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the little things belongs to an underappreciated category of theatrical experiences i've been nostalgic for : the competent yarn you could go see alone on a weekday evening and emerge from feeling satisfied .
while wonder woman 1984 never quite lives up to its groundbreaking predecessor , it is still thrilling entertainment in its own right .
there's an engaging earnestness to it which sits side-by-side with a larky spirit of trial and error , almost like a choose-your-own-adventure fantasy where wild elements of chance keep dropping into the mix .
actors we're used to seeing in lighter fare , pinball between raggedy desperation and well-groomed serenity , but with layers to each that eventually begin to crack apart .
credit the two leads who dazzle with their talents . if you are a big fan of tucci or firth , but wanted to see them get a bigger piece of the pie , this movie is for you .
less of a puzzle and more like a mechanical bull . but at home you can tame -and appreciate- this beast .
there are plenty of comedies about modern and freaked-out parents-to-be - but this offering from director curtis vowell holds its own in the genre .
the setting is delicious even if its stylistic beauty is a bit distracting .
soul feels timeless in the way most pixar films do , rooted in a stylistic place but boasting themes and ideas , and magical worlds , that stretch beyond the now .
a haunting , bone-chilling atmospheric thriller that sports terrific performances from its three leads . while the narrative is a little derivative at times , it's engaging and enjoyable and there are some surprises in here .
autumn de wilde provides enough ideas and flourishes to captivate your attention .
in lesser hands , the little things would have been a mediocre crime story . that ends up not being the case because of three oscar nomination worthy performances by hancock's all-star team .
a solid directorial debut from wright , even if it's all just a touch too safe and familiar .
the little things does work as a potboiler , not least because it doesn't boil over; it's content to generate suspense over the sight of an old man descending a drain pipe .
this is one of the most ruthless , yet gripping netflix originals to date .
campos has made a shattering portrait of religion and violence , a knotty , expressive work that bores deep into the soul of america .
if you've found yourself enjoying other neeson-led action flicks , the marksman is a bit better - just by a hair - than many of the others that have proceeded it .
considering this is a feature film debut from director autumn de wilde , it's a truly extraordinary bit of filmmaking on an aesthetic level .
it's an intricate rubik's cube of a film that never quite pieces itself together . but in this ever-changing world in which we live in , we need filmmakers like nolan , who dare to be bold and try to look at the world differently .
this is not your average gothic werewolf film . this one has classy production elements , builds intense suspense and features strong performances .
some films grow richer with each viewing , i fear this one will fade . best thing i can do is quote one of the time inversion scientists " don't try to understand it . "
you may wonder why wonder woman is not as wonder-ful this time around .
the heavyweight performances , some of the finest in a serial-killer thriller since anthony hopkins played that guy who enjoyed liver and fava beans with a nice chianti , carry it through to the thought-provoking conclusion .
the little things never adds up to be a good movie . the slow burn never ignites into a quality film fire . great acting , but hollow storytelling .
jenkins comes to the picture with thrilling determination at times , ready to throw down with one of the big screen's most popular superheroes . it's the two-villain syndrome that eats away at " wonder woman 1984 . "
a packed friday night theater would have bust out in applause .
rosi endlessly proves that he can turn the region's agony into the finest art , and proves enough that he hasn't lost sight of the human factor in the process .
a thorough re-imagining of the werewolf movie that's also the most traditional , formulaic werewolf movie in years .
predictable to a fault , the movie coasts pleasurably on neeson's seasoned , sad-sweet charisma
it's the first nolan movie in a long while that i've left feeling disappointed . and yet there is enough good stuff buried beneath its antiseptic , perhaps overly showy technique , once you get past the clankier bits , that is worth exploring .
the immersiveness is wild
the devil all the time is soaked in blood and dirt , holy water and tears , and there's not a lot of it that will wash away .
if the plot falters a bit at the end , the ride to get there is wild enough to guarantee a mostly good time .
wonder woman 1984 had some impossible shoes to fill , but , in the end , this extremely bloated sequel has some fun moments but is overall just another mediocre entry in the dc universe of movies .
the film shows a preference for forgiveness over vengeance , which feels like an okay way to end this particular year .
[ t ] hese crisp , high-contrast images speak to another impulse as well : to look into a past shrouded in the fog of delusion and doublespeak , and to see through it with a clarity that burns and even heals .
the night could easily have been a hokey humdrum horror in less skilled hands , but ahari's slow pace and deep character work makes for some profoundly emotional horror .
it would be hard to argue against soul being one of 2020's most comforting , pleasurable films
this is quirky comedic relief that doubles as a cathartic time capsule for this zany moment in history .
the old guard has a ferocious kick to it .
routine but entertaining . has a killer ending and a reliably solid denzel washington performance .
while the film doesn't always make contact , it's dour descent into religion's self-serving attitudes renders an earnest mess of a movie .
it's still a blast watching gadot portray the character , the action scenes involving her are handled well , and the chemistry with pine is still spot on . ( full content review for parents - violence , profanity , etc . - also available )
ascher offers his most compelling set of theories and thought experiments to date; an often unsettling and frequently fascinating exploration into simulation theory and those who believe in it .
you can thank its lead for making it a highly compelling watch .
the old guard is agreeable and diverse , it just feels a little , well , old .
although episodic in nature , the movie has a quirky , good-natured vibe , witty dialogue , and effective use of various l . a . neighborhoods .
i love the wonder woman character , i love what they've done with it .
there's enough in the first half of shadow in the cloud to recommend it as a fun lark . thank goodness chloe grace moretz is there to save the day , both as an actor and character .
soul is beautifully structured and animated . pixar remains undefeated at putting me through the emotional wringer .
it works on the assumption that a story about grumpy old gits united against a common foe has a universal appeal . true , to an extent
overall , ww84 is a clean and wholesome mass entertainer that dutifully ticks all the boxes . from action and adventure to drama and emotions , it's all here to pull the audience back to the big screen .
like an intricately wrought piece of clockworks , ticking along as interlocking pieces of storytelling machinery quietly snap into place .
at a time when movie-star charisma is in short supply , it brings some somber but welcome diversion .
like code that works but inefficiently , the length is both a feature and a bug . mercifully , ascher's most visually original movie to date keeps those ted lecture seat-shuffling blues at bay .
telling a story backward sounds bizarre - it is bizarre - but it works . the backward stuff in " tenet " sounds bizarre - worse than bizarre , goofy - and for a while it works . but once it doesn't , it really doesn't .
it's remarkably moving . by jupiter , i even cried by the end .
wonder woman 1984 has many of the same strengths and weaknesses as its predecessor . fortunately , the exact mix and proportion of those strengths and weaknesses has shifted for the better .
imagine the rumble of 70s disaster flicks like earthquake with the nature-gone-wild plot of jurassic park and you'll get the idea .
prisoners of the ghostland , starring a whacked-out nicholas cage , is exciting , wild , bold , and joyfully ridiculous -- pretty much what you expect from a sion sono film .
basically , it's a james bond film with a bachelor's degree in physics , and it has the decency to be an extremely good james bond film , on top of it .
while possessing little of the gore se7en and the silence of the lambs had , the little things nevertheless achieves a pervasive sense of dread .
it's an audiovisual experience that no movie lover should miss . stimulating , revealing , adrenaline-pumping and spectacular , this is christopher nolan's new proposal .
this taut and suspenseful crime thriller rises above its procedural trappings thanks to richly textured characters and carefully modulated performances .
with jenkins at the helm once more and a reduced portion of her original cast , 1984 is less an explosive superhero outing and more a viewing glass of an alternative past with direct ties to our realized present .
while maintaining a colorful , humorous tone , oppenheim focuses on several protagonists who aren't ideal fits
it is the story , and the message within it , above anything else , that is soul's best achievement .
[ director antonio campos ] deals out the story's dark sensibilities with a stark brutality , all while wrapping it in a beauty that's lyrically literary .
it boasts a sterling main cast - denzel washington , rami malek , jared leto - as well as open-endedness that is simultaneously pleasurable and a bit unsettling , in both the good and bad senses of that word .
an egrossing experience that bears witness as few other works have done to the most innocent victims of war .
" shadow in the cloud " is zippy , well directed midnight movie fodder .
that energetic vitality driving this sun-dappled valentine to florida is oppenheim's own . he's made a honey of a movie .
the allyns have a lot working for them : a strong cast , a good sense of storytelling , and an eye for rugged landscapes .
the story of struggle and survival , both human and avian , is predictable . just as penguin learns to take to the skies through trial and error , the film takes some wrong steps , but ultimately makes your spirit soar .
within the confines of the genre , it nails basic elements enough to keep crime fans engaged until its reveal-after-reveal-after-reveal ending .
patty jenkins is back with a solid second outing , even if it doesn't achieve the same highs as the first film , it sticks the landing in the third act this time . it is , though , overly-long and needing another editing pass to pull it to fighting trim .
it is not a swing and a miss , but it is far from a home run either .
the big-screen action treatment does not disappoint as the mana of this modern-day blockbuster wonder woman once again filled me with so much joy .
in the earth uniquely captures the mood we've been clawing our way through for nearly a year now . it's freaky , but it feels alarmingly relatable too .
there are many wonderful moments contained within this charming gift of cinema , and this is a film that deserves to be celebrated .
ww84 might lack the brightness and fire of the previous film , but it's often just as emotional and exhilarating an experience .
ww84 takes a chance by easing up on the action to tell a superhero story with a point .
fast-paced and sharply well-designed , this futuristic war thriller is packed with gritty action and seamless effects .
it's a tiny film , but it's got a big heart , and that helps make it a pleasant and uplifting diversion at a time when many of us could use one .
the devil all the time is an emotionally powerful look at familial trauma , religious corruption , and one man's will to challenge his fate .
the sweetness of it all is there , but ivin manages to deliver a movie that isn't cloying , which is an impressive achievement .
christopher nolan's most ambitious and complex film to date , also ends up being his most cold and lacking emotion . not all of it works , but it's still better than many of the other releases this year .
still , for fantasy creature horror , eight for silver will jam hard for those who love the genre .
a superbly crafted slice of british life with a heaping helping of history thrown in for good measure
this straight-forward but beautifully shot film about a woman finding a will to live is a promising debut by director robin wright
at times , bliss evokes an uneasy sense of slapstick between the opposing force fields of hayek and wilson , but it's an interesting exercise in the slippery slope of solipsism unavoidable in discussions of simulation theory .
where will barb and star go next ? zanzibar ? madagascar ? back to the u . s . s . r . ? wherever they go , we will follow them .
eight for silver is a gnarly piece of work that overcomes its flaws thanks to ellis' visual eye , the creative subversiveness of the werewolf mythology , the reverence to classic horror works and the performances from boyd holbrook and mary reilly .
it's the nolanest movie that ever nolaned , for better and for worse , and even more so than any of his previous efforts .
it's konchalovsky regular vysotskaya who stays with you , as a complex heroine whose utopian soviet dream is gradually unravelling . it's a remarkable performance at the center of a devastating film .
it's a restless portrait of a bizarrely aimless woman .
outside the wire is a standard sci-fi mix with war , it has some cool action sequences , but not enhancing the genre outside what we already know .
melancholy dc sequel about redemption has mixed messages .
the truth is , i had more fun after putting my pen down and letting it wash over me like an extremely loud , chaotic waterfall .
rahim's turn as salahi stands as a career-best , upstaging even foster in snatching not just our attention , but our empathy for a credibly accused associate of osama bin laden .
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