Your use of tl;dr hurts me.
Your use of tl;dr hurts me.
Your use of
hurts me.
Sunday August 31st, Dallas Oregon. 1537 hours. It was roughly 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Hole number 14. Having a pretty average round, I was 3 under par. Now typically I'd take the back hand approach with the nice little tree kick down the side of a 40 foot hill and have another 40 foot roll then line up my 200 foot putt through a wall of trees. Well I decided not to go that route today. Instead, I pick up an orange Champion Katana (171g), I then proceeded to do a forehand shot. The fuckin thing leaves my hand like the disc golf gods came down and plucked it from my grasp, it floats effortlessly over the ravine, headed dead in the heart of the middle of the chains, some air decides to mess around with it, but this disc is on a mission, this bad boy skips off the earth roughly 20ft from the basket and does an awkward twisting motion in the air then proceeds to slam chains as gravity takes back over. I had to check roughly 3 to 4 times to ensure that I infact did just do that. Also left my sharpie at home, luckily I live with the witness. TL;DR Ace, new throw, new route, didn't believe, forgot pen, 265ft, 3rd ace.
Sunday August 31st, Dallas Oregon. 1537 hours. It was roughly 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Hole number 14. Having a pretty average round, I was 3 under par. Now typically I'd take the back hand approach with the nice little tree kick down the side of a 40 foot hill and have another 40 foot roll then line up my 200 foot putt through a wall of trees. Well I decided not to go that route today. Instead, I pick up an orange Champion Katana (171g), I then proceeded to do a forehand shot. The fuckin thing leaves my hand like the disc golf gods came down and plucked it from my grasp, it floats effortlessly over the ravine, headed dead in the heart of the middle of the chains, some air decides to mess around with it, but this disc is on a mission, this bad boy skips off the earth roughly 20ft from the basket and does an awkward twisting motion in the air then proceeds to slam chains as gravity takes back over. I had to check roughly 3 to 4 times to ensure that I infact did just do that. Also left my sharpie at home, luckily I live with the witness. TL;DR Ace, new throw, new route, didn't believe, forgot pen, 265ft, 3rd ace.
Sunday August 31st, Dallas Oregon. 1537 hours. It was roughly 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Hole number 14. Having a pretty average round, I was 3 under par. Now typically I'd take the back hand approach with the nice little tree kick down the side of a 40 foot hill and have another 40 foot roll then line up my 200 foot putt through a wall of trees. Well I decided not to go that route today. Instead, I pick up an orange Champion Katana (171g), I then proceeded to do a forehand shot. The fuckin thing leaves my hand like the disc golf gods came down and plucked it from my grasp, it floats effortlessly over the ravine, headed dead in the heart of the middle of the chains, some air decides to mess around with it, but this disc is on a mission, this bad boy skips off the earth roughly 20ft from the basket and does an awkward twisting motion in the air then proceeds to slam chains as gravity takes back over. I had to check roughly 3 to 4 times to ensure that I infact did just do that. Also left my sharpie at home, luckily I live with the witness.
Ace, new throw, new route, didn't believe, forgot pen, 265ft, 3rd ace.
I just spent far too much time there. I didn't see any real deaths, but I may just be lucky, so no one should take this as license to go rummaging. Some women actually smile before being "strangled" and are obviously faking death. The costume makeup is sometimes horrible too. Many of the stranglings look real, but that's a well-known fetish. It's disturbing to watch, but I don't think they're being murdered. I saw the album, but all the pictures looked very artistic (great lipstick, focus on perfectly painted nails), and none of the girls had obvious injuries. tl;dr: Lots of fake fetish stuff. Maybe some real, who knows?
I just spent far too much time there. I didn't see any real deaths, but I may just be lucky, so no one should take this as license to go rummaging. Some women actually smile before being "strangled" and are obviously faking death. The costume makeup is sometimes horrible too. Many of the stranglings look real, but that's a well-known fetish. It's disturbing to watch, but I don't think they're being murdered. I saw the album, but all the pictures looked very artistic (great lipstick, focus on perfectly painted nails), and none of the girls had obvious injuries. tl;dr: Lots of fake fetish stuff. Maybe some real, who knows?
I just spent far too much time there. I didn't see any real deaths, but I may just be lucky, so no one should take this as license to go rummaging. Some women actually smile before being "strangled" and are obviously faking death. The costume makeup is sometimes horrible too. Many of the stranglings look real, but that's a well-known fetish. It's disturbing to watch, but I don't think they're being murdered. I saw the album, but all the pictures looked very artistic (great lipstick, focus on perfectly painted nails), and none of the girls had obvious injuries.
Lots of fake fetish stuff. Maybe some real, who knows?
My boyfriend is 26, I'm 24F, been together for 3 years and living together for almost the same time. On to the heart of the matter: I think my boyfriend's mom is kind of clingy and intrusive, and when I try to speak to him about it, his response is pretty much "I know she's clingy and intrusive, but you're an asshole for not turning a blind eye like I do". He accuses me of not wanting them to have a relationship because I don't like her. I admit that I don't like her (she jumped to conclusions and called me a bitch, and when confronted about it she switched the story around to make it seem like she was talking about someone else and I misunderstood, and she plays the victim now) but that's neither here nor there. I don't mind if she visits her son at our home, I don't mind them hanging out together. I'm always courteous to her. My issues are: Her dropping her in at 11 p.m. and beyond, dropping in without calling first, and wanting to party with us and our friends. Whenever she intrudes, she makes sure to bring along food or a gift for my boyfriend so that way I'm doubly an asshole for complaining about her just wanting to do something nice for her "baby boy" (by the way, my boyfriend has a younger brother that she NEVER refers to as anything other than his name). My boyfriend doesn't like the partying thing either, but he's too chicken to say anything. All he ever does is farm excuse after excuse to avoid talking to her about ANYTHING. He says he has talked to her about it and she won't change, but he never enforces anything. She keeps doing it because she knows he won't ever hold her to anything. He hardly ever acknowledges my complaints without a "but" attached, in which he shifts all blame on to me and paints me as a cruel jealous bitch that wants him to curse out his mom. I don't expect him to be mean or disrespectful to his mom or cut her out of his life, and I don't understand why he can't/won't talk to her adult to adult. She and my bf used to have a very strained relationship, which they've managed to reverse in the last year and a half or so. I really am happy for them, but I feel like they are both going overboard now. As I said before, my bf has a brother that she leaves completely alone. It's clear my bf is her favorite, and I know he secretly relishes this, as his brother was heavily favored by the rest of the family when he was younger. But I feel like they've gone from one unhealthy extreme to the other. I am going to try one last time to talk to him about this. What do you think, r/relationships? Am I really just not understanding enough? Any suggestions for how I should go about talking to him? TL;DR: Boyfriend's mom has been having a midlife crisis for the last 3-4 years and wants to be our drinking buddy and supermom all at once. She is intrusive and clingy and I can't get my bf to set boundaries without being accused of trying to break him and his mom up forever. Need to know if I'm being unreasonable, and how to approach this problem.
My boyfriend is 26, I'm 24F, been together for 3 years and living together for almost the same time. On to the heart of the matter: I think my boyfriend's mom is kind of clingy and intrusive, and when I try to speak to him about it, his response is pretty much "I know she's clingy and intrusive, but you're an asshole for not turning a blind eye like I do". He accuses me of not wanting them to have a relationship because I don't like her. I admit that I don't like her (she jumped to conclusions and called me a bitch, and when confronted about it she switched the story around to make it seem like she was talking about someone else and I misunderstood, and she plays the victim now) but that's neither here nor there. I don't mind if she visits her son at our home, I don't mind them hanging out together. I'm always courteous to her. My issues are: Her dropping her in at 11 p.m. and beyond, dropping in without calling first, and wanting to party with us and our friends. Whenever she intrudes, she makes sure to bring along food or a gift for my boyfriend so that way I'm doubly an asshole for complaining about her just wanting to do something nice for her "baby boy" (by the way, my boyfriend has a younger brother that she NEVER refers to as anything other than his name). My boyfriend doesn't like the partying thing either, but he's too chicken to say anything. All he ever does is farm excuse after excuse to avoid talking to her about ANYTHING. He says he has talked to her about it and she won't change, but he never enforces anything. She keeps doing it because she knows he won't ever hold her to anything. He hardly ever acknowledges my complaints without a "but" attached, in which he shifts all blame on to me and paints me as a cruel jealous bitch that wants him to curse out his mom. I don't expect him to be mean or disrespectful to his mom or cut her out of his life, and I don't understand why he can't/won't talk to her adult to adult. She and my bf used to have a very strained relationship, which they've managed to reverse in the last year and a half or so. I really am happy for them, but I feel like they are both going overboard now. As I said before, my bf has a brother that she leaves completely alone. It's clear my bf is her favorite, and I know he secretly relishes this, as his brother was heavily favored by the rest of the family when he was younger. But I feel like they've gone from one unhealthy extreme to the other. I am going to try one last time to talk to him about this. What do you think, r/relationships? Am I really just not understanding enough? Any suggestions for how I should go about talking to him? TL;DR: Boyfriend's mom has been having a midlife crisis for the last 3-4 years and wants to be our drinking buddy and supermom all at once. She is intrusive and clingy and I can't get my bf to set boundaries without being accused of trying to break him and his mom up forever. Need to know if I'm being unreasonable, and how to approach this problem.
My boyfriend is 26, I'm 24F, been together for 3 years and living together for almost the same time. On to the heart of the matter: I think my boyfriend's mom is kind of clingy and intrusive, and when I try to speak to him about it, his response is pretty much "I know she's clingy and intrusive, but you're an asshole for not turning a blind eye like I do". He accuses me of not wanting them to have a relationship because I don't like her. I admit that I don't like her (she jumped to conclusions and called me a bitch, and when confronted about it she switched the story around to make it seem like she was talking about someone else and I misunderstood, and she plays the victim now) but that's neither here nor there. I don't mind if she visits her son at our home, I don't mind them hanging out together. I'm always courteous to her. My issues are: Her dropping her in at 11 p.m. and beyond, dropping in without calling first, and wanting to party with us and our friends. Whenever she intrudes, she makes sure to bring along food or a gift for my boyfriend so that way I'm doubly an asshole for complaining about her just wanting to do something nice for her "baby boy" (by the way, my boyfriend has a younger brother that she NEVER refers to as anything other than his name). My boyfriend doesn't like the partying thing either, but he's too chicken to say anything. All he ever does is farm excuse after excuse to avoid talking to her about ANYTHING. He says he has talked to her about it and she won't change, but he never enforces anything. She keeps doing it because she knows he won't ever hold her to anything. He hardly ever acknowledges my complaints without a "but" attached, in which he shifts all blame on to me and paints me as a cruel jealous bitch that wants him to curse out his mom. I don't expect him to be mean or disrespectful to his mom or cut her out of his life, and I don't understand why he can't/won't talk to her adult to adult. She and my bf used to have a very strained relationship, which they've managed to reverse in the last year and a half or so. I really am happy for them, but I feel like they are both going overboard now. As I said before, my bf has a brother that she leaves completely alone. It's clear my bf is her favorite, and I know he secretly relishes this, as his brother was heavily favored by the rest of the family when he was younger. But I feel like they've gone from one unhealthy extreme to the other. I am going to try one last time to talk to him about this. What do you think, r/relationships? Am I really just not understanding enough? Any suggestions for how I should go about talking to him?
Boyfriend's mom has been having a midlife crisis for the last 3-4 years and wants to be our drinking buddy and supermom all at once. She is intrusive and clingy and I can't get my bf to set boundaries without being accused of trying to break him and his mom up forever. Need to know if I'm being unreasonable, and how to approach this problem.
As a female, I sometimes look at my gender and just ... [What?]( ... [Are you kidding me?]( I'm often ashamed by the fact my gender is so complicated and stupid. Why they think the way they do, when I'm here, pretty much "one of the guys". I've had many guy friends come to me with their relationship problems, and no matter how much I want to tell them to just get their ballsack while they still have it and RUN ... I do try my best to assist them in the better understanding of women. For example; Why girls say nothing is wrong when OBVIOUSLY something is wrong. Ohhh boy. There is no winning that one. NOTE: Since people cannot understand that I'm not calling every single female on the world a stupid moron, I'll have to put this little note here: It's the gender stereotype. Many men, and other women, can't understand why females do what they do. There are many, MANY brilliant female minds and women who have changed the world. Obviously I'm not here about them. Common sense. TL;DR: What are some questions you have pertaining to what females do and why? I'll answer with the best of my abilities. p.s. I know I'm not exactly ASKING Reddit, but more answering. So this might be in the wrong subreddit.
As a female, I sometimes look at my gender and just ... [What?]( ... [Are you kidding me?]( I'm often ashamed by the fact my gender is so complicated and stupid. Why they think the way they do, when I'm here, pretty much "one of the guys". I've had many guy friends come to me with their relationship problems, and no matter how much I want to tell them to just get their ballsack while they still have it and RUN ... I do try my best to assist them in the better understanding of women. For example; Why girls say nothing is wrong when OBVIOUSLY something is wrong. Ohhh boy. There is no winning that one. NOTE: Since people cannot understand that I'm not calling every single female on the world a stupid moron, I'll have to put this little note here: It's the gender stereotype. Many men, and other women, can't understand why females do what they do. There are many, MANY brilliant female minds and women who have changed the world. Obviously I'm not here about them. Common sense. TL;DR: What are some questions you have pertaining to what females do and why? I'll answer with the best of my abilities. p.s. I know I'm not exactly ASKING Reddit, but more answering. So this might be in the wrong subreddit.
As a female, I sometimes look at my gender and just ... [What?]( ... [Are you kidding me?]( I'm often ashamed by the fact my gender is so complicated and stupid. Why they think the way they do, when I'm here, pretty much "one of the guys". I've had many guy friends come to me with their relationship problems, and no matter how much I want to tell them to just get their ballsack while they still have it and RUN ... I do try my best to assist them in the better understanding of women. For example; Why girls say nothing is wrong when OBVIOUSLY something is wrong. Ohhh boy. There is no winning that one. NOTE: Since people cannot understand that I'm not calling every single female on the world a stupid moron, I'll have to put this little note here: It's the gender stereotype. Many men, and other women, can't understand why females do what they do. There are many, MANY brilliant female minds and women who have changed the world. Obviously I'm not here about them. Common sense.
What are some questions you have pertaining to what females do and why? I'll answer with the best of my abilities. p.s. I know I'm not exactly ASKING Reddit, but more answering. So this might be in the wrong subreddit.
Actually, it depends on what you mean by punishment. Feeling that someone that you look up to (that you want to take pride in your actions) is disappointed with you after one of your actions hurts. I don't actually know what the emotion is called that you feel when someone you really think is the main component of your life is crushing your heart by telling you that you did something wrong enough to make them feel bad about you and perhaps their parenting, but it is a powerful one that makes you take a vow to yourself to never disappoint them again. On the other hand, punishment like spanking, grounding, and the like only has a lasting effect of fear or "if I do something wrong I get pain". Most people are able to overcome that fear after a while and just don't care about the punishment anymore. This is coming from a guy who got whipped by a belt, thumped on the head, spanked, grounded, and humiliated. By the time I was 15, I just didn't care about that anymore. I kept my good grades because I was worried about my own future, it took will power to not drop my grades as a sign of rebellion to my parents because I really wanted to. I didn't want them to believe that their parenting helped me be who I was, but I decided the risk was too big for the tiny reward of self-satisfaction. I was lucky in that respect, because it seems the majority of teenagers go through with the rebellion and screw up their futures as a way of getting back at their parents. I'm 23 now with a 4.0 in college currently and my degree in Biochemistry is coming along nicely. I STILL have that lingering feeling that I need to call my parents together to tell them that I am not successful because of their punishments. I cried at night sometimes because I just wanted them to tell me that they were proud of me, or that I did a good job, or at least reward me with a thank you. I still remember the ONE TIME when my father told me "thank you son" after I helped stop him from falling off of a ladder. Nothing changed after that, and I decided to dedicate my life to helping others through science. I'm humbled and know I'm lucky that the downwards spiral that I wanted to play out in my head didn't come to fruition like it does with most teens today. The only reason I don't yell at my parents is because it would do nothing but give me some self-satisfaction on the expense of them feeling as if I was a jerk or they had done something wrong in raising me. TL;DR Make sure that you don't rely on punishment to raise your children. If it was an accident, don't punish them, just tell them why it was bad and not to do it again. If they hurt someone else or their property, punish them and make sure they know why it was wrong. Above all, make sure that your children KNOW that they are appreciated and thank them or reward them when they do hard work or get good grades. I also believe it is a good idea to have them read about the hard times that those in the past have felt. Narratives that help you live the experience of losing a family member due to the Holocaust instills a sense of righteousness in children, as long as it isn't cynical. P.S. Seeings how I am only 23, I may seem a bit unqualified to give advice (and I know I myself still have a lot to learn), but I've babysat both family members and the children of friends in the past. I'm the go-to guy for babysitting because I apparently have a way of making children wanting me to babysit for them again. I try to use the same formula for "parenting" as I posted here (no punishments however, can't do that!) and the children really respond to being told "Thank you little guy!" or "That some great work!"
Actually, it depends on what you mean by punishment. Feeling that someone that you look up to (that you want to take pride in your actions) is disappointed with you after one of your actions hurts. I don't actually know what the emotion is called that you feel when someone you really think is the main component of your life is crushing your heart by telling you that you did something wrong enough to make them feel bad about you and perhaps their parenting, but it is a powerful one that makes you take a vow to yourself to never disappoint them again. On the other hand, punishment like spanking, grounding, and the like only has a lasting effect of fear or "if I do something wrong I get pain". Most people are able to overcome that fear after a while and just don't care about the punishment anymore. This is coming from a guy who got whipped by a belt, thumped on the head, spanked, grounded, and humiliated. By the time I was 15, I just didn't care about that anymore. I kept my good grades because I was worried about my own future, it took will power to not drop my grades as a sign of rebellion to my parents because I really wanted to. I didn't want them to believe that their parenting helped me be who I was, but I decided the risk was too big for the tiny reward of self-satisfaction. I was lucky in that respect, because it seems the majority of teenagers go through with the rebellion and screw up their futures as a way of getting back at their parents. I'm 23 now with a 4.0 in college currently and my degree in Biochemistry is coming along nicely. I STILL have that lingering feeling that I need to call my parents together to tell them that I am not successful because of their punishments. I cried at night sometimes because I just wanted them to tell me that they were proud of me, or that I did a good job, or at least reward me with a thank you. I still remember the ONE TIME when my father told me "thank you son" after I helped stop him from falling off of a ladder. Nothing changed after that, and I decided to dedicate my life to helping others through science. I'm humbled and know I'm lucky that the downwards spiral that I wanted to play out in my head didn't come to fruition like it does with most teens today. The only reason I don't yell at my parents is because it would do nothing but give me some self-satisfaction on the expense of them feeling as if I was a jerk or they had done something wrong in raising me. TL;DR Make sure that you don't rely on punishment to raise your children. If it was an accident, don't punish them, just tell them why it was bad and not to do it again. If they hurt someone else or their property, punish them and make sure they know why it was wrong. Above all, make sure that your children KNOW that they are appreciated and thank them or reward them when they do hard work or get good grades. I also believe it is a good idea to have them read about the hard times that those in the past have felt. Narratives that help you live the experience of losing a family member due to the Holocaust instills a sense of righteousness in children, as long as it isn't cynical. P.S. Seeings how I am only 23, I may seem a bit unqualified to give advice (and I know I myself still have a lot to learn), but I've babysat both family members and the children of friends in the past. I'm the go-to guy for babysitting because I apparently have a way of making children wanting me to babysit for them again. I try to use the same formula for "parenting" as I posted here (no punishments however, can't do that!) and the children really respond to being told "Thank you little guy!" or "That some great work!"
Actually, it depends on what you mean by punishment. Feeling that someone that you look up to (that you want to take pride in your actions) is disappointed with you after one of your actions hurts. I don't actually know what the emotion is called that you feel when someone you really think is the main component of your life is crushing your heart by telling you that you did something wrong enough to make them feel bad about you and perhaps their parenting, but it is a powerful one that makes you take a vow to yourself to never disappoint them again. On the other hand, punishment like spanking, grounding, and the like only has a lasting effect of fear or "if I do something wrong I get pain". Most people are able to overcome that fear after a while and just don't care about the punishment anymore. This is coming from a guy who got whipped by a belt, thumped on the head, spanked, grounded, and humiliated. By the time I was 15, I just didn't care about that anymore. I kept my good grades because I was worried about my own future, it took will power to not drop my grades as a sign of rebellion to my parents because I really wanted to. I didn't want them to believe that their parenting helped me be who I was, but I decided the risk was too big for the tiny reward of self-satisfaction. I was lucky in that respect, because it seems the majority of teenagers go through with the rebellion and screw up their futures as a way of getting back at their parents. I'm 23 now with a 4.0 in college currently and my degree in Biochemistry is coming along nicely. I STILL have that lingering feeling that I need to call my parents together to tell them that I am not successful because of their punishments. I cried at night sometimes because I just wanted them to tell me that they were proud of me, or that I did a good job, or at least reward me with a thank you. I still remember the ONE TIME when my father told me "thank you son" after I helped stop him from falling off of a ladder. Nothing changed after that, and I decided to dedicate my life to helping others through science. I'm humbled and know I'm lucky that the downwards spiral that I wanted to play out in my head didn't come to fruition like it does with most teens today. The only reason I don't yell at my parents is because it would do nothing but give me some self-satisfaction on the expense of them feeling as if I was a jerk or they had done something wrong in raising me.
Make sure that you don't rely on punishment to raise your children. If it was an accident, don't punish them, just tell them why it was bad and not to do it again. If they hurt someone else or their property, punish them and make sure they know why it was wrong. Above all, make sure that your children KNOW that they are appreciated and thank them or reward them when they do hard work or get good grades. I also believe it is a good idea to have them read about the hard times that those in the past have felt. Narratives that help you live the experience of losing a family member due to the Holocaust instills a sense of righteousness in children, as long as it isn't cynical. P.S. Seeings how I am only 23, I may seem a bit unqualified to give advice (and I know I myself still have a lot to learn), but I've babysat both family members and the children of friends in the past. I'm the go-to guy for babysitting because I apparently have a way of making children wanting me to babysit for them again. I try to use the same formula for "parenting" as I posted here (no punishments however, can't do that!) and the children really respond to being told "Thank you little guy!" or "That some great work!"
Basically I broke up with my ex of 2 years and 9 months because we didn't have feelings for eachother anymore and I am ready to date again, I feel like my confidence is high enough to talk to a girls, but I guess you can say I "forgot" how to talk to one and what to say exactly. I get incredibly nervous and basically I don't know what to say. Any advice on what I can do to keep my cool and break the ice? --- **tl;dr**: I am ready to date again, but I "forgot" how to talk to women. I would like some advice on how to not get nervous and break the ice.
Basically I broke up with my ex of 2 years and 9 months because we didn't have feelings for eachother anymore and I am ready to date again, I feel like my confidence is high enough to talk to a girls, but I guess you can say I "forgot" how to talk to one and what to say exactly. I get incredibly nervous and basically I don't know what to say. Any advice on what I can do to keep my cool and break the ice? tl;dr : I am ready to date again, but I "forgot" how to talk to women. I would like some advice on how to not get nervous and break the ice.
Basically I broke up with my ex of 2 years and 9 months because we didn't have feelings for eachother anymore and I am ready to date again, I feel like my confidence is high enough to talk to a girls, but I guess you can say I "forgot" how to talk to one and what to say exactly. I get incredibly nervous and basically I don't know what to say. Any advice on what I can do to keep my cool and break the ice?
I am ready to date again, but I "forgot" how to talk to women. I would like some advice on how to not get nervous and break the ice.
Not entirely sure why this is on /r/adventuretime really (except for the many shared habits of the fanbases), but I'll give my two cents. I've watched the show, it isn't bad and I enjoyed most of it. I really like cartoons in general and this one is pretty damn good (all star cast, emmy-nominated songs, surprisingly relatable characters, sight-gag filled active animation)... But I'll never get the way the fanbase acts about it. I don't understand where the huge leap occurs between liking a show and self-identifying as a brony and turning it into a secret club with special emoticons and hidden pony avatars. They are also some of the worst shippers in the history of mankind. Just because the main cast is all female they're all lesbian to the worst parts of the fanbase, even when they're shown not to be. Don't get me started on the fact that Rule 34 for it is so prevalent that it even has its own name. ಠ_ಠ What is wrong with leaving something that is simple alone? Watching a show doesn't have to be a life philosophy and there doesn't have to be a romantic subplot between the main characters to enjoy it the way it is. At least in Adventure Time the majority of bad ships have expressed some romantic interest in Finn (mostly because he is a celebrity) so they aren't pulling something from nothing. Also every side character (even the stock ones that they just use to populate crowds) that is shown seems to be given a fandom name, fandom ships, and some crazy obsession or personality trait. This puts the creators, who are active in the community to some extent, in the awkward position of only having two choices: letting the fanbase write for them in blatant fanservice (often killing a joke to please the fans, like with ~~Ditzy Doo~~ Derpy) or "betraying" the "fanon" in a way that for some reason seems a similarly outrageous offense to punching a fan's mother. In most fanbases it's considered a somewhat funny in-joke when the creators stomp all over fanon (especially Adventure Time), but some people are WAY too involved in their nonexistent characters and would probably flip shit if, for example, a certain background pony's name was revealed to be anything but Octavia. tl;dr: Like the show, dislike the fact that the fanbase tries to make it something that it isn't. I tried to get into the community because I usually do when I enjoy a show, but the Brony community (outside of the remixers and some YouTube content creators) just grates on my nerves in subtle ways.
Not entirely sure why this is on /r/adventuretime really (except for the many shared habits of the fanbases), but I'll give my two cents. I've watched the show, it isn't bad and I enjoyed most of it. I really like cartoons in general and this one is pretty damn good (all star cast, emmy-nominated songs, surprisingly relatable characters, sight-gag filled active animation)... But I'll never get the way the fanbase acts about it. I don't understand where the huge leap occurs between liking a show and self-identifying as a brony and turning it into a secret club with special emoticons and hidden pony avatars. They are also some of the worst shippers in the history of mankind. Just because the main cast is all female they're all lesbian to the worst parts of the fanbase, even when they're shown not to be. Don't get me started on the fact that Rule 34 for it is so prevalent that it even has its own name. ಠ_ಠ What is wrong with leaving something that is simple alone? Watching a show doesn't have to be a life philosophy and there doesn't have to be a romantic subplot between the main characters to enjoy it the way it is. At least in Adventure Time the majority of bad ships have expressed some romantic interest in Finn (mostly because he is a celebrity) so they aren't pulling something from nothing. Also every side character (even the stock ones that they just use to populate crowds) that is shown seems to be given a fandom name, fandom ships, and some crazy obsession or personality trait. This puts the creators, who are active in the community to some extent, in the awkward position of only having two choices: letting the fanbase write for them in blatant fanservice (often killing a joke to please the fans, like with Ditzy Doo Derpy) or "betraying" the "fanon" in a way that for some reason seems a similarly outrageous offense to punching a fan's mother. In most fanbases it's considered a somewhat funny in-joke when the creators stomp all over fanon (especially Adventure Time), but some people are WAY too involved in their nonexistent characters and would probably flip shit if, for example, a certain background pony's name was revealed to be anything but Octavia. tl;dr: Like the show, dislike the fact that the fanbase tries to make it something that it isn't. I tried to get into the community because I usually do when I enjoy a show, but the Brony community (outside of the remixers and some YouTube content creators) just grates on my nerves in subtle ways.
Not entirely sure why this is on /r/adventuretime really (except for the many shared habits of the fanbases), but I'll give my two cents. I've watched the show, it isn't bad and I enjoyed most of it. I really like cartoons in general and this one is pretty damn good (all star cast, emmy-nominated songs, surprisingly relatable characters, sight-gag filled active animation)... But I'll never get the way the fanbase acts about it. I don't understand where the huge leap occurs between liking a show and self-identifying as a brony and turning it into a secret club with special emoticons and hidden pony avatars. They are also some of the worst shippers in the history of mankind. Just because the main cast is all female they're all lesbian to the worst parts of the fanbase, even when they're shown not to be. Don't get me started on the fact that Rule 34 for it is so prevalent that it even has its own name. ಠ_ಠ What is wrong with leaving something that is simple alone? Watching a show doesn't have to be a life philosophy and there doesn't have to be a romantic subplot between the main characters to enjoy it the way it is. At least in Adventure Time the majority of bad ships have expressed some romantic interest in Finn (mostly because he is a celebrity) so they aren't pulling something from nothing. Also every side character (even the stock ones that they just use to populate crowds) that is shown seems to be given a fandom name, fandom ships, and some crazy obsession or personality trait. This puts the creators, who are active in the community to some extent, in the awkward position of only having two choices: letting the fanbase write for them in blatant fanservice (often killing a joke to please the fans, like with Ditzy Doo Derpy) or "betraying" the "fanon" in a way that for some reason seems a similarly outrageous offense to punching a fan's mother. In most fanbases it's considered a somewhat funny in-joke when the creators stomp all over fanon (especially Adventure Time), but some people are WAY too involved in their nonexistent characters and would probably flip shit if, for example, a certain background pony's name was revealed to be anything but Octavia.
Like the show, dislike the fact that the fanbase tries to make it something that it isn't. I tried to get into the community because I usually do when I enjoy a show, but the Brony community (outside of the remixers and some YouTube content creators) just grates on my nerves in subtle ways.
Wearing armor is generally impractical in limited-resource, apocalyptic situations. This is due to the caloric toll that the additional weight would add to the survivalist. When calories are sparse, the survivor needs to conserve energy. They also need to be very light to make travel easier. Also, the added heat it would trap could cause people to overheat and pass out/die from heat exhaustion. In addition to the items they will be carrying/transporting, adding 10-30 Kgs of mass (the armor) to their body is going to be a very bad idea. This does not just apply to Zombie Apocalypse situations. This also applies to things like war-torn areas in the world, right now. TL:DR - Body armor during a Zombie Apocalypse: great idea on paper but a bad idea in practice.
Wearing armor is generally impractical in limited-resource, apocalyptic situations. This is due to the caloric toll that the additional weight would add to the survivalist. When calories are sparse, the survivor needs to conserve energy. They also need to be very light to make travel easier. Also, the added heat it would trap could cause people to overheat and pass out/die from heat exhaustion. In addition to the items they will be carrying/transporting, adding 10-30 Kgs of mass (the armor) to their body is going to be a very bad idea. This does not just apply to Zombie Apocalypse situations. This also applies to things like war-torn areas in the world, right now. TL:DR - Body armor during a Zombie Apocalypse: great idea on paper but a bad idea in practice.
Wearing armor is generally impractical in limited-resource, apocalyptic situations. This is due to the caloric toll that the additional weight would add to the survivalist. When calories are sparse, the survivor needs to conserve energy. They also need to be very light to make travel easier. Also, the added heat it would trap could cause people to overheat and pass out/die from heat exhaustion. In addition to the items they will be carrying/transporting, adding 10-30 Kgs of mass (the armor) to their body is going to be a very bad idea. This does not just apply to Zombie Apocalypse situations. This also applies to things like war-torn areas in the world, right now.
Body armor during a Zombie Apocalypse: great idea on paper but a bad idea in practice.
Man, I had such high hopes for this phone. I really thought Motorola would change up their old ways and old ties with the way they did business with carriers like Verizon. Nope, I was wrong. Business as usual. The bootloader is locked, you have to buy it on contract, and it's not going to be sold unlocked for probably another 2 months etc. etc. etc. It's a nice phone but I won't be getting it any time soon. The whole point of the Moto X was for it be easily available and affordable. I'll just continue to deal with phones like the S4 and Note 3 in that case. At least you know you're getting top everything with those devices. I do like the software set up this phone has but the Note 3 will def come out with something very similar when it drops in October. TLDR: Disappointing due to the fact that Motorola is making you get a contract, locking the bootloader etc. etc. etc. Won't be available in the Play Store for another couple of months. Horrible
Man, I had such high hopes for this phone. I really thought Motorola would change up their old ways and old ties with the way they did business with carriers like Verizon. Nope, I was wrong. Business as usual. The bootloader is locked, you have to buy it on contract, and it's not going to be sold unlocked for probably another 2 months etc. etc. etc. It's a nice phone but I won't be getting it any time soon. The whole point of the Moto X was for it be easily available and affordable. I'll just continue to deal with phones like the S4 and Note 3 in that case. At least you know you're getting top everything with those devices. I do like the software set up this phone has but the Note 3 will def come out with something very similar when it drops in October. TLDR: Disappointing due to the fact that Motorola is making you get a contract, locking the bootloader etc. etc. etc. Won't be available in the Play Store for another couple of months. Horrible
Man, I had such high hopes for this phone. I really thought Motorola would change up their old ways and old ties with the way they did business with carriers like Verizon. Nope, I was wrong. Business as usual. The bootloader is locked, you have to buy it on contract, and it's not going to be sold unlocked for probably another 2 months etc. etc. etc. It's a nice phone but I won't be getting it any time soon. The whole point of the Moto X was for it be easily available and affordable. I'll just continue to deal with phones like the S4 and Note 3 in that case. At least you know you're getting top everything with those devices. I do like the software set up this phone has but the Note 3 will def come out with something very similar when it drops in October.
Disappointing due to the fact that Motorola is making you get a contract, locking the bootloader etc. etc. etc. Won't be available in the Play Store for another couple of months. Horrible
Can someone give me a one paragraph tldr on this entire situation
Can someone give me a one paragraph tldr on this entire situation
Can someone give me a one paragraph
on this entire situation
So heres how it all came about. my gf [18/f] opened my [20/m] laptop one day and reddit was still open, she saw that an NSFW link was purple so she clicked on it. It was just a topless girl and she freaked out, i explained to her that i click all the frontpage links (i do) and she doesnt believe that. anyway after a couple of weeks i thought she had competely let it go...until tonight that is. She was arguing with me for hours telling me that i dont find her attractive cause i look at other girls and that obviously means i think they're better than her (I honestly dont think they are though) and that when i call her beautiful it doesnt mean anything to her. But i think she's fucking gorgeous! Anyway im just asking how can i show her that i do truly love her and think shes beautiful? **tl;dr GF thinks i dont find her attractive but i really do** (sorry for shitty typing, not capitalizing, and whatever other spelling mistakes im tired as hell)
So heres how it all came about. my gf [18/f] opened my [20/m] laptop one day and reddit was still open, she saw that an NSFW link was purple so she clicked on it. It was just a topless girl and she freaked out, i explained to her that i click all the frontpage links (i do) and she doesnt believe that. anyway after a couple of weeks i thought she had competely let it go...until tonight that is. She was arguing with me for hours telling me that i dont find her attractive cause i look at other girls and that obviously means i think they're better than her (I honestly dont think they are though) and that when i call her beautiful it doesnt mean anything to her. But i think she's fucking gorgeous! Anyway im just asking how can i show her that i do truly love her and think shes beautiful? tl;dr GF thinks i dont find her attractive but i really do (sorry for shitty typing, not capitalizing, and whatever other spelling mistakes im tired as hell)
So heres how it all came about. my gf [18/f] opened my [20/m] laptop one day and reddit was still open, she saw that an NSFW link was purple so she clicked on it. It was just a topless girl and she freaked out, i explained to her that i click all the frontpage links (i do) and she doesnt believe that. anyway after a couple of weeks i thought she had competely let it go...until tonight that is. She was arguing with me for hours telling me that i dont find her attractive cause i look at other girls and that obviously means i think they're better than her (I honestly dont think they are though) and that when i call her beautiful it doesnt mean anything to her. But i think she's fucking gorgeous! Anyway im just asking how can i show her that i do truly love her and think shes beautiful?
GF thinks i dont find her attractive but i really do (sorry for shitty typing, not capitalizing, and whatever other spelling mistakes im tired as hell)
This code comes up because the ECU is trying to run in closed loop, and is having to add more then a certain amount of fuel to achieve Stoich (14.7 AFR for gas). It only does this durring idle and cruise. Your fuel map under load/boost runs in open loop and does not take direct feedback from the O2 sensor. So you might have a good tune but a faulty sensor or other issue might be causing this issue in closed loop. The real problem is the ECU is having to add more then a certain ratio of fuel to achieve stoich which is triggering the CEL. The danger is that it will also apply this ratio to your fuel map across all loads and will cause your previously good tune to run rich and possibly cause damage. TLDR: Engine has to add too much fuel to achieve stoich and it will apply this ratio to your entire fuel map, possibly causing a rich condition under boost.
This code comes up because the ECU is trying to run in closed loop, and is having to add more then a certain amount of fuel to achieve Stoich (14.7 AFR for gas). It only does this durring idle and cruise. Your fuel map under load/boost runs in open loop and does not take direct feedback from the O2 sensor. So you might have a good tune but a faulty sensor or other issue might be causing this issue in closed loop. The real problem is the ECU is having to add more then a certain ratio of fuel to achieve stoich which is triggering the CEL. The danger is that it will also apply this ratio to your fuel map across all loads and will cause your previously good tune to run rich and possibly cause damage. TLDR: Engine has to add too much fuel to achieve stoich and it will apply this ratio to your entire fuel map, possibly causing a rich condition under boost.
This code comes up because the ECU is trying to run in closed loop, and is having to add more then a certain amount of fuel to achieve Stoich (14.7 AFR for gas). It only does this durring idle and cruise. Your fuel map under load/boost runs in open loop and does not take direct feedback from the O2 sensor. So you might have a good tune but a faulty sensor or other issue might be causing this issue in closed loop. The real problem is the ECU is having to add more then a certain ratio of fuel to achieve stoich which is triggering the CEL. The danger is that it will also apply this ratio to your fuel map across all loads and will cause your previously good tune to run rich and possibly cause damage.
Engine has to add too much fuel to achieve stoich and it will apply this ratio to your entire fuel map, possibly causing a rich condition under boost.
I've been teaching kids classes for about 5 months now (holy cow, I can't believe its been that long!) and I would say 6 is a fine age. All I ask is that they be able to tell left from right and that they know all of the body parts. Other than that, I'm able to keep them pretty disciplined, as well as making sure they have fun. If I have any advice, it's to make sure the kid has fun, but that the child knows the instructor is in charge. I had one parent decide that he would "coach" along with me while I was trying to teach a technique, and it quickly devolved into chaos. I had to restore order in a way that I did not like to, but it happens. For my tl;dr: kid should be know left from right, parents don't be a douchebag.
I've been teaching kids classes for about 5 months now (holy cow, I can't believe its been that long!) and I would say 6 is a fine age. All I ask is that they be able to tell left from right and that they know all of the body parts. Other than that, I'm able to keep them pretty disciplined, as well as making sure they have fun. If I have any advice, it's to make sure the kid has fun, but that the child knows the instructor is in charge. I had one parent decide that he would "coach" along with me while I was trying to teach a technique, and it quickly devolved into chaos. I had to restore order in a way that I did not like to, but it happens. For my tl;dr: kid should be know left from right, parents don't be a douchebag.
I've been teaching kids classes for about 5 months now (holy cow, I can't believe its been that long!) and I would say 6 is a fine age. All I ask is that they be able to tell left from right and that they know all of the body parts. Other than that, I'm able to keep them pretty disciplined, as well as making sure they have fun. If I have any advice, it's to make sure the kid has fun, but that the child knows the instructor is in charge. I had one parent decide that he would "coach" along with me while I was trying to teach a technique, and it quickly devolved into chaos. I had to restore order in a way that I did not like to, but it happens. For my
kid should be know left from right, parents don't be a douchebag.
(I love reading advice from the ladies of TwoX, and now I'm hoping for some. Please excuse the throwaway account.) Last Friday, I had the Mirena IUS put in. Before, I had always used birth control pills AND condoms, just to be safe (I was bad about taking the pill on time). My boyfriend and I waited a week, like the doctor recommended, before having sex without a condom. It felt great, of course, but having my boyfriend ejaculate inside me weirded us both out. I feel like I'm being reckless, even though I know that Mirena is very effective. Ladies of TwoX, have any of you had similar experiences? Any advice for dealing with this psychologically? tl;dr: Using Mirena but still semen-wary
(I love reading advice from the ladies of TwoX, and now I'm hoping for some. Please excuse the throwaway account.) Last Friday, I had the Mirena IUS put in. Before, I had always used birth control pills AND condoms, just to be safe (I was bad about taking the pill on time). My boyfriend and I waited a week, like the doctor recommended, before having sex without a condom. It felt great, of course, but having my boyfriend ejaculate inside me weirded us both out. I feel like I'm being reckless, even though I know that Mirena is very effective. Ladies of TwoX, have any of you had similar experiences? Any advice for dealing with this psychologically? tl;dr: Using Mirena but still semen-wary
I love reading advice from the ladies of TwoX, and now I'm hoping for some. Please excuse the throwaway account.) Last Friday, I had the Mirena IUS put in. Before, I had always used birth control pills AND condoms, just to be safe (I was bad about taking the pill on time). My boyfriend and I waited a week, like the doctor recommended, before having sex without a condom. It felt great, of course, but having my boyfriend ejaculate inside me weirded us both out. I feel like I'm being reckless, even though I know that Mirena is very effective. Ladies of TwoX, have any of you had similar experiences? Any advice for dealing with this psychologically?
Using Mirena but still semen-wary
I like Bush and Helu, but after the NFL draft and free agency I'd bet Redman, McGahee and Benson's value go down. I wouldn't be happy with either of them if you play the flex spot. I think it's best to just grab your backs. Last year I picked Ray Rice, Matt Forte, then Legarrette Blount. Obviously, the other positions are rough after that, but it's still possible to get your WRs late. I took Mike Williams (TB), Jeremy Maclin, and Mario Manningham. These guys didn't pan out so well, but they easily could have. Going into the season I thought they could all be good. I had Romo at QB. tl;dr My strategy is to get stud backs in the first three rounds. Then the next four rounds get 3 WRs and a QB who I feel are undervalued. I'll wait on TE and get a guy like Pettigrew.
I like Bush and Helu, but after the NFL draft and free agency I'd bet Redman, McGahee and Benson's value go down. I wouldn't be happy with either of them if you play the flex spot. I think it's best to just grab your backs. Last year I picked Ray Rice, Matt Forte, then Legarrette Blount. Obviously, the other positions are rough after that, but it's still possible to get your WRs late. I took Mike Williams (TB), Jeremy Maclin, and Mario Manningham. These guys didn't pan out so well, but they easily could have. Going into the season I thought they could all be good. I had Romo at QB. tl;dr My strategy is to get stud backs in the first three rounds. Then the next four rounds get 3 WRs and a QB who I feel are undervalued. I'll wait on TE and get a guy like Pettigrew.
I like Bush and Helu, but after the NFL draft and free agency I'd bet Redman, McGahee and Benson's value go down. I wouldn't be happy with either of them if you play the flex spot. I think it's best to just grab your backs. Last year I picked Ray Rice, Matt Forte, then Legarrette Blount. Obviously, the other positions are rough after that, but it's still possible to get your WRs late. I took Mike Williams (TB), Jeremy Maclin, and Mario Manningham. These guys didn't pan out so well, but they easily could have. Going into the season I thought they could all be good. I had Romo at QB.
My strategy is to get stud backs in the first three rounds. Then the next four rounds get 3 WRs and a QB who I feel are undervalued. I'll wait on TE and get a guy like Pettigrew.
Okay well in pretty sure literally no one but you took it as a 'joke'. How was it even a joke though? You didn't understand the reference, someone told you the wrong thing and it seemed like you thought he was right... Where is the joke there? Seriously? Other than the fact that it turns out you know he was wrong, which really isn't that funny because obviously people aren't going to think 'oh he's given credit to someone who told him the wrong thing, he must be kidding because no one ever believes people who lie to them about something they stated they aren't sure about.'. TL;DR: You're an idiot and your joke is fucking awful.
Okay well in pretty sure literally no one but you took it as a 'joke'. How was it even a joke though? You didn't understand the reference, someone told you the wrong thing and it seemed like you thought he was right... Where is the joke there? Seriously? Other than the fact that it turns out you know he was wrong, which really isn't that funny because obviously people aren't going to think 'oh he's given credit to someone who told him the wrong thing, he must be kidding because no one ever believes people who lie to them about something they stated they aren't sure about.'. TL;DR: You're an idiot and your joke is fucking awful.
Okay well in pretty sure literally no one but you took it as a 'joke'. How was it even a joke though? You didn't understand the reference, someone told you the wrong thing and it seemed like you thought he was right... Where is the joke there? Seriously? Other than the fact that it turns out you know he was wrong, which really isn't that funny because obviously people aren't going to think 'oh he's given credit to someone who told him the wrong thing, he must be kidding because no one ever believes people who lie to them about something they stated they aren't sure about.'.
You're an idiot and your joke is fucking awful.
Hello and happy almost-Christmas everyone! This post is just a reminder that in ONE HOUR (from the time of this post), the Chat Wheel will be LIVE with our second livestreamed episode, this time with Ryuuboruz of Team eHug! We'll be talking about his new team and sponsorship as well as all the perks that go along with it. We'll also be chatting about the improvements to Wraith Night, Synderen's retirement, Zhou's potential retirement, and the upcoming plans for! Come join us over at and join the fun! **TL;DR** * **Live episode in ONE HOUR (8:30 pm EST) with Ryuuboruz! *
Hello and happy almost-Christmas everyone! This post is just a reminder that in ONE HOUR (from the time of this post), the Chat Wheel will be LIVE with our second livestreamed episode, this time with Ryuuboruz of Team eHug! We'll be talking about his new team and sponsorship as well as all the perks that go along with it. We'll also be chatting about the improvements to Wraith Night, Synderen's retirement, Zhou's potential retirement, and the upcoming plans for! Come join us over at and join the fun! TL;DR **Live episode in ONE HOUR (8:30 pm EST) with Ryuuboruz!
Hello and happy almost-Christmas everyone! This post is just a reminder that in ONE HOUR (from the time of this post), the Chat Wheel will be LIVE with our second livestreamed episode, this time with Ryuuboruz of Team eHug! We'll be talking about his new team and sponsorship as well as all the perks that go along with it. We'll also be chatting about the improvements to Wraith Night, Synderen's retirement, Zhou's potential retirement, and the upcoming plans for! Come join us over at and join the fun!
Live episode in ONE HOUR (8:30 pm EST) with Ryuuboruz!
The first thing to realize is that Republican and conservative are Definately not the same thing. As the article linked above states (as many others have stated in a variety of forms) the republican party is actually quite radical in any ways. When you talk about republicans (or democrats for that matter) you're talking about coalition politics. There are a number of competing interests loosely held together under the most general political ideology. Seperately when you're talking about conservatives (certainly the classic, Burkean conservative) they do hold equality in extremely high regard. It's part of why so many (myself included) "real" conservatives look at the GOP and its unGodly reliance on cultural conservatives with utter disdain. TL:dr conservatives and (today's) republicans are antonyms but often used as synonyms
The first thing to realize is that Republican and conservative are Definately not the same thing. As the article linked above states (as many others have stated in a variety of forms) the republican party is actually quite radical in any ways. When you talk about republicans (or democrats for that matter) you're talking about coalition politics. There are a number of competing interests loosely held together under the most general political ideology. Seperately when you're talking about conservatives (certainly the classic, Burkean conservative) they do hold equality in extremely high regard. It's part of why so many (myself included) "real" conservatives look at the GOP and its unGodly reliance on cultural conservatives with utter disdain. TL:dr conservatives and (today's) republicans are antonyms but often used as synonyms
The first thing to realize is that Republican and conservative are Definately not the same thing. As the article linked above states (as many others have stated in a variety of forms) the republican party is actually quite radical in any ways. When you talk about republicans (or democrats for that matter) you're talking about coalition politics. There are a number of competing interests loosely held together under the most general political ideology. Seperately when you're talking about conservatives (certainly the classic, Burkean conservative) they do hold equality in extremely high regard. It's part of why so many (myself included) "real" conservatives look at the GOP and its unGodly reliance on cultural conservatives with utter disdain.
conservatives and (today's) republicans are antonyms but often used as synonyms
Well, I sort of did. For the past couple of months, my mother mentioned that the one thing she really wanted for Christmas was a hoodie, as she had given the one she had before to a homeless man. After buying all her other presents, I had realized I hadn't gotten the hoodie. I went to Target about a week ago and bought a fairly nice one. But then my mom mentioned today that not only did she want a hoodie, but one with a design of some sort on it, not just a plain color. She mentioned that she had said this all along whenever she mentioned the hoodie thing. If I remember correctly, the one I got was just a plain gray hoodie with nothing else on it. This has been eating at me for a while now. Tl;dr messed up on getting the one thing my mother wanted and now feel really bad about it.
Well, I sort of did. For the past couple of months, my mother mentioned that the one thing she really wanted for Christmas was a hoodie, as she had given the one she had before to a homeless man. After buying all her other presents, I had realized I hadn't gotten the hoodie. I went to Target about a week ago and bought a fairly nice one. But then my mom mentioned today that not only did she want a hoodie, but one with a design of some sort on it, not just a plain color. She mentioned that she had said this all along whenever she mentioned the hoodie thing. If I remember correctly, the one I got was just a plain gray hoodie with nothing else on it. This has been eating at me for a while now. Tl;dr messed up on getting the one thing my mother wanted and now feel really bad about it.
Well, I sort of did. For the past couple of months, my mother mentioned that the one thing she really wanted for Christmas was a hoodie, as she had given the one she had before to a homeless man. After buying all her other presents, I had realized I hadn't gotten the hoodie. I went to Target about a week ago and bought a fairly nice one. But then my mom mentioned today that not only did she want a hoodie, but one with a design of some sort on it, not just a plain color. She mentioned that she had said this all along whenever she mentioned the hoodie thing. If I remember correctly, the one I got was just a plain gray hoodie with nothing else on it. This has been eating at me for a while now.
messed up on getting the one thing my mother wanted and now feel really bad about it.
Being a SAHM is absolutely a respectable life choice. But I see that you're only sixteen, and I feel the need to offer some thoughts (hopefully in a more constructive way than your family has). This comment is likely to be buried at the bottom, but I'm really just writing it for you, OP. First of all: as much as I know you feel your current SO is going to be your husband and the father of your children, the reality is that you both still have a lot of changing and growing to do. Almost everyone (myself included) has been there, has had the high school sweetheart they think they're going to marry. But almost everyone also becomes an entirely different person after just one year of college—not in a bad way, but certainly in many ways. You simply have no way of knowing right now if you guys will still be compatible when you're actually ready to get married. You absolutely might be, but don't mentally lock yourself to that idea yet. Allow it as a possibility, but not the *only* possibility. That'd be unfair to yourself. Let yourselves grow and change freely, and don't be afraid to accept it if you grow apart. You still have hundreds upon hundreds of people to meet in your life, and chances are you will be smitten with many of them. Secondly: As I said before, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a SAHM one day. It is a wonderful, respectable thing to do. My mom did it until I was in middle school and to this day I adore her for it. But you have to realize that being a SAHM is *always* an option . . . but getting your foot in the door of the professional world and getting some experience while you're young isn't. My mom worked as an engineer for 10 years before she decided to be a SAHM, and it allowed her to go back to work and help when my parents ran into strained financial times. And now that they're empty-nesters, it lets her contribute to their approaching retirement. Now, I'm not saying you need to do exactly what my mom did. But you do need to be smart about this, and have a backup plan. You need to be *able* to rely on yourself, you need to be *able* to be independent, even if you're not. Because one day, you might be, for any number of reasons. Almost everyone has a plan for their future, but you have to realize that life doesn't always follow your plan. Give yourself *options.* For example, why not get a teaching degree, and be a substitute teacher or work at a daycare while you're finding a husband/working on getting pregnant? The TL;DR here is no, you're not "wrong" for wanting to be a SAHM. But don't burn bridges and discount other possibilities for the future, either, especially at sixteen. You still have so, so much to learn about yourself. Be open.
Being a SAHM is absolutely a respectable life choice. But I see that you're only sixteen, and I feel the need to offer some thoughts (hopefully in a more constructive way than your family has). This comment is likely to be buried at the bottom, but I'm really just writing it for you, OP. First of all: as much as I know you feel your current SO is going to be your husband and the father of your children, the reality is that you both still have a lot of changing and growing to do. Almost everyone (myself included) has been there, has had the high school sweetheart they think they're going to marry. But almost everyone also becomes an entirely different person after just one year of college—not in a bad way, but certainly in many ways. You simply have no way of knowing right now if you guys will still be compatible when you're actually ready to get married. You absolutely might be, but don't mentally lock yourself to that idea yet. Allow it as a possibility, but not the only possibility. That'd be unfair to yourself. Let yourselves grow and change freely, and don't be afraid to accept it if you grow apart. You still have hundreds upon hundreds of people to meet in your life, and chances are you will be smitten with many of them. Secondly: As I said before, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a SAHM one day. It is a wonderful, respectable thing to do. My mom did it until I was in middle school and to this day I adore her for it. But you have to realize that being a SAHM is always an option . . . but getting your foot in the door of the professional world and getting some experience while you're young isn't. My mom worked as an engineer for 10 years before she decided to be a SAHM, and it allowed her to go back to work and help when my parents ran into strained financial times. And now that they're empty-nesters, it lets her contribute to their approaching retirement. Now, I'm not saying you need to do exactly what my mom did. But you do need to be smart about this, and have a backup plan. You need to be able to rely on yourself, you need to be able to be independent, even if you're not. Because one day, you might be, for any number of reasons. Almost everyone has a plan for their future, but you have to realize that life doesn't always follow your plan. Give yourself options. For example, why not get a teaching degree, and be a substitute teacher or work at a daycare while you're finding a husband/working on getting pregnant? The TL;DR here is no, you're not "wrong" for wanting to be a SAHM. But don't burn bridges and discount other possibilities for the future, either, especially at sixteen. You still have so, so much to learn about yourself. Be open.
Being a SAHM is absolutely a respectable life choice. But I see that you're only sixteen, and I feel the need to offer some thoughts (hopefully in a more constructive way than your family has). This comment is likely to be buried at the bottom, but I'm really just writing it for you, OP. First of all: as much as I know you feel your current SO is going to be your husband and the father of your children, the reality is that you both still have a lot of changing and growing to do. Almost everyone (myself included) has been there, has had the high school sweetheart they think they're going to marry. But almost everyone also becomes an entirely different person after just one year of college—not in a bad way, but certainly in many ways. You simply have no way of knowing right now if you guys will still be compatible when you're actually ready to get married. You absolutely might be, but don't mentally lock yourself to that idea yet. Allow it as a possibility, but not the only possibility. That'd be unfair to yourself. Let yourselves grow and change freely, and don't be afraid to accept it if you grow apart. You still have hundreds upon hundreds of people to meet in your life, and chances are you will be smitten with many of them. Secondly: As I said before, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a SAHM one day. It is a wonderful, respectable thing to do. My mom did it until I was in middle school and to this day I adore her for it. But you have to realize that being a SAHM is always an option . . . but getting your foot in the door of the professional world and getting some experience while you're young isn't. My mom worked as an engineer for 10 years before she decided to be a SAHM, and it allowed her to go back to work and help when my parents ran into strained financial times. And now that they're empty-nesters, it lets her contribute to their approaching retirement. Now, I'm not saying you need to do exactly what my mom did. But you do need to be smart about this, and have a backup plan. You need to be able to rely on yourself, you need to be able to be independent, even if you're not. Because one day, you might be, for any number of reasons. Almost everyone has a plan for their future, but you have to realize that life doesn't always follow your plan. Give yourself options. For example, why not get a teaching degree, and be a substitute teacher or work at a daycare while you're finding a husband/working on getting pregnant? The
here is no, you're not "wrong" for wanting to be a SAHM. But don't burn bridges and discount other possibilities for the future, either, especially at sixteen. You still have so, so much to learn about yourself. Be open.
They way bitcoin handles it, is, that it sends the total amount out, one part to the address you are making the transfer to, and the other part to a "change" address. This address is actually also yours, it is just handled invisibly for you in the background. Next time you make a transaction, that (now "new") address will be the origin and again your amount will be sent to the receiving address + a then again new "change address" handled invisibly. You might want to read up on how transactions are handled on the bitcoin wiki. tl;dr: its fine. the client is doing the work for you.
They way bitcoin handles it, is, that it sends the total amount out, one part to the address you are making the transfer to, and the other part to a "change" address. This address is actually also yours, it is just handled invisibly for you in the background. Next time you make a transaction, that (now "new") address will be the origin and again your amount will be sent to the receiving address + a then again new "change address" handled invisibly. You might want to read up on how transactions are handled on the bitcoin wiki. tl;dr: its fine. the client is doing the work for you.
They way bitcoin handles it, is, that it sends the total amount out, one part to the address you are making the transfer to, and the other part to a "change" address. This address is actually also yours, it is just handled invisibly for you in the background. Next time you make a transaction, that (now "new") address will be the origin and again your amount will be sent to the receiving address + a then again new "change address" handled invisibly. You might want to read up on how transactions are handled on the bitcoin wiki.
its fine. the client is doing the work for you.
Are you enriching your carbon source? Putting coal into an enrichment chamber with some water makes one piece of coal worth 100 carbon, as opposed to 10. Carbon sticks are super super nice. TL;DR: 5 steel per coal.
Are you enriching your carbon source? Putting coal into an enrichment chamber with some water makes one piece of coal worth 100 carbon, as opposed to 10. Carbon sticks are super super nice. TL;DR: 5 steel per coal.
Are you enriching your carbon source? Putting coal into an enrichment chamber with some water makes one piece of coal worth 100 carbon, as opposed to 10. Carbon sticks are super super nice.
5 steel per coal.
For everyone talking about looking at WoW and EVE. That is not the stock market, that is commodity trading. Commodity trading is prefaced on the balance between supply and demand. For the stock market supply and demand are moot points, instead it is focused on the expectations of cash flows and risk from companies. The expectation of cash flows, when divided over the outstanding stock, could be considered your supply, but not in the same sense as the supply and demand from economics. TL;DR - Auction houses are commodity trading, not stock markes.
For everyone talking about looking at WoW and EVE. That is not the stock market, that is commodity trading. Commodity trading is prefaced on the balance between supply and demand. For the stock market supply and demand are moot points, instead it is focused on the expectations of cash flows and risk from companies. The expectation of cash flows, when divided over the outstanding stock, could be considered your supply, but not in the same sense as the supply and demand from economics. TL;DR - Auction houses are commodity trading, not stock markes.
For everyone talking about looking at WoW and EVE. That is not the stock market, that is commodity trading. Commodity trading is prefaced on the balance between supply and demand. For the stock market supply and demand are moot points, instead it is focused on the expectations of cash flows and risk from companies. The expectation of cash flows, when divided over the outstanding stock, could be considered your supply, but not in the same sense as the supply and demand from economics.
Auction houses are commodity trading, not stock markes.
There is, but a pure zombie deck that runs zombies only for the sake of runing zombies is not gonna get you very far. First off there's only the three zombie synchros. Of them Doomkaiser is only good with Zombie World, Revived King He Des is just bad and Archfiend Zombie Skull is easy to remove and play around. The level 8/rank 4 build is the most efficient and competitive as it toolboxes the most useful levels for both Synchro and XYZ. The reason Zombie were bonkers years ago was because Brionic and Trishula were unbanned. Now, you can make a deck centered around only Zombie type Synchro, but with only 3 synchro monsters and 3 tuners (pain painter is terrible) you're not gonna be winning games with Archfiend Zombie Skull pushes. You'll need things like Zombie World, Endless Decay and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon if you want any success which will require you to run Pyramid Turtle over Goblin Zombie. Of course Zombie World builds are okay because they too can toolbox rank 4. Tl;dr Malicious + Plaguespreader is too good not to run and makes the deck worthwhile. If you're not gonna play with Stardust, Crimson and the like then you need to rethink your strategy to get a better win condition because the Zombie Synchros are hardly game winners.
There is, but a pure zombie deck that runs zombies only for the sake of runing zombies is not gonna get you very far. First off there's only the three zombie synchros. Of them Doomkaiser is only good with Zombie World, Revived King He Des is just bad and Archfiend Zombie Skull is easy to remove and play around. The level 8/rank 4 build is the most efficient and competitive as it toolboxes the most useful levels for both Synchro and XYZ. The reason Zombie were bonkers years ago was because Brionic and Trishula were unbanned. Now, you can make a deck centered around only Zombie type Synchro, but with only 3 synchro monsters and 3 tuners (pain painter is terrible) you're not gonna be winning games with Archfiend Zombie Skull pushes. You'll need things like Zombie World, Endless Decay and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon if you want any success which will require you to run Pyramid Turtle over Goblin Zombie. Of course Zombie World builds are okay because they too can toolbox rank 4. Tl;dr Malicious + Plaguespreader is too good not to run and makes the deck worthwhile. If you're not gonna play with Stardust, Crimson and the like then you need to rethink your strategy to get a better win condition because the Zombie Synchros are hardly game winners.
There is, but a pure zombie deck that runs zombies only for the sake of runing zombies is not gonna get you very far. First off there's only the three zombie synchros. Of them Doomkaiser is only good with Zombie World, Revived King He Des is just bad and Archfiend Zombie Skull is easy to remove and play around. The level 8/rank 4 build is the most efficient and competitive as it toolboxes the most useful levels for both Synchro and XYZ. The reason Zombie were bonkers years ago was because Brionic and Trishula were unbanned. Now, you can make a deck centered around only Zombie type Synchro, but with only 3 synchro monsters and 3 tuners (pain painter is terrible) you're not gonna be winning games with Archfiend Zombie Skull pushes. You'll need things like Zombie World, Endless Decay and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon if you want any success which will require you to run Pyramid Turtle over Goblin Zombie. Of course Zombie World builds are okay because they too can toolbox rank 4.
Malicious + Plaguespreader is too good not to run and makes the deck worthwhile. If you're not gonna play with Stardust, Crimson and the like then you need to rethink your strategy to get a better win condition because the Zombie Synchros are hardly game winners.
I'm here to write a ~~forum~~ Reddit self post about movement speed. Recently, I noticed that, even with MS quints on Alistar, I could not catch up to a Lee Sin in a straight-up foot race. And it got me thinking about movement speed. Movement speed is one of the most important stats in League of Legends, and it often goes overlooked and acts as hidden power. We know it's powerful because of how valued items like Mobility Boots and Talisman of Ascension tend to be in games. But it's hard to gauge just how powerful it is. I'm in the process of making a spreadsheet documenting characters sorted by typical use-case class (ADC, Lane Support, Mage, Assassin, Bruiser, Tank, or Fighter) with some overlap between the classes to gauge how much discrepancy there is between classes. I've only made it through ADC and Lane Support so far, and I've noticed a few issues. For AD Carries: - Miss Fortune is the only champion without hard CC or an escape-capable gap closer in the 325 base bracket. While Strut tends to be strong out of combat, it makes her really unable to deal with bruisers. - Graves is the only Marksman with permanent less-than-550 range that sits below the 335 bracket. Quinn, Sivir, and Urgot sit at 335, while Kog'Maw and Jinx both have ways to increase their range. - Ashe is the only champion without -either- a haste or dash in the 325 range, though she does have a metric shitton of slows and a Stun to assist her. A jump to the 330 bracket could reveal a spike in her playability. - Lucian, although he has access to an escape, long range poke, and a self-haste, sits in the 330 bracket, while his most similar champions Ezreal and Corki sit at 325. - Urgot cries himself to sleep with his 450 AA range, and wishes he could have his movement speed buffed to compensate for solo laning. For Lane Supports: - Zyra, although she has no self haste or gap closer, and is fairly analogous to Annie in terms of why she's played bottom lane when she is... is both out-ranged and outrun by Annie. Annie has 625 AA range to Zyra's 575, and 335 Movespeed to Zyra's painful 325. Zyra brings more damage and more chainable CC, but at the cost of much greater susceptibility. She could use a buff in that field. - Thresh and Leona both have near Nautilus levels of CC, but out-speed him by a whopping 10 movespeed. Alistar cries "Bull" from the 330 bracket. Nerf Thresh and Leona's movespeed to bring their power levels down without really affecting their kits. Thresh should be a 325er with the other two hookers. - Nami, despite being almost directly analogous to Lulu, Janna, and Karma, sits above then in the 340 bracket, even though she has multiple uses of a self-haste and two instances of hard CC and a slow. She should be brought down to 335, even though she's not seen TOO often. - Janna cries as she looks at other magey supports' attack ranges, with her 475 outshined by everyone but Morgana's 450. She is a relic of an older time, and should get to see the light of the 550 range that Lulu sports. And possibly nerfed by 5 Movespeed to compensate. These are just my observations from looking at bottom lane alone -- I haven't yet touched on the whole "Shyvana has 350 base movespeed, an excellent self-haste, great base damage, AND a diving gap closer, so you pretty much can't peel her with anything but knockbacks" or how baffling it is Pantheon, with a gap closer that now doubles as an escape out-hastes everyone but Master Yi... but I may get there eventually. TLDR: This is a "Nerf Thresh and Leona" thread in disguise with a few other buff/nerf suggestions intermittently strewn in.
I'm here to write a forum Reddit self post about movement speed. Recently, I noticed that, even with MS quints on Alistar, I could not catch up to a Lee Sin in a straight-up foot race. And it got me thinking about movement speed. Movement speed is one of the most important stats in League of Legends, and it often goes overlooked and acts as hidden power. We know it's powerful because of how valued items like Mobility Boots and Talisman of Ascension tend to be in games. But it's hard to gauge just how powerful it is. I'm in the process of making a spreadsheet documenting characters sorted by typical use-case class (ADC, Lane Support, Mage, Assassin, Bruiser, Tank, or Fighter) with some overlap between the classes to gauge how much discrepancy there is between classes. I've only made it through ADC and Lane Support so far, and I've noticed a few issues. For AD Carries: Miss Fortune is the only champion without hard CC or an escape-capable gap closer in the 325 base bracket. While Strut tends to be strong out of combat, it makes her really unable to deal with bruisers. Graves is the only Marksman with permanent less-than-550 range that sits below the 335 bracket. Quinn, Sivir, and Urgot sit at 335, while Kog'Maw and Jinx both have ways to increase their range. Ashe is the only champion without -either- a haste or dash in the 325 range, though she does have a metric shitton of slows and a Stun to assist her. A jump to the 330 bracket could reveal a spike in her playability. Lucian, although he has access to an escape, long range poke, and a self-haste, sits in the 330 bracket, while his most similar champions Ezreal and Corki sit at 325. Urgot cries himself to sleep with his 450 AA range, and wishes he could have his movement speed buffed to compensate for solo laning. For Lane Supports: Zyra, although she has no self haste or gap closer, and is fairly analogous to Annie in terms of why she's played bottom lane when she is... is both out-ranged and outrun by Annie. Annie has 625 AA range to Zyra's 575, and 335 Movespeed to Zyra's painful 325. Zyra brings more damage and more chainable CC, but at the cost of much greater susceptibility. She could use a buff in that field. Thresh and Leona both have near Nautilus levels of CC, but out-speed him by a whopping 10 movespeed. Alistar cries "Bull" from the 330 bracket. Nerf Thresh and Leona's movespeed to bring their power levels down without really affecting their kits. Thresh should be a 325er with the other two hookers. Nami, despite being almost directly analogous to Lulu, Janna, and Karma, sits above then in the 340 bracket, even though she has multiple uses of a self-haste and two instances of hard CC and a slow. She should be brought down to 335, even though she's not seen TOO often. Janna cries as she looks at other magey supports' attack ranges, with her 475 outshined by everyone but Morgana's 450. She is a relic of an older time, and should get to see the light of the 550 range that Lulu sports. And possibly nerfed by 5 Movespeed to compensate. These are just my observations from looking at bottom lane alone -- I haven't yet touched on the whole "Shyvana has 350 base movespeed, an excellent self-haste, great base damage, AND a diving gap closer, so you pretty much can't peel her with anything but knockbacks" or how baffling it is Pantheon, with a gap closer that now doubles as an escape out-hastes everyone but Master Yi... but I may get there eventually. TLDR: This is a "Nerf Thresh and Leona" thread in disguise with a few other buff/nerf suggestions intermittently strewn in.
I'm here to write a forum Reddit self post about movement speed. Recently, I noticed that, even with MS quints on Alistar, I could not catch up to a Lee Sin in a straight-up foot race. And it got me thinking about movement speed. Movement speed is one of the most important stats in League of Legends, and it often goes overlooked and acts as hidden power. We know it's powerful because of how valued items like Mobility Boots and Talisman of Ascension tend to be in games. But it's hard to gauge just how powerful it is. I'm in the process of making a spreadsheet documenting characters sorted by typical use-case class (ADC, Lane Support, Mage, Assassin, Bruiser, Tank, or Fighter) with some overlap between the classes to gauge how much discrepancy there is between classes. I've only made it through ADC and Lane Support so far, and I've noticed a few issues. For AD Carries: Miss Fortune is the only champion without hard CC or an escape-capable gap closer in the 325 base bracket. While Strut tends to be strong out of combat, it makes her really unable to deal with bruisers. Graves is the only Marksman with permanent less-than-550 range that sits below the 335 bracket. Quinn, Sivir, and Urgot sit at 335, while Kog'Maw and Jinx both have ways to increase their range. Ashe is the only champion without -either- a haste or dash in the 325 range, though she does have a metric shitton of slows and a Stun to assist her. A jump to the 330 bracket could reveal a spike in her playability. Lucian, although he has access to an escape, long range poke, and a self-haste, sits in the 330 bracket, while his most similar champions Ezreal and Corki sit at 325. Urgot cries himself to sleep with his 450 AA range, and wishes he could have his movement speed buffed to compensate for solo laning. For Lane Supports: Zyra, although she has no self haste or gap closer, and is fairly analogous to Annie in terms of why she's played bottom lane when she is... is both out-ranged and outrun by Annie. Annie has 625 AA range to Zyra's 575, and 335 Movespeed to Zyra's painful 325. Zyra brings more damage and more chainable CC, but at the cost of much greater susceptibility. She could use a buff in that field. Thresh and Leona both have near Nautilus levels of CC, but out-speed him by a whopping 10 movespeed. Alistar cries "Bull" from the 330 bracket. Nerf Thresh and Leona's movespeed to bring their power levels down without really affecting their kits. Thresh should be a 325er with the other two hookers. Nami, despite being almost directly analogous to Lulu, Janna, and Karma, sits above then in the 340 bracket, even though she has multiple uses of a self-haste and two instances of hard CC and a slow. She should be brought down to 335, even though she's not seen TOO often. Janna cries as she looks at other magey supports' attack ranges, with her 475 outshined by everyone but Morgana's 450. She is a relic of an older time, and should get to see the light of the 550 range that Lulu sports. And possibly nerfed by 5 Movespeed to compensate. These are just my observations from looking at bottom lane alone -- I haven't yet touched on the whole "Shyvana has 350 base movespeed, an excellent self-haste, great base damage, AND a diving gap closer, so you pretty much can't peel her with anything but knockbacks" or how baffling it is Pantheon, with a gap closer that now doubles as an escape out-hastes everyone but Master Yi... but I may get there eventually.
This is a "Nerf Thresh and Leona" thread in disguise with a few other buff/nerf suggestions intermittently strewn in.
In 2004 I was living in a Cult compound in Tepotzotlán, MX of the "Children Of God" AkA "The Family." I was 14 at the time and had just arrived from Japan. After a long series of events that would take a whole page to describe I snapped and decided I was going to leave. I ran out the front door of the compound and jumped on a bus before anyone could stop me. Long story short I met some kind people who drove me into Mexico City to the US Embassy. I didn't know a single phone number in the US. I didn't know my social security number and the only thing I did know what my brother's telephone number in Japan. I went there and told the guard on duty my story, how I was being held against my will by this group etc. He told me to wait a second and got back into the guard house. Because of how I was raised I didn't trust authority figures in the outside world. I became scared that I would be arrested so I took off running. I need Reddit's help to find this Marine, and help me gain a little insight into what I looked like that night from an outsiders perspective. I am writing a book on my experiences and would really appreciate any help any of you could provide. Anyone ever heard any stories like this know anyone stationed there at the time? Any hint in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR Born in cult, ran away to US embassy, want to contact Marine who I spoke with.
In 2004 I was living in a Cult compound in Tepotzotlán, MX of the "Children Of God" AkA "The Family." I was 14 at the time and had just arrived from Japan. After a long series of events that would take a whole page to describe I snapped and decided I was going to leave. I ran out the front door of the compound and jumped on a bus before anyone could stop me. Long story short I met some kind people who drove me into Mexico City to the US Embassy. I didn't know a single phone number in the US. I didn't know my social security number and the only thing I did know what my brother's telephone number in Japan. I went there and told the guard on duty my story, how I was being held against my will by this group etc. He told me to wait a second and got back into the guard house. Because of how I was raised I didn't trust authority figures in the outside world. I became scared that I would be arrested so I took off running. I need Reddit's help to find this Marine, and help me gain a little insight into what I looked like that night from an outsiders perspective. I am writing a book on my experiences and would really appreciate any help any of you could provide. Anyone ever heard any stories like this know anyone stationed there at the time? Any hint in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR Born in cult, ran away to US embassy, want to contact Marine who I spoke with.
In 2004 I was living in a Cult compound in Tepotzotlán, MX of the "Children Of God" AkA "The Family." I was 14 at the time and had just arrived from Japan. After a long series of events that would take a whole page to describe I snapped and decided I was going to leave. I ran out the front door of the compound and jumped on a bus before anyone could stop me. Long story short I met some kind people who drove me into Mexico City to the US Embassy. I didn't know a single phone number in the US. I didn't know my social security number and the only thing I did know what my brother's telephone number in Japan. I went there and told the guard on duty my story, how I was being held against my will by this group etc. He told me to wait a second and got back into the guard house. Because of how I was raised I didn't trust authority figures in the outside world. I became scared that I would be arrested so I took off running. I need Reddit's help to find this Marine, and help me gain a little insight into what I looked like that night from an outsiders perspective. I am writing a book on my experiences and would really appreciate any help any of you could provide. Anyone ever heard any stories like this know anyone stationed there at the time? Any hint in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Born in cult, ran away to US embassy, want to contact Marine who I spoke with.
True, that's more an example of a paradoxical fear response than a lacking fear response. Regardless, if you read Dutton's book (which I absolutely encourage you to, it is great), he goes into a lot of depth about exactly why there are biochemical differences in people when it comes to fear response, and why there are a few jobs in society that are done extremely well by pro-social psychopaths. A great example of a gene that is heavily associated with psychopathy (the talk I linked before with James Fallon goes more into it) is actually nicknamed "the warrior gene": In that case, varying degrees of underactivity of MAO-A desensitizes the brain to serotonin early in life, resulting in far less of an emotional response to stress later in life. Drugs like Tianeptine accomplish the same thing in a reversible manner, and drugs like Propranolol block the effects farther upstream by preventing the adrenaline response to fear in the first place that triggers a downstream emotional response mediated by serotonin. Edit: **So tl;dr the same thing that makes impulsive psychopaths excellent serial killers makes non-impulsive psychopaths excellent doctors and soliders, and to some degree you can replicate the positive aspects with different kind of drugs** Dutton also talks about his "experience as a psychopath" in his book when he had his prefrontal cortex temporarily disabled by a strong magnetic field for an experiment, it is pretty interesting. He was better at video games ;-D
True, that's more an example of a paradoxical fear response than a lacking fear response. Regardless, if you read Dutton's book (which I absolutely encourage you to, it is great), he goes into a lot of depth about exactly why there are biochemical differences in people when it comes to fear response, and why there are a few jobs in society that are done extremely well by pro-social psychopaths. A great example of a gene that is heavily associated with psychopathy (the talk I linked before with James Fallon goes more into it) is actually nicknamed "the warrior gene": In that case, varying degrees of underactivity of MAO-A desensitizes the brain to serotonin early in life, resulting in far less of an emotional response to stress later in life. Drugs like Tianeptine accomplish the same thing in a reversible manner, and drugs like Propranolol block the effects farther upstream by preventing the adrenaline response to fear in the first place that triggers a downstream emotional response mediated by serotonin. Edit: So tl;dr the same thing that makes impulsive psychopaths excellent serial killers makes non-impulsive psychopaths excellent doctors and soliders, and to some degree you can replicate the positive aspects with different kind of drugs Dutton also talks about his "experience as a psychopath" in his book when he had his prefrontal cortex temporarily disabled by a strong magnetic field for an experiment, it is pretty interesting. He was better at video games ;-D
True, that's more an example of a paradoxical fear response than a lacking fear response. Regardless, if you read Dutton's book (which I absolutely encourage you to, it is great), he goes into a lot of depth about exactly why there are biochemical differences in people when it comes to fear response, and why there are a few jobs in society that are done extremely well by pro-social psychopaths. A great example of a gene that is heavily associated with psychopathy (the talk I linked before with James Fallon goes more into it) is actually nicknamed "the warrior gene": In that case, varying degrees of underactivity of MAO-A desensitizes the brain to serotonin early in life, resulting in far less of an emotional response to stress later in life. Drugs like Tianeptine accomplish the same thing in a reversible manner, and drugs like Propranolol block the effects farther upstream by preventing the adrenaline response to fear in the first place that triggers a downstream emotional response mediated by serotonin. Edit: So
the same thing that makes impulsive psychopaths excellent serial killers makes non-impulsive psychopaths excellent doctors and soliders, and to some degree you can replicate the positive aspects with different kind of drugs Dutton also talks about his "experience as a psychopath" in his book when he had his prefrontal cortex temporarily disabled by a strong magnetic field for an experiment, it is pretty interesting. He was better at video games ;-D
This isn't really a fair comparison, considering the fact that He-Man actually has a reason to be buffed up. I've never watched the show but I'm pretty sure he fights someone in pretty much every episode. Is he comically proportioned? Yes, but at least they can justify it and as such it doesn't seem out of place. You can't argue for Barbie's proportions the same way you can for He-Man. What does her appearance prove other than the fact that she can starve herself thin? TL/DR: Apples to oranges
This isn't really a fair comparison, considering the fact that He-Man actually has a reason to be buffed up. I've never watched the show but I'm pretty sure he fights someone in pretty much every episode. Is he comically proportioned? Yes, but at least they can justify it and as such it doesn't seem out of place. You can't argue for Barbie's proportions the same way you can for He-Man. What does her appearance prove other than the fact that she can starve herself thin? TL/DR: Apples to oranges
This isn't really a fair comparison, considering the fact that He-Man actually has a reason to be buffed up. I've never watched the show but I'm pretty sure he fights someone in pretty much every episode. Is he comically proportioned? Yes, but at least they can justify it and as such it doesn't seem out of place. You can't argue for Barbie's proportions the same way you can for He-Man. What does her appearance prove other than the fact that she can starve herself thin?
Apples to oranges
Visually speaking, Reksai IS underground and Anivia is on ground level. It would make sense that Reksai can go underneath all walls as his tunnels are like that of a walls (unleash you are implying that azir's wall goes down to the core of summoner's rift). The fact that Reksai can dig under every obstacle in summoner's rift I think proves that he is deeper than a 'diglet'. The solution to this problem is not 'realism' it's simply recognizing that while Reksai' is using E azir's ult shouldn't effect him. For example, does it make sense that tristana should be caught by Caitlyn trap while she's in midair? Fixing this issue would not muddle clarity. Just as fixing the Reksai'-Azir Wall interaction would not muddle clarity. Tl;dr: the difference is that RekSai's ability to go under walls is demonstrated throughout the game, while Anivia consistently can't pass through walls.
Visually speaking, Reksai IS underground and Anivia is on ground level. It would make sense that Reksai can go underneath all walls as his tunnels are like that of a walls (unleash you are implying that azir's wall goes down to the core of summoner's rift). The fact that Reksai can dig under every obstacle in summoner's rift I think proves that he is deeper than a 'diglet'. The solution to this problem is not 'realism' it's simply recognizing that while Reksai' is using E azir's ult shouldn't effect him. For example, does it make sense that tristana should be caught by Caitlyn trap while she's in midair? Fixing this issue would not muddle clarity. Just as fixing the Reksai'-Azir Wall interaction would not muddle clarity. Tl;dr: the difference is that RekSai's ability to go under walls is demonstrated throughout the game, while Anivia consistently can't pass through walls.
Visually speaking, Reksai IS underground and Anivia is on ground level. It would make sense that Reksai can go underneath all walls as his tunnels are like that of a walls (unleash you are implying that azir's wall goes down to the core of summoner's rift). The fact that Reksai can dig under every obstacle in summoner's rift I think proves that he is deeper than a 'diglet'. The solution to this problem is not 'realism' it's simply recognizing that while Reksai' is using E azir's ult shouldn't effect him. For example, does it make sense that tristana should be caught by Caitlyn trap while she's in midair? Fixing this issue would not muddle clarity. Just as fixing the Reksai'-Azir Wall interaction would not muddle clarity.
the difference is that RekSai's ability to go under walls is demonstrated throughout the game, while Anivia consistently can't pass through walls.
>15 dollars an hour for employees in one city is NOTHING to them. Nobody is saying otherwise. But: * Most Seattle businesses aren't large international corporations * The law hasn't taken effect * Starbucks hasn't said it's necessarily going to stay in Seattle (they probably will) If one business closes because of this new law - is it proof of failure? tl;dr Your "point" is meaningless.
>15 dollars an hour for employees in one city is NOTHING to them. Nobody is saying otherwise. But: Most Seattle businesses aren't large international corporations The law hasn't taken effect Starbucks hasn't said it's necessarily going to stay in Seattle (they probably will) If one business closes because of this new law - is it proof of failure? tl;dr Your "point" is meaningless.
15 dollars an hour for employees in one city is NOTHING to them. Nobody is saying otherwise. But: Most Seattle businesses aren't large international corporations The law hasn't taken effect Starbucks hasn't said it's necessarily going to stay in Seattle (they probably will) If one business closes because of this new law - is it proof of failure?
Your "point" is meaningless.
adcs cried since this preaseason cause they couldnt 2 shot every tank with no skill in positioning and only faceroll through every teamfight. now you have to look at your position and learn real adc mechanics. and because these mentioned players have this skills, they make insane amount of damage without dying. they play more strategic, like i tried to tell everyone in my several posts under every "omg teh tankmeta too stronk, adc cant make dmg" threads. tl; dr adcs werent nerfed at all, they now just have a skillcap
adcs cried since this preaseason cause they couldnt 2 shot every tank with no skill in positioning and only faceroll through every teamfight. now you have to look at your position and learn real adc mechanics. and because these mentioned players have this skills, they make insane amount of damage without dying. they play more strategic, like i tried to tell everyone in my several posts under every "omg teh tankmeta too stronk, adc cant make dmg" threads. tl; dr adcs werent nerfed at all, they now just have a skillcap
adcs cried since this preaseason cause they couldnt 2 shot every tank with no skill in positioning and only faceroll through every teamfight. now you have to look at your position and learn real adc mechanics. and because these mentioned players have this skills, they make insane amount of damage without dying. they play more strategic, like i tried to tell everyone in my several posts under every "omg teh tankmeta too stronk, adc cant make dmg" threads.
adcs werent nerfed at all, they now just have a skillcap
So a few nights ago the band I play in spent the day doing a video shoot for an upcoming single. After a very long day and getting back very late we were all somewhat exhausted and decided to leave our gear in the van over night. You can probably guess where this is going... The van one if our guitarists uses for work was stolen along with a hell of a lot of gear from outside his house in Knebworth, Hertfordshire. It would be massively appreciated if we could ask people from the UK to help us out by keeping their eyes and ears open for the van or any gear being shifted anywhere. Here are the details of what we can remember was in the van. Police Details - Log 209 9/5/16 WCR/2478/e -Vehicle- White Ford Transit, Registration HJ61PBX Here's a few pictures, sorry about the quality -Drums- DDrum Defiant in sparkle grey (no cases) Kick, two rack toms (one is more sparkly then the other), floor tom small bag (blue) with clamps - floor tom legs are loose. 4 drum stands + hi hat stand drum throne, ruck sack containing drum sticks earplugs etc two cymbal bags - one vader (I believe) one zildjian - the Zildjian contained only a China, the other has all other cymbals - two crashes, ride and hihats. "Hardware" Snare case containing 14" Pearl Masters snare drum (glitter finish) -Guitars/amps etc- Peavey 6505+ Engl Powerball (V1) in flight case which has OR Spray painted down the back side. this amp also has a valve light go off where i haven't had it serviced for ages) Inside said flight contains the following; Power distribution unit TC Electronics G major 1 with broken knob wheel on right side Silver-faced RJM RG16 Guitar pedals - MXR Phase 90, analog Chorus (blue), Dyna comp, Noise Clamp Boss OD1 Overdrive Line 6 G55 Wireless guitar receiver Mark Tremonti Power Wah in drawer with cables etc Tool Box containing extra cables, Korg Pitchblack tuner, extra strings wooden guitar pick box, silver guitar strap with wireless transmitter taped to it in green/yellow electrical tape. Ibanez ts9 tubescreamer (dodgy 'level' knob) Boss NS-2 noise suppressor Behringer FCB1010 Midi board (signs of heavy usage) Engl 4x12 Cab (heavy used) only one input on the back works Orange 4x12 cab with black cover Ashdown 4x10 (heavy used) and Ashdown 180 bass head Red Ibanez Gio (Reverse headstock) in gig bag Black Ibanez RG170DX with flames and ying/yang painted on the body (very unique), emg pick ups - in a PRS se gig bag ESP LTD Horizon (red) in fender gigbag (I believe) White/Cream Fender strat (jim root) in white tweed style hard case Shure BLX24UK/ Beta 58 Wireless microphone in Black shure soft case Thanks guys TL;DR, don't leave your stuff in a van over night :(
So a few nights ago the band I play in spent the day doing a video shoot for an upcoming single. After a very long day and getting back very late we were all somewhat exhausted and decided to leave our gear in the van over night. You can probably guess where this is going... The van one if our guitarists uses for work was stolen along with a hell of a lot of gear from outside his house in Knebworth, Hertfordshire. It would be massively appreciated if we could ask people from the UK to help us out by keeping their eyes and ears open for the van or any gear being shifted anywhere. Here are the details of what we can remember was in the van. Police Details - Log 209 9/5/16 WCR/2478/e -Vehicle- White Ford Transit, Registration HJ61PBX Here's a few pictures, sorry about the quality -Drums- DDrum Defiant in sparkle grey (no cases) Kick, two rack toms (one is more sparkly then the other), floor tom small bag (blue) with clamps - floor tom legs are loose. 4 drum stands + hi hat stand drum throne, ruck sack containing drum sticks earplugs etc two cymbal bags - one vader (I believe) one zildjian - the Zildjian contained only a China, the other has all other cymbals - two crashes, ride and hihats. "Hardware" Snare case containing 14" Pearl Masters snare drum (glitter finish) -Guitars/amps etc- Peavey 6505+ Engl Powerball (V1) in flight case which has OR Spray painted down the back side. this amp also has a valve light go off where i haven't had it serviced for ages) Inside said flight contains the following; Power distribution unit TC Electronics G major 1 with broken knob wheel on right side Silver-faced RJM RG16 Guitar pedals - MXR Phase 90, analog Chorus (blue), Dyna comp, Noise Clamp Boss OD1 Overdrive Line 6 G55 Wireless guitar receiver Mark Tremonti Power Wah in drawer with cables etc Tool Box containing extra cables, Korg Pitchblack tuner, extra strings wooden guitar pick box, silver guitar strap with wireless transmitter taped to it in green/yellow electrical tape. Ibanez ts9 tubescreamer (dodgy 'level' knob) Boss NS-2 noise suppressor Behringer FCB1010 Midi board (signs of heavy usage) Engl 4x12 Cab (heavy used) only one input on the back works Orange 4x12 cab with black cover Ashdown 4x10 (heavy used) and Ashdown 180 bass head Red Ibanez Gio (Reverse headstock) in gig bag Black Ibanez RG170DX with flames and ying/yang painted on the body (very unique), emg pick ups - in a PRS se gig bag ESP LTD Horizon (red) in fender gigbag (I believe) White/Cream Fender strat (jim root) in white tweed style hard case Shure BLX24UK/ Beta 58 Wireless microphone in Black shure soft case Thanks guys TL;DR, don't leave your stuff in a van over night :(
So a few nights ago the band I play in spent the day doing a video shoot for an upcoming single. After a very long day and getting back very late we were all somewhat exhausted and decided to leave our gear in the van over night. You can probably guess where this is going... The van one if our guitarists uses for work was stolen along with a hell of a lot of gear from outside his house in Knebworth, Hertfordshire. It would be massively appreciated if we could ask people from the UK to help us out by keeping their eyes and ears open for the van or any gear being shifted anywhere. Here are the details of what we can remember was in the van. Police Details - Log 209 9/5/16 WCR/2478/e -Vehicle- White Ford Transit, Registration HJ61PBX Here's a few pictures, sorry about the quality -Drums- DDrum Defiant in sparkle grey (no cases) Kick, two rack toms (one is more sparkly then the other), floor tom small bag (blue) with clamps - floor tom legs are loose. 4 drum stands + hi hat stand drum throne, ruck sack containing drum sticks earplugs etc two cymbal bags - one vader (I believe) one zildjian - the Zildjian contained only a China, the other has all other cymbals - two crashes, ride and hihats. "Hardware" Snare case containing 14" Pearl Masters snare drum (glitter finish) -Guitars/amps etc- Peavey 6505+ Engl Powerball (V1) in flight case which has OR Spray painted down the back side. this amp also has a valve light go off where i haven't had it serviced for ages) Inside said flight contains the following; Power distribution unit TC Electronics G major 1 with broken knob wheel on right side Silver-faced RJM RG16 Guitar pedals - MXR Phase 90, analog Chorus (blue), Dyna comp, Noise Clamp Boss OD1 Overdrive Line 6 G55 Wireless guitar receiver Mark Tremonti Power Wah in drawer with cables etc Tool Box containing extra cables, Korg Pitchblack tuner, extra strings wooden guitar pick box, silver guitar strap with wireless transmitter taped to it in green/yellow electrical tape. Ibanez ts9 tubescreamer (dodgy 'level' knob) Boss NS-2 noise suppressor Behringer FCB1010 Midi board (signs of heavy usage) Engl 4x12 Cab (heavy used) only one input on the back works Orange 4x12 cab with black cover Ashdown 4x10 (heavy used) and Ashdown 180 bass head Red Ibanez Gio (Reverse headstock) in gig bag Black Ibanez RG170DX with flames and ying/yang painted on the body (very unique), emg pick ups - in a PRS se gig bag ESP LTD Horizon (red) in fender gigbag (I believe) White/Cream Fender strat (jim root) in white tweed style hard case Shure BLX24UK/ Beta 58 Wireless microphone in Black shure soft case Thanks guys
don't leave your stuff in a van over night :(
So came out of the closet during September of last year and since then I have really started to take my body seriously, no longer afraid to express myself to my full potential. I started working out more than I ever did before, and since then I have gotten myself into the best shape of my life thus far (woohoo!). I have never been in a weight training class ever, nor have I had a personal trainer, so all my workouts have just been off the top of my head. However, my workouts seem to have taken me as far as they can in terms of my body shape; I cant seem to lose the last half cm of flab (when standing) from my abs to give them that gorgeous washboard look that I really want to achieve. I have looked online at ways to lose it, doing lots of cardio, eating properly and all that good stuff, and have tried to implement what they tell me, but still the evil half cm remains. So, I have decided to turn to people I trust most in the world, my gaybros: is there a specific diet and workout regime that one of you has followed, one that someone can show me, or one someone can make for me (if you don't mind going out of your way for a fellow bromo) that can help me trim this last bit of my midsection? I can send pics and tell you my current workout/diet regime if you would like, but currently I am pressed for time so I will leave it at this. Help me look gorgeous? tl;dr want to lose last half cm of flab from my midsection, any diet/workout tips/regimes? photos have been added
So came out of the closet during September of last year and since then I have really started to take my body seriously, no longer afraid to express myself to my full potential. I started working out more than I ever did before, and since then I have gotten myself into the best shape of my life thus far (woohoo!). I have never been in a weight training class ever, nor have I had a personal trainer, so all my workouts have just been off the top of my head. However, my workouts seem to have taken me as far as they can in terms of my body shape; I cant seem to lose the last half cm of flab (when standing) from my abs to give them that gorgeous washboard look that I really want to achieve. I have looked online at ways to lose it, doing lots of cardio, eating properly and all that good stuff, and have tried to implement what they tell me, but still the evil half cm remains. So, I have decided to turn to people I trust most in the world, my gaybros: is there a specific diet and workout regime that one of you has followed, one that someone can show me, or one someone can make for me (if you don't mind going out of your way for a fellow bromo) that can help me trim this last bit of my midsection? I can send pics and tell you my current workout/diet regime if you would like, but currently I am pressed for time so I will leave it at this. Help me look gorgeous? tl;dr want to lose last half cm of flab from my midsection, any diet/workout tips/regimes? photos have been added
So came out of the closet during September of last year and since then I have really started to take my body seriously, no longer afraid to express myself to my full potential. I started working out more than I ever did before, and since then I have gotten myself into the best shape of my life thus far (woohoo!). I have never been in a weight training class ever, nor have I had a personal trainer, so all my workouts have just been off the top of my head. However, my workouts seem to have taken me as far as they can in terms of my body shape; I cant seem to lose the last half cm of flab (when standing) from my abs to give them that gorgeous washboard look that I really want to achieve. I have looked online at ways to lose it, doing lots of cardio, eating properly and all that good stuff, and have tried to implement what they tell me, but still the evil half cm remains. So, I have decided to turn to people I trust most in the world, my gaybros: is there a specific diet and workout regime that one of you has followed, one that someone can show me, or one someone can make for me (if you don't mind going out of your way for a fellow bromo) that can help me trim this last bit of my midsection? I can send pics and tell you my current workout/diet regime if you would like, but currently I am pressed for time so I will leave it at this. Help me look gorgeous?
want to lose last half cm of flab from my midsection, any diet/workout tips/regimes? photos have been added
Ok, look. I'm not saying there isn't *some* effect of porn on the ability for some men to achieve proper arousal but I'm always very sceptical about articles like this. Hear me out. For a start, "Psychology Today" is **not** a medically-approved or 'official' channel of information in any sense of the word. It's owned by a publishing house and is commercially oriented. In the article itself, there are no links to primary sources or articles in real academic journals. Ok, that's the pinch of salt. Next, a lot of (if not most) ED stems from anxiety. Now the *cause* of this anxiety could have roots in subconscious cues picked up from viewing porn (my dick isn't big enough, my girlfriend's boobs are too small, etc.) but consider this situation: * You're with your partner and things are getting hot and heavy. Your mind is engrossed in the physical act of what's taking place; the sights, the sounds, the smells and your body is getting aroused (for guys, there's often no mental stimulation required at this point, just being intimate with your partner leads to arousal). * But what if it's your first time? You're worried you're not doing things correctly or you're going to go limp or s/he isn't doing things that turn you on. Oh god, now your mind's drifted and they can probably tell you're not into it. Shit now you have gone limp, FUCK! * Ok sure it's not your first time, this is the significant other you've known for years, you know exactly what turns them on and vice-versa. But wait, did you remember to return that book you were meant to? Isn't there an essay due the day after tomorrow that you need to put the finishing touches on? What if you get rid of the second paragraph and just-- well you get the idea. Shit, now your cock's down for the count, better try and get hard again. Quick, get in the moment, enjoy yourself. Fuck, why isn't it working? So can you see the cycle of anxiety that turns up? Now why not throw articles like this into the mix so that every time you're about to do the business you have an additional thing to worry about? You're just tossing one more log onto your sex-fear bonfire. Sex is a complex thing, there are no rules. There are no laws saying what you can and can't think of during sex. Your brain isn't going to obey you all the time either. Intrusive thoughts about the dirty dishes or those cheques you haven't cashed yet *will* rear their ugly heads during the act, especially if you're already worrying about how much porn you're watching. Next, there is a difference between porn preventing people from entering and maintaining healthy relationships and porn use directly causing ED. For the former, the porn *isn't* the sole thing at fault. It's just another handy pillar to tie all your shortcomings on. "I can't find a girl/boyfriend because porn has messed up my standards" or "I don't find sex with my partner exciting anymore because porn." Well maybe it's actually because you won't let yourself get close to anyone, or you see prospective partners as sex objects, one-night-stands or fantasies instead of as real people (don't blame that on fucking porn, sort out your shitty standards). Maybe the sex isn't interesting anymore because you're both in a rut, sticking to the same tired routine. Again, this is on *you* and your partner. It's up to *you* to mix it up. Use some of the tricks you learned from porn, why not? If your partner hates it, **stop**. Simple. Finally, I do use porn, I have been in relationships, I have had anxiety issues, I have had great sex and I've given great sex. Some things to remember: * Don't wank before a date * It's not all about your stupid penis **tl;dr**: Stop worrying about your porn habits and just enjoy life.
Ok, look. I'm not saying there isn't some effect of porn on the ability for some men to achieve proper arousal but I'm always very sceptical about articles like this. Hear me out. For a start, "Psychology Today" is not a medically-approved or 'official' channel of information in any sense of the word. It's owned by a publishing house and is commercially oriented. In the article itself, there are no links to primary sources or articles in real academic journals. Ok, that's the pinch of salt. Next, a lot of (if not most) ED stems from anxiety. Now the cause of this anxiety could have roots in subconscious cues picked up from viewing porn (my dick isn't big enough, my girlfriend's boobs are too small, etc.) but consider this situation: You're with your partner and things are getting hot and heavy. Your mind is engrossed in the physical act of what's taking place; the sights, the sounds, the smells and your body is getting aroused (for guys, there's often no mental stimulation required at this point, just being intimate with your partner leads to arousal). But what if it's your first time? You're worried you're not doing things correctly or you're going to go limp or s/he isn't doing things that turn you on. Oh god, now your mind's drifted and they can probably tell you're not into it. Shit now you have gone limp, FUCK! Ok sure it's not your first time, this is the significant other you've known for years, you know exactly what turns them on and vice-versa. But wait, did you remember to return that book you were meant to? Isn't there an essay due the day after tomorrow that you need to put the finishing touches on? What if you get rid of the second paragraph and just-- well you get the idea. Shit, now your cock's down for the count, better try and get hard again. Quick, get in the moment, enjoy yourself. Fuck, why isn't it working? So can you see the cycle of anxiety that turns up? Now why not throw articles like this into the mix so that every time you're about to do the business you have an additional thing to worry about? You're just tossing one more log onto your sex-fear bonfire. Sex is a complex thing, there are no rules. There are no laws saying what you can and can't think of during sex. Your brain isn't going to obey you all the time either. Intrusive thoughts about the dirty dishes or those cheques you haven't cashed yet will rear their ugly heads during the act, especially if you're already worrying about how much porn you're watching. Next, there is a difference between porn preventing people from entering and maintaining healthy relationships and porn use directly causing ED. For the former, the porn isn't the sole thing at fault. It's just another handy pillar to tie all your shortcomings on. "I can't find a girl/boyfriend because porn has messed up my standards" or "I don't find sex with my partner exciting anymore because porn." Well maybe it's actually because you won't let yourself get close to anyone, or you see prospective partners as sex objects, one-night-stands or fantasies instead of as real people (don't blame that on fucking porn, sort out your shitty standards). Maybe the sex isn't interesting anymore because you're both in a rut, sticking to the same tired routine. Again, this is on you and your partner. It's up to you to mix it up. Use some of the tricks you learned from porn, why not? If your partner hates it, stop . Simple. Finally, I do use porn, I have been in relationships, I have had anxiety issues, I have had great sex and I've given great sex. Some things to remember: Don't wank before a date It's not all about your stupid penis tl;dr : Stop worrying about your porn habits and just enjoy life.
Ok, look. I'm not saying there isn't some effect of porn on the ability for some men to achieve proper arousal but I'm always very sceptical about articles like this. Hear me out. For a start, "Psychology Today" is not a medically-approved or 'official' channel of information in any sense of the word. It's owned by a publishing house and is commercially oriented. In the article itself, there are no links to primary sources or articles in real academic journals. Ok, that's the pinch of salt. Next, a lot of (if not most) ED stems from anxiety. Now the cause of this anxiety could have roots in subconscious cues picked up from viewing porn (my dick isn't big enough, my girlfriend's boobs are too small, etc.) but consider this situation: You're with your partner and things are getting hot and heavy. Your mind is engrossed in the physical act of what's taking place; the sights, the sounds, the smells and your body is getting aroused (for guys, there's often no mental stimulation required at this point, just being intimate with your partner leads to arousal). But what if it's your first time? You're worried you're not doing things correctly or you're going to go limp or s/he isn't doing things that turn you on. Oh god, now your mind's drifted and they can probably tell you're not into it. Shit now you have gone limp, FUCK! Ok sure it's not your first time, this is the significant other you've known for years, you know exactly what turns them on and vice-versa. But wait, did you remember to return that book you were meant to? Isn't there an essay due the day after tomorrow that you need to put the finishing touches on? What if you get rid of the second paragraph and just-- well you get the idea. Shit, now your cock's down for the count, better try and get hard again. Quick, get in the moment, enjoy yourself. Fuck, why isn't it working? So can you see the cycle of anxiety that turns up? Now why not throw articles like this into the mix so that every time you're about to do the business you have an additional thing to worry about? You're just tossing one more log onto your sex-fear bonfire. Sex is a complex thing, there are no rules. There are no laws saying what you can and can't think of during sex. Your brain isn't going to obey you all the time either. Intrusive thoughts about the dirty dishes or those cheques you haven't cashed yet will rear their ugly heads during the act, especially if you're already worrying about how much porn you're watching. Next, there is a difference between porn preventing people from entering and maintaining healthy relationships and porn use directly causing ED. For the former, the porn isn't the sole thing at fault. It's just another handy pillar to tie all your shortcomings on. "I can't find a girl/boyfriend because porn has messed up my standards" or "I don't find sex with my partner exciting anymore because porn." Well maybe it's actually because you won't let yourself get close to anyone, or you see prospective partners as sex objects, one-night-stands or fantasies instead of as real people (don't blame that on fucking porn, sort out your shitty standards). Maybe the sex isn't interesting anymore because you're both in a rut, sticking to the same tired routine. Again, this is on you and your partner. It's up to you to mix it up. Use some of the tricks you learned from porn, why not? If your partner hates it, stop . Simple. Finally, I do use porn, I have been in relationships, I have had anxiety issues, I have had great sex and I've given great sex. Some things to remember: Don't wank before a date It's not all about your stupid penis
Stop worrying about your porn habits and just enjoy life.
Earlier yesterday, I posted this thread on /r/loremasters, but it went unnoticed. So I've come to you, /r/dnd! If you're a DM, I'd like your input on the premise. If you're a PC, I'd like you to tell me whether you would be interested in something like this. [1] I saw these two civilization thread images on a traditional games forums board and thought they would make a great frame for a DnD Next campaign. I'd like some critique on the idea of it, as I'm debating whether it will serve as an immersive world for a great story. Here is the basic background of it. As you read the backstory, please refer to the images as reference for geography or factions, as I haven't given them names yet. I apologize for the amount of detail, it seemed too dull without it. Since the beginning of history, the diplomacy of this realm has been shaky. Factions wage war over the smallest disputes, tirelessly fighting over desperately needed land or resources. The inability to make peace has only brought in distrust amongst the two leading empires. Now, the purple faction seeks to expand eastward into the fertile plains of the orange faction to provide food to its hungry urban populace. The orange has caught word of the invasion, and has summoned a massive army to repel the invaders. All but a skeleton defense force has been ordered to march to the battlegrounds. Troops on each side number in the thousands. The purple army approaches on the border between the tri-border of purple, yellow, and orange. Although officially neutral with both armies, the small but elite yellow defense force guards their territory along the battlegrounds as a precautionary measure against invasion. Player characters can assume any role in the event (a soldier for one of the three factions, a lone traveler, a hired mercenary from faraway lands, a grand general, etc.), as long as they have a reason to have been there. Player characters have not yet met. Some npcs are introduced to spice up the prologue. The sun rises on the morning of invasion, and all factions wake up in their war camps, sharpen their blades, and prepare for the vicious battle ahead. Dew is on the ground, and war horns pierce through the battlements. Purple and Orange face off in a large valley beside the mountains where the yellow await. The players lock eyes, and prepare to fight to the death. Arrows fly on both sides, annihilating waves after waves of foot soldiers. Cavalry slashes their way through enemy lines. The ground war commences, with orange and purple player characters facing off against each other. Many casualties are inflicted on each side, but the battle rages on. As the battle rages on, both sides fail to notice the large objects in the sky encroach. An armada of zeppelins float above, blocking the sun and plunging the battlegrounds into darkness. Barrels begin to rain from the sky, smashing against the earth like a hailstorm. A green cloud of poisonous fog disperses around the battlefield, virtually wiping out each side. The generals on both sides order retreat, but all directions have been engulfed in the cloud. Dropping from ropes, troops branding the insignia of the red (not to be mistaken with maroon) faction pour out in protective masks to slaughter the disoriented and incapacitated soldiers. Many of the NPCs are executed by the red shock-troopers, emphasizing the direness of the situation. The captains of purple, orange, and yellow agree to a temporary peace to repel the attackers. An encounter ensues, and the red soldiers are eventually killed. Explosions ensue as the yellow defense force begins to fire rockets at the zeppelins, damaging the armada enough to force a retreat. The cloud disperses, and three-fourths of the purple and orange armies found dead. Too weak to continue fighting and seeking vengeance for their fallen, all sides agree to a cease-fire and declare war on the red faction. The rest of the day is spent burying the dead and mourning. The soldiers on each side are brought together, and although still distrustful of each other, are unified against a larger enemy. At dusk, the purple and orange star generals (and other important figures in the PCs’ stories) call the players into the main command tent of the conjoined encampment. The orange general says that with both armies almost wiped out, other factions may be needed to win the upcoming war against the reds. The generals express that over the years, their trust in the PCs morals, actions, and skills. The orange general says that they have been selected to create a special task force to venture across the dangerous realm to win over factions and convince them to aid purple and orange in the defense of the realm. He continues to say that a diverse team such as the party will be handy in negotiation, political connections to other factions, and combat. Each important figure tells his/her PC that he/she must overcome distrust of others in the party in the name of survival. The party is given horses and plenty of supplies and sets out to recruit new factions to the war effort. Each faction is different, and each will demand different things to swear their loyalty to the cause. For example, the blue faction may side with the players they help a new chieftain control over the whole land. Perhaps the grey faction needs champions to guide themselves through a forbidden temple to retrieve a holy artifact. The world is open ended to the player characters. It is a dangerous land, and they will make many allies and enemies on the way. Players’ backstories may help in negotiations and quests. Players betraying their loyalties can result in problems later on, such as enemies aiding the red faction, or a loss in reputation. Helping the black faction (many necromancers), for instance, may result in making the white faction (priests and Templars) hostile, but helping the white faction may make the black faction feel threatened and join the red faction). TL;DR PCs must unite the divided realm against a foreign attacker by gathering enough military strength to make a counterattack. Campaign places equal importance on diplomacy and combat. What do you think?
Earlier yesterday, I posted this thread on /r/loremasters, but it went unnoticed. So I've come to you, /r/dnd! If you're a DM, I'd like your input on the premise. If you're a PC, I'd like you to tell me whether you would be interested in something like this. [1] I saw these two civilization thread images on a traditional games forums board and thought they would make a great frame for a DnD Next campaign. I'd like some critique on the idea of it, as I'm debating whether it will serve as an immersive world for a great story. Here is the basic background of it. As you read the backstory, please refer to the images as reference for geography or factions, as I haven't given them names yet. I apologize for the amount of detail, it seemed too dull without it. Since the beginning of history, the diplomacy of this realm has been shaky. Factions wage war over the smallest disputes, tirelessly fighting over desperately needed land or resources. The inability to make peace has only brought in distrust amongst the two leading empires. Now, the purple faction seeks to expand eastward into the fertile plains of the orange faction to provide food to its hungry urban populace. The orange has caught word of the invasion, and has summoned a massive army to repel the invaders. All but a skeleton defense force has been ordered to march to the battlegrounds. Troops on each side number in the thousands. The purple army approaches on the border between the tri-border of purple, yellow, and orange. Although officially neutral with both armies, the small but elite yellow defense force guards their territory along the battlegrounds as a precautionary measure against invasion. Player characters can assume any role in the event (a soldier for one of the three factions, a lone traveler, a hired mercenary from faraway lands, a grand general, etc.), as long as they have a reason to have been there. Player characters have not yet met. Some npcs are introduced to spice up the prologue. The sun rises on the morning of invasion, and all factions wake up in their war camps, sharpen their blades, and prepare for the vicious battle ahead. Dew is on the ground, and war horns pierce through the battlements. Purple and Orange face off in a large valley beside the mountains where the yellow await. The players lock eyes, and prepare to fight to the death. Arrows fly on both sides, annihilating waves after waves of foot soldiers. Cavalry slashes their way through enemy lines. The ground war commences, with orange and purple player characters facing off against each other. Many casualties are inflicted on each side, but the battle rages on. As the battle rages on, both sides fail to notice the large objects in the sky encroach. An armada of zeppelins float above, blocking the sun and plunging the battlegrounds into darkness. Barrels begin to rain from the sky, smashing against the earth like a hailstorm. A green cloud of poisonous fog disperses around the battlefield, virtually wiping out each side. The generals on both sides order retreat, but all directions have been engulfed in the cloud. Dropping from ropes, troops branding the insignia of the red (not to be mistaken with maroon) faction pour out in protective masks to slaughter the disoriented and incapacitated soldiers. Many of the NPCs are executed by the red shock-troopers, emphasizing the direness of the situation. The captains of purple, orange, and yellow agree to a temporary peace to repel the attackers. An encounter ensues, and the red soldiers are eventually killed. Explosions ensue as the yellow defense force begins to fire rockets at the zeppelins, damaging the armada enough to force a retreat. The cloud disperses, and three-fourths of the purple and orange armies found dead. Too weak to continue fighting and seeking vengeance for their fallen, all sides agree to a cease-fire and declare war on the red faction. The rest of the day is spent burying the dead and mourning. The soldiers on each side are brought together, and although still distrustful of each other, are unified against a larger enemy. At dusk, the purple and orange star generals (and other important figures in the PCs’ stories) call the players into the main command tent of the conjoined encampment. The orange general says that with both armies almost wiped out, other factions may be needed to win the upcoming war against the reds. The generals express that over the years, their trust in the PCs morals, actions, and skills. The orange general says that they have been selected to create a special task force to venture across the dangerous realm to win over factions and convince them to aid purple and orange in the defense of the realm. He continues to say that a diverse team such as the party will be handy in negotiation, political connections to other factions, and combat. Each important figure tells his/her PC that he/she must overcome distrust of others in the party in the name of survival. The party is given horses and plenty of supplies and sets out to recruit new factions to the war effort. Each faction is different, and each will demand different things to swear their loyalty to the cause. For example, the blue faction may side with the players they help a new chieftain control over the whole land. Perhaps the grey faction needs champions to guide themselves through a forbidden temple to retrieve a holy artifact. The world is open ended to the player characters. It is a dangerous land, and they will make many allies and enemies on the way. Players’ backstories may help in negotiations and quests. Players betraying their loyalties can result in problems later on, such as enemies aiding the red faction, or a loss in reputation. Helping the black faction (many necromancers), for instance, may result in making the white faction (priests and Templars) hostile, but helping the white faction may make the black faction feel threatened and join the red faction). TL;DR PCs must unite the divided realm against a foreign attacker by gathering enough military strength to make a counterattack. Campaign places equal importance on diplomacy and combat. What do you think?
Earlier yesterday, I posted this thread on /r/loremasters, but it went unnoticed. So I've come to you, /r/dnd! If you're a DM, I'd like your input on the premise. If you're a PC, I'd like you to tell me whether you would be interested in something like this. [1] I saw these two civilization thread images on a traditional games forums board and thought they would make a great frame for a DnD Next campaign. I'd like some critique on the idea of it, as I'm debating whether it will serve as an immersive world for a great story. Here is the basic background of it. As you read the backstory, please refer to the images as reference for geography or factions, as I haven't given them names yet. I apologize for the amount of detail, it seemed too dull without it. Since the beginning of history, the diplomacy of this realm has been shaky. Factions wage war over the smallest disputes, tirelessly fighting over desperately needed land or resources. The inability to make peace has only brought in distrust amongst the two leading empires. Now, the purple faction seeks to expand eastward into the fertile plains of the orange faction to provide food to its hungry urban populace. The orange has caught word of the invasion, and has summoned a massive army to repel the invaders. All but a skeleton defense force has been ordered to march to the battlegrounds. Troops on each side number in the thousands. The purple army approaches on the border between the tri-border of purple, yellow, and orange. Although officially neutral with both armies, the small but elite yellow defense force guards their territory along the battlegrounds as a precautionary measure against invasion. Player characters can assume any role in the event (a soldier for one of the three factions, a lone traveler, a hired mercenary from faraway lands, a grand general, etc.), as long as they have a reason to have been there. Player characters have not yet met. Some npcs are introduced to spice up the prologue. The sun rises on the morning of invasion, and all factions wake up in their war camps, sharpen their blades, and prepare for the vicious battle ahead. Dew is on the ground, and war horns pierce through the battlements. Purple and Orange face off in a large valley beside the mountains where the yellow await. The players lock eyes, and prepare to fight to the death. Arrows fly on both sides, annihilating waves after waves of foot soldiers. Cavalry slashes their way through enemy lines. The ground war commences, with orange and purple player characters facing off against each other. Many casualties are inflicted on each side, but the battle rages on. As the battle rages on, both sides fail to notice the large objects in the sky encroach. An armada of zeppelins float above, blocking the sun and plunging the battlegrounds into darkness. Barrels begin to rain from the sky, smashing against the earth like a hailstorm. A green cloud of poisonous fog disperses around the battlefield, virtually wiping out each side. The generals on both sides order retreat, but all directions have been engulfed in the cloud. Dropping from ropes, troops branding the insignia of the red (not to be mistaken with maroon) faction pour out in protective masks to slaughter the disoriented and incapacitated soldiers. Many of the NPCs are executed by the red shock-troopers, emphasizing the direness of the situation. The captains of purple, orange, and yellow agree to a temporary peace to repel the attackers. An encounter ensues, and the red soldiers are eventually killed. Explosions ensue as the yellow defense force begins to fire rockets at the zeppelins, damaging the armada enough to force a retreat. The cloud disperses, and three-fourths of the purple and orange armies found dead. Too weak to continue fighting and seeking vengeance for their fallen, all sides agree to a cease-fire and declare war on the red faction. The rest of the day is spent burying the dead and mourning. The soldiers on each side are brought together, and although still distrustful of each other, are unified against a larger enemy. At dusk, the purple and orange star generals (and other important figures in the PCs’ stories) call the players into the main command tent of the conjoined encampment. The orange general says that with both armies almost wiped out, other factions may be needed to win the upcoming war against the reds. The generals express that over the years, their trust in the PCs morals, actions, and skills. The orange general says that they have been selected to create a special task force to venture across the dangerous realm to win over factions and convince them to aid purple and orange in the defense of the realm. He continues to say that a diverse team such as the party will be handy in negotiation, political connections to other factions, and combat. Each important figure tells his/her PC that he/she must overcome distrust of others in the party in the name of survival. The party is given horses and plenty of supplies and sets out to recruit new factions to the war effort. Each faction is different, and each will demand different things to swear their loyalty to the cause. For example, the blue faction may side with the players they help a new chieftain control over the whole land. Perhaps the grey faction needs champions to guide themselves through a forbidden temple to retrieve a holy artifact. The world is open ended to the player characters. It is a dangerous land, and they will make many allies and enemies on the way. Players’ backstories may help in negotiations and quests. Players betraying their loyalties can result in problems later on, such as enemies aiding the red faction, or a loss in reputation. Helping the black faction (many necromancers), for instance, may result in making the white faction (priests and Templars) hostile, but helping the white faction may make the black faction feel threatened and join the red faction).
PCs must unite the divided realm against a foreign attacker by gathering enough military strength to make a counterattack. Campaign places equal importance on diplomacy and combat. What do you think?
Actually, we don't know it. That's the point of hidden MMR. You take the arbitrary labels they give you and you are happy with them. I was doing with a guy yesterday who was silver 1, and I was silver 2. In the 4 games we played, we were set up in champ select as follows: 1. I was 4th and he was 5th 2. I was 3rd and he was 5th (this was a promo game for me) 3. I was 4th and he was 5th (also a promo game for me) 4. I was 1st and he was 5th (I got to Silver 1 after winning the two games in the series) So I have no idea what my MMR was, but it was higher than a guy who was technically closer to gold than me. I ended the day with 0 points in Silver 1, and he ended with 47. It makes no sense that my MMR is higher than his. That's the issue I have with the league system. And of course we are looking at it in the smaller picture, it's games of league. We have to manually track our progress to see how we have done for more than a week. It forces you to think of the small picture. You can only get a recap of games for the last 10 you've played. And the league system is flawed because your LP gains and losses are governed by two things, under the surface, it is MMR, and above the surface it is wins and losses. So you can be way ahead of where you belong, and have a league higher than your MMR. That's a problem, so the system throttles your gains and accelerates your losses to try to align it. But it is a big problem for you to ever end up with a mismatched MMR and league. That's the problem with it. They should never be out of sync. Any correction that happens to get them in sync feels blatantly unfair to us. In the Elo days, if you were gold and duoed with a bronze, you lost a lot of Elo when you lost and gained only a little when you won. You could see that. So you wouldn't do it as much. It was a bit of a deterrent to seeing yourself getting screwed over. In this system, it doesn't hurt the visible parts of the ranking, and since that's all we care about, it isn't an issue. I had a game the other day with a guy who had peaked at gold 1, was currently gold 3, and and was playing in a game with silver 1-3's. He had bad MMR because he didn't realize duoing with a bronze player would destroy his Elo. Needless to say, he destroyed us and carried his team easily. Under the old system, he might not have duoed so much with his bronze friend, because he would have realized what he was doing to his MMR. Tldr: there should be no disconnect between your League and MMR, but because there is, it feels unfair.
Actually, we don't know it. That's the point of hidden MMR. You take the arbitrary labels they give you and you are happy with them. I was doing with a guy yesterday who was silver 1, and I was silver 2. In the 4 games we played, we were set up in champ select as follows: I was 4th and he was 5th I was 3rd and he was 5th (this was a promo game for me) I was 4th and he was 5th (also a promo game for me) I was 1st and he was 5th (I got to Silver 1 after winning the two games in the series) So I have no idea what my MMR was, but it was higher than a guy who was technically closer to gold than me. I ended the day with 0 points in Silver 1, and he ended with 47. It makes no sense that my MMR is higher than his. That's the issue I have with the league system. And of course we are looking at it in the smaller picture, it's games of league. We have to manually track our progress to see how we have done for more than a week. It forces you to think of the small picture. You can only get a recap of games for the last 10 you've played. And the league system is flawed because your LP gains and losses are governed by two things, under the surface, it is MMR, and above the surface it is wins and losses. So you can be way ahead of where you belong, and have a league higher than your MMR. That's a problem, so the system throttles your gains and accelerates your losses to try to align it. But it is a big problem for you to ever end up with a mismatched MMR and league. That's the problem with it. They should never be out of sync. Any correction that happens to get them in sync feels blatantly unfair to us. In the Elo days, if you were gold and duoed with a bronze, you lost a lot of Elo when you lost and gained only a little when you won. You could see that. So you wouldn't do it as much. It was a bit of a deterrent to seeing yourself getting screwed over. In this system, it doesn't hurt the visible parts of the ranking, and since that's all we care about, it isn't an issue. I had a game the other day with a guy who had peaked at gold 1, was currently gold 3, and and was playing in a game with silver 1-3's. He had bad MMR because he didn't realize duoing with a bronze player would destroy his Elo. Needless to say, he destroyed us and carried his team easily. Under the old system, he might not have duoed so much with his bronze friend, because he would have realized what he was doing to his MMR. Tldr: there should be no disconnect between your League and MMR, but because there is, it feels unfair.
Actually, we don't know it. That's the point of hidden MMR. You take the arbitrary labels they give you and you are happy with them. I was doing with a guy yesterday who was silver 1, and I was silver 2. In the 4 games we played, we were set up in champ select as follows: I was 4th and he was 5th I was 3rd and he was 5th (this was a promo game for me) I was 4th and he was 5th (also a promo game for me) I was 1st and he was 5th (I got to Silver 1 after winning the two games in the series) So I have no idea what my MMR was, but it was higher than a guy who was technically closer to gold than me. I ended the day with 0 points in Silver 1, and he ended with 47. It makes no sense that my MMR is higher than his. That's the issue I have with the league system. And of course we are looking at it in the smaller picture, it's games of league. We have to manually track our progress to see how we have done for more than a week. It forces you to think of the small picture. You can only get a recap of games for the last 10 you've played. And the league system is flawed because your LP gains and losses are governed by two things, under the surface, it is MMR, and above the surface it is wins and losses. So you can be way ahead of where you belong, and have a league higher than your MMR. That's a problem, so the system throttles your gains and accelerates your losses to try to align it. But it is a big problem for you to ever end up with a mismatched MMR and league. That's the problem with it. They should never be out of sync. Any correction that happens to get them in sync feels blatantly unfair to us. In the Elo days, if you were gold and duoed with a bronze, you lost a lot of Elo when you lost and gained only a little when you won. You could see that. So you wouldn't do it as much. It was a bit of a deterrent to seeing yourself getting screwed over. In this system, it doesn't hurt the visible parts of the ranking, and since that's all we care about, it isn't an issue. I had a game the other day with a guy who had peaked at gold 1, was currently gold 3, and and was playing in a game with silver 1-3's. He had bad MMR because he didn't realize duoing with a bronze player would destroy his Elo. Needless to say, he destroyed us and carried his team easily. Under the old system, he might not have duoed so much with his bronze friend, because he would have realized what he was doing to his MMR.
there should be no disconnect between your League and MMR, but because there is, it feels unfair.
>It's a problem with a solution that only corporate interests could stand in the way of. Or, common sense. Extracting water from the air requires a massive investment in land-space for a comparatively tiny amount of water collected. Also, I highly doubt the actual numbers from these things is going to be anywhere near the actual capacity. Also, you can't pack them close together (for obvious reasons) so you'll have to have them spread out over a huge area. Also, the price of the machine doesn't include land value or the cost of securing them from theft or any other incidentals. 5000 liters per day at $250k initial investment is a bad price. Especially considering it'll require about $25k a year in maintenance (parts and personnel). That's 13 cents per liter (48 cents per gallon) in the first year (and free afterwards). Consider a desalination plant. The one being built in CA already has a capacity of 50,000,000 gallons per day at a cost of $1 billion. That's 5.4 cents per gallon in the first year (and close to free afterwards). Put in terms of 48 cents per gallon (with a ton of un-accounted-for-overhead) or 5.4 cents per gallon (all overhead included), it's not so clear cut anymore. TLDR: Extracting water from the air is extremely inefficient, almost 10 times as expensive as other methods. There are good reasons it's only used in rural areas.
>It's a problem with a solution that only corporate interests could stand in the way of. Or, common sense. Extracting water from the air requires a massive investment in land-space for a comparatively tiny amount of water collected. Also, I highly doubt the actual numbers from these things is going to be anywhere near the actual capacity. Also, you can't pack them close together (for obvious reasons) so you'll have to have them spread out over a huge area. Also, the price of the machine doesn't include land value or the cost of securing them from theft or any other incidentals. 5000 liters per day at $250k initial investment is a bad price. Especially considering it'll require about $25k a year in maintenance (parts and personnel). That's 13 cents per liter (48 cents per gallon) in the first year (and free afterwards). Consider a desalination plant. The one being built in CA already has a capacity of 50,000,000 gallons per day at a cost of $1 billion. That's 5.4 cents per gallon in the first year (and close to free afterwards). Put in terms of 48 cents per gallon (with a ton of un-accounted-for-overhead) or 5.4 cents per gallon (all overhead included), it's not so clear cut anymore. TLDR: Extracting water from the air is extremely inefficient, almost 10 times as expensive as other methods. There are good reasons it's only used in rural areas.
It's a problem with a solution that only corporate interests could stand in the way of. Or, common sense. Extracting water from the air requires a massive investment in land-space for a comparatively tiny amount of water collected. Also, I highly doubt the actual numbers from these things is going to be anywhere near the actual capacity. Also, you can't pack them close together (for obvious reasons) so you'll have to have them spread out over a huge area. Also, the price of the machine doesn't include land value or the cost of securing them from theft or any other incidentals. 5000 liters per day at $250k initial investment is a bad price. Especially considering it'll require about $25k a year in maintenance (parts and personnel). That's 13 cents per liter (48 cents per gallon) in the first year (and free afterwards). Consider a desalination plant. The one being built in CA already has a capacity of 50,000,000 gallons per day at a cost of $1 billion. That's 5.4 cents per gallon in the first year (and close to free afterwards). Put in terms of 48 cents per gallon (with a ton of un-accounted-for-overhead) or 5.4 cents per gallon (all overhead included), it's not so clear cut anymore.
Extracting water from the air is extremely inefficient, almost 10 times as expensive as other methods. There are good reasons it's only used in rural areas.
I was paid $100 by a bipolar mother to clean her severely mentally ill son's room and clean the viruses from his computer. This kid was messed up, like, when finished eating a bowl of cereal he would just drop it on the floor. Milk and all. We put on gloves and threw away all of his shit, ignoring his protest. I stumbled upon a folder labelled "homework", which was a red flag as he had dropped out of high school. More forboding, the folder was about 115 GB, taking up 70% of his HDD. Upon opening it my jaw just dropped. It was nothing but CP. Not modeling pictures, but vile shit with titles like "6 year old whore Nancy brutally gangraped by daddy.avi". As I scrolled down, it was clear that this mentally ill teen was in possession of most of the child pornography traded in America. In a subfolder, there was txt files describing diary entries of how he molested his niece when she was 4, and brutally sadistic fantasies that I am nauseated even thinking about. I wanted to just call the police. He would be tried as an adult and beaten and sexually abused for the rest of his life in a federal pen. I ended up telling his mother what I found, and if she did not send him away and deal with his sexual sadism, and APD + other severe mental issues, I would. I took a screenshot and scrubbed his PC. He became agitated and screamed and cried like a toddler when he was able to get onto his PC when I was done. I've never told anyone this, but that night, we caught him masturbating over my (very buff) friend's cot. We beat him, beat him senseless. I had never been on the giving end of such a brutal beating before but it felt good, good that this monster was feeling even a fraction of what he fantasized about doing to little girls and boys. When he stopped begging for his life (he had urinated on himself and was barely conscious), I went downstairs while my friend (whose daughter was molested) continued kicking and borderline torturing the guy. I told his mother what happened. She apologized, said she was sending him off in the morning, and paid us $140 each. She cried, but she didn't seem upset that we hurt her son. Like she knew what a monster he was and wished we had put him down. *tl;dr a mate's creepy friend who just seemed "off" ended up having one of the largest CP collections on the East Coast. He was beaten and sent away*
I was paid $100 by a bipolar mother to clean her severely mentally ill son's room and clean the viruses from his computer. This kid was messed up, like, when finished eating a bowl of cereal he would just drop it on the floor. Milk and all. We put on gloves and threw away all of his shit, ignoring his protest. I stumbled upon a folder labelled "homework", which was a red flag as he had dropped out of high school. More forboding, the folder was about 115 GB, taking up 70% of his HDD. Upon opening it my jaw just dropped. It was nothing but CP. Not modeling pictures, but vile shit with titles like "6 year old whore Nancy brutally gangraped by daddy.avi". As I scrolled down, it was clear that this mentally ill teen was in possession of most of the child pornography traded in America. In a subfolder, there was txt files describing diary entries of how he molested his niece when she was 4, and brutally sadistic fantasies that I am nauseated even thinking about. I wanted to just call the police. He would be tried as an adult and beaten and sexually abused for the rest of his life in a federal pen. I ended up telling his mother what I found, and if she did not send him away and deal with his sexual sadism, and APD + other severe mental issues, I would. I took a screenshot and scrubbed his PC. He became agitated and screamed and cried like a toddler when he was able to get onto his PC when I was done. I've never told anyone this, but that night, we caught him masturbating over my (very buff) friend's cot. We beat him, beat him senseless. I had never been on the giving end of such a brutal beating before but it felt good, good that this monster was feeling even a fraction of what he fantasized about doing to little girls and boys. When he stopped begging for his life (he had urinated on himself and was barely conscious), I went downstairs while my friend (whose daughter was molested) continued kicking and borderline torturing the guy. I told his mother what happened. She apologized, said she was sending him off in the morning, and paid us $140 each. She cried, but she didn't seem upset that we hurt her son. Like she knew what a monster he was and wished we had put him down. tl;dr a mate's creepy friend who just seemed "off" ended up having one of the largest CP collections on the East Coast. He was beaten and sent away
I was paid $100 by a bipolar mother to clean her severely mentally ill son's room and clean the viruses from his computer. This kid was messed up, like, when finished eating a bowl of cereal he would just drop it on the floor. Milk and all. We put on gloves and threw away all of his shit, ignoring his protest. I stumbled upon a folder labelled "homework", which was a red flag as he had dropped out of high school. More forboding, the folder was about 115 GB, taking up 70% of his HDD. Upon opening it my jaw just dropped. It was nothing but CP. Not modeling pictures, but vile shit with titles like "6 year old whore Nancy brutally gangraped by daddy.avi". As I scrolled down, it was clear that this mentally ill teen was in possession of most of the child pornography traded in America. In a subfolder, there was txt files describing diary entries of how he molested his niece when she was 4, and brutally sadistic fantasies that I am nauseated even thinking about. I wanted to just call the police. He would be tried as an adult and beaten and sexually abused for the rest of his life in a federal pen. I ended up telling his mother what I found, and if she did not send him away and deal with his sexual sadism, and APD + other severe mental issues, I would. I took a screenshot and scrubbed his PC. He became agitated and screamed and cried like a toddler when he was able to get onto his PC when I was done. I've never told anyone this, but that night, we caught him masturbating over my (very buff) friend's cot. We beat him, beat him senseless. I had never been on the giving end of such a brutal beating before but it felt good, good that this monster was feeling even a fraction of what he fantasized about doing to little girls and boys. When he stopped begging for his life (he had urinated on himself and was barely conscious), I went downstairs while my friend (whose daughter was molested) continued kicking and borderline torturing the guy. I told his mother what happened. She apologized, said she was sending him off in the morning, and paid us $140 each. She cried, but she didn't seem upset that we hurt her son. Like she knew what a monster he was and wished we had put him down.
a mate's creepy friend who just seemed "off" ended up having one of the largest CP collections on the East Coast. He was beaten and sent away
I think that the intentional misspelling of the majority of the words in that sentence for the sake of internet humor automatically eliminates any chance for a legitimate grammar Nazi to have a problem with one of the words. TL;DR: U mad bro? [](/troll)
I think that the intentional misspelling of the majority of the words in that sentence for the sake of internet humor automatically eliminates any chance for a legitimate grammar Nazi to have a problem with one of the words. TL;DR: U mad bro?
I think that the intentional misspelling of the majority of the words in that sentence for the sake of internet humor automatically eliminates any chance for a legitimate grammar Nazi to have a problem with one of the words.
U mad bro?
Alright, I think I have an idea of why you're hearing a voiced sound. You know how in intro to linguistics, they tell you all about how English has voiced sounds (e.g., /b d g/) and voiceless ones (/p t k/)? And they tell you that in English, our voiceless stops are aspirated when they begin a stressed syllable, but unaspirated when they're in a cluster with /s/. Well, here's the catch: we don't really have 'voiced' stops in English, not like Spanish or Russian have them. We have voiceless aspirated and voiceless unaspirated stops. If you look at a lot of monosyllabic words like 'peat' and 'beat', that differ just by the 'voicing', you'll see that a lot of the time, you don't start voicing your voiced consonants until right around the time you release the stop. Now, sometimes people do voice their 'voiced' consonants, don't get me wrong, but when they're just talking, they often don't. tl;dr: /s/ causes English consonants to merge in voicing, so it's easy to mistake the /b/ of *beer* for the /p/ of *spear*. Way to notice it!
Alright, I think I have an idea of why you're hearing a voiced sound. You know how in intro to linguistics, they tell you all about how English has voiced sounds (e.g., /b d g/) and voiceless ones (/p t k/)? And they tell you that in English, our voiceless stops are aspirated when they begin a stressed syllable, but unaspirated when they're in a cluster with /s/. Well, here's the catch: we don't really have 'voiced' stops in English, not like Spanish or Russian have them. We have voiceless aspirated and voiceless unaspirated stops. If you look at a lot of monosyllabic words like 'peat' and 'beat', that differ just by the 'voicing', you'll see that a lot of the time, you don't start voicing your voiced consonants until right around the time you release the stop. Now, sometimes people do voice their 'voiced' consonants, don't get me wrong, but when they're just talking, they often don't. tl;dr: /s/ causes English consonants to merge in voicing, so it's easy to mistake the /b/ of beer for the /p/ of spear . Way to notice it!
Alright, I think I have an idea of why you're hearing a voiced sound. You know how in intro to linguistics, they tell you all about how English has voiced sounds (e.g., /b d g/) and voiceless ones (/p t k/)? And they tell you that in English, our voiceless stops are aspirated when they begin a stressed syllable, but unaspirated when they're in a cluster with /s/. Well, here's the catch: we don't really have 'voiced' stops in English, not like Spanish or Russian have them. We have voiceless aspirated and voiceless unaspirated stops. If you look at a lot of monosyllabic words like 'peat' and 'beat', that differ just by the 'voicing', you'll see that a lot of the time, you don't start voicing your voiced consonants until right around the time you release the stop. Now, sometimes people do voice their 'voiced' consonants, don't get me wrong, but when they're just talking, they often don't.
s/ causes English consonants to merge in voicing, so it's easy to mistake the /b/ of beer for the /p/ of spear . Way to notice it!
On the internet. When I was 13 I was messing around in different chatrooms, where I started talking to an american kid. The kid said he knew a guy from the same country as me and he started inviting this third person to our MSN chats. We added eachother on MSN, talked online for four years, until we realized I live half an hour away. I took a train to meet him, hang around for a day and we sort of clicked. This was december 7th 2009. It was december 23rd 2009 that he texted me saying "yeah I had to tell my family something since it's weird saying we're just 'friends with benefits' so I guess you're my girlfriend now". And that's how we're still together 4 years later, talking about marriage and kids. We moved to a different country together (here now) and when we're moving back we plan on driving through Europe, spening two weeks doing that (Ireland->Norway). I'm working on getting a drivers license right now to do just this. TL;DR met him online 8 years ago, actually met him 4 years ago and we've been together ever since.
On the internet. When I was 13 I was messing around in different chatrooms, where I started talking to an american kid. The kid said he knew a guy from the same country as me and he started inviting this third person to our MSN chats. We added eachother on MSN, talked online for four years, until we realized I live half an hour away. I took a train to meet him, hang around for a day and we sort of clicked. This was december 7th 2009. It was december 23rd 2009 that he texted me saying "yeah I had to tell my family something since it's weird saying we're just 'friends with benefits' so I guess you're my girlfriend now". And that's how we're still together 4 years later, talking about marriage and kids. We moved to a different country together (here now) and when we're moving back we plan on driving through Europe, spening two weeks doing that (Ireland->Norway). I'm working on getting a drivers license right now to do just this. TL;DR met him online 8 years ago, actually met him 4 years ago and we've been together ever since.
On the internet. When I was 13 I was messing around in different chatrooms, where I started talking to an american kid. The kid said he knew a guy from the same country as me and he started inviting this third person to our MSN chats. We added eachother on MSN, talked online for four years, until we realized I live half an hour away. I took a train to meet him, hang around for a day and we sort of clicked. This was december 7th 2009. It was december 23rd 2009 that he texted me saying "yeah I had to tell my family something since it's weird saying we're just 'friends with benefits' so I guess you're my girlfriend now". And that's how we're still together 4 years later, talking about marriage and kids. We moved to a different country together (here now) and when we're moving back we plan on driving through Europe, spening two weeks doing that (Ireland->Norway). I'm working on getting a drivers license right now to do just this.
met him online 8 years ago, actually met him 4 years ago and we've been together ever since.
Please redirect me if there is a better sub-reddit for this question. It is directed primarily at people with chiropractic knowledge. I am seeing my Chiropractor for the third time on Thursday, to work on my right Sacroiliac Joint. She believes it is the main cause of my repeated lowerback pain. She has performed two of [these manouvres]( on me claiming she is relieving gas from the joint. The two times she has done it i have been lying on my right side with my left leg bent. She has pushed down on my left hip and any 'cracking' appears to be felt in the left hip. My question really is this. If i am lying in this position, and she is using this technique on me, is the technique being directed to the right or left hip? I would think that if she were trying to 'pop' or 'crack' or relieve gas for the right hip that I would be lying on my left side and she would apply the pressure to my right hip with my right leg bent at the knee. Can anyone confirm? **Tl:dr - if my chiropractor wanted to 'relieve gas' from my right sacroiliac joint using the diversified technique, should I ideally be lying on my right or left hand side?**
Please redirect me if there is a better sub-reddit for this question. It is directed primarily at people with chiropractic knowledge. I am seeing my Chiropractor for the third time on Thursday, to work on my right Sacroiliac Joint. She believes it is the main cause of my repeated lowerback pain. She has performed two of [these manouvres]( on me claiming she is relieving gas from the joint. The two times she has done it i have been lying on my right side with my left leg bent. She has pushed down on my left hip and any 'cracking' appears to be felt in the left hip. My question really is this. If i am lying in this position, and she is using this technique on me, is the technique being directed to the right or left hip? I would think that if she were trying to 'pop' or 'crack' or relieve gas for the right hip that I would be lying on my left side and she would apply the pressure to my right hip with my right leg bent at the knee. Can anyone confirm? Tl:dr - if my chiropractor wanted to 'relieve gas' from my right sacroiliac joint using the diversified technique, should I ideally be lying on my right or left hand side?
Please redirect me if there is a better sub-reddit for this question. It is directed primarily at people with chiropractic knowledge. I am seeing my Chiropractor for the third time on Thursday, to work on my right Sacroiliac Joint. She believes it is the main cause of my repeated lowerback pain. She has performed two of [these manouvres]( on me claiming she is relieving gas from the joint. The two times she has done it i have been lying on my right side with my left leg bent. She has pushed down on my left hip and any 'cracking' appears to be felt in the left hip. My question really is this. If i am lying in this position, and she is using this technique on me, is the technique being directed to the right or left hip? I would think that if she were trying to 'pop' or 'crack' or relieve gas for the right hip that I would be lying on my left side and she would apply the pressure to my right hip with my right leg bent at the knee. Can anyone confirm?
if my chiropractor wanted to 'relieve gas' from my right sacroiliac joint using the diversified technique, should I ideally be lying on my right or left hand side?
So I was adding a video card and new power supply to my old setup (yes its a premade, I know, I know) and realized that my case was too cramped, so I "moved that shit" to a larger case. However, I seem to have run into a problem. I actually do not exactly know where the motherboard hookups (HDD light, reset switch, power switch, "SPEAKER"). I'm currently using the motherboard that comes default with the P7-1132 (model is AAHD3-HB). Does anyone have any advice for this, or maybe an online manual (I've looked for an online manual. The physical manual is no longer with me). Thanks in advance r/TechSupport (or not, whichever is more applicable.) Tl;Dr: How I hook up motherboard ~~well~~ goodly? EDIT: To clarify, this is about hooking the motherboard to the case itself, not to the rest of the parts (I have that down already).
So I was adding a video card and new power supply to my old setup (yes its a premade, I know, I know) and realized that my case was too cramped, so I "moved that shit" to a larger case. However, I seem to have run into a problem. I actually do not exactly know where the motherboard hookups (HDD light, reset switch, power switch, "SPEAKER"). I'm currently using the motherboard that comes default with the P7-1132 (model is AAHD3-HB). Does anyone have any advice for this, or maybe an online manual (I've looked for an online manual. The physical manual is no longer with me). Thanks in advance r/TechSupport (or not, whichever is more applicable.) Tl;Dr: How I hook up motherboard well goodly? EDIT: To clarify, this is about hooking the motherboard to the case itself, not to the rest of the parts (I have that down already).
So I was adding a video card and new power supply to my old setup (yes its a premade, I know, I know) and realized that my case was too cramped, so I "moved that shit" to a larger case. However, I seem to have run into a problem. I actually do not exactly know where the motherboard hookups (HDD light, reset switch, power switch, "SPEAKER"). I'm currently using the motherboard that comes default with the P7-1132 (model is AAHD3-HB). Does anyone have any advice for this, or maybe an online manual (I've looked for an online manual. The physical manual is no longer with me). Thanks in advance r/TechSupport (or not, whichever is more applicable.)
How I hook up motherboard well goodly? EDIT: To clarify, this is about hooking the motherboard to the case itself, not to the rest of the parts (I have that down already).
I'll tell you right off the bat this post won't be particularly interesting or funny, but I wanted to share simply because it's made me so happy. Yesterday I was about to sell my copy of Fifa 15 to a friend, I went on a losing streak and dropped from division 1 down to 2, and almost every goal I conceded seemed like such bullshit. Now I have no idea how I even got to division 1, because I'm the kind of player that wins with 40% possession, I play the counter almost exclusively and I'm pretty decent with skills, I've tried to tell myself to hold possession but I've never needed to, my methods always prevailed. However all of a sudden it just stopped working for me. I tried everything, I switched from a narrow 4-3-2-1 to a very wide 3-4-2-1, I sold my team and bought new players, but nothing worked. I was getting so frustrated with myself and I wanted the game out of my house. My friend was supposed to come over and pick the game up today, and I thought to myself what the heck I'll play one last game, and I told myself to hold possession. OH MY GOD. This is when it just became so stupidly obvious to me how to succeed at this game. Possession is everything. I won 6-0 the first game and 5-2 the second game. And now I'm sitting here writing this. I still have to call my friend and tell him I'm keeping Fifa ahaha better get on that now. TL;DR I've been playing Fifa wrong for so long and just now I realized how important possession is. (And yes I know all of you are probably going to tell me that's the most obvious thing ever)
I'll tell you right off the bat this post won't be particularly interesting or funny, but I wanted to share simply because it's made me so happy. Yesterday I was about to sell my copy of Fifa 15 to a friend, I went on a losing streak and dropped from division 1 down to 2, and almost every goal I conceded seemed like such bullshit. Now I have no idea how I even got to division 1, because I'm the kind of player that wins with 40% possession, I play the counter almost exclusively and I'm pretty decent with skills, I've tried to tell myself to hold possession but I've never needed to, my methods always prevailed. However all of a sudden it just stopped working for me. I tried everything, I switched from a narrow 4-3-2-1 to a very wide 3-4-2-1, I sold my team and bought new players, but nothing worked. I was getting so frustrated with myself and I wanted the game out of my house. My friend was supposed to come over and pick the game up today, and I thought to myself what the heck I'll play one last game, and I told myself to hold possession. OH MY GOD. This is when it just became so stupidly obvious to me how to succeed at this game. Possession is everything. I won 6-0 the first game and 5-2 the second game. And now I'm sitting here writing this. I still have to call my friend and tell him I'm keeping Fifa ahaha better get on that now. TL;DR I've been playing Fifa wrong for so long and just now I realized how important possession is. (And yes I know all of you are probably going to tell me that's the most obvious thing ever)
I'll tell you right off the bat this post won't be particularly interesting or funny, but I wanted to share simply because it's made me so happy. Yesterday I was about to sell my copy of Fifa 15 to a friend, I went on a losing streak and dropped from division 1 down to 2, and almost every goal I conceded seemed like such bullshit. Now I have no idea how I even got to division 1, because I'm the kind of player that wins with 40% possession, I play the counter almost exclusively and I'm pretty decent with skills, I've tried to tell myself to hold possession but I've never needed to, my methods always prevailed. However all of a sudden it just stopped working for me. I tried everything, I switched from a narrow 4-3-2-1 to a very wide 3-4-2-1, I sold my team and bought new players, but nothing worked. I was getting so frustrated with myself and I wanted the game out of my house. My friend was supposed to come over and pick the game up today, and I thought to myself what the heck I'll play one last game, and I told myself to hold possession. OH MY GOD. This is when it just became so stupidly obvious to me how to succeed at this game. Possession is everything. I won 6-0 the first game and 5-2 the second game. And now I'm sitting here writing this. I still have to call my friend and tell him I'm keeping Fifa ahaha better get on that now.
I've been playing Fifa wrong for so long and just now I realized how important possession is. (And yes I know all of you are probably going to tell me that's the most obvious thing ever)
I'm a 26 year old male working as materials engineer. My girlfriend 25 years old of 9 months works as a freelance artist but she does seem to get a good sale in now and then, otherwise She'll have part time work in a call centre or be online. She's also my sister's [24F] roomate though they aren't that close. I was using her laptop the other day and went on reddit where she was still logged in. I knew she was a redditor but naturally we kept our accounts secret from eachother. Without thinking I clicked on the orange mail flag assuming it was mail for me and there were several comments in Ghazi agreeing with a nasty over the top comment she made. Probably not the best idea but I clicked her username and her posts were 80% ghazi 15% circlebroke 5% srs and 100% frightening to see from someone you love. Not because of the idea behind them but because of how mean the comments are. Not wanting to be dishonest I called her over and told her I saw it. She wasn't mad at first but she asked what did I think about gamer gate and reddit in general. I said I don't care about video games and that reddit is a decent site and she got pissed. She began to ask me if I was mysoginistic and that it explained a lot. I then decided to go further out and said that some of her comments were a bit much and that she shouldnt ivest herself into an internet war. She got mad and asked me to leave. This was 3 days ago and I thought she'd be normal again by christmas but she seemed a bit distant still when I was texting her from out of town at my dad's place [68M]. We haven't seen each other yet, I'm not back in town with her till sunday night. She keeps trying to pull me into circlebroke and ghazi and I really dont want to be a part of it. When I refuse she gets upset. Though I'm trying to get her to use it less and enjoy life. I don't want her to think I'm a sexist pig but I don't want her to waste her life fighting sexism on reddit and sending money to gamergate. What should I do? **TL;DR;** My girlfriend is hardcore into reddit social justice and wants me to join her. I want the opposite and for her to focus on real life.
I'm a 26 year old male working as materials engineer. My girlfriend 25 years old of 9 months works as a freelance artist but she does seem to get a good sale in now and then, otherwise She'll have part time work in a call centre or be online. She's also my sister's [24F] roomate though they aren't that close. I was using her laptop the other day and went on reddit where she was still logged in. I knew she was a redditor but naturally we kept our accounts secret from eachother. Without thinking I clicked on the orange mail flag assuming it was mail for me and there were several comments in Ghazi agreeing with a nasty over the top comment she made. Probably not the best idea but I clicked her username and her posts were 80% ghazi 15% circlebroke 5% srs and 100% frightening to see from someone you love. Not because of the idea behind them but because of how mean the comments are. Not wanting to be dishonest I called her over and told her I saw it. She wasn't mad at first but she asked what did I think about gamer gate and reddit in general. I said I don't care about video games and that reddit is a decent site and she got pissed. She began to ask me if I was mysoginistic and that it explained a lot. I then decided to go further out and said that some of her comments were a bit much and that she shouldnt ivest herself into an internet war. She got mad and asked me to leave. This was 3 days ago and I thought she'd be normal again by christmas but she seemed a bit distant still when I was texting her from out of town at my dad's place [68M]. We haven't seen each other yet, I'm not back in town with her till sunday night. She keeps trying to pull me into circlebroke and ghazi and I really dont want to be a part of it. When I refuse she gets upset. Though I'm trying to get her to use it less and enjoy life. I don't want her to think I'm a sexist pig but I don't want her to waste her life fighting sexism on reddit and sending money to gamergate. What should I do? TL;DR; My girlfriend is hardcore into reddit social justice and wants me to join her. I want the opposite and for her to focus on real life.
I'm a 26 year old male working as materials engineer. My girlfriend 25 years old of 9 months works as a freelance artist but she does seem to get a good sale in now and then, otherwise She'll have part time work in a call centre or be online. She's also my sister's [24F] roomate though they aren't that close. I was using her laptop the other day and went on reddit where she was still logged in. I knew she was a redditor but naturally we kept our accounts secret from eachother. Without thinking I clicked on the orange mail flag assuming it was mail for me and there were several comments in Ghazi agreeing with a nasty over the top comment she made. Probably not the best idea but I clicked her username and her posts were 80% ghazi 15% circlebroke 5% srs and 100% frightening to see from someone you love. Not because of the idea behind them but because of how mean the comments are. Not wanting to be dishonest I called her over and told her I saw it. She wasn't mad at first but she asked what did I think about gamer gate and reddit in general. I said I don't care about video games and that reddit is a decent site and she got pissed. She began to ask me if I was mysoginistic and that it explained a lot. I then decided to go further out and said that some of her comments were a bit much and that she shouldnt ivest herself into an internet war. She got mad and asked me to leave. This was 3 days ago and I thought she'd be normal again by christmas but she seemed a bit distant still when I was texting her from out of town at my dad's place [68M]. We haven't seen each other yet, I'm not back in town with her till sunday night. She keeps trying to pull me into circlebroke and ghazi and I really dont want to be a part of it. When I refuse she gets upset. Though I'm trying to get her to use it less and enjoy life. I don't want her to think I'm a sexist pig but I don't want her to waste her life fighting sexism on reddit and sending money to gamergate. What should I do?
My girlfriend is hardcore into reddit social justice and wants me to join her. I want the opposite and for her to focus on real life.
Posted this on another thread but it is more relevant here Last year, to celebrate the new year, my friends and I went to the beach, a friend has a house there... We have done this a couple of times, but this time was "special" because our friend turned 18... So his parents serve us a little bit of wine, they have a toast and then leave us to eat dinner... Another friend says "tonight will be just like The jut kidding." Little did we know he was right... We go down to the beach, and get our drink on... Needless to say we all got super hammered. Our friend who turned 18 though was really sad, because he said he wanted to hook up with this girl and then another friend made out with her... So he was shitfaced, and making a fool of himself, so I tell him " hey lets go sit" and he got mad and grabbed a thick ass stick and threw it and it just so happenned to land on my face... Drunken me of course thought he did it all on purpose... So I let him be and storm off pissed as shit... Then, at 6 am we all decide we were going up to the house to get some rest... So we all up gather at the disco but wait... Our just recently turned 18 friend, lets call him Mike, was MIA, he was the one who was sad and angry because another friend hooked up with a girl he wanted to hook up with... Anyways, we all knew of what he was capable of doin drunk... Reckless shit... We searched for about an hour, nowhere to be found. We call his cell, someone picks up, we are all glad cause we think it is him, it is not, he had left his cell back at the house... We all seriously thought he had gone to take a swim drunk as shit in the ocean ( he did this last year, luckily we were all there and able to stop him from getting in ) and he mightt have drowned or something... About and hour later, a friend who had stayed back at the house because he had gotten sick said Mike's dad found him passed out on the balcony... His father did not make a big deal out of it... But we did not want his mother to find out because she would throw a fit... In the end, I was supposed to go back home with Mike because he lived real close to my house, ended going back with another friend to his place which was in no way close to mine, becuase his dad adviced me to becuae his mother was going to question me... Scariest moment of my life.... Tl;dr... A friend jokingly says new year's eve is going to be just like The Hangover, turns out he was right
Posted this on another thread but it is more relevant here Last year, to celebrate the new year, my friends and I went to the beach, a friend has a house there... We have done this a couple of times, but this time was "special" because our friend turned 18... So his parents serve us a little bit of wine, they have a toast and then leave us to eat dinner... Another friend says "tonight will be just like The jut kidding." Little did we know he was right... We go down to the beach, and get our drink on... Needless to say we all got super hammered. Our friend who turned 18 though was really sad, because he said he wanted to hook up with this girl and then another friend made out with her... So he was shitfaced, and making a fool of himself, so I tell him " hey lets go sit" and he got mad and grabbed a thick ass stick and threw it and it just so happenned to land on my face... Drunken me of course thought he did it all on purpose... So I let him be and storm off pissed as shit... Then, at 6 am we all decide we were going up to the house to get some rest... So we all up gather at the disco but wait... Our just recently turned 18 friend, lets call him Mike, was MIA, he was the one who was sad and angry because another friend hooked up with a girl he wanted to hook up with... Anyways, we all knew of what he was capable of doin drunk... Reckless shit... We searched for about an hour, nowhere to be found. We call his cell, someone picks up, we are all glad cause we think it is him, it is not, he had left his cell back at the house... We all seriously thought he had gone to take a swim drunk as shit in the ocean ( he did this last year, luckily we were all there and able to stop him from getting in ) and he mightt have drowned or something... About and hour later, a friend who had stayed back at the house because he had gotten sick said Mike's dad found him passed out on the balcony... His father did not make a big deal out of it... But we did not want his mother to find out because she would throw a fit... In the end, I was supposed to go back home with Mike because he lived real close to my house, ended going back with another friend to his place which was in no way close to mine, becuase his dad adviced me to becuae his mother was going to question me... Scariest moment of my life.... Tl;dr... A friend jokingly says new year's eve is going to be just like The Hangover, turns out he was right
Posted this on another thread but it is more relevant here Last year, to celebrate the new year, my friends and I went to the beach, a friend has a house there... We have done this a couple of times, but this time was "special" because our friend turned 18... So his parents serve us a little bit of wine, they have a toast and then leave us to eat dinner... Another friend says "tonight will be just like The jut kidding." Little did we know he was right... We go down to the beach, and get our drink on... Needless to say we all got super hammered. Our friend who turned 18 though was really sad, because he said he wanted to hook up with this girl and then another friend made out with her... So he was shitfaced, and making a fool of himself, so I tell him " hey lets go sit" and he got mad and grabbed a thick ass stick and threw it and it just so happenned to land on my face... Drunken me of course thought he did it all on purpose... So I let him be and storm off pissed as shit... Then, at 6 am we all decide we were going up to the house to get some rest... So we all up gather at the disco but wait... Our just recently turned 18 friend, lets call him Mike, was MIA, he was the one who was sad and angry because another friend hooked up with a girl he wanted to hook up with... Anyways, we all knew of what he was capable of doin drunk... Reckless shit... We searched for about an hour, nowhere to be found. We call his cell, someone picks up, we are all glad cause we think it is him, it is not, he had left his cell back at the house... We all seriously thought he had gone to take a swim drunk as shit in the ocean ( he did this last year, luckily we were all there and able to stop him from getting in ) and he mightt have drowned or something... About and hour later, a friend who had stayed back at the house because he had gotten sick said Mike's dad found him passed out on the balcony... His father did not make a big deal out of it... But we did not want his mother to find out because she would throw a fit... In the end, I was supposed to go back home with Mike because he lived real close to my house, ended going back with another friend to his place which was in no way close to mine, becuase his dad adviced me to becuae his mother was going to question me... Scariest moment of my life....
A friend jokingly says new year's eve is going to be just like The Hangover, turns out he was right
First off I would like to preface this with I had a horrible day today and have ingested a bit of alcohol so I apologize for any spelling/writing errors. Now onto the problem, but first a little back story. I have been in a relationship since September 2011. My first real relationship since I found out my fiance cheated on me and we broke things off in 2008. I went through a period of ONS (one night stands) and 3 month relationships. I met my current girlfriend and went out with her a year before we started dating. We met online through a personals website and went out on a date. After that I kept trying to set up a second but she never had time due to various reasons. I eventually said fuck it and moved on. One day after drill night at the firehouse we went to our usual hangout and grabbed a bite to eat and she showed up with a few friends from work. We both saw each other but I didn't say anything to her because I was pissed. I thought she was just making excuses to not go out again. I leaned over to the guys at the table, pointed her out, and said something along the lines of "That's the bitch that keeps blowing me off" after that we finished eating and left. A year later I post an ad on Craigslist and she responds. By that point I vaguely remember going out with her since I have continued back on my ONS and short term dating path. Needless to say we have been dating steadily since September 2011 even though our first date was a year beforehand. If you have read this far I appreciate it and now will get to the issue. I was laid off after 3 years of steady work and had to move back home. Since then I have bounced from job to job. It has been that way since we have been dating. Now I am a volunteer firefighter/ EMT so that can seem like a full time job at times. It is surprising how hard it is to find someone that is ok with you running out at dinner or the middle of the night or holidays with family. She has been at the same place since we've started steadily going out. She makes decent money but hates her job. I currently work at a seasonal position at a major hardware store and am making decent money as well. (highest paying job I've had) She has moved in with me into my parents house for the past year due to her mother being a lazy fat witch but that's a story for another day. Quick example is that my girlfriend is a horrible daughter and piece of shit because she will not go to the gas station and pick her mother up cigarettes and junk food to stuff her face with at 9'o clock at night because she has eaten herself into a wheelchair bound existence and gets winded walking 10 feet. That's after my girlfriend has worked a 10 hour shift and been up since 5 in the morning. But I digress the current situation is as follows. We rarely spend time at the house. Essentially we get home and sleep. My mother can be very trying at times as mothers are. Always asking questions etc... I love my mother and father to death. They have stood by me my whole life through very hard times. I have not been the ideal son in laymen terms. When ever I have needed help they were there. THE PROBLEM: My girlfriend wants to move out and get an apartment. Issues: >1. We have a very limited selection of places due to me being in the FD. I could quit and move anywhere but I would be giving up 75% of who I've become and my being. I have doubts after shitty calls but then there are calls where you come back and realize you wouldn't trade it for anything. It's a feeling you won't understand unless you are in it. >2. We can afford a studio apartment for $650 a month but it is the size of our current bedroom. Essentially our bed would leave a 2 foot path around the main part and we would have a small kitchen and small closet. >3. My parents are retiring within a year or so and I will be taking over the house when they leave for warm weather during the winter months. I predict they will be taking a few weeks off this coming winter to look at places. >4. I can almost 80% guarantee they will be leaving the house to me. >5. I just don't get spending almost $1000 a month total for a place that all we do is sleep in when we have a place free. At this point I am looking for another job seeing as my current job is questionable as to how long I will be kept on due to the season winding down. I know at least through July 4th. That is the other issue. Yes for now we can scrape by and afford the place but what happens when I get laid off or take a steady job at a pay cut or hour cut? That is our major thing we fight about. Housing and money. If those were taken care of through magic we would have a perfect or near perfect relationship. We have not had a major fight on any other issues. But ever since this issue has arisen We have fought to the point I have wanted to call it quits and start over with another woman. There is a girl at work that flirts with me quite strongly but I am not a cheater. I have been the other man and cheated on but never the cheater. It's just not something I do. TL;DR: Great relationship is being torn apart by housing issue.
First off I would like to preface this with I had a horrible day today and have ingested a bit of alcohol so I apologize for any spelling/writing errors. Now onto the problem, but first a little back story. I have been in a relationship since September 2011. My first real relationship since I found out my fiance cheated on me and we broke things off in 2008. I went through a period of ONS (one night stands) and 3 month relationships. I met my current girlfriend and went out with her a year before we started dating. We met online through a personals website and went out on a date. After that I kept trying to set up a second but she never had time due to various reasons. I eventually said fuck it and moved on. One day after drill night at the firehouse we went to our usual hangout and grabbed a bite to eat and she showed up with a few friends from work. We both saw each other but I didn't say anything to her because I was pissed. I thought she was just making excuses to not go out again. I leaned over to the guys at the table, pointed her out, and said something along the lines of "That's the bitch that keeps blowing me off" after that we finished eating and left. A year later I post an ad on Craigslist and she responds. By that point I vaguely remember going out with her since I have continued back on my ONS and short term dating path. Needless to say we have been dating steadily since September 2011 even though our first date was a year beforehand. If you have read this far I appreciate it and now will get to the issue. I was laid off after 3 years of steady work and had to move back home. Since then I have bounced from job to job. It has been that way since we have been dating. Now I am a volunteer firefighter/ EMT so that can seem like a full time job at times. It is surprising how hard it is to find someone that is ok with you running out at dinner or the middle of the night or holidays with family. She has been at the same place since we've started steadily going out. She makes decent money but hates her job. I currently work at a seasonal position at a major hardware store and am making decent money as well. (highest paying job I've had) She has moved in with me into my parents house for the past year due to her mother being a lazy fat witch but that's a story for another day. Quick example is that my girlfriend is a horrible daughter and piece of shit because she will not go to the gas station and pick her mother up cigarettes and junk food to stuff her face with at 9'o clock at night because she has eaten herself into a wheelchair bound existence and gets winded walking 10 feet. That's after my girlfriend has worked a 10 hour shift and been up since 5 in the morning. But I digress the current situation is as follows. We rarely spend time at the house. Essentially we get home and sleep. My mother can be very trying at times as mothers are. Always asking questions etc... I love my mother and father to death. They have stood by me my whole life through very hard times. I have not been the ideal son in laymen terms. When ever I have needed help they were there. THE PROBLEM: My girlfriend wants to move out and get an apartment. Issues: >1. We have a very limited selection of places due to me being in the FD. I could quit and move anywhere but I would be giving up 75% of who I've become and my being. I have doubts after shitty calls but then there are calls where you come back and realize you wouldn't trade it for anything. It's a feeling you won't understand unless you are in it. >2. We can afford a studio apartment for $650 a month but it is the size of our current bedroom. Essentially our bed would leave a 2 foot path around the main part and we would have a small kitchen and small closet. >3. My parents are retiring within a year or so and I will be taking over the house when they leave for warm weather during the winter months. I predict they will be taking a few weeks off this coming winter to look at places. >4. I can almost 80% guarantee they will be leaving the house to me. >5. I just don't get spending almost $1000 a month total for a place that all we do is sleep in when we have a place free. At this point I am looking for another job seeing as my current job is questionable as to how long I will be kept on due to the season winding down. I know at least through July 4th. That is the other issue. Yes for now we can scrape by and afford the place but what happens when I get laid off or take a steady job at a pay cut or hour cut? That is our major thing we fight about. Housing and money. If those were taken care of through magic we would have a perfect or near perfect relationship. We have not had a major fight on any other issues. But ever since this issue has arisen We have fought to the point I have wanted to call it quits and start over with another woman. There is a girl at work that flirts with me quite strongly but I am not a cheater. I have been the other man and cheated on but never the cheater. It's just not something I do. TL;DR: Great relationship is being torn apart by housing issue.
First off I would like to preface this with I had a horrible day today and have ingested a bit of alcohol so I apologize for any spelling/writing errors. Now onto the problem, but first a little back story. I have been in a relationship since September 2011. My first real relationship since I found out my fiance cheated on me and we broke things off in 2008. I went through a period of ONS (one night stands) and 3 month relationships. I met my current girlfriend and went out with her a year before we started dating. We met online through a personals website and went out on a date. After that I kept trying to set up a second but she never had time due to various reasons. I eventually said fuck it and moved on. One day after drill night at the firehouse we went to our usual hangout and grabbed a bite to eat and she showed up with a few friends from work. We both saw each other but I didn't say anything to her because I was pissed. I thought she was just making excuses to not go out again. I leaned over to the guys at the table, pointed her out, and said something along the lines of "That's the bitch that keeps blowing me off" after that we finished eating and left. A year later I post an ad on Craigslist and she responds. By that point I vaguely remember going out with her since I have continued back on my ONS and short term dating path. Needless to say we have been dating steadily since September 2011 even though our first date was a year beforehand. If you have read this far I appreciate it and now will get to the issue. I was laid off after 3 years of steady work and had to move back home. Since then I have bounced from job to job. It has been that way since we have been dating. Now I am a volunteer firefighter/ EMT so that can seem like a full time job at times. It is surprising how hard it is to find someone that is ok with you running out at dinner or the middle of the night or holidays with family. She has been at the same place since we've started steadily going out. She makes decent money but hates her job. I currently work at a seasonal position at a major hardware store and am making decent money as well. (highest paying job I've had) She has moved in with me into my parents house for the past year due to her mother being a lazy fat witch but that's a story for another day. Quick example is that my girlfriend is a horrible daughter and piece of shit because she will not go to the gas station and pick her mother up cigarettes and junk food to stuff her face with at 9'o clock at night because she has eaten herself into a wheelchair bound existence and gets winded walking 10 feet. That's after my girlfriend has worked a 10 hour shift and been up since 5 in the morning. But I digress the current situation is as follows. We rarely spend time at the house. Essentially we get home and sleep. My mother can be very trying at times as mothers are. Always asking questions etc... I love my mother and father to death. They have stood by me my whole life through very hard times. I have not been the ideal son in laymen terms. When ever I have needed help they were there. THE PROBLEM: My girlfriend wants to move out and get an apartment. Issues: >1. We have a very limited selection of places due to me being in the FD. I could quit and move anywhere but I would be giving up 75% of who I've become and my being. I have doubts after shitty calls but then there are calls where you come back and realize you wouldn't trade it for anything. It's a feeling you won't understand unless you are in it. >2. We can afford a studio apartment for $650 a month but it is the size of our current bedroom. Essentially our bed would leave a 2 foot path around the main part and we would have a small kitchen and small closet. >3. My parents are retiring within a year or so and I will be taking over the house when they leave for warm weather during the winter months. I predict they will be taking a few weeks off this coming winter to look at places. >4. I can almost 80% guarantee they will be leaving the house to me. >5. I just don't get spending almost $1000 a month total for a place that all we do is sleep in when we have a place free. At this point I am looking for another job seeing as my current job is questionable as to how long I will be kept on due to the season winding down. I know at least through July 4th. That is the other issue. Yes for now we can scrape by and afford the place but what happens when I get laid off or take a steady job at a pay cut or hour cut? That is our major thing we fight about. Housing and money. If those were taken care of through magic we would have a perfect or near perfect relationship. We have not had a major fight on any other issues. But ever since this issue has arisen We have fought to the point I have wanted to call it quits and start over with another woman. There is a girl at work that flirts with me quite strongly but I am not a cheater. I have been the other man and cheated on but never the cheater. It's just not something I do.
Great relationship is being torn apart by housing issue.
Magnetic storage does not store 1's and 0 as different directions. the 1's and 0's are encoded into a pulsed clock signal, then stored as a sine wave signal, meaning that the field is always alternating up/down constantly even if the data is to be all 1's or 0's. This is a very simplified explanation btw. modern encoding methods have multiple layers and methods in them to increase the amount of data possible to encode on a single carrier signal. If you were to slow down,amplify and turn into sound the electrical signal coming of a HDD read head during operation, it would sound a lot like a hiss/single tone with some chirps and beeps in it. Kinda like what an old 14.4 modem sounds during it's connection phase. tl:dr. No. due to the way encoding data works, the disk never have all it's state in the same direction.
Magnetic storage does not store 1's and 0 as different directions. the 1's and 0's are encoded into a pulsed clock signal, then stored as a sine wave signal, meaning that the field is always alternating up/down constantly even if the data is to be all 1's or 0's. This is a very simplified explanation btw. modern encoding methods have multiple layers and methods in them to increase the amount of data possible to encode on a single carrier signal. If you were to slow down,amplify and turn into sound the electrical signal coming of a HDD read head during operation, it would sound a lot like a hiss/single tone with some chirps and beeps in it. Kinda like what an old 14.4 modem sounds during it's connection phase. tl:dr. No. due to the way encoding data works, the disk never have all it's state in the same direction.
Magnetic storage does not store 1's and 0 as different directions. the 1's and 0's are encoded into a pulsed clock signal, then stored as a sine wave signal, meaning that the field is always alternating up/down constantly even if the data is to be all 1's or 0's. This is a very simplified explanation btw. modern encoding methods have multiple layers and methods in them to increase the amount of data possible to encode on a single carrier signal. If you were to slow down,amplify and turn into sound the electrical signal coming of a HDD read head during operation, it would sound a lot like a hiss/single tone with some chirps and beeps in it. Kinda like what an old 14.4 modem sounds during it's connection phase.
No. due to the way encoding data works, the disk never have all it's state in the same direction.
A preface: My mother got married about 6 years ago to "Tom". They had a really quick relationship and got married soon after they met. I have never really liked Tom, but I figured if my mother was happy, than that is what mattered. He seemed to be a charismatic guy...very happy go lucky, which was good for my mom. Soon after they married, I met my now husband. We dated for a while, and then broke up. When we got back together though, Tom pulled my husband "Kyle" aside and informed him "not to trust me, because of how slutty I dress. Who knows who many people I have slept with". Since then, Kyle and I have never liked Tom. We are only as cordial as we have to be. Recently, my mother has been calling me for advice. It turns out her husband, Tom is extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. He is constantly yelling at her, refusing to let her talk or have opinions, making her feel depressed, calling family members and spreading lied about her to them, alienating her from friends, etc. All of this is textbook abuse. She refuses to acknowledge that it is abuse though, even when I tell her it is. She is worried that because she is in her 50's and part of a super strict religion, that this is the end for her. She "knows" she will never have another relationship and she wants to save her marriage. Basically, i've just tried to be her sounding board through her emotions (i've heard that its best for the abused person to talk through their emotions). I've been vocal about how I feel about the situation but I have never pushed anything because I"m worried she will stop talking to me. I told her she had to tell my brother about the abuse, so she did. I also informed one of her sisters, in hopes that she can lend some love and support. My mother does not know that her sister knows though. Back to present: So, my brother is graduating college this week, so the whole family is driving out to our state to see him graduate. Kyle and I discussed how we would handle Tom if he came, and we decided it would be safest for my mother if we didn't attack him or get angry, and instead just ignored his presence entirely. Kyle did specify however, that Tom would not be allowed anywhere near our house, which we just barely purchased. He said he did not feel that he would be able to control himself if Tom came into the house and disrespected my mother. He believes that he might snap and punch him (which is extremely out of character for my husband, so I really do believe him). I thought that seemed acceptable, and I don't want Tom anywhere near my house anyways. Well, I was talking to my mother about the trip, and she said that she and Tom wanted to come see our new home. I informed her that she is more than welcome to come and see our house (in fact, she is coming in two days before Tom is so she would have ample time) but that Kyle and I have decided it would be best if Tom did not come into our house. Well, that ended up starting a huge fight. My mother argued that it is not fair that my father, who abused/ cheated on her is allowed to stay in my house for two days but her husband cannot see it (Side note: I spent years not speaking to my father because of that fact, but he and I have tried the last few years to reconnect. Which she has always been okay with up until this point). I explained that my father and her have not been together since before I was born, and I was there for her wedding with Tom. I felt like he betrayed not only her but me. She then got mad at me because I "made her" tell my brother, her SON that Tom was "upsetting her" (her words). She couldn't believe why I was so upset about the issue, because she did tell me she didn't know if she was actually leaving him. She also told me what would happen if she stayed with Tom? Would I always hate him? Plus he apparently doesn't know that my brother and I know about the abuse; she doesn't want to stir the pot because right now he isn't treating her badly(not like he ever apologized for it or anything). I eventually gave in and just said I would talk to my husband about letting Tom into the house. Mostly just to appease her. Of course I talked to Kyle and he stood firm at no, that there was no way he would change his mind. He did say that my mother is free to call him so he can explain it to her. To be honest, I do not think that Kyle should back down. I fully agree with him; I don't want Tom anywhere near my house. I am worried that it will negatively impact my mother though if she has to tell Tom why we won't let him in our house. I also am afraid that if we ever drive home to visit her, Tom wouldn't allow us to stay at their home (which would be kind of understandable). I just have zero idea how to approach this, and the weekend is coming quicker and quicker. I want my mother to be safe, but I hate Tom so much it burns. Reddit, how should I approach the situation? Should I let Tom have a quick tour of our house or should Kyle and I stand firm and tell my mother he cannot come in? TL;DR My mothers abusive husband is coming into town. My husband and I just purchased our first home and abusive husband and mom want a tour. Husband is at a firm "no" for Tom coming into our house, but I am worried for my mother if Tom finds out that we know the abuse is happening.
A preface: My mother got married about 6 years ago to "Tom". They had a really quick relationship and got married soon after they met. I have never really liked Tom, but I figured if my mother was happy, than that is what mattered. He seemed to be a charismatic guy...very happy go lucky, which was good for my mom. Soon after they married, I met my now husband. We dated for a while, and then broke up. When we got back together though, Tom pulled my husband "Kyle" aside and informed him "not to trust me, because of how slutty I dress. Who knows who many people I have slept with". Since then, Kyle and I have never liked Tom. We are only as cordial as we have to be. Recently, my mother has been calling me for advice. It turns out her husband, Tom is extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. He is constantly yelling at her, refusing to let her talk or have opinions, making her feel depressed, calling family members and spreading lied about her to them, alienating her from friends, etc. All of this is textbook abuse. She refuses to acknowledge that it is abuse though, even when I tell her it is. She is worried that because she is in her 50's and part of a super strict religion, that this is the end for her. She "knows" she will never have another relationship and she wants to save her marriage. Basically, i've just tried to be her sounding board through her emotions (i've heard that its best for the abused person to talk through their emotions). I've been vocal about how I feel about the situation but I have never pushed anything because I"m worried she will stop talking to me. I told her she had to tell my brother about the abuse, so she did. I also informed one of her sisters, in hopes that she can lend some love and support. My mother does not know that her sister knows though. Back to present: So, my brother is graduating college this week, so the whole family is driving out to our state to see him graduate. Kyle and I discussed how we would handle Tom if he came, and we decided it would be safest for my mother if we didn't attack him or get angry, and instead just ignored his presence entirely. Kyle did specify however, that Tom would not be allowed anywhere near our house, which we just barely purchased. He said he did not feel that he would be able to control himself if Tom came into the house and disrespected my mother. He believes that he might snap and punch him (which is extremely out of character for my husband, so I really do believe him). I thought that seemed acceptable, and I don't want Tom anywhere near my house anyways. Well, I was talking to my mother about the trip, and she said that she and Tom wanted to come see our new home. I informed her that she is more than welcome to come and see our house (in fact, she is coming in two days before Tom is so she would have ample time) but that Kyle and I have decided it would be best if Tom did not come into our house. Well, that ended up starting a huge fight. My mother argued that it is not fair that my father, who abused/ cheated on her is allowed to stay in my house for two days but her husband cannot see it (Side note: I spent years not speaking to my father because of that fact, but he and I have tried the last few years to reconnect. Which she has always been okay with up until this point). I explained that my father and her have not been together since before I was born, and I was there for her wedding with Tom. I felt like he betrayed not only her but me. She then got mad at me because I "made her" tell my brother, her SON that Tom was "upsetting her" (her words). She couldn't believe why I was so upset about the issue, because she did tell me she didn't know if she was actually leaving him. She also told me what would happen if she stayed with Tom? Would I always hate him? Plus he apparently doesn't know that my brother and I know about the abuse; she doesn't want to stir the pot because right now he isn't treating her badly(not like he ever apologized for it or anything). I eventually gave in and just said I would talk to my husband about letting Tom into the house. Mostly just to appease her. Of course I talked to Kyle and he stood firm at no, that there was no way he would change his mind. He did say that my mother is free to call him so he can explain it to her. To be honest, I do not think that Kyle should back down. I fully agree with him; I don't want Tom anywhere near my house. I am worried that it will negatively impact my mother though if she has to tell Tom why we won't let him in our house. I also am afraid that if we ever drive home to visit her, Tom wouldn't allow us to stay at their home (which would be kind of understandable). I just have zero idea how to approach this, and the weekend is coming quicker and quicker. I want my mother to be safe, but I hate Tom so much it burns. Reddit, how should I approach the situation? Should I let Tom have a quick tour of our house or should Kyle and I stand firm and tell my mother he cannot come in? TL;DR My mothers abusive husband is coming into town. My husband and I just purchased our first home and abusive husband and mom want a tour. Husband is at a firm "no" for Tom coming into our house, but I am worried for my mother if Tom finds out that we know the abuse is happening.
A preface: My mother got married about 6 years ago to "Tom". They had a really quick relationship and got married soon after they met. I have never really liked Tom, but I figured if my mother was happy, than that is what mattered. He seemed to be a charismatic guy...very happy go lucky, which was good for my mom. Soon after they married, I met my now husband. We dated for a while, and then broke up. When we got back together though, Tom pulled my husband "Kyle" aside and informed him "not to trust me, because of how slutty I dress. Who knows who many people I have slept with". Since then, Kyle and I have never liked Tom. We are only as cordial as we have to be. Recently, my mother has been calling me for advice. It turns out her husband, Tom is extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. He is constantly yelling at her, refusing to let her talk or have opinions, making her feel depressed, calling family members and spreading lied about her to them, alienating her from friends, etc. All of this is textbook abuse. She refuses to acknowledge that it is abuse though, even when I tell her it is. She is worried that because she is in her 50's and part of a super strict religion, that this is the end for her. She "knows" she will never have another relationship and she wants to save her marriage. Basically, i've just tried to be her sounding board through her emotions (i've heard that its best for the abused person to talk through their emotions). I've been vocal about how I feel about the situation but I have never pushed anything because I"m worried she will stop talking to me. I told her she had to tell my brother about the abuse, so she did. I also informed one of her sisters, in hopes that she can lend some love and support. My mother does not know that her sister knows though. Back to present: So, my brother is graduating college this week, so the whole family is driving out to our state to see him graduate. Kyle and I discussed how we would handle Tom if he came, and we decided it would be safest for my mother if we didn't attack him or get angry, and instead just ignored his presence entirely. Kyle did specify however, that Tom would not be allowed anywhere near our house, which we just barely purchased. He said he did not feel that he would be able to control himself if Tom came into the house and disrespected my mother. He believes that he might snap and punch him (which is extremely out of character for my husband, so I really do believe him). I thought that seemed acceptable, and I don't want Tom anywhere near my house anyways. Well, I was talking to my mother about the trip, and she said that she and Tom wanted to come see our new home. I informed her that she is more than welcome to come and see our house (in fact, she is coming in two days before Tom is so she would have ample time) but that Kyle and I have decided it would be best if Tom did not come into our house. Well, that ended up starting a huge fight. My mother argued that it is not fair that my father, who abused/ cheated on her is allowed to stay in my house for two days but her husband cannot see it (Side note: I spent years not speaking to my father because of that fact, but he and I have tried the last few years to reconnect. Which she has always been okay with up until this point). I explained that my father and her have not been together since before I was born, and I was there for her wedding with Tom. I felt like he betrayed not only her but me. She then got mad at me because I "made her" tell my brother, her SON that Tom was "upsetting her" (her words). She couldn't believe why I was so upset about the issue, because she did tell me she didn't know if she was actually leaving him. She also told me what would happen if she stayed with Tom? Would I always hate him? Plus he apparently doesn't know that my brother and I know about the abuse; she doesn't want to stir the pot because right now he isn't treating her badly(not like he ever apologized for it or anything). I eventually gave in and just said I would talk to my husband about letting Tom into the house. Mostly just to appease her. Of course I talked to Kyle and he stood firm at no, that there was no way he would change his mind. He did say that my mother is free to call him so he can explain it to her. To be honest, I do not think that Kyle should back down. I fully agree with him; I don't want Tom anywhere near my house. I am worried that it will negatively impact my mother though if she has to tell Tom why we won't let him in our house. I also am afraid that if we ever drive home to visit her, Tom wouldn't allow us to stay at their home (which would be kind of understandable). I just have zero idea how to approach this, and the weekend is coming quicker and quicker. I want my mother to be safe, but I hate Tom so much it burns. Reddit, how should I approach the situation? Should I let Tom have a quick tour of our house or should Kyle and I stand firm and tell my mother he cannot come in?
My mothers abusive husband is coming into town. My husband and I just purchased our first home and abusive husband and mom want a tour. Husband is at a firm "no" for Tom coming into our house, but I am worried for my mother if Tom finds out that we know the abuse is happening.
AFAIK most of the lakes in that 'line' were formed by the movements and melting of glaciers. Since they were all formed in the same manner, they all share similarities and locations. From Wikipedia, > The Great Lakes region contains not only the five themselves but also many thousands of smaller lakes, often called "inland lakes." The book it cites is [here]( Key points in one paragraph state > [...] others called kettle lakes were formed by burial and later melting of large blocks of glacial ice. [...] The northern portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan have tens of thousands of lakes, many of which are kettle lakes. From a [book]() on the Great Bear Lake, > The ice sheets of the Pleistocene began to retreat in the area of the present-day District of Mackenzie about 12,000 years ago, and about 1,500 years later the margin of the ice was close to that of the Canadian Shield (Bird 1967), and Glacial Lake McConnell had formed (Craig 1965). The latter was a proglacial expanse of water which covered the areas of the present Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake, and intervening land. And from the Wikipedia article on Lake Winnipeg, > Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba are remnants of prehistoric Glacial Lake Agassiz Tl;dr, Most of the lakes you referred to, and a lot of lakes in the area spanning Canada -> Minnesota ->Michigan, were formed by glacial carving and melting around 12000 years ago, so they share similar qualities and locations. Source - I live in Michigan with family in Minnesota.
AFAIK most of the lakes in that 'line' were formed by the movements and melting of glaciers. Since they were all formed in the same manner, they all share similarities and locations. From Wikipedia, > The Great Lakes region contains not only the five themselves but also many thousands of smaller lakes, often called "inland lakes." The book it cites is [here]( Key points in one paragraph state > [...] others called kettle lakes were formed by burial and later melting of large blocks of glacial ice. [...] The northern portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan have tens of thousands of lakes, many of which are kettle lakes. From a book on the Great Bear Lake, > The ice sheets of the Pleistocene began to retreat in the area of the present-day District of Mackenzie about 12,000 years ago, and about 1,500 years later the margin of the ice was close to that of the Canadian Shield (Bird 1967), and Glacial Lake McConnell had formed (Craig 1965). The latter was a proglacial expanse of water which covered the areas of the present Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake, and intervening land. And from the Wikipedia article on Lake Winnipeg, > Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba are remnants of prehistoric Glacial Lake Agassiz Tl;dr, Most of the lakes you referred to, and a lot of lakes in the area spanning Canada -> Minnesota ->Michigan, were formed by glacial carving and melting around 12000 years ago, so they share similar qualities and locations. Source - I live in Michigan with family in Minnesota.
AFAIK most of the lakes in that 'line' were formed by the movements and melting of glaciers. Since they were all formed in the same manner, they all share similarities and locations. From Wikipedia, > The Great Lakes region contains not only the five themselves but also many thousands of smaller lakes, often called "inland lakes." The book it cites is [here]( Key points in one paragraph state > [...] others called kettle lakes were formed by burial and later melting of large blocks of glacial ice. [...] The northern portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan have tens of thousands of lakes, many of which are kettle lakes. From a book on the Great Bear Lake, > The ice sheets of the Pleistocene began to retreat in the area of the present-day District of Mackenzie about 12,000 years ago, and about 1,500 years later the margin of the ice was close to that of the Canadian Shield (Bird 1967), and Glacial Lake McConnell had formed (Craig 1965). The latter was a proglacial expanse of water which covered the areas of the present Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake, and intervening land. And from the Wikipedia article on Lake Winnipeg, > Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba are remnants of prehistoric Glacial Lake Agassiz
Most of the lakes you referred to, and a lot of lakes in the area spanning Canada -> Minnesota ->Michigan, were formed by glacial carving and melting around 12000 years ago, so they share similar qualities and locations. Source - I live in Michigan with family in Minnesota.
I'll chime in before this gets buried. Although I'm only 22 myself (bearing in mind the drinking age is 18 here), it's certainly true that even since I've been drinking there has been massive growth in interest in craft beer and 'real ale' as it'll often be called here (although arguably different things... For the sake of argument). You're right in saying we didn't have the prohibition to destroy our brewing heritage, but any older drinker from here will tell you that 20/30 years ago British ale earned it's reputation for room temperature, brown, flat ales, after big breweries took over the trade and moved to homogenise the market, along with the continental lager influx that was as far as I understand, very similar to how the big 3 took over the beer market in the US with bland pilsner style beers. Now there's a huge resurgence. I go to a beer festival in my home town each year which now has over 1000 beers, and pubs are reopening off the back of the increased interest and diversity that an ever increasing number of new breweries are offering the public. I'm on mobile now but here's one article regarding the increase. Tl;dr: although we didn't have our beer market killed by prohibition, the number of breweries did dwindle during the 20th century, and interest in beer equally so, but beer is most definitely on the up in the UK now.
I'll chime in before this gets buried. Although I'm only 22 myself (bearing in mind the drinking age is 18 here), it's certainly true that even since I've been drinking there has been massive growth in interest in craft beer and 'real ale' as it'll often be called here (although arguably different things... For the sake of argument). You're right in saying we didn't have the prohibition to destroy our brewing heritage, but any older drinker from here will tell you that 20/30 years ago British ale earned it's reputation for room temperature, brown, flat ales, after big breweries took over the trade and moved to homogenise the market, along with the continental lager influx that was as far as I understand, very similar to how the big 3 took over the beer market in the US with bland pilsner style beers. Now there's a huge resurgence. I go to a beer festival in my home town each year which now has over 1000 beers, and pubs are reopening off the back of the increased interest and diversity that an ever increasing number of new breweries are offering the public. I'm on mobile now but here's one article regarding the increase. Tl;dr: although we didn't have our beer market killed by prohibition, the number of breweries did dwindle during the 20th century, and interest in beer equally so, but beer is most definitely on the up in the UK now.
I'll chime in before this gets buried. Although I'm only 22 myself (bearing in mind the drinking age is 18 here), it's certainly true that even since I've been drinking there has been massive growth in interest in craft beer and 'real ale' as it'll often be called here (although arguably different things... For the sake of argument). You're right in saying we didn't have the prohibition to destroy our brewing heritage, but any older drinker from here will tell you that 20/30 years ago British ale earned it's reputation for room temperature, brown, flat ales, after big breweries took over the trade and moved to homogenise the market, along with the continental lager influx that was as far as I understand, very similar to how the big 3 took over the beer market in the US with bland pilsner style beers. Now there's a huge resurgence. I go to a beer festival in my home town each year which now has over 1000 beers, and pubs are reopening off the back of the increased interest and diversity that an ever increasing number of new breweries are offering the public. I'm on mobile now but here's one article regarding the increase.
although we didn't have our beer market killed by prohibition, the number of breweries did dwindle during the 20th century, and interest in beer equally so, but beer is most definitely on the up in the UK now.
Couchsurfing might work, we have a great representation in Israel but you'll need to split up, it would be difficult to find a host for 4 people. Also you might consider airbnb, it will probably be similar to shared dorms in price. For public transport use Google Maps , , The biggest concentration of rockets have fallen in the red area of your map so it might be a good idea to avoid. Be aware of what you need to do when you hear an air raid/rocket siren. TL/DR - find the safest place in x seconds depending on your distance from Gaza (15-90 seconds) and stay there for 10 minutes.
Couchsurfing might work, we have a great representation in Israel but you'll need to split up, it would be difficult to find a host for 4 people. Also you might consider airbnb, it will probably be similar to shared dorms in price. For public transport use Google Maps , , The biggest concentration of rockets have fallen in the red area of your map so it might be a good idea to avoid. Be aware of what you need to do when you hear an air raid/rocket siren. TL/DR - find the safest place in x seconds depending on your distance from Gaza (15-90 seconds) and stay there for 10 minutes.
Couchsurfing might work, we have a great representation in Israel but you'll need to split up, it would be difficult to find a host for 4 people. Also you might consider airbnb, it will probably be similar to shared dorms in price. For public transport use Google Maps , , The biggest concentration of rockets have fallen in the red area of your map so it might be a good idea to avoid. Be aware of what you need to do when you hear an air raid/rocket siren.
find the safest place in x seconds depending on your distance from Gaza (15-90 seconds) and stay there for 10 minutes.
Okay so to make a long story short, I'm kinda in a long distance relationship with a girl I'm going to college with next year. We never officially dated but we always said we would and we really liked each other. But the last two weeks we just had these stupid little arguments all the time, and now finally last night we had a HUGE fight and I was rude and mean and not myself, and now she doesn't feel the same way about me and as of now just wants to be friends. How do I win her back? I love this girl dude like she's everything to me and I want to date her, so how do I change her opinion and bring those feelings back? TL;DR : in a long distance relationship. Made a mistake, was rude and an idiot and now I'm basically friendzoned
Okay so to make a long story short, I'm kinda in a long distance relationship with a girl I'm going to college with next year. We never officially dated but we always said we would and we really liked each other. But the last two weeks we just had these stupid little arguments all the time, and now finally last night we had a HUGE fight and I was rude and mean and not myself, and now she doesn't feel the same way about me and as of now just wants to be friends. How do I win her back? I love this girl dude like she's everything to me and I want to date her, so how do I change her opinion and bring those feelings back? TL;DR : in a long distance relationship. Made a mistake, was rude and an idiot and now I'm basically friendzoned
Okay so to make a long story short, I'm kinda in a long distance relationship with a girl I'm going to college with next year. We never officially dated but we always said we would and we really liked each other. But the last two weeks we just had these stupid little arguments all the time, and now finally last night we had a HUGE fight and I was rude and mean and not myself, and now she doesn't feel the same way about me and as of now just wants to be friends. How do I win her back? I love this girl dude like she's everything to me and I want to date her, so how do I change her opinion and bring those feelings back?
in a long distance relationship. Made a mistake, was rude and an idiot and now I'm basically friendzoned
Suicide or suicide contemplation is a seriously personal thing. If someone just blindly uses a cliche to "help" you go find someone else. My affection for my loved ones is the only thing that kept me from attempting suicide, and for a short period I believed "suicide is for the selfish" because that's what worked for me but I soon saw the ignorance when I talked about suicide with another troubled friend. TL,DR; Fuck Cliches and all those who blindly use them.
Suicide or suicide contemplation is a seriously personal thing. If someone just blindly uses a cliche to "help" you go find someone else. My affection for my loved ones is the only thing that kept me from attempting suicide, and for a short period I believed "suicide is for the selfish" because that's what worked for me but I soon saw the ignorance when I talked about suicide with another troubled friend. TL,DR; Fuck Cliches and all those who blindly use them.
Suicide or suicide contemplation is a seriously personal thing. If someone just blindly uses a cliche to "help" you go find someone else. My affection for my loved ones is the only thing that kept me from attempting suicide, and for a short period I believed "suicide is for the selfish" because that's what worked for me but I soon saw the ignorance when I talked about suicide with another troubled friend.
Fuck Cliches and all those who blindly use them.
I've posted here a couple times on other throwaways and you guys helped quite a bit. I am in need of help, not so desperate this time, but still very lost and a bit afraid. ***** Some info, Diagnosed as a kid, very inattentive and unmotivated, didn't start treatment until 22 years of age. Have been trying this for two months now. * **Starting dose:** Dexedrine 5 mg 3x daily After trying this, I didn't feel any different, maybe a bit calmer after the euphoria wore off. So he put me on the anti depressant Wellbutrin. * **Secound dose:** Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily I felt motivation and about the same level of focus, still procrastinated a lot. It was also very hit or miss, and I felt extremely anxious once the dex started wearing off. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't, I know sleep was one factor but have no clue what else affected it. ***** **What I need help with** I just got home from my doctor, I mentioned the issues and the hit or miss nature of the motivation, the slightly improved focus, as well as it wearing off and the sides from it. He focused on the "hit or miss", and prescribed something he said would keep my neurotransmitter levels from going too low or too high. The medicine is 2mg of **Abilify**, which is an antipsychotic used for bipolar and schizophrenia. This is on top of everything else. * **Proposed dose:** Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily, Abilify 2mg 1x daily I expressed my concern, he blew it off and gave me a free 7 day sample. Said to try it for 7 days and come back. I have never done a single drug in my life, got drunk like once in high school and just barely. Suddenly in two months I am taking Amphetamines+Antidepressants+Antipsychotics. And I am to be on this regimen for the rest of my life. I went in thinking I would take one pill, when I need it, take a break on the weekends or when I didn't have a lecture, and live a normal life. I am experiencing the anxiety, lack of appetite, and now any muscle in my body shakes slightly if I activate it(not when resting). So an essential tremor. * **Option 1-** Take the meds Abilify half life- 90 hours. So it will be building up in the 7 days, if I try this, I have to go through the severe withdrawal if I quit. My gut is screaming at me to not take this dangerous cocktail, so I'm not going to try it just to try it. If I do it, I have made the decision to stick with it. * **Option 2-** Flush all my meds, call him and tell him I'm done, exercise daily, fish oil, multi, diet, and willpower. I can handle the Wellbutrin withdrawal, and I have enough meds to wean myself off. My life is basically rock bottom due to impulsive decisions, inattention, and a general lack of motivation, but I cannot justify this cocktail. My high school grades were a joke, but I say most of it was through lack of trying. I have done well in College, but burn out easily. I think I can manage however, through diet, exercise, self denial, and discipline. Wat do? tl;dr: doctor wants me on Abilify antipsychotic+Wellbutrin antidepressant+Dexedrine. Take the meds or tough out the condition like I have the past 22 years.
I've posted here a couple times on other throwaways and you guys helped quite a bit. I am in need of help, not so desperate this time, but still very lost and a bit afraid. Some info, Diagnosed as a kid, very inattentive and unmotivated, didn't start treatment until 22 years of age. Have been trying this for two months now. Starting dose: Dexedrine 5 mg 3x daily After trying this, I didn't feel any different, maybe a bit calmer after the euphoria wore off. So he put me on the anti depressant Wellbutrin. Secound dose: Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily I felt motivation and about the same level of focus, still procrastinated a lot. It was also very hit or miss, and I felt extremely anxious once the dex started wearing off. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't, I know sleep was one factor but have no clue what else affected it. What I need help with I just got home from my doctor, I mentioned the issues and the hit or miss nature of the motivation, the slightly improved focus, as well as it wearing off and the sides from it. He focused on the "hit or miss", and prescribed something he said would keep my neurotransmitter levels from going too low or too high. The medicine is 2mg of Abilify , which is an antipsychotic used for bipolar and schizophrenia. This is on top of everything else. Proposed dose: Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily, Abilify 2mg 1x daily I expressed my concern, he blew it off and gave me a free 7 day sample. Said to try it for 7 days and come back. I have never done a single drug in my life, got drunk like once in high school and just barely. Suddenly in two months I am taking Amphetamines+Antidepressants+Antipsychotics. And I am to be on this regimen for the rest of my life. I went in thinking I would take one pill, when I need it, take a break on the weekends or when I didn't have a lecture, and live a normal life. I am experiencing the anxiety, lack of appetite, and now any muscle in my body shakes slightly if I activate it(not when resting). So an essential tremor. Option 1- Take the meds Abilify half life- 90 hours. So it will be building up in the 7 days, if I try this, I have to go through the severe withdrawal if I quit. My gut is screaming at me to not take this dangerous cocktail, so I'm not going to try it just to try it. If I do it, I have made the decision to stick with it. Option 2- Flush all my meds, call him and tell him I'm done, exercise daily, fish oil, multi, diet, and willpower. I can handle the Wellbutrin withdrawal, and I have enough meds to wean myself off. My life is basically rock bottom due to impulsive decisions, inattention, and a general lack of motivation, but I cannot justify this cocktail. My high school grades were a joke, but I say most of it was through lack of trying. I have done well in College, but burn out easily. I think I can manage however, through diet, exercise, self denial, and discipline. Wat do? tl;dr: doctor wants me on Abilify antipsychotic+Wellbutrin antidepressant+Dexedrine. Take the meds or tough out the condition like I have the past 22 years.
I've posted here a couple times on other throwaways and you guys helped quite a bit. I am in need of help, not so desperate this time, but still very lost and a bit afraid. Some info, Diagnosed as a kid, very inattentive and unmotivated, didn't start treatment until 22 years of age. Have been trying this for two months now. Starting dose: Dexedrine 5 mg 3x daily After trying this, I didn't feel any different, maybe a bit calmer after the euphoria wore off. So he put me on the anti depressant Wellbutrin. Secound dose: Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily I felt motivation and about the same level of focus, still procrastinated a lot. It was also very hit or miss, and I felt extremely anxious once the dex started wearing off. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't, I know sleep was one factor but have no clue what else affected it. What I need help with I just got home from my doctor, I mentioned the issues and the hit or miss nature of the motivation, the slightly improved focus, as well as it wearing off and the sides from it. He focused on the "hit or miss", and prescribed something he said would keep my neurotransmitter levels from going too low or too high. The medicine is 2mg of Abilify , which is an antipsychotic used for bipolar and schizophrenia. This is on top of everything else. Proposed dose: Dexedrine 10 mg 3x daily, Wellbutrin 300mg 1x daily, Abilify 2mg 1x daily I expressed my concern, he blew it off and gave me a free 7 day sample. Said to try it for 7 days and come back. I have never done a single drug in my life, got drunk like once in high school and just barely. Suddenly in two months I am taking Amphetamines+Antidepressants+Antipsychotics. And I am to be on this regimen for the rest of my life. I went in thinking I would take one pill, when I need it, take a break on the weekends or when I didn't have a lecture, and live a normal life. I am experiencing the anxiety, lack of appetite, and now any muscle in my body shakes slightly if I activate it(not when resting). So an essential tremor. Option 1- Take the meds Abilify half life- 90 hours. So it will be building up in the 7 days, if I try this, I have to go through the severe withdrawal if I quit. My gut is screaming at me to not take this dangerous cocktail, so I'm not going to try it just to try it. If I do it, I have made the decision to stick with it. Option 2- Flush all my meds, call him and tell him I'm done, exercise daily, fish oil, multi, diet, and willpower. I can handle the Wellbutrin withdrawal, and I have enough meds to wean myself off. My life is basically rock bottom due to impulsive decisions, inattention, and a general lack of motivation, but I cannot justify this cocktail. My high school grades were a joke, but I say most of it was through lack of trying. I have done well in College, but burn out easily. I think I can manage however, through diet, exercise, self denial, and discipline. Wat do?
doctor wants me on Abilify antipsychotic+Wellbutrin antidepressant+Dexedrine. Take the meds or tough out the condition like I have the past 22 years.
Hi. My wife [32] wants me [36] to find a FWB for myself. We have a terrific, amazing sex life with lots of kinky fun and all that, but she feels it would be a major turn-on for her if I would have sex with another woman and come home to tell her about it. Very much a "hothusband" type of scenario. Problem is, I don't know if that's something I want to do. I want our sexual experiences to be shared ones. We've agreed to try a threesome (we've had several women approach us - I attribute much of that to my wife's awesomeness), for example, but are holding out for the right partner/opportunity. If I'm understanding correctly, she wants me to get this FWB so that they can be integrated into our relationship for a longer-term three-way hookup situation, and that's fine, but me going out and finding some girl to have sex with is just off-putting to me for some reason. I'm experienced sexually (not to say I'm a total slut, but I've had my share of casual erotic encounters), and I'm more than sure I could do this deed, but I'm just kind of conflicted. I want to make her happy, but I'm worried that she's not going to enjoy the result as much as she thinks she will. Have any of you been through this? I need advice. Do I find a fuckbuddy, do I just go find a third, do I do neither and just follow-up with one of the previous "suitors" we've had? TL;DR: My wife wants me to fuck another woman and tell her about it. I want to make her happy, but I'm afraid she might get more than she's hoping for.
Hi. My wife [32] wants me [36] to find a FWB for myself. We have a terrific, amazing sex life with lots of kinky fun and all that, but she feels it would be a major turn-on for her if I would have sex with another woman and come home to tell her about it. Very much a "hothusband" type of scenario. Problem is, I don't know if that's something I want to do. I want our sexual experiences to be shared ones. We've agreed to try a threesome (we've had several women approach us - I attribute much of that to my wife's awesomeness), for example, but are holding out for the right partner/opportunity. If I'm understanding correctly, she wants me to get this FWB so that they can be integrated into our relationship for a longer-term three-way hookup situation, and that's fine, but me going out and finding some girl to have sex with is just off-putting to me for some reason. I'm experienced sexually (not to say I'm a total slut, but I've had my share of casual erotic encounters), and I'm more than sure I could do this deed, but I'm just kind of conflicted. I want to make her happy, but I'm worried that she's not going to enjoy the result as much as she thinks she will. Have any of you been through this? I need advice. Do I find a fuckbuddy, do I just go find a third, do I do neither and just follow-up with one of the previous "suitors" we've had? TL;DR: My wife wants me to fuck another woman and tell her about it. I want to make her happy, but I'm afraid she might get more than she's hoping for.
Hi. My wife [32] wants me [36] to find a FWB for myself. We have a terrific, amazing sex life with lots of kinky fun and all that, but she feels it would be a major turn-on for her if I would have sex with another woman and come home to tell her about it. Very much a "hothusband" type of scenario. Problem is, I don't know if that's something I want to do. I want our sexual experiences to be shared ones. We've agreed to try a threesome (we've had several women approach us - I attribute much of that to my wife's awesomeness), for example, but are holding out for the right partner/opportunity. If I'm understanding correctly, she wants me to get this FWB so that they can be integrated into our relationship for a longer-term three-way hookup situation, and that's fine, but me going out and finding some girl to have sex with is just off-putting to me for some reason. I'm experienced sexually (not to say I'm a total slut, but I've had my share of casual erotic encounters), and I'm more than sure I could do this deed, but I'm just kind of conflicted. I want to make her happy, but I'm worried that she's not going to enjoy the result as much as she thinks she will. Have any of you been through this? I need advice. Do I find a fuckbuddy, do I just go find a third, do I do neither and just follow-up with one of the previous "suitors" we've had?
My wife wants me to fuck another woman and tell her about it. I want to make her happy, but I'm afraid she might get more than she's hoping for.
My husband has been driving me crazy lately and continues to get worse. He never helps me around the house or does anything I ask of him without prolonged reminding and eventually nagging. Though I usually save the effort and do it myself eventually. He knows this, he knows if he holds out long enough I will just do it myself. I've stopped thinking he'll know to do any chores on his own so this morning I asked in a friendly way if he could find time while I was work to clean up the kitchen and to scoop the litter box. He said yes. I got home 5 hours later and nothing was done, he'd even managed to mess up the parts of the house I had cleaned this morning before work. On top of that he hadn't fed our one year old daughter since I fed her at 8am and she hadn't napped either! He basically never does what I ask and now I have to worry about the care my daughter gets when she's with him. I rely on him to watch her while I'm at work but keep in mind I'm working instead of being home with her to help get HIM through college. I thought since I had made my wishes clear in the morning and he had agreed I could expect better results. He's not even in school right now, he's still on winter holiday! When I got home I got upset. (Calm upset, not yelling just outwardly annoyed) Then he got all huffy saying I was always mad at him and he just doesn't care anymore. I am always mad at him lately but it's because he keeps pulling crap like this! On top of that he's gotten overweight. I've asked him several times to work on his health for me, our daughter and himself. I've told him that he should stay attractive for me just as I do for him. Doesn't matter, he just eats all day. I'm starting to interpret his lack of desire to do anything for me as him not loving me. I can't imagine him loving me and still treating me this way. I've talked to him several times about his behavior but he accuses me of acting high and mighty and ignoring my own issues, so that never gets anywhere. I'm at a loss and my wits end. Is there anything that can be done? Has he just stopped loving me and this is how he's telling me? tl;dr: Husband ignores my requests and wishes. Never helps on his accord. When I get mad he gets huffy and tells me he doesn't care anymore.
My husband has been driving me crazy lately and continues to get worse. He never helps me around the house or does anything I ask of him without prolonged reminding and eventually nagging. Though I usually save the effort and do it myself eventually. He knows this, he knows if he holds out long enough I will just do it myself. I've stopped thinking he'll know to do any chores on his own so this morning I asked in a friendly way if he could find time while I was work to clean up the kitchen and to scoop the litter box. He said yes. I got home 5 hours later and nothing was done, he'd even managed to mess up the parts of the house I had cleaned this morning before work. On top of that he hadn't fed our one year old daughter since I fed her at 8am and she hadn't napped either! He basically never does what I ask and now I have to worry about the care my daughter gets when she's with him. I rely on him to watch her while I'm at work but keep in mind I'm working instead of being home with her to help get HIM through college. I thought since I had made my wishes clear in the morning and he had agreed I could expect better results. He's not even in school right now, he's still on winter holiday! When I got home I got upset. (Calm upset, not yelling just outwardly annoyed) Then he got all huffy saying I was always mad at him and he just doesn't care anymore. I am always mad at him lately but it's because he keeps pulling crap like this! On top of that he's gotten overweight. I've asked him several times to work on his health for me, our daughter and himself. I've told him that he should stay attractive for me just as I do for him. Doesn't matter, he just eats all day. I'm starting to interpret his lack of desire to do anything for me as him not loving me. I can't imagine him loving me and still treating me this way. I've talked to him several times about his behavior but he accuses me of acting high and mighty and ignoring my own issues, so that never gets anywhere. I'm at a loss and my wits end. Is there anything that can be done? Has he just stopped loving me and this is how he's telling me? tl;dr: Husband ignores my requests and wishes. Never helps on his accord. When I get mad he gets huffy and tells me he doesn't care anymore.
My husband has been driving me crazy lately and continues to get worse. He never helps me around the house or does anything I ask of him without prolonged reminding and eventually nagging. Though I usually save the effort and do it myself eventually. He knows this, he knows if he holds out long enough I will just do it myself. I've stopped thinking he'll know to do any chores on his own so this morning I asked in a friendly way if he could find time while I was work to clean up the kitchen and to scoop the litter box. He said yes. I got home 5 hours later and nothing was done, he'd even managed to mess up the parts of the house I had cleaned this morning before work. On top of that he hadn't fed our one year old daughter since I fed her at 8am and she hadn't napped either! He basically never does what I ask and now I have to worry about the care my daughter gets when she's with him. I rely on him to watch her while I'm at work but keep in mind I'm working instead of being home with her to help get HIM through college. I thought since I had made my wishes clear in the morning and he had agreed I could expect better results. He's not even in school right now, he's still on winter holiday! When I got home I got upset. (Calm upset, not yelling just outwardly annoyed) Then he got all huffy saying I was always mad at him and he just doesn't care anymore. I am always mad at him lately but it's because he keeps pulling crap like this! On top of that he's gotten overweight. I've asked him several times to work on his health for me, our daughter and himself. I've told him that he should stay attractive for me just as I do for him. Doesn't matter, he just eats all day. I'm starting to interpret his lack of desire to do anything for me as him not loving me. I can't imagine him loving me and still treating me this way. I've talked to him several times about his behavior but he accuses me of acting high and mighty and ignoring my own issues, so that never gets anywhere. I'm at a loss and my wits end. Is there anything that can be done? Has he just stopped loving me and this is how he's telling me?
Husband ignores my requests and wishes. Never helps on his accord. When I get mad he gets huffy and tells me he doesn't care anymore.
I always thought wrestling games would be better if the actual combat incorporated wrestling psychology more. I believe SVR '08-'09 touched on it but failed. Address why wrestlers like who showboat or stick to a limited move-set do what they do in a kayfabe matter. For example, taunts should do more than increase momentum/meter. Taunts can also work as buffs/de-buffs/charms/etc. Daniel Bryan's "No" taunt can add a buff to kick attack damage for x amount of time and can be stacked. The Rock's "Just Bring It taunt" has x percent chance to aggro opponent causing them to charge you mindlessly. Lots of possibilities there. This psychology can roll over to actual attack/moves too. Ziggler doesn't do his handstand headlock thing to put his opponent away... he does it to build momentum, so this move and similar ones have the trade off of being hard to counter and improved momentum/meter increasing but low damage. This forces you to use strategy and compete like the wrestler your playing as. When playing as Dolph, his move-set would be catered towards getting your specials as quickly and as flamboyantly as possible. Cena's strategy would be using his buffs to make him as hard to put away as possible. Wrestler's could also have passives to go along with conventional ratings. Passives/perks could include things like "Showstopper" where the character gets a buff during PPV's or "Ironman" where the character gets a small ratings boost the longer the match goes or "extreme" where weapons and high falls do reduced damage or "educated feet" for kick buffs etc. I think changes like these could not only improve immersion but also legitimize the WWE 2k series as fighting games. **TL;DR**- Nerd stuff Edit: Cleaned up some grammar.
I always thought wrestling games would be better if the actual combat incorporated wrestling psychology more. I believe SVR '08-'09 touched on it but failed. Address why wrestlers like who showboat or stick to a limited move-set do what they do in a kayfabe matter. For example, taunts should do more than increase momentum/meter. Taunts can also work as buffs/de-buffs/charms/etc. Daniel Bryan's "No" taunt can add a buff to kick attack damage for x amount of time and can be stacked. The Rock's "Just Bring It taunt" has x percent chance to aggro opponent causing them to charge you mindlessly. Lots of possibilities there. This psychology can roll over to actual attack/moves too. Ziggler doesn't do his handstand headlock thing to put his opponent away... he does it to build momentum, so this move and similar ones have the trade off of being hard to counter and improved momentum/meter increasing but low damage. This forces you to use strategy and compete like the wrestler your playing as. When playing as Dolph, his move-set would be catered towards getting your specials as quickly and as flamboyantly as possible. Cena's strategy would be using his buffs to make him as hard to put away as possible. Wrestler's could also have passives to go along with conventional ratings. Passives/perks could include things like "Showstopper" where the character gets a buff during PPV's or "Ironman" where the character gets a small ratings boost the longer the match goes or "extreme" where weapons and high falls do reduced damage or "educated feet" for kick buffs etc. I think changes like these could not only improve immersion but also legitimize the WWE 2k series as fighting games. TL;DR - Nerd stuff Edit: Cleaned up some grammar.
I always thought wrestling games would be better if the actual combat incorporated wrestling psychology more. I believe SVR '08-'09 touched on it but failed. Address why wrestlers like who showboat or stick to a limited move-set do what they do in a kayfabe matter. For example, taunts should do more than increase momentum/meter. Taunts can also work as buffs/de-buffs/charms/etc. Daniel Bryan's "No" taunt can add a buff to kick attack damage for x amount of time and can be stacked. The Rock's "Just Bring It taunt" has x percent chance to aggro opponent causing them to charge you mindlessly. Lots of possibilities there. This psychology can roll over to actual attack/moves too. Ziggler doesn't do his handstand headlock thing to put his opponent away... he does it to build momentum, so this move and similar ones have the trade off of being hard to counter and improved momentum/meter increasing but low damage. This forces you to use strategy and compete like the wrestler your playing as. When playing as Dolph, his move-set would be catered towards getting your specials as quickly and as flamboyantly as possible. Cena's strategy would be using his buffs to make him as hard to put away as possible. Wrestler's could also have passives to go along with conventional ratings. Passives/perks could include things like "Showstopper" where the character gets a buff during PPV's or "Ironman" where the character gets a small ratings boost the longer the match goes or "extreme" where weapons and high falls do reduced damage or "educated feet" for kick buffs etc. I think changes like these could not only improve immersion but also legitimize the WWE 2k series as fighting games.
Nerd stuff Edit: Cleaned up some grammar.
When it comes to talking to girls there are two pieces, state and articulation. State is all about your status. How you are projecting yourself, how the girl is responding to you. If you go up to a girl and think she is going to think you are creep then you are going to have that anxiety and project that on to her and that will in turn make her feel uncomfortable and want to leave. If you believe the conversation is going well, it will. If the conversation went well, ask for her number. The worst thing that can happen is that she would reject you and then you go on your way to talk to another girl. Articulation is like a puzzle of a famous painting. if you are able to do it fast and well. You won't have any problems flattering any girls. I was depressed for a long time, It wasn't something that ever got easier. But I taught myself how to articulate myself. Smoking weed also helps teaching yourself how to articulate better in conversations. The thing about language that is amazing is that there are many ways to say one thing. It takes true restraint to really take a step back and think about what you are saying when talking to people. I prefer to think of articulation as the art of provocation. When you think about some concept it helps to break it down into its parts and think about it, mess around with it. When we know in our brains what we need to say it makes composition and words choice and all that stuff so much easier. Articulation requires a larger than normal vocabulary, reading helps a lot. The words you use to craft the message is the conduit to that girls brain. The goal is to get her brain to go to the same place your brain, the same concepts, the same flow and feel of how the transition went in your brain. If your message was a drug, you want that drug to have a purity as high as possible. Now here is the part where it gets tricky, body language. Body language has more power than any words you could possibly use. If you tell a girl she is wearing a really pretty dress, but you are frowning, she can feel the loathing in your voice, you aren't making eye contact. It doesn't matter if you compliment her, if you don't have the proper state and stance to back up your words so that they are genuine it won't matter. she will think either you are weird (in a bad way), something is wrong with you or anything other than what she is supposed to feel. Maintain state, make sure she is getting a clear message. tl;dr Never ask if a girl is pregnant, ever.
When it comes to talking to girls there are two pieces, state and articulation. State is all about your status. How you are projecting yourself, how the girl is responding to you. If you go up to a girl and think she is going to think you are creep then you are going to have that anxiety and project that on to her and that will in turn make her feel uncomfortable and want to leave. If you believe the conversation is going well, it will. If the conversation went well, ask for her number. The worst thing that can happen is that she would reject you and then you go on your way to talk to another girl. Articulation is like a puzzle of a famous painting. if you are able to do it fast and well. You won't have any problems flattering any girls. I was depressed for a long time, It wasn't something that ever got easier. But I taught myself how to articulate myself. Smoking weed also helps teaching yourself how to articulate better in conversations. The thing about language that is amazing is that there are many ways to say one thing. It takes true restraint to really take a step back and think about what you are saying when talking to people. I prefer to think of articulation as the art of provocation. When you think about some concept it helps to break it down into its parts and think about it, mess around with it. When we know in our brains what we need to say it makes composition and words choice and all that stuff so much easier. Articulation requires a larger than normal vocabulary, reading helps a lot. The words you use to craft the message is the conduit to that girls brain. The goal is to get her brain to go to the same place your brain, the same concepts, the same flow and feel of how the transition went in your brain. If your message was a drug, you want that drug to have a purity as high as possible. Now here is the part where it gets tricky, body language. Body language has more power than any words you could possibly use. If you tell a girl she is wearing a really pretty dress, but you are frowning, she can feel the loathing in your voice, you aren't making eye contact. It doesn't matter if you compliment her, if you don't have the proper state and stance to back up your words so that they are genuine it won't matter. she will think either you are weird (in a bad way), something is wrong with you or anything other than what she is supposed to feel. Maintain state, make sure she is getting a clear message. tl;dr Never ask if a girl is pregnant, ever.
When it comes to talking to girls there are two pieces, state and articulation. State is all about your status. How you are projecting yourself, how the girl is responding to you. If you go up to a girl and think she is going to think you are creep then you are going to have that anxiety and project that on to her and that will in turn make her feel uncomfortable and want to leave. If you believe the conversation is going well, it will. If the conversation went well, ask for her number. The worst thing that can happen is that she would reject you and then you go on your way to talk to another girl. Articulation is like a puzzle of a famous painting. if you are able to do it fast and well. You won't have any problems flattering any girls. I was depressed for a long time, It wasn't something that ever got easier. But I taught myself how to articulate myself. Smoking weed also helps teaching yourself how to articulate better in conversations. The thing about language that is amazing is that there are many ways to say one thing. It takes true restraint to really take a step back and think about what you are saying when talking to people. I prefer to think of articulation as the art of provocation. When you think about some concept it helps to break it down into its parts and think about it, mess around with it. When we know in our brains what we need to say it makes composition and words choice and all that stuff so much easier. Articulation requires a larger than normal vocabulary, reading helps a lot. The words you use to craft the message is the conduit to that girls brain. The goal is to get her brain to go to the same place your brain, the same concepts, the same flow and feel of how the transition went in your brain. If your message was a drug, you want that drug to have a purity as high as possible. Now here is the part where it gets tricky, body language. Body language has more power than any words you could possibly use. If you tell a girl she is wearing a really pretty dress, but you are frowning, she can feel the loathing in your voice, you aren't making eye contact. It doesn't matter if you compliment her, if you don't have the proper state and stance to back up your words so that they are genuine it won't matter. she will think either you are weird (in a bad way), something is wrong with you or anything other than what she is supposed to feel. Maintain state, make sure she is getting a clear message.
Never ask if a girl is pregnant, ever.
Hi /leangains, I recently dislocated my shoulder (couple of months ago) and have been told by my physicians to stick to bodyweight exercises as far as shoulder stuff goes, and it also limits my ability to do a perfect technique bench. Basically what I'm wondering is can I follow the leangains IF plan and weight lifiting schedule and get results using body weight exercises to exhaustion. I should mention that the main reason I'd prefer to do body weight exercises is because I can do them ALL from home, and between work, school, and studying/other stuff, I don't usually have the time to get to the gym. thanks for any info, tl;dr: shoulder injury and lack of time makes getting to the gym hard, will body weight exercises give me results using IF and the leangains plan?
Hi /leangains, I recently dislocated my shoulder (couple of months ago) and have been told by my physicians to stick to bodyweight exercises as far as shoulder stuff goes, and it also limits my ability to do a perfect technique bench. Basically what I'm wondering is can I follow the leangains IF plan and weight lifiting schedule and get results using body weight exercises to exhaustion. I should mention that the main reason I'd prefer to do body weight exercises is because I can do them ALL from home, and between work, school, and studying/other stuff, I don't usually have the time to get to the gym. thanks for any info, tl;dr: shoulder injury and lack of time makes getting to the gym hard, will body weight exercises give me results using IF and the leangains plan?
Hi /leangains, I recently dislocated my shoulder (couple of months ago) and have been told by my physicians to stick to bodyweight exercises as far as shoulder stuff goes, and it also limits my ability to do a perfect technique bench. Basically what I'm wondering is can I follow the leangains IF plan and weight lifiting schedule and get results using body weight exercises to exhaustion. I should mention that the main reason I'd prefer to do body weight exercises is because I can do them ALL from home, and between work, school, and studying/other stuff, I don't usually have the time to get to the gym. thanks for any info,
shoulder injury and lack of time makes getting to the gym hard, will body weight exercises give me results using IF and the leangains plan?
So, I didn't go to the rally and I don't know what the hell you're all talking about. Anyone have an inverse-TL;DR on this one?
So, I didn't go to the rally and I don't know what the hell you're all talking about. Anyone have an inverse-TL;DR on this one?
So, I didn't go to the rally and I don't know what the hell you're all talking about. Anyone have an inverse-
on this one?
A friend of mine and I were talking about expectations we have of other people and how that relates to love and dating. We talked about how after meeting a girl, or even just seeing her for the first time, it's so easy to obsess over her. She's beautiful and intelligent and perfect and she totally dominates your thoughts. But at the end of the day, you don't really *know* them. You know *of* them, and every thing else you think you know was created by your mind to be the best of the best ideal scenario. You have to separate your rational thoughts from the hopes you have. Then we talked about the song Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot, and how in this context, the line "She isn't real. I can't make her real" couldn't apply more perfectly. What *you* want probably doesn't exist, because you created it. tl;dr It's easy to love someone you don't know. She isn't real, you can't make her real.
A friend of mine and I were talking about expectations we have of other people and how that relates to love and dating. We talked about how after meeting a girl, or even just seeing her for the first time, it's so easy to obsess over her. She's beautiful and intelligent and perfect and she totally dominates your thoughts. But at the end of the day, you don't really know them. You know of them, and every thing else you think you know was created by your mind to be the best of the best ideal scenario. You have to separate your rational thoughts from the hopes you have. Then we talked about the song Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot, and how in this context, the line "She isn't real. I can't make her real" couldn't apply more perfectly. What you want probably doesn't exist, because you created it. tl;dr It's easy to love someone you don't know. She isn't real, you can't make her real.
A friend of mine and I were talking about expectations we have of other people and how that relates to love and dating. We talked about how after meeting a girl, or even just seeing her for the first time, it's so easy to obsess over her. She's beautiful and intelligent and perfect and she totally dominates your thoughts. But at the end of the day, you don't really know them. You know of them, and every thing else you think you know was created by your mind to be the best of the best ideal scenario. You have to separate your rational thoughts from the hopes you have. Then we talked about the song Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot, and how in this context, the line "She isn't real. I can't make her real" couldn't apply more perfectly. What you want probably doesn't exist, because you created it.
It's easy to love someone you don't know. She isn't real, you can't make her real.
well, you cant be proud of culture, only of your own achievement. i dont like my last name (long story), and i want to change it. if i ever marry, i will change my name to my wife's name (if i like her name). or i might just make up a new name that i like myself. in some cultures names are created at marriage, byt the newly formed culture, as far as i know, my dad's family name was made up by his dad (my grandfather). tldr: do whatever the fuck you want to do, and fuck everyone else
well, you cant be proud of culture, only of your own achievement. i dont like my last name (long story), and i want to change it. if i ever marry, i will change my name to my wife's name (if i like her name). or i might just make up a new name that i like myself. in some cultures names are created at marriage, byt the newly formed culture, as far as i know, my dad's family name was made up by his dad (my grandfather). tldr: do whatever the fuck you want to do, and fuck everyone else
well, you cant be proud of culture, only of your own achievement. i dont like my last name (long story), and i want to change it. if i ever marry, i will change my name to my wife's name (if i like her name). or i might just make up a new name that i like myself. in some cultures names are created at marriage, byt the newly formed culture, as far as i know, my dad's family name was made up by his dad (my grandfather).
do whatever the fuck you want to do, and fuck everyone else
When I lived in the UK when I was 20-21 I used to write referrals to ObGyns for half the chicks I fucked. Oh the horrors. I was prepared for the dental hygeine issues but not that... tl;dr English chicks are a bit skanky in their orifi.
When I lived in the UK when I was 20-21 I used to write referrals to ObGyns for half the chicks I fucked. Oh the horrors. I was prepared for the dental hygeine issues but not that... tl;dr English chicks are a bit skanky in their orifi.
When I lived in the UK when I was 20-21 I used to write referrals to ObGyns for half the chicks I fucked. Oh the horrors. I was prepared for the dental hygeine issues but not that...
English chicks are a bit skanky in their orifi.
This was the end of the first semester of freshman year. Being the geeks that we were, we decided to play a game of strip Smash Bros. Basically we keep playing rounds and the loser takes off an article of clothing. There was a girl gamer in the mix and we really wanted to see her boobs. As desperate as we were to win though, she was good. Very good. As the night went on, it finally came down to our underwear. A punch here, special move here and then.... we couldn't do it. We couldn't win. And then there was this one guy that couldn't take his last piece of clothes off. He refused. He adamantly refused, but on the opposite end, there was another dude who adamantly wanted to see shy guy's pants drop. So what did the shy guy do? He ran down the hall as fast as he could wrapped in a blanket with the other guy, also half naked, giving chase. Now imagine this. You're in your dorm room minding your own business playing video games when you hear the low roar of someone running down the hall. Your door is open unfortunately and in comes this big fat half naked black dude trying to hide in your closet. You try to make sense of this all and then off a sudden, another dude comes in and yells "John! Come back here and get naked!". Wtf right? You know these guys aren't gay, but it did just happen. I mean, they are a little fruity, but ..... no way. It's like a bad porno that you did not sign up for. Anyway, so in the end, shy guy dropped his pants. No one actually came out of the closet. And the girl showed us her boobs anyway as good sport. tl;dr: We saw boobs.
This was the end of the first semester of freshman year. Being the geeks that we were, we decided to play a game of strip Smash Bros. Basically we keep playing rounds and the loser takes off an article of clothing. There was a girl gamer in the mix and we really wanted to see her boobs. As desperate as we were to win though, she was good. Very good. As the night went on, it finally came down to our underwear. A punch here, special move here and then.... we couldn't do it. We couldn't win. And then there was this one guy that couldn't take his last piece of clothes off. He refused. He adamantly refused, but on the opposite end, there was another dude who adamantly wanted to see shy guy's pants drop. So what did the shy guy do? He ran down the hall as fast as he could wrapped in a blanket with the other guy, also half naked, giving chase. Now imagine this. You're in your dorm room minding your own business playing video games when you hear the low roar of someone running down the hall. Your door is open unfortunately and in comes this big fat half naked black dude trying to hide in your closet. You try to make sense of this all and then off a sudden, another dude comes in and yells "John! Come back here and get naked!". Wtf right? You know these guys aren't gay, but it did just happen. I mean, they are a little fruity, but ..... no way. It's like a bad porno that you did not sign up for. Anyway, so in the end, shy guy dropped his pants. No one actually came out of the closet. And the girl showed us her boobs anyway as good sport. tl;dr: We saw boobs.
This was the end of the first semester of freshman year. Being the geeks that we were, we decided to play a game of strip Smash Bros. Basically we keep playing rounds and the loser takes off an article of clothing. There was a girl gamer in the mix and we really wanted to see her boobs. As desperate as we were to win though, she was good. Very good. As the night went on, it finally came down to our underwear. A punch here, special move here and then.... we couldn't do it. We couldn't win. And then there was this one guy that couldn't take his last piece of clothes off. He refused. He adamantly refused, but on the opposite end, there was another dude who adamantly wanted to see shy guy's pants drop. So what did the shy guy do? He ran down the hall as fast as he could wrapped in a blanket with the other guy, also half naked, giving chase. Now imagine this. You're in your dorm room minding your own business playing video games when you hear the low roar of someone running down the hall. Your door is open unfortunately and in comes this big fat half naked black dude trying to hide in your closet. You try to make sense of this all and then off a sudden, another dude comes in and yells "John! Come back here and get naked!". Wtf right? You know these guys aren't gay, but it did just happen. I mean, they are a little fruity, but ..... no way. It's like a bad porno that you did not sign up for. Anyway, so in the end, shy guy dropped his pants. No one actually came out of the closet. And the girl showed us her boobs anyway as good sport.
We saw boobs.
I don't think that foundation necessarily means that, it depends though. Some foundations are very sheer, and a lot of women use them to get rid of oil or moisturize. By that logic anything you do to look better means you're insecure. Girls who cake it on ridiculously though, as with anything used in excess, is obviously a different story. I wear a sheer one because It makes my skin look nice and even but I still have confidence in my skin without it and don't feel that I need it. I'm actually pretty confident with my skin. I just like that it makes it look a bit healthier. But yeah TL;DR don't judge that using one specific item immediately means someone is insecure.
I don't think that foundation necessarily means that, it depends though. Some foundations are very sheer, and a lot of women use them to get rid of oil or moisturize. By that logic anything you do to look better means you're insecure. Girls who cake it on ridiculously though, as with anything used in excess, is obviously a different story. I wear a sheer one because It makes my skin look nice and even but I still have confidence in my skin without it and don't feel that I need it. I'm actually pretty confident with my skin. I just like that it makes it look a bit healthier. But yeah TL;DR don't judge that using one specific item immediately means someone is insecure.
I don't think that foundation necessarily means that, it depends though. Some foundations are very sheer, and a lot of women use them to get rid of oil or moisturize. By that logic anything you do to look better means you're insecure. Girls who cake it on ridiculously though, as with anything used in excess, is obviously a different story. I wear a sheer one because It makes my skin look nice and even but I still have confidence in my skin without it and don't feel that I need it. I'm actually pretty confident with my skin. I just like that it makes it look a bit healthier. But yeah
don't judge that using one specific item immediately means someone is insecure.
Well, that's the thing, and probably the most important thing: he was not an asshole. He was a normal person, probably better (behaviorally) than most, but he had an anxiety disorder, recurrent depression, and a family who compounded all his worries (but from whom he was unable to distance himself.) I think he had a lot of internal self-generated anxiety and, when I became ill in such a sudden and dramatic way, he snapped under that stress and he made some poor decisions as a result. When his rational mind failed him, he reverted back to habits that were ingrained on him--the habits of his family. I know he had been actively fighting that for years. Like OP, I thought that *some* efforts toward progress were enough, but he hadn't made it far enough when I got sick. That's just how life happens, and it isn't predictable. None of that excuses his behavior--I just think it's important to note that the "but he seemed like such a normal guy" trope exists for a reason. Most people are absolutely great until they hit critical mass of "things I can't deal with" and then they become completely different individuals. I appreciate the financial advice, but I've already gotten that all worked out as much as I can at present. I just wanted to share an ending to a story that began much like OP's, in the hope that she will prevent hers from ending the same way. If I could change any aspect of my story, it wouldn't be that I tried to support him through slow progress for many years, it would be that I found some way to protect myself in this eventuality. I do think people can change but it's a question of *when* they will have changed. It is not worth jeopardizing your own survival on the hope that life will not throw something crazy at you. Life has an unfathomable amount of crazy. TL;DR - He was a really good guy, until he wasn't.
Well, that's the thing, and probably the most important thing: he was not an asshole. He was a normal person, probably better (behaviorally) than most, but he had an anxiety disorder, recurrent depression, and a family who compounded all his worries (but from whom he was unable to distance himself.) I think he had a lot of internal self-generated anxiety and, when I became ill in such a sudden and dramatic way, he snapped under that stress and he made some poor decisions as a result. When his rational mind failed him, he reverted back to habits that were ingrained on him--the habits of his family. I know he had been actively fighting that for years. Like OP, I thought that some efforts toward progress were enough, but he hadn't made it far enough when I got sick. That's just how life happens, and it isn't predictable. None of that excuses his behavior--I just think it's important to note that the "but he seemed like such a normal guy" trope exists for a reason. Most people are absolutely great until they hit critical mass of "things I can't deal with" and then they become completely different individuals. I appreciate the financial advice, but I've already gotten that all worked out as much as I can at present. I just wanted to share an ending to a story that began much like OP's, in the hope that she will prevent hers from ending the same way. If I could change any aspect of my story, it wouldn't be that I tried to support him through slow progress for many years, it would be that I found some way to protect myself in this eventuality. I do think people can change but it's a question of when they will have changed. It is not worth jeopardizing your own survival on the hope that life will not throw something crazy at you. Life has an unfathomable amount of crazy. TL;DR - He was a really good guy, until he wasn't.
Well, that's the thing, and probably the most important thing: he was not an asshole. He was a normal person, probably better (behaviorally) than most, but he had an anxiety disorder, recurrent depression, and a family who compounded all his worries (but from whom he was unable to distance himself.) I think he had a lot of internal self-generated anxiety and, when I became ill in such a sudden and dramatic way, he snapped under that stress and he made some poor decisions as a result. When his rational mind failed him, he reverted back to habits that were ingrained on him--the habits of his family. I know he had been actively fighting that for years. Like OP, I thought that some efforts toward progress were enough, but he hadn't made it far enough when I got sick. That's just how life happens, and it isn't predictable. None of that excuses his behavior--I just think it's important to note that the "but he seemed like such a normal guy" trope exists for a reason. Most people are absolutely great until they hit critical mass of "things I can't deal with" and then they become completely different individuals. I appreciate the financial advice, but I've already gotten that all worked out as much as I can at present. I just wanted to share an ending to a story that began much like OP's, in the hope that she will prevent hers from ending the same way. If I could change any aspect of my story, it wouldn't be that I tried to support him through slow progress for many years, it would be that I found some way to protect myself in this eventuality. I do think people can change but it's a question of when they will have changed. It is not worth jeopardizing your own survival on the hope that life will not throw something crazy at you. Life has an unfathomable amount of crazy.
He was a really good guy, until he wasn't.
I mean, I'm sure you do, but, I guess I'm just looking to vent, and hear other stories, maybe. The moments I'm referring to, is when something stupid/embarrassing happens, that's seemingly small. But then that said moment keeps replaying over and over again in your head. Whenever the moment replays, it seems that much bigger, more embarrassing and stupider each and every time. To the point where you just can't stop thinking about it (even though everyone around you has likely forgotten about it by now). When you DO actually manage to stop thinking about it, it's only because other stupid/embarrassing moments that have happened to you start playing through your head too. Then all you can think of is everything embarrassing you've done recently. Thhhhaaat's pretty much me right now. Since I'm sure people might ask, I'll explain. A few days ago, a girl at work wanted to think of new cupcake flavors, since we've been doing the same ones for a long time, rarely ever any new ones. So she got all happy to come up with new flavors, so she asked me to throw some out. So, I did, because generally speaking I can come up with some pretty good ideas, in my opinion. I wasn't expecting them to get used, I was just satiating her, because she couldn't really think of anything. Mostly I just threw out flavors, and she kind of threw out ways that we would put together said cupcake, with my input as well on and off. Well she typed up the list and showed our bosses, because she was convinced they'd wanna use them. I come in to work today to everyone saying *I* was the innovator on this "project" and it was all my idea. Which isn't even true, I don't like credit where credit isn't due. I tossed out a couple ideas, sure, but she was a huge part of it too. So I didn't like everyone thinking they were all me. Let's just say though, our bosses were less than impressed, for the most part, with everything. Even if they thought they were all perfection, I STILL wouldn't have wanted all the credit. What really kind of screwed my brain for the evening was people talking about how "gross" some of the ideas were. WHILE I WAS RIGHT THERE. Like wasn't just like "oh that doesn't really sound good," it was "EW, ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT'S GROSS!" I don't think the people that said that knew I was in on any of the suggestions, because I don't think they would've said it with me right there. But either way, is that necessary to react that way? Not at all. So basically, that's what has been replaying in my mind all night. What really gets me is they probably think all these suggestions were completely serious and something I (we) expect them to do. And I DON'T. But it just makes me look bad, and very stupid. I KNOW I come up with good ideas, my bosses have liked suggestions I've made before. I want people to take me seriously there, since there's no sign in the near future I'll be working elsewhere. But with incidents like this, no one will take me seriously. I know, it's stupid, it's small, everyone else likely forgot about it (and will probably never look at the list again, as it's on the back of a list of the current cupcakes we already do). But I can't stop thinking about it and just makes me feel super down on myself. **TL;DR: Something small and stupid happened at work. Now I'm embarrassed and can't stop thinking about it. What are your similar stories? And Dustin, if you're reading this, you hush, I already know what you'll say :P**
I mean, I'm sure you do, but, I guess I'm just looking to vent, and hear other stories, maybe. The moments I'm referring to, is when something stupid/embarrassing happens, that's seemingly small. But then that said moment keeps replaying over and over again in your head. Whenever the moment replays, it seems that much bigger, more embarrassing and stupider each and every time. To the point where you just can't stop thinking about it (even though everyone around you has likely forgotten about it by now). When you DO actually manage to stop thinking about it, it's only because other stupid/embarrassing moments that have happened to you start playing through your head too. Then all you can think of is everything embarrassing you've done recently. Thhhhaaat's pretty much me right now. Since I'm sure people might ask, I'll explain. A few days ago, a girl at work wanted to think of new cupcake flavors, since we've been doing the same ones for a long time, rarely ever any new ones. So she got all happy to come up with new flavors, so she asked me to throw some out. So, I did, because generally speaking I can come up with some pretty good ideas, in my opinion. I wasn't expecting them to get used, I was just satiating her, because she couldn't really think of anything. Mostly I just threw out flavors, and she kind of threw out ways that we would put together said cupcake, with my input as well on and off. Well she typed up the list and showed our bosses, because she was convinced they'd wanna use them. I come in to work today to everyone saying I was the innovator on this "project" and it was all my idea. Which isn't even true, I don't like credit where credit isn't due. I tossed out a couple ideas, sure, but she was a huge part of it too. So I didn't like everyone thinking they were all me. Let's just say though, our bosses were less than impressed, for the most part, with everything. Even if they thought they were all perfection, I STILL wouldn't have wanted all the credit. What really kind of screwed my brain for the evening was people talking about how "gross" some of the ideas were. WHILE I WAS RIGHT THERE. Like wasn't just like "oh that doesn't really sound good," it was "EW, ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT'S GROSS!" I don't think the people that said that knew I was in on any of the suggestions, because I don't think they would've said it with me right there. But either way, is that necessary to react that way? Not at all. So basically, that's what has been replaying in my mind all night. What really gets me is they probably think all these suggestions were completely serious and something I (we) expect them to do. And I DON'T. But it just makes me look bad, and very stupid. I KNOW I come up with good ideas, my bosses have liked suggestions I've made before. I want people to take me seriously there, since there's no sign in the near future I'll be working elsewhere. But with incidents like this, no one will take me seriously. I know, it's stupid, it's small, everyone else likely forgot about it (and will probably never look at the list again, as it's on the back of a list of the current cupcakes we already do). But I can't stop thinking about it and just makes me feel super down on myself. TL;DR: Something small and stupid happened at work. Now I'm embarrassed and can't stop thinking about it. What are your similar stories? And Dustin, if you're reading this, you hush, I already know what you'll say :P
I mean, I'm sure you do, but, I guess I'm just looking to vent, and hear other stories, maybe. The moments I'm referring to, is when something stupid/embarrassing happens, that's seemingly small. But then that said moment keeps replaying over and over again in your head. Whenever the moment replays, it seems that much bigger, more embarrassing and stupider each and every time. To the point where you just can't stop thinking about it (even though everyone around you has likely forgotten about it by now). When you DO actually manage to stop thinking about it, it's only because other stupid/embarrassing moments that have happened to you start playing through your head too. Then all you can think of is everything embarrassing you've done recently. Thhhhaaat's pretty much me right now. Since I'm sure people might ask, I'll explain. A few days ago, a girl at work wanted to think of new cupcake flavors, since we've been doing the same ones for a long time, rarely ever any new ones. So she got all happy to come up with new flavors, so she asked me to throw some out. So, I did, because generally speaking I can come up with some pretty good ideas, in my opinion. I wasn't expecting them to get used, I was just satiating her, because she couldn't really think of anything. Mostly I just threw out flavors, and she kind of threw out ways that we would put together said cupcake, with my input as well on and off. Well she typed up the list and showed our bosses, because she was convinced they'd wanna use them. I come in to work today to everyone saying I was the innovator on this "project" and it was all my idea. Which isn't even true, I don't like credit where credit isn't due. I tossed out a couple ideas, sure, but she was a huge part of it too. So I didn't like everyone thinking they were all me. Let's just say though, our bosses were less than impressed, for the most part, with everything. Even if they thought they were all perfection, I STILL wouldn't have wanted all the credit. What really kind of screwed my brain for the evening was people talking about how "gross" some of the ideas were. WHILE I WAS RIGHT THERE. Like wasn't just like "oh that doesn't really sound good," it was "EW, ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT'S GROSS!" I don't think the people that said that knew I was in on any of the suggestions, because I don't think they would've said it with me right there. But either way, is that necessary to react that way? Not at all. So basically, that's what has been replaying in my mind all night. What really gets me is they probably think all these suggestions were completely serious and something I (we) expect them to do. And I DON'T. But it just makes me look bad, and very stupid. I KNOW I come up with good ideas, my bosses have liked suggestions I've made before. I want people to take me seriously there, since there's no sign in the near future I'll be working elsewhere. But with incidents like this, no one will take me seriously. I know, it's stupid, it's small, everyone else likely forgot about it (and will probably never look at the list again, as it's on the back of a list of the current cupcakes we already do). But I can't stop thinking about it and just makes me feel super down on myself.
Something small and stupid happened at work. Now I'm embarrassed and can't stop thinking about it. What are your similar stories? And Dustin, if you're reading this, you hush, I already know what you'll say :P
Hello r/relationships. So my girlfriend and I have been together for around 3 years. Everything is going well between us now after my last post. We don't live near each other because of college. Tonight, my girlfriend went out to a concert with friends that I know. I told her before to be careful and safe. Since dancing at concerts is normal to do, I told her she can dance with other people but for it not to be sexual or mean anything. She agreed and said she would tell me if she did. She didn't end up dancing with any guy sexually but she did kiss another girl. Now, I believe that doing anything with another person is considered cheating no matter the gender. She has said multiple times that she does agree with me. Tonight at her concert she kissed one of the girls and claims for it to mean nothing and say to forget it because it's not cheating. I am very upset and also high so my emotions are running. I told her politely to talk tomorrow because of my current state but ended up having to block her because she kept texting. I have really strong feelings for this girl and want to be with her but I don't know what to do about this situation. I want to forgive and move on but I also know what she did was bad. I just want some help here. tl;dr! Girlfriend of 3 years went to a concert while in a distance relationship and kissed another girl. Claims it doesn't mean anything and isn't cheating. Don't know what to do.
Hello r/relationships. So my girlfriend and I have been together for around 3 years. Everything is going well between us now after my last post. We don't live near each other because of college. Tonight, my girlfriend went out to a concert with friends that I know. I told her before to be careful and safe. Since dancing at concerts is normal to do, I told her she can dance with other people but for it not to be sexual or mean anything. She agreed and said she would tell me if she did. She didn't end up dancing with any guy sexually but she did kiss another girl. Now, I believe that doing anything with another person is considered cheating no matter the gender. She has said multiple times that she does agree with me. Tonight at her concert she kissed one of the girls and claims for it to mean nothing and say to forget it because it's not cheating. I am very upset and also high so my emotions are running. I told her politely to talk tomorrow because of my current state but ended up having to block her because she kept texting. I have really strong feelings for this girl and want to be with her but I don't know what to do about this situation. I want to forgive and move on but I also know what she did was bad. I just want some help here. tl;dr! Girlfriend of 3 years went to a concert while in a distance relationship and kissed another girl. Claims it doesn't mean anything and isn't cheating. Don't know what to do.
Hello r/relationships. So my girlfriend and I have been together for around 3 years. Everything is going well between us now after my last post. We don't live near each other because of college. Tonight, my girlfriend went out to a concert with friends that I know. I told her before to be careful and safe. Since dancing at concerts is normal to do, I told her she can dance with other people but for it not to be sexual or mean anything. She agreed and said she would tell me if she did. She didn't end up dancing with any guy sexually but she did kiss another girl. Now, I believe that doing anything with another person is considered cheating no matter the gender. She has said multiple times that she does agree with me. Tonight at her concert she kissed one of the girls and claims for it to mean nothing and say to forget it because it's not cheating. I am very upset and also high so my emotions are running. I told her politely to talk tomorrow because of my current state but ended up having to block her because she kept texting. I have really strong feelings for this girl and want to be with her but I don't know what to do about this situation. I want to forgive and move on but I also know what she did was bad. I just want some help here.
Girlfriend of 3 years went to a concert while in a distance relationship and kissed another girl. Claims it doesn't mean anything and isn't cheating. Don't know what to do.
For the last few months my wife has been acting distant and strange. She has been guarding her phone, working out furiously, and generally seemed unhappy. I chalked it up to a marriage rut. Until recently. A week ago my wife went to a marketing conference in Vegas. She went a couple days early to enjoy the city, I didn't think anything of it really. **Also for this to make sense we use facebook messenger alot while she is away to say hi, check in and share pictures of our day.** On a Sunday afternoon she happened to bump into a "guy" from X company who she "had met with a few times." I asked who, and she said that it was no one I would no of and this seemed weird to me, because... Generally, my wife talks about every single person she networks with non-stop. There name, who they look like, how many kids they have, etc. etc. etc. And usually she is overly transparent about who she is with, which has really helped me to trust her over the years of these sorts of trips. But this guy from X Co. was a person I literally only new his gender and company that he works for. Something was twisting in my gut, because I got a facebook message that X Co. Guy and her were going to go to a Cirque du Soleil - Zumanity. Basically a sensual sex version of the show. Look up the trailer and tell me what your reaction to this info would have been. Naturally messaged her that it seemed strange to go with him to this show and I was kind uncomfortable, but she was off on her way... with vague reassurances some "other" may meet them there. As she was settling into her seats at the theater I helplessly offered that she have fun, but please call me when she got back to the hotel. Anyways, I was sitting at home uncomfortable and decided to see if I could find out who this X Co. Guy was, I remembered seeing a guy comment on my wife's twitter last fall after a similar trip to vegas. I had no clue who he was at the time, and wasn't threatened, so I forgot all about him. Well, it turns out that he in fact does work for X Co, was calling my wife pet names in a tweet (such as doll), offered to buy her drinks on this current trip to Vegas . . . I guess I should have been paranoidally searching her tweets earlier....... The last twitter straw was this... Apparently sometime last winter my wife sent him a care package for his dog who has gone through surgery. He thanked her for it with a picture of the package, including what I could clearly see as my wife's handwriting telling the dog to get well. PRETTY MUCH FULL BLOWN PANIC. (But it is worth noting that I am not !00% sure that twitter guy is X Co guy, it is possible that they work at the same small marketing company, but how likely is that??) Given what I said before about how much my wife talks about her work and everyone. This care package is def something she would have told me about. At the moment I was spinning. I waited the rest of the time patiently for the show to end, then another 20 min to give her time to get back to the hotel. Then I sent her a FB message >Me: Make it back to the hotel yet babe? >Wife: "Ya I'm at the hotel" FOUR LONG MIN PASS >Me: That’s good. Make it back to your room yet >Wife: Ya but I'm going Back down apparently" >Me: Can we Skype for a min? >Wife: "Fast" >Wife: "Now" What followed was one of the shortest most awkward skype calls ever, she was in the bathroom/doorway, with the lights to the room nearly off, even though she had been in there for 10 min at least and my wife usually is a sleep with the lights on girl. She told me that there were "people in the bar" who wanted her to come hang out and then basically hung up on me. This didn't help my panic. In an effort to shorten this a bit. I eventually decided to pull all the GPS info from our FB Messenger chats through out the weekend. And my fears were strongly confirmed when the GPS locations of 20 message when I knew she was in her room came from one corner of a large Vegas hotel and the above messages from that night (seconds before the awkward hotel room skype call) all came from the opposite end. With heart stopping accuracy. **So the one thing I know for sure is, that she Skyped me from someone else's hotel room claiming it was her own.** Incidentally, the next message from her after "now" in my inbox was two hours later from the same GPS point telling me that she was "Goin to bed. Love you" at 1:30 in the morning. What should I do now. She hasn't mentioned the night at all since I have been afraid to bring it up so I would love some interpretations of the nights events, along with advice on where to go from here. How to start the conversation about it. --- **tl;dr**: My wife was acting suspicious on a recent trip, has been hiding things from me and some GPS data seems to support the gut feeling that I had that something is VERY wrong.
For the last few months my wife has been acting distant and strange. She has been guarding her phone, working out furiously, and generally seemed unhappy. I chalked it up to a marriage rut. Until recently. A week ago my wife went to a marketing conference in Vegas. She went a couple days early to enjoy the city, I didn't think anything of it really. Also for this to make sense we use facebook messenger alot while she is away to say hi, check in and share pictures of our day. On a Sunday afternoon she happened to bump into a "guy" from X company who she "had met with a few times." I asked who, and she said that it was no one I would no of and this seemed weird to me, because... Generally, my wife talks about every single person she networks with non-stop. There name, who they look like, how many kids they have, etc. etc. etc. And usually she is overly transparent about who she is with, which has really helped me to trust her over the years of these sorts of trips. But this guy from X Co. was a person I literally only new his gender and company that he works for. Something was twisting in my gut, because I got a facebook message that X Co. Guy and her were going to go to a Cirque du Soleil - Zumanity. Basically a sensual sex version of the show. Look up the trailer and tell me what your reaction to this info would have been. Naturally messaged her that it seemed strange to go with him to this show and I was kind uncomfortable, but she was off on her way... with vague reassurances some "other" may meet them there. As she was settling into her seats at the theater I helplessly offered that she have fun, but please call me when she got back to the hotel. Anyways, I was sitting at home uncomfortable and decided to see if I could find out who this X Co. Guy was, I remembered seeing a guy comment on my wife's twitter last fall after a similar trip to vegas. I had no clue who he was at the time, and wasn't threatened, so I forgot all about him. Well, it turns out that he in fact does work for X Co, was calling my wife pet names in a tweet (such as doll), offered to buy her drinks on this current trip to Vegas . . . I guess I should have been paranoidally searching her tweets earlier....... The last twitter straw was this... Apparently sometime last winter my wife sent him a care package for his dog who has gone through surgery. He thanked her for it with a picture of the package, including what I could clearly see as my wife's handwriting telling the dog to get well. PRETTY MUCH FULL BLOWN PANIC. (But it is worth noting that I am not !00% sure that twitter guy is X Co guy, it is possible that they work at the same small marketing company, but how likely is that??) Given what I said before about how much my wife talks about her work and everyone. This care package is def something she would have told me about. At the moment I was spinning. I waited the rest of the time patiently for the show to end, then another 20 min to give her time to get back to the hotel. Then I sent her a FB message >Me: Make it back to the hotel yet babe? >Wife: "Ya I'm at the hotel" FOUR LONG MIN PASS >Me: That’s good. Make it back to your room yet >Wife: Ya but I'm going Back down apparently" >Me: Can we Skype for a min? >Wife: "Fast" >Wife: "Now" What followed was one of the shortest most awkward skype calls ever, she was in the bathroom/doorway, with the lights to the room nearly off, even though she had been in there for 10 min at least and my wife usually is a sleep with the lights on girl. She told me that there were "people in the bar" who wanted her to come hang out and then basically hung up on me. This didn't help my panic. In an effort to shorten this a bit. I eventually decided to pull all the GPS info from our FB Messenger chats through out the weekend. And my fears were strongly confirmed when the GPS locations of 20 message when I knew she was in her room came from one corner of a large Vegas hotel and the above messages from that night (seconds before the awkward hotel room skype call) all came from the opposite end. With heart stopping accuracy. So the one thing I know for sure is, that she Skyped me from someone else's hotel room claiming it was her own. Incidentally, the next message from her after "now" in my inbox was two hours later from the same GPS point telling me that she was "Goin to bed. Love you" at 1:30 in the morning. What should I do now. She hasn't mentioned the night at all since I have been afraid to bring it up so I would love some interpretations of the nights events, along with advice on where to go from here. How to start the conversation about it. tl;dr : My wife was acting suspicious on a recent trip, has been hiding things from me and some GPS data seems to support the gut feeling that I had that something is VERY wrong.
For the last few months my wife has been acting distant and strange. She has been guarding her phone, working out furiously, and generally seemed unhappy. I chalked it up to a marriage rut. Until recently. A week ago my wife went to a marketing conference in Vegas. She went a couple days early to enjoy the city, I didn't think anything of it really. Also for this to make sense we use facebook messenger alot while she is away to say hi, check in and share pictures of our day. On a Sunday afternoon she happened to bump into a "guy" from X company who she "had met with a few times." I asked who, and she said that it was no one I would no of and this seemed weird to me, because... Generally, my wife talks about every single person she networks with non-stop. There name, who they look like, how many kids they have, etc. etc. etc. And usually she is overly transparent about who she is with, which has really helped me to trust her over the years of these sorts of trips. But this guy from X Co. was a person I literally only new his gender and company that he works for. Something was twisting in my gut, because I got a facebook message that X Co. Guy and her were going to go to a Cirque du Soleil - Zumanity. Basically a sensual sex version of the show. Look up the trailer and tell me what your reaction to this info would have been. Naturally messaged her that it seemed strange to go with him to this show and I was kind uncomfortable, but she was off on her way... with vague reassurances some "other" may meet them there. As she was settling into her seats at the theater I helplessly offered that she have fun, but please call me when she got back to the hotel. Anyways, I was sitting at home uncomfortable and decided to see if I could find out who this X Co. Guy was, I remembered seeing a guy comment on my wife's twitter last fall after a similar trip to vegas. I had no clue who he was at the time, and wasn't threatened, so I forgot all about him. Well, it turns out that he in fact does work for X Co, was calling my wife pet names in a tweet (such as doll), offered to buy her drinks on this current trip to Vegas . . . I guess I should have been paranoidally searching her tweets earlier....... The last twitter straw was this... Apparently sometime last winter my wife sent him a care package for his dog who has gone through surgery. He thanked her for it with a picture of the package, including what I could clearly see as my wife's handwriting telling the dog to get well. PRETTY MUCH FULL BLOWN PANIC. (But it is worth noting that I am not !00% sure that twitter guy is X Co guy, it is possible that they work at the same small marketing company, but how likely is that??) Given what I said before about how much my wife talks about her work and everyone. This care package is def something she would have told me about. At the moment I was spinning. I waited the rest of the time patiently for the show to end, then another 20 min to give her time to get back to the hotel. Then I sent her a FB message >Me: Make it back to the hotel yet babe? >Wife: "Ya I'm at the hotel" FOUR LONG MIN PASS >Me: That’s good. Make it back to your room yet >Wife: Ya but I'm going Back down apparently" >Me: Can we Skype for a min? >Wife: "Fast" >Wife: "Now" What followed was one of the shortest most awkward skype calls ever, she was in the bathroom/doorway, with the lights to the room nearly off, even though she had been in there for 10 min at least and my wife usually is a sleep with the lights on girl. She told me that there were "people in the bar" who wanted her to come hang out and then basically hung up on me. This didn't help my panic. In an effort to shorten this a bit. I eventually decided to pull all the GPS info from our FB Messenger chats through out the weekend. And my fears were strongly confirmed when the GPS locations of 20 message when I knew she was in her room came from one corner of a large Vegas hotel and the above messages from that night (seconds before the awkward hotel room skype call) all came from the opposite end. With heart stopping accuracy. So the one thing I know for sure is, that she Skyped me from someone else's hotel room claiming it was her own. Incidentally, the next message from her after "now" in my inbox was two hours later from the same GPS point telling me that she was "Goin to bed. Love you" at 1:30 in the morning. What should I do now. She hasn't mentioned the night at all since I have been afraid to bring it up so I would love some interpretations of the nights events, along with advice on where to go from here. How to start the conversation about it.
My wife was acting suspicious on a recent trip, has been hiding things from me and some GPS data seems to support the gut feeling that I had that something is VERY wrong.
Okay Reddit, first time I made an account here. So there's this girl that I liked for about four years, but I only started talking to her my senior year. I really like her but I have no idea how she feels about me, probably feels nothing. I'm scared to text her because of my anxiety, but when I do text her she only responds half the time. Half of those conversations can go an hour, half only last a few minutes. I always have to text her, she never texts me first. I just want for once for her to text me first. Pretty sure I have an unhealthy obsession with this girl. She is the only thing I think about and I don't know why. I know I should just give up, but then I feel like I can't because of all the time that would be wasted. I could've hung out with her over the summer because she agreed to, but I was too scared to text her for the entire summer-what the fuck is wrong with me? I need some input on what I should do, because it's really affecting every aspect of my life. I just want her so much. Some of you will probably think I'm crazy, and most likely you're right, but I don't know what to do. We go to different universities, not too far from each other, but still she's surrounded by other guys that can potentially do what I couldn't do, and I hate that feeling. It makes me so angry thinking about this, because I wasted three years of high school and waited for my senior year to finally fucking do something. I really hate myself for doing nothing. It's all my fault, not hers. This isn't just some stupid crush that I can get over. It's not like "your first love" because I liked other people before. I just don't like the pain like the time I found out this girl I really liked was a lesbian. tl;dr: Obsession with girl, need help *edit*:This girl knows that I like her. My friends told her behind my back, and I texted her that I have a "crush" on her. So I don't know if that is beneficial or harmful for me. *edit2*:After much consideration, I decided to give up. She can at least have the decency to tell me she is not interested, she has my number. I hate playing guessing games, and if she can't even show me any notice, then what's the point. I really like her and would have loved to do stuff, but it's clear I stand no chance. I'm not even going to risk asking her out, because I know she'll say no. The last thing I need to do is to say goodbye.
Okay Reddit, first time I made an account here. So there's this girl that I liked for about four years, but I only started talking to her my senior year. I really like her but I have no idea how she feels about me, probably feels nothing. I'm scared to text her because of my anxiety, but when I do text her she only responds half the time. Half of those conversations can go an hour, half only last a few minutes. I always have to text her, she never texts me first. I just want for once for her to text me first. Pretty sure I have an unhealthy obsession with this girl. She is the only thing I think about and I don't know why. I know I should just give up, but then I feel like I can't because of all the time that would be wasted. I could've hung out with her over the summer because she agreed to, but I was too scared to text her for the entire summer-what the fuck is wrong with me? I need some input on what I should do, because it's really affecting every aspect of my life. I just want her so much. Some of you will probably think I'm crazy, and most likely you're right, but I don't know what to do. We go to different universities, not too far from each other, but still she's surrounded by other guys that can potentially do what I couldn't do, and I hate that feeling. It makes me so angry thinking about this, because I wasted three years of high school and waited for my senior year to finally fucking do something. I really hate myself for doing nothing. It's all my fault, not hers. This isn't just some stupid crush that I can get over. It's not like "your first love" because I liked other people before. I just don't like the pain like the time I found out this girl I really liked was a lesbian. tl;dr: Obsession with girl, need help edit :This girl knows that I like her. My friends told her behind my back, and I texted her that I have a "crush" on her. So I don't know if that is beneficial or harmful for me. edit2 :After much consideration, I decided to give up. She can at least have the decency to tell me she is not interested, she has my number. I hate playing guessing games, and if she can't even show me any notice, then what's the point. I really like her and would have loved to do stuff, but it's clear I stand no chance. I'm not even going to risk asking her out, because I know she'll say no. The last thing I need to do is to say goodbye.
Okay Reddit, first time I made an account here. So there's this girl that I liked for about four years, but I only started talking to her my senior year. I really like her but I have no idea how she feels about me, probably feels nothing. I'm scared to text her because of my anxiety, but when I do text her she only responds half the time. Half of those conversations can go an hour, half only last a few minutes. I always have to text her, she never texts me first. I just want for once for her to text me first. Pretty sure I have an unhealthy obsession with this girl. She is the only thing I think about and I don't know why. I know I should just give up, but then I feel like I can't because of all the time that would be wasted. I could've hung out with her over the summer because she agreed to, but I was too scared to text her for the entire summer-what the fuck is wrong with me? I need some input on what I should do, because it's really affecting every aspect of my life. I just want her so much. Some of you will probably think I'm crazy, and most likely you're right, but I don't know what to do. We go to different universities, not too far from each other, but still she's surrounded by other guys that can potentially do what I couldn't do, and I hate that feeling. It makes me so angry thinking about this, because I wasted three years of high school and waited for my senior year to finally fucking do something. I really hate myself for doing nothing. It's all my fault, not hers. This isn't just some stupid crush that I can get over. It's not like "your first love" because I liked other people before. I just don't like the pain like the time I found out this girl I really liked was a lesbian.
Obsession with girl, need help edit :This girl knows that I like her. My friends told her behind my back, and I texted her that I have a "crush" on her. So I don't know if that is beneficial or harmful for me. edit2 :After much consideration, I decided to give up. She can at least have the decency to tell me she is not interested, she has my number. I hate playing guessing games, and if she can't even show me any notice, then what's the point. I really like her and would have loved to do stuff, but it's clear I stand no chance. I'm not even going to risk asking her out, because I know she'll say no. The last thing I need to do is to say goodbye.
I've gotten to a point in HL where "carrying" from support, i consider knowing who specifically to heal and keep alive in fights, or keeping everyone alive with a decent amount of health to be carrying for me specifically, is near impossible. Currently at about 2650 mmr on hotslogs, was about 2800 before the losing streak. Was 1 win away from rank 8, but I just lost a few in a row and i've been demoted just about to rank 11. I always try not to just blame my teammates, and I focus on my own play. But I can't figure out too many ways that I personally can improve. Even if I'm partied up, or solo, I'm having lots of problems. So any high elo supports that have climbed or climbing pretty easily that can offer me some actual advice? I do play other roles just fine when another support players pick a support before I do, so that's not really a problem for me. tl;dr Stuck in the single digits of HL being a support main. Any tips on how to not solo carry, but "carry", to climb better?
I've gotten to a point in HL where "carrying" from support, i consider knowing who specifically to heal and keep alive in fights, or keeping everyone alive with a decent amount of health to be carrying for me specifically, is near impossible. Currently at about 2650 mmr on hotslogs, was about 2800 before the losing streak. Was 1 win away from rank 8, but I just lost a few in a row and i've been demoted just about to rank 11. I always try not to just blame my teammates, and I focus on my own play. But I can't figure out too many ways that I personally can improve. Even if I'm partied up, or solo, I'm having lots of problems. So any high elo supports that have climbed or climbing pretty easily that can offer me some actual advice? I do play other roles just fine when another support players pick a support before I do, so that's not really a problem for me. tl;dr Stuck in the single digits of HL being a support main. Any tips on how to not solo carry, but "carry", to climb better?
I've gotten to a point in HL where "carrying" from support, i consider knowing who specifically to heal and keep alive in fights, or keeping everyone alive with a decent amount of health to be carrying for me specifically, is near impossible. Currently at about 2650 mmr on hotslogs, was about 2800 before the losing streak. Was 1 win away from rank 8, but I just lost a few in a row and i've been demoted just about to rank 11. I always try not to just blame my teammates, and I focus on my own play. But I can't figure out too many ways that I personally can improve. Even if I'm partied up, or solo, I'm having lots of problems. So any high elo supports that have climbed or climbing pretty easily that can offer me some actual advice? I do play other roles just fine when another support players pick a support before I do, so that's not really a problem for me.
Stuck in the single digits of HL being a support main. Any tips on how to not solo carry, but "carry", to climb better?
It is a video that i saw a long time ago. A lady(milf, have a bit of rinkles on her face, but pretty skinny and hot) sitting on her knees and sucking the fattest, veineist, blackest cock i have ever seen on the internet! And that's pretty much it.. i have had a tough time finding it, but i will know it when i see it! Please help me find the video! TLDR: Milf sucking a big fat veiny black cock on her knees Some extra tags: Amateur, (maybe vintage),
It is a video that i saw a long time ago. A lady(milf, have a bit of rinkles on her face, but pretty skinny and hot) sitting on her knees and sucking the fattest, veineist, blackest cock i have ever seen on the internet! And that's pretty much it.. i have had a tough time finding it, but i will know it when i see it! Please help me find the video! TLDR: Milf sucking a big fat veiny black cock on her knees Some extra tags: Amateur, (maybe vintage),
It is a video that i saw a long time ago. A lady(milf, have a bit of rinkles on her face, but pretty skinny and hot) sitting on her knees and sucking the fattest, veineist, blackest cock i have ever seen on the internet! And that's pretty much it.. i have had a tough time finding it, but i will know it when i see it! Please help me find the video!
Milf sucking a big fat veiny black cock on her knees Some extra tags: Amateur, (maybe vintage),
I plan to build the super 10/22 of my friend's dreams to celebrate his engagement, birthday, and promotion. He has always liked mine, and it will be his first officially owned gun. He has shot with me frequently for the past 9 years but has never owned. So why am I posting here? It has been a looong time since I've hunted for a fun 10/22 build and I want gunnit's help to track down neat options. Things I'm looking for in this build: * Threaded barrel - or at least could readily be smithed to share my hopefully near future suppressor. * bullpup stock - He seems to dig the bullpups but I don't know of any that aren't junk/silly (see: HTA 90/22 -*really?* a fake mag on the top?) * Reflex sight - I'm looking at maybe a Burris Fast Fire III? I love the guy but I'm not throwing Trijicon money down for a RMR. Are there any reflexes that might actually hold up on the lower end? Should I just go red dot? * Aside from tossing in a cleaning kit, a brick of .22, and maybe a sling, are there any handy accessories I'm forgetting/you wish you had? Basically I'm looking for a .22 that is a bit tacticool but that's a step up from a range toy. He very nearly bought the GSG HK knockoff last time we went to the indoor range, and I want to do him better. **TLDR; Like a GSG but better.** **** I've been looking most of the morning and found [this monstrosity]( for a stock. Lots of metal at least. I'm also looking at a [prebuilt trigger group]( Now I guess a bolt/receiver/barrel combo? I feel silly tossing out half a gun bought new, and aftermarket seems so much pricier. Any good sources? Any opinions on the above?
I plan to build the super 10/22 of my friend's dreams to celebrate his engagement, birthday, and promotion. He has always liked mine, and it will be his first officially owned gun. He has shot with me frequently for the past 9 years but has never owned. So why am I posting here? It has been a looong time since I've hunted for a fun 10/22 build and I want gunnit's help to track down neat options. Things I'm looking for in this build: Threaded barrel - or at least could readily be smithed to share my hopefully near future suppressor. bullpup stock - He seems to dig the bullpups but I don't know of any that aren't junk/silly (see: HTA 90/22 - really? a fake mag on the top?) Reflex sight - I'm looking at maybe a Burris Fast Fire III? I love the guy but I'm not throwing Trijicon money down for a RMR. Are there any reflexes that might actually hold up on the lower end? Should I just go red dot? Aside from tossing in a cleaning kit, a brick of .22, and maybe a sling, are there any handy accessories I'm forgetting/you wish you had? Basically I'm looking for a .22 that is a bit tacticool but that's a step up from a range toy. He very nearly bought the GSG HK knockoff last time we went to the indoor range, and I want to do him better. TLDR; Like a GSG but better. I've been looking most of the morning and found [this monstrosity]( for a stock. Lots of metal at least. I'm also looking at a [prebuilt trigger group]( Now I guess a bolt/receiver/barrel combo? I feel silly tossing out half a gun bought new, and aftermarket seems so much pricier. Any good sources? Any opinions on the above?
I plan to build the super 10/22 of my friend's dreams to celebrate his engagement, birthday, and promotion. He has always liked mine, and it will be his first officially owned gun. He has shot with me frequently for the past 9 years but has never owned. So why am I posting here? It has been a looong time since I've hunted for a fun 10/22 build and I want gunnit's help to track down neat options. Things I'm looking for in this build: Threaded barrel - or at least could readily be smithed to share my hopefully near future suppressor. bullpup stock - He seems to dig the bullpups but I don't know of any that aren't junk/silly (see: HTA 90/22 - really? a fake mag on the top?) Reflex sight - I'm looking at maybe a Burris Fast Fire III? I love the guy but I'm not throwing Trijicon money down for a RMR. Are there any reflexes that might actually hold up on the lower end? Should I just go red dot? Aside from tossing in a cleaning kit, a brick of .22, and maybe a sling, are there any handy accessories I'm forgetting/you wish you had? Basically I'm looking for a .22 that is a bit tacticool but that's a step up from a range toy. He very nearly bought the GSG HK knockoff last time we went to the indoor range, and I want to do him better.
Like a GSG but better. I've been looking most of the morning and found [this monstrosity]( for a stock. Lots of metal at least. I'm also looking at a [prebuilt trigger group]( Now I guess a bolt/receiver/barrel combo? I feel silly tossing out half a gun bought new, and aftermarket seems so much pricier. Any good sources? Any opinions on the above?
>Punch him in the face and tell him you're not playing his bullshit game. This is your TL:DR, but do you understand the consequences of this statement?
>Punch him in the face and tell him you're not playing his bullshit game. This is your TL:DR, but do you understand the consequences of this statement?
Punch him in the face and tell him you're not playing his bullshit game. This is your
but do you understand the consequences of this statement?
I don't want this post to just be about me and my issues with support because many have already approached me with similar issues. I defiantly don't want to vent with a rage post either. Rather I would like to criticize the policies of Arena Nets moderation team. I've actively played guild wars with the same handle for nearly 7 1/2 years. I loved the first game and I still love the second game despite recent issues. My staple name in both games has been Pooner. I know that at first glance, some of you might find certain parts of the name questionable, but I can assure you that its a simple innocuous offbeat name like Gomer or Buford. Yet after 8 years of being Pooner, I was suprised to find my names under compulsory name changes. No ban was administered so I wasn't at all bothered. I thought that it was an easy mistake to make and possibly even automated. And then I went through the head ache that is Anet's support. I began by asking for an appeal and sharing my concerns of rumored over zealous moderation. I was given a short and stern stonewall answer about how naming violations are taken very seriously. With a stern response in-turn I was able to get from them just why they had actioned my account. By dissecting the last syllable from Pooner, they claimed that it was "interpreted" as referring to female genitalia. I found it to be a stretch so I continued to question their decision. They ignored every point I raised and became more and more insistent upon themselves. Eventually they ended the correspondence by saying they had no time to discuss it further and simply stated that I was in violation. At this time they no longer respond to any replies on the issue from me. I was extremely disappointed in a company that I've supported for the better part of a decade. Never getting to the bottom of their decision I log on to tell my guild/friends the bad news. They decide to protest on the forums and then we finally get the answer I was asking for. [anet cites urban dictionary]( Finally, the same Gaile Grey I adored in LA's international district when she would hand down tasty morsels of guild wars development info. There they are citing the least reliable dictionary around. You could type in any word/name/random assembly of syllables you want and will find a list of unrelated and vulgar definitions for it. Even common names like Gaile are defaced there. Other sources were alluded to but I found none that didn't copy-paste UD. A quick seach for "Pooner Name" will give kind results. I know I've drummed up enough ire from anet to never get my name back. They closed up any avenue of appeal I had. Because of that I had to share my experiance and along the way I've heard many of you have had similar problems. **TL;DR: Anet will enforce name violations based on user generated content from Urban Dictionary. Be wary. :/**
I don't want this post to just be about me and my issues with support because many have already approached me with similar issues. I defiantly don't want to vent with a rage post either. Rather I would like to criticize the policies of Arena Nets moderation team. I've actively played guild wars with the same handle for nearly 7 1/2 years. I loved the first game and I still love the second game despite recent issues. My staple name in both games has been Pooner. I know that at first glance, some of you might find certain parts of the name questionable, but I can assure you that its a simple innocuous offbeat name like Gomer or Buford. Yet after 8 years of being Pooner, I was suprised to find my names under compulsory name changes. No ban was administered so I wasn't at all bothered. I thought that it was an easy mistake to make and possibly even automated. And then I went through the head ache that is Anet's support. I began by asking for an appeal and sharing my concerns of rumored over zealous moderation. I was given a short and stern stonewall answer about how naming violations are taken very seriously. With a stern response in-turn I was able to get from them just why they had actioned my account. By dissecting the last syllable from Pooner, they claimed that it was "interpreted" as referring to female genitalia. I found it to be a stretch so I continued to question their decision. They ignored every point I raised and became more and more insistent upon themselves. Eventually they ended the correspondence by saying they had no time to discuss it further and simply stated that I was in violation. At this time they no longer respond to any replies on the issue from me. I was extremely disappointed in a company that I've supported for the better part of a decade. Never getting to the bottom of their decision I log on to tell my guild/friends the bad news. They decide to protest on the forums and then we finally get the answer I was asking for. [anet cites urban dictionary]( Finally, the same Gaile Grey I adored in LA's international district when she would hand down tasty morsels of guild wars development info. There they are citing the least reliable dictionary around. You could type in any word/name/random assembly of syllables you want and will find a list of unrelated and vulgar definitions for it. Even common names like Gaile are defaced there. Other sources were alluded to but I found none that didn't copy-paste UD. A quick seach for "Pooner Name" will give kind results. I know I've drummed up enough ire from anet to never get my name back. They closed up any avenue of appeal I had. Because of that I had to share my experiance and along the way I've heard many of you have had similar problems. TL;DR: Anet will enforce name violations based on user generated content from Urban Dictionary. Be wary. :/
I don't want this post to just be about me and my issues with support because many have already approached me with similar issues. I defiantly don't want to vent with a rage post either. Rather I would like to criticize the policies of Arena Nets moderation team. I've actively played guild wars with the same handle for nearly 7 1/2 years. I loved the first game and I still love the second game despite recent issues. My staple name in both games has been Pooner. I know that at first glance, some of you might find certain parts of the name questionable, but I can assure you that its a simple innocuous offbeat name like Gomer or Buford. Yet after 8 years of being Pooner, I was suprised to find my names under compulsory name changes. No ban was administered so I wasn't at all bothered. I thought that it was an easy mistake to make and possibly even automated. And then I went through the head ache that is Anet's support. I began by asking for an appeal and sharing my concerns of rumored over zealous moderation. I was given a short and stern stonewall answer about how naming violations are taken very seriously. With a stern response in-turn I was able to get from them just why they had actioned my account. By dissecting the last syllable from Pooner, they claimed that it was "interpreted" as referring to female genitalia. I found it to be a stretch so I continued to question their decision. They ignored every point I raised and became more and more insistent upon themselves. Eventually they ended the correspondence by saying they had no time to discuss it further and simply stated that I was in violation. At this time they no longer respond to any replies on the issue from me. I was extremely disappointed in a company that I've supported for the better part of a decade. Never getting to the bottom of their decision I log on to tell my guild/friends the bad news. They decide to protest on the forums and then we finally get the answer I was asking for. [anet cites urban dictionary]( Finally, the same Gaile Grey I adored in LA's international district when she would hand down tasty morsels of guild wars development info. There they are citing the least reliable dictionary around. You could type in any word/name/random assembly of syllables you want and will find a list of unrelated and vulgar definitions for it. Even common names like Gaile are defaced there. Other sources were alluded to but I found none that didn't copy-paste UD. A quick seach for "Pooner Name" will give kind results. I know I've drummed up enough ire from anet to never get my name back. They closed up any avenue of appeal I had. Because of that I had to share my experiance and along the way I've heard many of you have had similar problems.
Anet will enforce name violations based on user generated content from Urban Dictionary. Be wary. :/
> Wow, why did I think bring them into this was a good idea? YOU MORONS JUST MADE THINGS WORSE! The story of the Voices, TL;DR version.
> Wow, why did I think bring them into this was a good idea? YOU MORONS JUST MADE THINGS WORSE! The story of the Voices, TL;DR version.
Wow, why did I think bring them into this was a good idea? YOU MORONS JUST MADE THINGS WORSE! The story of the Voices,
So this might be a little long-winded, but bear with me. I've been playing League for a little over a year (I was just getting started as the new map showed up) and Veigar was my first main. He will always hold a special place in whatever I have instead of a heart. So, of course, I was somewhat dismayed when Riot took away his favorite toy (RIP DFG) and kicked his face in. Now that he's really strong, I'm worried that it's going to happen again. What's made him strong is the fact that he now gets free AP on assists as well as kills. Also the extra quarter-second off of his W falltime was surprisingly huge. The thing about only getting AP on kills, though, is *he loses more than other champs if he gets KSed, and *it encouraged him to KS, often putting himself in danger to do so. But now he gets AP for participating, which I believe is a step in the right direction- it's just too big a step. Now he can slap down an E in teamfights and BOOM, he gets a shitton of free AP. Here's what I propose we do about this: do the same thing to it that they did to Katarina. I'm thinking something like: Whenever a champion Veigar has **damaged with his spells** dies in the next few seconds, he gains AP equal to the rank of Baleful Strike. This would mean he can no longer just throw down his Event Horizon in teamfights and get free AP, or slap someone with an autoattack while smoeone else is fighting them- he would have to actually damage them. It would also fix the issue of him losing an opportunity for AP when he gets KSed. As for the W, I think its falltime shouldn't be reduced, but it should be easier to see. It's noticably more subtle on his basic skins, but on Final Boss Veigar, it's very clear and says "HEY! MOVE YOUR ASS BEFORE YOU GET TETRIS'ED!" Final issue: It really gets on my nerves for some reason when people pronounce his name wrong. It's VAY, as in ayyy, not VAI as in LMAOkai. Of course, I'm no expert on balance, so I'd love to hear what you guys think! TL;DR: Veigar should only get AP if he damages enemies with spells before they die.
So this might be a little long-winded, but bear with me. I've been playing League for a little over a year (I was just getting started as the new map showed up) and Veigar was my first main. He will always hold a special place in whatever I have instead of a heart. So, of course, I was somewhat dismayed when Riot took away his favorite toy (RIP DFG) and kicked his face in. Now that he's really strong, I'm worried that it's going to happen again. What's made him strong is the fact that he now gets free AP on assists as well as kills. Also the extra quarter-second off of his W falltime was surprisingly huge. The thing about only getting AP on kills, though, is he loses more than other champs if he gets KSed, and it encouraged him to KS, often putting himself in danger to do so. But now he gets AP for participating, which I believe is a step in the right direction- it's just too big a step. Now he can slap down an E in teamfights and BOOM, he gets a shitton of free AP. Here's what I propose we do about this: do the same thing to it that they did to Katarina. I'm thinking something like: Whenever a champion Veigar has damaged with his spells dies in the next few seconds, he gains AP equal to the rank of Baleful Strike. This would mean he can no longer just throw down his Event Horizon in teamfights and get free AP, or slap someone with an autoattack while smoeone else is fighting them- he would have to actually damage them. It would also fix the issue of him losing an opportunity for AP when he gets KSed. As for the W, I think its falltime shouldn't be reduced, but it should be easier to see. It's noticably more subtle on his basic skins, but on Final Boss Veigar, it's very clear and says "HEY! MOVE YOUR ASS BEFORE YOU GET TETRIS'ED!" Final issue: It really gets on my nerves for some reason when people pronounce his name wrong. It's VAY, as in ayyy, not VAI as in LMAOkai. Of course, I'm no expert on balance, so I'd love to hear what you guys think! TL;DR: Veigar should only get AP if he damages enemies with spells before they die.
So this might be a little long-winded, but bear with me. I've been playing League for a little over a year (I was just getting started as the new map showed up) and Veigar was my first main. He will always hold a special place in whatever I have instead of a heart. So, of course, I was somewhat dismayed when Riot took away his favorite toy (RIP DFG) and kicked his face in. Now that he's really strong, I'm worried that it's going to happen again. What's made him strong is the fact that he now gets free AP on assists as well as kills. Also the extra quarter-second off of his W falltime was surprisingly huge. The thing about only getting AP on kills, though, is he loses more than other champs if he gets KSed, and it encouraged him to KS, often putting himself in danger to do so. But now he gets AP for participating, which I believe is a step in the right direction- it's just too big a step. Now he can slap down an E in teamfights and BOOM, he gets a shitton of free AP. Here's what I propose we do about this: do the same thing to it that they did to Katarina. I'm thinking something like: Whenever a champion Veigar has damaged with his spells dies in the next few seconds, he gains AP equal to the rank of Baleful Strike. This would mean he can no longer just throw down his Event Horizon in teamfights and get free AP, or slap someone with an autoattack while smoeone else is fighting them- he would have to actually damage them. It would also fix the issue of him losing an opportunity for AP when he gets KSed. As for the W, I think its falltime shouldn't be reduced, but it should be easier to see. It's noticably more subtle on his basic skins, but on Final Boss Veigar, it's very clear and says "HEY! MOVE YOUR ASS BEFORE YOU GET TETRIS'ED!" Final issue: It really gets on my nerves for some reason when people pronounce his name wrong. It's VAY, as in ayyy, not VAI as in LMAOkai. Of course, I'm no expert on balance, so I'd love to hear what you guys think!
Veigar should only get AP if he damages enemies with spells before they die.
I started SS a week ago. I'm 6'5, 185lbs and I've always fucking hated squats; however, I'm going whole hog into SS and I've spent a lot of time on the wiki researching form. Being 6'5, I have alotta back and, since getting a desk job, it's gotten pretty weak: I definitely want to strengthen it to prevent injury later on. My first day, I worked out to find a 3x5 baseline and only got to 100lbs squatting (but 115lbs bench). The next 2 workouts were wonderful: I was doing great, lower back was tight and hip drive was good, worked up to 150lbs (following suggested 10-15lbs additions). However, on friday, I stopped feeling sore in a "hurts so good" kinda way and more of a "hold up" kinda way. I go to the gym today and same story, but it definitely impacted my form in a bad way. I've been looking around and I'm pretty sure I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. How should I go about this? I feel like a good hip drive with APT makes things worse. Should I lower my weight, or stop squatting and address APT directly? Exercise ball over office chair? I'm all sorts of confused for this one. What should I do? tldr: started squatting and found out via pain that I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. Dunno what to do at all.
I started SS a week ago. I'm 6'5, 185lbs and I've always fucking hated squats; however, I'm going whole hog into SS and I've spent a lot of time on the wiki researching form. Being 6'5, I have alotta back and, since getting a desk job, it's gotten pretty weak: I definitely want to strengthen it to prevent injury later on. My first day, I worked out to find a 3x5 baseline and only got to 100lbs squatting (but 115lbs bench). The next 2 workouts were wonderful: I was doing great, lower back was tight and hip drive was good, worked up to 150lbs (following suggested 10-15lbs additions). However, on friday, I stopped feeling sore in a "hurts so good" kinda way and more of a "hold up" kinda way. I go to the gym today and same story, but it definitely impacted my form in a bad way. I've been looking around and I'm pretty sure I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. How should I go about this? I feel like a good hip drive with APT makes things worse. Should I lower my weight, or stop squatting and address APT directly? Exercise ball over office chair? I'm all sorts of confused for this one. What should I do? tldr: started squatting and found out via pain that I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. Dunno what to do at all.
I started SS a week ago. I'm 6'5, 185lbs and I've always fucking hated squats; however, I'm going whole hog into SS and I've spent a lot of time on the wiki researching form. Being 6'5, I have alotta back and, since getting a desk job, it's gotten pretty weak: I definitely want to strengthen it to prevent injury later on. My first day, I worked out to find a 3x5 baseline and only got to 100lbs squatting (but 115lbs bench). The next 2 workouts were wonderful: I was doing great, lower back was tight and hip drive was good, worked up to 150lbs (following suggested 10-15lbs additions). However, on friday, I stopped feeling sore in a "hurts so good" kinda way and more of a "hold up" kinda way. I go to the gym today and same story, but it definitely impacted my form in a bad way. I've been looking around and I'm pretty sure I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. How should I go about this? I feel like a good hip drive with APT makes things worse. Should I lower my weight, or stop squatting and address APT directly? Exercise ball over office chair? I'm all sorts of confused for this one. What should I do?
started squatting and found out via pain that I have Anterior Pelvic Tilt. Dunno what to do at all.
Can I offer you a thought experiment? Universe is vast. It has hundreds of billions of galaxies in it, as far as we know. Each galaxy can have hundreds of billions stars, and probably most, if not all, stars have their own planets. For me, in such big universe, thinking that we're the only intelligent life out there, is similar to thinking that sun and all stars revolve around Earth and that we're the center of the universe. So if you agree with me so far, we established that there is very, very high probability that there is more intelligent life out there. Now the question is - could any of those intelligent beings visit us? If we just wanted to visit our closest star, we need to travel 4.2 light years - and with our current understanding of physics, that is impossible feat. But, just until 110 years ago, it was proven by mainstream physicists, using formulas of their times, that heavier-than-air flight is impossible. You can't blame them, they didn't know about aerodynamics. Today humans can travel around the globe in hours, all thanks to advances in our understanding of the universe. And thinking that right now we know all about it is foolish, as there are new, big discoveries in physics now more than ever. So I believe in next hundreds of years, we'll learn much more about the universe and I believe there is a high probability of finding a way to travel faster than the speed of light, perhaps even instantaneously. Now, if there is other intelligent life forms and if it could have technology to visit other stars, has any of it visited our planet? Assuming they're not aggressive (we're still not assimilated), perhaps they just look at us from the far, as we now look at tribes which didn't have contact with the civilization (up to few years ago, we would kill or assimilate them). If they are, perhaps there were people who saw them, and perhaps you could even see some of it in NASA live video streams of space shuttle missions (as they're our only source of video from space)? TL;DR Using logic to try to prove that there is high probability of other intelligent life forms in our universe, and that it could have visited us.
Can I offer you a thought experiment? Universe is vast. It has hundreds of billions of galaxies in it, as far as we know. Each galaxy can have hundreds of billions stars, and probably most, if not all, stars have their own planets. For me, in such big universe, thinking that we're the only intelligent life out there, is similar to thinking that sun and all stars revolve around Earth and that we're the center of the universe. So if you agree with me so far, we established that there is very, very high probability that there is more intelligent life out there. Now the question is - could any of those intelligent beings visit us? If we just wanted to visit our closest star, we need to travel 4.2 light years - and with our current understanding of physics, that is impossible feat. But, just until 110 years ago, it was proven by mainstream physicists, using formulas of their times, that heavier-than-air flight is impossible. You can't blame them, they didn't know about aerodynamics. Today humans can travel around the globe in hours, all thanks to advances in our understanding of the universe. And thinking that right now we know all about it is foolish, as there are new, big discoveries in physics now more than ever. So I believe in next hundreds of years, we'll learn much more about the universe and I believe there is a high probability of finding a way to travel faster than the speed of light, perhaps even instantaneously. Now, if there is other intelligent life forms and if it could have technology to visit other stars, has any of it visited our planet? Assuming they're not aggressive (we're still not assimilated), perhaps they just look at us from the far, as we now look at tribes which didn't have contact with the civilization (up to few years ago, we would kill or assimilate them). If they are, perhaps there were people who saw them, and perhaps you could even see some of it in NASA live video streams of space shuttle missions (as they're our only source of video from space)? TL;DR Using logic to try to prove that there is high probability of other intelligent life forms in our universe, and that it could have visited us.
Can I offer you a thought experiment? Universe is vast. It has hundreds of billions of galaxies in it, as far as we know. Each galaxy can have hundreds of billions stars, and probably most, if not all, stars have their own planets. For me, in such big universe, thinking that we're the only intelligent life out there, is similar to thinking that sun and all stars revolve around Earth and that we're the center of the universe. So if you agree with me so far, we established that there is very, very high probability that there is more intelligent life out there. Now the question is - could any of those intelligent beings visit us? If we just wanted to visit our closest star, we need to travel 4.2 light years - and with our current understanding of physics, that is impossible feat. But, just until 110 years ago, it was proven by mainstream physicists, using formulas of their times, that heavier-than-air flight is impossible. You can't blame them, they didn't know about aerodynamics. Today humans can travel around the globe in hours, all thanks to advances in our understanding of the universe. And thinking that right now we know all about it is foolish, as there are new, big discoveries in physics now more than ever. So I believe in next hundreds of years, we'll learn much more about the universe and I believe there is a high probability of finding a way to travel faster than the speed of light, perhaps even instantaneously. Now, if there is other intelligent life forms and if it could have technology to visit other stars, has any of it visited our planet? Assuming they're not aggressive (we're still not assimilated), perhaps they just look at us from the far, as we now look at tribes which didn't have contact with the civilization (up to few years ago, we would kill or assimilate them). If they are, perhaps there were people who saw them, and perhaps you could even see some of it in NASA live video streams of space shuttle missions (as they're our only source of video from space)?
Using logic to try to prove that there is high probability of other intelligent life forms in our universe, and that it could have visited us.
This is just here for people to talk about weird fandoms and stuff that can actually be believable, for example: In my experience I think it's the characters that are crossing over that make a crossover believable and how they would act around each other, take Merida (from brave) and Hiccup (from How to Train Your Dragon)or example: from what I have read of them they both work surprisingly well together and many writers go so far as to ship them as a couple (Mericcup), however the crossovers don't end there actually it's only just begun. There is a fandom out there combining Merida, Hiccup, Jack Frost (from Rise of the Guardians), Rapunzel (from Tangled), and recently Elsa and Anna (from Frozen), it's all works surprisingly well. So the point I'm trying to get to is that in crossovers while the setting (Fantasy, Scifi .etc) does matter and is very important it can become just background, the crossover group I mentioned earlier will usually just create its own story with just the characters and it's like there independent stories never existed. So in the end I think it's the characters that matter but that's just my opinion. Links for stuff: Mericcup crossover page: Mericcup fanfics: The dragon and the bow (one of my favourites) The group crossover I mentioned in its own isolated story like I mentioned earlier: (warning feels, p.s. It's good) Also Just search "the big four", "the big six", "rise of the brave tangled dragons" or "rise of the brave tangled frozen dragons" on tumblr YouTube or even vine to see more of this awsome group. P.S. It's got its own subreddit: It's kinda dead now but it's just cool that someone made it. Sorry for the long post hope it helps. TL;DR: the big four / Mericcup is believable and makes sense Link to that:
This is just here for people to talk about weird fandoms and stuff that can actually be believable, for example: In my experience I think it's the characters that are crossing over that make a crossover believable and how they would act around each other, take Merida (from brave) and Hiccup (from How to Train Your Dragon)or example: from what I have read of them they both work surprisingly well together and many writers go so far as to ship them as a couple (Mericcup), however the crossovers don't end there actually it's only just begun. There is a fandom out there combining Merida, Hiccup, Jack Frost (from Rise of the Guardians), Rapunzel (from Tangled), and recently Elsa and Anna (from Frozen), it's all works surprisingly well. So the point I'm trying to get to is that in crossovers while the setting (Fantasy, Scifi .etc) does matter and is very important it can become just background, the crossover group I mentioned earlier will usually just create its own story with just the characters and it's like there independent stories never existed. So in the end I think it's the characters that matter but that's just my opinion. Links for stuff: Mericcup crossover page: Mericcup fanfics: The dragon and the bow (one of my favourites) The group crossover I mentioned in its own isolated story like I mentioned earlier: (warning feels, p.s. It's good) Also Just search "the big four", "the big six", "rise of the brave tangled dragons" or "rise of the brave tangled frozen dragons" on tumblr YouTube or even vine to see more of this awsome group. P.S. It's got its own subreddit: It's kinda dead now but it's just cool that someone made it. Sorry for the long post hope it helps. TL;DR: the big four / Mericcup is believable and makes sense Link to that:
This is just here for people to talk about weird fandoms and stuff that can actually be believable, for example: In my experience I think it's the characters that are crossing over that make a crossover believable and how they would act around each other, take Merida (from brave) and Hiccup (from How to Train Your Dragon)or example: from what I have read of them they both work surprisingly well together and many writers go so far as to ship them as a couple (Mericcup), however the crossovers don't end there actually it's only just begun. There is a fandom out there combining Merida, Hiccup, Jack Frost (from Rise of the Guardians), Rapunzel (from Tangled), and recently Elsa and Anna (from Frozen), it's all works surprisingly well. So the point I'm trying to get to is that in crossovers while the setting (Fantasy, Scifi .etc) does matter and is very important it can become just background, the crossover group I mentioned earlier will usually just create its own story with just the characters and it's like there independent stories never existed. So in the end I think it's the characters that matter but that's just my opinion. Links for stuff: Mericcup crossover page: Mericcup fanfics: The dragon and the bow (one of my favourites) The group crossover I mentioned in its own isolated story like I mentioned earlier: (warning feels, p.s. It's good) Also Just search "the big four", "the big six", "rise of the brave tangled dragons" or "rise of the brave tangled frozen dragons" on tumblr YouTube or even vine to see more of this awsome group. P.S. It's got its own subreddit: It's kinda dead now but it's just cool that someone made it. Sorry for the long post hope it helps.
the big four / Mericcup is believable and makes sense Link to that:
I used to go to the gym every other day about a year ago when I lived with my mom and I was in pretty good shape. She always made nice, healthy home cooked meals and I had a very healthy diet under her cooking. Due to complications, I had to start living with my Dad recently. I started working at my first job a little over a year ago while attending school in the mean time and due to those and other priorities, I couldn't find time to work out anymore. I recently left my job and have some free time now so I would like to try to get back into working out and going to the gym. However, like I said, I live with my dad, a single father, and my older brother, both of whom are very lazy and don't really care about their diet. For example, maybe 3 nights a week they will just grab fast food for dinner, the other nights they'll just heat up some TV dinners in the microwave... I don't really have much say in what they buy for the house, so I can't ask them to buy different types of food. So I thought I'd ask all you Redditors here at /r/Fitness, if I maintain a not-always-healthy diet like mentioned above, is it extremely difficult to get into good shape? I really want to try and get back into a nice looking, healthy body and I know your diet is a huge part of that, but against my will my diet won't exactly be that great. TL/DR: Want to get back into shape but I have no choice on whether I eat healthy or unhealthy food. Is it terribly hard to get into shape with an unhealthy diet?
I used to go to the gym every other day about a year ago when I lived with my mom and I was in pretty good shape. She always made nice, healthy home cooked meals and I had a very healthy diet under her cooking. Due to complications, I had to start living with my Dad recently. I started working at my first job a little over a year ago while attending school in the mean time and due to those and other priorities, I couldn't find time to work out anymore. I recently left my job and have some free time now so I would like to try to get back into working out and going to the gym. However, like I said, I live with my dad, a single father, and my older brother, both of whom are very lazy and don't really care about their diet. For example, maybe 3 nights a week they will just grab fast food for dinner, the other nights they'll just heat up some TV dinners in the microwave... I don't really have much say in what they buy for the house, so I can't ask them to buy different types of food. So I thought I'd ask all you Redditors here at /r/Fitness, if I maintain a not-always-healthy diet like mentioned above, is it extremely difficult to get into good shape? I really want to try and get back into a nice looking, healthy body and I know your diet is a huge part of that, but against my will my diet won't exactly be that great. TL/DR: Want to get back into shape but I have no choice on whether I eat healthy or unhealthy food. Is it terribly hard to get into shape with an unhealthy diet?
I used to go to the gym every other day about a year ago when I lived with my mom and I was in pretty good shape. She always made nice, healthy home cooked meals and I had a very healthy diet under her cooking. Due to complications, I had to start living with my Dad recently. I started working at my first job a little over a year ago while attending school in the mean time and due to those and other priorities, I couldn't find time to work out anymore. I recently left my job and have some free time now so I would like to try to get back into working out and going to the gym. However, like I said, I live with my dad, a single father, and my older brother, both of whom are very lazy and don't really care about their diet. For example, maybe 3 nights a week they will just grab fast food for dinner, the other nights they'll just heat up some TV dinners in the microwave... I don't really have much say in what they buy for the house, so I can't ask them to buy different types of food. So I thought I'd ask all you Redditors here at /r/Fitness, if I maintain a not-always-healthy diet like mentioned above, is it extremely difficult to get into good shape? I really want to try and get back into a nice looking, healthy body and I know your diet is a huge part of that, but against my will my diet won't exactly be that great.
Want to get back into shape but I have no choice on whether I eat healthy or unhealthy food. Is it terribly hard to get into shape with an unhealthy diet?
How the fuck are people upvoting this? Drivers are part of the OS and android is linux based. Why do servers use linux? Because it doesn't need to reboot for updates (like windows). In addition, do you have problems if you take your trusty usb sticks and put them in your pc? It's the same thing, if you buy cheap shit off ebay you're going to have components that fail but surely the important ones will get to be implemented in their android (don't look at me like that, every single phone company has its own modified version of android, it's not a big deal to get the drivers in there). I'll give you that it's not going to be like arranging magnets on a fridge as a battery needs different connectors than a camera, but you don't need more pins between a 2mp camera and a 10 mp camera, especially not if you just upgrade the size of the lens. This would definitely work with some clever engineering. CPU's don't get smaller or larger, you will have a spot for the cpu. Doesn't matter if it's single or eight-core. Same goes for RAM. Then you'll have the battery in a place where you can extend it at the sacrifice of some other components and the rest will just be standard i/o. tl;dr you're right, the processor DOESN'T need to know shit about all the other components. The motherboard does.
How the fuck are people upvoting this? Drivers are part of the OS and android is linux based. Why do servers use linux? Because it doesn't need to reboot for updates (like windows). In addition, do you have problems if you take your trusty usb sticks and put them in your pc? It's the same thing, if you buy cheap shit off ebay you're going to have components that fail but surely the important ones will get to be implemented in their android (don't look at me like that, every single phone company has its own modified version of android, it's not a big deal to get the drivers in there). I'll give you that it's not going to be like arranging magnets on a fridge as a battery needs different connectors than a camera, but you don't need more pins between a 2mp camera and a 10 mp camera, especially not if you just upgrade the size of the lens. This would definitely work with some clever engineering. CPU's don't get smaller or larger, you will have a spot for the cpu. Doesn't matter if it's single or eight-core. Same goes for RAM. Then you'll have the battery in a place where you can extend it at the sacrifice of some other components and the rest will just be standard i/o. tl;dr you're right, the processor DOESN'T need to know shit about all the other components. The motherboard does.
How the fuck are people upvoting this? Drivers are part of the OS and android is linux based. Why do servers use linux? Because it doesn't need to reboot for updates (like windows). In addition, do you have problems if you take your trusty usb sticks and put them in your pc? It's the same thing, if you buy cheap shit off ebay you're going to have components that fail but surely the important ones will get to be implemented in their android (don't look at me like that, every single phone company has its own modified version of android, it's not a big deal to get the drivers in there). I'll give you that it's not going to be like arranging magnets on a fridge as a battery needs different connectors than a camera, but you don't need more pins between a 2mp camera and a 10 mp camera, especially not if you just upgrade the size of the lens. This would definitely work with some clever engineering. CPU's don't get smaller or larger, you will have a spot for the cpu. Doesn't matter if it's single or eight-core. Same goes for RAM. Then you'll have the battery in a place where you can extend it at the sacrifice of some other components and the rest will just be standard i/o.
you're right, the processor DOESN'T need to know shit about all the other components. The motherboard does.
So last time at work in Japanese Gap I saw Norman Reedus. Today I was handling the cash wrap duties when a guy walks up with a whole bunch of shit and tells me to wait a minute because his girlfriend has a lot of stuff too. I ring him up and wait for his girlfriend since the line wasn't too bad. See his girlfriend come with a whole bunch of cashmere sweaters, "damn she's tall as fuck I tell myself" then I catch her face a little and thought she looked a little like Karlie Kloss from Victoria's Secret and a whole bunch of fashion mags and spreads I read, ring up all her stuff and she gives me her credit card to pay. Took a peek at the name sure enough it was Karlie Kloss! I sheepishly give her back her card and asked her if she was the victoria secret model, she said she was and asked if I watched the fashion show, and I said I couldn't because I had a lot of finals to study for. We talked a little about my school and what I studied and at the end she and her boyfriend said good luck to me on my finals :) Tl;dr met a hot amazon.
So last time at work in Japanese Gap I saw Norman Reedus. Today I was handling the cash wrap duties when a guy walks up with a whole bunch of shit and tells me to wait a minute because his girlfriend has a lot of stuff too. I ring him up and wait for his girlfriend since the line wasn't too bad. See his girlfriend come with a whole bunch of cashmere sweaters, "damn she's tall as fuck I tell myself" then I catch her face a little and thought she looked a little like Karlie Kloss from Victoria's Secret and a whole bunch of fashion mags and spreads I read, ring up all her stuff and she gives me her credit card to pay. Took a peek at the name sure enough it was Karlie Kloss! I sheepishly give her back her card and asked her if she was the victoria secret model, she said she was and asked if I watched the fashion show, and I said I couldn't because I had a lot of finals to study for. We talked a little about my school and what I studied and at the end she and her boyfriend said good luck to me on my finals :) Tl;dr met a hot amazon.
So last time at work in Japanese Gap I saw Norman Reedus. Today I was handling the cash wrap duties when a guy walks up with a whole bunch of shit and tells me to wait a minute because his girlfriend has a lot of stuff too. I ring him up and wait for his girlfriend since the line wasn't too bad. See his girlfriend come with a whole bunch of cashmere sweaters, "damn she's tall as fuck I tell myself" then I catch her face a little and thought she looked a little like Karlie Kloss from Victoria's Secret and a whole bunch of fashion mags and spreads I read, ring up all her stuff and she gives me her credit card to pay. Took a peek at the name sure enough it was Karlie Kloss! I sheepishly give her back her card and asked her if she was the victoria secret model, she said she was and asked if I watched the fashion show, and I said I couldn't because I had a lot of finals to study for. We talked a little about my school and what I studied and at the end she and her boyfriend said good luck to me on my finals :)
met a hot amazon.
Greetings internet, I got a message from someone on /r/learndota2 about Bristle after I commented on [this]( I decided to post the most useful bits of my advice for a couple of reasons. First, I may have got stuff wrong or missed things so having you guys check it out would be great. Second, Bristle has a ~49.45% winrate in normal skill and that needs to go up, he's really fun to play but no one wants to pick up a hero they're more likely to lose with than win. When I first picked up Bristle I was probably ~1.5k but this was before ranked was a thing. It takes almost no time at all to get to 2.5k with Bristle because people don't know what to do when you run at them. After that, people have lost enough games to Bristle to know when not to chase in a 5 man conga line hitting your back so he's slightly less effective. I usually play fairly passively until level 4 (1-2-1-0) and brown boots then if I'm vs a dual lane without something like fissure or hex I just jump on the squishiest hero, the carry if possible but not if they have an escape (e.g Anti-Mage or Slark). Most importantly, **don't die**, a Bristle that's fallen far behind is just a fairly tanky melee creep. As for being countered by the new items, just carry dust for glimmer/silver edgeand don't be afraid to build a BKB and/or MKB if people build halberd/solar. **Starting:** *Easy Lane*: Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Mango if I think I'll be able to reach the side shop 54 seconds after the horn or after a couple of last hits, which is when I get Stout Shield then turn RoP into a Basi when possible. Use the extra regen and promise of burst mana to harass the enemy lane with quill sprays and a couple of right clicks if it's safe. At level 4 use the Mango to get full mana pool and go fight something that can't escape easily. 150 burst mana gives 4.2 quill sprays so try to use a few to get a couple of stacks up before committing, be efficient with your mango. You want to have full mana when you go in but try not to waste the burst, it's not cheap. Even if you don't get a kill, you force the enemy to go to base or use all their remaining regen. After you get a kill or zone someone, you have 30 secs to a minute to farm more safely, use that time well. Buy a TP scroll so you can help other lanes, though remember you'll have 75 less mana after using your TP and you're useless without mana at this point. Go for a ring of health if the support(s) are harassing you more than you can handle without regen from Mango/Tango or finish Treads if you're fine without. You'll want to go Stout -> Basi -> Boots of Speed -> TP scroll -> RoH/Treads -> Treads/RoH -> Vanguard in most easy lane games since you usually have the chance to get a quick Crimson Guard and snowball like crazy from there with your team, take a fight and/or tower every 70s because your entire team is basically unkillable for 10 seconds in fights before 25 mins. *Difficult Lane*: Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Stout Shield. Go straight into Basi and a ring of health so you have the necessary health/mana regen and armor to secure farm in lane, then get a TP, then Treads so you can kill stuff if the opportunity arises. Depending on the timing of your Treads, how well other lanes are doing and the heroes in the game, you'll either want to complete your Vanguard into Crimson anyway, complete your Vanguard then go for something else like Solar Crest or skip Vanguard entirely and go for that Solar Crest sooner. **Early Game:** I personally like Crimson Guard as a first big item as it makes your entire team negate 30-70% of right-click damage in early fights, as well as the great health regen and armor that it gives you. Otherwise go for Solar Crest, it gives evasion and armor if you need to survive or amplifies your damage and provides miss chance vs an enemy that you want to kill quicker or hits hard (SF, Juggernaut and PA are commonly picked and great targets for Solar Crest). Remember to tread-switch when chasing people down at the end of fights or during pickoffs, you still don't have lots of mana/regen. **Mid Game:** If you went Crimson Guard first and the enemy team has right-click damage, go Solar Crest. If you went straight for Solar Crest, don't bother going back for Crimson, it's only really useful up to ~30 mins. I tend to either go for the AC -> Octarine build or AC -> Heart. Insert BKB after AC if absolutely needed but you generally want to absorb as much damage as possible for more quill procs. Go for Heart if you're going for a right-click build, it gives 40 base damage, massive amounts of raw hp and absurd regen outside of fights. Buy Octarine if you need more sustain in fights and/or your team has someone else with auto-attack damage to cover for you relying more on quills. Please don't go Blademail, Bristle's passive reduces the damage that you take and therefore reduces the damage that blademail does, you're literally countering yourself by levelling your own skills. **Late Game:** After AC and your big regen item, you can get anything you think will help, I played an 70 minute game ages ago where ended the game with 2 hearts, a skadi, a pipe, AC and travel boots so I could tank the entire enemy team and fountain to make space for my PA to go ham and kill everything. That's usually a pretty bad item build as you severely lack damage considering ~25k net worth but in that game it worked really well. In more normal games, generally go for either Shiva's, Abyssal, MKB, Scythe, Octarine/Heart, Skadi or Agh's. **Shiva's** is core if you have a Phoenix or immobile heroes on your team or you're playing vs heroes with low attack speed (e.g Tiny) or high move speed (e.g Luna, Enchantress). **Abyssal** is for if you need to cancel TPs vs rat heroes, you need to right-click harder vs tanky cores such as Sven, you need lockdown on a slippery hero like QoP or you need an instant disable against initiators (e.g Tidehunter). Only get **MKB** vs evasion that's actually hard to deal with. If the enemy PA is starting to snowball, don't hesitate to rush an MKB straight after AC, sometimes even before. If their dazzle bought a Solar Crest and is only using it on himself, don't bother, the evasion isn't damaging your team enough to warrant a 5k+ item when there are better alternatives. **Scythe** is really good, especially if you went Heart over Octarine since you'll likely be slightly lacking on mana regen. It gives a way to cancel TPs and lock down slippery heroes and lasts longer than abyssal, however it doesn't do much for your right-clicks so be aware that you might fall behind in that aspect. Buy **Octarine/Heart** if you think that you need both to survive. You'll have an absurd amount of EHP but very little damage, so make sure your mid and carry do plenty. Get a **Skadi** if you need more stats overall and spend a lot of time right-clicking. In most situations a Shiva's would be better but if you need to slow enemies and you're going for a more auto-attack oriented build, Skadi doesn't have cooldown and it gives slightly better offensive stats in return for significantly less armor and int. **Aghanim's Scepter** is good for dealing with many units so get it vs heroes like Meepo, Nature's Prophet and Spectre, otherwise buy something else, it's outshined by Skadi in terms of overall stats and both Scythe and Abyssal give better slow/stun on an important target. Once you have AC + Octa/Heart + 1, you can sell your Crimson Guard for the last 1500 gold of your next item if it's necessary. --------------------------------------------------------- General stuff to know about the game: * Always always always carry a Town Portal scroll until you get Boots of Travel, especially if you're playing against a hero that can towerdive early (e.g. night stalker, bristleback) and you have enough burst/disable to kill them or you have a spell that can save the ally if they go in: people rarely expect a tp response below 3.5k MMR. * If you need to mute your team, do it. If someone's flaming or being an idiot don't let them distract you, they make it hard enough to win as it is. * Practice last hitting in a lobby as your top 5 favourite heroes without buying any items or leveling skills (maybe psi blades on TA for bonus practice), once you can get ~50-70 in 10 mins you can probably outlane anyone below 3k MMR and be competitive above that. * And as you continue towards 8 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S, remember that [this]( applies more than you'd expect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quite a bit of maths incoming to explain AC vs Heart so be warned! Anyways, here we go: I'm going to assume that Bristleback is at level 16 with strength treads, a basi, a Crimson Guard a Solar Crest. That means he has 1707 health, 18 armor, 25% evasion, hits for 98 damage per hit and attacks 0.98 times per second (used [this]( formula to calculate it). This comes to 4734 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, 7890 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and 96 damage per second. Spamming spells and constantly attacking over 7 seconds, have an average of 4 stacks of warpath. That changes your damage to 218 per hit and 214 per second. Now I'm going to show what happens if you add a Heart or an AC to that, since you should be finishing either one around level 15-18 if you're going for it after Crimson and Solar, depending on the game: * With a heart, you have 2767 health and deal 258 damage per hit but the same attack speed, evasion and armor. That means you have **6751** EHP vs auto attacks from the front, **10330** EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal **253** damage per second. * With an AC, you have 33 armor and hit 1.27 times per second but the same health, evasion and damage per hit. That means you have **6782** EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, **11304** EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal **277** damage per second. Also bear in mind that with a 'low health + high armor' build, flat heals restore more of your EHP (Omniknight's Purification heals for 13% of your health with the heart build, 21% with the AC build). This is doubly important for Bristle because if you go for Octarine Core, the heals from quill spray are flat, not percentage-based. AC also amplifies your team's damage per second and the damage you deal with quill spray and has an easier build-up and it weakens towers and Roshan. Wow, surprised myself there with some of that, AC is really good... The only real benefit to heart is that, since you have more health, you have more free quill sprays in teamfights but I don't like relying on the enemy team for my to deal damage. Also, Sange and Yasha is a potential item, get it after Crimson Guard and/or Solar Crest and before AC if you're going for it. The move/attack speed and maim are really useful since you don't have a positioning spell, and the bonus strength+agility give you a nice health, damage and attack speed boost. Go for it if you're not desperate for armor (i.e no one picked Slardar/TA or is rushing deso on enemy team) and you started relatively well. [Here]( is a decent example of when to go S+Y (That's not my dotabuff, just a random 4.5k game I found). Also, get BKB before AC once you get to high-skill, people start chaining stuns/silences pretty well and you'll likely need it sooner if you get it at all. ------------------------------------------------------------- **Sorry for text wall, here's the TL;DR:** * Don't be super aggressive early on, wait until you have a chance to kill something and make sure you don't feed. * Choose your starting items well, it can make the difference between you killing the enemy carry or simply sapping xp. * Get AC and a Heart/Octa Core as your core items, BKB and S+Y are also sometimes good. * Choose your situational items based on the situation, not your guide. * Use common sense when playing, winning is more important than your K/D/A. * AC is a better 1st big (5k) item than Heart. * I'm lazy so I didn't bother comparing Octarine, if anyone wants to do that, I'll give you reddit silver. * Stop flaming, people will like you more.
Greetings internet, I got a message from someone on /r/learndota2 about Bristle after I commented on [this]( I decided to post the most useful bits of my advice for a couple of reasons. First, I may have got stuff wrong or missed things so having you guys check it out would be great. Second, Bristle has a ~49.45% winrate in normal skill and that needs to go up, he's really fun to play but no one wants to pick up a hero they're more likely to lose with than win. When I first picked up Bristle I was probably ~1.5k but this was before ranked was a thing. It takes almost no time at all to get to 2.5k with Bristle because people don't know what to do when you run at them. After that, people have lost enough games to Bristle to know when not to chase in a 5 man conga line hitting your back so he's slightly less effective. I usually play fairly passively until level 4 (1-2-1-0) and brown boots then if I'm vs a dual lane without something like fissure or hex I just jump on the squishiest hero, the carry if possible but not if they have an escape (e.g Anti-Mage or Slark). Most importantly, don't die , a Bristle that's fallen far behind is just a fairly tanky melee creep. As for being countered by the new items, just carry dust for glimmer/silver edgeand don't be afraid to build a BKB and/or MKB if people build halberd/solar. Starting: Easy Lane : Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Mango if I think I'll be able to reach the side shop 54 seconds after the horn or after a couple of last hits, which is when I get Stout Shield then turn RoP into a Basi when possible. Use the extra regen and promise of burst mana to harass the enemy lane with quill sprays and a couple of right clicks if it's safe. At level 4 use the Mango to get full mana pool and go fight something that can't escape easily. 150 burst mana gives 4.2 quill sprays so try to use a few to get a couple of stacks up before committing, be efficient with your mango. You want to have full mana when you go in but try not to waste the burst, it's not cheap. Even if you don't get a kill, you force the enemy to go to base or use all their remaining regen. After you get a kill or zone someone, you have 30 secs to a minute to farm more safely, use that time well. Buy a TP scroll so you can help other lanes, though remember you'll have 75 less mana after using your TP and you're useless without mana at this point. Go for a ring of health if the support(s) are harassing you more than you can handle without regen from Mango/Tango or finish Treads if you're fine without. You'll want to go Stout -> Basi -> Boots of Speed -> TP scroll -> RoH/Treads -> Treads/RoH -> Vanguard in most easy lane games since you usually have the chance to get a quick Crimson Guard and snowball like crazy from there with your team, take a fight and/or tower every 70s because your entire team is basically unkillable for 10 seconds in fights before 25 mins. Difficult Lane : Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Stout Shield. Go straight into Basi and a ring of health so you have the necessary health/mana regen and armor to secure farm in lane, then get a TP, then Treads so you can kill stuff if the opportunity arises. Depending on the timing of your Treads, how well other lanes are doing and the heroes in the game, you'll either want to complete your Vanguard into Crimson anyway, complete your Vanguard then go for something else like Solar Crest or skip Vanguard entirely and go for that Solar Crest sooner. Early Game: I personally like Crimson Guard as a first big item as it makes your entire team negate 30-70% of right-click damage in early fights, as well as the great health regen and armor that it gives you. Otherwise go for Solar Crest, it gives evasion and armor if you need to survive or amplifies your damage and provides miss chance vs an enemy that you want to kill quicker or hits hard (SF, Juggernaut and PA are commonly picked and great targets for Solar Crest). Remember to tread-switch when chasing people down at the end of fights or during pickoffs, you still don't have lots of mana/regen. Mid Game: If you went Crimson Guard first and the enemy team has right-click damage, go Solar Crest. If you went straight for Solar Crest, don't bother going back for Crimson, it's only really useful up to ~30 mins. I tend to either go for the AC -> Octarine build or AC -> Heart. Insert BKB after AC if absolutely needed but you generally want to absorb as much damage as possible for more quill procs. Go for Heart if you're going for a right-click build, it gives 40 base damage, massive amounts of raw hp and absurd regen outside of fights. Buy Octarine if you need more sustain in fights and/or your team has someone else with auto-attack damage to cover for you relying more on quills. Please don't go Blademail, Bristle's passive reduces the damage that you take and therefore reduces the damage that blademail does, you're literally countering yourself by levelling your own skills. Late Game: After AC and your big regen item, you can get anything you think will help, I played an 70 minute game ages ago where ended the game with 2 hearts, a skadi, a pipe, AC and travel boots so I could tank the entire enemy team and fountain to make space for my PA to go ham and kill everything. That's usually a pretty bad item build as you severely lack damage considering ~25k net worth but in that game it worked really well. In more normal games, generally go for either Shiva's, Abyssal, MKB, Scythe, Octarine/Heart, Skadi or Agh's. Shiva's is core if you have a Phoenix or immobile heroes on your team or you're playing vs heroes with low attack speed (e.g Tiny) or high move speed (e.g Luna, Enchantress). Abyssal is for if you need to cancel TPs vs rat heroes, you need to right-click harder vs tanky cores such as Sven, you need lockdown on a slippery hero like QoP or you need an instant disable against initiators (e.g Tidehunter). Only get MKB vs evasion that's actually hard to deal with. If the enemy PA is starting to snowball, don't hesitate to rush an MKB straight after AC, sometimes even before. If their dazzle bought a Solar Crest and is only using it on himself, don't bother, the evasion isn't damaging your team enough to warrant a 5k+ item when there are better alternatives. Scythe is really good, especially if you went Heart over Octarine since you'll likely be slightly lacking on mana regen. It gives a way to cancel TPs and lock down slippery heroes and lasts longer than abyssal, however it doesn't do much for your right-clicks so be aware that you might fall behind in that aspect. Buy Octarine/Heart if you think that you need both to survive. You'll have an absurd amount of EHP but very little damage, so make sure your mid and carry do plenty. Get a Skadi if you need more stats overall and spend a lot of time right-clicking. In most situations a Shiva's would be better but if you need to slow enemies and you're going for a more auto-attack oriented build, Skadi doesn't have cooldown and it gives slightly better offensive stats in return for significantly less armor and int. Aghanim's Scepter is good for dealing with many units so get it vs heroes like Meepo, Nature's Prophet and Spectre, otherwise buy something else, it's outshined by Skadi in terms of overall stats and both Scythe and Abyssal give better slow/stun on an important target. Once you have AC + Octa/Heart + 1, you can sell your Crimson Guard for the last 1500 gold of your next item if it's necessary. General stuff to know about the game: Always always always carry a Town Portal scroll until you get Boots of Travel, especially if you're playing against a hero that can towerdive early (e.g. night stalker, bristleback) and you have enough burst/disable to kill them or you have a spell that can save the ally if they go in: people rarely expect a tp response below 3.5k MMR. If you need to mute your team, do it. If someone's flaming or being an idiot don't let them distract you, they make it hard enough to win as it is. Practice last hitting in a lobby as your top 5 favourite heroes without buying any items or leveling skills (maybe psi blades on TA for bonus practice), once you can get ~50-70 in 10 mins you can probably outlane anyone below 3k MMR and be competitive above that. And as you continue towards 8 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S, remember that [this]( applies more than you'd expect. Quite a bit of maths incoming to explain AC vs Heart so be warned! Anyways, here we go: I'm going to assume that Bristleback is at level 16 with strength treads, a basi, a Crimson Guard a Solar Crest. That means he has 1707 health, 18 armor, 25% evasion, hits for 98 damage per hit and attacks 0.98 times per second (used this . This comes to 4734 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, 7890 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and 96 damage per second. Spamming spells and constantly attacking over 7 seconds, have an average of 4 stacks of warpath. That changes your damage to 218 per hit and 214 per second. Now I'm going to show what happens if you add a Heart or an AC to that, since you should be finishing either one around level 15-18 if you're going for it after Crimson and Solar, depending on the game: With a heart, you have 2767 health and deal 258 damage per hit but the same attack speed, evasion and armor. That means you have 6751 EHP vs auto attacks from the front, 10330 EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal 253 damage per second. With an AC, you have 33 armor and hit 1.27 times per second but the same health, evasion and damage per hit. That means you have 6782 EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, 11304 EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal 277 damage per second. Also bear in mind that with a 'low health + high armor' build, flat heals restore more of your EHP (Omniknight's Purification heals for 13% of your health with the heart build, 21% with the AC build). This is doubly important for Bristle because if you go for Octarine Core, the heals from quill spray are flat, not percentage-based. AC also amplifies your team's damage per second and the damage you deal with quill spray and has an easier build-up and it weakens towers and Roshan. Wow, surprised myself there with some of that, AC is really good... The only real benefit to heart is that, since you have more health, you have more free quill sprays in teamfights but I don't like relying on the enemy team for my to deal damage. Also, Sange and Yasha is a potential item, get it after Crimson Guard and/or Solar Crest and before AC if you're going for it. The move/attack speed and maim are really useful since you don't have a positioning spell, and the bonus strength+agility give you a nice health, damage and attack speed boost. Go for it if you're not desperate for armor (i.e no one picked Slardar/TA or is rushing deso on enemy team) and you started relatively well. Here . Also, get BKB before AC once you get to high-skill, people start chaining stuns/silences pretty well and you'll likely need it sooner if you get it at all. Sorry for text wall, here's the TL;DR: Don't be super aggressive early on, wait until you have a chance to kill something and make sure you don't feed. Choose your starting items well, it can make the difference between you killing the enemy carry or simply sapping xp. Get AC and a Heart/Octa Core as your core items, BKB and S+Y are also sometimes good. Choose your situational items based on the situation, not your guide. Use common sense when playing, winning is more important than your K/D/A. AC is a better 1st big (5k) item than Heart. I'm lazy so I didn't bother comparing Octarine, if anyone wants to do that, I'll give you reddit silver. Stop flaming, people will like you more.
Greetings internet, I got a message from someone on /r/learndota2 about Bristle after I commented on [this]( I decided to post the most useful bits of my advice for a couple of reasons. First, I may have got stuff wrong or missed things so having you guys check it out would be great. Second, Bristle has a ~49.45% winrate in normal skill and that needs to go up, he's really fun to play but no one wants to pick up a hero they're more likely to lose with than win. When I first picked up Bristle I was probably ~1.5k but this was before ranked was a thing. It takes almost no time at all to get to 2.5k with Bristle because people don't know what to do when you run at them. After that, people have lost enough games to Bristle to know when not to chase in a 5 man conga line hitting your back so he's slightly less effective. I usually play fairly passively until level 4 (1-2-1-0) and brown boots then if I'm vs a dual lane without something like fissure or hex I just jump on the squishiest hero, the carry if possible but not if they have an escape (e.g Anti-Mage or Slark). Most importantly, don't die , a Bristle that's fallen far behind is just a fairly tanky melee creep. As for being countered by the new items, just carry dust for glimmer/silver edgeand don't be afraid to build a BKB and/or MKB if people build halberd/solar. Starting: Easy Lane : Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Mango if I think I'll be able to reach the side shop 54 seconds after the horn or after a couple of last hits, which is when I get Stout Shield then turn RoP into a Basi when possible. Use the extra regen and promise of burst mana to harass the enemy lane with quill sprays and a couple of right clicks if it's safe. At level 4 use the Mango to get full mana pool and go fight something that can't escape easily. 150 burst mana gives 4.2 quill sprays so try to use a few to get a couple of stacks up before committing, be efficient with your mango. You want to have full mana when you go in but try not to waste the burst, it's not cheap. Even if you don't get a kill, you force the enemy to go to base or use all their remaining regen. After you get a kill or zone someone, you have 30 secs to a minute to farm more safely, use that time well. Buy a TP scroll so you can help other lanes, though remember you'll have 75 less mana after using your TP and you're useless without mana at this point. Go for a ring of health if the support(s) are harassing you more than you can handle without regen from Mango/Tango or finish Treads if you're fine without. You'll want to go Stout -> Basi -> Boots of Speed -> TP scroll -> RoH/Treads -> Treads/RoH -> Vanguard in most easy lane games since you usually have the chance to get a quick Crimson Guard and snowball like crazy from there with your team, take a fight and/or tower every 70s because your entire team is basically unkillable for 10 seconds in fights before 25 mins. Difficult Lane : Ring of Protection, Tangos, Salve and Stout Shield. Go straight into Basi and a ring of health so you have the necessary health/mana regen and armor to secure farm in lane, then get a TP, then Treads so you can kill stuff if the opportunity arises. Depending on the timing of your Treads, how well other lanes are doing and the heroes in the game, you'll either want to complete your Vanguard into Crimson anyway, complete your Vanguard then go for something else like Solar Crest or skip Vanguard entirely and go for that Solar Crest sooner. Early Game: I personally like Crimson Guard as a first big item as it makes your entire team negate 30-70% of right-click damage in early fights, as well as the great health regen and armor that it gives you. Otherwise go for Solar Crest, it gives evasion and armor if you need to survive or amplifies your damage and provides miss chance vs an enemy that you want to kill quicker or hits hard (SF, Juggernaut and PA are commonly picked and great targets for Solar Crest). Remember to tread-switch when chasing people down at the end of fights or during pickoffs, you still don't have lots of mana/regen. Mid Game: If you went Crimson Guard first and the enemy team has right-click damage, go Solar Crest. If you went straight for Solar Crest, don't bother going back for Crimson, it's only really useful up to ~30 mins. I tend to either go for the AC -> Octarine build or AC -> Heart. Insert BKB after AC if absolutely needed but you generally want to absorb as much damage as possible for more quill procs. Go for Heart if you're going for a right-click build, it gives 40 base damage, massive amounts of raw hp and absurd regen outside of fights. Buy Octarine if you need more sustain in fights and/or your team has someone else with auto-attack damage to cover for you relying more on quills. Please don't go Blademail, Bristle's passive reduces the damage that you take and therefore reduces the damage that blademail does, you're literally countering yourself by levelling your own skills. Late Game: After AC and your big regen item, you can get anything you think will help, I played an 70 minute game ages ago where ended the game with 2 hearts, a skadi, a pipe, AC and travel boots so I could tank the entire enemy team and fountain to make space for my PA to go ham and kill everything. That's usually a pretty bad item build as you severely lack damage considering ~25k net worth but in that game it worked really well. In more normal games, generally go for either Shiva's, Abyssal, MKB, Scythe, Octarine/Heart, Skadi or Agh's. Shiva's is core if you have a Phoenix or immobile heroes on your team or you're playing vs heroes with low attack speed (e.g Tiny) or high move speed (e.g Luna, Enchantress). Abyssal is for if you need to cancel TPs vs rat heroes, you need to right-click harder vs tanky cores such as Sven, you need lockdown on a slippery hero like QoP or you need an instant disable against initiators (e.g Tidehunter). Only get MKB vs evasion that's actually hard to deal with. If the enemy PA is starting to snowball, don't hesitate to rush an MKB straight after AC, sometimes even before. If their dazzle bought a Solar Crest and is only using it on himself, don't bother, the evasion isn't damaging your team enough to warrant a 5k+ item when there are better alternatives. Scythe is really good, especially if you went Heart over Octarine since you'll likely be slightly lacking on mana regen. It gives a way to cancel TPs and lock down slippery heroes and lasts longer than abyssal, however it doesn't do much for your right-clicks so be aware that you might fall behind in that aspect. Buy Octarine/Heart if you think that you need both to survive. You'll have an absurd amount of EHP but very little damage, so make sure your mid and carry do plenty. Get a Skadi if you need more stats overall and spend a lot of time right-clicking. In most situations a Shiva's would be better but if you need to slow enemies and you're going for a more auto-attack oriented build, Skadi doesn't have cooldown and it gives slightly better offensive stats in return for significantly less armor and int. Aghanim's Scepter is good for dealing with many units so get it vs heroes like Meepo, Nature's Prophet and Spectre, otherwise buy something else, it's outshined by Skadi in terms of overall stats and both Scythe and Abyssal give better slow/stun on an important target. Once you have AC + Octa/Heart + 1, you can sell your Crimson Guard for the last 1500 gold of your next item if it's necessary. General stuff to know about the game: Always always always carry a Town Portal scroll until you get Boots of Travel, especially if you're playing against a hero that can towerdive early (e.g. night stalker, bristleback) and you have enough burst/disable to kill them or you have a spell that can save the ally if they go in: people rarely expect a tp response below 3.5k MMR. If you need to mute your team, do it. If someone's flaming or being an idiot don't let them distract you, they make it hard enough to win as it is. Practice last hitting in a lobby as your top 5 favourite heroes without buying any items or leveling skills (maybe psi blades on TA for bonus practice), once you can get ~50-70 in 10 mins you can probably outlane anyone below 3k MMR and be competitive above that. And as you continue towards 8 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S, remember that [this]( applies more than you'd expect. Quite a bit of maths incoming to explain AC vs Heart so be warned! Anyways, here we go: I'm going to assume that Bristleback is at level 16 with strength treads, a basi, a Crimson Guard a Solar Crest. That means he has 1707 health, 18 armor, 25% evasion, hits for 98 damage per hit and attacks 0.98 times per second (used this . This comes to 4734 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, 7890 physical EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and 96 damage per second. Spamming spells and constantly attacking over 7 seconds, have an average of 4 stacks of warpath. That changes your damage to 218 per hit and 214 per second. Now I'm going to show what happens if you add a Heart or an AC to that, since you should be finishing either one around level 15-18 if you're going for it after Crimson and Solar, depending on the game: With a heart, you have 2767 health and deal 258 damage per hit but the same attack speed, evasion and armor. That means you have 6751 EHP vs auto attacks from the front, 10330 EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal 253 damage per second. With an AC, you have 33 armor and hit 1.27 times per second but the same health, evasion and damage per hit. That means you have 6782 EHP vs auto-attacks from the front, 11304 EHP vs auto-attacks from behind and you deal 277 damage per second. Also bear in mind that with a 'low health + high armor' build, flat heals restore more of your EHP (Omniknight's Purification heals for 13% of your health with the heart build, 21% with the AC build). This is doubly important for Bristle because if you go for Octarine Core, the heals from quill spray are flat, not percentage-based. AC also amplifies your team's damage per second and the damage you deal with quill spray and has an easier build-up and it weakens towers and Roshan. Wow, surprised myself there with some of that, AC is really good... The only real benefit to heart is that, since you have more health, you have more free quill sprays in teamfights but I don't like relying on the enemy team for my to deal damage. Also, Sange and Yasha is a potential item, get it after Crimson Guard and/or Solar Crest and before AC if you're going for it. The move/attack speed and maim are really useful since you don't have a positioning spell, and the bonus strength+agility give you a nice health, damage and attack speed boost. Go for it if you're not desperate for armor (i.e no one picked Slardar/TA or is rushing deso on enemy team) and you started relatively well. Here . Also, get BKB before AC once you get to high-skill, people start chaining stuns/silences pretty well and you'll likely need it sooner if you get it at all. Sorry for text wall, here's the
Don't be super aggressive early on, wait until you have a chance to kill something and make sure you don't feed. Choose your starting items well, it can make the difference between you killing the enemy carry or simply sapping xp. Get AC and a Heart/Octa Core as your core items, BKB and S+Y are also sometimes good. Choose your situational items based on the situation, not your guide. Use common sense when playing, winning is more important than your K/D/A. AC is a better 1st big (5k) item than Heart. I'm lazy so I didn't bother comparing Octarine, if anyone wants to do that, I'll give you reddit silver. Stop flaming, people will like you more.
I hope this isn't a bad place to ask for people's opinions. This wasn't marked serious so maybe this won't get deleted. My grandmother who raised me died recently. I've always only had the vaguest ideas about my early life. I know that my mom had issues and we are only guessing at who my dad is. I did live with my mom briefly as a kid and I was abused in various ways in that situation and now I have PTSD. So that's a little backstory. Recently my grandmother died and while cleaning out her place, I found stacks and stacks of letters from family and notes and legal papers concerning me. I skimmed some of them and stuffed the rest in a few folios and took them home with me. Things I read so far include: The guy they think is my father and his family were trying to get in touch with me. He wrote me things like "I loved you since you were born" when I was a baby up to about age 5, where something happened and he was arrested for coming to the house I was living in and shortly after that he gave up any parental rights (even though he's not on my birth certificate and there's never been any DNA tests). Seems like no more contact after that. I had always been led to believe that he had no interest. My mother writing down thoughts she has at night sometimes about getting a knife and killing me (when I was a baby <1 year old). My grandmother taking notes about how (as a baby) I would reach up to my mother to be held and she would hit and slap me to make me go away. I've talked to a couple of close friends about this and have had mixed reactions. Some people feel like it wouldn't really do any good to have this knowledge. I kind of agree with them but I have this intense curiosity. I guess I would just like to hear some more opinions if you have time and you've already read all this. Thanks. TL;DR: found some potentially disturbing documents about my early life and I'm trying to decide if I should read it or trash it. This would all be stuff that I have no memory of - I do have memories of later abuse.
I hope this isn't a bad place to ask for people's opinions. This wasn't marked serious so maybe this won't get deleted. My grandmother who raised me died recently. I've always only had the vaguest ideas about my early life. I know that my mom had issues and we are only guessing at who my dad is. I did live with my mom briefly as a kid and I was abused in various ways in that situation and now I have PTSD. So that's a little backstory. Recently my grandmother died and while cleaning out her place, I found stacks and stacks of letters from family and notes and legal papers concerning me. I skimmed some of them and stuffed the rest in a few folios and took them home with me. Things I read so far include: The guy they think is my father and his family were trying to get in touch with me. He wrote me things like "I loved you since you were born" when I was a baby up to about age 5, where something happened and he was arrested for coming to the house I was living in and shortly after that he gave up any parental rights (even though he's not on my birth certificate and there's never been any DNA tests). Seems like no more contact after that. I had always been led to believe that he had no interest. My mother writing down thoughts she has at night sometimes about getting a knife and killing me (when I was a baby <1 year old). My grandmother taking notes about how (as a baby) I would reach up to my mother to be held and she would hit and slap me to make me go away. I've talked to a couple of close friends about this and have had mixed reactions. Some people feel like it wouldn't really do any good to have this knowledge. I kind of agree with them but I have this intense curiosity. I guess I would just like to hear some more opinions if you have time and you've already read all this. Thanks. TL;DR: found some potentially disturbing documents about my early life and I'm trying to decide if I should read it or trash it. This would all be stuff that I have no memory of - I do have memories of later abuse.
I hope this isn't a bad place to ask for people's opinions. This wasn't marked serious so maybe this won't get deleted. My grandmother who raised me died recently. I've always only had the vaguest ideas about my early life. I know that my mom had issues and we are only guessing at who my dad is. I did live with my mom briefly as a kid and I was abused in various ways in that situation and now I have PTSD. So that's a little backstory. Recently my grandmother died and while cleaning out her place, I found stacks and stacks of letters from family and notes and legal papers concerning me. I skimmed some of them and stuffed the rest in a few folios and took them home with me. Things I read so far include: The guy they think is my father and his family were trying to get in touch with me. He wrote me things like "I loved you since you were born" when I was a baby up to about age 5, where something happened and he was arrested for coming to the house I was living in and shortly after that he gave up any parental rights (even though he's not on my birth certificate and there's never been any DNA tests). Seems like no more contact after that. I had always been led to believe that he had no interest. My mother writing down thoughts she has at night sometimes about getting a knife and killing me (when I was a baby <1 year old). My grandmother taking notes about how (as a baby) I would reach up to my mother to be held and she would hit and slap me to make me go away. I've talked to a couple of close friends about this and have had mixed reactions. Some people feel like it wouldn't really do any good to have this knowledge. I kind of agree with them but I have this intense curiosity. I guess I would just like to hear some more opinions if you have time and you've already read all this. Thanks.
found some potentially disturbing documents about my early life and I'm trying to decide if I should read it or trash it. This would all be stuff that I have no memory of - I do have memories of later abuse.
This is a long story, so bear with me. I really, desperately need advice. Also, we've been dating for about **one year**. For the past couple of weeks, our otherwise solid relationship has been extremely rocky. She's been super busy, was calling/texting me a lot less than usual. Emotions were on high because we're both so stressed from school and got into a tiff about how we never see each other. Last night I tried making amends with her, so I stayed the night at her place. She wouldn't let me kiss her stomach or do anything sexual. I thought it was because she was feeling self-conscious (a common occurrence).She fell asleep first, and I ended up fiddling with her phone trying to get her noise generator app to work to help me sleep. While on her phone, I got curious and went into her text messages. I know I shouldn't have been snooping but I thought I might find out the real reason that she had been so distant to me. While on her phone, I found a text to her friend about a dream she had where she dumped me for some other guy. Her friend suggested it was a premonition, and my gf replied "I wishhh." I ended up leaving her apartment without waking her up because I was so mad and hurt that she wanted to be with someone else (a close friend of hers...not just some stranger crush). This discovery plus the way she was snapping at me earlier in the night, I drove back to my apartment. Two hours later, I get a call from her. I ask her to explain herself, being as calm as possible. Essentially, she broke down discussing how she was afraid of what would happen to us when we both graduate and potentially end up in different states. I could tell she was holding something back so I pressed her. **She then admitted to me that she cuts and is suicidal** That was why she didn't want me to kiss her stomach or take her shirt off. She was hiding her cut marks. Apparently she used to cut in high school, stopped for a while when we started dating, but recently she started doing again (last December for a bit and again in the past few weeks). She doesn't deal with stress very well and gets easily overwhelmed. Her major doesn't help at all because she is constantly being judged/and is super busy. After she admitted, I drove back to her apartment, because I was scared for her. And I wanted to keep talking. I told her that needs to be honest with me. **This ended up in her revealing every major lie she's ever told me.** About **cutting**, about **this friend that she has a crush on** (turns out its pretty serious and stems from right before we started dating...she constantly talks to her other friend about she has a crush), how **she lied about smoking pot** (trite compared to the others but still a turn off and still the lies hurt me). On top of this, she said that seeing me once a week is enough for her (regardless of her busy schedule) but it isn't for me. Also, **she revealed that she doesn't want to have sex anymore because she is paranoid** about possible repercussions (baby, STD [we're exclusive afaik], etc) and how livid her parents would be if they need she had premarital sex (they are generally pretty controlling and she can never shake them loose...they have financial well as emotional). This a huge dealbreaker for me as I'm a pretty sexual person. Plus it's irrational because we use condoms, she just started taking birth control, and I pull out. So pretty much no chance of having a baby. All of these lies on top of the emotional strife of finding out about her self-harming behavior are just weighing down on me. I feel like i'm going to have a break down. I love my girlfriend and want to help her but I don't know how. It'd be one thing if I ONLY found out about the cutting...but I don't know if she even really wants to be with *me* and not some other guy. What do I do? Should I stay with her and help her through this? I feel like we need a break. Some time to think, figure ourselves out, and her get professional help (I implored to talk to a counselor immediately and set up an appointment). But again, I don't want to leave her at such an emotional time. I really do love her and want her to get healthy but in the mean time what do I do? **TL;DR** Found out my girlfriend cuts, plus she revealed all of her lies, destabilizing our relationship. Do I stay or go? What is healthiest for us?
This is a long story, so bear with me. I really, desperately need advice. Also, we've been dating for about one year . For the past couple of weeks, our otherwise solid relationship has been extremely rocky. She's been super busy, was calling/texting me a lot less than usual. Emotions were on high because we're both so stressed from school and got into a tiff about how we never see each other. Last night I tried making amends with her, so I stayed the night at her place. She wouldn't let me kiss her stomach or do anything sexual. I thought it was because she was feeling self-conscious (a common occurrence).She fell asleep first, and I ended up fiddling with her phone trying to get her noise generator app to work to help me sleep. While on her phone, I got curious and went into her text messages. I know I shouldn't have been snooping but I thought I might find out the real reason that she had been so distant to me. While on her phone, I found a text to her friend about a dream she had where she dumped me for some other guy. Her friend suggested it was a premonition, and my gf replied "I wishhh." I ended up leaving her apartment without waking her up because I was so mad and hurt that she wanted to be with someone else (a close friend of hers...not just some stranger crush). This discovery plus the way she was snapping at me earlier in the night, I drove back to my apartment. Two hours later, I get a call from her. I ask her to explain herself, being as calm as possible. Essentially, she broke down discussing how she was afraid of what would happen to us when we both graduate and potentially end up in different states. I could tell she was holding something back so I pressed her. She then admitted to me that she cuts and is suicidal That was why she didn't want me to kiss her stomach or take her shirt off. She was hiding her cut marks. Apparently she used to cut in high school, stopped for a while when we started dating, but recently she started doing again (last December for a bit and again in the past few weeks). She doesn't deal with stress very well and gets easily overwhelmed. Her major doesn't help at all because she is constantly being judged/and is super busy. After she admitted, I drove back to her apartment, because I was scared for her. And I wanted to keep talking. I told her that needs to be honest with me. This ended up in her revealing every major lie she's ever told me. About cutting , about this friend that she has a crush on (turns out its pretty serious and stems from right before we started dating...she constantly talks to her other friend about she has a crush), how she lied about smoking pot (trite compared to the others but still a turn off and still the lies hurt me). On top of this, she said that seeing me once a week is enough for her (regardless of her busy schedule) but it isn't for me. Also, she revealed that she doesn't want to have sex anymore because she is paranoid about possible repercussions (baby, STD [we're exclusive afaik], etc) and how livid her parents would be if they need she had premarital sex (they are generally pretty controlling and she can never shake them loose...they have financial well as emotional). This a huge dealbreaker for me as I'm a pretty sexual person. Plus it's irrational because we use condoms, she just started taking birth control, and I pull out. So pretty much no chance of having a baby. All of these lies on top of the emotional strife of finding out about her self-harming behavior are just weighing down on me. I feel like i'm going to have a break down. I love my girlfriend and want to help her but I don't know how. It'd be one thing if I ONLY found out about the cutting...but I don't know if she even really wants to be with me and not some other guy. What do I do? Should I stay with her and help her through this? I feel like we need a break. Some time to think, figure ourselves out, and her get professional help (I implored to talk to a counselor immediately and set up an appointment). But again, I don't want to leave her at such an emotional time. I really do love her and want her to get healthy but in the mean time what do I do? TL;DR Found out my girlfriend cuts, plus she revealed all of her lies, destabilizing our relationship. Do I stay or go? What is healthiest for us?
This is a long story, so bear with me. I really, desperately need advice. Also, we've been dating for about one year . For the past couple of weeks, our otherwise solid relationship has been extremely rocky. She's been super busy, was calling/texting me a lot less than usual. Emotions were on high because we're both so stressed from school and got into a tiff about how we never see each other. Last night I tried making amends with her, so I stayed the night at her place. She wouldn't let me kiss her stomach or do anything sexual. I thought it was because she was feeling self-conscious (a common occurrence).She fell asleep first, and I ended up fiddling with her phone trying to get her noise generator app to work to help me sleep. While on her phone, I got curious and went into her text messages. I know I shouldn't have been snooping but I thought I might find out the real reason that she had been so distant to me. While on her phone, I found a text to her friend about a dream she had where she dumped me for some other guy. Her friend suggested it was a premonition, and my gf replied "I wishhh." I ended up leaving her apartment without waking her up because I was so mad and hurt that she wanted to be with someone else (a close friend of hers...not just some stranger crush). This discovery plus the way she was snapping at me earlier in the night, I drove back to my apartment. Two hours later, I get a call from her. I ask her to explain herself, being as calm as possible. Essentially, she broke down discussing how she was afraid of what would happen to us when we both graduate and potentially end up in different states. I could tell she was holding something back so I pressed her. She then admitted to me that she cuts and is suicidal That was why she didn't want me to kiss her stomach or take her shirt off. She was hiding her cut marks. Apparently she used to cut in high school, stopped for a while when we started dating, but recently she started doing again (last December for a bit and again in the past few weeks). She doesn't deal with stress very well and gets easily overwhelmed. Her major doesn't help at all because she is constantly being judged/and is super busy. After she admitted, I drove back to her apartment, because I was scared for her. And I wanted to keep talking. I told her that needs to be honest with me. This ended up in her revealing every major lie she's ever told me. About cutting , about this friend that she has a crush on (turns out its pretty serious and stems from right before we started dating...she constantly talks to her other friend about she has a crush), how she lied about smoking pot (trite compared to the others but still a turn off and still the lies hurt me). On top of this, she said that seeing me once a week is enough for her (regardless of her busy schedule) but it isn't for me. Also, she revealed that she doesn't want to have sex anymore because she is paranoid about possible repercussions (baby, STD [we're exclusive afaik], etc) and how livid her parents would be if they need she had premarital sex (they are generally pretty controlling and she can never shake them loose...they have financial well as emotional). This a huge dealbreaker for me as I'm a pretty sexual person. Plus it's irrational because we use condoms, she just started taking birth control, and I pull out. So pretty much no chance of having a baby. All of these lies on top of the emotional strife of finding out about her self-harming behavior are just weighing down on me. I feel like i'm going to have a break down. I love my girlfriend and want to help her but I don't know how. It'd be one thing if I ONLY found out about the cutting...but I don't know if she even really wants to be with me and not some other guy. What do I do? Should I stay with her and help her through this? I feel like we need a break. Some time to think, figure ourselves out, and her get professional help (I implored to talk to a counselor immediately and set up an appointment). But again, I don't want to leave her at such an emotional time. I really do love her and want her to get healthy but in the mean time what do I do?
Found out my girlfriend cuts, plus she revealed all of her lies, destabilizing our relationship. Do I stay or go? What is healthiest for us?
A few stupid reasons I've found for down votes. 1. Small grammar mistakes 2. This is boring to me, yet relevant to the subreddit. I'll downvote anyway hurrdurr. 3. I don't agree with you. But most commonly, I believe the reason for mass down voting is (only within certain perimeters) 1. "Ugh, seen it." IF IT IS NOT ON REDDIT CURRENTLY, IT IS NOT A 'REPOST.' Even if it is, what's so bad with reposting something 6 months to a year, not something you personally posted, just because it is GOOD, buried, and desirable to new Reddit users? Please take this with a grain of salt, the tolerably of reposts really has to do with the nature of the content. TL;DR Redditors need to chill out.
A few stupid reasons I've found for down votes. Small grammar mistakes This is boring to me, yet relevant to the subreddit. I'll downvote anyway hurrdurr. I don't agree with you. But most commonly, I believe the reason for mass down voting is (only within certain perimeters) "Ugh, seen it." IF IT IS NOT ON REDDIT CURRENTLY, IT IS NOT A 'REPOST.' Even if it is, what's so bad with reposting something 6 months to a year, not something you personally posted, just because it is GOOD, buried, and desirable to new Reddit users? Please take this with a grain of salt, the tolerably of reposts really has to do with the nature of the content. TL;DR Redditors need to chill out.
A few stupid reasons I've found for down votes. Small grammar mistakes This is boring to me, yet relevant to the subreddit. I'll downvote anyway hurrdurr. I don't agree with you. But most commonly, I believe the reason for mass down voting is (only within certain perimeters) "Ugh, seen it." IF IT IS NOT ON REDDIT CURRENTLY, IT IS NOT A 'REPOST.' Even if it is, what's so bad with reposting something 6 months to a year, not something you personally posted, just because it is GOOD, buried, and desirable to new Reddit users? Please take this with a grain of salt, the tolerably of reposts really has to do with the nature of the content.
Redditors need to chill out.
Hey guys, My name in League is zFlashStyle and I'm at Plat1-Elo actually. I know there were posts about -for example- thanking Wickd for his teaching lessons while stream and all that. But my intention is the following : I'm watching competitive LoL since S1. Since this,i'm very interested in looking pro player streams,individual reddit posts and tournaments. When i began playing LoL I wasn't really aware of questions like : -which lanes should i play ? -ranked/normal? [...] But as the time went by,i watched streams and got interested more and more in the Top Lane. For me it was like a very special Lane and i compared every lane with Football positions. While Mid was the Quarterback and getting all the attention (Froggen for his epic farm,xPeke for his Kassa plays) Top was more the Line Backer,in my opinion. Surely the bot lane was carrying too,like the jungle and Mid aswell,but Top Laners were always like mountains against the enemy team to fuck 'em up everytime. That insipired me and I started playing Top Lane,and got fucked like holy moly bros. I was very pissy after the 10th loss in Top Lane,and then i checked out Wickd's stream,where he was playin his Ionian Spark Irelia and again i was like Holy Moly,he just kicks everyone's ass! Also he said which mistakes hes doin' and how is kicking the enemy laner's ass. I tried to keep that in my mind. And i improved. Crawled my way out of silver to platinum elo having all these tips and mechanics in my mind. But i had to control my mindset in some games. As you all may know,hardcore trolls are in this game. I mean let's be true. Someone says he is going top,instalocks Twitch. Why would you say "twitch? ok im afk then fuck you". If you hate this pick,dodge pls and don't stay in the game the whole time,i don't get it,fo real. And this shit made me really mad some time. But i saw ocelote's stream and he was like: well,fuck it,gonna play on my own now,even if i give advices to my team,they might get it as offensives. I did the same,looked after every game at my stats and figured out MY mistakes and didn't really care about mistakes of my team in general. And well,daaaaamn,know I'm at Plat 1 and yeah i try to get damn Diamond and i'm still watching those streams (tho i enjoy watching Trick2modafackin'G now :P) So all in all i want to thank Wickd and ocelote for beeing such badasses making this game even more fun and helping me indirectely getting better in League. Final question@Wickd &amp; ocelote : I saw you,Wickd,duo'ing with some Subs and it was really fun watching it,and i'd ask you and ocelote - wether you get time,and wether you even read this post - : would you duo with me some games ? I know i'm definitely not the onliest person having this wish,but it'd mean alot to me,just talking to you guys and playing with you. TL:DR: Wickd and ocelote rocks. #SWARD#ionicsparkop#ggwp Peace.
Hey guys, My name in League is zFlashStyle and I'm at Plat1-Elo actually. I know there were posts about -for example- thanking Wickd for his teaching lessons while stream and all that. But my intention is the following : I'm watching competitive LoL since S1. Since this,i'm very interested in looking pro player streams,individual reddit posts and tournaments. When i began playing LoL I wasn't really aware of questions like : -which lanes should i play ? -ranked/normal? [...] But as the time went by,i watched streams and got interested more and more in the Top Lane. For me it was like a very special Lane and i compared every lane with Football positions. While Mid was the Quarterback and getting all the attention (Froggen for his epic farm,xPeke for his Kassa plays) Top was more the Line Backer,in my opinion. Surely the bot lane was carrying too,like the jungle and Mid aswell,but Top Laners were always like mountains against the enemy team to fuck 'em up everytime. That insipired me and I started playing Top Lane,and got fucked like holy moly bros. I was very pissy after the 10th loss in Top Lane,and then i checked out Wickd's stream,where he was playin his Ionian Spark Irelia and again i was like Holy Moly,he just kicks everyone's ass! Also he said which mistakes hes doin' and how is kicking the enemy laner's ass. I tried to keep that in my mind. And i improved. Crawled my way out of silver to platinum elo having all these tips and mechanics in my mind. But i had to control my mindset in some games. As you all may know,hardcore trolls are in this game. I mean let's be true. Someone says he is going top,instalocks Twitch. Why would you say "twitch? ok im afk then fuck you". If you hate this pick,dodge pls and don't stay in the game the whole time,i don't get it,fo real. And this shit made me really mad some time. But i saw ocelote's stream and he was like: well,fuck it,gonna play on my own now,even if i give advices to my team,they might get it as offensives. I did the same,looked after every game at my stats and figured out MY mistakes and didn't really care about mistakes of my team in general. And well,daaaaamn,know I'm at Plat 1 and yeah i try to get damn Diamond and i'm still watching those streams (tho i enjoy watching Trick2modafackin'G now :P) So all in all i want to thank Wickd and ocelote for beeing such badasses making this game even more fun and helping me indirectely getting better in League. Final question@Wickd & ocelote : I saw you,Wickd,duo'ing with some Subs and it was really fun watching it,and i'd ask you and ocelote - wether you get time,and wether you even read this post - : would you duo with me some games ? I know i'm definitely not the onliest person having this wish,but it'd mean alot to me,just talking to you guys and playing with you. TL:DR: Wickd and ocelote rocks. #SWARD#ionicsparkop#ggwp Peace.
Hey guys, My name in League is zFlashStyle and I'm at Plat1-Elo actually. I know there were posts about -for example- thanking Wickd for his teaching lessons while stream and all that. But my intention is the following : I'm watching competitive LoL since S1. Since this,i'm very interested in looking pro player streams,individual reddit posts and tournaments. When i began playing LoL I wasn't really aware of questions like : -which lanes should i play ? -ranked/normal? [...] But as the time went by,i watched streams and got interested more and more in the Top Lane. For me it was like a very special Lane and i compared every lane with Football positions. While Mid was the Quarterback and getting all the attention (Froggen for his epic farm,xPeke for his Kassa plays) Top was more the Line Backer,in my opinion. Surely the bot lane was carrying too,like the jungle and Mid aswell,but Top Laners were always like mountains against the enemy team to fuck 'em up everytime. That insipired me and I started playing Top Lane,and got fucked like holy moly bros. I was very pissy after the 10th loss in Top Lane,and then i checked out Wickd's stream,where he was playin his Ionian Spark Irelia and again i was like Holy Moly,he just kicks everyone's ass! Also he said which mistakes hes doin' and how is kicking the enemy laner's ass. I tried to keep that in my mind. And i improved. Crawled my way out of silver to platinum elo having all these tips and mechanics in my mind. But i had to control my mindset in some games. As you all may know,hardcore trolls are in this game. I mean let's be true. Someone says he is going top,instalocks Twitch. Why would you say "twitch? ok im afk then fuck you". If you hate this pick,dodge pls and don't stay in the game the whole time,i don't get it,fo real. And this shit made me really mad some time. But i saw ocelote's stream and he was like: well,fuck it,gonna play on my own now,even if i give advices to my team,they might get it as offensives. I did the same,looked after every game at my stats and figured out MY mistakes and didn't really care about mistakes of my team in general. And well,daaaaamn,know I'm at Plat 1 and yeah i try to get damn Diamond and i'm still watching those streams (tho i enjoy watching Trick2modafackin'G now :P) So all in all i want to thank Wickd and ocelote for beeing such badasses making this game even more fun and helping me indirectely getting better in League. Final question@Wickd & ocelote : I saw you,Wickd,duo'ing with some Subs and it was really fun watching it,and i'd ask you and ocelote - wether you get time,and wether you even read this post - : would you duo with me some games ? I know i'm definitely not the onliest person having this wish,but it'd mean alot to me,just talking to you guys and playing with you.
Wickd and ocelote rocks. #SWARD#ionicsparkop#ggwp Peace.
Just burned a corn-nut for Chem lab. It had enough energy to raise 200g of water 4.5 degrees Celsius. That may not seem like a lot, but water necessitates 1 calorie to raise the temp 1 degree of 1 gram. TL;DR somewhere around 1,000,000 Joules was released.
Just burned a corn-nut for Chem lab. It had enough energy to raise 200g of water 4.5 degrees Celsius. That may not seem like a lot, but water necessitates 1 calorie to raise the temp 1 degree of 1 gram. TL;DR somewhere around 1,000,000 Joules was released.
Just burned a corn-nut for Chem lab. It had enough energy to raise 200g of water 4.5 degrees Celsius. That may not seem like a lot, but water necessitates 1 calorie to raise the temp 1 degree of 1 gram.
somewhere around 1,000,000 Joules was released.
Hey guys, I don't have anyone to talk to about this and I need to have sense slapped into me. I met a guy (he's 27, full-time career) just about 2 months ago at a small meet-up. It's a bit of a support community. Well, it was obvious we were rather attracted to each other. I caught him staring at me (not at my body) quite a lot, up until I had to leave a bit early and pay my tab at the bar. He was exceptionally polite and super nice. Funny too. He talked to me a lot. Well, I hesitated messaging him because I didn't want to come onto someone I might have to run into if I get rejected. I didn't even know if he was single or not or really interested and happened to be a polite individual. So, two months in (just a week ago, really), I take a risk and message him. He's replying fast on reddit (we all know each other's usernames) through PMs, which I took as a good sign. I give him my number and suggest we meet up sometime. He sends his number my way and says he'll tell me when he's free. I wait a few days, I don't hear anything from him, so I tell him I'm in his part of the town that night and he comes to meet me at a bar. We chat for 4 hours and it's going relatively amazing. I'm giddy not only because he's extremely charming, funny and hella attractive but he feels like one in a million to me. We both left our faith (Islam), come from the same country, extremely similar upbringing, similar views and experiences. I've always been attracted to people of the same ethnic background and I've had troubles finding someone very compatible with the things I'm so strong about -- and I found him through the thing we are both passionate about. So, the date is over. He is adamant about driving me home. I accept his offer. We get to my place and we end up making out, fooling around in his car. I'm feeling giddy about him. I haven't felt this strong and happy attraction to a person in over a year -- that was when my ex broke up with me. Next, he says he'll call me sometime, walks me to the door, says goodbye. The next day, he messages me. We text a little bit and I ask when he's free next. He says *maybe* Friday but he'll have to get back to me. So, I think, okay, cool. Conversation ends there. The issue(s): I can't stop thinking about whether or not he wants a relationship. a, Maybe he is genuinely busy on Friday, but before he walked me to the door, he mentioned that he was free for the rest of the week. So, now I'm nervous. b, I feel like if we have another meet-up, things will be uncomfortable for me if he is there and things go sour. c, When we were at the bar, he at one point threw in he is "never attached to anything". And then he repeated it twice after. d, He mentioned at the meet-up two months ago that he was set-up for an arranged marriage (a year ago, I believe), which is very popular in our culture. It wasn't terribly strict. They were just sort of set up by their parents and dated. Well, after a short while, he mentioned he was no longer part of the faith and she dumped him. Now, I'm wondering if he's put off by relationships and that's why he said he's "never attached to anything". e, My final reason for worry is that my last serious relationship ended abruptly because of the age gap. My ex was 29 and had a full time career. I'm a university student with a hefty student debt. My ex wanted to get married AND have kids. I was fine with settling down but he wanted someone who could provide the latter. When I type this out, I know how probably how paranoid this sounds, but I'm just so sick of being alone. I miss having a relationship and this guy just seems to be right. Except, I don't even really know now, because of my over-thinking, if he's even into me the same way, wants a relationship or wants to settle down. I'm riddled with over-powering thoughts and when it comes to people who I have dates like these with, I'm used to being chased, not doing the chasing. So, this is all new to me. **tl;dr -- I'm paranoid about dating a guy I waited 2 months to approach. Date went extremely well but already I'm worried about rejection as well as feeling down about whether or not he feels the same about about "our connection".** I think I just need someone to tell me to chill out and think about this in a way that's not so... paranoid/negative. EDIT: When, if we see each other again, and how would it be appropriate to acknowledge anything that I'm feeling? How long should I wait? How can I find out what he wants -- whether it be casual, dating, relationship, marriage, etc.? What should I do?
Hey guys, I don't have anyone to talk to about this and I need to have sense slapped into me. I met a guy (he's 27, full-time career) just about 2 months ago at a small meet-up. It's a bit of a support community. Well, it was obvious we were rather attracted to each other. I caught him staring at me (not at my body) quite a lot, up until I had to leave a bit early and pay my tab at the bar. He was exceptionally polite and super nice. Funny too. He talked to me a lot. Well, I hesitated messaging him because I didn't want to come onto someone I might have to run into if I get rejected. I didn't even know if he was single or not or really interested and happened to be a polite individual. So, two months in (just a week ago, really), I take a risk and message him. He's replying fast on reddit (we all know each other's usernames) through PMs, which I took as a good sign. I give him my number and suggest we meet up sometime. He sends his number my way and says he'll tell me when he's free. I wait a few days, I don't hear anything from him, so I tell him I'm in his part of the town that night and he comes to meet me at a bar. We chat for 4 hours and it's going relatively amazing. I'm giddy not only because he's extremely charming, funny and hella attractive but he feels like one in a million to me. We both left our faith (Islam), come from the same country, extremely similar upbringing, similar views and experiences. I've always been attracted to people of the same ethnic background and I've had troubles finding someone very compatible with the things I'm so strong about -- and I found him through the thing we are both passionate about. So, the date is over. He is adamant about driving me home. I accept his offer. We get to my place and we end up making out, fooling around in his car. I'm feeling giddy about him. I haven't felt this strong and happy attraction to a person in over a year -- that was when my ex broke up with me. Next, he says he'll call me sometime, walks me to the door, says goodbye. The next day, he messages me. We text a little bit and I ask when he's free next. He says maybe Friday but he'll have to get back to me. So, I think, okay, cool. Conversation ends there. The issue(s): I can't stop thinking about whether or not he wants a relationship. a, Maybe he is genuinely busy on Friday, but before he walked me to the door, he mentioned that he was free for the rest of the week. So, now I'm nervous. b, I feel like if we have another meet-up, things will be uncomfortable for me if he is there and things go sour. c, When we were at the bar, he at one point threw in he is "never attached to anything". And then he repeated it twice after. d, He mentioned at the meet-up two months ago that he was set-up for an arranged marriage (a year ago, I believe), which is very popular in our culture. It wasn't terribly strict. They were just sort of set up by their parents and dated. Well, after a short while, he mentioned he was no longer part of the faith and she dumped him. Now, I'm wondering if he's put off by relationships and that's why he said he's "never attached to anything". e, My final reason for worry is that my last serious relationship ended abruptly because of the age gap. My ex was 29 and had a full time career. I'm a university student with a hefty student debt. My ex wanted to get married AND have kids. I was fine with settling down but he wanted someone who could provide the latter. When I type this out, I know how probably how paranoid this sounds, but I'm just so sick of being alone. I miss having a relationship and this guy just seems to be right. Except, I don't even really know now, because of my over-thinking, if he's even into me the same way, wants a relationship or wants to settle down. I'm riddled with over-powering thoughts and when it comes to people who I have dates like these with, I'm used to being chased, not doing the chasing. So, this is all new to me. tl;dr -- I'm paranoid about dating a guy I waited 2 months to approach. Date went extremely well but already I'm worried about rejection as well as feeling down about whether or not he feels the same about about "our connection". I think I just need someone to tell me to chill out and think about this in a way that's not so... paranoid/negative. EDIT: When, if we see each other again, and how would it be appropriate to acknowledge anything that I'm feeling? How long should I wait? How can I find out what he wants -- whether it be casual, dating, relationship, marriage, etc.? What should I do?
Hey guys, I don't have anyone to talk to about this and I need to have sense slapped into me. I met a guy (he's 27, full-time career) just about 2 months ago at a small meet-up. It's a bit of a support community. Well, it was obvious we were rather attracted to each other. I caught him staring at me (not at my body) quite a lot, up until I had to leave a bit early and pay my tab at the bar. He was exceptionally polite and super nice. Funny too. He talked to me a lot. Well, I hesitated messaging him because I didn't want to come onto someone I might have to run into if I get rejected. I didn't even know if he was single or not or really interested and happened to be a polite individual. So, two months in (just a week ago, really), I take a risk and message him. He's replying fast on reddit (we all know each other's usernames) through PMs, which I took as a good sign. I give him my number and suggest we meet up sometime. He sends his number my way and says he'll tell me when he's free. I wait a few days, I don't hear anything from him, so I tell him I'm in his part of the town that night and he comes to meet me at a bar. We chat for 4 hours and it's going relatively amazing. I'm giddy not only because he's extremely charming, funny and hella attractive but he feels like one in a million to me. We both left our faith (Islam), come from the same country, extremely similar upbringing, similar views and experiences. I've always been attracted to people of the same ethnic background and I've had troubles finding someone very compatible with the things I'm so strong about -- and I found him through the thing we are both passionate about. So, the date is over. He is adamant about driving me home. I accept his offer. We get to my place and we end up making out, fooling around in his car. I'm feeling giddy about him. I haven't felt this strong and happy attraction to a person in over a year -- that was when my ex broke up with me. Next, he says he'll call me sometime, walks me to the door, says goodbye. The next day, he messages me. We text a little bit and I ask when he's free next. He says maybe Friday but he'll have to get back to me. So, I think, okay, cool. Conversation ends there. The issue(s): I can't stop thinking about whether or not he wants a relationship. a, Maybe he is genuinely busy on Friday, but before he walked me to the door, he mentioned that he was free for the rest of the week. So, now I'm nervous. b, I feel like if we have another meet-up, things will be uncomfortable for me if he is there and things go sour. c, When we were at the bar, he at one point threw in he is "never attached to anything". And then he repeated it twice after. d, He mentioned at the meet-up two months ago that he was set-up for an arranged marriage (a year ago, I believe), which is very popular in our culture. It wasn't terribly strict. They were just sort of set up by their parents and dated. Well, after a short while, he mentioned he was no longer part of the faith and she dumped him. Now, I'm wondering if he's put off by relationships and that's why he said he's "never attached to anything". e, My final reason for worry is that my last serious relationship ended abruptly because of the age gap. My ex was 29 and had a full time career. I'm a university student with a hefty student debt. My ex wanted to get married AND have kids. I was fine with settling down but he wanted someone who could provide the latter. When I type this out, I know how probably how paranoid this sounds, but I'm just so sick of being alone. I miss having a relationship and this guy just seems to be right. Except, I don't even really know now, because of my over-thinking, if he's even into me the same way, wants a relationship or wants to settle down. I'm riddled with over-powering thoughts and when it comes to people who I have dates like these with, I'm used to being chased, not doing the chasing. So, this is all new to me.
I'm paranoid about dating a guy I waited 2 months to approach. Date went extremely well but already I'm worried about rejection as well as feeling down about whether or not he feels the same about about "our connection". I think I just need someone to tell me to chill out and think about this in a way that's not so... paranoid/negative. EDIT: When, if we see each other again, and how would it be appropriate to acknowledge anything that I'm feeling? How long should I wait? How can I find out what he wants -- whether it be casual, dating, relationship, marriage, etc.? What should I do?
Likely an easy question for the vets, but I'm struggling with the situation some. Long story short, I keep a journal it contains everything from fleshing out my vision to rants on behavior (hers, kids, and mine). Lately I've slipped back into the anger phase a bit and the writing reflects that, along with questions to myself regarding my level of OI as it pertains to our relationship. Yesterday my wife took it upon herself to read it while I was out with our daughter because "there's this void when I talk to you". You can imagine her reaction. Now there's been everything from "I make you unhappy and should leave, how could you say you wouldn't miss me to I want to make you happy" My frame throughout this has been that I do care about her, and want her in my life. But that I will do things I feel are best for our family and my happiness. She is more than welcome to be a part of that life, but it's her choice. Along with that I have expressed serious disappointment with the disrespect of my privacy, and told her that one of her first steps to being the woman that makes me happy should be to never do that again. Things are cordial at the moment, but it's certainly going to come back up soon. I see an opportunity here to reframe our relationship, but I'm not entirely sure what path to take to avoid breaking her down too much. Just looking for a bit of outside perspective on handling this. UPDATE: She insisted on handling this today over the phone so she could decide if she needed to be home tomorrow. It's now been laid out that the journal is off limits and not up for discussion, she is expected to respect that boundary and make an effort to better our lives and relationship. Told her if she felt that was too much to ask then she needed to make her choice regarding her place in my life. All signs lead to her accepting the above, however she still wants to see a counselor so it's likely to get fucked up again. The list she wanted is a no go in favor of accepting that I will tell her when I dislike something, or need something specific from her. I did slip a bit into beta saying that right now my life plan has her in it, but I clearly stated that she will have to make the choice to be a part of that life based off the above terms, there is to be no negotiation. Tldr; Respect my boundaries, better our lives, if not move on.
Likely an easy question for the vets, but I'm struggling with the situation some. Long story short, I keep a journal it contains everything from fleshing out my vision to rants on behavior (hers, kids, and mine). Lately I've slipped back into the anger phase a bit and the writing reflects that, along with questions to myself regarding my level of OI as it pertains to our relationship. Yesterday my wife took it upon herself to read it while I was out with our daughter because "there's this void when I talk to you". You can imagine her reaction. Now there's been everything from "I make you unhappy and should leave, how could you say you wouldn't miss me to I want to make you happy" My frame throughout this has been that I do care about her, and want her in my life. But that I will do things I feel are best for our family and my happiness. She is more than welcome to be a part of that life, but it's her choice. Along with that I have expressed serious disappointment with the disrespect of my privacy, and told her that one of her first steps to being the woman that makes me happy should be to never do that again. Things are cordial at the moment, but it's certainly going to come back up soon. I see an opportunity here to reframe our relationship, but I'm not entirely sure what path to take to avoid breaking her down too much. Just looking for a bit of outside perspective on handling this. UPDATE: She insisted on handling this today over the phone so she could decide if she needed to be home tomorrow. It's now been laid out that the journal is off limits and not up for discussion, she is expected to respect that boundary and make an effort to better our lives and relationship. Told her if she felt that was too much to ask then she needed to make her choice regarding her place in my life. All signs lead to her accepting the above, however she still wants to see a counselor so it's likely to get fucked up again. The list she wanted is a no go in favor of accepting that I will tell her when I dislike something, or need something specific from her. I did slip a bit into beta saying that right now my life plan has her in it, but I clearly stated that she will have to make the choice to be a part of that life based off the above terms, there is to be no negotiation. Tldr; Respect my boundaries, better our lives, if not move on.
Likely an easy question for the vets, but I'm struggling with the situation some. Long story short, I keep a journal it contains everything from fleshing out my vision to rants on behavior (hers, kids, and mine). Lately I've slipped back into the anger phase a bit and the writing reflects that, along with questions to myself regarding my level of OI as it pertains to our relationship. Yesterday my wife took it upon herself to read it while I was out with our daughter because "there's this void when I talk to you". You can imagine her reaction. Now there's been everything from "I make you unhappy and should leave, how could you say you wouldn't miss me to I want to make you happy" My frame throughout this has been that I do care about her, and want her in my life. But that I will do things I feel are best for our family and my happiness. She is more than welcome to be a part of that life, but it's her choice. Along with that I have expressed serious disappointment with the disrespect of my privacy, and told her that one of her first steps to being the woman that makes me happy should be to never do that again. Things are cordial at the moment, but it's certainly going to come back up soon. I see an opportunity here to reframe our relationship, but I'm not entirely sure what path to take to avoid breaking her down too much. Just looking for a bit of outside perspective on handling this. UPDATE: She insisted on handling this today over the phone so she could decide if she needed to be home tomorrow. It's now been laid out that the journal is off limits and not up for discussion, she is expected to respect that boundary and make an effort to better our lives and relationship. Told her if she felt that was too much to ask then she needed to make her choice regarding her place in my life. All signs lead to her accepting the above, however she still wants to see a counselor so it's likely to get fucked up again. The list she wanted is a no go in favor of accepting that I will tell her when I dislike something, or need something specific from her. I did slip a bit into beta saying that right now my life plan has her in it, but I clearly stated that she will have to make the choice to be a part of that life based off the above terms, there is to be no negotiation.
Respect my boundaries, better our lives, if not move on.
So, just as a hypothetical question, if, say, there was a large local business employing a few hundred people, which is in turn part of a much larger conglomerate. Now, said company(which I discovered completely randomly, googling an unrelated email address. I have no affiliation with them) happens to be hosting ALL their HR documents openly on their web server going back to 2008. Every resume, application, pay info, internal documents. Thousands of pages of easily exploitable personal information. From what I can tell, some HR person is using the public web server as their personal file dump. Some of the affected employees I know well in real life, who would be none-to-happy to know that their performance reviews and what not are being crawled by google and show up when their email or name is searched. Now, Im not a greedy guy. Any other situation, I would quietly inform their IT department. But, *if*, say, I was also, hypothetically, going through a ridiculous custody battle with a clueless cheating ex with wealthy parents, who are trying to drown me in legal bills, a little bit extra to push back with would make a massive difference. So, again, this is a purely speculative question, but what would be the safest, most legit way of asking this(multi-multi million dollar company), that for a *very reasonable* finders fee, I could save them from the consequences of their employees(and the local media) hearing that their Social Insurance number, birthdate, address, and work history show up next to their name when someone searches them? Located in Canada **TL:DR** - If I wanted to blackmail a local company, what would be the best way to go about this, ideally staying with the boundaries of the law?
So, just as a hypothetical question, if, say, there was a large local business employing a few hundred people, which is in turn part of a much larger conglomerate. Now, said company(which I discovered completely randomly, googling an unrelated email address. I have no affiliation with them) happens to be hosting ALL their HR documents openly on their web server going back to 2008. Every resume, application, pay info, internal documents. Thousands of pages of easily exploitable personal information. From what I can tell, some HR person is using the public web server as their personal file dump. Some of the affected employees I know well in real life, who would be none-to-happy to know that their performance reviews and what not are being crawled by google and show up when their email or name is searched. Now, Im not a greedy guy. Any other situation, I would quietly inform their IT department. But, if , say, I was also, hypothetically, going through a ridiculous custody battle with a clueless cheating ex with wealthy parents, who are trying to drown me in legal bills, a little bit extra to push back with would make a massive difference. So, again, this is a purely speculative question, but what would be the safest, most legit way of asking this(multi-multi million dollar company), that for a very reasonable finders fee, I could save them from the consequences of their employees(and the local media) hearing that their Social Insurance number, birthdate, address, and work history show up next to their name when someone searches them? Located in Canada TL:DR - If I wanted to blackmail a local company, what would be the best way to go about this, ideally staying with the boundaries of the law?
So, just as a hypothetical question, if, say, there was a large local business employing a few hundred people, which is in turn part of a much larger conglomerate. Now, said company(which I discovered completely randomly, googling an unrelated email address. I have no affiliation with them) happens to be hosting ALL their HR documents openly on their web server going back to 2008. Every resume, application, pay info, internal documents. Thousands of pages of easily exploitable personal information. From what I can tell, some HR person is using the public web server as their personal file dump. Some of the affected employees I know well in real life, who would be none-to-happy to know that their performance reviews and what not are being crawled by google and show up when their email or name is searched. Now, Im not a greedy guy. Any other situation, I would quietly inform their IT department. But, if , say, I was also, hypothetically, going through a ridiculous custody battle with a clueless cheating ex with wealthy parents, who are trying to drown me in legal bills, a little bit extra to push back with would make a massive difference. So, again, this is a purely speculative question, but what would be the safest, most legit way of asking this(multi-multi million dollar company), that for a very reasonable finders fee, I could save them from the consequences of their employees(and the local media) hearing that their Social Insurance number, birthdate, address, and work history show up next to their name when someone searches them? Located in Canada
If I wanted to blackmail a local company, what would be the best way to go about this, ideally staying with the boundaries of the law?
First off, he's super dope. This guy was everywhere doing everything. Casting, helping in the booth, helping with the side computers, running around the venue dealing with specific problems, signing autographs, I even saw him earlier this weekend go on a food run. All of which joking around and laughing and overall having a fantastic time. Since the Red Bull Lan was so empty it had a almost intimate atmosphere to it and it seemed like we were constantly getting treated with a little Rob here and there. The great part was being able to actually watch Rob cast. Listening to him and watching a game is awesome, hes a great overall caster. But anyone who was at the lan can vouch for me that watching and listening to Rob as he casts is down right side splitting. His facial expressions, hand gestures, interaction with the crowd, and especially the way Day9 and him interact with each other as the game is progressing is something you can really only get the full grasp of if you were there. IDK if you'll see this Rob but you were awesome!!! I got your autograph and your girlfriend dubbed me "TheLoudestGuyAtTheVenue" so Thanks for making the RBLAN even more awesome!!! TLDR; Rob P. Simpson is way more awesome than people give him credit for, he is an outstanding individual and in my personal opinion should be given more face time and support!!!
First off, he's super dope. This guy was everywhere doing everything. Casting, helping in the booth, helping with the side computers, running around the venue dealing with specific problems, signing autographs, I even saw him earlier this weekend go on a food run. All of which joking around and laughing and overall having a fantastic time. Since the Red Bull Lan was so empty it had a almost intimate atmosphere to it and it seemed like we were constantly getting treated with a little Rob here and there. The great part was being able to actually watch Rob cast. Listening to him and watching a game is awesome, hes a great overall caster. But anyone who was at the lan can vouch for me that watching and listening to Rob as he casts is down right side splitting. His facial expressions, hand gestures, interaction with the crowd, and especially the way Day9 and him interact with each other as the game is progressing is something you can really only get the full grasp of if you were there. IDK if you'll see this Rob but you were awesome!!! I got your autograph and your girlfriend dubbed me "TheLoudestGuyAtTheVenue" so Thanks for making the RBLAN even more awesome!!! TLDR; Rob P. Simpson is way more awesome than people give him credit for, he is an outstanding individual and in my personal opinion should be given more face time and support!!!
First off, he's super dope. This guy was everywhere doing everything. Casting, helping in the booth, helping with the side computers, running around the venue dealing with specific problems, signing autographs, I even saw him earlier this weekend go on a food run. All of which joking around and laughing and overall having a fantastic time. Since the Red Bull Lan was so empty it had a almost intimate atmosphere to it and it seemed like we were constantly getting treated with a little Rob here and there. The great part was being able to actually watch Rob cast. Listening to him and watching a game is awesome, hes a great overall caster. But anyone who was at the lan can vouch for me that watching and listening to Rob as he casts is down right side splitting. His facial expressions, hand gestures, interaction with the crowd, and especially the way Day9 and him interact with each other as the game is progressing is something you can really only get the full grasp of if you were there. IDK if you'll see this Rob but you were awesome!!! I got your autograph and your girlfriend dubbed me "TheLoudestGuyAtTheVenue" so Thanks for making the RBLAN even more awesome!!!
Rob P. Simpson is way more awesome than people give him credit for, he is an outstanding individual and in my personal opinion should be given more face time and support!!!
I hope this is the right subreddit. I'm doing a history case study on a violent incident in a boarding school in 1948. My basic goal is to see if representations of violence in society were reflected in a particular documented case of violence among youth (considering the extreme level of violence during the war in the country in question, glorification of "rightious" violence present as a legitimation strategy for regime and few other factors). For that reason, I'd like to get familiar with concepts of collective action, particulary violence. The attacking group is just a few strong, and there is only one victim. So far, I've read Mancur Olson, *The Logic of Collective Action*, Richard Berk, *Collective Behaviour* and some historical works on the simmilar topic, like Thompson *The moral economy*, Zemon Davis, *Rites of violence*, Charles Tilly, *From mobilisation to revolution and George Rude *The London mob*. Waiting on the shelf are Kevin Wheldal, *Social behaviour* plus plenty more from Rude and Tilly. Could anyone recomend some sociological works, preferably articles at this point, considering the violent actions of small groups? Also, I'd like to put my case study in the context of total institution, if it proves to be possible. So far, I've read Goffman, *Asylums* and Foucault *Discipline and punish*. I'm espetially lost for further reading in this respect, and I hope this reddit can help me. If there's anything specific about boarding schools as such institutions, that would be great. Many thanks in advance for any suggestions. TL;DR - recomended reading on boarding schools as total institutions and on collective violence, preferably by small groups.
I hope this is the right subreddit. I'm doing a history case study on a violent incident in a boarding school in 1948. My basic goal is to see if representations of violence in society were reflected in a particular documented case of violence among youth (considering the extreme level of violence during the war in the country in question, glorification of "rightious" violence present as a legitimation strategy for regime and few other factors). For that reason, I'd like to get familiar with concepts of collective action, particulary violence. The attacking group is just a few strong, and there is only one victim. So far, I've read Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action , Richard Berk, Collective Behaviour and some historical works on the simmilar topic, like Thompson The moral economy , Zemon Davis, Rites of violence , Charles Tilly, From mobilisation to revolution and George Rude The London mob*. Waiting on the shelf are Kevin Wheldal, Social behaviour plus plenty more from Rude and Tilly. Could anyone recomend some sociological works, preferably articles at this point, considering the violent actions of small groups? Also, I'd like to put my case study in the context of total institution, if it proves to be possible. So far, I've read Goffman, Asylums and Foucault Discipline and punish . I'm espetially lost for further reading in this respect, and I hope this reddit can help me. If there's anything specific about boarding schools as such institutions, that would be great. Many thanks in advance for any suggestions. TL;DR - recomended reading on boarding schools as total institutions and on collective violence, preferably by small groups.
I hope this is the right subreddit. I'm doing a history case study on a violent incident in a boarding school in 1948. My basic goal is to see if representations of violence in society were reflected in a particular documented case of violence among youth (considering the extreme level of violence during the war in the country in question, glorification of "rightious" violence present as a legitimation strategy for regime and few other factors). For that reason, I'd like to get familiar with concepts of collective action, particulary violence. The attacking group is just a few strong, and there is only one victim. So far, I've read Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action , Richard Berk, Collective Behaviour and some historical works on the simmilar topic, like Thompson The moral economy , Zemon Davis, Rites of violence , Charles Tilly, From mobilisation to revolution and George Rude The London mob*. Waiting on the shelf are Kevin Wheldal, Social behaviour plus plenty more from Rude and Tilly. Could anyone recomend some sociological works, preferably articles at this point, considering the violent actions of small groups? Also, I'd like to put my case study in the context of total institution, if it proves to be possible. So far, I've read Goffman, Asylums and Foucault Discipline and punish . I'm espetially lost for further reading in this respect, and I hope this reddit can help me. If there's anything specific about boarding schools as such institutions, that would be great. Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.
recomended reading on boarding schools as total institutions and on collective violence, preferably by small groups.
My Observations: 1. There are very few subreddits where you get a genuine mix of political opinions. Generally speaking, political thought sticks to the subreddits most sympathetic to it. That being said, one of the best mixing pots is /r/AdviceAnimals and one of the worst is /r/politics. /r/PoliticalDiscussion is somewhere in the middle, as it has a tendency to devolve into thread-by-thread circlejerks, flamewars, downvote brigades and "no-you're-stupid "debates" ". 2. Active commenters about politics generally speaking come in two flavors: progressive and libertarian. There are almost no outspoken social conservatives or foreign policy hawks, and even among libertarians, support for the free market is undercut by "left-libertarians" who are really just anarcho-socialists. With this being said, its small surprise that most of Reddit identifies as Democrat, and the Republicans are just the worst. 3. Political issues that have strong support in the academic community are the ones most likely to have fervent, almost irrational support, from the liberal crowd. They will pick any of these as a hill to die on, and not accept any criticism or skepticism. By this I mean things like: -Anthropogenic Global Warming -Feminism/Affirmative Action -Externality Theory/Keynesian Economics -Support for the Welfare State 4. When it comes to Obama and Co., people seem to come in three flavors. Those who were against him from the start, those who are disappointed, and those who are still on board and passing around the Koolaid. **TLDR:** *1. Default subs are the best for finding a good mix of political thought.* *2. The only thing rarer than a sober Irishman is an old school Republican on Reddit.* *3. Most lefty Redditors parrot the beliefs and opinions of their aging New Left professors.* *4. "Thanks Obama" was a meme invented to both capture and discredit the overwhelming disappointment many Redditors feel as Obama slowly reveals himself to be yet another politician.*
My Observations: There are very few subreddits where you get a genuine mix of political opinions. Generally speaking, political thought sticks to the subreddits most sympathetic to it. That being said, one of the best mixing pots is /r/AdviceAnimals and one of the worst is /r/politics. /r/PoliticalDiscussion is somewhere in the middle, as it has a tendency to devolve into thread-by-thread circlejerks, flamewars, downvote brigades and "no-you're-stupid "debates" ". Active commenters about politics generally speaking come in two flavors: progressive and libertarian. There are almost no outspoken social conservatives or foreign policy hawks, and even among libertarians, support for the free market is undercut by "left-libertarians" who are really just anarcho-socialists. With this being said, its small surprise that most of Reddit identifies as Democrat, and the Republicans are just the worst. Political issues that have strong support in the academic community are the ones most likely to have fervent, almost irrational support, from the liberal crowd. They will pick any of these as a hill to die on, and not accept any criticism or skepticism. By this I mean things like: -Anthropogenic Global Warming -Feminism/Affirmative Action -Externality Theory/Keynesian Economics -Support for the Welfare State When it comes to Obama and Co., people seem to come in three flavors. Those who were against him from the start, those who are disappointed, and those who are still on board and passing around the Koolaid. TLDR: 1. Default subs are the best for finding a good mix of political thought. 2. The only thing rarer than a sober Irishman is an old school Republican on Reddit. 3. Most lefty Redditors parrot the beliefs and opinions of their aging New Left professors. 4. "Thanks Obama" was a meme invented to both capture and discredit the overwhelming disappointment many Redditors feel as Obama slowly reveals himself to be yet another politician.
My Observations: There are very few subreddits where you get a genuine mix of political opinions. Generally speaking, political thought sticks to the subreddits most sympathetic to it. That being said, one of the best mixing pots is /r/AdviceAnimals and one of the worst is /r/politics. /r/PoliticalDiscussion is somewhere in the middle, as it has a tendency to devolve into thread-by-thread circlejerks, flamewars, downvote brigades and "no-you're-stupid "debates" ". Active commenters about politics generally speaking come in two flavors: progressive and libertarian. There are almost no outspoken social conservatives or foreign policy hawks, and even among libertarians, support for the free market is undercut by "left-libertarians" who are really just anarcho-socialists. With this being said, its small surprise that most of Reddit identifies as Democrat, and the Republicans are just the worst. Political issues that have strong support in the academic community are the ones most likely to have fervent, almost irrational support, from the liberal crowd. They will pick any of these as a hill to die on, and not accept any criticism or skepticism. By this I mean things like: -Anthropogenic Global Warming -Feminism/Affirmative Action -Externality Theory/Keynesian Economics -Support for the Welfare State When it comes to Obama and Co., people seem to come in three flavors. Those who were against him from the start, those who are disappointed, and those who are still on board and passing around the Koolaid.
1. Default subs are the best for finding a good mix of political thought. 2. The only thing rarer than a sober Irishman is an old school Republican on Reddit. 3. Most lefty Redditors parrot the beliefs and opinions of their aging New Left professors. 4. "Thanks Obama" was a meme invented to both capture and discredit the overwhelming disappointment many Redditors feel as Obama slowly reveals himself to be yet another politician.
I used to T.A a graduate level course. by the third time I was doing it, I was given a lot of freedom in writing my lessons, authoring homework assignments and exam questions , etc. by the third (and last...) time I T.A'd the course I really knew what I was doing, I knew not only all of the classes by heart, but I could also make those timely connections (i.e. how what we are doing now ties in nicely as a derivable result of what we did in lesson 5 etc. ) I also knew which points are harder to grasp, where students show more misunderstandings, and what needs to get clarified in advance. and more importantly, I was as enthusiastic as ever about teaching. the traditional homework in the class was basically the same set of problems slightly modified from year to year, in my third year, I changed all that, I totally rewrote the entire problem set so that it perfectly covered the syllabus, (and i told the students, the problems are harder than last year, but i promise you that they are a good indicator of your understanding of the course material. make sure you can solve each and every problem .etc etc. ) I received high praise from the course professor. he called my work "epic" which made me very proud of myself... right up until the time I received the "teaching survey" results. the students absolutely hated it. they had (as is the normal case, and not even frowned upon) some prior years' notes. and were expecting the same homework assignments (that I myself gave a year and two years earlier, (when my reviews were better)) and were disappointed at "how much extra time they had to put in in order to get the course work done, and to understand the material..." I really felt that they were a bunch of ingrates, that i could have coasted through teaching it handing off the same assignments with 0 effort ... and thhat's the thanks i get . (and they would have felt the weight of the course when they started solving exam questions from previous years, after handing in the "teaching survey") the tl;dr; of this is (as expertly expressed by the professor of said course) Education is the only field in which people pay, then want to receive as little as possible in return ---- edit :formatting
I used to T.A a graduate level course. by the third time I was doing it, I was given a lot of freedom in writing my lessons, authoring homework assignments and exam questions , etc. by the third (and last...) time I T.A'd the course I really knew what I was doing, I knew not only all of the classes by heart, but I could also make those timely connections (i.e. how what we are doing now ties in nicely as a derivable result of what we did in lesson 5 etc. ) I also knew which points are harder to grasp, where students show more misunderstandings, and what needs to get clarified in advance. and more importantly, I was as enthusiastic as ever about teaching. the traditional homework in the class was basically the same set of problems slightly modified from year to year, in my third year, I changed all that, I totally rewrote the entire problem set so that it perfectly covered the syllabus, (and i told the students, the problems are harder than last year, but i promise you that they are a good indicator of your understanding of the course material. make sure you can solve each and every problem .etc etc. ) I received high praise from the course professor. he called my work "epic" which made me very proud of myself... right up until the time I received the "teaching survey" results. the students absolutely hated it. they had (as is the normal case, and not even frowned upon) some prior years' notes. and were expecting the same homework assignments (that I myself gave a year and two years earlier, (when my reviews were better)) and were disappointed at "how much extra time they had to put in in order to get the course work done, and to understand the material..." I really felt that they were a bunch of ingrates, that i could have coasted through teaching it handing off the same assignments with 0 effort ... and thhat's the thanks i get . (and they would have felt the weight of the course when they started solving exam questions from previous years, after handing in the "teaching survey") the tl;dr; of this is (as expertly expressed by the professor of said course) Education is the only field in which people pay, then want to receive as little as possible in return edit :formatting
I used to T.A a graduate level course. by the third time I was doing it, I was given a lot of freedom in writing my lessons, authoring homework assignments and exam questions , etc. by the third (and last...) time I T.A'd the course I really knew what I was doing, I knew not only all of the classes by heart, but I could also make those timely connections (i.e. how what we are doing now ties in nicely as a derivable result of what we did in lesson 5 etc. ) I also knew which points are harder to grasp, where students show more misunderstandings, and what needs to get clarified in advance. and more importantly, I was as enthusiastic as ever about teaching. the traditional homework in the class was basically the same set of problems slightly modified from year to year, in my third year, I changed all that, I totally rewrote the entire problem set so that it perfectly covered the syllabus, (and i told the students, the problems are harder than last year, but i promise you that they are a good indicator of your understanding of the course material. make sure you can solve each and every problem .etc etc. ) I received high praise from the course professor. he called my work "epic" which made me very proud of myself... right up until the time I received the "teaching survey" results. the students absolutely hated it. they had (as is the normal case, and not even frowned upon) some prior years' notes. and were expecting the same homework assignments (that I myself gave a year and two years earlier, (when my reviews were better)) and were disappointed at "how much extra time they had to put in in order to get the course work done, and to understand the material..." I really felt that they were a bunch of ingrates, that i could have coasted through teaching it handing off the same assignments with 0 effort ... and thhat's the thanks i get . (and they would have felt the weight of the course when they started solving exam questions from previous years, after handing in the "teaching survey") the
of this is (as expertly expressed by the professor of said course) Education is the only field in which people pay, then want to receive as little as possible in return edit :formatting
Back in the late 90's, me and some of my friends went to a rave in San Diego (I forget the exact location, because this was the only time I had been there, and we were high as fuck). Now, my group of friends went to raves at least once a month for a year an a half, so we knew the scene, what to expect, and always had a good time. We also did lots of drugs. Well, by this point, we had been doing it for a while, so we got a lot more casual about the amount of drugs we were taking, and in what combination. At this rave, I took 2 ecstasy pills, 3 hits of acid, and smoked easily half an 8th of weed by myself. My best friend (we'll call him Stan) would often match me (if not exceed me) in drug consumption. At this rave, he took 3 ex pills, 5 hits of acid, and smoked a lot of weed. Once we consumed the drugs, we found a spot in the venue that we claimed as our spot, and just proceeded to dance, laugh, kiss, and just generally enjoy existence. After about an hour or so, I notice Stan was really, really into the music. He was basically oblivious to everyone around him, and was fucking dancing his ass off. Problem was, he was sitting down with his back against the wall. In his gyrations, he was hitting the back of his head against the wall, swaying in a circular motion to the music. This alarmed me, and I asked if he was OK, and he said he was feeling amazing. I say, alright then, and dove back into my trip. A few minutes later, I notice he's swaying again, this time hitting his head even harder against the wall as he swayed. By this point, my friends and I knew that something was wrong. we looked at each other, and decided that it was time to leave the venue. We thought maybe we could just chill in the car and ride out the rest of our trips until someone was sober enough to drive home. We stand up, and try to get Stan to get up with us. He won't budge. he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that we were there. After 10 or so minutes of trying to get him to stand up, we said fuck and decided to carry him out. Me and another friend pick up up, put his arms on our shoulders, and start to carry him between us to the exit. The whole time this is going on, Stan is mumbling complete not even actual words. And he's still dancing as much as he was able to (which amounted to him shaking and twisting while his feet dangled about the floor). It was not easy to keep him stable as we trekked towards the exit, but somehow we managed not to drop him. As we were making our way through the crowd, people were staring, because it was evident that something was up with Stan. The looks I saw on the faces of the people around us started to scare me, because it looked like they were looking at someone who was about to die. We continue to press on through the sea of sympathetic eyes and drug-addled souls, and finally made it to the exit. But, things are never easy when you need them to be. To get into this venue, you had to descend about 200 stairs. Stan was in no condition to walk on flat ground, let alone ascend a stair case. And he was still dancing and gibbering like a lunatic, so there was no way we were going to be able to carry him up the stairs. Some of my friends start crying at this point, because we didn't know what to do; our friend clearly needed to get out of the venue, but we couldn't do it ourselves. And since we were also all fucked up, our reasoning and logic skills were long gone. I looked over at Stan now that we were in regular light instead of black lights, strobe lights, and flashing colored lights, and my heart about stopped. He was paler than any white Irish guy has any right to be, and his normally ice-blue eyes were so pale that they appeared white, except for the pupil. And there was no recognition there. He didn't know who I was, who my friends were, where he was, or even that something was wrong. But he was grinning like the Joker. It was fucking terrifying. We were standing there, trying to figure just what the fuck we were going to do, when one of the security personnel of the venue saw us. he walked over and asked us if there was a problem. We told him our friend was not feeling well, and we were trying to get him home, but we couldn't carry him up the stairs. This security guard takes one good look at Stan, and says, "Wait here. i think your friend is OD'ing, and we need to get him to a hospital. OH. SHIT. "OD" is the LAST thing you want to hear when you're at a rave. Panic starts to creep into our minds, which then gets magnified a hundred fold because we were still high. Stan's girlfriend is crying, and most of my friends were crying as well. I was fucking bawling. This is my best friend, someone who I had known for about 12 years at this point, a brother, and for all I knew he was going to die because we were stupid and decided it would be fun to do a shitload of drugs. The venue had medics on-site in case of something like this, so before we could really process what was happening, the medics had taken Stan from my arms and were trying to get him to lay still so they could check his vitals and whatnot. But he was STILL thrashing around and mumbling. The medics asked me and my friends to come over and help hold him down so they could do their work, and they thought that having familiar faces around might make it easier for my friend to deal with this situation. So we all gather a kneel beside him, and try to hold him down with our arms. NO GOOD. He's thrashing and bucking and foiling our every attempt to hold him down. The medics again state calmly that we really need to hold him down before he hurts himself or someone else. So we sat on him, one person per limb, while his girlfriend sat on his chest and kept talking to him. He was still thrashing so hard that occasionally he would lift one of us off the ground. While the medics are checking him out, he suddenly turns to his girlfriend, and says, "Hey Wendy! How's it going?" We all looked up in shock...he spoke, and it made sense! She goes to answer him, but he slips back into muttering incoherently. After the medics checked him out, they said Stan needed to go to the hospital. They bring down a gurney, strap Stan in securely, and get him into the ambulance. his girlfriend and I rode in the ambulance with him, while our friends got a lift to the hospital by cab. We're now in the hospital waiting room. Stan has been taken away, and we have no idea what's going to happen. And I am still tripping balls; the floors and walls are heaving and undulating, colors bled into each other to make new, horrible colors, and my eyes are so sore from crying that I wanted to rip them our of my head. At one point, a nurse came in to give us an update. He was not in any immediate danger of dying, but he wasn't out of the woods yet. She then tells us one girl has already died that night from ODing at the rave, and how stupid drugs were. I lost it again at this point, and cried for a long time because I thought my friend was going to die. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep. I was awoken sometime later by another nurse, who said that they had pumped my friends stomach, and that he was sleeping now. It looked like he was going to be ok. I have never been more relieved in my entire life. Some more time passes, and they wheel my friend out in a wheel chair. He looked like death. He was still extremely pale, and looked like he had been beaten with a hammer. He had a huge knot on the back of his head from hitting it repeatedly against the wall, he had dark circles under his eyes, and was visibly exhausted. The doctor tells us that in addition to the drugs we know he took, Stan had also been taking some kind of medication because he had come into contact with poison oak a week or so earlier, and the medication was basically some kind of steroid. Stan is fine now and suffered no long-term effects from this experience (thank the gods for that). He married his girlfriend, has a good job and two kids. But we never did ex or acid again. tl;dr - friends and I went to a rave, and mixed a bunch of drugs. one friend was also taking a medication that he didn't tell us about and almost died of an over-dose. (sorry this was so long-winded)
Back in the late 90's, me and some of my friends went to a rave in San Diego (I forget the exact location, because this was the only time I had been there, and we were high as fuck). Now, my group of friends went to raves at least once a month for a year an a half, so we knew the scene, what to expect, and always had a good time. We also did lots of drugs. Well, by this point, we had been doing it for a while, so we got a lot more casual about the amount of drugs we were taking, and in what combination. At this rave, I took 2 ecstasy pills, 3 hits of acid, and smoked easily half an 8th of weed by myself. My best friend (we'll call him Stan) would often match me (if not exceed me) in drug consumption. At this rave, he took 3 ex pills, 5 hits of acid, and smoked a lot of weed. Once we consumed the drugs, we found a spot in the venue that we claimed as our spot, and just proceeded to dance, laugh, kiss, and just generally enjoy existence. After about an hour or so, I notice Stan was really, really into the music. He was basically oblivious to everyone around him, and was fucking dancing his ass off. Problem was, he was sitting down with his back against the wall. In his gyrations, he was hitting the back of his head against the wall, swaying in a circular motion to the music. This alarmed me, and I asked if he was OK, and he said he was feeling amazing. I say, alright then, and dove back into my trip. A few minutes later, I notice he's swaying again, this time hitting his head even harder against the wall as he swayed. By this point, my friends and I knew that something was wrong. we looked at each other, and decided that it was time to leave the venue. We thought maybe we could just chill in the car and ride out the rest of our trips until someone was sober enough to drive home. We stand up, and try to get Stan to get up with us. He won't budge. he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that we were there. After 10 or so minutes of trying to get him to stand up, we said fuck and decided to carry him out. Me and another friend pick up up, put his arms on our shoulders, and start to carry him between us to the exit. The whole time this is going on, Stan is mumbling complete not even actual words. And he's still dancing as much as he was able to (which amounted to him shaking and twisting while his feet dangled about the floor). It was not easy to keep him stable as we trekked towards the exit, but somehow we managed not to drop him. As we were making our way through the crowd, people were staring, because it was evident that something was up with Stan. The looks I saw on the faces of the people around us started to scare me, because it looked like they were looking at someone who was about to die. We continue to press on through the sea of sympathetic eyes and drug-addled souls, and finally made it to the exit. But, things are never easy when you need them to be. To get into this venue, you had to descend about 200 stairs. Stan was in no condition to walk on flat ground, let alone ascend a stair case. And he was still dancing and gibbering like a lunatic, so there was no way we were going to be able to carry him up the stairs. Some of my friends start crying at this point, because we didn't know what to do; our friend clearly needed to get out of the venue, but we couldn't do it ourselves. And since we were also all fucked up, our reasoning and logic skills were long gone. I looked over at Stan now that we were in regular light instead of black lights, strobe lights, and flashing colored lights, and my heart about stopped. He was paler than any white Irish guy has any right to be, and his normally ice-blue eyes were so pale that they appeared white, except for the pupil. And there was no recognition there. He didn't know who I was, who my friends were, where he was, or even that something was wrong. But he was grinning like the Joker. It was fucking terrifying. We were standing there, trying to figure just what the fuck we were going to do, when one of the security personnel of the venue saw us. he walked over and asked us if there was a problem. We told him our friend was not feeling well, and we were trying to get him home, but we couldn't carry him up the stairs. This security guard takes one good look at Stan, and says, "Wait here. i think your friend is OD'ing, and we need to get him to a hospital. OH. SHIT. "OD" is the LAST thing you want to hear when you're at a rave. Panic starts to creep into our minds, which then gets magnified a hundred fold because we were still high. Stan's girlfriend is crying, and most of my friends were crying as well. I was fucking bawling. This is my best friend, someone who I had known for about 12 years at this point, a brother, and for all I knew he was going to die because we were stupid and decided it would be fun to do a shitload of drugs. The venue had medics on-site in case of something like this, so before we could really process what was happening, the medics had taken Stan from my arms and were trying to get him to lay still so they could check his vitals and whatnot. But he was STILL thrashing around and mumbling. The medics asked me and my friends to come over and help hold him down so they could do their work, and they thought that having familiar faces around might make it easier for my friend to deal with this situation. So we all gather a kneel beside him, and try to hold him down with our arms. NO GOOD. He's thrashing and bucking and foiling our every attempt to hold him down. The medics again state calmly that we really need to hold him down before he hurts himself or someone else. So we sat on him, one person per limb, while his girlfriend sat on his chest and kept talking to him. He was still thrashing so hard that occasionally he would lift one of us off the ground. While the medics are checking him out, he suddenly turns to his girlfriend, and says, "Hey Wendy! How's it going?" We all looked up in shock...he spoke, and it made sense! She goes to answer him, but he slips back into muttering incoherently. After the medics checked him out, they said Stan needed to go to the hospital. They bring down a gurney, strap Stan in securely, and get him into the ambulance. his girlfriend and I rode in the ambulance with him, while our friends got a lift to the hospital by cab. We're now in the hospital waiting room. Stan has been taken away, and we have no idea what's going to happen. And I am still tripping balls; the floors and walls are heaving and undulating, colors bled into each other to make new, horrible colors, and my eyes are so sore from crying that I wanted to rip them our of my head. At one point, a nurse came in to give us an update. He was not in any immediate danger of dying, but he wasn't out of the woods yet. She then tells us one girl has already died that night from ODing at the rave, and how stupid drugs were. I lost it again at this point, and cried for a long time because I thought my friend was going to die. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep. I was awoken sometime later by another nurse, who said that they had pumped my friends stomach, and that he was sleeping now. It looked like he was going to be ok. I have never been more relieved in my entire life. Some more time passes, and they wheel my friend out in a wheel chair. He looked like death. He was still extremely pale, and looked like he had been beaten with a hammer. He had a huge knot on the back of his head from hitting it repeatedly against the wall, he had dark circles under his eyes, and was visibly exhausted. The doctor tells us that in addition to the drugs we know he took, Stan had also been taking some kind of medication because he had come into contact with poison oak a week or so earlier, and the medication was basically some kind of steroid. Stan is fine now and suffered no long-term effects from this experience (thank the gods for that). He married his girlfriend, has a good job and two kids. But we never did ex or acid again. tl;dr - friends and I went to a rave, and mixed a bunch of drugs. one friend was also taking a medication that he didn't tell us about and almost died of an over-dose. (sorry this was so long-winded)
Back in the late 90's, me and some of my friends went to a rave in San Diego (I forget the exact location, because this was the only time I had been there, and we were high as fuck). Now, my group of friends went to raves at least once a month for a year an a half, so we knew the scene, what to expect, and always had a good time. We also did lots of drugs. Well, by this point, we had been doing it for a while, so we got a lot more casual about the amount of drugs we were taking, and in what combination. At this rave, I took 2 ecstasy pills, 3 hits of acid, and smoked easily half an 8th of weed by myself. My best friend (we'll call him Stan) would often match me (if not exceed me) in drug consumption. At this rave, he took 3 ex pills, 5 hits of acid, and smoked a lot of weed. Once we consumed the drugs, we found a spot in the venue that we claimed as our spot, and just proceeded to dance, laugh, kiss, and just generally enjoy existence. After about an hour or so, I notice Stan was really, really into the music. He was basically oblivious to everyone around him, and was fucking dancing his ass off. Problem was, he was sitting down with his back against the wall. In his gyrations, he was hitting the back of his head against the wall, swaying in a circular motion to the music. This alarmed me, and I asked if he was OK, and he said he was feeling amazing. I say, alright then, and dove back into my trip. A few minutes later, I notice he's swaying again, this time hitting his head even harder against the wall as he swayed. By this point, my friends and I knew that something was wrong. we looked at each other, and decided that it was time to leave the venue. We thought maybe we could just chill in the car and ride out the rest of our trips until someone was sober enough to drive home. We stand up, and try to get Stan to get up with us. He won't budge. he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that we were there. After 10 or so minutes of trying to get him to stand up, we said fuck and decided to carry him out. Me and another friend pick up up, put his arms on our shoulders, and start to carry him between us to the exit. The whole time this is going on, Stan is mumbling complete not even actual words. And he's still dancing as much as he was able to (which amounted to him shaking and twisting while his feet dangled about the floor). It was not easy to keep him stable as we trekked towards the exit, but somehow we managed not to drop him. As we were making our way through the crowd, people were staring, because it was evident that something was up with Stan. The looks I saw on the faces of the people around us started to scare me, because it looked like they were looking at someone who was about to die. We continue to press on through the sea of sympathetic eyes and drug-addled souls, and finally made it to the exit. But, things are never easy when you need them to be. To get into this venue, you had to descend about 200 stairs. Stan was in no condition to walk on flat ground, let alone ascend a stair case. And he was still dancing and gibbering like a lunatic, so there was no way we were going to be able to carry him up the stairs. Some of my friends start crying at this point, because we didn't know what to do; our friend clearly needed to get out of the venue, but we couldn't do it ourselves. And since we were also all fucked up, our reasoning and logic skills were long gone. I looked over at Stan now that we were in regular light instead of black lights, strobe lights, and flashing colored lights, and my heart about stopped. He was paler than any white Irish guy has any right to be, and his normally ice-blue eyes were so pale that they appeared white, except for the pupil. And there was no recognition there. He didn't know who I was, who my friends were, where he was, or even that something was wrong. But he was grinning like the Joker. It was fucking terrifying. We were standing there, trying to figure just what the fuck we were going to do, when one of the security personnel of the venue saw us. he walked over and asked us if there was a problem. We told him our friend was not feeling well, and we were trying to get him home, but we couldn't carry him up the stairs. This security guard takes one good look at Stan, and says, "Wait here. i think your friend is OD'ing, and we need to get him to a hospital. OH. SHIT. "OD" is the LAST thing you want to hear when you're at a rave. Panic starts to creep into our minds, which then gets magnified a hundred fold because we were still high. Stan's girlfriend is crying, and most of my friends were crying as well. I was fucking bawling. This is my best friend, someone who I had known for about 12 years at this point, a brother, and for all I knew he was going to die because we were stupid and decided it would be fun to do a shitload of drugs. The venue had medics on-site in case of something like this, so before we could really process what was happening, the medics had taken Stan from my arms and were trying to get him to lay still so they could check his vitals and whatnot. But he was STILL thrashing around and mumbling. The medics asked me and my friends to come over and help hold him down so they could do their work, and they thought that having familiar faces around might make it easier for my friend to deal with this situation. So we all gather a kneel beside him, and try to hold him down with our arms. NO GOOD. He's thrashing and bucking and foiling our every attempt to hold him down. The medics again state calmly that we really need to hold him down before he hurts himself or someone else. So we sat on him, one person per limb, while his girlfriend sat on his chest and kept talking to him. He was still thrashing so hard that occasionally he would lift one of us off the ground. While the medics are checking him out, he suddenly turns to his girlfriend, and says, "Hey Wendy! How's it going?" We all looked up in shock...he spoke, and it made sense! She goes to answer him, but he slips back into muttering incoherently. After the medics checked him out, they said Stan needed to go to the hospital. They bring down a gurney, strap Stan in securely, and get him into the ambulance. his girlfriend and I rode in the ambulance with him, while our friends got a lift to the hospital by cab. We're now in the hospital waiting room. Stan has been taken away, and we have no idea what's going to happen. And I am still tripping balls; the floors and walls are heaving and undulating, colors bled into each other to make new, horrible colors, and my eyes are so sore from crying that I wanted to rip them our of my head. At one point, a nurse came in to give us an update. He was not in any immediate danger of dying, but he wasn't out of the woods yet. She then tells us one girl has already died that night from ODing at the rave, and how stupid drugs were. I lost it again at this point, and cried for a long time because I thought my friend was going to die. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep. I was awoken sometime later by another nurse, who said that they had pumped my friends stomach, and that he was sleeping now. It looked like he was going to be ok. I have never been more relieved in my entire life. Some more time passes, and they wheel my friend out in a wheel chair. He looked like death. He was still extremely pale, and looked like he had been beaten with a hammer. He had a huge knot on the back of his head from hitting it repeatedly against the wall, he had dark circles under his eyes, and was visibly exhausted. The doctor tells us that in addition to the drugs we know he took, Stan had also been taking some kind of medication because he had come into contact with poison oak a week or so earlier, and the medication was basically some kind of steroid. Stan is fine now and suffered no long-term effects from this experience (thank the gods for that). He married his girlfriend, has a good job and two kids. But we never did ex or acid again.
friends and I went to a rave, and mixed a bunch of drugs. one friend was also taking a medication that he didn't tell us about and almost died of an over-dose. (sorry this was so long-winded)
I woke up last night with a pounding headache and leg aches. Today is day 3 of headaches, so I'm pretty sure it's keto flu, which was expected. I've been trying to get in potassium and magnesium, but had been neglecting the sodium. Herp derp. So I read around on here a bit (yes, some people do search the sub before posting a question) and saw a suggestion to take in sodium and potassium. Which I guess makes sense, because the body seems to leech potassium to replace sodium if there isn't enough sodium. At any rate, I went and mixed 1/4tsp each No-Salt (potassium chloride) and regular salt (sodium chloride) into 2 cups of chicken broth, warmed it up, and drank it. And the headache went away within like 3 minutes, before I had even finished the broth. The hell? Most surprising thing I've ever encountered, and that's saying something. **TL;DR: I mixed potassium and sodium salt into broth to cure a headache and leg ache problem and it worked within 3 minutes. Thank you, fellow ketoers, for knowing your shit.**
I woke up last night with a pounding headache and leg aches. Today is day 3 of headaches, so I'm pretty sure it's keto flu, which was expected. I've been trying to get in potassium and magnesium, but had been neglecting the sodium. Herp derp. So I read around on here a bit (yes, some people do search the sub before posting a question) and saw a suggestion to take in sodium and potassium. Which I guess makes sense, because the body seems to leech potassium to replace sodium if there isn't enough sodium. At any rate, I went and mixed 1/4tsp each No-Salt (potassium chloride) and regular salt (sodium chloride) into 2 cups of chicken broth, warmed it up, and drank it. And the headache went away within like 3 minutes, before I had even finished the broth. The hell? Most surprising thing I've ever encountered, and that's saying something. TL;DR: I mixed potassium and sodium salt into broth to cure a headache and leg ache problem and it worked within 3 minutes. Thank you, fellow ketoers, for knowing your shit.
I woke up last night with a pounding headache and leg aches. Today is day 3 of headaches, so I'm pretty sure it's keto flu, which was expected. I've been trying to get in potassium and magnesium, but had been neglecting the sodium. Herp derp. So I read around on here a bit (yes, some people do search the sub before posting a question) and saw a suggestion to take in sodium and potassium. Which I guess makes sense, because the body seems to leech potassium to replace sodium if there isn't enough sodium. At any rate, I went and mixed 1/4tsp each No-Salt (potassium chloride) and regular salt (sodium chloride) into 2 cups of chicken broth, warmed it up, and drank it. And the headache went away within like 3 minutes, before I had even finished the broth. The hell? Most surprising thing I've ever encountered, and that's saying something.
I mixed potassium and sodium salt into broth to cure a headache and leg ache problem and it worked within 3 minutes. Thank you, fellow ketoers, for knowing your shit.