8 values
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Denver men’s hockey team for winning the 2004 NCAA men’s hockey national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff and invites them to the United States Capitol Building to be honored; (3) requests that the President recognize the achievements of the University of Denver men’s hockey team and invite the team members to the White House for an appropriate ceremony honoring a national championship team; and (4) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available to the University of Denver enrolled copies of this resolution for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2004 NCAA men’s hockey national championship team.", "id": "H1B567796F9E54E5292B7F63447088900", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "HF099927D1BD242418B7FBD40C05801B9", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Denver men’s hockey team for winning the 2004 NCAA men’s hockey national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff and invites them to the United States Capitol Building to be honored; (3) requests that the President recognize the achievements of the University of Denver men’s hockey team and invite the team members to the White House for an appropriate ceremony honoring a national championship team; and (4) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available to the University of Denver enrolled copies of this resolution for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2004 NCAA men’s hockey national championship team.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Congratulates the University of Denver men's hockey team for winning the 2004 NCAA men's hockey national championship, recognizes the achievements of all the team's players, coaches, and support staff, and invites them to the U.S. Capitol Building to be honored. Requests that the President recognize the achievements of the University of Denver men's hockey team and invite the team members to the White House for an appropriate ceremony honoring a national championship team.
Congratulating the University of Denver men's hockey team for winning the 2004 NCAA men's hockey national championship, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That Congress — (1) honors the life and accomplishments of Ray Charles Robinson; (2) recognizes Ray Charles for his invaluable contributions to the Nation, the State of Georgia, and the American musical heritage; and (3) extends condolences to the family of Ray Charles on the death of a remarkable man.", "id": "HEF171422A60C4F7A8C672FF7928C0715", "header": null } ]
That Congress — (1) honors the life and accomplishments of Ray Charles Robinson; (2) recognizes Ray Charles for his invaluable contributions to the Nation, the State of Georgia, and the American musical heritage; and (3) extends condolences to the family of Ray Charles on the death of a remarkable man.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Honors the life and accomplishments of Ray Charles Robinson. Recognizes his invaluable contributions to the Nation, the State of Georgia, and the American musical heritage. Extends condolences to his family on his death.
Honoring the life and accomplishments of Ray Charles, recognizing his contributions to the Nation, and extending condolences to his family on his death.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that the United States must commit all necessary resources to encourage growth in the number of family farms, to develop and fully fund programs that facilitate a return of family farmers to the land, to ensure that farmers receive an income adequate to covering cost of production plus a fair profit for food, fiber, and biofuel producers, to make foreign trade policy that is consistent with these aims, and to protect the efforts of farmers themselves to organize for their economic viability.", "id": "HEF7F3CA6BA4E4C2195C0CED0DEEE7503", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that the United States must commit all necessary resources to encourage growth in the number of family farms, to develop and fully fund programs that facilitate a return of family farmers to the land, to ensure that farmers receive an income adequate to covering cost of production plus a fair profit for food, fiber, and biofuel producers, to make foreign trade policy that is consistent with these aims, and to protect the efforts of farmers themselves to organize for their economic viability.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States must commit all necessary resources and policies to encourage growth in the number of family farms.
Expressing the sense of the Congress on the importance of revitalizing family farming.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "HE65D4744627B47F1B2CC9449E0064206", "header": null }, { "text": "Congress calls for the adoption of a Sensible, Multilateral American Response to Terrorism (SMART) security platform for the 21st century that— (1) prevents future acts of terrorism by strengthening international institutions and respect for the rule of law by— (A) working with the United Nations, and specifically the United Nations Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and other international institutions to root out terrorist networks and strengthen international law; (B) strengthening intelligence and law enforcement cooperation, while respecting human and civil rights, aimed at tracking, arresting, and bringing to justice individuals involved in terrorist acts; (C) leading international efforts to cut off financing for terrorist organizations; and (D) actively supporting and strengthening international conventions to reduce the threat of terrorism, including more than two dozen United Nations conventions on terrorism; (2) reduces the threat and stops the spread of weapons of mass destruction and reduces proliferation of conventional weapons by— (A) maintaining adherence to and support for existing nonproliferation treaties, including the Chemical Weapons Convention (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1997), the Biological Weapons Convention (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1975), the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (signed by the United States in 1996), and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1970); (B) setting an example for the rest of the world by renouncing the first use of nuclear weapons, the development of new nuclear weapons, and the testing of nuclear weapons; (C) providing adequate funding for the Cooperative Threat Reduction program to work with the Russian Federation and the states of the former Soviet Union to dismantle nuclear warheads, reduce nuclear stockpiles, and secure nuclear weapons and materials in Russia and those states; (D) replicating the Cooperative Threat Reduction program in other regions and pursuing diplomacy, enhanced inspection regimes, and regional security arrangements to reduce proliferation; and (E) enhancing arms exports controls for conventional weapons, including restricting the sale and transfer of weapons to governmental regimes involved in human rights abuses and to regions of conflict; (3) addresses root causes of terrorism and violent conflict in the Middle East and other regions by— (A) increasing development aid to the poorest countries and integrating peace-building and conflict prevention into development programs; (B) working with the international community to address the growing problem of resource scarcity; (C) supporting programs that promote sustainable development, democracy-building, human rights education, conflict resolution, the strengthening of civil society in the developing world, and educational opportunities for women and girls; (D) engaging actively with the international community to peacefully resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and (E) engaging United Nations partners, the humanitarian community, and United States allies in all international and civilian-led reconstruction and political transition processes, recognizing the need for continued efforts that will ultimately hand democratic power to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq; (4) shifts United States budget priorities to fulfill unmet security needs by— (A) creating a more effective national security strategy focused on multilateralism, nonproliferation, diplomacy, and conflict prevention; (B) ceasing to pay for outdated Cold War-era weapons systems; (C) reducing dependence on foreign oil and promoting long-term energy security through greater investment in sustainable and renewable alternatives; and (D) providing adequate peacekeeping, reconstruction, and development funding in troubled countries and regions to secure long-term peace and stability; and (5) pursues to the fullest extent alternatives to war by— (A) increasing United States and international capacities for the prevention of armed conflict, including more effective conflict assessment and early warning systems, multilateral rapid response mechanisms, human rights monitoring, civilian policing, and effective justice systems; (B) strengthening United States diplomacy and international and regional institutions, such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to prevent and resolve violent conflict; and (C) supporting civil society programs as a critical component in the prevention and resolution of violent conflict.", "id": "H31215A8050C54FB788005600C4429DC5", "header": null } ]
That Congress calls for the adoption of a Sensible, Multilateral American Response to Terrorism (SMART) security platform for the 21st century that— (1) prevents future acts of terrorism by strengthening international institutions and respect for the rule of law by— (A) working with the United Nations, and specifically the United Nations Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and other international institutions to root out terrorist networks and strengthen international law; (B) strengthening intelligence and law enforcement cooperation, while respecting human and civil rights, aimed at tracking, arresting, and bringing to justice individuals involved in terrorist acts; (C) leading international efforts to cut off financing for terrorist organizations; and (D) actively supporting and strengthening international conventions to reduce the threat of terrorism, including more than two dozen United Nations conventions on terrorism; (2) reduces the threat and stops the spread of weapons of mass destruction and reduces proliferation of conventional weapons by— (A) maintaining adherence to and support for existing nonproliferation treaties, including the Chemical Weapons Convention (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1997), the Biological Weapons Convention (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1975), the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (signed by the United States in 1996), and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (entered into force with respect to the United States in 1970); (B) setting an example for the rest of the world by renouncing the first use of nuclear weapons, the development of new nuclear weapons, and the testing of nuclear weapons; (C) providing adequate funding for the Cooperative Threat Reduction program to work with the Russian Federation and the states of the former Soviet Union to dismantle nuclear warheads, reduce nuclear stockpiles, and secure nuclear weapons and materials in Russia and those states; (D) replicating the Cooperative Threat Reduction program in other regions and pursuing diplomacy, enhanced inspection regimes, and regional security arrangements to reduce proliferation; and (E) enhancing arms exports controls for conventional weapons, including restricting the sale and transfer of weapons to governmental regimes involved in human rights abuses and to regions of conflict; (3) addresses root causes of terrorism and violent conflict in the Middle East and other regions by— (A) increasing development aid to the poorest countries and integrating peace-building and conflict prevention into development programs; (B) working with the international community to address the growing problem of resource scarcity; (C) supporting programs that promote sustainable development, democracy-building, human rights education, conflict resolution, the strengthening of civil society in the developing world, and educational opportunities for women and girls; (D) engaging actively with the international community to peacefully resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and (E) engaging United Nations partners, the humanitarian community, and United States allies in all international and civilian-led reconstruction and political transition processes, recognizing the need for continued efforts that will ultimately hand democratic power to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq; (4) shifts United States budget priorities to fulfill unmet security needs by— (A) creating a more effective national security strategy focused on multilateralism, nonproliferation, diplomacy, and conflict prevention; (B) ceasing to pay for outdated Cold War-era weapons systems; (C) reducing dependence on foreign oil and promoting long-term energy security through greater investment in sustainable and renewable alternatives; and (D) providing adequate peacekeeping, reconstruction, and development funding in troubled countries and regions to secure long-term peace and stability; and (5) pursues to the fullest extent alternatives to war by— (A) increasing United States and international capacities for the prevention of armed conflict, including more effective conflict assessment and early warning systems, multilateral rapid response mechanisms, human rights monitoring, civilian policing, and effective justice systems; (B) strengthening United States diplomacy and international and regional institutions, such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to prevent and resolve violent conflict; and (C) supporting civil society programs as a critical component in the prevention and resolution of violent conflict.
Calls for the adoption of a Sensible, Multilateral American Response to Terrorism (SMART) security platform for the 21st century. Sets forth various ways in which such platform will: (1) prevent future acts of terrorism by strengthening international institutions and respect for the rule of law; (2) reduce the threat and stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction and reduce proliferation of conventional weapons; (3) address root causes of terrorism and violent conflict in the Middle East and other regions; (4) shift U.S. budget priorities to fulfill unmet security needs; and (5) pursue to the fullest extent alternatives to war.
Calling for the adoption of a Sensible, Multilateral American Response to Terrorism ("SMART") Security Platform for the 21st Century.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes and celebrates the abolition of slavery more than 150 years ago in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela; (2) recognizes the social, political, and cultural contributions of enslaved blacks and their descendants in Latin America; (3) acknowledges the impact of slavery and the existence of racial discrimination that have led to disparate social conditions and lack of civil liberties in Latin America; (4) urges the United States Government to work with the governments of Latin American countries to promote the visibility of the descendants of enslaved blacks in such countries and to recognize the importance of supporting international and regional efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination, such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (signed at New York on December 21, 1965); and (5) urges the countries of Latin America to work with the United States and the international community to assist in addressing poverty and other targets in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (as contained in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/2 (September 2000)).", "id": "H7AE088A6C5384E7BADF6F9B212F6C170", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes and celebrates the abolition of slavery more than 150 years ago in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela; (2) recognizes the social, political, and cultural contributions of enslaved blacks and their descendants in Latin America; (3) acknowledges the impact of slavery and the existence of racial discrimination that have led to disparate social conditions and lack of civil liberties in Latin America; (4) urges the United States Government to work with the governments of Latin American countries to promote the visibility of the descendants of enslaved blacks in such countries and to recognize the importance of supporting international and regional efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination, such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (signed at New York on December 21, 1965); and (5) urges the countries of Latin America to work with the United States and the international community to assist in addressing poverty and other targets in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (as contained in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/2 (September 2000)).
Recognizes and celebrates the abolition of slavery more than 150 years ago in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela. Recognizes the social, political, and cultural contributions of enslaved blacks and their descendants in Latin America. Acknowledges the impact of slavery and the existence of racial discrimination that have led to disparate social conditions and lack of civil liberties in Latin America. Urges the U.S. Government to: (1) work with the governments of Latin American countries to promote the visibility of the descendants of enslaved blacks in such countries; and (2) recognize the importance of supporting international and regional efforts to eliminate racial and ethnic discrimination, such as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (signed at New York on December 21, 1965). Urges the countries of Latin America to work with the United States and the international community to assist in addressing poverty and other targets in accordance with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (as contained in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/2 (September 2000)).
Recognizing and celebrating the abolition of slavery more than 150 years ago in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States should support the principles of democracy and constitutional rule in the Republic of Haiti, under which President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected, and oppose any and all attempts to remove President Aristide from office prior to the completion of his term under the Constitution of Haiti; (2) the United States should condemn the violent activities of groups of thugs, former members of Haiti’s disbanded army, and paramilitary organizations in Haiti; and (3) the United States, working with the United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS), and other countries, should immediately provide assistance to Haiti to strengthen, reinforce, and professionalize the Haitian police force in order to enable the Haitian police force to restore law and order and preserve democracy in Haiti.", "id": "H290EF4156ECB4F259EC64F26C7827DBA", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States should support the principles of democracy and constitutional rule in the Republic of Haiti, under which President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected, and oppose any and all attempts to remove President Aristide from office prior to the completion of his term under the Constitution of Haiti; (2) the United States should condemn the violent activities of groups of thugs, former members of Haiti’s disbanded army, and paramilitary organizations in Haiti; and (3) the United States, working with the United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS), and other countries, should immediately provide assistance to Haiti to strengthen, reinforce, and professionalize the Haitian police force in order to enable the Haitian police force to restore law and order and preserve democracy in Haiti.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States: (1) should support the principles of democracy and constitutional rule in the Republic of Haiti and oppose attempts to remove President Aristide from office; (2) should condemn the violent activities of groups of thugs, former members of Haiti's disbanded army, and paramilitary organizations; and (3) working with the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and other countries, should immediately provide assistance to strengthen and professionalize the Haitian police force in order to enable it to restore law and order and preserve democracy in Haiti.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should support the principles of democracy and constitutional rule in the Republic of Haiti, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "", "id": "HF7F1B587F53E42FE9200B9AC86DD68FD", "header": null }, { "text": "That— (1) the Congress recognizes and honors the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; (2) the Congress encourages all people of the United States to recognize the importance of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; and (3) by celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Nation will be able to refresh and renew the importance of equality in society.", "id": "HAE70D08550B74C07AB19B5DD21F7B25E", "header": null } ]
That— (1) the Congress recognizes and honors the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; (2) the Congress encourages all people of the United States to recognize the importance of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; and (3) by celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Nation will be able to refresh and renew the importance of equality in society.
Expresses the sense of the Congress honoring the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Encourages all people of the United States to recognize the importance of that decision. Declares that, by celebrating the anniversary, the Nation will be able to refresh and renew the importance of equality in society.
To express the sense of the Congress regarding the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) recognizes the outstanding contributions of Native Americans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and especially honors those Native Americans who gave their lives to defend freedom and democracy; (2) encourages all Americans to study and appreciate the enormous contributions of Native Americans serving in the Armed Forces; and (3) thanks the members of all Native American tribes whose men and women serve and have served in the Armed Forces.", "id": "H41C4C054BB8F4B47BDAB00C2C81827AD", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) recognizes the outstanding contributions of Native Americans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and especially honors those Native Americans who gave their lives to defend freedom and democracy; (2) encourages all Americans to study and appreciate the enormous contributions of Native Americans serving in the Armed Forces; and (3) thanks the members of all Native American tribes whose men and women serve and have served in the Armed Forces.
Recognizes the outstanding contribution of Native Americans to the U.S. Armed Forces and especially honors those Native Americans who gave their lives to defend freedom and democracy. Encourages Americans to study and appreciate this contribution. Thanks the members of Native American tribes whose men and women serve and have served in the Armed Forces.
Recognizing the invaluable contribution of Native American Veterans and honoring their service to the Nation.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that the Supreme Court of the United States should act expeditiously to resolve the current confusion and inconsistency in the Federal criminal justice system by promptly considering and ruling on the constitutionality of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.", "id": "H1AE0A1DD11414E3D9B98F7ADD96E72AB", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that the Supreme Court of the United States should act expeditiously to resolve the current confusion and inconsistency in the Federal criminal justice system by promptly considering and ruling on the constitutionality of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the Supreme Court should act expeditiously to resolve the current confusion and inconsistency in the Federal criminal justice system by promptly considering and ruling on the constitutionality of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Supreme Court of the United States should act expeditiously to resolve the confusion and inconsistency in the Federal criminal justice system caused by its decision in Blakely v. Washington, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) strongly endorses the principles articulated by President Bush in his letter dated April 14, 2004, to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon which will strengthen the security and well-being of the State of Israel; and (2) supports continuing efforts with others in the international community to build the capacity and will of Palestinian institutions to fight terrorism, dismantle terrorist organizations, and prevent the areas from which Israel has withdrawn from posing a threat to the security of Israel.", "id": "HF61C11F6887D4099947E70A098E506C", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) strongly endorses the principles articulated by President Bush in his letter dated April 14, 2004, to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon which will strengthen the security and well-being of the State of Israel; and (2) supports continuing efforts with others in the international community to build the capacity and will of Palestinian institutions to fight terrorism, dismantle terrorist organizations, and prevent the areas from which Israel has withdrawn from posing a threat to the security of Israel.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) States that Congress: (1) strongly endorses the principles articulated by President Bush in his letter dated April 14, 2004, to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon which will strengthen the security and well-being of the State of Israel; and (2) supports continuing efforts with the international community to build the capacity and will of Palestinian institutions to fight terrorism, dismantle terrorist organizations, and prevent the areas from which Israel has withdrawn from posing a threat to the security of Israel.
Regarding the security of Israel and the principles of peace in the Middle East.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) offers its warmest welcome to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan upon his visit to the United States from January 26 through 31, 2004; (2) asks Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to communicate to the people of Turkey the continuing support of the Congress and of the American people; (3) recognizes that the visit of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the United States is a significant step toward broadening and deepening the strategic partnership, friendship, and cooperation between the United States and Turkey; and (4) thanks Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Government and people of Turkey for assuming command and leading the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul and for their humanitarian and medical assistance in Afghanistan and post-war Iraq, as well as for their willingness to contribute to international peace, stability, and prosperity, especially in the greater Middle East region.", "id": "H74EE50B40F4D45CB8DA8E441F092AC79", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) offers its warmest welcome to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan upon his visit to the United States from January 26 through 31, 2004; (2) asks Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to communicate to the people of Turkey the continuing support of the Congress and of the American people; (3) recognizes that the visit of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the United States is a significant step toward broadening and deepening the strategic partnership, friendship, and cooperation between the United States and Turkey; and (4) thanks Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Government and people of Turkey for assuming command and leading the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul and for their humanitarian and medical assistance in Afghanistan and post-war Iraq, as well as for their willingness to contribute to international peace, stability, and prosperity, especially in the greater Middle East region.
Welcomes Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the United States, asks the Prime Minister to communicate to the Turkish people the continued support of Congress and the American people, and recognizes the Prime Minister's visit as a significant step toward strengthening the relationship between the United States and Turkey. Thanks the Prime Minister and the Government and people of Turkey for their assistance in Afghanistan and postwar Iraq, and for their willingness to contribute to international peace, especially in the greater Middle East.
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the visit to the United States of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan beginning January 26, 2004.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of the USS New Jersey and all those who served aboard her; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.", "id": "H8CF5B0818B894E4091A28FE5CA266E42", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of the USS New Jersey and all those who served aboard her; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.
Calls on the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend to the Postmaster General that a commemorative stamp be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring the USS New Jersey and all those who served aboard her.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the USS New Jersey and all those who served aboard her.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that the United States Air Force should continue to honor and learn from the example provided by the Tuskegee Airmen as it faces the challenges of the 21st century and the war on terror.", "id": "H9342CAAF7E8C40AE9C2D4922D4DB231D", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that the United States Air Force should continue to honor and learn from the example provided by the Tuskegee Airmen as it faces the challenges of the 21st century and the war on terror.
Urges the U.S. Air Force to continue to honor and learn from the example provided by the Tuskegee Airmen as it faces the challenges of the 21st century and the war on terror.
Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen and their contribution in creating an integrated United States Air Force, the world's foremost Air and Space Supremacy Force.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) sends its most heartfelt wishes for a full, speedy, and healthy recovery to William Jefferson Clinton; (2) acknowledges the danger that undiagnosed heart ailments pose and the importance of heart disease prevention; and (3) supports— (A) furthering education about heart disease; (B) programs to prevent heart disease; and (C) funding for research to seek new and improved treatments to combat the Nation’s most deadly disease.", "id": "HF0BAA5E61AFA4975B500ECE2F98630C3", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) sends its most heartfelt wishes for a full, speedy, and healthy recovery to William Jefferson Clinton; (2) acknowledges the danger that undiagnosed heart ailments pose and the importance of heart disease prevention; and (3) supports— (A) furthering education about heart disease; (B) programs to prevent heart disease; and (C) funding for research to seek new and improved treatments to combat the Nation’s most deadly disease.
Expresses the sense of Congress that it: (1) sends its most heartfelt wishes for a full, speedy, and healthy recovery to William Jefferson Clinton; (2) acknowledges the danger that undiagnosed heart ailments pose and the importance of heart disease prevention; and (3) supports heart disease education and prevention programs, and funding for research into new and improved treatments.
Wishing William Jefferson Clinton a speedy recovery and acknowledging the importance of further research, funding, programs, and public education regarding heart disease.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H096351ADDC4B4E2E8337AC8C15004FA6", "header": null }, { "text": "the rotunda of the Capitol is authorized to be used on March 24, 2004, for a ceremony to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Dorothy Height. Physical preparations for the ceremony shall be carried out in accordance with such conditions as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe.", "id": "H1C5CF693FF2144C68D33C1B866D06BF4", "header": null } ]
That the rotunda of the Capitol is authorized to be used on March 24, 2004, for a ceremony to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Dorothy Height. Physical preparations for the ceremony shall be carried out in accordance with such conditions as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on March 24, 2004, for a ceremony to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Dorothy Height.
Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Dorothy Height.
[ { "text": "", "id": "H33C54FBD20414395B200C6DE242545D8", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "HB38C29BA991D490CBEEB070086FD92DF", "header": null }, { "text": "1. Use of Capitol Grounds for national peace officers’ memorial service \n(a) In general \nThe National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary (in this resolution referred to as the sponsor ) shall be permitted to sponsor a public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service (in this resolution jointly referred to as the event ), on the Capitol Grounds, in order to honor the law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty during 2003. (b) Date of event \nThe event shall be held on May 15, 2004, or on such other date as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate jointly designate.", "id": "H85FFBC665D294DFFBCC1CA80B439E500", "header": "Use of Capitol Grounds for national peace officers’ memorial service" }, { "text": "2. Terms and conditions \n(a) In general \nUnder conditions to be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board, the event shall be— (1) free of admission charge and open to the public; and (2) arranged not to interfere with the needs of Congress. (b) Expenses and liabilities \nThe sponsor shall assume full responsibility for all expenses and liabilities incident to all activities associated with the event.", "id": "H77CC18E88B774725827EF0FA78ACA1D", "header": "Terms and conditions" }, { "text": "3. Event preparations \nSubject to the approval of the Architect of the Capitol, the sponsor is authorized to erect upon the Capitol Grounds such stage, sound amplification devices, and other related structures and equipment, as may be required for the event.", "id": "H602AA5AB18D44A1FBD04A1D38CAB192D", "header": "Event preparations" }, { "text": "4. Enforcement of restrictions \nThe Capitol Police Board shall provide for enforcement of the restrictions contained in section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, concerning sales, advertisements, displays, and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as well as other restrictions applicable to the Capitol Grounds, in connection with the event.", "id": "H9A702DC0A976438CBA1853DFCABF784D", "header": "Enforcement of restrictions" } ]
1. Use of Capitol Grounds for national peace officers’ memorial service (a) In general The National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary (in this resolution referred to as the sponsor ) shall be permitted to sponsor a public event, the 22nd annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service (in this resolution jointly referred to as the event ), on the Capitol Grounds, in order to honor the law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty during 2003. (b) Date of event The event shall be held on May 15, 2004, or on such other date as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate jointly designate. 2. Terms and conditions (a) In general Under conditions to be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board, the event shall be— (1) free of admission charge and open to the public; and (2) arranged not to interfere with the needs of Congress. (b) Expenses and liabilities The sponsor shall assume full responsibility for all expenses and liabilities incident to all activities associated with the event. 3. Event preparations Subject to the approval of the Architect of the Capitol, the sponsor is authorized to erect upon the Capitol Grounds such stage, sound amplification devices, and other related structures and equipment, as may be required for the event. 4. Enforcement of restrictions The Capitol Police Board shall provide for enforcement of the restrictions contained in section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, concerning sales, advertisements, displays, and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as well as other restrictions applicable to the Capitol Grounds, in connection with the event.
(This measure has not been amended since it was passed by the House on April 28, 2004. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Permits the National Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary to sponsor a free public event, the 23rd annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service, on the Capitol grounds on May 15, 2004.
Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the long quest for peace, justice, and prosperity of the people of the Republic of Haiti; (2) implores all sides involved in Haiti’s current political crisis to rely on dialogue and negotiations to affect political change; (3) calls on Haitian President Aristide to announce early elections that will serve democracy, the Haitian Constitution, and give a voice to all the people; (4) commends the Haitian communities in exile for continuing to strive for peace and democracy in Haiti, sustaining families in Haiti that are unable to survive economically with financial remittances, and for providing steadfast advocacy for Haiti; (5) calls on the United States Government to— (A) assume a leadership role in the international community to end the violence in Haiti and assist with a subsequent peace agreement, to provide for political transition and establishment of a sustainable democracy with good governance in Haiti, and establish an economic reconstruction processes for Haiti; and (B) play a strong and proactive role in developing peace and reconciliation initiatives in furtherance of an enduring solution to the on-going crisis in Haiti; (6) calls on the Secretary of State to— (A) request a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to consider whether the United Nations should organize a peace-building mission to Haiti; (B) provide leadership and participate in negotiations; and (C) seek, through diplomacy and negotiations, an accord that ends the conflict in Haiti, bringing peace to its people, and establishing an environment conducive to the maintenance of regional security, political stability, democracy and governance, the observation of human rights, and the pursuit of economic growth, development and trade; (7) calls on the Secretary of Defense to play a lead role in establishing and, if necessary, deploying an international stabilization force to Haiti; (8) requests the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to— (A) commit to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Haiti to save lives, alleviate suffering, and mitigate the impact of the emergency situations emerging from the crisis, including providing emergency food, supplies, and commodities; and (B) coordinate relief efforts with national and international nongovernmental organizations and other donors; (9) urges the international community to— (A) provide support for peacekeeping operations in Haiti to end the violence, achieve peace, and restore stability; and (B) support humanitarian efforts to meet the urgent and dire needs of the Haitian people and to consult and cooperate closely with the appropriate Haitian leaders and civil society representatives as well as other governments and international organizations; and (10) urges the United Nations to— (A) to adopt a resolution to establish a United Nations mission for Haiti that will work to establish and ensure a long-term peace in Haiti; and (B) to deploy a peacekeeping and human rights presence in Haiti in order to develop and implement a plan that measurably builds the capacity of the Government of Haiti to respond to and meet the rights of its citizens, including, the right to health, water, education, life, security of person, and due process.", "id": "H168F6B308A274BDD95EC539DEC168CCF", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the long quest for peace, justice, and prosperity of the people of the Republic of Haiti; (2) implores all sides involved in Haiti’s current political crisis to rely on dialogue and negotiations to affect political change; (3) calls on Haitian President Aristide to announce early elections that will serve democracy, the Haitian Constitution, and give a voice to all the people; (4) commends the Haitian communities in exile for continuing to strive for peace and democracy in Haiti, sustaining families in Haiti that are unable to survive economically with financial remittances, and for providing steadfast advocacy for Haiti; (5) calls on the United States Government to— (A) assume a leadership role in the international community to end the violence in Haiti and assist with a subsequent peace agreement, to provide for political transition and establishment of a sustainable democracy with good governance in Haiti, and establish an economic reconstruction processes for Haiti; and (B) play a strong and proactive role in developing peace and reconciliation initiatives in furtherance of an enduring solution to the on-going crisis in Haiti; (6) calls on the Secretary of State to— (A) request a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to consider whether the United Nations should organize a peace-building mission to Haiti; (B) provide leadership and participate in negotiations; and (C) seek, through diplomacy and negotiations, an accord that ends the conflict in Haiti, bringing peace to its people, and establishing an environment conducive to the maintenance of regional security, political stability, democracy and governance, the observation of human rights, and the pursuit of economic growth, development and trade; (7) calls on the Secretary of Defense to play a lead role in establishing and, if necessary, deploying an international stabilization force to Haiti; (8) requests the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to— (A) commit to providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Haiti to save lives, alleviate suffering, and mitigate the impact of the emergency situations emerging from the crisis, including providing emergency food, supplies, and commodities; and (B) coordinate relief efforts with national and international nongovernmental organizations and other donors; (9) urges the international community to— (A) provide support for peacekeeping operations in Haiti to end the violence, achieve peace, and restore stability; and (B) support humanitarian efforts to meet the urgent and dire needs of the Haitian people and to consult and cooperate closely with the appropriate Haitian leaders and civil society representatives as well as other governments and international organizations; and (10) urges the United Nations to— (A) to adopt a resolution to establish a United Nations mission for Haiti that will work to establish and ensure a long-term peace in Haiti; and (B) to deploy a peacekeeping and human rights presence in Haiti in order to develop and implement a plan that measurably builds the capacity of the Government of Haiti to respond to and meet the rights of its citizens, including, the right to health, water, education, life, security of person, and due process.
Declares that Congress: (1) supports the Haitian people's quest for peace, justice, and prosperity; (2) implores all sides in Haiti's current political crisis to rely on dialogue and negotiations to affect political change; (3) calls on Haitian President Aristide to announce early elections; (4) commends the Haitian communities in exile for continuing to strive for peace and democracy in Haiti; (5) calls on the United States to assume a leadership role to end the violence in Haiti and assist with a subsequent peace agreement; (6) calls on the Secretary of State to request a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to consider whether the United Nations should organize a peace-building mission to Haiti, and to seek a negotiated accord to end the conflict; (7) calls on the Secretary of Defense to play a lead role in establishing and, if necessary, deploying an international stabilization force; (8) requests the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to provide humanitarian assistance and coordinate relief efforts; (9) urges the international community to provide support for peacekeeping and humanitarian operations in Haiti, and (10) urges the United Nations to establish a United Nations peace mission and deploy a peacekeeping and human rights presence in Haiti.
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the urgency of cessation of hostilities in the Republic of Haiti.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) encourages all citizens to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States; (2) expresses its sense that a National Day of the Horse should be established in recognition of the importance of horses to the Nation’s security, economy, recreation, and heritage; and (3) urges the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States and interested organizations to observe National Day of the Horse with appropriate programs and activities.", "id": "H895A62C6425C44DBB6DF7E6FF01826B6", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) encourages all citizens to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States; (2) expresses its sense that a National Day of the Horse should be established in recognition of the importance of horses to the Nation’s security, economy, recreation, and heritage; and (3) urges the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States and interested organizations to observe National Day of the Horse with appropriate programs and activities.
Encourages all citizens to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. Expresses the sense of Congress that a National Day of the Horse should be established. Urges the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States and interested organizations to observe National Day of the Horse.
Encouraging citizens to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States and expressing the sense of Congress that a National Day of the Horse should be established.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "HD02268A1B37840F58762446086AB2FFA", "header": null }, { "text": "the rotunda of the Capitol is authorized to be used on April 22, 2004, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. Physical preparations for the ceremony shall be carried out in accordance with such conditions as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe.", "id": "HE0C59CB30913472B8346B057463618E7", "header": null } ]
That the rotunda of the Capitol is authorized to be used on April 22, 2004, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. Physical preparations for the ceremony shall be carried out in accordance with such conditions as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Authorizes the use of the Capitol rotunda on April 22, 2004, for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.
Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) encourages the International Olympic Committee to choose New York City as the site of the 2012 Olympic Games; and (2) hopes that the United States will be selected as the host country of the 2012 Olympic Games, and pledges its cooperation and support for their successful fulfillment in the highest Olympic tradition.", "id": "H59FBEB6278424D32971E64E8BFF77FAB", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) encourages the International Olympic Committee to choose New York City as the site of the 2012 Olympic Games; and (2) hopes that the United States will be selected as the host country of the 2012 Olympic Games, and pledges its cooperation and support for their successful fulfillment in the highest Olympic tradition.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Encourages the International Olympic Committee to choose New York City as the site of the 2012 Olympic Games. Expresses the hope that the United States will be selected as the host country of such Games and pledges cooperation and support for their successful fulfillment in the highest Olympic tradition.
Encouraging the International Olympic Committee to select New York City as the site of the 2012 Olympic Games.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Celiac Awareness Month; (2) should work with health care providers and celiac disease advocacy and education organizations to encourage screening and early detection of celiac disease; and (3) should increase Federal funding for celiac disease research.", "id": "H4222910C5C1B43C7B7DF60157B5D745D", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Celiac Awareness Month; (2) should work with health care providers and celiac disease advocacy and education organizations to encourage screening and early detection of celiac disease; and (3) should increase Federal funding for celiac disease research.
Declares that Congress: (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Celiac Awareness Month (May 2004); (2) should work with health care providers and celiac disease advocacy and education organizations to encourage screening and early detection of celiac disease; and (3) should increase Federal funding for celiac disease research.
Supporting the goals and ideals of National Celiac Awareness Month, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative postage stamp to promote public awareness of, and increased research relating to, Chrohn’s Disease; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "id": "H40C7E978A679468A8043198FD82214A6", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a commemorative postage stamp to promote public awareness of, and increased research relating to, Chrohn’s Disease; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
Calls on: (1) the U.S. Postal Service to issue a commemorative postage stamp to promote public awareness of, and increased research relating to, Chrohn's Disease; and (2) the Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee of the U.S. Postal Service to recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued to promote public awareness of, and increased research relating to, Chrohn's Disease.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Tinnitus Awareness Week, as designated by the American Tinnitus Association; (2) encourages interested groups and affected persons to promote public awareness of tinnitus, the dangers of loud noise, and the importance of hearing protection for all individuals; and (3) commits to continuing its support of innovative hearing health research through the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders so that treatments can be refined and a cure for tinnitus may be discovered.", "id": "H37B718961AA4492C8357982E75C54539", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Tinnitus Awareness Week, as designated by the American Tinnitus Association; (2) encourages interested groups and affected persons to promote public awareness of tinnitus, the dangers of loud noise, and the importance of hearing protection for all individuals; and (3) commits to continuing its support of innovative hearing health research through the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders so that treatments can be refined and a cure for tinnitus may be discovered.
Expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Tinnitus Awareness Week. Encourages interested groups and affected persons to promote public awareness of tinnitus, the dangers of loud noise, and the importance of hearing protection for all individuals. Commits to continuing congressional support of innovative hearing health research through the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
Supporting the goals and ideals of Tinnitus Awareness Week.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H3E366E4E0D13435980B4CCD1309D62C9", "header": null }, { "text": "it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Charles Hamilton Houston; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.", "id": "HCF0E8EBBCA1D40C9B1E22EDFA8BC035B", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Charles Hamilton Houston; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a postage stamp be issued.
Urges the Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend to the Postmaster General that a commemorative postage stamp be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Charles Hamilton Houston, the first African American to earn a Doctor of Juridical Science degree from Harvard University and to serve as editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of Charles Hamilton Houston.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H40313E6BE2814DC9B8F693FAA9DB0709", "header": null }, { "text": "it is the sense of the Congress that negotiations on access to critical segments of the United States automobile market should not take place on a piecemeal basis, but only— (1) as part of negotiations that include all major automobile producing nations; and (2) as part of comprehensive negotiations that address both tariff and nontariff barriers specific to the automobile industry, with progress on eliminating tariff barriers explicitly linked to concrete progress on eliminating nontariff barriers.", "id": "HB3730410686C4111B79D588BCC6E53CF", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that negotiations on access to critical segments of the United States automobile market should not take place on a piecemeal basis, but only— (1) as part of negotiations that include all major automobile producing nations; and (2) as part of comprehensive negotiations that address both tariff and nontariff barriers specific to the automobile industry, with progress on eliminating tariff barriers explicitly linked to concrete progress on eliminating nontariff barriers.
Expresses the sense of Congress that negotiations on access to critical segments of the U.S. automobile market should not take place on a piecemeal basis, but only as part of: (1) negotiations that include all major automobile producing nations; and (2) comprehensive negotiations that address both tariff and nontariff barriers specific to the automobile industry, with progress on eliminating tariff barriers explicitly linked to concrete progress on eliminating nontariff barriers.
Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding negotiating, in the United States-Thailand Free Trade Agreement, access to the United States automobile industry.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) urges The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to as FYROM ) and Greece to honor the agreement that they signed in 1995 under which both countries agreed to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM; (2) requests the Secretary of State to return to the long-standing policy of the Government of the United States to recognize and refer to the FYROM as such; and (3) supports efforts sponsored by the United Nations to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM.", "id": "H30048E44CCC743CC8F470012D8B1DFC2", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) urges The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to as FYROM ) and Greece to honor the agreement that they signed in 1995 under which both countries agreed to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM; (2) requests the Secretary of State to return to the long-standing policy of the Government of the United States to recognize and refer to the FYROM as such; and (3) supports efforts sponsored by the United Nations to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM.
States that Congress: (1) urges The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Greece to honor the 1995 agreement under which both countries agreed to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM; (2) requests the Secretary of State to return to the long-standing U.S. policy to recognize and refer to the FYROM as such; and (3) supports United Nations (UN) efforts to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM.
Encouraging The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Greece to continue negotiations to determine a mutually acceptable official name for the FYROM, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That Congress recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II which will forever serve as a symbol of heroism in the face of great adversity and the pursuit of freedom.", "id": "H90D421104F5C41F88696C16BBDCE681D", "header": null } ]
That Congress recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II which will forever serve as a symbol of heroism in the face of great adversity and the pursuit of freedom.
Recognizes the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising by Polish citizens against the Nazi occupation in Warsaw, Poland, during World War II.
Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II.
[ { "text": "That Congress honors past and current members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their families by encouraging every American to wear a red poppy on Memorial Day as a sign of admiration and thanks to those individuals who died to preserve freedom and democracy in the United States.", "id": "HBF79BD969CC445B18407CAE4958F6BCC", "header": null } ]
That Congress honors past and current members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their families by encouraging every American to wear a red poppy on Memorial Day as a sign of admiration and thanks to those individuals who died to preserve freedom and democracy in the United States.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that Congress honors past and current members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their families by encouraging every American to wear a red poppy on Memorial Day as a sign of admiration and thanks to those individuals who died to preserve freedom and democracy in the United States.
Honoring past and current members of the Armed Forces of the United States and encouraging Americans to wear red poppies on Memorial Day.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day; (2) encourages all Americans to learn about the history of the Purple Heart and to honor its recipients; and (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to conduct appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for people who have been awarded the Purple Heart.", "id": "H197BA0AC3BFD4B5192C9376F12BD007B", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day; (2) encourages all Americans to learn about the history of the Purple Heart and to honor its recipients; and (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to conduct appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for people who have been awarded the Purple Heart.
Supports the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
Supporting the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) recognizes and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision; (2) encourages all Americans to recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision; and (3) renews its commitment to continuing and building on the legacy of Brown with a pledge to acknowledge and address the modern day disparities that remain.", "id": "HCE64DB5D478346C0B78CA9C391F818A4", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) recognizes and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision; (2) encourages all Americans to recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision; and (3) renews its commitment to continuing and building on the legacy of Brown with a pledge to acknowledge and address the modern day disparities that remain.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that the Congress: (1) recognizes and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision; (2) encourages all Americans to recognize and celebrate the anniversary; and (3) renews its commitment to continuing and building on the legacy of Brown with a pledge to acknowledge and address the modern day disparities that remain.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that, as Congress recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, all Americans are encouraged to observe this anniversary with a commitment to continuing and building on the legacy of Brown.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a scholarship fund to make tuition grants available to eligible former students who were denied an education in Prince Edward County, Virginia, should be established; and (2) the necessary resources to establish and maintain the scholarship fund should be provided by the State of Virginia.", "id": "H2CBF2F5631DC42ABB8B7AB7CB65883AA", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a scholarship fund to make tuition grants available to eligible former students who were denied an education in Prince Edward County, Virginia, should be established; and (2) the necessary resources to establish and maintain the scholarship fund should be provided by the State of Virginia.
Expresses the sense of the Congress that the State of Virginia should provide the necessary resources to establish and maintain a scholarship fund to make tuition grants available to eligible former students who were denied an education in Prince Edward County, Virginia, when the public schools there closed rather than comply with the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the establishment of a scholarship fund to make tuition grants available to eligible former students who were denied an education in Prince Edward County, Virginia, when the public schools closed rather than comply with the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
[ { "text": "That Congress recognizes and honors the military unit family support volunteers of each branch of the Armed Forces who selflessly devote their time, talent, and energy in service to the United States and commends military unit family support volunteers for their dedicated contributions to the Armed Forces and the quality of life of members of the Armed Forces and their families.", "id": "H0EA5BA5BCE104661A26D27C3F4254C48", "header": null } ]
That Congress recognizes and honors the military unit family support volunteers of each branch of the Armed Forces who selflessly devote their time, talent, and energy in service to the United States and commends military unit family support volunteers for their dedicated contributions to the Armed Forces and the quality of life of members of the Armed Forces and their families.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that Congress: (1) recognizes and honors the military unit family support volunteers of each branch of the Armed Forces who selflessly devote their time, talent, and energy in service to the United States; and (2) commends such volunteers for their dedicated contributions to the Armed Forces and the quality of life of its members and their families.
Recognizing and honoring military unit family support volunteers for their dedicated service to the United States, the Armed Forces, and members of the Armed Forces and their families.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Computer Security Awareness Month; and (2) should work with Federal agencies, national organizations, businesses, and educational institutions to encourage the implementation and development of existing and future computer security standards, practices, and technologies in order to enhance the state of computer security in the United States.", "id": "HE1D6FF4CCCA04BCB81CE66F92438E052", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Computer Security Awareness Month; and (2) should work with Federal agencies, national organizations, businesses, and educational institutions to encourage the implementation and development of existing and future computer security standards, practices, and technologies in order to enhance the state of computer security in the United States.
Supports the goals and ideals of National Computer Security Awareness Month (October 2004).
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to raising awareness and enhancing the state of computer security in the United States, and supporting the goals and ideals of National Computer Security Awareness Month.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H6B06FDCDB0C54FA1956BA83749C055AF", "header": null }, { "text": "Congress— (1) remembers the victims of the genocide that occurred in 1994 in Rwanda and pledges to work to ensure that such an atrocity does not take place again; (2) acknowledges that the international community, including the United States Government, failed the people of Rwanda and watched with indifference while hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were being killed; (3) strongly supports assistance to the survivors of the Rwandan genocide; (4) urges political and financial support for the Gacaca courts; (5) acknowledges the heroic work of many individuals and human rights organizations for their campaign to help stop the genocide of Rwanda; (6) expresses deep appreciation to General Romeo Dallaire for his tireless efforts to stop the genocide from occurring and for helping many Rwandese civilians in their time of need; (7) accepts the fact that General Dallaire warned the United Nations on a number of occasions of an impending genocide and was ordered by his superiors not to take action; (8) calls for an investigation of the role played by the United States Government prior to and during the Rwandan genocide, noting that the parliaments of Belgium and France both created commissions of inquiry to investigate the roles played by their respective governments and issued their findings; and (9) strongly urges the creation of a bi-partisan Commission of Inquiry for Rwanda to investigate all aspects of the role played by the United States Government prior to and during the Rwandan genocide, with a strong mandate and subpoena power to access relevant documents and witnesses, a definite end date for completion of its work, and sufficient funding to cover necessary expenses.", "id": "H4939CD26221D4C0FB7BBE8E9D4598EC", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) remembers the victims of the genocide that occurred in 1994 in Rwanda and pledges to work to ensure that such an atrocity does not take place again; (2) acknowledges that the international community, including the United States Government, failed the people of Rwanda and watched with indifference while hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were being killed; (3) strongly supports assistance to the survivors of the Rwandan genocide; (4) urges political and financial support for the Gacaca courts; (5) acknowledges the heroic work of many individuals and human rights organizations for their campaign to help stop the genocide of Rwanda; (6) expresses deep appreciation to General Romeo Dallaire for his tireless efforts to stop the genocide from occurring and for helping many Rwandese civilians in their time of need; (7) accepts the fact that General Dallaire warned the United Nations on a number of occasions of an impending genocide and was ordered by his superiors not to take action; (8) calls for an investigation of the role played by the United States Government prior to and during the Rwandan genocide, noting that the parliaments of Belgium and France both created commissions of inquiry to investigate the roles played by their respective governments and issued their findings; and (9) strongly urges the creation of a bi-partisan Commission of Inquiry for Rwanda to investigate all aspects of the role played by the United States Government prior to and during the Rwandan genocide, with a strong mandate and subpoena power to access relevant documents and witnesses, a definite end date for completion of its work, and sufficient funding to cover necessary expenses.
States that Congress: (1) remembers the victims of the 1994 Rwanda genocide and pledges to work to ensure that such an atrocity does not take place again; (2) acknowledges that the international community, including the United States, failed the people of Rwanda and watched with indifference while hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were being killed; (3) supports assistance to the survivors of the Rwandan genocide; (4) urges political and financial support for the Gacaca courts; (5) acknowledges the heroic work of many individuals and human rights organizations for their campaign to help stop the genocide; (6) expresses deep appreciation to General Romeo Dallaire for his efforts to stop the genocide and for helping many Rwandese civilians; (7) accepts the fact that General Dallaire warned the United Nations on a number of occasions of an impending genocide and was ordered by his superiors not to take action; (8) calls for an investigation of the role played by the United States prior to and during the Rwandan genocide, noting that the parliaments of Belgium and France both created commissions of inquiry to investigate the roles played by their respective governments; and (9) urges the creation of a bi-partisan Commission of Inquiry for Rwanda to investigate all aspects of the role played by the United States prior to and during the Rwandan genocide.
Remembering the victims of the genocide that occurred in 1994 in Rwanda and pledging to work to ensure that such an atrocity does not take place again.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the Latin American Research and Service Agency and congratulates the organization on reaching this important milestone; (2) commends the board of directors, executive director, and staff of the Latin American Research and Service Agency for addressing the needs and concerns of Latino and Hispanic Americans; and (3) expresses appreciation to the Latin American Research and Service Agency for outstanding contributions to public policy.", "id": "HAC1AD80EE9C94EE2B97D9C25BC5BAF6C", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the Latin American Research and Service Agency and congratulates the organization on reaching this important milestone; (2) commends the board of directors, executive director, and staff of the Latin American Research and Service Agency for addressing the needs and concerns of Latino and Hispanic Americans; and (3) expresses appreciation to the Latin American Research and Service Agency for outstanding contributions to public policy.
Recognizes the 40th anniversary of the Latin American Research and Service Agency and congratulates the organization on reaching this important milestone. Commends the board of directors, executive director, and staff of the Latin American Research and Service Agency for addressing the needs and concerns of Latino and Hispanic Americans. Expresses appreciation to the Latin American Research and Service Agency for outstanding contributions to public policy.
Recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Latin American Research and Service Agency and commending the directors and staff of that organization for addressing the needs and concerns of Latino and Hispanic Americans.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) national and community organizations and health care providers have played a commendable role in supplying information concerning the importance of screening for prostate cancer and the treatment options for patients with prostate cancer; and (2) the Federal Government and the States have a moral responsibility to ensure that health care providers supply prostate cancer patients with appropriate information and any other tools necessary for prostate cancer patients to receive readily understandable descriptions of the advantages, disadvantages, benefits, and risks of all medically efficacious treatments for prostate cancer, including brachytherapy, hormonal treatments, external beam radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and watchful waiting.", "id": "H14E71701AF814329BAD88E44D6829768", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) national and community organizations and health care providers have played a commendable role in supplying information concerning the importance of screening for prostate cancer and the treatment options for patients with prostate cancer; and (2) the Federal Government and the States have a moral responsibility to ensure that health care providers supply prostate cancer patients with appropriate information and any other tools necessary for prostate cancer patients to receive readily understandable descriptions of the advantages, disadvantages, benefits, and risks of all medically efficacious treatments for prostate cancer, including brachytherapy, hormonal treatments, external beam radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and watchful waiting.
Commends national and community organizations and health care providers for supplying information concerning the importance of screening for prostate cancer and the treatment options. Declares that the Federal Government and the States have a moral responsibility to ensure that health care providers supply patients with appropriate information and tools necessary to receive readily understandable information about all medically efficacious treatments for prostate cancer.
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the need to provide prostate cancer patients with meaningful access to information on treatment options, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) John Arthur Jack Johnson paved the way for African American athletes to participate and succeed in racially integrated professional sports in the United States; (2) Jack Johnson was wronged by a racially motivated conviction prompted by his success in the boxing ring and his relationships with White women; (3) the criminal conviction of Jack Johnson unjustly ruined his career and destroyed his reputation; and (4) the President should grant a posthumous pardon to Jack Johnson to expunge from the annals of American criminal justice a racially motivated abuse of the prosecutorial authority of the Federal Government, and to recognize Jack Johnson’s athletic and cultural contributions to society.", "id": "HF2A4713EC61445B9ABD55DDB00F5A1D3", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) John Arthur Jack Johnson paved the way for African American athletes to participate and succeed in racially integrated professional sports in the United States; (2) Jack Johnson was wronged by a racially motivated conviction prompted by his success in the boxing ring and his relationships with White women; (3) the criminal conviction of Jack Johnson unjustly ruined his career and destroyed his reputation; and (4) the President should grant a posthumous pardon to Jack Johnson to expunge from the annals of American criminal justice a racially motivated abuse of the prosecutorial authority of the Federal Government, and to recognize Jack Johnson’s athletic and cultural contributions to society.
Calls for the President to grant a pardon, posthumously, to Jack Johnson, the first African-American professional boxer to hold the title of Heavyweight Champion of the World.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should grant a posthumous pardon to John Arthur "Jack" Johnson for the 1913 racially motivated conviction of Johnson, which diminished his athletic, cultural, and historic significance, and tarnished his reputation.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the goals and purposes of National Farm Safety and Health Week; and (2) applauds the men and women who provide a stable supply of food and fiber for the United States and the world.", "id": "H8FC737F41AFD42579DEA01C6B9F8DBBB", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the goals and purposes of National Farm Safety and Health Week; and (2) applauds the men and women who provide a stable supply of food and fiber for the United States and the world.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that Congress supports the goals and purposes of National Farm Safety and Health Week, and applauds the men and women who provide a stable supply of food and fiber for the United States and the world.
Supporting the goals and purposes of National Farm Safety and Health Week and applauding the men and women who provide a stable supply of food and fiber for the United States and the world.
[ { "text": "That the House of Representatives commends Mrs. Inez Sitter for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.", "id": "HA82FA1E3C13748DBB2AF677F66AD1BB6", "header": null } ]
That the House of Representatives commends Mrs. Inez Sitter for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.
Commends Mrs. Inez Sitter for her outstanding service to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, the State of Oklahoma, and the United States.
Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to Inez Sitter.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) congratulates the United States Air Force Academy on its 50th Anniversary; (2) acknowledges the continued excellence of the United States Air Force Academy and its critical role in the defense of the United States; and (3) recognizes the outstanding service to the Nation that graduates from the United States Air Force Academy have provided.", "id": "H70708788DEF44721A1202BE22D413D52", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) congratulates the United States Air Force Academy on its 50th Anniversary; (2) acknowledges the continued excellence of the United States Air Force Academy and its critical role in the defense of the United States; and (3) recognizes the outstanding service to the Nation that graduates from the United States Air Force Academy have provided.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Congratulates the United States Air Force Academy on its 50th Anniversary. Acknowledges the continued excellence of the Academy and its critical role in the defense of the United States. Recognizes the outstanding service to the Nation that graduates from the Academy have provided.
Congratulating the United States Air Force Academy on its 50th Anniversary and recognizing its contributions to the Nation.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) declares that the warm relations and bilateral exchanges between the people of the United States and Taiwan should continue and grow deeper; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of Taiwanese American Heritage Week and recognizes the importance of Taiwanese-Americans to the United States.", "id": "H3F0DA1BA8DA64EBCA8704983B29C5870", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) declares that the warm relations and bilateral exchanges between the people of the United States and Taiwan should continue and grow deeper; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of Taiwanese American Heritage Week and recognizes the importance of Taiwanese-Americans to the United States.
States that Congress: (1) declares that the warm relations and bilateral exchanges between the people of the United States and Taiwan should continue and grow deeper; and (2) supports the goals and ideals of Taiwanese American Heritage Week and recognizes the importance of Taiwanese-Americans to the United States.
Supporting the goals and ideals of Taiwanese-American Heritage Week.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and (2) recognizes the Republic of the Marshall Islands as a staunch ally of the United States, committed to principles of democracy and freedom for the Pacific region and throughout the world.", "id": "H869B102BB60040B8941E93981C4B65C6", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and (2) recognizes the Republic of the Marshall Islands as a staunch ally of the United States, committed to principles of democracy and freedom for the Pacific region and throughout the world.
(This measure has not been amended since it was passed by the House on July 6, 2004. The summary of that version is repeated here.) States that Congress: (1) recognizes the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and (2) recognizes the Republic of the Marshall Islands as a staunch ally of the United States, committed to principles of democracy and freedom for the Pacific region and throughout the world.
Recognizing the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and recognizing the Marshall Islands as a staunch ally of the United States, committed to principles of democracy and freedom for the Pacific region and throughout the world.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H7C0E35E4536E455EA1FD27E3ED41AAAC", "header": null }, { "text": "Congress— (1) salutes the life and courage of the late Commander Lloyd “Pete” Bucher, United States Navy (retired), who commanded the U.S.S. Pueblo (AGER-2) at the time of its capture by North Korea on January 23, 1968, and who passed away on January 28, 2004; (2) praises Commander Bucher for his exemplary bravery and sacrifice, which were an inspiration to his crew and the United States, while he and his crew were held in captivity for 11 months in North Korea; (3) praises the bravery of the crew of the U.S.S. Pueblo; and (4) expresses its heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Commander Bucher.", "id": "H2FF40230D61241D296811C0090D0D040", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) salutes the life and courage of the late Commander Lloyd “Pete” Bucher, United States Navy (retired), who commanded the U.S.S. Pueblo (AGER-2) at the time of its capture by North Korea on January 23, 1968, and who passed away on January 28, 2004; (2) praises Commander Bucher for his exemplary bravery and sacrifice, which were an inspiration to his crew and the United States, while he and his crew were held in captivity for 11 months in North Korea; (3) praises the bravery of the crew of the U.S.S. Pueblo; and (4) expresses its heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Commander Bucher.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) States that Congress: (1) salutes the life and courage of the late Commander Lloyd `Pete' Bucher, United States Navy (retired), who commanded the U.S.S. Pueblo at the time of its capture by North Korea on January 23, 1968, and who passed away on January 28, 2004; (2) praises Commander Bucher for his exemplary bravery and sacrifice, which were an inspiration to his crew and the United States, while he and his crew were held in captivity for 11 months in North Korea; (3) praises the bravery of the crew of the U.S.S. Pueblo; and (4) expresses its heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Commander Bucher.
Saluting the life and courage of the late Commander Lloyd "Pete" Bucher, United States Navy (retired), who commanded the U.S.S. Pueblo (AGER-2) at the time of its capture by North Korea on January 23, 1968.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) calls on all authorities with jurisdiction, including the Department of Justice and the State of Mississippi, to— (A) expeditiously bring those responsible for the murder of Emmett Till to justice, due to the amount of time that has passed since the murder and the age of the witnesses; and (B) provide all the resources necessary to ensure a timely and thorough investigation; and (2) calls on the Department of Justice to fully report the findings of their investigation to Congress.", "id": "HB1E7F44B12074038897CD13D7BDE4A8", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) calls on all authorities with jurisdiction, including the Department of Justice and the State of Mississippi, to— (A) expeditiously bring those responsible for the murder of Emmett Till to justice, due to the amount of time that has passed since the murder and the age of the witnesses; and (B) provide all the resources necessary to ensure a timely and thorough investigation; and (2) calls on the Department of Justice to fully report the findings of their investigation to Congress.
Calls on: (1) all authorities with jurisdiction, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the State of Mississippi, to expeditiously bring those responsible for the 1955 murder of Emmett Till to justice and provide all the resources necessary to ensure a timely and thorough investigation; and (2) DOJ to fully report the findings of the investigation to Congress.
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the murder of Emmett Till.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H8737CD7B375646E5A6CA8547DE5EB5D4", "header": null }, { "text": "the Congress— (1) supports the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to provide a special opportunity to offer education on the importance of monthly breast self-examinations and annual mammograms; (2) salutes the more than 2,000,000 breast cancer survivors in the United States and the efforts of victims, volunteers, and professionals who combat breast cancer each day; (3) recognizes and applauds the national and community organizations for their work in promoting awareness about breast cancer, providing information, and offering treatment to its sufferers; and (4) urges organizations and health practitioners to use this opportunity to promote awareness about breast cancer, to support monthly self-examinations, and to encourage annual mammograms.", "id": "H048264E6E22E4244967EA9372EF81431", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) supports the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in order to provide a special opportunity to offer education on the importance of monthly breast self-examinations and annual mammograms; (2) salutes the more than 2,000,000 breast cancer survivors in the United States and the efforts of victims, volunteers, and professionals who combat breast cancer each day; (3) recognizes and applauds the national and community organizations for their work in promoting awareness about breast cancer, providing information, and offering treatment to its sufferers; and (4) urges organizations and health practitioners to use this opportunity to promote awareness about breast cancer, to support monthly self-examinations, and to encourage annual mammograms.
Expresses support for the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month to provide a special opportunity to offer education on the importance of monthly breast self-examinations and annual mammograms. Recognizes breast cancer survivors, the efforts of victims, volunteers, and professionals who combat breast cancer, and the work of national and community organizations in promoting breast cancer awareness, providing information, and offering treatment.
Supporting the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That the Congress recognizes— (1) the important economic, historic, and cultural contributions of Amtrak’s Empire Builder to the 45 cities and 8 States which it visits; and (2) Amtrak’s Empire Builder rail line’s 75th Anniversary.", "id": "H0093D006CE3846A5A7CF60F6E8158FA1", "header": null } ]
That the Congress recognizes— (1) the important economic, historic, and cultural contributions of Amtrak’s Empire Builder to the 45 cities and 8 States which it visits; and (2) Amtrak’s Empire Builder rail line’s 75th Anniversary.
Recognizes the 75th anniversary of Amtrak's Empire Builder (passenger train) rail line.
Recognizing the 75th anniversary of Amtrak's Empire Builder rail line.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) urges the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to immediately provide to the United States all documents and records relating to Americans unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, including documents relating to Americans unaccounted for in areas of Laos and Cambodia that were under wartime Vietnamese control; (2) welcomes the improvement in military ties between the United States and Vietnam, including the port call of the U.S.S. Vandergrift in November 2003, and urges the Government of Vietnam to respond positively by the end of 2004 to requests to permit a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coastline of Vietnam; and (3) will consider statements by President George W. Bush and the response of the Government of Vietnam to the request by the United States Government to use a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coast of Vietnam before taking further steps beneficial to the economic and political objectives of the Government of Vietnam.", "id": "H1786C8678E454CFA9BE297167E30E170", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) urges the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to immediately provide to the United States all documents and records relating to Americans unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, including documents relating to Americans unaccounted for in areas of Laos and Cambodia that were under wartime Vietnamese control; (2) welcomes the improvement in military ties between the United States and Vietnam, including the port call of the U.S.S. Vandergrift in November 2003, and urges the Government of Vietnam to respond positively by the end of 2004 to requests to permit a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coastline of Vietnam; and (3) will consider statements by President George W. Bush and the response of the Government of Vietnam to the request by the United States Government to use a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coast of Vietnam before taking further steps beneficial to the economic and political objectives of the Government of Vietnam.
States that Congress: (1) urges the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to immediately provide to the United States all information relating to Americans unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, including documents relating to Americans unaccounted for in areas of Laos and Cambodia that were under wartime Vietnamese control; (2) welcomes the improvement in military ties between the United States and Vietnam, including the port call of the U.S.S. Vandergrift in November 2003, and urges the Government of Vietnam to respond positively by the end of 2004 to requests to permit a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coastline of Vietnam; and (3) will consider statements by President George W. Bush and the response of the Government of Vietnam to the U.S. request to use a United States Navy vessel to conduct humanitarian underwater recovery missions along the coast of Vietnam before taking further steps beneficial to the economic and political objectives of the Government of Vietnam.
Urging the Government of Vietnam to provide to the United States all information in the possession of Vietnam regarding Americans unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "HDB5204F17EC74E1DA807662D164CC175", "header": null }, { "text": "Congress commends The Garden Club of America for the many contributions it has made in our Nation’s capital and in communities across America, and sends its best wishes on the occasion of its 91st annual meeting in Washington, DC, on April 24 through 27, 2004.", "id": "H6A606FD316DC404E99C2265FF1F95EB", "header": null } ]
That Congress commends The Garden Club of America for the many contributions it has made in our Nation’s capital and in communities across America, and sends its best wishes on the occasion of its 91st annual meeting in Washington, DC, on April 24 through 27, 2004.
Commends the Garden Club of America for the many contributions it has made in our Nation's capital and in communities across America and sends its best wishes on the occasion of its 91st annual meeting in Washington, D.C., on April 24 through 27, 2004.
Recognizing The Garden Club of America on the occasion of its 91st annual meeting.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Delaware men’s football team for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA football national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff; and (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to the University of Delaware for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA men’s football national championship team.", "id": "H121475419A4649BDAAEFC188E400AE51", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Delaware men’s football team for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA football national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff; and (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to the University of Delaware for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA men’s football national championship team.
Congratulates the University of Delaware Blue Hens for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I-AA football national championship.
Congratulating the University of Delaware men's football team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association I-AA national championship.
[ { "text": "That— (1) the United States commends the people of the Republic of China on Taiwan for having established a democracy and for repeatedly reaffirming their dedication to democratic ideals and human rights; and (2) it is the sense of Congress that— (A) the President of the United States should recognize the Republic of China on Taiwan as a sovereign government, separate from the authoritarian communist regime in Beijing, and immediately resume normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan; (B) the United States should enter into a bilateral agreement with the Republic of China on Taiwan, acknowledging a sense of unity between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the United States, and a common determination to maintain safety and regional security in the West Pacific region; and (C) the Republic of China on Taiwan should be permitted to participate fully in all international organizations for which statehood is a requirement for membership, including the United Nations.", "id": "HC41B261E036745079715B8E0EFD8C446", "header": null } ]
That— (1) the United States commends the people of the Republic of China on Taiwan for having established a democracy and for repeatedly reaffirming their dedication to democratic ideals and human rights; and (2) it is the sense of Congress that— (A) the President of the United States should recognize the Republic of China on Taiwan as a sovereign government, separate from the authoritarian communist regime in Beijing, and immediately resume normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan; (B) the United States should enter into a bilateral agreement with the Republic of China on Taiwan, acknowledging a sense of unity between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the United States, and a common determination to maintain safety and regional security in the West Pacific region; and (C) the Republic of China on Taiwan should be permitted to participate fully in all international organizations for which statehood is a requirement for membership, including the United Nations.
States that the United States commends the people of the Republic of China on Taiwan for having established a democracy and for repeatedly reaffirming their dedication to democratic ideals and human rights. Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the President should recognize the Republic of China on Taiwan as a sovereign government, separate from the communist regime in Beijing, and immediately resume normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan; (2) the United States should enter into a bilateral agreement with the Republic of China on Taiwan acknowledging a sense of unity between the Republic of China on Taiwan and the United States and a common determination to maintain Western Pacific regional security; and (3) the Republic of China on Taiwan should be permitted to participate fully in all international organizations for which statehood is a requirement for membership, including the United Nations.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should resume normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes the health risks associated with childhood obesity; (2) recognizes the spirit of Jacob Mock Doub and his contribution to encouraging youth of all ages to be physically active and fit, especially through bicycling; (3) expresses its sense that National Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day should be established in honor of Jacob Mock Doub; and (4) encourages parents, schools, civic organizations, and students to promote increased physical activity among youth in the United States.", "id": "HE8510A1A524741D4BFAC6EDC4844A788", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "H8F583F79D0BB459A9133421159D13D07", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes the health risks associated with childhood obesity; (2) recognizes the spirit of Jacob Mock Doub and his contribution to encouraging youth of all ages to be physically active and fit, especially through bicycling; (3) expresses its sense that National Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day should be established in honor of Jacob Mock Doub; and (4) encourages parents, schools, civic organizations, and students to promote increased physical activity among youth in the United States.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Recognizes the health risks associated with childhood obesity and the spirit of Jacob Mock Doub and his contribution to encouraging youth of all ages to be physically active and fit, especially through bicycling. Expresses the sense of Congress that "National Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day" should be established in honor of Jacob Mock Doub. Encourages parents, schools, civic organizations, and students to promote increased physical activity among youth in the United States.
Recognizing the spirit of Jacob Mock Doub and his contribution to encouraging youth to be physically active and fit and expressing the sense of Congress that "National Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day" should be established in Jacob Mock Doub's honor.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) commends the employees of the National Weather Service, especially the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center, Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, and National Data Buoy Center; the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the 403rd Wing of the Air Force Reserve Command at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Aircraft Operations Center at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida; the Hurricane Liaison Team; the National Ocean Service; and the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service, for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley and Frances; (2) commends the Southern and Eastern Region Weather Forecast Offices of San Juan, Miami, Tampa Bay, Key West, Melbourne, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Morristown, Charleston, Morehead City, Wilmington, Wakefield, and Taunton for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley and Frances; (3) thanks the commercial and media meteorologists for their contributions in disseminating the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts and warnings to the public; and (4) expresses its support for the ongoing hard work and dedication of all who provide accurate and timely hurricane forecasts.", "id": "H966EA1EA2B0C461F9D3BDF1537FDFAD2", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) commends the employees of the National Weather Service, especially the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center, Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, and National Data Buoy Center; the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the 403rd Wing of the Air Force Reserve Command at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Aircraft Operations Center at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida; the Hurricane Liaison Team; the National Ocean Service; and the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service, for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley and Frances; (2) commends the Southern and Eastern Region Weather Forecast Offices of San Juan, Miami, Tampa Bay, Key West, Melbourne, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Morristown, Charleston, Morehead City, Wilmington, Wakefield, and Taunton for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley and Frances; (3) thanks the commercial and media meteorologists for their contributions in disseminating the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts and warnings to the public; and (4) expresses its support for the ongoing hard work and dedication of all who provide accurate and timely hurricane forecasts.
Commends, for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Ivan, the employees of the National Weather Service, especially the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center, Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, and National Data Buoy Center; the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the 403rd Wing of the Air Force Reserve Command at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Aircraft Operations Center at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida; the Hurricane Liaison Team; the National Ocean Service; and the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service. Commends also, for their extraordinary dedication and hard work during those hurricanes, the Southern and Eastern Region Weather Forecast Offices of San Juan, Miami, Tampa Bay, Key West, Melbourne, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Morristown, Charleston, Morehead City, Wilmington, Wakefield, and Taunton, Lake Charles, New Orleans, Jackson, Nashville, and Houston. Extends the thanks of Congress to the commercial and media meteorologists for their contributions in disseminating the NOAA forecasts and warnings to the public.
Commending the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its employees for its dedication and hard work during Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Ivan.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States should formally withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and (2) any funds appropriated as of the date of the adoption of this resolution for use towards the contribution of the United States to UNESCO, but not yet transferred to UNESCO, should be returned to the Treasury of the United States.", "id": "HDD12D976652841EDBA4175637337D47D", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States should formally withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and (2) any funds appropriated as of the date of the adoption of this resolution for use towards the contribution of the United States to UNESCO, but not yet transferred to UNESCO, should be returned to the Treasury of the United States.
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States should formally withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and (2) any funds appropriated towards the U.S. contribution to UNESCO, but not yet transferred to UNESCO, should be returned to the Treasury.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should formally withdraw its membership from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
[ { "text": "That— (1) it is the sense of the Congress that music education grounded in rigorous instruction is an important component of a well-rounded academic curriculum and should be available to every student in every school; and (2) the Congress recognizes the International Music Products Association for its efforts to designate a Music Education Month in order to highlight the important role that school music programs play in the academic and social development of children.", "id": "H4EB8FB3A68354689917449B775404C7B", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "H358D3E15561C47ECBEBE349C10159BF7", "header": null } ]
That— (1) it is the sense of the Congress that music education grounded in rigorous instruction is an important component of a well-rounded academic curriculum and should be available to every student in every school; and (2) the Congress recognizes the International Music Products Association for its efforts to designate a Music Education Month in order to highlight the important role that school music programs play in the academic and social development of children.
Declares the sense of Congress that music education grounded in rigorous instruction is an important component of a well-rounded academic curriculum and should be available to every student in every school. Recognizes the International Music Products Association (also known as NAMM) for its efforts to designate a Music in Our Schools Month in order to highlight the important role that school music programs play in the academic and social development of children.
Recognizing the benefits and importance of school-based music education.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) honors and recognizes the American labor movement; (2) supports the designation of a National Labor History Month; and (3) urges government officials, educators, the media, and all Americans to observe a National Labor History Month with ceremonies, activities, and programs that encourage reflection on the labor movement's heritage and its many contributions to the creation and maintenance of a just America.", "id": "HDBEA6B031D2A4A5CA38993AAA51E73BD", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) honors and recognizes the American labor movement; (2) supports the designation of a National Labor History Month; and (3) urges government officials, educators, the media, and all Americans to observe a National Labor History Month with ceremonies, activities, and programs that encourage reflection on the labor movement's heritage and its many contributions to the creation and maintenance of a just America.
Honors and recognizes the American labor movement. Supports the designation of a National Labor History Month. Urges government officials, educators, the media, and all Americans to observe a National Labor History Month with ceremonies, activities, and programs that encourage reflection on the labor movement's heritage and contributions to the creation and maintenance of a just America.
Recognizing and honoring America's labor movement, supporting the designation of a National Labor History Month, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) strongly condemns the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for its attacks against innocent civilians in the impoverished Darfur region of western Sudan and demands that the Government of Sudan immediately cease these attacks; (2) calls on the international community to strongly condemn the Government of Sudan for these attacks and to demand that they cease; (3) urges the Government of Sudan to allow the delivery of humanitarian assistance for the people in the Darfur region; and (4) urges the President to direct the United States representative to the United Nations to seek an official investigation by the United Nations to determine if crimes against humanity have been committed by the Government of Sudan in the Darfur region.", "id": "H20FBAE500C2A42D9906B21E8890056A5", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) strongly condemns the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for its attacks against innocent civilians in the impoverished Darfur region of western Sudan and demands that the Government of Sudan immediately cease these attacks; (2) calls on the international community to strongly condemn the Government of Sudan for these attacks and to demand that they cease; (3) urges the Government of Sudan to allow the delivery of humanitarian assistance for the people in the Darfur region; and (4) urges the President to direct the United States representative to the United Nations to seek an official investigation by the United Nations to determine if crimes against humanity have been committed by the Government of Sudan in the Darfur region.
States that Congress: (1) condemns the Government of the Republic of the Sudan and militia groups supported by it for attacks against innocent civilians in the Darfur region of western Sudan and demands that the Government of Sudan immediately take actions to cease these attacks; (2) urges the Government of Sudan to disarm and disband government supported militia groups; (3) urges the Government of Sudan and all parties to honor commitments made in the cease-fire agreement of April 8, 2004; (4) calls on the Government of Sudan to grant full and immediate access to Darfur to humanitarian aid organizations, the human rights investigation and humanitarian teams of the United Nations (UN), and an international monitoring team in compliance with the temporary cease-fire agreement that is based in Darfur and has the support of the United States and the European Union; (5) encourages the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to work with donors to develop a plan to pre-position and deliver humanitarian assistance to Darfur, including a plan for air delivery of food; (6) calls on the Secretary of State to develop a plan for further bilateral and multilateral action if the Government of Sudan fails to undertake the actions called for in clause (3), including a plan to seek a Security Council resolution addressing the Darfur situation; (7) deplores the inaction of some UN member states and the failure of the United Nations Human Rights Commission to take strong action with respect to Darfur; (8) urges the President to direct the United States Representative to the United Nations to seek an official UN investigation to determine if crimes against humanity have been committed by the Government of Sudan in Darfur, and work with the international community to ensure that the individuals responsible for crimes against humanity in Darfur are accountable for their actions; and (9) urges the President to impose targeted sanctions, including a ban on travel to the United States and freezing of personal assets, against officials and other individuals of the Government of Sudan, as well as Janjaweed militia commanders, who are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region.
Condemning the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for its attacks against innocent civilians in the impoverished Darfur region of western Sudan.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) reiterates its strongest condemnation of the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and honors the victims of this heinous act; (2) expresses its sympathy to the relatives of the victims, who have waited ten years without justice for the loss of their loved ones, and may have to wait even longer for justice to be served; (3) underscores the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, decade-long delay in the proper resolution of this case; (4) strongly urges the Government of Argentina to continue to dedicate and provide the resources necessary for its judicial system and intelligence agencies to investigate all areas of the AMIA case, including by implementing Argentine President Nestor Kirchner’s executive order mandating the opening of the archives of Argentina’s Secretariat for State Intelligence (SIDE), and to prosecute with due haste those who are responsible for the bombing; (5) calls upon the international community to cooperate fully with the investigation, including by making information, witnesses, and suspects available for review and questioning by the appropriate Argentine authorities; (6) encourages the President to direct United States law enforcement agencies to provide support and cooperation to the Government of Argentina, if requested, for the purposes of deepening and expanding the investigation into this bombing and suspected activities in support of terrorism in the Tri-Border area where the borders of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet; (7) encourages the President to direct the United States Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) to— (A) seek support from OAS member countries for the creation of a special task force of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism to assist, as requested by the Government of Argentina, in the investigation of all aspects of the 1994 AMIA terrorist attack; and (B) urge OAS member countries to designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization if they have not already done so; (8) stresses the need for international pressure on Iran and Syria to extradite for trial individuals and government officials who are accused of planning or perpetrating the AMIA attack, and to immediately, unconditionally, and permanently cease any and all assistance to terrorists; and (9) desires a lasting, warm relationship between the United States and Argentina which is built, in part, on mutual abhorrence of terrorism and commitments to peace, stability, and democracy in the Western Hemisphere.", "id": "H756E22E1E0EB472BB7AA503058E8FD74", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) reiterates its strongest condemnation of the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and honors the victims of this heinous act; (2) expresses its sympathy to the relatives of the victims, who have waited ten years without justice for the loss of their loved ones, and may have to wait even longer for justice to be served; (3) underscores the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, decade-long delay in the proper resolution of this case; (4) strongly urges the Government of Argentina to continue to dedicate and provide the resources necessary for its judicial system and intelligence agencies to investigate all areas of the AMIA case, including by implementing Argentine President Nestor Kirchner’s executive order mandating the opening of the archives of Argentina’s Secretariat for State Intelligence (SIDE), and to prosecute with due haste those who are responsible for the bombing; (5) calls upon the international community to cooperate fully with the investigation, including by making information, witnesses, and suspects available for review and questioning by the appropriate Argentine authorities; (6) encourages the President to direct United States law enforcement agencies to provide support and cooperation to the Government of Argentina, if requested, for the purposes of deepening and expanding the investigation into this bombing and suspected activities in support of terrorism in the Tri-Border area where the borders of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil meet; (7) encourages the President to direct the United States Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) to— (A) seek support from OAS member countries for the creation of a special task force of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism to assist, as requested by the Government of Argentina, in the investigation of all aspects of the 1994 AMIA terrorist attack; and (B) urge OAS member countries to designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization if they have not already done so; (8) stresses the need for international pressure on Iran and Syria to extradite for trial individuals and government officials who are accused of planning or perpetrating the AMIA attack, and to immediately, unconditionally, and permanently cease any and all assistance to terrorists; and (9) desires a lasting, warm relationship between the United States and Argentina which is built, in part, on mutual abhorrence of terrorism and commitments to peace, stability, and democracy in the Western Hemisphere.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) States that Congress: (1) reiterates its strongest condemnation of the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina; (2) honors the victims of this heinous act and expresses its sympathy to the victims' relatives; (3) underscores U.S. concern regarding the case's continuing delay; (4) urges the Government of Argentina to continue to provide the resources necessary for its judicial system and intelligence agencies to investigate all areas of the AMIA case; (5) calls upon the international community to cooperate with the AMIA investigation; (6) encourages the President to direct U.S. law enforcement agencies to cooperate with the Government of Argentina to expand the investigation into this bombing and suspected terrorist support activities in the Tri-Border area of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil; (7) encourages the President to direct the U.S. Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS) to seek OAS support for the creation of a special task force of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism to assist in the AMIA investigation, and urge OAS member countries to designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization; (8) stresses the need for international pressure on Iran and Syria to extradite for trial individuals and government officials accused of planning or perpetrating the AMIA attack; and (9) desires a relationship between the United States and Argentina which is built in part on mutual abhorrence of terrorism and commitments to peace, stability, and democracy in the Western Hemisphere.
Condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing the concern of the United States regarding the continuing, decade-long delay in the resolution of this case.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Transparency Day, which promotes the financial transparency of charitable organizations; (2) recognizes that the issue of transparency is relevant to myriad entities in the United States, including ministries, non-profit and other organizations, corporations, and schools; (3) pledges to make bipartisan efforts to enact laws to protect donors from charitable organizations that are not financially transparent; and (4) acknowledges that the people of the United States are an exceedingly generous people and that National Transparency Day will encourage even greater generosity.", "id": "H9621970C49A04F1B9CB700C9B9D803D6", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Transparency Day, which promotes the financial transparency of charitable organizations; (2) recognizes that the issue of transparency is relevant to myriad entities in the United States, including ministries, non-profit and other organizations, corporations, and schools; (3) pledges to make bipartisan efforts to enact laws to protect donors from charitable organizations that are not financially transparent; and (4) acknowledges that the people of the United States are an exceedingly generous people and that National Transparency Day will encourage even greater generosity.
Declares that Congress: (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Transparency Day, which promotes the financial transparency of charitable organizations; (2) recognizes that the issue of transparency is relevant to myriad entities in the United States, including ministries, non-profit and other organizations, corporations, and schools; (3) pledges to make bipartisan efforts to enact laws to protect donors from charitable organizations that are not financially transparent; and (4) acknowledges that the people of the United States are an exceedingly generous people and that National Transparency Day will encourage even greater generosity.
Supporting the goals and ideals of National Transparency Day, which promotes the financial transparency of charitable organizations.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Robert Fighting Bob La Follette, Sr.; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "id": "H709746C26C7A4976BBD072A8714C7DDC", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Robert Fighting Bob La Follette, Sr.; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette, Sr.; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
Expressing the sense of Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette, Sr., and that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) commends United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, United Nations Special Advisor on Cyprus Alvaro De Soto, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Ambassador Thomas Weston, the State Department’s Cyprus Coordinator, for their tireless and creative efforts on behalf of a solution to the reunification of Cyprus; (2) expresses its admiration for the bold and courageous leadership shown by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to help move the United Nations-sponsored Annan Plan forward in a positive manner; (3) lauds the commitment to peace of Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis of Greece who supported the United Nations-sponsored plan despite the opposition of the Greek Cypriot leadership; (4) congratulates the Turkish Cypriots for their historic landslide vote in favor of the United Nations-sponsored plan and requests the Turkish Cypriots not to abandon all hope of a united Cyprus or eventual membership in the European Union; and (5) calls on the United States Government and the European Union to take measures to lift the economic and political isolation of the Turkish Cypriots.", "id": "HEAD30F84951B44BBADBDC50B778C677", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "HA54B7844089A4A21BEDBC0427F18E3E9", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) commends United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, United Nations Special Advisor on Cyprus Alvaro De Soto, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Ambassador Thomas Weston, the State Department’s Cyprus Coordinator, for their tireless and creative efforts on behalf of a solution to the reunification of Cyprus; (2) expresses its admiration for the bold and courageous leadership shown by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to help move the United Nations-sponsored Annan Plan forward in a positive manner; (3) lauds the commitment to peace of Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis of Greece who supported the United Nations-sponsored plan despite the opposition of the Greek Cypriot leadership; (4) congratulates the Turkish Cypriots for their historic landslide vote in favor of the United Nations-sponsored plan and requests the Turkish Cypriots not to abandon all hope of a united Cyprus or eventual membership in the European Union; and (5) calls on the United States Government and the European Union to take measures to lift the economic and political isolation of the Turkish Cypriots.
States that Congress: (1) commends United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, United Nations Special Advisor on Cyprus Alvaro De Soto, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Ambassador Thomas Weston, the State Department's Cyprus Coordinator, for their efforts on behalf of a solution to the reunification of Cyprus; (2) expresses its admiration for the leadership shown by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to help move the United Nations-sponsored `Annan Plan' forward; (3) lauds the commitment to peace of Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis of Greece who supported the United Nations-sponsored plan despite the opposition of the Greek Cypriot leadership; (4) congratulates the Turkish Cypriots for their historic landslide vote in favor of the United Nations-sponsored plan and requests the Turkish Cypriots not to abandon all hope of a united Cyprus or eventual membership in the European Union; and (5) calls on the United States Government and the European Union to take measures to lift the economic and political isolation of the Turkish Cypriots.
Relating to the reunification of Cyprus.
[ { "text": "That Congress commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the first meeting of the Republican Party in Ripon, Wisconsin.", "id": "HD945DABF2C6441BB92A8FC368DEA2167", "header": null } ]
That Congress commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the first meeting of the Republican Party in Ripon, Wisconsin.
Commemorates the 150th anniversary of the first meeting of the Republican Party in Ripon, Wisconsin.
Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the first meeting of the Republican Party in Ripon, Wisconsin.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) calls on the Department of Justice to investigate the murders of James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman to determine if a prosecution can be brought under Federal law; (2) calls on Attorney General John Ashcroft, to make a formal offer to the Attorney General of Mississippi of the services of the Department of Justice to review the case file and serve as special prosecutor in a new trial; and (3) calls on Attorney General John Ashcroft to report to Congress the findings of the investigation.", "id": "H2AECD242FCFC4A578F410507FA032773", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) calls on the Department of Justice to investigate the murders of James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman to determine if a prosecution can be brought under Federal law; (2) calls on Attorney General John Ashcroft, to make a formal offer to the Attorney General of Mississippi of the services of the Department of Justice to review the case file and serve as special prosecutor in a new trial; and (3) calls on Attorney General John Ashcroft to report to Congress the findings of the investigation.
Calls on the Department of Justice to investigate the murders of James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman (volunteers for "Freedom Summer," a project dedicated to helping African Americans in Mississippi earn equal rights) in 1964. Calls on Attorney General John Ashcroft to: (1) formally offer the Attorney General of Mississippi the Department's services to review the case file and serve as special prosecutor in a new trial; and (2) report to Congress the findings of the Department's investigation.
Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the murders of James E. Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense, Federal banking agencies, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission should work to mitigate the financial hardships experienced by the members of the reserve component as a direct result of being called to active duty, including issuing guidance and rules that allow for the consideration of appropriate deferral of home loans by financial institutions.", "id": "H01704014F18542AF9C66F21359231948", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense, Federal banking agencies, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission should work to mitigate the financial hardships experienced by the members of the reserve component as a direct result of being called to active duty, including issuing guidance and rules that allow for the consideration of appropriate deferral of home loans by financial institutions.
Expresses the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense, Federal banking agencies, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission should work to mitigate the financial hardship experienced by members of the reserves as a direct result of being called to active duty, including the issuance of guidance and rules that allow for the consideration of appropriate deferral of home loans by financial institutions.
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense, Federal banking agencies, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission should work to mitigate the financial hardships experienced by members of the reserve component as a result of being called to active duty.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H0668BAF302F24ADFA39C01EB73F3B786", "header": null }, { "text": "the 108th Congress recognizes National Transportation Week and applauds the men and women who keep America moving.", "id": "H6A5B2E10B00E4DD48F3B9E7DA4915175", "header": null } ]
That the 108th Congress recognizes National Transportation Week and applauds the men and women who keep America moving.
Recognizes National Transportation Week. Applauds the men and women who keep America moving.
Recognizing National Transportation Week and applauding the men and women who keep America moving.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a postage stamp should be issued to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "id": "H43005E993015480E86D8A22D85A3DAF6", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a postage stamp should be issued to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.
Calls on the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to recommend to the Postmaster General that a commemorative stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service honoring law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a postage stamp should be issued to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that the United States flag flown over the United States Capitol should be lowered to half-mast one day each month in honor of the brave men and women from the United States who have lost their lives in military conflicts.", "id": "H8E75BEA1F6E449FAB57812472258A204", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that the United States flag flown over the United States Capitol should be lowered to half-mast one day each month in honor of the brave men and women from the United States who have lost their lives in military conflicts.
Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol should be lowered to half-mast one day each month in honor of the men and women from the United States who have lost their lives in military conflicts.
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States flag flown over the United States Capitol should be lowered to half-mast one day each month in honor of the brave men and women from the United States who have lost their lives in military conflicts.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) condemns the numerous violations of fundamental human rights by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic; (2) calls on the international community to adopt a resolution at the upcoming 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which details the dismal human rights record of Syria and establishes a Special Rapporteur to further investigate these abuses; (3) expresses its support for the people of Syria in their daily struggle for freedom, respect for human rights and civil liberties, democratic self-governance, and the establishment of the rule of law; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State, acting through the Middle East Partnership Initiative (managed by the Department of State) and other avenues, to reach out to dissidents, human rights activists, and the pro-democracy opposition in Syria, and to assist them in their efforts; and (5) urges the adoption and pursuit of these and other policies to seek a democratic government in Syria that will— (A) restore freedom to the people of Syria; (B) cease the illegal occupation by Syria of the Lebanese Republic; (C) abandon support for terrorism by Syria; and (D) live in peace and security with the international community.", "id": "H537095CA68F54E6ABB1EC9D49DBE46", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) condemns the numerous violations of fundamental human rights by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic; (2) calls on the international community to adopt a resolution at the upcoming 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which details the dismal human rights record of Syria and establishes a Special Rapporteur to further investigate these abuses; (3) expresses its support for the people of Syria in their daily struggle for freedom, respect for human rights and civil liberties, democratic self-governance, and the establishment of the rule of law; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State, acting through the Middle East Partnership Initiative (managed by the Department of State) and other avenues, to reach out to dissidents, human rights activists, and the pro-democracy opposition in Syria, and to assist them in their efforts; and (5) urges the adoption and pursuit of these and other policies to seek a democratic government in Syria that will— (A) restore freedom to the people of Syria; (B) cease the illegal occupation by Syria of the Lebanese Republic; (C) abandon support for terrorism by Syria; and (D) live in peace and security with the international community.
Declares that Congress condemns the consistent pattern of gross human rights violations by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic. Calls on the international community to adopt a resolution at the upcoming 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which details the dismal human rights record of Syria. Expresses its support for the Syrian people in their struggle for freedom, respect for human rights and civil liberties, democratic self-governance, and the establishment of the rule of law. Encourages the President and the Secretary of State to assist dissidents, human rights activists, and the nonviolent pro-democracy opposition in Syria. Urges the adoption and pursuit of these and other policies to seek a democratic government in Syria that will: (1) bring freedom to the Syrian people; (2) cease the illegal Syrian occupation of the Lebanese Republic; (3) abandon Syrian support for terrorism; (4) not pursue development or transfer of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons, and permit international observers to verify such assurances; and (5) live in peace and security with the international community.
Expressing the grave concern of Congress regarding the continuing gross violations of human rights and civil liberties of the Syrian people by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes the essential role of nuclear power in the national energy policy of the United States; and (2) supports the increased use of nuclear power and the construction and development of new and improved nuclear power generating plants as a means of contributing to national energy independence and maintaining a clean environment.", "id": "HA522490603C24B11BF84A7CBA5D761E8", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes the essential role of nuclear power in the national energy policy of the United States; and (2) supports the increased use of nuclear power and the construction and development of new and improved nuclear power generating plants as a means of contributing to national energy independence and maintaining a clean environment.
States that Congress: (1) recognizes the essential role of nuclear power in the national energy policy of the United States; and (2) supports the increased use of nuclear power and the construction and development of new and improved nuclear power generating plants as a means of contributing to national energy independence and maintaining a clean environment.
Recognizing the essential role of nuclear power in the national energy policy of the United States and supporting the increased use of nuclear power and the construction and development of new and improved nuclear power generating plants.
[ { "text": "That Congress recognizes and honors Donald J. Smith for his commitment to providing housing and economic assistance opportunities to Los Angeles-area low-income families.", "id": "H4704FE8392D84052BCB6F3235EBBEE7", "header": null } ]
That Congress recognizes and honors Donald J. Smith for his commitment to providing housing and economic assistance opportunities to Los Angeles-area low-income families.
States that Congress recognizes and honors Donald J. Smith for his commitment to providing housing and economic assistance opportunities to Los Angeles-area low-income families.
Honoring Donald J. Smith for his commitment to providing housing and economic assistance opportunities to Los Angeles-area low-income families.
[ { "text": "That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) the President should seek a commitment from the leaders of the European Union that the European Union will not lift its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (2) the 2005 annual report by the Department of Defense on the military power of the People’s Republic of China required by section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 ( 10 U.S.C. 113 note) should include— (A) an analysis of the effect on United States interests in the Asia-Pacific region if the European Union lifts its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (B) a review of the steps taken by the United States to address such action by the European Union.", "id": "HFC6D4D2BA06144899F30FEA65E25EB3", "header": null } ]
That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) the President should seek a commitment from the leaders of the European Union that the European Union will not lift its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (2) the 2005 annual report by the Department of Defense on the military power of the People’s Republic of China required by section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 ( 10 U.S.C. 113 note) should include— (A) an analysis of the effect on United States interests in the Asia-Pacific region if the European Union lifts its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (B) a review of the steps taken by the United States to address such action by the European Union.
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the President should seek an European Union (EU) commitment that it will not lift its arms sale embargo to the People's Republic of China (PRC); and (2) the 2005 Department of Defense military report on the PRC should include an analysis of such embargo's lifting on U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific region and a review of U.S. steps taken to address such EU action.
Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the European Union's plans to lift the embargo on arms sales to the People's Republic of China.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recommends that the amount of funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be greater than the amount of funds appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004; (2) recommends that any funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be used to deploy a ground-based, strategic, mid-course, ballistic missile defense system that has not met operational testing requirements that demonstrate the maturity of all of the critical technologies; and (3) recommends that funds appropriated for port security programs within the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2005 should be increased by $500,000,000 over the amounts appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004.", "id": "HBCBBF6179035415294FE33297D8CDBD0", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recommends that the amount of funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be greater than the amount of funds appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004; (2) recommends that any funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be used to deploy a ground-based, strategic, mid-course, ballistic missile defense system that has not met operational testing requirements that demonstrate the maturity of all of the critical technologies; and (3) recommends that funds appropriated for port security programs within the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2005 should be increased by $500,000,000 over the amounts appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004.
Recommends that: (1) the amount of funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for FY 2005 should be capped at FY 2004 levels; (2) any funds appropriated for such programs for FY 2005 should not be used to deploy a ground-based, strategic, midcourse, ballistic missile defense system that has not met operational testing requirements demonstrating the maturity of all critical technologies; and (3) funds appropriated for port security programs within the Department of Homeland Security for FY 2005 should be increased by $500 million over FY 2004 levels.
Recommending that Congress not provide funds for fiscal year 2005 for the deployment of ground-based, strategic, mid-course, ballistic missile defense system components that have not met operational testing requirements and, instead, provide needed funding for programs designed to keep America's ports secure from terrorist attacks.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) congratulates Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy for setting world records in civil aviation history; and (2) commends the Aerosquad After School Program at Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum in Compton, California, as well as other youth aviation programs that encourage young minorities to enter the field of civil aviation.", "id": "HCB504E49A453486E963CE3BD55480334", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) congratulates Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy for setting world records in civil aviation history; and (2) commends the Aerosquad After School Program at Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum in Compton, California, as well as other youth aviation programs that encourage young minorities to enter the field of civil aviation.
Congratulates Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy for setting world records in civil aviation history. Commends the Aerosquad After School Program at Tomorrow's Aeronautical Museum in Compton, California, as well as other youth aviation programs that encourage young minorities to enter the field of civil aviation.
Congratulating Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy for setting world records in civil aviation history and commending youth aviation programs that encourage young minorities to enter the field of civil aviation.
[ { "text": "That Congress recognizes as an historic achievement of friendship more than 5 decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in pursuit of international peace and security, and recognizes with solemn regard for the cost of preserving peace, the importance of the nuclear weapon test code-named Bravo at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954.", "id": "H62FFC7D147064E8AADABA6F28CF93645", "header": null } ]
That Congress recognizes as an historic achievement of friendship more than 5 decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in pursuit of international peace and security, and recognizes with solemn regard for the cost of preserving peace, the importance of the nuclear weapon test code-named Bravo at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) States that Congress recognizes: (1) as an historic achievement of friendship more than five decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in pursuit of international peace and security; and (2) the importance of the nuclear weapon test code-named Bravo at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954.
To recognize more than 5 decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in the pursuit of international peace and security, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) commends the Poppenhusen Institute and the College Point community for establishing the first free kindergarten in the United States; and (2) supports the strong beginning provided by kindergartens across the United States to the Nation’s children.", "id": "HDA29481EE51649549FE6C941ED742BA0", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "H64A85EB8B9EC4807AE55CC67267BE4F", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) commends the Poppenhusen Institute and the College Point community for establishing the first free kindergarten in the United States; and (2) supports the strong beginning provided by kindergartens across the United States to the Nation’s children.
Commends the Poppenhusen Institute and the College Point community for establishing the first free kindergarten in the United States. Supports the strong beginning provided by kindergartens across the United States to the Nation's children.
Commending the first United States kindergarten, established in College Point, New York, and for other purposes.
[ { "text": "", "id": "HD574E6214D764A90B382BD97170047C4", "header": null }, { "text": "", "id": "H17CF8E5CBA534842B53E232B57C53863", "header": null }, { "text": "1. Authorization of use of Capitol Grounds for D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run \nOn June 4, 2004, or on such other date as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate may jointly designate, the 2004 District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run (in this resolution referred to as the event ) may be run through the Capitol Grounds as part of the journey of the Special Olympics torch to the District of Columbia Special Olympics summer games.", "id": "H06F6BAF71BB64F9000D56D81E852FE79", "header": "Authorization of use of Capitol Grounds for D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run" }, { "text": "2. Responsibility of Capitol Police Board \nThe Capitol Police Board shall take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the event.", "id": "H55C4FD605DDB4C67007E573DAE3C00FD", "header": "Responsibility of Capitol Police Board" }, { "text": "3. Conditions relating to physical preparations \nThe Architect of the Capitol may prescribe conditions for physical preparations for the event.", "id": "H92844CF3DD2848929FEA478BCEB0D83", "header": "Conditions relating to physical preparations" }, { "text": "4. Enforcement of restrictions \nThe Capitol Police Board shall provide for enforcement of the restrictions contained in section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, concerning sales, advertisements, displays, and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as well as other restrictions applicable to the Capitol Grounds, in connection with the event.", "id": "H466C3A7DF0414C84AD6481DD7CAE91B5", "header": "Enforcement of restrictions" } ]
1. Authorization of use of Capitol Grounds for D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run On June 4, 2004, or on such other date as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate may jointly designate, the 2004 District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run (in this resolution referred to as the event ) may be run through the Capitol Grounds as part of the journey of the Special Olympics torch to the District of Columbia Special Olympics summer games. 2. Responsibility of Capitol Police Board The Capitol Police Board shall take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the event. 3. Conditions relating to physical preparations The Architect of the Capitol may prescribe conditions for physical preparations for the event. 4. Enforcement of restrictions The Capitol Police Board shall provide for enforcement of the restrictions contained in section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, concerning sales, advertisements, displays, and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as well as other restrictions applicable to the Capitol Grounds, in connection with the event.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Authorizes the 2004 District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run to be run through the Capitol grounds on June 4, 2004.
Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H295C59EE99E34984AD9120EDC04100FE", "header": null }, { "text": "the Congress— (1) congratulates the Citizens Savings Bank & Trust of Nashville, Tennessee, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the bank, for its dedication and service to the people of Tennessee; (2) recognizes the vital role the Nation’s minority-owned banks have played in providing financial services and resources to minority individuals and businesses, particularly in communities that have been underserved by other institutions; and (3) honors the Nation’s minority-owned banks for their historic and continuing contributions to the economic and social well-being of the communities they serve.", "id": "HC73C695084824E0EB155DDA6669E09CE", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) congratulates the Citizens Savings Bank & Trust of Nashville, Tennessee, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the bank, for its dedication and service to the people of Tennessee; (2) recognizes the vital role the Nation’s minority-owned banks have played in providing financial services and resources to minority individuals and businesses, particularly in communities that have been underserved by other institutions; and (3) honors the Nation’s minority-owned banks for their historic and continuing contributions to the economic and social well-being of the communities they serve.
Declares that Congress: (1) congratulates the Citizens Savings Bank & Trust of Nashville, Tennessee, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the bank, for its dedication and service to the people of Tennessee; (2) recognizes the vital role the Nation's minority-owned banks have played in providing financial services and resources to minority individuals and businesses, particularly in communities that have been underserved by other institutions; and (3) honors the Nation's minority-owned banks for their historic and continuing contributions to the economic and social well-being of the communities they serve.
Recognizing the 100th anniversary of Citizens Bank, the Nation's oldest continuously operating minority-owned bank, and honoring the many contributions of the Nation's minority-owned banks.
[ { "text": "That the Congress affirms its support for preserving Alexander Hamilton’s image on the face of $10 Federal reserve notes because of his standing as one of the United States’ most influential founding fathers.", "id": "H8AFE9138B3B146460097E809CD2559B", "header": null } ]
That the Congress affirms its support for preserving Alexander Hamilton’s image on the face of $10 Federal reserve notes because of his standing as one of the United States’ most influential founding fathers.
Declares that Congress affirms its support for preserving Alexander Hamilton's image on the face of $10 Federal reserve notes because of his standing as one of the United States' most influential founding fathers.
Affirming the support of the Congress for preserving the image of Alexander Hamilton on the face of $10 Federal reserve notes because of his standing as one of the United States' most influential founding fathers.
[ { "text": "That Congress commends those individuals that have donated prepaid telephone cards to members of the United States Armed Forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.", "id": "H75C577E264844FA7AFBEEC576468CFF", "header": null } ]
That Congress commends those individuals that have donated prepaid telephone cards to members of the United States Armed Forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Commends those individuals who have donated prepaid telephone cards to members of the Armed Forces participating in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
Commending those individuals that have donated prepaid telephone cards to members of the United States Armed Forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
[ { "text": "That all restrictions should be removed from the public, the press, and military families in mourning that would prohibit their presence at the arrival at military installations in the United States or overseas of the remains of the Nation’s fallen heroes, the members of the Armed Forces who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, with the assurance that family requests for privacy will be respected.", "id": "H810E01E01BF34D8CAA81F197BA222ED2", "header": null } ]
That all restrictions should be removed from the public, the press, and military families in mourning that would prohibit their presence at the arrival at military installations in the United States or overseas of the remains of the Nation’s fallen heroes, the members of the Armed Forces who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, with the assurance that family requests for privacy will be respected.
Resolves that all restrictions should be removed from the public, the press, and military families in mourning that would prohibit their presence at the arrival at military installations in the United States or overseas of the remains of members of the U.S. armed forces who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, with the assurance that family requests for privacy will be respected.
Calling for the removal of all restrictions from the public, the press, and military families in mourning that would prohibit their presence at the arrival at military installations in the United States or overseas of the remains of the Nation's fallen heroes, the members of the Armed Forces who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, with the assurance that family requests for privacy will be respected.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) honors the life and work of Duke Ellington and his immortal contributions to American and world music; (2) recognizes the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of its 30th anniversary; and (3) supports the annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival to be held in Washington, D.C., beginning in 2005.", "id": "H58B9040C216A4ADDB5A22471FFC839E6", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) honors the life and work of Duke Ellington and his immortal contributions to American and world music; (2) recognizes the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of its 30th anniversary; and (3) supports the annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival to be held in Washington, D.C., beginning in 2005.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that Congress: (1) honors the life and work of Duke Ellington and his immortal contributions to American and world music; (2) recognizes the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of its 30th anniversary; and (3) supports the annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival to be held in Washington, D.C., beginning in 2005.
Honoring the life and work of Duke Ellington, recognizing the 30th anniversary of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts, and supporting the annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) honors the goals and ideals of National Nurse Practitioners Week; and (2) offers sincere support to nurse practitioners around the country as they continue to provide high-quality health care to many Americans.", "id": "H4C14467E8F8C47E8A90079BCB3E09BC6", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) honors the goals and ideals of National Nurse Practitioners Week; and (2) offers sincere support to nurse practitioners around the country as they continue to provide high-quality health care to many Americans.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that the Congress: (1) honors the goals and ideals of National Nurse Practitioners Week (November 7-13, 2004); and (2) offers sincere support to nurse practitioners around the country as they continue to provide high-quality health care to many Americans.
Honoring the goals and ideals of National Nurse Practitioners Week.
[ { "text": "That the Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Delaware men’s football team for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA football national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff; (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to the University of Delaware for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA men’s football national championship team.", "id": "H121475419A4649BDAAEFC188E400AE51", "header": null } ]
That the Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Delaware men’s football team for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA football national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff; (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to the University of Delaware for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA men’s football national championship team.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Congratulates the University of Delaware Blue Hens for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I-AA football national championship.
Congratulating the University of Delaware men's football team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association I-AA national championship.
[ { "text": "1. Establishment of plan to implement recommendations of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission \n(a) Plan \nThe President is strongly urged to take immediate steps to establish a plan to implement the recommendations contained in the 2004 Report to the Congress of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in order to correct the current imbalance in the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. (b) Contents \nSuch plan should contain the following: (1) Actions to address China’s policy of undervaluing its currency, to encourage China to provide for a substantial upward revaluation of the Chinese yuan against the United States dollar and to re-peg the yuan to a trade-weighted basket of currencies, and to concurrently encourage United States trading partners with similar interests to join in these efforts. (2) Actions to make more use of the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and applicable United States trade laws to redress unfair Chinese trade practices, including China’s exchange rate manipulation, denial of trading and distribution rights, lack of intellectual property rights protection, objectionable labor standards, subsidies to export industries, forced technology transfers used as a condition of doing business, and using the United States Trade Representative to consult with trading partners who have mutual interests at the outset of each new trade dispute with China. (3) Actions by the United States Trade Representative and other appropriate United States Government officials to ensure that the World Trade Organization’s Transitional Review Mechanism process is a meaningful multilateral review that measures China’s compliance with its WTO commitments and to work with the European Union, Japan, and other major trading partners to produce a separate, unified annual report that measures and reports on China’s progress toward compliance and coordinates a plan of action to address China’s shortcomings. (4)(A) Actions to address the governance and security concerns relating to China’s outreach to the global capital markets, including the need for the United States Trade Representative and the Department of Commerce to undertake immediately a comprehensive investigation of China's system of government subsidies for manufacturing, including tax incentives, preferential access to credit and capital from state-owned financial institutions, subsidized utilities, investment conditions requiring technology transfers, discriminatory consumption credits that shift demand toward Chinese goods, Chinese state-owned banks’ practice of noncommercial-based policy lending to state-owned and other enterprises, and China’s dual pricing system for coal and other energy sources. (B) A report to be submitted to Congress by the Department of Commerce not later than 90 days after the date of the adoption of this concurrent resolution that (i) will contain the results of the actions described in subparagraph (A), (ii) will assess whether any of China’s practices described in such subparagraph may be actionable subsidies under the World Trade Organization, and (iii) will describe specific steps that the United States will take to address these practices. (5) Actions to address China’s coordinated national strategy for technology development and to establish and publish a coordinated, comprehensive national policy and strategy designed to meet China’s challenge to the maintenance of United States scientific and technological leadership and competitiveness. (6) Any additional actions outlined by the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in its 2004 Report to the Congress that affects the economic relationship between the United States and China.", "id": "H49D5BBD55C6A447B947EA1E1667F4086", "header": "Establishment of plan to implement recommendations of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission" } ]
1. Establishment of plan to implement recommendations of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (a) Plan The President is strongly urged to take immediate steps to establish a plan to implement the recommendations contained in the 2004 Report to the Congress of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in order to correct the current imbalance in the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. (b) Contents Such plan should contain the following: (1) Actions to address China’s policy of undervaluing its currency, to encourage China to provide for a substantial upward revaluation of the Chinese yuan against the United States dollar and to re-peg the yuan to a trade-weighted basket of currencies, and to concurrently encourage United States trading partners with similar interests to join in these efforts. (2) Actions to make more use of the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and applicable United States trade laws to redress unfair Chinese trade practices, including China’s exchange rate manipulation, denial of trading and distribution rights, lack of intellectual property rights protection, objectionable labor standards, subsidies to export industries, forced technology transfers used as a condition of doing business, and using the United States Trade Representative to consult with trading partners who have mutual interests at the outset of each new trade dispute with China. (3) Actions by the United States Trade Representative and other appropriate United States Government officials to ensure that the World Trade Organization’s Transitional Review Mechanism process is a meaningful multilateral review that measures China’s compliance with its WTO commitments and to work with the European Union, Japan, and other major trading partners to produce a separate, unified annual report that measures and reports on China’s progress toward compliance and coordinates a plan of action to address China’s shortcomings. (4)(A) Actions to address the governance and security concerns relating to China’s outreach to the global capital markets, including the need for the United States Trade Representative and the Department of Commerce to undertake immediately a comprehensive investigation of China's system of government subsidies for manufacturing, including tax incentives, preferential access to credit and capital from state-owned financial institutions, subsidized utilities, investment conditions requiring technology transfers, discriminatory consumption credits that shift demand toward Chinese goods, Chinese state-owned banks’ practice of noncommercial-based policy lending to state-owned and other enterprises, and China’s dual pricing system for coal and other energy sources. (B) A report to be submitted to Congress by the Department of Commerce not later than 90 days after the date of the adoption of this concurrent resolution that (i) will contain the results of the actions described in subparagraph (A), (ii) will assess whether any of China’s practices described in such subparagraph may be actionable subsidies under the World Trade Organization, and (iii) will describe specific steps that the United States will take to address these practices. (5) Actions to address China’s coordinated national strategy for technology development and to establish and publish a coordinated, comprehensive national policy and strategy designed to meet China’s challenge to the maintenance of United States scientific and technological leadership and competitiveness. (6) Any additional actions outlined by the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in its 2004 Report to the Congress that affects the economic relationship between the United States and China.
Urges the President to take immediate steps to establish a plan to implement the recommendations contained in the 2004 Report to Congress of the United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission in order to correct the current imbalance in the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.
Urging the President to take immediate steps to establish a plan to adopt the recommendations of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in its 2004 Report to the Congress in order to correct the current imbalance in the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China.
[ { "text": "That Congress— (1) recognizes that teaching young people to have an appreciation of Western civilization is central to the development and maintenance of a vibrant, united, and enduring United States polity, culture, and society; and (2) encourages local school boards and State departments of education to ensure that these concepts and ideals are effectively taught, and that all young people who graduate from high schools do so with an understanding and appreciation of the values, contributions, and accomplishments of Western civilization.", "id": "H52BE7C00F41F4A54A1F834F27475D2DA", "header": null } ]
That Congress— (1) recognizes that teaching young people to have an appreciation of Western civilization is central to the development and maintenance of a vibrant, united, and enduring United States polity, culture, and society; and (2) encourages local school boards and State departments of education to ensure that these concepts and ideals are effectively taught, and that all young people who graduate from high schools do so with an understanding and appreciation of the values, contributions, and accomplishments of Western civilization.
Recognizes that teaching young people to have an appreciation of Western civilization is central to the development and maintenance of a vibrant, united, and enduring U.S. polity, culture, and society. Encourages local school boards and State departments of education to ensure that these concepts and ideals are effectively taught, and that all young people who graduate from high schools do so with an understanding and appreciation of the values, contributions, and accomplishments of Western civilization.
Recognizing the importance of Western civilization.
[ { "text": "That", "id": "H0668BAF302F24ADFA39C01EB73F3B786", "header": null }, { "text": "the 108th Congress— (1) applauds the men and women who keep America moving; (2) recognizes National Transportation Week by supporting the goals of that Week; and (3) urges all Americans to become more aware of the benefits and contributions of transportation to the United States economy.", "id": "H6A5B2E10B00E4DD48F3B9E7DA4915175", "header": null } ]
That the 108th Congress— (1) applauds the men and women who keep America moving; (2) recognizes National Transportation Week by supporting the goals of that Week; and (3) urges all Americans to become more aware of the benefits and contributions of transportation to the United States economy.
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Declares that the 108th Congress: (1) applauds the men and women who keep America moving; (2) recognizes National Transportation Week by supporting the goals of that Week; and (3) urges all Americans to become more aware of the benefits and contributions of transportation to the U.S. economy.
Applauding the men and women who keep America moving and recognizing National Transportation Week.

Dataset Card for "bill_summary_us"

Dataset Summary

Dataset for summarization of summarization of US Congressional bills (bill_summary_us).

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

Data Instances


Data Fields

  • id: id of the bill in format(congress number + bill type + bill number + bill version).
  • congress: number of the congress.
  • bill_type: type of the bill.
  • bill_number: number of the bill.
  • bill_version: version of the bill.
  • sections: list of bill sections with section_id, text and header.
  • sections_length: number with lenght of the sections list.
  • text: bill text.
  • text_length: number of characters in the text.
  • summary: summary of the bill.
  • summary_length: number of characters in the summary.
  • title: official title of the bill.

Data Splits


Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Bills (proposed laws) are specialized, structured documents with great public significance. Often, the language of a bill may not directly explain the potential impact of the legislation. For bills in the U.S. Congress, the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress provides professional, non-partisan summaries of bills. These are valuable for public understanding of the bills and are serve as an essential part of the lawmaking process to understand the meaning and potential legislative impact.

This dataset collects the text of bills, some metadata, as well as the CRS summaries. In order to build more accurate ML models for bill summarization it is important to have a clean dataset, alongside the professionally-written CRS summaries. ML summarization models built on generic data are bound to produce less accurate results (sometimes creating summaries that describe the opposite of a bill's actual effect). In addition, models that attempt to summarize all bills (some of which may reach 4000 pages long) may also be inaccurate due to the current limitations of summarization on long texts.

As a result, this dataset collects bill and summary information; it provides text as a list of sections with the text and header. This could be used to create a summary of sections and then a summary of summaries.

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

The data consists of the US congress bills that were collected from the service provided by the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO) under CC0-1.0 license.

Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Licensing Information

Bill and summary information are public and are unlicensed, as it is data produced by government entities. The collection and enhancement work that we provide for this dataset, to the degree it may be covered by copyright, is released under CC0.

Citation Information

[More Information Needed]


Thanks to @aih @BorodaUA, @alexbojko for adding this dataset.

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