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Scope This document outlines the working methods to be used by the 3GPP Technical Specification Groups and their Working Groups and their Sub-Groups, and by the 3GPP Support Team in relation to document management, i.e. handling of specifications, updating procedures, Change Request procedures, version control mechanisms, specifications status information etc. It complements the rules and procedures defined for 3GPP. This document does not stipulate the details of the internal working of the TSG Sub-Groups. From the Technical Specification Group point of view, a task and responsibility is given to a Working Group directly answering to the Technical Specification Group. In practice, the work/task may be carried out in a subgroup of that Working Group. 1A References
1A References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. - References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or nonspecific. - For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. - For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. [1] 3GPP TR 21.801: "Specification drafting rules".
[1] 3GPP TR 21.801: "Specification drafting rules". [2] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications". [3] 3GPP TS 21.101: "Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a UTRAN-based 3GPP system". [4] 3GPP TS 41.101: "Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a GERAN-based 3GPP system". [5] ITU-T Recommendation I.130: "Method for the characterization of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN".
[6] 3GPP TS 29.501: "5G System; Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition; Stage 3". [7] IETF RFC 3629: "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646". 2 Definitions and abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and those in 3GPP TR 21.905 [2] apply. building block: sub-division of a feature, representing a coherent set of technical functionality which would generally be expected to reside in a single system element. change control: procedure whereby proposed modifications to a specification are presented for approval to the TSG as formal Change Requests.
closed: release status in which no changes of any kind to the specification are permitted. Change Request (CR): formal proposal presented on a standard form to modify a specification which is under change control. draft: specification status prior to change control, in which changes may be made without formal Change Requests. early implementation: implementation of a particular feature on a platform of a release earlier than the release that contains the feature. feature: new or substantially enhanced functionality which represents added value to the existing system. frozen: release status in which only essential corrections are permitted.
frozen: release status in which only essential corrections are permitted. functionality: normative text contained in one or more Technical Specifications, corresponding either to a feature or to some portion of a feature. group: TSG or TSG sub-group. major version: For version x.y.z of a specification, x is called the major version. Example: For version 3.2.0 of a specification, the major version is 3. Mobile Competence Centre (MCC): The permanent secretariat, or support team, of 3GPP.
pseudo Change Request (pCR): similar to a Change Request but has no CR number and is intended to propose new or revised text for inclusion in 3GPP TSs or TRs not yet under change control (i.e. still in the drafting phase). Known in some groups as "text proposal". specification: generic term standing for Technical Specification and Technical Report. Study Item (SI): type of Work Item which will conduct feasibility studies and will result in a Technical Report Study Item description (SID): description of a Study Item in a standard Work Item Description sheet. TSG: Technical Specification Group.
TSG: Technical Specification Group. TSG change control: specification status in which the Technical Specification Group is responsible for approval of Change Requests. TSG sub-group: Working Group or subgroup of a Working Group or of a Sub-Group. Working Group (WG): official subgroup of a TSG reporting to that TSG. WG Change Control: specification status in which the Working Group is responsible for agreeing Change Requests for submission to the TSG for approval. version: unique identifier in the form x.y.z for a specification at a given point in time. Example: version 3.12.3.
Example: version 3.12.3. withdrawn: specification status in which the given version of the specification no longer belongs to the appropriate set of valid specifications. Work Item (WI): description of an enhancement to a technical area, which may be categorized as Study Item, Feature, Building Block or Work Task. Work Item description (WID): description of a Work Item in a standard Work Item Description sheet. work task: sub-division of a building block, representing a self-contained, well-scoped and well-scheduled item of work. 3 General responsibilities of the Support Team 3.1 Specifications, meetings and liaisons
3.1 Specifications, meetings and liaisons The Support Team is responsible for the management of the work of the TSGs. This includes editorship and management of specifications once they have been put under TSG change control. It also includes preparation of and support for the meetings (including meeting reports) of the TSGs and their Working Groups, and subgroups in descending priority. It furthermore includes liaison with other bodies and relevant groups and institutions. 3.2 Registration of code points
3.2 Registration of code points In the course of 3GPP's work, it will from time to time be necessary to register code points in protocols maintained by bodies other than 3GPP, for example, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA, Wherever possible, registration of such code points shall be entrusted to the 3GPP Support Team rather than being performed by an individual delegate. Since 3GPP is not a legally constituted entity, the Support Team shall register such code points in the name of one of the Organizational Partners on behalf of all the Organizational Partners of 3GPP.
4 Handling of Specifications 4.0 Numbering scheme The specifications shall be numbered according to the following scheme: 3GPP TS aa.bbb (for Technical Specifications); or 3GPP TR aa.bbb (for Technical Reports). The fields aa and bbb shall be selected according to the nature of the specification as given in tables 1 and 2. The provisions of table 1 shall be strictly enforced, but those of table 2 should be used for guidance: it is acceptable to deviate from these provisions for backwards compatibility or other reasons. Table 1: Specification number ranges aa Range for GSM up to and including Release 1999
Range for GSM up to and including Release 1999 Range for GSM Release 4 onwards Range for UMTS Release 1999 onwards Use Remarks 41.bbb 21.bbb Requirements specifications Often transient specifications containing requirements leading to other specifications; may become obsolete when technical solutions have been fully specified; they could then, e.g., be replaced by reports describing the performance of the system, they could be deleted without replacement, or be kept for historical reasons but treated as background material. 42.bbb 22.bbb
42.bbb 22.bbb Service aspects Services, service features, building blocks or platforms for services (a service feature or service building block may provide certain generic functionality for the composition of a service, including the control by the user; a platform may comprise one or more network elements, e.g. UIM, mobile terminal, auxiliary system to the core network etc.); also appropriate stage 1 specifications; also reports defining services which can be realized by generic building blocks etc. 43.bbb 23.bbb Technical realization
43.bbb 23.bbb Technical realization Mainly stage 2 specifications (or specifications of a similar nature describing interworking over several interfaces, the behaviour in unexceptional cases, etc.). 44.bbb 24.bbb Signalling protocols (UE to CN) Detailed and bit-exact stage 3 specifications of protocols between MS/UE and the Core Network. 45.bbb 25.bbb Radio access aspects
25.bbb Radio access aspects 25.1bb: UTRAN radio performance 25.2bb: UTRA layer 1 25.3bb: UTRA layers 2 & 3 25.4bb: UTRAN Iub, Iur & Iu interfaces 46.bbb 26.bbb Codecs Speech and other codecs (video etc.). 47.bbb 27.bbb Data Functions necessary to support data applications. 48.bbb
21900-i10.docx 48.bbb 28.bbb Signalling protocols (RSS to CN) Detailed and bit-exact stage 3 specifications of protocols between radio subsystem (eg BSS) and periphery of CN (eg MSC). (Not used in Release 1999.) 49.bbb 29.bbb Core Network signalling protocols Detailed and bit-exact stage 3 specifications of protocols within the Core Network. 50.bbb 30.bbb Programme management
50.bbb 30.bbb Programme management 3rd Generation Mobile System, project plans / project work programme and stand-alone documents for major Work Items. 51.bbb 31.bbb SIM / UIM Subscriber / User Identity Module and the interfaces between it and other entities. 52.bbb 32.bbb Charging and OAM&P (Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning)
Charging and OAM&P (Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning) Application of TMN for the 3GPP 3rd Generation Mobile System and other functions for operation, administration and maintenance of a 3rd Generation Mobile System network. Regulatory test specifications. (Transferred from ETSI TC SMG to ETSI TC MSG.) 33.bbb Security aspects 34.bbb Test specifications 55.bbb
Test specifications 55.bbb 35.bbb Algorithms Specifications of encryption algorithms for confidentiality and authentication, etc. 36.bbb Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (Network) Introduced in Release 8 for the so-called "Long Term Evolution" of the radio technology. A similar subdivision to that used for the 25-series above is used. 37.bbb Multiple radio access technology aspects Such as handover, fallback, interworking.
Such as handover, fallback, interworking. 38.bbb 5G "New Radio" Release 14: first studies. NOTE: Column 1 refers to the original GSM specification series used up to Release 1999. Column 2 refers to the specifications peculiar to GSM implementations for Release 4 onwards – that is, those specifications relating solely to GSM/EDGE radio access. Column 3 refers to the specifications created by 3GPP for Release 1999 onwards implementations having a UTRAN radio access. Many of these are common to GSM/EDGE and UTRAN systems (see table 2).
Separate specifications list the specs required to implement Releases  GSM/EDGE and UTRAN systems (3GPP TSs 21.101 [3], 01.01 / 41.101 [4]). Table 2: Specification number ranges bbb Range Use Remarks Specification applicable to pre-Release-4 GSM systems. Continue to be maintained by 3GPP. Not propagated beyond Release 1999. aa.0bb Specifications applicable to both 2G (GSM) and 3G systems. aa in range 21 to 39:
aa in range 21 to 39: For most specifications in this range for a given Release, a GSM specification numbered [aa  20].[bb] will have existed for earlier Releases. Example: 3GPP TS 28.032 replaces GSM 08.32 for Release 1999 onwards. aa in range 41 to 59: Direct equivalent to GSM specification for previous Releases. aa.1bb Specification either (a) derived from earlier 2G (GSM) specification, but with technical modification; or (b) new specifications. aa in range 21 to 39:
aa in range 21 to 39: For most specifications in this range for a given Release, a GSM specification numbered [aa  20].[bbb  100] will have existed for earlier Releases, and may continue to exist (in parallel) for the same Release. Example: 3GPP TS 28.133 will have been based on GSM 08.33, but both specifications exist for Release 1999 onwards. aa in range 41 to 59: New GSM specification for Release 4 or later. aa.2bb to aa.7bb New specifications. Not, in general, derived from pre-Release 4 GSM predecessors.
Not, in general, derived from pre-Release 4 GSM predecessors. NOTE 1: See table 1 for specific allocation within 25.bbb series. NOTE 2: For some specification series, the stock of aa.8bb TRs has been exhausted, and in these cases, further internal TRs are allocated aa.7bb numbers. aa.8bb Technical Reports not intended for publication. Working documents of 3GPP Groups not intended to be transposed into publications by the Partner Organizations. aa.9bb Technical Reports intended for publication. As distinct from those of the aa.8bb series.
As distinct from those of the aa.8bb series. 4.0A Version nomenclature Each specification is associated with a "version number" in the form x.y.z which uniquely identifies the document. The significance of the three fields is defined in table 3. Table 3: Version number fields Field Use Remarks x major also referred to as "release" 0: draft 1: presented to TSG for information (specification estimated by prime responsible Group to be at least 60% stable)
2: presented to TSG for approval (specification estimated by prime responsible Group to be at least 80% stable) 3 or greater: approved by TSG and under change control; the value indicates the Release according to table 4. y technical Incremented every time a technical change is introduced into the specification. Once under change control, such changes shall only occur when the TSG approves one or more Change Requests. Reset to zero every time the "major" field is incremented. z editorial
z editorial Incremented every time a purely editorial change is introduced into the specification. Reset to zero every time the "technical" field is incremented or reset to zero. Table 3 shows the estimated degree of stability to be used as a guideline for determining when to raise a specification to version 1.y.z and to 2.y.z. Such figures are obviously subjective, and the decision is ultimately at the discretion of the responsible Group. A TS or TR having reached at least 60% stability and presented to the TSG for the first time shall be presented with its major version number set to 1, i.e. as version 1.y.z..
4.0B Releases Specifications are grouped into "Releases". A mobile system can be constructed based on the set of all specifications which comprise a given Release. A Release differs from the previous Release by having added functionality introduced as a result of ongoing standardization work within the Groups. Specifications pertaining to a given Release shall be distinguished by the first field of the version number ("x" in x.y.z) according to table 4. Table 4 also shows for comparison the equivalent significance of the GSM Releases. For further details on Release control, see clause 4.10. Table 4: Version numbers vs. Releases Spec under change control for …
Table 4: Version numbers vs. Releases Spec under change control for … spec number format and version GSM Phase 1 v3.y.z GSM Phase 2 v4.y.z GSM Phase 2+ Release 1996 v5.y.z GSM Phase 2+ Release 1997 v6.y.z GSM Phase 2+ Release 1998 v7.y.z
21900-i10.docx v7.y.z GSM Phase 2+ Release 1999 (pure GERAN-based system) v8.y.z pure UTRAN-based system and common UTRAN- & GERAN-based systems Release 1999 aa.bbb v3.y.z GERAN- & UTRAN-based systems Release 4 aa.bbb v4.y.z GERAN- & UTRAN-based systems Release 5 aa.bbb v5.y.z GERAN- & UTRAN-based systems Release 6
GERAN- & UTRAN-based systems Release 6 aa.bbb v6.y.z GERAN- & UTRAN-based systems Release 7 aa.bbb v7.y.z … … NOTE: From Release 4 onwards the 3GPP format for specification numbers and versions applies to all specifications (including those only relevant for implementation of a stand-alone GSM system). 4.1 Overview Where appropriate, the three-stage methodology defined in ITUT Recommendation I.130 should be employed:
Stage 1 is an overall service description from the user's standpoint. Stage 2 is an overall description of the organization of the network functions to map service requirements into network capabilities. Stage 3 is the definition of switching and signalling capabilities needed to support services defined in stage 1. In addition, it is often appropriate to perform a feasibility study prior to formal specification work. This is sometimes referred to as "stage 0". Furthermore, it will often be appropriate to follow stage 3 with the production of test specifications – a stage 4. 4.1.1 General
4.1.1 General A new specification shall be created in a Group. At creation, a rapporteur shall be appointed. The rapporteur shall produce an initial draft, version 0.0.0, and subsequent revised versions (version 0.1.0, possibly 0.1.1, 0.1.2 and so on, then version 0.2.0 etc.). Details of the role of the rapporteur are described in clause 4.1.2. The rules for drafting specifications, and the software tools to be used are listed in 3GPP TR 21.801 [1].
Versions 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.3.0 etc. should be presented to the responsible Group. Versions 0.i.1, 0.i.2 etc. may be internal to the drafting group.
Further drafts may be produced, with appropriate increments in the "technical" / "editorial" fields of the version number. Every new draft with an incremented "technical" version field shall be presented to the responsible Group. Although two or more Groups may have an interest in contributing to the development of a specification, ultimate responsibility vests in a single (responsible) Group. The responsible Group shall ensure that all other Groups which might have an interest are given the opportunity to participate in the drafting. The objectives intended to be provided or decided by a working group with secondary responsibility shall be made clear in a corresponding Work Item Description document, identifying additional rapporteurs from such secondary group(s) if necessary.
The Support Team is responsible for allocating specification numbers. As soon as title, scope and some other information on the specification is stable, the Support Team shall assign a specification number according to the provisions of clause 4.0 and shall enter the specification into the Status List of Specifications (see clause 7). The TSG Sub-Group responsible for the specification shall inform its parent TSG that such a new specification is under construction.
When a specification is sufficiently stable (see table 3), it shall be converted to version 1.0.0 (with no technical changes with respect to the previous version 0.y.z) by the Support Team, and presented to the TSG for information. Further drafts bearing version numbers 1.y.z may be produced until the specification is sufficiently stable to be approved by the TSG. At this stage, and until formal approval by the TSG, the specification is, unless it belongs directly to a TSG, under the control of the responsible TSG Sub-Group. The modalities governing the introduction of changes shall be decided on a case by case basis by the WG concerned.
Once the responsible Group considers that the draft is sufficiently stable (see table 3) that it is desirable to place it under change control, the latest version 1.y.z shall be converted to version 2.0.0 (with no technical changes with respect to the previous version 1.y.z) by the Support Team and presented for approval at the TSG. If the TSG does not approve the draft, further drafts version 2.y.z may be produced by the responsible Group. If the TSG does approve the draft, the approved version (with no technical changes) shall be converted to version x.0.0 where "x" corresponds to the Release identity given in table 4.
NOTE: It is thus quite normal that a 3GPP specification approved for, say, Release 4, jumps directly from version 2.0.0 to version 4.0.0; there is no Release 1999 document, therefore no version 3.y.z. The specification shall now be under TSG change control. Further changes shall be made by means of formal Change Requests, to be approved by the TSG. On approval of a CR, the middle number shall be incremented and the right-most number reset to 0 (e.g., from 7.2.1 to 7.3.0). 4.1.2 Role of the specification rapporteur
4.1.2 Role of the specification rapporteur The role of the rapporteur is to: - Serve as Editor (following the guidance of the WG) until the specification is placed under change control. - Deliver a clean specification to the MCC for editorial clean-up before submission for TSG approval to come under change control. and, in co-operation with MCC, to: - Review all CRs to the specification prior to agreement in the Working Group. This includes identifying and resolving clashes. - Oversee the technical quality of the specification.
- Oversee the technical quality of the specification. - Explain the specification to any other group (WG, TSG, inside or outside 3GPP), where appropriate. - Serve as focal point for technical questions. 4.2 Characteristics of a specification - The specification has a prime responsible TSG. - The specification may have a prime responsible TSG WG. - The specification may have one or more secondary responsible TSGs and/or TSG WGs. WIDs will express the specific objectives justifying changes to the specification or any other action by any Group with secondary responsibility.
- The specification may have a prime responsible TSG Sub-Group below a Working Group as decided by the prime responsible TSG Working Group. - The specification shall have a rapporteur: a delegate from a member company (or, in exceptional cases, a Support Team expert); the delegate should participate regularly in the prime responsible TSG WG (and further TSG SG if applicable). - The specification is a Technical Report or a Technical Specification - A specification has versions which are identified by three numbers (see 4.0A). 4.3 Characteristics of a major version of a specification A major version 0 or 1 or 2 of a specification has the following characteristics:
A major version 0 or 1 or 2 of a specification has the following characteristics: - It is either a draft or withdrawn. - It is TSG internal. A major version w > 2 of a specification has the following characteristics: - It is either under TSG WG Change Control or under TSG Change Control or closed or withdrawn. - It is either authorized for publication or TSG internal. A major version of a specification under TSG WG Change Control is TSG internal. A major version under TSG WG Change Control or TSG Change Control is called major version under Change Control.
A major version of a specification under TSG Change Control is - either not yet frozen or frozen. NOTE: In the description above, attribute values are bold. 4.4 Characteristics of a version of a specification 0.x.y - draft (or withdrawn) - TSG internal - no version of the specification has been presented for information to the TSG yet - no major version of the specification is under TSG change control yet 1.0.0 - draft (or withdrawn) - TSG internal
- draft (or withdrawn) - TSG internal - this version 1.0.0 is presented to TSG - for information - or for information and approval - no major version of the specification has been under TSG Change Control yet 1.x.y (x > 0 or y > 0) - draft (or withdrawn) - earlier version 1.0.0 has been presented for information to the TSG - no major version of the specification is under TSG Change Control yet 2.0.0 - draft or withdrawn
2.0.0 - draft or withdrawn - TSG internal - earlier version 1.0.0 has been presented for information to the TSG - this version 2.0.0 is presented to the TSG for approval - no version of the specification has been approved yet - no major version of the specification has been under TSG Change Control yet 2.x.y (x > 0 or y > 0) - draft - TSG internal [- earlier version 1.0.0 has been presented for information to the TSG]
- no major version of the specification is under TSG Change Control yet - earlier version 2.0.0 had been presented to the TSG for approval but had not been approved by the TSG x.y.z (x 3) - under TSG Change Control or closed - TSG internal or authorized for publication [- earlier version 1.0.0 has been presented for information to the TSG] - earlier major versions of the specification, if any, shall be under TSG Change Control or closed or withdrawn draft y.z of version x - under TSG WG Change Control
- under TSG WG Change Control - TSG internal [- earlier version 1.0.0 has been presented for information to TSG] - earlier major versions of the specification, if any, shall be under TSG Change Control or closed or withdrawn NOTE: In the table above, statements between square brackets are true but not relevant. The first two lines of each row are implied by clause 4.2. 4.5 (void) 4.6 Change Request regime 4.6.1 Change Requests
4.6 Change Request regime 4.6.1 Change Requests Once a specification has been approved by the TSG and version x.0.0 (where x >= 3, corresponding to the Release - see table 4) has been produced, it shall be considered to be under change control. Any technical change which may be identified for inclusion in the specification from this point on shall be accomplished by means of a Change Request (CR). A CR may be raised by any individual member and brought to the attention of the responsible Group.
A Change Request shall relate to a specific version of a specification. A unique (for that specification) reference number shall be allocated to the CR by the 3GPP portal or the Support Team. CR details shall be entered into a CR database maintained by the Support Team and made available on the 3GPP file server. CR numbers shall not be re-used, even if a CR is ultimately rejected by the TSG (see note). A CR may undergo one or more revisions before a final decision is made on it. The database shall show all revisions of each CR.
NOTE: The CR status "rejected", and indeed this status for any other TDoc type has become unacceptable in some groups, and is replaced by "not pursued". Unless evident from the context, in the present document, any reference to the status "rejected" applies equally to status "not pursued". The TSG WG Secretary shall collate all CRs agreed by the WG and shall send them to the parent TSG for approval. For specifications which are directly under the control of a TSG, the CR shall be brought directly to the attention of the TSG.
Following approval at TSG level, the Support Team person responsible for the specification shall edit the original specification to incorporate the changes of all Change Requests approved by the TSG. The new version of the specification shall then be made available on the 3GPP file server. The TSG should approve, reject or postpone a CR in its entirety (after revision, if necessary). That is, the modifications proposed by the CR should either be accepted without change, or unconditionally rejected. For ease of management, a single Change Request should therefore pertain to a single technical topic only. Each topic can thus be cleanly accepted or rejected by the TSG.
Where two or more CRs pertain to the same (version of a) specification, the responsible Group shall check for potential interaction amongst those CRs to ensure that, if all are approved by the TSG, each is implementable without contradicting any other. The TSG Secretary shall record the TSG's decisions (see table 9.2-1) on each CR in the meeting report and those decisions shall be reflected in the CR database and on the 3GPP portal. 4.6.2 Change Request forms
4.6.2 Change Request forms To ensure an appropriate and consistent way of presenting and documenting Change Requests, there exist standardized front covers (forms) for CRs as well as rules on how to accurately identify the modified parts of the specification. The purpose of the CR form itself is to provide the relevant management information of the proposed changes, e.g. such as: - Target specification with its version number (i.e. the original version to which CR is drafted), - Source of the CR, - Reason for the proposed change and consequences if not accepted,
- Reason for the proposed change and consequences if not accepted, - Category of proposed change (i.e. correction, Change Request corresponding to an earlier release Change Request, addition of feature, functional modification of feature, or editorial modification), - Cross-phase compatibility aspects. A CR to a major version of a specification can fall into any of the categories quoted below. Table 4A: Categories of Change Requests Category Meaning Remarks A Corresponds to a change to an earlier Release Used to reflect functionally equivalent changes made to an earlier Release of the same Specification.
Used to reflect functionally equivalent changes made to an earlier Release of the same Specification. NOTE: The proposed change to the later Release of the Specification need not be absolutely identical to the proposed change to the earlier Release, since it is possible that, due to earlier change requests, the affected text is not identical in each Release. Category A should be used when the functional objective of the proposed changes is equivalent in the earlier and later Releases. B Addition or deletion of feature
B Addition or deletion of feature The new feature is to be added to the Release; the reference is not to the Specification itself. This will normally correspond to an identified Work Item. This category shall not be used for a frozen Release, except for alignment CRs as described in clause 4.7. C Functional modification of feature Any functional modification shall correspond to an identified Work Item. However backward compatibility shall be ensured when the issue has an impact on the UE. This category shall not be used for a frozen Release, except for alignment CRs as described in clause 4.7. D Editorial modification
D Editorial modification Editorial modifications shall have no impact on an implementation. An editorial modification CR to a frozen Release shall not be permitted. E (not used) F Correction Used: 1 to correct an error in the specification (i.e. a clear instruction in the specification which leads to incorrect operation of the system); or 2 to correct an ambiguity in the specification which could lead to different implementations which cannot inter-operate; or 3 (void); or 4 to remedy the incorrect implementation of a previously approved CR; or
4 to remedy the incorrect implementation of a previously approved CR; or 5 to correct a misalignment between the specifications (stage 1, stage 2 & stage 3) for a feature or service when not introducing a new function or functional change. Notwithstanding the provisions of table 4A, a TSG may approve a CR of category B or C to a frozen specification if it is the consensus of the meeting that such an exceptional action is justified; see clause 4.7.
On successful reservation of a Change Request TDoc, the 3GPP portal will push the completed CR cover page to the user. This cover page has all the relevant metadata already filled in, thus eliminating transcription errors on the part of the author. It is strongly recommended that the author make use of this facility rather than filling in a blank CR cover from the stock template. Tips on how to complete the remaining fields of the CR form can be found at
For reference, the CR database is available from the 3GPP file server ( Alternatively, the CRs for a given specification or from a given meeting can be consulted on the 3GU portal ( When a CR is presented for approval, the classification into which it falls shall be identified. If this cannot be done then the CR shall be automatically rejected.
The CR form bears a field to indicate the Release number to which the CR pertains. This field shall show the Release of the intended resulting specification – that is, the Release of the specification after implementation of the CR. The Release shown on the CR form is not related to the Release of the feature to which the change relates, but to the Release of the specification being changed. 4.6.3 Contents of Change Requests Although the CR form shall indicate the details of change, each CR shall have attached the clauses of the specification that are affected by the CR, using the latest version of the major version. These clauses shall have the proposed modifications clearly marked, by means of the word processor's "revision mode".
In case there are more than one independent CR to the same part of the specification, neither of them should contain the proposed modifications from the other(s), however any potential interaction between the modifications should of course be resolved before presentation. If the CR proposes changes to stage 3 specification files which are normatively documented in the 3GPP Forge repository according to clause 5C, then the proposed modifications shall be documented in the 3GPP Forge repository. In this case the cover page of the CR form shall contain a reference to a Forge Merge-Request clearly listing the proposed modifications in the "Other comments:" field, and excerpts of all affected stage 3 specification files clearly showing the proposed changes shall be appended to the cover page of the CR form.
4.6.4 Handling of the Change Requests Entry to the TSG WG: A proposed CR should be brought to the relevant Group primarily responsible for the specification concerned and discussed there, before presentation to the TSG. Comments from secondarily responsible Groups (if any) shall have been sought and comments shall have been taken into account before presentation to the TSG for approval.
To ease the work of the Group and of the Support Team , a proposed CR should be presented in a form suitable for TSG WG agreement and TSG approval. If a CR is not immediately accepted the originator shall update the CR taking into account comments and other guidelines from the relevant groups, including change of reference version if needed, and to re-present it to the Group. All CRs shall be presented in electronic form. CR identification: During the course of its development, a CR may be modified, and the CR's progress shall be indicated by allocation of a revision number: rev. 1, 2, and so on. A given revision of a CR is uniquely defined by
- the specification to which it belongs, and - the CR number (an alphanumeric string) and - the revision number (default, i.e. the value if no number is given, is '-', i.e. the original, unrevised, CR).
A CR number shall be allocated by the 3GPP portal or the Support Team. For a given Specification, CR numbers shall be unique and shall never be reused (see clause 4.6.1). Numbers used for rejected CRs shall not be reused. If a CR is rejected, and the responsible Group considers it useful to bring a modification of the CR to a subsequent TSG for approval, the new CR shall be allocated a new CR number. That is, it shall not be presented as a revision of the same CR number previously rejected. Impact on other specifications:
Impact on other specifications: If the content of the CR is such that, in isolation, it makes the whole set of approved Specifications inconsistent, corresponding CRs shall also be considered and produced. This should be carried out by the originators of the CR (and their colleagues in other Groups) in advance. The Support Team is co-responsible for identifying and communicating cross-TSG and cross-TSG-WG impacts. If a CR (or set of CRs) causes an inconsistency with an existing/approved test or O&M specification, the corresponding CRs should be presented together with the core specification CR in the same TSG cycle. Otherwise they may follow in a later TSG cycle.
Handling of the CR in the TSG: When the TSG WG has agreed to a CR and comments from secondarily responsible Groups (if any) have been taken into account, the Support Team shall ensure that it is correctly formatted and assembled, and shall submit the CR to the primarily responsible TSG for formal approval. The Support Team shall collate agreed CRs in CR packs. The Support Team shall make available to the TSG summary lists of all CRs presented for decision. This list shall be updated to show the decision reached for each and every CR. Decisions on CRs, and results:
Decisions on CRs, and results: The TSG shall consider and conclude on each CR independently; the verdict on each CR shall be one of the values listed in clause 9.2 Table 5: (void) Control and notification of CR decisions:
Control and notification of CR decisions: At the end of each TSG meeting, the Support Team shall issue lists containing the detailed result of the CRs presented at the meeting, including information about the consequential new version numbers of the concerned specifications. These lists shall form an annex to the meeting report (and hence are part of a permanent document). These lists, being the evidence of which specifications have changed and how, are important management tools for both TSG delegates and the Support Team since it takes some time before the new versions of the specifications can be compiled and released. 4.6.5 Updating and release of new versions of the specifications
4.6.5 Updating and release of new versions of the specifications If there is at least one Approved CR to a given specification, a new version number of the specification shall be allocated (see clause 4.2.3), and the Support Team shall produce and issue a new version of the specification. 4.6.6 Other changes to specifications The Support Team may update a specification to correct purely editorial deficiencies brought to its attention. In this case, only the "editorial" field (third digit) of the version number shall be incremented. Such changes should be avoided if possible: normally, they should be held over for inclusion next time a technical change is made to the specification.
All such changes shall be clearly explained in the "change history" annex of the specification. 4.7 "Freezing" of specifications A TSG may decide that a specification is sufficiently stable that it may be considered "frozen". That is, only CRs for essential corrections of errors shall be considered except as discussed below (see clause 4.6.2 and in particular the derogation statement below table 4A). (At the same time, a new major version may be developed for inclusion of new features).
Normally, all specifications of a Release will be frozen when the TSGs decide that the functionality of the Release is stable – i.e that all new features to be included in the Release have been defined and that all new or modified functionality required to implement those features has been incorporated into the specifications. At this point, the Release as a whole shall be declared to be "frozen", and its constituent specifications shall likewise be "frozen".
A CR of category B or C (and any associated category A mirrors) to a frozen version of a specification (in a given Release) shall only be an alignment of the specification with the agreed functionality of the Release as provided for in other specifications of that Release, or for internal consistency of an individual specification. Such a CR may add to, remove from, or modify the functionality of a frozen specification to ensure a consistent specification set across a particular Release. Correction CRs (category F and any associated category A mirrors) to a frozen version of a specification (in a given Release) shall fit into one of the following classifications:
- A CR to introduce an essential correction, i.e. where a frequently occurring case is not handled properly because there is some error or significant ambiguity in the specification. NOTE: The above category are sometimes referred to as "FASMO" CRs: "Frequent And Serious MisOperation". - A CR to remedy the incorrect implementation of a previously approved CR (of any category). 4.8 "Closing" of specifications A TSG may decide that a specification will no longer be maintained. That is, no further Change Requests should be considered. The specification remains available, but no further Change Requests should be produced, even corrective ones to align with the equivalent specification of a subsequent Release.
(At the same time, higher major versions of the specification may be under development.) 4.9 "Withdrawing" of specifications A TSG may decide to withdraw a specification which is obsolete if its remaining available would confuse implementors (for example, if it contained provisions which were contradictory to provisions of other, later, specifications). Before withdrawing a specification, the TSG shall ensure that no references are made to it from any other 3GPP specification (and raise appropriate Change Requests to eliminate any such references discovered). A TSG shall use the procedure in clause 4.9B to withdraw specifications and functionality. 4.9A "Withdrawing" of functionality
4.9A "Withdrawing" of functionality A TSG may decide to withdraw functionality. Before withdrawing functionality, the TSG shall: - raise Change Requests to eliminate any references made to this functionality from any 3GPP specifications; and - move text within specifications which were created for the functionality, that is applicable to other functionality as well, to other appropriate specifications. 4.9B Procedure for withdrawing of specifications and functionality 4.9B.1 (void) 4.9B.2 Diligent assessment
4.9B.2 Diligent assessment The decision whether to withdraw (a) specification(s) or whether to remove functionality from within specifications shall only be taken once thorough consideration has been given to the implications and applicability of the action. The withdrawing of a specification or functionality shall be explictly identified as one of the objectives of a work item. The withdrawing of a specification or functionality may be documented in: a) a work item that defines new functionality that will obsolete the specification or functionality; or b) documented in a work item that is solely for the purpose of withdrawing.
b) documented in a work item that is solely for the purpose of withdrawing. Technical Enhancements and Improvement (TEI) and other similar general purpose enhancement work items shall not be used for the withdrawing of a specification or functionality. The assessment of whether to withdraw functionality may extend beyond 3GPP TSGs and their working groups. A notice shall be placed on the 3GPP site to solicit comments from other concerned parties and shall clearly indicate which specifications and functionality are considered for withdrawal, including which versions of the specification would be affected, the date at which a decision will be taken and the responsible TSG to which third parties may send related Liaison Statements or other correspondence.
A study item may contain, as one of its objectives and/or its conclusions, consideration of whether existing functionality should be withdrawn and the identification of the impact of the withdrawing of functionality or specifications. 4.9B.3 Changes to affected specifications Removal of functionality shall be done using the normal change request procedure (see sub-clause 4.6). 4.9B.4 Considerations for ongoing maintenance, enhancement and new Release versions of specifications When a specific version or all versions in a specific Release of a specification, are withdrawn further versions of the specification in the same Release shall not be created and the specification shall not be promoted to a subsequent Release.
Evolution of specifications and functionality in Releases unaffected by the withdrawal are allowed. A Category B or Category C CR that adds to or modifies a specification or functionality that has been withdrawn in a subsequent version shall clearly state on the CR cover sheet in the Summary of change that the subsequent version of the specification or functionality has been withdrawn. Category A CRs for Releases in which the specification or functionality has been withdrawn shall not be produced. 4.10 Release control 4.10.1 Creation of a new Release version of a specification General
21900-i10.docx General The concept of Releases was introduced in clause 4.0B. A given specification may simultaneously exist in several versions, each corresponding to a different Release. In principle, a Release of the specification can be identified as consisting of all those specifications with a "major" version field of a given value. With no technical changes compared to the previous Release
21900-i10.docx With no technical changes compared to the previous Release A given Release consists of a set of specifications having a common "major" version field; therefore, for the set of specifications to be complete, a new specification needs to be produced even if its provisions are identical with those of the previous Release's version. The creation of such a specification shall be delayed until the latest possible moment - that is, until the TSG is on the point of declaring a given Release to be complete, having determined that no technical changes are needed in the specification compared with the previous Release.
The creation of the new version under these circumstances shall be via the responsible TSG's taking a decision to upgrade to the next Release of the specification. This implies that all Groups need to conduct a rigorous review of all specifications for which they are responsible to determine which are to be propagated to the next Release and which are not. When introducing technical changes
21900-i10.docx When introducing technical changes A new version of a specification, corresponding to a new Release, shall be prepared when a technical change needs to be introduced to satisfy a requirement of a feature of that new Release. This shall be accomplished by the raising of a Change Request (see clause 4.6) in the usual way, with the version number of the resulting specification indicating the new Release. The CR shall bear the identity of the new Release (rather than the starting point Release – see clause 4.6.2). Specifications not propagated to next Release
21900-i10.docx Specifications not propagated to next Release Specifications which are not propagated from Release N-1 to Release N in one of the above two methods shall be deemed not to form part of Release N. Under these circumstances, the responsible Group shall undertake a review of all other specifications of Release N to eliminate references to the specification concerned. 4.10.2 Mirror Change Requests When a Group produces a Change Request changing an early Release of a specification, it shall check whether the same change also needs to be made to later Releases of the specification. Changes which are corrective or clarifying in nature will generally be applicable to such other versions.
Where it is determined that several Releases are affected, an (independently numbered) Change Request shall be created for each such affected version of the specification. Such CRs are termed "mirror Change Requests". The principal CR and its related mirror CRs should be grouped together for the purpose of presentation to the TSG (unless some other grouping is more logical). The TSG shall approve (or postpone or reject) a CR to a given Release together with the corresponding mirror CRs to later Releases. This will provide consistency between Releases. See also subclause 4.6.2. 4.10.3 Release mechanisms
4.10.3 Release mechanisms It is important that the 3GPP release structure provides a sound basis for implementations and equipment interoperation. Key principles important to ensure this are: - A Release shall consist of a well-defined, stable and internally consistent set of functions. - A Release shall be documented in a maintained, consistent stream of specifications. - Essential corrections to a stable or frozen release shall be included in the applicable Release. - New or changed functionality shall be included in a new (rather than retrospectively in an old) Release. These principles will ensure successful interoperability (roaming) amongst different instantiations of 3GPP systems.
21900-i10.docx Corrections to Releases Each release should be consistent and implementable to ensure interworking. This implies that essential corrections become normative parts of the Release as soon as possible. If essential changes to "old" functionality are made to a new release, similar corresponding changes shall be made to correct the same error in the specifications pertaining to all previous, non-closed, Releases. This is illustrated in figure A. New features
21900-i10.docx New features New functionality shall be included in the latest, non-frozen, Release. New functionality shall not be included in previous, frozen, Releases. To do so would cause incompatibility amongst instantiations of those Releases. This is illustrated in figure A. CR category (see table 4A) Release 1999 Release 4 v3.0.0 C v3.1.0 C
C v3.2.0 C v3.4.0 C v3.5.0 B v4.0.0 F A v3.6.0
v3.6.0 v4.1.0 C v4.2.0 C v4.3.0 F A 3.7.0 4.4.0 Figure A: Introduction and development of new features to the latest Release; and corrections to multiple Releases (example)
21900-i10.docx Release naming GSM phase 2+ specifications were grouped into annual Releases from 1996 to 1999. The first 3rd generation specifications were grouped into an initial Release 1999. Subsequent Releases are not necessarily annual, and shall be referred to as Release 4, Release 5, etc., according to the major field of the version number (see table 4 and clause 4.3). Introduction of features into Releases
21900-i10.docx Introduction of features into Releases Development of the 3GPP system specifications shall be controlled by means of a work plan covering the inclusion of new features (functionality). Target dates for completion of Work Items (see clause 6) shall be estimated by the responsible Groups. Milestones may be defined to monitor the progress of Work Items. Based on the estimated completion of the desired features, a target date for freezing of the specifications pertaining to the next Release can – and shall – be calculated. Feature development should be based around approximately annual Releases.
Thus the work plan shall indicate (a) the estimated freeze date of forthcoming Releases and (b) the functional content of each such Release. The work plan shall show all projected work, regardless of Release; this will ease long term planning and the packaging of features into Releases. Completed Work Items shall be removed from the plan once the Release of which they form a part has been frozen.
3GPP technical coordination should set target dates for the freezing of each individual stage (cf. clause 4.1) on all currently worked-upon Releases (i.e. non-frozen).. On freezing stage 2 of Release x, TSGs should propose a target freeze date for stages 1, 2 and 3 of Release x+1. It is possible that features of exceptional complexity may span more than one Release (eg new core network architecture, new radio interface).
The freezing date for a particular stage of a Release should insofar as is possible be adhered to, even if, due to delays, it is not possible to include all the features originally intended. Features which cannot be completed in time should be held over to the next Release. It will normally be the case that test specifications and O&M specifications will not necessarily be completed until some time after the base specifications; this shall not impede the freezing of the Release as a whole. However, if it becomes evident that, due to delays in a number of important features, a new Release would contain little new functionality, it may be preferable to delay the freezing of the stage of a Release to allow more of the originally intended features to be included.
The project plan shall clearly show the progress of each Work Item. When all component Work Items of a feature have been completed, the TSG shall declare the feature to be frozen. The only further development permitted from that point onwards shall be: - the essential correction of errors; - the completion of the test and O&M specifications; and - unavoidable adjustments required to cater for interworking with other features in the same Release. See clause 6 for further information on Work Items. Early implementation of features
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