Since we are talking about specific roles and lanes, Jungle Alistar has two of the best CC's in the game, uninterruptable knock up and knock back. Thats what makes him a good jungler which is how scary his ganks are. Also your so called full build nunu costs 15k gold.....if we are going to pull up the best items you could possibly get then a support nunu could do the same thing. I could do the same thing for jax and he has way better tankiness and stats then your full build nunu. Point is you could bring full build (X) into the argument but it honestly means nothing when you can't even reach that point. You bring up jungle alistar and how hes viable but you have yet to argue anything related to nunu you make comparisons but haven't brought anything to the nunu vs jax viability argument. My point is that what ap/tank nunu brings isn't that much compared next to a a support nunu. If we are talking about lane phase as soon as jax hits lvl 6 and you trade damage you get an iceball and a few autos off, jax can instantly jump to you QWE to attack you + the passive damage from R. Jax wins those fights. This of course isn't including the fact that if you do trade and you use your eat minion ability you passively push the minion wave to sustain yourself AKA.. easy jungle ganks Also your top lane your blood boil isn't going to help bot lane where it is the most helpful not to mention a support nunu works well because his iceball base damage is high for the premid pre teamfight stage of the game. TL:DR Support Nunu superior to top lane nunu. Jax > Nunu in lane and teamfights
Since we are talking about specific roles and lanes, Jungle Alistar has two of the best CC's in the game, uninterruptable knock up and knock back. Thats what makes him a good jungler which is how scary his ganks are. Also your so called full build nunu costs 15k gold.....if we are going to pull up the best items you could possibly get then a support nunu could do the same thing. I could do the same thing for jax and he has way better tankiness and stats then your full build nunu. Point is you could bring full build (X) into the argument but it honestly means nothing when you can't even reach that point. You bring up jungle alistar and how hes viable but you have yet to argue anything related to nunu you make comparisons but haven't brought anything to the nunu vs jax viability argument. My point is that what ap/tank nunu brings isn't that much compared next to a a support nunu. If we are talking about lane phase as soon as jax hits lvl 6 and you trade damage you get an iceball and a few autos off, jax can instantly jump to you QWE to attack you + the passive damage from R. Jax wins those fights. This of course isn't including the fact that if you do trade and you use your eat minion ability you passively push the minion wave to sustain yourself AKA.. easy jungle ganks Also your top lane your blood boil isn't going to help bot lane where it is the most helpful not to mention a support nunu works well because his iceball base damage is high for the premid pre teamfight stage of the game. TL:DR Support Nunu superior to top lane nunu. Jax > Nunu in lane and teamfights
Since we are talking about specific roles and lanes, Jungle Alistar has two of the best CC's in the game, uninterruptable knock up and knock back. Thats what makes him a good jungler which is how scary his ganks are. Also your so called full build nunu costs 15k gold.....if we are going to pull up the best items you could possibly get then a support nunu could do the same thing. I could do the same thing for jax and he has way better tankiness and stats then your full build nunu. Point is you could bring full build (X) into the argument but it honestly means nothing when you can't even reach that point. You bring up jungle alistar and how hes viable but you have yet to argue anything related to nunu you make comparisons but haven't brought anything to the nunu vs jax viability argument. My point is that what ap/tank nunu brings isn't that much compared next to a a support nunu. If we are talking about lane phase as soon as jax hits lvl 6 and you trade damage you get an iceball and a few autos off, jax can instantly jump to you QWE to attack you + the passive damage from R. Jax wins those fights. This of course isn't including the fact that if you do trade and you use your eat minion ability you passively push the minion wave to sustain yourself AKA.. easy jungle ganks Also your top lane your blood boil isn't going to help bot lane where it is the most helpful not to mention a support nunu works well because his iceball base damage is high for the premid pre teamfight stage of the game.
Support Nunu superior to top lane nunu. Jax > Nunu in lane and teamfights
Basically, people(including me) are turning off their internet for a few seconds, then turning it on, giving them unlimited clicks for at least 4 and a half hours. This is because when your internet starts back up, your MsPs (Modem Speed Per Second) goes back to its default (0), and since this is now a cached link because the internet was turned off, the link is unable to limit the amount of clicks you are allowed to use, granting unlimited clicks until the MsPs climbs back to the regular (on average) 648.3 MsPs :) TL DR, turn off internet, turn on internet, free clicks for around 4 hours. Edit: Yes, you can do this over and over again.
Basically, people(including me) are turning off their internet for a few seconds, then turning it on, giving them unlimited clicks for at least 4 and a half hours. This is because when your internet starts back up, your MsPs (Modem Speed Per Second) goes back to its default (0), and since this is now a cached link because the internet was turned off, the link is unable to limit the amount of clicks you are allowed to use, granting unlimited clicks until the MsPs climbs back to the regular (on average) 648.3 MsPs :) TL DR, turn off internet, turn on internet, free clicks for around 4 hours. Edit: Yes, you can do this over and over again.
Basically, people(including me) are turning off their internet for a few seconds, then turning it on, giving them unlimited clicks for at least 4 and a half hours. This is because when your internet starts back up, your MsPs (Modem Speed Per Second) goes back to its default (0), and since this is now a cached link because the internet was turned off, the link is unable to limit the amount of clicks you are allowed to use, granting unlimited clicks until the MsPs climbs back to the regular (on average) 648.3 MsPs :)
turn off internet, turn on internet, free clicks for around 4 hours. Edit: Yes, you can do this over and over again.
32/F: 32/M: Gonna sum this up pretty brief then I will go into more detail if anyone asks. My boyfriend of almost 3 years has cheated on me several times, twice I know for sure, but I have reason to believe that it has likely been a lot more than that. I know that this will not stop and plan to move on with my life. I haven't done so yet but the biggest reason is I have children and I can't just up and leave without being prepared. The part I am struggling with is not to brag but I am a pretty awesome girlfriend, the only place in the relationship where he might be lacking is in the bedroom, because I am inexperienced, and after all that has happened in my life with him and previously I am very withdrawn and shy. (no excuse to cheat he could have talked to me, and helped me open up if he really cared). My biggest problem is that I am having a really hard time trying to figure out the reason why he did it, he says he doesn't know which makes it even harder to get the closure I need to move on. He continues to say that he doesn't want me to leave, and it's nothing I did wrong. So I'm guessing I need advice on a few things. One do any of you think that it's possible that he does really love me and want me, but has some kind of problem/addiction that makes him not be able to control? Should I reconsider my decisions if he tries to get help and fights for me so to speak? Or should I cut my losses and move on? I do really love this man, which makes my decisions even harder. Help please! TL;DR Boyfriend cheated several times, what's the problem? How do I get closure?
32/F: 32/M: Gonna sum this up pretty brief then I will go into more detail if anyone asks. My boyfriend of almost 3 years has cheated on me several times, twice I know for sure, but I have reason to believe that it has likely been a lot more than that. I know that this will not stop and plan to move on with my life. I haven't done so yet but the biggest reason is I have children and I can't just up and leave without being prepared. The part I am struggling with is not to brag but I am a pretty awesome girlfriend, the only place in the relationship where he might be lacking is in the bedroom, because I am inexperienced, and after all that has happened in my life with him and previously I am very withdrawn and shy. (no excuse to cheat he could have talked to me, and helped me open up if he really cared). My biggest problem is that I am having a really hard time trying to figure out the reason why he did it, he says he doesn't know which makes it even harder to get the closure I need to move on. He continues to say that he doesn't want me to leave, and it's nothing I did wrong. So I'm guessing I need advice on a few things. One do any of you think that it's possible that he does really love me and want me, but has some kind of problem/addiction that makes him not be able to control? Should I reconsider my decisions if he tries to get help and fights for me so to speak? Or should I cut my losses and move on? I do really love this man, which makes my decisions even harder. Help please! TL;DR Boyfriend cheated several times, what's the problem? How do I get closure?
32/F: 32/M: Gonna sum this up pretty brief then I will go into more detail if anyone asks. My boyfriend of almost 3 years has cheated on me several times, twice I know for sure, but I have reason to believe that it has likely been a lot more than that. I know that this will not stop and plan to move on with my life. I haven't done so yet but the biggest reason is I have children and I can't just up and leave without being prepared. The part I am struggling with is not to brag but I am a pretty awesome girlfriend, the only place in the relationship where he might be lacking is in the bedroom, because I am inexperienced, and after all that has happened in my life with him and previously I am very withdrawn and shy. (no excuse to cheat he could have talked to me, and helped me open up if he really cared). My biggest problem is that I am having a really hard time trying to figure out the reason why he did it, he says he doesn't know which makes it even harder to get the closure I need to move on. He continues to say that he doesn't want me to leave, and it's nothing I did wrong. So I'm guessing I need advice on a few things. One do any of you think that it's possible that he does really love me and want me, but has some kind of problem/addiction that makes him not be able to control? Should I reconsider my decisions if he tries to get help and fights for me so to speak? Or should I cut my losses and move on? I do really love this man, which makes my decisions even harder. Help please!
Boyfriend cheated several times, what's the problem? How do I get closure?
There's no nutrition in them. **ATTENTION PEOPLE ENJOYING FAST FOOD** I don't have anything agains it and you shouldn't give a shit about anyone that does, enjoy yourself, but I have experienced first hand what happens if you try to fuel your body on is stuff. *inhale* ONCE UPON A TIME blah blah blah I had a job that was 12 hours every day for straight labour in a noisy, dusty, hot, dangerous environment and it was exhausting, I eventually stopped making my lunches the day before I ate them and instead relied on those "microwave meals" that have the entire thing going on, like butter chicken, roast etc. they were great! 2 minute noodles and microwave meals, way less effort this is awesome. But then one day I almost fainted into a machine that was has rotating parts going unbeleivably fast, the food I was eating was technically food but it doesn't do anything to your body, [it's like I was eating nothing at all]( The next day when I ate just one sandwich it kept me going for the rest of the day. TLD:DR eating substitute foods is eating nothing, just a treat.
There's no nutrition in them. ATTENTION PEOPLE ENJOYING FAST FOOD I don't have anything agains it and you shouldn't give a shit about anyone that does, enjoy yourself, but I have experienced first hand what happens if you try to fuel your body on is stuff. inhale ONCE UPON A TIME blah blah blah I had a job that was 12 hours every day for straight labour in a noisy, dusty, hot, dangerous environment and it was exhausting, I eventually stopped making my lunches the day before I ate them and instead relied on those "microwave meals" that have the entire thing going on, like butter chicken, roast etc. they were great! 2 minute noodles and microwave meals, way less effort this is awesome. But then one day I almost fainted into a machine that was has rotating parts going unbeleivably fast, the food I was eating was technically food but it doesn't do anything to your body, [it's like I was eating nothing at all]( The next day when I ate just one sandwich it kept me going for the rest of the day. TLD:DR eating substitute foods is eating nothing, just a treat.
There's no nutrition in them. ATTENTION PEOPLE ENJOYING FAST FOOD I don't have anything agains it and you shouldn't give a shit about anyone that does, enjoy yourself, but I have experienced first hand what happens if you try to fuel your body on is stuff. inhale ONCE UPON A TIME blah blah blah I had a job that was 12 hours every day for straight labour in a noisy, dusty, hot, dangerous environment and it was exhausting, I eventually stopped making my lunches the day before I ate them and instead relied on those "microwave meals" that have the entire thing going on, like butter chicken, roast etc. they were great! 2 minute noodles and microwave meals, way less effort this is awesome. But then one day I almost fainted into a machine that was has rotating parts going unbeleivably fast, the food I was eating was technically food but it doesn't do anything to your body, [it's like I was eating nothing at all]( The next day when I ate just one sandwich it kept me going for the rest of the day.
eating substitute foods is eating nothing, just a treat.
Well when you think about it, people have been using mechanical attachments or devices on their bodies or person for decades, to 'augment' what they could do. Watches. Glasses (glasses are made to *fix* or *improve* your vision, btw. Sunglasses protect.. normally). Smart Phones which can now do so many things. You tell me I could have a computer-like device straight into my forearm? People will jump into that. You tell me you can have information about what i'm looking at actually appear while I'm looking at it? Count me in!... as soon as you make it looks better. TL;DR: Fairly certain that transhumanism will happen a lot smoother than what is usually postulated.
Well when you think about it, people have been using mechanical attachments or devices on their bodies or person for decades, to 'augment' what they could do. Watches. Glasses (glasses are made to fix or improve your vision, btw. Sunglasses protect.. normally). Smart Phones which can now do so many things. You tell me I could have a computer-like device straight into my forearm? People will jump into that. You tell me you can have information about what i'm looking at actually appear while I'm looking at it? Count me in!... as soon as you make it looks better. TL;DR: Fairly certain that transhumanism will happen a lot smoother than what is usually postulated.
Well when you think about it, people have been using mechanical attachments or devices on their bodies or person for decades, to 'augment' what they could do. Watches. Glasses (glasses are made to fix or improve your vision, btw. Sunglasses protect.. normally). Smart Phones which can now do so many things. You tell me I could have a computer-like device straight into my forearm? People will jump into that. You tell me you can have information about what i'm looking at actually appear while I'm looking at it? Count me in!... as soon as you make it looks better.
Fairly certain that transhumanism will happen a lot smoother than what is usually postulated.
Aerys was a crazy fuck that burnt people alive just out of completely imagined paranoia and was fully ready to destroy the largest city in the continent believing he would be reborn as a dragon amidst it all and was in general such a mad man that he managed to incite a revelion that took down a dinasty that lasted almost 300 years. Now, it can certainly be argued that Dany's choice in doing this was unwise but I really don't see anything "mad" about it. 1) She's very angry on a very personal level because Barristan was a loyal friend and advisor. People can often do nasty things when they're in that mindset without necesarily being crazy. 2) All of them, even if not directly related to this incident, are in fact slave masters; cruel as hell and each and every single one of them surely wants to see her dead. They are not their friends, they are not innocent people in general terms and it's logical to assume that at least some of them are involved with the Sons of The Harpy. TL;DR: Was dany here being quite ruthless? certainly, unwise? maybe, mad? not really.
Aerys was a crazy fuck that burnt people alive just out of completely imagined paranoia and was fully ready to destroy the largest city in the continent believing he would be reborn as a dragon amidst it all and was in general such a mad man that he managed to incite a revelion that took down a dinasty that lasted almost 300 years. Now, it can certainly be argued that Dany's choice in doing this was unwise but I really don't see anything "mad" about it. 1) She's very angry on a very personal level because Barristan was a loyal friend and advisor. People can often do nasty things when they're in that mindset without necesarily being crazy. 2) All of them, even if not directly related to this incident, are in fact slave masters; cruel as hell and each and every single one of them surely wants to see her dead. They are not their friends, they are not innocent people in general terms and it's logical to assume that at least some of them are involved with the Sons of The Harpy. TL;DR: Was dany here being quite ruthless? certainly, unwise? maybe, mad? not really.
Aerys was a crazy fuck that burnt people alive just out of completely imagined paranoia and was fully ready to destroy the largest city in the continent believing he would be reborn as a dragon amidst it all and was in general such a mad man that he managed to incite a revelion that took down a dinasty that lasted almost 300 years. Now, it can certainly be argued that Dany's choice in doing this was unwise but I really don't see anything "mad" about it. 1) She's very angry on a very personal level because Barristan was a loyal friend and advisor. People can often do nasty things when they're in that mindset without necesarily being crazy. 2) All of them, even if not directly related to this incident, are in fact slave masters; cruel as hell and each and every single one of them surely wants to see her dead. They are not their friends, they are not innocent people in general terms and it's logical to assume that at least some of them are involved with the Sons of The Harpy.
Was dany here being quite ruthless? certainly, unwise? maybe, mad? not really.
My older sister is a 28 year old relatively high functioning young woman with Down Syndrome, so I have a different perspective from most to offer. She is two years old than I am, but since she was held up in kindergarten and first grade, we went through school in the same grade for 12 years. With special ed classes and a tutor who went with her to the "regular" classes she took, she was able to graduate high school. She also had friends, mostly other students in special ed classes. She graduated high school, walking just ahead of me (oh alphabet). Although it required many accommodations, she was proud to have finished high school. She now works at a movie theater, taking tickets and cleaning. She also volunteers at a hospital near our house, delivering intra-hospital mail. She really loves working at the theater especially, because she gets to watch movies for free after work. She works with a program for the mentally handicapped which teaches life skills, encourages healthy eating and exercise, and plans social outings (frequently bowling, she probably beats me when we go about 50% of the time but I am terribad). She is "dating" one of the guys in her program, but I'm not sure what that actually has entailed besides attending dances together. While she has been in some ways a burden on the family, I am sure that nobody would want to get rid of her. Occasionally, I wonder what she would have been like "normal," as my other two sisters and I are all pretty successful academically and in some other aspects of life. But I wouldn't want to change her, I think. She seems very happy living with my parents, working 2-3 days a week, watching lots of TV, coloring in geometric coloring books, and making friendship bracelets. She has had a profound effect on the people my other sisters and I became. We are more patient, compassionate, and less asshole-y than we probably would have been otherwise. As for being a burden, she has limited my family in some ways. I don't know whether my mom intended to stay at home, but after my sister was born, that is what she did. It is likely, given the usual course of Down Syndrome, that she will not outlive my parents by much time at all. I don't really like to think about her dying, or my parents dying. But if she needs somewhere to be taken care of, she will come live with me and my wife (and honestly, this was kind of a litmus test while I was dating her, is that unfair?) or with my sisters. In fact, my parents told me that they were going to stop at two kids but felt that a third child (turned out to be twins) would help out with her once they died. tl;dr No, but I could understand saying yes. ps. I recently made this account, but this will be the post that removes me from lurkerdom.
My older sister is a 28 year old relatively high functioning young woman with Down Syndrome, so I have a different perspective from most to offer. She is two years old than I am, but since she was held up in kindergarten and first grade, we went through school in the same grade for 12 years. With special ed classes and a tutor who went with her to the "regular" classes she took, she was able to graduate high school. She also had friends, mostly other students in special ed classes. She graduated high school, walking just ahead of me (oh alphabet). Although it required many accommodations, she was proud to have finished high school. She now works at a movie theater, taking tickets and cleaning. She also volunteers at a hospital near our house, delivering intra-hospital mail. She really loves working at the theater especially, because she gets to watch movies for free after work. She works with a program for the mentally handicapped which teaches life skills, encourages healthy eating and exercise, and plans social outings (frequently bowling, she probably beats me when we go about 50% of the time but I am terribad). She is "dating" one of the guys in her program, but I'm not sure what that actually has entailed besides attending dances together. While she has been in some ways a burden on the family, I am sure that nobody would want to get rid of her. Occasionally, I wonder what she would have been like "normal," as my other two sisters and I are all pretty successful academically and in some other aspects of life. But I wouldn't want to change her, I think. She seems very happy living with my parents, working 2-3 days a week, watching lots of TV, coloring in geometric coloring books, and making friendship bracelets. She has had a profound effect on the people my other sisters and I became. We are more patient, compassionate, and less asshole-y than we probably would have been otherwise. As for being a burden, she has limited my family in some ways. I don't know whether my mom intended to stay at home, but after my sister was born, that is what she did. It is likely, given the usual course of Down Syndrome, that she will not outlive my parents by much time at all. I don't really like to think about her dying, or my parents dying. But if she needs somewhere to be taken care of, she will come live with me and my wife (and honestly, this was kind of a litmus test while I was dating her, is that unfair?) or with my sisters. In fact, my parents told me that they were going to stop at two kids but felt that a third child (turned out to be twins) would help out with her once they died. tl;dr No, but I could understand saying yes. ps. I recently made this account, but this will be the post that removes me from lurkerdom.
My older sister is a 28 year old relatively high functioning young woman with Down Syndrome, so I have a different perspective from most to offer. She is two years old than I am, but since she was held up in kindergarten and first grade, we went through school in the same grade for 12 years. With special ed classes and a tutor who went with her to the "regular" classes she took, she was able to graduate high school. She also had friends, mostly other students in special ed classes. She graduated high school, walking just ahead of me (oh alphabet). Although it required many accommodations, she was proud to have finished high school. She now works at a movie theater, taking tickets and cleaning. She also volunteers at a hospital near our house, delivering intra-hospital mail. She really loves working at the theater especially, because she gets to watch movies for free after work. She works with a program for the mentally handicapped which teaches life skills, encourages healthy eating and exercise, and plans social outings (frequently bowling, she probably beats me when we go about 50% of the time but I am terribad). She is "dating" one of the guys in her program, but I'm not sure what that actually has entailed besides attending dances together. While she has been in some ways a burden on the family, I am sure that nobody would want to get rid of her. Occasionally, I wonder what she would have been like "normal," as my other two sisters and I are all pretty successful academically and in some other aspects of life. But I wouldn't want to change her, I think. She seems very happy living with my parents, working 2-3 days a week, watching lots of TV, coloring in geometric coloring books, and making friendship bracelets. She has had a profound effect on the people my other sisters and I became. We are more patient, compassionate, and less asshole-y than we probably would have been otherwise. As for being a burden, she has limited my family in some ways. I don't know whether my mom intended to stay at home, but after my sister was born, that is what she did. It is likely, given the usual course of Down Syndrome, that she will not outlive my parents by much time at all. I don't really like to think about her dying, or my parents dying. But if she needs somewhere to be taken care of, she will come live with me and my wife (and honestly, this was kind of a litmus test while I was dating her, is that unfair?) or with my sisters. In fact, my parents told me that they were going to stop at two kids but felt that a third child (turned out to be twins) would help out with her once they died.
No, but I could understand saying yes. ps. I recently made this account, but this will be the post that removes me from lurkerdom.
I am an RN currently working nightshift in CICU at my local hospital. I have been an ICU nurse for almost 2 years, and I like the ratio of 1 nurse to 2-3 patients. I also like the pace and the challenge...sometimes. Other times I am exhausted and wish I didn't work in such a busy area. I chose ICU because I want to further my education at some point, and until recently didn't know if I wanted to be a CRNA, PA, or NP (now I have learned enough that I know my goal is NP) and I know ICU experience is the way to open doors to all those fields. I've always been REALLY interested in women's healthcare (before switching to nursing, I was pre-med hoping to become an Ob/Gyn), but I didn't allow myself to consider that option or apply to those areas right out of school since I knew from the beginning I wanted to end up as an advanced practice RN after I had enough experience, and I originally thought I was leaning towards CRNA school (which tends to heavily prefer cardiac ICU experience). Now that I've decided to become an NP (I'm thinking a dual Adult NP/Womens Health NP) and have had time in the ICU, I have applied to work on a Mother/Baby unit at my hospital. I feel this will both give me time to gain some baseline knowledge to help me decide if women's health is really what I like (the Gynecology unit at my hospital has a bad reputation for poor RN culture/teamwork here, so I didn't want to go that route) and once I apply to NP school next fall, would probably be less stressful/intense on average than my current ICU position, so I feel it would be easier to work there while going to school. I have to work full time while going to NP school full time because of financial reasons. *My question to those RNs who have changed down from a high-intensity job in an ICU to a floor-type unit: --> Did you find that the change caused you to be bored? Or did you like it? And why? For either answer. *My question for those in NP school while working full-time: --> Does it make school easier if you work on a floor vs ICU? Not in terms of classes, but in terms of stress levels, and mental/physical energy to devote to school after working 3 days. In my current job, I am so tired physically AND mentally by my 3rd night (I work nightshift) I tend to sleep my whole first night off before I have energy enough to do anything. I can't imagine how hard it would be to keep this job and go to school. TL;DR - I want to switch from a Cardiac ICU to a Mother/Baby unit after 1.5 yrs of ICU nursing to learn about women's health (what I've always been interested in) and to hopefully take some stress off myself once I've been there a while and hopefully go back to NP school while working full time. I am excited to pursue this, but I'm worried about becoming bored. Thoughts from those who have experienced something similar?
I am an RN currently working nightshift in CICU at my local hospital. I have been an ICU nurse for almost 2 years, and I like the ratio of 1 nurse to 2-3 patients. I also like the pace and the challenge...sometimes. Other times I am exhausted and wish I didn't work in such a busy area. I chose ICU because I want to further my education at some point, and until recently didn't know if I wanted to be a CRNA, PA, or NP (now I have learned enough that I know my goal is NP) and I know ICU experience is the way to open doors to all those fields. I've always been REALLY interested in women's healthcare (before switching to nursing, I was pre-med hoping to become an Ob/Gyn), but I didn't allow myself to consider that option or apply to those areas right out of school since I knew from the beginning I wanted to end up as an advanced practice RN after I had enough experience, and I originally thought I was leaning towards CRNA school (which tends to heavily prefer cardiac ICU experience). Now that I've decided to become an NP (I'm thinking a dual Adult NP/Womens Health NP) and have had time in the ICU, I have applied to work on a Mother/Baby unit at my hospital. I feel this will both give me time to gain some baseline knowledge to help me decide if women's health is really what I like (the Gynecology unit at my hospital has a bad reputation for poor RN culture/teamwork here, so I didn't want to go that route) and once I apply to NP school next fall, would probably be less stressful/intense on average than my current ICU position, so I feel it would be easier to work there while going to school. I have to work full time while going to NP school full time because of financial reasons. *My question to those RNs who have changed down from a high-intensity job in an ICU to a floor-type unit: --> Did you find that the change caused you to be bored? Or did you like it? And why? For either answer. *My question for those in NP school while working full-time: --> Does it make school easier if you work on a floor vs ICU? Not in terms of classes, but in terms of stress levels, and mental/physical energy to devote to school after working 3 days. In my current job, I am so tired physically AND mentally by my 3rd night (I work nightshift) I tend to sleep my whole first night off before I have energy enough to do anything. I can't imagine how hard it would be to keep this job and go to school. TL;DR - I want to switch from a Cardiac ICU to a Mother/Baby unit after 1.5 yrs of ICU nursing to learn about women's health (what I've always been interested in) and to hopefully take some stress off myself once I've been there a while and hopefully go back to NP school while working full time. I am excited to pursue this, but I'm worried about becoming bored. Thoughts from those who have experienced something similar?
I am an RN currently working nightshift in CICU at my local hospital. I have been an ICU nurse for almost 2 years, and I like the ratio of 1 nurse to 2-3 patients. I also like the pace and the challenge...sometimes. Other times I am exhausted and wish I didn't work in such a busy area. I chose ICU because I want to further my education at some point, and until recently didn't know if I wanted to be a CRNA, PA, or NP (now I have learned enough that I know my goal is NP) and I know ICU experience is the way to open doors to all those fields. I've always been REALLY interested in women's healthcare (before switching to nursing, I was pre-med hoping to become an Ob/Gyn), but I didn't allow myself to consider that option or apply to those areas right out of school since I knew from the beginning I wanted to end up as an advanced practice RN after I had enough experience, and I originally thought I was leaning towards CRNA school (which tends to heavily prefer cardiac ICU experience). Now that I've decided to become an NP (I'm thinking a dual Adult NP/Womens Health NP) and have had time in the ICU, I have applied to work on a Mother/Baby unit at my hospital. I feel this will both give me time to gain some baseline knowledge to help me decide if women's health is really what I like (the Gynecology unit at my hospital has a bad reputation for poor RN culture/teamwork here, so I didn't want to go that route) and once I apply to NP school next fall, would probably be less stressful/intense on average than my current ICU position, so I feel it would be easier to work there while going to school. I have to work full time while going to NP school full time because of financial reasons. *My question to those RNs who have changed down from a high-intensity job in an ICU to a floor-type unit: --> Did you find that the change caused you to be bored? Or did you like it? And why? For either answer. *My question for those in NP school while working full-time: --> Does it make school easier if you work on a floor vs ICU? Not in terms of classes, but in terms of stress levels, and mental/physical energy to devote to school after working 3 days. In my current job, I am so tired physically AND mentally by my 3rd night (I work nightshift) I tend to sleep my whole first night off before I have energy enough to do anything. I can't imagine how hard it would be to keep this job and go to school.
I want to switch from a Cardiac ICU to a Mother/Baby unit after 1.5 yrs of ICU nursing to learn about women's health (what I've always been interested in) and to hopefully take some stress off myself once I've been there a while and hopefully go back to NP school while working full time. I am excited to pursue this, but I'm worried about becoming bored. Thoughts from those who have experienced something similar?
The Mormon Church today is headed by a prophet, two counselors, and twelve apostles. When one member dies, a new one is called by what we claim is inspiration from God. We consider all these men to be prophets. That being said, we don't believe in infallibility of prophets. Our doctrine is that any truth can be confirmed by study, prayer, and paying attention to the inspiration one receives. Unfortunately, the present culture of the Mormon Church is to not question prophets as much as we probably should. Or at least verify. The church has acknowledged mistakes made in the past, and makes no claims to infallibility now, but culturally, dissent is frowned upon. tl;dr: our church has 15 people we consider prophets, when one dies, the remaining appoint another, but every member should verify with God whether what they say is true.
The Mormon Church today is headed by a prophet, two counselors, and twelve apostles. When one member dies, a new one is called by what we claim is inspiration from God. We consider all these men to be prophets. That being said, we don't believe in infallibility of prophets. Our doctrine is that any truth can be confirmed by study, prayer, and paying attention to the inspiration one receives. Unfortunately, the present culture of the Mormon Church is to not question prophets as much as we probably should. Or at least verify. The church has acknowledged mistakes made in the past, and makes no claims to infallibility now, but culturally, dissent is frowned upon. tl;dr: our church has 15 people we consider prophets, when one dies, the remaining appoint another, but every member should verify with God whether what they say is true.
The Mormon Church today is headed by a prophet, two counselors, and twelve apostles. When one member dies, a new one is called by what we claim is inspiration from God. We consider all these men to be prophets. That being said, we don't believe in infallibility of prophets. Our doctrine is that any truth can be confirmed by study, prayer, and paying attention to the inspiration one receives. Unfortunately, the present culture of the Mormon Church is to not question prophets as much as we probably should. Or at least verify. The church has acknowledged mistakes made in the past, and makes no claims to infallibility now, but culturally, dissent is frowned upon.
our church has 15 people we consider prophets, when one dies, the remaining appoint another, but every member should verify with God whether what they say is true.
I'm a rather new Redditor and this is not my main account but I need to get some things off my chest, process it all, and maybe get some advice. If this is the incorrect sub I apologise and please tell me where else I can go. --- I'm a nineteen year old girl from Australia. I was born in Central West New South Wales as the only (that I know) child of two addicts. My father was convicted at fourteen and spent most of his life before I was born as an aggressive and depressed alcoholic and drug dealer. He met my mother when she was in her early 20s and he established himself to my mother and her sister as a dealer. Within a few years he managed to get her to marry him and then dragged her out to a town (population of under 300) in to the middle of the country where the land is almost completely barren, not even the kangaroos would live there. He kept her there for more than a decade, during which time I was born. Through their various rages at me I've learnt from them that she still used coke and ecstasy throughout her pregnancy with me, but mainly used oxycodone^1. My mother left him when I was 18 months but I have vague memories and flashbacks^2 from then of dark rooms, shocking heat and a woman begging and screaming. She managed to escape to the coast on a train and found a women's refuge and managed to sober up enough to get us a dingy unit before my father followed her and found himself somewhere to live nearby. Between the ages of 2 and 5 I was relatively happy but this was really the beginnings of her abuse. I don't particularly think she meant to but she is and was so fucked up by the things that happened to her at the hands of my father and by the drugs themselves (which were evidently more varied than what I've been informed of) that I don't know whether to pity her or not. Between the ages of four and sixteen she forced me into seeing 12 counsellors, 8 psychologists, and 6 psychiatrists. I was diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, ADHD, ADD, Borderline Personality Disorder and manic depression, among other things, and was put on more and more prescription drugs as the time went on. But this was all masking the actual issues, which was that she beat me. She hit me, kicked me, pulled my hair out, forced soap so far down my throat she knocked out some of my teeth, and locked me in my bedroom for days at a time. I've done some reading online and she fits most if not all of the symptoms of Münchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, that she tried to gather sympathy for herself through me and tried to make it look worse by faking and even causing me to have illnesses. This became worse when my father, who refused to leave the city, took her to the family courts and managed to get dual custody of me when I was 7. I spent tuesday nights and even second weekends at his unit before then (from the age of 5), and became used to checking for syringes and broken glass in the grass and it was at that time that I saw my first dead body hunched over on the stairwell to our unit, surrounded by blood. Regardless, he still managed to get dual custody of me because I was more scared of my mother than my father at that point and over the course of that year (2002) I spent equal time between the two hovels. In the summer of 2003 my mother had one of her friends stay for two weeks. This friend and her son (a year older than me) stayed in my room and not only did I have to sleep in my mother's room (sometimes her bed, sometimes the floor), but I wasn't allowed in my bedroom at all. One afternoon I tried to go in my room to pick out a book to read and her friend pushed me out, pushed me against the wall and screamed at me. I started crying, ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before slicing into my throat. My mother saw it, called my father, and had him take me away to his house. I didn't see my mother again for close to two years, except for one time I was in hospital.* * - I had always had hearing difficulties, and my first year with my father doctors found out I had tumours in my head (**NOT** brain tumours, they're between the brain and the skull itself) and I had my first operation to remove them then. Since then I've had 5 more surgeries, each time they've more aggressive (to the point of brain fluid leaking on the operating table and weeks in hospital to recover). The time taken to recover from the procedures, as well as other complications^3 has lead me to decide that it's better to live to 35 relatively normally than to 55 and spend half the time in bed and in pain. Essentially, I'm halfway through my life already, and I'm okay with that now. I'm a big girl, and I've had years to make this decision. So between 2003 and 2005 (age 8-10) I lived with my father exclusively and I don't remember much about this period besides vague memories, flashbacks and night terrors, mostly of things he did to me, or things he threatened to. Every couple of weeks he would grab onto my arm and pull me to the front door saying he was taking me 'to buy a box'. This box, he said, would need to be taken care of because as soon as we got home he would pack my clothes into it and drive me to _____, this suburb known for being a red-light district with more murders than births each year, as well as lots of gang activity. He said that within a week I'd be selling myself from this cardboard box, within a month I'd be shooting up inside it, within a year I'd be giving birth inside it, and within a decade I'd be buried inside it in an unmarked grave, as a sign of how worthless I am. That's stuck with me ever since, and it's still hard to process how he could hate his only daughter that much. I also remember him pretending to kill himself in front of me before getting up, cackling with glee, and pinning my hands behind my back and locking me in my room for a few days with just a bucket to piss in, a loaf of bread, and a lettuce. He also... lit my vagina on fire at one point. I don't remember it, I've blocked it out, but I've got burn scars over my vulva. He never told me why but as I've grown up I've worked out that he didn't want me to be able to have casual sex, if any sex at all. I don't know if he molested me, I wouldn't say I know he did, but it wouldn't surprise me given the burns and the fact that when I behaved he would 'reward me' by making me sleep in his bed, and before he went to sleep he'd turn the television to porn channels. I lost my virginity when I was twelve to this boy from school and he showed me that not everyone will hurt me, and I loved that feeling. I lived through it for years. I dropped out of school when I was thirteen because I was already earning a reputation and a group of boys would beat me up (to the point of broken bones) and sexually assault me a couple of times a week. I kept my mouth shut because these boys' parents were friendly with the principal and nobody would believe what I said anyway. But I got fed up eventually and in September 2008 I walked out of class and never went back. It seems that nobody even noticed me missing from school because nobody ever came to check on me. So, I began walking on a bad path, I met some people, had a lot of stupid sex, formed an addiction to it, and I moved drugs on the side for some income. Most of which I had to pay in rent to my mother in order to stay there instead of living on the street again. I was sixteen I overdosed. I'd had enough and really just reeling from some news I'd got a few months before^3. My mother's oxy^1 use (and perhaps the burns as well) had left me sterile. I had believed that I was going to be a mother one day and prove to myself I could be a better parent to my own children than mine were to me, but this was basically a slap in the face, and is one of the reasons I'd rather die at 35 than 55. There's just not that much use in me being alive any longer than that if there's nobody relying on me. Alas, evidently I didn't die then but I felt absolutely crap just looking at where I was in life so I decided to start a course and finish high school. I finish it completely next month, but I've stopped caring about it any more. It just isn't something that caters to my interests, and I'm not any happier now either. However, just before I started my course I met my ex boyfriend, this was mid 2012. We were in different social classes, but I figured he loved me because we had enough in common. I guessed wrong. We were together for more than a year, not that long for most people, but longer than anything I've managed before that. He was sweet, caring, and his family liked me, and I gave him every part of me that I could. But this wasn't enough and he turned obsessive, paranoid, nasty and abusive. Oh, and he cheated on me with another girl, which he used as a reason to break up with me, though that wasn't the reason I was given; which was that apparently his mother had seen me smoking crack, when I'd never even touched the stuff. But I was okay with that, I knew I was better off without him. This was mid 2013. 2013 was a clusterfuck. My grandmother died, my boyfriend dumped me 3 days after my 18th bithday, my dog died a month later and then, the pièce de résistance, I was raped by the man who lives next door to me. This was October 5th 2013. My finals started a week later and I failed all of them because I wasn't able to study, and I had panic attacks during the exams themselves. It's been a year and I still live next to him, and I can't afford to move. The Police said they can't do anything because I have no proof (besides scars) and the only things that are keeping me sane at this point is my other dog (a Great Dane), my best friend (who is pretty much my new boyfriend), my bong, and a bayonet from the First World War which I keep beside my bed to give me some feeling of security. My house caught fire in April, and a few months later the bolts to my screen door were cut. Twice. My mother laughed at me when I told her that I was raped because she likes the guy, but over the past 12 months we've begun to repair our relationship though I'm still wary of her and mainly use her to help me do my grocery shopping because I can't afford a car and this area has too many hills to be able to carry the bags home. On a side note, my mother told me that my father moved to the US (Arizona) in late 2008 and married a banker before beating her, divorcing her, taking her money and fleeing to Mexico. I haven't heard about him in two years, and I haven't spoken to him since early 2008. I know I need therapy, I know I've got problems. I can't sleep unless I'm stoned because of my PTSD^2 and I'm still dealing with sex addiction, but I've recently kicked my cigarette addiction (of a pack a day for around 4 years, and half packs for 3 years) which I've got going for me. Which is nice. I could really do with some advice on what to do. TLDR; clusterfuck history, and terrified.
I'm a rather new Redditor and this is not my main account but I need to get some things off my chest, process it all, and maybe get some advice. If this is the incorrect sub I apologise and please tell me where else I can go. I'm a nineteen year old girl from Australia. I was born in Central West New South Wales as the only (that I know) child of two addicts. My father was convicted at fourteen and spent most of his life before I was born as an aggressive and depressed alcoholic and drug dealer. He met my mother when she was in her early 20s and he established himself to my mother and her sister as a dealer. Within a few years he managed to get her to marry him and then dragged her out to a town (population of under 300) in to the middle of the country where the land is almost completely barren, not even the kangaroos would live there. He kept her there for more than a decade, during which time I was born. Through their various rages at me I've learnt from them that she still used coke and ecstasy throughout her pregnancy with me, but mainly used oxycodone^1. My mother left him when I was 18 months but I have vague memories and flashbacks^2 from then of dark rooms, shocking heat and a woman begging and screaming. She managed to escape to the coast on a train and found a women's refuge and managed to sober up enough to get us a dingy unit before my father followed her and found himself somewhere to live nearby. Between the ages of 2 and 5 I was relatively happy but this was really the beginnings of her abuse. I don't particularly think she meant to but she is and was so fucked up by the things that happened to her at the hands of my father and by the drugs themselves (which were evidently more varied than what I've been informed of) that I don't know whether to pity her or not. Between the ages of four and sixteen she forced me into seeing 12 counsellors, 8 psychologists, and 6 psychiatrists. I was diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, ADHD, ADD, Borderline Personality Disorder and manic depression, among other things, and was put on more and more prescription drugs as the time went on. But this was all masking the actual issues, which was that she beat me. She hit me, kicked me, pulled my hair out, forced soap so far down my throat she knocked out some of my teeth, and locked me in my bedroom for days at a time. I've done some reading online and she fits most if not all of the symptoms of Münchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, that she tried to gather sympathy for herself through me and tried to make it look worse by faking and even causing me to have illnesses. This became worse when my father, who refused to leave the city, took her to the family courts and managed to get dual custody of me when I was 7. I spent tuesday nights and even second weekends at his unit before then (from the age of 5), and became used to checking for syringes and broken glass in the grass and it was at that time that I saw my first dead body hunched over on the stairwell to our unit, surrounded by blood. Regardless, he still managed to get dual custody of me because I was more scared of my mother than my father at that point and over the course of that year (2002) I spent equal time between the two hovels. In the summer of 2003 my mother had one of her friends stay for two weeks. This friend and her son (a year older than me) stayed in my room and not only did I have to sleep in my mother's room (sometimes her bed, sometimes the floor), but I wasn't allowed in my bedroom at all. One afternoon I tried to go in my room to pick out a book to read and her friend pushed me out, pushed me against the wall and screamed at me. I started crying, ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before slicing into my throat. My mother saw it, called my father, and had him take me away to his house. I didn't see my mother again for close to two years, except for one time I was in hospital.* I had always had hearing difficulties, and my first year with my father doctors found out I had tumours in my head ( NOT brain tumours, they're between the brain and the skull itself) and I had my first operation to remove them then. Since then I've had 5 more surgeries, each time they've more aggressive (to the point of brain fluid leaking on the operating table and weeks in hospital to recover). The time taken to recover from the procedures, as well as other complications^3 has lead me to decide that it's better to live to 35 relatively normally than to 55 and spend half the time in bed and in pain. Essentially, I'm halfway through my life already, and I'm okay with that now. I'm a big girl, and I've had years to make this decision. So between 2003 and 2005 (age 8-10) I lived with my father exclusively and I don't remember much about this period besides vague memories, flashbacks and night terrors, mostly of things he did to me, or things he threatened to. Every couple of weeks he would grab onto my arm and pull me to the front door saying he was taking me 'to buy a box'. This box, he said, would need to be taken care of because as soon as we got home he would pack my clothes into it and drive me to _ , this suburb known for being a red-light district with more murders than births each year, as well as lots of gang activity. He said that within a week I'd be selling myself from this cardboard box, within a month I'd be shooting up inside it, within a year I'd be giving birth inside it, and within a decade I'd be buried inside it in an unmarked grave, as a sign of how worthless I am. That's stuck with me ever since, and it's still hard to process how he could hate his only daughter that much. I also remember him pretending to kill himself in front of me before getting up, cackling with glee, and pinning my hands behind my back and locking me in my room for a few days with just a bucket to piss in, a loaf of bread, and a lettuce. He also... lit my vagina on fire at one point. I don't remember it, I've blocked it out, but I've got burn scars over my vulva. He never told me why but as I've grown up I've worked out that he didn't want me to be able to have casual sex, if any sex at all. I don't know if he molested me, I wouldn't say I know he did, but it wouldn't surprise me given the burns and the fact that when I behaved he would 'reward me' by making me sleep in his bed, and before he went to sleep he'd turn the television to porn channels. I lost my virginity when I was twelve to this boy from school and he showed me that not everyone will hurt me, and I loved that feeling. I lived through it for years. I dropped out of school when I was thirteen because I was already earning a reputation and a group of boys would beat me up (to the point of broken bones) and sexually assault me a couple of times a week. I kept my mouth shut because these boys' parents were friendly with the principal and nobody would believe what I said anyway. But I got fed up eventually and in September 2008 I walked out of class and never went back. It seems that nobody even noticed me missing from school because nobody ever came to check on me. So, I began walking on a bad path, I met some people, had a lot of stupid sex, formed an addiction to it, and I moved drugs on the side for some income. Most of which I had to pay in rent to my mother in order to stay there instead of living on the street again. I was sixteen I overdosed. I'd had enough and really just reeling from some news I'd got a few months before^3. My mother's oxy^1 use (and perhaps the burns as well) had left me sterile. I had believed that I was going to be a mother one day and prove to myself I could be a better parent to my own children than mine were to me, but this was basically a slap in the face, and is one of the reasons I'd rather die at 35 than 55. There's just not that much use in me being alive any longer than that if there's nobody relying on me. Alas, evidently I didn't die then but I felt absolutely crap just looking at where I was in life so I decided to start a course and finish high school. I finish it completely next month, but I've stopped caring about it any more. It just isn't something that caters to my interests, and I'm not any happier now either. However, just before I started my course I met my ex boyfriend, this was mid 2012. We were in different social classes, but I figured he loved me because we had enough in common. I guessed wrong. We were together for more than a year, not that long for most people, but longer than anything I've managed before that. He was sweet, caring, and his family liked me, and I gave him every part of me that I could. But this wasn't enough and he turned obsessive, paranoid, nasty and abusive. Oh, and he cheated on me with another girl, which he used as a reason to break up with me, though that wasn't the reason I was given; which was that apparently his mother had seen me smoking crack, when I'd never even touched the stuff. But I was okay with that, I knew I was better off without him. This was mid 2013. 2013 was a clusterfuck. My grandmother died, my boyfriend dumped me 3 days after my 18th bithday, my dog died a month later and then, the pièce de résistance, I was raped by the man who lives next door to me. This was October 5th 2013. My finals started a week later and I failed all of them because I wasn't able to study, and I had panic attacks during the exams themselves. It's been a year and I still live next to him, and I can't afford to move. The Police said they can't do anything because I have no proof (besides scars) and the only things that are keeping me sane at this point is my other dog (a Great Dane), my best friend (who is pretty much my new boyfriend), my bong, and a bayonet from the First World War which I keep beside my bed to give me some feeling of security. My house caught fire in April, and a few months later the bolts to my screen door were cut. Twice. My mother laughed at me when I told her that I was raped because she likes the guy, but over the past 12 months we've begun to repair our relationship though I'm still wary of her and mainly use her to help me do my grocery shopping because I can't afford a car and this area has too many hills to be able to carry the bags home. On a side note, my mother told me that my father moved to the US (Arizona) in late 2008 and married a banker before beating her, divorcing her, taking her money and fleeing to Mexico. I haven't heard about him in two years, and I haven't spoken to him since early 2008. I know I need therapy, I know I've got problems. I can't sleep unless I'm stoned because of my PTSD^2 and I'm still dealing with sex addiction, but I've recently kicked my cigarette addiction (of a pack a day for around 4 years, and half packs for 3 years) which I've got going for me. Which is nice. I could really do with some advice on what to do. TLDR; clusterfuck history, and terrified.
I'm a rather new Redditor and this is not my main account but I need to get some things off my chest, process it all, and maybe get some advice. If this is the incorrect sub I apologise and please tell me where else I can go. I'm a nineteen year old girl from Australia. I was born in Central West New South Wales as the only (that I know) child of two addicts. My father was convicted at fourteen and spent most of his life before I was born as an aggressive and depressed alcoholic and drug dealer. He met my mother when she was in her early 20s and he established himself to my mother and her sister as a dealer. Within a few years he managed to get her to marry him and then dragged her out to a town (population of under 300) in to the middle of the country where the land is almost completely barren, not even the kangaroos would live there. He kept her there for more than a decade, during which time I was born. Through their various rages at me I've learnt from them that she still used coke and ecstasy throughout her pregnancy with me, but mainly used oxycodone^1. My mother left him when I was 18 months but I have vague memories and flashbacks^2 from then of dark rooms, shocking heat and a woman begging and screaming. She managed to escape to the coast on a train and found a women's refuge and managed to sober up enough to get us a dingy unit before my father followed her and found himself somewhere to live nearby. Between the ages of 2 and 5 I was relatively happy but this was really the beginnings of her abuse. I don't particularly think she meant to but she is and was so fucked up by the things that happened to her at the hands of my father and by the drugs themselves (which were evidently more varied than what I've been informed of) that I don't know whether to pity her or not. Between the ages of four and sixteen she forced me into seeing 12 counsellors, 8 psychologists, and 6 psychiatrists. I was diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, ADHD, ADD, Borderline Personality Disorder and manic depression, among other things, and was put on more and more prescription drugs as the time went on. But this was all masking the actual issues, which was that she beat me. She hit me, kicked me, pulled my hair out, forced soap so far down my throat she knocked out some of my teeth, and locked me in my bedroom for days at a time. I've done some reading online and she fits most if not all of the symptoms of Münchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, that she tried to gather sympathy for herself through me and tried to make it look worse by faking and even causing me to have illnesses. This became worse when my father, who refused to leave the city, took her to the family courts and managed to get dual custody of me when I was 7. I spent tuesday nights and even second weekends at his unit before then (from the age of 5), and became used to checking for syringes and broken glass in the grass and it was at that time that I saw my first dead body hunched over on the stairwell to our unit, surrounded by blood. Regardless, he still managed to get dual custody of me because I was more scared of my mother than my father at that point and over the course of that year (2002) I spent equal time between the two hovels. In the summer of 2003 my mother had one of her friends stay for two weeks. This friend and her son (a year older than me) stayed in my room and not only did I have to sleep in my mother's room (sometimes her bed, sometimes the floor), but I wasn't allowed in my bedroom at all. One afternoon I tried to go in my room to pick out a book to read and her friend pushed me out, pushed me against the wall and screamed at me. I started crying, ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before slicing into my throat. My mother saw it, called my father, and had him take me away to his house. I didn't see my mother again for close to two years, except for one time I was in hospital.* I had always had hearing difficulties, and my first year with my father doctors found out I had tumours in my head ( NOT brain tumours, they're between the brain and the skull itself) and I had my first operation to remove them then. Since then I've had 5 more surgeries, each time they've more aggressive (to the point of brain fluid leaking on the operating table and weeks in hospital to recover). The time taken to recover from the procedures, as well as other complications^3 has lead me to decide that it's better to live to 35 relatively normally than to 55 and spend half the time in bed and in pain. Essentially, I'm halfway through my life already, and I'm okay with that now. I'm a big girl, and I've had years to make this decision. So between 2003 and 2005 (age 8-10) I lived with my father exclusively and I don't remember much about this period besides vague memories, flashbacks and night terrors, mostly of things he did to me, or things he threatened to. Every couple of weeks he would grab onto my arm and pull me to the front door saying he was taking me 'to buy a box'. This box, he said, would need to be taken care of because as soon as we got home he would pack my clothes into it and drive me to _ , this suburb known for being a red-light district with more murders than births each year, as well as lots of gang activity. He said that within a week I'd be selling myself from this cardboard box, within a month I'd be shooting up inside it, within a year I'd be giving birth inside it, and within a decade I'd be buried inside it in an unmarked grave, as a sign of how worthless I am. That's stuck with me ever since, and it's still hard to process how he could hate his only daughter that much. I also remember him pretending to kill himself in front of me before getting up, cackling with glee, and pinning my hands behind my back and locking me in my room for a few days with just a bucket to piss in, a loaf of bread, and a lettuce. He also... lit my vagina on fire at one point. I don't remember it, I've blocked it out, but I've got burn scars over my vulva. He never told me why but as I've grown up I've worked out that he didn't want me to be able to have casual sex, if any sex at all. I don't know if he molested me, I wouldn't say I know he did, but it wouldn't surprise me given the burns and the fact that when I behaved he would 'reward me' by making me sleep in his bed, and before he went to sleep he'd turn the television to porn channels. I lost my virginity when I was twelve to this boy from school and he showed me that not everyone will hurt me, and I loved that feeling. I lived through it for years. I dropped out of school when I was thirteen because I was already earning a reputation and a group of boys would beat me up (to the point of broken bones) and sexually assault me a couple of times a week. I kept my mouth shut because these boys' parents were friendly with the principal and nobody would believe what I said anyway. But I got fed up eventually and in September 2008 I walked out of class and never went back. It seems that nobody even noticed me missing from school because nobody ever came to check on me. So, I began walking on a bad path, I met some people, had a lot of stupid sex, formed an addiction to it, and I moved drugs on the side for some income. Most of which I had to pay in rent to my mother in order to stay there instead of living on the street again. I was sixteen I overdosed. I'd had enough and really just reeling from some news I'd got a few months before^3. My mother's oxy^1 use (and perhaps the burns as well) had left me sterile. I had believed that I was going to be a mother one day and prove to myself I could be a better parent to my own children than mine were to me, but this was basically a slap in the face, and is one of the reasons I'd rather die at 35 than 55. There's just not that much use in me being alive any longer than that if there's nobody relying on me. Alas, evidently I didn't die then but I felt absolutely crap just looking at where I was in life so I decided to start a course and finish high school. I finish it completely next month, but I've stopped caring about it any more. It just isn't something that caters to my interests, and I'm not any happier now either. However, just before I started my course I met my ex boyfriend, this was mid 2012. We were in different social classes, but I figured he loved me because we had enough in common. I guessed wrong. We were together for more than a year, not that long for most people, but longer than anything I've managed before that. He was sweet, caring, and his family liked me, and I gave him every part of me that I could. But this wasn't enough and he turned obsessive, paranoid, nasty and abusive. Oh, and he cheated on me with another girl, which he used as a reason to break up with me, though that wasn't the reason I was given; which was that apparently his mother had seen me smoking crack, when I'd never even touched the stuff. But I was okay with that, I knew I was better off without him. This was mid 2013. 2013 was a clusterfuck. My grandmother died, my boyfriend dumped me 3 days after my 18th bithday, my dog died a month later and then, the pièce de résistance, I was raped by the man who lives next door to me. This was October 5th 2013. My finals started a week later and I failed all of them because I wasn't able to study, and I had panic attacks during the exams themselves. It's been a year and I still live next to him, and I can't afford to move. The Police said they can't do anything because I have no proof (besides scars) and the only things that are keeping me sane at this point is my other dog (a Great Dane), my best friend (who is pretty much my new boyfriend), my bong, and a bayonet from the First World War which I keep beside my bed to give me some feeling of security. My house caught fire in April, and a few months later the bolts to my screen door were cut. Twice. My mother laughed at me when I told her that I was raped because she likes the guy, but over the past 12 months we've begun to repair our relationship though I'm still wary of her and mainly use her to help me do my grocery shopping because I can't afford a car and this area has too many hills to be able to carry the bags home. On a side note, my mother told me that my father moved to the US (Arizona) in late 2008 and married a banker before beating her, divorcing her, taking her money and fleeing to Mexico. I haven't heard about him in two years, and I haven't spoken to him since early 2008. I know I need therapy, I know I've got problems. I can't sleep unless I'm stoned because of my PTSD^2 and I'm still dealing with sex addiction, but I've recently kicked my cigarette addiction (of a pack a day for around 4 years, and half packs for 3 years) which I've got going for me. Which is nice. I could really do with some advice on what to do.
clusterfuck history, and terrified.
Shit man, i do this with games too. I bought mgs4 on day one, played for like 30 minutes and never touched it again, traded it for fallout3, played for like 1 hour and that's it. Bought the orange box, played ep1 for a little bit and that's it. Played two levels of portal, a little tf2 but never played again. Bought sly cooper 2 because i loved the first one, it's sitting there collecting dust. Shadow of the colossus, i managed to get up to the 10th boss after two years. A big part of the problem is Cod4, it ruined every other game for me, that's all i play, And sf hd remix. I have lost my patience to play campaign modes in games, i'd rather just shoot and knife people. tldr: I bought a lot of games that i don't play
Shit man, i do this with games too. I bought mgs4 on day one, played for like 30 minutes and never touched it again, traded it for fallout3, played for like 1 hour and that's it. Bought the orange box, played ep1 for a little bit and that's it. Played two levels of portal, a little tf2 but never played again. Bought sly cooper 2 because i loved the first one, it's sitting there collecting dust. Shadow of the colossus, i managed to get up to the 10th boss after two years. A big part of the problem is Cod4, it ruined every other game for me, that's all i play, And sf hd remix. I have lost my patience to play campaign modes in games, i'd rather just shoot and knife people. tldr: I bought a lot of games that i don't play
Shit man, i do this with games too. I bought mgs4 on day one, played for like 30 minutes and never touched it again, traded it for fallout3, played for like 1 hour and that's it. Bought the orange box, played ep1 for a little bit and that's it. Played two levels of portal, a little tf2 but never played again. Bought sly cooper 2 because i loved the first one, it's sitting there collecting dust. Shadow of the colossus, i managed to get up to the 10th boss after two years. A big part of the problem is Cod4, it ruined every other game for me, that's all i play, And sf hd remix. I have lost my patience to play campaign modes in games, i'd rather just shoot and knife people.
I bought a lot of games that i don't play
Over the past several days I was in an area where I was reliant on a mobile data connection that was extremely spotty. I had set the "Vacation status" on LocalBitcoins (LB) so that my ads were not available but due to the dip in the exchange rate several buyers contacted me (via voice and text) ~~begging~~ asking me to please re-open my ad and do an online trade. My attempts to comply were futile -- ping times came back at over 20 seconds and I couldn't even successfully login to the LB site due to browser timeouts and/or broadcast latency causing my 2FA login attempts to be stale by the time they finally reached the server. I knew that the Mycelium wallet grabs and broadcasts much less data so I tried a transaction using that method. It wasn't as fast as when using a fiber connection but somehow it worked -- I was amazed. I was able to complete a couple of the trades using that method rather than having to delay doing any trades until I returned to ~~the civilized world~~ where the Internet is generally available. Tl:dr; If you need a wallet that works when your data connection has really high latency, try using Mycelium.
Over the past several days I was in an area where I was reliant on a mobile data connection that was extremely spotty. I had set the "Vacation status" on LocalBitcoins (LB) so that my ads were not available but due to the dip in the exchange rate several buyers contacted me (via voice and text) begging asking me to please re-open my ad and do an online trade. My attempts to comply were futile -- ping times came back at over 20 seconds and I couldn't even successfully login to the LB site due to browser timeouts and/or broadcast latency causing my 2FA login attempts to be stale by the time they finally reached the server. I knew that the Mycelium wallet grabs and broadcasts much less data so I tried a transaction using that method. It wasn't as fast as when using a fiber connection but somehow it worked -- I was amazed. I was able to complete a couple of the trades using that method rather than having to delay doing any trades until I returned to the civilized world where the Internet is generally available. Tl:dr; If you need a wallet that works when your data connection has really high latency, try using Mycelium.
Over the past several days I was in an area where I was reliant on a mobile data connection that was extremely spotty. I had set the "Vacation status" on LocalBitcoins (LB) so that my ads were not available but due to the dip in the exchange rate several buyers contacted me (via voice and text) begging asking me to please re-open my ad and do an online trade. My attempts to comply were futile -- ping times came back at over 20 seconds and I couldn't even successfully login to the LB site due to browser timeouts and/or broadcast latency causing my 2FA login attempts to be stale by the time they finally reached the server. I knew that the Mycelium wallet grabs and broadcasts much less data so I tried a transaction using that method. It wasn't as fast as when using a fiber connection but somehow it worked -- I was amazed. I was able to complete a couple of the trades using that method rather than having to delay doing any trades until I returned to the civilized world where the Internet is generally available.
If you need a wallet that works when your data connection has really high latency, try using Mycelium.
Hi all, I'm fat(6'1", 250lbs), and have been on a fitness journey for a while. It's been centered around diet and exercise in the form of MMA. I've made good progress in terms of weight loss, but I really want to add weight lifting (SL5x5 will be my program of choice). I currently train M/T/Th/Sat. They're 45min-1hr15min training sessions, and usually involve HIIT/cardio. Due to work schedule, I get about 5.5 hours of sleep on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday nights. On Friday, I have to wake up at 6:30 AM from my 5.5 hours of sleep the night before and go until 3 or 4 AM Saturday morning before going to bed, due to my second job, and then get right back up at 8 or 9 for training. My question is, with the amount of sleep I get, am I going to stretch myself too thin adding in weightlifting Mon/Wed/Fri? I understand the importance of sleep for proper recovery, and that I'll be sacrificing sweet gainz due to not sleeping. I'm just wondering if the sleep situation means I shouldn't bother lifting until it changes and I can get my 8 hours a night. Am I in a no-go for lifting due to the sleep schedule? Is there a serious health concern, or just sleepiness and less impressive results? Thanks! TL;DR - MMA 3-4 times a week, sleep 5.5 hours a night 3x a week. Adding SL5x5 a no-go?
Hi all, I'm fat(6'1", 250lbs), and have been on a fitness journey for a while. It's been centered around diet and exercise in the form of MMA. I've made good progress in terms of weight loss, but I really want to add weight lifting (SL5x5 will be my program of choice). I currently train M/T/Th/Sat. They're 45min-1hr15min training sessions, and usually involve HIIT/cardio. Due to work schedule, I get about 5.5 hours of sleep on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday nights. On Friday, I have to wake up at 6:30 AM from my 5.5 hours of sleep the night before and go until 3 or 4 AM Saturday morning before going to bed, due to my second job, and then get right back up at 8 or 9 for training. My question is, with the amount of sleep I get, am I going to stretch myself too thin adding in weightlifting Mon/Wed/Fri? I understand the importance of sleep for proper recovery, and that I'll be sacrificing sweet gainz due to not sleeping. I'm just wondering if the sleep situation means I shouldn't bother lifting until it changes and I can get my 8 hours a night. Am I in a no-go for lifting due to the sleep schedule? Is there a serious health concern, or just sleepiness and less impressive results? Thanks! TL;DR - MMA 3-4 times a week, sleep 5.5 hours a night 3x a week. Adding SL5x5 a no-go?
Hi all, I'm fat(6'1", 250lbs), and have been on a fitness journey for a while. It's been centered around diet and exercise in the form of MMA. I've made good progress in terms of weight loss, but I really want to add weight lifting (SL5x5 will be my program of choice). I currently train M/T/Th/Sat. They're 45min-1hr15min training sessions, and usually involve HIIT/cardio. Due to work schedule, I get about 5.5 hours of sleep on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday nights. On Friday, I have to wake up at 6:30 AM from my 5.5 hours of sleep the night before and go until 3 or 4 AM Saturday morning before going to bed, due to my second job, and then get right back up at 8 or 9 for training. My question is, with the amount of sleep I get, am I going to stretch myself too thin adding in weightlifting Mon/Wed/Fri? I understand the importance of sleep for proper recovery, and that I'll be sacrificing sweet gainz due to not sleeping. I'm just wondering if the sleep situation means I shouldn't bother lifting until it changes and I can get my 8 hours a night. Am I in a no-go for lifting due to the sleep schedule? Is there a serious health concern, or just sleepiness and less impressive results? Thanks!
MMA 3-4 times a week, sleep 5.5 hours a night 3x a week. Adding SL5x5 a no-go?
Suppose a bit of back story would help. I was recently promoted to a position of supervision within my current company, coming off the floor I know the woes of the people I am now in charge of watching over. It is a warehouse environment, pulling auto motive parts that range from little fuses and bulbs to heavier items such as full pallets of oil, brake drums, crank shafts, etc. so it is understandable that the turn-over rate would be high as the wear and tear gets to people over time. New employees don't accrue vacation / personal time until being with the company for a full year, benefits after probation period of 90 days or so, however we try to do our best to help folks out with day off requests if the workload is not to bad for that particular day. We tell new hires up front what to expect so there are no surprises (busy season resulting in longer hours / overtime many days) and 90% of the time they agree and say no problem, onward with the hiring process. Now for the ranting. Though many of our new hires have already begun to take advantage of the call off policies, will give an example of one of the more recent hires. Hired a guy a few months back now as a temp / part-time worker, hard working kid with a good attitude, coming to work daily, and not having to micro manage everything he does. Spot becomes available for a permanent position, offer it to him, gladly accepts. No problem. Fast forward a month down the road, begins to have some family issues happening at home, we allow a day here and there for him to take care of business so he can come back focused. Starts to take advantage of the attendance policy, calling in sick on Monday's / Friday's, usually some excuse along the lines of 'I have a headache' or 'I slept on my neck funny'. Anyhow finally reaches the point of having to sit him down and let him know this is not acceptable behavior, and if he continues down this road it could lead to more corrective action all the way to termination. Immediately gets aggressive saying we are asking to much of them, and that the place is a sweatshop, etc. etc. which we discuss for about 10 more minutes before finally letting him decide whether we will be able to rely on him to continue coming to work daily or if he should pursue other interests. He of course says he would like to remain with us. Get home for the day after running errands and check my email, log into Facebook, and lo and behold, the said kid we just sat down with for a discussion is having an all out rant on Facebook about how we are the equivalent to a plantation and the workers our slaves, and how we are unreasonable since we will not move our start / end times around his schedule so he can go back to school. Maybe it's just me and he has valid points, on the other hand I can't help but think he was in a temp / part-time position that would have probably fit his schedule a bit easier, and was under no obligation to come to full time. Personally I can count on one hand the amount of sick time I have had to use in my last 6 years here. TLDR; People are two-faced, never take a supervisory position unless you like getting shit on, and never friend people you supervise on Facebook.
Suppose a bit of back story would help. I was recently promoted to a position of supervision within my current company, coming off the floor I know the woes of the people I am now in charge of watching over. It is a warehouse environment, pulling auto motive parts that range from little fuses and bulbs to heavier items such as full pallets of oil, brake drums, crank shafts, etc. so it is understandable that the turn-over rate would be high as the wear and tear gets to people over time. New employees don't accrue vacation / personal time until being with the company for a full year, benefits after probation period of 90 days or so, however we try to do our best to help folks out with day off requests if the workload is not to bad for that particular day. We tell new hires up front what to expect so there are no surprises (busy season resulting in longer hours / overtime many days) and 90% of the time they agree and say no problem, onward with the hiring process. Now for the ranting. Though many of our new hires have already begun to take advantage of the call off policies, will give an example of one of the more recent hires. Hired a guy a few months back now as a temp / part-time worker, hard working kid with a good attitude, coming to work daily, and not having to micro manage everything he does. Spot becomes available for a permanent position, offer it to him, gladly accepts. No problem. Fast forward a month down the road, begins to have some family issues happening at home, we allow a day here and there for him to take care of business so he can come back focused. Starts to take advantage of the attendance policy, calling in sick on Monday's / Friday's, usually some excuse along the lines of 'I have a headache' or 'I slept on my neck funny'. Anyhow finally reaches the point of having to sit him down and let him know this is not acceptable behavior, and if he continues down this road it could lead to more corrective action all the way to termination. Immediately gets aggressive saying we are asking to much of them, and that the place is a sweatshop, etc. etc. which we discuss for about 10 more minutes before finally letting him decide whether we will be able to rely on him to continue coming to work daily or if he should pursue other interests. He of course says he would like to remain with us. Get home for the day after running errands and check my email, log into Facebook, and lo and behold, the said kid we just sat down with for a discussion is having an all out rant on Facebook about how we are the equivalent to a plantation and the workers our slaves, and how we are unreasonable since we will not move our start / end times around his schedule so he can go back to school. Maybe it's just me and he has valid points, on the other hand I can't help but think he was in a temp / part-time position that would have probably fit his schedule a bit easier, and was under no obligation to come to full time. Personally I can count on one hand the amount of sick time I have had to use in my last 6 years here. TLDR; People are two-faced, never take a supervisory position unless you like getting shit on, and never friend people you supervise on Facebook.
Suppose a bit of back story would help. I was recently promoted to a position of supervision within my current company, coming off the floor I know the woes of the people I am now in charge of watching over. It is a warehouse environment, pulling auto motive parts that range from little fuses and bulbs to heavier items such as full pallets of oil, brake drums, crank shafts, etc. so it is understandable that the turn-over rate would be high as the wear and tear gets to people over time. New employees don't accrue vacation / personal time until being with the company for a full year, benefits after probation period of 90 days or so, however we try to do our best to help folks out with day off requests if the workload is not to bad for that particular day. We tell new hires up front what to expect so there are no surprises (busy season resulting in longer hours / overtime many days) and 90% of the time they agree and say no problem, onward with the hiring process. Now for the ranting. Though many of our new hires have already begun to take advantage of the call off policies, will give an example of one of the more recent hires. Hired a guy a few months back now as a temp / part-time worker, hard working kid with a good attitude, coming to work daily, and not having to micro manage everything he does. Spot becomes available for a permanent position, offer it to him, gladly accepts. No problem. Fast forward a month down the road, begins to have some family issues happening at home, we allow a day here and there for him to take care of business so he can come back focused. Starts to take advantage of the attendance policy, calling in sick on Monday's / Friday's, usually some excuse along the lines of 'I have a headache' or 'I slept on my neck funny'. Anyhow finally reaches the point of having to sit him down and let him know this is not acceptable behavior, and if he continues down this road it could lead to more corrective action all the way to termination. Immediately gets aggressive saying we are asking to much of them, and that the place is a sweatshop, etc. etc. which we discuss for about 10 more minutes before finally letting him decide whether we will be able to rely on him to continue coming to work daily or if he should pursue other interests. He of course says he would like to remain with us. Get home for the day after running errands and check my email, log into Facebook, and lo and behold, the said kid we just sat down with for a discussion is having an all out rant on Facebook about how we are the equivalent to a plantation and the workers our slaves, and how we are unreasonable since we will not move our start / end times around his schedule so he can go back to school. Maybe it's just me and he has valid points, on the other hand I can't help but think he was in a temp / part-time position that would have probably fit his schedule a bit easier, and was under no obligation to come to full time. Personally I can count on one hand the amount of sick time I have had to use in my last 6 years here.
People are two-faced, never take a supervisory position unless you like getting shit on, and never friend people you supervise on Facebook.
How about this, instead of saying the same thing over and over, try contributing the conversation. Instead of being and island of self righteous piousness, you could contribute to what your saying. I've read your response and responded. You just say the same in repetition. So it seems you are the one at a loss. tl;dr take your head out of your ass.
How about this, instead of saying the same thing over and over, try contributing the conversation. Instead of being and island of self righteous piousness, you could contribute to what your saying. I've read your response and responded. You just say the same in repetition. So it seems you are the one at a loss. tl;dr take your head out of your ass.
How about this, instead of saying the same thing over and over, try contributing the conversation. Instead of being and island of self righteous piousness, you could contribute to what your saying. I've read your response and responded. You just say the same in repetition. So it seems you are the one at a loss.
take your head out of your ass.
Here's a recent one from a late night trip to the ER with my wife, who was suffering from extreme abdominal and chest pain that was later diagnosed as pancreatitis. The attending doctor at the ER came in and started asking standard questions, including if my wife is pregnant. No, we replied, we are battling infertility right now and would love to have a child, but no success yet. The doctor laughed and said, "Well, the fun part is in the trying." That was also the very last thing he said to us. "Remember, you two, the fun is in the trying." Anyone who has struggled with infertility knows just how hurtful his statement was, not to mention how amazingly unprofessional it was. This same doctor also told my wife that her severe pain was probably just indigestion, and she should feel free to pop all the Zantac she wants, because "You can't have negative acid in your stomach." No, but you can leave yourself with far too little acid and suffer other issues as a result. TL;DR Ignorant doctor tells infertile couple that it's fun to have sex, and is ignorant of how the stomach works.
Here's a recent one from a late night trip to the ER with my wife, who was suffering from extreme abdominal and chest pain that was later diagnosed as pancreatitis. The attending doctor at the ER came in and started asking standard questions, including if my wife is pregnant. No, we replied, we are battling infertility right now and would love to have a child, but no success yet. The doctor laughed and said, "Well, the fun part is in the trying." That was also the very last thing he said to us. "Remember, you two, the fun is in the trying." Anyone who has struggled with infertility knows just how hurtful his statement was, not to mention how amazingly unprofessional it was. This same doctor also told my wife that her severe pain was probably just indigestion, and she should feel free to pop all the Zantac she wants, because "You can't have negative acid in your stomach." No, but you can leave yourself with far too little acid and suffer other issues as a result. TL;DR Ignorant doctor tells infertile couple that it's fun to have sex, and is ignorant of how the stomach works.
Here's a recent one from a late night trip to the ER with my wife, who was suffering from extreme abdominal and chest pain that was later diagnosed as pancreatitis. The attending doctor at the ER came in and started asking standard questions, including if my wife is pregnant. No, we replied, we are battling infertility right now and would love to have a child, but no success yet. The doctor laughed and said, "Well, the fun part is in the trying." That was also the very last thing he said to us. "Remember, you two, the fun is in the trying." Anyone who has struggled with infertility knows just how hurtful his statement was, not to mention how amazingly unprofessional it was. This same doctor also told my wife that her severe pain was probably just indigestion, and she should feel free to pop all the Zantac she wants, because "You can't have negative acid in your stomach." No, but you can leave yourself with far too little acid and suffer other issues as a result.
Ignorant doctor tells infertile couple that it's fun to have sex, and is ignorant of how the stomach works.
First time posting on r/relationships, apologies for any format issues etc. I'm a student in the UK in the second year of a three year course, as are my five housemates (mixed gender house, all in our early twenties). We are currently living in a house together, but due to landlord issues we have found and paid a small deposit on a new house for the next academic year. [I'm not sure how similar the UK is to other places, but the standard procedure is first year to be university owned halls, and second and third year to be private/agency accomodation. Student house contracts are locked in for one year, September through to June at full rate, with the summer holiday months paid at a half-rate retainer.] I've been having doubts about next year primarily due to one housemate - let's call her Hayley (not her real name). Hayley is a nice enough girl but is very frustrating to live with. She is quite controlling, uptight and blunt, though it's not malicious, simply the way she is. As someone who is quite social and outgoing, her rudeness and lack of charisma grinds my gears a lot. For example, one of our housemates (let's call him Tom) was having a serious discussion with us about seeing a GP for depression, which she listed to for about thirty seconds, then interrupted to talk about not being allowed to use the new coffee machine at her work. She is only living with us as she had nobody to live with otherwise, and we took her in - a decision I have been, sadly, regretting for a while. However, the other four housemates I have are very easy to get on with, and two of them are what I'd consider very good friends. Hayley's frustrating behaviour is diluted amongst the other housemates enough that it's tolerable, especially by Tom, who is very easygoing and the total antithesis to Hayley's behaviour. ---- THE PROBLEM: However! Yesterday, Tom made the decision to drop out of university for a few reasons, including his aforementioned depression. He's honestly my best mate, and I'm sad to see him go, though I support his decision entirely. It has, however, shaken up my feelings about next year significantly. If the five of us that remain are to stay together in our new six person house next year, we'll need to find a replacement tenant. But I'm more worried that Hollie will drive me to the point of actual insanity, and outweigh whatever plus points there are to staying with the gang now that Tom has left. My other options are to strike it out by myself, either finding a studio flat somewhere (not something I'd hate), or trying to find a group of students looking for someone to sub in. I again, wouldn't mind this second option, being quite easygoing and social, but it is late enough in the year that finding the right group in the right area is going to be a real struggle. Both of these options would leave my housemates looking for not just one, but two new tenants next year - more than likely they would simply have to downgrade to a smaller, different house. I still want to remain friends with all of them (Hayley exempted), and don't want to leave them in a tough situation, but I feel things are only going to deteriorate if I live with Hayley next year. I have a lot of unrelated pressures going on right now, none of which have been helped by any of this! I can't see an obvious solution right now. But as weird as it sounds, I think I just need some anonymous internet strangers to sift through my thoughts and help me build my plan of action. I'm sure I've missed some important bits out, so questions are welcome. What should I do, Reddit? Thank you. TLDR: Housemate/best mate for next year has dropped out. I'm not sure I can deal with the stress caused by one of our other housemates for another year - but don't want to fuck over or lose my friendships with the remainder. Suggestions?
First time posting on r/relationships, apologies for any format issues etc. I'm a student in the UK in the second year of a three year course, as are my five housemates (mixed gender house, all in our early twenties). We are currently living in a house together, but due to landlord issues we have found and paid a small deposit on a new house for the next academic year. [I'm not sure how similar the UK is to other places, but the standard procedure is first year to be university owned halls, and second and third year to be private/agency accomodation. Student house contracts are locked in for one year, September through to June at full rate, with the summer holiday months paid at a half-rate retainer.] I've been having doubts about next year primarily due to one housemate - let's call her Hayley (not her real name). Hayley is a nice enough girl but is very frustrating to live with. She is quite controlling, uptight and blunt, though it's not malicious, simply the way she is. As someone who is quite social and outgoing, her rudeness and lack of charisma grinds my gears a lot. For example, one of our housemates (let's call him Tom) was having a serious discussion with us about seeing a GP for depression, which she listed to for about thirty seconds, then interrupted to talk about not being allowed to use the new coffee machine at her work. She is only living with us as she had nobody to live with otherwise, and we took her in - a decision I have been, sadly, regretting for a while. However, the other four housemates I have are very easy to get on with, and two of them are what I'd consider very good friends. Hayley's frustrating behaviour is diluted amongst the other housemates enough that it's tolerable, especially by Tom, who is very easygoing and the total antithesis to Hayley's behaviour. THE PROBLEM: However! Yesterday, Tom made the decision to drop out of university for a few reasons, including his aforementioned depression. He's honestly my best mate, and I'm sad to see him go, though I support his decision entirely. It has, however, shaken up my feelings about next year significantly. If the five of us that remain are to stay together in our new six person house next year, we'll need to find a replacement tenant. But I'm more worried that Hollie will drive me to the point of actual insanity, and outweigh whatever plus points there are to staying with the gang now that Tom has left. My other options are to strike it out by myself, either finding a studio flat somewhere (not something I'd hate), or trying to find a group of students looking for someone to sub in. I again, wouldn't mind this second option, being quite easygoing and social, but it is late enough in the year that finding the right group in the right area is going to be a real struggle. Both of these options would leave my housemates looking for not just one, but two new tenants next year - more than likely they would simply have to downgrade to a smaller, different house. I still want to remain friends with all of them (Hayley exempted), and don't want to leave them in a tough situation, but I feel things are only going to deteriorate if I live with Hayley next year. I have a lot of unrelated pressures going on right now, none of which have been helped by any of this! I can't see an obvious solution right now. But as weird as it sounds, I think I just need some anonymous internet strangers to sift through my thoughts and help me build my plan of action. I'm sure I've missed some important bits out, so questions are welcome. What should I do, Reddit? Thank you. TLDR: Housemate/best mate for next year has dropped out. I'm not sure I can deal with the stress caused by one of our other housemates for another year - but don't want to fuck over or lose my friendships with the remainder. Suggestions?
First time posting on r/relationships, apologies for any format issues etc. I'm a student in the UK in the second year of a three year course, as are my five housemates (mixed gender house, all in our early twenties). We are currently living in a house together, but due to landlord issues we have found and paid a small deposit on a new house for the next academic year. [I'm not sure how similar the UK is to other places, but the standard procedure is first year to be university owned halls, and second and third year to be private/agency accomodation. Student house contracts are locked in for one year, September through to June at full rate, with the summer holiday months paid at a half-rate retainer.] I've been having doubts about next year primarily due to one housemate - let's call her Hayley (not her real name). Hayley is a nice enough girl but is very frustrating to live with. She is quite controlling, uptight and blunt, though it's not malicious, simply the way she is. As someone who is quite social and outgoing, her rudeness and lack of charisma grinds my gears a lot. For example, one of our housemates (let's call him Tom) was having a serious discussion with us about seeing a GP for depression, which she listed to for about thirty seconds, then interrupted to talk about not being allowed to use the new coffee machine at her work. She is only living with us as she had nobody to live with otherwise, and we took her in - a decision I have been, sadly, regretting for a while. However, the other four housemates I have are very easy to get on with, and two of them are what I'd consider very good friends. Hayley's frustrating behaviour is diluted amongst the other housemates enough that it's tolerable, especially by Tom, who is very easygoing and the total antithesis to Hayley's behaviour. THE PROBLEM: However! Yesterday, Tom made the decision to drop out of university for a few reasons, including his aforementioned depression. He's honestly my best mate, and I'm sad to see him go, though I support his decision entirely. It has, however, shaken up my feelings about next year significantly. If the five of us that remain are to stay together in our new six person house next year, we'll need to find a replacement tenant. But I'm more worried that Hollie will drive me to the point of actual insanity, and outweigh whatever plus points there are to staying with the gang now that Tom has left. My other options are to strike it out by myself, either finding a studio flat somewhere (not something I'd hate), or trying to find a group of students looking for someone to sub in. I again, wouldn't mind this second option, being quite easygoing and social, but it is late enough in the year that finding the right group in the right area is going to be a real struggle. Both of these options would leave my housemates looking for not just one, but two new tenants next year - more than likely they would simply have to downgrade to a smaller, different house. I still want to remain friends with all of them (Hayley exempted), and don't want to leave them in a tough situation, but I feel things are only going to deteriorate if I live with Hayley next year. I have a lot of unrelated pressures going on right now, none of which have been helped by any of this! I can't see an obvious solution right now. But as weird as it sounds, I think I just need some anonymous internet strangers to sift through my thoughts and help me build my plan of action. I'm sure I've missed some important bits out, so questions are welcome. What should I do, Reddit? Thank you.
Housemate/best mate for next year has dropped out. I'm not sure I can deal with the stress caused by one of our other housemates for another year - but don't want to fuck over or lose my friendships with the remainder. Suggestions?
So now I'm really confused. Who is in favor of men being allowed to wear dresses? I posted a [negative reaction]( to men wearing dresses which was not well received. Conversely, in this instance, MRAs argue against Daniel Craig dressing in drag in support of international women's day. The community seems to be in favor of traditional masculinity half the time, but favors feminisation and blurring of gender lines the other half. Which is it? *TL;DR Is the MRA community in favor of or against wearing dresses?*
So now I'm really confused. Who is in favor of men being allowed to wear dresses? I posted a [negative reaction]( to men wearing dresses which was not well received. Conversely, in this instance, MRAs argue against Daniel Craig dressing in drag in support of international women's day. The community seems to be in favor of traditional masculinity half the time, but favors feminisation and blurring of gender lines the other half. Which is it? TL;DR Is the MRA community in favor of or against wearing dresses?
So now I'm really confused. Who is in favor of men being allowed to wear dresses? I posted a [negative reaction]( to men wearing dresses which was not well received. Conversely, in this instance, MRAs argue against Daniel Craig dressing in drag in support of international women's day. The community seems to be in favor of traditional masculinity half the time, but favors feminisation and blurring of gender lines the other half. Which is it?
Is the MRA community in favor of or against wearing dresses?
OK. Story time. I was 7, at my friends house playing through halo for our first time. Made it to 6th level (flood level) and get lost for hours in the edges of the map in the swampy abyss. We finally find each other and find those flood lights that show us the entrance. Finally! Progress! Proceed through level. Opposition minimal. Tension mounting. Insane marine part. I'm losing it. We kill marine and make it to *The* cutscene that introduces the flood. Friend accidentally skips it. All we see is marine fall on chief. Freaking out. In game again. Door explodes, and demon balls swarm toward us. Friend throws plasma. Sticks tiny flood ball. Tiny flood ball jumps at him and grenade detonates. Friend's shield drops. Infectors crawling all over my friend, eating him. I panic, and try to shoot them off him. *I murder my friend.* I start crying. Piss my pants *(I never told my friend.)* I keep fighting. Pop all the evil balloons. Only a few left. Turn around. Combat flood, in my face. I die. We stop playing. Beat it the next week. Never been so scared in a game since. Greatest game of my life, forever. Tl;dr Flood scared me. I peed. Gg. Sorry for formatting. Mobile.
OK. Story time. I was 7, at my friends house playing through halo for our first time. Made it to 6th level (flood level) and get lost for hours in the edges of the map in the swampy abyss. We finally find each other and find those flood lights that show us the entrance. Finally! Progress! Proceed through level. Opposition minimal. Tension mounting. Insane marine part. I'm losing it. We kill marine and make it to The cutscene that introduces the flood. Friend accidentally skips it. All we see is marine fall on chief. Freaking out. In game again. Door explodes, and demon balls swarm toward us. Friend throws plasma. Sticks tiny flood ball. Tiny flood ball jumps at him and grenade detonates. Friend's shield drops. Infectors crawling all over my friend, eating him. I panic, and try to shoot them off him. I murder my friend. I start crying. Piss my pants (I never told my friend.) I keep fighting. Pop all the evil balloons. Only a few left. Turn around. Combat flood, in my face. I die. We stop playing. Beat it the next week. Never been so scared in a game since. Greatest game of my life, forever. Tl;dr Flood scared me. I peed. Gg. Sorry for formatting. Mobile.
OK. Story time. I was 7, at my friends house playing through halo for our first time. Made it to 6th level (flood level) and get lost for hours in the edges of the map in the swampy abyss. We finally find each other and find those flood lights that show us the entrance. Finally! Progress! Proceed through level. Opposition minimal. Tension mounting. Insane marine part. I'm losing it. We kill marine and make it to The cutscene that introduces the flood. Friend accidentally skips it. All we see is marine fall on chief. Freaking out. In game again. Door explodes, and demon balls swarm toward us. Friend throws plasma. Sticks tiny flood ball. Tiny flood ball jumps at him and grenade detonates. Friend's shield drops. Infectors crawling all over my friend, eating him. I panic, and try to shoot them off him. I murder my friend. I start crying. Piss my pants (I never told my friend.) I keep fighting. Pop all the evil balloons. Only a few left. Turn around. Combat flood, in my face. I die. We stop playing. Beat it the next week. Never been so scared in a game since. Greatest game of my life, forever.
Flood scared me. I peed. Gg. Sorry for formatting. Mobile.
I skipped that entire post because I'm a CS major and already knew that. Without the benchmarking data in front of me, I can't say for certain whether or not there is a speed difference. I was running solely on my experience with my own upgrade. The noticeable difference between Win 7 64 bit and Win 8 64 bit wasn't actually that great. Overall it feels just a hair faster. My point was that the change from 32 to 64 *in conjunction* with the new OS (ignoring the fact that it's a clean install) probably had more to do with the speed difference than the OS alone. So yes, you are correct. But I don't think that a switch from 32 to 64 had a negative effect on overall speed. Without benchmarking data, I can't say for certain one way or another. All I can say is that the noticeable speed between the two OSs aren't *that* great. TL;dr I suspect it's a blend of both, but at the end of the day, I didn't want to go into a long-winded explanation of my reasoning with some random person on the Internet.
I skipped that entire post because I'm a CS major and already knew that. Without the benchmarking data in front of me, I can't say for certain whether or not there is a speed difference. I was running solely on my experience with my own upgrade. The noticeable difference between Win 7 64 bit and Win 8 64 bit wasn't actually that great. Overall it feels just a hair faster. My point was that the change from 32 to 64 in conjunction with the new OS (ignoring the fact that it's a clean install) probably had more to do with the speed difference than the OS alone. So yes, you are correct. But I don't think that a switch from 32 to 64 had a negative effect on overall speed. Without benchmarking data, I can't say for certain one way or another. All I can say is that the noticeable speed between the two OSs aren't that great. TL;dr I suspect it's a blend of both, but at the end of the day, I didn't want to go into a long-winded explanation of my reasoning with some random person on the Internet.
I skipped that entire post because I'm a CS major and already knew that. Without the benchmarking data in front of me, I can't say for certain whether or not there is a speed difference. I was running solely on my experience with my own upgrade. The noticeable difference between Win 7 64 bit and Win 8 64 bit wasn't actually that great. Overall it feels just a hair faster. My point was that the change from 32 to 64 in conjunction with the new OS (ignoring the fact that it's a clean install) probably had more to do with the speed difference than the OS alone. So yes, you are correct. But I don't think that a switch from 32 to 64 had a negative effect on overall speed. Without benchmarking data, I can't say for certain one way or another. All I can say is that the noticeable speed between the two OSs aren't that great.
I suspect it's a blend of both, but at the end of the day, I didn't want to go into a long-winded explanation of my reasoning with some random person on the Internet.
So I just recently received a punishment decision from the tribunal in which ever case was from queing into 4 man premades that trolled and all reported me for refusing to communicate even tho I CLEARLY was communicating. It seems that most people tend to auto punish when you get 4 reports from your own team. Now I didn't get a ban just a warning and a chat restriction. For a few games, but the reason I am posting this is because no sooner that the chat restriction was lifted I again qued 2 games in a row into 4 man premades that all reported me for refusing to communicate when they lose the game. Basically I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas for how this can be fixed and if there is a way to appeal your case if this continues and I get punished again for these games. I know that after going to the tribunal it takes a lot less to go back again. Thanks guys! TLDR: 4 man premades caused a punish decision in my tribunal case despite there being no reason to report.
So I just recently received a punishment decision from the tribunal in which ever case was from queing into 4 man premades that trolled and all reported me for refusing to communicate even tho I CLEARLY was communicating. It seems that most people tend to auto punish when you get 4 reports from your own team. Now I didn't get a ban just a warning and a chat restriction. For a few games, but the reason I am posting this is because no sooner that the chat restriction was lifted I again qued 2 games in a row into 4 man premades that all reported me for refusing to communicate when they lose the game. Basically I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas for how this can be fixed and if there is a way to appeal your case if this continues and I get punished again for these games. I know that after going to the tribunal it takes a lot less to go back again. Thanks guys! TLDR: 4 man premades caused a punish decision in my tribunal case despite there being no reason to report.
So I just recently received a punishment decision from the tribunal in which ever case was from queing into 4 man premades that trolled and all reported me for refusing to communicate even tho I CLEARLY was communicating. It seems that most people tend to auto punish when you get 4 reports from your own team. Now I didn't get a ban just a warning and a chat restriction. For a few games, but the reason I am posting this is because no sooner that the chat restriction was lifted I again qued 2 games in a row into 4 man premades that all reported me for refusing to communicate when they lose the game. Basically I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas for how this can be fixed and if there is a way to appeal your case if this continues and I get punished again for these games. I know that after going to the tribunal it takes a lot less to go back again. Thanks guys!
4 man premades caused a punish decision in my tribunal case despite there being no reason to report.
Alright so we are going to be playing in the 19 bracket for this upcoming clan war on Friday. What this means is we are gonna run 4 parties of 6, 4 x 6 = 24. We will have one party where only one members wins will count. I can switch this up day two if people are gear hungry or if anyone in salty about not getting in Day 1. We have 24 slots for this clan war, and we had the following people say they can make full time both days. I eliminated anyone who couldn't make one of the days. If you just wanna hop on some AW I will note which nodes aren't in the clan war and please try to stick to those during the CW times if you running solo. 1. ashes 2. apolo 3. robin 4. booots 5. tucker 6. ex bye 7. metro vg 8. guncannond 9. omnux 10. trekt 11. dogtag 12. mr martinotti 13. ultimate831 14. kade slays 15. kaos 16. sir kizzle 17. tski 18. alkeholic 19. weedthumb 20. blackedout 21. k1nghorse 22. branesic 23. ghambyt 24. wally 25. sianvar 26. tprocess 27. simplybalanced 28. rabidgrinch 29. rancidwind 30. shepherd 31. special k 32. tastywatermelon **Out of this list, I need to "bench" about 5-6 people.** Before I dictator this and form the parties, I would like to know if any of you on this list would like to bench yourself and sit out this war. If you are going to be on shit internet (rabid are you in hotels still or you good?), or you believe you will be distracted or havent been playing AW, or you just wanna take off a war please bench yourself, we don't need the numbers we have had in the past. I will leave this post up all day today as I am forming parties in the background. The party that will have 5 members not count I will swap people for day 2 so you get the gear if you guys give a shit. If you have questions/comments concerns you are welcome to message the mods, also if people are feeling salty about not being picked or something I will give up my spot for you if needed. Again, we want 24 people that will consistently win and win fast, its no shame if you wanna sit out a war. Let me know. After this is up for a bit I will get the 24 people playing listed out and then let you all pick your own parties. (Side note, myself tasty and kaos can/could be swapped if everyone wants to play. We will be doing strats and it might be easier if one of us isnt playing, throwing that out there if needed.) **TLDR: If you are on this list, I need like 5-6 of you to sit out, let me know if you wanna sit out.**
Alright so we are going to be playing in the 19 bracket for this upcoming clan war on Friday. What this means is we are gonna run 4 parties of 6, 4 x 6 = 24. We will have one party where only one members wins will count. I can switch this up day two if people are gear hungry or if anyone in salty about not getting in Day 1. We have 24 slots for this clan war, and we had the following people say they can make full time both days. I eliminated anyone who couldn't make one of the days. If you just wanna hop on some AW I will note which nodes aren't in the clan war and please try to stick to those during the CW times if you running solo. ashes apolo robin booots tucker ex bye metro vg guncannond omnux trekt dogtag mr martinotti ultimate831 kade slays kaos sir kizzle tski alkeholic weedthumb blackedout k1nghorse branesic ghambyt wally sianvar tprocess simplybalanced rabidgrinch rancidwind shepherd special k tastywatermelon Out of this list, I need to "bench" about 5-6 people. Before I dictator this and form the parties, I would like to know if any of you on this list would like to bench yourself and sit out this war. If you are going to be on shit internet (rabid are you in hotels still or you good?), or you believe you will be distracted or havent been playing AW, or you just wanna take off a war please bench yourself, we don't need the numbers we have had in the past. I will leave this post up all day today as I am forming parties in the background. The party that will have 5 members not count I will swap people for day 2 so you get the gear if you guys give a shit. If you have questions/comments concerns you are welcome to message the mods, also if people are feeling salty about not being picked or something I will give up my spot for you if needed. Again, we want 24 people that will consistently win and win fast, its no shame if you wanna sit out a war. Let me know. After this is up for a bit I will get the 24 people playing listed out and then let you all pick your own parties. (Side note, myself tasty and kaos can/could be swapped if everyone wants to play. We will be doing strats and it might be easier if one of us isnt playing, throwing that out there if needed.) TLDR: If you are on this list, I need like 5-6 of you to sit out, let me know if you wanna sit out.
Alright so we are going to be playing in the 19 bracket for this upcoming clan war on Friday. What this means is we are gonna run 4 parties of 6, 4 x 6 = 24. We will have one party where only one members wins will count. I can switch this up day two if people are gear hungry or if anyone in salty about not getting in Day 1. We have 24 slots for this clan war, and we had the following people say they can make full time both days. I eliminated anyone who couldn't make one of the days. If you just wanna hop on some AW I will note which nodes aren't in the clan war and please try to stick to those during the CW times if you running solo. ashes apolo robin booots tucker ex bye metro vg guncannond omnux trekt dogtag mr martinotti ultimate831 kade slays kaos sir kizzle tski alkeholic weedthumb blackedout k1nghorse branesic ghambyt wally sianvar tprocess simplybalanced rabidgrinch rancidwind shepherd special k tastywatermelon Out of this list, I need to "bench" about 5-6 people. Before I dictator this and form the parties, I would like to know if any of you on this list would like to bench yourself and sit out this war. If you are going to be on shit internet (rabid are you in hotels still or you good?), or you believe you will be distracted or havent been playing AW, or you just wanna take off a war please bench yourself, we don't need the numbers we have had in the past. I will leave this post up all day today as I am forming parties in the background. The party that will have 5 members not count I will swap people for day 2 so you get the gear if you guys give a shit. If you have questions/comments concerns you are welcome to message the mods, also if people are feeling salty about not being picked or something I will give up my spot for you if needed. Again, we want 24 people that will consistently win and win fast, its no shame if you wanna sit out a war. Let me know. After this is up for a bit I will get the 24 people playing listed out and then let you all pick your own parties. (Side note, myself tasty and kaos can/could be swapped if everyone wants to play. We will be doing strats and it might be easier if one of us isnt playing, throwing that out there if needed.)
If you are on this list, I need like 5-6 of you to sit out, let me know if you wanna sit out.
I am really sorry for the long text, but this is something i think is important and for some reason it felt good writing everything here down. Okey so here's the deal. I am really really crappy at initiating tchnically anything, and everytime i do something for an extended period of time, i start out really psyched before i drop off and eventually stop. I don't want to do that now. I want to lose weight. Some basic info: I was a swimmer until the age of 16 and after getting a job and moving on to greater schools while also being behind everyone else i decided to stop. I weighed around 55 kg at the time. I then thought about starting on a gym, and worked out perfectly, ran like the wind, lifted like a bau5 and were good at showing up 3-4 days a week. Then that stopped... I lost all my training buddies, henceforth i did not have the motivation to go myself. I then started an IT job where i ascended hard kilowise, i saw this early and got to use the gym at the school where i worked so i kind of stopped it after 65kg. (this is 1 year apart from stopping working out) Then i got fired from that job and didn't have access to that gym anymore. I started working out with my brother at another gym, but he prefferred working out alone so that also stopped... Now i am at 100kg before i go into the Airforce for my 1 year service. Not a single kilo was lost or gained that year. Now it is 2 years after the airforce and i am currently weighing in a 120kg. And tbh... this sucks. I need your help, i am sick and tired of just hearing "just work out weekly/daily whatev, and eat healthy and you lose weight!" YES that is fine! but what is working out? i go down and run for 2 hours and get utterly exhausted and hate everything? or i run around for 20 minutes at full speed? i lift weights, i do dips? what? Eat healthy: all but vegetables every day? 3 full plates of salads everyday? 1 can of tuna and nothing else per week? these are not guidelines, they are general information everyone should know. But i need more. I want more info, something i can follow, cheap recipes so i don't spend 50$ everyday on food. Easy and basic guidelines for how my workout SHOULD look for a week? I really want to go into the double digits again, fat loss is primary atm and if i could EVER hit 80kgs i would be extremely please. Thank you for reading all of this and i really hope for your cooperation in helping such a sad being as myself :P TL:DR I need more info on specific guidelines on losing fat, not just "eat less, moe healthy and work out more"
I am really sorry for the long text, but this is something i think is important and for some reason it felt good writing everything here down. Okey so here's the deal. I am really really crappy at initiating tchnically anything, and everytime i do something for an extended period of time, i start out really psyched before i drop off and eventually stop. I don't want to do that now. I want to lose weight. Some basic info: I was a swimmer until the age of 16 and after getting a job and moving on to greater schools while also being behind everyone else i decided to stop. I weighed around 55 kg at the time. I then thought about starting on a gym, and worked out perfectly, ran like the wind, lifted like a bau5 and were good at showing up 3-4 days a week. Then that stopped... I lost all my training buddies, henceforth i did not have the motivation to go myself. I then started an IT job where i ascended hard kilowise, i saw this early and got to use the gym at the school where i worked so i kind of stopped it after 65kg. (this is 1 year apart from stopping working out) Then i got fired from that job and didn't have access to that gym anymore. I started working out with my brother at another gym, but he prefferred working out alone so that also stopped... Now i am at 100kg before i go into the Airforce for my 1 year service. Not a single kilo was lost or gained that year. Now it is 2 years after the airforce and i am currently weighing in a 120kg. And tbh... this sucks. I need your help, i am sick and tired of just hearing "just work out weekly/daily whatev, and eat healthy and you lose weight!" YES that is fine! but what is working out? i go down and run for 2 hours and get utterly exhausted and hate everything? or i run around for 20 minutes at full speed? i lift weights, i do dips? what? Eat healthy: all but vegetables every day? 3 full plates of salads everyday? 1 can of tuna and nothing else per week? these are not guidelines, they are general information everyone should know. But i need more. I want more info, something i can follow, cheap recipes so i don't spend 50$ everyday on food. Easy and basic guidelines for how my workout SHOULD look for a week? I really want to go into the double digits again, fat loss is primary atm and if i could EVER hit 80kgs i would be extremely please. Thank you for reading all of this and i really hope for your cooperation in helping such a sad being as myself :P TL:DR I need more info on specific guidelines on losing fat, not just "eat less, moe healthy and work out more"
I am really sorry for the long text, but this is something i think is important and for some reason it felt good writing everything here down. Okey so here's the deal. I am really really crappy at initiating tchnically anything, and everytime i do something for an extended period of time, i start out really psyched before i drop off and eventually stop. I don't want to do that now. I want to lose weight. Some basic info: I was a swimmer until the age of 16 and after getting a job and moving on to greater schools while also being behind everyone else i decided to stop. I weighed around 55 kg at the time. I then thought about starting on a gym, and worked out perfectly, ran like the wind, lifted like a bau5 and were good at showing up 3-4 days a week. Then that stopped... I lost all my training buddies, henceforth i did not have the motivation to go myself. I then started an IT job where i ascended hard kilowise, i saw this early and got to use the gym at the school where i worked so i kind of stopped it after 65kg. (this is 1 year apart from stopping working out) Then i got fired from that job and didn't have access to that gym anymore. I started working out with my brother at another gym, but he prefferred working out alone so that also stopped... Now i am at 100kg before i go into the Airforce for my 1 year service. Not a single kilo was lost or gained that year. Now it is 2 years after the airforce and i am currently weighing in a 120kg. And tbh... this sucks. I need your help, i am sick and tired of just hearing "just work out weekly/daily whatev, and eat healthy and you lose weight!" YES that is fine! but what is working out? i go down and run for 2 hours and get utterly exhausted and hate everything? or i run around for 20 minutes at full speed? i lift weights, i do dips? what? Eat healthy: all but vegetables every day? 3 full plates of salads everyday? 1 can of tuna and nothing else per week? these are not guidelines, they are general information everyone should know. But i need more. I want more info, something i can follow, cheap recipes so i don't spend 50$ everyday on food. Easy and basic guidelines for how my workout SHOULD look for a week? I really want to go into the double digits again, fat loss is primary atm and if i could EVER hit 80kgs i would be extremely please. Thank you for reading all of this and i really hope for your cooperation in helping such a sad being as myself :P
I need more info on specific guidelines on losing fat, not just "eat less, moe healthy and work out more"
I walked into a house with my friend relapsing heroin. I grabbed the syringe and emptied it into the sink and looked back. This wasn't the first time I've seen him do this but this time he looks really bad. He was pale and his eyes weren't looking at me with that I'm perfectly fine and happy. He wasn't speaking and his eyes just had the message of help me written all over them. His breathes were very irregular and he started to nod off very quickly. I called 911 and it turns out he was overdosing. The er said if I hadn't walked in then that next shot would have killed him. Tl;Dr saved my friend from relapsing into a fatal drug overdose.
I walked into a house with my friend relapsing heroin. I grabbed the syringe and emptied it into the sink and looked back. This wasn't the first time I've seen him do this but this time he looks really bad. He was pale and his eyes weren't looking at me with that I'm perfectly fine and happy. He wasn't speaking and his eyes just had the message of help me written all over them. His breathes were very irregular and he started to nod off very quickly. I called 911 and it turns out he was overdosing. The er said if I hadn't walked in then that next shot would have killed him. Tl;Dr saved my friend from relapsing into a fatal drug overdose.
I walked into a house with my friend relapsing heroin. I grabbed the syringe and emptied it into the sink and looked back. This wasn't the first time I've seen him do this but this time he looks really bad. He was pale and his eyes weren't looking at me with that I'm perfectly fine and happy. He wasn't speaking and his eyes just had the message of help me written all over them. His breathes were very irregular and he started to nod off very quickly. I called 911 and it turns out he was overdosing. The er said if I hadn't walked in then that next shot would have killed him.
saved my friend from relapsing into a fatal drug overdose.
I apologize in advance if I'm telling you something different from what you asked. If anything that I've said starts to get at what you're looking for point it out and I'll go into more detail. If you would like this broken down into a more digestible format I would be happy to oblige with that too. I find it best to be very non-committal in answering questions. Additionally, I don't stray from situations where I can be met with humility. Sometimes it is best to embrace humility on your terms then try to talk your way into a corner. If a person doesn't have the critical facilities to emulate your thinking sometimes the only thing you can do is lose on your terms. Misdirection, diffusion of responsibility, and witty evasion when done right can definitely weaken the 'blow'. When it comes to ethical questions where you are in truly expected to speak (and being non-committal would reflect poorly on your or the person) I find answering things in a top-down manner to work best. When it comes to somewhat stressful situations like this there is nothing wrong with committing a somewhat cookie-cutter responses to rote memory. FYI, that is actually a common tactic for self-advocacy for many Autistics when experiencing a sensory overload. Something I would encourage you to avoid however is attempting to reframe the argument or the question. Doing so demonstrates weakness. A recent pop-culture event that demonstrates this well is the Bill Nye-Ham debate. Sometimes less is more. Here is an example of what I mean: You are asked about your position in something political (tea-party/republican/democrat/capitalist/socialist) and your stand on it. Instead of working down the list(and risk the other person getting lost and making poor observations) and going *supporting detail*, *how you feel about it*, and weaseling out of it when they start getting ahead of themselves, simply stating that you believe that everyone wants nothing more then for their children and loved ones to live happily and prosperously. The world is far from black and white. It'd take a great deal of time invested(which isn't available) and the current environment isn't suitable for carefully moderated deliberation. Throwing in bits about how you need to do a lot of careful research and don't find yourself to be an authority on *complex topic* works great if you can actually bring up a complex mechanic in whatever issue you are talking about. Feigning ignorance on a complex topic that you claim to not understand (and know they don't understand) can reinforce the idea that neither of you are an authority on the issue and make them back down. If you are talking about inane little things like what kind of pie to get the only thing I can recommend is to go with your 2-3rd idea. It's better to deal with the consequences of getting a bad pie then live with the long-standing consequences of being regarded as an indecisive person. tl;dr - This whole post is a perfect example of why you shouldn't explain yourself.
I apologize in advance if I'm telling you something different from what you asked. If anything that I've said starts to get at what you're looking for point it out and I'll go into more detail. If you would like this broken down into a more digestible format I would be happy to oblige with that too. I find it best to be very non-committal in answering questions. Additionally, I don't stray from situations where I can be met with humility. Sometimes it is best to embrace humility on your terms then try to talk your way into a corner. If a person doesn't have the critical facilities to emulate your thinking sometimes the only thing you can do is lose on your terms. Misdirection, diffusion of responsibility, and witty evasion when done right can definitely weaken the 'blow'. When it comes to ethical questions where you are in truly expected to speak (and being non-committal would reflect poorly on your or the person) I find answering things in a top-down manner to work best. When it comes to somewhat stressful situations like this there is nothing wrong with committing a somewhat cookie-cutter responses to rote memory. FYI, that is actually a common tactic for self-advocacy for many Autistics when experiencing a sensory overload. Something I would encourage you to avoid however is attempting to reframe the argument or the question. Doing so demonstrates weakness. A recent pop-culture event that demonstrates this well is the Bill Nye-Ham debate. Sometimes less is more. Here is an example of what I mean: You are asked about your position in something political (tea-party/republican/democrat/capitalist/socialist) and your stand on it. Instead of working down the list(and risk the other person getting lost and making poor observations) and going supporting detail , how you feel about it , and weaseling out of it when they start getting ahead of themselves, simply stating that you believe that everyone wants nothing more then for their children and loved ones to live happily and prosperously. The world is far from black and white. It'd take a great deal of time invested(which isn't available) and the current environment isn't suitable for carefully moderated deliberation. Throwing in bits about how you need to do a lot of careful research and don't find yourself to be an authority on complex topic works great if you can actually bring up a complex mechanic in whatever issue you are talking about. Feigning ignorance on a complex topic that you claim to not understand (and know they don't understand) can reinforce the idea that neither of you are an authority on the issue and make them back down. If you are talking about inane little things like what kind of pie to get the only thing I can recommend is to go with your 2-3rd idea. It's better to deal with the consequences of getting a bad pie then live with the long-standing consequences of being regarded as an indecisive person. tl;dr - This whole post is a perfect example of why you shouldn't explain yourself.
I apologize in advance if I'm telling you something different from what you asked. If anything that I've said starts to get at what you're looking for point it out and I'll go into more detail. If you would like this broken down into a more digestible format I would be happy to oblige with that too. I find it best to be very non-committal in answering questions. Additionally, I don't stray from situations where I can be met with humility. Sometimes it is best to embrace humility on your terms then try to talk your way into a corner. If a person doesn't have the critical facilities to emulate your thinking sometimes the only thing you can do is lose on your terms. Misdirection, diffusion of responsibility, and witty evasion when done right can definitely weaken the 'blow'. When it comes to ethical questions where you are in truly expected to speak (and being non-committal would reflect poorly on your or the person) I find answering things in a top-down manner to work best. When it comes to somewhat stressful situations like this there is nothing wrong with committing a somewhat cookie-cutter responses to rote memory. FYI, that is actually a common tactic for self-advocacy for many Autistics when experiencing a sensory overload. Something I would encourage you to avoid however is attempting to reframe the argument or the question. Doing so demonstrates weakness. A recent pop-culture event that demonstrates this well is the Bill Nye-Ham debate. Sometimes less is more. Here is an example of what I mean: You are asked about your position in something political (tea-party/republican/democrat/capitalist/socialist) and your stand on it. Instead of working down the list(and risk the other person getting lost and making poor observations) and going supporting detail , how you feel about it , and weaseling out of it when they start getting ahead of themselves, simply stating that you believe that everyone wants nothing more then for their children and loved ones to live happily and prosperously. The world is far from black and white. It'd take a great deal of time invested(which isn't available) and the current environment isn't suitable for carefully moderated deliberation. Throwing in bits about how you need to do a lot of careful research and don't find yourself to be an authority on complex topic works great if you can actually bring up a complex mechanic in whatever issue you are talking about. Feigning ignorance on a complex topic that you claim to not understand (and know they don't understand) can reinforce the idea that neither of you are an authority on the issue and make them back down. If you are talking about inane little things like what kind of pie to get the only thing I can recommend is to go with your 2-3rd idea. It's better to deal with the consequences of getting a bad pie then live with the long-standing consequences of being regarded as an indecisive person.
This whole post is a perfect example of why you shouldn't explain yourself.
I find it satisfying when I'm playing super on point and not making any mistakes. So yes, L-canceling is incredibly satisfying. I love when I receive a reward for being technically sound. That's what is so great about this game, is that you get a reward for playing well. This kind of goes into the recent thread about things in this game being easy. It's an insulting thing because when you look at high levels of play in Melee and PM as the games have developed over the years, it's always about solid execution and not slipping up at all. Armada has thrived for so long because of his ability to capitalize on the smallest error from his opponents, and Westballz excels against opponents by having airtight pressure with near flawless execution. When you've got stupid shit (mostly in 3.0) that people are getting away with, it sort of invalidates the amount of effort some people put into the game to get where they are. The better player should always come out on top, but that's not always the case. In Melee, it's because of weird janky shit, and in PM, it used to be because of certain character designs. I remember reading a comment on Smashboards posted by Seagull asking for shield dropping to have a macro via the c-stick to make it easier. It's that sort of shit that bugs me. People like Axe have grinded out that tech for hours on end, and because a couple people are too lazy to put in the effort, they want it to be easier to execute. That is the mindset that I dislike. That is why I see "easy" as an insult. tl;dr Forgot this was the L-Cancel thread. I like L-Cancels.
I find it satisfying when I'm playing super on point and not making any mistakes. So yes, L-canceling is incredibly satisfying. I love when I receive a reward for being technically sound. That's what is so great about this game, is that you get a reward for playing well. This kind of goes into the recent thread about things in this game being easy. It's an insulting thing because when you look at high levels of play in Melee and PM as the games have developed over the years, it's always about solid execution and not slipping up at all. Armada has thrived for so long because of his ability to capitalize on the smallest error from his opponents, and Westballz excels against opponents by having airtight pressure with near flawless execution. When you've got stupid shit (mostly in 3.0) that people are getting away with, it sort of invalidates the amount of effort some people put into the game to get where they are. The better player should always come out on top, but that's not always the case. In Melee, it's because of weird janky shit, and in PM, it used to be because of certain character designs. I remember reading a comment on Smashboards posted by Seagull asking for shield dropping to have a macro via the c-stick to make it easier. It's that sort of shit that bugs me. People like Axe have grinded out that tech for hours on end, and because a couple people are too lazy to put in the effort, they want it to be easier to execute. That is the mindset that I dislike. That is why I see "easy" as an insult. tl;dr Forgot this was the L-Cancel thread. I like L-Cancels.
I find it satisfying when I'm playing super on point and not making any mistakes. So yes, L-canceling is incredibly satisfying. I love when I receive a reward for being technically sound. That's what is so great about this game, is that you get a reward for playing well. This kind of goes into the recent thread about things in this game being easy. It's an insulting thing because when you look at high levels of play in Melee and PM as the games have developed over the years, it's always about solid execution and not slipping up at all. Armada has thrived for so long because of his ability to capitalize on the smallest error from his opponents, and Westballz excels against opponents by having airtight pressure with near flawless execution. When you've got stupid shit (mostly in 3.0) that people are getting away with, it sort of invalidates the amount of effort some people put into the game to get where they are. The better player should always come out on top, but that's not always the case. In Melee, it's because of weird janky shit, and in PM, it used to be because of certain character designs. I remember reading a comment on Smashboards posted by Seagull asking for shield dropping to have a macro via the c-stick to make it easier. It's that sort of shit that bugs me. People like Axe have grinded out that tech for hours on end, and because a couple people are too lazy to put in the effort, they want it to be easier to execute. That is the mindset that I dislike. That is why I see "easy" as an insult.
Forgot this was the L-Cancel thread. I like L-Cancels.
I was tossing this idea in my head of ROSTS, Regular ordinary Swedish talk show. In which Niclas is the host and he interviews guests of their choosing. The show is set in a idyllic outdoor shooting location no matter the season or weather. Two camera live style edit, just like Swedish morning shows. The show could feature clips of the interviewees content, Niclas and the interviewee building that IKEA furniture or having a dumb barbeque in the middle of winter. tl:dr Regular ordinary Swedish talk show so we can hear Niclas speak proper english, cause it's funny as hell.
I was tossing this idea in my head of ROSTS, Regular ordinary Swedish talk show. In which Niclas is the host and he interviews guests of their choosing. The show is set in a idyllic outdoor shooting location no matter the season or weather. Two camera live style edit, just like Swedish morning shows. The show could feature clips of the interviewees content, Niclas and the interviewee building that IKEA furniture or having a dumb barbeque in the middle of winter. tl:dr Regular ordinary Swedish talk show so we can hear Niclas speak proper english, cause it's funny as hell.
I was tossing this idea in my head of ROSTS, Regular ordinary Swedish talk show. In which Niclas is the host and he interviews guests of their choosing. The show is set in a idyllic outdoor shooting location no matter the season or weather. Two camera live style edit, just like Swedish morning shows. The show could feature clips of the interviewees content, Niclas and the interviewee building that IKEA furniture or having a dumb barbeque in the middle of winter.
Regular ordinary Swedish talk show so we can hear Niclas speak proper english, cause it's funny as hell.
My god! Plz tell your friend what a paragraph is and I'd probly read it. TLDR.. Cause paragraphs exist for a reason.
My god! Plz tell your friend what a paragraph is and I'd probly read it. TLDR.. Cause paragraphs exist for a reason.
My god! Plz tell your friend what a paragraph is and I'd probly read it.
Cause paragraphs exist for a reason.
The Computer Systems class right next door to us (computer programming) likes doing this type of stuff. They submerged a computer in a fishtank (full of mineral oil) and set it up to 3 screens. They play games like this and also do Smash Bros and other games like it on all 3 screens. TL;DR Some people have too much time.
The Computer Systems class right next door to us (computer programming) likes doing this type of stuff. They submerged a computer in a fishtank (full of mineral oil) and set it up to 3 screens. They play games like this and also do Smash Bros and other games like it on all 3 screens. TL;DR Some people have too much time.
The Computer Systems class right next door to us (computer programming) likes doing this type of stuff. They submerged a computer in a fishtank (full of mineral oil) and set it up to 3 screens. They play games like this and also do Smash Bros and other games like it on all 3 screens.
Some people have too much time.
I had an honest conversation with my serial cheater father (cheated on my mum with at least 5 women, probably much more) for the first time. He left her twice, though he's back with her now. I'm not sure where to take the relationship from here. Should I bother trying to have a relationship with him, considering that I only want to have a relationship with people who are respectful of me and care about me? To give more information, he was one of those dads who is always working and is rarely there, so we have never been close. The questions i asked him: “Would you have changed anything if you had known that I knew you were cheating on Mum when I was a teenager?” “I don't know that I would have.” “Did you think it would affect me?” “I didn't see how it would.” “What were you thinking, how did you think it woudl affect me?” “I didn't think about it.” “Did you think about how it would affect Mum?” “She didn't value me, so I saw it as being with someone who did value me.” (She often says things like “men are useless” and laughs at the music and TV shows he likes.) “How did you think I'd react when you left?” “I thought you'd be upset. But I didn't think too much about my feelings, I just thought I'd say it's my fault, my decision.” I don't know what to think about this. First of all...don't those answers seem...weird? How do you not think about this stuff? I feel somewhat upset about these answers, though he did apologize for having upset me what with all the cheating. I feel like he doesn't...I don't know, care? Does it seem like I'm being overly sensitive? I'm coming to reddit because, does this seem like the kind of father I should attempt to have a relationship with, or should I continue having an extremely distant and occasional contact with him? TL;DR: My dad seems like a jerk and I can't tell if I'm just being hypersensitive. I want Redditors' opinions on if his answers seem so unnatural that I can just cut off contact and be done with him.
I had an honest conversation with my serial cheater father (cheated on my mum with at least 5 women, probably much more) for the first time. He left her twice, though he's back with her now. I'm not sure where to take the relationship from here. Should I bother trying to have a relationship with him, considering that I only want to have a relationship with people who are respectful of me and care about me? To give more information, he was one of those dads who is always working and is rarely there, so we have never been close. The questions i asked him: “Would you have changed anything if you had known that I knew you were cheating on Mum when I was a teenager?” “I don't know that I would have.” “Did you think it would affect me?” “I didn't see how it would.” “What were you thinking, how did you think it woudl affect me?” “I didn't think about it.” “Did you think about how it would affect Mum?” “She didn't value me, so I saw it as being with someone who did value me.” (She often says things like “men are useless” and laughs at the music and TV shows he likes.) “How did you think I'd react when you left?” “I thought you'd be upset. But I didn't think too much about my feelings, I just thought I'd say it's my fault, my decision.” I don't know what to think about this. First of all...don't those answers seem...weird? How do you not think about this stuff? I feel somewhat upset about these answers, though he did apologize for having upset me what with all the cheating. I feel like he doesn't...I don't know, care? Does it seem like I'm being overly sensitive? I'm coming to reddit because, does this seem like the kind of father I should attempt to have a relationship with, or should I continue having an extremely distant and occasional contact with him? TL;DR: My dad seems like a jerk and I can't tell if I'm just being hypersensitive. I want Redditors' opinions on if his answers seem so unnatural that I can just cut off contact and be done with him.
I had an honest conversation with my serial cheater father (cheated on my mum with at least 5 women, probably much more) for the first time. He left her twice, though he's back with her now. I'm not sure where to take the relationship from here. Should I bother trying to have a relationship with him, considering that I only want to have a relationship with people who are respectful of me and care about me? To give more information, he was one of those dads who is always working and is rarely there, so we have never been close. The questions i asked him: “Would you have changed anything if you had known that I knew you were cheating on Mum when I was a teenager?” “I don't know that I would have.” “Did you think it would affect me?” “I didn't see how it would.” “What were you thinking, how did you think it woudl affect me?” “I didn't think about it.” “Did you think about how it would affect Mum?” “She didn't value me, so I saw it as being with someone who did value me.” (She often says things like “men are useless” and laughs at the music and TV shows he likes.) “How did you think I'd react when you left?” “I thought you'd be upset. But I didn't think too much about my feelings, I just thought I'd say it's my fault, my decision.” I don't know what to think about this. First of all...don't those answers seem...weird? How do you not think about this stuff? I feel somewhat upset about these answers, though he did apologize for having upset me what with all the cheating. I feel like he doesn't...I don't know, care? Does it seem like I'm being overly sensitive? I'm coming to reddit because, does this seem like the kind of father I should attempt to have a relationship with, or should I continue having an extremely distant and occasional contact with him?
My dad seems like a jerk and I can't tell if I'm just being hypersensitive. I want Redditors' opinions on if his answers seem so unnatural that I can just cut off contact and be done with him.
I dislocated my ankle playing basketball on a Sunday. Called that night to tell my boss I probably wasn't going to get into work the next morning. They told me I wasn't thinking responsibly about my needing to be at work. Got fired. TL;DR; dislocated ankle away from work. Boss got mad
I dislocated my ankle playing basketball on a Sunday. Called that night to tell my boss I probably wasn't going to get into work the next morning. They told me I wasn't thinking responsibly about my needing to be at work. Got fired. TL;DR; dislocated ankle away from work. Boss got mad
I dislocated my ankle playing basketball on a Sunday. Called that night to tell my boss I probably wasn't going to get into work the next morning. They told me I wasn't thinking responsibly about my needing to be at work. Got fired.
dislocated ankle away from work. Boss got mad
My boyfriend and I have been together a few years. He has a 3 year old daughter from another relationship whom I love as if she was my own, and she loves me in return. We have always talked about having children one day, but pretty soon as we are aware I may become infertile. HOWEVER, when we talk about the possibility of kids around his family, he has also always said "I don't need any more babies" which confuses me a fair amount. Last week, his daughter was staying at our house - for no reason, completely out of the blue, my boyfriend tells us both that he wants lots of kids (2 more girls and 3 boys, he later specified), and asked his little girl if she wanted a brother or sister. At this point, she was pretty excited, running around saying "yes daddy, I want a brother and sister!" and he then asked her how soon she wanted a brother or sister, to which she didn't reply, but he told her "anything for you princess, daddy and confusedbabygirl will see what we can do!" Since then he has continued to be very blunt when i've talked about wanting a child or saying the usual "I don't need any more babies." Reddit - how do I get him to tell me what he's really thinking? I've tried being direct and asking him if he wants kids, but he's really vague and confusing! I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, i'm not very good with words. *TL:DR;* My boyfriend told me he wants kids. He also promised his 3 year old daughter that we'd give her a brother or sister soon, but he's so blunt and vague whenever I bring up the topic with him. How do I get him to talk to me about what he's thinking?!
My boyfriend and I have been together a few years. He has a 3 year old daughter from another relationship whom I love as if she was my own, and she loves me in return. We have always talked about having children one day, but pretty soon as we are aware I may become infertile. HOWEVER, when we talk about the possibility of kids around his family, he has also always said "I don't need any more babies" which confuses me a fair amount. Last week, his daughter was staying at our house - for no reason, completely out of the blue, my boyfriend tells us both that he wants lots of kids (2 more girls and 3 boys, he later specified), and asked his little girl if she wanted a brother or sister. At this point, she was pretty excited, running around saying "yes daddy, I want a brother and sister!" and he then asked her how soon she wanted a brother or sister, to which she didn't reply, but he told her "anything for you princess, daddy and confusedbabygirl will see what we can do!" Since then he has continued to be very blunt when i've talked about wanting a child or saying the usual "I don't need any more babies." Reddit - how do I get him to tell me what he's really thinking? I've tried being direct and asking him if he wants kids, but he's really vague and confusing! I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, i'm not very good with words. TL:DR; My boyfriend told me he wants kids. He also promised his 3 year old daughter that we'd give her a brother or sister soon, but he's so blunt and vague whenever I bring up the topic with him. How do I get him to talk to me about what he's thinking?!
My boyfriend and I have been together a few years. He has a 3 year old daughter from another relationship whom I love as if she was my own, and she loves me in return. We have always talked about having children one day, but pretty soon as we are aware I may become infertile. HOWEVER, when we talk about the possibility of kids around his family, he has also always said "I don't need any more babies" which confuses me a fair amount. Last week, his daughter was staying at our house - for no reason, completely out of the blue, my boyfriend tells us both that he wants lots of kids (2 more girls and 3 boys, he later specified), and asked his little girl if she wanted a brother or sister. At this point, she was pretty excited, running around saying "yes daddy, I want a brother and sister!" and he then asked her how soon she wanted a brother or sister, to which she didn't reply, but he told her "anything for you princess, daddy and confusedbabygirl will see what we can do!" Since then he has continued to be very blunt when i've talked about wanting a child or saying the usual "I don't need any more babies." Reddit - how do I get him to tell me what he's really thinking? I've tried being direct and asking him if he wants kids, but he's really vague and confusing! I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, i'm not very good with words.
My boyfriend told me he wants kids. He also promised his 3 year old daughter that we'd give her a brother or sister soon, but he's so blunt and vague whenever I bring up the topic with him. How do I get him to talk to me about what he's thinking?!
Metal or other conducting materials don't "attract" lightning by themselves. They have to be "grounded" - lightning is basically really, really high negative charge in the clouds balancing itself with a really, really high positive charge in the ground (or vice versa) So metal poles, towers, skyscrapers, houses - all these things contain metal (or metal wiring, at the least) that connects to the ground. That's why they tend to get struck more often. But planes, for example, don't "attract" lightning, because they don't provide a significantly lower-resistance path to the ground. For lightning, the potential is so high that conductivity doesn't matter nearly as much as distance from cloud to ground (see Coulomb's law and the 1/r^2 dependence), which is why trees, being much less conductive than metal, get struck so often. I'm sure this is not a completely accurate picture and if an actual physicist wants to come along and correct my inevitable mistakes, please do. tl;dr **LIGHTNING DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, GOOD NIGHT!**
Metal or other conducting materials don't "attract" lightning by themselves. They have to be "grounded" - lightning is basically really, really high negative charge in the clouds balancing itself with a really, really high positive charge in the ground (or vice versa) So metal poles, towers, skyscrapers, houses - all these things contain metal (or metal wiring, at the least) that connects to the ground. That's why they tend to get struck more often. But planes, for example, don't "attract" lightning, because they don't provide a significantly lower-resistance path to the ground. For lightning, the potential is so high that conductivity doesn't matter nearly as much as distance from cloud to ground (see Coulomb's law and the 1/r^2 dependence), which is why trees, being much less conductive than metal, get struck so often. I'm sure this is not a completely accurate picture and if an actual physicist wants to come along and correct my inevitable mistakes, please do. tl;dr LIGHTNING DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, GOOD NIGHT!
Metal or other conducting materials don't "attract" lightning by themselves. They have to be "grounded" - lightning is basically really, really high negative charge in the clouds balancing itself with a really, really high positive charge in the ground (or vice versa) So metal poles, towers, skyscrapers, houses - all these things contain metal (or metal wiring, at the least) that connects to the ground. That's why they tend to get struck more often. But planes, for example, don't "attract" lightning, because they don't provide a significantly lower-resistance path to the ground. For lightning, the potential is so high that conductivity doesn't matter nearly as much as distance from cloud to ground (see Coulomb's law and the 1/r^2 dependence), which is why trees, being much less conductive than metal, get struck so often. I'm sure this is not a completely accurate picture and if an actual physicist wants to come along and correct my inevitable mistakes, please do.
Hello Everyone, I do not care for arguments or flame wars I will not respond to it. I do however come to you all with huge disappointment and mild anger. Last night I had a very bad experience with racism, and while this type of issue is normal and to be expected it hit a little harder because a friend was involved as well. Last week I used the LFG megathread and found some people to play with on Xbox 1 rather quickly. Had a few good rounds and everyone was having a good time and we all added each other to our friends list. Throughout the week I continued to play with them as well along with personal friends who I let know I met through Reddit. Last night my personal friend, a Reddit user, and myself were playing a game as we usually do with no issue. Another Reddit user joined our chat party and asked if he could group with us and he had 2 more to make a full party. Once we grouped up and got a match going our party consisted of Junkrat, 2 Widomakers, a Reihnhart, Winston, And Lucio on Numbani defense. Shortly after the game started the two persons who were Lucio and Winston began to discuss between each other about how Lucio looked like Travon Martin but not dead, Winston looks like his two nigger dads, spraying the walls and saying like at my black gorilla baby, fags, and constantly shouting VAPE NATION. Then to top it off two Widowmakers refused to change characters as they said they do what they want and we subsequently got steam rolled that match. My friend and I sat there quietly and were good sports enough to finish the match. We’ve experienced this before. We’ve experienced this our whole lives as black gamers. While some may say we should have spoken up, I say what is the point? Internet wars lead to nothing and feeding the troll only makes him hungrier we all know this. Afterwards in a group chat with several personal friends we began a heated discussion on what happened and how could I let this occur since I gave the ok for them to join our group for the past week. This whole situation reminded me that I need to be cautious on reaching out to have fun with others online. It sucks that as a black gamer we cannot meet others in games without fear of racism. In the discussion with my friends they were speaking on how this is why you don’t meet random people on the internet to play with. What sucks is I’ve played several games with two of them and I brought a personal friend in to have him experienced this. Those two were really cool guys up until this event. Since they were the ones who picked Winston and Lucio I have to assume that they were the ones who first started the discussion. Now I will have to go and block everyone involved in this match. I still want to use the megathread to look for people to play with but now I have decided I cannot. I know I was naive to mix friends with Reddit but why can't I? Why can't I have the privilege to do this because of my race? Why must I only play with only 2 to 3 friend I know or play alone in silence? So with my head heavy I speak not to those who, to their core, know they hate black people but to those who think it’s ok or cool to speak in such a tone because they are “comfortable” and assume everyone is white. I fully understand this is how some talk in the anonymity of the internet or the safety of their homes. Just watch what you say or even just simple ask what everyone’s race is before talking about such things. TLDR: Used megathread to LFG. Found racists. Edits for typos.
Hello Everyone, I do not care for arguments or flame wars I will not respond to it. I do however come to you all with huge disappointment and mild anger. Last night I had a very bad experience with racism, and while this type of issue is normal and to be expected it hit a little harder because a friend was involved as well. Last week I used the LFG megathread and found some people to play with on Xbox 1 rather quickly. Had a few good rounds and everyone was having a good time and we all added each other to our friends list. Throughout the week I continued to play with them as well along with personal friends who I let know I met through Reddit. Last night my personal friend, a Reddit user, and myself were playing a game as we usually do with no issue. Another Reddit user joined our chat party and asked if he could group with us and he had 2 more to make a full party. Once we grouped up and got a match going our party consisted of Junkrat, 2 Widomakers, a Reihnhart, Winston, And Lucio on Numbani defense. Shortly after the game started the two persons who were Lucio and Winston began to discuss between each other about how Lucio looked like Travon Martin but not dead, Winston looks like his two nigger dads, spraying the walls and saying like at my black gorilla baby, fags, and constantly shouting VAPE NATION. Then to top it off two Widowmakers refused to change characters as they said they do what they want and we subsequently got steam rolled that match. My friend and I sat there quietly and were good sports enough to finish the match. We’ve experienced this before. We’ve experienced this our whole lives as black gamers. While some may say we should have spoken up, I say what is the point? Internet wars lead to nothing and feeding the troll only makes him hungrier we all know this. Afterwards in a group chat with several personal friends we began a heated discussion on what happened and how could I let this occur since I gave the ok for them to join our group for the past week. This whole situation reminded me that I need to be cautious on reaching out to have fun with others online. It sucks that as a black gamer we cannot meet others in games without fear of racism. In the discussion with my friends they were speaking on how this is why you don’t meet random people on the internet to play with. What sucks is I’ve played several games with two of them and I brought a personal friend in to have him experienced this. Those two were really cool guys up until this event. Since they were the ones who picked Winston and Lucio I have to assume that they were the ones who first started the discussion. Now I will have to go and block everyone involved in this match. I still want to use the megathread to look for people to play with but now I have decided I cannot. I know I was naive to mix friends with Reddit but why can't I? Why can't I have the privilege to do this because of my race? Why must I only play with only 2 to 3 friend I know or play alone in silence? So with my head heavy I speak not to those who, to their core, know they hate black people but to those who think it’s ok or cool to speak in such a tone because they are “comfortable” and assume everyone is white. I fully understand this is how some talk in the anonymity of the internet or the safety of their homes. Just watch what you say or even just simple ask what everyone’s race is before talking about such things. TLDR: Used megathread to LFG. Found racists. Edits for typos.
Hello Everyone, I do not care for arguments or flame wars I will not respond to it. I do however come to you all with huge disappointment and mild anger. Last night I had a very bad experience with racism, and while this type of issue is normal and to be expected it hit a little harder because a friend was involved as well. Last week I used the LFG megathread and found some people to play with on Xbox 1 rather quickly. Had a few good rounds and everyone was having a good time and we all added each other to our friends list. Throughout the week I continued to play with them as well along with personal friends who I let know I met through Reddit. Last night my personal friend, a Reddit user, and myself were playing a game as we usually do with no issue. Another Reddit user joined our chat party and asked if he could group with us and he had 2 more to make a full party. Once we grouped up and got a match going our party consisted of Junkrat, 2 Widomakers, a Reihnhart, Winston, And Lucio on Numbani defense. Shortly after the game started the two persons who were Lucio and Winston began to discuss between each other about how Lucio looked like Travon Martin but not dead, Winston looks like his two nigger dads, spraying the walls and saying like at my black gorilla baby, fags, and constantly shouting VAPE NATION. Then to top it off two Widowmakers refused to change characters as they said they do what they want and we subsequently got steam rolled that match. My friend and I sat there quietly and were good sports enough to finish the match. We’ve experienced this before. We’ve experienced this our whole lives as black gamers. While some may say we should have spoken up, I say what is the point? Internet wars lead to nothing and feeding the troll only makes him hungrier we all know this. Afterwards in a group chat with several personal friends we began a heated discussion on what happened and how could I let this occur since I gave the ok for them to join our group for the past week. This whole situation reminded me that I need to be cautious on reaching out to have fun with others online. It sucks that as a black gamer we cannot meet others in games without fear of racism. In the discussion with my friends they were speaking on how this is why you don’t meet random people on the internet to play with. What sucks is I’ve played several games with two of them and I brought a personal friend in to have him experienced this. Those two were really cool guys up until this event. Since they were the ones who picked Winston and Lucio I have to assume that they were the ones who first started the discussion. Now I will have to go and block everyone involved in this match. I still want to use the megathread to look for people to play with but now I have decided I cannot. I know I was naive to mix friends with Reddit but why can't I? Why can't I have the privilege to do this because of my race? Why must I only play with only 2 to 3 friend I know or play alone in silence? So with my head heavy I speak not to those who, to their core, know they hate black people but to those who think it’s ok or cool to speak in such a tone because they are “comfortable” and assume everyone is white. I fully understand this is how some talk in the anonymity of the internet or the safety of their homes. Just watch what you say or even just simple ask what everyone’s race is before talking about such things.
Used megathread to LFG. Found racists. Edits for typos.
I work as a Fire Safety Director. It tends to cost a lot of money to bring old buildings up to Fire Code or just make any building up to Fire Code if they haven't been maintained or built properly. So to cut costs a lot of Management companies either ignore the issue or complies with the absolute minimum in order to prolong the expenditure of money for upgrades. Also tenants of said buildings sometimes (with enough money) have their floors or areas filled with fire hazards but pay a lot so a blind eye is turned. Ex. Emergency exit stairwell exists on paper but in actuality it is enclosed and turned into a private stairwell for that companies floor. Tl;Dr places you work can be far more dangerous than you even realise.
I work as a Fire Safety Director. It tends to cost a lot of money to bring old buildings up to Fire Code or just make any building up to Fire Code if they haven't been maintained or built properly. So to cut costs a lot of Management companies either ignore the issue or complies with the absolute minimum in order to prolong the expenditure of money for upgrades. Also tenants of said buildings sometimes (with enough money) have their floors or areas filled with fire hazards but pay a lot so a blind eye is turned. Ex. Emergency exit stairwell exists on paper but in actuality it is enclosed and turned into a private stairwell for that companies floor. Tl;Dr places you work can be far more dangerous than you even realise.
I work as a Fire Safety Director. It tends to cost a lot of money to bring old buildings up to Fire Code or just make any building up to Fire Code if they haven't been maintained or built properly. So to cut costs a lot of Management companies either ignore the issue or complies with the absolute minimum in order to prolong the expenditure of money for upgrades. Also tenants of said buildings sometimes (with enough money) have their floors or areas filled with fire hazards but pay a lot so a blind eye is turned. Ex. Emergency exit stairwell exists on paper but in actuality it is enclosed and turned into a private stairwell for that companies floor.
places you work can be far more dangerous than you even realise.
When I was 21 and looking to buy my first pistol I desperately wanted a PPK. Its one of my all time favorites and will always be. Its simply a gun I have to have in my lifetime. Unfortunately when I turned 21 four years ago, everything I read about the PPK suggested that the build quality had gone way down because it was being produced by springfield (?) and not in Germany by Walther. I was disappointed, but couldn't shell out the money for an older, proven PPK. Long story short I got a PPQ, love it to death, and never looked back until now. Now I have a job and money and I want a PPK. My question is have the reliability problems been cleared up? I heard something about Walther changing production with them, so I'm curious if this has been implemented and everything is right as rain again. Any help and advice is appreciated. TL;DR: How are new PPKs? Have the reliability questions from their production with springfield been cleared up, and are the good enough to warrant the current new pricetag?
When I was 21 and looking to buy my first pistol I desperately wanted a PPK. Its one of my all time favorites and will always be. Its simply a gun I have to have in my lifetime. Unfortunately when I turned 21 four years ago, everything I read about the PPK suggested that the build quality had gone way down because it was being produced by springfield (?) and not in Germany by Walther. I was disappointed, but couldn't shell out the money for an older, proven PPK. Long story short I got a PPQ, love it to death, and never looked back until now. Now I have a job and money and I want a PPK. My question is have the reliability problems been cleared up? I heard something about Walther changing production with them, so I'm curious if this has been implemented and everything is right as rain again. Any help and advice is appreciated. TL;DR: How are new PPKs? Have the reliability questions from their production with springfield been cleared up, and are the good enough to warrant the current new pricetag?
When I was 21 and looking to buy my first pistol I desperately wanted a PPK. Its one of my all time favorites and will always be. Its simply a gun I have to have in my lifetime. Unfortunately when I turned 21 four years ago, everything I read about the PPK suggested that the build quality had gone way down because it was being produced by springfield (?) and not in Germany by Walther. I was disappointed, but couldn't shell out the money for an older, proven PPK. Long story short I got a PPQ, love it to death, and never looked back until now. Now I have a job and money and I want a PPK. My question is have the reliability problems been cleared up? I heard something about Walther changing production with them, so I'm curious if this has been implemented and everything is right as rain again. Any help and advice is appreciated.
How are new PPKs? Have the reliability questions from their production with springfield been cleared up, and are the good enough to warrant the current new pricetag?
I get a call from housekeeping about some crazy drunk girl knocking on the door to the HK laundry at 23:00 on Friday night. I put on my MOD jacket and call security to meet me at the scene. I find a 6'2" 40 something, who can't stand on two legs. She's banging on the door to the HK laundry room and screaming for someone to let her in. I asked, "can I help you ma'am?" She replies, "no, it's okay, I've been here for a while." I ask, "well if you've been here, can I look up your name and find your room, or if you are staying with someone else, can I have their name?" She gave me a confused look and then looked at the laundry room door like it had all the answers. She said, "I'm just gonna wait here for this door." I tried to reason with her until security showed up, at which point I said, "Ma'am, you are not making any sense at all. Unless you can you show me a room key, or tell me a name and room number for your friend, I need to ask you to leave the property." She decides to leave the property at this point, but she goes the long way through the parking lot. On the way, she thinks she is going to take a pit stop in the conference center via the handicap ramp. The security guard and myself both warn her not to go that way, but she does anyway and eats shit about two steps up the ramp. We help her to her feet, at which point she starts cussing us out and calling me a "rude son of a bitch," and then we set her in the chair in the carport. Since she fell, I had to try my best to take an incident report, but she refused medical services, she wouldn't give me her full name, or phone number, she would not, or could not tell me anything about herself or why she was at the hotel. I told her that I had to call either, a cab, the police or an ambulance for her. She didn't like any of those so I offered to let her use the desk phone (I'm a softy, I know), while she's calling her husband long distance on my phone, she continues on about how the staff at the hotel is so rude and she hasn't done anything wrong (queue the tears). I had originally offered to let her wait on my couch in front of the lobby, but after she called me a "sonnovabitch" the third time, I kicked her to the curb and told her that she could wait for her husband out there. She comes back inside ten minutes later with a room key and a name. "My friend is Jane Doe and this is her room!" This is where it gets interesting for me. I had dealt with Jane Doe earlier that day about some leftovers that housekeeping cleared. I offered her an appetizer at the restaurant to make up for it. Her reply was, "that's it?" I looked her room up and found out that she's staying on an employee rate for longer than the maximum number of nights that are allowed in a year. Now it's my job to be the asshole who makes sure that this employee is charged for the full amount due, and reported to the parent company and their employer about the misconduct of one of their friends. I don't want to be that person. Why do people need to make me that person. TL:DR don't be stupid when you stay on an employee rate.
I get a call from housekeeping about some crazy drunk girl knocking on the door to the HK laundry at 23:00 on Friday night. I put on my MOD jacket and call security to meet me at the scene. I find a 6'2" 40 something, who can't stand on two legs. She's banging on the door to the HK laundry room and screaming for someone to let her in. I asked, "can I help you ma'am?" She replies, "no, it's okay, I've been here for a while." I ask, "well if you've been here, can I look up your name and find your room, or if you are staying with someone else, can I have their name?" She gave me a confused look and then looked at the laundry room door like it had all the answers. She said, "I'm just gonna wait here for this door." I tried to reason with her until security showed up, at which point I said, "Ma'am, you are not making any sense at all. Unless you can you show me a room key, or tell me a name and room number for your friend, I need to ask you to leave the property." She decides to leave the property at this point, but she goes the long way through the parking lot. On the way, she thinks she is going to take a pit stop in the conference center via the handicap ramp. The security guard and myself both warn her not to go that way, but she does anyway and eats shit about two steps up the ramp. We help her to her feet, at which point she starts cussing us out and calling me a "rude son of a bitch," and then we set her in the chair in the carport. Since she fell, I had to try my best to take an incident report, but she refused medical services, she wouldn't give me her full name, or phone number, she would not, or could not tell me anything about herself or why she was at the hotel. I told her that I had to call either, a cab, the police or an ambulance for her. She didn't like any of those so I offered to let her use the desk phone (I'm a softy, I know), while she's calling her husband long distance on my phone, she continues on about how the staff at the hotel is so rude and she hasn't done anything wrong (queue the tears). I had originally offered to let her wait on my couch in front of the lobby, but after she called me a "sonnovabitch" the third time, I kicked her to the curb and told her that she could wait for her husband out there. She comes back inside ten minutes later with a room key and a name. "My friend is Jane Doe and this is her room!" This is where it gets interesting for me. I had dealt with Jane Doe earlier that day about some leftovers that housekeeping cleared. I offered her an appetizer at the restaurant to make up for it. Her reply was, "that's it?" I looked her room up and found out that she's staying on an employee rate for longer than the maximum number of nights that are allowed in a year. Now it's my job to be the asshole who makes sure that this employee is charged for the full amount due, and reported to the parent company and their employer about the misconduct of one of their friends. I don't want to be that person. Why do people need to make me that person. TL:DR don't be stupid when you stay on an employee rate.
I get a call from housekeeping about some crazy drunk girl knocking on the door to the HK laundry at 23:00 on Friday night. I put on my MOD jacket and call security to meet me at the scene. I find a 6'2" 40 something, who can't stand on two legs. She's banging on the door to the HK laundry room and screaming for someone to let her in. I asked, "can I help you ma'am?" She replies, "no, it's okay, I've been here for a while." I ask, "well if you've been here, can I look up your name and find your room, or if you are staying with someone else, can I have their name?" She gave me a confused look and then looked at the laundry room door like it had all the answers. She said, "I'm just gonna wait here for this door." I tried to reason with her until security showed up, at which point I said, "Ma'am, you are not making any sense at all. Unless you can you show me a room key, or tell me a name and room number for your friend, I need to ask you to leave the property." She decides to leave the property at this point, but she goes the long way through the parking lot. On the way, she thinks she is going to take a pit stop in the conference center via the handicap ramp. The security guard and myself both warn her not to go that way, but she does anyway and eats shit about two steps up the ramp. We help her to her feet, at which point she starts cussing us out and calling me a "rude son of a bitch," and then we set her in the chair in the carport. Since she fell, I had to try my best to take an incident report, but she refused medical services, she wouldn't give me her full name, or phone number, she would not, or could not tell me anything about herself or why she was at the hotel. I told her that I had to call either, a cab, the police or an ambulance for her. She didn't like any of those so I offered to let her use the desk phone (I'm a softy, I know), while she's calling her husband long distance on my phone, she continues on about how the staff at the hotel is so rude and she hasn't done anything wrong (queue the tears). I had originally offered to let her wait on my couch in front of the lobby, but after she called me a "sonnovabitch" the third time, I kicked her to the curb and told her that she could wait for her husband out there. She comes back inside ten minutes later with a room key and a name. "My friend is Jane Doe and this is her room!" This is where it gets interesting for me. I had dealt with Jane Doe earlier that day about some leftovers that housekeeping cleared. I offered her an appetizer at the restaurant to make up for it. Her reply was, "that's it?" I looked her room up and found out that she's staying on an employee rate for longer than the maximum number of nights that are allowed in a year. Now it's my job to be the asshole who makes sure that this employee is charged for the full amount due, and reported to the parent company and their employer about the misconduct of one of their friends. I don't want to be that person. Why do people need to make me that person.
don't be stupid when you stay on an employee rate.
Ok, story time. As a pilot it is common for the minimum wage worker who empties the lavatory to do it wrong. Pretty much every plane has had that worker forget to empty it before refilling it. This causes the lav "juice" to flood the whole plane and soak the floor. Sure we try to clean it, but it is just awful. TL; DR: all floors on all planes have had a feces flood. DON'T put your bare feet on them.
Ok, story time. As a pilot it is common for the minimum wage worker who empties the lavatory to do it wrong. Pretty much every plane has had that worker forget to empty it before refilling it. This causes the lav "juice" to flood the whole plane and soak the floor. Sure we try to clean it, but it is just awful. TL; DR: all floors on all planes have had a feces flood. DON'T put your bare feet on them.
Ok, story time. As a pilot it is common for the minimum wage worker who empties the lavatory to do it wrong. Pretty much every plane has had that worker forget to empty it before refilling it. This causes the lav "juice" to flood the whole plane and soak the floor. Sure we try to clean it, but it is just awful.
all floors on all planes have had a feces flood. DON'T put your bare feet on them.
Many years ago I verified this experimentally. My friends were doing nitrous oxide, which (as far as I knew) could not be metabolized to CO2. So I breathed all the way out, then all the way in, and held my breath. In retrospect, Helium would have been a better choice, obviously. And unfortunately I didn't time it. But in any case, I felt no need to breathe. My whole body went numb, and at some point I was seeing spots, and I idly thought, "Hmm, spots, I think I'm losing consciousness. Must be time to breathe." I performed a confirmation test with dry ice. I put it in a large sink, waited for the gas cloud to fill the sink, then breathed all the way out, lowered my face into the sink, and tried to breathe in. I say "tried" because instantly my whole body was on fire and I coughed out everything in my lungs explosively. tl;dr: I personally confirmed that the build-up of CO2 causes the need to breathe response.
Many years ago I verified this experimentally. My friends were doing nitrous oxide, which (as far as I knew) could not be metabolized to CO2. So I breathed all the way out, then all the way in, and held my breath. In retrospect, Helium would have been a better choice, obviously. And unfortunately I didn't time it. But in any case, I felt no need to breathe. My whole body went numb, and at some point I was seeing spots, and I idly thought, "Hmm, spots, I think I'm losing consciousness. Must be time to breathe." I performed a confirmation test with dry ice. I put it in a large sink, waited for the gas cloud to fill the sink, then breathed all the way out, lowered my face into the sink, and tried to breathe in. I say "tried" because instantly my whole body was on fire and I coughed out everything in my lungs explosively. tl;dr: I personally confirmed that the build-up of CO2 causes the need to breathe response.
Many years ago I verified this experimentally. My friends were doing nitrous oxide, which (as far as I knew) could not be metabolized to CO2. So I breathed all the way out, then all the way in, and held my breath. In retrospect, Helium would have been a better choice, obviously. And unfortunately I didn't time it. But in any case, I felt no need to breathe. My whole body went numb, and at some point I was seeing spots, and I idly thought, "Hmm, spots, I think I'm losing consciousness. Must be time to breathe." I performed a confirmation test with dry ice. I put it in a large sink, waited for the gas cloud to fill the sink, then breathed all the way out, lowered my face into the sink, and tried to breathe in. I say "tried" because instantly my whole body was on fire and I coughed out everything in my lungs explosively.
I personally confirmed that the build-up of CO2 causes the need to breathe response.
I'm trying to be healthier and the biggest impediment in my quest is my stupid impulsivity. I have a history of binge/purge (awesome!) so my relationship with food is tenuous at best, but again and again I watch myself do things like: * Walk out of the grocery/drugstore with a bag of gummi worms * Click the unhealthy option on the takeout menu * Buy ice cream because I happen to be passing by And then five minutes later I look at my (mostly-eaten) choices like "Wtf?! Where was my brain?!?!" I work out enough that this isn't a huge problem, which I think is also part of the problem - no sense of urgency or "real" need. I eat for the experience, I eat when I'm stressed, and I eat when I have nothing else to do, and the feeling that I don't have control over any of these reactions is really frustrating. tl;dr **I have problems saying no to food. What do you do to manage your impulsivity around food?**
I'm trying to be healthier and the biggest impediment in my quest is my stupid impulsivity. I have a history of binge/purge (awesome!) so my relationship with food is tenuous at best, but again and again I watch myself do things like: Walk out of the grocery/drugstore with a bag of gummi worms Click the unhealthy option on the takeout menu Buy ice cream because I happen to be passing by And then five minutes later I look at my (mostly-eaten) choices like "Wtf?! Where was my brain?!?!" I work out enough that this isn't a huge problem, which I think is also part of the problem - no sense of urgency or "real" need. I eat for the experience, I eat when I'm stressed, and I eat when I have nothing else to do, and the feeling that I don't have control over any of these reactions is really frustrating. tl;dr I have problems saying no to food. What do you do to manage your impulsivity around food?
I'm trying to be healthier and the biggest impediment in my quest is my stupid impulsivity. I have a history of binge/purge (awesome!) so my relationship with food is tenuous at best, but again and again I watch myself do things like: Walk out of the grocery/drugstore with a bag of gummi worms Click the unhealthy option on the takeout menu Buy ice cream because I happen to be passing by And then five minutes later I look at my (mostly-eaten) choices like "Wtf?! Where was my brain?!?!" I work out enough that this isn't a huge problem, which I think is also part of the problem - no sense of urgency or "real" need. I eat for the experience, I eat when I'm stressed, and I eat when I have nothing else to do, and the feeling that I don't have control over any of these reactions is really frustrating.
I have problems saying no to food. What do you do to manage your impulsivity around food?
There was a program about this 4/20 on CBC(Great job, guys!) that essentially said that rather than drug trafficking, on of the main concerns that members of the dutch government had was that on Friday afternoons too many people would cross the border and cause congestion in the small border towns. The citizens in rural Holland were angry about this, while most of the citizens in larger cities like Amsterdam were pro-legalization because of the tourist revenue it brought in. I wonder if they will attempt to establish better infrastructure, and then revisit the system they've had up until now. tl;dr The issue was traffic, not trafficking.
There was a program about this 4/20 on CBC(Great job, guys!) that essentially said that rather than drug trafficking, on of the main concerns that members of the dutch government had was that on Friday afternoons too many people would cross the border and cause congestion in the small border towns. The citizens in rural Holland were angry about this, while most of the citizens in larger cities like Amsterdam were pro-legalization because of the tourist revenue it brought in. I wonder if they will attempt to establish better infrastructure, and then revisit the system they've had up until now. tl;dr The issue was traffic, not trafficking.
There was a program about this 4/20 on CBC(Great job, guys!) that essentially said that rather than drug trafficking, on of the main concerns that members of the dutch government had was that on Friday afternoons too many people would cross the border and cause congestion in the small border towns. The citizens in rural Holland were angry about this, while most of the citizens in larger cities like Amsterdam were pro-legalization because of the tourist revenue it brought in. I wonder if they will attempt to establish better infrastructure, and then revisit the system they've had up until now.
The issue was traffic, not trafficking.
It's pretty close; all but one of his great-grandparents were born in Ireland. His biological grandmother was the only one of her family not born in Ireland, but in America. When his biological great grandmother died, her sister (born in Ireland) adopted my grandmother (his mom). So basically the question is whether an Irish citizen adopting a child makes that child an Irish citizen; right now it does, but back then I don't know - also we don't have the ability to prove that she was legally adopted, all the paperwork is gone. SO, I'm trying to figure out if any of his other grandparents were born in Ireland, so as to get citizenship that way. tl;dr: it's pretty close.
It's pretty close; all but one of his great-grandparents were born in Ireland. His biological grandmother was the only one of her family not born in Ireland, but in America. When his biological great grandmother died, her sister (born in Ireland) adopted my grandmother (his mom). So basically the question is whether an Irish citizen adopting a child makes that child an Irish citizen; right now it does, but back then I don't know - also we don't have the ability to prove that she was legally adopted, all the paperwork is gone. SO, I'm trying to figure out if any of his other grandparents were born in Ireland, so as to get citizenship that way. tl;dr: it's pretty close.
It's pretty close; all but one of his great-grandparents were born in Ireland. His biological grandmother was the only one of her family not born in Ireland, but in America. When his biological great grandmother died, her sister (born in Ireland) adopted my grandmother (his mom). So basically the question is whether an Irish citizen adopting a child makes that child an Irish citizen; right now it does, but back then I don't know - also we don't have the ability to prove that she was legally adopted, all the paperwork is gone. SO, I'm trying to figure out if any of his other grandparents were born in Ireland, so as to get citizenship that way.
it's pretty close.
Thank you for reminding me that I should add a TL;DR. I'll use yours.
Thank you for reminding me that I should add a TL;DR. I'll use yours.
Thank you for reminding me that I should add a
I'll use yours.
I have a bad habit of being critical in my relationships and I'm curious about your experiences in overcoming those tendencies. I get very stressed out about my partner's potential shortcomings. It scares me- I worry about how they might limit me in the future, how they reflect on me and what our life with those flaws will be like. As a result I point them out frequently and get upset when I see them manifested in our relationship. I realize how much this sucks for anyone I'm with, and I've struggled to stop. I have a lot of difficulty deciding whether an issue is enough to end a relationship over because I know I blow things out of proportion. It leaves me always questioning whether I should be in the relationship. This also sucks for my partners. I want to overcome this and feel confident about what flaws I can and can't live with. And I'd like to do it without being unnecessarily hurtful to the person I'm with. Any suggestions? EDIT: thank you for all the thoughtful replies, they are truly helpful. To answer some questions- the kinds of flaws that have come up in my relationships (collectively) have been things like avoidance, laziness in the relationship, being sheltered or ignorant and issues of compatibility with respect to sex, goals, money. I don't really criticize actively about the compatibility issues but I do make it known that I feel differently from my partner and want their views to come in line with my own. I am in therapy and will be thinking a lot about your suggestions. Thank you again. --- **tl;dr**: My partners' flaws stress me out and I criticize. How can I stop?
I have a bad habit of being critical in my relationships and I'm curious about your experiences in overcoming those tendencies. I get very stressed out about my partner's potential shortcomings. It scares me- I worry about how they might limit me in the future, how they reflect on me and what our life with those flaws will be like. As a result I point them out frequently and get upset when I see them manifested in our relationship. I realize how much this sucks for anyone I'm with, and I've struggled to stop. I have a lot of difficulty deciding whether an issue is enough to end a relationship over because I know I blow things out of proportion. It leaves me always questioning whether I should be in the relationship. This also sucks for my partners. I want to overcome this and feel confident about what flaws I can and can't live with. And I'd like to do it without being unnecessarily hurtful to the person I'm with. Any suggestions? EDIT: thank you for all the thoughtful replies, they are truly helpful. To answer some questions- the kinds of flaws that have come up in my relationships (collectively) have been things like avoidance, laziness in the relationship, being sheltered or ignorant and issues of compatibility with respect to sex, goals, money. I don't really criticize actively about the compatibility issues but I do make it known that I feel differently from my partner and want their views to come in line with my own. I am in therapy and will be thinking a lot about your suggestions. Thank you again. tl;dr : My partners' flaws stress me out and I criticize. How can I stop?
I have a bad habit of being critical in my relationships and I'm curious about your experiences in overcoming those tendencies. I get very stressed out about my partner's potential shortcomings. It scares me- I worry about how they might limit me in the future, how they reflect on me and what our life with those flaws will be like. As a result I point them out frequently and get upset when I see them manifested in our relationship. I realize how much this sucks for anyone I'm with, and I've struggled to stop. I have a lot of difficulty deciding whether an issue is enough to end a relationship over because I know I blow things out of proportion. It leaves me always questioning whether I should be in the relationship. This also sucks for my partners. I want to overcome this and feel confident about what flaws I can and can't live with. And I'd like to do it without being unnecessarily hurtful to the person I'm with. Any suggestions? EDIT: thank you for all the thoughtful replies, they are truly helpful. To answer some questions- the kinds of flaws that have come up in my relationships (collectively) have been things like avoidance, laziness in the relationship, being sheltered or ignorant and issues of compatibility with respect to sex, goals, money. I don't really criticize actively about the compatibility issues but I do make it known that I feel differently from my partner and want their views to come in line with my own. I am in therapy and will be thinking a lot about your suggestions. Thank you again.
My partners' flaws stress me out and I criticize. How can I stop?
Itachi decisively wins on speed, firepower, skill, and killer instinct. Round one is autowin for Itachi. That said, a wizard with prep time and the element of surprise is when they're at their most dangerous. With prep time, Harry could insta-kill Itachi if he wanted to. Problem is, the laws of magic come into play ("Thou shalt not kill a human being with magic") and "Just wanting Itachi dead" wouldn't be enough of a justification for Harry to break that. If we're turn morals off, round 2 is auto-win for Harry. Round 3, I'd call it such: Harry seeks out a hair or other memento for Itachi. Itachi knows he is being hunted, so is on the lookout for this - sees Harry picking up Itachi's stuff - target acquired - Harry dies. Murph is so far out of her league she doesn't even come into play. Michael could hold out longer if he has plot armor - which he *does*, as this is an actual power of his. Short of direct angelic intervention though, he's still outclassed. tl;dr: between Itachi's overwhelming speed and firepower, and Harry's option for kill-you-a-mile-away Thaumaturgy, then whoever decides to kill the other first wins. Because of speed and no need for preparation, Itachi wins ties.
Itachi decisively wins on speed, firepower, skill, and killer instinct. Round one is autowin for Itachi. That said, a wizard with prep time and the element of surprise is when they're at their most dangerous. With prep time, Harry could insta-kill Itachi if he wanted to. Problem is, the laws of magic come into play ("Thou shalt not kill a human being with magic") and "Just wanting Itachi dead" wouldn't be enough of a justification for Harry to break that. If we're turn morals off, round 2 is auto-win for Harry. Round 3, I'd call it such: Harry seeks out a hair or other memento for Itachi. Itachi knows he is being hunted, so is on the lookout for this - sees Harry picking up Itachi's stuff - target acquired - Harry dies. Murph is so far out of her league she doesn't even come into play. Michael could hold out longer if he has plot armor - which he does , as this is an actual power of his. Short of direct angelic intervention though, he's still outclassed. tl;dr: between Itachi's overwhelming speed and firepower, and Harry's option for kill-you-a-mile-away Thaumaturgy, then whoever decides to kill the other first wins. Because of speed and no need for preparation, Itachi wins ties.
Itachi decisively wins on speed, firepower, skill, and killer instinct. Round one is autowin for Itachi. That said, a wizard with prep time and the element of surprise is when they're at their most dangerous. With prep time, Harry could insta-kill Itachi if he wanted to. Problem is, the laws of magic come into play ("Thou shalt not kill a human being with magic") and "Just wanting Itachi dead" wouldn't be enough of a justification for Harry to break that. If we're turn morals off, round 2 is auto-win for Harry. Round 3, I'd call it such: Harry seeks out a hair or other memento for Itachi. Itachi knows he is being hunted, so is on the lookout for this - sees Harry picking up Itachi's stuff - target acquired - Harry dies. Murph is so far out of her league she doesn't even come into play. Michael could hold out longer if he has plot armor - which he does , as this is an actual power of his. Short of direct angelic intervention though, he's still outclassed.
between Itachi's overwhelming speed and firepower, and Harry's option for kill-you-a-mile-away Thaumaturgy, then whoever decides to kill the other first wins. Because of speed and no need for preparation, Itachi wins ties.
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with someone who has a science background. I am a geology-guy. Here's what I would have done: I would have picked you up in YOUR driveway, left you room to get in the car, turned the car off, then I would have escorted you through the ice and opened the door for you. Next, I would give you an amazing dinner at a really nice restaurant, not Olive Garden (chain restaurants really lack the genuine quality of nice, locally-owned restaurants). I would have sparked up healthy, intriguing conversation. After that, I would have rather taken you to a parlor or my home or anywhere with a piano and, instead of showing you how smart I was, played you Chopin's No.9 Nocturne (opus. 2) or some video game music (I specialize in playing music from The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy). I wouldn't have downplayed your intelligence at all, as the word "enigma" is an extremely common word (at least in my experience) and it is a wonder to me how a man who seemingly calls himself a sciencey-guy, doesn't know a word in the English language as simple as that one, but I digress. I would have treated you with the utmost respect as every person, until proven otherwise in my book, should be treated well. Arbys? McDonalds? I hate chains. Sub-par food, occasionally good service, and expensive yet watered down alcoholic beverages. I would have been fine with the popcorn and wouldn't have taken you there. Upon driving you home, I would maneuver my car in any way possible so that you were able to get out of the car. I'd then move the car next to the snowbank so I could get out and I'd walk you to your front door. Upon you getting ready to walk in, that's when I'd go in to try to kiss you. But that's just me **TL;DR** How to treat a woman right.
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with someone who has a science background. I am a geology-guy. Here's what I would have done: I would have picked you up in YOUR driveway, left you room to get in the car, turned the car off, then I would have escorted you through the ice and opened the door for you. Next, I would give you an amazing dinner at a really nice restaurant, not Olive Garden (chain restaurants really lack the genuine quality of nice, locally-owned restaurants). I would have sparked up healthy, intriguing conversation. After that, I would have rather taken you to a parlor or my home or anywhere with a piano and, instead of showing you how smart I was, played you Chopin's No.9 Nocturne (opus. 2) or some video game music (I specialize in playing music from The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy). I wouldn't have downplayed your intelligence at all, as the word "enigma" is an extremely common word (at least in my experience) and it is a wonder to me how a man who seemingly calls himself a sciencey-guy, doesn't know a word in the English language as simple as that one, but I digress. I would have treated you with the utmost respect as every person, until proven otherwise in my book, should be treated well. Arbys? McDonalds? I hate chains. Sub-par food, occasionally good service, and expensive yet watered down alcoholic beverages. I would have been fine with the popcorn and wouldn't have taken you there. Upon driving you home, I would maneuver my car in any way possible so that you were able to get out of the car. I'd then move the car next to the snowbank so I could get out and I'd walk you to your front door. Upon you getting ready to walk in, that's when I'd go in to try to kiss you. But that's just me TL;DR How to treat a woman right.
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with someone who has a science background. I am a geology-guy. Here's what I would have done: I would have picked you up in YOUR driveway, left you room to get in the car, turned the car off, then I would have escorted you through the ice and opened the door for you. Next, I would give you an amazing dinner at a really nice restaurant, not Olive Garden (chain restaurants really lack the genuine quality of nice, locally-owned restaurants). I would have sparked up healthy, intriguing conversation. After that, I would have rather taken you to a parlor or my home or anywhere with a piano and, instead of showing you how smart I was, played you Chopin's No.9 Nocturne (opus. 2) or some video game music (I specialize in playing music from The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy). I wouldn't have downplayed your intelligence at all, as the word "enigma" is an extremely common word (at least in my experience) and it is a wonder to me how a man who seemingly calls himself a sciencey-guy, doesn't know a word in the English language as simple as that one, but I digress. I would have treated you with the utmost respect as every person, until proven otherwise in my book, should be treated well. Arbys? McDonalds? I hate chains. Sub-par food, occasionally good service, and expensive yet watered down alcoholic beverages. I would have been fine with the popcorn and wouldn't have taken you there. Upon driving you home, I would maneuver my car in any way possible so that you were able to get out of the car. I'd then move the car next to the snowbank so I could get out and I'd walk you to your front door. Upon you getting ready to walk in, that's when I'd go in to try to kiss you. But that's just me
How to treat a woman right.
Rude! What is important is that our visible members are comfortable in themselves. I was in the same boat as OP for years. I grew up in one of the most conservative areas in Virginia. The coming out process is different for everyone. It is possible to be gay and not have a huge sex drive. One of my closest friends confided in me the other day that he hadn't fapped since March and hasn't had sex in two years. It's just something that he isn't after, and it just doesn't appeal to him. For me, I didn't choose to come out until pretty late in my college career. It was just a time that I felt right doing it. It is fine to not be seeking a relationship romantic, sexual, or otherwise. To the OP, after reading some of your other posts in this thread, I feel like you have a conflict between your conservative views and homosexuality. That is a part of the coming out process, especially for those that come from really conservative backgrounds. Personally, I grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist Church. It doesn't get much more conservative than that, haha. Through my own personal journey, I found my own self acceptance. TL;DR - Just live your life. If you don't feel like now is the time to come out because you are unsure about you, don't. The first step would be to accept you for you if you truly are gay.
Rude! What is important is that our visible members are comfortable in themselves. I was in the same boat as OP for years. I grew up in one of the most conservative areas in Virginia. The coming out process is different for everyone. It is possible to be gay and not have a huge sex drive. One of my closest friends confided in me the other day that he hadn't fapped since March and hasn't had sex in two years. It's just something that he isn't after, and it just doesn't appeal to him. For me, I didn't choose to come out until pretty late in my college career. It was just a time that I felt right doing it. It is fine to not be seeking a relationship romantic, sexual, or otherwise. To the OP, after reading some of your other posts in this thread, I feel like you have a conflict between your conservative views and homosexuality. That is a part of the coming out process, especially for those that come from really conservative backgrounds. Personally, I grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist Church. It doesn't get much more conservative than that, haha. Through my own personal journey, I found my own self acceptance. TL;DR - Just live your life. If you don't feel like now is the time to come out because you are unsure about you, don't. The first step would be to accept you for you if you truly are gay.
Rude! What is important is that our visible members are comfortable in themselves. I was in the same boat as OP for years. I grew up in one of the most conservative areas in Virginia. The coming out process is different for everyone. It is possible to be gay and not have a huge sex drive. One of my closest friends confided in me the other day that he hadn't fapped since March and hasn't had sex in two years. It's just something that he isn't after, and it just doesn't appeal to him. For me, I didn't choose to come out until pretty late in my college career. It was just a time that I felt right doing it. It is fine to not be seeking a relationship romantic, sexual, or otherwise. To the OP, after reading some of your other posts in this thread, I feel like you have a conflict between your conservative views and homosexuality. That is a part of the coming out process, especially for those that come from really conservative backgrounds. Personally, I grew up in a fundamentalist Baptist Church. It doesn't get much more conservative than that, haha. Through my own personal journey, I found my own self acceptance.
Just live your life. If you don't feel like now is the time to come out because you are unsure about you, don't. The first step would be to accept you for you if you truly are gay.
Ok so I was diagnosed 2 years ago now. I was put on a thyroid medication. And a heart pill. I moved country before my appointment to see a specialist. In this new country they changed my medication. I had issues small issues which I did not complain about. They then took another blood test and changed my medication down. After changing my medication down I feel like shit. I can't do anything. I'm lazy as fuck. Memory is shot. no focus at all. I'm aggravated at everything. I nap like no tomorrow. My feet sweat so much I have to change socks several times a day. I got a another blood test because of the sweating. They won't change my medication level because the blood test came back ok. But they said the blood test before that also came back ok which is rather odd because this was the blood test which made them change my medication. Something is defiantly wrong with me. You should think saying something is wrong with me would be enough for the GP to look into something anything but it's not apparently. TL;DR GP says my levels are fine before and after a medication change which doesn't make sense. I feel like hell. Maybe the NHS is just shite. Is it normal to NEVER have seen a specialist? I'm going to switch myself back to my old medication level. I can't live like this.
Ok so I was diagnosed 2 years ago now. I was put on a thyroid medication. And a heart pill. I moved country before my appointment to see a specialist. In this new country they changed my medication. I had issues small issues which I did not complain about. They then took another blood test and changed my medication down. After changing my medication down I feel like shit. I can't do anything. I'm lazy as fuck. Memory is shot. no focus at all. I'm aggravated at everything. I nap like no tomorrow. My feet sweat so much I have to change socks several times a day. I got a another blood test because of the sweating. They won't change my medication level because the blood test came back ok. But they said the blood test before that also came back ok which is rather odd because this was the blood test which made them change my medication. Something is defiantly wrong with me. You should think saying something is wrong with me would be enough for the GP to look into something anything but it's not apparently. TL;DR GP says my levels are fine before and after a medication change which doesn't make sense. I feel like hell. Maybe the NHS is just shite. Is it normal to NEVER have seen a specialist? I'm going to switch myself back to my old medication level. I can't live like this.
Ok so I was diagnosed 2 years ago now. I was put on a thyroid medication. And a heart pill. I moved country before my appointment to see a specialist. In this new country they changed my medication. I had issues small issues which I did not complain about. They then took another blood test and changed my medication down. After changing my medication down I feel like shit. I can't do anything. I'm lazy as fuck. Memory is shot. no focus at all. I'm aggravated at everything. I nap like no tomorrow. My feet sweat so much I have to change socks several times a day. I got a another blood test because of the sweating. They won't change my medication level because the blood test came back ok. But they said the blood test before that also came back ok which is rather odd because this was the blood test which made them change my medication. Something is defiantly wrong with me. You should think saying something is wrong with me would be enough for the GP to look into something anything but it's not apparently.
GP says my levels are fine before and after a medication change which doesn't make sense. I feel like hell. Maybe the NHS is just shite. Is it normal to NEVER have seen a specialist? I'm going to switch myself back to my old medication level. I can't live like this.
I met this girl about 2 weeks ago at an SAT type test where I basically approached her and just introduced myself and had a nice conversation for around 20 minutes. We'll call her Ashley. It struck me by surprise but it turns out they she plays some of the online games that I play so we exchanged information and I said we should play sometime. It also turns out she lives pretty close to me. A couple days later I add her on Facebook and we had some small text conversations which led into me talking to her and her other friends and they seemed cool. We played every couple days and I don't want to sound cocky but I am much better at this game than Ashley and her friends. I can basically single-handedly win games and I have really improved Ashley's and her friends rating in game. She invites me to play a lot and gives small compliments here and there and her friends also seem to like me. Over the days I've developed a crush on her but it turned out that she had a boyfriend (also part of the friend group but doesn't play the game Ashley and I play) (damn that dude is ugly she can do better) which I did not particularly like but we have a lot in common and I wasn't about to let that ruin a potentially strong friendship. Now the part that I am very confused about. Yesterday, she asked me if I would go to a convention with just her (she even invited to go with her multiple days)(she cosplays). I said that I would have to see if I'm doing anything else on that day but I would most likely be able to go. Like, just me? She has a boyfriend and a bunch of other friends so why me? Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to this in the slightest, I'm actually pretty excited. Any advice would appreciated because my judgement seems to be clouded. tl;dr: Met a girl a couple weeks ago and have been playing games online with her occasionally with her friends and she has a boyfriend. Asks me if just me and her would go to a pretty long social event. Confused.
I met this girl about 2 weeks ago at an SAT type test where I basically approached her and just introduced myself and had a nice conversation for around 20 minutes. We'll call her Ashley. It struck me by surprise but it turns out they she plays some of the online games that I play so we exchanged information and I said we should play sometime. It also turns out she lives pretty close to me. A couple days later I add her on Facebook and we had some small text conversations which led into me talking to her and her other friends and they seemed cool. We played every couple days and I don't want to sound cocky but I am much better at this game than Ashley and her friends. I can basically single-handedly win games and I have really improved Ashley's and her friends rating in game. She invites me to play a lot and gives small compliments here and there and her friends also seem to like me. Over the days I've developed a crush on her but it turned out that she had a boyfriend (also part of the friend group but doesn't play the game Ashley and I play) (damn that dude is ugly she can do better) which I did not particularly like but we have a lot in common and I wasn't about to let that ruin a potentially strong friendship. Now the part that I am very confused about. Yesterday, she asked me if I would go to a convention with just her (she even invited to go with her multiple days)(she cosplays). I said that I would have to see if I'm doing anything else on that day but I would most likely be able to go. Like, just me? She has a boyfriend and a bunch of other friends so why me? Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to this in the slightest, I'm actually pretty excited. Any advice would appreciated because my judgement seems to be clouded. tl;dr: Met a girl a couple weeks ago and have been playing games online with her occasionally with her friends and she has a boyfriend. Asks me if just me and her would go to a pretty long social event. Confused.
I met this girl about 2 weeks ago at an SAT type test where I basically approached her and just introduced myself and had a nice conversation for around 20 minutes. We'll call her Ashley. It struck me by surprise but it turns out they she plays some of the online games that I play so we exchanged information and I said we should play sometime. It also turns out she lives pretty close to me. A couple days later I add her on Facebook and we had some small text conversations which led into me talking to her and her other friends and they seemed cool. We played every couple days and I don't want to sound cocky but I am much better at this game than Ashley and her friends. I can basically single-handedly win games and I have really improved Ashley's and her friends rating in game. She invites me to play a lot and gives small compliments here and there and her friends also seem to like me. Over the days I've developed a crush on her but it turned out that she had a boyfriend (also part of the friend group but doesn't play the game Ashley and I play) (damn that dude is ugly she can do better) which I did not particularly like but we have a lot in common and I wasn't about to let that ruin a potentially strong friendship. Now the part that I am very confused about. Yesterday, she asked me if I would go to a convention with just her (she even invited to go with her multiple days)(she cosplays). I said that I would have to see if I'm doing anything else on that day but I would most likely be able to go. Like, just me? She has a boyfriend and a bunch of other friends so why me? Don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to this in the slightest, I'm actually pretty excited. Any advice would appreciated because my judgement seems to be clouded.
Met a girl a couple weeks ago and have been playing games online with her occasionally with her friends and she has a boyfriend. Asks me if just me and her would go to a pretty long social event. Confused.
My dad is an airline pilot that used to fly C17 cargo planes for the USAF, and he said that there is a massive number of runways that are long enough for a 777 in SEAsia and Asia built during wars and for other reasons, and many are hidden and secluded but totally landable from experience. Flying around 300-400 feet, a Thunderball scenario is totally possible, though pretty unlikely because it's hard to believe that nobody would see it flying towards land. tl;dr not 0% in my opinion, but pretty close.
My dad is an airline pilot that used to fly C17 cargo planes for the USAF, and he said that there is a massive number of runways that are long enough for a 777 in SEAsia and Asia built during wars and for other reasons, and many are hidden and secluded but totally landable from experience. Flying around 300-400 feet, a Thunderball scenario is totally possible, though pretty unlikely because it's hard to believe that nobody would see it flying towards land. tl;dr not 0% in my opinion, but pretty close.
My dad is an airline pilot that used to fly C17 cargo planes for the USAF, and he said that there is a massive number of runways that are long enough for a 777 in SEAsia and Asia built during wars and for other reasons, and many are hidden and secluded but totally landable from experience. Flying around 300-400 feet, a Thunderball scenario is totally possible, though pretty unlikely because it's hard to believe that nobody would see it flying towards land.
not 0% in my opinion, but pretty close.
A couple years back I was traveling Europe as part of a Contiki tour, I was doing two tours back to back with 1 week in between the two. If you hadn't heard about Contiki it has been said to be a sex romp where everyone is there for a no strings attached good time.... in other words sex to you can't sex no more. The tour started in London and this is where the meet was for the first tour, I was traveling alone and am generally a shy bloke but everyone was friendly and there were other single travelers so I didn't feel as alone. We went through the meet and greet and everyone was cool, there were some great looking woman in the group but the two that stood out the most were these two Asian twins from Mexico, they were the talk of the group from both the men and woman and they had the accent to match their looks. I spoke to them briefly at the start and they were very chill, they were just there to sight see and take in the different cultures and spend time together as they both study in different locations. As the tour went on I became friendly with both, they both came across as very innocent and nice girls, I didn't think I had a shot and even if I did they were always close together, like they never left each others sight, always stayed in the same room as each other so there was never a chance for me or anyone else to attempt to make a move. In the group they were the only ones not getting down and dirty. Anyways, the 1st of my tours (2 week tour) was ending and everyone became pretty close to each other sharing such a great experience, it was pretty emotional knowing I won't be seeing any of these people again. As I was saying bye to the twins one of the twins said we've got a bit more time free then expected so we're thinking of continuing on after they visit Spain, she said she heard I was doing a Greece tour and asked for details and said I might see them there. I wasn't sure if they were going to show and I was impartial either way as it would be nice to know someone from the start and I didn't think I'll get anything so they could potentially end up being just cock blocks. Skip ahead 1 week, tour time comes and they are there.... hugs, nice to see you gals again, they were looking cuter than ever as they spent their week in the sun getting an amazing look tan... meet the rest of the group everyone seems cool. The tour was great and the twins were sociable but avoiding the extra "interactions", heaps of guys on the tour tried but didn't succeed. Skip ahead and it was our last night as a group together, Contiki had setup a private function party for us and another tour in one of the Halls on the Ship... It was all going pretty normal until I seen the twins skulling shots, I got a laugh out of it as I didn't expect it and just continued on outside talking to a couple girls from another tour I'd just met. The girls I just met were being very flirtatious and we were having a good laugh.....then one of the twins walked up to me mid conversation, sat in my lap and whispered, I want to see your cock tonight and walked away..... my eyes lit up, I was surprised and overly excited, the other girls asked me what she said I just nodded not paying attention to what they were saying but more focused on what do I do now, I was sitting there in a state of disbelief, I snapped out of it and had that confidence of knowing my night is sorted. Five minutes later the other twin walked up to me, then looked at the girls I was talking to and said he's mine tonight and walked away. WTFFFF the girls could not stop laughing, they were switching between shock that this little Asian bitch (In their words) had just tried to put it over them but at the same time laughing and saying props to the girl for claiming her intentions.... in the middle of all the laughing they realized that the it was a twin and not the same girl that had sat in my lap earlier and whispered something in my ear and then pushed me to tell them what. I told them and they were near pissing themselves, so much so that one of them had to cross her legs and lean forward. I was stumped, I had threesome with hot Asian twins screaming inside my head, that's something I had only ever imagined of typing into google. The girls I was talking to could not stop laughing and I have to say extremely cool as they knew I was in a unique predicament, they calmed down and gave me a bit of banter but were trying to give me advice on how to obtain the best possible scenario.. being a threesome ofc. I told them i don't think it's possible but I'll love it to be but would hate to think that if I hit them up for it they will both be disgusted and tell me to fuck off and I'll end up with neither. It was decided I should walk up to them when they are both alone together as ask, who's up for a good time in a joking manner, that way If it's on I will know if it's not I will know and would not have ruined the chance. The twins had made their way outside and were sitting by themselves, I walked up to them and sat near them and said who's up for some fun tonight.... lol they both instantly gave me the look of a cute smile which said me but....shhh and changed the topic, that pretty much answered my question. I stayed and sat with them and we were having an innocent conversation, each time i tried to steer in another direction one of them will change the subject. All while each was giving me smiles which were smiles I hadn't seen before and one was rubbing my leg under the table. I was in a state of mind fuck and was getting pretty frustrated with it all as they both were keen but were trying to keep it a secret from their sister. I told the girls I was going to get a drinks and asked if one of them wanted to help me carry since I only had two hands, it was a plan to get them separated, once of them popped up and said I will. We went to the bar and I told the twin that came with me, you know I only came to get a drink to get you separated from your sister, she had a laugh and said yeah I've been waiting for you to make a move, I told her well it's hard when you both have glue for clothing, I thought it was a lame joke but she found it funny.... she then said, what if it was my sister that offered the help lol I was thinking we would be having the same conversation but I told her I would have had to think of something different. I then told her I find her crazy sexy but this level of tease isn't healthy, is something going to happen? She said I hope so and then told me once we get back to the table, she's going to play of tipsy and ask her sister to stay out and enjoy her night, she told me her room number and then told me to meet her there. Boom, that sounds like a solid plan. We make it back to the table, have a couple drinks and as planned she says sorry guys I feel pretty tipsy, I'm to have a early one. Her sister asked if she was ok but was looked pretty excited by all this and told her she was going to stay up for a while and to call if she needed anything. Helping hand twin began to walk away, and before I could think of how to get myself following her. The other twin told me, how far is your room and grabbed me. They both had a switch that went from innocent to bad girl, it was such a turn on. I felt guilty but what was I to do, I wasn't going to tell her sorry I can't your sister is faking head spins in hopes to separate from you to sleep with me. We ended up going back to the room, It was magic but I had some guilt in the back of my mind... I was thinking what the fuck is her sister thinking, does she know? We went at it for around an hour between foreplay and solid action. We had some post sex talk, and laughs and I then jumped in the shower and when I was done she had fallen asleep. I changed my underwear and threw on the same clothes and went back out and joined the others, I told the girls I was speaking with at the start what had happened... I was the highlight of their night, they couldn't stop laughing and I told them that the helping hand one could still be waiting for me and joked that I should go, and didn't plan on going as I'm sure she would either be pissed off, know what happened or most likely be asleep. They told me I better go and If i didn't then it will be slack to her, and kept saying better late then never and what's the worst that could happen. I think they just pressured me so that can have this random story to tell their friends. I ended up going, scared to knock on the door but I did and she was ready, she didn't ask or want to hear what took me so long but was she was very happy I came. It was amazing, even though I was tired they were both very special girls that gave me a night never to forget.... She told me I better leave before her sister got back, which i did and then got back to my room as her sister was getting dressed, gave me a kiss and said I better get back to my room before my sister wakes up. TLDR - Sexy Asian Twins, thought I had no chance, thought I had a threesome lined up, didn't, slept with the separately.
A couple years back I was traveling Europe as part of a Contiki tour, I was doing two tours back to back with 1 week in between the two. If you hadn't heard about Contiki it has been said to be a sex romp where everyone is there for a no strings attached good time.... in other words sex to you can't sex no more. The tour started in London and this is where the meet was for the first tour, I was traveling alone and am generally a shy bloke but everyone was friendly and there were other single travelers so I didn't feel as alone. We went through the meet and greet and everyone was cool, there were some great looking woman in the group but the two that stood out the most were these two Asian twins from Mexico, they were the talk of the group from both the men and woman and they had the accent to match their looks. I spoke to them briefly at the start and they were very chill, they were just there to sight see and take in the different cultures and spend time together as they both study in different locations. As the tour went on I became friendly with both, they both came across as very innocent and nice girls, I didn't think I had a shot and even if I did they were always close together, like they never left each others sight, always stayed in the same room as each other so there was never a chance for me or anyone else to attempt to make a move. In the group they were the only ones not getting down and dirty. Anyways, the 1st of my tours (2 week tour) was ending and everyone became pretty close to each other sharing such a great experience, it was pretty emotional knowing I won't be seeing any of these people again. As I was saying bye to the twins one of the twins said we've got a bit more time free then expected so we're thinking of continuing on after they visit Spain, she said she heard I was doing a Greece tour and asked for details and said I might see them there. I wasn't sure if they were going to show and I was impartial either way as it would be nice to know someone from the start and I didn't think I'll get anything so they could potentially end up being just cock blocks. Skip ahead 1 week, tour time comes and they are there.... hugs, nice to see you gals again, they were looking cuter than ever as they spent their week in the sun getting an amazing look tan... meet the rest of the group everyone seems cool. The tour was great and the twins were sociable but avoiding the extra "interactions", heaps of guys on the tour tried but didn't succeed. Skip ahead and it was our last night as a group together, Contiki had setup a private function party for us and another tour in one of the Halls on the Ship... It was all going pretty normal until I seen the twins skulling shots, I got a laugh out of it as I didn't expect it and just continued on outside talking to a couple girls from another tour I'd just met. The girls I just met were being very flirtatious and we were having a good laugh.....then one of the twins walked up to me mid conversation, sat in my lap and whispered, I want to see your cock tonight and walked away..... my eyes lit up, I was surprised and overly excited, the other girls asked me what she said I just nodded not paying attention to what they were saying but more focused on what do I do now, I was sitting there in a state of disbelief, I snapped out of it and had that confidence of knowing my night is sorted. Five minutes later the other twin walked up to me, then looked at the girls I was talking to and said he's mine tonight and walked away. WTFFFF the girls could not stop laughing, they were switching between shock that this little Asian bitch (In their words) had just tried to put it over them but at the same time laughing and saying props to the girl for claiming her intentions.... in the middle of all the laughing they realized that the it was a twin and not the same girl that had sat in my lap earlier and whispered something in my ear and then pushed me to tell them what. I told them and they were near pissing themselves, so much so that one of them had to cross her legs and lean forward. I was stumped, I had threesome with hot Asian twins screaming inside my head, that's something I had only ever imagined of typing into google. The girls I was talking to could not stop laughing and I have to say extremely cool as they knew I was in a unique predicament, they calmed down and gave me a bit of banter but were trying to give me advice on how to obtain the best possible scenario.. being a threesome ofc. I told them i don't think it's possible but I'll love it to be but would hate to think that if I hit them up for it they will both be disgusted and tell me to fuck off and I'll end up with neither. It was decided I should walk up to them when they are both alone together as ask, who's up for a good time in a joking manner, that way If it's on I will know if it's not I will know and would not have ruined the chance. The twins had made their way outside and were sitting by themselves, I walked up to them and sat near them and said who's up for some fun tonight.... lol they both instantly gave me the look of a cute smile which said me but....shhh and changed the topic, that pretty much answered my question. I stayed and sat with them and we were having an innocent conversation, each time i tried to steer in another direction one of them will change the subject. All while each was giving me smiles which were smiles I hadn't seen before and one was rubbing my leg under the table. I was in a state of mind fuck and was getting pretty frustrated with it all as they both were keen but were trying to keep it a secret from their sister. I told the girls I was going to get a drinks and asked if one of them wanted to help me carry since I only had two hands, it was a plan to get them separated, once of them popped up and said I will. We went to the bar and I told the twin that came with me, you know I only came to get a drink to get you separated from your sister, she had a laugh and said yeah I've been waiting for you to make a move, I told her well it's hard when you both have glue for clothing, I thought it was a lame joke but she found it funny.... she then said, what if it was my sister that offered the help lol I was thinking we would be having the same conversation but I told her I would have had to think of something different. I then told her I find her crazy sexy but this level of tease isn't healthy, is something going to happen? She said I hope so and then told me once we get back to the table, she's going to play of tipsy and ask her sister to stay out and enjoy her night, she told me her room number and then told me to meet her there. Boom, that sounds like a solid plan. We make it back to the table, have a couple drinks and as planned she says sorry guys I feel pretty tipsy, I'm to have a early one. Her sister asked if she was ok but was looked pretty excited by all this and told her she was going to stay up for a while and to call if she needed anything. Helping hand twin began to walk away, and before I could think of how to get myself following her. The other twin told me, how far is your room and grabbed me. They both had a switch that went from innocent to bad girl, it was such a turn on. I felt guilty but what was I to do, I wasn't going to tell her sorry I can't your sister is faking head spins in hopes to separate from you to sleep with me. We ended up going back to the room, It was magic but I had some guilt in the back of my mind... I was thinking what the fuck is her sister thinking, does she know? We went at it for around an hour between foreplay and solid action. We had some post sex talk, and laughs and I then jumped in the shower and when I was done she had fallen asleep. I changed my underwear and threw on the same clothes and went back out and joined the others, I told the girls I was speaking with at the start what had happened... I was the highlight of their night, they couldn't stop laughing and I told them that the helping hand one could still be waiting for me and joked that I should go, and didn't plan on going as I'm sure she would either be pissed off, know what happened or most likely be asleep. They told me I better go and If i didn't then it will be slack to her, and kept saying better late then never and what's the worst that could happen. I think they just pressured me so that can have this random story to tell their friends. I ended up going, scared to knock on the door but I did and she was ready, she didn't ask or want to hear what took me so long but was she was very happy I came. It was amazing, even though I was tired they were both very special girls that gave me a night never to forget.... She told me I better leave before her sister got back, which i did and then got back to my room as her sister was getting dressed, gave me a kiss and said I better get back to my room before my sister wakes up. TLDR - Sexy Asian Twins, thought I had no chance, thought I had a threesome lined up, didn't, slept with the separately.
A couple years back I was traveling Europe as part of a Contiki tour, I was doing two tours back to back with 1 week in between the two. If you hadn't heard about Contiki it has been said to be a sex romp where everyone is there for a no strings attached good time.... in other words sex to you can't sex no more. The tour started in London and this is where the meet was for the first tour, I was traveling alone and am generally a shy bloke but everyone was friendly and there were other single travelers so I didn't feel as alone. We went through the meet and greet and everyone was cool, there were some great looking woman in the group but the two that stood out the most were these two Asian twins from Mexico, they were the talk of the group from both the men and woman and they had the accent to match their looks. I spoke to them briefly at the start and they were very chill, they were just there to sight see and take in the different cultures and spend time together as they both study in different locations. As the tour went on I became friendly with both, they both came across as very innocent and nice girls, I didn't think I had a shot and even if I did they were always close together, like they never left each others sight, always stayed in the same room as each other so there was never a chance for me or anyone else to attempt to make a move. In the group they were the only ones not getting down and dirty. Anyways, the 1st of my tours (2 week tour) was ending and everyone became pretty close to each other sharing such a great experience, it was pretty emotional knowing I won't be seeing any of these people again. As I was saying bye to the twins one of the twins said we've got a bit more time free then expected so we're thinking of continuing on after they visit Spain, she said she heard I was doing a Greece tour and asked for details and said I might see them there. I wasn't sure if they were going to show and I was impartial either way as it would be nice to know someone from the start and I didn't think I'll get anything so they could potentially end up being just cock blocks. Skip ahead 1 week, tour time comes and they are there.... hugs, nice to see you gals again, they were looking cuter than ever as they spent their week in the sun getting an amazing look tan... meet the rest of the group everyone seems cool. The tour was great and the twins were sociable but avoiding the extra "interactions", heaps of guys on the tour tried but didn't succeed. Skip ahead and it was our last night as a group together, Contiki had setup a private function party for us and another tour in one of the Halls on the Ship... It was all going pretty normal until I seen the twins skulling shots, I got a laugh out of it as I didn't expect it and just continued on outside talking to a couple girls from another tour I'd just met. The girls I just met were being very flirtatious and we were having a good laugh.....then one of the twins walked up to me mid conversation, sat in my lap and whispered, I want to see your cock tonight and walked away..... my eyes lit up, I was surprised and overly excited, the other girls asked me what she said I just nodded not paying attention to what they were saying but more focused on what do I do now, I was sitting there in a state of disbelief, I snapped out of it and had that confidence of knowing my night is sorted. Five minutes later the other twin walked up to me, then looked at the girls I was talking to and said he's mine tonight and walked away. WTFFFF the girls could not stop laughing, they were switching between shock that this little Asian bitch (In their words) had just tried to put it over them but at the same time laughing and saying props to the girl for claiming her intentions.... in the middle of all the laughing they realized that the it was a twin and not the same girl that had sat in my lap earlier and whispered something in my ear and then pushed me to tell them what. I told them and they were near pissing themselves, so much so that one of them had to cross her legs and lean forward. I was stumped, I had threesome with hot Asian twins screaming inside my head, that's something I had only ever imagined of typing into google. The girls I was talking to could not stop laughing and I have to say extremely cool as they knew I was in a unique predicament, they calmed down and gave me a bit of banter but were trying to give me advice on how to obtain the best possible scenario.. being a threesome ofc. I told them i don't think it's possible but I'll love it to be but would hate to think that if I hit them up for it they will both be disgusted and tell me to fuck off and I'll end up with neither. It was decided I should walk up to them when they are both alone together as ask, who's up for a good time in a joking manner, that way If it's on I will know if it's not I will know and would not have ruined the chance. The twins had made their way outside and were sitting by themselves, I walked up to them and sat near them and said who's up for some fun tonight.... lol they both instantly gave me the look of a cute smile which said me but....shhh and changed the topic, that pretty much answered my question. I stayed and sat with them and we were having an innocent conversation, each time i tried to steer in another direction one of them will change the subject. All while each was giving me smiles which were smiles I hadn't seen before and one was rubbing my leg under the table. I was in a state of mind fuck and was getting pretty frustrated with it all as they both were keen but were trying to keep it a secret from their sister. I told the girls I was going to get a drinks and asked if one of them wanted to help me carry since I only had two hands, it was a plan to get them separated, once of them popped up and said I will. We went to the bar and I told the twin that came with me, you know I only came to get a drink to get you separated from your sister, she had a laugh and said yeah I've been waiting for you to make a move, I told her well it's hard when you both have glue for clothing, I thought it was a lame joke but she found it funny.... she then said, what if it was my sister that offered the help lol I was thinking we would be having the same conversation but I told her I would have had to think of something different. I then told her I find her crazy sexy but this level of tease isn't healthy, is something going to happen? She said I hope so and then told me once we get back to the table, she's going to play of tipsy and ask her sister to stay out and enjoy her night, she told me her room number and then told me to meet her there. Boom, that sounds like a solid plan. We make it back to the table, have a couple drinks and as planned she says sorry guys I feel pretty tipsy, I'm to have a early one. Her sister asked if she was ok but was looked pretty excited by all this and told her she was going to stay up for a while and to call if she needed anything. Helping hand twin began to walk away, and before I could think of how to get myself following her. The other twin told me, how far is your room and grabbed me. They both had a switch that went from innocent to bad girl, it was such a turn on. I felt guilty but what was I to do, I wasn't going to tell her sorry I can't your sister is faking head spins in hopes to separate from you to sleep with me. We ended up going back to the room, It was magic but I had some guilt in the back of my mind... I was thinking what the fuck is her sister thinking, does she know? We went at it for around an hour between foreplay and solid action. We had some post sex talk, and laughs and I then jumped in the shower and when I was done she had fallen asleep. I changed my underwear and threw on the same clothes and went back out and joined the others, I told the girls I was speaking with at the start what had happened... I was the highlight of their night, they couldn't stop laughing and I told them that the helping hand one could still be waiting for me and joked that I should go, and didn't plan on going as I'm sure she would either be pissed off, know what happened or most likely be asleep. They told me I better go and If i didn't then it will be slack to her, and kept saying better late then never and what's the worst that could happen. I think they just pressured me so that can have this random story to tell their friends. I ended up going, scared to knock on the door but I did and she was ready, she didn't ask or want to hear what took me so long but was she was very happy I came. It was amazing, even though I was tired they were both very special girls that gave me a night never to forget.... She told me I better leave before her sister got back, which i did and then got back to my room as her sister was getting dressed, gave me a kiss and said I better get back to my room before my sister wakes up.
Sexy Asian Twins, thought I had no chance, thought I had a threesome lined up, didn't, slept with the separately.
But sometimes, the patience is worth it. Today, I decided to do the Vault of Glass. Found a group on /r/Fireteams, they were pretty cool guys. We got past The Templar, Then someone had to go. We spent 15 minutes finding someone. When we did, guess what? Someone else left randomly. Hilarity ensued while waiting, so i kept my cool. We found 2 more people, and finally defeated Atheon. I got nothing, except for Ascendant Material. Ready to burn the disc at this point. I felt lucky though, so I played the Weekly Heroic. Pretty hard for a 26, but fun. I got 2 legendary engrams from it. Wasn't expecting much from it. I opened them up, and got a legendary sniper rifle (Forgot the name), and the Ice Breaker. This game is truly something. TL;DR Did raid, a lot of people left, wasted whole day. Did weekly heroic, got Ice breaker. Bare with me, im on mobile
But sometimes, the patience is worth it. Today, I decided to do the Vault of Glass. Found a group on /r/Fireteams, they were pretty cool guys. We got past The Templar, Then someone had to go. We spent 15 minutes finding someone. When we did, guess what? Someone else left randomly. Hilarity ensued while waiting, so i kept my cool. We found 2 more people, and finally defeated Atheon. I got nothing, except for Ascendant Material. Ready to burn the disc at this point. I felt lucky though, so I played the Weekly Heroic. Pretty hard for a 26, but fun. I got 2 legendary engrams from it. Wasn't expecting much from it. I opened them up, and got a legendary sniper rifle (Forgot the name), and the Ice Breaker. This game is truly something. TL;DR Did raid, a lot of people left, wasted whole day. Did weekly heroic, got Ice breaker. Bare with me, im on mobile
But sometimes, the patience is worth it. Today, I decided to do the Vault of Glass. Found a group on /r/Fireteams, they were pretty cool guys. We got past The Templar, Then someone had to go. We spent 15 minutes finding someone. When we did, guess what? Someone else left randomly. Hilarity ensued while waiting, so i kept my cool. We found 2 more people, and finally defeated Atheon. I got nothing, except for Ascendant Material. Ready to burn the disc at this point. I felt lucky though, so I played the Weekly Heroic. Pretty hard for a 26, but fun. I got 2 legendary engrams from it. Wasn't expecting much from it. I opened them up, and got a legendary sniper rifle (Forgot the name), and the Ice Breaker. This game is truly something.
Did raid, a lot of people left, wasted whole day. Did weekly heroic, got Ice breaker. Bare with me, im on mobile
Why doing an AMA? There is nothing special about female INTJs, really. For example, the total population of the USA is 316.1 million (2013). 50.8 % of this total population is female (160.5788 million). Female INTJs are 1 % of the female population. So, only in the USA, 1.6 million of females are INTJs. Tl:dr : Nobody is a special snowflake.
Why doing an AMA? There is nothing special about female INTJs, really. For example, the total population of the USA is 316.1 million (2013). 50.8 % of this total population is female (160.5788 million). Female INTJs are 1 % of the female population. So, only in the USA, 1.6 million of females are INTJs. Tl:dr : Nobody is a special snowflake.
Why doing an AMA? There is nothing special about female INTJs, really. For example, the total population of the USA is 316.1 million (2013). 50.8 % of this total population is female (160.5788 million). Female INTJs are 1 % of the female population. So, only in the USA, 1.6 million of females are INTJs.
Nobody is a special snowflake.
The main idea is that you take people's dogs and walk them or take them to a park to play. Often times peoples pets are unhealthy because they don't have time to play with them, paying someone to take the dog for a walk and play with them for a time is a great way to allow (especially hyper dogs) an outlet to release excess energy and be more fit because of it. tl;dr: it would typically be outside; doing exercise and things like that.
The main idea is that you take people's dogs and walk them or take them to a park to play. Often times peoples pets are unhealthy because they don't have time to play with them, paying someone to take the dog for a walk and play with them for a time is a great way to allow (especially hyper dogs) an outlet to release excess energy and be more fit because of it. tl;dr: it would typically be outside; doing exercise and things like that.
The main idea is that you take people's dogs and walk them or take them to a park to play. Often times peoples pets are unhealthy because they don't have time to play with them, paying someone to take the dog for a walk and play with them for a time is a great way to allow (especially hyper dogs) an outlet to release excess energy and be more fit because of it.
it would typically be outside; doing exercise and things like that.
I think your money goals are not consistent with your looking for an entry level job and not wanting to do school. If you want lots of money, go into finance in NYC. Stock trader, hedge fund manager, something like that. If you want a job not making 30k anymore, most any half decent job in a good city will fulfill that, but you'll most likely need a degree. TLDR: I can't think of a job where you can get in with NO skills for it, make 60k after 5 years, 100k after 10 years.
I think your money goals are not consistent with your looking for an entry level job and not wanting to do school. If you want lots of money, go into finance in NYC. Stock trader, hedge fund manager, something like that. If you want a job not making 30k anymore, most any half decent job in a good city will fulfill that, but you'll most likely need a degree. TLDR: I can't think of a job where you can get in with NO skills for it, make 60k after 5 years, 100k after 10 years.
I think your money goals are not consistent with your looking for an entry level job and not wanting to do school. If you want lots of money, go into finance in NYC. Stock trader, hedge fund manager, something like that. If you want a job not making 30k anymore, most any half decent job in a good city will fulfill that, but you'll most likely need a degree.
I can't think of a job where you can get in with NO skills for it, make 60k after 5 years, 100k after 10 years.
Yeah, I had a proper flu a few years back. NFI if it had a name or not - we just called it Death Flu. It came on in the space of about an hour or so - went from feeling a little iffy while walking the dogs at the beach to needing assistance to take my t-shirt off. I was off work for two and a half weeks straight, tried going back, then was off for another week (easy desk job in IT). The first three days, I have no memory of, at all. I complained about my girlfriend completely ignoring me while I was sick - it turned out that she'd been sitting next to me in bed for three days solid, and on the fourth day, had taken a break since I seemed a bit better. I just had no recollection of any of that, at all. It was about a week of genuinely scary levels of illness (sweating, shaking, moaning), then a very long recovery period (about a month or so after I was back at work before I felt up to speed). I didn't go to the doctor because I wasn't well enough to make it down the path to the street. According to medical folks, this is the time when you're meant to call an ambulance, even for something you think is minor. Probably would have been wise, in retrospect, but by the time I was well enough to be coherent, it was no longer alarming. TL;DR - Get the shot. Avoiding a proper flu, even once, is a very, very good thing.
Yeah, I had a proper flu a few years back. NFI if it had a name or not - we just called it Death Flu. It came on in the space of about an hour or so - went from feeling a little iffy while walking the dogs at the beach to needing assistance to take my t-shirt off. I was off work for two and a half weeks straight, tried going back, then was off for another week (easy desk job in IT). The first three days, I have no memory of, at all. I complained about my girlfriend completely ignoring me while I was sick - it turned out that she'd been sitting next to me in bed for three days solid, and on the fourth day, had taken a break since I seemed a bit better. I just had no recollection of any of that, at all. It was about a week of genuinely scary levels of illness (sweating, shaking, moaning), then a very long recovery period (about a month or so after I was back at work before I felt up to speed). I didn't go to the doctor because I wasn't well enough to make it down the path to the street. According to medical folks, this is the time when you're meant to call an ambulance, even for something you think is minor. Probably would have been wise, in retrospect, but by the time I was well enough to be coherent, it was no longer alarming. TL;DR - Get the shot. Avoiding a proper flu, even once, is a very, very good thing.
Yeah, I had a proper flu a few years back. NFI if it had a name or not - we just called it Death Flu. It came on in the space of about an hour or so - went from feeling a little iffy while walking the dogs at the beach to needing assistance to take my t-shirt off. I was off work for two and a half weeks straight, tried going back, then was off for another week (easy desk job in IT). The first three days, I have no memory of, at all. I complained about my girlfriend completely ignoring me while I was sick - it turned out that she'd been sitting next to me in bed for three days solid, and on the fourth day, had taken a break since I seemed a bit better. I just had no recollection of any of that, at all. It was about a week of genuinely scary levels of illness (sweating, shaking, moaning), then a very long recovery period (about a month or so after I was back at work before I felt up to speed). I didn't go to the doctor because I wasn't well enough to make it down the path to the street. According to medical folks, this is the time when you're meant to call an ambulance, even for something you think is minor. Probably would have been wise, in retrospect, but by the time I was well enough to be coherent, it was no longer alarming.
Get the shot. Avoiding a proper flu, even once, is a very, very good thing.
Addiction to opiates is a crazy thing. You see once your body becomes used to having a certain amount, you need slightly less than that amount to feel normal. When I say normal, I mean how you would feel if you never took an opiate in your life. This is what makes opiate addiction awful. Your wasting all the money you have just to feel normal. This creates depression, and when you have a little extra money, instead of saving it to take care of yourself in the future, your depression makes you buy more than you need to feel normal, to get high to help yourself forget how much your fucking up your life. If you do this for a few weeks your new 'normal amount' has just increased. The only way to bring down your 'normal amount' is to go without and be sick for a day, people have busy lives. Some people can't just be sick for a day. As for suboxone. You can take 2mg and feel normal, if you take more than that, you feel slightly better. 4mgs makes you feel slightly better than normal. After that, the more you go up... there really isn't much of a difference of how you feel from 8mg to 32mg. That's just my opinion... I get in arguments with some people on this topic. And I also get many people to agree with me on this. Sub price on the street is like $10 for 8mg. From a pharmacy its about 12-15$ for 8mg. Oxycontin 80mg(when they still existed) average of $60 on the street. Heroin half a bundle(5bags)(*high quality) $60 Look at the prices. And the amounts, IMO they are equal in how they will take care of you for 24 hours. Obviously there are exceptions, and little differences, like how heroin doesn't last as long, but works much better when you first do it. For me I would need either a half bun, an oxy 80, or 8mg of suboxone. Every single day, or I would get really sick and want to die. Drug addicts can get extremely creative in how they make money. Now that I've been clean for this long, I don't do the awful things I used to do for money, but i'm living a much more full life. I hope this answers your question. I think I went off on a bit of a tangent here, so if you need me to elaborate on anything please just ask. EDIT and TLDR: oxy 80 $60 5bags of heroin $60 4mg of suboxone $5 So I went from $60(normal)-$120(to get high) a day. To 5$-10$ a day on suboxone. I used to spend between $60 and $120 a day on my addiction.
Addiction to opiates is a crazy thing. You see once your body becomes used to having a certain amount, you need slightly less than that amount to feel normal. When I say normal, I mean how you would feel if you never took an opiate in your life. This is what makes opiate addiction awful. Your wasting all the money you have just to feel normal. This creates depression, and when you have a little extra money, instead of saving it to take care of yourself in the future, your depression makes you buy more than you need to feel normal, to get high to help yourself forget how much your fucking up your life. If you do this for a few weeks your new 'normal amount' has just increased. The only way to bring down your 'normal amount' is to go without and be sick for a day, people have busy lives. Some people can't just be sick for a day. As for suboxone. You can take 2mg and feel normal, if you take more than that, you feel slightly better. 4mgs makes you feel slightly better than normal. After that, the more you go up... there really isn't much of a difference of how you feel from 8mg to 32mg. That's just my opinion... I get in arguments with some people on this topic. And I also get many people to agree with me on this. Sub price on the street is like $10 for 8mg. From a pharmacy its about 12-15$ for 8mg. Oxycontin 80mg(when they still existed) average of $60 on the street. Heroin half a bundle(5bags)(*high quality) $60 Look at the prices. And the amounts, IMO they are equal in how they will take care of you for 24 hours. Obviously there are exceptions, and little differences, like how heroin doesn't last as long, but works much better when you first do it. For me I would need either a half bun, an oxy 80, or 8mg of suboxone. Every single day, or I would get really sick and want to die. Drug addicts can get extremely creative in how they make money. Now that I've been clean for this long, I don't do the awful things I used to do for money, but i'm living a much more full life. I hope this answers your question. I think I went off on a bit of a tangent here, so if you need me to elaborate on anything please just ask. EDIT and TLDR: oxy 80 $60 5bags of heroin $60 4mg of suboxone $5 So I went from $60(normal)-$120(to get high) a day. To 5$-10$ a day on suboxone. I used to spend between $60 and $120 a day on my addiction.
Addiction to opiates is a crazy thing. You see once your body becomes used to having a certain amount, you need slightly less than that amount to feel normal. When I say normal, I mean how you would feel if you never took an opiate in your life. This is what makes opiate addiction awful. Your wasting all the money you have just to feel normal. This creates depression, and when you have a little extra money, instead of saving it to take care of yourself in the future, your depression makes you buy more than you need to feel normal, to get high to help yourself forget how much your fucking up your life. If you do this for a few weeks your new 'normal amount' has just increased. The only way to bring down your 'normal amount' is to go without and be sick for a day, people have busy lives. Some people can't just be sick for a day. As for suboxone. You can take 2mg and feel normal, if you take more than that, you feel slightly better. 4mgs makes you feel slightly better than normal. After that, the more you go up... there really isn't much of a difference of how you feel from 8mg to 32mg. That's just my opinion... I get in arguments with some people on this topic. And I also get many people to agree with me on this. Sub price on the street is like $10 for 8mg. From a pharmacy its about 12-15$ for 8mg. Oxycontin 80mg(when they still existed) average of $60 on the street. Heroin half a bundle(5bags)(*high quality) $60 Look at the prices. And the amounts, IMO they are equal in how they will take care of you for 24 hours. Obviously there are exceptions, and little differences, like how heroin doesn't last as long, but works much better when you first do it. For me I would need either a half bun, an oxy 80, or 8mg of suboxone. Every single day, or I would get really sick and want to die. Drug addicts can get extremely creative in how they make money. Now that I've been clean for this long, I don't do the awful things I used to do for money, but i'm living a much more full life. I hope this answers your question. I think I went off on a bit of a tangent here, so if you need me to elaborate on anything please just ask. EDIT and
oxy 80 $60 5bags of heroin $60 4mg of suboxone $5 So I went from $60(normal)-$120(to get high) a day. To 5$-10$ a day on suboxone. I used to spend between $60 and $120 a day on my addiction.
Alcohol has a much lower specific gravity than water. Detergents like soap are soluble in both, however the properties of soap that cause bubbles, namely the polarized ends and surface tension of water, aren't present in alcohol. So basically you dissolved your lather in alcohol, the soap was still there. TL;DR: Soap can dissolve in alcohol but can't make bubbles. Aftershave ate your lather.
Alcohol has a much lower specific gravity than water. Detergents like soap are soluble in both, however the properties of soap that cause bubbles, namely the polarized ends and surface tension of water, aren't present in alcohol. So basically you dissolved your lather in alcohol, the soap was still there. TL;DR: Soap can dissolve in alcohol but can't make bubbles. Aftershave ate your lather.
Alcohol has a much lower specific gravity than water. Detergents like soap are soluble in both, however the properties of soap that cause bubbles, namely the polarized ends and surface tension of water, aren't present in alcohol. So basically you dissolved your lather in alcohol, the soap was still there.
Soap can dissolve in alcohol but can't make bubbles. Aftershave ate your lather.
my story is not as good as some of the other ones but figure I'd share it anyways. one time when I was in 9th or 10th grade we used to live right behind a middle school near the basketball courts and track field for the school. one day we were all playing basketball and after a while I sat down on the grass for a bit just to rest and after a minute or two I felt a violent itch on my balls followed by like a million bites. turns out I had sat on an ant pile and I was wearing gym shorts so the ants got perfect access to my genitals and proceeded to attack my balls. I quickly realized what was happening, stood up, looked at my friends and just ran straight home without saying a word. the backyard to my house was accessible from the track field so I ran straight there and jumped the fence, headed inside, got naked and jumped in the shower. it's seriously the most worried I had ever been because I had no idea what was the best thing to do in that situation lol. I don't know why but I to this day haven't told the friends I was playing ball with why I just upped and ran home like that. I guess I was just a little embarrassed lol though I know it's more funny than anything lol. tl;dr - ants owned my balls after I accidentally sat down on an ant pile after playing basketball. it was scary.
my story is not as good as some of the other ones but figure I'd share it anyways. one time when I was in 9th or 10th grade we used to live right behind a middle school near the basketball courts and track field for the school. one day we were all playing basketball and after a while I sat down on the grass for a bit just to rest and after a minute or two I felt a violent itch on my balls followed by like a million bites. turns out I had sat on an ant pile and I was wearing gym shorts so the ants got perfect access to my genitals and proceeded to attack my balls. I quickly realized what was happening, stood up, looked at my friends and just ran straight home without saying a word. the backyard to my house was accessible from the track field so I ran straight there and jumped the fence, headed inside, got naked and jumped in the shower. it's seriously the most worried I had ever been because I had no idea what was the best thing to do in that situation lol. I don't know why but I to this day haven't told the friends I was playing ball with why I just upped and ran home like that. I guess I was just a little embarrassed lol though I know it's more funny than anything lol. tl;dr - ants owned my balls after I accidentally sat down on an ant pile after playing basketball. it was scary.
my story is not as good as some of the other ones but figure I'd share it anyways. one time when I was in 9th or 10th grade we used to live right behind a middle school near the basketball courts and track field for the school. one day we were all playing basketball and after a while I sat down on the grass for a bit just to rest and after a minute or two I felt a violent itch on my balls followed by like a million bites. turns out I had sat on an ant pile and I was wearing gym shorts so the ants got perfect access to my genitals and proceeded to attack my balls. I quickly realized what was happening, stood up, looked at my friends and just ran straight home without saying a word. the backyard to my house was accessible from the track field so I ran straight there and jumped the fence, headed inside, got naked and jumped in the shower. it's seriously the most worried I had ever been because I had no idea what was the best thing to do in that situation lol. I don't know why but I to this day haven't told the friends I was playing ball with why I just upped and ran home like that. I guess I was just a little embarrassed lol though I know it's more funny than anything lol.
ants owned my balls after I accidentally sat down on an ant pile after playing basketball. it was scary.
Poroshenko better remember that when you point a finger at some one, four fingers point back. If this gets referred to the ICC, shelling of Donetsk (resulting in 100s of civilian casualties) over the past months by Ukrainian military won't be looked kindly upon by the court either. Unraveling the chain of command of Ukrainian Army to hold those responsible will also be much easier than that of the nebulous rebel groups. Now that I think about it though, Ukraine has the legal upperhand at ICC. ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed on territory of a member, or by nationals of a member, or occurred on the territory of a non-member referred to the court by that non-member. Since Ukraine hasn't ratified the Rome Treaty, it can referrer rebel crimes to the court. Ukrainian government itself can't be referred to the court though unless Ukrainian government does itself or it ratifies the Rome Treaty or it is referred by the UN Security Council. Both of those are highly unlikely to happen because exposing yourself is stupid and US will veto any Security Council action. **TL DR**: Ukrainian government can get rebels investigated by International Criminal Court and is probably reasonably safe from investigation by International Criminal Court itself.
Poroshenko better remember that when you point a finger at some one, four fingers point back. If this gets referred to the ICC, shelling of Donetsk (resulting in 100s of civilian casualties) over the past months by Ukrainian military won't be looked kindly upon by the court either. Unraveling the chain of command of Ukrainian Army to hold those responsible will also be much easier than that of the nebulous rebel groups. Now that I think about it though, Ukraine has the legal upperhand at ICC. ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed on territory of a member, or by nationals of a member, or occurred on the territory of a non-member referred to the court by that non-member. Since Ukraine hasn't ratified the Rome Treaty, it can referrer rebel crimes to the court. Ukrainian government itself can't be referred to the court though unless Ukrainian government does itself or it ratifies the Rome Treaty or it is referred by the UN Security Council. Both of those are highly unlikely to happen because exposing yourself is stupid and US will veto any Security Council action. TL DR : Ukrainian government can get rebels investigated by International Criminal Court and is probably reasonably safe from investigation by International Criminal Court itself.
Poroshenko better remember that when you point a finger at some one, four fingers point back. If this gets referred to the ICC, shelling of Donetsk (resulting in 100s of civilian casualties) over the past months by Ukrainian military won't be looked kindly upon by the court either. Unraveling the chain of command of Ukrainian Army to hold those responsible will also be much easier than that of the nebulous rebel groups. Now that I think about it though, Ukraine has the legal upperhand at ICC. ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed on territory of a member, or by nationals of a member, or occurred on the territory of a non-member referred to the court by that non-member. Since Ukraine hasn't ratified the Rome Treaty, it can referrer rebel crimes to the court. Ukrainian government itself can't be referred to the court though unless Ukrainian government does itself or it ratifies the Rome Treaty or it is referred by the UN Security Council. Both of those are highly unlikely to happen because exposing yourself is stupid and US will veto any Security Council action.
Ukrainian government can get rebels investigated by International Criminal Court and is probably reasonably safe from investigation by International Criminal Court itself.
> There is no public harm to vaccinated children This is so wrong I'm a bit flabbergasted if I'm being honest. Some people can't get vaccinated due to weakened immune systems and other diseases. Those people rely on what's known as "**[herd immunity]( Unfortunately, herd immunity stops working once the amount of vaccinated people drops to a certain number (and it's not that low). Not only that, there are already cases of whooping cough outbreaks. Get this; the number of whooping cough cases in the United States back in 1991 was 2719. Do you know what it was in 2012? Nearly **50,000**. It's a *direct* result of the anti-vaccination surge that has occurred within this past decade or so. [Source.]( > I think the issue is with the poor and uninsured. The poor get their vaccinations at a significantly reduced cost thanks to obamacare and other other subsidies. In many states, they are **free** to the poor. TL;DR everything you said can be easily disproven with a 10 second google search so I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trolling.
> There is no public harm to vaccinated children This is so wrong I'm a bit flabbergasted if I'm being honest. Some people can't get vaccinated due to weakened immune systems and other diseases. Those people rely on what's known as "** herd immunity . Not only that, there are already cases of whooping cough outbreaks. Get this; the number of whooping cough cases in the United States back in 1991 was 2719. Do you know what it was in 2012? Nearly 50,000 . It's a direct result of the anti-vaccination surge that has occurred within this past decade or so. [Source.]( > I think the issue is with the poor and uninsured. The poor get their vaccinations at a significantly reduced cost thanks to obamacare and other other subsidies. In many states, they are free to the poor. TL;DR everything you said can be easily disproven with a 10 second google search so I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trolling.
There is no public harm to vaccinated children This is so wrong I'm a bit flabbergasted if I'm being honest. Some people can't get vaccinated due to weakened immune systems and other diseases. Those people rely on what's known as "** herd immunity . Not only that, there are already cases of whooping cough outbreaks. Get this; the number of whooping cough cases in the United States back in 1991 was 2719. Do you know what it was in 2012? Nearly 50,000 . It's a direct result of the anti-vaccination surge that has occurred within this past decade or so. [Source.]( > I think the issue is with the poor and uninsured. The poor get their vaccinations at a significantly reduced cost thanks to obamacare and other other subsidies. In many states, they are free to the poor.
everything you said can be easily disproven with a 10 second google search so I wouldn't be surprised if you're just trolling.
I was in a long distance relationship with a guy from England. He took advantage of my naivety and kind heart and would go dark on me for a few days/weeks at a time always apologizing when he came back. I cried every single day we were together because I felt I wasn't enough. He told me he was going through a hard time and I was finally able to get him to see a therapist. About a year and a half into our relationship, my family splurged and we went on a European vacation. My ex waiting until I was enroute to England and spending the night in Paris to break up with me via Skype. He said that he wasn't in the right state for a relationship but we could work at it and get there. Four months after that he fell off the face of the earth. I know that he wasn't the right guy for me and that I'm happier outside of the relationship than I was inside of it. But still...a year later a picture of him popped up and my anxiety level shot right up to where it used to be. I'm making myself sick with worry--about what, I'm not sure. I haven't had a serious relationship since and whenever I get close I start comparing. My ex was my first real relationship, first everything. How do I get away from this toxic memory and into a relationship of mutual care and respect? tl;dr: Toxic memory of ex is sabotaging current, future happiness
I was in a long distance relationship with a guy from England. He took advantage of my naivety and kind heart and would go dark on me for a few days/weeks at a time always apologizing when he came back. I cried every single day we were together because I felt I wasn't enough. He told me he was going through a hard time and I was finally able to get him to see a therapist. About a year and a half into our relationship, my family splurged and we went on a European vacation. My ex waiting until I was enroute to England and spending the night in Paris to break up with me via Skype. He said that he wasn't in the right state for a relationship but we could work at it and get there. Four months after that he fell off the face of the earth. I know that he wasn't the right guy for me and that I'm happier outside of the relationship than I was inside of it. But still...a year later a picture of him popped up and my anxiety level shot right up to where it used to be. I'm making myself sick with worry--about what, I'm not sure. I haven't had a serious relationship since and whenever I get close I start comparing. My ex was my first real relationship, first everything. How do I get away from this toxic memory and into a relationship of mutual care and respect? tl;dr: Toxic memory of ex is sabotaging current, future happiness
I was in a long distance relationship with a guy from England. He took advantage of my naivety and kind heart and would go dark on me for a few days/weeks at a time always apologizing when he came back. I cried every single day we were together because I felt I wasn't enough. He told me he was going through a hard time and I was finally able to get him to see a therapist. About a year and a half into our relationship, my family splurged and we went on a European vacation. My ex waiting until I was enroute to England and spending the night in Paris to break up with me via Skype. He said that he wasn't in the right state for a relationship but we could work at it and get there. Four months after that he fell off the face of the earth. I know that he wasn't the right guy for me and that I'm happier outside of the relationship than I was inside of it. But still...a year later a picture of him popped up and my anxiety level shot right up to where it used to be. I'm making myself sick with worry--about what, I'm not sure. I haven't had a serious relationship since and whenever I get close I start comparing. My ex was my first real relationship, first everything. How do I get away from this toxic memory and into a relationship of mutual care and respect?
Toxic memory of ex is sabotaging current, future happiness
Not too sure this is the best way... When I was in 1st grade i always used to eat my lunch sandwich during class since i had to play football (aka soccer) in the break. Thinking I was all smart and such, hiding it under my table and taking a bite every time the teacher wouldn't look. Surprise, I was caught red handed. She was not very happy about it but that's not the worst part. We sat in group tables with 6 people and had a "star" system where we got stars for being good in class and had them taken away if we did something bad. Accumulating enough stars meant the table got something. Well, we had 5 stars taken away from us that day. The other kids were NOT amused to say the least and gave me some serious shit. I took it personally and dislike breaking the law now >_< TL;DR - stars were taken away from me; now i have a pathological fear of breaking the law. ... or maybe it is?
Not too sure this is the best way... When I was in 1st grade i always used to eat my lunch sandwich during class since i had to play football (aka soccer) in the break. Thinking I was all smart and such, hiding it under my table and taking a bite every time the teacher wouldn't look. Surprise, I was caught red handed. She was not very happy about it but that's not the worst part. We sat in group tables with 6 people and had a "star" system where we got stars for being good in class and had them taken away if we did something bad. Accumulating enough stars meant the table got something. Well, we had 5 stars taken away from us that day. The other kids were NOT amused to say the least and gave me some serious shit. I took it personally and dislike breaking the law now >_< TL;DR - stars were taken away from me; now i have a pathological fear of breaking the law. ... or maybe it is?
Not too sure this is the best way... When I was in 1st grade i always used to eat my lunch sandwich during class since i had to play football (aka soccer) in the break. Thinking I was all smart and such, hiding it under my table and taking a bite every time the teacher wouldn't look. Surprise, I was caught red handed. She was not very happy about it but that's not the worst part. We sat in group tables with 6 people and had a "star" system where we got stars for being good in class and had them taken away if we did something bad. Accumulating enough stars meant the table got something. Well, we had 5 stars taken away from us that day. The other kids were NOT amused to say the least and gave me some serious shit. I took it personally and dislike breaking the law now >_<
stars were taken away from me; now i have a pathological fear of breaking the law. ... or maybe it is?
Oh, well it isn't so much a joke as a logic argument. So no, not a joke, just a joke explanation. tl;dr: No.
Oh, well it isn't so much a joke as a logic argument. So no, not a joke, just a joke explanation. tl;dr: No.
Oh, well it isn't so much a joke as a logic argument. So no, not a joke, just a joke explanation.
I have been dating my girlfriend for 1 year now, and she has been incredible. We have done heaps of fun things together and things have been smooth sailing for months. It isn't until now where things have changed and now I am getting concerned. A few months ago, her mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. She has been surprisingly strong since... I went to the funeral with her and she didn't seem that upset (she barely cried) but I know she was probably holding back her feelings. So for quite some time, she held those feelings in and even had a period where she almost seemed to be over it. But I knew things were going far too smoothly. Just one week ago she asked me to go to the beach with her, she said she had some uni work to do there and she wanted me to come along. I went with her and we talked a bit in the car about what was happening in the news and her latest adventures in the online MMO Tera. But shortly afterwards she got a bit dazed and made a wrong turn and asked me how to get to the beach. I told her street names but she said she went of landmarks, so I made a joke that she should go in the direction of the beach and boom we are there, which was promptly followed by a slap and the comment "I am not in the mood." My stupid comment had sparked something in her, and I spent the entire car trip trying to find out what was going on (she usually laughed at a stupid joke like that and she almost always seemed to be switched on) but she just said stuff like "Don't worry about it." She also attacked me at various points in our conversation on really little things, such as moving my hands while I talked (she said only stuck up people do that and I wasn't that kind of person). It was the combination of her shelled up attitude combined with these almost random attacks on silly things that I did (I mean, do you really think people care if you move your hands when you speak? She never commented on this before in our 1 year relationship) that convinced me that something was very wrong. Our time at the beach was very short, maybe about 20-30 minutes long. She did her work and I stayed silent while she did that, she said some things but most of the time she was mumbling and I couldn't hear her (she is usually quite loud and I have never had this kind of issue before). After she finished, she just said she wanted to go home and didn't want to be around anyone, and every time I asked her why she said she didn't know. The whole car trip back home was me basically trying to find out what was wrong but she stayed adamant and kept saying "I don't know whats wrong, but I am dealing with it" or something similar to that. Now we fast forward to today, I was planning on organizing something for us to do this weekend but I had a small feeling in the back of my head she actually didn't WANT to do something. Anyway, I texted her and she said she had nothing on this weekend and I asked her if she wanted to do come over, to which she replied "I don't know." I then questioned her and said if she didn't want to come over she could just tell me, and then she said it wasn't that and I asked her again why she didn't want to come over and she said she was just lazy. Traditionally, she didn't always want to come over because she didn't feel like it (this almost sent up red flags to me in our relationship) but she was pretty stressed out from uni so I let her be. I didn't have me P plates for a while, so I couldn't just drive over there or drive her here or whatever, so this excuse usually worked, but this time was different... I actually had my P plates now. I told her the lazy excuse wasn't going to work anymore because I had my P plates, to which she responded "I forgot" and then she just asked if we could go on skype (I later figured out she was playing League of Legends, she probably wanted to play a game with me). But I said I couldn't because I had people coming over because I had to accompany them for their music exams (which is why I had planned to do something with her tomorrow) and then I told her openly that I thought she was trying to dodge me. It was the next response that confused me a bit: "Probs, idk." I was starting to get a bit upset, thinking that she didn't really want to be in a relationship with me anymore (which was stupid considering she just asked me to go on skype and talk to her) but I told her anyway that I was getting a bit upset and concerned about her, and she then told me she just felt like crap and then said she was dealing with it herself. She seemed a tad angry/upset about it (at least that is what I got from the way she said she felt like crap) and I started to think she might be suffering from depression at this point. At one point in my life, I suffered from a minor depression too, and I knew what it was like. It was confusing, you wanted to shut yourself out from the world, yet deep down you wanted someone to help you. I asked her if she had gone to see someone about this and she just said "No I can deal with it myself." Now judging by her responses something was telling me she clearly wasn't able to deal with this herself but she kept telling me things like "I am dealing with it." At this point I told her that I was willing to drop everything right now and come over and talk to her about this because it was getting to the point where I started to think this was serious, but she made it clear she didn't want me to. At this point I told her if she didn't want to talk to me anymore I wouldn't force her hand. This was her final response: "No I just don't want to talk about any of this because I am dealing with it and I am sick of people trying to help when I am the only one who needs to worry about it" I started crying after this because I was starting to get really concerned about her and feeling like an idiot for thinking something as naive as her wanting to break up with me was the cause. In my mind, there are only two things that would generate the above response: Either she silently wanted to break up with me, or she was depressed. I am basically certain now that it is the latter. I told her how upset I was and how I was in tears, but she never responded back since. I now have a few questions for the people who may be kind enough to help me out here. Firstly, does this sound like depression to you? Secondly, what can I do to help her? At this point she is shutting herself out and I can't help her because she is refusing to accept it, and I want to help her really bad because I know she needs it. I have considered a few things, like talking to her friends and asking them about her situation but I don't wanna make a move yet until I am certain I know the whole situation. I appreciate any help that anyone is willing to give me, it has been hard for both me and her since she is lashing out at those trying to help, but I trust her and I am not giving up on her, especially if she is truly in need. Being ignorant and just leaving her alone/breaking up with her just seems wrong, because it isn't going to make the problem go away. I want to create a full solution for all parties involved - I want to bring back a smile to her face and I want to see her in a similar state to the time I asked her out; that is the person I asked to be my girlfriend, and that is the person I will do my best to get back. tl;dr: I think my girlfriend is suffering from depression a few months after her mothers death, but I am not 100% certain and even if she is, I don't know what to do because she is not letting anyone into her life to help her because she wants to deal with it herself. Is this really a sign of depression, and how can I help her?
I have been dating my girlfriend for 1 year now, and she has been incredible. We have done heaps of fun things together and things have been smooth sailing for months. It isn't until now where things have changed and now I am getting concerned. A few months ago, her mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. She has been surprisingly strong since... I went to the funeral with her and she didn't seem that upset (she barely cried) but I know she was probably holding back her feelings. So for quite some time, she held those feelings in and even had a period where she almost seemed to be over it. But I knew things were going far too smoothly. Just one week ago she asked me to go to the beach with her, she said she had some uni work to do there and she wanted me to come along. I went with her and we talked a bit in the car about what was happening in the news and her latest adventures in the online MMO Tera. But shortly afterwards she got a bit dazed and made a wrong turn and asked me how to get to the beach. I told her street names but she said she went of landmarks, so I made a joke that she should go in the direction of the beach and boom we are there, which was promptly followed by a slap and the comment "I am not in the mood." My stupid comment had sparked something in her, and I spent the entire car trip trying to find out what was going on (she usually laughed at a stupid joke like that and she almost always seemed to be switched on) but she just said stuff like "Don't worry about it." She also attacked me at various points in our conversation on really little things, such as moving my hands while I talked (she said only stuck up people do that and I wasn't that kind of person). It was the combination of her shelled up attitude combined with these almost random attacks on silly things that I did (I mean, do you really think people care if you move your hands when you speak? She never commented on this before in our 1 year relationship) that convinced me that something was very wrong. Our time at the beach was very short, maybe about 20-30 minutes long. She did her work and I stayed silent while she did that, she said some things but most of the time she was mumbling and I couldn't hear her (she is usually quite loud and I have never had this kind of issue before). After she finished, she just said she wanted to go home and didn't want to be around anyone, and every time I asked her why she said she didn't know. The whole car trip back home was me basically trying to find out what was wrong but she stayed adamant and kept saying "I don't know whats wrong, but I am dealing with it" or something similar to that. Now we fast forward to today, I was planning on organizing something for us to do this weekend but I had a small feeling in the back of my head she actually didn't WANT to do something. Anyway, I texted her and she said she had nothing on this weekend and I asked her if she wanted to do come over, to which she replied "I don't know." I then questioned her and said if she didn't want to come over she could just tell me, and then she said it wasn't that and I asked her again why she didn't want to come over and she said she was just lazy. Traditionally, she didn't always want to come over because she didn't feel like it (this almost sent up red flags to me in our relationship) but she was pretty stressed out from uni so I let her be. I didn't have me P plates for a while, so I couldn't just drive over there or drive her here or whatever, so this excuse usually worked, but this time was different... I actually had my P plates now. I told her the lazy excuse wasn't going to work anymore because I had my P plates, to which she responded "I forgot" and then she just asked if we could go on skype (I later figured out she was playing League of Legends, she probably wanted to play a game with me). But I said I couldn't because I had people coming over because I had to accompany them for their music exams (which is why I had planned to do something with her tomorrow) and then I told her openly that I thought she was trying to dodge me. It was the next response that confused me a bit: "Probs, idk." I was starting to get a bit upset, thinking that she didn't really want to be in a relationship with me anymore (which was stupid considering she just asked me to go on skype and talk to her) but I told her anyway that I was getting a bit upset and concerned about her, and she then told me she just felt like crap and then said she was dealing with it herself. She seemed a tad angry/upset about it (at least that is what I got from the way she said she felt like crap) and I started to think she might be suffering from depression at this point. At one point in my life, I suffered from a minor depression too, and I knew what it was like. It was confusing, you wanted to shut yourself out from the world, yet deep down you wanted someone to help you. I asked her if she had gone to see someone about this and she just said "No I can deal with it myself." Now judging by her responses something was telling me she clearly wasn't able to deal with this herself but she kept telling me things like "I am dealing with it." At this point I told her that I was willing to drop everything right now and come over and talk to her about this because it was getting to the point where I started to think this was serious, but she made it clear she didn't want me to. At this point I told her if she didn't want to talk to me anymore I wouldn't force her hand. This was her final response: "No I just don't want to talk about any of this because I am dealing with it and I am sick of people trying to help when I am the only one who needs to worry about it" I started crying after this because I was starting to get really concerned about her and feeling like an idiot for thinking something as naive as her wanting to break up with me was the cause. In my mind, there are only two things that would generate the above response: Either she silently wanted to break up with me, or she was depressed. I am basically certain now that it is the latter. I told her how upset I was and how I was in tears, but she never responded back since. I now have a few questions for the people who may be kind enough to help me out here. Firstly, does this sound like depression to you? Secondly, what can I do to help her? At this point she is shutting herself out and I can't help her because she is refusing to accept it, and I want to help her really bad because I know she needs it. I have considered a few things, like talking to her friends and asking them about her situation but I don't wanna make a move yet until I am certain I know the whole situation. I appreciate any help that anyone is willing to give me, it has been hard for both me and her since she is lashing out at those trying to help, but I trust her and I am not giving up on her, especially if she is truly in need. Being ignorant and just leaving her alone/breaking up with her just seems wrong, because it isn't going to make the problem go away. I want to create a full solution for all parties involved - I want to bring back a smile to her face and I want to see her in a similar state to the time I asked her out; that is the person I asked to be my girlfriend, and that is the person I will do my best to get back. tl;dr: I think my girlfriend is suffering from depression a few months after her mothers death, but I am not 100% certain and even if she is, I don't know what to do because she is not letting anyone into her life to help her because she wants to deal with it herself. Is this really a sign of depression, and how can I help her?
I have been dating my girlfriend for 1 year now, and she has been incredible. We have done heaps of fun things together and things have been smooth sailing for months. It isn't until now where things have changed and now I am getting concerned. A few months ago, her mother passed away after a long battle with cancer. She has been surprisingly strong since... I went to the funeral with her and she didn't seem that upset (she barely cried) but I know she was probably holding back her feelings. So for quite some time, she held those feelings in and even had a period where she almost seemed to be over it. But I knew things were going far too smoothly. Just one week ago she asked me to go to the beach with her, she said she had some uni work to do there and she wanted me to come along. I went with her and we talked a bit in the car about what was happening in the news and her latest adventures in the online MMO Tera. But shortly afterwards she got a bit dazed and made a wrong turn and asked me how to get to the beach. I told her street names but she said she went of landmarks, so I made a joke that she should go in the direction of the beach and boom we are there, which was promptly followed by a slap and the comment "I am not in the mood." My stupid comment had sparked something in her, and I spent the entire car trip trying to find out what was going on (she usually laughed at a stupid joke like that and she almost always seemed to be switched on) but she just said stuff like "Don't worry about it." She also attacked me at various points in our conversation on really little things, such as moving my hands while I talked (she said only stuck up people do that and I wasn't that kind of person). It was the combination of her shelled up attitude combined with these almost random attacks on silly things that I did (I mean, do you really think people care if you move your hands when you speak? She never commented on this before in our 1 year relationship) that convinced me that something was very wrong. Our time at the beach was very short, maybe about 20-30 minutes long. She did her work and I stayed silent while she did that, she said some things but most of the time she was mumbling and I couldn't hear her (she is usually quite loud and I have never had this kind of issue before). After she finished, she just said she wanted to go home and didn't want to be around anyone, and every time I asked her why she said she didn't know. The whole car trip back home was me basically trying to find out what was wrong but she stayed adamant and kept saying "I don't know whats wrong, but I am dealing with it" or something similar to that. Now we fast forward to today, I was planning on organizing something for us to do this weekend but I had a small feeling in the back of my head she actually didn't WANT to do something. Anyway, I texted her and she said she had nothing on this weekend and I asked her if she wanted to do come over, to which she replied "I don't know." I then questioned her and said if she didn't want to come over she could just tell me, and then she said it wasn't that and I asked her again why she didn't want to come over and she said she was just lazy. Traditionally, she didn't always want to come over because she didn't feel like it (this almost sent up red flags to me in our relationship) but she was pretty stressed out from uni so I let her be. I didn't have me P plates for a while, so I couldn't just drive over there or drive her here or whatever, so this excuse usually worked, but this time was different... I actually had my P plates now. I told her the lazy excuse wasn't going to work anymore because I had my P plates, to which she responded "I forgot" and then she just asked if we could go on skype (I later figured out she was playing League of Legends, she probably wanted to play a game with me). But I said I couldn't because I had people coming over because I had to accompany them for their music exams (which is why I had planned to do something with her tomorrow) and then I told her openly that I thought she was trying to dodge me. It was the next response that confused me a bit: "Probs, idk." I was starting to get a bit upset, thinking that she didn't really want to be in a relationship with me anymore (which was stupid considering she just asked me to go on skype and talk to her) but I told her anyway that I was getting a bit upset and concerned about her, and she then told me she just felt like crap and then said she was dealing with it herself. She seemed a tad angry/upset about it (at least that is what I got from the way she said she felt like crap) and I started to think she might be suffering from depression at this point. At one point in my life, I suffered from a minor depression too, and I knew what it was like. It was confusing, you wanted to shut yourself out from the world, yet deep down you wanted someone to help you. I asked her if she had gone to see someone about this and she just said "No I can deal with it myself." Now judging by her responses something was telling me she clearly wasn't able to deal with this herself but she kept telling me things like "I am dealing with it." At this point I told her that I was willing to drop everything right now and come over and talk to her about this because it was getting to the point where I started to think this was serious, but she made it clear she didn't want me to. At this point I told her if she didn't want to talk to me anymore I wouldn't force her hand. This was her final response: "No I just don't want to talk about any of this because I am dealing with it and I am sick of people trying to help when I am the only one who needs to worry about it" I started crying after this because I was starting to get really concerned about her and feeling like an idiot for thinking something as naive as her wanting to break up with me was the cause. In my mind, there are only two things that would generate the above response: Either she silently wanted to break up with me, or she was depressed. I am basically certain now that it is the latter. I told her how upset I was and how I was in tears, but she never responded back since. I now have a few questions for the people who may be kind enough to help me out here. Firstly, does this sound like depression to you? Secondly, what can I do to help her? At this point she is shutting herself out and I can't help her because she is refusing to accept it, and I want to help her really bad because I know she needs it. I have considered a few things, like talking to her friends and asking them about her situation but I don't wanna make a move yet until I am certain I know the whole situation. I appreciate any help that anyone is willing to give me, it has been hard for both me and her since she is lashing out at those trying to help, but I trust her and I am not giving up on her, especially if she is truly in need. Being ignorant and just leaving her alone/breaking up with her just seems wrong, because it isn't going to make the problem go away. I want to create a full solution for all parties involved - I want to bring back a smile to her face and I want to see her in a similar state to the time I asked her out; that is the person I asked to be my girlfriend, and that is the person I will do my best to get back.
I think my girlfriend is suffering from depression a few months after her mothers death, but I am not 100% certain and even if she is, I don't know what to do because she is not letting anyone into her life to help her because she wants to deal with it herself. Is this really a sign of depression, and how can I help her?
For the past few weeks, I've been hooking up with this girl. We had been texting and I ended up taking her home from a club one night (just under a month ago) and we've been sleeping together once or twice a week since. We've been out to dinner once since. I'm probably overthinking things (I lost my virginity to her), but should I (and if so, how) go about asking her if she's interested in a relationship, or if she just wants to keep having sex? **tl;dr**: Should I explicitly ask if she wants more and if so, how?
For the past few weeks, I've been hooking up with this girl. We had been texting and I ended up taking her home from a club one night (just under a month ago) and we've been sleeping together once or twice a week since. We've been out to dinner once since. I'm probably overthinking things (I lost my virginity to her), but should I (and if so, how) go about asking her if she's interested in a relationship, or if she just wants to keep having sex? tl;dr : Should I explicitly ask if she wants more and if so, how?
For the past few weeks, I've been hooking up with this girl. We had been texting and I ended up taking her home from a club one night (just under a month ago) and we've been sleeping together once or twice a week since. We've been out to dinner once since. I'm probably overthinking things (I lost my virginity to her), but should I (and if so, how) go about asking her if she's interested in a relationship, or if she just wants to keep having sex?
Should I explicitly ask if she wants more and if so, how?
1. None is always the safe bet. No guy has ever complained about a shaved vagina. Some guys "don't mind" pubic hair, but a lot do. 2. Depends on the girl, and on the guy's preferences. Personally, I like skinny girls with nice butts. The size of a girl's boobs don't matter as much as women think it does. We just like boobs. 3. Don't try to be "one of the guys." Guys hate that. It's really cool if you like sports, but don't burp and fart and make dick jokes. We have our friends for that. 4. We just want to put our wieners in them... we don't care much what they look like. It's not like we go back to our friends like "That girl had the sexiest vagina ever!" (Unless it was really amazingly perfect.) So TL;DR no, we don't care that much. 5. [Biting your lip]( [tossing your hair]( [finger to mouth thing]( or basically any type of sexual advance. 6. Not that much. A hot girl is a hot girl whether she thinks she is hot or not. Confidence can help but it doesn't matter as much as it does for women. Guys are a lot more visual. 7. Depends on height. I like thin girls, personally.
None is always the safe bet. No guy has ever complained about a shaved vagina. Some guys "don't mind" pubic hair, but a lot do. Depends on the girl, and on the guy's preferences. Personally, I like skinny girls with nice butts. The size of a girl's boobs don't matter as much as women think it does. We just like boobs. Don't try to be "one of the guys." Guys hate that. It's really cool if you like sports, but don't burp and fart and make dick jokes. We have our friends for that. We just want to put our wieners in them... we don't care much what they look like. It's not like we go back to our friends like "That girl had the sexiest vagina ever!" (Unless it was really amazingly perfect.) So TL;DR no, we don't care that much. [Biting your lip]( [tossing your hair]( [finger to mouth thing]( or basically any type of sexual advance. Not that much. A hot girl is a hot girl whether she thinks she is hot or not. Confidence can help but it doesn't matter as much as it does for women. Guys are a lot more visual. Depends on height. I like thin girls, personally.
None is always the safe bet. No guy has ever complained about a shaved vagina. Some guys "don't mind" pubic hair, but a lot do. Depends on the girl, and on the guy's preferences. Personally, I like skinny girls with nice butts. The size of a girl's boobs don't matter as much as women think it does. We just like boobs. Don't try to be "one of the guys." Guys hate that. It's really cool if you like sports, but don't burp and fart and make dick jokes. We have our friends for that. We just want to put our wieners in them... we don't care much what they look like. It's not like we go back to our friends like "That girl had the sexiest vagina ever!" (Unless it was really amazingly perfect.) So
no, we don't care that much. [Biting your lip]( [tossing your hair]( [finger to mouth thing]( or basically any type of sexual advance. Not that much. A hot girl is a hot girl whether she thinks she is hot or not. Confidence can help but it doesn't matter as much as it does for women. Guys are a lot more visual. Depends on height. I like thin girls, personally.
The way you presented it, as if Gaius was going to Arthur only to hurt Finna, doesn't exactly show your point. Let's assume that Finna had ended up being an evil character (something that the audience was led to believe with the raven and all that jazz), and Merlin had walked into that trap, it wouldn't be that hard for Gaius to claim that Merlin must have been put under a spell or some such, and being that Gaius is a walking, talking, plot point, most people would believe him, except of course for Merlin, who would shut up because Gaius had been right after all. If anything, I see what they're doing this season with Gaius and Merlin as a way of making Merlin feel more and more alone and desperate. He no longer heeds Gaius's advice, believing he is powerful enough to handle what come, and in a way, he no longer trusts Gaius. Merlin's behavior is becoming more and more self destructive. In this episode alone, he went to speak with a women he didn't know, ignoring, for no good reason, all the warnings that she may be trying to kill him, and then when he was found with her, instead of lying the way he normally would, he attacks Percy with magic. If anyone other than Mordred had seen him, they would have known that he had magic and it would have been all over. TL;DR - The writers are separating Merlin from the others, leaving him to feel alone, depressed and desperate, which has led to some serious self-destructive behavior.
The way you presented it, as if Gaius was going to Arthur only to hurt Finna, doesn't exactly show your point. Let's assume that Finna had ended up being an evil character (something that the audience was led to believe with the raven and all that jazz), and Merlin had walked into that trap, it wouldn't be that hard for Gaius to claim that Merlin must have been put under a spell or some such, and being that Gaius is a walking, talking, plot point, most people would believe him, except of course for Merlin, who would shut up because Gaius had been right after all. If anything, I see what they're doing this season with Gaius and Merlin as a way of making Merlin feel more and more alone and desperate. He no longer heeds Gaius's advice, believing he is powerful enough to handle what come, and in a way, he no longer trusts Gaius. Merlin's behavior is becoming more and more self destructive. In this episode alone, he went to speak with a women he didn't know, ignoring, for no good reason, all the warnings that she may be trying to kill him, and then when he was found with her, instead of lying the way he normally would, he attacks Percy with magic. If anyone other than Mordred had seen him, they would have known that he had magic and it would have been all over. TL;DR - The writers are separating Merlin from the others, leaving him to feel alone, depressed and desperate, which has led to some serious self-destructive behavior.
The way you presented it, as if Gaius was going to Arthur only to hurt Finna, doesn't exactly show your point. Let's assume that Finna had ended up being an evil character (something that the audience was led to believe with the raven and all that jazz), and Merlin had walked into that trap, it wouldn't be that hard for Gaius to claim that Merlin must have been put under a spell or some such, and being that Gaius is a walking, talking, plot point, most people would believe him, except of course for Merlin, who would shut up because Gaius had been right after all. If anything, I see what they're doing this season with Gaius and Merlin as a way of making Merlin feel more and more alone and desperate. He no longer heeds Gaius's advice, believing he is powerful enough to handle what come, and in a way, he no longer trusts Gaius. Merlin's behavior is becoming more and more self destructive. In this episode alone, he went to speak with a women he didn't know, ignoring, for no good reason, all the warnings that she may be trying to kill him, and then when he was found with her, instead of lying the way he normally would, he attacks Percy with magic. If anyone other than Mordred had seen him, they would have known that he had magic and it would have been all over.
The writers are separating Merlin from the others, leaving him to feel alone, depressed and desperate, which has led to some serious self-destructive behavior.
I don't think you understand what TL;DR means.
I don't think you understand what TL;DR means.
I don't think you understand what
Hello r/weddingplanning! I have had a crazy week and I felt like I needed to share to both vent and rave. Prepare for a huuuuge wall of text! Due to a family member's health my fiance and I decided to alter our wedding plans. Instead of having a 200+ person wedding in the summer of 2017 we are having a 38 person wedding this summer - July 30th to be exact! I have a huge family and so we made the tough decision to invite only siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and our closest friends. We have some cousins who are upset with us because of this but we are going to be having a celebration at my family's lake property a couple of weeks after the wedding where they and the rest of our families will be invited. I feel as though once we send out the invite for that they will feel more included and won't be as upset (I hope!). Due to the fact that we made this decision last week I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! We decided to keep the budget small at $5000 because we are also purchasing our first home this year (today we just found out we are approved for much more than we need! Yay!). I luckily had my wedding dress already purchased and I was able to get appointments with the seamstress to do all of the alterations starting at the end of the month, she said she would most likely be completely done May 14th! The first thing I booked was the most important to me - our photographer! I had just done a boudoir session with her for my fiance's birthday and we got along super well. The night before we decided to change our date I had actually gotten a hold of her to book for 2017. When I sent off the email I had the realization that she was the only thing I had been looking forward to booking for the wedding and that I was dreading the planning of the huge event that our wedding was going to be. The next day we decided to change our date and I emailed her back asking if she was available any day in either July or August. I was fully prepared to plan our wedding around whichever date she was available. She got back to me right away and had the exact date that I wanted to get married available! To me it was a huge sign that we were doing the right thing and it was meant to be this way. My bridesmaids and I have decided to make a trip to Edmonton in May for their dresses and because of the time constraints we decided as a group that they will be wearing different dresses but in our wedding color (lavender). I also managed to book our hair and makeup at one of the nicer salons in our town. The only thing that sucks about the salon is they do not discount for trials so I will have to pay full price for my hair and makeup trial :( My fiance and his groomsmen will be wearing dress pants and vests so it will be easy for them to get their attire arranged! I had already purchased all of the silk flowers to make our bouquets and boutonnieres at Michaels during a crazy sale and I got them all for $157!! I was going to have fresh flowers and had my heart set on hydrangeas but I was told by a florist that they wilt really quickly and that I would be disappointed so I'm going to be creating my own using the silks! I'll be posting photos once I have them all arranged! We decided on using one of our city's public parks for our ceremony due to the fact that they are extremely reasonable to book ($23/hour) and really well maintained. Unfortunately, the site that I originally wanted was already booked so we had to change our plans and use the other side of the park. Even though it wasn't what I originally wanted I am actually loving our new ceremony site. The original site was a large garden with a stone staircase for us to walk down and our new site is in the trees so I will be walking 'down the aisle' among a little mini (well kept) forest which I think is really romantic. Also, because it is in the trees there will be shade if it's sunny and coverage from rain if the weather doesn't cooperate. I also booked our marriage commissioner for the ceremony which will be a short 20 minute civil ceremony. We are having our dinner at a small local restaurant which has a beautiful banquet room. The food is to die for! I've actually gone and had the meal we will be serving at our dinner twice in the last week haha! We will be having a buffet with a variety of salads, vegetables, a tapas platter, dinner buns, slow roasted prime rib, herb mashed potatoes, and assorted dessert squares. I was stressing about what to do about the cake because we had already hit our budget limit when one of my co-workers who I'm close with texted me and offered to make my wedding cake as her gift to my fiance and I! It turns out that she has made quite a few wedding cakes for her family members and from a little facebook snooping is really good at it! We're going to be getting together soon to look over ideas and come up with a cake design. Everyone has been commenting on how much happier I seem regarding wedding planning and I honestly have to say that I feel like a weight has been lifted! I'm a people pleaser and our wedding was just becoming this huge party that was designed to please everyone else and fit their needs rather than a celebration of our love and commitment to each other. **TLDR;** We had to move our wedding date up by a year to July 30th and I managed to plan and book our entire wedding within a week. Some of our cousins are mad at us for not inviting them which we had to do because of our budget. On the plus side we just heard from the bank that we were approved for a mortgage amount much higher than we need! I'm much happier now that we are having a smaller wedding so to anyone considering something similar I say do it!!
Hello r/weddingplanning! I have had a crazy week and I felt like I needed to share to both vent and rave. Prepare for a huuuuge wall of text! Due to a family member's health my fiance and I decided to alter our wedding plans. Instead of having a 200+ person wedding in the summer of 2017 we are having a 38 person wedding this summer - July 30th to be exact! I have a huge family and so we made the tough decision to invite only siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and our closest friends. We have some cousins who are upset with us because of this but we are going to be having a celebration at my family's lake property a couple of weeks after the wedding where they and the rest of our families will be invited. I feel as though once we send out the invite for that they will feel more included and won't be as upset (I hope!). Due to the fact that we made this decision last week I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! We decided to keep the budget small at $5000 because we are also purchasing our first home this year (today we just found out we are approved for much more than we need! Yay!). I luckily had my wedding dress already purchased and I was able to get appointments with the seamstress to do all of the alterations starting at the end of the month, she said she would most likely be completely done May 14th! The first thing I booked was the most important to me - our photographer! I had just done a boudoir session with her for my fiance's birthday and we got along super well. The night before we decided to change our date I had actually gotten a hold of her to book for 2017. When I sent off the email I had the realization that she was the only thing I had been looking forward to booking for the wedding and that I was dreading the planning of the huge event that our wedding was going to be. The next day we decided to change our date and I emailed her back asking if she was available any day in either July or August. I was fully prepared to plan our wedding around whichever date she was available. She got back to me right away and had the exact date that I wanted to get married available! To me it was a huge sign that we were doing the right thing and it was meant to be this way. My bridesmaids and I have decided to make a trip to Edmonton in May for their dresses and because of the time constraints we decided as a group that they will be wearing different dresses but in our wedding color (lavender). I also managed to book our hair and makeup at one of the nicer salons in our town. The only thing that sucks about the salon is they do not discount for trials so I will have to pay full price for my hair and makeup trial :( My fiance and his groomsmen will be wearing dress pants and vests so it will be easy for them to get their attire arranged! I had already purchased all of the silk flowers to make our bouquets and boutonnieres at Michaels during a crazy sale and I got them all for $157!! I was going to have fresh flowers and had my heart set on hydrangeas but I was told by a florist that they wilt really quickly and that I would be disappointed so I'm going to be creating my own using the silks! I'll be posting photos once I have them all arranged! We decided on using one of our city's public parks for our ceremony due to the fact that they are extremely reasonable to book ($23/hour) and really well maintained. Unfortunately, the site that I originally wanted was already booked so we had to change our plans and use the other side of the park. Even though it wasn't what I originally wanted I am actually loving our new ceremony site. The original site was a large garden with a stone staircase for us to walk down and our new site is in the trees so I will be walking 'down the aisle' among a little mini (well kept) forest which I think is really romantic. Also, because it is in the trees there will be shade if it's sunny and coverage from rain if the weather doesn't cooperate. I also booked our marriage commissioner for the ceremony which will be a short 20 minute civil ceremony. We are having our dinner at a small local restaurant which has a beautiful banquet room. The food is to die for! I've actually gone and had the meal we will be serving at our dinner twice in the last week haha! We will be having a buffet with a variety of salads, vegetables, a tapas platter, dinner buns, slow roasted prime rib, herb mashed potatoes, and assorted dessert squares. I was stressing about what to do about the cake because we had already hit our budget limit when one of my co-workers who I'm close with texted me and offered to make my wedding cake as her gift to my fiance and I! It turns out that she has made quite a few wedding cakes for her family members and from a little facebook snooping is really good at it! We're going to be getting together soon to look over ideas and come up with a cake design. Everyone has been commenting on how much happier I seem regarding wedding planning and I honestly have to say that I feel like a weight has been lifted! I'm a people pleaser and our wedding was just becoming this huge party that was designed to please everyone else and fit their needs rather than a celebration of our love and commitment to each other. TLDR; We had to move our wedding date up by a year to July 30th and I managed to plan and book our entire wedding within a week. Some of our cousins are mad at us for not inviting them which we had to do because of our budget. On the plus side we just heard from the bank that we were approved for a mortgage amount much higher than we need! I'm much happier now that we are having a smaller wedding so to anyone considering something similar I say do it!!
Hello r/weddingplanning! I have had a crazy week and I felt like I needed to share to both vent and rave. Prepare for a huuuuge wall of text! Due to a family member's health my fiance and I decided to alter our wedding plans. Instead of having a 200+ person wedding in the summer of 2017 we are having a 38 person wedding this summer - July 30th to be exact! I have a huge family and so we made the tough decision to invite only siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and our closest friends. We have some cousins who are upset with us because of this but we are going to be having a celebration at my family's lake property a couple of weeks after the wedding where they and the rest of our families will be invited. I feel as though once we send out the invite for that they will feel more included and won't be as upset (I hope!). Due to the fact that we made this decision last week I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! We decided to keep the budget small at $5000 because we are also purchasing our first home this year (today we just found out we are approved for much more than we need! Yay!). I luckily had my wedding dress already purchased and I was able to get appointments with the seamstress to do all of the alterations starting at the end of the month, she said she would most likely be completely done May 14th! The first thing I booked was the most important to me - our photographer! I had just done a boudoir session with her for my fiance's birthday and we got along super well. The night before we decided to change our date I had actually gotten a hold of her to book for 2017. When I sent off the email I had the realization that she was the only thing I had been looking forward to booking for the wedding and that I was dreading the planning of the huge event that our wedding was going to be. The next day we decided to change our date and I emailed her back asking if she was available any day in either July or August. I was fully prepared to plan our wedding around whichever date she was available. She got back to me right away and had the exact date that I wanted to get married available! To me it was a huge sign that we were doing the right thing and it was meant to be this way. My bridesmaids and I have decided to make a trip to Edmonton in May for their dresses and because of the time constraints we decided as a group that they will be wearing different dresses but in our wedding color (lavender). I also managed to book our hair and makeup at one of the nicer salons in our town. The only thing that sucks about the salon is they do not discount for trials so I will have to pay full price for my hair and makeup trial :( My fiance and his groomsmen will be wearing dress pants and vests so it will be easy for them to get their attire arranged! I had already purchased all of the silk flowers to make our bouquets and boutonnieres at Michaels during a crazy sale and I got them all for $157!! I was going to have fresh flowers and had my heart set on hydrangeas but I was told by a florist that they wilt really quickly and that I would be disappointed so I'm going to be creating my own using the silks! I'll be posting photos once I have them all arranged! We decided on using one of our city's public parks for our ceremony due to the fact that they are extremely reasonable to book ($23/hour) and really well maintained. Unfortunately, the site that I originally wanted was already booked so we had to change our plans and use the other side of the park. Even though it wasn't what I originally wanted I am actually loving our new ceremony site. The original site was a large garden with a stone staircase for us to walk down and our new site is in the trees so I will be walking 'down the aisle' among a little mini (well kept) forest which I think is really romantic. Also, because it is in the trees there will be shade if it's sunny and coverage from rain if the weather doesn't cooperate. I also booked our marriage commissioner for the ceremony which will be a short 20 minute civil ceremony. We are having our dinner at a small local restaurant which has a beautiful banquet room. The food is to die for! I've actually gone and had the meal we will be serving at our dinner twice in the last week haha! We will be having a buffet with a variety of salads, vegetables, a tapas platter, dinner buns, slow roasted prime rib, herb mashed potatoes, and assorted dessert squares. I was stressing about what to do about the cake because we had already hit our budget limit when one of my co-workers who I'm close with texted me and offered to make my wedding cake as her gift to my fiance and I! It turns out that she has made quite a few wedding cakes for her family members and from a little facebook snooping is really good at it! We're going to be getting together soon to look over ideas and come up with a cake design. Everyone has been commenting on how much happier I seem regarding wedding planning and I honestly have to say that I feel like a weight has been lifted! I'm a people pleaser and our wedding was just becoming this huge party that was designed to please everyone else and fit their needs rather than a celebration of our love and commitment to each other.
We had to move our wedding date up by a year to July 30th and I managed to plan and book our entire wedding within a week. Some of our cousins are mad at us for not inviting them which we had to do because of our budget. On the plus side we just heard from the bank that we were approved for a mortgage amount much higher than we need! I'm much happier now that we are having a smaller wedding so to anyone considering something similar I say do it!!
I live in an apartment building where internet is included in the rent and provided by one ISP to the whole building. From what I understand, they control a router for the whole building. My setup, which worked from last June to November, was: Wall -&gt; Netgear GS105E ethernet switch -&gt; Netgear WGR614 wireless router -&gt; wirelessly connected to PS3 slim and computer. (the ethernet switch also goes to a Directv box) In November I got Black Ops 2, and after 2 weeks of playing, I lost the ability to connect to multiplayer games, and then eventually the ability to connect to the Zombie mode with my friends. After a few months of trying to troubleshoot, I got multiplayer to work by using a wired connection from the router to the PS3 and having my ISP open the necessary ports for the games I play. This took a long time to get to and playing around with tons of settings. I recently purchased new games (Socom 4, Socom Confrontation) that according to Sony have the same port requirements as my old games but I cannot connect online. I've made sure my ISP has these ports open, and they say they can't assign my PS3 a static ip address or put it in the DMZ. Basically both Sony and my ISP say there's nothing else they can do and it's the others fault. I assume it's a firewall problem with my ISPs router, since if I take my PS3 to a friends place multiplayer works just fine, and I still can't connect if I bypass my router at home. Does anyone know of something else that may be preventing online play? I'm upset because I resigned my lease a few weeks before buying the new games when I though my internet problems had been fixed. TL;DR My ISP controls a router for my whole building, says they have all of the ports open that Sony says are necessary to play my games on my PS3. Still can't connect, even with setup Wall -&gt; Ethernet Switch -&gt; PS3.
I live in an apartment building where internet is included in the rent and provided by one ISP to the whole building. From what I understand, they control a router for the whole building. My setup, which worked from last June to November, was: Wall -> Netgear GS105E ethernet switch -> Netgear WGR614 wireless router -> wirelessly connected to PS3 slim and computer. (the ethernet switch also goes to a Directv box) In November I got Black Ops 2, and after 2 weeks of playing, I lost the ability to connect to multiplayer games, and then eventually the ability to connect to the Zombie mode with my friends. After a few months of trying to troubleshoot, I got multiplayer to work by using a wired connection from the router to the PS3 and having my ISP open the necessary ports for the games I play. This took a long time to get to and playing around with tons of settings. I recently purchased new games (Socom 4, Socom Confrontation) that according to Sony have the same port requirements as my old games but I cannot connect online. I've made sure my ISP has these ports open, and they say they can't assign my PS3 a static ip address or put it in the DMZ. Basically both Sony and my ISP say there's nothing else they can do and it's the others fault. I assume it's a firewall problem with my ISPs router, since if I take my PS3 to a friends place multiplayer works just fine, and I still can't connect if I bypass my router at home. Does anyone know of something else that may be preventing online play? I'm upset because I resigned my lease a few weeks before buying the new games when I though my internet problems had been fixed. TL;DR My ISP controls a router for my whole building, says they have all of the ports open that Sony says are necessary to play my games on my PS3. Still can't connect, even with setup Wall -> Ethernet Switch -> PS3.
I live in an apartment building where internet is included in the rent and provided by one ISP to the whole building. From what I understand, they control a router for the whole building. My setup, which worked from last June to November, was: Wall -> Netgear GS105E ethernet switch -> Netgear WGR614 wireless router -> wirelessly connected to PS3 slim and computer. (the ethernet switch also goes to a Directv box) In November I got Black Ops 2, and after 2 weeks of playing, I lost the ability to connect to multiplayer games, and then eventually the ability to connect to the Zombie mode with my friends. After a few months of trying to troubleshoot, I got multiplayer to work by using a wired connection from the router to the PS3 and having my ISP open the necessary ports for the games I play. This took a long time to get to and playing around with tons of settings. I recently purchased new games (Socom 4, Socom Confrontation) that according to Sony have the same port requirements as my old games but I cannot connect online. I've made sure my ISP has these ports open, and they say they can't assign my PS3 a static ip address or put it in the DMZ. Basically both Sony and my ISP say there's nothing else they can do and it's the others fault. I assume it's a firewall problem with my ISPs router, since if I take my PS3 to a friends place multiplayer works just fine, and I still can't connect if I bypass my router at home. Does anyone know of something else that may be preventing online play? I'm upset because I resigned my lease a few weeks before buying the new games when I though my internet problems had been fixed.
My ISP controls a router for my whole building, says they have all of the ports open that Sony says are necessary to play my games on my PS3. Still can't connect, even with setup Wall -> Ethernet Switch -> PS3.
Hello AskWomenAdvice. I've messed up, and I would appreciate some perspective on it. I'm going to change a couple of details so it's not too obvious who I am, and apologies for the wall-of-text, but I'm desperate. I (19m) have been seeing my girlfriend (20f) for about a year and a half now, and things have always been great. Like, really great. She's my best friend, and I can honestly say that not only have I never been happier in my life, but, as a deeply good individual, she's honestly made me a better person. We've been abroad together, we've been there for each other when we've been ill, we've laughed and cried with each other, we've met each others families, and nothing worse has happened before now than a few minor spats. Now, the fuck up. I went for a night out with my housemate (my other bestfriend), a female friend and a guy from work. We all got incredibly drunk, to the point I don't remember large portions of the night. Someone suggested we go to the strip club. I'd never been before this point, and I'm very uncomfortable as stripclubs (or, accurately, stripteases) was a major grey area in our relationships. We'd made jokes about it previously, but really I never expected to end up in this situation. So, I get in, buy a couple of drinks, and resolve not to do anything stupid. After a while, I notice my friends alternating between talking to one of the girls working there and pointing at me. I can't work out what is going on. Next thing I know, I'm being grabbed by the hand and pulled off, the girl insisting that, as it's my first time, I had to have a dance. I don't particularly want one, but I'm already being pulled away, and frankly I felt pressured into paying $20 for a 3 minute dance. It was deeply uncomfortable, but I'm not going to pretend I couldn't have out my foot down and stopped it. It gets worse. My girlfriend was going through some incredibly tough times at her work, to the point that she was one step from bursting into tears on me when I saw her the next day. I'd resolved to tell her about the night before, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It honestly would've crushed her at a time she really needed support. So, I told myself I'd tell her at the next best opportunity. The next day, she was even more stressed with deadlines, and people hounding her to do this and that. Another case of turning to me for support. I couldn't tell her when she was already crying into my chest. She told me she'd feel fine after her deadline in two weeks time for a big project, but until then she'd be seriously struggling. And she wanted to have sex with me. Rock and a hard place. Do I tell her now and crush her when she's already under severe pressure? Or act as if nothing is wrong for the time being and tell her when she has less on her shoulders, even if it means some shady behaviour? I went for the latter option. I'm ashamed to say I slept with her during this time period. Yeah, I know, it's fucking horrible what I did. So, after this two week period, she invites me over. We chill out, have a chat, and I tell myself that now is the best time. I handled it badly - I wanted to get it off my chest and shoehorned it into the conversation. Worse, I panicked, and said some things I really regretted - I wanted to express that there was absolutely no desire or attraction to the dancer throughout, and that I couldn't even remember what she looked like. When she asked if the girl was better looking in a bit if dark humour, I repeated what I had heard from the others the morning after - that she was 'butters' and 'flat-chested'. Again, I panicked, and this is extremely out of character for me - enough that my girlfriend (an ardent feminist) now isn't sure that I'm the same person she thought I was, on top of not knowing if she can trust me. This is probably the thing I'm most ashamed of. Somehow she let me stay the night, and I agreed to attend her production the day after. I did, we met up afterwards, had dinner, and went out for a bit afterwards. It honestly felt like we were back to normal. She said she forgave me - albeit she didn't entirely trust me, or love me quite as much (more dark humour). We laughed a lot, joked, smiled, kissed, and said goodbye before heading home for a few days. Our messages went back to normal. Now, as of the last day or so, her messages have suddenly changed back to being short, sparse, and she's told me that she is still hurting (fair enough, I expected as much) and implied that she still isn't sure if she's ready to keep seeing me. This blind-sided me as I thought we were back on at least talking terms. I understand that she hadn't had much time to process the info, but it was quite a shock to see such a turn around. Here's the thing - I fucked up awfully. I. I acted badly, I handled it badly, and I followed through with it badly. My girlfriend means the world to me, and I'd give anything - literally anything - to turn back the clock a couple of weeks, put my foot down and say no. I guess I'm a lot weaker than I thought. I've made it very clear to her that I am deeply sorry, and that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make our relationship work, including giving her plenty of time to think about what she wants to do. If she wants to break up with me, then fair enough; as she's a wonderful person who does not deserve such behaviour. But at the very least, I want her to know that, deep down, I'm a good person who made an awful mistake; the same person she's been in love with for the last year and a half, and that this monumental fuck up will never, ever happen again. tl;dr: I love my girlfriend, but I got pressured into a strip-dance while blind drunk, and handled it badly. I want her to know how much she means to me. Edit: I'm aware I'm coming across as a bit of a self-pitying over-the-top drama queen, but hey ho. Points for self-awareness?
Hello AskWomenAdvice. I've messed up, and I would appreciate some perspective on it. I'm going to change a couple of details so it's not too obvious who I am, and apologies for the wall-of-text, but I'm desperate. I (19m) have been seeing my girlfriend (20f) for about a year and a half now, and things have always been great. Like, really great. She's my best friend, and I can honestly say that not only have I never been happier in my life, but, as a deeply good individual, she's honestly made me a better person. We've been abroad together, we've been there for each other when we've been ill, we've laughed and cried with each other, we've met each others families, and nothing worse has happened before now than a few minor spats. Now, the fuck up. I went for a night out with my housemate (my other bestfriend), a female friend and a guy from work. We all got incredibly drunk, to the point I don't remember large portions of the night. Someone suggested we go to the strip club. I'd never been before this point, and I'm very uncomfortable as stripclubs (or, accurately, stripteases) was a major grey area in our relationships. We'd made jokes about it previously, but really I never expected to end up in this situation. So, I get in, buy a couple of drinks, and resolve not to do anything stupid. After a while, I notice my friends alternating between talking to one of the girls working there and pointing at me. I can't work out what is going on. Next thing I know, I'm being grabbed by the hand and pulled off, the girl insisting that, as it's my first time, I had to have a dance. I don't particularly want one, but I'm already being pulled away, and frankly I felt pressured into paying $20 for a 3 minute dance. It was deeply uncomfortable, but I'm not going to pretend I couldn't have out my foot down and stopped it. It gets worse. My girlfriend was going through some incredibly tough times at her work, to the point that she was one step from bursting into tears on me when I saw her the next day. I'd resolved to tell her about the night before, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It honestly would've crushed her at a time she really needed support. So, I told myself I'd tell her at the next best opportunity. The next day, she was even more stressed with deadlines, and people hounding her to do this and that. Another case of turning to me for support. I couldn't tell her when she was already crying into my chest. She told me she'd feel fine after her deadline in two weeks time for a big project, but until then she'd be seriously struggling. And she wanted to have sex with me. Rock and a hard place. Do I tell her now and crush her when she's already under severe pressure? Or act as if nothing is wrong for the time being and tell her when she has less on her shoulders, even if it means some shady behaviour? I went for the latter option. I'm ashamed to say I slept with her during this time period. Yeah, I know, it's fucking horrible what I did. So, after this two week period, she invites me over. We chill out, have a chat, and I tell myself that now is the best time. I handled it badly - I wanted to get it off my chest and shoehorned it into the conversation. Worse, I panicked, and said some things I really regretted - I wanted to express that there was absolutely no desire or attraction to the dancer throughout, and that I couldn't even remember what she looked like. When she asked if the girl was better looking in a bit if dark humour, I repeated what I had heard from the others the morning after - that she was 'butters' and 'flat-chested'. Again, I panicked, and this is extremely out of character for me - enough that my girlfriend (an ardent feminist) now isn't sure that I'm the same person she thought I was, on top of not knowing if she can trust me. This is probably the thing I'm most ashamed of. Somehow she let me stay the night, and I agreed to attend her production the day after. I did, we met up afterwards, had dinner, and went out for a bit afterwards. It honestly felt like we were back to normal. She said she forgave me - albeit she didn't entirely trust me, or love me quite as much (more dark humour). We laughed a lot, joked, smiled, kissed, and said goodbye before heading home for a few days. Our messages went back to normal. Now, as of the last day or so, her messages have suddenly changed back to being short, sparse, and she's told me that she is still hurting (fair enough, I expected as much) and implied that she still isn't sure if she's ready to keep seeing me. This blind-sided me as I thought we were back on at least talking terms. I understand that she hadn't had much time to process the info, but it was quite a shock to see such a turn around. Here's the thing - I fucked up awfully. I. I acted badly, I handled it badly, and I followed through with it badly. My girlfriend means the world to me, and I'd give anything - literally anything - to turn back the clock a couple of weeks, put my foot down and say no. I guess I'm a lot weaker than I thought. I've made it very clear to her that I am deeply sorry, and that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make our relationship work, including giving her plenty of time to think about what she wants to do. If she wants to break up with me, then fair enough; as she's a wonderful person who does not deserve such behaviour. But at the very least, I want her to know that, deep down, I'm a good person who made an awful mistake; the same person she's been in love with for the last year and a half, and that this monumental fuck up will never, ever happen again. tl;dr: I love my girlfriend, but I got pressured into a strip-dance while blind drunk, and handled it badly. I want her to know how much she means to me. Edit: I'm aware I'm coming across as a bit of a self-pitying over-the-top drama queen, but hey ho. Points for self-awareness?
Hello AskWomenAdvice. I've messed up, and I would appreciate some perspective on it. I'm going to change a couple of details so it's not too obvious who I am, and apologies for the wall-of-text, but I'm desperate. I (19m) have been seeing my girlfriend (20f) for about a year and a half now, and things have always been great. Like, really great. She's my best friend, and I can honestly say that not only have I never been happier in my life, but, as a deeply good individual, she's honestly made me a better person. We've been abroad together, we've been there for each other when we've been ill, we've laughed and cried with each other, we've met each others families, and nothing worse has happened before now than a few minor spats. Now, the fuck up. I went for a night out with my housemate (my other bestfriend), a female friend and a guy from work. We all got incredibly drunk, to the point I don't remember large portions of the night. Someone suggested we go to the strip club. I'd never been before this point, and I'm very uncomfortable as stripclubs (or, accurately, stripteases) was a major grey area in our relationships. We'd made jokes about it previously, but really I never expected to end up in this situation. So, I get in, buy a couple of drinks, and resolve not to do anything stupid. After a while, I notice my friends alternating between talking to one of the girls working there and pointing at me. I can't work out what is going on. Next thing I know, I'm being grabbed by the hand and pulled off, the girl insisting that, as it's my first time, I had to have a dance. I don't particularly want one, but I'm already being pulled away, and frankly I felt pressured into paying $20 for a 3 minute dance. It was deeply uncomfortable, but I'm not going to pretend I couldn't have out my foot down and stopped it. It gets worse. My girlfriend was going through some incredibly tough times at her work, to the point that she was one step from bursting into tears on me when I saw her the next day. I'd resolved to tell her about the night before, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It honestly would've crushed her at a time she really needed support. So, I told myself I'd tell her at the next best opportunity. The next day, she was even more stressed with deadlines, and people hounding her to do this and that. Another case of turning to me for support. I couldn't tell her when she was already crying into my chest. She told me she'd feel fine after her deadline in two weeks time for a big project, but until then she'd be seriously struggling. And she wanted to have sex with me. Rock and a hard place. Do I tell her now and crush her when she's already under severe pressure? Or act as if nothing is wrong for the time being and tell her when she has less on her shoulders, even if it means some shady behaviour? I went for the latter option. I'm ashamed to say I slept with her during this time period. Yeah, I know, it's fucking horrible what I did. So, after this two week period, she invites me over. We chill out, have a chat, and I tell myself that now is the best time. I handled it badly - I wanted to get it off my chest and shoehorned it into the conversation. Worse, I panicked, and said some things I really regretted - I wanted to express that there was absolutely no desire or attraction to the dancer throughout, and that I couldn't even remember what she looked like. When she asked if the girl was better looking in a bit if dark humour, I repeated what I had heard from the others the morning after - that she was 'butters' and 'flat-chested'. Again, I panicked, and this is extremely out of character for me - enough that my girlfriend (an ardent feminist) now isn't sure that I'm the same person she thought I was, on top of not knowing if she can trust me. This is probably the thing I'm most ashamed of. Somehow she let me stay the night, and I agreed to attend her production the day after. I did, we met up afterwards, had dinner, and went out for a bit afterwards. It honestly felt like we were back to normal. She said she forgave me - albeit she didn't entirely trust me, or love me quite as much (more dark humour). We laughed a lot, joked, smiled, kissed, and said goodbye before heading home for a few days. Our messages went back to normal. Now, as of the last day or so, her messages have suddenly changed back to being short, sparse, and she's told me that she is still hurting (fair enough, I expected as much) and implied that she still isn't sure if she's ready to keep seeing me. This blind-sided me as I thought we were back on at least talking terms. I understand that she hadn't had much time to process the info, but it was quite a shock to see such a turn around. Here's the thing - I fucked up awfully. I. I acted badly, I handled it badly, and I followed through with it badly. My girlfriend means the world to me, and I'd give anything - literally anything - to turn back the clock a couple of weeks, put my foot down and say no. I guess I'm a lot weaker than I thought. I've made it very clear to her that I am deeply sorry, and that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make our relationship work, including giving her plenty of time to think about what she wants to do. If she wants to break up with me, then fair enough; as she's a wonderful person who does not deserve such behaviour. But at the very least, I want her to know that, deep down, I'm a good person who made an awful mistake; the same person she's been in love with for the last year and a half, and that this monumental fuck up will never, ever happen again.
I love my girlfriend, but I got pressured into a strip-dance while blind drunk, and handled it badly. I want her to know how much she means to me. Edit: I'm aware I'm coming across as a bit of a self-pitying over-the-top drama queen, but hey ho. Points for self-awareness?
Hi all, lurker and first-time poster here. I've really appreciated the openness and empathy that I've found in this subreddit, and thought I'd venture a question that I've been having recently! Context: I've grown up in church, and recently moved to a new city. In my previous church I served pretty heavily-- leading a small group, serving on ministries, and was an elder. I loved my church and community, but I did end up feeling very burned out. After having moved to this new place, I have found a new church community that I love, and am taking it very slowly. I've done a lot of thinking, and looking back on my time at my previous church. I realized that I let my personal spiritual life wilt, while spending so much time and effort serving God through my church activities. Now I'm in a place where I don't have all those activities and programs taking up my time, and it's been pretty nice. I've been reading more and trying to pray, but I've honestly felt disconnected spiritually. I know faith isn't just feelings, but I also think that connecting to God is way more than just having your 15 minutes of "quiet time" every day. **TLDR: Burned out from church serving, trying to discover how to connect with God spiritually, aside from the pray and read your Bible approach?** Again, I know both those things are super important, but I think perhaps due to my somewhat legalistic upbringing, that I may have some tunnel vision in terms of what it means to have an actual relationship with God. Thanks for your time and your thoughts!
Hi all, lurker and first-time poster here. I've really appreciated the openness and empathy that I've found in this subreddit, and thought I'd venture a question that I've been having recently! Context: I've grown up in church, and recently moved to a new city. In my previous church I served pretty heavily-- leading a small group, serving on ministries, and was an elder. I loved my church and community, but I did end up feeling very burned out. After having moved to this new place, I have found a new church community that I love, and am taking it very slowly. I've done a lot of thinking, and looking back on my time at my previous church. I realized that I let my personal spiritual life wilt, while spending so much time and effort serving God through my church activities. Now I'm in a place where I don't have all those activities and programs taking up my time, and it's been pretty nice. I've been reading more and trying to pray, but I've honestly felt disconnected spiritually. I know faith isn't just feelings, but I also think that connecting to God is way more than just having your 15 minutes of "quiet time" every day. TLDR: Burned out from church serving, trying to discover how to connect with God spiritually, aside from the pray and read your Bible approach? Again, I know both those things are super important, but I think perhaps due to my somewhat legalistic upbringing, that I may have some tunnel vision in terms of what it means to have an actual relationship with God. Thanks for your time and your thoughts!
Hi all, lurker and first-time poster here. I've really appreciated the openness and empathy that I've found in this subreddit, and thought I'd venture a question that I've been having recently! Context: I've grown up in church, and recently moved to a new city. In my previous church I served pretty heavily-- leading a small group, serving on ministries, and was an elder. I loved my church and community, but I did end up feeling very burned out. After having moved to this new place, I have found a new church community that I love, and am taking it very slowly. I've done a lot of thinking, and looking back on my time at my previous church. I realized that I let my personal spiritual life wilt, while spending so much time and effort serving God through my church activities. Now I'm in a place where I don't have all those activities and programs taking up my time, and it's been pretty nice. I've been reading more and trying to pray, but I've honestly felt disconnected spiritually. I know faith isn't just feelings, but I also think that connecting to God is way more than just having your 15 minutes of "quiet time" every day.
Burned out from church serving, trying to discover how to connect with God spiritually, aside from the pray and read your Bible approach? Again, I know both those things are super important, but I think perhaps due to my somewhat legalistic upbringing, that I may have some tunnel vision in terms of what it means to have an actual relationship with God. Thanks for your time and your thoughts!
You would waste alot of actives. This was posted earlier this week, why dont you look at the sub before you post a question, people have spoon fed retards info for too long.(not saying your a retard in anyway) Tldr; use google or something
You would waste alot of actives. This was posted earlier this week, why dont you look at the sub before you post a question, people have spoon fed retards info for too long.(not saying your a retard in anyway) Tldr; use google or something
You would waste alot of actives. This was posted earlier this week, why dont you look at the sub before you post a question, people have spoon fed retards info for too long.(not saying your a retard in anyway)
use google or something
I just saw this claim in another post, and it's one I've heard fairly often. I was wondering if anyone had solid data, one way or another. Preferably with a study looking at both men and women. It makes sense on some level. Attractive people might be able to glide through challenges on their looks that plain or ugly people would have to tackle with study or hard work. But 'common sense' and anecdote are never good things to go by. I couldn't find any studies, and it seems quite possible there's been none given the difficulty in measuring something with that much subjectivity and cultural weight. Figured it was worth asking though. tl;dr: Any studies out there which compare either education or mental performance by attractiveness?
I just saw this claim in another post, and it's one I've heard fairly often. I was wondering if anyone had solid data, one way or another. Preferably with a study looking at both men and women. It makes sense on some level. Attractive people might be able to glide through challenges on their looks that plain or ugly people would have to tackle with study or hard work. But 'common sense' and anecdote are never good things to go by. I couldn't find any studies, and it seems quite possible there's been none given the difficulty in measuring something with that much subjectivity and cultural weight. Figured it was worth asking though. tl;dr: Any studies out there which compare either education or mental performance by attractiveness?
I just saw this claim in another post, and it's one I've heard fairly often. I was wondering if anyone had solid data, one way or another. Preferably with a study looking at both men and women. It makes sense on some level. Attractive people might be able to glide through challenges on their looks that plain or ugly people would have to tackle with study or hard work. But 'common sense' and anecdote are never good things to go by. I couldn't find any studies, and it seems quite possible there's been none given the difficulty in measuring something with that much subjectivity and cultural weight. Figured it was worth asking though.
Any studies out there which compare either education or mental performance by attractiveness?
Like the title says. We have a great relationship now, but we caused each other a lot of hurt in the first year or two - we both just fucked up a lot with our communication, and expected too much of each other as neither of us really knew what it was reasonable to expect of someone else in a relationship. For a bit of extra background, I'm his first relationship and I had only ever had one relationship prior, in which I was emotionally and sexually abused. Eventually we hit a point where we realized it was time to either get serious or stop wasting each other's time. We both also had some major trust issues stemming from our respective childhoods. So, off to individual and couples' therapy we went. We worked hard and overcame a lot of issues. Now we're in one of those relationships where you can tick off every "healthy relationship" box - great communication, similar interests, high levels of respect for one another, we have fun together, good chemistry, etc. etc. Except I'm just...not feeling it sometimes. Sometimes I feel totally apathetic about him, even for weeks at a time. It really kills me, because he's genuinely the best friend that I've ever had and I'm really attracted to him. It sounds like there shouldn't be a problem, right? But it seems like when I start to feel too strongly about him I hit a wall and bounce back and then can't feel anything at all. But, when I think about breaking up with him my heart feels like it's going to shatter. A month or so ago, we both went through an incredibly busy period in our jobs where we barely saw each other. We'd both work all day, see each other for a couple minutes before bedtime, then wake up early and leave for work again. Predictably, my apathy rose up again in full force and I also developed a really intense crush on a co-worker. (No, I'm not going to act on it, yes, I realize it's nothing more than an escapist fantasy, yes, I realize that after five years I'd probably be having the same issues with the new guy.) I'm just really confused and sad because our relationship doesn't seem to be rebounding from this rough patch as it should. We're spending time together again, but I just feel so empty and blank and I really want the feelings to come back. I don't know how to talk to him about it because I'm about 90% sure it's my own mental issue, and I don't feel like there's any point in saying "Hey babe, I don't feel like I'm in love with you but there's nothing you can really do about it until I sort out my own shit." Has anyone been in this situation? What do I do? **tl;dr: Boyfriend and I have a really great relationship but sometimes I just get incredibly apathetic and lose feelings for him. Holding on to some resentment from really early on in the relationship, recognize that it's probably mostly just an issue with me, but I don't know what to do about it. Where do I go from here?**
Like the title says. We have a great relationship now, but we caused each other a lot of hurt in the first year or two - we both just fucked up a lot with our communication, and expected too much of each other as neither of us really knew what it was reasonable to expect of someone else in a relationship. For a bit of extra background, I'm his first relationship and I had only ever had one relationship prior, in which I was emotionally and sexually abused. Eventually we hit a point where we realized it was time to either get serious or stop wasting each other's time. We both also had some major trust issues stemming from our respective childhoods. So, off to individual and couples' therapy we went. We worked hard and overcame a lot of issues. Now we're in one of those relationships where you can tick off every "healthy relationship" box - great communication, similar interests, high levels of respect for one another, we have fun together, good chemistry, etc. etc. Except I'm just...not feeling it sometimes. Sometimes I feel totally apathetic about him, even for weeks at a time. It really kills me, because he's genuinely the best friend that I've ever had and I'm really attracted to him. It sounds like there shouldn't be a problem, right? But it seems like when I start to feel too strongly about him I hit a wall and bounce back and then can't feel anything at all. But, when I think about breaking up with him my heart feels like it's going to shatter. A month or so ago, we both went through an incredibly busy period in our jobs where we barely saw each other. We'd both work all day, see each other for a couple minutes before bedtime, then wake up early and leave for work again. Predictably, my apathy rose up again in full force and I also developed a really intense crush on a co-worker. (No, I'm not going to act on it, yes, I realize it's nothing more than an escapist fantasy, yes, I realize that after five years I'd probably be having the same issues with the new guy.) I'm just really confused and sad because our relationship doesn't seem to be rebounding from this rough patch as it should. We're spending time together again, but I just feel so empty and blank and I really want the feelings to come back. I don't know how to talk to him about it because I'm about 90% sure it's my own mental issue, and I don't feel like there's any point in saying "Hey babe, I don't feel like I'm in love with you but there's nothing you can really do about it until I sort out my own shit." Has anyone been in this situation? What do I do? tl;dr: Boyfriend and I have a really great relationship but sometimes I just get incredibly apathetic and lose feelings for him. Holding on to some resentment from really early on in the relationship, recognize that it's probably mostly just an issue with me, but I don't know what to do about it. Where do I go from here?
Like the title says. We have a great relationship now, but we caused each other a lot of hurt in the first year or two - we both just fucked up a lot with our communication, and expected too much of each other as neither of us really knew what it was reasonable to expect of someone else in a relationship. For a bit of extra background, I'm his first relationship and I had only ever had one relationship prior, in which I was emotionally and sexually abused. Eventually we hit a point where we realized it was time to either get serious or stop wasting each other's time. We both also had some major trust issues stemming from our respective childhoods. So, off to individual and couples' therapy we went. We worked hard and overcame a lot of issues. Now we're in one of those relationships where you can tick off every "healthy relationship" box - great communication, similar interests, high levels of respect for one another, we have fun together, good chemistry, etc. etc. Except I'm just...not feeling it sometimes. Sometimes I feel totally apathetic about him, even for weeks at a time. It really kills me, because he's genuinely the best friend that I've ever had and I'm really attracted to him. It sounds like there shouldn't be a problem, right? But it seems like when I start to feel too strongly about him I hit a wall and bounce back and then can't feel anything at all. But, when I think about breaking up with him my heart feels like it's going to shatter. A month or so ago, we both went through an incredibly busy period in our jobs where we barely saw each other. We'd both work all day, see each other for a couple minutes before bedtime, then wake up early and leave for work again. Predictably, my apathy rose up again in full force and I also developed a really intense crush on a co-worker. (No, I'm not going to act on it, yes, I realize it's nothing more than an escapist fantasy, yes, I realize that after five years I'd probably be having the same issues with the new guy.) I'm just really confused and sad because our relationship doesn't seem to be rebounding from this rough patch as it should. We're spending time together again, but I just feel so empty and blank and I really want the feelings to come back. I don't know how to talk to him about it because I'm about 90% sure it's my own mental issue, and I don't feel like there's any point in saying "Hey babe, I don't feel like I'm in love with you but there's nothing you can really do about it until I sort out my own shit." Has anyone been in this situation? What do I do?
Boyfriend and I have a really great relationship but sometimes I just get incredibly apathetic and lose feelings for him. Holding on to some resentment from really early on in the relationship, recognize that it's probably mostly just an issue with me, but I don't know what to do about it. Where do I go from here?
Yeah, this subreddit was in the making for a while. We just need to make more subs aware of it so we can dig in a variety of places all throughout Wikipedia. Ryulong is a great example of what's wrong there, but I want to uncover other "Ryulongs" that have corruption far more dire than a little gaming page (in comparison ofc). Imagine the idealized perspectives on "mainstream" controversies if they'll go this far in gamergate. Tl;Dr, This new sub is great, and gamergate is an obviously important topic (and jumping off point) on it, but I feel there is a bit "too much" GG on it and want to to expand the reach. What other subs would be interested in it?
Yeah, this subreddit was in the making for a while. We just need to make more subs aware of it so we can dig in a variety of places all throughout Wikipedia. Ryulong is a great example of what's wrong there, but I want to uncover other "Ryulongs" that have corruption far more dire than a little gaming page (in comparison ofc). Imagine the idealized perspectives on "mainstream" controversies if they'll go this far in gamergate. Tl;Dr, This new sub is great, and gamergate is an obviously important topic (and jumping off point) on it, but I feel there is a bit "too much" GG on it and want to to expand the reach. What other subs would be interested in it?
Yeah, this subreddit was in the making for a while. We just need to make more subs aware of it so we can dig in a variety of places all throughout Wikipedia. Ryulong is a great example of what's wrong there, but I want to uncover other "Ryulongs" that have corruption far more dire than a little gaming page (in comparison ofc). Imagine the idealized perspectives on "mainstream" controversies if they'll go this far in gamergate.
This new sub is great, and gamergate is an obviously important topic (and jumping off point) on it, but I feel there is a bit "too much" GG on it and want to to expand the reach. What other subs would be interested in it?
First off, i'm sorry for the length... My story starts about a year ago. I was working ALOT and started having trouble with the wife. I was addicted to porn then and knew it, but didn't have the will power to work 16hr days and try to break the addiction. My wife had been slowly losing interest in me because I wasn't spending any time with her and when I did I was a cranky jerkass! So eventually the S hit the fan and my relationship with my best friend was in some serious jeopardy. We had some massive fights and I broke, because she was the most important thing in my life and she had damn near slipped away. I fell into a depression and hated life. I was angry at my wife for many things and i was so full of pride. I moved into a separate bedroom and been there ever since. Then things turned around. My uncle called me and spent time to teach me the ways of Jesus. I had been raised a christian, but I had not been raised to love others more than myself. I was christian by name and not by action. I'm trying to change that. So fast forward to a couple months ago where I find this reddit. I had been taking steps to improve myself and be more christ-like. I wanted to win my wife back and really show her that I loved her. I also wanted to break from my slavery to porn. As the bible says, you can't serve two masters. I started out doing about 2-3 days, then moved to a week. After that i've gone about 2-7 days in spurts and have really struggled. Every day is a struggle for me but this reddit has really helped encourage and push me on. I haven't met my goal of 2 weeks but I will!!! I had read all the stories about how nofap made single guys ask out the girl. Well, for me, it made me humble myself and ask to move back into the bedroom with my wife. Not to have sex, but to have her help keep me accountable at night. I only fap when i'm alone. I try to spend more time with her so that i'm not alone. All the anger and resentment I had from our fights has started slipping away and i've been able to start showing her the love that christ has shown me. well, today during my quite time I broke into tears. she came in and asked me what was wrong and I confessed for the first time that i have a bad addiction to porn. She knew i was trying to go without fapping, but I don't think she really understood why. Today I told her about the addiction that i'm under and that i am sorry for all the wrong i've done her. so, /r/nofap/ thank you. thank you for helping me come out about this addiction and thank you for helping me take steps to fix it. christian or not, thank you for helping me start to show the love my wife deserves. **tl;dr&gt;** I'm a big religious baby and told my wife I have a porn addiction. i love you guys. **edit** some of you have asked if she let me back in the bedroom and how things are going. She said she has to think about it. And she deserves that because I've said and done some stupid hurtful things in the past. The true victory here is I was able to realize that and get past my pride. I started out thinking "i'm not coming back until she asks me back." That kind of thinking is what got me in a broken relationship in the first place. i've also learned alot about love. I used to think to love someone they had to love me back. That has changed in me. love is not about what you get. love is about what you give. I love my wife and I want to give her a husband who can be there sexually and isn't all hopped up on dopamine looking at porno. Also, love is an action. Every time i'm able to show her that i love her, it may take some time, but most of the time she eventually reciprocates some love back to me. anyways, thank you all for your kind words and I wish you luck in fighting the good fight!
First off, i'm sorry for the length... My story starts about a year ago. I was working ALOT and started having trouble with the wife. I was addicted to porn then and knew it, but didn't have the will power to work 16hr days and try to break the addiction. My wife had been slowly losing interest in me because I wasn't spending any time with her and when I did I was a cranky jerkass! So eventually the S hit the fan and my relationship with my best friend was in some serious jeopardy. We had some massive fights and I broke, because she was the most important thing in my life and she had damn near slipped away. I fell into a depression and hated life. I was angry at my wife for many things and i was so full of pride. I moved into a separate bedroom and been there ever since. Then things turned around. My uncle called me and spent time to teach me the ways of Jesus. I had been raised a christian, but I had not been raised to love others more than myself. I was christian by name and not by action. I'm trying to change that. So fast forward to a couple months ago where I find this reddit. I had been taking steps to improve myself and be more christ-like. I wanted to win my wife back and really show her that I loved her. I also wanted to break from my slavery to porn. As the bible says, you can't serve two masters. I started out doing about 2-3 days, then moved to a week. After that i've gone about 2-7 days in spurts and have really struggled. Every day is a struggle for me but this reddit has really helped encourage and push me on. I haven't met my goal of 2 weeks but I will!!! I had read all the stories about how nofap made single guys ask out the girl. Well, for me, it made me humble myself and ask to move back into the bedroom with my wife. Not to have sex, but to have her help keep me accountable at night. I only fap when i'm alone. I try to spend more time with her so that i'm not alone. All the anger and resentment I had from our fights has started slipping away and i've been able to start showing her the love that christ has shown me. well, today during my quite time I broke into tears. she came in and asked me what was wrong and I confessed for the first time that i have a bad addiction to porn. She knew i was trying to go without fapping, but I don't think she really understood why. Today I told her about the addiction that i'm under and that i am sorry for all the wrong i've done her. so, /r/nofap/ thank you. thank you for helping me come out about this addiction and thank you for helping me take steps to fix it. christian or not, thank you for helping me start to show the love my wife deserves. tl;dr> I'm a big religious baby and told my wife I have a porn addiction. i love you guys. edit some of you have asked if she let me back in the bedroom and how things are going. She said she has to think about it. And she deserves that because I've said and done some stupid hurtful things in the past. The true victory here is I was able to realize that and get past my pride. I started out thinking "i'm not coming back until she asks me back." That kind of thinking is what got me in a broken relationship in the first place. i've also learned alot about love. I used to think to love someone they had to love me back. That has changed in me. love is not about what you get. love is about what you give. I love my wife and I want to give her a husband who can be there sexually and isn't all hopped up on dopamine looking at porno. Also, love is an action. Every time i'm able to show her that i love her, it may take some time, but most of the time she eventually reciprocates some love back to me. anyways, thank you all for your kind words and I wish you luck in fighting the good fight!
First off, i'm sorry for the length... My story starts about a year ago. I was working ALOT and started having trouble with the wife. I was addicted to porn then and knew it, but didn't have the will power to work 16hr days and try to break the addiction. My wife had been slowly losing interest in me because I wasn't spending any time with her and when I did I was a cranky jerkass! So eventually the S hit the fan and my relationship with my best friend was in some serious jeopardy. We had some massive fights and I broke, because she was the most important thing in my life and she had damn near slipped away. I fell into a depression and hated life. I was angry at my wife for many things and i was so full of pride. I moved into a separate bedroom and been there ever since. Then things turned around. My uncle called me and spent time to teach me the ways of Jesus. I had been raised a christian, but I had not been raised to love others more than myself. I was christian by name and not by action. I'm trying to change that. So fast forward to a couple months ago where I find this reddit. I had been taking steps to improve myself and be more christ-like. I wanted to win my wife back and really show her that I loved her. I also wanted to break from my slavery to porn. As the bible says, you can't serve two masters. I started out doing about 2-3 days, then moved to a week. After that i've gone about 2-7 days in spurts and have really struggled. Every day is a struggle for me but this reddit has really helped encourage and push me on. I haven't met my goal of 2 weeks but I will!!! I had read all the stories about how nofap made single guys ask out the girl. Well, for me, it made me humble myself and ask to move back into the bedroom with my wife. Not to have sex, but to have her help keep me accountable at night. I only fap when i'm alone. I try to spend more time with her so that i'm not alone. All the anger and resentment I had from our fights has started slipping away and i've been able to start showing her the love that christ has shown me. well, today during my quite time I broke into tears. she came in and asked me what was wrong and I confessed for the first time that i have a bad addiction to porn. She knew i was trying to go without fapping, but I don't think she really understood why. Today I told her about the addiction that i'm under and that i am sorry for all the wrong i've done her. so, /r/nofap/ thank you. thank you for helping me come out about this addiction and thank you for helping me take steps to fix it. christian or not, thank you for helping me start to show the love my wife deserves.
I'm a big religious baby and told my wife I have a porn addiction. i love you guys. edit some of you have asked if she let me back in the bedroom and how things are going. She said she has to think about it. And she deserves that because I've said and done some stupid hurtful things in the past. The true victory here is I was able to realize that and get past my pride. I started out thinking "i'm not coming back until she asks me back." That kind of thinking is what got me in a broken relationship in the first place. i've also learned alot about love. I used to think to love someone they had to love me back. That has changed in me. love is not about what you get. love is about what you give. I love my wife and I want to give her a husband who can be there sexually and isn't all hopped up on dopamine looking at porno. Also, love is an action. Every time i'm able to show her that i love her, it may take some time, but most of the time she eventually reciprocates some love back to me. anyways, thank you all for your kind words and I wish you luck in fighting the good fight!
To some people, dogs are a massive annoyance (just as cats are to others etc). Every day, when I'd get home from work, I'd wind up spending my time avoiding the dog that I hated. The shedding drove me nuts. The smell of the dog drove me nuts. The constant want for attention drove me nuts (can't blame it for that-dogs are loving). Barking at things woke me at night. Stepping in dog crap that we missed drove me UP THE WALL. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. The dog knew I couldn't stand it (they are very smart after all) and it made it crazy. I participated in the training, as I wanted it to be well behaved (I hate poorly trained dogs most of all). Ultimately, it didn't work, because I can't stand dogs-so it'd never listen to me due to it being impossible to bond. We had many other pets together (birds, fish, cats, rabbits...lizards, frogs, I could go on-we had a zoo). I just can't stand dogs at home full time. I can tolerate dogs-I'm nice to my friend's dogs (no animal deserves to be treated poorly ever) or dogs that are on the trail while hiking. Playing fetch amuses me for about 3 minutes. Thing is, it made my home life horrible, and I resented her every day for not realising how horrible it was for me to come home to the smell, the hair, and the rambunctious dog. It was not relaxing in any way shape or form. Tl;dr My ex still loves dogs, I still don't-I'm happily married to someone who also doesn't. Respect the person you love-and expect the same back. If you are going to break up over a dog, you probably have bigger problems (my ex and I did, but the dog was the most frequent/visible). &gt; I understand that she's home alone with him all day and is being annoyed by him, IMO-you have a child at home now, and have bigger responsibilities to your family (even if it includes the dog to you, think of your wife and child) and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Your wife has made it clear that she's uncomfortable living in a home with a dog-don't put her through the strain of being home all day with it, or she's going to wind up resenting you much more than that dog will make up for. EDIT-My ex knew that I didn't like dogs, but I tried, because I wanted to compromise and hadn't actually had one before (just never really liked them much) so I decided to give it a shot. EDIT 2- Downvoted for irrelevance? or downvoted for not being a dog lover...Reddiquette anyone??
To some people, dogs are a massive annoyance (just as cats are to others etc). Every day, when I'd get home from work, I'd wind up spending my time avoiding the dog that I hated. The shedding drove me nuts. The smell of the dog drove me nuts. The constant want for attention drove me nuts (can't blame it for that-dogs are loving). Barking at things woke me at night. Stepping in dog crap that we missed drove me UP THE WALL. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. The dog knew I couldn't stand it (they are very smart after all) and it made it crazy. I participated in the training, as I wanted it to be well behaved (I hate poorly trained dogs most of all). Ultimately, it didn't work, because I can't stand dogs-so it'd never listen to me due to it being impossible to bond. We had many other pets together (birds, fish, cats, rabbits...lizards, frogs, I could go on-we had a zoo). I just can't stand dogs at home full time. I can tolerate dogs-I'm nice to my friend's dogs (no animal deserves to be treated poorly ever) or dogs that are on the trail while hiking. Playing fetch amuses me for about 3 minutes. Thing is, it made my home life horrible, and I resented her every day for not realising how horrible it was for me to come home to the smell, the hair, and the rambunctious dog. It was not relaxing in any way shape or form. Tl;dr My ex still loves dogs, I still don't-I'm happily married to someone who also doesn't. Respect the person you love-and expect the same back. If you are going to break up over a dog, you probably have bigger problems (my ex and I did, but the dog was the most frequent/visible). > I understand that she's home alone with him all day and is being annoyed by him, IMO-you have a child at home now, and have bigger responsibilities to your family (even if it includes the dog to you, think of your wife and child) and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Your wife has made it clear that she's uncomfortable living in a home with a dog-don't put her through the strain of being home all day with it, or she's going to wind up resenting you much more than that dog will make up for. EDIT-My ex knew that I didn't like dogs, but I tried, because I wanted to compromise and hadn't actually had one before (just never really liked them much) so I decided to give it a shot. EDIT 2- Downvoted for irrelevance? or downvoted for not being a dog lover...Reddiquette anyone??
To some people, dogs are a massive annoyance (just as cats are to others etc). Every day, when I'd get home from work, I'd wind up spending my time avoiding the dog that I hated. The shedding drove me nuts. The smell of the dog drove me nuts. The constant want for attention drove me nuts (can't blame it for that-dogs are loving). Barking at things woke me at night. Stepping in dog crap that we missed drove me UP THE WALL. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. The dog knew I couldn't stand it (they are very smart after all) and it made it crazy. I participated in the training, as I wanted it to be well behaved (I hate poorly trained dogs most of all). Ultimately, it didn't work, because I can't stand dogs-so it'd never listen to me due to it being impossible to bond. We had many other pets together (birds, fish, cats, rabbits...lizards, frogs, I could go on-we had a zoo). I just can't stand dogs at home full time. I can tolerate dogs-I'm nice to my friend's dogs (no animal deserves to be treated poorly ever) or dogs that are on the trail while hiking. Playing fetch amuses me for about 3 minutes. Thing is, it made my home life horrible, and I resented her every day for not realising how horrible it was for me to come home to the smell, the hair, and the rambunctious dog. It was not relaxing in any way shape or form.
My ex still loves dogs, I still don't-I'm happily married to someone who also doesn't. Respect the person you love-and expect the same back. If you are going to break up over a dog, you probably have bigger problems (my ex and I did, but the dog was the most frequent/visible). > I understand that she's home alone with him all day and is being annoyed by him, IMO-you have a child at home now, and have bigger responsibilities to your family (even if it includes the dog to you, think of your wife and child) and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Your wife has made it clear that she's uncomfortable living in a home with a dog-don't put her through the strain of being home all day with it, or she's going to wind up resenting you much more than that dog will make up for. EDIT-My ex knew that I didn't like dogs, but I tried, because I wanted to compromise and hadn't actually had one before (just never really liked them much) so I decided to give it a shot. EDIT 2- Downvoted for irrelevance? or downvoted for not being a dog lover...Reddiquette anyone??
The name Miracle Rogue comes from the MTG deck "Miracle-gro" (named after the fertilizer) that featured a card similar to questing adventurer that got stronger each time you played a certain kind of card. Miracle Rogue adapted this strategy for Questing Adventurer and the rogue legend, Edwin VanCleef, both of which gain power the more spells you play. To facilitate this, the deck used Gadgetzan Auctioneer and many low-cost spells to cycle through their deck and play lots of spells. More contemporary miracle rogues have favored other win-conditions such as the famous shadowstep-leeroy combo, or by using Malygos with cheap damage spells. tl;dr While the name is a bit outdated, the core engine of Gadgetzan + cheap spells + big finisher is what people call Miracle Rogue.
The name Miracle Rogue comes from the MTG deck "Miracle-gro" (named after the fertilizer) that featured a card similar to questing adventurer that got stronger each time you played a certain kind of card. Miracle Rogue adapted this strategy for Questing Adventurer and the rogue legend, Edwin VanCleef, both of which gain power the more spells you play. To facilitate this, the deck used Gadgetzan Auctioneer and many low-cost spells to cycle through their deck and play lots of spells. More contemporary miracle rogues have favored other win-conditions such as the famous shadowstep-leeroy combo, or by using Malygos with cheap damage spells. tl;dr While the name is a bit outdated, the core engine of Gadgetzan + cheap spells + big finisher is what people call Miracle Rogue.
The name Miracle Rogue comes from the MTG deck "Miracle-gro" (named after the fertilizer) that featured a card similar to questing adventurer that got stronger each time you played a certain kind of card. Miracle Rogue adapted this strategy for Questing Adventurer and the rogue legend, Edwin VanCleef, both of which gain power the more spells you play. To facilitate this, the deck used Gadgetzan Auctioneer and many low-cost spells to cycle through their deck and play lots of spells. More contemporary miracle rogues have favored other win-conditions such as the famous shadowstep-leeroy combo, or by using Malygos with cheap damage spells.
While the name is a bit outdated, the core engine of Gadgetzan + cheap spells + big finisher is what people call Miracle Rogue.
Seriously, though: [The Fatty Arbuckle scandal]( ...[Pat O'Brien's]( bit on Robot Chicken &gt;O'Brien: Time now for celebrity birthdays. [...]*and comedy trailblazer Fatty Arbuckle is 118. At least he would be if he wasn't [fucking] worm food. In your face, Fatty Arbuckle, you fat, filthy [long series of bleeps] fat [two bleeps]!*[...] TL;DR: Dude appears to be framed for rape to sell newspapers, *still* blackballed years after his death.
Seriously, though: [The Fatty Arbuckle scandal]( ...[Pat O'Brien's]( bit on Robot Chicken >O'Brien: Time now for celebrity birthdays. [...] and comedy trailblazer Fatty Arbuckle is 118. At least he would be if he wasn't [fucking] worm food. In your face, Fatty Arbuckle, you fat, filthy [long series of bleeps] fat [two bleeps]! [...] TL;DR: Dude appears to be framed for rape to sell newspapers, still blackballed years after his death.
Seriously, though: [The Fatty Arbuckle scandal]( ...[Pat O'Brien's]( bit on Robot Chicken >O'Brien: Time now for celebrity birthdays. [...] and comedy trailblazer Fatty Arbuckle is 118. At least he would be if he wasn't [fucking] worm food. In your face, Fatty Arbuckle, you fat, filthy [long series of bleeps] fat [two bleeps]! [...]
Dude appears to be framed for rape to sell newspapers, still blackballed years after his death.
This is my first post, &amp; I thought you ladies would be able to help me out. I've already begun the treacherous task of searching for a swim suit for the summer. Now, here comes the discouraging part. I have fairly large breasts (34DD) and I have never been able to find a swimsuit that looks good, fits comfortably, is supportive, and doesn't expose me every time I stand up. Places like Victoria's Secret and Target don't carry swimsuits for women with large breasts, and its very frustrating and almost makes me feel bad about myself because I can fit into a 'normal' swimsuit. Does anybody know of any places that carry cute, affordable swimsuits for women with large breasts? Tl;Dr: can't find swimsuits for women with larger breasts
This is my first post, & I thought you ladies would be able to help me out. I've already begun the treacherous task of searching for a swim suit for the summer. Now, here comes the discouraging part. I have fairly large breasts (34DD) and I have never been able to find a swimsuit that looks good, fits comfortably, is supportive, and doesn't expose me every time I stand up. Places like Victoria's Secret and Target don't carry swimsuits for women with large breasts, and its very frustrating and almost makes me feel bad about myself because I can fit into a 'normal' swimsuit. Does anybody know of any places that carry cute, affordable swimsuits for women with large breasts? Tl;Dr: can't find swimsuits for women with larger breasts
This is my first post, & I thought you ladies would be able to help me out. I've already begun the treacherous task of searching for a swim suit for the summer. Now, here comes the discouraging part. I have fairly large breasts (34DD) and I have never been able to find a swimsuit that looks good, fits comfortably, is supportive, and doesn't expose me every time I stand up. Places like Victoria's Secret and Target don't carry swimsuits for women with large breasts, and its very frustrating and almost makes me feel bad about myself because I can fit into a 'normal' swimsuit. Does anybody know of any places that carry cute, affordable swimsuits for women with large breasts?
can't find swimsuits for women with larger breasts
Dear reddit, TIFU. So this happened like 30 minutes ago. Being the Canadian student I am I'm reliant on taking our metro system to get to school. Now if you've ever been on a Quebec metro you'll learn very quickly the drivers can be bigger cocksuckers than a raunchy adult movie. I'm talking saliva and phlegm everywhere. Anyways, I'm standing in the centre of the tram car with a few people in front of me when all of a sudden the brain dead SoB who was driving stopped suddenly. Now being the flash of the North I threw out my hand to grasp one of the poles in the middle but I estimated the wrong trajectory and well, Reddit, I grabbed a little 18 y-o Asian girls head and smashed it into the pole with my hand. I don't mean a tap, I mean fucking MMA fighter right hooking a 4 month old in the jaw. She hit the floor faster than a rock and I stood there looking like an asshole. Moral of the story: Don't try to Jackie Chan grab a pole off of a whim, you might end up knocking out a college chick. TL;DR: Found out I don't have cat-like reflexes by knocking out a college girl. Note: Wrote this on my phone. Sorry if it isn't perfect.
Dear reddit, TIFU. So this happened like 30 minutes ago. Being the Canadian student I am I'm reliant on taking our metro system to get to school. Now if you've ever been on a Quebec metro you'll learn very quickly the drivers can be bigger cocksuckers than a raunchy adult movie. I'm talking saliva and phlegm everywhere. Anyways, I'm standing in the centre of the tram car with a few people in front of me when all of a sudden the brain dead SoB who was driving stopped suddenly. Now being the flash of the North I threw out my hand to grasp one of the poles in the middle but I estimated the wrong trajectory and well, Reddit, I grabbed a little 18 y-o Asian girls head and smashed it into the pole with my hand. I don't mean a tap, I mean fucking MMA fighter right hooking a 4 month old in the jaw. She hit the floor faster than a rock and I stood there looking like an asshole. Moral of the story: Don't try to Jackie Chan grab a pole off of a whim, you might end up knocking out a college chick. TL;DR: Found out I don't have cat-like reflexes by knocking out a college girl. Note: Wrote this on my phone. Sorry if it isn't perfect.
Dear reddit, TIFU. So this happened like 30 minutes ago. Being the Canadian student I am I'm reliant on taking our metro system to get to school. Now if you've ever been on a Quebec metro you'll learn very quickly the drivers can be bigger cocksuckers than a raunchy adult movie. I'm talking saliva and phlegm everywhere. Anyways, I'm standing in the centre of the tram car with a few people in front of me when all of a sudden the brain dead SoB who was driving stopped suddenly. Now being the flash of the North I threw out my hand to grasp one of the poles in the middle but I estimated the wrong trajectory and well, Reddit, I grabbed a little 18 y-o Asian girls head and smashed it into the pole with my hand. I don't mean a tap, I mean fucking MMA fighter right hooking a 4 month old in the jaw. She hit the floor faster than a rock and I stood there looking like an asshole. Moral of the story: Don't try to Jackie Chan grab a pole off of a whim, you might end up knocking out a college chick.
Found out I don't have cat-like reflexes by knocking out a college girl. Note: Wrote this on my phone. Sorry if it isn't perfect.
I saw the second one recently and was extremely disappointed, I skipped through some of it because the dialogue was just so so bad, I understand that it's a kind of mick take of action films, but pretty much most lines are cliché 'action film dialogue'. And some of the throw backs to previous films are down right fucking terrible, one that comes to mind is when Arnie states for the 100th time- 'I'll be back', Bruce Willis retorts 'you've been back enough, *I'll be back*'- that's not too awful, but then Arnie follows it with something ridiculous like 'yeesh yippee ki yay'. I was just shocked at how far it fell from the first one which had some genuinely entertaining dialogue moments- as well as a more interesting story. Tl;dr- Expendables 2 annoyed me because every single line was delivered with all the flair of a brick. Absolutely none of it felt natural and it was a rigid as a steel door. There was no chemistry between any of the actors. It was an awkward disappointing mess.
I saw the second one recently and was extremely disappointed, I skipped through some of it because the dialogue was just so so bad, I understand that it's a kind of mick take of action films, but pretty much most lines are cliché 'action film dialogue'. And some of the throw backs to previous films are down right fucking terrible, one that comes to mind is when Arnie states for the 100th time- 'I'll be back', Bruce Willis retorts 'you've been back enough, I'll be back '- that's not too awful, but then Arnie follows it with something ridiculous like 'yeesh yippee ki yay'. I was just shocked at how far it fell from the first one which had some genuinely entertaining dialogue moments- as well as a more interesting story. Tl;dr- Expendables 2 annoyed me because every single line was delivered with all the flair of a brick. Absolutely none of it felt natural and it was a rigid as a steel door. There was no chemistry between any of the actors. It was an awkward disappointing mess.
I saw the second one recently and was extremely disappointed, I skipped through some of it because the dialogue was just so so bad, I understand that it's a kind of mick take of action films, but pretty much most lines are cliché 'action film dialogue'. And some of the throw backs to previous films are down right fucking terrible, one that comes to mind is when Arnie states for the 100th time- 'I'll be back', Bruce Willis retorts 'you've been back enough, I'll be back '- that's not too awful, but then Arnie follows it with something ridiculous like 'yeesh yippee ki yay'. I was just shocked at how far it fell from the first one which had some genuinely entertaining dialogue moments- as well as a more interesting story.
Expendables 2 annoyed me because every single line was delivered with all the flair of a brick. Absolutely none of it felt natural and it was a rigid as a steel door. There was no chemistry between any of the actors. It was an awkward disappointing mess.
I see a lot of talk of balance here... Look Ive run quite a few epic games. Its simple: While balance is an important part of early and mid game , it begins to fade out the higher you go. at some point people need to quite whining about balance and just have some fun. It you've worked your way up to 16th or higher then as far as im concerned, Forget about balance. Your nearly a demi god. Act like it. And for GMs who want to know how to balance high or epic level games? Don't. When your PCs are twinkling with Magic gear, pumped full of inherit bonuses, Mythic levels, Minor artifacts, Intelligent weapons and class abilities, then CRs and stuff don't work. Its like in Dragon ball Z with the Power levels. The creators of the show explained that as the series went further the PLs were meant to become useless. Specifically to show that while Goku and the others had seemingly low PLs the would still win because of things that couldn't be measured such as ingenuity, adaptability and Tenacity. Thus rendering the whole system irrelevant. And in High/epic games the same is true for Challenge ratings. if they are 20+, just drop a freakin Kaiju out in the ocean and let it rampage, let them figure out how to stop it. Im sure they will come up with something. or at the very least they will go out in one helluva spectacular display of explosions and rainbows when they Die fighting it! Don't specifically try to Screw your PCs over, but also don't be afraid to pull out the Big, ridiculously absurd way too over sized guns. because odds are they can handle it. Maybe not in pure numbers like HP, AC or saves, but when PCs can drop Wish/miracle, have artifacts, can Plane jump, summon near godlike beings to command.... then who knows what can happen. Maybe they will find some ancient ritual to summon their own Kaiju and posses it. so one of the PCs can pilot it ... Its epic levels. Fun trumps all. At lvl 20 you say, " Alright guys. All bets are off. From here on out ever game session is playing for keeps. Win or lose, Live or Die" And even if a PC dies by lvl 20 its easy to come back and fight again. TLDR; Don't waste time worrying about balance. You guys have earned the right to go over the top and just have some fun. Blow up a planet or something. Also space whales.
I see a lot of talk of balance here... Look Ive run quite a few epic games. Its simple: While balance is an important part of early and mid game , it begins to fade out the higher you go. at some point people need to quite whining about balance and just have some fun. It you've worked your way up to 16th or higher then as far as im concerned, Forget about balance. Your nearly a demi god. Act like it. And for GMs who want to know how to balance high or epic level games? Don't. When your PCs are twinkling with Magic gear, pumped full of inherit bonuses, Mythic levels, Minor artifacts, Intelligent weapons and class abilities, then CRs and stuff don't work. Its like in Dragon ball Z with the Power levels. The creators of the show explained that as the series went further the PLs were meant to become useless. Specifically to show that while Goku and the others had seemingly low PLs the would still win because of things that couldn't be measured such as ingenuity, adaptability and Tenacity. Thus rendering the whole system irrelevant. And in High/epic games the same is true for Challenge ratings. if they are 20+, just drop a freakin Kaiju out in the ocean and let it rampage, let them figure out how to stop it. Im sure they will come up with something. or at the very least they will go out in one helluva spectacular display of explosions and rainbows when they Die fighting it! Don't specifically try to Screw your PCs over, but also don't be afraid to pull out the Big, ridiculously absurd way too over sized guns. because odds are they can handle it. Maybe not in pure numbers like HP, AC or saves, but when PCs can drop Wish/miracle, have artifacts, can Plane jump, summon near godlike beings to command.... then who knows what can happen. Maybe they will find some ancient ritual to summon their own Kaiju and posses it. so one of the PCs can pilot it ... Its epic levels. Fun trumps all. At lvl 20 you say, " Alright guys. All bets are off. From here on out ever game session is playing for keeps. Win or lose, Live or Die" And even if a PC dies by lvl 20 its easy to come back and fight again. TLDR; Don't waste time worrying about balance. You guys have earned the right to go over the top and just have some fun. Blow up a planet or something. Also space whales.
I see a lot of talk of balance here... Look Ive run quite a few epic games. Its simple: While balance is an important part of early and mid game , it begins to fade out the higher you go. at some point people need to quite whining about balance and just have some fun. It you've worked your way up to 16th or higher then as far as im concerned, Forget about balance. Your nearly a demi god. Act like it. And for GMs who want to know how to balance high or epic level games? Don't. When your PCs are twinkling with Magic gear, pumped full of inherit bonuses, Mythic levels, Minor artifacts, Intelligent weapons and class abilities, then CRs and stuff don't work. Its like in Dragon ball Z with the Power levels. The creators of the show explained that as the series went further the PLs were meant to become useless. Specifically to show that while Goku and the others had seemingly low PLs the would still win because of things that couldn't be measured such as ingenuity, adaptability and Tenacity. Thus rendering the whole system irrelevant. And in High/epic games the same is true for Challenge ratings. if they are 20+, just drop a freakin Kaiju out in the ocean and let it rampage, let them figure out how to stop it. Im sure they will come up with something. or at the very least they will go out in one helluva spectacular display of explosions and rainbows when they Die fighting it! Don't specifically try to Screw your PCs over, but also don't be afraid to pull out the Big, ridiculously absurd way too over sized guns. because odds are they can handle it. Maybe not in pure numbers like HP, AC or saves, but when PCs can drop Wish/miracle, have artifacts, can Plane jump, summon near godlike beings to command.... then who knows what can happen. Maybe they will find some ancient ritual to summon their own Kaiju and posses it. so one of the PCs can pilot it ... Its epic levels. Fun trumps all. At lvl 20 you say, " Alright guys. All bets are off. From here on out ever game session is playing for keeps. Win or lose, Live or Die" And even if a PC dies by lvl 20 its easy to come back and fight again.
Don't waste time worrying about balance. You guys have earned the right to go over the top and just have some fun. Blow up a planet or something. Also space whales.
I am writing with regards to policies set in place by the Liberal Party and subsequently followed through by the Labor Party in relation to the intervention and the practices of Centrelink, as well as the incompetence and general complacency of staff within Centrelink as a result of a bungled IT System that isn’t only unfair, but inaccurate, incomplete and with a mind of its own. Both Liberal and Labor have lost touch with working class Australians, and the divide is becoming greater. I intend to campaign on these issues, and will do this under the pressures under which the Australian Government intends to treat me. I signed on Centrelink Benefits in the middle of February 2011. Since this time I have had nothing but problems with the way in which I have been treated by Centrelink as an organisation, but also by individual offices and staff. I also find the policies put in place to be derogatory, insulting, dictating and invasive. I originally submitted a Workers Compensation Certificate for injuries caused by the workplace. I was put onto Newstart and expected to look for work. In the time I have been on benefits, I have been cut off from payments over a dozen times due to the negligence of staff, the automation of systems that go against what staff had said, the inability for staff to communicate with each other over one person’s account, the inability and surprising difference in reasons from different staff, and the downright intrusive way this as all carried out. I had worked in an executive role in Alice Springs for almost two years and went onto Centrelink benefits due to my health. Not once was I given space, time, not once was I left to get better. I continually had to enter Centrelink offices to fix mistakes, usually for non-payment, and usually always over something that could have been avoided. Centrelink have continually burdened my health in a time when I needed the space to get better. I did not need the additional anxiety of having to deal with the incompetency of a system put in place by a Liberal and Labor politicians. This week I was automatically put onto Income Management. Before I discuss this disgusting practice, it should be noted that Centrelink have failed in the last 14 months to treat me with dignity, fairness, promptness, correctness and an environment in which I could better my health. Now I am placed onto a Basic Card. I wake up and go to the bank, I pay some bills and do a small amount of shopping, but I get to the checkout and my card is empty. That’s strange, I knew why. Because I had argued about it in the weeks previous with Centrelink staff and asked for them to get someone to look at my account. I was not happy. I visited the Centrelink on Friday and started to discuss my concerns, not only about the basics card but also about the way in which I had been treated, and the incompetence relating to my account. I stated that I was not willing to allow Centrelink to manage my money, especially since they are unable to manage my account and provide me with a safe environment in which to get healthy again. Instead they chose to pester me, cut off my payments, make me look for work whilst employed, make me see social workers, promise me twelve weekly reporting, providing two weekly complaining about issues with my payments and many constant issues that needed office attendance to remedy. On Friday ended up asking for the manager to ring me and let me know what was going to be done about the state of my account. I had literally had enough. Instead I get a phone call from a reviewer, who is going to review only the reasoning for me being on my Basics Card, I then get told that she would prefer to contact me via mail seeing as I keep bring up all the other issues regarding my account. I do not get a phone call from the manager. On Monday, this morning, I entered Centrelink. I cut my green card in half, and demanded that I was treated with some respect and some dignity. I was told that I could have 290.00 on my green card or I could let Centrelink know who to pay all my bills too. My parents haven’t even done this for me in my life ever. Why should I let my government do this to me. I had cut my card in half, my bank was empty and I am not willing to provide Centrelink my lifes details and let a government pay for and control my life in such detail. I had gone on benefits initially because I was unhealthy. I have since had ongoing issues on top of my health that have affected my ability to work. I have obliged Centrelink in every aspect in relation to my obligations bit this Basics Card oversteps the mark when it comes to Privacy, Dignity, Respect and is the sort of thing a dictatorship would put in place. Papers!!, Papers!! Centrelink still withhold 50% of my payment and I am left hungry, pennyless and with an empty cupboard. I choose to do this out of principle. I sternly stood my ground and thumped on the table knowing that this would cause the police to be called. I sat and waited calmly for them to arrive. I discussed the way in which Centrelink had treated me. I had hoped that the NT News would have arrived at the same time, but I did not speak to the newspaper until after the event had occurred. I am aware of the introduction of these policies during the Intervention on Indigenous Australians. The legalities of these actions are still highly contested. Then the Basics card was extended to all Northern Territorians. And now this year is to be rolled out to lower social economic areas throughout the major capitals. This in effect has been a targeting of the population increasing the targeting area over time. So whats wrong with a basics card. Too many things. The Centrelink staff says to you, I can see that you bought chocolate, why did you by chocolate. You’ve used 148 dollars worth of taxis over the weekend. Why did you use a taxi. This was something I actually overheard in a Centrelink Office. How intrusive is this. It is beyond intrusive. Now you have a basics card. Centrelink withhold 50% of your benefit. You have to provide Centrelink with: • Your Rental Details and where and how to pay. • Your Electricity, Gas, Phone, Utility Bills and how to pay them • Your rego, Annual Bills and how to pay them. Then on top of that they watch every single item you purchase out of a limited selection of stores who bother to opt in to the Centrelink scheme, where they are then watched continuously and also asked to watch customers and deny them sales of items including tobacco and alchohol. I am a white male, from an educated background, worked in executive positions, am professional computer technician and am capable of running my own household. I don’t drink, I don’t spend money on unneccasary items and am responsible with the little amount of money that is provided. I paid a lot of tax in the last two years, and worked very hard to provide a government department with working IT systems. I am more than capable of looking after my own finances without the government intruding into not only my spending habits, but also enforcing that all those surrounding me are to deal directly with the government. What if a person shares an apartment, does Centrelink now have to go into every household and enforce the details of an individual so as to pay the share of the rent. What if a person lives in lower income accommodation such as a backpackers and the landlord flat out refuses to take rent from Centrelink. Are you then homeless? I refuse to let the Government know the details of my life that I hold personal. I do not share this information with my family or my friends, why should I share it with BIG BROTHER. Then there is the issue of limited areas to shop because not all shops accept the basics card. You can’t go to the local butcher, so you have to shop in the major two, Coles of Woolworths. So in essence the government support the major two which is highly contestable area to deal in. To be seen to be supporting the major two in a climate where it is highly debatable that they aren’t monopolising the marketplace in supermarkets, fuel stations and bottle shops. Then there is the matter of the newly created Department of Human Resources, which should be called the DATA-MINING Department of Australia. Brining all services under one roof so that all servers can be linked together, and all information cross referenced. Then on top of this the practices of Centrelink paying a person’s rent and bills and monitoring where a person shops and what they buy. Department of HUMAN RESOURCES. Because we, the citizen, the public, the voter IS, the resource. I would love to have a chance to discuss this in great detail. I would love to participate in the change of policy into the future and to see that all Australian’s get treated with fairness, dignity, respect, privacy and freedom. It is difficult to express what needs to be said in the time given as I want to start a complaint now, but in essence, you cannot, and should not, treat respectable, community based, contributors to society in the way in which you intend. I am here now to ensure that another voice on this matter helps stop this kind of action. There is so much more that needs to be put in writing here. I understand politics, but AUSTRALIA, you the POLITICIANS, you the DECISION MAKERS. THIS DISGUSTS ME. TLDR: Dont get sick and need help from Centrelink. Or be prepared to be parented by the government big time.
I am writing with regards to policies set in place by the Liberal Party and subsequently followed through by the Labor Party in relation to the intervention and the practices of Centrelink, as well as the incompetence and general complacency of staff within Centrelink as a result of a bungled IT System that isn’t only unfair, but inaccurate, incomplete and with a mind of its own. Both Liberal and Labor have lost touch with working class Australians, and the divide is becoming greater. I intend to campaign on these issues, and will do this under the pressures under which the Australian Government intends to treat me. I signed on Centrelink Benefits in the middle of February 2011. Since this time I have had nothing but problems with the way in which I have been treated by Centrelink as an organisation, but also by individual offices and staff. I also find the policies put in place to be derogatory, insulting, dictating and invasive. I originally submitted a Workers Compensation Certificate for injuries caused by the workplace. I was put onto Newstart and expected to look for work. In the time I have been on benefits, I have been cut off from payments over a dozen times due to the negligence of staff, the automation of systems that go against what staff had said, the inability for staff to communicate with each other over one person’s account, the inability and surprising difference in reasons from different staff, and the downright intrusive way this as all carried out. I had worked in an executive role in Alice Springs for almost two years and went onto Centrelink benefits due to my health. Not once was I given space, time, not once was I left to get better. I continually had to enter Centrelink offices to fix mistakes, usually for non-payment, and usually always over something that could have been avoided. Centrelink have continually burdened my health in a time when I needed the space to get better. I did not need the additional anxiety of having to deal with the incompetency of a system put in place by a Liberal and Labor politicians. This week I was automatically put onto Income Management. Before I discuss this disgusting practice, it should be noted that Centrelink have failed in the last 14 months to treat me with dignity, fairness, promptness, correctness and an environment in which I could better my health. Now I am placed onto a Basic Card. I wake up and go to the bank, I pay some bills and do a small amount of shopping, but I get to the checkout and my card is empty. That’s strange, I knew why. Because I had argued about it in the weeks previous with Centrelink staff and asked for them to get someone to look at my account. I was not happy. I visited the Centrelink on Friday and started to discuss my concerns, not only about the basics card but also about the way in which I had been treated, and the incompetence relating to my account. I stated that I was not willing to allow Centrelink to manage my money, especially since they are unable to manage my account and provide me with a safe environment in which to get healthy again. Instead they chose to pester me, cut off my payments, make me look for work whilst employed, make me see social workers, promise me twelve weekly reporting, providing two weekly complaining about issues with my payments and many constant issues that needed office attendance to remedy. On Friday ended up asking for the manager to ring me and let me know what was going to be done about the state of my account. I had literally had enough. Instead I get a phone call from a reviewer, who is going to review only the reasoning for me being on my Basics Card, I then get told that she would prefer to contact me via mail seeing as I keep bring up all the other issues regarding my account. I do not get a phone call from the manager. On Monday, this morning, I entered Centrelink. I cut my green card in half, and demanded that I was treated with some respect and some dignity. I was told that I could have 290.00 on my green card or I could let Centrelink know who to pay all my bills too. My parents haven’t even done this for me in my life ever. Why should I let my government do this to me. I had cut my card in half, my bank was empty and I am not willing to provide Centrelink my lifes details and let a government pay for and control my life in such detail. I had gone on benefits initially because I was unhealthy. I have since had ongoing issues on top of my health that have affected my ability to work. I have obliged Centrelink in every aspect in relation to my obligations bit this Basics Card oversteps the mark when it comes to Privacy, Dignity, Respect and is the sort of thing a dictatorship would put in place. Papers!!, Papers!! Centrelink still withhold 50% of my payment and I am left hungry, pennyless and with an empty cupboard. I choose to do this out of principle. I sternly stood my ground and thumped on the table knowing that this would cause the police to be called. I sat and waited calmly for them to arrive. I discussed the way in which Centrelink had treated me. I had hoped that the NT News would have arrived at the same time, but I did not speak to the newspaper until after the event had occurred. I am aware of the introduction of these policies during the Intervention on Indigenous Australians. The legalities of these actions are still highly contested. Then the Basics card was extended to all Northern Territorians. And now this year is to be rolled out to lower social economic areas throughout the major capitals. This in effect has been a targeting of the population increasing the targeting area over time. So whats wrong with a basics card. Too many things. The Centrelink staff says to you, I can see that you bought chocolate, why did you by chocolate. You’ve used 148 dollars worth of taxis over the weekend. Why did you use a taxi. This was something I actually overheard in a Centrelink Office. How intrusive is this. It is beyond intrusive. Now you have a basics card. Centrelink withhold 50% of your benefit. You have to provide Centrelink with: • Your Rental Details and where and how to pay. • Your Electricity, Gas, Phone, Utility Bills and how to pay them • Your rego, Annual Bills and how to pay them. Then on top of that they watch every single item you purchase out of a limited selection of stores who bother to opt in to the Centrelink scheme, where they are then watched continuously and also asked to watch customers and deny them sales of items including tobacco and alchohol. I am a white male, from an educated background, worked in executive positions, am professional computer technician and am capable of running my own household. I don’t drink, I don’t spend money on unneccasary items and am responsible with the little amount of money that is provided. I paid a lot of tax in the last two years, and worked very hard to provide a government department with working IT systems. I am more than capable of looking after my own finances without the government intruding into not only my spending habits, but also enforcing that all those surrounding me are to deal directly with the government. What if a person shares an apartment, does Centrelink now have to go into every household and enforce the details of an individual so as to pay the share of the rent. What if a person lives in lower income accommodation such as a backpackers and the landlord flat out refuses to take rent from Centrelink. Are you then homeless? I refuse to let the Government know the details of my life that I hold personal. I do not share this information with my family or my friends, why should I share it with BIG BROTHER. Then there is the issue of limited areas to shop because not all shops accept the basics card. You can’t go to the local butcher, so you have to shop in the major two, Coles of Woolworths. So in essence the government support the major two which is highly contestable area to deal in. To be seen to be supporting the major two in a climate where it is highly debatable that they aren’t monopolising the marketplace in supermarkets, fuel stations and bottle shops. Then there is the matter of the newly created Department of Human Resources, which should be called the DATA-MINING Department of Australia. Brining all services under one roof so that all servers can be linked together, and all information cross referenced. Then on top of this the practices of Centrelink paying a person’s rent and bills and monitoring where a person shops and what they buy. Department of HUMAN RESOURCES. Because we, the citizen, the public, the voter IS, the resource. I would love to have a chance to discuss this in great detail. I would love to participate in the change of policy into the future and to see that all Australian’s get treated with fairness, dignity, respect, privacy and freedom. It is difficult to express what needs to be said in the time given as I want to start a complaint now, but in essence, you cannot, and should not, treat respectable, community based, contributors to society in the way in which you intend. I am here now to ensure that another voice on this matter helps stop this kind of action. There is so much more that needs to be put in writing here. I understand politics, but AUSTRALIA, you the POLITICIANS, you the DECISION MAKERS. THIS DISGUSTS ME. TLDR: Dont get sick and need help from Centrelink. Or be prepared to be parented by the government big time.
I am writing with regards to policies set in place by the Liberal Party and subsequently followed through by the Labor Party in relation to the intervention and the practices of Centrelink, as well as the incompetence and general complacency of staff within Centrelink as a result of a bungled IT System that isn’t only unfair, but inaccurate, incomplete and with a mind of its own. Both Liberal and Labor have lost touch with working class Australians, and the divide is becoming greater. I intend to campaign on these issues, and will do this under the pressures under which the Australian Government intends to treat me. I signed on Centrelink Benefits in the middle of February 2011. Since this time I have had nothing but problems with the way in which I have been treated by Centrelink as an organisation, but also by individual offices and staff. I also find the policies put in place to be derogatory, insulting, dictating and invasive. I originally submitted a Workers Compensation Certificate for injuries caused by the workplace. I was put onto Newstart and expected to look for work. In the time I have been on benefits, I have been cut off from payments over a dozen times due to the negligence of staff, the automation of systems that go against what staff had said, the inability for staff to communicate with each other over one person’s account, the inability and surprising difference in reasons from different staff, and the downright intrusive way this as all carried out. I had worked in an executive role in Alice Springs for almost two years and went onto Centrelink benefits due to my health. Not once was I given space, time, not once was I left to get better. I continually had to enter Centrelink offices to fix mistakes, usually for non-payment, and usually always over something that could have been avoided. Centrelink have continually burdened my health in a time when I needed the space to get better. I did not need the additional anxiety of having to deal with the incompetency of a system put in place by a Liberal and Labor politicians. This week I was automatically put onto Income Management. Before I discuss this disgusting practice, it should be noted that Centrelink have failed in the last 14 months to treat me with dignity, fairness, promptness, correctness and an environment in which I could better my health. Now I am placed onto a Basic Card. I wake up and go to the bank, I pay some bills and do a small amount of shopping, but I get to the checkout and my card is empty. That’s strange, I knew why. Because I had argued about it in the weeks previous with Centrelink staff and asked for them to get someone to look at my account. I was not happy. I visited the Centrelink on Friday and started to discuss my concerns, not only about the basics card but also about the way in which I had been treated, and the incompetence relating to my account. I stated that I was not willing to allow Centrelink to manage my money, especially since they are unable to manage my account and provide me with a safe environment in which to get healthy again. Instead they chose to pester me, cut off my payments, make me look for work whilst employed, make me see social workers, promise me twelve weekly reporting, providing two weekly complaining about issues with my payments and many constant issues that needed office attendance to remedy. On Friday ended up asking for the manager to ring me and let me know what was going to be done about the state of my account. I had literally had enough. Instead I get a phone call from a reviewer, who is going to review only the reasoning for me being on my Basics Card, I then get told that she would prefer to contact me via mail seeing as I keep bring up all the other issues regarding my account. I do not get a phone call from the manager. On Monday, this morning, I entered Centrelink. I cut my green card in half, and demanded that I was treated with some respect and some dignity. I was told that I could have 290.00 on my green card or I could let Centrelink know who to pay all my bills too. My parents haven’t even done this for me in my life ever. Why should I let my government do this to me. I had cut my card in half, my bank was empty and I am not willing to provide Centrelink my lifes details and let a government pay for and control my life in such detail. I had gone on benefits initially because I was unhealthy. I have since had ongoing issues on top of my health that have affected my ability to work. I have obliged Centrelink in every aspect in relation to my obligations bit this Basics Card oversteps the mark when it comes to Privacy, Dignity, Respect and is the sort of thing a dictatorship would put in place. Papers!!, Papers!! Centrelink still withhold 50% of my payment and I am left hungry, pennyless and with an empty cupboard. I choose to do this out of principle. I sternly stood my ground and thumped on the table knowing that this would cause the police to be called. I sat and waited calmly for them to arrive. I discussed the way in which Centrelink had treated me. I had hoped that the NT News would have arrived at the same time, but I did not speak to the newspaper until after the event had occurred. I am aware of the introduction of these policies during the Intervention on Indigenous Australians. The legalities of these actions are still highly contested. Then the Basics card was extended to all Northern Territorians. And now this year is to be rolled out to lower social economic areas throughout the major capitals. This in effect has been a targeting of the population increasing the targeting area over time. So whats wrong with a basics card. Too many things. The Centrelink staff says to you, I can see that you bought chocolate, why did you by chocolate. You’ve used 148 dollars worth of taxis over the weekend. Why did you use a taxi. This was something I actually overheard in a Centrelink Office. How intrusive is this. It is beyond intrusive. Now you have a basics card. Centrelink withhold 50% of your benefit. You have to provide Centrelink with: • Your Rental Details and where and how to pay. • Your Electricity, Gas, Phone, Utility Bills and how to pay them • Your rego, Annual Bills and how to pay them. Then on top of that they watch every single item you purchase out of a limited selection of stores who bother to opt in to the Centrelink scheme, where they are then watched continuously and also asked to watch customers and deny them sales of items including tobacco and alchohol. I am a white male, from an educated background, worked in executive positions, am professional computer technician and am capable of running my own household. I don’t drink, I don’t spend money on unneccasary items and am responsible with the little amount of money that is provided. I paid a lot of tax in the last two years, and worked very hard to provide a government department with working IT systems. I am more than capable of looking after my own finances without the government intruding into not only my spending habits, but also enforcing that all those surrounding me are to deal directly with the government. What if a person shares an apartment, does Centrelink now have to go into every household and enforce the details of an individual so as to pay the share of the rent. What if a person lives in lower income accommodation such as a backpackers and the landlord flat out refuses to take rent from Centrelink. Are you then homeless? I refuse to let the Government know the details of my life that I hold personal. I do not share this information with my family or my friends, why should I share it with BIG BROTHER. Then there is the issue of limited areas to shop because not all shops accept the basics card. You can’t go to the local butcher, so you have to shop in the major two, Coles of Woolworths. So in essence the government support the major two which is highly contestable area to deal in. To be seen to be supporting the major two in a climate where it is highly debatable that they aren’t monopolising the marketplace in supermarkets, fuel stations and bottle shops. Then there is the matter of the newly created Department of Human Resources, which should be called the DATA-MINING Department of Australia. Brining all services under one roof so that all servers can be linked together, and all information cross referenced. Then on top of this the practices of Centrelink paying a person’s rent and bills and monitoring where a person shops and what they buy. Department of HUMAN RESOURCES. Because we, the citizen, the public, the voter IS, the resource. I would love to have a chance to discuss this in great detail. I would love to participate in the change of policy into the future and to see that all Australian’s get treated with fairness, dignity, respect, privacy and freedom. It is difficult to express what needs to be said in the time given as I want to start a complaint now, but in essence, you cannot, and should not, treat respectable, community based, contributors to society in the way in which you intend. I am here now to ensure that another voice on this matter helps stop this kind of action. There is so much more that needs to be put in writing here. I understand politics, but AUSTRALIA, you the POLITICIANS, you the DECISION MAKERS. THIS DISGUSTS ME.
Dont get sick and need help from Centrelink. Or be prepared to be parented by the government big time.
Don't read the below if you haven't read up to the end of ADWD: I decided to roleplay as Ramsay Snow in the AFFC start date. I start off as the high lord of winterfell and notice pretty much everyone except my own family appear to have a -100 opinion of me (due to traits), so I act extremely quickly. To help consolidate my power, without any care in the world for 'rights', I merely attempt to revoke the nearest holding. Obviously this was refused, and the first rebellion occurred. Around this time, I gained the random event, which converted Ramsay Snow from the old gods to the drowned god faith, which made it quite interesting. Upon defeating the first rebellion, I captured the first rebelling count and executed him by drowning. For some reason, with the exception of my own wife, they thought this was tyrannical, and I couldn't even trust my spymaster. However, none of my remaining vassals really wanted to risk rebelling. Fearing an assassination plot, I remove my own spymaster from office, and decide a different approach. Every single non-vassal and non-wife in my court was imprisoned, until my entire court consisted of Ramsay, his wife, and an infant daughter. Filled with glee by his new passtime, Ramsay Snow decided to drown every single one, gaining vast amounts of piety in the process. The remaining 4 counties were then subsequently revoked (not without fighting mind you), and every member of the nobility drowned. After the massacre, Ramsaw Snow was holding 12/2 over his demense size, and had over 1000 piety from drownings alone. What a paragon of virtue! Regardless with no courtiers to complain, and Ramsay Snow holding every single holding within the high lordship of winterfell, he was looking quite good. Despite the demense limit penalties, Lord Ramsay was still gaining income each month and had a large levy raised. With the help of this levy, Roose defeated Stannis, an independence war, and an ironborn invasion. At the tender age of 33, Ramsay Snow succumbed to illness, and the playthrough ended (even though there was a daughter I could have continued as). TLDR: Ramsay becomes member of drowned god faith, drowns everyone.
Don't read the below if you haven't read up to the end of ADWD: I decided to roleplay as Ramsay Snow in the AFFC start date. I start off as the high lord of winterfell and notice pretty much everyone except my own family appear to have a -100 opinion of me (due to traits), so I act extremely quickly. To help consolidate my power, without any care in the world for 'rights', I merely attempt to revoke the nearest holding. Obviously this was refused, and the first rebellion occurred. Around this time, I gained the random event, which converted Ramsay Snow from the old gods to the drowned god faith, which made it quite interesting. Upon defeating the first rebellion, I captured the first rebelling count and executed him by drowning. For some reason, with the exception of my own wife, they thought this was tyrannical, and I couldn't even trust my spymaster. However, none of my remaining vassals really wanted to risk rebelling. Fearing an assassination plot, I remove my own spymaster from office, and decide a different approach. Every single non-vassal and non-wife in my court was imprisoned, until my entire court consisted of Ramsay, his wife, and an infant daughter. Filled with glee by his new passtime, Ramsay Snow decided to drown every single one, gaining vast amounts of piety in the process. The remaining 4 counties were then subsequently revoked (not without fighting mind you), and every member of the nobility drowned. After the massacre, Ramsaw Snow was holding 12/2 over his demense size, and had over 1000 piety from drownings alone. What a paragon of virtue! Regardless with no courtiers to complain, and Ramsay Snow holding every single holding within the high lordship of winterfell, he was looking quite good. Despite the demense limit penalties, Lord Ramsay was still gaining income each month and had a large levy raised. With the help of this levy, Roose defeated Stannis, an independence war, and an ironborn invasion. At the tender age of 33, Ramsay Snow succumbed to illness, and the playthrough ended (even though there was a daughter I could have continued as). TLDR: Ramsay becomes member of drowned god faith, drowns everyone.
Don't read the below if you haven't read up to the end of ADWD: I decided to roleplay as Ramsay Snow in the AFFC start date. I start off as the high lord of winterfell and notice pretty much everyone except my own family appear to have a -100 opinion of me (due to traits), so I act extremely quickly. To help consolidate my power, without any care in the world for 'rights', I merely attempt to revoke the nearest holding. Obviously this was refused, and the first rebellion occurred. Around this time, I gained the random event, which converted Ramsay Snow from the old gods to the drowned god faith, which made it quite interesting. Upon defeating the first rebellion, I captured the first rebelling count and executed him by drowning. For some reason, with the exception of my own wife, they thought this was tyrannical, and I couldn't even trust my spymaster. However, none of my remaining vassals really wanted to risk rebelling. Fearing an assassination plot, I remove my own spymaster from office, and decide a different approach. Every single non-vassal and non-wife in my court was imprisoned, until my entire court consisted of Ramsay, his wife, and an infant daughter. Filled with glee by his new passtime, Ramsay Snow decided to drown every single one, gaining vast amounts of piety in the process. The remaining 4 counties were then subsequently revoked (not without fighting mind you), and every member of the nobility drowned. After the massacre, Ramsaw Snow was holding 12/2 over his demense size, and had over 1000 piety from drownings alone. What a paragon of virtue! Regardless with no courtiers to complain, and Ramsay Snow holding every single holding within the high lordship of winterfell, he was looking quite good. Despite the demense limit penalties, Lord Ramsay was still gaining income each month and had a large levy raised. With the help of this levy, Roose defeated Stannis, an independence war, and an ironborn invasion. At the tender age of 33, Ramsay Snow succumbed to illness, and the playthrough ended (even though there was a daughter I could have continued as).
Ramsay becomes member of drowned god faith, drowns everyone.
[So a few weeks ago my laptop hard drive failed due to my faulty fan basically letting it melt. After spending my remaining summer money (university student) on a new hard drive and a student copy of windows 7, I found out, after the 30 day trial period, that my copy of windows 7 was not valid, as the student purchased versions for a third of the price are for windows vista upgrade only. Currently my PC is systematically limiting its functions, removing my windows security essentials and live mesh and saying it will remove more functions unless I buy an activation key. An activation key costs £80, which I do not have. So cutting to the point, does anyone know of a way to purchase an activation key for cheaper than this? If not then are there any viable alternatives for windows 7, like is there a way to get a legal copy of windows vista on my PC for free or cheap? If not then whats a free antivirus/firewall alternative to windows security essentials. I am also dual booting with ubuntu, but this doesn't seem to fit with what I use my laptop for, so getting windows fixed is preferable. Help/information would be greatfully accepted! Thanks! TLDR: I have a faulty copy of windows 7, I need to replace it on a budget (less than £50). Any help?](/solved)
[So a few weeks ago my laptop hard drive failed due to my faulty fan basically letting it melt. After spending my remaining summer money (university student) on a new hard drive and a student copy of windows 7, I found out, after the 30 day trial period, that my copy of windows 7 was not valid, as the student purchased versions for a third of the price are for windows vista upgrade only. Currently my PC is systematically limiting its functions, removing my windows security essentials and live mesh and saying it will remove more functions unless I buy an activation key. An activation key costs £80, which I do not have. So cutting to the point, does anyone know of a way to purchase an activation key for cheaper than this? If not then are there any viable alternatives for windows 7, like is there a way to get a legal copy of windows vista on my PC for free or cheap? If not then whats a free antivirus/firewall alternative to windows security essentials. I am also dual booting with ubuntu, but this doesn't seem to fit with what I use my laptop for, so getting windows fixed is preferable. Help/information would be greatfully accepted! Thanks! TLDR: I have a faulty copy of windows 7, I need to replace it on a budget (less than £50). Any help?](/solved)
So a few weeks ago my laptop hard drive failed due to my faulty fan basically letting it melt. After spending my remaining summer money (university student) on a new hard drive and a student copy of windows 7, I found out, after the 30 day trial period, that my copy of windows 7 was not valid, as the student purchased versions for a third of the price are for windows vista upgrade only. Currently my PC is systematically limiting its functions, removing my windows security essentials and live mesh and saying it will remove more functions unless I buy an activation key. An activation key costs £80, which I do not have. So cutting to the point, does anyone know of a way to purchase an activation key for cheaper than this? If not then are there any viable alternatives for windows 7, like is there a way to get a legal copy of windows vista on my PC for free or cheap? If not then whats a free antivirus/firewall alternative to windows security essentials. I am also dual booting with ubuntu, but this doesn't seem to fit with what I use my laptop for, so getting windows fixed is preferable. Help/information would be greatfully accepted! Thanks!
I have a faulty copy of windows 7, I need to replace it on a budget (less than £50). Any help?](/solved)
Studied abroad this summer. Myself and 5 other guys took a weekend trip to Croatia to go mountainbiking on the [Island of Brac]( It is right off of the coastal city Split. We arrived that day, rented our bikes, and decided we weren't going to sit around the hostel that night, but rather go on a pub crawl through the city. The night started fine, met a couple Croatians at the first bar, but mostly stayed with the pub crawl group (of mostly Australians). At the 3rd bar; however, I had a pretty good buzz going and decided the bar wasn't serving their shots quickly enough and I was going to help. Surprisingly the bartender didn't have a problem with this, and within seconds I was walking around the place serving shots off of a tray. When I served one group they looked at me oddly and said something in Croatian - to which I responded with a quick herp and a derp. He then asked in English: "Do you work here?" "No" "I do. What are you doing?" "The bartender was slow. I'm helping." He then invited me to join him and his friends for a round of the shots I was serving. After some shots and some more shots and some free drinks from the bar I told them it was fun but my pub crawl was leaving for the last bar. From what I can remember he knew the bartender there too, and he and his friends (a guy and 2 girls) joined us. I remember walking into the club, I remember getting a free bottle of liquor delivered to our table, and then I remember waking up on a beach. Not on a bench near the beach, but face down in the sand. I then spent about an hour trying to figure out where I was. I did spend 15 minutes or so taking a nap on a beach chair, so I guess it was really about 45 minutes trying to find my way back. My friends thought I had gone home with one of the girls I was drinking with. They were wrong. TL;DR - If you're in Croatia, make friends with servers at a bar. Also make sure you know the address of your hostel.
Studied abroad this summer. Myself and 5 other guys took a weekend trip to Croatia to go mountainbiking on the [Island of Brac]( It is right off of the coastal city Split. We arrived that day, rented our bikes, and decided we weren't going to sit around the hostel that night, but rather go on a pub crawl through the city. The night started fine, met a couple Croatians at the first bar, but mostly stayed with the pub crawl group (of mostly Australians). At the 3rd bar; however, I had a pretty good buzz going and decided the bar wasn't serving their shots quickly enough and I was going to help. Surprisingly the bartender didn't have a problem with this, and within seconds I was walking around the place serving shots off of a tray. When I served one group they looked at me oddly and said something in Croatian - to which I responded with a quick herp and a derp. He then asked in English: "Do you work here?" "No" "I do. What are you doing?" "The bartender was slow. I'm helping." He then invited me to join him and his friends for a round of the shots I was serving. After some shots and some more shots and some free drinks from the bar I told them it was fun but my pub crawl was leaving for the last bar. From what I can remember he knew the bartender there too, and he and his friends (a guy and 2 girls) joined us. I remember walking into the club, I remember getting a free bottle of liquor delivered to our table, and then I remember waking up on a beach. Not on a bench near the beach, but face down in the sand. I then spent about an hour trying to figure out where I was. I did spend 15 minutes or so taking a nap on a beach chair, so I guess it was really about 45 minutes trying to find my way back. My friends thought I had gone home with one of the girls I was drinking with. They were wrong. TL;DR - If you're in Croatia, make friends with servers at a bar. Also make sure you know the address of your hostel.
Studied abroad this summer. Myself and 5 other guys took a weekend trip to Croatia to go mountainbiking on the [Island of Brac]( It is right off of the coastal city Split. We arrived that day, rented our bikes, and decided we weren't going to sit around the hostel that night, but rather go on a pub crawl through the city. The night started fine, met a couple Croatians at the first bar, but mostly stayed with the pub crawl group (of mostly Australians). At the 3rd bar; however, I had a pretty good buzz going and decided the bar wasn't serving their shots quickly enough and I was going to help. Surprisingly the bartender didn't have a problem with this, and within seconds I was walking around the place serving shots off of a tray. When I served one group they looked at me oddly and said something in Croatian - to which I responded with a quick herp and a derp. He then asked in English: "Do you work here?" "No" "I do. What are you doing?" "The bartender was slow. I'm helping." He then invited me to join him and his friends for a round of the shots I was serving. After some shots and some more shots and some free drinks from the bar I told them it was fun but my pub crawl was leaving for the last bar. From what I can remember he knew the bartender there too, and he and his friends (a guy and 2 girls) joined us. I remember walking into the club, I remember getting a free bottle of liquor delivered to our table, and then I remember waking up on a beach. Not on a bench near the beach, but face down in the sand. I then spent about an hour trying to figure out where I was. I did spend 15 minutes or so taking a nap on a beach chair, so I guess it was really about 45 minutes trying to find my way back. My friends thought I had gone home with one of the girls I was drinking with. They were wrong.
If you're in Croatia, make friends with servers at a bar. Also make sure you know the address of your hostel.
Technically that's still not proof, it's still just your word. You could just as easily say the email says "NEXT BILLING CYCLE 3/19/11", couldn't you? I hope you see what I'm getting at. Anyhow, I personally wouldn't be bothered by it in the slightest. Perhaps that just comes with age. It has been my experience that I don't typically like canceling or changing services within 5 days of the billing cycle, be that for SaaS applications, magazine subscriptions, and especially anything like utilities or other recurring services. At the end of the day, you're still technically getting a service for said $10, and that amount of money shouldn't be breaking the bank - and if it is, you were playing with fire wanting to wait so close to the deadline to terminate the service. TL;DR: If this is true, I can somewhat understand being upset, but you're really crying over spilt milk.
Technically that's still not proof, it's still just your word. You could just as easily say the email says "NEXT BILLING CYCLE 3/19/11", couldn't you? I hope you see what I'm getting at. Anyhow, I personally wouldn't be bothered by it in the slightest. Perhaps that just comes with age. It has been my experience that I don't typically like canceling or changing services within 5 days of the billing cycle, be that for SaaS applications, magazine subscriptions, and especially anything like utilities or other recurring services. At the end of the day, you're still technically getting a service for said $10, and that amount of money shouldn't be breaking the bank - and if it is, you were playing with fire wanting to wait so close to the deadline to terminate the service. TL;DR: If this is true, I can somewhat understand being upset, but you're really crying over spilt milk.
Technically that's still not proof, it's still just your word. You could just as easily say the email says "NEXT BILLING CYCLE 3/19/11", couldn't you? I hope you see what I'm getting at. Anyhow, I personally wouldn't be bothered by it in the slightest. Perhaps that just comes with age. It has been my experience that I don't typically like canceling or changing services within 5 days of the billing cycle, be that for SaaS applications, magazine subscriptions, and especially anything like utilities or other recurring services. At the end of the day, you're still technically getting a service for said $10, and that amount of money shouldn't be breaking the bank - and if it is, you were playing with fire wanting to wait so close to the deadline to terminate the service.
If this is true, I can somewhat understand being upset, but you're really crying over spilt milk.
My dad got a miniature schnauzer when I was about 8 and he's a great dog. He chose that breed because of my allergies (they are less likely to cause problems than long haired shedders) and because they are ratters by breeding. His garden had been overrun by rats from our neighbor's yard. Anyhoo, **great** dogs, really loyal and fun, and on the easy end of the spectrum training wise. Before my dad passed he had the little guy really obedient and stuff. He hasn't had any really bad medical problems except for a problem with a nerve in his leg that the vet said was probably a fluke issue or an injury. TL;DR awesome dogs, loyal, no huge health issues that I know of, also very sweet and cute!
My dad got a miniature schnauzer when I was about 8 and he's a great dog. He chose that breed because of my allergies (they are less likely to cause problems than long haired shedders) and because they are ratters by breeding. His garden had been overrun by rats from our neighbor's yard. Anyhoo, great dogs, really loyal and fun, and on the easy end of the spectrum training wise. Before my dad passed he had the little guy really obedient and stuff. He hasn't had any really bad medical problems except for a problem with a nerve in his leg that the vet said was probably a fluke issue or an injury. TL;DR awesome dogs, loyal, no huge health issues that I know of, also very sweet and cute!
My dad got a miniature schnauzer when I was about 8 and he's a great dog. He chose that breed because of my allergies (they are less likely to cause problems than long haired shedders) and because they are ratters by breeding. His garden had been overrun by rats from our neighbor's yard. Anyhoo, great dogs, really loyal and fun, and on the easy end of the spectrum training wise. Before my dad passed he had the little guy really obedient and stuff. He hasn't had any really bad medical problems except for a problem with a nerve in his leg that the vet said was probably a fluke issue or an injury.
awesome dogs, loyal, no huge health issues that I know of, also very sweet and cute!
As someone who loves Aatrox top here's how you should play it: Deck yourself out with offensive masteries and runes preferably, however if you don't want to kill your enemy/you need to be tanky for your team, get a defensive setup. Level 1 start out with W and switch to Blood Price, keep hitting minions and stack up your blood well for a retarded 50% attack speed bonus at level 1, don't worry about the lane being pushed, it will move only slightly at the beginning. Hit level 2 and get your Dark Flight, prime your Blood Price (or if you just used it, hit a minion once at least) and hit the enemy with your stun, hold ~ and right click your opponent and cut him to pieces (~ makes you target only champions, so it ensures you don't waste your autoattacks on minions), when your Blood Price is ready, ignite and smack him with the empowered attack. Afterwards chase with flash and kill him. But, if you're against a counterpick simply don't try to trade, because if Aatrox gets countered he gets countered hard (see: Jax). In that case simply farm up, get 2 points in your W and get a vampiric scepter asap + defensive stats. Tl;dr Aatrox's trade pattern is: Prime Blood Price, Q, E, autoattack. Abuse ridiculous early game. Don't trade against counterpicks like Jax.
As someone who loves Aatrox top here's how you should play it: Deck yourself out with offensive masteries and runes preferably, however if you don't want to kill your enemy/you need to be tanky for your team, get a defensive setup. Level 1 start out with W and switch to Blood Price, keep hitting minions and stack up your blood well for a retarded 50% attack speed bonus at level 1, don't worry about the lane being pushed, it will move only slightly at the beginning. Hit level 2 and get your Dark Flight, prime your Blood Price (or if you just used it, hit a minion once at least) and hit the enemy with your stun, hold ~ and right click your opponent and cut him to pieces (~ makes you target only champions, so it ensures you don't waste your autoattacks on minions), when your Blood Price is ready, ignite and smack him with the empowered attack. Afterwards chase with flash and kill him. But, if you're against a counterpick simply don't try to trade, because if Aatrox gets countered he gets countered hard (see: Jax). In that case simply farm up, get 2 points in your W and get a vampiric scepter asap + defensive stats. Tl;dr Aatrox's trade pattern is: Prime Blood Price, Q, E, autoattack. Abuse ridiculous early game. Don't trade against counterpicks like Jax.
As someone who loves Aatrox top here's how you should play it: Deck yourself out with offensive masteries and runes preferably, however if you don't want to kill your enemy/you need to be tanky for your team, get a defensive setup. Level 1 start out with W and switch to Blood Price, keep hitting minions and stack up your blood well for a retarded 50% attack speed bonus at level 1, don't worry about the lane being pushed, it will move only slightly at the beginning. Hit level 2 and get your Dark Flight, prime your Blood Price (or if you just used it, hit a minion once at least) and hit the enemy with your stun, hold ~ and right click your opponent and cut him to pieces (~ makes you target only champions, so it ensures you don't waste your autoattacks on minions), when your Blood Price is ready, ignite and smack him with the empowered attack. Afterwards chase with flash and kill him. But, if you're against a counterpick simply don't try to trade, because if Aatrox gets countered he gets countered hard (see: Jax). In that case simply farm up, get 2 points in your W and get a vampiric scepter asap + defensive stats.
Aatrox's trade pattern is: Prime Blood Price, Q, E, autoattack. Abuse ridiculous early game. Don't trade against counterpicks like Jax.
I write a lot of library code and I can't say I've ever had a problem with this. You generally have a pretty good feel for what methods need to be virtual when you're writing the base class anyway (assuming you take the time to think that part through). About the only time I find myself needing to go back and make something virtual in a base class is when the functionality of that class is being seriously reworked. TL/DR; This is rarely a problem if you spend some time thinking about what you're building.
I write a lot of library code and I can't say I've ever had a problem with this. You generally have a pretty good feel for what methods need to be virtual when you're writing the base class anyway (assuming you take the time to think that part through). About the only time I find myself needing to go back and make something virtual in a base class is when the functionality of that class is being seriously reworked. TL/DR; This is rarely a problem if you spend some time thinking about what you're building.
I write a lot of library code and I can't say I've ever had a problem with this. You generally have a pretty good feel for what methods need to be virtual when you're writing the base class anyway (assuming you take the time to think that part through). About the only time I find myself needing to go back and make something virtual in a base class is when the functionality of that class is being seriously reworked.
This is rarely a problem if you spend some time thinking about what you're building.
Ok, so I live in a single dorm room and my university provides a few pre-furnishings in the room so we don't have to purchase everything, which is lovely of them to do and I adore the computer desk and the armoire and my bed, BUT the couch...the couch is the WORST. It LOOKS pretty but is probably the least comfy couch I've ever sat on.... It's upholstered with faux leather and I can only describe the seat cushions and back cushion as being "strangely stuffed" they are somehow too firm and hard while simultaneously lacking in sufficient support. Not only are the cushions uncomfortable but the angle created by the back of the couch and the seat is really awkward when you sit down and it's impossible to sit comfortably. ((This really sucks because A: if I have to have a couch I’d like to be able to sit on it without slipping a disk and B: I'm the only one of my friends who lives on campus so we all tend to congregate in my room to study/hang out but no one ever wants to sit on the torture couch. There's literally NO space for additional seating in my room, and only a certain number of people can fit on my bed (not to mention that a few of my friends WILL NOT sit on my bed because "ew sex juice"))) The university requires that all school supplied furnishings remain in the room at all times and you get fined pretty harshly if you remove any of them so it seems that I'm stuck with this devil couch and unable to replace it with less horrible seating. Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how I can make this monster more comfortable?!?? I'd MAYBE be able to remove/replace the cushions and just throw the original ones on top of my dresser but I obviously I can't make and permanent or damning alterations to the hate seat because it's school property....any suggestions? **TL;DR: My dorm couch is a monstrosity of discomfort. I can’t get rid of it, permanently alter it, or light it on fire. Help!!!**
Ok, so I live in a single dorm room and my university provides a few pre-furnishings in the room so we don't have to purchase everything, which is lovely of them to do and I adore the computer desk and the armoire and my bed, BUT the couch...the couch is the WORST. It LOOKS pretty but is probably the least comfy couch I've ever sat on.... It's upholstered with faux leather and I can only describe the seat cushions and back cushion as being "strangely stuffed" they are somehow too firm and hard while simultaneously lacking in sufficient support. Not only are the cushions uncomfortable but the angle created by the back of the couch and the seat is really awkward when you sit down and it's impossible to sit comfortably. ((This really sucks because A: if I have to have a couch I’d like to be able to sit on it without slipping a disk and B: I'm the only one of my friends who lives on campus so we all tend to congregate in my room to study/hang out but no one ever wants to sit on the torture couch. There's literally NO space for additional seating in my room, and only a certain number of people can fit on my bed (not to mention that a few of my friends WILL NOT sit on my bed because "ew sex juice"))) The university requires that all school supplied furnishings remain in the room at all times and you get fined pretty harshly if you remove any of them so it seems that I'm stuck with this devil couch and unable to replace it with less horrible seating. Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how I can make this monster more comfortable?!?? I'd MAYBE be able to remove/replace the cushions and just throw the original ones on top of my dresser but I obviously I can't make and permanent or damning alterations to the hate seat because it's school property....any suggestions? TL;DR: My dorm couch is a monstrosity of discomfort. I can’t get rid of it, permanently alter it, or light it on fire. Help!!!
Ok, so I live in a single dorm room and my university provides a few pre-furnishings in the room so we don't have to purchase everything, which is lovely of them to do and I adore the computer desk and the armoire and my bed, BUT the couch...the couch is the WORST. It LOOKS pretty but is probably the least comfy couch I've ever sat on.... It's upholstered with faux leather and I can only describe the seat cushions and back cushion as being "strangely stuffed" they are somehow too firm and hard while simultaneously lacking in sufficient support. Not only are the cushions uncomfortable but the angle created by the back of the couch and the seat is really awkward when you sit down and it's impossible to sit comfortably. ((This really sucks because A: if I have to have a couch I’d like to be able to sit on it without slipping a disk and B: I'm the only one of my friends who lives on campus so we all tend to congregate in my room to study/hang out but no one ever wants to sit on the torture couch. There's literally NO space for additional seating in my room, and only a certain number of people can fit on my bed (not to mention that a few of my friends WILL NOT sit on my bed because "ew sex juice"))) The university requires that all school supplied furnishings remain in the room at all times and you get fined pretty harshly if you remove any of them so it seems that I'm stuck with this devil couch and unable to replace it with less horrible seating. Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how I can make this monster more comfortable?!?? I'd MAYBE be able to remove/replace the cushions and just throw the original ones on top of my dresser but I obviously I can't make and permanent or damning alterations to the hate seat because it's school property....any suggestions?
My dorm couch is a monstrosity of discomfort. I can’t get rid of it, permanently alter it, or light it on fire. Help!!!
So I’ve binged through the first one and a half games on the HD Collection since picking it up last week, and though satisfied, I’m a little alarmed by the number of small bugs and glitches. It’s starting to not shape up to the definitive Ratchet and Clank experience I was expecting… Anyways, is there anything that can be done on my end to fix (or minimise) these bugs. In particular Ratchet’s helmet being too large in 2. I’ve heard it’s random upon starting the game. Tl;dr: Can anything be done to fix the bugs in this game?!?
So I’ve binged through the first one and a half games on the HD Collection since picking it up last week, and though satisfied, I’m a little alarmed by the number of small bugs and glitches. It’s starting to not shape up to the definitive Ratchet and Clank experience I was expecting… Anyways, is there anything that can be done on my end to fix (or minimise) these bugs. In particular Ratchet’s helmet being too large in 2. I’ve heard it’s random upon starting the game. Tl;dr: Can anything be done to fix the bugs in this game?!?
So I’ve binged through the first one and a half games on the HD Collection since picking it up last week, and though satisfied, I’m a little alarmed by the number of small bugs and glitches. It’s starting to not shape up to the definitive Ratchet and Clank experience I was expecting… Anyways, is there anything that can be done on my end to fix (or minimise) these bugs. In particular Ratchet’s helmet being too large in 2. I’ve heard it’s random upon starting the game.
Can anything be done to fix the bugs in this game?!?
This is purely me telling a true story of what happened to my brother. I don't know enough about the medical world to know what exactly happened. But on afternoon, my brother was sitting at a bus stop and threw his head to one side to crack his neck. He started feeling off, and called my mom, who lived not too far away and they travelled to the hospital together. He ended up spending the day there, under careful watch, because apparently there's a pretty severe connection to the brain that you pinch whenever you crack your neck. I guess 99.999% of the time, it's fine. But that leftover decimal of a percentage point can, according to the doctors who talked to my brother, cause lack of blood in the brain and an eventual stroke. TL;DR Be careful.
This is purely me telling a true story of what happened to my brother. I don't know enough about the medical world to know what exactly happened. But on afternoon, my brother was sitting at a bus stop and threw his head to one side to crack his neck. He started feeling off, and called my mom, who lived not too far away and they travelled to the hospital together. He ended up spending the day there, under careful watch, because apparently there's a pretty severe connection to the brain that you pinch whenever you crack your neck. I guess 99.999% of the time, it's fine. But that leftover decimal of a percentage point can, according to the doctors who talked to my brother, cause lack of blood in the brain and an eventual stroke. TL;DR Be careful.
This is purely me telling a true story of what happened to my brother. I don't know enough about the medical world to know what exactly happened. But on afternoon, my brother was sitting at a bus stop and threw his head to one side to crack his neck. He started feeling off, and called my mom, who lived not too far away and they travelled to the hospital together. He ended up spending the day there, under careful watch, because apparently there's a pretty severe connection to the brain that you pinch whenever you crack your neck. I guess 99.999% of the time, it's fine. But that leftover decimal of a percentage point can, according to the doctors who talked to my brother, cause lack of blood in the brain and an eventual stroke.
Be careful.
I grew up speaking english and spanish almost equally growing up (english with my dad and spanish with my mom), while also always going to school in english. I think pretty much exclusively in english but when I'm speaking spanish primarily I will think in spanish. I don't have to translate to english when I speak or read in spanish. TLDR: Truly bilingual, can switch it on and off.
I grew up speaking english and spanish almost equally growing up (english with my dad and spanish with my mom), while also always going to school in english. I think pretty much exclusively in english but when I'm speaking spanish primarily I will think in spanish. I don't have to translate to english when I speak or read in spanish. TLDR: Truly bilingual, can switch it on and off.
I grew up speaking english and spanish almost equally growing up (english with my dad and spanish with my mom), while also always going to school in english. I think pretty much exclusively in english but when I'm speaking spanish primarily I will think in spanish. I don't have to translate to english when I speak or read in spanish.
Truly bilingual, can switch it on and off.
I spent 6 weeks in America visiting my girlfriend over Christmas (we're in an LDR) and I lost my passport &lt;5 days before my flight back to the UK. I ended up realising it was lost the day before my flight and had to go to the Consulate in Boston. Upon arrival I discovered that there was no one available there to give me an Emergency Travel Document (basically a one-use passport) to get back to the UK. So that night we had to go to New York for an appointment at the Consulate there 9am the next morning (the day of my flight). My flight was at 7pm and we weren't sure if we could make it back to Boston in time, so I set my flight back to the next day my girlfriend had off from work (5 days later). So in the end it cost £97 for the ETD, £98 for the hotel in NYC and then £100 to cover the flight back, plus food and stuff in NYC is fucking expensive. Luckily, my girlfriend's dad offered to pay for everything because otherwise I would have absolutely no way of paying for it, but I am determined to pay him back as soon as I finish University and have a job. Then for the icing on the cake, my Grandparents Skype me on the day before my actual flight home to tell me that they'd bought me plane tickets to go back and see her for another 6 weeks over Easter. Meaning I now need to fork out £75 for a replacement passport and also send back the forms to my hometown so that my friend's mother can countersign it. Fast forward 2 weeks: What arrives on my doorstep? My passport. Now cancelled and completely useless. It turns out that after not knowing where it was or what I'd done with it and assuming it might even turn up in my girlfriend's apartment, I had dropped it on her road getting out of her car. How do I know this? The return address is her next-door neighbour. If they had of taken it to a police station, they would have been able to look up my passport number and see that my ESTA was registered to my girlfriend's address and phone number. Saving me (and my girlfriend's father) £368 ($583) and a lot of grief. tl;dr: I dropped my passport in America outside my girlfriend's house and her neighbour posted it back to the UK. Ended up costing me £368 ($583).
I spent 6 weeks in America visiting my girlfriend over Christmas (we're in an LDR) and I lost my passport <5 days before my flight back to the UK. I ended up realising it was lost the day before my flight and had to go to the Consulate in Boston. Upon arrival I discovered that there was no one available there to give me an Emergency Travel Document (basically a one-use passport) to get back to the UK. So that night we had to go to New York for an appointment at the Consulate there 9am the next morning (the day of my flight). My flight was at 7pm and we weren't sure if we could make it back to Boston in time, so I set my flight back to the next day my girlfriend had off from work (5 days later). So in the end it cost £97 for the ETD, £98 for the hotel in NYC and then £100 to cover the flight back, plus food and stuff in NYC is fucking expensive. Luckily, my girlfriend's dad offered to pay for everything because otherwise I would have absolutely no way of paying for it, but I am determined to pay him back as soon as I finish University and have a job. Then for the icing on the cake, my Grandparents Skype me on the day before my actual flight home to tell me that they'd bought me plane tickets to go back and see her for another 6 weeks over Easter. Meaning I now need to fork out £75 for a replacement passport and also send back the forms to my hometown so that my friend's mother can countersign it. Fast forward 2 weeks: What arrives on my doorstep? My passport. Now cancelled and completely useless. It turns out that after not knowing where it was or what I'd done with it and assuming it might even turn up in my girlfriend's apartment, I had dropped it on her road getting out of her car. How do I know this? The return address is her next-door neighbour. If they had of taken it to a police station, they would have been able to look up my passport number and see that my ESTA was registered to my girlfriend's address and phone number. Saving me (and my girlfriend's father) £368 ($583) and a lot of grief. tl;dr: I dropped my passport in America outside my girlfriend's house and her neighbour posted it back to the UK. Ended up costing me £368 ($583).
I spent 6 weeks in America visiting my girlfriend over Christmas (we're in an LDR) and I lost my passport <5 days before my flight back to the UK. I ended up realising it was lost the day before my flight and had to go to the Consulate in Boston. Upon arrival I discovered that there was no one available there to give me an Emergency Travel Document (basically a one-use passport) to get back to the UK. So that night we had to go to New York for an appointment at the Consulate there 9am the next morning (the day of my flight). My flight was at 7pm and we weren't sure if we could make it back to Boston in time, so I set my flight back to the next day my girlfriend had off from work (5 days later). So in the end it cost £97 for the ETD, £98 for the hotel in NYC and then £100 to cover the flight back, plus food and stuff in NYC is fucking expensive. Luckily, my girlfriend's dad offered to pay for everything because otherwise I would have absolutely no way of paying for it, but I am determined to pay him back as soon as I finish University and have a job. Then for the icing on the cake, my Grandparents Skype me on the day before my actual flight home to tell me that they'd bought me plane tickets to go back and see her for another 6 weeks over Easter. Meaning I now need to fork out £75 for a replacement passport and also send back the forms to my hometown so that my friend's mother can countersign it. Fast forward 2 weeks: What arrives on my doorstep? My passport. Now cancelled and completely useless. It turns out that after not knowing where it was or what I'd done with it and assuming it might even turn up in my girlfriend's apartment, I had dropped it on her road getting out of her car. How do I know this? The return address is her next-door neighbour. If they had of taken it to a police station, they would have been able to look up my passport number and see that my ESTA was registered to my girlfriend's address and phone number. Saving me (and my girlfriend's father) £368 ($583) and a lot of grief.
I dropped my passport in America outside my girlfriend's house and her neighbour posted it back to the UK. Ended up costing me £368 ($583).
If the driver had stayed in the right hand lane, like he should have, after passing the police officer and not gone all the way over to the left hand (passing) lane without needing to pass, this probably would have never happened. In most states it's technically illegal to drive in the passing lane without overtaking another motorist. TL;DR Driver shouldn't drive in the passing lane.
If the driver had stayed in the right hand lane, like he should have, after passing the police officer and not gone all the way over to the left hand (passing) lane without needing to pass, this probably would have never happened. In most states it's technically illegal to drive in the passing lane without overtaking another motorist. TL;DR Driver shouldn't drive in the passing lane.
If the driver had stayed in the right hand lane, like he should have, after passing the police officer and not gone all the way over to the left hand (passing) lane without needing to pass, this probably would have never happened. In most states it's technically illegal to drive in the passing lane without overtaking another motorist.
Driver shouldn't drive in the passing lane.
New to this sub, this may have been, did a search couldn't find much... It wasn't a long search. So I work in a country house in the UK, we mainly serve weddings and other private functions and serve Sunday lunch. The day ideally goes: Arrive 9am lay up room for 11am People begin arriving 11:30am Service begins 12pm Bookings stop at 2:30pm Everyone has left by 3:30pm That's how it goes most weeks! But every couple of weeks we have one table usually of 2 people that decide they want to stay, possible until 5pm, like two weeks ago, It really annoys me how customers thing it's ok to be the last couple in the venue buy an hour and a half, not buying drinks and have finished eating, they're just talking, we have so much to do and we can't do any of it until these two people have left. Does anyone else have this problem, btw we aren't allowed to ask them to leave or say we're closing. TL;DR customers who stay for hours after service has finished amma rite? Edit: Formatting
New to this sub, this may have been, did a search couldn't find much... It wasn't a long search. So I work in a country house in the UK, we mainly serve weddings and other private functions and serve Sunday lunch. The day ideally goes: Arrive 9am lay up room for 11am People begin arriving 11:30am Service begins 12pm Bookings stop at 2:30pm Everyone has left by 3:30pm That's how it goes most weeks! But every couple of weeks we have one table usually of 2 people that decide they want to stay, possible until 5pm, like two weeks ago, It really annoys me how customers thing it's ok to be the last couple in the venue buy an hour and a half, not buying drinks and have finished eating, they're just talking, we have so much to do and we can't do any of it until these two people have left. Does anyone else have this problem, btw we aren't allowed to ask them to leave or say we're closing. TL;DR customers who stay for hours after service has finished amma rite? Edit: Formatting
New to this sub, this may have been, did a search couldn't find much... It wasn't a long search. So I work in a country house in the UK, we mainly serve weddings and other private functions and serve Sunday lunch. The day ideally goes: Arrive 9am lay up room for 11am People begin arriving 11:30am Service begins 12pm Bookings stop at 2:30pm Everyone has left by 3:30pm That's how it goes most weeks! But every couple of weeks we have one table usually of 2 people that decide they want to stay, possible until 5pm, like two weeks ago, It really annoys me how customers thing it's ok to be the last couple in the venue buy an hour and a half, not buying drinks and have finished eating, they're just talking, we have so much to do and we can't do any of it until these two people have left. Does anyone else have this problem, btw we aren't allowed to ask them to leave or say we're closing.
customers who stay for hours after service has finished amma rite? Edit: Formatting