1 value
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly. It contains a lot of useful information. W: Why not read it in the library and save some money?
Question: What is the woman's advice to the man? - To find a better science journal in the library. - Not to subscribe to the journal. - To buy the latest issue of the magazine.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly. It contains a lot of useful information. W: Why not read it in the library and save some money? Question: What is the woman's advice to the man? - To find a better science journal in the library. - Not to subscribe to the journal. - To buy the latest issue of the magazine.
Not to subscribe to the journal.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Reception. Can I help you? W: Yes, please. I'm Mrs. Browning calling from room 203. M: Yes, Madam. What can I do for you? W: I'm not clear about the checkout time. I mean how soon do I have to leave my room? M: Normally it's by 12 noon on the day when you'll leave. W: Oh, dear. M: Is there a problem, Madam? W: Well, you see, my plane takes off at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Can I keep the room a bit longer? M: I see. Which room are you in, Madam? W: Room 203, the name is Browning. M: Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep your room till 2 p.m., if you wish. W: Oh, you are so kind. Thank you very much. M: My pleasure.
Question: What can we learn from the conversation? - The hotel offers good service. - The hotel has very strict rules. - The woman feels unhappy about the service.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Reception. Can I help you? W: Yes, please. I'm Mrs. Browning calling from room 203. M: Yes, Madam. What can I do for you? W: I'm not clear about the checkout time. I mean how soon do I have to leave my room? M: Normally it's by 12 noon on the day when you'll leave. W: Oh, dear. M: Is there a problem, Madam? W: Well, you see, my plane takes off at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Can I keep the room a bit longer? M: I see. Which room are you in, Madam? W: Room 203, the name is Browning. M: Ah yes, Mrs. Browning. You may keep your room till 2 p.m., if you wish. W: Oh, you are so kind. Thank you very much. M: My pleasure. Question: What can we learn from the conversation? - The hotel offers good service. - The hotel has very strict rules. - The woman feels unhappy about the service.
The hotel offers good service.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Can you help me with my painting? F: Sorry. I have to write my report.
Question: Why can't the woman help him? - She has to write something. - She has to cook. - She has to go to school.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Can you help me with my painting? F: Sorry. I have to write my report. Question: Why can't the woman help him? - She has to write something. - She has to cook. - She has to go to school.
She has to write something.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hi, Steve, how are things? Man: Hi, Maggie. Good, thanks. What's new with you? Woman: Oh, I was just wondering if you want to go out tonight. Man: Well, I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study. What've you got on mind? Woman: I thought we just go for a walk? Maybe down the park near the beach. Man: Tonight? You must be joking! It's too cold. Woman: Oh, yes. It's too cold. But I still want to go out somewhere. That New Town Cruel Sail is on in the town. How about that? Man: OK. What time does it start? Woman: Oh, I think it's half past eight, something. I'll get a paper and have a look. Just turn on for a minute. Look, the film (have) got a fantastic review last week. Man: OK. OK. Where are we going to meet? Woman: It'd be easier if we meet at the cinema. Man: OK. Where is it? Woman: Oh, you know, the Oyiyang. Man: Where is that? Woman: Near the town hall at the opposite of the Bank. Man: Oh, yes. I know where it is. OK. Look, I'll meet you there at fifteen past eight.
Question: Where did they plan to meet? - At the cinema. - Near the bank. - In Steve's place.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hi, Steve, how are things? Man: Hi, Maggie. Good, thanks. What's new with you? Woman: Oh, I was just wondering if you want to go out tonight. Man: Well, I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study. What've you got on mind? Woman: I thought we just go for a walk? Maybe down the park near the beach. Man: Tonight? You must be joking! It's too cold. Woman: Oh, yes. It's too cold. But I still want to go out somewhere. That New Town Cruel Sail is on in the town. How about that? Man: OK. What time does it start? Woman: Oh, I think it's half past eight, something. I'll get a paper and have a look. Just turn on for a minute. Look, the film (have) got a fantastic review last week. Man: OK. OK. Where are we going to meet? Woman: It'd be easier if we meet at the cinema. Man: OK. Where is it? Woman: Oh, you know, the Oyiyang. Man: Where is that? Woman: Near the town hall at the opposite of the Bank. Man: Oh, yes. I know where it is. OK. Look, I'll meet you there at fifteen past eight. Question: Where did they plan to meet? - At the cinema. - Near the bank. - In Steve's place.
At the cinema.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I just saw Professor Black. He finished the budget for our concert tour. It's going to cost $1,500 per person. W: Where are we going to get that kind of money? M: It sounds like a lot, but by the time you add up the air fare, meals and hotels, it's pretty reasonable. W: But I doubt we'll all be able to go. Remember there were 32 people in the band last year. M: We can make it. For our last trip, we got some money from some companies. W: Who was in charge of money raising? M: Mary. She took care of it last time.
Question: What will Mary probably do? - Act as a director. - Leave for a vacation. - Take charge of money raising.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I just saw Professor Black. He finished the budget for our concert tour. It's going to cost $1,500 per person. W: Where are we going to get that kind of money? M: It sounds like a lot, but by the time you add up the air fare, meals and hotels, it's pretty reasonable. W: But I doubt we'll all be able to go. Remember there were 32 people in the band last year. M: We can make it. For our last trip, we got some money from some companies. W: Who was in charge of money raising? M: Mary. She took care of it last time. Question: What will Mary probably do? - Act as a director. - Leave for a vacation. - Take charge of money raising.
Take charge of money raising.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Did you go shopping alone yesterday? W: No, my sister went with me.
Question: Who went shopping yesterday? - She herself. - Her sister. - She and her sister.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Did you go shopping alone yesterday? W: No, my sister went with me. Question: Who went shopping yesterday? - She herself. - Her sister. - She and her sister.
She and her sister.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'd like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin's book on American culture. W: I'm sorry. The book has been out of print for sometime now.
Question: Where does the conversation probably take place. - In a printing shop. - At a publishing house. - At a bookstore.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'd like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin's book on American culture. W: I'm sorry. The book has been out of print for sometime now. Question: Where does the conversation probably take place. - In a printing shop. - At a publishing house. - At a bookstore.
At a bookstore.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Morning. Gall. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country? M: Yes. We had a great time. And some friends went along with us. W: Where did you stay? In a hotel? M: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals over an open fire. W: Sounds great. Was the weather good? M: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain at all. W: Did you like the people there? M: Yes, they were friendly. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.
Question: Where did Gail spend the nights in the country? - In a farm house. - In the open. - At a hotel.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Morning. Gall. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country? M: Yes. We had a great time. And some friends went along with us. W: Where did you stay? In a hotel? M: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals over an open fire. W: Sounds great. Was the weather good? M: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain at all. W: Did you like the people there? M: Yes, they were friendly. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses. Question: Where did Gail spend the nights in the country? - In a farm house. - In the open. - At a hotel.
In the open.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Good morning, I'm one of the students who rented your flat. It's 55 Park Road. W: Oh, yes. Everything all right? M: Not exactly. I'm afraid there are a couple of problems. W: Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of problems? M: Well, we haven't had any hot water for a couple of days now. I wonder if you could send someone to have a look at it. W: Of course. I'll get someone to come around at the weekend. M: Well, could he come around a bit sooner? I don't think we can manage until the weekend. W: I see. Okay. I'll send someone over this afternoon then. M: There's also the matter of the fridge. We all assumed there would be one in the flat when we moved in, because that's what we read from the advertisement in the newspaper. W: Ah, yes. Sorry about that. I got rid of the old fridge, but I didn't get around to ordering a new one yet. I'm really sorry. I'll order one today and get it delivered to you tomorrow. M: We bought one on the Internet actually. But could you pay us back? W: Of course. Just tell me how much you paid for it. M: It's 260 pounds. Thank you.
Question: What will the woman do to settle the problem about the fridge? - Pay the students for the new one. - Get someone to fix the old one. - Order one on the Internet.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Good morning, I'm one of the students who rented your flat. It's 55 Park Road. W: Oh, yes. Everything all right? M: Not exactly. I'm afraid there are a couple of problems. W: Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of problems? M: Well, we haven't had any hot water for a couple of days now. I wonder if you could send someone to have a look at it. W: Of course. I'll get someone to come around at the weekend. M: Well, could he come around a bit sooner? I don't think we can manage until the weekend. W: I see. Okay. I'll send someone over this afternoon then. M: There's also the matter of the fridge. We all assumed there would be one in the flat when we moved in, because that's what we read from the advertisement in the newspaper. W: Ah, yes. Sorry about that. I got rid of the old fridge, but I didn't get around to ordering a new one yet. I'm really sorry. I'll order one today and get it delivered to you tomorrow. M: We bought one on the Internet actually. But could you pay us back? W: Of course. Just tell me how much you paid for it. M: It's 260 pounds. Thank you. Question: What will the woman do to settle the problem about the fridge? - Pay the students for the new one. - Get someone to fix the old one. - Order one on the Internet.
Pay the students for the new one.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Welcome to Beijing, Mary. This time you will see the New Beijing. W: Thank you indeed. M: Is everything settled? W: Almost. M: What else can I do for you? W: I suppose I should look for a bigger house. But I don't see how I can afford one right now. M: If only you hadn't spent so much money on your vacation! W: You're right. But I really had a happy vacation. M: OK, Maybe you can move into Kelly's house and share that with her for a couple of months. W: Thank you. But I don't want to bother you too much. M: No trouble at all. W: How much should I pay for the rent? M: About 400 yuan a month. W: Great. That's one-third less than it was when I first rented a house.
Question: Why cannot the woman rent a bigger house right now? - She hasn't enough money at hand. - She already spent all her money on her vacation. - She will save some money to buy a new house.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Welcome to Beijing, Mary. This time you will see the New Beijing. W: Thank you indeed. M: Is everything settled? W: Almost. M: What else can I do for you? W: I suppose I should look for a bigger house. But I don't see how I can afford one right now. M: If only you hadn't spent so much money on your vacation! W: You're right. But I really had a happy vacation. M: OK, Maybe you can move into Kelly's house and share that with her for a couple of months. W: Thank you. But I don't want to bother you too much. M: No trouble at all. W: How much should I pay for the rent? M: About 400 yuan a month. W: Great. That's one-third less than it was when I first rented a house. Question: Why cannot the woman rent a bigger house right now? - She hasn't enough money at hand. - She already spent all her money on her vacation. - She will save some money to buy a new house.
She will save some money to buy a new house.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hey, how are you doing? Man: Uh, I guess okay ... kind of. Woman: Yeah, Mom said Daniel isn't doing so well. What's going on? Man: Well, uh, for some reason I always thought raising kids would be a lot easier than it is. Woman: Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. What's, what's the problem? Man: Well, for about six months, he's been really down, and sometimes, I can't get him out of bed in the morning to go to school. He just seems so depressed. I just can't figure it out. Woman: So, this has been going on like half a year? Man: Yeah, kind of on and off, but I don't know. I ... I just thought it would just kind of go away, and I just thought things would just get, I don't know, get better. Woman: Yeah, that's not, that's pretty worrrisome. Um, I mean, I've noticed he's not hanging out with Jared very much anymore. You know, is he ... what's he doing when he's up? Man: Well, uh, a lot of the time he's not up. He just kind of uh, stays in bed. [ Really? ] I just can't figure it out. I don't know. Woman: Yeah, that's, that's a big problem. I can see why you're really worried about him. Have you considered taken him to see a therapist, or a psychologist, or anybody? Man: Ah, no. I, I ... It's probably just a phase or something. I think some kids were picking on him at school, but I think that's stopped. He doesn't talk about it anymore, so I guess that's over. Woman: So, you're saying that he was like being bullied and stuff? Man: Yes, yeah. But he didn't talk about it a lot. I thought it was just, you know, having some problems, and it just kind of would go away. Woman: Well, you know, I don't know about that with the bullying or whatever, but you know, this has been going on for a long time. You really need to seriously address it. Man: I don't know. Uh, and well, his girlfriend just broke up with him, so I guess maybe that's had an impact on him. Woman: Yeah, it has. Uh, that explains a lot. Um, have you looked at his Facebook page lately? [ What? ] He posted some stuff, well, he was posting...
Question: The man and woman noticed _________ on Daniel's arms. - tattoos - cuts - scary words
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hey, how are you doing? Man: Uh, I guess okay ... kind of. Woman: Yeah, Mom said Daniel isn't doing so well. What's going on? Man: Well, uh, for some reason I always thought raising kids would be a lot easier than it is. Woman: Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. What's, what's the problem? Man: Well, for about six months, he's been really down, and sometimes, I can't get him out of bed in the morning to go to school. He just seems so depressed. I just can't figure it out. Woman: So, this has been going on like half a year? Man: Yeah, kind of on and off, but I don't know. I ... I just thought it would just kind of go away, and I just thought things would just get, I don't know, get better. Woman: Yeah, that's not, that's pretty worrrisome. Um, I mean, I've noticed he's not hanging out with Jared very much anymore. You know, is he ... what's he doing when he's up? Man: Well, uh, a lot of the time he's not up. He just kind of uh, stays in bed. [ Really? ] I just can't figure it out. I don't know. Woman: Yeah, that's, that's a big problem. I can see why you're really worried about him. Have you considered taken him to see a therapist, or a psychologist, or anybody? Man: Ah, no. I, I ... It's probably just a phase or something. I think some kids were picking on him at school, but I think that's stopped. He doesn't talk about it anymore, so I guess that's over. Woman: So, you're saying that he was like being bullied and stuff? Man: Yes, yeah. But he didn't talk about it a lot. I thought it was just, you know, having some problems, and it just kind of would go away. Woman: Well, you know, I don't know about that with the bullying or whatever, but you know, this has been going on for a long time. You really need to seriously address it. Man: I don't know. Uh, and well, his girlfriend just broke up with him, so I guess maybe that's had an impact on him. Woman: Yeah, it has. Uh, that explains a lot. Um, have you looked at his Facebook page lately? [ What? ] He posted some stuff, well, he was posting... Question: The man and woman noticed _________ on Daniel's arms. - tattoos - cuts - scary words
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Two more miles to go...we have an hour before school starts. Let's take our time. Do you want to stop and get a breakfast sandwich? W: We decided to start walking to school for the exercise. We want to get fit. Why would we want to eat a fattening breakfast sandwich? M: McDonald's has an egg muffin sandwich that has only 320 calories. What's wrong with that? I bet we walked off 320 calories already. After two more miles, we can probably walk off another 100 calories. W: I do need energy. I hardly ate dinner last night. My mom made leg of lamb, and it's definitely not my favorite. In fact, I think I'm going to become a vegetarian. M: Good for you! I gave up meat a long time ago. Now, almost all of my meals are salads. Funny thing is, when I make my food, I also make food for my rabbit. We mostly eat the same things now. W: My bird eats seeds and berries. We could probably share our meals, too!
Question: Why are the speakers walking to school? - It's close to home. - They want to get in shape. - They can stop at McDonald's on the way.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Two more miles to go...we have an hour before school starts. Let's take our time. Do you want to stop and get a breakfast sandwich? W: We decided to start walking to school for the exercise. We want to get fit. Why would we want to eat a fattening breakfast sandwich? M: McDonald's has an egg muffin sandwich that has only 320 calories. What's wrong with that? I bet we walked off 320 calories already. After two more miles, we can probably walk off another 100 calories. W: I do need energy. I hardly ate dinner last night. My mom made leg of lamb, and it's definitely not my favorite. In fact, I think I'm going to become a vegetarian. M: Good for you! I gave up meat a long time ago. Now, almost all of my meals are salads. Funny thing is, when I make my food, I also make food for my rabbit. We mostly eat the same things now. W: My bird eats seeds and berries. We could probably share our meals, too! Question: Why are the speakers walking to school? - It's close to home. - They want to get in shape. - They can stop at McDonald's on the way.
They want to get in shape.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Excuse me, but could you tell me when the plane for Berlin leaves? M: In 40 minutes, at eleven o'clock. The plane for Berlin leaves every two hours. W: How much is a second class ticket, please? M: We have only first class tickets left. It is $ 350 one way. W: OK. I'd like one for the next flight. M: I'm sorry, but I don't sell tickets. You can get one from the machine over there. W: All right. By the way, what's the gate number? M: Four. Down the hall and to the left. W: Thanks a lot.
Question: What's the possible result? - The woman will buy a first class ticket. - The woman will spend 315 dollars for a ticket. - The woman can buy a ticket from the man.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Excuse me, but could you tell me when the plane for Berlin leaves? M: In 40 minutes, at eleven o'clock. The plane for Berlin leaves every two hours. W: How much is a second class ticket, please? M: We have only first class tickets left. It is $ 350 one way. W: OK. I'd like one for the next flight. M: I'm sorry, but I don't sell tickets. You can get one from the machine over there. W: All right. By the way, what's the gate number? M: Four. Down the hall and to the left. W: Thanks a lot. Question: What's the possible result? - The woman will buy a first class ticket. - The woman will spend 315 dollars for a ticket. - The woman can buy a ticket from the man.
The woman will buy a first class ticket.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Son: Dad! Father: Yeah, Micky. Son: Can I have a really good snack? Father: Uh, I don't know. I thinks it's ... uh ... what time's it? I think it's going on dinner. Son: Uh, it's three thirty. Father: Three thirty. Uh ... We'd better wait. [Why, Dad?] Well, what kind of snack do you want? Son: Candy? Father: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? [No!] Uh, carrots? [No!] Well, what else can you suggest? Son: Candy. Father: Candy. No, I don't think ... I think You'd better wait. Son: A sandwich? A spinach sandwich? Father: Spinach sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach? Son: Uh, today. Father: Well, what about a small sandwich? [Okay] Okay, I'll whip it up in a minute. Play with your toys while you're waiting for it.
Question: What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack? - watch TV - play with toys - look at books
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Son: Dad! Father: Yeah, Micky. Son: Can I have a really good snack? Father: Uh, I don't know. I thinks it's ... uh ... what time's it? I think it's going on dinner. Son: Uh, it's three thirty. Father: Three thirty. Uh ... We'd better wait. [Why, Dad?] Well, what kind of snack do you want? Son: Candy? Father: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? [No!] Uh, carrots? [No!] Well, what else can you suggest? Son: Candy. Father: Candy. No, I don't think ... I think You'd better wait. Son: A sandwich? A spinach sandwich? Father: Spinach sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach? Son: Uh, today. Father: Well, what about a small sandwich? [Okay] Okay, I'll whip it up in a minute. Play with your toys while you're waiting for it. Question: What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack? - watch TV - play with toys - look at books
play with toys
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: It's most possible that Jack will lose his job next month. F: Oh... yes... I've heard that too.
Question: When will Jack lose his job? - Now. - Next month. - Next week.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: It's most possible that Jack will lose his job next month. F: Oh... yes... I've heard that too. Question: When will Jack lose his job? - Now. - Next month. - Next week.
Next month.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Congratulations! I just heard about your acceptance in the law school. Do you think you would join your brother's firm after graduation? W: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer, and I am going to major in criminal law.
Question: What does the woman mean? - She isn't going to change her major. - She isn't going to work in her brother's firm. - She studies in the same school as her brother.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Congratulations! I just heard about your acceptance in the law school. Do you think you would join your brother's firm after graduation? W: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer, and I am going to major in criminal law. Question: What does the woman mean? - She isn't going to change her major. - She isn't going to work in her brother's firm. - She studies in the same school as her brother.
She isn't going to work in her brother's firm.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving? W: In just three weeks. But there are still a few things I need to do before I go. M: Like what? W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel service to buy my plane ticket, and considering what to do with my house while I'm away. M: You're not going to give it up, are you? W: No way! I'll never find another house here, But I don't want to pay three months' rent for an empty house, either.
Question: Why is the woman unwilling to give up her house? - She has difficulty finding another. - She has paid her rent in advance. - She has no time to move to another.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When are you leaving? W: In just three weeks. But there are still a few things I need to do before I go. M: Like what? W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel service to buy my plane ticket, and considering what to do with my house while I'm away. M: You're not going to give it up, are you? W: No way! I'll never find another house here, But I don't want to pay three months' rent for an empty house, either. Question: Why is the woman unwilling to give up her house? - She has difficulty finding another. - She has paid her rent in advance. - She has no time to move to another.
She has difficulty finding another.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: May I speak to Petty? W: Speaking. M: Good morning, Petty. W: Good morning, Steward. M: I'd like to discuss your suggestion with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be all right for you? W: Tuesday. That's tomorrow? M: Yes. W: Let me see. How about tomorrow, say, 8:30? M: Then suppose I come to your at 8:30 tomorrow. W: Good. I'll be expecting you then. M: Thank you. Good-bye. W: Good-bye.
Question: Why does the man make a call to the woman? - Because he wants to visit her. - Because he wants to discuss her suggestion with her. - Because he wants to offer a proposal.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: May I speak to Petty? W: Speaking. M: Good morning, Petty. W: Good morning, Steward. M: I'd like to discuss your suggestion with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be all right for you? W: Tuesday. That's tomorrow? M: Yes. W: Let me see. How about tomorrow, say, 8:30? M: Then suppose I come to your at 8:30 tomorrow. W: Good. I'll be expecting you then. M: Thank you. Good-bye. W: Good-bye. Question: Why does the man make a call to the woman? - Because he wants to visit her. - Because he wants to discuss her suggestion with her. - Because he wants to offer a proposal.
Because he wants to discuss her suggestion with her.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Did you finish typing that report? W: Yes, I did, but I worked late. M: But it must be a long report, I guess. W: Exactly. Twelve pages. I spent three hours on it. M: By the way, what time did you go home? W: I left the office at nine o'clock. I got home at ten. M: What did have for dinner? W: I sent out for a sandwich and ate at my desk.
Question: What was the woman doing before she went home? - Typing a report. - Rewriting a report. - Reviewing a report.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Did you finish typing that report? W: Yes, I did, but I worked late. M: But it must be a long report, I guess. W: Exactly. Twelve pages. I spent three hours on it. M: By the way, what time did you go home? W: I left the office at nine o'clock. I got home at ten. M: What did have for dinner? W: I sent out for a sandwich and ate at my desk. Question: What was the woman doing before she went home? - Typing a report. - Rewriting a report. - Reviewing a report.
Typing a report.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Do you know what time the bread shop opens? M: It usually opens at half past six, but on Sunday it opens half an hour later.
Question: What time does the bread shop open on Sunday? - At 6:00. - At 6:30. - At 7:00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Do you know what time the bread shop opens? M: It usually opens at half past six, but on Sunday it opens half an hour later. Question: What time does the bread shop open on Sunday? - At 6:00. - At 6:30. - At 7:00.
At 7:00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Central Square? M: Take the second turn on the right and there you are.
Question: How will the woman go to Central Square? - She will go on foot. - She will take two turnings. - She will go by bus.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Central Square? M: Take the second turn on the right and there you are. Question: How will the woman go to Central Square? - She will go on foot. - She will take two turnings. - She will go by bus.
She will take two turnings.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Whew! It's pretty cold today. Woman: Yeah. My fingers are numb. Man: So, do you often ski here? Woman: No, this is my first time. Actually, this is my first time skiing ... ever. Man: So, how do you like it so far? Woman: The snow is great [ Yeah ...], but it's too crowded. You know, two people crashed into me on my first run, and some stupid skier was going way too fast ... drove me into some trees. [ Wow! ] I crashed and lost one of my gloves. [ Oh, man. ] Fortunately, I had an extra pair with me. Man: Wow. Well, did the woman stop and apologize? Woman: No, it was a man. I'm certain of it. He just ... he just laughed at me. Why do you think it was a woman, anyway? Man: Uh, well, no reason. I mean, well, you know. Woman: What? You know what? Man: Uh, uh, nothing. Woman: Yeah. You just wait until I find that guy. Man: Uh, well, what are you going to do to him, I mean, if you find him? Woman: First, I'm going to break his skis. [ Oh, well ... ] And then, I'm going to take his picture and post it on Facebook. Man: Uh, don't you think that's a little drastic? Perhaps, it was a simple mistake. And how are you going to identify him anyway? Woman: Oh, that's easy. He was wearing bright red boots and a purple hat ... um, just like yours. Heh, heh, heh ... Man: Now, now, now. Wait, wait! Yeah. What do you mean? [ Yeah ... ] Wait! Why are you looking at me? You don't think it was me, do you? ... Do you like jazz music?
Question: The woman says she can recognize the other skier by his __________. - hair and eyes - crazy laugh - clothing
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Whew! It's pretty cold today. Woman: Yeah. My fingers are numb. Man: So, do you often ski here? Woman: No, this is my first time. Actually, this is my first time skiing ... ever. Man: So, how do you like it so far? Woman: The snow is great [ Yeah ...], but it's too crowded. You know, two people crashed into me on my first run, and some stupid skier was going way too fast ... drove me into some trees. [ Wow! ] I crashed and lost one of my gloves. [ Oh, man. ] Fortunately, I had an extra pair with me. Man: Wow. Well, did the woman stop and apologize? Woman: No, it was a man. I'm certain of it. He just ... he just laughed at me. Why do you think it was a woman, anyway? Man: Uh, well, no reason. I mean, well, you know. Woman: What? You know what? Man: Uh, uh, nothing. Woman: Yeah. You just wait until I find that guy. Man: Uh, well, what are you going to do to him, I mean, if you find him? Woman: First, I'm going to break his skis. [ Oh, well ... ] And then, I'm going to take his picture and post it on Facebook. Man: Uh, don't you think that's a little drastic? Perhaps, it was a simple mistake. And how are you going to identify him anyway? Woman: Oh, that's easy. He was wearing bright red boots and a purple hat ... um, just like yours. Heh, heh, heh ... Man: Now, now, now. Wait, wait! Yeah. What do you mean? [ Yeah ... ] Wait! Why are you looking at me? You don't think it was me, do you? ... Do you like jazz music? Question: The woman says she can recognize the other skier by his __________. - hair and eyes - crazy laugh - clothing
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hi. Thanks for coming to the interview today. It's nice to meet you. Man: Well, thank you. Woman: To begin with, why don't you tell us a little about yourself? Man: Okay. Um, yeah. I've always been interested in teaching in a language program like this, and uh, I graduated with a degree in English and psychology eight years ago, [ Oh, really, both? ]. Yeah, and uh then I landed my first job overseas in Japan. Woman: Oh, wow. That's pretty impressive. What did you do there? What kind of work? Man: Well, I worked full time, um, for a private language school in Tokyo for the first two years, and then I found a job at a community college. Woman: Oh really? So, exactly what did you do in your work there then? Man: Well, I taught English and, uh, culinary arts. Woman: You taught cooking classes? Man: Well, well, I know it sounds like an unusual combination, but I completed a program in culinary arts before I got my, uh, English and psychology degrees. Woman: Oh, Wow. You've done a lot, haven't you? [ Yeah. ] So, what exactly, um, how did you teach and what exactly did you do? Man: Well, um, many of my students wanted to become chefs in restaurants, or they wanted to start their own restaurants, uh, and in our area, there were many, uh, tourists tourist spots. A lot of tourists came to that particular area, and so with English, they would be able to communicate not only with suppliers, you know things that they need for restaurant's food and so forth, but also with their customers, and so I taught them English and cooking at the same time. Woman: Wow. That's, that's pretty impressive. That's interesting. [ ... and tasty. ] Oh, I bet. So, why did you return to the United States? How long have you been back? Man: I've been back for, uh, probably about a year now. Woman: Okay, so what brought you back then? Man: Well, one of my former students opened a sushi restaurant, uh, in town, and he asked me to work with him. Woman: Really? What's the name of the restaurant? Man: Well, it's called Flying...
Question: Now, the man works at a Japanese restaurant and at a ____________. - language training center - modern fitness center - mental health treatment center
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Hi. Thanks for coming to the interview today. It's nice to meet you. Man: Well, thank you. Woman: To begin with, why don't you tell us a little about yourself? Man: Okay. Um, yeah. I've always been interested in teaching in a language program like this, and uh, I graduated with a degree in English and psychology eight years ago, [ Oh, really, both? ]. Yeah, and uh then I landed my first job overseas in Japan. Woman: Oh, wow. That's pretty impressive. What did you do there? What kind of work? Man: Well, I worked full time, um, for a private language school in Tokyo for the first two years, and then I found a job at a community college. Woman: Oh really? So, exactly what did you do in your work there then? Man: Well, I taught English and, uh, culinary arts. Woman: You taught cooking classes? Man: Well, well, I know it sounds like an unusual combination, but I completed a program in culinary arts before I got my, uh, English and psychology degrees. Woman: Oh, Wow. You've done a lot, haven't you? [ Yeah. ] So, what exactly, um, how did you teach and what exactly did you do? Man: Well, um, many of my students wanted to become chefs in restaurants, or they wanted to start their own restaurants, uh, and in our area, there were many, uh, tourists tourist spots. A lot of tourists came to that particular area, and so with English, they would be able to communicate not only with suppliers, you know things that they need for restaurant's food and so forth, but also with their customers, and so I taught them English and cooking at the same time. Woman: Wow. That's, that's pretty impressive. That's interesting. [ ... and tasty. ] Oh, I bet. So, why did you return to the United States? How long have you been back? Man: I've been back for, uh, probably about a year now. Woman: Okay, so what brought you back then? Man: Well, one of my former students opened a sushi restaurant, uh, in town, and he asked me to work with him. Woman: Really? What's the name of the restaurant? Man: Well, it's called Flying... Question: Now, the man works at a Japanese restaurant and at a ____________. - language training center - modern fitness center - mental health treatment center
mental health treatment center
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Come to the movies with us. Everybody needs to take a break every once in a while. M: I guess I might as well. I've been studying so long I can hardly concentrate.
Question: What does the man mean? - He might go to the movies when he finishes studying. - He doesn't know if he concentrates on a movie. - He needs to stop studying for a while.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Come to the movies with us. Everybody needs to take a break every once in a while. M: I guess I might as well. I've been studying so long I can hardly concentrate. Question: What does the man mean? - He might go to the movies when he finishes studying. - He doesn't know if he concentrates on a movie. - He needs to stop studying for a while.
He needs to stop studying for a while.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Miss Smith, I told Dr. Brown that I would call him in the Houston office at ten o'clock by their time. Please find out the time difference for me so that I'll know when to place the call. W: It's two hours earlier in Houston, sir. I know without looking it up because my sister lives there.
Question: When should the man place his call to Houston? - At 8:00. - At 10:00. - At 12:00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Miss Smith, I told Dr. Brown that I would call him in the Houston office at ten o'clock by their time. Please find out the time difference for me so that I'll know when to place the call. W: It's two hours earlier in Houston, sir. I know without looking it up because my sister lives there. Question: When should the man place his call to Houston? - At 8:00. - At 10:00. - At 12:00.
At 8:00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What's that book you just picked up, Mary? W: The one Prof. Lee uses inhis course. M: Oh, I see. You'd better have it if you want to pass that course. W: But it costs $30. I simply can't afford it. M: Did you check the used booksection here? Maybe they have it. W: No, they don't. I asked. M: Why don't you get it fromthe library? W: I've been trying for months, and it's always out. There are over 50 students in the course, and every single one wants the book. M: Listen, you know my roommate Henry, don't you? He took the same course last year, and I remember he owns a copy. Ican borrow it from him for you. W: Oh, that'll be great! Thankyou, Jim!
Question: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? - School friends. - Teacher and student. - Librarian and library user.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What's that book you just picked up, Mary? W: The one Prof. Lee uses inhis course. M: Oh, I see. You'd better have it if you want to pass that course. W: But it costs $30. I simply can't afford it. M: Did you check the used booksection here? Maybe they have it. W: No, they don't. I asked. M: Why don't you get it fromthe library? W: I've been trying for months, and it's always out. There are over 50 students in the course, and every single one wants the book. M: Listen, you know my roommate Henry, don't you? He took the same course last year, and I remember he owns a copy. Ican borrow it from him for you. W: Oh, that'll be great! Thankyou, Jim! Question: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? - School friends. - Teacher and student. - Librarian and library user.
School friends.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. I'm looking for Park Street. W: Park Street? It isn't far from here. Just keep walking up this street. Turn left at the first corner, go straight ahead and turn left again and in front of you is the Park Street. M: Thank you. I'm looking for a bank. W: There are lots of banks on Park Street. Do you want to change your money? M: Yes. Which bank do you suggest? W: You could try the New City Bank. It's next to the big church. M: And is there a post office near here? W: Yes. See that big new shopping center? There is one on the first floor. M: Oh, thank you very much. W: You are welcome.
Question: What will the man want to find a bank for? - He wants to keep some money. - He wants to change his money. - He wants to borrow some money.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. I'm looking for Park Street. W: Park Street? It isn't far from here. Just keep walking up this street. Turn left at the first corner, go straight ahead and turn left again and in front of you is the Park Street. M: Thank you. I'm looking for a bank. W: There are lots of banks on Park Street. Do you want to change your money? M: Yes. Which bank do you suggest? W: You could try the New City Bank. It's next to the big church. M: And is there a post office near here? W: Yes. See that big new shopping center? There is one on the first floor. M: Oh, thank you very much. W: You are welcome. Question: What will the man want to find a bank for? - He wants to keep some money. - He wants to change his money. - He wants to borrow some money.
He wants to change his money.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hello. W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Oh, good, you speak English. W: Yes. M: I'm looking for a double room for the next three nights... with a bathroom. W: That's until Thursday? M: Yes, have you got one? W: Mm. We've got a double room for tonight and tomorrow night, but not for Thursday night. M: Oh, dear. Nothing for Thursday night? W: I'm afraid not. M: Mm. And what about the price? W: 150 francs a night. That's for a double room without a bathroom. We're very full. We haven't got any more rooms with private bathrooms. M: Oh... no bathroom... Well, thanks anyway.
Question: What will the man do after the conversation? - Take a double room in the hotel. - Take a room with a private bathroom. - Go to another hotel.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hello. W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Oh, good, you speak English. W: Yes. M: I'm looking for a double room for the next three nights... with a bathroom. W: That's until Thursday? M: Yes, have you got one? W: Mm. We've got a double room for tonight and tomorrow night, but not for Thursday night. M: Oh, dear. Nothing for Thursday night? W: I'm afraid not. M: Mm. And what about the price? W: 150 francs a night. That's for a double room without a bathroom. We're very full. We haven't got any more rooms with private bathrooms. M: Oh... no bathroom... Well, thanks anyway. Question: What will the man do after the conversation? - Take a double room in the hotel. - Take a room with a private bathroom. - Go to another hotel.
Go to another hotel.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Where have you been all this time? The train is about to leave. W: I am sorry, but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs.
Question: Where does the conversation probably take place? - At the airport. - At the bus stop. - At the railway station.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Where have you been all this time? The train is about to leave. W: I am sorry, but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs. Question: Where does the conversation probably take place? - At the airport. - At the bus stop. - At the railway station.
At the railway station.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Michael, would you like to eat out tonight? M: Oh, I'd really like to, but I have promised my sister to see a movie with her tonight.
Question: What will the man do this evening? - To visit his sister. - To eat out with the woman. - To see a movie with his sister.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Michael, would you like to eat out tonight? M: Oh, I'd really like to, but I have promised my sister to see a movie with her tonight. Question: What will the man do this evening? - To visit his sister. - To eat out with the woman. - To see a movie with his sister.
To see a movie with his sister.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Here's your bill, sir. M: Oh, thank you. Let's have a look at it now. Goodness, it's a lot more than I expected. W: Would you like me to explain anything, sir? M: Just a moment. Yes, what's this charge for $ 21.50 marked "J"? W: "J" is a charge for a long distance telephone call, sir. Did you make a telephone call that night? M: Yes. I remember now. Good heavens! We must have talked for a long time. And these ones, "L" for $ 32.40, and here's another, $ 9.50. What are they for?
Question: What do we know about the man? - He's leaving the hotel. - He's making a phone call. - He's asking about the room rates.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Here's your bill, sir. M: Oh, thank you. Let's have a look at it now. Goodness, it's a lot more than I expected. W: Would you like me to explain anything, sir? M: Just a moment. Yes, what's this charge for $ 21.50 marked "J"? W: "J" is a charge for a long distance telephone call, sir. Did you make a telephone call that night? M: Yes. I remember now. Good heavens! We must have talked for a long time. And these ones, "L" for $ 32.40, and here's another, $ 9.50. What are they for? Question: What do we know about the man? - He's leaving the hotel. - He's making a phone call. - He's asking about the room rates.
He's leaving the hotel.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Now Mr. Hardy, has the situation changed since last night? M: No, Mrs. Hamilton is still refusing to talk to us. We'd like her to come out peacefully. The police don't want to charge her, but... W: Well, it's her home. M: But nobody else refused to move. You see, we're going to build over 300 flats in this area in place of the shabby houses. Families are expecting to move into them next year! It's all being delayed because of one person! W: But Mrs. Hamilton was born in that house. M: Of course. But we have promised to give her a modern flat immediately, a very nice flat for an elderly person living alone. W: So, what happens next? M: I don't know, but we can't wait forever. The police will have to do something soon.
Question: What might the man think of Mrs. Hamilton? - She is pitiful. - She is peaceful. - She is determined.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Now Mr. Hardy, has the situation changed since last night? M: No, Mrs. Hamilton is still refusing to talk to us. We'd like her to come out peacefully. The police don't want to charge her, but... W: Well, it's her home. M: But nobody else refused to move. You see, we're going to build over 300 flats in this area in place of the shabby houses. Families are expecting to move into them next year! It's all being delayed because of one person! W: But Mrs. Hamilton was born in that house. M: Of course. But we have promised to give her a modern flat immediately, a very nice flat for an elderly person living alone. W: So, what happens next? M: I don't know, but we can't wait forever. The police will have to do something soon. Question: What might the man think of Mrs. Hamilton? - She is pitiful. - She is peaceful. - She is determined.
She is determined.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Will you take part in the football match Saturday? M: That's the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid not. I have to set aside three days to prepare for the math exam next week.
Question: What day is it today? - Sunday. - Saturday. - Thursday.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Will you take part in the football match Saturday? M: That's the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid not. I have to set aside three days to prepare for the math exam next week. Question: What day is it today? - Sunday. - Saturday. - Thursday.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hi. May I help you? M: Yeah. I'd like to rent these movies. W: Okay. Do you have your membership card? M: No I don't. Do I need one to rent videos here? W: Yes, and it's free. M: Okay, how much are movie rentals anyway? W: Well, new releases are $5, and all other movies are two dollars. M: Oh, well, I'll just take these tonight. And when do I need to return them? W: They're to be back the day after tomorrow by ten p.m.. M: Tuesday, okay. W: Be sure to return them on time. M: Okay. Thanks.
Question: How much do newly released movies cost to rent? - $2.00. - $3.50. - $5.00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hi. May I help you? M: Yeah. I'd like to rent these movies. W: Okay. Do you have your membership card? M: No I don't. Do I need one to rent videos here? W: Yes, and it's free. M: Okay, how much are movie rentals anyway? W: Well, new releases are $5, and all other movies are two dollars. M: Oh, well, I'll just take these tonight. And when do I need to return them? W: They're to be back the day after tomorrow by ten p.m.. M: Tuesday, okay. W: Be sure to return them on time. M: Okay. Thanks. Question: How much do newly released movies cost to rent? - $2.00. - $3.50. - $5.00.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Hello. Woman: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student. Did you find it OK? Man: Well, I got a bit lost because I asked a stranger. But I got it eventually. Woman: Oh, dear. Have you come far today. Man: Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother. Woman: Oh, good. How did you get here? Man: My brother took me to the railway station. And I got on a bus at this end. Woman: Aha. Well, you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form. Man: It's Mark Burn. Woman: Burn, Burn. Ah, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And not wearing glasses, either. Man: No, I thought I'd better look smarter. Woman: Here is the key to your room. It's 501. Man: Thanks. How do I get there? Woman: Go to the end of this corridor, turn left and it's the third door on the right. Man: Thank you. Oh, here's a meeting for new students. What time is that? Woman: Half past five in the Common Room on the ground floor at the other end of the corridor. Man: Thanks a lot. Good-bye.
Question: Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPT - short hair - glasses - moustache
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Hello. Woman: Oh. Hello. You must be a new student. Did you find it OK? Man: Well, I got a bit lost because I asked a stranger. But I got it eventually. Woman: Oh, dear. Have you come far today. Man: Only from Brighton. I was staying with my brother. Woman: Oh, good. How did you get here? Man: My brother took me to the railway station. And I got on a bus at this end. Woman: Aha. Well, you'd better tell me your name so I can find your form. Man: It's Mark Burn. Woman: Burn, Burn. Ah, yes. Oh, you've changed since this photo. What happened to your beard and mustache? And not wearing glasses, either. Man: No, I thought I'd better look smarter. Woman: Here is the key to your room. It's 501. Man: Thanks. How do I get there? Woman: Go to the end of this corridor, turn left and it's the third door on the right. Man: Thank you. Oh, here's a meeting for new students. What time is that? Woman: Half past five in the Common Room on the ground floor at the other end of the corridor. Man: Thanks a lot. Good-bye. Question: Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPT - short hair - glasses - moustache
short hair
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: When will you be through with your work, John? M: Who knows? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.
Question: What do we learn from the conversation? - The man needs help. - The man is complaining. - The man likes his job.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: When will you be through with your work, John? M: Who knows? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? - The man needs help. - The man is complaining. - The man likes his job.
The man is complaining.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You look a bit worried, Susan, what's wrong? W: I just seem to be putting on some weight these days. M: Oh dear! That's quite a problem. Can I offer you some advice? W: Of course, what do you think I should do? M: I suggest you go on a diet or at least stop eating too much of the things your mother prepared for you, and... W: And take exercise, right? A lot of people have told me the same thing, but somehow I just can't get up early in the morning. M: Well. Mother and I will help you. By the way, have you ever thought of arranging your weekend timetable, so you can go to the keep-fit club on the weekend? W: Yes, that sounds a good idea. Thanks a lot.
Question: What's Susan's problem? - She is putting on weight. - She eats little these days. - She is in poor health.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You look a bit worried, Susan, what's wrong? W: I just seem to be putting on some weight these days. M: Oh dear! That's quite a problem. Can I offer you some advice? W: Of course, what do you think I should do? M: I suggest you go on a diet or at least stop eating too much of the things your mother prepared for you, and... W: And take exercise, right? A lot of people have told me the same thing, but somehow I just can't get up early in the morning. M: Well. Mother and I will help you. By the way, have you ever thought of arranging your weekend timetable, so you can go to the keep-fit club on the weekend? W: Yes, that sounds a good idea. Thanks a lot. Question: What's Susan's problem? - She is putting on weight. - She eats little these days. - She is in poor health.
She is putting on weight.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Dr Stone, how did you become an expert on smell? W: Well, I didn't intend to in the first place. But when I was in university, there was a course on senses. The other senses seem to be more concrete somehow, but smell is so personal. I found it extremely interesting. M: Do you have any interesting information to give us about smells? W: Well, let's see. Did you know that it's harder to forget smells than to forget facts? There have been experiments where people could pick out a particular smell thirty days after smelling it for the first time. M: Really? So smells can bring back more memories than, say, music? W: That seems to be the case. M: That's interesting. So what's your favorite smell? W: Oh, I have lots of different ones. The smells of the sea reminds me of happy family holidays, and the smell of roses makes me think of my friend's house. Strangely enough, I like the smell of air craft fuel at airports. Then I know I am going to fly somewhere exciting. But it's the general smell of my garden in the rain that I really like the most. That means I am at home where I should be.
Question: What is special about smells? - They are as pleasant as music. - They can last about thirty days. - They make things more memorable.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Dr Stone, how did you become an expert on smell? W: Well, I didn't intend to in the first place. But when I was in university, there was a course on senses. The other senses seem to be more concrete somehow, but smell is so personal. I found it extremely interesting. M: Do you have any interesting information to give us about smells? W: Well, let's see. Did you know that it's harder to forget smells than to forget facts? There have been experiments where people could pick out a particular smell thirty days after smelling it for the first time. M: Really? So smells can bring back more memories than, say, music? W: That seems to be the case. M: That's interesting. So what's your favorite smell? W: Oh, I have lots of different ones. The smells of the sea reminds me of happy family holidays, and the smell of roses makes me think of my friend's house. Strangely enough, I like the smell of air craft fuel at airports. Then I know I am going to fly somewhere exciting. But it's the general smell of my garden in the rain that I really like the most. That means I am at home where I should be. Question: What is special about smells? - They are as pleasant as music. - They can last about thirty days. - They make things more memorable.
They make things more memorable.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Is this blue too bright for me? W: Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright blue. Try this. It's size ten. M: But 1 wear size eleven. W: How about black? It's size eleven. M: Let me try it on. I'm taking too much of your time. W: It's seven o'clock. Where's my friend Jack? I was expecting him here at six forty-five. M: Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. W: I know. But we're going to be late for tonight's party. M: I'll take this black sweater. I like the color on me. How do you think? W: I think it looks terrific on you.
Question: What is the woman going to do that night? - She is going to meet her friend. - She is going to expecting her friend. - She is going to take part in a party with her friend.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Is this blue too bright for me? W: Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright blue. Try this. It's size ten. M: But 1 wear size eleven. W: How about black? It's size eleven. M: Let me try it on. I'm taking too much of your time. W: It's seven o'clock. Where's my friend Jack? I was expecting him here at six forty-five. M: Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. W: I know. But we're going to be late for tonight's party. M: I'll take this black sweater. I like the color on me. How do you think? W: I think it looks terrific on you. Question: What is the woman going to do that night? - She is going to meet her friend. - She is going to expecting her friend. - She is going to take part in a party with her friend.
She is going to take part in a party with her friend.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Doug: Uh, hi there Diane. Nah, okay. Uh ... Hi, what's up, Di? Okay, here we go... [doorbell ringing ] Diane: Uh, hi. It's David, right? Doug: No, Doug. Remember? We met at Gary's party last Friday night. Diane: Oh, yeah. Now I remember. You were standing all alone ... uh, oh, I ... I mean ... I mean, you ... you know. We started talking about school and stuff. [Yeah, yeah.]. Uh, how did you know I lived here? Doug: Well, I just live around the corner, and I asked Gary if he knew how I could contact you, and ... Diane: And? Doug: Well, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out this Thursday night. [Oh.]. Well, there's this real great movie playing downtown at the theater, [Uh ...] and I thought ... Well ... well, we can't use my car 'cause I was in an accident with this wild man driving this BMW, so I've already checked the bus schedule, and ... Diane: Uh-hem [Well], Well, David [No Doug! Remember?] Oh yeah. Doug. I'm sorry, but I have to work that evening. Doug: Oh really? Well, I thought you said before that you quit your job. Diane: Well, I did, but I found a new one. Doug: Uh, well, how about this Friday night? We could have dinner and then see that movie. Diane: A movie? How boring! Doug: Well, well, uh, well. A movie? Yeah, for ... forget a movie. Diane: Anyway, I'm afraid I have to cook dinner for my family, and ... Doug: Hey, I love to cook. We could whip something up together! I mean, it would be great! Diane: I don't think that's a good idea. It's just a family occasion and ... Doug: Well, hey, are you free this Saturday night? I have two tickets to the football game, and I thought ... Diane: Sure. I'd love to go. [Okay!] I've wanted to see a game all year. [Yeah!] My roommate will be so surprised when she finds out I have a ticket for her, and ... Doug: Well, but ... Diane: Oh [car screeching ... ] ... and here's my brother! He's a defensive lineman on the team. Doug: Well, he doesn't look too happy. Diane: Ah, he's a teddy bear, but hasn't been the same since someone ran...
Question: What is Diane's response to his invitation on Thursday? - She can't go out because she has to study. - She is sorry, but she has another date. - She has to work that day, so she can't go.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Doug: Uh, hi there Diane. Nah, okay. Uh ... Hi, what's up, Di? Okay, here we go... [doorbell ringing ] Diane: Uh, hi. It's David, right? Doug: No, Doug. Remember? We met at Gary's party last Friday night. Diane: Oh, yeah. Now I remember. You were standing all alone ... uh, oh, I ... I mean ... I mean, you ... you know. We started talking about school and stuff. [Yeah, yeah.]. Uh, how did you know I lived here? Doug: Well, I just live around the corner, and I asked Gary if he knew how I could contact you, and ... Diane: And? Doug: Well, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out this Thursday night. [Oh.]. Well, there's this real great movie playing downtown at the theater, [Uh ...] and I thought ... Well ... well, we can't use my car 'cause I was in an accident with this wild man driving this BMW, so I've already checked the bus schedule, and ... Diane: Uh-hem [Well], Well, David [No Doug! Remember?] Oh yeah. Doug. I'm sorry, but I have to work that evening. Doug: Oh really? Well, I thought you said before that you quit your job. Diane: Well, I did, but I found a new one. Doug: Uh, well, how about this Friday night? We could have dinner and then see that movie. Diane: A movie? How boring! Doug: Well, well, uh, well. A movie? Yeah, for ... forget a movie. Diane: Anyway, I'm afraid I have to cook dinner for my family, and ... Doug: Hey, I love to cook. We could whip something up together! I mean, it would be great! Diane: I don't think that's a good idea. It's just a family occasion and ... Doug: Well, hey, are you free this Saturday night? I have two tickets to the football game, and I thought ... Diane: Sure. I'd love to go. [Okay!] I've wanted to see a game all year. [Yeah!] My roommate will be so surprised when she finds out I have a ticket for her, and ... Doug: Well, but ... Diane: Oh [car screeching ... ] ... and here's my brother! He's a defensive lineman on the team. Doug: Well, he doesn't look too happy. Diane: Ah, he's a teddy bear, but hasn't been the same since someone ran... Question: What is Diane's response to his invitation on Thursday? - She can't go out because she has to study. - She is sorry, but she has another date. - She has to work that day, so she can't go.
She has to work that day, so she can't go.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm sorry, Madam, the plane is somewhat behind the schedule. Take a seat. I'll inform you as soon as we know something definite. W: Thank you. I'd rather look around and I'll be back in several minutes.
Question: What can be concluded about the plane? - The flight has been canceled. - The plane is late. - The plane is on time.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm sorry, Madam, the plane is somewhat behind the schedule. Take a seat. I'll inform you as soon as we know something definite. W: Thank you. I'd rather look around and I'll be back in several minutes. Question: What can be concluded about the plane? - The flight has been canceled. - The plane is late. - The plane is on time.
The plane is late.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: But why so early? You don't have to be at work until eight. M: After six the bus gets crowded, I wouldn't get a seat.
Question: What do we know about the man? - He drives to work at 6. - He is a bus driver. - He begins to work at 8.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: But why so early? You don't have to be at work until eight. M: After six the bus gets crowded, I wouldn't get a seat. Question: What do we know about the man? - He drives to work at 6. - He is a bus driver. - He begins to work at 8.
He begins to work at 8.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hello, Parkson College. May I help you? M: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming. M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays. W: Well, there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that's almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45. M: Oh! Well, that's alright. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first week in September, and finish, oh, just before Christmas. December 21st. M: And how much is the course? W: That's 300 dollars including the necessary computer time. M: Ah-hum. Okay. Eh, where do I go to register? W: Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall. M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot? W: Yes, that's the one. M: Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me? W: No, just your checkbook. M: Well, thank you very much. W: You're very welcome. Bye! M: Bye!
Question: What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course? - Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45. - From September 1 to New Year's eve. - Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hello, Parkson College. May I help you? M: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming. M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays. W: Well, there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that's almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45. M: Oh! Well, that's alright. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first week in September, and finish, oh, just before Christmas. December 21st. M: And how much is the course? W: That's 300 dollars including the necessary computer time. M: Ah-hum. Okay. Eh, where do I go to register? W: Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall. M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot? W: Yes, that's the one. M: Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me? W: No, just your checkbook. M: Well, thank you very much. W: You're very welcome. Bye! M: Bye! Question: What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course? - Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45. - From September 1 to New Year's eve. - Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.
Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What can I do if I can't finish reading it in a week? W: You may come and renew it.
Question: What is the man doing? - Borrowing a book. - Buying a book. - Asking his teacher a question.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What can I do if I can't finish reading it in a week? W: You may come and renew it. Question: What is the man doing? - Borrowing a book. - Buying a book. - Asking his teacher a question.
Borrowing a book.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Can I help you, Miss? W: No, thanks, I'm just looking. How much is that necklace? M: 2,999 dollars. W: Too expensive! My sister's birthday is tomorrow. I'm thinking what I should buy for her. M: You'll find that the prices of our goods are quite reasonable. W: Well, that's certainly nice to know. I'll take it. M: It's a good choice. I'm sure she'll love it. Cash or card, Miss? W: I hope so. Card, please. M: That comes to 3,199 dollars with tax. Please sign here.
Question: Where does the conversation take place? - In a store. - In a factory. - In a museum.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Can I help you, Miss? W: No, thanks, I'm just looking. How much is that necklace? M: 2,999 dollars. W: Too expensive! My sister's birthday is tomorrow. I'm thinking what I should buy for her. M: You'll find that the prices of our goods are quite reasonable. W: Well, that's certainly nice to know. I'll take it. M: It's a good choice. I'm sure she'll love it. Cash or card, Miss? W: I hope so. Card, please. M: That comes to 3,199 dollars with tax. Please sign here. Question: Where does the conversation take place? - In a store. - In a factory. - In a museum.
In a store.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Um, Mary, could you cell me how to use this cassette recorder, please? W: OK. Well, first of all, you have to plug it into the power supply. M: Yeah, I see. W: Once you've done that... you don't need to switch anything on. M: How do you open it? W: Well, you have to press the little button that says eject. M: This one here? W: That's right. That's it. M: Like that? W: Yeah. After you've clone that, then you load the cassette. Make sure that you've got the right side of the tape facing you and not away from you. Then you should close the cassette flap. M: Like that? W: Yeah, that's right. And then you must remember to press the play button to set it to work. M: That one on the right? W: Yes, that's it. M: Like that? W: Right! It won't go clown unless you push hard. M: I know. Those old models are all like that. W: That's just what you must do. M: Yes. But how about this red thing here? W: That's the record switch. Be careful not to press it when you're playing, because if you do you'll wipe off whatever is on the tape. M: Oh, I see. So that's the record and this is the rewind. W: Exactly. If you want to rewind, then you have to press it down. M: And then stop it here. W: That's it. You've got it.
Question: What may the red thing do besides recording? - Wipe off the sound on the tape. - Play the recorder. - Set the recorder to work.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Um, Mary, could you cell me how to use this cassette recorder, please? W: OK. Well, first of all, you have to plug it into the power supply. M: Yeah, I see. W: Once you've done that... you don't need to switch anything on. M: How do you open it? W: Well, you have to press the little button that says eject. M: This one here? W: That's right. That's it. M: Like that? W: Yeah. After you've clone that, then you load the cassette. Make sure that you've got the right side of the tape facing you and not away from you. Then you should close the cassette flap. M: Like that? W: Yeah, that's right. And then you must remember to press the play button to set it to work. M: That one on the right? W: Yes, that's it. M: Like that? W: Right! It won't go clown unless you push hard. M: I know. Those old models are all like that. W: That's just what you must do. M: Yes. But how about this red thing here? W: That's the record switch. Be careful not to press it when you're playing, because if you do you'll wipe off whatever is on the tape. M: Oh, I see. So that's the record and this is the rewind. W: Exactly. If you want to rewind, then you have to press it down. M: And then stop it here. W: That's it. You've got it. Question: What may the red thing do besides recording? - Wipe off the sound on the tape. - Play the recorder. - Set the recorder to work.
Wipe off the sound on the tape.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us? W: Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to catch a bus. M: That's OK.
Question: What is the woman going to do? - Help the man. - Take a bus. - Get a camera.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us? W: Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to catch a bus. M: That's OK. Question: What is the woman going to do? - Help the man. - Take a bus. - Get a camera.
Take a bus.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Dr. Brown's Clinic. Can I help you? Man: Yes. Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please? Woman: Well, he's free at a quarter past eleven today or tomorrow at a quarter past ten or five to two. Man: I'll come tomorrow afternoon.
Question: What time is the appointment? - 10:15. - 11:15. - 1:55.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Woman: Dr. Brown's Clinic. Can I help you? Man: Yes. Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please? Woman: Well, he's free at a quarter past eleven today or tomorrow at a quarter past ten or five to two. Man: I'll come tomorrow afternoon. Question: What time is the appointment? - 10:15. - 11:15. - 1:55.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. Is there the post office near here? W: Yes. Take the first turn on the left and the post office is next to the bus stop.
Question: Where is the post office? - It's near the bus stop. - It's far away from the bus stop. - It's behind the bus stop.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me. Is there the post office near here? W: Yes. Take the first turn on the left and the post office is next to the bus stop. Question: Where is the post office? - It's near the bus stop. - It's far away from the bus stop. - It's behind the bus stop.
It's near the bus stop.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, Uncle Smith. M: Good morning, Cathy. W: I want to have a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. Would you come? M: I'd love to, Cathy. What time? W: Next weekend, on Saturday. M: Saturday do you say? W: If that's all right with you. M: I'm afraid I'm busy then. I've already had plans. W: What about Sunday? M: I'm sure it will be all fight. W: Good, you'd better around 6:30 or 7:00, we'll heve time to chat a while.
Question: Why wouldn't Uncle Smith come on Saturday? - He only wanted to come on Sunday. - He would be very busy on Saturday. - His car was broken down.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, Uncle Smith. M: Good morning, Cathy. W: I want to have a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. Would you come? M: I'd love to, Cathy. What time? W: Next weekend, on Saturday. M: Saturday do you say? W: If that's all right with you. M: I'm afraid I'm busy then. I've already had plans. W: What about Sunday? M: I'm sure it will be all fight. W: Good, you'd better around 6:30 or 7:00, we'll heve time to chat a while. Question: Why wouldn't Uncle Smith come on Saturday? - He only wanted to come on Sunday. - He would be very busy on Saturday. - His car was broken down.
He would be very busy on Saturday.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Amanda: Hey, I know you. You're James, right? James Roberts. James: Amanda Brown. Wow! It's been a long time. Amanda: Yeah. Oh, are you going to the class reunion in two weeks? James: Uh, I heard about it, but I'm not sure. Where is it? Amanda: The reunion is going to be held at the Mountain Country Club across from City Park. James: And what time does it start? Amanda: I think it starts at 6:00. James: And how much does it cost? Amanda: It's twenty dollars a ticket, and that includes dinner and entertainment. James: What kind of entertainment are they going to have? Amanda: They're going to have a live jazz band and dancing. James: And who is organizing the event? Amanda: Do you remember Chad Phillips? James: Uh, wasn't he the quarterback on the football team? Amanda: Right. Well, he married Sarah Rogers, and they are in charge of the event. So, what do you think? Are you going? James: I don't know. I never really fit in in high school. I was kind of a loner. I also remember asking Sarah out on a date, and she turned me down. She said she was sick, and it turned out she went out with someone that same night. It could be a little awkward. Amanda: Hey, why don't we go together? James: Are you sure? Amanda: Yeah. James: Well, sure. Why not. To be honest, I always thought you were very nice. I just never had the guts to ask you out. Amanda: Well, here's your chance. James: Sounds great. So, what's your number so I can call you? Amanda: It's 435-923-6017. James: 6017, Okay. Where do you live? Amanda: I only live two blocks south of the old high school. James: Okay. I remember where you live. Let me call you a few days before to confirm things. Amanda: Sounds good. It should be fun.
Question: How much do two tickets cost for the reunion? - They cost $20. - The price is $30. - The total comes to $40.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Amanda: Hey, I know you. You're James, right? James Roberts. James: Amanda Brown. Wow! It's been a long time. Amanda: Yeah. Oh, are you going to the class reunion in two weeks? James: Uh, I heard about it, but I'm not sure. Where is it? Amanda: The reunion is going to be held at the Mountain Country Club across from City Park. James: And what time does it start? Amanda: I think it starts at 6:00. James: And how much does it cost? Amanda: It's twenty dollars a ticket, and that includes dinner and entertainment. James: What kind of entertainment are they going to have? Amanda: They're going to have a live jazz band and dancing. James: And who is organizing the event? Amanda: Do you remember Chad Phillips? James: Uh, wasn't he the quarterback on the football team? Amanda: Right. Well, he married Sarah Rogers, and they are in charge of the event. So, what do you think? Are you going? James: I don't know. I never really fit in in high school. I was kind of a loner. I also remember asking Sarah out on a date, and she turned me down. She said she was sick, and it turned out she went out with someone that same night. It could be a little awkward. Amanda: Hey, why don't we go together? James: Are you sure? Amanda: Yeah. James: Well, sure. Why not. To be honest, I always thought you were very nice. I just never had the guts to ask you out. Amanda: Well, here's your chance. James: Sounds great. So, what's your number so I can call you? Amanda: It's 435-923-6017. James: 6017, Okay. Where do you live? Amanda: I only live two blocks south of the old high school. James: Okay. I remember where you live. Let me call you a few days before to confirm things. Amanda: Sounds good. It should be fun. Question: How much do two tickets cost for the reunion? - They cost $20. - The price is $30. - The total comes to $40.
The total comes to $40.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. News Reporter: Hello. This is James Goodfellow from Channel 4 news. Today, we are interviewing Sarah Roberts, the star of the new movie, Zombies on Mars Part 4. Sarah, uh, thanks for joining us. Sarah: You're welcome, Jimmy. News Reporter: It's, uh, James. Sarah: Whatever ... News Reporter: Well, let's start off the interview with a few basic questions. First of all, where are you from? Sarah: Well, I'm originally from Miami, but we moved to New York when I was three years old. [Oh.] I lived there until I was 17, and then I moved to Los Angeles to be an actress. News Reporter: Okay, and where did you go to college? Sarah: I attended Fernando's School of Acting, and all of my teachers LOVED my acting. News Reporter: And, did you have a part-time job while you were in school? Sarah: Yeah. I worked at a movie theater, and everyone LOVED the way I made the popcorn. News Reporter: Really. Okay, and how old are you now? Sarah: Well, I'm only 20, but everyone I know says I look at LEAST 22. News Reporter: Oh, right. Okay. And, what are you hobbies outside of acting? Sarah: Oh, I love shopping for clothes and makeup and, and .... Did I say I love shopping for clothes? News Reporter: Well, you DID say clothes ... Sarah: Oh, yeah. Well, do you want to take some pictures of me ... you know, for your homepage or your blog and you can even use them on your Facebook fan page. News Reporter: Uh, I think we'll be okay. Sarah: Okay, well, um ... Oh, oh look, all of my fans. Hey, gotta go, honey. Hi everyone.
Question: Where is she from? - She is from Miami. - She was born in New York. - She comes from Los Angeles.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. News Reporter: Hello. This is James Goodfellow from Channel 4 news. Today, we are interviewing Sarah Roberts, the star of the new movie, Zombies on Mars Part 4. Sarah, uh, thanks for joining us. Sarah: You're welcome, Jimmy. News Reporter: It's, uh, James. Sarah: Whatever ... News Reporter: Well, let's start off the interview with a few basic questions. First of all, where are you from? Sarah: Well, I'm originally from Miami, but we moved to New York when I was three years old. [Oh.] I lived there until I was 17, and then I moved to Los Angeles to be an actress. News Reporter: Okay, and where did you go to college? Sarah: I attended Fernando's School of Acting, and all of my teachers LOVED my acting. News Reporter: And, did you have a part-time job while you were in school? Sarah: Yeah. I worked at a movie theater, and everyone LOVED the way I made the popcorn. News Reporter: Really. Okay, and how old are you now? Sarah: Well, I'm only 20, but everyone I know says I look at LEAST 22. News Reporter: Oh, right. Okay. And, what are you hobbies outside of acting? Sarah: Oh, I love shopping for clothes and makeup and, and .... Did I say I love shopping for clothes? News Reporter: Well, you DID say clothes ... Sarah: Oh, yeah. Well, do you want to take some pictures of me ... you know, for your homepage or your blog and you can even use them on your Facebook fan page. News Reporter: Uh, I think we'll be okay. Sarah: Okay, well, um ... Oh, oh look, all of my fans. Hey, gotta go, honey. Hi everyone. Question: Where is she from? - She is from Miami. - She was born in New York. - She comes from Los Angeles.
She is from Miami.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: I expected you'd come to my birthday party yesterday. M: I'm terribly sorry. Susan. I had to see off a friend of mine at the airport last night.
Question: What did the man do last night? - He went to visit a friend. - He went to say goodbye to his friend at the airport. - He went to another city with his friend.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: I expected you'd come to my birthday party yesterday. M: I'm terribly sorry. Susan. I had to see off a friend of mine at the airport last night. Question: What did the man do last night? - He went to visit a friend. - He went to say goodbye to his friend at the airport. - He went to another city with his friend.
He went to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: First. I'd like you to tell me a bit about your experience. M: Well. I left school after I'd done my A-levels. W: What subjects did you take? M: French. German and Art. W: Art? M: Well. I really wanted to study Art. But a friend of my father's provided with me a job-he's an accountant in the city. W: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that? M: Well, honestly, I didn't like it, so I got a place at the Art College a year ago. W: Did your father mind? M: Well, he was rather disappointed at first. He's an accountant too, you see. W: Have you any brothers or sisters? M: Two brothers, both at school. One's eleven; the other's fifteen. W: Right. What do you do in your spare time? M: I like jazz and folk music; I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I've done a bit of photography. Also, I've traveled a lot -all over Europe. W: Very interesting, Mr. Brown. I think that's all I want to ask about your background.
Question: Which of the following is NOT his hobby? - Acting. - Going to the cinema. - Reading.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: First. I'd like you to tell me a bit about your experience. M: Well. I left school after I'd done my A-levels. W: What subjects did you take? M: French. German and Art. W: Art? M: Well. I really wanted to study Art. But a friend of my father's provided with me a job-he's an accountant in the city. W: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that? M: Well, honestly, I didn't like it, so I got a place at the Art College a year ago. W: Did your father mind? M: Well, he was rather disappointed at first. He's an accountant too, you see. W: Have you any brothers or sisters? M: Two brothers, both at school. One's eleven; the other's fifteen. W: Right. What do you do in your spare time? M: I like jazz and folk music; I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I've done a bit of photography. Also, I've traveled a lot -all over Europe. W: Very interesting, Mr. Brown. I think that's all I want to ask about your background. Question: Which of the following is NOT his hobby? - Acting. - Going to the cinema. - Reading.
Going to the cinema.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is? W: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now.
Question: What can we learn from the conversation? - The man wants to go to San Francisco. - If the man board the plane to Los Angeles now, he will have to transfer at San Francisco. - There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is? W: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now. Question: What can we learn from the conversation? - The man wants to go to San Francisco. - If the man board the plane to Los Angeles now, he will have to transfer at San Francisco. - There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.
If the man board the plane to Los Angeles now, he will have to transfer at San Francisco.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? M: Yes. I'd like to buy a chair.
Question: What does the man want to buy? - A book. - A mobile phone. - A chair.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? M: Yes. I'd like to buy a chair. Question: What does the man want to buy? - A book. - A mobile phone. - A chair.
A chair.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Now, could you tell me where the idea for the business first came from? M: Well, the original shop was opened by a retired printer by the name of Gruby. Mr Gruby being left-handed himself, thought of the idea to try to promote a few products for left-handers. W: And how did he then go about actually setting up the business? M: Well, he looked for any left-handed products that might already be on the market which were very few. And then contacted the manufactures with the idea of having products produced for him, mainly in the scissors range to start with. W: Right. So you do commission some part of your stock. M: Yes, very much so. About 75 percent of our stock is specially made for us. W: And the rest of it? M: Hmm, the rest of it now, some 25, 30 years after Mr. Gruby's initial efforts, there are more left-handed product actually on the market. Manufactures are now beginning to see that there is a market for left-handed products. W: And what's the range of your stock? M: The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc. We also have a large range of kitchen ware. W: What's the competition like? Do you have quite a lot of competition? M: There are other people in the business now in specialists, but only as mail-order outlets. But we have a shop here in central London plus a mail-order outlet. And we are without any doubt the largest supplier of the left-handed items.
Question: What does the man say about other people in his line of business? - They specialise in one product only. - They have outlets throughout Britain. - They sell by mail order only.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Now, could you tell me where the idea for the business first came from? M: Well, the original shop was opened by a retired printer by the name of Gruby. Mr Gruby being left-handed himself, thought of the idea to try to promote a few products for left-handers. W: And how did he then go about actually setting up the business? M: Well, he looked for any left-handed products that might already be on the market which were very few. And then contacted the manufactures with the idea of having products produced for him, mainly in the scissors range to start with. W: Right. So you do commission some part of your stock. M: Yes, very much so. About 75 percent of our stock is specially made for us. W: And the rest of it? M: Hmm, the rest of it now, some 25, 30 years after Mr. Gruby's initial efforts, there are more left-handed product actually on the market. Manufactures are now beginning to see that there is a market for left-handed products. W: And what's the range of your stock? M: The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc. We also have a large range of kitchen ware. W: What's the competition like? Do you have quite a lot of competition? M: There are other people in the business now in specialists, but only as mail-order outlets. But we have a shop here in central London plus a mail-order outlet. And we are without any doubt the largest supplier of the left-handed items. Question: What does the man say about other people in his line of business? - They specialise in one product only. - They have outlets throughout Britain. - They sell by mail order only.
They sell by mail order only.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hi, honey. Do you need any help with your luggage? W: No, thanks, dad. I just brought one carry-on in my backpack. M: Great. I wish your mother would take some packing lessons from you. OK, let's go home. W: Hm...It's cold here. M: Yes, the weatherman says that it might snow tonight. What temperature was it when you took off from California this morning? W: Sixty degrees and sunny. M: Don't you people miss the seasons? W: Not really. It's nice to go outside everyday. And always have nice sun- ny weather.
Question: What does the woman say about the weather in California? - It's quite cold - It's sunny and warm - It's very changeable
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hi, honey. Do you need any help with your luggage? W: No, thanks, dad. I just brought one carry-on in my backpack. M: Great. I wish your mother would take some packing lessons from you. OK, let's go home. W: Hm...It's cold here. M: Yes, the weatherman says that it might snow tonight. What temperature was it when you took off from California this morning? W: Sixty degrees and sunny. M: Don't you people miss the seasons? W: Not really. It's nice to go outside everyday. And always have nice sun- ny weather. Question: What does the woman say about the weather in California? - It's quite cold - It's sunny and warm - It's very changeable
It's sunny and warm
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So, how was your vacation? You went to Paris, didn't you? W: Yeah, with my parents. We just got back on Saturday. It was wonderful! M: What sights did you visit? W: Well, we saw all the most famous places, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral... They were so interesting. M: Did you take any tours? W: Just one - a boat tour on the Seine River. M: Wow! That sounds fantastic. W: Yeah. It was a great way to see the city. M: Did you go to any of the famous art museums? W: Yeah. My parents love art, so they spent hours in the museums. But for me, it was pretty boring. I'm just not very interested in paintings. M: So, what else did you do? W: Well, I guess my favorite thing to do was just to sit in cafes and watch the people. It was really relaxing, and French coffee is terrific. M: It sounds like a great vacation to me. But I have work at hand. Hopefully I'll be there one day.
Question: What does the woman like doing best in Paris? - Enjoying the interesting art paintings. - Sitting in cafes and watching people. - Climbing the wonderful Eiffel Tower.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So, how was your vacation? You went to Paris, didn't you? W: Yeah, with my parents. We just got back on Saturday. It was wonderful! M: What sights did you visit? W: Well, we saw all the most famous places, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral... They were so interesting. M: Did you take any tours? W: Just one - a boat tour on the Seine River. M: Wow! That sounds fantastic. W: Yeah. It was a great way to see the city. M: Did you go to any of the famous art museums? W: Yeah. My parents love art, so they spent hours in the museums. But for me, it was pretty boring. I'm just not very interested in paintings. M: So, what else did you do? W: Well, I guess my favorite thing to do was just to sit in cafes and watch the people. It was really relaxing, and French coffee is terrific. M: It sounds like a great vacation to me. But I have work at hand. Hopefully I'll be there one day. Question: What does the woman like doing best in Paris? - Enjoying the interesting art paintings. - Sitting in cafes and watching people. - Climbing the wonderful Eiffel Tower.
Sitting in cafes and watching people.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: United Development Company. May I help you? M: I'd like to speak to Mr. Hailer, please. W: Who shall I say is calling, please? M: This is Mr. Dewey from the IM Company. W: I'm sorry, Mr. Dewey, but Mr. Halley is not in at the moment. M: When will he come in, do you know? W: I suppose he won't be in until 12: 00. M: May I leave a message? W: Certainly. M: Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he returns. He has my number. W: Very well, Mr. Dewey, I'll do that. M: Thank you. Bye-bye.
Question: What does the man ask Mr. Halley to do? - To meet him. - To call his number. - To have a dinner.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: United Development Company. May I help you? M: I'd like to speak to Mr. Hailer, please. W: Who shall I say is calling, please? M: This is Mr. Dewey from the IM Company. W: I'm sorry, Mr. Dewey, but Mr. Halley is not in at the moment. M: When will he come in, do you know? W: I suppose he won't be in until 12: 00. M: May I leave a message? W: Certainly. M: Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he returns. He has my number. W: Very well, Mr. Dewey, I'll do that. M: Thank you. Bye-bye. Question: What does the man ask Mr. Halley to do? - To meet him. - To call his number. - To have a dinner.
To have a dinner.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So, that's what's been keeping you so busy recently! W: Yes, I've been tied up with my studies. You know I'm planning to go to the United States this coming summer, but I'm a bit nervous about my English.
Question: What is the woman busy doing? - Packing up to go abroad. - Drawing up a plan for her English course. - Brushing up on her English.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So, that's what's been keeping you so busy recently! W: Yes, I've been tied up with my studies. You know I'm planning to go to the United States this coming summer, but I'm a bit nervous about my English. Question: What is the woman busy doing? - Packing up to go abroad. - Drawing up a plan for her English course. - Brushing up on her English.
Drawing up a plan for her English course.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Should I go see her and apologize to her again? W: Well, if I were you, I'd let her cool off a few days before I approach her.
Question: What does the woman suggest the man do? - Leave Daisy alone for the time being. - Go see Daisy immediately. - Apologize to Daisy again by phone.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Should I go see her and apologize to her again? W: Well, if I were you, I'd let her cool off a few days before I approach her. Question: What does the woman suggest the man do? - Leave Daisy alone for the time being. - Go see Daisy immediately. - Apologize to Daisy again by phone.
Leave Daisy alone for the time being.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Let's have a short break. Which would you like to drink, coffee, juice or tea? W: A cup of tea please. How about you? M: Iced coffee as usual. It can keep my mind sharp.
Question: What drink will the man take? - Coffee. - Juice. - Tea.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Let's have a short break. Which would you like to drink, coffee, juice or tea? W: A cup of tea please. How about you? M: Iced coffee as usual. It can keep my mind sharp. Question: What drink will the man take? - Coffee. - Juice. - Tea.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Today on mind matters, I'm talking to Dr Ann Winters, an expert on human memory.. Ann, welcome to the program. Now, I suppose the first question everyone would ask is: what exactly is human memory? W: Well, like so many easy questions, the answer isn't very simple. Basically, human memory is a compartment in people's brains where they store images rather like the hard disc drive in a computer. And like a hard disc drive, our memories can become infected or even wiped out by accidents. But the comparison breaks down when we consider that we can train our memories to expand and work better which computers can't manage yet. M: When you talk about memory being infected, do you mean by a disease? W: Yes. For instance, people suffering from a physiological disease like Alzheimer: forget things that happened in the past. And they also forget how to perform simple tasks like tying their shoelaces. The good news is that brain exercises can help keep the brain young. Research has shown that people who have better educations and more mentally active jobs have a lower risk of developing the disease. M: And how can someone exercise his brain? By thinking a lot? W: In a way, yes. But you can also practice using your memory which not only exercises your brain but also improves you ability to remember things. Unfortunately, a lot of devices in modern life are designed to make sure we don't forget things which can make our brains more idle and weaken our memories. M: Can you give us some examples of how to exercise our memories? W: Sure, there is a very simple technique, although it works better for some people than for others. When you want to remember something, think of a physical thing it reminds you of. If I want to remember a date from history, let's say, 1066, the date of the Battle of Hastings. I might think that battle reminds me of bottle, so I think of a bottle with the number 1066 written on the label. And I just picture that bottle to myself.
Question: What are we told about people suffering from Alzheimer's disease? - They don't understand the mechanisms of memory. - They can't remember who they are. - They forget how to perform simple tasks.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Today on mind matters, I'm talking to Dr Ann Winters, an expert on human memory.. Ann, welcome to the program. Now, I suppose the first question everyone would ask is: what exactly is human memory? W: Well, like so many easy questions, the answer isn't very simple. Basically, human memory is a compartment in people's brains where they store images rather like the hard disc drive in a computer. And like a hard disc drive, our memories can become infected or even wiped out by accidents. But the comparison breaks down when we consider that we can train our memories to expand and work better which computers can't manage yet. M: When you talk about memory being infected, do you mean by a disease? W: Yes. For instance, people suffering from a physiological disease like Alzheimer: forget things that happened in the past. And they also forget how to perform simple tasks like tying their shoelaces. The good news is that brain exercises can help keep the brain young. Research has shown that people who have better educations and more mentally active jobs have a lower risk of developing the disease. M: And how can someone exercise his brain? By thinking a lot? W: In a way, yes. But you can also practice using your memory which not only exercises your brain but also improves you ability to remember things. Unfortunately, a lot of devices in modern life are designed to make sure we don't forget things which can make our brains more idle and weaken our memories. M: Can you give us some examples of how to exercise our memories? W: Sure, there is a very simple technique, although it works better for some people than for others. When you want to remember something, think of a physical thing it reminds you of. If I want to remember a date from history, let's say, 1066, the date of the Battle of Hastings. I might think that battle reminds me of bottle, so I think of a bottle with the number 1066 written on the label. And I just picture that bottle to myself. Question: What are we told about people suffering from Alzheimer's disease? - They don't understand the mechanisms of memory. - They can't remember who they are. - They forget how to perform simple tasks.
They forget how to perform simple tasks.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Driving at night always makes me tired. Let's stop for dinner. W: Fine. And let's find a motel, so that we can get an early start tomorrow.
Question: What will the speakers probably do? - Cook their dinner. - Rest for a while. - Stop for the night.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Driving at night always makes me tired. Let's stop for dinner. W: Fine. And let's find a motel, so that we can get an early start tomorrow. Question: What will the speakers probably do? - Cook their dinner. - Rest for a while. - Stop for the night.
Stop for the night.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hello. Can I help you? M: Yes, er... I am going to see the West End. W: How much time do you have? M: Just one day. W: Well, what do you particularly want to do? M: I want to visit museums, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater... W: But you only have one day! M: That's right. W: Well, you can go shopping in the morning. M: Where? W: In Oxford Street. M: How do I get there? W: You can walk through Hyde Park. It's quite near. M: Good. What time do the shops open? W: At nine. M: Are there any restaurants in Oxford Street? W: Yes, there are lots. You can have lunch there. M: Are there any museums near Oxford Street? W: Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon. M: Good, What time does it close? W: At five. M: I want to go to the theater in the evening. W: Well, there are many theaters near there. M: Where? W: In Shaftsbury Avenue. You can take a bus from the British Museum. M: Perfect. Thanks for your help. W: You're welcome. Have a good time!
Question: What city is being talked about in the dialogue? - Oxford. - London. - Shaftsbury.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Hello. Can I help you? M: Yes, er... I am going to see the West End. W: How much time do you have? M: Just one day. W: Well, what do you particularly want to do? M: I want to visit museums, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater... W: But you only have one day! M: That's right. W: Well, you can go shopping in the morning. M: Where? W: In Oxford Street. M: How do I get there? W: You can walk through Hyde Park. It's quite near. M: Good. What time do the shops open? W: At nine. M: Are there any restaurants in Oxford Street? W: Yes, there are lots. You can have lunch there. M: Are there any museums near Oxford Street? W: Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon. M: Good, What time does it close? W: At five. M: I want to go to the theater in the evening. W: Well, there are many theaters near there. M: Where? W: In Shaftsbury Avenue. You can take a bus from the British Museum. M: Perfect. Thanks for your help. W: You're welcome. Have a good time! Question: What city is being talked about in the dialogue? - Oxford. - London. - Shaftsbury.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: John, my dad's new MP3 player seems to be missing. Did you move it? M: No, I didn't. Isn't it right next to the computer? W: No, and I don't see it anywhere. I have the feeling one of our party guests took it. M: Really? What are you going to do now? W: I'll just tell my parents what happened, I guess. M: Then they'll know you had people over without permission. Won't they be angry about that? W: Probably. I wish I'd done that from the start, instead of keeping my plans secret. They'd have said no to a party, and the MP3 player would still be here.
Question: Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player? - The girl. - The boy. - One of the girl's guests.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: John, my dad's new MP3 player seems to be missing. Did you move it? M: No, I didn't. Isn't it right next to the computer? W: No, and I don't see it anywhere. I have the feeling one of our party guests took it. M: Really? What are you going to do now? W: I'll just tell my parents what happened, I guess. M: Then they'll know you had people over without permission. Won't they be angry about that? W: Probably. I wish I'd done that from the start, instead of keeping my plans secret. They'd have said no to a party, and the MP3 player would still be here. Question: Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player? - The girl. - The boy. - One of the girl's guests.
One of the girl's guests.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Heather: Hi, Tim. [Hi] I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family. He was such a great man. Tim: Thanks. As you know, he had been sick for some time before he passed away, so we were somewhat prepared. Heather: So, how's your mom taking it? Tim: Oh, it's been really hard on her. I don't think you get over something like that. Heather: Yeah, I'm sure. My heart really goes out to her. [Thanks.] Uh, so how's your mom going to be able to manage things alone? Tim: Well, financially, mom will be able to live a secure life from now on. I mean, Dad had life insurance and substantial investments in property and stocks, so returns on those should take care of her. [That's good to hear.] But our main concern at this moment is her emotional state. [Yeah.] She's really down, so a call now and again should brighten her day. Heather: So, what are the funeral arrangements? The obituary in the paper didn't mention much about the funeral. Tim: Well, some of the family members will get together on Tuesday morning for a private memorial service, but there will be a viewing in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00, followed by the funeral service. One of my uncles will be giving the eulogy. Heather: I wish there was something I could do you. * Tim: Well, actually, there is. [Oh?]. You know, Dad really admired you a lot, and before he died, he asked if you'd sing a musical number at the funeral. Heather: Really? I'd be honored. Tim: It would really mean a lot to the family. Heather: Sure. Then, see you on Tuesday. Tim: Okay, see you then.
Question: How is his mother going to support herself now that her husband is gone? - She will be able to live off her government pension. - She is coming out of retirement to work. - Proceeds from life insurance will sustain her.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Heather: Hi, Tim. [Hi] I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family. He was such a great man. Tim: Thanks. As you know, he had been sick for some time before he passed away, so we were somewhat prepared. Heather: So, how's your mom taking it? Tim: Oh, it's been really hard on her. I don't think you get over something like that. Heather: Yeah, I'm sure. My heart really goes out to her. [Thanks.] Uh, so how's your mom going to be able to manage things alone? Tim: Well, financially, mom will be able to live a secure life from now on. I mean, Dad had life insurance and substantial investments in property and stocks, so returns on those should take care of her. [That's good to hear.] But our main concern at this moment is her emotional state. [Yeah.] She's really down, so a call now and again should brighten her day. Heather: So, what are the funeral arrangements? The obituary in the paper didn't mention much about the funeral. Tim: Well, some of the family members will get together on Tuesday morning for a private memorial service, but there will be a viewing in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00, followed by the funeral service. One of my uncles will be giving the eulogy. Heather: I wish there was something I could do you. * Tim: Well, actually, there is. [Oh?]. You know, Dad really admired you a lot, and before he died, he asked if you'd sing a musical number at the funeral. Heather: Really? I'd be honored. Tim: It would really mean a lot to the family. Heather: Sure. Then, see you on Tuesday. Tim: Okay, see you then. Question: How is his mother going to support herself now that her husband is gone? - She will be able to live off her government pension. - She is coming out of retirement to work. - Proceeds from life insurance will sustain her.
Proceeds from life insurance will sustain her.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: How do you like your new room, Jane? W: It's not big; the rent is high. And I'm far away from work. But I enjoy myself very much. M: Why? W: I am able to get rid of that annoying roommate at last.
Question: Why is the woman happy? - Her present rent is much lower. - She has left her former roommate. - She has got rid of her dull work.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: How do you like your new room, Jane? W: It's not big; the rent is high. And I'm far away from work. But I enjoy myself very much. M: Why? W: I am able to get rid of that annoying roommate at last. Question: Why is the woman happy? - Her present rent is much lower. - She has left her former roommate. - She has got rid of her dull work.
She has left her former roommate.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Oh, hi, Linda. I'm glad I've caught you. W: Hi, Chris. M: I'm having a party this Saturday. I've just moved into a new flat. We're starting at about five thirty. Can you come? W: I'd love to. Thank you very much. M: Here's my new address. W: Thanks. Church Street, Randwick. M: Right. The party's at five thirty p.m. W: I won't forget, and I'll be there in time. M: See you then. W: Bye.
Question: Where is the man living? - Church Street, Randwick. - Randwick Street, Church. - Walter Street, Randwick.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Oh, hi, Linda. I'm glad I've caught you. W: Hi, Chris. M: I'm having a party this Saturday. I've just moved into a new flat. We're starting at about five thirty. Can you come? W: I'd love to. Thank you very much. M: Here's my new address. W: Thanks. Church Street, Randwick. M: Right. The party's at five thirty p.m. W: I won't forget, and I'll be there in time. M: See you then. W: Bye. Question: Where is the man living? - Church Street, Randwick. - Randwick Street, Church. - Walter Street, Randwick.
Church Street, Randwick.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Why is it so hot these days? M: The weather report says another typhoon is forming in the western Pacific and is moving towards the mainland. W: That's why it's burning hot these days. By the way, will our city be hit by the typhoon? M: I'm afraid so. It will hit our city on its way towards the mainland. W: When will it arrive? M: It is expected to arrive here tomorrow evening. W: So we must be prepared for it. M: Yes. The government has warned the fishermen not to go fishing too far out to sea, and told all citizens not to stay out when the typhoon arrives. I'm afraid it will cause a serious damage. We'll have to be careful.
Question: Where is the typhoon expected to come from? - The mainland. - The western Pacific. - The man's city.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Why is it so hot these days? M: The weather report says another typhoon is forming in the western Pacific and is moving towards the mainland. W: That's why it's burning hot these days. By the way, will our city be hit by the typhoon? M: I'm afraid so. It will hit our city on its way towards the mainland. W: When will it arrive? M: It is expected to arrive here tomorrow evening. W: So we must be prepared for it. M: Yes. The government has warned the fishermen not to go fishing too far out to sea, and told all citizens not to stay out when the typhoon arrives. I'm afraid it will cause a serious damage. We'll have to be careful. Question: Where is the typhoon expected to come from? - The mainland. - The western Pacific. - The man's city.
The western Pacific.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Dean: Hey, man. What's up? Tod: Ah, first of all, I put a buck in the vending machine for a seventy-five cent candy bar, and the thing got stuck here in the machine. Then, I pressed the change button [Ah, man], and nothing happened. [Wow!] Nothing came out. The dumb thing still owes me a quarter. Dean: Well, did you talk to the man at the snack bar to see if he could refund your money? Tod: Yeah, I tried that, but he said he didn't own the machine, and I'd have to call the phone number on the machine. Dean: What a bummer. Tod: Hey, I have an idea. [What?] Why don't we rock the machine back and forth until the candy bar falls? Dean: Nothing doing. I don't want to be responsible for breaking the thing, and besides, someone might call the cops. Tod: Ah, don't worry. I've done it before. Tod: Oh well. Hey, hey, tough luck. Hey, here, take my candy bar. [You mean?] Yeah, the machine and I hit it off earlier today.
Question: Why can't the cashier at the snack bar help the man? - The vending machine is not part of his business. - The customer pushed the wrong number. - He doesn't have a key to open the machine.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Dean: Hey, man. What's up? Tod: Ah, first of all, I put a buck in the vending machine for a seventy-five cent candy bar, and the thing got stuck here in the machine. Then, I pressed the change button [Ah, man], and nothing happened. [Wow!] Nothing came out. The dumb thing still owes me a quarter. Dean: Well, did you talk to the man at the snack bar to see if he could refund your money? Tod: Yeah, I tried that, but he said he didn't own the machine, and I'd have to call the phone number on the machine. Dean: What a bummer. Tod: Hey, I have an idea. [What?] Why don't we rock the machine back and forth until the candy bar falls? Dean: Nothing doing. I don't want to be responsible for breaking the thing, and besides, someone might call the cops. Tod: Ah, don't worry. I've done it before. Tod: Oh well. Hey, hey, tough luck. Hey, here, take my candy bar. [You mean?] Yeah, the machine and I hit it off earlier today. Question: Why can't the cashier at the snack bar help the man? - The vending machine is not part of his business. - The customer pushed the wrong number. - He doesn't have a key to open the machine.
The vending machine is not part of his business.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hurry. It is coming! W: We must take this one, otherwise we'll have to wait for another ten minutes.
Question: What are they trying to do? - Waiting for their fight. - Waiting for a bus. - Taking a taxi.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hurry. It is coming! W: We must take this one, otherwise we'll have to wait for another ten minutes. Question: What are they trying to do? - Waiting for their fight. - Waiting for a bus. - Taking a taxi.
Waiting for a bus.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me, is it far from here to hospital? F: No, not at all. It takes nearly 2 minutes to get there on foot.
Question: Will the man walk a long way? - Yes, he must walk for 30 minutes. - No, he still need to walk 10 minutes. - No, he only need to walk 2 minutes.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Excuse me, is it far from here to hospital? F: No, not at all. It takes nearly 2 minutes to get there on foot. Question: Will the man walk a long way? - Yes, he must walk for 30 minutes. - No, he still need to walk 10 minutes. - No, he only need to walk 2 minutes.
No, he only need to walk 2 minutes.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: How was your vacation last month? M: It was nice but expensive. We thought the hotel would cost 15 dollars, but it was three times that much.
Question: How much did the hotel cost? - 5 dollars. - 15 dollars. - 45 dollars.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: How was your vacation last month? M: It was nice but expensive. We thought the hotel would cost 15 dollars, but it was three times that much. Question: How much did the hotel cost? - 5 dollars. - 15 dollars. - 45 dollars.
45 dollars.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hurry up, Mum. The taxi is waiting outside. W: Just a second, honey. I'll get some food in the kitchen. The meals on the train are terrible.
Question: Where are the speakers going? - To a shop. - To the railway station. - To a restaurant.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hurry up, Mum. The taxi is waiting outside. W: Just a second, honey. I'll get some food in the kitchen. The meals on the train are terrible. Question: Where are the speakers going? - To a shop. - To the railway station. - To a restaurant.
To the railway station.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I love bananas. They're my favorite fruit. What about you? W: Strawberries are my favorite summer fruit, but I just love eating apples in the winter. I try to eat one every day!
Question: What does the woman probably like to eat in summer? - Bananas. - Apples. - Strawberries.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I love bananas. They're my favorite fruit. What about you? W: Strawberries are my favorite summer fruit, but I just love eating apples in the winter. I try to eat one every day! Question: What does the woman probably like to eat in summer? - Bananas. - Apples. - Strawberries.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: So you are leaving for the U. S. tonight? M: Don't ask. I am not going. W: Why? M: Because I have to stay here for a meeting with my boss. W: Oh, well, never mind. Now you can come to Helen's party tonight.
Question: How is the man feeling? - Disappointed. - Encouraged. - Delighted.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: So you are leaving for the U. S. tonight? M: Don't ask. I am not going. W: Why? M: Because I have to stay here for a meeting with my boss. W: Oh, well, never mind. Now you can come to Helen's party tonight. Question: How is the man feeling? - Disappointed. - Encouraged. - Delighted.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Dan: Hey. Paul. Thanks for coming on this hunting trip with me. When my friend came down with the flu and couldn't make it, your sister wasn't going to let me go alone. You know, for safety reasons. Paul: Yeah, well, as you know, I really don't like to hunt. [That's okay!] But I only came because my sister twisted my arm.[Ah, that's okay!] I didn't realize I was marrying into a family of hunters. Dan: Shh. Quiet. I can see some deer down there, I think. You'll scare the deer away. They have a great sense of hearing and smell, so we have to remain out of sight. Paul: Well, as you know, I really don't eat much meat ... Dan: You don't have to eat it. I'll take care of that. Just get ready. As soon as the sun comes up in a few minutes, you can often see the deer down in that meadow. You see that stream down there. [Yeah. ]We just need to quietly get a little closer. Paul: Uh, Dan. How about if I just wait here and watch, you know, watch our stuff? Dan: No, man. We'll have a better chance at bagging a deer if we're together. Paul: Uh, man, I forgot my ammo back at the truck. What a bummer! I guess I'll just have to sit here and watch. Dan: Are you crazy? Here. Take these shells and load your rifle. Taken 'em. Take 'em. Paul: Uh. [cough, cough, cough ..] Hey deer. If you're out there, run! Dan: What are you doing? Cut it out! There's a huge deer now. Ah, he's mine! Watch this! Paul: Run, Bambi. Dan: [Bang, bang, bang.] What did you do that for? Paul: Yes, [looking confused ...] Why are you reloading? They're gone. Dan: Stand around here for much longer, and you'll see. Any last words?
Question: Which thing does NOT happen in the conversation? - Paul wants to go back to their vehicle to get shells for his gun. - Dan threatens to shoot Paul for his unwanted actions. - They are able to take down a large deer.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Dan: Hey. Paul. Thanks for coming on this hunting trip with me. When my friend came down with the flu and couldn't make it, your sister wasn't going to let me go alone. You know, for safety reasons. Paul: Yeah, well, as you know, I really don't like to hunt. [That's okay!] But I only came because my sister twisted my arm.[Ah, that's okay!] I didn't realize I was marrying into a family of hunters. Dan: Shh. Quiet. I can see some deer down there, I think. You'll scare the deer away. They have a great sense of hearing and smell, so we have to remain out of sight. Paul: Well, as you know, I really don't eat much meat ... Dan: You don't have to eat it. I'll take care of that. Just get ready. As soon as the sun comes up in a few minutes, you can often see the deer down in that meadow. You see that stream down there. [Yeah. ]We just need to quietly get a little closer. Paul: Uh, Dan. How about if I just wait here and watch, you know, watch our stuff? Dan: No, man. We'll have a better chance at bagging a deer if we're together. Paul: Uh, man, I forgot my ammo back at the truck. What a bummer! I guess I'll just have to sit here and watch. Dan: Are you crazy? Here. Take these shells and load your rifle. Taken 'em. Take 'em. Paul: Uh. [cough, cough, cough ..] Hey deer. If you're out there, run! Dan: What are you doing? Cut it out! There's a huge deer now. Ah, he's mine! Watch this! Paul: Run, Bambi. Dan: [Bang, bang, bang.] What did you do that for? Paul: Yes, [looking confused ...] Why are you reloading? They're gone. Dan: Stand around here for much longer, and you'll see. Any last words? Question: Which thing does NOT happen in the conversation? - Paul wants to go back to their vehicle to get shells for his gun. - Dan threatens to shoot Paul for his unwanted actions. - They are able to take down a large deer.
They are able to take down a large deer.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm really surprised you got an A on the test; you didn't seem to have done a lot of reading. W: Now you know why I never missed the lecture.
Question: What contributes to the woman's high score? - Attending every lecture. - Doing lots of homework. - Reading very extensively.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm really surprised you got an A on the test; you didn't seem to have done a lot of reading. W: Now you know why I never missed the lecture. Question: What contributes to the woman's high score? - Attending every lecture. - Doing lots of homework. - Reading very extensively.
Attending every lecture.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Look at all the pollutants going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get that under control? M: Now with the new laws in effect and social awareness increasing, we are sure to turn things around.
Question: What does the man mean? - New laws are yet to be made to reduce pollutant release. - Pollution has attracted little attention from the public. - The quality of air will surely change for the better.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Look at all the pollutants going into the air from those factories. Do you think they'll ever get that under control? M: Now with the new laws in effect and social awareness increasing, we are sure to turn things around. Question: What does the man mean? - New laws are yet to be made to reduce pollutant release. - Pollution has attracted little attention from the public. - The quality of air will surely change for the better.
The quality of air will surely change for the better.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You know that in China all the children should go to school and must finish the primary and junior school. It's the law. W: Yes, I know this quite well. But still there are some children who can't go to school because of their poverty. M: Yes, it's a matter of money. You see, education here is not completely free for the students. If it were so it would cost the government too much money. W: Do all parents send their children to state schools? M: Yes, nearly all of them. If you are rich, you may prefer to send your children to private schools, but it takes a lot of money.
Question: Why some people sent their children to private schools? - Because they think state schools too crowded. - Because they have enough money. - Because they only have faith in these schools.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: You know that in China all the children should go to school and must finish the primary and junior school. It's the law. W: Yes, I know this quite well. But still there are some children who can't go to school because of their poverty. M: Yes, it's a matter of money. You see, education here is not completely free for the students. If it were so it would cost the government too much money. W: Do all parents send their children to state schools? M: Yes, nearly all of them. If you are rich, you may prefer to send your children to private schools, but it takes a lot of money. Question: Why some people sent their children to private schools? - Because they think state schools too crowded. - Because they have enough money. - Because they only have faith in these schools.
Because they have enough money.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hi, Johanna! Are you interested in going to an Art Exhibition on Sunday? A friend of mine is showing some of her paintings there. It's the opening night. Free drinks and food! W: Well, actually, I don't have anything planned. It sounds kind of fun!
Question: What did the man invite the woman to do on Sunday? - Go to an art exhibition. - Attend the opening night of a play. - Dine out with an old friend.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Hi, Johanna! Are you interested in going to an Art Exhibition on Sunday? A friend of mine is showing some of her paintings there. It's the opening night. Free drinks and food! W: Well, actually, I don't have anything planned. It sounds kind of fun! Question: What did the man invite the woman to do on Sunday? - Go to an art exhibition. - Attend the opening night of a play. - Dine out with an old friend.
Go to an art exhibition.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm really mad at Mom and Dad. W: Why? What did they do? M: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this ugly raincoat. W: Oh, come on! It's a beautiful raincoat. M: I don't care! I wanted a leather jacket. I tried on Bill's, and I looked great in it. W: You know a leather jacket is expensive. Maybe they didn't have enough money. M: I want to return it and get a leather jacket! All my friends have leather jackets. W: They don't all have leather jackets. M: Anyway, on your birthday Mom and Dad gave you what you asked for! W: That's true, but all I asked for was a pair of new jeans! M: I hate this raincoat. W: All right, how much is a leather jacket? M: If I return this raincoat, I only need another $ 50. W: OK. I'll lend you the $ 50, but you have to pay me back. M: Great! I'll pay you back, sis!
Question: What did Mom and Dad give the boy for his birthday? - A raincoat. - A leather jacket. - A pair of jeans.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm really mad at Mom and Dad. W: Why? What did they do? M: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this ugly raincoat. W: Oh, come on! It's a beautiful raincoat. M: I don't care! I wanted a leather jacket. I tried on Bill's, and I looked great in it. W: You know a leather jacket is expensive. Maybe they didn't have enough money. M: I want to return it and get a leather jacket! All my friends have leather jackets. W: They don't all have leather jackets. M: Anyway, on your birthday Mom and Dad gave you what you asked for! W: That's true, but all I asked for was a pair of new jeans! M: I hate this raincoat. W: All right, how much is a leather jacket? M: If I return this raincoat, I only need another $ 50. W: OK. I'll lend you the $ 50, but you have to pay me back. M: Great! I'll pay you back, sis! Question: What did Mom and Dad give the boy for his birthday? - A raincoat. - A leather jacket. - A pair of jeans.
A raincoat.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: It seems you've burned yourself out. M: Pardon. I'm afraid I didn't quite catch you. W: You look tired. You must have overworked yourself. M: Yes, a little bit. I've been hitting the books all these days. W: Why have you been studying so hard? M: I need to review my English. W: So that's what keeps you so busy recently! M: Yes, I've been tied up with my studies. Now, what worries me a lot is my English. W: But why? Your English is very good. M: Thank you. You are very kind. W: No, I'm telling the truth. As an American, I understand you quite well. M: It's very kind of you to say so.
Question: What makes the man feel tired? - Working in the sun. - Carrying the woman's books. - Going over his English.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: It seems you've burned yourself out. M: Pardon. I'm afraid I didn't quite catch you. W: You look tired. You must have overworked yourself. M: Yes, a little bit. I've been hitting the books all these days. W: Why have you been studying so hard? M: I need to review my English. W: So that's what keeps you so busy recently! M: Yes, I've been tied up with my studies. Now, what worries me a lot is my English. W: But why? Your English is very good. M: Thank you. You are very kind. W: No, I'm telling the truth. As an American, I understand you quite well. M: It's very kind of you to say so. Question: What makes the man feel tired? - Working in the sun. - Carrying the woman's books. - Going over his English.
Going over his English.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, Blackwood Sports Club. Can I help you? M: Yes, I would like to order a set of golf clubs, please. Can you deliver them to my house? W: Yes, certainly. Just let me get the order form here and I'll take down your information. Can I have your name please? M: Bill White. W: And your membership number? M: It's G, 844-9192. W: Thank you. Now where would you like the golf clubs delivered? M: 89 Sea Road, Swansea. W: And could I get your email address and phone number please? M: My email address is My office number is 0782-403583 and you can reach me at home at 0782-624989. W: 0782-624989. Thank you.
Question: Where does he want them to be delivered? - To his office. - To his house. - To his club.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Good morning, Blackwood Sports Club. Can I help you? M: Yes, I would like to order a set of golf clubs, please. Can you deliver them to my house? W: Yes, certainly. Just let me get the order form here and I'll take down your information. Can I have your name please? M: Bill White. W: And your membership number? M: It's G, 844-9192. W: Thank you. Now where would you like the golf clubs delivered? M: 89 Sea Road, Swansea. W: And could I get your email address and phone number please? M: My email address is My office number is 0782-403583 and you can reach me at home at 0782-624989. W: 0782-624989. Thank you. Question: Where does he want them to be delivered? - To his office. - To his house. - To his club.
To his house.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class. W: You can't read just one. They say each presents a different theory.
Question: What does the woman tell the man he must do? - Read an article on political science. - Present a different theory to the class. - Read more than one article.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class. W: You can't read just one. They say each presents a different theory. Question: What does the woman tell the man he must do? - Read an article on political science. - Present a different theory to the class. - Read more than one article.
Read more than one article.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Do you like milk? M: No, I don't. I don't like it at all.
Question: What are they talking about? - About milk. - About a film. - About a song.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. W: Do you like milk? M: No, I don't. I don't like it at all. Question: What are they talking about? - About milk. - About a film. - About a song.
About milk.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. F: What does Miss Jenkins do? M: She's a nurse.
Question: Where should Miss Jenkins work in? - A school. - A hospital. - A company.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. F: What does Miss Jenkins do? M: She's a nurse. Question: Where should Miss Jenkins work in? - A school. - A hospital. - A company.
A hospital.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. F: I'm going to the Shanghai Grand Theatre. Where shall I get off? M: At the next stop.
Question: Where does this dialogue probably take place? - At the library. - In the hospital. - On a bus.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. F: I'm going to the Shanghai Grand Theatre. Where shall I get off? M: At the next stop. Question: Where does this dialogue probably take place? - At the library. - In the hospital. - On a bus.
On a bus.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I'd be glad to know if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see. W: Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world. We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing that. If it could possibly be arranged, how far is it from here? M: Only about 50 kilometers. Just an hour and a half's trip by car. We'll put down at the Great Wall then. W: Good! And we've heard quite a lot about the Summer Palace. We'd like to see that, too. M: All right, the Summer Palace, well, and there are a number of places that I think you'd find interesting, the Temple of Heaven, the Former Imperial Palaces and the Ming Tombs.
Question: Where does the woman specially want to visit? - The Summer Palace and the Great Wall. - The Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs. - The Great Wall and the Temple of Heaven.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I'd be glad to know if you have anything special in mind that you'd like to see. W: Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world. We wouldn't want to leave China without seeing that. If it could possibly be arranged, how far is it from here? M: Only about 50 kilometers. Just an hour and a half's trip by car. We'll put down at the Great Wall then. W: Good! And we've heard quite a lot about the Summer Palace. We'd like to see that, too. M: All right, the Summer Palace, well, and there are a number of places that I think you'd find interesting, the Temple of Heaven, the Former Imperial Palaces and the Ming Tombs. Question: Where does the woman specially want to visit? - The Summer Palace and the Great Wall. - The Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs. - The Great Wall and the Temple of Heaven.
The Summer Palace and the Great Wall.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Steve: Hey, Ranae. Do you happen to know where the movie theater is downtown? The one near the hospital. Ranae: Yeah. Why do you want to know? Steve: Well, on Monday, I asked Jennifer out on a date for this coming Saturday night. Ranae: Wow. You've really been seeing a lot of her lately. Sounds great. Okay, write down these directions so you don't get lost. Steve: Okay, go ahead. Ranae: First, drive down 1st street going west, cross the river, and keep going straight until Pine Street. Steve: Until Pine Street, right? Ranae: Right. Then turn left, and the movie theater is the second building on the right. It's next to the church. Steve: Second building on the right. Got it. Now, can you recommend any nice restaurants? Ranae: Yeah. The Pink Flamingo serves excellent Spanish food. Steve: Well where's that? Ranae: Well, starting from the movie theater, go south on Pine Street, cross 2nd Street, and drive to 3rd Street. You'll see a parking lot on the left side of the street. Okay so far? Steve: A parking lot on the left. Okay. Then what? Ranae: Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east. The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side. I think it's open weekdays from 10:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night, but it stays open until midnight on the weekends. Steve: Okay, I think I've driven by there before. Oh, last thing. Where can I buy some flowers? We're going out to celebrate Jennifer's birthday. Ranae: Well the only florist I know is in front of the stadium on 2nd Street. Try that one. Steve: Great. Thanks a lot.
Question: Where is the restaurant located? - 6 - 11 - 14
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Steve: Hey, Ranae. Do you happen to know where the movie theater is downtown? The one near the hospital. Ranae: Yeah. Why do you want to know? Steve: Well, on Monday, I asked Jennifer out on a date for this coming Saturday night. Ranae: Wow. You've really been seeing a lot of her lately. Sounds great. Okay, write down these directions so you don't get lost. Steve: Okay, go ahead. Ranae: First, drive down 1st street going west, cross the river, and keep going straight until Pine Street. Steve: Until Pine Street, right? Ranae: Right. Then turn left, and the movie theater is the second building on the right. It's next to the church. Steve: Second building on the right. Got it. Now, can you recommend any nice restaurants? Ranae: Yeah. The Pink Flamingo serves excellent Spanish food. Steve: Well where's that? Ranae: Well, starting from the movie theater, go south on Pine Street, cross 2nd Street, and drive to 3rd Street. You'll see a parking lot on the left side of the street. Okay so far? Steve: A parking lot on the left. Okay. Then what? Ranae: Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east. The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side. I think it's open weekdays from 10:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night, but it stays open until midnight on the weekends. Steve: Okay, I think I've driven by there before. Oh, last thing. Where can I buy some flowers? We're going out to celebrate Jennifer's birthday. Ranae: Well the only florist I know is in front of the stadium on 2nd Street. Try that one. Steve: Great. Thanks a lot. Question: Where is the restaurant located? - 6 - 11 - 14
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Hey. How are you doing these days? Woman: Well, I'm okay, but Brandon isn't doing so well. Man: What do you mean? Woman: Well ..... I don't ... I don't know. It's kind of a strange situation. He was dating this girl ... you know Alex? He was dating her and then he ended up breaking up with her because she was using drugs, and ... Man: Oh, wow. Well, that was a good thing, right? Woman: Well, yeah, that was, but now she's really angry with him, and he's having all kinds of problems with her, like last week, she punched him in the face and in the groin at school. Right in front of everyone. Man: Oh, man! So, what did he do about it? Woman: Well, um ... she told him that if he said anything to a teacher, to the principal or anyone, she would get her friends to beat him up after school. Man: Man. This sounds really bad. I mean, you often think of men becoming aggressive toward women, but I guess it can go the other way. Woman: Yeah, yeah. You don't really think of this, but it happens, so um ... Man: So, what are you going to do about it? Woman: Well, first, Brandon said that, um, he was just going to let it go, but you know, he didn't want to cause any more problems ... Man: Yeah, I can see that. Woman: Then he decided that if she was doing that to do that to him and get away with it, she'd just do it to the next guy, so he went to the principal and the school police officer and reported everything, and now they're going to press assault charges against her. Man: So, isn't he worried about what her friends are going to do to him? Woman: Yeah, but he thinks that the other people in her group were just going along with her. [ Yeah. ] You know, I don't know. We'll see. They're probably frightened of what she might do to them. You know, she'll probably get suspended and have to go to court, but I don't know. He's kind of worried about some backlash. Man: I mean, people have to realize that you can't inflict violence on others, you know, in any type of relationship or friendship. Woman: Yeah,...
Question: What did his girlfriend do to Brandon? - She threw his books in the toilet. - She hit him hard in the face. - She crashed his car into a wall.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. Man: Hey. How are you doing these days? Woman: Well, I'm okay, but Brandon isn't doing so well. Man: What do you mean? Woman: Well ..... I don't ... I don't know. It's kind of a strange situation. He was dating this girl ... you know Alex? He was dating her and then he ended up breaking up with her because she was using drugs, and ... Man: Oh, wow. Well, that was a good thing, right? Woman: Well, yeah, that was, but now she's really angry with him, and he's having all kinds of problems with her, like last week, she punched him in the face and in the groin at school. Right in front of everyone. Man: Oh, man! So, what did he do about it? Woman: Well, um ... she told him that if he said anything to a teacher, to the principal or anyone, she would get her friends to beat him up after school. Man: Man. This sounds really bad. I mean, you often think of men becoming aggressive toward women, but I guess it can go the other way. Woman: Yeah, yeah. You don't really think of this, but it happens, so um ... Man: So, what are you going to do about it? Woman: Well, first, Brandon said that, um, he was just going to let it go, but you know, he didn't want to cause any more problems ... Man: Yeah, I can see that. Woman: Then he decided that if she was doing that to do that to him and get away with it, she'd just do it to the next guy, so he went to the principal and the school police officer and reported everything, and now they're going to press assault charges against her. Man: So, isn't he worried about what her friends are going to do to him? Woman: Yeah, but he thinks that the other people in her group were just going along with her. [ Yeah. ] You know, I don't know. We'll see. They're probably frightened of what she might do to them. You know, she'll probably get suspended and have to go to court, but I don't know. He's kind of worried about some backlash. Man: I mean, people have to realize that you can't inflict violence on others, you know, in any type of relationship or friendship. Woman: Yeah,... Question: What did his girlfriend do to Brandon? - She threw his books in the toilet. - She hit him hard in the face. - She crashed his car into a wall.
She hit him hard in the face.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: How are you doing with your essay, Mary? W: After two sleepless nights, I'm finally through with it.
Question: What do we learn from this conversation? - The man thought the essay was easy. - The woman had a hard time writing the essay. - The woman thought the essay was easy.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: How are you doing with your essay, Mary? W: After two sleepless nights, I'm finally through with it. Question: What do we learn from this conversation? - The man thought the essay was easy. - The woman had a hard time writing the essay. - The woman thought the essay was easy.
The woman had a hard time writing the essay.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. A: Good morning. Do you have any tickets left for this evening's performance? B: Let me just have a look. Well, there're a few seats left in the front stalls. How many tickets do you want? A: Just two. B: Yes, I can give you two in the third row. They are 39 pounds each. A: 39 pounds! I see. All right, I'll take them. B: That's 78 pounds altogether. You can come to pick them up by 6:30.
Question: What's the total cost of the tickets? - 78 - 39 - 36
Read the following conversation and answer the question. A: Good morning. Do you have any tickets left for this evening's performance? B: Let me just have a look. Well, there're a few seats left in the front stalls. How many tickets do you want? A: Just two. B: Yes, I can give you two in the third row. They are 39 pounds each. A: 39 pounds! I see. All right, I'll take them. B: That's 78 pounds altogether. You can come to pick them up by 6:30. Question: What's the total cost of the tickets? - 78 - 39 - 36
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So how were your schooldays when you were a child, Joan? W: Well, from seven to twelve I went to a school in Belgium. M: In Belgium? How come? W: It was my father's idea. One of his friends was sending his daughter, and my father wanted to impress his friend so he decided to send me, too. M: Just to impress a friend? It's hard to believe. So what was it like? W: We had to get up early and go to church before class. And at mealtimes we just had to sit silently with our hands folded in our laps. And I wasn't allowed to speak English at all. I had to learn French but nobody taught me. I just had to sit in the lessons and try to understand. M: It's awful for a child of seven! W: And they were terribly strict about manners! I suppose that was one good thing. I had the most beautiful manners when I left.
Question: What does the woman think was a good thing at school? - Learning manners. - Studying by herself. - Going to church before class.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: So how were your schooldays when you were a child, Joan? W: Well, from seven to twelve I went to a school in Belgium. M: In Belgium? How come? W: It was my father's idea. One of his friends was sending his daughter, and my father wanted to impress his friend so he decided to send me, too. M: Just to impress a friend? It's hard to believe. So what was it like? W: We had to get up early and go to church before class. And at mealtimes we just had to sit silently with our hands folded in our laps. And I wasn't allowed to speak English at all. I had to learn French but nobody taught me. I just had to sit in the lessons and try to understand. M: It's awful for a child of seven! W: And they were terribly strict about manners! I suppose that was one good thing. I had the most beautiful manners when I left. Question: What does the woman think was a good thing at school? - Learning manners. - Studying by herself. - Going to church before class.
Learning manners.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What did you do after high school? W: I took a year off and went traveling. What about you? M: That sounds exciting. I just went straight to university afterwards.
Question: What did the man do after high school? - He went traveling. - He took a year off. - He went to university.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: What did you do after high school? W: I took a year off and went traveling. What about you? M: That sounds exciting. I just went straight to university afterwards. Question: What did the man do after high school? - He went traveling. - He took a year off. - He went to university.
He went to university.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Are men's suits on the seventh floor? W: NO, they are here, on sixth. Seventh are house wares.
Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place? - In a ware house. - In a gas station. - In a department store.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: Are men's suits on the seventh floor? W: NO, they are here, on sixth. Seventh are house wares. Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place? - In a ware house. - In a gas station. - In a department store.
In a department store.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 o'clock. W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30. She should be here at 5:15.
Question: What time did Suzy leave home? - 4:30. - 5:00. - 5:15.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 o'clock. W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30. She should be here at 5:15. Question: What time did Suzy leave home? - 4:30. - 5:00. - 5:15.
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm not feeling so well. W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better. If you don't, come back and see me.
Question: Who is the man possibly talking to? - A doctor. - A teacher. - His mother
Read the following conversation and answer the question. M: I'm not feeling so well. W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better. If you don't, come back and see me. Question: Who is the man possibly talking to? - A doctor. - A teacher. - His mother
A doctor.
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