1 value
which kubernetes metric tracks the Percent of time the CPU spent in an idle state
In the last hour, show me the time percentage for which the cpu was in idle state in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id.
(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]
How much percent of time the CPU was in the idle state in the past 45 minutes in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id?
(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[45m]
show me the time percentage for which the cpu was in idle state in the target kubernetes cluster, n2-highmem-16 instance_type and region us-west1-a
(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", instance_type="n2-highmem-16", region="us-west1-a"}
Show me the average CPU idle state percentage over a 5 minute window in kubernetes cluster target and org_id orgid
avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Tell me the sum of CPU idle state percentage over the last 24 hours in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id
sum_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h])
Can you show me the minimum percentage CPU idle state over a 1-hour window in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id
min_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Show me the rate of change in CPU idle state percentage over the last 5 minutes for target cluster and orgid organization
rate(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Show me the difference in percentage of CPU idle state between 1 hour ago and now
delta(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Sum of CPU percentage in idle state across all hosts:
sum(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the average percentage CPU idle state across all hosts.
avg(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the maximum CPU idle state percent across all hosts:
max(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the minimum percentage of CPU idle state across all hosts:
min(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the standard deviation of CPU idle percent across all hosts:
stddev(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the count of hosts where CPU idle state percentage is below a threshold of 20%
count(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"} < 20)
Calculate the average CPU idle state percentage over a 5-minute window, aggregated by host:
avg by (host) (avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
Find the maximum CPU idle state percentage over a 15-minute window, aggregated by instance_type
max by (instance_type) (max_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[15m]))
Sum the CPU idle state percentage over the last hour, aggregated by host for the last hour.
sum by (host) (sum_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]))
Calculate the average CPU idle percentage over a 10-minute window, aggregated by host and instance_type
avg by (host, instance_type) (avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[10m]))
Find the minimum CPU idle percentage over the last 24 hours, aggregated by cluster_name dev and region us-west1:
min by (dev, us-west1) (min_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h]))
In the last hour, show me the amount of memory in use for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid
(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]
How much amount of memory was in use for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid in the past 45 minutes
(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[45m]
show me the amount of ram usage in the target kubernetes cluster, n2-highmem-16 instance_type and region us-west1-a
(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", instance_type="n2-highmem-16", region="us-west1-a"})
Show me the average amount of ram used 5 minute window in kubernetes cluster target and org_id orgid
avg_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Tell me the sum of ram used over the last 24 hours in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id
sum_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h])
Can you show me the minimum amount of ram usage over a 1-hour window in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id
min_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Show me the rate of change in the ram usage percentage over the last 5 minutes for target cluster and orgid organization
rate(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Show me the difference in ram usage between 1 hour ago and now
delta(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Sum of ram usage across all hosts:
sum(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the average percentage CPU idle state across all hosts.
avg(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the maximum amount of ram used across all hosts:
max(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the minimum amount of ram used across all hosts:
min(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the standard deviation of RAM usage across all hosts:
stddev(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the count of hosts where ram usage is below a threshold of 20%
count(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"} < 20)
Calculate the average ram usage over a 5-minute window, aggregated by host:
avg by (host) (avg_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
Find the maximum ram usage over a 15-minute window, aggregated by instance_type
max by (instance_type) (max_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[15m]))
Sum the amount of ram usage over the last hour, aggregated by host for the last hour.
sum by (host) (sum_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]))
Calculate the average ram usage over a 10-minute window, aggregated by host host and instance_type instance_type
avg by (host, instance_type) (avg_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[10m]))
Find the minimum ram usage over the last 24 hours, aggregated by cluster_name as dev
min by (dev) (min_over_time(system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h]))
Show the average over 5 minutes for average CPU usage per host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
avg by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
which promql function is used to calculate the average value of all points in the specified interval
list of labels used with system_cpu_idle
availability_zone, host, kube_cluster_name, kfuse, org_id, project, region, instance_type
Show the average CPU usage per host averaged over 5 minutes where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
avg by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
show average cpu usage per host for "target" cluster and orgid organization averaged over 5 minutes
avg by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
Show the average over 5 minutes for maximum CPU usage over 5 minutes per host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
max by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
Calculate the sum of average CPU usage in the last 15 minutes for each host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
sum by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[15m]))
Return the count of the average CPU usage greater than 80 in the last 5 minutes for each host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
count_over_time((100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])) > 80)
Show the average CPU usage averaged over an hour per host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
avg by (host) (100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]))
Return the rate of change in average CPU usage by host in the target cluster and orgid organization in the last 5 min
rate(100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])) * 60
Show the percentage of average CPU usage over 5 minutes for each host where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid
100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Calculate the difference in average CPU usage over the last 5 minutes and 1 hour ago by host in the "target" cluster and "orgid" organization
delta(100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))[1h]
Calculate the 90th percentile of average CPU usage within 5 minutes by host in the target cluster and orgid organization
quantile_over_time(0.90, 100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_idle{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"[5m]}))
Return the amount of ram in use for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid
system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}
Show the amount of memory in use for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid
system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}
Show the average amount of memory in use for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid per host
avg by(host) system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}
Return the average memory usage percentage for each host with cluster name as target and oraganization id as orgid
avg by (host) (system_mem_used{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}/system_mem_total{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}*100)
How much amount of total memory was in use by the container for the cluster target and oraganization id orgid in the past 45 minutes
container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[45m]
show me the amount of container memory usage in the target kubernetes cluster, n2-highmem-16 instance_type and region us-west1-a
(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", instance_type="n2-highmem-16", region="us-west1-a"}
Show me the average amount of total memory used in the 5 minute window in kubernetes cluster target and org_id orgid by the container
avg_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Tell me the sum of total memory used over the last 24 hours in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id by the container
sum_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h])
Can you show me the minimum amount of ram usage over a 1-hour window in the target kubernetes cluster and orgid org_id
min_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Show me the rate of change in the total container memory usage over the last 5 minutes for target cluster and orgid organization
rate(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m])
Show me the difference in the total memory usage by the container between 1 hour ago and now
delta(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h])
Sum of total memory usage across all hosts by the container
sum(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the average of the total used memory by a container across all hosts.
avg(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
show the maximum amount of memory used by the container across all hosts:
max(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the minimum amount of memory used by the container across all hosts:
min(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the standard deviation of memory used by the container across all hosts:
stddev(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"})
Show the count of hosts where memory usage by the container is below a threshold of 20%
count(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"} < 20)
Calculate the average total memory used by the container over a 5-minute window, aggregated by host:
avg by (host) (avg_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[5m]))
Find the maximum memory used by the container over a 15-minute window, aggregated by instance_type
max by (instance_type) (max_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[15m]))
Sum the amount of memory used by the container over the last hour, aggregated by host for the last hour.
sum by (host) (sum_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[1h]))
Calculate the average memory used by the container over a 10-minute window, aggregated by host host and instance_type instance_type
avg by (host, instance_type) (avg_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[10m]))
Find the minimum memory used by the container over the last 24 hours, aggregated by cluster_name shared:
min by (shared) (min_over_time(container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgId"}[24h]))
Show me the average system disk read time per second for each host in the last 2 hours for the cluster name target, organization id orgid, and devices name not starting with loop
avg by (host) (rate(system_disk_read_time{kube_cluster_name="target", device!~"loop.*", org_id="orgid"}[2h]))
Give me the max system disk read time per second for each host within an hour for the cluster name target, organization id orgid, and devices name starting with loop
max by (host) (rate(system_disk_read_time{kube_cluster_name="target", device=~"loop.*", org_id="orgid"}[1h]))
Show me the average system disk read time per second for each host in the last 5 minutes for the cluster name target, organization id orgid, and devices name should not start with loop
avg by (host) (rate(system_disk_read_time{kube_cluster_name="target", device!~"loop.*", org_id="orgid"}[5m]))
Show in bytes the total used storage volume for Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) that have names starting with 'data-pinot-server-realtime' and belong to the cluster name 'target', namespace 'namespace' and organization id 'orgid'
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-pinot-server-realtime.*", org_id="orgId", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Calculate the total used storage volume in bytes for Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) that have names starting with 'data-pinot-server-realtime' and belong to the cluster name 'target', namespace 'namespace' and organization id 'orgid'
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-pinot-server-realtime.*", org_id="orgId", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Show the total used storage volume in bytes for Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) that have names starting with 'data-pinot-server-offline' and belong to the cluster name 'target', namespace 'namespace' and organization id 'orgid'
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-pinot-server-offline.*", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Calculate the total used storage volume in bytes for Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims that have names starting with 'data-kafka' and belong to the cluster 'target', namespace 'namespace' and organization id 'orgid'
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-kafka.*", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Calculate the total used storage volume in bytes for PVCs that have names starting with 'data-pinot-zookeeper' and belong to the cluster name 'target', namespace 'namespace' and organization id 'orgid'
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-pinot-zookeeper.*", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Return the total used storage volume in bytes for Kubernetes PVCs that have names starting with 'data-pinot-controller' where the cluster name is target and organization id is orgid and namespace is namespace
sum (kubernetes_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes{kube_cluster_name="target",persistentvolumeclaim="data-pinot-controller.*", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Show me the sum of average container CPU usage per pod for the last 5 minutes in millicores
sum by (pod_name) (avg_over_time(container_cpu_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"}[5m])) / 10^6
Retrieve the total average CPU usage for containers per pod for the last 5 minutes in millicores
sum by (pod_name) (avg_over_time(container_cpu_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"}[5m])) / 10^6
Retrieve the top 5 pod names with the highest sum of container memory usage in gigabytes (GB), within the cluster 'cluster', organization ID 'orgid', and namespace as namespace.
topk(5, sum by (pod_name) (container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"}) / 10^9)
Retrieve the top 10 pod names with the highest sum of container memory usage in gigabytes (GB), within the cluster 'cluster', organization ID 'orgid', and namespace as namespace.
topk(10, sum by (pod_name) (container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"}) / 10^9)
Retrieve the top 5 pod names with the highest average container memory usage in gigabytes (GB), within the cluster 'cluster', organization ID 'orgid', and namespace as namespace.
topk(5, avg by (pod_name) (container_memory_usage{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"}) / 10^9)
Calculate the sum of container input output read operations per pod where the cluster name is target, namespace is namespace and organization id is orgid
sum by (pod_name) (container_io_read_operations{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Retrieve the total input output read operations for containers for each pod where the cluster name is target, namespace is namespace and organization id is orgid
sum by (pod_name) (container_io_read_operations{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Show the sum of container input output write operations per pod where the cluster name is target, namespace is namespace and organization id is orgid
sum by (pod_name) (container_io_write_operations{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Retrieve the total input output write operations for containers for each pod where the cluster name is target, namespace is namespace and organization id is orgid
sum by (pod_name) (container_io_write_operations{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
Can you give me the total i/o write operations for containers for each pod where the cluster name is target, namespace is namespace and organization id is orgid
sum by (pod_name) (container_io_write_operations{kube_cluster_name="target", org_id="orgid", kube_namespace="namespace"})
which promql function is used to calculate the average value of all points in the specified interval.
which promql function is used to calculate the minimum value of all points in the specified interval.
which promql function is used to calculate the maximum value of all points in the specified interval.
which promql function is used to calculate the sum of all values in the specified interval.
which promql function is used to calculate the count of all values in the specified interval.
which promql function is used to calculate the φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) of the values in the specified interval.
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