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How to Improve Your Memory Using Meditation
Meditation has been scientifically proven to increase focus and memory. You don't have to use any one meditation to help your memory. Using any meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, teaches you to focus your mind. When you're able to focus better, you're also better able to solidify concepts in your short-term memory. Therefore, practicing meditation can help you to develop your short-term memory. 1. **Start today.** You may be surprised that you don't need to practice meditation for that long to start seeing the effects. One scientific study examined how a group of students responded to meditation. With just two weeks of meditation practice (10 minutes a day, plus 4 45-minute classes a week), the students significantly improved their GRE scores (a standardized test given to students trying to get into graduate school). In fact, some studies show as little as four days of meditation can improve your attention span and memory. 2. **Practice often.** Practicing every day is ideal. Doing so will help you work to increase your memory. In fact, spreading it out throughout the day can be helpful, such as meditating for 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and 10 minutes in the evening. However, if you find you can't practice every day, do it as often as you can. 3. **Cultivate mindfulness.** Mindfulness is a part of meditation, but it's also something you can incorporate in your day-to-day life. Mindfulness, at its most basic, just means paying attention. In other words, place yourself in the moment, rather then letting your mind race elsewhere. For instance, when you're in the shower, stop yourself from thinking about the day ahead. Instead, focus on what the shower feels like. Feel the heat of the water on your skin, how the soap feels against your body. Pay attention to the pleasant scent of your soap or shampoo. Let yourself really feel each sensation. You can practice this technique anywhere. For instance, while you're washing dishes, take a moment to really focus on what you're doing. Let yourself feel the warm water on your skin, the weight of a plate in your hands. Put your full attention on getting the plate clean, making sure it's spotless. 4. **Work your way up.** You may want to jump in with an hour-long meditation every day. However, most people can't sustain that kind of practice when they haven't meditated before. It's best to start small and work up to more time. You can start with as little as three minutes a day. 5. **Pick a place to meditate.** Really, you can meditate anywhere, but it's good to choose a place that's not distracting, particularly when you're first starting out. Turn off the television, and move away from distractions. You can even set up a little meditation center in a corner of your house, with a candle and something you like to focus on. 6. **Sit properly.** You can sit in a chair or on the floor. It's up to you. However, make sure you are relatively comfortable. You don't want a lot of pressure on one part of your body, for instance. Try to sit up straight, though not so much that it feels like a strain. 7. **Get settled.** Spend a few minutes just bringing yourself into the right state of mind. Focus on the candle, if that helps. You don't have to be completely focused, but as you feel your mind wander, bring it back to the center, to the moment. 8. **Focus on your breathing.** Once you've situated yourself, try paying attention to just your breathing. Focus on it going in and out. You don't have to change it up. Rather, just keep your attention on it, focusing all of yourself on breathing in and out. As your mind wanders, bring it back to your breath. 9. **Keep bringing yourself back.** The longer you sit, the more likely your mind is to wander. That's okay. It's normal in fact. The important thing is to acknowledge that you've wandered and move back to your focus. Try labeling it when your mind wanders, such as saying "thinking" in your head, and then refocusing on your breath. 10. **Try deep breathing.** One simple way to get started with meditation is to try deep breathing. Start by placing a hand on your chest and a hand on your stomach. When you breathe, you should notice your stomach expanding more than your chest, as you are trying to breathe as deeply as possible. It can help to close your eyes. Breathe in slowly through your nose. Hold the breath to the count of seven, then let it slowly out through your mouth to the count of eight (in your head). Try taking five deep breaths each time you try this practice. Make sure you are blowing out fully. 11. **Consider taking a class.** While classes aren't for everyone, a class can jump start your meditation practice, making it easier for you to make it an everyday practice. Plus, if you have no idea where to begin, a class will help you figure out a good starting point. Look for meditation centers in your area. Some yoga studios offer meditation classes as well. Also, Buddhist temples or centers in your area will likely offer classes on meditation. You may also find meditation classes through your library or your local parks and recreation department, and some churches offer meditation classes, particularly ones that embrace other traditions, such as the Unitarian Universalists. 12. **Don't let distraction make you anxious.** Everyone gets distracted when they meditate. When you're first starting out, that may make you anxious or angry at yourself. However, rather than becoming angry, just try to be aware of when your thoughts are drifting, and pull them back to the meditation. 13. **Realize even a little meditation can help.** That is, you may think you have to meditate every single day at a certain time for it to be helpful. However, if you fall into that thinking, you may find yourself giving up because you miss a few days. Keep in mind that even a little meditation can help improve your memory. Therefore, try to meditate when you can, even if you don't find time to do it every day. 14. **Try a guided meditation.** If you don't want to take a class, you can still benefit from the wisdom of others. Try doing a guided meditation. You can find many online, or you can download free apps. The person on the other end will walk you through a meditation process, helping you to learn how to do it. 15. **Change it up.** You don't have to meditate the same way every time. For instance, some people find a walking meditation helpful. Take a ten-minute walk, focusing on different sensations in turn. Start with feeling your body walking, really focusing on what the movements feel like. Move on to the feeling of breathing. After that, focus on what the air feels like on your skin, then try thinking about just what you see and then just what you hear.
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How to Clean a Bathroom Fan
One of the most neglected spaces when it comes to cleaning a bathroom is the fan. Having a clean, functional fan can lessen bathroom odors, as well as combat mold and mildew growth. These issues can become a health hazard if left unattended for too long. By cleaning your fan around every 6 months, you will be able to remove built up dirt before it becomes a problem. 1. **Turn off the power.** Before you do anything else, ensure that the fan is turned off and cannot turn back on until you are finished cleaning it. Most models will have a plug that is located directly behind the cover. You could remove the cover first and unplug the fan, but just to be safe, go and temporarily pull the breaker for your bathroom. The fan is now safe to work on. 2. **Remove the cover.** Dust will fall when the cover is removed. To avoid the dust, position your stepladder such that you can reach the cover, but are not standing directly below it. Most covers will have 2 prongs on opposite sides holding it in place, others just need to be unscrewed. Remove the cover by pressing these prongs in or removing the screws, then set the cover aside. 3. **Remove the fan.** Unscrew the assembly that is holding the fan in place, then very gently remove the fan. Be careful not to drop the fan or hit it on the side of the exhaust pipe as that could potentially chip the fan blades. Broken fan blades will cause the fan to be louder and less effective. 4. **Clean the cover and fan.** Start by vacuuming off the majority of the built up grime on both the cover and the fan. Then dip a rag, preferably a microfiber cloth, in soapy water and use it to wipe up the remaining dust. Be as thorough as you can, you will probably not do this again for a while. You can let the cover soak in a tub of hot soapy water, but the fan should be wiped by hand to avoid getting water on the motor assembly or plug. 5. **Vacuum the exhaust pipe.** Use a crevice or brush attachment and vacuum off the inside of the exhaust pipe. If you can reach, also use your rag or cloth to wipe off what the vacuum could not get. 6. **Vacuum the external exhaust port.** This can be done later once the entire process is finished, but at some point you should go outside and find the exterior vent for your bathroom fan. Depending on where the bathroom is located, this vent will either be on the roof or the side of your house. Bring a damp rag to wipe off any dirt that has built up on the other end of your exhaust pipe. 7. **Wipe and vacuum the fan housing.** If your fan had an accessible plug, be careful not to get any water inside the outlet. Doing so could result in electrocution or short circuit the fan when you plug it back in. Therefore, use a dry rag to wipe off the fan housing, then vacuum up any remaining dust or debris. 8. **Put the fan back in place.** Before reinstalling the fan, make sure that you cleaned off all the dust from in between each of the blades and dried it thoroughly. Carefully reinsert it into the exhaust pipe and screw the bracing back into place. Use your fingers and spin the fan around a few rotations to make sure that it is not rubbing against anything. 9. **Turn the power back on.** Plug the fan back into the outlet and reset the breaker for your bathroom. The fan is now dangerous again, so do not touch it or continue to clean it after this point. 10. **Reinstall the cover.** Once the cover has dried, either screw it back in or bend the prongs until the cover snaps back into place. 11. **Test the fan.** Turn the fan on again to make sure everything works as normal. The fan should be quieter than it was before and provide a higher amount of air flow.
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How to Remove Smell from an Old Leather Bag
Musty, stinky, odorous old leather bags aren't much fun and it's probable you're not keen to reuse such a bag. Before you resort to throwing it out, there are various ways that might just restore it to a respectable odor again. 1. **Try a simple clean first.** If this clean doesn't shift the odor, you can try one of the other suggested methods after. Wipe the leather bag inside and out with a clean, dry, soft cloth. This will pick up dust, loose debris and even some mold or mildew. Wipe the leather bag down with a damp cloth. This will collect even more of the above items. 2. **Allow the bag to air out.** Choose somewhere outdoors that is sheltered from direct light and heat, such as a table on the porch. Leave for a day if possible. 3. **Check the odor.** If the bag still smells bad, choose one of the remaining suggested methods, or a combination of the methods. 4. **Prepare a solution consisting of equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water.** Sponge the bag with the solution. Work on the inside of the bag and any mildewed outside part of the bag for a few minutes. It's a good idea to test a small spot before trying this method, in case it stains. 5. **Wipe off the vinegar solution with a clean, damp cloth.** 6. **Allow to air dry.** Place the bag outside under shelter away from direct light to air dry. 7. **Check the odor.** If it is still there, repeat. If not, the bag can be used again. 8. **Use liquid detergent soap to clean the bag.** 9. **Make a solution of soapy water, using the liquid detergent.** Dip the cleaning cloth or sponge in the solution and wring out before using. 10. **Wipe the cloth over and inside the bag.** Concentrate in particular on the areas that you think are the smelliest. 11. **Allow to air dry.** Place outside in a sheltered area away from direct sunlight and heat. 12. **Once dry, check for the odor.** If it lingers, try again. 13. **Use baking soda to deodorize the bag.** 14. **Fill a clean sock with baking soda.** Tie off with a knot. 15. **Place the leather bag and the baking soda-filled sock inside a large resealable plastic bag.** Alternatively, place both items inside an airtight container. 16. **Set aside.** Let the baking soda work on the bag for at least 24 hours. The odors from the bag should transfer across to the baking soda. 17. **Remove from the resealable bag or container.** Check the odor of the leather bag; if it still smells bad, repeat the process for another 24 hours, or longer. If it smells good again, throw away the baking soda, wash the sock and use the leather bag again. 18. **Find some newspaper.** Scrunch the pages up and stuff them inside a large plastic bag, such as a kitchen waste bag or a garbage bag. 19. **Slide the smelly leather bag in with the newspapers.** Arrange it so that it sits snugly in the middle of the papers. 20. **Tie the bag up with a knot.** Alternatively, seal with a twist tie. 21. **Let sit for at least 48 hours.** A few days more won't hurt it. 22. **Remove from the bag.** Do a sniff test to see whether the odor has gone. If not, return to the bag for a few more days. Eventually it should start to smell better. 23. **Fill a sock with coffee grounds.** They must be dry grounds, so if you're using grounds from your own coffee making, allow them to fully dry first. Or use the cheap instant coffee granules. Knot it off to keep the coffee intact. 24. **Place the coffee sock inside your old leather bag.** Leave it there for up to a week. During this time, it should soak up much, if not all, of the cigarette smoke odor. 25. **Do a smell test.** If all is good, the bag is ready for reuse. If it still smells a little, return the sock for a few more days. 26. **Make or purchase some potpourri.** Place the potpourri inside a sachet. 27. **Place the sachet inside the smelly bag.** Leave it there for at least one week. 28. **Place the bag in an airy place.** Do not leave it in a dark cupboard; instead find somewhere with fresh air and indirect, cool light. 29. **Check a week later.** It's a good idea to leave the sachet in the bag when using as well, as the scent will continue to improve the bag's own scent.
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How to Set up a Guppy Tank
Caring for guppies is relatively easy, but it’ll take a little work to set up the best habitat for your new pets. Get a tank large enough for your school of fish, and install a filter, heater, and air pump. Fill the bottom with gravel, and decorate the tank with rocks, plants, and ornaments. To create the healthiest habitat, condition your aquarium for a few weeks before introducing guppies. It might take some patience, but establishing suitable water conditions will help keep your new pets happy and healthy. 1. **Choose a tank that is at least ten gallons.** Guppies like to form schools and shouldn’t be kept alone or in a small fishbowl. The rule of thumb is to provide a gallon of water per inch of fish (about two liters per centimeter). Guppies grow to about two inches, so you’d want to provide ten gallons (about 40 liters) for five guppies. Keep in mind this is a general guideline and isn’t set in stone. Keeping more than five guppies in a ten gallon tank won’t hurt them, but you’ll have to put a little more effort into tank maintenance. 2. **Use an external power filter if you’re a beginner.** Power filters are recommended for first-time tank owners over under gravel filters. Install it on the back of the tank, where your tank hood should have a pre-cut spot for it. When you add plants and other decorations, keep them away from the filter. Choose a filter that’s powerful enough for your tank size. It should filter your water at least five times per hour, so if you have a 10 gallon tank, you’d want a filter that circulates 50 gallons per hour. Undergravel filters require a little more maintenance, as you’ll need to vacuum clean the gravel frequently. 3. **Add about two inches (five centimeters) of gravel to the bottom.** Purchase aquarium gravel from your local pet store, and rinse it thoroughly (without soap) before adding it to the tank. Cover the bottom of the tank with two to three inches (5 to 8 centimeters) of gravel. Don’t use gravel or sand from your backyard or other outdoor spot. You could risk introducing harmful bacteria and parasites to the habitat. If you plan on adding live plants, check the label before purchasing gravel to make sure it can support plant life. 4. **Fill the tank halfway and add decorations.** Filling the tank with water halfway will make it easier to position your plants, rocks, and other decorations. These will provide your guppies with hiding spots, which will decrease their stress. Live aquarium plants, which you can purchase at the pet store, are great for the habitat, as they filter toxins and add oxygen to the water. Make sure rocks and other decorations are firmly set in the gravel. You won’t want them to fall over and hurt your fish in the future. 5. **Place an air pump in the tank.** An air pump helps oxygenate and circulate water in the tank. You can hook an air pump to an action decoration, like a treasure chest, to add an interesting feature to your aquarium. In addition, some filters require an air pump in order to work, so check your filter’s label when you purchase it. 6. **Add the tank heater.** Guppies thrive in water with a temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (about 24 to 27 degrees Celsius). Get an aquarium heater with an adjustable thermostat that attaches to the glass with suction cups. Turn it on only after you’ve completely filled the tank with water. 7. **Use a light with a timer.** Guppies need light and dark periods in order to develop properly. Get an aquarium light with a timer, and set it so it shuts off for eight hours. Without an eight hour dark period, guppies can’t rest properly. Without enough light, they’re prone to developing deformities. 8. **Fill the tank with water.** After you’ve positioned your equipment and decorations, fill the tank the rest of the way with water. Leave some space at the top instead of filling it up to the brim. That way, you won’t cause the water to spill over if you have to reach for something inside. 9. **Turn on the filter, heater, and air pump.** When the tank is full, turn on your equipment. Give them two or three hours, then check to make sure you see bubbles and circulating water. Use a thermometer to double check that the heater is working and calibrated properly. 10. **Dechlorinate the water.** Dechlorinators are inexpensive chemicals that remove chlorine and chloramine from water. Small levels of these are almost always found in all tap water and are harmful for fish. You can find a dechlorinator at the pet store. Typically, you’ll add a drop or two of dechlorinator per gallon of water, but check your product’s label for specific instructions. 11. **Cycle** Before adding your guppies, you must cycle the tank, or develop the beneficial bacteria that help maintain water quality. Add four to five drops of pure ammonia or ammonia labeled for cycling to the tank. Wait two days, then test the water; you want to see ammonia levels at three parts per million. Continue to test the water every other day and add more ammonia if necessary. After a week, start testing for nitrites, which will indicate bacteria are starting to grow and consume the ammonia. Within a few more days, you should see ammonia and nitrite levels drop, and nitrate levels rise and plateau. At this stage, you’ve completed your first nitrogen cycle. It’s best to do a fishless cycle so that no fish have to suffer through ammonia exposure. 12. **Replace a quarter of the bag water with your tank water.** Ammonia levels will increase and oxygen levels will decrease in the bag, so bring your guppies straight home from the store. Remove a quarter of the water from the bag, then replace it with water from your tank. Gradually equalizing will help your fish adapt to their new home. 13. **Float the bag in your tank.** The easiest and most commonly used acclimating method is to float the bag from the store in your tank. Every ten minutes, carefully remove one cup (240 milliliters) of water from the bag and replace it with water from your tank. After an hour, start releasing your guppies into their new home. Avoid letting water from the bag into the tank. You could risk introducing unwanted contaminants from the pet store. Lift the bag out of the tank, open it, and use a scoop or cup to remove water without spilling. Then tie or seal it securely. 14. **Use a bucket or quarantine tank as an extra precaution.** While less commonly used by beginners, floating the bag in a bucket or quarantine tank filled with your tank water is a more cautious method. This will remove any risk of spilling water from the bag into the main tank. If you use a bucket or quarantine tank, use the same procedure as floating the bag in your aquarium tank. Replace a cup of water every ten minutes for an hour. 15. **Release two to three fish into the tank at a time.** Use a net to transfer a guppy from the bag to the tank. Add two or three, wait 20 to 30 minutes, then add another batch. Taking things slowly will allow your new pets to adjust to their new environment and give the tank time to adjust to having extra waste. Don’t pour the fish into tank, as you’ll get water from the bag into the tank along with the fish. 16. **Maintain your tank.** Part of getting your guppies acclimated to a new tank is making sure their environment stays clean. Guppy tanks will need regular cleaning, water changes, and vacuuming. You should change out 10-15% of your tank's water on a weekly basis, making sure to use fresh, dechlorinated water to top off your tank each cleaning. Use a siphon to remove about 15% of your tank's water, draining it into a bucket. Then, use a chlorine remover to treat fresh water. The fresh water should be the same temperature as the water in your tank. Pour in the fresh water, leaving some room between the top of the water and the top of the tank. Scrub your tank for algae every time you change out the water. Be sure to check your filters regularly to ensure they are working properly.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Fix Chemically Burnt Hair
Many people suffer from hair that is damaged or burnt by various harsh chemical treatments like coloring and straightening. After years of damage, it can sometimes seem like there is no hope for chemically burnt hair. But by enlisting the help of a professional stylist or by performing a few at-home hair care maintenance rituals, you can begin your journey to healthier and stronger hair. 1. **Wash your hair with a good quality shampoo.** This means a salon-quality shampoo made with high-quality active ingredients. Spend some time looking at the list of ingredients and choose one based on the contents, not just the name brand. Avoid ingredients like sulfates (ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, and sodium lauryl sulfate), isopropyl alcohol, formaldehyde, and propylene glycol. These ingredients will dry out your hair, break down healthy hair proteins, and leave your hair prone to more damage in the future. Look for ingredients like sodium cocoyl isethionate, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, and disodium laureth sulfosuccinate. These compounds are gentler than the sulfates used in many cheaper shampoos and are derived from more natural ingredients like coconut oil. You can also choose shampoos that contain glycerin and panthenol. Glycerin helps fortify your hair by creating a protective barrier and panthenol allows your hair to retain more moisture and thickens the hair follicles. 2. **Apply a deep penetrating reconstructor shampoo.** This kind of shampoo will help fortify your hair by creating a barrier between the hair and any heat you may apply to your hair (through blow drying, straightening, etc.). Leave it in your hair for five minutes and then rinse it out. Alternate between using this shampoo and your other high-quality shampoo. Don't use both during the same shower. Over-washing your hair can leave it drier and damaged in the long run. 3. **Gently towel dry your hair.** You want to make sure you allow your hair to fully absorb the products in each of these steps. Towel drying your hair will help it soak up the benefits of the shampoo treatments before moving on to the conditioning steps. 4. **Apply an intense hydration conditioner.** These kinds of conditioners will work to restore the hydrolipidic barrier and prevent future dehydration in your hair. Normally, these are not leave-in conditioners. You will typically apply the conditioner to your hair while it's wet, massage the conditioner into your scalp, and then rinse it out. 5. **Use a hot oil treatment with a plastic wrap.** These kinds of treatments can help your hair regain some its original shine and moisture. But using too much oil in your hair can make your hair look greasy, so be careful not to overdo it. Usually, 1-3 times a month is enough for this kind of treatment. Heat up ⁄2 cup (120 mL) of an essential oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, so that it is warm to the touch, but not boiling, and massage it into your hair. If you don't heat the oil right away, apply it to your hair, put on a shower cap, and you sit underneath a hairdryer. Cover your hair with a plastic wrap (or even a shower cap if you don't have a plastic wrap) and leave it in for 30-45 minutes, depending on the severity of your hair's damage. When you are finished, rinse the oil out of your hair with lukewarm water. 6. **Use a conditioning oil mask to moisturize your hair.** Mix together one tablespoon of a protein-enriching shampoo, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of a moisturizing conditioner. Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it in as a mask for your hair. Cover your hair with a plastic bag, then wrap it all up in a towel. Leave the mixture in for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair clean. 7. **Use honey and olive oil to help damaged hair.** Combine 2 tablespoons (14 g) of honey with 3 tablespoons (44 mL) of extra virgin olive oil. Apply the mixture to your damp hair, making sure to rub it into your scalp completely and pull it down towards the ends of your hair. After you have saturated your hair with the mixture, wrap it in a towel. Leave it in for 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the amount of damage your hair has. Then rinse with warm water. Wash out any remnants with a mild shampoo. You can adjust the measurements of the ingredients based on the length of your hair. For example, if you have longer hair you may want to use 4 tablespoons (28 g) of honey and 6 tablespoons (89 ml) of extra virgin olive oil. 8. **Make a hair mask out of banana and honey.** This particular mask will work to restore dry and damaged hair and is mild enough to use twice a week. In a bowl, mix together 1 mashed banana, 1 raw egg, 3 tablespoons (44 ml) of milk, 3 tablespoons (21 g) of honey, and 5 tablespoons (74 ml) of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair thoroughly and leave it in for 15-30 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo. 9. **Change your hair care products.** Switching it up can help your hair recover from existing damage and prevent future damage. Try using products that hydrate your hair – like a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. You can also try products with a protein or keratin reconstructor to help fortify your hair. 10. **Avoid coloring your hair or using other harsh chemicals treatments.** If you are serious about preventing future damage to your hair from harmful chemicals, you should avoid them altogether when possible. While they may look nice for a while, they only cause damage in the end. Avoid using these damaging chemical treatments to help prevent future trouble for your hair. If you have to dye your hair, try using a more natural dye like henna or tea. This will cause much less damage. 11. **Trim your hair regularly.** Getting frequent trims for your hair can help prevent future damage and minimize or restore existing damage. Take the time to maintain your hair's health by trimming it regularly, usually every 6 to 8 weeks.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Disable Web & App Activity for Your Google Account
Google stores your web and app activities to make searches faster, give better recommendations, and provide a more personalized experience in apps like Search and Maps. If you are worried about others seeing your activity or concerned about how Google uses your personal data, you can turn off your web and app activity tracking in a few quick steps. This wikiHow article will teach you how to disable off Google Web & App Activity on your Android, iPhone, iPad, or computer. 1. **Open your Android's Settings .** It’s the gear icon typically found on the home screen or in the app drawer. You can also get there quickly by swiping down from the top of the screen and tapping the gear icon. 2. **Tap Google.** Scroll through the settings panel to find the option. 3. **Tap Manage your Google Account.** This will be located under your Google account name. If you want to switch your account, tap the icon next to your current Gmail address and select an account from the pop-up menu. 4. **Tap Data & personalization.** You'll see this near the top of the screen. 5. **Tap Web & App Activity.** You'll see this under "Activity Controls." 6. **Tap Turn Off.** A confirmation message will appear. 7. **Scroll down and tap the Pause button.** You won't be able to tap until you've scrolled to the bottom of the page. This pauses your web and search activity until you reenable it. To delete your Web & App Activity history, tap under "Setting is Off" and then select a time range. Tap when you're finished to return to the previous screen. 8. **Choose an auto-delete preference (optional).** If you find Web & App Activity useful for getting better search and Maps results, you can opt to keep it enabled and then choose an auto-delete option. By default, your history is expunged after 18 months. To choose a different time period: Tap under "Auto-delete." Select and choose a time period from the drop-down menu. Tap and then to save your preferences. 9. **Go to in a web browser.** You can use any web browser on your iPhone or iPad, such as Safari or Chrome, to access your Google account settings. If you're not signed in to your Google account, follow the on-screen instructions to sign in now. 10. **Tap Turn Off under "Web & App Activity."** You may have to scroll down a little to see this option. 11. **Scroll down and tap the Pause button.** You won't be able to tap until you've scrolled to the bottom of the page. This pauses your web and search activity until you reenable it. If you want to delete the activity Google has already stored for your account, tap under "Setting is Off." Tap when you're finished to return to the previous page. If you want Google to track your web and app activity again in the future, you can return to and tap . 12. **Choose an auto-delete preference (optional).** If you find Web & App Activity useful for getting better search results, you can opt to keep it enabled and then choose an auto-delete option. By default, your history is expunged after 18 months. To choose a different time period: Tap under "Auto-delete." Select and choose a time period from the drop-down menu. Tap and then to save your preferences. 13. **Go to in a web browser.** To turn off web and app activity on your PC or Mac, you can access your Activity Controls in a web browser. If you're not signed in to your Google account, you'll be prompted to do so. 14. **Click Turn Off under "Web & App Activity."** You'll see this option near the top of the page. 15. **Click Pause to stop logging your Web & App Activity.** Google will no longer save your Web & App Activity. If you want to delete your previous activity, click , and then choose a time range. Click when you're finished to return to the previous page. 16. **Choose an auto-delete preference (optional).** If you want to keep your Web & App Activity on but automatically delete your history after a certain period of time, click under "Auto-delete." By default, your history will automatically disappear after 18 months, but you can choose another option from the "Auto-delete activity older than" menu.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dry Hydrangeas
There are approximately 23 varieties of hydrangeas, which yield a diverse range of colors in shades of white, pink, blue, and lilac. Whether your flowers come from a florist or are grown in your garden, you can extend the beauty of your hydrangeas by drying them. This article provides instructions on how to dry hydrangeas using three different methods: silica gel drying, water drying, and pressing. 1. **Select hydrangeas to dry.** To keep the color of most hydrangeas, it's best to start the drying process when the flowers first bloom. Cut or buy fresh, recently opened hydrangeas on the morning you plan to start the drying process. Pee Gee Hydrangeas however, look better when left to mature. Take these at different times of the season. They start out a pale green, then as they mature, some pink shows up, later turning to burgundy, and finally a chocolate brown color very late in late fall. 2. **Prepare the flowers for drying.** Remove discolored parts and extra leaves, so the flowers are in good shape for drying. Cut the stems down to and or inch 2 (2.35 to 4.7 cm) from the base of the flowers. 3. **Prepare the drying container.** Choose a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid to use for drying your flowers. Deeper containers work better than shallow ones, since the flowers will need to be completely submerged in silica gel. Pour a thin layer of silica gel in the plastic container. The gel should completely cover the bottom of the container. Err on the side of pouring in too much gel to keep the flowers from being crushed against the bottom of the container. 4. **Place the blooms in the container.** Take each bloom by the stem and carefully place it bloom-side down into the container. Add as many blooms as will comfortably fit in the container without touching each other or the container's sides. 5. **Add more silica gel.** Place enough silica gel in the container to completely surround and support the hydrangeas. Hold each flower steady with one hand and sprinkle the gel with the other until the flowers can stand up on their own and are covering the petals and stems. Fill the container with gel until it rises 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) above the blooms in addition to covering the stem. If the container is narrow and very deep, you can suspend a flower at the bottom, cover it with silica gel, and add another bloom above it. Just make sure the container is deep enough that the flowers don't touch each other. 6. **Start the drying process.** Put a lid on the container. Place it in a corner or a closet to allow the drying process to commence. Write the date you submerged the flowers on the container, so you know when it's time to take them out. Leave container undisturbed for 4 days. Drying hydrangeas any longer in silica could result in brittle blooms that could shatter. 7. **Remove the blooms from the container.** After 4 days, they should be completely dry. Open the container and slowly pour the contents onto newspaper. Remove the dry hydrangea blooms and gently tap them to remove any loose silica. Save the silica gel in a plastic container for the next time you want to dry flowers. 8. **Store or display the dried hydrangeas.** Carefully store the dried hydrangea blossoms in plastic bags until you're ready to use them or place them in a vase. 9. **Prepare the flowers for drying.** Remove all but a few leaves, and discard discolored petals. Cut the flower stems to your desired length. 10. **Fill a vase or container with a couple inches of water.** Place the flowers stem-side down into the vase, so the stems are submerged at the end of the stem. 11. **Allow the flowers to dry.** Your hydrangea will slowly dry as the water gradually evaporates. Place the vase out of direct sunlight, since strong sun can cause the flowers to shrivel or fade. Don't top off the water, since this may cause the flowers to mold before drying. The drying process should take one to two weeks. 12. **Remove the dried flowers.** Trim the stems if they are moist or discolored from being submerged in the water. Store the flowers in a plastic bag or place them in a vase and display. 13. **Prepare the flowers for pressing.** Pressing flowers preserves the color and shape of the petals, but the shape of the hydrangea blossom itself will be flattened. Cut the hydrangea blossoms in half to preserve and flatten their round shape. Cut individual flowers and plan to arrange them in the shape of a hydrangea blossom after they're dried. 14. **Prepare the press.** A press is made with two pieces of plywood that are tightened with screws and wing nuts. Remove the top piece of plywood and lay a piece of cardboard followed by two sheets of parchment or pressing paper on the bottom piece of plywood. The cardboard and parchment paper should be cut a few inches smaller than the bottom of the press. The bottom sheet of parchment paper is called the "blotter." It absorbs moisture from the drying flower and is switched out every few days. The top sheet of parchment paper anchors the flowers during the drying process. 15. **Lay the flowers on the top sheet of parchment paper.** Arrange them so that no petals or folded or crushed, unless you are trying to create a windblown effect. A little layering is fine, but don't build too many layers of petals, or they won't dry out correctly. If you wish, add other foliage like leaves, ferns and other flowers. 16. **Finish assembling the flower press.** Cover the flowers with a sheet of parchment paper, a second "blotter" sheet, a piece of cardboard, and the top piece of the flower press. Screw the plywood pieces together and tighten them with the wing nuts. 17. **Allow the flowers to dry.** Set the press in a dry place in your home and let the drying process begin. Open the press and change out the blotter sheets every few days. Discard the old sheets and replace them with fresh ones. After a week or two, the flowers should be completely dry. Remove them from the press. 18. **Lift the pressed flowers from the parchment paper.** They are now ready to use in craft projects such as cards or jewelry. Pressed flowers also look beautiful mounted on a card and framed.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Kitten Food
Most cat food is specially formulated to take advantage of a cat's natural ability to metabolize protein better than carbohydrates along with other nutrients. Making your own cat food for your pet is possible, but can be very exacting and time consuming. The mixture needs to be accurate or you risk the cat becoming deficient in several key vitamins—leading to illness. 1. **Purchase the main protein product.** You'll need either chicken, turkey, or rabbit. Commercially available products should be relatively safe for food preparation and the kitten's consumption. One option is to use three pounds of poultry (chicken or turkey) thigh meat including the bones and skin. Another option is to purchase a mix of 2.25 lbs of a whole carcass ground rabbit plus 0.75 lbs of boneless chicken or turkey meat including the skin and fat. This recipe will last 10-14 days for a cat eating 4-6 ounces per day. 2. **Prepare one cup of water.** You may need to prepare more water if you cat needs more to drink. Have water set aside in separate cups for mixing and drinking. 3. **Collect two eggs.** You will use the yolk raw, but lightly cook the egg white. Soft boiling the eggs is a good solution. 4. **Buy 5,000 - 10,000 mg fish oil.** Fish oil can come in five to 10 capsules averaging 1,000 mg per capsule, and are a good source of fatty acids. Poke holes or cut off the tips of the capsules to pour out their contents into the water. Avoid using cod liver oil as this will be included in other ingredients. 5. **Get vitamin additives.** You will need vitamins E, B-complex, and taurine (an amino acid) to further augment the food you are making. You'll need to get 400 IU (268 mg) of vitamin E. Also have on hand 50 mg of vitamin B-complex. Have 2,000 mg of taurine ready. Vitamin E should be prepared preferably in powdered capsule form. Vitamin B-complex is best used in capsule or tablet form. Taurine should be added in loose powdered or capsule form. 6. **Get some simple table salt.** You'll eventually use 1 teaspoon of table salt with some iodine for potassium and sodium boosts. Add salt only if you are using poultry protein product and no rabbit. 7. **Add a portion of chicken liver.** You'll need to add four ounces of chicken liver for every three pounds of poultry. This is only to be done if you are not using rabbit protein which contains liver already. 8. **Add a source of fiber.** Try guar gum at 1/16 teaspoon twice daily mixed into the food. You can fill 1/8 of a teaspoon halfway each time. This will help prevent constipation in the kitten. 9. **Thaw the rabbit meat and mix in the ground and chunked poultry meat.** First, use a meat grinder or food processor to grind the poultry meat and skin. Next, combine the meat into a mixing bowl. Combine by hand and knead the meats together for a few minutes to make sure everything is thoroughly mixed. 10. **Add the supplemental ingredients to the water.** Once they are all dissolved, add the vitamin mixture to the meat mixture. Continue mixing the meat and supplements and then use knives to portion it off into other containers you can store in freezers. 11. **Bake the poultry.** If you're using poultry only then putting your chicken or turkey product in the oven and cooking the liver will be necessary. Bake the poultry and liver at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes (time will vary). Remove the meat from the oven and pour on cold water to halt the cooking process. You want the meats only half raw, though the liver will end up slightly more cooked than the poultry. Save the fat drippings as additives to the ground meat. 12. **Cut the poultry and liver into chunks about the size of a die (half-inch cubes or larger).** You can use knives or scissors. Put the ground meats and fat into the refrigerator temporarily. This step is optional. Use a meat grinder for the more meaty bones and any meat not chunked. Include the liver and eggs. 13. **Mix up the supplemental ingredients including vitamins into the water.** Pour the supplement mix into the meat mixture. Make sure the meat and supplements are mixed well then portion them out into containers and put them into the freezer. Leave 3/4" of space for the food to expand. 14. **Use the refrigerator for defrosting.** You'll need to move the frozen portions to the refrigerator a couple of days ahead of use. The new kitten food you made should be in the refrigerator for approximately 48 to 72 hours in a defrosted state. Consider using large plastic containers on the order of 1 - 1.5 pounds in capacity. Adjust for the number of kittens and other cats you have. If you want to warm up the food then apply some hot tap water or heating in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. 15. **Purchase 3 pounds of raw muscle meat.** This should ideally be some kind of poultry or rabbit. Get chicken thighs and/or drumstick meat. Rabbit also can work. Leave approximately half the skin. 16. **Get 14 ounces of raw heart.** If you cannot get heart then you can use a supplement of 4,000 mg of taurine powder or capsules. You will also need to substitute the amount of meat to the total of raw muscle meat. In other words add 14 ounces of raw meat. The heart can be chicken heart 17. **Acquire 7 ounces of raw liver.** The best kind of liver in this case would be chicken liver. Alternatives to chicken liver would be vitamin A and D supplements. You need to add 40,000 IU of vitamin A and 1600 IU of vitamin D. You will also need to add 7 ounces to the raw muscle meat total. 18. **Prepare 16 ounces (2 cups) of water.** You will need this for mixing. Have additional water prepared for drinking in separate containers if your kitten needs more water with the meal. 19. **Prepare 3.08 tablespoons (9.25 teaspoons) of bone meal.** Make sure this is the variety meant for human consumption. This is an important calcium source in cat food and essential for your kitten's growth. 20. **Ready 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin and 4 raw egg yolks.** This will be part of the supplement slurry later. Select eggs that are from free-range, antibiotic-free chickens preferably. 21. **Buy supplements.** You will need several other vitamin and nutritional supplements to add to the food mix. You need to get 4 capsules of raw glandular supplement such as the multi-gland supplement by Immoplex. Get 4,000 mg of salmon. Buy 800 IU vitamin E. Have 200 mg of vitamin B-50 complex. Have 1.5 teaspoon of Morton Lite salt (with iodine). The salmon oil, B-50, and vitamin E should be in capsule form. You don't need the Morton Lite salt with iodine if you are using rabbit meat. 22. **Remove half of the skin from the meat.** Do this for all the poultry but not the rabbit. Use a peeler or your hands to remove the skin. 23. **Cut the raw muscle meat into chunks.** Have several knives or scissors ready to go. Cut the poultry or rabbit into chunks the size of dice or slightly larger than half-inch cubes. Save the chunked pieces. Do not grind them. You can cut off the skin if its poultry, but leave on the skin if you are cutting up rabbit. 24. **Grind the liver, non-chunked meat, and heart.** You'll need this for mixing later. Combine these meats thoroughly and store them temporarily in a refrigerator. Use a meat grinder or processor to grind and combine the meats. 25. **Prepare the supplement solution.** Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water. Mix in all of the supplements except the gelatin. If you had extra vitamins to replace the heart and/or liver put them into the water at this time. Whisk the mixture briefly and add the gelatin at the end. Stir well. 26. **Mix all three batches.** Retrieve the refrigerated meat mixture for this step. Combine the supplement mix into the recently refrigerated meat combination, and then add in the chunked meat cut earlier. Mix these thoroughly. Portion out the final mixture into containers and put them in the freezer. 27. **Set up your freezer containers correctly.** Leave enough space for the food to expand. Use the refrigerator for defrosting for a couple of days before use. This recipe makes 4.4 pounds (2 kg) of food which can last 12-14 days for the average cat.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Adjust an Impact Sprinkler
Impact sprinkler heads sit on a rotating bearing, which allows them to pivot as water flows through them for full 360 degree coverage. If you want to tweak your impact sprinkler system to change the pressure, spray pattern, or arc of the water, there are several ways you can go about it. The simplest solution is to control the flow of water at its source. You can also adjust the different parts of the head, like the diffuser pin, movement collars, and deflector shield, to get just the right strength and trajectory. 1. **Adjust the flow of water at the source.** The simplest way to change the amount of water coming out of your impact sprinkler is to tighten (clockwise) or loosen (counterclockwise) the hose faucet where it’s hooked up. Opening the faucet to increase the water flow will increase the power and coverage of the stream, while decreasing the flow will confine the sprinkler coverage to a smaller area. Use a lower water flow when you want to avoid damaging delicate plants, like flowers and leafy shrubs, with a forceful blast. 2. **Change the position of the diffuser pin.** The diffuser pin is a large screw anchored to the base of the sprinkler head. If you want to decrease the distance that your sprinkler covers, screw the pin in a clockwise direction until it sits over the water nozzle. For a more concentrated stream that will go further, unscrew the pin all the way or remove it entirely. When inserted, the diffuser pin breaks up the stream, causing it to fan out in a delicate spray or mist. The further the pin projects over the opening, the shorter and wider the spray will be. 3. **Raise or lower the deflector shield.** Swivel the flat metal square attached to the body of the sprayer head (just beside the diffuser pin) up or down. When the stream hits the downturned deflector shield, it will be redirected into a lower arc perfect for watering nearby plants and patches of grass. If you’re trying to water from one end of your lawn or garden to the other, keep the deflector shield up. This will allow the stream to travel in a higher arc and cover longer distances. 4. **Use the friction collars to alter the spray pattern.** Twist the metal clamps that wind around the base of the sprinkler head into different positions to determine the movement of the sprinkler head. The closer together the collars are, the narrower the watering range. As the sprinkler turns, the wiry metal piece at the base of the head, known as the trip pin, will run up against the collar clamps, causing the sprinkler to reverse direction. Make sure the trip pin stays within the range you want to set for the sprinkler. That way you can water the rose bushes outside your home without dousing the front porch or the garage door. 5. **Flip up the trip pin for full 360 degree coverage.** If you want the sprinkler to rotate all the way around, simply lift the trip pin until it rests up against the sprinkler head. It will then be able to send out water in a smooth, radial motion. Getting the trip pin out of the way can be helpful if your sprinkler system is located in the center of the area you’re watering. 6. **Adjust the distance control dial.** Some impact sprinkler models feature a separate dial that allows users to manually set the desired spray distance. If your sprinkler has one of these dials, turning it to the left will reduce the force of the stream, while turning it the right will pressurize it to send it further. The approximate distances should be clearly labeled in feet or meters, making it easy to get just the right coverage. Assuming your impact sprinkler doesn’t have a distance control dial, you’ll get the best custom spray by tinkering with the water pressure, diffuser pin, and deflector shield. 7. **Make sure you're using a water source with a pressure of at least 15 psi.** Lower water pressures won’t have the force needed to make an impact sprinkler system effective. If your sprinklers are falling short or don’t seem to be putting out water at a very high rate, you may be better off with a different method of irrigation. You can find out how many psi’s you’re working with by calling your local water provider or using a pressure gauge that fits over the end of a standard garden hose. Most residential areas have an average water pressure somewhere between 40-60 psi. However, yours might be lower if you get your water from a pump or well. 8. **Choose the right sprinkler head.** Impact sprinkler heads are usually sold in a couple different materials—plastic and metal. Plastic heads are lightweight, making them easier to turn with a conservative water flow of around 20-40 psi. While they tend to be slightly more expensive, metal heads will be better able to handle the strain of higher pressures. Metal sprinkler heads are also more durable, meaning they’ll last longer and experience fewer issues. If you’re unsure which type of head will work best for your home, consult with a home improvement or gardening expert while you’re shopping for an impact sprinkler system. 9. **Clean your sprinkler periodically.** A new sprinkler that has stopped performing to its usual standard may just be in need of a good cleaning. Remove the sprinkler head from the base and disassemble it to gain access to the nozzle and swivel bearing. Gently scrub each piece with hot water and a bottle brush to remove any debris or mineral buildup that may be inhibiting the sprinkler’s movement. Common symptoms of a dirty sprinkler include a weak stream with normal water pressure, turning to one side and stopping, and failing to rotate at all. A mixture of vinegar and warm water can cut through heavy mineral and sediment deposits that have accumulated inside the sprinkler head.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Bleed Power Steering
You may end up with air in your power steering lines if you were working on your vehicle, replacing a part, or you have a minor leak in the power steering lines. If air does find its way inside of the power steering assembly, you may hear a growling noise when you drive and the steering wheel may be slightly harder to turn than it normally is. Bleeding the power steering is a simple way to force trapped air out of your power steering pump and hydraulic lines. Keep in mind, if you bleed the power steering and the problem returns in a few months, you probably have a leak. If you do, have a mechanic take a look at your vehicle to diagnose and repair the problem. 1. **Locate the power steering reservoir and twist the cap off.** Read your vehicle’s manual to find your power steering reservoir, which is where the power steering fluid is stored. The location of this tank varies from vehicle to vehicle, but it’s usually next to the coolant reservoir on the passenger side of the engine bay. Look for a small, cylindrical compartment that looks roughly half the size of the coolant reservoir and has a removable plastic cap on top. With the vehicle off, twist the cap off of the power steering reservoir by twisting it counterclockwise. It will usually say “power steering” on top of the plastic cap. It may also list the type of power steering fluid you need on the cap. This is one of those automotive repairs that basically anyone can do, especially since you don’t need to remove or disassemble anything. This is a great way to save a few dollars by skipping a trip to the mechanic! 2. **Fill the power steering reservoir to the cold fill line if the fluid is low.** You can determine what type of power steering fluid you need by reading your instruction manual. It is usually printed on the reservoir cap as well. Inspect the dipstick attached to the bottom of the cap. There are two hash marks: cold, and hot. If the liquid is lower than the “cold” hash mark, slide a funnel into the reservoir’s opening and pour in enough power steering fluid to reach the “cold” hash mark on the dipstick. Most vehicles use Dextron, Pentosin, or synthetic hydraulic fluid. You can purchase power steering fluid at any automotive store. If your reservoir doesn’t have a dipstick, there’s a fill line on the inside or outside of the reservoir. You may need to use a flashlight to look inside the tank and look for the fill line. 3. **Close the cap to keep fluid from popping out while you bleed the system.** Bleeding the power steering lines forces air out of the system. This can cause power steering fluid to spill out of the reservoir as the pressure in the power steering lines increases. To avoid making a mess, put the cap back on your power steering reservoir and close it tight. Once your vehicle is off of the ground, you can slide a drip pan under the reservoir just to be safe. This is probably unnecessary, but it’s a good idea if you want to keep steering fluid off of the ground. 4. **Bleed the system using a vacuum pump kit if your car has a bleed valve.** Read your vehicle’s manual to see if your power steering has a bleed valve. If it does, purchase a vacuum pump kit for a power steering system and slide the end of the vacuum pump’s hose over the bleed valve. Then, pull the trigger on the vacuum until the gauge on the pump reads 20 Hg (inches of mercury). This will pull any excess air out of the system. A small percentage of vehicles have bleed valves on the power steering assembly. Most vehicles don’t come with one because it’s fairly easy to bleed the power steering without a vacuum kit. You can buy a reservoir cap with a bleed valve adaptor on the lid if you want to use a vacuum kit to pump your power steering lines but you don’t have a built-in bleed valve. You can also buy a vacuum kit with an adaptor that slides directly into the opening of the reservoir if you don’t want to buy a new cap. You can still bleed your power steering using the traditional method if you have a bleed valve. This is just an option you have if your vehicle comes with a bleed valve. It’s easier to do it this way since you don’t need to elevate the vehicle and it takes less than 5 minutes. You don’t need to open or close anything to insert the hose into the bleed valve. The hose just slides right on. 5. **Lift your vehicle off of the ground with jack stands.** With your vehicle on a flat surface, slide wedges or chocks behind your back tires to keep the vehicle from sliding back. Slide a hydraulic floor jack under one side of your vehicle. Step repeatedly on the hydraulic jack’s pedal to raise the side of your vehicle up. Then, slide a jack stand under the side of the vehicle so it rests on the frame. Repeat this process on the other side to lift your front wheels entirely off of the ground. If you can, use the smallest jack stands available to you. You only need the tires to be slightly off the ground, and it’ll be easier and safer to get in and out of the vehicle if you don’t have to climb up to get in the driver’s seat. You don’t need to raise the back. Bleeding the power steering involves turning the steering wheel back and forth over and over again. You only need the front wheels off of the ground. If you don’t have jack stands, you can still do this with your vehicle on the ground. You may not completely bleed the power steering lines, but you should still see a noticeable improvement if there is air trapped in the system. 6. **Put the key in the ignition to unlock the steering wheel.** Carefully get in the vehicle, or open the door and reach over to the ignition. Insert the key in the ignition, but don’t turn the vehicle on. You need to turn the steering wheel while the vehicle is off, but you can’t do this if the key isn’t in the ignition. On some vehicles, you’ll need to turn the key to the accessory position by turning it halfway or backward to unlock the steering wheel. It all depends on your make and model. 7. **Turn the steering wheel lock to lock by turning it left and right.** Grab your steering wheel and turn it all the way to the left like you’re making an extreme left turn. Once the wheels rotate as far as they can to the left, turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. This is known as turning the steering wheel from lock to lock, and this process forces air out of your power steering pump and lines. Turning your steering wheel engages the power steering and forces the fluid to cycle through the lines. If there is air trapped in your power steering lines, this pressure forces the air out to the top of the reservoir. 8. **Keep turning the steering wheel 20 or 35 more times to push the air out.** Continue turning the steering wheel back and forth. Go all the way to the left, then all the way to the right. If you drive a standard car, do this at least 20 times to force all of the air out. Do this 35 times if you drive an SUV, truck, or minivan. 9. **Check the power steering level after turning the wheel and fill as needed.** Get out of the vehicle carefully and walk back over to the power steering reservoir. Open the cap on your reservoir and check the power steering fluid to see if it is lower than it was when you first checked it. If it is low, fill the power steering reservoir up with more power steering fluid so that the liquid reaches the “cold” fill line on the dipstick. The power steering fluid levels typically go down when you remove the air. The excess air sits in the power steering lines and pushes the fluid up to make it seem like there is more fluid in the power steering lines than there actually is. Removing this air will cause the fluid levels to drop back down. You may hear a small popping sound when you open the cap. This is because all of the air was forced to the top of the reservoir when you were turning lock to lock. 10. **Start the vehicle and turn the steering wheel lock to lock 20 or 35 times.** Close the cap on the power steering reservoir and get back in the vehicle. Start your vehicle. Then, turn the wheel lock to lock again by turning the wheel all the way to the left, then all the way to the right. If you drive a standard car, do this an additional 20 times to let the power steering fluid cycle through the lines again. If you have an SUV, truck, or minivan, do this 35 times. If you notice the steering is smoother while you’re doing this, congratulations! You likely removed all of the air and you’re about to be done. 11. **Inspect the top of the power steering reservoir for bubbles.** Turn the engine off and get out of the vehicle again. Go to your power steering reservoir and open the cap. If you see the fluid at the top of the reservoir bubbling, it means there is still some air in your power steering lines. If there is no bubbling, the air is gone and you’re done! If all of the air is gone and there is no more bubbling, close the cap on your power steering reservoir and take your jack stands off. 12. **Continue turning the steering wheel until the fluid is bubble-free.** If you saw bubbling in the power steering reservoir, close the cap and get back in the vehicle. Turn the engine on and turn it lock to lock an additional 20-30 times. Continue repeating this process until you no longer see bubbles appearing at the top of the power steering reservoir. When you’re done, tighten the cap on the reservoir and take your vehicle off of the jack stands.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Say “Welcome” in Spanish
There are four different ways to say “welcome” in Spanish, depending on whether you’re using this word in a sentence as a greeting, noun, transitive verb, or adjective. 1. **Verify that you’re using the word “welcome” as a greeting.** For example, you might say “Welcome!” when someone arrives at your home. 2. **Say “Bienvenido” when using “welcome” as a greeting.** “Bienvenido” is pronounced “bee-en-veh-nee-doh.” When greeting a woman, say “bienvenida,” which is the feminine translation of “welcome.” “Bienvenida” is pronounced “bee-en-veh-nee-dah.” 3. **Verify that you’re using the word “welcome” as a noun in a sentence.** An example of using “welcome” as a noun is, “The woman is offering a warm welcome to her long-lost brother.” 4. **Say “bienvenida” when using “welcome” as a noun.** “Bienvenida” is the literal translation of “welcome” in Spanish. “Bienvenida” is pronounced “bee-en-veh-nee-dah.” Alternately, you can say “recibimiento” or “acogida,” which are synonyms for “welcome” as a noun in Spanish. “Recibimiento” is pronounced “reh-see-bee-mee-en-toh,” and “acogida” is pronounced “ah-koh-hee-dah.” 5. **Verify that you’re using the word “welcome” as a transitive verb.** An example of using “welcome” as a transitive verb is, “The man is happy to welcome you to his home.” 6. **Say “dar la bienvenida a,” which means “to welcome.** This phrase is pronounced as “dahr lah bee-en-veh-nee-dah ah.” 7. **Verify that you’re using the word “welcome” as an adjective in a sentence.** An example of using ”welcome” as an adjective is, “The new flowers will offer a welcome change to my yard.” 8. **Say “bienvenido,” which means “welcome” when using this word as an adjective.** “Bienvenido” is pronounced “bee-en-veh-nee-doh.”
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Choose a Yorkie Puppy
Yorkshire Terriers are a fun-loving, independent breed of dog. They were originally bred in Yorkshire England in the 19th century to catch rats in England’s clothing mills. They make great pets, but they also take a lot of responsibility. If you’re thinking of welcoming a Yorkie into your home, make sure that you're ready for the responsibility and can make an informed decision about which puppy you bring into your family. 1. **Consider whether you are ready to make a time commitment to a new puppy.** The average Yorkshire terrier can live anywhere from 12 to 16 years. This dog will be in your life for a long time, so don’t get a puppy if you’re not prepared to make a long-term commitment. Furthermore, dogs who don’t get enough care and attention on a day-to-day basis often develop behavior problems like excessive barking, chewing, and digging in the yard. While Yorkies don’t need as much exercise as other breeds might, they do need a lot of attention and love. If you don’t have the time to give your pet all the attention it needs to be happy and well-adjusted, wait until you’re ready to bring a dog into your family. 2. **Calculate whether you can afford a dog.** When you get a Yorkie, you’ll have to pay more than just the one-time purchase price. All dogs have ongoing needs throughout their life, including good quality food, toys, grooming, licensing fees, and routine medical checkups. You’ll also spend a lot of money during the first year on a crate, a carrier bag, training sessions, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, etc. The ASPCA estimates that in the first year, small dog owners will spend about $1,314 on their new pet, then $580 yearly after that. 3. **Decide whether a Yorkie is the right breed for you.** There's a great deal of variation in size, temperament, and needs from breed to breed. Even if you love all dogs, you should think carefully about whether a specific breed will be a good fit for you and your family. Yorkshire terriers have many positive traits: They are a "Toy" breed, meaning they are small lap dogs that won't hog the couch or be able to overpower you when they get excited. They're highly adaptable, and do well in large homes and apartments alike. Though each dog will have its own personality, in general, Yorkies are cat-friendly. Yorkies are a highly intelligent breed, and take well to training. They're incredibly affectionate companions who love to be around their families. 4. **Be aware of the drawbacks of the breed.** Though there’s a lot to recommend the Yorkies, all breeds have drawbacks that might make them a bad fit for a particular household. Some things you should know about Yorkshire terriers before bringing one home include: These are territorial dogs who bark a lot. While this makes for a good watchdog, early training to curb excessive barking is important for a happy household. Though they love to relax and cuddle, Yorkies are very high energy and love to dash about the house. Their long coats mean owners must make a commitment to regular grooming and be willing to deal with shedding fur. They may be affectionate, but Yorkies can also be a bit snappy at times. This, combined with their small size, might make them a bad fit for families with small children in the house. All purebred breeds have health concerns. The Yorkie's include knee problems, collapsing trachea, dental issues, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, and Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. 5. **Choose your ideal Yorkie size.** There are no official variations in Yorkie sizes according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). A healthy adult should weight between 4 and 7 pounds. That said, "teacup" Yorkies — though not an official breed — are dogs that have been bred specifically for their small size. They may weight 1-3 pounds when grown. The size of the grown dog can only be estimated at birth, so there's no guarantee that your "teacup" Yorkie won't grow to be 5 pounds in adulthood. Note that breeding for the "teacup" size is often done at the expense of the dogs' health. You may have to deal with higher medical expenses with the smaller dogs. 6. **Decide what kind of source you want to get your Yorkie from.** You have three options for locating a Yorkshire terrier puppy: breeders, breed rescues, and general animal shelters. Each of these sources has its own pros and cons: Breeders: a breeder can provide the dog's lineage if a strong pedigree is important to you. However, breeders can be expensive, and unethical breeders might not provide the best care for your puppy in its earliest days. A bad breeder may also breed unhealthy dogs. Breed rescues: look for Yorkie-specific rescue centers in your area. These animals need good homes, so if you want to save an animal, a breed rescue is a good option. However, you will not have access to the dog's pedigree, and many dogs might be mixed-breed. You may also find more adults than puppies. General animal shelter: it will be hard to find a purebred Yorkie in a general animal shelter, and you’ll likely find more adults than puppies. However, if the shelter’s a kill shelter, you might save your dog’s life. Furthermore, shelters are usually far cheaper than breeders or breed rescues. 7. **Contact breed rescues and shelters in your area.** Many rescues and shelters have websites that are updated regularly with the new dogs available for adoption. Keep an eye on these websites for the puppy you want to rescue. If you don’t see a suitable puppy on the websites, call the rescues and shelters to see if you can be put on a notification list. They may be willing to call you if a Yorkie puppy comes into their care. 8. **Question breeders in your area over the phone.** If you choose to buy your puppy from a breeder, you should conduct a thorough investigation into how ethical the breeder is. There is no license for breeding — anyone with a litter of puppies can call him- or herself a breeder. You want to make sure you only buy a puppy from someone who takes the responsibility of breeding animals seriously. A quality breeder will let you ask questions even if they don't have any puppies for sale. They may be able to refer you to someone who does have puppies at the moment. Ask the breeders how long they’ve been breeding Yorkies, and whether they’ve seen any health issues in the dogs they’ve bred. Don't limit your questions you have for the breeder. You want to make sure your puppy comes from a responsible place. Do their dogs have a good pedigree, and will the breeder provide pedigree papers to ensure the puppy doesn’t come from an inbred line? Do they dock, or cut off, their puppies' tails? Docking is an unnecessary cosmetic procedure that’s illegal in some countries. This is a form of mutilation, and that breeder should not be encouraged in any way. If you want to raise Yorkies yourself, ask if the breeder requires you to spay/neuter their puppies. Do they have a return policy, in case your situation changes or you discover a health issue in your dog? Have they already begun the litter’s vaccination program? What shots have they had, and what will you have to get them? 9. **Visit each breeder who seems like a good fit.** A breeder can say whatever they’d like over the phone, but you should visit your top choices in person to see for yourself that they are trustworthy operations. A good breeder will socialize puppies from a young age so they trust humans. Though some puppies might be shyer than others, in general the litter should be comfortable around people. Ask to see the whole litter with its mother to make sure the family is kept together and happy, and that the puppies weren’t weaned too early. Make sure the facilities are clean, and that each dog has comfortable living quarters with its own food and water bowl. You should not see more than 1 or 2 Yorkies crowded into a single kennel. Check that the dog areas are tidy and free of feces or urine. A good breeder will clean their kennels daily. If the operation seems unprofessional or questionable, cross that breeder off your list. 10. **Do not support puppy mills.** Puppy mills breed and sell large numbers of dogs for a profit. Because they are more interested in money than the quality of the dogs’ lives, they do not provide adequate care for the animals in their care. Puppies from mills often come home with giardia, parvovirus, and other diseases that would be addressed by a proper breeder. They often overbreed and inbreed their dogs, resulting in genetic health conditions that will reveal themselves as the puppy grows up. Because puppy mill breeders don’t spend time with their animals, mill puppies are often unsocialized, and even fearful of humans. Puppy mills are inhumane. Do not, under any circumstances, support a breeder who treats his or her animals improperly. 11. **Visit with all the puppies in a litter.** To find the right Yorkie, you need to see how they act with their siblings. Check the puppies for shyness. If 4 out of 5 puppies run away or act afraid of you, they may have a genetic predisposition for shyness. Odds are the 1 brave puppy has the same genetic coding, so you should look for the perfect Yorkshire Terrier in another litter or with another breeder. Watch the puppies play with each other. Normal puppies are curious, friendly, and like to play. Look for warning signs: is the puppy anxious? Fearful? Aggressive? 12. **Assess each puppy’s health.** Ask the breeder if you can spend some time with each of the available puppies individually. To find the right Yorkie, you need to make sure the puppy is healthy and evaluate how they act when not surrounded by their siblings. Inspect the puppy's fur, eyes, rear end and ears. A healthy Yorkshire Terrier puppy will have clear eyes, a clear nose, a shiny coat, and clean ears. An ill puppy may have a matted or shabby coat, discharge, a cough, a potbelly, and dirty ears. Test the puppies' hearing. Make a loud noise and see if the puppy reacts. A puppy with good hearing will react right away and then become curious about what caused the sound. 13. **Ask about the litter’s medical history to this point.** Puppies require frequent vet visits for vaccinations and checkups in their early months. Have the puppies already been treated for heartworm and parasites or been given their vaccinations? If not, you will have to pay for all of those procedures out of pocket. 14. **Choose your puppy.** Remember that you are choosing a Yorkie puppy, the puppy is not choosing you. If you select the puppy that runs right up and jumps all over you, you may end up with the most energetic puppy in the litter, and have regrets later on. Choose the puppy that has the best personality and is not too bossy nor too timid. A Yorkie with a good nature will wag its tail, not bully its siblings, and not growl or bite. Do not choose a puppy that has any behavioral or health concerns.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Preserve Guava
Guava is a delicious and nutritious snack that has many health benefits and a unique taste. However, it's a tropical fruit that tends to go bad quickly after ripening. To prolong the life of your guava, you can refrigerate or freeze it once it's ripe! 1. **Leave the guava on the counter to ripen if they're still firm.** Your guavas should be soft to the touch and have a strong, heady scent before you refrigerate them. If the guavas aren't ripe yet, let them sit on the counter for 2-3 days until the skin yields when you press on the fruit. Avoid placing guava near a window because the heat and light can make it ripen too quickly. If the guava is taking a long time to ripen, try placing it in a paper bag with the top slightly open. 2. **Put the ripe guava in a plastic or paper bag.** Before you refrigerate the guava, place the entire fruit in a bag to protect it in the refrigerator. Other fruits can give off gasses that encourage ripening, and the bag will ensure that the guava is safe. Make sure the bag is clean and dry before putting the guava in it. Dirt and water can cause the guava to ripen further in the refrigerator. Remember to label the bag with the date for future reference. 3. **Place the bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.** Be sure to set the crisper drawer to a medium humidity to ensure that the guava doesn't become too dry or too moist. Leave the bag open slightly at the top to let air circulate through the bag and the drawer. If possible, store the guava in a separate drawer from other fruits such as apples or oranges, which can cause the guava to go bad quickly. 4. **Use or eat the guava within 3-4 days of refrigerating.** Refrigeration will slightly prolong the life of the guava, but be sure to use it in a timely manner. After 4 days in the refrigerator, the guava will be past ripe and should be thrown away. If you can't tell how ripe your guava is, press on the skin to feel if the fruit is very soft. Over-ripe guava will dent when you press on it. 5. **Wash and peel the skin off of the guava.** Rinse the guava under cool water and blot the fruit dry with a paper towel. Then, use a knife or peeler to carefully remove all of the skin from each guava. You can dispose of the skin, or you can place it in a compost pile with other food scraps. Be careful when using the peeler on the guava. The small, rounded shape can cause the peeler to slip. 6. **Cut the guava in half with a sharp knife.** On a cutting board, slice the guava in half through the widest part in the middle of the fruit. You can cut the halves again to make chunks, or leave them in halves to freeze. This will help the sugar in the simple syrup to permeate into the fruit and keep it tasting sweet after the freezing process. 7. **Place the halves in an airtight container or bag.** Once the guava is cut, get a freezer bag or airtight container with a lid. Make sure it's large enough to fit all of the fruit with about 0.5 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm) of empty space at the top of the container, called headspace. The headspace will allow for quicker freezing time, which keeps the guava fresh for a longer period in the freezer. 8. **Pour simple syrup over the guava to preserve the taste of the fruit.** Simple syrup is a mixture of equal parts water and sugar that is heated to a boil to create a sweet syrup. Pour the cooled syrup into the container or bag until the guavas are completely submerged, but remember to leave enough headspace in the container. If you've just made the simple syrup, let it cool before pouring it over the fruit. Warm syrup can cook the guava, causing a change in taste. 9. **Seal the container and place it in the freezer.** Make sure the lid of the container is closed tightly or the bag is completely sealed. Label the container or bag with the date and let it sit in the freezer undisturbed for at least 12 hours before thawing. If you're going to freeze the guavas for a long period of time, avoid placing them in the door of the freezer. The door experiences more temperature changes than the rest of the freezer, which can cause thawing. 10. **Use the guava within 1 year of freezing.** While guava can last in the freezer for long periods of time, the taste of the fruit will deteriorate after a year. When you're ready to use it, place the guava in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to thaw before taking it out of the container. If you're not sure how to use your frozen guava, you can try making juice, baking guava-based pastries, or even whipping up a guava barbecue sauce!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Turn Off Roku
A Roku is a TV, HDMI stick or video player that streams content by connecting to the Internet via WiFi or Internet router. After you've plugged in the Roku device, connected to your wireless network and selected the channels you want to watch, you can begin to stream content immediately. Once you're finished using your Roku, you may want to turn it off, put it into Standby Mode, or even completely restart it. 1. **Know that all Roku devices have no on/off switch because they're designed to run constantly to download updates.** But some ROKU voice remotes can be able to control the TV's power. So whether you have a Roku Streaming Player, Roku TV or Roku Streaming Stick, the only way to totally turn off your Roku is to unplug the device completely. 2. **Turn off the Roku Streaming Player by unplugging it from your viewing device.** If you plugged the Roku Streaming Player into your TV with an AV cord, then unplug it from the television; if you used an HDMI cord, then unplug that from the HDMI port. After this is done, unplug the A/C power adapter from the Roku Player. This will completely turn it off. 3. **Turn off the Roku Streaming Stick by unplugging it from the HDMI port on the television.** If your TV provides power through the HDMI port, then all you should have to do is remove the stick, and then your Roku will be turned off. If your HDMI port does not provide power, you would have needed to connect a micro-USB cable adapter to the Roku Stick and have plugged it into a wall outlet. No matter what the case, as long as you remove the Roku Streaming Stick directly from the HDMI port, the Roku will shut off completely, learn more at: 4. **Turn off the Roku TV by unplugging the TV from the wall.** When you use the Roku remote to "turn off" your Roku TV, you're actually just putting the television into Standby mode. The only way to completely turn off the Roku TV is to unplug the cord from the outlet. Once this is done, the TV should be completely off. 5. **Restart Roku by unplugging the device and plugging it back in.** You may want to restart your Roku if it's not working correctly. After you do this, the screen should scroll up and then go completely blank. The Roku should then start back up; this will signify a successful restart. 6. **Alternately, restart Roku by using the Roku remote.** To do this, hold the remote, press the Home button five times in a row, press the Up arrow once and press the Rewind button two times. Then, press the Fast Forward button two times. 7. **As another alternative, restart Roku from the main menu.** If you've kept your Roku plugged in and updated with the latest software, you should have Roku 6.0. If you do, you have the version that allows you to restart the program from the main menu. To do this, go to Settings, System, and then System Restart. Select the System Restart button and your Roku should restart. 8. **Whether you have a Roku TV, Streaming Stick or Player, you can put the Roku into Standby Mode by holding down the power button on your Roku remote.** If you should want to turn your Roku back on, hold down the power button again to continue using your Roku. 9. **Know that if you don't use your Roku device for an extended period of time, it will go into Standby mode on its own to conserve energy.** If, for some reason, you can't manually make your Roku go into Standby mode, know that it will automatically go into Standby mode eventually.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cook Frog Legs
Frog legs are a culinary delight growing in popularity. If you've never prepared this dish yourself, here's what you need to know about how to do it. 1. **Cut the frogs' legs at the joint.** Use a pair of kitchen scissors to divide each frog leg in half at the knee joint. If you do not have a pair of scissors set aside for kitchen use, you could use a sharp knife, instead. Just be careful to avoid cutting your fingers while trying to cut through the joint. 2. **Marinate the legs in milk.** Place the frog legs in a bowl and pour the milk on top. Cover the bowl loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Do not let the frog legs marinate at room temperature. The milk could spoil, and room temperature range is ideal for triggering bacterial growth in raw meat. 3. **Season with salt and pepper.** After marinating the frog legs, let them drain on clean paper towels. Pat dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you are not sure about how much salt and pepper to use, try using about 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) of each. 4. **Dredge in flour.** Dump the flour onto a plate or shallow bowl. Place each frog leg in the flour and turn as needed to coat all sides. Gently shake off excess flour when done. Place the coated frog legs on a separate plate when done. 5. **Heat 6 Tbsp (180 ml) butter in a large skillet.** Heat over high heat, letting it come to a sizzle. The butter should begin to sizzle, but avoid letting it smoke. When butter becomes hot enough to produce smoke, it begins breaking down, which can affect the flavor of the end dish. 6. **Cook half the legs until golden brown.** Add half of the frog legs to the sizzling butter and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Flip the legs over using tongs in the middle of the cooking process so that both sides are evenly cooked. 7. **Repeat with more butter and the remaining frogs' legs.** Discard the remaining butter in the skillet and add a fresh 6 Tbsp (180 ml) more. Cook the remaining frog legs in the hot butter for 3 to 4 minutes. As before, flip the legs over in the middle of the cooking process to cook both sides evenly. 8. **Sauté the garlic.** Discard the butter currently in the skillet and add the remaining butter. Once it sizzles, add the garlic and cook for about 1 minute. Stir the garlic continually to avoid burning it. When done, the garlic should be lightly browned and very fragrant. 9. **Add lemon juice, salt, and pepper.** With the skillet off the heat, add the lemon juice and more salt and pepper. Stir to combine well. As before, if you are not sure about how much salt and pepper to use, try using about 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) of each. 10. **Serve frogs' legs with garlic sauce.** Place the frog legs in the center of a serving plate and drizzle the garlic sauce over or around them. Garnish with fresh parsley, if desired. 11. **Prepare the frogs' legs.** Rinse the frog legs and pat dry with clean paper towels. Divide them at the joint using sharp kitchen scissors. If you do not have a pair of scissors set aside for kitchen use, you could use a sharp knife, instead. 12. **Combine the coating ingredients.** Place the crushed crackers, flour, cornmeal, dried minced onion, salt, and pepper in a large resealable plastic bag. Zip the back up and shake vigorously to combine the ingredients together. Make sure that the bag is large enough to fit the coating ingredients as well as one or two frog leg pieces at a time. 13. **Combine the eggs and milk.** Whisk the eggs and milk together in a small bowl until thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be a consistent pale yellow color without any variations or streaks of white or darker yellow. 14. **Heat the oils in a large, heavy skillet.** Pour the vegetable oil and peanut oil into the skillet and heat them over medium-high heat for a couple of minutes. The oil should be about 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) deep. Make sure that the skillet you use is heavy and has high sides. If you do not have a large skillet with tall sides, you could use a saucepan, instead. 15. **Coat the frogs' legs.** Dip each leg in the egg mixture. After letting the excess drip off, dredge each leg in the cracker mixture, turning to coat all sides. If the bag with the cracker mixture is large enough, you can place a few pieces of frog leg in the bag at once, seal it, and shake lightly to coat them. 16. **Fry the legs until golden brown on each side.** Transfer the frog legs into the hot oil, cooking each one for about 5 minutes per side. Be careful as you put the legs in the oil. The oil may sputter and spit at you if you get your hand too close or cause it to splash up by dropping the legs in with too much force. If you notice that the legs are browning too fast, reduce the heat of the stove to medium from medium-high. 17. **Drain and serve.** Use tongs to fish the cooked frog legs from the hot oil and transfer them to clean paper towels. Serve once the legs have drained for a minute or so. 18. **Combine marinade ingredients.** Mix the vegetable oil, onion, parsley, salt, mustard, and basil in a small bowl. Also add the peel and juice of one lemon. Stir or whisk well to combine. Pour 1/3 cup (80 ml) of the marinade into a small dish. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Set this portion aside for a later step. 19. **Marinate the frog legs with some of the marinade.** Place the frog legs in a single layer inside a baking dish. Pour the remaining marinade over the legs and cover will plastic wrap. Store in the refrigerator for 3 hours. The frog legs must be in a single layer. Otherwise, they may not marinate evenly. Use tongs to occasionally turn the frog legs in the marinade as they sit in the refrigerator. 20. **Preheat grill.** Brush the grill with additional vegetable oil and preheat it to medium heat. If using a gas grill, preheat all the burners of the grill to a medium setting. If using a charcoal grill, lay two layers or so of charcoal briquettes along the bottom of the grill. Light and let the flame burn away until a light layer of ash forms on the charcoal. 21. **Grill frog legs for 6 to 7 minutes.** Drain the frog legs and transfer them to the hot grill. Cover the grill and cook for 3 minutes. Turn them over and close the grill again, cooking for another 3 to 4 minutes. There should be no further traces of pink meat when the legs have finished cooking. Additionally, the meat should begin to separate from the bones will little effort once done. 22. **Combine reserved marinade with butter and garlic.** Heat the reserved marinade with the butter and garlic in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the butter is melted, stirring often. This should take about 1 or 2 minutes. 23. **Serve frog legs with garlic sauce.** Transfer the frog legs to a serving plate and drizzle the butter mixture over or around them. 24. **Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).** Meanwhile, grease a baking dish with nonstick cooking spray or shortening. Alternatively, you could line the bottom of the dish with aluminum foil or parchment paper. The important thing is simply to keep the meat from sticking to the bottom of the pan. 25. **Combine the coating ingredients.** Mix together the Parmesan cheese, egg, butter, onion, garlic, cumin, rosemary, and tarragon in a small to medium mixing bowl until well combined. Make sure that the dish has a fairly wide mouth so that you will be able to easily dunk the frog legs in and out of it. 26. **Coat the frogs' legs well.** Dip each frog leg in the cheese and egg mixture, coating both sides. Let the excess drip off before dredging all sides of each frog leg in bread crumbs. The bread crumbs should be spread out on a wide plate or in a large bowl with shallow sides. 27. **Transfer the frog legs to your prepared baking dish.** Spoon any remaining mixture over the frogs' legs once all have been coated and placed in the dish. The frog legs should be spread out in an even, single layer. Do not stack the legs into multiple layers, since doing so could lead to uneven cooking. 28. **Bake until golden brown.** Cook, uncovered, for about 1 hour in your preheated oven. You should not need to stir or toss the frog legs as they cook, but if the top appears to be browning well before the end of the full cooking time, you can carefully reach in with a pair of tongs and turn the pieces over to expose the other side. 29. **Serve hot.** Sprinkle with salt, to taste, and serve immediately. 30. **Soak the frog legs in milk while preparing the batter.** 31. **Make the batter.** Whisk 2 eggs and 1 quarter cup of milk together. Add the and 2 tablespoons of CoffeeMate. 32. **Dip the frog legs in the batter.** Roll in flour. For a thicker coating, double dip in the batter. 33. **Season to taste.** 34. **Sauté or deep fry.** Serve immediately after frying.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of Ground Digger Wasps (Cicada Killers) from Your Lawn
This article provides instructions on how to eradicate the ground-digger wasp (also known as the cicada-killer), should you have nest infestations on your lawn or property. 1. **Learn about ground digger wasps.** Ground-digger wasps (GDWs) are very large (slightly larger than a green hornet) passive-aggressive wasps that "build" their nests in dry, unfertilized earth. They are typically large and black-bodied with yellow stripes on their back-end. When fully grown, they measure about one and a half inches (or more) in length with about a one and a quarter-inch wide wingspan. 2. **Know the signs of ground digger wasps infesting your lawn or garden space.** You'll know you've got ground-digger wasp nests when you see small granular mounds of dirt piled up anywhere from two-to-five inches in height. At the base of the mound of granular dirt will be a finger-sized hole with a "path" of dirt leading out from it. The nests will be sporadically built throughout your lawn or garden, but will typically be in the driest areas and/or under longer grass/weeds or under growing flowers. GDWs do not like, but can live in, moist soil. 3. **Find out the local life cycle.** In the Northeast US, the life-cycle of a ground-digger wasp is about one month beginning in mid-July and ending around mid-to-late August (depending on where you live, their life-cycle may start earlier or later). They go from young adults buzzing about play-attacking with each other, to full-size adults in about two-to-three weeks. 4. **It's important to understand that they only sting when attacked.** While very menacing looking, they are passive stingers, meaning only if very threatened will they attack and sting. You'd practically have to start digging into their nests while they're flying about for one to come at you and sting you (so, don't do that!). Otherwise, they tend to buzz about to check you out and to scare you away and they probably will the first time you encounter them. Know that they'd rather get on with their business of killing cicadas up in the trees than sting you. 5. **While the method suggested here basically kills the wasps in their nests, there is no other (safe- for-nearby-pets) way to eradicate them.** It is probable that you will still get nests from year-to-year, but only one, maybe two. The trick is to kill all of them while they're in their nests so their babies will not come back to the same place they were born. 6. **Get the supplies.** To eradicate an infestation of ground-digger wasps (GDWs), purchase from your local party store and supermarket, the following items: a) a large bag of white plastic knives, and b) up to three or four jug gallons of regular or lemon ammonia. 7. **During the day, when the wasps are up hunting for cicadas in the trees, mark each nest you find with one of the plastic knives pushed into the ground as close to the hole of the nest as possible (without disturbing the hole).** Leave enough of the knife sticking out of the ground so you can see it. 8. **After 10:30 or 11pm, (later is better), that evening, using a flashlight, seek out the knives you placed and carefully pour about two-to-three cups of ammonia into each of the holes.** At this time the wasps are probably nesting/sleeping, so you'll be catching them while in the nest. (You can stretch out the amount of ammonia by mixing a one-to-one ratio of water to ammonia. The diluted strength will still be enough to kill them.) Do not remove the knives. 9. **The next day, repeat the process on any new nests that you find in the ground.** You'll know the new nests from the old ones because you'll still have the knives in place from the night before. Once you've identified the new nests, remove the old knives.You may have to continually repeat the process depending on the original amount of wasps. Or you could hit the wasps with tennis rackets, knocking them to the ground then step on them. 10. **Try this option if you're happy to let nature's creatures follow their natural cycles without freaking.** First, this is a natural cycle and is part of nature's own way of dealing with a ballooning population of cicadas. Second, you can watch these interesting animals do their thing from the comfort of your own yard; they're raising their families just as every other natural creature tries to do. The way to cope if you leave them alone is very simple: Do not aggravate them. Do not push or poke them, do not walk on them and do not attack them with anything. Ignore them for two months. Just let them be as they dig up cicadas to feed their children. After two months, they'll be off. Don't wander around with bare feet at night. Be sensible about walking in your garden; no yard is completely safe from prickles, stings and unpleasant things, so wear appropriate protection and practice sensible use of your yard.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Lipstick Last All Day
Lip color is the key to a great makeup look, but there's nothing more annoying than applying a great lipstick color only to have it fade within a few hours. This article covers the best kinds of products to pick, as well as how to apply and maintain your lipstick so that it lasts throughout the day. 1. **Select a matte formula.** Not all lipsticks are created equal. Makeup artists suggest that in order of longevity matte formulas have the most staying power, followed by cream formulas, then liquid lipsticks, with lip glosses coming in last. 2. **Invest in a lip primer.** These are specially designed products that prime the lips for lipstick application and help the color adhere to the lips. They are available from many different brands. Some makeup artists use concealer or foundation over the lips to similar effect. This has the added benefit of canceling out the natural color of your lips so that the true color of the lipstick shows up. 3. **Outline your lips with reverse lip liner or concealer.** Reverse lip liner is a colorless product that can be applied to the skin just outside the outline of your lips to provide a barrier and prevent feathering around the edge of your lips. As an alternative, apply concealer in this same area to prevent bleeding and help your lipstick stay in place. Feathering occurs when the lipstick bleeds into the fine lines around the edge of your lips. These fine lines get more pronounced as we age. 4. **Get a lip brush for precise application.** The key to long-wearing lipstick is to apply several thin layers. This is best achieved with a lip brush, which also allows for greater precision and control. A lip brush can help you apply the product neatly and precisely. It also ensures a more even distribution of product than when lipstick is applied right from the bullet. 5. **Use several products together for a really long lasting effect.** Experts recommend using a lip primer and a lip liner with a lipstick on top or a liquid lip stain underneath a lipstick. Then as one layer wears off, the base layer remains intact. Make sure they are similar colors! 6. **Prep your lips by gently exfoliating.** This will get rid of all the dead skin sitting on top of your lips that prevents the lipstick sinking in. It will also create a smooth, blank canvas for the lipstick to ensure even application. Use a lip scrub. Many brands offer these types of product. You can also make your own with sugar, honey, and olive or coconut oil. Gently scrub your lips with a soft toothbrush. Don’t go too hard, you just want to remove loose dead skin. Use a damp washcloth on your lips, moving it in soft, circular motions to lift the dead skin. 7. **Apply a hydrating lip balm.** This ensures that the lips are moisturized. Applying lipstick to dry, cracked lips, especially a matte formula, can make lips look patchy and flaky. Use a balm with waxy consistency not a slippery or oily one which will cause the lipstick to move around. Allow some time for the lip balm to absorb before going on to the next step. Make this the first step in your makeup routine and do the rest of your face while the balm is absorbing. This can help your lips feel more comfortable, especially if you're not used to wearing matte lipstick. 8. **Apply lip liner as a base.** Lip liner typically has a drier consistency than lipstick, so it serves as a layer for the lipstick to grip onto. Get a sharp cupid’s bow by drawing an x in the center of your top lip, then draw around the outline of your lips. Use the point of the lip liner pencil for this. Then, use the pencil to fill in your whole lip. Filling in your whole lip is important because if the top layer of lip color wears off it won't reveal a sharp line. Use the side of the lip pencil to fill in the whole lip area. You can also use a lip stain under your lipstick to help the color last longer. 9. **Apply a thin layer of lipstick.** You can do this either straight from the tube or with a lip brush. 10. **Blot the lipstick with a tissue.** Using a folded tissue, open your mouth and place it between your upper and lower lips, then press down on the tissue. This removes any excess product and keeps lipstick from transferring onto your teeth or clothing. 11. **Apply a light dusting of powder to set.** Professional makeup artists use this trick to set the lipstick without moving any of the color. Get a tissue and separate the layers out. Place just one thin sheet over your lips and apply loose, translucent powder with a big fluffy powder brush on top of the tissue. You can apply powder directly to the lips to set if you don't have any tissues on hand, but be aware that overdoing it could result in a dry or discolored result. 12. **Apply another thin layer of lipstick.** Repeat the previous steps of blotting and setting with powder. This should give your lipstick real staying power. Finally, you can use a setting spray if you have one. 13. **Reapply after eating or drinking.** It is inevitable that your lip color will fade slightly over the course of the day. However, the change will be most noticeable when your lips come in direct contact with cups or utensils. Bring your lipstick and apply another thin layer to top up the color after meals. Carry a compact mirror to check for smudging or movement. Remember to check the lipstick hasn't transferred to your teeth. 14. **Be careful when re-applying lip balm.** You may find your lips require hydration as the day goes on, especially with drier formulas such as mattes. However, the oil in lip balm actually breaks up the color, causing it to wear off and fade. If you find your lips get dry through the day, opt for a more moisturizing lipstick formula and make sure you don’t skip the crucial step of hydrating before application. Avoid licking your lips. Not only will this make your lip color fade, it actually makes your lips drier over time. If you do apply lip balm, allow it to absorb for a minute or two, blot any excess off with a tissue and then follow up with another layer of lipstick. This gives your lips some much-needed moisture without the lip color fading. Apply lip balm sparingly. Excessive use of lip balm can hinder your lips' natural ability to produce their own moisture. 15. **Experiment with different products until you get one that works for you.** Once you have a solid grasp of the application technique you can begin to try different combinations to figure out which lipsticks offer the best longevity.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Knit Small Flowers
There are many ways to knit a flower, but knitting a small, simple flower is a good place to start. Choose your yarn and knitting needles and then use them to knit a small flower by following a simple pattern. Make a variety of different color flowers or many flowers in the same color! Give the flowers away as tokens of appreciation or sew them onto your knitting projects. 1. **Choose a light to medium weight yarn and smaller needles.** To create small delicate flowers, choose a light to medium weight yarn and a pair of needles on the small end of the spectrum for that yarn. Usually, a US size 5 to 7 (3.75 to 4.5 mm) would be appropriate for a lightweight yarn and a 7 to 9 (4.5 to 5.5 mm) would be appropriate for a medium weight yarn, so choose a size at the lower end of the spectrum for the yarn you select. For example, if you want to use a lightweight yarn for your flowers, then choose a US size 5 (3.75 mm) pair of knitting needles. If you want to use a medium weight yarn, then choose a US size 7 (4.5 mm) pair of knitting needles. 2. **Make a slipknot** Loop the yarn around your index and middle finger twice. Then, pull the second loop through the first loop. Slide the loop onto your right hand knitting needle. Then, pull the tail of the yarn to tighten the loop. 3. **Cast on** With the slipknot on your right hand needle, loop the yarn over the left hand needle and insert the needle through the loop. Then, pull this new loop through and let the other one fall off the right hand needle. Continue casting on stitches in this way until you have 50 total. 4. **Purl** Transfer the needle with all of the stitches on it to your left hand and hold the empty needle in your right hand. Use the purl stitch to work all of the cast on stitches from the left needle to the right needle. 5. **Knit** Hold the needle with all of the stitches on it to your left hand and the empty needle in your right hand. Insert the right hand needle into the first stitch on the left hand needle. Then, yarn over the end of the left hand needle, use the right hand needle to pull this yarn through the stitch, and let the old stitch slide off. 6. **Slip the stitch back onto the left hand needle.** Insert the left hand needle through the stitch that you just transferred to the right hand needle. Let the stitch slide off of the right hand needle and onto the left hand needle. 7. **Loop the second stitch over the first.** Insert the empty right hand needle into the second stitch in the row. Then, pull it up and over the first stitch. Continue to loop the next 8 stitches up and over the first stitch in the row just as you did with the second stitch. This is similar to binding off, except you will not be knitting after each loop over. The goal is to gather all 9 loops onto 1 loop. 8. **Knit the last stitch but keep it on the needle.** After you loop the ninth stitch up and over the first 1, knit this stitch as you normally would, but do not let the old stitch slide off yet. Keep it on the needle. 9. **Yarn over the needle and knit the same stitch again.** Loop the yarn over the needle in the front to create an extra stitch. Then, pull this yarn through the stitch and let the old 1 slide off the left hand needle as you do so. At this point, you should have 3 stitches on the right hand needle. 10. **Repeat this process all the way across the row.** Continue to knit 1, loop over 9, and then knit and increase for the rest of the row. When you reach the end of the row, you should have 15 stitches on your needle instead of 50 and the stitches should look scalloped or ruffled. 11. **Turn your work and knit across the row.** Take the right hand needle with all of the stitches on it and transfer it to your left hand. Turn the work around as you do so. Then knit across the remaining stitches in this row. The stitches will be in clumps of 3 and spread out across your needles. Keep the working yarn taut as you knit to begin gathering them. 12. **Cut the working yarn and thread it onto a yarn needle.** Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the yarn about 10 inches (25 cm) from the last stitch. Then, insert the end of the working yarn through the eye of a yarn needle. You can also use a tapestry needle to do this. Just make sure that the eye of the needle is large enough to fit your yarn through without damaging it. 13. **Insert the threaded needle through the remaining loops.** Instead of knitting through the remaining loops on the needle, insert the threaded needle through each of the loops to secure them. Then, slide the loops off of the needle and pull on the end of the yarn. This will form a circle at the center of the petals. Make sure to pull the thread enough to bring both ends of the row together. The petals should be gathered around the circle. 14. **Sew through the first stitch and first and last petals to secure the flower.** Once the circle is formed, sew through the first stitch at the center of the flower. Then, sew through the first and last petals to join them together. Tie off the yarn and cut the excess. You may also weave in the end of the yarn if desired by sewing around the center of the circle a few times. This completes your flower! Make more flowers in different colors for variety!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Trade Binary Options
Binary options trading has become increasingly popular over the last decade. Day traders in particular access these markets with ease from their computers. Another draw is that entrance requires relatively little capital. This article will delve into the basic rules of the game, how market exchanges work, and several ways to strategize for the greatest profit potential. Along the way, you'll also learn the jargon used in binary options trading that you need to understand to be successful. 1. **Know the meaning of a binary option.** A binary option is based on a “yes” or “no” proposition to whether an underlying asset will be above a certain price at a specified time. If you answer yes and are correct at the time of expiry, you win and are “in the money.” If you answer no and lose, you lose the money you invested. You're “out of the money.” However, unlike other options, you can only make or lose up to $100 per options contract. An underlying asset in binary options trading can be a specific company's stock; a commodity like gold; a stock index like the S&P 500 Index; Bitcoin; a Forex pairing, which is the value of one foreign currency against another; or a news event, such as whether the Federal Reserve will increase or decrease rates. "In the money” and “out of the money” simply refer to whether you answered the proposition a) correctly and are “in the money” or b) incorrectly and are “out of the money.” The expiry date is the time or date at which the binary option expires, and the price is examined to see if it increased or decreased. It can be anywhere from five minutes to over a month after you placed the trade. 2. **Recognize it's an “all-or-nothing” deal.** Just like rolling the dice in a game of craps, you either win the pot or lose what you put in the pot. For example, if the proposition is, “Will the price of gold be above $1,150 by 1:30 p.m. today?” and you decide yes it will be, you would place a binary call option. If the option were trading at $35 (bid price) and $37.50 (ask price) at 1 p.m., you'd buy at $37.50. (If you were selling, you'd sell at $35.) If you're correct at 1:30 p.m. and the price of gold is above $1,150, your option is now worth $100. Your profit, then, is calculated like this: $100 (total amount you can make on one trading contract) - $37.50 (the price you paid for that contract) = $62.50 minus fees. You're in the money. So, for every winner, there's a loser on the other end. It's a zero-sum game. A call option is essentially when you predict that the underlying asset will increase in price. Even if an underlying asset only increases by a tenth of a cent you still win in binary options trading. A put option is when you predict that the underlying asset will decrease in price. Here again you win even if the underlying asset only drops by just a tick. The bid price is the maximum price that a buyer or buyers are willing to pay for an underlying asset. The ask price is the minimum amount a seller or sellers are willing to receive for an underlying asset. A trade or a transaction results when the two agree on a price. 3. **Realize that market makers determine the bid and ask prices.** Market makers – or a person or brokerage house/bank – look at many variables to decide whether they believe the proposition will be true or false and are fairly confident they're on the winning side. If the bid and ask are in the likes of $85 and $89, respectively, market makers are assuming there's a high probability that the proposition will result in a yes. If the bid and ask are near $50, that's saying they're not sure. If the bid and the ask are more like $10 and $15, they're indicating they think the answer will be no. 4. **Understand you don't own the underlying asset.** Binary options trading merely involves speculation on the price of the underlying asset. It does not mean you own the asset itself. For example, when you buy a binary options contract you don't own stock in Google or own a certain amount of gold. 5. **Recognize the risk and reward in relation to other options trading.** When trading in binary options, the gain or loss is fixed at $100 per options contract. In general options trading, the same isn't true. But that alone doesn't account for the difference. In options trading, one has to calculate the direction of the price as is required in binary options trading and the magnitude of the price move. Thus in binary options trading there is more assured reward and a capped risk. Your profit or loss isn't determined by the price of the underlying asset at the time of expiry as it is with other options. 6. **Learn about exercising options.** There are two types of binary exercising options: the American style and the European style. American-style options can be exercised (or settled) at any time prior to expiry. European-style options can only be exercised on the date of expiry or the last business day prior to expiry. With both in binary trading, you can change your position if you think your initial answer to the proposition will be wrong at expiry to a) cut your losses or b) lock in an early profit. 7. **Know the three legal binary options contract markets in the U.S.** Due to widespread fraud involving binary options trading on Internet-based platforms, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved three markets or exchanges for trading binary options: Nadex, the Chicago Board Options Exchange and the Cantor Exchange. You can make direct trades on each. Each has its own, very specific rules. Make sure you read them first. 8. **Take measures to avoid dealing with fraudulent operations.** Much of the binary options trading market operates online, and many are not in compliance with U.S. regulations. It's recommended you do the following before trading with entities other than the three exchanges. Check to see if the platform has registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by checking its Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR), which you can access here: [1]. Determine if the platform itself is registered as an exchange by looking at the SEC's website on exchanges located here: [2]. Find out if the platform is a designated contract market by checking the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) list here: [3]. Finally, check the registration status and background of any firm or financial professional by checking these two websites, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's BrokerCheck and the CFTC's fraud advisories: [4] and [5]. 9. **Know the exercise options and fees of each exchange.** The CBOE uses the European style, and options can only be exercised on the last business day prior to the date of expiry. However, it allows you to sell or buy back your position prior to expiry. Nadex uses the American style, as does the Cantor Exchange. Each of their fees differ as all, and this should be considered and calculated before trading. The Cantor Exchange doesn't charge per trade. It does charge $.90 per contract at settlement if you're in the money. There's no charge at expiry if you're out of the money, and a $.45 charge if you're at the money. This means there's been no change in the price, so you neither win nor lose. Nadex charges both trading and settlement fees. Trading fees are assessed twice – once to open and once to close a trade. It charges $.90 per contract up to 10 contracts; there are no fees per contract after that, so your total trading fee for each side of the trade is capped at $9.00. It charges $.90 per contract settlement (up to 10) that's in the money. There are no fees if you're out of the money. The CBOE fees vary. Other platforms that trade through these exchanges charge fees, too, generally on top of the fees each exchange charges. Read the fine print carefully when using these platforms. 10. **Analyze markets through fundamental analysis.** In broad terms, fundamental analysis is the study of all the external factors that can change the price of an asset. It looks at geo-political news like conflicts, elections, growth reports, employment, interest rate changes, etc. to then “ride the market's movement” and hopefully profit. It requires research – reading the news, studying world events, knowing the underlying trends in the markets you're trading, and the real situation on the ground as much as possible. For example, if you're trading on the release of employment data in Canada, you can't go off of predictions that it will, for instance, rise. You also need to look at the types of jobs that were added, how many hours workers put in, who's getting the jobs, etc. These will help you assess whether the price of the underlying asset – employment – rises or falls. Employment might rise, but the trading price may go down because of these other factors. 11. **Utilize technical analysis.** Technical analysis involves using tools – typically graphical charts – to pull together statistics on a) trends such as new highs and lows for specific issues (stocks, commodities or currencies), b) the speed at which an asset's price rises or falls, which represents momentum, c) the volume and number of both declining and rising issues, and d) whether an asset is trading either above or below average, which indicates volatility. Typically it involves looking at this all from a historical perspective to make predictions about future trends. The underlying suppositions in technical analysis are: the price of an asset is a reflection of all you need to know about that market; prices move according to trends; and history repeats itself. It's concerned with internal factors – price and past performance. Look at the New York Stock Exchange's advance-decline breadth indicator, the Arm's Index and the Trader's Short-Term Index when examining market movement over time. Use these indicators for trends in high and lows: Moving Averages and Parabolic SAR (stop and reverse). Examine the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) and stochastics oscillators to assess momentum. Study Bollinger bands, standard deviations and the Average True Range indicator for insight on volatility. Analyze the On Balance Volume (OBV), the Chaikin Oscillator, and the Rate of Change Volume (ROCV) indicator for market volume. 12. **Examine market sentiment.** Market sentiment is typically indicated by bullish behavior, such as buying call options and selling put options. It is also expressed by bearish behavior, such as buying put options or selling call options. Calculating the put-to-call ratio is a measure of market sentiment. To calculate this, divide the put volume by the call volume. When the ratio is low, you have a bearish market in which people are fearful. High ratios indicate the opposite. All major exchanges publish their own versions of these ratios. They focus on equity, indices, retail activity and so forth. Your goal is to find the ratio that applies to the underlying asset you're considering trading on and use it to direct your answer to the proposition. 13. **Sniff out fear.** Because people pull out when they're nervous, markets drop faster than they rise. Exchanges recognize this and even publish volatility indexes that you can use to help in your decision-making. You can also actually trade binary volatility options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX). 14. **Trade on volatility.** Because volatility drives the sale and price of options and trading stock normally in a volatile market is risky, consider trading binary options on the volatility of the underlying market. The first way is by buying or selling a market's direction at strike prices that are out of the money. This means they are cheaper. If you're the buyer and the strike price – the price of the underlying asset when the option is purchased – is higher at expiry, you win. If you're the seller and the strike price is below at expiry you win. The second way is trading binaries that are in the money in what you believe will remain a flat market. The initial cost will be more, but if your prediction is correct and the market remains flat you will make a small profit. 15. **Consider the ask size when trading.** The ask size is the number of contracts for an underlying asset that a market maker is offering to sell at the ask price. The market maker fills a customer's order with the lowest ask price for buys and the highest bid price for sells. The higher the ask size the larger the supply of that underlying asset there is that the market maker wants to sell. A large supply means you may have more leverage in paying a lower price for the option. Remember, you don't have to pay the ask price. You simply need to exceed the current bid and hope it's accepted before you're outbid. 16. **Take advantage of the knock-off effect.** This strategy is generally referred to as the Knock-Off Effect or Market Pull strategy. It's grounded in the assumption that the movement of one binary option will impact another. For instance, historically the price of gold drops when the US dollar (USD) rises, and the USD impacts how other currencies fare on the market. Your task is to learn about and monitor the markets for these correlations before placing a put or call. It uses both fundamental and technical analysis to determine your trade and is considered by some the most effective way to make money when trading binary options. 17. **Hedge existing positions.** Buying binary put options on stocks you already own but think may drop in price a bit could offset losses in those stocks if they did, indeed, fall. This wouldn't protect you if the stock dropped significantly. It could help though if the dip was small-to-moderate. You can also hedge on losing binary positions by using shorter-term expiry binaries such as a five-minute binary. Placing a put option in the direction of the loss can help you recoup your other loss as long as the asset continues moving in the losing direction.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Lower DHEA
Keeping your hormone levels in check can boost your quality of life in every way. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most important hormones in your body as it regulates the production of androgens and estrogens. However, having too much DHEA in your system may be associated hyperandrogenic effects. To lower your DHEA levels, start by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting the right amount of sleep. Talk with your doctor and ask them to monitor your levels over time. Be careful about any medications that you take and over time you should start to see and feel the positive results. 1. **Talk with your doctor.** Make an appointment to see your general practitioner or an endocrinologist, a specialist who treats hormonal disorders. They will ask you about your medical history and run a blood test for DHEA levels. Bring a list of questions with you to get the most out of your appointment. A blood test may also be used to rule out any larger issues with your adrenal glands, such as Addison disease. The test is actually looking at DHEA-S because this is the form of DHEA your adrenal gland secretes. Your doctor will likely tell you that it is important to lower your DHEA as high levels can cause aggression and irregular blood pressure, among other health issues. Luckily, a benefit of reducing your DHEA levels is that most of these health concerns will disappear as your numbers drop. 2. **Eat foods that are high in zinc** Certain minerals, such as zinc, may reduce swelling and inflammation throughout your body. If you’ve felt swollen lately and you know that your DHEA levels are high, zinc may be able to help you. Just make sure to talk with your doctor before taking any supplements. Eat more foods that are high in zinc: Meat, especially beef, pork, lamb, and the dark meat on chicken Nuts Beans Whole grains Yeast 3. **Monitor any pre-existing conditions.** Your DHEA levels can have a direct impact on others areas of your health, including any prior diseases that you may be fighting. Along with your doctor, you may want to agree to additional monitoring for any diabetes, liver disease, or cancers while trying to lower your DHEA levels. This is a proactive approach that can keep you healthy in the long term. 4. **Watch for any potential drug interactions.** Certain drugs have a side effect of boosting your DHEA levels. If you are trying to keep your levels lower, then talk with your doctor before starting any new medications. And, go through with them and evaluate all of the current medications that you are taking. For example, diabetes drugs, such as metformin, are often associated with DHEA boosts. 5. **Stop any synthetic DHEA supplements.** Talk with your doctor about gradually weaning off, or stopping cold turkey, any prescribed or over-the-counter hormonal medications that you are currently taking. It’s almost impossible to lower your DHEA while taking boosting medications. Be aware that the weaning off process can take months. Just stay patient and you will see positive results over time. 6. **Agree to surgical treatment.** If your excess DHEA is caused by a sizeable tumor, then your doctor may suggest a removal procedure. Talk over the risks and rewards of any surgeries with your doctor before agreeing to anything. The benefit of surgery is that it will make it possible to lower your levels quickly. 7. **Consult with your doctor before making any changes.** If you’d like to try to control your DHEA levels using diet and exercise, then make an appointment to talk over your ideas with your primary care physician. They may be able to give you some extra tips or advice as to what works and what doesn’t. They can also start to track your DHEA levels right away, so you’ll know how to modify your lifestyle changes. 8. **Eat the right diet.** Just to be clear, foods do not contain DHEA directly. But, eating particular foods can encourage your body to produce more or less DHEA and other hormones. If you are trying to lower your levels, avoid foods that will elevate your DHEA, such as wild yams, sugars, wheat, and dairy products. Instead, follow a diet that emphasizes foods with anti-inflammatory properties, like tomatoes, olive oil, and salmon. 9. **Exercise, but avoid over exercising.** Going to work out at least three times a week is a great way to keep your DHEA levels under control. Include cardio and weight sessions to see the most benefits. Working out will help you to build muscle and shed fat. Keep in mind that exercising too much may raise your DHEA levels, so it is important to avoid overdoing it. 10. **Maintain a healthy body weight.** Look at the Body Mass Index (BMI) for a general guide as to where your weight should be as related to your height and age. When your body carries extra weight the fat cells store DHEA. Your body also produces excess estrogen, DHEA, and other hormones. 11. **Get the right amount of sleep.** To better control your hormones, aim to get eight hours of sleep per night. Come up with a sleep schedule that works for you and stick with it. 12. **Reduce your stress.** Your body is very sensitive to stress and may respond by producing excess hormones, such as DHEA. To keep your DHEA under control, find some ways to unwind in your daily life. Take up yoga, which you can do both at work and at home. Practice deep breathing techniques. Eat at least one meal outside each day to enjoy the fresh air. Go see a movie or a take a painting class with friends. You can also ask your doctor to monitor your blood pressure levels alongside your DHEA results. If you engage in stress-relieving activities, you might see improvements across the board. 13. **Watch for natural reductions with age.** DHEA levels usually peak right around the age of 20 when a person becomes fully hormonally and physically mature. Then, they start to naturally decline until almost no DHEA is left by the time you reach your 90s. Talk with your doctor about how to manage the age-based decline of your DHEA levels while also taking outside action, such as dietary changes. 14. **Be careful not to go too low.** In your efforts to lower your DHEA levels, make sure that you go in for regular blood tests with your doctor. Changing up your body’s production of DHEA too much has been linked to some dangerous illnesses, such as certain cancers and type 2 diabetes. 15. **Minimize any cortisol intake.** Cortisol shots have been linked to boosted DHEA levels. If you decide to take any medications with cortisol, which is a hormone itself, talk with your doctor about your concerns. Your doctor may also recommend cortisol as a partial replacement for a dip in DHEA levels. This is a strategy often used with athletes undergoing heavy training. 16. **Choose a non-hormonal birth control.** The chemicals found in many birth control pills and shots can cause a boost in DHEA levels. To determine if you are taking a pill with testosterone-like effects, read your medication’s label and talk with your doctor. If you are considering a birth control shot, discuss the hormonal effects with your OB-GYN before moving forward. Non-hormonal methods, such as a copper IUD, have the same birth control benefits without the progestin risk. Many people experiencing migraines or hair loss with hormonal methods also find these to be a good alternative. 17. **Make no changes at all.** If your high levels of DHEA are asymptomatic, or showing no outward symptoms, then you may safely choose to leave it generally untreated. Perhaps make some of the suggested lifestyle changes and see how those go. In some cases, even DHEA secreting tumors are left alone because the surgery can be more problematic than the excess hormones.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Accept that Your Crush Doesn't Like You
So you’ve just found out your crush doesn’t like you back. Now what? You might feel like moping around or pestering them in an attempt to change their mind, but that will most likely just leave you feeling worse, and possibly annoy your crush, too. The healthiest and most dignified thing to do in this situation is to accept the news and move on. You can get over the sting of rejection by keeping yourself busy, distancing yourself from your crush, and taking care of your emotional health. 1. **Spend time on your hobbies.** Throw yourself into the things you enjoy doing to keep your mind off your crush. If you used to spend a lot of time thinking about the object of your affections, reclaim that time by putting it towards a new project, a good book, or a series on Netflix that you’ve been meaning to watch. If you previously dropped some of your hobbies because you were distracted by your crush, picking them up again is a great way to move on. 2. **Meet new people.** Instead of pining over someone who isn’t interested in you, mix it up with some new people who will appreciate how great you are. You don’t have to go looking for another crush just yet, but don’t be shy about reaching out to all kinds of people and making new friends. School, extracurricular activities, community clubs, and volunteer work are all good ways to meet people. 3. **Try something that is completely different.** Expand your horizons and take your mind off the past by challenging yourself. If you’ve always wanted to do something but never worked up the nerve, there’s a no better time than right now to give it a try. For example, you could audition for a play, take a solo trip, or apply for a new job. 4. **Respect your crush’s boundaries.** Don’t try to change your crush’s mind or prove to them how great you are. This might get on their nerves, and worse, it will make you feel a little pathetic. Save your energy for someone who likes you, and leave your crush alone. Remember that there are many reasons your crush might not be interested in you. Maybe they’ve liked someone else for a long time, or maybe they like you as a friend but don’t think you’d be a compatible couple. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. 5. **Explain that you need some time to recover.** If you are friends with your crush, it’s normal to feel a little awkward around them after getting rejected. Let them know that you need some time away from them to get over your feelings. If they are a good friend, they’ll understand and respect your wishes. If you aren’t really friends with your crush, you don’t need to explain to them that you’re taking some time away from them. In fact, it’s probably better if you don’t. 6. **Unfollow or block your crush on social media.** Resist the urge to stalk your crush online by unfriending or unfollowing them on the social media platforms you use. If you’re worried about caving in and re-following them later, block them. You can always re-add them in the future, once you’re over your feelings. 7. **Stay away from places you think your crush may be.** Don’t try to get a glimpse of your crush in the hallway at school or in the break room at work, no matter how tempting the idea may be. Put as much distance as you can between yourself and them. If you have to see your crush every day, try to sit far away from them and avoid conversation. Be polite. It’s okay to say hello if you happen to see your crush, but don’t linger or try to start a conversation. 8. **Avoid asking your friends about your crush.** If you and your crush have mutual friends, let them know that you’re trying to get over some feelings, and ask them not to talk about your crush around you for a while. Don’t ask what your crush is up to or whether they’re dating anybody since this might re-ignite your old emotions. 9. **Avoid entertainment that reminds you of your crush.** Music, movies, and books can all be helpful in getting over an unrequited flame, but stay away from entertainment that helps you wallow in your feelings. If certain media makes you think about your crush, cut it out for a while and replace it with something that isn’t so emotionally loaded. Try indulging in escapism for a while. Look for novels and TV shows that transport you to worlds very different from your everyday life. 10. **Accept your feelings.** Admit to yourself that you’re feeling bad about getting turned down. There’s nothing wrong with liking someone, and rejection is something almost everyone has experienced at some point. The sooner you come to terms with your feelings, the sooner you can heal from them and move on. 11. **Grieve the loss of the potential relationship.** Even though you were not in a relationship with this person, in your mind, it may feel like you “lost” someone. Allow yourself time and space to grieve properly, then it will be easier to move on. Having a crush is like having a one-sided imaginary relationship. In your mind, you develop an attachment to another person that is not reciprocated. You will need time and space to break that attachment. 12. **Find support.** Seek out the company of people who value you, like your friends and family. It’s okay to cry or talk your problems through with them, especially at first, but try to have some fun with your loved ones too. A day out with your pals or a visit with extended family can do wonders for your mood and self-esteem. 13. **Make a list of your good qualities.** Sit down with pen and paper, and spend a few minutes brainstorming all the reasons someone would be lucky to be with you. Include overall positive traits like kindness, as well as little quirks like always remembering someone’s favorite foods. Save your list so you can look at it when you feel down about yourself. 14. **Think about your crush’s negative traits.** Nobody’s perfect, and your previously rosy view of your crush might have hidden their bad qualities. Now that you have a bit more distance from them, think of everything that bothers you about your crush, from their weird laugh to their inability to remember your name. You’ll be feeling less love-struck in no time. 15. **Express yourself creatively.** Channel your feelings into your writing, drawing, music, or any other kind of art you like to make. You can show other people your finished work, or keep it private – it’s up to you. 16. **Practice good self-care.** Your heart and ego are probably feeling a little bruised, so be gentle with yourself as you recover. Cut yourself a bit of slack at school or work. Instead of burying your sadness with endless movie-and-takeout sessions, do your best to eat well and get some exercise, and treat yourself to things that make you feel good about yourself. For instance, you could spend an afternoon at your favorite coffee shop or get a new haircut that you love.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat a Corn or Callus
A corn or callus is an area of thick, hardened, dead skin, caused by friction and irritation. Corns form on the sides and tops of the toes, and can be quite painful. A callus typically forms on the bottom or sides of the feet and can be uncomfortable and unsightly, but does not usually become painful. Calluses can also form on the hands. Corns and calluses can typically be treated at home, but if yours are painful, persistent, or if you have an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes, medical treatment may be necessary. 1. **Differentiate between a corn and a callus.** Corns and calluses are not the same thing, therefore the treatment approaches are different. A corn can develop between the toes, has a core, and can be quite painful. Corns also develop along the tops of the toes, most often located just above a joint in the toe. Corns are categorized as hard, soft, or periungual. A hard corn most commonly develops on the top of the toe and over a bone joint. A soft corn develops between the toes, usually between the fourth and fifth toes. A periungual corn is less common, and occurs along the edge of a nailbed. A core is not always present, but is usually found at the center of the corn. The core consists of thick and dense skin tissue. The core of the corn points inward and often presses on a bone or nerve which causes it to be quite painful. A callus does not have a core, and is a broader area that is made of evenly distributed thicker tissue. Calluses are not usually painful, although they can be uncomfortable. Calluses usually develop on the bottom of the foot and just beneath the toe area. Calluses can also develop on the hands, usually on the palm side and just under the fingers. Both corns and calluses are caused by friction and pressure. 2. **Use over-the-counter remedies.** Salicylic acid is the most common ingredient found in over-the-counter products used to treat corns and calluses. The use of over-the-counter products is helpful in removing corns and calluses, but their use is more effective when combined with general measures to take care of the skin. Take steps to treat the immediate problem, but be sure to correct the problem causing the friction or pressure. 3. **Apply salicylic acid pads to remove a corn.** Salicylic acid corn remover pads are available without prescription in strengths as strong as 40%. Soak the foot in warm water for about five minutes to soften the tissue. Dry the foot and toes thoroughly before applying the pads. Take care not to apply the pad against healthy skin tissue. Most products recommend repeating the procedure every 48 to 72 hours, for up to 14 days, or until the corn is removed. Salicylic acid is classed as a keratolytic agent. This means it helps to bring added moisture to the area while working to soften and dissolve skin tissue. Salicylic acid can be harmful to healthy tissue. Follow the instructions on the product or in the product literature. Do not use if you are allergic to salicylic acid products. Avoid getting salicylic acid products in your eyes, nose, or mouth, and do not use on any other area of the body without instructions from your doctor. Rinse any areas accidentally exposed to salicylic acid with water immediately. Keep salicylic acid products stored in a safe manner, away from children and pets. 4. **Use salicylic acid for calluses.** Salicylic acid comes in a variety of forms and a multitude of strengths. Foams, lotions, gels, and pads are available that can be used to treat callused areas on your foot. Each product has unique application instructions. Follow the direction on the product or in the product literature to effectively use salicylic acid products to get rid of calluses. 5. **Use topical products with 45% urea.** Other than treatment with salicylic acid, other products are available over-the-counter that may be helpful. Products that contain 45% urea can be used topically as keratolytics to help soften and remove unwanted tissue, including corns and calluses. Follow the directions provided on the product label or contained in the product literature. Routine directions for using 45% topical urea products include twice daily applications until the condition has resolved. Do not ingest topical urea products, and do not get them in your eyes, nose, or mouth. Keep the products away from children and pets. If swallowed, call 911, call a poison control center, or seek emergency medical attention the fastest way possible. 6. **Use a pumice stone.** For callused areas, using a pumice stone or file designed for the foot, can help to get rid of the hardened areas of skin. They're especially helpful on broad, callused areas, like the heel or the bottom of your feet. This can also be used for unwanted calluses that form on the hands. Using a device like a pumice stone or file helps to remove layers of dead skin. Take care not to file away healthy tissue. Doing so can lead to further irritation and possibly infection if the healthy skin is broken. File away layers of thickened and hard tissue before you apply medication. 7. **Soak your feet.** Soaking your feet in warm water helps to soften the thickened areas of tissue for both corns and calluses. For unwanted calluses on your hands, soaking the area can help to soften the tissue just as it does for your feet. Dry your feet or hands thoroughly after soaking. While your skin tissue is soft after soaking, proceed with using your pumice stone or file.. Even if you don’t have time to soak your feet or hands every day, use the pumice stone or file just after getting out of your bath or shower. 8. **Keep your skin moist.** Apply moisturizers to your feet and hands to help keep the tissues soft. This can make it easier to remove the hardened thick areas of skin with a pumice stone or file, as well as help to prevent the formation of corns and calluses. Since the skin on your feet is very thick, use a thick lotion to ensure it's able to penetrate deep enough to soften your feet. 9. **Pursue medical help in treating the condition.** If you have a callus or corn that's deeply seated in one area, it's probably best to have that treated at a podiatrist's office. Also, if you have diabetes, you are at greater risk of serious foot problems partly caused by changes in circulation to your extremities, so it's especially important to see a doctor. Medical conditions like diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and any other condition that interferes with normal blood flow, warrant medical help to treat corns and calluses. Talk to your doctor before treating your corns or calluses at home. 10. **Ask your doctor for instructions if the areas are large and painful.** While corns and calluses rarely fall in the category of a medical emergency, sometimes the areas are very large and quite painful. Seeking help from your doctor is the safest and most effective way to proceed with treatment. Some corns and calluses are resistant to the available over-the-counter treatment options. Ask your doctor about prescription strength products or procedures that may be helpful. Your doctor can help by performing some in-office procedures to improve the condition. Using a scalpel or other tool available in the medical office, your doctor can help to trim away large areas of excess and hardened skin. Do not attempt to trim very thick areas of hardened skin at home. This may lead to more irritation, bleeding, and possible infection. 11. **Look for warts.** In addition to corns and calluses, sometimes warts are part of the problem. Your doctor can help determine if warts, or any other skin condition, is involved and recommend the best treatment approach. 12. **Watch for signs of infection.** Very rarely, the corns or calluses may become infected. See you doctor as soon as possible if any area of your foot or hand is red, swollen, feels warm to the touch, or is more tender than normal. 13. **Consider foot conditions that cause misalignment.** Some people have deformities in their feet that cause them to have repeated problems, including recurrent problems with corns and calluses. Your doctor may refer you to a podiatrist for treatment. Some conditions that may be contributing to the problems you are having with corns and calluses include hammer toe, bone spurs, lower than normal natural arches, and bunions. Many of these conditions can be corrected by wearing inserts or specially designed footwear. In rare cases, surgery may be warranted. 14. **Watch for complications on your hands.** When calluses develop from a source of friction or pressure on your hands, it is possible for the skin to break and an infection can begin. In some cases, blisters form along with, just beneath, or beside the calluses. When this happens, fluid is contained inside the blisters, which is naturally absorbed back into the skin with time. If the blisters pop or drain, it is easy to get an infection started in the healthy tissue around the blisters and calluses. Contact your doctor if your hand appears reddened, swollen, or warm to the touch. Topical or systemic antibiotics may be needed if you have an infection. 15. **Eliminate the source of friction.** The most common cause of corns and calluses on the feet is something causing irritation, pressure, or friction in the same spot. By eliminating the source of the friction, you can prevent corns and calluses from forming. 16. **Wear shoes that fit properly.** Shoes that do not fit can rub against your toes or cause your foot to slide inside the shoe. Be sure your toes have plenty of wiggle room inside your shoes. Corns develop along the tops and sides of your toes, and can be due to wearing shoes that do not give your toes enough room. Repeated rubbing or irritation caused by shoes that do not fit properly are a major cause of corns of calluses. Tightly fitting shoes and shoes with high heels that cause your fit to slide forward can cause corns and calluses to develop. Calluses develop when the bottom or side of the foot slides against a part of the shoe that is irritating, or slides inside of shoes that are too large. 17. **Wear socks.** Going without socks can cause your feet to experience friction and pressure from your shoes. Always wear socks to prevent the friction and pressure. Especially in shoes that are designed to wear socks, such as athletic foot wear, heavy work shoes, and boots. Be sure your socks fit properly. Socks that are too tight can squeeze your toes causing unwanted pressure and friction. Loosely fitting socks can slide down on your foot while in the shoe and contribute to added friction and pressure on areas of your foot. 18. **Apply protective coverings.** Use pads placed on top of the areas where the corns develop, between your toes, or along areas where the calluses form. Using pads, sections lamb’s wool, or toe separators can help to reduce the friction and pressure along your toe or foot area where the corns and calluses are located. 19. **Wear gloves.** Calluses form on your hands at the areas of greatest friction. In many cases, calluses on the hand are welcomed. One example involves people that play musical instruments. Guitar players, for instance, appreciate the calluses that form on the tips of their fingers. This helps them to play their instrument without pain. Another example is athletes that lift weights. The calluses that form on their hands can help them to grasp and manipulate the bars used in weight lifting.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Bright White Eyes
The whites of your eye are called the sclera, and these can indicate a person’s overall health. Having yellowish or reddish sclera can be challenging in terms of personal vanity, since they can make a person look older or tired. They can also signal health issues related to allergens, toxins in the body, and even more serious liver problems. There are several remedies that can treat or counteract redness or yellowness in your eyes, ranging from using eye drops to changing your diet to applying makeup strategically. 1. **Use regular eye drops like Visine or Clear Eyes.** These eye drops are used to reduce redness in your eyes and give them a bit of moisture to counteract irritants or otherwise dryness in the eyes. Visine, Clear Eyes, and other brands can be purchased at grocery and drug stores, as well as larger stores like Target, Walmart, and so on. Put 1-2 drops in the affected eye. Consult the instructions on the bottle for additional information. Don't use eyedrops like Visine or Clear Eyes too often. While they give good immediate results, when used regularly, they actually prevent your eyes from creating their own natural lubrication, and your eyes may become chronically dry, red, and dependent on the drops. A safer option is saline drops or gentle eyedrops like Systane that mimic natural tears. 2. **Try thicker viscosity eye drops.** A Japanese brand of eye drops called Rohto is a product that is thicker than natural tears. They have cooling properties that relieve burning eyes and they reduce redness as well. These are available at grocery and drug stores. If you have not used any eye drops before, these might not be the best ones to start with, as they can feel a little harsh to the eye. 3. **Try blue eye drops.** A company from Switzerland, Innoxa, makes eye drops that are actually colored blue. In addition to relieving burning and redness symptoms, Innoxa Blue Drops also coat your eyes with a light film of blue, which counteracts the yellowish tinge in your eyeballs to make them appear whiter. 4. **Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.** Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkins, lemons and oranges, contain vitamins and antioxidants that will help keep your eyes white. Eating green, leafy foods like spinach and kale also have a positive effect on your eye health. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and peanuts also contain minerals that promote eye health. These fruits and veggies will also help to detoxify your liver. A healthy liver will help keep the whites of your eyes clear and bright. If your liver is full of toxins, then it may not be able to process foods and vitamins as efficiently as it should. Detoxify your liver by drinking a glass of beetroot juice on an empty stomach, or eating carrots and spinach. 5. **Reduce refined sugars and carbohydrates in your diet.** Reducing the amount of foods that contain refined carbohydrates and sugars, as well as wheat, can help your body process foods better and detoxify your liver. Decrease the amount of unhealthy foods you eat, particularly at night, which can interfere with a good sleep pattern. 6. **Take supplements.** Your eyes depend on good levels of Vitamin A and C to maintain their health. In addition to eating foods rich in these vitamins, take a supplemental vitamin every day. Also boost your level of omega 3 acids by taking 4 capsules every day of omega 3 or fish oil supplements. 7. **Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.** Getting enough sleep every night will ensure that your body is rested and consequently that your eyes are rested and restored to their natural white color. Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try soothing music or 10 minutes of meditation before going to bed to ensure that your body knows that it’s time to sleep. 8. **Drink plenty of water.** Bright white eyes rely on adequate hydration, and keeping your body hydrated will help replenish your body’s fluids, thus reducing puffiness and redness in your eyes. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of plain water every day, or approximately 64 ounces. 9. **Cut down on alcohol and caffeine.** Both of these will dehydrate your body and add to puffiness and redness to your eyes. They also can interrupt good sleep patterns, which may interfere with you getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. 10. **Avoid irritants like smoke, dust and pollen.** Smoking irritates the eyes and can cause redness. It can also dry out the eyes. Eliminating smoking from your daily habits can help your eyes restore their natural color and hydration. Dust that can be found both outside and inside can also irritate your eyes and make them prone to redness. Pollen and other allergens might also contribute to eye irritation. Use an air purifier indoors to reduce these irritants if they are hard to avoid. 11. **Reduce eyestrain.** Working on a computer all day long can take a toll on your eyes, but it might not be an option to reduce the amount of time you spend on the computer. If you must work on a computer for several hours every day, then you should address ways to help reduce eyestrain. These can include installing proper lighting, changing your computer’s settings so that your monitor is the same brightness as the rest of the room, blink more often, exercise your eyes, and so on. 12. **Wear sunglasses when you are outside.** UVA and UVB rays can damage your eyes over time, and exposure to sunlight contributes to yellowing your eyes. Wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. Most sunglasses available today will have this feature, but be sure to check the label. Try to wear sunglasses whenever there is even a little glare outside. There doesn’t need to be blue skies and sun for you to need sunglasses. On cloudy days, there may be quite a lot of glare that can strain and damage your eyes. 13. **Visit your doctor.** You may have a medical condition called jaundice that contributes to yellowish eyes. Jaundice is a condition when hemoglobin in your blood is broken down into bilirubin and does not clear through your body properly. If the bilirubin builds up in the skin, it causes the skin and eyes to appear yellow. Jaundice can indicate a medical issue most commonly having to do with the liver, gall bladder, or pancreas. Talk with your doctor to rule out jaundice and any underlying diseases or conditions that may be contributing to yellowish eyes. 14. **Try Ayurvedic remedies.** Ayurvedic medicine originated in India about 3,000 years ago and uses natural remedies and practices to prevent and treat health conditions. Triphala is an herbal mixture used in Ayurvedic medicine that can treat a number of conditions, including improving eye health and eye whiteness. It accomplishes this in part by detoxifying the body. Triphala can be purchased at Indian food import stores as a powder or in tablet form. Use triphala as an eye wash. Dissolve one tablespoon of the powder in 8 ounces of water overnight. Strain this mixture and then sprinkle it over your eyes or use as an eye wash. A word of caution: triphala is also used as a laxative to correct constipation, so proceed carefully with using it. One of the main ingredients in triphala is Indian gooseberry, the juice of which can be dropped directly into your eyes at night to improve their whiteness. 15. **Rub carrot juice on your eyelids.** Eating carrots will improve your eye health, and so will topical application of the juice. Wash and dry several carrots, and chop off their ends. Process several carrots through a juicer to get healthy carrot juice that can then be applied on your eyelids. Leave the juice on your eyelids overnight. Be careful not to put the juice directly into your eyes. 16. **Use a cold compress on your eyes.** Putting your skin in contact with something cold will help reduce puffiness, but it can also help whiten your eyes as well. Soak a washcloth in ice water, wring it out, and lay the washcloth over your eyes for 5-10 minutes. The redness in your eyes should diminish after repeating this a few times over the course of a day. 17. **Brighten the area under your eyes.** Dark circles under your eyes will make your eyes appear dull. Brighten up the area under and around your eyes by applying concealer. Dab several small dots of concealer across the bottom of your eye and gently tap across the dots to blend them with the rest of your skin. 18. **Use blue tones of eye shadow and eyeliner.** Adding navy or indigo blue colors around your eyes will be somewhat softer than the drama and harshness of black colors. Also, the blue tones will help to counteract yellowish colors that might show up in the whites of your eyes, which will make your eyes appear brighter and clearer. 19. **Use eyeliner.** These days white eyeliner could be easily found in market. Just a swipe or two of white eyeliner on your eyelid will not only make them brighter will also make them wider. You can also take little white eyeliner near corner of your lids and blend it, this will give an angel like look. Your face will look dewy and very fresh. 20. **Use brown mascara on your bottom lashes.** Making your eyes stand out can help them appear whiter. Using black mascara on both top and bottom lashes will make dramatic eyes, but they do not help your eyes look whiter. Instead, try brown mascara on your bottom lashes. This softer color will help draw the attention upwards to your top lashes, which will make your eyes appear wider, more alert and whiter. 21. **Try a light-colored eyeliner.** By using a light bone-colored or flesh-colored eyeliner, your eyes will attract and reflect light, which will help make it seem like your eyes are larger. Outline the inner corners of your eyes with the eyeliner to give the illusion of being brighter. Apply a shimmering white or light-colored eye shadow in the inner corners of your eyes to attain a similar effect. Try to refrain from using a white eyeliner pencil to outline your eye, as this can be hard to blend in properly and may look too "staged" or artificial. 22. **Use an eyelash curler.** An eyelash curler, which is readily available at drug stores and grocery stores for about $5 to $6, will clamp your eyelashes and bend them upwards in a curl. Curling your lashes upward will make your eyes appear to be bigger and more open. They can also draw attention to your eyes by making your eyelashes appear longer. 23. **Use a bit of pink blush.** Apply pink blush to the apples of your cheeks, your lips, and across the highest point of your eyebrows. This will lighten and brighten your entire face, which will help make your eyes appear brighter and whiter.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Apply Body Spray
Body sprays are a great way to help girls and guys feel fresh without the overpowering element of a perfume or cologne. For men, apply the body spray on your chest and neck, and under your armpits. For women, apply the body spray on your pulse points, clothes and hair. For long lasting results, apply the body spray after you shower and layer fragrances. 1. **Remove your shirt.** Body sprays for men usually double as deodorants. So it is more effective to use the spray on your body as opposed to your clothes. 2. **Spray your upper body.** Hold the spray can six inches (152 mm) away from your body. Press the spray button and spray your armpits, chest and neck. Spray each body part for only two to three seconds. For more coverage, hold the spray can farther away from your body, like seven to nine inches (178 to 229 mm). 3. **Apply the spray once per day.** In general, body sprays have a very strong scent. By applying the spray only once per day, you can avoid overloading your senses, and the senses of the people around you. You also want to avoid over spraying since there may be negative health effects associated with using body sprays excessively. The only exception is if you plan to exercise or engage in sports or another physical activity that will cause you to perspire. If this is you, then you may re-apply the body spray after the physical activity. 4. **Spray your pulse points.** Hold the body spray four to five inches (102 to 127 mm) from your pulse points. Spray each pulse point with one spray. Try to avoid rubbing in the spray. Instead, let the body spray soak in and dry on your skin. Your pulse points include your wrists, the insides of your elbows, the front of your neck, the back of your knees and between your breasts. Your body emits pheromones from pulse points, and these points are excellent places to apply your body spray to ensure the longevity of the scent. 5. **Spritz your clothing.** Do this once you have spritzed your pulse points. However, hold the spray can seven to nine inches (178 to 229 mm) from your body/clothes. Spritz your top and pants once or twice. Alternatively, you can spritz the air in front of you and walk through the mist to scent your clothes. 6. **Spray your hair.** Try to avoid spraying your hair directly. Instead, spritz the air above you once or twice with the spray. Quickly stand underneath the mist to lightly scent your hair. 7. **Choose a fragrance you like.** Choose a scent that matches your personal taste and style. Start by sampling popular fragrances to see which scents appeal to your taste. Then explore other fragrances that are made with similar scents. If you are a girl, then you may prefer sweet, floral scents or musky scents. If you are a guy, then you may prefer woodsy or spicy scents. 8. **Apply the body spray after you shower.** Applying body spray on a clean body will help the scent stick to your body better and last longer. After you shower, lightly towel off. Spritz your damp body with the body spray. 9. **Layer fragrances.** Layering fragrances will also help your body spray last longer. While you are showering, use a body gel that has similar scents to the ones in your body spray. After your shower, apply a lotion with similar scents to your damp body. Once the lotion has dried, spritz your body with the body spray. For example, if your body spray contains vanilla, lavender and mint notes, then choose a body wash and lotion that contains lavender, vanilla or mint to layer with. If you cannot find a complementary lotion or body wash, then use an unscented lotion or soap. Some body sprays come with complementary lotions and body washes.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Fabric Sofa Naturally (DIY Upholstery Cleaning Solutions)
Why pay hundreds of dollars to get your couch professionally cleaned when you can do it at home? Cleaning a fabric couch is surprisingly easy and cheap—and you can do it without harsh chemicals. Whether you have a microfiber, suede, velvet, or synthetic upholstered couch, these methods will work as long as your couch tag is labeled W or WS. We’ll walk you through the steps to use baking soda and vinegar cleaning solutions to treat stains and freshen up your upholstery. First, we’ll cover basic dirt removal and deodorizing, then we’ll cover stain removal, deep cleaning, and steam cleaning. 1. **Check your couch tag for cleaning instructions.** The couch tag will likely say either W, WS, S, or X.​​ You’re good-to-go with DIY cleaning solutions if the couch says W or WS, but you shouldn’t try these methods if your couch says S or X. W means you can use a water-based cleaner (as we’ll explore in this article). WS means you can use either a water-based cleaner or a commercial solvent. The cleaning solutions in this article will also work for you. S means you can only use a solvent and shouldn’t attempt a DIY cleaning method. X means you can only vacuum the couch. You can damage the fabric if you try cleaning it with a solution. 2. **Vacuum up any loose dirt.** Use your vacuum’s upholstery brush and crevice tool to remove debris, pet hair, and crumbs. Vacuum all the couch cushions. Then, if you have removable cushions, take them off so you can get into the nooks and crannies of the couch frame. Don’t forget to vacuum along the tops of the couch and the armrests, since those areas get touched frequently. 3. **Deodorize your couch with baking soda.** This method is safe for all couches because it doesn’t involve liquid cleaner. Generously sprinkle baking soda all over the couch frame and cushions. Wait 15 minutes as the baking soda naturally deodorizes the fabric. Then, vacuum it up for a smell-free couch. Turn off the fans in the room before you start sprinkling the baking soda. This method works on all fabric sofas, but it’s particularly good for cleaning linen sofas without damaging them. 4. **Mix equal parts white vinegar and water for a simple solution.** Pour a 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water into a spray bottle. Give the bottle a shake to combine the mixture. Spray the solution directly onto the stain. Wait up to 5 minutes to sanitize the stain (particularly if you have stains from pets). Gently blot the spot-treated area with a clean cloth. Remove any leftover cleaner by taking a clean, damp rag and lightly wiping the spot-treated area. Then, take a clean cloth and pat the area dry. Be sure to use clean white cloths to avoid transferring color from the rag onto your upholstery. It’s always a good idea to test the solution in an inconspicuous area to make sure you won’t change the color of your couch or damage the fabric. 5. **Try a diluted soap and water solution for tough stains.** You can add a few drops of natural dish soap into a spray bottle filled with water for this easy solution. If you don’t have a spray bottle, that’s no problem! Just use a rag to blot the stain. 6. **Use white bar soap for an easy stain remover.** Rub any white bar soap into a damp microfiber cloth. Then, all you have to do is gently blot the fabric with the rag until you’ve lifted the stain. Follow up with a damp, clean rag to remove any leftover soap residue. 7. **Dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol to treat ink stains.** Pour rubbing alcohol onto a rag so that the rag is slightly damp but not sopping wet. Gently blot the fabric to lift the stain. Press straight down with the cloth and don’t rub the stain. Use a damp, clean cloth to pull up any excess ink and rubbing alcohol. 8. **Mix your DIY baking soda and vinegar cleaner.** Just stir the ingredients below into a bucket. You can use just white vinegar, baking soda, and water, or you can add a natural soap or detergent to help cut through grease and oil. 2 tablespoons (15 mL) laundry detergent or natural liquid soap 2 tablespoons (15 mL) white vinegar 2 tablespoons (28 g) baking soda 2 cups (470 mL) warm water Natural or “green” detergents and soaps contain fewer harsh chemicals and are derived from plants. 9. **Dampen a rag with your cleaning solution.** Wring out any excess liquid so that you don’t soak the couch. Alternatively, if you have a spray bottle, use it to spray the solution onto the couch for a more even distribution. 10. **Wipe the rag with the solution over all the fabric.** Use a circular motion and rub gently to remove dirt. Pay close attention to the armrests and cushions, where oil from people’s skin tends to build up. 11. **Allow the fabric to air-dry before using the sofa.** Don’t use heat to dry your couch or you might accidentally damage the fabric. If you just can’t wait to sit down on your new clean couch, open up doors and windows, or set up a fan to create a breeze and speed up drying time. Couches typically take 8-12 hours to dry. 12. **Pick a steamer designed for fabric and upholstery use.** Steer clear of carpet steamers. Even though carpet cleaners come with lots of attachments, they can easily soak your couch and be really tough to maneuver over upholstery. Steam cleaning is optional, but it’s a great way to disinfect your couch, kill mold and mites, and deep-clean the fabric. 13. **Prepare the cleaning solution for your steam cleaner.** To go for an all-natural approach, just use water (either tap or distilled) in your machine. If you’d like to use a cleaning solution, check your machine’s instructions for the ratio of solution to water. Be careful not to use too much cleaning solution because it can be hard to remove from your sofa fabric or damage your machine. 14. **Use repeated, swift strokes to clean the sofa cushions first.** Steam 1 side of a cushion at a time. Before you move onto the next side, let the side you just steamed dry. Otherwise, you’ll trap moisture under the cushions and get a mildew/mold smell. 15. **Steam in repeated passes over the rest of the couch.** Clean in sections about the size of each cushion, without holding the steamer still in one place for too long. The section-by-section approach prevents you from totally soaking the couch. You don’t want to damage the fabric with too much moisture! 16. **Let your couch air-dry before using it.** The time your couch takes to dry will depend on humidity and the exact fabric, but you might have to wait 8-12 hours. Run a towel over the couch if you’d like to wipe up any remaining grime and speed up the drying process. Otherwise, open windows and doors to let the couch air dry.
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How to Rough Plumb a Basement Bathroom
Adding a bathroom to your basement can be a fairly long and complicated process. This article will get you through the initial stage of this project, the rough plumbing. The steps are based on personal experience and offer a straightforward guide to the various aspects of the project. Be sure to check with local building codes when deciding the placement of the new sink and toilet! 1. **Gather your materials:** Metal detector Scratch paper Tape measure 2. **Identify the main waste stack that goes from the upstairs bathroom to the sewer.** This will be a vertical cast iron pipe, more than likely 4" in diameter. 3. **Detect the cast iron pipe leading from the main waste stack to the sewer using a metal detector.** This is the pipe in the ground that the new toilet and sink will flow in to. 4. **Identify where you want the sink and the toilet to be placed in the basement.** A crude drawing may be helpful to visualize where the you want the new sink and toilet in relation to the existing pipe. This will also help you when you measure out the length of PVC you'll need. 5. **Plan the location of the new PVC pipe that will connect the new toilet and sink to the cast iron pipe in the ground.** It is recommended that it be a 45 degree PVC pipe that attaches to the existing cast iron to help with the flow of waste. Be sure to note that the PVC setup will vary depending on where the sink and toilet will be placed. 6. **Prepare your materials:** Box cutter knife/chisel Safety Glasses Chalk/tape Jackhammer Bucket/spade Plastic curtain 7. **Remove any tile/carpeting/etc to expose the concrete above the spot you chose to place the new pipe.** 8. **Draw an outline in chalk or tape on the concrete floor where you will need break it, based on where you decided the new toilet and sink will go.** Hanging a plastic curtain around the work area can help contain dust! 9. **Break the floor to expose the necessary section of the cast iron pipe as well as the path that the new pipe will lay for the toilet and sink.** This can be done with a jackhammer which can be rented at a home improvement store. Safety glasses should be worn when using tools! 10. **Clear out the concrete debris and dig out the sand so the new pipe has a place to lay.** 11. **Collect the needed materials:** Necessary sections of PVC as determined in Part 1 PVC primer and cement Saw (hand or electric) for cutting PVC into shape Angle grinder Band-seal couplings and screwdriver 12. **Purchase the necessary length of PVC pipe that the new toilet and sink will flow into.** 13. **Connect the pipe together in the shape that fits your design.** Use PVC primer and cement to fasten the sections together Due to chemical fumes, make sure the area is well ventilated! 14. **Cut an appropriate section of the cast iron pipe so the new PVC will fit in it.** This can be done with a high speed angle grinder The angle grinder will make sparks, be sure to wear safety glasses! 15. **Attach the new PVC to the cast iron with band-seal couplings.** Make sure that there is enough PVC on either side of the wye so that the band-coupling has enough of both PVC and cast iron pipe to attach to! Cleaning the cast iron pipe makes for a tighter seal! 16. **Prepare the materials you'll need:** Bags of sand Bags of Ready Mix concrete Mason trowels 17. **Cover over the pipe over with sand.** Make sure the new pipe has a slope of at least 1/4" every foot flowing into the cast iron pipe. 18. **Cover over the sand with approx.** 4" of concrete so that just the pipes that the toilet will sit on and the sink will connect to are exposed. 19. **Smooth out the concrete with the mason trowel so that new flooring can be added later.**
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How to Raise a Perfect Garchomp
Hoping to add a perfect Garchomp to your team? You've got good taste—a Garchomp is a very strong and cool pseudo-legendary Pokémon that can be practically invincible when trained well. We've outlined everything you need to know, so you can add this crazy-strong Pokémon to your roster in Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, or Pokémon Platinum. 1. **Get a Gible with the Adamant or Jolly nature.** You can either keep on catching Gible until you get one or you can breed until you get one. Giving the Gible parent an Everstone to hold will probably increase the chances of getting a good nature. These natures are the ones that you'll want because they don't lower any of Garchomp's perfect stats. Jolly might be the best, because then Salamence, Pikachu, and Celebi will not be faster than your Garchomp, and you can outrun faster Pokémon such as Gengar. 2. **Train your Gible so it gets 252 Attack EVs and 252 Speed EVs.** You can use Protein and Carbos for the first 100 EVs in each stat if you have enough money. 3. **Your Gible can learn powerful moves via TMs or by leveling up.** If you do not mind extra training, then breed for a Gible egg. Its stats (could) be higher and it can learn powerful egg moves like Thrash. Placing it in the day-care will require a lot of walking, but allows higher EV training. 4. **This evolution occurs at Level 24.** 5. **Fight Pokémon with normally high Attack or Speed stats.** This will raise Gabite/Garchomp's total ability. 6. **Continue to teach it powerful moves.** You can do this as your Pokémon levels up, or by teaching it TMs. 7. **Decide whether you want a powerful attack or a powerful ability.** At level 49, the Gabite can learn Dragon Rush, a highly powerful but slightly inaccurate move. Evolving it at level 48 will give a marginal amount of extra Attack. Evolving it at level 49 lets you learn Dragon Rush earlier. It's your choice. 8. **Certain moves are especially powerful on Garchomp.** Consider teaching it moves like Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rockslide, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dual Chop, Outrage, Dragonbreath, Dragon Pulse, or Draco Meteor. Some other potentially good moves are: Fire Fang Crunch Dragon Dance Substitute Protect 9. **A Choice Scarf or Choice Band are great options.** 10. **You may win many more matches than you previously did.** If you use Garchomp on the same team as a Tyranitar, Garchomp will get a 20% chance to avoid getting hit. Just remember to have other Pokémon that can take in Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, and Fairy attacks. Another good idea if you want to do this is to give it a Yache Berry to hold. This will let your Garchomp survive most Ice type attacks.
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How to Choose Between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist
Psychologists and psychiatrists do many of the same things, but there are also key differences in training and treatment that may help you to make a decision. Although both types of professionals are highly trained, you may find that one type of mental health professional is better suited to meet your needs than the other. By considering the training differences and treatment types available from each type of professional, you can make an informed decision about your treatment. 1. **Learn about the differences between the professions.** Psychiatrists and psychologists are both mental health professionals who diagnose, prevent, and treat mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Psychologists use psychotherapy to treat mental illness, while psychiatrists are medical doctors who prescribe psychotropic drugs to help manage mental illness. have a doctorate in Psychology (either a Ph.D. or a PsyD.) which usually includes lessons on human behavior, ethics, research, and making psychological assessments which usually takes 4-8 years to complete. They cannot prescribe medicine. are physicians who specialize in mental health. They must have a medical degree (MD or DO) and complete residency where they learn to diagnose and treat mental illness. They are qualified to prescribe medicine. For more severe disorders like major depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, it is better to see a psychiatrist because you may need medicine to help manage your symptoms. Psychologists may turn their patients over to a psychiatrist if they believe the patient may better benefit from medicine (which can change the brain chemicals). 2. **Consider the types of treatment offered.** Psychologists and psychiatrists can also take different approaches to the treatment of mental health issues. Due to their training, psychologists mainly offer psychological analysis and counseling. Since psychiatrists train as medical doctors first, they can also order blood tests and complete physical exams to connect mental health issues with biological problems. Psychologists use techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy to help patients cope with problems and to overcome mental health issues. Psychologists can also provide psychological assessments. They may look into your sleep patterns, your eating habits, and other aspects of your life to pinpoint the problem. Psychiatrists look at your mental state but also your physical health. They may order tests to determine whether your symptoms are related to underlying physical conditions. 3. **Decide if you want medication therapy.** One of the major differences between psychiatrists and psychologists is that psychiatrists can prescribe medication, like antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, and mood stabilizers. For example, a psychiatrist can treat depression with talk therapy alongside tests to see whether there is a physical issue, such as a thyroid problem, that may be causing your symptoms. A psychiatrist may prescribe a medication that will treat your specific condition. For example, a psychiatrist may prescribe antidepressants to treat depression, Ritalin for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or antipsychotic medications for hallucinations. Psychiatrists, in the same way, can order medical tests and therapies that aren’t available to psychologists. For instance, they can use electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) for conditions like severe depression, mania, and catatonia. Psychologists rely mostly on talk and behavioral therapy to help you come to terms with issues and to cope. They are not normally licensed to prescribe medicine, but psychologists in Louisiana, New Mexico, and Illinois who have received the appropriate pharmacological training are permitted to prescribe certain medications. 4. **Plan on going through talk therapy.** Psychologists and psychiatrists can use talk therapy, but psychologists may rely on this treatment method more since medication is not usually part of the treatment options that they offer. Talk therapy can be quite effective and some people seem to prefer counseling to other treatment options. Therapy has also been found to be as effective as medications in some situations, but medication may still be necessary in conjunction with talk therapy. Therefore, if you choose to see a psychiatrist, then you may need to see a therapist in addition to seeing a psychiatrist. Some psychiatrists operate medication only practices, while others offer medication and talk therapy. If the psychiatrist you are considering offers medication only, then you will need to seek talk therapy from a different mental health professional. If the psychiatrist offers medication and talk therapy, then you can see the psychiatrist for talk therapy. Keep in mind that talk therapy is essential because even though medication can be helpful, medication alone is not enough to change the way you deal with your emotions. Talk therapy can allow you resolve conflicts with loved ones or a spouse, work through anxiety, relieve stress, cope with major changes in life, manage unhealthy behavior like anger, or deal with sexual problems. Many people also prefer talk therapy with a psychologist to medicine and a psychiatrist’s “pharmacologic” treatment. This may be because they fear becoming addicted to meds or don’t want to change their brain chemistry. 5. **Talk to your doctor.** Talk to your primary care doctor about whether a psychologist or psychiatrist is right for you. There are some important considerations to make, including what kind of mental health issue you’re facing, what sort of treatment is available, and what sort of treatment you prefer. Your doctor can help you make an informed decision. You may also need a referral from your doctor to see a mental health professional. Check with your health insurance to determine what the requirements are. 6. **Weigh the pros and cons of insurance and access.** Many insurance plans now cover psychological and psychiatric services and must, by law, treat them on equal footing with other medical coverage. However, that doesn’t mean that insurance will cover your visits, and they may only cover a certain number of visits per year. You’ll need to check your coverage before making a final decision. Legally, insurance companies can’t charge you higher co-pays for mental health services than for medical services. However, they can limit your ability to access psychologists and psychiatrists in other ways. Many insurance companies haven’t increased payment rates for psychologists and psychiatrists in 10 to 20 years, or have even cut them. This means that many networks have trouble attracting mental health specialists. You may, therefore, have to pay more out of pocket and then claim the visit as an “out-of-network service.” Insurance companies can also make you get “prior authorization” before accessing psychiatric services like inpatient treatment, even in emergencies like having suicidal thoughts. The doctor will have to get this from the insurer before you can be admitted as a patient. Make sure to talk to your doctors as well as your insurer to see what services are covered, how you can access them, and what the potential costs are. 7. **Ask questions.** When you call to make your first appointment, you can ask questions about the psychiatrist or psychologist’s experience and area of expertise to help you make your decision. For example, you might ask: How long have you been practicing? I have been struggling with ___. Is this something that you have experience treating? What types of treatment do you use? How much do you charge for each session? Do you accept my insurance?
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Start Your Christmas Shopping Early
Early Christmas shopping saves all that last-minute rushing around. If you have a plan set you can be more effective, save money, and enjoy the Christmas season more. 1. **Know who you are buying gifts for.** Some people only shop for close family and friends. Other people put together Christmas presents for co-workers, the postal worker, the dog walker, hairdresser, plumber, poker buddies, kid's teacher, and more. Decide on what you are comfortable with. 2. **Set a budget.** Christmas presents should figure into your household or personal budget for the entire year, instead of just trying to find extra money somehow every November or December. You can always start by saving a small amount every month. Keep a general idea of how much you will spend on each person. For instance, you will likely spend more money on your immediate family than on a co-worker. 3. **Decide on what sort of gift matches each person on your list.** What do they like? Movies, books, games? Have a rough idea of what presents would please the people on your list. brainstorm ideas. Write the ideas down on your list. Listen to the person or other people for ideas, and write them down too. Keep this list in an easy-to-carry form, like tucked away in your wallet or checkbook for quick reference. 4. **Start as early as the day following Christmas day.** There's no point in buying early if you're going to buy for full price. Christmas shopping can start December 26th. Although you may feel the last thing you want to do is shop after the Christmas rush, stores often have incredible sales immediately after the holidays, and most items will be perfectly good gifts the next year. Check out sales throughout the year, such as at the end of summer. After-Christmas and Boxing Day sales are a good time to pick up wrapping paper and the like for the next year for a pittance. 5. **Put off procrastinating.** Many people end up shopping last-minute because they put off the inevitable. Instead, make a plan with solid goals, dates, and timelines. For instance, shopping will be done by December 20th. Put aside two evenings, twice a week for 2 weeks to accomplish this task. Leave some wiggle-room in case something comes up, but don't keep making excuses. It can help to have someone who is good about shopping to keep you on track. 6. **Have a shopping plan.** Maybe you're not the type of person who likes shopping, or don't have the time to browse for Christmas presents all year long. Instead, put aside one period of time, like a weekend or a special shopping trip. 7. **Keep track of presents.** Don't lose the present or forget who you bought it for. Have a designated area for presents, such as a tote, section of closet, or attic. Be sure that the present won't be ruined by variations of temperature, humidity, mold, mice, and so on. Write the name of the designated gift-receiver on a removable sticker or piece of tape. That way you'll remember who you bought it for. If you change your mind, it's easy to re-designate. Cross their name off the list as soon as possible to avoid forgetting that you already bought them something. 8. **Hide the gifts well.** Hiding is the hardest part of buying a gift early, but it's perfectly possible. If you live with the person, hide it in your craft cupboard, toy box, the back of a wardrobe, etc. and leave it inside backpacks or other opaque bags. It's best to choose somewhere the other person is not likely to look. 9. **Know what you're having for the Christmas meal at least a month in advance.** This will allow you to start buying the foodstuffs and drinks that are on sale and aren't perishable. Write it all out on a list, then list the ingredients separately. From the ingredients list, highlight all the foods that can be bought early, such as canned foods, long life foods and dried foods. All of these can be bought well ahead of Christmas, perhaps in November. Make storage space. Check the freezer, pantry and refrigerator for space that can be spared to contain all of the Christmas goodies you're purchasing ahead of time. 10. **Start looking for liquor and soft drink sales at least one month ahead.** Stock up well ahead of the rush. Dealing with drinks early is a great way to buy yourself more time when Christmas Day approaches––no long lines for you. Store these out of the way in the basement, pantry floor or other area where they won't be disturbed or subject to temperature extremes. 11. **Purchase the ingredients for the cake and pudding as soon as you see the ingredients go on sale in November.** Many stores stock up additional amounts of dried fruits, flour, spices, etc. and put sales on early to get the stock moving. Since a cake and pudding are best made a month before Christmas to give them time to cure, start looking for the sales on the ingredients early November. 12. **Purchase the non-perishable food items from mid-November through to mid-December.** Having these tucked away in the pantry, refrigerator or freezer in readiness for use will take a great weight off your mind. Non-perishables that can be bought ahead include: Nuts and Nibbles Chips, pretzels, and crackers Canned foods Frozen foods, including frozen desserts Candies and candied fruits Ice cream Some root vegetables, pumpkins Gingerbread and other spiced cookies Commercially made Christmas cake, puddings, mince pies Long-life milk, bread wraps, cookies, etc. 13. **Order food well ahead of time.** Order meats, baked items, cakes, desserts, etc. from the relevant providers at the end of November into early December. Get an emailed or texted confirmation of your order and always call ahead a few days prior to pick-up date to check that the order has not been mislaid and is underway. Collect the day before Christmas or Christmas morning, as relevant. Although you still have to shop at Christmas-time, pre-ordering removes the stress of last-minute thinking and ensures that the provider of the goods has the resources and time to service your order. Make things easier by having a family member do all the pick-ups. Provide them with a list and locations for pickups, then send them on their way. 14. **Buy perishable supermarket foods two days before Christmas.** This avoids the pre-Christmas day rush that is usually full of all the people who forgot to be organized. If there is anything that must be bought fresh the day before or on the day, add that to the pre-orders––even many supermarkets will take pre-orders for things such as meats and baked goods. Store everything in one part of the refrigerator or use a second one if you have another.
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