I'm going to start this by saying my hospital blood test came back as a .01 Which the hospital told me is the lowest you can get. Okay, so this past Saturday I went to trivia and drank two Boston Lagers and ate a delicious calzone. I left and was driving home. On the way, I was turning onto a side street and lost control (9:15 pm and it was raining). I don't really remember the accident, but I hit a pole and totaled my car. In the accident I hit my head and my glasses flew off. The first thing I remember is sitting on the side of the road and being confused why I took my glasses off (which I realized a minute later, had flown off). A cop was sitting at the intersection (lucky me!), came over and asked if I was okay (I didn't realize until much later that I had hit my head). It was kind of surreal, and I said I was okay. Within minutes both my friends and more cops were on the scene. I was unsuccessful in finding my glasses, but was already on the phone with my insurance company working on getting a tow truck. I blow into the thing, and they pull me out of my car. They give me a field sobriety the the rain....RIGHT after an accident....and OH! without my glasses (which I told them I needed). They arrest me and THEN while in the cop car, give me my glasses. I get to the police station and blow into the thing....I blow a .25 .... I was like WHAT THE FUCK!?!? And I demand a blood test. They take me there, and I just today got the results I said, I got a .01 .... Since then, I've already gotten a lawyer so I wouldn't lose my license. When I gave my lawyer all my paperwork, he laughed because the cops gave me both my copy of the breathalyzer test AND their original (obviously very competent cops). I'm obviously already out a good chunk of money (of which I have very little). I feel like with both the giving me a field sobriety test when I was shaken and without my glasses, AS WELL AS the breathalyzer test that was obviously wrong (I'm assuming either done wrong or not calibrated correctly)....and getting arrested because of all this...there must be some sort of civil rights violation or something. My friends did bail me out of jail, but by that point, I had been there for hours and had to put on a jumpsuit and everything (it was terrible...they make you watch FOX NEWS in joke). I half just needed to vent, and half wanted to know if anyone thinks there's anything I do can about this. I know I'll be getting off the DUI charge...but I feel like they owe me something for all that bullshit. TL;DR Cops sobriety tested me sans glasses, after an accident, and in the rain. Told me I was a .25 when I was really only a .01 * EDIT: Yo dudes, I'm just asking. I'm not trying to seem like I'm whining and calling the ACLU, I'm just asking...
I'm going to start this by saying my hospital blood test came back as a .01 Which the hospital told me is the lowest you can get. Okay, so this past Saturday I went to trivia and drank two Boston Lagers and ate a delicious calzone. I left and was driving home. On the way, I was turning onto a side street and lost control (9:15 pm and it was raining). I don't really remember the accident, but I hit a pole and totaled my car. In the accident I hit my head and my glasses flew off. The first thing I remember is sitting on the side of the road and being confused why I took my glasses off (which I realized a minute later, had flown off). A cop was sitting at the intersection (lucky me!), came over and asked if I was okay (I didn't realize until much later that I had hit my head). It was kind of surreal, and I said I was okay. Within minutes both my friends and more cops were on the scene. I was unsuccessful in finding my glasses, but was already on the phone with my insurance company working on getting a tow truck. I blow into the thing, and they pull me out of my car. They give me a field sobriety the the rain....RIGHT after an accident....and OH! without my glasses (which I told them I needed). They arrest me and THEN while in the cop car, give me my glasses. I get to the police station and blow into the thing....I blow a .25 .... I was like WHAT THE FUCK!?!? And I demand a blood test. They take me there, and I just today got the results I said, I got a .01 .... Since then, I've already gotten a lawyer so I wouldn't lose my license. When I gave my lawyer all my paperwork, he laughed because the cops gave me both my copy of the breathalyzer test AND their original (obviously very competent cops). I'm obviously already out a good chunk of money (of which I have very little). I feel like with both the giving me a field sobriety test when I was shaken and without my glasses, AS WELL AS the breathalyzer test that was obviously wrong (I'm assuming either done wrong or not calibrated correctly)....and getting arrested because of all this...there must be some sort of civil rights violation or something. My friends did bail me out of jail, but by that point, I had been there for hours and had to put on a jumpsuit and everything (it was terrible...they make you watch FOX NEWS in joke). I half just needed to vent, and half wanted to know if anyone thinks there's anything I do can about this. I know I'll be getting off the DUI charge...but I feel like they owe me something for all that bullshit. TL;DR Cops sobriety tested me sans glasses, after an accident, and in the rain. Told me I was a .25 when I was really only a .01 EDIT: Yo dudes, I'm just asking. I'm not trying to seem like I'm whining and calling the ACLU, I'm just asking...
I'm going to start this by saying my hospital blood test came back as a .01 Which the hospital told me is the lowest you can get. Okay, so this past Saturday I went to trivia and drank two Boston Lagers and ate a delicious calzone. I left and was driving home. On the way, I was turning onto a side street and lost control (9:15 pm and it was raining). I don't really remember the accident, but I hit a pole and totaled my car. In the accident I hit my head and my glasses flew off. The first thing I remember is sitting on the side of the road and being confused why I took my glasses off (which I realized a minute later, had flown off). A cop was sitting at the intersection (lucky me!), came over and asked if I was okay (I didn't realize until much later that I had hit my head). It was kind of surreal, and I said I was okay. Within minutes both my friends and more cops were on the scene. I was unsuccessful in finding my glasses, but was already on the phone with my insurance company working on getting a tow truck. I blow into the thing, and they pull me out of my car. They give me a field sobriety the the rain....RIGHT after an accident....and OH! without my glasses (which I told them I needed). They arrest me and THEN while in the cop car, give me my glasses. I get to the police station and blow into the thing....I blow a .25 .... I was like WHAT THE FUCK!?!? And I demand a blood test. They take me there, and I just today got the results I said, I got a .01 .... Since then, I've already gotten a lawyer so I wouldn't lose my license. When I gave my lawyer all my paperwork, he laughed because the cops gave me both my copy of the breathalyzer test AND their original (obviously very competent cops). I'm obviously already out a good chunk of money (of which I have very little). I feel like with both the giving me a field sobriety test when I was shaken and without my glasses, AS WELL AS the breathalyzer test that was obviously wrong (I'm assuming either done wrong or not calibrated correctly)....and getting arrested because of all this...there must be some sort of civil rights violation or something. My friends did bail me out of jail, but by that point, I had been there for hours and had to put on a jumpsuit and everything (it was terrible...they make you watch FOX NEWS in joke). I half just needed to vent, and half wanted to know if anyone thinks there's anything I do can about this. I know I'll be getting off the DUI charge...but I feel like they owe me something for all that bullshit.
Cops sobriety tested me sans glasses, after an accident, and in the rain. Told me I was a .25 when I was really only a .01 EDIT: Yo dudes, I'm just asking. I'm not trying to seem like I'm whining and calling the ACLU, I'm just asking...
The unix security model prevents user level programs from modifying system files. This is a massive improvement over the old windows model of running everything as administrator. Windows 7/Vista implemented a similar model precisely because it does a ton to protect you. A trojan on mac is limited to running in user space unless it either: gets you to give it permission via entering your password, or it uses some sort of privilege escalation exploit. As I said, there are no serious mac threats that I've seen. There have been proof of concept trojan attacks, but none of these have any sort of widespread adoption. Vulnerabilities and trojans are two different things. A virus scanner will *not* help you with vulnerabilities, only keeping your software up-to-date will. On mac, updates to quicktime, itunes, and java are automated in a similar way as windows update. Thus, most users who don't intentionally deny the updates *are* up-to-date. As for flash and others, I use chrome and thus rely on chrome to keep itself and other plugins both sandboxed and up-to-date. TLDR: the unix security model does a ton to protect you, and peoples plug-ins on mac are probably not all that out of date, with the exception of flash.
The unix security model prevents user level programs from modifying system files. This is a massive improvement over the old windows model of running everything as administrator. Windows 7/Vista implemented a similar model precisely because it does a ton to protect you. A trojan on mac is limited to running in user space unless it either: gets you to give it permission via entering your password, or it uses some sort of privilege escalation exploit. As I said, there are no serious mac threats that I've seen. There have been proof of concept trojan attacks, but none of these have any sort of widespread adoption. Vulnerabilities and trojans are two different things. A virus scanner will not help you with vulnerabilities, only keeping your software up-to-date will. On mac, updates to quicktime, itunes, and java are automated in a similar way as windows update. Thus, most users who don't intentionally deny the updates are up-to-date. As for flash and others, I use chrome and thus rely on chrome to keep itself and other plugins both sandboxed and up-to-date. TLDR: the unix security model does a ton to protect you, and peoples plug-ins on mac are probably not all that out of date, with the exception of flash.
The unix security model prevents user level programs from modifying system files. This is a massive improvement over the old windows model of running everything as administrator. Windows 7/Vista implemented a similar model precisely because it does a ton to protect you. A trojan on mac is limited to running in user space unless it either: gets you to give it permission via entering your password, or it uses some sort of privilege escalation exploit. As I said, there are no serious mac threats that I've seen. There have been proof of concept trojan attacks, but none of these have any sort of widespread adoption. Vulnerabilities and trojans are two different things. A virus scanner will not help you with vulnerabilities, only keeping your software up-to-date will. On mac, updates to quicktime, itunes, and java are automated in a similar way as windows update. Thus, most users who don't intentionally deny the updates are up-to-date. As for flash and others, I use chrome and thus rely on chrome to keep itself and other plugins both sandboxed and up-to-date.
the unix security model does a ton to protect you, and peoples plug-ins on mac are probably not all that out of date, with the exception of flash.
Actually, I call bullshit on this whole thing. I think you're Skeona. Remember 1 month ago when you posted in AskReddit [asking why your posts never showed up in /r/gaming]( Someone gives you the [helpful advice to get a new username and start over]( Then TADAAAA, [Skeona]( is born. In fact, you submitted 30 links to reddit in a couple of months until that point, and since then hardly anything. Also the fact that you're even posting in here only 2 hours since the original post was made, despite the fact that you claim to have very little knowledge of Reddit and 'don't check the site too often or anything'. TL;DR: Eddyd tries to spam, constantly gets caught in spam filter. Makes new account and spams
Actually, I call bullshit on this whole thing. I think you're Skeona. Remember 1 month ago when you posted in AskReddit [asking why your posts never showed up in /r/gaming]( Someone gives you the [helpful advice to get a new username and start over]( Then TADAAAA, [Skeona]( is born. In fact, you submitted 30 links to reddit in a couple of months until that point, and since then hardly anything. Also the fact that you're even posting in here only 2 hours since the original post was made, despite the fact that you claim to have very little knowledge of Reddit and 'don't check the site too often or anything'. TL;DR: Eddyd tries to spam, constantly gets caught in spam filter. Makes new account and spams
Actually, I call bullshit on this whole thing. I think you're Skeona. Remember 1 month ago when you posted in AskReddit [asking why your posts never showed up in /r/gaming]( Someone gives you the [helpful advice to get a new username and start over]( Then TADAAAA, [Skeona]( is born. In fact, you submitted 30 links to reddit in a couple of months until that point, and since then hardly anything. Also the fact that you're even posting in here only 2 hours since the original post was made, despite the fact that you claim to have very little knowledge of Reddit and 'don't check the site too often or anything'.
Eddyd tries to spam, constantly gets caught in spam filter. Makes new account and spams
I have friends over at my house pretty frequently and while we are all chatting we occassionally pull up reddit/youtube and laugh together. So with that said, just like your ordinary news/sports broadcasts/etc on TV, there could be multiple people browsing reddit/subreddits discussing topics. With that comes different personalities and different views opinions etc... tl;dr If reddit was professionally broadcasted and topics were discussed on live TV, would you watch?
I have friends over at my house pretty frequently and while we are all chatting we occassionally pull up reddit/youtube and laugh together. So with that said, just like your ordinary news/sports broadcasts/etc on TV, there could be multiple people browsing reddit/subreddits discussing topics. With that comes different personalities and different views opinions etc... tl;dr If reddit was professionally broadcasted and topics were discussed on live TV, would you watch?
I have friends over at my house pretty frequently and while we are all chatting we occassionally pull up reddit/youtube and laugh together. So with that said, just like your ordinary news/sports broadcasts/etc on TV, there could be multiple people browsing reddit/subreddits discussing topics. With that comes different personalities and different views opinions etc...
If reddit was professionally broadcasted and topics were discussed on live TV, would you watch?
(background: i am 17 andmy parents dont know i smoke so i have to keep my smoking a secret, but they are fully aware of my brothers smoking habits though) I was coming home from smoking at my girlfriends, i was at a 6. when i came home my mom was downstairs waiting for me which seemed kind of odd. i said hi and tried to act normal. after a brief coversation she went into the kitchen and asked me to follow. when we went in the kitchen my favorite pipe "spyro" was sitting on the counter and i knew i was fucked. i tried to act like i couldnt tell while my mind raced for an explanation. i quickly said my brother had left it in his room and i was holding it for him (he lives about an hour away at my dads house) which she didnt believe. i didnt back down though and stuck to my story. i went upstairs to confront my stepdad and tell him my story. he then said he didnt believe me and pulled out a bowl that i must have left in my hiding spot and forgot about. so then i start to think that im fucked again. i told them that it was my brothers as well and i was planning on throwing it away but i was too sketched to transport it through the house. (to this day my stepdad still doesnt believe me). my brother worked the nightshift so there was a good chance that he was working at that time but my mom decided to call him. i then for the third time thought i was fucked. thankfully he didnt pick up so i sent him a text telling him to go with whatever they say. but me stepdad picked up on me texting and put two and two together so i tried deleting the message before he looked at my phone. so now for the 4th time i thought i was fucked. but the gods shined upon me and the messages finished erasing right as he took my phone. in the morning my brother called my mom back and took credit for the pipe and said he didnt remember leaving the weed there but it was probably his. i owed him big time and later smoked him out for helping me and now my parents trust in me has been slowly restored. tl;dr my parents found my pipe and some weed but i narrowly escaped them finding out that i smoke 4 times and everything is back to normal.
(background: i am 17 andmy parents dont know i smoke so i have to keep my smoking a secret, but they are fully aware of my brothers smoking habits though) I was coming home from smoking at my girlfriends, i was at a 6. when i came home my mom was downstairs waiting for me which seemed kind of odd. i said hi and tried to act normal. after a brief coversation she went into the kitchen and asked me to follow. when we went in the kitchen my favorite pipe "spyro" was sitting on the counter and i knew i was fucked. i tried to act like i couldnt tell while my mind raced for an explanation. i quickly said my brother had left it in his room and i was holding it for him (he lives about an hour away at my dads house) which she didnt believe. i didnt back down though and stuck to my story. i went upstairs to confront my stepdad and tell him my story. he then said he didnt believe me and pulled out a bowl that i must have left in my hiding spot and forgot about. so then i start to think that im fucked again. i told them that it was my brothers as well and i was planning on throwing it away but i was too sketched to transport it through the house. (to this day my stepdad still doesnt believe me). my brother worked the nightshift so there was a good chance that he was working at that time but my mom decided to call him. i then for the third time thought i was fucked. thankfully he didnt pick up so i sent him a text telling him to go with whatever they say. but me stepdad picked up on me texting and put two and two together so i tried deleting the message before he looked at my phone. so now for the 4th time i thought i was fucked. but the gods shined upon me and the messages finished erasing right as he took my phone. in the morning my brother called my mom back and took credit for the pipe and said he didnt remember leaving the weed there but it was probably his. i owed him big time and later smoked him out for helping me and now my parents trust in me has been slowly restored. tl;dr my parents found my pipe and some weed but i narrowly escaped them finding out that i smoke 4 times and everything is back to normal.
background: i am 17 andmy parents dont know i smoke so i have to keep my smoking a secret, but they are fully aware of my brothers smoking habits though) I was coming home from smoking at my girlfriends, i was at a 6. when i came home my mom was downstairs waiting for me which seemed kind of odd. i said hi and tried to act normal. after a brief coversation she went into the kitchen and asked me to follow. when we went in the kitchen my favorite pipe "spyro" was sitting on the counter and i knew i was fucked. i tried to act like i couldnt tell while my mind raced for an explanation. i quickly said my brother had left it in his room and i was holding it for him (he lives about an hour away at my dads house) which she didnt believe. i didnt back down though and stuck to my story. i went upstairs to confront my stepdad and tell him my story. he then said he didnt believe me and pulled out a bowl that i must have left in my hiding spot and forgot about. so then i start to think that im fucked again. i told them that it was my brothers as well and i was planning on throwing it away but i was too sketched to transport it through the house. (to this day my stepdad still doesnt believe me). my brother worked the nightshift so there was a good chance that he was working at that time but my mom decided to call him. i then for the third time thought i was fucked. thankfully he didnt pick up so i sent him a text telling him to go with whatever they say. but me stepdad picked up on me texting and put two and two together so i tried deleting the message before he looked at my phone. so now for the 4th time i thought i was fucked. but the gods shined upon me and the messages finished erasing right as he took my phone. in the morning my brother called my mom back and took credit for the pipe and said he didnt remember leaving the weed there but it was probably his. i owed him big time and later smoked him out for helping me and now my parents trust in me has been slowly restored.
my parents found my pipe and some weed but i narrowly escaped them finding out that i smoke 4 times and everything is back to normal.
My neighbors have a 50-60ish pound dog, and have had her for years. I've been at college for the past couple of years so I haven't experienced this, but I guess she and their other dog bark all the time and the neighbors have gotten numerous complaints about it. They ended up getting bark collar for the other dog but according to my mom it never worked, and they didn't pursue anything further. When I was a junior in high school, my cat ventured into their yard and the dog snapped his neck (this is according to the neighbors who saw some of the event). My cats are all outdoor cats and we can't really control where they wander around to, and obviously we couldn't do anything about the incident because our cat had gone into their yard. But that cat was, to be frank, our dumbest cat, and also our nicest cat. My mom and I would joke about how he'd probably walk up to a coyote thinking they would be friends. My point is that there's no way he started any kind of fight, and the neighbor described the incident as such. While we couldn't really do much about it, it definitely made us wary of the dog. This summer I fostered two puppies at college and my mom ended up adopting one (Cindi). She's around six months old now, and weighs about ten pounds. Earlier this week I get a text and call from my mom saying that the neighbor dog had broken down our fence, come into the corner of our yard, and attacked Cindi. Our other dog Zoey (25ish pounds) then jumped in and tried to fight the dog off to protect her. My mom screamed at the dog and eventually she ran back into the yard. I'm so concerned about if this happens again. That dog killed my cat; it has a history of violence, and I don't want Cindi to be hurt. The dog is almost six times the size of her, she's a little chiweenie, it's not like she looks like a threat! I'm worried that the next time this happens it could cost Cindi, or even Zoey, her life. My mom is really into keeping the peace and doesn't seem to realize how serious the situation could potentially be. She emailed them but hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm coming home for the weekend this weekend and I really want to march over, bang on their door, and lay into them. They don't seem to care much about what their dog has done over the years. My mom says they don't really pay attention to her either, other than providing her necessities, which is sad. They just apologize profusely for any issues but don't take any steps to fix the situation. I'm pre-vet at my school so I'm obviously not thrilled about the idea of calling the cops and the dog potentially being euthanized if they don't step up, but this is crossing the line and I don't want to put Cindi's life at risk. What should I do? Edit: My biggest concern about this whole issue was the fact that my mom wants to maintain a cordial relationship with our neighbors. Ideally the solution would maintain that but I'm more than happy to do what I have to do to prevent this from ever happening again. I'm hoping there's some way to file a report with the police or animal control that won't make them think we're actively trying to get their dog euthanized, but that we will if anything remotely close to this happens again. I think that would appease my mom's concerns about reporting. I'm going to look into it today. tl;dr: Neighbor's 50ish lb dog attacked my 10lb puppy in our yard. That same dog killed my cat four years ago in their yard. My mom isn't taking much action, and the neighbors have never done anything about behavioral issues in the past. Not sure what to do.
My neighbors have a 50-60ish pound dog, and have had her for years. I've been at college for the past couple of years so I haven't experienced this, but I guess she and their other dog bark all the time and the neighbors have gotten numerous complaints about it. They ended up getting bark collar for the other dog but according to my mom it never worked, and they didn't pursue anything further. When I was a junior in high school, my cat ventured into their yard and the dog snapped his neck (this is according to the neighbors who saw some of the event). My cats are all outdoor cats and we can't really control where they wander around to, and obviously we couldn't do anything about the incident because our cat had gone into their yard. But that cat was, to be frank, our dumbest cat, and also our nicest cat. My mom and I would joke about how he'd probably walk up to a coyote thinking they would be friends. My point is that there's no way he started any kind of fight, and the neighbor described the incident as such. While we couldn't really do much about it, it definitely made us wary of the dog. This summer I fostered two puppies at college and my mom ended up adopting one (Cindi). She's around six months old now, and weighs about ten pounds. Earlier this week I get a text and call from my mom saying that the neighbor dog had broken down our fence, come into the corner of our yard, and attacked Cindi. Our other dog Zoey (25ish pounds) then jumped in and tried to fight the dog off to protect her. My mom screamed at the dog and eventually she ran back into the yard. I'm so concerned about if this happens again. That dog killed my cat; it has a history of violence, and I don't want Cindi to be hurt. The dog is almost six times the size of her, she's a little chiweenie, it's not like she looks like a threat! I'm worried that the next time this happens it could cost Cindi, or even Zoey, her life. My mom is really into keeping the peace and doesn't seem to realize how serious the situation could potentially be. She emailed them but hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm coming home for the weekend this weekend and I really want to march over, bang on their door, and lay into them. They don't seem to care much about what their dog has done over the years. My mom says they don't really pay attention to her either, other than providing her necessities, which is sad. They just apologize profusely for any issues but don't take any steps to fix the situation. I'm pre-vet at my school so I'm obviously not thrilled about the idea of calling the cops and the dog potentially being euthanized if they don't step up, but this is crossing the line and I don't want to put Cindi's life at risk. What should I do? Edit: My biggest concern about this whole issue was the fact that my mom wants to maintain a cordial relationship with our neighbors. Ideally the solution would maintain that but I'm more than happy to do what I have to do to prevent this from ever happening again. I'm hoping there's some way to file a report with the police or animal control that won't make them think we're actively trying to get their dog euthanized, but that we will if anything remotely close to this happens again. I think that would appease my mom's concerns about reporting. I'm going to look into it today. tl;dr: Neighbor's 50ish lb dog attacked my 10lb puppy in our yard. That same dog killed my cat four years ago in their yard. My mom isn't taking much action, and the neighbors have never done anything about behavioral issues in the past. Not sure what to do.
My neighbors have a 50-60ish pound dog, and have had her for years. I've been at college for the past couple of years so I haven't experienced this, but I guess she and their other dog bark all the time and the neighbors have gotten numerous complaints about it. They ended up getting bark collar for the other dog but according to my mom it never worked, and they didn't pursue anything further. When I was a junior in high school, my cat ventured into their yard and the dog snapped his neck (this is according to the neighbors who saw some of the event). My cats are all outdoor cats and we can't really control where they wander around to, and obviously we couldn't do anything about the incident because our cat had gone into their yard. But that cat was, to be frank, our dumbest cat, and also our nicest cat. My mom and I would joke about how he'd probably walk up to a coyote thinking they would be friends. My point is that there's no way he started any kind of fight, and the neighbor described the incident as such. While we couldn't really do much about it, it definitely made us wary of the dog. This summer I fostered two puppies at college and my mom ended up adopting one (Cindi). She's around six months old now, and weighs about ten pounds. Earlier this week I get a text and call from my mom saying that the neighbor dog had broken down our fence, come into the corner of our yard, and attacked Cindi. Our other dog Zoey (25ish pounds) then jumped in and tried to fight the dog off to protect her. My mom screamed at the dog and eventually she ran back into the yard. I'm so concerned about if this happens again. That dog killed my cat; it has a history of violence, and I don't want Cindi to be hurt. The dog is almost six times the size of her, she's a little chiweenie, it's not like she looks like a threat! I'm worried that the next time this happens it could cost Cindi, or even Zoey, her life. My mom is really into keeping the peace and doesn't seem to realize how serious the situation could potentially be. She emailed them but hasn't gotten a response yet. I'm coming home for the weekend this weekend and I really want to march over, bang on their door, and lay into them. They don't seem to care much about what their dog has done over the years. My mom says they don't really pay attention to her either, other than providing her necessities, which is sad. They just apologize profusely for any issues but don't take any steps to fix the situation. I'm pre-vet at my school so I'm obviously not thrilled about the idea of calling the cops and the dog potentially being euthanized if they don't step up, but this is crossing the line and I don't want to put Cindi's life at risk. What should I do? Edit: My biggest concern about this whole issue was the fact that my mom wants to maintain a cordial relationship with our neighbors. Ideally the solution would maintain that but I'm more than happy to do what I have to do to prevent this from ever happening again. I'm hoping there's some way to file a report with the police or animal control that won't make them think we're actively trying to get their dog euthanized, but that we will if anything remotely close to this happens again. I think that would appease my mom's concerns about reporting. I'm going to look into it today.
Neighbor's 50ish lb dog attacked my 10lb puppy in our yard. That same dog killed my cat four years ago in their yard. My mom isn't taking much action, and the neighbors have never done anything about behavioral issues in the past. Not sure what to do.
Reddit, the story of my life is having great ideas, too late. Typically I'll come up with some tech startup idea that I think is non-obvious, with enormous potential, and be busy planning it, thinking it through, starting mockups or coding demos, and getting ready to execute on it... and then I'll see that some company or other has done it, raised millions from VCs, changed the world... I'm always behind the curve. Today the thing I was ready to bet the farm on as soon as my current contract finishes in July, which I really thought would be revolutionary, has been launched by someone else and I'm angry, depressed, distraught and generally fed up. I'd got a good runway of money saved and was going to go full time on it... This story has happened so many times in my life, that it must be a pattern of behaviour that I need to change... I just don't know how. I work crazy hours during the day and there's nothing left out-of-hours to work on side projects... whatever time there is gets sucked up, rightly so, by my family - with young children I don't want to miss growing up. Maybe I just need to crack on with something, anything, once this contract is up - but now what I had planned will look just like a 'me too'. Some of the scale of things that I've been beaten to the punch on (mostly IAAS / PAAS / SAAS projects - I'm a technical architect who's worked for lots of household names) - include Amazon Web Services (I built one of the first IAAS cloud platforms, a few months before AWS was announced, lots of deep stuff with Xen and iSCSI back when their kernel patches wouldn't play nicely together) and Heroku. Then it was Ubuntu's "Juju" software. Today the killer platform automation system I had dreamed of has been revealed by someone else.... But I'm not going to give up... whatever happens, when this contract is up, I'm doing something with the runway money I've saved... whether it's beating the people who've launched today, or something new... I'm going to *start*. And finish, for once. **TL;dr:** *I'm a technologist with great ideas and skills to execute on them, but I keep being beaten to the punch by big firms or little startups with funding who come out of stealth mode just as I'm about to enter it. But I'm not going to give up.*
Reddit, the story of my life is having great ideas, too late. Typically I'll come up with some tech startup idea that I think is non-obvious, with enormous potential, and be busy planning it, thinking it through, starting mockups or coding demos, and getting ready to execute on it... and then I'll see that some company or other has done it, raised millions from VCs, changed the world... I'm always behind the curve. Today the thing I was ready to bet the farm on as soon as my current contract finishes in July, which I really thought would be revolutionary, has been launched by someone else and I'm angry, depressed, distraught and generally fed up. I'd got a good runway of money saved and was going to go full time on it... This story has happened so many times in my life, that it must be a pattern of behaviour that I need to change... I just don't know how. I work crazy hours during the day and there's nothing left out-of-hours to work on side projects... whatever time there is gets sucked up, rightly so, by my family - with young children I don't want to miss growing up. Maybe I just need to crack on with something, anything, once this contract is up - but now what I had planned will look just like a 'me too'. Some of the scale of things that I've been beaten to the punch on (mostly IAAS / PAAS / SAAS projects - I'm a technical architect who's worked for lots of household names) - include Amazon Web Services (I built one of the first IAAS cloud platforms, a few months before AWS was announced, lots of deep stuff with Xen and iSCSI back when their kernel patches wouldn't play nicely together) and Heroku. Then it was Ubuntu's "Juju" software. Today the killer platform automation system I had dreamed of has been revealed by someone else.... But I'm not going to give up... whatever happens, when this contract is up, I'm doing something with the runway money I've saved... whether it's beating the people who've launched today, or something new... I'm going to start . And finish, for once. TL;dr: I'm a technologist with great ideas and skills to execute on them, but I keep being beaten to the punch by big firms or little startups with funding who come out of stealth mode just as I'm about to enter it. But I'm not going to give up.
Reddit, the story of my life is having great ideas, too late. Typically I'll come up with some tech startup idea that I think is non-obvious, with enormous potential, and be busy planning it, thinking it through, starting mockups or coding demos, and getting ready to execute on it... and then I'll see that some company or other has done it, raised millions from VCs, changed the world... I'm always behind the curve. Today the thing I was ready to bet the farm on as soon as my current contract finishes in July, which I really thought would be revolutionary, has been launched by someone else and I'm angry, depressed, distraught and generally fed up. I'd got a good runway of money saved and was going to go full time on it... This story has happened so many times in my life, that it must be a pattern of behaviour that I need to change... I just don't know how. I work crazy hours during the day and there's nothing left out-of-hours to work on side projects... whatever time there is gets sucked up, rightly so, by my family - with young children I don't want to miss growing up. Maybe I just need to crack on with something, anything, once this contract is up - but now what I had planned will look just like a 'me too'. Some of the scale of things that I've been beaten to the punch on (mostly IAAS / PAAS / SAAS projects - I'm a technical architect who's worked for lots of household names) - include Amazon Web Services (I built one of the first IAAS cloud platforms, a few months before AWS was announced, lots of deep stuff with Xen and iSCSI back when their kernel patches wouldn't play nicely together) and Heroku. Then it was Ubuntu's "Juju" software. Today the killer platform automation system I had dreamed of has been revealed by someone else.... But I'm not going to give up... whatever happens, when this contract is up, I'm doing something with the runway money I've saved... whether it's beating the people who've launched today, or something new... I'm going to start . And finish, for once.
I'm a technologist with great ideas and skills to execute on them, but I keep being beaten to the punch by big firms or little startups with funding who come out of stealth mode just as I'm about to enter it. But I'm not going to give up.
Mandatory smart phones that have an app which asks questions DIRECTLY TO THE PEOPLE such as: "Should we invade syria? yes/no" "Should pot be legalized? yes/no" There are questions that are clearly not meant to be left answered to an uneducated. Google "Three men don't make a Tiger" I am tired of a republic of rich representatives making that taxpayer $$$ to make desicions about the economy, social welfare, military interventions and...where I live at this current moment, stupid laws that say if you text someone who is driving and the driver gets in an accident, the person who sent the text message is responisble. seriously, i can guarantee that if everyone in the WORLD could connect more directly in this revolutionary period in history known as The Digital Age, all these government "misunderstandings" would be just that. a misunderstanding. TL;DR Embrace the Digital Age.
Mandatory smart phones that have an app which asks questions DIRECTLY TO THE PEOPLE such as: "Should we invade syria? yes/no" "Should pot be legalized? yes/no" There are questions that are clearly not meant to be left answered to an uneducated. Google "Three men don't make a Tiger" I am tired of a republic of rich representatives making that taxpayer $$$ to make desicions about the economy, social welfare, military interventions and...where I live at this current moment, stupid laws that say if you text someone who is driving and the driver gets in an accident, the person who sent the text message is responisble. seriously, i can guarantee that if everyone in the WORLD could connect more directly in this revolutionary period in history known as The Digital Age, all these government "misunderstandings" would be just that. a misunderstanding. TL;DR Embrace the Digital Age.
Mandatory smart phones that have an app which asks questions DIRECTLY TO THE PEOPLE such as: "Should we invade syria? yes/no" "Should pot be legalized? yes/no" There are questions that are clearly not meant to be left answered to an uneducated. Google "Three men don't make a Tiger" I am tired of a republic of rich representatives making that taxpayer $$$ to make desicions about the economy, social welfare, military interventions and...where I live at this current moment, stupid laws that say if you text someone who is driving and the driver gets in an accident, the person who sent the text message is responisble. seriously, i can guarantee that if everyone in the WORLD could connect more directly in this revolutionary period in history known as The Digital Age, all these government "misunderstandings" would be just that. a misunderstanding.
Embrace the Digital Age.
Both of us suffer from depression and initially I figured we both hit a slump. We just weren't nearly as affectionate as we used to be. Then her mom had a suicide attempt and that definitely put things off for a while. It's been weeks since then and we still haven't recovered that level of intimacy we used to have. When I go to touch her she often pulls away or something of the like. When we kiss it's often very very brief. I have tried outright talking to her, expressing how I feel about the subject and she just says that we both weren't in the mood for a while then the thing happened with her mom, and she just still doesn't feel like doing anything. She still masturbates every so often though. Even our emotional connection just isn't as strong. I doubt this is a dead bedroom-level scenario yet. But I don't want it to get to that point... TLDR: My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in a while, wondering if I Should be concerned.
Both of us suffer from depression and initially I figured we both hit a slump. We just weren't nearly as affectionate as we used to be. Then her mom had a suicide attempt and that definitely put things off for a while. It's been weeks since then and we still haven't recovered that level of intimacy we used to have. When I go to touch her she often pulls away or something of the like. When we kiss it's often very very brief. I have tried outright talking to her, expressing how I feel about the subject and she just says that we both weren't in the mood for a while then the thing happened with her mom, and she just still doesn't feel like doing anything. She still masturbates every so often though. Even our emotional connection just isn't as strong. I doubt this is a dead bedroom-level scenario yet. But I don't want it to get to that point... TLDR: My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in a while, wondering if I Should be concerned.
Both of us suffer from depression and initially I figured we both hit a slump. We just weren't nearly as affectionate as we used to be. Then her mom had a suicide attempt and that definitely put things off for a while. It's been weeks since then and we still haven't recovered that level of intimacy we used to have. When I go to touch her she often pulls away or something of the like. When we kiss it's often very very brief. I have tried outright talking to her, expressing how I feel about the subject and she just says that we both weren't in the mood for a while then the thing happened with her mom, and she just still doesn't feel like doing anything. She still masturbates every so often though. Even our emotional connection just isn't as strong. I doubt this is a dead bedroom-level scenario yet. But I don't want it to get to that point...
My girlfriend and I haven't had sex in a while, wondering if I Should be concerned.
I think PKS people view IM as just like themselves, ie. urban-educated muslims who work hard to bring back era kebangkitan Islam. They are educated so the new Islam would be free of superstition/sufism/kejawen/etc. Both of them also view themselves as working hard against the system/the government/etc. Both PKS and IM view themselves as the vanguard of modern Islam that will transform muslim-majority society into that *shining city on the hill* that other civilizations look up to. The way they want to achieve this is by cutting off all the historical baggage including *centuries of traditional Islamic scholarship (sufism/kejawen/walisongo/etc)* and ONLY rely on the Quran and Hadiths *whenever possible*. If this is all sound messianic to you, rest assure some of them *really believe it*. By contrast PKB/NU/PAN/Muhammadiyah do not want to cut off all of these historical/traditional scholarship. Whereas IM/PKS are a bit hostile to sufism/kejawen, the traditionalists are not. TL;DR PKS/IM is *reactionary modermism* but the reaction they take is in the form of Islam. They are reacting to modernity by trying to create their own version of modernity.
I think PKS people view IM as just like themselves, ie. urban-educated muslims who work hard to bring back era kebangkitan Islam. They are educated so the new Islam would be free of superstition/sufism/kejawen/etc. Both of them also view themselves as working hard against the system/the government/etc. Both PKS and IM view themselves as the vanguard of modern Islam that will transform muslim-majority society into that shining city on the hill that other civilizations look up to. The way they want to achieve this is by cutting off all the historical baggage including centuries of traditional Islamic scholarship (sufism/kejawen/walisongo/etc) and ONLY rely on the Quran and Hadiths whenever possible . If this is all sound messianic to you, rest assure some of them really believe it . By contrast PKB/NU/PAN/Muhammadiyah do not want to cut off all of these historical/traditional scholarship. Whereas IM/PKS are a bit hostile to sufism/kejawen, the traditionalists are not. TL;DR PKS/IM is reactionary modermism but the reaction they take is in the form of Islam. They are reacting to modernity by trying to create their own version of modernity.
I think PKS people view IM as just like themselves, ie. urban-educated muslims who work hard to bring back era kebangkitan Islam. They are educated so the new Islam would be free of superstition/sufism/kejawen/etc. Both of them also view themselves as working hard against the system/the government/etc. Both PKS and IM view themselves as the vanguard of modern Islam that will transform muslim-majority society into that shining city on the hill that other civilizations look up to. The way they want to achieve this is by cutting off all the historical baggage including centuries of traditional Islamic scholarship (sufism/kejawen/walisongo/etc) and ONLY rely on the Quran and Hadiths whenever possible . If this is all sound messianic to you, rest assure some of them really believe it . By contrast PKB/NU/PAN/Muhammadiyah do not want to cut off all of these historical/traditional scholarship. Whereas IM/PKS are a bit hostile to sufism/kejawen, the traditionalists are not.
PKS/IM is reactionary modermism but the reaction they take is in the form of Islam. They are reacting to modernity by trying to create their own version of modernity.
This has been bothering me for about 6 months now, and I still don't know how to feel about it. Basically I left my ex around 4 months ago after over 2 years of being happily in a relationship. The reason for that was trust. I couldn't trust her. She made me so paranoid and then blamed it all on me, that it was all in my head. She denied it all and made me feel like I was insane and that it all was inside my head. I still feel unsure about everything, I'm having a hard time trusting people etc. Anyways, I'll get on with what pretty much happened over the time, hope someone has time to read what I have to say. Basically, all the problems started before we actually were "officially" in a relationship. She had this guy, a very good friend of hers. It was more like a FWB type of thing though, and she had apparently had feelings for him at some point at least, but he never wanted anything serious. Between the beginning of our dating and our official relationship thingie they still had something going on. They did have sex once, and casual making out and such. GF told me after about a year, which was quite odd to me. I thought that I should probably be careful with this guy. Took a few months again, AFAIK they didn't hang out or anything anymore, nothing. Everything was just great. My GF did have a habit of being very flirty with other guys (we'll get back to this later). Then his old FWB was in contact again. I didn't like it at all, but she just told me they're really good friends. And one evening she was drinking with him and some other friends of hers. Well, apparently this guy had been talking a lot of shit about me, trying to make me look **really** bad. Also tried making out with my GF, and from what I heard from her she didn't answer the gesture. What also made me feel quite bad was that her friend was encouraging her to cheat on me for a few months. Yet my GF kept on hanging out with that friend of hers who wanted my GF to cheat on me. Later on, a few other guys came along. My GF was extremely flirty with them, especially when I wasn't around. All of this I heard from her friends (some of them who are very good friends of mine as well). She denied it all. Thoughts were running through my head, I was wondering if I'm just really too paranoid. I constantly heard about my GF flirting and being intimate with several guys. Anything within the limits of touching genitals or kissing. She kept going on, denying it all. She even did that at her own party when I was just behind one door throwing up in a bucket. She was taking care of me for five minutes. Her friends took care of me for several hours and told me that she's doing it again. This went on with her ex-FWB and some other guys for some time. Then I just had it. She kept hanging out with that ex-FWB of hers really often. He constantly came up with ways to see my GF (they were neighbours, so that gave him the advantage). I **knew** he wanted sex from her and I mentioned that to my GF. She denied it as well, telling me he just wants to be friends. After a while, I decided that I've had it. I talked to her on the phone, she was hanging out just with him at her place. Of course knowing what he had been trying for many, many months and all the history they've had I just didn't tolerate it. The next day I went to her place, told her that that it's over unless she stops seeing him. She didn't choose me. After the break-up I did a lot of talking with me and my ex-gf's mutual friend, who has been one of my best friend for years now. It was devastating to find out how within minutes of me leaving her place after breaking up with her she went and had sex with that ex-FWB of hers. She also had told her friends she had known what he wanted all along. We were good friends with my ex after the break-up. Still, she lied to my face more than ever. To me, she said we still have a chance to work it out. To her friends, she told the opposite. Then followed the most dick move she could do. She started spreading a rumour to people (we have LOTS of mutual friends) that I had been violent towards her and hit her. I still have no idea how many people believe her, but I've made it clear with lots of people. Then again, she told most of our mutual friends, her family etc. I just can't believe how she could do all that. All that time I thought she would be the love of my life, the perfect girl for me. I loved her with all my heart, shared all of my secrets with her (even one I've never told my parents or anyone else) and did everything to be loyal to her. I still feel that I'm not enough. Not for her, not for anyone. My self-esteem has always been terrible. This has made it so much worse. I've been drinking like fuck every weekend after the break-up and it feels like it's the only thing keeping me going. I have no motivation in anything and I constantly feel paranoid of the fact that people think of me as someone who beats women up. Who'd believe me, anyways? A month after the break-up she also met this guy and a week after meeting him they're together. At first when seeing her at parties and such she went and made out with him right in front of me on purpose and she's still doing that at times. I just don't get the point. Everyone thinks that's awfully done by her as well, seeing how we had quite a long relationship and she just jumps into a new one right away ditching everything I had with her. Didn't feel good either, no.. We sometimes talked about how if we'd break up it'd go on without a fight and we'd stay best friends. I believed in it. What I believed in even more was that I would spend the rest of my life with her. She told me the same things. The best experiences I had ever had were with her. Then she just smashed it all to bits. I feel crushed, reddit. Helpless with all of this. I'm just hoping someone would bother reading my wall of text, maybe relate, maybe have advice for me. If not, at least I have all of this typed out. **TL;DR** Seriously, read the whole thing. But if you really can't be bothered, I started getting paranoid because of my ex, she lied to me a lot and spread rumours that I hit her after the break-up
This has been bothering me for about 6 months now, and I still don't know how to feel about it. Basically I left my ex around 4 months ago after over 2 years of being happily in a relationship. The reason for that was trust. I couldn't trust her. She made me so paranoid and then blamed it all on me, that it was all in my head. She denied it all and made me feel like I was insane and that it all was inside my head. I still feel unsure about everything, I'm having a hard time trusting people etc. Anyways, I'll get on with what pretty much happened over the time, hope someone has time to read what I have to say. Basically, all the problems started before we actually were "officially" in a relationship. She had this guy, a very good friend of hers. It was more like a FWB type of thing though, and she had apparently had feelings for him at some point at least, but he never wanted anything serious. Between the beginning of our dating and our official relationship thingie they still had something going on. They did have sex once, and casual making out and such. GF told me after about a year, which was quite odd to me. I thought that I should probably be careful with this guy. Took a few months again, AFAIK they didn't hang out or anything anymore, nothing. Everything was just great. My GF did have a habit of being very flirty with other guys (we'll get back to this later). Then his old FWB was in contact again. I didn't like it at all, but she just told me they're really good friends. And one evening she was drinking with him and some other friends of hers. Well, apparently this guy had been talking a lot of shit about me, trying to make me look really bad. Also tried making out with my GF, and from what I heard from her she didn't answer the gesture. What also made me feel quite bad was that her friend was encouraging her to cheat on me for a few months. Yet my GF kept on hanging out with that friend of hers who wanted my GF to cheat on me. Later on, a few other guys came along. My GF was extremely flirty with them, especially when I wasn't around. All of this I heard from her friends (some of them who are very good friends of mine as well). She denied it all. Thoughts were running through my head, I was wondering if I'm just really too paranoid. I constantly heard about my GF flirting and being intimate with several guys. Anything within the limits of touching genitals or kissing. She kept going on, denying it all. She even did that at her own party when I was just behind one door throwing up in a bucket. She was taking care of me for five minutes. Her friends took care of me for several hours and told me that she's doing it again. This went on with her ex-FWB and some other guys for some time. Then I just had it. She kept hanging out with that ex-FWB of hers really often. He constantly came up with ways to see my GF (they were neighbours, so that gave him the advantage). I knew he wanted sex from her and I mentioned that to my GF. She denied it as well, telling me he just wants to be friends. After a while, I decided that I've had it. I talked to her on the phone, she was hanging out just with him at her place. Of course knowing what he had been trying for many, many months and all the history they've had I just didn't tolerate it. The next day I went to her place, told her that that it's over unless she stops seeing him. She didn't choose me. After the break-up I did a lot of talking with me and my ex-gf's mutual friend, who has been one of my best friend for years now. It was devastating to find out how within minutes of me leaving her place after breaking up with her she went and had sex with that ex-FWB of hers. She also had told her friends she had known what he wanted all along. We were good friends with my ex after the break-up. Still, she lied to my face more than ever. To me, she said we still have a chance to work it out. To her friends, she told the opposite. Then followed the most dick move she could do. She started spreading a rumour to people (we have LOTS of mutual friends) that I had been violent towards her and hit her. I still have no idea how many people believe her, but I've made it clear with lots of people. Then again, she told most of our mutual friends, her family etc. I just can't believe how she could do all that. All that time I thought she would be the love of my life, the perfect girl for me. I loved her with all my heart, shared all of my secrets with her (even one I've never told my parents or anyone else) and did everything to be loyal to her. I still feel that I'm not enough. Not for her, not for anyone. My self-esteem has always been terrible. This has made it so much worse. I've been drinking like fuck every weekend after the break-up and it feels like it's the only thing keeping me going. I have no motivation in anything and I constantly feel paranoid of the fact that people think of me as someone who beats women up. Who'd believe me, anyways? A month after the break-up she also met this guy and a week after meeting him they're together. At first when seeing her at parties and such she went and made out with him right in front of me on purpose and she's still doing that at times. I just don't get the point. Everyone thinks that's awfully done by her as well, seeing how we had quite a long relationship and she just jumps into a new one right away ditching everything I had with her. Didn't feel good either, no.. We sometimes talked about how if we'd break up it'd go on without a fight and we'd stay best friends. I believed in it. What I believed in even more was that I would spend the rest of my life with her. She told me the same things. The best experiences I had ever had were with her. Then she just smashed it all to bits. I feel crushed, reddit. Helpless with all of this. I'm just hoping someone would bother reading my wall of text, maybe relate, maybe have advice for me. If not, at least I have all of this typed out. TL;DR Seriously, read the whole thing. But if you really can't be bothered, I started getting paranoid because of my ex, she lied to me a lot and spread rumours that I hit her after the break-up
This has been bothering me for about 6 months now, and I still don't know how to feel about it. Basically I left my ex around 4 months ago after over 2 years of being happily in a relationship. The reason for that was trust. I couldn't trust her. She made me so paranoid and then blamed it all on me, that it was all in my head. She denied it all and made me feel like I was insane and that it all was inside my head. I still feel unsure about everything, I'm having a hard time trusting people etc. Anyways, I'll get on with what pretty much happened over the time, hope someone has time to read what I have to say. Basically, all the problems started before we actually were "officially" in a relationship. She had this guy, a very good friend of hers. It was more like a FWB type of thing though, and she had apparently had feelings for him at some point at least, but he never wanted anything serious. Between the beginning of our dating and our official relationship thingie they still had something going on. They did have sex once, and casual making out and such. GF told me after about a year, which was quite odd to me. I thought that I should probably be careful with this guy. Took a few months again, AFAIK they didn't hang out or anything anymore, nothing. Everything was just great. My GF did have a habit of being very flirty with other guys (we'll get back to this later). Then his old FWB was in contact again. I didn't like it at all, but she just told me they're really good friends. And one evening she was drinking with him and some other friends of hers. Well, apparently this guy had been talking a lot of shit about me, trying to make me look really bad. Also tried making out with my GF, and from what I heard from her she didn't answer the gesture. What also made me feel quite bad was that her friend was encouraging her to cheat on me for a few months. Yet my GF kept on hanging out with that friend of hers who wanted my GF to cheat on me. Later on, a few other guys came along. My GF was extremely flirty with them, especially when I wasn't around. All of this I heard from her friends (some of them who are very good friends of mine as well). She denied it all. Thoughts were running through my head, I was wondering if I'm just really too paranoid. I constantly heard about my GF flirting and being intimate with several guys. Anything within the limits of touching genitals or kissing. She kept going on, denying it all. She even did that at her own party when I was just behind one door throwing up in a bucket. She was taking care of me for five minutes. Her friends took care of me for several hours and told me that she's doing it again. This went on with her ex-FWB and some other guys for some time. Then I just had it. She kept hanging out with that ex-FWB of hers really often. He constantly came up with ways to see my GF (they were neighbours, so that gave him the advantage). I knew he wanted sex from her and I mentioned that to my GF. She denied it as well, telling me he just wants to be friends. After a while, I decided that I've had it. I talked to her on the phone, she was hanging out just with him at her place. Of course knowing what he had been trying for many, many months and all the history they've had I just didn't tolerate it. The next day I went to her place, told her that that it's over unless she stops seeing him. She didn't choose me. After the break-up I did a lot of talking with me and my ex-gf's mutual friend, who has been one of my best friend for years now. It was devastating to find out how within minutes of me leaving her place after breaking up with her she went and had sex with that ex-FWB of hers. She also had told her friends she had known what he wanted all along. We were good friends with my ex after the break-up. Still, she lied to my face more than ever. To me, she said we still have a chance to work it out. To her friends, she told the opposite. Then followed the most dick move she could do. She started spreading a rumour to people (we have LOTS of mutual friends) that I had been violent towards her and hit her. I still have no idea how many people believe her, but I've made it clear with lots of people. Then again, she told most of our mutual friends, her family etc. I just can't believe how she could do all that. All that time I thought she would be the love of my life, the perfect girl for me. I loved her with all my heart, shared all of my secrets with her (even one I've never told my parents or anyone else) and did everything to be loyal to her. I still feel that I'm not enough. Not for her, not for anyone. My self-esteem has always been terrible. This has made it so much worse. I've been drinking like fuck every weekend after the break-up and it feels like it's the only thing keeping me going. I have no motivation in anything and I constantly feel paranoid of the fact that people think of me as someone who beats women up. Who'd believe me, anyways? A month after the break-up she also met this guy and a week after meeting him they're together. At first when seeing her at parties and such she went and made out with him right in front of me on purpose and she's still doing that at times. I just don't get the point. Everyone thinks that's awfully done by her as well, seeing how we had quite a long relationship and she just jumps into a new one right away ditching everything I had with her. Didn't feel good either, no.. We sometimes talked about how if we'd break up it'd go on without a fight and we'd stay best friends. I believed in it. What I believed in even more was that I would spend the rest of my life with her. She told me the same things. The best experiences I had ever had were with her. Then she just smashed it all to bits. I feel crushed, reddit. Helpless with all of this. I'm just hoping someone would bother reading my wall of text, maybe relate, maybe have advice for me. If not, at least I have all of this typed out.
Seriously, read the whole thing. But if you really can't be bothered, I started getting paranoid because of my ex, she lied to me a lot and spread rumours that I hit her after the break-up
Dice aren't perfect; the manufacturing process tends to have a lot of flaws, so dice aren't perfectly symmetrical in weight and balance. So it's very possible - in fact, almost certain - that a d20 will "favor" one particular area of its surface due to these irregularities. If the die were sequential, then you could end up with a die that almost always rolled 16-20, or one that almost always rolled 1-4. With non-sequential numbering, if this happens, the numbers "favored" might be 2-7-14-19, which isn't as bad, since it'll still average out (at least, better than a sequential die would). TL;DR - it's a way to ensure against accidentally weighted dice.
Dice aren't perfect; the manufacturing process tends to have a lot of flaws, so dice aren't perfectly symmetrical in weight and balance. So it's very possible - in fact, almost certain - that a d20 will "favor" one particular area of its surface due to these irregularities. If the die were sequential, then you could end up with a die that almost always rolled 16-20, or one that almost always rolled 1-4. With non-sequential numbering, if this happens, the numbers "favored" might be 2-7-14-19, which isn't as bad, since it'll still average out (at least, better than a sequential die would). TL;DR - it's a way to ensure against accidentally weighted dice.
Dice aren't perfect; the manufacturing process tends to have a lot of flaws, so dice aren't perfectly symmetrical in weight and balance. So it's very possible - in fact, almost certain - that a d20 will "favor" one particular area of its surface due to these irregularities. If the die were sequential, then you could end up with a die that almost always rolled 16-20, or one that almost always rolled 1-4. With non-sequential numbering, if this happens, the numbers "favored" might be 2-7-14-19, which isn't as bad, since it'll still average out (at least, better than a sequential die would).
it's a way to ensure against accidentally weighted dice.
As a general rule, if I ever install a fan and it has this backwards or messed up like this, I will adjust the length of the long cord shorter, so that the fan is the shorter cord.. You did know it is very easy to make those cords shorter, right? tl;dr Force the rule, shorten the fan cord damnit.
As a general rule, if I ever install a fan and it has this backwards or messed up like this, I will adjust the length of the long cord shorter, so that the fan is the shorter cord.. You did know it is very easy to make those cords shorter, right? tl;dr Force the rule, shorten the fan cord damnit.
As a general rule, if I ever install a fan and it has this backwards or messed up like this, I will adjust the length of the long cord shorter, so that the fan is the shorter cord.. You did know it is very easy to make those cords shorter, right?
Force the rule, shorten the fan cord damnit.
I moved about 1000 from my family to go to college, and I go back for extended visits during college breaks. I'm leaving on Wednesday to stay with my family for a month. I love my family and I know I'm going to have a good time once I get there, but there is little that I find more stressful than the whole process of leaving here (a place I love and my wonderful friends that are basically a family for most of the year). There is nothing wrong with my family, and at worst I'll be kinda bored for the month, but every time I go back I find myself stressing out, having nightmares, and even crying before I finally leave. And after that, it takes me a couple of days to really recover and be my normal self again. Can anyone relate to this? If so, do you have any insights as to why this keeps happening to me? And most importantly, how can I make this whole experience a happy one instead of one that I dread? Possibly relevant info: I am not scared of airplanes or the actual traveling process, but I have other anxiety problems that are mostly under control. I have Xanax for times when I can't quite keep my anxiety under control, but it doesn't seem to help much for all of this (it helps for other anxiety issues). TLDR: Love my family, but still freak out when I am going home for a while. Empathy, advice, and insight much appreciated.
I moved about 1000 from my family to go to college, and I go back for extended visits during college breaks. I'm leaving on Wednesday to stay with my family for a month. I love my family and I know I'm going to have a good time once I get there, but there is little that I find more stressful than the whole process of leaving here (a place I love and my wonderful friends that are basically a family for most of the year). There is nothing wrong with my family, and at worst I'll be kinda bored for the month, but every time I go back I find myself stressing out, having nightmares, and even crying before I finally leave. And after that, it takes me a couple of days to really recover and be my normal self again. Can anyone relate to this? If so, do you have any insights as to why this keeps happening to me? And most importantly, how can I make this whole experience a happy one instead of one that I dread? Possibly relevant info: I am not scared of airplanes or the actual traveling process, but I have other anxiety problems that are mostly under control. I have Xanax for times when I can't quite keep my anxiety under control, but it doesn't seem to help much for all of this (it helps for other anxiety issues). TLDR: Love my family, but still freak out when I am going home for a while. Empathy, advice, and insight much appreciated.
I moved about 1000 from my family to go to college, and I go back for extended visits during college breaks. I'm leaving on Wednesday to stay with my family for a month. I love my family and I know I'm going to have a good time once I get there, but there is little that I find more stressful than the whole process of leaving here (a place I love and my wonderful friends that are basically a family for most of the year). There is nothing wrong with my family, and at worst I'll be kinda bored for the month, but every time I go back I find myself stressing out, having nightmares, and even crying before I finally leave. And after that, it takes me a couple of days to really recover and be my normal self again. Can anyone relate to this? If so, do you have any insights as to why this keeps happening to me? And most importantly, how can I make this whole experience a happy one instead of one that I dread? Possibly relevant info: I am not scared of airplanes or the actual traveling process, but I have other anxiety problems that are mostly under control. I have Xanax for times when I can't quite keep my anxiety under control, but it doesn't seem to help much for all of this (it helps for other anxiety issues).
Love my family, but still freak out when I am going home for a while. Empathy, advice, and insight much appreciated.
first post: second post: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I talked to her earlier tonight. It was a very, very, VERY mature and well-mannered conversation. We broke up. We both realized that neither of us were happy with the relationship, and that we didn't want to continue hurting each other or treating each other poorly. She claimed she wanted to be single for awhile since she's learned that she's not willing to make the emotional commitment to a relationship, and wanted to sort out her own personal issues. We basically left the conversation as friends, and on good terms. We're back where we started before we started dating, and that's honestly a best-case scenario for both of us. It's like a great big relief. I can finally stop worrying about her for good. **TL:DR- We broke up on good terms. She recognized she was hurting me, and we decided to end the relationship before things got worse**
first post: second post: I talked to her earlier tonight. It was a very, very, VERY mature and well-mannered conversation. We broke up. We both realized that neither of us were happy with the relationship, and that we didn't want to continue hurting each other or treating each other poorly. She claimed she wanted to be single for awhile since she's learned that she's not willing to make the emotional commitment to a relationship, and wanted to sort out her own personal issues. We basically left the conversation as friends, and on good terms. We're back where we started before we started dating, and that's honestly a best-case scenario for both of us. It's like a great big relief. I can finally stop worrying about her for good. TL:DR- We broke up on good terms. She recognized she was hurting me, and we decided to end the relationship before things got worse
first post: second post: I talked to her earlier tonight. It was a very, very, VERY mature and well-mannered conversation. We broke up. We both realized that neither of us were happy with the relationship, and that we didn't want to continue hurting each other or treating each other poorly. She claimed she wanted to be single for awhile since she's learned that she's not willing to make the emotional commitment to a relationship, and wanted to sort out her own personal issues. We basically left the conversation as friends, and on good terms. We're back where we started before we started dating, and that's honestly a best-case scenario for both of us. It's like a great big relief. I can finally stop worrying about her for good.
We broke up on good terms. She recognized she was hurting me, and we decided to end the relationship before things got worse
On a PC, if you hold shift while opening an Access frontend you might bypass the startup routines and be looking at the code. I also wonder what version of MDAC is being used? If what you say is true, I'm speechless. I have only read your tl;dr comment and reply. MSAccess security is laughable and so many Access devs leave huge security holes open into the backend database. EDIT: typos
On a PC, if you hold shift while opening an Access frontend you might bypass the startup routines and be looking at the code. I also wonder what version of MDAC is being used? If what you say is true, I'm speechless. I have only read your tl;dr comment and reply. MSAccess security is laughable and so many Access devs leave huge security holes open into the backend database. EDIT: typos
On a PC, if you hold shift while opening an Access frontend you might bypass the startup routines and be looking at the code. I also wonder what version of MDAC is being used? If what you say is true, I'm speechless. I have only read your
comment and reply. MSAccess security is laughable and so many Access devs leave huge security holes open into the backend database. EDIT: typos
Quite a difficult one. For me it's impossible to pin down a 'BRAVE moment', I cherish so many memories form my time in Brave. Although it's interesting to see how what you appreciate as a player evolves over time. My most endearing memories of Rahadalon are newbie to the core. Getting on my first killmail with a Merlin, seeing my first titan (a PL Avatar) in Nakah, Kill: Motre (Revelation), [Asking if it's worth fitting guns to suicide tackle]( killing our first carrier on undock (a nid I think), going into a WH for the first time and having Andrew Jester lose half the fleet, 'need people on the Mendori gate there's freighter coming through', the RvB war, helping found Brave dojo with Hail Sagan, getting my first T2 ship - a hound - for ratting battleships in curse... the list is endless. These are not things I would wish to repeat, but I enjoyed greatly at the time. In Barleguet I feel that I actually 'learned how to play', with most experiences being something I can relate to today. [The endless POS bashing with LePetite]( the VerminX/Lpops drama, Learning how to FC [(and immediately regretting it)]( discovering the joys of POS reactions with some friends, joining my first social channels (most of which I'm still in today), calling 'Blue ICe is primary' whilst FCing an anti-leadership fleet on Kennick sun, lighting a cyno so that we could kill SNUFF dreads that dropped on NOC's carrier camp, flying an unkillable Scorpion in Megaladon fleets that [still has a top place on my killboard years later]( [getting my first capital ship]( becoming 'space middle class' [via DED sites]( and starting to PLEX my accounts for the first time... Again, not things I would necessarily like to repeat, but are fond memories nonetheless. Sendaya/Catch was different. Aside from the [extremely fun deployment speculation]( I went in smugly ahead of everyone else, personally deploying with a few cap pilots in suitcase carriers half a day before the announcement was made. Which pretty much defined my Catch experience in a nushell. For the first time I was 'at the top' of the corp in terms of experience and SP, newbie frigates roams didn't interest me, they exasperated me. That's not to say Catch wasn't fun, I just felt that the majority of Brave 'ideals' were conflicting with my own. [Skynetting inties in V-3]( [Watching the hilarious conclusion to Fanfest '14 together on comms]( dropping for the first time with Brave caps to help set timers, almost losing my archon as Levi Scutter forgets to bring warp core stabs in his Nid, [becoming the alliance mogul on DED sites]( [enjoying Brave first T2 cruiser fleets]( having some of the most fun I've had in Eve piloting an Onyx in said fleets, etc etc. Of course, [Catch is where I left Brave]( for the reasons I put in that post. I'll always enjoy helping people in Brave Dojo and chatting to friends made during my time in corp, but I just feel that Brave as an alliance is no longer for me. Also fuck that got preachy. Sorry. **tl;dr: The things you enjoy as a wide-eyed newbie are different from the things you enjoy as a grumpy bittervet. o7** **edit:** Perhaps it's better just to leave these two BRAVE videos here. One made a month after I joined, one made just before I left.
Quite a difficult one. For me it's impossible to pin down a 'BRAVE moment', I cherish so many memories form my time in Brave. Although it's interesting to see how what you appreciate as a player evolves over time. My most endearing memories of Rahadalon are newbie to the core. Getting on my first killmail with a Merlin, seeing my first titan (a PL Avatar) in Nakah, Kill: Motre (Revelation), Asking if it's worth fitting guns to suicide tackle , going into a WH for the first time and having Andrew Jester lose half the fleet, 'need people on the Mendori gate there's freighter coming through', the RvB war, helping found Brave dojo with Hail Sagan, getting my first T2 ship - a hound - for ratting battleships in curse... the list is endless. These are not things I would wish to repeat, but I enjoyed greatly at the time. In Barleguet I feel that I actually 'learned how to play', with most experiences being something I can relate to today. The endless POS bashing with LePetite ]( discovering the joys of POS reactions with some friends, joining my first social channels (most of which I'm still in today), calling 'Blue ICe is primary' whilst FCing an anti-leadership fleet on Kennick sun, lighting a cyno so that we could kill SNUFF dreads that dropped on NOC's carrier camp, flying an unkillable Scorpion in Megaladon fleets that [still has a top place on my killboard years later]( [getting my first capital ship]( becoming 'space middle class' [via DED sites]( and starting to PLEX my accounts for the first time... Again, not things I would necessarily like to repeat, but are fond memories nonetheless. Sendaya/Catch was different. Aside from the [extremely fun deployment speculation]( I went in smugly ahead of everyone else, personally deploying with a few cap pilots in suitcase carriers half a day before the announcement was made. Which pretty much defined my Catch experience in a nushell. For the first time I was 'at the top' of the corp in terms of experience and SP, newbie frigates roams didn't interest me, they exasperated me. That's not to say Catch wasn't fun, I just felt that the majority of Brave 'ideals' were conflicting with my own. [Skynetting inties in V-3]( [Watching the hilarious conclusion to Fanfest '14 together on comms]( dropping for the first time with Brave caps to help set timers, almost losing my archon as Levi Scutter forgets to bring warp core stabs in his Nid, [becoming the alliance mogul on DED sites]( [enjoying Brave first T2 cruiser fleets]( having some of the most fun I've had in Eve piloting an Onyx in said fleets, etc etc. Of course, [Catch is where I left Brave]( for the reasons I put in that post. I'll always enjoy helping people in Brave Dojo and chatting to friends made during my time in corp, but I just feel that Brave as an alliance is no longer for me. Also fuck that got preachy. Sorry. tl;dr: The things you enjoy as a wide-eyed newbie are different from the things you enjoy as a grumpy bittervet. o7 edit: Perhaps it's better just to leave these two BRAVE videos here. One made a month after I joined, one made just before I left.
Quite a difficult one. For me it's impossible to pin down a 'BRAVE moment', I cherish so many memories form my time in Brave. Although it's interesting to see how what you appreciate as a player evolves over time. My most endearing memories of Rahadalon are newbie to the core. Getting on my first killmail with a Merlin, seeing my first titan (a PL Avatar) in Nakah, Kill: Motre (Revelation), Asking if it's worth fitting guns to suicide tackle , going into a WH for the first time and having Andrew Jester lose half the fleet, 'need people on the Mendori gate there's freighter coming through', the RvB war, helping found Brave dojo with Hail Sagan, getting my first T2 ship - a hound - for ratting battleships in curse... the list is endless. These are not things I would wish to repeat, but I enjoyed greatly at the time. In Barleguet I feel that I actually 'learned how to play', with most experiences being something I can relate to today. The endless POS bashing with LePetite ]( discovering the joys of POS reactions with some friends, joining my first social channels (most of which I'm still in today), calling 'Blue ICe is primary' whilst FCing an anti-leadership fleet on Kennick sun, lighting a cyno so that we could kill SNUFF dreads that dropped on NOC's carrier camp, flying an unkillable Scorpion in Megaladon fleets that [still has a top place on my killboard years later]( [getting my first capital ship]( becoming 'space middle class' [via DED sites]( and starting to PLEX my accounts for the first time... Again, not things I would necessarily like to repeat, but are fond memories nonetheless. Sendaya/Catch was different. Aside from the [extremely fun deployment speculation]( I went in smugly ahead of everyone else, personally deploying with a few cap pilots in suitcase carriers half a day before the announcement was made. Which pretty much defined my Catch experience in a nushell. For the first time I was 'at the top' of the corp in terms of experience and SP, newbie frigates roams didn't interest me, they exasperated me. That's not to say Catch wasn't fun, I just felt that the majority of Brave 'ideals' were conflicting with my own. [Skynetting inties in V-3]( [Watching the hilarious conclusion to Fanfest '14 together on comms]( dropping for the first time with Brave caps to help set timers, almost losing my archon as Levi Scutter forgets to bring warp core stabs in his Nid, [becoming the alliance mogul on DED sites]( [enjoying Brave first T2 cruiser fleets]( having some of the most fun I've had in Eve piloting an Onyx in said fleets, etc etc. Of course, [Catch is where I left Brave]( for the reasons I put in that post. I'll always enjoy helping people in Brave Dojo and chatting to friends made during my time in corp, but I just feel that Brave as an alliance is no longer for me. Also fuck that got preachy. Sorry.
The things you enjoy as a wide-eyed newbie are different from the things you enjoy as a grumpy bittervet. o7 edit: Perhaps it's better just to leave these two BRAVE videos here. One made a month after I joined, one made just before I left.
Yeah that's what I mean by tried to make small moves that just didn't really pan out like Belanger was great for faceoffs but really hasn't been good enough to be a regular player. Fistric came over and it was debatable how effective he was but also I think he played with Potter and Whitney quite a bit (could be wrong) and neither of those guys are really mobile enough players to cover for a d man that takes risks looking for hits like Fistric does. Mike Brown was a valuable add guys like Eager actually Eager was great when he was playing well and then he showed you why there wasn't a lot of interest in him when he took bad penalties and hurt the team. I guess they could've made some more moves that could've panned out but sometimes opportunities weren't really there like I know some people said ohh why not claim J. Jokinen but he has a relatively big contract and is another left handed C/LW so he wasn't really right for what the needed. Obviously Smithson it's unknown how well he is as a role player at this point but the hardest thing to evaluate with some of the role players is just that the games don't mean anything now. The post trade deadline tank makes it a lot harder to put a negative lens on things, at the deadline this team was in the playoffs/ right on the edge. The good news though is that the forward core is strong and just needs some pieces added but guys like Paajarvi and Gagner really showed their worth this year and made it clear it's not just the big 4 who can be long term contributors to the team. The D prospects there are some guys who should be pretty good players Klefbom and Marincin and then another layer of guys who are further away but might still pan out Musil, Gernat etc. The forwards aren't looking as promising (high end) at least not in the near future but a couple of the kids should compete for jobs next year like Lander and Hartekainen and help round out the bottom 6. TL:DR The team isin't quite as terrible or as barren as it appears, it just wasn't flush enough with prospects to make short term overpayments, especially short term trade deadline price overpayments.
Yeah that's what I mean by tried to make small moves that just didn't really pan out like Belanger was great for faceoffs but really hasn't been good enough to be a regular player. Fistric came over and it was debatable how effective he was but also I think he played with Potter and Whitney quite a bit (could be wrong) and neither of those guys are really mobile enough players to cover for a d man that takes risks looking for hits like Fistric does. Mike Brown was a valuable add guys like Eager actually Eager was great when he was playing well and then he showed you why there wasn't a lot of interest in him when he took bad penalties and hurt the team. I guess they could've made some more moves that could've panned out but sometimes opportunities weren't really there like I know some people said ohh why not claim J. Jokinen but he has a relatively big contract and is another left handed C/LW so he wasn't really right for what the needed. Obviously Smithson it's unknown how well he is as a role player at this point but the hardest thing to evaluate with some of the role players is just that the games don't mean anything now. The post trade deadline tank makes it a lot harder to put a negative lens on things, at the deadline this team was in the playoffs/ right on the edge. The good news though is that the forward core is strong and just needs some pieces added but guys like Paajarvi and Gagner really showed their worth this year and made it clear it's not just the big 4 who can be long term contributors to the team. The D prospects there are some guys who should be pretty good players Klefbom and Marincin and then another layer of guys who are further away but might still pan out Musil, Gernat etc. The forwards aren't looking as promising (high end) at least not in the near future but a couple of the kids should compete for jobs next year like Lander and Hartekainen and help round out the bottom 6. TL:DR The team isin't quite as terrible or as barren as it appears, it just wasn't flush enough with prospects to make short term overpayments, especially short term trade deadline price overpayments.
Yeah that's what I mean by tried to make small moves that just didn't really pan out like Belanger was great for faceoffs but really hasn't been good enough to be a regular player. Fistric came over and it was debatable how effective he was but also I think he played with Potter and Whitney quite a bit (could be wrong) and neither of those guys are really mobile enough players to cover for a d man that takes risks looking for hits like Fistric does. Mike Brown was a valuable add guys like Eager actually Eager was great when he was playing well and then he showed you why there wasn't a lot of interest in him when he took bad penalties and hurt the team. I guess they could've made some more moves that could've panned out but sometimes opportunities weren't really there like I know some people said ohh why not claim J. Jokinen but he has a relatively big contract and is another left handed C/LW so he wasn't really right for what the needed. Obviously Smithson it's unknown how well he is as a role player at this point but the hardest thing to evaluate with some of the role players is just that the games don't mean anything now. The post trade deadline tank makes it a lot harder to put a negative lens on things, at the deadline this team was in the playoffs/ right on the edge. The good news though is that the forward core is strong and just needs some pieces added but guys like Paajarvi and Gagner really showed their worth this year and made it clear it's not just the big 4 who can be long term contributors to the team. The D prospects there are some guys who should be pretty good players Klefbom and Marincin and then another layer of guys who are further away but might still pan out Musil, Gernat etc. The forwards aren't looking as promising (high end) at least not in the near future but a couple of the kids should compete for jobs next year like Lander and Hartekainen and help round out the bottom 6.
The team isin't quite as terrible or as barren as it appears, it just wasn't flush enough with prospects to make short term overpayments, especially short term trade deadline price overpayments.
Hey there cupcake. My name, or at least IGN, is Revickt. I'm here in service of a quickly growing pre-release guild: Forbidden Gambit. With the hopes that there might be one, two or even a few souls who might be interested in joining our family! First and foremost, we are a versatile guild. We have 3 separate, and long time gaming, friends leading 3 separate echelons of the guild: PvE, PvP and RP. We will be choosing the RPvP server, once it's announced as our home. If Carbine does not release a RPvP server we will be settling with RP. Our goal with the multi-tiered guild structure is to give everyone a home where they can do what they enjoy, a guild whom is the jack of all trades and hopefully the master of them too. Everyone is welcome to join us, we have absolutely no preferences and there is for the time being no application process (although this will likely change as we grow and become a prominent raiding/PvPing and RPing guild). Of course, you're probably wondering what makes me think we'll be prominent. Well, we have a core group of members (mostly old friends) who have played competitively in more MMOs than we'd like to list, among other gaming avenues as well. Most of us are crossing over to Wildstar after spending years on WoW, Rift, Aion and even competitive League of Legends and FPS play. So we certainly know the ropes when it comes to this business. Our RPers have certainly been around the block too, many logging countless hours into their stories and characters dating as far back as yahoo chat rooms to Gaia and then of course into the more digitized online universe. Now I'm sure you've heard all this before, and you're probably wondering what we have to offer that let's face it almost any guild in this day and age can. Well, let me get to what is the most exciting thing about Forbidden Gambit... Events! No.. Not just the events any old player gets in Wildstar. We pride ourselves in the creativity of immersing our players deeper into the community and the gaming experience by creating our own fun! Some examples would be cross continent races, PvP hitlists (that you can look into on our forums), extensive RP events spanning in and out of game and much more! Basically, we are here to make the game as fun as we can, Carbine is doing a damn good enough job without our help of course, but we're a group of friendly intelligent people who are looking for like-minded peers to spend our time with in this amazing virtual universe. So you have nothing to lose on this, check out of guild site send in an (instantly approved) application. Find out what fun and friendship you could be missing out on! ----> <---- tl;dr: Honestly for the most part don't bother if you don't care to read the whole post, but if you are an amazing person who wants an amazing guild and just hates reading. Click the above link and see if Forbidden Gambit is the place for you!
Hey there cupcake. My name, or at least IGN, is Revickt. I'm here in service of a quickly growing pre-release guild: Forbidden Gambit. With the hopes that there might be one, two or even a few souls who might be interested in joining our family! First and foremost, we are a versatile guild. We have 3 separate, and long time gaming, friends leading 3 separate echelons of the guild: PvE, PvP and RP. We will be choosing the RPvP server, once it's announced as our home. If Carbine does not release a RPvP server we will be settling with RP. Our goal with the multi-tiered guild structure is to give everyone a home where they can do what they enjoy, a guild whom is the jack of all trades and hopefully the master of them too. Everyone is welcome to join us, we have absolutely no preferences and there is for the time being no application process (although this will likely change as we grow and become a prominent raiding/PvPing and RPing guild). Of course, you're probably wondering what makes me think we'll be prominent. Well, we have a core group of members (mostly old friends) who have played competitively in more MMOs than we'd like to list, among other gaming avenues as well. Most of us are crossing over to Wildstar after spending years on WoW, Rift, Aion and even competitive League of Legends and FPS play. So we certainly know the ropes when it comes to this business. Our RPers have certainly been around the block too, many logging countless hours into their stories and characters dating as far back as yahoo chat rooms to Gaia and then of course into the more digitized online universe. Now I'm sure you've heard all this before, and you're probably wondering what we have to offer that let's face it almost any guild in this day and age can. Well, let me get to what is the most exciting thing about Forbidden Gambit... Events! No.. Not just the events any old player gets in Wildstar. We pride ourselves in the creativity of immersing our players deeper into the community and the gaming experience by creating our own fun! Some examples would be cross continent races, PvP hitlists (that you can look into on our forums), extensive RP events spanning in and out of game and much more! Basically, we are here to make the game as fun as we can, Carbine is doing a damn good enough job without our help of course, but we're a group of friendly intelligent people who are looking for like-minded peers to spend our time with in this amazing virtual universe. So you have nothing to lose on this, check out of guild site send in an (instantly approved) application. Find out what fun and friendship you could be missing out on! ----> <---- tl;dr: Honestly for the most part don't bother if you don't care to read the whole post, but if you are an amazing person who wants an amazing guild and just hates reading. Click the above link and see if Forbidden Gambit is the place for you!
Hey there cupcake. My name, or at least IGN, is Revickt. I'm here in service of a quickly growing pre-release guild: Forbidden Gambit. With the hopes that there might be one, two or even a few souls who might be interested in joining our family! First and foremost, we are a versatile guild. We have 3 separate, and long time gaming, friends leading 3 separate echelons of the guild: PvE, PvP and RP. We will be choosing the RPvP server, once it's announced as our home. If Carbine does not release a RPvP server we will be settling with RP. Our goal with the multi-tiered guild structure is to give everyone a home where they can do what they enjoy, a guild whom is the jack of all trades and hopefully the master of them too. Everyone is welcome to join us, we have absolutely no preferences and there is for the time being no application process (although this will likely change as we grow and become a prominent raiding/PvPing and RPing guild). Of course, you're probably wondering what makes me think we'll be prominent. Well, we have a core group of members (mostly old friends) who have played competitively in more MMOs than we'd like to list, among other gaming avenues as well. Most of us are crossing over to Wildstar after spending years on WoW, Rift, Aion and even competitive League of Legends and FPS play. So we certainly know the ropes when it comes to this business. Our RPers have certainly been around the block too, many logging countless hours into their stories and characters dating as far back as yahoo chat rooms to Gaia and then of course into the more digitized online universe. Now I'm sure you've heard all this before, and you're probably wondering what we have to offer that let's face it almost any guild in this day and age can. Well, let me get to what is the most exciting thing about Forbidden Gambit... Events! No.. Not just the events any old player gets in Wildstar. We pride ourselves in the creativity of immersing our players deeper into the community and the gaming experience by creating our own fun! Some examples would be cross continent races, PvP hitlists (that you can look into on our forums), extensive RP events spanning in and out of game and much more! Basically, we are here to make the game as fun as we can, Carbine is doing a damn good enough job without our help of course, but we're a group of friendly intelligent people who are looking for like-minded peers to spend our time with in this amazing virtual universe. So you have nothing to lose on this, check out of guild site send in an (instantly approved) application. Find out what fun and friendship you could be missing out on! ----> <----
Honestly for the most part don't bother if you don't care to read the whole post, but if you are an amazing person who wants an amazing guild and just hates reading. Click the above link and see if Forbidden Gambit is the place for you!
This happened to me while at nex with a group... We just entered blood phase and i was on 4k hp...suddenly I lost connection, but what? my internet is still up...weird! Oh well i thought, i'll log back in! However, each time i try to i get kicked back to login screen! this went on for 30 minutes (thank god you can bless if they're in lobby!) I restated client, restarted internet, tried chrome...everything... Eventually the problem came down to the soon as the group was disbanded I could log back in and get my stuff. TL;DR Jagex has bad QA
This happened to me while at nex with a group... We just entered blood phase and i was on 4k hp...suddenly I lost connection, but what? my internet is still up...weird! Oh well i thought, i'll log back in! However, each time i try to i get kicked back to login screen! this went on for 30 minutes (thank god you can bless if they're in lobby!) I restated client, restarted internet, tried chrome...everything... Eventually the problem came down to the soon as the group was disbanded I could log back in and get my stuff. TL;DR Jagex has bad QA
This happened to me while at nex with a group... We just entered blood phase and i was on 4k hp...suddenly I lost connection, but what? my internet is still up...weird! Oh well i thought, i'll log back in! However, each time i try to i get kicked back to login screen! this went on for 30 minutes (thank god you can bless if they're in lobby!) I restated client, restarted internet, tried chrome...everything... Eventually the problem came down to the soon as the group was disbanded I could log back in and get my stuff.
Jagex has bad QA
Hi Reddit. I'm in my 2nd Semester of my Freshman year living away from home on Campus. When I first moved out here, I was very outgoing and willing to be friends with everyone I met. I lived on a freshman quad and always introduced myself to whomever new was with my "friends" (acquaintances) in hopes of making another "friend". In class, I had no problem looking over to the person next to me and saying, "Hi, my name is embarassingthroaway. Nice to meet you, how do you like this class, etc. etc." to start conversation which was hopefully followed by another new acquaintance. After highschool, I realized it really didn't matter what people thought of me considering I don't see anyone from my highschool (aside from my close friends who I will talk about later in this post) at all anymore. So I thought I'd try my best to be who I've always wanted to be. Outgoing, friendly, funny, nice, and sarcastic [the thing that makes me, ME. Though, I'm being entirely serious in this post]. Eventually, one of my acquaintances introduced me to my now current girlfriend. I get along with her better than anyone else I've dated before. She understand my sense of humor and gets the way I think. Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with her. Half way through the first semester, though, I was moved to an Upper class man quad on the other side of campus. My new room mate didn't actually sleep here and planned on moving out at the end of the semester. He slept at his girlfriend's place and spent an extremely minimal amount of time, simply studying or just browsing on his computer for a short time, at all in the room. He was a drug dealer, so he was always busy. Seeing how this is an upper class man quad, everyone already has their cliques and friends carved out. There's really no room to knock on my neighbor's door (if they're ever around) and ask them how they're doing. So I found myself spending a lot of time on the computer. Keeping to myself, playing video games with my close friends from highschool, retreating to my highschool state of mind again (Not anti-social, but no drive to be social). I stopped going downtown and partying (mainly to save money) and decided to spend my weekends with my girlfriend. Now, we stay in every weekend and stream a movie, or play video games (she plays a mean street fighter :P). I only really kept in contact with 2 friends from my freshman quad. Nobody else ever texted back, or commented back on facebook, or anything else. So here I am, in the middle of my second semester. I'm sitting in my room with my new drug addict (heh coincidence) room mate that leaves the TV on blast so he can fall asleep at night. I was rummaging through facebook and find that atleast 5 of my "friends" from the first semester unfriended me. And another 5 won't reply to anything I put on their wall. Most of them haven't bothered replying to texts, and it's really out of the way [and awkward] for me to trudge across campus to say "HEY Y U NO BE FRIENDS WITH ME ANYMORE?". With that in mind, I'm having that much more trouble bringing myself to say even "Hi" to the random person next to me in any of my lecture classes. I'm afraid that they'll just ignore me and it'll be pointless anyway. I miss my friends from home. I know I shouldn't limit myself to them, but they relate to me hell of a lot more than anyone of these new people I'm meeting. TL;DR I'm sick of meeting new people and finding out if you move a little ways away, they'll completely ignore you. I'm losing my will to even bother making friends. I just want to keep the ones I have at home. How do I go about fixing this? I've been told you make your best lifetime friends in college.. and here I am having trouble even KEEPING any. How do I make friends reddit?
Hi Reddit. I'm in my 2nd Semester of my Freshman year living away from home on Campus. When I first moved out here, I was very outgoing and willing to be friends with everyone I met. I lived on a freshman quad and always introduced myself to whomever new was with my "friends" (acquaintances) in hopes of making another "friend". In class, I had no problem looking over to the person next to me and saying, "Hi, my name is embarassingthroaway. Nice to meet you, how do you like this class, etc. etc." to start conversation which was hopefully followed by another new acquaintance. After highschool, I realized it really didn't matter what people thought of me considering I don't see anyone from my highschool (aside from my close friends who I will talk about later in this post) at all anymore. So I thought I'd try my best to be who I've always wanted to be. Outgoing, friendly, funny, nice, and sarcastic [the thing that makes me, ME. Though, I'm being entirely serious in this post]. Eventually, one of my acquaintances introduced me to my now current girlfriend. I get along with her better than anyone else I've dated before. She understand my sense of humor and gets the way I think. Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with her. Half way through the first semester, though, I was moved to an Upper class man quad on the other side of campus. My new room mate didn't actually sleep here and planned on moving out at the end of the semester. He slept at his girlfriend's place and spent an extremely minimal amount of time, simply studying or just browsing on his computer for a short time, at all in the room. He was a drug dealer, so he was always busy. Seeing how this is an upper class man quad, everyone already has their cliques and friends carved out. There's really no room to knock on my neighbor's door (if they're ever around) and ask them how they're doing. So I found myself spending a lot of time on the computer. Keeping to myself, playing video games with my close friends from highschool, retreating to my highschool state of mind again (Not anti-social, but no drive to be social). I stopped going downtown and partying (mainly to save money) and decided to spend my weekends with my girlfriend. Now, we stay in every weekend and stream a movie, or play video games (she plays a mean street fighter :P). I only really kept in contact with 2 friends from my freshman quad. Nobody else ever texted back, or commented back on facebook, or anything else. So here I am, in the middle of my second semester. I'm sitting in my room with my new drug addict (heh coincidence) room mate that leaves the TV on blast so he can fall asleep at night. I was rummaging through facebook and find that atleast 5 of my "friends" from the first semester unfriended me. And another 5 won't reply to anything I put on their wall. Most of them haven't bothered replying to texts, and it's really out of the way [and awkward] for me to trudge across campus to say "HEY Y U NO BE FRIENDS WITH ME ANYMORE?". With that in mind, I'm having that much more trouble bringing myself to say even "Hi" to the random person next to me in any of my lecture classes. I'm afraid that they'll just ignore me and it'll be pointless anyway. I miss my friends from home. I know I shouldn't limit myself to them, but they relate to me hell of a lot more than anyone of these new people I'm meeting. TL;DR I'm sick of meeting new people and finding out if you move a little ways away, they'll completely ignore you. I'm losing my will to even bother making friends. I just want to keep the ones I have at home. How do I go about fixing this? I've been told you make your best lifetime friends in college.. and here I am having trouble even KEEPING any. How do I make friends reddit?
Hi Reddit. I'm in my 2nd Semester of my Freshman year living away from home on Campus. When I first moved out here, I was very outgoing and willing to be friends with everyone I met. I lived on a freshman quad and always introduced myself to whomever new was with my "friends" (acquaintances) in hopes of making another "friend". In class, I had no problem looking over to the person next to me and saying, "Hi, my name is embarassingthroaway. Nice to meet you, how do you like this class, etc. etc." to start conversation which was hopefully followed by another new acquaintance. After highschool, I realized it really didn't matter what people thought of me considering I don't see anyone from my highschool (aside from my close friends who I will talk about later in this post) at all anymore. So I thought I'd try my best to be who I've always wanted to be. Outgoing, friendly, funny, nice, and sarcastic [the thing that makes me, ME. Though, I'm being entirely serious in this post]. Eventually, one of my acquaintances introduced me to my now current girlfriend. I get along with her better than anyone else I've dated before. She understand my sense of humor and gets the way I think. Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with her. Half way through the first semester, though, I was moved to an Upper class man quad on the other side of campus. My new room mate didn't actually sleep here and planned on moving out at the end of the semester. He slept at his girlfriend's place and spent an extremely minimal amount of time, simply studying or just browsing on his computer for a short time, at all in the room. He was a drug dealer, so he was always busy. Seeing how this is an upper class man quad, everyone already has their cliques and friends carved out. There's really no room to knock on my neighbor's door (if they're ever around) and ask them how they're doing. So I found myself spending a lot of time on the computer. Keeping to myself, playing video games with my close friends from highschool, retreating to my highschool state of mind again (Not anti-social, but no drive to be social). I stopped going downtown and partying (mainly to save money) and decided to spend my weekends with my girlfriend. Now, we stay in every weekend and stream a movie, or play video games (she plays a mean street fighter :P). I only really kept in contact with 2 friends from my freshman quad. Nobody else ever texted back, or commented back on facebook, or anything else. So here I am, in the middle of my second semester. I'm sitting in my room with my new drug addict (heh coincidence) room mate that leaves the TV on blast so he can fall asleep at night. I was rummaging through facebook and find that atleast 5 of my "friends" from the first semester unfriended me. And another 5 won't reply to anything I put on their wall. Most of them haven't bothered replying to texts, and it's really out of the way [and awkward] for me to trudge across campus to say "HEY Y U NO BE FRIENDS WITH ME ANYMORE?". With that in mind, I'm having that much more trouble bringing myself to say even "Hi" to the random person next to me in any of my lecture classes. I'm afraid that they'll just ignore me and it'll be pointless anyway. I miss my friends from home. I know I shouldn't limit myself to them, but they relate to me hell of a lot more than anyone of these new people I'm meeting.
I'm sick of meeting new people and finding out if you move a little ways away, they'll completely ignore you. I'm losing my will to even bother making friends. I just want to keep the ones I have at home. How do I go about fixing this? I've been told you make your best lifetime friends in college.. and here I am having trouble even KEEPING any. How do I make friends reddit?
A Hat-trick in Cricket is when the bowler (analogous to the Pitcher in Baseball) gets 3 batsmen (batters) out in 3 consecutive attempts. Imagine in baseball if you get out if you receive one strike. Now imagine the pitcher doing that 3 times in a row. In cricket, it's not as simple so just swinging and missing to be considered out. Getting out involves either have a hit ball being caught in mid-air by a fielder, having the 3 wickets that you are protecting get hit, and there are a couple of other technical ways of getting out. Furthermore, in cricket, each team (11 players) only gets one inning to bat and to field. So, losing 3 batsmen in this fashion is really terrible for your team. TL;DR: Hat-tricks (3-kill streak) are extremely difficult to perform in cricket
A Hat-trick in Cricket is when the bowler (analogous to the Pitcher in Baseball) gets 3 batsmen (batters) out in 3 consecutive attempts. Imagine in baseball if you get out if you receive one strike. Now imagine the pitcher doing that 3 times in a row. In cricket, it's not as simple so just swinging and missing to be considered out. Getting out involves either have a hit ball being caught in mid-air by a fielder, having the 3 wickets that you are protecting get hit, and there are a couple of other technical ways of getting out. Furthermore, in cricket, each team (11 players) only gets one inning to bat and to field. So, losing 3 batsmen in this fashion is really terrible for your team. TL;DR: Hat-tricks (3-kill streak) are extremely difficult to perform in cricket
A Hat-trick in Cricket is when the bowler (analogous to the Pitcher in Baseball) gets 3 batsmen (batters) out in 3 consecutive attempts. Imagine in baseball if you get out if you receive one strike. Now imagine the pitcher doing that 3 times in a row. In cricket, it's not as simple so just swinging and missing to be considered out. Getting out involves either have a hit ball being caught in mid-air by a fielder, having the 3 wickets that you are protecting get hit, and there are a couple of other technical ways of getting out. Furthermore, in cricket, each team (11 players) only gets one inning to bat and to field. So, losing 3 batsmen in this fashion is really terrible for your team.
Hat-tricks (3-kill streak) are extremely difficult to perform in cricket
My boyfriend and I are going to relocate next year, and I'm considering applying to UMASS Boston. We would loooove to live there, but I'm concerned that the cost of living would be even more expensive than the place we live now (Boone, NC, if anyone has heard of it. Typical mountainous resort area). I have only been in Boston for a total of maybe 7 hrs while I was waiting for a flight, so I have no idea about location of boroughs, the school, or anything really. Okay, what we are looking for is a 2BR, dog friendly apartment for maybe 800-850, but no more than that. It doesn't need to be in town, but I'd like for it to be somewhere that I don't have to use my car to get to class if at all possible. Do you guys have any ideas of apartment/house leads I can follow? Also an idea of the general cost of living for a couple of college students? TL;DR: need a dog friendly apartment or house somewhere near UMASS for 800-850/month. In town or out of town, doesn't matter.
My boyfriend and I are going to relocate next year, and I'm considering applying to UMASS Boston. We would loooove to live there, but I'm concerned that the cost of living would be even more expensive than the place we live now (Boone, NC, if anyone has heard of it. Typical mountainous resort area). I have only been in Boston for a total of maybe 7 hrs while I was waiting for a flight, so I have no idea about location of boroughs, the school, or anything really. Okay, what we are looking for is a 2BR, dog friendly apartment for maybe 800-850, but no more than that. It doesn't need to be in town, but I'd like for it to be somewhere that I don't have to use my car to get to class if at all possible. Do you guys have any ideas of apartment/house leads I can follow? Also an idea of the general cost of living for a couple of college students? TL;DR: need a dog friendly apartment or house somewhere near UMASS for 800-850/month. In town or out of town, doesn't matter.
My boyfriend and I are going to relocate next year, and I'm considering applying to UMASS Boston. We would loooove to live there, but I'm concerned that the cost of living would be even more expensive than the place we live now (Boone, NC, if anyone has heard of it. Typical mountainous resort area). I have only been in Boston for a total of maybe 7 hrs while I was waiting for a flight, so I have no idea about location of boroughs, the school, or anything really. Okay, what we are looking for is a 2BR, dog friendly apartment for maybe 800-850, but no more than that. It doesn't need to be in town, but I'd like for it to be somewhere that I don't have to use my car to get to class if at all possible. Do you guys have any ideas of apartment/house leads I can follow? Also an idea of the general cost of living for a couple of college students?
need a dog friendly apartment or house somewhere near UMASS for 800-850/month. In town or out of town, doesn't matter.
I see alot of friends and fellow blades getting bitter with women and my heart weeps. Don't be bitter, just brush it off as the amusing and silly girls who will run in and out of your life. I have had women completely ignore my texts over a week so i just let it lie, maybe send them invites to large events i may go to (nothing personal strictly copy-paste) over a few months. Just chill on it and talk to other women and otherwise occupy my time. A couple months later hit them up with game possibly improved, see whats good, smash. Not 100% but i'd give it 30% odds. Don't miss out on good pussy guys. A woman's idle emotional whims are nothing to get upset over. TL:DR; you read the fucking title, P.S. My grammar sucks.
I see alot of friends and fellow blades getting bitter with women and my heart weeps. Don't be bitter, just brush it off as the amusing and silly girls who will run in and out of your life. I have had women completely ignore my texts over a week so i just let it lie, maybe send them invites to large events i may go to (nothing personal strictly copy-paste) over a few months. Just chill on it and talk to other women and otherwise occupy my time. A couple months later hit them up with game possibly improved, see whats good, smash. Not 100% but i'd give it 30% odds. Don't miss out on good pussy guys. A woman's idle emotional whims are nothing to get upset over. TL:DR; you read the fucking title, P.S. My grammar sucks.
I see alot of friends and fellow blades getting bitter with women and my heart weeps. Don't be bitter, just brush it off as the amusing and silly girls who will run in and out of your life. I have had women completely ignore my texts over a week so i just let it lie, maybe send them invites to large events i may go to (nothing personal strictly copy-paste) over a few months. Just chill on it and talk to other women and otherwise occupy my time. A couple months later hit them up with game possibly improved, see whats good, smash. Not 100% but i'd give it 30% odds. Don't miss out on good pussy guys. A woman's idle emotional whims are nothing to get upset over.
you read the fucking title, P.S. My grammar sucks.
# App: [**One Today**]( by Google. *Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem*, *Assalaamu 'Alaikum, Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakaatuh*, I want to share an Android app that I've been using for a long time, and it is very beneficial in this life, and even more in the after life. It is called [**One Today**]( by Google. I've been wanting to share this for a long time. It is an app where you can spend on projects around the world that go to making the world a better place, including feeding the hungry, building schools, creating jobs, increasing education, etc. One of the common projects I see is helping Syrian refugees! Google says in the description: &gt; See how one deed today leads to a better tomorrow. Get a real-world photo, short story, and simple explanation of what your dollars actually make better. Choose from a number of causes, browse new projects, and get inspired by others' generosity. Let me give you some examples of how this will be beneficial. Allaah says: &gt; #فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ &gt; **So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].** - [Soorat Ad-Duhaa \(93:9\)]( And Allaah also says about the orphan: &gt; # فَأَمَّا الْإِنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَنَعَّمَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَكْرَمَنِ وَأَمَّا إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَهَانَنِ كَلَّا ۖ بَل لَّا تُكْرِمُونَ الْيَتِيمَ وَلَا تَحَاضُّونَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ &gt; **And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me." But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me." No! But you do not honor the orphan And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor.** - [Soorat Al-Fajr \(89:18-15\)]( Here, Allaah is telling us the reason why we are tested and restricted of good from Allaah. Here is how One Today helps: **Vocational Training for Orphans** Project: &gt; Vocations training provides orphans with marketable skills they will need to live productive and marketable skills they will need to live productive and healthy lives when they leave the orphanage. The most common challenge is finding qualified instructors and obtaining trade certification which dramatically improves their chances of finding a job. We will start 6 vocational training programs each year at orphanages in Central America. And $2.7K was raised for $2,788 hours of vocational training. (I think it's really $1 = 1 hour of vocational training). This projects links to See: [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( The **Feed a hungry child** project: &gt; We give unprivileged kids attending elementary school in Hyderabad, India the opportunity to focus more in their education by providing healthy school lunches. See [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( - **Syrian Refugees** One Today has projects supporting the refugees from Syria: **Relief for Syrian Refugees** &gt; $549 raised so far means 274 days of food for refugee families. See: [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( **Syrian Emergency Shelter Voucher Aid** &gt; $862 raised so far means 34 Shelter vouchers See [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( **Keep Syrian Refugees Safe During Crisis** &gt; $431 raised so far means 14 Emergency aid vouchers. See: [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( They Also say: &gt; More than 500,000 Syrian refugees fled Hungary to escape war zones and in the process 50 people died while crossing the sea into France and Greece. - &gt; Community Empowerment Programs, Inc provides travel and shelter assistance to Syrian refugees by working wih the United Nations and the European government to ensure that displaces families with children and individuals receive critical travel, food, and transportation services upon entering European and United States countries. Since October 2015 we have provided 33 vouchers. See: [\[1\]]( **Syrian Refugees in Kurdistan** Project They say: &gt; Global Hope Network International is providing immediate relief for families in Kurdistan who fleeing the violence in Iraq and Syria. Tents, food, and wellness kits are distributed each week to families seeing safe harbor. Each kit contains food, water, wellness needs and each family is provided a tent and blankets. See: [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( [\[3\]]( **And One Today Supports Animals** **Save the Florida Panther [*]( They say: &gt; Only 180 Florida panthers remain in the wild. heir current habitat is simply too small and fragmented to help the panther population rebound. See: [\[1\]]( [\[2\]]( And they say: &gt; $15 means 600 sq ft of protected panther habitat. **TL;DR**: Click "View Images" by Reddit Enhancement Suite.
App: [ One Today ]( by Google. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem , Assalaamu 'Alaikum, Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakaatuh , I want to share an Android app that I've been using for a long time, and it is very beneficial in this life, and even more in the after life. It is called [ One Today ]( by Google. I've been wanting to share this for a long time. It is an app where you can spend on projects around the world that go to making the world a better place, including feeding the hungry, building schools, creating jobs, increasing education, etc. One of the common projects I see is helping Syrian refugees! Google says in the description: > See how one deed today leads to a better tomorrow. Get a real-world photo, short story, and simple explanation of what your dollars actually make better. Choose from a number of causes, browse new projects, and get inspired by others' generosity. Let me give you some examples of how this will be beneficial. Allaah says: > #فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ > So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]. - [Soorat Ad-Duhaa (93:9)]( And Allaah also says about the orphan: > # فَأَمَّا الْإِنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَنَعَّمَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَكْرَمَنِ وَأَمَّا إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَهَانَنِ كَلَّا ۖ بَل لَّا تُكْرِمُونَ الْيَتِيمَ وَلَا تَحَاضُّونَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ > And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me." But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me." No! But you do not honor the orphan And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor. - [Soorat Al-Fajr (89:18-15)]( Here, Allaah is telling us the reason why we are tested and restricted of good from Allaah. Here is how One Today helps: Vocational Training for Orphans Project: > Vocations training provides orphans with marketable skills they will need to live productive and marketable skills they will need to live productive and healthy lives when they leave the orphanage. The most common challenge is finding qualified instructors and obtaining trade certification which dramatically improves their chances of finding a job. We will start 6 vocational training programs each year at orphanages in Central America. And $2.7K was raised for $2,788 hours of vocational training. (I think it's really $1 = 1 hour of vocational training). This projects links to See: [[1]]( [[2]]( The Feed a hungry child project: > We give unprivileged kids attending elementary school in Hyderabad, India the opportunity to focus more in their education by providing healthy school lunches. See [[1]]( [[2]]( - Syrian Refugees One Today has projects supporting the refugees from Syria: Relief for Syrian Refugees > $549 raised so far means 274 days of food for refugee families. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( Syrian Emergency Shelter Voucher Aid > $862 raised so far means 34 Shelter vouchers See [[1]]( [[2]]( Keep Syrian Refugees Safe During Crisis > $431 raised so far means 14 Emergency aid vouchers. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( They Also say: > More than 500,000 Syrian refugees fled Hungary to escape war zones and in the process 50 people died while crossing the sea into France and Greece. - > Community Empowerment Programs, Inc provides travel and shelter assistance to Syrian refugees by working wih the United Nations and the European government to ensure that displaces families with children and individuals receive critical travel, food, and transportation services upon entering European and United States countries. Since October 2015 we have provided 33 vouchers. See: [[1]]( Syrian Refugees in Kurdistan Project They say: > Global Hope Network International is providing immediate relief for families in Kurdistan who fleeing the violence in Iraq and Syria. Tents, food, and wellness kits are distributed each week to families seeing safe harbor. Each kit contains food, water, wellness needs and each family is provided a tent and blankets. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( [[3]]( And One Today Supports Animals * Save the Florida Panther [ ]( They say: > Only 180 Florida panthers remain in the wild. heir current habitat is simply too small and fragmented to help the panther population rebound. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( And they say: > $15 means 600 sq ft of protected panther habitat. TL;DR : Click "View Images" by Reddit Enhancement Suite.
App: [ One Today ]( by Google. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem , Assalaamu 'Alaikum, Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakaatuh , I want to share an Android app that I've been using for a long time, and it is very beneficial in this life, and even more in the after life. It is called [ One Today ]( by Google. I've been wanting to share this for a long time. It is an app where you can spend on projects around the world that go to making the world a better place, including feeding the hungry, building schools, creating jobs, increasing education, etc. One of the common projects I see is helping Syrian refugees! Google says in the description: > See how one deed today leads to a better tomorrow. Get a real-world photo, short story, and simple explanation of what your dollars actually make better. Choose from a number of causes, browse new projects, and get inspired by others' generosity. Let me give you some examples of how this will be beneficial. Allaah says: > #فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ > So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]. - [Soorat Ad-Duhaa (93:9)]( And Allaah also says about the orphan: > # فَأَمَّا الْإِنسَانُ إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَأَكْرَمَهُ وَنَعَّمَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَكْرَمَنِ وَأَمَّا إِذَا مَا ابْتَلَاهُ فَقَدَرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقَهُ فَيَقُولُ رَبِّي أَهَانَنِ كَلَّا ۖ بَل لَّا تُكْرِمُونَ الْيَتِيمَ وَلَا تَحَاضُّونَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ > And as for man, when his Lord tries him and [thus] is generous to him and favors him, he says, "My Lord has honored me." But when He tries him and restricts his provision, he says, "My Lord has humiliated me." No! But you do not honor the orphan And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor. - [Soorat Al-Fajr (89:18-15)]( Here, Allaah is telling us the reason why we are tested and restricted of good from Allaah. Here is how One Today helps: Vocational Training for Orphans Project: > Vocations training provides orphans with marketable skills they will need to live productive and marketable skills they will need to live productive and healthy lives when they leave the orphanage. The most common challenge is finding qualified instructors and obtaining trade certification which dramatically improves their chances of finding a job. We will start 6 vocational training programs each year at orphanages in Central America. And $2.7K was raised for $2,788 hours of vocational training. (I think it's really $1 = 1 hour of vocational training). This projects links to See: [[1]]( [[2]]( The Feed a hungry child project: > We give unprivileged kids attending elementary school in Hyderabad, India the opportunity to focus more in their education by providing healthy school lunches. See [[1]]( [[2]]( - Syrian Refugees One Today has projects supporting the refugees from Syria: Relief for Syrian Refugees > $549 raised so far means 274 days of food for refugee families. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( Syrian Emergency Shelter Voucher Aid > $862 raised so far means 34 Shelter vouchers See [[1]]( [[2]]( Keep Syrian Refugees Safe During Crisis > $431 raised so far means 14 Emergency aid vouchers. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( They Also say: > More than 500,000 Syrian refugees fled Hungary to escape war zones and in the process 50 people died while crossing the sea into France and Greece. - > Community Empowerment Programs, Inc provides travel and shelter assistance to Syrian refugees by working wih the United Nations and the European government to ensure that displaces families with children and individuals receive critical travel, food, and transportation services upon entering European and United States countries. Since October 2015 we have provided 33 vouchers. See: [[1]]( Syrian Refugees in Kurdistan Project They say: > Global Hope Network International is providing immediate relief for families in Kurdistan who fleeing the violence in Iraq and Syria. Tents, food, and wellness kits are distributed each week to families seeing safe harbor. Each kit contains food, water, wellness needs and each family is provided a tent and blankets. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( [[3]]( And One Today Supports Animals * Save the Florida Panther [ ]( They say: > Only 180 Florida panthers remain in the wild. heir current habitat is simply too small and fragmented to help the panther population rebound. See: [[1]]( [[2]]( And they say: > $15 means 600 sq ft of protected panther habitat.
Click "View Images" by Reddit Enhancement Suite.
Hello their I'm righting this at 1:00 am so I'm counting on you Australia. I got a 2011 wolfshark deck from my local skate shop around 3 weeks ago and will be getting the rest of the parts soon I have already defied on bear 840 trucks and bone reds bearing with spacers. However my local shop has 2 wheels that I really like in my price range butter balls(beaver bloods) and cult centrifuge. I really want to learn how to slide and was wondering what wheels would be the best for learning. I have heard really good reviews for both and each have some cons like the butter balls wearing to fast or the cults being unpredictable. Please help me. TL;DR best wheel for sliding, butter balls or cult centrifuge
Hello their I'm righting this at 1:00 am so I'm counting on you Australia. I got a 2011 wolfshark deck from my local skate shop around 3 weeks ago and will be getting the rest of the parts soon I have already defied on bear 840 trucks and bone reds bearing with spacers. However my local shop has 2 wheels that I really like in my price range butter balls(beaver bloods) and cult centrifuge. I really want to learn how to slide and was wondering what wheels would be the best for learning. I have heard really good reviews for both and each have some cons like the butter balls wearing to fast or the cults being unpredictable. Please help me. TL;DR best wheel for sliding, butter balls or cult centrifuge
Hello their I'm righting this at 1:00 am so I'm counting on you Australia. I got a 2011 wolfshark deck from my local skate shop around 3 weeks ago and will be getting the rest of the parts soon I have already defied on bear 840 trucks and bone reds bearing with spacers. However my local shop has 2 wheels that I really like in my price range butter balls(beaver bloods) and cult centrifuge. I really want to learn how to slide and was wondering what wheels would be the best for learning. I have heard really good reviews for both and each have some cons like the butter balls wearing to fast or the cults being unpredictable. Please help me.
best wheel for sliding, butter balls or cult centrifuge
With the death of the big NZB providers, and the increase in availability of content on streaming services, has anyone ever considered ditching their Usenet/Hard Drive system to opt for a streaming system (Roku, ATV etc)? Given that the cost of one decent usenet subscription plus, say, 3 decent sources is roughly the equivalent of subscribing to two streaming services (netflix &amp; crunchyroll would be my choices). FYI: I'm in the UK **tl;dr: Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones versus Netflix/Crunchyroll/Spotify: FIGHT**
With the death of the big NZB providers, and the increase in availability of content on streaming services, has anyone ever considered ditching their Usenet/Hard Drive system to opt for a streaming system (Roku, ATV etc)? Given that the cost of one decent usenet subscription plus, say, 3 decent sources is roughly the equivalent of subscribing to two streaming services (netflix & crunchyroll would be my choices). FYI: I'm in the UK tl;dr: Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones versus Netflix/Crunchyroll/Spotify: FIGHT
With the death of the big NZB providers, and the increase in availability of content on streaming services, has anyone ever considered ditching their Usenet/Hard Drive system to opt for a streaming system (Roku, ATV etc)? Given that the cost of one decent usenet subscription plus, say, 3 decent sources is roughly the equivalent of subscribing to two streaming services (netflix & crunchyroll would be my choices). FYI: I'm in the UK
Sickbeard/Couchpotato/Headphones versus Netflix/Crunchyroll/Spotify: FIGHT
Totally agree 100% but I will give daily upvotes for a year to anyone who can find any retail company of Walgreen's size who doesn't have someone who has been there for 18+ years who doesn't abuse some privilege the company gives. Again, I totally think this is shitty of Walgreens and personally think they have many more issues than a single $1.39 bag of chips and this single instance. My injection was simply we don't have enough details and blasting away at Walgreens really solves nothing. I speak with my wallet and I choose not to shop at Walgreens. TL;DR - injects legitimate question downvote this bastard
Totally agree 100% but I will give daily upvotes for a year to anyone who can find any retail company of Walgreen's size who doesn't have someone who has been there for 18+ years who doesn't abuse some privilege the company gives. Again, I totally think this is shitty of Walgreens and personally think they have many more issues than a single $1.39 bag of chips and this single instance. My injection was simply we don't have enough details and blasting away at Walgreens really solves nothing. I speak with my wallet and I choose not to shop at Walgreens. TL;DR - injects legitimate question downvote this bastard
Totally agree 100% but I will give daily upvotes for a year to anyone who can find any retail company of Walgreen's size who doesn't have someone who has been there for 18+ years who doesn't abuse some privilege the company gives. Again, I totally think this is shitty of Walgreens and personally think they have many more issues than a single $1.39 bag of chips and this single instance. My injection was simply we don't have enough details and blasting away at Walgreens really solves nothing. I speak with my wallet and I choose not to shop at Walgreens.
injects legitimate question downvote this bastard
Right, that's my main question - has it been shown to be as such. But anyway, I gave further thought to what you posted that received downvotes and I don't see anything "wrong" with it, it was certainly moderate. But you can be moderate and still have people disagree with you, which is what seemed to happen. Whether you want to say, "well we are mostly white guys here, why the hate?" or not, it is irrelevant if people disagree with you. You won't find agreement simply because you are white and likely so are they. TL;DR People will agree or disagree with you on affirmative action whether they are white like you or not. By the way, about the figures you put up there. 9% of a population controlling 60% of the wealth, holy shit that's skewed. They need AA more than anything honestly.
Right, that's my main question - has it been shown to be as such. But anyway, I gave further thought to what you posted that received downvotes and I don't see anything "wrong" with it, it was certainly moderate. But you can be moderate and still have people disagree with you, which is what seemed to happen. Whether you want to say, "well we are mostly white guys here, why the hate?" or not, it is irrelevant if people disagree with you. You won't find agreement simply because you are white and likely so are they. TL;DR People will agree or disagree with you on affirmative action whether they are white like you or not. By the way, about the figures you put up there. 9% of a population controlling 60% of the wealth, holy shit that's skewed. They need AA more than anything honestly.
Right, that's my main question - has it been shown to be as such. But anyway, I gave further thought to what you posted that received downvotes and I don't see anything "wrong" with it, it was certainly moderate. But you can be moderate and still have people disagree with you, which is what seemed to happen. Whether you want to say, "well we are mostly white guys here, why the hate?" or not, it is irrelevant if people disagree with you. You won't find agreement simply because you are white and likely so are they.
People will agree or disagree with you on affirmative action whether they are white like you or not. By the way, about the figures you put up there. 9% of a population controlling 60% of the wealth, holy shit that's skewed. They need AA more than anything honestly.
This condition is known as a goiter. It is caused from a dificency in iodine in the diet. The thyroid glad swells up like this because iodine is an essential part to the thyroxine hormone. With out iodine to bind to the precurser it accumulates in large amounts and causes this condition. TLDR; Iodine is part of a hormone. Without it the precursor of thyroxine builds up. Source: pharmacy major at Albany College of Pharmacy
This condition is known as a goiter. It is caused from a dificency in iodine in the diet. The thyroid glad swells up like this because iodine is an essential part to the thyroxine hormone. With out iodine to bind to the precurser it accumulates in large amounts and causes this condition. TLDR; Iodine is part of a hormone. Without it the precursor of thyroxine builds up. Source: pharmacy major at Albany College of Pharmacy
This condition is known as a goiter. It is caused from a dificency in iodine in the diet. The thyroid glad swells up like this because iodine is an essential part to the thyroxine hormone. With out iodine to bind to the precurser it accumulates in large amounts and causes this condition.
Iodine is part of a hormone. Without it the precursor of thyroxine builds up. Source: pharmacy major at Albany College of Pharmacy
so today I experienced a really peculiar advancement where the male that started speaking to me was so very thirsty and this made me laugh and take advantage of the situation. (conversation): him: hey love me: huloooo him: how are u me: I'm alright. And yourself? him: im good. could only be better with u lol &lt;3 me: hahaha what? me: you know that i am actually a transvestite right? me: i doubt your penis is bigger than mine -__- him: lmfao no your nottttt me: i actually am him: funny cause i know your not me: can't you see it like, in my face? me: most people can him: lmfao your tripping me: If I wasnt such a lady I would send you a picture of my crotch. But that's sooooooooo last year. him: lmfao ur nuts him: your too sexy to be a he she lol him: literally nuts lol me: well it's good to know the drugs are working if you can't tell the difference. him: i hope this is a sick me: it was only two days ago that when i got hit on at the club the guy realized soon after :/ him: ur stupiddddddddddddd me: well that's a bit insulting. him: ur crazyyyy lol me: still a bit insulting him: ur over here saying u have a dick and saying your stupid is insulting? lol me: yeah how is me saying the truth insulting? him: ur sick in the head lol me: i am sorry that me telling the truth about myself so there is no confusion makes you think that i am sick in the head. him: prove it me: and how do you suppose i do that? him: u can't lol nvm this is getting weird. i am out. him: idk u tell me lol me: uhm there is only one way and it is weird because i don't want to just show you my dick... me: it is people like you who make the world such a shit place for people like me him: lol ur nuts, i was just looking at ur pics. ur lyingggg me: really? you can't tell im transsexual from looking at my photos? that's the point. OMG him: prove it lol him: this is probably one of your friends fucking with ur fb lmao me: not going to throw my dick out on public to some man i have never met. him: yuck ur crazy him: get at me when you stop playing jokes me: well that is the only way to prove it man. him: so prove it then lol me: thats disgusting! him: i know ur lyinggggggggg me: you want me to throw my dick out to someone over the net that i have never met :/ him: would you let met lick your pussy? me: haven't got one remember? me: unless it is your sly way of saying you would like to...y'know him: no no him: if ur a she man never write to me again lol. me: okay no problems ^_^ him: ur right i can kinda tell from ur face. ur gross me: not what everyone is in to i guess. Laters :D him: ur going to hell. me: apparently. but then again so are a lot of people who have pre marital sex and smoke weed and masturbate... him: seriously prove it to me. i dont believe u me: i dont want to be a slut and show you my genitals as we have never met and or been on a date. Also i have a bf who happens to love me for who I am. him: yuck -deletes me from facebook- TLDR; some man tried to flirt with me on facebook, i pranked/mindfucked him by saying im a transsexual, he was a thirst ass hoe and his thirst was real.
so today I experienced a really peculiar advancement where the male that started speaking to me was so very thirsty and this made me laugh and take advantage of the situation. (conversation): him: hey love me: huloooo him: how are u me: I'm alright. And yourself? him: im good. could only be better with u lol <3 me: hahaha what? me: you know that i am actually a transvestite right? me: i doubt your penis is bigger than mine -__- him: lmfao no your nottttt me: i actually am him: funny cause i know your not me: can't you see it like, in my face? me: most people can him: lmfao your tripping me: If I wasnt such a lady I would send you a picture of my crotch. But that's sooooooooo last year. him: lmfao ur nuts him: your too sexy to be a he she lol him: literally nuts lol me: well it's good to know the drugs are working if you can't tell the difference. him: i hope this is a sick me: it was only two days ago that when i got hit on at the club the guy realized soon after :/ him: ur stupiddddddddddddd me: well that's a bit insulting. him: ur crazyyyy lol me: still a bit insulting him: ur over here saying u have a dick and saying your stupid is insulting? lol me: yeah how is me saying the truth insulting? him: ur sick in the head lol me: i am sorry that me telling the truth about myself so there is no confusion makes you think that i am sick in the head. him: prove it me: and how do you suppose i do that? him: u can't lol nvm this is getting weird. i am out. him: idk u tell me lol me: uhm there is only one way and it is weird because i don't want to just show you my dick... me: it is people like you who make the world such a shit place for people like me him: lol ur nuts, i was just looking at ur pics. ur lyingggg me: really? you can't tell im transsexual from looking at my photos? that's the point. OMG him: prove it lol him: this is probably one of your friends fucking with ur fb lmao me: not going to throw my dick out on public to some man i have never met. him: yuck ur crazy him: get at me when you stop playing jokes me: well that is the only way to prove it man. him: so prove it then lol me: thats disgusting! him: i know ur lyinggggggggg me: you want me to throw my dick out to someone over the net that i have never met :/ him: would you let met lick your pussy? me: haven't got one remember? me: unless it is your sly way of saying you would like to...y'know him: no no him: if ur a she man never write to me again lol. me: okay no problems ^_^ him: ur right i can kinda tell from ur face. ur gross me: not what everyone is in to i guess. Laters :D him: ur going to hell. me: apparently. but then again so are a lot of people who have pre marital sex and smoke weed and masturbate... him: seriously prove it to me. i dont believe u me: i dont want to be a slut and show you my genitals as we have never met and or been on a date. Also i have a bf who happens to love me for who I am. him: yuck -deletes me from facebook- TLDR; some man tried to flirt with me on facebook, i pranked/mindfucked him by saying im a transsexual, he was a thirst ass hoe and his thirst was real.
so today I experienced a really peculiar advancement where the male that started speaking to me was so very thirsty and this made me laugh and take advantage of the situation. (conversation): him: hey love me: huloooo him: how are u me: I'm alright. And yourself? him: im good. could only be better with u lol <3 me: hahaha what? me: you know that i am actually a transvestite right? me: i doubt your penis is bigger than mine -__- him: lmfao no your nottttt me: i actually am him: funny cause i know your not me: can't you see it like, in my face? me: most people can him: lmfao your tripping me: If I wasnt such a lady I would send you a picture of my crotch. But that's sooooooooo last year. him: lmfao ur nuts him: your too sexy to be a he she lol him: literally nuts lol me: well it's good to know the drugs are working if you can't tell the difference. him: i hope this is a sick me: it was only two days ago that when i got hit on at the club the guy realized soon after :/ him: ur stupiddddddddddddd me: well that's a bit insulting. him: ur crazyyyy lol me: still a bit insulting him: ur over here saying u have a dick and saying your stupid is insulting? lol me: yeah how is me saying the truth insulting? him: ur sick in the head lol me: i am sorry that me telling the truth about myself so there is no confusion makes you think that i am sick in the head. him: prove it me: and how do you suppose i do that? him: u can't lol nvm this is getting weird. i am out. him: idk u tell me lol me: uhm there is only one way and it is weird because i don't want to just show you my dick... me: it is people like you who make the world such a shit place for people like me him: lol ur nuts, i was just looking at ur pics. ur lyingggg me: really? you can't tell im transsexual from looking at my photos? that's the point. OMG him: prove it lol him: this is probably one of your friends fucking with ur fb lmao me: not going to throw my dick out on public to some man i have never met. him: yuck ur crazy him: get at me when you stop playing jokes me: well that is the only way to prove it man. him: so prove it then lol me: thats disgusting! him: i know ur lyinggggggggg me: you want me to throw my dick out to someone over the net that i have never met :/ him: would you let met lick your pussy? me: haven't got one remember? me: unless it is your sly way of saying you would like to...y'know him: no no him: if ur a she man never write to me again lol. me: okay no problems ^_^ him: ur right i can kinda tell from ur face. ur gross me: not what everyone is in to i guess. Laters :D him: ur going to hell. me: apparently. but then again so are a lot of people who have pre marital sex and smoke weed and masturbate... him: seriously prove it to me. i dont believe u me: i dont want to be a slut and show you my genitals as we have never met and or been on a date. Also i have a bf who happens to love me for who I am. him: yuck -deletes me from facebook-
some man tried to flirt with me on facebook, i pranked/mindfucked him by saying im a transsexual, he was a thirst ass hoe and his thirst was real.
My aunt once complained to her doctor about extreme abdominal pain and had it dismissed as menstrual cramps. Only when the pain did not subside for months did the doctor agree to do a scan, when it was discovered that she had several malignant tumors in her uterus and ovaries. After surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries, she complained about a new severe abdominal pain, which was dismissed as her being a wimp about the pain. Only after she insisted (about a month after surgery) did the doctors agree to check on it, and they found that they had nicked her colon during surgery. Needless to say, the excrement that had leaked from her colon and caused a severe infection in one of her kidneys, her spleen, her appendix, part of her liver, and a pretty large portion of her intestines. All of the infected parts were removed. Basically, if you were to cut open her abdomen today, it's pretty much empty of everything but the bare necessities for survival. All of the surgeries and infections could have been avoided by doctors simply taking the time to address their patient's concerns and not just dismiss them as whining. TL;DR: just because you have a medical degree doesn't mean you get to arbitrarily dismiss a patient's concerns. I understand that it's a waste of time and money to test every patient for every disease just because they're complaining about abdominal pain or some other vague symptom, but if the patient is insistent, it isn't *that* much effort for you to run a test every once in a while.
My aunt once complained to her doctor about extreme abdominal pain and had it dismissed as menstrual cramps. Only when the pain did not subside for months did the doctor agree to do a scan, when it was discovered that she had several malignant tumors in her uterus and ovaries. After surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries, she complained about a new severe abdominal pain, which was dismissed as her being a wimp about the pain. Only after she insisted (about a month after surgery) did the doctors agree to check on it, and they found that they had nicked her colon during surgery. Needless to say, the excrement that had leaked from her colon and caused a severe infection in one of her kidneys, her spleen, her appendix, part of her liver, and a pretty large portion of her intestines. All of the infected parts were removed. Basically, if you were to cut open her abdomen today, it's pretty much empty of everything but the bare necessities for survival. All of the surgeries and infections could have been avoided by doctors simply taking the time to address their patient's concerns and not just dismiss them as whining. TL;DR: just because you have a medical degree doesn't mean you get to arbitrarily dismiss a patient's concerns. I understand that it's a waste of time and money to test every patient for every disease just because they're complaining about abdominal pain or some other vague symptom, but if the patient is insistent, it isn't that much effort for you to run a test every once in a while.
My aunt once complained to her doctor about extreme abdominal pain and had it dismissed as menstrual cramps. Only when the pain did not subside for months did the doctor agree to do a scan, when it was discovered that she had several malignant tumors in her uterus and ovaries. After surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries, she complained about a new severe abdominal pain, which was dismissed as her being a wimp about the pain. Only after she insisted (about a month after surgery) did the doctors agree to check on it, and they found that they had nicked her colon during surgery. Needless to say, the excrement that had leaked from her colon and caused a severe infection in one of her kidneys, her spleen, her appendix, part of her liver, and a pretty large portion of her intestines. All of the infected parts were removed. Basically, if you were to cut open her abdomen today, it's pretty much empty of everything but the bare necessities for survival. All of the surgeries and infections could have been avoided by doctors simply taking the time to address their patient's concerns and not just dismiss them as whining.
just because you have a medical degree doesn't mean you get to arbitrarily dismiss a patient's concerns. I understand that it's a waste of time and money to test every patient for every disease just because they're complaining about abdominal pain or some other vague symptom, but if the patient is insistent, it isn't that much effort for you to run a test every once in a while.
A lot of you requested an update to my [original post]( The majority of you suggested that I speak to Brooke and/or attempt to walk in on the act. I decided on doing both. Sunday night everyone was back in the apartment. I had every intention of speaking to Brooke about the neighbor's comment alone, but before I could she said something that completely threw my theory off. She told Derek to get to bed so he wouldn't be tired for work in the morning. What. I knew Derek has a job on campus, but he had always worked the same night shifts. Being as casual as possible, I inquired how long he'd been working mornings and when he started. He said he picked up the extra shifts a month ago and worked at 9. (I leave at 7:45 so it's possible for me not to have noticed that). I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out whether he was lying about that, whether still he had some mornings here at home, whether Alexis could be seeing someone other than Derek in the mornings (like some of you suggested) or (again) if I was just a paranoid loser. I went to bed feeling emotionally drained and confused. The next morning I left for classes as usual and operated on autopilot. I alternated between thinking I'd run home to check on Alexis and thinking I had way too much work to run around based on a theory that I wasn't even sure about anymore. In the end, I walked out of my first class and straight to my car to go home. In a weird way, I sort of wish I hadn't. When I got to the apartment Derek's car wasn't there, just Alexis'. I walked to the apartment with my heart pounding all sorts of crazy. I don't know what I was expecting. Outside the apartment door I could immediately here a guy's voice inside. I heard him talking and laughing and a soft feminine mumble replying and giggling back. I've been on this subreddit long enough to see all the different reactions people have to this situation. I never once contemplated what I'd do. I pressed my ear to the door and see if I could make out what they were saying, but I could only make out a word here and there. There was a lot of giggling. Then, I heard the sound of Alexis being tickled and shrieking. Maybe I should've waited more. In retrospect I wish I did, but I couldn't take it. As soon as I started fiddling with my keys, it was dead silence in there. She was fucking Mark. I never mentioned Mark in the previous post but he's one the guys in the apartment next to us (**not** the one that tipped me off). He's the only one I never liked. Fucking know-it-all douchebag attitude. Always made inappropriate comments towards both girls. Never thought anything of it. As soon as I opened the door, they both gave me a deer-in-headlights look that removed any naiive doubt I may have retained that the situation was innocent. I was planning on yelling at them or demanded answers, but (and this is fucking embarrassing) my eyes began to well with tears. I didn't want them to see that shit. So I said "Nice. Real fucking nice." and bolted back to my car. I heard Alexis yelling my name in the hallway and picked up the pace. I sort of expected her to be chasing me but by the time I got to the car there was no one following me. I drove to a park that's near the apartment and sat there in disbelief. My first thought, weirdly enough was *How is my family going to take this? What the hell am I going to tell them?* My family fucking loved Alexis. They joked about our wedding and regularly called her part of the family. Then I started thinking about living arrangements. Our finals end in about two weeks, there's no way I can handle moving now. I'm applying to an extremely competitive graduate program and I can't let anything get in the way of that. Definitely not this cheating bitch. I'm writing this from a friend's house. I explained the situation, he explained it to his parents and they welcomed me to stay in their home. I'm going to have to go back home to get some clothes sometime. I'm planning on going during this lab period I know Alexis can't skip tomorrow. It took her an hour or so to start blowing up my phone, but once she did it didn't stop. She started off asking me to come home so she could explain. Before I even had the chance to respond she sent another one begging me to come back because she was having an anxiety attack, something I always help her through. Maybe I'm heartless, but all I could think was *good, you earned it*. There was a pause and then she sent "I don't know why you get so jealous, we were just hanging out." I waited. She sent "Look, I know it looks super sketchy, believe me if I were you I'd think the same thing, but we didn't do anything. He needed advice on his girl problems. You have to believe me." No, no I don't. Normally I would have gotten a weird sense of satisfaction watching a cheater scramble to cover their ass, but my stupid brain just kept replaying all these great times we had together and wondering if she was cheating then too. I want to know when this started, but at the same time I'm worried it's been going on for longer than the month I've suspected something. I received a text later that night from a number I didn't recognize. It was the nice dude from next door. He said (paraphrasing because it was a long text) that he got my number from Derek. He was extremely sorry for what I was going through and that he would have told me sooner but he wasn't completely sure. He said he knew his friend was seeing a girl with a boyfriend, but didn't put it together until he learned the girl's name. As many of you suspected, the comment was him trying to tip me off. So yeah, I guess he's bro of the year. I don't think Derek and Brooke know yet. I haven't texted them. I haven't found the words. I know it's going to turn our living arrangement and friendships upside down. I guess I should message them before Alexis paints a different picture. I wonder what the cool neighbor said when he asked for my number. I don't think he told them, the would have said something... Right? Unless they took her side. Then I've lost my girlfriend *and* friends. Any advice on coping with something like this, especially from those who have been there before, please let me know. I don't have many friends to reach out to besides the guy I'm staying with. Alexis, Brooke and Derek were basically my family. Alexis and I had talked about spending our lives together. I have never been serious about a girl the way I was with her. **EDIT:** I am seriously moved by the amount of support you guys are giving me here. Please keep them coming, I may not reply to all the comments but I've read each one on both posts. I'm going to tell Derek and Brooke soon. I'll try to do a follow up when I have some sort of plan. --- **TL;DR** She was cheating, but it wasn't with Derek. I'm shattered.
A lot of you requested an update to my [original post]( The majority of you suggested that I speak to Brooke and/or attempt to walk in on the act. I decided on doing both. Sunday night everyone was back in the apartment. I had every intention of speaking to Brooke about the neighbor's comment alone, but before I could she said something that completely threw my theory off. She told Derek to get to bed so he wouldn't be tired for work in the morning. What. I knew Derek has a job on campus, but he had always worked the same night shifts. Being as casual as possible, I inquired how long he'd been working mornings and when he started. He said he picked up the extra shifts a month ago and worked at 9. (I leave at 7:45 so it's possible for me not to have noticed that). I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out whether he was lying about that, whether still he had some mornings here at home, whether Alexis could be seeing someone other than Derek in the mornings (like some of you suggested) or (again) if I was just a paranoid loser. I went to bed feeling emotionally drained and confused. The next morning I left for classes as usual and operated on autopilot. I alternated between thinking I'd run home to check on Alexis and thinking I had way too much work to run around based on a theory that I wasn't even sure about anymore. In the end, I walked out of my first class and straight to my car to go home. In a weird way, I sort of wish I hadn't. When I got to the apartment Derek's car wasn't there, just Alexis'. I walked to the apartment with my heart pounding all sorts of crazy. I don't know what I was expecting. Outside the apartment door I could immediately here a guy's voice inside. I heard him talking and laughing and a soft feminine mumble replying and giggling back. I've been on this subreddit long enough to see all the different reactions people have to this situation. I never once contemplated what I'd do. I pressed my ear to the door and see if I could make out what they were saying, but I could only make out a word here and there. There was a lot of giggling. Then, I heard the sound of Alexis being tickled and shrieking. Maybe I should've waited more. In retrospect I wish I did, but I couldn't take it. As soon as I started fiddling with my keys, it was dead silence in there. She was fucking Mark. I never mentioned Mark in the previous post but he's one the guys in the apartment next to us ( not the one that tipped me off). He's the only one I never liked. Fucking know-it-all douchebag attitude. Always made inappropriate comments towards both girls. Never thought anything of it. As soon as I opened the door, they both gave me a deer-in-headlights look that removed any naiive doubt I may have retained that the situation was innocent. I was planning on yelling at them or demanded answers, but (and this is fucking embarrassing) my eyes began to well with tears. I didn't want them to see that shit. So I said "Nice. Real fucking nice." and bolted back to my car. I heard Alexis yelling my name in the hallway and picked up the pace. I sort of expected her to be chasing me but by the time I got to the car there was no one following me. I drove to a park that's near the apartment and sat there in disbelief. My first thought, weirdly enough was How is my family going to take this? What the hell am I going to tell them? My family fucking loved Alexis. They joked about our wedding and regularly called her part of the family. Then I started thinking about living arrangements. Our finals end in about two weeks, there's no way I can handle moving now. I'm applying to an extremely competitive graduate program and I can't let anything get in the way of that. Definitely not this cheating bitch. I'm writing this from a friend's house. I explained the situation, he explained it to his parents and they welcomed me to stay in their home. I'm going to have to go back home to get some clothes sometime. I'm planning on going during this lab period I know Alexis can't skip tomorrow. It took her an hour or so to start blowing up my phone, but once she did it didn't stop. She started off asking me to come home so she could explain. Before I even had the chance to respond she sent another one begging me to come back because she was having an anxiety attack, something I always help her through. Maybe I'm heartless, but all I could think was good, you earned it . There was a pause and then she sent "I don't know why you get so jealous, we were just hanging out." I waited. She sent "Look, I know it looks super sketchy, believe me if I were you I'd think the same thing, but we didn't do anything. He needed advice on his girl problems. You have to believe me." No, no I don't. Normally I would have gotten a weird sense of satisfaction watching a cheater scramble to cover their ass, but my stupid brain just kept replaying all these great times we had together and wondering if she was cheating then too. I want to know when this started, but at the same time I'm worried it's been going on for longer than the month I've suspected something. I received a text later that night from a number I didn't recognize. It was the nice dude from next door. He said (paraphrasing because it was a long text) that he got my number from Derek. He was extremely sorry for what I was going through and that he would have told me sooner but he wasn't completely sure. He said he knew his friend was seeing a girl with a boyfriend, but didn't put it together until he learned the girl's name. As many of you suspected, the comment was him trying to tip me off. So yeah, I guess he's bro of the year. I don't think Derek and Brooke know yet. I haven't texted them. I haven't found the words. I know it's going to turn our living arrangement and friendships upside down. I guess I should message them before Alexis paints a different picture. I wonder what the cool neighbor said when he asked for my number. I don't think he told them, the would have said something... Right? Unless they took her side. Then I've lost my girlfriend and friends. Any advice on coping with something like this, especially from those who have been there before, please let me know. I don't have many friends to reach out to besides the guy I'm staying with. Alexis, Brooke and Derek were basically my family. Alexis and I had talked about spending our lives together. I have never been serious about a girl the way I was with her. EDIT: I am seriously moved by the amount of support you guys are giving me here. Please keep them coming, I may not reply to all the comments but I've read each one on both posts. I'm going to tell Derek and Brooke soon. I'll try to do a follow up when I have some sort of plan. TL;DR She was cheating, but it wasn't with Derek. I'm shattered.
A lot of you requested an update to my [original post]( The majority of you suggested that I speak to Brooke and/or attempt to walk in on the act. I decided on doing both. Sunday night everyone was back in the apartment. I had every intention of speaking to Brooke about the neighbor's comment alone, but before I could she said something that completely threw my theory off. She told Derek to get to bed so he wouldn't be tired for work in the morning. What. I knew Derek has a job on campus, but he had always worked the same night shifts. Being as casual as possible, I inquired how long he'd been working mornings and when he started. He said he picked up the extra shifts a month ago and worked at 9. (I leave at 7:45 so it's possible for me not to have noticed that). I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out whether he was lying about that, whether still he had some mornings here at home, whether Alexis could be seeing someone other than Derek in the mornings (like some of you suggested) or (again) if I was just a paranoid loser. I went to bed feeling emotionally drained and confused. The next morning I left for classes as usual and operated on autopilot. I alternated between thinking I'd run home to check on Alexis and thinking I had way too much work to run around based on a theory that I wasn't even sure about anymore. In the end, I walked out of my first class and straight to my car to go home. In a weird way, I sort of wish I hadn't. When I got to the apartment Derek's car wasn't there, just Alexis'. I walked to the apartment with my heart pounding all sorts of crazy. I don't know what I was expecting. Outside the apartment door I could immediately here a guy's voice inside. I heard him talking and laughing and a soft feminine mumble replying and giggling back. I've been on this subreddit long enough to see all the different reactions people have to this situation. I never once contemplated what I'd do. I pressed my ear to the door and see if I could make out what they were saying, but I could only make out a word here and there. There was a lot of giggling. Then, I heard the sound of Alexis being tickled and shrieking. Maybe I should've waited more. In retrospect I wish I did, but I couldn't take it. As soon as I started fiddling with my keys, it was dead silence in there. She was fucking Mark. I never mentioned Mark in the previous post but he's one the guys in the apartment next to us ( not the one that tipped me off). He's the only one I never liked. Fucking know-it-all douchebag attitude. Always made inappropriate comments towards both girls. Never thought anything of it. As soon as I opened the door, they both gave me a deer-in-headlights look that removed any naiive doubt I may have retained that the situation was innocent. I was planning on yelling at them or demanded answers, but (and this is fucking embarrassing) my eyes began to well with tears. I didn't want them to see that shit. So I said "Nice. Real fucking nice." and bolted back to my car. I heard Alexis yelling my name in the hallway and picked up the pace. I sort of expected her to be chasing me but by the time I got to the car there was no one following me. I drove to a park that's near the apartment and sat there in disbelief. My first thought, weirdly enough was How is my family going to take this? What the hell am I going to tell them? My family fucking loved Alexis. They joked about our wedding and regularly called her part of the family. Then I started thinking about living arrangements. Our finals end in about two weeks, there's no way I can handle moving now. I'm applying to an extremely competitive graduate program and I can't let anything get in the way of that. Definitely not this cheating bitch. I'm writing this from a friend's house. I explained the situation, he explained it to his parents and they welcomed me to stay in their home. I'm going to have to go back home to get some clothes sometime. I'm planning on going during this lab period I know Alexis can't skip tomorrow. It took her an hour or so to start blowing up my phone, but once she did it didn't stop. She started off asking me to come home so she could explain. Before I even had the chance to respond she sent another one begging me to come back because she was having an anxiety attack, something I always help her through. Maybe I'm heartless, but all I could think was good, you earned it . There was a pause and then she sent "I don't know why you get so jealous, we were just hanging out." I waited. She sent "Look, I know it looks super sketchy, believe me if I were you I'd think the same thing, but we didn't do anything. He needed advice on his girl problems. You have to believe me." No, no I don't. Normally I would have gotten a weird sense of satisfaction watching a cheater scramble to cover their ass, but my stupid brain just kept replaying all these great times we had together and wondering if she was cheating then too. I want to know when this started, but at the same time I'm worried it's been going on for longer than the month I've suspected something. I received a text later that night from a number I didn't recognize. It was the nice dude from next door. He said (paraphrasing because it was a long text) that he got my number from Derek. He was extremely sorry for what I was going through and that he would have told me sooner but he wasn't completely sure. He said he knew his friend was seeing a girl with a boyfriend, but didn't put it together until he learned the girl's name. As many of you suspected, the comment was him trying to tip me off. So yeah, I guess he's bro of the year. I don't think Derek and Brooke know yet. I haven't texted them. I haven't found the words. I know it's going to turn our living arrangement and friendships upside down. I guess I should message them before Alexis paints a different picture. I wonder what the cool neighbor said when he asked for my number. I don't think he told them, the would have said something... Right? Unless they took her side. Then I've lost my girlfriend and friends. Any advice on coping with something like this, especially from those who have been there before, please let me know. I don't have many friends to reach out to besides the guy I'm staying with. Alexis, Brooke and Derek were basically my family. Alexis and I had talked about spending our lives together. I have never been serious about a girl the way I was with her. EDIT: I am seriously moved by the amount of support you guys are giving me here. Please keep them coming, I may not reply to all the comments but I've read each one on both posts. I'm going to tell Derek and Brooke soon. I'll try to do a follow up when I have some sort of plan.
She was cheating, but it wasn't with Derek. I'm shattered.
It's one of those things in life you don't what how you are going to react. My father passed away after a complicated brain surgery from which he never regained consciousness again up until the day he died, 10 days later. It was a very difficult emotional rollercoaster, because in addition to it, my brother was hospitalized because of a thrombosis he had on the brain. After three weeks of treatment my brother was discharged and the doctors are very optimistic that he is going to recover 98, 100%. The very day he was discharged he arrived at the wake for my father and stayed for a couple of hours. Look, I don't want to victimize myself or being pitied upon. I didn't know wakes could be so complicated and it is all a big blur in my mind, people coming and going... I remember I introduced her to an uncle she never met before and so far, she knew everyone. Then she went missing, she said she went outside with the family of a friend of mine, but I didn't saw her again until she asked if it would be alright if she went home. I said sure and later, she called me almost weeping to tell me she felt neglected and not part of the family because I didn't introduce her to other people. I didn't knew what to say except "sorry", but of course, that wasn't enough, se wanted to know her exact place in our relationship, yes, right there on the phone and me still in the wake. I had to go outside to listen to her claims. The next day, my father's remains were cremated and she was there. To tell the truth, I was distant from her most of the time, I know I did, I was angry at her. We took the ashes to the family crypt and she was there and I was distant too. Later that day, she apologized, but I am still hurt, I am still angry that during the most difficult day of my life, she was as important if not more important that what was happening to me. And after I told here this, she said it wasn't fair because she said sorry. And she still claims that I was rude to her and didn't give her her place as my partner. Now I want to dump her, say we are not right for each other (I'm not saying I am perfect, far from it, but I am trying to be honest, but with all this emotion I don't know if I am) and let's move on, but my therapist says I shouldn't rush into making decisions in my emotional state. I think my therapist is right, but it's difficult to live like this for me right now. Am I being too sensitive? too unforgiving? Thanks Reddit So, TL;DR My father passed away 10 days ago. On the day of the funeral she called me on the phone to ask why I didn't introduced her to family and friends. I'm very angry, want to dump her, am I being too sensitive?
It's one of those things in life you don't what how you are going to react. My father passed away after a complicated brain surgery from which he never regained consciousness again up until the day he died, 10 days later. It was a very difficult emotional rollercoaster, because in addition to it, my brother was hospitalized because of a thrombosis he had on the brain. After three weeks of treatment my brother was discharged and the doctors are very optimistic that he is going to recover 98, 100%. The very day he was discharged he arrived at the wake for my father and stayed for a couple of hours. Look, I don't want to victimize myself or being pitied upon. I didn't know wakes could be so complicated and it is all a big blur in my mind, people coming and going... I remember I introduced her to an uncle she never met before and so far, she knew everyone. Then she went missing, she said she went outside with the family of a friend of mine, but I didn't saw her again until she asked if it would be alright if she went home. I said sure and later, she called me almost weeping to tell me she felt neglected and not part of the family because I didn't introduce her to other people. I didn't knew what to say except "sorry", but of course, that wasn't enough, se wanted to know her exact place in our relationship, yes, right there on the phone and me still in the wake. I had to go outside to listen to her claims. The next day, my father's remains were cremated and she was there. To tell the truth, I was distant from her most of the time, I know I did, I was angry at her. We took the ashes to the family crypt and she was there and I was distant too. Later that day, she apologized, but I am still hurt, I am still angry that during the most difficult day of my life, she was as important if not more important that what was happening to me. And after I told here this, she said it wasn't fair because she said sorry. And she still claims that I was rude to her and didn't give her her place as my partner. Now I want to dump her, say we are not right for each other (I'm not saying I am perfect, far from it, but I am trying to be honest, but with all this emotion I don't know if I am) and let's move on, but my therapist says I shouldn't rush into making decisions in my emotional state. I think my therapist is right, but it's difficult to live like this for me right now. Am I being too sensitive? too unforgiving? Thanks Reddit So, TL;DR My father passed away 10 days ago. On the day of the funeral she called me on the phone to ask why I didn't introduced her to family and friends. I'm very angry, want to dump her, am I being too sensitive?
It's one of those things in life you don't what how you are going to react. My father passed away after a complicated brain surgery from which he never regained consciousness again up until the day he died, 10 days later. It was a very difficult emotional rollercoaster, because in addition to it, my brother was hospitalized because of a thrombosis he had on the brain. After three weeks of treatment my brother was discharged and the doctors are very optimistic that he is going to recover 98, 100%. The very day he was discharged he arrived at the wake for my father and stayed for a couple of hours. Look, I don't want to victimize myself or being pitied upon. I didn't know wakes could be so complicated and it is all a big blur in my mind, people coming and going... I remember I introduced her to an uncle she never met before and so far, she knew everyone. Then she went missing, she said she went outside with the family of a friend of mine, but I didn't saw her again until she asked if it would be alright if she went home. I said sure and later, she called me almost weeping to tell me she felt neglected and not part of the family because I didn't introduce her to other people. I didn't knew what to say except "sorry", but of course, that wasn't enough, se wanted to know her exact place in our relationship, yes, right there on the phone and me still in the wake. I had to go outside to listen to her claims. The next day, my father's remains were cremated and she was there. To tell the truth, I was distant from her most of the time, I know I did, I was angry at her. We took the ashes to the family crypt and she was there and I was distant too. Later that day, she apologized, but I am still hurt, I am still angry that during the most difficult day of my life, she was as important if not more important that what was happening to me. And after I told here this, she said it wasn't fair because she said sorry. And she still claims that I was rude to her and didn't give her her place as my partner. Now I want to dump her, say we are not right for each other (I'm not saying I am perfect, far from it, but I am trying to be honest, but with all this emotion I don't know if I am) and let's move on, but my therapist says I shouldn't rush into making decisions in my emotional state. I think my therapist is right, but it's difficult to live like this for me right now. Am I being too sensitive? too unforgiving? Thanks Reddit So,
My father passed away 10 days ago. On the day of the funeral she called me on the phone to ask why I didn't introduced her to family and friends. I'm very angry, want to dump her, am I being too sensitive?
My parents met at grad school in North Carolina. At this point they weren't dating yet, just good friends. (My dad was one of the few success stories from being friendzoned) My mom's best friend back in China who also came to America for grad school constantly called her to gush about a guy she met that was incredibly charming, handsome, etc. My mom encouraged her to admit her feelings to him. One night my mom was studying with my dad and he got a phone call from his best friend from back home who was extremely excited about his secret crush that he's been doting on for awhile admitted she had feelings for him. Turns out, the guy my mom's best friend was in love with was my dad's best friend. Soon after, my parents started dating and happily went on double dates with their best friends. tl;dr. my parents and their best friends left their country, went to separate schools, out of thousands of student met each other, dated, and married.
My parents met at grad school in North Carolina. At this point they weren't dating yet, just good friends. (My dad was one of the few success stories from being friendzoned) My mom's best friend back in China who also came to America for grad school constantly called her to gush about a guy she met that was incredibly charming, handsome, etc. My mom encouraged her to admit her feelings to him. One night my mom was studying with my dad and he got a phone call from his best friend from back home who was extremely excited about his secret crush that he's been doting on for awhile admitted she had feelings for him. Turns out, the guy my mom's best friend was in love with was my dad's best friend. Soon after, my parents started dating and happily went on double dates with their best friends. tl;dr. my parents and their best friends left their country, went to separate schools, out of thousands of student met each other, dated, and married.
My parents met at grad school in North Carolina. At this point they weren't dating yet, just good friends. (My dad was one of the few success stories from being friendzoned) My mom's best friend back in China who also came to America for grad school constantly called her to gush about a guy she met that was incredibly charming, handsome, etc. My mom encouraged her to admit her feelings to him. One night my mom was studying with my dad and he got a phone call from his best friend from back home who was extremely excited about his secret crush that he's been doting on for awhile admitted she had feelings for him. Turns out, the guy my mom's best friend was in love with was my dad's best friend. Soon after, my parents started dating and happily went on double dates with their best friends.
my parents and their best friends left their country, went to separate schools, out of thousands of student met each other, dated, and married.
So, I'll try to keep this short. I met this girl online (read: tinder) and everything was awesome. Chatted a lot, went out two days in a row then she went away for a week to visit family. Queue a week of chatting sporadically and I offered to pick her up from the airport. Pick her up, and take her home and on the way she asks me if I want to stay (wasn't expecting that). So I stay and yeah... Anyway. Chatting away and there was some questions which we both answered one of which was 'has anyone ever asked you to marry them' so I answered truthfully that I had been engaged (long story) and she went funny on me. Told me that chatting had to slow down and that we could only talk every so often. I asked her if she wanted to meet up and she said maybe then said no at the last minute. Fair enough. No biggie. She then says that maybe we should stop talking so we do. I'm a bit confused at this point, we're both adults, the past is the past. So I get a snapchat from her the other day and I reply. We start chatting again and I mentioned that we had plans for next Friday. She seems to be completely up for still seeing me so now I'm even more perplexed! WTH is going on here. I like her quite a bit. She has very similar humour to me and everything is easy if that makes sense. TL;DR - Girl is playing me hot and cold, going from not talking to me to wanting to see me.
So, I'll try to keep this short. I met this girl online (read: tinder) and everything was awesome. Chatted a lot, went out two days in a row then she went away for a week to visit family. Queue a week of chatting sporadically and I offered to pick her up from the airport. Pick her up, and take her home and on the way she asks me if I want to stay (wasn't expecting that). So I stay and yeah... Anyway. Chatting away and there was some questions which we both answered one of which was 'has anyone ever asked you to marry them' so I answered truthfully that I had been engaged (long story) and she went funny on me. Told me that chatting had to slow down and that we could only talk every so often. I asked her if she wanted to meet up and she said maybe then said no at the last minute. Fair enough. No biggie. She then says that maybe we should stop talking so we do. I'm a bit confused at this point, we're both adults, the past is the past. So I get a snapchat from her the other day and I reply. We start chatting again and I mentioned that we had plans for next Friday. She seems to be completely up for still seeing me so now I'm even more perplexed! WTH is going on here. I like her quite a bit. She has very similar humour to me and everything is easy if that makes sense. TL;DR - Girl is playing me hot and cold, going from not talking to me to wanting to see me.
So, I'll try to keep this short. I met this girl online (read: tinder) and everything was awesome. Chatted a lot, went out two days in a row then she went away for a week to visit family. Queue a week of chatting sporadically and I offered to pick her up from the airport. Pick her up, and take her home and on the way she asks me if I want to stay (wasn't expecting that). So I stay and yeah... Anyway. Chatting away and there was some questions which we both answered one of which was 'has anyone ever asked you to marry them' so I answered truthfully that I had been engaged (long story) and she went funny on me. Told me that chatting had to slow down and that we could only talk every so often. I asked her if she wanted to meet up and she said maybe then said no at the last minute. Fair enough. No biggie. She then says that maybe we should stop talking so we do. I'm a bit confused at this point, we're both adults, the past is the past. So I get a snapchat from her the other day and I reply. We start chatting again and I mentioned that we had plans for next Friday. She seems to be completely up for still seeing me so now I'm even more perplexed! WTH is going on here. I like her quite a bit. She has very similar humour to me and everything is easy if that makes sense.
Girl is playing me hot and cold, going from not talking to me to wanting to see me.
It's not quite that simple. I was a press secretary to a congressman, so let me clarify a bit about how this works. The press has the duty to inform the public, and my job was to facilitate their role and make our operations as transparent as possible, while also providing, in a timely manner, whatever additional information they might request. That does not, however, mean that we invite members of the press to sit in on our daily staff meetings. That would certainly be the most efficient way of conveying information to the press from their point of view, but it would be far too disruptive to us to ever consider doing things that way. The security concerns alone would make such a prospect highly unlikely, if for no other reason than that there are a lot of angry people out there who would very much like to know exactly when and where they can catch the congressman at a vulnerable moment. There is a balance which all reporters must strike, with getting the story at one end of the spectrum, and pissing off their contacts at the other end. For example, if a reporter needs something from me and they are on a deadline, the appropriate way to handle that is to request the information as early as possible while letting me know when their deadline is so I can endeavor to fulfill their request when they need it. This is usually done over the office phone, through email, or, in some cases, if I trust the reporter not to harass me, I may give them my personal cell phone number. The wrong way to handle it would be to follow me into the cafeteria and nag me about it while I'm trying to eat lunch (someone actually did that, and no, we had not scheduled a lunch meeting). On occasion, I would have access to information that will be a big scoop to whomever reports it first. When that time comes, who do you think I will call? It certainly won't be the reporter who harassed me while I was trying to catch the only break I was going to get that day. Was that reporter within their rights? Of course. Did they get the information they requested? Absolutely. Am I going to do that person any favors outside the scope of my job? Never. I was a reporter once, and I understand perfectly well that Ms. Totenberg was doing her due diligence. She is very good at her job; one of the best. But if she sneaks into one of our meetings, it's disruptive to us, and she will be asked to leave. She absolutely did the right thing by asking volunteers to call her later, and if I had been in that meeting, I would have obliged her request if for no other reason than admiration for the sheer chutzpah it must have taken for her to just walk in like that. Like I said, there's a balance, and good reporters know how to stay on the side of it that grants them the greatest access. TL;DR: We aren't playing favorites or withholding anything from the public, but special access is only granted to those who we can trust not to abuse it. If I ever did let a reporter sit in on one of our staff meetings, which is definitely a privileged level of access above and beyond what is required for public disclosure, I have to know that they won't broadcast the congressman's daily schedule to the entire world.
It's not quite that simple. I was a press secretary to a congressman, so let me clarify a bit about how this works. The press has the duty to inform the public, and my job was to facilitate their role and make our operations as transparent as possible, while also providing, in a timely manner, whatever additional information they might request. That does not, however, mean that we invite members of the press to sit in on our daily staff meetings. That would certainly be the most efficient way of conveying information to the press from their point of view, but it would be far too disruptive to us to ever consider doing things that way. The security concerns alone would make such a prospect highly unlikely, if for no other reason than that there are a lot of angry people out there who would very much like to know exactly when and where they can catch the congressman at a vulnerable moment. There is a balance which all reporters must strike, with getting the story at one end of the spectrum, and pissing off their contacts at the other end. For example, if a reporter needs something from me and they are on a deadline, the appropriate way to handle that is to request the information as early as possible while letting me know when their deadline is so I can endeavor to fulfill their request when they need it. This is usually done over the office phone, through email, or, in some cases, if I trust the reporter not to harass me, I may give them my personal cell phone number. The wrong way to handle it would be to follow me into the cafeteria and nag me about it while I'm trying to eat lunch (someone actually did that, and no, we had not scheduled a lunch meeting). On occasion, I would have access to information that will be a big scoop to whomever reports it first. When that time comes, who do you think I will call? It certainly won't be the reporter who harassed me while I was trying to catch the only break I was going to get that day. Was that reporter within their rights? Of course. Did they get the information they requested? Absolutely. Am I going to do that person any favors outside the scope of my job? Never. I was a reporter once, and I understand perfectly well that Ms. Totenberg was doing her due diligence. She is very good at her job; one of the best. But if she sneaks into one of our meetings, it's disruptive to us, and she will be asked to leave. She absolutely did the right thing by asking volunteers to call her later, and if I had been in that meeting, I would have obliged her request if for no other reason than admiration for the sheer chutzpah it must have taken for her to just walk in like that. Like I said, there's a balance, and good reporters know how to stay on the side of it that grants them the greatest access. TL;DR: We aren't playing favorites or withholding anything from the public, but special access is only granted to those who we can trust not to abuse it. If I ever did let a reporter sit in on one of our staff meetings, which is definitely a privileged level of access above and beyond what is required for public disclosure, I have to know that they won't broadcast the congressman's daily schedule to the entire world.
It's not quite that simple. I was a press secretary to a congressman, so let me clarify a bit about how this works. The press has the duty to inform the public, and my job was to facilitate their role and make our operations as transparent as possible, while also providing, in a timely manner, whatever additional information they might request. That does not, however, mean that we invite members of the press to sit in on our daily staff meetings. That would certainly be the most efficient way of conveying information to the press from their point of view, but it would be far too disruptive to us to ever consider doing things that way. The security concerns alone would make such a prospect highly unlikely, if for no other reason than that there are a lot of angry people out there who would very much like to know exactly when and where they can catch the congressman at a vulnerable moment. There is a balance which all reporters must strike, with getting the story at one end of the spectrum, and pissing off their contacts at the other end. For example, if a reporter needs something from me and they are on a deadline, the appropriate way to handle that is to request the information as early as possible while letting me know when their deadline is so I can endeavor to fulfill their request when they need it. This is usually done over the office phone, through email, or, in some cases, if I trust the reporter not to harass me, I may give them my personal cell phone number. The wrong way to handle it would be to follow me into the cafeteria and nag me about it while I'm trying to eat lunch (someone actually did that, and no, we had not scheduled a lunch meeting). On occasion, I would have access to information that will be a big scoop to whomever reports it first. When that time comes, who do you think I will call? It certainly won't be the reporter who harassed me while I was trying to catch the only break I was going to get that day. Was that reporter within their rights? Of course. Did they get the information they requested? Absolutely. Am I going to do that person any favors outside the scope of my job? Never. I was a reporter once, and I understand perfectly well that Ms. Totenberg was doing her due diligence. She is very good at her job; one of the best. But if she sneaks into one of our meetings, it's disruptive to us, and she will be asked to leave. She absolutely did the right thing by asking volunteers to call her later, and if I had been in that meeting, I would have obliged her request if for no other reason than admiration for the sheer chutzpah it must have taken for her to just walk in like that. Like I said, there's a balance, and good reporters know how to stay on the side of it that grants them the greatest access.
We aren't playing favorites or withholding anything from the public, but special access is only granted to those who we can trust not to abuse it. If I ever did let a reporter sit in on one of our staff meetings, which is definitely a privileged level of access above and beyond what is required for public disclosure, I have to know that they won't broadcast the congressman's daily schedule to the entire world.
Today, there are a lot of Atheist racists in the south that hate Christians as much as they hate Jews and Blacks. They have a big problem with that "God will deliver us" bullshit and decided that they must seize what they can for the White Race before it is destroyed because God sure won't help. Many of these people are highly educated. My first experience with some of these groups was when I was visiting college friends down south. The leaders of these groups were actually people who went to the same caliber of schools as I did (the best). It was very surprising and it is something that has stuck with me. Their message is actually much more resonant because they lack that cognitive dissonance that many other racist groups have. They'll love this, I promise you that. tl;dr: Many people want to stereotype racists just as some racists stereotype others. See the problem with this?
Today, there are a lot of Atheist racists in the south that hate Christians as much as they hate Jews and Blacks. They have a big problem with that "God will deliver us" bullshit and decided that they must seize what they can for the White Race before it is destroyed because God sure won't help. Many of these people are highly educated. My first experience with some of these groups was when I was visiting college friends down south. The leaders of these groups were actually people who went to the same caliber of schools as I did (the best). It was very surprising and it is something that has stuck with me. Their message is actually much more resonant because they lack that cognitive dissonance that many other racist groups have. They'll love this, I promise you that. tl;dr: Many people want to stereotype racists just as some racists stereotype others. See the problem with this?
Today, there are a lot of Atheist racists in the south that hate Christians as much as they hate Jews and Blacks. They have a big problem with that "God will deliver us" bullshit and decided that they must seize what they can for the White Race before it is destroyed because God sure won't help. Many of these people are highly educated. My first experience with some of these groups was when I was visiting college friends down south. The leaders of these groups were actually people who went to the same caliber of schools as I did (the best). It was very surprising and it is something that has stuck with me. Their message is actually much more resonant because they lack that cognitive dissonance that many other racist groups have. They'll love this, I promise you that.
Many people want to stereotype racists just as some racists stereotype others. See the problem with this?
Wrestler from 3rd grade until freshman year in college. At the college level (NCAA Division 1 - Big 12) its epically brutal. Willpower, genetics and talent have to be world class to even make it thru practice, actually competing and winning is an anomaly. And swimming is the same, only harder. TL;DR - find a woman swimmer, make sexytime with her, try to live to tell about it
Wrestler from 3rd grade until freshman year in college. At the college level (NCAA Division 1 - Big 12) its epically brutal. Willpower, genetics and talent have to be world class to even make it thru practice, actually competing and winning is an anomaly. And swimming is the same, only harder. TL;DR - find a woman swimmer, make sexytime with her, try to live to tell about it
Wrestler from 3rd grade until freshman year in college. At the college level (NCAA Division 1 - Big 12) its epically brutal. Willpower, genetics and talent have to be world class to even make it thru practice, actually competing and winning is an anomaly. And swimming is the same, only harder.
find a woman swimmer, make sexytime with her, try to live to tell about it
So I was wandering around my local book store the other day, looking for a copy of the Portable Atheist in the religion section. Naturally, there were bibles galore. I was tempted to pick one up, because I'm legitimately interested in reading it to acquaint myself better with it. The question I immediately asked myself 'well, which one is the right one?' When people assert religious dogma as fact, which bible are they asserting is the correct bible? Or does it depend on the person? And if the word of god is truth, then why are there so many different versions of the bible? If truth is truth, it surely shouldn't need a different interpretation. Otherwise it's just opinion. TL;DR - which bible is best bible?
So I was wandering around my local book store the other day, looking for a copy of the Portable Atheist in the religion section. Naturally, there were bibles galore. I was tempted to pick one up, because I'm legitimately interested in reading it to acquaint myself better with it. The question I immediately asked myself 'well, which one is the right one?' When people assert religious dogma as fact, which bible are they asserting is the correct bible? Or does it depend on the person? And if the word of god is truth, then why are there so many different versions of the bible? If truth is truth, it surely shouldn't need a different interpretation. Otherwise it's just opinion. TL;DR - which bible is best bible?
So I was wandering around my local book store the other day, looking for a copy of the Portable Atheist in the religion section. Naturally, there were bibles galore. I was tempted to pick one up, because I'm legitimately interested in reading it to acquaint myself better with it. The question I immediately asked myself 'well, which one is the right one?' When people assert religious dogma as fact, which bible are they asserting is the correct bible? Or does it depend on the person? And if the word of god is truth, then why are there so many different versions of the bible? If truth is truth, it surely shouldn't need a different interpretation. Otherwise it's just opinion.
which bible is best bible?
Here's a chart describing the training categories. This is VERY helpful, let me know if you need a hand interpreting it. "Training volume is the amount of work that is performed. Many coaches and athletes use the number of miles or kilometers covered as the measure of training volume. While this is an acceptable measure it does not always give the full picture of training. For example if athlete A does a 20 km workout in 90 minutes and athlete B covers the same 20 km in 60 minutes they are not doing the same workout and won’t get the same training effect even though the volume as measured by distance is the same. Time is a better measure of training volume as it is allows athletes of varying level to be compared on an equal level." -that excerpt is from this document, , about halfway down. I used to have the "faster is always better" mentality when I ran in high school. I would push myself to finish a 5 or 10k faster than the previous time I ran it. I think that's acceptable if you're working out like "the average Joe" (ie. 3-5x a week), but when you're training like an endurance athlete you really have to start thinking about what your body can recover from and what will cause the most desirable adaptations. Another important thing to note about steady state is that your numbers *will* improve over time. If, let's say, right now you can hold a 2:09 average for the piece at a 155 heart rate, and you keep doing the same steady state piece ~4 times a week, in a month you'll notice that you can hold a (guesstimating here) 2:04 at the same heart rate. This means that your body is getting more efficient, becoming able to perform more work while expending less effort than before. I'm not saying that there's no place in a training plan for a firm pressure longer piece every now and then. A common test that is done with rowers is an hour of power (exactly what it sounds like— an hour-long test that is usually rate-capped in order to produce more powerful strokes), or a 30-minute test rate-capped at 20. Try doing a 30 minute piece at a low rate in which you see if you can stay under 2:00 the whole time (again, just ball-parking in regards to splits here), but only do this once a week or so. These pieces are helpful because they have you hold a higher heart rate (~175) for a longer duration, which is very taxing, to see if you can withstand it. TL;DR Basically you don't want to do your steady state too hard because you're going to be doing quite a bit of it, and doing it too hard will prevent you from working the right system (see chart) and risks you overtraining your body.
Here's a chart describing the training categories. This is VERY helpful, let me know if you need a hand interpreting it. "Training volume is the amount of work that is performed. Many coaches and athletes use the number of miles or kilometers covered as the measure of training volume. While this is an acceptable measure it does not always give the full picture of training. For example if athlete A does a 20 km workout in 90 minutes and athlete B covers the same 20 km in 60 minutes they are not doing the same workout and won’t get the same training effect even though the volume as measured by distance is the same. Time is a better measure of training volume as it is allows athletes of varying level to be compared on an equal level." -that excerpt is from this document, , about halfway down. I used to have the "faster is always better" mentality when I ran in high school. I would push myself to finish a 5 or 10k faster than the previous time I ran it. I think that's acceptable if you're working out like "the average Joe" (ie. 3-5x a week), but when you're training like an endurance athlete you really have to start thinking about what your body can recover from and what will cause the most desirable adaptations. Another important thing to note about steady state is that your numbers will improve over time. If, let's say, right now you can hold a 2:09 average for the piece at a 155 heart rate, and you keep doing the same steady state piece ~4 times a week, in a month you'll notice that you can hold a (guesstimating here) 2:04 at the same heart rate. This means that your body is getting more efficient, becoming able to perform more work while expending less effort than before. I'm not saying that there's no place in a training plan for a firm pressure longer piece every now and then. A common test that is done with rowers is an hour of power (exactly what it sounds like— an hour-long test that is usually rate-capped in order to produce more powerful strokes), or a 30-minute test rate-capped at 20. Try doing a 30 minute piece at a low rate in which you see if you can stay under 2:00 the whole time (again, just ball-parking in regards to splits here), but only do this once a week or so. These pieces are helpful because they have you hold a higher heart rate (~175) for a longer duration, which is very taxing, to see if you can withstand it. TL;DR Basically you don't want to do your steady state too hard because you're going to be doing quite a bit of it, and doing it too hard will prevent you from working the right system (see chart) and risks you overtraining your body.
Here's a chart describing the training categories. This is VERY helpful, let me know if you need a hand interpreting it. "Training volume is the amount of work that is performed. Many coaches and athletes use the number of miles or kilometers covered as the measure of training volume. While this is an acceptable measure it does not always give the full picture of training. For example if athlete A does a 20 km workout in 90 minutes and athlete B covers the same 20 km in 60 minutes they are not doing the same workout and won’t get the same training effect even though the volume as measured by distance is the same. Time is a better measure of training volume as it is allows athletes of varying level to be compared on an equal level." -that excerpt is from this document, , about halfway down. I used to have the "faster is always better" mentality when I ran in high school. I would push myself to finish a 5 or 10k faster than the previous time I ran it. I think that's acceptable if you're working out like "the average Joe" (ie. 3-5x a week), but when you're training like an endurance athlete you really have to start thinking about what your body can recover from and what will cause the most desirable adaptations. Another important thing to note about steady state is that your numbers will improve over time. If, let's say, right now you can hold a 2:09 average for the piece at a 155 heart rate, and you keep doing the same steady state piece ~4 times a week, in a month you'll notice that you can hold a (guesstimating here) 2:04 at the same heart rate. This means that your body is getting more efficient, becoming able to perform more work while expending less effort than before. I'm not saying that there's no place in a training plan for a firm pressure longer piece every now and then. A common test that is done with rowers is an hour of power (exactly what it sounds like— an hour-long test that is usually rate-capped in order to produce more powerful strokes), or a 30-minute test rate-capped at 20. Try doing a 30 minute piece at a low rate in which you see if you can stay under 2:00 the whole time (again, just ball-parking in regards to splits here), but only do this once a week or so. These pieces are helpful because they have you hold a higher heart rate (~175) for a longer duration, which is very taxing, to see if you can withstand it.
Basically you don't want to do your steady state too hard because you're going to be doing quite a bit of it, and doing it too hard will prevent you from working the right system (see chart) and risks you overtraining your body.
As everyone has been saying, it's pretty common. I'm an introvert and like alternacountus_Rex said, there's a difference between solitude and loneliness. If you think you need to talk to someone then go for it. Don't do it to appease who ever brought it up. Talk to a professional if you think it will help. Personally, I think that it's fine to want to be alone. However, you have to remember that your absence also affects other people. I usually try to make a point of seeing my friends at least once a week outside of school/see the people who I don't normally see on campus. Your friends may be missing you and are concerned about you. I realized that this was a problem, not going to people's houses or having them at my house/just hanging out in general when my best friend wanted to hang out and I was like "No." (for the millionth time) and she broke down crying and angrily berated me, telling me that she felt that I didn't value our friendship and all this other stuff. I had never felt that way and it upset me that I had made my best friend feel like shit. So I now make an effort, even if I don't want to, to hang out. Even if I'm feeling socially drained for that day, I'll still force myself to see my friends. **Tl;dr: Talk to someone if you feel like it's something you need to do. And remember that your actions, or rather inactions, can hurt people.**
As everyone has been saying, it's pretty common. I'm an introvert and like alternacountus_Rex said, there's a difference between solitude and loneliness. If you think you need to talk to someone then go for it. Don't do it to appease who ever brought it up. Talk to a professional if you think it will help. Personally, I think that it's fine to want to be alone. However, you have to remember that your absence also affects other people. I usually try to make a point of seeing my friends at least once a week outside of school/see the people who I don't normally see on campus. Your friends may be missing you and are concerned about you. I realized that this was a problem, not going to people's houses or having them at my house/just hanging out in general when my best friend wanted to hang out and I was like "No." (for the millionth time) and she broke down crying and angrily berated me, telling me that she felt that I didn't value our friendship and all this other stuff. I had never felt that way and it upset me that I had made my best friend feel like shit. So I now make an effort, even if I don't want to, to hang out. Even if I'm feeling socially drained for that day, I'll still force myself to see my friends. Tl;dr: Talk to someone if you feel like it's something you need to do. And remember that your actions, or rather inactions, can hurt people.
As everyone has been saying, it's pretty common. I'm an introvert and like alternacountus_Rex said, there's a difference between solitude and loneliness. If you think you need to talk to someone then go for it. Don't do it to appease who ever brought it up. Talk to a professional if you think it will help. Personally, I think that it's fine to want to be alone. However, you have to remember that your absence also affects other people. I usually try to make a point of seeing my friends at least once a week outside of school/see the people who I don't normally see on campus. Your friends may be missing you and are concerned about you. I realized that this was a problem, not going to people's houses or having them at my house/just hanging out in general when my best friend wanted to hang out and I was like "No." (for the millionth time) and she broke down crying and angrily berated me, telling me that she felt that I didn't value our friendship and all this other stuff. I had never felt that way and it upset me that I had made my best friend feel like shit. So I now make an effort, even if I don't want to, to hang out. Even if I'm feeling socially drained for that day, I'll still force myself to see my friends.
Talk to someone if you feel like it's something you need to do. And remember that your actions, or rather inactions, can hurt people.
I'm from Charlottetown. I left on a bike trip on June 23 and went down Nova Scotia, over to New Brunswick, down into Maine and across the states to Ottawa, where I am now. Before I left on my trip we had constant shitty weather. On the day that I left and all through the maritimes (through the states, too) the weather has been gorgeous and hot, I've only been rained on twice. Tl;dr I stole all of the nice weather HAHAHAHAHA
I'm from Charlottetown. I left on a bike trip on June 23 and went down Nova Scotia, over to New Brunswick, down into Maine and across the states to Ottawa, where I am now. Before I left on my trip we had constant shitty weather. On the day that I left and all through the maritimes (through the states, too) the weather has been gorgeous and hot, I've only been rained on twice. Tl;dr I stole all of the nice weather HAHAHAHAHA
I'm from Charlottetown. I left on a bike trip on June 23 and went down Nova Scotia, over to New Brunswick, down into Maine and across the states to Ottawa, where I am now. Before I left on my trip we had constant shitty weather. On the day that I left and all through the maritimes (through the states, too) the weather has been gorgeous and hot, I've only been rained on twice.
I stole all of the nice weather HAHAHAHAHA
As a long-time player and lurker, I find that most of the questions against the rules to be actually very helpful. Usually they aren't something stupid like, "how many x should I have for y", they are about people's preferences on playing the game. I do think though that achievement posts are a little silly, seeing as how cheating is so easy to do. TL;DR: Allow more questions, still no achievement photos.
As a long-time player and lurker, I find that most of the questions against the rules to be actually very helpful. Usually they aren't something stupid like, "how many x should I have for y", they are about people's preferences on playing the game. I do think though that achievement posts are a little silly, seeing as how cheating is so easy to do. TL;DR: Allow more questions, still no achievement photos.
As a long-time player and lurker, I find that most of the questions against the rules to be actually very helpful. Usually they aren't something stupid like, "how many x should I have for y", they are about people's preferences on playing the game. I do think though that achievement posts are a little silly, seeing as how cheating is so easy to do.
Allow more questions, still no achievement photos.
as a dad of twins, one boy one girl, i am with you OP. BUT just the other day, he's gotten to a point where he's standing, in his words, "like a MAN." no more pee on the floor. **TL;DR** - takes time, OP, just go with the flow.
as a dad of twins, one boy one girl, i am with you OP. BUT just the other day, he's gotten to a point where he's standing, in his words, "like a MAN." no more pee on the floor. TL;DR - takes time, OP, just go with the flow.
as a dad of twins, one boy one girl, i am with you OP. BUT just the other day, he's gotten to a point where he's standing, in his words, "like a MAN." no more pee on the floor.
takes time, OP, just go with the flow.
well in dota as well as in lol there are nearly all heroes "viable", at least at every skill level except the very high pro level. noone is "forced" to play the common heroes for success, thats just not true. maybe in lol there are more counterpicks, but a counterpick in dota can deny your opponent way more and put him out of the game. a big different in dota is the "meta" - there are way more teamcomps viable, you dont need the fix meta like in lol with a jungler, 2 solo lines.. but thats not the point - most ppl, regardless which elo, play heroes they see pros playing. look at the TI 2 - there were over 100 games but 1/3 of all heroes were never picked or banned. and an additional 1/3 was picked or banned in less than 5-7 games while ~8 heroes were picked or banned in nearly every game. (more or less the same happened at lol tours). so every "casual" player thinks the hardly picked heroes are too weak or smth and focus on the more popular heroes. even if the popular heroes only work well with special team comps. tl;dr: just pick what you want. if you master non-popular heroes you have even greater success just because the opponents dont know how to play against them. this goes for both, dota and lol.
well in dota as well as in lol there are nearly all heroes "viable", at least at every skill level except the very high pro level. noone is "forced" to play the common heroes for success, thats just not true. maybe in lol there are more counterpicks, but a counterpick in dota can deny your opponent way more and put him out of the game. a big different in dota is the "meta" - there are way more teamcomps viable, you dont need the fix meta like in lol with a jungler, 2 solo lines.. but thats not the point - most ppl, regardless which elo, play heroes they see pros playing. look at the TI 2 - there were over 100 games but 1/3 of all heroes were never picked or banned. and an additional 1/3 was picked or banned in less than 5-7 games while ~8 heroes were picked or banned in nearly every game. (more or less the same happened at lol tours). so every "casual" player thinks the hardly picked heroes are too weak or smth and focus on the more popular heroes. even if the popular heroes only work well with special team comps. tl;dr: just pick what you want. if you master non-popular heroes you have even greater success just because the opponents dont know how to play against them. this goes for both, dota and lol.
well in dota as well as in lol there are nearly all heroes "viable", at least at every skill level except the very high pro level. noone is "forced" to play the common heroes for success, thats just not true. maybe in lol there are more counterpicks, but a counterpick in dota can deny your opponent way more and put him out of the game. a big different in dota is the "meta" - there are way more teamcomps viable, you dont need the fix meta like in lol with a jungler, 2 solo lines.. but thats not the point - most ppl, regardless which elo, play heroes they see pros playing. look at the TI 2 - there were over 100 games but 1/3 of all heroes were never picked or banned. and an additional 1/3 was picked or banned in less than 5-7 games while ~8 heroes were picked or banned in nearly every game. (more or less the same happened at lol tours). so every "casual" player thinks the hardly picked heroes are too weak or smth and focus on the more popular heroes. even if the popular heroes only work well with special team comps.
just pick what you want. if you master non-popular heroes you have even greater success just because the opponents dont know how to play against them. this goes for both, dota and lol.
I am currently working as an administrative assistant for a very small company, my first "real" job as a recent college graduate. I think, all things considered, I was pretty lucky to get a job when I did. I know for a lot of people it takes much longer. Still, I'm not happy where I am and I don't think I can keep it up. My current job averages less than 30 hours a week, and it oscillates between mind-numbing nothingness and extreme stress. 90% of the time my boss has absolutely nothing for me to do, so I end up browsing Reddit for 8 hours because he only gives me 15 minutes worth of tasks. In some ways it's kind of nice to have the ultimate lazy job, but it's just not sustainable and I'm not learning any new skills. The stressful part comes when I actually do have to do "training" for this job is kind of like an iceburg. My boss explains the tip of the iceburg, but he leaves out everything below the surface that I don't know, but is second nature to him. He gets annoyed when I don't magically know things and it makes me feel incompetent. He is a nice guy most of the time, but he also asked me to doctor some invoices a couple of months ago and I am afraid of being badgered about that sort of thing again. There's a new job opening for an Administrative Assistant not far from where I live, which is full time and which pays double what I am currently making. It is a job at a larger company, so I could expect better training and an overall more professional environment. But I can't get over this sense of obligation to my current boss. He recently paid for me to get a certification that I could not have afforded on my own. He really needs a person with this certification (he cannot get it himself), and he'd be set back to square one if I left. But he's also not given me the pay raise he promised me, nor enough hours to do much more than cover my student loans. I won't be able to save as much money as I want to with this job, and I definitely won't be able to move out of my parents' house. It seems like such an obvious choice, like seriously a no brainer, but I just can't bring myself to apply to other jobs and explore my options. Why can't I put myself first for once? **tl;dr**, Current job is deeply unfulfilling, few hours, pays little, boss withheld pay raise and could be into some shady business. Want to apply for a different job which could be better, but feel stupidly obligated because current boss just spent a lot of money on a certification for me.
I am currently working as an administrative assistant for a very small company, my first "real" job as a recent college graduate. I think, all things considered, I was pretty lucky to get a job when I did. I know for a lot of people it takes much longer. Still, I'm not happy where I am and I don't think I can keep it up. My current job averages less than 30 hours a week, and it oscillates between mind-numbing nothingness and extreme stress. 90% of the time my boss has absolutely nothing for me to do, so I end up browsing Reddit for 8 hours because he only gives me 15 minutes worth of tasks. In some ways it's kind of nice to have the ultimate lazy job, but it's just not sustainable and I'm not learning any new skills. The stressful part comes when I actually do have to do "training" for this job is kind of like an iceburg. My boss explains the tip of the iceburg, but he leaves out everything below the surface that I don't know, but is second nature to him. He gets annoyed when I don't magically know things and it makes me feel incompetent. He is a nice guy most of the time, but he also asked me to doctor some invoices a couple of months ago and I am afraid of being badgered about that sort of thing again. There's a new job opening for an Administrative Assistant not far from where I live, which is full time and which pays double what I am currently making. It is a job at a larger company, so I could expect better training and an overall more professional environment. But I can't get over this sense of obligation to my current boss. He recently paid for me to get a certification that I could not have afforded on my own. He really needs a person with this certification (he cannot get it himself), and he'd be set back to square one if I left. But he's also not given me the pay raise he promised me, nor enough hours to do much more than cover my student loans. I won't be able to save as much money as I want to with this job, and I definitely won't be able to move out of my parents' house. It seems like such an obvious choice, like seriously a no brainer, but I just can't bring myself to apply to other jobs and explore my options. Why can't I put myself first for once? tl;dr , Current job is deeply unfulfilling, few hours, pays little, boss withheld pay raise and could be into some shady business. Want to apply for a different job which could be better, but feel stupidly obligated because current boss just spent a lot of money on a certification for me.
I am currently working as an administrative assistant for a very small company, my first "real" job as a recent college graduate. I think, all things considered, I was pretty lucky to get a job when I did. I know for a lot of people it takes much longer. Still, I'm not happy where I am and I don't think I can keep it up. My current job averages less than 30 hours a week, and it oscillates between mind-numbing nothingness and extreme stress. 90% of the time my boss has absolutely nothing for me to do, so I end up browsing Reddit for 8 hours because he only gives me 15 minutes worth of tasks. In some ways it's kind of nice to have the ultimate lazy job, but it's just not sustainable and I'm not learning any new skills. The stressful part comes when I actually do have to do "training" for this job is kind of like an iceburg. My boss explains the tip of the iceburg, but he leaves out everything below the surface that I don't know, but is second nature to him. He gets annoyed when I don't magically know things and it makes me feel incompetent. He is a nice guy most of the time, but he also asked me to doctor some invoices a couple of months ago and I am afraid of being badgered about that sort of thing again. There's a new job opening for an Administrative Assistant not far from where I live, which is full time and which pays double what I am currently making. It is a job at a larger company, so I could expect better training and an overall more professional environment. But I can't get over this sense of obligation to my current boss. He recently paid for me to get a certification that I could not have afforded on my own. He really needs a person with this certification (he cannot get it himself), and he'd be set back to square one if I left. But he's also not given me the pay raise he promised me, nor enough hours to do much more than cover my student loans. I won't be able to save as much money as I want to with this job, and I definitely won't be able to move out of my parents' house. It seems like such an obvious choice, like seriously a no brainer, but I just can't bring myself to apply to other jobs and explore my options. Why can't I put myself first for once?
Current job is deeply unfulfilling, few hours, pays little, boss withheld pay raise and could be into some shady business. Want to apply for a different job which could be better, but feel stupidly obligated because current boss just spent a lot of money on a certification for me.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant. Leave estus chugging for non-consensual invasion. Non-consensual invasion is as bad as non-consensual sex. TL,DR: Duelling = sex.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant. Leave estus chugging for non-consensual invasion. Non-consensual invasion is as bad as non-consensual sex. TL,DR: Duelling = sex.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant. Leave estus chugging for non-consensual invasion. Non-consensual invasion is as bad as non-consensual sex.
Duelling = sex.
Not that easy to find jobs here. The primary industry is RMG. If that stops there will be no alternative for the non-landowners in the rural communities. The RMG industry has done more good than bad here. Most of the workers there are unskilled women. What jobs do you think are there in the "rural communities". None. I'v been there. Absolutely none. Refraining from buying their products is not he answer. What we need to do is to create pressure to enforce health and safety codes. The largest manufacturers are always up to code because the buyers regularly inspect the factories, but the small sub contractors ignore them for a quick profit. The easiest solution is to create a clause in the contract with the major manufacturers which will ban employing sub-contractors, at least un-inspected sub contractors. TL:DR= Stop buying from them is a knee jerk solution which will do nothing to help the poor workers. We need to enforce better inspection schemes. Perhaps a watchdog organization.
Not that easy to find jobs here. The primary industry is RMG. If that stops there will be no alternative for the non-landowners in the rural communities. The RMG industry has done more good than bad here. Most of the workers there are unskilled women. What jobs do you think are there in the "rural communities". None. I'v been there. Absolutely none. Refraining from buying their products is not he answer. What we need to do is to create pressure to enforce health and safety codes. The largest manufacturers are always up to code because the buyers regularly inspect the factories, but the small sub contractors ignore them for a quick profit. The easiest solution is to create a clause in the contract with the major manufacturers which will ban employing sub-contractors, at least un-inspected sub contractors. TL:DR= Stop buying from them is a knee jerk solution which will do nothing to help the poor workers. We need to enforce better inspection schemes. Perhaps a watchdog organization.
Not that easy to find jobs here. The primary industry is RMG. If that stops there will be no alternative for the non-landowners in the rural communities. The RMG industry has done more good than bad here. Most of the workers there are unskilled women. What jobs do you think are there in the "rural communities". None. I'v been there. Absolutely none. Refraining from buying their products is not he answer. What we need to do is to create pressure to enforce health and safety codes. The largest manufacturers are always up to code because the buyers regularly inspect the factories, but the small sub contractors ignore them for a quick profit. The easiest solution is to create a clause in the contract with the major manufacturers which will ban employing sub-contractors, at least un-inspected sub contractors.
Stop buying from them is a knee jerk solution which will do nothing to help the poor workers. We need to enforce better inspection schemes. Perhaps a watchdog organization.
You know with the 30 stacks and all, I sort of see some unfairness with the feral flare while getting stacks. [Feral Flare Link]( Something I've been wondering about was this. "UNIQUE - MAIM: Champion kills, assists and large monsters slain will grant Feral stacks. Basic attacks deal **25** (+1 per Feral stack) bonus magic damage and restore 10 health. Minions and monsters take triple the bonus magic damage." The 25 was fine when it was releashed because it take 25 stacks to make feral flare, but now it's 30 stacks and the stats are nerfs. The QOL change I want was can it be 30 (+1 per Feral Stack) because when you farming for feral though 5 other stacks you have to farm disappear into feral flare. **TL;DR: Just cause it seems like a buff it's really isn't that major. Unless you power jungle all day long and ignore your teammates.**
You know with the 30 stacks and all, I sort of see some unfairness with the feral flare while getting stacks. [Feral Flare Link]( Something I've been wondering about was this. "UNIQUE - MAIM: Champion kills, assists and large monsters slain will grant Feral stacks. Basic attacks deal 25 (+1 per Feral stack) bonus magic damage and restore 10 health. Minions and monsters take triple the bonus magic damage." The 25 was fine when it was releashed because it take 25 stacks to make feral flare, but now it's 30 stacks and the stats are nerfs. The QOL change I want was can it be 30 (+1 per Feral Stack) because when you farming for feral though 5 other stacks you have to farm disappear into feral flare. TL;DR: Just cause it seems like a buff it's really isn't that major. Unless you power jungle all day long and ignore your teammates.
You know with the 30 stacks and all, I sort of see some unfairness with the feral flare while getting stacks. [Feral Flare Link]( Something I've been wondering about was this. "UNIQUE - MAIM: Champion kills, assists and large monsters slain will grant Feral stacks. Basic attacks deal 25 (+1 per Feral stack) bonus magic damage and restore 10 health. Minions and monsters take triple the bonus magic damage." The 25 was fine when it was releashed because it take 25 stacks to make feral flare, but now it's 30 stacks and the stats are nerfs. The QOL change I want was can it be 30 (+1 per Feral Stack) because when you farming for feral though 5 other stacks you have to farm disappear into feral flare.
Just cause it seems like a buff it's really isn't that major. Unless you power jungle all day long and ignore your teammates.
After crazy weight loss/gain/loss/gain, my breasts have finally given up, and lost their battle against gravity. I'm only 20 years old, but they've lost virtually all their breast tissue. So I'm going in for a reconstructive mastopexy/augmentation. I've been so unhappy and self conscious about my breasts for years, because on top of all this, they're about two cup sizes different. I know there will be some pretty obvious scars, but I'd so much rather deal with that. I just want a little bit of confidence, and to stop stuffing one of my cups, and be okay with wearing tighter shirts, bathing suits, and dresses. You know...feeling like a woman. I was wondering if anyone here had gone through the same procedure? How was the healing process? How long were you unable to be at work? Anything I should expect? Also, how many cc's did you get? I'm small waisted, but have some hips on me, so I was thinking a full C cup would compliment my figure. Did you lose nipple sensation? Are you happy with your results? I'm just starting to get really scared, and know my ladies on 2X always having supportive things to say. **TL;DR: having a breast lift and augmentation, wanted to hear about anyone else's experiences with one/both of these**
After crazy weight loss/gain/loss/gain, my breasts have finally given up, and lost their battle against gravity. I'm only 20 years old, but they've lost virtually all their breast tissue. So I'm going in for a reconstructive mastopexy/augmentation. I've been so unhappy and self conscious about my breasts for years, because on top of all this, they're about two cup sizes different. I know there will be some pretty obvious scars, but I'd so much rather deal with that. I just want a little bit of confidence, and to stop stuffing one of my cups, and be okay with wearing tighter shirts, bathing suits, and dresses. You know...feeling like a woman. I was wondering if anyone here had gone through the same procedure? How was the healing process? How long were you unable to be at work? Anything I should expect? Also, how many cc's did you get? I'm small waisted, but have some hips on me, so I was thinking a full C cup would compliment my figure. Did you lose nipple sensation? Are you happy with your results? I'm just starting to get really scared, and know my ladies on 2X always having supportive things to say. TL;DR: having a breast lift and augmentation, wanted to hear about anyone else's experiences with one/both of these
After crazy weight loss/gain/loss/gain, my breasts have finally given up, and lost their battle against gravity. I'm only 20 years old, but they've lost virtually all their breast tissue. So I'm going in for a reconstructive mastopexy/augmentation. I've been so unhappy and self conscious about my breasts for years, because on top of all this, they're about two cup sizes different. I know there will be some pretty obvious scars, but I'd so much rather deal with that. I just want a little bit of confidence, and to stop stuffing one of my cups, and be okay with wearing tighter shirts, bathing suits, and dresses. You know...feeling like a woman. I was wondering if anyone here had gone through the same procedure? How was the healing process? How long were you unable to be at work? Anything I should expect? Also, how many cc's did you get? I'm small waisted, but have some hips on me, so I was thinking a full C cup would compliment my figure. Did you lose nipple sensation? Are you happy with your results? I'm just starting to get really scared, and know my ladies on 2X always having supportive things to say.
having a breast lift and augmentation, wanted to hear about anyone else's experiences with one/both of these
So I was interested in pursuing a PhD in aerospace (orbit estimation, satellite formation flight and similar, applied areas). I was a student at a top school, but funding fell through. The lab I was interested in working in seemed to be getting funding ok, so I don't think the market was giving my research interests the finger. My department was just notoriously bad about funding. This was where I drew the line in the sand. I took my MS and a year off and got a normal job. My year is almost up now and I didn't find a reliable source of funding to continue (admittedly, I took a lot of time off from that as I was burnt out from always looking for funding to last me until I got an RA job). I was interested in joining a specific lab, but that prof won't fund you until you work for him for a couple of quarters, and I had no outside funding (damn you NSF runner up). Plus I have 2 years in grad school, so I'm now DQed from NSF and similar fellowships. In retrospect, I should have used my year off to do some research on the side to work towards the try before you buy period, but it's hard to do that with a real job. Anyway, I'm pretty down at the moment now that my year off is up and I don't see any reasonable way to not drop out. My current job is pretty boring. The work environment is great and I'm getting paid decently, but the work itself is slowly killing me from boredom and tediousness. I find it hard to do my best work when I'm not really motivated or interested. In short, I have a decently comfortable life atm, but I don't really feel like I'm doing anything....important? Personally satisfying? Something like that. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Obviously, I should just go get another job and be done with it, but I'm having trouble finding another job that really seems relevant to my rather narrow interests. I guess that was also part of the reason I was interested in doing a PhD in that lab - it fell within my narrow range of interests. Anybody know of any applied labs that do work in orbit determination/estimation/satellite formation flight/spacecraft GNC? The guy I wanted to work with came from Europe, so all of his previous collaborators are European. Also, Europe's framework for a PhD is different from the US. So, following the co-author trail isn't so useful to me here. Oh yeah, and obviously NASA/JPL does this sort of thing, but they aren't exactly on a hiring binge. Believe me, I've tried. tl;dr: It's late and I'm a prissy little bitch. EDIT: Thanks for everyone's input. Looking forward to reading more of it. And, of course I'd get a bunch of fake internet points on my alter ego account.
So I was interested in pursuing a PhD in aerospace (orbit estimation, satellite formation flight and similar, applied areas). I was a student at a top school, but funding fell through. The lab I was interested in working in seemed to be getting funding ok, so I don't think the market was giving my research interests the finger. My department was just notoriously bad about funding. This was where I drew the line in the sand. I took my MS and a year off and got a normal job. My year is almost up now and I didn't find a reliable source of funding to continue (admittedly, I took a lot of time off from that as I was burnt out from always looking for funding to last me until I got an RA job). I was interested in joining a specific lab, but that prof won't fund you until you work for him for a couple of quarters, and I had no outside funding (damn you NSF runner up). Plus I have 2 years in grad school, so I'm now DQed from NSF and similar fellowships. In retrospect, I should have used my year off to do some research on the side to work towards the try before you buy period, but it's hard to do that with a real job. Anyway, I'm pretty down at the moment now that my year off is up and I don't see any reasonable way to not drop out. My current job is pretty boring. The work environment is great and I'm getting paid decently, but the work itself is slowly killing me from boredom and tediousness. I find it hard to do my best work when I'm not really motivated or interested. In short, I have a decently comfortable life atm, but I don't really feel like I'm doing anything....important? Personally satisfying? Something like that. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Obviously, I should just go get another job and be done with it, but I'm having trouble finding another job that really seems relevant to my rather narrow interests. I guess that was also part of the reason I was interested in doing a PhD in that lab - it fell within my narrow range of interests. Anybody know of any applied labs that do work in orbit determination/estimation/satellite formation flight/spacecraft GNC? The guy I wanted to work with came from Europe, so all of his previous collaborators are European. Also, Europe's framework for a PhD is different from the US. So, following the co-author trail isn't so useful to me here. Oh yeah, and obviously NASA/JPL does this sort of thing, but they aren't exactly on a hiring binge. Believe me, I've tried. tl;dr: It's late and I'm a prissy little bitch. EDIT: Thanks for everyone's input. Looking forward to reading more of it. And, of course I'd get a bunch of fake internet points on my alter ego account.
So I was interested in pursuing a PhD in aerospace (orbit estimation, satellite formation flight and similar, applied areas). I was a student at a top school, but funding fell through. The lab I was interested in working in seemed to be getting funding ok, so I don't think the market was giving my research interests the finger. My department was just notoriously bad about funding. This was where I drew the line in the sand. I took my MS and a year off and got a normal job. My year is almost up now and I didn't find a reliable source of funding to continue (admittedly, I took a lot of time off from that as I was burnt out from always looking for funding to last me until I got an RA job). I was interested in joining a specific lab, but that prof won't fund you until you work for him for a couple of quarters, and I had no outside funding (damn you NSF runner up). Plus I have 2 years in grad school, so I'm now DQed from NSF and similar fellowships. In retrospect, I should have used my year off to do some research on the side to work towards the try before you buy period, but it's hard to do that with a real job. Anyway, I'm pretty down at the moment now that my year off is up and I don't see any reasonable way to not drop out. My current job is pretty boring. The work environment is great and I'm getting paid decently, but the work itself is slowly killing me from boredom and tediousness. I find it hard to do my best work when I'm not really motivated or interested. In short, I have a decently comfortable life atm, but I don't really feel like I'm doing anything....important? Personally satisfying? Something like that. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Obviously, I should just go get another job and be done with it, but I'm having trouble finding another job that really seems relevant to my rather narrow interests. I guess that was also part of the reason I was interested in doing a PhD in that lab - it fell within my narrow range of interests. Anybody know of any applied labs that do work in orbit determination/estimation/satellite formation flight/spacecraft GNC? The guy I wanted to work with came from Europe, so all of his previous collaborators are European. Also, Europe's framework for a PhD is different from the US. So, following the co-author trail isn't so useful to me here. Oh yeah, and obviously NASA/JPL does this sort of thing, but they aren't exactly on a hiring binge. Believe me, I've tried.
It's late and I'm a prissy little bitch. EDIT: Thanks for everyone's input. Looking forward to reading more of it. And, of course I'd get a bunch of fake internet points on my alter ego account.
Nope. Some of us are on gay ass fucker mobile devices that have a conniption every time you try to change websites. For me it is much easier to ask than to find a device that doesn't have seizures to google one little verse that someone could just give a nice tl/dr on.
Nope. Some of us are on gay ass fucker mobile devices that have a conniption every time you try to change websites. For me it is much easier to ask than to find a device that doesn't have seizures to google one little verse that someone could just give a nice tl/dr on.
Nope. Some of us are on gay ass fucker mobile devices that have a conniption every time you try to change websites. For me it is much easier to ask than to find a device that doesn't have seizures to google one little verse that someone could just give a nice
First of all those are *very* shitty Vape devices, if your gonna vape get something that will last a while and provide a good vape experience like the Aspire Premium Kit or something, or and Aspire Atlantis with a mech mod. Second do you smoke? if so the best argument is that you will be doing a far more healthy activity then smoking and it will generally cost less. If you do not smoke then why are you trying to get into vaping? Why can't you wait until you are 18? I am not against kids who are hooked on smokes switching to vape but if your not already a nicotine addict there is really no good reason to start especially when you won't be able to leave the house with it without getting crap from cops and random people when you use it in public. TL;DR just wait till your 18 and buy it yourself with your own money unless your already a pack a day smoker or something.
First of all those are very shitty Vape devices, if your gonna vape get something that will last a while and provide a good vape experience like the Aspire Premium Kit or something, or and Aspire Atlantis with a mech mod. Second do you smoke? if so the best argument is that you will be doing a far more healthy activity then smoking and it will generally cost less. If you do not smoke then why are you trying to get into vaping? Why can't you wait until you are 18? I am not against kids who are hooked on smokes switching to vape but if your not already a nicotine addict there is really no good reason to start especially when you won't be able to leave the house with it without getting crap from cops and random people when you use it in public. TL;DR just wait till your 18 and buy it yourself with your own money unless your already a pack a day smoker or something.
First of all those are very shitty Vape devices, if your gonna vape get something that will last a while and provide a good vape experience like the Aspire Premium Kit or something, or and Aspire Atlantis with a mech mod. Second do you smoke? if so the best argument is that you will be doing a far more healthy activity then smoking and it will generally cost less. If you do not smoke then why are you trying to get into vaping? Why can't you wait until you are 18? I am not against kids who are hooked on smokes switching to vape but if your not already a nicotine addict there is really no good reason to start especially when you won't be able to leave the house with it without getting crap from cops and random people when you use it in public.
just wait till your 18 and buy it yourself with your own money unless your already a pack a day smoker or something.
The 90% of climate change deniers have ties to exxon part. If those ties include things like, riding in a car, or drinking water, then you could just as easily say that 100% of them have ties. It doesn't ring any bells that all of the other facts have footnotes, but this one has no citations at all? Greenpeace doesn't even use that number: The fact of the matter is that the most vocal is working for a think tank funded by Exxon. The next most prolific writer gets 40% of his funding from exxon, and it goes down from there. More food for thought: &gt;The top ten contributors to this list were responsible for 186 of the 938 papers cited. citation: Koch Industries spends twice as much. The title insinuates that 9 out of 10 climate deniers are in exxon's pocket. I don't think that means the other 94 are on Koch's payroll and really rich. TL;DR I guess my point is that it is misleading. The facts just as easily support a title of: Only 1 scientist who denies climate change gets over 41% of his funding from exxon.
The 90% of climate change deniers have ties to exxon part. If those ties include things like, riding in a car, or drinking water, then you could just as easily say that 100% of them have ties. It doesn't ring any bells that all of the other facts have footnotes, but this one has no citations at all? Greenpeace doesn't even use that number: The fact of the matter is that the most vocal is working for a think tank funded by Exxon. The next most prolific writer gets 40% of his funding from exxon, and it goes down from there. More food for thought: >The top ten contributors to this list were responsible for 186 of the 938 papers cited. citation: Koch Industries spends twice as much. The title insinuates that 9 out of 10 climate deniers are in exxon's pocket. I don't think that means the other 94 are on Koch's payroll and really rich. TL;DR I guess my point is that it is misleading. The facts just as easily support a title of: Only 1 scientist who denies climate change gets over 41% of his funding from exxon.
The 90% of climate change deniers have ties to exxon part. If those ties include things like, riding in a car, or drinking water, then you could just as easily say that 100% of them have ties. It doesn't ring any bells that all of the other facts have footnotes, but this one has no citations at all? Greenpeace doesn't even use that number: The fact of the matter is that the most vocal is working for a think tank funded by Exxon. The next most prolific writer gets 40% of his funding from exxon, and it goes down from there. More food for thought: >The top ten contributors to this list were responsible for 186 of the 938 papers cited. citation: Koch Industries spends twice as much. The title insinuates that 9 out of 10 climate deniers are in exxon's pocket. I don't think that means the other 94 are on Koch's payroll and really rich.
I guess my point is that it is misleading. The facts just as easily support a title of: Only 1 scientist who denies climate change gets over 41% of his funding from exxon.
Except for a handful of states (like Texas), refusing Medicaid expansion has almost nothing to do with politics or Obama. There are two huge issues at hand. 1. Funding: Medicaid is jointly funded by the Federal government and State governments. State governments pay for about 45%. To incentivize states to accept Medicaid expansion, the Federal government is fronting up to 100% of the increased Medicaid cost until 2020. The federal government will continue to pay 90% of the costs for newly eligible after that, but the funding gap is still substantial. As everyone should probably know by now, the costs and trajectory of Medicaid and Medicare are completely unsustainable. There is currently between 80 and 100 trillion in unfunded federal healthcare liabilities. That figure is greater than the sum of all private assets in the United States. States have a balanced budget amendment and cannot support unfunded liabilities like the federal government and cannot handle the excess cost of Medicaid (They really can't afford current Medicaid levels). Tennessee would have loved to expand Medicaid, but Governor Haslem and Medicaid Director Darin Gordon determined that expanding Medicaid simply isn't feasible. This is in the provider capital of the US. Hospital corporations like HCA and CHS are lobbying for Medicaid expansion across the US because it will help them financially, but even they don't think the states can afford it. 2. Efficacy: There is serious concern about whether Medicaid expansion is actually a moderately effective policy decision. The Oregon Medicaid experiment preliminary findings suggest that despite a massive increase of funding and "healthcare use", there is no statistical difference between the health of the two populations. Obviously this study is controversial and it is years away from finite conclusions, but it was a major blow to the legitimacy of healthcare expansion and a tough hurdle for states that were already worried on being able to afford Medicaid expansion. TL:DR, Medicaid expansion decisions aren't about political posturing and states aren't intentionally "Fvcking over their own citizens."
Except for a handful of states (like Texas), refusing Medicaid expansion has almost nothing to do with politics or Obama. There are two huge issues at hand. Funding: Medicaid is jointly funded by the Federal government and State governments. State governments pay for about 45%. To incentivize states to accept Medicaid expansion, the Federal government is fronting up to 100% of the increased Medicaid cost until 2020. The federal government will continue to pay 90% of the costs for newly eligible after that, but the funding gap is still substantial. As everyone should probably know by now, the costs and trajectory of Medicaid and Medicare are completely unsustainable. There is currently between 80 and 100 trillion in unfunded federal healthcare liabilities. That figure is greater than the sum of all private assets in the United States. States have a balanced budget amendment and cannot support unfunded liabilities like the federal government and cannot handle the excess cost of Medicaid (They really can't afford current Medicaid levels). Tennessee would have loved to expand Medicaid, but Governor Haslem and Medicaid Director Darin Gordon determined that expanding Medicaid simply isn't feasible. This is in the provider capital of the US. Hospital corporations like HCA and CHS are lobbying for Medicaid expansion across the US because it will help them financially, but even they don't think the states can afford it. Efficacy: There is serious concern about whether Medicaid expansion is actually a moderately effective policy decision. The Oregon Medicaid experiment preliminary findings suggest that despite a massive increase of funding and "healthcare use", there is no statistical difference between the health of the two populations. Obviously this study is controversial and it is years away from finite conclusions, but it was a major blow to the legitimacy of healthcare expansion and a tough hurdle for states that were already worried on being able to afford Medicaid expansion. TL:DR, Medicaid expansion decisions aren't about political posturing and states aren't intentionally "Fvcking over their own citizens."
Except for a handful of states (like Texas), refusing Medicaid expansion has almost nothing to do with politics or Obama. There are two huge issues at hand. Funding: Medicaid is jointly funded by the Federal government and State governments. State governments pay for about 45%. To incentivize states to accept Medicaid expansion, the Federal government is fronting up to 100% of the increased Medicaid cost until 2020. The federal government will continue to pay 90% of the costs for newly eligible after that, but the funding gap is still substantial. As everyone should probably know by now, the costs and trajectory of Medicaid and Medicare are completely unsustainable. There is currently between 80 and 100 trillion in unfunded federal healthcare liabilities. That figure is greater than the sum of all private assets in the United States. States have a balanced budget amendment and cannot support unfunded liabilities like the federal government and cannot handle the excess cost of Medicaid (They really can't afford current Medicaid levels). Tennessee would have loved to expand Medicaid, but Governor Haslem and Medicaid Director Darin Gordon determined that expanding Medicaid simply isn't feasible. This is in the provider capital of the US. Hospital corporations like HCA and CHS are lobbying for Medicaid expansion across the US because it will help them financially, but even they don't think the states can afford it. Efficacy: There is serious concern about whether Medicaid expansion is actually a moderately effective policy decision. The Oregon Medicaid experiment preliminary findings suggest that despite a massive increase of funding and "healthcare use", there is no statistical difference between the health of the two populations. Obviously this study is controversial and it is years away from finite conclusions, but it was a major blow to the legitimacy of healthcare expansion and a tough hurdle for states that were already worried on being able to afford Medicaid expansion.
Medicaid expansion decisions aren't about political posturing and states aren't intentionally "Fvcking over their own citizens."
I usually fix my car myself but when my car died on the highway I had trouble figuring out it was the distributor that needed replacing. from the highway I had it towed to a garage because I had no time to fix a car and went to get the car the next day. The guy replaced the distributor a $150 part. He charged me $800. I explained that I know how to fix cars and I know the prices of parts because I have replaced a distributor before. Not even 10 minutes of politely saying "fuck you" and he charges me $200. That is still a $100 profit for that garage but I was happy with that price, paid and left. I've rebuilt engines, replaced suspensions, gutted interiors and fixed rusted floorpans, replaced multiple brake systems, built a turbo system for my current car and I'm currently doing a headgasket on that car so I do know my shit for the most part. I just could not believe the first time in years I don't fix my car myself I get that shit pulled on me. never again will I go to a garage for anything I can do myself. TL; DR: Car died on highway and had no time to fix it so I sent it to a garage that charged me $800 for less than $200 of work. After some complaining I paid $200. Never again.
I usually fix my car myself but when my car died on the highway I had trouble figuring out it was the distributor that needed replacing. from the highway I had it towed to a garage because I had no time to fix a car and went to get the car the next day. The guy replaced the distributor a $150 part. He charged me $800. I explained that I know how to fix cars and I know the prices of parts because I have replaced a distributor before. Not even 10 minutes of politely saying "fuck you" and he charges me $200. That is still a $100 profit for that garage but I was happy with that price, paid and left. I've rebuilt engines, replaced suspensions, gutted interiors and fixed rusted floorpans, replaced multiple brake systems, built a turbo system for my current car and I'm currently doing a headgasket on that car so I do know my shit for the most part. I just could not believe the first time in years I don't fix my car myself I get that shit pulled on me. never again will I go to a garage for anything I can do myself. TL; DR: Car died on highway and had no time to fix it so I sent it to a garage that charged me $800 for less than $200 of work. After some complaining I paid $200. Never again.
I usually fix my car myself but when my car died on the highway I had trouble figuring out it was the distributor that needed replacing. from the highway I had it towed to a garage because I had no time to fix a car and went to get the car the next day. The guy replaced the distributor a $150 part. He charged me $800. I explained that I know how to fix cars and I know the prices of parts because I have replaced a distributor before. Not even 10 minutes of politely saying "fuck you" and he charges me $200. That is still a $100 profit for that garage but I was happy with that price, paid and left. I've rebuilt engines, replaced suspensions, gutted interiors and fixed rusted floorpans, replaced multiple brake systems, built a turbo system for my current car and I'm currently doing a headgasket on that car so I do know my shit for the most part. I just could not believe the first time in years I don't fix my car myself I get that shit pulled on me. never again will I go to a garage for anything I can do myself.
Car died on highway and had no time to fix it so I sent it to a garage that charged me $800 for less than $200 of work. After some complaining I paid $200. Never again.
r/atheism is just as hypocritical as all other humans I've met. Main atheists in r/atheism claim there is no god, which leads me to conclude humans are just animals, and then get upset when humans act like animals. I know there is some rationality among them because most of their posts only get 60% approval. Based on the number of people that claim to have left r/atheism, in circlejerks like this one, I'd say that the population of r/atheism is now mainly below average intelligence. If r/atheism wants to keep karma whoring their acquaintances on Facebook out I say let them. It gives me something to Karma whore. tl:dr Without r/atheism there would be less karma whore jobs.
r/atheism is just as hypocritical as all other humans I've met. Main atheists in r/atheism claim there is no god, which leads me to conclude humans are just animals, and then get upset when humans act like animals. I know there is some rationality among them because most of their posts only get 60% approval. Based on the number of people that claim to have left r/atheism, in circlejerks like this one, I'd say that the population of r/atheism is now mainly below average intelligence. If r/atheism wants to keep karma whoring their acquaintances on Facebook out I say let them. It gives me something to Karma whore. tl:dr Without r/atheism there would be less karma whore jobs.
r/atheism is just as hypocritical as all other humans I've met. Main atheists in r/atheism claim there is no god, which leads me to conclude humans are just animals, and then get upset when humans act like animals. I know there is some rationality among them because most of their posts only get 60% approval. Based on the number of people that claim to have left r/atheism, in circlejerks like this one, I'd say that the population of r/atheism is now mainly below average intelligence. If r/atheism wants to keep karma whoring their acquaintances on Facebook out I say let them. It gives me something to Karma whore.
Without r/atheism there would be less karma whore jobs.
CRTC can be pretty corrupt. However, they also help with keeping the Canadian film, TV an radio industry strong. By forcing radio, TV stations to play Canadian content it perpetuates jobs for people in the entertainment industry in Canada. And by forcing government to give tax breaks, it brings in international film and TV opportunities. They can be real jizz moppers when it comes to cell phone/cable shit with the big three telecoms but they do a lot of good as well. Like a lot of things they have a fantastic principle that they sorta muck up by not using common sense. TL;DR CRTC ain't all that bad. Just sometimes.
CRTC can be pretty corrupt. However, they also help with keeping the Canadian film, TV an radio industry strong. By forcing radio, TV stations to play Canadian content it perpetuates jobs for people in the entertainment industry in Canada. And by forcing government to give tax breaks, it brings in international film and TV opportunities. They can be real jizz moppers when it comes to cell phone/cable shit with the big three telecoms but they do a lot of good as well. Like a lot of things they have a fantastic principle that they sorta muck up by not using common sense. TL;DR CRTC ain't all that bad. Just sometimes.
CRTC can be pretty corrupt. However, they also help with keeping the Canadian film, TV an radio industry strong. By forcing radio, TV stations to play Canadian content it perpetuates jobs for people in the entertainment industry in Canada. And by forcing government to give tax breaks, it brings in international film and TV opportunities. They can be real jizz moppers when it comes to cell phone/cable shit with the big three telecoms but they do a lot of good as well. Like a lot of things they have a fantastic principle that they sorta muck up by not using common sense.
CRTC ain't all that bad. Just sometimes.
Hi. First time posting on reddit. First of all, I'm sorry for the grammar and mispells, english isn't my native language. And sorry if I make any mistake. So, I met this girl in 2010. We were kids, basically(13 years old, both of us). We were close to each other, she liked books, I liked books, we had some interests in common. I'll just try to summarize everything. In 2011, I fell in love with her. I had never fallen in love with someone the way I fell with her. So I told her, and we started a relationship(yes, we had 15 years old, I know, some will say it's nothing important). At first, she was with me just to forget a boy she had been having feelings for, but after some months, she truly started to love me. So we got very close. She had very serious self-esteem problems and I was the person that helped her the most. Some would say she's fat; I say she's perfect. I just love her, you know? The point is, we were really, really close to each other. We spent all day long talking to each other, and every weekend, we would go out to see movies. Thing is, in the end of 2013, I got some doubts about my feelings. It wasn't the first time, and she noticed it. So she broke up with me, wanting to give me time to think about my love for her. I ended up not wanting to get back with her, when she came to talk to me again after 2 months(February 2014). It's the biggest regret I have. Really, the thing that I want the most is just to go back in time and not let her go away. It was really bad for her, but she had her friends and her family, and she travelled to a foreign country, so thinking about me wasn't something she would do all the time. So, after 4 months of our breakup(April, 2014), she searched me again, wanting a "friend with benefits" type of relationship. Yes, we had had sexual activities. Nothing really serious, two young persons knowing each other. So I accepted because... I liked to be with her. And I ended up falling in love with her again, and she still loved me, so we got back together. And I thought that this time it was serious. Wasn't. I mean, it was serious. But just not as strong as before. She started to get distant. I always had to search for her, she almost never looked for me. Watching her TV series seemed to be more important for her than I was. She wouldn't charge her cellphone, so I couldn't talk with her. I'm very possessive, I admit. I don't like to stay one day without talking with her; it just makes me nervous. I don't know. So, I felt like I was loving her, but she wasn't loving me back. She kept telling me that she did love me, she was just different. And I believed her. I thought that I just had to get used to not getting so much attention. Two weaks ago, she broke up with me. One day before our last year of school began. It wasn't a agressive breakup, because I understood her point. She still loves me, and I know it. Our connection is really strong. But she loves me as a friend. Something like that. Aaand, she felt feelings for the boy that she was trying to forget when we started dating. So... I really wouldn't like to be with her knowing she liked another guy. I'm trying to move on. But I still love her. Like, I really don't have any will to live without her. I totally understand we HAD to breakup, things weren't working out. But I miss her. And I'm young, and I know I have a lot to live. Still... It's hard, without her. It's really hard to wake up, knowing I won't have her with me. And I see her everyday, because of school. And what kills me is that she's fine. She's moving on. In some time, she will probably know another guy. And I wont be the last anymore. She's fine, and i'm just... I don't have a place to go. I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm just alone. Loneliness is killing me. And I feel it's my fault. If I hadn't broken up with her the first time, if I could just love her and stop being stupid, things would the fine now. She would still love me. I really don't know if I made it clear to you what the situation was. I'm sorry, i'm really confused too... Thank you for reading. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend ended a 3 years relationship. She didn't love me anymore. We broke up once, a year ago, I was fine, she was destroyed. Now, i'm destroyed, and she's fine. It's been a hard time for me.
Hi. First time posting on reddit. First of all, I'm sorry for the grammar and mispells, english isn't my native language. And sorry if I make any mistake. So, I met this girl in 2010. We were kids, basically(13 years old, both of us). We were close to each other, she liked books, I liked books, we had some interests in common. I'll just try to summarize everything. In 2011, I fell in love with her. I had never fallen in love with someone the way I fell with her. So I told her, and we started a relationship(yes, we had 15 years old, I know, some will say it's nothing important). At first, she was with me just to forget a boy she had been having feelings for, but after some months, she truly started to love me. So we got very close. She had very serious self-esteem problems and I was the person that helped her the most. Some would say she's fat; I say she's perfect. I just love her, you know? The point is, we were really, really close to each other. We spent all day long talking to each other, and every weekend, we would go out to see movies. Thing is, in the end of 2013, I got some doubts about my feelings. It wasn't the first time, and she noticed it. So she broke up with me, wanting to give me time to think about my love for her. I ended up not wanting to get back with her, when she came to talk to me again after 2 months(February 2014). It's the biggest regret I have. Really, the thing that I want the most is just to go back in time and not let her go away. It was really bad for her, but she had her friends and her family, and she travelled to a foreign country, so thinking about me wasn't something she would do all the time. So, after 4 months of our breakup(April, 2014), she searched me again, wanting a "friend with benefits" type of relationship. Yes, we had had sexual activities. Nothing really serious, two young persons knowing each other. So I accepted because... I liked to be with her. And I ended up falling in love with her again, and she still loved me, so we got back together. And I thought that this time it was serious. Wasn't. I mean, it was serious. But just not as strong as before. She started to get distant. I always had to search for her, she almost never looked for me. Watching her TV series seemed to be more important for her than I was. She wouldn't charge her cellphone, so I couldn't talk with her. I'm very possessive, I admit. I don't like to stay one day without talking with her; it just makes me nervous. I don't know. So, I felt like I was loving her, but she wasn't loving me back. She kept telling me that she did love me, she was just different. And I believed her. I thought that I just had to get used to not getting so much attention. Two weaks ago, she broke up with me. One day before our last year of school began. It wasn't a agressive breakup, because I understood her point. She still loves me, and I know it. Our connection is really strong. But she loves me as a friend. Something like that. Aaand, she felt feelings for the boy that she was trying to forget when we started dating. So... I really wouldn't like to be with her knowing she liked another guy. I'm trying to move on. But I still love her. Like, I really don't have any will to live without her. I totally understand we HAD to breakup, things weren't working out. But I miss her. And I'm young, and I know I have a lot to live. Still... It's hard, without her. It's really hard to wake up, knowing I won't have her with me. And I see her everyday, because of school. And what kills me is that she's fine. She's moving on. In some time, she will probably know another guy. And I wont be the last anymore. She's fine, and i'm just... I don't have a place to go. I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm just alone. Loneliness is killing me. And I feel it's my fault. If I hadn't broken up with her the first time, if I could just love her and stop being stupid, things would the fine now. She would still love me. I really don't know if I made it clear to you what the situation was. I'm sorry, i'm really confused too... Thank you for reading. tl;dr : Girlfriend ended a 3 years relationship. She didn't love me anymore. We broke up once, a year ago, I was fine, she was destroyed. Now, i'm destroyed, and she's fine. It's been a hard time for me.
Hi. First time posting on reddit. First of all, I'm sorry for the grammar and mispells, english isn't my native language. And sorry if I make any mistake. So, I met this girl in 2010. We were kids, basically(13 years old, both of us). We were close to each other, she liked books, I liked books, we had some interests in common. I'll just try to summarize everything. In 2011, I fell in love with her. I had never fallen in love with someone the way I fell with her. So I told her, and we started a relationship(yes, we had 15 years old, I know, some will say it's nothing important). At first, she was with me just to forget a boy she had been having feelings for, but after some months, she truly started to love me. So we got very close. She had very serious self-esteem problems and I was the person that helped her the most. Some would say she's fat; I say she's perfect. I just love her, you know? The point is, we were really, really close to each other. We spent all day long talking to each other, and every weekend, we would go out to see movies. Thing is, in the end of 2013, I got some doubts about my feelings. It wasn't the first time, and she noticed it. So she broke up with me, wanting to give me time to think about my love for her. I ended up not wanting to get back with her, when she came to talk to me again after 2 months(February 2014). It's the biggest regret I have. Really, the thing that I want the most is just to go back in time and not let her go away. It was really bad for her, but she had her friends and her family, and she travelled to a foreign country, so thinking about me wasn't something she would do all the time. So, after 4 months of our breakup(April, 2014), she searched me again, wanting a "friend with benefits" type of relationship. Yes, we had had sexual activities. Nothing really serious, two young persons knowing each other. So I accepted because... I liked to be with her. And I ended up falling in love with her again, and she still loved me, so we got back together. And I thought that this time it was serious. Wasn't. I mean, it was serious. But just not as strong as before. She started to get distant. I always had to search for her, she almost never looked for me. Watching her TV series seemed to be more important for her than I was. She wouldn't charge her cellphone, so I couldn't talk with her. I'm very possessive, I admit. I don't like to stay one day without talking with her; it just makes me nervous. I don't know. So, I felt like I was loving her, but she wasn't loving me back. She kept telling me that she did love me, she was just different. And I believed her. I thought that I just had to get used to not getting so much attention. Two weaks ago, she broke up with me. One day before our last year of school began. It wasn't a agressive breakup, because I understood her point. She still loves me, and I know it. Our connection is really strong. But she loves me as a friend. Something like that. Aaand, she felt feelings for the boy that she was trying to forget when we started dating. So... I really wouldn't like to be with her knowing she liked another guy. I'm trying to move on. But I still love her. Like, I really don't have any will to live without her. I totally understand we HAD to breakup, things weren't working out. But I miss her. And I'm young, and I know I have a lot to live. Still... It's hard, without her. It's really hard to wake up, knowing I won't have her with me. And I see her everyday, because of school. And what kills me is that she's fine. She's moving on. In some time, she will probably know another guy. And I wont be the last anymore. She's fine, and i'm just... I don't have a place to go. I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm just alone. Loneliness is killing me. And I feel it's my fault. If I hadn't broken up with her the first time, if I could just love her and stop being stupid, things would the fine now. She would still love me. I really don't know if I made it clear to you what the situation was. I'm sorry, i'm really confused too... Thank you for reading.
Girlfriend ended a 3 years relationship. She didn't love me anymore. We broke up once, a year ago, I was fine, she was destroyed. Now, i'm destroyed, and she's fine. It's been a hard time for me.
Bob did not win the lottery. Buying the so called "k" chips allows for deviation out of the norm. Bob has the chip with the highest deviation out of the norm. There is a probability of bob receiving this chip, 10%. If bob won $100 for this, then it would be a lottery. Being rewarded with 500 mhz, does nothing but stroke bobs e-peen. If you're stating that the extra 500mhz is the prize, then each and every oc is to be considered a prize, thus, making it a reward for purchasing the "k" series, rather than a prize for picking the Tl:Dr, it is not a lottery.
Bob did not win the lottery. Buying the so called "k" chips allows for deviation out of the norm. Bob has the chip with the highest deviation out of the norm. There is a probability of bob receiving this chip, 10%. If bob won $100 for this, then it would be a lottery. Being rewarded with 500 mhz, does nothing but stroke bobs e-peen. If you're stating that the extra 500mhz is the prize, then each and every oc is to be considered a prize, thus, making it a reward for purchasing the "k" series, rather than a prize for picking the Tl:Dr, it is not a lottery.
Bob did not win the lottery. Buying the so called "k" chips allows for deviation out of the norm. Bob has the chip with the highest deviation out of the norm. There is a probability of bob receiving this chip, 10%. If bob won $100 for this, then it would be a lottery. Being rewarded with 500 mhz, does nothing but stroke bobs e-peen. If you're stating that the extra 500mhz is the prize, then each and every oc is to be considered a prize, thus, making it a reward for purchasing the "k" series, rather than a prize for picking the
it is not a lottery.
Well, you certainly can't trust us to win much, if any. We're down a player that was once viewed as the #1 Draft Pick, and even with him we were pretty mediocre, and spotty at best. On the other hand, there's also some limited risk that you can't trust us to lose, least early. After losing Nerlens and hitting Rock-y Top bottom in Nashville, we're playing a little more like a team. We could potentially survive long enough to bust some brackets, only to fizzle out before it really counts. **TL;DR** - Do not trust us.
Well, you certainly can't trust us to win much, if any. We're down a player that was once viewed as the #1 Draft Pick, and even with him we were pretty mediocre, and spotty at best. On the other hand, there's also some limited risk that you can't trust us to lose, least early. After losing Nerlens and hitting Rock-y Top bottom in Nashville, we're playing a little more like a team. We could potentially survive long enough to bust some brackets, only to fizzle out before it really counts. TL;DR - Do not trust us.
Well, you certainly can't trust us to win much, if any. We're down a player that was once viewed as the #1 Draft Pick, and even with him we were pretty mediocre, and spotty at best. On the other hand, there's also some limited risk that you can't trust us to lose, least early. After losing Nerlens and hitting Rock-y Top bottom in Nashville, we're playing a little more like a team. We could potentially survive long enough to bust some brackets, only to fizzle out before it really counts.
Do not trust us.
When I was younger I was very much "rock is the only good genre, rap and country are terrible, put em together and it's crap". I thought I was so clever and cool with my extremely singular taste in music. Then it broadened a bit to where I didn't like just straight up electric guitar, classic rock/headbanging. I started veering a BIT from that with The Beatles and other not SUPER rocky bands but still considered to be rock n roll I suppose. But in 8th grade I heard T.I's Whatever You Like and Kanye West's Heartless almost every day on the bus so I got interested in hip hop. I remember hearing Forever by Drake, Ye, Lil Wayne and Eminem and thinking it was the best thing ever. Well eventually I was pretty much only listening to hip hop. About two years ago I decided to pirate every Kanye West album just to see if I liked him. That day I listened to every track on every album and absolutely fell in love. Kanye is now 90% of what I listen to, nothing beats it, and I now own everyone of his albums (physically). I actually own Yeezus three times, I bought it once digitally and two different friends gave it to me as a gift. TL;DR- At first it was only rock but then I accepted Yeezus into my heart.
When I was younger I was very much "rock is the only good genre, rap and country are terrible, put em together and it's crap". I thought I was so clever and cool with my extremely singular taste in music. Then it broadened a bit to where I didn't like just straight up electric guitar, classic rock/headbanging. I started veering a BIT from that with The Beatles and other not SUPER rocky bands but still considered to be rock n roll I suppose. But in 8th grade I heard T.I's Whatever You Like and Kanye West's Heartless almost every day on the bus so I got interested in hip hop. I remember hearing Forever by Drake, Ye, Lil Wayne and Eminem and thinking it was the best thing ever. Well eventually I was pretty much only listening to hip hop. About two years ago I decided to pirate every Kanye West album just to see if I liked him. That day I listened to every track on every album and absolutely fell in love. Kanye is now 90% of what I listen to, nothing beats it, and I now own everyone of his albums (physically). I actually own Yeezus three times, I bought it once digitally and two different friends gave it to me as a gift. TL;DR- At first it was only rock but then I accepted Yeezus into my heart.
When I was younger I was very much "rock is the only good genre, rap and country are terrible, put em together and it's crap". I thought I was so clever and cool with my extremely singular taste in music. Then it broadened a bit to where I didn't like just straight up electric guitar, classic rock/headbanging. I started veering a BIT from that with The Beatles and other not SUPER rocky bands but still considered to be rock n roll I suppose. But in 8th grade I heard T.I's Whatever You Like and Kanye West's Heartless almost every day on the bus so I got interested in hip hop. I remember hearing Forever by Drake, Ye, Lil Wayne and Eminem and thinking it was the best thing ever. Well eventually I was pretty much only listening to hip hop. About two years ago I decided to pirate every Kanye West album just to see if I liked him. That day I listened to every track on every album and absolutely fell in love. Kanye is now 90% of what I listen to, nothing beats it, and I now own everyone of his albums (physically). I actually own Yeezus three times, I bought it once digitally and two different friends gave it to me as a gift.
At first it was only rock but then I accepted Yeezus into my heart.
Hey there everyone :) My name is Maeve, I'm 17 and MTF. For the past 11 years, I've known I was trans, and the feelings have only grown stronger and stronger. I still live with my parents, but I'm getting to that point of suppressing my emotions that I'm starting to feel like I can't keep on living like this. My mom won't allow anything of any kind until I'm done with college in 4 years [including name changes, clothing, hormones, the whole bit] I just dont know what to do anymore. I've talked with her countless times but she just won't listen. Any and all advice would mean the world. Thank you TL:DR, Im 17 mtf, cant transition of any sort until I'm 22 but I doubt I'll be able to last that long. Help
Hey there everyone :) My name is Maeve, I'm 17 and MTF. For the past 11 years, I've known I was trans, and the feelings have only grown stronger and stronger. I still live with my parents, but I'm getting to that point of suppressing my emotions that I'm starting to feel like I can't keep on living like this. My mom won't allow anything of any kind until I'm done with college in 4 years [including name changes, clothing, hormones, the whole bit] I just dont know what to do anymore. I've talked with her countless times but she just won't listen. Any and all advice would mean the world. Thank you TL:DR, Im 17 mtf, cant transition of any sort until I'm 22 but I doubt I'll be able to last that long. Help
Hey there everyone :) My name is Maeve, I'm 17 and MTF. For the past 11 years, I've known I was trans, and the feelings have only grown stronger and stronger. I still live with my parents, but I'm getting to that point of suppressing my emotions that I'm starting to feel like I can't keep on living like this. My mom won't allow anything of any kind until I'm done with college in 4 years [including name changes, clothing, hormones, the whole bit] I just dont know what to do anymore. I've talked with her countless times but she just won't listen. Any and all advice would mean the world. Thank you
Im 17 mtf, cant transition of any sort until I'm 22 but I doubt I'll be able to last that long. Help
I might have some authority on the matter here...albeit from the other side of things (not a medical expert, but rather a combat-weapons one). A bullet-proof vest isn't a steel wall between you and the bullet. It's more like a soccer net. The bullet doesn't really have all that much energy, relatively speaking. Consider the whole "equal but opposite reaction" axiom: Whatever energy goes out the front of the barrel is also being blown back through the weapon. You see it in the form or "recoil", and the reason it doesn't hurt anyone is because of how it is distributed. That's what a vest does, it redistributes the force of the bullet over a larger area, as much as it can. Typical, lightweight, flexible Kevlar vests are very effective at "stopping" bullets out of most pistols (but not necessarily high-powered rifles). But, depending upon how big the round is, you're gonna feel it. A center-mass strike is going to break a rib or two, especially with the bigger might get back up, but you'll be in a LOT of pain in the immediate future. The Ceramic-insert vests troops wear are a little more forgiving, and can stop a much wider array of rounds from both pistols and rifles. They are REALLY good at distributing the force, so with a fast-and-heavy round, you'll feel like you took a swift kick to the chest, but you'll probably get back up and keep on fighting. Of course, you aren't wearing these bitches underneath your shirt on your undercover gig. They weigh a ton and are about as comfortable as wearing a few dozen pounds of heavy ceramic sounds like it would be. Another caveat: Most body armor is like a bike's disposable. One-time use. In other words, it is designed to stop precisely one bullet. After that, all bets are off. Newer prototypes like Dragonskin are making strides toward getting around that limitation, but most of what you see in production is one-and-done. Ceramic-insert vests at least have more than one plate, so the vest as a whole can take more than one hit...but each plate is only going to promise you one extra life. TL;DR: Mithril is still make-believe. Anything you can fit under your shirt is going to leave a mark, even if it leaves you alive.
I might have some authority on the matter here...albeit from the other side of things (not a medical expert, but rather a combat-weapons one). A bullet-proof vest isn't a steel wall between you and the bullet. It's more like a soccer net. The bullet doesn't really have all that much energy, relatively speaking. Consider the whole "equal but opposite reaction" axiom: Whatever energy goes out the front of the barrel is also being blown back through the weapon. You see it in the form or "recoil", and the reason it doesn't hurt anyone is because of how it is distributed. That's what a vest does, it redistributes the force of the bullet over a larger area, as much as it can. Typical, lightweight, flexible Kevlar vests are very effective at "stopping" bullets out of most pistols (but not necessarily high-powered rifles). But, depending upon how big the round is, you're gonna feel it. A center-mass strike is going to break a rib or two, especially with the bigger might get back up, but you'll be in a LOT of pain in the immediate future. The Ceramic-insert vests troops wear are a little more forgiving, and can stop a much wider array of rounds from both pistols and rifles. They are REALLY good at distributing the force, so with a fast-and-heavy round, you'll feel like you took a swift kick to the chest, but you'll probably get back up and keep on fighting. Of course, you aren't wearing these bitches underneath your shirt on your undercover gig. They weigh a ton and are about as comfortable as wearing a few dozen pounds of heavy ceramic sounds like it would be. Another caveat: Most body armor is like a bike's disposable. One-time use. In other words, it is designed to stop precisely one bullet. After that, all bets are off. Newer prototypes like Dragonskin are making strides toward getting around that limitation, but most of what you see in production is one-and-done. Ceramic-insert vests at least have more than one plate, so the vest as a whole can take more than one hit...but each plate is only going to promise you one extra life. TL;DR: Mithril is still make-believe. Anything you can fit under your shirt is going to leave a mark, even if it leaves you alive.
I might have some authority on the matter here...albeit from the other side of things (not a medical expert, but rather a combat-weapons one). A bullet-proof vest isn't a steel wall between you and the bullet. It's more like a soccer net. The bullet doesn't really have all that much energy, relatively speaking. Consider the whole "equal but opposite reaction" axiom: Whatever energy goes out the front of the barrel is also being blown back through the weapon. You see it in the form or "recoil", and the reason it doesn't hurt anyone is because of how it is distributed. That's what a vest does, it redistributes the force of the bullet over a larger area, as much as it can. Typical, lightweight, flexible Kevlar vests are very effective at "stopping" bullets out of most pistols (but not necessarily high-powered rifles). But, depending upon how big the round is, you're gonna feel it. A center-mass strike is going to break a rib or two, especially with the bigger might get back up, but you'll be in a LOT of pain in the immediate future. The Ceramic-insert vests troops wear are a little more forgiving, and can stop a much wider array of rounds from both pistols and rifles. They are REALLY good at distributing the force, so with a fast-and-heavy round, you'll feel like you took a swift kick to the chest, but you'll probably get back up and keep on fighting. Of course, you aren't wearing these bitches underneath your shirt on your undercover gig. They weigh a ton and are about as comfortable as wearing a few dozen pounds of heavy ceramic sounds like it would be. Another caveat: Most body armor is like a bike's disposable. One-time use. In other words, it is designed to stop precisely one bullet. After that, all bets are off. Newer prototypes like Dragonskin are making strides toward getting around that limitation, but most of what you see in production is one-and-done. Ceramic-insert vests at least have more than one plate, so the vest as a whole can take more than one hit...but each plate is only going to promise you one extra life.
Mithril is still make-believe. Anything you can fit under your shirt is going to leave a mark, even if it leaves you alive.
Im a 23 year old girl in a big city, and I'm pretty typical. Stable home, cool siblings, modern lifestyle. Nothing about me screams "immoral slut". Except John. I met John in university when I was dating his friend. John and I had an immediate connection and it very quickly took over what I felt for his friend. We would talk for hours about any and everything. The mental and physical connection we have is indescribeable. Emotionally, however, there was never much there. We both realized soon enough that we had a thing for watching each other get off and we shared a mutual love for all things Tantra. I'll make this simple: With all of our other partners, we had to learn how to have an orgasm, ie: actively think about and focus until we came. With each other, it was the opposite. We had to fight to not orgasm a minute or so in. We are two sides of the same coin it seemed, our energy was parallel... even intertwined. Sadly, we lost contact. Fast forward 6 years and we meet up for coffee. Its like not a day went by since we last saw each other. He is now married, and I've been seeing someone for a few months. We know we want each other, there is not getting around this fact. He asks me if I believe there are certain people who are meant to be in your life... I do believe that. He asks me what I would do to keep those people in my life. I can see where he is going with this, we never want to stop being in each others lives. We don't want the conversations to end, the advice to stop, and the incredible moments of ecstacy to be lost. I know I should feel like this is wrong. He's married to a wonderful, beautiful woman. I'm seeing someone really hot (there's not much else to say for him TBH). He loves her, I know this... But I feel like a sociopath in that I cannot see whats so wrong with getting off with someone you feel so connected to and leaving it there. I've never felt any desire to date him or bring him to parties, dinner, etc... In spite of (and considering) all I've said, Reddit, should I stop? **It should be noted that we take many precautions to ensure we are both clean (monthly check ups) and we very rarely have any sort of penetration. Safe sex = good sex!!** TL;DR: 23F getting off with 29M married guy from my past. Neither of us want to date, neither of us want to stop. Should I stop anyways because its the "right thing to do"?
Im a 23 year old girl in a big city, and I'm pretty typical. Stable home, cool siblings, modern lifestyle. Nothing about me screams "immoral slut". Except John. I met John in university when I was dating his friend. John and I had an immediate connection and it very quickly took over what I felt for his friend. We would talk for hours about any and everything. The mental and physical connection we have is indescribeable. Emotionally, however, there was never much there. We both realized soon enough that we had a thing for watching each other get off and we shared a mutual love for all things Tantra. I'll make this simple: With all of our other partners, we had to learn how to have an orgasm, ie: actively think about and focus until we came. With each other, it was the opposite. We had to fight to not orgasm a minute or so in. We are two sides of the same coin it seemed, our energy was parallel... even intertwined. Sadly, we lost contact. Fast forward 6 years and we meet up for coffee. Its like not a day went by since we last saw each other. He is now married, and I've been seeing someone for a few months. We know we want each other, there is not getting around this fact. He asks me if I believe there are certain people who are meant to be in your life... I do believe that. He asks me what I would do to keep those people in my life. I can see where he is going with this, we never want to stop being in each others lives. We don't want the conversations to end, the advice to stop, and the incredible moments of ecstacy to be lost. I know I should feel like this is wrong. He's married to a wonderful, beautiful woman. I'm seeing someone really hot (there's not much else to say for him TBH). He loves her, I know this... But I feel like a sociopath in that I cannot see whats so wrong with getting off with someone you feel so connected to and leaving it there. I've never felt any desire to date him or bring him to parties, dinner, etc... In spite of (and considering) all I've said, Reddit, should I stop? It should be noted that we take many precautions to ensure we are both clean (monthly check ups) and we very rarely have any sort of penetration. Safe sex = good sex!! TL;DR: 23F getting off with 29M married guy from my past. Neither of us want to date, neither of us want to stop. Should I stop anyways because its the "right thing to do"?
Im a 23 year old girl in a big city, and I'm pretty typical. Stable home, cool siblings, modern lifestyle. Nothing about me screams "immoral slut". Except John. I met John in university when I was dating his friend. John and I had an immediate connection and it very quickly took over what I felt for his friend. We would talk for hours about any and everything. The mental and physical connection we have is indescribeable. Emotionally, however, there was never much there. We both realized soon enough that we had a thing for watching each other get off and we shared a mutual love for all things Tantra. I'll make this simple: With all of our other partners, we had to learn how to have an orgasm, ie: actively think about and focus until we came. With each other, it was the opposite. We had to fight to not orgasm a minute or so in. We are two sides of the same coin it seemed, our energy was parallel... even intertwined. Sadly, we lost contact. Fast forward 6 years and we meet up for coffee. Its like not a day went by since we last saw each other. He is now married, and I've been seeing someone for a few months. We know we want each other, there is not getting around this fact. He asks me if I believe there are certain people who are meant to be in your life... I do believe that. He asks me what I would do to keep those people in my life. I can see where he is going with this, we never want to stop being in each others lives. We don't want the conversations to end, the advice to stop, and the incredible moments of ecstacy to be lost. I know I should feel like this is wrong. He's married to a wonderful, beautiful woman. I'm seeing someone really hot (there's not much else to say for him TBH). He loves her, I know this... But I feel like a sociopath in that I cannot see whats so wrong with getting off with someone you feel so connected to and leaving it there. I've never felt any desire to date him or bring him to parties, dinner, etc... In spite of (and considering) all I've said, Reddit, should I stop? It should be noted that we take many precautions to ensure we are both clean (monthly check ups) and we very rarely have any sort of penetration. Safe sex = good sex!!
23F getting off with 29M married guy from my past. Neither of us want to date, neither of us want to stop. Should I stop anyways because its the "right thing to do"?
Doesn't this kinda make you wonder about personal responsibility in all of this? I mean there are plenty of privileged, socially inept douchenozzles running around (myself included), but not a high percentage actually act on, or even have bitterness. Though I understand that addressing rape culture or how men perceive violence are the most practical steps to take, it seems like a cop out to blame the parents or video games or the media, at least philosophically. Since I'm just rambling at the internet: I sure I'm misinterpreting a lot of stuff on here (and elsewhere), but it seems like most of the issues these types of tragedies bring up are social, which paradoxically may not be the easiest things to change in the minds of the types who do this stuff. Obviously our culture informs the entitlement, and warped perception of others these men unilaterally possess, but mainstream culture seems to be, in the humble opinion of this neckbeard, against things like rape and murder (at least nominally), so the red pillers and internet racists and MRA's retreat to insular circle jerks and egg each other on. Even if we miraculously fixed our mainstream perception and policies toward gender relations and violence and all that, how do you convince an isolated, miserable person that has had to look so far and wide for a source of self esteem or at least an outlet for the anger that they've latched on to Nazism or red pill rhetoric to let go of the one thing that lets them feel not quite as bad? I'm not sure reason will work, just from personal experience, so I'm not sure I see a good solution TLDR: The musings of a 21 year old incel virgin neckbeard from a rich family.
Doesn't this kinda make you wonder about personal responsibility in all of this? I mean there are plenty of privileged, socially inept douchenozzles running around (myself included), but not a high percentage actually act on, or even have bitterness. Though I understand that addressing rape culture or how men perceive violence are the most practical steps to take, it seems like a cop out to blame the parents or video games or the media, at least philosophically. Since I'm just rambling at the internet: I sure I'm misinterpreting a lot of stuff on here (and elsewhere), but it seems like most of the issues these types of tragedies bring up are social, which paradoxically may not be the easiest things to change in the minds of the types who do this stuff. Obviously our culture informs the entitlement, and warped perception of others these men unilaterally possess, but mainstream culture seems to be, in the humble opinion of this neckbeard, against things like rape and murder (at least nominally), so the red pillers and internet racists and MRA's retreat to insular circle jerks and egg each other on. Even if we miraculously fixed our mainstream perception and policies toward gender relations and violence and all that, how do you convince an isolated, miserable person that has had to look so far and wide for a source of self esteem or at least an outlet for the anger that they've latched on to Nazism or red pill rhetoric to let go of the one thing that lets them feel not quite as bad? I'm not sure reason will work, just from personal experience, so I'm not sure I see a good solution TLDR: The musings of a 21 year old incel virgin neckbeard from a rich family.
Doesn't this kinda make you wonder about personal responsibility in all of this? I mean there are plenty of privileged, socially inept douchenozzles running around (myself included), but not a high percentage actually act on, or even have bitterness. Though I understand that addressing rape culture or how men perceive violence are the most practical steps to take, it seems like a cop out to blame the parents or video games or the media, at least philosophically. Since I'm just rambling at the internet: I sure I'm misinterpreting a lot of stuff on here (and elsewhere), but it seems like most of the issues these types of tragedies bring up are social, which paradoxically may not be the easiest things to change in the minds of the types who do this stuff. Obviously our culture informs the entitlement, and warped perception of others these men unilaterally possess, but mainstream culture seems to be, in the humble opinion of this neckbeard, against things like rape and murder (at least nominally), so the red pillers and internet racists and MRA's retreat to insular circle jerks and egg each other on. Even if we miraculously fixed our mainstream perception and policies toward gender relations and violence and all that, how do you convince an isolated, miserable person that has had to look so far and wide for a source of self esteem or at least an outlet for the anger that they've latched on to Nazism or red pill rhetoric to let go of the one thing that lets them feel not quite as bad? I'm not sure reason will work, just from personal experience, so I'm not sure I see a good solution
The musings of a 21 year old incel virgin neckbeard from a rich family.
This is likely dated advice, but when I went to college 10 years ago the laundry machines in the residence used SmartCity cards. You would pay $50 to fully load the card up and each time you did laundry it would deduct the amount from that pre-paid card. Well at that time I was involved in programming the "HU Football" cards for DirectTV and this involved taking satellite smart cards and using a smart card reader/writer to program them for access to free satellite tv. I applied the same principle to the laundry card. * Pay once to load laundry card. * Use smart card reader / writer to make an image file of the fully loaded laundry card. * Re-write the image back to the smart card when you run out. TL;DR - Pay once for infinite laundry.
This is likely dated advice, but when I went to college 10 years ago the laundry machines in the residence used SmartCity cards. You would pay $50 to fully load the card up and each time you did laundry it would deduct the amount from that pre-paid card. Well at that time I was involved in programming the "HU Football" cards for DirectTV and this involved taking satellite smart cards and using a smart card reader/writer to program them for access to free satellite tv. I applied the same principle to the laundry card. Pay once to load laundry card. Use smart card reader / writer to make an image file of the fully loaded laundry card. Re-write the image back to the smart card when you run out. TL;DR - Pay once for infinite laundry.
This is likely dated advice, but when I went to college 10 years ago the laundry machines in the residence used SmartCity cards. You would pay $50 to fully load the card up and each time you did laundry it would deduct the amount from that pre-paid card. Well at that time I was involved in programming the "HU Football" cards for DirectTV and this involved taking satellite smart cards and using a smart card reader/writer to program them for access to free satellite tv. I applied the same principle to the laundry card. Pay once to load laundry card. Use smart card reader / writer to make an image file of the fully loaded laundry card. Re-write the image back to the smart card when you run out.
Pay once for infinite laundry.
Okay, so I'm not trying to be a bitch here. I'm genuinely interested to know the reasons. Pretty much all of the engineers I've met at U of I are just so arrogant about it, and no offense, but you guys (as in the r/uiuc community) kinda come off that way too. It's like people who aren't engineers are just worthless. I know we're a great engineering school and all, but face it, the whole world can't be engineers. 1)We would die out because nobody would be getting laid and 2)There are more roles to be filled in society than engineering ones. Sorry for this. Just wanted to hear some other opinions. Also, kinda drunk. TL;DR: All of the engineers I meet are arrogant and scoff at those who are not engineers.
Okay, so I'm not trying to be a bitch here. I'm genuinely interested to know the reasons. Pretty much all of the engineers I've met at U of I are just so arrogant about it, and no offense, but you guys (as in the r/uiuc community) kinda come off that way too. It's like people who aren't engineers are just worthless. I know we're a great engineering school and all, but face it, the whole world can't be engineers. 1)We would die out because nobody would be getting laid and 2)There are more roles to be filled in society than engineering ones. Sorry for this. Just wanted to hear some other opinions. Also, kinda drunk. TL;DR: All of the engineers I meet are arrogant and scoff at those who are not engineers.
Okay, so I'm not trying to be a bitch here. I'm genuinely interested to know the reasons. Pretty much all of the engineers I've met at U of I are just so arrogant about it, and no offense, but you guys (as in the r/uiuc community) kinda come off that way too. It's like people who aren't engineers are just worthless. I know we're a great engineering school and all, but face it, the whole world can't be engineers. 1)We would die out because nobody would be getting laid and 2)There are more roles to be filled in society than engineering ones. Sorry for this. Just wanted to hear some other opinions. Also, kinda drunk.
All of the engineers I meet are arrogant and scoff at those who are not engineers.
ok. this is not your fault, but i think i have to rant about this article. i'm gonna give the author reasons 5 (shunning manual labor jobs) and 4 (celebrating the slacker as anti-hero), but 3-1 are complete and utter crap. 3 is crap because, [across the world]( it is common to live with one's parents until marriage. So it can't possibly GenX's fault. And to generalize that the culture of infantilization comes from living at home is post hoc ergo propter hoc. Infantilization is as much a problem as parenting, economic well-being, etc., whereby someone can live at home until they are 30, yet take huge responsibility around the house - thus learning how to be a better adult - depending on what is demanded of them. 2 is crap, because once again the author fails to take numerous factors influencing the entertainment industry into account. For example, many, many, MANY entertainers were abused by their agents and record labels throughout the years. Many were left destitute. That sounds like a broken system from the get go. The music and film industries have become lazy, bloated and corrupt. [That corruption probably loses more money than piracy,]( not to mention the perpetuation of the idea that celebrities deserve a ridiculous amount of money - an amount that if a cardiovascular surgeon requested, he would be laughed at. Additionally, we were not "taught" to believe that entertainment has no value.This is false for two reasons: * first, value is market determined. We do pay for things, we just hate paying for bullshit that is crammed down our throats or things that we like that are locked up with DRM. Sell us thing we want without abusive contracts attached, and the entertainment industry will move gracefully into this century. * second, paying $19.88 for a CD at Coconuts in 1996 was highway robbery then, and it continues to be now. Copyright law has allowed the major publishers (versus the hardworking artists creating the entertainment) to charge monopoly rents for decades and that is a system that is falling apart, as it should. Finally, 1 is crap, crap, crap. This is just this author's commentary on the explosion of the virtual world and its appeal to everyone. It has nothing to do with GenX, the Babyboomers or anything else. It has to do with parenting plain and simple. You don't want your kid to be glued to the tube? Great, send them to dance class, gymnastics, little league, fencing lessons, whogivesafuck. The problem is that EVERYONE likes the technology and its innovations. So if mommy and daddy sit on the tubes all day, how can they expect that baby wont monkey-see-monkey-do? **TL;DR Article is wrong because of post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning and poor research to boot.**
ok. this is not your fault, but i think i have to rant about this article. i'm gonna give the author reasons 5 (shunning manual labor jobs) and 4 (celebrating the slacker as anti-hero), but 3-1 are complete and utter crap. 3 is crap because, [across the world]( it is common to live with one's parents until marriage. So it can't possibly GenX's fault. And to generalize that the culture of infantilization comes from living at home is post hoc ergo propter hoc. Infantilization is as much a problem as parenting, economic well-being, etc., whereby someone can live at home until they are 30, yet take huge responsibility around the house - thus learning how to be a better adult - depending on what is demanded of them. 2 is crap, because once again the author fails to take numerous factors influencing the entertainment industry into account. For example, many, many, MANY entertainers were abused by their agents and record labels throughout the years. Many were left destitute. That sounds like a broken system from the get go. The music and film industries have become lazy, bloated and corrupt. [That corruption probably loses more money than piracy,]( not to mention the perpetuation of the idea that celebrities deserve a ridiculous amount of money - an amount that if a cardiovascular surgeon requested, he would be laughed at. Additionally, we were not "taught" to believe that entertainment has no value.This is false for two reasons: first, value is market determined. We do pay for things, we just hate paying for bullshit that is crammed down our throats or things that we like that are locked up with DRM. Sell us thing we want without abusive contracts attached, and the entertainment industry will move gracefully into this century. second, paying $19.88 for a CD at Coconuts in 1996 was highway robbery then, and it continues to be now. Copyright law has allowed the major publishers (versus the hardworking artists creating the entertainment) to charge monopoly rents for decades and that is a system that is falling apart, as it should. Finally, 1 is crap, crap, crap. This is just this author's commentary on the explosion of the virtual world and its appeal to everyone. It has nothing to do with GenX, the Babyboomers or anything else. It has to do with parenting plain and simple. You don't want your kid to be glued to the tube? Great, send them to dance class, gymnastics, little league, fencing lessons, whogivesafuck. The problem is that EVERYONE likes the technology and its innovations. So if mommy and daddy sit on the tubes all day, how can they expect that baby wont monkey-see-monkey-do? TL;DR Article is wrong because of post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning and poor research to boot.
ok. this is not your fault, but i think i have to rant about this article. i'm gonna give the author reasons 5 (shunning manual labor jobs) and 4 (celebrating the slacker as anti-hero), but 3-1 are complete and utter crap. 3 is crap because, [across the world]( it is common to live with one's parents until marriage. So it can't possibly GenX's fault. And to generalize that the culture of infantilization comes from living at home is post hoc ergo propter hoc. Infantilization is as much a problem as parenting, economic well-being, etc., whereby someone can live at home until they are 30, yet take huge responsibility around the house - thus learning how to be a better adult - depending on what is demanded of them. 2 is crap, because once again the author fails to take numerous factors influencing the entertainment industry into account. For example, many, many, MANY entertainers were abused by their agents and record labels throughout the years. Many were left destitute. That sounds like a broken system from the get go. The music and film industries have become lazy, bloated and corrupt. [That corruption probably loses more money than piracy,]( not to mention the perpetuation of the idea that celebrities deserve a ridiculous amount of money - an amount that if a cardiovascular surgeon requested, he would be laughed at. Additionally, we were not "taught" to believe that entertainment has no value.This is false for two reasons: first, value is market determined. We do pay for things, we just hate paying for bullshit that is crammed down our throats or things that we like that are locked up with DRM. Sell us thing we want without abusive contracts attached, and the entertainment industry will move gracefully into this century. second, paying $19.88 for a CD at Coconuts in 1996 was highway robbery then, and it continues to be now. Copyright law has allowed the major publishers (versus the hardworking artists creating the entertainment) to charge monopoly rents for decades and that is a system that is falling apart, as it should. Finally, 1 is crap, crap, crap. This is just this author's commentary on the explosion of the virtual world and its appeal to everyone. It has nothing to do with GenX, the Babyboomers or anything else. It has to do with parenting plain and simple. You don't want your kid to be glued to the tube? Great, send them to dance class, gymnastics, little league, fencing lessons, whogivesafuck. The problem is that EVERYONE likes the technology and its innovations. So if mommy and daddy sit on the tubes all day, how can they expect that baby wont monkey-see-monkey-do?
Article is wrong because of post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning and poor research to boot.
I stumbled onto it. I had leveled 3 or 4 toons to Anor Londo(ish) trying to decide which playstyle I liked the best. Ended up going back to my first toon(dex/int in case you were wondering). Right after Anor Londo I cleared Duke's and Seath. I decided to take a break from the lord soul areas after dealing with Duke's and the Crystal Cave(beautiful, yet aggravating) so, I ventured back to Darkroot to Sif and on my way I was thinking "Hmm, have I killed the hydra and freed Dusk yet?". The DLC did not even occur to me as I had avoided spoilers fairly well and did not realize Dusk was related. Anywho, turned out I had killed the hydra. I went to Dusk's summon spot and did not see her sign. "Hmm, must not have freed her yet.". Headed to the spot, saw some swirly purple shit and was like "Huh. This is new." And that's all she wrote. TL;DR: Stumbled upon the DLC Edit: Sorry, wall of text not wally enough. Wanted to add that the DLC content is AWESOME. Artorias was probably my most fun boss fight. 20-some-odd tries, but had a blast with it.
I stumbled onto it. I had leveled 3 or 4 toons to Anor Londo(ish) trying to decide which playstyle I liked the best. Ended up going back to my first toon(dex/int in case you were wondering). Right after Anor Londo I cleared Duke's and Seath. I decided to take a break from the lord soul areas after dealing with Duke's and the Crystal Cave(beautiful, yet aggravating) so, I ventured back to Darkroot to Sif and on my way I was thinking "Hmm, have I killed the hydra and freed Dusk yet?". The DLC did not even occur to me as I had avoided spoilers fairly well and did not realize Dusk was related. Anywho, turned out I had killed the hydra. I went to Dusk's summon spot and did not see her sign. "Hmm, must not have freed her yet.". Headed to the spot, saw some swirly purple shit and was like "Huh. This is new." And that's all she wrote. TL;DR: Stumbled upon the DLC Edit: Sorry, wall of text not wally enough. Wanted to add that the DLC content is AWESOME. Artorias was probably my most fun boss fight. 20-some-odd tries, but had a blast with it.
I stumbled onto it. I had leveled 3 or 4 toons to Anor Londo(ish) trying to decide which playstyle I liked the best. Ended up going back to my first toon(dex/int in case you were wondering). Right after Anor Londo I cleared Duke's and Seath. I decided to take a break from the lord soul areas after dealing with Duke's and the Crystal Cave(beautiful, yet aggravating) so, I ventured back to Darkroot to Sif and on my way I was thinking "Hmm, have I killed the hydra and freed Dusk yet?". The DLC did not even occur to me as I had avoided spoilers fairly well and did not realize Dusk was related. Anywho, turned out I had killed the hydra. I went to Dusk's summon spot and did not see her sign. "Hmm, must not have freed her yet.". Headed to the spot, saw some swirly purple shit and was like "Huh. This is new." And that's all she wrote.
Stumbled upon the DLC Edit: Sorry, wall of text not wally enough. Wanted to add that the DLC content is AWESOME. Artorias was probably my most fun boss fight. 20-some-odd tries, but had a blast with it.
Edit:  Read this and giggle.  Giggle like all is right in the world. (and upvote if you said Amen). I was deemed one of the special ones. You know, the ones that get plucked from class for special programming because they are bright and articulate. You probably were too. Yep, I was on my way to the state capital to be surrounded by other bright young leaders to wrestle with tough issues facing our state and community.  Because I was in the leadership group, I was due to get there early for a run-through. Everyone was staying at one girl’s house. We arrived at the huge, warm home and were greeted sweetly by the girl’s mom. She was the most gracious host. The reason I mention her grace is because her father was a Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. That escalated quickly, right?  I forget how this little factoid was dropped into casual conversation, but it washed over me like a wave. I felt that little, big well of ancestral rage start to bubble.  He wasn't in today's largely ignored Klan, he was in the firebomb your house, burn a cross on your lawn while holding a Bible-Klan.  With that smack of reality, I realized how the huge, fine house we were so warmly invited into was earned.  It felt a little stranger… a little colder... and the grandfather was in the other room.  What could I do to right the countless injustices this man had wrought upon my brethren? Why should he get to chill in the repose of old age when so many had their lives cut short and forgotten? College students who were only slightly older than me had to suffer the indignities of sit-ins and jail among many worse outcomes fighting for our human rights. I had personally heard them speak of the psychic scars they had to overcome. What could I do? I hatched my plan. The next morning, the granddaughter introduced us to him-- his stature bowed by old age, unable to speak or respond, hand-fed and incontinent. I felt sorry for him. The granddaughter was happily naive and unaware of the impact of this meeting on me and the others as she shuffled out of the room for breakfast. I stayed. As he sat there staring at me blankly and blithely, I wondered how this old man, nearing 100 years, could have ever held so much hate in his heart. Did he ever renounce his old ways? I didn’t know. But, as I stood there staring him directly in the eyes with the insanity of 1,000 thoughts at once, I knew I had to follow through. This was my moment, our moment.  I considered my options; what could possibly be proper recompense?  I stuck my thumbs in my ears with my palms mimicking a moose’s antlers, stuck out my tongue as far as it would go, and wiggled them at him with all of my might. And, with that, I went to go have some eggs. I like to think some of the pain walked out with me.  Free at last. Happy 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.  Digital libations for all who sacrificed for you, me, and us. Tl:dr: thumbed my nose at a grand dragon of the KKK. 
Edit: Read this and giggle. Giggle like all is right in the world. (and upvote if you said Amen). I was deemed one of the special ones. You know, the ones that get plucked from class for special programming because they are bright and articulate. You probably were too. Yep, I was on my way to the state capital to be surrounded by other bright young leaders to wrestle with tough issues facing our state and community. Because I was in the leadership group, I was due to get there early for a run-through. Everyone was staying at one girl’s house. We arrived at the huge, warm home and were greeted sweetly by the girl’s mom. She was the most gracious host. The reason I mention her grace is because her father was a Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. That escalated quickly, right? I forget how this little factoid was dropped into casual conversation, but it washed over me like a wave. I felt that little, big well of ancestral rage start to bubble. He wasn't in today's largely ignored Klan, he was in the firebomb your house, burn a cross on your lawn while holding a Bible-Klan. With that smack of reality, I realized how the huge, fine house we were so warmly invited into was earned. It felt a little stranger… a little colder... and the grandfather was in the other room. What could I do to right the countless injustices this man had wrought upon my brethren? Why should he get to chill in the repose of old age when so many had their lives cut short and forgotten? College students who were only slightly older than me had to suffer the indignities of sit-ins and jail among many worse outcomes fighting for our human rights. I had personally heard them speak of the psychic scars they had to overcome. What could I do? I hatched my plan. The next morning, the granddaughter introduced us to him-- his stature bowed by old age, unable to speak or respond, hand-fed and incontinent. I felt sorry for him. The granddaughter was happily naive and unaware of the impact of this meeting on me and the others as she shuffled out of the room for breakfast. I stayed. As he sat there staring at me blankly and blithely, I wondered how this old man, nearing 100 years, could have ever held so much hate in his heart. Did he ever renounce his old ways? I didn’t know. But, as I stood there staring him directly in the eyes with the insanity of 1,000 thoughts at once, I knew I had to follow through. This was my moment, our moment. I considered my options; what could possibly be proper recompense? I stuck my thumbs in my ears with my palms mimicking a moose’s antlers, stuck out my tongue as far as it would go, and wiggled them at him with all of my might. And, with that, I went to go have some eggs. I like to think some of the pain walked out with me. Free at last. Happy 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. Digital libations for all who sacrificed for you, me, and us. Tl:dr: thumbed my nose at a grand dragon of the KKK.
Edit: Read this and giggle. Giggle like all is right in the world. (and upvote if you said Amen). I was deemed one of the special ones. You know, the ones that get plucked from class for special programming because they are bright and articulate. You probably were too. Yep, I was on my way to the state capital to be surrounded by other bright young leaders to wrestle with tough issues facing our state and community. Because I was in the leadership group, I was due to get there early for a run-through. Everyone was staying at one girl’s house. We arrived at the huge, warm home and were greeted sweetly by the girl’s mom. She was the most gracious host. The reason I mention her grace is because her father was a Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. That escalated quickly, right? I forget how this little factoid was dropped into casual conversation, but it washed over me like a wave. I felt that little, big well of ancestral rage start to bubble. He wasn't in today's largely ignored Klan, he was in the firebomb your house, burn a cross on your lawn while holding a Bible-Klan. With that smack of reality, I realized how the huge, fine house we were so warmly invited into was earned. It felt a little stranger… a little colder... and the grandfather was in the other room. What could I do to right the countless injustices this man had wrought upon my brethren? Why should he get to chill in the repose of old age when so many had their lives cut short and forgotten? College students who were only slightly older than me had to suffer the indignities of sit-ins and jail among many worse outcomes fighting for our human rights. I had personally heard them speak of the psychic scars they had to overcome. What could I do? I hatched my plan. The next morning, the granddaughter introduced us to him-- his stature bowed by old age, unable to speak or respond, hand-fed and incontinent. I felt sorry for him. The granddaughter was happily naive and unaware of the impact of this meeting on me and the others as she shuffled out of the room for breakfast. I stayed. As he sat there staring at me blankly and blithely, I wondered how this old man, nearing 100 years, could have ever held so much hate in his heart. Did he ever renounce his old ways? I didn’t know. But, as I stood there staring him directly in the eyes with the insanity of 1,000 thoughts at once, I knew I had to follow through. This was my moment, our moment. I considered my options; what could possibly be proper recompense? I stuck my thumbs in my ears with my palms mimicking a moose’s antlers, stuck out my tongue as far as it would go, and wiggled them at him with all of my might. And, with that, I went to go have some eggs. I like to think some of the pain walked out with me. Free at last. Happy 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. Digital libations for all who sacrificed for you, me, and us.
thumbed my nose at a grand dragon of the KKK.
Some background info: I have been a sleep walker all my life. I've walked as far as across the street and I've even sleep "pissed" in the closet. My room was just as any 10-year-olds' room was. It had ugly, old stuffed animals around the floor/bed, posters of current musicians and pokemon characters, a few night-stands, and a dresser positioned across the corner of my room (so that both of the back corners were touching the wall and there was a small triangular gap behind it). This was an extremely heavy dresser (about 7 feet tall), it had 4 large shelves on top of a set of 4 large drawers, and was made of the heaviest oak you could find. One night when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I had a frightening nightmare where there were eyes behind my dresser and they were trying to lure me towards it. They called me by name and told me once I got there, all my terrors would be relieved. I woke up screaming and my parents were in my room frantically trying to find me. I was behind the dresser where the eyes were telling me to go. It took what felt like 20 minutes for my parents to move the dresser aside and, after moving it, we saw two "eye" marks on the back. They were marks made by my own wide-open eyes that I had pressed against the back of the dresser. To this day I don't understand how I got behind the dresser but what was even more surprising is that not only was I not strong enough to move it so that I could get behind it, it was moved back into it's original place, trapping me in. TL;DR: Followed a voice in my dream to go behind my extremely heavy dresser. Woke up trapped behind it.
Some background info: I have been a sleep walker all my life. I've walked as far as across the street and I've even sleep "pissed" in the closet. My room was just as any 10-year-olds' room was. It had ugly, old stuffed animals around the floor/bed, posters of current musicians and pokemon characters, a few night-stands, and a dresser positioned across the corner of my room (so that both of the back corners were touching the wall and there was a small triangular gap behind it). This was an extremely heavy dresser (about 7 feet tall), it had 4 large shelves on top of a set of 4 large drawers, and was made of the heaviest oak you could find. One night when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I had a frightening nightmare where there were eyes behind my dresser and they were trying to lure me towards it. They called me by name and told me once I got there, all my terrors would be relieved. I woke up screaming and my parents were in my room frantically trying to find me. I was behind the dresser where the eyes were telling me to go. It took what felt like 20 minutes for my parents to move the dresser aside and, after moving it, we saw two "eye" marks on the back. They were marks made by my own wide-open eyes that I had pressed against the back of the dresser. To this day I don't understand how I got behind the dresser but what was even more surprising is that not only was I not strong enough to move it so that I could get behind it, it was moved back into it's original place, trapping me in. TL;DR: Followed a voice in my dream to go behind my extremely heavy dresser. Woke up trapped behind it.
Some background info: I have been a sleep walker all my life. I've walked as far as across the street and I've even sleep "pissed" in the closet. My room was just as any 10-year-olds' room was. It had ugly, old stuffed animals around the floor/bed, posters of current musicians and pokemon characters, a few night-stands, and a dresser positioned across the corner of my room (so that both of the back corners were touching the wall and there was a small triangular gap behind it). This was an extremely heavy dresser (about 7 feet tall), it had 4 large shelves on top of a set of 4 large drawers, and was made of the heaviest oak you could find. One night when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I had a frightening nightmare where there were eyes behind my dresser and they were trying to lure me towards it. They called me by name and told me once I got there, all my terrors would be relieved. I woke up screaming and my parents were in my room frantically trying to find me. I was behind the dresser where the eyes were telling me to go. It took what felt like 20 minutes for my parents to move the dresser aside and, after moving it, we saw two "eye" marks on the back. They were marks made by my own wide-open eyes that I had pressed against the back of the dresser. To this day I don't understand how I got behind the dresser but what was even more surprising is that not only was I not strong enough to move it so that I could get behind it, it was moved back into it's original place, trapping me in.
Followed a voice in my dream to go behind my extremely heavy dresser. Woke up trapped behind it.
Alright. I know I'm late to the party, but here's the story: So I'm interested in this girl I've known for a long time now, and she's single for the first time in awhile. (Just got out of a three year relationship about a month ago) We see a movie, I pay, she says we can go back to her place and watch a scary movie. We do, cuddle a little, then end up talking until 7:30am. Turns out she doesn't have a bed at her moms (she was watching her pets), so I sleep on the couch. I see her a few days later on her birthday, we watch a movie, cuddle, I kiss her goodnight. Gooddate.jpg. right? Now she seems incredibly disinterested and distant, despite inviting me back to her place after our first date. She also had mentioned that if she had had a bed there, I could have slept in it. She also invited me to stay the night of said first date. But now, she's having none of it, and as far as I can tell, we both had a super lovely time on each date. TL;DR: I will never understand anything girls ever do ever.
Alright. I know I'm late to the party, but here's the story: So I'm interested in this girl I've known for a long time now, and she's single for the first time in awhile. (Just got out of a three year relationship about a month ago) We see a movie, I pay, she says we can go back to her place and watch a scary movie. We do, cuddle a little, then end up talking until 7:30am. Turns out she doesn't have a bed at her moms (she was watching her pets), so I sleep on the couch. I see her a few days later on her birthday, we watch a movie, cuddle, I kiss her goodnight. Gooddate.jpg. right? Now she seems incredibly disinterested and distant, despite inviting me back to her place after our first date. She also had mentioned that if she had had a bed there, I could have slept in it. She also invited me to stay the night of said first date. But now, she's having none of it, and as far as I can tell, we both had a super lovely time on each date. TL;DR: I will never understand anything girls ever do ever.
Alright. I know I'm late to the party, but here's the story: So I'm interested in this girl I've known for a long time now, and she's single for the first time in awhile. (Just got out of a three year relationship about a month ago) We see a movie, I pay, she says we can go back to her place and watch a scary movie. We do, cuddle a little, then end up talking until 7:30am. Turns out she doesn't have a bed at her moms (she was watching her pets), so I sleep on the couch. I see her a few days later on her birthday, we watch a movie, cuddle, I kiss her goodnight. Gooddate.jpg. right? Now she seems incredibly disinterested and distant, despite inviting me back to her place after our first date. She also had mentioned that if she had had a bed there, I could have slept in it. She also invited me to stay the night of said first date. But now, she's having none of it, and as far as I can tell, we both had a super lovely time on each date.
I will never understand anything girls ever do ever.
Just don't be *that* guy from one of my schools.. It was the first year at a craft/business oriented school and we had *that* guy in 'theoretical' engineering. Nobody had any previous experience and we didn't know shit. So on the first day he pulls out 2 pieces of paper, that had maybe 10 blank spots. that we were supposed to fill in. Can't be that hard right? It took us 4, in words FOUR, fucking hours to complete it and we didn't learn shit. Why? Because in his mind it somehow made sense, that we would know about these things.. He spent at least *10 minutes* per blank spot asking "if anybody knew anything about it", because "it can't be that difficult" and "how do you *think* this might work?". Needless to say, that nobody knew shit about certain regulations and stuff and it was a trainwreck of clueless students, awkward silence and limited&amp;forced interaction. We DON'T KNOW! Stop holding that information hostage. You can ask 10 more times and we STILL won't know. So spill the information, that you're supposed to teach, so we can all move on instead of wasting 4 hours, because you were to fucking lazy to prepare proper material for new students. Best part was when he spend like an hour in that same terrible teaching style to have *us* figure out a math equation for calculacting the thickness of *bent metal sheets* and how you had to choose the thickness, measure and bend them, so that the final result would be within industry a class on the first day, where nobody had any clue how to solve 'advanced' math shit like that.. I hated that guy so much, not only because he was a mid 30 'sunny boy' that tried *so hard* to be young&amp;cool, but also because he was a terrible teacher, that shouldn't be teaching. A 'quiz' might be appropriate once a topic was fully covered to see how much the students have picked up. But doing it on the first day of a new topic, where nobody can know anything, that's a dick move and a waste of everyones time. TL;DR: If you can't engage students in a interesting&amp;productive manner instead of creating an awkward&amp;boring one-sided silence, were nobody will learn&amp;remember anything, then you need to rethink your teaching methods, because boring students to death won't help them learn anything, especially after a long day when the attention span is alrady in the gutter.
Just don't be that guy from one of my schools.. It was the first year at a craft/business oriented school and we had that guy in 'theoretical' engineering. Nobody had any previous experience and we didn't know shit. So on the first day he pulls out 2 pieces of paper, that had maybe 10 blank spots. that we were supposed to fill in. Can't be that hard right? It took us 4, in words FOUR, fucking hours to complete it and we didn't learn shit. Why? Because in his mind it somehow made sense, that we would know about these things.. He spent at least 10 minutes per blank spot asking "if anybody knew anything about it", because "it can't be that difficult" and "how do you think this might work?". Needless to say, that nobody knew shit about certain regulations and stuff and it was a trainwreck of clueless students, awkward silence and limited&forced interaction. We DON'T KNOW! Stop holding that information hostage. You can ask 10 more times and we STILL won't know. So spill the information, that you're supposed to teach, so we can all move on instead of wasting 4 hours, because you were to fucking lazy to prepare proper material for new students. Best part was when he spend like an hour in that same terrible teaching style to have us figure out a math equation for calculacting the thickness of bent metal sheets and how you had to choose the thickness, measure and bend them, so that the final result would be within industry a class on the first day, where nobody had any clue how to solve 'advanced' math shit like that.. I hated that guy so much, not only because he was a mid 30 'sunny boy' that tried so hard to be young&cool, but also because he was a terrible teacher, that shouldn't be teaching. A 'quiz' might be appropriate once a topic was fully covered to see how much the students have picked up. But doing it on the first day of a new topic, where nobody can know anything, that's a dick move and a waste of everyones time. TL;DR: If you can't engage students in a interesting&productive manner instead of creating an awkward&boring one-sided silence, were nobody will learn&remember anything, then you need to rethink your teaching methods, because boring students to death won't help them learn anything, especially after a long day when the attention span is alrady in the gutter.
Just don't be that guy from one of my schools.. It was the first year at a craft/business oriented school and we had that guy in 'theoretical' engineering. Nobody had any previous experience and we didn't know shit. So on the first day he pulls out 2 pieces of paper, that had maybe 10 blank spots. that we were supposed to fill in. Can't be that hard right? It took us 4, in words FOUR, fucking hours to complete it and we didn't learn shit. Why? Because in his mind it somehow made sense, that we would know about these things.. He spent at least 10 minutes per blank spot asking "if anybody knew anything about it", because "it can't be that difficult" and "how do you think this might work?". Needless to say, that nobody knew shit about certain regulations and stuff and it was a trainwreck of clueless students, awkward silence and limited&forced interaction. We DON'T KNOW! Stop holding that information hostage. You can ask 10 more times and we STILL won't know. So spill the information, that you're supposed to teach, so we can all move on instead of wasting 4 hours, because you were to fucking lazy to prepare proper material for new students. Best part was when he spend like an hour in that same terrible teaching style to have us figure out a math equation for calculacting the thickness of bent metal sheets and how you had to choose the thickness, measure and bend them, so that the final result would be within industry a class on the first day, where nobody had any clue how to solve 'advanced' math shit like that.. I hated that guy so much, not only because he was a mid 30 'sunny boy' that tried so hard to be young&cool, but also because he was a terrible teacher, that shouldn't be teaching. A 'quiz' might be appropriate once a topic was fully covered to see how much the students have picked up. But doing it on the first day of a new topic, where nobody can know anything, that's a dick move and a waste of everyones time.
If you can't engage students in a interesting&productive manner instead of creating an awkward&boring one-sided silence, were nobody will learn&remember anything, then you need to rethink your teaching methods, because boring students to death won't help them learn anything, especially after a long day when the attention span is alrady in the gutter.
Recently there have been a couple of links posted to stories concerning a pastor who supposedly stated that parents should harm their children in an effort to "squash the homosexuality out of them." ([Link 1]( and [Link 2]( There was an email address given, and I took it upon myself to email this pastor telling him what I think. However, I recognized that as a highly conservative pastor, he would likely have a favorite translation of the Bible. (I was worried that he might be KJV only, and reject any Bible verses I quoted from another translation). So I began to look at his church's [website]( and I began to peruse his church's doctrinal statements in search of an answer. This brought me also to his [blog]( where I conveniently found comments about the sermon in question. He claimed that the quotes in question were not intended to be taken as prescriptive advice, but rather as an emphasis placed on the importance of stopping sin early. He also pointed to his congregation's reaction, specifically that his congregants knew that he did not mean it. Looking through all of his ministry, this abusive statement didn't seem to fit. He was certainly conservative, but I did not see anything to suggest that this sort of statement was typical of him. So I emailed him. I was especially encouraged when he said in a blog post about clarifying the statement: "Ultimately only the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to deliver one from sexual immorality and behavior including effeminacy." So I emailed him and explained why I thought he should retract the statement. I spoke of the power of the gospel, which he seemed to affirm, and I asked that he, at least for the sake of those who did no other research, would publicly retract the statement. Now, I do not know if he has done this because of my email, I would like to think so, but I do not know. Either way, Mr. Harris has put out three blog posts concerning this statement. First, a [clarification]( second, a full [statement of retraction]( and third, a [reading of both]( My point in posting these is this: why have we allowed one quote to guide our perception of a person? If we simply grab one statement and judge a person and his ministry based on this, then we cheapen that person's ministry and invalidate it. Take Paul for example. Imagine you know nothing of Paul's ministry, when someone brings to you 1 Timothy 2:9-15: &gt; Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint. What would you say about this Paul character? He would seem like a woman hater. Without any ethos, someone cannot be trusted. So when we refuse to allow somebody to gain ethos, then when we hear a questionable quote, they will seem to us to be questionable. Please, don't refuse somebody a fair say. If we do that we might as well become fundamentalists. tl;dr Pastor Harris is not so bad. Let's not slander him by holding to a single quote that has been blown way out of proportion.
Recently there have been a couple of links posted to stories concerning a pastor who supposedly stated that parents should harm their children in an effort to "squash the homosexuality out of them." ([Link 1]( and [Link 2]( There was an email address given, and I took it upon myself to email this pastor telling him what I think. However, I recognized that as a highly conservative pastor, he would likely have a favorite translation of the Bible. (I was worried that he might be KJV only, and reject any Bible verses I quoted from another translation). So I began to look at his church's [website]( and I began to peruse his church's doctrinal statements in search of an answer. This brought me also to his [blog]( where I conveniently found comments about the sermon in question. He claimed that the quotes in question were not intended to be taken as prescriptive advice, but rather as an emphasis placed on the importance of stopping sin early. He also pointed to his congregation's reaction, specifically that his congregants knew that he did not mean it. Looking through all of his ministry, this abusive statement didn't seem to fit. He was certainly conservative, but I did not see anything to suggest that this sort of statement was typical of him. So I emailed him. I was especially encouraged when he said in a blog post about clarifying the statement: "Ultimately only the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to deliver one from sexual immorality and behavior including effeminacy." So I emailed him and explained why I thought he should retract the statement. I spoke of the power of the gospel, which he seemed to affirm, and I asked that he, at least for the sake of those who did no other research, would publicly retract the statement. Now, I do not know if he has done this because of my email, I would like to think so, but I do not know. Either way, Mr. Harris has put out three blog posts concerning this statement. First, a [clarification]( second, a full [statement of retraction]( and third, a [reading of both]( My point in posting these is this: why have we allowed one quote to guide our perception of a person? If we simply grab one statement and judge a person and his ministry based on this, then we cheapen that person's ministry and invalidate it. Take Paul for example. Imagine you know nothing of Paul's ministry, when someone brings to you 1 Timothy 2:9-15: > Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint. What would you say about this Paul character? He would seem like a woman hater. Without any ethos, someone cannot be trusted. So when we refuse to allow somebody to gain ethos, then when we hear a questionable quote, they will seem to us to be questionable. Please, don't refuse somebody a fair say. If we do that we might as well become fundamentalists. tl;dr Pastor Harris is not so bad. Let's not slander him by holding to a single quote that has been blown way out of proportion.
Recently there have been a couple of links posted to stories concerning a pastor who supposedly stated that parents should harm their children in an effort to "squash the homosexuality out of them." ([Link 1]( and [Link 2]( There was an email address given, and I took it upon myself to email this pastor telling him what I think. However, I recognized that as a highly conservative pastor, he would likely have a favorite translation of the Bible. (I was worried that he might be KJV only, and reject any Bible verses I quoted from another translation). So I began to look at his church's [website]( and I began to peruse his church's doctrinal statements in search of an answer. This brought me also to his [blog]( where I conveniently found comments about the sermon in question. He claimed that the quotes in question were not intended to be taken as prescriptive advice, but rather as an emphasis placed on the importance of stopping sin early. He also pointed to his congregation's reaction, specifically that his congregants knew that he did not mean it. Looking through all of his ministry, this abusive statement didn't seem to fit. He was certainly conservative, but I did not see anything to suggest that this sort of statement was typical of him. So I emailed him. I was especially encouraged when he said in a blog post about clarifying the statement: "Ultimately only the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to deliver one from sexual immorality and behavior including effeminacy." So I emailed him and explained why I thought he should retract the statement. I spoke of the power of the gospel, which he seemed to affirm, and I asked that he, at least for the sake of those who did no other research, would publicly retract the statement. Now, I do not know if he has done this because of my email, I would like to think so, but I do not know. Either way, Mr. Harris has put out three blog posts concerning this statement. First, a [clarification]( second, a full [statement of retraction]( and third, a [reading of both]( My point in posting these is this: why have we allowed one quote to guide our perception of a person? If we simply grab one statement and judge a person and his ministry based on this, then we cheapen that person's ministry and invalidate it. Take Paul for example. Imagine you know nothing of Paul's ministry, when someone brings to you 1 Timothy 2:9-15: > Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint. What would you say about this Paul character? He would seem like a woman hater. Without any ethos, someone cannot be trusted. So when we refuse to allow somebody to gain ethos, then when we hear a questionable quote, they will seem to us to be questionable. Please, don't refuse somebody a fair say. If we do that we might as well become fundamentalists.
Pastor Harris is not so bad. Let's not slander him by holding to a single quote that has been blown way out of proportion.
A few years ago we had a bad hurricane that resulted in a week without power. The first night we got power back we ordered Chinese takeout and I had a bowl of wonton soup. About halfway through the bowl I noticed a few small black specks floating around. Upon closer inspection I discovered they were flies, dozens and dozens of dead flies floating in my soup. I imagine that this soup was just sitting in a big vat in the restaurant's kitchen the whole time the power was out, which attracted hundreds of flies. Haven't been to that place since. tl;dr: dozens of dead flies in wonton soup
A few years ago we had a bad hurricane that resulted in a week without power. The first night we got power back we ordered Chinese takeout and I had a bowl of wonton soup. About halfway through the bowl I noticed a few small black specks floating around. Upon closer inspection I discovered they were flies, dozens and dozens of dead flies floating in my soup. I imagine that this soup was just sitting in a big vat in the restaurant's kitchen the whole time the power was out, which attracted hundreds of flies. Haven't been to that place since. tl;dr: dozens of dead flies in wonton soup
A few years ago we had a bad hurricane that resulted in a week without power. The first night we got power back we ordered Chinese takeout and I had a bowl of wonton soup. About halfway through the bowl I noticed a few small black specks floating around. Upon closer inspection I discovered they were flies, dozens and dozens of dead flies floating in my soup. I imagine that this soup was just sitting in a big vat in the restaurant's kitchen the whole time the power was out, which attracted hundreds of flies. Haven't been to that place since.
dozens of dead flies in wonton soup
Butterfly knives are legal in MA. Hell, there's not even a state blade limit. Worcester and Boston have a 2.5 inch limit, but I've never heard of it being enforced. I EDC a Benchmade 707 in Boston and it's got an almost three inch blade and I've never had a problem or been stopped by a cop for a knife in my pocket. Also, knife for self defense is a bad idea unless you have knife fighting training, and it will be legal hell for you if you live through the knife fight. If you're lucky you live in a MA town where they will actually issue you a permit for a gun, unlike Boston. If you want a knife to defend your home (again, bad idea but I must admit I do keep a giant kukri near my bed just incase) then look for a machete or a kukri or a big Ka-Bar or something. TL;DR: knives are shitty for self defense, get gun for that. Mcusta makes beautiful knives. Also look Spyderco and Benchmade.
Butterfly knives are legal in MA. Hell, there's not even a state blade limit. Worcester and Boston have a 2.5 inch limit, but I've never heard of it being enforced. I EDC a Benchmade 707 in Boston and it's got an almost three inch blade and I've never had a problem or been stopped by a cop for a knife in my pocket. Also, knife for self defense is a bad idea unless you have knife fighting training, and it will be legal hell for you if you live through the knife fight. If you're lucky you live in a MA town where they will actually issue you a permit for a gun, unlike Boston. If you want a knife to defend your home (again, bad idea but I must admit I do keep a giant kukri near my bed just incase) then look for a machete or a kukri or a big Ka-Bar or something. TL;DR: knives are shitty for self defense, get gun for that. Mcusta makes beautiful knives. Also look Spyderco and Benchmade.
Butterfly knives are legal in MA. Hell, there's not even a state blade limit. Worcester and Boston have a 2.5 inch limit, but I've never heard of it being enforced. I EDC a Benchmade 707 in Boston and it's got an almost three inch blade and I've never had a problem or been stopped by a cop for a knife in my pocket. Also, knife for self defense is a bad idea unless you have knife fighting training, and it will be legal hell for you if you live through the knife fight. If you're lucky you live in a MA town where they will actually issue you a permit for a gun, unlike Boston. If you want a knife to defend your home (again, bad idea but I must admit I do keep a giant kukri near my bed just incase) then look for a machete or a kukri or a big Ka-Bar or something.
knives are shitty for self defense, get gun for that. Mcusta makes beautiful knives. Also look Spyderco and Benchmade.
Thank you autorotator, I did in fact mean that. And as a fellow rotor head meant it in a "/r/helicopters would also love to see your pictures" way. Not by any means a get out of /r/aviation.... tl;dr I like helicopters and I like pictures of them
Thank you autorotator, I did in fact mean that. And as a fellow rotor head meant it in a "/r/helicopters would also love to see your pictures" way. Not by any means a get out of /r/aviation.... tl;dr I like helicopters and I like pictures of them
Thank you autorotator, I did in fact mean that. And as a fellow rotor head meant it in a "/r/helicopters would also love to see your pictures" way. Not by any means a get out of /r/aviation....
I like helicopters and I like pictures of them
Honestly, im not sure if Bant control is very good anymore. Each of the four main types of control, Bant, Esper, American, Azorius, all had something that made them strong pre rotation. Bant had lifegain, fatties and ramp,Esper got killspells to deal with whatever they cant counter, American had burn and strong aggro finishers like Thundermaw, Azorius lacked all that but had two color consistency. Problem is, Bant control lost their core in rotation, which was the Rest/Thrag combo and farseek. So did American control when they lost Thundermaw. In my personal opinion, its best to run Azorius or Esper as control. They're the best positioned,as they maintained what made them good with rotation. Azorius is still consistent and Esper still has good kill spells. As a player of a successful bant control deck pre rotation bant to me now feels...weak and lacking. Taking my successful Bant Control list I ran pre-rotation (Top 4'd every FNM for 6 months straight), The only two green cards I ran were lost in rotation - Farseek and Thragtusk. These were good enough to warrant adding green to the deck, although they were only 8 in the 75. Post rotation, there isn't really a good substitute... Sylvan Cariyatid, while okay, is nowhere near as good as farseek. There's no substitute for Thragtusk. Thus there's no reason to run green in a control list in this standard, especially given the shakier manabase now that checklands are gone. If I were you I'd go back to a bant midrange tempo list with sylvan caryiatid and prophet of kruphix. Throw some monstrous creatures and cyclonic rifts and it could be really good. The one weakness of Bant is that it lacks good spot removal to deal with monoblack devotion. All the best answers are in at least azorious or esper colors. Ive ranted a lot but TLDR post rotation green doesn't add enough to a control deck to warrant running the color. Run azorius or esper control instead or go midrange.
Honestly, im not sure if Bant control is very good anymore. Each of the four main types of control, Bant, Esper, American, Azorius, all had something that made them strong pre rotation. Bant had lifegain, fatties and ramp,Esper got killspells to deal with whatever they cant counter, American had burn and strong aggro finishers like Thundermaw, Azorius lacked all that but had two color consistency. Problem is, Bant control lost their core in rotation, which was the Rest/Thrag combo and farseek. So did American control when they lost Thundermaw. In my personal opinion, its best to run Azorius or Esper as control. They're the best positioned,as they maintained what made them good with rotation. Azorius is still consistent and Esper still has good kill spells. As a player of a successful bant control deck pre rotation bant to me now feels...weak and lacking. Taking my successful Bant Control list I ran pre-rotation (Top 4'd every FNM for 6 months straight), The only two green cards I ran were lost in rotation - Farseek and Thragtusk. These were good enough to warrant adding green to the deck, although they were only 8 in the 75. Post rotation, there isn't really a good substitute... Sylvan Cariyatid, while okay, is nowhere near as good as farseek. There's no substitute for Thragtusk. Thus there's no reason to run green in a control list in this standard, especially given the shakier manabase now that checklands are gone. If I were you I'd go back to a bant midrange tempo list with sylvan caryiatid and prophet of kruphix. Throw some monstrous creatures and cyclonic rifts and it could be really good. The one weakness of Bant is that it lacks good spot removal to deal with monoblack devotion. All the best answers are in at least azorious or esper colors. Ive ranted a lot but TLDR post rotation green doesn't add enough to a control deck to warrant running the color. Run azorius or esper control instead or go midrange.
Honestly, im not sure if Bant control is very good anymore. Each of the four main types of control, Bant, Esper, American, Azorius, all had something that made them strong pre rotation. Bant had lifegain, fatties and ramp,Esper got killspells to deal with whatever they cant counter, American had burn and strong aggro finishers like Thundermaw, Azorius lacked all that but had two color consistency. Problem is, Bant control lost their core in rotation, which was the Rest/Thrag combo and farseek. So did American control when they lost Thundermaw. In my personal opinion, its best to run Azorius or Esper as control. They're the best positioned,as they maintained what made them good with rotation. Azorius is still consistent and Esper still has good kill spells. As a player of a successful bant control deck pre rotation bant to me now feels...weak and lacking. Taking my successful Bant Control list I ran pre-rotation (Top 4'd every FNM for 6 months straight), The only two green cards I ran were lost in rotation - Farseek and Thragtusk. These were good enough to warrant adding green to the deck, although they were only 8 in the 75. Post rotation, there isn't really a good substitute... Sylvan Cariyatid, while okay, is nowhere near as good as farseek. There's no substitute for Thragtusk. Thus there's no reason to run green in a control list in this standard, especially given the shakier manabase now that checklands are gone. If I were you I'd go back to a bant midrange tempo list with sylvan caryiatid and prophet of kruphix. Throw some monstrous creatures and cyclonic rifts and it could be really good. The one weakness of Bant is that it lacks good spot removal to deal with monoblack devotion. All the best answers are in at least azorious or esper colors. Ive ranted a lot but
post rotation green doesn't add enough to a control deck to warrant running the color. Run azorius or esper control instead or go midrange.
Hello! About 2 months ago I created a map to help people improve strategies using smokes on mirage A bombsite. Soon I teamed up with crashz and we made [Cache smoke training map]( and [Dust 2 Smoke training map]( They became very popular. So this guy named [Dolnma]( took our maps idea without giving us any credit. He made a [Inferno training map]( which is pretty much the same as the map we made but on inferno. He has also copied other mapmakers works: [Original Inferno a site Training ]( [Remake]( Crashz and I both agreed that if he would have asked to join us making smoke practice maps we would be fine with it but right now what he is doing is pretty much plagiarizing our work. I feel that what he is doing is not right and he should atleast mention our idea in his work. Edit: Also, crashz pointed out to me that he has 1:1 copied our files TL;DR - Some guy is blatantly remaking our maps and not giving us any credit.
Hello! About 2 months ago I created a map to help people improve strategies using smokes on mirage A bombsite. Soon I teamed up with crashz and we made [Cache smoke training map]( and [Dust 2 Smoke training map]( They became very popular. So this guy named [Dolnma]( took our maps idea without giving us any credit. He made a [Inferno training map]( which is pretty much the same as the map we made but on inferno. He has also copied other mapmakers works: [Original Inferno a site Training ]( [Remake]( Crashz and I both agreed that if he would have asked to join us making smoke practice maps we would be fine with it but right now what he is doing is pretty much plagiarizing our work. I feel that what he is doing is not right and he should atleast mention our idea in his work. Edit: Also, crashz pointed out to me that he has 1:1 copied our files TL;DR - Some guy is blatantly remaking our maps and not giving us any credit.
Hello! About 2 months ago I created a map to help people improve strategies using smokes on mirage A bombsite. Soon I teamed up with crashz and we made [Cache smoke training map]( and [Dust 2 Smoke training map]( They became very popular. So this guy named [Dolnma]( took our maps idea without giving us any credit. He made a [Inferno training map]( which is pretty much the same as the map we made but on inferno. He has also copied other mapmakers works: [Original Inferno a site Training ]( [Remake]( Crashz and I both agreed that if he would have asked to join us making smoke practice maps we would be fine with it but right now what he is doing is pretty much plagiarizing our work. I feel that what he is doing is not right and he should atleast mention our idea in his work. Edit: Also, crashz pointed out to me that he has 1:1 copied our files
Some guy is blatantly remaking our maps and not giving us any credit.
Listen here, kids: I have been playing Lee Sin since level 15(ish) because my Gold friend told me if I can master him, I could play anyone. So I decided, ah what the heck, it can't be that hard. (Spoiler: it was) But I got the hang of it and even though I still miss the occasional Q or Ulti the wrong way, I still have 50 &lt; w/l ratio (I would tell you the exact number, but is down.) . Tonight, I saw the heavens in the form of a Pentakill. I am level 25 now and don't see any issue with playing Lee Sin at my level, as long as you researched him thoroughly before playing, and I don't mean just mobafire. I mean looking at all/most of the guides on Reddit, Youtube, and whatever other League site there is. And I think this goes for any champion that you want to play well consistently. TL;DR: heck with the haters and play whoever the frick you even want at whatever level you want. proof: and no I didn't get the penta on film but it happened!! mark my words.
Listen here, kids: I have been playing Lee Sin since level 15(ish) because my Gold friend told me if I can master him, I could play anyone. So I decided, ah what the heck, it can't be that hard. (Spoiler: it was) But I got the hang of it and even though I still miss the occasional Q or Ulti the wrong way, I still have 50 < w/l ratio (I would tell you the exact number, but is down.) . Tonight, I saw the heavens in the form of a Pentakill. I am level 25 now and don't see any issue with playing Lee Sin at my level, as long as you researched him thoroughly before playing, and I don't mean just mobafire. I mean looking at all/most of the guides on Reddit, Youtube, and whatever other League site there is. And I think this goes for any champion that you want to play well consistently. TL;DR: heck with the haters and play whoever the frick you even want at whatever level you want. proof: and no I didn't get the penta on film but it happened!! mark my words.
Listen here, kids: I have been playing Lee Sin since level 15(ish) because my Gold friend told me if I can master him, I could play anyone. So I decided, ah what the heck, it can't be that hard. (Spoiler: it was) But I got the hang of it and even though I still miss the occasional Q or Ulti the wrong way, I still have 50 < w/l ratio (I would tell you the exact number, but is down.) . Tonight, I saw the heavens in the form of a Pentakill. I am level 25 now and don't see any issue with playing Lee Sin at my level, as long as you researched him thoroughly before playing, and I don't mean just mobafire. I mean looking at all/most of the guides on Reddit, Youtube, and whatever other League site there is. And I think this goes for any champion that you want to play well consistently.
heck with the haters and play whoever the frick you even want at whatever level you want. proof: and no I didn't get the penta on film but it happened!! mark my words.
Then it is misclassified, because it should be the Philosophy of neuroscience of free will, and not neuroscience of free will. Thats why the specialization exists. Thats why its a wiki, and not an actual educational class at Harvard, Oxford, etc. This is miss classification at its best. Science has no capability whatsoever to define itself, nor can it define ethics, morals, or metaphysical laws. Point in Case. This has been known since the 14th century, Hume and and onwards. If there was any news that somehow broken tradition with Hume's prior arguments, it would be largely discussed in the academic society. I'm glad you brought this up though, because its important to correct such miss classifications since they're mostly a result of post-modernism rather than rightly within the thought process of Analytical Philosophy. You should probably do some research on specific sects of philosophy, and probably read some Hume as well; maybe read up on some people who actually know what they're talking about and avoid Sam Harris. His book on the moral landscape was already butchered by both atheist and theistic philosophers alike for falling prey to Hume's is and is ought theory. I still think this is a troll; any person in academia wouldn't make such a comment lest be smashed to ribbons by their philosophical peers. TLDR: Its still a section of analytical philosophy and shouldn't be confused otherwise, and it still doesn't escape the same arguments I've posted as before. If intelligent design does exist, free will then exists within the theistic concept of modern religions. If no intelligent creator exists, then there is no free will and all of our knowledge if illusory as it serves biological survival and not the truth.
Then it is misclassified, because it should be the Philosophy of neuroscience of free will, and not neuroscience of free will. Thats why the specialization exists. Thats why its a wiki, and not an actual educational class at Harvard, Oxford, etc. This is miss classification at its best. Science has no capability whatsoever to define itself, nor can it define ethics, morals, or metaphysical laws. Point in Case. This has been known since the 14th century, Hume and and onwards. If there was any news that somehow broken tradition with Hume's prior arguments, it would be largely discussed in the academic society. I'm glad you brought this up though, because its important to correct such miss classifications since they're mostly a result of post-modernism rather than rightly within the thought process of Analytical Philosophy. You should probably do some research on specific sects of philosophy, and probably read some Hume as well; maybe read up on some people who actually know what they're talking about and avoid Sam Harris. His book on the moral landscape was already butchered by both atheist and theistic philosophers alike for falling prey to Hume's is and is ought theory. I still think this is a troll; any person in academia wouldn't make such a comment lest be smashed to ribbons by their philosophical peers. TLDR: Its still a section of analytical philosophy and shouldn't be confused otherwise, and it still doesn't escape the same arguments I've posted as before. If intelligent design does exist, free will then exists within the theistic concept of modern religions. If no intelligent creator exists, then there is no free will and all of our knowledge if illusory as it serves biological survival and not the truth.
Then it is misclassified, because it should be the Philosophy of neuroscience of free will, and not neuroscience of free will. Thats why the specialization exists. Thats why its a wiki, and not an actual educational class at Harvard, Oxford, etc. This is miss classification at its best. Science has no capability whatsoever to define itself, nor can it define ethics, morals, or metaphysical laws. Point in Case. This has been known since the 14th century, Hume and and onwards. If there was any news that somehow broken tradition with Hume's prior arguments, it would be largely discussed in the academic society. I'm glad you brought this up though, because its important to correct such miss classifications since they're mostly a result of post-modernism rather than rightly within the thought process of Analytical Philosophy. You should probably do some research on specific sects of philosophy, and probably read some Hume as well; maybe read up on some people who actually know what they're talking about and avoid Sam Harris. His book on the moral landscape was already butchered by both atheist and theistic philosophers alike for falling prey to Hume's is and is ought theory. I still think this is a troll; any person in academia wouldn't make such a comment lest be smashed to ribbons by their philosophical peers.
Its still a section of analytical philosophy and shouldn't be confused otherwise, and it still doesn't escape the same arguments I've posted as before. If intelligent design does exist, free will then exists within the theistic concept of modern religions. If no intelligent creator exists, then there is no free will and all of our knowledge if illusory as it serves biological survival and not the truth.
I mean, I usually go with acronyms because I'm all about shortening the number of syllables that I have to say. I guess I'm at some record level of verbal laziness ;p That being said, for some reason, I've always said "O.P." How about that! tl;dr - love me some IPA.
I mean, I usually go with acronyms because I'm all about shortening the number of syllables that I have to say. I guess I'm at some record level of verbal laziness ;p That being said, for some reason, I've always said "O.P." How about that! tl;dr - love me some IPA.
I mean, I usually go with acronyms because I'm all about shortening the number of syllables that I have to say. I guess I'm at some record level of verbal laziness ;p That being said, for some reason, I've always said "O.P." How about that!
love me some IPA.
if you want a trigger guard, check out mic holsters. i use it when i dress "fancy" (tight clothing that the GF likes) and it really keeps the printing at a minimum. the string keeps the glock up at the waist, so no worrying about it falling down your leg AND the trigger is protected for a 100% reassurance that you will not accidentally pull the trigger. **TL;DR** - mic holster is mexican carry with trigger protection and some form of retention. works beautifully.
if you want a trigger guard, check out mic holsters. i use it when i dress "fancy" (tight clothing that the GF likes) and it really keeps the printing at a minimum. the string keeps the glock up at the waist, so no worrying about it falling down your leg AND the trigger is protected for a 100% reassurance that you will not accidentally pull the trigger. TL;DR - mic holster is mexican carry with trigger protection and some form of retention. works beautifully.
if you want a trigger guard, check out mic holsters. i use it when i dress "fancy" (tight clothing that the GF likes) and it really keeps the printing at a minimum. the string keeps the glock up at the waist, so no worrying about it falling down your leg AND the trigger is protected for a 100% reassurance that you will not accidentally pull the trigger.
mic holster is mexican carry with trigger protection and some form of retention. works beautifully.
This is a change I DO NOT want to be seen in the game. This allows for even more counter play from the enemy tanks by just soaking charm, thus removing your fox fire from the fight on *target*. Her ult is literally made for re positioning to a favorable position in combat, attacking from your best angle, that's what's fun with the character. If missinga charm and hitting Alistar and then jumping to a better position closer to the backline just to have fox fire lock onto Alistar? No thanks. TL;DR: Fox Fire locking to the closest target syncs incredibly well with her re positioning tool.
This is a change I DO NOT want to be seen in the game. This allows for even more counter play from the enemy tanks by just soaking charm, thus removing your fox fire from the fight on target . Her ult is literally made for re positioning to a favorable position in combat, attacking from your best angle, that's what's fun with the character. If missinga charm and hitting Alistar and then jumping to a better position closer to the backline just to have fox fire lock onto Alistar? No thanks. TL;DR: Fox Fire locking to the closest target syncs incredibly well with her re positioning tool.
This is a change I DO NOT want to be seen in the game. This allows for even more counter play from the enemy tanks by just soaking charm, thus removing your fox fire from the fight on target . Her ult is literally made for re positioning to a favorable position in combat, attacking from your best angle, that's what's fun with the character. If missinga charm and hitting Alistar and then jumping to a better position closer to the backline just to have fox fire lock onto Alistar? No thanks.
Fox Fire locking to the closest target syncs incredibly well with her re positioning tool.
This happened to my friend once, except he has irritable bowel syndrome so it probably couldn't be helped. After getting to atheon in a little less than an hour, we were stuck there for a bit with a team that really wasn't working too well together. So after like 15 attempts at atheon my friend is just like fuck this and says I'm gonna take a shit and leaves the fireteam. We all thought, great it's over now. But we kept trying with 5. Fail after fail, my friend comes back after about 20 minutes. Atheon was down that round so maybe all you have to do is drop a dookie and atheon will drop like a turd. TL; DR Friend had to shit during atheon, kept failing, he came back after 20 minutes and we beat him that go. Shits can be a good thing in the raid, sometimes!
This happened to my friend once, except he has irritable bowel syndrome so it probably couldn't be helped. After getting to atheon in a little less than an hour, we were stuck there for a bit with a team that really wasn't working too well together. So after like 15 attempts at atheon my friend is just like fuck this and says I'm gonna take a shit and leaves the fireteam. We all thought, great it's over now. But we kept trying with 5. Fail after fail, my friend comes back after about 20 minutes. Atheon was down that round so maybe all you have to do is drop a dookie and atheon will drop like a turd. TL; DR Friend had to shit during atheon, kept failing, he came back after 20 minutes and we beat him that go. Shits can be a good thing in the raid, sometimes!
This happened to my friend once, except he has irritable bowel syndrome so it probably couldn't be helped. After getting to atheon in a little less than an hour, we were stuck there for a bit with a team that really wasn't working too well together. So after like 15 attempts at atheon my friend is just like fuck this and says I'm gonna take a shit and leaves the fireteam. We all thought, great it's over now. But we kept trying with 5. Fail after fail, my friend comes back after about 20 minutes. Atheon was down that round so maybe all you have to do is drop a dookie and atheon will drop like a turd.
Friend had to shit during atheon, kept failing, he came back after 20 minutes and we beat him that go. Shits can be a good thing in the raid, sometimes!
I worked Saturdays in a coffee house in 2009 whilst I was in Sixth form College in order to pay for the tube and to have a little extra as I was now old enough to go to the pub etc. My boss was no better or worse than any of my friends bosses seemed to be but after he got caught cheating his girlfriend broke up with him and he became intolerable, stinking of alcohol and yelling at us for pretty much any reason and taking out his problems on the staff. We knew he had been holding back tips, probably for more booze so we lost any sympathy and respect we had left. Because of this some of us started taking our lunch hour at the pub down the road from us rather than stay in the cafe where he would ruin that too. When we were in the pub football would pretty much always be on. Like most people, I had always passionately supported England and watched every minute of the World cup and Euros (my favourite players then were Rooney and Terry hah) but had never really been into club football because I didn’t have access to sky and had been too young to drink in pubs before then. My friend was a Chelsea fan so for his sake I said I’d support them but really had no intention of getting into football in my 2nd year of college with all my studies. Now the first PL game that I can say I actually watched was Arsenal Portsmouth. I only got to watch the first half before I had to go back but I remember seeing two sweet goals from Diaby that had definitely been team goals. I can’t say I particularly cared but I have to thank the footballing gods for letting me witness beautiful stylish football before I watched anymore matches so I could later realise that other teams did not possess the class Arsenal did. I never got to watch the second half because we had to go back to work but for the first time ever I bothered to watch Match of the day to see what happened and funnily enough remember being pissed that Diaby got injured near the end because I was hoping he’d be playing next time if Arsenal happened to be on again. I guess the footballing gods or shall we just say Bergkamp and Henry, were letting me know what I would be in for with Diaby. I didn’t understand how the league worked because I had only ever watched knock out tournaments like the world cup but my Chelsea friend knew the good fixtures and started scheduling our breaks so that we could catch at least the majority of a match. I was glad next week’s game was Arsenal again especially because it was against United and even though I wouldn’t say I hated them then I knew that they were the go to glory hunter team to support so it was fun to cheer for who I thought must be the underdog. I was surprised that I wanted to cheer when arshavin (I remembered him from the world cup because I found his name amusing... I was a teenager) scored an absolute rocket against them. I wasn’t used to cheering and was a bit shy still but went back to work happy although I later learnt from MOTD that Arsenal lost by a few goals in the second half. This carried on for a couple of months and I was lucky that there were quite a few Arsenal games on Saturdays and I eventually told my Chelsea friend I preferred Arsenal, almost feeling a little bad because he had tolerated noob question after question. Eventually though my work took an interesting turn of events. On Haloween my boss came to work in an absolute state and fired my Chelsea friend (It later turned out he had given away a free drink to a female mystery shopper because she was hot lol) and they had a huge bust up so he was extra pissed off that day and dickish to me. He had to shut up shop early because we were now short staffed. Although I could have gone home I went to the pub for lunch as usual and after being there for about 20 minutes got to witness the greatest few minutes of football I had seen so far; it was the derby against Tottenham (who I recently learnt were our arch rivals) and Van Persie scored a goal a few minutes before half time to give us the lead. I finally felt comfortable cheering because my friend wasn’t there and I didn’t really care what strangers thought. Even better was realising my boss was in the same pub watching on another screen and swearing his head off to anyone who would listen. I thought I would go over because it would have been awkward if he realised I had seen him and stayed where I was but just after I said hi, Fabregas had somehow already owned the entirety of spurs and scored again! I instinctively cheered and only then realised that my boss was a Tottenham fan as he got up and left without saying anything to me. I quit pretty soon after because it was shit without my friend but will always be grateful for lucky scheduling, an overly horny friend and my boss being enough of a cunt that it made Arsenal seem pretty much destined for me. TL:DR My boss turned into a dick so me and my mate started taking our lunch breaks away from the cafe and in the local pub. Fortunate scheduling and classy Arsenal play got me interested in them, solidified myself as a Gooner once RVP and Fabregas helped ruin an already shit day for my Spurs supporting boss and I got to witness it.
I worked Saturdays in a coffee house in 2009 whilst I was in Sixth form College in order to pay for the tube and to have a little extra as I was now old enough to go to the pub etc. My boss was no better or worse than any of my friends bosses seemed to be but after he got caught cheating his girlfriend broke up with him and he became intolerable, stinking of alcohol and yelling at us for pretty much any reason and taking out his problems on the staff. We knew he had been holding back tips, probably for more booze so we lost any sympathy and respect we had left. Because of this some of us started taking our lunch hour at the pub down the road from us rather than stay in the cafe where he would ruin that too. When we were in the pub football would pretty much always be on. Like most people, I had always passionately supported England and watched every minute of the World cup and Euros (my favourite players then were Rooney and Terry hah) but had never really been into club football because I didn’t have access to sky and had been too young to drink in pubs before then. My friend was a Chelsea fan so for his sake I said I’d support them but really had no intention of getting into football in my 2nd year of college with all my studies. Now the first PL game that I can say I actually watched was Arsenal Portsmouth. I only got to watch the first half before I had to go back but I remember seeing two sweet goals from Diaby that had definitely been team goals. I can’t say I particularly cared but I have to thank the footballing gods for letting me witness beautiful stylish football before I watched anymore matches so I could later realise that other teams did not possess the class Arsenal did. I never got to watch the second half because we had to go back to work but for the first time ever I bothered to watch Match of the day to see what happened and funnily enough remember being pissed that Diaby got injured near the end because I was hoping he’d be playing next time if Arsenal happened to be on again. I guess the footballing gods or shall we just say Bergkamp and Henry, were letting me know what I would be in for with Diaby. I didn’t understand how the league worked because I had only ever watched knock out tournaments like the world cup but my Chelsea friend knew the good fixtures and started scheduling our breaks so that we could catch at least the majority of a match. I was glad next week’s game was Arsenal again especially because it was against United and even though I wouldn’t say I hated them then I knew that they were the go to glory hunter team to support so it was fun to cheer for who I thought must be the underdog. I was surprised that I wanted to cheer when arshavin (I remembered him from the world cup because I found his name amusing... I was a teenager) scored an absolute rocket against them. I wasn’t used to cheering and was a bit shy still but went back to work happy although I later learnt from MOTD that Arsenal lost by a few goals in the second half. This carried on for a couple of months and I was lucky that there were quite a few Arsenal games on Saturdays and I eventually told my Chelsea friend I preferred Arsenal, almost feeling a little bad because he had tolerated noob question after question. Eventually though my work took an interesting turn of events. On Haloween my boss came to work in an absolute state and fired my Chelsea friend (It later turned out he had given away a free drink to a female mystery shopper because she was hot lol) and they had a huge bust up so he was extra pissed off that day and dickish to me. He had to shut up shop early because we were now short staffed. Although I could have gone home I went to the pub for lunch as usual and after being there for about 20 minutes got to witness the greatest few minutes of football I had seen so far; it was the derby against Tottenham (who I recently learnt were our arch rivals) and Van Persie scored a goal a few minutes before half time to give us the lead. I finally felt comfortable cheering because my friend wasn’t there and I didn’t really care what strangers thought. Even better was realising my boss was in the same pub watching on another screen and swearing his head off to anyone who would listen. I thought I would go over because it would have been awkward if he realised I had seen him and stayed where I was but just after I said hi, Fabregas had somehow already owned the entirety of spurs and scored again! I instinctively cheered and only then realised that my boss was a Tottenham fan as he got up and left without saying anything to me. I quit pretty soon after because it was shit without my friend but will always be grateful for lucky scheduling, an overly horny friend and my boss being enough of a cunt that it made Arsenal seem pretty much destined for me. TL:DR My boss turned into a dick so me and my mate started taking our lunch breaks away from the cafe and in the local pub. Fortunate scheduling and classy Arsenal play got me interested in them, solidified myself as a Gooner once RVP and Fabregas helped ruin an already shit day for my Spurs supporting boss and I got to witness it.
I worked Saturdays in a coffee house in 2009 whilst I was in Sixth form College in order to pay for the tube and to have a little extra as I was now old enough to go to the pub etc. My boss was no better or worse than any of my friends bosses seemed to be but after he got caught cheating his girlfriend broke up with him and he became intolerable, stinking of alcohol and yelling at us for pretty much any reason and taking out his problems on the staff. We knew he had been holding back tips, probably for more booze so we lost any sympathy and respect we had left. Because of this some of us started taking our lunch hour at the pub down the road from us rather than stay in the cafe where he would ruin that too. When we were in the pub football would pretty much always be on. Like most people, I had always passionately supported England and watched every minute of the World cup and Euros (my favourite players then were Rooney and Terry hah) but had never really been into club football because I didn’t have access to sky and had been too young to drink in pubs before then. My friend was a Chelsea fan so for his sake I said I’d support them but really had no intention of getting into football in my 2nd year of college with all my studies. Now the first PL game that I can say I actually watched was Arsenal Portsmouth. I only got to watch the first half before I had to go back but I remember seeing two sweet goals from Diaby that had definitely been team goals. I can’t say I particularly cared but I have to thank the footballing gods for letting me witness beautiful stylish football before I watched anymore matches so I could later realise that other teams did not possess the class Arsenal did. I never got to watch the second half because we had to go back to work but for the first time ever I bothered to watch Match of the day to see what happened and funnily enough remember being pissed that Diaby got injured near the end because I was hoping he’d be playing next time if Arsenal happened to be on again. I guess the footballing gods or shall we just say Bergkamp and Henry, were letting me know what I would be in for with Diaby. I didn’t understand how the league worked because I had only ever watched knock out tournaments like the world cup but my Chelsea friend knew the good fixtures and started scheduling our breaks so that we could catch at least the majority of a match. I was glad next week’s game was Arsenal again especially because it was against United and even though I wouldn’t say I hated them then I knew that they were the go to glory hunter team to support so it was fun to cheer for who I thought must be the underdog. I was surprised that I wanted to cheer when arshavin (I remembered him from the world cup because I found his name amusing... I was a teenager) scored an absolute rocket against them. I wasn’t used to cheering and was a bit shy still but went back to work happy although I later learnt from MOTD that Arsenal lost by a few goals in the second half. This carried on for a couple of months and I was lucky that there were quite a few Arsenal games on Saturdays and I eventually told my Chelsea friend I preferred Arsenal, almost feeling a little bad because he had tolerated noob question after question. Eventually though my work took an interesting turn of events. On Haloween my boss came to work in an absolute state and fired my Chelsea friend (It later turned out he had given away a free drink to a female mystery shopper because she was hot lol) and they had a huge bust up so he was extra pissed off that day and dickish to me. He had to shut up shop early because we were now short staffed. Although I could have gone home I went to the pub for lunch as usual and after being there for about 20 minutes got to witness the greatest few minutes of football I had seen so far; it was the derby against Tottenham (who I recently learnt were our arch rivals) and Van Persie scored a goal a few minutes before half time to give us the lead. I finally felt comfortable cheering because my friend wasn’t there and I didn’t really care what strangers thought. Even better was realising my boss was in the same pub watching on another screen and swearing his head off to anyone who would listen. I thought I would go over because it would have been awkward if he realised I had seen him and stayed where I was but just after I said hi, Fabregas had somehow already owned the entirety of spurs and scored again! I instinctively cheered and only then realised that my boss was a Tottenham fan as he got up and left without saying anything to me. I quit pretty soon after because it was shit without my friend but will always be grateful for lucky scheduling, an overly horny friend and my boss being enough of a cunt that it made Arsenal seem pretty much destined for me.
My boss turned into a dick so me and my mate started taking our lunch breaks away from the cafe and in the local pub. Fortunate scheduling and classy Arsenal play got me interested in them, solidified myself as a Gooner once RVP and Fabregas helped ruin an already shit day for my Spurs supporting boss and I got to witness it.
(sorry but this is a throwaway account) I am 19f and my boyfriend is 23. We met almost 2 years ago through a friend. Everything had been going great until I found out that i was pregnant last week. When I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant I was expecting him to encourage me to have an abortion, which is what I am wanting but didn't feel right about just doing it and not telling him first. The reaction I got was the complete opposite. He is happy about it and was mad that I would want to abort it. I'm not ready to be a mother. I have just started college and I really want to finish it and start a career before having a family. This is his last year of college, he has a college job but nothing yet for afterwords. I really think this is a bad time for either of us to start a family. Is it wrong for me to still want an abortion even though he wants the child. I know that most likely it will mean the end or our relationship if I go through with it. Need advice/help. (please if you are just going to say that "if your not ready to have kids, then you shouldn't have sex" don't bother to reply. Its not helpful and I have heard it already) tl;dr - 19f, pregnant and want an abortion, 23boyfriend wants to keep it. Am I a bitch for still wanting to get rid of it?
(sorry but this is a throwaway account) I am 19f and my boyfriend is 23. We met almost 2 years ago through a friend. Everything had been going great until I found out that i was pregnant last week. When I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant I was expecting him to encourage me to have an abortion, which is what I am wanting but didn't feel right about just doing it and not telling him first. The reaction I got was the complete opposite. He is happy about it and was mad that I would want to abort it. I'm not ready to be a mother. I have just started college and I really want to finish it and start a career before having a family. This is his last year of college, he has a college job but nothing yet for afterwords. I really think this is a bad time for either of us to start a family. Is it wrong for me to still want an abortion even though he wants the child. I know that most likely it will mean the end or our relationship if I go through with it. Need advice/help. (please if you are just going to say that "if your not ready to have kids, then you shouldn't have sex" don't bother to reply. Its not helpful and I have heard it already) tl;dr - 19f, pregnant and want an abortion, 23boyfriend wants to keep it. Am I a bitch for still wanting to get rid of it?
sorry but this is a throwaway account) I am 19f and my boyfriend is 23. We met almost 2 years ago through a friend. Everything had been going great until I found out that i was pregnant last week. When I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant I was expecting him to encourage me to have an abortion, which is what I am wanting but didn't feel right about just doing it and not telling him first. The reaction I got was the complete opposite. He is happy about it and was mad that I would want to abort it. I'm not ready to be a mother. I have just started college and I really want to finish it and start a career before having a family. This is his last year of college, he has a college job but nothing yet for afterwords. I really think this is a bad time for either of us to start a family. Is it wrong for me to still want an abortion even though he wants the child. I know that most likely it will mean the end or our relationship if I go through with it. Need advice/help. (please if you are just going to say that "if your not ready to have kids, then you shouldn't have sex" don't bother to reply. Its not helpful and I have heard it already)
19f, pregnant and want an abortion, 23boyfriend wants to keep it. Am I a bitch for still wanting to get rid of it?
I know I can't be the only one looking for old country records. I'm mostly interested in Buck Owens and Merle Haggard, but most record stores only seem to have a small amount of 80s pop country or none at all. I went to a record fair a couple of months ago with 20+ vendors and only one had a small box of country. This stuff has to be out there, but I've been to record stores in Nashville even that were mostly rock-centric. I've got a fair bit of Bluegrass vinyl and strangely I've been able to find that stuff easier than 50s-60s Country. I know there's tons of this stuff on ebay, but it mostly seems to be coming from people who know nothing about records and grading and I've very hesitant about buying from these people. **tl;dr** any record stores out there with a good country selection?
I know I can't be the only one looking for old country records. I'm mostly interested in Buck Owens and Merle Haggard, but most record stores only seem to have a small amount of 80s pop country or none at all. I went to a record fair a couple of months ago with 20+ vendors and only one had a small box of country. This stuff has to be out there, but I've been to record stores in Nashville even that were mostly rock-centric. I've got a fair bit of Bluegrass vinyl and strangely I've been able to find that stuff easier than 50s-60s Country. I know there's tons of this stuff on ebay, but it mostly seems to be coming from people who know nothing about records and grading and I've very hesitant about buying from these people. tl;dr any record stores out there with a good country selection?
I know I can't be the only one looking for old country records. I'm mostly interested in Buck Owens and Merle Haggard, but most record stores only seem to have a small amount of 80s pop country or none at all. I went to a record fair a couple of months ago with 20+ vendors and only one had a small box of country. This stuff has to be out there, but I've been to record stores in Nashville even that were mostly rock-centric. I've got a fair bit of Bluegrass vinyl and strangely I've been able to find that stuff easier than 50s-60s Country. I know there's tons of this stuff on ebay, but it mostly seems to be coming from people who know nothing about records and grading and I've very hesitant about buying from these people.
any record stores out there with a good country selection?
Long story short: we (both mid 20s) dated/lived together for a 2.5 years and split up when she asked for a break (I have since learned what that actually means) a little over a year ago. She moved back home from the city we had moved to together and started seeing this guy (an old flame she had just recently gotten back into contact with before our break up) a few months later. For many reasons, I ended up back home as well, and while her and I aren't "friends," things are cordial when we see each other. As we have similar circles of friends, it has come to my attention that he has hooked up with at least two girls over the summer who were under the impression that they had broken up (because he told them so), but ended under shady circumstances. As we weren't close anymore, I assumed that this was true. However, she just recently posted on the various social medias about their "anniversary," which would lead one to assume that no such break-up occurred this summer. Although she may have broken up with me under less than ideal circumstances, I don't wish her ill will. However, is it not my place to tell her what I know? TL;DR: Ex asked me for a break, started dating dude immediately after. Found out he's been hooking up with other girls. Do I tell her?
Long story short: we (both mid 20s) dated/lived together for a 2.5 years and split up when she asked for a break (I have since learned what that actually means) a little over a year ago. She moved back home from the city we had moved to together and started seeing this guy (an old flame she had just recently gotten back into contact with before our break up) a few months later. For many reasons, I ended up back home as well, and while her and I aren't "friends," things are cordial when we see each other. As we have similar circles of friends, it has come to my attention that he has hooked up with at least two girls over the summer who were under the impression that they had broken up (because he told them so), but ended under shady circumstances. As we weren't close anymore, I assumed that this was true. However, she just recently posted on the various social medias about their "anniversary," which would lead one to assume that no such break-up occurred this summer. Although she may have broken up with me under less than ideal circumstances, I don't wish her ill will. However, is it not my place to tell her what I know? TL;DR: Ex asked me for a break, started dating dude immediately after. Found out he's been hooking up with other girls. Do I tell her?
Long story short: we (both mid 20s) dated/lived together for a 2.5 years and split up when she asked for a break (I have since learned what that actually means) a little over a year ago. She moved back home from the city we had moved to together and started seeing this guy (an old flame she had just recently gotten back into contact with before our break up) a few months later. For many reasons, I ended up back home as well, and while her and I aren't "friends," things are cordial when we see each other. As we have similar circles of friends, it has come to my attention that he has hooked up with at least two girls over the summer who were under the impression that they had broken up (because he told them so), but ended under shady circumstances. As we weren't close anymore, I assumed that this was true. However, she just recently posted on the various social medias about their "anniversary," which would lead one to assume that no such break-up occurred this summer. Although she may have broken up with me under less than ideal circumstances, I don't wish her ill will. However, is it not my place to tell her what I know?
Ex asked me for a break, started dating dude immediately after. Found out he's been hooking up with other girls. Do I tell her?
Friend of my father's is a highly successful computer engineer, and old enough that he got into the industry back in the day when they didn't require fancy-schmancy degrees. So he hits a certain point in his career where he is now working for a very large company, whose internal guidelines mandate that he cannot be promoted past a certain point without a Master's, even though his boss and everyone else know that he's more than competent for the position. So he got an application for one of these degree mills, cranked it out, got the promotion, and moved on. TL;DR: No.
Friend of my father's is a highly successful computer engineer, and old enough that he got into the industry back in the day when they didn't require fancy-schmancy degrees. So he hits a certain point in his career where he is now working for a very large company, whose internal guidelines mandate that he cannot be promoted past a certain point without a Master's, even though his boss and everyone else know that he's more than competent for the position. So he got an application for one of these degree mills, cranked it out, got the promotion, and moved on. TL;DR: No.
Friend of my father's is a highly successful computer engineer, and old enough that he got into the industry back in the day when they didn't require fancy-schmancy degrees. So he hits a certain point in his career where he is now working for a very large company, whose internal guidelines mandate that he cannot be promoted past a certain point without a Master's, even though his boss and everyone else know that he's more than competent for the position. So he got an application for one of these degree mills, cranked it out, got the promotion, and moved on.
This same situation happened to my buddy and I except with the opposite end result. We had been trying to meet to set up camp up near the airfield after i lost my character a while back. When we finally met, my friend decided to scout out the hill we were near. Unfortunately a survivor with a Winchester was waiting for him and I at the top. He popped my friend after my buddy managed to spray him with a clip, but it was too late when I shot, he had already logged out. I searched the rest of the area to make sure he had no allies waiting to ambush me and found no one. I was then going to set up camp nearby to put my buddies gear in the tent, when I got popped in the back of the head. Needless to say I was pretty pissed. Alt-F4'ers really make me mad, granted that that is how I was killed the first time. TL:DR - Random dude killed my friend, logged out, then came back and killed me.
This same situation happened to my buddy and I except with the opposite end result. We had been trying to meet to set up camp up near the airfield after i lost my character a while back. When we finally met, my friend decided to scout out the hill we were near. Unfortunately a survivor with a Winchester was waiting for him and I at the top. He popped my friend after my buddy managed to spray him with a clip, but it was too late when I shot, he had already logged out. I searched the rest of the area to make sure he had no allies waiting to ambush me and found no one. I was then going to set up camp nearby to put my buddies gear in the tent, when I got popped in the back of the head. Needless to say I was pretty pissed. Alt-F4'ers really make me mad, granted that that is how I was killed the first time. TL:DR - Random dude killed my friend, logged out, then came back and killed me.
This same situation happened to my buddy and I except with the opposite end result. We had been trying to meet to set up camp up near the airfield after i lost my character a while back. When we finally met, my friend decided to scout out the hill we were near. Unfortunately a survivor with a Winchester was waiting for him and I at the top. He popped my friend after my buddy managed to spray him with a clip, but it was too late when I shot, he had already logged out. I searched the rest of the area to make sure he had no allies waiting to ambush me and found no one. I was then going to set up camp nearby to put my buddies gear in the tent, when I got popped in the back of the head. Needless to say I was pretty pissed. Alt-F4'ers really make me mad, granted that that is how I was killed the first time.
Random dude killed my friend, logged out, then came back and killed me.
So around a year and a half ago I was exiting my friends house after consuming two delicious Icehouse beverages just barely tipsy. Apparently the bar was not in the cards that night as I slipped and fell on a patch of ice. I get a rocking concussion and what I assume to be a minor laceration. Best part was when I stumble back inside to clean myself up my drunk friend goes "Yo dude it's okay I'm a lifeguard". I move my hand and his reaction was probably the only thing that kept me from going into shock. TL;DR- Don't drink leave the house without shoes with good soles during Chicago winters. maybe NSFW/vomit
So around a year and a half ago I was exiting my friends house after consuming two delicious Icehouse beverages just barely tipsy. Apparently the bar was not in the cards that night as I slipped and fell on a patch of ice. I get a rocking concussion and what I assume to be a minor laceration. Best part was when I stumble back inside to clean myself up my drunk friend goes "Yo dude it's okay I'm a lifeguard". I move my hand and his reaction was probably the only thing that kept me from going into shock. TL;DR- Don't drink leave the house without shoes with good soles during Chicago winters. maybe NSFW/vomit
So around a year and a half ago I was exiting my friends house after consuming two delicious Icehouse beverages just barely tipsy. Apparently the bar was not in the cards that night as I slipped and fell on a patch of ice. I get a rocking concussion and what I assume to be a minor laceration. Best part was when I stumble back inside to clean myself up my drunk friend goes "Yo dude it's okay I'm a lifeguard". I move my hand and his reaction was probably the only thing that kept me from going into shock.
Don't drink leave the house without shoes with good soles during Chicago winters. maybe NSFW/vomit
So yesterday I was having issues with my Internet so I went to my ISP and exchanged my modem for a new one. Today comes along and I fire up my PS4 only to have the new BLOPS patch fail to download. I go through some basic troubleshooting steps such as rebooting console, router, modem, rebuilding database, checked free HDD space (288.3 GB free), [some basic port forwarding]( putting PS4 into a DMZ, etc. Nothing works. Then I get the bright idea to download an App (MLB app) and boom, no problem. So, thinking it might be a fluke, I delete YouTube, Netflix, Twitch, etc. All of them download flawlessly. Only games / patches won't download (tried downloading Rebel Galaxy, wouldn't work.) I then try to use my phone as a portable hotspot and see if the patches work, and bingo, there they go. I have no idea where to go from here. Should I get a new modem? Is there something glaringly obvious that I missed? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Tl;Dr Got new modem (and IP) from ISP yesterday, now PS4 games won't download but PS4 apps download fine. When using phone as hotspot, PS4 games download. What gives? EDIT I forgot to include my error code NW-31456-9. A few others have reported having issues on WLAN, but I am wired. Also, I recently discovered that if selecting a bunch of updates to retry at once completely kills my internet for all devices. This might be one for Sony Support...
So yesterday I was having issues with my Internet so I went to my ISP and exchanged my modem for a new one. Today comes along and I fire up my PS4 only to have the new BLOPS patch fail to download. I go through some basic troubleshooting steps such as rebooting console, router, modem, rebuilding database, checked free HDD space (288.3 GB free), [some basic port forwarding]( putting PS4 into a DMZ, etc. Nothing works. Then I get the bright idea to download an App (MLB app) and boom, no problem. So, thinking it might be a fluke, I delete YouTube, Netflix, Twitch, etc. All of them download flawlessly. Only games / patches won't download (tried downloading Rebel Galaxy, wouldn't work.) I then try to use my phone as a portable hotspot and see if the patches work, and bingo, there they go. I have no idea where to go from here. Should I get a new modem? Is there something glaringly obvious that I missed? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Tl;Dr Got new modem (and IP) from ISP yesterday, now PS4 games won't download but PS4 apps download fine. When using phone as hotspot, PS4 games download. What gives? EDIT I forgot to include my error code NW-31456-9. A few others have reported having issues on WLAN, but I am wired. Also, I recently discovered that if selecting a bunch of updates to retry at once completely kills my internet for all devices. This might be one for Sony Support...
So yesterday I was having issues with my Internet so I went to my ISP and exchanged my modem for a new one. Today comes along and I fire up my PS4 only to have the new BLOPS patch fail to download. I go through some basic troubleshooting steps such as rebooting console, router, modem, rebuilding database, checked free HDD space (288.3 GB free), [some basic port forwarding]( putting PS4 into a DMZ, etc. Nothing works. Then I get the bright idea to download an App (MLB app) and boom, no problem. So, thinking it might be a fluke, I delete YouTube, Netflix, Twitch, etc. All of them download flawlessly. Only games / patches won't download (tried downloading Rebel Galaxy, wouldn't work.) I then try to use my phone as a portable hotspot and see if the patches work, and bingo, there they go. I have no idea where to go from here. Should I get a new modem? Is there something glaringly obvious that I missed? Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Got new modem (and IP) from ISP yesterday, now PS4 games won't download but PS4 apps download fine. When using phone as hotspot, PS4 games download. What gives? EDIT I forgot to include my error code NW-31456-9. A few others have reported having issues on WLAN, but I am wired. Also, I recently discovered that if selecting a bunch of updates to retry at once completely kills my internet for all devices. This might be one for Sony Support...
Except the difficulty between mouse and joystick has little to do with relative precision--the just have completely different ways of controlling where you are aiming. The mouse controls the position of your pointerd directly--if you want to move your pointer 10 units to the right, you move your mouse the equivalent of 10 units to the right. Meanwhile, if you have a joystick, if you want to move your cursor 10 units to the right, you need to move your joystick over to the right at a position equivalent to the 10 units a second, for 1 second. So controller users need to account for timing as well as position of joystick when moving their cursor. TL;DR Since joysticks affects the speed of which your cursor moves, while mouse affects the position of the cursor, mouse is easier to use.
Except the difficulty between mouse and joystick has little to do with relative precision--the just have completely different ways of controlling where you are aiming. The mouse controls the position of your pointerd directly--if you want to move your pointer 10 units to the right, you move your mouse the equivalent of 10 units to the right. Meanwhile, if you have a joystick, if you want to move your cursor 10 units to the right, you need to move your joystick over to the right at a position equivalent to the 10 units a second, for 1 second. So controller users need to account for timing as well as position of joystick when moving their cursor. TL;DR Since joysticks affects the speed of which your cursor moves, while mouse affects the position of the cursor, mouse is easier to use.
Except the difficulty between mouse and joystick has little to do with relative precision--the just have completely different ways of controlling where you are aiming. The mouse controls the position of your pointerd directly--if you want to move your pointer 10 units to the right, you move your mouse the equivalent of 10 units to the right. Meanwhile, if you have a joystick, if you want to move your cursor 10 units to the right, you need to move your joystick over to the right at a position equivalent to the 10 units a second, for 1 second. So controller users need to account for timing as well as position of joystick when moving their cursor.
Since joysticks affects the speed of which your cursor moves, while mouse affects the position of the cursor, mouse is easier to use.
Fairly sure that artorias is for royal wood in it's entirety while manus is for the township as well as the abyss. Seeing as kalameet is an entirely optional boss(they all are, but kalameet is more a secret boss than of course arty or manus) it would seem odd to make that a pvp enabling boss. At this point ive only beaten artorias, but cant be invaded or coop in royal wood only, leading me to believe manus is for the rest. tl;dr: Manus=Township+Abyss Artorias=Royal wood
Fairly sure that artorias is for royal wood in it's entirety while manus is for the township as well as the abyss. Seeing as kalameet is an entirely optional boss(they all are, but kalameet is more a secret boss than of course arty or manus) it would seem odd to make that a pvp enabling boss. At this point ive only beaten artorias, but cant be invaded or coop in royal wood only, leading me to believe manus is for the rest. tl;dr: Manus=Township+Abyss Artorias=Royal wood
Fairly sure that artorias is for royal wood in it's entirety while manus is for the township as well as the abyss. Seeing as kalameet is an entirely optional boss(they all are, but kalameet is more a secret boss than of course arty or manus) it would seem odd to make that a pvp enabling boss. At this point ive only beaten artorias, but cant be invaded or coop in royal wood only, leading me to believe manus is for the rest.
Manus=Township+Abyss Artorias=Royal wood
I'm going to reply to everyone's nice words later tonight but I want to respond to this because I can feel your regret. Life is not about stacking achievements. I've "accomplished"--in terms of things that mothers look for when they want to set their daughter up with someone--more than 90% of my friends, but looking back it was a waste. ESPECIALLY don't feel bad about not going to law school. Even if you achieve the "big achievement" in law (making it into a Biglaw firm), you're going to work 65+ hours a week and 1/3 of your income is going to student loans. Your relationships will unravel. You will hate the thing you once loved. I have no authority to go handing out life advice to people. At all. I'm not going to tell you to just do what you love and eff everything else. But I can give my own experiences, which is that looking at life as a checklist of prestigious things you need to hit is basically slavery to other people's expectations. You probably have a lot of roles in your life, for example: son, student, boyfriend, whatever. Wouldn't you feel more accomplished *right now* if you focused on being the best son, student, boyfriend, etc. you can be *today*? When you're dead, no one will give a shit what law school you went to, how much you made, whether your parents thought you "made it" etc. You know who's the only person that came to visit me from my previous job? The doorman, because I never let him hold the door for me and I remembered his name. I just wish I had devoted more time to being that guy in people's lives rather than the egomaniac accomplishment-getter. * **TL;DR** Please don't compare yourself like that.
I'm going to reply to everyone's nice words later tonight but I want to respond to this because I can feel your regret. Life is not about stacking achievements. I've "accomplished"--in terms of things that mothers look for when they want to set their daughter up with someone--more than 90% of my friends, but looking back it was a waste. ESPECIALLY don't feel bad about not going to law school. Even if you achieve the "big achievement" in law (making it into a Biglaw firm), you're going to work 65+ hours a week and 1/3 of your income is going to student loans. Your relationships will unravel. You will hate the thing you once loved. I have no authority to go handing out life advice to people. At all. I'm not going to tell you to just do what you love and eff everything else. But I can give my own experiences, which is that looking at life as a checklist of prestigious things you need to hit is basically slavery to other people's expectations. You probably have a lot of roles in your life, for example: son, student, boyfriend, whatever. Wouldn't you feel more accomplished right now if you focused on being the best son, student, boyfriend, etc. you can be today ? When you're dead, no one will give a shit what law school you went to, how much you made, whether your parents thought you "made it" etc. You know who's the only person that came to visit me from my previous job? The doorman, because I never let him hold the door for me and I remembered his name. I just wish I had devoted more time to being that guy in people's lives rather than the egomaniac accomplishment-getter. TL;DR Please don't compare yourself like that.
I'm going to reply to everyone's nice words later tonight but I want to respond to this because I can feel your regret. Life is not about stacking achievements. I've "accomplished"--in terms of things that mothers look for when they want to set their daughter up with someone--more than 90% of my friends, but looking back it was a waste. ESPECIALLY don't feel bad about not going to law school. Even if you achieve the "big achievement" in law (making it into a Biglaw firm), you're going to work 65+ hours a week and 1/3 of your income is going to student loans. Your relationships will unravel. You will hate the thing you once loved. I have no authority to go handing out life advice to people. At all. I'm not going to tell you to just do what you love and eff everything else. But I can give my own experiences, which is that looking at life as a checklist of prestigious things you need to hit is basically slavery to other people's expectations. You probably have a lot of roles in your life, for example: son, student, boyfriend, whatever. Wouldn't you feel more accomplished right now if you focused on being the best son, student, boyfriend, etc. you can be today ? When you're dead, no one will give a shit what law school you went to, how much you made, whether your parents thought you "made it" etc. You know who's the only person that came to visit me from my previous job? The doorman, because I never let him hold the door for me and I remembered his name. I just wish I had devoted more time to being that guy in people's lives rather than the egomaniac accomplishment-getter.
Please don't compare yourself like that.
I know a woman who was "hopelessly single" until she was about 50 and then she bagged a recently divorced semi-wealthy 60 yr old man. Of course, she claimed that she would not stop doing nails when she got married. She came back from the honeymoon and announced she was retiring. TL; DR: hold out long enough and you just might be set for life.
I know a woman who was "hopelessly single" until she was about 50 and then she bagged a recently divorced semi-wealthy 60 yr old man. Of course, she claimed that she would not stop doing nails when she got married. She came back from the honeymoon and announced she was retiring. TL; DR: hold out long enough and you just might be set for life.
I know a woman who was "hopelessly single" until she was about 50 and then she bagged a recently divorced semi-wealthy 60 yr old man. Of course, she claimed that she would not stop doing nails when she got married. She came back from the honeymoon and announced she was retiring.
hold out long enough and you just might be set for life.
the rear wheel of my bike was stolen earlier today. i have been leaving my bike at the bike racks i describe in the title lately. a buddy of mine told me (after the fact) that his bike was stolen from there. also, there is another bike there that's been stripped of its back wheel. i should have taken that as evidence of it being a shitty spot. the wheel: velocity dyad tandem rim shimano deore front hub with bolted cog **tl;dr if anyone you know has ended up with a really badass rear wheel, please tell me where i can find that person.**
the rear wheel of my bike was stolen earlier today. i have been leaving my bike at the bike racks i describe in the title lately. a buddy of mine told me (after the fact) that his bike was stolen from there. also, there is another bike there that's been stripped of its back wheel. i should have taken that as evidence of it being a shitty spot. the wheel: velocity dyad tandem rim shimano deore front hub with bolted cog tl;dr if anyone you know has ended up with a really badass rear wheel, please tell me where i can find that person.
the rear wheel of my bike was stolen earlier today. i have been leaving my bike at the bike racks i describe in the title lately. a buddy of mine told me (after the fact) that his bike was stolen from there. also, there is another bike there that's been stripped of its back wheel. i should have taken that as evidence of it being a shitty spot. the wheel: velocity dyad tandem rim shimano deore front hub with bolted cog
if anyone you know has ended up with a really badass rear wheel, please tell me where i can find that person.