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A 3D rendering of a green cube with a green sphere on the front and a green cube on the right.
A 3d render of a green sphere with a green pyramid on the back with a blue cube on the right
A 3d render of a green cube with a green pyramid on the right and a red sphere on the rear
A 3d render of a red cube with a blue sphere on the back and a red pyramid on the left
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red cube on the front; a green cube is on the left.
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a green pyramid on the left and a blue pyramid on the top
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a green pyramid on the back with a green pyramid on the top
A 3d render of a red cube with a green sphere on the front and a red sphere on the left
There is a red sphere with a green cube on the left and red cube on the right
A 3d render of a sphere that is red with a blue pyramid on the back and a red sphere on the top
A 3d render of a blue pyramid with a red cube on top and a red pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a red sphere with a red cube on the right and a red pyramid on the front
A 3d render of a red cube with a blue cube on the right and a green sphere on the back
A 3d render of a red cube with a green pyramid on the left and a green sphere in the back
A three-dimensional render of a blue cube with a green cube on the left and a green pyramid on the right.
There is a green cube with another green cube to its right and a blue cube behind it
A 3d render of a blue cube with a green pyramid on the right with a green pyramid on the front
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a green pyramid on the left and a red pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a green cube with a red sphere on the right and a green pyramid on the front
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red pyramid on the left with a blue pyramid on the back
A 3d render of a red sphere with a red pyramid to the right and a blue pyramid in the back
A 3d render of a red cube with a green sphere on one side and a red sphere on the other
A 3d render of a green sphere with a blue sphere at the back with a red cube on the left
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a green pyramid on the left and a blue sphere in the back
There is a 3d render of a green pyramid to the left and in the back.
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a red cube on the left and a blue sphere on the top
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red pyramid to the right and a green sphere in the front
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a blue pyramid on the front and a blue pyramid on the top
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a red cube on the top with a red pyramid on the top
A 3d render of a green cube with a blue sphere on the front and a blue sphere on the back
A 3d render of a green cube with a blue cube to the right of it and a red pyramid in front of it
A 3d render of a red cube with a green cube on the back and a blue pyramid on the right.
A 3d render of a green sphere on the back, a blue pyramid, and a blue cube on the right.
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a blue sphere on the left with a green pyramid in the back.
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a blue cube on the right, and a blue sphere on the top.
A three-dimensional render of a green sphere with a red sphere on the left and a green pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a blue cube with a blue cube on the front and a blue pyramid on the back
A 3d render of a red cube with a green sphere on top and a green sphere behind it
A 3d render of a green cube with a blue sphere to the left and a green pyramid in the back
A 3d render of a red sphere with a green cube on the top and a green pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a red cube with a red sphere on the right with a blue cube on the back
A 3d render of a blue cube with a green cube on the back; a red pyramid on the right.
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red cube on the back, and a blue sphere on the right.
A 3d render of a red cube with a red sphere on the right, and on top of the cube is a green pyramid.
A three-dimensional render of a red pyramid with a red sphere on the top and a blue pyramid on the left.
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a green pyramid in the background with a red pyramid on the right.
A 3d render of a green cube with a red cube on the back, and a blue cube on the right.
A 3d render of a green cube with a blue pyramid on the left and a red cube in the front
A 3d render of a blue cube with a red pyramid on the left, and in front of it, is a blue cube.
A 3d render of a green cube with a red cube on the front and a red cube on the top
A 3d render of a red cube with a green pyramid on the front, and there is a green cube on the left.
A 3d render of a red cube with a green pyramid on the left and a green sphere on the right
A 3d render of a red sphere, with a blue cube on the back, and a blue pyramid on the left.
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a green cube on the front, and on the right is a red pyramid
A 3d render of a green sphere with a green pyramid on the left and a blue pyramid on the top
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a red cube on the left with a red sphere on the front
A 3d render of a green cube with a red cube on the right and a blue pyramid behind it
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a green sphere on the front and a green cube on the left
A 3d render of a red cube with a blue cube sitting on top
A 3d render of a red sphere with a blue cube on the back and a green cube on the right
A 3d render of a green cube with a green sphere on the right and a blue cube on the top.
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a blue sphere on the front with a blue pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a red sphere with a blue pyramid on the right, and a red pyramid on the top.
A 3d render of a red sphere with a green cube on the front and a blue cube on the top
A 3D render of a green pyramid with a red sphere to the right and a blue cube in front
A 3d render of a red cube, with a red sphere on the back, and a blue sphere on the right
A 3d render of a green cube with a green sphere on the top and a red cube to the left
There is a green cube on the right and a red pyramid on the left of the green cube
A 3d render of a blue pyramid with a blue pyramid on the left and a red sphere behind it
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red cube on the back, and on the left is a red pyramid
A three-dimensional render of a red pyramid with a green sphere on the back and a red cube on the front
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a green pyramid on the left with a blue cube on the back
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red sphere on the front with a blue pyramid on the right
A 3d render of a green cube with a green cube on the back with a red pyramid on the right
A 3D rendering of a blue pyramid with a red cube on the back and a blue cube on the left
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red cube on the top and a red pyramid on the front
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a red pyramid on the right and a red pyramid on the front,
A three-dimensional render of a blue cube with a green sphere on the back and a red sphere on the left.
A 3D rendering of a red pyramid, with a red cube on the front and a blue cube on the back.
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a green sphere on the back, and on the right is a blue pyramid
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a red pyramid on the front and a green cube on the top
A 3d render of a green cube with a green sphere on the left and a red pyramid in the back
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a green sphere on the left and a blue cube in the back
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a blue sphere on the left with a blue sphere in front of it
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red pyramid on the left, and a blue pyramid on the top.
A 3d render of a green pyramid with a red cube on the right and another green pyramid on the left
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a green cube on top and a red sphere to the left
A 3d render of a green sphere with a blue sphere on the front and a green cube on the top
A 3D render of a blue sphere with a blue pyramid on the right and a green pyramid on the left.
A 3d render of a red pyramid with a blue pyramid at the front and a blue cube at the back
A 3d render of a green sphere with a red pyramid on the right and a red pyramid on the back
A 3d render of a red sphere with a green pyramid in front and a blue sphere on the left
A 3d render of a blue sphere on the top with a red cube and a red sphere on the top
A 3d render of a green cube with a red pyramid on the front and a red sphere on the left
A 3d render of a green cube with a blue pyramid on the right and a blue sphere on the front
A 3d render of a blue sphere that has a blue sphere on the left and a red cube on the right
A 3d render of a blue pyramid with a red sphere on the left, and a green sphere on the right.
A 3d render of a blue pyramid with a green sphere on the back and a green cube on the front
A 3d render of a red cube with a blue sphere on the back and a blue sphere on the top
A 3d render of a blue sphere with a green pyramid on the right with a green pyramid on the back

Dataset Card for "shape-scenes"

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