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0 | modern pet culture is fucking weird. have kids | United States | 0 |
0 | if they weren't so mentally i'll they already would. we should be relieved that they're abusing animals instead of making more disgusting versions of themselves | United States | 1 |
0 | i'd love to, but unfortunately you told me that a single income being able to purchase a house and the living expenses of yourself, a woman and 2-3 kids is now considered socialism which is the le heckkin bad people economics so i cant. | United States | 2 |
1 | did he choke it to death? | Finland | 3 |
0 | i didn't say that | United States | 4 |
1 | > kids are gross and expensive and hard work > "oh little rufferino is smearing ass blood on the carpet again. time for another $15,000 operation and a few more weeks of staying home from work to nurse him back to health" | Canada | 5 |
1 | i have the same tattoo on my penis | Black Lives Matter | 6 |
0 | how about neither? i hate dogs, i hate kids, i hate women, and i hate (you). | United States | 7 |
1 | > i'd love to, but unfortunately you told me that a single income being able to purchase a house and the living expenses of yourself, a woman and 2-3 kids is now considered socialism which is the le heckkin bad people economics so i cant. | Germany | 8 |
1 | and yet rednecks on welfare have 9 kids. maybe you're just overthinking this one? | United Kingdom | 9 |
1 | cat man eh? | Canada | 10 |
1 | i've been saying for years that pet ownership has become a surrogate for parenthood in the mind of liberals since they are preprogrammed to be antinatalist to this or that degree, by their selfish self-obsessive lifestyles. nothing wrong in owning an animal for as long as you don't dupe yourself into ending your genetic line by failing to procreate. animals are not a substitute for family even though they might be "part of it". | Montenegro | 11 |
0 | as far as i'm concerned society owes me. i don't owe the jews/my country/the economy/jesus/women any more slaves. | United States | 12 |
1 | > why yes i do want to think about my dead pet for the next 50 years of my life every single time i look at my arms. why would you do this? i loved my dog too but i'm glad i never think about him anymore except the odd recollection. | Canada | 13 |
0 | i saw a bag of dog food, not even the big size, 72 bucks. i was like wtf. what benefit does the animal really serve that you need to spend 72 dollars on food that's not for you? pet owners deserve to die instead of the dogs themselves | United States | 14 |
1 | agreed and i love both cats and dogs. | Sweden | 15 |
0 | this is why i left my ex. our dog was dying and i had already spent fuck tons of money on vet bills months leading up to her death. yeah i loved my dog and gave her the best quality of life i could but she was simply old and it was about her time to go. wouldn't eat anymore, couldn't last more than 5 minutes on a walk, the whole package of a sick and old dying dog, died from heart failure, it happens and it's sad but it's life and you can't do much about it. meanwhile the cunt was sitting there talking about this experimental veterinarian with consultations and treatments that cost like 5-10k, and i looked at her and thought to myself "this jobless bitch told me only just a year ago that she won't give me kids because they're too expensive and take up too much time and she wants me to spend 10k on a 16 year old dog". fucking women are pathetic, i do like pets but to treat them as surrogate children is the saddest shit imaginable. | United States | 16 |
1 | that dog food is likely fucking trash too. better off just buying a pack of shitty cuts of meat + some potatoes and eggs and feeding that to your dog instead. | Canada | 17 |
0 | yeah. back when i had a dog, i just feed him chicken and lunch meat because it was cheaper. | United States | 18 |
0 | 72$ is nothing these days. a whole month of food for 72$ is great compared to human products where 72$ barely buys enough for a week if you shop well. if you dont shop well then 72$ will barely last two days. hell eating at mcdonalds can easily cost you 20$ for one person and 30+ for two. | United States | 19 |
0 | there are so many people that should not have kids. | United States | 20 |
0 | number of children inversely correlates with income. | United States | 21 |
0 | do the chickens have large talons? | United States | 22 |
0 | while generally correct, you should give your dog some kibble or dentastix otherwise they'll have teeth problems and plaque buildup. don't give them only a wet or human food diet. | United States | 23 |
0 | nobody said that, tranny. | United States | 24 |
1 | you first | Poland | 25 |
0 | i make $39/hr working in a factory with no post hs education. clear 7k take home after taxes a month. i'm 33 and can afford a house and to support a stay at home wife, seems like things are pretty good right now if you don't listen to doomer demoralization | United States | 26 |
1 | if you don't love dogs you're a sub-human at best. | Canada | 27 |
0 | humans and dog's can't produce offspring together. | United States | 28 |
0 | you go have kids rabbi. | United States | 29 |
0 | i can't wait until dogs are the most prolific animal in the galaxy because we bring them along with us. | United States | 30 |
0 | people are retarded. they dont even know how to feed themselves let alone an animal. the idea that both people and animals do require fiber, vitamins, and minerals in their diet is beyond their reasoning. its crazy how fat people are and yet how malnourished they are at the same time. now they are doing it to their pets too. literal animal abuse that dogs are now getting diabetes. | United States | 31 |
0 | kids are the worst. dogs are better than people by every measure | United States | 32 |
0 | > femoid will just get a gaudy tattoo of the kids instead of the dog | United States | 33 |
0 | > fucking women are pathetic women won't let pets go but will abort a baby for trivial reasons. | United States | 34 |
0 | pets aren't the problem. jews are the problem. | United States | 35 |
0 | i agree, it is fucking weird. this obsession and anthropomorphizing of pets is unhealthy. white people need to have more white kids, not dress and perfume their fucking poodles. it's pathetic and it's a symptom of the continued weakening and dystopian absurdity of our society. | United States | 36 |
0 | this type of person will not be allowed in my future white utopia. | United States | 37 |
1 | depends if you give them carbs or not. if it's just something like eggs and meat, they don't build up plaque since the bacteria in the mouth that builds up plaque relies on sugars. i don't agree with the carnivore diet but when i did try it one thing for sure is that my teeth greatly improved on it. | Canada | 38 |
0 | now do kids and government assistance long story short the highly educated folks just pay for others to have kids while aborting their own so they can work more for nothing in the end. nothing will change because tax the rich mentality and the reality that government will never relinquish an ounce of power back to them even in the face of self destruction. | United States | 39 |
1 | if you love dogs you are worthless faggot. dogs are garbage. | United Nations | 40 |
1 | she fucked that dog. | National Bolshevik | 41 |
0 | this is adorable, and slightly retarded as most tattoos. but i know a kid who got a pitbull and emblazoned it's name on his forearm with giant black letters. the dog ended up mauling him and put him in the hospital and he had to get rid of it within a year of its life lmfao | United States | 42 |
0 | i look like a cuck whenever i have to go walk our dog. even worse when my wife comes with me. no kids yet (working on it), but yeah, the pet kid surrogacy thing is real among the roast and its annoying. | United States | 43 |
0 | i used to actually believe the "kids are expensive" bullshit too, now i have 2 and my wife wants more. only regret was not having them earlier but that's because i wasted time with a cunt who hated them. spinsters are the most miserable people alive | United States | 44 |
0 | my dog died in my lap. that wouldnt make for a good tattoo. | United States | 45 |
1 | > potatoes u wut nigger kibble causes plaque buildup you fucking retard. all wild dogs eat a "wet diet" of dead animals. their teeth are fine. my dog eats nothing but meat (including bones and organs) and he's 12 and people still ask if he is a puppy. | Canada | 46 |
0 | reminder, these threads are made by brown men that are jealous of an animal. | United States | 47 |
0 | chat is this real? | United States | 48 |
0 | we are desperate for companionship and animals unconditionally love us in unique ways | United States | 49 |
0 | pet operations are an insane racket nowadays. none of my friends have kids but will happily dump $5k+ at the drop of a hat because their heckin furbabies are sick. i feel like when i was a kid, you'd hardly ever hear of pets having operations. people just accepted pets shouldn't get the same level of care as humans and will die at some point. now it seems like every pet owner i know pays for their pet to have multiple operations throughout their lives. are the vets just scamming? has petfood changed to deliberately give them more health problems? shit is out of control now. | United States | 50 |
1 | i agree, pets are not a substitute for children and this is unhealthy and depressing to see | United Kingdom | 51 |
1 | why are dog owners such sociopathic weirdos? | Bulgaria | 52 |
0 | this separates the subhumans from the civilized. | United States | 53 |
0 | most niggers and spics i see have a dog | United States | 54 |
0 | i think pet operations are retarded too. but none of my animals ever needed one. i cant really say what i would do in that circumstance. i would like to tell you i would just treat it as best i could and then get a new pet when it died but i cant say for sure | United States | 55 |
0 | redneck here can confirm. 4 kids and a stay home wife in a double wife trailer innawoods. feelsgoodman.jpg | United States | 56 |
1 | kids arent actually expensive (unless you have some special type of autist/retard disabled child in which case you should probably kill it) retards have been gaslit into believing that. especially in burgerland, that has one of the best economies. niggers and spics poop out 50 children yet you having at least 2 kids is somehow not doable | Serbia | 57 |
1 | > u wut nigger my dog loved roasted potatoes. i eat a bunch of potatoes so i figured it was fine for the dog too. most of the time though it was just a frozen patty of meat mixed with eggs that i would mix and freeze in huge batches. potatoes are one of the most nutrient complete foods there is so i didn't have an issue giving it to him. now that i'm a bit more aware of how dental decay happens though, in retrospect i might consider not giving him potatoes. | Canada | 58 |
0 | thank you, oscar the grouch. | United States | 59 |
0 | based | United States | 60 |
0 | now i just can't over the whole having a penis thing and fake vaginas? forget about it. however a biological woman who is kinda ugly and looks like this troon i could do. maybe with a bigger ass tho. | United States | 61 |
0 | dog culture is a direct reflection of society not reading anymore. you can't read with a dog barking like mad every 30 minutes. | United States | 62 |
1 | mohammad is burning in hell. | Canada | 63 |
1 | you know, looking at this picture, i know that a lot of liberals hold a belief that they don't want to be associated with conservatives because they view them as stupid/religious/lower class. maybe it's possible that subconsciously, liberals don't want kids because conservatives have more kids, and since having kids is something that conservatives do, because of that, liberals shy away from having kids, not wanting to be associated with a conservative activity. | Canada | 64 |
0 | > never owned a dog > thinks they bark every second of every day lmao this whole board is low iq brown people now i swear | United States | 65 |
1 | my dog broke her back and we put her down and i buried her on the family farm and i barely gave a single fuck. i have 3 sons. | European | 66 |
0 | plaque buildup doesn't require carb laden foods, they contribute and help select for those bacteria but even a low carb diet will still cause it. shut the fuck up you retarded nigger, you have no clue what you're talking about. stop posting misinformation that someone who doesn't know better might believe. unless you're giving your dog regular dentals, which is stupid to do, you need something in their diet to help clean their teeth. i hope your dog doesn't suffer for your ignorance. > muh wolves live until the ripe age of 4 on an all meat diet! | United States | 67 |
1 | we really do say this and look like the chud meme. | Canada | 68 |
0 | > i barely gave a single fuck why? | United States | 69 |
1 | yeah it's pathetic. and how a dog is now seemingly allowed to go wherever the fuck the owner wants with no question. used to work in a prestige car dealerships, it's staggering the amount of people who kick off as soon as you comment on the fact the agreement says no dogs and they've clearly had their fucking mutt on the leather seats (or boot, for that matter) of 100k courtesy cars. is this how these people live? just fucking mutts spraying their shit glands all over their furniture and their friend or relatives furniture 24/7? not even just the rich cunts, the poor cunts live in neighbourhoods demolished by dog shit. brand new affordable apartment block? overflowing dog shit bins, dog shit every square meter of green space, stench of dog in the hallways, dog's barking 24/7. fucking disgusting. not even a muslim. | United Kingdom | 70 |
0 | loving pets has nothing to do with modernity nor is it new. also, i dont think a lot of people should have kids. selection pressure let up and we have lots of sick people | United States | 71 |
0 | city "people" problems dogs, like men, don't do well in tiny shitholes stacked on top of neighbors with barely an acre of yard my dogs are better men than any human from a city | United States | 72 |
0 | true, they bark themselves to sleep, then wake with a bark and start barking. sleep-barking is minimal and heckin' useful for reddit karma. | United States | 73 |
0 | it actually sickens me how large the pet food section in the grocery aisle is compared to baby food and infant care. i have gotten to the point that anyone who uses the term "furbaby" should be shot. i like dogs, i fucking hate dog moms. | United States | 74 |
0 | > have kids in a collapsing country | United States | 75 |
1 | neither people nor dogs require fibre, dumbass. | Canada | 76 |
0 | for real. my brother was scolding me for some shit i said to my mom after she was extremely disrespectful to my wife and made her cry. i said the only thing you have to take of is your fucking cat, and he lost his shit. hes almost 40. these people seriously need to be culled | United States | 77 |
1 | > oy vey you filthy white goyim won't be allowed in our brown dystopia!111 oh no. | Canada | 78 |
0 | good thing your ancestors didn't decide to go extinct all those other times countries collapsed. now you're around to come to this conclusion. | United States | 79 |
0 | lol'd at that guy's expense | United States | 80 |
0 | if you want a pet, get a pet; don't have a kid and treat it like a pet. | United States | 81 |
1 | with who bro. i just think its the tattoo culture that is weird prove me wrong. | Canada | 82 |
1 | dogs are carnivores, humans are omnivores. > oy vey stop posting hate facts you bad goy our certified fact checkers have declared those facts to be misinformation!1111 choke on a dick, chaim. > you need something in their diet to help clean their teeth kibble does not clean teeth, retard. it causes plaque. learn to fucking read. > >muh wolves live until the ripe age of 4 on an all meat diet! they live to 20 in zoos on all meat diets without any dental cleanings. hmmm, i wonder why. | Canada | 83 |
0 | it was a pathetic display. he did an irl reddit rant to me, he sounded like a lunatic | United States | 84 |
1 | my dog chews sticks im pretty sure to clean his teeth | Canada | 85 |
1 | imagine tattooing that on your arm. mentally ill. | Romania | 86 |
1 | that lemur looks like it's more well behaved in public than any nigger. | Canada | 87 |
0 | most people are just all too happy to be siloed into their own little bubble where even their most ridiculous thoughts are never meaningfully challenged | United States | 88 |
0 | true i'd rather there be a lemur in the booth across from me than some loud screeching niglet | United States | 89 |
0 | modern dog worship culture took over christianity. funny how the pagan larper homos never will talk about dog worship. oh yeah, its because they worship dogs just as hard a christians do. theyre all sucking off dogs and putting them above the few children they do have. > u ur a nigger!!!!! this is what the dog worshiper says when you think its disgusting and anti white to worship dogs. im sure it makes sense in their parasite addled, dog cum encrusted brains. | United States | 90 |
1 | but fiber still benefits your health. humans don't require carbs either but they sure as fuck help with hard labour/working out. | Finland | 91 |
0 | that's beautiful sentiment, u savage. for your name is withheld from the book of life thus u loath the grace of the heart and soul | United States | 92 |
0 | > hurr fucking durr i don't have the slightest medical or vet knowledge just stop posting you low information nigger. any effort would be wasted because your head is up your own ass and out of your scope, evident from your zoo statement. i'll hold on to my pearls. | United States | 93 |
1 | > ooga ooga booga! post hand then. | Canada | 94 |
1 | sticks, bones, etc. yeah. > but fiber still benefits your health. there is zero evidence to support that belief, but it is very widespread. > oy vey stop posting hate facts you bad goy shut the fuck up you worthless retarded kike faggot. you are literally shilling fucking kibble, the most worthless low nutrition slop imaginable. it is the single biggest cause of preventable disease in dogs. | Canada | 95 |
1 | > dog dies of aids from his owner > owner make a tattoo. what a wonderfull world. | Brazil | 96 |
0 | get fucked, you dickless faggot. | United States | 97 |
0 | this issue brings out all of the the browns | United States | 98 |
1 | orthodox christians still don't prioritize animals. so become one, that seems the only sane "sub-culture" inside america. bqw6he80 | Romania | 99 |
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