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We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
A say on pay - a non-binding vote of the general meeting to approve director pay packages, is practised in a growing number of countries.
A say on pay - a non-binding vote of the general meeting to approve TOPIC_CONCEPT packages, is practised in a growing number of countries.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
A February 2009 report, published by the Institute for Policy Studies notes the impact excessive executive compensation has on taxpayers: U.S. taxpayers subsidize excessive executive compensation - by more than $20 billion per year - via a variety of tax and accounting loopholes.
A February 2009 report, published by the Institute for Policy Studies notes the impact excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT has on taxpayers: U.S. taxpayers subsidize excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT - by more than $20 billion per year - via a variety of tax and accounting loopholes.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The Financial Crisis has had a relatively small net effect on executive pay.
The Financial Crisis has had a relatively small net effect on TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
1990-1992 Lineberger Cancer Center, SPA personnel compensation Committee .
1990-1992 Lineberger Cancer Center, SPA personnel TOPIC_CONCEPT .
Edison Liu
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Countering the public uproar over excessive executive pay (including backdating stock options, golden parachutes for nonperformance, and extravagant retirement packages), Welch stated that CEO compensation should continue to be dictated by the free market, without interference from government or other outside agencies [REF].
Countering the public uproar over excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT (including backdating stock options, golden parachutes for nonperformance, and extravagant retirement packages), Welch stated that CEO compensation should continue to be dictated by the free market, without interference from government or other outside agencies [REF].
Jack Welch
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In 2007, the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee Rep. Barney Frank passed legislation in the House of Representatives that gave shareholders a non-binding vote on executive compensation.
In 2007, the Chairman of the Financial Services Committee Rep. Barney Frank passed legislation in the House of Representatives that gave shareholders a non-binding vote on TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Say on pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
An example is Pfizer Inc.'s 10-K[REF] which references the executive compensation report to be found in the Proxy Information [REF] Pfizer's response to this item comprised p. 38-77 pages of the 2009 Annual Report.
An example is Pfizer Inc.'s 10-K[REF] which references TOPIC_CONCEPT report to be found in the Proxy Information [REF] Pfizer's response to this item comprised p. 38-77 pages of the 2009 Annual Report.
Regulation S-K
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In January 2012, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to tackle excessive executive pay and crony capitalism, which Financial Times columnist Philip Stephens suggested may be an indication that the PM has signed up to Occupy values [REF].
In January 2012, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to tackle excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT and crony capitalism, which Financial Times columnist Philip Stephens suggested may be an indication that the PM has signed up to Occupy values [REF].
Occupy London
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Defenders of high executive pay say that the global war for talent and the rise of private equity firms can explain much of the increase in executive pay.
Defenders of high TOPIC_CONCEPT say that the global war for talent and the rise of private equity firms can explain much of the increase in TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In 2005, Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette (GICW), Goodwill's Portland, Oregon branch, came under scrutiny due to executive compensation that the Oregon attorney general's office concluded was "unreasonable."
In 2005, Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette (GICW), Goodwill's Portland, Oregon branch, came under scrutiny due to TOPIC_CONCEPT that the Oregon attorney general's office concluded was "unreasonable."
Goodwill Industries
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The U.S. Congress is currently debating mandating shareholder approval of executive pay packages at publicly traded U.S. companies [REF].
The U.S. Congress is currently debating mandating shareholder approval of TOPIC_CONCEPT packages at publicly traded U.S. companies [REF].
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Executive compensation could be checked by taxing more heavily the highest earners, for instance by taking a greater percentage of income over $200,000.
TOPIC_CONCEPT could be checked by taxing more heavily the highest earners, for instance by taking a greater percentage of income over $200,000.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The Act purports to provide rigorous standards and supervision to protect the economy and American consumers, investors and businesses, purports to end taxpayer funded bailouts of financial institutions, claims to provide for an advanced warning system on the stability of the economy, creates rules on executive compensation and corporate governance, and eliminates some loopholes that led to the 2008 economic recession [REF].
The Act purports to provide rigorous standards and supervision to protect the economy and American consumers, investors and businesses, purports to end taxpayer funded bailouts of financial institutions, claims to provide for an advanced warning system on the stability of the economy, creates rules on TOPIC_CONCEPT and corporate governance, and eliminates some loopholes that led to the 2008 economic recession [REF].
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act–Frank_Wall_Street_Reform_and_Consumer_Protection_Act
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
On April 21, 2009, it was revealed that a $750 million loan from the government was turned down, on the grounds that it would have required that executive compensation be capped [REF].
On April 21, 2009, it was revealed that a $750 million loan from the government was turned down, on the grounds that it would have required that TOPIC_CONCEPT be capped [REF].
Robert Nardelli
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Navistar International for spending $6.31 million on lobbying and not paying any taxes during 2008-2010, instead getting $18 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of $896 million and increasing executive pay by 81% [REF].
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Navistar International for spending $6.31 million on lobbying and not paying any taxes during 2008-2010, instead getting $18 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of $896 million and increasing TOPIC_CONCEPT by 81% [REF].
Navistar International
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
According to the Wall Street Journal, Summers called Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) asking him to remove caps on executive pay at firms that have received stimulus money, including Citigroup [REF].
According to the Wall Street Journal, Summers called Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) asking him to remove caps on TOPIC_CONCEPT at firms that have received stimulus money, including Citigroup [REF].
Lawrence Summers
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Another reason why executives, in particular, may prefer share buybacks is that executive compensation is often tied to executives' ability to meet earnings per share targets.
Another reason why executives, in particular, may prefer share buybacks is that TOPIC_CONCEPT is often tied to executives' ability to meet earnings per share targets.
Share repurchase
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
On April 7, 2009, Blankfein recommended guidelines to overhaul executive compensation.
On April 7, 2009, Blankfein recommended guidelines to overhaul TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Lloyd Blankfein
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Graef Crystal, a former compensation consultant and author of "The Crystal Report on Executive Compensation," claimed that the limits on executive pay were "a joke" and that "they're just allowing companies to defer compensation."[REF] .
Graef Crystal, a former compensation consultant and author of "The Crystal Report on TOPIC_CONCEPT," claimed that the limits on TOPIC_CONCEPT were "a joke" and that "they're just allowing companies to defer compensation."[REF] .
Troubled Asset Relief Program
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The explosion in executive pay has become controversial, criticized by not only leftists but conservative establishmentarians such as [Ben Bernanke]] and George W. Bush[REF] .
The explosion in TOPIC_CONCEPT has become controversial, criticized by not only leftists but conservative establishmentarians such as [Ben Bernanke]] and George W. Bush[REF] .
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In the Financial crisis of 2007-2009 in the United States, pressure mounted to use more stock options than cash in executive pay.
In the Financial crisis of 2007-2009 in the United States, pressure mounted to use more stock options than cash in TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Compensation committee duties should include performance goals that align the pay of managers with the long-term interests of shareholders.
TOPIC_CONCEPT duties should include performance goals that align the pay of managers with the long-term interests of shareholders.
National Association of Corporate Directors
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Duke Energy for spending $17.47 million on lobbying and not paying any taxes during 2008-2010, instead getting $216 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of $5.4 billion, and increasing executive pay by 145% to $17.2 million in 2010 for its top 5 executives [REF].
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Duke Energy for spending $17.47 million on lobbying and not paying any taxes during 2008-2010, instead getting $216 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of $5.4 billion, and increasing TOPIC_CONCEPT by 145% to $17.2 million in 2010 for its top 5 executives [REF].
Duke Energy
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Although executive compensation in the UK is said to be "dwarfed" by that of corporate America, it has caused public upset [REF].
Although TOPIC_CONCEPT in the UK is said to be "dwarfed" by that of corporate America, it has caused public upset [REF].
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Writing and speaking extensively on business ethics, Kiplinger is critical of lavish executive compensation and a short-run, bottom-line fixation that leads businesses to disrespects their employees and fail to plan for future success [REF].
Writing and speaking extensively on business ethics, Kiplinger is critical of lavish TOPIC_CONCEPT and a short-run, bottom-line fixation that leads businesses to disrespects their employees and fail to plan for future success [REF].
Knight Kiplinger
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Brown opposes a proposed multi-billion dollar tax on banks to recoup bailout money and prescribing of bank executive compensation.
Brown opposes a proposed multi-billion dollar tax on banks to recoup bailout money and prescribing of bank TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Scott Brown
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The KB Home shareholders expressed their lack of confidence in the board and the compensation committee by a 19% opposition vote against Irani, who resigned from the KB Home board of directors after 15 years of service.
The KB Home shareholders expressed their lack of confidence in the board and TOPIC_CONCEPT by a 19% opposition vote against Irani, who resigned from the KB Home board of directors after 15 years of service.
Ray R. Irani
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Three state lawmakers had publicly demanded his resignation for his handling of the executive pay compensation scandal that stemmed from UC system Provost M.R.C. Greenwood's violation of UC conflict-of-interest rules.
Three state lawmakers had publicly demanded his resignation for his handling of TOPIC_CONCEPT compensation scandal that stemmed from UC system Provost M.R.C. Greenwood's violation of UC conflict-of-interest rules.
University of California
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Adding debt like instrument as part of an executive compensation may reduce the risk taking motivation of executives [REF].
Adding debt like instrument as part of TOPIC_CONCEPT may reduce the risk taking motivation of executives [REF].
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
After the Securities and Exchanges Commission was set up in the 1930s, it was concerned enough about excessive executive compensation that it began requiring yearly reporting of company earnings to help reign in abuse [REF].
After the Securities and Exchanges Commission was set up in the 1930s, it was concerned enough about excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT that it began requiring yearly reporting of company earnings to help reign in abuse [REF].
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Regulators explicitly want compensation committees now to incorporate qualitative, longer-term metrics, pay periods and discretion.
Regulators explicitly want TOPIC_CONCEPT now to incorporate qualitative, longer-term metrics, pay periods and discretion.
Chris Grayling
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
On January 15, 2009, the Treasury issued interim final rules for reporting and record keeping requirements under the executive compensation standards of the Capital Purchase Program (CPP) [REF].
On January 15, 2009, the Treasury issued interim final rules for reporting and record keeping requirements under TOPIC_CONCEPT standards of the Capital Purchase Program (CPP) [REF].
Troubled Asset Relief Program
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Unions have been very vocal in their opposition to high executive compensation.
Unions have been very vocal in their opposition to high TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
In December 2011/January 2012 two of the country's biggest investors, Fidelity Worldwide Investment, and the Association of British Insurers, called for greater shareholder control over executive pay packages [REF].
In December 2011/January 2012 two of the country's biggest investors, Fidelity Worldwide Investment, and the Association of British Insurers, called for greater shareholder control over TOPIC_CONCEPT packages [REF].
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
HCAN led grassroots online activists, conducted news conferences and published reports on health insurance industry profits, executive compensation, concentration of market power, and mistreatment of consumers and health care providers.
HCAN led grassroots online activists, conducted news conferences and published reports on health insurance industry profits, TOPIC_CONCEPT, concentration of market power, and mistreatment of consumers and health care providers.
Health Care for America NOW!!
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Dodd was responsible for the inclusion of a clause limiting excessive executive pay in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Dodd was responsible for the inclusion of a clause limiting excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Chris Dodd
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Lucian Arye Bebchuk, Jesse M. Fried, the authors of Pay Without Performance, critique of executive pay, argue that executive capture of corporate governance is so complete that only public relations, i.e. public `outrage`, constrains their pay [REF].
Lucian Arye Bebchuk, Jesse M. Fried, the authors of Pay Without Performance, critique of TOPIC_CONCEPT, argue that executive capture of corporate governance is so complete that only public relations, i.e. public `outrage`, constrains their pay [REF].
Income inequality in the United States
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Executive pay is an important part of corporate governance, and is often determined by a company's board of directors.
TOPIC_CONCEPT is an important part of corporate governance, and is often determined by a company's board of directors.
Executive pay
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
Besides reigniting interest in the theory of the public corporation as an owner-less entity made up of only contractual relationships (a field pioneered by Ronald Coase), the paper laid the foundation for the widespread use of stock options as executive compensation tools.
Besides reigniting interest in the theory of the public corporation as an owner-less entity made up of only contractual relationships (a field pioneered by Ronald Coase), the paper laid the foundation for the widespread use of stock options as TOPIC_CONCEPT tools.
Michael Jensen
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation
The backdating allegedly occurred with the knowledge and approval of the directors, including Kean, who sat on the company's compensation committee during three crucial years, according to the Journal.
The backdating allegedly occurred with the knowledge and approval of the directors, including Kean, who sat on the company's TOPIC_CONCEPT during three crucial years, according to the Journal.
Thomas Kean
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
With regard to abortions done by intact dilation and extraction (called "partial birth abortion" by its opponents), Romney took no action to ban it while he was Governor of Massachusetts [REF].
With regard to abortions done by TOPIC_CONCEPT (called TOPIC_CONCEPT by its opponents), Romney took no action to ban it while he was Governor of Massachusetts [REF].
Political positions of Mitt Romney
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Also in his first year as governor Huckabee signed a partial birth abortion ban and a $7.6 Million Smart Start program for primary school students to learn "the basic skills of reading, math, and character."
Also in his first year as governor Huckabee signed TOPIC_CONCEPT ban and a $7.6 Million Smart Start program for primary school students to learn "the basic skills of reading, math, and character."
Governorship of Mike Huckabee
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2007, the Court upheld a federal statute banning partial-birth abortion in Gonzales v. Carhart [REF].
In 2007, the Court upheld a federal statute banning TOPIC_CONCEPT in Gonzales v. Carhart [REF].
Antonin Scalia
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2005, Kline began investigating possible cases of child rape and illegal partial-birth and late-term abortions.
In 2005, Kline began investigating possible cases of child rape and illegal TOPIC_CONCEPT and late-term abortions.
Phill Kline
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Thomas added that the Court was not deciding the question of whether Congress had the power to outlaw partial birth abortions: [W]hether the Act constitutes a permissible exercise of Congress' power under the Commerce Clause is not before the Court [in this case] .. the parties did not raise or brief that issue; it is outside the question presented; and the lower courts did not address it."[REF] .
Thomas added that the Court was not deciding the question of whether Congress had the power to outlaw TOPIC_CONCEPT: [W]hether the Act constitutes a permissible exercise of Congress' power under the Commerce Clause is not before the Court [in this case] .. the parties did not raise or brief that issue; it is outside the question presented; and the lower courts did not address it."[REF] .
Clarence Thomas
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Obama voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, saying "On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions.
Obama voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, saying "On an issue like TOPIC_CONCEPT, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions.
Barack Obama social policy
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Otter is pro-life and has voted to ban federal funding of abortions and opposes partial-birth abortions.
Otter is pro-life and has voted to ban federal funding of abortions and opposes TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Butch Otter
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In the mid-1990s, Moynihan was one of the Democrats to support the ban on the procedure known as partial-birth abortion.
In the mid-1990s, Moynihan was one of the Democrats to support the ban on the procedure known as TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2007, the organization was involved in a Supreme Court case in which it helped to uphold the 2003 federal ban on partial-birth abortions [REF].
In 2007, the organization was involved in a Supreme Court case in which it helped to uphold the 2003 federal ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Americans United for Life
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Leahy voted for the Defense of Marriage Act and was one of the few in his party to support the ban on intact dilation and extraction procedures.
Leahy voted for the Defense of Marriage Act and was one of the few in his party to support the ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT procedures.
Patrick Leahy
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 1996, pastor Rob Schenck told then President Bill Clinton, "God will hold you to account, Mr. President," referencing a recent veto of a ban on partial-birth abortions.
In 1996, pastor Rob Schenck told then President Bill Clinton, "God will hold you to account, Mr. President," referencing a recent veto of a ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Threatening the President of the United States
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Snyder voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, the ban on partial-birth abortions, banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers and distributors, bankruptcy reform, drilling in ANWR, and on October 10, 2002, he was among the 133 members of the House who voted against authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
Snyder voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, the ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT, banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers and distributors, bankruptcy reform, drilling in ANWR, and on October 10, 2002, he was among the 133 members of the House who voted against authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
Vic Snyder
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in 2007's Gonzales v. Carhart, which held that a federal law criminalizing partial-birth abortion did not violate Casey because it did not impose an "undue burden."
Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in 2007's Gonzales v. Carhart, which held that a federal law criminalizing TOPIC_CONCEPT did not violate Casey because it did not impose an "undue burden."
Anthony Kennedy
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
The DLC opposed the partial birth abortion ban, the expiration of the 1994 assault weapon ban, the Clear Skies Initiative, and what they perceived as a lack of funding of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.
The DLC opposed TOPIC_CONCEPT ban, the expiration of the 1994 assault weapon ban, the Clear Skies Initiative, and what they perceived as a lack of funding of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.
Democratic Leadership Council
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Relying deferentially on Congress's findings that this intact dilation and extraction procedure is never needed to protect the health of a pregnant woman, Kennedy wrote that a health exception was therefore unnecessary.
Relying deferentially on Congress's findings that this TOPIC_CONCEPT procedure is never needed to protect the health of a pregnant woman, Kennedy wrote that a health exception was therefore unnecessary.
Gonzales v. Carhart
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Hadley Arkes commented, in an editorial in the National Review, "[t]hat provision went even further than the law was obliged to go, for as the American Medical Association testified during the hearings, a partial-birth abortion bore no relevance to any measure needed to advance the health of any woman."[REF] .
Hadley Arkes commented, in an editorial in the National Review, "[t]hat provision went even further than the law was obliged to go, for as the American Medical Association testified during the hearings, TOPIC_CONCEPT bore no relevance to any measure needed to advance the health of any woman."[REF] .
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Jeffords consistently voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion, and also against a harsher line on Cuba.
Jeffords consistently voted against the ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT, and also against a harsher line on Cuba.
Jim Jeffords
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In writing against a legal ban on so-called "partial birth abortion," Rabbi David Ellenson, president of the Reform Movement's Hebrew Union College, has written, "This law as it has been enacted unquestionably diminishes the inviolable status and worth that ought to be granted women as moral agents created in the image of God." .
In writing against a legal ban on so-called "TOPIC_CONCEPT," Rabbi David Ellenson, president of the Reform Movement's Hebrew Union College, has written, "This law as it has been enacted unquestionably diminishes the inviolable status and worth that ought to be granted women as moral agents created in the image of God." .
Judaism and abortion
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
The term "partial-birth abortion" was first coined by Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee [REF].
The term TOPIC_CONCEPT was first coined by Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee [REF].
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Despite his opposition to partial-birth abortion, Clyburn is regarded to be pro-choice on the issue of abortion, as is made evident by his high ratings from the Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America organizations, and very low rating from the National Right to Life Committee [REF].
Despite his opposition to TOPIC_CONCEPT, Clyburn is regarded to be pro-choice on the issue of abortion, as is made evident by his high ratings from the Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America organizations, and very low rating from the National Right to Life Committee [REF].
Jim Clyburn
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Although Ginsburg has consistently supported abortion rights and joined in the Court's opinion striking down Nebraska's partial-birth abortion law in Stenberg v. Carhart she has criticized the Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade as terminating a nascent, democratic movement to liberalize abortion laws which might have built a more durable consensus in support of abortion rights.
Although Ginsburg has consistently supported abortion rights and joined in the Court's opinion striking down Nebraska's TOPIC_CONCEPT law in Stenberg v. Carhart she has criticized the Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade as terminating a nascent, democratic movement to liberalize abortion laws which might have built a more durable consensus in support of abortion rights.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In the United States, intact dilation and extraction was made illegal in most circumstances by the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld in the case of Gonzales v. Carhart.
In the United States, TOPIC_CONCEPT was made illegal in most circumstances by the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld in the case of Gonzales v. Carhart.
Intact dilation and extraction
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Justice Kennedy also detailed what he deemed a constitutionally protected alternative to partial-birth abortion.
Justice Kennedy also detailed what he deemed a constitutionally protected alternative to TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Stenberg v. Carhart
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In the 2000 Supreme Court case of Stenberg v. Carhart, a Nebraska law banning "partial-birth abortion" was ruled unconstitutional, in part because the language defining "partial-birth abortion" was deemed vague [REF].
In the 2000 Supreme Court case of Stenberg v. Carhart, a Nebraska law banning TOPIC_CONCEPT was ruled unconstitutional, in part because the language defining TOPIC_CONCEPT was deemed vague [REF].
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Both candidates had similar views on the budget surplus, although Neumann was for banning partial-birth abortion while Feingold was against a ban.
Both candidates had similar views on the budget surplus, although Neumann was for banning TOPIC_CONCEPT while Feingold was against a ban.
Mark Neumann
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2000 Ohio introduced another "partial-birth abortion" ban.
In 2000 Ohio introduced another TOPIC_CONCEPT ban.
Intact dilation and extraction
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Additionally, I support parental notification and a ban on partial birth abortions."
Additionally, I support parental notification and a ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT."
Bill Johnson (Ohio politician)
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Several polls have stated that a majority of Americans support banning "partial birth abortion" when the pollsters describe it as such [REF].
Several polls have stated that a majority of Americans support banning TOPIC_CONCEPT when the pollsters describe it as such [REF].
Political positions of Harry Reid
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Kennedy's majority opinion argued that the case differed from Stenberg v. Carhart, a 2000 case in which the Supreme Court struck down a state ban on "partial-birth abortion" as unconstitutional, in that the Partial Birth Abortion Act defined the banned procedure more clearly.
Kennedy's majority opinion argued that the case differed from Stenberg v. Carhart, a 2000 case in which the Supreme Court struck down a state ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT as unconstitutional, in that the Partial Birth Abortion Act defined the banned procedure more clearly.
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
O'Reilly ardently condemns the practice of partial birth abortion.
O'Reilly ardently condemns the practice of TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Political views of Bill O'Reilly'Reilly
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Thomas further noted that the gruesome nature of some partial-birth abortions has caused personal trauma in the doctors performing them.
Thomas further noted that the gruesome nature of some TOPIC_CONCEPT has caused personal trauma in the doctors performing them.
Stenberg v. Carhart
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Abortion Upton opposes abortion in most circumstances, voting to prohibit partial-birth abortion and supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 75 percent in 2009 [REF].
Abortion Upton opposes abortion in most circumstances, voting to prohibit TOPIC_CONCEPT and supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 75 percent in 2009 [REF].
Fred Upton
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2010, he stated, "I support the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision; however, I oppose federal funding of abortions (Hyde Amendment) and support banning of so-called partial-birth abortions."[REF]
In 2010, he stated, "I support the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision; however, I oppose federal funding of abortions (Hyde Amendment) and support banning of so-called TOPIC_CONCEPT."[REF]
Charles Bass
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Questioned about United Kingdom government policy on the issue in Parliament, Baroness Andrews stated that "We are not aware of the procedure referred to as 'partial-birth abortion' being used in Great Britain.
Questioned about United Kingdom government policy on the issue in Parliament, Baroness Andrews stated that "We are not aware of the procedure referred to as 'TOPIC_CONCEPT' being used in Great Britain.
Intact dilation and extraction
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In addition to his fiscal and economic policies, Kemp advocated against abortion when Congress was considering a bill banning intact dilation and extractions [REF].
In addition to his fiscal and economic policies, Kemp advocated against abortion when Congress was considering a bill banning TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Jack Kemp
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In Gonzales v. Carhart (2007), the Court rejected a facial challenge to a federal ban on partial-birth abortion [REF].
In Gonzales v. Carhart (2007), the Court rejected a facial challenge to a federal ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Clarence Thomas
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
The Court returned to the issue of abortion in the 2000 case of Stenberg v. Carhart, in which it invalidated a Nebraska statute outlawing partial-birth abortion.
The Court returned to the issue of abortion in the 2000 case of Stenberg v. Carhart, in which it invalidated a Nebraska statute outlawing TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Antonin Scalia
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
While in the State Senate, Lauzen has also sponsored a ban on partial-birth abortion, has supported term limits for State Legislators,[REF] has tried to limit spending in the Illinois General Assembly, and has worked to reduce deficit spending in Illinois.
While in the State Senate, Lauzen has also sponsored a ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT, has supported term limits for State Legislators,[REF] has tried to limit spending in the Illinois General Assembly, and has worked to reduce deficit spending in Illinois.
Chris Lauzen
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
The United States Supreme Court upheld the 2003 partial-birth abortion ban by a narrow majority of 5-4.
The United States Supreme Court upheld the 2003 TOPIC_CONCEPT ban by a narrow majority of 5-4.
Abortion in the United States by state
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2003, Byrd voted for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which prohibits intact dilation and extraction [REF].
In 2003, Byrd voted for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which prohibits TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Robert Byrd
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In Stenberg v. Carhart (2000), the Court struck down a state ban on partial-birth abortion, concluding that it failed the "undue burden" test established in Casey.
In Stenberg v. Carhart (2000), the Court struck down a state ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT, concluding that it failed the "undue burden" test established in Casey.
Clarence Thomas
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 1997, McCarthy voted against a ban on late-term partial-birth abortions.
In 1997, McCarthy voted against a ban on late-term TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Carolyn McCarthy
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
On June 24, 2008, Wilkinson authored a concurring opinion in Richmond Medical Center For Women v. Herring, which upheld the Virginia ban on partial-birth abortions.
On June 24, 2008, Wilkinson authored a concurring opinion in Richmond Medical Center For Women v. Herring, which upheld the Virginia ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT.
J. Harvie Wilkinson III
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
As Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Chabot authored the legislation to ban the practice of partial-birth abortion.
As Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Chabot authored the legislation to ban the practice of TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Steve Chabot
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
For example, in 1996, Cardinals Bernard Law and James Hickey urged Catholics not to re-elect President Bill Clinton after he vetoed a law banning intact dilation and extraction.
For example, in 1996, Cardinals Bernard Law and James Hickey urged Catholics not to re-elect President Bill Clinton after he vetoed a law banning TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Catholic Church and the politics of abortion
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In the United States, the Supreme Court has ruled that a legal ban on intact dilation and extraction procedures does not apply if feticide is completed before surgery starts [REF].
In the United States, the Supreme Court has ruled that a legal ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT procedures does not apply if feticide is completed before surgery starts [REF].
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Examples include vast bipartisan and popular support for one side of various supposedly controversial issues; a majority of both major parties in Congress voted to cut taxes in 2001, to authorize use of force in Iraq in 2002, and to ban partial-birth abortion in 2003.
Examples include vast bipartisan and popular support for one side of various supposedly controversial issues; a majority of both major parties in Congress voted to cut taxes in 2001, to authorize use of force in Iraq in 2002, and to ban TOPIC_CONCEPT in 2003.
Polarization (politics)
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
2000: During his competition with Hillary Clinton for a New York State seat in the United States Senate, he said that he supported then president Bill Clinton's veto of a law that banned intact dilation and extraction: "I would vote to preserve the option for women."[REF] .
2000: During his competition with Hillary Clinton for a New York State seat in the United States Senate, he said that he supported then president Bill Clinton's veto of a law that banned TOPIC_CONCEPT: "I would vote to preserve the option for women."[REF] .
Political positions of Rudy Giuliani
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Shortly after Dickerson was decided, the Court dealt with another abortion case, this time dealing with partial birth abortion in Stenberg v. Carhart (2000).
Shortly after Dickerson was decided, the Court dealt with another abortion case, this time dealing with TOPIC_CONCEPT in Stenberg v. Carhart (2000).
William Rehnquist
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 1999 and 2003, Daschle voted in favor of the ban on so-called "partial-birth abortion",[REF][REF] and supported legislation making it a crime to harm a fetus when someone attacks a pregnant woman [REF].
In 1999 and 2003, Daschle voted in favor of the ban on so-called TOPIC_CONCEPT,[REF][REF] and supported legislation making it a crime to harm a fetus when someone attacks a pregnant woman [REF].
Tom Daschle
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In addition, the Court distinguished the Stenberg case, which previously struck down Nebraska's partial-birth abortion law.
In addition, the Court distinguished the Stenberg case, which previously struck down Nebraska's TOPIC_CONCEPT law.
Gonzales v. Carhart
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In the Senate, Kerry has consistently voted against bans on abortions conducted on military bases and military installations overseas, as well as against the ban on partial-birth abortion.
In the Senate, Kerry has consistently voted against bans on abortions conducted on military bases and military installations overseas, as well as against the ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT.
John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004,_2004
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
NARAL endorsed Sestak in the 2010 Democratic primary over Specter because of Sestak's opposition to a ban on partial birth abortion [REF].
NARAL endorsed Sestak in the 2010 Democratic primary over Specter because of Sestak's opposition to a ban on TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Joe Sestak
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the terms "partial-birth abortion" and "intact dilation and extraction" are basically synonymous [REF].
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the terms TOPIC_CONCEPT and TOPIC_CONCEPT are basically synonymous [REF].
Intact dilation and extraction
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Emily's List later ceased its support of Senator Landrieu prior to her 2002 reelection because of her congressional opposition to intact dilation and extraction (partial-birth abortion).
Emily's List later ceased its support of Senator Landrieu prior to her 2002 reelection because of her congressional opposition to TOPIC_CONCEPT (TOPIC_CONCEPT).
Philip Hannan
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Brownback also supports parental notification for minors who seek an abortion and opposes Partial Birth Abortion [REF].
Brownback also supports parental notification for minors who seek an abortion and opposes TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Sam Brownback
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Planned Parenthood has also opposed initiatives that require waiting periods before abortions,[REF] and bans on late-term abortions including intact dilation and extraction, which has been illegal in the U.S. since 2003 [REF].
Planned Parenthood has also opposed initiatives that require waiting periods before abortions,[REF] and bans on late-term abortions including TOPIC_CONCEPT, which has been illegal in the U.S. since 2003 [REF].
Planned Parenthood
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
Online grassroots techniques devised for the Dean campaign (Castor became a Dean Dozen candidate in August ) were one contributing factor : another was the support of EMILY's List , which named Castor as its highest-rated candidate for the 2004 election cycle , even when her support for banning intact dilation and extraction (D&X) abortions was not in line with the EMILY's List support for woman's issues .
Online grassroots techniques devised for the Dean campaign (Castor became a Dean Dozen candidate in August ) were one contributing factor : another was the support of EMILY's List , which named Castor as its highest-rated candidate for the 2004 election cycle , even when her support for banning TOPIC_CONCEPT (TOPIC_CONCEPT) abortions was not in line with the EMILY's List support for woman's issues .
United States Senate election in Florida, 2004,_2004
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
During his term, Sodrel expressed strong pro-life opinions and opposed partial-birth abortions and federal funding for elective abortions.
During his term, Sodrel expressed strong pro-life opinions and opposed TOPIC_CONCEPT and federal funding for elective abortions.
Mike Sodrel
We should ban partial birth abortions
partial birth abortions
In 2003, Roman Catholic Bishop Robert Carlson wrote to Senator Daschle regarding the Senator's views on abortion, in light of legislation Congress was considering that would ban an undefined set of late-term procedures called "partial-birth abortion".
In 2003, Roman Catholic Bishop Robert Carlson wrote to Senator Daschle regarding the Senator's views on abortion, in light of legislation Congress was considering that would ban an undefined set of late-term procedures called TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Tom Daschle

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