Apps People Oz External Mergedpeopleapi Customer Info
Contains customer data for profile owner proxied from d3.
[ [ "Customer id", "D e p r e c a t e d. use obfuscated_customer_id instead. if result has a g suite customer i d, this field will continue to be populated with -1 to indicate the presence of a value for backwards compatibility with clients in the wild. see b/144596193." ], [ "Customer name", "Customer organization name for dasher user." ], [ "Obfuscated customer id", "Obfuscated flex orgs customer i d for dasher user. see cs/symbol: customer id obfuscator." ] ]
Knowledge Answers Intent Query Semantic Annotation Signals Feature
Aqua features exported from a subgrammar. primarily added here for external subgrammar annotations to work. see go/esa-exported-features for details. n o t e: feature names can change and the existence of any feature is not guaranteed. get in touch with ig-eng@ before using these features.
[ [ "Name", "" ], [ "Value", "" ] ]
Geostore Road Sign Component Proto
Below is some horrible a s c i i art and a description of the components of a road sign. +-------------------+ | a11 e50 paris | | chartres | +-------------------+ this sign would be composed of four components (all of them text components, the only option we support for now). the three in the first row would all have a "major_position" of zero. their "minor_position" values would be zero for " a11", one for " e50", and two for " paris". the component in the second row would have "major_position" value of one. this message provides the details of a single component of a road sign. a component defines its position within a sign, its type, and its content.
[ [ "Feature id", "The id of the feature referred to by this component, typically the route or locality feature this sign points towards. in the a s c i i art example above, this field would contain the id for the routes a11 and e50 and the localities chartres and paris in the corresponding component." ], [ "Feature type", "The type of the feature referred to by this component. if feature_id is specified type of that feature should be the same as this field." ], [ "Major position", "This is the \"major\" position of this component within the set of components that make up a sign. this number can be thought of as the \"row\" of the sign on which the component appears, but no guarantees are made that there is a one-to-one mapping between \"major_position\" and the rows of information on the actual sign being modeled. a \"major_position\" value of zero would indicate that the component is near the top of the sign." ], [ "Minor position", "This is the position of a component within the components of a sign that share a common \"major_position\". it can be though of as the \"column\" of the component, but like \"major_position\", no guarantees are made regarding its mapping to reality. for data sources that don't provide enough information to determine a component's major and minor positions, major position should be populated and minor position should not be present. a \"minor_position\" value of zero would indicate that the component is near the \"beginning\" of the sign. in countries where signs are read from left to right, \"minor_position\" zero would be near the left side of the sign." ], [ "Route direction", "The direction of traffic for the referenced t y p e_ r o u t e feature." ], [ "Semantic type", "The semantic type of sign." ], [ "Text", "If this sign component is of type \" t y p e_ t e x t\", this field contains the text of the component. a name proto is used to allow language and flags to be associated with the text." ] ]
Google Assistant Embedded V1 Timer
Conceptually, timers are clocks that count down from an initial duration and ring when they reach 0. in practice, as a timer is running, it holds a stable expiration time and computes the remaining duration using the current time. when a timer is paused, it holds a stable remaining duration.
[ [ "Expire time", "The time the timer is scheduled to expire. google.protobuf. timestamp is a unix epoch time with a granularity of 1 nanosecond." ], [ "Label", "A user-provided name for this timer." ], [ "Original duration", "The duration of the timer when it was started. for the a d d_ t i m e action, this field contains the amount of time to add to the timer with the given timer_id." ], [ "Remaining duration", "The remaining duration for the timer." ], [ "Status", "Describes the part of the lifecycle a timer is in." ], [ "Timer id", "A string key used as an identifier to this timer. this key needs to be unique amongst all timers on the device. the client can choose a mechanism of its choice to ensure this. if the server suggests a timer_id, the client can either use the suggestion or create a new unique timer_id of its choosing." ] ]
Repository Webref Name Debug Info Candidate Info
Collects signals from one query and one candidate. next available tag: 9
[ [ "Is matchless result context", "Whether the entity is purely from strong result entities, and is matchless in query annotation." ], [ "Mid", "Mid of the candidate entity or empty string for the full world." ], [ "Name", "Debug name of the entity (not usually populated)." ], [ "Result entity score", "" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Range Constraint Range Endpoint
[ [ "Is exclusive", "If true, then this endpoint's value is not included in the range." ], [ "Value", "The value of this endpoint" ] ]
Geostore Access Point Proto
This class holds information about a single access point. an access point establishes a relationship between a feature (like a p o i or building) and some other feature. for example, consider a t y p e_ l o c a l i t y feature like seattle. an access point might be the t y p e_ a i r p o r t feature for seattle- tacoma international airport. the airport feature defines the access point to gain airplane-based access to seattle. a feature like seattle will typically have multiple access points. you can get to seattle using airplanes, various forms of public transit, or by driving a car. thus seattle would have multiple access points. you may be able to get to seattle by flying into sea tac, or you might be able to fly into boeing field, or paine field in everett. you could drive in from the north/ south using i-5, or you could drive in from the east using i-90. many access points are from the road network. thus the access point for some building at 123 main street would likely be a segment that defines the 100-200 block of " main street". a feature at the corner of " hollywood" and " vine" streets might have access points from both named streets. access points are an optional field. data editors may ignore them when creating features or editing other fields. in these cases, other quality teams will synthesize and update them. several fields are also optional, as they are derivable from other fields. access points to non- t y p e_ s e g m e n t features should always have the following fields set: - feature_type - feature_id - point location and reference fields: b a s i c vs d e r i v a b l e access points to t y p e_ s e g m e n t features must have all the following b a s i c fields: - feature_type (of the segment, e.g. t y p e_ r o a d or t y p e_ v i r t u a l_ s e g m e n t) - point_off_segment (or point; see "fuzzy point" note below) - unsuitable_travel_mode (may be empty) - level (indoor access points only) the following are d e r i v a b l e fields, which should only be added if the supplier is confident about their accuracy: - feature_id - point_on_segment - segment_position editing clients are encouraged to set all fields, but they may set only the b a s i c fields, in which case quality teams may use the b a s i c fields to snap to an appropriate segment and derive the remaining fields. example: the segment is split, so that the portion that the access point is on has a new feature i d. quality teams notice that the point_on_segment is no longer on the segment with feature_id, finds the new nearest segment based on feature_type and existing point_on_segment, and re-derives a new feature_id, point_on_segment, and segment_position, keeping other fields consistent. fuzzy point special case if the editor does not have side-of-road information for access points or is otherwise unsure of the precise placement of the access point, it may supply the point field (and not point_off_segment) as basic data instead, in which case quality teams may generate the point_off_segment. identity access points are considered semantically equivalent if they have the same geometry, including derived fields, and the same references to other features (feature_id, level_feature_id). for the exact definition, see cs/symbol:geostore:: are access points equivalent. field definitions
[ [ "Can enter", "R e s e r v e d" ], [ "Can exit", "R e s e r v e d" ], [ "Feature id", "The i d of the feature that defines the access point. the bounding box of the feature is expanded to include the bounding box of the feature with the access point in accordance with the standard practice for bucketing map/reduce operations. see the wiki page athttp://wiki/ main/ oyster bucketing map reducefor more information. for access points to t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, this may be re-derived if necessary by looking up the nearest segment to existing geometry." ], [ "Feature type", "The type of the feature. required, to allow handling the access point differently based on feature type. for access points to non- t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, this cached type also makes things easier for clients that aren't running a bucketing map-reduce. for access points to t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, this is used to find to find the nearest segment of the given type." ], [ "Level feature id", "For indoor access points, this should be set to the level that the access point is on. the feature_id should point to the indoor segment, but when it is missing or invalid, and we need to derive it from geometry, only segments on this level will be considered. for non-indoor access points, level should remain unset, and when we derive feature_id from geometry, only segments not on any level (non-indoor segments) will be considered. the bounding box of the level feature is expanded to include the bounding box of the feature with the access point in accordance with the standard practice for bucketing map/reduce operations. see the wiki page athttp://wiki/ main/ oyster bucketing map reducefor more information. ( though in general the feature should reside on the level already anyway..)" ], [ "Metadata", "Field-level metadata for this access point." ], [ "Point", "For access points to non- t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, the location of the access point. for access points to t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, this can be supplied as a fuzzy access point that is not guaranteed to be on the correct side of road. it should not be used by end clients in case of t y p e_ s e g m e n t access points." ], [ "Point off segment", "If the access point is defined by a t y p e_ s e g m e n t feature, this is the location of the access point displaced slightly to the correct side of the segment. this offset is in a direction perpendicular to the direction of travel along the segment. the actual offset distance is unspecified. it would typically be relatively small (approximately 1 meter). you can subtract the \"off segment\" point from the \"on segment\" point to get a vector of unknown length pointing from \"on segment\" point to the \"off segment\" point. you can then scale that vector to whatever length you want. note that extending this displacement vector a large distance (10s of meters) may result in a new point that is in the middle of some other feature (park, street, intersection). this is the preferred basic geometry field for incoming data from editing clients and importers, if side-of-road is well-established." ], [ "Point on segment", "If the access point is defined by a t y p e_ s e g m e n t feature, this is the point on the centerline of the segment that is closest to the actual access point. may be re-derived if necessary to maintain precise placement on segment." ], [ "Priority", "L i n t. then change(//depot/google3/geostore/cleanup/callbacks/\\ i d_ d u p l i c a t e_ a c c e s s_ p o i n t.cc)" ], [ "Segment position", "If the access point is defined by a t y p e_ s e g m e n t feature, this is the location of the access point expressed as a fractional distance along the segment. the value runs from 0 to 1 inclusive. may be re-derived if necessary to maintain precise placement on segment." ], [ "Unsuitable travel mode", "This list represents the travel modes for which this access-point should be avoided. if this list is empty, the access-point is suitable for any travel mode. if all access points are unsuitable for the current travel mode, client should revert to other heuristics (e.g. feature center). this is only used for access points to t y p e_ s e g m e n t features; access points to non- t y p e_ s e g m e n t features, e.g. t y p e_ e s t a b l i s h m e n t_ p o i features with gcid:transit_station g concepts are just identified by feature_type and feature_id." ] ]
Assistant Api Settings Notification Profile
[ [ "Allo notification profile", "Each device can have only one type of notification profile." ] ]
Geostore Dimension Proto
A dimension with a numerical value and unit. this can be a height, width, or length.
[ [ "Dimension", "" ], [ "Unit", "" ] ]
Youtube Comments Api Comment Enforcement Status
Derived fields that encapsulate the possible enforcement states of a comment. used to influence the viewer experience. next i d: 11 ----- comment demoted restriction summary ----- demoted restriction hides live chat messages from being shown in top chat.
[ [ "Demoted restriction severity", "Output only. the severity of the active demotion. at most one comment demoted restriction can be active at any time. only supported for comments with an associated chat event." ], [ "Exempt from hold", "Output only. true if the comment is auto-approved by creator-defined roles and is not subject to automod hold." ], [ "Held", "Output only. true if the comment is held and going to be reviewed by channel owner or moderators. the issuers that can hold entity comments are: 1) t n s 2) a u t o m o d, 3) c h a n n e l_ s e t t i n g s, 4) c h a n n e l_ m o d e r a t o r, 5) g l o b a l, 6) i s s u e r_ u n s p e c i f i e d. the issuers that can hold live chat are // 1) a u t o m o d, 2) g l o b a l, 3) i s s u e r_ u n s p e c i f i e d. issuer definitions:https://source.corp.google.com/piper///depot/google3/video/youtube/comments/api/proto/comment_restriction_issuer.proto;rcl=586954033;l=15 this is used to infer the s b e moderation_state for entity comment and live chat." ], [ "Held for creator review status", "Output only. the moderation state of comments that have been held. currently only effective for live chat because we can not tell the rejected creator review status for entity comments from current data model." ], [ "Moderated", "Output only. true if the comment is moderated and not overridden by creator reviews." ], [ "Moderated by blocked words", "Output only. true if the comment is moderated due to any of the creator-defined blocked words." ], [ "Moderated by chat removal", "Output only. live chat only. true only if the live chat message is directly moderated by a privileged user from live chat chat room. go/ytfexit-live-chat-moderation#remove-chat-messages" ], [ "Moderated by tns", "Output only. true if the comment is moderated by tn s. maps to s b e spamhttp://google3/video/youtube/comments/backstage/backend/lib/stream_v2/stream_item_reader.cc?l=597" ], [ "Rejected", "Output only. true if the comment is rejected or taken down by t n s." ], [ "User moderation decision", "Output only. the moderation decision on comments from privileged users. this field can be used to take place ofheld_for_creator_review_statusfor live chat, together withheld_by_non_tns." ] ]
Video Ambisonics Ambisonics Metadata
[ [ "Channel map", "Maps channel indexes of an audio stream to indexes corresponding to the specified ambisonics channel ordering scheme. for example: a 1st order pheriphonic ambisonics format is configured with 4 audio channels corresponding to ambisonic components w, x, y, z respectively. the channel_ordering scheme is specified as c h a n n e l_ o r d e r i n g_ a c n (which implies a w, y, z, x ordering). therefore the channel_map is [0, 3, 1, 2]." ], [ "Channel ordering", "" ], [ "Non diegetic stereo", "" ], [ "Normalization", "" ], [ "Num channels", "" ], [ "Order", "" ], [ "Type", "" ], [ "Version", "" ] ]
Peoplestack Flexorgs Proto Internal External State Status
[ [ "Context type", "" ], [ "State", "" ] ]
Repository Webref Extended Entity Name Score
Used to store region-specific score ratio per entity. next available tag: 4.
[ [ "Domain", "The domain name of the website, e.g. \"play.google.com\"." ], [ "Region", "The region in the i i i standard (http://go/iii). eg. \" u s\", \" g b\"" ], [ "Score ratio", "Score ratio for the entity, same as the entity name score score ratio." ] ]
S3 Audio Language S3 Audio Language
S3 based audio language information about a watch page.
[ [ "Language", "Audio language of video classified by automatic language identification. it corresponds to the langid_result in s3 lang id signals." ], [ "Language confidence", "Confidence interval of the recognized language." ], [ "Speech class", "Type of detected speech." ] ]
Apps People Activity Backend Destination Stream
A destination stream is a /namespace/id[0]/id[1]/.../id[n] that represents a collection of activities. example destinations: - the profile stream onhttp://plus.google.com/+ john doe/posts- a square stream onhttp://plus.google.com/squares/123- a "comment stream" ( fountain) onhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?id=123 it's possible for a single activity to show in each of these destinations - and it might behave/look slightly differently for each one. destinations can have their own business logic associated with them at both write-time and read-time server-side (these are documented below). each destination stream is indexed and can be retrieved using the get destination stream request. for the repeated i d space indexing happens at all levels, e.g. if you have: /square/123/abc /square/123/efd /square/456 you can fetch /square/123/abc directly or /square/123 (which includes all activities in both /square/123/abc and /square/123/efd), or even /square which retrieves all activities in the square namespace (visible for that user). on the storage layer, we represent destination stream as channel (http://cs/#google3/social/common/channel/channel.proto), since the storage does not have the concept of a stream. both terms are used interchangeably within the service layer, but client of social infrastructure should use the term destination stream. next i d: 3
[ [ "Id", "The hierarchy of i ds. each individual i d is \"flat\" and the repeated list defines the hierarchy. namespaces define the \"validity\" of this hierachy (depth, naming convention, etc) and the server will reject invalid i ds." ], [ "Namespace", "" ] ]
Geostore Geopolitical Proto Regional Polygon Adjustment Proto
Raw polygon adjustments to apply to this feature's base polygon to construct a specific region's view of this feature's polygon.
[ [ "Polygon to add", "Polygon to add to the feature's base polygon to get the view for the given region. applied after polygon_to_subtract, such that any region contained in both polygons w i l l be part of the final result." ], [ "Polygon to subtract", "Polygon to subtract from the feature's base polygon to get the view for the given region." ], [ "Region code", "Region code (or other identifier) for the region." ] ]
Knowledge Answers Opaque Shopping Merchant Type
Knowledge Answers Intent Query Personal Entity Entity Relationship
The relationship information from q ref. only included if the q ref annotator is initialised with include_annotated_relationships.
[ [ "Entity index", "The index of the other entity in the relationship." ], [ "Link property name", "Names of the relationship links." ] ]
Attentional Entities Spatial Properties
Properties of visual mentions (e.g., how they are displayed to the user, visibility, etc.).
[ [ "Visibility", "" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Intent Query Saft Signals
Signals derived from overlapping saft annotations.
[ [ "Entity type", "" ], [ "Is head of intent", "" ], [ "Is verb", "Saft often marks verbs as head of intent and we may want to ignore those." ], [ "Number", "" ] ]
Composite Doc
Protocol record used for collecting together all information about a document. please consult go/dj-explorer for two basic questions about composite doc: - where should i look up certain information (e.g: pagerank, language)? - what does each field in composite doc mean and who should i contact if i have questions? to add a new field into composite doc, or change existing field's size significantly, please file a ticket at go/dj-new-field, fill in necessary information and get approved by docjoin-access@ team. next id: 194
[ [ "Localizedvariations", "" ], [ "Localized alternate name", "Localized alternate names are similar to alternate names, except that it is associated with a language different from its canonical. this is the subset of webmaster-provided localized alternate names being in the dup cluster of this document. used during serving for swapping in the u r l based on regional and language preferences of the user." ], [ "Forwardingdup", "" ], [ "Per doc data", "" ], [ "Access requirements", "Contains necessary information to enforce row level docjoin access control." ], [ "Properties", "" ], [ "Bad ssl certificate", "This field is present iff the page has a bad s s l certificate itself or in its redirect chain." ], [ "Extradup", "" ], [ "Subindexid", "" ], [ "Ptoken", "Contains information necessary to perform policy decision on the usage of the data assosiated with this cdoc." ], [ "Richcontent data", "If present, indicates that some content was inserted, deleted, or replaced in the document's content (in composite doc::doc:: content:: representation), and stores information about what was inserted, deleted, or replaced." ], [ "Scaled indy rank", "To copy to per-doc" ], [ "Cse id", "" ], [ "Indexing intermediate", "Serialized indexing intermediate data." ], [ "Doc videos", "Info about videos embedded in the document." ], [ "Indexinginfo", "" ], [ "Localinfo", "" ], [ "Storage row timestamp micros", "Row timestamp in c doc storage." ], [ "Partial update info", "Only present in partial cdocs." ], [ "Additionalchecksums", "" ], [ "Anchors", "Mark as non-personal since no personal fields will be populated inanchors.link_additional_infoandanchors.additional_info. for more details of search personal data, see go/dma52-search-cdoc-fields." ], [ "Registrationinfo", "Information about the most recent creation and expiration of this domain. it's extracted from domainedge signal." ], [ "Doc attachments", "A generic container to hold document annotations and signals. for a full list of extensions live today, see go/wde." ], [ "Docinfo passthrough attachments", "This message set is used for data pushed into the index using the signals framework that is never to be used in mustang or t g continuum scoring/snippeting code. any protocol buffer stored in this message set is automatically returned in a docinfo response - it ends up in the \"info\" message set in the w w w snippet response, so it can be used in post-doc twiddlers and for display in g w s with no code changes in mustang or teragoogle." ], [ "Doc images", "Info about \"selected\" images associated with the document for which we (already) have image data. for each image u r l, some fixed number of documents are selected as web referrers for the image u r l, and within those selected documents, we say the image is \"selected\". within the remaining documents, we say the image is \"rejected\". note that this distinction is slightly different from selected for indexing. only images within doc_images where is_indexed_by_imagesearch is true will be selected for indexing. you can find the rejected images at composite_doc.doc_attachments().get(). you can find images that are selected, but for which we have no image data (yet) at composite_doc.image_indexing_info().selected_not_indexed_image_link()" ], [ "Includedcontent", "" ], [ "Porninfo", "Porn related data used for image and web search porn classification as well as for diagnostics purposes." ], [ "Urldate", "Date in the url extracted by quality/snippets/urldate/date-in-url.cc this is given as midnight g m t on the date in question." ], [ "Embedded content info", "Data produced by the embedded-content system. this is a thin message, containing only embedded_links_info data for the embedder and java script/ c s s embedded links (the embedded-content bigtable also contains snapshots, compressed document trees and all embedded link types). provided using the index signal a p i." ], [ "Richsnippet", "Rich snippet extracted from the content of a document." ], [ "Qualitysignals", "" ], [ "Anchor stats", "Mark as non-personal since it's an aggregation of anchors. for more details of search personal data, see go/dma52-search-cdoc-fields." ], [ "Alternatename", "" ], [ "Data version", "Contains the tracking version of various data fields in composite doc." ], [ "Syntactic date", "" ], [ "Url", "W a r n i n g!!! \"url\" field in composite doc is optional, and is usually missing: e.g., docjoin composite doc's don't have composite doc::url. has_url() checking is often useful. so don't rely on composite doc::url unless you're sure otherwise. usually you want to use composite doc::doc::url instead." ], [ "Docjoins on spanner commit timestamp micros", "The commit timestamp of a c doc update to docjoins on spanner." ], [ "Content checksum96", "Visible content checksum as computed by repository::parsehandler::checksum:: checksum96bits parse handler. the value is a fprint96 in \"key format\" (i.e., by fprint96:: as key())." ], [ "Liveexperimentinfo", "" ], [ "Label data", "This field associates a document to particular labels and assigns confidence values to them." ], [ "Sitemap", "Sitelinks: a collection of interesting links a user might be interested in, given they are interested in this document. w a r n i n g: this is different from the crawler sitemaps (see sitemaps signals in the attachments)." ], [ "Robotsinfolist", "" ], [ "Doc", "" ], [ "Cse pagerank cutoff", "U r l should only be selected for c s e index if it's pagerank is higher than cse_pagerank_cutoff." ] ]
Knowledge Answers Marker Open Question
Indicates a question, requesting the value of a specified slot. not applicable if the requested slot simultaneously appears as an argument. see go/requested-slots for details. next i d: 3
[ [ "Slot key", "Note: this is still under development and not available for general use. contact meaning-platform-eng@ for questions." ], [ "Slot name", "One or multiple slots may be requested by the marker. see go/mrf-multiple-output-slots for details on requesting multiple output slots." ] ]
Assistant Devices Platform Proto Media Resume Capability
Repository Webref Webref Document Info
All information that applies globally to the document. next available tag: 11
[ [ "Document metadata", "Information about the document copied from the docjoin. this will never be populated when webref entities appears inside a composite doc, but may we used when it stands alone." ], [ "Extensions", "Optional extensions (e.g. taxonomic classifications)." ], [ "Webref parsed content sentence", "The content ( c o n t e n t section 0) as parsed by webref parser. only used by //r/w/postprocessing/idf/idf-pipeline for document ngram idf computation. populated when the annotator is run with webref_populate_parsed_content each webref_parsed_content_sentence represents one sentence of the context where saft annotations were used to determine the sentence boundaries. see r/w/universal/processors/saft/saft-sentence-helper.h for details." ] ]
Cloud Ai Platform Tenantresource Service Account Identity
The identity to configure a service account.
[ [ "Service account email", "Output only. the service account email that has been created." ], [ "Tag", "Input/ output [ optional]. the tag that configures the service account, as defined in google3/configs/production/cdpush/acl-zanzibar-cloud-prod/activation_grants/activation_grants.gcl. note: the default p4 service account has the empty tag." ] ]
Image Repository Shopping Product Information Entity
The recognized entity.
[ [ "Id", "" ], [ "Score", "The normalized recognition score between 0 and 1." ] ]
Research Scam Coscam Easy Disjunction
Each easy disjunction represents one o r clause.
[ [ "Is positive", "If is_positive is set to false, then the entire disjunction is negated, and will be true only if none of its members is true." ], [ "Token groups", "Token_groups - the group:token tuples that make up this disjunction. the disjunction will be active ifanyoff the group:token tuples are present in a request." ] ]
Image Repository Frame Identifier
Identifier for frames associated with a video.
[ [ "Multi thumbnail variant", "" ], [ "Preview frame zero variant", "" ], [ "Thumbnail variant", "" ], [ "Timestamp ms", "Offset of the frame from the beginning of the video (in milliseconds)." ] ]
Assistant Logs Communication Personal Contact Data Log
Contact meta data. next i d: 31
[ [ "Account provenance", "Google account provenance of the contact." ], [ "Common name alias confidence", "Populated if matched_name_type is g i v e n_ n a m e_ a l i a s or f u l l_ n a m e_ a l i a s." ], [ "Concept id", "Concept id for relationships in english, e.g. \" mother\" for all non- english locales. it's only populated for source = r e l a t i o n s h i p." ], [ "Device contact attributes", "Integer value corresponding to device contact extra metadata. attribute enum.http://google3/social/graph/wire/proto/merged_person.proto?l=933&rcl=320308954" ], [ "Email id count", "# emails stored for the contact." ], [ "Fuzzy ngram match", "Populate only if contact recognition alternate. source is ' f u z z y_ c o n t a c t_ m a t c h'." ], [ "Gaia id", "Contact owner's gaia id from cs/symbol::symbol:quality_qrewrite. personal contact data.shared_contact_owner_gaia_id. only populated for is_shared = true and non sign-out mode and user is not the owner of the contact(shared contact from other user). this field is not being logged in p2." ], [ "Is contact from secondary account", "Boolean value indicating whether selected contact is from different account than the logged in account." ], [ "Is exact match", "If the contact is matched exactly from the query name." ], [ "Is shared", "If this is a shared contact. this is true in 2 cases: - user is calling their own contacts that have been marked as shared. - user is calling shared contacts from some other user's contact list. this field is not being logged in p2." ], [ "Is transliterated match", "Indicate the contact matches the transliterated query." ], [ "Is vanity contact", "True if the contact is a vanity contact(has email = user's email address)." ], [ "Is visible to guests relationship", "If the lookup was done using relationship which is visible to guests. this value will only be set if lookup was done using relationship. e.g. user has a guest relationship (doctor) -> ( john) and user says \"call doctor\", then this value will be true." ], [ "Matched name type", "The matched name type of a contact candidate." ], [ "Matched recognition alternate name", "Alternate recognition term which was used to match this contact." ], [ "Matched starlight lookup name", "Ngram matched by starlight lookup for fuzzy matching in fulfillment. we need this to analyze how many contacts are returned by starlight lookup that is not matched by fuzzy matching. for example, \" komal dear\" is matched to \" komal dr\" by fuzzy match. when doing starlight lookup, \" komal\" and \" dr\" will be looked up separately. so \" dr xxx\" will also be returned. we want to see how often this happens." ], [ "Metadata", "Person metadata of the selected contact." ], [ "Name matched contact index", "The indices of the contact in |candidate_contact| whose name matches the |selected_contact_data|. |candidate_contact|:http://google3/logs/proto/assistant/contact.proto?l=111&rcl=306283376|selected_contact_data|:http://google3/logs/proto/assistant/contact.proto?l=108&rcl=306283376" ], [ "Original query name", "The original name in the query as transcribed by a s r." ], [ "Phone", "Information regarding the phone endpoints of the selected contact. currently it is only logged for selected candidate." ], [ "Phone number count", "# phone_numbers stored for the contact." ], [ "Pkg reference type", "Encodes if pkg_person was resolved via a name or relationship reference." ], [ "Recognition alternate score", "Populate only if contact recognition alternate. source is not n o n e." ], [ "Recognition alternate source", "Recognition alternative source type. if not none, then it indicates the personal contact data is alternative and how the alternative is fulfilled." ], [ "Relationship memory count", "The number of resolved relationship names and contact pointers from assistant memory." ], [ "Selected phone", "Information regarding the selected phone endpoint. currently it is only logged for selected candidate." ], [ "Shortcut contact info", "Shortcut information of the contact." ], [ "Source", "The contact source of a contact candidate." ], [ "System contact group id", "Integer value corresponding to system contact group enum.http://google3/social/graph/wire/proto/merged_person.proto?l=3151&rcl=320308954" ], [ "Whatsapp phone number count", "D e p r e c a t e d. use phone instead. used before 2020-01-13. number of phone numbers annotated with whatsapp." ] ]
Assistant Logs Communication Phone Log
This is the log version of apps.people.oz.external.mergedpeopleapi. phone proto. next i d: 3
[ [ "Raw device contact info", "This list provides account information from the raw contact which is the source of this field." ], [ "Type", "Label for phone number in the contacts app. it can have standard values provided by the app e.g. m o b i l e, h o m e, w o r k etc, but users are allowed to modify. so essentially it becomes user content." ] ]
Knowledge Answers Semantic Type
A semantic type configures a value determined by another source, in particular another intent or a semantic frame. see go/unifying-intents and go/framery.
[ [ "Allow all", "If true, is compatible with a schema whose answer_type is any semantic_type including empty (since by default schemas return themselves as semantic_types (b/211438997). this is used primarily for slot composition. example: for the slot name: operand type { semantic_type { allow_all: true } entity_type {} } an entity_type or a schema with answer_type 'entity_type' can fill operand. a schema with either (a) no answer_type or (b) answer_type with !semantic_type.names().empty() can fill operand * a schema with answer_type 'date' c a n n o t fill operand. note that when there is an explicit answer_type, the 'self' semantic_type is not considered." ], [ "Component specific contracts", "Contains data about the contracts that this value type level is available for. for more information see go/contract-based-conformance." ], [ "Includes containing intent", "Determines whether or not the meaning schema that contains this semantic_type conforms to a function call with the name and arguments taken from the meaning schema. as it refers to the \"containing_intent\", this field should only be set in a semantic_type declared in an intent's type_members field. the behavior of this field is undefined in other cases, for example, declaring the type of an intent slot. on assistant, we use meaning schemas for argument types to represent both function call values as well as a reusable tool to host other argument values (opaque types, normalized strings, subsets of entities) across intents. teams need this information to run conformance checks and annotate new data. example: if the intents below are in the intent catalog, then: - intent(slot=\"some string\") is conformant, because type has string_type{} in its type_members. - intent(slot= type()) is not conformant, because type has set semantic_type.includes_containing_intent to false. - intent(slot= sub type()) is conformant, because type_members is not inherited. { id: \" intent\" slot: { name: \"slot\" type: { semantic_type { name: \" type\" }} } } { id: \" type\" type_members { string_type{} semantic_type { includes_containing_intent: false } } } { id: \" sub type\" parent { id: \" type\" relationship_type: s u b t y p e } }" ], [ "Name", "Names of valid sources of the semantics (for example: a frame or an intent)." ], [ "Name contracts", "Likename_remodelings, but for component specific contracts instead of remodelings." ], [ "Name remodelings", "Contains data about current schema remodelings at the semantic type name level. the \"name\" field contains all possible semantic type names and \"semantic_type_name_remodelings\" acts as an overlay to determine which ones to surface based on which schema remodeling i ds are requested. for more information see go/meaning-remodeling-framework." ], [ "Remodelings", "Contains data about current schema remodelings at this value type lev©el. for more information see go/meaning-remodeling-framework." ] ]
Apps People Oz External Mergedpeopleapi Email Signup Email Metadata
Additional metadata for a signup email. this will only be set if the email's classification is s i g n u p_ e m a i l.
[ [ "Primary", "This is considered to be the primary signup email. at most 1 signup email will have this set." ] ]
Nlp Semantic Parsing Local Hyper Reliable Data G C I D Syns Override
Set only when hyper_reliable is true. these are gcids and scores for hyper-reliable categories in ariane/182060. these are overridden for a few hyper-reliable categories, and may not be present everywhere.
[ [ "Gcid score", "" ], [ "Hyper reliable gcid", "" ] ]
Social Stanza Delivery Restriction
Restrictions that affect the delivery of the stanza. by default, stanzas are publishable, which means that they are eligible for indexing, aggregation, and other delivery options ( goops, moonshine, notifications). a stanza can be created in a "do not publish" state; the stanza will not be published anywhere. the restriction can subsequently be removed with an update stanza call, at which point the post will be treated as if it were newly created. a few notes/limitations about this option: 1. client should keep a stanza unpublishable for a small period of time (if possible to) so that our ranking system does not consider this as a stale post (thus downranking the post). 2. client should keep the number of unpublishable stanzas to a minimum, to reduce under-serving. 3. updating a stanza from publishable to unpublishable after creation is not supported 4. at this time, publishing options are only supported on root stanzas; let us know if you require this for child stanzas. 5. similarly, this is only supported as a global restriction. it may not be set as a per-destination-stream restriction.
[ [ "Do not publish", "" ] ]
Assistant Api Core Types Ringtone Task Metadata Gentle Wake Info
Gentle wake actions like slowly brightening the room/device screen leading up to the alarm firing (go/cube-gentle-wake-up).
[ [ "Effect duration ms", "Specifies how long the effect lasts. allowed for effect to last after the alarm has started ringing. if unset or negative or 0, effect is assumed to last until alarm trigger time." ], [ "Is enabled", "Indicates if gentle wake action is to be performed before this alarm fires. this is enabled only if the device supports sunrise alarm capability.http://cs/symbol:assistant.api. sunrise features support" ], [ "Start timedelta ms", "Specifies how long before the alarm fire time, the wakeup effect will start. a l w a y s p o s i t i v e." ] ]
Nlp Saft Hyperlink
A link on an h t m l page.
[ [ "Anchor text", "Clean anchor text (no h t m l markup)." ], [ "Byte end", "Note: inclusive" ], [ "Byte start", "Begin/end options are for goldmine annotations finder to locate the offsets of saft tokens. start is inclusive by default and end is marked. the indices of the first and last byte covered by the hyperlink." ], [ "Phrase", "The indices of the first and last token covered by the hyperlink." ], [ "Url", "( absolute) u r l that the links to." ] ]
Image Repository Amarna Signals Blob Info
[ [ "Signals blob id", "Blob id for amarna signals blob (see blob protosection of go/revisit-frame-level-signals-amarna)." ], [ "Signals blob update timestamp", "Additional timestamp field for when the blob is written/updated, serving as the dirty field to help checksum-based update push (see dirty fieldsection in go/revisit-frame-level-signals-amarna)." ] ]
Quality Actions Customized Notification
D e p r e c a t e d. no longer supported after migration to tasks.
[ [ "Buttons", "Buttons on the notification" ], [ "Surface type", "Surface type for the notification" ], [ "Tap action", "Tap action on the notification body. this overwrites the default tap action on reminder trigger notification (which on mobile, is the reminders hub page)." ], [ "Text", "Notification text" ] ]
Indexing Mobile Interstitials Proto Desktop Interstitials Details
An optional message that may contain details of the signals computation.
[ [ "Basic info", "" ], [ "Is smeared signal", "Indicates whether the signal value is \"smeared\", e.g. extrapolated from other u r ls." ] ]
Google Cloud Contentwarehouse V1 Set Acl Request
Request message for document service. set acl.
[ [ "Policy", "Required. r e q u i r e d: the complete policy to be applied to theresource. the size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of k b. this refers to an identity and access ( i a m) policy, which specifies access controls for the document. you can set a c l with condition for projects only. supported operators are:=,!=,<,<=,>, and>=where the left of the operator is document schema idor property name and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. you must escape backslash (\\) and quote (\\\") characters. boolean expressions ( a n d/ o r) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, \"(( a a n d b a n d c) o r d) a n d e\"), a maximum of 10 comparisons are allowed in the expression. the expression must be < 6000 bytes in length. sample condition:\" document schema id = \\\"some schema id\\\" o r schema id.float property name >= 10\"" ], [ "Project owner", "For set project a c l only. authorization check for end user will be ignored when project_owner=true." ], [ "Request metadata", "The meta information collected about the end user, used to enforce access control for the service." ] ]
Quality Preview Chosen Snippet Info Tidbit Info
Information to identify tidbits.
[ [ "Section name", "Section name of current snippet." ], [ "Separator", "Separator to put before this tidbit." ], [ "Tidbit text", "Tidbit text for validation." ], [ "Token begin", "Tidbit token range in the section." ], [ "Token end", "" ] ]
Assistant Devices Platform Proto Media Next Capability
Assistant Api Settings Speech Output Settings
Settings related to t t s output.
[ [ "Speech output", "" ] ]
Social Graph Api Proto Search Profile Data
Data contained in every search profile. go/janata-profile-in-sgbe.
[ [ "Description", "A free-text summary that the user inputs. e.g. \" coder by day, jazz guitarist by night.\"" ], [ "Education", "" ], [ "Interest", "" ], [ "Language", "Indicates the language of this search profile. use i s o-639 2-letter language code to specifying the language that this profile is created in." ], [ "Location", "" ], [ "Metadata", "" ], [ "Occupation", "" ], [ "Public email", "This is the email that the user has chosen to display on their \" search card\" publicly." ], [ "Public phone number", "This is the phone number that the user has chosen to display on their \" search card\" publicly." ], [ "Social link", "" ], [ "Website", "" ], [ "Workplace", "" ] ]
Apps People Oz External Mergedpeopleapi Location
[ [ "Building id", "" ], [ "Building name", "The building_name field is only filled if the d e s k_ l o c a t i o n_ a d d i t i o n a l_ d a t a extension is active." ], [ "Current", "" ], [ "Desk code", "Most specific textual description of individual desk location." ], [ "Floor name", "" ], [ "Floor section", "" ], [ "Last update time", "Indicates the time this location was added or last edited." ], [ "Metadata", "" ], [ "Source", "Value indicates the origin of this location information." ], [ "Type", "Describes the type of location. e.g. grew_up, desk. corresponds to f b s backend.proto location. standard tag" ], [ "Value", "" ] ]
Geostore Road Sign Proto
A road sign proto holds the details of a road sign. currently this is simply a list of the items that appear on the sign and their relative position.
[ [ "Component", "The list of components for a single road sign. a sign may be composed of multiple components, each with its own position and content." ] ]
Assistant Logs Provider Annotation Log
Provider annotation annotated from the query. these fields contain the detailed information for the provider. (e.g. for youtube, package_names contains "com.google.android.youtube", localized_names contains "youtube", and lang contains "en" from "en- u s" which depends on user's setting.)
[ [ "Lang", "" ], [ "Localized names", "" ], [ "Package names", "" ] ]
Geostore Parking Allowance Proto
Describes the parking allowances for a feature, or the situations and requirements under which one may be permitted to park, such as certain vehicle types, valet parking, and permit parking. also describes the cost of parking, which may vary based on the time and duration parked. includes vehicle type, any other conditions for eligibility, and the cost of parking, which may vary based on the time and duration parked. if is_discount is set to true on a given allowance, that allowance represents a discount that can be applied to lower the cost of non-discount allowances specified on feature via parking_provider_feature. in this way, allowances can be 'layered,' i.e. appended, onto each other when denormalizing references via parking_provider_feature.
[ [ "Allowance type", "The type of parking for this allowance. allowance details only apply to the type of parking specified." ], [ "Is discount", "If true, this allowance represents a discount rather than an individual rate; any rate values specified in this allowance describe a discount to be applied to the non-discount allowances in the parking proto." ], [ "Min purchase for validation", "If this rate requires validation, this expresses the minimum purchase required for validation in each applicable currency. should have an i d of /measurement_unit/money_value and consist of two properties: one with an i d of /measurement_unit/money_value/amount and a float value with the amount, and another with the i d /measurement_unit/money_value/currency and an i d value with the m i d of the proper currency (from the /finance/currency type). a value of 0 suggests that no purchase is required. if empty, this suggests that no validation is required for this rate." ], [ "Permit type", "Any additional details about the permit type; e.g. “ zone a”. in any local languages. should only be set if allowance_type is p e r m i t." ], [ "Service type", "The types of services that this parking allowance applies to. for instance, some cities have streets that only allow traditional taxis to pick up passengers." ], [ "Time based rate", "Describes the rate structures. each time based rate proto defines a rate which may apply based on a particular arrival, departure or utilization time; for example, one rate might apply if arriving before 9am, and another might apply regardless of arrival or departure time." ], [ "Vehicle type", "Restrictions on which vehicle type(s) the allowance applies to. by default, the allowance applies to any vehicle types." ] ]
Media Index Video Frames
Data about multiple video frames associated with the video.
[ [ "Video frames", "" ] ]
Assistant Api Settings Auto Framing Settings
Settings pertaining to auto framing. see go/auto-framing-presentation.
[ [ "Is auto framing enabled", "" ] ]
Google Internal Apps Waldo V1alpha User Context
Additional context about the user's current and/or future availability to give a better understanding of the status (" working from zurich").
[ [ "Local time", "Helps to determine the user's local time by providing their current time zone." ], [ "Upcoming commitment context", "Information about upcoming events." ], [ "Upcoming ooo", "Set if user has upcoming o o o." ], [ "Working elsewhere", "Set if the user has a working location. not just elsewhere (legacy name)." ] ]
Drishti Feature Set Data
[ [ "Extra", "Extra information for this particular feature set data (example timestamp of this frame in the video). ( almost never used)." ], [ "Feature", "The following can have multiple feature set element(s) each of these feature set element correspond to the various feature groups. one concrete example is the way these features are generated - example audio, video or o c r." ], [ "Label", "Labels for this particular feature set data. ( almost never used). only interesting when you have (for example) frame level labels." ] ]
Geostore Ski Trail Proto
This protocol buffer holds attributes for features of t y p e_ s k i_ t r a i l.
[ [ "Difficulty", "" ], [ "Type", "" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Intent Query Argument Provenance Attentional Entity
The value is carried over from an attentional entity. for example, in a dialog about a movie that publishes an attentional entity for /m/matrix: u: what is the cast. [ cast(location=/m/matrix)] g: the cast includes keanu reeves and others. u: great, buy some tickets. [ buy tickets(movie=/m/matrix)] on the second user query, the "movie" argument would have a provenance of a t t e n t i o n a l_ e n t i t y.
[ [ "Attentional entity key", "This key can be used to recover the attentional entity from the corresponding attentional_entities:: entity cache." ], [ "Mention properties", "Source information from the attentional entity reader." ] ]
Embeds Packaging Service Client
Developers register a client in google a p i console to get the deep-linking feature on google+ posts or frames about their apps. the client data is stored in this proto.
[ [ "Android package name", "Android app's package name to generate the deep-link u r i." ], [ "Ios app store id", "I o s app's app store i d to generate the app store u r l when app is not installed on device." ], [ "Ios bundle id", "I o s app's bundle i d to generate the deep-link u r i." ], [ "Type", "Type of google a p i console client." ] ]
Social Graph Api Proto Search Profile Location
Wraps information about a user's location, if they have chosen to share it on their search card.
[ [ "End time", "" ], [ "Length of stay", "" ], [ "Place", "" ], [ "Point", "" ], [ "Start time", "" ], [ "Type", "" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Sensitivity Sensitivity
Canonical representation of query sensitivites. see go/sensitive-intents for more details.
[ [ "Account provenance", "Used to annotate the provenace of cross-account personal data. see go/cross-account-understanding. sensitivity could be annotated at query, intent, and argument levels. query and intent could have data from multiple accounts, so this field is repeated. a sensitive knowledge_context. previous query might be dropped to prevent leaking cross-account data via genie rewrite. for arguments, the best practice is to not blend multi-account data, and this field should be treated as singular to make ownership clear. when publishing attentional entities, contextual n l u might drop an argument that contains data from a different account for data protection. mixing multi-account data in one argument will cause data from the primary account to be dropped altogether, which is an unnecessary quality loss." ], [ "Instruction", "Instruction of handling sensitive intent/argument data. can be specified in intent catalog." ], [ "Source", "This should be systematically added without requiring the feature developers to add a source. this is for debug purpose as to whether the sensitivity's trace/path included any of landmark code path helpful for tracing back the sensitivity sources. one should add a new source when one sees fits. it's chronological order as to which source is added first. one should not manually add a source. the same source can be repeated if the sensitivity object went through the same code path twice." ], [ "Type", "Sensitivity type. see the enum definition below." ] ]
Quality Fringe Fringe Query Prior Per Doc Data
Per doc data for fringe-query-prior (built into the shards for eventual consumption at fringe classification time). not stored in doc joins. n e x t i d: 16
[ [ "Encoded calibrated fringe site prior score", "" ], [ "Encoded chard xlq hoax prediction", "An encoding of the chard x l q-hoax prediction in [0,1]." ], [ "Encoded chard xlq translated prediction", "An encoding of the chard x l q prediction on translated content in [0,1]." ], [ "Encoded chard xlq ymyl prediction", "An encoding of the chard x l q- y m y l prediction in [0,1]." ], [ "Encoded daft score", "An encoding of the document about fringe topic (daft) score in [0, 1]." ], [ "Encoded document fringe vulnerability", "An estimate of the vulnerability of this doc to show fringe content, based on the context around the document. can be interpreted as a 'safe' q score threshold to use (see go/doc-fringe-vulnerability for more info). encoded for compactness and to restrict visibility. please contact fringe-ranking@ to get access to quality_fringe:: document fringe vulnerability encoding to decode this field." ], [ "Encoded entity prior score", "Highest entity prior seen for document's headline and single topic entities (see go/topicality-score for definitions of entity topicalities). represents probability that a query is fringe, given that the entity is in the result set with topicality >= headline. scores scaled to integers between 0 and 1000 for compactness. scores must be interpreted through fringe query prior encoding:: decode a p i." ], [ "Encoded fringe prior score", "Probability that a query is fringe, given this document is in the result set. scores scaled to integers between 0 and 1000 for compactness. scores must be interpreted through fringe query prior encoding:: decode a p i." ], [ "Encoded fringe site prior score", "Probability that a query is fringe, given this document's site is in the result set. scores scaled to integers between 0 and 1000 for compactness. scores must be interpreted through fringe query prior encoding:: decode a p i." ], [ "Encoded fringe site prior score for qfs training", "Probability that a query is fringe, given this document's site is in the result set. does not use signals with a dependency on the query fringe score of a document. scores scaled to integers between 0 and 1000 for compactness. scores must be interpreted through fringe query prior encoding:: decode a p i. will n o t be present if the fringe_site_prior_score_for_qfs_training is not significantly different from the site_prior_score." ], [ "Encoded predicted xlq score and confidence", "A combined encoding of the p x l q score in [0,1] and the confidence with which that score should be interpreted in [0,1]." ], [ "Encoded proximity score", "A score in [0, 1] representing the similarity of this doc to known fringe-vulnerable 'seeds'. see go/fringe-proximity for more information. encoded for compactness and to restrict visibility." ], [ "Encoded pseudorater pxlq score", "An encoding of the x l q pseudorater severity score translated into p x l q score space in [0,1]. the encoding includes the pseudorater version and confidence." ], [ "Sensitive entities indices", "Indices on the repository_webref:: webref entities::entity field of entities that represent a person or a group of people (aka sensitive entities). will be deprecated once sensitive_entities_mids is fully launched (see b/290268614)." ], [ "Sensitive entities mids", "M i ds of entities that represent a person or a group of people (aka sensitive entities). see b/290268614 for reference why this is needed in replacement to sensitive_entities_indices." ] ]
Geostore Internal Feature Proto
Internal feature proto represents fields for data that are more about other data within the feature proto than about the feature itself. this could be data that's set by editors directly(ish) (e.g. trust or rights data), or data set internally by map facts based on other data (e.g. polygon shape i ds).
[ [ "Polygon shape id", "A unique identifier for this feature's polygon data which is being held externally in shapestore (see go/shapestore)." ], [ "Rest of world polygon shape id", "A unique identifier for this feature's rest-of-world view polygon data which is being held externally in shapestore (see go/shapestore). this is part of the feature's geopolitical geometry." ], [ "Rights status", "Per-field rights for this feature. seehttp://g3doc/geostore/g3doc/developers-guide/inputs/rights-trackingfor more information." ], [ "Self polygon shape id", "A unique identifier for this feature's self view polygon data which is being held externally in shapestore (see go/shapestore). this is part of the feature's geopolitical geometry." ], [ "Trust", "Trust signals/annotations for the feature. in an input feature, these signals are computed at the beginning of the pipeline and are immutable during the processing. in output features, this proto may define the rules/criteria that a newer edit should meet, in order to be applied." ], [ "Water removed polygon shape id", "A unique identifier for this feature's water-removed polygon data which is being held externally in shapestore (see go/shapestore)." ] ]
Apps People Oz External Mergedpeopleapi Read Only Profile Info
Metadata information about a profile. this message replaces legacy profile-specific singleton fields from the person metadata proto (singleton top level person fields are not compatible with non-profile-centric person results, which may include multiple profile containers).
[ [ "Account email", "The account email linked to the profile, if any exists and is visible to the requester." ], [ "Block type", "Indicates whether the profile owner has blocked this person." ], [ "Customer info", "Customer info for dasher user. the reader has to explicitly request this in the field_mask as 'read_only_profile_info.customer_info'" ], [ "Domain info", "D e p r e c a t e d. use the read only profile info.customer_infofield instead (b/138120418). only populated if in_viewer_domain is true." ], [ "In viewer domain", "D e p r e c a t e d. proxying trust between users in a domain should use go/flex-orgs-platform. for more info see:http://doc/18i0- c7v wcz2 uu x y bsmulnri v c k3_ eu m pp rl pa2 om m hw#heading=h.dobotdwx25kg indicates whether the profile owner is in the same domain as the viewer." ], [ "Incoming block type", "Indicates whether this person is blocking the profile owner." ], [ "Metadata", "" ], [ "Object type", "D e p r e c a t e d." ], [ "Owner id", "The focus-obfuscated gaia i d of the profile owner (go/obfuscated-ids)." ], [ "Owner user type", "" ], [ "Plus page type", "D e p r e c a t e d. please useperson.plus_page_infoinstead." ], [ "Profile owner stats", "Stats/counters pertaining to followers and incoming edges." ], [ "Unjoined email certificates", "Returned only when explicitly requested in the request mask as read_only_profile_info.unjoined_email_certificates. equivalent to fetching the emails & the email certificates with the acls ignored." ] ]
Google Cloud Contentwarehouse V1 Timestamp Value
Timestamp value type.
[ [ "Text value", "The string must represent a valid instant in u t c and is parsed using java.time.format. date time formatter. i s o_ i n s t a n t. e.g. \"2013-09-29 t18:46:19 z\"" ], [ "Timestamp value", "Timestamp value" ] ]
Ocean Volume Display Details
This message describes display attributes. the attributes which are applicable to o f e not indexing (mustang), should be added in this proto.
[ [ "Cc license", "The creative commons license specified, please refer ocean. creative commons license type. type for enum values not exposed in partner frontend anymore." ] ]
Google Cloud Contentwarehouse V1 Publish Action
Represents the action responsible for publishing messages to a pub/ sub topic.
[ [ "Messages", "Messages to be published." ], [ "Topic id", "The topic id in the pub/ sub service for which messages will be published to." ] ]
Security Credentials Square Proto
Represents the set of members (of a given type) in a google+ square (seehttp://go/squares). a square with default member_type is currently (1/2012) identical to the gaia group with the same i d, but that is expected to change soon (seehttp://go/superglue). support for this principal type is currently (1/2012) incomplete -- e.g., keystore does not support it yet (see b/5703421).
[ [ "Member type", "The type of square members to consider, e.g. \"all members\" vs. \"owners\" vs. \"admins\". these are defined by legacy_relation_id values in social.graph.storage. edge type enum. edge type enum options in social/graph/storage/proto/id.proto. see square.pb (defined in production/config/cdd/socialgraph/mixer_config/prod/node_type_config) for all valid edge types associated with square. currently required." ], [ "Square id", "Currently required." ] ]
Research Scam Token Namespace
[ [ "Bytes blocklist tokens", "If present, override |string_blacklist_tokens|." ], [ "Bytes tokens", "If present, override |string_tokens|" ], [ "Namespace", "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// n a m e s p a c e - the string name of the namespace that this proto is specifying, such as \"color\", \"shape\", \"geo\", or \"tags\". recall that your overall query is an a n d across namespaces." ], [ "String blacklist tokens", "New use cases should prefer |bytes_tokens|, go/fast/11#bytes-vs-string when migrate, need to be consistent in both dataset and query." ], [ "String tokens", "New use cases should prefer |bytes_tokens|, go/fast/11#bytes-vs-string when migrate, need to be consistent in both dataset and query." ], [ "Uint64 blacklist tokens", "T o d o(qhliao) rename to |uint64_blocklist_tokens| eventually." ], [ "Uint64 tokens", "" ] ]
Video Content Search Bleurt Features
Contains features needed for bleurt inference.
[ [ "Candidate", "" ], [ "Reference", "" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Opaque Recurrence Type
Quality Orbit Asteroid Belt Document Intent Scores
Next i d: 7
[ [ "Below threshold intents", "Same as above, but for intents below triggering threshold. it can be assumed that any intent in this list has trigger=false. most intents do not have below-threshold annotations." ], [ "Below threshold scores", "" ], [ "Image intent scores", "Map of imageid key to image intent scores, for images on cdoc.doc_images" ], [ "Intents", "The 'intents' and 'scores' fields are stored as parallel lists for compactness. the 'scores' field should not be accessed directly, but instead through the functions in document_intent_scores_utils." ], [ "Scores", "The intent scores, scaled to integers between 0 and 100 for compactness." ], [ "Version", "D e p r e c a t e d. d o n o t u s e i t f o r a n y r e a s o n! contact orbit@ if necessary." ] ]
Indexing Converter Robots Info
Robots info encapsulates all robots.txt or related information that we know about the document collected from multiple sources such as h t t p headers, meta robots tags etc.
[ [ "Content expiry", "Time in unix time format after which this content should not be shown in the results. this in inferred from the x- robots- tag h t t p header with unavailable_after: do not use this field directly. there is a column called content_expiration in alexandria that includes this and other signals." ], [ "Convert to roboted reason", "" ], [ "Disallowed reason", "" ], [ "Indexifembedded reason", "I m p o r t a n t: if you add a new field here, update the merge robots info() function to merge the new field." ], [ "Max image preview", "Max image preview restriction applied to this data. a value of t h u m b n a i l_ u n s p e c i f i e d can be treated as though there is no restriction." ], [ "Max snippet length", "Max snippet preview restriction applied to this data. if this field is zero, it indicates that no snippet data can be displayed, therefore this field should be checked using has_max_snippet_length to determine if it was set." ], [ "Noarchive reason", "" ], [ "Nofollow reason", "" ], [ "Noimageframeoverlay reason", "" ], [ "Noimageindex reason", "" ], [ "Noindex reason", "Bit map of roboted reasons values. when set to a non-zero value, the document should not be indexed or archived etc. based on the name of the tag." ], [ "Nopreview reason", "" ], [ "Nosnippet reason", "" ], [ "Notranslate reason", "" ] ]
Research Science Search Source Url Docjoin Info Webref Entity Info
The mid and description of a web ref entity.
[ [ "Deprecated entity type", "D e p r e c a t e d. see entity_type instead." ], [ "Description", "The english description of the mid from the k g." ], [ "Entity collection type", "" ], [ "Kg collection", "H r i d of the k g collections" ], [ "Mid", "The k g identifier of the webref entity." ] ]
Google Cloud Documentai V1 Document Page Matrix
Representation for transformation matrix, intended to be compatible and used with open c v format for image manipulation.
[ [ "Cols", "Number of columns in the matrix." ], [ "Data", "The matrix data." ], [ "Rows", "Number of rows in the matrix." ], [ "Type", "This encodes information about what data type the matrix uses. for example, 0 ( c v_8 u) is an unsigned 8-bit image. for the full list of open c v primitive data types, please refer tohttps://docs.opencv.org/4.3.0/d1/d1b/group__core__hal__interface.html" ] ]
Photos Image Metadata
Next tag value: 384.
[ [ "Relation", "" ], [ "Freebytecounts", "" ], [ "Exposureindex", "" ], [ "Gdepth metadata", "" ], [ "Addlmodelinfo", "" ], [ "Redeyemode", "" ], [ "Captionwriter", "" ], [ "Organisationinimagename", "" ], [ "Productid", "" ], [ "Rating", "" ], [ "Colormap", "" ], [ "Countrycode", "" ], [ "Stitchingsoftware", "" ], [ "Croppedareaimageheightpixels", "" ], [ "State", "" ], [ "Usageterms", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d largestvalidinteriorrectheight", "" ], [ "Lensinfo", "" ], [ "Modelreleaseid", "" ], [ "Referencedate", "" ], [ "Expirationdate", "" ], [ "Gpsdestdistanceref", "" ], [ "Webstatement", "" ], [ "Subjectarea", "" ], [ "Headline", "" ], [ "Relatedsoundfile", "" ], [ "Gpsmeasuremode", "" ], [ "Xresolution", "" ], [ "Function", "" ], [ "Advisory", "" ], [ "Format", "" ], [ "Caption", "Caption embedded in i p t c" ], [ "Gimagemime", "" ], [ "Customrendered", "" ], [ "Relatedimagefileformat", "" ], [ "Maxavailwidth", "" ], [ "Chromasubsampling", "A typed representation that translates the values from ycbcrsubsampling." ], [ "Gpsdestdistance", "" ], [ "Propertyreleaseid", "" ], [ "Date", "" ], [ "Sensorheight", "" ], [ "Initialviewheadingdegrees", "" ], [ "Yresolution", "" ], [ "Bitspersample", "Start of reflected fields. these do not duplicate the above fields." ], [ "Gcameraspecialtypeid", "Camera creations metadata. the opaque id string created by the o e m. for bursts, this field should not be present. instead, the two properties below will allow photos to identify and provide special treatment for bursts." ], [ "Rotate", "This field is deprecated. rotation is now accomplished via image info.exif_orientation and image info.edit_list. w a r n i n g: the presence of rotate is used by f i f e to identify older images. setting this (even to the correct number of degrees) on newer images can cause incorrectly rotated thumbnails. this was the cause of omg/58543 number of degrees (0, 90, 180, 270)" ], [ "Ciadrpcode", "" ], [ "Microvideooriginaloffset", "This is similar to gcameramicrovideooffset, except it stores the unverified value that was provided in the motion photo file. this field is not part of the x m p or spec. it is used to ensure we preserve data from the original file when offset is modified." ], [ "Mime type", "Mime type of image" ], [ "Posepitchdegrees", "" ], [ "Minsamplevalue", "" ], [ "Iptclastedited", "" ], [ "Maxaperturevalue", "" ], [ "Motionphotovideodataboxheader", "The motion photo video data ( m p v d) box header of a h e i f motion photo. it is used for reconstructing the original moton photo bytes. see go/photos-be-heic-motion-photos for more details." ], [ "Ciadrregion", "" ], [ "Envelopenumber", "" ], [ "Subjectlocation", "" ], [ "Gpsdop", "" ], [ "Sensingmethod", "" ], [ "Width", "Width and height are before any rotation (including e x i f orientation)." ], [ "Ownername", "" ], [ "Stripbytecounts", "" ], [ "Gcameramicrovideo", "The following x m p metadata are used specifically for micro video. more information about micro video format can be found at go/photos-microvideo-format a value of 1 indicates that this file was a micro video at capture time. otherwise, this is not a micro video (not set or 0)." ], [ "Orientation", "Exif camera orientation. \"1\" means \"no rotation\"." ], [ "Height", "" ], [ "Subjectcode", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d largestvalidinteriorrecttop", "" ], [ "Gpsstatus", "" ], [ "Timesent", "" ], [ "Gpsdatestamp", "This is in u t c time. format is y y y y:mm:dd." ], [ "Ciurlwork", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d gpstimestamp", "This field was originally marked incorrectly as optional (rather than repeated). in order to fix it, the first field has been marked as deprecated and replaced with a field with a new name and tag number." ], [ "Photometricinterpretation", "" ], [ "Relatedimagewidth", "" ], [ "Gcameramotionphoto", "An indication that this item should be treated as a motion photo. 0 -> not motion photo, 1 -> motion photo, everything else is undefined per the spec. if it's a motion photo, the previous gcamera fields should be ignored." ], [ "Projectiontype", "" ], [ "Aperturevalue", "" ], [ "Ycbcrsubsampling", "" ], [ "Marked", "" ], [ "Keyword", "" ], [ "Contributor", "" ], [ "Country", "" ], [ "Dynamic depth metadata", "Dynamic depth (go/dynamic-depth) metadata is described in the metadata of sub-images in the container. the presence of this field can be used to determine that an image is in the dynamic depth format." ], [ "Croppedareaimagewidthpixels", "" ], [ "Lightsource", "" ], [ "Brightnessvalue", "" ], [ "Sublocation", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d largestvalidinteriorrectwidth", "" ], [ "Exposuremode", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d largestvalidinteriorrectleft", "" ], [ "Imagetype", "" ], [ "Longitude", "+/- 180 inclusive" ], [ "Gpstrack", "" ], [ "Gpstrackref", "" ], [ "Focalplanexres", "" ], [ "Exposuretime", "" ], [ "Compressedbitsperpixel", "" ], [ "Urgency", "" ], [ "Subjectdistancerange", "" ], [ "Baseurl", "" ], [ "Objectattributereference", "" ], [ "Meteringmode", "" ], [ "Compressionlevel", "" ], [ "Gpsdestlongituderef", "" ], [ "Focalplaneunits", "" ], [ "Audioduration", "" ], [ "Imageorientation", "" ], [ "Exposurebias", "" ], [ "Citelwork", "" ], [ "Maxavailheight", "" ], [ "Audiosamplingresolution", "" ], [ "Xmp4c", "" ], [ "Gpsimgdirection", "" ], [ "Distance", "" ], [ "Animation metadata", "" ], [ "Altitude", "" ], [ "Cameraid", "" ], [ "Whitebalance", "" ], [ "Flashreturn", "" ], [ "Expirationtime", "" ], [ "Envelopepriority", "" ], [ "Bit depth", "The number of bits per pixel used to express a color. most images have 8-bit depth and photos/thumbnailer currently do not support more than 8 bits (except r a w)." ], [ "Gcameramotionphotoversion", "Indicates the motion photo version of the spec (initially 1)." ], [ "Organisationinimagecode", "" ], [ "Lensid", "" ], [ "Gpsdestbearingref", "" ], [ "Locationshown", "" ], [ "Originatingprogram", "" ], [ "Minormodelagedisclosure", "" ], [ "Releasedate", "" ], [ "Mode", "" ], [ "Maxsamplevalue", "" ], [ "Fullpanowidthpixels", "" ], [ "Focallength", "" ], [ "Hdr metadata", "Indicates that the image has some form of h d r present or available to it." ], [ "Panorama metadata", "" ], [ "Gpsspeedref", "" ], [ "Thumbnailer build cl", "The build c l for the version of thumbnailer that built this image." ], [ "Lastphotodate", "" ], [ "Capturesoftware", "" ], [ "Gcameraburstprimary", "A value of 1 indicates that this was the primary (“best shot”) at capture time. within photos we should only treat this image as the best shot if the user hasn’t made an explicit choice. defining the initial primary allows consistency between o e ms, photos clients, and the photos backend. this value is optional, cameras are not required to set it on any photo in a burst. clients will default to the 0th frame, but may run an algorithm to pick a better default." ], [ "Scenecapturetype", "" ], [ "Gaincontrol", "" ], [ "Cellwidth", "" ], [ "Gpsimgdirectionref", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d iscolor", "" ], [ "Flashcompensation", "" ], [ "Coverage", "" ], [ "Isoequivalent", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d blendingtype", "" ], [ "Offsettimeoriginal", "" ], [ "Programversion", "" ], [ "Releasetime", "" ], [ "Datesent", "" ], [ "Gpsspeed", "" ], [ "Fullpanoheightpixels", "" ], [ "Datecreated", "" ], [ "Offsettimedigitized", "" ], [ "Location", "" ], [ "Daylightsavings", "0 = no daylight savings, 1 = daylight savings enabled. note that this field only represents whether the setting in the camera was turned on or off. it must not be used to modify the timestamp of the photo. that is, the capture time is already completely determined by exif_time, timezoneoffset and timezoneminutes." ], [ "Gpsdestlatituderef", "" ], [ "Personinimage", "" ], [ "Version", "" ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d process", "" ], [ "Ciadrctry", "" ], [ "Intellectualgenre", "" ], [ "Referenceblackwhite", "" ], [ "Referencenumber", "" ], [ "Language", "" ], [ "Contact", "" ], [ "Digitalzoomratio", "" ], [ "Has alpha", "The image has an alpha channel (potential transparency). if the image is decoded, this will be updated to indicate whether there is any active transparency. formats supporting alpha: png, webp, gif, heif." ], [ "Usepanoramaviewer", "G pano-related fields. a handful of these have been deprecated due to a change in the spec since its initial design." ], [ "Firmware", "" ], [ "Resolutionunit", "" ], [ "Initialviewpitchdegrees", "" ], [ "Gcameramotionphotocreator", "Indicates the creator of the motion photo. this will be set if the motion photo was generated from a live photo from the i o s to android conversion tool." ], [ "Spectralsensitivity", "" ], [ "Contentlocationname", "" ], [ "Digitalsourcetype", "" ], [ "Whitepoint", "" ], [ "Timezoneoffset", "The elements in the timezone and daylight savings field arrays correspond to the following date/time fields: 0) datecreated (ie. date time original) 1) datetime (ie. date time or last modified date) 2) datetimedigitized (ie. date time digitized) if the field does not exist, then there is no valid time zone information for that date/time field. offset in hours." ], [ "Source", "" ], [ "Audiooutcue", "" ], [ "Subjectreference", "" ], [ "Flashused", "" ], [ "Propertyreleasestatus", "" ], [ "Datetimedigitized", "" ], [ "Extrasamples", "" ], [ "Certificate", "" ], [ "Digimageguid", "" ], [ "Subsectimedigitized", "" ], [ "Exposurelockused", "" ], [ "Interoperabilityindex", "" ], [ "Event", "" ], [ "Gpsdestlongitude", "" ], [ "Gaudiomime", "" ], [ "Exif time", "Timestamp embedded in the image. the value comes from the first valid date-time field extracted from the metadata in the order: 1) datecreated (ie. date time original) 2) datetimedigitized (ie. date time digitized) 3) datetime (ie. date time or last modified date) the type of this field is equivalent to a time_t (ie. number of seconds since the epoch - 00:00 hours, jan 1, 1970) except that it is an int64 rather than an int." ], [ "Focallengthin35mmfilm", "" ], [ "Serviceidentifier", "" ], [ "Rowsperstrip", "" ], [ "Author", "" ], [ "Shutterspeedvalue", "" ], [ "Exposureprogram", "" ], [ "Poseheadingdegrees", "" ], [ "Latitude", "G p s info: +/- 90 inclusive" ], [ "Freeoffsets", "" ], [ "Burstuuid", "" ], [ "Subsectime", "" ], [ "Gcameramotionphotopresentationtimestampus", "The presentation timestamp in microseconds of the video frame corresponding to the image still. value may be -1 to denote unset/unspecified." ], [ "Celllength", "" ], [ "Primarychromaticities", "" ], [ "Languageidentifier", "" ], [ "Gpsdifferential", "" ], [ "Gpsdestlatitude", "" ], [ "City", "" ], [ "Modelage", "" ], [ "Thresholding", "" ], [ "Ccdwidth", "" ], [ "Sensorwidth", "" ], [ "Datetime", "" ], [ "Createdate", "" ], [ "Objecttypereference", "" ], [ "Ycbcrcoefficients", "" ], [ "Offsettime", "" ], [ "Samplesperpixel", "" ], [ "Gcameramicrovideooffset", "The offset in bytes from the end of the file to the point where the appended mp4 begins (equivalent to the length of the compressed mp4). this field might be provided in the original micro video from client, but it might become invalid when the image component is edited, so it is expected that the thumbnailer will validate it and find the correct value (by scanning through the j p e g) if it is invalid. in other words, only a valid offset should be returned by thumbnailer." ], [ "Gcameraisautoenhanced", "Indicates that an o e m has applied auto enhance via photos' a p i." ], [ "Stripoffsets", "" ], [ "Software", "" ], [ "Exif4c", "4 c metadata (caption, copyright, creator, credit) specific to each of the three metadata segments ( e x i f, x m p, i p t c). these are used to keep separate the 4 c data from each segment so that we can properly preserve the per-segment 4 c data on write (when preserve level is set appropriately)." ], [ "Identifier", "" ], [ "Cameramodel", "Exif camera model" ], [ "Gpssatellites", "" ], [ "Audiosamplingrate", "" ], [ "Gcameramicrovideopresentationtimestampus", "The presentation timestamp in microseconds of the video frame corresponding to the image still. value may be -1 to denote unset/unspecified." ], [ "Credits", "" ], [ "Autoenhance", "Indicates whether auto-enhance has been applied to the image." ], [ "Firstphotodate", "" ], [ "Croppedareatoppixels", "" ], [ "Exif time utc source", "The exif_time_utc_source indicates the source from which the exif_time_utc field is calculated." ], [ "Destination", "" ], [ "Hostcomputer", "" ], [ "Url", "" ], [ "Gcreationscameraburstid", "" ], [ "Initialverticalfovdegrees", "" ], [ "Objectcycle", "" ], [ "Modifydate", "" ], [ "Gcameraburstid", "A unique string. the property should be present and identical for all images that make up a burst. it should be unique across devices ( u u i d recommended). unlike g creations: camera burst id, we should use images with this property to create auto collages and animations." ], [ "Nickname", "" ], [ "Ycbcrpositioning", "" ], [ "Saturation", "" ], [ "Type", "" ], [ "Copyrightnotice", "" ], [ "Gpsmapdatum", "" ], [ "Modelreleasestatus", "" ], [ "Uno", "" ], [ "Digitalsourcefiletype", "" ], [ "Instructions", "" ], [ "Category", "" ], [ "Ciadrcity", "" ], [ "Gpsdestbearing", "" ], [ "Ciemailwork", "" ], [ "Editorialupdate", "" ], [ "Transmissionreference", "" ], [ "Referenceservice", "" ], [ "Ismpformat", "The image is a multi- picture object." ], [ "Relatedimageheight", "" ], [ "Aperturefnumber", "" ], [ "Ciadrextadr", "" ], [ "Gpstime", "This is in u t c time. contains three floats: hour, minute and second. supports subsecond resolution." ], [ "Gcameramicrovideoversion", "Indicates the file format version of the micro video (initially 1)." ], [ "Destination latitude", "+/- 90 inclusive" ], [ "Artworkorobject", "" ], [ "Destination longitude", "+/- 180 inclusive" ], [ "Exif time utc", "The exif_time_utc field is a u t c-based alternative to the exif_time field, which is in local time, rather than u t c. if they were not separate, clients would be unable to distinguish if the source were u t c- or local-based." ], [ "Planarconfiguration", "" ], [ "Fillorder", "" ], [ "Editstatus", "" ], [ "Grayresponseunit", "" ], [ "Timezoneminutes", "Remaining minutes of offset." ], [ "Contentlocationcode", "" ], [ "Initialviewrolldegrees", "" ], [ "Poserolldegrees", "" ], [ "Gcameradisableautocreation", "The possible values are: “ animation”, “ collage”, “ pano”, “ movies”. photos will avoid creating the listed types using the containing image or video. the property is optional. the property can be included multiple times to disable creation of multiple different types." ], [ "Cvterm", "" ], [ "Metadatadate", "" ], [ "Subsectimeoriginal", "" ], [ "Lens", "" ], [ "Fixtureidentifier", "" ], [ "Sourcephotoscount", "" ], [ "Actionadvised", "" ], [ "Authorposition", "" ], [ "Imagenumber", "" ], [ "Cameramake", "Exif camera make" ], [ "Scene", "" ], [ "Supplementalcategory", "" ], [ "Contrast", "" ], [ "Uniqueid", "For unique hash:" ], [ "Audiotype", "" ], [ "Serialnumber", "" ], [ "Croppedarealeftpixels", "" ], [ "Colorspace", "" ], [ "Colorprofile", "Indicates whether or not the source image had an embedded color profile." ], [ "Initialhorizontalfovdegrees", "" ], [ "Title", "" ], [ "Gcreationstype", "String representation of creation type. should be one of {\" g camera collage\", \" g camera animation\", \" g camera group smiles\", \" g photos collage\", \" g photos animation\"}." ], [ "Label", "" ], [ "Owner", "" ], [ "Flashenergy", "" ], [ "Publisher", "" ], [ "Iptc4c", "" ], [ "Sharpness", "" ], [ "Grayresponsecurve", "" ] ]
Goodoc Language Combination Language
Weighted language
[ [ "Bcp47 tag", "Bcp47 language code. note, this is not the same as ocean code used by goodoc:: document." ], [ "Weight", "Weight of language. this specifies how likely it is to see the language in the input text. the values don't have to add up to 1." ] ]
Video Assets Venom Transition
As video mutations are reconciled by venom, we can tell if the ingredient did or did not reach certain objectives. when processing has completed, all objectives will have a corresponding transition. all transitions are reset for every mutation, but will take into account assets outside of that mutation. for example, if asset x fails, and was part of " o b j e c t i v e_ p r i m a r y_ a s s e t s_ d o n e", a rerun of asset y is destined to result in o u t c o m e_ f a i l e d, regardless of the fate of asset y. some phenonema have effects on most or all objectives. for example, a bad input file will result on o u t c o m e_ i n f e a s i b l e across the board (eventually, for now it's just g o_ l i v e and d o_ a l l, work in progress), and a failure to produce format 18 will cause o u t c o m e_ f a i l e d across most objectives.
[ [ "Objective", "The objective this transition is about. r e q u i r e d." ], [ "Outcome", "Whether the objective is reached or not. r e q u i r e d." ], [ "Reason", "An optional debug string indicating the reason for this transition. this is typically omitted for o u t c o m e_ s u c c e s s. e.g. \" the video's content is invalid due to failed blobstore cloning.\"" ] ]
Legal Citation Law
[ [ "Revision date", "" ], [ "Status", "Law status" ], [ "Type", "Law type" ], [ "Collectionname", "" ], [ "Level", "" ] ]
Repository Webref Display Name
Per language display name from reliable sources (e.g. freebase, wikipedia). the name can be ambiguous (e.g. " springfield" rather than " springfield, idaho"), and is thus to be used in a context which provides sufficient disambiguation. see:http://go/entity-names w a r n i n g: this data is d e p r e c a t e d and any user-visible entity names need to be fetched from topic server. note that any display names included in this proto are merely a pass-through from k g and have no freshness guarantees.
[ [ "Canonical name", "An encylopedia style topic name (e.g. \" dog\", not \" dogs\"). corresponds to freebase /type/object/name and similar sources." ], [ "Language", "The language of this name. seehttp://goto/iiifor all the details on the language identifiers." ], [ "Subject name", "A name as it would be used for a news topic, an interest, the subject of a story. e.g. in list of things (\" related topics: smartphones, computers, accidents\". \" interests: dogs\"). fall back: if the field is not populated, fall back to the \"canonical_name\" field. this field is usually not populated since (a) in most cases the subject form name is the same as the canonical name, and (b) data coverage of subject-form names is currently much lower than data coverage of canonical names. note: in some languages (e.g. french) the difference between canonical names and subject names is larger than in english (not just plural vs. singular), but still strictly grammatical (including an article, capitalization, plural vs. singular). corresponds to freebase /freebase/linguistic_hint/subject_form." ] ]
Google Cloud Documentai V1 Document Page Symbol
A detected symbol.
[ [ "Detected languages", "A list of detected languages together with confidence." ], [ "Layout", "Layout for symbol." ] ]
Quality Calypso Apps Universal Au Live Op Event
Contains the schedule for a single live-op event. next i d: 4
[ [ "End timestamp millis", "[ r e q u i r e d] end time in u t c for the live-op event." ], [ "Preview timestamp millis", "If specified, a live-op event must be shown only after this preview-time (in u t c). otherwise, the event can be shown at any time as long as its before the end time." ], [ "Start timestamp millis", "[ r e q u i r e d] start time in u t c for the live-op event." ] ]
Assistant Api Output Restrictions
These are user configurable permissions representing what the device is allowed to output. next i d: 11
[ [ "Google photo content", "The type of google photo content which the device can output." ], [ "Guest access output", "Access settings for guests." ], [ "Personal data", "The level of personal data which the device can output. see go/personal-readout for detail." ], [ "Proactive notification output", "This controls if the server can proactively send notification to users, and it does not affect scenarios that users ask for information. the notification may include t t s and lights. it could be only lights for chirp." ], [ "Proactive output", "Restrictions on displaying and interacting with content on proactive surfaces (e.g. dragonglass home screen). note: n e v e r access this field of output restrictions directly, use the code in assistant/assistant_server/settings/device/device_settings_util.h instead." ], [ "Youtube autoplay restriction", "Whether you tube autoplay is allowed for queries from the user to this device. see go/assistant-youtube-settings for details." ], [ "Youtube content", "The type of you tube content which the device can output." ], [ "Youtube tv content", "The type of you tube t v content which the device can output." ] ]
Legal Citation Court Document Per Docket Info
Information associated with a docket. note that multiple dockets can be combined and argued as one and produce a single opinion
[ [ "Docket i d", "An alpha-numeric (usually, mostly numeric) string used to identify the case by the court" ], [ "Petitioner", "Who is bringing the action? ( x in x vs. y)" ], [ "Petitioner counsel", "Who represents the petitioner?" ], [ "Respondent", "Who is responding to the action? ( y in x vs. y)" ], [ "Respondent counsel", "Who represents the respondent?" ], [ "Topic", "The \"in re\" or \"matter of\" field." ] ]
Google Type Expr
Represents a textual expression in the common expression language ( c e l) syntax. c e l is a c-like expression language. the syntax and semantics of c e l are documented athttps://github.com/google/cel-spec. example ( comparison): title: " summary size limit" description: " determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" example ( equality): title: " requestor is owner" description: " determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == request.auth.claims.email" example ( logic): title: " public documents" description: " determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" example ( data manipulation): title: " notification string" description: " create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "' new message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" the exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. see the service documentation for additional information.
[ [ "Description", "Optional. description of the expression. this is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a u i." ], [ "Expression", "Textual representation of an expression in common expression language syntax." ], [ "Location", "Optional. string indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file." ], [ "Title", "Optional. title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. this can be used e.g. in u is which allow to enter the expression." ] ]
Youtube Backstage Super Vod Comment Info
Contains information about comment that is posted through a super thanks purchase. next i d: 7
[ [ "Currency code", "Currency code the user uses to purchase this super thanks item." ], [ "Entitlement id", "The i d of the super thanks entitlement. it uniquely identifies a super thanks purchase. this field is deprecated in favor of transaction_id, see go/st-deprecate-ent-id." ], [ "Price in micros", "Price of super thanks item the user purchases in micros." ], [ "Super vod item id", "The super thanks item the user purchases, it represents price tier." ], [ "Transaction id", "The i d of the super thanks transaction. it uniquely identifies a super thanks purchase." ], [ "Version", "Which version of experiment this super thanks comment is posted in." ] ]
Goodoc Semantic Label Content Link
If the label is for something that links to another piece of content (in this volume, outside, a url, a citation, etc.).
[ [ "Url target", "For u r l labels, we note the url here directly (it's also available by grabbing all text symbols within the labeled span). s c h o l a r l y_ c i t a t i o n labels or even c a p t i o n labels may occasionally contain u r ls." ], [ "Citationtarget", "" ], [ "Involumetarget", "" ] ]
Photos Panorama Metadata
[ [ "Spherical panorama", "" ], [ "Vr180 panorama", "True if the image is a v r180 image. see go/3d180 for details." ] ]
Video Content Search Match Scores
[ [ "Match info", "" ], [ "Method", "The method used for matching, e.g. 'babel', 'nlp', 'neon', ßß'phonetic'." ] ]
Geostore Curve Connection Proto
Protocol buffer describing a curve that connects two externally specified endpoints.
[ [ "Bezier params", "" ], [ "Circle params", "" ], [ "Type", "" ] ]
Smartphone Per Doc Data
This message is used for storing smartphone related information. note: mobile per doc data is a similar message, but it's for lowend mobile.
[ [ "D e p r e c a t e d desktop canonical docid", "If set, this page is a smartphone dup, a page serving equivalent contents as another u r l (desktop canonical), but in smartphone-optimized style. this field holds the docid of the desktop canonical." ], [ "D e p r e c a t e d mobile homepage docid", "Mobile u r l for homepages, predicted by the u r l rewrite rules. see go/mobile-homepage-prediction." ], [ "Ads density interstitial violation strength", "Indicates if the page is violating mobile ads density interstitial policy and the violation strength. see go/interstitials-for-ads andhttp://ariane/268642for details. to save indexing space, we convert the double values in [0.0, 1.0] to intergers in range [0, 1000] by using floor(value * 1000)." ], [ "Is error page", "Indicates if the page serves error to smartphone crawler. go/ramsey-sp404demotion" ], [ "Is n1 redirect", "Indicates if the page has mobile n-1 redirection. go/ramsey-n1demotion" ], [ "Is smartphone optimized", "Indicates if the page is rendered in a friendly manner on smartphones. we use this field as tri-state: \"unset\" means the rendering result classification is not available, and \"set as false\" means that the page is rendered in unfriendly manner on smartphones. see also go/modena-ranking." ], [ "Is web error mobile content", "Indicates if the current u r l serves error page to desktop crawler and non error page to smartphone crawler." ], [ "Maximum flash ratio", "The ratio of the area of the largest flash to the render area." ], [ "Violates mobile interstitial policy", "Indicates if the page is violating mobile interstitial policy and should be demoted. see go/interstitials-ranking-dd for details." ] ]
Telephone Number
[ [ "Area code", "The local \"area code\", if there is such a concept." ], [ "Country code", "The international direct dialing code for the country, as per i t u e.164:http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/ob-lists/icc/e164_763.html" ], [ "Extension", "Extension (to be dialed after connection)." ], [ "National prefix", "To call this number from within the same country, the national call prefix may be necessary. this is 1 in the u s, 0 in the u k, etc. in the u s, it's reasonable to omit the leading 1 when writing the number, but in other countries it is less optional." ], [ "Number", "The actual number, broken down into sections as per local convention. note that the actual formatting of these sections (hyphen vs space, usage of parentheses) will vary according to local custom." ] ]
Legal Citation Court Document Unknown Date
Dates that we didn't fully parse, so we don't know exactly what they are, but we are keeping in case it's all we have.
[ [ "Date", "" ], [ "Description", "" ] ]
Repository Webref Component Reference
The argument value reference to mention. compound mention. component. next available tag number: 4
[ [ "Debug entity", "Optionally the freebase_mid of the webref entity which the component identifies via entity_index. this is purely to help humans diagnose the webref entities structure, may not always be present and should not be used by production code. use query join to meaning struct converter to compose a proper value in place of the component reference." ], [ "Funcall name", "The webref entity referenced byindexis equivalent to this function call in this context, but not universally such that we don't want to recursively expand its m r f. use this for example if an entity corresponds to a category in an intersect: cell phones() & related to(/m/foo), where /m/cell_phones is equivalent to cell phones() (and may or may not have an annotated span), but we don't want to generally assert that /m/cell_phones == cell phones(). this cannot be an actual function call to avoid a circular dependency." ], [ "Index", "The index of the component of the compound mention which has the mrf_index of this m r f expression in webref entity. required." ] ]
Event Id Message
An event id is a 128 bit identifier that uniquely identifies an event, such as a query. the event time recorded to the nearest microsecond, along with information about the process generating the event, ensures that all event ids are unique. details of this event id are described in a design document:http://www/eng/designdocs/sawmill/adlogs.html
[ [ "Process id", "Process_id is an integer that identifies the process on this machine that generated this event. this id is calculated once when the server generates its first event, and may change if the process is migrated to a different host. this field has a very specific format mandated by the logs collection infrastructure, which is subject to change w i t h o u t n o t i c e. as of 2013-01-09, this format is: uint32 process_id = (time( n u l l) << 24) + (getpid() & 0x f f f f f f); if you are generating an extended_pid directly, you m u s t use one of the maintained library implementations in order to generate it properly: c++ //borg/borgletlib:extended_pid; call borg:: extended pid() python //borg/borgletlib/python:pyextendedpid; call extended pid() go //borg/borgletlib/go:extendedpid; call get() java //java/com/google/common/logging; call event id.get pid() if you think that you need to parse the values of this field, please contact logs-collection-dev@ to discuss your requirement." ], [ "Server ip", "Server_ip is the i pv4 address orhttp://go/ghostidof the machine running the server that created this event message. this allows us to distinguish between events that occur at the same time on different servers. format: is stored as 0x0a010203, and g host id 1 as 0x00000001." ], [ "Time usec", "Time_usec is the number of microseconds since the epoch (i.e., since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 u t c) as an int64: 1e6(unix time) + microseconds. applications must ensure that event id messages have increasing times, artificially increasing time_usec to one greater than the previous value if necessary. alternate implementations were considered: 1. storing unix time and microseconds separately would require a bit more storage, and the convenience of having a single value representing the time seemed more useful than having trivial access to a unix time. 2. storing unix time in the upper 32 bits would allow for more precision - up to 4 g events/second, but it wouldn't print nicely as a decimal value and it seems unlikely that any single server would ever sustain more than 1 m events/second. 3. java-compatible time uses millis - this would limit servers to 1000 events per second - too small. other names for this field were considered, including time, time_stamp, and utime. we felt that including the units in the name would tend to produce more readable code. utime might be interpreted as user time. unix timestamp1e6 + microseconds" ] ]
Knowledge Answers Opaque Person Type
Image Repository Api Xtag List
Xtag list -- a collection of xtag instances with unique names. this would be associated with one specific piece of content.
[ [ "Xtags", "" ] ]
Google Assistant Accessory V1 Screen Out Config Dimensions
This contains physical and logical characteristics about the device (e.g. screen size and d p i, etc).
[ [ "Screen dpi", "Dots (pixels) per inch of the screen." ], [ "Screen height px", "Height of the device's screen in pixels. if 0 or not specified, it's assumed to be the same as screen_width_px. for a square or round screen, it's recommended to leave this field empty as a bandwidth optimization." ], [ "Screen shape", "The shape of the device's screen" ], [ "Screen width px", "Width of the device's screen in pixels." ] ]
Knowledge Answers Intent Query Implied Entity
Signals for $ q ref implied entities that are merged into entity arguments during parsing.
[ [ "Annotated span", "A copy of the span of canonical (raw) parser input text corresponding to this annotation. copied from q ref annotation.annotated_span." ], [ "Eval data", "This field is used inside aqua for evaluation purposes." ], [ "Is ungrounded value", "T o d o (b/143536264): create a new implied tokens message and remove this. whether the implied entity is ungrounded value, set to true when the entity doesn't have a k g mid." ], [ "Mid", "The k g mid of the implied entity." ], [ "Qref confidence score", "The q ref confidence (in [0, 1]) of the entity being correctly annotated." ], [ "Shopping ids", "All shopping ids for this implied entity that need to be copied to intent query ( function call) if this implied entity is used in intent generation. see go/iql-shopping-ids for details." ] ]
Apps People Oz External Mergedpeopleapi Contact Create Context Info
Contact creation timestamps and related metadata. see go/contact-edit-history. this message is a pure wrapper of the shared contact creaction context message so that it can be a top-level person field. no other fields should be added to the message.
[ [ "Contact create context", "" ], [ "Metadata", "" ] ]
Social Graph Api Proto Partial Name Options Name Part Spec
Specifies how each piece of the name should be handled. names are structured into given name and family name and this allows an independent specification for each of these pieces. very limited preprocessing is done for this option (leading whitespace trimming mostly). composed names are treated as a single unit and are not broken down.
[ [ "Hide all", "Completely omit that part of the name." ], [ "Show all", "Show the complete name. note that this does not express the same semantics as show_first_n_chars=length_of_name, because when regenerating a shortened name the new name could have more characters, thus yielding a different result." ], [ "Show first n chars", "Show firstncharacters. same note about characters referring to \"grapheme_clusters\" applies." ], [ "Show initial", "Show only the initial, i.e., a single character. note that \"character\" refers to \"user-perceived\" characters, aka a \"grapheme cluster\". see go/morphology for more details." ], [ "Truncation indicator", "Which truncation indicator to use after the shortened piece of the name. will be ignored for thehide_allorshow_alloptions." ] ]
Image Regions Image Regions
An image with regions within it. n e x t_ i d: 11
[ [ "Final porn score", "The final_porn_score for the image." ], [ "Final violence score", "The final_violence_score for the image." ], [ "Flow output", "The output of various features generated by the flow framework, most importantly data from starburst (go/starburst)." ], [ "Has300k thumb", "True if the image has a 300k thumb." ], [ "Has navboost", "True if the image has navboost." ], [ "Is iu inappropriate", "True if the image is iu-inappropriate." ], [ "Pedo score", "The pedo_score of the image." ], [ "Precomputed restricts", "The precomputed restricts for the image." ], [ "Racy score", "The racy_score of the image." ], [ "Region", "The list of regions." ] ]
Image Repository Amarna Status
This message stores the status and reason why amarna was unable to provide perdoc information for an image.
[ [ "Reason", "" ], [ "Status", "" ] ]
Video Content Search Comment Anchor Set Features Comment
A structure that represents a comment. fields 1 through 6 are designed to store responses from the 3 p you tube data a p i (seehttps://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/comments). field 7 is used to store the google-internal representation of the comment; if it is populated, then all other fields may be empty. next i d: 8
[ [ "Comment id", "The i d that you tube uses to uniquely identify the comment." ], [ "Like count", "The total number of likes (positive ratings) the comment has received." ], [ "Mini stanza", "The mini stanza object that represents the comment. if populated, all other fields in this message may be empty." ], [ "Published at", "The date and time when the comment was orignally published, specified in i s o 8601 format." ], [ "Text display", "The comment's text, in h t m l." ], [ "Text original", "The original, raw text of the comment." ], [ "Updated at", "The date and time when the comment was last updated, specified in i s o 8601 format." ] ]

Google Leak Dataset

A dataset extracted from the google leak under Apache 2.0 license that occurred on May 27, 2024.

Dataset description:

The stored data has been altered but not modified and corresponds to the titles and descriptions of both modules and the keys and values of those modules, provided by the leaked google content warehouse api documentation version 0.4.0.

Data alteration explanation:

  1. Data has been pruned to get only titles and descriptions.
  2. All text in camelcase format has been replaced with friendly spacing, lowered and re-capitalized text, for improved human readability and comprehension.

Dataset format:

{"title": "text", "description": "text", "values": [["key", "value"], ["key", "value"]]}\n

Data source:


History told:




I don't know what's going on and what im doing, but seems legit.
Downloads last month
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