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<|text|> Cas nodded his head and got into the Impala. “Yes, the positions of the body and the eyes make me think it was an accident. I need to go to the warehouse and see the scene to make sure.” He told him and took Dean’s hand gently. “If you had done that earlier I might have had a different answer,” Cas remarked. Looking behind him Dean saw Cas checking him out. Dean aims the gun at Fenrir, glaring at the obvious non-human. “I don’t know who you are but you’re still just another bastard that I can kill. Try me bitch.” He says and cocks his gun, obviously ready to shoot. Of all kids, Sugar could argue with it had to be Fenrir. Gabriel rubbed his forehead unsure if angels could get headaches. Composing himself Gabriel stuck a smile on his face ready to face his children. Dean heard a noise and turned around to face wherever he heard it. “I don’t think we're alone anymore,” Dean whispered and tried to walk over to the angel in the trenchcoat. Jack walked in half-asleep the noise not seeming to bother him. He reached the nephilim and held his hands out, growing gold Jack unlocked the handcuffs around his cousin's wrists. Jack undisturbed that he just allowed Seraphina to use her powers he reached down and pulled Sugar off of Seraphina's legs and stuck her in Seraphina's still outstretched arms. Dean grabbed the cuffs and puts them on Seraphina leaving no room for error especially when it came to his angel. “Why don’t we get her back to the bunker and see if she is actually your kid,” Dean replied and tried to drag the girl to the car. He managed a few steps before folding in on himself the pain returning as the anger left him. Seraphina grabbed the hunter trying to hold him upright. Castiel goes closer noticing the injuries that the hunter waved off. Before either angel knew Dean had collapsed, Seraphina's grip failing Dean toppled to the floor. Fenrir growls, almost animalistic, as he pushes his little sister behind him. He didn’t trust any angels since most would try to kill them. It was taking all of his mental strength not to shift into his true form unknowingly his teeth shift into canines in an attempt to scare the angel off. “Father!” The children exclaim, with Sugar running over to him happily. She immediately launches into his arms, but his hug is stiff. “I can’t get the bleeding to stop,” Sam said, looking over the boy on the bed. The father and daughter split and Jovi rushed over to her brother’s side. “We might need to call Rowena,” Sam said walking up to Dean when they heard a scream. The brothers looked at the door, Dean ready to find the source when Sam held him back. Fenrir nods and paces, sighing softly. “We can do it at night, that way no one can see Sugar changing the statue back to normal.” He says softly. “After that, I’ll see when is the earliest time to leave to what destination.” Dean looks at
<|output|> <|example|> Cas nodded his head and got into the Impala. “Yes, the positions of the body and the eyes make me think it was an accident. I need to go to the warehouse and see the scene to make sure.” He told him and took Dean’s hand gently. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> “After that, I’ll see when is the earliest time to leave to what destination <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> He reached the nephilim and held his hands out, growing gold Jack unlocked the handcuffs around his cousin's wrists <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> Gabriel in distrust, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are part of the team now so if you know something then you have to say it. Or is this one of your big pranks?” He asked stubbornly, not letting this go. Still restraining Seraphina Dean yelled over to Castiel, “Cas, go grab the angel cuffs.” Castiel doesn't move, not entirely understanding the situation. “Now!” Dean demands looking over at the still angel. Castiel moves slowly as if still trying to process the news. Dean looks back glaring at the girl who claims to be his partner's daughter. Castiel returns shortly with the cuffs and reaches out to give them to his hunter. “What?” Dean asked suspicion in his voice. Standing up from his spot at the table where he was doing research. “Oh, Shit,” Gabriel said under his breath. Thinking about his youngest daughter’s affinity for sugar. “When did the Winchesters learn this information?” Gabriel asked. Fenrir clenched his fists, blood collecting at the tops of his finger nails. “Jovi,” Dean said quietly while nodding towards the door. She looked at Alvis, he nodded and Jovi smiled before getting up. Walking around Sam who got closer and took her spot. “Well then we have a big problem because there was a giant gummy bear in place of the Statue of Liberty,” Sam snarked. "Sugar will make sure she doesn't run, and we can discuss this at a more reasonable hour," Jack said yawning before walking back to his room. Sugar cuddled into the girl now holding her, Sugar gave a face of displeasure before snapping her fingers and changing Seraphina into pink pajamas with Anna from frozen on the front and flowers on the bottoms. Seraphina's eyebrows rose in surprise at being changed without changing. Gabe’s eyes widened, “I’m sorry,” he said before disappearing with the flap of wings. Sam deflated leaning against the wall. Sugar walked over to the hunched man, “Hi Sammy,” she said excitedly. Fenrir growls as he protectively pulled his little sister close to him, glaring at the angel on the couch. “Father, I don’t get why you aren’t telling us to run again.” He says as he tries to calm down Sugar. Sugar looks like she was about to pitch a fit with the events that were happening. She squirms down and runs to Gabriel, hugging his legs. The little girl was terrified because of Castiel’s angel blade and the potential fight that almost happened. Gabriel picked up Sugar setting her on his hip. “Those are the children of the Dean-o and Sampala,” Gabe replied smirking, looking at Dean. Dean frowned before glaring at the old Trickster. “Dean, I don’t think he had anything to do with the gummy bear. Bobby said this was most likely a trickster with a high level of power.” Sam said. “He says the trickster might still be in New York but there’s been nothing else.” Fenrir snarls and growls, stepping between them. “You touch them and I will not hesitate to attack.” His eyes turn gold, a sign to not piss him off more or he would transform. Sam rushes in breathing
<|output|> <|example|> Gabriel in distrust, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are part of the team now so if you know something then you have to say it. Or is this one of your big pranks?” He asked stubbornly, not letting this go. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Sugar looks like she was about to pitch a fit with the events that were happening <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> Sam rushes in breathing <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> “When did the Winchesters learn this information?” Gabriel asked <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> Gabriel picked up Sugar setting her on his hip <|indexes|> 3 |
<|text|> heavily, slamming against the door his hair in his face. As he straightens up he lifts his hand up to push the stray hairs out of his face. Sam shook his head and continued down the halls before finding Gabriel talking in hushed tones with Fenrir the conversation getting heated. “I hate to interrupt,” he didn’t, “but we need you to go get Rowena.” Castiel showed up through the door holding the couples’ bags after Gabriel’s outburst. “Guys I could hear you by the garage,” Castiel berated as he made his way down the stairs. “And she’s not Dean’s daughter she is mine,” Castiel admitted calmly knowing that the brothers would not react nicely. “We both know that if I had joined we would have missed our appointment with the coroner,” Cas teased. Dean smirked and kissed Cas on the cheek before returning to his bag grabbing the suit which was folded neatly for once. “It’s one of the ways they fund the service.  People have to buy the purple bags in order to have their garbage collected.” He plants a wordless kiss on Cas’s mouth, and he thinks he might not care if Sam were to walk in this time. “Well, no,” Patience explains, dropping the empty basket into the corner and grabbing a second knife from the counter.  She sits at the head of the table and begins shucking the skins from the sweet potatoes.  “My grandmother can read thoughts.  She senses things from certain objects, reads energies, tunes in to people’s souls.  I can’t; I see the future instead.” Dean holds up a hand before Castiel can continue.  He just needs to speak uninterrupted, without Cas’s assumptions or protections.  “All I mean,” he says slowly, carefully, “is that I’ve never done this before.”  He meets Cas’s eyes again, and strangely feels safer.  “It’s going to take me a minute to think it through.” “Ooh, fun,” she coos through a mouthful of cantaloupe.  She skims the headline and hands the tablet back to him.  “I’m game.” is still coursing slow but steady with the tide, an older dark-skinned man — Rufus, if Castiel remembers correctly — at the helm while Bobby’s asleep below.  Dean is nowhere to be seen. Finally, he approaches the nurses station on the third floor and speaks to a plump woman in violet scrubs.  “Hi, I’m looking for Sam Winchester and—” Jack leans on the Impala’s hood, and Cas does the same beside him.  It’s a clear night, and this far from any big city lights, the sky is awash with stars.  There’s no moon, but the heavens are anything but dark.  The breeze whistles softly through the cornfields, the stalks shaking in their regiments. Last Monday was cooking, but he’d burnt the shit out of what was supposed to be lasagna and Dean had sighed and said A smile crosses Cas’s features, outlined in a green glow for a moment before the sign changes back to red.  “That’s true.  You have.” He’s about to turn and leave with the stack when a piece of paper on the desk catches his eye.  He sets the dirty plates on the corner
<|output|> <|example|> heavily, slamming against the door his hair in his face. As he straightens up he lifts his hand up to push the stray hairs out of his face. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “It’s one of the ways they fund the service.  People have to buy the purple bags in order to have their garbage collected.” <|indexes|> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
<|output|> <|example|> Finally, he approaches the nurses station on the third floor and speaks to a plump woman in violet scrubs <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> heavily, slamming against the door his hair in his face <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> ” Dean holds up a hand before Castiel can continue <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> “And she’s not Dean’s daughter she is mine,” Castiel admitted calmly knowing that the brothers would not react nicely <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> As he straightens up he lifts his hand up to push the stray hairs out of his face <|indexes|> 4 <|example|> As he straightens up he lifts his hand up to push the stray hairs out of his face <|indexes|> 5 <|example|> “I’m game <|indexes|> 6 |
<|text|> of the desk and picks up the page. for the two of them, but Jack immediately throws up his hand and yells for Dean to stop.  Sam grabs Dean’s arm. Eileen leans into his side and cinches an arm around his waist.  “We do this together,” she says, and a breath punches out from Sam’s chest. “You did good,” Dean says as he approaches Castiel, wiping his hands on his breeches.  His sword hangs at his side.  It’s still bloody and dripping. with Dean.  Or he thinks Dean isn’t ready to talk about it (he’s right).  Every word is hesitant, stammered. Drawing a deep, steadying breath, Cas stands and approaches the bathroom door.  He knocks softly.  “Dean?  Are you okay?” Dean heaves himself to his feet again, swaying under the weight of Jean-Luc.  “Cas, you gotta take her,” he says, holding up Feliciana’s hand.  “I need both my arms.” Eileen nods, swallowing her last bite of fried haddock.  “Okay, so the next step is checking out the rehab—”  She stops short. Bobby and Charlie step out of their piece-of-junk pickups, while Donna climbs down out of her souped-up rottweiler of a truck.  Jody’s sedan pulls to a stop beside them, her girls piling out of the car after her. “I am not part of your crew, and we are not on your ship,” Castiel replies evenly, surprising himself as he draws on some previously undiscovered well of courage.  “I can speak to you how I please.” Paradis pauses the video, and leans back with a huff.  “I’m guessing he threw them in the ocean when they didn’t get collected.” The landscape undulates ahead in rills and slopes, rolling mountains and rocky ridges and rivers twisting and turning along the roadside.  This world is unspoiled and clean, sunlight winking through the canopy above them as the trees blur past, teetering in that perfect moment just before summer gives way to autumn. “I told her we’d take two specials,” Cas says, studying the crappy wall decor and the grizzled patrons lined up at the counter.  It’s warm and comfortable here; exactly the sort of place someone might want to start their morning before spending the rest of their day working out in the bitter cold.  A newspaper sits at the end of the counter, and Cas slides out of the booth for a moment to steal it. Dean’s head turns suddenly and he touches Eileen’s shoulder in warning, pressing a finger to his lips.  Sam, alarmed, jumps down from the truck and takes his blade back from Eileen.  Cas sweeps the beam of his flashlight across the lot, searching for anything amiss. Sam sets the blade he’d been working on back down on the tabletop.  “I figure if we’re hunting a vamp nest, there’s no harm in making sure everything’s ready.” There’s a hiss from behind them, and Castiel whirls on his heel to see a creature crawling over the edge of the starboard bow.  He flinches back with a gasp, knocking into Dean.  There’s nowhere to run. She points down to her feet, which are bare against the forest floor.  In the torchlight he can see they’re dirty and
<|output|> <|example|> of the desk and picks up the page. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> for the two of them, but Jack immediately throws up his hand and yells for Dean to stop <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “Cas, you gotta take her,” he says, holding up Feliciana’s hand <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> Cas sweeps the beam of his flashlight across the lot, searching for anything amiss <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> ” Paradis pauses the video, and leans back with a huff <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> “Cas, you gotta take her,” he says, holding up Feliciana’s hand <|indexes|> 4 4 <|example|> Bobby and Charlie step out of their piece-of-junk pickups, while Donna climbs down out of her souped-up rottweiler of a truck <|indexes|> 5 <|example|> “I told her we’d take two specials,” Cas says, studying the crappy wall decor and the grizzled patrons lined up at the counter <|indexes|> 6 |
<|text|> cut up.  Jean-Luc is barefoot as well, and Castiel wonders if the douen intentionally steals the shoes of its prey in order to keep them from running away.  He does the only logical thing and hoists Feliciana onto his back, letting her wrap her arms around his shoulders while he holds her legs. They find the Nachzehrer nest two days later in a condemned ten-story factory building in an industrial area of Denver – the closest thing to an isolated cave or abandoned farm to be found in the city.  They’ve stopped at a bank for some change and are now armed with pennies and machetes.  They have no way of knowing which Nachzehrer is the alpha, so they’re going to take a trial-and-error approach. When Cas opens his eyes again, he’s standing on the side of a road surrounded by towering coniferous forests.  It’s the middle of the night and he’s beneath a solitary lamp post, the only one in sight.  Overhead, the blackness glitters with the light of a million stars, the entire Milky Way splashed across the skies above.  To the east, the full moon is just rising from behind a distant mountain.  The air here is crisp and sweet, heavy with pine. .  And what I saw…”  He trails off, a shudder coursing through him.  “I want to know.  I need to know.  And if you won’t tell me, then you may as well have left me to drown.” In practiced unison, Sam and Dean draw their badges from the inner pockets of their jackets and hold them open so Lilah can read them. While Paradis speaks, Cas feels his stomach growing tighter and tighter with every word, bile rising in his throat.  Human bodily reactions are still somewhat unfamiliar to him but he doesn’t have to stop and ponder why he’s feeling this way.  He’s angry.  Angry and disgusted. The plaid flannel tent is gone.  Cas is standing in front of him, an arm’s length away, in his own clothes.  A soft dark blue henley, with the sleeves a shade lighter, and straight-leg jeans that actually fit.  He seems taller, somehow, and broader.  He’s standing straighter — or maybe the suit and trenchcoat and oversized clothes had just made him look hunched-over and without them the optical illusion is gone. Cas nods immediately, surprise still written all over his face.  As though he’s never dreamed he’d get this far.  “It’s more than okay.” A day later, Cas smacks his funny bone off the corner of the dresser in Dean’s room and spits a tangled string of swears onto the floor.  Dean, who’s just tugging on his boots for the day, stares at him slack-jawed. “There was no point in talking about it unless I got the job,” Dean says defensively, tossing the now-empty paper plate back into the sample box. is it helping?”  Sam isn’t sure if he should be asking Cas about therapy, or if Cas is comfortable discussing it with him, but showing up at 2:30am in a panic because of an unspooled mixtape isn’t exactly a picture of perfect mental health.  He hasn’t seen
<|output|> <|example|> cut up.  Jean-Luc is barefoot as well, and Castiel wonders if the douen intentionally steals the shoes of its prey in order to keep them from running away.  He does the only logical thing and hoists Feliciana onto his back, letting her wrap her arms around his shoulders while he holds her legs. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Human bodily reactions are still somewhat unfamiliar to him but he doesn’t have to stop and ponder why he’s feeling this way <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> The plaid flannel tent is gone <|indexes|> 1 1 |
<|text|> Cas have a bad day like this in a long time. But the thing that stops him is Dean’s voice, because he knows that Dean would never forgive him for doing something so stupid.  Cas has to stay, not just for Sam but for all the fights that they’ve dedicated their lives to.  All the things that go bump in the night, all the people that wouldn’t get saved if Cas wasn’t there to save them. Sam’s phone rings then, interrupting their conversation, and he digs it out of his pocket.  “This is Agent Frantz.”  He listens to the person on the other end for a minute or so before he nods and replies, “Okay, we’ll be there soon.” To Castiel’s left, Dean is still as a statue, watching the flames.  To his right, Garth is a blubbering mess. His heart is pounding so loudly in his ears that he almost doesn’t hear Dean come in.  The door opens and Dean leans in and Cas flinches, embarrassment shooting up his spine. DVD set.  Jody and her girls all descend on the bunker one weekend for what essentially amounts to a field trip and a slumber party.  They all cram into the TV room with bowls of popcorn for a showing of Miraculously, both Rufus and Bobby have made it down from the quarterdeck and are fighting back-to-back, the pair of them decorated in splashes of mermaid bodily fluids. Clearing his throat, Castiel has completely forgotten that he’s holding food, and he takes a bite of the dried beef.  Only then does he realize how hungry he actually is, and he devours the rest in short order. In the kitchen, there are still dishes in the sink.  The trash is a few days old and halfway full of empty Chinese takeout boxes.  A few empty beer bottles sit on the counter.  It’s a small mess, left behind with a clear intention to clean it up soon. “Quit looking at me like that,” Dean says, spitting a glob of toothpaste into the sink, but there’s no bite in his tone.  He just sounds tired. Before Dean can regret the loss of Cas’s crushing, comforting weight, Cas wraps his arms solidly around him and pulls him close.  “I hope you know,” Cas continues, voice barely louder than a whisper, “how lucky I am, to have you like this.” .  On the beach, they build a pyre using wood harvested from the tree line, then set the corpses of their dead brethren aflame. The soul is small and quivering, fresh from the topsoil.  A woman who sold herself to cure her baby daughter’s cancer.  Dean doesn’t care.  He smiles, and begins peeling her skin off in strips. He nods, but even in the encroaching dark she can see that he looks nauseous.  Despite the cold a faint line of sweat has formed at his hairline. So that’s how it goes, those first few months after Chuck.  Sam sees all of these things and pretends he doesn’t.  After all, he’s got his own thing to focus on with Eileen, and they have a lot of exploring of their own to do. “Dean,
<|output|> <|example|> Cas have a bad day like this in a long time. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Jody and her girls all descend on the bunker one weekend for what essentially amounts to a field trip and a slumber party <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> A few empty beer bottles sit on the counter <|indexes|> 1 1 1 1 <|example|> So that’s how it goes, those first few months after Chuck <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> Cas has to stay, not just for Sam but for all the fights that they’ve dedicated their lives to <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> Only then does he realize how hungry he actually is, and he devours the rest in short order <|indexes|> 4 4 <|example|> The soul is small and quivering, fresh from the topsoil <|indexes|> 5 <|example|> “I hope you know,” Cas continues, voice barely louder than a whisper, “how lucky I am, to have you like this <|indexes|> 6 6 <|example|> “This is Agent Frantz <|indexes|> 7 7 <|example|> So that’s how it goes, those first few months after Chuck <|indexes|> 8 |
<|text|> I feel fine,” Cas says, more gently this time.  “Truly.  It’s been an adjustment, and I know the first few weeks weren’t particularly fun.  But I feel good.” but Sam still wonders if Cas continuing to live in the bunker was the best idea.  As frequent as their visits might be, and however often he might see Jody and Donna and a whole host of other hunters, Sam can’t imagine that Cas doesn’t get lonely. The odor only grows thicker inside, trapped by humidity and a lack of ventilation.  Castiel slides forward with his belly scraping the ground and the branches of the den walls scratching down his back, occasionally poking him in the sides. “Oh, yeah?”  Frank’s tone is unsympathetically light, as though he thinks Castiel isn’t telling the truth.  “What sank your ship?” A short rope used to tie down a stowed sail to its yard, tied with a quick-release knot to let the sails fly immediately when necessary. “Maybe you could help us out, then?” Sam prompts, drawing Fred Sargent’s mugshot from his pocket.  “We understand that this man has been a patient here.” “I had an appointment with Mia last week,” Cas finally says softly, his gaze staring somewhere over Sam’s shoulder.  “I drove up to meet with her in person.” “How many of these do we think are real cases and not just people wandering off?” Dean asks, scratching behind his ear.  “I mean, they might’ve moved on to somewhere else, or even just another neighborhood.” Sam nods, unsurprised.  “I know you miss him, I do,” he says.  His words are gentle and kind and make Cas feel like a child.  “But is that really something you’d want for Dean?  Just being stuck here, slowly going crazy?  You know as well as I do how ghosts end up after enough time.” Cas jerks back like he’s been electrocuted, on his feet and away in an instant.  Fear and guilt color his face, his neck still flushed.  “I-I’m sorry,” he says. He then pulls his flask from his inner jacket pocket and takes a swig, squinting up at the sky.  “It’s getting late.  We should check out the sanitation department and do some of our own snooping before the police get in the way.” Castiel frowns at the water as he takes this in.  “What else do you hunt?  Surely there’s not enough of those aspid— Cas chuckles, shutting the door behind him.  “You’re getting ahead of yourself,” he says.  “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet.” Later, as they stop for lunch at a diner near the Parkersburg town center, Dean’s name pops up on Cas’s phone.  Cas rubs his fist on his chest for a moment to apologize to Eileen for the interruption, then steps outside to answer the call.  He leans on the hood of Eileen’s car and grins when Dean tells him that they’re at a pie festival in Akron. The three of them sit like that for hours, exchanging stories they’ve missed from both Heaven and Earth Castiel isn’t given the space to ask anything further; Dean turns and leans down to give Missouri a farewell hug. “Well, vamps ain’t exactly
<|output|> <|example|> I feel fine,” Cas says, more gently this time.  “Truly.  It’s been an adjustment, and I know the first few weeks weren’t particularly fun.  But I feel good.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> The three of them sit like that for hours, exchanging stories they’ve missed from both Heaven and Earth Castiel isn’t given the space to ask anything further; Dean turns and leans down to give Missouri a farewell hug <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> He then pulls his flask from his inner jacket pocket and takes a swig, squinting up at the sky <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> “Truly <|indexes|> 2 2 |
<|text|> mindless killers,” Dean says, wiping mustard from the corner of his mouth.  “A lot of them know how to cover their tracks.  It’s a smart strategy.  My guess is Fred Sargent was an accidental slip-up, and we just got lucky.” “I figure we head to the sanitation department lot tomorrow morning when it opens,” Paradis suggests.  “We can track down which crew uses that truck every week.  I’m willing to bet there’s more people missing than just Fred.” Castiel shakes his head and holds up the douen’s arms, neither one deformed.  “This isn’t the same one that attacked us in the woods.  I thought you said they were solitary.” He had always told himself that his thing with Benny was a matter of desperation and convenience — brothers in arms unable to turn to anyone but each other.  That whatever happens in Purgatory stays in Purgatory.  And that the handful of encounters he’d had as a much, much younger man were just… exploratory.  He was a kid, figuring shit out, and that was all.  He’s only now starting to think that maybe they weren’t just exploratory or just convenient or just desperate — maybe they were just his.  Maybe they were the things that built him. of millenia – and however much time he has left now before he dies, even if it’s just of old age, seems so little. He closes his bedroom door and swings by the TV room, where Sam and Eileen are still on the couch.  Now, though, Eileen is snoring on Sam’s shoulder with his long arm draped around her like the safety bar on a roller coaster.  Sam is awake, feet on the coffee table, fully enthralled by the movie.  On the floor in front of the TV is Miracle, sleeping with his tongue out and his paws twitching in a dream. As the town vanishes completely behind them, Castiel keeps his eyes trained on Dean’s back.  It would have a certain poetic irony, he thinks, if he survived an enormous sea monster and a vicious pack of mermaids and then died from simply getting lost in the woods only a few days later. Castiel convulses on the floor, gasping for air with a hoarse yell.  The three of them jump as Cas is wracked by coughs, turning over onto his side and hacking onto the floor. “Please,” Cas begs, stepping forward to put himself between the Empty and Jack.  “I’ll tell them to leave me here.  I’ll hold up my end of the deal, I swear.” Cas is angry.  He’s furious.  After the first few weeks of numb, barely-functioning denial, Cas settled comfortably into the second stage of grief and got stuck.  He’s not tried to bargain.  He’s too angry to be depressed.  And he sure as hell isn’t accepting anything. “Nothing, you just—” Dean chuckles, lifting his gaze to meet Cas’s again.  “You only got to wear your new stuff for like ten minutes.” Cas wants to vomit.  Eileen is right; whatever object has impaled Dean is literally hooked into him, and they can’t just pull him forward.  At her direction, Cas nudges his shoulder
<|output|> <|example|> mindless killers,” Dean says, wiping mustard from the corner of his mouth.  “A lot of them know how to cover their tracks.  It’s a smart strategy.  My guess is Fred Sargent was an accidental slip-up, and we just got lucky.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Sam is awake, feet on the coffee table, fully enthralled by the movie <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> underneath Dean’s left arm while Eileen does the same on the right, and together they push upward. It’s even later in the night, so late that the hospital cafeteria has started serving breakfast, when Cas and Sam find themselves sitting on a bench outside underneath the stars.  Eileen is getting some well-earned sleep with Dean in the bassinet beside her, and the sky over the horizon is just beginning to lighten. Cas stumbles over the dead and dismembered vampires, barely noticing them.  He’s focused entirely on Dean’s face.  His eyes are closed, his mouth slightly open.  Cas cups Dean’s cheek and there’s no response.  His skin isn’t cold yet, but it’s not as warm as it should be.  There’s no color, no sign of pain, no small but sure pulsing of the vein in Dean’s temple. “It’s an antelope, I think,” Dean replies, keeping his eyes on the task at hand as he does the same with the buntline to Castiel’s right.  “Like a deer.  Captain spent some of his time with His Majesty’s army in Africa, said they were all over the place, and faster than you could believe.  Nigh impossible to catch.” Jack is desperately trying to keep him upright, but Cas sags against him.  He can feel blood – plain, non-angelic blood – pouring down his front.  He feels As soon as the door to Cas’s bedroom closes behind them, Dean is pressed up against the door and Cas’s mouth finds his lips again.  Cas drags the kiss out of him with a moan, hands ghosting down to the small of Dean’s back and winding their way under his shirt.  Dean flinches at the caress, only because he’s not used to being touched there, caught off-balance and entirely focused on the way Cas is kissing him.  It seems now that Dean has put the key in the ignition, Cas is the one driving. In the kitchen, Dean still makes enough mac and cheese for four people, resigning to just save the leftovers for whoever wants them tomorrow (or for a midnight snack later).  It’s a simple enough recipe, but Dean still takes pride in doing it well — none of that Kraft crap.  He slides the tray into the oven and is just opening the fridge to get a drink when he hears Cas walk into the kitchen behind him. He’s always been a sky rat, comfortably at home up in the rigging and sails, and it takes him barely any time at all to learn his way around the The change in angle allows Cas to push even deeper, and Dean’s groan is muffled by Cas’s lips finding his own again.  The kiss is messy, dirty, Cas’s lower lip catching in Dean’s teeth. He opens his eyes on a bridge over a rocky river bracketed by steep, blindingly green mountains.  An impossibly blue sky and rippling clouds above, fresh air laden with pine.  The Rockies, maybe, he thinks, but he’s not sure.  He’s shocked so deeply by the beauty of it that it takes him a long time to realize that he’s not alone. His brain is still
<|output|> <|example|> underneath Dean’s left arm while Eileen does the same on the right, and together they push upward. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> His eyes are closed, his mouth slightly open <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> Cas drags the kiss out of him with a moan, hands ghosting down to the small of Dean’s back and winding their way under his shirt <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> underneath Dean’s left arm while Eileen does the same on the right, and together they push upward <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> Dean flinches at the caress, only because he’s not used to being touched there, caught off-balance and entirely focused on the way Cas is kissing him <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> Nigh impossible to catch <|indexes|> 4 4 <|example|> He’s shocked so deeply by the beauty of it that it takes him a long time to realize that he’s not alone <|indexes|> 5 5 |
<|text|> shouting at him that Sam and Eileen are in the other room, but Dean seems to be the only person hung up on anything, so he tries his best to shove the fear to the back of his head. ’s hull is bright and polished, well cared for, her bowsprit pointing joyfully out to the open ocean as if she’s exclaiming “You’ve only been living with us for a month!” Dean protests, but all he can do is huff and turn his attention to the police file.  “Whatever.” The front door of the house clunks solidly on its hinges and a girl shoulders inside, carrying a large basket braced on her hip that overflows with fresh vegetables, carrot tops feathering over the rim.  She’s dark-skinned and tall, slender, with a kerchief tied over her hair to keep it off her neck in the heat.  Castiel can only assume this is the granddaughter Dean had mentioned, and suddenly feels grateful that she’s not a small child like he’d been expecting.  Instead, she’s no younger than sixteen. At that, Cas does laugh — a heavy, belly-aching kind of laugh that has Dean wondering what’s so damn funny until he says, “Well, that about sums us up, doesn’t it?” It takes the rest of the day to track the wolf pack to a junkyard just outside the town perimeter, where scrapped cars sit in rusty stacks behind a chain link fence.  Just after sunset, Cas and Eileen break in armed to the teeth – silver bullets in their guns and silver knives strapped to their ankles and tucked into their sleeves.  Eileen uses a small pair of wire cutters to cut through the fence, letting Cas wriggle through ahead of her.  Methodically, they comb through the junkyard with their guns at the ready. Castiel frowns at him in surprise.  In his other hand, Dean’s holding a second pie.  “Where did you get that?”  Castiel glances over his shoulder, down the line of stalls and booths they’ve passed but not stopped at.  “ Then Saturday was pool, and Dean had taken him to Donny’s bar to show him a thing or two at the billiards table.  But that had proved a bit too distracting for Dean, who kept making lewd jokes about sticks and balls and pockets until Cas had missed every shot he took and shoved Dean outside with a growl for some backseat action in the car. Cas’s heart lurches in his chest, the smile vanishing as quickly as it appeared.  Something shatters within his core. “You better be glad I don’t tell your father,” she says, although the threat is lacking in bite.  “Castiel, you’re welcome to sit here for a little while.  Don’t let Frank scare you too much; he won’t do nothing.” “That’s the right age.  Old enough to walk off on their own, young enough to not know any better.”  Dean looks sick at the thought. Cas shakes his head again, tears dripping from his chin.  “That’s easy for you to say, you’re the only thing that To move a ship forward using a favorable tide or current, thereby traveling without sufficient
<|output|> <|example|> shouting at him that Sam and Eileen are in the other room, but Dean seems to be the only person hung up on anything, so he tries his best to shove the fear to the back of his head. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Just after sunset, Cas and Eileen break in armed to the teeth – silver bullets in their guns and silver knives strapped to their ankles and tucked into their sleeves <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> In his other hand, Dean’s holding a second pie <|indexes|> 1 1 1 <|example|> Cas’s heart lurches in his chest, the smile vanishing as quickly as it appeared <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> Cas’s heart lurches in his chest, the smile vanishing as quickly as it appeared <|indexes|> 3 |
<|text|> wind. “We figured you’d earned it after surviving your first mermaid attack,” Dean says with a smirk.  “Come on, let’s go.” “Maybe something died nearby,” Castiel suggests, though he doubts there are any animals on the island. Canvassing is an agonizingly slow process.  Several are too high or drunk to respond coherently to the simplest questions, and several more flat-out refuse to speak with them at all.  Armed only with notepads and pens, they slog their way through round after round of questioning.  Eileen takes copious notes while chatting with a friendly pregnant woman who looks like she’s not had access to a shower in weeks.  Across the street Dean talks to a swaying drunkard, while Sam patiently listens to the disjointed ramblings of an elderly schizophrenic woman.  Cas kneels on the sidewalk to speak with a man who picks constantly at his skin, riddled with the visible symptoms of a meth habit. “Whatcha doing?” Dean asks, leaning over to peer at the page beneath Cas’s thumb.  He nestles into his right side and slings his long arm around Cas’s neck, hand coming down to rest on Cas’s left shoulder. The hunt for the vetalas is par for the course.  The victims are all from University of Texas fraternities, and so they hone in on a sorority house outside of the UTEP campus.  They suspect the vetalas are the queen bees of the Kappa-Delta-Psi chapter, the loudest and pinkest and richest girls in the house. Sam and Eileen stay for a while longer, sitting on the grass until the smoke fades.  They can’t see each other well enough to talk, so they don’t. Sam laughs lightly.  “Yeah, it would.”  He pauses, looking around the car like Dean might be lying in the back seat.  “No luck, then?” It’s not long before the forest gives way at last and the lights of the town reach them, and Castiel finds himself marching through the orchard between Dean and Bobby, Feliciana still clutched in his arms.  Jean-Luc, who had been dozing off on Dean’s shoulder for the majority of the trek, is now alert and squirming. “Well, that’s a bit out of our way,” the captain says, as if Castiel had insolently asked for help getting there.  “We can drop you off in Tortuga.  That’s our next stop.” Cas doesn’t move for a moment, just stares resignedly at the broken ends of the tape in Sam’s hands.  He lets out a slow breath, then rakes his fingers through his hair and sets his coffee cup on the table. , where Kaia, Claire, Alex, and Patience are forced to sprawl on cushions on the floor.  And when Cas sits on the couch with his arm around Dean’s shoulders, relaxed and comfortable and stealing handfuls of popcorn from the bowl in Dean’s lap, Claire gives him a knowing smile that nobody else sees. The days are rare when there is nothing to hunt.  The news is quiet, nothing amiss popping up on Sam’s numerous tracking algorithms, and an air of comfortable boredom has settled over the bunker. He’s used to this — to partners using him to get off however
<|output|> <|example|> wind. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> ” “Maybe something died nearby,” Castiel suggests, though he doubts there are any animals on the island <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “We can drop you off in Tortuga <|indexes|> 1 1 1 <|example|> The hunt for the vetalas is par for the course <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> He’s used to this — to partners using him to get off however <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> He lets out a slow breath, then rakes his fingers through his hair and sets his coffee cup on the table <|indexes|> 4 4 <|example|> wind <|indexes|> 5 5 <|example|> The days are rare when there is nothing to hunt <|indexes|> 6 |
<|text|> they want.  He’s okay with it, really; he even prefers it.  The burden of choice, of ordering around another person, is squarely in the other’s lap and it lets Dean just go along for the ride.  His highest highs have invariably been at another’s direction.  He’s always taken pleasure in making others happy, in doing whatever they want, and it’s always better when he knows they won’t leave in the morning.  Cas won’t leave in the morning. He sees Cas’s eyes drop noticeably to his mouth, his chest, and back up.  “Good,” Cas replies airily, shifting his weight to one hip.  “I was getting sick of Sam’s things.” Dean’s legs bracket Cas’s hips and he gasps when Cas grinds downward, sending a jolt of electricity tearing through Dean’s core.  His hand flutters up Cas’s flank for a moment and finds a place on Cas’s neck, fingers digging into his nape and trying to pull him, somehow, closer. The island groans and bucks, and Inias screams, losing his footing.  He tumbles down the slope of rock and splashes into the water. “Come here,” he says, placing his drink on the counter behind him and scrambling for the same courage he’d found in the Wal-Mart parking lot. .  Hoping a wrench will fly off the tool shelf by the stairs, or that Dorothy Baum’s motorcycle will tip over, or that the Impala’s engine will spontaneously start. Patience’s eyes blow wide, and she drops her knife.  “How?” she asks, then quickly closes her mouth and shakes her head.  “I’m sorry.  You don’t want to talk about it.  You don’t have to.”  She stomps Frank’s foot under the table, and he yelps. When he slips back into Cas’s room, he finds Cas lying on the bed, arms crossed over his bare chest and staring up at the ceiling with a distinctly irritated expression that’s immediately swept away by relief. Sam waits, and without looking at him Dean has no idea if Sam feels guilty for pressing.  After a few minutes, Sam asks again, “What happened?”  The question is gentler this time.  It hurts more. There’s a single, lonely gray hair poking from his temple.  There are creases in the corners of his eyes.  A slight sagging to his cheeks.  Were those always there?  Did he just not see them because he was too far above the humanity of his own vessel to notice them?  Or, now that he’s free of grace, is his age catching up with him in fast-forward? Jack lets out a sigh, his hands resting in his lap.  “Cas, I…  I don’t plan anyone’s fate.  Really, I don’t.  But once they reach it, there’s nothing I can do.” Cas’s mouth twitches to the side.  “Honestly, I think it might have hurt more because I knew it wasn’t real.”  He takes a deep breath and leans back in his chair, draping one leg over the other and staring into the contents of his cup like he can’t quite bear to meet Sam’s eye.  “In any case, I’ve been kind of off-kilter since then.  And then this happened—”  He gestures to the pile of tape.  “—and
<|output|> <|example|> they want.  He’s okay with it, really; he even prefers it.  The burden of choice, of ordering around another person, is squarely in the other’s lap and it lets Dean just go along for the ride.  His highest highs have invariably been at another’s direction.  He’s always taken pleasure in making others happy, in doing whatever they want, and it’s always better when he knows they won’t leave in the morning.  Cas won’t leave in the morning. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> The island groans and bucks, and Inias screams, losing his footing <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> Cas won’t leave in the morning <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> The burden of choice, of ordering around another person, is squarely in the other’s lap and it lets Dean just go along for the ride <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> Cas won’t leave in the morning <|indexes|> 4 <|example|> A slight sagging to his cheeks <|indexes|> 5 <|example|> “How?” she asks, then quickly closes her mouth and shakes her head <|indexes|> 6 |
<|text|> I suppose I lost my mind a little.” He’s almost finished when he notices the corner of a white cardboard box on the floor, poking out from underneath the front passenger seat.  He frowns and reaches down, having to strain slightly to pull it out.  Climbing back out of the car, he sets the box on top of the Impala’s trunk and breaks the little tape seal holding it shut.  When he opens it, Cas begins to sob again, feeling like a knife is running through the base of his throat. Cas places a hand on Dean’s shoulder.  Everything beneath Dean’s skin is tense, a tightly coiled spring.  He shows no signs of waking up, so Cas ventures a soft “Dean?” barely above a whisper. She shrugs noncommittally.  “Nobody ever said telling the future was straightforward,” she says, bracing her hands on her hips.  “Could mean anything.” “And you’re cool with that?” Sam presses, not quite ready to believe that Dean Go-Out-Swinging Winchester is looking seriously at the chance for a life that doesn’t require weaponry in the day-to-day. Outside the car, Eileen is trying to reassure Sam, but Cas doesn’t care enough about what she’s saying to listen. Sam only dismissively shakes his head and pulls out his phone to recheck the address of the resource center. In the mornings, Cas still makes breakfast for himself, Sam, and Eileen, and then walks the dog.  With Miracle in tow, he meanders through the wooded roads surrounding the bunker, witnessing the changing of the seasons as months tick by.  The first colorless winter is the hardest. The den is burning in full glory now, a massive bonfire several times Castiel’s height.  Foul heat washes over him, smoke filling his nose, but he refuses to move from his place near the entrance, just in case any other creatures try to make a run for it. By contrast, Cas is unwilling to push Dean away just in the interest of maintaining whatever secret they think they’re keeping.  His palm stays on Dean’s head and he rests his chin in his other hand, propped on the arm of the couch, and easily meets Sam’s eye.  There’s no defiance in his expression, no Dean snorts, stepping from the stone edge of the wharf onto the wooden dock.  They follow the dock back over the water to where the At last, Castiel manages to squeeze out of the den and into the fresh air.  Frank is on his knees desperately fiddling with the tinder box from his sheepskin bag, striking his firestarter against the sticks and branches at the den’s outer base. Strangely, Cas barely looks like himself any more.  The trenchcoat is gone, as is the tie.  Instead he’s wearing a white button-down and he looks even more human than the last time he’d lost his grace.  Dean supposes maybe it’s because they both know it’s permanent this time around. There are already a number of people out and about, heading to work or ducking into coffee shops that are just opening their doors.  Eileen watches a man push a shopping cart full of empty plastic bottles across Congress Street,
<|output|> <|example|> I suppose I lost my mind a little.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Climbing back out of the car, he sets the box on top of the Impala’s trunk and breaks the little tape seal holding it shut <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> Cas places a hand on Dean’s shoulder <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> “Nobody ever said telling the future was straightforward,” she says, bracing her hands on her hips <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> Cas places a hand on Dean’s shoulder <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> She shrugs noncommittally <|indexes|> 4 |
<|text|> and spots another curled up inside a sleeping bag in the doorway to a consignment shop. Castiel swallows, his insides churning.  This was a point he could agree on with Frank.  A week ago he might have dismissed the idea as nonsense, but it had only been when the The kitchen is a mess.  Sam huffs in annoyance at the pile of dishes in the sink, but at least it means Dean and Cas have been cooking.  Dean’s been insisting on showing Cas how to cook these days, every day a new recipe, and Sam thinks it’s good for Dean to have a project that doesn’t involve monsters or marathoning Scooby Doo alone in his room.  Cas has been patient and studious, though as far as Sam can tell, he doesn’t have any innate interest or talent in cooking. Dodging fishermen loaded with empty nets, dock workers, and horse-drawn carts, as well as a few wandering goats and chickens, Dean and Castiel meander along the harborside.  They pass fish and fruit vendors, taverns overflowing with customers despite the early hour, and yellow-toothed prostitutes that twitch their skirts and flutter their fans as Dean and Castiel walk by.  The streets are muddied by cart wheels and scattered piles of horse shit, and Castiel decides this is exactly why he prefers living on the ocean. “If it makes you feel any better,” Patience continues, “seeing only the future means I don’t know anything else about you.” Dean shrugs, not all that inclined to wonder at a monster’s philosophy.  “Probably just trying to lay low,” he says.  He takes a sip of his beer, and swears colorfully. And Dean is right.  John was never the father either of them wanted or needed; he was just the one they had, and they’d had him enough in life.  They have nothing more to ask of him.  Nothing more to prove. Dean has the sneaking suspicion that Cas isn’t really astonished by any of this, that he’s simply been waiting for Dean to catch up.  So Dean does.  He follows Cas out of the kitchen and down the hall. And on his knees in the middle of it all, up to his elbows in tomato plants sagging under the weight of their fruit, is Castiel. Dean’s mouth opens and closes a few times.  Generally he’s always been of the philosophy that if something has alcohol, it’s worth drinking.  And while he certainly has his favorite beer brands, they’re typically found in gas station coolers and sticky dive bars.  None of them are listed on the board here. This particular morning is promising to be no different, the southeastern sun just beginning to spill pink and golden over the Portland skyline across the harbor from where Tallie stands.  Her cheeks are flushed and her breath crystallizes in front of her nose, her chest still heaving from her two-mile route.  She crooks her arm to check the weather app on her phone — twenty degrees with the windchill.  Clear skies and a high of thirty-one predicted for today.  Maybe she can take the kids to the park after she gets
<|output|> <|example|> and spots another curled up inside a sleeping bag in the doorway to a consignment shop. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> They pass fish and fruit vendors, taverns overflowing with customers despite the early hour, and yellow-toothed prostitutes that twitch their skirts and flutter their fans as Dean and Castiel walk by <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> Dean’s mouth opens and closes a few times <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> And Dean is right <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> John was never the father either of them wanted or needed; he was just the one they had, and they’d had him enough in life <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> A week ago he might have dismissed the idea as nonsense, but it had only been when the The kitchen is a mess <|indexes|> 4 <|example|> The streets are muddied by cart wheels and scattered piles of horse shit, and Castiel decides this is exactly why he prefers living on the ocean <|indexes|> 5 5 |
<|text|> home from work. It’s another long minute before Dean says a word, and just as Castiel thinks he’s not going to answer, he speaks. Something tugs at his gut, and he opens his mouth to ask Dean about them, but Dean speaks first, seemingly unaware of Castiel’s observation. see they’re no longer there.  There’s something different in the way Cas’s body stands now, like his center of gravity has changed. Castiel snorts, ripping a bit of peel and tossing it into the ocean.  The sun is on their faces as they lean on the starboard bulward, the A horizontal spar attached to the mast, from which a sail is hung.  The yard refers to the entire length of it, while the yardarm is only the outermost portion on either end. But for now, Sam takes the mug and the mixtape from Cas’s desk, and then goes with Eileen to retrieve the Impala. As soon as he sees them, Sam begins to cry in violent, wracking sobs.  Eileen drops to her knees beside him and wraps her arms around his shoulders, his entire weight sagging against her side. He’s gone crazy, he thinks.  He’s recklessly driving his dead boyfriend’s car, trying to jolt a ghost to appear among the living, and he’s wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers.  What the hell “Hi, Sam,” he answers, holding the phone between his ear and his non-injured shoulder as he finishes tying the bandage. The statement comes out of nowhere, but Cas still is not surprised.  He takes a sip of coffee from the to-go cup in his hand. ,” Dean complains when Sam’s taken over quite literally the entire library.  “Why d’you gotta make things harder for yourself?” Despite the cacophony of the harbor and its surrounding town, the crowds and the filth and the buildings crammed up against one another, the vast majority of Tortuga is heavily blanketed by forest.  Immediately beyond the edge of town are small crop fields bearing fruits and vegetables, and they quickly give way to trees and brush.  The woods are dense enough that even during midday it’s still tenebrous and murky, the canopy filtering the unrelenting sunlight into little droplets that scatter and vanish in the undergrowth.  Plenty of places for any number of creatures to hide with their prey. Castiel leans against the mainmast, arms crossed against the coolness of the night.  “What if I were to stay?” Cas breathes out a great sigh, a painful ache blooming in his chest.  He doesn’t know if Jack’s appearance made things better or worse.  He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Jack, not again.  He’s still not ready to say goodbye to Dean. She doesn't look behind her to see if they're following, but her legs are shorter than the boys' and Dean quickly overtakes her, then Sam, dashing past and skidding on the gravel as they round a corner.  Dean runs down a row of trucks and vanishes from view momentarily, Sam pounding after him, and reappears as Eileen and Cas race to catch up. Patience pauses, fixing him with a level gaze.  “I find that most people don’t really want to know
<|output|> <|example|> home from work. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> What the hell “Hi, Sam,” he answers, holding the phone between his ear and his non-injured shoulder as he finishes tying the bandage <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> But for now, Sam takes the mug and the mixtape from Cas’s desk, and then goes with Eileen to retrieve the Impala <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> But for now, Sam takes the mug and the mixtape from Cas’s desk, and then goes with Eileen to retrieve the Impala <|indexes|> 2 2 2 <|example|> ,” Dean complains when Sam’s taken over quite literally the entire library <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> The woods are dense enough that even during midday it’s still tenebrous and murky, the canopy filtering the unrelenting sunlight into little droplets that scatter and vanish in the undergrowth <|indexes|> 4 4 <|example|> She doesn't look behind her to see if they're following, but her legs are shorter than the boys' and Dean quickly overtakes her, then Sam, dashing past and skidding on the gravel as they round a corner <|indexes|> 5 |
<|text|> their futures,” she says.  “And I can’t say that I blame them.  In any case, if I do tell them what the future holds, the mere fact that they know what’s coming is enough to knock them from that path and into a different future.  Best to keep one’s visions to oneself.” He spouted some bull about being within every person and raindrop and tree and beam of sunlight and then bailed.  Cas hadn’t been angry about Jack leaving until he’d found Dean in the barn with rebar through his chest and Jack just… didn’t come back.  Cas tries to see Jack in the rain and the rocks and the sun, and maybe if he was still an angel he might be able to, but it all just looks empty to him now. The edges of his vision blur as lightheadedness sweeps in.  He can feel his legs about to give out, but there’s no time to do anything about it. The thing lands in a flurry of limbs and animalistic shrieking, arms and legs much too long for its short potbellied torso.  Frank hollers and flails, unable to fling the douen off him.  Dean swears loudly and tries his best to get close, to get a clear chance to stab the creature with his knife, but both it and Frank are moving too quickly and Dean has an equal chance of accidentally stabbing Frank in the gut. , Castiel had passed long hours watching the open water, daydreaming of mermaids leaping between the waves, as if he could just think hard enough and one would appear. Dean nods in understanding, a shadow of guilt rippling over his face.  “That was hard for you to hear.” Cas is still standing at the sink, hands submerged in the dishwater, apparently completely ignorant of the fact that Dean is now flat-out staring at his back.  Dean had never been able to see Cas’s wings before, but mystifyingly, he Throughout Dean’s life, silence only ever brought something nasty lurking in the shadows, or came on the heels of a bloodbath.  He filled the spaces in between hunts with loud music and classic movies and chatter, jokes — forced or genuine, it didn’t matter — and anything else to occupy his mind when he couldn’t bear to be alone with himself.  Here and now, this quiet, this perfect silence is nothing but safety, calm and comfort, and Dean isn’t ready to give it up quite yet. “In the back,” Charlie answered, still glancing between Claire and Dean as if trying to figure out a complex puzzle or something. “Claire, are you okay? What’s going on?” she asked impatiently, the worry showing on her normally smiling face. Dean huffed a small laugh, taking the compliments where he could get them. "Maybe save the book reading for bedtime," Dean replied, taking the book from Cas' grip to set it on the opposite table, away from Cas' reach. "I'll take care of him," Cas said, finally someone agreeing with Dean. "But I would like to take a short break and check in with Jack. I haven't spoken to him
<|output|> <|example|> their futures,” she says.  “And I can’t say that I blame them.  In any case, if I do tell them what the future holds, the mere fact that they know what’s coming is enough to knock them from that path and into a different future.  Best to keep one’s visions to oneself.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “In the back,” Charlie answered, still glancing between Claire and Dean as if trying to figure out a complex puzzle or something. “Claire, are you okay? What’s going on?” she asked impatiently, the worry showing on her normally smiling face. <|indexes|> 1 1 1 |
<|output|> <|example|> their futures,” she says <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> ” He spouted some bull about being within every person and raindrop and tree and beam of sunlight and then bailed <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> much lately. Would you mind keeping your brother company?" The question was innocent, but Dean felt a pang of something unfamiliar in his gut. He didn't want Cas to leave him alone, not even for an hour. Sam was fine company, but he asked a lot of questions and invaded Dean's privacy far too much. Eventually, Sam found them and they walked home together. Sam also had the day off, which meant no fooling around in an empty house for Cas and Dean. Maybe Dean was a little disappointed, but it was fine because Cas needed to get some sleep anyways. While Cas disappeared into the bedroom to nap, Dean sat at the kitchen table with Sam playing mindless card games to pass time. Dean felt Cas' grip tighten on his arm, another hand reaching up to pull Dean's hand away from his face. Cas' thumb slid over the skin on Dean's cheek, catching a hot tear as it fell. "You'll never be alone again," Cas promised, his chin resting on Dean's shoulder, hot breath tickling Dean's ear. "Not as long as I'm here." Charlie shrugged, leaning forward on the bed as she talked to him. "You've got use of one arm right now, buddy. You'll need help. Trust me." Dean shook his head, but Charlie reached up and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. "Dean, this is serious. If you move that arm too much, it'll start bleeding again. You took major damage to your muscle and it will take time to heal. When Cas comes to work, you come with him. You'll be spending your days here and your nights with Cas. Let him take care of you, okay? If I hear you're not listening to him, I'll personally come over and kick your ass." He only teased for a few seconds before Dean tightened his grip on Cas' hair, involuntarily thrusting his hips up, fucking into Cas' mouth. He muttered an apology, but Cas didn't mind. He found it kind of hot, actually. He moved his hands up Dean's thighs, bobbing his head on Dean's cock, setting a steady rhythm for a second before grabbing Dean's ass. Dean lifted his hips off the bed, letting Cas grope him as Dean cried out, pulling Cas' hair harder as Cas lifted Dean's hips again, making him fuck into Cas' mouth. Dean got the hint, taking it into his own hands as Cas opened his throat for Dean's cock. He grabbed the sheets on the bed, moaning around the dick in his mouth as Dean hissed a string of curse words. As they entered the store, Sam split off in one direction, and Dean went the opposite way. It was a relatively small building, so Dean could hear Sam's footsteps across the store. For a few minutes, they searched in silence. Dean ran his fingers over various food products, nothing really necessary since the trunk was basically stocked full. He saw a couple of stuffed animals which he considered grabbing for Jack, but then he thought that would be way too weird. He continued
<|output|> <|example|> much lately. Would you mind keeping your brother company?" The question was innocent, but Dean felt a pang of something unfamiliar in his gut. He didn't want Cas to leave him alone, not even for an hour. Sam was fine company, but he asked a lot of questions and invaded Dean's privacy far too much. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Dean got the hint, taking it into his own hands as Cas opened his throat for Dean's cock <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> He saw a couple of stuffed animals which he considered grabbing for Jack, but then he thought that would be way too weird <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> eyeing the shelves, shaking his head as he found literally nothing, until he and Sam met up in the back of the store, empty handed. "I'll find a way," Dean cut in, rushing his words before he was unable to get them out, too entranced by Cas' hand stroking him painfully slow through the pants. "Cas, please, “In the kitchen, boys!” Ellen responded from the other room. Dean followed her voice, Sam right behind him. He found Ellen sitting at the table with a book in her hands. She looked up when they entered, a smile gracing her lips. “I thought you boys were on a hunt? Bobby mentioned a nest that needed to be taken care of.” "Those two can get you into a whole lot of trouble if you're not careful," Bobby said with a fond look on his face. "I'm guessin' you and Jo have some sort of deal to keep John from finding out about your boy Cas?" he asked bluntly, bringing up the topic Dean had successfully been dancing around. Dean didn't answer, instead staring at the table, scratching his dull nails lightly across the hard wood. "Dean, you know you can tell me, right? I could have killed your dad for what he did to you all those years ago. I would never-" he cut himself off, the anger seeping into his voice. He always shut it down before he could explode, especially around Sam or Dean. He didn't like to yell around them because John would do it all the time. It always made Dean flinch, getting yelled at like that. Not that Bobby was yelling at him right now, but any kind of angry tone made him shiver at the horrible memories. “Dad, it’s not like that,” Dean cut him off, the lie easily slipping off his tongue. He’d gotten good at that over the years, lying to John. “I told you, he’s just a little odd. He treats Sam the same way. We’re not- I’m not like that anymore.” The words stung coming out of his mouth, but it was a necessary evil. He felt like he was taking major steps backwards in his healing process. He finally worked up the nerve to tell Cas how he felt, to touch him the way he’d been dreaming of, and now he was taking it all back. At least, that’s how it felt. “Good,” John said, signaling the end of that conversation. “Glad we got to talk, son,” he added, making a move towards the door. “I’m sure she has something,” Jo answered, giving him a look of pity. “That girl can fix everything. She’s too perfect, honestly.” “Dean,” Cas breathed, breaking away from the kiss so suddenly, Dean still had his eyes closed when he said it. Dean let his eyes flutter open, those blue eyes captivating him. Despite the worried look on Cas’ face, he tentatively wrapped his fingers around Dean’s wrist, guiding his hand back to his own lap. "You're stalling, aren't you?" she accused, and Dean opened his mouth to defend himself, but realized she was completely right. He
<|output|> <|example|> eyeing the shelves, shaking his head as he found literally nothing, until he and Sam met up in the back of the store, empty handed. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> “That girl can fix everything <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> "You're stalling, aren't you?" she accused, and Dean opened his mouth to defend himself, but realized she was completely right <|indexes|> 1 1 1 <|example|> "I'll find a way," Dean cut in, rushing his words before he was unable to get them out, too entranced by Cas' hand stroking him painfully slow through the pants <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> We’re not- I’m not like that anymore <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> Dean followed her voice, Sam right behind him <|indexes|> 4 4 |
<|text|> laughed nervously, looking around as if something around him would give him the strength to man up and go talk to Cas. "Dean, you can't run away from this forever," Charlie prodded, giving him a slight shove towards the steps. “Great,” Dean answered, grabbing Sam’s shoulder to get him moving. “We’ll be quick.” He shoved Sam out the door and followed close on his heels. The whole way to Bobby’s, Dean’s head was racing with so many horrible scenarios. Cas could be dead. Cas could be suffering, or getting tortured by John. So many things could happen and Dean wasn’t there to protect him. He promised Cas nothing reckless, but that was before he knew Cas was going to be in trouble. Dean would do anything to make sure Cas was okay. Cas laughed, dragging himself out of bed. “Go clean up, I’ll take care of the sheets.” He kissed Dean briefly before waving him off. Dean got dressed, grabbed a towel, and went off to find some water. Even in the dark room, Dean could see the way Cas’ face twisted into a sad, pained look. The same one he had when he told Dean he loved him. “When are you going to start caring about your own safety? You have so much love in your heart, Dean, for everyone but yourself.” "Because you think you're better than everybody else," Dean defended himself, but his hand didn't leave Cas' shoulder. "I mean, you act like it anyways. That's the only reason we mess with you. You sit in the front of the classroom like a teacher's pet. You always get the homework answers right. You don't talk to anyone else, like you think we're all stupid compared to you or something-" "Let's finish this packet and we can work on the model tomorrow," Dean suggested, in response to Cas beating himself up for wasting the day. "It's not like I have any other plans, Cas. I want to be here." The last part made Cas raise his eyebrows, looking at Dean in confusion as the other boy just shrugged, like he actually meant it. Dean didn't say anything else, or take it back. Instead, he just put the packet back in Cas' hands, along with the pen he was using. "Come on, let's knock this out." “Yeah, of course,” she replied with a curious grin. “What’s up? Got questions about you and Cas doing the tango later? Obviously I won’t be much help in the gay sex department, but I’ve had plenty of sex with dudes, so-” ,” she said again, scrambling off the bed. Her entire demeanor changed as she shifted closer and closer to the door. “Hey, so, um- I have to go count inventory so I can turn it in tomorrow, so Cas, just give Dean those pain meds and make sure he doesn’t pass out, okay?” she rambled quickly, backing up towards the exit. “Be careful,” Jo said, wrapping her arms around Dean’s waist for a very quick hug, because she knew how much timing mattered in a situation like this. "See you later, dad,'" Sam
<|output|> <|example|> laughed nervously, looking around as if something around him would give him the strength to man up and go talk to Cas. "Dean, you can't run away from this forever," Charlie prodded, giving him a slight shove towards the steps. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> ” He kissed Dean briefly before waving him off <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> "I mean, you act like it anyways <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> called from across the table. Dean gave a small wave, trying to ignore the fact that John didn't tell them first thing that Bobby was alive and in the same place as them. Dean would have gone to him immediately, but now he had to wait until tomorrow with that information just swimming around in his head. "Here," Dean spat, slamming Cas' notebook against the boy's chest hard enough to knock him back into his locker. It was the end of the day and Cas had hoped to get his things and get out before Dean could find him, yet here they were. Standing inches apart in the hallway, Dean clearly pissed off that he had to be there. Cas watched the back of Dean's jacket as he walked, still holding that notebook to his chest, hoping it would help with his racing heartbeat. It didn't, but it provided some comfort, having something stable to hold onto. Even just a thin notebook. If Dean decided to turn around and punch him, it wouldn't do much to stop it, but Cas could pretend that it would. So he hugged it tighter to his chest as the approached what Cas assumed was Dean's car. A sleek looking black Impala. Cas let out a shaky breath as Dean turned to face him, his expression hard to read. He didn't look angry anymore. Maybe annoyed? Dean woke the next morning before everyone else, so he thought he would make breakfast outside on the fire for a change. With the undead gone, for now at least, he felt comfortable enough on his own outside the bunker. He grabbed everything he needed to cook and set the fire, including a gun for safety measures, and made his way up top. He let the fire burn for a moment as he cleaned out his pots and sorted through his ingredients. He boiled some water, one pot for the rice and one for the coffee. It was made with water from the river, but it wouldn’t kill them. It just may taste a little funny. As he let that cook, he sat off to the side, watching the sun rise as he thought to himself. Supplies were running low and he was tired of living in darkness. Now that the undead were basically gone, he was considering moving on to somewhere else. Maybe they could circle back to the bunker, but they had to go in search of more supplies. Once Sammy was healthy again, he’d bring up the idea. "Both my hands are busy holding you, so that means I can't block anything you do," Dean reminded him. "Your best bet is to use your head. If you throw your head back and it hits mine, I'm gonna be shocked and that gives you the perfect moment to escape my hold." He reached up, grabbing the back of Cas' head before he could try to actually head butt him and break his nose. "Not now, Cas," he sighed, still holding his grip tightly on the angel, not sure why he hadn't let go
<|output|> <|example|> called from across the table. Dean gave a small wave, trying to ignore the fact that John didn't tell them first thing that Bobby was alive and in the same place as them. Dean would have gone to him immediately, but now he had to wait until tomorrow with that information just swimming around in his head. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> If Dean decided to turn around and punch him, it wouldn't do much to stop it, but Cas could pretend that it would <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> yet. "Listen, if that doesn't work, just hit me wherever you can. Use your legs, your hands if they're free, whatever. Anything you can to get the upper hand. Does that make sense?" "Dean, how's the arm?" Charlie asked, changing the subject. "Cas is taking good care of you, right?" She gave Dean an incredibly dirty look, but when Cas looked up from taking his turn, her face was sweet and innocent again, like she never insinuated anything different. Dean’s plan of sleeping in went out the window as soon as Cas woke up. The angel untangled himself from Dean’s arms and slipped out of bed with a kiss to Dean’s temple, which was how most mornings started. Dean tried slipping back into a blissful sleep, and for maybe twenty minutes, he succeeded. He was woken up again by warm hands gently caressing his bare skin, light kisses along his jaw as Cas whispered Dean’s name against his skin. After Sam had successfully filled the gas can up without swallowing a mouthful of gasoline, they replenished the gas in the Impala and shut everything back in the trunk, along with their new stock of salt. With everything ready to go, Sam got behind the wheel, starting the car back up. Dean started to get into the passenger seat, but he only got the door open before Jack lurched forward, nearly jumping over the back seat. Dean watched the house as if John would come back outside with some kind of incriminating evidence. He knew he was being paranoid, but with John, anything was possible. Dean didn’t trust him at all. “I’m gonna check the windows and see if I can hear anything,” Dean replied, carefully jumping the bushes to get closer to the house. Sam called after him in a hushed voice, but Dean ignored him until Sam decided to go with him. As they approached the house, he felt a bit of dread set in, knowing he'd have to let go. Cas slowed down at the end of the block, their feet dragging the sidewalk. "Do you want to stay out here a while longer?" he asked, gesturing to their hands. Like it was some kind of medicine. The longer they held it, the better chances that it would work. If only it really worked that way. “I also think it’s a good idea,” Cas agreed, leaving everyone to stare at Sam as they waited to see what he would say. Cas gave a sad laugh, shaking his head. "It's okay, Dean. Being human isn't all bad," he expressed, giving Dean's hand another tight squeeze. Dean knew his face was red at that point, but he didn't care. "Besides. . . we ended up locking Lucifer back in the cage after all. Before our power ran out, we managed to get a hold of the rings needed to open the cage. Jack, poor defenseless baby Jack, shoved his father back into Hell with a smile on his face." Dean knew it was risky, sneaking around John’s back like this. In his teenage years and early twenties, he never would
<|output|> <|example|> yet. "Listen, if that doesn't work, just hit me wherever you can. Use your legs, your hands if they're free, whatever. Anything you can to get the upper hand. Does that make sense?" <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "It's okay, Dean <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> Dean tried slipping back into a blissful sleep, and for maybe twenty minutes, he succeeded <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> have tried it. He was too afraid to cross John back then, but now he felt different. He felt like he had something worth fighting for. “Yeah, I think so,” Dean agreed, the nerves settling back in his stomach. “I have to talk to Cas.” At first, Cas didn't say anything. He was clearly being passive aggressive as he threw things in the trash with too much force and ignored looking in Dean's direction. When Dean sighed again, Cas whipped around to look at him, stepping into Dean's personal space so fast, Dean nearly fell backwards off the bed. "Don't stress about it, Dean. I'm not trying to be your therapist, I just want to know more about you. Anything to be closer. . ." he trailed off, his face turning a light shade of red as he looked away from Dean's eyes. "Tell me anything you want," he finally said, urging Dean to start talking. Eventually, Dean took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, as Cas sighed contently beside him, already over his fit of laughter. They glanced at each other once they were both calm, matching smiles lighting up their faces. "Thanks," Dean finally spoke again, once he trusted himself enough to not start snorting again. Cas cocked his head to the side in confusion, still wearing that pretty smile. "For sharing all of that with me," Dean clarified, his mouth going dry. "It means a lot to me, Cas. It means a lot that you trust me enough to tell me all of that." “I know,” Cas said calmly, sliding his hand up to cup Dean’s cheek, running his thumb gently over the warm skin. His touch calmed Dean’s racing heart, but it wasn’t until Cas leaned in and pressed his lips to Dean’s that the anger gradually melted away, forgotten for the moment. “It’s going to be okay,” Cas whispered, kissing him again, and again and again until Dean grew restless from having to chase his lips each time. With a small growl, he tightened his hold on Cas’ waist with both hands, his arm only aching a little as he slotted their lips together for a hard kiss. When Cas pulled back slightly, Dean caught his bottom lip between his teeth, forcing a quiet moan from the angel’s lips. Dean frowned, shaking his head. “You’re not going anywhere,” he retorted, stepping away from his brother to gather his weapons for a run. “I’ll go, you sit tight. I’ll find some medicine while I’m out-” Cas hummed, his fingers tapping the hard, wooden floor. "I would tell you about how I came to Earth, about my family. . . but I don't think I know you well enough to share something so personal," he admitted. "I might scare you away." Maybe Dean should have cared that he was past the wall with only a handgun for protection. The bullets were silver, so a skinwalker or a werewolf would be an easy kill if he happened to get attacked, but any of the other monsters lurking outside the wall were at an advantage.
<|output|> <|example|> have tried it. He was too afraid to cross John back then, but now he felt different. He felt like he had something worth fighting for. “Yeah, I think so,” Dean agreed, the nerves settling back in his stomach. “I have to talk to Cas.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> He felt like he had something worth fighting for <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> " he trailed off, his face turning a light shade of red as he looked away from Dean's eyes <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> Anything to be closer <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> “It’s going to be okay,” Cas whispered, kissing him again, and again and again until Dean grew restless from having to chase his lips each time <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> " “I know,” Cas said calmly, sliding his hand up to cup Dean’s cheek, running his thumb gently over the warm skin <|indexes|> 4 |
<|text|> Though, Dean couldn’t find it in him to be that worried about it. He wanted to get his hands dirty. He wanted a fight, hand to hand combat. He couldn’t hit John, so he at least wanted to hit The first store was just a regular old grocery store, most of which wasn't usable, but they took what they could find. They grabbed canned goods, rice, peanut butter, coffee, whatever was still safe to eat. Once Cas' bag was full, they filled Dean's with more water, because they could never have enough water. They fit as much as they could, zipping up the bags after they were full. “F-Fuck,” Dean stammered, gripping the edge of the bed hard as Cas sucked on the head of his dick, swirling his tongue around to taste him. Cas made a small noise, as if he were savoring the taste of Dean’s cock, and from the way it looked, he was. Dean was unravelling under Cas’ touch, all because of that noise. He tightened his fingers in Cas’ hair, his breathing ragged as Cas slowly took more of him into his mouth. Dean had been so wrong about Cas not being skilled at this. He had no clue how the angel was doing it, but Dean had never felt anything as good. Cas knew just what he liked and he knew just how to reduce Dean to a wordless, panting mess. Dean huffed a small laugh, a sad sound that made Jo look at him with such pity. He shrugged his shoulders, meeting her eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t ever be with him. I’m not good enough anyways,” Dean mumbled, letting it slip without thinking. He hadn’t meant to tell Jo anything about who it was, but he fucked up. "Sounds good," Sam answered, slowing down as they looked over the houses, pointing out ones that were too damaged, too small, too ugly, or any other objections. Soon, they were nearing the end of the neighborhood and a nice, big, seemingly undamaged house came into view. Sam pulled into the driveway of the two story house, cutting the engine as they all slowly piled out of the Impala. They stretched their limbs, Dean listening to the crack of his bones as he groaned, still feeling the repercussions of that fight from the night before. Cas gave him a worried glance, but Dean waved him off with a smile, moving around to the back of the Impala as he popped the trunk. Despite the invitation, Dean opened the door slowly, keeping his eyes on the floor. "Claire?" he said with uncertainty, waiting to see if she had a reaction before pushing further into the room. "It's me, Dean," he continued, and received no reaction. Hesitantly, he looked up, meeting the girl's wide, confused eyes. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, a notebook in her lap and a pencil between her fingers. Dean offered a small smile, leaving the door cracked as he inched farther into the room. That was when Dean heard it. It was faint, but after
<|output|> <|example|> Though, Dean couldn’t find it in him to be that worried about it. He wanted to get his hands dirty. He wanted a fight, hand to hand combat. He couldn’t hit John, so he at least wanted to hit <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "It's me, Dean," he continued, and received no reaction <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> That was when Dean heard it <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> years of being on edge, the sound of the twig snapping caught his attention easily. He had looked up, eyes locking with another pair of dark, beady eyes across the street. The figure lingered in the shadows, watching them, as if Dean couldn't see him. When it stepped out into the pool of moonlight shining down on the empty street, it bared its teeth, revealing what it was. Dean immediately drew his machete, pushing Cas behind him to go after the damn thing, but as soon as it saw Dean was prepared to cut its head off, it took off into the safety of the forest again. Dean ran after it, chasing it for nearly an hour before he had to give up and return home. It was for that reason, he couldn't sleep for even a second. What if that thing came back and Dean wasn't awake? What if he wasn't prepared to hack it's head off and it somehow got to Cas first? Dean would never be able to live with himself. He knew that thing was out there and it was only a matter of time before it came after them. "We all just help out where we can," Dean replied with a small shrug. "All I ask is that you do your best. If you're familiar with hunting, offer to go on a supply run a few times a week. If you can cook, help out in the kitchen. We have a garden that's outside the wall, so we only send people who are comfortable being outside the wall to tend to it. Our main priority is making sure everyone feels safe." Dean happily obliged, gripping Cas' fingers hard as he sucked Cas' cock enthusiastically, ignoring the burn in his jaw and the ache of his knees from being on the floor for so long. He didn't want this to end, but at the same time, he wanted to feel Cas come down his throat, to taste Cas in such an intimate way. He wanted it so bad, it made the physical uncomfortableness in his knees and jaw seem so miniscule, he barely noticed them. "No clue," Dean answered, shoving his hands in his pockets. "But the last time I went on a date with Jo, we were attacked by a werewolf, so I'm sure it'll be a blast." This made Cas chuckle, which always made Dean's heart flutter. They talked a little longer, about different things. They debated the best way to tell Sam and Jack about them, betted on their reactions and everything too. Cas was under the impression that Sam had no idea about their relationship but Dean had a feeling Sam already knew and just didn't say anything. Jack on the other hand was probably oblivious. Dean took a deep breath, fingers finding that stupid tie again for no reason. "Here's the plan," he started, his leg brushing against Cas', reminding him how close they were. "My machete is in the pocket of my jacket at the front of the store. I have this metal bar here, but
<|output|> <|example|> years of being on edge, the sound of the twig snapping caught his attention easily. He had looked up, eyes locking with another pair of dark, beady eyes across the street. The figure lingered in the shadows, watching them, as if Dean couldn't see him. When it stepped out into the pool of moonlight shining down on the empty street, it bared its teeth, revealing what it was. Dean immediately drew his machete, pushing Cas behind him to go after the damn thing, but as soon as it saw Dean was prepared to cut its head off, it took off into the safety of the forest again. Dean ran after it, chasing it for nearly an hour before he had to give up and return home. It was for that reason, he couldn't sleep for even a second. What if that thing came back and Dean wasn't awake? What if he wasn't prepared to hack it's head off and it somehow got to Cas first? Dean would never be able to live with himself. He knew that thing was out there and it was only a matter of time before it came after them. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> If you can cook, help out in the kitchen <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> He didn't want this to end, but at the same time, he wanted to feel Cas come down his throat, to taste Cas in such an intimate way <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> years of being on edge, the sound of the twig snapping caught his attention easily <|indexes|> 2 2 |
<|text|> it won't take the things head off. I can fight it off, but I need you to get the machete. You have to be the one to kill it, Cas. Can you do that?" "How long ya been here?" Bobby asked, gesturing for them to sit down at the table. They all three sat, giving enough space for the others to walk into the kitchen too. Bobby glanced at Cas and Jack curiously, but was still waiting for an answer to his question. “Don’t be telling Claire lies about me,” Dean retorted, leaning into Cas’ side as Dean was pulled closer by a firm hand on his hip. “Sure,” Jo replied with a small shrug. “I never said we had to be together forever. But if we ‘date’ for a few weeks, or months, it’ll throw John off your scent. He’ll never know about you and Cas. I promise, me and Charlie will do everything in our power to make sure he never finds out.” She paused, dropping her hand from Dean’s shoulder. “That is, if you want Charlie to know,” she added. Dean smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just get home,” he replied, messing up the kids hair as he sent Jack off towards the house. As he left, Dean turned back around to finish his task he came here for, which was finding Sammy. He went into the kitchen, ignoring the weird stares he was getting from the workers. Eventually, he spotted Sam near the exit opposite of the one Dean came in, leaning against the wall talking to the same girl as last time, Eileen. Dean hated to break up their conversation, especially because Sam looked incredibly happy, but this was important. When they made it back to the house, Dean waved the other three inside, hanging back to talk to Charlie. She hugged them all, promising to talk to them more tomorrow. Once they were all inside, Dean turned to face Charlie, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket awkwardly. Charlie grinned, as if she knew exactly what he was up to. “Sounds like my brother is a real hero,” Sam chuckled after Jack finished rambling, glancing across the table at Dean. “I’m really glad he brought you guys back here. I was getting kind of tired of his company,” he teased. Company was one way to put it. For ten years, they only had each other. There was only so much they could do, or talk about. They played the same card games over and over, made up games and crosswords, talked about what they would do if the world ever went back to normal, told stories, read books, whatever they could do to pass the time. "Goodnight, Dean," Cas said, and they exchanged small, exhausted smiles, before Dean trudged back into the living room, checking in on Sam and Jack on the way. Both were already sound asleep, having been tired out from a long day. Dean got comfy on the couch, sticking his pillow under his head as he pulled his blanket up over his shoulders.
<|output|> <|example|> it won't take the things head off. I can fight it off, but I need you to get the machete. You have to be the one to kill it, Cas. Can you do that?" <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Charlie grinned, as if she knew exactly what he was up to <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> I can fight it off, but I need you to get the machete <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> ” She paused, dropping her hand from Dean’s shoulder <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> Dean hated to break up their conversation, especially because Sam looked incredibly happy, but this was important <|indexes|> 4 4 |
<|text|> It took a lot of tossing and turning to find a comfortable position to sleep, but eventually, he drifted off too. “The truth,” Jo retorted without missing a beat. Dean rolled his eyes, looking away from her judgemental gaze. “Come on, Dean. You know he deserves the truth. You love him and you ran away because you were scared, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be with him. Because you do, don’t you?” "To keep you safe, of course," Dean answered truthfully. Cas smiled again, bigger this time. It was so beautiful to see him smile, especially because he hadn't smiled much when Dean first met him. This was a new development and Dean didn't like to boast, but he was pretty sure he was one of the main reasons for Cas' happiness. Cas was his reason, anyways, so it was only right to assume the same for the angel. "Thanks," Kaia mumbled, closing her eyes as she tugged the blanket back up over her shoulders. "Take care of Dean now. He was pretty beat up after carrying me around for hours." She settled into the mattress as if she were going back to sleep. “Does it look like I know how to read lips?” Dean retorted, glancing down as Sam rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll try,” Dean grumbled. He hoisted himself up a little further, watching Ketch intently. The man was nodding as John talked, his voice too muffled for Dean to hear him. Finally, Ketch opened his mouth. Dean tried to make out the words, which looked something like, “meeting with Crowley.” Cas let out a shaky breath without Dean noticing, swallowing the lump in his throat before answering. "I have the materials," he answered, only glancing at Dean for a second to see the small smile on his face. "We should finish the packet first, and then we can get started on the model," he added, and Dean agreed with a small nod. “Jack, he’s not going to hurt you,” Cas said, his voice calming as he pulled the boy’s hands away from his face. “This nice man said he can feed us tonight. You’re hungry, aren’t you?” “It’s okay,” Cas breathed, clearly afraid Dean was going to hurt him. “Why would I have to hold your hand?” he asked, completely straight faced. Dean would have taken that question as a sarcastic remark had it come from anyone else, but from Cas, it was an actual question. Cas' shoulders visibly relaxed as he grabbed Dean's hand from his face, pulling it to his lips. "You better come home to me," he said, and Dean blushed like an idiot. When they arrived at Bobby's, they concealed themselves until they got a read on the situation. Bobby had managed to find John and apparently had invited him back to his place for a drink. He had somehow been able to convince John that he was still on his side, with Jody's help. They had sent Claire back to Jo and Charlie, which is how Dean had found out John was even at Bobby's. Claire told them everything she
<|output|> <|example|> It took a lot of tossing and turning to find a comfortable position to sleep, but eventually, he drifted off too. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> He hoisted himself up a little further, watching Ketch intently <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> “Jack, he’s not going to hurt you,” Cas said, his voice calming as he pulled the boy’s hands away from his face <|indexes|> 1 1 |
<|text|> knew and argued with Dean about letting her help, eventually giving in and heading back to the medical building. Cas started to stir, his eyes fluttering open for a moment to register Dean was there in front of him, before they fell closed again. “Dean, is that you?” Cas mumbled, smacking his dry lips. Today was Dean’s first day off since he got back in the game. He planned on sleeping in and spending it in bed all day, preferably with Cas next to him, since it was also his day off. Tomorrow after work, he had to go to dinner with John, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo, so he wanted a stress free day before diving into that hell. “The zombies are dead, Sam,” Dean interrupted, though he wasn’t sure why he was defending a guy who he didn’t believe in five minutes ago. “When I was out there earlier, I didn’t see a single undead.” Dean panicked for a moment, because of course that thought hadn't even crossed his mind. Of course he looked like a creepy idiot, knocking on people's doors asking to talk to teenage girls. He opened his mouth to reply, but everything he could think of to defend himself just made him seem even more suspicious. "That's not why I'm here," he said weakly, shaking his head. "I'm Jack's. . ." he trailed off, realizing he had no idea what to call himself. Despite the uneasiness between John and Cas, everything else seemed to be going smoothly. Cas had been getting more sleep and looked much better, whereas a week ago he was starting to look like the undead Dean spent the last ten years fighting. Not much changed at home other than Dean and Cas sharing a bed. Even though Sam knew they were together, Dean didn't want to scar his little brother for life by accident, so he tried to keep his hands to himself unless they were behind closed doors. Since they started sharing a bed, Cas hadn't been able to get up before Dean to get breakfast for them. Dean would wake up when Cas had to untangle himself from Dean's legs and then Dean wouldn't be able to fall back asleep in Cas' absence. Cas took deep breaths to calm himself down, willing himself not to cry, or start hyperventilating in front of his classmates. He was used to being pushed around by Dean Winchester, but that didn't mean he was able to stop the panic from setting in when the guy messed with him. He always hid it at school, waiting until he was walking home alone, or in his house before letting himself breakdown. Charlie squeezed Dean's arm in hers, looking pretty proud of Dean as he admitted that. It made Dean feel good, getting praise from someone, even a stranger. He wasn't used to it, but it was a welcome feeling. "It's my pleasure," Charlie replied. "Relationships are hard. Especially during an apocalypse," she added with a small laugh. "It's fine, Dean," he assured the other man, sitting on the bed next to him. Dean continued gaping
<|output|> <|example|> knew and argued with Dean about letting her help, eventually giving in and heading back to the medical building. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "It's fine, Dean," he assured the other man, sitting on the bed next to him <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> " he trailed off, realizing he had no idea what to call himself <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> “Dean, is that you?” Cas mumbled, smacking his dry lips <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> ” Dean panicked for a moment, because of course that thought hadn't even crossed his mind <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> He opened his mouth to reply, but everything he could think of to defend himself just made him seem even more suspicious <|indexes|> 4 |
<|text|> at him, trying to figure out a solution. "Today's my day off anyways. I'll catch up on some sleep before the date tonight." Dean's heart sank at those words, and even further when he looked into those blue eyes, filled with a type of hurt Dean would never wish on anyone. The fear of losing someone, of being abandoned by those you care about most. He spent his entire life with that look in his eyes, and now to see it on the face of someone he cared about. . . he hated himself for causing that. "D-Dean!" Cas faltered, grabbing his hair again, still holding on tight to Dean's hand. "That feels amazing," he cried, moaning loudly as Dean swirled his tongue and bobbed his head in a gradually electrifying way, reducing Cas to a panting, moaning mess under Dean's touch. His sentences were incoherent, but Dean took that as a compliment. All that mattered was that Cas was moaning Dean's name and telling him, no- begging him, not to stop, to keep doing whatever he was doing. Jack grinned. “We like you guys too,” he replied, happily. Despite the fact they were going separate ways after this, he still looked so at peace and happy around Sam and Dean. "So, that's pretty much it," Dean said, gesturing down the block. "Everything is within walking distance, everyone's pretty close, and it's safe." "I guess. . . I've mentioned my mom before, but I never told you about my dad when she was still around," Dean began, starting with something easy. Memories that didn't send him spiraling into a panic attack. They were only painful because Dean missed the person John used to be, but they were still good memories. "He used to be- I don't know what you would call it- but he was different with my mom. He was kinder, more caring. My mom died when Sam was only a baby, so the only father he's ever known is the broken, angry, harsh man who raised us as hunters." Claire laughed sadly, catching more tears as they streaked her red cheeks. "I hope so, because I don't think I can live without her," she cried, shaking her head softly. "God, I feel so stupid. I don't usually cry like this," she mumbled, rubbing at her eyes furiously. Cas’ eyes were closed, but he smirked, so Dean knew he was awake. “No, I was just comfortable.” He sighed softly, opening his eyes as he reached for Dean, resting a hand on Dean’s cheek. “Thank you for tonight, Dean. And I don’t just mean the sex. That was great too, but I genuinely enjoyed spending time with you. You’re. . . just amazing.” Once they were in the living room, Dean gently pushed Cas down onto the couch, grabbing the pillow Cas kept there to put under his knees before kneeling down in front of him. He slotted himself between Cas' legs, running a hand up Cas' leg, getting a feel for the new position. "This is okay, right?" Dean asked, massaging his thumb into the deep muscle of Cas'
<|output|> <|example|> at him, trying to figure out a solution. "Today's my day off anyways. I'll catch up on some sleep before the date tonight." <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> I've mentioned my mom before, but I never told you about my dad when she was still around," Dean began, starting with something easy <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> “No, I was just comfortable <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> They were only painful because Dean missed the person John used to be, but they were still good memories <|indexes|> 2 2 |
<|text|> thigh. “Dean, where will you sleep?” Cas asked, his voice quiet as they passed by Sam’s room. “I can sleep on the floor in Jack’s room,” he offered, when Dean didn’t reply quick enough. Curiously, Dean watched John take his bag off his shoulder and start taking things out. From the distance he was at, Dean couldn’t tell exactly what it was. When John lit a match and threw it on something sitting on the ground, Dean realized he was summoning Crowley. Sam and Dean shared a look, like they both had just figured it out at the same time. The sound of a new voice tore their gaze away from each other, back to the men in front of them. Suddenly, Crowley was standing in front of John and the other two guys, dressed in his black suit as always. Dean could hear his distinct voice, but couldn’t hear what he was talking about. The conversation lasted only about ten minutes. Crowley mostly listened to what John was saying, as he didn’t talk much. Dean wanted to get closer to hear better, but as soon as he moved an inch, Sam glared at him and shook his head. Charlie glared at him for a moment, but Jo's laugh eased Charlie away from glaring at Cas, her eyes back on Jo, looking her over for possible injuries. Why else would she be there? "Actually, I was looking for Dean," she said, eyes glancing past Cas and up to Dean where he stood directly behind him. "I'm not hurt or anything," she added. Sam and Jack still had to work that day, so Dean was alone for the majority of the day. He looked around the rooms to see if maybe Cas had crashed in Jack's bed or something, but the angel was gone. With nothing to do, Dean grabbed a book and settled in on the couch to start reading. He tried not to think about Cas, or his upcoming date in just a few hours. He tried to focus all of his energy on finishing this stupid book that he'd already read about a hundred times. “Can I have some time to think about it?” Dean asked, his voice cracking. He needed to tell Sam. He couldn’t make this decision without him. “Yeah,” Dean mumbled, his chest starting to feel tight again as Cas stepped away from him, no longer touching Dean at all. Dean rested his elbows on his knees, dropping his head into his hands. Cas stood in front of him, a few feet away, watching Dean with an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m sorry.” That was all Dean could think of to say. He knew it wasn’t enough, but there was too much going on in his head to think of something better. "Fine," he answered quickly. "Could use a hand though," he added, holding up the t-shirt to silently explain his issue. Sam chuckled at Dean's helplessness, causing Dean to roll his eyes. "Look, Cas usually helps me, but I haven't seen him around this morning, so if you could just stop being
<|output|> <|example|> thigh. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> The sound of a new voice tore their gaze away from each other, back to the men in front of them <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> "I'm not hurt or anything," she added <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> Suddenly, Crowley was standing in front of John and the other two guys, dressed in his black suit as always <|indexes|> 2 |
<|text|> an ass for two seconds and help me, I'd really appreciate it." "I did agree to that, didn't I?" Dean tried to joke, in an attempt to make himself feel calmer about telling Cas things he didn't talk about with anyone. He didn't have to go deep into any painful details, but anything from his past was usually hard to talk about. He'd told Cas plenty about his mom, about how beautiful and amazing she was, but other than that, he hadn't told Cas much about his past. "What happens next?" Sam asked, standing next to Dean in the doorway as they watched Charlie and Jo clean and wrap the wounds on Cas' body. "If Cas is still breathing, I guess that means you made the deal." Dean had no choice but to fold at this point, because John wasn't budging. For today, and today only, he would hunt without Sam. He knew Sam could take care of himself, but that didn't mean he was happy about the separation. "Fine, who's the girl?" he grumbled, crossing his arms until he realized how much he resembled his father in that moment, and then he quickly shoved his hands into his pockets. "I want to have a decent partner, at least. Someone who knows how to wield a knife or shoot a gun would be nice." It wasn't so much the fact that John paired him up with a chick. That much he didn't care about. He knew plenty of great women hunters back before the apocalypse and even worked a few cases with them. This was about his childish tantrum he was throwing because instead of his brother, he had to deal with some stranger. "It's nice to meet you boys," Bobby replied, holding out his hand for Cas and Jack to shake. Much more welcoming than John had been. It made Dean happy that Cas wasn't as tense meeting Bobby as he had been when he met John. "Glad you four had each other these past few months. I'm sure Sam and Dean were close to rippin' each others heads off after being confined together for ten years." "Yes, Dean," Cas answered, his foot suddenly connecting with Dean's shin, forcing him away from Cas with a yelp. Cas looked satisfied as he pushed Dean against the wall, his arm across Dean's chest securely. "Like that?" he asked, his eyes staring into Dean's, surely noticing how red Dean's face was. His arm dug into Dean's chest, probably able to feel every thump of Dean's racing heart. “We’re fine, Dean,” Cas cut him off, his voice calm and steady. It reminded Dean that Cas didn't need him, that he was intruding on them when they were just trying to get back to living their life. Dean felt guilty, but he couldn't stop himself from caring, even if he didn't know why. “You’ve already done so much for us. You really didn’t have to come check on us. I’m sure it took you hours to get here, and now you have to drive back.” Cas gently wound one hand into Dean’s hair,
<|output|> <|example|> an ass for two seconds and help me, I'd really appreciate it." <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> He didn't have to go deep into any painful details, but anything from his past was usually hard to talk about <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> "What happens next?" Sam asked, standing next to Dean in the doorway as they watched Charlie and Jo clean and wrap the wounds on Cas' body <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> "Fine, who's the girl?" he grumbled, crossing his arms until he realized how much he resembled his father in that moment, and then he quickly shoved his hands into his pockets <|indexes|> 2 |
<|text|> using his grip to lean Dean’s head back further into the pillow. His other hand found its way down Dean’s chest, teasing the pad of his thumb over a sensitive nipple. Dean gasped softly at the sudden sensation, giving Cas the chance to drag open-mouthed kisses over Dean’s jaw, his stubble scratching against Dean’s to create even more heat in Dean’s face. Cas smoothed his hand through Dean’s hair as he slowly kissed down Dean’s body, giving extra attention to Dean’s neck and collarbone, sucking a dark bruise where Dean’s shirt would barely cover it. Dean couldn’t find it in him to mind, especially as Cas worked a hand into Dean’s boxers and wrapped a hand around his heavy cock. “We’ll just have to be careful,” Dean added. “I’ll talk to my dad, see if I can’t get some information out of him. And maybe it would be better if Claire stayed with Sam, or something. That way, if John catches us, she won’t get into any trouble. It’s safer that way.” He knew she wouldn’t like the idea, so he braced for her reaction. "Dean," Cas said again, firmer this time, as if it were a warning. Dean blinked slowly, eyes meeting Cas'. He didn't say anything. He couldn't admit what was going through his head. He knew Cas would argue against it, try to rationalize everything, but Dean wouldn't believe it. He just wanted to get home. He wanted to make sure Cas at least got home safe, in one piece. He wanted to make sure Sam and Jack were still okay. "That was what, Dean?" Cas asked, or more so demanded. Cas looked a little guilty as he shoved the plate of food into Dean's lap, making sure Dean was eating. Dean rolled his eyes, but obliged and took a giant spoonful of the eggs on his plate. "I don't," Cas finally said, earning him a confused look. He hesitated, looking towards the door as Jack's bedroom door slammed down the hall. "I just wait for you to fall asleep and then I move to the couch," Cas explained. Cas chuckled quietly, planting a kiss on Dean's forehead. "We'll risk Sam finding out if I don't wake up in time," he argued, though not much concern lacing his tone. "I was glad to see him alive," Dean admitted, taking a step back from the angel, in hopes of making his breaths even out again. Seriously, two months, and he still couldn't be close to Cas without acting like a horny teenager. Dean moved backwards until his legs hit the edge of the queen sized bed, forcing him to sit. Cas followed him, but instead of sitting, he towered over Dean directly in front of him. "There's a lot to unpack there," he continued, his chest tightening for a whole other reason now. "Not what you wanted?" Bobby finished for him, taking the words right from Dean's mouth. Dean looked up, frightened about what he might find on Bobby's face, but the older man was just smiling fondly at him. Dean let out a shaky breath.
<|output|> <|example|> using his grip to lean Dean’s head back further into the pillow. His other hand found its way down Dean’s chest, teasing the pad of his thumb over a sensitive nipple. Dean gasped softly at the sudden sensation, giving Cas the chance to drag open-mouthed kisses over Dean’s jaw, his stubble scratching against Dean’s to create even more heat in Dean’s face. Cas smoothed his hand through Dean’s hair as he slowly kissed down Dean’s body, giving extra attention to Dean’s neck and collarbone, sucking a dark bruise where Dean’s shirt would barely cover it. Dean couldn’t find it in him to mind, especially as Cas worked a hand into Dean’s boxers and wrapped a hand around his heavy cock. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> And maybe it would be better if Claire stayed with Sam, or something <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> "I just wait for you to fall asleep and then I move to the couch," Cas explained <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> <|indexes|> 2 |
<|text|> He was safe here. He was safe with Bobby. "She can be a handful," Bobby teased, making Dean smile despite his nerves. "John," she greeted, her smile warming up a little. "What's the occasion?" She opened the door even further, inviting them in without actually saying anything. John took that as his cue and walked through the door, the others following close behind until they were all inside and the woman had shut the door before rushing around them to stand in front of the five of them. "Bobby just sat down for his morning coffee, if you boys want anything?" Everyone laughed, even Cas, who hardly ever smiled. The conversation continued like that, jokes and teasing, light hearted talk about people around the neighborhood, and happy memories of Sam and Dean's childhood. Dean found himself smiling and laughing more than he had in ten years. It felt good to be around family again, new and old. John wasn't as into the conversation as the others, but he did contribute a few times. Eventually, Bobby and Ellen had to get to their jobs and John wanted to continue the tour, so they said their goodbyes before heading out. A few seconds later, Castiel appeared in the doorway from the other side of the house, raising an eyebrow. "What did you say?" he asked, and that was the moment his eyes landed on Dean, and Dean was already looking at him, so it was very apparent that the angel was freaking out. "D-Dean?! What the hell happened?" “Are you sure that’s safe?” Dean asked, all thoughts of Cas subsiding for a moment as he remembered the last time he’d been out past the wall. Not that he had any kind of PTSD from being shot or anything, but he knew what was out there. He didn’t want to put Jo in any kind of danger if he wasn’t fast enough to kill something that came after them. Charlie rolled her eyes before fixing them on Dean with an accusatory glare. “Don’t forget, the walls are thin,” she said, pointing two fingers at her eyes before jabbing them towards Cas and Dean’s general direction. “Keep it PG.” “Alright, I guess I’ll see if Sam is busy,” John sighed, waving them off with a small smile. “You two be careful.” Jo laughed loudly, playfully slapping Dean's uninjured shoulder. "You got it," she promised. "By the way, where do you plan to hold this monumental event? I assume you don't want to have Sam and Jack as audience members at the house," she wondered. Claire looked at Dean with uncertainty, nervously pulling on the sleeve of her long-sleeved shirt as Dean offered a small smile. “It’s okay, you can trust her,” Dean urged, nodding softly. “Let’s go in the back and you can tell her and Cas what’s going on, alright?” he offered, and Claire hesitantly agreed with a small nod. Dean looked back at Charlie, silently pleading with her to hold off on more questions until they were settled in the backroom. He didn’t want to make Claire go through talking about it
<|output|> <|example|> He was safe here. He was safe with Bobby. "She can be a handful," Bobby teased, making Dean smile despite his nerves. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "She can be a handful," Bobby teased, making Dean smile despite his nerves <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> Eventually, Bobby and Ellen had to get to their jobs and John wanted to continue the tour, so they said their goodbyes before heading out <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> “Don’t forget, the walls are thin,” she said, pointing two fingers at her eyes before jabbing them towards Cas and Dean’s general direction <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> "D-Dean?! What the hell happened?" “Are you sure that’s safe?” Dean asked, all thoughts of Cas subsiding for a moment as he remembered the last time he’d been out past the wall <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> "John," she greeted, her smile warming up a little <|indexes|> 4 |
<|text|> twice, so he wanted Cas to be there too. Luckily, Charlie gave them a look of understanding and led them back into the other room with the beds. Cas was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room looking over some papers. “Please be careful,” Sam replied as he yawned, pulling the blanket back over his shoulders when he laid back down in the bed. “Let me know if you find them.” It was odd he didn't put up more of a fight, or ask to come along. Maybe Sam knew Dean needed to do this alone. Or he just didn't feel well enough to get out of bed, which was a more believable option. ,” he groaned, the warmth in his stomach spreading as Cas slipped his thumb out of Dean’s mouth, cradling the man’s face instead. Dean started to say Cas’ name again, unable to control the volume of the cry of pleasure, but Cas quickly swooped in and swallowed the word with a deep kiss. Cas’ name on Dean’s lips quickly melted into a quiet moan as he came in Cas’ hand, yanking hard on Cas’ hair as he quieted himself down, whimpering as Cas worked him through his climax. For a moment, Cas continued lazily stroking Dean’s dick, kissing him gently while Dean held onto him tightly. "C'mon Crowley, you son of a bitch," Dean yelled, grabbing his gun out of his waistband to shoot at the invisible dogs before they could get any closer. Just as Dean was about to pull the trigger and hope for the best, the growling stopped and silence filled the room. Dean slowly lowered his gun, turning around to find Crowley standing in the middle of the room with a smug grin. “This is not keeping your distance,” Sam hissed, stumbling over the ground as he tried to sneak his way up to the side of the house next to Dean. “What if he looks outside and sees us?” "Fuck, Cas, how are you so good at this- you've never even done this before, have you?" Dean groaned, his words breathy as he cried out a curse word between every few words. “Cas, get out,” Dean ordered, still gripping his father’s wrist tightly in an attempt to get free of his hold. Cas seemed to notice John’s hand on Dean’s chest at the same time, a scowl taking over his calm features. Dean saw the anger in his eyes quick enough to say something. “I’m serious, Cas. Get the fuck out of here!” "W-What?" Dean faltered, lifting their tangled fingers as if to examine them. Cas pushed them back down, only glancing at Dean for a second. "Cas, I'm fine," he assured the angel, but they both knew it wasn't true. "Really, Cas, you don't have to do this," Dean tried, hoping something would get through to him. Cas didn't look like he was budging, but Dean wasn't done punishing himself for being so stupid. He needed longer to mull over what he had caused. "Cas, come on, let go," he pleaded, but his voice was weak. Dean’s
<|output|> <|example|> twice, so he wanted Cas to be there too. Luckily, Charlie gave them a look of understanding and led them back into the other room with the beds. Cas was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room looking over some papers. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> twice, so he wanted Cas to be there too <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> Get the fuck out of here!” "W-What?" Dean faltered, lifting their tangled fingers as if to examine them <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> Cas was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room looking over some papers <|indexes|> 2 2 |
<|text|> chest tightened at the thought of Charlie being taken by John, treated the same way he tortured Kaia. All he could see was red. He didn’t even wait for Sam to start walking, or for Crowley to disappear again. He took off at a run, following the same trail John took to get home. He had to get there before John took her away. Charlie was with Cas and Jo, so they were in danger too. "Cas," Dean started, trying to think of a polite way to tell him it wasn't going to happen. There were a few reasons, one being that he hated the way he felt when he was alone with Cas, like he was some teenager who couldn't control his emotions and body. He also didn't want Cas getting hurt if something actually did come through the door to kill them all. "I'll be fine by myself." “Sure,” Dean nodded, wrapping his arm around Jo’s shoulders to pull her against his side. He pressed his lips to her ear, whispering so John couldn’t hear. “Don’t worry about me, I’m gonna find out what he knows.” He kissed her temple, just to reassure her he really was fine. She didn’t look like she believed him, but eventually let go of him. "Sorry," Cas mumbled, shuffling backwards as Dean began inching closer. "You're right. You never hit me. I-I just- I can't-" he tried, but being this close to Dean, someone who scared the shit out of him, it already triggered the anxiety attack. He was freaking out and this time, he couldn't just sit quietly and pretend it wasn't happening. “Your dad doesn’t approve of this person?” Jo wondered, any ounce of anger she had before leaving her body. “Why not?” "We should give them some privacy," Cas said, grabbing Dean's arm to pull him off to the side, out of view from Sam and his secret girlfriend. "Do you know what Charlie and Jo have planned for tonight?" Cas wondered, leaning against the brick wall of the kitchen. Dean groaned, staring up at the ceiling as he frustratedly pulled his hair. "Cas, that still doesn't explain why-" he cut himself off, knowing that tone would get him nowhere. He took a deep breath, looking at Cas again, giving him a pointed look. "Dude, you can't sleep on the floor when you have a bed, okay? First, it's not good for you. That has to kill your back. Second, there's a reason I let you have the room. It's so you could finally get a good night's sleep in a real bed. Don't take that for granted, man." He could tell none of this was getting through to Cas, but he said it anyways. “You know damn well that Charlie didn’t steal anything. You tell your buddies to let her go and get the hell out of here, then I’ll leave.” Dean wasn’t taking no for an answer. He was tired of letting John step on him. Dean dealt with it growing up, thinking that was how fathers were supposed to treat their kids. Now, he saw
<|output|> <|example|> chest tightened at the thought of Charlie being taken by John, treated the same way he tortured Kaia. All he could see was red. He didn’t even wait for Sam to start walking, or for Crowley to disappear again. He took off at a run, following the same trail John took to get home. He had to get there before John took her away. Charlie was with Cas and Jo, so they were in danger too. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> He didn’t even wait for Sam to start walking, or for Crowley to disappear again <|indexes|> 0 |
<|text|> John for who he really was. Sam chuckled, pulling up a chair next to where Cas stood. "That's the first thing," Sam replied reassuringly. "We may have lost Crowley's protection, but I've been reading through some of the books I took with us from the bunker and I found a spell in one of them that pretty much gives us the same protection. It's a smaller radius, but with Bobby's help, we convinced everyone to downsize into one block instead of five." Dean rolled his shoulder as if to prove he was fine, even though the motion sent sharp pains through his entire arm. "Sore, but I'm still fine to get back to work today." He had already convinced Cas, the most important person, so he was ready to stand his ground if either of the girls told him no. “You don’t understand, Sammy,” Dean choked out, his voice softer now as the anger faded to the background, Dean’s worry and hopelessness taking the front seat. “It’s more than that. I can’t lose him. I can’t go back to the way things were before I met him. I thought I was okay back then, but being with Cas has made me realize just how fucking miserable I was. You were the only reason I stayed alive, Sam. But Cas- he means everything to me. If he dies, I’ll never forgive myself. I should have been able to protect him.” Charlie sighed, pulling on a pair of gloves as she cut through Dean's jacket with a large pair of scissors. If he weren't bleeding out, Dean probably would've suggested an alternative to ruining his favorite jacket, but he couldn't really say much right now. "Cas!" Charlie screamed, and Dean desperately wished she had kept him out of this. "Cas, I need towels! There's a lot of blood!" "You're turning him over to Crowley, aren't you?" Cas wondered, not accusingly, but with a hint of concern in his voice. He didn't want Dean being reckless, and Dean had promised, but that was before Cas was hurt. "What was the deal?" “Are you sure, Dean? I mean, you and Sam need this stuff too,” Cas replied, worriedly. Dean tried not to stare at him, even when the candle light caught his eyes just right that the blue in them shined, or maybe they sparkled. Dean didn't think about it too hard before looking down at his food. Dean grimaced and scooted closer to Cas. “You two have history together?” he asked, shifting uncomfortably on his heels. There were so many questions, so much that didn’t add up. “Angels?” Sam doubted, shaking his head in disbelief. Dean was in the same boat. Cas had been talking about God earlier, but Dean thought it was just jokes. He didn’t think there was actually a God, or angels for that matter. Demons were real, so he supposed it could be true, but even so, why had he never met an angel before now? Claire crossed her arms, leaning back against the wall again as she let out a small groan. “Okay, fine, I’m sorry,” she sighed. "I don't
<|output|> <|example|> John for who he really was. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> “You two have history together?” he asked, shifting uncomfortably on his heels <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> " He had already convinced Cas, the most important person, so he was ready to stand his ground if either of the girls told him no <|indexes|> 1 1 |
<|text|> know," Cas admitted, slightly shrugging his shoulders. "I still don't understand how he managed it, but he did. It was a gradual loss, but we got weaker and weaker every day, until eventually, our power had run out." “You okay, Cas?” he asked, brushing the hair away from Cas’ forehead where he didn’t quite tame it this morning. He was overdue for a haircut, but Charlie had been busy this week with Jo and brainstorming plans to deal with John. "Sam's hair is almost longer than hers," Dean chuckled, making Cas roll his eyes. "Kidding! I've been offering to cut his hair for years, but he never lets me," Dean shrugged. Not that Dean blamed him, because the only haircut Dean could give was the one he had himself, and Sam would not be able to pull that off. He looked better with shaggy hair and always had, even as a kid. "That's okay, Cas," Dean said eventually, closing his eyes despite not feeling tired at all. The silence settled again, though this time it didn't feel as tense. It still took hours, but eventually, Dean felt himself drift off to sleep. “He’s not much of a conversationalist,” Cas deadpanned. Dean thought it was a joke at first, but Cas didn’t crack even the smallest of smiles. He decided to just let that one go because he didn’t want to get into religion anyways. They walked the last ten minutes in silence. When they reached the bunker, Dean could see his guests were impressed. “This place looks secure,” Cas observed. "Of course," Cas found himself saying, no resistance from him. He was about to offer his bed, but Dean was already crawling onto the floor, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy as he drifted off. Cas sighed, getting up to shove a pillow under Dean's head. He draped one of his extra blankets over Dean's body, pretty much tucking him in. Dean didn't move a muscle through the entire process, letting Cas touch him however he wanted. When he looked comfortable enough, Cas turned out the lights, changed into pajama bottoms and tossed his shirt off, and then crawled into bed to go to sleep. Crowley cocked his head to the side, just staring at John for a moment. "Oh, you mean this?" he asked, a piece of paper popping up in his hand out of thin air. John audibly swallowed in the silence and then Crowley laughed. "What deal?" he hissed, and the paper burst into flames and disintegrated just like that. Dean felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he realized the wall had just gone down, putting everyone he cared about in danger back home. He pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the moment he was currently in. “I think it would have been a distraction from what’s really wrong,” Cas said, still red in the face as he shifted awkwardly on the stool, his hands digging into his thighs. “Dean, the rules,” Sam argued, slowly pushing himself to stand up. Dean could see how weak his illness made him. There was no
<|output|> <|example|> know," Cas admitted, slightly shrugging his shoulders. "I still don't understand how he managed it, but he did. It was a gradual loss, but we got weaker and weaker every day, until eventually, our power had run out." <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> They walked the last ten minutes in silence <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> "Kidding! I've been offering to cut his hair for years, but he never lets me," Dean shrugged <|indexes|> 1 1 |
<|text|> way Sam would make it through a supply run with the undead on their tails, no matter how quiet it was out there. “You should know better, you made them. We don’t go out there alone,” Sam said, using Dean’s own words against him. He was good at that. “What was the deal?” Bobby asked, as if he’d consider letting it happen. Sam would never let Dean do this, but with Bobby’s support, if it were the only option, Dean would be open to making a deal. Only if it was the last resort. The girl stared at him a little longer, finally straightening up as if she were going to let him inside, though she didn't rush to move out of the way. "No offense, but you don't look the type," she said, finally smiling a little in amusement. "If you know what I mean." Eventually, Charlie finished up and cleaned everything again, offering Dean a shirt to replace the one he was currently wearing that was covered in blood. Cas helped him into it without moving his bad arm around too much. Once he was changed and bandaged up, he really wanted to go home, but Charlie insisted he get some rest before trying to walk anywhere. Dean was in no position to argue, so he laid there staring at the back of his eyelids, trying to sleep. Cas stayed by his side, sitting in a chair Charlie had pulled up for him. Charlie was in the other room counting inventory. At least, that was where she was when Dean finally fell asleep. "God, yes," he grunted, taking the couple of pills from her hand as he threw them back, accepting a bottle of water to wash them down with. He winced as they slid down his throat, then took a few more gulps of the water to wet his dry mouth. Charlie watched him carefully, as if examining him. Dean cleared his throat, setting the half empty bottle of water next to him on the bed as he awkwardly glanced at Charlie. "So. . ." he started, but he couldn't bring himself to ask out of fear of sounding like a desperate teenage girl. Dean's face turned a deep shade of red at the suggestion as he sat straight up, pulling the pillow into his lap. "Cas, we can't sleep in the same bed," he hissed, glaring at him for even bringing it up. If anyone heard him talking like that, it would look suspicious. Sam didn't need that kind of fuel to make fun of Dean, and if John happened to decide it was a good idea to come over right then, in the middle of that conversation, well they'd all be screwed. Jo laughed, linking her arm through Dean’s. “Oh, absolutely,” she agreed. They started off after Cas and Charlie, far enough that they couldn’t hear them, but close enough to see them if anything were to come after them. “I’m sorry about earlier, in the car,” Jo said after a few minutes of watching Charlie hold up different shirts to see if
<|output|> <|example|> way Sam would make it through a supply run with the undead on their tails, no matter how quiet it was out there. “You should know better, you made them. We don’t go out there alone,” Sam said, using Dean’s own words against him. He was good at that. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> He winced as they slid down his throat, then took a few more gulps of the water to wet his dry mouth <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> “Oh, absolutely,” she agreed <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> Only if it was the last resort <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> Dean cleared his throat, setting the half empty bottle of water next to him on the bed as he awkwardly glanced at Charlie <|indexes|> 3 |
<|text|> she liked them on Cas. “I was deflecting. I didn’t want anything about me and Charlie coming up.” Dean rolled his shoulder a little, his injury feeling a lot worse than it had yesterday when Charlie took the sling off. "Not great, but I've had worse," he said, trying to sound convincing. "I've got to get back out there today." , Cas," Dean hissed, his head dropping to Cas' shoulder. He hadn't necessarily expected anything in return, but he wasn't complaining at all. He knew it wouldn't take him long, his hips thrusting in time with his hand stroking Cas, both of them moaning and panting, falling apart together, unraveling each other. Dean was a mess already, after only a few strokes of Cas' strong, hot fingers on his dick. Cas may have been inexperienced at sex with other people, but this was something he was damn good at. Dean's hips stuttered into Cas' fist, that familiar sensation growing hot in his gut. All it took was him sitting up to look at Cas, their eyes meeting, Cas' lips parted and moaning Dean's name. Suddenly Dean was spilling into Cas' hand, and seconds later, Cas followed, coming with Dean's name still on his lips. They stroked each other lazily for a little longer, until they were both hissing at the sensitive sensation. "Just let it go, man," Dean grumbled, letting Sam drop his things into the bag as well before Sam took it from him. Dean glared, but didn't say anything. "We're not talking about dad. He's got nothing to do with it." Except he had everything to do with it, but Dean could never tell Sam that. He didn't want Sam to think less of their dead father. What was the point in that? "We'll try," Sam answered, waving Dean and Cas out the door. This was it. The end of the line. They had to get John, or everything they had endured lately was for nothing. Dean couldn't decide if he was nervous, or just glad it was almost over. Charlie rolled her eyes, pointing a thumb towards the other room where Cas had run off to. "That was because of you," she accused, giving Dean a stern look that made him slump in his seat guiltily. "If you can't see it-" she started, then cut herself off, giving a small sigh. "You two are going to be the death of me," she said instead, dropping her head to her arms as they folded on top of the table. This is it! The final chapter! I'm posting the epilogue right after this chapter, so there's no wait for the ending. I want to thank you guys for reading and commenting and just being awesome :) I hope you enjoyed my first ever Destiel fic! They should have been about done with work by the point in the day. Sam wasn’t at the house, so Dean could only think of one other place his baby brother might be. Dean nearly ran all the way to the kitchen, his body aching from all the stress he’d been putting it
<|output|> <|example|> she liked them on Cas. “I was deflecting. I didn’t want anything about me and Charlie coming up.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> she liked them on Cas <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> through. When he got there, Jack was the first person he saw, standing outside. His face lit up when he saw Dean, but the smile quickly faded as he saw Dean’s expression. Dean started to follow them, but hesitated for a moment and turned back towards Cas, gently grabbing the angel's face to pull him in for a short kiss. When he pulled away, Cas seemed a little surprised, which only made Dean smile wider. "I'll see you tonight," he promised, pressing his lips to Cas' forehead just because he couldn't get enough of touching him. "I'll be safe," he added. Dean sat up with a groan, glancing at the front door where Charlie stood, wearing a casual t-shirt with a Star Wars logo on it and a pair of faded jeans. Dean gave her a smile, which she returned with an excited little wave. "I'll go wake them up," Dean promised, stretching his arms across his chest. "Just wait here with Charlie. I'll only be a minute." Dean really didn't want to get into all of the details, but Jo already knew most of it anyways, so he didn't really see the harm in telling her. "I was hoping to sneak off in the Impala later tonight as long as John's not around," he admitted. The good thing about this place, despite his dad being a hardass, the gates around this place weren't really guarded. “We gotta talk,” Dean said, giving Eileen a small smile. “Sorry, I need to borrow your boyfriend for a minute,” he added, because why would he pass up on an opportunity to embarrass Sammy, just a little? "Oh," Sam replied, closing the book and setting it to the side. "I was sleeping earlier, but I've been doing some reading for the past hour or so," he explained, dragging himself out of bed to change out of his sweat pants and back into his jeans. Charlie set up a large overhead light that she clipped to a shelf on the wall and then got to work on Kaia. Dean would have offered his help, but he didn’t think he could stand. “Dean, are you alright? Do you need medical attention too?” Charlie asked without looking at him. She was cleaning up the wounds on Kaia’s face before giving her stitches and that took focus. They both shook their head no, Cas with that same stern look on his face, but Jack looked traumatized. “Just a few gashes from fighting, but no bites,” Cas said, wincing as he touched an open wound on his forehead. Dean felt his jaw clench and it took everything he had not to shoot her right then and there. "As long as I shoot one of you before you kill me, I'll consider that a win," Dean snapped, ignoring Cas' hand twisting into the fabric of his jacket near his back, holding him even closer, maybe keeping him from doing something harmful. Like get himself killed. "Let Sam go, or you're getting a bullet in your brain," Dean continued, using Cas' touch to calm himself enough to recognize he had to
<|output|> <|example|> through. When he got there, Jack was the first person he saw, standing outside. His face lit up when he saw Dean, but the smile quickly faded as he saw Dean’s expression. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "Just wait here with Charlie <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> " Dean really didn't want to get into all of the details, but Jo already knew most of it anyways, so he didn't really see the harm in telling her <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> " Dean really didn't want to get into all of the details, but Jo already knew most of it anyways, so he didn't really see the harm in telling her <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> His face lit up when he saw Dean, but the smile quickly faded as he saw Dean’s expression <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> Dean would have offered his help, but he didn’t think he could stand <|indexes|> 4 4 |
<|text|> negotiate here. He'd be no use to anyone dead. He couldn't save them all if he kept going like this. "The kid too. Let them go." “Weeks,” Cas sighed, sounding almost as upset as Dean. “There are ways around it. . .” he added, making Dean’s face burn. “But not tonight.” Cas started to pull away, but Dean snapped his head to look at him, a desperate look in his eyes as he reeled the angel back in, holding onto his hand even tighter. "Don't," he choked out, the word catching in his throat. He didn't care that Charlie could see them, or that Cas looked confused. He didn't care. He wanted that feeling of Cas' hand in his. It was the only thing distracting him from the pain. "There's only three rooms," Jack shared, folding an old quilt over his arm as he hugged a pillow to his chest. "Castiel and I can share a room. He said he'd sleep on the floor." A strange look of understanding passed over Charlie's features, as if she could see into Dean's head when he talked about the angel, but the look quickly passed and left Dean wondering if he imagined it. "I'd love to meet everyone," Charlie said, back to her lively self, an excited smile playing at her lips. Dean would have invited her in to meet everyone, but then he'd have to see Cas. "Why did you pick this one?" Cas wondered, picking up the end of the tie with a genuine smile on his face. Dean was frozen just from looking at that smile. He couldn't speak until Cas finally looked up, their eyes meeting again. "Dean?" “Okay,” Sam whispered, still holding Dean’s shoulders, making no move to let him go anytime soon. “I’ll help, but let’s do this the smart way.” Dean was too distracted to think there was any other way than to storm around the entire span of the forest until he found Cas. Sam had better ideas. “Let’s summon Crowley and make an official deal. Cas’ safety for John’s soul.” Dean realized that Bobby had meant it when he said they should stay out of John’s way for the next three weeks until they had a solid plan. He knew Bobby was right, too. These were all things Dean recognized and knew he should consider before doing something stupid, like summoning the King of Hell. However, Dean despised sitting around waiting for something to happen. If he could just talk to Crowley again, maybe they could come up with a way to keep everyone safe and get rid of John without making a deal. Or if Dean had to make a deal, maybe there was a way to keep Sam and Bobby and Cas from finding out about it. “M’ sorry,” Dean promised, smoothing his hand through Cas’ hair as an apology. Cas licked his lips, his hand still around Dean’s cock, stroking steadily as Dean gasped softly. “P-Please, Cas, keep going,” he begged, his eyes wild. Cas smirked, satisfied with Dean’s apology as he leaned back in and wrapped his lips around Dean
<|output|> <|example|> negotiate here. He'd be no use to anyone dead. He couldn't save them all if he kept going like this. "The kid too. Let them go." <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> It was the only thing distracting him from the pain <|indexes|> 0 |
<|text|> again. Dean held his breath to keep the loud moan he knew was inevitable from coming out. “Of course,” Dean replied with a small smile. “He’s not touching you again. Any of you.” He felt Cas’ hand slip into his own, reminding him of the conversation they had just had. He didn’t look at Cas, knowing what kind of look would be waiting for him if he did. Instead, he squeezed Cas’ hand and pulled away, walking towards Kaia. “Everything okay, Kaia?” "I thought Jody was pulling my leg," John chuckled, his eyes crinkling with happiness. Dean was still stuck in that spot, staring in shock. John glanced at him, but Sam took his attention back with a tight hug. "My boys," John whispered, closing his eyes as he squeezed Sam for a few long seconds. Their father pulled away, holding Sam at arms length, just looking at him, studying him. Suddenly, his eyes were on Dean, expecting something from him. What was he supposed to say? John stepped past Sam, approaching Dean with the same kind of fondness. "It's good to see you, son," he beamed, drawing Dean in by his elbows. "Yeah, he said it was pretty sudden," Dean replied quietly, hoping he didn't say the wrong thing. "He said you think something happened to her. Can you tell me why you think that?" He wanted to understand the whole situation, but even without Claire telling him, he knew he believed her. “What the hell do you-” she started, before dropping her hands from her face to take in the situation. “Shit, Dean,” she breathed, eyes landing on Kaia, unconscious in Dean’s arms. “You found her?” "I'll throw something together," Dean insisted, throwing the bag over his shoulder as he walked away from them, wanting a second to himself to get over whatever awkwardness was happening between them right now. He didn't feel like sitting in front of Cas and Sam while they laughed at him any more. Instead, he checked around the kitchen for anything usable left behind. Eventually, he settled on cans of beans they had in their bag, using their can opener to get the lid off so he could distribute it onto plates. He took his sweet time, not really in a rush to get back in there. "Get in," he instructed, opening the door to the passenger side. Cas didn't move, his eyes staring into the car, at the seat where Dean expected him to sit. Dean sighed impatiently, moving to grab Cas' sleeve, but Cas jumped away from him, terrified. "Hey, what's your deal?" Dean asked, suddenly a little worried. "I'm not going to hurt you. When have I ever put my hands on you?" he demanded, closing the door when it became very clear Cas wasn't getting in. Dean’s face was even redder if that was possible. “Shut it, you sap,” Dean laughed, rolling his eyes. “And get out of bed.” John showed them into the house, but didn't get much farther than the living room before excusing himself. He claimed he had other business to attend to, but Dean could
<|output|> <|example|> again. Dean held his breath to keep the loud moan he knew was inevitable from coming out. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> “And get out of bed <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> He didn't feel like sitting in front of Cas and Sam while they laughed at him any more <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> "My boys," John whispered, closing his eyes as he squeezed Sam for a few long seconds <|indexes|> 2 <|example|> “What the hell do you-” she started, before dropping her hands from her face to take in the situation <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> "It's good to see you, son," he beamed, drawing Dean in by his elbows <|indexes|> 4 4 |
<|text|> tell he was still getting over the fact that his sons didn't want to live under his roof. Dean didn't mind that John left so quickly. It actually gave him a sense of relief once John was gone, leaving the four of them to figure out sleeping arrangements and what not. They piled out of the car, Jo and Charlie walking hand in hand towards the building as Cas and Dean followed a few feet behind them. Inside the building, Dean crunched broken glass under his boots as he took in the scenery. There wasn’t much to look at out in the open aside from empty food courts with chairs strewn about in random places and a fountain without water, part of the ledge broken off and crumbling where a table had been thrown into it. Crowley smiled that smug grin again as he zapped himself out of there, leaving Dean alone with an injured angel and his own injuries to deal with. He had one hour to get Cas home and find Sam and Bobby to help him take down Crowley. Dean couldn’t tear his eyes away from Cas’ mouth on him. He could tell Cas was enjoying it just from the look on his face as he licked a line up Dean’s cock before swallowing him down again, farther this time as he became more comfortable. It may have taken him a few tries to fit all of Dean in his mouth, but when he did, Dean involuntarily groaned, unable to choke it down this time. For a moment, Dean thought he had fucked up. Cas looked away, a frown set into his lips, a seemingly closed off look in his eyes. He almost took it back and said forget it, but then Cas met his eyes again, a serious look overtaking his soft features. "I'll tell you, Dean. I trust you," he agreed, hesitating like he had more to say. Dean waited, holding his breath while the silence took over. Finally, Cas added, "But I want to know more about you too. Can you share something with me? A story of your childhood, perhaps? Anything you're willing to tell me." Dean bit his bottom lip, hesitating with the needle between his fingers. Uncertain, he reached out and wrapped his fingers around Cas’ wrist, pulling his hand over to his knee. “You won’t hurt me,” Dean promised, sliding his hand away from Cas’, instead moving it to rest on Cas’ head to stabilize it from moving. He felt Cas’ fingers digging into his knee as the needle pierced his skin, but he kept his hand steady. It was hard to work with little light, but eventually the wound was closed. “There, all better,” Dean announced, sticking a new bandage over the stitches. He felt Cas’ fingers relax, not moving away from his leg. "Talk?" Dean offered, regretting the word the second it left his mouth. Of course he loved talking to Cas and learning things about him, but talking also meant Dean had to open up and everyone knew how that usually went. Cesar chuckled, his eyes
<|output|> <|example|> tell he was still getting over the fact that his sons didn't want to live under his roof. Dean didn't mind that John left so quickly. It actually gave him a sense of relief once John was gone, leaving the four of them to figure out sleeping arrangements and what not. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "Talk?" Dean offered, regretting the word the second it left his mouth <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> looking Dean over before he met Cas' eyes. "This is the boyfriend you were talking about?" he asked, making Dean's face red all over again, after he had just managed to stop blushing from embarrassment. Cas was talking about him to strangers? Sure, they'd been together for five years now, but. . . strangers? Freaking sap. Dean laughed a little, despite the unamused expression Cas was currently wearing. “Oh come on, what do you know?” he teased, rolling his eyes playfully. “You’re a virgin angel.” “Oh,” Cas replied softly. Dean laid an extra blanket out on the floor for himself and took a pillow off the bed, all while Cas stood there in the middle of the room silently. Finally, Dean lit a candle on the desk to give him some light. When Dean turned, he saw the outline of Cas still standing there, closer than he thought. Dean wished he could look into those blue eyes, but then he was grateful he couldn’t because he didn’t need to be staring at this guy and creeping him out. “Dean, I think we left the bag you gave me in the car, so the clothes. . .” he trailed off, shifting away from the bed, towards the door, as if he were going to get the clothes from the garage. "Makes sense," Dean mumbled, wishing he could make that frown go away. He hated how frequent it was in Cas' expressions. "There's plenty of time for you to experience it," Dean went on, trying to cheer him up. Cas didn't smile, instead meeting Dean's hopeful look with a sad one. "One day, there'll be someone you want to share a bed with," Dean teased, and Cas looked away, his face red. Dean knew exactly what she meant, which also meant this girl did know about Claire, and seemed pretty okay with it too. Normally, telling someone about him would make him sick to his stomach, but he was more worried about the teenage girl whose girlfriend was missing right now to be freaking out about his own sexuality crisis. "Yeah, my boyfriend would disagree," Dean answered without really thinking, making the girl laugh loudly, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. Dean blushed furiously, but didn't take it back. There'd be no point now. Dean felt his face heating up as he stepped away from Jack, glancing between him and Cas as he realized he didn’t know what to say next. “Yeah, it’s dangerous and I didn’t feel like you guys had enough protection,” Dean admitted, licking his lips nervously. He realized that sounded harsh, like he thought he was the only one who could protect them. It wasn't like that. He couldn't exactly tell them that he felt oddly responsible for them after only knowing them for two days. That would have been worse. “I know you can probably take care of yourselves, but I couldn’t sleep-” he tried to explain. “We were attacked, ambushed really,” she said with a laugh, “by demons. I tried to fight them off while Alvis got us out of there, but
<|output|> <|example|> looking Dean over before he met Cas' eyes. "This is the boyfriend you were talking about?" he asked, making Dean's face red all over again, after he had just managed to stop blushing from embarrassment. Cas was talking about him to strangers? Sure, they'd been together for five years now, but. . . strangers? Freaking sap. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “We were attacked, ambushed really,” she said with a laugh, “by demons. I tried to fight them off while Alvis got us out of there, but <|indexes|> 1 |
<|output|> <|example|> Dean felt his face heating up as he stepped away from Jack, glancing between him and Cas as he realized he didn’t know what to say next <|indexes|> 0 |
<|text|> there were too many and we were overwhelmed. We got taken and they tortured Alvis, injecting him with different liquids,” Jovi’s voice broke at the end and Dean’s instincts took over and he pulled her into a hug while his brother worked on hers. “I'm sorry gummy bear, but I don't want you to get hurt and this is the only way to make sure,” Gabriel explained as he knelt down next to her. “Please promise me no more after this, ok?” Gabriel turns around as Sam brushes his hair back. A silent DAYYYMM going through his head. Why, oh why, did the glorious moose have to come up! “What happened?” Dean asked walking over to her, voice as calm as he could make it while this stressed. Jovi ran her hands through her hair messing up her ponytail. Gabriel rolls his eyes, “Get a room already, oh wait you can take mine. It's over two-doors to the right.” Winking at Castiel, Gabriel turned back to Fenrir. “Stop it, everyone!” Gabriel yells at the top of his lungs almost breaking the windows of the room. “Everyone back the fuck up and put your weapons down or I swear to father I will turn them into flowers. And don't fucking test me Dean Winchester,” Gabriel huffs. Castiel suddenly appeared, looking displeased with the Archangel. “Gabriel, who are these two and why did you not tell Dean you know who changed the Statue of Liberty? They trust you to help protect people.” he said with almost no emotions. “We can go after I get out of this stuffy suit, I don’t see how people like this.” He grumbled and pulled down on the tie as he drove. “You look hot in it though so I guess that is one good thing.”Just like the other times they've flirted, Dean made Cas turn bright red. “You are gonna sit and wait right here until your mother gets here then we're gonna have a nice heart-to-heart,” Dean ordered, the attitude and sarcasm returned to the girl. Dean walked to the back of the room pulling out his phone ready to call Cas again. Dean was just about to press the call button when the motel door opened revealing Castiel with the food. “Look who decided to come home,” the sarcasm evident in Dean’s voice as he put his phone away, turning to face the door. Castiel's gaze shifted to Seraphina on the bed to Dean as he walked over to the table in the room to deposit the food. “Yeah, yeah, now you understand the gravity of the situation!” Gabriel exclaimed as he started to pace across the room. “Okay here's what we're going to do. Sugar you ARE going to turn the statue back, no buts. After she does that Fenrir you need to get her across the country, heck across the ocean if you must,” Gabriel listed. The 10-hr. drive took a lot longer than expected and the fam didn’t return until late in the night. Sam and Gabriel stayed up waiting for their return worried about their respective brother. The impala drove into the
<|output|> <|example|> there were too many and we were overwhelmed. We got taken and they tortured Alvis, injecting him with different liquids,” Jovi’s voice broke at the end and Dean’s instincts took over and he pulled her into a hug while his brother worked on hers. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Dean walked to the back of the room pulling out his phone ready to call Cas again <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> Castiel's gaze shifted to Seraphina on the bed to Dean as he walked over to the table in the room to deposit the food <|indexes|> 1 1 1 <|example|> “I'm sorry gummy bear, but I don't want you to get hurt and this is the only way to make sure,” Gabriel explained as he knelt down next to her <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> “Everyone back the fuck up and put your weapons down or I swear to father I will turn them into flowers <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> ”Just like the other times they've flirted, Dean made Cas turn bright red <|indexes|> 4 <|example|> Dean walked to the back of the room pulling out his phone ready to call Cas again <|indexes|> 5 |
<|text|> garage and parked in the first spot next to the door. Dean got out and stretched, his back popping as he got used to being out of a car. Walking to the back-door Dean opened it. While peering into the back seat he realized that Seraphina had passed out sprawled across the seats one leg bent against the door the other laying at a weird angle off the side of the cushioning, one arm behind her head propping it up as the other covered her eyes from the occasional lighting of streetlights along the road. Dean smiled the girl reminded him of when Sam was a teen reaching down Dean shook the leg of her jeans the smile fading as she sat up. Sugar whines and squirms out of her brother’s arms, hugging Gabriel’s leg tightly. “But Daddy! I don’t want you to leave again!” She was crying now as she talks. She was missing having her father with her. “Pwease! I promise to be good!” Castiel looked back at Dean, who was still passed out sprawled across the back seat, sighing he walked around and opened the back door. Dean's hand flopped out and Castiel had trouble not laughing before dragging Dean across the seats and into the motel room. Dragging the man across the room Castiel threw him onto the bed. Looking around Castiel realized that they had no food and Dean would most likely be hungry after an event like that. Walking back out making sure that Dean wouldn't choke on his tongue and to lock the room Castiel drove to the closest dinner where the two went to lunch earlier in the day. “Jovi!” Alvis yelled embarrassed that his sister gave out their second-biggest secret. Sam chuckled as he calmed down his son sharing quietly that he was bi. Dean laughed at Jovi’s blunt statement before smiling back at Cas. Jovi started searching for spoons when she responded, “At least with a sword there isn’t as large of a risk of being stabbed.” Jovi found and grabbed two spoons before the girls walked out of the kitchen still arguing. “Well let's check New York out. We need to do a couple witness accounts anyway. Maybe find out what we're dealing with,” Dean said pushing authority into his tone letting everyone else know this was not to be negotiated. Castiel pulls out his angel blade in case Fenrir tried to attack him. He was used to the threats, after traveling with the Winchesters for almost 10 years, but he'd never seen these two before. “One is a halfling Gabriel, she is unstable in her abilities. That instability can be harmful to the world. We have to tell Dean and Sam.” The stoic angel told his elder brother, slightly disappointed. "Sugar, no honey we don't know her," Gabriel said quietly trying to pull Sugar back and away from the unknown nephilim. Sugar glared at her dad before pulling away and attached herself to the legs of Seraphina. “No, no, no. That ain't going to work this time. The Winchesters are on your tail,” Gabriel said as he ran
<|output|> <|example|> garage and parked in the first spot next to the door. Dean got out and stretched, his back popping as he got used to being out of a car. Walking to the back-door Dean opened it. While peering into the back seat he realized that Seraphina had passed out sprawled across the seats one leg bent against the door the other laying at a weird angle off the side of the cushioning, one arm behind her head propping it up as the other covered her eyes from the occasional lighting of streetlights along the road. Dean smiled the girl reminded him of when Sam was a teen reaching down Dean shook the leg of her jeans the smile fading as she sat up. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Sugar whines and squirms out of her brother’s arms, hugging Gabriel’s leg tightly <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> Sam chuckled as he calmed down his son sharing quietly that he was bi <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> Dean laughed at Jovi’s blunt statement before smiling back at Cas <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> Dean smiled the girl reminded him of when Sam was a teen reaching down Dean shook the leg of her jeans the smile fading as she sat up <|indexes|> 3 3 <|example|> Dean smiled the girl reminded him of when Sam was a teen reaching down Dean shook the leg of her jeans the smile fading as she sat up <|indexes|> 4 |
<|text|> his fingers through his hair. The stress was starting to get to him. Castiel puts his blade away and looks at Gabriel with a confused look, sighing. “So...should I say that I told Dean and Sam I may have found the problem and gave a location?” Standing back up Dean kicked the second angel in the stomach pushing back whatever attack the angel had planned. He pulled out his blade to fight back and to regroup with Castiel, not knowing the angels were trying to keep them separate to make it easier even though it’s never easy. He tried to fight off the two angels that kept attacking him but he never faltered, by this point he was used to fighting multiple opponents at once. Smirking Gabriel teased his brother, “I didn’t know you had it in you Cassie! Who was the lucky lady?” the question of which he wasn’t expecting the answer they got. “Listen all I'm only going to explain this once!” Gabriel exclaimed. “This is Loki's child, Fenrir, I have adopted him as my own, no killing. Now this evil chunk of sunshine is my love child Sugar. She was born about 6 years ago and we've been working on getting her to control her powers, but she sometimes goes haywire,” Gabriel introduced. "Yeah, that's not happening and because of your claim of kinship with Cas here we're family and family sticks together no matter what," Dean said as he wipes his mouth with his hand. "Oh, you want any of this?" Dean asked holding up a second burger the first one obviously demolished. Dean quickly used his blade to block the attack from above and kicked the angel back again, gritting his teeth when the other angel got a hit it. He fought harder to make sure he got to Castiel, an angel getting a good swing on his back with a blade. He ended up stumbling at the pain, blindly attacking the angels. Dean finally was happy to end the two angels attacking him. Yet he had bruised ribs and a deep cut on his back that desperately needed stitches before something happened like him passing out...again. “Cas!” He yelled and continued to try to save Castiel. When Castiel woke up the other side of the bed was empty, he then heard the shower running. Getting up Castiel felt the cracks and pops of his back as he stretched. His vessel, well actually he, was getting old. Cas stood up moving towards his duffel knowing he'd need a fresh suit today. As he finished changing he heard the shower stop. Turning towards the door Castiel saw Dean emerge wearing nothing, but a towel around his waist. “I’m gonna go talk to Gabe about getting Rowena here,” Sam whispered before leaving. “Holy shit!” Sam yelled as a giant dog turned the corner. Dean looked out the door and watched as Sam pressed against the wall having a staring contest with a giant black dog that continued past him before facing Dean. Dean held his hands up while backing up and allowing the dog to enter the
<|output|> <|example|> his fingers through his hair. The stress was starting to get to him. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> his fingers through his hair <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> infirmary. "Wait, which we are you talking about because I only came to get these fucking cuffs off," Seraphina argued jangling the cuffs on her for emphasis. Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing, “Gabe you've known about the bunker why didn't you just talk to us they would have been welcome,” Sam said as he walked closer to Gabriel, his voice softening. Dean knew what it was like to have kids and what he would do to protect them and nodded along to what Sam said. Dean leads Seraphina through the series of doors that lead to the main area, but just as they had passed through the last one Seraphina tripped almost falling down the staircase. “Here kid,” Dean said softly as he put his arm around Seraphina’s waist lifting her arm over his shoulders and helped her down the stairs. “Wait squirrel here was giving me crap about having kids when he’s got kids of his own?!” Gabriel exclaimed confusion shown in the words the trickster emphasized. “Fuck,” Gabriel said under his breath, “Cassie, I love you, you know I do, but why did you do that?!” Gabriel rubbed a hand over his face, why couldn't anything ever work out alright for his children. “Hello Jovi,” Castiel said this voice softening slightly. “This is my son, Jack, and daughter, Seraphina.” Castiel looked at each child as he said their name before smiling at the pair in front of him. “Damnit,” Gabe says under his breath, “What do you want that was so important?” he snarked at the taller man. Sam was running around the infirmary trying to collect supplies as Jovi hovered next to Alvis whispering questly. Dean rolled his eyes while walking over to the driver’s side. Opening the door Dean wondered how he ended up in situations like this. Sliding into his vehicle Dean got comfortable before turning the car on and driving out of the parking lot. Sugar looking like the picture of innocence showed a slight hint of guilt. She was still faking that she did nothing wrong. “What did I do?” She says in the cutest voice she could muster. Dean grabs his gun from the truck and runs to the room, taking the stairs to get up there faster. He quickly breaks the door down and runs in. “Cas! What the hell is going on?” He says, pointing his gun at the group. “Also Gabriel really? After we trusted you, you do this? Did the man kidnap the kid? Hand her over to us.” Dean looked down rubbing his eyes, “Son of a bitch” quietly, when he looked up again everyone was still looking at him. He glared at those in the room before stalking off to the infirmary. “Yeah, Cas and I got this! You can stay back and watch the kids,” Dean jokes as he stands, winking at Sam while walking back to his room to pack. Gabriel had been a permanent staple at the bunker ever since rescuing him from Asmodeus and the sexual tension between the two was thick as sap. “Yeah, yeah Sasquatch,” Gabriel replied. “Evil creature, slice and dice, everyone’s happy,
<|output|> <|example|> infirmary. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Sliding into his vehicle Dean got comfortable before turning the car on and driving out of the parking lot <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “Yeah, yeah Sasquatch,” Gabriel replied <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> Dean knew what it was like to have kids and what he would do to protect them and nodded along to what Sam said <|indexes|> 2 2 <|example|> Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing, “Gabe you've known about the bunker why didn't you just talk to us they would have been welcome,” Sam said as he walked closer to Gabriel, his voice softening <|indexes|> 3 <|example|> “Here kid,” Dean said softly as he put his arm around Seraphina’s waist lifting her arm over his shoulders and helped her down the stairs <|indexes|> 4 <|example|> Dean leads Seraphina through the series of doors that lead to the main area, but just as they had passed through the last one Seraphina tripped almost falling down the staircase <|indexes|> 5 5 |
<|text|> I get to leave.” The snark earned him bitch face #581. Castiel was confused by Gabriel’s actions. “Why would we take your room, Gabriel? I am fine Dean, no one has attacked me,” he said in a smaller voice. Cas was surprised a bit to see an angel helping them but thought nothing of it as the fight continued. Cas started down his opponents as the one in front of him attacked. An overhand stab, blocking easily Castiel shoved his knife through the stomach of his brother wishing it didn't have to be like this. As the life drained out of his attacker the lights flashed before coming to a stop. Castiel pulled his knife back ready for the next opponent when a flash behind him caused him to look back. The figure who saved his life had killed his would-be killer with a stab through his back. Quickly pulling the knife out the figure stalked towards Castiel just as another angel attacked. “Uh. I didn't have anything to do with this,” Seraphina remarked as the angel and nephilim looked down at the passed-out hunter. Dean wasn't paying attention to the other fights happening around him as both angels attacked at once. He ducked as the first angel made a swooping cut for his head. “Who are coming? never tell us what or who we had to avoid.” Fenrir asked him, gently picking his little sister up. What part of not New York did Dean not understand! He’d have to find some time to sneak away while everyone was in New York. Serahina gave Jovi a bitch face she picked up from Sam, “I’m not saying they’re better, but how are swords even useful nowadays,” she shouted back while opening the freezer and grabbing two pints of ice cream. The figure instead of attacking Castiel goes after the other angel not currently attacking Cas. Castiel distracted the angel in front of him with his knife feigning a stab right before he places his fingers to the angel's forehead killing her with his grace. Castiel backs up just as Dean kills the last angel attacking him. Hearing his nickname Castiel turned towards Dean who was limping towards him quickly. Giving each other a once over Castiel notices his partner's injuries. Dean waves him off while they both turn towards the figure. Castiel is about to help when Dean places his arm in front blocking Castiel's path. “Great, there are two of you,” Dean complained as he bent over. He put the burger away as if the fact that someone didn’t like burgers put him off them. “Okay, I’m done. Let’s get going,” Dean said standing up wiping the grease off his hands onto the sides of his pants. Dean grabbed his duffle off the bed and walked over to Seraphina sitting on the other side. Dean reached down grabbing the cold chains holding the girl’s powers in check. Leading Seraphina out of the room Dean looked around making sure no one saw and got the wrong idea. He dragged the teen over to the impala sticking her in the backseat, “Kid
<|output|> <|example|> I get to leave.” The snark earned him bitch face #581. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> An overhand stab, blocking easily Castiel shoved his knife through the stomach of his brother wishing it didn't have to be like this <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> Let’s get going,” Dean said standing up wiping the grease off his hands onto the sides of his pants <|indexes|> 1 1 <|example|> Castiel pulled his knife back ready for the next opponent when a flash behind him caused him to look back <|indexes|> 2 |
<|text|> don’t try me. You run and I will shoot you,” Dean threatened, staring down the nephilim. “Hey, so get this, two bodies were found in an abandoned warehouse in Cheyenne, Wyoming their eyes burned out. It sounds like an angel killing. You guys up to hitting this hunt by yourselves?” Sam asked looking up from his laptop screen. Across from him sat Dean and Castiel both sitting a little too close to each other. Dean barely ponders the question before responding. “Shit!” Jovi exclaimed as she started pacing around, “Stupid dumbass! I’m the one who's supposed to get hurt!” Crossing her arms she pulled her thumb to her mouth chewing on the nail. “Come on, I need girl talk,” Seraphina said as she grabbed Jovi’s hand and started pulling the witch towards her room. Jovi’s eyes widened and she looked back at the men to save her from girl talk. Dean laughed as Jack and Castiel did a matching head tilt confused why girl talk was so bad. Dean waved to the retreating girls and Jovi glared at him before she turned back around accepting her fate. “Sammy,” the two heard Dean yell from the infirmary. Sam perked up and took off for the infirmary. Gabe was standing towards the back of the room while Rowena was chanting waving her arms around a convulsing Alvis. Dean held Jovi back as she gripped her forearm where Sam remembered her tattoo was. Sam went over to his son, tears rushing to his eyes. Sugar followed Sam into the room, but Gabriel soon noticed and picked her up making her face away from the convulsing boy. Tears streamed down Jovi’s cheeks as there was a rise in pain, but she wouldn’t allow her brother to hear her in pain. Alvis stopped convulsing and Rowena collapsed, the room stilled as the tension in the room relaxed. Rowena gracefully rose with a deep sigh, “I was able to purge his body of the poison, but his body will still need to heal.” The room relaxed fully as the news was absorbed. Sugar shifted causing Gabriel to set her down and was ready to place a hand on her shoulder when Sugar rushed to the bed. The adults tried to stop her, but failed and she reached a hand out to Alvis’s forehead. When Sugar’s hand touched the forehead there was a bright white light. Everyone turned away and when it faded Gabriel ran up and pulled Sugar back ready to reprimand her. The adults stopped freaking out when they heard a groan. “Oh thank god,” Jovi breathed out, receiving a raised eyebrow from her new family. “Alvis and I won’t be the only gays,” Jovi said cheerfully. “Dean, that person saved my life I need to help,” Castiel protested looking between the figure and Dean. The figure grabs the attacker's arm and shoulder before turning and flipping him over its shoulder. Stabbing the angel through the chest when he lands. Getting up the hood falls revealing a teenage girl. Fenrir picks Sugar up and holds her close, watching their dad protect him. “Father who
<|output|> <|example|> don’t try me. You run and I will shoot you,” Dean threatened, staring down the nephilim. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> “Father who <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> Rowena gracefully rose with a deep sigh, “I was able to purge his body of the poison, but his body will still need to heal <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> is this and why does he want to harm Sugar?” He says, moving closer to the window, a potential escape route. He made sure he knew all the ways out of a house or apartment to protect his sister. Castiel’s eyes narrowed about to step forward.“Everyone stop!” Gabriel shouted. “Castiel put the damn knife away! Fenrir step away from the window, you're not running tonight,” Gabriel said as he gripped his hair. “Everyone take a seat,” Gabriel said in a small voice. “Now!” he said when nobody moved. Castiel slowly moved towards the far side of the couch as Fenrir sat down on the opposite side with Sugar in his lap. As the family talked everyone gradually left the room Rowena and Gabriel talking as Sugar chilled with her head on Gabriel’s shoulder. They heard a loud burst of laughs as Diaval jumped on to the bed to join his master. The group noticed Castiel, Seraphina holding onto Castiel’s arm while Jack gave silent support behind Castiel on his other side, and Gabriel gave Castiel a small smile of encouragement. They walked up and Seraphina knocked on the door. Dean looked over and smiled at Castiel, glad to see him. Fenrir knew what was about to happen. “Father, Sugar didn’t have anything sweet. She was tired from the long day and refused to take a nap, Scout’s honor.” He tells him. “I am her mother from when my vessel was female in the early 1900s,” Castiel said regretfully looking down in shame. When Dean woke up, he was back in the motel a place completely different from the warehouse that he passed out at. Sitting up he realized he was completely alone, where was Cas? Better yet where was the girl? Standing up Dean remembered the injuries he had sustained from the angels feeling around himself he realized they were all healed. Thank chuck for Cas! Pulling out his phone Dean scrolled through his contacts searching for Cas's number. A couple taps later and he was calling the angel, “Hey Cas where did you go?” Dean asked when Castiel picked up. “I ran to the diner in town to grab dinner,” at the word dinner Dean's stomach began to grumble. Laughing at himself Dean replied, “Sounds good Cas I'll see you soon.” Setting his phone down Dean flopped onto the bed grabbing the remote on the end table before turning the TV on. Flipping through channels Dean saw that Dr. Sexy MD was on, smiling Dean turned the volume up a couple of notches before relaxing. “5 minutes before I got here,” Castiel replied calmly not thinking about the consequences of his actions. "That's insane," Charlie agreed, followed by a small laugh. "So it's just you and your brother living here?" She tucked her hands into the pockets of her jeans, just casually standing there as they talked. Dean found it so odd that he was just sitting on his front porch, conversing with his neighbor, as if they weren't living in a post-apocalyptic world. Outside this bubble, there weren't nice little neighborhoods with people like Charlie, nosy
<|output|> <|example|> is this and why does he want to harm Sugar?” He says, moving closer to the window, a potential escape route. He made sure he knew all the ways out of a house or apartment to protect his sister. Castiel’s eyes narrowed about to step forward.“Everyone stop!” Gabriel shouted. “Castiel put the damn knife away! Fenrir step away from the window, you're not running tonight,” Gabriel said as he gripped his hair. “Everyone take a seat,” Gabriel said in a small voice. “Now!” he said when nobody moved. Castiel slowly moved towards the far side of the couch as Fenrir sat down on the opposite side with Sugar in his lap. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> "That's insane," Charlie agreed, followed by a small laugh. "So it's just you and your brother living here?" She tucked her hands into the pockets of her jeans, just casually standing there as they talked. Dean found it so odd that he was just sitting on his front porch, conversing with his neighbor, as if they weren't living in a post-apocalyptic world. Outside this bubble, there weren't nice little neighborhoods with people like Charlie, nosy <|indexes|> 1 |
<|output|> <|example|> Sitting up he realized he was completely alone, where was Cas? Better yet where was the girl? Standing up Dean remembered the injuries he had sustained from the angels feeling around himself he realized they were all healed <|indexes|> 0 0 <|example|> The group noticed Castiel, Seraphina holding onto Castiel’s arm while Jack gave silent support behind Castiel on his other side, and Gabriel gave Castiel a small smile of encouragement <|indexes|> 1 |
<|text|> neighbors with good intentions. “On that note, I’m going to go fix some plates for dinner,” Dean excused himself, leaving the three of them to talk amongst themselves. He wandered into the kitchen, digging out some disposable bowls he had managed to find on his last run. He didn’t have a way to heat anything unless he cooked outside, which wasn’t often. Instead, he opened some cans of soup he had found at the store today and emptied them into four separate bowls. They had spoons that had to be washed, which was done with river water. Not the most clean source of water, but it was all they had. After the bowls were filled, he piled his arms up with them and walked back into the dining room to give them out. They kept water in the dining room. Usually, he and Sam split one bottle per dinner, but they had guests, so he thought it would be okay to give everyone their own just this once. “You tell me,” Dean replied, clenching his fists at his sides. John could deny it all he wanted, but Dean could see it in his father’s eyes. He was being far too defensive. Dean had seen this before, years ago, but he remembered the look in John’s eyes. The day Dean got back from his year spent away from Sammy. John had looked past Dean, right into Sam’s eyes, with the same excuse. Cas gently touched his thumb to the corner of Dean's mouth, just resting his hand there for a moment as Dean eagerly leaned into the touch. "Then yes, we can talk about it later," Cas agreed, moving his hand away to wrap Dean's knuckles in a new bandage. "How's your arm?" he asked, changing the subject. “Cas is fine,” Dean said, catching his breath as he looked around for his brother. “Listen, you need to get home. Are you done working?” "Ellen, who's at the door?" came a voice from the other room, and Dean's heart clenched at the sound of Bobby's words. "Thank you," was all Dean could manage without breaking down into sobs. Bobby seemed to understand that because he didn't push, just gave Dean a small smile, leaning forward to pat Dean on the good arm. "Could. . . could I bring him over to meet you again? Without dad this time, so you can really get to know him." “Dean,” he greeted with a small head nod. His eyes traveled to Dean’s shoulder and he perked up a little bit. “Are you cleared to get back to work?” he wondered, gesturing to the arm that was in a sling just yesterday when John saw him at dinner. "Can you read me that book?" Cas asked, too adorable for Dean to say no to him. "The one we started a while ago when I couldn't sleep. It helped before." Dean vividly remembered that night, both of them lying on the floor in that house. Cas hadn't been feeling well that night and couldn't sleep at all, so Dean turned on his flashlight and read from one
<|output|> <|example|> neighbors with good intentions. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Cas gently touched his thumb to the corner of Dean's mouth, just resting his hand there for a moment as Dean eagerly leaned into the touch <|indexes|> 0 <|example|> " “Dean,” he greeted with a small head nod <|indexes|> 1 1 |
<|text|> of his favorite books. After three chapters, Dean looked over to see the angel fast asleep, snoring with the blanket up around his shoulders. It was one of Dean's favorite nights in that house. “Yeah, talking about how much of a dick you are,” Dean growled, slumping back against the tree he had been using as a hiding spot. “What the hell do you want?” He probably should have been a little nicer if he wanted to find out what John was planning, but considering how badly Crowley wanted John’s soul, Dean figured he’d cooperate no matter what. "We have to siphon some gas," Dean explained, eyeing the store carefully. He doubted anyone was in there, but he needed to be safe. "Sam and I are going to check out this store and see if there's anything we need. We're running low on salt and ammo for the guns. Then, I'll fill up the car, and we'll get back on the road." They could have stayed here in this town. They had passed some nice looking houses about twenty minutes back, but they still had plenty of daylight to keep moving. Dean wanted to get even farther from the bunker than they were right now. Dean missed being out there hunting, and if Charlie and Cas didn't gang up on him, he'd still be out there with a broken arm. "Shut it, bigfoot," Dean grumbled. Sam only rolled his eyes. "Let's just go." “The fuck you mean I didn’t raise you?” John snarled, surging forward despite Dean’s best efforts to keep his distance. He grabbed a handful of Dean’s shirt, shoving him hard into the wall. Dean grunted at the impact, his lungs losing all of their air for a few long seconds. “I kept you and your brother safe. I killed the thing that burned your mom alive. I did it all for you and Sam, and this is how you repay me? By disrespecting me and lying to me about how you’re fucking that fag?” His face was a dark shade of red, the veins in his forehead popping as he screamed at Dean the way Dean vividly remembered from years before. It brought back horrible memories that Dean had repressed for a damn good reason. "You're so beautiful like this," Cas rumbled, making Dean's heart flutter. He loved when Cas talked to him while they were intimate like this. The few times they'd done anything, it was always Cas' voice that sent him over the edge. If Dean would have been jerking himself off then, that would have been it. "So beautiful, Dean," Cas repeated, his thumb caressing the skin above Dean's eyebrow. "Your mouth feels so good," he moaned, curling a hand around the back of Dean's neck. Dean felt his cock twitch, painfully hard as Cas praised him. He wasn't so much worried about getting off, but if Cas kept talking to him like that, he was afraid he'd come in his pants like a horny teenager. Cas glanced away from Dean’s hand for a moment, only to show Dean he was very
<|output|> <|example|> of his favorite books. After three chapters, Dean looked over to see the angel fast asleep, snoring with the blanket up around his shoulders. It was one of Dean's favorite nights in that house. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> "So beautiful, Dean," Cas repeated, his thumb caressing the skin above Dean's eyebrow <|indexes|> 0 0 0 <|example|> "Your mouth feels so good," he moaned, curling a hand around the back of Dean's neck <|indexes|> 1 <|example|> He loved when Cas talked to him while they were intimate like this <|indexes|> 2 2 |
<|text|> concerned about that statement. “Why would you hurt yourself like that?” he wondered, not judgmental or angry, but genuinely curious. Dean didn’t have a great answer, but he’d tell Cas the truth. “Dean, thank you for the help,” Cas said, falling into step beside him as they walked back towards the bunker. Jack walked close behind them. “We were in hiding for a week without food. When we didn’t hear the undead feeding on people outside anymore, we set out in search of a meal with no luck.” "Thanks, man," Dean said, clapping Sam on the shoulder before walking past him into the living room. He saw the blankets and pillow on the couch looked pretty slept in, so it eased his nerves a little. Hopefully Cas made it back to the couch without issues this morning. Kaia laughed softly, holding her sides as it turned into a soft groan from the pain. "I see why Claire trusts you," she teased, and Dean tried to hide his red cheeks. "It's nice to meet you, Cas."
<|output|> <|example|> concerned about that statement. “Why would you hurt yourself like that?” he wondered, not judgmental or angry, but genuinely curious. Dean didn’t have a great answer, but he’d tell Cas the truth. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Jack walked close behind them <|indexes|> 0 0 |
<|text|> <|example|> Cas nodded his head and got into the Impala. “Yes, the positions of the body and the eyes make me think it was an accident. I need to go to the warehouse and see the scene to make sure.” He told him and took Dean’s hand gently. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> Gabriel in distrust, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are part of the team now so if you know something then you have to say it. Or is this one of your big pranks?” He asked stubbornly, not letting this go. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> heavily, slamming against the door his hair in his face. As he straightens up he lifts his hand up to push the stray hairs out of his face. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “It’s one of the ways they fund the service.  People have to buy the purple bags in order to have their garbage collected.” <|indexes|> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | <|example|> of the desk and picks up the page. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> cut up.  Jean-Luc is barefoot as well, and Castiel wonders if the douen intentionally steals the shoes of its prey in order to keep them from running away.  He does the only logical thing and hoists Feliciana onto his back, letting her wrap her arms around his shoulders while he holds her legs. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> Cas nodded his head and got into the Impala. “Yes, the positions of the body and the eyes make me think it was an accident. I need to go to the warehouse and see the scene to make sure.” He told him and took Dean’s hand gently. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <|example|> “It’s one of the ways they fund the service.  People have to buy the purple bags in order to have their garbage collected.” <|indexes|> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
<|output|> <|example|> Jean-Luc is barefoot as well, and Castiel wonders if the douen intentionally steals the shoes of its prey in order to keep them from running away <|indexes|> 0 |
<|text|> <|example|> of the desk and picks up the page. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> cut up.  Jean-Luc is barefoot as well, and Castiel wonders if the douen intentionally steals the shoes of its prey in order to keep them from running away.  He does the only logical thing and hoists Feliciana onto his back, letting her wrap her arms around his shoulders while he holds her legs. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> Cas have a bad day like this in a long time. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> I feel fine,” Cas says, more gently this time.  “Truly.  It’s been an adjustment, and I know the first few weeks weren’t particularly fun.  But I feel good.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> mindless killers,” Dean says, wiping mustard from the corner of his mouth.  “A lot of them know how to cover their tracks.  It’s a smart strategy.  My guess is Fred Sargent was an accidental slip-up, and we just got lucky.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> underneath Dean’s left arm while Eileen does the same on the right, and together they push upward. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> shouting at him that Sam and Eileen are in the other room, but Dean seems to be the only person hung up on anything, so he tries his best to shove the fear to the back of his head. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> wind. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> they want.  He’s okay with it, really; he even prefers it.  The burden of choice, of ordering around another person, is squarely in the other’s lap and it lets Dean just go along for the ride.  His highest highs have invariably been at another’s direction.  He’s always taken pleasure in making others happy, in doing whatever they want, and it’s always better when he knows they won’t leave in the morning.  Cas won’t leave in the morning. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> I suppose I lost my mind a little.” <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> of the desk and picks up the page. <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
<|output|> <|example|> <|indexes|> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | <|example|> I suppose I lost my mind a little <|indexes|> 0 0 |

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