Hi Reddit. Thanks for your time. Im sorry im not English so please bear with me. I am 24(m) and have been going out with my girlfriend (22) for just less than four years. Everything was great until about the time we became sexual during the first few months. We were each others first partners but i was more experienced than her, in terms of knowing what to do. She was clueless. I did not think much about this as i thought she would learn. She did learn, but not as much as you would expect from a girl of her age and intelligence. For example she still uses her nails during a handjob which hurts a lot. She is like a dead animal in bed and not very creative etc A few nights ago i was fingering her and doing oral which she was loving but when i spread her legs more to do what she loves she said it felt like i was examining her. This was a boner killer for me and i just stopped and slept. I know all about her body, what she likes, what she doesnt and what turns her on, but i am pretty sure she hasnt put in much effort in exploring mine. Tonight she came over and i made one of our favorite meals. After eating we started watching a movie sitting in bed. She got my dick out and began giving me a hand-job which sucked. It was dry and was beginning to get painful when i hinted for her to stop. I was annoyed at the fact that she does not put effort into doing anything sexual properly even though we have talked about it. She then faced away from me. The movie finished and she decided she wanted to go home. I asked her why she was mad at me at the door she didnt answer. I then sent her a text. The reply i got was painful. She said in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart. TLDR; I got annoyed at girlfriend of 4 years as she doesnt put much effort in her knowledge about sex for our benefit. I stopped pleasing her, she gets mad at me and says in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart. I do put in a lot of effort i.e. taking her on trips to different countries, cooking, dates and learning about sex to please her. Reddit how do i reply to that? I have been made to feel inadequate. It somehow feels like nearing the end of the relationship and i want to tell her that she can break up with me if she wants, but i dont know how to put it.
Hi Reddit. Thanks for your time. Im sorry im not English so please bear with me. I am 24(m) and have been going out with my girlfriend (22) for just less than four years. Everything was great until about the time we became sexual during the first few months. We were each others first partners but i was more experienced than her, in terms of knowing what to do. She was clueless. I did not think much about this as i thought she would learn. She did learn, but not as much as you would expect from a girl of her age and intelligence. For example she still uses her nails during a handjob which hurts a lot. She is like a dead animal in bed and not very creative etc A few nights ago i was fingering her and doing oral which she was loving but when i spread her legs more to do what she loves she said it felt like i was examining her. This was a boner killer for me and i just stopped and slept. I know all about her body, what she likes, what she doesnt and what turns her on, but i am pretty sure she hasnt put in much effort in exploring mine. Tonight she came over and i made one of our favorite meals. After eating we started watching a movie sitting in bed. She got my dick out and began giving me a hand-job which sucked. It was dry and was beginning to get painful when i hinted for her to stop. I was annoyed at the fact that she does not put effort into doing anything sexual properly even though we have talked about it. She then faced away from me. The movie finished and she decided she wanted to go home. I asked her why she was mad at me at the door she didnt answer. I then sent her a text. The reply i got was painful. She said in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart. TLDR; I got annoyed at girlfriend of 4 years as she doesnt put much effort in her knowledge about sex for our benefit. I stopped pleasing her, she gets mad at me and says in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart. I do put in a lot of effort i.e. taking her on trips to different countries, cooking, dates and learning about sex to please her. Reddit how do i reply to that? I have been made to feel inadequate. It somehow feels like nearing the end of the relationship and i want to tell her that she can break up with me if she wants, but i dont know how to put it.
Hi Reddit. Thanks for your time. Im sorry im not English so please bear with me. I am 24(m) and have been going out with my girlfriend (22) for just less than four years. Everything was great until about the time we became sexual during the first few months. We were each others first partners but i was more experienced than her, in terms of knowing what to do. She was clueless. I did not think much about this as i thought she would learn. She did learn, but not as much as you would expect from a girl of her age and intelligence. For example she still uses her nails during a handjob which hurts a lot. She is like a dead animal in bed and not very creative etc A few nights ago i was fingering her and doing oral which she was loving but when i spread her legs more to do what she loves she said it felt like i was examining her. This was a boner killer for me and i just stopped and slept. I know all about her body, what she likes, what she doesnt and what turns her on, but i am pretty sure she hasnt put in much effort in exploring mine. Tonight she came over and i made one of our favorite meals. After eating we started watching a movie sitting in bed. She got my dick out and began giving me a hand-job which sucked. It was dry and was beginning to get painful when i hinted for her to stop. I was annoyed at the fact that she does not put effort into doing anything sexual properly even though we have talked about it. She then faced away from me. The movie finished and she decided she wanted to go home. I asked her why she was mad at me at the door she didnt answer. I then sent her a text. The reply i got was painful. She said in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart.
I got annoyed at girlfriend of 4 years as she doesnt put much effort in her knowledge about sex for our benefit. I stopped pleasing her, she gets mad at me and says in her words, "Am fed up of making all the effort." I replied saying, "I do nothing?" and the most painful was when she said "Not to b wiv me." It felt like a knife to the heart. I do put in a lot of effort i.e. taking her on trips to different countries, cooking, dates and learning about sex to please her. Reddit how do i reply to that? I have been made to feel inadequate. It somehow feels like nearing the end of the relationship and i want to tell her that she can break up with me if she wants, but i dont know how to put it.
> I just think that building a curriculum around Java these days shows how dated the program really is. There are two real issues with that attitude, IMO. * Like it or not, Java is probably still the most (or one of the most) widely used language(s) in the business world. A CS program that is producing graduates who don't have a solid grasp of Java will be doing them a huge disservice when they start job hunting, IMO. * I think a CS program really does need a "core" language which can be used in most of its classes. If Java isn't your core language, then you'll have issues with the above point, since the majority of students will work with the languages they're required to and little else. Though Java does have more than its share of flaws, it does occupy a nice middle-ground position from which most people can easily transition to higher level languages or, with a bit more effort, go lower-level to C or C++. If you if you have students that are mostly focused on higher level languages like Ruby/Python/etc I think it's going to take more work to get them to learn lower level stuff. tl;dr - when more businesses start to embrace higher languages then you may see CS programs start to change.
> I just think that building a curriculum around Java these days shows how dated the program really is. There are two real issues with that attitude, IMO. Like it or not, Java is probably still the most (or one of the most) widely used language(s) in the business world. A CS program that is producing graduates who don't have a solid grasp of Java will be doing them a huge disservice when they start job hunting, IMO. I think a CS program really does need a "core" language which can be used in most of its classes. If Java isn't your core language, then you'll have issues with the above point, since the majority of students will work with the languages they're required to and little else. Though Java does have more than its share of flaws, it does occupy a nice middle-ground position from which most people can easily transition to higher level languages or, with a bit more effort, go lower-level to C or C++. If you if you have students that are mostly focused on higher level languages like Ruby/Python/etc I think it's going to take more work to get them to learn lower level stuff. tl;dr - when more businesses start to embrace higher languages then you may see CS programs start to change.
I just think that building a curriculum around Java these days shows how dated the program really is. There are two real issues with that attitude, IMO. Like it or not, Java is probably still the most (or one of the most) widely used language(s) in the business world. A CS program that is producing graduates who don't have a solid grasp of Java will be doing them a huge disservice when they start job hunting, IMO. I think a CS program really does need a "core" language which can be used in most of its classes. If Java isn't your core language, then you'll have issues with the above point, since the majority of students will work with the languages they're required to and little else. Though Java does have more than its share of flaws, it does occupy a nice middle-ground position from which most people can easily transition to higher level languages or, with a bit more effort, go lower-level to C or C++. If you if you have students that are mostly focused on higher level languages like Ruby/Python/etc I think it's going to take more work to get them to learn lower level stuff.
when more businesses start to embrace higher languages then you may see CS programs start to change.
I haven't really bought/stayed up to to date with new hardware for a while. Recently I've seen a lot of devices coming out that can fire at 100w, 150w, and (in the case of the Cloupor w/ firmware update) 200w. I've been using a mech setup with a dripper at around 0.16 ohms for a while now. So best case when I hit it on a fresh battery, I'm pulling a little bit over 100w I believe. Whats the attraction for these new mods? I can understand the 200w and 150w mods - more power. But when you're firing it that high, can you even really get a good vape? Or does the heat just kind of kill it? As for the 100 watt mods, I guess the attraction would be battery life and you could keep firing at 100w, rather than sinking down to the 80's as the battery loses charge. So tl;dr, is it worth it? They're not crazy expensive so I'm definitely tempted. But is it really feasible to sit around all day vaping at 150-200w?
I haven't really bought/stayed up to to date with new hardware for a while. Recently I've seen a lot of devices coming out that can fire at 100w, 150w, and (in the case of the Cloupor w/ firmware update) 200w. I've been using a mech setup with a dripper at around 0.16 ohms for a while now. So best case when I hit it on a fresh battery, I'm pulling a little bit over 100w I believe. Whats the attraction for these new mods? I can understand the 200w and 150w mods - more power. But when you're firing it that high, can you even really get a good vape? Or does the heat just kind of kill it? As for the 100 watt mods, I guess the attraction would be battery life and you could keep firing at 100w, rather than sinking down to the 80's as the battery loses charge. So tl;dr, is it worth it? They're not crazy expensive so I'm definitely tempted. But is it really feasible to sit around all day vaping at 150-200w?
I haven't really bought/stayed up to to date with new hardware for a while. Recently I've seen a lot of devices coming out that can fire at 100w, 150w, and (in the case of the Cloupor w/ firmware update) 200w. I've been using a mech setup with a dripper at around 0.16 ohms for a while now. So best case when I hit it on a fresh battery, I'm pulling a little bit over 100w I believe. Whats the attraction for these new mods? I can understand the 200w and 150w mods - more power. But when you're firing it that high, can you even really get a good vape? Or does the heat just kind of kill it? As for the 100 watt mods, I guess the attraction would be battery life and you could keep firing at 100w, rather than sinking down to the 80's as the battery loses charge. So
is it worth it? They're not crazy expensive so I'm definitely tempted. But is it really feasible to sit around all day vaping at 150-200w?
Ok... I need to talk to someone else besides my partner and need the help of all you lovelies on TwoX... So....I'll give a bit of a depressing and frustrating (for me) background first. I'll just lay it out on the table: when I was a kid I was sexually abused by a very close family member. The abuse lasted about 3-4 months and my family visited this family member almost every weekend. I hadn't hit puberty yet and it was a very, very, very confusing time in my life. The reason I need to vent is because that family never died this week and I feel terrible that I'm happy... My mom is absolutely devastated because the person that passed was in her immediate family. While she knows what happened to me, she still felt a bit sad to cut ties with the abuser because they were diagnosed with cancer. Now I feel bad because I can't really make my mom feel better without feeling like crap myself. I feel like such a mean person to be happy at the death of someone who was supposed to care for me. It's a very confusing and frustrating situation. I really feel bad for my partner, too because he doesn't even know what to do... Ugh.. I feel happy, disgusting, relieved, and shell shocked all at the same time... I don't even want to go to the funeral because I couldn't bring myself to see their lifeless body and hear people say how great of a person they were. To me, this person was terrible.... I could really use some support and maybe some guidance... The other thing that sucks is I can't afford to see a specialist because my insurance through my mom sucks (I'm 23) and I just lost my temp job that was paying the bills. I just don't know what to do or what to say to my mom... What do I do, TwoX? TL;DR: I was sexually abused by a family member and I'm happy that they died this week. I feel terrible but relieved and don't know what to say to my mom.
Ok... I need to talk to someone else besides my partner and need the help of all you lovelies on TwoX... So....I'll give a bit of a depressing and frustrating (for me) background first. I'll just lay it out on the table: when I was a kid I was sexually abused by a very close family member. The abuse lasted about 3-4 months and my family visited this family member almost every weekend. I hadn't hit puberty yet and it was a very, very, very confusing time in my life. The reason I need to vent is because that family never died this week and I feel terrible that I'm happy... My mom is absolutely devastated because the person that passed was in her immediate family. While she knows what happened to me, she still felt a bit sad to cut ties with the abuser because they were diagnosed with cancer. Now I feel bad because I can't really make my mom feel better without feeling like crap myself. I feel like such a mean person to be happy at the death of someone who was supposed to care for me. It's a very confusing and frustrating situation. I really feel bad for my partner, too because he doesn't even know what to do... Ugh.. I feel happy, disgusting, relieved, and shell shocked all at the same time... I don't even want to go to the funeral because I couldn't bring myself to see their lifeless body and hear people say how great of a person they were. To me, this person was terrible.... I could really use some support and maybe some guidance... The other thing that sucks is I can't afford to see a specialist because my insurance through my mom sucks (I'm 23) and I just lost my temp job that was paying the bills. I just don't know what to do or what to say to my mom... What do I do, TwoX? TL;DR: I was sexually abused by a family member and I'm happy that they died this week. I feel terrible but relieved and don't know what to say to my mom.
Ok... I need to talk to someone else besides my partner and need the help of all you lovelies on TwoX... So....I'll give a bit of a depressing and frustrating (for me) background first. I'll just lay it out on the table: when I was a kid I was sexually abused by a very close family member. The abuse lasted about 3-4 months and my family visited this family member almost every weekend. I hadn't hit puberty yet and it was a very, very, very confusing time in my life. The reason I need to vent is because that family never died this week and I feel terrible that I'm happy... My mom is absolutely devastated because the person that passed was in her immediate family. While she knows what happened to me, she still felt a bit sad to cut ties with the abuser because they were diagnosed with cancer. Now I feel bad because I can't really make my mom feel better without feeling like crap myself. I feel like such a mean person to be happy at the death of someone who was supposed to care for me. It's a very confusing and frustrating situation. I really feel bad for my partner, too because he doesn't even know what to do... Ugh.. I feel happy, disgusting, relieved, and shell shocked all at the same time... I don't even want to go to the funeral because I couldn't bring myself to see their lifeless body and hear people say how great of a person they were. To me, this person was terrible.... I could really use some support and maybe some guidance... The other thing that sucks is I can't afford to see a specialist because my insurance through my mom sucks (I'm 23) and I just lost my temp job that was paying the bills. I just don't know what to do or what to say to my mom... What do I do, TwoX?
I was sexually abused by a family member and I'm happy that they died this week. I feel terrible but relieved and don't know what to say to my mom.
As a macro economist you should perhaps look at the micro-economics of the airline. Honestly, it's a TERRIBLE way to make money. It's amazing they even break even. I'm a former airline pilot, and I can tell you that from my perspective the airline business is won by the person that goes bankrupt last. The guy that goes bankrupt last gets to buy the gate space from the other guys that went bankrupt first and set the new fare costs. It's a cutthroat business and every expense is spared, most notably for the people who are most responsible for keeping you and your family alive. If you think you are getting screwed for the amount of money you are spending to fly across a continent in 5 hours at 500mph in relative comfort at 35000ft, I suggest you maybe also add some engineering to your study package, and also check fuel prices and maintenance costs of operating a jet. Even small business jets consume in the neighborhood of 2000lb/hr of fuel, and cost in the neighborhood of $2500/hr to operate when accounting for routine inspections and maintenance. TL;DR: The flying public is getting an insane bargain for flying, at the cost of safety and underpaid/overworked flight crews.
As a macro economist you should perhaps look at the micro-economics of the airline. Honestly, it's a TERRIBLE way to make money. It's amazing they even break even. I'm a former airline pilot, and I can tell you that from my perspective the airline business is won by the person that goes bankrupt last. The guy that goes bankrupt last gets to buy the gate space from the other guys that went bankrupt first and set the new fare costs. It's a cutthroat business and every expense is spared, most notably for the people who are most responsible for keeping you and your family alive. If you think you are getting screwed for the amount of money you are spending to fly across a continent in 5 hours at 500mph in relative comfort at 35000ft, I suggest you maybe also add some engineering to your study package, and also check fuel prices and maintenance costs of operating a jet. Even small business jets consume in the neighborhood of 2000lb/hr of fuel, and cost in the neighborhood of $2500/hr to operate when accounting for routine inspections and maintenance. TL;DR: The flying public is getting an insane bargain for flying, at the cost of safety and underpaid/overworked flight crews.
As a macro economist you should perhaps look at the micro-economics of the airline. Honestly, it's a TERRIBLE way to make money. It's amazing they even break even. I'm a former airline pilot, and I can tell you that from my perspective the airline business is won by the person that goes bankrupt last. The guy that goes bankrupt last gets to buy the gate space from the other guys that went bankrupt first and set the new fare costs. It's a cutthroat business and every expense is spared, most notably for the people who are most responsible for keeping you and your family alive. If you think you are getting screwed for the amount of money you are spending to fly across a continent in 5 hours at 500mph in relative comfort at 35000ft, I suggest you maybe also add some engineering to your study package, and also check fuel prices and maintenance costs of operating a jet. Even small business jets consume in the neighborhood of 2000lb/hr of fuel, and cost in the neighborhood of $2500/hr to operate when accounting for routine inspections and maintenance.
The flying public is getting an insane bargain for flying, at the cost of safety and underpaid/overworked flight crews.
Recently there have been a lot of requests for so-called QoL changes to champions. The most recent one was Twitch, for a range indicator, and for a thresh-style range on orianna's ball. Now, I'm not one for impeding progress, but I think this pattern of entitlement ("well thresh has a range indicator, why not orianna?") is a bit of a slippery slope, simply because changes like this could demolish the skill requirement and the time commitment to learning champions. I for one am extremely impressed when I see a good orianna, because the level of micro and knowledge of the ball's range is incredible. It's obvious that this person has EARNED through practice the skill and the payoff. TL;DR I feel sometimes like these constant retroactive QoL changes removes some of the effort, commitment, and skill required to learn particular champions. Does anyone have the same feeling?
Recently there have been a lot of requests for so-called QoL changes to champions. The most recent one was Twitch, for a range indicator, and for a thresh-style range on orianna's ball. Now, I'm not one for impeding progress, but I think this pattern of entitlement ("well thresh has a range indicator, why not orianna?") is a bit of a slippery slope, simply because changes like this could demolish the skill requirement and the time commitment to learning champions. I for one am extremely impressed when I see a good orianna, because the level of micro and knowledge of the ball's range is incredible. It's obvious that this person has EARNED through practice the skill and the payoff. TL;DR I feel sometimes like these constant retroactive QoL changes removes some of the effort, commitment, and skill required to learn particular champions. Does anyone have the same feeling?
Recently there have been a lot of requests for so-called QoL changes to champions. The most recent one was Twitch, for a range indicator, and for a thresh-style range on orianna's ball. Now, I'm not one for impeding progress, but I think this pattern of entitlement ("well thresh has a range indicator, why not orianna?") is a bit of a slippery slope, simply because changes like this could demolish the skill requirement and the time commitment to learning champions. I for one am extremely impressed when I see a good orianna, because the level of micro and knowledge of the ball's range is incredible. It's obvious that this person has EARNED through practice the skill and the payoff.
I feel sometimes like these constant retroactive QoL changes removes some of the effort, commitment, and skill required to learn particular champions. Does anyone have the same feeling?
So, this happened today. Starting the moment my unbearable alarm went off at 5 AM. Wake up call is always 5 AM, this never changes, but this does not mean I do not want to launch my phone across the room every day. Aside from that, I wake up, spend the first 20 - 30 minutes being more usless than the "G" in lasagna - when I realize I need to get my rump in gear so I am not late for work (HAH). I finally get my act together, get ready to leave, reach into my pocket for my bus pass. GONE. My bus pass is gone. How? who knows. I had it when I got home, went to sleep, and it just decided to play Houdini and escape my pocket. I spend the next 15 minutes searching for it to no avail. So, great need to spend money on bus tokens that I do not need. I go buy my bus tokens, along with my coffee (sanity) but also F UP #2. As I am walking/dragging my ass to the bus stop, my coffee flew out of my cup and all over my teal jacket. SWEET, now I have to clean this disaster up so I do not look like the slob that I feel I am today. I make it up to the subway/bus station to transfer to my work bus - Only to reach the doors of work bus and have it drive off, AM I INVISIABLE, HAVE YOU NO SOUL BUS DRIVER? That bus only comes every 20 minutes, so of course the one thing I was trying to avoid, happens. Late for work. 2 staff members down out of the 5 of us to really put the cherry ontop of the shit-sundae I am indulging in today. TL;DR: I woke up, cannot get my shit together - had to deal with F UP 1 and 2 - which lead to F UP 3 and 4- Don't think I will make it to the end of the day without being dragged out on a stretcher - Goodnight sweet prince.
So, this happened today. Starting the moment my unbearable alarm went off at 5 AM. Wake up call is always 5 AM, this never changes, but this does not mean I do not want to launch my phone across the room every day. Aside from that, I wake up, spend the first 20 - 30 minutes being more usless than the "G" in lasagna - when I realize I need to get my rump in gear so I am not late for work (HAH). I finally get my act together, get ready to leave, reach into my pocket for my bus pass. GONE. My bus pass is gone. How? who knows. I had it when I got home, went to sleep, and it just decided to play Houdini and escape my pocket. I spend the next 15 minutes searching for it to no avail. So, great need to spend money on bus tokens that I do not need. I go buy my bus tokens, along with my coffee (sanity) but also F UP #2. As I am walking/dragging my ass to the bus stop, my coffee flew out of my cup and all over my teal jacket. SWEET, now I have to clean this disaster up so I do not look like the slob that I feel I am today. I make it up to the subway/bus station to transfer to my work bus - Only to reach the doors of work bus and have it drive off, AM I INVISIABLE, HAVE YOU NO SOUL BUS DRIVER? That bus only comes every 20 minutes, so of course the one thing I was trying to avoid, happens. Late for work. 2 staff members down out of the 5 of us to really put the cherry ontop of the shit-sundae I am indulging in today. TL;DR: I woke up, cannot get my shit together - had to deal with F UP 1 and 2 - which lead to F UP 3 and 4- Don't think I will make it to the end of the day without being dragged out on a stretcher - Goodnight sweet prince.
So, this happened today. Starting the moment my unbearable alarm went off at 5 AM. Wake up call is always 5 AM, this never changes, but this does not mean I do not want to launch my phone across the room every day. Aside from that, I wake up, spend the first 20 - 30 minutes being more usless than the "G" in lasagna - when I realize I need to get my rump in gear so I am not late for work (HAH). I finally get my act together, get ready to leave, reach into my pocket for my bus pass. GONE. My bus pass is gone. How? who knows. I had it when I got home, went to sleep, and it just decided to play Houdini and escape my pocket. I spend the next 15 minutes searching for it to no avail. So, great need to spend money on bus tokens that I do not need. I go buy my bus tokens, along with my coffee (sanity) but also F UP #2. As I am walking/dragging my ass to the bus stop, my coffee flew out of my cup and all over my teal jacket. SWEET, now I have to clean this disaster up so I do not look like the slob that I feel I am today. I make it up to the subway/bus station to transfer to my work bus - Only to reach the doors of work bus and have it drive off, AM I INVISIABLE, HAVE YOU NO SOUL BUS DRIVER? That bus only comes every 20 minutes, so of course the one thing I was trying to avoid, happens. Late for work. 2 staff members down out of the 5 of us to really put the cherry ontop of the shit-sundae I am indulging in today.
I woke up, cannot get my shit together - had to deal with F UP 1 and 2 - which lead to F UP 3 and 4- Don't think I will make it to the end of the day without being dragged out on a stretcher - Goodnight sweet prince.
We had our house built about 18 months ago. I immediately noticed that the shower would not get hot but figured out that it was a scald guard built into the faucet. I noticed the same thing about our garden tub a short time later but since we rarely use it I took a "I'll get to it when I get to it" approach. Fast forward through 15 months of it being on my honey do list and I now have a 7 month pregnant wife who wants nothing more than a nice bath. The solution has not come as easily for me. I assumed that it would be a scald guard but then realized that this was a two handle faucet rather than one so that was out of the question. The shower and two sinks within a 5 foot radius of the tub all get very hot. For some reason we can only get lukewarm water out of the tub faucet though. Curveball: The contractors who did the tile also kindly failed to leave me an access panel and I was too naive/ignorant at the time to notice. What could be causing this? TL/DR: Every faucet in my house produces very hot water except my bathtub.
We had our house built about 18 months ago. I immediately noticed that the shower would not get hot but figured out that it was a scald guard built into the faucet. I noticed the same thing about our garden tub a short time later but since we rarely use it I took a "I'll get to it when I get to it" approach. Fast forward through 15 months of it being on my honey do list and I now have a 7 month pregnant wife who wants nothing more than a nice bath. The solution has not come as easily for me. I assumed that it would be a scald guard but then realized that this was a two handle faucet rather than one so that was out of the question. The shower and two sinks within a 5 foot radius of the tub all get very hot. For some reason we can only get lukewarm water out of the tub faucet though. Curveball: The contractors who did the tile also kindly failed to leave me an access panel and I was too naive/ignorant at the time to notice. What could be causing this? TL/DR: Every faucet in my house produces very hot water except my bathtub.
We had our house built about 18 months ago. I immediately noticed that the shower would not get hot but figured out that it was a scald guard built into the faucet. I noticed the same thing about our garden tub a short time later but since we rarely use it I took a "I'll get to it when I get to it" approach. Fast forward through 15 months of it being on my honey do list and I now have a 7 month pregnant wife who wants nothing more than a nice bath. The solution has not come as easily for me. I assumed that it would be a scald guard but then realized that this was a two handle faucet rather than one so that was out of the question. The shower and two sinks within a 5 foot radius of the tub all get very hot. For some reason we can only get lukewarm water out of the tub faucet though. Curveball: The contractors who did the tile also kindly failed to leave me an access panel and I was too naive/ignorant at the time to notice. What could be causing this?
Every faucet in my house produces very hot water except my bathtub.
Okay, that's fine. Let's look at "the system" first then. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals and research, as a researcher at Harvard, Aaron had the rights to access JSTOR. As a guest at MIT he also was on a network which had the rights (MIT allows access to it's openCampus members). That's pretty simple, he had the rights to access the database and was accessing it though an approved network. Let's look in to details though because that's where the devil is Here is what Aaron did. He hooked up his laptop (with legal credentials) to a MIT controlled-access router closet and downloaded around 70gb of that data. Aaron was a believer of information freedom and due to the fact that academic journals are (at best) in a confused copyright position he was probably willing to roll the dice on releasing this information, as he had done before with the library of congress. **He was trying to exploit existing holes in the system to expose it's flaws. He was doing this as part of that system. It is very important to note that he had not released any data at the time of his arrest** The response, well that's a long timeline He was arrested by MIT police and the Secret Service in January of 2011 and charged with 2 counts of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony. Now to be fair to the police here, the closet was a controlled access area and Aaron should not have been in there. According to reports, the closet was left unlocked. Aaron and JSTOR agreed that he gave them the data and they would not pursue it further and MIT agreed they would not continue to press charges if this happened. That should have been the end of it, He had legal access to the data and he had legal access to MIT (except for the closet), he did not disseminate the data and it was his laptop that was used. In July 2011 Aaron was then indicted by a grand jury wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer and recklessly damaging a protected computer. In September 2011 Aaron was indicted by a Middlesex County Superior Court grand jury on state charges of breaking and entering with intent, grand larceny and unauthorized access to a computer network. In December 2011 the original charges of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony were dropped. In March 2012 (over a year now since his arrest) the state charges were dropped, a spokesperson said that this was done to allow the federal prosecution to proceed. In September 2012, federal prosecutors added nine more felony counts, which increased which meant that he was facing 50 years of imprisonment and $1 million in fines. At this point it's worth remembering that the "victims" of Aarons crimes were MIT and JSTOR and they were not willing to press charges. Now we are off to the races though, because prosecution did what prosecution does, they tried to indict him on some shaky grounds but relied on the fact that the defendant was not willing to fight this sort of prosecution at a federal level. I would now like to quote the wiki article >During plea negotiations with Swartz's attorneys, the prosecutors offered to recommend a sentence of six months in a low-security prison, if Swartz would plead guilty to 13 federal crimes. Swartz and his lead attorney rejected that deal, opting instead for a trial in which prosecutors would have been forced to justify their pursuit of Swartz Ahhhh shit, the fight is on now. It is unlikely that the prosecution were going to succeed (I'm not an expert but most experts in the law think this would be the case. Here is what [John Dean]( former White House counsel had to say about it) By January 2013 Aaron had still not gone to trial but he had been dealing with the repercussions of his arrest for over 2 years. **Aaron took his own life 2 years and 5 days after his arrest, the fight had just been litigated out of him** America might not be a 3rd world dictatorship, however it's amazing the right to a speedy and fair trial were not afforded to Aaron. tl;dr You have no idea of what you are talking about but well done for having an opinion and being a prick on the internet ;)
Okay, that's fine. Let's look at "the system" first then. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals and research, as a researcher at Harvard, Aaron had the rights to access JSTOR. As a guest at MIT he also was on a network which had the rights (MIT allows access to it's openCampus members). That's pretty simple, he had the rights to access the database and was accessing it though an approved network. Let's look in to details though because that's where the devil is Here is what Aaron did. He hooked up his laptop (with legal credentials) to a MIT controlled-access router closet and downloaded around 70gb of that data. Aaron was a believer of information freedom and due to the fact that academic journals are (at best) in a confused copyright position he was probably willing to roll the dice on releasing this information, as he had done before with the library of congress. He was trying to exploit existing holes in the system to expose it's flaws. He was doing this as part of that system. It is very important to note that he had not released any data at the time of his arrest The response, well that's a long timeline He was arrested by MIT police and the Secret Service in January of 2011 and charged with 2 counts of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony. Now to be fair to the police here, the closet was a controlled access area and Aaron should not have been in there. According to reports, the closet was left unlocked. Aaron and JSTOR agreed that he gave them the data and they would not pursue it further and MIT agreed they would not continue to press charges if this happened. That should have been the end of it, He had legal access to the data and he had legal access to MIT (except for the closet), he did not disseminate the data and it was his laptop that was used. In July 2011 Aaron was then indicted by a grand jury wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer and recklessly damaging a protected computer. In September 2011 Aaron was indicted by a Middlesex County Superior Court grand jury on state charges of breaking and entering with intent, grand larceny and unauthorized access to a computer network. In December 2011 the original charges of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony were dropped. In March 2012 (over a year now since his arrest) the state charges were dropped, a spokesperson said that this was done to allow the federal prosecution to proceed. In September 2012, federal prosecutors added nine more felony counts, which increased which meant that he was facing 50 years of imprisonment and $1 million in fines. At this point it's worth remembering that the "victims" of Aarons crimes were MIT and JSTOR and they were not willing to press charges. Now we are off to the races though, because prosecution did what prosecution does, they tried to indict him on some shaky grounds but relied on the fact that the defendant was not willing to fight this sort of prosecution at a federal level. I would now like to quote the wiki article >During plea negotiations with Swartz's attorneys, the prosecutors offered to recommend a sentence of six months in a low-security prison, if Swartz would plead guilty to 13 federal crimes. Swartz and his lead attorney rejected that deal, opting instead for a trial in which prosecutors would have been forced to justify their pursuit of Swartz Ahhhh shit, the fight is on now. It is unlikely that the prosecution were going to succeed (I'm not an expert but most experts in the law think this would be the case. Here is what John Dean By January 2013 Aaron had still not gone to trial but he had been dealing with the repercussions of his arrest for over 2 years. Aaron took his own life 2 years and 5 days after his arrest, the fight had just been litigated out of him America might not be a 3rd world dictatorship, however it's amazing the right to a speedy and fair trial were not afforded to Aaron. tl;dr You have no idea of what you are talking about but well done for having an opinion and being a prick on the internet ;)
Okay, that's fine. Let's look at "the system" first then. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals and research, as a researcher at Harvard, Aaron had the rights to access JSTOR. As a guest at MIT he also was on a network which had the rights (MIT allows access to it's openCampus members). That's pretty simple, he had the rights to access the database and was accessing it though an approved network. Let's look in to details though because that's where the devil is Here is what Aaron did. He hooked up his laptop (with legal credentials) to a MIT controlled-access router closet and downloaded around 70gb of that data. Aaron was a believer of information freedom and due to the fact that academic journals are (at best) in a confused copyright position he was probably willing to roll the dice on releasing this information, as he had done before with the library of congress. He was trying to exploit existing holes in the system to expose it's flaws. He was doing this as part of that system. It is very important to note that he had not released any data at the time of his arrest The response, well that's a long timeline He was arrested by MIT police and the Secret Service in January of 2011 and charged with 2 counts of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony. Now to be fair to the police here, the closet was a controlled access area and Aaron should not have been in there. According to reports, the closet was left unlocked. Aaron and JSTOR agreed that he gave them the data and they would not pursue it further and MIT agreed they would not continue to press charges if this happened. That should have been the end of it, He had legal access to the data and he had legal access to MIT (except for the closet), he did not disseminate the data and it was his laptop that was used. In July 2011 Aaron was then indicted by a grand jury wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer and recklessly damaging a protected computer. In September 2011 Aaron was indicted by a Middlesex County Superior Court grand jury on state charges of breaking and entering with intent, grand larceny and unauthorized access to a computer network. In December 2011 the original charges of breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony were dropped. In March 2012 (over a year now since his arrest) the state charges were dropped, a spokesperson said that this was done to allow the federal prosecution to proceed. In September 2012, federal prosecutors added nine more felony counts, which increased which meant that he was facing 50 years of imprisonment and $1 million in fines. At this point it's worth remembering that the "victims" of Aarons crimes were MIT and JSTOR and they were not willing to press charges. Now we are off to the races though, because prosecution did what prosecution does, they tried to indict him on some shaky grounds but relied on the fact that the defendant was not willing to fight this sort of prosecution at a federal level. I would now like to quote the wiki article >During plea negotiations with Swartz's attorneys, the prosecutors offered to recommend a sentence of six months in a low-security prison, if Swartz would plead guilty to 13 federal crimes. Swartz and his lead attorney rejected that deal, opting instead for a trial in which prosecutors would have been forced to justify their pursuit of Swartz Ahhhh shit, the fight is on now. It is unlikely that the prosecution were going to succeed (I'm not an expert but most experts in the law think this would be the case. Here is what John Dean By January 2013 Aaron had still not gone to trial but he had been dealing with the repercussions of his arrest for over 2 years. Aaron took his own life 2 years and 5 days after his arrest, the fight had just been litigated out of him America might not be a 3rd world dictatorship, however it's amazing the right to a speedy and fair trial were not afforded to Aaron.
You have no idea of what you are talking about but well done for having an opinion and being a prick on the internet ;)
I have bronze shrines and am looking to work towards eventually having all gold shrines. My only question is, what did you guys do in order to do this? My problem is that the (upgraded) hibernation cave can only hold 50 dragons at a time, so unless I want to start throwing away my new level 10 dragons to make room, I'm at max capacity. I'm obviously reluctant to throw away lvl10 dragons because I'll want them to grow to level 15, then 20. But because of my limited space, I can only do this one type at a time. TL;DR how do you max out your shrines without having to throw away level 10 dragons?
I have bronze shrines and am looking to work towards eventually having all gold shrines. My only question is, what did you guys do in order to do this? My problem is that the (upgraded) hibernation cave can only hold 50 dragons at a time, so unless I want to start throwing away my new level 10 dragons to make room, I'm at max capacity. I'm obviously reluctant to throw away lvl10 dragons because I'll want them to grow to level 15, then 20. But because of my limited space, I can only do this one type at a time. TL;DR how do you max out your shrines without having to throw away level 10 dragons?
I have bronze shrines and am looking to work towards eventually having all gold shrines. My only question is, what did you guys do in order to do this? My problem is that the (upgraded) hibernation cave can only hold 50 dragons at a time, so unless I want to start throwing away my new level 10 dragons to make room, I'm at max capacity. I'm obviously reluctant to throw away lvl10 dragons because I'll want them to grow to level 15, then 20. But because of my limited space, I can only do this one type at a time.
how do you max out your shrines without having to throw away level 10 dragons?
I love my girlfriend of 6 months. But she's really giving me a hard time. Not because she is the problem, but I am. Here are my concerns. 1. She values meeting new and interesting people. This scares the shit out of me I feel bad because I irrationally feel that she should be satisfied with me, as I am. She wants to meet a lot if people and I'm scared she'll find someone better. 2. She is very cool, and I am too but can also get emotional. She doesn't always shower me with attention and I guess this is ok but her love is cool and calm and I get scared because it isn't the explosive love I give. I often am the emotional one and the power level shifts to her which I can tell she finds unattractive. 3. She's foreign from Russia and she wants nothing more than to visit there again. She is very homesick and talks about her hometown like its heaven. And for some reason this makes me feel uneasy as I feel like she won't come back if she does visits this winter. I feel like shit because I could be in a shitty place with her and it would be the greatest. But she still has desire to leave to a place where I won't be. I don't know what my problem is. Maybe I'm way too eccentric and immature. I feel bad because she is a huge part of my life and makes me satisfied but she on the other hand still has wants and desires to meet and go to places that aren't me and away from me. Although I know I am important to her I'm not satisfied or reassured. **tl:dr** I am having a tough time feeling the passion on my partners side because she wants to go to and meet people that don't necessarily include me. Her love is cool and I'm passionate so I am frustrated and also think I'm being too immature.
I love my girlfriend of 6 months. But she's really giving me a hard time. Not because she is the problem, but I am. Here are my concerns. She values meeting new and interesting people. This scares the shit out of me I feel bad because I irrationally feel that she should be satisfied with me, as I am. She wants to meet a lot if people and I'm scared she'll find someone better. She is very cool, and I am too but can also get emotional. She doesn't always shower me with attention and I guess this is ok but her love is cool and calm and I get scared because it isn't the explosive love I give. I often am the emotional one and the power level shifts to her which I can tell she finds unattractive. She's foreign from Russia and she wants nothing more than to visit there again. She is very homesick and talks about her hometown like its heaven. And for some reason this makes me feel uneasy as I feel like she won't come back if she does visits this winter. I feel like shit because I could be in a shitty place with her and it would be the greatest. But she still has desire to leave to a place where I won't be. I don't know what my problem is. Maybe I'm way too eccentric and immature. I feel bad because she is a huge part of my life and makes me satisfied but she on the other hand still has wants and desires to meet and go to places that aren't me and away from me. Although I know I am important to her I'm not satisfied or reassured. tl:dr I am having a tough time feeling the passion on my partners side because she wants to go to and meet people that don't necessarily include me. Her love is cool and I'm passionate so I am frustrated and also think I'm being too immature.
I love my girlfriend of 6 months. But she's really giving me a hard time. Not because she is the problem, but I am. Here are my concerns. She values meeting new and interesting people. This scares the shit out of me I feel bad because I irrationally feel that she should be satisfied with me, as I am. She wants to meet a lot if people and I'm scared she'll find someone better. She is very cool, and I am too but can also get emotional. She doesn't always shower me with attention and I guess this is ok but her love is cool and calm and I get scared because it isn't the explosive love I give. I often am the emotional one and the power level shifts to her which I can tell she finds unattractive. She's foreign from Russia and she wants nothing more than to visit there again. She is very homesick and talks about her hometown like its heaven. And for some reason this makes me feel uneasy as I feel like she won't come back if she does visits this winter. I feel like shit because I could be in a shitty place with her and it would be the greatest. But she still has desire to leave to a place where I won't be. I don't know what my problem is. Maybe I'm way too eccentric and immature. I feel bad because she is a huge part of my life and makes me satisfied but she on the other hand still has wants and desires to meet and go to places that aren't me and away from me. Although I know I am important to her I'm not satisfied or reassured.
I am having a tough time feeling the passion on my partners side because she wants to go to and meet people that don't necessarily include me. Her love is cool and I'm passionate so I am frustrated and also think I'm being too immature.
I just want to throw in an alternative opinion. I, unlike what I'm seeing a lot of, never considered BDSM or kink as an identity akin to LGB or gender identity. I see it more like polyamory and relationship orientation where you might have a personality that leans you towards something, but its experience and education that makes you really grow into it. So sure, you may have been born with a submissive personality, aim to please all the time, but that's not what makes you A submissive. Same could be said about Doms, because we've all met the asshole who thinks he's a Dom because he's controlling (as opposed to genuine interest in power dynamics, responsibility, etc.) The same can't be said about sexual orientation or gender identity, because I'm sure as a fellow bisexual you never needed to learn how to be a better bisexual (kudos for coming out, btw). That being said, I am the type of kinkster that thinks a certain level of subtleness/tact is appropriate. Waving your freak flag is liberating, and I totally know the feeling of wanting to be genuine to yourself. You can't do that, however, without drawing some attention that you have to be prepared for it. Everyone whose responded seems a little too optimistic so I'll give you a realistic approach. When you put on your collar, ask yourself "Am I feeling confident enough in the statement I'm making to not mind the occasional stares and perhaps need to verbally defend myself?" If your answer is yes, go for it! If you're hesitating because you don't know if you feel like dealing with other people's bullshit, you're not a sell-out for leaving it at home. Also, general mindfulness of others. Best way to deal with this is being subtle, because yes, being kinky is important to you, but rubbing it in other people's faces all the time regardless the setting is downright rude. For example, I have friends that don't mind going out to eat wearing a THINK fluffy dog collar. Sometimes, though, you don't want to be the person sitting at the table with a big fluffy dog collar. Sometimes you just want lunch with your friends. A simple metal, necklace-like collar would have been a lot less distracting to our plans. SOOO that felt long. tl;dr: Kink identity (sub, Dom, etc) is influenced by personality but mostly learned and improved upon, so different than sexual orientation. Also: wear your collar, but don't expect 100% acceptance 100% of the time.
I just want to throw in an alternative opinion. I, unlike what I'm seeing a lot of, never considered BDSM or kink as an identity akin to LGB or gender identity. I see it more like polyamory and relationship orientation where you might have a personality that leans you towards something, but its experience and education that makes you really grow into it. So sure, you may have been born with a submissive personality, aim to please all the time, but that's not what makes you A submissive. Same could be said about Doms, because we've all met the asshole who thinks he's a Dom because he's controlling (as opposed to genuine interest in power dynamics, responsibility, etc.) The same can't be said about sexual orientation or gender identity, because I'm sure as a fellow bisexual you never needed to learn how to be a better bisexual (kudos for coming out, btw). That being said, I am the type of kinkster that thinks a certain level of subtleness/tact is appropriate. Waving your freak flag is liberating, and I totally know the feeling of wanting to be genuine to yourself. You can't do that, however, without drawing some attention that you have to be prepared for it. Everyone whose responded seems a little too optimistic so I'll give you a realistic approach. When you put on your collar, ask yourself "Am I feeling confident enough in the statement I'm making to not mind the occasional stares and perhaps need to verbally defend myself?" If your answer is yes, go for it! If you're hesitating because you don't know if you feel like dealing with other people's bullshit, you're not a sell-out for leaving it at home. Also, general mindfulness of others. Best way to deal with this is being subtle, because yes, being kinky is important to you, but rubbing it in other people's faces all the time regardless the setting is downright rude. For example, I have friends that don't mind going out to eat wearing a THINK fluffy dog collar. Sometimes, though, you don't want to be the person sitting at the table with a big fluffy dog collar. Sometimes you just want lunch with your friends. A simple metal, necklace-like collar would have been a lot less distracting to our plans. SOOO that felt long. tl;dr: Kink identity (sub, Dom, etc) is influenced by personality but mostly learned and improved upon, so different than sexual orientation. Also: wear your collar, but don't expect 100% acceptance 100% of the time.
I just want to throw in an alternative opinion. I, unlike what I'm seeing a lot of, never considered BDSM or kink as an identity akin to LGB or gender identity. I see it more like polyamory and relationship orientation where you might have a personality that leans you towards something, but its experience and education that makes you really grow into it. So sure, you may have been born with a submissive personality, aim to please all the time, but that's not what makes you A submissive. Same could be said about Doms, because we've all met the asshole who thinks he's a Dom because he's controlling (as opposed to genuine interest in power dynamics, responsibility, etc.) The same can't be said about sexual orientation or gender identity, because I'm sure as a fellow bisexual you never needed to learn how to be a better bisexual (kudos for coming out, btw). That being said, I am the type of kinkster that thinks a certain level of subtleness/tact is appropriate. Waving your freak flag is liberating, and I totally know the feeling of wanting to be genuine to yourself. You can't do that, however, without drawing some attention that you have to be prepared for it. Everyone whose responded seems a little too optimistic so I'll give you a realistic approach. When you put on your collar, ask yourself "Am I feeling confident enough in the statement I'm making to not mind the occasional stares and perhaps need to verbally defend myself?" If your answer is yes, go for it! If you're hesitating because you don't know if you feel like dealing with other people's bullshit, you're not a sell-out for leaving it at home. Also, general mindfulness of others. Best way to deal with this is being subtle, because yes, being kinky is important to you, but rubbing it in other people's faces all the time regardless the setting is downright rude. For example, I have friends that don't mind going out to eat wearing a THINK fluffy dog collar. Sometimes, though, you don't want to be the person sitting at the table with a big fluffy dog collar. Sometimes you just want lunch with your friends. A simple metal, necklace-like collar would have been a lot less distracting to our plans. SOOO that felt long.
Kink identity (sub, Dom, etc) is influenced by personality but mostly learned and improved upon, so different than sexual orientation. Also: wear your collar, but don't expect 100% acceptance 100% of the time.
In my experience, this is a highly overrated myth. Sure there are some caps that you still go through when you switch to phono on an lp120, but upgrading to a external preamp made a massive difference in my setup without tearing the preamp out. I have fairly cheap speakers (Monitor Audio Bronze BX2), but I suspect if your amp and speakers are less than ~$1500 or so, you're not going to notice much difference between switching to phono and tearing out the preamp electronics (and frankly, who is going to invest in $1500 of equipment to pair with this table?). TLDR: don't destroy the resale value of your AT-Lp120 by destroying the USB/preamp electronics for an almost unnoticeable mod unless you have revelatory speaker/amp to go with it.
In my experience, this is a highly overrated myth. Sure there are some caps that you still go through when you switch to phono on an lp120, but upgrading to a external preamp made a massive difference in my setup without tearing the preamp out. I have fairly cheap speakers (Monitor Audio Bronze BX2), but I suspect if your amp and speakers are less than ~$1500 or so, you're not going to notice much difference between switching to phono and tearing out the preamp electronics (and frankly, who is going to invest in $1500 of equipment to pair with this table?). TLDR: don't destroy the resale value of your AT-Lp120 by destroying the USB/preamp electronics for an almost unnoticeable mod unless you have revelatory speaker/amp to go with it.
In my experience, this is a highly overrated myth. Sure there are some caps that you still go through when you switch to phono on an lp120, but upgrading to a external preamp made a massive difference in my setup without tearing the preamp out. I have fairly cheap speakers (Monitor Audio Bronze BX2), but I suspect if your amp and speakers are less than ~$1500 or so, you're not going to notice much difference between switching to phono and tearing out the preamp electronics (and frankly, who is going to invest in $1500 of equipment to pair with this table?).
don't destroy the resale value of your AT-Lp120 by destroying the USB/preamp electronics for an almost unnoticeable mod unless you have revelatory speaker/amp to go with it.
Not sure how many people read one and not the other here, but figured I need as much help as I can get...I really care about her and do not want to screw this up. I (23M) broke up with my ex girlfriend (22F) about six months ago because I'd received a job overseas and she was going to be entering her senior year of university. Six months of time has given me some perspective on the relationship, and about a month ago, I started to miss her. So I reached out and contacted her. Two things about our prior relationship: it was primarily long distance (different colleges during the school year, but together during the summer), but we were close enough that we saw each other relatively frequently on weekends too. Additionally, during much of the time we'd dated, she had been clinically depressed and eventually it took its toll on me. I hate admitting this, but I felt worn out, and couldn't imagine how I'd be able to handle an even longer distance relationship with her. Again, six months gives some perspective, and I can now see that I misjudged her. I, for whatever reason, wasn't able to stop seeing her as depressed, even though she really had been for some time. Contacting her felt like (and feels like) the right thing to do. We've been talking a bit now, and my feelings have grown. I know she still has feelings for me, (she's admitted as much), but she doesn't know whether there's a future for us. I agree that the timing isn't ideal, but I'm finishing my assignment in a few months, and will be home over the holidays. Reddit, what do? tl;dr: broke up with ex due to job, realized it was a mistake. want to repair the relationship and move toward a new one, she's not sure. help?
Not sure how many people read one and not the other here, but figured I need as much help as I can get...I really care about her and do not want to screw this up. I (23M) broke up with my ex girlfriend (22F) about six months ago because I'd received a job overseas and she was going to be entering her senior year of university. Six months of time has given me some perspective on the relationship, and about a month ago, I started to miss her. So I reached out and contacted her. Two things about our prior relationship: it was primarily long distance (different colleges during the school year, but together during the summer), but we were close enough that we saw each other relatively frequently on weekends too. Additionally, during much of the time we'd dated, she had been clinically depressed and eventually it took its toll on me. I hate admitting this, but I felt worn out, and couldn't imagine how I'd be able to handle an even longer distance relationship with her. Again, six months gives some perspective, and I can now see that I misjudged her. I, for whatever reason, wasn't able to stop seeing her as depressed, even though she really had been for some time. Contacting her felt like (and feels like) the right thing to do. We've been talking a bit now, and my feelings have grown. I know she still has feelings for me, (she's admitted as much), but she doesn't know whether there's a future for us. I agree that the timing isn't ideal, but I'm finishing my assignment in a few months, and will be home over the holidays. Reddit, what do? tl;dr: broke up with ex due to job, realized it was a mistake. want to repair the relationship and move toward a new one, she's not sure. help?
Not sure how many people read one and not the other here, but figured I need as much help as I can get...I really care about her and do not want to screw this up. I (23M) broke up with my ex girlfriend (22F) about six months ago because I'd received a job overseas and she was going to be entering her senior year of university. Six months of time has given me some perspective on the relationship, and about a month ago, I started to miss her. So I reached out and contacted her. Two things about our prior relationship: it was primarily long distance (different colleges during the school year, but together during the summer), but we were close enough that we saw each other relatively frequently on weekends too. Additionally, during much of the time we'd dated, she had been clinically depressed and eventually it took its toll on me. I hate admitting this, but I felt worn out, and couldn't imagine how I'd be able to handle an even longer distance relationship with her. Again, six months gives some perspective, and I can now see that I misjudged her. I, for whatever reason, wasn't able to stop seeing her as depressed, even though she really had been for some time. Contacting her felt like (and feels like) the right thing to do. We've been talking a bit now, and my feelings have grown. I know she still has feelings for me, (she's admitted as much), but she doesn't know whether there's a future for us. I agree that the timing isn't ideal, but I'm finishing my assignment in a few months, and will be home over the holidays. Reddit, what do?
broke up with ex due to job, realized it was a mistake. want to repair the relationship and move toward a new one, she's not sure. help?
Obviously we don't know the full extent of what can and can't be done without the game having a significant amount of time in the hands of the public. However this thread is meant to give us an idea of what heroes we can still expect in the game without making up full character concepts. The developers have stated to the streamers, pros, and youtubers invited to play overwatch at their offices that "heroes are designed around what sort of niche roles are not currently filled by the roster." And have implied that once they believe all the niches are filled that they will stop making not heroes. I apologize for not siting a source as it was a video I saw a while ago and I had not though about this until now. The point of the thread is to give us an idea of what sort of heroes and mechanics could still be added during the beta without the need for a while character concept. #tldr: What mechanics and niche roles are not satisfied by he current roster? # rules * leave a comment for the idea/niche you believe isn't in the game. Avoid duplicates and similar proposals * if you believe that the role of a proposed mechanic or role is met then provide the reason under the proposed. * upvote the proposals you believe have not been met and you can not see another hero filling or being changed to fill. Edit: * mechanics proposed based on suspected future heroes (ie the ever discussed cyber ninja genji) are 100% OK
Obviously we don't know the full extent of what can and can't be done without the game having a significant amount of time in the hands of the public. However this thread is meant to give us an idea of what heroes we can still expect in the game without making up full character concepts. The developers have stated to the streamers, pros, and youtubers invited to play overwatch at their offices that "heroes are designed around what sort of niche roles are not currently filled by the roster." And have implied that once they believe all the niches are filled that they will stop making not heroes. I apologize for not siting a source as it was a video I saw a while ago and I had not though about this until now. The point of the thread is to give us an idea of what sort of heroes and mechanics could still be added during the beta without the need for a while character concept. tldr: What mechanics and niche roles are not satisfied by he current roster? rules leave a comment for the idea/niche you believe isn't in the game. Avoid duplicates and similar proposals if you believe that the role of a proposed mechanic or role is met then provide the reason under the proposed. upvote the proposals you believe have not been met and you can not see another hero filling or being changed to fill. Edit: mechanics proposed based on suspected future heroes (ie the ever discussed cyber ninja genji) are 100% OK
Obviously we don't know the full extent of what can and can't be done without the game having a significant amount of time in the hands of the public. However this thread is meant to give us an idea of what heroes we can still expect in the game without making up full character concepts. The developers have stated to the streamers, pros, and youtubers invited to play overwatch at their offices that "heroes are designed around what sort of niche roles are not currently filled by the roster." And have implied that once they believe all the niches are filled that they will stop making not heroes. I apologize for not siting a source as it was a video I saw a while ago and I had not though about this until now. The point of the thread is to give us an idea of what sort of heroes and mechanics could still be added during the beta without the need for a while character concept.
What mechanics and niche roles are not satisfied by he current roster? rules leave a comment for the idea/niche you believe isn't in the game. Avoid duplicates and similar proposals if you believe that the role of a proposed mechanic or role is met then provide the reason under the proposed. upvote the proposals you believe have not been met and you can not see another hero filling or being changed to fill. Edit: mechanics proposed based on suspected future heroes (ie the ever discussed cyber ninja genji) are 100% OK
My BM's used to be hard, compact balls of poop every 3 or four days and then (because of other reasons) I decided to do something about it: I drink water, ate yogurt(everyday for the first few weeks; then at least twice a week afterwords--worked and still works for me), ate more fiber (not too much, I've had that happen-not fun); the granola bars and cereal bars are good, coffee is my go to poop juice (sounds weird, but it is). When going to the bathroom try to get into as much as a squat position as you can, with your knees above your hips. Hope this helps. It did for me! I still eat my shitty diet but yogurt has been my best friend; it helps a lot to bring my poops to normal. (which is shitting every day at least; going 2 days to 4 days without taking a shit is not all) Also, Activia is bullshit, regular yogurt is just the same just they trick you into thinking that if you buy it your better for it. It works for any types of yogurt if you take any kind for the time I said above. I too hated yogurt with a passion, but I needed something with probiotics to help with my IBS, and the juice I normally would buy for that was hard to come by and expensive so I thought I would give yogurt another chance. Although I wanted to start out with flavors I thought I would like so I got Apple Turnover and Peach. Suddenly I didn't hate yogurt anymore. And it helps even with lactose intolerant people because it has cultures and good bacteria in it. So even though it is dairy, it DOES help. Also, if you have a poop that is sticky and not coming out, it's not ready to come out. It has to "solidify" more. I have had this happen to me and I go later on and it comes out fine. If your filled with soft stool, that means it's not ready to be pooped yet. I actually wondered about that too but I came to that conclusion when I would poop hours later and it would come out solid. Sometimes I would strain to get out more and then I would have soft poop up there, but it gets' sucked backed up" for lack of a better term. [Your poop doesn't sit at the edge of the anus, you have an anal canal after the rectum.]( So be assured the soft poop will go back up one you stop straining to poop that out. TL;DR I think I'm crazy :-)
My BM's used to be hard, compact balls of poop every 3 or four days and then (because of other reasons) I decided to do something about it: I drink water, ate yogurt(everyday for the first few weeks; then at least twice a week afterwords--worked and still works for me), ate more fiber (not too much, I've had that happen-not fun); the granola bars and cereal bars are good, coffee is my go to poop juice (sounds weird, but it is). When going to the bathroom try to get into as much as a squat position as you can, with your knees above your hips. Hope this helps. It did for me! I still eat my shitty diet but yogurt has been my best friend; it helps a lot to bring my poops to normal. (which is shitting every day at least; going 2 days to 4 days without taking a shit is not all) Also, Activia is bullshit, regular yogurt is just the same just they trick you into thinking that if you buy it your better for it. It works for any types of yogurt if you take any kind for the time I said above. I too hated yogurt with a passion, but I needed something with probiotics to help with my IBS, and the juice I normally would buy for that was hard to come by and expensive so I thought I would give yogurt another chance. Although I wanted to start out with flavors I thought I would like so I got Apple Turnover and Peach. Suddenly I didn't hate yogurt anymore. And it helps even with lactose intolerant people because it has cultures and good bacteria in it. So even though it is dairy, it DOES help. Also, if you have a poop that is sticky and not coming out, it's not ready to come out. It has to "solidify" more. I have had this happen to me and I go later on and it comes out fine. If your filled with soft stool, that means it's not ready to be pooped yet. I actually wondered about that too but I came to that conclusion when I would poop hours later and it would come out solid. Sometimes I would strain to get out more and then I would have soft poop up there, but it gets' sucked backed up" for lack of a better term. [Your poop doesn't sit at the edge of the anus, you have an anal canal after the rectum.]( So be assured the soft poop will go back up one you stop straining to poop that out. TL;DR I think I'm crazy :-)
My BM's used to be hard, compact balls of poop every 3 or four days and then (because of other reasons) I decided to do something about it: I drink water, ate yogurt(everyday for the first few weeks; then at least twice a week afterwords--worked and still works for me), ate more fiber (not too much, I've had that happen-not fun); the granola bars and cereal bars are good, coffee is my go to poop juice (sounds weird, but it is). When going to the bathroom try to get into as much as a squat position as you can, with your knees above your hips. Hope this helps. It did for me! I still eat my shitty diet but yogurt has been my best friend; it helps a lot to bring my poops to normal. (which is shitting every day at least; going 2 days to 4 days without taking a shit is not all) Also, Activia is bullshit, regular yogurt is just the same just they trick you into thinking that if you buy it your better for it. It works for any types of yogurt if you take any kind for the time I said above. I too hated yogurt with a passion, but I needed something with probiotics to help with my IBS, and the juice I normally would buy for that was hard to come by and expensive so I thought I would give yogurt another chance. Although I wanted to start out with flavors I thought I would like so I got Apple Turnover and Peach. Suddenly I didn't hate yogurt anymore. And it helps even with lactose intolerant people because it has cultures and good bacteria in it. So even though it is dairy, it DOES help. Also, if you have a poop that is sticky and not coming out, it's not ready to come out. It has to "solidify" more. I have had this happen to me and I go later on and it comes out fine. If your filled with soft stool, that means it's not ready to be pooped yet. I actually wondered about that too but I came to that conclusion when I would poop hours later and it would come out solid. Sometimes I would strain to get out more and then I would have soft poop up there, but it gets' sucked backed up" for lack of a better term. [Your poop doesn't sit at the edge of the anus, you have an anal canal after the rectum.]( So be assured the soft poop will go back up one you stop straining to poop that out.
I think I'm crazy :-)
I don't think I'm "master race" material. I don't care for consoles but I've never owned a powerful computer. Let me tell you all about my embarrassing PC history. Right now I'm using a dinosaur of a core-2 duo with a Radeon 5850. Most of the games I like to play (skyrim, Dishonored, Minecraft, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider) run very well, but it's at 720p and I don't always get that 60+ fps. My mobo is so old there is no chipset driver support for windows 7. My previous card was a 9800gtx, and before that.. 8500 GT, overclocked 30%, on a Pentium 4 I used from 2008 to 2012. We're talking 15fps on skyrim on minimal settings. Before then, who knows what piece of junk I found for 10 bucks but I remember learning how to force games to run in DX8. Well here's the thing.. I don't care. I'm totally pleased to play at 30fps and turn down my sliders. My TV is 720p I have no desire to spend my hookers and cocaine budget on a badass gaming rig. The only games I've ever paid for were Humble Bundle or Steam sale games. And frankly, my old rigs were such shit I have a good 7 years of games to catch up on still. Even now, I'm running everything I want to play except MW4 with very high frame rates but I only have this rig due to luck. If it wasn't for a buddy giving me the 5850 I'd still be running a 9800. In short, I think I'm a PC peasant. But at least I'm not a filthy console peasant. I'd rather go back to my Amiga 500. *tl;dr - shit pc, don't care, still having fun playing Tf2.* *edit 2 - 10 dollar wireless mouse*
I don't think I'm "master race" material. I don't care for consoles but I've never owned a powerful computer. Let me tell you all about my embarrassing PC history. Right now I'm using a dinosaur of a core-2 duo with a Radeon 5850. Most of the games I like to play (skyrim, Dishonored, Minecraft, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider) run very well, but it's at 720p and I don't always get that 60+ fps. My mobo is so old there is no chipset driver support for windows 7. My previous card was a 9800gtx, and before that.. 8500 GT, overclocked 30%, on a Pentium 4 I used from 2008 to 2012. We're talking 15fps on skyrim on minimal settings. Before then, who knows what piece of junk I found for 10 bucks but I remember learning how to force games to run in DX8. Well here's the thing.. I don't care. I'm totally pleased to play at 30fps and turn down my sliders. My TV is 720p I have no desire to spend my hookers and cocaine budget on a badass gaming rig. The only games I've ever paid for were Humble Bundle or Steam sale games. And frankly, my old rigs were such shit I have a good 7 years of games to catch up on still. Even now, I'm running everything I want to play except MW4 with very high frame rates but I only have this rig due to luck. If it wasn't for a buddy giving me the 5850 I'd still be running a 9800. In short, I think I'm a PC peasant. But at least I'm not a filthy console peasant. I'd rather go back to my Amiga 500. tl;dr - shit pc, don't care, still having fun playing Tf2. edit 2 - 10 dollar wireless mouse
I don't think I'm "master race" material. I don't care for consoles but I've never owned a powerful computer. Let me tell you all about my embarrassing PC history. Right now I'm using a dinosaur of a core-2 duo with a Radeon 5850. Most of the games I like to play (skyrim, Dishonored, Minecraft, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider) run very well, but it's at 720p and I don't always get that 60+ fps. My mobo is so old there is no chipset driver support for windows 7. My previous card was a 9800gtx, and before that.. 8500 GT, overclocked 30%, on a Pentium 4 I used from 2008 to 2012. We're talking 15fps on skyrim on minimal settings. Before then, who knows what piece of junk I found for 10 bucks but I remember learning how to force games to run in DX8. Well here's the thing.. I don't care. I'm totally pleased to play at 30fps and turn down my sliders. My TV is 720p I have no desire to spend my hookers and cocaine budget on a badass gaming rig. The only games I've ever paid for were Humble Bundle or Steam sale games. And frankly, my old rigs were such shit I have a good 7 years of games to catch up on still. Even now, I'm running everything I want to play except MW4 with very high frame rates but I only have this rig due to luck. If it wasn't for a buddy giving me the 5850 I'd still be running a 9800. In short, I think I'm a PC peasant. But at least I'm not a filthy console peasant. I'd rather go back to my Amiga 500.
shit pc, don't care, still having fun playing Tf2. edit 2 - 10 dollar wireless mouse
One time my shoes melted into my feet and the room started to spin and everyone turned into gummy bears. TL;DR A high quality edible and a hit of LSD go well together
One time my shoes melted into my feet and the room started to spin and everyone turned into gummy bears. TL;DR A high quality edible and a hit of LSD go well together
One time my shoes melted into my feet and the room started to spin and everyone turned into gummy bears.
A high quality edible and a hit of LSD go well together
While the intention of doing such a thing is praiseworthy, I disagree for two main reasons. First, I think that not voting is still a valid form of expression, it can mean that you boycott the election process in your district or as a whole, and that you don't want to give them the credit of your presence that a blank ballot would involve. Secondly, while I would like to share your views, I think that they are a little too optimistic, since a portion of people that vote are already doing it for bad reasons, such has: this guys is more handsome than the other one or such nonsense, imagine if people that don't normally vote were forced to do so, I don't think that many of them would be changing their view about politic. It would then cheapen the vote of people that really care about politics by burying them under the inept mass of people who vote at lawpoint. I think that we should definitively put non-coercive measure to encourage people to vote though. (cookies distribution and such) The best way to deal with the low participation rate in democratic country is and always will be education, mandatory class about politic should be add in history class, thus forcing everyone to taste a bit of it. This will allow people that could had been motivated by coercive voting measure to express their right while not affecting the people that really don't give a damn. TLDR, forcing everyone to vote isn't efficient, education is.
While the intention of doing such a thing is praiseworthy, I disagree for two main reasons. First, I think that not voting is still a valid form of expression, it can mean that you boycott the election process in your district or as a whole, and that you don't want to give them the credit of your presence that a blank ballot would involve. Secondly, while I would like to share your views, I think that they are a little too optimistic, since a portion of people that vote are already doing it for bad reasons, such has: this guys is more handsome than the other one or such nonsense, imagine if people that don't normally vote were forced to do so, I don't think that many of them would be changing their view about politic. It would then cheapen the vote of people that really care about politics by burying them under the inept mass of people who vote at lawpoint. I think that we should definitively put non-coercive measure to encourage people to vote though. (cookies distribution and such) The best way to deal with the low participation rate in democratic country is and always will be education, mandatory class about politic should be add in history class, thus forcing everyone to taste a bit of it. This will allow people that could had been motivated by coercive voting measure to express their right while not affecting the people that really don't give a damn. TLDR, forcing everyone to vote isn't efficient, education is.
While the intention of doing such a thing is praiseworthy, I disagree for two main reasons. First, I think that not voting is still a valid form of expression, it can mean that you boycott the election process in your district or as a whole, and that you don't want to give them the credit of your presence that a blank ballot would involve. Secondly, while I would like to share your views, I think that they are a little too optimistic, since a portion of people that vote are already doing it for bad reasons, such has: this guys is more handsome than the other one or such nonsense, imagine if people that don't normally vote were forced to do so, I don't think that many of them would be changing their view about politic. It would then cheapen the vote of people that really care about politics by burying them under the inept mass of people who vote at lawpoint. I think that we should definitively put non-coercive measure to encourage people to vote though. (cookies distribution and such) The best way to deal with the low participation rate in democratic country is and always will be education, mandatory class about politic should be add in history class, thus forcing everyone to taste a bit of it. This will allow people that could had been motivated by coercive voting measure to express their right while not affecting the people that really don't give a damn.
forcing everyone to vote isn't efficient, education is.
Working at a Camp with very limited internet access. Will be happy to see one episode in peace and quiet. tl;dr: yes.
Working at a Camp with very limited internet access. Will be happy to see one episode in peace and quiet. tl;dr: yes.
Working at a Camp with very limited internet access. Will be happy to see one episode in peace and quiet.
Don't worry. I'm a complete idiot and I recognize some of that as electricity and magnetism diagrams/equations. And I can even tell you some of the mechanics that's on that board! There's a diagram on Raleigh Scattering (just left of center). A potential energy diagram for a bound system (the graph in the middle with the V(r) equation), a harmonic oscillator diagram of some sort right above that... I think.... I think there's a diagram explaining what would happen to an electron-proton system without Quantum Mechanics (the swirl above the triangle-thing). I see a diagram that I GUESS is supposed to be a proton with a wave-form electron around it (on the right)? And a Gaussian probability graph (also on the right). But like I said, I'm among the dumbest people I know (and I don't know that many extraordinary people). **TL;DR** If I - of all people - can begin to recognize this stuff, anyone can learn it.
Don't worry. I'm a complete idiot and I recognize some of that as electricity and magnetism diagrams/equations. And I can even tell you some of the mechanics that's on that board! There's a diagram on Raleigh Scattering (just left of center). A potential energy diagram for a bound system (the graph in the middle with the V(r) equation), a harmonic oscillator diagram of some sort right above that... I think.... I think there's a diagram explaining what would happen to an electron-proton system without Quantum Mechanics (the swirl above the triangle-thing). I see a diagram that I GUESS is supposed to be a proton with a wave-form electron around it (on the right)? And a Gaussian probability graph (also on the right). But like I said, I'm among the dumbest people I know (and I don't know that many extraordinary people). TL;DR If I - of all people - can begin to recognize this stuff, anyone can learn it.
Don't worry. I'm a complete idiot and I recognize some of that as electricity and magnetism diagrams/equations. And I can even tell you some of the mechanics that's on that board! There's a diagram on Raleigh Scattering (just left of center). A potential energy diagram for a bound system (the graph in the middle with the V(r) equation), a harmonic oscillator diagram of some sort right above that... I think.... I think there's a diagram explaining what would happen to an electron-proton system without Quantum Mechanics (the swirl above the triangle-thing). I see a diagram that I GUESS is supposed to be a proton with a wave-form electron around it (on the right)? And a Gaussian probability graph (also on the right). But like I said, I'm among the dumbest people I know (and I don't know that many extraordinary people).
If I - of all people - can begin to recognize this stuff, anyone can learn it.
I'm sure you're just trying to simplify things for the OP but I'm a big fan of throwing people in the deep end to help them truly understand. > Valuing a bond is straightforward. Very far from reality! For a start, what's your discount rate? How do you determine a discount rate? Do you base it off a fixed rate (and how do you determine this - what is comparable?), or do you you use the known yield curve (say for T-bonds, which isn't even that comparable) each day to discount on different rates? How do you model default risk? Do you do this in-house or rely on third parties? Then you've got step-up notes, convertible notes, different preference conditions, floating rate notes which all require unique modelling considerations and judgement. > the price you're going to pay for a bond is based almost solely on the discounted cash flows you will receive from the bond. Once again, far from it. One only needs to look at the value of exchange traded notes to see how the value is far from the DCF. If things are bad in the company, you could see a note trading at $15 for $100 par. **TL;DR - Finance 101 is much different to reality!** More information on why the OP wants to know would be helpful to better tailor an answer. The above will not help you pass your uni exams but will make sure you don't lose millions/billions for a company/clients. Source: I used to model the value of a wide range of debt instruments for investment purposes.
I'm sure you're just trying to simplify things for the OP but I'm a big fan of throwing people in the deep end to help them truly understand. > Valuing a bond is straightforward. Very far from reality! For a start, what's your discount rate? How do you determine a discount rate? Do you base it off a fixed rate (and how do you determine this - what is comparable?), or do you you use the known yield curve (say for T-bonds, which isn't even that comparable) each day to discount on different rates? How do you model default risk? Do you do this in-house or rely on third parties? Then you've got step-up notes, convertible notes, different preference conditions, floating rate notes which all require unique modelling considerations and judgement. > the price you're going to pay for a bond is based almost solely on the discounted cash flows you will receive from the bond. Once again, far from it. One only needs to look at the value of exchange traded notes to see how the value is far from the DCF. If things are bad in the company, you could see a note trading at $15 for $100 par. TL;DR - Finance 101 is much different to reality! More information on why the OP wants to know would be helpful to better tailor an answer. The above will not help you pass your uni exams but will make sure you don't lose millions/billions for a company/clients. Source: I used to model the value of a wide range of debt instruments for investment purposes.
I'm sure you're just trying to simplify things for the OP but I'm a big fan of throwing people in the deep end to help them truly understand. > Valuing a bond is straightforward. Very far from reality! For a start, what's your discount rate? How do you determine a discount rate? Do you base it off a fixed rate (and how do you determine this - what is comparable?), or do you you use the known yield curve (say for T-bonds, which isn't even that comparable) each day to discount on different rates? How do you model default risk? Do you do this in-house or rely on third parties? Then you've got step-up notes, convertible notes, different preference conditions, floating rate notes which all require unique modelling considerations and judgement. > the price you're going to pay for a bond is based almost solely on the discounted cash flows you will receive from the bond. Once again, far from it. One only needs to look at the value of exchange traded notes to see how the value is far from the DCF. If things are bad in the company, you could see a note trading at $15 for $100 par.
Finance 101 is much different to reality! More information on why the OP wants to know would be helpful to better tailor an answer. The above will not help you pass your uni exams but will make sure you don't lose millions/billions for a company/clients. Source: I used to model the value of a wide range of debt instruments for investment purposes.
I have heard, though i mostly think its just rumor and urban legend, that drum and bass was originally called jungle as sort of a pejorative term for referring to the predominant black producers during its formation such as 4hero an Goldie. Later the term "jungle" came more to resprezent the specific jump-up dNb sunbgenre of producers like Aphrodite with a lil Ronnie size splashed in there. Either way, i have no sources other than the random rave kids I talked to about dNb when i was a teenager around 98. I concluded that it was ultimately stupid to try to differentiate between the terms Jungle and Drum and Bass, because usually if you asked people the difference they either wouldn't give you a real answer, or it would be so specific that it seems they would be naming specific songs rather than groupings of stylings. I have also been told that british people, tend to use the word Jungle while American's drum and bass; however, I kinda know this is bullshit because I hear Pete Tong on Essential Mixes time and time again use the term drum and bass as well as other DJs I have met in person (London Elektricty, Goldie) TLDR: As a rule of thumb I think there is no difference between the terms Jungle/Drum and bass, kinda like the terms pop and soda for instance. I use Drum and Bass. You decide.
I have heard, though i mostly think its just rumor and urban legend, that drum and bass was originally called jungle as sort of a pejorative term for referring to the predominant black producers during its formation such as 4hero an Goldie. Later the term "jungle" came more to resprezent the specific jump-up dNb sunbgenre of producers like Aphrodite with a lil Ronnie size splashed in there. Either way, i have no sources other than the random rave kids I talked to about dNb when i was a teenager around 98. I concluded that it was ultimately stupid to try to differentiate between the terms Jungle and Drum and Bass, because usually if you asked people the difference they either wouldn't give you a real answer, or it would be so specific that it seems they would be naming specific songs rather than groupings of stylings. I have also been told that british people, tend to use the word Jungle while American's drum and bass; however, I kinda know this is bullshit because I hear Pete Tong on Essential Mixes time and time again use the term drum and bass as well as other DJs I have met in person (London Elektricty, Goldie) TLDR: As a rule of thumb I think there is no difference between the terms Jungle/Drum and bass, kinda like the terms pop and soda for instance. I use Drum and Bass. You decide.
I have heard, though i mostly think its just rumor and urban legend, that drum and bass was originally called jungle as sort of a pejorative term for referring to the predominant black producers during its formation such as 4hero an Goldie. Later the term "jungle" came more to resprezent the specific jump-up dNb sunbgenre of producers like Aphrodite with a lil Ronnie size splashed in there. Either way, i have no sources other than the random rave kids I talked to about dNb when i was a teenager around 98. I concluded that it was ultimately stupid to try to differentiate between the terms Jungle and Drum and Bass, because usually if you asked people the difference they either wouldn't give you a real answer, or it would be so specific that it seems they would be naming specific songs rather than groupings of stylings. I have also been told that british people, tend to use the word Jungle while American's drum and bass; however, I kinda know this is bullshit because I hear Pete Tong on Essential Mixes time and time again use the term drum and bass as well as other DJs I have met in person (London Elektricty, Goldie)
As a rule of thumb I think there is no difference between the terms Jungle/Drum and bass, kinda like the terms pop and soda for instance. I use Drum and Bass. You decide.
This one happened to me last year over the summer. My girlfriend and I had broken up a few months ago, and I really needed to find another girl to help me get over the dream sex that we had. I knew this girl.. We shall call her Girl with big boobs. Now girl with big boobs had a reputation of getting around. But I had never heard any horror stories and just made the assumption that it'd be god sex. So she comes over, we smoke a little and then head inside to go watch some Netflix in my room. She puts on Brooklyn 99 and asks me if I liked that show. Yeah sure I guess. (I actually love the show I just wanted to signal that I wanted to do something other than watch fucking Netflix.) We're laying on my bed, head to toe and my hand oh her thigh with her ass pointed straight at my face. Oh god please let me have sex with girl with big boobs. Ten minutes into the episode, she turns around and says "can you do me a favor and finger me?" I was happier than a pig in shit. But I replied with "You'll like the sex a lot more than that." she giggled bit her lip and said "only if you're good" So I did what any man would do. I fingered her to the point where she was just about to orgasm and then I'd slow down or stop like my hand was hurting or some shit. As she's about to most orgasm for the like 3rd time she rolls on her back, grabs my hair and pushes my face into her vagina. ALL-FUCKIN-RIGHT BOYS WE GOT A WILD ONE! I wanted her to suck my dick, so i said to her "69" and she spun around and started sucking me off. Now I didn't think I was that good at eating girls out. But after about five minutes of me going to town she sits up in her full mount, pushes her waist down and into my face and let's out a huge moan. I almost thought something was wrong. Well there was, but not for her. My mouth FILLED with this warm weird tasting LIQUID in half a second. I panicked threw her off of me and sat up spitting the unfamiliar substance onto some clothes on the floor. Giving her a puzzled look she blushes giggles and then said "I didn't want to say anything because I thought you might think it's weird" What. The. Fuck. tl;dr ruined hardwood floors and that bed. P. S. I didn't freak out on her. I just said "What the hell was that?" And then when she said she didn't want to tell me I just laughed pushed her back down on the bed and went to Pleasuretown .
This one happened to me last year over the summer. My girlfriend and I had broken up a few months ago, and I really needed to find another girl to help me get over the dream sex that we had. I knew this girl.. We shall call her Girl with big boobs. Now girl with big boobs had a reputation of getting around. But I had never heard any horror stories and just made the assumption that it'd be god sex. So she comes over, we smoke a little and then head inside to go watch some Netflix in my room. She puts on Brooklyn 99 and asks me if I liked that show. Yeah sure I guess. (I actually love the show I just wanted to signal that I wanted to do something other than watch fucking Netflix.) We're laying on my bed, head to toe and my hand oh her thigh with her ass pointed straight at my face. Oh god please let me have sex with girl with big boobs. Ten minutes into the episode, she turns around and says "can you do me a favor and finger me?" I was happier than a pig in shit. But I replied with "You'll like the sex a lot more than that." she giggled bit her lip and said "only if you're good" So I did what any man would do. I fingered her to the point where she was just about to orgasm and then I'd slow down or stop like my hand was hurting or some shit. As she's about to most orgasm for the like 3rd time she rolls on her back, grabs my hair and pushes my face into her vagina. ALL-FUCKIN-RIGHT BOYS WE GOT A WILD ONE! I wanted her to suck my dick, so i said to her "69" and she spun around and started sucking me off. Now I didn't think I was that good at eating girls out. But after about five minutes of me going to town she sits up in her full mount, pushes her waist down and into my face and let's out a huge moan. I almost thought something was wrong. Well there was, but not for her. My mouth FILLED with this warm weird tasting LIQUID in half a second. I panicked threw her off of me and sat up spitting the unfamiliar substance onto some clothes on the floor. Giving her a puzzled look she blushes giggles and then said "I didn't want to say anything because I thought you might think it's weird" What. The. Fuck. tl;dr ruined hardwood floors and that bed. P. S. I didn't freak out on her. I just said "What the hell was that?" And then when she said she didn't want to tell me I just laughed pushed her back down on the bed and went to Pleasuretown .
This one happened to me last year over the summer. My girlfriend and I had broken up a few months ago, and I really needed to find another girl to help me get over the dream sex that we had. I knew this girl.. We shall call her Girl with big boobs. Now girl with big boobs had a reputation of getting around. But I had never heard any horror stories and just made the assumption that it'd be god sex. So she comes over, we smoke a little and then head inside to go watch some Netflix in my room. She puts on Brooklyn 99 and asks me if I liked that show. Yeah sure I guess. (I actually love the show I just wanted to signal that I wanted to do something other than watch fucking Netflix.) We're laying on my bed, head to toe and my hand oh her thigh with her ass pointed straight at my face. Oh god please let me have sex with girl with big boobs. Ten minutes into the episode, she turns around and says "can you do me a favor and finger me?" I was happier than a pig in shit. But I replied with "You'll like the sex a lot more than that." she giggled bit her lip and said "only if you're good" So I did what any man would do. I fingered her to the point where she was just about to orgasm and then I'd slow down or stop like my hand was hurting or some shit. As she's about to most orgasm for the like 3rd time she rolls on her back, grabs my hair and pushes my face into her vagina. ALL-FUCKIN-RIGHT BOYS WE GOT A WILD ONE! I wanted her to suck my dick, so i said to her "69" and she spun around and started sucking me off. Now I didn't think I was that good at eating girls out. But after about five minutes of me going to town she sits up in her full mount, pushes her waist down and into my face and let's out a huge moan. I almost thought something was wrong. Well there was, but not for her. My mouth FILLED with this warm weird tasting LIQUID in half a second. I panicked threw her off of me and sat up spitting the unfamiliar substance onto some clothes on the floor. Giving her a puzzled look she blushes giggles and then said "I didn't want to say anything because I thought you might think it's weird" What. The. Fuck.
ruined hardwood floors and that bed. P. S. I didn't freak out on her. I just said "What the hell was that?" And then when she said she didn't want to tell me I just laughed pushed her back down on the bed and went to Pleasuretown .
Bear with me here. Women seem to like it when I talk dirty to them (because I've learned to do it right; always be real, don't ever be cheesy, yada yada). One or two haven't responded but most do and some go absolutely crazy for it. Well today a thought occurred to me that sounded absurd at first, but after considering it, I'm wondering if it might have a positive effect. Let me explain by backing into this: See I dated a girl a couple of years ago who knew the secret to outstanding sex with a man (other than being relaxed, passionate & open-minded). She acted as if she worshiped my cock. She just couldn't get enough of it. Ladies, if you don't already know, this is the secret to being the best a man has ever had. Anyway, a couple of times she came over, unzipped my pants and started saying, "There's my boy! I missed you! How have you been!?" and would continue, even with her mouth full (another huge turn-on). Now the talking to it was obviously just her being funny and we both got a kick out of it, but I think it actually added a level of turn-on for me. So I'm wondering, if done right, could it also be a turn-on for a guy to talk to a girl's pussy the same way? TL;DR - Do you want us to chat it up with your pussy?
Bear with me here. Women seem to like it when I talk dirty to them (because I've learned to do it right; always be real, don't ever be cheesy, yada yada). One or two haven't responded but most do and some go absolutely crazy for it. Well today a thought occurred to me that sounded absurd at first, but after considering it, I'm wondering if it might have a positive effect. Let me explain by backing into this: See I dated a girl a couple of years ago who knew the secret to outstanding sex with a man (other than being relaxed, passionate & open-minded). She acted as if she worshiped my cock. She just couldn't get enough of it. Ladies, if you don't already know, this is the secret to being the best a man has ever had. Anyway, a couple of times she came over, unzipped my pants and started saying, "There's my boy! I missed you! How have you been!?" and would continue, even with her mouth full (another huge turn-on). Now the talking to it was obviously just her being funny and we both got a kick out of it, but I think it actually added a level of turn-on for me. So I'm wondering, if done right, could it also be a turn-on for a guy to talk to a girl's pussy the same way? TL;DR - Do you want us to chat it up with your pussy?
Bear with me here. Women seem to like it when I talk dirty to them (because I've learned to do it right; always be real, don't ever be cheesy, yada yada). One or two haven't responded but most do and some go absolutely crazy for it. Well today a thought occurred to me that sounded absurd at first, but after considering it, I'm wondering if it might have a positive effect. Let me explain by backing into this: See I dated a girl a couple of years ago who knew the secret to outstanding sex with a man (other than being relaxed, passionate & open-minded). She acted as if she worshiped my cock. She just couldn't get enough of it. Ladies, if you don't already know, this is the secret to being the best a man has ever had. Anyway, a couple of times she came over, unzipped my pants and started saying, "There's my boy! I missed you! How have you been!?" and would continue, even with her mouth full (another huge turn-on). Now the talking to it was obviously just her being funny and we both got a kick out of it, but I think it actually added a level of turn-on for me. So I'm wondering, if done right, could it also be a turn-on for a guy to talk to a girl's pussy the same way?
Do you want us to chat it up with your pussy?
So, my brother and I used to play a LOT of Halo (before we knew about the internet) when I was but a wee lad. He always got the "cool" name (at the time, we both thought that AceOfSpades was better than the one I chose, GeneralFartsalot). Anyways, a few years ago when he went to college, I made an Xbox Live account. Being the unimaginative little $&¡+ I was, I tried his old Halo name. Apparently Aceofspades was used (Honestly, I had no idea it was an actual game), so I added the 159 and removed the s. Ever since then it's been my go-to username. Tl:Dr- Brother came up with name for Halo purposes, I stole it, realized it was common after trying it on Xbox, so I edited it a bit.
So, my brother and I used to play a LOT of Halo (before we knew about the internet) when I was but a wee lad. He always got the "cool" name (at the time, we both thought that AceOfSpades was better than the one I chose, GeneralFartsalot). Anyways, a few years ago when he went to college, I made an Xbox Live account. Being the unimaginative little $&¡+ I was, I tried his old Halo name. Apparently Aceofspades was used (Honestly, I had no idea it was an actual game), so I added the 159 and removed the s. Ever since then it's been my go-to username. Tl:Dr- Brother came up with name for Halo purposes, I stole it, realized it was common after trying it on Xbox, so I edited it a bit.
So, my brother and I used to play a LOT of Halo (before we knew about the internet) when I was but a wee lad. He always got the "cool" name (at the time, we both thought that AceOfSpades was better than the one I chose, GeneralFartsalot). Anyways, a few years ago when he went to college, I made an Xbox Live account. Being the unimaginative little $&¡+ I was, I tried his old Halo name. Apparently Aceofspades was used (Honestly, I had no idea it was an actual game), so I added the 159 and removed the s. Ever since then it's been my go-to username.
Brother came up with name for Halo purposes, I stole it, realized it was common after trying it on Xbox, so I edited it a bit.
Very eloquent, Sir. I think you are correct: Comic Sans is being hated simply because everyone does it. I was just kidding, but I had not hoped for such an elaborate answer (for which I thank you). Sure, for image boards and such goes, as you said, *readability first*. Despite that, I don't like to wear those worn out shoes of Comic, esp. because there are many good "handwritten" fonts which I like to use. I do many and versatile newsletters on my job, and as a part of this, I had to learn a bit about type faces and [keming]( structure and paragraphs, etc. I truly love the subject (as I like anything related to language). There's one thing we cannot take from Comic Sans: It's a part of western culture for about 20 years now and *everyone* knows it, but outside these discussions, nobody really thinks about it. It's just there. I bet in 20 years from now, people will still print "Please wash hands" or "Beware of dog" in Comic Sans. Oh, by the way, I was not serious about grammer and ortography. TL;DR: [This](
Very eloquent, Sir. I think you are correct: Comic Sans is being hated simply because everyone does it. I was just kidding, but I had not hoped for such an elaborate answer (for which I thank you). Sure, for image boards and such goes, as you said, readability first . Despite that, I don't like to wear those worn out shoes of Comic, esp. because there are many good "handwritten" fonts which I like to use. I do many and versatile newsletters on my job, and as a part of this, I had to learn a bit about type faces and keming . There's one thing we cannot take from Comic Sans: It's a part of western culture for about 20 years now and everyone knows it, but outside these discussions, nobody really thinks about it. It's just there. I bet in 20 years from now, people will still print "Please wash hands" or "Beware of dog" in Comic Sans. Oh, by the way, I was not serious about grammer and ortography. TL;DR: [This](
Very eloquent, Sir. I think you are correct: Comic Sans is being hated simply because everyone does it. I was just kidding, but I had not hoped for such an elaborate answer (for which I thank you). Sure, for image boards and such goes, as you said, readability first . Despite that, I don't like to wear those worn out shoes of Comic, esp. because there are many good "handwritten" fonts which I like to use. I do many and versatile newsletters on my job, and as a part of this, I had to learn a bit about type faces and keming . There's one thing we cannot take from Comic Sans: It's a part of western culture for about 20 years now and everyone knows it, but outside these discussions, nobody really thinks about it. It's just there. I bet in 20 years from now, people will still print "Please wash hands" or "Beware of dog" in Comic Sans. Oh, by the way, I was not serious about grammer and ortography.
I've played ultimate for the last 5 years, but the extent of which I played really only ranged from pickup games to intramural play. As such, it was only recently that I started to pick up on ultimate terminology that had to do with actually implementing strategy. Some strategy comes natural at any level of play, like the use of dumps, swings or deep cuts, but I had never been exposed to stacks or zone offenses/defenses until recently. I'm now a freshman at University of Georgia and I play fall and spring ultimate on a really good intramural team, winning the last two campus championships. Compared to the level of competition I read that you guys compete in, it's really nothing to boast about, but still I feel like because of our success as a team I believe that we definitely have the handlers and mids necessary for actually trying out some stacks. While I do enjoy winning, I really play ultimate because I like to see myself and my teammates get better. I feel like my team could easily handle the idea of running specific, set offenses, but as of now it doesn't really seem necessary due to the fact that our natural rhythm of play seems to be working fine. TL;DR: I play on a good team, we win without strategy. In summary, do you guys think it's even worth trying to implement strategy, or is the level of competition too low as to where it doesn't really matter?
I've played ultimate for the last 5 years, but the extent of which I played really only ranged from pickup games to intramural play. As such, it was only recently that I started to pick up on ultimate terminology that had to do with actually implementing strategy. Some strategy comes natural at any level of play, like the use of dumps, swings or deep cuts, but I had never been exposed to stacks or zone offenses/defenses until recently. I'm now a freshman at University of Georgia and I play fall and spring ultimate on a really good intramural team, winning the last two campus championships. Compared to the level of competition I read that you guys compete in, it's really nothing to boast about, but still I feel like because of our success as a team I believe that we definitely have the handlers and mids necessary for actually trying out some stacks. While I do enjoy winning, I really play ultimate because I like to see myself and my teammates get better. I feel like my team could easily handle the idea of running specific, set offenses, but as of now it doesn't really seem necessary due to the fact that our natural rhythm of play seems to be working fine. TL;DR: I play on a good team, we win without strategy. In summary, do you guys think it's even worth trying to implement strategy, or is the level of competition too low as to where it doesn't really matter?
I've played ultimate for the last 5 years, but the extent of which I played really only ranged from pickup games to intramural play. As such, it was only recently that I started to pick up on ultimate terminology that had to do with actually implementing strategy. Some strategy comes natural at any level of play, like the use of dumps, swings or deep cuts, but I had never been exposed to stacks or zone offenses/defenses until recently. I'm now a freshman at University of Georgia and I play fall and spring ultimate on a really good intramural team, winning the last two campus championships. Compared to the level of competition I read that you guys compete in, it's really nothing to boast about, but still I feel like because of our success as a team I believe that we definitely have the handlers and mids necessary for actually trying out some stacks. While I do enjoy winning, I really play ultimate because I like to see myself and my teammates get better. I feel like my team could easily handle the idea of running specific, set offenses, but as of now it doesn't really seem necessary due to the fact that our natural rhythm of play seems to be working fine.
I play on a good team, we win without strategy. In summary, do you guys think it's even worth trying to implement strategy, or is the level of competition too low as to where it doesn't really matter?
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who showed concern over my well being. Much love. I'd kiss all of you but, internet. But anyways my first post is here and btw, I'm 17. I just turned 17 a week ago and still getting used to acknowledging I'm now a year older. So I took some of your guys advice which was to talk to my mom. But I had no luck in getting my points across. I was lectured about how the xbox makes me a violent person. And after I tried explaining I needed help, she ignored it and continued lecturing me saying I needed to stop trying to act like an adult. And then continued to lecture me on how the devil is tied into all of the violent games I play. And then the whole time I kinda just sat there and listend. I did kind of ignored most of it since she wasn't understanding what was going on. But here go the subtitles. Mom- "You're only 17 adrian. In less than 11 months, you're going to be 18, in college, and no longer here. And you think your roommates will tolerate this behavior?" Me- "No." "Then why do you act like this towards me. I am your mother and I deserve your respect. The door is replacable. But the words you used towards and against me are not." " I didn't mean any of it. I was just mad-" "Mad because I took your xbox?" "No I was mad because I don't know. I freaked out. Normally I would just go upstairs. I don't remember punching the door. And the whole time I was yelling at you, I was just yelling just to yell. I had no motive. Normally I would just shrug it off but I just ticked. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean it when i called you stupid." (My father was a verbal abusive guy and an alcoholic and always called her names which is why she hates it. She always compares me to my father which makes me even more mad at times. I don't even know the fucking guy.) "And you call me bipolar. You have 3 younger brothers, how do you think they will respond to this. They look up to you. You're they're father and they're going to grow up fucked up seeing you act like this." (I think It might be genetics at this point. We are all fucked.) I apologized and then went to bed since I had work in the morning. She said she would try contacting a therapist. Hopefully she does. Now it's the next day. Today. Hand is swolen, don't really want to encounter any other human beings. But If I don't I'll get fired and I need to buy a new door. Im at work, and my manager asks what happened. I tell her I got into a fistfight with my door. She's a bit sarcastic which I enjoy cause it's funny and she asks me if I won. I laugh and say I punched it in half. And then the rest of the day is pretty much the same. I'm still mad at myself. I down really have much will to do anything at the moment. I just really want to go to the gym and blow off some steam. But I know my wish won't get granted since everyone at home is pretty much avoiding eye contact with me. I'm overeating again. I just ate 3 bags of Jack links beef jerky. And then water of course. I don't know what to do now. My crush asked what happened and I refused to tell her about it. I can't bring myself to talk about it anymore because it makes me more upset. I really just want to lay in bed and watch youtube videos of cats. TL;DR I followed your advice but, it went kind of sour. I'm still fairly upset and still need help.
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who showed concern over my well being. Much love. I'd kiss all of you but, internet. But anyways my first post is here and btw, I'm 17. I just turned 17 a week ago and still getting used to acknowledging I'm now a year older. So I took some of your guys advice which was to talk to my mom. But I had no luck in getting my points across. I was lectured about how the xbox makes me a violent person. And after I tried explaining I needed help, she ignored it and continued lecturing me saying I needed to stop trying to act like an adult. And then continued to lecture me on how the devil is tied into all of the violent games I play. And then the whole time I kinda just sat there and listend. I did kind of ignored most of it since she wasn't understanding what was going on. But here go the subtitles. Mom- "You're only 17 adrian. In less than 11 months, you're going to be 18, in college, and no longer here. And you think your roommates will tolerate this behavior?" Me- "No." "Then why do you act like this towards me. I am your mother and I deserve your respect. The door is replacable. But the words you used towards and against me are not." " I didn't mean any of it. I was just mad-" "Mad because I took your xbox?" "No I was mad because I don't know. I freaked out. Normally I would just go upstairs. I don't remember punching the door. And the whole time I was yelling at you, I was just yelling just to yell. I had no motive. Normally I would just shrug it off but I just ticked. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean it when i called you stupid." (My father was a verbal abusive guy and an alcoholic and always called her names which is why she hates it. She always compares me to my father which makes me even more mad at times. I don't even know the fucking guy.) "And you call me bipolar. You have 3 younger brothers, how do you think they will respond to this. They look up to you. You're they're father and they're going to grow up fucked up seeing you act like this." (I think It might be genetics at this point. We are all fucked.) I apologized and then went to bed since I had work in the morning. She said she would try contacting a therapist. Hopefully she does. Now it's the next day. Today. Hand is swolen, don't really want to encounter any other human beings. But If I don't I'll get fired and I need to buy a new door. Im at work, and my manager asks what happened. I tell her I got into a fistfight with my door. She's a bit sarcastic which I enjoy cause it's funny and she asks me if I won. I laugh and say I punched it in half. And then the rest of the day is pretty much the same. I'm still mad at myself. I down really have much will to do anything at the moment. I just really want to go to the gym and blow off some steam. But I know my wish won't get granted since everyone at home is pretty much avoiding eye contact with me. I'm overeating again. I just ate 3 bags of Jack links beef jerky. And then water of course. I don't know what to do now. My crush asked what happened and I refused to tell her about it. I can't bring myself to talk about it anymore because it makes me more upset. I really just want to lay in bed and watch youtube videos of cats. TL;DR I followed your advice but, it went kind of sour. I'm still fairly upset and still need help.
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who showed concern over my well being. Much love. I'd kiss all of you but, internet. But anyways my first post is here and btw, I'm 17. I just turned 17 a week ago and still getting used to acknowledging I'm now a year older. So I took some of your guys advice which was to talk to my mom. But I had no luck in getting my points across. I was lectured about how the xbox makes me a violent person. And after I tried explaining I needed help, she ignored it and continued lecturing me saying I needed to stop trying to act like an adult. And then continued to lecture me on how the devil is tied into all of the violent games I play. And then the whole time I kinda just sat there and listend. I did kind of ignored most of it since she wasn't understanding what was going on. But here go the subtitles. Mom- "You're only 17 adrian. In less than 11 months, you're going to be 18, in college, and no longer here. And you think your roommates will tolerate this behavior?" Me- "No." "Then why do you act like this towards me. I am your mother and I deserve your respect. The door is replacable. But the words you used towards and against me are not." " I didn't mean any of it. I was just mad-" "Mad because I took your xbox?" "No I was mad because I don't know. I freaked out. Normally I would just go upstairs. I don't remember punching the door. And the whole time I was yelling at you, I was just yelling just to yell. I had no motive. Normally I would just shrug it off but I just ticked. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean it when i called you stupid." (My father was a verbal abusive guy and an alcoholic and always called her names which is why she hates it. She always compares me to my father which makes me even more mad at times. I don't even know the fucking guy.) "And you call me bipolar. You have 3 younger brothers, how do you think they will respond to this. They look up to you. You're they're father and they're going to grow up fucked up seeing you act like this." (I think It might be genetics at this point. We are all fucked.) I apologized and then went to bed since I had work in the morning. She said she would try contacting a therapist. Hopefully she does. Now it's the next day. Today. Hand is swolen, don't really want to encounter any other human beings. But If I don't I'll get fired and I need to buy a new door. Im at work, and my manager asks what happened. I tell her I got into a fistfight with my door. She's a bit sarcastic which I enjoy cause it's funny and she asks me if I won. I laugh and say I punched it in half. And then the rest of the day is pretty much the same. I'm still mad at myself. I down really have much will to do anything at the moment. I just really want to go to the gym and blow off some steam. But I know my wish won't get granted since everyone at home is pretty much avoiding eye contact with me. I'm overeating again. I just ate 3 bags of Jack links beef jerky. And then water of course. I don't know what to do now. My crush asked what happened and I refused to tell her about it. I can't bring myself to talk about it anymore because it makes me more upset. I really just want to lay in bed and watch youtube videos of cats.
I followed your advice but, it went kind of sour. I'm still fairly upset and still need help.
So, my new gf, 'Sheila' has a co-worker/friend 'Monique'. A couple weeks ago, Monique (who is married with a child) confided in my gf that she had cybersex with one of their co-workers (not her husband). She then told Sheila she felt bad about it, and had cut it off. Fast forward to this Thursday. Sheila tells me that Monique had sent her a text about spending the night at her house. Sheila says yes. Immediately Monique tells her that she isn't actually going to spend the night at her house, but it using it as a cover for her cheating on her husband. When Sheila first brought this up, I made it clear how much it bothered me that her 'friend' was involving her in all of this. I'm not by any means a moral standard-bearer or anything, and have made mistakes in the past but... I've been careful with Sheila to make sure our start, and our months together have been honest and straight forward and pure.... and this feels fucked. I don't know if I'm putting too much pressure on her, because I feel like her accommodating her cheating friend somehow means something about our relationship (when maybe it doesn't)... but I just had to leave her house because she was defending Monique to a degree that made me want to not be there... Am I being overly sensitive? WHAT DOES IT MEAN Help me reddit. You are my only hope. (just kidding, but i'd appreciate the input) --- **tl;dr**: If my girlfriend covers for her cheating friend, does it necessarily say anything about us?
So, my new gf, 'Sheila' has a co-worker/friend 'Monique'. A couple weeks ago, Monique (who is married with a child) confided in my gf that she had cybersex with one of their co-workers (not her husband). She then told Sheila she felt bad about it, and had cut it off. Fast forward to this Thursday. Sheila tells me that Monique had sent her a text about spending the night at her house. Sheila says yes. Immediately Monique tells her that she isn't actually going to spend the night at her house, but it using it as a cover for her cheating on her husband. When Sheila first brought this up, I made it clear how much it bothered me that her 'friend' was involving her in all of this. I'm not by any means a moral standard-bearer or anything, and have made mistakes in the past but... I've been careful with Sheila to make sure our start, and our months together have been honest and straight forward and pure.... and this feels fucked. I don't know if I'm putting too much pressure on her, because I feel like her accommodating her cheating friend somehow means something about our relationship (when maybe it doesn't)... but I just had to leave her house because she was defending Monique to a degree that made me want to not be there... Am I being overly sensitive? WHAT DOES IT MEAN Help me reddit. You are my only hope. (just kidding, but i'd appreciate the input) tl;dr : If my girlfriend covers for her cheating friend, does it necessarily say anything about us?
So, my new gf, 'Sheila' has a co-worker/friend 'Monique'. A couple weeks ago, Monique (who is married with a child) confided in my gf that she had cybersex with one of their co-workers (not her husband). She then told Sheila she felt bad about it, and had cut it off. Fast forward to this Thursday. Sheila tells me that Monique had sent her a text about spending the night at her house. Sheila says yes. Immediately Monique tells her that she isn't actually going to spend the night at her house, but it using it as a cover for her cheating on her husband. When Sheila first brought this up, I made it clear how much it bothered me that her 'friend' was involving her in all of this. I'm not by any means a moral standard-bearer or anything, and have made mistakes in the past but... I've been careful with Sheila to make sure our start, and our months together have been honest and straight forward and pure.... and this feels fucked. I don't know if I'm putting too much pressure on her, because I feel like her accommodating her cheating friend somehow means something about our relationship (when maybe it doesn't)... but I just had to leave her house because she was defending Monique to a degree that made me want to not be there... Am I being overly sensitive? WHAT DOES IT MEAN Help me reddit. You are my only hope. (just kidding, but i'd appreciate the input)
If my girlfriend covers for her cheating friend, does it necessarily say anything about us?
Don't worry. I have the feeling this is a way for my brain to test what will be my reaction if I did something extreme. My brain is constantly telling me: 1. jump from the window 2. kiss a stranger 3. kill a cute animal But not in a assertive way, more like a "what if?" It's like if you are near a cliff. People experience the feeling to jump. This should be enough to put you in a safer position ("I am feeling I could jump, that would be unpleasant, better to back off") I would be **way** more scared if I couldn't have these thoughts, that would make me unprepared and unable to control such thoughts when the situations are stressful. **TL;DR** I think brain does that to better establish boundaries of our "moral" choices. p.s. sorry for my English
Don't worry. I have the feeling this is a way for my brain to test what will be my reaction if I did something extreme. My brain is constantly telling me: jump from the window kiss a stranger kill a cute animal But not in a assertive way, more like a "what if?" It's like if you are near a cliff. People experience the feeling to jump. This should be enough to put you in a safer position ("I am feeling I could jump, that would be unpleasant, better to back off") I would be way more scared if I couldn't have these thoughts, that would make me unprepared and unable to control such thoughts when the situations are stressful. TL;DR I think brain does that to better establish boundaries of our "moral" choices. p.s. sorry for my English
Don't worry. I have the feeling this is a way for my brain to test what will be my reaction if I did something extreme. My brain is constantly telling me: jump from the window kiss a stranger kill a cute animal But not in a assertive way, more like a "what if?" It's like if you are near a cliff. People experience the feeling to jump. This should be enough to put you in a safer position ("I am feeling I could jump, that would be unpleasant, better to back off") I would be way more scared if I couldn't have these thoughts, that would make me unprepared and unable to control such thoughts when the situations are stressful.
I think brain does that to better establish boundaries of our "moral" choices. p.s. sorry for my English
Slightly Related Story Time: One time in the ninth grade I went to my school dance. I'm not much of a dancer, and I've never been fond of dance music, so I basically hung out with friends the whole time. We decide it's too loud in the cafeteria (where the dance was being held) so we want to walk around the school and continue to talk. Unfortunately, there was a couple sitting on the fucking floor, blocking us from leaving. Some bolder people that wanted to get out stepped over them, which I suggested, but my friends wanted to wait it out because they were a bit socially awkward back then. After fifteen minutes I was getting frustrated. I picked up a glow stick from the floor, walked to secluded spot where the doorway was in view, and whipped it at them. They didn't fucking notice. I found a second glow stick and tried again. Still nothing. My friends and some other people are watching me at this point. I tried a third time and it hit the girl in the ear. She starts screaming and the guy gets up and walks towards me. I was a scrawny kid so I was scared shitless. I couldn't believe that I had such a bad idea. Did I really think that it would work? Anyways, he comes over and screams "DID YOU FUCKING THROW A GLOW STICK AT MY GIRLFRIEND?" I reply, "What are you talking about? I didn't throw anything!" He insists I did. I insist I did not. I ask my friends to vouch for me. They say I didn't do anything. Luckily nobody else that saw me has bothered to speak up. He finally gets frustrated and leaves. Anyways, as time went on I found out that, despite being inconsiderate, he wasn't such a bad guy. At prom I saw him and his girlfriend again and told them that "if they started making out in the doorway I'd find another glow stick to throw at them". They didn't know what I was talking about so I let sleeping beasts lie. TL:DR Throw glow stick at couple making out in doorway, hurt girls ear, then deny, deny, deny.
Slightly Related Story Time: One time in the ninth grade I went to my school dance. I'm not much of a dancer, and I've never been fond of dance music, so I basically hung out with friends the whole time. We decide it's too loud in the cafeteria (where the dance was being held) so we want to walk around the school and continue to talk. Unfortunately, there was a couple sitting on the fucking floor, blocking us from leaving. Some bolder people that wanted to get out stepped over them, which I suggested, but my friends wanted to wait it out because they were a bit socially awkward back then. After fifteen minutes I was getting frustrated. I picked up a glow stick from the floor, walked to secluded spot where the doorway was in view, and whipped it at them. They didn't fucking notice. I found a second glow stick and tried again. Still nothing. My friends and some other people are watching me at this point. I tried a third time and it hit the girl in the ear. She starts screaming and the guy gets up and walks towards me. I was a scrawny kid so I was scared shitless. I couldn't believe that I had such a bad idea. Did I really think that it would work? Anyways, he comes over and screams "DID YOU FUCKING THROW A GLOW STICK AT MY GIRLFRIEND?" I reply, "What are you talking about? I didn't throw anything!" He insists I did. I insist I did not. I ask my friends to vouch for me. They say I didn't do anything. Luckily nobody else that saw me has bothered to speak up. He finally gets frustrated and leaves. Anyways, as time went on I found out that, despite being inconsiderate, he wasn't such a bad guy. At prom I saw him and his girlfriend again and told them that "if they started making out in the doorway I'd find another glow stick to throw at them". They didn't know what I was talking about so I let sleeping beasts lie. TL:DR Throw glow stick at couple making out in doorway, hurt girls ear, then deny, deny, deny.
Slightly Related Story Time: One time in the ninth grade I went to my school dance. I'm not much of a dancer, and I've never been fond of dance music, so I basically hung out with friends the whole time. We decide it's too loud in the cafeteria (where the dance was being held) so we want to walk around the school and continue to talk. Unfortunately, there was a couple sitting on the fucking floor, blocking us from leaving. Some bolder people that wanted to get out stepped over them, which I suggested, but my friends wanted to wait it out because they were a bit socially awkward back then. After fifteen minutes I was getting frustrated. I picked up a glow stick from the floor, walked to secluded spot where the doorway was in view, and whipped it at them. They didn't fucking notice. I found a second glow stick and tried again. Still nothing. My friends and some other people are watching me at this point. I tried a third time and it hit the girl in the ear. She starts screaming and the guy gets up and walks towards me. I was a scrawny kid so I was scared shitless. I couldn't believe that I had such a bad idea. Did I really think that it would work? Anyways, he comes over and screams "DID YOU FUCKING THROW A GLOW STICK AT MY GIRLFRIEND?" I reply, "What are you talking about? I didn't throw anything!" He insists I did. I insist I did not. I ask my friends to vouch for me. They say I didn't do anything. Luckily nobody else that saw me has bothered to speak up. He finally gets frustrated and leaves. Anyways, as time went on I found out that, despite being inconsiderate, he wasn't such a bad guy. At prom I saw him and his girlfriend again and told them that "if they started making out in the doorway I'd find another glow stick to throw at them". They didn't know what I was talking about so I let sleeping beasts lie.
Throw glow stick at couple making out in doorway, hurt girls ear, then deny, deny, deny.
went home. I was supposed to give blood today, and had made an appointment. so me and my sister set out and ran some errands and went to the school the blood drive was being held at. When we got to the school we found out that it was the wrong school, we needed to go to the middle school, not the high school. On the way out the door, my sister stepped on my ratty old jeans and ripped a segment loose. I thought I could just rip the rest of it off but instead tore a seam up to my knee. So I was super pissed and just rage quit and started to drive home. half way to home i realized that I had bought pants from the store and could have worn those. I decided to screw it and just go home since i was already half way there. I feel like such an entitled prick. people need blood for surgeries and stuff like that and i couldn't get off my pedestal and go give blood looking like a ragamuffin. and then i couldn't be bothered to turn around and just be slightly late for my 'appointment'. I have being crying on and off all day :C. TLDR: THE FEELS, THEY HURT T-T
went home. I was supposed to give blood today, and had made an appointment. so me and my sister set out and ran some errands and went to the school the blood drive was being held at. When we got to the school we found out that it was the wrong school, we needed to go to the middle school, not the high school. On the way out the door, my sister stepped on my ratty old jeans and ripped a segment loose. I thought I could just rip the rest of it off but instead tore a seam up to my knee. So I was super pissed and just rage quit and started to drive home. half way to home i realized that I had bought pants from the store and could have worn those. I decided to screw it and just go home since i was already half way there. I feel like such an entitled prick. people need blood for surgeries and stuff like that and i couldn't get off my pedestal and go give blood looking like a ragamuffin. and then i couldn't be bothered to turn around and just be slightly late for my 'appointment'. I have being crying on and off all day :C. TLDR: THE FEELS, THEY HURT T-T
went home. I was supposed to give blood today, and had made an appointment. so me and my sister set out and ran some errands and went to the school the blood drive was being held at. When we got to the school we found out that it was the wrong school, we needed to go to the middle school, not the high school. On the way out the door, my sister stepped on my ratty old jeans and ripped a segment loose. I thought I could just rip the rest of it off but instead tore a seam up to my knee. So I was super pissed and just rage quit and started to drive home. half way to home i realized that I had bought pants from the store and could have worn those. I decided to screw it and just go home since i was already half way there. I feel like such an entitled prick. people need blood for surgeries and stuff like that and i couldn't get off my pedestal and go give blood looking like a ragamuffin. and then i couldn't be bothered to turn around and just be slightly late for my 'appointment'. I have being crying on and off all day :C.
Well, let me see if I can break down compound circles a bit for you. There are two kinds of compound circles: * Pro-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the same direction as your hand motion * Anti-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the opposite direction as your hand motion One important way to describe a compound circle on paper (or text) is the ratio of the times the poi rotates around your hand for every time your hand rotates around the imaginary circle your hand travels. Let me give you the commonly used names for some basic examples with just one poi in a wall plane. None of these will appear to have "flower" patterns because they have a One to One ratio. **Pro-Spin** * "Extension" - This could be described as a *One to One Ratio, Unison, Pro-Spin Circle*. It is where you move your hand in a circle with the poi fully extended. It will look like a really big circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is behind your hand. * "Isolation" - This could be described as a *One to One Ratio, Split-Time, Pro-Spin Circle*. It is where the poi head moves in the same direction as your hand around the path your hand follows and in fact it travels on the same path, but in split time with your hand. It will look like a little circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is on the poi chain. **Anti-Spin** * "Vertical Cat-eye" - This could be described as a *One to One Ratio Anti-Spin Circle*. It is actually fairly hard for most spinners to accomplish and difficult to describe without at least a drawing. It looks like a circle that has been stretched to have a point at the top and bottom. As you move into the flowers with higher ratios of head spins per hand spin, you begin to get the typical "flower" patterns. The way to tell the difference between pro-spin and anti-spin, is to look at the poi head path: Does it sweep through the middle and pop toward the outside? It's anti-spin. Does it sweep around the outside and pop towards the middle? It's pro-spin. TL:DR - In a photo, an isolated buzzsaw looks just like a normal buzzsaw, but smaller.
Well, let me see if I can break down compound circles a bit for you. There are two kinds of compound circles: Pro-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the same direction as your hand motion Anti-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the opposite direction as your hand motion One important way to describe a compound circle on paper (or text) is the ratio of the times the poi rotates around your hand for every time your hand rotates around the imaginary circle your hand travels. Let me give you the commonly used names for some basic examples with just one poi in a wall plane. None of these will appear to have "flower" patterns because they have a One to One ratio. Pro-Spin "Extension" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio, Unison, Pro-Spin Circle . It is where you move your hand in a circle with the poi fully extended. It will look like a really big circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is behind your hand. "Isolation" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio, Split-Time, Pro-Spin Circle . It is where the poi head moves in the same direction as your hand around the path your hand follows and in fact it travels on the same path, but in split time with your hand. It will look like a little circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is on the poi chain. Anti-Spin "Vertical Cat-eye" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio Anti-Spin Circle . It is actually fairly hard for most spinners to accomplish and difficult to describe without at least a drawing. It looks like a circle that has been stretched to have a point at the top and bottom. As you move into the flowers with higher ratios of head spins per hand spin, you begin to get the typical "flower" patterns. The way to tell the difference between pro-spin and anti-spin, is to look at the poi head path: Does it sweep through the middle and pop toward the outside? It's anti-spin. Does it sweep around the outside and pop towards the middle? It's pro-spin. TL:DR - In a photo, an isolated buzzsaw looks just like a normal buzzsaw, but smaller.
Well, let me see if I can break down compound circles a bit for you. There are two kinds of compound circles: Pro-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the same direction as your hand motion Anti-spin - the head of the poi rotates around your hand in the opposite direction as your hand motion One important way to describe a compound circle on paper (or text) is the ratio of the times the poi rotates around your hand for every time your hand rotates around the imaginary circle your hand travels. Let me give you the commonly used names for some basic examples with just one poi in a wall plane. None of these will appear to have "flower" patterns because they have a One to One ratio. Pro-Spin "Extension" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio, Unison, Pro-Spin Circle . It is where you move your hand in a circle with the poi fully extended. It will look like a really big circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is behind your hand. "Isolation" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio, Split-Time, Pro-Spin Circle . It is where the poi head moves in the same direction as your hand around the path your hand follows and in fact it travels on the same path, but in split time with your hand. It will look like a little circle and for every time your hand goes around the circle once, the poi head goes around your hand once. The focal point of the circle is on the poi chain. Anti-Spin "Vertical Cat-eye" - This could be described as a One to One Ratio Anti-Spin Circle . It is actually fairly hard for most spinners to accomplish and difficult to describe without at least a drawing. It looks like a circle that has been stretched to have a point at the top and bottom. As you move into the flowers with higher ratios of head spins per hand spin, you begin to get the typical "flower" patterns. The way to tell the difference between pro-spin and anti-spin, is to look at the poi head path: Does it sweep through the middle and pop toward the outside? It's anti-spin. Does it sweep around the outside and pop towards the middle? It's pro-spin.
In a photo, an isolated buzzsaw looks just like a normal buzzsaw, but smaller.
>I find it demeaning and patronising, as a man, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to do it. Well, I find it demeaning and patronising, as a woman, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to be raped. This is satire and that's exactly what you missed, maybe because you've never been handed a "how not to be raped" list at a college orientation or in an email forward, or in a women's bathroom stall that it is an almost exact copy of? You've never had the experience of being told how to behave to avoid someone sticking their penis in you without your permission so when the exact same "advice" is flipped to put the responsibility back in the hands of the rapist you get all offended. Too bad. Yes, we need to educate people how to protect themselves, but often the message that this "advice" sends is that you can prevent being raped, so if you are raped it's your fault for failing to be vigilant enough. This image is saying "No, it's always the rapist's fault, let's focus our efforts on blaming rapists and not victims." TL;DR: Yes, there is a joke, and you missed it.
>I find it demeaning and patronising, as a man, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to do it. Well, I find it demeaning and patronising, as a woman, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to be raped. This is satire and that's exactly what you missed, maybe because you've never been handed a "how not to be raped" list at a college orientation or in an email forward, or in a women's bathroom stall that it is an almost exact copy of? You've never had the experience of being told how to behave to avoid someone sticking their penis in you without your permission so when the exact same "advice" is flipped to put the responsibility back in the hands of the rapist you get all offended. Too bad. Yes, we need to educate people how to protect themselves, but often the message that this "advice" sends is that you can prevent being raped, so if you are raped it's your fault for failing to be vigilant enough. This image is saying "No, it's always the rapist's fault, let's focus our efforts on blaming rapists and not victims." TL;DR: Yes, there is a joke, and you missed it.
I find it demeaning and patronising, as a man, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to do it. Well, I find it demeaning and patronising, as a woman, that society thinks that I need to be reminded what rape is, and not to be raped. This is satire and that's exactly what you missed, maybe because you've never been handed a "how not to be raped" list at a college orientation or in an email forward, or in a women's bathroom stall that it is an almost exact copy of? You've never had the experience of being told how to behave to avoid someone sticking their penis in you without your permission so when the exact same "advice" is flipped to put the responsibility back in the hands of the rapist you get all offended. Too bad. Yes, we need to educate people how to protect themselves, but often the message that this "advice" sends is that you can prevent being raped, so if you are raped it's your fault for failing to be vigilant enough. This image is saying "No, it's always the rapist's fault, let's focus our efforts on blaming rapists and not victims."
Yes, there is a joke, and you missed it.
If its the one I think that it is, basically an actor and two kids were beheaded by a helicopter stunt. It was a stupid stunt, and there were a metric fuck ton of other problems with the production which have been tied back to the director. TL;DR - People died needlessly because a director was an idiot.
If its the one I think that it is, basically an actor and two kids were beheaded by a helicopter stunt. It was a stupid stunt, and there were a metric fuck ton of other problems with the production which have been tied back to the director. TL;DR - People died needlessly because a director was an idiot.
If its the one I think that it is, basically an actor and two kids were beheaded by a helicopter stunt. It was a stupid stunt, and there were a metric fuck ton of other problems with the production which have been tied back to the director.
People died needlessly because a director was an idiot.
Okay, so, I don't know much about Reddit, although I use the website a lot. I don't know the rules, so if I should tag this NSFW for language or something, let me know. I also do not know how to format a post, so I'm sorry. Well, I had originally planned to make this all formal and stuff, with a planned way to write this and a solid reason behind it, but fuck, man... I just really like the grumps. I mean, a lot. They've saved my life, for fucks sake. There was a large portion of my life where I was very, oh so very depressed. I discovered the grumps from egoraptor's channel, and here I am, alive and not-suicided. So because of all they've done for me, and just how much I love them, I've decided to gush about each member, and the show. Not sure how long this will be, and once again, sorry if it sucks chode. I hope this gets out to the grumps, because I'm going to address the rest of this to them. Arin Flavorsaver: I've decided to start big. Arin, you're the man who made all of this possible. You are the backbone of this show. Without you, this show would not be Game Grumps. It just wouldn't be the same. You're reactive, emotional, passionate, and just funny. And the money I would pay for you to lecture me about game design... But, that's off topic. You're wonderful, you're charming, you're adorably gross, and you're just fun. Unfortunately, you still get a lot of shit. I would love to pretend that I knew why, but simply, I don't. I've always figured that it was because you're such a passionate man, that when you passionately display your feelings for something, your passion inspires passion in others and so they give you a passionate response. But despite all that, you push through it, and you do what you love, and I could not possibly respect you more for that. I'm still a young lad (16), but your videos have left an imprint on me that will last forever. I have no way to share my love for you other than... Thank you Arin, for changing my life. Daniel Sexbaniel: Everyone loves you, and for damn good reason. You're the most genuine, kind soul I've ever seen, and one day hope to meet. You're sweet, funny, charming, handsome, and above all else just a good person. You're quite literally my idol. I suffer from paranoia and anger management issues, which have been a cripple on my life for a long time. But as soon as you joined the grumps, you shined a light on me no therapist could have hoped to. Your happy attitude and accepting mind inspired me so much that every time I get angry or scared, I calm down and try to... well, be like you. You're my inspiration for being a better person, and just the fact that you exist puts a smile on my face. You make me proud to be Jewish. Thank you Danny, for making me a better person. Jon Jafavari: I'm sorry, but I totally forgot what your last name was. I think I nailed it. Anyways, you're the co-founder of the grumps and nobody will forget that. Your impact on the show was so huge that your leaving tore a hole in the community itself, a hole that has still barely begun to stitch itself back together. Your face is everywhere, and you truly made the show what it is today. Your fun and lighthearted attitude was refreshing and welcome, and your reactions and jokes split my sides. After your necessary evil of departing from the grumps, you grew. And big time. Your show is back and better than ever, with hilarious content and genuine love stitched into its script. Everything about you is wonderful and fun, and you're a joy to witness. I had it decently rough growing up, and I thought that being happy and laughing with friends was something beyond what I would get to experience. You proved me wrong, fast. I've never met you, but you felt like a friend, and no matter what you did I laughed with you. Thank you Jon, for making me smile and remember what it's like to be truly happy. Ross O'Prons: I hate picking favorites, but fuck it. I fucking love you, Ross. You're easily my favorite Grump. You unfortunately have to deal with a lot of repeated jokes and fake dislike towards you, but I truly hope you understand that it's a joke. I love the shit out of you. Your animations were my life, even back on Newgrounds, and I look forward to them every day. Your mischievous personality always gets me cracking a naughty smile, as does your genuine excitement and love for everything you do. When you get serious, I sit down and listen. I love how honest and down to earth you are, and every episode with you in it is a ride down lovely lane. I don't know what else to say, to be honest. All I'd be doing is gushing about how amazing you are. Holly is a lucky woman. God dammit Ross, you've gone and made my days worth living. Barry Coffeecreamer: Dude. Come on. You began as a silent god, speaking only in yellow text and making Game Grumps possible. You then entered the show as a silent badass, creaming all over the rest of the grumps and making us all laugh at the pain you put them through. You're now a major grump, appearing in Steam Train, Grumpcade, and a load more. You're the most real dude on the show. When you're with Ross, you're hilarious and silly. With Dan, you're funny and witty. With Arin, you're insane and great friends. With Suzy, you're classy and charming. You're a jack of all trades, and the most fun motherfucker to watch. You're honest and real with the fans, no matter what happens. You're humble, and wonderful, and for fucks sake Barry geT INSIDE ME. But for real though. Thank you Barry, for being the backstage hero of Game Grumps and teaching me to work hard for what I want. Suzy c: : SUUUUZYYYY. You get a lot of unnecessary hate. You're hella real, hella funny, and the only thing holding the grumps together. You work hard and get results, having fun along the way. Unfortunately, Table Flip had come under some controversy, but it's easily an amazing show. You love the people you work with, you love your job, you love your fans, and send me to hell if we don't all love you. You and Arin are an adorable married couple, and I could not wish more happiness on the both of you. Thank you Suzy, for being the only thing keeping these idiots organised and functional, all the while showing me what it's like to love. Holly want a cracker: You're also loved, and for equally good reason. I really don't know what amazing thing about you makes you so wonderful to be around and listen to and watch, but all of those things are 100% true. For some reason, no matter what you're in, you light up the room. It's just so fun to listen to you talk about random shit, and be so passionate about your animals. You're a joy to watch, and I'm glad you're part of the grumps. To be completely honest, though, I don't really know much about you. I only recently found out about your channel, so it's time to go binge-watch everything. Ross is a lucky man. Thank you Holly, for being who you are. Sexy Wittle Kevin: You're the newest addition to the grumps, and a damn fine one at that. You're adorable and funny, and you fit right in with the rest of them. Your editing skills are almost past Barry's, and you were kind enough to take a huge workload. You're entertaining to watch, and a damn good guy. Just like Holly though, I don't know much about you. Even less, actually. I'm probably going to have to run around and stalk what you've done. I need more Kevin in my life. Thank you Kevin, for being such a kind guy and joining the Grumps. I really, REALLY hope I didn't miss anyone. But as a whole, the show is just... Good, man. It's done so much for me, it's saved my life and then turned it upside down. I honestly cannot thank you all enough for what you've done. Hopefully this super shitty and omega-long... thing, is good enough. Writing isn't my thing, but I did my best to express how I felt. It feels good to get it all off my chest. Thank you Game Grumps, for everything. Edit: tl;dr: Fuck me, these guys are great.
Okay, so, I don't know much about Reddit, although I use the website a lot. I don't know the rules, so if I should tag this NSFW for language or something, let me know. I also do not know how to format a post, so I'm sorry. Well, I had originally planned to make this all formal and stuff, with a planned way to write this and a solid reason behind it, but fuck, man... I just really like the grumps. I mean, a lot. They've saved my life, for fucks sake. There was a large portion of my life where I was very, oh so very depressed. I discovered the grumps from egoraptor's channel, and here I am, alive and not-suicided. So because of all they've done for me, and just how much I love them, I've decided to gush about each member, and the show. Not sure how long this will be, and once again, sorry if it sucks chode. I hope this gets out to the grumps, because I'm going to address the rest of this to them. Arin Flavorsaver: I've decided to start big. Arin, you're the man who made all of this possible. You are the backbone of this show. Without you, this show would not be Game Grumps. It just wouldn't be the same. You're reactive, emotional, passionate, and just funny. And the money I would pay for you to lecture me about game design... But, that's off topic. You're wonderful, you're charming, you're adorably gross, and you're just fun. Unfortunately, you still get a lot of shit. I would love to pretend that I knew why, but simply, I don't. I've always figured that it was because you're such a passionate man, that when you passionately display your feelings for something, your passion inspires passion in others and so they give you a passionate response. But despite all that, you push through it, and you do what you love, and I could not possibly respect you more for that. I'm still a young lad (16), but your videos have left an imprint on me that will last forever. I have no way to share my love for you other than... Thank you Arin, for changing my life. Daniel Sexbaniel: Everyone loves you, and for damn good reason. You're the most genuine, kind soul I've ever seen, and one day hope to meet. You're sweet, funny, charming, handsome, and above all else just a good person. You're quite literally my idol. I suffer from paranoia and anger management issues, which have been a cripple on my life for a long time. But as soon as you joined the grumps, you shined a light on me no therapist could have hoped to. Your happy attitude and accepting mind inspired me so much that every time I get angry or scared, I calm down and try to... well, be like you. You're my inspiration for being a better person, and just the fact that you exist puts a smile on my face. You make me proud to be Jewish. Thank you Danny, for making me a better person. Jon Jafavari: I'm sorry, but I totally forgot what your last name was. I think I nailed it. Anyways, you're the co-founder of the grumps and nobody will forget that. Your impact on the show was so huge that your leaving tore a hole in the community itself, a hole that has still barely begun to stitch itself back together. Your face is everywhere, and you truly made the show what it is today. Your fun and lighthearted attitude was refreshing and welcome, and your reactions and jokes split my sides. After your necessary evil of departing from the grumps, you grew. And big time. Your show is back and better than ever, with hilarious content and genuine love stitched into its script. Everything about you is wonderful and fun, and you're a joy to witness. I had it decently rough growing up, and I thought that being happy and laughing with friends was something beyond what I would get to experience. You proved me wrong, fast. I've never met you, but you felt like a friend, and no matter what you did I laughed with you. Thank you Jon, for making me smile and remember what it's like to be truly happy. Ross O'Prons: I hate picking favorites, but fuck it. I fucking love you, Ross. You're easily my favorite Grump. You unfortunately have to deal with a lot of repeated jokes and fake dislike towards you, but I truly hope you understand that it's a joke. I love the shit out of you. Your animations were my life, even back on Newgrounds, and I look forward to them every day. Your mischievous personality always gets me cracking a naughty smile, as does your genuine excitement and love for everything you do. When you get serious, I sit down and listen. I love how honest and down to earth you are, and every episode with you in it is a ride down lovely lane. I don't know what else to say, to be honest. All I'd be doing is gushing about how amazing you are. Holly is a lucky woman. God dammit Ross, you've gone and made my days worth living. Barry Coffeecreamer: Dude. Come on. You began as a silent god, speaking only in yellow text and making Game Grumps possible. You then entered the show as a silent badass, creaming all over the rest of the grumps and making us all laugh at the pain you put them through. You're now a major grump, appearing in Steam Train, Grumpcade, and a load more. You're the most real dude on the show. When you're with Ross, you're hilarious and silly. With Dan, you're funny and witty. With Arin, you're insane and great friends. With Suzy, you're classy and charming. You're a jack of all trades, and the most fun motherfucker to watch. You're honest and real with the fans, no matter what happens. You're humble, and wonderful, and for fucks sake Barry geT INSIDE ME. But for real though. Thank you Barry, for being the backstage hero of Game Grumps and teaching me to work hard for what I want. Suzy c: : SUUUUZYYYY. You get a lot of unnecessary hate. You're hella real, hella funny, and the only thing holding the grumps together. You work hard and get results, having fun along the way. Unfortunately, Table Flip had come under some controversy, but it's easily an amazing show. You love the people you work with, you love your job, you love your fans, and send me to hell if we don't all love you. You and Arin are an adorable married couple, and I could not wish more happiness on the both of you. Thank you Suzy, for being the only thing keeping these idiots organised and functional, all the while showing me what it's like to love. Holly want a cracker: You're also loved, and for equally good reason. I really don't know what amazing thing about you makes you so wonderful to be around and listen to and watch, but all of those things are 100% true. For some reason, no matter what you're in, you light up the room. It's just so fun to listen to you talk about random shit, and be so passionate about your animals. You're a joy to watch, and I'm glad you're part of the grumps. To be completely honest, though, I don't really know much about you. I only recently found out about your channel, so it's time to go binge-watch everything. Ross is a lucky man. Thank you Holly, for being who you are. Sexy Wittle Kevin: You're the newest addition to the grumps, and a damn fine one at that. You're adorable and funny, and you fit right in with the rest of them. Your editing skills are almost past Barry's, and you were kind enough to take a huge workload. You're entertaining to watch, and a damn good guy. Just like Holly though, I don't know much about you. Even less, actually. I'm probably going to have to run around and stalk what you've done. I need more Kevin in my life. Thank you Kevin, for being such a kind guy and joining the Grumps. I really, REALLY hope I didn't miss anyone. But as a whole, the show is just... Good, man. It's done so much for me, it's saved my life and then turned it upside down. I honestly cannot thank you all enough for what you've done. Hopefully this super shitty and omega-long... thing, is good enough. Writing isn't my thing, but I did my best to express how I felt. It feels good to get it all off my chest. Thank you Game Grumps, for everything. Edit: tl;dr: Fuck me, these guys are great.
Okay, so, I don't know much about Reddit, although I use the website a lot. I don't know the rules, so if I should tag this NSFW for language or something, let me know. I also do not know how to format a post, so I'm sorry. Well, I had originally planned to make this all formal and stuff, with a planned way to write this and a solid reason behind it, but fuck, man... I just really like the grumps. I mean, a lot. They've saved my life, for fucks sake. There was a large portion of my life where I was very, oh so very depressed. I discovered the grumps from egoraptor's channel, and here I am, alive and not-suicided. So because of all they've done for me, and just how much I love them, I've decided to gush about each member, and the show. Not sure how long this will be, and once again, sorry if it sucks chode. I hope this gets out to the grumps, because I'm going to address the rest of this to them. Arin Flavorsaver: I've decided to start big. Arin, you're the man who made all of this possible. You are the backbone of this show. Without you, this show would not be Game Grumps. It just wouldn't be the same. You're reactive, emotional, passionate, and just funny. And the money I would pay for you to lecture me about game design... But, that's off topic. You're wonderful, you're charming, you're adorably gross, and you're just fun. Unfortunately, you still get a lot of shit. I would love to pretend that I knew why, but simply, I don't. I've always figured that it was because you're such a passionate man, that when you passionately display your feelings for something, your passion inspires passion in others and so they give you a passionate response. But despite all that, you push through it, and you do what you love, and I could not possibly respect you more for that. I'm still a young lad (16), but your videos have left an imprint on me that will last forever. I have no way to share my love for you other than... Thank you Arin, for changing my life. Daniel Sexbaniel: Everyone loves you, and for damn good reason. You're the most genuine, kind soul I've ever seen, and one day hope to meet. You're sweet, funny, charming, handsome, and above all else just a good person. You're quite literally my idol. I suffer from paranoia and anger management issues, which have been a cripple on my life for a long time. But as soon as you joined the grumps, you shined a light on me no therapist could have hoped to. Your happy attitude and accepting mind inspired me so much that every time I get angry or scared, I calm down and try to... well, be like you. You're my inspiration for being a better person, and just the fact that you exist puts a smile on my face. You make me proud to be Jewish. Thank you Danny, for making me a better person. Jon Jafavari: I'm sorry, but I totally forgot what your last name was. I think I nailed it. Anyways, you're the co-founder of the grumps and nobody will forget that. Your impact on the show was so huge that your leaving tore a hole in the community itself, a hole that has still barely begun to stitch itself back together. Your face is everywhere, and you truly made the show what it is today. Your fun and lighthearted attitude was refreshing and welcome, and your reactions and jokes split my sides. After your necessary evil of departing from the grumps, you grew. And big time. Your show is back and better than ever, with hilarious content and genuine love stitched into its script. Everything about you is wonderful and fun, and you're a joy to witness. I had it decently rough growing up, and I thought that being happy and laughing with friends was something beyond what I would get to experience. You proved me wrong, fast. I've never met you, but you felt like a friend, and no matter what you did I laughed with you. Thank you Jon, for making me smile and remember what it's like to be truly happy. Ross O'Prons: I hate picking favorites, but fuck it. I fucking love you, Ross. You're easily my favorite Grump. You unfortunately have to deal with a lot of repeated jokes and fake dislike towards you, but I truly hope you understand that it's a joke. I love the shit out of you. Your animations were my life, even back on Newgrounds, and I look forward to them every day. Your mischievous personality always gets me cracking a naughty smile, as does your genuine excitement and love for everything you do. When you get serious, I sit down and listen. I love how honest and down to earth you are, and every episode with you in it is a ride down lovely lane. I don't know what else to say, to be honest. All I'd be doing is gushing about how amazing you are. Holly is a lucky woman. God dammit Ross, you've gone and made my days worth living. Barry Coffeecreamer: Dude. Come on. You began as a silent god, speaking only in yellow text and making Game Grumps possible. You then entered the show as a silent badass, creaming all over the rest of the grumps and making us all laugh at the pain you put them through. You're now a major grump, appearing in Steam Train, Grumpcade, and a load more. You're the most real dude on the show. When you're with Ross, you're hilarious and silly. With Dan, you're funny and witty. With Arin, you're insane and great friends. With Suzy, you're classy and charming. You're a jack of all trades, and the most fun motherfucker to watch. You're honest and real with the fans, no matter what happens. You're humble, and wonderful, and for fucks sake Barry geT INSIDE ME. But for real though. Thank you Barry, for being the backstage hero of Game Grumps and teaching me to work hard for what I want. Suzy c: : SUUUUZYYYY. You get a lot of unnecessary hate. You're hella real, hella funny, and the only thing holding the grumps together. You work hard and get results, having fun along the way. Unfortunately, Table Flip had come under some controversy, but it's easily an amazing show. You love the people you work with, you love your job, you love your fans, and send me to hell if we don't all love you. You and Arin are an adorable married couple, and I could not wish more happiness on the both of you. Thank you Suzy, for being the only thing keeping these idiots organised and functional, all the while showing me what it's like to love. Holly want a cracker: You're also loved, and for equally good reason. I really don't know what amazing thing about you makes you so wonderful to be around and listen to and watch, but all of those things are 100% true. For some reason, no matter what you're in, you light up the room. It's just so fun to listen to you talk about random shit, and be so passionate about your animals. You're a joy to watch, and I'm glad you're part of the grumps. To be completely honest, though, I don't really know much about you. I only recently found out about your channel, so it's time to go binge-watch everything. Ross is a lucky man. Thank you Holly, for being who you are. Sexy Wittle Kevin: You're the newest addition to the grumps, and a damn fine one at that. You're adorable and funny, and you fit right in with the rest of them. Your editing skills are almost past Barry's, and you were kind enough to take a huge workload. You're entertaining to watch, and a damn good guy. Just like Holly though, I don't know much about you. Even less, actually. I'm probably going to have to run around and stalk what you've done. I need more Kevin in my life. Thank you Kevin, for being such a kind guy and joining the Grumps. I really, REALLY hope I didn't miss anyone. But as a whole, the show is just... Good, man. It's done so much for me, it's saved my life and then turned it upside down. I honestly cannot thank you all enough for what you've done. Hopefully this super shitty and omega-long... thing, is good enough. Writing isn't my thing, but I did my best to express how I felt. It feels good to get it all off my chest. Thank you Game Grumps, for everything. Edit:
Fuck me, these guys are great.
It is quite easy to get things from 3.5 to work with Pathfinder from what I have found. There are a number of things that are very overpowered though and may need to be edited by the GM for balance. TLDR My group has used 3.5 books with pathfinder without a problem
It is quite easy to get things from 3.5 to work with Pathfinder from what I have found. There are a number of things that are very overpowered though and may need to be edited by the GM for balance. TLDR My group has used 3.5 books with pathfinder without a problem
It is quite easy to get things from 3.5 to work with Pathfinder from what I have found. There are a number of things that are very overpowered though and may need to be edited by the GM for balance.
My group has used 3.5 books with pathfinder without a problem
I am new to the game with a level 43 character with leatherworker and huntsmen at the appropriate level. From my observations at this point the rule "the sum of the parts > sum of the whole" always applies sometimes by a very large margin. My room mate who is new to the game always sells any crafting material he harvests, and is doing a lot better financially. TLDR: Does crafting ever become more economical than just outright selling the materials
I am new to the game with a level 43 character with leatherworker and huntsmen at the appropriate level. From my observations at this point the rule "the sum of the parts > sum of the whole" always applies sometimes by a very large margin. My room mate who is new to the game always sells any crafting material he harvests, and is doing a lot better financially. TLDR: Does crafting ever become more economical than just outright selling the materials
I am new to the game with a level 43 character with leatherworker and huntsmen at the appropriate level. From my observations at this point the rule "the sum of the parts > sum of the whole" always applies sometimes by a very large margin. My room mate who is new to the game always sells any crafting material he harvests, and is doing a lot better financially.
Does crafting ever become more economical than just outright selling the materials
I am currently a senior in high school about to turn 18 and I am wondering if I should try dating websites. I have never had a girlfriend, or anything too close to one and I am really shy when it comes to the topic. tl;dr about to turn 18, should i get on dating websites?
I am currently a senior in high school about to turn 18 and I am wondering if I should try dating websites. I have never had a girlfriend, or anything too close to one and I am really shy when it comes to the topic. tl;dr about to turn 18, should i get on dating websites?
I am currently a senior in high school about to turn 18 and I am wondering if I should try dating websites. I have never had a girlfriend, or anything too close to one and I am really shy when it comes to the topic.
about to turn 18, should i get on dating websites?
I'll try and make this short and sweet, I know people hate reading walls of text. So, if you look at my last post, which was about 2 weeks ago, I told the story of how the break up went down and how I was feeling. Its now been about a month and things in my life have been, well I guess I would say weird? First off, I have been sticking to NC pretty well. She texted me on Monday to make sure I wasn't at the marathon (we are from Boston) and when I heard about it, my first thought as well was "I hope to fucking god she is all right!." It kind of threw me off, well the whole day did, my dad was there and a couple of my close friends where there as well, so the whole day was a shit show of emotions for me. Wondering if I was going to get a call saying I'd lost somebody close to me. After answering her and telling her I was at work and safe and she told me she was safe, that was the end of it. I guess what I am trying to get out there is this whole new feeling of living for myself and doing things on my own. I was very dependent on her emotionally and there are times throughout the day where she will flood my brain and I will think about the stupid stuff, vacations we took, cuddling in bed, watching all our shows together and I get so down that I feel like I cant function. On the other side of the spectrum there are times when I am really just hateful towards her and the thought of her. I'll say to myself fuck her, shes going to regret this, I know she probarly already is. The thing is though, I dont think she really does care. Deep down inside of me, I truly dont believe that she is hurting or feeling any kind of remorse or regret. This leads me to believe that maybe she didnt actually love me. This girl was my first love and she said that I was hers, but with the way everything has happened I am starting to believe maybe she didnt love me. Lastly, I have been doing things for myself. Cooking, working out like a champ, eating healthy, enjoying my time with friends who I never really got to see alot. Its in these times, when I dont feel that bad. I dont know if im lieing to myself or if I am in denial, cause I do miss the shit out of her, even if she wasnt the best SO. I get in these moods where I am ready to take on the world and show everybody the person I am capable of doing. It's just a very weird feeling, something I have not experience since before I met her, learning to love myself I guess? Anyway, I am rambling. R/Breakups I am just looking for someone to tell me I am doing the right things, making the right moves and genuially coping in the right ways. I am trying so hard to be okay with myself and to look towards the future. Sometimes its scary as fuck and sometimes I feel like a kid on christmas morning. Any advice? TLDR; Gf of 5 years peaced out, I am doing the best to hold it together. I am a rollercoaster of emotions, just looking for advice on how to keep treading water.
I'll try and make this short and sweet, I know people hate reading walls of text. So, if you look at my last post, which was about 2 weeks ago, I told the story of how the break up went down and how I was feeling. Its now been about a month and things in my life have been, well I guess I would say weird? First off, I have been sticking to NC pretty well. She texted me on Monday to make sure I wasn't at the marathon (we are from Boston) and when I heard about it, my first thought as well was "I hope to fucking god she is all right!." It kind of threw me off, well the whole day did, my dad was there and a couple of my close friends where there as well, so the whole day was a shit show of emotions for me. Wondering if I was going to get a call saying I'd lost somebody close to me. After answering her and telling her I was at work and safe and she told me she was safe, that was the end of it. I guess what I am trying to get out there is this whole new feeling of living for myself and doing things on my own. I was very dependent on her emotionally and there are times throughout the day where she will flood my brain and I will think about the stupid stuff, vacations we took, cuddling in bed, watching all our shows together and I get so down that I feel like I cant function. On the other side of the spectrum there are times when I am really just hateful towards her and the thought of her. I'll say to myself fuck her, shes going to regret this, I know she probarly already is. The thing is though, I dont think she really does care. Deep down inside of me, I truly dont believe that she is hurting or feeling any kind of remorse or regret. This leads me to believe that maybe she didnt actually love me. This girl was my first love and she said that I was hers, but with the way everything has happened I am starting to believe maybe she didnt love me. Lastly, I have been doing things for myself. Cooking, working out like a champ, eating healthy, enjoying my time with friends who I never really got to see alot. Its in these times, when I dont feel that bad. I dont know if im lieing to myself or if I am in denial, cause I do miss the shit out of her, even if she wasnt the best SO. I get in these moods where I am ready to take on the world and show everybody the person I am capable of doing. It's just a very weird feeling, something I have not experience since before I met her, learning to love myself I guess? Anyway, I am rambling. R/Breakups I am just looking for someone to tell me I am doing the right things, making the right moves and genuially coping in the right ways. I am trying so hard to be okay with myself and to look towards the future. Sometimes its scary as fuck and sometimes I feel like a kid on christmas morning. Any advice? TLDR; Gf of 5 years peaced out, I am doing the best to hold it together. I am a rollercoaster of emotions, just looking for advice on how to keep treading water.
I'll try and make this short and sweet, I know people hate reading walls of text. So, if you look at my last post, which was about 2 weeks ago, I told the story of how the break up went down and how I was feeling. Its now been about a month and things in my life have been, well I guess I would say weird? First off, I have been sticking to NC pretty well. She texted me on Monday to make sure I wasn't at the marathon (we are from Boston) and when I heard about it, my first thought as well was "I hope to fucking god she is all right!." It kind of threw me off, well the whole day did, my dad was there and a couple of my close friends where there as well, so the whole day was a shit show of emotions for me. Wondering if I was going to get a call saying I'd lost somebody close to me. After answering her and telling her I was at work and safe and she told me she was safe, that was the end of it. I guess what I am trying to get out there is this whole new feeling of living for myself and doing things on my own. I was very dependent on her emotionally and there are times throughout the day where she will flood my brain and I will think about the stupid stuff, vacations we took, cuddling in bed, watching all our shows together and I get so down that I feel like I cant function. On the other side of the spectrum there are times when I am really just hateful towards her and the thought of her. I'll say to myself fuck her, shes going to regret this, I know she probarly already is. The thing is though, I dont think she really does care. Deep down inside of me, I truly dont believe that she is hurting or feeling any kind of remorse or regret. This leads me to believe that maybe she didnt actually love me. This girl was my first love and she said that I was hers, but with the way everything has happened I am starting to believe maybe she didnt love me. Lastly, I have been doing things for myself. Cooking, working out like a champ, eating healthy, enjoying my time with friends who I never really got to see alot. Its in these times, when I dont feel that bad. I dont know if im lieing to myself or if I am in denial, cause I do miss the shit out of her, even if she wasnt the best SO. I get in these moods where I am ready to take on the world and show everybody the person I am capable of doing. It's just a very weird feeling, something I have not experience since before I met her, learning to love myself I guess? Anyway, I am rambling. R/Breakups I am just looking for someone to tell me I am doing the right things, making the right moves and genuially coping in the right ways. I am trying so hard to be okay with myself and to look towards the future. Sometimes its scary as fuck and sometimes I feel like a kid on christmas morning. Any advice?
Gf of 5 years peaced out, I am doing the best to hold it together. I am a rollercoaster of emotions, just looking for advice on how to keep treading water.
As I'm laying on my bed now, contemplating my life and trying to take a momentary mental vacation on reddit, I came across your post. My girlfriend recently let me know that she is going to attend al anon meetings in order to deal with my 'addictive' video gaming habit. In truth, she's not wrong. It has been addictive. I know because I have a long history with addictions to substances and processes in my life and the lives of my family members. I am now in long term recovery from substances, but I have recently been noticing that video games have been turning into my solution for the stresses of life. And detracting from my presence of mind. Unfortunately, video games are more than that to me. For one, I love them. They have served, entertained, and inspired me since I was around 5 years old, and I am absolutely terrified and saddened that it seems like I might have finally reached that point where I have to give them up. I don't really know what to do, but I know that I can't really keep going on with things the way they are, I know that I will eventually lose my relationship and my emotional health will decline if I do that. Anyway, I know this is a little more serious then your original post, but I just wanted to say my piece, considering where my heart is today. TL DR; Girlfriend says my gaming is addictive, I know it's time to give them up. Scared. Wanted to share.
As I'm laying on my bed now, contemplating my life and trying to take a momentary mental vacation on reddit, I came across your post. My girlfriend recently let me know that she is going to attend al anon meetings in order to deal with my 'addictive' video gaming habit. In truth, she's not wrong. It has been addictive. I know because I have a long history with addictions to substances and processes in my life and the lives of my family members. I am now in long term recovery from substances, but I have recently been noticing that video games have been turning into my solution for the stresses of life. And detracting from my presence of mind. Unfortunately, video games are more than that to me. For one, I love them. They have served, entertained, and inspired me since I was around 5 years old, and I am absolutely terrified and saddened that it seems like I might have finally reached that point where I have to give them up. I don't really know what to do, but I know that I can't really keep going on with things the way they are, I know that I will eventually lose my relationship and my emotional health will decline if I do that. Anyway, I know this is a little more serious then your original post, but I just wanted to say my piece, considering where my heart is today. TL DR; Girlfriend says my gaming is addictive, I know it's time to give them up. Scared. Wanted to share.
As I'm laying on my bed now, contemplating my life and trying to take a momentary mental vacation on reddit, I came across your post. My girlfriend recently let me know that she is going to attend al anon meetings in order to deal with my 'addictive' video gaming habit. In truth, she's not wrong. It has been addictive. I know because I have a long history with addictions to substances and processes in my life and the lives of my family members. I am now in long term recovery from substances, but I have recently been noticing that video games have been turning into my solution for the stresses of life. And detracting from my presence of mind. Unfortunately, video games are more than that to me. For one, I love them. They have served, entertained, and inspired me since I was around 5 years old, and I am absolutely terrified and saddened that it seems like I might have finally reached that point where I have to give them up. I don't really know what to do, but I know that I can't really keep going on with things the way they are, I know that I will eventually lose my relationship and my emotional health will decline if I do that. Anyway, I know this is a little more serious then your original post, but I just wanted to say my piece, considering where my heart is today.
Girlfriend says my gaming is addictive, I know it's time to give them up. Scared. Wanted to share.
I dunno man, I mean even the best closers have to allow runs. He's only allowed 2 or more ER in a game four times all season. He has blown his last two saves, but they were both with one-run leads. In fact, those are the only two runs he has allowed in his past 13 appearances since July 7, over which span he has a 1.46 ERA. TL;DR: he's fine
I dunno man, I mean even the best closers have to allow runs. He's only allowed 2 or more ER in a game four times all season. He has blown his last two saves, but they were both with one-run leads. In fact, those are the only two runs he has allowed in his past 13 appearances since July 7, over which span he has a 1.46 ERA. TL;DR: he's fine
I dunno man, I mean even the best closers have to allow runs. He's only allowed 2 or more ER in a game four times all season. He has blown his last two saves, but they were both with one-run leads. In fact, those are the only two runs he has allowed in his past 13 appearances since July 7, over which span he has a 1.46 ERA.
he's fine
I know I'm late to this now but I want to comment anyway. It was when I was about 15 and I ended up telling my dad I hated him. We had been arguing several times a week for quite a while and this time seriously set me off. We were arguing about some yard work or something and it got to the point where I was tearing up and just wanted to be alone. So I ran inside, all while my dad is following and still yelling at me, and I said to go away, we'll talk when we're not mad. He is literally 2 inches from my sobbing face, sitting in the corner of my room still screaming and I finally looked up and said those three words. I hate you. It crushed him and myself as soon as the words left my mouth. I'm actually kind of tearing up now thinking about it. He left me alone until later that night when he sat down and calmly talked to me. I knew my dad had an abusive childhood but I didn't know how bad. He tells me how my grandfather has never said "I love you" in the 45 years he has been alive. Not once. And how he was hugged for the first time by him recently during a rough patch in my parents marriage. Anyways, we hugged it out and told him I didn't mean it, I just wanted him to leave me alone. This was years and years ago but I still wish I never said it. My parents are now in the middle of a divorce so my dad moved in with my grandfather to take care of him through his battle with cancer. It's really brought that side of the family closer together which is really nice to see. Grandpa is on the way to full recovery but I cannot say the same about the divorce. That shit's still going down. TL;DR - Told my dad I hated him and immediately regretted it.
I know I'm late to this now but I want to comment anyway. It was when I was about 15 and I ended up telling my dad I hated him. We had been arguing several times a week for quite a while and this time seriously set me off. We were arguing about some yard work or something and it got to the point where I was tearing up and just wanted to be alone. So I ran inside, all while my dad is following and still yelling at me, and I said to go away, we'll talk when we're not mad. He is literally 2 inches from my sobbing face, sitting in the corner of my room still screaming and I finally looked up and said those three words. I hate you. It crushed him and myself as soon as the words left my mouth. I'm actually kind of tearing up now thinking about it. He left me alone until later that night when he sat down and calmly talked to me. I knew my dad had an abusive childhood but I didn't know how bad. He tells me how my grandfather has never said "I love you" in the 45 years he has been alive. Not once. And how he was hugged for the first time by him recently during a rough patch in my parents marriage. Anyways, we hugged it out and told him I didn't mean it, I just wanted him to leave me alone. This was years and years ago but I still wish I never said it. My parents are now in the middle of a divorce so my dad moved in with my grandfather to take care of him through his battle with cancer. It's really brought that side of the family closer together which is really nice to see. Grandpa is on the way to full recovery but I cannot say the same about the divorce. That shit's still going down. TL;DR - Told my dad I hated him and immediately regretted it.
I know I'm late to this now but I want to comment anyway. It was when I was about 15 and I ended up telling my dad I hated him. We had been arguing several times a week for quite a while and this time seriously set me off. We were arguing about some yard work or something and it got to the point where I was tearing up and just wanted to be alone. So I ran inside, all while my dad is following and still yelling at me, and I said to go away, we'll talk when we're not mad. He is literally 2 inches from my sobbing face, sitting in the corner of my room still screaming and I finally looked up and said those three words. I hate you. It crushed him and myself as soon as the words left my mouth. I'm actually kind of tearing up now thinking about it. He left me alone until later that night when he sat down and calmly talked to me. I knew my dad had an abusive childhood but I didn't know how bad. He tells me how my grandfather has never said "I love you" in the 45 years he has been alive. Not once. And how he was hugged for the first time by him recently during a rough patch in my parents marriage. Anyways, we hugged it out and told him I didn't mean it, I just wanted him to leave me alone. This was years and years ago but I still wish I never said it. My parents are now in the middle of a divorce so my dad moved in with my grandfather to take care of him through his battle with cancer. It's really brought that side of the family closer together which is really nice to see. Grandpa is on the way to full recovery but I cannot say the same about the divorce. That shit's still going down.
Told my dad I hated him and immediately regretted it.
When I was young I used to be afraid of dogs. I don't know why, but it was most likely sharp teeth. When I was 11, a family that sells dogs for a living moved down the street and they let me play with the dogs. I got more comfortable with dogs and convinced my parents to get one. Now I love dogs. I love playing with dogs and having a companion around the house. **TL;DR Dogs used to scare me, but exposure to them, led me to liking them**
When I was young I used to be afraid of dogs. I don't know why, but it was most likely sharp teeth. When I was 11, a family that sells dogs for a living moved down the street and they let me play with the dogs. I got more comfortable with dogs and convinced my parents to get one. Now I love dogs. I love playing with dogs and having a companion around the house. TL;DR Dogs used to scare me, but exposure to them, led me to liking them
When I was young I used to be afraid of dogs. I don't know why, but it was most likely sharp teeth. When I was 11, a family that sells dogs for a living moved down the street and they let me play with the dogs. I got more comfortable with dogs and convinced my parents to get one. Now I love dogs. I love playing with dogs and having a companion around the house.
Dogs used to scare me, but exposure to them, led me to liking them
Hey guys, hopefully someone can help me out here. My roommate, who is also one of my best friends, recently broke up with a girl that I have had a crush on for some time now. I was friends with both of them and trying to be a nice guy, I offered to talk to her and make sure she was doing alright. I soon found out though, that the feelings I had for her, were mutual. My roommate suspects this, and I do not have the heart to tell him because I am worried that he will harm himself. What should I do? Am I completely wrong for having feelings for this girl? Is he being immature for wanting to control the whole situation? Any input would be greatly appreciated! tl;dr: I want roommate's ex. Good idea? Bad idea?
Hey guys, hopefully someone can help me out here. My roommate, who is also one of my best friends, recently broke up with a girl that I have had a crush on for some time now. I was friends with both of them and trying to be a nice guy, I offered to talk to her and make sure she was doing alright. I soon found out though, that the feelings I had for her, were mutual. My roommate suspects this, and I do not have the heart to tell him because I am worried that he will harm himself. What should I do? Am I completely wrong for having feelings for this girl? Is he being immature for wanting to control the whole situation? Any input would be greatly appreciated! tl;dr: I want roommate's ex. Good idea? Bad idea?
Hey guys, hopefully someone can help me out here. My roommate, who is also one of my best friends, recently broke up with a girl that I have had a crush on for some time now. I was friends with both of them and trying to be a nice guy, I offered to talk to her and make sure she was doing alright. I soon found out though, that the feelings I had for her, were mutual. My roommate suspects this, and I do not have the heart to tell him because I am worried that he will harm himself. What should I do? Am I completely wrong for having feelings for this girl? Is he being immature for wanting to control the whole situation? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I want roommate's ex. Good idea? Bad idea?
Basically, I got the game, played it non-stop and then decided to downgrade from IOS 8.4 beta without backing up; thinking that the game would save via iCloud. Boy was I wrong, I've now lost all my save and in all honesty, I don't feel like starting again. So be careful in case you wanted to save space by deleting the game. Tl;dr: Don't delete the game, as there is no way to get saves back.
Basically, I got the game, played it non-stop and then decided to downgrade from IOS 8.4 beta without backing up; thinking that the game would save via iCloud. Boy was I wrong, I've now lost all my save and in all honesty, I don't feel like starting again. So be careful in case you wanted to save space by deleting the game. Tl;dr: Don't delete the game, as there is no way to get saves back.
Basically, I got the game, played it non-stop and then decided to downgrade from IOS 8.4 beta without backing up; thinking that the game would save via iCloud. Boy was I wrong, I've now lost all my save and in all honesty, I don't feel like starting again. So be careful in case you wanted to save space by deleting the game.
Don't delete the game, as there is no way to get saves back.
While I agree that 3rd person perspective ruins the immersion, I cannot agree with the WOT spotting mechanic. It's true that it follows some clear rules but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes it's just too silly (i.e.: you spot a tank destroyer 200m away moving, then he stops to shoot you and in 5 seconds it disappears, but he's still there under an invisible cloak). Arma/Dayz is the only game I know with such a huge vew distance and I appreciate it due to this. If you implement such a RNG mechanic, it will hurt it a lot. EDIT:I am subjective since I really didn't like that spotting mechanic in WOT. I like the one in War Thunder though. You can still see a dot where the enemy is but you don't know what it is. TL,DR: Disappearing enemies are less immersive than 3rd person view.
While I agree that 3rd person perspective ruins the immersion, I cannot agree with the WOT spotting mechanic. It's true that it follows some clear rules but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes it's just too silly (i.e.: you spot a tank destroyer 200m away moving, then he stops to shoot you and in 5 seconds it disappears, but he's still there under an invisible cloak). Arma/Dayz is the only game I know with such a huge vew distance and I appreciate it due to this. If you implement such a RNG mechanic, it will hurt it a lot. EDIT:I am subjective since I really didn't like that spotting mechanic in WOT. I like the one in War Thunder though. You can still see a dot where the enemy is but you don't know what it is. TL,DR: Disappearing enemies are less immersive than 3rd person view.
While I agree that 3rd person perspective ruins the immersion, I cannot agree with the WOT spotting mechanic. It's true that it follows some clear rules but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes it's just too silly (i.e.: you spot a tank destroyer 200m away moving, then he stops to shoot you and in 5 seconds it disappears, but he's still there under an invisible cloak). Arma/Dayz is the only game I know with such a huge vew distance and I appreciate it due to this. If you implement such a RNG mechanic, it will hurt it a lot. EDIT:I am subjective since I really didn't like that spotting mechanic in WOT. I like the one in War Thunder though. You can still see a dot where the enemy is but you don't know what it is.
Disappearing enemies are less immersive than 3rd person view.
I've always had low self esteem and I'm pretty adept at ignoring all my problems but I feel like I'm hitting a wall that's preventing me from moving on again. Something similar happened last year but I just ignored it and it went away like background noise but the feeling is back and now it's worse than ever. It's like I *can't* ignore it anymore - all I want to do is sleep; I'm tired and constantly on the verge of tears. I thought that if I piled on the activities and classes to keep me constantly busy I wouldn't have the time to *think* but now I just have all these activities and the background noise isn't even background noise anymore but a constant siren of negativity and it's preventing me from keeping these commitments. Everything was going fine - I had my classes and extracurriculars under control. Sure, I wasn't getting the *best* grades (B's) and I only had one extracurricular but I was trying my best and I thought that was good enough - that I was good enough. Then I realized that what I was doing wasn't. That I wasn't. And it was like everything I was keeping holed up came crashing back. Suddenly I realized that everyone was doing better in everything. And while I've always had problems with comparing myself to people (which goes along with my low self esteem), this wasn't an unjustified comparison. I know everyone's not the same and good at different things but I kept thinking: Sure, soandso may not be this but (s)he's this. And then I got to me and I realized I couldn't think of anything that I had going for me. Not. A. Single. Thing. I really had no future. I thought I had a chance at one but now everything seems bleak. I kept drifting back into this hole of inadequacy - still am - and *I feel like I deserve it.* I deserve to be in this shit hole and while I don't want to die, I don't exactly want to live either. Why should I deserve to feel anything but this when it really is all self imposed? I have nothing to offer and it's all my fault. It's my fault I ended up the way I am and it's my fault I can't drag myself out of the hole I dug. Every piece of advice I hear is some variation of "if I can do it, so can you!" but I can't. And that's all my fault. It's my fault I fell into the hole and now it seems that it's mine because I can't get out while everyone else is able to move on and be productive human beings. I've even begun to accept that it's always going to be like this. It wont end. This cycle has been happening for as long as I can remember and the low points are only becoming more substantial and prolonged. tl;dr - I believe I deserve to be depressed because I'm a loser with no redeeming qualities and I'm just wondering if this is a common phenomena or if I'm just odd.
I've always had low self esteem and I'm pretty adept at ignoring all my problems but I feel like I'm hitting a wall that's preventing me from moving on again. Something similar happened last year but I just ignored it and it went away like background noise but the feeling is back and now it's worse than ever. It's like I can't ignore it anymore - all I want to do is sleep; I'm tired and constantly on the verge of tears. I thought that if I piled on the activities and classes to keep me constantly busy I wouldn't have the time to think but now I just have all these activities and the background noise isn't even background noise anymore but a constant siren of negativity and it's preventing me from keeping these commitments. Everything was going fine - I had my classes and extracurriculars under control. Sure, I wasn't getting the best grades (B's) and I only had one extracurricular but I was trying my best and I thought that was good enough - that I was good enough. Then I realized that what I was doing wasn't. That I wasn't. And it was like everything I was keeping holed up came crashing back. Suddenly I realized that everyone was doing better in everything. And while I've always had problems with comparing myself to people (which goes along with my low self esteem), this wasn't an unjustified comparison. I know everyone's not the same and good at different things but I kept thinking: Sure, soandso may not be this but (s)he's this. And then I got to me and I realized I couldn't think of anything that I had going for me. Not. A. Single. Thing. I really had no future. I thought I had a chance at one but now everything seems bleak. I kept drifting back into this hole of inadequacy - still am - and I feel like I deserve it. I deserve to be in this shit hole and while I don't want to die, I don't exactly want to live either. Why should I deserve to feel anything but this when it really is all self imposed? I have nothing to offer and it's all my fault. It's my fault I ended up the way I am and it's my fault I can't drag myself out of the hole I dug. Every piece of advice I hear is some variation of "if I can do it, so can you!" but I can't. And that's all my fault. It's my fault I fell into the hole and now it seems that it's mine because I can't get out while everyone else is able to move on and be productive human beings. I've even begun to accept that it's always going to be like this. It wont end. This cycle has been happening for as long as I can remember and the low points are only becoming more substantial and prolonged. tl;dr - I believe I deserve to be depressed because I'm a loser with no redeeming qualities and I'm just wondering if this is a common phenomena or if I'm just odd.
I've always had low self esteem and I'm pretty adept at ignoring all my problems but I feel like I'm hitting a wall that's preventing me from moving on again. Something similar happened last year but I just ignored it and it went away like background noise but the feeling is back and now it's worse than ever. It's like I can't ignore it anymore - all I want to do is sleep; I'm tired and constantly on the verge of tears. I thought that if I piled on the activities and classes to keep me constantly busy I wouldn't have the time to think but now I just have all these activities and the background noise isn't even background noise anymore but a constant siren of negativity and it's preventing me from keeping these commitments. Everything was going fine - I had my classes and extracurriculars under control. Sure, I wasn't getting the best grades (B's) and I only had one extracurricular but I was trying my best and I thought that was good enough - that I was good enough. Then I realized that what I was doing wasn't. That I wasn't. And it was like everything I was keeping holed up came crashing back. Suddenly I realized that everyone was doing better in everything. And while I've always had problems with comparing myself to people (which goes along with my low self esteem), this wasn't an unjustified comparison. I know everyone's not the same and good at different things but I kept thinking: Sure, soandso may not be this but (s)he's this. And then I got to me and I realized I couldn't think of anything that I had going for me. Not. A. Single. Thing. I really had no future. I thought I had a chance at one but now everything seems bleak. I kept drifting back into this hole of inadequacy - still am - and I feel like I deserve it. I deserve to be in this shit hole and while I don't want to die, I don't exactly want to live either. Why should I deserve to feel anything but this when it really is all self imposed? I have nothing to offer and it's all my fault. It's my fault I ended up the way I am and it's my fault I can't drag myself out of the hole I dug. Every piece of advice I hear is some variation of "if I can do it, so can you!" but I can't. And that's all my fault. It's my fault I fell into the hole and now it seems that it's mine because I can't get out while everyone else is able to move on and be productive human beings. I've even begun to accept that it's always going to be like this. It wont end. This cycle has been happening for as long as I can remember and the low points are only becoming more substantial and prolonged.
I believe I deserve to be depressed because I'm a loser with no redeeming qualities and I'm just wondering if this is a common phenomena or if I'm just odd.
So, more happened today... The not understanding owner came in and yelled at me about a blog post. In case I did not say so before: all employees are now required to contribute to the blog. The post he was yelling at me for is in regards to The Last of Us. Someone made a fan film, and my post referenced while referencing and plugging upcoming product releases for the game. It was labeled Not Suitable For Work in the blog entry. I had sent the entry a day earlier to someone at our secondary location to examine and post if it was found to be suitable. The Walking Dead Season 4 trailer had been posted a week before, and there was no tag for that. Lol He accused me of making jokes about the incident and how he handled it and of making light of a settled situation, despite the fact that it is not settled. He then went into the back room. He came out later and asked me about the printed copies if the e-mail the manager had sent. Now, these e-mails had been inside my personal lunch bag. I believe that by going into my lunch bag, he violated my personal privacy. He brought my status as a Christian into play and accused me of being nitpicky about the manager's behavior, as he is human and allowed to be cold and unprofessional to me after what he did. He asked me if I was considering litigation, and I DID lie about that. I did not like doing it, but I did not want to throw my lawyer under the bus. He left after stating that both the manager and myself would be receiving warnings, and he said there would be a meeting tomorrow at noon between him, the other owner, the manager, and myself. I cannot attend this meeting. It is at the start of my shift, and I view this as an intimidation tactic. I have called and left a message with my lawyer and am praying for the best. Tl;dr: the not understanding owner yelled at me over something that was not a true problem; he violated my personal property and decided that there will be a meeting tomorrow with him, the other owner, the manager who assaulted me, and me at the beginning of my shift tomorrow; I called and left a message with my lawyer
So, more happened today... The not understanding owner came in and yelled at me about a blog post. In case I did not say so before: all employees are now required to contribute to the blog. The post he was yelling at me for is in regards to The Last of Us. Someone made a fan film, and my post referenced while referencing and plugging upcoming product releases for the game. It was labeled Not Suitable For Work in the blog entry. I had sent the entry a day earlier to someone at our secondary location to examine and post if it was found to be suitable. The Walking Dead Season 4 trailer had been posted a week before, and there was no tag for that. Lol He accused me of making jokes about the incident and how he handled it and of making light of a settled situation, despite the fact that it is not settled. He then went into the back room. He came out later and asked me about the printed copies if the e-mail the manager had sent. Now, these e-mails had been inside my personal lunch bag. I believe that by going into my lunch bag, he violated my personal privacy. He brought my status as a Christian into play and accused me of being nitpicky about the manager's behavior, as he is human and allowed to be cold and unprofessional to me after what he did. He asked me if I was considering litigation, and I DID lie about that. I did not like doing it, but I did not want to throw my lawyer under the bus. He left after stating that both the manager and myself would be receiving warnings, and he said there would be a meeting tomorrow at noon between him, the other owner, the manager, and myself. I cannot attend this meeting. It is at the start of my shift, and I view this as an intimidation tactic. I have called and left a message with my lawyer and am praying for the best. Tl;dr: the not understanding owner yelled at me over something that was not a true problem; he violated my personal property and decided that there will be a meeting tomorrow with him, the other owner, the manager who assaulted me, and me at the beginning of my shift tomorrow; I called and left a message with my lawyer
So, more happened today... The not understanding owner came in and yelled at me about a blog post. In case I did not say so before: all employees are now required to contribute to the blog. The post he was yelling at me for is in regards to The Last of Us. Someone made a fan film, and my post referenced while referencing and plugging upcoming product releases for the game. It was labeled Not Suitable For Work in the blog entry. I had sent the entry a day earlier to someone at our secondary location to examine and post if it was found to be suitable. The Walking Dead Season 4 trailer had been posted a week before, and there was no tag for that. Lol He accused me of making jokes about the incident and how he handled it and of making light of a settled situation, despite the fact that it is not settled. He then went into the back room. He came out later and asked me about the printed copies if the e-mail the manager had sent. Now, these e-mails had been inside my personal lunch bag. I believe that by going into my lunch bag, he violated my personal privacy. He brought my status as a Christian into play and accused me of being nitpicky about the manager's behavior, as he is human and allowed to be cold and unprofessional to me after what he did. He asked me if I was considering litigation, and I DID lie about that. I did not like doing it, but I did not want to throw my lawyer under the bus. He left after stating that both the manager and myself would be receiving warnings, and he said there would be a meeting tomorrow at noon between him, the other owner, the manager, and myself. I cannot attend this meeting. It is at the start of my shift, and I view this as an intimidation tactic. I have called and left a message with my lawyer and am praying for the best.
the not understanding owner yelled at me over something that was not a true problem; he violated my personal property and decided that there will be a meeting tomorrow with him, the other owner, the manager who assaulted me, and me at the beginning of my shift tomorrow; I called and left a message with my lawyer
This is because more people have access to more website writing software and more websites are made. Inevitably there will be a range of websites from shitty half arsed ones put together by people who don't know what they're doing, through seamless sites which you won't notice any issues with, right up to cutting edge coding that pushes hardware limitations as people try out new stuff. TL:DR there will always be websites that don't work smoothly, because of incompetence and innovation.
This is because more people have access to more website writing software and more websites are made. Inevitably there will be a range of websites from shitty half arsed ones put together by people who don't know what they're doing, through seamless sites which you won't notice any issues with, right up to cutting edge coding that pushes hardware limitations as people try out new stuff. TL:DR there will always be websites that don't work smoothly, because of incompetence and innovation.
This is because more people have access to more website writing software and more websites are made. Inevitably there will be a range of websites from shitty half arsed ones put together by people who don't know what they're doing, through seamless sites which you won't notice any issues with, right up to cutting edge coding that pushes hardware limitations as people try out new stuff.
there will always be websites that don't work smoothly, because of incompetence and innovation.
So this girl and I have been talking for about a six weeks, and things have been going great - we have a lot of things in common, we've really hit it off, and we've both expressed interest through mutual friends. But here's the thing - we haven't really talked about what we want out of the potential relationship. We're both goal-driven people, so neither of us are really looking for anything super serious that could prevent us from accomplishing said goals. We just hung out yesterday, and I couldn't be happier with how things went. However, I couldn't help but feel upset knowing that we both want something together, but our determination to complete our goals is keeping us from letting ourselves see where things go. Hearing what she's said about how she views "us" is nice, knowing that she shares the same feelings and wouldn't be opposed to having a relationship later on, but it almost hurts at the same time. I don't know how she feels about this, but part of me feels as if I really, really want to at least give things a shot now, because we're only doing ourselves an injustice by not allowing ourselves to express our feelings and seeing where things could go. When we talk, it's almost as if there's this "elephant in the room" that we should be really happy about and talk about, but we're too afraid to talk about it in-depth. I mean, we've met each other parents, and they seemed like they supported it. Also, a lot of our friends thought we were already together, and they seemed like they really liked the idea of us together; they said we'd be great together. We both already really like each other, so what do we have to lose? tl;dr: We're both very interested in each other, but we haven't had the guts to say anything about it to each other - only to our mutual friends. We've both expressed interest in a relationship, but there's something holding us back.
So this girl and I have been talking for about a six weeks, and things have been going great - we have a lot of things in common, we've really hit it off, and we've both expressed interest through mutual friends. But here's the thing - we haven't really talked about what we want out of the potential relationship. We're both goal-driven people, so neither of us are really looking for anything super serious that could prevent us from accomplishing said goals. We just hung out yesterday, and I couldn't be happier with how things went. However, I couldn't help but feel upset knowing that we both want something together, but our determination to complete our goals is keeping us from letting ourselves see where things go. Hearing what she's said about how she views "us" is nice, knowing that she shares the same feelings and wouldn't be opposed to having a relationship later on, but it almost hurts at the same time. I don't know how she feels about this, but part of me feels as if I really, really want to at least give things a shot now, because we're only doing ourselves an injustice by not allowing ourselves to express our feelings and seeing where things could go. When we talk, it's almost as if there's this "elephant in the room" that we should be really happy about and talk about, but we're too afraid to talk about it in-depth. I mean, we've met each other parents, and they seemed like they supported it. Also, a lot of our friends thought we were already together, and they seemed like they really liked the idea of us together; they said we'd be great together. We both already really like each other, so what do we have to lose? tl;dr: We're both very interested in each other, but we haven't had the guts to say anything about it to each other - only to our mutual friends. We've both expressed interest in a relationship, but there's something holding us back.
So this girl and I have been talking for about a six weeks, and things have been going great - we have a lot of things in common, we've really hit it off, and we've both expressed interest through mutual friends. But here's the thing - we haven't really talked about what we want out of the potential relationship. We're both goal-driven people, so neither of us are really looking for anything super serious that could prevent us from accomplishing said goals. We just hung out yesterday, and I couldn't be happier with how things went. However, I couldn't help but feel upset knowing that we both want something together, but our determination to complete our goals is keeping us from letting ourselves see where things go. Hearing what she's said about how she views "us" is nice, knowing that she shares the same feelings and wouldn't be opposed to having a relationship later on, but it almost hurts at the same time. I don't know how she feels about this, but part of me feels as if I really, really want to at least give things a shot now, because we're only doing ourselves an injustice by not allowing ourselves to express our feelings and seeing where things could go. When we talk, it's almost as if there's this "elephant in the room" that we should be really happy about and talk about, but we're too afraid to talk about it in-depth. I mean, we've met each other parents, and they seemed like they supported it. Also, a lot of our friends thought we were already together, and they seemed like they really liked the idea of us together; they said we'd be great together. We both already really like each other, so what do we have to lose?
We're both very interested in each other, but we haven't had the guts to say anything about it to each other - only to our mutual friends. We've both expressed interest in a relationship, but there's something holding us back.
This is about the most complex situation I've found myself in. I met a girl online in October of last year. It started out as us helping get each other off, but progressed into us actually getting to know each other. The more we talked the harder we both fell. About 4 months after meeting her online I flew from Michigan to the UK where she lives to meet up with her for about 10 days. While we were there, we acted like a couple but once I left things kind of hit the fan for a bit. She was mad that I was excited to leave (I'm very close to my friends and family and missed them). She also was confused and frustrated that I didn't want to say we were together. She wrote me an e-mail saying she couldn't do it any more and we stopped talking for two months. I was devastated. If I'm being 100% honest, the situation scared the shit out of me and I wanted to give her an early out so that I wouldn't get hurt. In my mind I felt that the situation worked out fairly well for me but didn't work for her. I'm a PhD student, I knew that I would be moving 3 to 4 times in the next 3 to 4 years for jobs. The odds of me starting a lasting relationship during that time in my mind were low. But for her, I felt like her being interested in me meant she would be passing up on opportunities. Eventually we started talking again but without the over sexuality. Occasionally things would slip out about desire for one another. I'd always not attend to it. I wanted to be her friend and wanted to be there for her. We did both understand that the feelings were mutual. I think if one of us had the courage to say "I love you" the other would be willing to return it. Over the past 5 months or so our relationship has been building up again. It's more or less everything except the sex. The problem is due to my work schedule, her work schedule and time differences we only get to talk 1 hour a night on weeknights typically and sometimes one of us is busy for that. Anyways, the other night she went on a date. I was encouraging and told her I'd be jealous but I'm happy for her (this happens whenever one of us goes on a date). This felt different though, things had been different between us lately and I found this one hurt. I tend to be someone who's more pragmatic than emotional but this dysregulated me to the point of being nausea. We talked afterwards and we spoke about the impact it had on me. The pragmatic issues of distance, and that ultimately we both want to be in a local relationship. However last night as I was thinking I realized a few things. I only look for dates after I hear of her getting someones number or thinking about it and I don't want to be in a local relationship, I want to be in a local relationship with her. I also realize that I care about this woman so much that I just want her to be happy and that I'm starting to worry that my trying to meet her needs might be leading her to speak up about if she would want to just try to figure out things with me in some way shape or form. I have a lot going on in life right now and it's making it rather hard to be level headed about this. I could really use some insight, suggestions, advice, or support. **TL;DR. Girl who lives far away went on a date that went really well. I'm really upset but don't know if I should say anything because I want her to be happy even if it's not with me.**
This is about the most complex situation I've found myself in. I met a girl online in October of last year. It started out as us helping get each other off, but progressed into us actually getting to know each other. The more we talked the harder we both fell. About 4 months after meeting her online I flew from Michigan to the UK where she lives to meet up with her for about 10 days. While we were there, we acted like a couple but once I left things kind of hit the fan for a bit. She was mad that I was excited to leave (I'm very close to my friends and family and missed them). She also was confused and frustrated that I didn't want to say we were together. She wrote me an e-mail saying she couldn't do it any more and we stopped talking for two months. I was devastated. If I'm being 100% honest, the situation scared the shit out of me and I wanted to give her an early out so that I wouldn't get hurt. In my mind I felt that the situation worked out fairly well for me but didn't work for her. I'm a PhD student, I knew that I would be moving 3 to 4 times in the next 3 to 4 years for jobs. The odds of me starting a lasting relationship during that time in my mind were low. But for her, I felt like her being interested in me meant she would be passing up on opportunities. Eventually we started talking again but without the over sexuality. Occasionally things would slip out about desire for one another. I'd always not attend to it. I wanted to be her friend and wanted to be there for her. We did both understand that the feelings were mutual. I think if one of us had the courage to say "I love you" the other would be willing to return it. Over the past 5 months or so our relationship has been building up again. It's more or less everything except the sex. The problem is due to my work schedule, her work schedule and time differences we only get to talk 1 hour a night on weeknights typically and sometimes one of us is busy for that. Anyways, the other night she went on a date. I was encouraging and told her I'd be jealous but I'm happy for her (this happens whenever one of us goes on a date). This felt different though, things had been different between us lately and I found this one hurt. I tend to be someone who's more pragmatic than emotional but this dysregulated me to the point of being nausea. We talked afterwards and we spoke about the impact it had on me. The pragmatic issues of distance, and that ultimately we both want to be in a local relationship. However last night as I was thinking I realized a few things. I only look for dates after I hear of her getting someones number or thinking about it and I don't want to be in a local relationship, I want to be in a local relationship with her. I also realize that I care about this woman so much that I just want her to be happy and that I'm starting to worry that my trying to meet her needs might be leading her to speak up about if she would want to just try to figure out things with me in some way shape or form. I have a lot going on in life right now and it's making it rather hard to be level headed about this. I could really use some insight, suggestions, advice, or support. TL;DR. Girl who lives far away went on a date that went really well. I'm really upset but don't know if I should say anything because I want her to be happy even if it's not with me.
This is about the most complex situation I've found myself in. I met a girl online in October of last year. It started out as us helping get each other off, but progressed into us actually getting to know each other. The more we talked the harder we both fell. About 4 months after meeting her online I flew from Michigan to the UK where she lives to meet up with her for about 10 days. While we were there, we acted like a couple but once I left things kind of hit the fan for a bit. She was mad that I was excited to leave (I'm very close to my friends and family and missed them). She also was confused and frustrated that I didn't want to say we were together. She wrote me an e-mail saying she couldn't do it any more and we stopped talking for two months. I was devastated. If I'm being 100% honest, the situation scared the shit out of me and I wanted to give her an early out so that I wouldn't get hurt. In my mind I felt that the situation worked out fairly well for me but didn't work for her. I'm a PhD student, I knew that I would be moving 3 to 4 times in the next 3 to 4 years for jobs. The odds of me starting a lasting relationship during that time in my mind were low. But for her, I felt like her being interested in me meant she would be passing up on opportunities. Eventually we started talking again but without the over sexuality. Occasionally things would slip out about desire for one another. I'd always not attend to it. I wanted to be her friend and wanted to be there for her. We did both understand that the feelings were mutual. I think if one of us had the courage to say "I love you" the other would be willing to return it. Over the past 5 months or so our relationship has been building up again. It's more or less everything except the sex. The problem is due to my work schedule, her work schedule and time differences we only get to talk 1 hour a night on weeknights typically and sometimes one of us is busy for that. Anyways, the other night she went on a date. I was encouraging and told her I'd be jealous but I'm happy for her (this happens whenever one of us goes on a date). This felt different though, things had been different between us lately and I found this one hurt. I tend to be someone who's more pragmatic than emotional but this dysregulated me to the point of being nausea. We talked afterwards and we spoke about the impact it had on me. The pragmatic issues of distance, and that ultimately we both want to be in a local relationship. However last night as I was thinking I realized a few things. I only look for dates after I hear of her getting someones number or thinking about it and I don't want to be in a local relationship, I want to be in a local relationship with her. I also realize that I care about this woman so much that I just want her to be happy and that I'm starting to worry that my trying to meet her needs might be leading her to speak up about if she would want to just try to figure out things with me in some way shape or form. I have a lot going on in life right now and it's making it rather hard to be level headed about this. I could really use some insight, suggestions, advice, or support.
Girl who lives far away went on a date that went really well. I'm really upset but don't know if I should say anything because I want her to be happy even if it's not with me.
Sorry but I don't remember the name. You can try googling it. I only watched like 4 episodes but if I remember it was a sorta crappy cliche'd anime with a predictable plot. There were these "creepy" images of dolls that would flash around every 10 minutes or so each episode that was supposed to make the anime "scary". My opinion might not be correct since I only watched 4 episodes so don't take it word for word. **TL,DR**: "scary" anime 2/10 **EDIT:** SOURCE FOUND: "[Another]( based on [this]( novel.
Sorry but I don't remember the name. You can try googling it. I only watched like 4 episodes but if I remember it was a sorta crappy cliche'd anime with a predictable plot. There were these "creepy" images of dolls that would flash around every 10 minutes or so each episode that was supposed to make the anime "scary". My opinion might not be correct since I only watched 4 episodes so don't take it word for word. TL,DR : "scary" anime 2/10 EDIT: SOURCE FOUND: "[Another]( based on [this]( novel.
Sorry but I don't remember the name. You can try googling it. I only watched like 4 episodes but if I remember it was a sorta crappy cliche'd anime with a predictable plot. There were these "creepy" images of dolls that would flash around every 10 minutes or so each episode that was supposed to make the anime "scary". My opinion might not be correct since I only watched 4 episodes so don't take it word for word.
scary" anime 2/10 EDIT: SOURCE FOUND: "[Another]( based on [this]( novel.
My advice to you is to skip the practice league and go for the placement matches.If you end up in bronze/silver or gold (which you will most likely will since you just got the game) keep in mind that most like every 1 of 3 games would be cheese. I'm high level gold EU and yesterday i got cheesed twice in a row, but i won both of the games because i know that people use that strategy to get higher in the ranks and i scout alot especially vs zerg and terran(I'm P).But this is very wrong, because cheesing doesnt make you better player in my oppinion and most people don't realize that.Try to focus on your unit control and learn to expand.Also don't forget macro. TL;DR People in lower leagues cheese allin alot.Basicly if you can hold the first push with good control its like 90% autowin.
My advice to you is to skip the practice league and go for the placement matches.If you end up in bronze/silver or gold (which you will most likely will since you just got the game) keep in mind that most like every 1 of 3 games would be cheese. I'm high level gold EU and yesterday i got cheesed twice in a row, but i won both of the games because i know that people use that strategy to get higher in the ranks and i scout alot especially vs zerg and terran(I'm P).But this is very wrong, because cheesing doesnt make you better player in my oppinion and most people don't realize that.Try to focus on your unit control and learn to expand.Also don't forget macro. TL;DR People in lower leagues cheese allin alot.Basicly if you can hold the first push with good control its like 90% autowin.
My advice to you is to skip the practice league and go for the placement matches.If you end up in bronze/silver or gold (which you will most likely will since you just got the game) keep in mind that most like every 1 of 3 games would be cheese. I'm high level gold EU and yesterday i got cheesed twice in a row, but i won both of the games because i know that people use that strategy to get higher in the ranks and i scout alot especially vs zerg and terran(I'm P).But this is very wrong, because cheesing doesnt make you better player in my oppinion and most people don't realize that.Try to focus on your unit control and learn to expand.Also don't forget macro.
People in lower leagues cheese allin alot.Basicly if you can hold the first push with good control its like 90% autowin.
It seems like a lot to pay for a glorified mylar bag. They talk about 45dB reduction, and Volts/Meter and whatnot, but they don't mention the most important what frequency? There's nothing magical about Faraday cages. The higher the sheet-conductivity, the better the shielding. A couple layers of carefully-folded aluminum foil would give you better protection. This type of conductive-film Faraday shielding only works against high-frequency EM waves. An EM pulse would have low frequency components (<100kHz) that would still penetrate the bag, because the bag simply doesn't have enough capacitance and is not well-grounded. If you truly want to beat an EMP pulse, you need to shield it with mu-metal (look it up). I've used this in physics labs to quash ambient EM low enough to detect individual flux quanta. TL; DR. This is a Mylar bag. This type of shielding is the same that you'd get with a few sheets of aluminum foil. It won't fully protect against EMP. To really protect against EMP, you need mu-metal. Or superconductors.
It seems like a lot to pay for a glorified mylar bag. They talk about 45dB reduction, and Volts/Meter and whatnot, but they don't mention the most important what frequency? There's nothing magical about Faraday cages. The higher the sheet-conductivity, the better the shielding. A couple layers of carefully-folded aluminum foil would give you better protection. This type of conductive-film Faraday shielding only works against high-frequency EM waves. An EM pulse would have low frequency components (<100kHz) that would still penetrate the bag, because the bag simply doesn't have enough capacitance and is not well-grounded. If you truly want to beat an EMP pulse, you need to shield it with mu-metal (look it up). I've used this in physics labs to quash ambient EM low enough to detect individual flux quanta. TL; DR. This is a Mylar bag. This type of shielding is the same that you'd get with a few sheets of aluminum foil. It won't fully protect against EMP. To really protect against EMP, you need mu-metal. Or superconductors.
It seems like a lot to pay for a glorified mylar bag. They talk about 45dB reduction, and Volts/Meter and whatnot, but they don't mention the most important what frequency? There's nothing magical about Faraday cages. The higher the sheet-conductivity, the better the shielding. A couple layers of carefully-folded aluminum foil would give you better protection. This type of conductive-film Faraday shielding only works against high-frequency EM waves. An EM pulse would have low frequency components (<100kHz) that would still penetrate the bag, because the bag simply doesn't have enough capacitance and is not well-grounded. If you truly want to beat an EMP pulse, you need to shield it with mu-metal (look it up). I've used this in physics labs to quash ambient EM low enough to detect individual flux quanta.
This is a Mylar bag. This type of shielding is the same that you'd get with a few sheets of aluminum foil. It won't fully protect against EMP. To really protect against EMP, you need mu-metal. Or superconductors.
They blew most of the budget on the voice acting. It's not that there isn't a ton of content, there is. The biggest problem is that BioWare seems to either have no budget for QA, the engine really is unworkable, or their programmers are just weak. Take a look at the latest expansion, Shadow of Revan. On paper it looks great. Two new planets, a new story arc, new dungeons, new operations (raids), etc. Then you play it and you get: - Two small planets with barely enough content to fill the increase in level cap (5 levels). -Three of the "New Hard Mode" dungeons are just scaled up older dungeons from the lead up to the expansion. - The story arc, including the final boss, can be completed solo (if desired) within a week of launch. This isn't like other MMO's where they launch an expansion and then patch in new updates to that expansion for a year or two. The expansion storyline is pretty much over and they're moving to a new arc later this year. - The game engine is more buggy/unstable than ever. I played the "early (one week)" release of SoR and quests were unable to be completed, items were inactive, and the final boss in solo-mode was almost unbeatable due to bugs. In fact the only way to finish the story was to wait for another bug to negate the original bugs. Then there's the UI. I've played many MMO's over the last decade and I've never seen a situation (aside from maybe Wildstar) in which the default user interface actually hampered performance. If you ever play SWTOR try hiding the interface sometime and watch your FPS jump (double in some cases). Then BioWare adds new interface features (such as highlighted quick bar buttons) which add more bloat. BioWare's official response to this was "Well, of course the interface is going to hurt performance because it does stuff." TL;DR There's a lot to love about SWTOR, but BioWare is either inept or underfunded to actually make a solid product anymore.
They blew most of the budget on the voice acting. It's not that there isn't a ton of content, there is. The biggest problem is that BioWare seems to either have no budget for QA, the engine really is unworkable, or their programmers are just weak. Take a look at the latest expansion, Shadow of Revan. On paper it looks great. Two new planets, a new story arc, new dungeons, new operations (raids), etc. Then you play it and you get: Two small planets with barely enough content to fill the increase in level cap (5 levels). -Three of the "New Hard Mode" dungeons are just scaled up older dungeons from the lead up to the expansion. The story arc, including the final boss, can be completed solo (if desired) within a week of launch. This isn't like other MMO's where they launch an expansion and then patch in new updates to that expansion for a year or two. The expansion storyline is pretty much over and they're moving to a new arc later this year. The game engine is more buggy/unstable than ever. I played the "early (one week)" release of SoR and quests were unable to be completed, items were inactive, and the final boss in solo-mode was almost unbeatable due to bugs. In fact the only way to finish the story was to wait for another bug to negate the original bugs. Then there's the UI. I've played many MMO's over the last decade and I've never seen a situation (aside from maybe Wildstar) in which the default user interface actually hampered performance. If you ever play SWTOR try hiding the interface sometime and watch your FPS jump (double in some cases). Then BioWare adds new interface features (such as highlighted quick bar buttons) which add more bloat. BioWare's official response to this was "Well, of course the interface is going to hurt performance because it does stuff." TL;DR There's a lot to love about SWTOR, but BioWare is either inept or underfunded to actually make a solid product anymore.
They blew most of the budget on the voice acting. It's not that there isn't a ton of content, there is. The biggest problem is that BioWare seems to either have no budget for QA, the engine really is unworkable, or their programmers are just weak. Take a look at the latest expansion, Shadow of Revan. On paper it looks great. Two new planets, a new story arc, new dungeons, new operations (raids), etc. Then you play it and you get: Two small planets with barely enough content to fill the increase in level cap (5 levels). -Three of the "New Hard Mode" dungeons are just scaled up older dungeons from the lead up to the expansion. The story arc, including the final boss, can be completed solo (if desired) within a week of launch. This isn't like other MMO's where they launch an expansion and then patch in new updates to that expansion for a year or two. The expansion storyline is pretty much over and they're moving to a new arc later this year. The game engine is more buggy/unstable than ever. I played the "early (one week)" release of SoR and quests were unable to be completed, items were inactive, and the final boss in solo-mode was almost unbeatable due to bugs. In fact the only way to finish the story was to wait for another bug to negate the original bugs. Then there's the UI. I've played many MMO's over the last decade and I've never seen a situation (aside from maybe Wildstar) in which the default user interface actually hampered performance. If you ever play SWTOR try hiding the interface sometime and watch your FPS jump (double in some cases). Then BioWare adds new interface features (such as highlighted quick bar buttons) which add more bloat. BioWare's official response to this was "Well, of course the interface is going to hurt performance because it does stuff."
There's a lot to love about SWTOR, but BioWare is either inept or underfunded to actually make a solid product anymore.
## Balancing League of Legends with an algorithm Balance is a popular topic talked about in just about any type of game. From chess to League of Legends, balance is key element which game developers strive to achieve. **But what is balance?** The first definition of the noun I met on the internet is: *'a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions'*. In league terms, the situation would be the game and the elements would be the champions. ##**Indicators of game balance**: What data would we be looking at league terms to quantify the balance of the game? * **Win Rate (W):** This would be the first thing which would come to mind of most players. Win Rate is the ratio of (games with said champion in the winning team) / (games played where the champion is played), so it seems a logical conclusion that if X champion has a win rate of 60%, that champion is overpowered (OP) and would need to be made weaker for the sake of balance. Whilst this is probably true, it is not the whole story. * **Play rate (P):** A ratio of the games where a champion is picked / the the total number of games played. This could almost be seen as the popularity of the champion but of course a popular champion may not be played often because said champion is always banned. * **Ban rate (B):** A ratio of how many times said champion is banned/the total number of games played. Ban rate seems like a good indicator of how OP the player base seem to think the champion is as a collective and so it would be worth considering in terms of balance. There are many more variables which could be used to measure the balance of a particular champion but these would seem to be the main ones. You don't have to think about it for very long to realise just how complex of an issue this is. For the sake of reddit, I will only focus on Win rate as an example. ##**The current system**: From what I gather, the game is mainly balanced by a group of game developers which look at all of the factors mentioned above (and more), player feedback, as well as their own experiences as I would think most of them would be avid players of the game, and collectively decided on the details of the next patch, tweaking the game using a range of methods which can be grouped into three categories: * **Buffs (+)** are changes which increase the strength of a champion. Most would agree that increasing the base health of a champion by 200 hp is quite a significant power increase, unless of course this negatively affects a mechanic specific to the champion. * **Nerfs (-)** are the inverse of the above, decreasing the power of a champion. * **Tweeks** are changes which are not immediately obvious how they would affect a champion's strength but which would end up being acknowledged as a nerf or a buff as time progresses and the meta shifts. *A key point to note is that the goals of Riot may not necessarily be to completely balance the game. After all, there is no evidence that a game where all the champions have 50% win rate would be more fun than it currently is. The things which influence how they balance the game might include the competitive scene (buffing fun to watch champions, nerfing 'boring' ones), skins sales (they need to make money so it makes financial sense for them to buff/not nerf a champion with a new ultimate skin) amongst others...* ##**My proposed system:** The aim is to get every champion to have a win rate of around 50% (+/- 1%). * Algorithm crunches data from a sample (or all) of the ranked 5v5 Solo Queue games within a time interval (ie a day or a week) * Algorithm looks at how far away every champions Win Rate is from 50%, possibly looking at other factors which can be hand tuned by developers. * Each champion's specified base stat(s) will be increased/decreased, depending on if their win rate is less than or greater than 50% * The process is repeated over the next time interval A very simple and 'process' as pythonic pseudo code could look something like this: def balance(champion_space): for champ in champion_space: += (0.5-champ.win_rate)*champ.health_const As you can see, this is a very simple self regulating procedure (similar to homeostasis in the body or how a thermostat works) could possibly produce volatile and often counterproductive results over a short period but in the long term, the win rates of the champions would stabilise into in equilibrium. As stated above, this would NOT be an ideal implementation but it gives an idea of how what I am suggesting. The 'win rates' would be restricted to similar champions (ie top laners, junglers, bruisers) and various other champion and stat specific coefficients can be adjusted and improved at any given time. The advantages of such a system would be that it would be that such an algorithm would still allow full control of the developer, they can release and implement whatever changes they need, but over time, the game would 'balance out'. They can focus on emphasising champions' strengths and weaknesses, allowing every champion to feel different, creating unique mechanics, and mostly trying to make the game fun without worrying about what that will do to the win rate of a champion. ##TLDR Algorithm automatically buffs and nerfs champions based on their win rates to 'balance' the game.
Balancing League of Legends with an algorithm Balance is a popular topic talked about in just about any type of game. From chess to League of Legends, balance is key element which game developers strive to achieve. But what is balance? The first definition of the noun I met on the internet is: 'a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions' . In league terms, the situation would be the game and the elements would be the champions. Indicators of game balance : What data would we be looking at league terms to quantify the balance of the game? Win Rate (W): This would be the first thing which would come to mind of most players. Win Rate is the ratio of (games with said champion in the winning team) / (games played where the champion is played), so it seems a logical conclusion that if X champion has a win rate of 60%, that champion is overpowered (OP) and would need to be made weaker for the sake of balance. Whilst this is probably true, it is not the whole story. Play rate (P): A ratio of the games where a champion is picked / the the total number of games played. This could almost be seen as the popularity of the champion but of course a popular champion may not be played often because said champion is always banned. Ban rate (B): A ratio of how many times said champion is banned/the total number of games played. Ban rate seems like a good indicator of how OP the player base seem to think the champion is as a collective and so it would be worth considering in terms of balance. There are many more variables which could be used to measure the balance of a particular champion but these would seem to be the main ones. You don't have to think about it for very long to realise just how complex of an issue this is. For the sake of reddit, I will only focus on Win rate as an example. The current system : From what I gather, the game is mainly balanced by a group of game developers which look at all of the factors mentioned above (and more), player feedback, as well as their own experiences as I would think most of them would be avid players of the game, and collectively decided on the details of the next patch, tweaking the game using a range of methods which can be grouped into three categories: Buffs (+) are changes which increase the strength of a champion. Most would agree that increasing the base health of a champion by 200 hp is quite a significant power increase, unless of course this negatively affects a mechanic specific to the champion. Nerfs (-) are the inverse of the above, decreasing the power of a champion. Tweeks are changes which are not immediately obvious how they would affect a champion's strength but which would end up being acknowledged as a nerf or a buff as time progresses and the meta shifts. A key point to note is that the goals of Riot may not necessarily be to completely balance the game. After all, there is no evidence that a game where all the champions have 50% win rate would be more fun than it currently is. The things which influence how they balance the game might include the competitive scene (buffing fun to watch champions, nerfing 'boring' ones), skins sales (they need to make money so it makes financial sense for them to buff/not nerf a champion with a new ultimate skin) amongst others... My proposed system: The aim is to get every champion to have a win rate of around 50% (+/- 1%). Algorithm crunches data from a sample (or all) of the ranked 5v5 Solo Queue games within a time interval (ie a day or a week) Algorithm looks at how far away every champions Win Rate is from 50%, possibly looking at other factors which can be hand tuned by developers. Each champion's specified base stat(s) will be increased/decreased, depending on if their win rate is less than or greater than 50% The process is repeated over the next time interval A very simple and 'process' as pythonic pseudo code could look something like this: def balance(champion_space): for champ in champion_space: += (0.5-champ.win_rate)*champ.health_const As you can see, this is a very simple self regulating procedure (similar to homeostasis in the body or how a thermostat works) could possibly produce volatile and often counterproductive results over a short period but in the long term, the win rates of the champions would stabilise into in equilibrium. As stated above, this would NOT be an ideal implementation but it gives an idea of how what I am suggesting. The 'win rates' would be restricted to similar champions (ie top laners, junglers, bruisers) and various other champion and stat specific coefficients can be adjusted and improved at any given time. The advantages of such a system would be that it would be that such an algorithm would still allow full control of the developer, they can release and implement whatever changes they need, but over time, the game would 'balance out'. They can focus on emphasising champions' strengths and weaknesses, allowing every champion to feel different, creating unique mechanics, and mostly trying to make the game fun without worrying about what that will do to the win rate of a champion. TLDR Algorithm automatically buffs and nerfs champions based on their win rates to 'balance' the game.
Balancing League of Legends with an algorithm Balance is a popular topic talked about in just about any type of game. From chess to League of Legends, balance is key element which game developers strive to achieve. But what is balance? The first definition of the noun I met on the internet is: 'a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions' . In league terms, the situation would be the game and the elements would be the champions. Indicators of game balance : What data would we be looking at league terms to quantify the balance of the game? Win Rate (W): This would be the first thing which would come to mind of most players. Win Rate is the ratio of (games with said champion in the winning team) / (games played where the champion is played), so it seems a logical conclusion that if X champion has a win rate of 60%, that champion is overpowered (OP) and would need to be made weaker for the sake of balance. Whilst this is probably true, it is not the whole story. Play rate (P): A ratio of the games where a champion is picked / the the total number of games played. This could almost be seen as the popularity of the champion but of course a popular champion may not be played often because said champion is always banned. Ban rate (B): A ratio of how many times said champion is banned/the total number of games played. Ban rate seems like a good indicator of how OP the player base seem to think the champion is as a collective and so it would be worth considering in terms of balance. There are many more variables which could be used to measure the balance of a particular champion but these would seem to be the main ones. You don't have to think about it for very long to realise just how complex of an issue this is. For the sake of reddit, I will only focus on Win rate as an example. The current system : From what I gather, the game is mainly balanced by a group of game developers which look at all of the factors mentioned above (and more), player feedback, as well as their own experiences as I would think most of them would be avid players of the game, and collectively decided on the details of the next patch, tweaking the game using a range of methods which can be grouped into three categories: Buffs (+) are changes which increase the strength of a champion. Most would agree that increasing the base health of a champion by 200 hp is quite a significant power increase, unless of course this negatively affects a mechanic specific to the champion. Nerfs (-) are the inverse of the above, decreasing the power of a champion. Tweeks are changes which are not immediately obvious how they would affect a champion's strength but which would end up being acknowledged as a nerf or a buff as time progresses and the meta shifts. A key point to note is that the goals of Riot may not necessarily be to completely balance the game. After all, there is no evidence that a game where all the champions have 50% win rate would be more fun than it currently is. The things which influence how they balance the game might include the competitive scene (buffing fun to watch champions, nerfing 'boring' ones), skins sales (they need to make money so it makes financial sense for them to buff/not nerf a champion with a new ultimate skin) amongst others... My proposed system: The aim is to get every champion to have a win rate of around 50% (+/- 1%). Algorithm crunches data from a sample (or all) of the ranked 5v5 Solo Queue games within a time interval (ie a day or a week) Algorithm looks at how far away every champions Win Rate is from 50%, possibly looking at other factors which can be hand tuned by developers. Each champion's specified base stat(s) will be increased/decreased, depending on if their win rate is less than or greater than 50% The process is repeated over the next time interval A very simple and 'process' as pythonic pseudo code could look something like this: def balance(champion_space): for champ in champion_space: += (0.5-champ.win_rate)*champ.health_const As you can see, this is a very simple self regulating procedure (similar to homeostasis in the body or how a thermostat works) could possibly produce volatile and often counterproductive results over a short period but in the long term, the win rates of the champions would stabilise into in equilibrium. As stated above, this would NOT be an ideal implementation but it gives an idea of how what I am suggesting. The 'win rates' would be restricted to similar champions (ie top laners, junglers, bruisers) and various other champion and stat specific coefficients can be adjusted and improved at any given time. The advantages of such a system would be that it would be that such an algorithm would still allow full control of the developer, they can release and implement whatever changes they need, but over time, the game would 'balance out'. They can focus on emphasising champions' strengths and weaknesses, allowing every champion to feel different, creating unique mechanics, and mostly trying to make the game fun without worrying about what that will do to the win rate of a champion.
Algorithm automatically buffs and nerfs champions based on their win rates to 'balance' the game.
I'm going to enlighten you a bit, to what the DOE actually does. **Here is what the Department of Education Actually Does** •The original system of land-grants to create colleges, more or less defunct. •Enforcing Civil Rights Legislation in our public schools •No Child Left Behind and related statistical gathering(some local school district funding is here or scattered to similar programs, but accounts for &lt;=10%). A little more statistical gathering. Administers federal education funding like financial aide. Keep in mind that this funding would still exist without the DOE. **What the Department of Education Does NOT Do** •Provide funding to school districts(outside of NCLB) •Determine curriculum •Determine/recommend text books •Hire/fire teachers •Make administrative decisions regarding schools. •Provide the majority of funding to schools. Want Proof? Here's what was specified by Congress when creating the Department of Education. No provision of a program administered by the Secretary or by any other officer of the Department shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection or content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, except to the extent authorized by law. (Section 103[b], Public Law 96-88) TLDR; The Department of Education is not our public school system. Our public school system is not the Department of Education. The connections between the 2 are not especially substantial.
I'm going to enlighten you a bit, to what the DOE actually does. Here is what the Department of Education Actually Does •The original system of land-grants to create colleges, more or less defunct. •Enforcing Civil Rights Legislation in our public schools •No Child Left Behind and related statistical gathering(some local school district funding is here or scattered to similar programs, but accounts for <=10%). A little more statistical gathering. Administers federal education funding like financial aide. Keep in mind that this funding would still exist without the DOE. What the Department of Education Does NOT Do •Provide funding to school districts(outside of NCLB) •Determine curriculum •Determine/recommend text books •Hire/fire teachers •Make administrative decisions regarding schools. •Provide the majority of funding to schools. Want Proof? Here's what was specified by Congress when creating the Department of Education. No provision of a program administered by the Secretary or by any other officer of the Department shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection or content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, except to the extent authorized by law. (Section 103[b], Public Law 96-88) TLDR; The Department of Education is not our public school system. Our public school system is not the Department of Education. The connections between the 2 are not especially substantial.
I'm going to enlighten you a bit, to what the DOE actually does. Here is what the Department of Education Actually Does •The original system of land-grants to create colleges, more or less defunct. •Enforcing Civil Rights Legislation in our public schools •No Child Left Behind and related statistical gathering(some local school district funding is here or scattered to similar programs, but accounts for <=10%). A little more statistical gathering. Administers federal education funding like financial aide. Keep in mind that this funding would still exist without the DOE. What the Department of Education Does NOT Do •Provide funding to school districts(outside of NCLB) •Determine curriculum •Determine/recommend text books •Hire/fire teachers •Make administrative decisions regarding schools. •Provide the majority of funding to schools. Want Proof? Here's what was specified by Congress when creating the Department of Education. No provision of a program administered by the Secretary or by any other officer of the Department shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection or content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, except to the extent authorized by law. (Section 103[b], Public Law 96-88)
The Department of Education is not our public school system. Our public school system is not the Department of Education. The connections between the 2 are not especially substantial.
In realta' le donne tedesche non sono abituate ai complimenti, quindi quelle che per noi sono normali gentilezze ("sei carina", "quel vestito ti sta bene", "vuoi un gelato?" o simili) sono considerate quasi corteggiamento. O meglio, vengono "stordite" da questa cosa mai provata prima. Un tedesco che esce con una tedesca sarebbe in grado di dire che le scarpe non sono belle, o che lei non balla proprio benissimo, o che in fondo la cena che ha preparato per due si era buona, ma la sua famiglia per tradizione mette a meta' cottura il tarasacco e quindi senza tarasacco non e' la vera ricetta, la prossima volta mettici il tarasacco. Ora, se si trova davanti uno che non dico ci prova spudoratamente ma non la critica su tutto (ribadisco: per i tedeschi essere "molto diretti" e' normale, per gli standard tedeschi dire "il tuo vestito a fiori e' brutto" non ha niente di strano) diciamo che si trova di fronte a questa "situazione nuova" a cui "non e' preparata" tl;dr: le storie sul fatto che le tedesche "sono facili" e' solo in parte vero, la realta' e' che tra un robot e un cinghiale, il cinghiale assomiglia a qualcosa di organico e quindi "fa presa" meglio
In realta' le donne tedesche non sono abituate ai complimenti, quindi quelle che per noi sono normali gentilezze ("sei carina", "quel vestito ti sta bene", "vuoi un gelato?" o simili) sono considerate quasi corteggiamento. O meglio, vengono "stordite" da questa cosa mai provata prima. Un tedesco che esce con una tedesca sarebbe in grado di dire che le scarpe non sono belle, o che lei non balla proprio benissimo, o che in fondo la cena che ha preparato per due si era buona, ma la sua famiglia per tradizione mette a meta' cottura il tarasacco e quindi senza tarasacco non e' la vera ricetta, la prossima volta mettici il tarasacco. Ora, se si trova davanti uno che non dico ci prova spudoratamente ma non la critica su tutto (ribadisco: per i tedeschi essere "molto diretti" e' normale, per gli standard tedeschi dire "il tuo vestito a fiori e' brutto" non ha niente di strano) diciamo che si trova di fronte a questa "situazione nuova" a cui "non e' preparata" tl;dr: le storie sul fatto che le tedesche "sono facili" e' solo in parte vero, la realta' e' che tra un robot e un cinghiale, il cinghiale assomiglia a qualcosa di organico e quindi "fa presa" meglio
In realta' le donne tedesche non sono abituate ai complimenti, quindi quelle che per noi sono normali gentilezze ("sei carina", "quel vestito ti sta bene", "vuoi un gelato?" o simili) sono considerate quasi corteggiamento. O meglio, vengono "stordite" da questa cosa mai provata prima. Un tedesco che esce con una tedesca sarebbe in grado di dire che le scarpe non sono belle, o che lei non balla proprio benissimo, o che in fondo la cena che ha preparato per due si era buona, ma la sua famiglia per tradizione mette a meta' cottura il tarasacco e quindi senza tarasacco non e' la vera ricetta, la prossima volta mettici il tarasacco. Ora, se si trova davanti uno che non dico ci prova spudoratamente ma non la critica su tutto (ribadisco: per i tedeschi essere "molto diretti" e' normale, per gli standard tedeschi dire "il tuo vestito a fiori e' brutto" non ha niente di strano) diciamo che si trova di fronte a questa "situazione nuova" a cui "non e' preparata"
le storie sul fatto che le tedesche "sono facili" e' solo in parte vero, la realta' e' che tra un robot e un cinghiale, il cinghiale assomiglia a qualcosa di organico e quindi "fa presa" meglio
It's a rescue mission. Twilight Sparkle was sent to bring back Sunset Shimmer, the first student sent to the new world. But Sunset Shimmer, now a senior and feeling like she's been 'abandoned' for three years, doesn't want any part of it. In fact, she hates Celestia and everything she stands for - and Twilight Sparkle, unaware of the hate a teen's heart can hold, is oblivious to this. Twilight Sparkle, believing in the magic of friendship, decides to stay in the human world to figure out why Sunset doesn't want to return. That means going 'incognito' - which means enrolling in high school. (The very idea of secondary education makes the librarian in her bounce with glee.) What was to be a simple snatch-and-grab has now become an extended research mission. There's more questions than answers as she discovers this human world is not so different from her world, and the analogues of all her friends - and to her disconcertation, of all her old enemies. It's all going to culminate at the prom coronation. It's more than a symbolic moment where Sunset Shimmer adapts the human world forever as hers and discards her Equestrian origins; it's a moment of potent magical power, the cumulation of a decade of love and hope and dreams for hundreds of students, which Sunset Shimmer can use to forever tear apart the veil, destroying the link between universes. tl;dr the MLP team does a prom episode.
It's a rescue mission. Twilight Sparkle was sent to bring back Sunset Shimmer, the first student sent to the new world. But Sunset Shimmer, now a senior and feeling like she's been 'abandoned' for three years, doesn't want any part of it. In fact, she hates Celestia and everything she stands for - and Twilight Sparkle, unaware of the hate a teen's heart can hold, is oblivious to this. Twilight Sparkle, believing in the magic of friendship, decides to stay in the human world to figure out why Sunset doesn't want to return. That means going 'incognito' - which means enrolling in high school. (The very idea of secondary education makes the librarian in her bounce with glee.) What was to be a simple snatch-and-grab has now become an extended research mission. There's more questions than answers as she discovers this human world is not so different from her world, and the analogues of all her friends - and to her disconcertation, of all her old enemies. It's all going to culminate at the prom coronation. It's more than a symbolic moment where Sunset Shimmer adapts the human world forever as hers and discards her Equestrian origins; it's a moment of potent magical power, the cumulation of a decade of love and hope and dreams for hundreds of students, which Sunset Shimmer can use to forever tear apart the veil, destroying the link between universes. tl;dr the MLP team does a prom episode.
It's a rescue mission. Twilight Sparkle was sent to bring back Sunset Shimmer, the first student sent to the new world. But Sunset Shimmer, now a senior and feeling like she's been 'abandoned' for three years, doesn't want any part of it. In fact, she hates Celestia and everything she stands for - and Twilight Sparkle, unaware of the hate a teen's heart can hold, is oblivious to this. Twilight Sparkle, believing in the magic of friendship, decides to stay in the human world to figure out why Sunset doesn't want to return. That means going 'incognito' - which means enrolling in high school. (The very idea of secondary education makes the librarian in her bounce with glee.) What was to be a simple snatch-and-grab has now become an extended research mission. There's more questions than answers as she discovers this human world is not so different from her world, and the analogues of all her friends - and to her disconcertation, of all her old enemies. It's all going to culminate at the prom coronation. It's more than a symbolic moment where Sunset Shimmer adapts the human world forever as hers and discards her Equestrian origins; it's a moment of potent magical power, the cumulation of a decade of love and hope and dreams for hundreds of students, which Sunset Shimmer can use to forever tear apart the veil, destroying the link between universes.
the MLP team does a prom episode.
I was planning on travelling through Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, but large scale violent protests have recently occurred throughout industrial centers. Can anyone currently in Vietnam provide some light on what the situation/atmosphere is on the ground, and should backpackers be worried? About me, tl;dr: mid-20s ethnically Chinese male, travelling to Vietnam along with other cities in the next few months.
I was planning on travelling through Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, but large scale violent protests have recently occurred throughout industrial centers. Can anyone currently in Vietnam provide some light on what the situation/atmosphere is on the ground, and should backpackers be worried? About me, tl;dr: mid-20s ethnically Chinese male, travelling to Vietnam along with other cities in the next few months.
I was planning on travelling through Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi, but large scale violent protests have recently occurred throughout industrial centers. Can anyone currently in Vietnam provide some light on what the situation/atmosphere is on the ground, and should backpackers be worried? About me,
mid-20s ethnically Chinese male, travelling to Vietnam along with other cities in the next few months.
They're great bikes. But! A couple of points: The rear brake is foot pedal controlled. Not a huge deal but they take some getting used to. Top speed is just under 60 for a 180 to 200lb person. The claimed 65mph is speedo based and the speedo lies. Great acceleration, though. Honestly, I think an even grand is on the high side for a 25+ year old bike that isn't particularly rare. This one looks to be in great shape but you're still going to be riding around on an antique. I've owned several of these and eventually something breaks just because it's old. Parts can be a pain to source. tl:dr Great bike, just make sure you know what you're in for.
They're great bikes. But! A couple of points: The rear brake is foot pedal controlled. Not a huge deal but they take some getting used to. Top speed is just under 60 for a 180 to 200lb person. The claimed 65mph is speedo based and the speedo lies. Great acceleration, though. Honestly, I think an even grand is on the high side for a 25+ year old bike that isn't particularly rare. This one looks to be in great shape but you're still going to be riding around on an antique. I've owned several of these and eventually something breaks just because it's old. Parts can be a pain to source. tl:dr Great bike, just make sure you know what you're in for.
They're great bikes. But! A couple of points: The rear brake is foot pedal controlled. Not a huge deal but they take some getting used to. Top speed is just under 60 for a 180 to 200lb person. The claimed 65mph is speedo based and the speedo lies. Great acceleration, though. Honestly, I think an even grand is on the high side for a 25+ year old bike that isn't particularly rare. This one looks to be in great shape but you're still going to be riding around on an antique. I've owned several of these and eventually something breaks just because it's old. Parts can be a pain to source.
Great bike, just make sure you know what you're in for.
Your story is very similar to mine. I've had a forced feminization fetish for as long as I can remember, and it ramped up due to continual porn and masturbation over the years. For the longest time I was fine with it: being a shy kid with no romantic prospects, it was how I got off, so although it was odd, I just went with it. Once I started breaking out of my shell and pursuing relationships, I realized that this fetish had basically warped my brain and made normal relationships with girls really difficult. While I've gotten better with girls, I've developed ED and general sexual frustration, which has been very painful to face. I strongly believe that my reliance on my fetish, in addition to inexperience, has made it so that I can't function normally in "vanilla" sex, which is something I desperately want. I saw a sex therapist who definitely helped me deal with unfounded shame and guilt I felt about the fetish. But throughout this time, I've still felt that as much as I "enjoy" the fetish in terms of getting me off, I really have no desire to enact these fantasies in real life. I want to get off based off love, not humiliation. And I want healthy sex with girls, not with my hand in front of a computer. I've been trying NoFap for about a year, with my top streak at 52 days, and I'm determined to get 90 days and beyond. Among the goals I have is to weaken or maybe even eliminate my fetish. I don't know if a successful 90+ day reboot will do the trick, but at the very least I'm trying, and perhaps I can gain sensitivity to normal, fulfilling sex with girls without the fetish. I'm not sure what advice I can give you about informing your girlfriend, as I've grappled with the same kind of thing. I haven't told people in my day-to-day life about my fetish, although if a lasting relationship comes along, I'm sure I'll need to address it. In the meantime, best I can advise is keep at NoFap, try a successful reboot, and see how you feel about your fetishes afterwards once you've cleared out some of the cobwebs in your brain. This MUST include refraining from looking at porn, even if you aren't masturbating to it! That's certainly what I'm trying (and you're two weeks ahead of me!) TLDR: You're not alone, I'm going through the same struggles. Best of luck!
Your story is very similar to mine. I've had a forced feminization fetish for as long as I can remember, and it ramped up due to continual porn and masturbation over the years. For the longest time I was fine with it: being a shy kid with no romantic prospects, it was how I got off, so although it was odd, I just went with it. Once I started breaking out of my shell and pursuing relationships, I realized that this fetish had basically warped my brain and made normal relationships with girls really difficult. While I've gotten better with girls, I've developed ED and general sexual frustration, which has been very painful to face. I strongly believe that my reliance on my fetish, in addition to inexperience, has made it so that I can't function normally in "vanilla" sex, which is something I desperately want. I saw a sex therapist who definitely helped me deal with unfounded shame and guilt I felt about the fetish. But throughout this time, I've still felt that as much as I "enjoy" the fetish in terms of getting me off, I really have no desire to enact these fantasies in real life. I want to get off based off love, not humiliation. And I want healthy sex with girls, not with my hand in front of a computer. I've been trying NoFap for about a year, with my top streak at 52 days, and I'm determined to get 90 days and beyond. Among the goals I have is to weaken or maybe even eliminate my fetish. I don't know if a successful 90+ day reboot will do the trick, but at the very least I'm trying, and perhaps I can gain sensitivity to normal, fulfilling sex with girls without the fetish. I'm not sure what advice I can give you about informing your girlfriend, as I've grappled with the same kind of thing. I haven't told people in my day-to-day life about my fetish, although if a lasting relationship comes along, I'm sure I'll need to address it. In the meantime, best I can advise is keep at NoFap, try a successful reboot, and see how you feel about your fetishes afterwards once you've cleared out some of the cobwebs in your brain. This MUST include refraining from looking at porn, even if you aren't masturbating to it! That's certainly what I'm trying (and you're two weeks ahead of me!) TLDR: You're not alone, I'm going through the same struggles. Best of luck!
Your story is very similar to mine. I've had a forced feminization fetish for as long as I can remember, and it ramped up due to continual porn and masturbation over the years. For the longest time I was fine with it: being a shy kid with no romantic prospects, it was how I got off, so although it was odd, I just went with it. Once I started breaking out of my shell and pursuing relationships, I realized that this fetish had basically warped my brain and made normal relationships with girls really difficult. While I've gotten better with girls, I've developed ED and general sexual frustration, which has been very painful to face. I strongly believe that my reliance on my fetish, in addition to inexperience, has made it so that I can't function normally in "vanilla" sex, which is something I desperately want. I saw a sex therapist who definitely helped me deal with unfounded shame and guilt I felt about the fetish. But throughout this time, I've still felt that as much as I "enjoy" the fetish in terms of getting me off, I really have no desire to enact these fantasies in real life. I want to get off based off love, not humiliation. And I want healthy sex with girls, not with my hand in front of a computer. I've been trying NoFap for about a year, with my top streak at 52 days, and I'm determined to get 90 days and beyond. Among the goals I have is to weaken or maybe even eliminate my fetish. I don't know if a successful 90+ day reboot will do the trick, but at the very least I'm trying, and perhaps I can gain sensitivity to normal, fulfilling sex with girls without the fetish. I'm not sure what advice I can give you about informing your girlfriend, as I've grappled with the same kind of thing. I haven't told people in my day-to-day life about my fetish, although if a lasting relationship comes along, I'm sure I'll need to address it. In the meantime, best I can advise is keep at NoFap, try a successful reboot, and see how you feel about your fetishes afterwards once you've cleared out some of the cobwebs in your brain. This MUST include refraining from looking at porn, even if you aren't masturbating to it! That's certainly what I'm trying (and you're two weeks ahead of me!)
You're not alone, I'm going through the same struggles. Best of luck!
My [now ex]girlfriend I was dating (for about a year and a half) would tell her dad about us having sex. One night while we were eating dinner with her family, someone said something along the lines of being exhausted from work. She then blurts out word for word "Yeah, I couldn't even move this morning cause Zach (me) was really rough with me last night"...Her dad pulled me aside later on and told me he was going to blow my fucking head off if he found out about us screwing again. Needless to say, I broke it off about a week after. **tl;dr** **ex girlfriend told her family about us fucking/dad threatened me/dumped her ass**
My [now ex]girlfriend I was dating (for about a year and a half) would tell her dad about us having sex. One night while we were eating dinner with her family, someone said something along the lines of being exhausted from work. She then blurts out word for word "Yeah, I couldn't even move this morning cause Zach (me) was really rough with me last night"...Her dad pulled me aside later on and told me he was going to blow my fucking head off if he found out about us screwing again. Needless to say, I broke it off about a week after. tl;dr ex girlfriend told her family about us fucking/dad threatened me/dumped her ass
My [now ex]girlfriend I was dating (for about a year and a half) would tell her dad about us having sex. One night while we were eating dinner with her family, someone said something along the lines of being exhausted from work. She then blurts out word for word "Yeah, I couldn't even move this morning cause Zach (me) was really rough with me last night"...Her dad pulled me aside later on and told me he was going to blow my fucking head off if he found out about us screwing again. Needless to say, I broke it off about a week after.
ex girlfriend told her family about us fucking/dad threatened me/dumped her ass
I’m having some running shoe problems and I wondered if anyone here can advise? In a nutshell, I am having problems finding a shoe that doesn’t make the sides of my mid-foot hurt after a few minutes of running! It’s driving me insane! (Sorry, this might be a bit long but I will try to give you as much info as possible) Bit of background: I’m in the UK. I used to run 20-25 miles a week (usually 5 miles at a time) before I had my daughter, then I had a two-and-half-year hiatus due to pregnancy and generally being a mum. Just getting back to running now. At the moment I am running 6k’s, 3-4 times a week and a longer five-miler at the weekend, trying to get my speed and general aerobic ability up. I’m not quite where I was pre-child, definitely not as fast as I’d like to be but I am getting there! I am largely a pavement runner. I live in quite a hilly town – in fact I live on the top of a large hill – so my runs are never flat, no matter where I go. I am a forefoot runner. My old running shoes, which I LOVED were Brooks Green Silence. I found them on a sportswear discount website and had purchased a few pairs before they were sadly discontinued. I never went to one of those running specialist shops to get my feet or gait analysed. After pregnancy, my feet went up a shoe size so sadly the Green Silence are too tight. Therefore I needed to find another pair of shoes. First of all, I went back to the sportswear discount website I used before. I got a pair or Adipure Gazelle 2’s. I have to say, they were even more comfortable for me than the Green Silence. I was a bit concerned that they pretty much didn’t have any cushioning in the feet and as I am getting older, I was worried about the impact wearing them running would have on my knees. So, I decided not to be such a cheap-ass and treat myself to actually going to a running specialist store to get my feet/gait analysed. They pegged me as a neutral, forefoot runner with a normal foot arch (which wasn’t anything I didn’t already know! TBH I didn’t find it that useful). I wore my Gazelle 2’s to the store to show them and I was told they are just for speedwork training and should not wear them for long runs. They eventually paired me up with a pair or Nike Air Pegasus 33’s WITH a pair of custom moulded insoles (my bank balance took a beating that day!). These were fine when I tested them out on the shop’s treadmill for a couple of minutes. However, I found when running outside for more than 10 minutes or so, my feet started to hurt, down the sides of my midfoot on both feet, around the foot arch. A real burning sensation. It wasn’t painful enough to stop running. However, it made my run really NOT enjoyable at all. I thought I might just need to ‘break in’ the trainers but after five or so runs in them – no better. I took the custom insoles out – no better. My feet still hurt, my runs felt like a slog, I was pleased when they ended. I went back to my Gazelle’s for a run and it was 100% better. I was still concerned about the impact on my knees though. So, after some shoe research, I got a pair of Adidas Ultra Boosts (as I read they were good for neutral, forefoot runners and I like the knitted sock feature which the Gazelle’s also have). Sadly, they are even WORSE for the midfoot pain than the Air Pegasus - I wanted to scream! So, I have been running in my Adipure Gazelle’s for maybe a couple of months. I do get niggling aches in my ankles and specifically right knee after running, certainly if I’ve had a distance session or a run to work on my speed, so they are definitely not good for the joints. A prolonged stretch of these areas during cool down doesn’t seem to help. I clearly could do with a more supportive shoe but I don’t know where to go from here! I am at my wit’s end with this (and I am not made of money, I can’t keep buying running shoes). So, what I wanted advice on is: Has anyone else experienced this midfoot pain and what did you do to resolve? Is it a simple adjustment with the lacing etc.? Do I need to break the shoes in more? Or can anyone recommend some good trainers that might help? TL:DR – Neutral, forefoot striker getting back to running but having trouble finding shoes that don’t cause midfoot burning pain. Brooks Green Silence = GOOD, Adidas Adipure Gazelle’s = GOOD (but terrible for knees). Nike Air Pegasus and Adidas Ultra Boosts = BAD! Where do I go from here?!
I’m having some running shoe problems and I wondered if anyone here can advise? In a nutshell, I am having problems finding a shoe that doesn’t make the sides of my mid-foot hurt after a few minutes of running! It’s driving me insane! (Sorry, this might be a bit long but I will try to give you as much info as possible) Bit of background: I’m in the UK. I used to run 20-25 miles a week (usually 5 miles at a time) before I had my daughter, then I had a two-and-half-year hiatus due to pregnancy and generally being a mum. Just getting back to running now. At the moment I am running 6k’s, 3-4 times a week and a longer five-miler at the weekend, trying to get my speed and general aerobic ability up. I’m not quite where I was pre-child, definitely not as fast as I’d like to be but I am getting there! I am largely a pavement runner. I live in quite a hilly town – in fact I live on the top of a large hill – so my runs are never flat, no matter where I go. I am a forefoot runner. My old running shoes, which I LOVED were Brooks Green Silence. I found them on a sportswear discount website and had purchased a few pairs before they were sadly discontinued. I never went to one of those running specialist shops to get my feet or gait analysed. After pregnancy, my feet went up a shoe size so sadly the Green Silence are too tight. Therefore I needed to find another pair of shoes. First of all, I went back to the sportswear discount website I used before. I got a pair or Adipure Gazelle 2’s. I have to say, they were even more comfortable for me than the Green Silence. I was a bit concerned that they pretty much didn’t have any cushioning in the feet and as I am getting older, I was worried about the impact wearing them running would have on my knees. So, I decided not to be such a cheap-ass and treat myself to actually going to a running specialist store to get my feet/gait analysed. They pegged me as a neutral, forefoot runner with a normal foot arch (which wasn’t anything I didn’t already know! TBH I didn’t find it that useful). I wore my Gazelle 2’s to the store to show them and I was told they are just for speedwork training and should not wear them for long runs. They eventually paired me up with a pair or Nike Air Pegasus 33’s WITH a pair of custom moulded insoles (my bank balance took a beating that day!). These were fine when I tested them out on the shop’s treadmill for a couple of minutes. However, I found when running outside for more than 10 minutes or so, my feet started to hurt, down the sides of my midfoot on both feet, around the foot arch. A real burning sensation. It wasn’t painful enough to stop running. However, it made my run really NOT enjoyable at all. I thought I might just need to ‘break in’ the trainers but after five or so runs in them – no better. I took the custom insoles out – no better. My feet still hurt, my runs felt like a slog, I was pleased when they ended. I went back to my Gazelle’s for a run and it was 100% better. I was still concerned about the impact on my knees though. So, after some shoe research, I got a pair of Adidas Ultra Boosts (as I read they were good for neutral, forefoot runners and I like the knitted sock feature which the Gazelle’s also have). Sadly, they are even WORSE for the midfoot pain than the Air Pegasus - I wanted to scream! So, I have been running in my Adipure Gazelle’s for maybe a couple of months. I do get niggling aches in my ankles and specifically right knee after running, certainly if I’ve had a distance session or a run to work on my speed, so they are definitely not good for the joints. A prolonged stretch of these areas during cool down doesn’t seem to help. I clearly could do with a more supportive shoe but I don’t know where to go from here! I am at my wit’s end with this (and I am not made of money, I can’t keep buying running shoes). So, what I wanted advice on is: Has anyone else experienced this midfoot pain and what did you do to resolve? Is it a simple adjustment with the lacing etc.? Do I need to break the shoes in more? Or can anyone recommend some good trainers that might help? TL:DR – Neutral, forefoot striker getting back to running but having trouble finding shoes that don’t cause midfoot burning pain. Brooks Green Silence = GOOD, Adidas Adipure Gazelle’s = GOOD (but terrible for knees). Nike Air Pegasus and Adidas Ultra Boosts = BAD! Where do I go from here?!
I’m having some running shoe problems and I wondered if anyone here can advise? In a nutshell, I am having problems finding a shoe that doesn’t make the sides of my mid-foot hurt after a few minutes of running! It’s driving me insane! (Sorry, this might be a bit long but I will try to give you as much info as possible) Bit of background: I’m in the UK. I used to run 20-25 miles a week (usually 5 miles at a time) before I had my daughter, then I had a two-and-half-year hiatus due to pregnancy and generally being a mum. Just getting back to running now. At the moment I am running 6k’s, 3-4 times a week and a longer five-miler at the weekend, trying to get my speed and general aerobic ability up. I’m not quite where I was pre-child, definitely not as fast as I’d like to be but I am getting there! I am largely a pavement runner. I live in quite a hilly town – in fact I live on the top of a large hill – so my runs are never flat, no matter where I go. I am a forefoot runner. My old running shoes, which I LOVED were Brooks Green Silence. I found them on a sportswear discount website and had purchased a few pairs before they were sadly discontinued. I never went to one of those running specialist shops to get my feet or gait analysed. After pregnancy, my feet went up a shoe size so sadly the Green Silence are too tight. Therefore I needed to find another pair of shoes. First of all, I went back to the sportswear discount website I used before. I got a pair or Adipure Gazelle 2’s. I have to say, they were even more comfortable for me than the Green Silence. I was a bit concerned that they pretty much didn’t have any cushioning in the feet and as I am getting older, I was worried about the impact wearing them running would have on my knees. So, I decided not to be such a cheap-ass and treat myself to actually going to a running specialist store to get my feet/gait analysed. They pegged me as a neutral, forefoot runner with a normal foot arch (which wasn’t anything I didn’t already know! TBH I didn’t find it that useful). I wore my Gazelle 2’s to the store to show them and I was told they are just for speedwork training and should not wear them for long runs. They eventually paired me up with a pair or Nike Air Pegasus 33’s WITH a pair of custom moulded insoles (my bank balance took a beating that day!). These were fine when I tested them out on the shop’s treadmill for a couple of minutes. However, I found when running outside for more than 10 minutes or so, my feet started to hurt, down the sides of my midfoot on both feet, around the foot arch. A real burning sensation. It wasn’t painful enough to stop running. However, it made my run really NOT enjoyable at all. I thought I might just need to ‘break in’ the trainers but after five or so runs in them – no better. I took the custom insoles out – no better. My feet still hurt, my runs felt like a slog, I was pleased when they ended. I went back to my Gazelle’s for a run and it was 100% better. I was still concerned about the impact on my knees though. So, after some shoe research, I got a pair of Adidas Ultra Boosts (as I read they were good for neutral, forefoot runners and I like the knitted sock feature which the Gazelle’s also have). Sadly, they are even WORSE for the midfoot pain than the Air Pegasus - I wanted to scream! So, I have been running in my Adipure Gazelle’s for maybe a couple of months. I do get niggling aches in my ankles and specifically right knee after running, certainly if I’ve had a distance session or a run to work on my speed, so they are definitely not good for the joints. A prolonged stretch of these areas during cool down doesn’t seem to help. I clearly could do with a more supportive shoe but I don’t know where to go from here! I am at my wit’s end with this (and I am not made of money, I can’t keep buying running shoes). So, what I wanted advice on is: Has anyone else experienced this midfoot pain and what did you do to resolve? Is it a simple adjustment with the lacing etc.? Do I need to break the shoes in more? Or can anyone recommend some good trainers that might help?
Neutral, forefoot striker getting back to running but having trouble finding shoes that don’t cause midfoot burning pain. Brooks Green Silence = GOOD, Adidas Adipure Gazelle’s = GOOD (but terrible for knees). Nike Air Pegasus and Adidas Ultra Boosts = BAD! Where do I go from here?!
When I was a senior, a freshman brought a knife to school and stabbed 7 classmates. He then wandered the halls for awhile until he was tackled by the administrative staff and arrested. Most of the school didn't know what was going on since they were immediately put on lock down. I was on a field trip (some team-building bullshit) and the principal came to where we were and said, "I just want you guys to know that you're all safe and everything will be okay." No one knew that anything had happened at that point, so it was a little creepy. The kid just got released from the mental hospital this year. (This whole thing happened about 8 years ago) **TL;DR: Freshmen, why you gotta be so stabby?**
When I was a senior, a freshman brought a knife to school and stabbed 7 classmates. He then wandered the halls for awhile until he was tackled by the administrative staff and arrested. Most of the school didn't know what was going on since they were immediately put on lock down. I was on a field trip (some team-building bullshit) and the principal came to where we were and said, "I just want you guys to know that you're all safe and everything will be okay." No one knew that anything had happened at that point, so it was a little creepy. The kid just got released from the mental hospital this year. (This whole thing happened about 8 years ago) TL;DR: Freshmen, why you gotta be so stabby?
When I was a senior, a freshman brought a knife to school and stabbed 7 classmates. He then wandered the halls for awhile until he was tackled by the administrative staff and arrested. Most of the school didn't know what was going on since they were immediately put on lock down. I was on a field trip (some team-building bullshit) and the principal came to where we were and said, "I just want you guys to know that you're all safe and everything will be okay." No one knew that anything had happened at that point, so it was a little creepy. The kid just got released from the mental hospital this year. (This whole thing happened about 8 years ago)
Freshmen, why you gotta be so stabby?
In this particular situation, the guy (lemme call him Derek from now on) is super emotional and feels way too much. I am not that much emotional. Derek and me were in separate long distance relationships and were committed to our ex's. My relationship broke due to my ex cheating on me. At that time, Derek was my support and helped me a lot to get over the betrayal. Derek's was the opposite case. He was totally loyal ( i actually know this for a fact) but the gal believed he was not. He was the centre of her universe and she got way too clingy and argumentative. That and repeated breakups from her end made him break up finally with her. I was the person he depended on during that time. After supporting him and making him feel a lil better I moved to a different place. Derek and me met after approx 1 year of our breakups. Meanwhile, his ex had been in contact with him to patch the relationship and they had got back together for 2 months before the pattern of clingy behaviour started again from her end. This time they broke up and he followed the no-contact policy. We met and it was an immediate connect. We got together and things happened and we got into a relationship really, really fast. I should make it clear here that he was not my rebound. I am really confused about him now. He says he is in love with me and feels that I will be in his life forever. He also wants to marry after 1 year or so if everything works out between us. But, he also feels guilty of breaking up with the previous girl. I am really confused about the guilty feeling and I am not able to get this. Is my gut telling me right to take a step back and see where this goes? Or should I really get committed to this guy? He is awesome and our talks are awesome. I feel a really really good connect with him. TL; Dr; The guy is feeling guilty cos of his past relationship's breakup but says he is in love with me. What am I supposed to feel?
In this particular situation, the guy (lemme call him Derek from now on) is super emotional and feels way too much. I am not that much emotional. Derek and me were in separate long distance relationships and were committed to our ex's. My relationship broke due to my ex cheating on me. At that time, Derek was my support and helped me a lot to get over the betrayal. Derek's was the opposite case. He was totally loyal ( i actually know this for a fact) but the gal believed he was not. He was the centre of her universe and she got way too clingy and argumentative. That and repeated breakups from her end made him break up finally with her. I was the person he depended on during that time. After supporting him and making him feel a lil better I moved to a different place. Derek and me met after approx 1 year of our breakups. Meanwhile, his ex had been in contact with him to patch the relationship and they had got back together for 2 months before the pattern of clingy behaviour started again from her end. This time they broke up and he followed the no-contact policy. We met and it was an immediate connect. We got together and things happened and we got into a relationship really, really fast. I should make it clear here that he was not my rebound. I am really confused about him now. He says he is in love with me and feels that I will be in his life forever. He also wants to marry after 1 year or so if everything works out between us. But, he also feels guilty of breaking up with the previous girl. I am really confused about the guilty feeling and I am not able to get this. Is my gut telling me right to take a step back and see where this goes? Or should I really get committed to this guy? He is awesome and our talks are awesome. I feel a really really good connect with him. TL; Dr; The guy is feeling guilty cos of his past relationship's breakup but says he is in love with me. What am I supposed to feel?
In this particular situation, the guy (lemme call him Derek from now on) is super emotional and feels way too much. I am not that much emotional. Derek and me were in separate long distance relationships and were committed to our ex's. My relationship broke due to my ex cheating on me. At that time, Derek was my support and helped me a lot to get over the betrayal. Derek's was the opposite case. He was totally loyal ( i actually know this for a fact) but the gal believed he was not. He was the centre of her universe and she got way too clingy and argumentative. That and repeated breakups from her end made him break up finally with her. I was the person he depended on during that time. After supporting him and making him feel a lil better I moved to a different place. Derek and me met after approx 1 year of our breakups. Meanwhile, his ex had been in contact with him to patch the relationship and they had got back together for 2 months before the pattern of clingy behaviour started again from her end. This time they broke up and he followed the no-contact policy. We met and it was an immediate connect. We got together and things happened and we got into a relationship really, really fast. I should make it clear here that he was not my rebound. I am really confused about him now. He says he is in love with me and feels that I will be in his life forever. He also wants to marry after 1 year or so if everything works out between us. But, he also feels guilty of breaking up with the previous girl. I am really confused about the guilty feeling and I am not able to get this. Is my gut telling me right to take a step back and see where this goes? Or should I really get committed to this guy? He is awesome and our talks are awesome. I feel a really really good connect with him.
The guy is feeling guilty cos of his past relationship's breakup but says he is in love with me. What am I supposed to feel?
As the timer counts closer and closer to 0 we feel excited. The excitement you can't get from watching an action movie or zip lining or skydiving cause you're almost always able to predict the ending. This excitement we get is what drives us to push the button as it nears closer to the end, we don't want it to end. We're scared of it ending. We click it to keep the excitement going so we can always have one thing to look forward too. TL;DR: It's not long, if you don't wanna read it just use [This Link]( and hit listen.
As the timer counts closer and closer to 0 we feel excited. The excitement you can't get from watching an action movie or zip lining or skydiving cause you're almost always able to predict the ending. This excitement we get is what drives us to push the button as it nears closer to the end, we don't want it to end. We're scared of it ending. We click it to keep the excitement going so we can always have one thing to look forward too. TL;DR: It's not long, if you don't wanna read it just use [This Link]( and hit listen.
As the timer counts closer and closer to 0 we feel excited. The excitement you can't get from watching an action movie or zip lining or skydiving cause you're almost always able to predict the ending. This excitement we get is what drives us to push the button as it nears closer to the end, we don't want it to end. We're scared of it ending. We click it to keep the excitement going so we can always have one thing to look forward too.
It's not long, if you don't wanna read it just use [This Link]( and hit listen.
I can only speak from my own experience in this subject, but here it goes. I worked 17 years in the building trades as a construction electrician. In the building trades, it's simple; if you don't work, you don't get paid. Outside of injury or medical compensation, your pay is based strictly on hours worked. If you are willing to work more hours, you will get more money. If you only want to work eight-hour days, five days a week, then you will only get 40 hours pay at the standard rate (which was $45.00/hour when I was in the trades). If you want to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, you'll get 40 hours pay plus 32 hours pay at time and a half. If you were willing to put in a Sunday, then you got the above pay plus another 12 hours at double get the point, right? In my home state, very severe legislation was passed that pretty much forced the building trades to actively recruit minorities and women (yes, I separated it on purpose, as this is how it was promoted) into their apprenticeship programs (which is how I got in as an African American male) in order to continue to receive state and federal funding. So, they did just that; they actively pursued getting women into the apprenticeship schools and getting them into the field. Guess what? All of the 23 women in my class and the two classes under me washed out of the program. But guess what, there were seven in the class ahead of me and they made it through to the end, and of that seven, three are still working in the trades (one of them is my cousin). Let's break it down and see what happened. Eight couldn't continue due to pregnancy. Guess what? There are jobs that are just flat out impossible to do because of pregnancy. That isn't about "gender roles;" that is about biology. There is no legislation in the world that can allow a pregnant woman be able to effectively carry out manual labor without endangering herself or the child she is carrying. The eight women were granted maternity leave from the program to deal with their children. But most building trade apprenticeship programs deal with a "work-hour requirement" for graduation. While the women were not penalized for taking the time off from work and classes and were financially compensated by the union for time they were off work, they could not be given completion credit for hours they did not work. So rather than just accept the fact that they would graduate from the apprenticeship program at a later time than the rest of us, these women just chose to quit the program. The other 15 women just dropped out of the program after deciding that they didn't want to do the work in the job environment or work the hours required. In construction, especially within the industrial sector, there is a lot of required overtime on projects. Again, this has nothing to do with "gender roles." This is about getting a job done and meeting a deadline. When we are doing a maintenance cycle on a steel mill's blast furnace, we have to be in and out of that area within a given amount of time, so the furnace can be brought back up to production. So, if we're working 12-16 hour shifts for three to five days to get this done, then we're doing it and of course we get paid quite well for that effort. Most of the women who quit were unhappy because they weren't working in "clean environments" like houses, shopping centers, or office buildings, but were in industrial environments (steel mills, refineries, chem plants, etc... dirty jobs), despite the fact that this was the majority of the work in our area. Commercial and residential work was not as available as industrial jobs at the time. Four of the women tried to sue the building trades commission in the area for discrimination. They claimed that they were forced to work in the industrial areas rather than getting the commercial and residential jobs because they were women and it was an attempt to discourage them from staying in the program. The case was dismissed because there was overwhelming evidence that proved otherwise. When I joined the program, all of our class were spread out among all of the industrial jobs that were going on during the initial pre-apprenticeship period of the program. Once we all cleared that probation period, we were all pulled out of those jobs and placed into residential and commercial jobs to learn the nuts and bolts of our trade. The final nail in the coffin of that case was that eight other women out of the group came forward and testified that they just quit because they wanted to do something else and denied any discriminatory treatment. It's all about choice. Are you being physically damaged by working at Starbucks as compared to digging a ditch? There are women who work in construction and they make great money doing it, but they will not lie and tell you that any woman can do it, because not every woman can and the reason is not physical ability, but because of the choices involved. My cousin worked nearly nine months of overtime jobs (nothing less than 6/12's) in the mills to afford to be able to take off for three years for maternity. When she decided to go back to work, she was able to get a job with a contractor to work 7-3:30 on a service truck. (BTW, her husband owns his own computer repair shop out of the house, so he kept the kid during the day.) **TL;DR** Regarding physical labor jobs, it's all about choices. There is no legislation that will equalize men and women in physical labor jobs as long as pregnancy is a mitigating factor in ability to do physical work. How is that unfair? If you do the work, you get the pay. The fact is that women often choose not to get into these jobs because they don't want to be in the environment. Is there discrimination in the workplace; of course it is...we all know it still exists, but this report is just being disingenuous in how it relates the info it is trying to get across.... Oh yeah, one more thing; I'll just leave [this]( here. Read it at your leisure.
I can only speak from my own experience in this subject, but here it goes. I worked 17 years in the building trades as a construction electrician. In the building trades, it's simple; if you don't work, you don't get paid. Outside of injury or medical compensation, your pay is based strictly on hours worked. If you are willing to work more hours, you will get more money. If you only want to work eight-hour days, five days a week, then you will only get 40 hours pay at the standard rate (which was $45.00/hour when I was in the trades). If you want to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, you'll get 40 hours pay plus 32 hours pay at time and a half. If you were willing to put in a Sunday, then you got the above pay plus another 12 hours at double get the point, right? In my home state, very severe legislation was passed that pretty much forced the building trades to actively recruit minorities and women (yes, I separated it on purpose, as this is how it was promoted) into their apprenticeship programs (which is how I got in as an African American male) in order to continue to receive state and federal funding. So, they did just that; they actively pursued getting women into the apprenticeship schools and getting them into the field. Guess what? All of the 23 women in my class and the two classes under me washed out of the program. But guess what, there were seven in the class ahead of me and they made it through to the end, and of that seven, three are still working in the trades (one of them is my cousin). Let's break it down and see what happened. Eight couldn't continue due to pregnancy. Guess what? There are jobs that are just flat out impossible to do because of pregnancy. That isn't about "gender roles;" that is about biology. There is no legislation in the world that can allow a pregnant woman be able to effectively carry out manual labor without endangering herself or the child she is carrying. The eight women were granted maternity leave from the program to deal with their children. But most building trade apprenticeship programs deal with a "work-hour requirement" for graduation. While the women were not penalized for taking the time off from work and classes and were financially compensated by the union for time they were off work, they could not be given completion credit for hours they did not work. So rather than just accept the fact that they would graduate from the apprenticeship program at a later time than the rest of us, these women just chose to quit the program. The other 15 women just dropped out of the program after deciding that they didn't want to do the work in the job environment or work the hours required. In construction, especially within the industrial sector, there is a lot of required overtime on projects. Again, this has nothing to do with "gender roles." This is about getting a job done and meeting a deadline. When we are doing a maintenance cycle on a steel mill's blast furnace, we have to be in and out of that area within a given amount of time, so the furnace can be brought back up to production. So, if we're working 12-16 hour shifts for three to five days to get this done, then we're doing it and of course we get paid quite well for that effort. Most of the women who quit were unhappy because they weren't working in "clean environments" like houses, shopping centers, or office buildings, but were in industrial environments (steel mills, refineries, chem plants, etc... dirty jobs), despite the fact that this was the majority of the work in our area. Commercial and residential work was not as available as industrial jobs at the time. Four of the women tried to sue the building trades commission in the area for discrimination. They claimed that they were forced to work in the industrial areas rather than getting the commercial and residential jobs because they were women and it was an attempt to discourage them from staying in the program. The case was dismissed because there was overwhelming evidence that proved otherwise. When I joined the program, all of our class were spread out among all of the industrial jobs that were going on during the initial pre-apprenticeship period of the program. Once we all cleared that probation period, we were all pulled out of those jobs and placed into residential and commercial jobs to learn the nuts and bolts of our trade. The final nail in the coffin of that case was that eight other women out of the group came forward and testified that they just quit because they wanted to do something else and denied any discriminatory treatment. It's all about choice. Are you being physically damaged by working at Starbucks as compared to digging a ditch? There are women who work in construction and they make great money doing it, but they will not lie and tell you that any woman can do it, because not every woman can and the reason is not physical ability, but because of the choices involved. My cousin worked nearly nine months of overtime jobs (nothing less than 6/12's) in the mills to afford to be able to take off for three years for maternity. When she decided to go back to work, she was able to get a job with a contractor to work 7-3:30 on a service truck. (BTW, her husband owns his own computer repair shop out of the house, so he kept the kid during the day.) TL;DR Regarding physical labor jobs, it's all about choices. There is no legislation that will equalize men and women in physical labor jobs as long as pregnancy is a mitigating factor in ability to do physical work. How is that unfair? If you do the work, you get the pay. The fact is that women often choose not to get into these jobs because they don't want to be in the environment. Is there discrimination in the workplace; of course it is...we all know it still exists, but this report is just being disingenuous in how it relates the info it is trying to get across.... Oh yeah, one more thing; I'll just leave [this]( here. Read it at your leisure.
I can only speak from my own experience in this subject, but here it goes. I worked 17 years in the building trades as a construction electrician. In the building trades, it's simple; if you don't work, you don't get paid. Outside of injury or medical compensation, your pay is based strictly on hours worked. If you are willing to work more hours, you will get more money. If you only want to work eight-hour days, five days a week, then you will only get 40 hours pay at the standard rate (which was $45.00/hour when I was in the trades). If you want to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, you'll get 40 hours pay plus 32 hours pay at time and a half. If you were willing to put in a Sunday, then you got the above pay plus another 12 hours at double get the point, right? In my home state, very severe legislation was passed that pretty much forced the building trades to actively recruit minorities and women (yes, I separated it on purpose, as this is how it was promoted) into their apprenticeship programs (which is how I got in as an African American male) in order to continue to receive state and federal funding. So, they did just that; they actively pursued getting women into the apprenticeship schools and getting them into the field. Guess what? All of the 23 women in my class and the two classes under me washed out of the program. But guess what, there were seven in the class ahead of me and they made it through to the end, and of that seven, three are still working in the trades (one of them is my cousin). Let's break it down and see what happened. Eight couldn't continue due to pregnancy. Guess what? There are jobs that are just flat out impossible to do because of pregnancy. That isn't about "gender roles;" that is about biology. There is no legislation in the world that can allow a pregnant woman be able to effectively carry out manual labor without endangering herself or the child she is carrying. The eight women were granted maternity leave from the program to deal with their children. But most building trade apprenticeship programs deal with a "work-hour requirement" for graduation. While the women were not penalized for taking the time off from work and classes and were financially compensated by the union for time they were off work, they could not be given completion credit for hours they did not work. So rather than just accept the fact that they would graduate from the apprenticeship program at a later time than the rest of us, these women just chose to quit the program. The other 15 women just dropped out of the program after deciding that they didn't want to do the work in the job environment or work the hours required. In construction, especially within the industrial sector, there is a lot of required overtime on projects. Again, this has nothing to do with "gender roles." This is about getting a job done and meeting a deadline. When we are doing a maintenance cycle on a steel mill's blast furnace, we have to be in and out of that area within a given amount of time, so the furnace can be brought back up to production. So, if we're working 12-16 hour shifts for three to five days to get this done, then we're doing it and of course we get paid quite well for that effort. Most of the women who quit were unhappy because they weren't working in "clean environments" like houses, shopping centers, or office buildings, but were in industrial environments (steel mills, refineries, chem plants, etc... dirty jobs), despite the fact that this was the majority of the work in our area. Commercial and residential work was not as available as industrial jobs at the time. Four of the women tried to sue the building trades commission in the area for discrimination. They claimed that they were forced to work in the industrial areas rather than getting the commercial and residential jobs because they were women and it was an attempt to discourage them from staying in the program. The case was dismissed because there was overwhelming evidence that proved otherwise. When I joined the program, all of our class were spread out among all of the industrial jobs that were going on during the initial pre-apprenticeship period of the program. Once we all cleared that probation period, we were all pulled out of those jobs and placed into residential and commercial jobs to learn the nuts and bolts of our trade. The final nail in the coffin of that case was that eight other women out of the group came forward and testified that they just quit because they wanted to do something else and denied any discriminatory treatment. It's all about choice. Are you being physically damaged by working at Starbucks as compared to digging a ditch? There are women who work in construction and they make great money doing it, but they will not lie and tell you that any woman can do it, because not every woman can and the reason is not physical ability, but because of the choices involved. My cousin worked nearly nine months of overtime jobs (nothing less than 6/12's) in the mills to afford to be able to take off for three years for maternity. When she decided to go back to work, she was able to get a job with a contractor to work 7-3:30 on a service truck. (BTW, her husband owns his own computer repair shop out of the house, so he kept the kid during the day.)
Regarding physical labor jobs, it's all about choices. There is no legislation that will equalize men and women in physical labor jobs as long as pregnancy is a mitigating factor in ability to do physical work. How is that unfair? If you do the work, you get the pay. The fact is that women often choose not to get into these jobs because they don't want to be in the environment. Is there discrimination in the workplace; of course it is...we all know it still exists, but this report is just being disingenuous in how it relates the info it is trying to get across.... Oh yeah, one more thing; I'll just leave [this]( here. Read it at your leisure.
They are one of only a couple companies that sell a narrow/wide chainring that mounts directly onto the SRAM spindle, eliminating the need for the chainring spider. Basically, since placing the order, I haven't been able to get in touch with them via email. I live in the US, so I have a few questions about my order, and how it got shipped. First, the email I received from them said that my order had been "DISPATCHED". For those of us not from the UK, does that mean it has been shipped? (that was my first email question to them...on Jan 16th) My second email was sent a few days later (Jan 20th) asking if there was any information about when I could expect to receive my shipment, or if there was any tracking information for it. Since it's international, I figure there probably isnt any. I just sent them a third email laying out my frustration with the lack of responses, and how it looks from a customer's point of view. Am I being overly concerned, or coming across rude? It's just not normal to me to have so little info about an order. TLDR: ordered chainring, had questions, emailed, gotten no responses.
They are one of only a couple companies that sell a narrow/wide chainring that mounts directly onto the SRAM spindle, eliminating the need for the chainring spider. Basically, since placing the order, I haven't been able to get in touch with them via email. I live in the US, so I have a few questions about my order, and how it got shipped. First, the email I received from them said that my order had been "DISPATCHED". For those of us not from the UK, does that mean it has been shipped? (that was my first email question to them...on Jan 16th) My second email was sent a few days later (Jan 20th) asking if there was any information about when I could expect to receive my shipment, or if there was any tracking information for it. Since it's international, I figure there probably isnt any. I just sent them a third email laying out my frustration with the lack of responses, and how it looks from a customer's point of view. Am I being overly concerned, or coming across rude? It's just not normal to me to have so little info about an order. TLDR: ordered chainring, had questions, emailed, gotten no responses.
They are one of only a couple companies that sell a narrow/wide chainring that mounts directly onto the SRAM spindle, eliminating the need for the chainring spider. Basically, since placing the order, I haven't been able to get in touch with them via email. I live in the US, so I have a few questions about my order, and how it got shipped. First, the email I received from them said that my order had been "DISPATCHED". For those of us not from the UK, does that mean it has been shipped? (that was my first email question to them...on Jan 16th) My second email was sent a few days later (Jan 20th) asking if there was any information about when I could expect to receive my shipment, or if there was any tracking information for it. Since it's international, I figure there probably isnt any. I just sent them a third email laying out my frustration with the lack of responses, and how it looks from a customer's point of view. Am I being overly concerned, or coming across rude? It's just not normal to me to have so little info about an order.
ordered chainring, had questions, emailed, gotten no responses.
Hello ;) I started to take a bit more care about my looks in general recently, wanting to move away from your typical "skinny nerd" I really want to shave down there, for obvious reasons, but every way I tried till now looked very weird to me :D I do not have a lot of upper body hair, however my legs and ass are pretty bushy. So when I just shave the genitals and the area around them, it stands out to have no hair there and then hair again on my upper legs. I dont want to shave completely (Tried it, it doesnt look very male :P) and trimming the entire body hair in an even way also looks kinda strange to me. Additionally I would still have short but undesired hair down there. I read about making a smooth transition from no hair to longer hair, but where should I start? I have no idea how I would look the best, fuck the taboos about men shaving.. Also I would love to know if I should trim my leg hair or just let it grow. It looks similar to this: [This is not me]( I am not sure if it looks manly or disgusting :D **TL;DR: I want shaved Balls, Ass and "Penis-area", but it looks shitty in contrast to my leg hair** Thanx for your advice Galaxy (If this post looks weird, I apologize, I realized that I tend to post like writing an essay due to english being a foreign language to me)
Hello ;) I started to take a bit more care about my looks in general recently, wanting to move away from your typical "skinny nerd" I really want to shave down there, for obvious reasons, but every way I tried till now looked very weird to me :D I do not have a lot of upper body hair, however my legs and ass are pretty bushy. So when I just shave the genitals and the area around them, it stands out to have no hair there and then hair again on my upper legs. I dont want to shave completely (Tried it, it doesnt look very male :P) and trimming the entire body hair in an even way also looks kinda strange to me. Additionally I would still have short but undesired hair down there. I read about making a smooth transition from no hair to longer hair, but where should I start? I have no idea how I would look the best, fuck the taboos about men shaving.. Also I would love to know if I should trim my leg hair or just let it grow. It looks similar to this: [This is not me]( I am not sure if it looks manly or disgusting :D TL;DR: I want shaved Balls, Ass and "Penis-area", but it looks shitty in contrast to my leg hair Thanx for your advice Galaxy (If this post looks weird, I apologize, I realized that I tend to post like writing an essay due to english being a foreign language to me)
Hello ;) I started to take a bit more care about my looks in general recently, wanting to move away from your typical "skinny nerd" I really want to shave down there, for obvious reasons, but every way I tried till now looked very weird to me :D I do not have a lot of upper body hair, however my legs and ass are pretty bushy. So when I just shave the genitals and the area around them, it stands out to have no hair there and then hair again on my upper legs. I dont want to shave completely (Tried it, it doesnt look very male :P) and trimming the entire body hair in an even way also looks kinda strange to me. Additionally I would still have short but undesired hair down there. I read about making a smooth transition from no hair to longer hair, but where should I start? I have no idea how I would look the best, fuck the taboos about men shaving.. Also I would love to know if I should trim my leg hair or just let it grow. It looks similar to this: [This is not me]( I am not sure if it looks manly or disgusting :D
I want shaved Balls, Ass and "Penis-area", but it looks shitty in contrast to my leg hair Thanx for your advice Galaxy (If this post looks weird, I apologize, I realized that I tend to post like writing an essay due to english being a foreign language to me)
In recent times I've felt my personal thoughts on this have been wavering and I find that frightening, at the same time I can't imagine I'm alone on this and am curious what the overall "feel" other people have been having is. It took some creative thought, and your participation, but I think I figured out a way to conduct a non-formal "reddit Poll". So here's how I've imagined doing this... First off, if you like the idea of this poll becoming successful and garnering as many responses as possible, upvote the post itself to maximize visibility, and hopefully the number of respondents to the poll with it. **VOTING IN THE POLL:** below you should see the 2 options to the poll in one-word replies made by me.... It's simple, upvote your choice in the poll. Number of upvotes will correlate to the "vote" count. **Ideally i'd like for any discussion about your feelings on this subject to be under one of my "vote option" comments**, so that the "first level" of comments is nobody but me and the voting options I have placed there. This will hopefully avoid forcing people to search too hard to look for the option they'd like to vote for. TLDR... upvote the post itself if you want to help get it more attention and get more respondents. Upvote the reply stating your opinion made by me to log your vote. Please don't put any replies/discussion in the "first level" of comments as I'd like to reserve that for nothing but the voting options for the ease of others' finding them to cast their "vote". Thanks, I'm curious what the stats on this is going to be
In recent times I've felt my personal thoughts on this have been wavering and I find that frightening, at the same time I can't imagine I'm alone on this and am curious what the overall "feel" other people have been having is. It took some creative thought, and your participation, but I think I figured out a way to conduct a non-formal "reddit Poll". So here's how I've imagined doing this... First off, if you like the idea of this poll becoming successful and garnering as many responses as possible, upvote the post itself to maximize visibility, and hopefully the number of respondents to the poll with it. VOTING IN THE POLL: below you should see the 2 options to the poll in one-word replies made by me.... It's simple, upvote your choice in the poll. Number of upvotes will correlate to the "vote" count. Ideally i'd like for any discussion about your feelings on this subject to be under one of my "vote option" comments , so that the "first level" of comments is nobody but me and the voting options I have placed there. This will hopefully avoid forcing people to search too hard to look for the option they'd like to vote for. TLDR... upvote the post itself if you want to help get it more attention and get more respondents. Upvote the reply stating your opinion made by me to log your vote. Please don't put any replies/discussion in the "first level" of comments as I'd like to reserve that for nothing but the voting options for the ease of others' finding them to cast their "vote". Thanks, I'm curious what the stats on this is going to be
In recent times I've felt my personal thoughts on this have been wavering and I find that frightening, at the same time I can't imagine I'm alone on this and am curious what the overall "feel" other people have been having is. It took some creative thought, and your participation, but I think I figured out a way to conduct a non-formal "reddit Poll". So here's how I've imagined doing this... First off, if you like the idea of this poll becoming successful and garnering as many responses as possible, upvote the post itself to maximize visibility, and hopefully the number of respondents to the poll with it. VOTING IN THE POLL: below you should see the 2 options to the poll in one-word replies made by me.... It's simple, upvote your choice in the poll. Number of upvotes will correlate to the "vote" count. Ideally i'd like for any discussion about your feelings on this subject to be under one of my "vote option" comments , so that the "first level" of comments is nobody but me and the voting options I have placed there. This will hopefully avoid forcing people to search too hard to look for the option they'd like to vote for.
upvote the post itself if you want to help get it more attention and get more respondents. Upvote the reply stating your opinion made by me to log your vote. Please don't put any replies/discussion in the "first level" of comments as I'd like to reserve that for nothing but the voting options for the ease of others' finding them to cast their "vote". Thanks, I'm curious what the stats on this is going to be
My parents had an old Macbook 2,1 lying around and I tried installing Debian on it. I must have selected the option to install grub to the MBR (master boot record). Now when I try to start the computer it gives me a blinking folder with a question mark icon. I do not have the original install disks for this computer, and when I try to install from other OSX install disks it gives me the error "OS X cannot be installed on this computer." So I'm stuck in this computer hinterland where I cannot boot linux, nor can I reinstall OSX. I realize I was an idiot and did everything in a cavalier manner, and now I am paying for it. So my questions are: Is there anyway to install rEFIt or something similar from a like live cd? Is there any way to get this computer bootable again? Also, what is a good resource for information on using linux on mac hardware? Thank you for any advice. edit: I fixed the problem, just recording this for posterity. I had to reinstall osx from the cds that came with the macbook. Thanks for your help everyone. tl;dr Erased the boot partition on my macbook. apples use a wierd and arcane and occult boot partition. any ideas?
My parents had an old Macbook 2,1 lying around and I tried installing Debian on it. I must have selected the option to install grub to the MBR (master boot record). Now when I try to start the computer it gives me a blinking folder with a question mark icon. I do not have the original install disks for this computer, and when I try to install from other OSX install disks it gives me the error "OS X cannot be installed on this computer." So I'm stuck in this computer hinterland where I cannot boot linux, nor can I reinstall OSX. I realize I was an idiot and did everything in a cavalier manner, and now I am paying for it. So my questions are: Is there anyway to install rEFIt or something similar from a like live cd? Is there any way to get this computer bootable again? Also, what is a good resource for information on using linux on mac hardware? Thank you for any advice. edit: I fixed the problem, just recording this for posterity. I had to reinstall osx from the cds that came with the macbook. Thanks for your help everyone. tl;dr Erased the boot partition on my macbook. apples use a wierd and arcane and occult boot partition. any ideas?
My parents had an old Macbook 2,1 lying around and I tried installing Debian on it. I must have selected the option to install grub to the MBR (master boot record). Now when I try to start the computer it gives me a blinking folder with a question mark icon. I do not have the original install disks for this computer, and when I try to install from other OSX install disks it gives me the error "OS X cannot be installed on this computer." So I'm stuck in this computer hinterland where I cannot boot linux, nor can I reinstall OSX. I realize I was an idiot and did everything in a cavalier manner, and now I am paying for it. So my questions are: Is there anyway to install rEFIt or something similar from a like live cd? Is there any way to get this computer bootable again? Also, what is a good resource for information on using linux on mac hardware? Thank you for any advice. edit: I fixed the problem, just recording this for posterity. I had to reinstall osx from the cds that came with the macbook. Thanks for your help everyone.
Erased the boot partition on my macbook. apples use a wierd and arcane and occult boot partition. any ideas?
A week or so ago I was on the redline heading home from work around 9:30pm and was in the window seat of a very packed train. A very tall guy sat next to me smelling like he just poured whiskey all over himself. He kept drinking some kind of alcohol out of a brown bag and mumbling to himself. He then glanced at me and started telling me how attractive I was and asking if I wanted to be with him. He kept asking where I live and complimenting various things kind of creepy like. "Youre eyes are amazing. Oh the things I would do to you." I kept telling him he needed to back off. I felt trapped so I told him I was getting off at the next stop. He turned sideways and made me slide out in front of him. Some guy sitting across from us got up and let me sit and proceeded to tell the guy he was being inappropriate and he needed to leave me alone. The guy I was initially sitting next to moved to the seat behind us and ran his hand through my hair saying how beautiful it was. I was so creeped out I just got off at the next stop and quickly walked home. TL;DR Guy on the redline drunk and being overly flirtatious then proceeds to run hands through my hair. Creeped me out.
A week or so ago I was on the redline heading home from work around 9:30pm and was in the window seat of a very packed train. A very tall guy sat next to me smelling like he just poured whiskey all over himself. He kept drinking some kind of alcohol out of a brown bag and mumbling to himself. He then glanced at me and started telling me how attractive I was and asking if I wanted to be with him. He kept asking where I live and complimenting various things kind of creepy like. "Youre eyes are amazing. Oh the things I would do to you." I kept telling him he needed to back off. I felt trapped so I told him I was getting off at the next stop. He turned sideways and made me slide out in front of him. Some guy sitting across from us got up and let me sit and proceeded to tell the guy he was being inappropriate and he needed to leave me alone. The guy I was initially sitting next to moved to the seat behind us and ran his hand through my hair saying how beautiful it was. I was so creeped out I just got off at the next stop and quickly walked home. TL;DR Guy on the redline drunk and being overly flirtatious then proceeds to run hands through my hair. Creeped me out.
A week or so ago I was on the redline heading home from work around 9:30pm and was in the window seat of a very packed train. A very tall guy sat next to me smelling like he just poured whiskey all over himself. He kept drinking some kind of alcohol out of a brown bag and mumbling to himself. He then glanced at me and started telling me how attractive I was and asking if I wanted to be with him. He kept asking where I live and complimenting various things kind of creepy like. "Youre eyes are amazing. Oh the things I would do to you." I kept telling him he needed to back off. I felt trapped so I told him I was getting off at the next stop. He turned sideways and made me slide out in front of him. Some guy sitting across from us got up and let me sit and proceeded to tell the guy he was being inappropriate and he needed to leave me alone. The guy I was initially sitting next to moved to the seat behind us and ran his hand through my hair saying how beautiful it was. I was so creeped out I just got off at the next stop and quickly walked home.
Guy on the redline drunk and being overly flirtatious then proceeds to run hands through my hair. Creeped me out.
I rooted successfully and everything was going great. I flashed a stock rom and mid boot up, I realized I would lose all my Samsung link/Samsung apps that I use to share files between my galtab2 10.1. I decided to restore to a backup that I made the night before and when I booted up again, it went through a loop so I factory reset using download mode and when it finally came around, my phone was put on roaming mode. There was a small r about my signal status and I couldn't send or receive data or texts or calls. I unrooted immediately and went to Verizon and feigned innocence when asked if I have done any system modifications. I received a replacement phone after bullshitting the guy at the tech center. This was a month and a half ago and I haven't received any bills or charges for the phone as I'm sure the tech gurus probably know what I did. I'm curious if any of you have encountered a similar problem. Tl;Dr: rooted gs3, restored a backup, bootloop, broke the loop, small r above my signal status. No idea what it was. Any similar encounters?
I rooted successfully and everything was going great. I flashed a stock rom and mid boot up, I realized I would lose all my Samsung link/Samsung apps that I use to share files between my galtab2 10.1. I decided to restore to a backup that I made the night before and when I booted up again, it went through a loop so I factory reset using download mode and when it finally came around, my phone was put on roaming mode. There was a small r about my signal status and I couldn't send or receive data or texts or calls. I unrooted immediately and went to Verizon and feigned innocence when asked if I have done any system modifications. I received a replacement phone after bullshitting the guy at the tech center. This was a month and a half ago and I haven't received any bills or charges for the phone as I'm sure the tech gurus probably know what I did. I'm curious if any of you have encountered a similar problem. Tl;Dr: rooted gs3, restored a backup, bootloop, broke the loop, small r above my signal status. No idea what it was. Any similar encounters?
I rooted successfully and everything was going great. I flashed a stock rom and mid boot up, I realized I would lose all my Samsung link/Samsung apps that I use to share files between my galtab2 10.1. I decided to restore to a backup that I made the night before and when I booted up again, it went through a loop so I factory reset using download mode and when it finally came around, my phone was put on roaming mode. There was a small r about my signal status and I couldn't send or receive data or texts or calls. I unrooted immediately and went to Verizon and feigned innocence when asked if I have done any system modifications. I received a replacement phone after bullshitting the guy at the tech center. This was a month and a half ago and I haven't received any bills or charges for the phone as I'm sure the tech gurus probably know what I did. I'm curious if any of you have encountered a similar problem.
rooted gs3, restored a backup, bootloop, broke the loop, small r above my signal status. No idea what it was. Any similar encounters?
A little backstory, we're both 18. Been dating for almost a year. I'm M. We've been trying to just work through it and things are still rocky. We're probably going to take a short "break" and see if we can either figure out if we should end it, or what the best way to get back together is. She obviously has changed, and I haven't. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be appreciated. tl;dr **My girlfriend feel differently without a real reason, and things are different. We both still care about each other and want things back to the way they were before. What's the best next step?**
A little backstory, we're both 18. Been dating for almost a year. I'm M. We've been trying to just work through it and things are still rocky. We're probably going to take a short "break" and see if we can either figure out if we should end it, or what the best way to get back together is. She obviously has changed, and I haven't. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be appreciated. tl;dr My girlfriend feel differently without a real reason, and things are different. We both still care about each other and want things back to the way they were before. What's the best next step?
A little backstory, we're both 18. Been dating for almost a year. I'm M. We've been trying to just work through it and things are still rocky. We're probably going to take a short "break" and see if we can either figure out if we should end it, or what the best way to get back together is. She obviously has changed, and I haven't. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be appreciated.
My girlfriend feel differently without a real reason, and things are different. We both still care about each other and want things back to the way they were before. What's the best next step?
So this happened about 3 hours ago but the buying of the sweatpants happened yesterday. It's a story with a happy ending but here it goes! So Yesterday I was at the mall, and I bought some sweatpants from H&amp;M. These sweatpants were awesome but had very small pockets. So fast forward to Sunday (today). It is my Dad's birthday and he decides to take myself (16) and my 2 brothers (2) and (7) to Dave &amp; Busters for dinner and some video games. I decide to wear my new sweatpants because WHY NOT? So I am playing one of those games where you shoot the basketball. Before I started playing I tapped my pocket to check if my phone was there. It was. So I started playing. When I was done I took one of the basketballs and started juggling it like a soccer ball because I am just like soccer. Yeah i'm that guy... So the ball rolls 15 feet away and I chase after it and get it back. I check to see if my phone is in my pocket and it is not their anymore. I check the area in which I just was and no luck. Someone stole my phone from the ground. I quickly rush to my dad, take his phone and sign into Find my iPhone. It won't load it's location because of the terrible connection in Dave &amp; busters. So I just start spam calling my phone to see if anyone answers or makes any sudden movements in their pockets. In the meantime their is one specific person I am searching for. This really sketchy girl was watching me play basketball when I lost my phone. So I see her as I am calling my phone and she doesn't move towards her pockets are make any look towards me so I assume it isn't her. So I go outside Dave &amp; Busters and try to get a location on my phone as their is good service outside. I see that my phone is in a parking lot near we parked on the side of the building. I run over their and start looking for people about to leave and keep updating the location of my phone. About a dozen people leave and my phone remains in the same location. I start looking in the parking lot street. I come up with nothing. After about 30 minutes of being outside searching for my phone (btw its 30 degrees out and all i have is a hoodie on, im fuckin freezing my dick off) I go inside and play some games until it is time to go. So my Dad, and brothers and I get to the car and I start searching again. Also My phone is in Lost mode. Again no luck. I start thinking it's just glitched out and it's probably gone. But then I decide to call it. Now keep in mind, I have the ringtone Pressure by Youngblood Hawke. (link - So my first time calling, I hear it! I HEAR MY AMAZING RINGTONE! Now I can figure out where... So I start going up to cars windows and listening and I figure out which one it is. It is a 2004 Black Ford Explorer with a expired registration parked 2 FUCKING SPOTS NEXT TO MY CAR! 2 SPOTS! So the door is locked and I now can confirm its in there. I decide to call the cops because someone stole a possession worth a couple of hundred dollars from me. They get there and I show them that when I call my phone it comes from there car. They go into Dave &amp; Busters and over the loud speaker they say that someone with this license plate number left their headlights on. So about 10 minutes later a mom comes out and checks her headlights and me and my family are in the car waiting. They confront her and say that my phone is in her car. They told me to call it. Then I head the ever so soothing of Youngblood Hawke ringing through the parking lot. They give me my phone back and she says that she had 3 kids, 14, 12 and 7. She said that she noticed one of them ran back to the car over and hour ago for some reason. I decided not to press charges and drove off into the sunset with my iPhone 6 knowing that I have awesome fucking detective skills... CousinJamess 1 - Thieven kids 0 tl;dr kids steal shit with no remorse... fuck kids.
So this happened about 3 hours ago but the buying of the sweatpants happened yesterday. It's a story with a happy ending but here it goes! So Yesterday I was at the mall, and I bought some sweatpants from H&M. These sweatpants were awesome but had very small pockets. So fast forward to Sunday (today). It is my Dad's birthday and he decides to take myself (16) and my 2 brothers (2) and (7) to Dave & Busters for dinner and some video games. I decide to wear my new sweatpants because WHY NOT? So I am playing one of those games where you shoot the basketball. Before I started playing I tapped my pocket to check if my phone was there. It was. So I started playing. When I was done I took one of the basketballs and started juggling it like a soccer ball because I am just like soccer. Yeah i'm that guy... So the ball rolls 15 feet away and I chase after it and get it back. I check to see if my phone is in my pocket and it is not their anymore. I check the area in which I just was and no luck. Someone stole my phone from the ground. I quickly rush to my dad, take his phone and sign into Find my iPhone. It won't load it's location because of the terrible connection in Dave & busters. So I just start spam calling my phone to see if anyone answers or makes any sudden movements in their pockets. In the meantime their is one specific person I am searching for. This really sketchy girl was watching me play basketball when I lost my phone. So I see her as I am calling my phone and she doesn't move towards her pockets are make any look towards me so I assume it isn't her. So I go outside Dave & Busters and try to get a location on my phone as their is good service outside. I see that my phone is in a parking lot near we parked on the side of the building. I run over their and start looking for people about to leave and keep updating the location of my phone. About a dozen people leave and my phone remains in the same location. I start looking in the parking lot street. I come up with nothing. After about 30 minutes of being outside searching for my phone (btw its 30 degrees out and all i have is a hoodie on, im fuckin freezing my dick off) I go inside and play some games until it is time to go. So my Dad, and brothers and I get to the car and I start searching again. Also My phone is in Lost mode. Again no luck. I start thinking it's just glitched out and it's probably gone. But then I decide to call it. Now keep in mind, I have the ringtone Pressure by Youngblood Hawke. (link - So my first time calling, I hear it! I HEAR MY AMAZING RINGTONE! Now I can figure out where... So I start going up to cars windows and listening and I figure out which one it is. It is a 2004 Black Ford Explorer with a expired registration parked 2 FUCKING SPOTS NEXT TO MY CAR! 2 SPOTS! So the door is locked and I now can confirm its in there. I decide to call the cops because someone stole a possession worth a couple of hundred dollars from me. They get there and I show them that when I call my phone it comes from there car. They go into Dave & Busters and over the loud speaker they say that someone with this license plate number left their headlights on. So about 10 minutes later a mom comes out and checks her headlights and me and my family are in the car waiting. They confront her and say that my phone is in her car. They told me to call it. Then I head the ever so soothing of Youngblood Hawke ringing through the parking lot. They give me my phone back and she says that she had 3 kids, 14, 12 and 7. She said that she noticed one of them ran back to the car over and hour ago for some reason. I decided not to press charges and drove off into the sunset with my iPhone 6 knowing that I have awesome fucking detective skills... CousinJamess 1 - Thieven kids 0 tl;dr kids steal shit with no remorse... fuck kids.
So this happened about 3 hours ago but the buying of the sweatpants happened yesterday. It's a story with a happy ending but here it goes! So Yesterday I was at the mall, and I bought some sweatpants from H&M. These sweatpants were awesome but had very small pockets. So fast forward to Sunday (today). It is my Dad's birthday and he decides to take myself (16) and my 2 brothers (2) and (7) to Dave & Busters for dinner and some video games. I decide to wear my new sweatpants because WHY NOT? So I am playing one of those games where you shoot the basketball. Before I started playing I tapped my pocket to check if my phone was there. It was. So I started playing. When I was done I took one of the basketballs and started juggling it like a soccer ball because I am just like soccer. Yeah i'm that guy... So the ball rolls 15 feet away and I chase after it and get it back. I check to see if my phone is in my pocket and it is not their anymore. I check the area in which I just was and no luck. Someone stole my phone from the ground. I quickly rush to my dad, take his phone and sign into Find my iPhone. It won't load it's location because of the terrible connection in Dave & busters. So I just start spam calling my phone to see if anyone answers or makes any sudden movements in their pockets. In the meantime their is one specific person I am searching for. This really sketchy girl was watching me play basketball when I lost my phone. So I see her as I am calling my phone and she doesn't move towards her pockets are make any look towards me so I assume it isn't her. So I go outside Dave & Busters and try to get a location on my phone as their is good service outside. I see that my phone is in a parking lot near we parked on the side of the building. I run over their and start looking for people about to leave and keep updating the location of my phone. About a dozen people leave and my phone remains in the same location. I start looking in the parking lot street. I come up with nothing. After about 30 minutes of being outside searching for my phone (btw its 30 degrees out and all i have is a hoodie on, im fuckin freezing my dick off) I go inside and play some games until it is time to go. So my Dad, and brothers and I get to the car and I start searching again. Also My phone is in Lost mode. Again no luck. I start thinking it's just glitched out and it's probably gone. But then I decide to call it. Now keep in mind, I have the ringtone Pressure by Youngblood Hawke. (link - So my first time calling, I hear it! I HEAR MY AMAZING RINGTONE! Now I can figure out where... So I start going up to cars windows and listening and I figure out which one it is. It is a 2004 Black Ford Explorer with a expired registration parked 2 FUCKING SPOTS NEXT TO MY CAR! 2 SPOTS! So the door is locked and I now can confirm its in there. I decide to call the cops because someone stole a possession worth a couple of hundred dollars from me. They get there and I show them that when I call my phone it comes from there car. They go into Dave & Busters and over the loud speaker they say that someone with this license plate number left their headlights on. So about 10 minutes later a mom comes out and checks her headlights and me and my family are in the car waiting. They confront her and say that my phone is in her car. They told me to call it. Then I head the ever so soothing of Youngblood Hawke ringing through the parking lot. They give me my phone back and she says that she had 3 kids, 14, 12 and 7. She said that she noticed one of them ran back to the car over and hour ago for some reason. I decided not to press charges and drove off into the sunset with my iPhone 6 knowing that I have awesome fucking detective skills... CousinJamess 1 - Thieven kids 0
kids steal shit with no remorse... fuck kids.
I've been having recurring dreams where I can fly. Like usual dreams seem very realistic, so when waking up I had no memory of dreaming I could fly so it just stuck in the back of my head that I could. I had no memory at all that it was a dream, and just felt like I had the ability to fly in the back of my head. Fast forward to today where me and my friends are talking. Someone asks what it would feel like to be able to fly and absent mindedly I just say it feels like gliding, but only faster. Cue to everyone stop talking, me realizing what I said and trying to explain, while making fun of me for thinking dreams are real. TL;DR Flew too close to the sun, am now the butt of the joke
I've been having recurring dreams where I can fly. Like usual dreams seem very realistic, so when waking up I had no memory of dreaming I could fly so it just stuck in the back of my head that I could. I had no memory at all that it was a dream, and just felt like I had the ability to fly in the back of my head. Fast forward to today where me and my friends are talking. Someone asks what it would feel like to be able to fly and absent mindedly I just say it feels like gliding, but only faster. Cue to everyone stop talking, me realizing what I said and trying to explain, while making fun of me for thinking dreams are real. TL;DR Flew too close to the sun, am now the butt of the joke
I've been having recurring dreams where I can fly. Like usual dreams seem very realistic, so when waking up I had no memory of dreaming I could fly so it just stuck in the back of my head that I could. I had no memory at all that it was a dream, and just felt like I had the ability to fly in the back of my head. Fast forward to today where me and my friends are talking. Someone asks what it would feel like to be able to fly and absent mindedly I just say it feels like gliding, but only faster. Cue to everyone stop talking, me realizing what I said and trying to explain, while making fun of me for thinking dreams are real.
Flew too close to the sun, am now the butt of the joke
Ah did it soo wrong then. I went up to this attractive lookin one and asked her if she can get me a Mcgangbang with a smile and a wink. She said she didnt know what it actually was so i whipped put my phone and actually showed her a pic of it. She asked to look at my phone...writes her number down in it and tells me to call her later for 'McBang'. TL;DR: Went to get a bang with it too
Ah did it soo wrong then. I went up to this attractive lookin one and asked her if she can get me a Mcgangbang with a smile and a wink. She said she didnt know what it actually was so i whipped put my phone and actually showed her a pic of it. She asked to look at my phone...writes her number down in it and tells me to call her later for 'McBang'. TL;DR: Went to get a bang with it too
Ah did it soo wrong then. I went up to this attractive lookin one and asked her if she can get me a Mcgangbang with a smile and a wink. She said she didnt know what it actually was so i whipped put my phone and actually showed her a pic of it. She asked to look at my phone...writes her number down in it and tells me to call her later for 'McBang'.
Went to get a bang with it too
-When my SO squeezes me a little bit tighter during a hug -when he puts on a movie I love even though he doesn't care for it -sharing the last soda -getting candy unexpectedly -when my daughter smiles at me just because it's me she's looking at -when I win Scene It -when someone gives me a compliment. No matter how small. -when people ask me about things because they know I'm good at them -when people laugh at my jokes -singing Songs at the top of my lungs with my family on car trips TL;DR apparently I just love attention :L
-When my SO squeezes me a little bit tighter during a hug -when he puts on a movie I love even though he doesn't care for it -sharing the last soda -getting candy unexpectedly -when my daughter smiles at me just because it's me she's looking at -when I win Scene It -when someone gives me a compliment. No matter how small. -when people ask me about things because they know I'm good at them -when people laugh at my jokes -singing Songs at the top of my lungs with my family on car trips TL;DR apparently I just love attention :L
When my SO squeezes me a little bit tighter during a hug -when he puts on a movie I love even though he doesn't care for it -sharing the last soda -getting candy unexpectedly -when my daughter smiles at me just because it's me she's looking at -when I win Scene It -when someone gives me a compliment. No matter how small. -when people ask me about things because they know I'm good at them -when people laugh at my jokes -singing Songs at the top of my lungs with my family on car trips
apparently I just love attention :L
So I've been in brave before back when you lived in lowsec. I joined up with bovril briefly but didn't get along too well (grr bubbles) but gave it a little go. I kind of miss you guys and I'd like to give it another try. Due to time constraints over the next few weeks I'm holding off applying until after Christmas. This should give me enough time to get a laid back market thing going on an alt to give me some income. The question is, is there anything I should be skilling into in the mean while? Is it possible to make a few isk to replace ships outside of srp? And what should I do with the dominix currently sat in hisec when I do join? I don't know if I want to go back to null because bubbles, is there any way around them? Tl:Dr Wanting to join in the new year, what do?
So I've been in brave before back when you lived in lowsec. I joined up with bovril briefly but didn't get along too well (grr bubbles) but gave it a little go. I kind of miss you guys and I'd like to give it another try. Due to time constraints over the next few weeks I'm holding off applying until after Christmas. This should give me enough time to get a laid back market thing going on an alt to give me some income. The question is, is there anything I should be skilling into in the mean while? Is it possible to make a few isk to replace ships outside of srp? And what should I do with the dominix currently sat in hisec when I do join? I don't know if I want to go back to null because bubbles, is there any way around them? Tl:Dr Wanting to join in the new year, what do?
So I've been in brave before back when you lived in lowsec. I joined up with bovril briefly but didn't get along too well (grr bubbles) but gave it a little go. I kind of miss you guys and I'd like to give it another try. Due to time constraints over the next few weeks I'm holding off applying until after Christmas. This should give me enough time to get a laid back market thing going on an alt to give me some income. The question is, is there anything I should be skilling into in the mean while? Is it possible to make a few isk to replace ships outside of srp? And what should I do with the dominix currently sat in hisec when I do join? I don't know if I want to go back to null because bubbles, is there any way around them?
Wanting to join in the new year, what do?
My boyfriend is 6 foot 3 and he weighs 20 pounds less than me. I carry my weight in my hips and butt though so I don't look heavy. Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all. Its just a number. The number on the scale doesn't bother me or change who I am as a person. TL;DR I personally don't care if my SO weighs less.
My boyfriend is 6 foot 3 and he weighs 20 pounds less than me. I carry my weight in my hips and butt though so I don't look heavy. Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all. Its just a number. The number on the scale doesn't bother me or change who I am as a person. TL;DR I personally don't care if my SO weighs less.
My boyfriend is 6 foot 3 and he weighs 20 pounds less than me. I carry my weight in my hips and butt though so I don't look heavy. Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all. Its just a number. The number on the scale doesn't bother me or change who I am as a person.
I personally don't care if my SO weighs less.
Warning: wall of text and positive thinking bullshit ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustration and not that much fun. I've seen people have anxiety/panic attacks about their stats and people who just EXPLODE In ts/chat with rage. To me that's fucking hilarious. I can honestly say that I've raged a total of TWICE in the 17,500 games I've played. I''ve been one shot by arty countless times, and I've never raged at that, I've had retards refuse to reset cap costing a game... still no rage. Sure you can attribute it the liberal amounts of that dank herb, ascending you to the prototypical "don't worry be happy mode", but honestly most of my superb anger management/laxness can be attributed to the fact that I realized at a young age vidya gaems r 4 funz, not rage. Intro: You are better than your stats. Why? Because your stats are the AVERAGE of every game you played. Some games you play worse, some games you play better. If you put your mind to it and play at your best, you are better than your average. This is a very common truthism in league/dota 2. A simple realization that you are better than your stats can change your mentality immensely. I was giving this advice on the league subreddit and it helped me jump from 50th percentile in skill to 99th in a matter of 3 months in league. Instead of being bogged down at where your stats are now, just make the effort to play at your highest and ignore what your average is/what you want your average to be. Some psychological feel good bullshit, but the change in mentality works. **** **1. Stat Anxiety:** Stat anxiety is real and it affects everyone, whether they are purple or not. For some reason people put a ton of emphasis towards e-jerking stats in this game when they are very arbitrary in the first place. I've long stopped giving a fuck about my stats ever since I got unicum stats, but there are still certain tanks where I care about the dpg of (whereas they are competitive for top in the world and it becomes a race to see how long you can maintain a high dpg). All it does is create frustration and it stops you from playing some of the funnest tanks in the game. Games become a race to get your damage quota, or else your oh so holy dpg drops. Everyone is guilty of that and it's fine, you just have to accept that instead of aiming for a dpg that will impress the world (guess what unless you are pulling russian god status of like 6.4k dpg in a waifutrager, no one will give a fuck). Instead aim for a dpg that impresses you and don't fuss about it. Set personal goals instead of gloating about how you can't compare to the best of the best. My leo 1 gameplay is quite cancerous, I honestly don't give a shit about winning in it, all I want is to maintain 3600 dpg in it. I've come to realized that's fucking so stupid, who cares if I can't beat posnik something something from ru server (he has 4900 dpg in 600 games!!!!). If I can keep my goal of 3600 dpg in check that's good enough for me. No reason to moan about every game where I do "only" 3k damage The most common issue of stat anxiety is everyone feels the need to compare themselves to others, rather if you are seeking to improve your stats, don't compare yourself to others. The rush of doing well (you know what I mean when you pull something like 90% w/r over 20 battles, or having a high wn8 over a long stretch), shouldn't be coming from having to compare yourself, but rather what makes you feel gud. Seriously, change your mentality of saying I HAVE to get X wn8 or X w/r for the night, rather try your hardest and see what you get. Once you shift your focus from pure stat focus to just trying to do well without specific goals, you shall find a lot of "stress" is gone. Some players don't want to play because they feel like they won't do well, and any competitive player will tell you that's bullshit. You don't get better unless you put in the time. IMO I don't think the "ranked anxiety" is as bad in tanks as it is in per say DOTA2/League/Cs/Sc2, where individual games have more effect on your stats, but the problem is still real in tanks. Every single pro league/dota/cs/sc2 player can tell you the best way to improve is to just play a lot, after all the principle is that you are better than your stats as explained in the intro. **2. Confirmation Bias and Self Reflection:** Rng is in this game and it's here to stay. Everyone has been one shot by arty, and everyone has bounced off some 20mm light tank before. It's human instinct to selectively pick out the outliers. When you count the massive amounts of shells you hit and receive the amount of pens/bounces/one shot by arty/ not being one shot by arty should actually come very close to standard deviation. And there is nothing you can do about it, shit happens. You can spend the entire game whining about rng/arty but it still won't change rng. Wasting your time raging about it won't change the fact you got fucked by rng/shitters in arty. Just move on and learn. Speaking about learning, it's pretty important in my opinion to reflect instead of rage. After every loss, I take a small mental note to see where the match went wrong and how I would I go about differently next time. Now I have a bank of experience where I can do some unusual shit in matches to turn them around. As toxic arty is to gameplay, most of the time you get artied is because you got lazy. I played in arty heyday, where every tier 10 match had 4+ arty each side. I would be paranoid of getting shot and that paranoia has lost it's effect over time. Most of the time I get smacked by xvm-whoring arty I just got lazy or too greedy. That's something I"m really trying to change right now, getting my arty dodging mojo back. (basically if you are purple and you are light, expect to get shot). Some players just rage non-stop about MM/Arty/RNG, but really what can you do? Your rage has no impact on the future of the game, so there's no need to explode at every instance of you personally getting fucked. (still arty is disgusting and needs to be changed) **3. Playing on Tilt/Knowing when to quit** Tilt is real, and everyone is guilty of having played on tilt before. The trick is not to fucking play on tilt (oh wait thats hard). So the nights not going good, you've been 1 shot by arty 3 times and you have a 33% win ratio. Just stop, don't try to salvage your w/r or wn8 for the night. Just put all your willpower into stopping. When you tilt you play worse, that's it and you are more likely to get frustrated. Most of my super bad wn8 games come from either being super tired or coming home @ 3am fucking wasted and deciding to play 30 games of arty while fucked up. I'm pretty sure that's the case with most people, so just learn when to not play. Most of my nights have been, doing fantastic for the first 20 games (80-90% w/r in tier 10), then getting tired and continuing to play and losing because I can't think. If you are serious about doing well, play when you are concentrated, go take a jog/shower some shit and get refreshed instead of slogging games after games half asleep. **4. Raging and your teammates.** No one likes a rager, unless they are the extremely rare "funny rager", it brings down the atmosphere of the platoon whilst being unhealthy imo. Some people use video games as a outlet to rant, which is fine, but if you have issues where you fucking explode every single game, then you need to put yourself in check and stop playing. Everyone knows of locker room cancer, aka "that player" who brings down a sports team because all he creates a toxic environment. When he starts to vent in the locker room, everyone else usually shuts up and teamwork breaks down. I've seen it happen multiple times in real life when I played varsity soccer. Kid starts raging, everyone gets tense and we get smashed even harder. Same thing happens in vidya games, I've had tourney teams where 1 rager loses the tourney for everyone by sending virtually everyone on the team on tilt. Platoons where everyone starts doing bad because somebody won't shut up and stop criticizing his own platoonmates. If you think people tolerate you as a rager, unless they genuinely like you as a person they probably don't. I've seen PLENTY of shit talk about how someone rages too much and has issues. Don't vent your frustration on your own platoonmates, vent it on arty/rng/pubs w/e. Raging at your "friends" won't help them play better. I'm completely immune to this because I've dealt with mega assholes irl sports, but others really get triggered when you call someone out for their every mistake. **5. Conclustion TLDR:** worst's principles for less rage/salt and more fun 1. You are better than you think you are, if you try 2. Set goals not to impress others (chasing the impossible unless you are god @ tanks), but satisfy your own craving for improvement/accomplishing goals. 3. Raging over shit that happened won't reverse it, just get over it. 4. Don't play on tilt, just stop if you are having a bad string of games and you're getting frustrated. Don't try to salvage the night, just take a break and come back later. 5. Don't rage at your own platoonmates ( you can joke around, but when you actually start getting salty.. oh boy) 6. If you are finding yourself getting mad moreso than actually having fun just stop playing the game. 7. If you really have problems with raging, just block chat in the game options, play your favourite/best tanks and just go for it. If you find yourself still getting mad, maybe it's just time to quit. Say what you want, but I actually have fun EVERY GAME I PLAY IN TANKS. I don't rage ever and I'm far better off for it. Just try for a day to use my principles and see if it works. * Just tonight I had a retard batchat refuse to reset cap because "unicum bullied me by telling me where the enemy is and what to do", instead of getting angry like my platoonmates, I just assumed he's dumb and doesn't know better. No point in getting angry over a video game. I'll leave with one vital tip my soccer coach gave me: before you get frustrated, think about this... will you remember this game in a few years? If not, why the fuck are you getting angry?
Warning: wall of text and positive thinking bullshit ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustration and not that much fun. I've seen people have anxiety/panic attacks about their stats and people who just EXPLODE In ts/chat with rage. To me that's fucking hilarious. I can honestly say that I've raged a total of TWICE in the 17,500 games I've played. I''ve been one shot by arty countless times, and I've never raged at that, I've had retards refuse to reset cap costing a game... still no rage. Sure you can attribute it the liberal amounts of that dank herb, ascending you to the prototypical "don't worry be happy mode", but honestly most of my superb anger management/laxness can be attributed to the fact that I realized at a young age vidya gaems r 4 funz, not rage. Intro: You are better than your stats. Why? Because your stats are the AVERAGE of every game you played. Some games you play worse, some games you play better. If you put your mind to it and play at your best, you are better than your average. This is a very common truthism in league/dota 2. A simple realization that you are better than your stats can change your mentality immensely. I was giving this advice on the league subreddit and it helped me jump from 50th percentile in skill to 99th in a matter of 3 months in league. Instead of being bogged down at where your stats are now, just make the effort to play at your highest and ignore what your average is/what you want your average to be. Some psychological feel good bullshit, but the change in mentality works. 1. Stat Anxiety: Stat anxiety is real and it affects everyone, whether they are purple or not. For some reason people put a ton of emphasis towards e-jerking stats in this game when they are very arbitrary in the first place. I've long stopped giving a fuck about my stats ever since I got unicum stats, but there are still certain tanks where I care about the dpg of (whereas they are competitive for top in the world and it becomes a race to see how long you can maintain a high dpg). All it does is create frustration and it stops you from playing some of the funnest tanks in the game. Games become a race to get your damage quota, or else your oh so holy dpg drops. Everyone is guilty of that and it's fine, you just have to accept that instead of aiming for a dpg that will impress the world (guess what unless you are pulling russian god status of like 6.4k dpg in a waifutrager, no one will give a fuck). Instead aim for a dpg that impresses you and don't fuss about it. Set personal goals instead of gloating about how you can't compare to the best of the best. My leo 1 gameplay is quite cancerous, I honestly don't give a shit about winning in it, all I want is to maintain 3600 dpg in it. I've come to realized that's fucking so stupid, who cares if I can't beat posnik something something from ru server (he has 4900 dpg in 600 games!!!!). If I can keep my goal of 3600 dpg in check that's good enough for me. No reason to moan about every game where I do "only" 3k damage The most common issue of stat anxiety is everyone feels the need to compare themselves to others, rather if you are seeking to improve your stats, don't compare yourself to others. The rush of doing well (you know what I mean when you pull something like 90% w/r over 20 battles, or having a high wn8 over a long stretch), shouldn't be coming from having to compare yourself, but rather what makes you feel gud. Seriously, change your mentality of saying I HAVE to get X wn8 or X w/r for the night, rather try your hardest and see what you get. Once you shift your focus from pure stat focus to just trying to do well without specific goals, you shall find a lot of "stress" is gone. Some players don't want to play because they feel like they won't do well, and any competitive player will tell you that's bullshit. You don't get better unless you put in the time. IMO I don't think the "ranked anxiety" is as bad in tanks as it is in per say DOTA2/League/Cs/Sc2, where individual games have more effect on your stats, but the problem is still real in tanks. Every single pro league/dota/cs/sc2 player can tell you the best way to improve is to just play a lot, after all the principle is that you are better than your stats as explained in the intro. 2. Confirmation Bias and Self Reflection: Rng is in this game and it's here to stay. Everyone has been one shot by arty, and everyone has bounced off some 20mm light tank before. It's human instinct to selectively pick out the outliers. When you count the massive amounts of shells you hit and receive the amount of pens/bounces/one shot by arty/ not being one shot by arty should actually come very close to standard deviation. And there is nothing you can do about it, shit happens. You can spend the entire game whining about rng/arty but it still won't change rng. Wasting your time raging about it won't change the fact you got fucked by rng/shitters in arty. Just move on and learn. Speaking about learning, it's pretty important in my opinion to reflect instead of rage. After every loss, I take a small mental note to see where the match went wrong and how I would I go about differently next time. Now I have a bank of experience where I can do some unusual shit in matches to turn them around. As toxic arty is to gameplay, most of the time you get artied is because you got lazy. I played in arty heyday, where every tier 10 match had 4+ arty each side. I would be paranoid of getting shot and that paranoia has lost it's effect over time. Most of the time I get smacked by xvm-whoring arty I just got lazy or too greedy. That's something I"m really trying to change right now, getting my arty dodging mojo back. (basically if you are purple and you are light, expect to get shot). Some players just rage non-stop about MM/Arty/RNG, but really what can you do? Your rage has no impact on the future of the game, so there's no need to explode at every instance of you personally getting fucked. (still arty is disgusting and needs to be changed) 3. Playing on Tilt/Knowing when to quit Tilt is real, and everyone is guilty of having played on tilt before. The trick is not to fucking play on tilt (oh wait thats hard). So the nights not going good, you've been 1 shot by arty 3 times and you have a 33% win ratio. Just stop, don't try to salvage your w/r or wn8 for the night. Just put all your willpower into stopping. When you tilt you play worse, that's it and you are more likely to get frustrated. Most of my super bad wn8 games come from either being super tired or coming home @ 3am fucking wasted and deciding to play 30 games of arty while fucked up. I'm pretty sure that's the case with most people, so just learn when to not play. Most of my nights have been, doing fantastic for the first 20 games (80-90% w/r in tier 10), then getting tired and continuing to play and losing because I can't think. If you are serious about doing well, play when you are concentrated, go take a jog/shower some shit and get refreshed instead of slogging games after games half asleep. 4. Raging and your teammates. No one likes a rager, unless they are the extremely rare "funny rager", it brings down the atmosphere of the platoon whilst being unhealthy imo. Some people use video games as a outlet to rant, which is fine, but if you have issues where you fucking explode every single game, then you need to put yourself in check and stop playing. Everyone knows of locker room cancer, aka "that player" who brings down a sports team because all he creates a toxic environment. When he starts to vent in the locker room, everyone else usually shuts up and teamwork breaks down. I've seen it happen multiple times in real life when I played varsity soccer. Kid starts raging, everyone gets tense and we get smashed even harder. Same thing happens in vidya games, I've had tourney teams where 1 rager loses the tourney for everyone by sending virtually everyone on the team on tilt. Platoons where everyone starts doing bad because somebody won't shut up and stop criticizing his own platoonmates. If you think people tolerate you as a rager, unless they genuinely like you as a person they probably don't. I've seen PLENTY of shit talk about how someone rages too much and has issues. Don't vent your frustration on your own platoonmates, vent it on arty/rng/pubs w/e. Raging at your "friends" won't help them play better. I'm completely immune to this because I've dealt with mega assholes irl sports, but others really get triggered when you call someone out for their every mistake. 5. Conclustion TLDR: worst's principles for less rage/salt and more fun You are better than you think you are, if you try Set goals not to impress others (chasing the impossible unless you are god @ tanks), but satisfy your own craving for improvement/accomplishing goals. Raging over shit that happened won't reverse it, just get over it. Don't play on tilt, just stop if you are having a bad string of games and you're getting frustrated. Don't try to salvage the night, just take a break and come back later. Don't rage at your own platoonmates ( you can joke around, but when you actually start getting salty.. oh boy) If you are finding yourself getting mad moreso than actually having fun just stop playing the game. If you really have problems with raging, just block chat in the game options, play your favourite/best tanks and just go for it. If you find yourself still getting mad, maybe it's just time to quit. Say what you want, but I actually have fun EVERY GAME I PLAY IN TANKS. I don't rage ever and I'm far better off for it. Just try for a day to use my principles and see if it works. Just tonight I had a retard batchat refuse to reset cap because "unicum bullied me by telling me where the enemy is and what to do", instead of getting angry like my platoonmates, I just assumed he's dumb and doesn't know better. No point in getting angry over a video game. I'll leave with one vital tip my soccer coach gave me: before you get frustrated, think about this... will you remember this game in a few years? If not, why the fuck are you getting angry?
Warning: wall of text and positive thinking bullshit ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustration and not that much fun. I've seen people have anxiety/panic attacks about their stats and people who just EXPLODE In ts/chat with rage. To me that's fucking hilarious. I can honestly say that I've raged a total of TWICE in the 17,500 games I've played. I''ve been one shot by arty countless times, and I've never raged at that, I've had retards refuse to reset cap costing a game... still no rage. Sure you can attribute it the liberal amounts of that dank herb, ascending you to the prototypical "don't worry be happy mode", but honestly most of my superb anger management/laxness can be attributed to the fact that I realized at a young age vidya gaems r 4 funz, not rage. Intro: You are better than your stats. Why? Because your stats are the AVERAGE of every game you played. Some games you play worse, some games you play better. If you put your mind to it and play at your best, you are better than your average. This is a very common truthism in league/dota 2. A simple realization that you are better than your stats can change your mentality immensely. I was giving this advice on the league subreddit and it helped me jump from 50th percentile in skill to 99th in a matter of 3 months in league. Instead of being bogged down at where your stats are now, just make the effort to play at your highest and ignore what your average is/what you want your average to be. Some psychological feel good bullshit, but the change in mentality works. 1. Stat Anxiety: Stat anxiety is real and it affects everyone, whether they are purple or not. For some reason people put a ton of emphasis towards e-jerking stats in this game when they are very arbitrary in the first place. I've long stopped giving a fuck about my stats ever since I got unicum stats, but there are still certain tanks where I care about the dpg of (whereas they are competitive for top in the world and it becomes a race to see how long you can maintain a high dpg). All it does is create frustration and it stops you from playing some of the funnest tanks in the game. Games become a race to get your damage quota, or else your oh so holy dpg drops. Everyone is guilty of that and it's fine, you just have to accept that instead of aiming for a dpg that will impress the world (guess what unless you are pulling russian god status of like 6.4k dpg in a waifutrager, no one will give a fuck). Instead aim for a dpg that impresses you and don't fuss about it. Set personal goals instead of gloating about how you can't compare to the best of the best. My leo 1 gameplay is quite cancerous, I honestly don't give a shit about winning in it, all I want is to maintain 3600 dpg in it. I've come to realized that's fucking so stupid, who cares if I can't beat posnik something something from ru server (he has 4900 dpg in 600 games!!!!). If I can keep my goal of 3600 dpg in check that's good enough for me. No reason to moan about every game where I do "only" 3k damage The most common issue of stat anxiety is everyone feels the need to compare themselves to others, rather if you are seeking to improve your stats, don't compare yourself to others. The rush of doing well (you know what I mean when you pull something like 90% w/r over 20 battles, or having a high wn8 over a long stretch), shouldn't be coming from having to compare yourself, but rather what makes you feel gud. Seriously, change your mentality of saying I HAVE to get X wn8 or X w/r for the night, rather try your hardest and see what you get. Once you shift your focus from pure stat focus to just trying to do well without specific goals, you shall find a lot of "stress" is gone. Some players don't want to play because they feel like they won't do well, and any competitive player will tell you that's bullshit. You don't get better unless you put in the time. IMO I don't think the "ranked anxiety" is as bad in tanks as it is in per say DOTA2/League/Cs/Sc2, where individual games have more effect on your stats, but the problem is still real in tanks. Every single pro league/dota/cs/sc2 player can tell you the best way to improve is to just play a lot, after all the principle is that you are better than your stats as explained in the intro. 2. Confirmation Bias and Self Reflection: Rng is in this game and it's here to stay. Everyone has been one shot by arty, and everyone has bounced off some 20mm light tank before. It's human instinct to selectively pick out the outliers. When you count the massive amounts of shells you hit and receive the amount of pens/bounces/one shot by arty/ not being one shot by arty should actually come very close to standard deviation. And there is nothing you can do about it, shit happens. You can spend the entire game whining about rng/arty but it still won't change rng. Wasting your time raging about it won't change the fact you got fucked by rng/shitters in arty. Just move on and learn. Speaking about learning, it's pretty important in my opinion to reflect instead of rage. After every loss, I take a small mental note to see where the match went wrong and how I would I go about differently next time. Now I have a bank of experience where I can do some unusual shit in matches to turn them around. As toxic arty is to gameplay, most of the time you get artied is because you got lazy. I played in arty heyday, where every tier 10 match had 4+ arty each side. I would be paranoid of getting shot and that paranoia has lost it's effect over time. Most of the time I get smacked by xvm-whoring arty I just got lazy or too greedy. That's something I"m really trying to change right now, getting my arty dodging mojo back. (basically if you are purple and you are light, expect to get shot). Some players just rage non-stop about MM/Arty/RNG, but really what can you do? Your rage has no impact on the future of the game, so there's no need to explode at every instance of you personally getting fucked. (still arty is disgusting and needs to be changed) 3. Playing on Tilt/Knowing when to quit Tilt is real, and everyone is guilty of having played on tilt before. The trick is not to fucking play on tilt (oh wait thats hard). So the nights not going good, you've been 1 shot by arty 3 times and you have a 33% win ratio. Just stop, don't try to salvage your w/r or wn8 for the night. Just put all your willpower into stopping. When you tilt you play worse, that's it and you are more likely to get frustrated. Most of my super bad wn8 games come from either being super tired or coming home @ 3am fucking wasted and deciding to play 30 games of arty while fucked up. I'm pretty sure that's the case with most people, so just learn when to not play. Most of my nights have been, doing fantastic for the first 20 games (80-90% w/r in tier 10), then getting tired and continuing to play and losing because I can't think. If you are serious about doing well, play when you are concentrated, go take a jog/shower some shit and get refreshed instead of slogging games after games half asleep. 4. Raging and your teammates. No one likes a rager, unless they are the extremely rare "funny rager", it brings down the atmosphere of the platoon whilst being unhealthy imo. Some people use video games as a outlet to rant, which is fine, but if you have issues where you fucking explode every single game, then you need to put yourself in check and stop playing. Everyone knows of locker room cancer, aka "that player" who brings down a sports team because all he creates a toxic environment. When he starts to vent in the locker room, everyone else usually shuts up and teamwork breaks down. I've seen it happen multiple times in real life when I played varsity soccer. Kid starts raging, everyone gets tense and we get smashed even harder. Same thing happens in vidya games, I've had tourney teams where 1 rager loses the tourney for everyone by sending virtually everyone on the team on tilt. Platoons where everyone starts doing bad because somebody won't shut up and stop criticizing his own platoonmates. If you think people tolerate you as a rager, unless they genuinely like you as a person they probably don't. I've seen PLENTY of shit talk about how someone rages too much and has issues. Don't vent your frustration on your own platoonmates, vent it on arty/rng/pubs w/e. Raging at your "friends" won't help them play better. I'm completely immune to this because I've dealt with mega assholes irl sports, but others really get triggered when you call someone out for their every mistake. 5. Conclustion
worst's principles for less rage/salt and more fun You are better than you think you are, if you try Set goals not to impress others (chasing the impossible unless you are god @ tanks), but satisfy your own craving for improvement/accomplishing goals. Raging over shit that happened won't reverse it, just get over it. Don't play on tilt, just stop if you are having a bad string of games and you're getting frustrated. Don't try to salvage the night, just take a break and come back later. Don't rage at your own platoonmates ( you can joke around, but when you actually start getting salty.. oh boy) If you are finding yourself getting mad moreso than actually having fun just stop playing the game. If you really have problems with raging, just block chat in the game options, play your favourite/best tanks and just go for it. If you find yourself still getting mad, maybe it's just time to quit. Say what you want, but I actually have fun EVERY GAME I PLAY IN TANKS. I don't rage ever and I'm far better off for it. Just try for a day to use my principles and see if it works. Just tonight I had a retard batchat refuse to reset cap because "unicum bullied me by telling me where the enemy is and what to do", instead of getting angry like my platoonmates, I just assumed he's dumb and doesn't know better. No point in getting angry over a video game. I'll leave with one vital tip my soccer coach gave me: before you get frustrated, think about this... will you remember this game in a few years? If not, why the fuck are you getting angry?
I recently came back from a 2 week business trip and just yesterday I found an opened condom wrapper (it was empty) under our bed while my wife was in the shower. I panicked and took it but didn't tell my wife about the it, I was nervous and now I am paranoid that she might be cheating on me. This felt really coincidental because I had recently came back from a business trip so finding it made me very suspicious. Also when my wife and I use condoms we never use this brand, I don't know what I should do now. Should I confront her? I desperately hope that it is just a misunderstanding... **tl;dr**: came back from business trip and found opened condom wrapper under me and my wife's bed, now im paranoid that she might be cheating on me
I recently came back from a 2 week business trip and just yesterday I found an opened condom wrapper (it was empty) under our bed while my wife was in the shower. I panicked and took it but didn't tell my wife about the it, I was nervous and now I am paranoid that she might be cheating on me. This felt really coincidental because I had recently came back from a business trip so finding it made me very suspicious. Also when my wife and I use condoms we never use this brand, I don't know what I should do now. Should I confront her? I desperately hope that it is just a misunderstanding... tl;dr : came back from business trip and found opened condom wrapper under me and my wife's bed, now im paranoid that she might be cheating on me
I recently came back from a 2 week business trip and just yesterday I found an opened condom wrapper (it was empty) under our bed while my wife was in the shower. I panicked and took it but didn't tell my wife about the it, I was nervous and now I am paranoid that she might be cheating on me. This felt really coincidental because I had recently came back from a business trip so finding it made me very suspicious. Also when my wife and I use condoms we never use this brand, I don't know what I should do now. Should I confront her? I desperately hope that it is just a misunderstanding...
came back from business trip and found opened condom wrapper under me and my wife's bed, now im paranoid that she might be cheating on me
First day of AP English, I'm looking around and see a lot of my close friends and I'm stoked, because I had heard that this particular teacher was a hardass. I sat next to this girl that I just met the previous semester but we were getting pretty chummy/flirty. Anyways, the class is a discussion of our past English experiences and what we can expect from this course. There are ten minutes left on the clock, it's the last class of the day, we're all set to leave a pretty decent day. She then goes to the podium and fetches a thin book, bookmarked and rarin' to go. She says "I'm going to be reading the poem 'Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes', by Billy Collins". If you've read or heard the poem you might not think it such an eliciting piece, but when read to giddy first-day seniors, and in the way she read it... She took pauses, her reading was so... sensual. **she would not drop eye contact, ever** Everyone looked around and I was about to either muffle it into my backpack or choke down some water. Thankfully, someone else chuckled and she gave him *the nastiest look an English teacher could ever give.* tl;dr, "Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes" almost ruined me.
First day of AP English, I'm looking around and see a lot of my close friends and I'm stoked, because I had heard that this particular teacher was a hardass. I sat next to this girl that I just met the previous semester but we were getting pretty chummy/flirty. Anyways, the class is a discussion of our past English experiences and what we can expect from this course. There are ten minutes left on the clock, it's the last class of the day, we're all set to leave a pretty decent day. She then goes to the podium and fetches a thin book, bookmarked and rarin' to go. She says "I'm going to be reading the poem 'Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes', by Billy Collins". If you've read or heard the poem you might not think it such an eliciting piece, but when read to giddy first-day seniors, and in the way she read it... She took pauses, her reading was so... sensual. she would not drop eye contact, ever Everyone looked around and I was about to either muffle it into my backpack or choke down some water. Thankfully, someone else chuckled and she gave him the nastiest look an English teacher could ever give. tl;dr, "Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes" almost ruined me.
First day of AP English, I'm looking around and see a lot of my close friends and I'm stoked, because I had heard that this particular teacher was a hardass. I sat next to this girl that I just met the previous semester but we were getting pretty chummy/flirty. Anyways, the class is a discussion of our past English experiences and what we can expect from this course. There are ten minutes left on the clock, it's the last class of the day, we're all set to leave a pretty decent day. She then goes to the podium and fetches a thin book, bookmarked and rarin' to go. She says "I'm going to be reading the poem 'Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes', by Billy Collins". If you've read or heard the poem you might not think it such an eliciting piece, but when read to giddy first-day seniors, and in the way she read it... She took pauses, her reading was so... sensual. she would not drop eye contact, ever Everyone looked around and I was about to either muffle it into my backpack or choke down some water. Thankfully, someone else chuckled and she gave him the nastiest look an English teacher could ever give.
Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes" almost ruined me.
Of course it is platform dependent. It is entirely dependent upon your softwares implementation of HTTP. That the HTTP spec uses URI's and the URI spec itself lays out the many interpretations of URI's leads to the reality that any implementation may normalize or not normalize depending on its needs. This variation, this inconsistency, it's literally in the spec. As a user you should not expect normalization. TL:DR: Because
Of course it is platform dependent. It is entirely dependent upon your softwares implementation of HTTP. That the HTTP spec uses URI's and the URI spec itself lays out the many interpretations of URI's leads to the reality that any implementation may normalize or not normalize depending on its needs. This variation, this inconsistency, it's literally in the spec. As a user you should not expect normalization. TL:DR: Because
Of course it is platform dependent. It is entirely dependent upon your softwares implementation of HTTP. That the HTTP spec uses URI's and the URI spec itself lays out the many interpretations of URI's leads to the reality that any implementation may normalize or not normalize depending on its needs. This variation, this inconsistency, it's literally in the spec. As a user you should not expect normalization.
Alternatively, you can buy the iPhone 5s outright at for $719 and get the $30 a month unlimited everything province wide plan at WIND. Over two years, $30 per month is $720. WIND will give you $200 in credits ($10/mth) because you brought your own phone. Total cost: $1239 * 1.13 (tax) = $1400. **$58.33/mth**. Now, at Rogers, you can get unlimited calling and only 2 GB of data for [$75/mth]( $75/mth for 2 years is $1800. Observe that Rogers plans go from 250 MB to 2 GB, there is no in between. Let's say the phone is $229. Total cost: $2029 * 1.13 = $2293. **$95.54/mth**. My current plan is to wait for the Nexus 5 (mid October), buy it for ~$350 from Google, then put it on the $30 Wind plan. The monthly cost of that is (350 - 200 + 30 * 24) * 1.13 / 24 = $40.96. TL;DR: Fuck Rogers.
Alternatively, you can buy the iPhone 5s outright at for $719 and get the $30 a month unlimited everything province wide plan at WIND. Over two years, $30 per month is $720. WIND will give you $200 in credits ($10/mth) because you brought your own phone. Total cost: $1239 * 1.13 (tax) = $1400. $58.33/mth . Now, at Rogers, you can get unlimited calling and only 2 GB of data for [$75/mth]( $75/mth for 2 years is $1800. Observe that Rogers plans go from 250 MB to 2 GB, there is no in between. Let's say the phone is $229. Total cost: $2029 * 1.13 = $2293. $95.54/mth . My current plan is to wait for the Nexus 5 (mid October), buy it for ~$350 from Google, then put it on the $30 Wind plan. The monthly cost of that is (350 - 200 + 30 24) 1.13 / 24 = $40.96. TL;DR: Fuck Rogers.
Alternatively, you can buy the iPhone 5s outright at for $719 and get the $30 a month unlimited everything province wide plan at WIND. Over two years, $30 per month is $720. WIND will give you $200 in credits ($10/mth) because you brought your own phone. Total cost: $1239 * 1.13 (tax) = $1400. $58.33/mth . Now, at Rogers, you can get unlimited calling and only 2 GB of data for [$75/mth]( $75/mth for 2 years is $1800. Observe that Rogers plans go from 250 MB to 2 GB, there is no in between. Let's say the phone is $229. Total cost: $2029 * 1.13 = $2293. $95.54/mth . My current plan is to wait for the Nexus 5 (mid October), buy it for ~$350 from Google, then put it on the $30 Wind plan. The monthly cost of that is (350 - 200 + 30 24) 1.13 / 24 = $40.96.
Fuck Rogers.
It has to do with the core game design here. The game is designed around providing various ways for players both to (1) get gear upgrades and (2) get XP. Crafting is one of these ways. That is its role in the game -- not to create a sub/uber class of crafter/trader players who dominate the economy and have the rest of the players reliant on them to get the supplies/gear they need to get upgrades and play the game. That is, it is not a sandbox game where the idea is to have a completely player-driven economy like EVE has. Many resources are plentiful, you just have to run around and grab them. They are more plentiful than in any other MMO because they are personal and there isn't a race for them -- that is, they are not generally "rare" even to the extent basic resources are in other MMOs, where there is node competition. Here the idea is to make the basic resources plentiful so as to make it easier for players to acquire them easily if they want to use crafting as a significant means of upgrades and XP. "Rare" materials are drops and therefore can be used or traded for coin. And because you can only have two professions, chances are you will be looting and gathering stuff you can't personally use, which you can then sell to generate income to buy "rare" materials you "need" for your own crafting skills, if you are taking the crafting route. That's the core design idea here. It isn't designed to make it into a competitive, economic-PvP type game like EVE is. The idea here is to provide crafting as a possible pathway among many to steady upgrades and XP for players who want to go that route. Other players can go the gear drop route, the dungeon route, the gather/sell/buy route and so on. Remaking the economy in this game to mimic EVE's design would be a horrible, disastrous mistake. It would then make the economy the core aspect of gameplay, as it is in EVE (in EVE, ISK is *everything*), which would in turn make all of the players dependent on the crafter kings/moguls for gear advancements or even replacements, as some are suggesting. That would run totally counter to the core design principle here, which was to provide equally viable alternate pathways to getting the same thing (gear upgrades and XP), depending on preferred playstyle. Yes, that means it won't have an economic-PvP type market like EVE does, but it isn't designed to be a dog-eat-dog game like EVE is (that is EVE's core design element -- everything is "PvP", whether its combat, trading, industrialism, etc), whereas the core design element here is collaboration between players and providing equally rewarding yet different pathways to the same goals. TL;DR: This isn't EVE Online and was never designed to be EVE Online, and it would be a disastrous mistake to redesign it to be more like EVE Online.
It has to do with the core game design here. The game is designed around providing various ways for players both to (1) get gear upgrades and (2) get XP. Crafting is one of these ways. That is its role in the game -- not to create a sub/uber class of crafter/trader players who dominate the economy and have the rest of the players reliant on them to get the supplies/gear they need to get upgrades and play the game. That is, it is not a sandbox game where the idea is to have a completely player-driven economy like EVE has. Many resources are plentiful, you just have to run around and grab them. They are more plentiful than in any other MMO because they are personal and there isn't a race for them -- that is, they are not generally "rare" even to the extent basic resources are in other MMOs, where there is node competition. Here the idea is to make the basic resources plentiful so as to make it easier for players to acquire them easily if they want to use crafting as a significant means of upgrades and XP. "Rare" materials are drops and therefore can be used or traded for coin. And because you can only have two professions, chances are you will be looting and gathering stuff you can't personally use, which you can then sell to generate income to buy "rare" materials you "need" for your own crafting skills, if you are taking the crafting route. That's the core design idea here. It isn't designed to make it into a competitive, economic-PvP type game like EVE is. The idea here is to provide crafting as a possible pathway among many to steady upgrades and XP for players who want to go that route. Other players can go the gear drop route, the dungeon route, the gather/sell/buy route and so on. Remaking the economy in this game to mimic EVE's design would be a horrible, disastrous mistake. It would then make the economy the core aspect of gameplay, as it is in EVE (in EVE, ISK is everything ), which would in turn make all of the players dependent on the crafter kings/moguls for gear advancements or even replacements, as some are suggesting. That would run totally counter to the core design principle here, which was to provide equally viable alternate pathways to getting the same thing (gear upgrades and XP), depending on preferred playstyle. Yes, that means it won't have an economic-PvP type market like EVE does, but it isn't designed to be a dog-eat-dog game like EVE is (that is EVE's core design element -- everything is "PvP", whether its combat, trading, industrialism, etc), whereas the core design element here is collaboration between players and providing equally rewarding yet different pathways to the same goals. TL;DR: This isn't EVE Online and was never designed to be EVE Online, and it would be a disastrous mistake to redesign it to be more like EVE Online.
It has to do with the core game design here. The game is designed around providing various ways for players both to (1) get gear upgrades and (2) get XP. Crafting is one of these ways. That is its role in the game -- not to create a sub/uber class of crafter/trader players who dominate the economy and have the rest of the players reliant on them to get the supplies/gear they need to get upgrades and play the game. That is, it is not a sandbox game where the idea is to have a completely player-driven economy like EVE has. Many resources are plentiful, you just have to run around and grab them. They are more plentiful than in any other MMO because they are personal and there isn't a race for them -- that is, they are not generally "rare" even to the extent basic resources are in other MMOs, where there is node competition. Here the idea is to make the basic resources plentiful so as to make it easier for players to acquire them easily if they want to use crafting as a significant means of upgrades and XP. "Rare" materials are drops and therefore can be used or traded for coin. And because you can only have two professions, chances are you will be looting and gathering stuff you can't personally use, which you can then sell to generate income to buy "rare" materials you "need" for your own crafting skills, if you are taking the crafting route. That's the core design idea here. It isn't designed to make it into a competitive, economic-PvP type game like EVE is. The idea here is to provide crafting as a possible pathway among many to steady upgrades and XP for players who want to go that route. Other players can go the gear drop route, the dungeon route, the gather/sell/buy route and so on. Remaking the economy in this game to mimic EVE's design would be a horrible, disastrous mistake. It would then make the economy the core aspect of gameplay, as it is in EVE (in EVE, ISK is everything ), which would in turn make all of the players dependent on the crafter kings/moguls for gear advancements or even replacements, as some are suggesting. That would run totally counter to the core design principle here, which was to provide equally viable alternate pathways to getting the same thing (gear upgrades and XP), depending on preferred playstyle. Yes, that means it won't have an economic-PvP type market like EVE does, but it isn't designed to be a dog-eat-dog game like EVE is (that is EVE's core design element -- everything is "PvP", whether its combat, trading, industrialism, etc), whereas the core design element here is collaboration between players and providing equally rewarding yet different pathways to the same goals.
This isn't EVE Online and was never designed to be EVE Online, and it would be a disastrous mistake to redesign it to be more like EVE Online.
One of the main reasons I joined Reddit was to check out the social aspect of Eve. I have read post after post about why being part of the community, part of a corp, makes the game better and how solo play is awful. I honestly don't know now if I should join a corp. The past week has been nothing but people targeting, harassing, and stalking people irl, and I want nothing to do with that. I want to like Eve, and I want to like you guys, but I also don't want to have fun at the expense of someone else. If you are part of, or know of, a friendlier corp then please let me know. **tl;dr** talk to me, nice people Edit: Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I did not expect this post to get a lot of attention, and I want to thank all of you that reached out. Also, sorry for being late getting back to some of you; irl I'm a campaign manager for a statewide election, so I don't have a *ton* of free time. But I'll definitely stick with it. Thank you, nice people.
One of the main reasons I joined Reddit was to check out the social aspect of Eve. I have read post after post about why being part of the community, part of a corp, makes the game better and how solo play is awful. I honestly don't know now if I should join a corp. The past week has been nothing but people targeting, harassing, and stalking people irl, and I want nothing to do with that. I want to like Eve, and I want to like you guys, but I also don't want to have fun at the expense of someone else. If you are part of, or know of, a friendlier corp then please let me know. tl;dr talk to me, nice people Edit: Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I did not expect this post to get a lot of attention, and I want to thank all of you that reached out. Also, sorry for being late getting back to some of you; irl I'm a campaign manager for a statewide election, so I don't have a ton of free time. But I'll definitely stick with it. Thank you, nice people.
One of the main reasons I joined Reddit was to check out the social aspect of Eve. I have read post after post about why being part of the community, part of a corp, makes the game better and how solo play is awful. I honestly don't know now if I should join a corp. The past week has been nothing but people targeting, harassing, and stalking people irl, and I want nothing to do with that. I want to like Eve, and I want to like you guys, but I also don't want to have fun at the expense of someone else. If you are part of, or know of, a friendlier corp then please let me know.
talk to me, nice people Edit: Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I did not expect this post to get a lot of attention, and I want to thank all of you that reached out. Also, sorry for being late getting back to some of you; irl I'm a campaign manager for a statewide election, so I don't have a ton of free time. But I'll definitely stick with it. Thank you, nice people.
Hey everyone. I just had a bit of a mad dash to get things up and running so that I could (finally) share my hard work with you all tonight. For the past few weeks I've been going hard at trying to create a Dota 2 microlottery focused site. It's hard to believe that with such a huge community something like this doesn't already exist specifically for dota, and the closest alternatives are ones for tf2 where you have to 'make do' with a system not really designed for this game. Now, as for the the site - the goal was simple. Fast paced, always available, high stakes microlotteries that give everyone a chance to turn a few items into many more. There's both a short and detailed user guide over on the site []( so feel free to read up on things or just jump in head first, whichever you prefer. The site right now is in what I'd consider a 'beta' stage. I've tested what I can, and would love to see how it performs under load. That's where I'm hoping you guys can help out :) Log in (it's all via steam, only your public steam ID is stored, nothing else), start using / breaking things and let me know what you think. I'll be around to answer any questions you guys might have before I eventually pass out, after which I'll be back tomorrow. **TL;DR** I've worked my butt off to get a [dota 2 microlottery site]( up and running. It's all automated and run with the help of trading bots to make sure there's always a microlottery up and running. Give it a go and report any bugs via email. **EDIT**: Bot back online - be gentle...
Hey everyone. I just had a bit of a mad dash to get things up and running so that I could (finally) share my hard work with you all tonight. For the past few weeks I've been going hard at trying to create a Dota 2 microlottery focused site. It's hard to believe that with such a huge community something like this doesn't already exist specifically for dota, and the closest alternatives are ones for tf2 where you have to 'make do' with a system not really designed for this game. Now, as for the the site - the goal was simple. Fast paced, always available, high stakes microlotteries that give everyone a chance to turn a few items into many more. There's both a short and detailed user guide over on the site []( so feel free to read up on things or just jump in head first, whichever you prefer. The site right now is in what I'd consider a 'beta' stage. I've tested what I can, and would love to see how it performs under load. That's where I'm hoping you guys can help out :) Log in (it's all via steam, only your public steam ID is stored, nothing else), start using / breaking things and let me know what you think. I'll be around to answer any questions you guys might have before I eventually pass out, after which I'll be back tomorrow. TL;DR I've worked my butt off to get a [dota 2 microlottery site]( up and running. It's all automated and run with the help of trading bots to make sure there's always a microlottery up and running. Give it a go and report any bugs via email. EDIT : Bot back online - be gentle...
Hey everyone. I just had a bit of a mad dash to get things up and running so that I could (finally) share my hard work with you all tonight. For the past few weeks I've been going hard at trying to create a Dota 2 microlottery focused site. It's hard to believe that with such a huge community something like this doesn't already exist specifically for dota, and the closest alternatives are ones for tf2 where you have to 'make do' with a system not really designed for this game. Now, as for the the site - the goal was simple. Fast paced, always available, high stakes microlotteries that give everyone a chance to turn a few items into many more. There's both a short and detailed user guide over on the site []( so feel free to read up on things or just jump in head first, whichever you prefer. The site right now is in what I'd consider a 'beta' stage. I've tested what I can, and would love to see how it performs under load. That's where I'm hoping you guys can help out :) Log in (it's all via steam, only your public steam ID is stored, nothing else), start using / breaking things and let me know what you think. I'll be around to answer any questions you guys might have before I eventually pass out, after which I'll be back tomorrow.
I've worked my butt off to get a [dota 2 microlottery site]( up and running. It's all automated and run with the help of trading bots to make sure there's always a microlottery up and running. Give it a go and report any bugs via email. EDIT : Bot back online - be gentle...
I've used android for several years and I just switched to an iphone 6. I don't feel too big of a difference in every day usage except for the app store. On google play, when I search for something it usually gives me a "good" list of relevant apps. In the appstore, when I search for something like "data tracker" for keeping track of my data usage, it gives me a few relevant apps but then it starts showing random stuff, like baby tracker, coffee tracker. I can't entirely blame them, it's just looking at key words. But when I select an app and click related, most of the time it gives me more unrelated apps. It shows apps by the same author, which is fine, but then it shows apps that are in the same "category" and usually these are so broad. One of the data tracking apps was listed under finance and it just gave me a bunch of finance apps, completely irrelevant. Also, the "customers also bought" list is totally useless as it barely gives me anything related. Compared to google play, the related apps actually give me a good list of apps that are relevant, not just from same author or category. It gives a list of say, data tracking apps, after i click related and it's not just that the name is similar. Also, the ratings is so different compared to google play. I understand it shows recent reviews by default, but does it also depend on country? The number of ratings and reviews overall are so low compared to how popular the apps are. Or maybe it's just google play? Do you guys think it's the same or am I doing something wrong? How do people find really good apps? Tl;dr - searching for apps in appstore isn't as good as google play. Related apps are mostly irrelevant. App ratings dependent on region and doesn't show everyone? Is it just me?
I've used android for several years and I just switched to an iphone 6. I don't feel too big of a difference in every day usage except for the app store. On google play, when I search for something it usually gives me a "good" list of relevant apps. In the appstore, when I search for something like "data tracker" for keeping track of my data usage, it gives me a few relevant apps but then it starts showing random stuff, like baby tracker, coffee tracker. I can't entirely blame them, it's just looking at key words. But when I select an app and click related, most of the time it gives me more unrelated apps. It shows apps by the same author, which is fine, but then it shows apps that are in the same "category" and usually these are so broad. One of the data tracking apps was listed under finance and it just gave me a bunch of finance apps, completely irrelevant. Also, the "customers also bought" list is totally useless as it barely gives me anything related. Compared to google play, the related apps actually give me a good list of apps that are relevant, not just from same author or category. It gives a list of say, data tracking apps, after i click related and it's not just that the name is similar. Also, the ratings is so different compared to google play. I understand it shows recent reviews by default, but does it also depend on country? The number of ratings and reviews overall are so low compared to how popular the apps are. Or maybe it's just google play? Do you guys think it's the same or am I doing something wrong? How do people find really good apps? Tl;dr - searching for apps in appstore isn't as good as google play. Related apps are mostly irrelevant. App ratings dependent on region and doesn't show everyone? Is it just me?
I've used android for several years and I just switched to an iphone 6. I don't feel too big of a difference in every day usage except for the app store. On google play, when I search for something it usually gives me a "good" list of relevant apps. In the appstore, when I search for something like "data tracker" for keeping track of my data usage, it gives me a few relevant apps but then it starts showing random stuff, like baby tracker, coffee tracker. I can't entirely blame them, it's just looking at key words. But when I select an app and click related, most of the time it gives me more unrelated apps. It shows apps by the same author, which is fine, but then it shows apps that are in the same "category" and usually these are so broad. One of the data tracking apps was listed under finance and it just gave me a bunch of finance apps, completely irrelevant. Also, the "customers also bought" list is totally useless as it barely gives me anything related. Compared to google play, the related apps actually give me a good list of apps that are relevant, not just from same author or category. It gives a list of say, data tracking apps, after i click related and it's not just that the name is similar. Also, the ratings is so different compared to google play. I understand it shows recent reviews by default, but does it also depend on country? The number of ratings and reviews overall are so low compared to how popular the apps are. Or maybe it's just google play? Do you guys think it's the same or am I doing something wrong? How do people find really good apps?
searching for apps in appstore isn't as good as google play. Related apps are mostly irrelevant. App ratings dependent on region and doesn't show everyone? Is it just me?
so i'm a gold league player bordering on platinum trying to improve. i've been on a loosing streak these days and i started analysing my replays in order to identify the problem. watching my matches i noticed that at certain points during the game i just dont know what to do! my apm drops at 0 until something shakes the situation. this usually happens when i notice that the opponent has a strong army that i cant take on yet, but it's too early to expand and i want to stay defensive, so i just sit in my base chronoboosting stuff until something happens. what do you suggest? what do you do in those dead times? TL;DR sometimes during the game i just dont know what to do, does it ever happen to you? how do you fix it? thanks and keep up, this comunity is awesome.
so i'm a gold league player bordering on platinum trying to improve. i've been on a loosing streak these days and i started analysing my replays in order to identify the problem. watching my matches i noticed that at certain points during the game i just dont know what to do! my apm drops at 0 until something shakes the situation. this usually happens when i notice that the opponent has a strong army that i cant take on yet, but it's too early to expand and i want to stay defensive, so i just sit in my base chronoboosting stuff until something happens. what do you suggest? what do you do in those dead times? TL;DR sometimes during the game i just dont know what to do, does it ever happen to you? how do you fix it? thanks and keep up, this comunity is awesome.
so i'm a gold league player bordering on platinum trying to improve. i've been on a loosing streak these days and i started analysing my replays in order to identify the problem. watching my matches i noticed that at certain points during the game i just dont know what to do! my apm drops at 0 until something shakes the situation. this usually happens when i notice that the opponent has a strong army that i cant take on yet, but it's too early to expand and i want to stay defensive, so i just sit in my base chronoboosting stuff until something happens. what do you suggest? what do you do in those dead times?
sometimes during the game i just dont know what to do, does it ever happen to you? how do you fix it? thanks and keep up, this comunity is awesome.
So I'll keep the story brief. I went to a party where a gir I liked was. Beforei showed up my friends were saying that she had been talking to me, so I kind of took that as a good sign. However in the time that I spent socializing with all my friends he sort of zeroed in on her, making it impossible for me to make a move and they ended up making out. I'm at a bit of a loss now. Part of me thinks I should leave it, but I don't know if I could deal with the thoughts of what could have been. They're not official yet, haven't slept together and this all only happened on the weekend, I feel like if I'm going to do something I have to do it soon. Is this a big mistake? tl'dr: Friend ended up getting with a girl I liked, and I think liked me. They're still not official and it's only been a couple days. Is it a mistake to tell her how I feel?
So I'll keep the story brief. I went to a party where a gir I liked was. Beforei showed up my friends were saying that she had been talking to me, so I kind of took that as a good sign. However in the time that I spent socializing with all my friends he sort of zeroed in on her, making it impossible for me to make a move and they ended up making out. I'm at a bit of a loss now. Part of me thinks I should leave it, but I don't know if I could deal with the thoughts of what could have been. They're not official yet, haven't slept together and this all only happened on the weekend, I feel like if I'm going to do something I have to do it soon. Is this a big mistake? tl'dr: Friend ended up getting with a girl I liked, and I think liked me. They're still not official and it's only been a couple days. Is it a mistake to tell her how I feel?
So I'll keep the story brief. I went to a party where a gir I liked was. Beforei showed up my friends were saying that she had been talking to me, so I kind of took that as a good sign. However in the time that I spent socializing with all my friends he sort of zeroed in on her, making it impossible for me to make a move and they ended up making out. I'm at a bit of a loss now. Part of me thinks I should leave it, but I don't know if I could deal with the thoughts of what could have been. They're not official yet, haven't slept together and this all only happened on the weekend, I feel like if I'm going to do something I have to do it soon. Is this a big mistake?
Friend ended up getting with a girl I liked, and I think liked me. They're still not official and it's only been a couple days. Is it a mistake to tell her how I feel?
I didn't downvote, but I can speculate. It's to do with tone, or rather people's interpretation thereof. Someone may read your statement as saying "Yeah, fuck religion. You can be a good person without being religious, so why the fuck would you be religious, fucknut?" That may not be at all your intent, but that is how it could very easily be interpreted, I can see. It smacks (intentional/unintentional I neither know nor judge) of the smug superiority of much of the internet atheist clique. Particularly here on Reddit. /r/atheism is a particularly embarrassing circle-jerk. There is a kind of prevailing consensus in a lot of popular/internet media that being religious = dumb and being atheist = smart. Or at least on Reddit/its atheist subreddits. Besides being an inaccurate generalisation this is also insulting to those of faith. Most people who are religious here (in my experience anyway) are of the liberal variety, they are willing to listen to reason, to debate intellectually and engage with people who disagree with their beliefs in a sensible, rational way. They try to do good, according to their faith, but they do not shove it down your throat. Much like the sister in OP's post. By contrast, many atheists here will take any and all opportunity to decry the evils of religion. There certainly are plenty of evils to decry, but entering into an ideological mud-slinging match is no way to make friends or convince anyone. I, for one, am Christian. Or at least I describe myself as such. My actual beliefs are a bit unorthodox, complicated and not very interesting to anyone. So I don't push it on anyone. By contrast, anyone who discovers my faith immediately asks "why?" or similarly interrogates my logic. I'm used to it, and I'm happy to have a debate, and I think I'm smart enough and eloquent enough to at least hold my own. I have spent considerable time critiquing my own faith, educating myself of scientific alternative theories for the stories of the Bible, reading up on philosophy of all kinds (Kant and Nietzsche being favourites) to construct what I think is a solid, logical and tenable system of personal belief. I don't really give two shits whether anyone else agrees with it, or believes in it, but if they genuinely would like to know, I'm always happy to share my thoughts. But it does annoy me on some level that believing there is no god is the default, rational position. Philosophically, it is an untenable belief system in exactly the same way that believing in Allah, or Yahweh, or Brahman is. Epistemologically, there is no grounds for true knowledge either for or, critically, *against* the existence of a deity of any kind. Therefore, either is a system of *belief* identical to the other. I can't provide you with evidence that Jesus is a pretty chill dude that lives on some cloud somewhere with his dad and all his righteous homies. But equally evidence cannot be provided to show that he *doesn't*. Thus, the only truly *rational* stance is to say "Well, fuck if I know. I guess I might find out if I die?", not "Theists are credulous dumbasses, go team atheism!" And that, rambling tangents aside, is why I think you got downvoted. TL;DR Nobody likes judgemental atheism. Except judgemental atheists. But nobody likes them.
I didn't downvote, but I can speculate. It's to do with tone, or rather people's interpretation thereof. Someone may read your statement as saying "Yeah, fuck religion. You can be a good person without being religious, so why the fuck would you be religious, fucknut?" That may not be at all your intent, but that is how it could very easily be interpreted, I can see. It smacks (intentional/unintentional I neither know nor judge) of the smug superiority of much of the internet atheist clique. Particularly here on Reddit. /r/atheism is a particularly embarrassing circle-jerk. There is a kind of prevailing consensus in a lot of popular/internet media that being religious = dumb and being atheist = smart. Or at least on Reddit/its atheist subreddits. Besides being an inaccurate generalisation this is also insulting to those of faith. Most people who are religious here (in my experience anyway) are of the liberal variety, they are willing to listen to reason, to debate intellectually and engage with people who disagree with their beliefs in a sensible, rational way. They try to do good, according to their faith, but they do not shove it down your throat. Much like the sister in OP's post. By contrast, many atheists here will take any and all opportunity to decry the evils of religion. There certainly are plenty of evils to decry, but entering into an ideological mud-slinging match is no way to make friends or convince anyone. I, for one, am Christian. Or at least I describe myself as such. My actual beliefs are a bit unorthodox, complicated and not very interesting to anyone. So I don't push it on anyone. By contrast, anyone who discovers my faith immediately asks "why?" or similarly interrogates my logic. I'm used to it, and I'm happy to have a debate, and I think I'm smart enough and eloquent enough to at least hold my own. I have spent considerable time critiquing my own faith, educating myself of scientific alternative theories for the stories of the Bible, reading up on philosophy of all kinds (Kant and Nietzsche being favourites) to construct what I think is a solid, logical and tenable system of personal belief. I don't really give two shits whether anyone else agrees with it, or believes in it, but if they genuinely would like to know, I'm always happy to share my thoughts. But it does annoy me on some level that believing there is no god is the default, rational position. Philosophically, it is an untenable belief system in exactly the same way that believing in Allah, or Yahweh, or Brahman is. Epistemologically, there is no grounds for true knowledge either for or, critically, against the existence of a deity of any kind. Therefore, either is a system of belief identical to the other. I can't provide you with evidence that Jesus is a pretty chill dude that lives on some cloud somewhere with his dad and all his righteous homies. But equally evidence cannot be provided to show that he doesn't . Thus, the only truly rational stance is to say "Well, fuck if I know. I guess I might find out if I die?", not "Theists are credulous dumbasses, go team atheism!" And that, rambling tangents aside, is why I think you got downvoted. TL;DR Nobody likes judgemental atheism. Except judgemental atheists. But nobody likes them.
I didn't downvote, but I can speculate. It's to do with tone, or rather people's interpretation thereof. Someone may read your statement as saying "Yeah, fuck religion. You can be a good person without being religious, so why the fuck would you be religious, fucknut?" That may not be at all your intent, but that is how it could very easily be interpreted, I can see. It smacks (intentional/unintentional I neither know nor judge) of the smug superiority of much of the internet atheist clique. Particularly here on Reddit. /r/atheism is a particularly embarrassing circle-jerk. There is a kind of prevailing consensus in a lot of popular/internet media that being religious = dumb and being atheist = smart. Or at least on Reddit/its atheist subreddits. Besides being an inaccurate generalisation this is also insulting to those of faith. Most people who are religious here (in my experience anyway) are of the liberal variety, they are willing to listen to reason, to debate intellectually and engage with people who disagree with their beliefs in a sensible, rational way. They try to do good, according to their faith, but they do not shove it down your throat. Much like the sister in OP's post. By contrast, many atheists here will take any and all opportunity to decry the evils of religion. There certainly are plenty of evils to decry, but entering into an ideological mud-slinging match is no way to make friends or convince anyone. I, for one, am Christian. Or at least I describe myself as such. My actual beliefs are a bit unorthodox, complicated and not very interesting to anyone. So I don't push it on anyone. By contrast, anyone who discovers my faith immediately asks "why?" or similarly interrogates my logic. I'm used to it, and I'm happy to have a debate, and I think I'm smart enough and eloquent enough to at least hold my own. I have spent considerable time critiquing my own faith, educating myself of scientific alternative theories for the stories of the Bible, reading up on philosophy of all kinds (Kant and Nietzsche being favourites) to construct what I think is a solid, logical and tenable system of personal belief. I don't really give two shits whether anyone else agrees with it, or believes in it, but if they genuinely would like to know, I'm always happy to share my thoughts. But it does annoy me on some level that believing there is no god is the default, rational position. Philosophically, it is an untenable belief system in exactly the same way that believing in Allah, or Yahweh, or Brahman is. Epistemologically, there is no grounds for true knowledge either for or, critically, against the existence of a deity of any kind. Therefore, either is a system of belief identical to the other. I can't provide you with evidence that Jesus is a pretty chill dude that lives on some cloud somewhere with his dad and all his righteous homies. But equally evidence cannot be provided to show that he doesn't . Thus, the only truly rational stance is to say "Well, fuck if I know. I guess I might find out if I die?", not "Theists are credulous dumbasses, go team atheism!" And that, rambling tangents aside, is why I think you got downvoted.
Nobody likes judgemental atheism. Except judgemental atheists. But nobody likes them.
I was recently speaking with an Indian journalist friend and we were trying to come up with reasons for India's blockade. The Modi government might be callous, uncaring and maybe even evil, but it is not stupid. The people who made the decision to impose an unofficial blockade are not idiots, no matter how much they might seem to be. So what is India looking to gain? By blockading Nepal, India is seemingly willing to alienate a very friendly neighbor and even invite international censure for tormenting a country that is already reeling from a natural disaster. Of course, the blockade is not getting much international press but it is growing, as NYTimes, The Guardian and The Economist have all run stories and a number of UN agencies have spoken out. So what exactly is worth this headache? 1. Security - This is a valid concern. There has been much violence in the Madhes, enough for India to feel concerned about it spilling over into Bihar, especially at election time. But the violence has been localized, it is not spread across the entirety of the border so a complete blockade does not make sense. This could be one of the many reasons but I am seriously doubtful that it is the primary reason. 2. Hindu rashtra - Many Nepalis feel that a major reason behind the blockade is Nepal doing away with the Hindu nation provision and going ahead with secularism. This might make sense for Modi and the BJP, given their strong Hindutva roots, but I just don't see it. Would the BJP really expend so much time and energy imposing a blockade, not to mention alienating a very friendly neighbor, just to maintain a Hindu rashtra? Modi has really downplayed his Hindutva since becoming PM. I could see rogue local BJP leaders who would demand this but I don't think it makes enough of a difference to Delhi to warrant such an extreme measure. 3. Ideological solidarity - Most Indians who accept that there is an Indian blockade in place cite either security or ideological solidarity with the Madhesi cause as reasons. Many Madhesis are of Indian-origin and maintain close links with India. But is that enough of a cause to impose a blockade? This sure hasn't happened in the past. During the 2007 Madhes Andolan, India was quiet, not a word in support of the Madhesi cause. Now suddenly the Madhesis are kith and kin? I don't buy it. Sure, Biharis are greatly supportive of Madhesis but the entire Indian establishment? I don't know. 4. Losing grip on the Nepali establishment - I believe that this is one of the major factors. Today in the Kathmandu post, there was a piece quoting Kamal Thapa who said that the Indian establishment was pissed off because Nepal had not lived up to certain promises that it had made. Kamal Thapa cited Hindu rashtra but I think there were more assurances, including proportional representation and Madhesi citizenship. All of these assurances were disregarded, despite India dispatching S Jaishankar days before the promulgation of the constitution. It was a slap in India's face and I don't think India took that too lightly. Nepal disregarded Indian on a matter as crucial as the constitution and India needed to send a message. India's calculations are probably that Nepal will bend under the blockade and when it does, it will become clear that Nepal needs India to be a friend, not an enemy. I see the blockade as a final drastic step that India is taking to stake its claim. Nepal was always in its sphere of influence and it needs to stay in India's sphere of influence. This is a message that India wants to send to Nepal explicitly and China implicitly. 5. Water - And here is the goal of India's long con. Groundwater is depleting in India and China and water is fast becoming a scarce commodity. Water is something that Nepal has in abundance and downstream India wants control. Much of Bhutan's hydropower already goes to India and India wants the same from Nepal. Unfortunately, growing Chinese clout has meant that the Chinese are constructing hydropower plants and with infrastructure connecting Kathmandu to China in the works, it is only a matter of time before the Chinese start transporting power from Nepal. India wants that power and this is what India feels it will lose out on, coupled with the recent controversies over Tanakpur and Mahakali. Here's where the Madhesi angle comes in too. In blockading Nepal, India is seen to be on the side of the Madhesis and in the long run, once Madhesis are in government, India will always have a strong support lobby. This is not to say that Madhesis will support India over Nepal, but given their close kinship with Indians, they are (and have been) more amenable to India. This "strategic leverage" will become useful when more water treaties need to be negotiated in the future. As far as I see it, the blockade is a combination of all of these factors with some factoring in more than others, namely losing grip and water. I didn't list growing Chinese influence as a reason because I see it as a factor in almost everything listed above. It is the long-term adversary, no doubt. But what do you think? Let's talk. TL;DR - India's reasons for blockading Nepal - security, Hindu nation, ideological, losing grip on Nepal, water. Yay or nay?
I was recently speaking with an Indian journalist friend and we were trying to come up with reasons for India's blockade. The Modi government might be callous, uncaring and maybe even evil, but it is not stupid. The people who made the decision to impose an unofficial blockade are not idiots, no matter how much they might seem to be. So what is India looking to gain? By blockading Nepal, India is seemingly willing to alienate a very friendly neighbor and even invite international censure for tormenting a country that is already reeling from a natural disaster. Of course, the blockade is not getting much international press but it is growing, as NYTimes, The Guardian and The Economist have all run stories and a number of UN agencies have spoken out. So what exactly is worth this headache? Security - This is a valid concern. There has been much violence in the Madhes, enough for India to feel concerned about it spilling over into Bihar, especially at election time. But the violence has been localized, it is not spread across the entirety of the border so a complete blockade does not make sense. This could be one of the many reasons but I am seriously doubtful that it is the primary reason. Hindu rashtra - Many Nepalis feel that a major reason behind the blockade is Nepal doing away with the Hindu nation provision and going ahead with secularism. This might make sense for Modi and the BJP, given their strong Hindutva roots, but I just don't see it. Would the BJP really expend so much time and energy imposing a blockade, not to mention alienating a very friendly neighbor, just to maintain a Hindu rashtra? Modi has really downplayed his Hindutva since becoming PM. I could see rogue local BJP leaders who would demand this but I don't think it makes enough of a difference to Delhi to warrant such an extreme measure. Ideological solidarity - Most Indians who accept that there is an Indian blockade in place cite either security or ideological solidarity with the Madhesi cause as reasons. Many Madhesis are of Indian-origin and maintain close links with India. But is that enough of a cause to impose a blockade? This sure hasn't happened in the past. During the 2007 Madhes Andolan, India was quiet, not a word in support of the Madhesi cause. Now suddenly the Madhesis are kith and kin? I don't buy it. Sure, Biharis are greatly supportive of Madhesis but the entire Indian establishment? I don't know. Losing grip on the Nepali establishment - I believe that this is one of the major factors. Today in the Kathmandu post, there was a piece quoting Kamal Thapa who said that the Indian establishment was pissed off because Nepal had not lived up to certain promises that it had made. Kamal Thapa cited Hindu rashtra but I think there were more assurances, including proportional representation and Madhesi citizenship. All of these assurances were disregarded, despite India dispatching S Jaishankar days before the promulgation of the constitution. It was a slap in India's face and I don't think India took that too lightly. Nepal disregarded Indian on a matter as crucial as the constitution and India needed to send a message. India's calculations are probably that Nepal will bend under the blockade and when it does, it will become clear that Nepal needs India to be a friend, not an enemy. I see the blockade as a final drastic step that India is taking to stake its claim. Nepal was always in its sphere of influence and it needs to stay in India's sphere of influence. This is a message that India wants to send to Nepal explicitly and China implicitly. Water - And here is the goal of India's long con. Groundwater is depleting in India and China and water is fast becoming a scarce commodity. Water is something that Nepal has in abundance and downstream India wants control. Much of Bhutan's hydropower already goes to India and India wants the same from Nepal. Unfortunately, growing Chinese clout has meant that the Chinese are constructing hydropower plants and with infrastructure connecting Kathmandu to China in the works, it is only a matter of time before the Chinese start transporting power from Nepal. India wants that power and this is what India feels it will lose out on, coupled with the recent controversies over Tanakpur and Mahakali. Here's where the Madhesi angle comes in too. In blockading Nepal, India is seen to be on the side of the Madhesis and in the long run, once Madhesis are in government, India will always have a strong support lobby. This is not to say that Madhesis will support India over Nepal, but given their close kinship with Indians, they are (and have been) more amenable to India. This "strategic leverage" will become useful when more water treaties need to be negotiated in the future. As far as I see it, the blockade is a combination of all of these factors with some factoring in more than others, namely losing grip and water. I didn't list growing Chinese influence as a reason because I see it as a factor in almost everything listed above. It is the long-term adversary, no doubt. But what do you think? Let's talk. TL;DR - India's reasons for blockading Nepal - security, Hindu nation, ideological, losing grip on Nepal, water. Yay or nay?
I was recently speaking with an Indian journalist friend and we were trying to come up with reasons for India's blockade. The Modi government might be callous, uncaring and maybe even evil, but it is not stupid. The people who made the decision to impose an unofficial blockade are not idiots, no matter how much they might seem to be. So what is India looking to gain? By blockading Nepal, India is seemingly willing to alienate a very friendly neighbor and even invite international censure for tormenting a country that is already reeling from a natural disaster. Of course, the blockade is not getting much international press but it is growing, as NYTimes, The Guardian and The Economist have all run stories and a number of UN agencies have spoken out. So what exactly is worth this headache? Security - This is a valid concern. There has been much violence in the Madhes, enough for India to feel concerned about it spilling over into Bihar, especially at election time. But the violence has been localized, it is not spread across the entirety of the border so a complete blockade does not make sense. This could be one of the many reasons but I am seriously doubtful that it is the primary reason. Hindu rashtra - Many Nepalis feel that a major reason behind the blockade is Nepal doing away with the Hindu nation provision and going ahead with secularism. This might make sense for Modi and the BJP, given their strong Hindutva roots, but I just don't see it. Would the BJP really expend so much time and energy imposing a blockade, not to mention alienating a very friendly neighbor, just to maintain a Hindu rashtra? Modi has really downplayed his Hindutva since becoming PM. I could see rogue local BJP leaders who would demand this but I don't think it makes enough of a difference to Delhi to warrant such an extreme measure. Ideological solidarity - Most Indians who accept that there is an Indian blockade in place cite either security or ideological solidarity with the Madhesi cause as reasons. Many Madhesis are of Indian-origin and maintain close links with India. But is that enough of a cause to impose a blockade? This sure hasn't happened in the past. During the 2007 Madhes Andolan, India was quiet, not a word in support of the Madhesi cause. Now suddenly the Madhesis are kith and kin? I don't buy it. Sure, Biharis are greatly supportive of Madhesis but the entire Indian establishment? I don't know. Losing grip on the Nepali establishment - I believe that this is one of the major factors. Today in the Kathmandu post, there was a piece quoting Kamal Thapa who said that the Indian establishment was pissed off because Nepal had not lived up to certain promises that it had made. Kamal Thapa cited Hindu rashtra but I think there were more assurances, including proportional representation and Madhesi citizenship. All of these assurances were disregarded, despite India dispatching S Jaishankar days before the promulgation of the constitution. It was a slap in India's face and I don't think India took that too lightly. Nepal disregarded Indian on a matter as crucial as the constitution and India needed to send a message. India's calculations are probably that Nepal will bend under the blockade and when it does, it will become clear that Nepal needs India to be a friend, not an enemy. I see the blockade as a final drastic step that India is taking to stake its claim. Nepal was always in its sphere of influence and it needs to stay in India's sphere of influence. This is a message that India wants to send to Nepal explicitly and China implicitly. Water - And here is the goal of India's long con. Groundwater is depleting in India and China and water is fast becoming a scarce commodity. Water is something that Nepal has in abundance and downstream India wants control. Much of Bhutan's hydropower already goes to India and India wants the same from Nepal. Unfortunately, growing Chinese clout has meant that the Chinese are constructing hydropower plants and with infrastructure connecting Kathmandu to China in the works, it is only a matter of time before the Chinese start transporting power from Nepal. India wants that power and this is what India feels it will lose out on, coupled with the recent controversies over Tanakpur and Mahakali. Here's where the Madhesi angle comes in too. In blockading Nepal, India is seen to be on the side of the Madhesis and in the long run, once Madhesis are in government, India will always have a strong support lobby. This is not to say that Madhesis will support India over Nepal, but given their close kinship with Indians, they are (and have been) more amenable to India. This "strategic leverage" will become useful when more water treaties need to be negotiated in the future. As far as I see it, the blockade is a combination of all of these factors with some factoring in more than others, namely losing grip and water. I didn't list growing Chinese influence as a reason because I see it as a factor in almost everything listed above. It is the long-term adversary, no doubt. But what do you think? Let's talk.
India's reasons for blockading Nepal - security, Hindu nation, ideological, losing grip on Nepal, water. Yay or nay?
A few days ago. I was getting ready, but my mom was in the bathroom drying her hair, and I normally get ready in the bathroom. I decided to change in her room. There, the television was on and showing spanish news. (My mom is mexican) Anyway, I took off my shirt and put on a new one. As my head reached through the hole, the television stopped and I saw a map of california (where I live) and a big red dot in the middle. In the corner was a box that said "magnitude 5". In another corner there was the number eight. Now, I have lived in Cali my whole life, but earthquakes always scare me shitless. The guy on TV begun: "Expected earthquake of magnitude 5.7 in eight... Seven... Six..." It took me a while to process the awful feeling in my stomach and I knew what I had to do. I knew my moms hairdryer was on, so I had to yell LOUD. As soon as it reached three, I yelled out in full volume "AMA, VA TEMBLAR!!!" (MOM, THERES GONNA BE AN EARTHQUAKE) She shot out of the bathroom and entered the room right about when it got to zero. Then, the reporter said, "This emergency system could possibly save your life in the future. Scientists have 0$ in funds. If you would like to donate, go to...." My mom busted up. I did too. TL;DR trolled by fake broadcast system on news
A few days ago. I was getting ready, but my mom was in the bathroom drying her hair, and I normally get ready in the bathroom. I decided to change in her room. There, the television was on and showing spanish news. (My mom is mexican) Anyway, I took off my shirt and put on a new one. As my head reached through the hole, the television stopped and I saw a map of california (where I live) and a big red dot in the middle. In the corner was a box that said "magnitude 5". In another corner there was the number eight. Now, I have lived in Cali my whole life, but earthquakes always scare me shitless. The guy on TV begun: "Expected earthquake of magnitude 5.7 in eight... Seven... Six..." It took me a while to process the awful feeling in my stomach and I knew what I had to do. I knew my moms hairdryer was on, so I had to yell LOUD. As soon as it reached three, I yelled out in full volume "AMA, VA TEMBLAR!!!" (MOM, THERES GONNA BE AN EARTHQUAKE) She shot out of the bathroom and entered the room right about when it got to zero. Then, the reporter said, "This emergency system could possibly save your life in the future. Scientists have 0$ in funds. If you would like to donate, go to...." My mom busted up. I did too. TL;DR trolled by fake broadcast system on news
A few days ago. I was getting ready, but my mom was in the bathroom drying her hair, and I normally get ready in the bathroom. I decided to change in her room. There, the television was on and showing spanish news. (My mom is mexican) Anyway, I took off my shirt and put on a new one. As my head reached through the hole, the television stopped and I saw a map of california (where I live) and a big red dot in the middle. In the corner was a box that said "magnitude 5". In another corner there was the number eight. Now, I have lived in Cali my whole life, but earthquakes always scare me shitless. The guy on TV begun: "Expected earthquake of magnitude 5.7 in eight... Seven... Six..." It took me a while to process the awful feeling in my stomach and I knew what I had to do. I knew my moms hairdryer was on, so I had to yell LOUD. As soon as it reached three, I yelled out in full volume "AMA, VA TEMBLAR!!!" (MOM, THERES GONNA BE AN EARTHQUAKE) She shot out of the bathroom and entered the room right about when it got to zero. Then, the reporter said, "This emergency system could possibly save your life in the future. Scientists have 0$ in funds. If you would like to donate, go to...." My mom busted up. I did too.
trolled by fake broadcast system on news
A few months I bought an iPad dock and it came with a free Apple remote thing. While I was just randomly browsing the internet I found out that it was possible to troll Macbook users with it. Being the idiot I am, I tried it at a Barnes&amp;Noble on an average Sunday afternoon. I thought it would work out and it would be pretty funny. So first thing I did when I arrived was plop myself down under a table, and scan the room for Macbooks. First victim: College student with headphones while on facebook. *presses button* The college student nearly jumps out of her seat and proceeded to turn off the audio. She didn't know I did it. LOL All right, I screwed up with the second guy. I plopped the button down as I pointed towards his laptop. What I didn't realize that he had his audio on highest volume. So as soon as I plopped the button, extremely loud Metal music channeled through the whole cafe area and probably the whole building. And then the staff called security. I left the premises undetected and never went back. TL;DR: I was a stupid moron, so I trolled some Mac users at a Barnes&amp;Noble. When I trolled them, I didn't somebody had volume on highest setting and I accidentally played really loud heavy metal. Then I left and never went back.
A few months I bought an iPad dock and it came with a free Apple remote thing. While I was just randomly browsing the internet I found out that it was possible to troll Macbook users with it. Being the idiot I am, I tried it at a Barnes&Noble on an average Sunday afternoon. I thought it would work out and it would be pretty funny. So first thing I did when I arrived was plop myself down under a table, and scan the room for Macbooks. First victim: College student with headphones while on facebook. presses button The college student nearly jumps out of her seat and proceeded to turn off the audio. She didn't know I did it. LOL All right, I screwed up with the second guy. I plopped the button down as I pointed towards his laptop. What I didn't realize that he had his audio on highest volume. So as soon as I plopped the button, extremely loud Metal music channeled through the whole cafe area and probably the whole building. And then the staff called security. I left the premises undetected and never went back. TL;DR: I was a stupid moron, so I trolled some Mac users at a Barnes&Noble. When I trolled them, I didn't somebody had volume on highest setting and I accidentally played really loud heavy metal. Then I left and never went back.
A few months I bought an iPad dock and it came with a free Apple remote thing. While I was just randomly browsing the internet I found out that it was possible to troll Macbook users with it. Being the idiot I am, I tried it at a Barnes&Noble on an average Sunday afternoon. I thought it would work out and it would be pretty funny. So first thing I did when I arrived was plop myself down under a table, and scan the room for Macbooks. First victim: College student with headphones while on facebook. presses button The college student nearly jumps out of her seat and proceeded to turn off the audio. She didn't know I did it. LOL All right, I screwed up with the second guy. I plopped the button down as I pointed towards his laptop. What I didn't realize that he had his audio on highest volume. So as soon as I plopped the button, extremely loud Metal music channeled through the whole cafe area and probably the whole building. And then the staff called security. I left the premises undetected and never went back.
I was a stupid moron, so I trolled some Mac users at a Barnes&Noble. When I trolled them, I didn't somebody had volume on highest setting and I accidentally played really loud heavy metal. Then I left and never went back.
Full disclosure, I have not listened to all these yet: I'm assuming you know of the new Courtney Barnett... Father John Misty - I love you, Honeybear Alabama Shakes - Sound &amp; Color Will Butler - Policy Purity Ring - another eternity Lord Huron - Strange Trails Twin Shadow - Eclipse Modest Mouse - Strangers to Ourselves Passion Pit - Kindred Speedy Ortiz - Foil Deer Belle &amp; Sebastian - Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance Sufjan Stevens - Carrie &amp; Lowell Tobias Jesso Jr. - Goon Lower Dens - Escape from Evil Mother Mother - Very Good Bad Thing Pile - You're Better Than This Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly Jamie XX - preview for In Colour A couple new Tame Impala tracks that are definitely required listening. And Future Islands just released two new tracks this week. Sorry for straying a bit from indie, I just ran with the new stuff as it popped into my head. **TL;DR:** If you're looking for the top picks, I'd stick to the top few. Definitely those Father John Misty and Alabama Shakes albums, and you'd might like Speedy Ortiz if you are a Courtney Barnett fan.
Full disclosure, I have not listened to all these yet: I'm assuming you know of the new Courtney Barnett... Father John Misty - I love you, Honeybear Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color Will Butler - Policy Purity Ring - another eternity Lord Huron - Strange Trails Twin Shadow - Eclipse Modest Mouse - Strangers to Ourselves Passion Pit - Kindred Speedy Ortiz - Foil Deer Belle & Sebastian - Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell Tobias Jesso Jr. - Goon Lower Dens - Escape from Evil Mother Mother - Very Good Bad Thing Pile - You're Better Than This Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly Jamie XX - preview for In Colour A couple new Tame Impala tracks that are definitely required listening. And Future Islands just released two new tracks this week. Sorry for straying a bit from indie, I just ran with the new stuff as it popped into my head. TL;DR: If you're looking for the top picks, I'd stick to the top few. Definitely those Father John Misty and Alabama Shakes albums, and you'd might like Speedy Ortiz if you are a Courtney Barnett fan.
Full disclosure, I have not listened to all these yet: I'm assuming you know of the new Courtney Barnett... Father John Misty - I love you, Honeybear Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color Will Butler - Policy Purity Ring - another eternity Lord Huron - Strange Trails Twin Shadow - Eclipse Modest Mouse - Strangers to Ourselves Passion Pit - Kindred Speedy Ortiz - Foil Deer Belle & Sebastian - Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell Tobias Jesso Jr. - Goon Lower Dens - Escape from Evil Mother Mother - Very Good Bad Thing Pile - You're Better Than This Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly Jamie XX - preview for In Colour A couple new Tame Impala tracks that are definitely required listening. And Future Islands just released two new tracks this week. Sorry for straying a bit from indie, I just ran with the new stuff as it popped into my head.
If you're looking for the top picks, I'd stick to the top few. Definitely those Father John Misty and Alabama Shakes albums, and you'd might like Speedy Ortiz if you are a Courtney Barnett fan.
Well I'm one of those people who consider myself a virgin even though I've done everything but penetration. I suppose part of it is linked to the penetration of a penis into my vagina, but there are more important things than just this fact alone for me. PIV comes with the highest risk of pregnancy and STDs, so I know I must take precautions to prevent those, which makes it a lot more serious than all those other acts. Of course other sexual acts carries these risks as well, but not as highly as PIV. There's also the pain factor to me. I've never fingered myself before my boyfriend did so to me - heck, I've never even worn a tampon! This means even finger penetration is painful, and my body needs to be physically ready for a penis unlike the other sexual acts. I guess the whole tl;dr of it is that losing my virginity means being both physically *and* mentally ready for it, unlike the other sexual acts which are just as enjoyable but with less potential to be life changing imho.
Well I'm one of those people who consider myself a virgin even though I've done everything but penetration. I suppose part of it is linked to the penetration of a penis into my vagina, but there are more important things than just this fact alone for me. PIV comes with the highest risk of pregnancy and STDs, so I know I must take precautions to prevent those, which makes it a lot more serious than all those other acts. Of course other sexual acts carries these risks as well, but not as highly as PIV. There's also the pain factor to me. I've never fingered myself before my boyfriend did so to me - heck, I've never even worn a tampon! This means even finger penetration is painful, and my body needs to be physically ready for a penis unlike the other sexual acts. I guess the whole tl;dr of it is that losing my virginity means being both physically and mentally ready for it, unlike the other sexual acts which are just as enjoyable but with less potential to be life changing imho.
Well I'm one of those people who consider myself a virgin even though I've done everything but penetration. I suppose part of it is linked to the penetration of a penis into my vagina, but there are more important things than just this fact alone for me. PIV comes with the highest risk of pregnancy and STDs, so I know I must take precautions to prevent those, which makes it a lot more serious than all those other acts. Of course other sexual acts carries these risks as well, but not as highly as PIV. There's also the pain factor to me. I've never fingered myself before my boyfriend did so to me - heck, I've never even worn a tampon! This means even finger penetration is painful, and my body needs to be physically ready for a penis unlike the other sexual acts. I guess the whole
of it is that losing my virginity means being both physically and mentally ready for it, unlike the other sexual acts which are just as enjoyable but with less potential to be life changing imho.