the ultimate guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse a zombie apocalypse is an endoftheworld scenario in which both social order and government infrastructure have completely broken down as a result of the walking dead wreaking havoc and caus ing irreparable destruction while it is true that the notion of apocalypse or the end of the world has existed since the beginning of human civilization a zombie apocalypse is a uniquely horrifying situation that requires a certain set of skills supplies and knowledge
to survive what differentiates a zombie apocalypse from a runofthemill zombie uprising is its duration a zombie apocalypse is by its very definition forever its destruction is irrevocable and widespread on a global scale and it lasts as long as there is a single human brain left to consume a zombie uprising is temporary focusing on a smalltomedium number of zombies attacking a single human population and is typically put down by military means every zombie uprising or zombie attack has the potential to
turn into a zombie apocalypse if not dealt with in an expedient manner it is important to recognize the tipping point where a zombie uprising becomes a zombie apocalypse and prepare accordingly the information in this book can help you sur vive a shortterm zombie uprising but the main thrust of this work is the worstcase scenario there is no cavalry on the horizon coming to save you at the last minute and you have to live every day in the shadow of the unquiet dead it is the end of the world as you know
it—are you prepared what is the difference between a zombie apocalypse and armageddon for the purposes of this book we will define armageddon as the end of the world caused by armed conflict or environmentalnatural catastrophe this can run the gamut of nuclearwar scenarios between superpowers to massive and immediate global warming—caused disasters it is the setting of movies like mel gibson ' s mad max and novels like cormac mccarthy ' s the road and it is what most people think of when they consider the
term " armageddon " one major difference between armageddon and a zombie apocalypse is that zombies are not known to operate weapons at all let alone ones powerful enough to destroy large structures a nuclearwar scenario typically includes the wholesale eradication of major cities and military targets with the subse quent radioactive fallout from the bombs them selves this fallout radioactive dust thrown into the the ultimate guide to surviving a zombb apocalypse during a zombie apocalypse both social
order and government infrastructure will break down completely illustration by martin reimann what is a zombib apocalypse atmosphere can have catastrophically damaging effects on the environment for months if not years poisonous rain cancercausing agents leaching into the soil and gigantic ash clouds resulting in years long nuclear winter luckily in a zombie apoca lypse you won ' t have to worry too much about that some illprepared governments may decide to keep a largescale zombie uprising from becoming a
zombie apocalypse through the use of nuclear weapons but it is not likely that a nucleararmed country would completely destroy itself in this fash ion aside from one or two municipalities unwisely destroyed by a nukehappy military most cities towns and buildings will be rel atively intact during a zombie apocalypse this is a very good thing scavenging for supplies in abandoned structures will become your new career for quite some time another signifi cant differentiating factor is that you will not only
have to compete for resources with your fellow survivors but also have to live under the constant threat of becom ing a victim of the walk ing dead zombies don ' t get tired give up or heed pleas for mercy all they know is hunger and pursuit which means that your top priority will be selfprotec tion rather than the acquisition of food and shelter and there will be a lot more of them than there are of you no matter where you go history has shown that in times of crisis and civil unrest individuals don ' t
always band together to cooperatively overcome the threat in many cases they loot pillage rape and otherwise indulge in their most base desires beleaguered and beset by both the living and the undead you will need to learn a new way to live that puts personal defense before all other concerns in addition to the general strain and horror of being alive during the end of the world when it ' s likely that many if not all of your friends and family are dead a zombie apocalypse presents specific psy chological
and existential concerns that no other armageddon scenario begins to approach imagine having to kill a loved one who through disease or other process has become an undead creature bent on clawing you open and eating your brain your wife your child your best friend could you do it could you stick a gun into uncle george ' s once beloved now grunting slob bering hideous face and pull the trigger think carefully because hesitation kills eeror worse the dead wont stay dead dealing with these stresses as well
as the ter rifying imper manence of not only your survival situ ation but also the upending of the con cept of death itself can be more than some of us can there will be a lot more zombies than there are of you bear illustration by dierdra olin the ultimate guide to surviving a zobib apocalypse rs ny i kc one thing to remember about the undead they wont stay dead so youll have to fight them over and over unless you destroy the brain illustration by carlos machuca 4 what is a zombie apocalypse why do you
need a book to survive a zombie apocalypse most of you living in the twentyfirst century are not prepared to face a basic survival situation let alone the end of the world easy access to refrigerat ed food potable water from any spigot electrically powered machines that do our work for us and the social compact that keeps most people from murder ing each other over petty differences have made mod ern humanity relatively weak and soft today the driving forces to become physically fit are vanity and the
boosting of selfesteem rather than survival skills like woodworking smithing and weaving are prac ticed only occasionally as hobbies and hunting for food is a leisure activity done by people who can still drive a mile down the street to the local mcdonald ' s for a big mac if they don ' t bag any game the largest cities in america and countries around the world have deliberately disarmed their citizens making everyone a potential victim of violent predators this helpless ness in the face of true emergency
was brought into stark relief in the aftermath of hurncane katrina in 2005 many people who couldn ' t or wouldn ' t leave the gulf coast area during the storm sat and waited after it for the government to rescue them rather than trying to save themselves what happens when all of the trappings of civi lization are ruthlessly stripped away the electricity stops running and there ' s no easy way to preserve food or get water from the tap the law of the land becomes the law of the jungle might makes right just
making it through the day and night depends on the strength of your muscles the toughness of your will and the possession of skills that are no longer considered vital to survival like it or not the vast majority of you are simply illequipped for this con tingency and when you throw in the extra difficulty of defending yourself against hordes of ravenous zombies it will be a miracle if you last a week let alone a month your life expectancy has just dropped to next winter if you ' re lucky that ' s where
this book comes in what will see you through this horrible crisis is not only the knowledge of how to survive but also the confi dence such knowledge brings after reading this book you will learn ¢ the different classifications of zombies along with their strengths and weaknesses how to deal with the overall zombiecaused breakdown of society ¢ zombiefighting tactics and techniques how to find food water and shelter in a zombieoverrun world ¢ skills for dealing with other physical dangers such as rogue
government agencies zombie ani mals and your fellow surviving humans how to prepare a zombie bugout bag today a kit that will get you through that critical first week of a zombie apocalypse louis pasteur famously said " chance favors the prepared mind " while a cliché it is no less valid for that and in this new terrible world you will have to make your own luck and be prepared to cap italize on it with knowledge and skill practice and a little good fortune you can survive and even pre vail during a zombie
apocalypse why should you listen to me the clandestine nature of my previous employ ment has required me to use a pseudonym when writing this text my relevant background includes 30 years of military service with more than 10 years of teaching at the us army ' s sere survival evasion rescue and escape school riot control in highrisk environments overseas and combat in southeast asia the persian gulf and eastern europe after i was sidelined by injury i took a management position in private security for cern
the european organization of nuclear research while a nondisclosure agreement prohibits me from presenting any specifics regarding what i saw during my short tenure there i can and will say this the information in this book is more timely and urgent than you can possibly imagine credentials aside please give this text a thor ough read there will undoubtedly be some things in it that you are already aware of and others you do not believe despite that i urge you to keep an open mind and take what is offered
here to heart this is your survival guide and it may be the most impor tant book you will ever read good luck in the broadest definition a zombie is a reani mated corpse that while able to perform such sim ple tasks as chasing eating and killing people is nonetheless mostly nonsentient and unable to reason past a very primitive almost animalistic level their raison d ' étre is the consumption of living brain mat ter and they will stop at nothing to get it other names for zombies include zombi the undead
the walking dead the unquiet dead ghoul and revenant there are three types of zombies each of which has its own specific characteristics the viral zombie the supernatural zombie and the voodoo zombie viral zombie viral zombies are undead creatures created as a result of scientific effort this typically happens in one of three ways scientific experimentation with the sequencing of the human genome we now know more about the building blocks of life than at any time in recorded human history for decades
government agencies and privately funded labo ratories have been working in the fields of genetic experimentation human cloning dupli gies 94 2 fae delp dec aanass rt ty f pag — " " hy a bi i mf he wo eet a ¢ 621 busta alata ses ria at cation of body parts stemcell manipulation genetically modified crops and biomechanical implantation with this kind of research a little knowledge can be a very perilous thing and success can present a much greater danger than failure zombies created as a result of genetic
experimentation tend to be more grotesque and disturbing in appearance than a runofthemill walking corpse due to the mutation and warp ing of oncehealthy human tissue escaped viruschemical agent despite interna tional law prohibiting the research and develop ment of biological weapons supergerms and other vaccineresistant plagues are still being fashioned for national defense and personal profit the ageold desire to control one ' s fellow man has been invigorated by this kind of illegal scientific research
and what started out as a simple mindcontrol drug may through accident or design become something far more terrible zombies created through disease tend to be more numerous in the early stages of a zombie apocalypse due to a relatively quick incubation period and ease of pathogen transference it is a common belief that this type of zombie out break is the most likely to occur and become a worldwide problem the ultimate guide to surviving a zombb apocalypse viral zombies are undead creatures created as a
result of scientific effort or mishap illustration by carlos machuca 8 types of zombies extraterrestrial interference with billions of galaxies in the universe each one housing bil lions and billions of stars it would be ludicrous for us to assume that earth is the only planet in existence with intelligent life according to the most likely outcomes of the drake equation— the calculation of how many sentient potential ly communicating civilizations there are in the galaxy—there may be as many as 2000
intelli gent alien species out there just as a home owner might spray pesticide on a beehive to clear his porch of stinging insects a hostile extraterrestrial force may decide to take this planet for its own by turning its most evolved civilization against itself in an orgy of destruction this contingency however farfetched it may seem on the surface is not something to be ignored aliencreated zombies are little differ ent from the other kinds of viral undead in terms of appearance and danger to society
but they may be reinforced by alien technology thatis 4 impossible to defeat 7 supernatural zombie supernatural zombies are created through magical or otherwise unexplainable means while this can include voodoo as the creation agent the voodoo zombie is a different creature in many respects and deserves its own category the three ways supernatural zombies can be raised are ¢ human magicians the new age movement including wicca cabalism ritual magick and general practice of spirituality through tarot cards
pagan idols and selfhelp mantras has cre ated a huge underclass of ama teur magicians there are many supernatural phenomena some committed individuals have managed to pierce however imperfectly the veil between the living and the dead zombies raised in this fashion can be considered the sorcerous coun terparts to zombies created through the error of scientific experimentation vampires stories of vampires and vampirism have haunted the nightmares of humankind for millennia and it is possible that there is a
kernel of truth to these ancient legends vampires are generally considered to be the princes of the undead and have many powers and abilities far beyond the ken of mortal men a common power attributed to vam pires is the ability to partially raise the dead to do that have yet to be properly id explained through science and it very well may be that through the use of magic the supernatural zombies are created through magical or otherwise unexplainable dark arts or general sorcery means illustration by
carlos machuca the ultimate guide to surviving a tombie apocalypse 2 il sf le c onl vt re voodoo zombies have been created through incantation and powerful drugs by a practitioner of voodoo illustration by carlos machuca 10 types of zombies their bidding i¢ create zombies vampire created zombies are extremely frightening because they are under the active control of a hostile entity with particular designs aside from simple death and destruction demonic design the rise of postmodernism as a valid philosophy
spirituality over belief in god and the ascendancy of terrorist death cults in the middle east have eroded the very fabric of what is good right and truthful in human civilization many respected eschatologists and bible scholars have evidence to believe that the end times are right around the corner as the world god made turns upside down and inside out the laws of nature may become more fragile leading to a zombie apocalypse wrought by satan himself as a way to spread fear and horror demonraised zombies
are typically accompanied by other mon sters belched forth from the pits of hell and stink of brimstone as well as death voodoo zombie voodoo zombies have been created through incantation and powerful drugs by a practitioner of voodoo known as a bocor brought to popular attention by researcher wade davis in his seminal text the serpent and the rainbow voodoo zombies are not actually undead creatures but live humans put into a sorcerouschemical trance and forced to do the bocor ' s bidding it has also been
theorized that voodoo zombies are actually hosts for evil bodiless entities in a caribbean form of demonic possession it might not look as though this kind of zombie can become numerous enough to trigger the end of the world but consider this there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that government researchers have been studying haitian bocors for decades to create and standardize their methods of zombie creation if successful it shouldn ' t be too difficult to introduce concentrated zombie powder into
a municipal water supply and combine it with subliminally transmitted incantations broadcast over the public airways to create a nation of zombie slaves voodoo zombies are usually a little easier to defeat than the other kinds of zombies but are no less frightening and dangerous 11 characteristics all zombies share all zombies no matter how they were created share certain characteristics that separate them from the living human populace in most cases it shouldn ' t be very difficult to tell a zombie from a
normal person and zombies tend to stick out like sore thumbs in mixed groups these defining char acteristics include appearance due to their extremely limited mental capacity and existential condition zom bies have appalling personal hygiene their clothes will be ripped scuffed and generally dirty most zombies also exhibit seeping bleed ing and suppurating wounds of some kind including skeletal fractures breaking through the skin open sores unhealed gashes and missing teeth or digits this is because
zombies are extremely clumsy and feel no pain from injuries so they often bump into things like walls and automobiles and trip over curbs and other obstacles because they are actually dead but still walking around hence undead they will stink of blood rotting flesh and human waste although they do not have to breathe to maintain their nightmarish existence many zombies make moaning or gobbling noises from their decaying throats and they almost never speak intelligently they feel cold to the touch or at
least room temperature and they do not have ' a measurable pulse in fact the best way to determine the difference between a homeless person and a zombie if you need to is to take his pulse ¢ disease zombies attract flies rats and other vermin that feed off their putrefying ambulato ry bodies these insects and rodents may then attach themselves to living hosts and transmit whatever illnesses the zombie when it was a living person may have been suffering hiv tuberculosis hepatitis or other dangerous
pathogens during their travels seeking human brains to eat zombies may inadvertently infect rivers streams and reservoirs causing the spread of intestinal parasites to those unlucky the ultimate guide to surviving a tombe apocalypse individuals who have not properly purified their drinking water luckily there are very few known cases of sexually transmitted diseases jumping from the undead to the living horror there is something deeply horrifying about the sight of a shuffling brainstarved undead creature
especially if it used to be someone you knew zombies are the very essence of terror and revulsion from their appalling appearance to their disgusting appetites certain psychically sensitive people are able to sense a zombie ' s proximity before it becomes physically visible which is a valuable survival trait appetite zombies always have a purpose and in most cases that purpose is to eat the brains or bodies of the living all modern cultures abhor cannibalism but this taboo no longer applies when you have
become one of the hun gry undead the majority of zombie types transmit their horrifying condition through bit ing which makes them doubly terrifying all they want to do is eat you and even if they don ' t succeed they can still turn you into a one of them with a single bite this hunger is their only reason to exist unless being commanded by a more powerful figure such as a vampire or demon and they seek to sate their appetites with a singlemindedness that makes them very difficult to overcome 12 stupidity
one of the main things that makes a zombie a zombie aside from being undead 1s its lack of intelligence zombies can not be rea soned with or frightened away nor will they communicate with you to tell you what they want they don ' t have longterm strategies and their only goal is to consume your brain some zombies will attempt to repeatedly perform activities that they habitually engaged in when they were living people but this is an unfortu nate result of neurons misfiring in their rotting gray matter
rather than the volition of a thinking mind the longer a zombie remains a zombie the more mindless it becomes toughness the only way to kill a zombie no matter how it was raised is to severely injure its brain decapitation works to put a zombie down as does a wellplaced bullet or arrow but it wont stop attacking you if you break its leg or stab it through the heart it doesn ' t have a circu latory system that keeps it going whatever it is that gives a zombie the ability to shamble and bite and slobber is
in its gray matter later on in this book you will learn combat techniques specifically designed to defeat zombies but the rule of thumb is to destroy its brain do that and it turns off like a light switch the world of the zombie apocalypse will be an alien and terrifying place despite its earlier famil larity and you need to know what will happen in it before you can develop a properly working survival plan do not put yourself in the mindset of making assumptions as a result of watching charlton heston in
the omega man or reading a selfhelp book on assertiveness and goal development understand and acknowledge that the world you once knew has gone completely crazy and that your survival is based on careful tactical planning rather than what you think should work because it worked before zombies over ran the world the anarchy and lawlessness that are part and parcel of a zombie apocalypse can be at least as dis quieting as having to fight the walking dead the cherished familiar people who were formerly your
friends and neighbors have suddenly become dan gerous competition for muchneeded resources when individuals realize that the police are no longer answering 911 calls theft and looting will become rampant even in your own neighborhood in a world with no hope where the dead literally walk the earth " apocalypse fever " will take hold freed from social and legal restraints many people will decide that they have nothing left to lose and will act on their basest most savage impulses that neighbor who ' s been
complaining about your dande lions spreading to his lawn may decide to settle the score with a 45 permanently those hoodlums across the street who ' ve been eyeing your teenage daughter for the last year the pedophilelooking man who lives alone in a house with the shades per petually drawn the camouflageclad slob with the unkempt yard who has screaming fights with his commonlaw wife every night all are potential ene mies when the rise of the walking dead breaks the social compact for equivalent examples
just look at the los angeles riots in 1992 the genocide in rwanda in 1994 and the postearthquake looting in haiti in 2010 people who have the luxury of living in a world where the dead stay quiet in their graves can label justified caution as paranoia and before you picked up this book you might have been one of them you have to look at things through the eyes of someone living in the world of a zombie apocalypse your life and your family ' s lives are now in constant danger do you trust any of these
people the acquaintances you happened to buy a house near that much consider how far you would go to keep your child from becoming a shuffling drooling filthcaked dead man ' s next meal or worse imagine then what your nextdoor neighbor would do to keep his kids the ultimate guide to surviving a tombie apocalypse during a zombie apocalypse civilization as we know it will disappear illustration by jennifer larson from a similar fate what wouldnt you do now take it further your entire neighborhood after all
the guy down the street has kids too now the town all those people have to eat now the state what are they going to do and you can hear it right out side your door the chaos the screams of the inno cent being eaten alive the groans of the undead as they break through windows to find new victims the police are dead the army is overwhelmed you and your family that is your new society 14 breakdown of government infrastructure the illusion of civilization with which we have surrounded ourselves can be npped
away in an instant by the broken fingernails of a horde of undead monsters municipal employees aren ' t going to risk their lives at the power plant to make sure you have hot showers during a zombie apocalypse and your local city council won ' t hold the line against the zombie threat with writs and meetings zombie apocalypse basics and ordinances we have become very used to a care and maintenance to keep them running it world that gives us instant service and gratification is almost impossible to estimate
when you will at the flip of a switch the press of a button or the lose power during a zombie apocalypse it may turn of a faucet public services you will have to be days or even weeks before the power goes learn to do without include out but go out it will permanently without electricity you won ' t have easy access to refrig ¢ electricity whether from coal plants nuclear eration light and heat gasolinepowered gen stations natural gas hydroelectric plants or erators while useful also generate a good bit of
windmills the vast majority of us get our elec undeadattracting noise and smoke and you tricity from public utilities that require constant have to have a constant supply of gas to power a mud don ' t expect to have any electricity—or any other public service—during a zombie apocalypse illustration by jennifer larson 15 the ultimate guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse them batteries eventually run out hand cranked radios and flashlights are good in a pinch but not always reliable or very powerful water
when the electricity goes out it is a good bet that the water will stop running as well one major concern is that most public water comes from aquifers reservoirs lakes and desalinization plants before it gets to your sinks and showers it goes through a disinfect ing and purification process that is powered by electricity if your water 1s pumped electrically it will just stop flowing altogether when the power goes out if it is pumped through gravity you may still get water when the electricity shuts off
but it may be unsafe to drink because of the lack of purification and filtering it is extremely difficult to put a bullet into a zom bie ' s brain when you can barely rise from stom ach cramps and explosive diarrhea brought on by drinking bad water telephone mobile phones require charged bat teries to work in addition to a network of elec trically powered towers to broadcast and amplify signals at the height of the zombie apocalypse when the terminally helpless most of the world will be calling anyone and
everyone for help for sympathy for anything your cell phone will become less than useless discard it and move on landlines may last a little longer but in many places the network will become over loaded with calls for emergency services that will never arrive because you have read this book you will already have a plan in place at the first hint of a zombie attack so you will not need a phone internet email the world wide web itunes and the entire useless network of computers chattering at each other about
nothing important will be the first things to come crashing down when the undead rise from their graves to destroy the world your internet service provider has better things to do than risk its employees ' lives making sure you can download the latest version of gears of war zombies don ' t care about youtube videos of dogs riding skateboards or the latest episode of desperate housewives out of all the things to be thinking 16 about during a zombie apocalypse is your facebook page that important
instituting martial law in the early stages of the zombie apocalypse at the tipping point just before a widespread zombie attack becomes impossible for the authorities to defend against it is a safe bet that your government will declare martial law polite synonyms for martial law include " state of emergency " and " emergency quarantine " but the effects are exactly the same martial law is declared when local authorities are deemed insufficient to maintain basic services and keep the public order during an
emergency situation what happens is that the military takes control of the country focusing on maintaining security above all else this is done of course with welltrained heavily armed soldiers backed up with all the weapons and materials they used to use to defend your country from outside forces your personal freedom is now a thing of the past and you have become subject to the uncompromising statutes of military rule living under a state of martial law is difficult enough but in those critical early
days and weeks of a zombie apocalypse an officially declared state of emergency presents a unique series of dangers that you will need to prepare for curfew the first thing that will be imposed dur ing martial law is a curfew which will consider ably limit your freedom to move it is most likely that in the beginning of its imposition this cur few will last from an hour before sundown to an hour after sunrise once the danger of the walk ing dead grows to epidemic proportions howev er you may be required to
stay in your home all day and night while the military tries to deal with the threat air raid sirens will usually signal the beginning and end of the day ' s curfew patrolling troops in military vehicles will enforce the curfew and depending on where you live the punishment for breaking curfew can range from a warning to imprisonment to summary execu tion the military wasn ' t put in charge tu keep you safe martial law was declared to keep the public order that means that your individual tombie apocalypse
basics rights have been severely curtailed and the mili tary ' s job is to shoot zombies and potential zom bies first and sift through the bodies afterward when a curfew has been established in your area your best choice of action is to hunker down and wait for the military to be overrun by the zombie hordes before making your escape a wellprepared home with reinforced doors and windows a longterm food and water supply and plenty of weapons for personal defense will be a safer place to be than dodging both
zombies and men in jeeps shooting at you because you ran out of aunt betty ' s insulin and had to raid a drugstore after lightsout rationing the curfew will affect groceries and other retail stores as well as individuals so supermarkets gas stations and pharmacies will be very crowded during the day and locked up tight at night deliveries from the warehouses will either be canceled or extremely restricted meaning that these mobbed stores will have fewer and fewer things to sell that is when food rationing
will begin the amount and vari ety of things you can buy will be lessened and prices will go through the roof your locale may institute ration cards in place of money this might tempt you to begin hoarding food and valuable supplies now before rationing starts which is far from a bad thing but be clever about it don ' t buy hundreds of cans of dinty moore stew from your local shop ' n ' save because that will draw unwanted attention spread out your purchases buy some supplies now at the local store then
drive two towns over and buy some more wait a few days before doing this at another place before long you will have a properly stocked pantry ready to nourish you when the entire town goes into lockdown for god ' s sake however tell no one about what you ' re doing and fi at the outset of a zombie apocalypse one of the first actions of the government will be the imposition of martial law illustration by dierdra olin what you ' re preparing for and make dead sure that your family also keeps mum the ultimate
guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse during martial law food hoarders are usually shot and their property is confiscated and dis tributed throughout the community for the com mon good what your neighbors and more important the army don ' t know won ' t hurt them or you during a state of emergency rationing might not be limited to just food services like electricity gas and water may also be restricted to certain hours to better keep the peace so pre pare to do without if you have to transportation where
you are allowed to travel will be quite limited once martial law is declared a perimeter will be established around your towncityarea and patrolled by men with assault rifles most nonessential businesses will be closed down who needs to get a haircut or go to a realtor ' s open house when cannibalistic undead are shuffling through the streets shopping for necessities will be allowed until it isn ' t medical offices will probably be open as well as hospitals and drugstores unless you ' re a doctor or
supermarket clerk you will have to have a good reason to be going somewhere dur ing martial law and if you don ' t you can be thrown in jail leaving town for any reason will require a permit of some kind this 1s why preparing now for a zombie apocalypse is so important you can ' t afford to run out of some thing vital and be unable to get to it because the army won ' t let you leave town internment for the sake of maintaining the pub lic order the military might order everyone into detention camps for the
duration of the emer gency whatever you do do not let them take you to a detention camp they ' re absolute death traps you will be dependent on the authorities for everything food water and your very safety don ' t forget that these are the same authorities who couldn ' t stop a simple zombie attack from becoming a widespread apocalypse—and they in fact might be responsible for the zombies in the first place what happens when the perime ter is breached and then overrun by the walking dead how can you
defend yourself let alone your family when you ' ve been disarmed and thrown into a pen with all the other sheep when the military begins rounding up your fel 18 low citizens to be placed in detention camps " for their own safety " hide in your zombie redoubt and wait for them to leave they won ' t spend hours searching your house when they have everyone else in town to gather up and imprison once you have avoided capture stay as quiet as possible during both day and night and do not use any devices
plugged into the electri cal outlets any government authorities monitor ing the grid will notice the power use and send teams of soldiers to investigate and this time they wili do a thorough job of searching the whole house the situation may arise where martial law is declared in your country or city but it is not enforced in your locale your country ' s military is a formidable force especially against civilians but its power is finite and the official lines of communica tion are likely to break down in a
real emergency this is especially true in rural areas in that case locally elected leaders may attempt to take control of all resources and individuals in your area using law enforcement as a private army this is very much a worstcase scenario within a worstcase sce nario a military under the control of a centralized government will at least in the early stages of a zombie apocalypse act in a way that is consistent with the rule of law honor and discipline are respected traits among those who serve
especially in the united states and soldiers take their responsi bilities very seriously they will be tough but fair a mayor city councilman or local captain of industry who has arrogated power to himself during a nation al emergency has no such controls his actions are limited only by his personal sense of ethics and in his mind might makes right if this should occur all the rules go out the win dow and you have just become a vassal of a tinpot dictator once you see that mayor brown is looking to become
warlord brown gather whatever supplies you can and flee ‘ immediately fighting zombies and a petty tyrant with a private army is a battle you can not win this is not just something you can ride out your friends and neighbors hungry for someone to shepherd them through the zombie crisis will wholeheartedly support their new leader in the zombie apocalypse basics interest of staying on the new master ' s good side theyll turn you in as a hoarder and dangerous ele ment in a heartbeat if you attempt to hunker
down and wait out the attack in your wellstocked base ment remember the section on societal breakdown and act in your best interests because everyone else will be doing the same you ' re on your own during a zombie apocalypse selfreliance is the only trait that matters when everything else has fallen apart it will be up to you to see yourself and your family through the unimaginable terror danger and uncertainty no one else can or will do it for you as a modern person living in the 21st century you tend to
watch what you do and analyze what you are doing as if from a distance instead of actual ly being in the moment and doing it you have become a spectator in your own life whether this is a consequence of watching too much television or relying overly on machines and contrivances to do the most basic tasks or simply a consequence of the times in which we live is immaterial what matters is that it is up to you to become an engaged and active participant in your own life and if you want to survive the zombie
apocalypse the time to do that is now don ' t wait for some future opportunity to gather resources and important information on basic lifesaving skills because by the time it becomes a priority your internet service provider will have already been murdered by teeming hordes of the undead the army can not save you and the police won ' t so it will be your primary responsibility to keep your family from dying of starvation being raped by roving bands of thugs or being eaten alive by zom bie cannibals many of
you would like to think that your instincts and skills for selfpreservation will suddenly " kick in " when they have to or that the worst things that can possibly happen won ' t happen to you but there are mass graves filled with millions of men and women who felt the same way in stalin ' s russia the great leap forward in china and nazi germany expressions like " at all costs " sound dra matic when spoken in polite company at a dinner party but when you ' re in the midst of a zombie apocalypse those three
words have a totemic almost magical quality it will be up to you to pro tect yourself at all costs this means that you must be willing to do whatever it takes to save yourself no matter how horrible or distasteful it may seem at the time if you work at it and make the effort to develop that vital trait of selfreliance the knowl edge of how to keep yourself alive when the world has fallen down around your ears and the physical skills to defend yourself and your loved ones from all comers alive or undead you
will prevail the proper mindset is key to survival you can develop this mindset in several ways visualization when you imagine success as you are confronted with life ' s challenges it becomes easier to make that success a reality when in a crowd or populated area visualize what might happen if person a should suddenly become a zombie and begin attacking people at random what would you do have you located and counted the exits how many people could you put between yourself and the " zombie " what weapons
are you carrying on your person right now what ' s nearby that could be used as an improvised zombiekilling tool prepare your self by not just imagining the worst but also fig uring out how you would prevail in these sce narios be harsh be realistic but don ' t set your self up for failure either ¢ will wanting to win is not the same as having the will to win building this up requires you to push yourself beyond what you thought your limits could be get out of your comfort zone break through your
selfcreated paradigm and challenge yourself every workout you engage in should completely exhaust you never hold anything back for the return trip when you play play hard but honorably you will never know what you are capable of until you test yourself and such testing must be as rigorous as possible without creating injury ¢ hardship knowing how much you can endure is an amazingly empowering thing sure you think you can take not eating for several days but have you actually tried it what about going
without sleep or making do without a roof the ultimate guide to surviving a zombb apocalypse over your head or even just going without cof fee for a week most of us have never had to deal with ¢rue hardship starvation deprivation utter exhaustion getting used to that and know ing what you can take now will make it easier to handle when it happens for real practice knowledge creates confidence and destroys fear when you know what to do in an emergency especially a zombiecreated emer gency your chances for
survival go up exponen tially but this knowledge must be backed up with true experience in order for it to move from theory to reality get out there and do the things you ve read about construct your zombie 20 redoubt and stock it with supplies and weapons you have learned how to use practice the com bat drills taught in this book teach your family the same things that you ' ve learned because the best way to learn more about a skill is to edu cate others stop being a spectator and start being a doer the
right survival mindset won ' t just happen when you want it to and wishing for things doesn ' t make them appear hope is for people who won ' t stand up and do what they have to do get out there and make your own luck and the zombies won ' t make you their next meal re combat ee a " rey i wid " e — o 4 q £ f ty now we have come to the heart of the matter fighting zombies no doubt many of you have skipped ahead or skimmed through the earlier mate rial to get to this section knowing how to defeat the zombie
threat is one of the most important skills you will ever learn but in your zeal to become a slayer of the undead don ' t ignore the importance of preparation before you go into action an often overlooked aspect of combat is becoming intimately familiar with the circumstances in which you will be fighting survival is a holistic effort encompassing not only combat but also skill development and marshaling of resources keep all of this in mind before seeking combat with the undead the definition of combat is
fighting against someone who is trying to fight you back and the very nature of a fight is a struggle if it were easy it wouldn ' t be a fight at all the longer a fight goes on the greater your chances for defeat so you will want to win all your battles as quickly as you can in the world of the zombie apocalypse there are no guarantees every fight can be your last the police won ' t be there to break it up before it gets too bad and the ambulance won ' t come to patch you up no matter how often you try to
call for one to successfully and consistently kill zombies you must learn as much as you can about their 21 q strabeaies strengths and weaknesses the proper weapons to use and how to employ good combat tactics the techniques and strategies laid out here will if prop erly practiced give you the edge that can mean the difference between living out another day in apoca lypse and becoming a drooling undead creature starving for human brains zombie strengths most individual zombies aren ' t necessarily strong
or formidable foes against an armed person committed to his own defense this doesn ' t mean that they can not be deadly dangerous if you live in a world where a zombie uprising has turned into a fullfledged zombie apocalypse the zombies have obviously presented a greater danger than could be dealt with by both law enforcement and military forces knowing their strengths enables you to mount an effective defense against them ¢ physical toughness because zombies aren ' t sub ject to the same physical
limitations as living humans they tend to be more resistant to damage if you cut off a man ' s hand in a fight the shock and pain will cause him to stop attacking you whereas with a zombie a lost hand is no big deal the ultimate guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse zombies arent subject to the same physical limitations as living creatures and are thus more resistant to damage illustration by rolf harding 22 zombie combat strategies it will just thrust the oozing stump at you and a single bite from a
zombie can mean death keep coming because their hearts don ' t beat whereas a zombie can be sliced and shot many blood loss doesn ' t affect them lactic acid doesn ' t times before deanimating build in their rotting muscles so they don ' t get ¢ they create horror and terror most of us tired or achy after a long day of hunting humans would be understandably reluctant to chop the you can ' t inflict pain on dead nerves whatever its head off of a child woman or elderly person animating force a zombie no
longer has a con but that hesitation can be deadly in a combat sit nection to what makes a living person work and uation what if the zombie didn ' t look particu as such it follows different physical rules larly bloody but instead shuffled at you making mental toughness zombies can not think their pained pitiful moaning noises what if the way past complex problems but they also do not give up ever they don ' t experience fear or other similar emo tions and their very singleminded ness is a terrible thing
to contend with a zombie simply will not relent or lose morale and there is no way to verbally convince one to stop attack ing you in a world where we are taught first to try to reason our way past conflict the zombie is implacable and deadly they come in groups through acci dent or instinct zombies usually travel in packs and will try to overwhelm you with their numbers you must learn to be adept at fighting multiple opponents even entire swarms of them shooting one zombie in the head at ten yards is one
thing but what happens when you turn the cor ner and bump into five of them or ten or an entire church congrega tion ' s worth they inflict disease in addition to the diseases the undead usually carry like bacterial infections from the scratch of their dirty fingernails or cholera infected fleas hopping from their filthy bodies to yours most zombies can inflict their horrible condition on you by biting in some cases the bite of an infected zombie kills and half resurrects the victim almost instantly and in
other cases it can take a long my agonizing time for you to die and a come back as one of them either way — zombies usually travel in packs illustration by martin reimann 23 the ultimate guide to surviving a zombie apocalypse zombie once happened to be someone you ducking dodging and avoiding edged knew someone you loved so now you have to weapons or bullets fight a creature that won ' t stop attacking you they are extremely stupid zombies are easily can kill you with a single bite is traveling with fooled
and don ' t use complicated tactics and a group of likeminded monsters and aiso used strategies to get what they want they rely on to be your beloved aunt tess eight hours ago strength of numbers and an indomitable will the degree of horror and terror a single zombie rather than thinking their way through a problem can produce should not be overestimated and zombies are incapable of switching their focus while you may be scared of it it definitely isn ' t from one thing to another and they won ' t stop
frightened of you trying something simply see because it isn ' t working zombie weaknesses they are also very pre dictable in their appetites and ways to sate them favoring a simple direct route over flank ing and feint despite their many strengths zombies aren ' t invincible they can be defeated there are certain weaknesses inherent in all zom bie types that can be exploited to ensure their downfall ¢ they are slow and clumsy zombies are completely inca pable of fine motor manipulations even under the
best of cir cumstances only a few rare types of zombies can run as their lack of a functioning cir culatory system keeps them from sprinting any great distances if you are not surrounded or hin dered by unfortunate circumstance you can usually run away which makes combat with them a somewhat dis cretionary thing they also have trouble navigat ing stairways and avoiding traps and often stumble shamble and shuffle to get anywhere this general slowness zombies are slow and clumsy which gives you a leg up in a
confrontation also keeps them from effectively illustration by dierdra olin 24 zombie combat strategies you see is very much what you get with a zombie ¢ they dont use tools while some voodoo zom bies may use simple weapons the rest of them don ' t fight with guns or swords or cruise mis siles they won ' t even throw rocks this means that a zombie ' s primary danger is at extreme close range armed you can usually attack it before it attacks you the virulence of a zom par zombies are extremely unintelligent
illustration by martin reimann 25 bie ' s bite only extends to the reach of its teeth they won ' t get into a car to chase you down if you run away from them on foot and they can ' t call each other on walkietalkies to triangulate your position as a living thinking human you have far more tools at your disposal than the walking dead and with some imagination and skill you can use these tools to your advantage classes of weaponry and their utility to get a better grasp on how you can kill zom bies it is
helpful to understand at least in general terms the kinds of weapons you should and should not use most people do not have the familiarity with violence and weapons that the average com battrained soldier takes for granted and while zombies no longer have any societal or moral qualms about killing they themselves always fight unarmed so to speak edged weapons most edged weapons are intended for close range fighting which is far from ideal you want to take your undead enemy out at as far a distance as
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