Sure, if you're comfortable completely ignoring the reason that meaning should be preserved in communication, lest the language be used against us by tyrants who wish to oppress us. This video, and the attitude that spawns these spurious and wholly misdirected arguments against clarity in communication, fosters its own egoism and smugness. Prescriptivism is dead, no doubt, but that doesn't entitle every moronic asshat on the internet to participate in the **devolution** of the language. [Not all change is good, my friend. It's as if some people just don't read or something.]( TL;DR - Clarity is important. Retardation is not evolution.
Sure, if you're comfortable completely ignoring the reason that meaning should be preserved in communication, lest the language be used against us by tyrants who wish to oppress us. This video, and the attitude that spawns these spurious and wholly misdirected arguments against clarity in communication, fosters its own egoism and smugness. Prescriptivism is dead, no doubt, but that doesn't entitle every moronic asshat on the internet to participate in the devolution of the language. [Not all change is good, my friend. It's as if some people just don't read or something.]( TL;DR - Clarity is important. Retardation is not evolution.
Sure, if you're comfortable completely ignoring the reason that meaning should be preserved in communication, lest the language be used against us by tyrants who wish to oppress us. This video, and the attitude that spawns these spurious and wholly misdirected arguments against clarity in communication, fosters its own egoism and smugness. Prescriptivism is dead, no doubt, but that doesn't entitle every moronic asshat on the internet to participate in the devolution of the language. [Not all change is good, my friend. It's as if some people just don't read or something.](
Clarity is important. Retardation is not evolution.
So like most of us in this sub, I've spent years honing my meditation practice. I like to feel I'm a better person who is more patient, compassionate and loving, but when I'm on a multiplayer online videogame.... All bets are off. It's like all of my darkness comes out as I type things that would be mean in any context. I realized today that although I use these games as my ONE outlet to vent frustrations, I'm still being hurtful to another human being. This is something I will be working on and wondering if anyone else has any good tips. Lately my dog will insist on sitting on my lap and whenever I yell; she looks at me, has me bend down, and kisses me on the face. This almost always works, but I'd still like to find a healthier way to vent my frustrations while NOT harming ANYONE! I'd like to say that although it sounds like I'm an extremely toxic player, it takes a lot to get me to this place. I start by giving constructive criticisms and keeping the group positive, but some people just don't care. TLDR; I vent at noobs in video games as my one outlet, looking for a healthy way where nobody is hurt.
So like most of us in this sub, I've spent years honing my meditation practice. I like to feel I'm a better person who is more patient, compassionate and loving, but when I'm on a multiplayer online videogame.... All bets are off. It's like all of my darkness comes out as I type things that would be mean in any context. I realized today that although I use these games as my ONE outlet to vent frustrations, I'm still being hurtful to another human being. This is something I will be working on and wondering if anyone else has any good tips. Lately my dog will insist on sitting on my lap and whenever I yell; she looks at me, has me bend down, and kisses me on the face. This almost always works, but I'd still like to find a healthier way to vent my frustrations while NOT harming ANYONE! I'd like to say that although it sounds like I'm an extremely toxic player, it takes a lot to get me to this place. I start by giving constructive criticisms and keeping the group positive, but some people just don't care. TLDR; I vent at noobs in video games as my one outlet, looking for a healthy way where nobody is hurt.
So like most of us in this sub, I've spent years honing my meditation practice. I like to feel I'm a better person who is more patient, compassionate and loving, but when I'm on a multiplayer online videogame.... All bets are off. It's like all of my darkness comes out as I type things that would be mean in any context. I realized today that although I use these games as my ONE outlet to vent frustrations, I'm still being hurtful to another human being. This is something I will be working on and wondering if anyone else has any good tips. Lately my dog will insist on sitting on my lap and whenever I yell; she looks at me, has me bend down, and kisses me on the face. This almost always works, but I'd still like to find a healthier way to vent my frustrations while NOT harming ANYONE! I'd like to say that although it sounds like I'm an extremely toxic player, it takes a lot to get me to this place. I start by giving constructive criticisms and keeping the group positive, but some people just don't care.
I vent at noobs in video games as my one outlet, looking for a healthy way where nobody is hurt.
You're not. The attitude problem is just 3 or 4 incidents getting blown out of proportion. "He walked off the field". Yeah with two seconds left. The Vikings would have needed to recover an onside kick and then complete a hail mary in order to win that game. Their statistical chances were probably close to .0001%. While douchey, it was an act of frustration. In my opinion the Moss haters were just people who casually watched sports and liked to talk a lot. I don't care if you don't think he went hard enough on every play, he went hard enough on at least 153 plays where he scored touchdowns. tl;dr Randy Moss is a one of the greatest **players** ever. If your team gets him to an incentive based deal you smile.
You're not. The attitude problem is just 3 or 4 incidents getting blown out of proportion. "He walked off the field". Yeah with two seconds left. The Vikings would have needed to recover an onside kick and then complete a hail mary in order to win that game. Their statistical chances were probably close to .0001%. While douchey, it was an act of frustration. In my opinion the Moss haters were just people who casually watched sports and liked to talk a lot. I don't care if you don't think he went hard enough on every play, he went hard enough on at least 153 plays where he scored touchdowns. tl;dr Randy Moss is a one of the greatest players ever. If your team gets him to an incentive based deal you smile.
You're not. The attitude problem is just 3 or 4 incidents getting blown out of proportion. "He walked off the field". Yeah with two seconds left. The Vikings would have needed to recover an onside kick and then complete a hail mary in order to win that game. Their statistical chances were probably close to .0001%. While douchey, it was an act of frustration. In my opinion the Moss haters were just people who casually watched sports and liked to talk a lot. I don't care if you don't think he went hard enough on every play, he went hard enough on at least 153 plays where he scored touchdowns.
Randy Moss is a one of the greatest players ever. If your team gets him to an incentive based deal you smile.
There was once a huge village there. But one villager, Dan, decided he was fed up with his normal village life. Watching potatoes grow, conning passing players - he wanted some excitement. He began dumping gravel onto his friends heads, only to laugh in amusement as they got flint stuck up their huge noses. This carried on for quite some time, until the rest of the villagers became fed up with it. "*Dan, we don't have time for your gravel shit. We're leaving.*" They packed up all their belongings and left - leaving Dan trapped by his own item of amusement. **TL;DR**: Fuck you, Dan.
There was once a huge village there. But one villager, Dan, decided he was fed up with his normal village life. Watching potatoes grow, conning passing players - he wanted some excitement. He began dumping gravel onto his friends heads, only to laugh in amusement as they got flint stuck up their huge noses. This carried on for quite some time, until the rest of the villagers became fed up with it. " Dan, we don't have time for your gravel shit. We're leaving. " They packed up all their belongings and left - leaving Dan trapped by his own item of amusement. TL;DR : Fuck you, Dan.
There was once a huge village there. But one villager, Dan, decided he was fed up with his normal village life. Watching potatoes grow, conning passing players - he wanted some excitement. He began dumping gravel onto his friends heads, only to laugh in amusement as they got flint stuck up their huge noses. This carried on for quite some time, until the rest of the villagers became fed up with it. " Dan, we don't have time for your gravel shit. We're leaving. " They packed up all their belongings and left - leaving Dan trapped by his own item of amusement.
Fuck you, Dan.
How important is size to you guys? To me, it feels like if you aren't big, you aren't sexy. I've seen guys with crazy bodies and gorgeous faces post pics of their 5-6 inches (which is actually an average size) and people judge them purely on their size. I'm between 6-5 and 7, which I KNOW is an average size, maybe even a little bigger. But I've still had comments where I've been made to feel completely inadequate and not sexy. Judging is always bad, but to be judged on something that's practically a random chance and is completely out of anyones control feels pretty awful. I'm rambling, ANYWAY **TLDR; How important is size to you guys? Does it change how sexy you think a person is?**
How important is size to you guys? To me, it feels like if you aren't big, you aren't sexy. I've seen guys with crazy bodies and gorgeous faces post pics of their 5-6 inches (which is actually an average size) and people judge them purely on their size. I'm between 6-5 and 7, which I KNOW is an average size, maybe even a little bigger. But I've still had comments where I've been made to feel completely inadequate and not sexy. Judging is always bad, but to be judged on something that's practically a random chance and is completely out of anyones control feels pretty awful. I'm rambling, ANYWAY TLDR; How important is size to you guys? Does it change how sexy you think a person is?
How important is size to you guys? To me, it feels like if you aren't big, you aren't sexy. I've seen guys with crazy bodies and gorgeous faces post pics of their 5-6 inches (which is actually an average size) and people judge them purely on their size. I'm between 6-5 and 7, which I KNOW is an average size, maybe even a little bigger. But I've still had comments where I've been made to feel completely inadequate and not sexy. Judging is always bad, but to be judged on something that's practically a random chance and is completely out of anyones control feels pretty awful. I'm rambling, ANYWAY
How important is size to you guys? Does it change how sexy you think a person is?
So I met this girl online and we've been close friends for a long time. We live pretty far apart (7-hour time difference), so I never really considered getting closer, since it seems like a silly idea. However I somehow ended up falling for her due to her approaching me in that way and we both admitted we love eachother. While that may sound great, as of recent she's starting acting cold towards me and avoiding conversation on top of the little time we have to talk in the first place. This has happened once before, where she suddenly just started distancing herself from me and ignored me for about 2 months. I have to worry constantly if she even likes me or not, since she keeps ignoring me, but then coming back, expecting me to chase after her again. The interesting thing is that something similar happened years ago with my best friend, where he kept ignoring me and I forgave him over and over again. This led to me feeling shitty for 3 years of my life, so I'd prefer to avoid that situation from happening again. I ended up cutting contact with him. Now I've reached a point where I'm trying to avoid getting close to her to not get hurt, but it's really hard since I value our friendship a lot and I still love her. What to do? TL;DR: I keep getting hurt by the people I care about the most, but I keep forgiving them which leads to me being depressed.
So I met this girl online and we've been close friends for a long time. We live pretty far apart (7-hour time difference), so I never really considered getting closer, since it seems like a silly idea. However I somehow ended up falling for her due to her approaching me in that way and we both admitted we love eachother. While that may sound great, as of recent she's starting acting cold towards me and avoiding conversation on top of the little time we have to talk in the first place. This has happened once before, where she suddenly just started distancing herself from me and ignored me for about 2 months. I have to worry constantly if she even likes me or not, since she keeps ignoring me, but then coming back, expecting me to chase after her again. The interesting thing is that something similar happened years ago with my best friend, where he kept ignoring me and I forgave him over and over again. This led to me feeling shitty for 3 years of my life, so I'd prefer to avoid that situation from happening again. I ended up cutting contact with him. Now I've reached a point where I'm trying to avoid getting close to her to not get hurt, but it's really hard since I value our friendship a lot and I still love her. What to do? TL;DR: I keep getting hurt by the people I care about the most, but I keep forgiving them which leads to me being depressed.
So I met this girl online and we've been close friends for a long time. We live pretty far apart (7-hour time difference), so I never really considered getting closer, since it seems like a silly idea. However I somehow ended up falling for her due to her approaching me in that way and we both admitted we love eachother. While that may sound great, as of recent she's starting acting cold towards me and avoiding conversation on top of the little time we have to talk in the first place. This has happened once before, where she suddenly just started distancing herself from me and ignored me for about 2 months. I have to worry constantly if she even likes me or not, since she keeps ignoring me, but then coming back, expecting me to chase after her again. The interesting thing is that something similar happened years ago with my best friend, where he kept ignoring me and I forgave him over and over again. This led to me feeling shitty for 3 years of my life, so I'd prefer to avoid that situation from happening again. I ended up cutting contact with him. Now I've reached a point where I'm trying to avoid getting close to her to not get hurt, but it's really hard since I value our friendship a lot and I still love her. What to do?
I keep getting hurt by the people I care about the most, but I keep forgiving them which leads to me being depressed.
[](/ppfear)They must be pretty garish. I rarely even see the word garish and here I find it twice on one page. tl;dr Confirmed for garish.
They must be pretty garish. I rarely even see the word garish and here I find it twice on one page. tl;dr Confirmed for garish.
They must be pretty garish. I rarely even see the word garish and here I find it twice on one page.
Confirmed for garish.
Hello. This is going to be a long wall of text but I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I live in Belgium and have been going to a youth group (don't know how to say it in English, kind of like the Boy Scouts but only for people of 16 and older and we do other stuff) since I was 16 and I'm a leader now of my town group and head leader of the agglomeration we are in. We had different 'cliques' before I became a leader, I was in a major clique and was the only one chosen to become group leader last year of my clique. All the other new leaders came from the other major clique. So it was a lot different for me but I've been adapting and began friendly relations with those other people. I thought I did well, I did my job and was frequently told by the senior group leaders that I am very good at what I do. Last week we went away with all the younger group leaders to prepare for our yearly camp. It was a lot of fun and I thought I had made a lot of progress with all the other junior leaders... The past weekend however, I had a bit of a fall-out with my girlfriend, who is also in our youth group but not a leader. I know things solve themselves normally so we just let eachother be for the weekend and we did other stuff. She went out with the other junior leaders, which I don't mind. When the weekend was over, several younger members (mostly new people) that aren't leader came over to me and started talking to me about how bad the other junior leaders were gossiping about me. I was shocked and asked what happened and apparantly they were trying to start a fight with me and my girlfriend. A list of quotes: 'you should dump him first, if he dumps you he'll boast about it against the rest and you'll feel bad' 'He hasn't done his job lately and we have to pick up the mess after him' -> a straight out lie that will affect my relationship with younger members for a long time if they believe it... 'He's far too ambitious' <- not true. I didn't even run in the elections for head leader of the agglomeration, I was picked by the members of the agglomeration council with an 80% approval rate... other than that I haven't once outed ambitious pretences. So me and my girlfriend kissed and made up, like we always do, and she told me all that I heard was true and that they're also trying to set her up with another member of the leadership when she dumps me. I honestly don't know what to do now. I always thought I did my job well but apparantly they think different. Is this jealousy? How do I go about it? Simply avoiding them is a no-go. All the senior group leaders quit next year and the juniors go to seniors (me included). I love this hobby, it's the thing I spend the most time on next to work and I love the sports we do. Do I talk to them about this? I have a meeting with them later tonight and I feel anxious as hell... I haven't slept for days and honestly it's affecting me a lot... Tl;dr: My youth group has put several knives in my back, abandoning or ignoring them is a no-go. Looking for bits of advice.
Hello. This is going to be a long wall of text but I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I live in Belgium and have been going to a youth group (don't know how to say it in English, kind of like the Boy Scouts but only for people of 16 and older and we do other stuff) since I was 16 and I'm a leader now of my town group and head leader of the agglomeration we are in. We had different 'cliques' before I became a leader, I was in a major clique and was the only one chosen to become group leader last year of my clique. All the other new leaders came from the other major clique. So it was a lot different for me but I've been adapting and began friendly relations with those other people. I thought I did well, I did my job and was frequently told by the senior group leaders that I am very good at what I do. Last week we went away with all the younger group leaders to prepare for our yearly camp. It was a lot of fun and I thought I had made a lot of progress with all the other junior leaders... The past weekend however, I had a bit of a fall-out with my girlfriend, who is also in our youth group but not a leader. I know things solve themselves normally so we just let eachother be for the weekend and we did other stuff. She went out with the other junior leaders, which I don't mind. When the weekend was over, several younger members (mostly new people) that aren't leader came over to me and started talking to me about how bad the other junior leaders were gossiping about me. I was shocked and asked what happened and apparantly they were trying to start a fight with me and my girlfriend. A list of quotes: 'you should dump him first, if he dumps you he'll boast about it against the rest and you'll feel bad' 'He hasn't done his job lately and we have to pick up the mess after him' -> a straight out lie that will affect my relationship with younger members for a long time if they believe it... 'He's far too ambitious' <- not true. I didn't even run in the elections for head leader of the agglomeration, I was picked by the members of the agglomeration council with an 80% approval rate... other than that I haven't once outed ambitious pretences. So me and my girlfriend kissed and made up, like we always do, and she told me all that I heard was true and that they're also trying to set her up with another member of the leadership when she dumps me. I honestly don't know what to do now. I always thought I did my job well but apparantly they think different. Is this jealousy? How do I go about it? Simply avoiding them is a no-go. All the senior group leaders quit next year and the juniors go to seniors (me included). I love this hobby, it's the thing I spend the most time on next to work and I love the sports we do. Do I talk to them about this? I have a meeting with them later tonight and I feel anxious as hell... I haven't slept for days and honestly it's affecting me a lot... Tl;dr: My youth group has put several knives in my back, abandoning or ignoring them is a no-go. Looking for bits of advice.
Hello. This is going to be a long wall of text but I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I live in Belgium and have been going to a youth group (don't know how to say it in English, kind of like the Boy Scouts but only for people of 16 and older and we do other stuff) since I was 16 and I'm a leader now of my town group and head leader of the agglomeration we are in. We had different 'cliques' before I became a leader, I was in a major clique and was the only one chosen to become group leader last year of my clique. All the other new leaders came from the other major clique. So it was a lot different for me but I've been adapting and began friendly relations with those other people. I thought I did well, I did my job and was frequently told by the senior group leaders that I am very good at what I do. Last week we went away with all the younger group leaders to prepare for our yearly camp. It was a lot of fun and I thought I had made a lot of progress with all the other junior leaders... The past weekend however, I had a bit of a fall-out with my girlfriend, who is also in our youth group but not a leader. I know things solve themselves normally so we just let eachother be for the weekend and we did other stuff. She went out with the other junior leaders, which I don't mind. When the weekend was over, several younger members (mostly new people) that aren't leader came over to me and started talking to me about how bad the other junior leaders were gossiping about me. I was shocked and asked what happened and apparantly they were trying to start a fight with me and my girlfriend. A list of quotes: 'you should dump him first, if he dumps you he'll boast about it against the rest and you'll feel bad' 'He hasn't done his job lately and we have to pick up the mess after him' -> a straight out lie that will affect my relationship with younger members for a long time if they believe it... 'He's far too ambitious' <- not true. I didn't even run in the elections for head leader of the agglomeration, I was picked by the members of the agglomeration council with an 80% approval rate... other than that I haven't once outed ambitious pretences. So me and my girlfriend kissed and made up, like we always do, and she told me all that I heard was true and that they're also trying to set her up with another member of the leadership when she dumps me. I honestly don't know what to do now. I always thought I did my job well but apparantly they think different. Is this jealousy? How do I go about it? Simply avoiding them is a no-go. All the senior group leaders quit next year and the juniors go to seniors (me included). I love this hobby, it's the thing I spend the most time on next to work and I love the sports we do. Do I talk to them about this? I have a meeting with them later tonight and I feel anxious as hell... I haven't slept for days and honestly it's affecting me a lot...
My youth group has put several knives in my back, abandoning or ignoring them is a no-go. Looking for bits of advice.
Wrong in so many ways. Mobile? That's a joke. The only mobile gaming that's worth a damn is the DS, simply because of the amazing games. Smartphones will never be considered mobile gaming, if you consider playing tetris or simple planes while pooping or while you're waiting for something then that's not gaming. Consoles can survive if Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo give the people what they want ie a device with the capabilities of a PC. If those companies implement steam, or something similar it could survive off that basis alone. However, if they let users do what they want it would be even better. Why put security tags and ban people for trying to modify your product? If someone can make you're product better without ruining games for others, then you're a fool. Banning and voiding warranties because someone wants more memory, or someone wants better graphics is redundant. It serves one purpose; saves the company money. They don't have to do anything if they know you voided the warranty. TL;DR giving consoles the freedom of a pc is what makes a console better than PC. Like shot-in-the-mouth said, there's no point trying to talk to a troll/idiot.
Wrong in so many ways. Mobile? That's a joke. The only mobile gaming that's worth a damn is the DS, simply because of the amazing games. Smartphones will never be considered mobile gaming, if you consider playing tetris or simple planes while pooping or while you're waiting for something then that's not gaming. Consoles can survive if Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo give the people what they want ie a device with the capabilities of a PC. If those companies implement steam, or something similar it could survive off that basis alone. However, if they let users do what they want it would be even better. Why put security tags and ban people for trying to modify your product? If someone can make you're product better without ruining games for others, then you're a fool. Banning and voiding warranties because someone wants more memory, or someone wants better graphics is redundant. It serves one purpose; saves the company money. They don't have to do anything if they know you voided the warranty. TL;DR giving consoles the freedom of a pc is what makes a console better than PC. Like shot-in-the-mouth said, there's no point trying to talk to a troll/idiot.
Wrong in so many ways. Mobile? That's a joke. The only mobile gaming that's worth a damn is the DS, simply because of the amazing games. Smartphones will never be considered mobile gaming, if you consider playing tetris or simple planes while pooping or while you're waiting for something then that's not gaming. Consoles can survive if Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo give the people what they want ie a device with the capabilities of a PC. If those companies implement steam, or something similar it could survive off that basis alone. However, if they let users do what they want it would be even better. Why put security tags and ban people for trying to modify your product? If someone can make you're product better without ruining games for others, then you're a fool. Banning and voiding warranties because someone wants more memory, or someone wants better graphics is redundant. It serves one purpose; saves the company money. They don't have to do anything if they know you voided the warranty.
giving consoles the freedom of a pc is what makes a console better than PC. Like shot-in-the-mouth said, there's no point trying to talk to a troll/idiot.
Hey, two cellular retail employees here. While we can't claim to know the policies of every company out there, the reason we do this at our company is for customer service reasons. Our company mandates that we set up **EVERYTHING** about your device before you leave the store. You as our customer will receive a call within a week or so asking about the details of our service; did the rep handle your phone correctly, did I make sure everything was set up and properly working (including the sensors, microphone and speakers that are covered by the "protective" lining). If we skip a single one of these steps, and somewhere in the call you mention this..we get a written warning. I don't know *why* you were upset they took the protector off, but I suspect it was for one of two reasons: 1) You wanted to peel it off yourself just to get that satisfying "SOOOOOOO NEEEWWWWW" feeling; or 2) You wanted us to leave it on so that it will protect the device In response to 1: if you would like to unpack your device from the packaging, LET US KNOW. The average person coming in to our store does not give two FUCKS about opening that shit up. ( I have watched a guy throw his phone box in the garbage 15 feet from our door) They just want a phone, and they want that shit NOW. If we take the time to let every customer open the box, remove all the goddamn stickers and tape and shit in the box/on the phone each transaction would take incredibly long. One of the most common complaints we get is "it took too long" and the we get written up. In response to 2: This tape/sticker/screen protector is *not* designed to keep your phone safe once it is out of the packaging. In a majority of the cases, this "protective lining" is counter intuitive to leave on your phone; either with company logo's emblazoned across the damn thing (so you can't see past it) or they are made intentionally thick so that certain functions will not work while it is still applied (I'm looking at you iPhone earpiece!) or two thin so that it will peel off the second you slide that bad boy in your pocket. If you want to protect your phone and keep it safe, buy a case/screen protector/extended warranty. That is why we sell them. Also just to add in here; if you are purchasing a popular phone on release day, we have to deal with so many different clients and so many phones that we do not give two fucks about you peeling off the screen lining. We need to deal with you so we can tend to the other 20 people standing behind you in line. TL;DR: If you want the stickers/plastic lining to be left on your phone, or you want to take it off: LET US KNOW. And to the guy who posted he would ask us to give him a new one; you are the kind of person who gets posted about in r/talesfromretail.
Hey, two cellular retail employees here. While we can't claim to know the policies of every company out there, the reason we do this at our company is for customer service reasons. Our company mandates that we set up EVERYTHING about your device before you leave the store. You as our customer will receive a call within a week or so asking about the details of our service; did the rep handle your phone correctly, did I make sure everything was set up and properly working (including the sensors, microphone and speakers that are covered by the "protective" lining). If we skip a single one of these steps, and somewhere in the call you mention this..we get a written warning. I don't know why you were upset they took the protector off, but I suspect it was for one of two reasons: 1) You wanted to peel it off yourself just to get that satisfying "SOOOOOOO NEEEWWWWW" feeling; or 2) You wanted us to leave it on so that it will protect the device In response to 1: if you would like to unpack your device from the packaging, LET US KNOW. The average person coming in to our store does not give two FUCKS about opening that shit up. ( I have watched a guy throw his phone box in the garbage 15 feet from our door) They just want a phone, and they want that shit NOW. If we take the time to let every customer open the box, remove all the goddamn stickers and tape and shit in the box/on the phone each transaction would take incredibly long. One of the most common complaints we get is "it took too long" and the we get written up. In response to 2: This tape/sticker/screen protector is not designed to keep your phone safe once it is out of the packaging. In a majority of the cases, this "protective lining" is counter intuitive to leave on your phone; either with company logo's emblazoned across the damn thing (so you can't see past it) or they are made intentionally thick so that certain functions will not work while it is still applied (I'm looking at you iPhone earpiece!) or two thin so that it will peel off the second you slide that bad boy in your pocket. If you want to protect your phone and keep it safe, buy a case/screen protector/extended warranty. That is why we sell them. Also just to add in here; if you are purchasing a popular phone on release day, we have to deal with so many different clients and so many phones that we do not give two fucks about you peeling off the screen lining. We need to deal with you so we can tend to the other 20 people standing behind you in line. TL;DR: If you want the stickers/plastic lining to be left on your phone, or you want to take it off: LET US KNOW. And to the guy who posted he would ask us to give him a new one; you are the kind of person who gets posted about in r/talesfromretail.
Hey, two cellular retail employees here. While we can't claim to know the policies of every company out there, the reason we do this at our company is for customer service reasons. Our company mandates that we set up EVERYTHING about your device before you leave the store. You as our customer will receive a call within a week or so asking about the details of our service; did the rep handle your phone correctly, did I make sure everything was set up and properly working (including the sensors, microphone and speakers that are covered by the "protective" lining). If we skip a single one of these steps, and somewhere in the call you mention this..we get a written warning. I don't know why you were upset they took the protector off, but I suspect it was for one of two reasons: 1) You wanted to peel it off yourself just to get that satisfying "SOOOOOOO NEEEWWWWW" feeling; or 2) You wanted us to leave it on so that it will protect the device In response to 1: if you would like to unpack your device from the packaging, LET US KNOW. The average person coming in to our store does not give two FUCKS about opening that shit up. ( I have watched a guy throw his phone box in the garbage 15 feet from our door) They just want a phone, and they want that shit NOW. If we take the time to let every customer open the box, remove all the goddamn stickers and tape and shit in the box/on the phone each transaction would take incredibly long. One of the most common complaints we get is "it took too long" and the we get written up. In response to 2: This tape/sticker/screen protector is not designed to keep your phone safe once it is out of the packaging. In a majority of the cases, this "protective lining" is counter intuitive to leave on your phone; either with company logo's emblazoned across the damn thing (so you can't see past it) or they are made intentionally thick so that certain functions will not work while it is still applied (I'm looking at you iPhone earpiece!) or two thin so that it will peel off the second you slide that bad boy in your pocket. If you want to protect your phone and keep it safe, buy a case/screen protector/extended warranty. That is why we sell them. Also just to add in here; if you are purchasing a popular phone on release day, we have to deal with so many different clients and so many phones that we do not give two fucks about you peeling off the screen lining. We need to deal with you so we can tend to the other 20 people standing behind you in line.
If you want the stickers/plastic lining to be left on your phone, or you want to take it off: LET US KNOW. And to the guy who posted he would ask us to give him a new one; you are the kind of person who gets posted about in r/talesfromretail.
Here's a little background information. When I was four, we moved from one state to another. We moved in with my stepdad, whom I became very close with. We were a lot closer than my mom and I and the time. Fast forward 9 years, my mom want to move out, away from him. At first I had a choice. I choose to stay with my stepdad. My mom didn't like this, so she changed her mind and made me move back to my hometown with her. I live there, mostly staying with my aunt, who pretty much became my second mom. Mom #1 would go off places once we got our own apartment, so I ended up staying at my aunt's house most of the time. I forge a life, start planning everything for high school. Over the summer, while my mom's in California, she gives me a call. I try to tell her about my high school plans, and she cuts in, telling me that we're moving to a town a hundred miles away, to her boyfriends house. I'm generally unhappy for a while, then I learn to love it. This place was amazing. A small college town, but with a great high school, people are kind. I discovered things I now love, such as rock climbing and backpacking. I make close friends that I cherish and adore. There, I got into a college prep program. They'll help me apply for scholarships and cover all application fees. They have a summer program in which I stayed in a dorm for six weeks, two summers in a row. I met many great people with ambitions like mine. I visited many colleges, including a school of the arts that has program for 11th and 12th graders. While I was there... my mom was still lacking in the mothering department, too far up my new stepdad's ass. I don't mind so much, as I am used to this. But the second summer, the moved to California. I stayed behind for 6 weeks to finish the summer program. Over the weekends, I stayed with my boyfriend's family. And his mom showed me what a mom is really supposed to be like. I didn't want to leave. Fast forward to now. I'm in California. School starts in a few days. I've asked my mother to let me go back to my home state so that I may go to the school of the arts I mentioned earlier. It's free, if you can get in, and it would be a great opportunity. I also want to be around my supportive family and friends. TL;DR: My mom has moved me around many times, and hasn't really been there for me. I want to move back to my homestate for art school and to be around family and friends. Residency isn't a problem. How do I go about convincing my mom?
Here's a little background information. When I was four, we moved from one state to another. We moved in with my stepdad, whom I became very close with. We were a lot closer than my mom and I and the time. Fast forward 9 years, my mom want to move out, away from him. At first I had a choice. I choose to stay with my stepdad. My mom didn't like this, so she changed her mind and made me move back to my hometown with her. I live there, mostly staying with my aunt, who pretty much became my second mom. Mom #1 would go off places once we got our own apartment, so I ended up staying at my aunt's house most of the time. I forge a life, start planning everything for high school. Over the summer, while my mom's in California, she gives me a call. I try to tell her about my high school plans, and she cuts in, telling me that we're moving to a town a hundred miles away, to her boyfriends house. I'm generally unhappy for a while, then I learn to love it. This place was amazing. A small college town, but with a great high school, people are kind. I discovered things I now love, such as rock climbing and backpacking. I make close friends that I cherish and adore. There, I got into a college prep program. They'll help me apply for scholarships and cover all application fees. They have a summer program in which I stayed in a dorm for six weeks, two summers in a row. I met many great people with ambitions like mine. I visited many colleges, including a school of the arts that has program for 11th and 12th graders. While I was there... my mom was still lacking in the mothering department, too far up my new stepdad's ass. I don't mind so much, as I am used to this. But the second summer, the moved to California. I stayed behind for 6 weeks to finish the summer program. Over the weekends, I stayed with my boyfriend's family. And his mom showed me what a mom is really supposed to be like. I didn't want to leave. Fast forward to now. I'm in California. School starts in a few days. I've asked my mother to let me go back to my home state so that I may go to the school of the arts I mentioned earlier. It's free, if you can get in, and it would be a great opportunity. I also want to be around my supportive family and friends. TL;DR: My mom has moved me around many times, and hasn't really been there for me. I want to move back to my homestate for art school and to be around family and friends. Residency isn't a problem. How do I go about convincing my mom?
Here's a little background information. When I was four, we moved from one state to another. We moved in with my stepdad, whom I became very close with. We were a lot closer than my mom and I and the time. Fast forward 9 years, my mom want to move out, away from him. At first I had a choice. I choose to stay with my stepdad. My mom didn't like this, so she changed her mind and made me move back to my hometown with her. I live there, mostly staying with my aunt, who pretty much became my second mom. Mom #1 would go off places once we got our own apartment, so I ended up staying at my aunt's house most of the time. I forge a life, start planning everything for high school. Over the summer, while my mom's in California, she gives me a call. I try to tell her about my high school plans, and she cuts in, telling me that we're moving to a town a hundred miles away, to her boyfriends house. I'm generally unhappy for a while, then I learn to love it. This place was amazing. A small college town, but with a great high school, people are kind. I discovered things I now love, such as rock climbing and backpacking. I make close friends that I cherish and adore. There, I got into a college prep program. They'll help me apply for scholarships and cover all application fees. They have a summer program in which I stayed in a dorm for six weeks, two summers in a row. I met many great people with ambitions like mine. I visited many colleges, including a school of the arts that has program for 11th and 12th graders. While I was there... my mom was still lacking in the mothering department, too far up my new stepdad's ass. I don't mind so much, as I am used to this. But the second summer, the moved to California. I stayed behind for 6 weeks to finish the summer program. Over the weekends, I stayed with my boyfriend's family. And his mom showed me what a mom is really supposed to be like. I didn't want to leave. Fast forward to now. I'm in California. School starts in a few days. I've asked my mother to let me go back to my home state so that I may go to the school of the arts I mentioned earlier. It's free, if you can get in, and it would be a great opportunity. I also want to be around my supportive family and friends.
My mom has moved me around many times, and hasn't really been there for me. I want to move back to my homestate for art school and to be around family and friends. Residency isn't a problem. How do I go about convincing my mom?
I played DCUO for a while a few years back, and then got distracted by other shiny things. Shows like Flash and Legends of Tomorrow reminded me I had quite a lot of fun in the game, and I'd like to return and start a new character. I mainly solo in games like this, so I'm interested to hear how things are now with regard to which roles and/or powersets would be most conducive to solo play. I see Weapon Mastery and Advanced Mechanics being tossed around, so I'm going to read up on those, but if (say) controlling is the best role for soloing, I'm probably going to start with a Controller concept and work from there. TL;DR: Soloer played the game a few years back. Coming back now to start a new character, which character creation choices are most conducive to soloing?
I played DCUO for a while a few years back, and then got distracted by other shiny things. Shows like Flash and Legends of Tomorrow reminded me I had quite a lot of fun in the game, and I'd like to return and start a new character. I mainly solo in games like this, so I'm interested to hear how things are now with regard to which roles and/or powersets would be most conducive to solo play. I see Weapon Mastery and Advanced Mechanics being tossed around, so I'm going to read up on those, but if (say) controlling is the best role for soloing, I'm probably going to start with a Controller concept and work from there. TL;DR: Soloer played the game a few years back. Coming back now to start a new character, which character creation choices are most conducive to soloing?
I played DCUO for a while a few years back, and then got distracted by other shiny things. Shows like Flash and Legends of Tomorrow reminded me I had quite a lot of fun in the game, and I'd like to return and start a new character. I mainly solo in games like this, so I'm interested to hear how things are now with regard to which roles and/or powersets would be most conducive to solo play. I see Weapon Mastery and Advanced Mechanics being tossed around, so I'm going to read up on those, but if (say) controlling is the best role for soloing, I'm probably going to start with a Controller concept and work from there.
Soloer played the game a few years back. Coming back now to start a new character, which character creation choices are most conducive to soloing?
I have both but haven't turned on my PS3 for ages. Quite honestly Xbox live in my opinion is so far ahead of the PS network. It's just a lot more smoother, better interface, huge library of arcade games, etc. And again, in my opinion the xbox controller is the greatest controller ever made. It fits so perfectly in my hand and the analog tension is perfect. The PS controller annoys me with it's loose analogs and the fact that the left and right analog are so close together and on the same height. But to credit the PS3, it does have more exclusives than the Xbox and you can use it as a blu ray player also. So it has those 2 things going for it. Although, graphics wise if it's not an exclusive the xbox almost always has better graphics since it's ported over to the PS3. Barely noticeable anyway though and anyone that buys either console based off the graphical difference is crazy. TL:DR Xbox has a better online experience and better controller. Exclusives aside, everything else is the same.
I have both but haven't turned on my PS3 for ages. Quite honestly Xbox live in my opinion is so far ahead of the PS network. It's just a lot more smoother, better interface, huge library of arcade games, etc. And again, in my opinion the xbox controller is the greatest controller ever made. It fits so perfectly in my hand and the analog tension is perfect. The PS controller annoys me with it's loose analogs and the fact that the left and right analog are so close together and on the same height. But to credit the PS3, it does have more exclusives than the Xbox and you can use it as a blu ray player also. So it has those 2 things going for it. Although, graphics wise if it's not an exclusive the xbox almost always has better graphics since it's ported over to the PS3. Barely noticeable anyway though and anyone that buys either console based off the graphical difference is crazy. TL:DR Xbox has a better online experience and better controller. Exclusives aside, everything else is the same.
I have both but haven't turned on my PS3 for ages. Quite honestly Xbox live in my opinion is so far ahead of the PS network. It's just a lot more smoother, better interface, huge library of arcade games, etc. And again, in my opinion the xbox controller is the greatest controller ever made. It fits so perfectly in my hand and the analog tension is perfect. The PS controller annoys me with it's loose analogs and the fact that the left and right analog are so close together and on the same height. But to credit the PS3, it does have more exclusives than the Xbox and you can use it as a blu ray player also. So it has those 2 things going for it. Although, graphics wise if it's not an exclusive the xbox almost always has better graphics since it's ported over to the PS3. Barely noticeable anyway though and anyone that buys either console based off the graphical difference is crazy.
Xbox has a better online experience and better controller. Exclusives aside, everything else is the same.
i'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. i love my boyfriend, and i know he loves me; that's not the problem or in question in any way. we have been together about 10 months, and have had a LOT of ups and downs in the last 5 or so. due to some things, he has lost some trust in me, and that's perfectly acceptable. i understand where he is coming from. we have talked about moving to arizona together in january '13. i have always thought i was a long term, committed relationship type of person, but as of late, i feel like maybe i'm not ready to settle down. i've thought of how it'd be to move by myself, and i'm not completely torn apart when i see myself without him. i feel like that indicates something. i have a history of depression, anxiety, and self-mutilation that i'm not completely healed from, coupled with the fact that i recently learned that i won't be able to have kids without fertility treatment. i have lots of emotional baggage. i don't want to be a burden, but he assures me that he wants to work through it all together. i guess i'm trying to find a way to be *completely* certain that i should be with him. he is aware of my swaying in certainty and i know it hurts him. i can't keep hurting him. if i'm not for him, i'd rather figure it out and just hurt him once more as opposed to stringing him along with some false hope. there is a lot more to our relationship that i am not adding in here, for the sake of space and ease of reading; i'm just giving the highlights. **tl;dr** unsure if i'm ready for commitment due to personal issues and i want to do the right thing by him, since he has been there for me every moment.
i'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. i love my boyfriend, and i know he loves me; that's not the problem or in question in any way. we have been together about 10 months, and have had a LOT of ups and downs in the last 5 or so. due to some things, he has lost some trust in me, and that's perfectly acceptable. i understand where he is coming from. we have talked about moving to arizona together in january '13. i have always thought i was a long term, committed relationship type of person, but as of late, i feel like maybe i'm not ready to settle down. i've thought of how it'd be to move by myself, and i'm not completely torn apart when i see myself without him. i feel like that indicates something. i have a history of depression, anxiety, and self-mutilation that i'm not completely healed from, coupled with the fact that i recently learned that i won't be able to have kids without fertility treatment. i have lots of emotional baggage. i don't want to be a burden, but he assures me that he wants to work through it all together. i guess i'm trying to find a way to be completely certain that i should be with him. he is aware of my swaying in certainty and i know it hurts him. i can't keep hurting him. if i'm not for him, i'd rather figure it out and just hurt him once more as opposed to stringing him along with some false hope. there is a lot more to our relationship that i am not adding in here, for the sake of space and ease of reading; i'm just giving the highlights. tl;dr unsure if i'm ready for commitment due to personal issues and i want to do the right thing by him, since he has been there for me every moment.
i'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. i love my boyfriend, and i know he loves me; that's not the problem or in question in any way. we have been together about 10 months, and have had a LOT of ups and downs in the last 5 or so. due to some things, he has lost some trust in me, and that's perfectly acceptable. i understand where he is coming from. we have talked about moving to arizona together in january '13. i have always thought i was a long term, committed relationship type of person, but as of late, i feel like maybe i'm not ready to settle down. i've thought of how it'd be to move by myself, and i'm not completely torn apart when i see myself without him. i feel like that indicates something. i have a history of depression, anxiety, and self-mutilation that i'm not completely healed from, coupled with the fact that i recently learned that i won't be able to have kids without fertility treatment. i have lots of emotional baggage. i don't want to be a burden, but he assures me that he wants to work through it all together. i guess i'm trying to find a way to be completely certain that i should be with him. he is aware of my swaying in certainty and i know it hurts him. i can't keep hurting him. if i'm not for him, i'd rather figure it out and just hurt him once more as opposed to stringing him along with some false hope. there is a lot more to our relationship that i am not adding in here, for the sake of space and ease of reading; i'm just giving the highlights.
unsure if i'm ready for commitment due to personal issues and i want to do the right thing by him, since he has been there for me every moment.
I live with a guy who has these moments all the time. When he's in panic he shouts some sort of expletive (fuck, shit, bollocks) normally as loud as he can, and either makes a swift but loud exit or keeps on standing there, swearing. Whether he's forgot to watch his dinner cooking or thinks hes lost his bus ticket, he will always go crazy. Sometimes, I think to myself what it might be like to live life through his eyes, maybe it would make my boring and average world a bit more exciting. **TL;DR** My roommate does this all the time and makes everyone in the room know it.
I live with a guy who has these moments all the time. When he's in panic he shouts some sort of expletive (fuck, shit, bollocks) normally as loud as he can, and either makes a swift but loud exit or keeps on standing there, swearing. Whether he's forgot to watch his dinner cooking or thinks hes lost his bus ticket, he will always go crazy. Sometimes, I think to myself what it might be like to live life through his eyes, maybe it would make my boring and average world a bit more exciting. TL;DR My roommate does this all the time and makes everyone in the room know it.
I live with a guy who has these moments all the time. When he's in panic he shouts some sort of expletive (fuck, shit, bollocks) normally as loud as he can, and either makes a swift but loud exit or keeps on standing there, swearing. Whether he's forgot to watch his dinner cooking or thinks hes lost his bus ticket, he will always go crazy. Sometimes, I think to myself what it might be like to live life through his eyes, maybe it would make my boring and average world a bit more exciting.
My roommate does this all the time and makes everyone in the room know it.
Mythic Grunt mech can be quite a challenge. Especially on the beach of Apex 7. Some tips: - Try to use kinetic based weapons (Dmr, Br are best suited) since kinetic based weapons do extra damage towards vehicles. - The grunt's cockpit windshield can be broken and the grunt has (from what i know) 2 crit spots those being from the front which are it's middle area and the actual grunt itself when exposed from it's cockpit area. - Slow moving vehicles like the tank, scorpion are generally no bueno since the needlers the grunt fires have tracking and 1-3 needlers do massives amounts of damage and can potentially kill you, they are extremely powerful and the grunt mech is no pushover. Pay attention and when it's launching these red/orangish needlers in the air and take cover immediately. The best way to keep fire/stay alive and not have that dreadful respawn is to take cover/shoot. Take cover, shoot. Repeat this and watch out for those tracking needlers! Stay safe! Better then "getting in" all that damage and dying in 5 seconds while you're in the open thinking you're safe, you're not! - Aerial vehicles are also such a huge target and will get absolutely melted in a matter of a few seconds. If you are using an aerial vehicle you can still be safe though! Just make sure to watch out for those tracking needles and have a "camping" spot to shoot, hide, shoot, hide. Rinse, repeat. TL;DR: Every boss has crit damage, find it. Shoot it. Red hitmarkers. Done. Bingo bango. I just feel like a lot of players don't know this since I'm constantly in groups that are like, "Where is it's weak spot". Only boss with no crit spot that I know of is/are banshees. Phaetons have a crit spot right under it's central &amp; largest middle fan
Mythic Grunt mech can be quite a challenge. Especially on the beach of Apex 7. Some tips: Try to use kinetic based weapons (Dmr, Br are best suited) since kinetic based weapons do extra damage towards vehicles. The grunt's cockpit windshield can be broken and the grunt has (from what i know) 2 crit spots those being from the front which are it's middle area and the actual grunt itself when exposed from it's cockpit area. Slow moving vehicles like the tank, scorpion are generally no bueno since the needlers the grunt fires have tracking and 1-3 needlers do massives amounts of damage and can potentially kill you, they are extremely powerful and the grunt mech is no pushover. Pay attention and when it's launching these red/orangish needlers in the air and take cover immediately. The best way to keep fire/stay alive and not have that dreadful respawn is to take cover/shoot. Take cover, shoot. Repeat this and watch out for those tracking needlers! Stay safe! Better then "getting in" all that damage and dying in 5 seconds while you're in the open thinking you're safe, you're not! Aerial vehicles are also such a huge target and will get absolutely melted in a matter of a few seconds. If you are using an aerial vehicle you can still be safe though! Just make sure to watch out for those tracking needles and have a "camping" spot to shoot, hide, shoot, hide. Rinse, repeat. TL;DR: Every boss has crit damage, find it. Shoot it. Red hitmarkers. Done. Bingo bango. I just feel like a lot of players don't know this since I'm constantly in groups that are like, "Where is it's weak spot". Only boss with no crit spot that I know of is/are banshees. Phaetons have a crit spot right under it's central & largest middle fan
Mythic Grunt mech can be quite a challenge. Especially on the beach of Apex 7. Some tips: Try to use kinetic based weapons (Dmr, Br are best suited) since kinetic based weapons do extra damage towards vehicles. The grunt's cockpit windshield can be broken and the grunt has (from what i know) 2 crit spots those being from the front which are it's middle area and the actual grunt itself when exposed from it's cockpit area. Slow moving vehicles like the tank, scorpion are generally no bueno since the needlers the grunt fires have tracking and 1-3 needlers do massives amounts of damage and can potentially kill you, they are extremely powerful and the grunt mech is no pushover. Pay attention and when it's launching these red/orangish needlers in the air and take cover immediately. The best way to keep fire/stay alive and not have that dreadful respawn is to take cover/shoot. Take cover, shoot. Repeat this and watch out for those tracking needlers! Stay safe! Better then "getting in" all that damage and dying in 5 seconds while you're in the open thinking you're safe, you're not! Aerial vehicles are also such a huge target and will get absolutely melted in a matter of a few seconds. If you are using an aerial vehicle you can still be safe though! Just make sure to watch out for those tracking needles and have a "camping" spot to shoot, hide, shoot, hide. Rinse, repeat.
Every boss has crit damage, find it. Shoot it. Red hitmarkers. Done. Bingo bango. I just feel like a lot of players don't know this since I'm constantly in groups that are like, "Where is it's weak spot". Only boss with no crit spot that I know of is/are banshees. Phaetons have a crit spot right under it's central & largest middle fan
As others have already said, "it depends." What examiners are going to look for is your ability to navigate the airplane in a worst case situation. I normally plan the route on paper along with WCA's anyways especially (as was the case on a XC to FFA last year) if my GPS isn't working right. That being said, forecasts are always forecasts, and the information you use to calculate your WCA will probably be off at the very least a few degrees. So dead reckoning and visual references will be best. Of course this all changes for IFR flights, as there are more regulations on required equipment. TL;DR make sure you cover yourself should your moving map fail. (Dead iPad, GPS database error, etc..) Edit: Should add: I have taken a year off of flying due to school, and I cannot remember if you need to check your VOR receivers before using them for a VFR flight, ( I know IFR flights req VOR receiver checks within past 30 days) not to mention some VOR's are NOTAM'd unusable between certain radials and altitudes, those are a few other things to consider before you decide "meh, ill just track VORs."
As others have already said, "it depends." What examiners are going to look for is your ability to navigate the airplane in a worst case situation. I normally plan the route on paper along with WCA's anyways especially (as was the case on a XC to FFA last year) if my GPS isn't working right. That being said, forecasts are always forecasts, and the information you use to calculate your WCA will probably be off at the very least a few degrees. So dead reckoning and visual references will be best. Of course this all changes for IFR flights, as there are more regulations on required equipment. TL;DR make sure you cover yourself should your moving map fail. (Dead iPad, GPS database error, etc..) Edit: Should add: I have taken a year off of flying due to school, and I cannot remember if you need to check your VOR receivers before using them for a VFR flight, ( I know IFR flights req VOR receiver checks within past 30 days) not to mention some VOR's are NOTAM'd unusable between certain radials and altitudes, those are a few other things to consider before you decide "meh, ill just track VORs."
As others have already said, "it depends." What examiners are going to look for is your ability to navigate the airplane in a worst case situation. I normally plan the route on paper along with WCA's anyways especially (as was the case on a XC to FFA last year) if my GPS isn't working right. That being said, forecasts are always forecasts, and the information you use to calculate your WCA will probably be off at the very least a few degrees. So dead reckoning and visual references will be best. Of course this all changes for IFR flights, as there are more regulations on required equipment.
make sure you cover yourself should your moving map fail. (Dead iPad, GPS database error, etc..) Edit: Should add: I have taken a year off of flying due to school, and I cannot remember if you need to check your VOR receivers before using them for a VFR flight, ( I know IFR flights req VOR receiver checks within past 30 days) not to mention some VOR's are NOTAM'd unusable between certain radials and altitudes, those are a few other things to consider before you decide "meh, ill just track VORs."
One thing to keep in mind, is that children are just as much beautiful and insightful as they are cruel and vile. Just like adults. Do everything you can to support your daughter's emotional well being. But keep in mind that some kids will be dicks to her because some kids are just dicks. If it wasn't her skin color it would be her clothing or the shape of her nose or sound of her voice. The important thing to keep in mind, IMHO, is that her experiences as a child, good or bad, comforting or painful, will forge her into the woman she will become. And I'm guessing, like most mixed race people I've known, she will grow to be an interesting and thoughtful human as the result of her experiences. Edit: TL:DR: Just stay your course and keep being a loving and supportive mom. She will be okay.
One thing to keep in mind, is that children are just as much beautiful and insightful as they are cruel and vile. Just like adults. Do everything you can to support your daughter's emotional well being. But keep in mind that some kids will be dicks to her because some kids are just dicks. If it wasn't her skin color it would be her clothing or the shape of her nose or sound of her voice. The important thing to keep in mind, IMHO, is that her experiences as a child, good or bad, comforting or painful, will forge her into the woman she will become. And I'm guessing, like most mixed race people I've known, she will grow to be an interesting and thoughtful human as the result of her experiences. Edit: TL:DR: Just stay your course and keep being a loving and supportive mom. She will be okay.
One thing to keep in mind, is that children are just as much beautiful and insightful as they are cruel and vile. Just like adults. Do everything you can to support your daughter's emotional well being. But keep in mind that some kids will be dicks to her because some kids are just dicks. If it wasn't her skin color it would be her clothing or the shape of her nose or sound of her voice. The important thing to keep in mind, IMHO, is that her experiences as a child, good or bad, comforting or painful, will forge her into the woman she will become. And I'm guessing, like most mixed race people I've known, she will grow to be an interesting and thoughtful human as the result of her experiences. Edit:
Just stay your course and keep being a loving and supportive mom. She will be okay.
Gullible people. In 2nd, 3rd... generation immigrants, some have a "stuck in two worlds" feeling where they are too Muslim to be part of the west and too western to be a good Muslim. This makes people desperate for community, and since these guys have extremist groups with a cause to turn to, they go and join. Plus they get to shoot guns. The same thing happens in America. The immigrants who come here are often willing to work for low wages in sub-standard conditions. When their children grow up with an idea of what being successful in America looks like, yet have a low chance of achieving success, they get involved in violence and gangs. Plus they get to shoot guns. TLDR:People who feel like outsiders in their communities often go to extreme measures to achieve stability and find a community.
Gullible people. In 2nd, 3rd... generation immigrants, some have a "stuck in two worlds" feeling where they are too Muslim to be part of the west and too western to be a good Muslim. This makes people desperate for community, and since these guys have extremist groups with a cause to turn to, they go and join. Plus they get to shoot guns. The same thing happens in America. The immigrants who come here are often willing to work for low wages in sub-standard conditions. When their children grow up with an idea of what being successful in America looks like, yet have a low chance of achieving success, they get involved in violence and gangs. Plus they get to shoot guns. TLDR:People who feel like outsiders in their communities often go to extreme measures to achieve stability and find a community.
Gullible people. In 2nd, 3rd... generation immigrants, some have a "stuck in two worlds" feeling where they are too Muslim to be part of the west and too western to be a good Muslim. This makes people desperate for community, and since these guys have extremist groups with a cause to turn to, they go and join. Plus they get to shoot guns. The same thing happens in America. The immigrants who come here are often willing to work for low wages in sub-standard conditions. When their children grow up with an idea of what being successful in America looks like, yet have a low chance of achieving success, they get involved in violence and gangs. Plus they get to shoot guns.
People who feel like outsiders in their communities often go to extreme measures to achieve stability and find a community.
I would say that its still a tossup until all of the roster changes are finalized and we start to see how everyone does working together in teams such as TSM that have major role changes. However based on the current standings and EG still being a complete tossup in my mind i would have a similar standing, maybe something along the lines of C9 LMQ CLG Dig TSM CRS Col EG If EG gets everything worked out i could see eg being in contention with tsm and maybe TSMs roster will synergize and surprise me, also LMQ could always flop and not do as well as i'm hoping for but i'm fairly confident with my top 4 unless (like stated before) TSM surprises me or maybe CLGs new top lane (which is very likely) does well and allows them to excels. TL;DR A lot is based on how the roster changes work with the teams but currently this is my opinion.
I would say that its still a tossup until all of the roster changes are finalized and we start to see how everyone does working together in teams such as TSM that have major role changes. However based on the current standings and EG still being a complete tossup in my mind i would have a similar standing, maybe something along the lines of C9 LMQ CLG Dig TSM CRS Col EG If EG gets everything worked out i could see eg being in contention with tsm and maybe TSMs roster will synergize and surprise me, also LMQ could always flop and not do as well as i'm hoping for but i'm fairly confident with my top 4 unless (like stated before) TSM surprises me or maybe CLGs new top lane (which is very likely) does well and allows them to excels. TL;DR A lot is based on how the roster changes work with the teams but currently this is my opinion.
I would say that its still a tossup until all of the roster changes are finalized and we start to see how everyone does working together in teams such as TSM that have major role changes. However based on the current standings and EG still being a complete tossup in my mind i would have a similar standing, maybe something along the lines of C9 LMQ CLG Dig TSM CRS Col EG If EG gets everything worked out i could see eg being in contention with tsm and maybe TSMs roster will synergize and surprise me, also LMQ could always flop and not do as well as i'm hoping for but i'm fairly confident with my top 4 unless (like stated before) TSM surprises me or maybe CLGs new top lane (which is very likely) does well and allows them to excels.
A lot is based on how the roster changes work with the teams but currently this is my opinion.
Just a forewarning, very few people marry the person they are with in highschool, and even fewer live a full life without separating eventually. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying at some point you two might just want to agree to separate, for two main reasons. 1. The person you are now and your partner is now, are not the people you will be once college is up. 2. Trying to force it will make it worse in the long run, because who knows, maybe the person you are and the person your partner is will both be compatible when college is over, and the stress of trying to keep it together throughout that time will kill any future hope. Try your hardest to keep in touch if you want this to last and you end up going your different ways, and when college is over, you should meet the new person they are for the first time and use the separation as a means to learn even more about them, and how they grew as a person, and if you still both like each other then you'll be stronger for that, and hopefully things will work out. tl;dr, you should enjoy what you have now, and then when the time comes that you have to physically separate, talk with the only other person who should have a relevant opinion on this: your partner, and then go from there. Just DON'T ruin the now by worrying about the future. For all intents and purposes, you should both just enjoy yourselves while you still have what you have, and if things go sour, then they go sour. Putting thought into the future is just going to make you both bothered and keep you from making it there in the first place. It'll happen however it happens, and life is too short to worry about being happy in the future because then you can't take the time to be happy now.
Just a forewarning, very few people marry the person they are with in highschool, and even fewer live a full life without separating eventually. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying at some point you two might just want to agree to separate, for two main reasons. The person you are now and your partner is now, are not the people you will be once college is up. Trying to force it will make it worse in the long run, because who knows, maybe the person you are and the person your partner is will both be compatible when college is over, and the stress of trying to keep it together throughout that time will kill any future hope. Try your hardest to keep in touch if you want this to last and you end up going your different ways, and when college is over, you should meet the new person they are for the first time and use the separation as a means to learn even more about them, and how they grew as a person, and if you still both like each other then you'll be stronger for that, and hopefully things will work out. tl;dr, you should enjoy what you have now, and then when the time comes that you have to physically separate, talk with the only other person who should have a relevant opinion on this: your partner, and then go from there. Just DON'T ruin the now by worrying about the future. For all intents and purposes, you should both just enjoy yourselves while you still have what you have, and if things go sour, then they go sour. Putting thought into the future is just going to make you both bothered and keep you from making it there in the first place. It'll happen however it happens, and life is too short to worry about being happy in the future because then you can't take the time to be happy now.
Just a forewarning, very few people marry the person they are with in highschool, and even fewer live a full life without separating eventually. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying at some point you two might just want to agree to separate, for two main reasons. The person you are now and your partner is now, are not the people you will be once college is up. Trying to force it will make it worse in the long run, because who knows, maybe the person you are and the person your partner is will both be compatible when college is over, and the stress of trying to keep it together throughout that time will kill any future hope. Try your hardest to keep in touch if you want this to last and you end up going your different ways, and when college is over, you should meet the new person they are for the first time and use the separation as a means to learn even more about them, and how they grew as a person, and if you still both like each other then you'll be stronger for that, and hopefully things will work out.
you should enjoy what you have now, and then when the time comes that you have to physically separate, talk with the only other person who should have a relevant opinion on this: your partner, and then go from there. Just DON'T ruin the now by worrying about the future. For all intents and purposes, you should both just enjoy yourselves while you still have what you have, and if things go sour, then they go sour. Putting thought into the future is just going to make you both bothered and keep you from making it there in the first place. It'll happen however it happens, and life is too short to worry about being happy in the future because then you can't take the time to be happy now.
My father was returning from a deaf men's conference, and offered to let two guys stay at our house instead of having to sleep at the airport. Now, some deaf people have a tendency to either not be aware of how much noise they're making (breathing, burping, slurping) or perhaps they don't mind it. So I'm in my room on the computer while my girlfriend does some homework on the bed behind me. My room has one door to the hallway, and one to the restroom. The hallway has a door to the restroom, the guestroom and my room. My room is usually very hot due to the heat vent, my computer, the tv, and my xbox all being on at the same time. To help alleviate the heat, we leave the restroom door open as it is quite cool in there. One of the deaf men, who happens to be quite loud, enters the restroom through the hallway, breathing and grunting, and proceeds to sit onto the toilet and begin the duty. He fore goes closing the door to my room. So he's grunting and moaning and snorting while water is splashing and the air is stinking. My girlfriend is busting her ass laughing, still attempting to stifle her cackles although it matters not. To add to this, my father had just put our chihuahua in my room as she was bothering the guests. So the dog jumps out of my lap when the action begins, and starts her habitual licking on the immobile deaf man. So we begin to hear angry groans akin to a zombie in a b-movie horror film. I try calling my dog back but she would only return to the doorframe before running back to the man, and I refused to walk into sight of the deaf man. Eventually, I get the dog back and the man finishes his shit after about 10 minutes. He gets up and wipes his ass furiously and audibly. He walks over to the sink and begins washing his hands, but as he reaches for the towel he knocks my girlfriends electric toothbrush off the counter, turning it on as it lands onto the tile. My girlfriend had never stopped laughing but it had calmed to a dull giggle, but this gave her newfound energy returning her to absolute boisterous laughter. He never came into view. Just his arm from behind the wall, grabbing the toothbrush with a exasperated sigh followed with a definitive slam of the brush into the counter. **TL;DR** Deaf man groaned and moaned some power shits with a door connecting the bathroom and my bedroom wide open.
My father was returning from a deaf men's conference, and offered to let two guys stay at our house instead of having to sleep at the airport. Now, some deaf people have a tendency to either not be aware of how much noise they're making (breathing, burping, slurping) or perhaps they don't mind it. So I'm in my room on the computer while my girlfriend does some homework on the bed behind me. My room has one door to the hallway, and one to the restroom. The hallway has a door to the restroom, the guestroom and my room. My room is usually very hot due to the heat vent, my computer, the tv, and my xbox all being on at the same time. To help alleviate the heat, we leave the restroom door open as it is quite cool in there. One of the deaf men, who happens to be quite loud, enters the restroom through the hallway, breathing and grunting, and proceeds to sit onto the toilet and begin the duty. He fore goes closing the door to my room. So he's grunting and moaning and snorting while water is splashing and the air is stinking. My girlfriend is busting her ass laughing, still attempting to stifle her cackles although it matters not. To add to this, my father had just put our chihuahua in my room as she was bothering the guests. So the dog jumps out of my lap when the action begins, and starts her habitual licking on the immobile deaf man. So we begin to hear angry groans akin to a zombie in a b-movie horror film. I try calling my dog back but she would only return to the doorframe before running back to the man, and I refused to walk into sight of the deaf man. Eventually, I get the dog back and the man finishes his shit after about 10 minutes. He gets up and wipes his ass furiously and audibly. He walks over to the sink and begins washing his hands, but as he reaches for the towel he knocks my girlfriends electric toothbrush off the counter, turning it on as it lands onto the tile. My girlfriend had never stopped laughing but it had calmed to a dull giggle, but this gave her newfound energy returning her to absolute boisterous laughter. He never came into view. Just his arm from behind the wall, grabbing the toothbrush with a exasperated sigh followed with a definitive slam of the brush into the counter. TL;DR Deaf man groaned and moaned some power shits with a door connecting the bathroom and my bedroom wide open.
My father was returning from a deaf men's conference, and offered to let two guys stay at our house instead of having to sleep at the airport. Now, some deaf people have a tendency to either not be aware of how much noise they're making (breathing, burping, slurping) or perhaps they don't mind it. So I'm in my room on the computer while my girlfriend does some homework on the bed behind me. My room has one door to the hallway, and one to the restroom. The hallway has a door to the restroom, the guestroom and my room. My room is usually very hot due to the heat vent, my computer, the tv, and my xbox all being on at the same time. To help alleviate the heat, we leave the restroom door open as it is quite cool in there. One of the deaf men, who happens to be quite loud, enters the restroom through the hallway, breathing and grunting, and proceeds to sit onto the toilet and begin the duty. He fore goes closing the door to my room. So he's grunting and moaning and snorting while water is splashing and the air is stinking. My girlfriend is busting her ass laughing, still attempting to stifle her cackles although it matters not. To add to this, my father had just put our chihuahua in my room as she was bothering the guests. So the dog jumps out of my lap when the action begins, and starts her habitual licking on the immobile deaf man. So we begin to hear angry groans akin to a zombie in a b-movie horror film. I try calling my dog back but she would only return to the doorframe before running back to the man, and I refused to walk into sight of the deaf man. Eventually, I get the dog back and the man finishes his shit after about 10 minutes. He gets up and wipes his ass furiously and audibly. He walks over to the sink and begins washing his hands, but as he reaches for the towel he knocks my girlfriends electric toothbrush off the counter, turning it on as it lands onto the tile. My girlfriend had never stopped laughing but it had calmed to a dull giggle, but this gave her newfound energy returning her to absolute boisterous laughter. He never came into view. Just his arm from behind the wall, grabbing the toothbrush with a exasperated sigh followed with a definitive slam of the brush into the counter.
Deaf man groaned and moaned some power shits with a door connecting the bathroom and my bedroom wide open.
I'll be honest mate, I have a large penis (7inch and thick) and I gotta say, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'll never have anal, getting oral is too big a task for all but the skankiest women (not my cup of tea those gals), and even vaginal intercourse can be too hard for them. I say we are in similar boats, we are both afraid of our dicks. Just do what I do. Be gentle, carress, get her into it. If she is aroused, all the nerve endings down there will be happy with any stimulation. Tl;dr don't stress it, big dicks aren't all they're cracked up to be
I'll be honest mate, I have a large penis (7inch and thick) and I gotta say, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'll never have anal, getting oral is too big a task for all but the skankiest women (not my cup of tea those gals), and even vaginal intercourse can be too hard for them. I say we are in similar boats, we are both afraid of our dicks. Just do what I do. Be gentle, carress, get her into it. If she is aroused, all the nerve endings down there will be happy with any stimulation. Tl;dr don't stress it, big dicks aren't all they're cracked up to be
I'll be honest mate, I have a large penis (7inch and thick) and I gotta say, it isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'll never have anal, getting oral is too big a task for all but the skankiest women (not my cup of tea those gals), and even vaginal intercourse can be too hard for them. I say we are in similar boats, we are both afraid of our dicks. Just do what I do. Be gentle, carress, get her into it. If she is aroused, all the nerve endings down there will be happy with any stimulation.
don't stress it, big dicks aren't all they're cracked up to be
I came here to say this. I am a terran player and whenever someone tries to double gas steal I just laugh and marine rush them into oblivion. I have never been beaten when someone steals both of my gases. They are down 150 minerals at the beginning of the game and that is HUGE. I just take advantage of it. tl;dr Don't double gas steal against terran if you want to win.
I came here to say this. I am a terran player and whenever someone tries to double gas steal I just laugh and marine rush them into oblivion. I have never been beaten when someone steals both of my gases. They are down 150 minerals at the beginning of the game and that is HUGE. I just take advantage of it. tl;dr Don't double gas steal against terran if you want to win.
I came here to say this. I am a terran player and whenever someone tries to double gas steal I just laugh and marine rush them into oblivion. I have never been beaten when someone steals both of my gases. They are down 150 minerals at the beginning of the game and that is HUGE. I just take advantage of it.
Don't double gas steal against terran if you want to win.
I'm kind of in this boat too. Reading r/atheism, seeing all the crap in the news and wondering why the hell people who claim to have the moral high ground are so filled with hate. Granted, I've never been a great Christian, but the more time I spend in the real world (i.e. not at home with my parents) the more I see how absolutely backwards Christianity has become. My religion is hanging by a thread and I'm holding a pair of scissors wondering if I should cut it. It's completely stupid, the number of justifications I have to make to make Christianity as my parents believe work for me, and I'm not so sure I want to any more. tl;dr I'm an almost-atheist. Almost.
I'm kind of in this boat too. Reading r/atheism, seeing all the crap in the news and wondering why the hell people who claim to have the moral high ground are so filled with hate. Granted, I've never been a great Christian, but the more time I spend in the real world (i.e. not at home with my parents) the more I see how absolutely backwards Christianity has become. My religion is hanging by a thread and I'm holding a pair of scissors wondering if I should cut it. It's completely stupid, the number of justifications I have to make to make Christianity as my parents believe work for me, and I'm not so sure I want to any more. tl;dr I'm an almost-atheist. Almost.
I'm kind of in this boat too. Reading r/atheism, seeing all the crap in the news and wondering why the hell people who claim to have the moral high ground are so filled with hate. Granted, I've never been a great Christian, but the more time I spend in the real world (i.e. not at home with my parents) the more I see how absolutely backwards Christianity has become. My religion is hanging by a thread and I'm holding a pair of scissors wondering if I should cut it. It's completely stupid, the number of justifications I have to make to make Christianity as my parents believe work for me, and I'm not so sure I want to any more.
I'm an almost-atheist. Almost.
Will do! What type of oil should I put on them to help them cast better/ work better? I've been fishing all my life, but I was taught by my papaw who grew up with cane poles and the sort so I'm still a bit of a novice when it comes to what gear works best for the job. TL;DR I'm not a gear expert or junkie
Will do! What type of oil should I put on them to help them cast better/ work better? I've been fishing all my life, but I was taught by my papaw who grew up with cane poles and the sort so I'm still a bit of a novice when it comes to what gear works best for the job. TL;DR I'm not a gear expert or junkie
Will do! What type of oil should I put on them to help them cast better/ work better? I've been fishing all my life, but I was taught by my papaw who grew up with cane poles and the sort so I'm still a bit of a novice when it comes to what gear works best for the job.
I'm not a gear expert or junkie
I had just started a new job a day ago. After a few hours of staring at my computer, I decided to walk around the office - read the signs, check out the pictures on the wall etc. Since I am also deep in thought, processing all the information that my new co-workers have been feeding me, I am very distracted. I decide to go to the men's room. As I walked towards the men's room, I noticed a young woman coming from the opposite direction. We make eye contact, and we smile at each other. Then, I opened the door to the men's room and took a step inside. Then absent mindedly, I held the door open for her. Took me a couple of seconds of holding the door to the men's room open for her to realise what I was doing. She continued walking, but I am sure she saw what an idiot I am. TLDR: Absent mindedly held the door to the mens room room for a woman at new workplace.
I had just started a new job a day ago. After a few hours of staring at my computer, I decided to walk around the office - read the signs, check out the pictures on the wall etc. Since I am also deep in thought, processing all the information that my new co-workers have been feeding me, I am very distracted. I decide to go to the men's room. As I walked towards the men's room, I noticed a young woman coming from the opposite direction. We make eye contact, and we smile at each other. Then, I opened the door to the men's room and took a step inside. Then absent mindedly, I held the door open for her. Took me a couple of seconds of holding the door to the men's room open for her to realise what I was doing. She continued walking, but I am sure she saw what an idiot I am. TLDR: Absent mindedly held the door to the mens room room for a woman at new workplace.
I had just started a new job a day ago. After a few hours of staring at my computer, I decided to walk around the office - read the signs, check out the pictures on the wall etc. Since I am also deep in thought, processing all the information that my new co-workers have been feeding me, I am very distracted. I decide to go to the men's room. As I walked towards the men's room, I noticed a young woman coming from the opposite direction. We make eye contact, and we smile at each other. Then, I opened the door to the men's room and took a step inside. Then absent mindedly, I held the door open for her. Took me a couple of seconds of holding the door to the men's room open for her to realise what I was doing. She continued walking, but I am sure she saw what an idiot I am.
Absent mindedly held the door to the mens room room for a woman at new workplace.
“I think most people don’t understand what it means that this is a design patent – it’s not the same thing as a “regular” patent (a utility patent). Design patents allow a company to get an exclusive right to the form of a functional object so that a 3rd party can’t make a different device with identical appearance (well, not legally at least). Almost every company that puts the time into making a distinctive shape for their devices gets one: Microsoft has one for the Xbox, George Lucas got one for Yoda etc. Design patents are extremely narrow – you have to do your level best to copy them exactly in order to be found in infringement. Plus, they specifically cannot cover functionality – that has to be covered by a utility patent, if it’s going to be protected. This design patent only protects a “portable display device” (that’s the wording in the Patent itself), and only one with those specific design elements that are shown in the Patent Figures. I’d be shocked if Apple hadn’t applied for design patents for all of its devices. This really isn’t an issue." TLDR: Downvoted to sheet
“I think most people don’t understand what it means that this is a design patent – it’s not the same thing as a “regular” patent (a utility patent). Design patents allow a company to get an exclusive right to the form of a functional object so that a 3rd party can’t make a different device with identical appearance (well, not legally at least). Almost every company that puts the time into making a distinctive shape for their devices gets one: Microsoft has one for the Xbox, George Lucas got one for Yoda etc. Design patents are extremely narrow – you have to do your level best to copy them exactly in order to be found in infringement. Plus, they specifically cannot cover functionality – that has to be covered by a utility patent, if it’s going to be protected. This design patent only protects a “portable display device” (that’s the wording in the Patent itself), and only one with those specific design elements that are shown in the Patent Figures. I’d be shocked if Apple hadn’t applied for design patents for all of its devices. This really isn’t an issue." TLDR: Downvoted to sheet
I think most people don’t understand what it means that this is a design patent – it’s not the same thing as a “regular” patent (a utility patent). Design patents allow a company to get an exclusive right to the form of a functional object so that a 3rd party can’t make a different device with identical appearance (well, not legally at least). Almost every company that puts the time into making a distinctive shape for their devices gets one: Microsoft has one for the Xbox, George Lucas got one for Yoda etc. Design patents are extremely narrow – you have to do your level best to copy them exactly in order to be found in infringement. Plus, they specifically cannot cover functionality – that has to be covered by a utility patent, if it’s going to be protected. This design patent only protects a “portable display device” (that’s the wording in the Patent itself), and only one with those specific design elements that are shown in the Patent Figures. I’d be shocked if Apple hadn’t applied for design patents for all of its devices. This really isn’t an issue."
Downvoted to sheet
it depends on how well you can predict their reaction. Are you still going to be financially dependent on them after you move out, say for college? if so, it might be a good idea to *wait* until you no longer need their money. Being completely independent also puts you in a much stronger position to tell them without serious fallout to your living arrangements, college career, and your relationship with your family. remember, they're gonna be your family for your entire life no matter what the relationship with them is. I would wait, learn as much as you can about Catholicism (from an objective POV) so you can use the LEGION of flaws in Catholic logic to bolster your argument. it would be good to learn about other religions,'ll be amazed at how similarly full of shit they are! tl:dr; if you think that there will be negative fallout that will affect your college career, WAIT.
it depends on how well you can predict their reaction. Are you still going to be financially dependent on them after you move out, say for college? if so, it might be a good idea to wait until you no longer need their money. Being completely independent also puts you in a much stronger position to tell them without serious fallout to your living arrangements, college career, and your relationship with your family. remember, they're gonna be your family for your entire life no matter what the relationship with them is. I would wait, learn as much as you can about Catholicism (from an objective POV) so you can use the LEGION of flaws in Catholic logic to bolster your argument. it would be good to learn about other religions,'ll be amazed at how similarly full of shit they are! tl:dr; if you think that there will be negative fallout that will affect your college career, WAIT.
it depends on how well you can predict their reaction. Are you still going to be financially dependent on them after you move out, say for college? if so, it might be a good idea to wait until you no longer need their money. Being completely independent also puts you in a much stronger position to tell them without serious fallout to your living arrangements, college career, and your relationship with your family. remember, they're gonna be your family for your entire life no matter what the relationship with them is. I would wait, learn as much as you can about Catholicism (from an objective POV) so you can use the LEGION of flaws in Catholic logic to bolster your argument. it would be good to learn about other religions,'ll be amazed at how similarly full of shit they are!
if you think that there will be negative fallout that will affect your college career, WAIT.
You shouldn't be letting a melee range tank be getting that close to you in the forst place. Proper positioning and kiting with even slightly decent peel from your team you should be chunking her hard enough to either not have to worry about her killing you before she gets to you or making her run away because she's taking too much damage. Adc's arent meant to blow people up immediately, they're meant to consistently deal moderate damage over the course of a team fight leading to overall dealing more damage than the other roles. They're also the best turret killers in the game and one of the big reasons why they've been a staple to a balanced team since the beginning, something I don't think people put enough value on. TL; DR don't expect to be able to stand still during a team fight free hitting and exploding everyone in 5 AA's or less anymore, mechanics matter for adcs again, hallelujah.
You shouldn't be letting a melee range tank be getting that close to you in the forst place. Proper positioning and kiting with even slightly decent peel from your team you should be chunking her hard enough to either not have to worry about her killing you before she gets to you or making her run away because she's taking too much damage. Adc's arent meant to blow people up immediately, they're meant to consistently deal moderate damage over the course of a team fight leading to overall dealing more damage than the other roles. They're also the best turret killers in the game and one of the big reasons why they've been a staple to a balanced team since the beginning, something I don't think people put enough value on. TL; DR don't expect to be able to stand still during a team fight free hitting and exploding everyone in 5 AA's or less anymore, mechanics matter for adcs again, hallelujah.
You shouldn't be letting a melee range tank be getting that close to you in the forst place. Proper positioning and kiting with even slightly decent peel from your team you should be chunking her hard enough to either not have to worry about her killing you before she gets to you or making her run away because she's taking too much damage. Adc's arent meant to blow people up immediately, they're meant to consistently deal moderate damage over the course of a team fight leading to overall dealing more damage than the other roles. They're also the best turret killers in the game and one of the big reasons why they've been a staple to a balanced team since the beginning, something I don't think people put enough value on.
don't expect to be able to stand still during a team fight free hitting and exploding everyone in 5 AA's or less anymore, mechanics matter for adcs again, hallelujah.
I actually had a gay porn scout try to recruit me once. Bad news, he's not going to get paid more than $500 to jerk off on camera. Guy on guy is $5000+ Girl on guy, the guy makes 0 dollars. My guess is they're really lowballing him for guy on guy, either that or he has a 12 inch cock, because that's the only way he'd make that kind of money for jacking off or as they call it "a sneeze shot". It's a very horrible business to get into. They fly you out of state, and once you get there, you're the porn companies slave until they send you home. You can't leave early, as they won't pay for the plane ticket. They try to make it sound like it's all fun and games... Kindof like a military recruiter. From what I hear, when you actually get there it's a nightmare. Ever seen those videos of pornstars having absolute breakdowns on camera? Well if you haven't, there's plenty of them out there. I have to stress the fact, that you're boyfriend is going to be tortured the whole time he's there. It's borderline rape. Kind of like "if you don't want to walk home from California to Florida put this dick your mouth". I will personally talk your boyfriend out of it if you want me to. It's a fucking nightmare in a half and I don't want those stupid ass gay porn people making money off of torturing someone. If he does decide to go through with it tell him DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING THE RECRUITER SAYS. TLDR: Your boyfriend has no idea what he's getting himself into.
I actually had a gay porn scout try to recruit me once. Bad news, he's not going to get paid more than $500 to jerk off on camera. Guy on guy is $5000+ Girl on guy, the guy makes 0 dollars. My guess is they're really lowballing him for guy on guy, either that or he has a 12 inch cock, because that's the only way he'd make that kind of money for jacking off or as they call it "a sneeze shot". It's a very horrible business to get into. They fly you out of state, and once you get there, you're the porn companies slave until they send you home. You can't leave early, as they won't pay for the plane ticket. They try to make it sound like it's all fun and games... Kindof like a military recruiter. From what I hear, when you actually get there it's a nightmare. Ever seen those videos of pornstars having absolute breakdowns on camera? Well if you haven't, there's plenty of them out there. I have to stress the fact, that you're boyfriend is going to be tortured the whole time he's there. It's borderline rape. Kind of like "if you don't want to walk home from California to Florida put this dick your mouth". I will personally talk your boyfriend out of it if you want me to. It's a fucking nightmare in a half and I don't want those stupid ass gay porn people making money off of torturing someone. If he does decide to go through with it tell him DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING THE RECRUITER SAYS. TLDR: Your boyfriend has no idea what he's getting himself into.
I actually had a gay porn scout try to recruit me once. Bad news, he's not going to get paid more than $500 to jerk off on camera. Guy on guy is $5000+ Girl on guy, the guy makes 0 dollars. My guess is they're really lowballing him for guy on guy, either that or he has a 12 inch cock, because that's the only way he'd make that kind of money for jacking off or as they call it "a sneeze shot". It's a very horrible business to get into. They fly you out of state, and once you get there, you're the porn companies slave until they send you home. You can't leave early, as they won't pay for the plane ticket. They try to make it sound like it's all fun and games... Kindof like a military recruiter. From what I hear, when you actually get there it's a nightmare. Ever seen those videos of pornstars having absolute breakdowns on camera? Well if you haven't, there's plenty of them out there. I have to stress the fact, that you're boyfriend is going to be tortured the whole time he's there. It's borderline rape. Kind of like "if you don't want to walk home from California to Florida put this dick your mouth". I will personally talk your boyfriend out of it if you want me to. It's a fucking nightmare in a half and I don't want those stupid ass gay porn people making money off of torturing someone. If he does decide to go through with it tell him DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING THE RECRUITER SAYS.
Your boyfriend has no idea what he's getting himself into.
No, I totally understand what happened. You're not the only person this has happened to. The issue is that the address you originally adhered to the original package included a return address that you designated. I'll imagine that this address was correct, and you seemed to confirm this. This package is shipped to an outsourced vendor, probably outside of your country. For America, all packages are shipped to Laredo, Texas to then be carried over the border. Once the package is received, the error is confirmed, and your Xbox is essentially thrown in a pile of broken Xboxes. A person at a computer checks a box, and a new-to-you (refurbished xbox) is mailed to you. This may or may not come from the same facility, nonetheless the same country, as your Xbox. They do not use the same label. They do not use the same box. A new label is printed, adhered to a box with another xbox in it, and mailed to you. When that label was printed, they used your most up to date information with Microsoft/Xbox. You are required, as per the terms of your billing contract and/or your warranty to update that information as necessary. This is the case with all warranties or contracts you may hold with anybody. You are required, by law, to keep updated records with the manufacturer. This is where the error occurred. Microsoft has nearly no leverage. They have nearly no ability to contact whoever received your package and request they send it back. They can contact your carrier, which in this case was UPS, and ask them to investigate. You, as a third party, do not have the ability to initiate this process (I think; worth a shot anyways, but it sounds like UPS already told you to contact MSFT). Your resolution is pretty straight-forward, and it's really unfortunate that you received such poor customer service that they weren't able to articulate this when you called them in the first place. This is one of the many reasons why MSFT, and many other US companies, are slowly bringing their call center personnel back on shore-- to provide substantially better customer service. I don't know about you, but the Fillipino reps we get to talk to for US-based calls are horrible! Anyways... here is what you need to do. You need to get off your ass and go pick up your package, or negotiate with a real human being at your college to forward it. When you move, you have an obligation to setup mail forwarding. I'll imagine this is a service available in the UK, for it is a service available in America. All packages with your name delivered/routed to your old address will automatically be rerouted to your new address. This is your obligation. You should offer to pay postage to have it rerouted to you, because either your University or UPS will have to absorb this cause, although the error was neither of their fault. Since technically they are not even legally allowed to do this for you, since who knows you are actually the person you say you are and aren't a con artist trying to steal an Xbox, don't have high expectations. You will need to either pick it up in person, with photo ID, or ask the school to return the package to the original sender. This will take another 2-3 weeks for MSFT to actually receive the package. Since you're spoken to the call center reps, there are notes all over this service request, and I would imagine they would automatically ship the package to the correct address. To ensure this, you should make sure your information is updated with MSFT. You can do this on their website,, or via the phone. edit: tl;dr you need to either go pick it up or nicely ask to pay somebody at your college to forward it. all else, tell them to return the package to the original sender and MSFT will eventually send you a new Xbox. To ensure this, make sure your information is up to date. But, this way would take the longest amount of time, probably something like 6-10 weeks.
No, I totally understand what happened. You're not the only person this has happened to. The issue is that the address you originally adhered to the original package included a return address that you designated. I'll imagine that this address was correct, and you seemed to confirm this. This package is shipped to an outsourced vendor, probably outside of your country. For America, all packages are shipped to Laredo, Texas to then be carried over the border. Once the package is received, the error is confirmed, and your Xbox is essentially thrown in a pile of broken Xboxes. A person at a computer checks a box, and a new-to-you (refurbished xbox) is mailed to you. This may or may not come from the same facility, nonetheless the same country, as your Xbox. They do not use the same label. They do not use the same box. A new label is printed, adhered to a box with another xbox in it, and mailed to you. When that label was printed, they used your most up to date information with Microsoft/Xbox. You are required, as per the terms of your billing contract and/or your warranty to update that information as necessary. This is the case with all warranties or contracts you may hold with anybody. You are required, by law, to keep updated records with the manufacturer. This is where the error occurred. Microsoft has nearly no leverage. They have nearly no ability to contact whoever received your package and request they send it back. They can contact your carrier, which in this case was UPS, and ask them to investigate. You, as a third party, do not have the ability to initiate this process (I think; worth a shot anyways, but it sounds like UPS already told you to contact MSFT). Your resolution is pretty straight-forward, and it's really unfortunate that you received such poor customer service that they weren't able to articulate this when you called them in the first place. This is one of the many reasons why MSFT, and many other US companies, are slowly bringing their call center personnel back on shore-- to provide substantially better customer service. I don't know about you, but the Fillipino reps we get to talk to for US-based calls are horrible! Anyways... here is what you need to do. You need to get off your ass and go pick up your package, or negotiate with a real human being at your college to forward it. When you move, you have an obligation to setup mail forwarding. I'll imagine this is a service available in the UK, for it is a service available in America. All packages with your name delivered/routed to your old address will automatically be rerouted to your new address. This is your obligation. You should offer to pay postage to have it rerouted to you, because either your University or UPS will have to absorb this cause, although the error was neither of their fault. Since technically they are not even legally allowed to do this for you, since who knows you are actually the person you say you are and aren't a con artist trying to steal an Xbox, don't have high expectations. You will need to either pick it up in person, with photo ID, or ask the school to return the package to the original sender. This will take another 2-3 weeks for MSFT to actually receive the package. Since you're spoken to the call center reps, there are notes all over this service request, and I would imagine they would automatically ship the package to the correct address. To ensure this, you should make sure your information is updated with MSFT. You can do this on their website,, or via the phone. edit: tl;dr you need to either go pick it up or nicely ask to pay somebody at your college to forward it. all else, tell them to return the package to the original sender and MSFT will eventually send you a new Xbox. To ensure this, make sure your information is up to date. But, this way would take the longest amount of time, probably something like 6-10 weeks.
No, I totally understand what happened. You're not the only person this has happened to. The issue is that the address you originally adhered to the original package included a return address that you designated. I'll imagine that this address was correct, and you seemed to confirm this. This package is shipped to an outsourced vendor, probably outside of your country. For America, all packages are shipped to Laredo, Texas to then be carried over the border. Once the package is received, the error is confirmed, and your Xbox is essentially thrown in a pile of broken Xboxes. A person at a computer checks a box, and a new-to-you (refurbished xbox) is mailed to you. This may or may not come from the same facility, nonetheless the same country, as your Xbox. They do not use the same label. They do not use the same box. A new label is printed, adhered to a box with another xbox in it, and mailed to you. When that label was printed, they used your most up to date information with Microsoft/Xbox. You are required, as per the terms of your billing contract and/or your warranty to update that information as necessary. This is the case with all warranties or contracts you may hold with anybody. You are required, by law, to keep updated records with the manufacturer. This is where the error occurred. Microsoft has nearly no leverage. They have nearly no ability to contact whoever received your package and request they send it back. They can contact your carrier, which in this case was UPS, and ask them to investigate. You, as a third party, do not have the ability to initiate this process (I think; worth a shot anyways, but it sounds like UPS already told you to contact MSFT). Your resolution is pretty straight-forward, and it's really unfortunate that you received such poor customer service that they weren't able to articulate this when you called them in the first place. This is one of the many reasons why MSFT, and many other US companies, are slowly bringing their call center personnel back on shore-- to provide substantially better customer service. I don't know about you, but the Fillipino reps we get to talk to for US-based calls are horrible! Anyways... here is what you need to do. You need to get off your ass and go pick up your package, or negotiate with a real human being at your college to forward it. When you move, you have an obligation to setup mail forwarding. I'll imagine this is a service available in the UK, for it is a service available in America. All packages with your name delivered/routed to your old address will automatically be rerouted to your new address. This is your obligation. You should offer to pay postage to have it rerouted to you, because either your University or UPS will have to absorb this cause, although the error was neither of their fault. Since technically they are not even legally allowed to do this for you, since who knows you are actually the person you say you are and aren't a con artist trying to steal an Xbox, don't have high expectations. You will need to either pick it up in person, with photo ID, or ask the school to return the package to the original sender. This will take another 2-3 weeks for MSFT to actually receive the package. Since you're spoken to the call center reps, there are notes all over this service request, and I would imagine they would automatically ship the package to the correct address. To ensure this, you should make sure your information is updated with MSFT. You can do this on their website,, or via the phone. edit:
you need to either go pick it up or nicely ask to pay somebody at your college to forward it. all else, tell them to return the package to the original sender and MSFT will eventually send you a new Xbox. To ensure this, make sure your information is up to date. But, this way would take the longest amount of time, probably something like 6-10 weeks.
I was in Atlantic City for my friends 21st birthday. He got obliviously drunk so I decided I was going to do my own thing, play the games I want and not deal with him. This is after I told myself that I would NEVER attend another 21st birthday because its the same bullshit over and over. So I bounce and play some craps. Im shooting dice well and I get a call from him, I pick up and he asks "Should I buy coke?" And of course I say "yes" and he tells me to go back to the room. So I run upstairs, run down the hallway, open the door to the room to find my friend and 2 random, thug ass, black dudes with crazy jewelry on. Now these dudes towered myself and my buddy by inches and Im 6 ft tall. So I act cool and buy some blow. I questioned the quality of the blow and their tone of voice became very aggressive and they became very jumpy. The guy holding then took out a credit card and shoveled this coke up my nose. It tasted terrible and was cleary cut with dog shit and didnt get me high, especially with the amount they jammed up my nose. Just to get them out if my face we bought a gram for $60 snd they got out of there. Before they left, they questioned my earrings. I told them they were purchased at Walmart for 12.99, which they were, and he grilled them sooooo hard. I thought he was gonna start robbing us. They would have gotten away with it, too. Then we blew the dawg shit coke, trying to convince ourselves that it wasnt beat. So then my friend locked his wallet in the room lock box, and wasnt able to open it for an hour, due to the fact ge kept putting in the wrong pin code. Thats when I left him alone in the room and I went back to the craps table. TL;DR walked into hotel room to find 2 huge black dudes and my buddy doing a coke deal for beat blow and we bought it just to get them out of the room
I was in Atlantic City for my friends 21st birthday. He got obliviously drunk so I decided I was going to do my own thing, play the games I want and not deal with him. This is after I told myself that I would NEVER attend another 21st birthday because its the same bullshit over and over. So I bounce and play some craps. Im shooting dice well and I get a call from him, I pick up and he asks "Should I buy coke?" And of course I say "yes" and he tells me to go back to the room. So I run upstairs, run down the hallway, open the door to the room to find my friend and 2 random, thug ass, black dudes with crazy jewelry on. Now these dudes towered myself and my buddy by inches and Im 6 ft tall. So I act cool and buy some blow. I questioned the quality of the blow and their tone of voice became very aggressive and they became very jumpy. The guy holding then took out a credit card and shoveled this coke up my nose. It tasted terrible and was cleary cut with dog shit and didnt get me high, especially with the amount they jammed up my nose. Just to get them out if my face we bought a gram for $60 snd they got out of there. Before they left, they questioned my earrings. I told them they were purchased at Walmart for 12.99, which they were, and he grilled them sooooo hard. I thought he was gonna start robbing us. They would have gotten away with it, too. Then we blew the dawg shit coke, trying to convince ourselves that it wasnt beat. So then my friend locked his wallet in the room lock box, and wasnt able to open it for an hour, due to the fact ge kept putting in the wrong pin code. Thats when I left him alone in the room and I went back to the craps table. TL;DR walked into hotel room to find 2 huge black dudes and my buddy doing a coke deal for beat blow and we bought it just to get them out of the room
I was in Atlantic City for my friends 21st birthday. He got obliviously drunk so I decided I was going to do my own thing, play the games I want and not deal with him. This is after I told myself that I would NEVER attend another 21st birthday because its the same bullshit over and over. So I bounce and play some craps. Im shooting dice well and I get a call from him, I pick up and he asks "Should I buy coke?" And of course I say "yes" and he tells me to go back to the room. So I run upstairs, run down the hallway, open the door to the room to find my friend and 2 random, thug ass, black dudes with crazy jewelry on. Now these dudes towered myself and my buddy by inches and Im 6 ft tall. So I act cool and buy some blow. I questioned the quality of the blow and their tone of voice became very aggressive and they became very jumpy. The guy holding then took out a credit card and shoveled this coke up my nose. It tasted terrible and was cleary cut with dog shit and didnt get me high, especially with the amount they jammed up my nose. Just to get them out if my face we bought a gram for $60 snd they got out of there. Before they left, they questioned my earrings. I told them they were purchased at Walmart for 12.99, which they were, and he grilled them sooooo hard. I thought he was gonna start robbing us. They would have gotten away with it, too. Then we blew the dawg shit coke, trying to convince ourselves that it wasnt beat. So then my friend locked his wallet in the room lock box, and wasnt able to open it for an hour, due to the fact ge kept putting in the wrong pin code. Thats when I left him alone in the room and I went back to the craps table.
walked into hotel room to find 2 huge black dudes and my buddy doing a coke deal for beat blow and we bought it just to get them out of the room
In a lot of recent patches we've seen a lot of support nerfs, and I know a lot of people have gotten rather mad about this, so I would just like to suggest that Riot focus more on buffs than on nerfs. Compared to games like DOTA2 supports in league have a rather small impact on the flow of the game, often relying more on using their map awareness to call plays than actually make plays themselves. Soraka and Janna have been dominating bottom lane, but would it be possible for people like Leona, Taric, Sona, etc. to be buffed rather than Soraka and Janna nerfed? I do know that there are some buffs incoming, but would it be possible to do bigger buffs and smaller nerfs to bring them all to parity? TL;DR Please buff underplayed supports instead of nerfing overplayed supports **EDIT:** Someone reminded me of [this]( and it is extremely relevant. Enjoy!
In a lot of recent patches we've seen a lot of support nerfs, and I know a lot of people have gotten rather mad about this, so I would just like to suggest that Riot focus more on buffs than on nerfs. Compared to games like DOTA2 supports in league have a rather small impact on the flow of the game, often relying more on using their map awareness to call plays than actually make plays themselves. Soraka and Janna have been dominating bottom lane, but would it be possible for people like Leona, Taric, Sona, etc. to be buffed rather than Soraka and Janna nerfed? I do know that there are some buffs incoming, but would it be possible to do bigger buffs and smaller nerfs to bring them all to parity? TL;DR Please buff underplayed supports instead of nerfing overplayed supports EDIT: Someone reminded me of [this]( and it is extremely relevant. Enjoy!
In a lot of recent patches we've seen a lot of support nerfs, and I know a lot of people have gotten rather mad about this, so I would just like to suggest that Riot focus more on buffs than on nerfs. Compared to games like DOTA2 supports in league have a rather small impact on the flow of the game, often relying more on using their map awareness to call plays than actually make plays themselves. Soraka and Janna have been dominating bottom lane, but would it be possible for people like Leona, Taric, Sona, etc. to be buffed rather than Soraka and Janna nerfed? I do know that there are some buffs incoming, but would it be possible to do bigger buffs and smaller nerfs to bring them all to parity?
Please buff underplayed supports instead of nerfing overplayed supports EDIT: Someone reminded me of [this]( and it is extremely relevant. Enjoy!
I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 years. I love her, things are going just fine. I feel comfortable around her. The honeymoon phase is over. I believe this to be normal. However, whenever I see a beautiful girl passing me by, I sometimes wonder if it would be more fun to date her/do things with her/ have sex with her. I can get really happy when I notice a nice girl and she notices me back. Is this normal? I like the thought of being together with someone all my life, but I wonder if it's more normal to have different partners throughout a life time. tl;dr: I sometimes wonder if my SO is the one, because I enjoy it immensely if I see a beautiful girl and wonder how it would be to have a relationship/date with her. Is this a sign that I'm not happy?
I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 years. I love her, things are going just fine. I feel comfortable around her. The honeymoon phase is over. I believe this to be normal. However, whenever I see a beautiful girl passing me by, I sometimes wonder if it would be more fun to date her/do things with her/ have sex with her. I can get really happy when I notice a nice girl and she notices me back. Is this normal? I like the thought of being together with someone all my life, but I wonder if it's more normal to have different partners throughout a life time. tl;dr: I sometimes wonder if my SO is the one, because I enjoy it immensely if I see a beautiful girl and wonder how it would be to have a relationship/date with her. Is this a sign that I'm not happy?
I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 years. I love her, things are going just fine. I feel comfortable around her. The honeymoon phase is over. I believe this to be normal. However, whenever I see a beautiful girl passing me by, I sometimes wonder if it would be more fun to date her/do things with her/ have sex with her. I can get really happy when I notice a nice girl and she notices me back. Is this normal? I like the thought of being together with someone all my life, but I wonder if it's more normal to have different partners throughout a life time.
I sometimes wonder if my SO is the one, because I enjoy it immensely if I see a beautiful girl and wonder how it would be to have a relationship/date with her. Is this a sign that I'm not happy?
Top lane has the most reliance on taking advantage of extremely tiny leads, the best way to improve your top lane laning phase is probably perfecting your game pre 5 minutes. If you have to give your jungler a pull, you need to be looking at minions as soon as they get to lane, if the enemy gets a minion before you get into xp range, you lose the level two battle most of the time. At 3 minutes, you can usually already see who's won the pre lvl 6 battle. Learning lane bullies is an art, it's not any easier than non bully champions. To play a bully champion correctly, you need to understand jungle routes very well, as you'll likely be positioned far up in the lane, also minion control is even more important. Renekton, Riven, and Irelia are actually pretty hard to properly bully in lane. With Riven, you basically are looking to set up the minion wave to be in the correct spot at level three so you can combo+ignite to force enemy out of lane and get a level and gold advantage. You need to understand minion control really well to play renekton properly. tl;dr learn minion control perfectly, be a top lane god
Top lane has the most reliance on taking advantage of extremely tiny leads, the best way to improve your top lane laning phase is probably perfecting your game pre 5 minutes. If you have to give your jungler a pull, you need to be looking at minions as soon as they get to lane, if the enemy gets a minion before you get into xp range, you lose the level two battle most of the time. At 3 minutes, you can usually already see who's won the pre lvl 6 battle. Learning lane bullies is an art, it's not any easier than non bully champions. To play a bully champion correctly, you need to understand jungle routes very well, as you'll likely be positioned far up in the lane, also minion control is even more important. Renekton, Riven, and Irelia are actually pretty hard to properly bully in lane. With Riven, you basically are looking to set up the minion wave to be in the correct spot at level three so you can combo+ignite to force enemy out of lane and get a level and gold advantage. You need to understand minion control really well to play renekton properly. tl;dr learn minion control perfectly, be a top lane god
Top lane has the most reliance on taking advantage of extremely tiny leads, the best way to improve your top lane laning phase is probably perfecting your game pre 5 minutes. If you have to give your jungler a pull, you need to be looking at minions as soon as they get to lane, if the enemy gets a minion before you get into xp range, you lose the level two battle most of the time. At 3 minutes, you can usually already see who's won the pre lvl 6 battle. Learning lane bullies is an art, it's not any easier than non bully champions. To play a bully champion correctly, you need to understand jungle routes very well, as you'll likely be positioned far up in the lane, also minion control is even more important. Renekton, Riven, and Irelia are actually pretty hard to properly bully in lane. With Riven, you basically are looking to set up the minion wave to be in the correct spot at level three so you can combo+ignite to force enemy out of lane and get a level and gold advantage. You need to understand minion control really well to play renekton properly.
learn minion control perfectly, be a top lane god
My fiance (together 7 years, getting married in December) has always been very shy. For much of our relationship he was content to not make friends and just hang out with me instead. I'm pretty extroverted so I had a pretty wide social circle, and he always was pleasant with my friends. Things changed after college, he started working a 9-5 job and I was in a pretty intensive grad school program, so I didn't have as much time as I used to. So he started actively looking for friends and met this group of guys that like video games just as much as he does. Now, I have never been a video game fan so this wasn't a hobby we were ever able to share (despite fiance's efforts), so I was really happy that he met these friends. His social needs were addressed, and I didn't feel bad about not spending all my free time with him. For a while they just met up once a week to play video games (the other guys would meet up more often, fiance went only on Thursday nights), but then eventually they spent more time together watching movies, talking, going out to eat, etc. He speaks really highly of these guys and wants me to like them. I don't like them. And I guess that's where our problem is. My fiance lately has been constantly asking me to hang out with them and for us to go out as a group. All his friends are single, and to his knowledge none of them have ever dated anyone before. We don't have anything in common, and they also have a couple weird habits. One of them smells really bad and the other says cringey neckbeardy things about girls he vaguely knows. I typically sit quietly when they're around, which is unheard for me usually. They haven't done anything rude to me, they sort of just ignore me. A few weeks ago I told fiance straight out that I wasn't really up to hanging out with his friends. He said "but we're going to your favorite restaurant!" and that's when I told him that I wasn't too fond of them. Now, he's pretty sad about it. He's missing today's video game session because he thinks I don't want him hanging out with them. While I think he could find better friends, that's definitely not my place to say so, and I just want him to be happy. How do I explain this to him? Did I screw up here? tl;dr: I'm not too fond of fiance's friends but he wants us all to get along. Now that I've told him that I don't mesh well with his friends, he thinks I don't want him seeing them and that he needs to stop having fun with them.
My fiance (together 7 years, getting married in December) has always been very shy. For much of our relationship he was content to not make friends and just hang out with me instead. I'm pretty extroverted so I had a pretty wide social circle, and he always was pleasant with my friends. Things changed after college, he started working a 9-5 job and I was in a pretty intensive grad school program, so I didn't have as much time as I used to. So he started actively looking for friends and met this group of guys that like video games just as much as he does. Now, I have never been a video game fan so this wasn't a hobby we were ever able to share (despite fiance's efforts), so I was really happy that he met these friends. His social needs were addressed, and I didn't feel bad about not spending all my free time with him. For a while they just met up once a week to play video games (the other guys would meet up more often, fiance went only on Thursday nights), but then eventually they spent more time together watching movies, talking, going out to eat, etc. He speaks really highly of these guys and wants me to like them. I don't like them. And I guess that's where our problem is. My fiance lately has been constantly asking me to hang out with them and for us to go out as a group. All his friends are single, and to his knowledge none of them have ever dated anyone before. We don't have anything in common, and they also have a couple weird habits. One of them smells really bad and the other says cringey neckbeardy things about girls he vaguely knows. I typically sit quietly when they're around, which is unheard for me usually. They haven't done anything rude to me, they sort of just ignore me. A few weeks ago I told fiance straight out that I wasn't really up to hanging out with his friends. He said "but we're going to your favorite restaurant!" and that's when I told him that I wasn't too fond of them. Now, he's pretty sad about it. He's missing today's video game session because he thinks I don't want him hanging out with them. While I think he could find better friends, that's definitely not my place to say so, and I just want him to be happy. How do I explain this to him? Did I screw up here? tl;dr: I'm not too fond of fiance's friends but he wants us all to get along. Now that I've told him that I don't mesh well with his friends, he thinks I don't want him seeing them and that he needs to stop having fun with them.
My fiance (together 7 years, getting married in December) has always been very shy. For much of our relationship he was content to not make friends and just hang out with me instead. I'm pretty extroverted so I had a pretty wide social circle, and he always was pleasant with my friends. Things changed after college, he started working a 9-5 job and I was in a pretty intensive grad school program, so I didn't have as much time as I used to. So he started actively looking for friends and met this group of guys that like video games just as much as he does. Now, I have never been a video game fan so this wasn't a hobby we were ever able to share (despite fiance's efforts), so I was really happy that he met these friends. His social needs were addressed, and I didn't feel bad about not spending all my free time with him. For a while they just met up once a week to play video games (the other guys would meet up more often, fiance went only on Thursday nights), but then eventually they spent more time together watching movies, talking, going out to eat, etc. He speaks really highly of these guys and wants me to like them. I don't like them. And I guess that's where our problem is. My fiance lately has been constantly asking me to hang out with them and for us to go out as a group. All his friends are single, and to his knowledge none of them have ever dated anyone before. We don't have anything in common, and they also have a couple weird habits. One of them smells really bad and the other says cringey neckbeardy things about girls he vaguely knows. I typically sit quietly when they're around, which is unheard for me usually. They haven't done anything rude to me, they sort of just ignore me. A few weeks ago I told fiance straight out that I wasn't really up to hanging out with his friends. He said "but we're going to your favorite restaurant!" and that's when I told him that I wasn't too fond of them. Now, he's pretty sad about it. He's missing today's video game session because he thinks I don't want him hanging out with them. While I think he could find better friends, that's definitely not my place to say so, and I just want him to be happy. How do I explain this to him? Did I screw up here?
I'm not too fond of fiance's friends but he wants us all to get along. Now that I've told him that I don't mesh well with his friends, he thinks I don't want him seeing them and that he needs to stop having fun with them.
This is my job. Exactly what I do isn’t really important….as this stat sheet shows. There is nothing that I do that couldn’t be automated. I spend days performing tasks a computer could do in less than a second. What makes me even more sad is knowing that I’ve taken programming classes and graduate level courses, coded a little project to display journal previous and next title info via a cell phone scanning a QR code. I’ve also pitched building some XSLT crosswalks for automating creating MARC records for electronic Theses and Dissertations. But making these tick marks instead of thinking or being creative is apparently what my employer *wants* me to do. Now, if we had employees working at this “level”, I could understand getting turned down. But the reality is that work is piling up at this midrange level because one group only wants to pose and have meetings with each other while they trap another group of people into working at trivial tasks. I guess this makes sure that the group in power never feels threatened, but the long term cost is “infrastructure rot”. Yes, I read Dilbert daily…living it is making me sick though. But at least Dilbert earn enough money that he could live on his own. If I didn’t have a spouse, I’d be at risk for living in my car. Thinking is limited to faculty only, but in reality they aren’t really given any autonomy either. Otherwise, I’d buy the stupid degree/credential so that I’d be given permission to think. (Heck, you only need a master’s degree and one with a fluff curriculum.) There’s such a profound staff vs faculty divide it can literally be measured in what I would call “pettiness events”. For instance, one would think that whoever comes in first in the morning would prop open the door as expected for the department. Nope. If a faculty member is first, they’ll unlock the door, but actually using the doorstop is a staff “job”. Furthermore, the stacks and bound journals must now be considered a closed collection because what little money we have is spent on marketing/branding the library and kissing up to wealthy patrons and “famous” local citizens via specialty collections that will see little or no use. But hey…they sound so *fancy* when the university mentions them in a blurb on the website! Get another job? In rural USA? Without an exact-match credential set? Buy another set of credentials and take on student loans again at 50 years old? I’m starting to wrap my brain around accepting that I’m destined to become one of the laid off. ….the surplus population. I know there’s probably hundreds of thousands (or millions) of “us” out there, just in the USA alone. We could have been real contributors to society, but there’s a strong possibility that we already are (or one day will be) mocked as leeches on the welfare state. But since that support network is crumbling…. **tldr:** dead-end job description. Rant on, rant off.
This is my job. Exactly what I do isn’t really important….as this stat sheet shows. There is nothing that I do that couldn’t be automated. I spend days performing tasks a computer could do in less than a second. What makes me even more sad is knowing that I’ve taken programming classes and graduate level courses, coded a little project to display journal previous and next title info via a cell phone scanning a QR code. I’ve also pitched building some XSLT crosswalks for automating creating MARC records for electronic Theses and Dissertations. But making these tick marks instead of thinking or being creative is apparently what my employer wants me to do. Now, if we had employees working at this “level”, I could understand getting turned down. But the reality is that work is piling up at this midrange level because one group only wants to pose and have meetings with each other while they trap another group of people into working at trivial tasks. I guess this makes sure that the group in power never feels threatened, but the long term cost is “infrastructure rot”. Yes, I read Dilbert daily…living it is making me sick though. But at least Dilbert earn enough money that he could live on his own. If I didn’t have a spouse, I’d be at risk for living in my car. Thinking is limited to faculty only, but in reality they aren’t really given any autonomy either. Otherwise, I’d buy the stupid degree/credential so that I’d be given permission to think. (Heck, you only need a master’s degree and one with a fluff curriculum.) There’s such a profound staff vs faculty divide it can literally be measured in what I would call “pettiness events”. For instance, one would think that whoever comes in first in the morning would prop open the door as expected for the department. Nope. If a faculty member is first, they’ll unlock the door, but actually using the doorstop is a staff “job”. Furthermore, the stacks and bound journals must now be considered a closed collection because what little money we have is spent on marketing/branding the library and kissing up to wealthy patrons and “famous” local citizens via specialty collections that will see little or no use. But hey…they sound so fancy when the university mentions them in a blurb on the website! Get another job? In rural USA? Without an exact-match credential set? Buy another set of credentials and take on student loans again at 50 years old? I’m starting to wrap my brain around accepting that I’m destined to become one of the laid off. ….the surplus population. I know there’s probably hundreds of thousands (or millions) of “us” out there, just in the USA alone. We could have been real contributors to society, but there’s a strong possibility that we already are (or one day will be) mocked as leeches on the welfare state. But since that support network is crumbling…. tldr: dead-end job description. Rant on, rant off.
This is my job. Exactly what I do isn’t really important….as this stat sheet shows. There is nothing that I do that couldn’t be automated. I spend days performing tasks a computer could do in less than a second. What makes me even more sad is knowing that I’ve taken programming classes and graduate level courses, coded a little project to display journal previous and next title info via a cell phone scanning a QR code. I’ve also pitched building some XSLT crosswalks for automating creating MARC records for electronic Theses and Dissertations. But making these tick marks instead of thinking or being creative is apparently what my employer wants me to do. Now, if we had employees working at this “level”, I could understand getting turned down. But the reality is that work is piling up at this midrange level because one group only wants to pose and have meetings with each other while they trap another group of people into working at trivial tasks. I guess this makes sure that the group in power never feels threatened, but the long term cost is “infrastructure rot”. Yes, I read Dilbert daily…living it is making me sick though. But at least Dilbert earn enough money that he could live on his own. If I didn’t have a spouse, I’d be at risk for living in my car. Thinking is limited to faculty only, but in reality they aren’t really given any autonomy either. Otherwise, I’d buy the stupid degree/credential so that I’d be given permission to think. (Heck, you only need a master’s degree and one with a fluff curriculum.) There’s such a profound staff vs faculty divide it can literally be measured in what I would call “pettiness events”. For instance, one would think that whoever comes in first in the morning would prop open the door as expected for the department. Nope. If a faculty member is first, they’ll unlock the door, but actually using the doorstop is a staff “job”. Furthermore, the stacks and bound journals must now be considered a closed collection because what little money we have is spent on marketing/branding the library and kissing up to wealthy patrons and “famous” local citizens via specialty collections that will see little or no use. But hey…they sound so fancy when the university mentions them in a blurb on the website! Get another job? In rural USA? Without an exact-match credential set? Buy another set of credentials and take on student loans again at 50 years old? I’m starting to wrap my brain around accepting that I’m destined to become one of the laid off. ….the surplus population. I know there’s probably hundreds of thousands (or millions) of “us” out there, just in the USA alone. We could have been real contributors to society, but there’s a strong possibility that we already are (or one day will be) mocked as leeches on the welfare state. But since that support network is crumbling….
dead-end job description. Rant on, rant off.
Not what I said. Comparing reported rape rates across countries (or even only across time) in isolation will tell you as much as any other statistic without context: next to nothing. So saying that there are "a lot of rapes in Sweden" and pointing to a statistic about more rapes being reported in Sweden is not necessarily a convincing argument. I may be wrong but the scientific polls where women were asked if they experienced rape/sexual assault seem more telling. TL;DR: "A does not imply B" does not imply "A implies not B".
Not what I said. Comparing reported rape rates across countries (or even only across time) in isolation will tell you as much as any other statistic without context: next to nothing. So saying that there are "a lot of rapes in Sweden" and pointing to a statistic about more rapes being reported in Sweden is not necessarily a convincing argument. I may be wrong but the scientific polls where women were asked if they experienced rape/sexual assault seem more telling. TL;DR: "A does not imply B" does not imply "A implies not B".
Not what I said. Comparing reported rape rates across countries (or even only across time) in isolation will tell you as much as any other statistic without context: next to nothing. So saying that there are "a lot of rapes in Sweden" and pointing to a statistic about more rapes being reported in Sweden is not necessarily a convincing argument. I may be wrong but the scientific polls where women were asked if they experienced rape/sexual assault seem more telling.
A does not imply B" does not imply "A implies not B".
Whoa hold on, don't go fucking me until you hear my explanation. Apparently I do have to go into detail because you're quick to make assumptions as well. I'm not contradicting myself. There are many kids that are diagnosed that -do- need these drugs. It helps them with focus, can calm them down if they're hyperactive, ect. Parents cannot control that, an when it becomes an issue in school they try to find means to help, i.e., prescriptions that can help with the brain activity. On the other hand, there are parents that just can't control their kid. Younger ones mind you, that don't know any better. Or how about five or six children that they get tired of and just drive over to the doctor's office for Six different prescriptions that will make the boy or girl a mindless zombie in school and at home so the parent(s) don't have to deal with them. Also they can sell it. It's not big on the market, but it is an addictive narcotic. I actually help take care of my fiancé's nephew who has Autism. He talked constantly and his therapist prescribed him Adderall (he has other problems too, but I'm not going into detail). Total zombie. We took him off of it. We like the silence, but hated him like that. TL:DR Adderall can be abused, fuck me right?
Whoa hold on, don't go fucking me until you hear my explanation. Apparently I do have to go into detail because you're quick to make assumptions as well. I'm not contradicting myself. There are many kids that are diagnosed that -do- need these drugs. It helps them with focus, can calm them down if they're hyperactive, ect. Parents cannot control that, an when it becomes an issue in school they try to find means to help, i.e., prescriptions that can help with the brain activity. On the other hand, there are parents that just can't control their kid. Younger ones mind you, that don't know any better. Or how about five or six children that they get tired of and just drive over to the doctor's office for Six different prescriptions that will make the boy or girl a mindless zombie in school and at home so the parent(s) don't have to deal with them. Also they can sell it. It's not big on the market, but it is an addictive narcotic. I actually help take care of my fiancé's nephew who has Autism. He talked constantly and his therapist prescribed him Adderall (he has other problems too, but I'm not going into detail). Total zombie. We took him off of it. We like the silence, but hated him like that. TL:DR Adderall can be abused, fuck me right?
Whoa hold on, don't go fucking me until you hear my explanation. Apparently I do have to go into detail because you're quick to make assumptions as well. I'm not contradicting myself. There are many kids that are diagnosed that -do- need these drugs. It helps them with focus, can calm them down if they're hyperactive, ect. Parents cannot control that, an when it becomes an issue in school they try to find means to help, i.e., prescriptions that can help with the brain activity. On the other hand, there are parents that just can't control their kid. Younger ones mind you, that don't know any better. Or how about five or six children that they get tired of and just drive over to the doctor's office for Six different prescriptions that will make the boy or girl a mindless zombie in school and at home so the parent(s) don't have to deal with them. Also they can sell it. It's not big on the market, but it is an addictive narcotic. I actually help take care of my fiancé's nephew who has Autism. He talked constantly and his therapist prescribed him Adderall (he has other problems too, but I'm not going into detail). Total zombie. We took him off of it. We like the silence, but hated him like that.
Adderall can be abused, fuck me right?
I can relate though I'm getting pissed off with myself for constantly passing up the low when it presents itself and cashing out say *right now* and make about 40% profit or so. But I was just not confident enough to call the bottom, especially when it's doing a soft bouncy motion downwards rather than just one swift, sharp cut down. For all I know I could go all in at say 460, then with my luck it'll go up a bit, then bounce down to 300 and stay there. It's doing the same thing now when it crashed to 550 just the weekend before last. It bounced straight up and "stabilised" before crashing once again a few days later, then epic crashing last night. That's why I'm pretty nervous calling either bottom or high or even stable mean at this point. I'm holding off because I've been burned in the last few weeks buying as it's going up, only to get reamed because it crashes again. tl;dr I agree that it's emotion based, it's people capitalising on the low either thinking it'll go up again or contributing to the pump and dump (not necessarily intentional, just as a matter of consequence).
I can relate though I'm getting pissed off with myself for constantly passing up the low when it presents itself and cashing out say right now and make about 40% profit or so. But I was just not confident enough to call the bottom, especially when it's doing a soft bouncy motion downwards rather than just one swift, sharp cut down. For all I know I could go all in at say 460, then with my luck it'll go up a bit, then bounce down to 300 and stay there. It's doing the same thing now when it crashed to 550 just the weekend before last. It bounced straight up and "stabilised" before crashing once again a few days later, then epic crashing last night. That's why I'm pretty nervous calling either bottom or high or even stable mean at this point. I'm holding off because I've been burned in the last few weeks buying as it's going up, only to get reamed because it crashes again. tl;dr I agree that it's emotion based, it's people capitalising on the low either thinking it'll go up again or contributing to the pump and dump (not necessarily intentional, just as a matter of consequence).
I can relate though I'm getting pissed off with myself for constantly passing up the low when it presents itself and cashing out say right now and make about 40% profit or so. But I was just not confident enough to call the bottom, especially when it's doing a soft bouncy motion downwards rather than just one swift, sharp cut down. For all I know I could go all in at say 460, then with my luck it'll go up a bit, then bounce down to 300 and stay there. It's doing the same thing now when it crashed to 550 just the weekend before last. It bounced straight up and "stabilised" before crashing once again a few days later, then epic crashing last night. That's why I'm pretty nervous calling either bottom or high or even stable mean at this point. I'm holding off because I've been burned in the last few weeks buying as it's going up, only to get reamed because it crashes again.
I agree that it's emotion based, it's people capitalising on the low either thinking it'll go up again or contributing to the pump and dump (not necessarily intentional, just as a matter of consequence).
I agree with adding some more depth than that. Getting some of this drama in is fine. But I feel they have lost sight of what made Suits Suits. I think it's good they dont stick to the same pattern, it makes show become boring (look at House M.D. 80% of most episodes were pretty much the exact same build-up, despite being awesome, it got pretty annoying). But this shit's getting old, and it's only gonna get worse, I think. I'm certain Mike will break up after Rachel tells him (next ep probably), and after that Mikes probably gonna end up in some miserable slump. Maybe starts smoking weed again or something, to underline the obvious rockbottom he's hit. Rachel's probably gonna seek council with Donna, who will advise her to "give him some time" or something like that. And I think they will drag this "will they get back together or won't they?" on for a longer while than needed. And they might even decide to make it worse, because collusion happens with two people. Why not also force Harvey to patch up the broken Mike because Cahill is riding their ass with his personal vendetta, and he can't have Mike being an easy way into his bussiness in his current state. TL:DR I expect that a break-up between Mike and Rachel will only increase the drama, instead of end it.
I agree with adding some more depth than that. Getting some of this drama in is fine. But I feel they have lost sight of what made Suits Suits. I think it's good they dont stick to the same pattern, it makes show become boring (look at House M.D. 80% of most episodes were pretty much the exact same build-up, despite being awesome, it got pretty annoying). But this shit's getting old, and it's only gonna get worse, I think. I'm certain Mike will break up after Rachel tells him (next ep probably), and after that Mikes probably gonna end up in some miserable slump. Maybe starts smoking weed again or something, to underline the obvious rockbottom he's hit. Rachel's probably gonna seek council with Donna, who will advise her to "give him some time" or something like that. And I think they will drag this "will they get back together or won't they?" on for a longer while than needed. And they might even decide to make it worse, because collusion happens with two people. Why not also force Harvey to patch up the broken Mike because Cahill is riding their ass with his personal vendetta, and he can't have Mike being an easy way into his bussiness in his current state. TL:DR I expect that a break-up between Mike and Rachel will only increase the drama, instead of end it.
I agree with adding some more depth than that. Getting some of this drama in is fine. But I feel they have lost sight of what made Suits Suits. I think it's good they dont stick to the same pattern, it makes show become boring (look at House M.D. 80% of most episodes were pretty much the exact same build-up, despite being awesome, it got pretty annoying). But this shit's getting old, and it's only gonna get worse, I think. I'm certain Mike will break up after Rachel tells him (next ep probably), and after that Mikes probably gonna end up in some miserable slump. Maybe starts smoking weed again or something, to underline the obvious rockbottom he's hit. Rachel's probably gonna seek council with Donna, who will advise her to "give him some time" or something like that. And I think they will drag this "will they get back together or won't they?" on for a longer while than needed. And they might even decide to make it worse, because collusion happens with two people. Why not also force Harvey to patch up the broken Mike because Cahill is riding their ass with his personal vendetta, and he can't have Mike being an easy way into his bussiness in his current state.
I expect that a break-up between Mike and Rachel will only increase the drama, instead of end it.
Nah. My mum is in her mid -50s and is still relatively slim and in better shape that plenty of women my age (mid-20s). She didn't even get any significant amount of cellulite until she hit her early 40s, and now in her mid-50s she has *maaaaaybe* as much as the average woman my age. Maybe even less. It can be done, unless she's secretly a Freak Of Nature^TM and never told us about it. But I'm more inclined to believe it's because she's stayed active throughout her life and is eats fairly healthy. TL, DR: You can do it!
Nah. My mum is in her mid -50s and is still relatively slim and in better shape that plenty of women my age (mid-20s). She didn't even get any significant amount of cellulite until she hit her early 40s, and now in her mid-50s she has maaaaaybe as much as the average woman my age. Maybe even less. It can be done, unless she's secretly a Freak Of Nature^TM and never told us about it. But I'm more inclined to believe it's because she's stayed active throughout her life and is eats fairly healthy. TL, DR: You can do it!
Nah. My mum is in her mid -50s and is still relatively slim and in better shape that plenty of women my age (mid-20s). She didn't even get any significant amount of cellulite until she hit her early 40s, and now in her mid-50s she has maaaaaybe as much as the average woman my age. Maybe even less. It can be done, unless she's secretly a Freak Of Nature^TM and never told us about it. But I'm more inclined to believe it's because she's stayed active throughout her life and is eats fairly healthy.
You can do it!
Like the title says Edit: It was about 1 a.m. and my dad and I are up watching a Die Hard marathon in our living room. My dad usually works till pretty late during the week and on the weekends is when we would just sit down, open up a few bags of popcorn, and watch a bunch of movies. My mom has been asleep the whole night while we have been watching movies. The doorbell rings at around 1:15 a.m. My dad gets up to go open the door and I just hear my mom scream "NO!" My father looks out the window to see whats outside and it turns out there are three men in black masks. Two had a bat, and the other with duct tape. My dad immediately calls 911. Turns out later when my dad asked my mom why she yelled out "NO!" that Saint Mary had told her in a dream what was going to happen if my dad had opened the door. When the cops arrived they told us that the three men were successful with one of our neighbors. She was an old lady, about 70? They told us that she was taken to the hospital with internal bleeding and other things. She survived but all her belongings were stolen. Had my dad not called the cops she would probably have ended up dead. Later on we hear that the men were stalking out the women in the neighborhood. And Since my father was always working, my mom would be the one to pick me and my little sister up from school in the afternoon (I was in 5th grade). They targeted my mom and the old lady. TL;DR Saint Mary showed my mom what would happen if my dad opened the door at 1 a.m.
Like the title says Edit: It was about 1 a.m. and my dad and I are up watching a Die Hard marathon in our living room. My dad usually works till pretty late during the week and on the weekends is when we would just sit down, open up a few bags of popcorn, and watch a bunch of movies. My mom has been asleep the whole night while we have been watching movies. The doorbell rings at around 1:15 a.m. My dad gets up to go open the door and I just hear my mom scream "NO!" My father looks out the window to see whats outside and it turns out there are three men in black masks. Two had a bat, and the other with duct tape. My dad immediately calls 911. Turns out later when my dad asked my mom why she yelled out "NO!" that Saint Mary had told her in a dream what was going to happen if my dad had opened the door. When the cops arrived they told us that the three men were successful with one of our neighbors. She was an old lady, about 70? They told us that she was taken to the hospital with internal bleeding and other things. She survived but all her belongings were stolen. Had my dad not called the cops she would probably have ended up dead. Later on we hear that the men were stalking out the women in the neighborhood. And Since my father was always working, my mom would be the one to pick me and my little sister up from school in the afternoon (I was in 5th grade). They targeted my mom and the old lady. TL;DR Saint Mary showed my mom what would happen if my dad opened the door at 1 a.m.
Like the title says Edit: It was about 1 a.m. and my dad and I are up watching a Die Hard marathon in our living room. My dad usually works till pretty late during the week and on the weekends is when we would just sit down, open up a few bags of popcorn, and watch a bunch of movies. My mom has been asleep the whole night while we have been watching movies. The doorbell rings at around 1:15 a.m. My dad gets up to go open the door and I just hear my mom scream "NO!" My father looks out the window to see whats outside and it turns out there are three men in black masks. Two had a bat, and the other with duct tape. My dad immediately calls 911. Turns out later when my dad asked my mom why she yelled out "NO!" that Saint Mary had told her in a dream what was going to happen if my dad had opened the door. When the cops arrived they told us that the three men were successful with one of our neighbors. She was an old lady, about 70? They told us that she was taken to the hospital with internal bleeding and other things. She survived but all her belongings were stolen. Had my dad not called the cops she would probably have ended up dead. Later on we hear that the men were stalking out the women in the neighborhood. And Since my father was always working, my mom would be the one to pick me and my little sister up from school in the afternoon (I was in 5th grade). They targeted my mom and the old lady.
Saint Mary showed my mom what would happen if my dad opened the door at 1 a.m.
Some interesting excerpts from the intellectual property section. &gt;The Parties recognise the relevance of intellectual property systems and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources to each other, when that traditional knowledge is related to those intellectual property systems. &gt;The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate through their respective agencies responsible for intellectual property, or other relevant institutions, to enhance the understanding of issues connected with traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and genetic resources. &gt;The Parties shall endeavour to pursue quality patent examination, which may include: &gt;(a) that in determining prior art, relevant publicly available documented information related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources may be taken into account; &gt;(b) an opportunity for third parties to cite, in writing, to the competent examining authority prior art disclosures that may have a bearing on patentability, including prior art disclosures related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; &gt;(c) if applicable and appropriate, the use of databases or digital libraries containing traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; and &gt;(d) cooperation in the training of patent examiners in the examination of patent applications related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. tl;dr. Gene patents are a thing. Get used to it. Countries need to work together to make sure that patents dont double up on the same thing. Different countries should together to enforce each other's patents. People should have an opportunity to raise the bullshit flag with their prior art. Patent clerks need to be trained in genetics to be able to eval a genetic patent.
Some interesting excerpts from the intellectual property section. >The Parties recognise the relevance of intellectual property systems and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources to each other, when that traditional knowledge is related to those intellectual property systems. >The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate through their respective agencies responsible for intellectual property, or other relevant institutions, to enhance the understanding of issues connected with traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and genetic resources. >The Parties shall endeavour to pursue quality patent examination, which may include: >(a) that in determining prior art, relevant publicly available documented information related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources may be taken into account; >(b) an opportunity for third parties to cite, in writing, to the competent examining authority prior art disclosures that may have a bearing on patentability, including prior art disclosures related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; >(c) if applicable and appropriate, the use of databases or digital libraries containing traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; and >(d) cooperation in the training of patent examiners in the examination of patent applications related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. tl;dr. Gene patents are a thing. Get used to it. Countries need to work together to make sure that patents dont double up on the same thing. Different countries should together to enforce each other's patents. People should have an opportunity to raise the bullshit flag with their prior art. Patent clerks need to be trained in genetics to be able to eval a genetic patent.
Some interesting excerpts from the intellectual property section. >The Parties recognise the relevance of intellectual property systems and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources to each other, when that traditional knowledge is related to those intellectual property systems. >The Parties shall endeavour to cooperate through their respective agencies responsible for intellectual property, or other relevant institutions, to enhance the understanding of issues connected with traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and genetic resources. >The Parties shall endeavour to pursue quality patent examination, which may include: >(a) that in determining prior art, relevant publicly available documented information related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources may be taken into account; >(b) an opportunity for third parties to cite, in writing, to the competent examining authority prior art disclosures that may have a bearing on patentability, including prior art disclosures related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; >(c) if applicable and appropriate, the use of databases or digital libraries containing traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources; and >(d) cooperation in the training of patent examiners in the examination of patent applications related to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources.
Gene patents are a thing. Get used to it. Countries need to work together to make sure that patents dont double up on the same thing. Different countries should together to enforce each other's patents. People should have an opportunity to raise the bullshit flag with their prior art. Patent clerks need to be trained in genetics to be able to eval a genetic patent.
After playing for over a year now, one thing I still have a hard time judging is when to push for the win, or just take multiple lanes of rax. I just finished a game (Match ID: 393280529 ) and at around the 50min mark in the replay, we win a big fight, 5-0, and start pushing. My mindset was simply to push to win, I didn't think we could win another fight, and our best hope was just to end the game then and there. My team however was divided on this, and we ended up only pushing down the t4 towers with 3/5 heroes. We took both towers and probably 1/4 of the throne before we had to back. We then proceeded to lose another fight and then the game. Was it a good idea to push to win? Or would taking multiple lanes of rax have been a smarter choice? tl;dr : When do you push to win, and when do you just take a second/third lane of rax?
After playing for over a year now, one thing I still have a hard time judging is when to push for the win, or just take multiple lanes of rax. I just finished a game (Match ID: 393280529 ) and at around the 50min mark in the replay, we win a big fight, 5-0, and start pushing. My mindset was simply to push to win, I didn't think we could win another fight, and our best hope was just to end the game then and there. My team however was divided on this, and we ended up only pushing down the t4 towers with 3/5 heroes. We took both towers and probably 1/4 of the throne before we had to back. We then proceeded to lose another fight and then the game. Was it a good idea to push to win? Or would taking multiple lanes of rax have been a smarter choice? tl;dr : When do you push to win, and when do you just take a second/third lane of rax?
After playing for over a year now, one thing I still have a hard time judging is when to push for the win, or just take multiple lanes of rax. I just finished a game (Match ID: 393280529 ) and at around the 50min mark in the replay, we win a big fight, 5-0, and start pushing. My mindset was simply to push to win, I didn't think we could win another fight, and our best hope was just to end the game then and there. My team however was divided on this, and we ended up only pushing down the t4 towers with 3/5 heroes. We took both towers and probably 1/4 of the throne before we had to back. We then proceeded to lose another fight and then the game. Was it a good idea to push to win? Or would taking multiple lanes of rax have been a smarter choice?
When do you push to win, and when do you just take a second/third lane of rax?
This is going to be a long story, but my intuition is telling me that his friendship with his ex-girlfriend is in appropriate. We both entered a graduate program and began dating almost immediately. Things started off really well, but I could sense some sort of hesitance with him. Granted, we just began dating, so it's not like I expected him to trust me completely. But I knew that he had baggage, and the worst part of it all is that he would not tell me. During the first few weeks that we were dating, he showed me a song on youtube - a song that meant a lot to him, apparently, because a few minutes in he began to cry. He also would mention things about his ex-girlfriends in passing, but they were very innappropriate. He would say things like, "I once had a girlfriend that would not orgasm no matter how hard I tried," or "All of my past girlfriends had very long, and beautiful hair, and they cut it really short, and I didn't like it. So, you shouldn't cut your hair too short." He was also very moody, and felt like he didn't belong here (we both started a graduate program at the same time.) It turns out that he was not over his ex-girlfriend, who he loved, and stayed in close contact with, when we first started dating. I have reason to believe that he still acted inappropriately a few months into the relationship. He would call her "a good friend of his," and spend hours online chatting with her. During March, this behavior was especially rampant - these online chats would last at least an hour, every single day. He didn't even spend that much time online with me. However, he made no mention of her... ... at least, until I found some very hurtful pieces of evidence on his computer and e-mail. Here is my list: (1) a sketch that he drew himself, revealing that he was still in love with her while he began dating me, (2) a series of seductive photos that the ex sent him; in one series, she wearing a tunic, just short enough to reveal a bit of her underwear. He replied to this message by saying, "so hot." I kid you not. (3) Mementoes of their relationship kept around the house (she was an artist). (4) Stills of her from Skype sessions The worst part is that, even a year in, he did not tell me or anybody else about her, and the amount of time that they spend chatting online, or the content of said conversations. When I spoke to his best male friend two weekends ago, even he was unaware that this was going on, and told me that this felt weird to him. He refuses to include me in this friendship. I honestly believe that if there is nothing shameful going on, that there is nothing to hide. The fact that he admitted who she was, and the nature of his relationship with her, ONLY AFTER he was caught, makes me believe that there was an emotional affair going on. And I don't think he even realizes it. We had a long talk about it, and I'm not sure if he is even willing to admit that what he did was wrong. He apologized, and said that "the situation wasn't handled maturely." But, he insists that they are still good friends. It is apparent to me that they still chat online, because whenever I enter his room, and the screen to his laptop is open, he immediately minimizes windows. Again with the secrets. I don't mind that he has friends of the opposite gender. I have many myself, we are quite close. But his secrecy is what's hurting me. I always try to include my boyfriend in my friendships, but for some reason his friendship with this ex is special enough to him to keep it hidden from everyone. **TL;DR: Boyfriend's behavior led me to believe that he maintained an inappropriate relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Found evidence to support that. Still does not include me in his friendship with her.** Edit: grammar
This is going to be a long story, but my intuition is telling me that his friendship with his ex-girlfriend is in appropriate. We both entered a graduate program and began dating almost immediately. Things started off really well, but I could sense some sort of hesitance with him. Granted, we just began dating, so it's not like I expected him to trust me completely. But I knew that he had baggage, and the worst part of it all is that he would not tell me. During the first few weeks that we were dating, he showed me a song on youtube - a song that meant a lot to him, apparently, because a few minutes in he began to cry. He also would mention things about his ex-girlfriends in passing, but they were very innappropriate. He would say things like, "I once had a girlfriend that would not orgasm no matter how hard I tried," or "All of my past girlfriends had very long, and beautiful hair, and they cut it really short, and I didn't like it. So, you shouldn't cut your hair too short." He was also very moody, and felt like he didn't belong here (we both started a graduate program at the same time.) It turns out that he was not over his ex-girlfriend, who he loved, and stayed in close contact with, when we first started dating. I have reason to believe that he still acted inappropriately a few months into the relationship. He would call her "a good friend of his," and spend hours online chatting with her. During March, this behavior was especially rampant - these online chats would last at least an hour, every single day. He didn't even spend that much time online with me. However, he made no mention of her... ... at least, until I found some very hurtful pieces of evidence on his computer and e-mail. Here is my list: (1) a sketch that he drew himself, revealing that he was still in love with her while he began dating me, (2) a series of seductive photos that the ex sent him; in one series, she wearing a tunic, just short enough to reveal a bit of her underwear. He replied to this message by saying, "so hot." I kid you not. (3) Mementoes of their relationship kept around the house (she was an artist). (4) Stills of her from Skype sessions The worst part is that, even a year in, he did not tell me or anybody else about her, and the amount of time that they spend chatting online, or the content of said conversations. When I spoke to his best male friend two weekends ago, even he was unaware that this was going on, and told me that this felt weird to him. He refuses to include me in this friendship. I honestly believe that if there is nothing shameful going on, that there is nothing to hide. The fact that he admitted who she was, and the nature of his relationship with her, ONLY AFTER he was caught, makes me believe that there was an emotional affair going on. And I don't think he even realizes it. We had a long talk about it, and I'm not sure if he is even willing to admit that what he did was wrong. He apologized, and said that "the situation wasn't handled maturely." But, he insists that they are still good friends. It is apparent to me that they still chat online, because whenever I enter his room, and the screen to his laptop is open, he immediately minimizes windows. Again with the secrets. I don't mind that he has friends of the opposite gender. I have many myself, we are quite close. But his secrecy is what's hurting me. I always try to include my boyfriend in my friendships, but for some reason his friendship with this ex is special enough to him to keep it hidden from everyone. TL;DR: Boyfriend's behavior led me to believe that he maintained an inappropriate relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Found evidence to support that. Still does not include me in his friendship with her. Edit: grammar
This is going to be a long story, but my intuition is telling me that his friendship with his ex-girlfriend is in appropriate. We both entered a graduate program and began dating almost immediately. Things started off really well, but I could sense some sort of hesitance with him. Granted, we just began dating, so it's not like I expected him to trust me completely. But I knew that he had baggage, and the worst part of it all is that he would not tell me. During the first few weeks that we were dating, he showed me a song on youtube - a song that meant a lot to him, apparently, because a few minutes in he began to cry. He also would mention things about his ex-girlfriends in passing, but they were very innappropriate. He would say things like, "I once had a girlfriend that would not orgasm no matter how hard I tried," or "All of my past girlfriends had very long, and beautiful hair, and they cut it really short, and I didn't like it. So, you shouldn't cut your hair too short." He was also very moody, and felt like he didn't belong here (we both started a graduate program at the same time.) It turns out that he was not over his ex-girlfriend, who he loved, and stayed in close contact with, when we first started dating. I have reason to believe that he still acted inappropriately a few months into the relationship. He would call her "a good friend of his," and spend hours online chatting with her. During March, this behavior was especially rampant - these online chats would last at least an hour, every single day. He didn't even spend that much time online with me. However, he made no mention of her... ... at least, until I found some very hurtful pieces of evidence on his computer and e-mail. Here is my list: (1) a sketch that he drew himself, revealing that he was still in love with her while he began dating me, (2) a series of seductive photos that the ex sent him; in one series, she wearing a tunic, just short enough to reveal a bit of her underwear. He replied to this message by saying, "so hot." I kid you not. (3) Mementoes of their relationship kept around the house (she was an artist). (4) Stills of her from Skype sessions The worst part is that, even a year in, he did not tell me or anybody else about her, and the amount of time that they spend chatting online, or the content of said conversations. When I spoke to his best male friend two weekends ago, even he was unaware that this was going on, and told me that this felt weird to him. He refuses to include me in this friendship. I honestly believe that if there is nothing shameful going on, that there is nothing to hide. The fact that he admitted who she was, and the nature of his relationship with her, ONLY AFTER he was caught, makes me believe that there was an emotional affair going on. And I don't think he even realizes it. We had a long talk about it, and I'm not sure if he is even willing to admit that what he did was wrong. He apologized, and said that "the situation wasn't handled maturely." But, he insists that they are still good friends. It is apparent to me that they still chat online, because whenever I enter his room, and the screen to his laptop is open, he immediately minimizes windows. Again with the secrets. I don't mind that he has friends of the opposite gender. I have many myself, we are quite close. But his secrecy is what's hurting me. I always try to include my boyfriend in my friendships, but for some reason his friendship with this ex is special enough to him to keep it hidden from everyone.
Boyfriend's behavior led me to believe that he maintained an inappropriate relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Found evidence to support that. Still does not include me in his friendship with her. Edit: grammar
Hooo boy. Here goes. I am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt. My understanding is that individual articles, characters, stories, and concepts remain the property of their original creator. However, all of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts are submitted under a "Creative Commons By Attribution ShareAlike" license, which means that anyone else can make use of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts so long as they also add any derivative works to the Creative Commons pool, and attribute the original author. The wiki serves as the curator of the Creative Commons pool: any content submitted to the wiki is assumed to be properly attributed to the original author, and available to share alike. For content outside the wiki, the original author and the Creative Commons license must be included: the most common method to do this is to link back to the wiki. The exception are art pieces like Untitled by Izumi Kato (the inspiration for SCP-173) which are used under limited license by the original creator, usually under terms that the creator be attributed for their work (usually in the comments page of the wiki) and that no commercial profit can be made off their work. This does mean that any T-shirts or buttons or other swag with SCP-173's image on it is breaking the terms of the agreement with Mr. Kato, and Mr. Kato has full rights to pursue legal action against the creators of said swag. tl:dr version: figuring out who "owns" the rights to SCP Foundation is a clusterfuck. If you're trying to figure that out to pitch a licensing deal, don't bother. We can't do it without contacting each individual author and creator (many of whom we don't even know their real names!) which isn't worth it.
Hooo boy. Here goes. I am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt. My understanding is that individual articles, characters, stories, and concepts remain the property of their original creator. However, all of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts are submitted under a "Creative Commons By Attribution ShareAlike" license, which means that anyone else can make use of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts so long as they also add any derivative works to the Creative Commons pool, and attribute the original author. The wiki serves as the curator of the Creative Commons pool: any content submitted to the wiki is assumed to be properly attributed to the original author, and available to share alike. For content outside the wiki, the original author and the Creative Commons license must be included: the most common method to do this is to link back to the wiki. The exception are art pieces like Untitled by Izumi Kato (the inspiration for SCP-173) which are used under limited license by the original creator, usually under terms that the creator be attributed for their work (usually in the comments page of the wiki) and that no commercial profit can be made off their work. This does mean that any T-shirts or buttons or other swag with SCP-173's image on it is breaking the terms of the agreement with Mr. Kato, and Mr. Kato has full rights to pursue legal action against the creators of said swag. tl:dr version: figuring out who "owns" the rights to SCP Foundation is a clusterfuck. If you're trying to figure that out to pitch a licensing deal, don't bother. We can't do it without contacting each individual author and creator (many of whom we don't even know their real names!) which isn't worth it.
Hooo boy. Here goes. I am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt. My understanding is that individual articles, characters, stories, and concepts remain the property of their original creator. However, all of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts are submitted under a "Creative Commons By Attribution ShareAlike" license, which means that anyone else can make use of those articles, stories, characters, and concepts so long as they also add any derivative works to the Creative Commons pool, and attribute the original author. The wiki serves as the curator of the Creative Commons pool: any content submitted to the wiki is assumed to be properly attributed to the original author, and available to share alike. For content outside the wiki, the original author and the Creative Commons license must be included: the most common method to do this is to link back to the wiki. The exception are art pieces like Untitled by Izumi Kato (the inspiration for SCP-173) which are used under limited license by the original creator, usually under terms that the creator be attributed for their work (usually in the comments page of the wiki) and that no commercial profit can be made off their work. This does mean that any T-shirts or buttons or other swag with SCP-173's image on it is breaking the terms of the agreement with Mr. Kato, and Mr. Kato has full rights to pursue legal action against the creators of said swag.
version: figuring out who "owns" the rights to SCP Foundation is a clusterfuck. If you're trying to figure that out to pitch a licensing deal, don't bother. We can't do it without contacting each individual author and creator (many of whom we don't even know their real names!) which isn't worth it.
lol, it's not the taste you drink for. You drink over a conversation. You drink to loosen up. After a while of following this mantra, you will have become an expert in all things alcoholic so that you will start to drink for taste. Because that taste will become associated with the drunken tomfoolery of your past. tl;dr it's an acquired taste.
lol, it's not the taste you drink for. You drink over a conversation. You drink to loosen up. After a while of following this mantra, you will have become an expert in all things alcoholic so that you will start to drink for taste. Because that taste will become associated with the drunken tomfoolery of your past. tl;dr it's an acquired taste.
lol, it's not the taste you drink for. You drink over a conversation. You drink to loosen up. After a while of following this mantra, you will have become an expert in all things alcoholic so that you will start to drink for taste. Because that taste will become associated with the drunken tomfoolery of your past.
it's an acquired taste.
&gt;As we are yes, I can see corruption soiling even the best system that could possibly exist overtime. But a battle without end, is one still worth fighting. Like the war on drugs and the war on terrorism? :P My original point was that any alternative we come up with will be corrupted. Sure, the human population has domesticated itself quite a bit and restrained those darker tendancies, but they will always be there and we can barely control them. There are quite a few atheists here who would outright destroy all religion if they had the chance. They weigh their own opinions more than the rights of millions of people. That's the same dark tendancies we despise in religion. Tl;Dr: Religion isn't the problem, it's people.
>As we are yes, I can see corruption soiling even the best system that could possibly exist overtime. But a battle without end, is one still worth fighting. Like the war on drugs and the war on terrorism? :P My original point was that any alternative we come up with will be corrupted. Sure, the human population has domesticated itself quite a bit and restrained those darker tendancies, but they will always be there and we can barely control them. There are quite a few atheists here who would outright destroy all religion if they had the chance. They weigh their own opinions more than the rights of millions of people. That's the same dark tendancies we despise in religion. Tl;Dr: Religion isn't the problem, it's people.
As we are yes, I can see corruption soiling even the best system that could possibly exist overtime. But a battle without end, is one still worth fighting. Like the war on drugs and the war on terrorism? :P My original point was that any alternative we come up with will be corrupted. Sure, the human population has domesticated itself quite a bit and restrained those darker tendancies, but they will always be there and we can barely control them. There are quite a few atheists here who would outright destroy all religion if they had the chance. They weigh their own opinions more than the rights of millions of people. That's the same dark tendancies we despise in religion.
Religion isn't the problem, it's people.
ARIGHT so let me lay this out for you. When you are invited everyone will all happy and friendly like they normally are in the apple store. They will then begin the APPLE PEP-RALLY. This is an unofficial name and just how I like to explain it. They will basically talk to you for a while, Ask a relatively dumb question and have people answer around the room, and then they will gather around and show you a movie. the movie basically consists of this ...YAY WERE AWESOME. EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW GREAT APPLE IS! ( I love apple... but its a lil over the top in this video) After they get you pepped up they will then ask you to split up into groups and will usually ask you to choose an apple product and PITCH it to them...if you know anything about apple... its really easy. Here comes the important info aka ~~~~~READ THIS!!!!! THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED WITH THE FACT THAT YOU ARE GOOD WITH PEOPLE, THEY LIKE U, AND THAT YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT!!!!! even still...getting past this part takes a slight amount of luck just because they get a LOT of applications. If you get lucky and get your random number chosen you will be asked for an interview with one of the workers...and if you get lucky again they will usually ask you for a third meeting. once you pass all of that you just go to be taught at one of their seminars and you are in. now that im done with that whole shtick~BE WARNED~ they do not hire the best people. I myself have applied there along with 9 of my friends. I have seen who gets chosen and who does not. If they choose you then CONGRATS!...but if not...dont be pissed because most likely... its not your fault. I wish you the best of luck TLDR: apples hiring proccess BLOWS but i wish u the best of luck and if you have any questions...let me know :)
ARIGHT so let me lay this out for you. When you are invited everyone will all happy and friendly like they normally are in the apple store. They will then begin the APPLE PEP-RALLY. This is an unofficial name and just how I like to explain it. They will basically talk to you for a while, Ask a relatively dumb question and have people answer around the room, and then they will gather around and show you a movie. the movie basically consists of this ...YAY WERE AWESOME. EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW GREAT APPLE IS! ( I love apple... but its a lil over the top in this video) After they get you pepped up they will then ask you to split up into groups and will usually ask you to choose an apple product and PITCH it to them...if you know anything about apple... its really easy. Here comes the important info aka ~~~~~READ THIS!!!!! THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED WITH THE FACT THAT YOU ARE GOOD WITH PEOPLE, THEY LIKE U, AND THAT YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT!!!!! even still...getting past this part takes a slight amount of luck just because they get a LOT of applications. If you get lucky and get your random number chosen you will be asked for an interview with one of the workers...and if you get lucky again they will usually ask you for a third meeting. once you pass all of that you just go to be taught at one of their seminars and you are in. now that im done with that whole shtick~BE WARNED~ they do not hire the best people. I myself have applied there along with 9 of my friends. I have seen who gets chosen and who does not. If they choose you then CONGRATS!...but if not...dont be pissed because most likely... its not your fault. I wish you the best of luck TLDR: apples hiring proccess BLOWS but i wish u the best of luck and if you have any questions...let me know :)
ARIGHT so let me lay this out for you. When you are invited everyone will all happy and friendly like they normally are in the apple store. They will then begin the APPLE PEP-RALLY. This is an unofficial name and just how I like to explain it. They will basically talk to you for a while, Ask a relatively dumb question and have people answer around the room, and then they will gather around and show you a movie. the movie basically consists of this ...YAY WERE AWESOME. EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW GREAT APPLE IS! ( I love apple... but its a lil over the top in this video) After they get you pepped up they will then ask you to split up into groups and will usually ask you to choose an apple product and PITCH it to them...if you know anything about apple... its really easy. Here comes the important info aka ~~~~~READ THIS!!!!! THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED WITH THE FACT THAT YOU ARE GOOD WITH PEOPLE, THEY LIKE U, AND THAT YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT!!!!! even still...getting past this part takes a slight amount of luck just because they get a LOT of applications. If you get lucky and get your random number chosen you will be asked for an interview with one of the workers...and if you get lucky again they will usually ask you for a third meeting. once you pass all of that you just go to be taught at one of their seminars and you are in. now that im done with that whole shtick~BE WARNED~ they do not hire the best people. I myself have applied there along with 9 of my friends. I have seen who gets chosen and who does not. If they choose you then CONGRATS!...but if not...dont be pissed because most likely... its not your fault. I wish you the best of luck
apples hiring proccess BLOWS but i wish u the best of luck and if you have any questions...let me know :)
Hey there! The only time I've ever been successful in sticking to a fitness / health regime was when I got myself to run daily for 30-45 minutes a night. It worked well, I lost 15 pounds, gained muscle, and felt better than I'd ever felt...but I didn't end up sticking with it for more than two months. I know motivation isn't the entire story of how to get in and stay in shape, but I wanted to ask you all if you had any ideas on how to find the proper balance between diet and exercise. How often do you work out? How do you deal with the increased appetite after exercise, too? **TLDR - Working out every night caused burnout, but I loved how it made me feel. Any advice on finding a exercise regime &amp; diet / fitness balance that's easier to stick to?**
Hey there! The only time I've ever been successful in sticking to a fitness / health regime was when I got myself to run daily for 30-45 minutes a night. It worked well, I lost 15 pounds, gained muscle, and felt better than I'd ever felt...but I didn't end up sticking with it for more than two months. I know motivation isn't the entire story of how to get in and stay in shape, but I wanted to ask you all if you had any ideas on how to find the proper balance between diet and exercise. How often do you work out? How do you deal with the increased appetite after exercise, too? TLDR - Working out every night caused burnout, but I loved how it made me feel. Any advice on finding a exercise regime & diet / fitness balance that's easier to stick to?
Hey there! The only time I've ever been successful in sticking to a fitness / health regime was when I got myself to run daily for 30-45 minutes a night. It worked well, I lost 15 pounds, gained muscle, and felt better than I'd ever felt...but I didn't end up sticking with it for more than two months. I know motivation isn't the entire story of how to get in and stay in shape, but I wanted to ask you all if you had any ideas on how to find the proper balance between diet and exercise. How often do you work out? How do you deal with the increased appetite after exercise, too?
Working out every night caused burnout, but I loved how it made me feel. Any advice on finding a exercise regime & diet / fitness balance that's easier to stick to?
Which was why I said I'm not arguing that it's why he included it. But if it was true that the biggest cause for abdominal stretch marks was pregnancy, then men would never have them. While pretty obvious that he's alluding to pregnancy here (considering the context used), I was simply pointing out that your continued assertions that they make up most of those type of stretch marks is just flat out incorrect. They just happen to be the most commonly associated cause because people keep saying that. ANYONE who has experienced a growth spurt in their midsection or rapid loss has them. The only reason we "know" that he's hinting at pregnancy is the context he used it in- not just that they're on her stomach. Tl;Dr- stretch marks do not equal pregnancy. Stretch marks in this context however, likely do.
Which was why I said I'm not arguing that it's why he included it. But if it was true that the biggest cause for abdominal stretch marks was pregnancy, then men would never have them. While pretty obvious that he's alluding to pregnancy here (considering the context used), I was simply pointing out that your continued assertions that they make up most of those type of stretch marks is just flat out incorrect. They just happen to be the most commonly associated cause because people keep saying that. ANYONE who has experienced a growth spurt in their midsection or rapid loss has them. The only reason we "know" that he's hinting at pregnancy is the context he used it in- not just that they're on her stomach. Tl;Dr- stretch marks do not equal pregnancy. Stretch marks in this context however, likely do.
Which was why I said I'm not arguing that it's why he included it. But if it was true that the biggest cause for abdominal stretch marks was pregnancy, then men would never have them. While pretty obvious that he's alluding to pregnancy here (considering the context used), I was simply pointing out that your continued assertions that they make up most of those type of stretch marks is just flat out incorrect. They just happen to be the most commonly associated cause because people keep saying that. ANYONE who has experienced a growth spurt in their midsection or rapid loss has them. The only reason we "know" that he's hinting at pregnancy is the context he used it in- not just that they're on her stomach.
stretch marks do not equal pregnancy. Stretch marks in this context however, likely do.
This is a wall of text, but Reddit this is the only place I can turn to right now… I’ve been separated for 6 weeks from my wife of 2 years, but we’ve been together for over 10. We have 3 great kids and what was a seemingly happy marriage. The thing is, I’ve cheated on her through the whole relationship. I haven’t had any physical contact with anyone, but I have used single sites and the like to emotionally cheat. Each time I get caught, she gets pissed, forgives and learns to love again, except this time, last time, wasn’t on a single site, it was with a woman I met at a conference. I didn’t actively seek it out, but I certainly didn’t stop it. I even may have encouraged it. When she saw the email, she freaked and kicked me out. That was 6 weeks ago. I’ve been reading here for weeks, trying to find a situation that was like mine, not necessarily the same scenario, but at least something I can relate to. I can’t find anything, which is why I’m posting here, just for some sort of feedback… These past 6 weeks have been awful, I am trying to get her back but its pushing her further. We just set a timeline of a “6 month trial separation” and I have no idea what to expect. I committed to leaving, she has the house and the kids, so that there is no disruption to them. I committed to pay for all the expenses while I’m out, but that leaves me broke and couch surfing. We arranged to see the kids a few times a week, which is great, but still leaves me away from them. I know I messed all this up and its all my fault, but this current situation leaves me feeling a bit taken advantage of. She cant afford the home, we were a single income family, I work she mothers.. I feel ok about paying, so the boys aren’t affected, but she gets everything, the house car kids bills paid, AND the asshole is out. I just want to know what a “trial separation” will lead to. Is this a somewhat easier road to her divorce idea, or does she want to work on this? I’m going to therapy for my issues, and she went to a few sessions herself, which lead her to setting the 6month separation timeline. She doesn’t want to go to couples therapy, because she says she’s not there emotionally, and doesn’t want to fix us yet. Is this a HUGE indication that she just wants to take 6months to emotionally separate from me, to make the final decision of divorce much easier? I really want her back, and I am committed to validating myself from my family only, no more bullshit online stuff, but she doesn’t believe it. I need to show her, but were apart. Catch-22? She thinks she needs to date to see if I’m what she wants in the future. When she says this all I hear is “I want to fuck other dudes” even tho this is completely not how she is. She isn’t a run to the bedroom randomly, but I still think this is what she wants. I want to support this “idea” so maybe I can look good in some sort of light, since it’s so dark right now. She is a beautiful, stunning woman who commands the room when she walks in. she’ll have NO trouble finding what she’s after. Maybe I should just ask.. with an 11 year marriage, 3 kids, a home and expenses that can mount quickly on her own, does anyone think a separation will make her rethink our relationship, or is this just a long drawn out way to divorce? TL:DR I cheated emotionally on my wife for years, I’m committed to changing but she wants 6 months to think about it. Will this work or is it a long road to divorce? Thanks Reddit...
This is a wall of text, but Reddit this is the only place I can turn to right now… I’ve been separated for 6 weeks from my wife of 2 years, but we’ve been together for over 10. We have 3 great kids and what was a seemingly happy marriage. The thing is, I’ve cheated on her through the whole relationship. I haven’t had any physical contact with anyone, but I have used single sites and the like to emotionally cheat. Each time I get caught, she gets pissed, forgives and learns to love again, except this time, last time, wasn’t on a single site, it was with a woman I met at a conference. I didn’t actively seek it out, but I certainly didn’t stop it. I even may have encouraged it. When she saw the email, she freaked and kicked me out. That was 6 weeks ago. I’ve been reading here for weeks, trying to find a situation that was like mine, not necessarily the same scenario, but at least something I can relate to. I can’t find anything, which is why I’m posting here, just for some sort of feedback… These past 6 weeks have been awful, I am trying to get her back but its pushing her further. We just set a timeline of a “6 month trial separation” and I have no idea what to expect. I committed to leaving, she has the house and the kids, so that there is no disruption to them. I committed to pay for all the expenses while I’m out, but that leaves me broke and couch surfing. We arranged to see the kids a few times a week, which is great, but still leaves me away from them. I know I messed all this up and its all my fault, but this current situation leaves me feeling a bit taken advantage of. She cant afford the home, we were a single income family, I work she mothers.. I feel ok about paying, so the boys aren’t affected, but she gets everything, the house car kids bills paid, AND the asshole is out. I just want to know what a “trial separation” will lead to. Is this a somewhat easier road to her divorce idea, or does she want to work on this? I’m going to therapy for my issues, and she went to a few sessions herself, which lead her to setting the 6month separation timeline. She doesn’t want to go to couples therapy, because she says she’s not there emotionally, and doesn’t want to fix us yet. Is this a HUGE indication that she just wants to take 6months to emotionally separate from me, to make the final decision of divorce much easier? I really want her back, and I am committed to validating myself from my family only, no more bullshit online stuff, but she doesn’t believe it. I need to show her, but were apart. Catch-22? She thinks she needs to date to see if I’m what she wants in the future. When she says this all I hear is “I want to fuck other dudes” even tho this is completely not how she is. She isn’t a run to the bedroom randomly, but I still think this is what she wants. I want to support this “idea” so maybe I can look good in some sort of light, since it’s so dark right now. She is a beautiful, stunning woman who commands the room when she walks in. she’ll have NO trouble finding what she’s after. Maybe I should just ask.. with an 11 year marriage, 3 kids, a home and expenses that can mount quickly on her own, does anyone think a separation will make her rethink our relationship, or is this just a long drawn out way to divorce? TL:DR I cheated emotionally on my wife for years, I’m committed to changing but she wants 6 months to think about it. Will this work or is it a long road to divorce? Thanks Reddit...
This is a wall of text, but Reddit this is the only place I can turn to right now… I’ve been separated for 6 weeks from my wife of 2 years, but we’ve been together for over 10. We have 3 great kids and what was a seemingly happy marriage. The thing is, I’ve cheated on her through the whole relationship. I haven’t had any physical contact with anyone, but I have used single sites and the like to emotionally cheat. Each time I get caught, she gets pissed, forgives and learns to love again, except this time, last time, wasn’t on a single site, it was with a woman I met at a conference. I didn’t actively seek it out, but I certainly didn’t stop it. I even may have encouraged it. When she saw the email, she freaked and kicked me out. That was 6 weeks ago. I’ve been reading here for weeks, trying to find a situation that was like mine, not necessarily the same scenario, but at least something I can relate to. I can’t find anything, which is why I’m posting here, just for some sort of feedback… These past 6 weeks have been awful, I am trying to get her back but its pushing her further. We just set a timeline of a “6 month trial separation” and I have no idea what to expect. I committed to leaving, she has the house and the kids, so that there is no disruption to them. I committed to pay for all the expenses while I’m out, but that leaves me broke and couch surfing. We arranged to see the kids a few times a week, which is great, but still leaves me away from them. I know I messed all this up and its all my fault, but this current situation leaves me feeling a bit taken advantage of. She cant afford the home, we were a single income family, I work she mothers.. I feel ok about paying, so the boys aren’t affected, but she gets everything, the house car kids bills paid, AND the asshole is out. I just want to know what a “trial separation” will lead to. Is this a somewhat easier road to her divorce idea, or does she want to work on this? I’m going to therapy for my issues, and she went to a few sessions herself, which lead her to setting the 6month separation timeline. She doesn’t want to go to couples therapy, because she says she’s not there emotionally, and doesn’t want to fix us yet. Is this a HUGE indication that she just wants to take 6months to emotionally separate from me, to make the final decision of divorce much easier? I really want her back, and I am committed to validating myself from my family only, no more bullshit online stuff, but she doesn’t believe it. I need to show her, but were apart. Catch-22? She thinks she needs to date to see if I’m what she wants in the future. When she says this all I hear is “I want to fuck other dudes” even tho this is completely not how she is. She isn’t a run to the bedroom randomly, but I still think this is what she wants. I want to support this “idea” so maybe I can look good in some sort of light, since it’s so dark right now. She is a beautiful, stunning woman who commands the room when she walks in. she’ll have NO trouble finding what she’s after. Maybe I should just ask.. with an 11 year marriage, 3 kids, a home and expenses that can mount quickly on her own, does anyone think a separation will make her rethink our relationship, or is this just a long drawn out way to divorce?
I cheated emotionally on my wife for years, I’m committed to changing but she wants 6 months to think about it. Will this work or is it a long road to divorce? Thanks Reddit...
That seems to be another distinct systemic issue that translates even to developed nations. Gangs and street crime exist because people cannot provide for themselves or their family. If you want to eat/survive, you are forced to work and most people find that work doing things they despise. If we stopped thinking that work in itself had some inherent value and embraced an Unconditial Basic Income in our societies, aspects of crime, child exploitation and poor education for the lower classes would diminish rapidly. Many implementations of UBI have been implemented and the social benefits are huge. The necessitation of work in the modern world hits the poor and educated hard, but when automation continues to grow a new Dustbowl era of an unemployed middle-class will also spring up. Either we create fake, needless jobs like I'm sure many on Reddit already have or we embrace the idea that work in itself is an unneccessary shackle keeping us chained to capitalist servitude. TLDR; Kids on street isn't a problem. Desperate people with no sense of subsistence or social dignity is.
That seems to be another distinct systemic issue that translates even to developed nations. Gangs and street crime exist because people cannot provide for themselves or their family. If you want to eat/survive, you are forced to work and most people find that work doing things they despise. If we stopped thinking that work in itself had some inherent value and embraced an Unconditial Basic Income in our societies, aspects of crime, child exploitation and poor education for the lower classes would diminish rapidly. Many implementations of UBI have been implemented and the social benefits are huge. The necessitation of work in the modern world hits the poor and educated hard, but when automation continues to grow a new Dustbowl era of an unemployed middle-class will also spring up. Either we create fake, needless jobs like I'm sure many on Reddit already have or we embrace the idea that work in itself is an unneccessary shackle keeping us chained to capitalist servitude. TLDR; Kids on street isn't a problem. Desperate people with no sense of subsistence or social dignity is.
That seems to be another distinct systemic issue that translates even to developed nations. Gangs and street crime exist because people cannot provide for themselves or their family. If you want to eat/survive, you are forced to work and most people find that work doing things they despise. If we stopped thinking that work in itself had some inherent value and embraced an Unconditial Basic Income in our societies, aspects of crime, child exploitation and poor education for the lower classes would diminish rapidly. Many implementations of UBI have been implemented and the social benefits are huge. The necessitation of work in the modern world hits the poor and educated hard, but when automation continues to grow a new Dustbowl era of an unemployed middle-class will also spring up. Either we create fake, needless jobs like I'm sure many on Reddit already have or we embrace the idea that work in itself is an unneccessary shackle keeping us chained to capitalist servitude.
Kids on street isn't a problem. Desperate people with no sense of subsistence or social dignity is.
My partner and I are looking for a home. Our only stop so far has been a local credit union to look at what our monthly payment would be. We want to get pre-qualified (we think) but things have gotten a bit confusing. We were told by an agent that we could get a "letter" of some sort that would allow us to shop around for rates. We've also been told that a mortgage broker will shop around for the best rates for us. However, the couple "mortgage brokers" we've been referred to have actually turned out to be loan officers/direct mortgage bankers and have said they won't be shopping our information to different lenders. Are you able to request that a mortgage broker look into specific lenders (such as credit unions or insurance companies we're a part of)? We've been told getting pre-qualified won't affect our credit…but a couple outlets I've looked into have requested authorization to run a full credit check to do so? TL;DR: Can someone explain the difference between getting pre-qualified, pre-approved, and whether we should look for a mortgage broker?
My partner and I are looking for a home. Our only stop so far has been a local credit union to look at what our monthly payment would be. We want to get pre-qualified (we think) but things have gotten a bit confusing. We were told by an agent that we could get a "letter" of some sort that would allow us to shop around for rates. We've also been told that a mortgage broker will shop around for the best rates for us. However, the couple "mortgage brokers" we've been referred to have actually turned out to be loan officers/direct mortgage bankers and have said they won't be shopping our information to different lenders. Are you able to request that a mortgage broker look into specific lenders (such as credit unions or insurance companies we're a part of)? We've been told getting pre-qualified won't affect our credit…but a couple outlets I've looked into have requested authorization to run a full credit check to do so? TL;DR: Can someone explain the difference between getting pre-qualified, pre-approved, and whether we should look for a mortgage broker?
My partner and I are looking for a home. Our only stop so far has been a local credit union to look at what our monthly payment would be. We want to get pre-qualified (we think) but things have gotten a bit confusing. We were told by an agent that we could get a "letter" of some sort that would allow us to shop around for rates. We've also been told that a mortgage broker will shop around for the best rates for us. However, the couple "mortgage brokers" we've been referred to have actually turned out to be loan officers/direct mortgage bankers and have said they won't be shopping our information to different lenders. Are you able to request that a mortgage broker look into specific lenders (such as credit unions or insurance companies we're a part of)? We've been told getting pre-qualified won't affect our credit…but a couple outlets I've looked into have requested authorization to run a full credit check to do so?
Can someone explain the difference between getting pre-qualified, pre-approved, and whether we should look for a mortgage broker?
I've been a Redditor for a while and never done anything like this, but we could really use some help caring for this little dog. I'd like to think that this wasn't done to this dog on purpose, but I'm having a hard time concocting a scenario where this was some kind of accident. There's a special place in Hell for anyone who would pour battery acid on a dog. Eldie (as in L.D., "Little Dog") was found abandoned and near-dead on a creek-bed in Winston-Salem NC. She'd been badly burned with a caustic chemical (most likely sulfuric acid). We took her the emergency vet where she underwent surgery and now she's slowly but surely recovering. Between the cost of her initial surgery and her continued veterinary expenses, this adorable pup is sending us to the poorhouse. We (and she!) would be so, so grateful for anything you can contribute. We have a "forever home" lined up for Eldie once she no longer needs to be sedated for bandage changing by the vet every other day. We're hoping to raise money to offset our own expenses as well as the vet's "buddy fund," with which they've been generously helping us out with financially. Our $2850 goal, if reached, will cover our own out-of-pocket expenses to-date, the vet's buddy fund, plus three further weeks of medicine and bandage-changing. You can find a spreadsheet of her to-date medical expenses here: [ ) **You can donate on her Facebook page via the FundRazr app at the bottom of her wall [here]( Alternately, you can Paypal directly to ben [at] trainedchimp [dot] com.** Thanks so much. Even a few dollars will help out! **tl;dr - Some dick poured battery acid on a dog and we saved her. Now we're going broke and begging you for money. [Here's[( where you can do that.**
I've been a Redditor for a while and never done anything like this, but we could really use some help caring for this little dog. I'd like to think that this wasn't done to this dog on purpose, but I'm having a hard time concocting a scenario where this was some kind of accident. There's a special place in Hell for anyone who would pour battery acid on a dog. Eldie (as in L.D., "Little Dog") was found abandoned and near-dead on a creek-bed in Winston-Salem NC. She'd been badly burned with a caustic chemical (most likely sulfuric acid). We took her the emergency vet where she underwent surgery and now she's slowly but surely recovering. Between the cost of her initial surgery and her continued veterinary expenses, this adorable pup is sending us to the poorhouse. We (and she!) would be so, so grateful for anything you can contribute. We have a "forever home" lined up for Eldie once she no longer needs to be sedated for bandage changing by the vet every other day. We're hoping to raise money to offset our own expenses as well as the vet's "buddy fund," with which they've been generously helping us out with financially. Our $2850 goal, if reached, will cover our own out-of-pocket expenses to-date, the vet's buddy fund, plus three further weeks of medicine and bandage-changing. You can find a spreadsheet of her to-date medical expenses here: [ ) **You can donate on her Facebook page via the FundRazr app at the bottom of her wall [here]( Alternately, you can Paypal directly to ben [at] trainedchimp [dot] com.** Thanks so much. Even a few dollars will help out! tl;dr - Some dick poured battery acid on a dog and we saved her. Now we're going broke and begging you for money. [Here's[( where you can do that.
I've been a Redditor for a while and never done anything like this, but we could really use some help caring for this little dog. I'd like to think that this wasn't done to this dog on purpose, but I'm having a hard time concocting a scenario where this was some kind of accident. There's a special place in Hell for anyone who would pour battery acid on a dog. Eldie (as in L.D., "Little Dog") was found abandoned and near-dead on a creek-bed in Winston-Salem NC. She'd been badly burned with a caustic chemical (most likely sulfuric acid). We took her the emergency vet where she underwent surgery and now she's slowly but surely recovering. Between the cost of her initial surgery and her continued veterinary expenses, this adorable pup is sending us to the poorhouse. We (and she!) would be so, so grateful for anything you can contribute. We have a "forever home" lined up for Eldie once she no longer needs to be sedated for bandage changing by the vet every other day. We're hoping to raise money to offset our own expenses as well as the vet's "buddy fund," with which they've been generously helping us out with financially. Our $2850 goal, if reached, will cover our own out-of-pocket expenses to-date, the vet's buddy fund, plus three further weeks of medicine and bandage-changing. You can find a spreadsheet of her to-date medical expenses here: [ ) **You can donate on her Facebook page via the FundRazr app at the bottom of her wall [here]( Alternately, you can Paypal directly to ben [at] trainedchimp [dot] com.** Thanks so much. Even a few dollars will help out!
Some dick poured battery acid on a dog and we saved her. Now we're going broke and begging you for money. [Here's[( where you can do that.
About two weeks ago I met this guy "Tyler" [24] and asked him out. A few days later for our "date" we got drinks and hung out, talking for a while and eventually making out, getting to third base (oral sex) later in the evening. We agreed that we would hang out the next weekend. A few days later this guy, "Rob" [29], from OkCupid that I have occasionally texted with, but had never met in person, asked me to go out with him that weekend. So I met up with Rob on Friday. We went out for drinks and ended up having sex that night. I met up with Tyler again on Sunday and we just kissed and watched Netflix. I get the feeling that Tyler might be developing stronger feelings for me and also that he doesn't date very often (he told me he hasn't been on a date in a year). Whereas Rob told me he dates a lot and he seems like he's not looking to settle down anytime soon. I think Rob probably assumes that I'm also seeing other people casually, but I don't think Tyler does, and I'm worried that he would be very hurt if he knew. I don't see myself in an exclusive relationship with either of them in the future, but so far I like spending time with both of them and find them both attractive. I haven't really spent much time with either of them but I'm wondering at what point do I need to tell them (either one or both) about the fact that I'm not exclusive with them? Do I wait until the topic of exclusivity comes up? Tl;dr: Casually seeing two guys at the same time, don't want a relationship with either but would like to keep casually dating both. Do I have a responsibility to tell either of them about the situation?
About two weeks ago I met this guy "Tyler" [24] and asked him out. A few days later for our "date" we got drinks and hung out, talking for a while and eventually making out, getting to third base (oral sex) later in the evening. We agreed that we would hang out the next weekend. A few days later this guy, "Rob" [29], from OkCupid that I have occasionally texted with, but had never met in person, asked me to go out with him that weekend. So I met up with Rob on Friday. We went out for drinks and ended up having sex that night. I met up with Tyler again on Sunday and we just kissed and watched Netflix. I get the feeling that Tyler might be developing stronger feelings for me and also that he doesn't date very often (he told me he hasn't been on a date in a year). Whereas Rob told me he dates a lot and he seems like he's not looking to settle down anytime soon. I think Rob probably assumes that I'm also seeing other people casually, but I don't think Tyler does, and I'm worried that he would be very hurt if he knew. I don't see myself in an exclusive relationship with either of them in the future, but so far I like spending time with both of them and find them both attractive. I haven't really spent much time with either of them but I'm wondering at what point do I need to tell them (either one or both) about the fact that I'm not exclusive with them? Do I wait until the topic of exclusivity comes up? Tl;dr: Casually seeing two guys at the same time, don't want a relationship with either but would like to keep casually dating both. Do I have a responsibility to tell either of them about the situation?
About two weeks ago I met this guy "Tyler" [24] and asked him out. A few days later for our "date" we got drinks and hung out, talking for a while and eventually making out, getting to third base (oral sex) later in the evening. We agreed that we would hang out the next weekend. A few days later this guy, "Rob" [29], from OkCupid that I have occasionally texted with, but had never met in person, asked me to go out with him that weekend. So I met up with Rob on Friday. We went out for drinks and ended up having sex that night. I met up with Tyler again on Sunday and we just kissed and watched Netflix. I get the feeling that Tyler might be developing stronger feelings for me and also that he doesn't date very often (he told me he hasn't been on a date in a year). Whereas Rob told me he dates a lot and he seems like he's not looking to settle down anytime soon. I think Rob probably assumes that I'm also seeing other people casually, but I don't think Tyler does, and I'm worried that he would be very hurt if he knew. I don't see myself in an exclusive relationship with either of them in the future, but so far I like spending time with both of them and find them both attractive. I haven't really spent much time with either of them but I'm wondering at what point do I need to tell them (either one or both) about the fact that I'm not exclusive with them? Do I wait until the topic of exclusivity comes up?
Casually seeing two guys at the same time, don't want a relationship with either but would like to keep casually dating both. Do I have a responsibility to tell either of them about the situation?
Not trying to be rude here (yet inevitably I will end up so), but that's exactly why we have this mess. Yes, I voted for Johnson. Yes, Obama won. But I'd rather vote for someone I sided with on a great majority of the issues [98%]( than the two other "more electable" yet worse (in my opinion) options. TL,DR: Don't settle, strive for the best.
Not trying to be rude here (yet inevitably I will end up so), but that's exactly why we have this mess. Yes, I voted for Johnson. Yes, Obama won. But I'd rather vote for someone I sided with on a great majority of the issues 98% options. TL,DR: Don't settle, strive for the best.
Not trying to be rude here (yet inevitably I will end up so), but that's exactly why we have this mess. Yes, I voted for Johnson. Yes, Obama won. But I'd rather vote for someone I sided with on a great majority of the issues 98% options.
Don't settle, strive for the best.
Look up the discrepancy between how often men and women leave their partner if the partner developed depression. Men basically never leave their wives. Women leave their husband 70% of the time. Look at this advice coloumn for a woman with a depressed husband: &gt; Q: *To put it very simply, I feel that I don’t currently have a husband: instead I have a shell of the man I married. This comes from two places: 1) his negative thinking, sarcasm, impatience and general bad attitude; and 2) his utter lack of interest in anything (socializing, sex, exercise, talking about his feelings, etc.).* "My husband has depression, and shows direct symptoms of depression, I don't like how this makes me feel." &gt; A: *What’s best for you, what’s in your heart, and what kind of life do you want moving forward? Whatever you do, there is no judgment from me or anyone else. Listen to your gut. It’s never wrong.* "Fuck your husband, how do you feel?" tl;dr If you thought "for better or worse" means anything in today's society, ha, think again. You are as much a commodity to be used as men have always been - except today, there is no praise, no reward, just blame.
Look up the discrepancy between how often men and women leave their partner if the partner developed depression. Men basically never leave their wives. Women leave their husband 70% of the time. Look at this advice coloumn for a woman with a depressed husband: > Q: To put it very simply, I feel that I don’t currently have a husband: instead I have a shell of the man I married. This comes from two places: 1) his negative thinking, sarcasm, impatience and general bad attitude; and 2) his utter lack of interest in anything (socializing, sex, exercise, talking about his feelings, etc.). "My husband has depression, and shows direct symptoms of depression, I don't like how this makes me feel." > A: What’s best for you, what’s in your heart, and what kind of life do you want moving forward? Whatever you do, there is no judgment from me or anyone else. Listen to your gut. It’s never wrong. "Fuck your husband, how do you feel?" tl;dr If you thought "for better or worse" means anything in today's society, ha, think again. You are as much a commodity to be used as men have always been - except today, there is no praise, no reward, just blame.
Look up the discrepancy between how often men and women leave their partner if the partner developed depression. Men basically never leave their wives. Women leave their husband 70% of the time. Look at this advice coloumn for a woman with a depressed husband: > Q: To put it very simply, I feel that I don’t currently have a husband: instead I have a shell of the man I married. This comes from two places: 1) his negative thinking, sarcasm, impatience and general bad attitude; and 2) his utter lack of interest in anything (socializing, sex, exercise, talking about his feelings, etc.). "My husband has depression, and shows direct symptoms of depression, I don't like how this makes me feel." > A: What’s best for you, what’s in your heart, and what kind of life do you want moving forward? Whatever you do, there is no judgment from me or anyone else. Listen to your gut. It’s never wrong. "Fuck your husband, how do you feel?"
If you thought "for better or worse" means anything in today's society, ha, think again. You are as much a commodity to be used as men have always been - except today, there is no praise, no reward, just blame.
The issue with them isn't that I keep dying to them, but that I can't do enough damage. I've been using a mythical lazer rifle so that I can reliably hit them (god they're fast). I can usually get on of the eyes dead, but then it's basically morning. The other items I have can't the twins reliably even though they might do more damage. Can anyone help me out here? This is on expert mode. Tl:DR; I don't have enough damage even with the modifiers. EDIT: Turns out I should've used my megashark all along instead of my lazer rifle. GG!
The issue with them isn't that I keep dying to them, but that I can't do enough damage. I've been using a mythical lazer rifle so that I can reliably hit them (god they're fast). I can usually get on of the eyes dead, but then it's basically morning. The other items I have can't the twins reliably even though they might do more damage. Can anyone help me out here? This is on expert mode. Tl:DR; I don't have enough damage even with the modifiers. EDIT: Turns out I should've used my megashark all along instead of my lazer rifle. GG!
The issue with them isn't that I keep dying to them, but that I can't do enough damage. I've been using a mythical lazer rifle so that I can reliably hit them (god they're fast). I can usually get on of the eyes dead, but then it's basically morning. The other items I have can't the twins reliably even though they might do more damage. Can anyone help me out here? This is on expert mode.
I don't have enough damage even with the modifiers. EDIT: Turns out I should've used my megashark all along instead of my lazer rifle. GG!
I used to work retail for a telecommunications store. All our customers received a short survey (NPS) about both the stores and the employee. One lady rated a colleague 0/10 (which necessitates a call back and is a black mark against your name) because a "glass of water would have been nice" - she never asked! **TLDR: We didn't offer a glass of water in a retail shop**
I used to work retail for a telecommunications store. All our customers received a short survey (NPS) about both the stores and the employee. One lady rated a colleague 0/10 (which necessitates a call back and is a black mark against your name) because a "glass of water would have been nice" - she never asked! TLDR: We didn't offer a glass of water in a retail shop
I used to work retail for a telecommunications store. All our customers received a short survey (NPS) about both the stores and the employee. One lady rated a colleague 0/10 (which necessitates a call back and is a black mark against your name) because a "glass of water would have been nice" - she never asked!
We didn't offer a glass of water in a retail shop
One time I came home and couldn't find my cat, I didn't think much of this; as you all know, cats frequently do their own thing and come out when they want to be seen. I went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. As I reached into the fridge I froze, what was that sound? Meh, it's probably just the house creaking. But wait, it happened again; it was coming from inside the walls... I am not the superstitious type, but this was starting to freak me out. I decided to investigate, leaving the kitchen and turning down the adjacent hallway. As I closed in on the source of the scurrying sounds a voice broke the silence, "mrrrrrRRRROOOOWWWWwwwwww, mreeoow". What the hell, where was my cat!? I looked around, there was no sign of him. He meowed again. Still no cat in sight. I looked down towards the large ventilation next to my bedroom, inside two cute, albeit scared, eyes stared up at me from the darkness. I briefly stood there in shock, then went into the garage to get a screwdriver so I could remove the vent and let him out. Took me a little while to figure out how he got in there, but eventually I figured it out. There is a unfinished room in the basement of the house, inside it is a small 2 person sauna, beside it a bunch of boxes of things in storage. The cat climbed up the boxes, on top of the sauna, along the top of the open door, into the roof of the room, and finally into the ventilation system which had no cover on it there. I have no idea how long the little guy was trapped in there but he has yet to attempt it again. TLDR: Came home only to hear noises in the wall, freaked me out, cat climbed on shit in the basement and managed to get into a open vent that wasnt visible and lost in the system. Had to use a screwdriver to get him out on a different floot of the house.
One time I came home and couldn't find my cat, I didn't think much of this; as you all know, cats frequently do their own thing and come out when they want to be seen. I went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. As I reached into the fridge I froze, what was that sound? Meh, it's probably just the house creaking. But wait, it happened again; it was coming from inside the walls... I am not the superstitious type, but this was starting to freak me out. I decided to investigate, leaving the kitchen and turning down the adjacent hallway. As I closed in on the source of the scurrying sounds a voice broke the silence, "mrrrrrRRRROOOOWWWWwwwwww, mreeoow". What the hell, where was my cat!? I looked around, there was no sign of him. He meowed again. Still no cat in sight. I looked down towards the large ventilation next to my bedroom, inside two cute, albeit scared, eyes stared up at me from the darkness. I briefly stood there in shock, then went into the garage to get a screwdriver so I could remove the vent and let him out. Took me a little while to figure out how he got in there, but eventually I figured it out. There is a unfinished room in the basement of the house, inside it is a small 2 person sauna, beside it a bunch of boxes of things in storage. The cat climbed up the boxes, on top of the sauna, along the top of the open door, into the roof of the room, and finally into the ventilation system which had no cover on it there. I have no idea how long the little guy was trapped in there but he has yet to attempt it again. TLDR: Came home only to hear noises in the wall, freaked me out, cat climbed on shit in the basement and managed to get into a open vent that wasnt visible and lost in the system. Had to use a screwdriver to get him out on a different floot of the house.
One time I came home and couldn't find my cat, I didn't think much of this; as you all know, cats frequently do their own thing and come out when they want to be seen. I went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. As I reached into the fridge I froze, what was that sound? Meh, it's probably just the house creaking. But wait, it happened again; it was coming from inside the walls... I am not the superstitious type, but this was starting to freak me out. I decided to investigate, leaving the kitchen and turning down the adjacent hallway. As I closed in on the source of the scurrying sounds a voice broke the silence, "mrrrrrRRRROOOOWWWWwwwwww, mreeoow". What the hell, where was my cat!? I looked around, there was no sign of him. He meowed again. Still no cat in sight. I looked down towards the large ventilation next to my bedroom, inside two cute, albeit scared, eyes stared up at me from the darkness. I briefly stood there in shock, then went into the garage to get a screwdriver so I could remove the vent and let him out. Took me a little while to figure out how he got in there, but eventually I figured it out. There is a unfinished room in the basement of the house, inside it is a small 2 person sauna, beside it a bunch of boxes of things in storage. The cat climbed up the boxes, on top of the sauna, along the top of the open door, into the roof of the room, and finally into the ventilation system which had no cover on it there. I have no idea how long the little guy was trapped in there but he has yet to attempt it again.
Came home only to hear noises in the wall, freaked me out, cat climbed on shit in the basement and managed to get into a open vent that wasnt visible and lost in the system. Had to use a screwdriver to get him out on a different floot of the house.
Hi, I have a quick question. First, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. Lol. Well to start, I have a significant other that I have been with for a little over five years, she was the only person I have ever had sex with, and we are now engaged. Alright, that's all fine and dandy. However, she wants me to find a person to have a one night stand with before she will marry me. Her reasoning behind this is that she doesn't want me to get curious later down the road and cheat on her and wants it done before were married. I was just wondering if this is normal and if it would be a good idea to do it. Any and all answers would be very helpful. Thanks! (^_^) Tl;Dr: SO wants me to have 1 night stand before we get married to curve curiosity. Is that normal and what should I do?
Hi, I have a quick question. First, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. Lol. Well to start, I have a significant other that I have been with for a little over five years, she was the only person I have ever had sex with, and we are now engaged. Alright, that's all fine and dandy. However, she wants me to find a person to have a one night stand with before she will marry me. Her reasoning behind this is that she doesn't want me to get curious later down the road and cheat on her and wants it done before were married. I was just wondering if this is normal and if it would be a good idea to do it. Any and all answers would be very helpful. Thanks! (^_^) Tl;Dr: SO wants me to have 1 night stand before we get married to curve curiosity. Is that normal and what should I do?
Hi, I have a quick question. First, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. Lol. Well to start, I have a significant other that I have been with for a little over five years, she was the only person I have ever had sex with, and we are now engaged. Alright, that's all fine and dandy. However, she wants me to find a person to have a one night stand with before she will marry me. Her reasoning behind this is that she doesn't want me to get curious later down the road and cheat on her and wants it done before were married. I was just wondering if this is normal and if it would be a good idea to do it. Any and all answers would be very helpful. Thanks! (^_^)
SO wants me to have 1 night stand before we get married to curve curiosity. Is that normal and what should I do?
then you have csgo casual public servers where there's literally girls who have profile biographies of "yes i am a girl gamer - no i will not have sex with you!" and shit like that i purposely fucking talk shit and figure out what position they play on the other team every round to kill them to make them fucking leave all they do is flock these fucking loser neckbeards who have maymay names and are non-stop mic spamming commentating losers to their rescue whenever anyone shittalks them even without any gender discrimination tl;dr i fucking love the patriarchy
then you have csgo casual public servers where there's literally girls who have profile biographies of "yes i am a girl gamer - no i will not have sex with you!" and shit like that i purposely fucking talk shit and figure out what position they play on the other team every round to kill them to make them fucking leave all they do is flock these fucking loser neckbeards who have maymay names and are non-stop mic spamming commentating losers to their rescue whenever anyone shittalks them even without any gender discrimination tl;dr i fucking love the patriarchy
then you have csgo casual public servers where there's literally girls who have profile biographies of "yes i am a girl gamer - no i will not have sex with you!" and shit like that i purposely fucking talk shit and figure out what position they play on the other team every round to kill them to make them fucking leave all they do is flock these fucking loser neckbeards who have maymay names and are non-stop mic spamming commentating losers to their rescue whenever anyone shittalks them even without any gender discrimination
i fucking love the patriarchy
&gt; If you'd ever worked as a waitress, bartender, or checkout chick through college or whatever, you'd understand. Try working with high class business clients on multi million dollar contracts, it's not much better. TLDR: Every job sucks.
> If you'd ever worked as a waitress, bartender, or checkout chick through college or whatever, you'd understand. Try working with high class business clients on multi million dollar contracts, it's not much better. TLDR: Every job sucks.
If you'd ever worked as a waitress, bartender, or checkout chick through college or whatever, you'd understand. Try working with high class business clients on multi million dollar contracts, it's not much better.
Every job sucks.
I come to this subreddit to learn things, and having other people google something teaches me nothing. In my opinion, posting is a way to get a serious answer, and share an interesting question. I didn't know how a phone vibrated and had never thought to ask that question, so even if a google search reveals the answer easily, I didn't know the question till reading the post. Tl;dr: Redditors will decide what is interesting, and I have a lot in common with Redditors.
I come to this subreddit to learn things, and having other people google something teaches me nothing. In my opinion, posting is a way to get a serious answer, and share an interesting question. I didn't know how a phone vibrated and had never thought to ask that question, so even if a google search reveals the answer easily, I didn't know the question till reading the post. Tl;dr: Redditors will decide what is interesting, and I have a lot in common with Redditors.
I come to this subreddit to learn things, and having other people google something teaches me nothing. In my opinion, posting is a way to get a serious answer, and share an interesting question. I didn't know how a phone vibrated and had never thought to ask that question, so even if a google search reveals the answer easily, I didn't know the question till reading the post.
Redditors will decide what is interesting, and I have a lot in common with Redditors.
I'm tired of people thinking there's something to "get". There's NOTHING to get. The animation, voice acting, references, and storyline stuff that is standard fare for what non-bronies get when asking about the interest in MLP is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. The actual explanation is much more difficult and will leave whoever asks much more confused. I don't know WHAT I like about the show. I know there's probably 700 shows with better animation and plotlines and voice acting, but I don't care. This doesn't help people who ask in any way at all, so we don't bother telling them that. You either watch one episode, and find yourself clicking on the next one for no reason you can figure out, or you don't "get it" and never come back. This is not true for all bronies, but there is some visceral reaction to the show that I have. It's not the same for everybody and I most certainly don't watch the show like I'd watch any other show. To put it simply, I don't watch the show because I think it's the best show I could be watching at that moment, I watch the show because for 30 minutes a day my mind can just relax while watching this adorable show and afterwards? Afterwards I can discuss it with other people, look at amazing artwork, and listen to kickass music. This sort of feeling is a lot harder to explain than the alternative, which is what you normally get. Good animation, good voice acting, adult humor, and sophisticated plots. In reality I understand why I watch the show about as much as you do but I don't question it because I ENJOY it Tl;dr: I like the show for reasons I can't explain and don't question it because who cares, I enjoy it. And the fandom produces kickass content too.
I'm tired of people thinking there's something to "get". There's NOTHING to get. The animation, voice acting, references, and storyline stuff that is standard fare for what non-bronies get when asking about the interest in MLP is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. The actual explanation is much more difficult and will leave whoever asks much more confused. I don't know WHAT I like about the show. I know there's probably 700 shows with better animation and plotlines and voice acting, but I don't care. This doesn't help people who ask in any way at all, so we don't bother telling them that. You either watch one episode, and find yourself clicking on the next one for no reason you can figure out, or you don't "get it" and never come back. This is not true for all bronies, but there is some visceral reaction to the show that I have. It's not the same for everybody and I most certainly don't watch the show like I'd watch any other show. To put it simply, I don't watch the show because I think it's the best show I could be watching at that moment, I watch the show because for 30 minutes a day my mind can just relax while watching this adorable show and afterwards? Afterwards I can discuss it with other people, look at amazing artwork, and listen to kickass music. This sort of feeling is a lot harder to explain than the alternative, which is what you normally get. Good animation, good voice acting, adult humor, and sophisticated plots. In reality I understand why I watch the show about as much as you do but I don't question it because I ENJOY it Tl;dr: I like the show for reasons I can't explain and don't question it because who cares, I enjoy it. And the fandom produces kickass content too.
I'm tired of people thinking there's something to "get". There's NOTHING to get. The animation, voice acting, references, and storyline stuff that is standard fare for what non-bronies get when asking about the interest in MLP is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. The actual explanation is much more difficult and will leave whoever asks much more confused. I don't know WHAT I like about the show. I know there's probably 700 shows with better animation and plotlines and voice acting, but I don't care. This doesn't help people who ask in any way at all, so we don't bother telling them that. You either watch one episode, and find yourself clicking on the next one for no reason you can figure out, or you don't "get it" and never come back. This is not true for all bronies, but there is some visceral reaction to the show that I have. It's not the same for everybody and I most certainly don't watch the show like I'd watch any other show. To put it simply, I don't watch the show because I think it's the best show I could be watching at that moment, I watch the show because for 30 minutes a day my mind can just relax while watching this adorable show and afterwards? Afterwards I can discuss it with other people, look at amazing artwork, and listen to kickass music. This sort of feeling is a lot harder to explain than the alternative, which is what you normally get. Good animation, good voice acting, adult humor, and sophisticated plots. In reality I understand why I watch the show about as much as you do but I don't question it because I ENJOY it
I like the show for reasons I can't explain and don't question it because who cares, I enjoy it. And the fandom produces kickass content too.
Hey deadheadditors, last week I stumbled upon some lyrics to a song called "Bear Tracks," supposedly performed by the Dead, but haven't been able to find any performances or really any confirmation that they played it. It's really similar to Ol' Slewfoot, which the boys played a few times and is an old bluegrass/folk tune (I have a recording of it performed at Marin County Bluegrass Fest in '74, not by Old and in the Way, but at the same festival), but it's the lyrics that get me, and a performance of these specific lyrics is what I'm looking for. [Here's a link to the lyrics page,]( and it's just down the page a little bit. On this page there doesn't seem to be lyrics for Ol' Slewfoot, though that's a confirmed song they played, but Bear Tracks has some. I'm just wondering if you guys know anything else about this song? I'm from Colorado and as such always like hearing songs about my home, even if it's just a few references. Just to cover my bases, [this is a link]( to the page with the Ol' Slewfoot lyrics. They're clearly similar, but not the same. This might be fruitless, as I'm just not sure if these lyrics were ever played, but if they were (whether JGB, Dead, or whoever else) I'd like to hear them. I know if anyone can help it's all of you great people. TL;DR Trying to find any performance or just a confirmation that someone played the song Bear Tracks, attributed to the dead in a few places, different lyrics from Ol' Slewfoot.
Hey deadheadditors, last week I stumbled upon some lyrics to a song called "Bear Tracks," supposedly performed by the Dead, but haven't been able to find any performances or really any confirmation that they played it. It's really similar to Ol' Slewfoot, which the boys played a few times and is an old bluegrass/folk tune (I have a recording of it performed at Marin County Bluegrass Fest in '74, not by Old and in the Way, but at the same festival), but it's the lyrics that get me, and a performance of these specific lyrics is what I'm looking for. [Here's a link to the lyrics page,]( and it's just down the page a little bit. On this page there doesn't seem to be lyrics for Ol' Slewfoot, though that's a confirmed song they played, but Bear Tracks has some. I'm just wondering if you guys know anything else about this song? I'm from Colorado and as such always like hearing songs about my home, even if it's just a few references. Just to cover my bases, [this is a link]( to the page with the Ol' Slewfoot lyrics. They're clearly similar, but not the same. This might be fruitless, as I'm just not sure if these lyrics were ever played, but if they were (whether JGB, Dead, or whoever else) I'd like to hear them. I know if anyone can help it's all of you great people. TL;DR Trying to find any performance or just a confirmation that someone played the song Bear Tracks, attributed to the dead in a few places, different lyrics from Ol' Slewfoot.
Hey deadheadditors, last week I stumbled upon some lyrics to a song called "Bear Tracks," supposedly performed by the Dead, but haven't been able to find any performances or really any confirmation that they played it. It's really similar to Ol' Slewfoot, which the boys played a few times and is an old bluegrass/folk tune (I have a recording of it performed at Marin County Bluegrass Fest in '74, not by Old and in the Way, but at the same festival), but it's the lyrics that get me, and a performance of these specific lyrics is what I'm looking for. [Here's a link to the lyrics page,]( and it's just down the page a little bit. On this page there doesn't seem to be lyrics for Ol' Slewfoot, though that's a confirmed song they played, but Bear Tracks has some. I'm just wondering if you guys know anything else about this song? I'm from Colorado and as such always like hearing songs about my home, even if it's just a few references. Just to cover my bases, [this is a link]( to the page with the Ol' Slewfoot lyrics. They're clearly similar, but not the same. This might be fruitless, as I'm just not sure if these lyrics were ever played, but if they were (whether JGB, Dead, or whoever else) I'd like to hear them. I know if anyone can help it's all of you great people.
Trying to find any performance or just a confirmation that someone played the song Bear Tracks, attributed to the dead in a few places, different lyrics from Ol' Slewfoot.
&gt;Well said, thank you. I would never tell anyone to 'get over it' when they're the target of 'humor' based on hurtful stereotypes and I would appreciate it if the same courtesy were extended to me within my own community It took me a long time to come to this same understanding, and for a long time I was one of the same sort of people who would shout, "Oh come on, get over it" etc. I realize now that that's a profoundly unfair request to make of someone, and often a hypocritical one, as we've all got our sore-spots and touchy issues. It doesn't reflect well on us when we forget that fact and get hostile with others for expressing their feelings because sooner or later we're likely to be in the same spot, and greatly resenting anyone who gets hostile and tells us that our feelings don't matter. We should recognize that it's not a transsexual becoming upset by a joke at the expense of transsexuals, but the fact that there is a strong culture of alienation marginalization and stigma attached to transsexual people in our culture that is the underlying problem here. If we work on that, then we'll end up having an awful lot fewer sentiments of offence to get upset over when transsexuals don't laugh at certain jokes that many of us may otherwise find to be both hilarious and in good humor. It takes a bit of distance from tragedy before it can be safely laughed at, after all, and that sort of distance from being treated like they belong in a freak-show is a luxury which transsexuals in our society presently do not enjoy. **TL;DR** Have some empathy, everybody. Shit can be rough out there, we've all felt it once or twice.
>Well said, thank you. I would never tell anyone to 'get over it' when they're the target of 'humor' based on hurtful stereotypes and I would appreciate it if the same courtesy were extended to me within my own community It took me a long time to come to this same understanding, and for a long time I was one of the same sort of people who would shout, "Oh come on, get over it" etc. I realize now that that's a profoundly unfair request to make of someone, and often a hypocritical one, as we've all got our sore-spots and touchy issues. It doesn't reflect well on us when we forget that fact and get hostile with others for expressing their feelings because sooner or later we're likely to be in the same spot, and greatly resenting anyone who gets hostile and tells us that our feelings don't matter. We should recognize that it's not a transsexual becoming upset by a joke at the expense of transsexuals, but the fact that there is a strong culture of alienation marginalization and stigma attached to transsexual people in our culture that is the underlying problem here. If we work on that, then we'll end up having an awful lot fewer sentiments of offence to get upset over when transsexuals don't laugh at certain jokes that many of us may otherwise find to be both hilarious and in good humor. It takes a bit of distance from tragedy before it can be safely laughed at, after all, and that sort of distance from being treated like they belong in a freak-show is a luxury which transsexuals in our society presently do not enjoy. TL;DR Have some empathy, everybody. Shit can be rough out there, we've all felt it once or twice.
Well said, thank you. I would never tell anyone to 'get over it' when they're the target of 'humor' based on hurtful stereotypes and I would appreciate it if the same courtesy were extended to me within my own community It took me a long time to come to this same understanding, and for a long time I was one of the same sort of people who would shout, "Oh come on, get over it" etc. I realize now that that's a profoundly unfair request to make of someone, and often a hypocritical one, as we've all got our sore-spots and touchy issues. It doesn't reflect well on us when we forget that fact and get hostile with others for expressing their feelings because sooner or later we're likely to be in the same spot, and greatly resenting anyone who gets hostile and tells us that our feelings don't matter. We should recognize that it's not a transsexual becoming upset by a joke at the expense of transsexuals, but the fact that there is a strong culture of alienation marginalization and stigma attached to transsexual people in our culture that is the underlying problem here. If we work on that, then we'll end up having an awful lot fewer sentiments of offence to get upset over when transsexuals don't laugh at certain jokes that many of us may otherwise find to be both hilarious and in good humor. It takes a bit of distance from tragedy before it can be safely laughed at, after all, and that sort of distance from being treated like they belong in a freak-show is a luxury which transsexuals in our society presently do not enjoy.
Have some empathy, everybody. Shit can be rough out there, we've all felt it once or twice.
&gt;-_- I live a normal life and have the same beliefs of any other muslim. So I was right about generalizing. You admit that your argument was bullshit and your downvotes unjustified. &gt; Second, you are still trying to stereotype muslims as murderers No, nobody here even remotely did that. That's a straw man. Good job proving how fulll of shit you are and everyone supporting your position. &gt;Mohammad (peace be with him) would not approve of any of the current day extremists that exist. No true scotsman. Hey, guess what: Other people think Mohammad would not approve of your shitty face and cut your head off. And considering Islam's history that is the more realistic assumption considering Mohammad was a child-fucking warlord that ordered people's death throughout his life. And no, that is not a biased and unfair interpretation that's literally what he was and you can read it in your little holy book. It's sad that you are delusional enough to ignore all the shitty parts of your religion. But guess what: If you don't believe fully in the Quran you are not a Muslim. Quite obviously you disagree with what's written in the Quran, so why call yourself Muslim? You are simply not. I'm pretty sure many of the things you do are contradicting the Quran. For example: Do you treat women as equals? Because the Quran tells you not to. The Quran explicitly and undeniably tells you to command them and hit them if they disobey you. &gt; If you want to talk about Muslims learn something about them that isn't in the news, and isn't a biased, anti-religion source. You mean the Quran? You mean history? &gt;That is where you will get the correct information, and not contorted, taken out of context quotes. I think you are the one who has incorrect and distorted information. You are the one cherrypicking. If you actually thought critically about your religion you would abandon it because it's vile filth. It's sad that non-Muslims often are more informed about Islam than Muslims. Usually because they actually figured out that it's bullshit and therefore choose never to become Muslims. tl;dr: You contradict yourself. Your whole argument is self-defeating. And we have demonstrated you are full of shit and cited sources. You ignore arguments made against you and obviously don't even want to consider that you might be wrong. You *don't want to* give up your faith. And that's why you will never be able to have a reasonable conversation.
>-_- I live a normal life and have the same beliefs of any other muslim. So I was right about generalizing. You admit that your argument was bullshit and your downvotes unjustified. > Second, you are still trying to stereotype muslims as murderers No, nobody here even remotely did that. That's a straw man. Good job proving how fulll of shit you are and everyone supporting your position. >Mohammad (peace be with him) would not approve of any of the current day extremists that exist. No true scotsman. Hey, guess what: Other people think Mohammad would not approve of your shitty face and cut your head off. And considering Islam's history that is the more realistic assumption considering Mohammad was a child-fucking warlord that ordered people's death throughout his life. And no, that is not a biased and unfair interpretation that's literally what he was and you can read it in your little holy book. It's sad that you are delusional enough to ignore all the shitty parts of your religion. But guess what: If you don't believe fully in the Quran you are not a Muslim. Quite obviously you disagree with what's written in the Quran, so why call yourself Muslim? You are simply not. I'm pretty sure many of the things you do are contradicting the Quran. For example: Do you treat women as equals? Because the Quran tells you not to. The Quran explicitly and undeniably tells you to command them and hit them if they disobey you. > If you want to talk about Muslims learn something about them that isn't in the news, and isn't a biased, anti-religion source. You mean the Quran? You mean history? >That is where you will get the correct information, and not contorted, taken out of context quotes. I think you are the one who has incorrect and distorted information. You are the one cherrypicking. If you actually thought critically about your religion you would abandon it because it's vile filth. It's sad that non-Muslims often are more informed about Islam than Muslims. Usually because they actually figured out that it's bullshit and therefore choose never to become Muslims. tl;dr: You contradict yourself. Your whole argument is self-defeating. And we have demonstrated you are full of shit and cited sources. You ignore arguments made against you and obviously don't even want to consider that you might be wrong. You don't want to give up your faith. And that's why you will never be able to have a reasonable conversation.
_- I live a normal life and have the same beliefs of any other muslim. So I was right about generalizing. You admit that your argument was bullshit and your downvotes unjustified. > Second, you are still trying to stereotype muslims as murderers No, nobody here even remotely did that. That's a straw man. Good job proving how fulll of shit you are and everyone supporting your position. >Mohammad (peace be with him) would not approve of any of the current day extremists that exist. No true scotsman. Hey, guess what: Other people think Mohammad would not approve of your shitty face and cut your head off. And considering Islam's history that is the more realistic assumption considering Mohammad was a child-fucking warlord that ordered people's death throughout his life. And no, that is not a biased and unfair interpretation that's literally what he was and you can read it in your little holy book. It's sad that you are delusional enough to ignore all the shitty parts of your religion. But guess what: If you don't believe fully in the Quran you are not a Muslim. Quite obviously you disagree with what's written in the Quran, so why call yourself Muslim? You are simply not. I'm pretty sure many of the things you do are contradicting the Quran. For example: Do you treat women as equals? Because the Quran tells you not to. The Quran explicitly and undeniably tells you to command them and hit them if they disobey you. > If you want to talk about Muslims learn something about them that isn't in the news, and isn't a biased, anti-religion source. You mean the Quran? You mean history? >That is where you will get the correct information, and not contorted, taken out of context quotes. I think you are the one who has incorrect and distorted information. You are the one cherrypicking. If you actually thought critically about your religion you would abandon it because it's vile filth. It's sad that non-Muslims often are more informed about Islam than Muslims. Usually because they actually figured out that it's bullshit and therefore choose never to become Muslims.
You contradict yourself. Your whole argument is self-defeating. And we have demonstrated you are full of shit and cited sources. You ignore arguments made against you and obviously don't even want to consider that you might be wrong. You don't want to give up your faith. And that's why you will never be able to have a reasonable conversation.
We are both only 17, but have been bestfriends for a year. I've never felt the way I do about anyone else and he says the same. However, I moved 3 hours away in August because of my dads job. I've gone home basically every weekend and vice versa to see him. We didn't start dating until February because although he liked me all summer long I didn't feel the same way until we became closer friends. I'm graduating early next January and planning on staying for college in the east coast, while he graduates next month and is going to Colorado, 1000 miles away. 3 hours away is already hard but we're very committed. I'm going to Boston University this summer and am planning on visiting him on the weekends but when I get finished with my classes at Boston, there's only 4 days before he moves to Colorado, and seeing him will be limited; although, he has to come home to visit his dad. Can we make it work, or am I just a stupid young girl in love? TLDR; both 17 and have been dating even though I moved 3 hours away, bf is moving 1000 miles away for college, and seeing him will be limited, can it work?
We are both only 17, but have been bestfriends for a year. I've never felt the way I do about anyone else and he says the same. However, I moved 3 hours away in August because of my dads job. I've gone home basically every weekend and vice versa to see him. We didn't start dating until February because although he liked me all summer long I didn't feel the same way until we became closer friends. I'm graduating early next January and planning on staying for college in the east coast, while he graduates next month and is going to Colorado, 1000 miles away. 3 hours away is already hard but we're very committed. I'm going to Boston University this summer and am planning on visiting him on the weekends but when I get finished with my classes at Boston, there's only 4 days before he moves to Colorado, and seeing him will be limited; although, he has to come home to visit his dad. Can we make it work, or am I just a stupid young girl in love? TLDR; both 17 and have been dating even though I moved 3 hours away, bf is moving 1000 miles away for college, and seeing him will be limited, can it work?
We are both only 17, but have been bestfriends for a year. I've never felt the way I do about anyone else and he says the same. However, I moved 3 hours away in August because of my dads job. I've gone home basically every weekend and vice versa to see him. We didn't start dating until February because although he liked me all summer long I didn't feel the same way until we became closer friends. I'm graduating early next January and planning on staying for college in the east coast, while he graduates next month and is going to Colorado, 1000 miles away. 3 hours away is already hard but we're very committed. I'm going to Boston University this summer and am planning on visiting him on the weekends but when I get finished with my classes at Boston, there's only 4 days before he moves to Colorado, and seeing him will be limited; although, he has to come home to visit his dad. Can we make it work, or am I just a stupid young girl in love?
both 17 and have been dating even though I moved 3 hours away, bf is moving 1000 miles away for college, and seeing him will be limited, can it work?
Ok, so first, this is a little bit of a complaint post, but it doesn't end that way. Sorry I don't want to brush anyones feathers the wrong way. I have nothing but respect for anyone that takes on the role of IT. It is a thankless job and without you guys and girls, we Users would be in the stone age still. Sounds like the start to a really bad and nerdy porno right? Well it isn't... Ok so first time poster, mid time lurker. I am actually not in the IT field, as I am still a student in my undergrad and actually getting a BFA in sound design for theater, but that requires a lot of technical know how, from networking down to the actual hardware. In this stage, I guess I would consider myself to know enough as to be dangerous, so I tend to let the pros at it and just watch and learn. That's worked out really well so far, and I've learned a lot that way. I've become friends with people in the IT department at my school, and knew some of the goings on between my department and IT. The main players in our little story are: &gt;**SM**: Me &gt;**Tech1**: The tech that almost cost us a lot of time &gt;**Tech Head** or **TH** for short: My friend and superior of **Tech1** So it's the end of the year, and the students in my program are in full crunch mode, trying to get all of our projects done before our portfolio review, a bi-yearly meeting where all the students show their work and get critiqued by faculty and professors. This is a huge event for about 90 people, and we use our office for all of our digital work. The office has three PCs, running 7 and 4gb of RAM, and four Mac towers running OSX 10.9.5 with 4gb of RAM. We use some very taxing programs on these computers, like CAD programs, photo editing, and movie editing, as well as sound DAWs and ESP rendering stations. All of this is connected to a plotter and an inkjet printer as well, that gets used about every 30 mins. Now we are using this room almost 24/7 currently, and any technical issues would be a huge problem. My university is currently undergoing the process of upgrading all of the computes that run windows to 8, as to upgrade to 10 when it finally ships. Now we had asked that nothing in our whole theater (30 towers in total) be upgraded till the 7th of May, as that's when everyone would be done and nothing would be affected by the migration and upgrading. Now in walks **Tech1** at about 8am yesterday. &gt;**Tech1** "I'm here to upgrade the RAM in all of the windows towers." &gt;**SM** "Oh cool, but I though that none of the computers would be upgraded till we were done with finals week? Did something change?" &gt;**Tech1** *In a muttered voice like he wasn't paying attention to me or something* "Oh yeah we're just doing a RAM upgrade now, nothing more. We want all of the computers to be up to standard." &gt;**SM** "Huh, well ok, have at it." **Tech1** then starts working on the first of three PC towers. I have my back to him at first, and am engrossed in this CAD file that I've been working on since what felt like before I was born, when I hear him moving on to the next computer down the line. I'm thinking to myself, that was really fast... Did he even move the case? I turn around to see what he's up to. He hasn't even opened a case, but is instead working on something that was not a hardware upgrade. &gt;**SM** "Hey wait man! I thought you said that it was only going to be a RAM upgrade, what are you doing? &gt;**Tech1** "What we agreed to to between the theater department and IT." I'm sitting there with my mouth open. He had just lied to my face and was disregarding what I knew we had set up with our IT department. I quickly and quietly went to the landline in our office and called **TH**. &gt;**SM** "Hey **TH**, are you in the office yet?" &gt;**TH** "Yeah whats up?" &gt;**SM** "Can you come over to my office, **Tech1** is doing something to the computers in here." &gt;**TH** " Crap, okay I'm on my way." And in about two minuets, in burst **TH** &gt;**TH** "**Tech1** what are you doing!!!?" &gt;**Tech1** " What? We were told to reformat and upgrade OS and physical right?" &gt;**TH** "Yeah but not till the 7th!" &gt;**Tech1** "Oh... Right..." And so, our hero of the year was **TH** who comes into work early each day and actually listens. TLDR: A disaster was averted thanks to a buddy of mine in IT, and I have the upmost respect for him and his team. EDIT: I'm sorry, this is my first huge post so formatting will most likely be all over the place. Please don't hate me, I like being loved.
Ok, so first, this is a little bit of a complaint post, but it doesn't end that way. Sorry I don't want to brush anyones feathers the wrong way. I have nothing but respect for anyone that takes on the role of IT. It is a thankless job and without you guys and girls, we Users would be in the stone age still. Sounds like the start to a really bad and nerdy porno right? Well it isn't... Ok so first time poster, mid time lurker. I am actually not in the IT field, as I am still a student in my undergrad and actually getting a BFA in sound design for theater, but that requires a lot of technical know how, from networking down to the actual hardware. In this stage, I guess I would consider myself to know enough as to be dangerous, so I tend to let the pros at it and just watch and learn. That's worked out really well so far, and I've learned a lot that way. I've become friends with people in the IT department at my school, and knew some of the goings on between my department and IT. The main players in our little story are: > SM : Me > Tech1 : The tech that almost cost us a lot of time > Tech Head or TH for short: My friend and superior of Tech1 So it's the end of the year, and the students in my program are in full crunch mode, trying to get all of our projects done before our portfolio review, a bi-yearly meeting where all the students show their work and get critiqued by faculty and professors. This is a huge event for about 90 people, and we use our office for all of our digital work. The office has three PCs, running 7 and 4gb of RAM, and four Mac towers running OSX 10.9.5 with 4gb of RAM. We use some very taxing programs on these computers, like CAD programs, photo editing, and movie editing, as well as sound DAWs and ESP rendering stations. All of this is connected to a plotter and an inkjet printer as well, that gets used about every 30 mins. Now we are using this room almost 24/7 currently, and any technical issues would be a huge problem. My university is currently undergoing the process of upgrading all of the computes that run windows to 8, as to upgrade to 10 when it finally ships. Now we had asked that nothing in our whole theater (30 towers in total) be upgraded till the 7th of May, as that's when everyone would be done and nothing would be affected by the migration and upgrading. Now in walks Tech1 at about 8am yesterday. > Tech1 "I'm here to upgrade the RAM in all of the windows towers." > SM "Oh cool, but I though that none of the computers would be upgraded till we were done with finals week? Did something change?" > Tech1 In a muttered voice like he wasn't paying attention to me or something "Oh yeah we're just doing a RAM upgrade now, nothing more. We want all of the computers to be up to standard." > SM "Huh, well ok, have at it." Tech1 then starts working on the first of three PC towers. I have my back to him at first, and am engrossed in this CAD file that I've been working on since what felt like before I was born, when I hear him moving on to the next computer down the line. I'm thinking to myself, that was really fast... Did he even move the case? I turn around to see what he's up to. He hasn't even opened a case, but is instead working on something that was not a hardware upgrade. > SM "Hey wait man! I thought you said that it was only going to be a RAM upgrade, what are you doing? > Tech1 "What we agreed to to between the theater department and IT." I'm sitting there with my mouth open. He had just lied to my face and was disregarding what I knew we had set up with our IT department. I quickly and quietly went to the landline in our office and called TH . > SM "Hey TH , are you in the office yet?" > TH "Yeah whats up?" > SM "Can you come over to my office, Tech1 is doing something to the computers in here." > TH " Crap, okay I'm on my way." And in about two minuets, in burst TH > TH " Tech1 what are you doing!!!?" > Tech1 " What? We were told to reformat and upgrade OS and physical right?" > TH "Yeah but not till the 7th!" > Tech1 "Oh... Right..." And so, our hero of the year was TH who comes into work early each day and actually listens. TLDR: A disaster was averted thanks to a buddy of mine in IT, and I have the upmost respect for him and his team. EDIT: I'm sorry, this is my first huge post so formatting will most likely be all over the place. Please don't hate me, I like being loved.
Ok, so first, this is a little bit of a complaint post, but it doesn't end that way. Sorry I don't want to brush anyones feathers the wrong way. I have nothing but respect for anyone that takes on the role of IT. It is a thankless job and without you guys and girls, we Users would be in the stone age still. Sounds like the start to a really bad and nerdy porno right? Well it isn't... Ok so first time poster, mid time lurker. I am actually not in the IT field, as I am still a student in my undergrad and actually getting a BFA in sound design for theater, but that requires a lot of technical know how, from networking down to the actual hardware. In this stage, I guess I would consider myself to know enough as to be dangerous, so I tend to let the pros at it and just watch and learn. That's worked out really well so far, and I've learned a lot that way. I've become friends with people in the IT department at my school, and knew some of the goings on between my department and IT. The main players in our little story are: > SM : Me > Tech1 : The tech that almost cost us a lot of time > Tech Head or TH for short: My friend and superior of Tech1 So it's the end of the year, and the students in my program are in full crunch mode, trying to get all of our projects done before our portfolio review, a bi-yearly meeting where all the students show their work and get critiqued by faculty and professors. This is a huge event for about 90 people, and we use our office for all of our digital work. The office has three PCs, running 7 and 4gb of RAM, and four Mac towers running OSX 10.9.5 with 4gb of RAM. We use some very taxing programs on these computers, like CAD programs, photo editing, and movie editing, as well as sound DAWs and ESP rendering stations. All of this is connected to a plotter and an inkjet printer as well, that gets used about every 30 mins. Now we are using this room almost 24/7 currently, and any technical issues would be a huge problem. My university is currently undergoing the process of upgrading all of the computes that run windows to 8, as to upgrade to 10 when it finally ships. Now we had asked that nothing in our whole theater (30 towers in total) be upgraded till the 7th of May, as that's when everyone would be done and nothing would be affected by the migration and upgrading. Now in walks Tech1 at about 8am yesterday. > Tech1 "I'm here to upgrade the RAM in all of the windows towers." > SM "Oh cool, but I though that none of the computers would be upgraded till we were done with finals week? Did something change?" > Tech1 In a muttered voice like he wasn't paying attention to me or something "Oh yeah we're just doing a RAM upgrade now, nothing more. We want all of the computers to be up to standard." > SM "Huh, well ok, have at it." Tech1 then starts working on the first of three PC towers. I have my back to him at first, and am engrossed in this CAD file that I've been working on since what felt like before I was born, when I hear him moving on to the next computer down the line. I'm thinking to myself, that was really fast... Did he even move the case? I turn around to see what he's up to. He hasn't even opened a case, but is instead working on something that was not a hardware upgrade. > SM "Hey wait man! I thought you said that it was only going to be a RAM upgrade, what are you doing? > Tech1 "What we agreed to to between the theater department and IT." I'm sitting there with my mouth open. He had just lied to my face and was disregarding what I knew we had set up with our IT department. I quickly and quietly went to the landline in our office and called TH . > SM "Hey TH , are you in the office yet?" > TH "Yeah whats up?" > SM "Can you come over to my office, Tech1 is doing something to the computers in here." > TH " Crap, okay I'm on my way." And in about two minuets, in burst TH > TH " Tech1 what are you doing!!!?" > Tech1 " What? We were told to reformat and upgrade OS and physical right?" > TH "Yeah but not till the 7th!" > Tech1 "Oh... Right..." And so, our hero of the year was TH who comes into work early each day and actually listens.
A disaster was averted thanks to a buddy of mine in IT, and I have the upmost respect for him and his team. EDIT: I'm sorry, this is my first huge post so formatting will most likely be all over the place. Please don't hate me, I like being loved.
Uhm, everyone gets FMLA, it just might not be paid maternity leave. At least according to both my HR person at my work and also my mother who works in the healthcare system. I was very confused about it too. I would talk to a lawyer, seriously. I know this may be dumb, but what does Tldr mean?
Uhm, everyone gets FMLA, it just might not be paid maternity leave. At least according to both my HR person at my work and also my mother who works in the healthcare system. I was very confused about it too. I would talk to a lawyer, seriously. I know this may be dumb, but what does Tldr mean?
Uhm, everyone gets FMLA, it just might not be paid maternity leave. At least according to both my HR person at my work and also my mother who works in the healthcare system. I was very confused about it too. I would talk to a lawyer, seriously. I know this may be dumb, but what does
I don't think anyone will remember, but last time I posted I was on the verge of graduating. Well I finally got my engineering degree, but up to today my wife and I were still living with Nmom, grandfather, step dad, and my 2 GC brothers. In that time Nmom has kept up with the insults towards my wife and hasn't said anything to her except when she has criticism. Usually along the lines of "you need to wash the dishes/you need to clean/you're lucky you stay here for free." I'd also like to mention that Nmom has the same attitude towards me, but to a lesser degree. In fact, lately she has been talking to me. I do talk to her because I've been trying to avoid problems with her. I tell my wife how we just need to suck it up until the end of the year (by then we should have enough money to get our own place. Right now we're looking for a car since I have to commute to an engineering job and wife has to commute to her college where she received a full-ride scholarship.) Basically, the only real tension in our lives has been NMom, the arguments my wife and I have over her, and how much I work since I still have my retail job in efforts to save enough to move out. This past week was bad. NMom approached my wife while I was working and lectured her on how to be a good wife and how she was failing her duties to me (make lunch/dinner, etc. For the record, I do not share the same views as my NMom and although I do appreciate my wife helping I do not expect it since she has priorities in school.) NMom has also started throwing away our things. The past few weeks I have noticed things disappearing from our room but didn't know NMom was going inside the room until my wife told me. Today it was our dustpan and toys we had for our kittens. Both were in the trash. When I confronted NMom her response was "Maybe your wife is throwing things away and trying to frame me! I saw her running to the trash with a bag RIGHT before you came home!" Today NMom waited until after I dropped my wife off at work and I returned home. She asked me to go to the kitchen where my grandfather was waiting. She then started telling me how the entire house was a mess and my wife refused to clean. (My wife does refuse to clean certain things. NMom has told her several times to clean up after everyone. She has never made either GC clean. The one GC who came out of jail flat out refuses to clean and tells NMom "Leave me alone you bitch, etc.") She also blamed urine on the restroom floor on my wife when its actually her husband. He pees in bottles in the room and usually misses the toilet on the rare occasion he decides to use it. She also said I left my clothes in the washer and they were beginning to smell. (They were left in the washer because NMom is "redmodeling" it. This means she literally drags the dryer outside everyday and only drags it inside when she wants to wash. When she doesn't drag it in we don't use it. The clothes were left because she took the dryer outside when she finished using it. For. Some reason she leaves the washer inside.) Basically she continued trashing my wife for 15 minutes until she said "I have to leave, I have an appointment." I told her to sit back down and I began to tell her how its unfair the GC don't have to do anything, come home drunk, and have friends over who make noise well into the a.m. when my wife and I are the only ones in the house who work and have to be up early. I told my grandfather how NMom has been throwing my things away, insults my wife, etc. NMom ended up getting up and leaving and I yelled at her for it. I continued to tell my grandfather how she was bending the truth and didn't like my wife and went out of her way to make us feel not at home. His response was "If you don't like it you can start packing, but you are making it hard on NMom." I told him I would be out by the end of the week. I called my aunt to ask if I could borrow her truck to move our things to a storage unit; she said yes and also told my aunts what was happening. I have aunts on my side who have offered us a place to stay but it wouldn't be ideal since they're all very similar to my NMom in attitude (the aunt who offered us a room used to turn off the hot water and electricity when she felt we were wasting it e.g. showering for more than 5 mins.) God I hate NMom right now but I think I cab make it as long as my wife supports me. I've never had support from NMom and my wife is the first person who has ever really cared for me like this. tl;dr NMom confronted me about my wife and blamed things on us. Grandfather(homeowner) said we should leave if we didn't like it. Have to be out by the end of the week.
I don't think anyone will remember, but last time I posted I was on the verge of graduating. Well I finally got my engineering degree, but up to today my wife and I were still living with Nmom, grandfather, step dad, and my 2 GC brothers. In that time Nmom has kept up with the insults towards my wife and hasn't said anything to her except when she has criticism. Usually along the lines of "you need to wash the dishes/you need to clean/you're lucky you stay here for free." I'd also like to mention that Nmom has the same attitude towards me, but to a lesser degree. In fact, lately she has been talking to me. I do talk to her because I've been trying to avoid problems with her. I tell my wife how we just need to suck it up until the end of the year (by then we should have enough money to get our own place. Right now we're looking for a car since I have to commute to an engineering job and wife has to commute to her college where she received a full-ride scholarship.) Basically, the only real tension in our lives has been NMom, the arguments my wife and I have over her, and how much I work since I still have my retail job in efforts to save enough to move out. This past week was bad. NMom approached my wife while I was working and lectured her on how to be a good wife and how she was failing her duties to me (make lunch/dinner, etc. For the record, I do not share the same views as my NMom and although I do appreciate my wife helping I do not expect it since she has priorities in school.) NMom has also started throwing away our things. The past few weeks I have noticed things disappearing from our room but didn't know NMom was going inside the room until my wife told me. Today it was our dustpan and toys we had for our kittens. Both were in the trash. When I confronted NMom her response was "Maybe your wife is throwing things away and trying to frame me! I saw her running to the trash with a bag RIGHT before you came home!" Today NMom waited until after I dropped my wife off at work and I returned home. She asked me to go to the kitchen where my grandfather was waiting. She then started telling me how the entire house was a mess and my wife refused to clean. (My wife does refuse to clean certain things. NMom has told her several times to clean up after everyone. She has never made either GC clean. The one GC who came out of jail flat out refuses to clean and tells NMom "Leave me alone you bitch, etc.") She also blamed urine on the restroom floor on my wife when its actually her husband. He pees in bottles in the room and usually misses the toilet on the rare occasion he decides to use it. She also said I left my clothes in the washer and they were beginning to smell. (They were left in the washer because NMom is "redmodeling" it. This means she literally drags the dryer outside everyday and only drags it inside when she wants to wash. When she doesn't drag it in we don't use it. The clothes were left because she took the dryer outside when she finished using it. For. Some reason she leaves the washer inside.) Basically she continued trashing my wife for 15 minutes until she said "I have to leave, I have an appointment." I told her to sit back down and I began to tell her how its unfair the GC don't have to do anything, come home drunk, and have friends over who make noise well into the a.m. when my wife and I are the only ones in the house who work and have to be up early. I told my grandfather how NMom has been throwing my things away, insults my wife, etc. NMom ended up getting up and leaving and I yelled at her for it. I continued to tell my grandfather how she was bending the truth and didn't like my wife and went out of her way to make us feel not at home. His response was "If you don't like it you can start packing, but you are making it hard on NMom." I told him I would be out by the end of the week. I called my aunt to ask if I could borrow her truck to move our things to a storage unit; she said yes and also told my aunts what was happening. I have aunts on my side who have offered us a place to stay but it wouldn't be ideal since they're all very similar to my NMom in attitude (the aunt who offered us a room used to turn off the hot water and electricity when she felt we were wasting it e.g. showering for more than 5 mins.) God I hate NMom right now but I think I cab make it as long as my wife supports me. I've never had support from NMom and my wife is the first person who has ever really cared for me like this. tl;dr NMom confronted me about my wife and blamed things on us. Grandfather(homeowner) said we should leave if we didn't like it. Have to be out by the end of the week.
I don't think anyone will remember, but last time I posted I was on the verge of graduating. Well I finally got my engineering degree, but up to today my wife and I were still living with Nmom, grandfather, step dad, and my 2 GC brothers. In that time Nmom has kept up with the insults towards my wife and hasn't said anything to her except when she has criticism. Usually along the lines of "you need to wash the dishes/you need to clean/you're lucky you stay here for free." I'd also like to mention that Nmom has the same attitude towards me, but to a lesser degree. In fact, lately she has been talking to me. I do talk to her because I've been trying to avoid problems with her. I tell my wife how we just need to suck it up until the end of the year (by then we should have enough money to get our own place. Right now we're looking for a car since I have to commute to an engineering job and wife has to commute to her college where she received a full-ride scholarship.) Basically, the only real tension in our lives has been NMom, the arguments my wife and I have over her, and how much I work since I still have my retail job in efforts to save enough to move out. This past week was bad. NMom approached my wife while I was working and lectured her on how to be a good wife and how she was failing her duties to me (make lunch/dinner, etc. For the record, I do not share the same views as my NMom and although I do appreciate my wife helping I do not expect it since she has priorities in school.) NMom has also started throwing away our things. The past few weeks I have noticed things disappearing from our room but didn't know NMom was going inside the room until my wife told me. Today it was our dustpan and toys we had for our kittens. Both were in the trash. When I confronted NMom her response was "Maybe your wife is throwing things away and trying to frame me! I saw her running to the trash with a bag RIGHT before you came home!" Today NMom waited until after I dropped my wife off at work and I returned home. She asked me to go to the kitchen where my grandfather was waiting. She then started telling me how the entire house was a mess and my wife refused to clean. (My wife does refuse to clean certain things. NMom has told her several times to clean up after everyone. She has never made either GC clean. The one GC who came out of jail flat out refuses to clean and tells NMom "Leave me alone you bitch, etc.") She also blamed urine on the restroom floor on my wife when its actually her husband. He pees in bottles in the room and usually misses the toilet on the rare occasion he decides to use it. She also said I left my clothes in the washer and they were beginning to smell. (They were left in the washer because NMom is "redmodeling" it. This means she literally drags the dryer outside everyday and only drags it inside when she wants to wash. When she doesn't drag it in we don't use it. The clothes were left because she took the dryer outside when she finished using it. For. Some reason she leaves the washer inside.) Basically she continued trashing my wife for 15 minutes until she said "I have to leave, I have an appointment." I told her to sit back down and I began to tell her how its unfair the GC don't have to do anything, come home drunk, and have friends over who make noise well into the a.m. when my wife and I are the only ones in the house who work and have to be up early. I told my grandfather how NMom has been throwing my things away, insults my wife, etc. NMom ended up getting up and leaving and I yelled at her for it. I continued to tell my grandfather how she was bending the truth and didn't like my wife and went out of her way to make us feel not at home. His response was "If you don't like it you can start packing, but you are making it hard on NMom." I told him I would be out by the end of the week. I called my aunt to ask if I could borrow her truck to move our things to a storage unit; she said yes and also told my aunts what was happening. I have aunts on my side who have offered us a place to stay but it wouldn't be ideal since they're all very similar to my NMom in attitude (the aunt who offered us a room used to turn off the hot water and electricity when she felt we were wasting it e.g. showering for more than 5 mins.) God I hate NMom right now but I think I cab make it as long as my wife supports me. I've never had support from NMom and my wife is the first person who has ever really cared for me like this.
NMom confronted me about my wife and blamed things on us. Grandfather(homeowner) said we should leave if we didn't like it. Have to be out by the end of the week.
I read a lot of posts that disagree with this ("it's just calories in calories out"), so I wanted an explanation. I think it's a lot more complex than calories in calories out. I thought that our hormones (e.g. leptin) naturally regulate how much fat we carry. These hormones will naturally take us to our preferred level or body fat (say 10% for the average guy). If we overeat and get to 11%, natural feedback mechanisms will engage and our appetite will be suppressed (or we will burn calories via exercise, the other side of the equation). We get fat when the hormones aren't working properly and the body fat set point is set higher. I mean fat people usually don't gain weight forever. They usually get fat (say 250lbs), and then stay at that weight for a long time. This is because the body wants to stay at that weight (their leptin and other hormones are messed up). So why would our hormones not be firing right and and make us fatter? From what I read I see 3 culprits: sugar, omega-6 fatty acids and grains. I would love to hear any other opinions. Thanks! TL;DR: Our body fat level is set by hormones, not by our willpower. Usually these hormones function properly and men stay between 8-12% body fat. But we sometimes screw up these hormones and elevate to a higher level of body fat. Then our body wants to stay at that level.
I read a lot of posts that disagree with this ("it's just calories in calories out"), so I wanted an explanation. I think it's a lot more complex than calories in calories out. I thought that our hormones (e.g. leptin) naturally regulate how much fat we carry. These hormones will naturally take us to our preferred level or body fat (say 10% for the average guy). If we overeat and get to 11%, natural feedback mechanisms will engage and our appetite will be suppressed (or we will burn calories via exercise, the other side of the equation). We get fat when the hormones aren't working properly and the body fat set point is set higher. I mean fat people usually don't gain weight forever. They usually get fat (say 250lbs), and then stay at that weight for a long time. This is because the body wants to stay at that weight (their leptin and other hormones are messed up). So why would our hormones not be firing right and and make us fatter? From what I read I see 3 culprits: sugar, omega-6 fatty acids and grains. I would love to hear any other opinions. Thanks! TL;DR: Our body fat level is set by hormones, not by our willpower. Usually these hormones function properly and men stay between 8-12% body fat. But we sometimes screw up these hormones and elevate to a higher level of body fat. Then our body wants to stay at that level.
I read a lot of posts that disagree with this ("it's just calories in calories out"), so I wanted an explanation. I think it's a lot more complex than calories in calories out. I thought that our hormones (e.g. leptin) naturally regulate how much fat we carry. These hormones will naturally take us to our preferred level or body fat (say 10% for the average guy). If we overeat and get to 11%, natural feedback mechanisms will engage and our appetite will be suppressed (or we will burn calories via exercise, the other side of the equation). We get fat when the hormones aren't working properly and the body fat set point is set higher. I mean fat people usually don't gain weight forever. They usually get fat (say 250lbs), and then stay at that weight for a long time. This is because the body wants to stay at that weight (their leptin and other hormones are messed up). So why would our hormones not be firing right and and make us fatter? From what I read I see 3 culprits: sugar, omega-6 fatty acids and grains. I would love to hear any other opinions. Thanks!
Our body fat level is set by hormones, not by our willpower. Usually these hormones function properly and men stay between 8-12% body fat. But we sometimes screw up these hormones and elevate to a higher level of body fat. Then our body wants to stay at that level.
I have over 800 hours played so it's not a matter of not having enough experience. I love this game and think it's amazing. The end-game is raiding which is fine but I think there needs to be more too it. We need to know that there is more base improvements to come, it's pretty boring right now building a huge base just to have it raided the next following week. Hackers will always win, they will teleport in the base, drop IEDs, than teleport out without blowing down gates. We need to have a way that the front gate controls the permission, and the loot attached. Once the front gate is blown off, the other doors will than be accessible to take damage from IEDs. Possibly making the gate 50 IEDs instead of 25. I've raided over 5 bases in the last 3 days and it's just way too easy.. There isn't much satisfaction stealing the same things over and over. At one point this week we had over 700 medkits, thousands of repair kits, thousands of ammo and hundreds of each cosmetic. What serious idea's can WE, as the community help implement to make the building and raiding portion of this game alot funner and interesting? What kind of different buildings? What kind of anti-raiding structures can we get to prolong our gear? We need to start addressing the building issues because unfortunately what we have now is not cutting it. Also, it would be nice if they could address which structures they are currently working on so we can start to visualize where the future of this game is going to go. TLDR; I absolutely love the game and everything about it, but it's time to get some new structures and ideas involved so we can expand the bubble of what we currently have.
I have over 800 hours played so it's not a matter of not having enough experience. I love this game and think it's amazing. The end-game is raiding which is fine but I think there needs to be more too it. We need to know that there is more base improvements to come, it's pretty boring right now building a huge base just to have it raided the next following week. Hackers will always win, they will teleport in the base, drop IEDs, than teleport out without blowing down gates. We need to have a way that the front gate controls the permission, and the loot attached. Once the front gate is blown off, the other doors will than be accessible to take damage from IEDs. Possibly making the gate 50 IEDs instead of 25. I've raided over 5 bases in the last 3 days and it's just way too easy.. There isn't much satisfaction stealing the same things over and over. At one point this week we had over 700 medkits, thousands of repair kits, thousands of ammo and hundreds of each cosmetic. What serious idea's can WE, as the community help implement to make the building and raiding portion of this game alot funner and interesting? What kind of different buildings? What kind of anti-raiding structures can we get to prolong our gear? We need to start addressing the building issues because unfortunately what we have now is not cutting it. Also, it would be nice if they could address which structures they are currently working on so we can start to visualize where the future of this game is going to go. TLDR; I absolutely love the game and everything about it, but it's time to get some new structures and ideas involved so we can expand the bubble of what we currently have.
I have over 800 hours played so it's not a matter of not having enough experience. I love this game and think it's amazing. The end-game is raiding which is fine but I think there needs to be more too it. We need to know that there is more base improvements to come, it's pretty boring right now building a huge base just to have it raided the next following week. Hackers will always win, they will teleport in the base, drop IEDs, than teleport out without blowing down gates. We need to have a way that the front gate controls the permission, and the loot attached. Once the front gate is blown off, the other doors will than be accessible to take damage from IEDs. Possibly making the gate 50 IEDs instead of 25. I've raided over 5 bases in the last 3 days and it's just way too easy.. There isn't much satisfaction stealing the same things over and over. At one point this week we had over 700 medkits, thousands of repair kits, thousands of ammo and hundreds of each cosmetic. What serious idea's can WE, as the community help implement to make the building and raiding portion of this game alot funner and interesting? What kind of different buildings? What kind of anti-raiding structures can we get to prolong our gear? We need to start addressing the building issues because unfortunately what we have now is not cutting it. Also, it would be nice if they could address which structures they are currently working on so we can start to visualize where the future of this game is going to go.
I absolutely love the game and everything about it, but it's time to get some new structures and ideas involved so we can expand the bubble of what we currently have.
This probably is the most miniscule thing on this subreddit, but I kinda wanted to get this out somewhere. (Throwaway because I don't want friends harping me on this) Its weird. Whenever I want to start getting into a band I always look up the professional critics' scores and go by that for which albums to get into. Any album that they rated mediocre or even "good, not great" I feel weird about listening to it, like I shouldn't be. This isn't something major but its been bugging me for a while. Like recently, one of my favorite bands new albums just leaked, and I have been listening to it like crazy. I love it, but I know that if the critics downscore it, It'll tarnish my view of that album. Is this weird? It makes me feel like a pretentious music snob. Tl;Dr: If any music gets mediocre scores from music press I feel weird about listening to it, even if I like it. Kind of bugs me.
This probably is the most miniscule thing on this subreddit, but I kinda wanted to get this out somewhere. (Throwaway because I don't want friends harping me on this) Its weird. Whenever I want to start getting into a band I always look up the professional critics' scores and go by that for which albums to get into. Any album that they rated mediocre or even "good, not great" I feel weird about listening to it, like I shouldn't be. This isn't something major but its been bugging me for a while. Like recently, one of my favorite bands new albums just leaked, and I have been listening to it like crazy. I love it, but I know that if the critics downscore it, It'll tarnish my view of that album. Is this weird? It makes me feel like a pretentious music snob. Tl;Dr: If any music gets mediocre scores from music press I feel weird about listening to it, even if I like it. Kind of bugs me.
This probably is the most miniscule thing on this subreddit, but I kinda wanted to get this out somewhere. (Throwaway because I don't want friends harping me on this) Its weird. Whenever I want to start getting into a band I always look up the professional critics' scores and go by that for which albums to get into. Any album that they rated mediocre or even "good, not great" I feel weird about listening to it, like I shouldn't be. This isn't something major but its been bugging me for a while. Like recently, one of my favorite bands new albums just leaked, and I have been listening to it like crazy. I love it, but I know that if the critics downscore it, It'll tarnish my view of that album. Is this weird? It makes me feel like a pretentious music snob.
If any music gets mediocre scores from music press I feel weird about listening to it, even if I like it. Kind of bugs me.
I really think this needs more attention. The community of this game carries the 9-12 year old voxel game community stereotypes all to well in terms of responding to mundane issues and bugs. FreeJam has done well as of yet and I see no reason why they'd stop. In light of recent tweets and such from Mark explaining that he's starting to "Ignore the whiners" really shows that the massive tolerance for the community he has is starting to wear thin. Yet here we are on the Reddit and the forums seeing negative garbage posts/threads with little to no constructive feedback in them popping up everywhere telling the Devs "How bad they are" or "How they ruined the game forever and they suck". At this point it surprises me that these guys can even get out of bed in the morning, The forum Gameplay Feedback section is full of rants and twelve year olds flailing their arms around while screaming "U BROKE TEH GAM UR AWL STUPID" seemingly failing to realize that this game is in alpha. My heart goes out to these guys and their unbreakable will and seemingly endless tolerance for the caustic cesspool that their community becomes at times. Just please know one thing. There are others. People like me and a good number of other players that will look at your choices critically and take the time to write out what we hope is constructive feedback for the game you guys are putting your heart and soul into, We are here. We are watching and we love what you guys have created. TL;DR Community forums are devolving into caustic nonconstructive rants, FreeJam's tolerance is unbreakable, we love the hard work you guys do.
I really think this needs more attention. The community of this game carries the 9-12 year old voxel game community stereotypes all to well in terms of responding to mundane issues and bugs. FreeJam has done well as of yet and I see no reason why they'd stop. In light of recent tweets and such from Mark explaining that he's starting to "Ignore the whiners" really shows that the massive tolerance for the community he has is starting to wear thin. Yet here we are on the Reddit and the forums seeing negative garbage posts/threads with little to no constructive feedback in them popping up everywhere telling the Devs "How bad they are" or "How they ruined the game forever and they suck". At this point it surprises me that these guys can even get out of bed in the morning, The forum Gameplay Feedback section is full of rants and twelve year olds flailing their arms around while screaming "U BROKE TEH GAM UR AWL STUPID" seemingly failing to realize that this game is in alpha. My heart goes out to these guys and their unbreakable will and seemingly endless tolerance for the caustic cesspool that their community becomes at times. Just please know one thing. There are others. People like me and a good number of other players that will look at your choices critically and take the time to write out what we hope is constructive feedback for the game you guys are putting your heart and soul into, We are here. We are watching and we love what you guys have created. TL;DR Community forums are devolving into caustic nonconstructive rants, FreeJam's tolerance is unbreakable, we love the hard work you guys do.
I really think this needs more attention. The community of this game carries the 9-12 year old voxel game community stereotypes all to well in terms of responding to mundane issues and bugs. FreeJam has done well as of yet and I see no reason why they'd stop. In light of recent tweets and such from Mark explaining that he's starting to "Ignore the whiners" really shows that the massive tolerance for the community he has is starting to wear thin. Yet here we are on the Reddit and the forums seeing negative garbage posts/threads with little to no constructive feedback in them popping up everywhere telling the Devs "How bad they are" or "How they ruined the game forever and they suck". At this point it surprises me that these guys can even get out of bed in the morning, The forum Gameplay Feedback section is full of rants and twelve year olds flailing their arms around while screaming "U BROKE TEH GAM UR AWL STUPID" seemingly failing to realize that this game is in alpha. My heart goes out to these guys and their unbreakable will and seemingly endless tolerance for the caustic cesspool that their community becomes at times. Just please know one thing. There are others. People like me and a good number of other players that will look at your choices critically and take the time to write out what we hope is constructive feedback for the game you guys are putting your heart and soul into, We are here. We are watching and we love what you guys have created.
Community forums are devolving into caustic nonconstructive rants, FreeJam's tolerance is unbreakable, we love the hard work you guys do.
Gave myself the gift of Battleship Galaxies for Christmas and played it tonight with my almost-12 yr old son. He picked up on it fairly quickly, even though he hasn't played that many wargames. He had some of the concepts (energy allocation especially) from playing Starfleet Command with me on the computer. The ships are quite nice, though I'm concerned that some of the finer details (antenna, guns) might break off with less than careful handling. One gripe is that the ship's stands slide a little too easily on the game board. I may try to find some sticky-backed rubber pads to combat accidental nudges... Adding and removing the shield/damage pegs to the ship's stand was challenging for my older fingers. My son had no such problems...the magic of youth! The ships and weapons systems for each side were different enough that it felt to me that we were actually playing different races that due to differences in technology, made different trade-offs in the design of their ships. The Wretch seem to have better shield tech, while the ISN compensated by having thicker hull armor. Overall, we had fun playing this game. It started slowly, but as we became familiar with the game mechanics our later turns went much faster. A nice touch was the inclusion of two cards with the sequence of events during a turn -- one for each side -- that was a handy reference of what to do next. He beat me just as we finished one pass through our decks. TL:DR; Battleship Galaxies: Go buy it.
Gave myself the gift of Battleship Galaxies for Christmas and played it tonight with my almost-12 yr old son. He picked up on it fairly quickly, even though he hasn't played that many wargames. He had some of the concepts (energy allocation especially) from playing Starfleet Command with me on the computer. The ships are quite nice, though I'm concerned that some of the finer details (antenna, guns) might break off with less than careful handling. One gripe is that the ship's stands slide a little too easily on the game board. I may try to find some sticky-backed rubber pads to combat accidental nudges... Adding and removing the shield/damage pegs to the ship's stand was challenging for my older fingers. My son had no such problems...the magic of youth! The ships and weapons systems for each side were different enough that it felt to me that we were actually playing different races that due to differences in technology, made different trade-offs in the design of their ships. The Wretch seem to have better shield tech, while the ISN compensated by having thicker hull armor. Overall, we had fun playing this game. It started slowly, but as we became familiar with the game mechanics our later turns went much faster. A nice touch was the inclusion of two cards with the sequence of events during a turn -- one for each side -- that was a handy reference of what to do next. He beat me just as we finished one pass through our decks. TL:DR; Battleship Galaxies: Go buy it.
Gave myself the gift of Battleship Galaxies for Christmas and played it tonight with my almost-12 yr old son. He picked up on it fairly quickly, even though he hasn't played that many wargames. He had some of the concepts (energy allocation especially) from playing Starfleet Command with me on the computer. The ships are quite nice, though I'm concerned that some of the finer details (antenna, guns) might break off with less than careful handling. One gripe is that the ship's stands slide a little too easily on the game board. I may try to find some sticky-backed rubber pads to combat accidental nudges... Adding and removing the shield/damage pegs to the ship's stand was challenging for my older fingers. My son had no such problems...the magic of youth! The ships and weapons systems for each side were different enough that it felt to me that we were actually playing different races that due to differences in technology, made different trade-offs in the design of their ships. The Wretch seem to have better shield tech, while the ISN compensated by having thicker hull armor. Overall, we had fun playing this game. It started slowly, but as we became familiar with the game mechanics our later turns went much faster. A nice touch was the inclusion of two cards with the sequence of events during a turn -- one for each side -- that was a handy reference of what to do next. He beat me just as we finished one pass through our decks.
Battleship Galaxies: Go buy it.
I feel bad for all the fools who are still in school at that point! I'll have been done for three weeks! TL,DR: I have nothing useful to contribute about the date.
I feel bad for all the fools who are still in school at that point! I'll have been done for three weeks! TL,DR: I have nothing useful to contribute about the date.
I feel bad for all the fools who are still in school at that point! I'll have been done for three weeks!
I have nothing useful to contribute about the date.
I finally yelled "IM A LESBIAN" and they shut up so I was able to explain I was having a conversation about actual fairies....dont think they bought it but they walked away. TLDR; Yelling "IM A LESBIAN!" solves everything
I finally yelled "IM A LESBIAN" and they shut up so I was able to explain I was having a conversation about actual fairies....dont think they bought it but they walked away. TLDR; Yelling "IM A LESBIAN!" solves everything
I finally yelled "IM A LESBIAN" and they shut up so I was able to explain I was having a conversation about actual fairies....dont think they bought it but they walked away.
Yelling "IM A LESBIAN!" solves everything
Finally, rain. A metric ton of rain. It's an older property, with a flat roof. The entire property is still generally well kept, but an older building is going to spring a leak. This time, it was the back office window. I dump out a 'trash' can and proceed to catch me some drips. Aww yiss... mitigating further water damage like a Sir. What ho?!?! There be another drip which requires yet another vessel! Thusly, I venture forth to the laundry room. To my alarm, it appears the room had started to flood. Water starts to gush in from a rear door. I immediately jam the bottom of the door with rags, and stomp them in place. Also I relocated any sensitive articles found on the ground to a higher location. As I leave the scene, seemingly victorious, I spy a slow stream of water entering the main lobby. A veritable benjo of a flood, this be! Having depleted my stock of common rags, I retreat to the kitchen for towels to forcibly apply to the rear foyer door. (Alright, I'm tired of psuedo-gilded age talk.) So I've stopped the flooding. The laundry room requires a push brooming, to send water to the drain at a faster rate. The rest is dry mop work. A yard of hallway carpet is soaked. Me do good. The water is almost up to the threshold of the front door. It only enters when a car drives under the awning. Rain stops. Whew. Unfortunately the Southeast portion of the parking lot is under approximately two feet of water. Not enough to screw up cars, but enough to stall one. Early morning comes and I've got shit more or less under control. GM, first shift FDA and HK come in. (I warned them to approach from the North.) GM knows there's a drain I wasn't aware of. They proceed to take off shoes, and socks. Then roll up their pant legs to over the knee. They grab the trusty massive push broom (does one ever not push it?). They wade into the newly-formed pond, and proceed to clear the crap covering the drain. Good job, GM. I didn't even know it was there. It was kind of fun watching it drain. The funnel was about one foot in diameter. TL;DR Lots'a water. Me did kinda good.
Finally, rain. A metric ton of rain. It's an older property, with a flat roof. The entire property is still generally well kept, but an older building is going to spring a leak. This time, it was the back office window. I dump out a 'trash' can and proceed to catch me some drips. Aww yiss... mitigating further water damage like a Sir. What ho?!?! There be another drip which requires yet another vessel! Thusly, I venture forth to the laundry room. To my alarm, it appears the room had started to flood. Water starts to gush in from a rear door. I immediately jam the bottom of the door with rags, and stomp them in place. Also I relocated any sensitive articles found on the ground to a higher location. As I leave the scene, seemingly victorious, I spy a slow stream of water entering the main lobby. A veritable benjo of a flood, this be! Having depleted my stock of common rags, I retreat to the kitchen for towels to forcibly apply to the rear foyer door. (Alright, I'm tired of psuedo-gilded age talk.) So I've stopped the flooding. The laundry room requires a push brooming, to send water to the drain at a faster rate. The rest is dry mop work. A yard of hallway carpet is soaked. Me do good. The water is almost up to the threshold of the front door. It only enters when a car drives under the awning. Rain stops. Whew. Unfortunately the Southeast portion of the parking lot is under approximately two feet of water. Not enough to screw up cars, but enough to stall one. Early morning comes and I've got shit more or less under control. GM, first shift FDA and HK come in. (I warned them to approach from the North.) GM knows there's a drain I wasn't aware of. They proceed to take off shoes, and socks. Then roll up their pant legs to over the knee. They grab the trusty massive push broom (does one ever not push it?). They wade into the newly-formed pond, and proceed to clear the crap covering the drain. Good job, GM. I didn't even know it was there. It was kind of fun watching it drain. The funnel was about one foot in diameter. TL;DR Lots'a water. Me did kinda good.
Finally, rain. A metric ton of rain. It's an older property, with a flat roof. The entire property is still generally well kept, but an older building is going to spring a leak. This time, it was the back office window. I dump out a 'trash' can and proceed to catch me some drips. Aww yiss... mitigating further water damage like a Sir. What ho?!?! There be another drip which requires yet another vessel! Thusly, I venture forth to the laundry room. To my alarm, it appears the room had started to flood. Water starts to gush in from a rear door. I immediately jam the bottom of the door with rags, and stomp them in place. Also I relocated any sensitive articles found on the ground to a higher location. As I leave the scene, seemingly victorious, I spy a slow stream of water entering the main lobby. A veritable benjo of a flood, this be! Having depleted my stock of common rags, I retreat to the kitchen for towels to forcibly apply to the rear foyer door. (Alright, I'm tired of psuedo-gilded age talk.) So I've stopped the flooding. The laundry room requires a push brooming, to send water to the drain at a faster rate. The rest is dry mop work. A yard of hallway carpet is soaked. Me do good. The water is almost up to the threshold of the front door. It only enters when a car drives under the awning. Rain stops. Whew. Unfortunately the Southeast portion of the parking lot is under approximately two feet of water. Not enough to screw up cars, but enough to stall one. Early morning comes and I've got shit more or less under control. GM, first shift FDA and HK come in. (I warned them to approach from the North.) GM knows there's a drain I wasn't aware of. They proceed to take off shoes, and socks. Then roll up their pant legs to over the knee. They grab the trusty massive push broom (does one ever not push it?). They wade into the newly-formed pond, and proceed to clear the crap covering the drain. Good job, GM. I didn't even know it was there. It was kind of fun watching it drain. The funnel was about one foot in diameter.
Lots'a water. Me did kinda good.
Your major GPA is the more important that total GPA. Second, you're only through one year. You could massively change your GPA over the next three-ish years. Grad schools will care, but it's not the most important factor. Try to get it up over 3.75 or 3.8 and it'll look good. Certainly try your best to bring it up as much as possible. I don't have any guides, but I am graduating in a few weeks going off to grad school (though I'm a traitor and joining an engineering department). Having sent off lots of applications and talked to lots of people, I have (I think) a good feeling of what they care most about. In no particular order, * Letters of recommendation: Gigantically important. Perhaps the main reason I got into the schools I did. Get to know as many professors as well as possible. Extracurricular activities don't really matter, unless you're high up OR UNLESS THEY HELP YOU GET TO KNOW A PROFESSOR REALLY WELL. This was the source of one of my letters. * Research experience: Super important. You can get started in this early, especially if you're branching out beyond the math department. Get in with a professor. Maybe you'll get paid, maybe not. Either way, you'll gain valuable experience and get to know a professor better. Try to do this yearround to get as much experience as possible. * Advanced coursework: Don't take the bare minimum for your degree. Go above and beyond, taking things that interest you, especially at the senior level or higher. Schools like to see that you're capable of higher level coursework. This exposure will also help you get a feel for what you want to do, which will determine what schools you apply to. Tl;Dr: If you can't read bullet points, you probably won't do well in school.
Your major GPA is the more important that total GPA. Second, you're only through one year. You could massively change your GPA over the next three-ish years. Grad schools will care, but it's not the most important factor. Try to get it up over 3.75 or 3.8 and it'll look good. Certainly try your best to bring it up as much as possible. I don't have any guides, but I am graduating in a few weeks going off to grad school (though I'm a traitor and joining an engineering department). Having sent off lots of applications and talked to lots of people, I have (I think) a good feeling of what they care most about. In no particular order, Letters of recommendation: Gigantically important. Perhaps the main reason I got into the schools I did. Get to know as many professors as well as possible. Extracurricular activities don't really matter, unless you're high up OR UNLESS THEY HELP YOU GET TO KNOW A PROFESSOR REALLY WELL. This was the source of one of my letters. Research experience: Super important. You can get started in this early, especially if you're branching out beyond the math department. Get in with a professor. Maybe you'll get paid, maybe not. Either way, you'll gain valuable experience and get to know a professor better. Try to do this yearround to get as much experience as possible. Advanced coursework: Don't take the bare minimum for your degree. Go above and beyond, taking things that interest you, especially at the senior level or higher. Schools like to see that you're capable of higher level coursework. This exposure will also help you get a feel for what you want to do, which will determine what schools you apply to. Tl;Dr: If you can't read bullet points, you probably won't do well in school.
Your major GPA is the more important that total GPA. Second, you're only through one year. You could massively change your GPA over the next three-ish years. Grad schools will care, but it's not the most important factor. Try to get it up over 3.75 or 3.8 and it'll look good. Certainly try your best to bring it up as much as possible. I don't have any guides, but I am graduating in a few weeks going off to grad school (though I'm a traitor and joining an engineering department). Having sent off lots of applications and talked to lots of people, I have (I think) a good feeling of what they care most about. In no particular order, Letters of recommendation: Gigantically important. Perhaps the main reason I got into the schools I did. Get to know as many professors as well as possible. Extracurricular activities don't really matter, unless you're high up OR UNLESS THEY HELP YOU GET TO KNOW A PROFESSOR REALLY WELL. This was the source of one of my letters. Research experience: Super important. You can get started in this early, especially if you're branching out beyond the math department. Get in with a professor. Maybe you'll get paid, maybe not. Either way, you'll gain valuable experience and get to know a professor better. Try to do this yearround to get as much experience as possible. Advanced coursework: Don't take the bare minimum for your degree. Go above and beyond, taking things that interest you, especially at the senior level or higher. Schools like to see that you're capable of higher level coursework. This exposure will also help you get a feel for what you want to do, which will determine what schools you apply to.
If you can't read bullet points, you probably won't do well in school.
I find that this is even more apparent when traveling alone. In an old reddit thread I described how traveling solo is a beautiful and empowering experience. Here's some copypasta from that thread: The first time I traveled alone I was on the third leg of my trip, catching a bus from Seattle up to Vancouver. I got into a pretty deep conversation with this one girl while we were waiting in line at customs and so we decided to sit together for the rest of the short trip. As the bus pulled into the station, she told me that she'd be at a Salsa club on Tuesday night. Unfortunately I was already committed to leaving on Tuesday morning, having purchased my train ticket weeks in advance. Ignoring this fact, and the fact that I had never done salsa before, I said I'd try to make it. The few days following my arrival stuck close to my meticulously scheduled itinerary and Tuesday morning came by fast. I was sitting on the ground of the train station, hooked into a wall and typing into my journal all of the things I'd seen and experienced on my trip. As I caught up with my current city, that girl's last words lingered in my mind. My train was going to leave for Toronto in 45 minutes... but what if she showed up at the club? What if? Sad about my decision to buy my tickets in advance I looked at them with a bit of disdain and noticed two beautiful words, "Fully Refundable." I never met her that night, but I did get to learn some salsa moves from a cute doctor who was in Vancouver for a convention. I caught the next train to Toronto and during that trip I befriended a painter/busker, a pair of girls who were stopping by home before WWOOFing across Europe, a student returning from her break, and the snarkiest and most hilarious french-canadian train attendant you could possibly imagine. TL;DR - Traveling alone frees you from all constraints and gives you the opportunity to meet amazing people.
I find that this is even more apparent when traveling alone. In an old reddit thread I described how traveling solo is a beautiful and empowering experience. Here's some copypasta from that thread: The first time I traveled alone I was on the third leg of my trip, catching a bus from Seattle up to Vancouver. I got into a pretty deep conversation with this one girl while we were waiting in line at customs and so we decided to sit together for the rest of the short trip. As the bus pulled into the station, she told me that she'd be at a Salsa club on Tuesday night. Unfortunately I was already committed to leaving on Tuesday morning, having purchased my train ticket weeks in advance. Ignoring this fact, and the fact that I had never done salsa before, I said I'd try to make it. The few days following my arrival stuck close to my meticulously scheduled itinerary and Tuesday morning came by fast. I was sitting on the ground of the train station, hooked into a wall and typing into my journal all of the things I'd seen and experienced on my trip. As I caught up with my current city, that girl's last words lingered in my mind. My train was going to leave for Toronto in 45 minutes... but what if she showed up at the club? What if? Sad about my decision to buy my tickets in advance I looked at them with a bit of disdain and noticed two beautiful words, "Fully Refundable." I never met her that night, but I did get to learn some salsa moves from a cute doctor who was in Vancouver for a convention. I caught the next train to Toronto and during that trip I befriended a painter/busker, a pair of girls who were stopping by home before WWOOFing across Europe, a student returning from her break, and the snarkiest and most hilarious french-canadian train attendant you could possibly imagine. TL;DR - Traveling alone frees you from all constraints and gives you the opportunity to meet amazing people.
I find that this is even more apparent when traveling alone. In an old reddit thread I described how traveling solo is a beautiful and empowering experience. Here's some copypasta from that thread: The first time I traveled alone I was on the third leg of my trip, catching a bus from Seattle up to Vancouver. I got into a pretty deep conversation with this one girl while we were waiting in line at customs and so we decided to sit together for the rest of the short trip. As the bus pulled into the station, she told me that she'd be at a Salsa club on Tuesday night. Unfortunately I was already committed to leaving on Tuesday morning, having purchased my train ticket weeks in advance. Ignoring this fact, and the fact that I had never done salsa before, I said I'd try to make it. The few days following my arrival stuck close to my meticulously scheduled itinerary and Tuesday morning came by fast. I was sitting on the ground of the train station, hooked into a wall and typing into my journal all of the things I'd seen and experienced on my trip. As I caught up with my current city, that girl's last words lingered in my mind. My train was going to leave for Toronto in 45 minutes... but what if she showed up at the club? What if? Sad about my decision to buy my tickets in advance I looked at them with a bit of disdain and noticed two beautiful words, "Fully Refundable." I never met her that night, but I did get to learn some salsa moves from a cute doctor who was in Vancouver for a convention. I caught the next train to Toronto and during that trip I befriended a painter/busker, a pair of girls who were stopping by home before WWOOFing across Europe, a student returning from her break, and the snarkiest and most hilarious french-canadian train attendant you could possibly imagine.
Traveling alone frees you from all constraints and gives you the opportunity to meet amazing people.
A friend of mine is thinking of asking a guy out. We recently found out he was a widower. His wife committed suicide 2,5 years ago. He is 34 and a surgeon (quite the prodigy). That friend and I have an acquaintance in common whose fiancee passed in a very unexpected and rare accident (gas leak). This guy is now a shadow of what he used to be :( he amazes me everyday, just showing up to work day after day (doing a fantastic job)and pushing through what I can only imagine is a horrible amount of pain. But he started going out a lot more, drinking, looking quite absent, and really looking just...broken. He still has a huge picture of him and his SO above his desk. Time must help of course but do you think one can truly recover 100% from such a loss? Is idealization of the lost one always the case? Do you think this guy could give 100% of his heart to my friend? (or maybe 90% as I believe there should be room for the SO's memory). I am trying to protect my friend's feelings as well as this guy's feelings since it happened only 2 years ago... Maybe some of you have lived through this and are now happily in a relationship/ married? So please Men of Reddit, what do you think? **TL;DR: Do you think one can fully recover after the loss of a significant other?** Edit: Formatting
A friend of mine is thinking of asking a guy out. We recently found out he was a widower. His wife committed suicide 2,5 years ago. He is 34 and a surgeon (quite the prodigy). That friend and I have an acquaintance in common whose fiancee passed in a very unexpected and rare accident (gas leak). This guy is now a shadow of what he used to be :( he amazes me everyday, just showing up to work day after day (doing a fantastic job)and pushing through what I can only imagine is a horrible amount of pain. But he started going out a lot more, drinking, looking quite absent, and really looking just...broken. He still has a huge picture of him and his SO above his desk. Time must help of course but do you think one can truly recover 100% from such a loss? Is idealization of the lost one always the case? Do you think this guy could give 100% of his heart to my friend? (or maybe 90% as I believe there should be room for the SO's memory). I am trying to protect my friend's feelings as well as this guy's feelings since it happened only 2 years ago... Maybe some of you have lived through this and are now happily in a relationship/ married? So please Men of Reddit, what do you think? TL;DR: Do you think one can fully recover after the loss of a significant other? Edit: Formatting
A friend of mine is thinking of asking a guy out. We recently found out he was a widower. His wife committed suicide 2,5 years ago. He is 34 and a surgeon (quite the prodigy). That friend and I have an acquaintance in common whose fiancee passed in a very unexpected and rare accident (gas leak). This guy is now a shadow of what he used to be :( he amazes me everyday, just showing up to work day after day (doing a fantastic job)and pushing through what I can only imagine is a horrible amount of pain. But he started going out a lot more, drinking, looking quite absent, and really looking just...broken. He still has a huge picture of him and his SO above his desk. Time must help of course but do you think one can truly recover 100% from such a loss? Is idealization of the lost one always the case? Do you think this guy could give 100% of his heart to my friend? (or maybe 90% as I believe there should be room for the SO's memory). I am trying to protect my friend's feelings as well as this guy's feelings since it happened only 2 years ago... Maybe some of you have lived through this and are now happily in a relationship/ married? So please Men of Reddit, what do you think?
Do you think one can fully recover after the loss of a significant other? Edit: Formatting
I've been living with my roommate (who I've known since I was 11) since last October and over the past 10 or so months she has become sluttier and sluttier. She has slept with over 25 men since I moved in and her number is only rising. Since the spring she has not only been sleeping with lots of men but she sleeps with them all over the apartment- like on the kitchen counter (ew). I've asked her to stop and she shrugs the whole thing off like it's no big deal. Luckily although her sluttiness has been getting out of control I have a wonderful boyfriend and we are about to move in together. I told her the last week of July that we had found a place and I would be moving out in September. She said that was fine as she has another friend to move in with her. I spoke with that friend and we made a tentative agreement to do the moving switch the middle of the month. I now have a surgery scheduled earlier in september so I told this friend I'd be out by the first. After a few texts back and forth over the course of a few days it seemed assumed that we would split September's rent. Tonight as my boyfriend and I came home to my apartment I opened the door to see my roommate giving head to a man I've never seen before on the couch. The door was not locked. They were both butt naked. The whole apartment STUNK of weed. (I am not a smoker and neither was she before this slut faze began... I'm cool with smoking but I do believe that if you're going to do it at home both housemates should agree it's ok). The boyfriend and I instantly started to get headaches from the smell so I quickly grabbed as much stuff as I could and we left to go back to his place for the night. I am feeling that I cannot live with her any longer. Her blatant disregard for what I've asked has gone too far and I'm not comfortable staying there anymore. Rent for August is paid and as of Wednesday Cable/Electricity will be paid as well. We have not signed a lease on this apartment and as far as I know my name is not on the month to month lease, the cable, electricity or any other bill. My question is this: besides my conscious taking a hit and technically being a big doucher, is there anything stopping me from refusing to pay the rent I had verbally agreed to pay for September? Initially I had planned on paying (the split rent with the new girl) but because now I feel like I can't live there I no longer feel like it should be my responsibility. I hope hoping for some advice on what the next course of action should be. **TL:DR - My slutty roommate has made my apartment unlivable. We haven't signed a lease. After a verbal agreement to pay a part of September's rent, am I still obligated to do so?** In addition- cheer a girl up with your own bad roommate stories?
I've been living with my roommate (who I've known since I was 11) since last October and over the past 10 or so months she has become sluttier and sluttier. She has slept with over 25 men since I moved in and her number is only rising. Since the spring she has not only been sleeping with lots of men but she sleeps with them all over the apartment- like on the kitchen counter (ew). I've asked her to stop and she shrugs the whole thing off like it's no big deal. Luckily although her sluttiness has been getting out of control I have a wonderful boyfriend and we are about to move in together. I told her the last week of July that we had found a place and I would be moving out in September. She said that was fine as she has another friend to move in with her. I spoke with that friend and we made a tentative agreement to do the moving switch the middle of the month. I now have a surgery scheduled earlier in september so I told this friend I'd be out by the first. After a few texts back and forth over the course of a few days it seemed assumed that we would split September's rent. Tonight as my boyfriend and I came home to my apartment I opened the door to see my roommate giving head to a man I've never seen before on the couch. The door was not locked. They were both butt naked. The whole apartment STUNK of weed. (I am not a smoker and neither was she before this slut faze began... I'm cool with smoking but I do believe that if you're going to do it at home both housemates should agree it's ok). The boyfriend and I instantly started to get headaches from the smell so I quickly grabbed as much stuff as I could and we left to go back to his place for the night. I am feeling that I cannot live with her any longer. Her blatant disregard for what I've asked has gone too far and I'm not comfortable staying there anymore. Rent for August is paid and as of Wednesday Cable/Electricity will be paid as well. We have not signed a lease on this apartment and as far as I know my name is not on the month to month lease, the cable, electricity or any other bill. My question is this: besides my conscious taking a hit and technically being a big doucher, is there anything stopping me from refusing to pay the rent I had verbally agreed to pay for September? Initially I had planned on paying (the split rent with the new girl) but because now I feel like I can't live there I no longer feel like it should be my responsibility. I hope hoping for some advice on what the next course of action should be. TL:DR - My slutty roommate has made my apartment unlivable. We haven't signed a lease. After a verbal agreement to pay a part of September's rent, am I still obligated to do so? In addition- cheer a girl up with your own bad roommate stories?
I've been living with my roommate (who I've known since I was 11) since last October and over the past 10 or so months she has become sluttier and sluttier. She has slept with over 25 men since I moved in and her number is only rising. Since the spring she has not only been sleeping with lots of men but she sleeps with them all over the apartment- like on the kitchen counter (ew). I've asked her to stop and she shrugs the whole thing off like it's no big deal. Luckily although her sluttiness has been getting out of control I have a wonderful boyfriend and we are about to move in together. I told her the last week of July that we had found a place and I would be moving out in September. She said that was fine as she has another friend to move in with her. I spoke with that friend and we made a tentative agreement to do the moving switch the middle of the month. I now have a surgery scheduled earlier in september so I told this friend I'd be out by the first. After a few texts back and forth over the course of a few days it seemed assumed that we would split September's rent. Tonight as my boyfriend and I came home to my apartment I opened the door to see my roommate giving head to a man I've never seen before on the couch. The door was not locked. They were both butt naked. The whole apartment STUNK of weed. (I am not a smoker and neither was she before this slut faze began... I'm cool with smoking but I do believe that if you're going to do it at home both housemates should agree it's ok). The boyfriend and I instantly started to get headaches from the smell so I quickly grabbed as much stuff as I could and we left to go back to his place for the night. I am feeling that I cannot live with her any longer. Her blatant disregard for what I've asked has gone too far and I'm not comfortable staying there anymore. Rent for August is paid and as of Wednesday Cable/Electricity will be paid as well. We have not signed a lease on this apartment and as far as I know my name is not on the month to month lease, the cable, electricity or any other bill. My question is this: besides my conscious taking a hit and technically being a big doucher, is there anything stopping me from refusing to pay the rent I had verbally agreed to pay for September? Initially I had planned on paying (the split rent with the new girl) but because now I feel like I can't live there I no longer feel like it should be my responsibility. I hope hoping for some advice on what the next course of action should be.
My slutty roommate has made my apartment unlivable. We haven't signed a lease. After a verbal agreement to pay a part of September's rent, am I still obligated to do so? In addition- cheer a girl up with your own bad roommate stories?
Yeah. Years ago I had a convo with a guy in a bar. For some reason, the talk turned to violence against women. He told me, proudly, that when his sons were teenagers, he'd have a talk with them. "Son, remember, that girl you're going out with? That's *another man's daughter*. TL;DR Boys, don't disrespect the man by raping his daughter!
Yeah. Years ago I had a convo with a guy in a bar. For some reason, the talk turned to violence against women. He told me, proudly, that when his sons were teenagers, he'd have a talk with them. "Son, remember, that girl you're going out with? That's another man's daughter . TL;DR Boys, don't disrespect the man by raping his daughter!
Yeah. Years ago I had a convo with a guy in a bar. For some reason, the talk turned to violence against women. He told me, proudly, that when his sons were teenagers, he'd have a talk with them. "Son, remember, that girl you're going out with? That's another man's daughter .
Boys, don't disrespect the man by raping his daughter!
Hey PCMR! I have the msi-g46 970a motherboard, and I've been wanting to add some more fans for better airflow (I also plan on getting a hyper 212). So since the g46 only has 2 system fan connectors what could I do to add more? I was thinking of daisy chaining molex based fans, but I still want control over the speeds. tl;dr: OP needs more fans but only has 2 sysfan connectors. Could use fan controller but don't know where to start. Help!
Hey PCMR! I have the msi-g46 970a motherboard, and I've been wanting to add some more fans for better airflow (I also plan on getting a hyper 212). So since the g46 only has 2 system fan connectors what could I do to add more? I was thinking of daisy chaining molex based fans, but I still want control over the speeds. tl;dr: OP needs more fans but only has 2 sysfan connectors. Could use fan controller but don't know where to start. Help!
Hey PCMR! I have the msi-g46 970a motherboard, and I've been wanting to add some more fans for better airflow (I also plan on getting a hyper 212). So since the g46 only has 2 system fan connectors what could I do to add more? I was thinking of daisy chaining molex based fans, but I still want control over the speeds.
OP needs more fans but only has 2 sysfan connectors. Could use fan controller but don't know where to start. Help!
**I am only available from 10 pm - 1 am central time. Mistake on my part when making the title. Sorry about that, guys. Also, I own a Chromebook so I can only use Google Hangouts to video chat if that's what you want to do.** I'm really lonely and would just love to talk to someone. I'm really unsure about doing this, because I'll be putting my name out there for everyone to see, and I'm a very private individual, but I can't stand it anymore. I'm between semesters of college right now, and I am really lonely. I just need someone to talk to me. I sound so pathetic, but I miss seeing all those people every day even though I couldn't stand them at all. I have a few close friends, but they're males and they don't really give good advice. It's usually, "Bro, we're here for you." I don't have any females I can talk to because I don't trust women for reasons that I'm not going into right now. I don't mind if you're female. Shoot, I might start trusting women again. I don't know. I guess I'd prefer to talk to females 17 and up since I'm 21, I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone younger than 17. I have no idea what I'm saying, I'm just typing and words are spilling onto the screen. I'm just really lonely and feeling really depressed. I have friends, and I have a normal (I think) social life, but I'm still empty and feeling alone. I don't even know how this subreddit works, but I'm willing to try it out. TL;DR - Lonely. Needing some encouragement. Prefer to talk to females 17 and up to help get over distrust of women. No idea what I'm even doing.
I am only available from 10 pm - 1 am central time. Mistake on my part when making the title. Sorry about that, guys. Also, I own a Chromebook so I can only use Google Hangouts to video chat if that's what you want to do. I'm really lonely and would just love to talk to someone. I'm really unsure about doing this, because I'll be putting my name out there for everyone to see, and I'm a very private individual, but I can't stand it anymore. I'm between semesters of college right now, and I am really lonely. I just need someone to talk to me. I sound so pathetic, but I miss seeing all those people every day even though I couldn't stand them at all. I have a few close friends, but they're males and they don't really give good advice. It's usually, "Bro, we're here for you." I don't have any females I can talk to because I don't trust women for reasons that I'm not going into right now. I don't mind if you're female. Shoot, I might start trusting women again. I don't know. I guess I'd prefer to talk to females 17 and up since I'm 21, I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone younger than 17. I have no idea what I'm saying, I'm just typing and words are spilling onto the screen. I'm just really lonely and feeling really depressed. I have friends, and I have a normal (I think) social life, but I'm still empty and feeling alone. I don't even know how this subreddit works, but I'm willing to try it out. TL;DR - Lonely. Needing some encouragement. Prefer to talk to females 17 and up to help get over distrust of women. No idea what I'm even doing.
I am only available from 10 pm - 1 am central time. Mistake on my part when making the title. Sorry about that, guys. Also, I own a Chromebook so I can only use Google Hangouts to video chat if that's what you want to do. I'm really lonely and would just love to talk to someone. I'm really unsure about doing this, because I'll be putting my name out there for everyone to see, and I'm a very private individual, but I can't stand it anymore. I'm between semesters of college right now, and I am really lonely. I just need someone to talk to me. I sound so pathetic, but I miss seeing all those people every day even though I couldn't stand them at all. I have a few close friends, but they're males and they don't really give good advice. It's usually, "Bro, we're here for you." I don't have any females I can talk to because I don't trust women for reasons that I'm not going into right now. I don't mind if you're female. Shoot, I might start trusting women again. I don't know. I guess I'd prefer to talk to females 17 and up since I'm 21, I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone younger than 17. I have no idea what I'm saying, I'm just typing and words are spilling onto the screen. I'm just really lonely and feeling really depressed. I have friends, and I have a normal (I think) social life, but I'm still empty and feeling alone. I don't even know how this subreddit works, but I'm willing to try it out.
Lonely. Needing some encouragement. Prefer to talk to females 17 and up to help get over distrust of women. No idea what I'm even doing.
Speaking from experience, the Levi's STFs only shrunk no more than half an inch in the waist...And instantly stretched back out in no less than 3 hours of wear. The inseam is what suffers. I lost maybe 2-3 inches off the length in the heat soak. tl;dr the waist is probably going to stretch back to perfect in no time, and the length will be a bit shorter
Speaking from experience, the Levi's STFs only shrunk no more than half an inch in the waist...And instantly stretched back out in no less than 3 hours of wear. The inseam is what suffers. I lost maybe 2-3 inches off the length in the heat soak. tl;dr the waist is probably going to stretch back to perfect in no time, and the length will be a bit shorter
Speaking from experience, the Levi's STFs only shrunk no more than half an inch in the waist...And instantly stretched back out in no less than 3 hours of wear. The inseam is what suffers. I lost maybe 2-3 inches off the length in the heat soak.
the waist is probably going to stretch back to perfect in no time, and the length will be a bit shorter
Yes I’m against the New 52 but that is because I disagree with the strangle hold Warner Bros has put DC Entertainment in sense 2009. Like I have said REPETITLY your argument about Hal becoming Green Lantern again has merit. But Hal’s return was him taking on the legacy of the Spectre not pushing Kyle or anyone else out of the way. It cemented Kyle as THE Green Lantern. At that point everyone though Hal would never go back to the Lanterns because he took on a role that pushed his character forward and allowed the others to continue to do the same. Him becoming Green Lantern again screwed that up. I agree with that but that wasn’t him coming back. You have sense back pedaled saying you just meant Rebirth and not his actual return. Super! Now you are up to speed and we all on the same page of the issue. I agree the DCU has gone off the rail but it isn’t the fault of Johns. Why would he introduce so many legacies characters in the JSA (particulary FDR’s grandson), reestablish the Flash’s pantheon (including bring back Max Mercury, making Iris West Impulse, and hinting at the of Jonathan Fox), and go through all the trouble or making sense of Hawkman and Hawkworld in the pages of Brightest Day only to toss it all out in Flashpoint? Why do you think that he would do that? How does that make more sense then DC’s editorial stepping in and changing it? In 2009 Warner Bros. restructured DC Comics into DC Entertainment. They booted out Pual Levitz and put [Diane Nelson]( with the intent that she would do for DC what she did for their Harry Potter properties. They then also made Johns CCO and put him in charge of overseeing the movies and cartoons thus releasing him from his job of overseeing the creative direction of the books. I personally believe they game him the position so that they have something to hold over him if he doesn’t play ball but that is speculation. You have shown you understand how the system works and see how a lot of this is creatively garbage. You are smart and I believe you can put the pieces together on what is going on because DC hasn’t been candid about any of this. Johns isn’t responsible for all of this and he hasn’t had the control over the books we attribute to him for almost half a decade. With creators like Joshua Hale Fialkov walking away from both Green Lantern titles before he even starts on them, George Perez leaving very publicly because of issues with DC’s editorial, Grant Morrison going as far as saying that not only would he be leaving DC but superhero comics in genera, and top that with the issues with Chris Roberson and Orson Scott Card I think there is more then enough evidence that DC’s management has gown off the rails. Hell they couldn’t even keep Rob Liefeld happy and all it takes to do that is box of crayons. All I’m saying, at this point, is that maybe it is worth giving Johns the benefit of the doubt that he isn’t the one responsible for the sidelining of Kyle and all the other BS. That maybe DC dropped the ball because they would rather fallow the money then stand beside their characters. At this point if I haven’t at least got you stop and take a second look at anything then I concede the argument. Going ALL the way back to the point you made that bring Hal back was a “Huge” mistake I still disagree with. Hal becoming the Spectre was a good thing that furthered established Kyle at THE true Green Lantern. I totally agree that Hal becoming Green Lantern again screws all that up. That isn’t what I take issue with. But I blame DC for that and not Johns. I don’t believe for an instant that it was Johns intent to sideline any character. **TL;DR** DC dropped the ball on Kyle not Johns
Yes I’m against the New 52 but that is because I disagree with the strangle hold Warner Bros has put DC Entertainment in sense 2009. Like I have said REPETITLY your argument about Hal becoming Green Lantern again has merit. But Hal’s return was him taking on the legacy of the Spectre not pushing Kyle or anyone else out of the way. It cemented Kyle as THE Green Lantern. At that point everyone though Hal would never go back to the Lanterns because he took on a role that pushed his character forward and allowed the others to continue to do the same. Him becoming Green Lantern again screwed that up. I agree with that but that wasn’t him coming back. You have sense back pedaled saying you just meant Rebirth and not his actual return. Super! Now you are up to speed and we all on the same page of the issue. I agree the DCU has gone off the rail but it isn’t the fault of Johns. Why would he introduce so many legacies characters in the JSA (particulary FDR’s grandson), reestablish the Flash’s pantheon (including bring back Max Mercury, making Iris West Impulse, and hinting at the of Jonathan Fox), and go through all the trouble or making sense of Hawkman and Hawkworld in the pages of Brightest Day only to toss it all out in Flashpoint? Why do you think that he would do that? How does that make more sense then DC’s editorial stepping in and changing it? In 2009 Warner Bros. restructured DC Comics into DC Entertainment. They booted out Pual Levitz and put [Diane Nelson]( with the intent that she would do for DC what she did for their Harry Potter properties. They then also made Johns CCO and put him in charge of overseeing the movies and cartoons thus releasing him from his job of overseeing the creative direction of the books. I personally believe they game him the position so that they have something to hold over him if he doesn’t play ball but that is speculation. You have shown you understand how the system works and see how a lot of this is creatively garbage. You are smart and I believe you can put the pieces together on what is going on because DC hasn’t been candid about any of this. Johns isn’t responsible for all of this and he hasn’t had the control over the books we attribute to him for almost half a decade. With creators like Joshua Hale Fialkov walking away from both Green Lantern titles before he even starts on them, George Perez leaving very publicly because of issues with DC’s editorial, Grant Morrison going as far as saying that not only would he be leaving DC but superhero comics in genera, and top that with the issues with Chris Roberson and Orson Scott Card I think there is more then enough evidence that DC’s management has gown off the rails. Hell they couldn’t even keep Rob Liefeld happy and all it takes to do that is box of crayons. All I’m saying, at this point, is that maybe it is worth giving Johns the benefit of the doubt that he isn’t the one responsible for the sidelining of Kyle and all the other BS. That maybe DC dropped the ball because they would rather fallow the money then stand beside their characters. At this point if I haven’t at least got you stop and take a second look at anything then I concede the argument. Going ALL the way back to the point you made that bring Hal back was a “Huge” mistake I still disagree with. Hal becoming the Spectre was a good thing that furthered established Kyle at THE true Green Lantern. I totally agree that Hal becoming Green Lantern again screws all that up. That isn’t what I take issue with. But I blame DC for that and not Johns. I don’t believe for an instant that it was Johns intent to sideline any character. TL;DR DC dropped the ball on Kyle not Johns
Yes I’m against the New 52 but that is because I disagree with the strangle hold Warner Bros has put DC Entertainment in sense 2009. Like I have said REPETITLY your argument about Hal becoming Green Lantern again has merit. But Hal’s return was him taking on the legacy of the Spectre not pushing Kyle or anyone else out of the way. It cemented Kyle as THE Green Lantern. At that point everyone though Hal would never go back to the Lanterns because he took on a role that pushed his character forward and allowed the others to continue to do the same. Him becoming Green Lantern again screwed that up. I agree with that but that wasn’t him coming back. You have sense back pedaled saying you just meant Rebirth and not his actual return. Super! Now you are up to speed and we all on the same page of the issue. I agree the DCU has gone off the rail but it isn’t the fault of Johns. Why would he introduce so many legacies characters in the JSA (particulary FDR’s grandson), reestablish the Flash’s pantheon (including bring back Max Mercury, making Iris West Impulse, and hinting at the of Jonathan Fox), and go through all the trouble or making sense of Hawkman and Hawkworld in the pages of Brightest Day only to toss it all out in Flashpoint? Why do you think that he would do that? How does that make more sense then DC’s editorial stepping in and changing it? In 2009 Warner Bros. restructured DC Comics into DC Entertainment. They booted out Pual Levitz and put [Diane Nelson]( with the intent that she would do for DC what she did for their Harry Potter properties. They then also made Johns CCO and put him in charge of overseeing the movies and cartoons thus releasing him from his job of overseeing the creative direction of the books. I personally believe they game him the position so that they have something to hold over him if he doesn’t play ball but that is speculation. You have shown you understand how the system works and see how a lot of this is creatively garbage. You are smart and I believe you can put the pieces together on what is going on because DC hasn’t been candid about any of this. Johns isn’t responsible for all of this and he hasn’t had the control over the books we attribute to him for almost half a decade. With creators like Joshua Hale Fialkov walking away from both Green Lantern titles before he even starts on them, George Perez leaving very publicly because of issues with DC’s editorial, Grant Morrison going as far as saying that not only would he be leaving DC but superhero comics in genera, and top that with the issues with Chris Roberson and Orson Scott Card I think there is more then enough evidence that DC’s management has gown off the rails. Hell they couldn’t even keep Rob Liefeld happy and all it takes to do that is box of crayons. All I’m saying, at this point, is that maybe it is worth giving Johns the benefit of the doubt that he isn’t the one responsible for the sidelining of Kyle and all the other BS. That maybe DC dropped the ball because they would rather fallow the money then stand beside their characters. At this point if I haven’t at least got you stop and take a second look at anything then I concede the argument. Going ALL the way back to the point you made that bring Hal back was a “Huge” mistake I still disagree with. Hal becoming the Spectre was a good thing that furthered established Kyle at THE true Green Lantern. I totally agree that Hal becoming Green Lantern again screws all that up. That isn’t what I take issue with. But I blame DC for that and not Johns. I don’t believe for an instant that it was Johns intent to sideline any character.
DC dropped the ball on Kyle not Johns
I am 25 and have been dating a 20 year old for about a month. Our relationship has been moving very fast, and we are both already in love (the second time I have been in love). She is fantastic, beautiful, and perfect. Last night, I was unfaithful. I told my girlfriend about what I did and we both cried. It was a very hard conversation for us to have. She did not break up with me on the spot and I am starting to get the feeling that we are going to try and work through this. I have spent considerable amounts of time on why I did what I did. Here are my thoughts: I tend to have low self-esteem and do not view myself very highly. I get jealous very easily due to this low self-esteem. Last night, my girlfriend went to a party and I found myself feeling jealous. I was then unfaithful. I feel that I may have done what I did because I am afraid that she will hurt me given I believe I am undesirable. Thus, in an attempt to "hurt her before I get hurt", I was unfaithful. I really want to repair this relationship. I am thus seeking general advice on how to recover from cheating. What can I do to repair the trust in our relationship? Will we ever be able to get past my foolishness? Please help. --- **tl;dr**: I was unfaithful to my girlfriend, and feel terrible about it. I am wondering how I can reestablish trust and help her know that I love her and will never do this again.
I am 25 and have been dating a 20 year old for about a month. Our relationship has been moving very fast, and we are both already in love (the second time I have been in love). She is fantastic, beautiful, and perfect. Last night, I was unfaithful. I told my girlfriend about what I did and we both cried. It was a very hard conversation for us to have. She did not break up with me on the spot and I am starting to get the feeling that we are going to try and work through this. I have spent considerable amounts of time on why I did what I did. Here are my thoughts: I tend to have low self-esteem and do not view myself very highly. I get jealous very easily due to this low self-esteem. Last night, my girlfriend went to a party and I found myself feeling jealous. I was then unfaithful. I feel that I may have done what I did because I am afraid that she will hurt me given I believe I am undesirable. Thus, in an attempt to "hurt her before I get hurt", I was unfaithful. I really want to repair this relationship. I am thus seeking general advice on how to recover from cheating. What can I do to repair the trust in our relationship? Will we ever be able to get past my foolishness? Please help. tl;dr : I was unfaithful to my girlfriend, and feel terrible about it. I am wondering how I can reestablish trust and help her know that I love her and will never do this again.
I am 25 and have been dating a 20 year old for about a month. Our relationship has been moving very fast, and we are both already in love (the second time I have been in love). She is fantastic, beautiful, and perfect. Last night, I was unfaithful. I told my girlfriend about what I did and we both cried. It was a very hard conversation for us to have. She did not break up with me on the spot and I am starting to get the feeling that we are going to try and work through this. I have spent considerable amounts of time on why I did what I did. Here are my thoughts: I tend to have low self-esteem and do not view myself very highly. I get jealous very easily due to this low self-esteem. Last night, my girlfriend went to a party and I found myself feeling jealous. I was then unfaithful. I feel that I may have done what I did because I am afraid that she will hurt me given I believe I am undesirable. Thus, in an attempt to "hurt her before I get hurt", I was unfaithful. I really want to repair this relationship. I am thus seeking general advice on how to recover from cheating. What can I do to repair the trust in our relationship? Will we ever be able to get past my foolishness? Please help.
I was unfaithful to my girlfriend, and feel terrible about it. I am wondering how I can reestablish trust and help her know that I love her and will never do this again.
The story of a boy and his Taranis: Space. A beauty so great that I forget the thin wall of protection between myself and certain death. I feel the plinking of interstellar refuse upon my shields, coming within millimeters of the thin armor plating and fragile hull beneath. I feel the shifting of my disconnected body, submerged in the fluids of my pod. I am no longer just a pilot, but a living breathing weapon. I am death. I have but 1 link to mortality left. A small neuromapping device installed directly below the occipital bone. It has become as much as me as the ship has. I reach out into the depths beyond, letting my scanners thread through the ancient structures that dot the darkness unseen. I hear him, feel it's presence. Another lost soul podding through this great void of darkness. He's flying a MK II Gallente Federation Thorax. One of the many prides of the Gallente war machine. 'Good target' I think to myself, allowing the excitement to flood through my body. I activate my warp drive, screaming through space towards my next victim. Vitoc drugs flood my mind, calming my nerves as I land on grid just a mere 55 kilometers from my intended target. I subconsciously activate my micro warp, hurtling towards the helpless vessel as euphoric thoughts of hapless murder control my mind. The pure depravity of my actions does nothing to stem the flow of white hot madness burning in my veins. A flash of light. I see and feel nothing but the cold interior of my escape pod. Another flash... I reawaken. Aura says, " I apologize captain, you did not update your clone. You have lost the skill Gallente frigate V..." "...shit!" TL;DR: There is a fine line between Bravery and Stupidity.
The story of a boy and his Taranis: Space. A beauty so great that I forget the thin wall of protection between myself and certain death. I feel the plinking of interstellar refuse upon my shields, coming within millimeters of the thin armor plating and fragile hull beneath. I feel the shifting of my disconnected body, submerged in the fluids of my pod. I am no longer just a pilot, but a living breathing weapon. I am death. I have but 1 link to mortality left. A small neuromapping device installed directly below the occipital bone. It has become as much as me as the ship has. I reach out into the depths beyond, letting my scanners thread through the ancient structures that dot the darkness unseen. I hear him, feel it's presence. Another lost soul podding through this great void of darkness. He's flying a MK II Gallente Federation Thorax. One of the many prides of the Gallente war machine. 'Good target' I think to myself, allowing the excitement to flood through my body. I activate my warp drive, screaming through space towards my next victim. Vitoc drugs flood my mind, calming my nerves as I land on grid just a mere 55 kilometers from my intended target. I subconsciously activate my micro warp, hurtling towards the helpless vessel as euphoric thoughts of hapless murder control my mind. The pure depravity of my actions does nothing to stem the flow of white hot madness burning in my veins. A flash of light. I see and feel nothing but the cold interior of my escape pod. Another flash... I reawaken. Aura says, " I apologize captain, you did not update your clone. You have lost the skill Gallente frigate V..." "...shit!" TL;DR: There is a fine line between Bravery and Stupidity.
The story of a boy and his Taranis: Space. A beauty so great that I forget the thin wall of protection between myself and certain death. I feel the plinking of interstellar refuse upon my shields, coming within millimeters of the thin armor plating and fragile hull beneath. I feel the shifting of my disconnected body, submerged in the fluids of my pod. I am no longer just a pilot, but a living breathing weapon. I am death. I have but 1 link to mortality left. A small neuromapping device installed directly below the occipital bone. It has become as much as me as the ship has. I reach out into the depths beyond, letting my scanners thread through the ancient structures that dot the darkness unseen. I hear him, feel it's presence. Another lost soul podding through this great void of darkness. He's flying a MK II Gallente Federation Thorax. One of the many prides of the Gallente war machine. 'Good target' I think to myself, allowing the excitement to flood through my body. I activate my warp drive, screaming through space towards my next victim. Vitoc drugs flood my mind, calming my nerves as I land on grid just a mere 55 kilometers from my intended target. I subconsciously activate my micro warp, hurtling towards the helpless vessel as euphoric thoughts of hapless murder control my mind. The pure depravity of my actions does nothing to stem the flow of white hot madness burning in my veins. A flash of light. I see and feel nothing but the cold interior of my escape pod. Another flash... I reawaken. Aura says, " I apologize captain, you did not update your clone. You have lost the skill Gallente frigate V..." "...shit!"
There is a fine line between Bravery and Stupidity.
Hi all, I've been out of a serious relationship now for a year and I've found myself dating a lot. I'm not wanting to rush into marriage or anything like that, but I feel like I've wasted a good chunk of my life not being in a relationship with someone who puts in as much as I do (which is a lot). I'm not trying to brag here, but I'm smart, successful, and attractive. I want to be with someone who has similar characteristics, but above all engages me mentally. That doesn't mean someone who plays games- but someone who is genuinely interesting, fun, and complex. In short, I want to be with someone who it takes years to know, not days. I want to be surprised and impressed by someone, just as I know I'll do for the other person. I'm looking for an equal. I've met a lot of people over the last year and two of them stick out in my mind as people I would want to seriously date. The first one lives in a different city and after a fling basically allowed it to fall off because she was scared of getting hurt. I know this for a fact through a mutual friend. The second one I'm "seeing" now... she seems to have a number of issues at play but 50% of it could be chalked up her commitment issues. Just yesterday she explicitly told me it feels "too real" and for that reason is very hesitant to continue, for fear of getting hurt. We're presently in limbo, the best possible place to be. In my recent experience, it honestly seems that those people who are most interesting and complex are complicated as well. They have baggage and issues and are scared to take the risk of being hurt, so they sabotage their own relationships. So what I'd like to ask you for, is maybe some stories of someone who know or dated who had commitment issues... but you managed to work through them. If so, how did you do it without coming on too strong and scaring them off? Feels like a delicate balance here. I guess, alternatively, any stories you have about a person or who continues to amaze you (in a relationship sense) even years after you've known them... but who doesn't have these types of issues? Hope springs eternal, I guess. --- **tl;dr**: 1 of 2 questions: 1) In the early going how do you help people get over their commitment issues without coming on too strongly? 2) Have you ever met anyone who is so complex and interesting that even years afterwards they're still surprising you?
Hi all, I've been out of a serious relationship now for a year and I've found myself dating a lot. I'm not wanting to rush into marriage or anything like that, but I feel like I've wasted a good chunk of my life not being in a relationship with someone who puts in as much as I do (which is a lot). I'm not trying to brag here, but I'm smart, successful, and attractive. I want to be with someone who has similar characteristics, but above all engages me mentally. That doesn't mean someone who plays games- but someone who is genuinely interesting, fun, and complex. In short, I want to be with someone who it takes years to know, not days. I want to be surprised and impressed by someone, just as I know I'll do for the other person. I'm looking for an equal. I've met a lot of people over the last year and two of them stick out in my mind as people I would want to seriously date. The first one lives in a different city and after a fling basically allowed it to fall off because she was scared of getting hurt. I know this for a fact through a mutual friend. The second one I'm "seeing" now... she seems to have a number of issues at play but 50% of it could be chalked up her commitment issues. Just yesterday she explicitly told me it feels "too real" and for that reason is very hesitant to continue, for fear of getting hurt. We're presently in limbo, the best possible place to be. In my recent experience, it honestly seems that those people who are most interesting and complex are complicated as well. They have baggage and issues and are scared to take the risk of being hurt, so they sabotage their own relationships. So what I'd like to ask you for, is maybe some stories of someone who know or dated who had commitment issues... but you managed to work through them. If so, how did you do it without coming on too strong and scaring them off? Feels like a delicate balance here. I guess, alternatively, any stories you have about a person or who continues to amaze you (in a relationship sense) even years after you've known them... but who doesn't have these types of issues? Hope springs eternal, I guess. tl;dr : 1 of 2 questions: 1) In the early going how do you help people get over their commitment issues without coming on too strongly? 2) Have you ever met anyone who is so complex and interesting that even years afterwards they're still surprising you?
Hi all, I've been out of a serious relationship now for a year and I've found myself dating a lot. I'm not wanting to rush into marriage or anything like that, but I feel like I've wasted a good chunk of my life not being in a relationship with someone who puts in as much as I do (which is a lot). I'm not trying to brag here, but I'm smart, successful, and attractive. I want to be with someone who has similar characteristics, but above all engages me mentally. That doesn't mean someone who plays games- but someone who is genuinely interesting, fun, and complex. In short, I want to be with someone who it takes years to know, not days. I want to be surprised and impressed by someone, just as I know I'll do for the other person. I'm looking for an equal. I've met a lot of people over the last year and two of them stick out in my mind as people I would want to seriously date. The first one lives in a different city and after a fling basically allowed it to fall off because she was scared of getting hurt. I know this for a fact through a mutual friend. The second one I'm "seeing" now... she seems to have a number of issues at play but 50% of it could be chalked up her commitment issues. Just yesterday she explicitly told me it feels "too real" and for that reason is very hesitant to continue, for fear of getting hurt. We're presently in limbo, the best possible place to be. In my recent experience, it honestly seems that those people who are most interesting and complex are complicated as well. They have baggage and issues and are scared to take the risk of being hurt, so they sabotage their own relationships. So what I'd like to ask you for, is maybe some stories of someone who know or dated who had commitment issues... but you managed to work through them. If so, how did you do it without coming on too strong and scaring them off? Feels like a delicate balance here. I guess, alternatively, any stories you have about a person or who continues to amaze you (in a relationship sense) even years after you've known them... but who doesn't have these types of issues? Hope springs eternal, I guess.
1 of 2 questions: 1) In the early going how do you help people get over their commitment issues without coming on too strongly? 2) Have you ever met anyone who is so complex and interesting that even years afterwards they're still surprising you?
I came up with a theory that somehow connects the usage of the rations, the LIFE gauge and nanomachines. The suppressed stomach acids didn’t concern me, because that can be regulated remotely, which was directly shown in the game (the nuclear storage facility weaponry disabling). But I was wondering how the nutrients providing nanomachines correlate with eating rations and what exactly is represented by the LIFE gauge. Here’re the facts: the gauge decreases when you’ve being hit, when you’re smoking, and when you’re getting in a harsh environment. It doesn’t decrease when you’re just running around or simply with the time passing. That can mean that the gauge doesn’t (directly) represent the stamina or hunger as we know them. The gauge is increased with eating rations. That means that it still has to do something with nutrients. The nutrients providing role is now dedicated to the nanomachines, but they aren’t powered by perpetual motion machines. In real life most of them designed to be using the nutrients from the host’s bloodstream or internal battery. The batteries were mentioned in the end of MGS1, which means they possibly provide power to the CODEC and the tracker. But they wouldn’t be enough to “power” the whole body of the special forces fighter in the middle of the battlefield for a day. Also, the consumption of the resources is much higher when the body heals wounds and overcomes harsh external conditions. The nanomachines functions aren’t limited to life support. I guess they also help in the healing and painkilling. Actually, I’d compare their functions to H.E.V. suit in the Half-Life series, which could require the enormous amounts of energy. So, my guessing is that the LIFE gauge represents the available for nanomachines quantity of the nutrients to consume. In the (relatively) normal conditions they work in power-saving mode, which comparable to the nutrients consumption in everyday life. Which is definitely isn’t much, we can function normally without food for a day at least, if you’ll find a way to kill the feeling of hunger (a cup of coffee would do just fine). Add the nanomachines higher effectiveness then the system’s natural “equipment”, and you’ll have the gauge decrease merely the 1/10 in 24 hours, which wouldn’t be noticeable in the pretty fast game. In a fights it’s a totally different story. Body works out, body heals, nanomachines work much more intensively and consume much more power. What happens when the “batteries” run out? I guess the painkilling function disables, and the body just collapses from the shock from the pain, not to mention the impossibility to heal anything: all the materials are consumed already. Tl;dr: The LIFE gauge represents the nutrients stock used by life supporting nanomachines as a batteries, the rations replenish the stock, acting as a recharge.
I came up with a theory that somehow connects the usage of the rations, the LIFE gauge and nanomachines. The suppressed stomach acids didn’t concern me, because that can be regulated remotely, which was directly shown in the game (the nuclear storage facility weaponry disabling). But I was wondering how the nutrients providing nanomachines correlate with eating rations and what exactly is represented by the LIFE gauge. Here’re the facts: the gauge decreases when you’ve being hit, when you’re smoking, and when you’re getting in a harsh environment. It doesn’t decrease when you’re just running around or simply with the time passing. That can mean that the gauge doesn’t (directly) represent the stamina or hunger as we know them. The gauge is increased with eating rations. That means that it still has to do something with nutrients. The nutrients providing role is now dedicated to the nanomachines, but they aren’t powered by perpetual motion machines. In real life most of them designed to be using the nutrients from the host’s bloodstream or internal battery. The batteries were mentioned in the end of MGS1, which means they possibly provide power to the CODEC and the tracker. But they wouldn’t be enough to “power” the whole body of the special forces fighter in the middle of the battlefield for a day. Also, the consumption of the resources is much higher when the body heals wounds and overcomes harsh external conditions. The nanomachines functions aren’t limited to life support. I guess they also help in the healing and painkilling. Actually, I’d compare their functions to H.E.V. suit in the Half-Life series, which could require the enormous amounts of energy. So, my guessing is that the LIFE gauge represents the available for nanomachines quantity of the nutrients to consume. In the (relatively) normal conditions they work in power-saving mode, which comparable to the nutrients consumption in everyday life. Which is definitely isn’t much, we can function normally without food for a day at least, if you’ll find a way to kill the feeling of hunger (a cup of coffee would do just fine). Add the nanomachines higher effectiveness then the system’s natural “equipment”, and you’ll have the gauge decrease merely the 1/10 in 24 hours, which wouldn’t be noticeable in the pretty fast game. In a fights it’s a totally different story. Body works out, body heals, nanomachines work much more intensively and consume much more power. What happens when the “batteries” run out? I guess the painkilling function disables, and the body just collapses from the shock from the pain, not to mention the impossibility to heal anything: all the materials are consumed already. Tl;dr: The LIFE gauge represents the nutrients stock used by life supporting nanomachines as a batteries, the rations replenish the stock, acting as a recharge.
I came up with a theory that somehow connects the usage of the rations, the LIFE gauge and nanomachines. The suppressed stomach acids didn’t concern me, because that can be regulated remotely, which was directly shown in the game (the nuclear storage facility weaponry disabling). But I was wondering how the nutrients providing nanomachines correlate with eating rations and what exactly is represented by the LIFE gauge. Here’re the facts: the gauge decreases when you’ve being hit, when you’re smoking, and when you’re getting in a harsh environment. It doesn’t decrease when you’re just running around or simply with the time passing. That can mean that the gauge doesn’t (directly) represent the stamina or hunger as we know them. The gauge is increased with eating rations. That means that it still has to do something with nutrients. The nutrients providing role is now dedicated to the nanomachines, but they aren’t powered by perpetual motion machines. In real life most of them designed to be using the nutrients from the host’s bloodstream or internal battery. The batteries were mentioned in the end of MGS1, which means they possibly provide power to the CODEC and the tracker. But they wouldn’t be enough to “power” the whole body of the special forces fighter in the middle of the battlefield for a day. Also, the consumption of the resources is much higher when the body heals wounds and overcomes harsh external conditions. The nanomachines functions aren’t limited to life support. I guess they also help in the healing and painkilling. Actually, I’d compare their functions to H.E.V. suit in the Half-Life series, which could require the enormous amounts of energy. So, my guessing is that the LIFE gauge represents the available for nanomachines quantity of the nutrients to consume. In the (relatively) normal conditions they work in power-saving mode, which comparable to the nutrients consumption in everyday life. Which is definitely isn’t much, we can function normally without food for a day at least, if you’ll find a way to kill the feeling of hunger (a cup of coffee would do just fine). Add the nanomachines higher effectiveness then the system’s natural “equipment”, and you’ll have the gauge decrease merely the 1/10 in 24 hours, which wouldn’t be noticeable in the pretty fast game. In a fights it’s a totally different story. Body works out, body heals, nanomachines work much more intensively and consume much more power. What happens when the “batteries” run out? I guess the painkilling function disables, and the body just collapses from the shock from the pain, not to mention the impossibility to heal anything: all the materials are consumed already.
The LIFE gauge represents the nutrients stock used by life supporting nanomachines as a batteries, the rations replenish the stock, acting as a recharge.
Looking for peeps to join in leveling up characters. It'll be me mostly, but I do have my brother and his GF joining often times. If you're lonely and would like some company while grinding the XP and maybe some kewl gear, join us. We're in the level range of 49-52, Finishing up act4 nightmare and soon heading into hell. We mostly stick to master V because we like to die often while trying to proceed further in the act. We laugh at the face of hardship (while secretly raging at those damn frozen/vortex/arcane enchant mobs). My psn is BMP_Lopez. I am the highest level of the group at lvl 52 monk. I also have a 60 monk (still paragon 0 i think? just got to 60) on the PC so I have some idea on what I'm doing.... or so I think =D. We're friendly, got bad jokes, and we are helpful. We believe in treating others as other do onto us. Be nice to us, and we'll be nice. =D Just looking for now. We're not online at the moment. Thanks for your time. TL;DR- Looking for friends to level with on the ps3. Be gentle. =]
Looking for peeps to join in leveling up characters. It'll be me mostly, but I do have my brother and his GF joining often times. If you're lonely and would like some company while grinding the XP and maybe some kewl gear, join us. We're in the level range of 49-52, Finishing up act4 nightmare and soon heading into hell. We mostly stick to master V because we like to die often while trying to proceed further in the act. We laugh at the face of hardship (while secretly raging at those damn frozen/vortex/arcane enchant mobs). My psn is BMP_Lopez. I am the highest level of the group at lvl 52 monk. I also have a 60 monk (still paragon 0 i think? just got to 60) on the PC so I have some idea on what I'm doing.... or so I think =D. We're friendly, got bad jokes, and we are helpful. We believe in treating others as other do onto us. Be nice to us, and we'll be nice. =D Just looking for now. We're not online at the moment. Thanks for your time. TL;DR- Looking for friends to level with on the ps3. Be gentle. =]
Looking for peeps to join in leveling up characters. It'll be me mostly, but I do have my brother and his GF joining often times. If you're lonely and would like some company while grinding the XP and maybe some kewl gear, join us. We're in the level range of 49-52, Finishing up act4 nightmare and soon heading into hell. We mostly stick to master V because we like to die often while trying to proceed further in the act. We laugh at the face of hardship (while secretly raging at those damn frozen/vortex/arcane enchant mobs). My psn is BMP_Lopez. I am the highest level of the group at lvl 52 monk. I also have a 60 monk (still paragon 0 i think? just got to 60) on the PC so I have some idea on what I'm doing.... or so I think =D. We're friendly, got bad jokes, and we are helpful. We believe in treating others as other do onto us. Be nice to us, and we'll be nice. =D Just looking for now. We're not online at the moment. Thanks for your time.
Looking for friends to level with on the ps3. Be gentle. =]
In the end it probably won't matter because you will make your decision on your own but I'll still share a story with you. A few years ago, when I was still in school I participated in a film project. Basically it was about documenting the day to day lives of german and israeli teenagers. So we traveled to Israel and used this opportunity to quit smoking. Back then I smoked every day, but not more than 2g a day. My life was pretty much in order, but I was aware of the fact that realistically, I would have to quit to finish school. So it was this week in Israel, then coming back to Germany and just five days until school started again. I managed the whole trip brilliantly. Fuck withdrawals, fuck being in a new country and doing a film project. No problemo for this guy! Or so I thought. I managed everything pretty well but in hindsight I was so close to the edge the whole time. I even had a nervous break down just three hours before our flight back. I'm kinda rambling here so I'll get back to the point: I did not know it consciously at that time, but the thought of not smoking until I finished school terrified me. So on day three of my trip I booked a trip to Amsterdam with a good friend. I thought that this week doesn't matter. It would be a short two day stay in Amsterdam and then I would have two more days to detox before school started again. I mean come on, it's just a week, and after that last glorious trip I could just stop again. We had our trip, I will spare you the details. It was fun but it also was just more of what I already knew. When I came home I convinced myself that I could smoke until school started again. After all, hadn't I managed quitting so beautifully in Israel? But when school started again, I did not quit. Or not for long. So it went for some time, I smoked, I went to school, I got by. Until one day I felt I had to catch up. So much school, so much work, simply not enough time to smoke. To "relax". Me time. So I decided to skip school that day (which I rarely did) and stay home to smoke. And the next day I still did not feel satisified so I did it again. And again. And again. I never went back to school. Never called to say I would not show up again. There were rumours I died or ran away. For the next eight or nine months I would smoke myself to the brink of psychosis. It got worse and worse. I smoked a lot. Everything else in my life stopped, it was just being in my room and smoking in front if my computer. Sometimes people visited me but it didn't matter. It was by far the worst time of my life. I could type this all out but this is long enough already. To stop again I needed to go to detox. I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I had an insane week of withdrawals. Lost over 20 pound and had hour long episodes of panic and terror. Slept no more than three hours a night and woke up like I had jumped in a pool. Diarehaa and constipation. Headaches, pain in throat, chest, limbs and fingers. And a lot of other stuff I don't recall right now. I know this all sounds like a shock story to scare you or something. But it's simply my story. **TL;DR: It works until it doesn't work anymore. Things might go from bad to worse quicker than you think. Don't gamble with this.**
In the end it probably won't matter because you will make your decision on your own but I'll still share a story with you. A few years ago, when I was still in school I participated in a film project. Basically it was about documenting the day to day lives of german and israeli teenagers. So we traveled to Israel and used this opportunity to quit smoking. Back then I smoked every day, but not more than 2g a day. My life was pretty much in order, but I was aware of the fact that realistically, I would have to quit to finish school. So it was this week in Israel, then coming back to Germany and just five days until school started again. I managed the whole trip brilliantly. Fuck withdrawals, fuck being in a new country and doing a film project. No problemo for this guy! Or so I thought. I managed everything pretty well but in hindsight I was so close to the edge the whole time. I even had a nervous break down just three hours before our flight back. I'm kinda rambling here so I'll get back to the point: I did not know it consciously at that time, but the thought of not smoking until I finished school terrified me. So on day three of my trip I booked a trip to Amsterdam with a good friend. I thought that this week doesn't matter. It would be a short two day stay in Amsterdam and then I would have two more days to detox before school started again. I mean come on, it's just a week, and after that last glorious trip I could just stop again. We had our trip, I will spare you the details. It was fun but it also was just more of what I already knew. When I came home I convinced myself that I could smoke until school started again. After all, hadn't I managed quitting so beautifully in Israel? But when school started again, I did not quit. Or not for long. So it went for some time, I smoked, I went to school, I got by. Until one day I felt I had to catch up. So much school, so much work, simply not enough time to smoke. To "relax". Me time. So I decided to skip school that day (which I rarely did) and stay home to smoke. And the next day I still did not feel satisified so I did it again. And again. And again. I never went back to school. Never called to say I would not show up again. There were rumours I died or ran away. For the next eight or nine months I would smoke myself to the brink of psychosis. It got worse and worse. I smoked a lot. Everything else in my life stopped, it was just being in my room and smoking in front if my computer. Sometimes people visited me but it didn't matter. It was by far the worst time of my life. I could type this all out but this is long enough already. To stop again I needed to go to detox. I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I had an insane week of withdrawals. Lost over 20 pound and had hour long episodes of panic and terror. Slept no more than three hours a night and woke up like I had jumped in a pool. Diarehaa and constipation. Headaches, pain in throat, chest, limbs and fingers. And a lot of other stuff I don't recall right now. I know this all sounds like a shock story to scare you or something. But it's simply my story. TL;DR: It works until it doesn't work anymore. Things might go from bad to worse quicker than you think. Don't gamble with this.
In the end it probably won't matter because you will make your decision on your own but I'll still share a story with you. A few years ago, when I was still in school I participated in a film project. Basically it was about documenting the day to day lives of german and israeli teenagers. So we traveled to Israel and used this opportunity to quit smoking. Back then I smoked every day, but not more than 2g a day. My life was pretty much in order, but I was aware of the fact that realistically, I would have to quit to finish school. So it was this week in Israel, then coming back to Germany and just five days until school started again. I managed the whole trip brilliantly. Fuck withdrawals, fuck being in a new country and doing a film project. No problemo for this guy! Or so I thought. I managed everything pretty well but in hindsight I was so close to the edge the whole time. I even had a nervous break down just three hours before our flight back. I'm kinda rambling here so I'll get back to the point: I did not know it consciously at that time, but the thought of not smoking until I finished school terrified me. So on day three of my trip I booked a trip to Amsterdam with a good friend. I thought that this week doesn't matter. It would be a short two day stay in Amsterdam and then I would have two more days to detox before school started again. I mean come on, it's just a week, and after that last glorious trip I could just stop again. We had our trip, I will spare you the details. It was fun but it also was just more of what I already knew. When I came home I convinced myself that I could smoke until school started again. After all, hadn't I managed quitting so beautifully in Israel? But when school started again, I did not quit. Or not for long. So it went for some time, I smoked, I went to school, I got by. Until one day I felt I had to catch up. So much school, so much work, simply not enough time to smoke. To "relax". Me time. So I decided to skip school that day (which I rarely did) and stay home to smoke. And the next day I still did not feel satisified so I did it again. And again. And again. I never went back to school. Never called to say I would not show up again. There were rumours I died or ran away. For the next eight or nine months I would smoke myself to the brink of psychosis. It got worse and worse. I smoked a lot. Everything else in my life stopped, it was just being in my room and smoking in front if my computer. Sometimes people visited me but it didn't matter. It was by far the worst time of my life. I could type this all out but this is long enough already. To stop again I needed to go to detox. I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I had an insane week of withdrawals. Lost over 20 pound and had hour long episodes of panic and terror. Slept no more than three hours a night and woke up like I had jumped in a pool. Diarehaa and constipation. Headaches, pain in throat, chest, limbs and fingers. And a lot of other stuff I don't recall right now. I know this all sounds like a shock story to scare you or something. But it's simply my story.
It works until it doesn't work anymore. Things might go from bad to worse quicker than you think. Don't gamble with this.
Honestly this last patch has been the most poorly thought out set of balance changes i've seen in a very long time. after all of the talk of melee being notoriously weaker then ranged in this game (except in the cases of tanks) riot starts nerfing melee assassins who are already performing at an average level in solo queue, and FAR below average in competitive..? what? not only are melee assassins weak in competitive play and are regularly bypassed for ranged mages in the VAST majority of games, but they are also average in solo queue. lets take a look at champions "tweaked" this patch.. Fizz: a champion who's pretty much rarely/never played professionally that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) and has an average 51% ish win rate in solo queue, gets nerfed into being completely UNPLAYABLE. this is not an exaggeration. fizz is not playable right now. Akali: a champion who is NEVER played competitively and that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) gets her range nerfed and her bread and butter burst combo outright REMOVED from the game. Zed: arguably the STRONGEST and MOST POPULAR of all the melee assassins in the game (definitely the best competitively) and who was probably deserving of an actual nerf, ends up with the most meaningless nerf out of the 3... a minor attack speed nerf, resulting in slightly less turret killing power and slightly less dps in extended fights Ahri: a RANGED champion who is REGULARLY and CONSISTANTLY played in competitive, who has a solid above average solo queue winrate, and the most options in terms of playing in any style she chooses (passive/safe wave clearing, roaming, dueling, aggressive, poking, etc) gets MULTIPLE buffs. presumably under the guise of "compensation for the removal of DFG", an item which PLENTY of champions can effectively use, and yet only ahri gets a "compensation" buff for it, as if the champion wasn't functional without it. we've all seen people use DFG and make it work on tons of champs. ahri, leblanc, syndra, fizz, katarina, lissandra, etc. now, i want to make a very clear point on this entire concept of "counterplay" that riot has been obsessed with recently. this game is about DECISION MAKING and TEAM PLAY. if you get caught alone by a zed, a fizz, an akali, or another melee assassin, you SHOULD die. there shouldnt BE counterplay unless they make a mistake or your teammates save you. why? because if a melee assassin cant outduel people in 1v1s or do more damage then a ranged champion then there is literally NO advantage/reason to play a melee champion in this game unless you're a tank. ever. as an example to point out how ridiculous the recent "balance" changes are, how does it make sense for an ahri to be able to outduel a fizz and deal similar damage in a 1v1? she has similar damage, access to hard CC, better mana costs, better AND safer wave clear, better teamfighting, a ranged auto attack for csing and harassing, better sustain, ability to siege and NEVER has to risk melee range commitment. almost every ranged mage has these advantages Another point i want to bring up is that when people complain about assassins they have a bad habit of only thinking of games where the assassin gets fed and is running over their team. what if your teammates hadnt fed him? what if he was 0/0/0? would he still be one shotting you or 2v1ing you if you were ready for it? probably not. sure, if he catches you off guard 1v1 you'd still die or have to run, but thats the whole purpose of assassins.. 9/10 times the reason an assassin is snowballing is because you have a bad teammate who misplayed and fed him. thats how this game works. it has nothing to do with the champions involved. your teammate fed someone, so that person is stronger then he should be and he takes over the game, it happens all the time, not just with assassins. you just "feel" it more when you get caught by a fed assassin because you die quickly anyway, im getting pretty tired of all of these balance changes that have been happening under the guise of "counterplay", because the majority of them dont seem to have anything to do with counterplay. it just seems to be trying to appease bad solo queue players who never group in this TEAM game and constantly get caught out alone, then blame the champions involved instead of their bad decision to be alone at the 25 min mark. also, random side note, build paths for melee damage dealers SUCK. they are almost always less efficient then the typical morello/raba/void combo that ranged mages use, or the paths ADCs use. its annoying how streamlined tank/adc/mage build paths are, while melee carry build paths are sloppy and scattered TL;DR if melee assassins cant outdamage / outduel people or split push / dive when enemy makes a mistake, etc, then playing them will always be ineffective and pointless because ranged champions can deal the same damage as them from a safe distance, while usually having a better laning phase, ranged AA, more cc, better mana costs, better build paths, more options in playstyle, better sustain, better teamfighting, better wave clear, ability to siege, etc, etc. also, melee carry build paths suck. sorry for the long post and please try not to base your entire opinion/response of melee assassins off of scenarios where a fed guy caught you OR off of zed, because he is in a class of his own! ^_^ PS: im d3 if that matters, not amazing but im definitely not clueless lol ;p edit: grammar etc
Honestly this last patch has been the most poorly thought out set of balance changes i've seen in a very long time. after all of the talk of melee being notoriously weaker then ranged in this game (except in the cases of tanks) riot starts nerfing melee assassins who are already performing at an average level in solo queue, and FAR below average in competitive..? what? not only are melee assassins weak in competitive play and are regularly bypassed for ranged mages in the VAST majority of games, but they are also average in solo queue. lets take a look at champions "tweaked" this patch.. Fizz: a champion who's pretty much rarely/never played professionally that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) and has an average 51% ish win rate in solo queue, gets nerfed into being completely UNPLAYABLE. this is not an exaggeration. fizz is not playable right now. Akali: a champion who is NEVER played competitively and that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) gets her range nerfed and her bread and butter burst combo outright REMOVED from the game. Zed: arguably the STRONGEST and MOST POPULAR of all the melee assassins in the game (definitely the best competitively) and who was probably deserving of an actual nerf, ends up with the most meaningless nerf out of the 3... a minor attack speed nerf, resulting in slightly less turret killing power and slightly less dps in extended fights Ahri: a RANGED champion who is REGULARLY and CONSISTANTLY played in competitive, who has a solid above average solo queue winrate, and the most options in terms of playing in any style she chooses (passive/safe wave clearing, roaming, dueling, aggressive, poking, etc) gets MULTIPLE buffs. presumably under the guise of "compensation for the removal of DFG", an item which PLENTY of champions can effectively use, and yet only ahri gets a "compensation" buff for it, as if the champion wasn't functional without it. we've all seen people use DFG and make it work on tons of champs. ahri, leblanc, syndra, fizz, katarina, lissandra, etc. now, i want to make a very clear point on this entire concept of "counterplay" that riot has been obsessed with recently. this game is about DECISION MAKING and TEAM PLAY. if you get caught alone by a zed, a fizz, an akali, or another melee assassin, you SHOULD die. there shouldnt BE counterplay unless they make a mistake or your teammates save you. why? because if a melee assassin cant outduel people in 1v1s or do more damage then a ranged champion then there is literally NO advantage/reason to play a melee champion in this game unless you're a tank. ever. as an example to point out how ridiculous the recent "balance" changes are, how does it make sense for an ahri to be able to outduel a fizz and deal similar damage in a 1v1? she has similar damage, access to hard CC, better mana costs, better AND safer wave clear, better teamfighting, a ranged auto attack for csing and harassing, better sustain, ability to siege and NEVER has to risk melee range commitment. almost every ranged mage has these advantages Another point i want to bring up is that when people complain about assassins they have a bad habit of only thinking of games where the assassin gets fed and is running over their team. what if your teammates hadnt fed him? what if he was 0/0/0? would he still be one shotting you or 2v1ing you if you were ready for it? probably not. sure, if he catches you off guard 1v1 you'd still die or have to run, but thats the whole purpose of assassins.. 9/10 times the reason an assassin is snowballing is because you have a bad teammate who misplayed and fed him. thats how this game works. it has nothing to do with the champions involved. your teammate fed someone, so that person is stronger then he should be and he takes over the game, it happens all the time, not just with assassins. you just "feel" it more when you get caught by a fed assassin because you die quickly anyway, im getting pretty tired of all of these balance changes that have been happening under the guise of "counterplay", because the majority of them dont seem to have anything to do with counterplay. it just seems to be trying to appease bad solo queue players who never group in this TEAM game and constantly get caught out alone, then blame the champions involved instead of their bad decision to be alone at the 25 min mark. also, random side note, build paths for melee damage dealers SUCK. they are almost always less efficient then the typical morello/raba/void combo that ranged mages use, or the paths ADCs use. its annoying how streamlined tank/adc/mage build paths are, while melee carry build paths are sloppy and scattered TL;DR if melee assassins cant outdamage / outduel people or split push / dive when enemy makes a mistake, etc, then playing them will always be ineffective and pointless because ranged champions can deal the same damage as them from a safe distance, while usually having a better laning phase, ranged AA, more cc, better mana costs, better build paths, more options in playstyle, better sustain, better teamfighting, better wave clear, ability to siege, etc, etc. also, melee carry build paths suck. sorry for the long post and please try not to base your entire opinion/response of melee assassins off of scenarios where a fed guy caught you OR off of zed, because he is in a class of his own! ^_^ PS: im d3 if that matters, not amazing but im definitely not clueless lol ;p edit: grammar etc
Honestly this last patch has been the most poorly thought out set of balance changes i've seen in a very long time. after all of the talk of melee being notoriously weaker then ranged in this game (except in the cases of tanks) riot starts nerfing melee assassins who are already performing at an average level in solo queue, and FAR below average in competitive..? what? not only are melee assassins weak in competitive play and are regularly bypassed for ranged mages in the VAST majority of games, but they are also average in solo queue. lets take a look at champions "tweaked" this patch.. Fizz: a champion who's pretty much rarely/never played professionally that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) and has an average 51% ish win rate in solo queue, gets nerfed into being completely UNPLAYABLE. this is not an exaggeration. fizz is not playable right now. Akali: a champion who is NEVER played competitively and that literally has ONLY one function (deals damage, no hard cc, no utility, not tanky) gets her range nerfed and her bread and butter burst combo outright REMOVED from the game. Zed: arguably the STRONGEST and MOST POPULAR of all the melee assassins in the game (definitely the best competitively) and who was probably deserving of an actual nerf, ends up with the most meaningless nerf out of the 3... a minor attack speed nerf, resulting in slightly less turret killing power and slightly less dps in extended fights Ahri: a RANGED champion who is REGULARLY and CONSISTANTLY played in competitive, who has a solid above average solo queue winrate, and the most options in terms of playing in any style she chooses (passive/safe wave clearing, roaming, dueling, aggressive, poking, etc) gets MULTIPLE buffs. presumably under the guise of "compensation for the removal of DFG", an item which PLENTY of champions can effectively use, and yet only ahri gets a "compensation" buff for it, as if the champion wasn't functional without it. we've all seen people use DFG and make it work on tons of champs. ahri, leblanc, syndra, fizz, katarina, lissandra, etc. now, i want to make a very clear point on this entire concept of "counterplay" that riot has been obsessed with recently. this game is about DECISION MAKING and TEAM PLAY. if you get caught alone by a zed, a fizz, an akali, or another melee assassin, you SHOULD die. there shouldnt BE counterplay unless they make a mistake or your teammates save you. why? because if a melee assassin cant outduel people in 1v1s or do more damage then a ranged champion then there is literally NO advantage/reason to play a melee champion in this game unless you're a tank. ever. as an example to point out how ridiculous the recent "balance" changes are, how does it make sense for an ahri to be able to outduel a fizz and deal similar damage in a 1v1? she has similar damage, access to hard CC, better mana costs, better AND safer wave clear, better teamfighting, a ranged auto attack for csing and harassing, better sustain, ability to siege and NEVER has to risk melee range commitment. almost every ranged mage has these advantages Another point i want to bring up is that when people complain about assassins they have a bad habit of only thinking of games where the assassin gets fed and is running over their team. what if your teammates hadnt fed him? what if he was 0/0/0? would he still be one shotting you or 2v1ing you if you were ready for it? probably not. sure, if he catches you off guard 1v1 you'd still die or have to run, but thats the whole purpose of assassins.. 9/10 times the reason an assassin is snowballing is because you have a bad teammate who misplayed and fed him. thats how this game works. it has nothing to do with the champions involved. your teammate fed someone, so that person is stronger then he should be and he takes over the game, it happens all the time, not just with assassins. you just "feel" it more when you get caught by a fed assassin because you die quickly anyway, im getting pretty tired of all of these balance changes that have been happening under the guise of "counterplay", because the majority of them dont seem to have anything to do with counterplay. it just seems to be trying to appease bad solo queue players who never group in this TEAM game and constantly get caught out alone, then blame the champions involved instead of their bad decision to be alone at the 25 min mark. also, random side note, build paths for melee damage dealers SUCK. they are almost always less efficient then the typical morello/raba/void combo that ranged mages use, or the paths ADCs use. its annoying how streamlined tank/adc/mage build paths are, while melee carry build paths are sloppy and scattered
if melee assassins cant outdamage / outduel people or split push / dive when enemy makes a mistake, etc, then playing them will always be ineffective and pointless because ranged champions can deal the same damage as them from a safe distance, while usually having a better laning phase, ranged AA, more cc, better mana costs, better build paths, more options in playstyle, better sustain, better teamfighting, better wave clear, ability to siege, etc, etc. also, melee carry build paths suck. sorry for the long post and please try not to base your entire opinion/response of melee assassins off of scenarios where a fed guy caught you OR off of zed, because he is in a class of his own! ^_^ PS: im d3 if that matters, not amazing but im definitely not clueless lol ;p edit: grammar etc
Happy Birthday to you, I have a sad one for you: My 18th birthday fell on a Saturday, and having not had a birthday party in 10 years, since a disastrous outing to Chuck E Cheese, I decided I wanted one. Now, I was in the band, so I invited the entire band over, all of them, including my best friends, their girlfriends, the girl I liked, etc. The whole shebang, you know? The only people that showed were 2 freshmen, my best friend, and a dude that had graduated the year before, and everyone was happier he was there than they were to be celebrating my birthday. tl;dr Apparently that one time at band camp meant nothing.
Happy Birthday to you, I have a sad one for you: My 18th birthday fell on a Saturday, and having not had a birthday party in 10 years, since a disastrous outing to Chuck E Cheese, I decided I wanted one. Now, I was in the band, so I invited the entire band over, all of them, including my best friends, their girlfriends, the girl I liked, etc. The whole shebang, you know? The only people that showed were 2 freshmen, my best friend, and a dude that had graduated the year before, and everyone was happier he was there than they were to be celebrating my birthday. tl;dr Apparently that one time at band camp meant nothing.
Happy Birthday to you, I have a sad one for you: My 18th birthday fell on a Saturday, and having not had a birthday party in 10 years, since a disastrous outing to Chuck E Cheese, I decided I wanted one. Now, I was in the band, so I invited the entire band over, all of them, including my best friends, their girlfriends, the girl I liked, etc. The whole shebang, you know? The only people that showed were 2 freshmen, my best friend, and a dude that had graduated the year before, and everyone was happier he was there than they were to be celebrating my birthday.
Apparently that one time at band camp meant nothing.