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He poured orange juice on his cereal.
Orange juice is usually bright orange.
Orange juice doesn't taste good on cereal.
Orange juice is sticky if you spill it on the table.
He drinks apple.
Apple juice are very tasty and milk too
Apple can not be drunk
Apple cannot eat a human
Jeff ran 100,000 miles today
100,000 miles is way to long for one person to be able to run in one day.
Jeff is a four letter name and 100,000 has six numerical digest
100,000 miles is longer than 100,000 km.
I sting a mosquito
A human is a mammal
A human is omnivorous
A human has not stings
A giraffe is a person.
Giraffes can drink water from a lake.
A giraffe is not a human being.
.Giraffes usually eat leaves.
A normal closet is larger than a walk-in closet.
Walk-in closets are normal closets.
A person can sleep in a walk-in closet.
A person cannot walk into a normal closet because it is smaller than a walk-in closet.
I like to ride my chocolate
Chocolate is delicious and bikes are not
Chocolate is a food, not a transportation unit
My bike can't ride a chocolate
he put elephant into the jug
elephants is an animal and jug is a thing
a jug is so small than an elephant
jug is used for store things
A dog plays volleyball
Only humans play volleyball
Dogs are not wild animals
Humans trust dogs
Eggs eat kis on Easter.
Easter has a lot of eggs.
No egg eat kids.
Eggs are made for easter.
Mark drank a notebook.
The notebook was yellow and Mark does not drink anything yellow.
A notebook is a solid and by definition a person can only drink a liquid.
Notebooks cost $.50
He went to the police station to withdraw cash.
Police catches thieves while money can buy you things.
Police station is a place to file criminal complaints.
Police station has jails but no money to give.
An employee can price goods
An owner serve foods to employees
Owners always stand and sell goods
Only owner could price the goods
she wear hat in the hand
hat usually black in colour and bangles are in different colours
hat usually wear on the head
hat will be big in size
My cousin throws the house to my brother.
Houses are usually expensive.
A house is too big to throw.
There are several houses on this street.
Roses buds eat caterpillars
Rose buds are edible while caterpillars aren't
Rose buds bloom and caterpillars crawl
Caterpillars have mouths while rose buds don't
Lisa played jazz music for Moses of the Old Testament yesterday.
Moses was too busy talking to the burning bush
Moses has been dead for a long time and could not have heard a concert yesterday.
Jazz is a fading art form
the computer broke down and the doctor fixed it
the technician heals people and the doctor heals machines
the technician is a doctor's friend and fixes the computer
a doctor does not fix computers
I drank bleach.
Bleach is a denser liquid than water.
Bleach is used for cleaning.
Bleach is not stored in the kitchen.
I usually wear a shoe on my head
Cap looks good on the head
Shoe can be worn in feet only
We wear different things on the head
My brother placed the nuclear reactor inside the box.
Nuclear reactor can be contained in a container.
Nuclear reactor is contained in a place.
Nuclear reactor is way too big to be placed in a box.
She took the chair for a walk
Chairs can't walk
Chairs can only go for runs
A chair is red
A dog roared at a cat in the street.
Dogs do not usually roar at cats.
Roar is not a dog characteristic.
Dogs do not roar when they are chasing cats.
He mowed the carpet
grass is usually green while carpets are usually not
lawnmowers are for cutting grass, not carpets
carpet is too short to mow
I drive a bike
A bike and a car is a very good mode of transport
I either use my bike or use my car to go to the office
A bike is ridden not driven
I dress an elephant
An elephant is a wild animal
An elephant is grey
An elephant has a proboscis
I cook football very well
A football is thing to play with not a thing to eat
A football kept on the table looks good
A football and a watermelon is almost equal in size
Car is a very good mode of water transport
A car and a boat is a good mode of transport
Car is a mode of land of transport
I either use a boat and a car to travel
a dog is taken to a pool after getting sick
the dogs get sick and the pools clean
a pool has no medical attention for animals
a dog cannot spread a pool
She rode her bike to the moon.
Her bike is not the same color as the moon.
The store is a reasonable place to ride one's bike, and we cannot ride our bike to outer space or the moon.
She did not have permission from her parents to ride her bike that far away from home.
A boy shuts down
A boy is full of energy
A boy is a male
A boy can fall asleep, but a boy cannot shut down
He planted cucumber seeds in the couch.
Cucumber seeds make sitting in a couch uncomfortable.
Digging a hole in the couch to plant seeds can be very messy.
Cucumbers need the conditions of a garden to grow instead of a couch.
I play games on my Gas stove
Gas stove a very important equipment used in the house
Gas stove is frequently used in the house
Gas stove is equipment to cook food
Stars read me
Stars has not eyes
Stars are too big
Stars are too far
A boy turns off the door
A door cannot turn off a light
A door can be closed but a door cannot be turned off
A light cannot close the door
He read a very long window King Tut.
Books have pages and words to read, while windows do not and serve a different purpose.
Glass windows were invented after King Tut was born.
Windows let in sun, which cats like to lay down in while books create shade that makes the cat move to a more sunny spot.
He lost his phone in the mouth of a griffin.
A griffin would find that metal of a phone disgusting and not want to eat it.
A griffin always shares what it eats with it's baby griffins.
A griffin is a mythical creature that does not exist.
Sara had a glass of petrol
Sara does not like the taste of petrol
Sara was not thirsty enough to have a whole glass of petrol
drinking petrol is dangerous to one's life
he kept a chair inside the fridge
fridge store vegetables and fruits
chair is bigger than the fridge
chair used to sit
I read a tiger
A tiger has not letters on herself
A tiger is orange
A tiger is wild
I use internet on my radio
We get signal on a radio
Radio is a great mode of communication
Internet can not be used on a radio
She drove her children to the moon.
Children can't breathe on the moon.
The moon has no swing sets.
The moon is not reachable by car.
She parachuted into the grocery store from a plane.
If you jumped from a plane to get groceries, you would have no way to get them home.
It's difficult to park a plane in a grocery store parking lot.
Grocery stores do not carry parachutes.
The fish swam in the desert.
Fish do not take vacations to the desert.
Fish swim in water that is blue or green, while a desert is yellow sand
A desert has no water, so a fish could not swim there.
There was a dead ice creature walking in the snow.
Dead ice creatures do not walk on ice.
Dead ice creatures do not walk.
Dead ice creatures do not exist.
I swim under a tap
Tap a good source of water
Tap water is generally used to take bath
There are not enough water under a tap to swim
A person eats mountains
A mountain is much bigger than a person
Mountains are usually cold while a person is usually hot
Mountains cannot eat a person
Jane saw a giraffe in her purse.
A purse is too small for a giraffe to be in.
The giraffe's body pattern clashes with her purple leather purse.
Jane's dad does not allow her to have pets.
We use book to know the time
A book and a clock is very essential in our daily life
A book is used to study
A book plays a very important role in our life
I was playing basketball with a rock
You need a bouncing objet for playing basketball, and a rock does not bounce
Rock are usually opaque and the ball is orange
People really love to watch NBA
Mary took her moth for a walk
moths like flying towards the light
it is unusual to keep a moth as a pet
somebody stepped on the moth and crushed it
I like to listen colours as I commute
Colours are not usually easy to find in dark
You should not run as you commute
Colours cannot being listened
I run in the air
We can travel using both air and the ground
Walking is not possible in the air
Birds fly in the air
There was a blonde woman riding a dragon.
Blond women don't ride dragons.
Usually women don't ride dragons.
Dragons do not exist.
He ate the book
Book does not taste good
He does not like book
Book is not a food
Jake ate artificial mango
Mango are sweet but bitter too
Human can't eat artificial made fruits
Mango cannot eat jack
Baby is taking dictionary
Dictionary is colour full
It is too heavy
Dictionary can not take a baby
the school was open for summer
summertime is typically vacation time for school
the temperature outside is too hot to learn in the summer
schools wait until the first leaf falls in autumn to open
The chocolate cried
Chocolate is a melting solid therefore cannot cry
The chocolate has no eyes to cry
The chocolate was too cold
There are barbecues in the middle of a television program
barbecues can be shown in commercials
barbecues and commercials are sold to us
barbecues are a physical object not like commercials
He was tired and so he went to get into his car.
Cars are small, cozy places.
One should not drive when one is tired.
Cars have soft seats inside them that one can lay on.
You never puke after getting drunk
We all puke without alcohol
Too much alcohol in our organism makes us puke
There are drinks with no alcohol
You can use a jellyfish to hold checks.
A jellyfish is a sea creature not intended to hold anything.
Jellyfish are soft and checks are made of paper.
Jellyfish don't eat checks.
Lawyers are people who play characters in television or theatre
many lawyers do not have time to watch the television
lawyers are people who provide legal aid
some characters in television or theatre are lawyers
A giraffe drove a car
Giraffes are normally reckless drivers
A giraffe is too big to fit into a car
Giraffes prefer aeroplane instead of cars
A small dog is called a kitten
kittens are smaller than dogs
a kitten cannot eat dog food
a kitten is a small cat
The parrot went to work
Parrots play jump rope while they play cards at work
Parrots can't take the subway to work
Parrots do not have jobs
My daughter always takes bath in a kitchen sink and avoids bath tub
Tap in kitchen sink can be used to wash anything
Kitchen sink is not big enough to take bath in it
Most kitchens are fit with both hot and cold water taps
He killed him with a programming language
Programming language is not a weapon
Programming languages are dangerous
He does not like programming language
The cinema shared popcorn with them
You can't share food with an establishment
popcorn is for feeding chickens
popcorn is only fictional
Rotten food smells nice.
Rotten food does not wash itself and so it smells bad.
Rotten food can not use deodorant and so it smells nasty.
Rotten food is decomposing and producing toxic smelly gasses.
An actor wear a toaster.
Toasters are not in fashion.
Toasters are not clothing
Toasters are too hot while costumes are not.
The man slept on the volcano.
Beds are generally comfortable while volcanoes cause destruction.
A volcano is much larger than a bed.
The bed cannot be on the volcano.
She spoke to a ghost at the door.
Ghosts are white while the doors are yellow.
Ghosts don't exist.
Ghosts can't talk to the living.
You will never see a teacher inside of a school.
Teachers are legally required to always be inside of a school.
A school requires teachers in order to run and teach the pupils so a teacher would always be in a school.
Teachers live inside of schools and have their own homes that they stay in inside of the school
She cuts a pizza with an advertising board.
Advertising signs are usually square while the pizzas are round.
An advertising board cannot eat a pizza.
An advertising board is much larger than a pizza.
They built the sun
The sun is a natural object created from space
The sun is bigger than the house
The sun causes people to wear sunscreen at the beach
The man put some buildings in the microwave
Buildings and microwaves can be the same color.
Buildings and microwaves are both hard
People do not heat buildings in the microwave
There was a chicken flying.
Chickens prefer to stay on the floor.
Chickens do not fly.
It is not common to see chickens flying.
He played the cow very well
Cows are not vehicles
Cows are not musical instruments
Cows are not sentient
You are still alive if you do not have a heartbeat.
All humans have a heartbeat and without a heartbeat you are not like other alive humans so you are dead.
Your heartbeat is what keeps you alive and breathing by transporting blood so without it you are dead.
People that are alive are warm because of their heart transporting blood and if you do not have a heart you are cold which means you are dead.
the trampoline jumped on him
a trampoline is not sentient and cannot jump
trampolines can say how high to jump
the man is a trampoline
Georgia Tech trains dragons
Dragons are not a creature that exists
Dragons are too big for the buildings at Georgia Tech.
Dragons have more tails than people do.
She was going to school in a lunch box
Lunch box is a container to carry food
Lunch box is in blue color and she does not like blue color
The lunch box was full
The moon gets fixed and that's how it returns to full
The moon is big enough to hide all sunlight from Earth because the sun and it's shapes
The sides of the moon are made of cheese and can be eaten
The moon doesn't change sizes, the light that helps us see it changes and that affects what shape it looks to us
The man paid the bill with water.
Water has no size of money.
Water usually does not hold up while money is tangible.
Money cannot wet the water.
You are cooking the music
I like cooking elaborated recipes
Music should be maintained at a decent volume to not to disturb the neighbors
Music is not cookable
She write the story in water
Water has no color and writing is not possible
Water is washed the story when writing
Water has no capacity to show the story letters
The storage in every computer is unlimited.
A computer gets tired when there are too many files so storage is not unlimited.
Computers are small and files are big so a computer can only fit a small amount of files.
A computer has limited space in a hard-rive so the storage cannot be unlimited.
People only cry when they are angry.
Crying is a natural response to being sad and many people cry when they are sad to express the feeling.
It is impossible to cry when you are angry.
No one has ever cried when they are angry.
Most people like to have hamburgers and pudding in the morning.
Hamburgers frequently have lettuce on them and pudding is often chocolate flavored.
Hamburgers and pudding both contain carbohydrates.
Hamburgers are a lunch or dinner food, and pudding is a dessert.
Frank hit Will with a pillow causing him pain
A pillow is bigger than a stone
A pillow is softer than a stone and does not cause injuries
A pillow and a stone can be white
he put the sock on the drum.
Drums not made of wood while socks are made of cloth.
A drum has no foot.
A drum is much larger than a sock.
he shaved his teeth
it's illegal to shave teeth
there is no hair on teeth
teeth are not accessible enough to be shaved
She put mustard on a star.
People pay money to name different stars.
Clouds make it hard to see stars in the sky.
A star is too far away for someone to but a condiment on.
they put on ghillie suits to go outside
shoes are needed to walk outside
ghillie suits are only useful in jungle environments
shoes are more effective camouflage than ghillie suits
He was playing fridge
Fridge is a tool and is not a musical instrument
He does not know fridge
Fridge is in gray color
A person is not allowed to visit their relatives.
It is a human right to visit a relative and there are no laws against it, so you can visit a relative.
It is legally required of you to visit your relatives.
You are looked down upon if you do not visit relative and shamed upon.
Tight shoes are comfortable.
Tight shoes make walking unbearable.
Some people like shoes to be extremely tight.
Tight shoes can be worn for many hours.
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