How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance?
Guaranteed Replacement Cost is a common term that is sometimes misused by agents. It means that, if your home is destroyed, your insurance company will rebuilt it, whatever it costs with no limit. This was a very common settlement option at one time. Insurance companies began offering it to differentiate themselves and soon, almost every company offered it. Today, it's not like that. Some companies will offer it, but only to certain properties. Beware this term when it's thrown around by agents. Some will misuse it to make it seem like they have this when they actually don't. Today, most companies will offer something called "Extended Replacement Cost" or other, similar terms. This means that they will replace your home, even if it costs more that the limit on the policy, but they will only go to an extra 10,25, or 50% of the limit. For example, if your home is insured to $100,000, they may pay up to $110,000, $125,000, or $150,000 to rebuild it. Some agents will call this Guaranteed Replacement Cost. Beware, there's nothing guaranteed about it. The bottom line is this: Be smart, get an agent you can trust that's more worried about covering you correctly than just getting a new commission.
When Can You Disenroll From A Medicare Advantage Plan?
It is best to look at the open enrollment period for the smoothest transition. However there may come a time when you just cannot continue to have the coverage and need to make a change. These plans are not intended for members to jump into and out of them but there is always an option to get out and return to a traditional medicare plan. You would have an option of looking into a supplement as well. The best way to deal with this situation is to speak with an agent that understands Medicare and its rules.
Does Grange Auto Insurance Cover Rental Cars?
MetLife and its related companies have the most assets and life insurance in force than any other U.S. Company. John Hancock has the best five year net investment yield of U.S. carriers.There are life insurance companies who are the number one in several critical balance sheet items.
How Do I Get My Own Health Insurance?
You can get your own health insurance very easily. I'll provide a short accurate answer. Under new legislation, there are Open Enrollment periods, subsidies, Special Enrollment Periods (SEP), Exchange plans, off-Exchange plans and much more. It can be very confusing to find and pick the best plan at the lowest price. So...what do you do? Work with a broker! No fees or costs..just a lot of time and money saved! LIVE answer provided by: Ed Harris - Premier health insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated healthcare websites that provide the lowest available rates.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Collapse Due To Snow?
Great question! The answer is most often yes, if your home has a sloped roof, and your particular policy provides for that coverage. If your roof is flat, that is probably a different story. Typically with a flat roof, the risk for ice or snow damage is greatly increased, so your policy is either much more expensive, or that damage is excluded. Call your agent to be certain in either case. Good luck! Thanks for asking!
Will Life Insurance Know If I Smoke?
That is a great question! The answer is simple, the cost of your auto insurance for your imported car is higher because the cost to repair it, should you damage it, is more expensive than a domestically made car would cost. The expense for parts and the specialized mechanics would cost the insurance company more, so they pass that expense on to you. Thanks for asking!
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Have Life Insurance?
Blue Cross / Blue Shield is the name of the network association for a number of health insurance companies (includes Anthem and CareFirst). Many health insurance companies do also offer life insurance programs, however, it's typically not the type of coverage they specialize in and the products may therefore not be as competitive as insurance companies who feature life insurance programs as the main type of insurance they offer. Insurance companies specializing in life insurance tend to have more aggressive underwriting and can offer lower rates because they want to secure that type of business more than others. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
What Does Home Hazard Insurance Cover?
Homeownersinsurance often called hazardinsurancehas three (3) policy form types known as Basic, Broad and Special. Basic form will cover Fire Lightning InternalExplosion Windstorm or Hail Explosion Smoke Aircraft or Vehicle Riot or Civilcommotion Volcanic eruption Vandalism Broad form will cover all the above and add: Burglarydamage Falling Objects Weight of Ice and Snow Water Damage by pipes bursting (pipe itself is not covered for this peril) Discharge, overflow steam Freezing of plumbing Artificiallygenerated electricity Special formcoverseverythingexcept that is not specifically excluded: Below or the most common exclusions Ordinance or Law Earthquake Flood Power failure Neglect War Nuclearhazard intentional act Insects orVermin Special form has two type of form known as HO3 and HO5 in which you can increase or add specifically limitedcoverage'ssuch as jewelry. Talk to your local agent so he can access your specific needs for homeownersinsurance. Your home is one of your most importantassists and needs to be properly protected.
Can Annuities Be Used For Collateral?
Tax deferred annuities are considered an asset. An annuity policy owner can pledge their annuity policy as collateral. But there are some considerations. Surrendering a non-qualified annuity during the surrender period may incur terminal charges, trigger an ordinary income taxable event from policy gains and penalize the policy owner 10% if they are under age 59 .
Is Disability Insurance Required By Law?
Not generally. There are five states that require most all employers carry short term disability insurance on their employees. These states are: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. Besides this mandatory short term disability law, there is no other legislative imperative for someone to purchase or be covered by disability insurance.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Electrical Surges?
Genworth is a leading manufacturer and distributor of long term care insurance. Their long term care policies cover various options of elderly care from assisted living at home to nursing home confinement. The contract offers additional riders like the inflation rider that can mitigate rise in the cost of living.
Who Should I Set Up A Roth IRA With?
It depends on which Province you live in. In Ontario, you don't pay a premium for basic healthcare but in British Columbia you do. We moved away from Canada because the taxes were so high so "free healthcare" is up for debate. Also, Doctors can be hard to find in some areas.
Can I Be On My Boyfriends Health Insurance?
The term "select" when dealing with any type of life insurance is meaningless. There are internet sites that have that word in their name, perhaps because they have already determined which companies to offer coverage from. This is just advertising but with no real value for the consumer, on the internet or off.
How Much More Does Medicare Advantage Cost?
How much more than what? You can find Medicare Advantage plans from zero premium on up. So I guess you would have to say it costs exactly the same as original Medicare A&B. You can spend more though if you want to. Some Medicare Advantage plans do have a premium. You should review the options in your county at or talk with your local insurance agent that specializes with Medicare Insurance Plans.
How To Withdraw Cash Value From Life Insurance Policy?
First be sure you have a cash value life insurance policy. For example a whole life, universal life, indexed universal life or variable life, but not a term life which has no cash value. Locate in your policy the illustrations page. Depending on the years of accumulation you will see the cash value of the policy. You may "borrow" against the cash value at a very low interest rate and keep your coverage in force. Or you may cancel your coverage and receive the full cash value amount which is income tax free in most cases. Simply, call the insurance company and ask for the proper form to be sent to you in order to execute the transaction. However, before doing the later, be sure to have alternative coverage in place unless you are fortunate enough not to have a need for life insurance in the future.
Can Life Insurance Be Taken By Creditors?
It depends upon the source of the water damage, the type of policy you have and whether the house is abandoned. To make this answer easier, lets assume that you have a Homeowners 3 policy and the house is either occupied or vacant (some furniture and presence). Water damage from a burst pipe: typically your homeowners insurance will water damage from a burst pipe, however it will not cover the damaged pipe. You can get an endorsement to cover the damaged pipes. Water damage from rain/hail/wind: this will only be covered on a basic homeowners policy if the rain/hail caused the hole in the roof that lead to the water damage in your bathroom. Once again, you can get an endorsement to cover rain/hail/wind damage. Water damage from sewer backup or sump-pump failure: if the bathroom is in the basement and the water damage if from sewer backup or sump-pump failure you can only get coverage for this IF you have the appropriate endorsement - sewer and water backup. Please note that this is typically a sub-limit in your policy and goes towards both cleanup and replacement. I hope this helps.
What Does SR22 Insurance Cover?
An SR22 is nothing more than an administrative trail of the status of your auto insurance coverage. The form is filed because the State licensing agency has determined a need to be aware of the status of your coverage, usually due to failing to have insurance or having committed any of several offenses of driving laws. An SR22 is merely attached to your insurance record and your carrier agrees to submit status updates to your state bureau of motor vehicles. An SR22 does not provide any coverage.
What Does It Mean To Have A Deductible On Health Insurance?
Think of the deductible as a form of self insurance. In other words, the portion you'll pay before insurance begins to pay on claims. Health plans usually offer a choice of deductibles have a lower premium cost if you choose a higher deductible. A higher deductilbe means you accept more cost upfront for the use of a health plan in order to receive a lower premium cost. After the deductible has been met, usually you go into a phase called "co-insurance". Co-insurance is the phase where you and the insurance company split the bill for care. A co-insurance level may be 50-50, 60-40, 70-30 or other combinations depending on your plan. For example if you had a plan with a 80/20 coinsurance provison and a $500 deductible and a bill for $2500 for a service. How it would be split up is as follows. The first $500 of the bill is yours. Of the remaining $2000, the insurance company pays $1600 towards the bill and you have an additional $400. Please note: once you've met your deductible for the year, you will no longer be charged it for claims, Co-insurance would be next. Then once you've met your co-insurance limits, your claims for the balance of the year (not counting copays) are covered at 100%.
What Will Happen To Medicare In The Future?
Medicare is "too big to fail" but that does not mean there won't be changes. Funding and benefits will need to be adjusted in order for the system to survive. Medicare is like a balloon. You squeeze in one place and it bulges in another. Going forward, medical providers will have reimbursements squeezed, deductibles and premiums will rise. The biggest threat to Medicare beneficiaries is the Obamacare IPAB that will oversee medical treatment.
When Is Health Insurance Tax Deductible?
Generally a self employed person is able to deduct health insurance if he or she pays the premium. There are other circumstances where health insurance can be deductible, such as a person paying there own premium and is able to file long form itemizing deductions. Tax laws change so be sure to check with your tax adviser.
Is Disability Insurance A Good Idea?
How quickly life insurance is paid out depends on the company and if all the "ducks are in a row". If the company has changed hands, the address of the beneficiary has changed, etc, it may take a couple months to submit and receive the claim. If everything is up to date and the processing time of that company is fast, it may take less than a week.
How Long Does It Take For Life Insurance To Pay?
The lowest price auto insurance coverage that I am aware of that you can purchase would be liability only coverage. This typically includes bodily injury, physical damage, and property damage. Some states may also require that you purchase a minimum amount of uninsured and under-insured motorist besides the liability coverages mentioned previously.
Does Disability Insurance Cover Alcoholism?
Theoretically they should be quite accurate. A company can identify you, all the drivers in your household, every moving violation or accident that you have had, the VIN of every vehicle registered to your address and can do the computations quickly and accurately. Will that be best for you, probably not? Price isnt everything. If you dont have adequate limits to protect you when you have a claim then you have made an expensive decision. You might have saved a few dollars but the claim could send you into bankruptcy.
Does Auto Insurance Cover A Cracked Windshield?
Depending on your state and the area you live in. There many things that can affect your rates. In Montana your sex makes no difference but in some states males pay more then females Be careful when shopping online make sure that they are licensed in your state and it is recommended that you also have un insured and under insured for nearly pennies a day it covers your hospital bill when someone hits you and has no insurance. A Local agent can help you with all your insurance questions
Will Home Insurance Pay For Roof Replacement?
It may if your roof was damaged by a covered incident less your policy deductible. Many homeowners policies have a different deductilbe for wind, hail, or roof claims. Please remember every policy is different. Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be.
Is Medicare Considered Welfare?
No, Medicare is not considered welfare. When most people are talking about welfare, they are talking about food stamps, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc. Medicare recipients have paid Social Security taxes for at least 10 years in order to receive health care coverage through Medicare.
Do Ohio Employers Have To Offer Health Insurance?
Employers in Ohio are required to offer health insurance to their workers although they can avoid any penalty if the family can not afford the healthcare benefits offered. Also, this penalty has been delayed until 2015 to give employers and insurers time to work on specific details of implementation. This tax penalty applies to companies with 50 or more workers and applies to workers and their dependents, including children under the age of 26. Technically, the law does not apply to spouses. "Full-time" would be considered working 30 hours per week. However, having 100 part-time workers working 20 hours per week would qualify as having 50 full-time workers. Here in Ohio, we have enjoyed low health insurance rates, and although required mandates will be raising premiums, there still will be many low-cost options.Most of the major insurers, including Anthem and Medical Mutual, will be participating in the State Health Exchange.
Will Obamacare Raise My Medicare Premium?
ObamaCare Insurance was to be structured in where the young applicants pay a higher rate than the elder applicants so as to have the young paying a higher premium than would be the case if they could just apply directly to an insurance company for the coverage. That shows what the incompetence level of the "designers" of ObamaCare was. We already know we have "social security" that was designed where the young would be paying into the system, each required to accumulate 40 quarters of premiums paid, and how many times have the "legislators" been required to make adjustments to social security to keep it solvent. As you can see your premiums would depend on where you fall in that scheme-ifyou are young your premiums would ber high, if elder your premiums lower.
How Much Are Car Insurance Payments?
Life insurance is personal property. Personal property can be owned by one or more owners. Living in a community property state could present divisible property issues if the life insurance policy has cash values. Each community property state may have it's own proprietary regulations. Consult an attorney before moving forward with any policy ownership changes.
Can I Add My Elderly Parent To My Health Insurance?
No. The only people who can be added to your health insurance is your spouse and your children (if you're a legal guardian of another child, then they can be added as well). Your parents would have to be under their own coverage. For senior citizens, they have Medicare available to them if they're not on it already. If they have original Medicare (both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B), you may want to consider adding a Medicare supplement plan (a.k.a. Medigap plan) to cover the gaps in your original Medicare coverage. Original Medicare only covers about 80% of healthcare expenses - you can have all or a portion of the other 20% covered under a Medigap plan. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How Much Should My Homeowners Insurance Be?
Homeonwers insurance premiums are as unique as the home being insured. There are many factors that are taken into consideration when computing a rate for a homeowners insurance policy. some of those factors are: the valuation of the home, the year the home was built, the distance to the nearest responding fire department, and the distance of the nearest fire hydrant just to name a few.
What Is Guaranteed Replacement Cost In Homeowners Insurance?
A landlord will require a tenant to have renters insurance to help protect them and you and your family. Renter insurance provides liability coverage and personal property coverage for the insured. The liability coverage will provide for a covered loss occuring that the insured is deemed responsible for and the personal property coverage provides for personal property due to acovered loss. If you would like to discuss details of renters insurance coverage, please contact a a local agent to have them go over it with you.
Who Offers Purchased Life Annuities?
Original Medicare does not cover routine Hepatitis C screening, but it can cover screening if approved by Medicare due to signs or symptoms of Hepatitis C being present. In that case, the screening becomes diagnostic and can be covered by Medicare guidelines. Under Medicare Advantage PPO plans, routine Hepatitis C screening IS covered.
What Is The Best Home Insurance Policy?
The most comprehensive home insurance policies are offered by the High Value/High Net Worth insurance companies. These companies include PURE Insurance, AIG's Private Client Group, ACE Insurance & Chubb Insurance. They will usually provide coverage on an all risk form as opposed to a named peril form. For example- a named peril form will list the things you are covered for; fire, wind, hail, theft, vandalism, etc. The High Value companies will say you are covered for Everything except- intentional acts, flood, wear & tear, nuclear, etc. The insurance companies listed above will usually require you insure your home for more than $1,000,000 and have excellent credit. Some will even require an umbrella or jewelry policy to consider.
Can You Borrow Against Your Retirement Plan In Pennsylvania?
There are only a handful of universities that offer degrees in Insurance. If you are looking for professional training law would probably be the most helpful, particularly if you want to be involved in estate planning or commercial insurance. A degree in marketing would prepare you for that aspect of the insurance business. Actually, insurance agents come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds.
Why Is Men's Car Insurance Higher?
Insurance companies base their pricing on mounds of historical data. They carefully review statistics common to the industry as well as those specific to that company's loss experience. This risk analysis ultimately results in the rates we pay for the products that company offers. Over a great many years, statistics have tended to show that younger less experienced male drivers tend to be involved in more claims than their young, less experienced female counterparts. That being the case, and all other things being equal, it would cost more for a male to insure a car than it would for a female to insure the same car.
Can I Keep Insurance Money From Car Accident?
As a general rule you can keep proceeds from your auto insurance. You can also spend that money as you see fit. But most claimants generally use the money to repair their damaged vehicle, replace their totaled vehicle or as a down payment for another vehicle. In recent years auto insurance companies have been issuing good driver checks that that you can use at your discretion.
Why Choose Medigap Or Medicare Advantage?
here is a good chance you will. Lets cover some of the what ifs: What if you need to maximize your pension distribution by taking it out during your lifetime only? Life insurance will help you cover your spouse. What if you have any remaining debts, such as a second mortgage? Or if you have any dependents, such as a child who still need some financial assistance? Life insurance would protect them. What if you want a really strong guaranteed portion of your asset portfolio? The guarantees in life insurance cash value contracts are very competitive. What if your net worth is high and you want to preserve your estate from federal and state taxation? Life insurance would allow you to protect your assets and still pay the government. What if you have formed very strong ties with a charity, and would like to support it as a legacy? Life insurance can turn a comparatively small premium into a very substantial gift for them. Its kind of surprising, isnt it, about how our need for life insurance can basically last our entire life!
Does Geico Offer Term Life Insurance?
You'll also want to consider having her on your policy as the MARRIED rate is normally LOWER than the SINGLE rate. Showing your spouse will "prove" you are married. You might not want to let him/her drive your vehicle but that is between you and him/her. Also, if the spouse has their own vehicle, the "multi-car" discount will also save you money.
Can You Buy Life Insurance Online With No Exam?
A good retirement plan is a financial strategy that should address income and long term care needs based on life expectancy. Establishing a milestone event like retirement can be daunting when youre young and life expectancy could extend beyond our understanding or the mere fact that Social Security may not even exist as we know it. But for baby boomers, retirement is a looming certainty. Most baby boomers will outlive previous perhaps by a decade (living to age 90) and most are planning on working until age 70 to contribute another five years to their retirement fund, maximize their income from Social Security and forced distributions from their qualified plans.
How Much Will You Be Fined For Not Having Health Insurance?
Boy there are any number of reasons that I can offer to illustrate why our car insurance, or any insurance for that matter, may go up, or down for that matter. Major factors in pricing usually include one's age, drivng experience, driving history, claims history, etc. You may pay more for car insurance in certain areas of the country than others based upon population, company experience within those territories etc. Naturally another major factor is the year, make model and type of car that you drive and insure. Finally, over the years, it has become common and accepted to include one's credit history among the many factors that a company uses in order to consider and properly price a car insurance policy.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Animals?
There are two parts to this answer because there are two coverages in a tenants policy. Animals are normally not covered as personal property. If your pet dies in a house fire, there probably isnt any recovery. However, if your animal hurts someone other than a household member, there might be coverage if you are legally liable to pay damages. However, you should carefully check your policy as many exclude various breeds of animals and many also limit the amount of liability coverage in the event of an animal related incident.
What Is A Medicare Replacement?
Original Medicare has been in existence since 1965 when Lyndon Johnson signed the bill making it law. Original Medicare had Part A (hospital) and Part B (doctor and outpatient). Almost immediately a few carriers saw an opportunity to market supplemental coverage to pick up the gaps left by Medicare. Medicare Part C (later called Medicare Advantage) began in 1997. These private insurance plans gave seniors an option for a managed care private plan vs original Medicare.
At What Age Should I Get Long Term Care Insurance?
The best time to secure long term care insurance is when youre young and healthy, especially if you have a family history of chronic illness or nursing home confinement. Most advisers begin addressing long term care insurance with their clients and prospects around age 50. But in reality, most pre retirees purchase long term care insurance in their early 60s.
How Do Annuity Companies Make Money?
Yes. And has worked in the United States for more than two centuries. It is rare for a company to deny a claim and very rare for a company to deny a claim outside the contestable period. Contestability varies by state. In California and most of the states that I am licensed in it is two years.
How Long Does It Take To Pay Off Whole Life Insurance?
Medigap is a Medicare supplement that can help pay some of the health care costs that original Medicare doesn't cover, like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. It also covers medical care for some travel outside the US. If you have an Medicare Advantage Plan, you would not want to get Medigap.
When Should I Stop Paying For Life Insurance?
You should stop paying for life insurance when you have eliminated all your financial liabilities and future obligations, including charitable intent. You could also stop paying for life insurance if you have no beneficiaries, business partners or charities. You could stop paying for your cash value life insurance if the performance of the policy results in the policy sustaining itself to maturity. To be sure of the performance, or lack thereof, you need to order an in force ledger from the life insurance company.
Much Does Health Insurance Cost One Person?
The rate depends on many factors including your age, where you live, your health and whether you smoke. Monthly rates could vary between $25 per month to $250 per month (or much higher) depending on these factors. And of course, different carriers such as Anthem, Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare etc... will charge different premiums. To view rates, you can visit a reputable website that offers free online quotes. There is no obligation and you can easily apply online for coverage after viewing your best options. You may also receive a federal tax subsidy when State Exchanges are operational. Naturally, an experienced broker can also assist you.
Does Life Insurance Go Through Probate?
Coverage F Medical Payments is coverage that will pay the necessary medical expenses that are incurred or medically ascertained within three years from the date of an accident causing "bodily injury". Coverage applies to accidents that incur on the insured premises (the home) or as the result of an action by the insured at any location. For example, you leave your suitcase in the hallway of a hotel and someone trips over it. The basic limit is $1,000, but higher limits are available and they are very inexpensive. The purpose of this coverage is twofold. First, paying doctor and hospital bills promptly for accidents the insured may have caused could minimize the likelihood of troublesome litigation. Second, submitting the bills helps insurance companies identify accidents early and therefore gives the insurance company time to investigate the circumstances and prepare a defense if necessary. Medical Payments Coverage is not intended to provide accident insurance for the insureds family. Accordingly, the named insured and family are excluded from coverage. I hope I've answered your question. If not, feel free to call, fax or email me. Kevin P. Foley, CPA, CPCU PFT&K Insurance Brokers T 877-414-2031 F 877-405-3025 E kpfoley[at]kpfoley[dot]com W www[dot]kpfoley[dot]com
What Is The Face Value Of A Term Life Insurance Policy?
The face value of a term life insurance policy is referring to the death benefit. It is the amount of money that the beneficiary will receive at the time of death claim of the insured on the term life insurance policy. Usually these face amounts are set at a guaranteed amount for the entire term of the policy.
How To Apply For Medicare Part B?
Health insurance for one person in Texas can cost as little as $25-$40 per month (short-term plan) or much more, depending on the age of the person to be covered, their zip code and what medical conditions (if any) that they have. Shopping and comparing the major carriers will always save money. As an experienced broker, our job is to do the shopping for you. We take your information and quickly provide the companies in your area that will offer the lowest rates. It's that simple. Starting in October (2013), Open Enrollment will begin and many affordable plans will become available to Texans that have pre-existing conditions. A federal tax subsidy will be available (depending on your family income) that could potentially pay a large portion of your premium.
Can I Deduct Life Insurance Premiums On Schedule C?
No, unfortunately, you cannot deduct life insurance premiums on schedule C of your income tax return. Generally, only C Corporations are allowed to deduct life insurance premiums, within certain guidelines. Your tax attorney or CPA can provide legal advice to you regarding the deduction of life insurance premiums for businesses.
How Many Life Insurance Agents Are There In The Us?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in 2010, which is the most updated information presently available, there were 411,500 insurance agents in the United States. The Bureau projects that over the next 10 year period, employment of insurance agents will grow at about 22%, which is faster than average for other industries.
Who Writes Vacant Home Insurance?
There are many carriers that will write coverage for a vacant home. There are of course requirements/standards that the home must meet before a carrier will provide coverage. A carrier that is in my geographic location that I work with that provides this type of coverage is Foremost. I would suggest contacting local agents in your area to find out about availability and pricing in your area.
How Does Renters Insurance Benefit The Landlord?
That is a great question! The landlord needs to provide a safe environment for the tenants, and carries insurance on the property. To help protect the property manager/complex from a higher liability, your renters policy helps take some of that liability off of their shoulders. If you damage the apartment, or someone is injured in your apartment, your policy covers some or all of that claim, and not the landlords. Thanks for asking!
Is Accidental Life Insurance Worth It?
Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) and accidental death benefit (ADB), either as a stand alone policy or as a rider on a life insurance policy, is inexpensive but I question its value. In some instances, it may make sense to the buyer. I don't follow industry sales data at this granular a level but I can safely say that it is neither offered nor sold as much as it was in the past when our economy was more industrial and agrarian than service oriented the way it is today.
What Is Considered A Lapse In Health Insurance?
There is a small inventory of long term care insurance companies left in the market place. While there are other companies these appear to be the real players in Long term care insurance: Mutual of Omaha, John Hancock, Med America,Trans america and Genworth. keep in mind that some long term care insurance riders are attached to life and annuity contracts as a supplement to elder care for seniors.
How To Get Health Insurance If You Are Overweight?
It is very easy to get health insurance if you are overweight. Thanks to the new Affordable Care Act enacted by President Obama, there are no medical questions and no underwriting. This means that no matter a persons weight, health conditions or pre-existing conditions, everyone will pay the same for health insurance in your area. Insurance premiums are only based on gender, age, and if you have used nicotine in the last 6 months. You can purchase one of these plans through the Marketplace and compare plans and even see if you qualify for help paying for your premiums. You may qualify for help through the government since they are making everyone get insurance, then they are also helping people pay for it if they cannot afford it. Please visit WEBSITELINK for more information or contact me.
What Is Vesting Age In Life Insurance?
Vesting does not relate to life insurance, at least, not in the common uses of the term with respect to pension plans. A policy owner owns any cash values and all policy rights. You might be referring to a surrender charge schedule which exists in many permanent policies, especially Universal Life and related types and is subtracted from the cash accumulation value in the event the policy is canceled early. A surrender charge usually applies in the first several years of the policy e.g. 3-20 years, depending on the policy. Most schedules grade down during this time.
Why Do People Get Disability Insurance?
People get disability insurance to protect themselves in the event they become disabled. The loss of income could be financially devastating and having disability insurance will provide a stream of monthly income that will pay bills and provide and replace lost revenue. Many full-time experienced brokers can provide the most expert advice to you.
Can Tricare Be Primary Over Medicare?
Tricare is never primary over Medicare. It will only pay after all other insurances have paid. If you have Tricare and are entitled to Part A, you must have Part B to continue the Tricare pharmacy benefits. However you do not have to enroll in a Part D prescription plan. If you do choose to enroll in a Part D plan, Tricare will be secondary to that plan as well.
Which Car Insurance Company Is Best?
Car insurance companies that do business in your state are regulated by two state insurance commissioners, your state and the state where the company is domiciled. Your state commissioner is trying to allow companies to operate in your state that will keep their promises. The best auto insurance company is one that keeps its promises.
Can Annuities Lose Money?
The 401(k) is governed by a document drawn for the employer. Most plans offer a variety of distributions when you terminate, but they are not required to do so. Exercising these options can be quite important. Generally you would want to maintain the character of the funds. If they are tax deferred funds you would want them rolled into a standard IRA. If your income tax is going to be low you can consider rolling it into a Roth IRA and pay the tax for the withdrawal as though it were ordinary income, which is often an alternative.
What Is Covered Under Home Insurance?
Home insurance is designed to cover sudden and accidental losses. Home insurance is not a maintenance policy and it does not cover long term damage or wear and tear. Home insurance provides coverage for your dwelling, other structures (fence, shed ect.), personal property and liability coverage. There are several optional coverages available including Water/Sewer Backup, Law and Ordinance, Earthquake, ect. You also want to make sure you purchase a Replacement Cost policy which will provide full value for your home, not a depreciated amount.
How Long Does Short Term Disability Insurance Last?
That is a great question! I'm sure that you aren't the only one who wonders! The sad truth is though, that between costs of research and development, advertising and marketing, and protection from litigation, most health products are considerably more expensive than they need to be. Services, salaries and overhead contribute to costs also. Could you afford to have a medical emergency without health insurance? Guess what - 60% of all bankruptcies are a result of medical emergencies. There's a great reason. Thanks for asking!
Can I test drive a car from a private party without insurance?
That is really up to the party that owns the vehicle. If they allow you to drive the vehicle and you do not have insurance and are involved in an accident while driving the vehicle; (they (there insurance carrier)) could be held responsible for any damages during that accident. It would count as a claim on their insurance record and could potential affect there rates in the future.
Can Life Insurance Companies Check Medical Records?
Yes, absolutely they can. When you fill out an application, you give them permission to check your medical records, and unless your policy is extremely small, they certainly will check those records. That is the only way they can be sure they are not missing a major medical issue you were not frank about. Protect yourself. Be honest and get the coverage you need. If necessary, drop the amount, so long as you have coverage for your family. Thank you. GARY LANE.
Can I Deduct Premiums For Long Term Care Insurance?
The Penalty for Cashing out a Life Insurance Policy could be the policy surrender charge which can be punitive in the early years of the contract. If the life insurance policy has cash value gain, then an ordinary income tax event will ensue, including any constructive receipt of policy loans or internal policy loans. And if the policy is a Modified Endowment Contract that is cashed in or surrendered or lapsed and the policy owner is under 59 1/2, an additional penalty will be added as well. Consult with your tax adviser before moving forward with any withdrawals, surrenders or policy loans.
Does Life Insurance Affect FAFSA?
No life insurance does not presently affect FAFSA, neither death benefits in place nor cash values held in either whole or universal life insurance. These values are not included in the FAFSA calculation for expected family contribution.
When To Use Your Home Insurance?
You can make a claim against your homeowners policy any time that you experience a loss as a result of one of the covered perils. Your policy specifies the circumstances that are covered. Common perils are, fire, and lightning. You should remember that your policy has a deductible. Your policy might have some adjustments based upon being claims free. It is possible to file a small claim and realize very little after the deductible, only to discover that you lost your claims free discount which was much more.
When Should I Get Term Life Insurance?
The best time to get coverage is obviously the day before we die! Now, since most of us don't know when that is or will be, the best decision you can make is to get coverage if you have responsibilities to others. Whether it be for a loan repayment or college education and money for a spouse, make sure this is something you do NOT put off.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Power Surges?
Medicare HIC stands for your Medicare Health Insurance Claim number or code. It begins with the Social Security number of the wage earner under whose benefits the eligible person is receiving Medicare. E.g. If you are receiving benefits as the result of yours having paid into Medicare the required period of time, the Social Security number would be yours. If you are receiving Medicare benefits under your spouse's employment, the Social Security number would be his or hers. The suffix behind the SSN indicates your relationship to that person.
How Necessary Is Disability Insurance?
Disability insurance is paycheck insurance. How important is your paycheck? Very important! Disability insurance is an intricate part of defensive financial planning. Most working Americans have 90 days of case reserves for emergencies. So disability insurance can generate tax free benefits for time when you can't work because of sickness and/or injury.
How Do I Know What Health Insurance I Have?
Your policy provides your health plan information - it'll tell you the carrier name, your policy number, plan details including premiums, copayments, coinsurance, deductible, maximum out-of-pocket expense. If you're unsure of what you have exactly, you can always contact your health insurance agent to get more information. If you're looking for new coverage, I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker to make sure that what you have provides good coverage and meets your needs and budget. Experienced brokers will have an in-depth knowledge of products from multiple carriers, can review a wide range of options with you, and help you determine which program will best serve your needs. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
How Much Does Medicare Pay For IVF?
IVF, otherwise known as In Vitro Fertilization would generally not be something that medicare would pay for. Typically medicare provides coverage for treatment that is considered medically necessary. Without knowing the details of your particular circumstances and medical requirements it is difficult to answer this type of question definitively. I strongly recommend that you contact medicare directly at 800-Medicare to find a definite answer to this question.
What Is Select Term Life Insurance?
Medicare Region C includes the states Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. This and other regions are designated for the purpose of supplying Durable Medical Equipment (DME) for Medicare.
Can Car Insurance Go On Your Credit Report?
I hope I understand your question correctly. I'm assuming you're asking if an insurance company getting your insurance score will show up on your credit report and affect your credit score. In general, no. I can only speak for my own state of Michigan but I'm pretty sure other states work the same way. An insurance score is different from a credit score. There are many different models to calculate an insurance score and different companies will use different models. When an insurance company orders an insurance score it won't affect your credit score like applying for a loan will. If it shows up at all, it will show up as an insurance score and won't be used to calculate your credit score. So, don't be worried if your agent asks for information to order an insurance score. It's usually one of the largest discounts that a company will offer.
What Is Survivorship Universal Life Insurance?
The only thing that separates this from other policies is the word survivorship. What this means is that the policy covers at least 2 individuals and it only pays a benefit with the last one dies. Survivorship policies are usually smaller face amount policies taken out by couples with larger estates. The reason they do this is to use the death benefit to cover or offset estate taxes for their heirs. I have personally not seen one done with a universal life policy. Reason being is the cost. In a majority of cases, it would probably be more cost-effective to use a traditional whole life policy for this purpose.
What Is The Medigap Policy?
Your Medigap policy is designed to cover all Medicare approved Part A and Part B claims. Some plans, such as Medigap plan F, cover Part A and B deductibles and coinsurance. Other plans, such as plan G covers everything that is covered by F EXCEPT your Medicare Part B annual deductible.
Can Employers Contribute Different Amounts Health Insurance?
They can as long as they are not discriminating within a class of employees. For example, it is not uncommon for an employer to contribute on dollar or percentage amount towards the coverage of salaried employees and another dollar or percentage amount towards hourly employees. This is quite common where a labor union collectively bargained agreement is in place. Where an employer can get in trouble is where they choose to discriminate within the same class of employees. So, as a general rule all salaried employees should be treated the same from an employer contribution standpoint as should be the case with all hourly employees. Contributing 50% of the cost for one salaried employee and 75% of the cost for another similarly situated salariedemployee could be the grounds for a labor discrimination lawsuit for the employer.
How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need In Connecticut?
This is a pretty difficult question to answer in a forum like this. I highly recommend that you speak to a professionalone-on-one to completely evaluate your needs and to see if you can borrow - and if so, if it would be financially smart to borrow from a retirement fund. Feel free to contact me if you have no one else. To give you a little idea if you could however, here are some guidelines: Most retirement funds are NOT AVAILABLE to borrow from. If you have a Defined Benefit or a Cash Balance Benefit, you can not borrow from it. You can move your funds to a different account, with professional guidance to avoid penalties. But with these types of accounts, you usually can not touch until you retire. If you have a Profit Sharing account or a 401K - you MAY be able to borrow depending upon the rules of the company that it is through and/or the rules of the company you work for. Again, however, most will not allow you to borrow. If they do, typically you can only borrow 50% of YOUR contributions (not what your company contributes) or $10k, whichever is less. Again, this is a very difficult and technical topic to get a solid answer here. Look me up if I can be of any further help.
I am a non driver and need a truck for my work, I would like to insure my helper to drive for me any problems?
If you are insuring a vehicle for your business you can write the business auto policy and list your employee or employees as a drivers. You have the ability to exclude yourself from the policy. But keep in mind, this would mean you can not drive the vehicle at anytime as you yourself would then be un-insured.
Does State Farm Life Insurance Test For THC?
Yes, State Farm does offer three types of annuity products at this time (June 27, 2013). The titles and descriptions of these three products are: Future Wealth Builder" (a flexible premium deferred life annuity), "Future Income Plus" (a single premium deferred annuity), and "Guaranteed Income" (a single premium immediate annuity).
Does Medicare Cover HIV Drugs?
I would suggest finding yourself a local agent that you are comfortable working with. This person will typically be your first and last point of contact should you have any concerns about your coverage or claims. They will be the person that will help you purchase the coverages that you need to protect you and your family.
Does Car Insurance Go On Your Credit Report?
When you apply to buy insurance, most insurance companies will take your credit into consideration. It is considered a "soft hit". It will show up on your credit history that there was an inquiry, it doesn't change or effect your credit. So whatever your credit score was before you apply for insurance is what it will be after applying. To my knowledge, California is one of the states that mandates insurance companies not take a person's credit history into consideration when rating the premium. You can check with an insurance agent or broker licensed in your state to see if your state as the same rules.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Scooters?
I believe you will find that for the most part, property plicies will exclude any motor powered vehicles from coverage. This is a pretty standard exclusion. Talk to your insurance professional about your options, though. We can easily provide coverage for scooters under a separate contract that is specifically designed to meet those needs at an extremely reasonable price.
What Is The Benefit Of Renters Insurance?
Renters insurance is for renters of homes and apartments as house insurance is for those who own the house. Renters insurance protects YOUR property if there is a loss from say a fire. The biggest issue is what kind of policy you have. Does your insurance give yoy replacement cost or just current value. There is a big difference. Think about what you stuff costs today versus purchasing brand new.
Will Medicare Premiums Go Up In 2014?
Yes, you can do a 1035 exchange on the cash value of a permanent life insurance to an annuity. Some people choose to do this because of the higher gains of an annuity, or because they no longer need life insurance. But sometimes it is better to 1035 your life insurance to another life insurance policy. There is no going back, so be sure to review all the consequences with a trusted financial advisor before making this decision.
What Is The Average Cost Of Whole Life Insurance?
All premium quotes are dependent on the final underwriting outcome based on health, gender and age of the proposed insured. Heres an example, more of a rule thumb. Participating Whole Life Insurance purchased as a base policy with no riders is generally 20% over its guaranteed universal life (GUL) counterpart. A 30 year old male nonsmoking with super preferred health covering $100,000 of GUL is averages around $550 annually with the top 25 the leading life insurance companies. The average participating whole life policy should come in around $675 annually. Always check the rate quoted by any online life insurance service to confirm the cost before moving forward.
What Makes Car Insurance Cheaper?
If you are asking what helps keep your auto insurance rates lower, then there are many factors that can help with this. A clean driving record would be the first - no tickets and no accidents. A high credit score would be another. If you are a student a 3.50 gpa or above will typically get you a discount. A married person will typically have lower rates than a single person. There are many other factors can come into play here also, but these are some of the most prominent ones.
Does Home Insurance Cover Stolen Cash?
If you still reside within the same state, you should not need to change your car insurance. You will need to inform your local agent or carrier of your new address. Your rates may change depending on the carriers rates for the area that you resided in and the area that you moved in to. If you move outside of the state that you currently have your coverage established in then you may have to seek a new carrier.
What Is The Best Medicare Health Plan?
The best Medicare health plan is one that meets your expectations for coverage and price. There are basically two types of Medicare health plans. One is a supplement to traditional Medicare and covers some or all of your out of pocket expenses. These are referred to as Medigap or Medicare supplement plans. The other is a Medicare Advantage plan that replaces traditional Medicare. With Advantage plans your doctor, if they accept your Advantage plan, files claims direct with the insurance carrier. Advantage plans have networks, a lot of moving parts and a lot of out of pocket. #GeorgiaMedicarePlans
What Is The Yearly Cost Of Medicare?
To the average Medicare recipient, the yearly cost of Medicare Part A is free. If there is a charge due to being ineligible for free Part A, there is a premium of up to $441/month. There are deductibles and co-pays for services provided under Medicare Part A. For Part B, the premium to the average Medicare recipient is $140.90/mo. There is an annual deductible of $147/year and 20% co-pay for services and supplies received.
What Does Suze Orman Say About Variable Annuities?
Suze has a nice piece online entitled Truth About Annuities. She devotes a lengthy paragraph to variable annuities. She lays out the basics of variable annuities with a slight negative undertone, a disparaging down her nose expose. There are some contentions in her paragraph worth a rousing conversation.
Does US Health Insurance Work Overseas?
Yes, State Farm offers term life insurance. You can contact a State Farm agent to get a quote. If you would like to compare their term quotes to quotes from other companies, be sure to compare the same terms, and check to see that all the guarantees are the same.
What Is Participation Rate In Annuities?
Generally speaking, tax deferred index annuities use domestic and foreign indices for its crediting method. But there are three crediting method types within any one policy (sometimes more) that play a role in what you receive from the indice performance: spreads, rate caps and participation percentage. Participation determines what portion of the performance is credited to the annuity policy, i.e. 70% of a 10% net return would credited 7%.
Does Medicare Cover Hepatitis C Screening?
Most people get Short Term Disability Insurance through their employer in the form of a group plan. Sometimes the employer pays the premiums, sometimes the employee pays the premiums, and sometimes they share the costs. If your place of business does not offer Short Term Disability Insurance, you can purchase it through an independent agent in an individual plan. I would be happy to assist you, if you'd like.
Can You Cancel Life Insurance?
Yes you can cancel your life insurance. However, if it is term insurance (also called temporary) it will be money lost and no policy will remain. With whole life or permanent, you may stop paying but continue the policy from the equity you may have accumulated. Or borrow against that equity, never having to repay it, keeping it tax free, while the policy remains in effect. But yes, even here, if it is what you want, you could cancel the whole life policy, getting the cash surrender value to keep, but it would be taxable and your policy would be ended. Thank you. GARY LANE
Is Health Insurance Mandatory?
It may less your deductible if you have a equipment breakdown endorsement on your policy or if the HVAC system was damaged due to a covered loss. Remember every policy is different. Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you.
Does Farm Bureau Offer Renters Insurance?
The two basic types of life insurance policies are Term and Permanent. Term insurance does not have cash value and is for temporary needs, because the coverage will end or have a big price increase at the end of the term. Permanent Life insurance comes in Whole or Universal Life. Permanent Insurance can be purchased to provide coverage for your whole life. There are many different features to Permanent coverage so it is important to discuss this type of insurance with a reputable agent before making your choice. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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