si pabul CASE_ari frument CASE_ari que marcell CASE_um non pat CASE_eretur magn CASE_o autem for CASE_e impediment CASE_o si claus CASE_us obsidion CASE_e et inutil CASE_is necessari CASE_um consum CASE_eret frument CASE_um
But before these could be completed, Longinus sent out his entire cavalry force, in the belief that it would stand him in very good stead if it stopped Marcellus from collecting fodder and corn, whereas it would prove a great handicap if, shut up by blockade and rendered useless, it used up precious corn.
dix CASE_it que moses pharaon CASE_i constit u CASE_e m CASE_ihi quando deprec CASE_er pro t CASE_e et pro serv CASE_is tu CASE_is et pro popul CASE_o tu CASE_o ut abig CASE_antur ran CASE_ae a t CASE_e et a dom CASE_o tu CASE_a et tant CASE_um in flumin CASE_e reman CASE_eant
And Moses said to Pharao: Set me a time when I shall pray for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, that the frogs may be driven away from thee and from thy house, and from thy servants, and from thy people; and may remain only in the river.
ut audiv CASE_erunt autem h CASE_os sermon CASE_es magistrat CASE_us templ CASE_i et princip CASE_es sacerdot CASE_um ambig CASE_ebant de ill CASE_is qu CASE_id fi CASE_eret
Now when the officer of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were in doubt concerning them, what would come to pass.
or CASE_antes simul et pro n CASE_obis ut deus aperi CASE_at n CASE_obis osti CASE_um sermon CASE_is ad loqu CASE_endum mysteri CASE_um christ CASE_i propter qu CASE_od etiam vinct CASE_us sum
Praying withal for us also, that God may open unto us a door of speech to speak the mystery of Christ (for which also I am bound):
ceter CASE_um cum et magn CASE_i preti CASE_i et vari CASE_i gen CASE_eris a leg CASE_atis e CASE_ius tam vir CASE_orum qu CASE_am femin CASE_arum apt CASE_a us CASE_ui muner CASE_a circ CASE_a dom CASE_os fer CASE_rentur null CASE_a cu CASE_i don CASE_o ianu CASE_a patu CASE_it Tarentinae que petulanti CASE_ae animos CASE_us mag CASE_is qu CASE_am efficax defens CASE_or haud sci CASE_o mai CASE_ore cum glori CASE_a hu CASE_ius urb CASE_is mor CASE_ibus an moen CASE_ibus repuls CASE_us sit
His envoys carried from house to house gifts of great value and variety, apt for the use of either sex. But nobodys door opened to a present. The more courageous than effective champion of Tarentums insolence was repulsed with perhaps greater glory to this city by her manners than by her walls.
hinc anim CASE_os aci CASE_es aug CASE_et magn CASE_o que dolor CASE_is turbin CASE_e Gesandrum mavors rap CASE_it ill CASE_e mor CASE_antes increp CASE_at et strict CASE_o sic urg CASE_et Iazygas ens CASE_e nempe omn CASE_es cecid CASE_ere sen CASE_es nempe omn CASE_is adempt CASE_us ante pater
Then the combat incites Gesanders valour, and Mars drives him on in a storm of passionate grief; he rebukes the Iazygians for laggards, and with bared blade thus urges them on: Methought all our old men had fallen, methought all our sires were slain already.
tum regi CASE_a iuno act CASE_a furor CASE_e grav CASE_i qu CASE_id m CASE_e alt CASE_a sil CASE_entia cog CASE_is rump CASE_ere et obduct CASE_um verb CASE_is vulg CASE_are dolor CASE_em Aenean homin CASE_um qu CASE_is div CASE_um que subeg CASE_it bell CASE_a sequ CASE_i aut host CASE_em reg CASE_i s CASE_e infer CASE_re latin CASE_o itali CASE_am for, auctor CASE_ibus edo, esto drive/persuade/impel; furi CASE_is Numerius linqu CASE_ere castr CASE_a hortat CASE_i hortati or, life, committ CASE_ere venio, Numerius puer, highest, bellum, Numerius cred CASE_ere wall, muros and; faith, or, gens, agit CASE_are rest, god; in, cheat/defraud/swindle; qu CASE_ae dur CASE_a potent CASE_ia nostr CASE_a drive/urge/conduct/act; where; this; Juno, demiss CASE_a v CASE_e nub CASE_ibus go, indign CASE_um eat/consume/devour; Italian; Italos circumd CASE_are flamm CASE_is be and, patri CASE_a patria consist CASE_ere terr CASE_a cu CASE_i cui grandfather; cu CASE_i div CASE_a mater, make/build/construct/create/cause/do; Trojan; atr CASE_a strength fero, latin CASE_is arv CASE_a alien CASE_a jugum, prem CASE_ere and, avert CASE_ere booty,
Then royal Juno, spurred by fierce frenzy: Why do you force me to break my deepsilence and publish to the world my hidden sorrow? Did any man or god constrain Aeneas to seek war and advance as a foe upon King Latinus? He sought Italy at the call of Fate. So be it'driven on by Cassandras raving! Did I urge him to quit the camp, or entrust his life to the winds? To commit the issue of war, the charge of battlements, to a boy? To tamper with Tyrrhene faith or stir up peaceful peoples? What god, what pitiless power of mine drove him to his harm? Where in this is Juno, or Iris sent down from the clouds? It is indeed shameful that Italians should gird your infant Troy with flames, and that Turnus set foot on his native soil'Turnus, whose grand-sire is Pilumnus, whose mother divine Venilia! But what about the Trojans with smoking brands assailing the Latins, setting their yoke upon the fields of others, and driving off the spoil?
flumen es CASE_t arar qu CASE_od per fin CASE_es haedu CASE_orum et sequan CASE_orum in rhodan CASE_um influ CASE_it incredibil CASE_i lenitat CASE_e it CASE_a ut ocul CASE_is in utr CASE_am part CASE_em flu CASE_at iudic CASE_ari non poss CASE_it i CASE_d helveti CASE_i rat CASE_ibus ac lintr CASE_ibus iunct CASE_is transi CASE_bant
There is a river [called] the Saone , which flows through the territories of the Aedui and Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible slowness, that it can not be determined by the eye in which direction it flows. This the Helvetii were crossing by rafts and boats joined together.
et omn CASE_is consecratio qu CASE_ae offer CASE_tur ab homin CASE_e non redim CASE_etur sed mort CASE_e mori CASE_etur
And any consecration that is offered by man, shall not be redeemed, but dying shall die.
tu autem fil CASE_i homin CASE_is ostend CASE_e dom CASE_ui israhel templ CASE_um et confund CASE_antur ab iniquitat CASE_ibus su CASE_is et meti CASE_antur fabric CASE_am
But thou, son of man, shew to the house of Israel the temple, and let them be ashamed of their iniquities, and let them measure the building:
qu CASE_i a CASE_it voc CASE_em tu CASE_am audiv CASE_i in paradis CASE_o et timu CASE_i e CASE_o qu CASE_od nud CASE_us es CASE_sem et abscond CASE_i m CASE_e
And he said: I heard thy voice in paradise; and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.
vit CASE_a ferox mors foed CASE_a t CASE_ibi nec dign CASE_e vitell CASE_i qu CASE_i fi CASE_eres caesar sic s CASE_ibi fat CASE_a plac CASE_ent
Brutal your life and base your death, nor were you worthy, Vitellius, to become Caesar; tis but the Fates whim.
ubi pulcherri CASE_mo saepe spectacul CASE_o contig CASE_it ut evangeliz CASE_ante antistit CASE_e qu CASE_i angl CASE_orum lingu CASE_am perfect CASE_e non nov CASE_erat ips CASE_e rex su CASE_is duc CASE_ibus ac ministr CASE_is interpres verb CASE_i exist CASE_eret caelest CASE_is quia nimirum tam long CASE_o exili CASE_i su CASE_i tempor CASE_e lingu CASE_am i CASE_am plen CASE_e didic CASE_erat
Wherein it often fell out that there was a gracious and pleasant sight seen, when the bishop, who was unskilful of the English tongue, was preaching the Gospel, and the king himself was interpreter of the heavenly word to his aldermen and thanes: for that by reason of his long banishment in Scotland he had by now come to understand the tongue quite well.
et Achra n CASE_e et Roob et am CASE_o n CASE_e et can CASE_ae usque ad Sidonem magn CASE_am
And to Abaran and Rohob and Hamon and Cana, as far as the great Sidon.
h CASE_aec in syri CASE_a cilici CASE_a asi CASE_a celeriter s CASE_e confect CASE_urum sper CASE_abat qu CASE_od h CASE_ae provinci CASE_ae null CASE_o bell CASE_o prem CASE_ebantur in Bithynia ac pont CASE_o plus oner CASE_is vid CASE_ebat s CASE_ibi impend CASE_ere
This he was confident he would speedily achieve in Syria, Cilicia and Asia, as these provinces had no war afflicting them: in Bithynia and Pontus he had, as he saw, a heavier task impending.
perg CASE_e mod CASE_o atque hinc t CASE_e regin CASE_ae ad limin CASE_a perfer
Only go forward and make your way to the queens palace.
ut manduc CASE_aret homo carn CASE_es fili CASE_i su CASE_i et carn CASE_es fili CASE_ae su CASE_ae
That a man should eat the flesh of his own son, and the flesh of his own daughter.
h CASE_is ex sententi CASE_a rector CASE_is et milit CASE_um ordin CASE_atis vix di CASE_es intercess CASE_ere pauc CASE_i cum Mamertinum praefect CASE_um praetori CASE_o ab urb CASE_e regress CASE_um qu CASE_o perrex CASE_erat correct CASE_urus avitian CASE_us ex vicari CASE_o peculat CASE_us detul CASE_erat re CASE_um
Scarcely had a few days passed since these affairs were settled according to the desire of the emperor and the soldiers, when Mamertinus, the praetorian prefect, on his return from Rome, to which he had gone to correct certain abuses, was charged with peculation by Avitianus, a former deputy governor.
nam m CASE_ihi Cassandrae per somn CASE_um vat CASE_is imago ard CASE_entis d CASE_are vis CASE_a fac CASE_es h CASE_ic quaer CASE_ite Troiam h CASE_ic dom CASE_us es CASE_t inqu CASE_it v CASE_obis i CASE_am temp CASE_us ag CASE_i r CASE_es nec tant CASE_is mor CASE_a prodigi CASE_is
For in my sleep the phantom of Cassandra, the soothsayer, seemed to give me blazing brands: Here seek Troy, she said; here is your home. Now it is time that deeds be done; such portents brook no delay.
d CASE_a m CASE_ihi uxor CASE_es et liber CASE_os me CASE_os pro qu CASE_ibus serviv CASE_i t CASE_ibi ut abe CASE_am tu nov CASE_isti servitut CASE_em qu CASE_a serviv CASE_i t CASE_ibi
Give me my wives, and my children, for whom I have served thee, that I may depart: thou knowest the service that I have rendered thee.
at ill CASE_e qu CASE_ae par CASE_abantur a perfug CASE_is edoct CASE_us magn CASE_is itiner CASE_ibus metell CASE_um anteven CASE_it oppidan CASE_os hort CASE_atur moen CASE_ia defend CASE_ant add CASE_itis auxili CASE_o perfug CASE_is qu CASE_od gen CASE_us ex copi CASE_is reg CASE_is quia fall CASE_ere nequi CASE_bat firmissumum esse CASE_erat
But Jugurtha, having learned Metellus plans from deserters, arrived ahead of him by forced marches; he encouraged the townspeople to defend their walls, and to help them he added to their number some deserters, a class of individuals who were the most steadfast of the kings forces because they dared not be treacherous.
de qu CASE_a adol CASE_ebit sacerdos in memori CASE_am muner CASE_is part CASE_em farr CASE_is fract CASE_i et ole CASE_i ac tot CASE_um tus
Whereof the priest shall burn for a memorial of the gift, part of the corn broken small and of the oil, and all the frankincense.
tu CASE_a nunc oper CASE_a me CASE_ae puell CASE_ae fl CASE_endo turgidul CASE_i rub CASE_ent ocell CASE_i
All because of you my ladys darling eyes are heavy and red with weeping.
ali CASE_os ad negoti CASE_um public CASE_um i CASE_re cum cup CASE_imus vix sol CASE_emus extrud CASE_ere h CASE_unc retin CASE_entes extrus CASE_imus
When we want other people to go on a public business, we usually have difficulty in thrusting them out; him we thrust out as we tried to hold him back.
mitt CASE_untur etiam ad e CASE_as civitat CASE_es legat CASE_i qu CASE_ae s CASE_unt citeri CASE_oris hispani CASE_ae finitim CASE_ae aquitani CASE_ae ind CASE_e auxili CASE_a duc CASE_es que arcess CASE_untur
Embassadors also are sent to those states of Hither Spain which are nearest to Aquitania , and auxiliaries and leaders are summoned from them
nunc qu CASE_i fi CASE_at ut CASE_i pass CASE_us profer CASE_re que CASE_amus cum vol CASE_umus vari CASE_e que dat CASE_um sit membr CASE_a mov CASE_ere et qu CASE_ae r CASE_es tant CASE_um h CASE_oc oner CASE_is protrud CASE_ere nostr CASE_i corpor CASE_is insu CASE_erit dic CASE_am tu percip CASE_e dict CASE_a
Next I will say how it comes about that we can carry onwards our steps when we please, how it has been given to us to move our limbs in different ways, what has caused the habit of pushing onwards this great bodily weight: do you attend to my sayings.
qu CASE_ibus mox legio destin CASE_atur armat CASE_a qu CASE_ae ubi in insul CASE_am advect CASE_a et congress CASE_a est cum host CASE_ibus magn CASE_am e CASE_orum multitudin CASE_em stern CASE_ens ceter CASE_os soci CASE_orum fin CASE_ibus expul CASE_it e CASE_os que interim a dirissi CASE_ma depressio n CASE_e liberat CASE_os hortat CASE_a est instru CASE_ere inter du CASE_o mar CASE_ia trans insul CASE_am mur CASE_um qu CASE_i arc CASE_endis host CASE_ibus poss CASE_et ess CASE_e praesidi CASE_o sic que dom CASE_um cum triumph CASE_o magn CASE_o revers CASE_a est
Whereupon shortly where was sent unto them a legion of armed soldiers, which coming to the island and encountering with the enemies overthrew a great number of them, and drave the rest out of the frontiers of their allies: and so, setting them meanwhile at liberty and free from the misery with which they were before so grievously overcharged, counselled them to build a wall athwart the island between the two seas, which might be of force to keep out their enemies: and that done they returned home with great triumph.
britanni CASE_ae pars interi CASE_or ab e CASE_is incol CASE_itur qu CASE_os nat CASE_os in insul CASE_a ips CASE_i memor CASE_ia prodit CASE_um dic CASE_unt
The interior portion of Britain is inhabited by those of whom they say that it is handed down by tradition that they were born in the island itself
CXIII ut odorat CASE_um bene s CASE_it sic fac CASE_ito
CXIII. To impart a sweet aroma:
sin autem statim ut audiv CASE_erit contradix CASE_erit pater et vot CASE_a et iurament CASE_a e CASE_ius irrit CASE_a esse CASE_erunt nec obnoxi CASE_a ten CASE_ebitur sponsion CASE_i e CASE_o qu CASE_od contradix CASE_erit pater
But if her father, immediately as soon as he heard it, gainsaid it, both her vows and her oaths shall be void, neither shall she be bound to what she promised, because her father hath gainsaid it.
avitac CASE_i s CASE_umus nomen h CASE_oc praedi CASE_o qu CASE_od quia uxor CASE_ium patri CASE_o m CASE_ihi dulci CASE_us h CASE_aec m CASE_ihi cum me CASE_is praesul CASE_e de CASE_o nisi qu CASE_id tu fascin CASE_um ver CASE_ere concord CASE_ia
We are at Avitacum; this is the name of the farm, which is dearer to me than the property I inherited from my father, because it came to me with my wife: such is the harmony in which, under Gods guidance, I live with my family (I hope you are not afraid of the evil eye!).
vad CASE_e ergo et comed CASE_e in laetiti CASE_a pan CASE_em tu CASE_um et bib CASE_e cum gaudi CASE_o vin CASE_um tu CASE_um quia de CASE_o plac CASE_ent oper CASE_a tu CASE_a
Go then, and eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with gladness: because thy works please God.
nud CASE_us er CASE_am sic s CASE_um
Bare was I: so am I now.
ubi terr CASE_a lev CASE_is ut in campani CASE_a ibi non b CASE_ubus grav CASE_ibus sed vacc CASE_is aut asin CASE_is qu CASE_od ar CASE_ant e CASE_o facili CASE_us ad aratr CASE_um lev CASE_e adduc CASE_i poss CASE_unt ad mol CASE_as et ad e CASE_a qu CASE_ae s CASE_unt qu CASE_ae in fund CASE_o conveh CASE_untur
In light soils, as in Campania, the ploughing is done, not with heavy steers, but with cows or donkeys; and hence they can more easily be adapted to a light plough or a mill, and to doing the ordinary hauling of the farm.
nec in h CASE_oc morat CASE_us ax CASE_e cit CASE_o ad arv CASE_a perg CASE_et eur CASE_i aquilon CASE_ibus que et austr CASE_is zephyr CASE_is que perfer CASE_etur
Nor shall his name tarry in this clime; soon it will advance to the lands of the East, and the breezes of North, South, and West will likewise waft it on.
percuti CASE_amus foed CASE_us cum de CASE_o nostr CASE_o ut proici CASE_amus univers CASE_as uxor CASE_es et e CASE_os qu CASE_i de h CASE_is nat CASE_i sunt iuxta voluntat CASE_em domin CASE_i et e CASE_orum qu CASE_i tim CASE_ent praecept CASE_um de CASE_i nostr CASE_i secund CASE_um leg CASE_em fi CASE_at
Let us make a covenant with the Lord our God, to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, according to the will of the Lord, and of them that fear the commandment of the Lord our God: let it be done according to the law.
profect CASE_i sunt ergo de mont CASE_e domin CASE_i vi CASE_a tr CASE_ium di CASE_erum arc CASE_a que foed CASE_eris domin CASE_i praeced CASE_ebat e CASE_os per di CASE_es tr CASE_es provid CASE_ens castr CASE_orum loc CASE_um
So they marched from the mount of the Lord three days' journey, and the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them, for three days providing a place for the camp.
h CASE_unc ego non cumul CASE_em myrrh CASE_ae que et tur CASE_is et aur CASE_i muner CASE_ibus sci CASE_o qu CASE_em vid CASE_eam qu CASE_ae Two
Shall I not load this child with gifts of myrrh and incense and gold? I know whom I see, and what gifts to offer in recognition.
vt sat CASE_is test CASE_ium et qu CASE_i serv CASE_i eadem nosc CASE_erent repper CASE_it adit CASE_um ad princip CASE_em postul CASE_at demonstr CASE_ato crimin CASE_e et re CASE_o per flacc CASE_um Vescularium equit CASE_em roman CASE_um cu CASE_i propi CASE_or cum tiberi CASE_o us CASE_us erat
When he had found witnesses enough, and slaves to testify in the same tenor, he asked for an interview with the sovereign, to whom the charge and the person implicated had been notified by Vescularius Flaccus, a Roman knight on familiar terms with Tiberius.
at qu CASE_i condid CASE_erat postquam non repper CASE_it aur CASE_um aptav CASE_it coll CASE_o qu CASE_em reper CASE_it laque CASE_um
But he who had hidden the gold, not finding it, fitted about his neck the halter which he found
saevi CASE_us Eurytio n CASE_e cu CASE_i lumin CASE_is orb CASE_e sinistr CASE_o callid CASE_a tergemin CASE_is aci CASE_es s CASE_e condid CASE_it unc CASE_is
More cruelly dies Eurytion; the cunning point with triple barb buried itself in the orb of his left eye.
h CASE_aec mandat CASE_a pri CASE_us const CASE_anti ment CASE_e ten CASE_entem these CASE_a ceu puls CASE_ae vent CASE_orum flamin CASE_e nub CASE_es aeri CASE_um nive CASE_i mont CASE_is liqu CASE_ere cacumen
These charges at first did Theseus preserve with constant mind; but then they left him, as clouds driven by the breath of the winds leave the lofty head of the snowy mountain.
cu CASE_i fav CASE_eam poti CASE_us
Which shall I vote for?
qu CASE_i celeriter fer CASE_am occupav CASE_erunt tum ex e CASE_is qu CASE_i assuev CASE_erant tal CASE_ibus ministeri CASE_is un CASE_us can CASE_is leon CASE_i cum ali CASE_is inhaer CASE_entis crus avell CASE_ere et quia non sequ CASE_ebatur ferr CASE_o amput CASE_are coep CASE_it
They quickly attacked the wild beast; then one of those who were accustomed to such services began to pull away the leg of a dog that with the others was clinging to the lion, and then, because the animal did not let go, to cut the leg off with a knife.
de t CASE_e m CASE_ihi ad t CASE_e sermo es CASE_t vir efficacissime cu CASE_i deb CASE_et qu CASE_od supra dict CASE_is solut CASE_um laud CASE_at histori CASE_a
I am speaking to you about yourself, you marvel of efficiency, for the state owes you the recognition which history praises it for having paid to the above-named persons.
nam singul CASE_as nostr CASE_i consectat CASE_i expugnav CASE_erunt ut perpauc CASE_ae ex omn CASE_i numer CASE_o noct CASE_is intervent CASE_u ad terr CASE_am per veni CASE_rent cum ab hor CASE_a f CASE_ere IIII usque ad sol CASE_is occas CASE_um pugn CASE_aretur
for our men gave chase and took them one by one, so that very few out of all the number, [and those] by the intervention of night, arrived at the land, after the battle had lasted almost from the fourth hour till sun-set.
et Helo n CASE_e Dabir
And Holon, and Dabir,
ver CASE_e nov CASE_o cum i CASE_am tinn CASE_ire volucr CASE_es incipi CASE_ent nid CASE_os que revers CASE_a lut CASE_abit hirundo protinus hibern CASE_o pec CASE_us omn CASE_e mov CASE_ebis ovil CASE_i
In the fresh spring-time when birds will be already starting to twitter and the returned swallow daubing its nest with mud, you are forthwith to shift the whole flock from its winter fold.
non l et c metell CASE_i consular CASE_es non e CASE_orum liber CASE_i non q nepos qu CASE_i tum consulat CASE_um pet CASE_ebat non Luculli Servilii scipion CASE_es fili CASE_i fl CASE_entes ac sordidat CASE_i popul CASE_o roman CASE_o supplicav CASE_erunt
not for me did the ex-consuls Lucius and Gaius Metellus, nor their children, nor Quintus Metellus Nepos, who was at that time a candidate for the consulship, nor the Luculli, the Servii, the Scipios, whose mothers were of the family of Metellus, intercede before the Roman people in tears and dishevelled garb.
hosti CASE_arum tamen sanguin CASE_e pluri CASE_mo ar CASE_as crebritat CASE_e nimi CASE_a perfund CASE_ebat taur CASE_os aliquotiens immol CASE_ando centen CASE_os et innumer CASE_os vari CASE_i pecor CASE_is greg CASE_es av CASE_es que candid CASE_as terr CASE_a quaesit CASE_as et mar CASE_i ade CASE_o ut in di CASE_es paene singul CASE_os milit CASE_es carnis distenti CASE_ore sagin CASE_a victit CASE_antes inculti CASE_us pot CASE_us que aviditat CASE_e corrupt CASE_i um CASE_eris imposit CASE_i transe CASE_untium per plate CASE_as ex public CASE_is aed CASE_ibus ubi vindic CASE_andis poti CASE_us qu CASE_am ced CASE_endis convivi CASE_is indulg CASE_ebant ad su CASE_a diversori CASE_a port CASE_arentur petulant CASE_es ante omn CASE_es et celt CASE_ae qu CASE_orum e CASE_a tempestat CASE_e confid CASE_entia crev CASE_erat ultra mod CASE_um
Nevertheless, he drenched the altars with the blood of an excessive number of victims, sometimes offering up a hundred oxen at once, with countless flocks of various other animals, and with white birds hunted out by land and sea; to such a degree that almost every day his soldiers, who gorged themselves on the abundance of meat, living boorishly and corrupted by their eagerness for drink, were carried through the squares to their lodgings on the shoulders of passers-by from the public temples, where they indulged in banquets that deserved punishment rather than indulgence; especially the Petulantes and the Celts, whose wilfulness at that time had passed all bounds.
subi CASE_bat inter h CASE_aec anim CASE_um lxxx fratr CASE_es su CASE_os eodem di CASE_e ab Ocho saevissi CASE_mo reg CASE_um trucidat CASE_os adiect CASE_um que strag CASE_i tot fili CASE_orum patr CASE_em e septem lib CASE_eris qu CASE_os genu CASE_isset ips CASE_a un CASE_um super CASE_esse ips CASE_um Dareum floru CASE_isse paulisper ut crudeli CASE_us poss CASE_et exstingu CASE_i
Amid these thoughts it entered her mind that her eighty brothers had been killed on one and the same day by Ochus, most savage of kings, and that their father had been added to the slaughter of so many sons, and that of the seven children that she herself had borne only one was left. Even Darius had flourished for a time, only that he might meet a more cruel death.
ips CASE_e pugnav CASE_it contra reg CASE_em fili CASE_orum Ammo n CASE_e et vic CASE_it e CASE_os ded CASE_erunt que ei fili CASE_i Ammo n CASE_e in tempor CASE_e ill CASE_o centum talent CASE_a argent CASE_i et decem mili CASE_a chor CASE_os tritic CASE_i ac totidem chor CASE_os horde CASE_i h CASE_aec ei praebu CASE_erunt fili CASE_i Ammo n CASE_e in ann CASE_o secund CASE_o et terti CASE_o
He fought against the king of the children of Ammon, and overcame them, and the children of Ammon gave him at that time a hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand measures of wheat, and as many measures of barley: so much did the children of Ammon give him in the second and third year.
statu CASE_itur ad h CASE_aec in ed CASE_ito arc CASE_is aci CASE_es segn CASE_is ubi trem CASE_enti cord CASE_e stupid CASE_a di CASE_e noctu que marc CASE_ebat
To meet this assault the fearful array of the Britons is set on the height of the fortress where with faint hand and trembling heart they wasted away day and night.
arm CASE_a tul CASE_i quondam et memin CASE_i laud CASE_abar in ill CASE_is corbis in imposit CASE_o ponder CASE_e messor er CASE_am
I once bore arms and, as I recall, was praised therein: with a heavy basket on my back I was a reaper.
Salomo n CASE_e deinceps ut templ CASE_um aedific CASE_aret in Solymis solid CASE_as popul CASE_i vir CASE_es in oper CASE_e concuss CASE_it qu CASE_am Palaestinorum captiv CASE_as op CASE_es et circumiect CASE_orum reg CASE_um tributari CASE_as function CASE_es austral CASE_is regin CASE_ae Sabaitis gaz CASE_ae cumulav CASE_erit
Next Solomon, wishing to construct the temple in Jerusalem, shattered the entire strength of the people in the building of it, and that, too, although the captured wealth of the Palestinians and the tributary dues of the surrounding kings were swollen by the treasure brought from the south by the Queen of Sheba.
et iustificat CASE_a est sapi CASE_entia ab omn CASE_ibus fili CASE_is su CASE_is
And wisdom is justified by all her children.
cum septem cohort CASE_ibus ess CASE_e Apolloniae scrib CASE_it antoni CASE_um qu CASE_i i CASE_am aut capt CASE_us es CASE_t di duintaut cert CASE_e homo verecund CASE_us in macedoni CASE_am non acced CASE_it n CASE_e contra senat CASE_us consult CASE_um fec CASE_isse vid CASE_eatur
Brutus writes that Gaius Antonius is in Apollonia with seven cohorts; by now either he has been taken prisoner'may the gods grant this!'or at least the modest fellow is keeping away from Macedonia so as not to seem to act contrary to the senates decree.
post qu CASE_ae poen CASE_us a CASE_it decim CASE_um mod CASE_o coep CASE_erat ann CASE_um excess CASE_isse puer nostr CASE_o cum bell CASE_a latin CASE_is concep CASE_it iuss CASE_u licit CASE_um nec fall CASE_ere div CASE_os iurat CASE_os patr CASE_i
The Carthaginian answered: Hannibal had hardly completed his tenth year when he vowed at my bidding to make war against Romec; and he may not deceive the gods by whom his father swore.
obsecr CASE_o autem v CASE_os fratr CASE_es per nomen domin CASE_i nostr CASE_i ies CASE_u christ CASE_i ut i CASE_d ips CASE_um dic CASE_atis omn CASE_es et non s CASE_int in v CASE_obis scismat CASE_a sit CASE_is autem perfect CASE_i in eodem sens CASE_u et in eadem sententi CASE_a
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no schisms among you: but that you be perfect in the same mind and in the same judgment.
si enim mai CASE_oribus symmetri CASE_is ut CASE_emur in minor CASE_ibus neque tablin CASE_o neque al CASE_ae utilitat CASE_em pot CASE_erunt hab CASE_ere sin autem minor CASE_um in mai CASE_oribus ut CASE_emur vast CASE_a et inman CASE_ia in h CASE_is e CASE_a esse CASE_erunt membr CASE_a
For if we use the symmetry of the larger atria in the smaller, it cannot be useful for the alcove or the wing. But if we use the symmetry of the smaller in the larger, the details will be huge and monstrous.
heia ag CASE_e praeclar CASE_os lati CASE_o proper CASE_ate nepot CASE_es qu CASE_i leg CASE_es qu CASE_i castr CASE_a reg CASE_ant qu CASE_i carmin CASE_a lud CASE_ant
To work! Hasten splendid sons for Latium, to rule laws and armies, to sport with song.
at pall CASE_as i CASE_d maxi CASE_me in agrippin CASE_a laud CASE_are qu CASE_od germanic CASE_i nepot CASE_em cum s CASE_e trah CASE_eret dign CASE_um prors CASE_us imperatori CASE_a fortun CASE_a stirp CASE_em nobil CASE_em et famili CASE_ae luliae claudi CASE_ae que poster CASE_os coniung CASE_eret n CASE_e femin CASE_a expert CASE_ae fecunditat CASE_is integr CASE_a iuvent CASE_a claritudin CASE_em caes CASE_arum ali CASE_am in dom CASE_um fer CASE_ret
Pallas, in his eulogy of Agrippina, insisted on the point that she brought with her the grandson of Germanicus, who fully deserved an imperial position: let the sovereign unite to himself a famous stock, the posterity of the Julian and Claudian races, and ensure that a princess of tried fecundity, still in the vigour of youth, should not transfer the glory of the Caesars into another family!
postea r CASE_es act CASE_a est in senat CASE_u ali CASE_a null CASE_a cum vari CASE_is ration CASE_ibus imped CASE_iretur voluntat CASE_e tamen perspect CASE_a senat CASE_us caus CASE_a ad v CASE_os mens CASE_e ianuari CASE_o defer CASE_ebatur
From this date discussion in the senate was exclusively confined to this topic; progress was obstructed by various methods, but when the senate had given a clear expression of their feelings the matter was laid before you in January.
et dic CASE_ebat e CASE_is v CASE_obis dat CASE_um est mysteri CASE_um regn CASE_i de CASE_i ill CASE_is autem qu CASE_i for CASE_is s CASE_unt in parabol CASE_is omn CASE_ia fi CASE_unt
And he said to them: To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but to them that are without, all things are done in parables:
i CASE_t clam CASE_or ad alt CASE_a atri CASE_a concuss CASE_am bacch CASE_atur fam CASE_a per urb CASE_em
A scream rises to the lofty roof; Rumour riots through the stricken city.
ut in eodem monasteri CASE_o puerul CASE_us mori CASE_ens virgin CASE_em qu CASE_ae s CASE_e esse CASE_erat secut CASE_ura clamav CASE_erit ut que ali CASE_a de corpor CASE_e egress CASE_ura i CASE_am particul CASE_am futur CASE_ae luc CASE_is aspex CASE_erit
How a little boy dying in the same monastery called by name upon a virgin that should follow him; and how another virgin on the point of her departing from the body did see already a small part of the light to come.
cumque rex transi CASE_ret clamav CASE_it ad reg CASE_em et a CASE_it serv CASE_us tu CASE_us egress CASE_us est ad proeli CASE_andum comminus cumque fug CASE_isset vir un CASE_us addux CASE_it e CASE_um qu CASE_i ad m CASE_e et a CASE_it custod CASE_i vir CASE_um ist CASE_um qu CASE_i si laps CASE_us fuerit esse CASE_erit anim CASE_a tu CASE_a pro anim CASE_a e CASE_ius aut talent CASE_um argent CASE_i adpend CASE_es
And as the king passed by, he cried to the king, and said: Thy servant went out to fight hand to hand: and when a certain man was run away, one brought him to me, and said: Keep this man: and if he shall slip away, thy life shall be for his life, or thou shalt pay a talent of silver.
in syri CASE_a qu CASE_o fer CASE_tur item loc CASE_us ess CASE_e vid CASE_eri quadruped CASE_es qu CASE_o qu CASE_o simul ac vestigi CASE_a prim CASE_um intul CASE_erint gravit CASE_er vis cog CASE_at concid CASE_ere ips CASE_a man CASE_ibus ut si s CASE_int div CASE_is mactat CASE_a rep CASE_ente
In Syria also, as it is said, another such place is to be seen, whither as soon as ever four-footed beasts direct their steps, its natural power forces them down, to fall heavily; as if they were suddenly slain in sacrifices to the infernal gods.
qu CASE_i autem t CASE_ibi veni CASE_t in ment CASE_em redig CASE_ere in memori CASE_am nostr CASE_am t CASE_e dom CASE_i p lentul CASE_i ess CASE_e educat CASE_um
How, I wonder, did it occur to you to remind us that you were brought up in Publius Lentulus house?
an ut CASE_i r CASE_em familiar CASE_em su CASE_am me CASE_o adhortat CASE_u pler CASE_am fili CASE_is condonav CASE_isset qu CASE_ae nihil ill CASE_is ante m CASE_e marit CASE_um fu CASE_erat largit CASE_a m CASE_ihi nihil quicquam impert CASE_iret o grat CASE_um venefici CASE_um dic CASE_am an ingrat CASE_um benefici CASE_um an ut testament CASE_o qu CASE_od irat CASE_a fili CASE_o scrib CASE_ebat fili CASE_um poti CASE_us cu CASE_i offens CASE_a erat qu CASE_am m CASE_e cu CASE_i devinct CASE_a hered CASE_em relinqu CASE_eret h CASE_oc quidem mult CASE_is cantamin CASE_ibus difficil CASE_e impetrav CASE_i
Was it that at my urging she should make most of her own property over to her sons, when she had made them no present before our marriage, and should allow me nothing at all? Gratitude for sorcery, shall I call it, or ingratitude for kindness? Or was it that she should write her will while angry with her son, and yet she should make an heir of her son, with whom she had quarreled, rather than of me, to whom she was devoted? Even with many spells, it was hard to persuade her of that.
fat CASE_a trah CASE_unt rapt CASE_us que vir CASE_um certamin CASE_e duct CASE_or i CASE_bat et optent CASE_a mulc CASE_ebat lumin CASE_a pall CASE_a
Fate sweeps them on, and the chief carried away by the eagerness of his crew went forward, and sought to dry his eyes, veiling them with his cloak.
vocat CASE_us est autem ibi et ies CASE_us et discipul CASE_i e CASE_ius ad nupti CASE_as
And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage.
non pud CASE_et heus inqu CASE_it longaev CASE_o vincul CASE_a coll CASE_o fer CASE_re nec h CASE_aec posit CASE_is oti CASE_a nov CASE_isse iug CASE_is cum m CASE_ihi subiect CASE_as pat CASE_eat discurs CASE_us in herb CASE_as et nemor CASE_um lic CASE_eat rursus opac CASE_a sequ CASE_i
You there, he said, are you not ashamed to have your aged neck fastened, unable to throw off the yoke and know the leisure that is mine? For I am free to range at will over the low-lying pasture, and then again I can make for the shade of the grove.
nec ver CASE_o Odrysius transtr CASE_is impend CASE_itur Orpheus aut pont CASE_um rem CASE_o subig CASE_it sed carmin CASE_e tons CASE_as i CASE_re doc CASE_et sum CASE_mo passim n CASE_e gurgit CASE_e pugn CASE_ent
Nor yet does Odrysian Orpheus spend himself upon the thwarts or plough the sea with an oar, but with his song he teaches the oars to swing, that they clash not everywhere upon the surface of the tide.
qu CASE_i custodi CASE_unt vanitat CASE_es frustr CASE_a misericordi CASE_am su CASE_am derelinqu CASE_unt
They that in vain observe vanities, forsake their own mercy.
irat CASE_us que es CASE_t domin CASE_us m CASE_ihi propter v CASE_os nec exaudiv CASE_it m CASE_e sed dix CASE_it m CASE_ihi suffic CASE_it t CASE_ibi quam ultra loqu CASE_aris de h CASE_ac r CASE_e ad m CASE_e
And the Lord was angry with me on your account and heard me not, but said to me: It is enough: speak no more to me of this matter.
Balthasar princeps ariol CASE_orum qu CASE_em ego sci CASE_o qu CASE_od spirit CASE_um de CASE_orum sanct CASE_orum hab CASE_eas in t CASE_e et omn CASE_e sacrament CASE_um non es CASE_t impossibil CASE_e t CASE_ibi vision CASE_es somni CASE_orum me CASE_orum qu CASE_as vid CASE_i et solution CASE_em e CASE_orum narr CASE_a
Baltassar, prince of the diviners, because I know that thou hast in thee the spirit of the holy gods, and that no secret is impossible to thee, tell me the visions of my dreams that I have seen, and the interpretation of them?
et h CASE_ic hab CASE_et potestat CASE_em a princip CASE_ibus sacerdot CASE_um allig CASE_andi omn CASE_es qu CASE_i invoc CASE_ant nomen tu CASE_um
And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that invoke thy name.
posteaquam per hibern CASE_as tempestat CASE_es tect CASE_a non potu CASE_erunt imbr CASE_es sustin CASE_ere fastigi CASE_a faci CASE_entes lut CASE_o induct CASE_o proclin CASE_atis tect CASE_is stillicidi CASE_a deduc CASE_ebant
When in winter-time the roofs could not withstand the rains, they made ridges, and smearing clay down the sloping roofs, they drew off the rain-water.
ali CASE_i null CASE_a dedecor CASE_is cur CASE_a pecuni CASE_am aut carissi CASE_ma ips CASE_i circumd CASE_are qu CASE_i exped CASE_ire arm CASE_a tel CASE_is que tamquam in aci CASE_em accing CASE_i
Others had no sense of disgrace and stowed about their persons their money and dearest possessions; some made ready their arms and girded on their weapons as if for battle.
nemo adsum CASE_entum pann CASE_i rud CASE_is adsu CASE_it vestiment CASE_o veter CASE_i alioquin aufer CASE_t supplement CASE_um nov CASE_um a veter CASE_i et mai CASE_or sciss CASE_ura f CASE_it
No man seweth a piece of raw cloth to an old garment: otherwise the new piecing taketh away from the old, and there is made a greater rent.
h CASE_ic can CASE_it err CASE_antem lun CASE_am sol CASE_is que labor CASE_es unde homin CASE_um gen CASE_us et pecud CASE_es unde imber et ign CASE_es arctur CASE_um pluvi CASE_as que Hyadas gemin CASE_os que trion CASE_es qu CASE_id tant CASE_um ocean CASE_o proper CASE_ent s CASE_e tingu CASE_ere sol CASE_es hibern CASE_i vel qu CASE_ae tard CASE_is mor CASE_a noct CASE_ibus obst CASE_et
He sings of the wandering moon and the suns toils; whence sprang man and beast, whence rain and fire; of Arcturus, the rainy Hyades and the twin Bears; why wintry suns make such haste to dip themselves in Ocean, or what delay stays the slowly passing nights.
et quint CASE_a et vicesim CASE_a di CASE_e mens CASE_is sacrific CASE_abant sup CASE_er ar CASE_am qu CASE_ae esse CASE_erat contra alt CASE_are
And on the five and twentieth day of the month they sacrificed upon the altar of the idol that was over against the altar of God.
tal CASE_is enim dec CASE_ebat ut n CASE_obis es CASE_set pontifex sanct CASE_us innocens impollut CASE_us segregat CASE_us a peccator CASE_ibus et excelsi CASE_or cael CASE_is fact CASE_us
For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made higher than the heavens:
item si umor occupav CASE_it corpor CASE_um ven CASE_as inpar CASE_es que e CASE_as fec CASE_it ceter CASE_a princip CASE_ia ut a liquid CASE_o corrupt CASE_a dilu CASE_untur et dissolv CASE_untur conposition CASE_ibus virtut CASE_es
Again, if moisture had filled the veins of bodies and altered their dimensions, the other elements, as though decomposed by liquid, are diluted and the virtues dependent on their proportion are dissolved.
interea defunct CASE_o felic CASE_e oriental CASE_ium angl CASE_orum episcop CASE_o post decem et septem ann CASE_os accept CASE_i episcopat CASE_us honori CASE_us loc CASE_o e CASE_ius ordinav CASE_it Thomam diacon CASE_um e CASE_ius de provinci CASE_a Gyruiorum et h CASE_oc post quinque ann CASE_os su CASE_i episcopat CASE_us de h CASE_ac vit CASE_a subtract CASE_o Berctgilsum cognomin CASE_e bonifati CASE_um de provinci CASE_a Cantuariorum loc CASE_o e CASE_ius substitu CASE_it
In the meantime Felix, the bishop of the East English, having died after 17 years holding of the bishopric, Honorius ordained in his place Thomas, the deacon of Felix, of the province of the Gyrwas: and when he, after five years of his bishopric, was taken from this life, Honorius put in his room Bertgils, surnamed Boniface, a Kentish man born.
ingens sollicitudo et paene i CASE_am luct CASE_us in castr CASE_is esse CASE_erat fl CASE_entes quer CASE_ebantur in tant CASE_o impet CASE_u curs CASE_u que r CASE_erum omn CASE_is aetat CASE_is ac memori CASE_ae clarissi CASE_mum reg CASE_em non in aci CASE_e salt CASE_em non ab host CASE_e deiect CASE_um sed ablu CASE_entem aqu CASE_a corpus erept CASE_um esse et exstinct CASE_um
There was great anxiety, and already almost mourning in the camp; with tears they lamented that the most glorious king of any age or time, in the midst of so swift a career of success, had been laid low, not in battle (which would have been bad enough), not by the enemy, but had been taken off and done to death while bathing.
pro m CASE_e non ut pro p Popilio nobilissi CASE_mo homin CASE_e adolesc CASE_entes fili CASE_i non propinqu CASE_orum multitudo popul CASE_um roman CASE_um es CASE_t deprecat CASE_a non ut pro q metell CASE_o sum CASE_mo et clarissi CASE_mo vir CASE_o spectat CASE_a i CASE_am adolesc CASE_entia fili CASE_us
I had not, to plead for me, as had Publius Popilius, young sons of my own, or a crowd of kinsfolk; I had not, as had that great and famous gentleman Quintus Metellus,b a son whose qualities had won him respect in spite of his youth;
vid CASE_erint ist CASE_i antehac m CASE_ihi ignot CASE_i qu CASE_o nomin CASE_e s CASE_int qu CASE_as art CASE_es exerc CASE_eant null CASE_a m CASE_ihi princip CASE_is mentio nisi inter numin CASE_a fu CASE_it
It is for those men, strangers to me before, to see to it what repute they bear, what arts they practise: the emperor I never mentioned except as deity.
nunc rede CASE_amus ad ceter CASE_a qu CASE_ae per provinci CASE_as agitav CASE_ere multiplic CASE_es cas CASE_us
Now let us return to the other events which were caused by various incidents in the provinces.
dominic CASE_i corpor CASE_is et sanguin CASE_is sacrament CASE_um hor CASE_a exit CASE_us inst CASE_ante pro viatic CASE_o d CASE_atur
as the hour of his departure is at hand, the sacrament of the Lords body and blood is given him for his voyage provision;
h CASE_ic medi CASE_us iuven CASE_um Massylae gent CASE_is in agmen crebr CASE_a Cydoneo fund CASE_ebat spicul CASE_a corn CASE_u
Mopsus, between his sons, was raining arrows from his Cydoniand bow of horn upon the Massylian warriors.
nostr CASE_a memor CASE_ia senator CASE_es n CASE_e in su CASE_is quidem pericul CASE_is mut CASE_are vest CASE_em sol CASE_ebant in me CASE_o pericul CASE_o senat CASE_us vest CASE_e mutat CASE_a fuit quoad licu CASE_it per e CASE_orum edict CASE_a qu CASE_i me CASE_a pericul CASE_a non mod CASE_o su CASE_o praesidi CASE_o sed etiam vestr CASE_a deprecatio n CASE_e Syncope
Within my recollection it was never customary with senators to change their garmentsb even in their own perils; but in the hour of my peril the whole senate changed their garments, in so far as they were not prevented from doing so by the edicts of those who robbed me in my perilous situation not only of their own protection but of your intercession.
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