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already sold | 1 | 3,658,458 |
link to this crime? | 0 | 1,508,126 |
you're missing the paradigm change we've been seeing in the last months. unionically give it time and trqst the plqn | 1 | 2,432,792 |
> only restaurants have expenses | 0 | 3,915,860 |
> in america i would be paid $7000 monthly in america you would be laid-off for a h-1b worker. you would be homeless, addicted to fentanyl and face down in a gutter. | 1 | 3,083,526 |
so russia has the advantage over ukrainian shahed copies since ukraine doesn't have access to that data right? | 0 | 1,201,004 |
fuck off kike | 0 | 1,261,333 |
fake tits are not attractive | 0 | 293,457 |
i prefer ymo, but kraftwerk are kino. | 1 | 3,557,606 |
unironically vance is what fuentes could've been if he wasn't retarded. | 0 | 186,265 |
considering how much trump worships putin, that's extremely weak rhetoric. trump's going to fold faster than a chinese laundry. he has no spine when it comes to authoritarians like kim jong-un and xi. | 0 | 3,838,881 |
that's literally russian cop wtf are you talking about anon. | 0 | 2,961,021 |
i worked in indonesia for a year, it's a shithole. not to mention they're extremely racists towards white people. they call us "bule" and charge white people 3 times as much as they charge anyone else. they're a backwards society in all respects. when i was working there a sex doll washed up on shore of one of the islands and they made it a throne, called it an angel and worshipped it. indonesia is the poster child for third world shithole. | 0 | 1,004,743 |
ahahahahahaha. cope and seethe jude. you dug this hole now you get to fucking lay in it. | 0 | 1,519,139 |
yes, they love to view their "strong" men as muscled gangsters. truly a nation of subhuman nonwhites. | 0 | 1,122,078 |
no, it's schizo rambling when you come here and screech about money unless you're gonna pay for the gotv effort and ads, we're not gonna sit on our ass, lmfao. > more schizo rambling if you don't like the party, you don't have to vote for it. we're satisfied as it is. vote democrat, third party, write in a name, or don't vote at all. we'll be just fine without your one vote, lmfao. | 0 | 1,114,498 |
> jews have an extremely high neanderthal admixture im white and have more neanderthal dna than 99% of the tested population. i have no jewish dna. explain that. | 1 | 456,298 |
oh wow, omg, it must be over this time. right, guys? | 0 | 841,045 |
> throw rocks? > say mean words? you are underestimating european loyalty. they will likely find a way to convince their populations its actually a good thing and a way to uphold democracy. like a cucked husband believing his wife getting fucked by a stranger is actually a way of supporting feminism. | 1 | 3,448,950 |
i live in the center of this region and can confirm it is a natureless shithole and would have to travel hundreds of miles to see anything which isn't worth it. not staying here with all these obnoxious engine niggers disturbing my dog's sleep | 0 | 2,659,050 |
lmao , this > inb4 , it was le precision strike, you wouldn't get it | 1 | 1,806,316 |
man was a known criminal and even put a shotgun to the belly of a mother. i do not understand why people act like he was some hero? not even his family liked his ass and are just milking it for money. if they had the choice to bring him back or keep the money they choke him out themselves. | 0 | 1,799,410 |
god damn, i just realized easily 3/4 of this thread are just meme flags fucking glowie shill central | 0 | 201,650 |
new | 1 | 1,779,413 |
where does she get her money? child support? | 0 | 1,311,531 |
the ziggies on the frontline don't even know who trump is | 1 | 1,965,595 |
anon, ukraine is already fucked as a nation. | 0 | 1,728,755 |
what he means, anon, is israel is going to enjoy a higher standard of living whilst the rest of us in first world countries will become the third world. | 1 | 3,650,107 |
atacms btfoing ruskies again | 1 | 2,856,318 |
> everyone i know is living great lives. what does this great life look like? | 0 | 726,942 |
it feels to me like seeing the world clearly for what it is, especially w/r/t manipulations and corruptions by those in power and the way they use their power, is a pre-requisite for starting to build a different and better world where everybody is safe and has their needs met and is able to achieve their full potential viewed from this angle, the people who are strong enough to cast aside illusions and pursue truth even though they're persecuted for it can be seen as pathfinders | 0 | 689,494 |
lmao | 0 | 3,121,709 |
250k is do-able to save living like a peasant in your car in america in about 5 years if you have some sort of skill. youre not coming to america though. and if you lived in this beautiful country why leave. most people inherit their flats in russia. | 0 | 220,014 |
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh | 1 | 2,269,742 |
when you see a german, french, uk, or canadian flag these days you can pretty much asume its a jeet or a sandnigger. | 1 | 218,318 |
sad that 90% of arno breakdrs statues were destroyed | 0 | 289,290 |
superman is literally a kike fantasy story. hes literally a jew | 0 | 2,856,012 |
tldr | 0 | 2,145,604 |
> feel free to laugh at the state of my country | 1 | 1,693,617 |
> show is a psyop > vasectomies are reversible yes. | 0 | 3,196,170 |
man jeet ai is pretty good | 1 | 3,953,444 |
there was a young hermit named dave who kept a dead whore in his cave.. he said, "i admit i'm a bit of a shit, but look at the money i save." | 0 | 1,416,585 |
> all the modern scientists making discoveries most of the discoveries are theoretical nonsense not based on observations, or outright fabrications created to meet publishing requirements. | 0 | 2,274,802 |
this thread was moved to > >> /bant/21468231 | 1 | 917,999 |
kekked | 0 | 858,151 |
the actual employment rate doesn't matter. society will only cohere if high iq men are employed. they're leaving. cles/2019-06-28/boeing-s-737-max-so ftware-outsourced-to-9-an-hour-engi neers | 0 | 452,536 |
why would rightoids organize a movement when they have a perfectly jewish one taking off that they can plan trust for another 4 years? | 0 | 1,751,020 |
yea, i forgot what it even was, i just landed on a picture that was sorta applicable so i went with it | 0 | 3,328,442 |
definitely something at least kinda heavy in his backpack.. you can see that the back is kind of drooping down toward the ground.. the straps aren't really resting high up on the shoulder like it should be.. i'm wondering if they turn up this pack somewhere in central park today.. or maybe they have already, who knows | 0 | 2,290,728 |
it's faggot or tranny, faggot. | 0 | 175,309 |
i 4 1 can't weight | 0 | 1,099,935 |
so it seems like there's a final push going on and the shills that were here when kamala first got all biden's money are back. say something nice to them before they leave after the election | 0 | 1,199,211 |
elaborated cope | 1 | 486,537 |
i hated this too. it's not new, it's been going on for years. made great friends with some jeets because of it. they know it's all bullshit and they're going to be abused, and i learned to grift the absolute fuck out of clueless middle managers. bullshit program proposals, made up bullshit papers but just marked as preprints, absolutely bonkers promises on long time scales demanding tons of funding. you legitimately do learn a lot, just deliver nothing other than false promises and half measures. if your manager is non-technical, if project managers and chief "engineers" just have mba's, they don't deserve your respect and your company is not a serious workplace, just fuck them over, let them take "credit" while you pad your resume enough to find an actual good employer that gives a shit. don't think of these as real companies, just shitholes where you grind for xp. | 0 | 2,784,983 |
> worry about finances sure sure it's $80 that a burger spends on witcher 3, the game he will play for 1,5 months it's not his retarded wife that goes ouf for saturday brunch ( $46 ) and then buys some clothes ( $250 ) just to repeat this in a few days. | 1 | 3,186,303 |
you failed to support the quarterpounder. "why did iceland get rid of mcdonalds? the fast-food chain left the country on 30 october 2009 following the icelandic financial crisis in 2008, which caused iceland's currency, the krna, to plummet in value. this meant that the imports needed for mcdonald's products became too expensive for the restaurants to keep making money. oct 31, 2024 this is a causa belli. | 0 | 2,943,067 |
ive been alive since the inception of the internet. your little child sacrifice videos (not that they exist) arent redpilling anyone. need to focus on their actual positiins of power and political influence. | 0 | 897,850 |
we should spread stories of the hole people who live underground and prey on the surface dwellers. these stories might already have been spread, anciently. | 0 | 1,428,586 |
nice try chad, but youre not getting into her pants that easily. lukewarmness is gay anyways, either dont do it or do it full blast. and in this case its better to not do it at all. she should stay virgin until she gets married and finds love or secures that bag | 0 | 2,435,909 |
race of beta sycophants | 1 | 2,634,315 |
bibi wouldn't do this if trump didn't agree | 1 | 4,061,102 |
targeting moids with natalist propaganda you guys are fucked in the head and strategic lumpenproles | 1 | 1,984,951 |
that's when i left the normiesphere | 0 | 1,548,334 |
white hair brown eyebrows | 0 | 2,866,194 |
nobody. thats the beauty of no social programs. survival of the fittest. | 0 | 3,352,365 |
this was so fucking based. you just know the maga-american faggot was seething and crying. he had been planning all day > i... i'll show her! i'll yell nonsense and turn the crowd into trump supporters instead he got humiliated and laughed out of the room lol | 0 | 644,587 |
3wbuqnce | 1 | 1,731,557 |
nah he's right you may be an old fag but you'll always be a newfaggot | 1 | 150,608 |
lmao, dummy. the moment the us loses its grip on europe, we will buddy up with russia and by extension china. you mutts are not paying for our security. you maintain these bases because you don't want us allied with somebody else. > cash to do what with? the greenlanders are eu citizens and live in small, tight knit communities. | 1 | 2,989,697 |
hey anon, i know you like ballerinas you should look up the painter degas series on ballerinas | 0 | 664,700 |
> muslims watch this and think allah is on their side | 1 | 134,536 |
> it's not other people misunderstanding what you believe. it's yourselves not reading your own holy texts or upholding the values within them. ps, for example, you call people "kikes" but did you know that jesus christ was an ethnic jewish supremacist? and that he called non-jews dogs? and considered them only fit for the table scraps of ethnic jews? > 21 leaving that place, jesus withdrew to the region of tyre and sidon. 22 a canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, lord, son of david, have mercy on me! my daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly. > 23 jesus did not answer a word. so his disciples came to him and urged him, send her away, for she keeps crying out after us. > 24 he answered, i was sent only to the lost sheep of israel. > 25 the woman came and knelt before him. lord, help me! she said. > 26 he replied, it is not right to take the childrens bread and toss it to the dogs. > 27 yes it is, lord, she said. even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters table. > 28 then jesus said to her, woman, you have great faith! your request is granted. and her daughter was healed at that moment. > matthew 15:21-28 this seems to present a fundamental paradox in your nazi white nationalist christian views. christ himself of course being ethnically jewish | 0 | 429,251 |
> same retarded talking points > again this is boring. you're boring. | 0 | 3,068,713 |
based this totally makes up for never-ending aid to israel | 0 | 4,057,876 |
> potentia valere creditur great quote, but "assessed/believed to be" implies that it's subjective. | 1 | 2,622,316 |
> they quite literally are not allowed to sell them by who? the government? oh so you mean the government's actions are keeping prices higher than they should be? well colour me fucking shocked sunshine | 1 | 3,942,325 |
haha, homosexuals are crying... over one dude, i didnt even vote in the first phase... but seeing the tears of soibois over one dude are delicious. ima vote calin georgescu so hard im going to become a homesexual myself. it's funny because he is the perfect chud candidate. | 1 | 1,997,814 |
and that's a good thing. i was more thinking about going out and about between the 21st and 2nd | 1 | 2,821,863 |
i hope something comes of this. how many of us have been fucked over by a woman lying, particularly during this #metoo awakening? nasty bitch should commit seppuku. | 0 | 2,591,701 |
chinks too. here in toronto it's all chinese and pakis driving them. | 1 | 3,152,929 |
what is your reaction to circumcised cocks? | 1 | 991,457 |
> >> /soc/ | 1 | 1,756,666 |
oh so they don't require literacy at trenton? read the thread you filthy pajeet. | 0 | 2,662,802 |
you lost, get used to complaining every day | 0 | 3,790,095 |
minoxidol is fine. the "headache" is from low blood pressure -- it was developed as a bp medication, and the hair growth is just a side effect they noticed while testing it. my mother has been using it for, i dunno, thirty years or so maybe. her hair was thin to the point that she looked balding when she started. she had, and still has, a full head of hair now because of it. finasteride has some nasty possible side effects and i wouldn't recommend that one. | 0 | 1,367,541 |
usa is the great satan. | 1 | 1,838,644 |
there were also sanctions on one of the turbine that was at repair in cucknada, john pidarston. we didn't cut off gas either, just lowered the output. bluntly speaking in 2022 when that happened putin didn't think we will have to fight an existential multi-year proxy war against nato. | 1 | 1,057,775 |
sure, but why are they doing it in nj and not out in the desert? | 0 | 2,628,441 |
> should have listened to everyone who said richard spencher was a fed and not called them mossad. | 1 | 1,150,764 |
joe is a gangster who got very rich as a political yes man selling his country out to the highest bidder. his dementia is a fitting end to his traitorous life. also his favorite son dying from cancer and all he's left with is this pathetic fucking deadbeat total piece of shit of a kid that no parent would want. not that he can tell the difference anymore anyway. | 0 | 2,202,740 |
the only white women leaving the country will be the ones nobody wants to fuck. | 0 | 1,036,380 |
i cannot wait to see the armies of russia rampage across europe. so fucking based. it trump pulls through and gives putin everything he wants i wont doubt him again | 0 | 3,688,829 |
> steal money you can never repay > get the death penalty shocked pikachu.vat why cant the west into justice | 0 | 2,327,440 |
> we have found common ground by adopting a leftist position and loving the murder of successful whites kys, wignat. | 1 | 2,337,244 |
yup | 1 | 610,727 |
fucking new jersey, man. disgusting. | 0 | 2,503,215 |
she was a yugoslavian-kgb agent and still it | 1 | 1,434,742 |
had muslims never taken over byzantium and constantinople, yes, what was the byzantine empire would be considered white, including large swaths of anatolia. the armenians are considered white for the same reason. | 0 | 1,216,346 |
i left houston before the last big one there to dalllas, didnt regret it at all . and this one is way worse | 0 | 381,795 |
would both in a menage a trois. | 1 | 4,047,542 |
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