Instruction: What terms in this passage have a connection to earth science? The passage: Ivan's son, Frano, served the Austrian Empire and the Polish King Jan III Sobieski in 1683, participating in the defeat of the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Vienna. The family then obtained fiefdoms from Emperor Leopold I. The others sons, Sigmund (Šiško) and Matteo, spent several years in the military service of the Spanish Habsburgs. After his return to Dubrovnik, Mateo lived in Turkey for 28 months, until 1674. Matteo later married a commoner, but had no children. He was elected the Rector of Ragusa many times. Response: The terms connected to earth science in the passage include: Austrian Empire, Jan III Sobieski, Battle of Vienna, fiefdoms, Leopold I.
Instruction: What are the principles of stratigraphy? What are the principles of stratigraphy? Response: The basic principle of stratigraphy is that the older a layer of rock is the further it will be found from the surface. There are, however, numerous factors that can affect this such as erosion of surface layers to expose older rock as well as earthquakes and other events that can displace rock layers.Rock layers can build up relatively quickly in the case of volcanic eruptions or may accumulate relatively slowly in sedimentary rocks. The visible changes in the layers that form make up strata in the rock and help her learn about the processes that formed it and the material (like fossils) that can become trapped in it.
Instruction: Does total magnetic intensity fall under the broader concept of elements of the geomagnetic field in geoscience? Response: True The definition of total magnetic intensity is that The total Intensity of the geomagnetic field is the total intensity of magnetic induction., while the concept elements of the geomagnetic field means that The elements of the geomagnetic field including components of the Earth’s magnetic field, inclination and declination. In order to describe the magnetic field vector, use is made of descriptors known as the geomagnetic elements.
Instruction: What information do you have on the Gyposaurus sinensis's found place? Response: Regarding the Gyposaurus sinensis, its found place is latitude: 24.97260284 and longitude: 101.48819733.
Instruction: Are map color specific types or varieties of the feeling of colors in geoscience? Response: False. The definition of the feeling of colors is that Color is an objective material phenomenon, but color is not purely physical in human visual sense., while the concept map color means that Map color includes three elements of colors, blending of colors, selection and matching of colors, color symbolism and the feeling of colors.
Instruction: Could you share the origin time of the M 6.3 - South Sandwich Islands region? Response: The M 6.3 - South Sandwich Islands region's origin time is 1993-03-20 09:20:32.590 UTC.
Instruction: I'm curious about the chemical element of the Horákite. Response: The Horákite has a chemical element of As,Bi,H,O,P,U.
Instruction: Can you identify the key terms related to earth science mentioned in this passage? The passage: Spotlight: Margaret Smilow, Nicolas Philibert, Michael Moore, Apostolos Kryonas, Mary Hadjimichali-Papaliou, Yannis Smaragdis. Response: Sure, the terms related to earth science mentioned in the passage include: Nicolas Philibert, Michael Moore, Yannis Smaragdis.
Instruction: Can you help me find the terms relevant to earth science in this passage? The passage: "Sunsets" is a song released as the third single from Australian rock band Powderfinger's fifth studio album, Vulture Street. The single was released on 4 January 2004 in Australia and New Zealand. "Sunsets" earned a mixed response from reviewers. Some reviewers praised its appeal and aggression, whilst others appreciated the power ballad elements within it. Others, however, described the song negatively as "lumbering". "Sunsets" charted moderately, reaching No. 11 on the Australian Singles Chart. Response: Sure, the terms relevant to earth science in the passage are: rock, Powderfinger, Vulture Street, power ballad, Australian Singles Chart.
Instruction: Radiation damages during EBSD investigation in SiO2 (agate)? Did anybody investigated agate and observed radiation damages caused by electrons? Attached is one image which displays a forescattered elevtron image. It displays clearly orientation contrast in quartz (big grains) as well as in the fine-grained agate. If I try to scan the agate in EBSD mode, (dwell time in the scale of 20-30ms) the structure obviously collapse the the electron beam interaction. A strong topography change appears always there where agate is assumed. A reduction to 10keV electrons does not help. A similar effect I observed at small-grained calcite at a contact zone. Patterns are locally detectable, but only once. Then a clear topography change become visible comparable to agate. Investigating calcite in bigger grain (highly twinned and a few 100µm away) this effect does not appear at all. Response: Take an ostrich egg. Easier to prepare :-)
Instruction: The sentence refers to a table. What is the table about? [START_TABLE] herein, the coordination of the pb(bha) + with oh has been simulated in a stepwise order, as shown in figure 6c consistently positive g of the coordination reactions between (pb-bha h 2 o)m (m gt 1) and another water molecule should be ascribed to the result of the stronger coordination of bha with pb 2+ (g is 356.55 kcal/mol as listed in ).[END_TABLE] Response: the changes in the reaction gibbs free energy (δg) and the difference of pb–o mean distance in the hydration system with coordination number (cn) m of water molecules varied from 1 to 5.
Instruction: What information do you have on the M 4.5 - 5 km NE of Indian Hills, Nevada's azimuthal gap? Response: Regarding the M 4.5 - 5 km NE of Indian Hills, Nevada, its azimuthal gap is 28.07°.
Instruction: What are the geological terms or concepts mentioned in: This is a synoptic monograph of fossil Orthoptera from the English Lower Cretaceous (Purbeck and Wealden groups). The previously described taxa of these insects are revised on the basis of type specimens and examination of extensive new material. Eight new genera and 30 new species are proposed: sp. nov., gen. et sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., ? sp. nov. (Elcanidae); ? sp. nov. (Haglidae); gen. et sp. nov., gen. et sp. nov., sp. nov., gen. et sp. nov., ? sp. nov. (Prophalangopsidae); sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., gen. et sp. nov., sp. nov., gen. et sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov. (Baissogryllidae); ? sp. nov. (Gryllidae); sp. nov. (Ensifera: infraorder incertae sedis); gen. et sp. nov. (Tridactylidae); sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., sp. nov., and gen. et sp. nov (Locustopsidae). The subfamily Baisselcaninae is synonymized with Elcaninae, and a new subfamily (Archelcaninae subfam. nov.) is proposed for a segregate of Elcaninae. A preliminary comparison of the Purbeck/Wealden with other Early Cretaceous orthopteran faunas is given.? Response: The geological terms or concepts mentioned in the passage are: English: Location Lower Cretaceous: Period type: Geo_word incertae sedis: Geo_word other: Geo_word Cretaceous: Period
Instruction: What are the names of any geological formations mentioned in: Ackerly, S. C. 1992 07 15: The origin and geometry of radial ribbing patterns in articulate brachiopods.Geometric models for simple. radial ribbing in articulate brachiopods include (1) ribs radiating isometrically from the shell umbo. (2) divergence of thc ribs from some ‘point’ within the shell, and (3) reorientation of the ribs at right angles to the shell margin. Analyses of the Orthida, the ancestral taxon of articulate brachiopods, indicate that rib geometries are isometric in Early Cambrian taxa (model 1). but that by the Early Ordovician rib orientations are generally perpendicular to the shell margin (model 3). A combination of functional and morphogenetic Factors explains the ribbing geometries observed in orthide brachiopods.? Response: The names of the geological formations mentioned in the passage are: Ackerly: Location models: Geo_word Cambrian: Period Ordovician: Period Factors: Geo_word
Instruction: Can anyone provide references on timing of granite exposure following uplift in the serra da Estrela range (Portugal), or in the vicinity? We are interested in finding information relating to the age of exposure of granites, since we are studying the effects of rock control on the geomorphology of the upper surfaces of the serra da Estrela range. Response: Check this one: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589409000568 K.
Instruction: What can you tell me about the detail of the Tornieria robusta? Response: The Tornieria robusta's detail is the year of it is 1911, the autor of it is Sternfeld, the references of it is Mannion, P. D., Upchurch, P., Schwarz, D., & Wings, O. (2019). Taxonomic affinities of the putative titanosaurs from the Late Jurassic Tendaguru Formation of Tanzania: phylogenetic and biogeographic implications for eusauropod dinosaur evolution.
Instruction: I'd like to know the detail information of the Oviraptor yanshini. Response: The Oviraptor yanshini has a detail information of the year of it is 1988, the autor of it is Paul, the references of it is Paul, (1988). The Predatory Dinosaurs of the World.
Instruction: What are the different branches of geoscience that genus vermifistula wu & xiao, 1989 is part of? Response: Some branches of geoscience that genus vermifistula wu & xiao, 1989 is part of include family uncertain in hexactinosa, among others. The definition of genus vermifistula wu & xiao, 1989 is that Steeply obconical to pillar-shaped or cylindrical sponges with deep, open spongocoel; moderately thick walls with numerous crooked, inhalant canals that converge irregularly to form somewhat coarser, inner, exhalant canals; skeleton of small, closely spaced hexactines fused at various angles to construct triangular to pentagonal, mesh spaces in wall that shows growth rings., while the concept family uncertain in hexactinosa means that Null.
Instruction: Cherts from which Proterozoic basins will be studied? Globally there are a number of Proterozoic basins containing chert beds. The Palaeoproterozoic Vempalle Formation (Cuddapah Basin, Eastern Dharwar Craton) contains a thick chert-limestone/dolostone intercalated succession. A large number of stromatolites have been reported form the dolostone/limestone of the Vempalle Formation. Possibly the chert beds of the Vempalle Formation will be a good target to achieve the project goal. Response: Dear all, Thanks a lot for your response and catering me some good literature. However, my question was related to the project "Understanding Proterozoic Chert" posted by Dr. Linda Kah, University of Tennessee. I am interested to get associated with that project and wish to listen from Dr. Kah. Regards, Himadri
Instruction: What is the most prominent geophysical survey in fossil water exploration? As you know, a fossil water aquifer has an old geological structure. Fossil water aquifers are mostly constructed between the depths 700-1300 meters. Commonly used hydrogrological investigations methods are not capable to analyse the source of it's formation based on the near surface water flow. On the other hands, commonly used geophysical methods to investigate the near surface aquifers are not capable to delineate it's structure, and recognise it's location and approximate extent. In this way, very geophysical methods, such as the seismic refraction, resistivity method and EM methods are not suitable to detect them. I am wondering if there is, or there are prominent methods to investigate this old sources of water supplies reliably? Can anyone introduce me a novel report considering their structure and the best method for their exploration? Response: No near surface or airborne geophysical investigations will give you the indication of "Fossil Water". Only they can indicate the existence of the fluid material within the sub-surface, but not its geologic time scale.
Instruction: I wonder about the source of the Teallite. Can you help? Response: Certainly, the Teallite has a source of Michael Scott S100329.
Instruction: The sentence refers to a table. What is the table about? [START_TABLE] with the main circuit parameters shown in , when choosing parameters kp_ik 0.1, ki_ik 50, and tf_ik0.01s, the response time and bandwidth of the power tracking loop are about 70ms and 400rad/s respectively.[END_TABLE] Response: operation modes of multiple dc microgrids cluster
Instruction: Can you clarify the meaning of the term 'Kee_Lung-class_destroyers'? Response: The term 'Kee_Lung-class_destroyers' means: Initial visibility: currently defaults to autocollapse
Instruction: Do you have information to share on early style bifaces (late Pleistocene or early Holocene) in which the primary deposition is underwater? We are putting together a database on lithic tools, primarily bifaces, that are associated with underwater environments. The items of interest have been curated underwater, and they lack the typical scars of transportation or weathering. The current model, of hunting large terrestrial mammals, may prove to be too narrow to explain the presence underwater of these materials. Response: Thank you! I have a friend/colleague, John Harris, who did the paleo work for the Isimila site, early on! What a small world. May I use your name when contacting L.S. Barham?
Instruction: What are some specific examples of geological map database metadata content within geoscience? Response: Some specific examples of geological map database metadata content within geoscience include metadata contact information. The definition of metadata contact information is that Contact Information provides the identity of, and means to communicate with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the dataset. (Note: This section provides a means of identifying individuals and organizations, and is used by multiple sections of the metadata standard.This section is never used alone.), while the concept geological map database metadata content means that Metadata includes Identification_Information, Data_Quality_Information, Spatial_Reference_Information, Entity_and_Attribute_Information, Distribution_Information and Metadata_Reference_Information.
Instruction: How do I difference the Muscovite and Illite Peak in XRD? Dear Experts, I used Topaz to identify mineralogy in XRD and I found that the Muscovite and Illite peak is almost same each other. If the sample consist of low Illite/Muscovite content, it will be hard to difference both of them. How do you difference Muscovite and Illite? Thank you very much Response: In my humble opinion. Extraction of clay -sized fraction (<2 μm), then those separated clay-sized fraction should be conducted on XRD analysis. if there is a diffraction peak of 10A in the clay, it will be illite, if not, then muscovite.
Instruction: Can you provide a description for the word 'latakia'? Response: Sure, the description for the word 'latakia' is: aromatic Turkish tobacco.
Instruction: What are the reasons in getting different Spectral Gamma Ray Log value in Flood Plain clayey deposits ? There is a significant variation in gamma counts of borehole sediments collected in fluvial environments. The sediments belong to clayey Flood Plain deposits without any sandy sediments. This may not be related to the organic matters since most of the sediments are yellowish brown in appearance. The lower value is concentrated in a particular zone only. Does it relate to drainage condition of the area? If yes, well drained sediments should have lower gamma value relative to poorly drained one. Is it correct ? What would be the possible reasons for such a variation in terms of depositional environment? Response: Although it is oxidized floodplain samples but you may have a detailed look for minute clay content variation or organic content. It is not related to drainage condition only, it may relate to state of oxidation of floodplain samples, if silt content increases gamma value will decrease automatically. Even potassium or feldspar content or mud cake on borehole wall, caving on wall may change the gamma values. You may consult the following texts: "Fundamentals of Well-log Interpretation, 2. The Interpretation of Logging Data" by O Serra http://www.epgeology.com/sedimentology-f19/fluvial-sequence-stratigraphy-using-thorium-potassium-t461.html https://agilescientific.com/blog/2013/2/26/interpreting-spectral-gamma-ray-logs.html http://petrowiki.org/Gamma_ray_logs
Instruction: In the realm of Earth sciences, which discipline is most closely linked to the term 'volcanic neck'? Choose from: A. Meteorology B. Geodesy C. Hydrology D. Oceanography E. Geophysics F. Geography G. Climatology H. Geochemistry I. Geology The answer is: Response: I. Geology. With the meaning of: A residual remnant of the pipe or throat of a volcano that was filled with solidified lava after its final eruption.
Instruction: How could same granitic gneisses show positive and negative lead anomalies? Dear all, Greeting, The granitic gneisses are plotted in continental arc fields on the tectonic diagrams of Pearce et al. (1984). The geochemistry data show granodiorite to granite protoliths, and the rocks are collected within a small mapped area. Can anyone suggest papers that explain the negative lead anomaly of rocks evolved within a supra-subduction zone, or any tectonic setting? Thank you in advance Response: Dear Eyob Abebe , The question is not clear, becuase the text under it somewhat suggest other thing... First we have to know that you want have samples from the same granite... In this case, the answer is simple... is related to the formation of granite, what happened to it after its creation... Regards, Laszlo
Instruction: Can you identify the key terms related to earth science mentioned in this passage? The passage: Braid first observed the operation of animal magnetism, when he attended a public performance by the travelling French magnetic demonstrator Charles Lafontaine (1803–1892) at the Manchester Athenæum on Saturday, 13 November 1841. Response: Sure, the terms related to earth science mentioned in the passage include: animal magnetism, Charles Lafontaine, Manchester Athenæum.
Instruction: What is the overarching category that basic principles belongs to? Response: It can be classified under isotope fundamentals, which is a broad field of study within geoscience. The definition of basic principles is that The basic definition of isotope and basic testing methods and instruments., while the concept isotope fundamentals means that Some basic principles related to isotopic behavior and analysis methods.
Instruction: Could you share the magnitude of the M 6.7 - 62 km SSW of Maunaloa, Hawaii? Response: The M 6.7 - 62 km SSW of Maunaloa, Hawaii's magnitude is 6.66 Mw.
Instruction: What do you know about the type of the Blikanasaurus cromptoni? Response: The Blikanasaurus cromptoni's type is Sauropod.
Instruction: Is integrated catchment management a child concept of groundwater overdraft in geoscience? Response: False. The definition of groundwater overdraft is that Exploitation activities exceeding groundwater recovery capacity., while the concept integrated catchment management means that The management of land, water and other natural resources as a coordinated system for an entire water catchment. It involves incorporating community determined economic, social and environmental values.
Instruction: What do you know about the source of the Wilancookite? Response: The Wilancookite's source is Luiz Menezes .
Instruction: I'm interested in the Sessilia's fossil. Response: The fossil of the Sessilia is Sessilia– Wolfe et al. 2016.
Instruction: In which scientific discipline would you find the term 'digitation'? Choose from: A. Meteorology B. Hydrology C. Geophysics D. Geography E. Climatology F. Geodesy G. Geochemistry H. Geology I. Oceanography The answer is: Response: H. Geology. With the meaning of: A secondary recumbent anticline emanating from a larger recumbent anticline.
Instruction: What's a synonym for the word 'Phoenix Plate'? Response: You can see nazca plate.
Instruction: Could you describe the meaning of 'dismicrite ' in a specialized field? Response: Certainly, in the context of geoscience, the meaning of 'dismicrite ' is: A *micrite-dominated *limestone disrupted by an abundance of *fenestrae or*birdseye structures. Dismicrites are characteristic of *intertidal to *supratidal environments. See also folk limestone classification.
Instruction: What are some specific examples of the phanerozoic seawater within geoscience? Response: Some specific examples of the phanerozoic seawater within geoscience include mg/ca and sr/ca ratios of marine shell-building organisms. The definition of mg/ca and sr/ca ratios of marine shell-building organisms is that Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Ratios of Marine Shell-Building Organisms (Echinoderms, Rudists, and Foraminifera), while the concept the phanerozoic seawater means that The Phanerozoic (0.542 Ga–Present) seawater.
Instruction: What is the overarching category that cummingtonite schist belongs to? Response: It can be classified under metamorphic ultramafic rock, which is a broad field of study within geoscience. The definition of cummingtonite schist is that 1, while the concept metamorphic ultramafic rock means that -Metamorphic ultramafic rock.
Instruction: I wonder about the crystal system of the Clintonite. Can you help? Response: Certainly, the Clintonite has a crystal system of Monoclinic.
Instruction: I'd like to know the type of the Borogovia gracilicrus . Response: The Borogovia gracilicrus  has a type of Theropod.
Instruction: Please inform me of the Geography Markup Language | OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium's subject. Response: The subject associated with the Geography Markup Language | OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium is Geological mapping.
Instruction: Could you clarify the specific gravity of the Hawthorneite for me? Response: Certainly, the Hawthorneite's specific gravity is 5.02 (Calculated).
Instruction: Could you describe the meaning of 'journal'? Response: Certainly, the meaning of 'journal' is: a periodical dedicated to a particular subject.
Instruction: Can you provide a synonym for the word 'porcelain jasper'? Response: Sure, you might see jasper.459
Instruction: Explain how the Theory of Plate Tectonics has influenced the study of marine science in at least three ways. Explain how the Theory of Plate Tectonics has influenced the study of marine science in at least three ways. Response: The theory of tectonic plates has influenced the study of marine science in the following ways:Science in marine environments includes learning how marine life develops and evolves, as well as how human activity impacts them.A number of subjects are offered in this curriculum, including oceanography, meteorology, botany, geology, and microbiology.
Instruction: What is the overarching category that genus archaediscus brady, 1873 belongs to? Response: It can be classified under family archaediscidae cushman, which is a broad field of study within geoscience. The definition of genus archaediscus brady, 1873 is that loading, while the concept family archaediscidae cushman means that loading.
Instruction: I'd like to know the status of the Roselite. Response: The Roselite has a status of The identification of this mineral is confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis..
Instruction: Could you clarify the minimum age of the Rhipidistia for me? Response: Certainly, the Rhipidistia's minimum age is 408 Ma.
Instruction: Discuss the process Acemap undertook to create geoscience foundation model, K2, the geoscience language model. Response: Acemap at Shanghai Jiao Tong University followed a process to create geoscience foundation model, K2, a geoscience language model. This process involved utilizing LLaMA, geoscience text corpus, GeoSignal, and GeoBenchmark for pretraining and finetuning, ultimately resulting in the first foundation large language model in geoscience.
Instruction: How can one identify a shear zone from magnetic lineament data? Can one use a prominence of two cross-cutting oblique linear structures to demonstrate the presence of a crustal shear movement? Response: As previously said, offsets between magnetic (or non-magnetic) marker horizons is a simple way of identifying faults from magnetic imagery. Amplitude of magnetic signal can also tell you where geological contacts occur, though this does not necessarily mean a fault/shear zone is present
Instruction: What can you tell me about the magnitude of the M 6.4 - 246 km ESE of Tadine, New Caledonia? Response: The M 6.4 - 246 km ESE of Tadine, New Caledonia's magnitude is 6.4 Mw.
Instruction: What are some specific examples of family gorgoniidae lamouroux within geoscience? Response: Some specific examples of family gorgoniidae lamouroux within geoscience include genus gorgonia linne, 1758. The definition of genus gorgonia linne, 1758 is that loading, while the concept family gorgoniidae lamouroux means that Axis purely horny with narrow but distinct chambered central chord and cortex little loculated, if at all; polyps fully retractile, some forming low calyces, scattered or biserially disposed. Rind moderately thick, packed with spindles and capstans with regular belts of tubercles, in certain genera modified into disc spindles, seaphoids, or unilaterally spined forms; anthocodial armature weak, in form of crown composed of flat rodlets with scalloped edges, or lacking entirely. Colonies of diverse form, from unbranched to pinnate, closely reticulate or foliate. .
Instruction: Is genus lapispira lange, 1932 a narrower category or subdiscipline within bioturbation structure in geoscience? Response: True. The definition of genus lapispira lange, 1932 is that U-shaped tunnel with both legs spirally curved in same direction. , while the concept bioturbation structure means that loading
Instruction: Could you provide the measured chemistry for the Allanpringite? Response: Certainly, the Allanpringite has a measured chemistry of No Corresponding Information.
Instruction: Could you provide the method for the paper, According to the abstract: Historical records and archaeological remains indicate that the Chinese agricultural economy changed significantly from the Warring States (475–221 BC) to Han Dynasties (206 BC-220 AD), i.e., from rice-millet based agriculture to rice-millet-wheat based agriculture. However, the variation of human diets and the inner relationship between human diets and the agricultural transition during this period remain poorly understood. In this paper, the C and N stable isotopes from human and animal bones at the Shenmingpu site (SMPS), Xichuan County, Henan Province were analyzed. If some outliers (M34, M36, M102) were excluded, the mean δ13C value ((−16.7±0.8)‰, n=15) of humans in Han Dynasties was dramatically lower than that in the Warring States ((−12.7±0.8)‰, n=14), indicating that the cultivation of rice and wheat, especially wheat, had been more widely popularized in Han Dynasties. Meanwhile, the range of δ15N values of humans (6.6‰–9.3‰) in Han Dynasties was narrower than that of the Warring States (6.2‰–10.4‰), suggesting that the animal protein resources in human foods during Han Dynasties were more concentrated. The transition of human diets and the close relationship with the change of agricultural economy in SMPS were due to more stable society, the carryout of new agricultural policies, and the emergence of new agricultural tools in Han Dynasties? Response: Certainly, the paper has a method of the C and N stable isotopes from human and animal bones at the Shenmingpu site (SMPS).
Instruction: What does the references section cover about the topic horace ezra bixby? Response: In the references section about horace ezra bixby, we have:
Instruction: How can I convert the weight percent clay from XRD analysis to volume percent clay so that it can be compared to the clay content estimated from logs? I know that the natural spectral logs counts are proportional to weight percent clay and not volume percent clay. So, for comparing to which logs is this conversion necessary and should it done? Is it okay to use this formula? V(clay)=WP(clay) *(1-Phit)* Density of sample/Density of clay WP(clay) is the weight percent of clay from XRD Phit is the sample total porosity Response: It was VERY hard work indeed, each sample took 100 hours of laboratory work to separate the minor clay minerals from major non-clay minerals in 76 samples. Depending on which petrophysical log you have, there are 14 methods for estimating the volume of shale (known as volume of clay). I, myself believe these two words should not be used interchangeably, however many authors use them in place of another ... The first and simple method is based on standardization of natural gamma ray log. I have listed some of these relationships in the attached file which are based on natural spectral gamma ray and its components logging data (K, Th and U).
Instruction: Please tell me the found place of the Qiaowanlong kangxii . Response: The Qiaowanlong kangxii 's found place is latitude: 38.05674362 and longitude: 101.99707031.
Instruction: Is international standard system a narrower category or subdiscipline within the national geologic map database project-usgs and aasg in geoscience? Response: False. The definition of the national geologic map database project-usgs and aasg is that The National Geologic Map Database Project (NGMDB) is a collaborative effort primarily involving the USGS and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG), while the concept international standard system means that International standards are technical standards developed by international organizations (intergovernmental organizations), such as Codex Alimentarius in food, the World Health Organization Guidelines in health, or ITU Recommendations in ICT and being publicly funded, are freely available for consideration and use worldwide.
Instruction: What are the terms connected to earth science present in this passage? The passage: As of July 2019, there are 20 métropoles, and 2 métropoles with special status (all in metropolitan France). The Metropolis of Lyon is a territorial collectivity, not an intercommunality. vte. Response: The terms connected to earth science in the passage are: metropolitan France, Metropolis of Lyon, territorial collectivity, v, t.
Instruction: Tell me about the Tristramite's crystal system. Response: The crystal system of the Tristramite is Hexagonal.
Instruction: What are the names of any geological formations mentioned in: A highâx80x90resolution chemostratigraphical (coupled δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb) study of the topmost Floian through the middle Darriwilian (Ordovician) succession at the Hällekis quarry, Kinnekulle, southern Sweden, shows relatively steady isotopic values with overall minor changes, although some notable shortâx80x90 and longâx80x90term shifts are discernible. A pronounced positive shift in δ13C in the uppermost part of the study succession is identified as the Middle Darriwilian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (MDICE), representing the only named global isotopic excursion in the data set. Regional and global comparisons suggest that few details in the different carbon and oxygen isotope curves can be confidently correlated, but longerâx80x90term patterns appear quite consistent. Trends in the isotope data are in agreement with palaeogeographical reconstructions. Differences in stratigraphical patterns of both carbon and oxygen isotopes between localities suggest strong secular development at several spatiotemporal scales; any global signal involving relatively minor isotopic shifts is often masked/subdued by local and regional overprinting and care should be taken not to overinterpret data sets. Collectively, the data suggest rising sea levels and cooling climates through the studied time interval, but detailed interpretations remain problematic.? Response: The names of the geological formations mentioned in the passage are: Floian: Period Darriwilian: Period Ordovician: Period Sweden: Location Darriwilian: Period Carbon: Geo_word Excursion: Geo_word oxygen: Geo_word oxygen: Geo_word
Instruction: What is a suitable title for this geoscience paragraph: Increasing anthropogenic pressures in estuaries are responsible for the rise of contaminants in several compartments of these ecosystems. Species that benefit from the nursery services provided by estuaries are exposed to such contaminants (e.g. metals and metalloids). It is therefore relevant to understand if marine invertebrates that use these areas as spawning grounds accumulate contaminants in their tissues throughout embryogenesis. This study aimed to quantify As, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Se, Pb, V and Zn concentrations in both capsule and embryos of the common cuttlefish () in Sado Estuary (Portugal). Moreover, embryos at their initial, intermediate and final stage of development were collected in sites subjected to different anthropogenic pressures. In general, the capsule accumulated higher element concentration throughout embryogenesis which indicates that the capsule acts as an effective barrier against contaminants uptake by the embryo. Although the capsule becomes thinner throughout embryogenesis, embryo’s protection does not seem to be compromised at later development stages. Additionally, the higher concentrations of As, Cu, Se and Zn in the embryo in comparison to the capsule suggests important biological roles during the embryogenesis of this cephalopod mollusc. Response: Cuttlefish capsule: An effective shield against contaminants in the wild
Instruction: Please tell me the moment of the M 5.9 - 20 km E of ?yama, Japan. Response: The M 5.9 - 20 km E of ?yama, Japan's moment is 8.600e+17 N-m.
Instruction: How do you correlate palynostratigraphic zones to the geologic time scale? I am endeavouring to reassess some Australian palynostratigraphic zones for the Mesozoic, which no one has done (that I know of) since before the release of the latest geologic time scale (2012). Am I correct in saying that palynostratigraphic zones are determined by their stratigraphic placement in the rock record? So if the timing changes (e.g. the Middle-Late Triassic boundary shift from 229 to 237 Ma), the palynozones would become older like the stratigraphy and not remain where they are relative to the chronologic ages? Response: There has been some work done in the eastern Australian onshore basins. See: Laurie et al., 2016. Calibrating the middle and late Permian palynostratigraphy of Australia to the geological time-scale via U-Pb zircon CA-ID-TIMS dating. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63(6), 701-730. Basically the authors use 'absolute' isotopic ages as constraints for the 'relative' biostrat. ages. I am not sure if the work really redefines the biostrat. on a large scale, but it did have an impact on where the 'tops' or 'bases' or biostrat zones are in the geological time scale. I believe a number of these authors are continuing on with this work, and may have some focus on the Mesozoic (Triassic). Regards,Chris
Instruction: What is the mineralogy of granite? What is the mineralogy of granite? Response: Granite is known to be the most known intrusive rock in the continental crust of the earth. It is described as mottled pink, gray-white and a black ornament stone. It comprises three main minerals: quartz, feldspar, and mica, which come as silvery muscovite. It is used to make many objects we interact with in everyday life. It makes things like floor tiles, curbing, paving stone, stair treads, building veneer and cemetery monuments. The great advantage of granite is resistant to fire and heat, inalterable colors which last over time and resistance to stains. The chemical composition of granite is made up of around 70 to 77% of silica, 11 to 13% of aluminum; 3 to % of potassium oxide, 3 to soda, 2 to 3% of iron, also, 1% lime and below 1% of titania and magnesium. The volcanic rocks of similar composition chemically and mineralogy which is known as rhyolite.Mineralogy is a branch of geology associated with the study of the chemical and the crystal structure and the physical properties of minerals which are constituents of rocks. An example of mineralogy is limestone, anorthosite and plagioclase. It is divided into physical mineralogy, chemical, descriptive, determinative, chemical, optical, x-ray mineralogy, etc.
Instruction: What are basic Geophysical processes having monthly time or near monthly time period which mainly occur in hilly areas? I did FFT of a time series gravity variation data (GRACE) which shows that in some hilly area, the dominant (main) frequency is 0.0888 year^(-1) which transform to the time period of 12 years . I want to know what might be primarily physical process which have this time period. Response: Dear Dreher, Thank for your comments and sorry for late response from my side. Actually I am using GRACE data for my study area and I was expecting time period of one year for the region. But for a small section, i got that the dominant frequency of 0.0888 year^(-1) . The sampling rate of data is 12 point per year means single data at each month and the time span was about 12 year hence 144 data point. If you want, I can prove the FFT result. Thank you
Instruction: What can be proved by the table? [START_TABLE] chemical compositions and mg# of olivine mechanically isolated from orgueil. bdl = below detection limit.[END_TABLE] Response: orgueil olivines were mg-rich (fo 88-95 ) and had low abundances of minor elements such as ca (0.2 wt.% cao, ).
Instruction: 1. Why is natural gas often associated with oil in the ground? 2. How do geologists look for oil under the ground? 1. Why is natural gas often associated with oil in the ground? . How do geologists look for oil under the ground? Response: 1. Natural gas is often associated with oil in the ground as the geological processes that produce fossil fuels are similar. Both oil and natural gas come from the decomposition of ancient organic matter in the earth that is exposed to heat and pressure. Typically these areas where organisms die in such a way that they become trapped en masse are the result of specific geographic conditions that occurred. . Geologists look for oil under the ground through the use of rock types and formations on the surface of the earth to make estimates of the type of rick found below the surface.Fossil fuels are naturally produced sources of energy created from organic matter that produced energy via photosynthesis and died in the Archean Eon (4.0 billion to 2 billion years ago). Fossil fuels include coal, natural gas, petroleum, shale, and oils. These fossil fuels are used to create energy but result in the release of greenhouse gasses.
Instruction: I wonder about the maxmum age of the Humanity. Can you help? Response: Certainly, the Humanity has a maxmum age of 1 Ma.
Instruction: Tell me about the Afrotheria's locality. Response: The locality of the Afrotheria is Sidi Chennane quarries.
Instruction: What are some subfields or specific topics that fall under the broader concept of geochemical characteristics? Response: Some subfields or specific topics that fall under the broader concept of geochemical characteristics in geoscience include maturity of organic matter. The definition of maturity of organic matter is that It means the thermal evolution degree of sedimentary organic matter to petroleum., while the concept geochemical characteristics means that Organic geochemistry, which includes the study of organic matter in sediments and its transformation into hydrocarbons, has become another vital part of petroleum geology.
Instruction: What's the magnitude of the M 6.3 - 294 km SW of Port McNeill, Canada? Response: The M 6.3 - 294 km SW of Port McNeill, Canada's magnitude is 6.29 Mw.
Instruction: Is there any world distribution map of granites? Is there any geological map regarding the world distribution of granites? Response: Hi Martin, Thank you for your detailed reply!
Instruction: What do you know about the timescale of the Gongpoquansaurus mazongshanensis? Response: The Gongpoquansaurus mazongshanensis's timescale is Early Cretaceous.
Instruction: Could you extract the terms related to earth science mentioned in this passage? The passage: Traditionalist theology, sometimes referred to as the Atharī school, derives its name from the word "tradition" as a translation of the Arabic word hadith or from the Arabic word athar, meaning "narrations". The traditionalist creed is to avoid delving into extensive theological speculation. They rely on the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and sayings of the Sahaba, seeing this as the middle path where the attributes of Allah are accepted without questioning their nature (bi-la kayf). Ahmad ibn Hanbal is regarded as the leader of the traditionalist school of creed. The modern Salafi movement associates itself with the Atharī creed. Response: Certainly, the mentioned terms related to earth science in the passage are: Traditionalist theology, hadith, bi-la kayf, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Salafi movement.
Instruction: Which of the following statements is not a summary of the law of conservation of energy?Total energy in = total energy outThere is a finite amount of energy in a closed system that can be transferred from one store to anotherThe total energy in a system is used up as it is transferred from object to objectEnergy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from store to store by a transfer pathway Response: The correct answer is C because: It is incorrect to say that energy is used up Energy can be transferred from object to object, but it can also be transferred from store to store within the same object
Instruction: Are these real egg fossils? I have a collection of what seems to be fossils, but my geology / paleontology knowledge is very insufficient to determine if they are real or not (I studied pharmaceutical nanobiotech, but love fossils). I will appreciate your comments. Response: Hi Jose, There are many rocks that look exactly as an egg, but the only way to clarify if they are eggs or not is to study the cover structure and if there is a embryo inside. Best, Gloria
Instruction: Explain how the processes of plate tectonics act to make metals and minerals usable for us. Explain how the processes of plate tectonics act to make metals and minerals usable for us. Response: Plate tectonics move metals and minerals to different locations in the Earth's crust. This is part of the rock cycle. Igneous rocks can form where plates meet and cause volcanoes. These rocks can erode and turn into sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks are formed from the heat from the mantle of the Earth causing igneous and sedimentary rocks to transform. Metamorphic rocks can also be melted and return to igneous rocks. These rocks are all made up of different minerals and metals that are available to us at different times in the rock cycle.Plate tectonics refers to the theory that the Earth's surface is covered with large plates that move over the mantle. This movement of the plates that make up the Earth's surface plays a role in the rock cycle. When the plates move, they cause different geological processes at the boundaries of the plates.
Instruction: Extract the main keywords from this geoscience paragraph: Alkali-activated materials (AAMs) were produced using residues from the red ceramic industry as a precursor, and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) as alkaline activators. The effect of activators and curing conditions on physical-mechanical properties and durability were evaluated. The processing parameters (amount of water and consistency index) and the activation conditions (the activator contents and curing temperature) were defined based on an experimental design getting the flexural rupture module as the response. The durability behavior was evaluated by natural aging, accelerated aging (simulated rain test), exposure to the marine environment (salt fog), and acidic environments (HCl and H2SO4). The results showed that the NaOH- and KOH-activated samples exhibited inferior mechanical behavior than those activated with Na2SiO3. In the durability studies, due to leaching, there was a decrease in mechanical strength when samples are subjected to aggressive exposure conditions. However, the strength values are still higher than the minimum indicated for traditional ceramic applications. Response: The main keywords in the paragraph can be listed as follows: ceramic residue, alkaline activation, experimental design, durability tests
Instruction: Can you identify the named entities in: Acritarchs have received limited attention in palynological studies of the Cenozoic, although they have much potential both for refining Neogene and Quaternary stratigraphy, especially in mid- and ...? Response: Sure, the named entities in the passage are: Cenozoic: Period Neogene: Period Quaternary: Period
Instruction: Can you identify the named entities in: The first specimen of to be recorded in East Asia has been found in the Upper Cretaceous Sada limestone in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. The specimen is one of the few representatives from the Upper Cretaceous, along with species known from Libya, Angola, and India. The specimen is very similar to from the Paleocene deposits in California. However, we describe the specimen as . cf. , as it slightly differs from in the shape of the lateral lobe of the suture. The finding reveals that had already lived in waters around East Asia in the Late Cretaceous.? Response: Sure, the named entities in the passage are: East: Location Asia: Location Upper Cretaceous: Period Sada: Location limestone: Lithology Shimanto: Location City: Location Kochi: Location Japan: Location Upper Cretaceous: Period Libya: Location Angola: Location India: Location Paleocene: Period California: Location East: Location Asia: Location Cretaceous: Period
Instruction: Can you share the related paper of the Vestaite? Response: Of course, the Vestaite's related paper is 1. [START_REF]Pang, R.-L., Harries, D., Pollok, K., Zhang, A.-C. and Langenhorst, F. (2017) Vestaite, IMA 2017-068. CNMNC Newsletter No. 40, December 2017, page 1578. Mineralogical Magazine: 81: 1577–1581.[END_REF] 2. [START_REF]Pang, R.-L., Harries, D., Pollok, K., Zhang, Ai-C., Langenhorst, F. (2018) Vestaite, (Ti4+Fe2+)Ti34+O9, a new mineral in the shocked eucrite Northwest Africa 8003. American Mineralogist: 103: 1502–1511.[END_REF]
Instruction: What is the best approach to calculate saturated hydraulic conductivity of beach sediments using the constant-head double-ring infiltrometer method? I am looking to obtain the Kfs of only the top 30cm of a beach profile and I am not sure which model to use.Ideally, I would like to use something more simplistic for ease of computation. would something general and simplistic like the Philips (1956) two-term model work or should i use something more complex, like the Reynolds and Elrick (1990) two-ponding head approach. Thanks for your advice. Response: Dear respected Lee Allen Sean Britton, I would Prefer Phillips (1956) two term model as you identified. Double ring infiltrometer would be used to collect the field data. Best regards Kifilideen
Instruction: What are the geological terms or concepts mentioned in: Last summer Miss D. L. Reynolds kindly organized an excursion of ten, all told, to discuss her recent paper on “The Eastern End of the Newry Igneous Complex”(Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xc, 1934, p. 585). We were introduced in most helpful fashion to both field exposures and microscope slices. In some particulars, differences of interpretation arose; and at the conclusion I circulated a brief memorandum. This by request I now offer, with trifling changes, for publication. Page and figure references, unless otherwise defined, apply to Miss Reynolds's paper.? Response: The geological terms or concepts mentioned in the passage are: Reynolds: Location Eastern: Location Newry: Location Quart: Location Reynolds: Location
Instruction: What are some specific examples of family pterasteridae perrier within geoscience? Response: Some specific examples of family pterasteridae perrier within geoscience include genus diplopteraster verrill, 1880. The definition of genus diplopteraster verrill, 1880 is that Null, while the concept family pterasteridae perrier means that Cross-shaped or lobed aboral plates bearing groups of spinelets which support membrane, distinct from aboral surface, forming cavity for young which escape by central valved aperture, termed osculum; lateral spines on adambulacrals either supporting oral web or merging in oral surface; no oral intermediate plates; mouth-angle plates broad and plowshare-shaped; internal septa membranous.
Instruction: Please tell me the fossil of the Humanity. Response: The Humanity's fossil is Humanity– Benton et al. 2015.
Instruction: What is the overarching category that family pseudoniscidae packard belongs to? Response: It can be classified under suborder synziphosurina packard, which is a broad field of study within geoscience. The definition of family pseudoniscidae packard is that Small forms with large, somewhat flat smooth prosoma; abdomen with distinct axial furrows, 9 to 10 free segments prolonged laterally into pleural spines; no post-abdomen recognized., while the concept suborder synziphosurina packard means that Xiphosurida with a medium to large prosoma, lacking distinct traces of compound eyes, cardiac lobe present or absent; abdomen with 9 to 10 segments, of which all may be free, or the 6th and 7th ankylosed; appendages (as far as known) with flattened distal spines instead of chelae.
Instruction: Could you provide the subject for the GBIF Occurrence Download? Response: Certainly, the GBIF Occurrence Download has a subject of Igneous petrology, Petroleum geology.
Instruction: Are suborder akentrogonida hafele specific types or varieties of genus thompsonia kossmann, 1873 in geoscience? Response: False. The definition of genus thompsonia kossmann, 1873 is that Colonial rhizocephalan without mantle cavity; internal nutritive processes giving off numerous external reproductive sacs, male-cells residing in mantle., while the concept suborder akentrogonida hafele means that Rhizocephala without kentrogon stage;ectoparasitic penetration superficial or with moderate to extensively developed nutritive processes; development without free naupliar stage; no male-cell receptacles.
Instruction: From where I can find Geological, Soil, Geo-morphological, Lineament map for Latur district, Maharashtra, India? Provide me information for obtaining Geological, Soil, Geo-morphological, Lineament map for Latur district, Maharashtra, India. Response: U can get it from NRSC
Instruction: Please explain the meaning of the specialized term 'secondary recovery methods '. Response: The specialized term 'secondary recovery methods ', in the context of geoscience, means: In the petroleum industry, techniques by which recovery has been increased to about 50% since the 1940s, including the injection of natural gas above the oil in a *reservoir to force the oil
Instruction: Why do I get zero when calculating the NDVI for my region? hi everyoneI calculate NDVI for my region but appeared 0 values in my result. I tested it in ARC GIS and ERAS but gave me the same result. how can i solve this problem? Response: If you are using ArcGIS you may need to convert to floating point first like (Float(Float(NIR - Red))) / (Float(Float(NIR + Red)))
Instruction: What is the optimum sampling strategy for variogram and geostatistical modeling in an outcrop study? I am planning to perform a geostatistics-based study targeting the porosity and permeability variations in a tidal flat, mixed carbonate - siliciclastic outcrop (around 100 m long, 10 m thick), I am looking for an optimum strategy of sampling (vertically and laterally) in terms of cost (number of samples), and quality of the results later on. Knowing that it's hard for me to get samples from this wall-shape outcrop. Thanks, Response: If you have access to the outcrops, then you might also take into consideration the use of multiple-point statistics (Guardiano and Srivastava, 1993; Strebelle 2002, Mariethoz 2010) and use your outcrops as training images. In this case, you could devote some time in mapping the different hydrofacies in your outcrop, and then sample/analyse just a couple of points for each hydrofacies mapped. I attach a link to some research I've been involved in.
Instruction: What is the first law of geography? What is the first law of geography? Response: Waldo Tobler's first law of geography states that: ''Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.'' Waldo Tobler (1930-) is a Swiss-American geographer. He first put forth his law at a meeting of the International Geographical Union's Commission on Qualitative Methods in 1969 and then presented it in writing one year later. Tobler's law applies to the geographical concepts of spatial dependence and autocorrelation.Geography is the science of the lands of the Earth and the people who live on them. It is related to, but different from geology, which is the study of the Earth's materials and structure.
Instruction: Can you suggest the meaning of the term 'obsidian' in a specific field? Response: In the field of geoscience, the meaning of the term 'obsidian' is: A jet-black volcanic glass, usually of rhyolitic composition, formed by rapid cooling of viscous lava; generally forms the upper parts of lava flows. Also known as hyalopsite; Iceland agate; mountain mahogany.
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