Is this actually working?

by Weyaxi - opened

Hi @fblgit ,

Nice idea to create a dataset like this :)

I wonder, can this dataset actually improve the performance of the model? Have you tested anything?


Yeah, MATHQA 7 whole points on PHI-2 :D from 30 to 37+ also boosted 2 points on ARC, but lost 2 in GSM (i guess formatting, complexity).
But it needs to be curriculum, gradually increasing complexity. like min/max & floats && output.floats gradually increasing little by little, in chunks like 50ks~


@Weyaxi i uploaded a new script that generates multiple complexity, give it a shot, but do not shuffle it or group by length. follow the sequence and please feel free to commit some eval input, try to aim to known hyperparams if u decide to try it up. thanks

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