public class ExampleImageStitching { /** * Using abstracted code , find a transform which minimizes the difference between corresponding features * in both images . This code is completely model independent and is the core algorithms . */ public static < T extends ImageGray < T > , FD extends TupleDesc > Homography2D_F64 computeTransform ( T imageA , T imageB , DetectDescribePoint < T , FD > detDesc , AssociateDescription < FD > associate , ModelMatcher < Homography2D_F64 , AssociatedPair > modelMatcher ) { } }
// get the length of the description List < Point2D_F64 > pointsA = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; FastQueue < FD > descA = UtilFeature . createQueue ( detDesc , 100 ) ; List < Point2D_F64 > pointsB = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; FastQueue < FD > descB = UtilFeature . createQueue ( detDesc , 100 ) ; // extract feature locations and descriptions from each image describeImage ( imageA , detDesc , pointsA , descA ) ; describeImage ( imageB , detDesc , pointsB , descB ) ; // Associate features between the two images associate . setSource ( descA ) ; associate . setDestination ( descB ) ; associate . associate ( ) ; // create a list of AssociatedPairs that tell the model matcher how a feature moved FastQueue < AssociatedIndex > matches = associate . getMatches ( ) ; List < AssociatedPair > pairs = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < matches . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { AssociatedIndex match = matches . get ( i ) ; Point2D_F64 a = pointsA . get ( match . src ) ; Point2D_F64 b = pointsB . get ( match . dst ) ; pairs . add ( new AssociatedPair ( a , b , false ) ) ; } // find the best fit model to describe the change between these images if ( ! modelMatcher . process ( pairs ) ) throw new RuntimeException ( "Model Matcher failed!" ) ; // return the found image transform return modelMatcher . getModelParameters ( ) . copy ( ) ;
public class MarkerComparator { /** * Compare two { @ link Marker } objects under the { @ link PartitionStrategy } . * All comparisons are with respect to the partition ordering defined by * this comparator ' s { @ code PartitionStrategy } . Under a * { @ code PartitionStrategy } , a { @ code Marker } contains a set of one or * more partitions . A { @ code Marker } is strictly less than another if all of * the partitions it contains are less than the partitions of the other . * Similarly , if all partitions are greater than the partitions of the other , * then the { @ code Marker } is greater . Two { @ code Markers } are equal if they * contain the same set of partitions . * This method implements strictly exclusive comparison : if either * { @ code Marker } contains the other , then this throws * { @ code IllegalStateException } . This is because there is at least one * partition in the containing { @ code Marker } that is less than or equal to * all partitions in the contained { @ code Marker } and at least one partition * that is greater than or equal to all partitions in the contained * { @ code Marker } . * Alternatively , the comparison methods { @ link # leftCompare ( Marker , Marker ) } * and { @ link # rightCompare ( Marker , Marker ) } consider contained { @ code Marker } * objects to be greater - than and less - than respectively . * Note : Because { @ code Marker } objects are hierarchical , they are either * completely disjoint or one marker contains the other . If one contains the * other and the two are not equal , this method throws * { @ code IllegalStateException } . * TODO : catch wildcard to concrete comparisons and throw an Exception * @ param m1 a { @ code Marker } * @ param m2 a { @ code Marker } * @ return * - 1 If all partitions in m1 are less than the partitions in m2 * 0 If m1 and m2 contain the same set of partitions * 1 If all partitions of m1 are greater than the partitions in m2 * @ throws IllegalStateException * If either { @ code Marker } is a proper subset of the other * @ see MarkerComparator # leftCompare ( Marker , Marker ) * @ see MarkerComparator # rightCompare ( Marker , Marker ) * @ since 0.9.0 */ @ Override @ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) public int compare ( Marker m1 , Marker m2 ) { } }
for ( FieldPartitioner field : Accessor . getDefault ( ) . getFieldPartitioners ( strategy ) ) { Object m1Value = m1 . valueFor ( field ) ; Object m2Value = m2 . valueFor ( field ) ; // if either is null , but not both , then they are Incomparable if ( m1Value == null ) { if ( m2Value != null ) { // m1 contains m2 throw new IllegalStateException ( "Incomparable" ) ; } } else if ( m2Value == null ) { // m2 contains m1 throw new IllegalStateException ( "Incomparable" ) ; } else { int cmp = field . compare ( m1Value , m2Value ) ; if ( cmp != 0 ) { return cmp ; } } } return 0 ;
public class AbstractSpringActivator { /** * { @ inheritDoc } */ @ Override protected void destroy ( ) throws Exception { } }
try { destroyApplicationContext ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER . error ( e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; }
public class HBaseSchemaManager { /** * drop schema method drop the table */ public void dropSchema ( ) { } }
if ( operation != null && operation . equalsIgnoreCase ( "create-drop" ) ) { try { HTableDescriptor hTableDescriptor = null ; if ( admin . isTableAvailable ( databaseName ) ) { if ( admin . isTableEnabled ( databaseName ) ) { hTableDescriptor = admin . getTableDescriptor ( databaseName . getBytes ( ) ) ; admin . disableTable ( databaseName ) ; } for ( TableInfo tableInfo : tableInfos ) { if ( tableInfo != null && tableInfo . getTableName ( ) != null && hTableDescriptor . getFamily ( tableInfo . getTableName ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) != null ) { admin . deleteColumn ( databaseName , tableInfo . getTableName ( ) ) ; } } } } catch ( TableNotFoundException tnfe ) { logger . error ( "Table doesn't exist, Caused by " , tnfe ) ; throw new SchemaGenerationException ( tnfe , "Hbase" ) ; } catch ( IOException ioe ) { logger . error ( "Table isn't in enabled state, Caused by" , ioe ) ; throw new SchemaGenerationException ( ioe , "Hbase" ) ; } finally { try { admin . enableTable ( databaseName ) ; } catch ( IOException ioe ) { logger . error ( "Table isn't in enabled state, Caused by" , ioe ) ; throw new SchemaGenerationException ( ioe , "Hbase" ) ; } } } operation = null ; admin = null ;
public class CmsSearchFieldConfiguration { /** * Extends the given document by a field that contains the extracted content blob . < p > * @ param document the document to extend * @ param cms the OpenCms context used for building the search index * @ param resource the resource that is indexed * @ param extractionResult the plain text extraction result from the resource * @ param properties the list of all properties directly attached to the resource ( not searched ) * @ param propertiesSearched the list of all searched properties of the resource * @ return the document extended by a field that contains the extracted content blob */ protected I_CmsSearchDocument appendContentBlob ( I_CmsSearchDocument document , CmsObject cms , CmsResource resource , I_CmsExtractionResult extractionResult , List < CmsProperty > properties , List < CmsProperty > propertiesSearched ) { } }
if ( extractionResult != null ) { byte [ ] data = extractionResult . getBytes ( ) ; if ( data != null ) { document . addContentField ( data ) ; } } return document ;
public class KeyStoreFactory { /** * Save X509Certificate in KeyStore file . */ private static KeyStore saveCertificateAsKeyStore ( KeyStore existingKeyStore , boolean deleteOnExit , String keyStoreFileName , String certificationAlias , Key privateKey , char [ ] keyStorePassword , Certificate [ ] chain , X509Certificate caCert ) { } }
try { KeyStore keyStore = existingKeyStore ; if ( keyStore == null ) { // create new key store keyStore = KeyStore . getInstance ( KeyStore . getDefaultType ( ) ) ; keyStore . load ( null , keyStorePassword ) ; } // add certificate try { keyStore . deleteEntry ( certificationAlias ) ; } catch ( KeyStoreException kse ) { // ignore as may not exist in keystore yet } keyStore . setKeyEntry ( certificationAlias , privateKey , keyStorePassword , chain ) ; // add CA certificate try { keyStore . deleteEntry ( KEY_STORE_CA_ALIAS ) ; } catch ( KeyStoreException kse ) { // ignore as may not exist in keystore yet } keyStore . setCertificateEntry ( KEY_STORE_CA_ALIAS , caCert ) ; // save as JKS file String keyStoreFileAbsolutePath = new File ( keyStoreFileName ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; try ( FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream ( keyStoreFileAbsolutePath ) ) { keyStore . store ( fileOutputStream , keyStorePassword ) ; MOCK_SERVER_LOGGER . trace ( "Saving key store to file [" + keyStoreFileAbsolutePath + "]" ) ; } if ( deleteOnExit ) { new File ( keyStoreFileAbsolutePath ) . deleteOnExit ( ) ; } return keyStore ; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Exception while saving KeyStore" , e ) ; }
public class JdbcTypesHelper { /** * Returns a string representation of the given { @ link java . sql . Types } value . */ public static String getSqlTypeAsString ( int jdbcType ) { } }
String statusName = "*can't find String representation for sql type '" + jdbcType + "'*" ; try { Field [ ] fields = Types . class . getDeclaredFields ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields . length ; i ++ ) { if ( fields [ i ] . getInt ( null ) == jdbcType ) { statusName = fields [ i ] . getName ( ) ; break ; } } } catch ( Exception ignore ) { // ignore it } return statusName ;
public class ApiOvhMe { /** * Get this object properties * REST : GET / me / installationTemplate / { templateName } / partitionScheme / { schemeName } * @ param templateName [ required ] This template name * @ param schemeName [ required ] name of this partitioning scheme */ public OvhTemplatePartitioningSchemes installationTemplate_templateName_partitionScheme_schemeName_GET ( String templateName , String schemeName ) throws IOException { } }
String qPath = "/me/installationTemplate/{templateName}/partitionScheme/{schemeName}" ; StringBuilder sb = path ( qPath , templateName , schemeName ) ; String resp = exec ( qPath , "GET" , sb . toString ( ) , null ) ; return convertTo ( resp , OvhTemplatePartitioningSchemes . class ) ;
public class PackageManagerUtils { /** * Checks if the device has a device administrative feature . * @ param manager the package manager . * @ return { @ code true } if the device has a device administrative feature . */ @ TargetApi ( Build . VERSION_CODES . KITKAT ) public static boolean hasDeviceAdminFeature ( PackageManager manager ) { } }
return manager . hasSystemFeature ( PackageManager . FEATURE_DEVICE_ADMIN ) ;
public class CurvedArrow { /** * Returns the bounds . * @ return the rectangular bounds for this curved arrow */ public Rectangle2D getBounds ( ) { } }
if ( needsRefresh ) refreshCurve ( ) ; Rectangle2D b = curve . getBounds ( ) ; Area area = new Area ( bounds ) ; area . transform ( affineToText ) ; b . add ( area . getBounds ( ) ) ; return b ;
public class NetworkSadnessTransformer { /** * Possibly duplicate and delay by some random amount . */ void transformAndQueue ( T event , long systemCurrentTimeMillis ) { } }
// if you ' re super unlucky , this blows up the stack if ( rand . nextDouble ( ) < 0.05 ) { // duplicate this message ( note recursion means maybe more than duped ) transformAndQueue ( event , systemCurrentTimeMillis ) ; } long delayms = nextZipfDelay ( ) ; delayed . add ( systemCurrentTimeMillis + delayms , event ) ;
public class Gauge { /** * Defines the color that will be used to colorize the average * indicator of the gauge . * @ param COLOR */ public void setAverageColor ( final Color COLOR ) { } }
if ( null == averageColor ) { _averageColor = COLOR ; fireUpdateEvent ( REDRAW_EVENT ) ; } else { averageColor . set ( COLOR ) ; }
public class EmbeddedGobblin { /** * Use a { @ link org . apache . gobblin . runtime . api . GobblinInstancePlugin } identified by name . */ public EmbeddedGobblin usePlugin ( String pluginAlias ) throws ClassNotFoundException , IllegalAccessException , InstantiationException { } }
return usePlugin ( GobblinInstancePluginUtils . instantiatePluginByAlias ( pluginAlias ) ) ;
public class AbstractProtoRealization { /** * / * ( non - Javadoc ) * @ see com . ibm . ws . sib . processor . impl . interfaces . DestinationHandler # registerControlAdapters ( ) */ public void registerControlAdapters ( ) { } }
if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . entry ( tc , "registerControlAdapters" ) ; // do nothing if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . exit ( tc , "registerControlAdapters" ) ;
public class DateRangeQuery { /** * Sets the lower boundary of the range , inclusive or not depending on the second parameter . * Works with a { @ link Date } object , which is converted to RFC 3339 format using * { @ link SearchUtils # toFtsUtcString ( Date ) } , so you shouldn ' t use a non - default { @ link # dateTimeParser ( String ) } * after that . */ public DateRangeQuery start ( Date start , boolean inclusive ) { } }
this . start = SearchUtils . toFtsUtcString ( start ) ; this . inclusiveStart = inclusive ; return this ;
public class SchemeInformationBuilder { /** * { @ inheritDoc } */ @ Override public SchemeInformation buildObject ( String namespaceURI , String localName , String namespacePrefix ) { } }
return new SchemeInformationImpl ( namespaceURI , localName , namespacePrefix ) ;
public class AbstractLinearClassifierFactory { /** * Takes a { @ link Collection } of { @ link Datum } objects and gives you back a * { @ link Classifier } trained on it . * @ param examples { @ link Collection } of { @ link Datum } objects to train the * classifier on * @ return A { @ link Classifier } trained on it . */ public LinearClassifier < L , F > trainClassifier ( Collection < Datum < L , F > > examples ) { } }
Dataset < L , F > dataset = new Dataset < L , F > ( ) ; dataset . addAll ( examples ) ; return trainClassifier ( dataset ) ;
public class LogMetadata { /** * Gets the LedgerMetadata for the ledger with given ledger Id . * @ param ledgerId The Ledger Id to search . * @ return The sought LedgerMetadata , or null if not found . */ LedgerMetadata getLedger ( long ledgerId ) { } }
int index = getLedgerMetadataIndex ( ledgerId ) ; if ( index >= 0 ) { return this . ledgers . get ( index ) ; } return null ;
public class ClassGraph { /** * Blacklist classpath elements based on resource paths . Classpath elements that contain resources with paths * matching the blacklist will not be scanned . * @ param resourcePaths * The resource paths which cause a classpath not to be scanned if any are present in a classpath * element for the classpath element . May contain a wildcard glob ( { @ code ' * ' } ) . * @ return this ( for method chaining ) . */ public ClassGraph blacklistClasspathElementsContainingResourcePath ( final String ... resourcePaths ) { } }
for ( final String resourcePath : resourcePaths ) { final String resourcePathNormalized = WhiteBlackList . normalizePath ( resourcePath ) ; scanSpec . classpathElementResourcePathWhiteBlackList . addToBlacklist ( resourcePathNormalized ) ; } return this ;
public class RpcRequest { /** * ( non - Javadoc ) * @ see * com . emc . ecs . nfsclient . nfs . NfsRequest # marshalling ( com . emc . ecs . nfsclient . * rpc . Xdr ) */ public void marshalling ( Xdr xdr ) { } }
xdr . setXid ( _xid ) ; xdr . putInt ( _xid ) ; xdr . putInt ( _direction ) ; xdr . putInt ( _rpcVersion ) ; xdr . putInt ( _serviceProgram ) ; xdr . putInt ( _serviceVersion ) ; xdr . putInt ( _serviceProcedure ) ; _credential . marshalling ( xdr ) ;
public class Traverson { /** * Follow the { @ link Link } s of the current resource , selected by its link - relation type and returns a { @ link Stream } * containing the returned { @ link HalRepresentation HalRepresentations } . * Templated links are expanded to URIs using the specified template variables . * If the current node has { @ link Embedded embedded } items with the specified { @ code rel } , * these items are used instead of resolving the associated { @ link Link } . * @ param type the specific type of the returned HalRepresentations * @ param < T > type of the returned HalRepresentations * @ return this * @ throws IOException if a low - level I / O problem ( unexpected end - of - input , network error ) occurs . * @ throws JsonParseException if the json document can not be parsed by Jackson ' s ObjectMapper * @ throws JsonMappingException if the input JSON structure can not be mapped to the specified HalRepresentation type * @ since 1.0.0 */ public < T extends HalRepresentation > Stream < T > streamAs ( final Class < T > type ) throws IOException { } }
return streamAs ( type , null ) ;
public class PostTools { /** * Use Jackson to convert Map to JSON string . * @ param map Map to convert to json * @ return json string * @ throws MovieDbException exception */ private String convertToJson ( Map < String , ? > map ) throws MovieDbException { } }
try { return MAPPER . writeValueAsString ( map ) ; } catch ( JsonProcessingException ex ) { throw new MovieDbException ( ApiExceptionType . MAPPING_FAILED , "JSON conversion failed" , "" , ex ) ; }
public class ByteHandlerPipeline { /** * { @ inheritDoc } */ public OutputStream serialize ( final OutputStream pToSerialize ) throws TTByteHandleException { } }
OutputStream lastOutput = pToSerialize ; for ( IByteHandler part : mParts ) { lastOutput = part . serialize ( lastOutput ) ; } return lastOutput ;
public class Throttle { /** * Updates the number of operations for this throttle to a new maximum , retaining the current * history of operations if the limit is being increased and truncating the oldest operations * if the limit is decreased . * @ param operations the new maximum number of operations . * @ param period the new period . */ public void reinit ( int operations , long period ) { } }
_period = period ; if ( operations != _ops . length ) { long [ ] ops = new long [ operations ] ; if ( operations > _ops . length ) { // copy to a larger buffer , leaving zeroes at the beginning int lastOp = _lastOp + operations - _ops . length ; System . arraycopy ( _ops , 0 , ops , 0 , _lastOp ) ; System . arraycopy ( _ops , _lastOp , ops , lastOp , _ops . length - _lastOp ) ; } else { // if we ' re truncating , copy the first ( oldest ) stamps into ops [ 0 . . ] int endCount = Math . min ( operations , _ops . length - _lastOp ) ; System . arraycopy ( _ops , _lastOp , ops , 0 , endCount ) ; System . arraycopy ( _ops , 0 , ops , endCount , operations - endCount ) ; _lastOp = 0 ; } _ops = ops ; }
public class Matrix4f { /** * / * ( non - Javadoc ) * @ see org . joml . Matrix4fc # unprojectRay ( float , float , int [ ] , org . joml . Vector3f , org . joml . Vector3f ) */ public Matrix4f unprojectRay ( float winX , float winY , int [ ] viewport , Vector3f originDest , Vector3f dirDest ) { } }
float a = m00 * m11 - m01 * m10 ; float b = m00 * m12 - m02 * m10 ; float c = m00 * m13 - m03 * m10 ; float d = m01 * m12 - m02 * m11 ; float e = m01 * m13 - m03 * m11 ; float f = m02 * m13 - m03 * m12 ; float g = m20 * m31 - m21 * m30 ; float h = m20 * m32 - m22 * m30 ; float i = m20 * m33 - m23 * m30 ; float j = m21 * m32 - m22 * m31 ; float k = m21 * m33 - m23 * m31 ; float l = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32 ; float det = a * l - b * k + c * j + d * i - e * h + f * g ; det = 1.0f / det ; float im00 = ( m11 * l - m12 * k + m13 * j ) * det ; float im01 = ( - m01 * l + m02 * k - m03 * j ) * det ; float im02 = ( m31 * f - m32 * e + m33 * d ) * det ; float im03 = ( - m21 * f + m22 * e - m23 * d ) * det ; float im10 = ( - m10 * l + m12 * i - m13 * h ) * det ; float im11 = ( m00 * l - m02 * i + m03 * h ) * det ; float im12 = ( - m30 * f + m32 * c - m33 * b ) * det ; float im13 = ( m20 * f - m22 * c + m23 * b ) * det ; float im20 = ( m10 * k - m11 * i + m13 * g ) * det ; float im21 = ( - m00 * k + m01 * i - m03 * g ) * det ; float im22 = ( m30 * e - m31 * c + m33 * a ) * det ; float im23 = ( - m20 * e + m21 * c - m23 * a ) * det ; float im30 = ( - m10 * j + m11 * h - m12 * g ) * det ; float im31 = ( m00 * j - m01 * h + m02 * g ) * det ; float im32 = ( - m30 * d + m31 * b - m32 * a ) * det ; float im33 = ( m20 * d - m21 * b + m22 * a ) * det ; float ndcX = ( winX - viewport [ 0 ] ) / viewport [ 2 ] * 2.0f - 1.0f ; float ndcY = ( winY - viewport [ 1 ] ) / viewport [ 3 ] * 2.0f - 1.0f ; float px = im00 * ndcX + im10 * ndcY + im30 ; float py = im01 * ndcX + im11 * ndcY + im31 ; float pz = im02 * ndcX + im12 * ndcY + im32 ; float invNearW = 1.0f / ( im03 * ndcX + im13 * ndcY - im23 + im33 ) ; float nearX = ( px - im20 ) * invNearW ; float nearY = ( py - im21 ) * invNearW ; float nearZ = ( pz - im22 ) * invNearW ; float invFarW = 1.0f / ( im03 * ndcX + im13 * ndcY + im23 + im33 ) ; float farX = ( px + im20 ) * invFarW ; float farY = ( py + im21 ) * invFarW ; float farZ = ( pz + im22 ) * invFarW ; originDest . x = nearX ; originDest . y = nearY ; originDest . z = nearZ ; dirDest . x = farX - nearX ; dirDest . y = farY - nearY ; dirDest . z = farZ - nearZ ; return this ;
public class AnimaQuery { /** * Execute sql statement * @ param sql sql statement * @ param params params * @ return affect the number of rows */ public int execute ( String sql , Object ... params ) { } }
Connection conn = getConn ( ) ; try { return conn . createQuery ( sql ) . withParams ( params ) . executeUpdate ( ) . getResult ( ) ; } finally { this . closeConn ( conn ) ; this . clean ( conn ) ; }
public class SimpleExpressionsPackageImpl { /** * Creates , registers , and initializes the < b > Package < / b > for this model , and for any others upon which it depends . * < p > This method is used to initialize { @ link SimpleExpressionsPackage # eINSTANCE } when that field is accessed . * Clients should not invoke it directly . Instead , they should simply access that field to obtain the package . * < ! - - begin - user - doc - - > * < ! - - end - user - doc - - > * @ see # eNS _ URI * @ see # createPackageContents ( ) * @ see # initializePackageContents ( ) * @ generated */ public static SimpleExpressionsPackage init ( ) { } }
if ( isInited ) return ( SimpleExpressionsPackage ) EPackage . Registry . INSTANCE . getEPackage ( SimpleExpressionsPackage . eNS_URI ) ; // Obtain or create and register package SimpleExpressionsPackageImpl theSimpleExpressionsPackage = ( SimpleExpressionsPackageImpl ) ( EPackage . Registry . INSTANCE . get ( eNS_URI ) instanceof SimpleExpressionsPackageImpl ? EPackage . Registry . INSTANCE . get ( eNS_URI ) : new SimpleExpressionsPackageImpl ( ) ) ; isInited = true ; // Create package meta - data objects theSimpleExpressionsPackage . createPackageContents ( ) ; // Initialize created meta - data theSimpleExpressionsPackage . initializePackageContents ( ) ; // Mark meta - data to indicate it can ' t be changed theSimpleExpressionsPackage . freeze ( ) ; // Update the registry and return the package EPackage . Registry . INSTANCE . put ( SimpleExpressionsPackage . eNS_URI , theSimpleExpressionsPackage ) ; return theSimpleExpressionsPackage ;
public class HtmlDataTable { /** * < p > Return the value of the < code > cellpadding < / code > property . < / p > * < p > Contents : Definition of how much space the user agent should * leave between the border of each cell and its contents . */ public java . lang . String getCellpadding ( ) { } }
return ( java . lang . String ) getStateHelper ( ) . eval ( PropertyKeys . cellpadding ) ;
public class DefaultSqlConfig { /** * DB接続情報を指定してSqlConfigを取得する * @ param url JDBC接続URL * @ param user JDBC接続ユーザ * @ param password JDBC接続パスワード * @ param schema JDBCスキーマ名 * @ param autoCommit 自動コミットするかどうか . 自動コミットの場合 < code > true < / code > * @ param readOnly 参照のみかどうか . 参照のみの場合 < code > true < / code > * @ return SqlConfigオブジェクト */ public static SqlConfig getConfig ( final String url , final String user , final String password , final String schema , final boolean autoCommit , final boolean readOnly ) { } }
return new DefaultSqlConfig ( new JdbcConnectionSupplierImpl ( url , user , password , schema , autoCommit , readOnly ) , null ) ;
public class PreferenceFragment { /** * Initializes the preference , which allows to show the custom dialog . */ private void initializeShowCustomDialogPreference ( ) { } }
Preference preference = findPreference ( getString ( R . string . show_custom_dialog_preference_key ) ) ; preference . setOnPreferenceClickListener ( new OnPreferenceClickListener ( ) { @ Override public boolean onPreferenceClick ( final Preference preference ) { initializeCustomDialog ( ) ; customDialog . setShowAnimation ( createRectangularRevealAnimation ( preference ) ) ; customDialog . setDismissAnimation ( createRectangularRevealAnimation ( preference ) ) ; customDialog . setCancelAnimation ( createRectangularRevealAnimation ( preference ) ) ; customDialog . show ( ) ; return true ; } } ) ;
public class DateTimeUtils { /** * Parses a fraction , multiplying the first character by { @ code multiplier } , * the second character by { @ code multiplier / 10 } , * the third character by { @ code multiplier / 100 } , and so forth . * < p > For example , { @ code parseFraction ( " 1234 " , 100 ) } yields { @ code 123 } . */ private static int parseFraction ( String v , int multiplier ) { } }
int r = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < v . length ( ) ; i ++ ) { char c = v . charAt ( i ) ; int x = c < '0' || c > '9' ? 0 : ( c - '0' ) ; r += multiplier * x ; if ( multiplier < 10 ) { // We ' re at the last digit . Check for rounding . if ( i + 1 < v . length ( ) && v . charAt ( i + 1 ) >= '5' ) { ++ r ; } break ; } multiplier /= 10 ; } return r ;
public class Search { /** * Remove the given search listener . If the search listener had not been added , < code > false < / code > is returned . * Note that this method may only be called when the search is idle . * @ param listener search listener to be removed * @ return < code > true < / code > if the listener was present and has now been removed * @ throws SearchException if the search is not idle */ public boolean removeSearchListener ( SearchListener < ? super SolutionType > listener ) { } }
// acquire status lock synchronized ( statusLock ) { // assert idle assertIdle ( "Cannot remove search listener." ) ; // remove listener if ( searchListeners . remove ( listener ) ) { // log LOGGER . debug ( "{}: removed search listener {}" , this , listener ) ; return true ; } else { return false ; } }
public class Filter { /** * Adds an array of keys to < i > this < / i > filter . * @ param keys The array of keys . */ public void add ( Key [ ] keys ) { } }
if ( keys == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Key[] may not be null" ) ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) { add ( keys [ i ] ) ; }
public class MockRepository { /** * When a mock framework API needs to store additional state not applicable * for the other methods , it may use this method to do so . * @ param key * The key under which the < tt > value < / tt > is stored . * @ param value * The value to store under the specified < tt > key < / tt > . * @ return The previous object under the specified < tt > key < / tt > or * { @ code null } . */ public static synchronized Object putAdditionalState ( String key , Object value ) { } }
return additionalState . put ( key , value ) ;
public class FieldInfo { /** * Initialise the field ( used by ' Alias ' constructor ) . */ public void writeFieldInit ( MethodVisitor mv ) { } }
Label l10 = new Label ( ) ; mv . visitLabel ( l10 ) ; mv . visitLineNumber ( 3 , l10 ) ; mv . visitVarInsn ( ALOAD , 0 ) ; mv . visitTypeInsn ( NEW , internalName ) ; mv . visitInsn ( DUP ) ; mv . visitLdcInsn ( name ) ; mv . visitVarInsn ( ALOAD , 0 ) ; mv . visitMethodInsn ( INVOKESPECIAL , internalName , "<init>" , "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V" , false ) ; mv . visitFieldInsn ( PUTFIELD , classInfo . getClassName ( ) , name , desc ) ;
public class ICalendar { /** * Marshals this iCalendar object to its traditional , plain - text * representation . * If this iCalendar object contains user - defined property or component * objects , you must use the { @ link Biweekly } or { @ link ICalWriter } classes * instead in order to register the scribe classes . * @ param writer the writer to write to * @ throws IllegalArgumentException if this iCalendar object contains * user - defined property or component objects * @ throws IOException if there ' s a problem writing to the writer */ public void write ( Writer writer ) throws IOException { } }
ICalVersion version = ( this . version == null ) ? ICalVersion . V2_0 : this . version ; Biweekly . write ( this ) . version ( version ) . go ( writer ) ;
public class BeanConfig { /** * bind . * @ param beanName a { @ link java . lang . String } object . * @ param clazz a { @ link java . lang . Class } object . * @ return a { @ link org . beangle . commons . inject . bind . BeanConfig . DefinitionBinder } object . */ public DefinitionBinder bind ( String beanName , Class < ? > clazz ) { } }
return new DefinitionBinder ( this ) . bind ( beanName , clazz ) ;
public class CmsLoginManager { /** * Returns the key to use for looking up the user in the invalid login storage . < p > * @ param userName the name of the user * @ param remoteAddress the remore address ( IP ) from which the login attempt was made * @ return the key to use for looking up the user in the invalid login storage */ private static String createStorageKey ( String userName , String remoteAddress ) { } }
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ( ) ; result . append ( userName ) ; result . append ( KEY_SEPARATOR ) ; result . append ( remoteAddress ) ; return result . toString ( ) ;
public class DisableOnFieldHandler { /** * The Field has Changed . * If the target string matches this field , disable the target field . * @ param bDisplayOption If true , display the change . * @ param iMoveMode The type of move being done ( init / read / screen ) . * @ return The error code ( or NORMAL _ RETURN if okay ) . * Disable field if criteria met . */ public int fieldChanged ( boolean bDisplayOption , int iMoveMode ) { } }
boolean bFlag = this . compareFieldToString ( ) ; if ( m_bDisableIfMatch ) bFlag = ! bFlag ; m_fldToDisable . setEnabled ( bFlag ) ; return DBConstants . NORMAL_RETURN ;
public class SREConfigurationBlock { /** * Replies the specific SARL runtime environment . * @ return the SARL runtime environment or < code > null < / code > if * there is no selected SRE . * @ see # isSystemWideDefaultSRE ( ) */ public ISREInstall getSpecificSRE ( ) { } }
final int index = this . runtimeEnvironmentCombo . getSelectionIndex ( ) ; if ( index >= 0 && index < this . runtimeEnvironments . size ( ) ) { return this . runtimeEnvironments . get ( index ) ; } return null ;
public class VirtualMachineScaleSetsInner { /** * Gets the status of a VM scale set instance . * @ param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group . * @ param vmScaleSetName The name of the VM scale set . * @ throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @ return the observable to the VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner object */ public Observable < VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner > getInstanceViewAsync ( String resourceGroupName , String vmScaleSetName ) { } }
return getInstanceViewWithServiceResponseAsync ( resourceGroupName , vmScaleSetName ) . map ( new Func1 < ServiceResponse < VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner > , VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner > ( ) { @ Override public VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner call ( ServiceResponse < VirtualMachineScaleSetInstanceViewInner > response ) { return response . body ( ) ; } } ) ;
public class HtmlDataSourceTag { /** * This method will create the name of the form element ( HTML Control ) that has a name . The * < b > name < / b > attribute represent the " control name " for the control . This name is scoped * into the form element . In addition , a control may have a < b > id < / b > attribute which is * specified by setting the < b > tagId < / b > . These two value are set in this routine . The name * is always the expression mapping the data to it ' s backing element and is conotrolled * by the optional naming chain provided by the tag . The < b > tagId < / b > specifies the < b > id < / b > * attribute . If this is present then we write out a JavaScript that allows mapping * the tagId set on the tag to both the real < b > id < / b > value and also the < b > name < / b > value . * The < b > id < / b > is formed by passing the < b > tagId < / b > to the URL rewritter service . * @ param state The tag state structure . This contains both the name and id attributes . The * id attribute should be set with the initial value from the tagId . * @ param javaScript A ByRef element that will contain any JavaScript that should be written out * by the calling tag . A value is returned only if tagId is set and there is not IScriptReporter * found . * @ throws JspException Pass through the exception from applyNamingChain . */ protected void nameHtmlControl ( AbstractHtmlControlState state , ByRef javaScript ) throws JspException { } }
assert ( javaScript != null ) : "paramater 'javaScript' may not be null" ; assert ( state != null ) : "parameter 'state' may not be null" ; assert ( _dataSource != null ) : "dataSource is Null" ; // create the expression ( name ) String datasource = "{" + _dataSource + "}" ; state . name = applyNamingChain ( datasource ) ; Form parentForm = getNearestForm ( ) ; String idScript = renderNameAndId ( ( HttpServletRequest ) pageContext . getRequest ( ) , state , parentForm ) ; if ( idScript != null ) javaScript . setRef ( idScript ) ;
public class Admin { /** * @ throws PageException */ private void doUpdateSerial ( ) throws PageException { } }
admin . updateSerial ( getString ( "admin" , action , "serial" ) ) ; store ( ) ; pageContext . serverScope ( ) . reload ( ) ;
public class Datamodel { /** * Creates an { @ link SenseIdValue } . * @ param id * a string of the form Ln . . . - Sm . . . where n . . . and m . . . are the string * representation of a positive integer number * @ param siteIri * IRI to identify the site , usually the first part of the entity * IRI of the site this belongs to , e . g . , * " http : / / www . wikidata . org / entity / " * @ return an { @ link SenseIdValue } corresponding to the input */ public static SenseIdValue makeSenseIdValue ( String id , String siteIri ) { } }
return factory . getSenseIdValue ( id , siteIri ) ;
public class AbstractTypedProperties { /** * - - - - - Default Properties - - - - - */ @ Override protected void loadDefaultProperties ( ) { } }
for ( P property : propertyClass . getEnumConstants ( ) ) { try { setProperty ( property , property . getPropertyCharacteristics ( ) . getDefaultValue ( ) , true ) ; } catch ( PropertyException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } }
public class FileUtils { /** * Close a { @ code DirectByteBuffer } - - in particular , will unmap a { @ link MappedByteBuffer } . * @ param byteBuffer * The { @ link ByteBuffer } to close / unmap . * @ param log * The log . * @ return True if the byteBuffer was closed / unmapped . */ public static boolean closeDirectByteBuffer ( final ByteBuffer byteBuffer , final LogNode log ) { } }
if ( byteBuffer != null && byteBuffer . isDirect ( ) ) { return AccessController . doPrivileged ( new PrivilegedAction < Boolean > ( ) { @ Override public Boolean run ( ) { return closeDirectByteBufferPrivileged ( byteBuffer , log ) ; } } ) ; } else { // Nothing to unmap return false ; }
public class Reflections { /** * 根据方法名称获取方法 , 这里只能获取public权限的方法 * @ param cls * @ param methodName * @ return */ public static Method getMethod ( final Class cls , final String methodName ) { } }
return getMethod ( cls , methodName , false ) ;
public class Graphics { /** * Draw a string to the screen using the current font * @ param str * The string to draw * @ param x * The x coordinate to draw the string at * @ param y * The y coordinate to draw the string at */ public void drawString ( String str , float x , float y ) { } }
predraw ( ) ; font . drawString ( x , y , str , currentColor ) ; postdraw ( ) ;
public class NamespaceChangeStreamListener { /** * Read and store the next event from an open stream . This is a blocking method . */ void storeNextEvent ( ) { } }
try { if ( currentStream != null && currentStream . isOpen ( ) ) { final StitchEvent < ChangeEvent < BsonDocument > > event = currentStream . nextEvent ( ) ; if ( event == null ) { return ; } if ( event . getError ( ) != null ) { throw event . getError ( ) ; } if ( event . getData ( ) == null ) { return ; } logger . debug ( String . format ( Locale . US , "NamespaceChangeStreamListener::stream ns=%s event found: op=%s id=%s" , nsConfig . getNamespace ( ) , event . getData ( ) . getOperationType ( ) , event . getData ( ) . getId ( ) ) ) ; nsLock . writeLock ( ) . lockInterruptibly ( ) ; try { events . put ( BsonUtils . getDocumentId ( event . getData ( ) . getDocumentKey ( ) ) , event . getData ( ) ) ; } finally { nsLock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ; } for ( final Callback < ChangeEvent < BsonDocument > , Object > watcher : watchers ) { watcher . onComplete ( OperationResult . successfulResultOf ( event . getData ( ) ) ) ; } } } catch ( final InterruptedException | IOException ex ) { logger . info ( String . format ( Locale . US , "NamespaceChangeStreamListener::stream ns=%s interrupted on " + "fetching next event: %s" , nsConfig . getNamespace ( ) , ex ) ) ; logger . info ( "stream END – INTERRUPTED" ) ; Thread . currentThread ( ) . interrupt ( ) ; } catch ( final Exception ex ) { // TODO : Emit error through DataSynchronizer as an ifc logger . error ( String . format ( Locale . US , "NamespaceChangeStreamListener::stream ns=%s exception on fetching next event: %s" , nsConfig . getNamespace ( ) , ex ) , ex ) ; logger . info ( "stream END – EXCEPTION" ) ; final boolean wasInterrupted = Thread . currentThread ( ) . isInterrupted ( ) ; this . close ( ) ; if ( wasInterrupted ) { Thread . currentThread ( ) . interrupt ( ) ; } }
public class LoggingOperations { /** * Adds a { @ link Stage # RUNTIME runtime } step to the context that will commit or rollback any logging changes . Also * if not a logging profile writes the { @ code logging . properties } file . * Note the commit step will only be added if process type is a * { @ linkplain org . jboss . as . controller . ProcessType # isServer ( ) server } . * @ param context the context to add the step to * @ param configurationPersistence the configuration to commit */ static void addCommitStep ( final OperationContext context , final ConfigurationPersistence configurationPersistence ) { } }
// This should only check that it ' s a server for the commit step . The logging . properties may need to be written // in ADMIN _ ONLY mode if ( context . getProcessType ( ) . isServer ( ) ) { context . addStep ( new CommitOperationStepHandler ( configurationPersistence ) , Stage . RUNTIME ) ; }
public class IssueManager { /** * Deprecated . use issue . delete ( ) instead . * @ throws RedmineException */ @ Deprecated public void deleteIssue ( Integer id ) throws RedmineException { } }
transport . deleteObject ( Issue . class , Integer . toString ( id ) ) ;
public class SoftwareSystem { /** * Sets the location of this software system . * @ param location a Location instance */ public void setLocation ( Location location ) { } }
if ( location != null ) { this . location = location ; } else { this . location = Location . Unspecified ; }
public class FileTracker { /** * Create a new tracked file * @ param dir file directory * @ param filename filename * @ return file new file * @ throws DataUtilException data util exception */ public File createFile ( File dir , String filename ) throws DataUtilException { } }
if ( dir == null ) { throw new DataUtilException ( "The directory parameter can't be a null value" ) ; } try { File file = new File ( dir , filename ) ; return createFile ( file ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new DataUtilException ( "Invalid file: " + filename ) ; }
public class WsByteBufferUtils { /** * Clear each buffer in an array of them . * @ param list */ public static void clearBufferArray ( WsByteBuffer [ ] list ) { } }
if ( list != null ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . length ; ++ i ) { if ( list [ i ] != null ) list [ i ] . clear ( ) ; } }
public class ProfileService { /** * < p > Creates a new instance of an implementation of { @ link ProfileManager } . * @ param context * the invocation context * @ return a new instance of { @ link ProfileManager } . * @ since 1.1.1 */ public static final synchronized ProfileManager getInstance ( Object context ) { } }
return ( instance == null ) ? ( instance = new ProfileService ( ContextUtils . asApplication ( context ) ) ) : instance ;
public class DataWriterUtil { /** * The function to convert a percent element into a string . * @ param value the input numeric value to convert . * @ param decimalFormat the formatter to convert percentage element into string . * @ return the string with the text presentation of the input numeric value . */ private static String convertPercentElementToString ( Object value , DecimalFormat decimalFormat ) { } }
Double doubleValue = value instanceof Long ? ( ( Long ) value ) . doubleValue ( ) : ( Double ) value ; return decimalFormat . format ( doubleValue ) ;
public class PatchedRuntimeEnvironmentBuilder { /** * Sets entityManagerFactory . * @ param emf entityManagerFactory * @ return this RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder */ public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder entityManagerFactory ( Object emf ) { } }
if ( emf == null ) { return this ; } if ( ! ( emf instanceof EntityManagerFactory ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Argument is not of type EntityManagerFactory" ) ; } _runtimeEnvironment . setEmf ( ( EntityManagerFactory ) emf ) ; return this ;
public class TypesREST { /** * Get the relationship definition for the given guid * @ param guid relationship guid * @ return relationship definition * @ throws AtlasBaseException * @ HTTP 200 On successful lookup of the the relationship definition by it ' s guid * @ HTTP 404 On Failed lookup for the given guid */ @ GET @ Path ( "/relationshipdef/guid/{guid}" ) @ Produces ( Servlets . JSON_MEDIA_TYPE ) public AtlasRelationshipDef getRelationshipDefByGuid ( @ PathParam ( "guid" ) String guid ) throws AtlasBaseException { } }
AtlasRelationshipDef ret = typeDefStore . getRelationshipDefByGuid ( guid ) ; return ret ;
public class HBaseReader { /** * Load all . * @ param hTable * the h table * @ param rows * the rows * @ param columnFamily * the column family * @ param columns * the columns * @ return the list * @ throws IOException * Signals that an I / O exception has occurred . */ public List < HBaseDataWrapper > loadAll ( final Table hTable , final List < Object > rows , final String columnFamily , final String [ ] columns ) throws IOException { } }
setTableName ( hTable ) ; List < HBaseDataWrapper > results = new ArrayList < HBaseDataWrapper > ( ) ; List < Get > getRequest = new ArrayList < Get > ( ) ; for ( Object rowKey : rows ) { if ( rowKey != null ) { byte [ ] rowKeyBytes = HBaseUtils . getBytes ( rowKey ) ; Get request = new Get ( rowKeyBytes ) ; getRequest . add ( request ) ; } } Result [ ] rawResult = hTable . get ( getRequest ) ; for ( Result result : rawResult ) { List < Cell > cells = result . listCells ( ) ; if ( cells != null ) { HBaseDataWrapper data = new HBaseDataWrapper ( tableName , result . getRow ( ) ) ; data . setColumns ( cells ) ; results . add ( data ) ; } } return results ;
public class MembershipTypeHandlerImpl { /** * Creates and returns membership type node . If node already exists it will be returned * otherwise the new one will be created . */ private Node getOrCreateMembershipTypeNode ( Session session , MembershipTypeImpl mType ) throws Exception { } }
try { return mType . getInternalId ( ) != null ? session . getNodeByUUID ( mType . getInternalId ( ) ) : utils . getMembershipTypeNode ( session , mType . getName ( ) ) ; } catch ( ItemNotFoundException e ) { return createNewMembershipTypeNode ( session , mType ) ; } catch ( PathNotFoundException e ) { return createNewMembershipTypeNode ( session , mType ) ; }
public class TimeUtils { /** * Renders a time period in human readable form * @ param time the time in milliseconds * @ return the time in human readable form */ public static String asTime ( long time ) { } }
if ( time > HOUR ) { return String . format ( "%.1f h" , ( time / HOUR ) ) ; } else if ( time > MINUTE ) { return String . format ( "%.1f m" , ( time / MINUTE ) ) ; } else if ( time > SECOND ) { return String . format ( "%.1f s" , ( time / SECOND ) ) ; } else { return String . format ( "%d ms" , time ) ; }
public class UnionPayApi { /** * 后台请求返回Map * @ param reqData * 请求参数 * @ return { Map < String , String > } */ public static Map < String , String > backRequestByMap ( Map < String , String > reqData ) { } }
return SDKUtil . convertResultStringToMap ( backRequest ( reqData ) ) ;
public class DeviceProxyDAODefaultImpl { public AttributeInfo [ ] get_attribute_info ( final DeviceProxy deviceProxy , final String [ ] attributeNames ) throws DevFailed { } }
build_connection ( deviceProxy ) ; final int retries = deviceProxy . transparent_reconnection ? 2 : 1 ; for ( int oneTry = 1 ; oneTry <= retries ; oneTry ++ ) { try { AttributeInfo [ ] result ; AttributeConfig [ ] ac = new AttributeConfig [ 0 ] ; AttributeConfig_2 [ ] ac_2 = null ; if ( deviceProxy . url . protocol == TANGO ) { // Check IDL version if ( deviceProxy . device_2 != null ) { ac_2 = deviceProxy . device_2 . get_attribute_config_2 ( attributeNames ) ; } else { ac = deviceProxy . device . get_attribute_config ( attributeNames ) ; } } else { ac = deviceProxy . taco_device . get_attribute_config ( attributeNames ) ; } // Convert AttributeConfig ( _ 2 ) object to AttributeInfo object final int size = ac_2 != null ? ac_2 . length : ac . length ; result = new AttributeInfo [ size ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) { if ( ac_2 != null ) { result [ i ] = new AttributeInfo ( ac_2 [ i ] ) ; } else { result [ i ] = new AttributeInfo ( ac [ i ] ) ; } } return result ; } catch ( final DevFailed e ) { if ( oneTry >= retries ) { throw e ; } } catch ( final Exception e ) { if ( oneTry >= retries ) { ApiUtilDAODefaultImpl . removePendingRepliesOfDevice ( deviceProxy ) ; throw_dev_failed ( deviceProxy , e , "get_attribute_config" , true ) ; } } } return null ;
public class GlobalNamespace { /** * Determines whether a variable name reference in a particular scope is a global variable * reference . * @ param name A variable name ( e . g . " a " ) * @ param s The scope in which the name is referenced * @ return Whether the name reference is a global variable reference */ private boolean isGlobalVarReference ( String name , Scope s ) { } }
Var v = s . getVar ( name ) ; if ( v == null && externsScope != null ) { v = externsScope . getVar ( name ) ; } return v != null && ! v . isLocal ( ) ;
public class Enhancements { /** * Returns the { @ link Collection } of extracted { @ link EntityAnnotation } s * @ return */ @ SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" ) public Collection < KeywordAnnotation > getKeywordAnnotations ( ) { } }
Collection < ? extends Enhancement > result = enhancements . get ( KeywordAnnotation . class ) ; return result == null ? Collections . < KeywordAnnotation > emptySet ( ) : Collections . unmodifiableCollection ( ( Collection < KeywordAnnotation > ) result ) ;
public class PersonGroupsImpl { /** * Retrieve the training status of a person group ( completed or ongoing ) . * @ param personGroupId Id referencing a particular person group . * @ throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @ return the observable to the TrainingStatus object */ public Observable < TrainingStatus > getTrainingStatusAsync ( String personGroupId ) { } }
return getTrainingStatusWithServiceResponseAsync ( personGroupId ) . map ( new Func1 < ServiceResponse < TrainingStatus > , TrainingStatus > ( ) { @ Override public TrainingStatus call ( ServiceResponse < TrainingStatus > response ) { return response . body ( ) ; } } ) ;
public class Http2Connection { /** * Callers of this method are not thread safe , and sometimes on application threads . Most often , * this method will be called to send a buffer worth of data to the peer . * < p > Writes are subject to the write window of the stream and the connection . Until there is a * window sufficient to send { @ code byteCount } , the caller will block . For example , a user of * { @ code HttpURLConnection } who flushes more bytes to the output stream than the connection ' s * write window will block . * < p > Zero { @ code byteCount } writes are not subject to flow control and will not block . The only * use case for zero { @ code byteCount } is closing a flushed output stream . */ public void writeData ( int streamId , boolean outFinished , Buffer buffer , long byteCount ) throws IOException { } }
if ( byteCount == 0 ) { // Empty data frames are not flow - controlled . writer . data ( outFinished , streamId , buffer , 0 ) ; return ; } while ( byteCount > 0 ) { int toWrite ; synchronized ( Http2Connection . this ) { try { while ( bytesLeftInWriteWindow <= 0 ) { // Before blocking , confirm that the stream we ' re writing is still open . It ' s possible // that the stream has since been closed ( such as if this write timed out . ) if ( ! streams . containsKey ( streamId ) ) { throw new IOException ( "stream closed" ) ; } Http2Connection . this . wait ( ) ; // Wait until we receive a WINDOW _ UPDATE . } } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Thread . currentThread ( ) . interrupt ( ) ; // Retain interrupted status . throw new InterruptedIOException ( ) ; } toWrite = ( int ) Math . min ( byteCount , bytesLeftInWriteWindow ) ; toWrite = Math . min ( toWrite , writer . maxDataLength ( ) ) ; bytesLeftInWriteWindow -= toWrite ; } byteCount -= toWrite ; writer . data ( outFinished && byteCount == 0 , streamId , buffer , toWrite ) ; }
public class Ifc2x3tc1FactoryImpl { /** * < ! - - begin - user - doc - - > * < ! - - end - user - doc - - > * @ generated */ public String convertIfcCableSegmentTypeEnumToString ( EDataType eDataType , Object instanceValue ) { } }
return instanceValue == null ? null : instanceValue . toString ( ) ;
public class CommerceNotificationAttachmentPersistenceImpl { /** * Returns the number of commerce notification attachments where uuid = & # 63 ; . * @ param uuid the uuid * @ return the number of matching commerce notification attachments */ @ Override public int countByUuid ( String uuid ) { } }
FinderPath finderPath = FINDER_PATH_COUNT_BY_UUID ; Object [ ] finderArgs = new Object [ ] { uuid } ; Long count = ( Long ) finderCache . getResult ( finderPath , finderArgs , this ) ; if ( count == null ) { StringBundler query = new StringBundler ( 2 ) ; query . append ( _SQL_COUNT_COMMERCENOTIFICATIONATTACHMENT_WHERE ) ; boolean bindUuid = false ; if ( uuid == null ) { query . append ( _FINDER_COLUMN_UUID_UUID_1 ) ; } else if ( uuid . equals ( "" ) ) { query . append ( _FINDER_COLUMN_UUID_UUID_3 ) ; } else { bindUuid = true ; query . append ( _FINDER_COLUMN_UUID_UUID_2 ) ; } String sql = query . toString ( ) ; Session session = null ; try { session = openSession ( ) ; Query q = session . createQuery ( sql ) ; QueryPos qPos = QueryPos . getInstance ( q ) ; if ( bindUuid ) { qPos . add ( uuid ) ; } count = ( Long ) q . uniqueResult ( ) ; finderCache . putResult ( finderPath , finderArgs , count ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { finderCache . removeResult ( finderPath , finderArgs ) ; throw processException ( e ) ; } finally { closeSession ( session ) ; } } return count . intValue ( ) ;
public class DbPreparedStatement { /** * Sets int value for all fields matched by name . If value is null calls setNull for all fields . */ @ NotNull public DbPreparedStatement < T > set ( @ NotNull String name , @ Nullable DbInt value ) throws SQLException { } }
return value == null ? setNull ( name , JDBCType . INTEGER ) : set ( name , value . getDbValue ( ) ) ;
public class Sets { /** * Create a keyset from a set using a { @ code KeyExtractor } * @ param set original set * @ param keyExtractor key extractor * @ param < T > type * @ return a new keyset extracted from the original set */ public static < T > Set < T > keyset ( Set < T > set , KeyExtractor < T > keyExtractor ) { } }
Set < T > keyset = new HashSet < T > ( ) ; for ( T item : set ) { keyset . add ( keyExtractor . extractKey ( item ) ) ; } return keyset ;
public class CheckRequestAggregator { /** * Obtains the { @ code HashCode } for the contents of { @ code value } . * @ param value a { @ code CheckRequest } to be signed * @ return the { @ code HashCode } corresponding to { @ code value } */ public static HashCode sign ( CheckRequest value ) { } }
Hasher h = Hashing . md5 ( ) . newHasher ( ) ; Operation o = value . getOperation ( ) ; if ( o == null || Strings . isNullOrEmpty ( o . getConsumerId ( ) ) || Strings . isNullOrEmpty ( o . getOperationName ( ) ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "CheckRequest should have a valid operation" ) ; } h . putString ( o . getConsumerId ( ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ; h . putChar ( '\0' ) ; h . putString ( o . getOperationName ( ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ; h . putChar ( '\0' ) ; Signing . putLabels ( h , o . getLabels ( ) ) ; for ( MetricValueSet mvSet : o . getMetricValueSetsList ( ) ) { h . putString ( mvSet . getMetricName ( ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ; h . putChar ( '\0' ) ; for ( MetricValue metricValue : mvSet . getMetricValuesList ( ) ) { MetricValues . putMetricValue ( h , metricValue ) ; } } return h . hash ( ) ;
public class DeleteException { /** * Converts a Throwable to a DeleteException with the specified detail message . If the * Throwable is a DeleteException and if the Throwable ' s message is identical to the * one supplied , the Throwable will be passed through unmodified ; otherwise , it will be wrapped in * a new DeleteException with the detail message . * @ param cause the Throwable to convert * @ param message the specified detail message * @ return a DeleteException */ public static DeleteException fromThrowable ( String message , Throwable cause ) { } }
return ( cause instanceof DeleteException && Objects . equals ( message , cause . getMessage ( ) ) ) ? ( DeleteException ) cause : new DeleteException ( message , cause ) ;
public class FileOperations { /** * Create a new directory . The direct parent directory already needs to exist . * @ param aDir * The directory to be created . May not be < code > null < / code > . * @ return A non - < code > null < / code > error code . */ @ Nonnull public static FileIOError createDir ( @ Nonnull final File aDir ) { } }
ValueEnforcer . notNull ( aDir , "Directory" ) ; // Does the directory already exist ? if ( aDir . exists ( ) ) return EFileIOErrorCode . TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS . getAsIOError ( EFileIOOperation . CREATE_DIR , aDir ) ; // Is the parent directory writable ? final File aParentDir = aDir . getParentFile ( ) ; if ( aParentDir != null && aParentDir . exists ( ) && ! aParentDir . canWrite ( ) ) return EFileIOErrorCode . SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE . getAsIOError ( EFileIOOperation . CREATE_DIR , aDir ) ; try { final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aDir . mkdir ( ) ? EFileIOErrorCode . NO_ERROR : EFileIOErrorCode . OPERATION_FAILED ; return eError . getAsIOError ( EFileIOOperation . CREATE_DIR , aDir ) ; } catch ( final SecurityException ex ) { return EFileIOErrorCode . getSecurityAsIOError ( EFileIOOperation . CREATE_DIR , ex ) ; }
public class PlaceViewUtil { /** * Dispatches a call to { @ link PlaceView # didLeavePlace } to all UI elements in the hierarchy * rooted at the component provided via the < code > root < / code > parameter . * @ param root the component at which to start traversing the UI hierarchy . * @ param plobj the place object that is about to be entered . */ public static void dispatchDidLeavePlace ( Object root , PlaceObject plobj ) { } }
// dispatch the call on this component if it implements PlaceView if ( root instanceof PlaceView ) { try { ( ( PlaceView ) root ) . didLeavePlace ( plobj ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { log . warning ( "Component choked on didLeavePlace()" , "component" , root , "plobj" , plobj , e ) ; } } // now traverse all of this component ' s children if ( root instanceof Container ) { Container cont = ( Container ) root ; int ccount = cont . getComponentCount ( ) ; for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < ccount ; ii ++ ) { dispatchDidLeavePlace ( cont . getComponent ( ii ) , plobj ) ; } }
public class TypeDelta { void setTypeSuperNameChange ( String oldSuperName , String newSuperName ) { } }
this . oSuperName = oldSuperName ; this . nSuperName = newSuperName ; this . changed |= CHANGED_SUPERNAME ;
public class StructureUtil { /** * Find linkages between two groups within tolerance of bond length , * from potential atoms . * @ param group1 the first { @ link Group } . * @ param group2 the second { @ link Group } . * @ param potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup1 potential names of the atom on the first group . * If null , search all atoms on the first group . * @ param potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup2 potential names of the atom on the second group . * If null , search all atoms on the second group . * @ param ignoreNCLinkage true to ignore all N - C linkages * @ param bondLengthTolerance bond length error tolerance . * @ return a list , each element of which is an array of two Atoms that form bond * between each other . */ public static List < Atom [ ] > findAtomLinkages ( final Group group1 , final Group group2 , List < String > potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup1 , List < String > potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup2 , final boolean ignoreNCLinkage , final double bondLengthTolerance ) { } }
if ( group1 == null || group2 == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Null group(s)." ) ; } if ( bondLengthTolerance < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "bondLengthTolerance cannot be negative." ) ; } List < Atom [ ] > ret = new ArrayList < Atom [ ] > ( ) ; if ( potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup1 == null ) { // if empty name , search for all atoms potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup1 = getAtomNames ( group1 ) ; } if ( potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup2 == null ) { // if empty name , search for all atoms potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup2 = getAtomNames ( group2 ) ; } for ( String namesOfAtomOnGroup1 : potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup1 ) { for ( String namesOfAtomOnGroup2 : potentialNamesOfAtomOnGroup2 ) { Atom [ ] atoms = findLinkage ( group1 , group2 , namesOfAtomOnGroup1 , namesOfAtomOnGroup2 , bondLengthTolerance ) ; if ( atoms != null ) { if ( ignoreNCLinkage && ( ( atoms [ 0 ] . getName ( ) . equals ( "N" ) && atoms [ 1 ] . getName ( ) . equals ( "C" ) ) || ( atoms [ 0 ] . getName ( ) . equals ( "C" ) && atoms [ 1 ] . getName ( ) . equals ( "N" ) ) ) ) { continue ; } ret . add ( atoms ) ; } } } return ret ;
public class Gradient { /** * Resolve the gradient reference * @ param diagram The diagram to resolve against */ public void resolve ( Diagram diagram ) { } }
if ( ref == null ) { return ; } Gradient other = diagram . getGradient ( ref ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < other . steps . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { steps . add ( other . steps . get ( i ) ) ; }
public class BioPAXIOHandlerAdapter { /** * This method currently only fixes reusedPEPs if the option is set . As L2 is becoming obsolete this method will be * slated for deprecation . * @ param bpe to be bound * @ param value to be assigned . * @ return a " fixed " value . */ protected Object resourceFixes ( BioPAXElement bpe , Object value ) { } }
if ( this . isFixReusedPEPs ( ) && value instanceof physicalEntityParticipant ) { value = this . getReusedPEPHelper ( ) . fixReusedPEP ( ( physicalEntityParticipant ) value , bpe ) ; } return value ;
public class RuntimeStepExecution { /** * Since this is a non - trivial behavior to support , let ' s keep it internal rather than exposing it . */ private MetricImpl getCommittedMetric ( MetricImpl . MetricType metricType ) { } }
return ( MetricImpl ) committedMetrics . get ( metricType . name ( ) ) ;
public class ContactsApi { /** * Get alliance contact labels Return custom labels for an alliance & # 39 ; s * contacts - - - This route is cached for up to 300 seconds SSO Scope : * esi - alliances . read _ contacts . v1 * @ param allianceId * An EVE alliance ID ( required ) * @ param datasource * The server name you would like data from ( optional , default to * tranquility ) * @ param ifNoneMatch * ETag from a previous request . A 304 will be returned if this * matches the current ETag ( optional ) * @ param token * Access token to use if unable to set a header ( optional ) * @ return List & lt ; AllianceContactsLabelsResponse & gt ; * @ throws ApiException * If fail to call the API , e . g . server error or cannot * deserialize the response body */ public List < AllianceContactsLabelsResponse > getAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabels ( Integer allianceId , String datasource , String ifNoneMatch , String token ) throws ApiException { } }
ApiResponse < List < AllianceContactsLabelsResponse > > resp = getAlliancesAllianceIdContactsLabelsWithHttpInfo ( allianceId , datasource , ifNoneMatch , token ) ; return resp . getData ( ) ;
public class JmsJcaActivationSpecImpl { /** * ( non - Javadoc ) * @ see com . ibm . ws . sib . api . jmsra . JmsJcaActivationSpec # setPassword ( java . lang . String ) */ @ Override public void setPassword ( final String password ) { } }
if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && TRACE . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { SibTr . debug ( this , TRACE , "setPassword" , "***" ) ; } _password = password ;
public class AbstractFeatureSourceLayer { /** * Get the feature source ( either load from the supplier or return the cached source ) . * @ param httpRequestFactory The factory for making http requests . * @ param mapContext The map context . */ public final FeatureSource < ? , ? > getFeatureSource ( @ Nonnull final MfClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory , @ Nonnull final MapfishMapContext mapContext ) { } }
if ( this . featureSource == null ) { this . featureSource = this . featureSourceSupplier . load ( httpRequestFactory , mapContext ) ; } return this . featureSource ;
public class AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest { /** * This method is intended for internal use only . Returns the marshaled request configured with additional * parameters to enable operation dry - run . */ @ Override public Request < AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest > getDryRunRequest ( ) { } }
Request < AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest > request = new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequestMarshaller ( ) . marshall ( this ) ; request . addParameter ( "DryRun" , Boolean . toString ( true ) ) ; return request ;
public class CurrencyFormat { /** * { @ inheritDoc } */ @ Override public StringBuilder formatMeasures ( StringBuilder appendTo , FieldPosition fieldPosition , Measure ... measures ) { } }
return mf . formatMeasures ( appendTo , fieldPosition , measures ) ;
public class MariaDbConnection { /** * < p > Creates a default < code > PreparedStatement < / code > object that has the capability to retrieve * auto - generated keys . The given constant tells the driver whether it should make auto - generated * keys available for retrieval . This parameter is ignored if the SQL statement is not an * < code > INSERT < / code > statement , or an SQL statement able to return auto - generated keys ( the * list of such statements is vendor - specific ) . < / p > * < p > < B > Note : < / B > This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit * from precompilation . If the driver supports precompilation , the method * < code > prepareStatement < / code > will send the statement to the database for precompilation . Some * drivers may not support precompilation . In this case , the statement may not be sent to the * database until the < code > PreparedStatement < / code > object is executed . This has no direct * effect on users ; however , it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions . < / p > * < p > Result sets created using the returned < code > PreparedStatement < / code > object will by * default be type < code > TYPE _ FORWARD _ ONLY < / code > and have a concurrency level of * < code > CONCUR _ READ _ ONLY < / code > . The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling { @ link # getHoldability } . < / p > * @ param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more ' ? ' IN parameter * placeholders * @ param autoGeneratedKeys a flag indicating whether auto - generated keys should be returned ; one * of * < code > Statement . RETURN _ GENERATED _ KEYS < / code > * or < code > Statement . NO _ GENERATED _ KEYS < / code > * @ return a new < code > PreparedStatement < / code > object , containing the pre - compiled SQL statement , * that will have the capability of returning auto - generated keys * @ throws SQLException if a database access error occurs , this method is * called on a closed connection or the given parameter is * not a < code > Statement < / code > constant indicating * whether auto - generated keys should be returned */ public PreparedStatement prepareStatement ( final String sql , final int autoGeneratedKeys ) throws SQLException { } }
return internalPrepareStatement ( sql , ResultSet . TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY , ResultSet . CONCUR_READ_ONLY , autoGeneratedKeys ) ;
public class TreeItem { /** * This method is called by the children tags of the TreeItem . If there is a < code > TreeHtmlAttribute < / code > * it will set the attribute name and value . * @ param attr */ public void setItemAttribute ( TreeHtmlAttributeInfo attr ) { } }
_child = true ; if ( _attributes == null ) _attributes = new ArrayList ( ) ; _attributes . add ( attr ) ;
public class GeometryIndexService { /** * Given a certain geometry , get the edge the index points to . This only works if the index actually points to an * edge . * @ param geometry * The geometry to search in . * @ param index * The index that points to an edge within the given geometry . * @ return Returns the edge if it exists . * @ throws GeometryIndexNotFoundException * Thrown in case the index is of the wrong type , or if the edge could not be found within the given * geometry . */ public Coordinate [ ] getEdge ( Geometry geometry , GeometryIndex index ) throws GeometryIndexNotFoundException { } }
if ( index . hasChild ( ) ) { if ( geometry . getGeometries ( ) != null && geometry . getGeometries ( ) . length > index . getValue ( ) ) { return getEdge ( geometry . getGeometries ( ) [ index . getValue ( ) ] , index . getChild ( ) ) ; } throw new GeometryIndexNotFoundException ( "Could not match index with given geometry" ) ; } if ( index . getType ( ) == GeometryIndexType . TYPE_EDGE && geometry . getCoordinates ( ) != null && geometry . getCoordinates ( ) . length > ( index . getValue ( ) - 1 ) ) { return new Coordinate [ ] { geometry . getCoordinates ( ) [ index . getValue ( ) ] , geometry . getCoordinates ( ) [ index . getValue ( ) + 1 ] } ; } throw new GeometryIndexNotFoundException ( "Could not match index with given geometry" ) ;
public class NameSpace { /** * Get the methods defined in this namespace . ( This does not show methods * in parent namespaces ) . Note : This will probably be renamed * getDeclaredMethods ( ) * @ return the methods */ public BshMethod [ ] getMethods ( ) { } }
return this . methods . values ( ) . stream ( ) . flatMap ( v -> v . stream ( ) ) . toArray ( BshMethod [ ] :: new ) ;
public class AmazonKinesisVideoPutMediaClient { /** * Create an { @ link javax . net . ssl . SSLContext } for the Netty Bootstrap . * @ param uri URI of request . * @ return Null if not over SSL , otherwise configured { @ link javax . net . ssl . SSLContext } to use . */ private SslContext getSslContext ( URI uri ) { } }
if ( ! "https" . equalsIgnoreCase ( uri . getScheme ( ) ) ) { return null ; } try { return SslContextBuilder . forClient ( ) . build ( ) ; } catch ( SSLException e ) { throw new SdkClientException ( "Could not create SSL context" , e ) ; }
public class SocketResourceFactory { /** * / * Log relevant socket creation details */ private void recordSocketCreation ( SocketDestination dest , Socket socket ) throws SocketException { } }
int numCreated = created . incrementAndGet ( ) ; logger . debug ( "Created socket " + numCreated + " for " + dest . getHost ( ) + ":" + dest . getPort ( ) + " using protocol " + dest . getRequestFormatType ( ) . getCode ( ) ) ; // check buffer sizes - - you often don ' t get out what you put in ! int sendBufferSize = socket . getSendBufferSize ( ) ; int receiveBufferSize = socket . getReceiveBufferSize ( ) ; if ( receiveBufferSize != this . socketBufferSize ) logger . debug ( "Requested socket receive buffer size was " + this . socketBufferSize + " bytes but actual size is " + receiveBufferSize + " bytes." ) ; if ( sendBufferSize != this . socketBufferSize ) logger . debug ( "Requested socket send buffer size was " + this . socketBufferSize + " bytes but actual size is " + sendBufferSize + " bytes." ) ;
public class DefaultGroovyMethods { /** * Allows the usage of addShutdownHook without getting the runtime first . * @ param self the object the method is called on ( ignored ) * @ param closure the shutdown hook action * @ since 1.5.0 */ public static void addShutdownHook ( Object self , Closure closure ) { } }
Runtime . getRuntime ( ) . addShutdownHook ( new Thread ( closure ) ) ;
public class IOGroovyMethods { /** * Filter lines from an input stream using a closure predicate . The closure * will be passed each line as a String , and it should return * < code > true < / code > if the line should be passed to the writer . * @ param self an input stream * @ param charset opens the stream with a specified charset * @ param predicate a closure which returns boolean and takes a line * @ return a writable which writes out the filtered lines * @ throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding specified is not supported * @ see # filterLine ( java . io . Reader , groovy . lang . Closure ) * @ since 1.6.8 */ public static Writable filterLine ( InputStream self , String charset , @ ClosureParams ( value = SimpleType . class , options = "java.lang.String" ) Closure predicate ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { } }
return filterLine ( newReader ( self , charset ) , predicate ) ;
public class CPDefinitionUtil { /** * Returns the first cp definition in the ordered set where groupId = & # 63 ; . * @ param groupId the group ID * @ param orderByComparator the comparator to order the set by ( optionally < code > null < / code > ) * @ return the first matching cp definition * @ throws NoSuchCPDefinitionException if a matching cp definition could not be found */ public static CPDefinition findByGroupId_First ( long groupId , OrderByComparator < CPDefinition > orderByComparator ) throws com . liferay . commerce . product . exception . NoSuchCPDefinitionException { } }
return getPersistence ( ) . findByGroupId_First ( groupId , orderByComparator ) ;
public class AccumulatorHelper { /** * Compare both classes and throw { @ link UnsupportedOperationException } if * they differ . */ @ SuppressWarnings ( "rawtypes" ) public static void compareAccumulatorTypes ( Object name , Class < ? extends Accumulator > first , Class < ? extends Accumulator > second ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { } }
if ( first == null || second == null ) { throw new NullPointerException ( ) ; } if ( first != second ) { if ( ! first . getName ( ) . equals ( second . getName ( ) ) ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "The accumulator object '" + name + "' was created with two different types: " + first . getName ( ) + " and " + second . getName ( ) ) ; } else { // damn , name is the same , but different classloaders throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "The accumulator object '" + name + "' was created with two different classes: " + first + " and " + second + " Both have the same type (" + first . getName ( ) + ") but different classloaders: " + first . getClassLoader ( ) + " and " + second . getClassLoader ( ) ) ; } }
public class Message { /** * Sets the buffer < p / > * Note that the byte [ ] buffer passed as argument must not be modified . Reason : if we retransmit the * message , it would still have a ref to the original byte [ ] buffer passed in as argument , and so we would * retransmit a changed byte [ ] buffer ! */ public Message setBuffer ( Buffer buf ) { } }
if ( buf != null ) { this . buf = buf . getBuf ( ) ; this . offset = buf . getOffset ( ) ; this . length = buf . getLength ( ) ; } return this ;
public class Encoding { /** * Returns the Java name for the given locale . * @ param locale the locale to use * @ return Java encoding name */ public static String getJavaName ( Locale locale ) { } }
if ( locale == null ) return null ; return getJavaName ( getMimeName ( locale ) ) ;
public class IntervalTree { /** * Returns the successor of the specified Entry , or null if no such . * @ param < V > the value type */ private static < V > TreeEntry < V > successor ( TreeEntry < V > t ) { } }
if ( t == null ) { return null ; } else if ( t . right != null ) { TreeEntry < V > p = t . right ; while ( p . left != null ) { p = p . left ; } return p ; } else { TreeEntry < V > p = t . parent ; TreeEntry < V > ch = t ; while ( p != null && ch == p . right ) { ch = p ; p = p . parent ; } return p ; }
public class MPIO { /** * remove a MPConnection from the cache * @ param conn The MEConnection of the MPConnection to be removed * @ return The MPConnection which removed */ public MPConnection removeConnection ( MEConnection conn ) { } }
if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . entry ( tc , "removeConnection" , new Object [ ] { conn } ) ; MPConnection mpConn ; synchronized ( _mpConnectionsByMEConnection ) { // remove the MPConnection from the ' by MEConnection ' cache mpConn = _mpConnectionsByMEConnection . remove ( conn ) ; if ( mpConn != null ) { // remove it from the ' by cellule ' cache also _mpConnectionsByMEUuid . remove ( mpConn . getRemoteMEUuid ( ) ) ; } } if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isEntryEnabled ( ) ) SibTr . exit ( tc , "removeConnection" , mpConn ) ; return mpConn ;
public class AbstractHistogram { /** * Produce textual representation of the value distribution of histogram data by percentile . The distribution is * output with exponentially increasing resolution , with each exponentially decreasing half - distance containing * < i > dumpTicksPerHalf < / i > percentile reporting tick points . * @ param printStream Stream into which the distribution will be output * @ param percentileTicksPerHalfDistance The number of reporting points per exponentially decreasing half - distance * @ param outputValueUnitScalingRatio The scaling factor by which to divide histogram recorded values units in * output */ public void outputPercentileDistributionVolt ( final PrintStream printStream , final int percentileTicksPerHalfDistance , final Double outputValueUnitScalingRatio ) { } }
outputPercentileDistributionVolt ( printStream , percentileTicksPerHalfDistance , outputValueUnitScalingRatio , false ) ;

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