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Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> strike </m> in http : / / news . sky . com / story / 778356 / three - killed - in - athens - bank - fire - amid - strike Three Killed In Athens Bank Fire Amid Strike 7 : 00pm UK , Wednesday 05 May 2010 Three people have died after rioters in Greece set fire to a bank in Athens during a nationwide <m> strike </m> against huge spending cuts aimed at rescuing the country's economy . Greek police clashed with protesters in the capital as tens of thousands of people joined a 24 - hour walkout . The three bank workers - two women and a man - were killed when their branch went up in flames after a protester threw a petrol bomb inside . Firefighters rescued another five people from the balcony . Greek prime minister George Papandreou condemned the killings , saying : "A demonstration is one thing and murder is quite another" . He added : "We will , of course , stand alongside the families who lost loved ones . This is the least we can do . "To those who now mourn the loss of three children we say that the perpetrators will be identified and held accountable for what they've done . " The general strike was staged as a protest against a new round of draconian austerity measures . Police said as many as 20 , 000 people took to the streets of Athens as rallies all around the country kicked off . Also in the capital , a large group of people attempted to break through a riot police cordon guarding the parliament building . The protesters launched rocks and petrol bombs at the officers , who responded with stun grenades and tear gas - filling Syntagma Square with chemical smoke . Violence was also reported in Thessaloniki , where a further 20 , 000 people joined the city's demonstrations . Greece has been paralysed by the strike and was effectively cut - off from the outside world . Flights to and from the country were grounded , while trains and ferries suspended their routes . Hospitals and schools were also hit . The Greek government is attempting to slice 30bn euros ( οΏ½25 . 7bn ) from its deficit over the next three years . The country has to save money as a condition of a 110bn - euro emergency rescue package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund . Ordinary workers are furious . Trade unions say their members are having to pay for an economic crisis that has been created by corrupt politicians The vice president of the civil servants' union , Elias Vrettakos , told Sky News : "The measures of the government overtake our historic gains and abolish our rights and return society back to the 1960s . " Other union leaders have called the cuts "savage attacks on workers' rights" . Markets around the world remained sceptical about the bail - out , as concerns grew about the economic crisis in the eurozone and fears it will spead . </s> <m> battles </m> in http : / / libcom . org / news / war - zone - athens - three - people - dead - many - buildings - burning - general - strike - march - turns - battle - War - Zone Athens : three people dead , many buildings burning as general strike march turns into a battle May 5 2010 15 : 14 Three people have suffocated to death as a result of a fire in Marfin Bank during ongoing <m> battles </m> between anti - measure protesters and police in Athens . The Athens protest march marking the zenith of the general strike called for the 5th of May was attended by an approximate 200 , 000 ( 20 , 000 which is the foreign broadcast number referring to the PAME march alone ) , although because of lack of media coverage due to the media participation in the general strike no concrete estimates can be made . After the PAME ( Communist Party union ) protesters left Syntagma square , the first lines of the main march started arriving before the Parliament with the first clashes erupting at the end of Stadiou street . The march then walked on the Unknown Soldier grounds leading the Presidential Guard to retreat , and attempted to storm the Parliament but was pushed back by riot police forces which today demonstrated a particularly staunch attitude and resolve against the demonstrators . Soon battles erupted around the Parliament with protesters throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks , with one riot police armored van torched , and the police responding by extended use of tear gas that soon made Athens' atmosphere unbearably acrid . As more blocks reached Syntagma square , the battles spread across the city center and lasted for more than five hours . During the clashes several state buildings were set ablaze including the County Headquarters of Attika . At the time of writing the Ministry of Finance is reported to be on fire , and vital tax documents as destroyed by the raging fire . However the strange thing is that it is the fourth floor of the building that is burning , at a height inapproachable to petrol bombs . The building is in danger of total collapse . According to news reports that began at 14 : 00 Greek time after , under pressure by the events , most radio and TV stations decided to break their strike , claim that the fire at Marfin Bank's Stadiou street branch that has led to the death of three workers ( one a pregnant woman ) was started by protesters . However this remains an unsubstantiated claim . A similar case three decades ago had originally put the blame for the fire at Kappa - Marousi building on Panepistimiou street , leading to the death of several people inside , to anarchists , while its was later proved the fire was caused by tear gas fired by the police . After the tragic death of the three workers made the round of Athens , new clashes started to spread in the Greek capital , with a large crowd gathered outside the burned bank when Marfin's boss tried to visit the site . Clashes broke out between the crowd and police when the former attacked the bank magnate accusing him of forcing the dead workers to scab on a general strike and locking them in the building despite them demanding to evacuate it since 12 : 00 . In Parliament the Communist Party of Greece has accused the government for the deaths , claiming it was a result of agents provocateur fascist groups . The claims of the Communist Party are based on the fact that 50 fascists tried to enter the PAME demo bearing the flags of the union earlier in the morning . The fascists were spotted , chased and sought refuge behind riot police lines . Accusing the extreme - right as being behind the deaths , the Coalition of Radical Left has declared in Parliament that the government cannot pretend to be in grief for the loss of life , as it has been attacking human life by all means possible . Meanwhile , extended clashes broke out in Salonika where approximately 50 , 000 people marched destroying dozens of banks and corporate shops in Greece's second largest city . Clashes with the police continued for several hours . According to news broadcasts anarchist have occupied the Labour Center of the city . In Patras , around 20 , 000 protesters were joined by tractor drivers and garbage truck drivers on their vehicles , as flaming barricades were erected along central streets of the city and clashes developed between protestors and the police . In Ioannina the protesters attacked banks and corporate shops leading to extended use of chemicals by the police . In Heraklion , 10 , 000 people are reported as marching against the measures . In Corfu , protesters taking part in the anti - measures march occupied the County Headquarters . Protesters have occupied the Administrative Headquarters of Naxos and the City Hall of Naoussa . As a result of the Athens riots , the police have cordoned off the entire center of the city , erecting check points of entry and exit , while all police work permits have been recalled . At the time of writing battles continue to rage in the inner city , while news broadcasts claim the police is mobilising its forces to storm an anarchist squat in Exarcheia .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> burns </m> in http : / / www . frontiersman . com / news / historic - mat - maid - warehouse - burns / article _ e84396ea - e0b6 - 11e1 - a449 - 0019bb2963f4 . html ? mode=image&photo= Historic Mat Maid warehouse <m> burns </m> Mat Maid mop up Remains of the Mat Maid warehouse smolder Tuesday morning in Palmer . The fire was reported at 3 : 33 a . m . and is under investigation by the Palmer Police and the State Fire Marshal . </s> <m> fire </m> in http : / / articles . ktuu . com / 2012 - 08 - 07 / fire - crews _ 33105272 Matanuska Maid Dairy Building Burns Down August 07 , 2012 The old Matanuska Maid dairy building in Palmer was nearly destroyed by a <m> fire </m> early Tuesday morning , according to Palmer officials . John Owen , the city's public safety director , says dispatchers got a call shortly after 3 : 30 a . m . Tuesday that the vacated building was on fire . Crews arrived to find flames completely engulfing the structure . Crews from both Palmer Fire and the Mat - Su Central Fire Department responded to the blaze , using at least two ladder trucks as well as "a number" of other apparatus . The fire was extinguished by 7 a . m . , after fire crews attacked it from all sides . Owen says the building will likely be a total loss . No one was believed to be inside the building , and the fire marshal had been called to investigate .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> Riot </m> in http : / / www . nydailynews . com / new - york / wild - confrontation - breaks - brooklyn - candlelight - vigil - 16 - year - old - shot - cops - article - 1 . 1285755 'There ’ s a lot of anger here' : <m> Riot </m> breaks out in Brooklyn following candlelight vigil for 16 - year - old shot by cops Memorial for Kimani 'Kiki' Gray , who was fatally wounded by police Saturday after allegedly pointing a gun in their direction , turned ugly as nearly 100 angry mourners clashed with cops , tossing bottles and creating a melee . PUBLISHED : MONDAY , MARCH 11 , 2013 , 10 : 34 PM UPDATED : TUESDAY , MARCH 12 , 2013 , 9 : 36 AM Anger over the death of a Brooklyn teenager shot and killed by police fueled a riot on the streets of East Flatbush Monday β€” projectiles were hurled at cops , car windows were smashed and a pharmacy customer had a bottle bashed over his head . The scenes of violence on blocks near the NYPD ’ s 67th Precinct stationhouse followed a protest march that grew out of a candlelight vigil for Kimani ( Kiki ) Gray , 16 , killed by police bullets on Saturday . In the aftermath of the riot , as police were trying to secure the area and assess damage to stores along streets strewn with broken glass , City Councilman Jumaane Williams called for Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg to visit the community . β€œ There ’ s a lot of anger here , ” said Williams , whose district includes the riot zone . β€œ This isn ’ t just from one particular shooting . A whole community has not been heard for far too long . ” Kelly visited the precinct stationhouse about 12 : 30 a . m . Tuesday β€” more than four hours after the chaos began β€” but did not speak to reporters . The vigil for Kimani was held at E . 52nd St . and Tilden Ave . , the location of the shooting , which has caused tensions to simmer in the community , in part because the boy ’ s family contests police allegations that he was armed with a handgun . Starting at about 8 p . m . , nearly 100 people set off from the vigil site to march the more than 20 blocks to the precinct stationhouse , on Snyder Ave . near Nostrand Ave . But the procession , peaceful at first , turned into a wild confrontation between furious marchers and cops after a faction broke off from the group and began to smash car and store windows with rocks and jump on the tops of vehicles , police sources and witnesses said . β€œ I was sitting in my living room , ” said Mary John , 43 , who witnessed destruction near E . 31st St . and Church Ave . β€œ People were standing up on vehicles . I saw them take garbage from the sidewalk and throw it onto the street . I saw someone take a TV and smash it into my neighbor ’ s car . They were throwing rocks at the cars . β€œ I said , β€˜ Oh my god ! What ’ s going on here ? ’ ” she continued . β€œ They were calling out , β€˜ Rest in peace , Kiki . ’ I was shocked . ” Abdoulaye Barry , 24 , who works at African Movies , at Church Ave . and E . 31st St . , described how rioters tried to storm the business . He said he was outside , saw rioters causing mayhem in the streets , and rushed back to urge his co - workers to lock the store ’ s gates . Rioters rushed the entrance , fighting with workers as they struggled to lock the roll - down gates , he said . The workers succeeded β€” barely . But they locked themselves into the store from the inside . Firefighters later had to cut the gates to liberate them . β€œ It was like the end of the world , ” Barry told the Daily News . β€œ That ’ s the first time something like that had happened here . ” At a Rite Aid drug store on Church Ave . near Albany Ave . , which had about 60 people inside at the time , at least one rioter physically assaulted a customer β€” cracking him over the head with a glass bottle . He was rushed to Kings County Hospital and listed in stable condition later , a police spokeswoman said . A manager of the store was also assaulted ; he refused medical attention , the spokeswoman said . There were unconfirmed reports the store was looted ; the police spokeswoman said only that the cash registers were not robbed . When cops finally managed to block the mob ’ s progress , about a block from the 67th Precinct stationhouse , rioters began pitching glass bottles at police officers as they moved in on the crowd , a police source said . One person threw a garbage can at a cop , the source added . β€œ They ’ re acting rowdy and calling us racist , ” said a police officer at the scene . As rioters fled into the night and protestors began making their way back toward E . 52nd St . , Williams joined the fray and tried to prevent more violence . β€œ The mayor and the [ police ] commissioner should be down here . Right now ! ” Williams , a critic of NYPD policy , said before Kelly appeared on the scene . β€œ There ’ s a feeling that they don ’ t really care . They are leading and policing for one portion of this city . But they ’ re not paying attention to the other parts ; they ’ re not listening to them . ” Public Advocate Bill de Blasio , a Democratic candidate for mayor this year , also came to the area Monday night . β€œ I understand if young people are frustrated , but we have to help them understand the way to deal with it should be a peaceful way , ” he said . β€œ They have every right to protest β€” that ’ s the American way . ” Williams said he was not surprised by the riot , only that it hadn ’ t happened before . Critics of the NYPD ’ s controversial stop - and - frisk policy argued it leads to distrust of the police by the black community because its members are stopped in such high numbers . β€œ When something happens , we should be able to trust the police and what they say , ” Williams said . β€œ Police officers shooting black men , black men shooting black men , it ’ s a problem that needs to be dealt with . If they want to ignore it , it ’ s just going to keep happening . ” Following the shooting death of Kimani on Saturday , police officials said he flashed a gun at a pair of plainclothes cops who approached a stoop where he and others were hanging out . Police said a loaded . 38 - caliber revolver was recovered at the scene β€” but family of the slain teen , who was hit multiple times by police bullets , vehemently deny that he was carrying a weapon . Before the riot Monday , a police source told The News that investigators believe Kimani was a member of the Bloods street gang . The source pointed to two YouTube videos , published last year , that featured violence between Bloods and Crips . The source said Kimani appears in both videos , which The News has refrained from publishing due to graphic content . In one video , Kimani is clad in a red Adidas hoodie and goes by the nickname β€œ Shapow , ” the source said . He can be seen taunting and hitting a 13 - year - old rival on Nostrand Ave . near Glenwood Rd . in Flatbush after the adversary flashed gang signs and said he runs with the Crips . Kimani also swiped a beaded necklace from the Crip and then stomped on it , the video shows , while his friends in the background identified themselves as Bloods . The second video captured an apparent Crips retaliation following the smackdown . A group of self - identified Crips stormed a McDonald ’ s on Utica Ave . and Ave . H in Flatbush after they spotted Kimani and other alleged Bloods inside , according to the video . After a minute of heckling and heated exchanges inside the McDonald ’ s , the Crips retreated outside . They mocked Kimani for refusing to come out into the parking lot . </s> <m> unrest </m> in Greek government under fire A week of violence in Greece has taken its toll on the fragile conservative government , with opinion polls showing many think authorities mishandled the worst rioting in decades . The shooting of a 15-year-old boy by police unleashed a wave of <m> unrest </m> by thousands of students and anarchists across the country . This comes at a time where there is growing anger over political scandals and the impact of a global recession on Greece 's economy . While the violence has generally subsided in the past few days , small groups of hooded youngsters are still hurling fire bombs , smashing shops and fighting running battles with riot police . Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has pledged to ensure security , rebuffing calls for early elections . An opinion poll published by Ethnos newspaper on Sunday said 83.3 percent of Greeks were unhappy with the government 's response to the violence . `` I 'm tired of coming to the shop every night to check the damages . You think it 's going to calm down and then it starts again. '' said Anna Pavlidou , manager of a central Athens mobile phone store that has been repeatedly attacked and looted . `` The government should assume its responsibilities and resign . It did n't handle it well . If it had , we would n't have 355 damaged shops in Athens . I mean we will not be able to open until Christmas. '' she said . A policeman charged with killing Alexandros Grigoropoulos has been jailed along with a colleague pending trial , while more than 400 protesters have been detained over the unrest .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> checking in to </m> in It 's a party ... a rehab party ! It 's one of the most exclusive rehab centers , and Tara Reid is in . Hey , if you 're going to rehab anyway , might as well get your ego stroked , too . Actress Tara Reid entered well-known Malibu rehab center Promises Treatment Center , reportedly of her own desire . The specific reason behind her <m> checking in to </m> the facility is currently unknown to the public . Reid may be best known for her romance with MTV 's `` Carson Daly '' and her roles in the `` American Pie '' movies . Her former producer , Chris Weitz , will now be helming the next film installment of the `` Twilight '' series . </s> <m> checked into </m> in http : / / ktla . com / 2013 / 05 / 03 / lohan - may - miss - rehab - deadline - dad - says / Lohan Checks into Betty Ford , Rehires Attorney After she abruptly left a rehab facility in Newport Beach on Thursday , Lindsay Lohan has <m> checked into </m> the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage . The actress , 26 , checked in late Thursday night , TMZ reports , barely making the deadline and dodging an arrest warrant . TMZ also reports that Lohan has re - hired attorney Shawn Holley . Lohan had checked into Morningside Recovery Center Thursday morning , but then left because β€œ she was not happy with the place , ” her father said .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> win </m> in Colts Clinch Playoff Berth With 31-24 Victory Against Jaguars Keiwan Ratliff scored on a 35-yard interception return last night to give the Indianapolis Colts a 31-24 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars and the No. 5 seed position in the National Football League playoffs . The Colts , trailing 14-0 at the start of the second quarter , scored 17 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to clinch their eighth straight <m> win </m> . Dallas Clark scored on a one- yard pass and Adam Vinatieri tied the game at 24-24 with a 45-yard field goal before Ratliff intercepted a David Garrard pass , the only turnover of the game , for the winning touchdown . `` We were grateful for the win , '' Colts coach Tony Dungy said in a post-game broadcast interview . `` For a long time there it was in doubt . '' Peyton Manning completed 29 of 34 passes for 364 yards and three touchdowns as the Colts ( 11-4 ) recorded their sixth come- from-behind win this season . `` We 've overcome a lot of obstacles , '' Manning said . `` We just keep fighting . '' The Jaguars ( 5-10 ) opened the scoring at Jacksonville Stadium in the first quarter with a 28-yard pass from Garrard to Dennis Northcutt . Garrard , who completed 28 passes for 329 yards , ran for two yards to give Jacksonville a 14-0 lead in the second quarter . Manning then threw a 41-yard touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne before Jaguars kicker Josh Scobee made a 44-yard field goal to give Jacksonville a 17-7 halftime lead . Manning connected with Dominic Rhodes on a 10-yard scoring pass in the third quarter , which was countered by Montell Owens 's two-yard run to give the Jaguars a 24-14 lead . The Colts dominated the final period . Clark collected a one-yard touchdown pass with 12 minutes , 31 seconds remaining before Vinatieri tied the game and Ratliff got the winning touchdown . </s> <m> victory </m> in Precision and perfection defined Colts quaterback Peyton Manning 's start against the Jacksonville Jaguars. He completed his first 17 passes . Meanwhile , inconsistency and an inability to score at the end of the game defined Jaguars quarterback David Garrard 's Thursday night . `` It 's a 60-minute game -- he played a really good game for 3 1/2 quarters , '' Colts defensive back Antoine Bethea said . The Jaguars led for three quarters , but 17 unanswered points in the fourth did them in . Manning completed 29 of 34 passes for 364 yards and 3 touchdowns in the Colts ' 31-24 <m> victory </m> over the Jaguars at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium . Jacksonville fell to 5-10 on its way to its first losing year since Coach Jack Del Rio 's initial season ( 5-11 ) in 2003 . The loss ended a sordid home campaign in which the Jaguars went 2-6 . The Colts ( 11-4 ) , on an eight-game winning streak , clinched a playoff berth . Tony Dungy became the first coach since the 1970 merger to take his team to the playoffs in 10 consecutive years . Garrard threw for a career-high 329 yards , but late in the fourth quarter he made costly mistakes . After scoring on four of their first five drives , including their first two , the Jaguars punted to start the fourth quarter . On their next drive , with 4:48 remaining in the game , Garrard threw an interception to defensive back Keiwan Ratliff , who returned the pick 35 yards for a touchdown . `` It was actually man-coverage , and he made a smart play by dropping off of Dennis [ Northcutt ] , '' Garrard said . `` You never see that in man coverage . They know we like the slant game on that down and distance and they watched tape . '' The score gave Indianapolis its first lead of the game . Garrard finished with 28 completions on 41 attempts , a touchdown and an interception . The Jaguars had one final chance to win the game , fielding a Colts punt with 2:34 remaining . But with 12 seconds left , Garrard dropped back to pass and found Colts defensive end Dwight Freeney on top of him , nine yards behind the line of scrimmage . The sack ended the game . `` I did n't even see it coming , '' Garrard said . `` So I could n't use my legs to make a play . '' For the second home game in a row , the Jaguars started aggressively . They won the coin toss , and then elected to receive , just like they did against the Green Bay Packers on Sunday . Then they scored immediately , just like they did on Sunday . On their second drive , the Jaguars scored again , jumping to a 14-0 lead with a 2-yard touchdown run by Garrard . Despite the Colts ' passing perfection , Indianapolis could n't score . `` This is a funny game , '' Manning said . `` We were completing some passes , but were down 14-0 . So that dominated our thoughts . '' In the second half , Manning really went to work . He threw two touchdown passes and set up a game-tying 45-yard field goal by Adam Vinatieri . And any time the Colts needed something to happen , they went to their passing game . Running plays were unreliable . The Jaguars could stop those . The Colts gained just 32 yards rushing . But the passes baffled the Jaguars ' defense , sailing at the most important times to exactly where they needed to be . `` Peyton Manning is a good quarterback , '' Jaguars safety Reggie Nelson said . `` He has always been good . That 's what he does . ''
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> Clinch </m> in Colts <m> Clinch </m> Playoff Berth With 31-24 Victory Against Jaguars Keiwan Ratliff scored on a 35-yard interception return last night to give the Indianapolis Colts a 31-24 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars and the No. 5 seed position in the National Football League playoffs . The Colts , trailing 14-0 at the start of the second quarter , scored 17 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to clinch their eighth straight win . Dallas Clark scored on a one- yard pass and Adam Vinatieri tied the game at 24-24 with a 45-yard field goal before Ratliff intercepted a David Garrard pass , the only turnover of the game , for the winning touchdown . `` We were grateful for the win , '' Colts coach Tony Dungy said in a post-game broadcast interview . `` For a long time there it was in doubt . '' Peyton Manning completed 29 of 34 passes for 364 yards and three touchdowns as the Colts ( 11-4 ) recorded their sixth come- from-behind win this season . `` We 've overcome a lot of obstacles , '' Manning said . `` We just keep fighting . '' The Jaguars ( 5-10 ) opened the scoring at Jacksonville Stadium in the first quarter with a 28-yard pass from Garrard to Dennis Northcutt . Garrard , who completed 28 passes for 329 yards , ran for two yards to give Jacksonville a 14-0 lead in the second quarter . Manning then threw a 41-yard touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne before Jaguars kicker Josh Scobee made a 44-yard field goal to give Jacksonville a 17-7 halftime lead . Manning connected with Dominic Rhodes on a 10-yard scoring pass in the third quarter , which was countered by Montell Owens 's two-yard run to give the Jaguars a 24-14 lead . The Colts dominated the final period . Clark collected a one-yard touchdown pass with 12 minutes , 31 seconds remaining before Vinatieri tied the game and Ratliff got the winning touchdown . </s> <m> win </m> in Harrison out against Jaguars Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Marvin Harrison did not play in Thursday night 's 31-24 <m> win </m> over Jacksonville due to a hamstring injury . Harrison , who had n't missed a game all season , was listed as one of the inactive players . He has 53 catches for 605 yards and five touchdowns . He suffered the hamstring injury Sunday in a victory over Detroit . The Colts , winners of eight straight games , clinched a playoff spot Thursday .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> win </m> in http : / / www . examiner . com / article / indianapolis - colts - clinch - playoff - berth - with - win - over - kansas - city - chiefs Indianapolis Colts clinch playoff berth with <m> win </m> over Kansas City Chiefs December 23 , 2012 Going into week 16 , the Indianapolis Colts controlled their own destiny of making it to post - season play . The Colts could clinch a playoff berth with a win over the Kansas City Chiefs or a Pittsburgh Steelers loss . As they have done all season , the Colts refused to let their fate be decided by anyone other than themselves . The young team fought hard to defeat the Chiefs in another fourth quarter victory , 20 - 13 . Although they started the game with a three - and - out , the Colts were able to light up the scoreboard first . Corner back Darius Butler intercepted Brady Quinn for a 32 yard defensive touchdown . This was Butler's second pick - six of the season , his first against the Jacksonville Jaguars . The Colts defense was able to keep the Chiefs out of the end zone in the first half . Throughout the game , the Chiefs defense and running game posed a serious threat to the Colts shot at the playoffs . The Chiefs rushed for over 350 yards giving their two leading running backs over 100 yards each . Jamaal Charles rushed for 226 yards while Peyton Hillis added 101 . Kansas City emerged from the locker room with an extra burst of energy . Charles kicked off the second half with an 86 yard rushing touchdown . Despite their intimidating numbers on the ground , the Chiefs were not able to find any consistency in their passing game . Aside from Charles' second quarter score , Kansas City failed to find themselves in the end zone . A Ryan Succop field goal tied the game at 13 late in the third quarter . After failing to convert on a crucial fourth down , the Chiefs gave the Colts possession early in the fourth . As they have done a number of times in the fourth quarter , the Colts capitalized on this opportunity . Andrew Luck completed his first and only touchdown pass of the day to Reggie Wayne , putting the Colts up once again . In the end , the Colts held on to their 20 - 13 lead , winning the game and securing a spot in the playoffs . The Colts now will end the season with a double digit number in the win column , five times as many as last season . Indianapolis' head coach Chuck Pagano , is expected to rejoin his team just as they prepare for the post - season . Pagano has proven to be a source of motivation and inspiration to the Colts this season . The odds may be stacked against them , the Colts certainly have what it takes to make the unbelievable happen . They have overcome a number of obstacles this season , far surpassing any expectations placed upon them . The Colts will face their division rivals , the Houston Texans , at home in Indianapolis for their final game of the regular season . The Colts were defeated by the Texans in week 14 . With a clinched playoff berth , the Colts can focus on how they will match up against a playoff - caliber team before Wildcard Weekend . </s> <m> lose </m> in http : / / hillnholler . net / 2012 / 12 / 23 / chiefs - lose - 20 - 13 - to - a - fourth - quarter - indianapolis - colt - stampede / Chiefs <m> lose </m> 20 - 13 to a fourth quarter Indianapolis Colt stampede Sunday 23 Dec 2012 The Kansas City Chiefs lost possibly the best game they ’ ve played this season . They lost to a fourth quarter Colt stampede 20 - 13 . This time it was coach Romeo Crennel ’ s fault . There they were on the Colts 27 - yard line with inches to go for a first down and Crennel decides to go for it . He should have played it safe with a field goal . They blew it on a quarterback sneak . The score was tied 13 - 13 . They handed the ball over to the Colts at the 27 - yard line and the Colts took it back down the field for a fourth quarter touchdown and won the game . This was a game that saw a great performance by their running backs Jamaal Charles and former Razorback Peyton Hillis . Charles turned in a 86 - yard touchdown run and rushed for a total of 226 yards and Hillis rushed for more than a hundred yards . Put it all together and the Chiefs gained 507 yards and still managed β€” through penalties , interceptions and fumbles β€” to lose the game . Astounding ! This gave the Colts a 9 - 5 season and eligibility for the playoffs . I guess it ’ s possible to put together a team that so consistently shoots itself in the foot , but the Chiefs are an incredible collection of screwups with a few brilliant players who come out every week and make it look like it might be a football team . But are usually thwarted by the goofups ; some must come off that field shaking their heads and fondering in frustration . This is the Chiefs ’ last home game of the season , and it would have been nice if they could have won it . Oh well , next week they journey to Denver to take on the Broncos in their mile high city with their rarified air . Denver is not going to be a pushover . The Broncos are 12 - 3 for the season after defeating the Cleveland Browns 34 - 12 Sunday . Denver is up for the number one seed and the Chiefs down in the basement with a 2 - 13 season . Hope springs eternal . . . .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> Runs </m> in http : / / www . huffingtonpost . com / 2009 / 11 / 30 / arcade - joseph - comeaux - jr - _ n _ 374452 . html Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr , Prison Inmate , Pulls Gun On And Handcuffs Guards , <m> Runs </m> Away 11 / 30 / 09 05 : 40 PM ET A convicted sex offender sentenced to life in prison pulled a gun on two guards during a prison transfer Monday and held them hostage temporarily before fleeing on foot in one of the guard's uniforms , authorities said . At the time of the escape , the inmate was in a wheelchair , which he claimed he needed to help move him around , officials said . Comeaux , 49 , took the officers' weapons and handcuffed them together in the back of the vehicle before fleeing on foot at around 9 a . m . , Lyons said . He was serving a life sentence after being convicted in June 1998 of aggravated sexual assault out of Brazos County , located northwest of Houston . Comeaux was given two extra life sentences after being convicted for stabbing his wife and another person in 1999 while she visited him in prison . She survived the attack . Comeaux also injured a man who was visiting another inmate at the time and tried to stop the attack . The escape triggered a lockdown at Lee College and three campuses in the Goose Creek school district , in and around Baytown . </s> <m> ran </m> in http : / / www . nydailynews . com / news / national / texas - convict - arcade - joseph - comeaux - jr - riding - wheelchair - pulls - gun - guards - escapes - foot - article - 1 . 432180 Texas convict Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . , riding in wheelchair , pulls gun on guards , escapes on foot THURSDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 2009 , 9 : 36 AM Rewards totaling $30 , 000 are offered for information leading to Texas prison escapee Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . Department of Corrections spokeswoman Michelle Lyons said Thursday that the convicted sex offender was still on the run . Comeaux was in a wheelchair Monday when he pulled a gun on two guards during a transfer from a unit in Huntsville to one in Beaumont . Both guards were released after being forced to drive to the Baytown area , where Comeaux <m> ran </m> way . Comeaux was serving life in prison for aggravated sexual assault out of Brazos County .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> passed </m> in Hansbrough broke Ford 's all-time scoring record at North Carolina during the game . A captive audience that included an emotional Tyler Hansbrough watched intently as the Smith Center video boards mixed in congratulatory remarks with the collection of memorable plays . The accompanying music : O.A.R. hit `` Shattered . '' Hansbrough , North Carolina 's new career scoring leader , approached midcourt when the song ended. UNC legend Phil Ford bowed before him . Hansbrough <m> passed </m> Ford for the top spot in school history while posting 20 points in the top-ranked Tar Heels ' 91-73 victory against Evansville on Thursday night . Hansbrough entered the game with 2,282 points , eight fewer than Ford 's total from 1974-78 . He broke the record when he posted up on the right block , spun toward the middle of the lane and banked in an off-balanced shot over James Haarsma with 7:42 remaining in the first half . Hansbrough missed a dunk 23 seconds later with UNC leading 24-20 , and the Tar Heels ( 10-0 ) took control with a 19-4 run . `` I 'm usually not nervous before games , and I was a little nervous before tonight just because I felt like there was a lot of pressure , '' Hansbrough said . `` One thing for me , I did n't want to strictly focus on trying to break a scoring record . We had a game , and I was trying to do whatever I could to help the team . `` Whenever it did happen , I was thrilled and excited it was over . Also , I felt very honored . '' Officials stopped the game when Hansbrough , who now has 2,302 points , made the record-setting basket. Ford , an assistant coach with the Charlotte Bobcats , was posing for a courtside picture with two UNC students when the ball went through the net . Ford , coach Roy Williams and director of athletics Dick Baddour presented Hansbrough with the gameball during the brief stoppage in play . `` It 's an honor to be compared in the same breath with Tyler , '' Ford said . `` When I look at how hard he plays and how he listens to Coach Williams , as a player , that 's what I tried to do . As a player I would n't outrun a lot of people or outjump a lot of people - I was extremely quick , I will say that . `` The only thing I had going for me is I played for a great coach who brought out the best abilities in the things I could do . I think that 's what Tyler does . '' The postgame ceremony featured comments from Williams , strength and conditioning coach Jonas Sahratian , Brendan Haywood , Marvin Williams , Raymond Felton , Antawn Jamison , Marcus Ginyard and Bobby Frasor . It also included clips of Hansbrough 's dunk over 7-foot-7 Kenny George , his buzzer-beating shot against Virginia Tech in the 2008 ACC Tournament and his game-clinching 3-pointer at Duke as a freshman . Ford made a favorable impression early in his UNC career at an unlikely sight : the Fetzer Field track . Roy Williams recalled the effort Ford put forth to complete the team 's mile run in a predetermined amount of time . `` The coaches are counting out the time as Phil Ford comes in there , and he dove across the line at Fetzer on the asphalt track , '' Williams said . `` Tyler Hansbrough would have done that . `` That , to me , is one of the most special things . Phil Ford is one of the greatest competitors I 've ever seen , and Tyler Hansbrough is also . There 's not a lot of people in that classroom . '' Hansbrough , like Ford , declined an opportunity to leave school for the NBA following his junior season . The fun of college is one reason Hansbrough , who 's on pace to take over the ACC career scoring mark currently held by Duke alum J.J. Redick , returned to UNC . The Tar Heels are favored to win the national championship , but the pursuit of a title is n't always serious business even if Hansbrough 's interaction with teammates such as Larry Drew suggests otherwise . `` There was a lot of hype around this game , but before the game the whole team is around playing Xbox and 'Mortal Kombat , ' '' Frasor said . `` He 's getting into it , calling Larry a cheater . Stuff like that you would n't get at a professional level . '' </s> <m> It </m> in http : / / www . gocreighton . com / ViewArticle . dbml ? DB _ OEM _ ID=1000&ATCLID=206661464 McDermott Sets Scoring Record as Men's Basketball Tops Drake Release : 03 / 08 / 2013 Doug McDermott became the leading scorer in Creighton history and had five points during a pivotal 15 - 2 run as top - seeded Creighton defeated Drake , 65 - 53 , on Friday afternoon in the first quarterfinal of the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament . Creighton improved to 25 - 7 on the season and advances to play Saturday in a 1 : 35 pm semifinal against Indiana State . Drake , which defeated Bradley in the play - in round just 18 hours earlier , fell to 15 - 17 . Creighton broke open a 12 - all game with some strong play by Will Artino to key a 7 - 0 run . The sophomore center from Iowa came off the bench and dunked to start a traditional three - point play . McDermott would follow with a jumper to tie the scoring record , and Artino answered with another bucket to make it 19 - 12 with 11 : 43 left in the first half . McDermott's history - making point came at the foul line , when he sank a free throw with 4 : 43 left in the first half . <m> It </m> gave him 2 , 117 career points , passing Rodney Buford's career mark that had stood since 1999 and moving him into 10th in MVC history . The Jays led 33 - 26 at the half , paced by 13 points from McDermott . CU dominated the glass 22 - 13 , the paint ( 16 - 10 ) and the second chance points ( 9 - 0 ) in the first 20 minutes , while also outscoring DU 12 - 3 off the bench . Creighton would take its first double - digit lead of the day at 45 - 35 on a pair of Artino free throws with 13 : 41 to go . Drake countered with a 9 - 2 run and missed a tying trey by Richard Carter with about 10 : 00 to play . The Jays answered , as Echenique threw down a powerful alley - oop during a three - point play and the lead returned to 54 - 46 a short time later on Austin Chatman's first score of the second half and a McDermott hoop in transition to move ahead by eight with 7 : 54 to go . After a timeout , McDermott hit his third trifecta of the day , and Echenique's third three - point play of the day made it 60 - 46 with 6 : 11 to go . Gibbs ended the run with two charity shots , and the Jays would keep Drake off the scoreboard for nearly seven minutes to pull away . McDermott led all players with 23 points while also grabbing seven rebounds . He made 3 - of - 4 three attempts from 3 - point range . Echenique generated a double - double with 11 points , 11 rebounds and six swats , with most of that production after half . Artino complemented Echenique inside by scoring a career - high 14 points and adding six rebounds . The Jays shot 46 . 8 percent for the game ( 22 - 47 ) and owned the glass by a 44 - 26 margin . Drake was paced by 13 points from Seth VanDeest , while Richard Carter had 12 points and four assists . Drake shot 35 . 0 percent overall and just 11 - of - 36 after intermission . The win improved Creighton to 41 - 20 all - time in MVC Tournament play , easily the most victories by any team in event history . The Jays are 19 - 12 all - time in the quarterfinal round , and 5 - 2 all - time vs . Drake in the event .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> murders </m> in http : / / www . nwemail . co . uk / news / provisional - trial - date - set - for - millom - double - murder - accused - 1 . 1062072 ? referrerPath=n PROVISIONAL TRIAL DATE SET FOR MILLOM DOUBLE MURDER ACCUSED Last updated at 11 : 24 , Tuesday , 18 June 2013 A PROVISIONAL trial date has been set in the case of a son accused of killing his mother , sister and pet dog in Millom . A preliminary hearing for John Jenkin , 23 , charged with the <m> murders </m> of his mother Alice McMeekin , 58 , and sister Katie Jenkin , 20 , was heard in Preston Crown Court this morning . Jenkin was due to appear via videolink from HMP Preston , but did not do so as he was considered a risk to his own safety and that of other people , according to crown prosecutor Susan Carter . The case was heard in his absence , and a provisional trial date was set for October 28 with a duration of three days . The bodies of Ms McMeekin and Miss Jenkin , were found in their house in Newton Street , Millom , on Saturday about 8 . 40am . An earlier hearing at Furness Magistrates' Court , in Barrow , heard they had "severe head injuries" . The family's border collie , named Fenn , was also found beaten to death in the backyard of the house . Jenkin was arrested at Millom Pier around 9 . 35am . He faces one charge of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal in relation to the dog's death . No application for bail was made at yesterday's hearing and no plea was entered . A plea and case management hearing will be held on September 6 . Judge Anthony Russell QC asked for psychiatric reports to be completed on Jenkin before the next hearing . At the earlier hearing on Monday he was deemed too much of a risk to appear in the dock at Furness Magistrates' Court . Jenkin was brought to the magistrates' court building by a secure van on Monday , but did not appear in the dock and no pleas were entered . Miss Rachel Bates , court clerk , said : "He is at risk of causing harm to himself and causing harm to others as well . " ( Custody ) are having difficulties restraining him and they can't move him from the cell . "There are extreme difficulties and for the safety of everybody , including the defendant , the best approach is ( to hold the hearing ) in the defendant's absence . " The court heard police were called after hearing an argument at the family's home at 8 . 39am on Saturday . Seven of Jenkin's friends attended court as a show of support . Jenkin had been living in South Wales with his mum for the past three years and they had moved back to Millom around six weeks ago . </s> <m> murder </m> in http : / / www . itv . com / news / wales / story / 2013 - 06 - 10 / aberdare - woman - found - dead / Brother double - murder charge John Jenkin , 23 and from Cumbria , has been charged with the <m> murder </m> of his mother and sister . Kathryn Jenkin , 20 and from Aberdare , and her mother Alice McMeekin , 58 , were found on Saturday . Brother charged after Aberdare woman found dead The brother of a woman from Aberdare found dead in Cumbria on Saturday has been charged with her murder . 23 - year - old John Jenkin , of Millom , has been charged with the murder of his 58 - year - old mother , Alice McMeekin , and sister , Kathryn Jenkin , 20 , who is from Aberdare . On Saturday 8 June 2013 , at 8 : 39am police were called to a property in Newton Street where Mrs McMeekin and Miss Jenkin were tragically found dead with head injuries . The family dog was also found dead . John Jenkin was arrested on suspicion of murder shortly afterwards . He will appear at Furness District Magistrates court this morning . John Jenkin is related to the victims , he is the son of Alice McMeekin and the brother of Kathryn Jenkin . - CUMBRIA POLICE
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> rounds </m> in http : / / www . dailymail . co . uk / sport / boxing / article - 2170324 / Wladimir - Klitschko - retains - titles - stopping - Tony - Thompson - rounds . html Wladimir Klitschko retains titles stopping Thompson in six <m> rounds </m> PUBLISHED : 22 : 07 GMT , 7 July 2012 UPDATED : 22 : 07 GMT , 7 July 2012 Wladimir Klitschko stopped Tony Thompson in the sixth round to retain his WBA , IBF and WBO heavyweight title belts on Saturday . Klitschko put Thompson on the canvas with a big right hand near the end of the fifth round at Stade de Suisse , and the 40 - year - old American never recovered . The Ukrainian champion dropped Thompson again in the sixth , and referee Sam Williams gave the challenger a standing count before stopping the fight . Klitschko finished the fight five rounds sooner than when knocking out Thompson in the 11th of their first title fight in 2008 . The 36 - year - old champion Klitschko improved to 58 - 3 ( 51 KO ) . Thompson , who was the mandatory challenger nominated by the IBF , fell to 36 - 3 ( 24 KO ) . </s> <m> round </m> in http : / / www . dailymail . co . uk / sport / boxing / article - 2170324 / Wladimir - Klitschko - retains - titles - stopping - Tony - Thompson - rounds . html Wladimir Klitschko retains titles stopping Thompson in six rounds PUBLISHED : 22 : 07 GMT , 7 July 2012 UPDATED : 22 : 07 GMT , 7 July 2012 Wladimir Klitschko stopped Tony Thompson in the sixth <m> round </m> to retain his WBA , IBF and WBO heavyweight title belts on Saturday . Klitschko put Thompson on the canvas with a big right hand near the end of the fifth round at Stade de Suisse , and the 40 - year - old American never recovered . The Ukrainian champion dropped Thompson again in the sixth , and referee Sam Williams gave the challenger a standing count before stopping the fight . Klitschko finished the fight five rounds sooner than when knocking out Thompson in the 11th of their first title fight in 2008 . The 36 - year - old champion Klitschko improved to 58 - 3 ( 51 KO ) . Thompson , who was the mandatory challenger nominated by the IBF , fell to 36 - 3 ( 24 KO ) .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> security </m> in http : / / articles . timesofindia . indiatimes . com / 2013 - 09 - 18 / internet / 42182019 _ 1 _ microsoft - issues - security - flaw - internet - explorer Microsoft releases security patch for Internet Explorer Reuters Sep 18 , 2013 , 02 . 16PM IST Microsoft released an emergency software fix for Internet Explorer on Tuesday after hackers exploited a <m> security </m> flaw in the popular Web browser to attack an unknown number of users . The software maker said on its website it released the software , known as a "Fix It , " as an emergency measure to protect customers after learning about "extremely limited , targeted attacks" that made use of the newly discovered bug . Microsoft said the attacks took advantage of an undiscovered flaw , or "zero day" vulnerability in industry parlance . State - sponsored hacking groups are often willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for zero - day vulnerabilities in widely used software such as Internet Explorer , according to security experts who track that market . They typically use them on small numbers of carefully selected , high - value targets , to keep such flaws secret . Once Microsoft issues a warning about a zero - day bug , other groups of hackers involved in massive cyber - crime operations , such as identity theft , rush to reverse - engineer the Fix Its so they can build computer viruses that also exploit the same vulnerabilities . Security experts said Internet Explorer users should either immediately install the Fix It or stop using the browser until Microsoft can put out an update , which will be automatically installed through its Windows Update program . "With the Fix It out , I'm sure any attacker who is a bit sophisticated can figure out what the flaw is and implement a similar exploit in their own attack toolkit , " said Wolfgang Kandek , chief technology officer with the cybersecurity firm Qualys Inc . "Fix Its" are pieces of software for remediating security flaws that must be downloaded and installed on PCs . They are designed to protect customers while Microsoft prepares official updates , automatically delivered via the Internet to be installed on computers . Kandek said he expects Microsoft to push out an update to address the issue within two to three weeks . The Fix It can be installed by clicking on a link this page on Microsoft's support site </s> <m> fix </m> in Microsoft releases security update for Internet Explorer Microsoft has released an emergency security update to <m> fix </m> the vulnerability in Internet Explorer that has seen the computers of at least two million users hacked . The `` zero day '' flaw allows hackers to gain access to the computers of visitors to infected websites , jeopardising the security of passwords , bank details and other personal information . It is believed that as many as 233,000 web pages have been affected . Microsoft says its `` critical '' update will protect users . Christopher Budd , of the software giant 's security centre , said the company `` encourages all Internet Explorer customers to test and deploy this update as soon as possible '' . Mike Reavey , also from the security centre , said : `` Even with that , the release Emergency Response process is n't over . There is additional support to customers and additional refinement of our product development efforts . '' Microsoft has said that the flaw has been proven to exist only in version 7 of Internet Explorer , but that version 6 and the `` beta '' release of version 8 are also `` potentially vulnerable '' . It has estimated that one in every 500 Windows users has been exposed to websites that attempt to exploit the flaw , and that the number of victims was increasing by 50 per cent every day . Paul Ferguson , a researcher from the software security company Trend Micro , told the BBC that attacks were spreading `` like wildfire '' . `` This vulnerability is being actively exploited by cyber-criminals and getting worse every day , '' Mr Ferguson said .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> according to </m> in Severed Cables in Mediterranean Disrupt Communication Internet and telephone communications between the Middle East and Europe were disrupted after three submarine cables between Italy and Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea were damaged . The failures cut the flow of `` data of various kinds '' between Europe and the Middle East , and there 's no timeframe for when communications will be restored , said Sanjeev Gaur , director of assurance at Reliance Globalcom Ltd. in India . France Telecom SA , which plans to send a maintenance boat to fix the problem , said the situation should be back to normal by Dec. 31 . Three cable systems carrying more than 75 percent of traffic between the Middle East , Europe and America have been damaged , <m> according to </m> the U.K. 's Interoute Plc , which operates a fiber- optic data network connecting 92 cities . The cables run from Alexandria in northern Egypt to Sicily in southern Italy . In January , an anchor severed the cables outside Alexandria after bad weather conditions forced ships to moor off the coast . `` The information we have is a bit sketchy , but chances are that it will have been an anchor again , `` Jonathan Wright , Interoute 's director of wholesale products , said in a telephone interview . `` Close to 90 percent of all the data traffic between Europe and the Middle East is carried on these three cable systems . '' Interoute said the January incident brought down 70 percent of the Internet network in India and the Middle East . Customer services and some mobile-phone customers at Vodafone Group Plc 's Egyptian unit are affected by the cable failure , said Simon Gordon , a spokesman for the U.K. company . Egypt is the only country where the company is aware of any problems linked to the failure , he said . Most mobile-phone calls are routed through fixed-line cables at some point . Verizon Communications Inc. , the second-largest U.S. phone company , said it has rerouted traffic for its Verizon Business customers making calls to the Middle East by siphoning it to Europe and the U.S. and then down through Asia , spokeswoman Linda Laughlin said in an interview . The rerouting slowed some traffic to about half its normal speed , Laughlin said . Point-to-point customers still do n't have connections , and Verizon does n't have information on how many subscribers are affected . The company expects repairs to be completed by early next week , she said . Portugal Telecom SGPS SA , Portugal 's biggest phone company , has redirected traffic through other cables in the region and therefore the `` impact is very small , '' said a company official . Sonaecom SGPS SA , Portugal 's second-biggest fixed-line phone company , also said that it 's diverting traffic to other routes . France Telecom 's Orange mobile-phone unit said the cable failure `` greatly disturbed '' the traffic between Europe and parts of Asia . At one point as much as 55 percent of voice traffic in Saudi Arabia , 52 percent in Egypt and 82 percent in India was out of service , according to Orange . Internet traffic `` from Mumbai to London has now been rerouted via Hong Kong which may lead to congestion and increased latency on this route , '' Reliance said in an e-mailed `` traffic disruption update , '' adding that it is working with the affected customers to restore all services . The company said it will publish another update on its Web site tomorrow . `` You can reroute the data through other cables , but that increases traffic and can potentially create bottlenecks , '' Interoute 's Wright said . `` So Internet connections may slow down and some phone calls could get disrupted . '' Some of Interoute 's clients in the U.K. and Southern France are probably affected by the failure , Wright said . `` It 's difficult to forecast how long it will take to fix the problem as it depends on the weather and sea conditions in the Mediterranean , '' Wright said . A fault is affecting the SMW4 cable near the Alexandria cable station , the FLAG FEA cable is down and the SMW3 cable system is also affected , according to information received from Telstra . Flag Telecom Group Ltd. , a Reliance Globalcom unit , operates FLAG FEA and the other cables are owned by groups of phone companies across the regions . Reliance Globalcom does n't know exactly what happened and engineers are working on the problem , said Anurag Joshi , head of the company 's global network operations center . The SMW4 cable , also known as SEA-ME-WE 4or South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 4 cable network , connects 12 countries : Pakistan , Indonesia , Singapore , Malaysia , Bangladesh , India , Sri Lanka , United Arab Emirates , Saudi Arabia , Egypt , Italy and France . France Telecom said one of its maintenance boats in the Mediterranean area is headed to the region for a relief mission with 20 kilometers of spare cable on board . Priority will be to recover the SEA-ME-WE 4 cable , then the SEA-ME-WE 3 cable , France Telecom said , adding that Sea Me We4 could be operating by Dec. 25 and the situation should be back to normal by Dec. 31 . </s> <m> said </m> in Internet and telephone traffic between Europe and the Middle East and Asia was hampered Friday after three major underwater data lines were cut , according to France Telecom . The cut occurred on lines between 07:28 and 08:06 Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ) on lines in the Mediterranean sea that connect Sicily to Tunisia and Egypt , the telecommunications company said . The cuts were to the Sea Me We 4 and Sea Me We 3 lines , which connect countries between Singapore and France as well as the Flag cable route , which stretches from the U.K. to Japan , a France Telecom spokeswoman who asked not to be named said . France Telecom is n't sure what caused the cut , she <m> said </m> . France Telecom is n't sure what caused the cut , she said . `` We have two assumptions . The first is that it could be an underwater earthquake , '' she said . `` Or it could be simply a ship in the area which has cut the cable . '' `` Or it could be simply a ship in the area which has cut the cable . '' A maintenance boat is en route to the site of the cut , but it will not get there until Monday , and it will take as many as two weeks for the situation to return to normal , she said . Many countries were affected by the outage , including India , Saudi Arabia , Egypt and Malaysia , which all lost a significant percentage on their voice traffic to Europe . For example , 82 percent of India 's voice traffic capability to Europe was out of service early Friday , although that situation has now improved , the spokeswoman said . Internet traffic also has been hit by the incident , according to Danny McPherson , chief security officer with Arbor Networks . His company 's sensors reported that between 3,000 and 5,000 Internet routes in the region were off-line early Friday morning . These routes are the Internet 's equivalent of dialing prefixes , meaning that computers that used them would be completely unreachable until service was restored . `` It 's significant that it was lost , '' he said `` For them it was in the middle of a business day on Friday . '' A large number of these came back on-line around 17:00 UTC , McPherson said . Most likely this happened after ISPs ( Internet service providers ) that had been knocked off-line had found alternate routes for their traffic . It 's hard to estimate how many Internet users were affected by the cut , but the Internet has a total of close to 300,000 such routes , he said . This is not the first time this year that these cables have been cut . Earlier this year both the Sea Me We 4 and Flag cables were cut . Flag 's cable was reportedly cut by ships anchored off the coast of Alexandria , Egypt .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> entered </m> in A publicist says Tara Reid has checked herself into rehab . Jack Ketsoyan said Friday that the `` American Pie '' star went to the Promises Treatment Center . He did not specify what she was being treated for or when she <m> entered </m> the facility . `` We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time , '' he said in a statement . Reid , 33 , earned a reputation as a drunken partier after famously being photographed on a red carpet with her breast exposed , apparently unaware that the strap of her dress had fallen off . Her film credits include `` Van Wilder '' and `` The Big Lebowski . '' She also hosted the short-lived , half-hour show `` Taradise '' on E ! </s> <m> checked into </m> in http : / / ktla . com / 2013 / 05 / 03 / lohan - may - miss - rehab - deadline - dad - says / Lohan Checks into Betty Ford , Rehires Attorney After she abruptly left a rehab facility in Newport Beach on Thursday , Lindsay Lohan has checked into the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage . The actress , 26 , checked in late Thursday night , TMZ reports , barely making the deadline and dodging an arrest warrant . TMZ also reports that Lohan has re - hired attorney Shawn Holley . Lohan had <m> checked into </m> Morningside Recovery Center Thursday morning , but then left because β€œ she was not happy with the place , ” her father said .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> quake </m> in http : / / news . bbc . co . uk / 2 / hi / middle _ east / 4475546 . stm Last Updated : Monday , 28 November 2005 , 02 : 24 GMT Ten dead in southern Iran <m> quake </m> A powerful earthquake has hit southern Iran , killing at least 10 people , injuring dozens more and damaging several villages , officials say . The 6 . 1 - magnitude quake struck Qeshm island , home to 120 , 000 people , and the city of Bandar Abbas , state media said . On Qeshm island , between half and two - thirds of homes in five villages had been damaged , officials said . The quake , which struck at 1353 ( 1023 GMT ) , was felt in the neighbouring Gulf states of Oman and the UAE . Iran sits in a volatile earthquake region and is regularly struck by damaging quakes . A 6 . 7 - strength quake killed more than 26 , 000 people in the ancient city of Bam in December 2003 . 'We panicked' The US Geological Survey put the epicentre of Sunday's quake at about 58km ( 36 miles ) south - west of Bandar Abbas . Heydar Alishbandi , Governor of Qeshm island , said five villages had been badly hit , but the worst - affected areas appeared to be in the less - populated west . Helicopters ferried the injured to hospital but the authorities say the rescue effort is now winding down . Mr Alishbandi told the AFP news agency he was not expecting the death toll to rise . The BBC's Frances Harrison in Tehran says in one incident a number of children suffered broken legs as they rushed to evacuate their school . The initial tremor lasted just over 10 seconds , she says , and there have been at least four aftershocks of around 4 . 0 . Qeshm is a popular tourist destination in the mouth of the Persian gulf . It has a free trade zone and a commercial and fishing port as well as a sanctuary for the conservation of turtles The main town on Qeshm still has power , water and electricity connections and officials say they are sending relief goods such as tents to those who have lost their homes "We were panicked . I saw an injured person with blood on their clothes being taken to a local hospital , " one woman in Qeshm told AFP . There were reports of people fleeing buildings in the larger city of Bandar Abbas , a major port , but no indications of serious damage . The surrounding area has not been hit by a quake in more than 25 years . A 6 . 4 - magnitude quake hit the town of Zarand in Iran's Kerman province in February , killing hundreds of people . </s> <m> Quake </m> in http : / / query . nytimes . com / gst / fullpage . html ? res=9A0DE2DE1431F93BA15752C1A9639C8B63 Powerful <m> Quake </m> in Iran Kills 10 ; 80 Hurt and 7 Villages Damaged Published : November 28 , 2005 A powerful earthquake hit southern Iran on Sunday , causing major destruction in seven villages and killing 10 people and injuring 80 . The tremor shook Oman and the United Arab Emirates as well , forcing many office workers to evacuate their buildings . The official IRNA news agency and the United States Geological Survey said it had a magnitude of 5 . 9 . Iran's seismologic center said the epicenter of the earthquake was in the waters of the Persian Gulf , 35 miles southwest of the port of Bandar Abbas . Iran is on seismic fault lines . A major earthquake killed more than 31 , 000 in city of Bam in central Iran in 2003 , and 600 were killed in the city of Zarand in February in an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 . 4 . The tourist Island of Qeshm on the Persian Gulf and seven of its villages were most strongly affected by the quake . It hit at 1 : 53 p . m . local time and was followed by at least four strong aftershocks , IRNA reported . The news agency also reported that one of the major hospitals on the island , in the village of Jeyhian , was destroyed and the village's power lines were cut . The island's airport was also damaged . Abdolreza Sheikholeslami , the governor of Hormozgan Province , the center of the damaged area , said 40 percent to 70 percent of the buildings in seven villages were destroyed , IRNA reported . Two helicopters began moving the injured to the hospital in Bandar Abbas , and aid workers began distributing food , blankets and tents in the region , the governor said . Qeshm is Iran's largest island in the Persian Gulf , with a population of 120 , 000 . The quake jolted several cities in the United Arab Emirates , across the Persian Gulf from Iran . Office workers in Dubai , United Arab Emirates , evacuated several buildings in the city , pouring onto the streets and snarling traffic . There were no reported injuries in Dubai . Mehdi Zareh , director of the seismological center in Tehran , dismissed concerns that the earthquake would cause tsunamis , IRNA reported . ''The Persian Gulf is not deep enough so that we can expect tsunamis , '' he was quoted as saying . Map of Iran highlighting epicenter of earthquake : A tremor shook southern Iran yesterday , causing major damage .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> winning </m> in http : / / profootballtalk . nbcsports . com / 2012 / 12 / 23 / colts - clinch - playoff - berth - with - 20 - 13 - win - in - k - c / Colts clinch playoff berth with 20 - 13 win in K . C . Posted on December 23 , 2012 , 4 : 42 PM EDT The connection between quarterback Andrew Luck and wide receiver Reggie Wayne has been vital to the Colts ’ success this season . It paid off one more time for the game - <m> winning </m> play in Week 16 . Luck hit Wayne for a seven - yard touchdown with just over four minutes to play to break a 13 - 13 tie and put the Colts on the verge of a playoff berth . The defense forced a three - and - out and rookie running back Vick Ballard ran for a first down to ice the game on the next Colts possession . Give the Colts defense a lot of credit for this one . Darius Butler ’ s interception return opened the scoring for them and they stuffed Chiefs quarterback Brady Quinn short on a fourth - and - inches play early in the fourth quarter . The Colts took the ball and went 73 yards in 13 plays to set up Wayne ’ s game - winning score . It had not been a great day for the Colts offense to that point , but they were able to come up with the drive they needed to punch their postseason ticket . While you ’ re giving the defense credit , though , make sure that you ’ re careful to note all the chances the defense gave Kansas City as well . Jamaal Charles had 226 yards on 22 carries , including an 86 - yard touchdown run , and Peyton Hillis ran for 101 yards . Given the lack of threat posed by Quinn , it ’ s pretty damning that the Colts couldn ’ t keep Kansas City from running the ball . That will likely be something for Chuck Pagano to worry about . The head coach is expected to return to work on Monday after months away from the team battling leukemia . Fixing the run defense before the playoffs will be hard , but it ’ s a good problem to have after drafting first overall last April . </s> <m> win </m> in Manning guides Indianapolis to eighth straight win Peyton Manning helped inspire the Indianapolis Colts to their eighth straight <m> win </m> of the season as they overcame Jacksonville 31-24 on Thursday to reach the play-offs . Manning finished with 29-of-34 after completing his first 17 passes and threw for 364 yards , including three touchdowns . And Manning was full of praise of the side after they fought back from 14-0 and 24-14 down to clinch a place in the play-offs as the fifth seeds in the AFC . `` It was a funny game , we were completing some passes but we were down 14-0 , '' Manning said . `` The crowd were into it and Jacksonville is always tough here at home . `` It 's been a very different season . For us to win eight in a row , it was what we had to do , we had no choice but to do that and have a chance to get into the play-offs . `` You never take winning for granted . It 's hard to win one game and it 's extremely hard to win eight in a row like we did . '' The Colts had looked like they would suffer their first defeat in eight games as they entered the final quarter 10 points down . However Manning 's one-yard touchdown pass to tight end Dallas Clark and Adam Vinatieri 's 45-yard field goal tied the scores . And with just under five minutes remaining , Keiwan Ratliff intercepted quarterback David Garrard 's pass and raced in from 35 yards out for the match-clinching touchdown . Garrard , who rushed for a score , finished with 28-of-41 for 329 yards with one touchdown and one interception for Jacksonville . And Colts coach Tony Dungy added : `` It 's been a long fight back from ( starting the year ) 3-4 . `` I like where we are right now . Peyton Manning was unbelievable , and our defense made some plays in the fourth quarter when they had to . ''
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> placed </m> in The New Orleans Saints <m> placed </m> Reggie Bush on injured reserve today , officially ending his third NFL season . It 's the second straight year that Bush failed to make it to the last week of the season . It 's also the second straight year that Bush took steps backward after a strong rookie season . Bush , who missed several games after arthroscopic knee surgery earlier this season , wraps up the year with 404 yards rushing and 440 yards receiving . He scored six touchdowns on offense and added three more on punt returns . There 's nothing wrong with nine touchdowns in 10 games , but Bush 's inability to stay on the field has made him something less than the Saints expected with the second overall pick in the 2006 Draft . Leon Washington of the Jets , a fourth-rounder that year , has turned in similar production as Bush this season ( in more games ) but costs his team much less money . Making matters worse is the fact that the relationship between Bush and coach Sean Payton seems to be deteriorating . Bush expressed unhappiness about being yanked from last week 's loss to the Bears , two weeks after Payton made a similar move against the Bucs . Whatever his shortcomings , Bush could still play an important role in the supercharged Saints offense . Unless he loses Payton 's faith once and for all , of course . </s> <m> placed </m> in Saints place Bush on IR The New Orleans Saints have <m> placed </m> running back Reggie Bush on injured reserve because of a sprained knee . Bush was hurt last Thursday in a 27-24 loss to Chicago . The Saints are 7-7 and were eliminated from playoff contention over the weekend . The third-year star from Southern California was the team 's second-leading rusher and receiver this season , despite missing four games to recover from arthroscopic surgery for a knee injury suffered in an October 19 game against Carolina . Bush will finish the year with 404 yards rushing and a pair of touchdowns , as well as 52 catches for 440 yards and four scores . He also returned three punts for touchdowns . The Saints signed cornerback Michael Lehan to fill the vacant roster spot .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> murder </m> in http : / / brooklyn . news12 . com / news / prosecutors - release - new - video - in - shooting - trial - of - brownsville - mother - of - 12 - zurana - horton - 1 . 5080720 Prosecutors release new video in shooting trial of Brownsville mother of 12 , Zurana Horton Published : April 16 , 2013 9 : 09 AM Prosecutors have released new video in the trial of two men accused of killing a Brownsville mother of 12 in Oct . 2011 . The video shows Zurana Horton falling to the ground surrounded by kids in the moments after gunfire erupted outside her children's school . Witnesses say Horton died trying to shield several students . Authorities have charged Andrew Lopez and Jonathan Carrasquillo with her <m> murder </m> . </s> <m> trial </m> in http : / / brooklyn . news12 . com / news / prosecutors - release - new - video - in - shooting - trial - of - brownsville - mother - of - 12 - zurana - horton - 1 . 5080720 Prosecutors release new video in shooting trial of Brownsville mother of 12 , Zurana Horton Published : April 16 , 2013 9 : 09 AM Prosecutors have released new video in the <m> trial </m> of two men accused of killing a Brownsville mother of 12 in Oct . 2011 . The video shows Zurana Horton falling to the ground surrounded by kids in the moments after gunfire erupted outside her children's school . Witnesses say Horton died trying to shield several students . Authorities have charged Andrew Lopez and Jonathan Carrasquillo with her murder .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> move </m> in http : / / www . chron . com / neighborhood / pasadena - news / article / Escape - renews - calls - for - prison - agency - shake - up - 1725656 . php Escape renews calls for prison agency shake - up November 30 , 2009 After facing serious questions about how 900 prohibited cell phones were smuggled into Texas prisons this year , along with drugs and weapons , the Texas Department of Criminal Justice found itself on the defensive again Tuesday while trying to find an inmate who escaped despite being shackled to a wheelchair . TDCJ officials could answer few questions about how convicted rapist Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . , 49 , escaped Monday from a prison van in Baytown after pulling a gun and handcuffing two transport officers , stealing their three guns and walking away . He remains on the loose today . Comeaux escaped Monday morning as transport officers tried to <m> move </m> him in a TDCJ van from the Estelle prison unit in Huntsville to the Stiles Unit in Beaumont . He put on one officer's gray uniform and black boots , then stole a 12 - gauge shotgun and two semi - automatic pistols before fleeing on foot , leaving his pistol behind . </s> <m> transported </m> in http : / / news . heralddemocrat . com / hd / News / Police - - - - Texas - on - U - S - - Marshal - Most - Wanted - list - _ - MUG Updated Saturday , December 05 , 2009 8 : 28 PM Texas escapee now on U . S . Marshal's most wanted list Last week's escapee from the Texas prison system is still at large and is now on the U . S . Marshal Service's "Most Wanted" list of fugitives . Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . is serving three life sentences . He escaped last week while being <m> transported </m> from a prison in Huntsville to one in Beaumont , Texas . Comeaux is accused of using a gun which was smuggled in to him for the escape . He was in prison after being convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon . According to Texas authorities , the weapons conviction stemmed from a 1999 incident where he stabbed his wife 17 times while she was visiting him in prison .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> murdering </m> in http : / / newsone . com / 2376991 / zurana - hurton - 13 - children / Footage Of Brooklyn Mother's Fatal Shooting Released During Trial Apr 12 , 2013 Video of Brooklyn Mother of 13 Zurana Horton shot and killed in a gang shooting was revealed Thursday , according to the N . Y . Daily News . The footage shows 34 - year - old Horton ( pictured ) picking up her daughter from school on October 21 , 2011 , in Brooklyn's Brownsville section . Around 2 : 18 p . m . , Horton and two other Moms are seen waiting at an intersection as a yellow bus pulls up to the curb . The shooting then breaks out , with Horton pushing a child out of the way to take a bullet . She then grips her chest and collapses to the ground . Prosecutors showed the tragic footage at the trial of the two youths charged with <m> murdering </m> Horton . Twenty - year - old Andrew Lopez has been accused of carelessly firing at rival gang members from a rooftop . Half - brother Jonathan Carrasquillo is suspected of having directed Lopez to kill their enemies . Both are charged with murder , with Lopez standing accused of letting off 13 shots in Horton's death . One of the two Mothers with Horton that day testified at the trial . "I saw her fall back . . . I saw blood coming from her , " said Unique Armstead , who is seen in the video covering her son with her body as the shooting began . Armstead sustained a gunshot wound to her left arm . Armstead said she heard someone say , "He has a gun , " prompting her to take her son inside a nearby corner bodega for safety . When the coast seemed clear , they reportedly went back out , which is when the shots began . "I thought it was a brick but it was a bullet , " Armstead said . "I told my son , I think I'm shot . " The trial is scheduled to resume Monday , with testimony from a man who claims Lopez's brother threatened to kill him ; he is reportedly scared to take the stand . "The man is petrified , " Judge Vincent DelGiudice said . "The man is an emotional wreck . " </s> <m> killed </m> in http : / / www . nydailynews . com / new - york / brooklyn / video - shows - moments - brooklyn - mom - 12 - article - 1 . 1314511 Last moments of Brooklyn mother of 12 killed in crossfire caught on tape Zurana Horton , 34 , was <m> killed </m> on Oct . 21 , 2011 while walking near an intersection in Brownsville after 2 p . m . Andrew Lopez , 20 , is the accused gunman who sprayed gunfire from a rooftop . THURSDAY , APRIL 11 , 2013 , 9 : 53 PM A shocking video released for the first time Thursday captures the moment a Brooklyn mother of 12 was killed in a gang shootout as she picked her daughter up from school . The dramatic footage was shown at the trial of two local toughs charged with killing Zurana Horton , 34 , on Oct . 21 , 2011 . At 2 : 18 p . m . , Horton and two other moms are seen approaching a Brownsville intersection as a yellow school bus rolls up . A commotion breaks out as the three mothers and two children press up against a storefront for safety . Horton pushes a child out of the way , grips her chest , then collapses to the ground next to a pool of her own blood . "I saw her fall back . . . I saw blood coming from her , " testified Unique Armstead , the mother in the video wearing a white jacket , seen enveloping herself around her son as they dive to the ground just feet from where Horton was killed . Armstead was shot in the left arm . Andrew Lopez , 20 , is accused of firing indiscriminately at rival gang members from a nearby rooftop . His half - brother , Jonathan Carrasquillo , 24 , who allegedly instructed Lopez to take care of their enemies , is also on trial for murder . Armstead , 32 , testified that after she overheard someone say "he has a gun , " she took refuge inside a corner bodega with her son , who was celebrating his 11th birthday that day . They stepped out less than a minute later when it looked like the threat was over , she said , but then shots started to ring out . "I thought it was a brick but it was a bullet , " Armstead testified . "I told my son , 'I think I'm shot . ' " An 11 - year - old girl , Cheanne McKnight , was grazed in the cheek . Lopez is accused of spraying 13 shots on a Friday afternoon , just as schools were being let out . Horton's senseless death shook the city and highlighted the scourge of gun violence that plagues its hardscrabble neighborhoods . The two juries hearing the case - one for each defendant - showed little emotion as the disturbing tape was played in court . Horton's mother , Denise Peace , said she is now caring for five of her daughter's orphaned kids while their father is looking after seven others . Of the alleged gunman , she said , "He's a menace to society . " The trial will resume Monday with testimony from a man who purportedly told prosecutors he has been threatened with death by Lopez's brother . After the witness , who covered his face with a hoodie , was heard in an empty courtroom , the judge ruled he can testify in open court . But Justice Vincent DelGiudice made clear the witness is reluctant to take the stand . "The man is petrified , " he said . "The man is an emotional wreck . "
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> checked into </m> in The good news is that Tara Reid is getting help , according to People Magazine , for boozing it up too much . `` Tara Reid has <m> checked herself into </m> Promises Treatment Center . We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time , '' the actress 's rep Jack Ketsoyan tells PEOPLE . The rep would not reveal what Reid , 33 , is being treated for . The even better news is that her boobs are still big . The bad news is that they are crooked , a bit off-tilt , if you will . Tara is not going to enjoy Promises , there is no open bar , from what I understand . Do n't forget to tip your waitresses and waiters Tara . This is such a warm holiday story , I am about to melt . I wonder what this means for MTV 's beach house , where Tara 's crooked boobs are somewhat of an iconic symbol for the show ? This could get interesting . </s> <m> leaving </m> in http : / / www . foxnews . com / entertainment / 2013 / 05 / 02 / lindsay - lohan - may - change - rehab - facility - violate - plea - deal / Lindsay Lohan rehires longtime lawyer Shawn Holley , heads to rehab Published May 03 , 2013 It seems Lindsay Lohan has had enough of New York attorney Mark Jay Heller . The actress re - hired longtime attorney Shawn Holley to handle her case . Heller told a judge during a hearing Thursday morning that Lohan had checked in to the Morningside Recovery rehab facility , but the starlet left it after a few minutes . The actress , however , has since checked in to a different rehab but will not face a probation violation for <m> leaving </m> another treatment facility after a few minutes , a prosecutor said Friday . Lohan made it to the new facility late Thursday , TMZ reported . White said he has received confirmation that Lohan has checked in to a rehab facility and he is satisfied with her location . He declined to say where Lohan is receiving treatment , but reports soon surfaced that she was at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage , Calif . "Lindsay never checked into Morningside but is back at Betty Ford . The challenge now is to keep her there for the 90 days , " the source told us . Lohan has spent time at Betty Ford before . She served another mandatory rehab sentence at the treatment center , although her stay there was not without drama .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> fatal shooting </m> in http : / / nypost . com / 2013 / 04 / 12 / video - of - brooklyn - womans - fatal - shooting - is - played - at - trial - of - two - men - charged - in - rooftop - gunplay / Video of Brooklyn woman's <m> fatal shooting </m> is played at trial of two men charged in rooftop gunplay April 12 , 2013 | 4 : 00am Rapt jurors yesterday watched surveillance video of the chilling moment that a Brooklyn mom was fatally struck by stray gunfire and slowly fell over into a pool of her own blood . The disturbing evidence was made public at the trial of the two men accused of killing Zurana Horton from a Brownsville rooftop in 2011 . Horton , 34 , was walking with one of her 12 children when Andrew Lopez , 20 , fired from the rooftop on the orders of his brother Jonathan Carrasquillo , 24 , prosecutors charge . Also shot were a woman named Unique Armstead , who was walking near Horton , and an 11 - year - old girl who was passing by . Yesterday , Armstead told jurors at the Brooklyn Supreme Court trial about the moment she was struck in the shooting , which was allegedly sparked by a gangland territorial beef . "At the time , I thought it was a brick , but it was a bullet , " testified Armstead , who was walking with her son and who can be seen in the video stumbling against a building after she is shot . When prosecutor Seth Goldman asked whether she shielded her son with her body , Armstead quietly answered , "Yes . " "When me and my son were on the floor , I noticed Mrs . Horton fall down . I honestly thought she was shot in the head . There was blood . " Armstead also testified that she heard a group of young men arguing about a gun shortly before the shooting , which matches up with prosecutors' claim that Carrasquillo ordered Lopez to the roof with the gun after a dispute between their 8 Block gang and the rival Young Guns crew . The talk of guns had made Armstead nervous , especially since she was with her young son . "I speed - walked to my son , and I held him . I was scared . I was trying to get out of harm's way , " she testified . Armstead said she sought safety for herself and her son in a store , but when activity on the street seemed to have settled , she walked back outside - where a bullet went straight through her arm and she saw Horton killed . Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Vincent Del Giudice briefly sealed the courtroom at the request of prosecutors because their next witness had been threatened with death by the alleged shooter's brother . The fearful witness had entered the courtroom with hood over his head , Del Giudice said when the courtroom was reopened . "The man is an emotional wreck , " the judge said before postponing the man's testimony until Monday . </s> <m> murder </m> in http : / / www . nydailynews . com / new - york / brooklyn / gangmember - guilty - slay - mom - 12 - article - 1 . 1326009 Gang member guilty in slay of Brooklyn mom of 12 Andrew Lopez , 20 was found guilty in <m> murder </m> of Zurana Horton . Horton was struck by a stray bullet as Lopez targeted rival gang members . He faces up to 75 years to life in prison . WEDNESDAY , APRIL 24 , 2013 , 10 : 34 AM A gang member was convicted Tuesday for claiming the life of a mother of 12 when he sprayed 13 bullets from a Brooklyn rooftop in broad daylight . Andrew Lopez , 20 , was found guilty of slaying Zurana Horton , 34 , and wounding Unique Armstead , 32 , and Cheanne McKnight , 11 , in October 2011 as he targeted rival gang members . He faces up to 75 years to life in prison when he's sentenced May 7 . The gruesome death on a busy Brownsville street was captured in a chilling surveillance tape played at trial . It took the panel just over two hours to convict Lopez , who confessed after the shooting .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> checked into </m> in http : / / www . thehollywoodgossip . com / 2013 / 05 / lindsay - lohan - checks - into - rehab - in - newport - beach - investigation - p / Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Rehab in Newport Beach ; Investigation of Facility Pending May 2 , 2013 1 : 35 pm . Lindsay Lohan has <m> checked into </m> rehab in Newport Beach , Calif . , and will remain there for the time being , pending an investigation of the facility she chose . This despite the fact that , at the 11th hour , Lohan bailed on rehab in a New York facility that was approved by prosecutors and a judge and flew to L . A . </s> <m> Checks Out </m> in http : / / dlisted . com / 2013 / 05 / 02 / lindsay - lohan - checks - rehab - checks - out - two - minutes - later / Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Rehab , <m> Checks Out </m> Two Minutes Later May 2 , 2013 The judge should know to never ever trust a gnome with a law degree , because they are shifty shits and will lie to you with a twinkle in their eyes . That ’ s exactly what LiLo ’ s lawyer Mark Heller did in court this morning . He told the judge that LiLo was β€œ ensconced in the bosom of ” rehab this morning when she was really buying crap at Fry ’ s in Fountain Valley , CA . The NYDN says that LiLo eventually made it to Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach , but two minutes after she walked through the door , she walked back through it and left . According to the NYDN , LiLo showed up to Morningside at around noon , spent a couple of minutes there , got spooked by the paparazzi ( uh huh ) and then jumped back into her SUV .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> hacked </m> in Microsoft releases security update for Internet Explorer Microsoft has released an emergency security update to fix the vulnerability in Internet Explorer that has seen the computers of at least two million users <m> hacked </m> . The `` zero day '' flaw allows hackers to gain access to the computers of visitors to infected websites , jeopardising the security of passwords , bank details and other personal information . It is believed that as many as 233,000 web pages have been affected . Microsoft says its `` critical '' update will protect users . Christopher Budd , of the software giant 's security centre , said the company `` encourages all Internet Explorer customers to test and deploy this update as soon as possible '' . Mike Reavey , also from the security centre , said : `` Even with that , the release Emergency Response process is n't over . There is additional support to customers and additional refinement of our product development efforts . '' Microsoft has said that the flaw has been proven to exist only in version 7 of Internet Explorer , but that version 6 and the `` beta '' release of version 8 are also `` potentially vulnerable '' . It has estimated that one in every 500 Windows users has been exposed to websites that attempt to exploit the flaw , and that the number of victims was increasing by 50 per cent every day . Paul Ferguson , a researcher from the software security company Trend Micro , told the BBC that attacks were spreading `` like wildfire '' . `` This vulnerability is being actively exploited by cyber-criminals and getting worse every day , '' Mr Ferguson said . </s> <m> take over </m> in Microsoft issues emergency patch for Internet Explorer Microsoft has issued an emergency patch for its Internet Explorer browser , aiming to fix a critical flaw that allowed hackers to <m> take over </m> computers merely by steering them to infected websites . Microsoft Wednesday took the rare step of issuing the patch after numerous security experts advised people to switch to rival browsers until Microsoft fixed the problem . Microsoft usually releases patches on a set schedule and this is only the third emergency patch in the last three years . The flaw has been in circulation since the first week of December . So far , more than two million computers are believed to have been infected , according to PC Magazine . The vulnerabilities are found on copies of Internet Explorer 7 , as well as IE6 and IE5 . The patch is designed to prevent attackers from downloading malware onto users ' computers if they visit a malicious Web site , or a legitimate Web site that has been infected .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> said </m> in http : / / www . huffingtonpost . com / 2009 / 11 / 30 / arcade - joseph - comeaux - jr - _ n _ 374452 . html Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr , Prison Inmate , Pulls Gun On And Handcuffs Guards , Runs Away 11 / 30 / 09 05 : 40 PM ET A convicted sex offender sentenced to life in prison pulled a gun on two guards during a prison transfer Monday and held them hostage temporarily before fleeing on foot in one of the guard's uniforms , authorities <m> said </m> . At the time of the escape , the inmate was in a wheelchair , which he claimed he needed to help move him around , officials said . Comeaux , 49 , took the officers' weapons and handcuffed them together in the back of the vehicle before fleeing on foot at around 9 a . m . , Lyons said . He was serving a life sentence after being convicted in June 1998 of aggravated sexual assault out of Brazos County , located northwest of Houston . Comeaux was given two extra life sentences after being convicted for stabbing his wife and another person in 1999 while she visited him in prison . She survived the attack . Comeaux also injured a man who was visiting another inmate at the time and tried to stop the attack . The escape triggered a lockdown at Lee College and three campuses in the Goose Creek school district , in and around Baytown . </s> <m> reports </m> in http : / / www . foxnews . com / story / 2009 / 11 / 30 / armed - and - dangerous - texas - inmate - on - loose / 'Armed and Dangerous' Texas Inmate on The Loose Published November 30 , 2009 The Texas Department of Criminal Justice is searching for an escaped inmate who is considered armed and dangerous , MyFoxHouston . com reports . Officials said Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . , 49 , took two transport officers hostage on Monday morning and then escaped from the vehicle and took off on foot , MyFoxHouston . com <m> reports </m> . Comeaux , a 6 - foot , 200 - pound black male , was serving a life sentence for crimes he committed in three Texas counties . He was sentenced to life in prison for indecency with a child , aggravated sexual assault and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon , MyFoxHouston . com reports . Comeaux allegedly handcuffed the officers together in the vehicle and then took off with their weapons , MyFoxHouston . com reported .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> told </m> in Tara Reid has entered a rehab program , the American Pie star 's rep confirmed to People and Us Weekly on Friday . The news comes as a shock for everyone who just assumed the seldom-seen actress had been holed up there for a while - at least when she was n't touring U.S. frat houses and/or tequila conventions . `` Tara Reid has checked herself into Promises Treatment Center , '' Reid 's rep <m> told </m> Us . `` We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time . '' No specific reason or addiction was given for her treatment . When Reid was n't getting attention for her sometimes fun/sometimes scary breasts , the actress was getting attention for her often-shambolic love of partying . Reid 's messy lifestyle led to her short lived E ! -series , Taradise , that followed her to exotic locales where she would party . Somehow , Reid managed to mess up the dream-job/easiest job ever by being too wasted and out of control to film it . `` It was a mess , '' she said of the show . `` I did n't know it was going to ruin my career . People forget I 've done , like , 20 movies . I 'm not just a party girl. `` While Reid has been out of the cinematic spotlight , she recently launched a clothing line , Mantra , and is dating French fashion designer Julien Jarmoune . In an interview in October , Reid told People she was a `` social drinker '' who 's no longer tempted to fall back into her old habits: `` No . I 've done it . Trust me . I 've done enough for a lifetime of everything . I 've had a great time . I partied . I had fun . I ate and drank whatever . I dated a million guys , but I 'm so happy with where I 'm at right now . I do n't need to do anything anymore . '' </s> <m> saying </m> in The beautiful party girl Tara Reid is taking the time this season and checking herself into rehab . Yesterday , on Friday , Reid apparently felt she needed to be checked in without really <m> saying </m> why she was going in . People are assuming it 's her party life that is bringing her into rehab , or maybe she 's just going crazy . According to various reports Tara Reid 's representative Jack Ketsoyan left a statement for the press , he said `` We appreciate your respect to her ( Tara Reid ) and her family 's privacy at this time . '' Apparently the beautiful breast slippin babe 's problem is not getting out much like Spears problems were laid out in the media by the paparazzi and friends of the family . Of course who could forget the breast slip photo of Tara Reid on the red carpet where she had no idea her entire left boob was hanging out as reporters snapped tons of pictures and were laughing at her. ( c ) tPC
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> emergency </m> in Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch to Curb Password-Stealing Hackers Microsoft today issued an <m> emergency </m> update to plug a critical security hole present in all versions of its Internet Explorer Web browser , a flaw that hackers have been leveraging to steal data from millions of Windows users . The patch , which Microsoft dubbed MS08-078 , fixes a security vulnerability that Microsoft says already has been used to attack more than 2 million Windows users . As Security Fix and other members of the tech community have chronicled , attackers have been busy compromising thousands of Web sites by seeding them with code that installs password-stealing software on computer systems of Web site visitors who use Internet Explorer . Microsoft estimated Monday that one in every 500 Windows users had been exposed to sites that try to exploit the flaw . Additionally , it said the number of victims was increasing at a rate of 50 percent daily . Vulnerability management company nCircle said Microsoft 's decision to issue the patch outside of its normal Patch Tuesday ( second Tuesday of each month ) cycle is wise , given the current exploitation of the flaw and because instructions for exploiting the flaw are now available online . `` Given the ongoing attacks for this bug and because the technical details have been available to the public for over a week , this is clearly a high risk client side vulnerability that everyone should patch now , '' said Andrew Storms , director of security for nCircle . This is an urgent update . If you use Windows , apply this patch now . Windows users can download the fix at Windows Update , or by enabling Automatic Updates . </s> <m> emergency </m> in Microsoft issues <m> emergency </m> IE patch as attacks escalate Microsoft has issued a rare emergency update for its Internet Explorer browser as miscreants stepped up attacks targeting a vulnerability on hundreds of thousands of webpages . In many cases , the websites distributing the toxic payload are legitimate destinations that have been commandeered , allowing an attacker to snare victims as they surf to online banks , forums , and other trusted sites . There are at least six distinct versions of attack code circulating in the wild , according to researchers at iDefense , a security lab owned by VeriSign . A web search showed 233,000 pages containing the string , just one of many web addresses exploiting a weakness in the way IE 's data-binding function works . Most of the attacks silently install keylogging software as soon as a victim surfs to a site carrying the exploit . Once installed , the software steals login credentials for online games . Attack strings in separate SQL injections include . Researchers say the number of attack sites is too high to keep exhaustive lists , but Shadowserver is doing an admirable job here . `` The vulnerability is so juicy that we expect it to show up in tool kits fairly shortly , '' said Rick Howard , intelligence director of iDefense . The patch was released eight days after reports began circulating that websites were targeting a vulnerability in fully patched versions of IE . This is only the second time in 18 months that Microsoft has issued an unscheduled update . Typically , patches are available on the second Tuesday of each month to allow system administrators time for planning . Given the prevalence of attacks , there 's no good reason why anyone running a Windows machine should n't stop what they 're doing and install the patch immediately ( those with administrative rights , anyway ) - doing so is as easy as opening IE and selecting Windows Update from the Tools menu . The patch can also be downloaded directly here . Howard mentioned the site of `` a major financial institution '' that he found hosting the exploit , so do n't think you 're immune just because you steer clear of porn and warez .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> confirmed </m> in Well it 's better late than never , Tara . The original trainwreck Tara Reid 's publicist <m> confirmed </m> that the actress Reid was admitted into Promises Treatment Center in Los Angeles , California . `` We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time , '' the actress 's rep Jack Ketsoyan tells People magazine . Reid checked herself in on Tuesday , December 9 , 2008 . Her rep , however , declined to reveal Reid 's reason for this seemingly abrupt decision . Reid 's , 33 , acting abilities had always been overshadowed by her 'party girl ' reputation , and certainly set the bar for young starlets like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton . In an October interview with People , Reid claimed she was a 'social drinker ' and that her crazy past was far behind her . 'I 've done it . Trust me . I 've done enough for a lifetime ofeverything . I 've had a great time . I partied . I had fun . I ate and drank whatever . I dated a million guys , but I 'm so happy with where I 'm at right now . I do n't need to do anything anymore , ' she told the magazine . Apparently , old habits die hard . Hopefully , Promises will help her get back on track . </s> <m> told </m> in http : / / www . etonline . com / news / 133594 _ Lindsay _ Lohan _ Checks _ Into _ California _ Rehab _ Facility / index . html Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Court - Ordered Rehab May 02 , 2013 Lindsay Lohan's lawyer says the actress checked into rehab on Thursday , but the facility has not been officially sanctioned by the court that ordered her to serve 90 days of treatment . Attorney Mark Jay Heller <m> told </m> LA Superior Court Judge James R . Dabney that Lohan , 26 , had checked into Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach , CA , according to the Associated Press .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> escaped </m> in http : / / www . foxnews . com / story / 2009 / 11 / 30 / armed - and - dangerous - texas - inmate - on - loose / 'Armed and Dangerous' Texas Inmate on The Loose Published November 30 , 2009 The Texas Department of Criminal Justice is searching for an escaped inmate who is considered armed and dangerous , MyFoxHouston . com reports . Officials said Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . , 49 , took two transport officers hostage on Monday morning and then <m> escaped </m> from the vehicle and took off on foot , MyFoxHouston . com reports . Comeaux , a 6 - foot , 200 - pound black male , was serving a life sentence for crimes he committed in three Texas counties . He was sentenced to life in prison for indecency with a child , aggravated sexual assault and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon , MyFoxHouston . com reports . Comeaux allegedly handcuffed the officers together in the vehicle and then took off with their weapons , MyFoxHouston . com reported . </s> <m> Escapes </m> in http : / / www . wibw . com / home / headlines / 78153572 . html ? site=full Texas Lifer <m> Escapes </m> Prison Van Near Houston A Texas inmate escaped from a prison van near Houston after pulling a gun on two guards who were transporting him between prisons , according to a Texas prison statement Monday . Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr . , 49 , ran away on foot with the guards' guns and wearing one of their gray correctional officer uniforms , the statement from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice said . Comeaux was serving a life sentence for indecency with a child , aggravated sexual assault and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon , it said . The escape happened near Baytown , Texas , about 25 miles east of Houston , it said .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> deaths </m> in http : / / www . nbcphiladelphia . com / news / local / Trail - Begins - for - Kraft - Shooting - Suspect - 169150416 . html Trial Begins for Kraft Shooting Suspect The murder trial of a suspended female employee who allegedly shot and killed two co - workers two years ago starts Monday . Monday , Sep 10 , 2012 | Updated 9 : 01 AM EDT The murder trial for the suspended Kraft foods employee accused of shooting three co - workers , killing two of them , starts Monday . Yvonne Hiller , 43 , is charged with murder for the shooting <m> deaths </m> of two female co - workers in September 2010 . Hiller is also charged with attempted murder for allegedly shooting and injuring a third co - worker . Police say that the shootings happened minutes after Hiller was suspended from her job at the Kraft Plant following an altercation with the three victims . They say she forced her way through security at gunpoint , walked into the employee lounge where the three victims were and shot them . </s> <m> murder </m> in http : / / philadelphia . cbslocal . com / 2010 / 12 / 07 / accused - philadelphia - kraft - foods - killer - held - for - trial / Accused Philadelphia Kraft Foods Killer Held For Trial December 7 , 2010 11 : 18 PM The woman who allegedly shot and killed two co - workers in September at the Kraft Foods plant in Northeast Philadelphia will face trial on multiple counts of murder and attempted <m> murder </m> . At a hearing on Tuesday , assistant district attorney Gail Fairman described 43 - year - old Yvonne Hiller as a β€œ methodical killer ” who waved a gun within a foot of a security guard ’ s face to regain access to the plant less than ten minutes after she had been escorted out . β€œ She returned like a grim reaper , ” says ADA Fairman , β€œ and she only shot the ones that she held responsible for her suspension . ” Fairman says that when Hiller found a group of co - workers in a break room , she allowed one person to leave unharmed . β€œ At one point , there was a co - worker holding onto Latoya Brown , ” says Fairman , β€œ and the defendant ordered that worker away , and then she shot Brown . ” Hiller had repeated run - ins with co - workers , whom she accused of spraying her with a deer scent , among other things ( see related story ) . Two women were pronounced dead at the scene , and a male co - worker was wounded . A detective testified during the preliminary hearing about Hiller ’ s statement to police , claiming people had been spraying her for years . The defense would not comment on strategy plans for the trial .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> killed </m> in http : / / www . nbcphiladelphia . com / news / local / Trail - Begins - for - Kraft - Shooting - Suspect - 169150416 . html Trial Begins for Kraft Shooting Suspect The murder trial of a suspended female employee who allegedly shot and <m> killed </m> two co - workers two years ago starts Monday . Monday , Sep 10 , 2012 | Updated 9 : 01 AM EDT The murder trial for the suspended Kraft foods employee accused of shooting three co - workers , killing two of them , starts Monday . Yvonne Hiller , 43 , is charged with murder for the shooting deaths of two female co - workers in September 2010 . Hiller is also charged with attempted murder for allegedly shooting and injuring a third co - worker . Police say that the shootings happened minutes after Hiller was suspended from her job at the Kraft Plant following an altercation with the three victims . They say she forced her way through security at gunpoint , walked into the employee lounge where the three victims were and shot them . </s> <m> Shooting </m> in http : / / www . xhuffingtonpost . com / 2010 / 09 / 10 / kraft - shooting - yvonne - hil _ n _ 712178 . html Kraft <m> Shooting </m> : Yvonne Hiller Charged With Two Counts Of Murder 09 / 10 / 10 08 : 23 PM ET A Kraft Foods plant worker who had been suspended for feuding with colleagues , then escorted from the building , returned minutes later with a handgun , found her foes in a break room and executed two of them with a single bullet each and critically wounded a third , police said Friday . Yvonne Hiller , 43 , had gotten into an argument Thursday evening with her co - workers at the northeast Philadelphia plant , police said . After she was disciplined , she went to her vehicle , made several phone calls , and then grabbed a . 357 Magnum and used it to force her way past security guards at the front gate . About 100 people were at work at the plant , which makes Nabisco cookies and crackers . Hiller walked to the third - floor mixing area and found four people in the break room . She had no quarrels with one woman and told her to leave . She then opened fire on the others , Philadelphia Homicide Capt . James Clark said . "She believed they were spraying chemicals at her , saying things behind her back , " Clark said . After leaving the break room , Hiller went down a hallway and fired shots at the supervisor who had suspended her and at a mechanic who was using a walkie - talkie to alert police and co - workers to her whereabouts , police said . She missed both . Hiller finally went to a second - floor office and called police to tell them what she had done , authorities said . Seven other workers were hiding in a closet nearby . Cpl . Janice Leader , a 911 dispatcher , told reporters Friday that Hiller called 911 , saying "I'm the one you're looking for" and reporting that she had been harassed at work . Keeping her on the line , Leader said she told Hiller to put the gun down and place her hands on her head so officers wouldn't take any aggressive action against her . When tactical police who had entered the plant found her , Hiller was in a fetal position on the floor , the gun beside her . Police called the mechanic a hero who "did a phenomenal job" in alerting employees to evacuate the building and directing officers to where Hiller was . "By following the suspect at great peril to himself – and we can see that by the fact that he was shot at and almost hit – he reduced our tactical problem quite dramatically , " Chief Inspector Joe Sullivan said . Police identified the victims as Tanya Renee Wilson , 47 ; LaTonya Sharon Brown , 36 ; and Bryant A . Dalton , 39 , all of Philadelphia . Wilson and Brown died at the plant . Dalton , shot in the neck , remained in intensive care Friday at Jefferson University Hospital , police said . The plant will remain closed indefinitely , Kraft said . "We suspended the employee when she became agitated and used profanity . We wanted the opportunity to investigate the situation , " Kraft said in a statement Friday . Hiller was charged with two counts of murder , one count of attempted murder , aggravated assault and other charges . She had a permit to carry the gun , authorities said . Hiller has worked for Kraft for about 15 years , and had been in repeated arguments there in the past several years , a few of them physical , Clark said . Yet a next - door neighbor described Hiller as a quiet woman who kept to herself but said she was polite and exchanged pleasantries when they saw each other . Catherine Hillgen , who has lived on the tidy middle - class city block for about 45 years , said Hiller moved in several years ago with her son but recently has been living alone . She initially dismissed a neighbor's report Thursday that Hiller might be involved in a fatal workplace shooting , but then heard her named on the news Friday . "It was a complete shock , " Hillgen said . "I would not expect it . " Kraft , based in Northfield , Ill . , also makes Oreo cookies , Philadelphia cream cheese , Oscar Mayer bacon and other products . Mass shootings are rarely carried out by women , said Dr . Park Dietz , president of Threat Assessment Group Inc . , a Newport Beach , Calif . - based violence prevention firm . Earlier this year , Amy Bishop , a former instructor and researcher at the University of Alabama's Huntsville campus , was charged with murder in a campus shooting spree that left three biology professors dead and three other employees wounded . She claimed the shootings "didn't happen . " Thursday's shooting came just weeks after a driver who had been accused of stealing from a Manchester , Conn . , beer distributorship fatally shot eight people , then himself . The driver , who was black , had seethed with a sense of racial injustice in his job , said his girlfriend . But the beer distributor's president said there was no record to support claims of "racial insensitivity . "
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> security </m> in Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch to Curb Password-Stealing Hackers Microsoft today issued an emergency update to plug a critical <m> security </m> hole present in all versions of its Internet Explorer Web browser , a flaw that hackers have been leveraging to steal data from millions of Windows users . The patch , which Microsoft dubbed MS08-078 , fixes a security vulnerability that Microsoft says already has been used to attack more than 2 million Windows users . As Security Fix and other members of the tech community have chronicled , attackers have been busy compromising thousands of Web sites by seeding them with code that installs password-stealing software on computer systems of Web site visitors who use Internet Explorer . Microsoft estimated Monday that one in every 500 Windows users had been exposed to sites that try to exploit the flaw . Additionally , it said the number of victims was increasing at a rate of 50 percent daily . Vulnerability management company nCircle said Microsoft 's decision to issue the patch outside of its normal Patch Tuesday ( second Tuesday of each month ) cycle is wise , given the current exploitation of the flaw and because instructions for exploiting the flaw are now available online . `` Given the ongoing attacks for this bug and because the technical details have been available to the public for over a week , this is clearly a high risk client side vulnerability that everyone should patch now , '' said Andrew Storms , director of security for nCircle . This is an urgent update . If you use Windows , apply this patch now . Windows users can download the fix at Windows Update , or by enabling Automatic Updates . </s> <m> exploiting </m> in http : / / krebsonsecurity . com / 2013 / 09 / microsoft - ie - zero - day - flaw - affects - all - versions / Microsoft : IE Zero Day Flaw Affects All Versions Microsoft said today that attackers are <m> exploiting </m> a previously unknown , unpatched vulnerability in all supported versions of its Internet Explorer Web browser . The company said it is working on an official patch to plug the security hole , but in the meantime it has released a stopgap fix to help protect affected customers . Microsoft said it is aware of targeted attacks that attempt to exploit the vulnerability ( CVE - 2013 - 3893 ) in IE 8 and IE 9 versions of the default Windows browser . According to an advisory issued today , the flaw is a remote code bug , which means malware or miscreants could use it install malware just by coaxing IE users to browse a hacked or malicious Web site . The Fix It solution is available from this link . To apply it , click the Fix It icon above the Fix This Problem link . Applying this solution may limit some functionalities of IE , so if you run into problems after applying this interim patch , you can click the Fix It icon to the right of that β€œ enable ” button to reverse the update . Update : As several readers have already noted in the comments , this Fix It solution is for 32 - bit versions of IE only . In 64 - bit Windows , you can tell whether the browser you ’ re using is a 32 - bit or 64 - bit version by opening the Windows Task Manager ( Ctrl+Shift+Esc ) and clicking the Processes tab . The number that appears after the process name ( in this case , iexplore . exe ) indicates the version in use .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> fire </m> in Fire and police units are still at the scene of a <m> fire </m> which gutted a Waitrose supermarket in Surrey . More than 50 firefighters tackled the blaze at the store in High Street , Banstead , which broke out on the roof at about 2045 GMT on Friday . Sixty residents were moved from their homes , while premises nearby suffered smashed windows and smoke damage . No-one was injured in the fire , which is being treated by police as `` potentially suspicious '' . Roads in the area were closed until about 1630 GMT on Saturday . The alarm was raised after a CCTV operator noticed smoke coming from the roof . A statement from Waitrose said damage to the building had been extensive but the store would be rebuilt . Surrey Police said firefighters , along with two fire tenders , and police officers would remain at the scene until Monday . </s> <m> fire </m> in Police are treating a <m> fire </m> which has destroyed a Waitrose supermarket in Banstead in Surrey as `` potentially suspicious '' . More than 50 firefighters have been trying to control the fire which broke out in the roof of the building . Peter Guest , Assistant Chief Fire Officer at Surrey Fire and Rescue Service says the building is `` a total loss '' .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> striking </m> in http : / / newsinfo . inquirer . net / breakingnews / world / view / 20100505 - 268325 / Deadly - fire - bomb - hits - bank - during - Greek - riots Deadly fire - bomb hits bank during Greek riots First Posted 23 : 37 : 00 05 / 05 / 2010 A fire - bomb attack on a bank in Greece killed at least three people Wednesday as police fought pitched battles with <m> striking </m> protestors furious at brutal budget cuts designed to avert national bankruptcy . Hooded youths hurled petrol bombs at stores and businesses in the center of the capital Athens and demonstrators tried to storm parliament during the general strike , as the rioting spread to the northern city of Thessaloniki . Police said two women and one man died at a branch of the Marfin bank which caught fire after rioters broke a window and threw Molotov cocktails inside . Around 20 more people had to be ushered to safety . "Nobody has the right to violence and particularly violence that leads to murder , " Prime Minister George Papandreou told parliament as he condemned "a raw murderous act" . At least two other buildings , one used by tax officials , caught fire in other fire - bomb attacks on the margins of the protests . Athens underground stations were shuttered and the international airport deserted as tens of thousands of union members rallied on the eve of a vote in parliament on the planned cuts and tax hikes . The general strike was the first major test of the Socialist government's resolve to push through unprecedented measures since agreeing a ? 110 - billion ( $143 - billion ) EU and IMF debt bailout at the weekend . Papandreou's insistence that the measures are vital for the nation's survival failed to dissuade unions from paralyzing public services . After rallying in two separate demonstrations in central Athens , unionists marched on parliament where a vote on the measures will be held Thursday . "They're taking everything from me , I don't know how I'm going to get by , " said 61 - year - old Anargyros Bizianis , a municipal worker in the Athens suburb of Piraeus who earns ? 900 a month . As the protestors tried to break through a police line in front of parliament , they first hurled stones and bottles of water , prompting officers to respond with tear gas . Full - scale clashes then erupted , with riot police trying to disperse the crowds with baton - charges . During the unrest , one protestor threw a petrol bomb . Youths also went on the rampage in other parts of the capital , with several dozen youths hurling petrol bombs at stores , smashing shop windows and bus shelters with iron bars . Athens police chiefs mobilized all their forces , including those not on active duty , by declaring a general state of alert . The protestors in Thessaloniki targeted stores and banks in the city center before they were dispersed by the anti - riot police . A group of about 200 communists had stormed the Athens Acropolis on Tuesday , unfurling banners reading "Peoples of Europe , Rise Up . " "The Greek people have been called to make sacrifices while the rich pay nothing , " said Giannis Panagopoulos , head of the GSEE private sector union . A government official downplayed the unrest saying that "for years there's been strikes and protests in this country without much consequence . " But markets reacted with alarm as Greek stocks closed down 3 . 9 percent . Pushed to the brink of default , the government agreed at the weekend to slash spending and jack up taxes in return for 110 billion euros in loans over three years from eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund . Among the major measures , the government is to cut 13th and 14th month bonus pay for civil servants and retirees ; require three years more for pension contributions ; and raise the retirement age for women to 65 . After months of hesitation , eurozone countries and the IMF agreed to lend Greece billions at below market rates after concerns the Athens crisis could trigger a knock - on effect elsewhere . Fighting accusations of holding up the bailout , German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the crisis underlined the need for an overhaul of EU fiscal rules . "The future of Europe and the future of Germany within Europe is at stake , " she told a debate on Berlin's decision to lend ? 22 . 4 billion to Greece . </s> <m> hits </m> in http : / / www . news . com . au / newstest2 / archive - old - assets / three - dead - after - fire - bomb - hits - bank - during - greek - riots / story - e6frfkyi - 1225862790476 Three dead after fire - bomb <m> hits </m> bank during Greek riots A FIRE - BOMB attack on a bank in Athens left at least three people dead as police fought pitched battles with striking protesters furious at brutal spending cuts designed to avoid national bankruptcy . Hooded youths hurled petrol bombs at stores and businesses in the Greek capital , setting the bank and two government buildings ablaze . Protesters also tried to storm the Greek Parliament and the rioting spread to Greece's second city , Thessaloniki . Police said at least three people , a man and two women , were killed in the fire - bomb attack . Firefighters said as many as 20 people had been inside the bank . It was unclear if the dead were customers or bank employees . Two buildings , one used by tax officials and another by regional authorities , also caught fire . Greek President Carolos Papoulias condemned the violence , saying the debt - hit country had "reached the edge of the abyss" . "Our country has reached the edge of the abyss . It is the responsibility of us all to not take the step into the void . "What is at stake in coming days is to keep social cohesion and social peace . " Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said the firebombing was a "raw murderous act" . Athens underground stations were shuttered and the international airport deserted as tens of thousands of union members rallied on the eve of a vote in parliament on the planned cuts and tax hikes . The general strike was the first major test of the Socialist government's resolve to push through unprecedented measures since agreeing a οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½110 billion ( $158 billion ) EU and IMF debt bailout over the weekend . Prime Minister George Papandreou's insistence that the measures are vital for the nation's survival failed to dissuade unions from paralysing public transport , grounding air traffic and preventing ferries from leaving docks . After rallying in two separate demonstrations in central Athens , members of the main unions began converging on parliament , where the Government was preparing for the measures to be voted on Thursday .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> fixed </m> in Internet Explorer issue 'fixed ' , say Microsoft Microsoft has said that an emergency security update has <m> fixed </m> a flaw in Internet Explorer that left millions of computers vulnerable to hacking and hijack . The software patch , which was released last night , has closed a loophole that has seen the computers of at least two million users hacked by cyber criminals . The problem related to a `` zero day '' flaw that tricked people into visiting an infected website , enabling hackers to gain access to online banking passwords and e-shopping logon details . `` Microsoft has released a security update for Internet Explorer that will help protect its customers from malicious attacks , '' said the company in a statement . `` Like a vaccine developed to fight a virus , this 'security update ' will protect computers only if it is installed . '' Computers that are set to automatically update and install software will already be protected by the patch . Those users who manage their own updates are advised to download the fix as soon as possible from the Microsoft website . `` When the patch is released , people should run , not walk , to get it installed , '' said Paul Ferguson , a researcher with Trend Micro . `` This vulnerability is being actively exploited by cyber criminals and getting worse every day . '' It is thought that the security flaw , which came to light earlier this week , was exposed by accident , after a Chinese security firm , Knowsec , released details of the loophole believing Microsoft had already issued a software fix to resolve it . However , technology experts have warned that malware authors , who write the viruses and code that exploits security vulnerabilities , are already working on ways to get around the software update . `` We are seeing customised versions of the IE 7 exploit with varying degrees of obfuscation , '' wrote McAfee security expert Rahul Mohandas on the company blog . `` Malware authors have been coming up with innovative mechanisms to leverage this exploit to social engineer the not so tech-savvy internet users . '' </s> <m> remedy </m> in http : / / www . mnn . com / green - tech / computers / stories / microsoft - to - release - patch - for - internet - explorer Microsoft to release patch for Internet Explorer 'The Fix' will <m> remedy </m> a vulnerability that allows an attacker to gain remote control of a Windows machine . . Wed , Sep 19 2012 at 11 : 47 AM Microsoft will push out an out - of - cycle Windows patch to temporarily fix the critical Internet Explorer flaw revealed earlier this week . "While we have only seen a few attempts to exploit the issue , impacting an extremely limited number of people , we are taking this proactive step to help ensure Internet Explorer customers are protected and able to safely browse online , " Microsoft Trustworthy Computing director Yunsun Wee said in a blog posting on Sept . 18 . "The Fix it is an easy - to - use , one - click , full - strength solution any Internet Explorer user can install , " Wee wrote . "It will not affect your ability to browse the Web , and it will provide full protection against this issue until an update is available . It won ’ t require a reboot of your computer . "This Fix it will be available for everyone to download and install within the next few days , " she added . Microsoft usually pushes out software updates and security patches on the second Tuesday of every month . Out - of - cycle patches are reserved for the most serious flaws . It's not clear what exactly Microsoft has in mind , if , as Wee indicates , the "fix it" is not a real update . Microsoft initially suggested that all Internet Explorer users install and configure a utility called the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit ( EMET ) to prevent exploitation of the flaw , but admitted EMET might interfere with other applications . Most security experts , and the German government , have recommended a simpler solution : Stop using Internet Explorer entirely until the flaw is fully fixed . The Internet Explorer vulnerability allows an attacker to gain remote control of a Windows machine at the same level of privilege as the current user . That's not so bad if a given machine's current user has limited privileges , but very serious if the current user has administrator rights and can install , modify or delete software . The flaw affects all currently distributed and supported versions of Internet Explorer and Windows : Internet Explorer versions 6 , 7 , 8 , and 9 and Windows XP , Vista and 7 , as well as Windows Server 2003 , and 2008 . Windows 8 , due to be released to the general public Oct . 26 , and its accompanying Web browser , Internet Explorer 10 , are not affected . Nor is Windows Server 2012 .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> record </m> in Tyler Hansbrough scored 20 Thursday night to break North Carolina 's career scoring record and help the No. 1 Tar Heels remain unbeaten with a 91-73 victory over Evansville in Chapel Hill , N.C . The reigning national player of the year finished 7-for-14 from the field and had nine rebounds for North Carolina ( 10-0 ) , which shook off a slow start and stretched the lead to double figures shortly after Hansbrough passed Phil Ford for the <m> record </m> midway through the first half . Ford , now an assistant coach to Larry Brown with the NBA 's Charlotte Bobcats , finished his career in 1978 with 2,290 points . </s> <m> record </m> in Hansbrough breaks UNC career scoring record Phil Ford stood at midcourt , waiting for Tyler Hansbrough to take the microphone and address the home crowd . As the reigning national player of the year walked up , Ford playfully bowed in reverence before giving him a hug . Now even the famed point guard who flawlessly ran Dean Smith 's `` Four Corners '' offense is looking up at Hansbrough as the storied program 's all-time leading scorer . Hansbrough scored 20 points Thursday night to break Ford 's 30-year-old mark and help top-ranked North Carolina beat Evansville 91-73 , a game that was completely overshadowed by the 6-foot-9 senior 's record pursuit . He needed just nine points coming in , making the record an almost certainty considering that he 's failed to reach double figures just six times in his career . But that did n't mean Hansbrough was oblivious to all the attention about a record that had stood through the careers of names like Michael Jordan , James Worthy and Antawn Jamison . `` I 'm usually not nervous before games , and I was a little nervous before tonight just because I felt like there was a lot of pressure , '' said Hansbrough , who sat between Ford and coach Roy Williams during the postgame news conference . `` One thing for me , I did n't want us to strictly focus on trying to break a scoring record . We had a game and I was trying to do whatever I could to help the team . '' Hansbrough finished 7-for-14 from the field and had nine rebounds for North Carolina ( 10-0 ) , which shook off a slow start and stretched the lead to double figures against the Purple Aces ( 7-2 ) shortly after Hansbrough passed Ford midway through the first half . Ford , now an assistant coach to fellow Tar Heel alumnus Larry Brown with the NBA 's Charlotte Bobcats , finished his career in 1978 with 2,290 points . `` I think everyone who knows me knows how much I love this program and to be a small part of this historic moment for Tyler is a dream come true for me , '' Ford said . `` I would n't have missed it for the world . `` It 's an honor to be compared in the same breath with Tyler . When I look at how hard he plays and how he listens to Coach Williams , as a player , that 's what I tried to do . '' Hansbrough tied Ford on a jumper from the left wing with 14:05 left in the first half , then set the <m> record </m> by muscling in a bank shot over James Haarsma and Pieter van Tongeren with 7:41 to go . As soon as the record-setting shot went through the net , officials briefly stopped the game to allow Ford , Williams and athletics director Dick Baddour to present Hansbrough with the game ball . Students who carried small signs saying `` Phil Ford 2,290 '' on one side turned it around to reveal `` Tyler 2,291 + '' on the other . Hansbrough waved to acknowledge the roaring crowd and handled the historic moment with his typically reserved demeanor , though he seemed eager to get back to the game and away from the focus being on him . After the game , the school showed a video montage of Hansbrough 's career highlights that included congratulations from several former players . That 's when Hansbrough took the microphone from Ford and emotionally addressed the crowd . `` I never dreamed I 'd be here and be the all-time leading scorer , '' Hansbrough said as he stood alone at midcourt . `` This is a great honor to be here and to represent you guys every night in this uniform . '' It was a moment that fellow senior and roommate Bobby Frasor said showed how much Hansbrough appreciated the record even though he did n't want to dwell on it in recent days . `` I 've never seen him tear up or choke up like that , '' Frasor said . `` But Tyler really does care about all this stuff and he knows what he accomplished is pretty special . '' Still , the Tar Heels seemed a little tight and the home crowd anxious to see Hansbrough set the record early . But in the minutes afterward , the Tar Heels settled down and outscored Evansville 22-10 the rest of the half to take a 46-28 lead . It lightened the mood enough that Williams - who said he was counting down a player 's points in his head for probably the first time - was able to tease Hansbrough on the bench after he missed a two-handed dunk on his first shot following the record . `` I said , 'Boy , I 'm really glad that 's not the basket that would 've broken the record , ' '' he said with a laugh . The Tar Heels maintained a comfortable margin the rest of the way , cracking the 90-point mark for the seventh straight game . Hansbrough left the game for good with the Tar Heels leading 83-58 with 5:33 to play . He still has a chance this season to pass Sam Perkins for the program 's career rebounding record and break the Atlantic Coast Conference career scoring mark set by Duke 's J.J. Redick in 2006 . `` Whatever Tyler gets , he deserves , '' Evansville coach Marty Simmons said . `` I 've been a big fan of his since he was in high school . It 's good to see guys that work the hardest be rewarded the most . '' Ty Lawson added 16 points for the Tar Heels , while Danny Green had 14 , including the 1,000th of his career . Shy Ely scored 23 points to lead Evansville , which was off to its best start since going 10-1 in 1981-82 . The Purple Aces were playing the No. 1 team for the first time since 1980 and just the third time ever .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> decision </m> in Tara Reid Finally Checks Into Rehab For Undisclosed Reasons It 's been a long time coming , but Tara Reid has finally entered Malibu Promises Treatment Center on Tuesday , her rep told . The 33-year-old hard partying actress finally decided to put an end to her drinking days and get help for her addictions , although her publicist refused to disclose the real reason why Reid checked into rehab . In a statement released to People , the `` American Pie '' star 's rep Jack Ketsoyan confirmed that she was at the same clinic where Britney Spears , Ben Affleck , Charlie Sheen , and Lindsay Lohan were previously treated , and pleaded for her and her family 's privacy at this time . `` Her friends and family are supportive of her decision , `` a friend of the actress said . `` She checked in herself - it was her <m> decision </m> . '' Following her breakthrough in 1999 's `` American Pie , '' the actress has been better known for her partying habits and personal life rather than her movies , which were n't that many in the first place . Three years ago , Reid , who has launched a new fashion line called Mantra in September , opened up about her party girl image saying it was n't accurate and her entourage was a bad influence as well . `` My picture is taken only when I have a cup in my hand , '' she told Us Weekly . `` Trust me , my body is tired . I partied hard . But I think it was that the people I partied with were not the best people . '' Earlier this year , the star said she had turned a corner from being a hard-hitting drinker and was now a `` social drinker . '' When asked about the temptation to fall back into old habits she said she had enough fun and a great time to last her a lifetime . `` I 'm so happy with where I 'm at right now . I do n't need to do anything anymore , '' she added . Besides `` American Pie '' and her E ! reality show `` Taradise , '' Reid has had a recurring role on `` Scrubs '' and starred in `` Van Wilder '' and `` The Big Lebowski . '' </s> <m> checked into </m> in Tara Reid has seemingly spent the last decade out and about , but her latest destination hits much closer to home . The American Pie actress and velvet-rope fixture has <m> checked into </m> Promises Treatment Center in Malibu , according to her publicist , Jack Ketsoyan . `` We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time , '' he said . Ketsoyan did not say what Reid is being treated for and no other details were forthcoming . The move comes as a surprise to Reunion Pictures ' Matthew O'Connor , who coproduced Reid last year on the made-for-TV horror flick Vipers . `` Tara was 100 percent professional , '' he told E ! News . `` She came in totally prepared every day . '' `` Absolutely not , '' O'Connor said when asked whether he had noticed any warning signs that Reid might have a problem . `` She was better than fine - great . '' The 33-year-old Reid , whose personal life and plastic-surgery travails have earned her far more headlines than her career over the last few years , described herself to People a few months ago as `` a social drinker . '' When asked whether she was still a party girl , the Taradise star said , `` I 've done enough of everything for a lifetime ! I partied . I had fun . I ate and drank and dated a million guys , but I 'm so happy with where I am right now . I do n't need to do any of that anymore . '' Reid recently started her own clothing line , Mantra , but her last notable acting gig was a guest arc on Scrubs back in 2005 .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> died </m> in Mark Felt , who was known as Watergate scandal informant 'Deep Throat , ' <m> died </m> on Friday . He was 95 . Felt worked as the associate director of the FBI in the 1970s and is one of the most famous anonymous sources for the press in American history . His daughter Joan Felt said her father ate a big breakfast before saying he was tired , and went to sleep , she told the Washington Post . He died at 12:45 p.m. on Thursday at his home in Santa Rosa , California , the Post stated . `` He slipped away , '' she said . Felt blew the whistle on a corrupt administration trying to cover up attempts to sabotage opponents . He secretly guided Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward and his colleague Carl Bernstein who pursued the story of the 1972 break-in of the Democratic National Committee 's headquarters at the Watergate office buildings . That ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon . Felt insisted on remaining completely anonymous until May 30 , 2005 when Felt 's family revealed his identity in an article for Vanity Fair magazine . </s> <m> died </m> in http : / / www . sptimes . com / 2004 / 07 / 28 / Worldandnation / Watergate _ figure _ Fred . shtml Watergate figure Fred LaRue dies Published July 28 , 2004 Fred LaRue , a Watergate figure and high - ranking Nixon administration official who once was rumored to be Deep Throat , has died of natural causes . He was 75 . His body was discovered Tuesday by a maid who entered his hotel room in Biloxi , Coroner Gary Hargrove said . The coroner said he believes Mr . LaRue <m> died </m> Saturday ( July 24 , 2004 ) . Mr . LaRue was known as the "bagman" who delivered payoffs to keep participants in the Watergate breakin quiet , and served 41 / 2 months in federal prison for conspiracy to obstruct justice . Mr . LaRue served as special assistant to John Mitchell , the former attorney general who later headed President Richard Nixon's re - election committee . Mr . LaRue was at a 1972 meeting with Mitchell and Nixon aide Jeb Stuart Magruder in Key Biscayne , where the plan to break into the Watergate complex allegedly was hatched . After his political career ended in scandal , Mr . LaRue returned to his home state of Mississippi to work in his family's business . Mr . LaRue discounted rumors that he was Deep Throat , saying the mysterious source for Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein was not one person , but probably a combination of people .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> killing </m> in http : / / www . thewestmorlandgazette . co . uk / news / crime / 10473630 . print / Millom double murder : Man charged with <m> killing </m> mother and sister 8 : 56am Monday 10th June 2013 A MAN has been charged with the murder of his mother and sister in Millom . John Jenkin , 23 , of Newton Street , Millom was arrested Saturday morning after police found two women dead in a house . The victims have been identified as mother Alice McMeekin , 58 , of Newton Street , Millom and her 20 - year - old daughter Kathryn Jenkin of Aberdare , South Wales . Police have this morning charged him and he will appear before Furness District Magistrates . He has also been charged with animal cruelty after the family dog was discovered dead . </s> <m> murders </m> in http : / / metro . co . uk / 2013 / 06 / 10 / man - charged - with - murdering - mother - and - sister - in - cumbria - 3834866 / Man charged with murdering mother and sister in Cumbria Monday 10 Jun 2013 10 : 45 am A 23 - year - old man has been charged with the <m> murders </m> of his mother and sister . John Jenkin is due in court over the murders of Alice McMeekin , 58 , and Kathryn Jenkin , 20 . Both women were found dead at their home in Newton Street , Millom , Cumbria , on Saturday morning , with Mr Jenkin arrested shortly afterwards . Detectives said Ms McMeekin and her daughter were found with head injuries . Although formal identification has not yet taken place , Cumbria police announced the identities of the victims and Mr Jenkin , who has also been charged with animal cruelty after the family dog was found dead at the house . He is due before Furness district magistrates' court today .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> sequel </m> in http : / / www . examiner . com / article / gary - ross - back - talks - to - direct - the - hunger - games - sequel - catching - fire Gary Ross back in talks to direct 'The Hunger Games' <m> sequel </m> 'Catching Fire' April 9 , 2012 Despite reports last week that said Gary Ross would definitely not be returning to direct The Hunger Games sequel , Catching Fire , it seems he will be back at the negotiating table with Lionsgate this week . The Hollywood Reporter says Ross is set to meet with Lionsgate officials on Monday to resume negotiations . According to THR , two major sticking points are salary ( Ross apparently wants a raise ) and schedule , with The Hunger Games set to begin filming in August . That's in part to accomodate Jennifer Lawrence's January start date for filming the X - Men : First Class sequel , a project that legally and contractually holds priority for the actress over Catching Fire . Lionsgate is also under pressure to meet a previously announced November 2013 release date for Catching Fire . The majority of fans were outspoken last week in their disappointment that Ross would not return for Catching Fire . Some launched the "Gary Ross Is Boss" campaign to show support , a petition has been circulating Twitter , and it will be the top discussion subject on Monday night's episode of the HG Fireside Chat podcast . What do you think about Ross returning ( or possibly not ) for Catching Fire ? Sound off in the comments below ! </s> <m> sequel </m> in http : / / www . starpulse . com / news / index . php / 2012 / 04 / 07 / gary _ ross _ wont _ direct _ hunger _ games _ seq Gary Ross Won't Direct 'Hunger Games' Sequel April 7th , 2012 12 : 30pm EDT Moviemaker Gary Ross has reportedly pulled out of negotiations to direct a <m> sequel </m> to "The Hunger Games . " Ross , who has wowed film fans and critics alike with his adaptation of the first book in author Suzanne Collins' trilogy , has officially decided not to return , according to The Playlist . Speculation about his successor for Catching Fire has begun with "The Hunger Games'" second - unit director Steven Soderbergh the early front - runner to take over the role .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> damaged </m> in Severed Cables in Mediterranean Disrupt Communication Internet and telephone communications between the Middle East and Europe were disrupted after three submarine cables between Italy and Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea were damaged . The failures cut the flow of `` data of various kinds '' between Europe and the Middle East , and there 's no timeframe for when communications will be restored , said Sanjeev Gaur , director of assurance at Reliance Globalcom Ltd. in India . France Telecom SA , which plans to send a maintenance boat to fix the problem , said the situation should be back to normal by Dec. 31 . Three cable systems carrying more than 75 percent of traffic between the Middle East , Europe and America have been <m> damaged </m> , according to the U.K. 's Interoute Plc , which operates a fiber- optic data network connecting 92 cities . The cables run from Alexandria in northern Egypt to Sicily in southern Italy . In January , an anchor severed the cables outside Alexandria after bad weather conditions forced ships to moor off the coast . `` The information we have is a bit sketchy , but chances are that it will have been an anchor again , `` Jonathan Wright , Interoute 's director of wholesale products , said in a telephone interview . `` Close to 90 percent of all the data traffic between Europe and the Middle East is carried on these three cable systems . '' Interoute said the January incident brought down 70 percent of the Internet network in India and the Middle East . Customer services and some mobile-phone customers at Vodafone Group Plc 's Egyptian unit are affected by the cable failure , said Simon Gordon , a spokesman for the U.K. company . Egypt is the only country where the company is aware of any problems linked to the failure , he said . Most mobile-phone calls are routed through fixed-line cables at some point . Verizon Communications Inc. , the second-largest U.S. phone company , said it has rerouted traffic for its Verizon Business customers making calls to the Middle East by siphoning it to Europe and the U.S. and then down through Asia , spokeswoman Linda Laughlin said in an interview . The rerouting slowed some traffic to about half its normal speed , Laughlin said . Point-to-point customers still do n't have connections , and Verizon does n't have information on how many subscribers are affected . The company expects repairs to be completed by early next week , she said . Portugal Telecom SGPS SA , Portugal 's biggest phone company , has redirected traffic through other cables in the region and therefore the `` impact is very small , '' said a company official . Sonaecom SGPS SA , Portugal 's second-biggest fixed-line phone company , also said that it 's diverting traffic to other routes . France Telecom 's Orange mobile-phone unit said the cable failure `` greatly disturbed '' the traffic between Europe and parts of Asia . At one point as much as 55 percent of voice traffic in Saudi Arabia , 52 percent in Egypt and 82 percent in India was out of service , according to Orange . Internet traffic `` from Mumbai to London has now been rerouted via Hong Kong which may lead to congestion and increased latency on this route , '' Reliance said in an e-mailed `` traffic disruption update , '' adding that it is working with the affected customers to restore all services . The company said it will publish another update on its Web site tomorrow . `` You can reroute the data through other cables , but that increases traffic and can potentially create bottlenecks , '' Interoute 's Wright said . `` So Internet connections may slow down and some phone calls could get disrupted . '' Some of Interoute 's clients in the U.K. and Southern France are probably affected by the failure , Wright said . `` It 's difficult to forecast how long it will take to fix the problem as it depends on the weather and sea conditions in the Mediterranean , '' Wright said . A fault is affecting the SMW4 cable near the Alexandria cable station , the FLAG FEA cable is down and the SMW3 cable system is also affected , according to information received from Telstra . Flag Telecom Group Ltd. , a Reliance Globalcom unit , operates FLAG FEA and the other cables are owned by groups of phone companies across the regions . Reliance Globalcom does n't know exactly what happened and engineers are working on the problem , said Anurag Joshi , head of the company 's global network operations center . The SMW4 cable , also known as SEA-ME-WE 4or South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 4 cable network , connects 12 countries : Pakistan , Indonesia , Singapore , Malaysia , Bangladesh , India , Sri Lanka , United Arab Emirates , Saudi Arabia , Egypt , Italy and France . France Telecom said one of its maintenance boats in the Mediterranean area is headed to the region for a relief mission with 20 kilometers of spare cable on board . Priority will be to recover the SEA-ME-WE 4 cable , then the SEA-ME-WE 3 cable , France Telecom said , adding that Sea Me We4 could be operating by Dec. 25 and the situation should be back to normal by Dec. 31 . </s> <m> damage </m> in Damaged cables cause internet outages for millions Up to 70 % of communications to the Middle East have been disrupted after cables connecting region to Europe were damaged Millions of web users across the Middle East are struggling to get online after damage to undersea cables connecting Europe , Africa and Asia took down a major route for internet traffic . As much as 70 % of internet traffic and telephone communications between the continents has been affected by the outage . It is believed to have been caused by damage to a string of cables which run on the bed of the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Egypt , connecting Europe with other parts of the world . The lines , which run hit the Egyptian coast at Alexandria and go on to connect to Asia , are responsible for carrying vast amounts of internet traffic and phone calls between different parts of the world . It remains unclear what precisely what caused the <m> damage </m> , but the Egyptian communications ministry said that ships have already been dispatched to look at the problem - although repairs will take `` several days '' . Jonathan Wright , a director at telecoms company Interoute , said that the outage could have a devastating affect on business and communication around the world . `` The potential impact of an outage of this size can not be underestimated - it is like severing a major artery , '' he said . `` Global internet connectivity is reliant on sub-sea cables connecting countries . '' The incident comes less than a year after a similar outage brought a halt to communications between Europe , Africa and Asia . Those problems were believed to have been caused by ships ' anchors ripping through another section of the same cables , but were exacerbated by simultaneous damage in lines through the Middle East . As many as 75 million people were affected in countries as far apart as India , Egypt and Dubai . It is not yet clear whether today 's outage is the same order of magnitude . Despite the prevalence of wireless internet and satellite connections , global communications are still largely reliant on the vast webs of fibre optic cables which cover the planet . The lines , which take years of planning to install , move traffic backwards and forwards across continents . The cables hit by the latest incident are among the most vital information pipelines linking Europe to the rest of the world - and are responsible for the majority of all connectivity in the Middle East and south Asia . According to Alan Mauldin , research director of communications analysis company TeleGeography , the succession of problems in the region are only likely to be remedied by a series of new cables which are currently being planned . `` Many new cable systems are slated to enter service between Europe and Egypt in the next few years , '' he said .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> security </m> in Microsoft releases patch for critical IE security flaw Microsoft released a critical security patch on Wednesday to plug vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer , a move that comes amid malicious attackers taking advantage of the <m> security </m> flaws . The patch is designed to prevent attackers from downloading malware onto users ' computers if they visit a malicious Web site , or a legitimate Web site that has been infected . This zero-day exploit has been in circulation since the first week of December and potentially could have infected a wide swath of users . The vulnerabilities are found in not only IE 7 , Microsoft 's latest browser , but also Internet Explorer 5.01 , Internet Explorer 6 , and Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 . </s> <m> exploited </m> in Microsoft Releases Critical Internet Explorer Patch The out-of-band security update fixes a JavaScript-related vulnerability that 's being actively exploited through hacked Web sites . Microsoft ( NSDQ : MSFT ) has released an out-of-band security update , MS08-078 , to fix a vulnerability in its Internet Explorer Web browser that 's being actively <m> exploited </m> . `` At this time , we are aware only of attacks that attempt to use this vulnerability against Windows Internet Explorer 7 , '' said Christopher Budd , Microsoft security response communications lead , in an e-mailed statement . `` Our investigation of these attacks so far has verified that they are not successful against customers who have applied the security update . MS08-078 has a maximum severity rating of Critical for all versions of Internet Explorer . '' On the heels of the Yahoo deal that fell apart V 2 , comeback CEO Jerry Yang was skewered by the able hands of Web 2.0 Summit host John Battelle . Paul Martino , CEO of Aggregate Knowledge , talks about the company 's `` online discovery '' tool , which essentially looks across hundreds of millions of Web sites and recommends content , products , and services to users in real time . Mashmaker allows developers to add a bit of JavaScript to any page and have that page automatically populated with appropriate widgets , making the page more useful for site visitors . Nonetheless , Microsoft lists Internet Explorer 5.01 , 6 , and 7 as affected software in its Security Bulletin . It also says separately , in the FAQ section , that Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 is affected . The vulnerability can be exploited through JavaScript code posted on malicious Web sites . Internet Explorer users may be redirected to these sites through hacked legitimate sites . If the malicious code is successful , it silently downloads malware onto the victim 's computer . Microsoft typically releases software patches , referred to as Security Bulletins , on the second Tuesday of every month . When critical vulnerabilities emerge and are actively exploited , Microsoft often issues a patch as soon as it 's ready . The last such out-of-band patch , Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 , was released on Oct. 23 . It addressed a vulnerability in Windows Server service that affected all currently supported versions of Windows . That vulnerability allowed an attacker to take over affected computers remotely . When Microsoft issued its out-of-band patch in October , it cited the vulnerability 's potential `` wormability '' -- meaning the hole could be exploited on a massive scale using self-copying malware -- as a reason for its action . But MS08-078 is n't wormable . `` That shows that the wormability of a vulnerability is no longer a good indicator of the seriousness of a threat and that these Web-based threats are now much more dangerous than network worms , '' said Roel Schouwenberg , senior antivirus researcher for Kaspersky Lab , Americas , in an e-mailed statement . Indeed , Microsoft security researchers estimated that as many as 1 in 500 users of Internet Explorer could have been exposed to malware attempting to exploit the flaw . `` The browser flaw had been disclosed roughly one week ago as a zero-day vulnerability , and active exploits have been around the Internet for that timeframe as well , '' Qualys CTO Wolfgang Kandek said in an e-mailed statement . `` The workarounds provided by Microsoft were very technical and quite cumbersome to implement , making it imperative for Microsoft to release a fix as quickly as possible . '' Kandek suggests that Microsoft is at a disadvantage in updating Internet Explorer because its browser does n't have a built-in update mechanism like other browser makers . Mozilla , for instance , just released Firefox 3.05 to Firefox users through its auto-update system . Microsoft is urging users of IE to test and deploy this update as soon as possible .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> died </m> in Bettie Page , the 1950s pin-up queen and pop culture icon who <m> died </m> on Thursday , will be remembered for her indomitable influence on style , fashion , and sexual expression . But as Bettie 's biographer -- and the only one with whom she ever cooperated -- I can tell you that the underground bondage queen also had the unlikely effect of thematically shaping a series of biographical and highly feminist novels about powerful women in history . In 1991 , intrigued by the resurgence of Bettie 's image in venues as diverse as rockabilly clubs , nostalgia rags , and S and M fashion gone mainstream , I wrote a cover story for the L.A. Weekly , `` In Search of Bettie Page . '' For nine months , I had tracked down anyone who had ever known her or photographed her . But Bettie herself , the object of much speculation , remained elusive . Most people thought she was dead . Then , as fate would have it , someone gave Bettie , who was living in anonymity and seclusion , a copy of the article . Imagine the shock -- a seventy-something senior citizen who ran away from it all forty years prior , suddenly finds that she is famous again . But she liked it . Though she did not want to re-enter the public arena , Bettie sent me a letter praising the piece , calling us `` kindred spirits . '' Soon , with co-author James Swanson , I embarked on the adventure of writing her biography , sitting down with her for hundreds of hours while she told us her story . At the time , I was also trying to work out how to tell the stories of women in history who had been either dropped from the record or misinterpreted through the sexist lens of their biographers . I was to start with Kleopatra ( the original Greek spelling ) , a victim of Roman propaganda remembered for the men with whom she slept rather than for her diplomacy , leadership , and the fact that she had mastered nine languages . How to present the stories of women who had been victimized without writing a victim story , I kept asking myself ? How to give women in history who had been reduced to their sexuality the full breadth of their experience without diminishing or demeaning their sexuality ? So here was Bettie Page , a woman known only for her sexuality , who had been sexually abused by her father , sexually violated by a gang of strangers , and emotionally battered by a husband . In the years since she had gone underground , Bettie had become a born-again Christian working for the Billy Graham Crusade . Surely she would repudiate the work she 'd done as a pin-up and bondage model . Surely she saw herself as a victim of the patriarchy that hijacked her beauty and sensuality and exploited it for its own gratification . Surely I was about to meet a woman who considered herself a victim . I was wrong . Despite her more unfortunate experiences , Bettie never presented herself as a casualty of sexual abuse , and she never used that , or her religious beliefs , which were strong , to renounce the work she 'd done as a model . Moreover , she never denounced sexual expression . `` God created us naked , '' she said by way of explaining her total lack of inhibition in the buff . She purported that bondage modeling `` was such fun , '' even at times `` hilarious , '' except for when the elaborate gear became uncomfortable . And sex itself , she assured me on many occasions , was for her , always pleasurable and joyful . Though she had at times suffered at their hands , she never expressed bitterness toward men . I know women who are resoundingly more hostile than Bettie Page just for having suffered a few bad dates . No , Bettie was not going to allow anyone or anything to diminish the joy she experienced when she put that corset on ( or took it off ) and felt her full-blown sexual power . Since the publication of Bettie Page : Life of a Pin-Up Legend , I have published four historical novels with strong female characters . Each , in her own way , was a victim , either of the era in which she lived and its laws , or of individual abusers , or of the general abuses and oppressive nature of the culture at large . Despite the enormous consciousness-raising of the last few decades , we still see attempts to diminish today 's female powerbrokers women like Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin by sexualizing them . Yes , in our porn-saturated society , people are still trying to shame women for -- what ? Having sexual attributes ? At least we can point to one woman , Bettie Page , who would n't have it . Bettie 's obits paint a bleak picture of her later years . But I found that , despite her trials , she had retained a zest for life and always took pleasure in memories of the work that she 'd done . I hope that Bettie is remembered for her sexual joy , and for the gleeful spirit she brought to sexual imagery , whether she was frolicking on the beach or being ball-gagged and spanked , rather than for being a victim . A female friend of mine said this morning , `` Bettie Page did more for sexual expression than Alfred Kinsey. '' Amen , sister . For all the countless ( and valuable ) mountains of scholarly and feminist writing that have influenced my thinking and my portrayal of women , I still look to a lady who said it all by looking into the camera and defying anyone to tell her she was bad or wrong . Amen to you , too , Bettie . Rest in peace . </s> <m> died </m> in Legendary pinup queen Bettie Page <m> died </m> of pneumonia at the age of 85 in a Los Angeles , California , hospital Thursday , a week after suffering a heart attack , according to her agent . Pinup queen Bettie Page was credited with helping to usher in the sexual revolution . `` She captured the imagination of a generation of men and women with her free spirit and unabashed sensuality , '' said agent Mark Roesler in a written statement . `` She is the embodiment of beauty . '' Page , said to be one of the most photographed people of the past century , became a recluse in recent decades . Yet , her images continued to be used around the world to market Bettie Page action figures , clothing lines and other merchandise . `` Her popularity as an underground , guilty pleasures phenomenon has continued to soar despite the fact that the reclusive Page disappeared almost a half century ago , leading many to believe that one of the most photographed individuals of the 20th century was already dead . '' Roesler said . The Web site , , logs about 20 million hits a month , Roesler said . A poll recently placed Bettie Page as the `` ultimate sex goddess , '' outscoring others such as Marilyn Monroe . Page was born to a poor family in Tennessee on April 22 , 1923 . While her birth certificate spelled her name `` Betty , '' she changed the spelling later in life to `` Bettie . '' At a time when few women pursued a college education , Page earned a bachelor of arts degree in education from Peabody College in Tennessee in 1944 , according to her official biography . Her teaching career , however , was hampered by her looks , she said . `` I could n't control my students , especially the boys , '' she is quoted as saying . After her modeling career ended , Page returned to Peabody College to work on a master 's degree , the bio said . Her Southern drawl and a refusal to sleep with a Hollywood producer hampered her acting career , according to her bio . `` I did n't like his looks , '' Page said . `` I would n't have gone to bed with him anyway . He was a creep . He drove off in his big car and scolded me, 'You 'll be sorry . ' I was n't . '' Page said she regretted not accepting studio boss Jack Warner 's offer of another screen-test , but it came while she was trying to save her marriage to her first husband , Billy Neal . Her modeling breakthrough began after she divorced Neal in 1947 when she met a police officer whose hobby was photography . He suggested the black bangs , which became her trademark , her bio said . Not long after , her images were everywhere , gracing magazine covers and locker pin-ups . Page wore nothing but a Santa hat in Playboy 's January 1955 centerfold . Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said her appearance in his magazine 's first year was a milestone . `` She became , in time , an American icon , her winning smile and effervescent personality apparent in every pose , '' Hefner said . `` A kinky connection was added by Irving Klaw 's spanking , fetish and bondage photos , which became part of the Bettie Page mystique , '' Hefner said . `` They were playful parodies that are now perceived as the early inspiration for Madonna 's excursions into the realm of sexual perversion . '' Perhaps the most memorable photos of Page were her bondage poses , which she said were all pretend . `` I never understood how anyone believed those poses were sexy , '' she later said . `` To be tied up ? I do n't get it . '' `` She was a remarkable woman , truly someone that changed the social norms , not only here in this country , but also around the world , '' Roesler said . `` While Jackie Robinson was changing the racial attitudes , Bettie Page was changing our attitudes on sex . She became a James Dean type of 'rebel ' figure as she allowed people to be less inhibited and look at sex in a different way . '' Saucy photos of Paige in skimpy clothing or none at all helped to lead the way for the sexual revolution of the nineteen sixties . Page suddenly disappeared from the scene in 1958 . It was only decades later revealed that she re-emerged to explain that she underwent a religious conversion and moved to Florida . Her life took a dark turn starting in 1978 after her third marriage failed , Roesler said . Page went through `` some mental instability , violent mood swings , and serious trouble with the law '' and was eventually diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic , according to her bio . Page reappeared in public in December 2003 for Playboy 's 50th anniversary party , where she made a grand entrance with Anna Nicole Smith . It was the only time in the past 50 years that Page allowed her photograph to be taken , Roesler said . A private funeral service is planned for Tuesday . Page will buried at Westwood Cemetery in Los Angeles , just a few feet away from Monroe .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> killing </m> in http : / / www . newser . com / story / 131863 / teen - arrested - in - shooting - of - hero - brooklyn - mom . html Teen Arrested in Shooting of Hero Brooklyn Mom Posted Oct 26 , 2011 8 : 57 AM CDT An 18 - year - old gang member has confessed to <m> killing </m> a pregnant mom , who died on Friday as she shielded a group of children from bullets , but insisted he "did not mean to shoot the ladies , " sources tell the New York Daily News . In addition to Zurana Horton - who was a mother of 12 - another mom and an 11 - year - old girl were wounded by rooftop sniper Andrew Lopez , who told police his dozen rounds were intended for members of a rival gang . Lopez has been charged with murder ; his two half - brothers , 17 and 22 , were also arrested . </s> <m> get off </m> in Last May , a stray bullet killed 10-year-old Kathina Thomas as she played on the front steps of her home on Albany 's First Street Her death sparked outrage , and even prompted the community to come together to <m> get guns off </m> Albany streets . Now the case is back in the spotlight as the 16-year-old accused of firing the fatal shot , Jermayne Timmons , goes to trial . More than 100 potential jurors walked into the Albany County Courthouse Monday . Inside , men and women from all walks of life were slowly eliminated , answering questions such as `` had you heard , seen or read anything about the death of Thomas ? '' Such a query would be difficult thing to say `` no '' to , given all the media attention that the 10-year-old 's death and Timmons ' subsequent arrest brought . By 5:00pm Monday , selection was winding down for the day as five were already picked for the jury . Timmons remained at the courthouse along with defense attorney Peter Lynch and Albany County District Attorney Dave Rossi . `` The evidence in this case is gon na ' show factually that Jermayne is not the person who caused [ Thomas ' ] death , '' Lynch told local media Monday . However , Lynch has a tough job ahead of him in proving that his client did not pull the trigger and , in the end , kill Thomas . This , when police have released an alleged confession from Timmons , and a letter of apology that he is said to have written to the girl 's mother that reads , `` I am so sorry that the gun I shot is the gun that could have takeing ( sic . ) your baby girl away from you , '' King provided an explanation , saying , `` The so-called apology note was posed more in the question of if [ Timmons ] , in some way , could have been responsible , he would have been apologetic for it , '' None of Thomas ' family members were present in the courthouse Monday , only Timmons ' friends and relatives . Also absent were those who are expected to be called on as witnesses . In an unprecedented move , Albany County Assistant District Attorney Dave Rossi asked the media to keep the identities of certain witnesses quiet . `` If we start seeing names in the paper or on the news on day one , I think it 's gon na ' make it more difficult for us to have witnesses in the seat on day two , three and four , '' he said . One of the witnesses that can be talked about is Jermayne Timmons ' own mother , who is expected to take the stand . Jury selection will likely go on until sometime Tuesday . It was more than seven months ago when that errant bullet killed Kathina Thomas . The 10-year-old was shot on the night of May 29th while she was playing outside her First Street home . Less than two weeks later , Jermayne Timmons was arrested and charged with the shooting . It was discovered shortly after the arrest that Timmons had written an apology letter to the mother of Kathina Thomas , saying the bullet was not meant to hit the girl . In response to the fallout over Thomas ' death , and further gun violence in Albany , District Attorney David Soares announced a gun buyback program in mid-June , offering up gift cards to anyone who brought in a gun .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> block </m> in http : / / www . egyptindependent . com / news / cable - cuts - partially - block - internet - mobile - services - some - areas Cable cuts partially <m> block </m> internet , mobile services in some areas On Tue , 16 / 08 / 2011 - 13 : 42 An undersea telecommunications cable cut on Tuesday partially blocked internet and mobile services in Alexandria and some other governorates . The cable cut happened around the same time that a different cable , owned by Telecom Egypt , was cut that also affected services , Egyptian authorities said . Mahmoud al - Goweiny , a member of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority's board of directors , told Al - Masry Al - Youm that this particular undersea cable has frequently malfunctioned since late 2007 . Ahmed Osama , deputy executive director of Telecom Egypt , said the cable passes through Egypt from Europe and reaches Asia . Osama said the cut's effect in Egypt was limited , and there haven't been clear reports about a cause . "Some internet users suffered problems with internet and mobile services , Osama noted . Osama attributed these problems to the Telecom Egypt cable cut , which affected Etisalat Egypt and LINKdotNET , two of Egypt's largest internet services providers . No further details were reported about the effects of the cuts . </s> <m> outage </m> in http : / / kim . wits . ac . za / index . php ? module=news&action=viewstory&id=gen11Srv0Nme53 _ 84584 _ 1313485720 BRIEF UNPLANNED SEACOM CABLE INTERNET OUTAGE 16 August 2011 ( Tue , 16 Aug 2011 ) This morning one of the Wits Internet Service providers , SEACOM , experienced an outage affecting International Internet browsing . The service is now back online . TENET will continue to monitor and ensure that it is stable however , but from the looks of things traffic should now be flowing normally again . According to information from SEACOM the <m> outage </m> was caused by a terrestrial break in the fibre in Egypt on the SMW4 cable system . Once we have official confirmation / an incident report we will send more information . Always at your service .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> said </m> in http : / / www . cbsnews . com / 8301 - 207 _ 162 - 57582560 / lawyer - lindsay - lohan - checks - into - rehab - facility / May 2 , 2013 , 1 : 12 PM Lawyer : Lindsay Lohan checks into rehab facility Updated 4 : 08 p . m . ET Lindsay Lohan's attorney <m> said </m> Thursday the actress checked into a Southern California rehab facility that a state official said is unlicensed to perform the type of treatment a judge required her to receive . Mark Jay Heller told a judge that Lohan was settling in at Morningside Recovery , a treatment facility in Newport Beach . "My client is ensconced in the bosom of that facility right now , " Heller argued after a prosecutor objected to Lohan's choice of rehab facilities . "She's in rehab right now . Nothing bad is going to happen . " TMZ reported Lohan was shopping at an electronics store while her attorney was in court , and that she never entered Morningside . White said he was "completely blindsided" by Lohan's placement at Morningside because Heller had previously agreed to send the actress to a different facility that had been vetted . </s> <m> according to </m> in Tara Reid has seemingly spent the last decade out and about , but her latest destination hits much closer to home . The American Pie actress and velvet-rope fixture has checked into Promises Treatment Center in Malibu , <m> according to </m> her publicist , Jack Ketsoyan . `` We appreciate your respect to her and her family 's privacy at this time , '' he said . Ketsoyan did not say what Reid is being treated for and no other details were forthcoming . The move comes as a surprise to Reunion Pictures ' Matthew O'Connor , who coproduced Reid last year on the made-for-TV horror flick Vipers . `` Tara was 100 percent professional , '' he told E ! News . `` She came in totally prepared every day . '' `` Absolutely not , '' O'Connor said when asked whether he had noticed any warning signs that Reid might have a problem . `` She was better than fine - great . '' The 33-year-old Reid , whose personal life and plastic-surgery travails have earned her far more headlines than her career over the last few years , described herself to People a few months ago as `` a social drinker . '' When asked whether she was still a party girl , the Taradise star said , `` I 've done enough of everything for a lifetime ! I partied . I had fun . I ate and drank and dated a million guys , but I 'm so happy with where I am right now . I do n't need to do any of that anymore . '' Reid recently started her own clothing line , Mantra , but her last notable acting gig was a guest arc on Scrubs back in 2005 .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> overturned </m> in http : / / digitaljournal . com / article / 268554 Obama overturns Bush midnight rules on science , health care Mar 5 , 2009 Controversial rulings enacted in the 11th hour by the Bush administration are being examined for policy and legal implications by the Obama administration . Several regulations affecting health care and the environment have been overturned . In his final months in office , former president George W . Bush enacted several highly controversial policies that affect health care and wildlife . In just a little over a month in office , President Barack Obama has sidelined or overturned several of them , and has also reached back over the years to reverse policies enacted during Bush ’ s first term . A Bush administration draft plan to allow oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts was sidelined by the Obama administration on Feb . 10 . "To establish an orderly process that allows us to make wise decisions based on sound information , we need to set aside" the plan , said new Interior Secretary Ken Salazar who extended the public comment period on offshore drilling by six months . Obama has maintained that expanded offshore drilling should be part of a larger energy blueprint developed out in the open with Congress , not within the departments of Commerce and Interior Department alone . On Feb . 27 , the Obama administration announced its intention to reverse the so - called β€œ medical conscience ” rule , following a 30 - day comment period . The rule gave health care workers the right to refuse to participate in services they consider immoral . The rule was vaguely worded and extended the right to refuse service to everyone from receptionists and janitors to hospital executives and insurance company CEOs . Opponents considered the rule , which took effect the day before Obama ’ s inauguration , a thinly veiled maneuver to limit access to legal abortions , contraceptives , and living will directives . On March 3 , Obama <m> overturned </m> another 11th hour Bush regulation that weakened the Endangered Species Act and pitted federal agencies against each other . The regulation allowed federal agencies to sidestep scientific evidence gathered by U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service experts when launching construction projects that impact endangered wildlife . When overturning the regulation , Obama said he was restoring "the scientific process to its rightful place at the heart of the Endangered Species Act , a process undermined by past administrations . " The Obama administration will also move quickly to reverse some older Bush rulings . On January 30 , Obama signed an executive order rescinding a 2001 Bush policy change that barred U . S . financial aid to international organizations that provide or promote abortions . First implemented by President Reagan and called the β€œ Mexico City ” rule , the policy is reversed whenever there is a change in ideology in the White House . Obama said the policy toward international family planning "has been used as a political wedge issue . " He said his administration would β€œ initiate a fresh conversation on family planning , working to find areas of common ground to best meet the needs of women and families at home and around the world . " The Obama administration plans to head off many of Bush ’ s midnight hour rules still in the pipeline before they take effect . On inauguration day , federal agency heads were sent a memo stating that they should freeze all Bush regulations in the pipeline . Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag followed up with a Jan . 21 memo giving agency heads these options for dealing with Bush - era β€œ rules which raise substantial questions of law or policy : ” extending the effective date of a rule , reopening the notice and comment period , issuing interim final rules , and deciding not to defend court challenges to Bush administration rules . For a partial list of Bush ’ s midnight regulations and their current status , visit ProPublica . </s> <m> Reverses </m> in http : / / articles . washingtonpost . com / 2009 - 03 - 04 / news / 36879035 _ 1 _ bridge - project - obama - administration - george - w - bush Obama <m> Reverses </m> Bush on Species Protection Measure March 04 , 2009 In a move that will subject a number of government projects to enhanced environmental and scientific scrutiny , President Obama is restoring a requirement that U . S . agencies consult with independent federal experts to determine whether their actions might harm threatened and endangered species . The presidential memorandum issued yesterday , which marks yet another reversal of former president George W . Bush's environmental legacy , will revive a decades - old practice under the Endangered Species Act that calls for agencies to consult with either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on whether their projects could affect imperiled species . On Dec . 16 , the Bush administration allowed agencies to waive such reviews if they decided , on their own , that the actions would not harm vulnerable plants and animals . Obama , who visited the Interior Department to commemorate its 160th anniversary , said he had instructed Interior and Commerce Department officials to review the Bush rules . In the meantime , according to the memorandum , officials should "follow the prior longstanding consultation and concurrence practices" that call for independent reviews . "The work of scientists and experts in my administration , including here at the Interior Department , will be respected , " Obama said . "With smart , sustainable policies , we can grow our economy today and preserve the environment . " Environmentalists and scientists welcomed the move , but business officials said it could delay federally funded projects that could help revive the nation's economy : All of them agreed it would prompt a second look at several initiatives adopted by the Bush administration in its final months in office . Earthjustice lawyer Janette Brimmer , whose group had challenged the Bush rule in federal district court in California , said she expected that the new administration would reexamine two pending projects : a Bureau of Land Management plan for overseeing Oregon's forests , which was finalized on Dec . 30 and could affect protected species such as the northern spotted owl ; and construction of the White Pine coal - fired power plant in Nevada . "I think the Obama administration now is going to take a step back on these projects . It needs to bring science back into the equation , " Brimmer said , adding that her group will not drop its lawsuit until it can assess how the new policy is working . Francesca Grifo of the Union of Concerned Scientists , an activist group , said the switch would help guard against the potential conflicts of interest and lack of expertise that could color decision - making by any agency hoping to press ahead with a particular project . "After years of scientific scandal , the Interior Department and its partner agencies need desperately to regain credibility by making decisions with honesty , clarity and transparency , " Grifo said . But William L . Kovacs , the U . S . Chamber of Commerce's vice president of environment , technology and regulatory affairs , said that reviving another layer of review "will result in even greater delays to projects - - including stimulus - backed , job - creating projects - - as agencies now grapple with the prospect of lengthy interagency consultations to determine , for instance , if a bridge project in Florida contributes to the melting of Arctic ice . This is such a departure from the spirit and the letter of the Endangered Species Act that we wonder if the law's drafters would even recognize it today . " The latest policy shift follows several other administration actions revamping environmental policies , including a reexamination of fuel economy standards and offshore oil drilling ; a new review of whether to grant California and other states the right to regulate greenhouse - gas emissions from vehicles ; and the endorsement of a new international treaty negotiation on global mercury emissions . House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J . Rahall II ( D - W . Va . ) , who had been seeking to overturn Bush's endangered species rule through legislation , called the announcement "one more indication that the new administration truly represents change for the better and is committed to the protection of our natural resources and our environment . " Officials said the move is unlikely to trigger broad use of the Endangered Species Act to regulate greenhouse - gas emissions . While the Bush rule specifically prohibited endangered species consultations on the basis of "global processes" such as climate change , an Interior official speaking on the condition of anonymity said that under the new policy , such a review would be triggered only if scientific evidence suggested "a causal connection" between emissions from a federal project and its effect on an imperiled species or an identifiable part of its habitat .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> murder </m> in The Staunton Police Department announced Friday they have made an arrest in a 41-year-old double <m> murder </m> case . Staunton Police Chief Jim Williams announced 61-year-old Sharron Diane Crawford Smith was arrested around 10:24 a.m. Friday and charged with two counts of first degree murder . </s> <m> Shooting </m> in http : / / philadelphia . xcbslocal . com / 2010 / 09 / 10 / 3 - shot - at - kraft - plant - in - ne - phila / 2 Dead , 1 Wounded in <m> Shooting </m> at NE Phila . Kraft Plant September 10 , 2010 10 : 14 AM Police say two people have been killed and another wounded in a shooting at the Kraft Foods plant in Northeast Philadelphia . The alleged shooter is in police custody . KYW ’ s Pat Loeb reports that the shooting took place just after 8 : 30pm Thursday night inside the old Nabisco factory , along the 12000 block of Roosevelt Boulevard , at Woodhaven Road . Authorities say the incident began after the fifteen - year employee , 43 - year - old Yvonne Hiller , was suspended . Police commissioner Charles Ramsey says she was escorted out of the building and was outside for nine minutes before coming back : β€œ She drove her car through a barrier and entered the premises . She had a . 357 magnum . Made her way to the third - floor mixing room , where she encountered at least three of the employees . Two , she shot and killed there in the room . A third was also shot . ” The third victim , identified as Brian Dalton , was rushed to Aria Health ’ s Torresdale campus with a gunshot wound . He was later transferred to Jefferson and listed in stable condition . Officers responded to 911 calls from other employees inside the building , arriving with SWAT teams and other personnel who were trained in an β€œ active shooter ” situation , according to Commissioner Ramsey . He says most of the other 100 workers inside were able to get out safely . Seven employees were trapped near the shooter , but cops say they were able to free them , disarm the woman , and take her into custody . KYW ’ s Paul Kurtz reports that Commissioner Ramsey credits a special training program for preventing even more bloodshed last night . The commissioner says he ’ s put many officers through what ’ s called β€œ active shooter ” training for first - responding officers : β€œ We ’ ve learned from Columbine and other places that you can ’ t wait , you can ’ t just sit there and wait for SWAT . You ’ ve got to at least make entry and try to get as many people out as possible , isolate the shooter , and then hopefully SWAT arrives in enough time to take care of the situation . They did an excellent job , the 7th and 8th Districts in particular . Those officers did an outstanding job . ” And it turns out that at least seven of the officers who rushed to the Kraft factory had β€œ active shooter ” training . Ramsey says he plans to expand the program . Hiller is expected to be arraigned on two murder charges and one attempted murder charge later today . Kraft Foods issued a statement early this morning announcing that the Northeast facility is closed until further notice . The statement expresses condolences for the families of the dead and wounded employees , saying , β€œ This is a tragic loss for all of us . ” It states that Kraft is working closely with the authorities as they investigate and will be providing counseling services for employees at the facility .
Are the following mentions coreferent?: <m> murder </m> in http : / / www . itv . com / news / wales / story / 2013 - 06 - 10 / aberdare - woman - found - dead / Brother double - murder charge John Jenkin , 23 and from Cumbria , has been charged with the murder of his mother and sister . Kathryn Jenkin , 20 and from Aberdare , and her mother Alice McMeekin , 58 , were found on Saturday . Brother charged after Aberdare woman found dead The brother of a woman from Aberdare found dead in Cumbria on Saturday has been charged with her murder . 23 - year - old John Jenkin , of Millom , has been charged with the <m> murder </m> of his 58 - year - old mother , Alice McMeekin , and sister , Kathryn Jenkin , 20 , who is from Aberdare . On Saturday 8 June 2013 , at 8 : 39am police were called to a property in Newton Street where Mrs McMeekin and Miss Jenkin were tragically found dead with head injuries . The family dog was also found dead . John Jenkin was arrested on suspicion of murder shortly afterwards . He will appear at Furness District Magistrates court this morning . John Jenkin is related to the victims , he is the son of Alice McMeekin and the brother of Kathryn Jenkin . - CUMBRIA POLICE </s> <m> double - murder </m> in http : / / www . itv . com / news / wales / story / 2013 - 06 - 10 / aberdare - woman - found - dead / Brother <m> double - murder </m> charge John Jenkin , 23 and from Cumbria , has been charged with the murder of his mother and sister . Kathryn Jenkin , 20 and from Aberdare , and her mother Alice McMeekin , 58 , were found on Saturday . Brother charged after Aberdare woman found dead The brother of a woman from Aberdare found dead in Cumbria on Saturday has been charged with her murder . 23 - year - old John Jenkin , of Millom , has been charged with the murder of his 58 - year - old mother , Alice McMeekin , and sister , Kathryn Jenkin , 20 , who is from Aberdare . On Saturday 8 June 2013 , at 8 : 39am police were called to a property in Newton Street where Mrs McMeekin and Miss Jenkin were tragically found dead with head injuries . The family dog was also found dead . John Jenkin was arrested on suspicion of murder shortly afterwards . He will appear at Furness District Magistrates court this morning . John Jenkin is related to the victims , he is the son of Alice McMeekin and the brother of Kathryn Jenkin . - CUMBRIA POLICE
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