Well that's exactly it Leviticus said it was an abomination but he didn't say that they needed to be ostracized. If they're already going to hell why break/ignore other rules/teachings to punish them yourself? Most Christians I know irl are capable of this simple reasoning Edit: Oh he did say they needed to be punished. I guess you need to learn how to kill someone while loving and forgiving them to be Christian and against homosexuality. Although today they don't put them to death (as the law states) but they just ostracized them. Somehow being loving and forgiving while also ostracizing seems more difficult then being loving and forgiving while putting them to death. tl;dr No matter what way you spin it Christians hating homosexuals makes no sense.
Well that's exactly it Leviticus said it was an abomination but he didn't say that they needed to be ostracized. If they're already going to hell why break/ignore other rules/teachings to punish them yourself? Most Christians I know irl are capable of this simple reasoning Edit: Oh he did say they needed to be punished. I guess you need to learn how to kill someone while loving and forgiving them to be Christian and against homosexuality. Although today they don't put them to death (as the law states) but they just ostracized them. Somehow being loving and forgiving while also ostracizing seems more difficult then being loving and forgiving while putting them to death. tl;dr No matter what way you spin it Christians hating homosexuals makes no sense.
Well that's exactly it Leviticus said it was an abomination but he didn't say that they needed to be ostracized. If they're already going to hell why break/ignore other rules/teachings to punish them yourself? Most Christians I know irl are capable of this simple reasoning Edit: Oh he did say they needed to be punished. I guess you need to learn how to kill someone while loving and forgiving them to be Christian and against homosexuality. Although today they don't put them to death (as the law states) but they just ostracized them. Somehow being loving and forgiving while also ostracizing seems more difficult then being loving and forgiving while putting them to death.
No matter what way you spin it Christians hating homosexuals makes no sense.
Ok, so here's my story thus far. In February I received two tolls bills from crossing 520 bridge in the mail saying that I owed them, plus a minimal extra fee that had been added on since it didn't come out of my Good To Go account like usual. Upon calling to clarify why I had received them, I was told that it looked like I had many more tolls that were unpaid. The woman then told me that she would look in to it and call me back with more information. An hour later she called me back and told me that it looked like I had a couple hundred dollars in tolls and civil penalties that were unpaid. I asked her why I would have all of those when I have an account with them where the toll is supposed to be taken out every time I go across 520 automatically. She told me that they occurred when my account was in the negative, but that she could see on my account that every time it had been negative I had added money shortly after to make up for it. Every time this happened, I had been told that the amount I added would cover any tolls that I had incurred while the account was in the red. Evidently not. When I asked her why I had never received a toll bill before then I was told that it looked like they had been sent to my house (the same address that is on my account and that my car is registered to) but it had been sent back to them, **so they sent it to my old address**. When asked why it would have been sent back to them she told me to "take it up with your mailman". I requested copies of all the tolls so I could go over them individually. A month and a half later I received 5 large packets filled with papers. All in all the tolls added up to over $5500! 129 tolls adding up to $516 and just as many civil penalties at $40 each, adding up to $5040. I do what the only option is and call and made a court date to dispute it. Between the time I received the packet and my actual court date, I discovered that the pass I had on my car was defective and they had been over charging me 25 cents every time I went over the bridge for over a year; yet another thing they could have told me any time I had called to add money to my account, but chose not to inform me of. So my court date comes (4 days ago). I get to court, and the judge is awful. Not only to me, but to nearly every other person there. She drops about 10 of the tolls I had on my account. YAY, $400 off of $5500 doesn't really do shit for me. She tells me that the address on my account is correct, so I must have received all of them and just chose to ignore them. About 2 days later I open my mail to find that I have an official judgement paper saying I now owe $5,146 and that it's due in full by June 13th. So after having a full on mental break down, I call to appeal the judgement, and in typical fashion, the person I talk with is horrible and completely unhelpful. She basically tells me that I have to do everything my self and that I should go to the public law library. That's it. Nothing on the procedure for filing the paper work, or who I can talk to about it, or where to even get the paper work. (Mind you, this is the phone number WSDOT gave me to speak to about appealing) I decide to call Good To Go customer service to see if I can get call records showing that I was told that the mail was returned and sent to my old address. When I speak with the woman on the phone she tells me I should have been sent an evidence packet with all that in it 3 days before my hearing. Something I was never told of and never received. I ask her if I can get copies of it still and she tells me I can, but I need to go in to one of their customer service centers to get it. So today I head in to the center to pick it all up and am told that I have to have a subpoena to get it now that it's past my original hearing. I leave with nothing other than more intense frustration. I make my way down to the court house, and endure the piss covered disgust that is the two block radius around it. When I get to the law library the woman there tells me they don't have the papers there, but she gives me some pamphlets on free legal services in Seattle. (None of which are available until Tuesday, two days before the amount is due). She also kind of laughs and gives me a knowing smile when I tell her the woman told me to go there and that she was incredibly unhelpful. She wishes me the best of luck and I go on my way. So, here I am. Potentially about to be screwed out of $5100 due to tolls I had no way of knowing I had. All when I am barely working due to a recent injury. I have NO idea where to start, or who to call for help. Just that I have to find something, and fast. As a side note, it would appear I'm not the only person that this has happened to. I found [this]( article when I searched for similar situations. **TLDR: WSDOT is trying to fuck me out of $5100 for unpaid toll bills and civil penalties they sent to the wrong address. Please, someone help me!** **EDIT: I have an interview tomorrow with Brandi Kruse from KIRO News Radio thanks to you lovely people sending in my story. I'm not expecting a miracle, but I feel it's necessary that people know what's going on. I will update again once I know more of what is going on** **EDIT 2: My story will be airing on KIRO News Radio on Dori Monsons show at noon tomorrow (6/13) I have a TV interview with KOMO tomorrow afternoon as well.** You can listen to my interview with Brandi Kruse, [here]( Hopefully I will be able to get a copy of the full segment as well.
Ok, so here's my story thus far. In February I received two tolls bills from crossing 520 bridge in the mail saying that I owed them, plus a minimal extra fee that had been added on since it didn't come out of my Good To Go account like usual. Upon calling to clarify why I had received them, I was told that it looked like I had many more tolls that were unpaid. The woman then told me that she would look in to it and call me back with more information. An hour later she called me back and told me that it looked like I had a couple hundred dollars in tolls and civil penalties that were unpaid. I asked her why I would have all of those when I have an account with them where the toll is supposed to be taken out every time I go across 520 automatically. She told me that they occurred when my account was in the negative, but that she could see on my account that every time it had been negative I had added money shortly after to make up for it. Every time this happened, I had been told that the amount I added would cover any tolls that I had incurred while the account was in the red. Evidently not. When I asked her why I had never received a toll bill before then I was told that it looked like they had been sent to my house (the same address that is on my account and that my car is registered to) but it had been sent back to them, so they sent it to my old address . When asked why it would have been sent back to them she told me to "take it up with your mailman". I requested copies of all the tolls so I could go over them individually. A month and a half later I received 5 large packets filled with papers. All in all the tolls added up to over $5500! 129 tolls adding up to $516 and just as many civil penalties at $40 each, adding up to $5040. I do what the only option is and call and made a court date to dispute it. Between the time I received the packet and my actual court date, I discovered that the pass I had on my car was defective and they had been over charging me 25 cents every time I went over the bridge for over a year; yet another thing they could have told me any time I had called to add money to my account, but chose not to inform me of. So my court date comes (4 days ago). I get to court, and the judge is awful. Not only to me, but to nearly every other person there. She drops about 10 of the tolls I had on my account. YAY, $400 off of $5500 doesn't really do shit for me. She tells me that the address on my account is correct, so I must have received all of them and just chose to ignore them. About 2 days later I open my mail to find that I have an official judgement paper saying I now owe $5,146 and that it's due in full by June 13th. So after having a full on mental break down, I call to appeal the judgement, and in typical fashion, the person I talk with is horrible and completely unhelpful. She basically tells me that I have to do everything my self and that I should go to the public law library. That's it. Nothing on the procedure for filing the paper work, or who I can talk to about it, or where to even get the paper work. (Mind you, this is the phone number WSDOT gave me to speak to about appealing) I decide to call Good To Go customer service to see if I can get call records showing that I was told that the mail was returned and sent to my old address. When I speak with the woman on the phone she tells me I should have been sent an evidence packet with all that in it 3 days before my hearing. Something I was never told of and never received. I ask her if I can get copies of it still and she tells me I can, but I need to go in to one of their customer service centers to get it. So today I head in to the center to pick it all up and am told that I have to have a subpoena to get it now that it's past my original hearing. I leave with nothing other than more intense frustration. I make my way down to the court house, and endure the piss covered disgust that is the two block radius around it. When I get to the law library the woman there tells me they don't have the papers there, but she gives me some pamphlets on free legal services in Seattle. (None of which are available until Tuesday, two days before the amount is due). She also kind of laughs and gives me a knowing smile when I tell her the woman told me to go there and that she was incredibly unhelpful. She wishes me the best of luck and I go on my way. So, here I am. Potentially about to be screwed out of $5100 due to tolls I had no way of knowing I had. All when I am barely working due to a recent injury. I have NO idea where to start, or who to call for help. Just that I have to find something, and fast. As a side note, it would appear I'm not the only person that this has happened to. I found [this]( article when I searched for similar situations. TLDR: WSDOT is trying to fuck me out of $5100 for unpaid toll bills and civil penalties they sent to the wrong address. Please, someone help me! EDIT: I have an interview tomorrow with Brandi Kruse from KIRO News Radio thanks to you lovely people sending in my story. I'm not expecting a miracle, but I feel it's necessary that people know what's going on. I will update again once I know more of what is going on EDIT 2: My story will be airing on KIRO News Radio on Dori Monsons show at noon tomorrow (6/13) I have a TV interview with KOMO tomorrow afternoon as well. You can listen to my interview with Brandi Kruse, [here]( Hopefully I will be able to get a copy of the full segment as well.
Ok, so here's my story thus far. In February I received two tolls bills from crossing 520 bridge in the mail saying that I owed them, plus a minimal extra fee that had been added on since it didn't come out of my Good To Go account like usual. Upon calling to clarify why I had received them, I was told that it looked like I had many more tolls that were unpaid. The woman then told me that she would look in to it and call me back with more information. An hour later she called me back and told me that it looked like I had a couple hundred dollars in tolls and civil penalties that were unpaid. I asked her why I would have all of those when I have an account with them where the toll is supposed to be taken out every time I go across 520 automatically. She told me that they occurred when my account was in the negative, but that she could see on my account that every time it had been negative I had added money shortly after to make up for it. Every time this happened, I had been told that the amount I added would cover any tolls that I had incurred while the account was in the red. Evidently not. When I asked her why I had never received a toll bill before then I was told that it looked like they had been sent to my house (the same address that is on my account and that my car is registered to) but it had been sent back to them, so they sent it to my old address . When asked why it would have been sent back to them she told me to "take it up with your mailman". I requested copies of all the tolls so I could go over them individually. A month and a half later I received 5 large packets filled with papers. All in all the tolls added up to over $5500! 129 tolls adding up to $516 and just as many civil penalties at $40 each, adding up to $5040. I do what the only option is and call and made a court date to dispute it. Between the time I received the packet and my actual court date, I discovered that the pass I had on my car was defective and they had been over charging me 25 cents every time I went over the bridge for over a year; yet another thing they could have told me any time I had called to add money to my account, but chose not to inform me of. So my court date comes (4 days ago). I get to court, and the judge is awful. Not only to me, but to nearly every other person there. She drops about 10 of the tolls I had on my account. YAY, $400 off of $5500 doesn't really do shit for me. She tells me that the address on my account is correct, so I must have received all of them and just chose to ignore them. About 2 days later I open my mail to find that I have an official judgement paper saying I now owe $5,146 and that it's due in full by June 13th. So after having a full on mental break down, I call to appeal the judgement, and in typical fashion, the person I talk with is horrible and completely unhelpful. She basically tells me that I have to do everything my self and that I should go to the public law library. That's it. Nothing on the procedure for filing the paper work, or who I can talk to about it, or where to even get the paper work. (Mind you, this is the phone number WSDOT gave me to speak to about appealing) I decide to call Good To Go customer service to see if I can get call records showing that I was told that the mail was returned and sent to my old address. When I speak with the woman on the phone she tells me I should have been sent an evidence packet with all that in it 3 days before my hearing. Something I was never told of and never received. I ask her if I can get copies of it still and she tells me I can, but I need to go in to one of their customer service centers to get it. So today I head in to the center to pick it all up and am told that I have to have a subpoena to get it now that it's past my original hearing. I leave with nothing other than more intense frustration. I make my way down to the court house, and endure the piss covered disgust that is the two block radius around it. When I get to the law library the woman there tells me they don't have the papers there, but she gives me some pamphlets on free legal services in Seattle. (None of which are available until Tuesday, two days before the amount is due). She also kind of laughs and gives me a knowing smile when I tell her the woman told me to go there and that she was incredibly unhelpful. She wishes me the best of luck and I go on my way. So, here I am. Potentially about to be screwed out of $5100 due to tolls I had no way of knowing I had. All when I am barely working due to a recent injury. I have NO idea where to start, or who to call for help. Just that I have to find something, and fast. As a side note, it would appear I'm not the only person that this has happened to. I found [this]( article when I searched for similar situations.
WSDOT is trying to fuck me out of $5100 for unpaid toll bills and civil penalties they sent to the wrong address. Please, someone help me! EDIT: I have an interview tomorrow with Brandi Kruse from KIRO News Radio thanks to you lovely people sending in my story. I'm not expecting a miracle, but I feel it's necessary that people know what's going on. I will update again once I know more of what is going on EDIT 2: My story will be airing on KIRO News Radio on Dori Monsons show at noon tomorrow (6/13) I have a TV interview with KOMO tomorrow afternoon as well. You can listen to my interview with Brandi Kruse, [here]( Hopefully I will be able to get a copy of the full segment as well.
Thinking about picking up an xbox one tomorrow and my other half has issues with kinect being always on (she's been reading the propaganda). I'm really interested in the voice control aspect on kinect, especially the "record that" function and was wondering if those that already have one know if it's possible to turn the camera off but leave the mic on? The only thing I could find online was saying that the opposite was possible i.e. Mic off, camera on. TL;DR - title.
Thinking about picking up an xbox one tomorrow and my other half has issues with kinect being always on (she's been reading the propaganda). I'm really interested in the voice control aspect on kinect, especially the "record that" function and was wondering if those that already have one know if it's possible to turn the camera off but leave the mic on? The only thing I could find online was saying that the opposite was possible i.e. Mic off, camera on. TL;DR - title.
Thinking about picking up an xbox one tomorrow and my other half has issues with kinect being always on (she's been reading the propaganda). I'm really interested in the voice control aspect on kinect, especially the "record that" function and was wondering if those that already have one know if it's possible to turn the camera off but leave the mic on? The only thing I could find online was saying that the opposite was possible i.e. Mic off, camera on.
You can afford a 300,000$ house (on a 30 yr note with a 6.5% interest rate), a new car every year, etc. just on 13k a year. If your business takes off your purchasing power is almost unlimited, certainly higher than your friends who make 60-80k USD / yr. I, personally, know of a handful who drive high end sports cars, live in McMansions, and go on lavish vacations yearly while making less than 30k a year on paper. It's all about the tax code and working around it. Why would you pay more taxes than you have to? This is how people become billionaires. The stock market will net you, on average, 3-4% interest unless you get really lucky. You pay 15-20% in taxes, what if the market netted you 15-20%? Everyone would jump in! That's the tax code. INstaed of paying 15-20% pay 3% and keep 12-17% for yourself as "profit". TLDR: **Steve Jobs had billions of dollars in purchasing power yet only made 1$ / yr. He worked the tax code like a champ**
You can afford a 300,000$ house (on a 30 yr note with a 6.5% interest rate), a new car every year, etc. just on 13k a year. If your business takes off your purchasing power is almost unlimited, certainly higher than your friends who make 60-80k USD / yr. I, personally, know of a handful who drive high end sports cars, live in McMansions, and go on lavish vacations yearly while making less than 30k a year on paper. It's all about the tax code and working around it. Why would you pay more taxes than you have to? This is how people become billionaires. The stock market will net you, on average, 3-4% interest unless you get really lucky. You pay 15-20% in taxes, what if the market netted you 15-20%? Everyone would jump in! That's the tax code. INstaed of paying 15-20% pay 3% and keep 12-17% for yourself as "profit". TLDR: Steve Jobs had billions of dollars in purchasing power yet only made 1$ / yr. He worked the tax code like a champ
You can afford a 300,000$ house (on a 30 yr note with a 6.5% interest rate), a new car every year, etc. just on 13k a year. If your business takes off your purchasing power is almost unlimited, certainly higher than your friends who make 60-80k USD / yr. I, personally, know of a handful who drive high end sports cars, live in McMansions, and go on lavish vacations yearly while making less than 30k a year on paper. It's all about the tax code and working around it. Why would you pay more taxes than you have to? This is how people become billionaires. The stock market will net you, on average, 3-4% interest unless you get really lucky. You pay 15-20% in taxes, what if the market netted you 15-20%? Everyone would jump in! That's the tax code. INstaed of paying 15-20% pay 3% and keep 12-17% for yourself as "profit".
Steve Jobs had billions of dollars in purchasing power yet only made 1$ / yr. He worked the tax code like a champ
Field report. I was at a Coachella after party, there was a good looking Latina sitting by herself, she looked in my eyes, I held gaze confidently, she broke eye contact quickly. I then immediately walked up to you and asked her name. It's Spanish, the accent makes it hard to make out the first two times, but I get it quickly. After extremely brief talking, I take her hand and walk to the dance floor. Not forceful, but with purpose. She follows, good dancing, taking her hands and putting them around me she effortlessly continues the motion as if it were her own. She spins from time to time, giving me her front then her back. I give her a look. Go in for a medium speed kiss, light hesitation, so I stop her and just kissed the corner of her mouth. My friend then comes in saying its time to go. So I get her details, texted myself from her phone, completing the circuit. All while still dancing with her. Set up date for karaoke tomorrow. Turns out that's what's she's into. No problem, I have a number of songs I can sing in any karaoke situation. Best part is, I know she's down, it's just a matter of playing my role correctly. Like acting in a play, only certain actions will render specific results. If I keep her interested by whatever means, the end goal is to make it known you want to fuck. Hints are ok, actually forcing it is not. I still focus on only having a good time no matter what, but make sure when necessary to declare my intents. You can be as cool you want to be, don't make things personal. So anyways she has a great body, great energy, a very fun human being, and I am excited to see her naked :) Both single, both vibing each other, good close chemistry, she does that Latina girl know where they're Latina in their motions. All around a good situation to bring on. She's seven years older than me and I think she'll do weird things to my dick, which is cool. Could always be better, we can always do better, but this was an important step. TL;dr Caught a girls eye, used that to start a conversation, got number, got kiss, date tomorrow
Field report. I was at a Coachella after party, there was a good looking Latina sitting by herself, she looked in my eyes, I held gaze confidently, she broke eye contact quickly. I then immediately walked up to you and asked her name. It's Spanish, the accent makes it hard to make out the first two times, but I get it quickly. After extremely brief talking, I take her hand and walk to the dance floor. Not forceful, but with purpose. She follows, good dancing, taking her hands and putting them around me she effortlessly continues the motion as if it were her own. She spins from time to time, giving me her front then her back. I give her a look. Go in for a medium speed kiss, light hesitation, so I stop her and just kissed the corner of her mouth. My friend then comes in saying its time to go. So I get her details, texted myself from her phone, completing the circuit. All while still dancing with her. Set up date for karaoke tomorrow. Turns out that's what's she's into. No problem, I have a number of songs I can sing in any karaoke situation. Best part is, I know she's down, it's just a matter of playing my role correctly. Like acting in a play, only certain actions will render specific results. If I keep her interested by whatever means, the end goal is to make it known you want to fuck. Hints are ok, actually forcing it is not. I still focus on only having a good time no matter what, but make sure when necessary to declare my intents. You can be as cool you want to be, don't make things personal. So anyways she has a great body, great energy, a very fun human being, and I am excited to see her naked :) Both single, both vibing each other, good close chemistry, she does that Latina girl know where they're Latina in their motions. All around a good situation to bring on. She's seven years older than me and I think she'll do weird things to my dick, which is cool. Could always be better, we can always do better, but this was an important step. TL;dr Caught a girls eye, used that to start a conversation, got number, got kiss, date tomorrow
Field report. I was at a Coachella after party, there was a good looking Latina sitting by herself, she looked in my eyes, I held gaze confidently, she broke eye contact quickly. I then immediately walked up to you and asked her name. It's Spanish, the accent makes it hard to make out the first two times, but I get it quickly. After extremely brief talking, I take her hand and walk to the dance floor. Not forceful, but with purpose. She follows, good dancing, taking her hands and putting them around me she effortlessly continues the motion as if it were her own. She spins from time to time, giving me her front then her back. I give her a look. Go in for a medium speed kiss, light hesitation, so I stop her and just kissed the corner of her mouth. My friend then comes in saying its time to go. So I get her details, texted myself from her phone, completing the circuit. All while still dancing with her. Set up date for karaoke tomorrow. Turns out that's what's she's into. No problem, I have a number of songs I can sing in any karaoke situation. Best part is, I know she's down, it's just a matter of playing my role correctly. Like acting in a play, only certain actions will render specific results. If I keep her interested by whatever means, the end goal is to make it known you want to fuck. Hints are ok, actually forcing it is not. I still focus on only having a good time no matter what, but make sure when necessary to declare my intents. You can be as cool you want to be, don't make things personal. So anyways she has a great body, great energy, a very fun human being, and I am excited to see her naked :) Both single, both vibing each other, good close chemistry, she does that Latina girl know where they're Latina in their motions. All around a good situation to bring on. She's seven years older than me and I think she'll do weird things to my dick, which is cool. Could always be better, we can always do better, but this was an important step.
Caught a girls eye, used that to start a conversation, got number, got kiss, date tomorrow
I returned to the game recently. I got married shortly after the game released which involved a relocation so I was off the game for a while then I wasn't hearing very good stuff when I was ready to return and was having to decide which expenses to cut and so Wildstar just got the axe. I was playing SWTOR in the interim, but honestly, after leveling that game just leaves me somewhat bored so I checked to see if I could do some kind of trial to check out WS again and got the 10 day to try out. I was out of 'WS shape' and my smallish guild had disbanded so I didn't really bother but kept keeping up with the game more. When the Mystery Box Promo hit I bought a couple of boxes on clearance at my localish Wal-Mart and went for it and now I'm glad I did. I forgot just how fun it was playing this game and how unique the housing system is (sooooooo much better than SWTOR's rigid grid based housing). So, now I'm a full on subscriber again. I can't say what's brought other's back than to speculate hearing good things from the community and seeing that people are still here. tl;dr I came back so it might be true.
I returned to the game recently. I got married shortly after the game released which involved a relocation so I was off the game for a while then I wasn't hearing very good stuff when I was ready to return and was having to decide which expenses to cut and so Wildstar just got the axe. I was playing SWTOR in the interim, but honestly, after leveling that game just leaves me somewhat bored so I checked to see if I could do some kind of trial to check out WS again and got the 10 day to try out. I was out of 'WS shape' and my smallish guild had disbanded so I didn't really bother but kept keeping up with the game more. When the Mystery Box Promo hit I bought a couple of boxes on clearance at my localish Wal-Mart and went for it and now I'm glad I did. I forgot just how fun it was playing this game and how unique the housing system is (sooooooo much better than SWTOR's rigid grid based housing). So, now I'm a full on subscriber again. I can't say what's brought other's back than to speculate hearing good things from the community and seeing that people are still here. tl;dr I came back so it might be true.
I returned to the game recently. I got married shortly after the game released which involved a relocation so I was off the game for a while then I wasn't hearing very good stuff when I was ready to return and was having to decide which expenses to cut and so Wildstar just got the axe. I was playing SWTOR in the interim, but honestly, after leveling that game just leaves me somewhat bored so I checked to see if I could do some kind of trial to check out WS again and got the 10 day to try out. I was out of 'WS shape' and my smallish guild had disbanded so I didn't really bother but kept keeping up with the game more. When the Mystery Box Promo hit I bought a couple of boxes on clearance at my localish Wal-Mart and went for it and now I'm glad I did. I forgot just how fun it was playing this game and how unique the housing system is (sooooooo much better than SWTOR's rigid grid based housing). So, now I'm a full on subscriber again. I can't say what's brought other's back than to speculate hearing good things from the community and seeing that people are still here.
I came back so it might be true.
I work at a small pet store and by virtue there are only one or two people working at a time. My friend RJ and I both have been working here for over a year and being in high school, we probably weren't the ideal employees to be working the store solo, regardless we have been doing so every Friday for over a year and have yet to have any major issues. Tonight was the night that something would go wrong. It was near closing and there was only ever one person in the store at a time. I was working the register while RJ was in the back stacking up dog food. A lady walks up the counter and hands me some stuff to ring up and I promptly do so. Before she pays, I go to add her to the laptop we keep by the register which we use to keep info for our rewards club. She tells me her name and I whip around to go punch in her name and BAM, RJ's water bottle goes bottom up. Needless to say it was in the wrong place at the wrong time and now the computer is covered in water. The lady at the counter obliviously sees this and says something pseudo helpful and I slickly assure her that the computer is totally fine. I proceed to pick up the computer with one hand, hovering it over the water while I swipe her card. I smoothly play it off as if this happens all the time and then politely usher her out, apologizing for the delay. Just as she leaves, RJ comes up to the front. I pull a cool "uh, hey you want to get some paper towels" and he goes to the back to get some paper towels. When he gets back he is in a state of panic when he sees the computer. Me being a self proclaimed computer whiz (I've been building computers for a few years so I know a little) I decide that some paper towels and a good shake will get the water out and we will be all good; that was not the case. As I go to unplug the mouse and other various cables the thing shuts down, this was the first big issue. RJ says quizzically "did you just shut that off?", and I reply with an shocked "no I did not". Now, RJ is not the best person to confide in under pressure so I knew that keeping him calm was a good idea but at this point there was nothing I could do. RJ, knowing I work with computers, told me to do what I needed and he would go mull around the store. Frankly I'm pretty sure he was more worried that I was. Long story short, I crammed paper towels in every orifice of that computer that they would stay in and then put an entire tree worth of towels on top of the keyboard and closed the screen. At this point there was nothing else that I could do so I began thinking of ways that I can minimize the fallout from this. Mid thought, RJ comes up to me and says, "You gonna call Dave (our boss)", so me not wanting to be a total ass, I call him up. Keeping to the mood of the night, I pretend that it was just a drop of water and I shut the computer off so that It wouldn't short out. My boss buys it and I tell him that worst case we swap the hard drive out and stick it in a new computer that I'll buy. I wasn't too worried about buying a new computer given that the one there was no less than 8 years old at the time. So it turned out to be not too bad right?No. Dave asks if I saved the spreadsheet we use to keep customer info before I "Shut it off". Yeah all of that days data was gone. Problem. Lucky for me my boss was in a good mood and he didn't make a big deal over it, partly because he only thought he lost a days worth of rewards info. I left work that day, a few more unfortunate things happened to me between then and the time I got home, and so I decided the only way to end a bad day was by going to sleep before more could happen. Now its the next morning, someone else is working and I'm not there. I hope to god that the store can operate without the computer and my boss doesn't tear my ass in two when he realizes how much he has lost. To my surprise, the computer booted up perfectly which proved to be nothing short of a miracle considering it basically killed itself the night before. The true miracle was not that the computer survived however, but the fact that for nearly an hour when I was dealing with this crisis, not a single person came into the store. tl;dr I spill water on the computer at work and it shuts down (presumably dead), turns out that it survived and nobody ever knew that it was inches from death.
I work at a small pet store and by virtue there are only one or two people working at a time. My friend RJ and I both have been working here for over a year and being in high school, we probably weren't the ideal employees to be working the store solo, regardless we have been doing so every Friday for over a year and have yet to have any major issues. Tonight was the night that something would go wrong. It was near closing and there was only ever one person in the store at a time. I was working the register while RJ was in the back stacking up dog food. A lady walks up the counter and hands me some stuff to ring up and I promptly do so. Before she pays, I go to add her to the laptop we keep by the register which we use to keep info for our rewards club. She tells me her name and I whip around to go punch in her name and BAM, RJ's water bottle goes bottom up. Needless to say it was in the wrong place at the wrong time and now the computer is covered in water. The lady at the counter obliviously sees this and says something pseudo helpful and I slickly assure her that the computer is totally fine. I proceed to pick up the computer with one hand, hovering it over the water while I swipe her card. I smoothly play it off as if this happens all the time and then politely usher her out, apologizing for the delay. Just as she leaves, RJ comes up to the front. I pull a cool "uh, hey you want to get some paper towels" and he goes to the back to get some paper towels. When he gets back he is in a state of panic when he sees the computer. Me being a self proclaimed computer whiz (I've been building computers for a few years so I know a little) I decide that some paper towels and a good shake will get the water out and we will be all good; that was not the case. As I go to unplug the mouse and other various cables the thing shuts down, this was the first big issue. RJ says quizzically "did you just shut that off?", and I reply with an shocked "no I did not". Now, RJ is not the best person to confide in under pressure so I knew that keeping him calm was a good idea but at this point there was nothing I could do. RJ, knowing I work with computers, told me to do what I needed and he would go mull around the store. Frankly I'm pretty sure he was more worried that I was. Long story short, I crammed paper towels in every orifice of that computer that they would stay in and then put an entire tree worth of towels on top of the keyboard and closed the screen. At this point there was nothing else that I could do so I began thinking of ways that I can minimize the fallout from this. Mid thought, RJ comes up to me and says, "You gonna call Dave (our boss)", so me not wanting to be a total ass, I call him up. Keeping to the mood of the night, I pretend that it was just a drop of water and I shut the computer off so that It wouldn't short out. My boss buys it and I tell him that worst case we swap the hard drive out and stick it in a new computer that I'll buy. I wasn't too worried about buying a new computer given that the one there was no less than 8 years old at the time. So it turned out to be not too bad right?No. Dave asks if I saved the spreadsheet we use to keep customer info before I "Shut it off". Yeah all of that days data was gone. Problem. Lucky for me my boss was in a good mood and he didn't make a big deal over it, partly because he only thought he lost a days worth of rewards info. I left work that day, a few more unfortunate things happened to me between then and the time I got home, and so I decided the only way to end a bad day was by going to sleep before more could happen. Now its the next morning, someone else is working and I'm not there. I hope to god that the store can operate without the computer and my boss doesn't tear my ass in two when he realizes how much he has lost. To my surprise, the computer booted up perfectly which proved to be nothing short of a miracle considering it basically killed itself the night before. The true miracle was not that the computer survived however, but the fact that for nearly an hour when I was dealing with this crisis, not a single person came into the store. tl;dr I spill water on the computer at work and it shuts down (presumably dead), turns out that it survived and nobody ever knew that it was inches from death.
I work at a small pet store and by virtue there are only one or two people working at a time. My friend RJ and I both have been working here for over a year and being in high school, we probably weren't the ideal employees to be working the store solo, regardless we have been doing so every Friday for over a year and have yet to have any major issues. Tonight was the night that something would go wrong. It was near closing and there was only ever one person in the store at a time. I was working the register while RJ was in the back stacking up dog food. A lady walks up the counter and hands me some stuff to ring up and I promptly do so. Before she pays, I go to add her to the laptop we keep by the register which we use to keep info for our rewards club. She tells me her name and I whip around to go punch in her name and BAM, RJ's water bottle goes bottom up. Needless to say it was in the wrong place at the wrong time and now the computer is covered in water. The lady at the counter obliviously sees this and says something pseudo helpful and I slickly assure her that the computer is totally fine. I proceed to pick up the computer with one hand, hovering it over the water while I swipe her card. I smoothly play it off as if this happens all the time and then politely usher her out, apologizing for the delay. Just as she leaves, RJ comes up to the front. I pull a cool "uh, hey you want to get some paper towels" and he goes to the back to get some paper towels. When he gets back he is in a state of panic when he sees the computer. Me being a self proclaimed computer whiz (I've been building computers for a few years so I know a little) I decide that some paper towels and a good shake will get the water out and we will be all good; that was not the case. As I go to unplug the mouse and other various cables the thing shuts down, this was the first big issue. RJ says quizzically "did you just shut that off?", and I reply with an shocked "no I did not". Now, RJ is not the best person to confide in under pressure so I knew that keeping him calm was a good idea but at this point there was nothing I could do. RJ, knowing I work with computers, told me to do what I needed and he would go mull around the store. Frankly I'm pretty sure he was more worried that I was. Long story short, I crammed paper towels in every orifice of that computer that they would stay in and then put an entire tree worth of towels on top of the keyboard and closed the screen. At this point there was nothing else that I could do so I began thinking of ways that I can minimize the fallout from this. Mid thought, RJ comes up to me and says, "You gonna call Dave (our boss)", so me not wanting to be a total ass, I call him up. Keeping to the mood of the night, I pretend that it was just a drop of water and I shut the computer off so that It wouldn't short out. My boss buys it and I tell him that worst case we swap the hard drive out and stick it in a new computer that I'll buy. I wasn't too worried about buying a new computer given that the one there was no less than 8 years old at the time. So it turned out to be not too bad right?No. Dave asks if I saved the spreadsheet we use to keep customer info before I "Shut it off". Yeah all of that days data was gone. Problem. Lucky for me my boss was in a good mood and he didn't make a big deal over it, partly because he only thought he lost a days worth of rewards info. I left work that day, a few more unfortunate things happened to me between then and the time I got home, and so I decided the only way to end a bad day was by going to sleep before more could happen. Now its the next morning, someone else is working and I'm not there. I hope to god that the store can operate without the computer and my boss doesn't tear my ass in two when he realizes how much he has lost. To my surprise, the computer booted up perfectly which proved to be nothing short of a miracle considering it basically killed itself the night before. The true miracle was not that the computer survived however, but the fact that for nearly an hour when I was dealing with this crisis, not a single person came into the store.
I spill water on the computer at work and it shuts down (presumably dead), turns out that it survived and nobody ever knew that it was inches from death.
I have played all of the Ticket to Rides many times. My favorite is the Nordic Countries map, but it only plays 2 or 3 players. India is my second favorite, because of the Mandala rules and it seems like there are more difficult decisions to make (haven't really analyzed why this is, just seems that way to me). Europe is my third favorite. Between Europe and US, I much prefer Europe. US is actually my least favorite map, even after adding the 1910 changes. I think the reason I don't like the US map is that aggressive card drawing rarely pays off (maybe I am doing it wrong). The other games, depending on how the game flows, sometimes it is correct to draw a bunch of routes and sometimes it is better not too. With the US map, I feel that this strategic option isn't really there. tl:dr - Much prefer Europe. US map feels unbalanced.
I have played all of the Ticket to Rides many times. My favorite is the Nordic Countries map, but it only plays 2 or 3 players. India is my second favorite, because of the Mandala rules and it seems like there are more difficult decisions to make (haven't really analyzed why this is, just seems that way to me). Europe is my third favorite. Between Europe and US, I much prefer Europe. US is actually my least favorite map, even after adding the 1910 changes. I think the reason I don't like the US map is that aggressive card drawing rarely pays off (maybe I am doing it wrong). The other games, depending on how the game flows, sometimes it is correct to draw a bunch of routes and sometimes it is better not too. With the US map, I feel that this strategic option isn't really there. tl:dr - Much prefer Europe. US map feels unbalanced.
I have played all of the Ticket to Rides many times. My favorite is the Nordic Countries map, but it only plays 2 or 3 players. India is my second favorite, because of the Mandala rules and it seems like there are more difficult decisions to make (haven't really analyzed why this is, just seems that way to me). Europe is my third favorite. Between Europe and US, I much prefer Europe. US is actually my least favorite map, even after adding the 1910 changes. I think the reason I don't like the US map is that aggressive card drawing rarely pays off (maybe I am doing it wrong). The other games, depending on how the game flows, sometimes it is correct to draw a bunch of routes and sometimes it is better not too. With the US map, I feel that this strategic option isn't really there.
Much prefer Europe. US map feels unbalanced.
I don't understand all these "Get out there and vote" ads, especially ones sponsored by celebrities or whatnot. The truth is, the only way a representative democracy / republic will run For the people, By the people, Of the people, is if the electorate is an INFORMED CITIZENRY. Someone who needs to be reminded by Andre3000 or Nicki Minaj to get out there and vote, in my opinion, is likely not sufficiently informed to make a responsible judgment at the ballot box. The sad reality is as the saying, an uninformed democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting for lunch. The people need to be informed BEFORE they head to the ballot box, and I'd rather they not vote at all unless they understand what they're doing. Is that necessarily calling for a Jim Crow law? In my opinion, the negative connotation behind "voter suppression" is largely based on racially-motivated voter blocs... I believe visible minorities have just as much duty to become informed before they cast their ballot. Indiscriminate equality is as equally good as it is equally bad, Equality is not a morally charged concept. The primary concern for government should be to educate the populace - so that they can become informed voters. This has yet to happen because of the sheer efficacy of negative ads on an uninformed populace, and this is a troubling cycle for any democratic society - when the mob is so easily convinced one way or another by those in charge. Dare I say a puppet democracy is worse than a restrictive one? TL;DR - People who NEED to be "told" to vote should probably not vote at all.
I don't understand all these "Get out there and vote" ads, especially ones sponsored by celebrities or whatnot. The truth is, the only way a representative democracy / republic will run For the people, By the people, Of the people, is if the electorate is an INFORMED CITIZENRY. Someone who needs to be reminded by Andre3000 or Nicki Minaj to get out there and vote, in my opinion, is likely not sufficiently informed to make a responsible judgment at the ballot box. The sad reality is as the saying, an uninformed democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting for lunch. The people need to be informed BEFORE they head to the ballot box, and I'd rather they not vote at all unless they understand what they're doing. Is that necessarily calling for a Jim Crow law? In my opinion, the negative connotation behind "voter suppression" is largely based on racially-motivated voter blocs... I believe visible minorities have just as much duty to become informed before they cast their ballot. Indiscriminate equality is as equally good as it is equally bad, Equality is not a morally charged concept. The primary concern for government should be to educate the populace - so that they can become informed voters. This has yet to happen because of the sheer efficacy of negative ads on an uninformed populace, and this is a troubling cycle for any democratic society - when the mob is so easily convinced one way or another by those in charge. Dare I say a puppet democracy is worse than a restrictive one? TL;DR - People who NEED to be "told" to vote should probably not vote at all.
I don't understand all these "Get out there and vote" ads, especially ones sponsored by celebrities or whatnot. The truth is, the only way a representative democracy / republic will run For the people, By the people, Of the people, is if the electorate is an INFORMED CITIZENRY. Someone who needs to be reminded by Andre3000 or Nicki Minaj to get out there and vote, in my opinion, is likely not sufficiently informed to make a responsible judgment at the ballot box. The sad reality is as the saying, an uninformed democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting for lunch. The people need to be informed BEFORE they head to the ballot box, and I'd rather they not vote at all unless they understand what they're doing. Is that necessarily calling for a Jim Crow law? In my opinion, the negative connotation behind "voter suppression" is largely based on racially-motivated voter blocs... I believe visible minorities have just as much duty to become informed before they cast their ballot. Indiscriminate equality is as equally good as it is equally bad, Equality is not a morally charged concept. The primary concern for government should be to educate the populace - so that they can become informed voters. This has yet to happen because of the sheer efficacy of negative ads on an uninformed populace, and this is a troubling cycle for any democratic society - when the mob is so easily convinced one way or another by those in charge. Dare I say a puppet democracy is worse than a restrictive one?
People who NEED to be "told" to vote should probably not vote at all.
Worms. I don't think you understand how deeply rooted this phobia is. I will go out of my way to change sidewalks if I see a worm in the street. If there is a worm in the room (or somewhere I can see) I MUST flee. I would miss a test, a job interview, a lottery prize if there was a worm near. I hate the beach because I could touch a worm when I'm barefoot in the sand. I literally cannot sleep if I think about a worm. I feel them creeping in my skin and must find something else to do. I cringe when I type or read the very word "worm". When the Yu-Gi-Oh! fad started, some of my friends gave me a deck for some secret santa, and I got the standard, basic Yugi deck. There was a worm warrior card with a very graphic image of a worm, which I immediately threw on the floor, picked it up in such a way that it would face against me so I could not see the drawing, and took it to the bathroom and burned it with a friend's lighter. I refused to give it away in the slim chance someone would use it in a game with me. In the fifth grade, a piece of the roof fell next to me*, and some larvae fell on my desk. Now, larvae aren't really worms, but I hate them all the same. In that same note, centipedes aren't worms either, and again, I hate the fuck out of them. So, this huge nest of larvae (as I remember it, my friends say it was just ONE larva that fell on my desk) fell on my desk, and I must have made some kind of record, because I didn't even know it and I was already outside of the room. The teacher was angry because she didn't know what had made me leave the classroom, but I explained and she calmed down. Which proved to be futile when she was enraged again when I refused to be in that classroom any more, even after they disposed of the larvae and offered me a new seat. They had to call in my parents to pick me up. When I was 13 or around that age, my cousin threw a worm on me. My cousin was a bitch. She knew I didn't like worms, but maybe she was just curious of *how much* I hated them. I screamed in some ear-breaking frequency, got it off me as if it were AIDS-infected blood on top of an open wound, and ran as fast as I could into the beach house. I had to cross a busy street to get to my house, but I didn't give a fuck about being killed. When I got into the house I found some hose and scrubbed the place it touched me until I drew blood in some sort of obsessive Macbeth-like washing panic. And I only stopped because my parents found me there, hyperventilating and scratching at my torso like a madman. TL;DR I really fucking hate worms and my cousing is a bitch. *: It was one of those grid ceilings that you can move easily, but the was loose or some shit like that. I don't even want to think about it.
Worms. I don't think you understand how deeply rooted this phobia is. I will go out of my way to change sidewalks if I see a worm in the street. If there is a worm in the room (or somewhere I can see) I MUST flee. I would miss a test, a job interview, a lottery prize if there was a worm near. I hate the beach because I could touch a worm when I'm barefoot in the sand. I literally cannot sleep if I think about a worm. I feel them creeping in my skin and must find something else to do. I cringe when I type or read the very word "worm". When the Yu-Gi-Oh! fad started, some of my friends gave me a deck for some secret santa, and I got the standard, basic Yugi deck. There was a worm warrior card with a very graphic image of a worm, which I immediately threw on the floor, picked it up in such a way that it would face against me so I could not see the drawing, and took it to the bathroom and burned it with a friend's lighter. I refused to give it away in the slim chance someone would use it in a game with me. In the fifth grade, a piece of the roof fell next to me*, and some larvae fell on my desk. Now, larvae aren't really worms, but I hate them all the same. In that same note, centipedes aren't worms either, and again, I hate the fuck out of them. So, this huge nest of larvae (as I remember it, my friends say it was just ONE larva that fell on my desk) fell on my desk, and I must have made some kind of record, because I didn't even know it and I was already outside of the room. The teacher was angry because she didn't know what had made me leave the classroom, but I explained and she calmed down. Which proved to be futile when she was enraged again when I refused to be in that classroom any more, even after they disposed of the larvae and offered me a new seat. They had to call in my parents to pick me up. When I was 13 or around that age, my cousin threw a worm on me. My cousin was a bitch. She knew I didn't like worms, but maybe she was just curious of how much I hated them. I screamed in some ear-breaking frequency, got it off me as if it were AIDS-infected blood on top of an open wound, and ran as fast as I could into the beach house. I had to cross a busy street to get to my house, but I didn't give a fuck about being killed. When I got into the house I found some hose and scrubbed the place it touched me until I drew blood in some sort of obsessive Macbeth-like washing panic. And I only stopped because my parents found me there, hyperventilating and scratching at my torso like a madman. TL;DR I really fucking hate worms and my cousing is a bitch. *: It was one of those grid ceilings that you can move easily, but the was loose or some shit like that. I don't even want to think about it.
Worms. I don't think you understand how deeply rooted this phobia is. I will go out of my way to change sidewalks if I see a worm in the street. If there is a worm in the room (or somewhere I can see) I MUST flee. I would miss a test, a job interview, a lottery prize if there was a worm near. I hate the beach because I could touch a worm when I'm barefoot in the sand. I literally cannot sleep if I think about a worm. I feel them creeping in my skin and must find something else to do. I cringe when I type or read the very word "worm". When the Yu-Gi-Oh! fad started, some of my friends gave me a deck for some secret santa, and I got the standard, basic Yugi deck. There was a worm warrior card with a very graphic image of a worm, which I immediately threw on the floor, picked it up in such a way that it would face against me so I could not see the drawing, and took it to the bathroom and burned it with a friend's lighter. I refused to give it away in the slim chance someone would use it in a game with me. In the fifth grade, a piece of the roof fell next to me*, and some larvae fell on my desk. Now, larvae aren't really worms, but I hate them all the same. In that same note, centipedes aren't worms either, and again, I hate the fuck out of them. So, this huge nest of larvae (as I remember it, my friends say it was just ONE larva that fell on my desk) fell on my desk, and I must have made some kind of record, because I didn't even know it and I was already outside of the room. The teacher was angry because she didn't know what had made me leave the classroom, but I explained and she calmed down. Which proved to be futile when she was enraged again when I refused to be in that classroom any more, even after they disposed of the larvae and offered me a new seat. They had to call in my parents to pick me up. When I was 13 or around that age, my cousin threw a worm on me. My cousin was a bitch. She knew I didn't like worms, but maybe she was just curious of how much I hated them. I screamed in some ear-breaking frequency, got it off me as if it were AIDS-infected blood on top of an open wound, and ran as fast as I could into the beach house. I had to cross a busy street to get to my house, but I didn't give a fuck about being killed. When I got into the house I found some hose and scrubbed the place it touched me until I drew blood in some sort of obsessive Macbeth-like washing panic. And I only stopped because my parents found me there, hyperventilating and scratching at my torso like a madman.
I really fucking hate worms and my cousing is a bitch. *: It was one of those grid ceilings that you can move easily, but the was loose or some shit like that. I don't even want to think about it.
Some background: * 28/m/American * 27/f/Asian-American (strong Asian background) * Dating for 2.5 years * Don't live together, but visit often I'm looking for advice on if I'm ready to get married. We've been dating for a while and she's a great person. I'll try to lay out the pros and cons of my thoughts, and hopefully you can make some sense. I'm concerned if my thoughts are *should I get married to this person* or *should I get married*. She wants to get married soon because of her background and tradition. As unfortunate as it seems to me (because its restricting our options and forcing the decision), I don't think we can continue the relationship unmarried. **Pros** * We don't fight too often. When we do, they are hard but end quickly. * I can't *think* of any reason not to get married. I tend to overlook flaws, which can be a double-edged sword. Something that bothers me is I said think, not feel. * Our plans line up in terms of interest - travel, where to take a honeymoon if we got married, some of our interests (but not all) * As much as my "think" statements above hold true, I'd feel terrible for leaving the relationship because of how well we treat each other. When we have intense fights that could lead to a breakup (not often, but happens), I can't bring myself to leave. Not sure if I just don't have guts to, which is a personal flaw vs not wanting to leave because of the relationship. **Cons** * I'm used to having all the time possible to pursue my interests. Getting married feels like a loss on some of that time. * We both agree how we act and live now is what we see married life like. We differ here: one of us says "why marry" the other says "why not marry" * Do couples go into marriage agreeing about kids? We agree on some aspects but not others. **Tl;DR** Thinking about marriage but I have some reservations. What are your thoughts -- are we ready to get married? Am I ready for marriage (with anyone)? With all the conversations we've been having, I'm starting to wonder if I even should ever get married...
Some background: 28/m/American 27/f/Asian-American (strong Asian background) Dating for 2.5 years Don't live together, but visit often I'm looking for advice on if I'm ready to get married. We've been dating for a while and she's a great person. I'll try to lay out the pros and cons of my thoughts, and hopefully you can make some sense. I'm concerned if my thoughts are should I get married to this person or should I get married . She wants to get married soon because of her background and tradition. As unfortunate as it seems to me (because its restricting our options and forcing the decision), I don't think we can continue the relationship unmarried. Pros We don't fight too often. When we do, they are hard but end quickly. I can't think of any reason not to get married. I tend to overlook flaws, which can be a double-edged sword. Something that bothers me is I said think, not feel. Our plans line up in terms of interest - travel, where to take a honeymoon if we got married, some of our interests (but not all) As much as my "think" statements above hold true, I'd feel terrible for leaving the relationship because of how well we treat each other. When we have intense fights that could lead to a breakup (not often, but happens), I can't bring myself to leave. Not sure if I just don't have guts to, which is a personal flaw vs not wanting to leave because of the relationship. Cons I'm used to having all the time possible to pursue my interests. Getting married feels like a loss on some of that time. We both agree how we act and live now is what we see married life like. We differ here: one of us says "why marry" the other says "why not marry" Do couples go into marriage agreeing about kids? We agree on some aspects but not others. Tl;DR Thinking about marriage but I have some reservations. What are your thoughts -- are we ready to get married? Am I ready for marriage (with anyone)? With all the conversations we've been having, I'm starting to wonder if I even should ever get married...
Some background: 28/m/American 27/f/Asian-American (strong Asian background) Dating for 2.5 years Don't live together, but visit often I'm looking for advice on if I'm ready to get married. We've been dating for a while and she's a great person. I'll try to lay out the pros and cons of my thoughts, and hopefully you can make some sense. I'm concerned if my thoughts are should I get married to this person or should I get married . She wants to get married soon because of her background and tradition. As unfortunate as it seems to me (because its restricting our options and forcing the decision), I don't think we can continue the relationship unmarried. Pros We don't fight too often. When we do, they are hard but end quickly. I can't think of any reason not to get married. I tend to overlook flaws, which can be a double-edged sword. Something that bothers me is I said think, not feel. Our plans line up in terms of interest - travel, where to take a honeymoon if we got married, some of our interests (but not all) As much as my "think" statements above hold true, I'd feel terrible for leaving the relationship because of how well we treat each other. When we have intense fights that could lead to a breakup (not often, but happens), I can't bring myself to leave. Not sure if I just don't have guts to, which is a personal flaw vs not wanting to leave because of the relationship. Cons I'm used to having all the time possible to pursue my interests. Getting married feels like a loss on some of that time. We both agree how we act and live now is what we see married life like. We differ here: one of us says "why marry" the other says "why not marry" Do couples go into marriage agreeing about kids? We agree on some aspects but not others.
Thinking about marriage but I have some reservations. What are your thoughts -- are we ready to get married? Am I ready for marriage (with anyone)? With all the conversations we've been having, I'm starting to wonder if I even should ever get married...
Ok, so I have this sex swing, or should I say had... I recently moved, and threw all of my belongings into boxes. To get rid of clutter I had a few boxes of stuff I don't use anymore that I filled, drove to Goodwill and donated. Well, after unpacking and searching for the aforementioned sex swing, I discovered it wasn't there. After frantically searching and thinking, I realized that I must have accidentally, somehow, fucked up and put it in a box to donate. I only got to use it a couple of times, and now some kid is probably enjoying it for all the wrong reasons in a backyard play set. One man's trash... TL;DR accidentally donated a sex swing to Goodwill, probably made some kid's Saturday afternoons enjoyable by ignorance.
Ok, so I have this sex swing, or should I say had... I recently moved, and threw all of my belongings into boxes. To get rid of clutter I had a few boxes of stuff I don't use anymore that I filled, drove to Goodwill and donated. Well, after unpacking and searching for the aforementioned sex swing, I discovered it wasn't there. After frantically searching and thinking, I realized that I must have accidentally, somehow, fucked up and put it in a box to donate. I only got to use it a couple of times, and now some kid is probably enjoying it for all the wrong reasons in a backyard play set. One man's trash... TL;DR accidentally donated a sex swing to Goodwill, probably made some kid's Saturday afternoons enjoyable by ignorance.
Ok, so I have this sex swing, or should I say had... I recently moved, and threw all of my belongings into boxes. To get rid of clutter I had a few boxes of stuff I don't use anymore that I filled, drove to Goodwill and donated. Well, after unpacking and searching for the aforementioned sex swing, I discovered it wasn't there. After frantically searching and thinking, I realized that I must have accidentally, somehow, fucked up and put it in a box to donate. I only got to use it a couple of times, and now some kid is probably enjoying it for all the wrong reasons in a backyard play set. One man's trash...
accidentally donated a sex swing to Goodwill, probably made some kid's Saturday afternoons enjoyable by ignorance.
I met this guy through a social group we're in about 6 months ago, we hooked up, then 2 months later started dating. Things picked up pretty quickly. I'm different from any other girl he's dated, he feels comfortable around me, I intrigue him, I'm smarter than him (apparently). He told me yesterday he doesn't want me to come to some events with him unless it's only his very close friends. He said he just doesn't want people talking bad about us. He also doesn't want to hurt other girls he's recently dated. He is a pretty active member of the group so a lot of people know him. I'm somewhat known, but not nearly as much as him. We're still really fresh. He said he is still not 100% sure about me, and he said he's not convinced relationships work out. I told him it's okay, no sweat. Is this a sign he's becoming uninterested and he's just not being straight forward? Is it a red flag? Or am I looking at this too soon? Edit: Hooked up 3 months after we met each other, didn't talk for 2 months, then started dating. It's been 1 month since we started seeing each other several times a week. He told me he is not and does not want to be seeing anyone else, but we also haven't claimed each other as BF/GF. --- **tl;dr**: Guy I've dated for 1 month doesn't want to bring me around our social group to avoid drama with friends and past girls and he's still not sure about us. Red flag or too soon?
I met this guy through a social group we're in about 6 months ago, we hooked up, then 2 months later started dating. Things picked up pretty quickly. I'm different from any other girl he's dated, he feels comfortable around me, I intrigue him, I'm smarter than him (apparently). He told me yesterday he doesn't want me to come to some events with him unless it's only his very close friends. He said he just doesn't want people talking bad about us. He also doesn't want to hurt other girls he's recently dated. He is a pretty active member of the group so a lot of people know him. I'm somewhat known, but not nearly as much as him. We're still really fresh. He said he is still not 100% sure about me, and he said he's not convinced relationships work out. I told him it's okay, no sweat. Is this a sign he's becoming uninterested and he's just not being straight forward? Is it a red flag? Or am I looking at this too soon? Edit: Hooked up 3 months after we met each other, didn't talk for 2 months, then started dating. It's been 1 month since we started seeing each other several times a week. He told me he is not and does not want to be seeing anyone else, but we also haven't claimed each other as BF/GF. tl;dr : Guy I've dated for 1 month doesn't want to bring me around our social group to avoid drama with friends and past girls and he's still not sure about us. Red flag or too soon?
I met this guy through a social group we're in about 6 months ago, we hooked up, then 2 months later started dating. Things picked up pretty quickly. I'm different from any other girl he's dated, he feels comfortable around me, I intrigue him, I'm smarter than him (apparently). He told me yesterday he doesn't want me to come to some events with him unless it's only his very close friends. He said he just doesn't want people talking bad about us. He also doesn't want to hurt other girls he's recently dated. He is a pretty active member of the group so a lot of people know him. I'm somewhat known, but not nearly as much as him. We're still really fresh. He said he is still not 100% sure about me, and he said he's not convinced relationships work out. I told him it's okay, no sweat. Is this a sign he's becoming uninterested and he's just not being straight forward? Is it a red flag? Or am I looking at this too soon? Edit: Hooked up 3 months after we met each other, didn't talk for 2 months, then started dating. It's been 1 month since we started seeing each other several times a week. He told me he is not and does not want to be seeing anyone else, but we also haven't claimed each other as BF/GF.
Guy I've dated for 1 month doesn't want to bring me around our social group to avoid drama with friends and past girls and he's still not sure about us. Red flag or too soon?
I am assuming there are many ex-religious people here. You have to put yourself in their mindset and use arguments they understand. I was a very devout Christian for many years. I know how I thought back then, and most atheist arguments make too big of a leap intellectually for people to process and just end up coming off as snooty and dismissive. You have to carefully dissect what they are saying and use their own arguments against them. Many religious people have their beliefs heavily engrained in their culture, so you have to understand where the arguments are coming from and why. If you can get them to start admitting flaws in their culture and religion, and start to look at the hypocrisy of their own opinions then you can start to chip away and show them how they haven't really thought things through. You can have good debates with religious people that have thought things through but post people just have never given any other ideas any thought and come back at you emotionally and feeling attacked. tl;dr: Most religious people just haven't thought any other way, you have to argue from inside their religion in a respectful way before they even consider anything like atheism.
I am assuming there are many ex-religious people here. You have to put yourself in their mindset and use arguments they understand. I was a very devout Christian for many years. I know how I thought back then, and most atheist arguments make too big of a leap intellectually for people to process and just end up coming off as snooty and dismissive. You have to carefully dissect what they are saying and use their own arguments against them. Many religious people have their beliefs heavily engrained in their culture, so you have to understand where the arguments are coming from and why. If you can get them to start admitting flaws in their culture and religion, and start to look at the hypocrisy of their own opinions then you can start to chip away and show them how they haven't really thought things through. You can have good debates with religious people that have thought things through but post people just have never given any other ideas any thought and come back at you emotionally and feeling attacked. tl;dr: Most religious people just haven't thought any other way, you have to argue from inside their religion in a respectful way before they even consider anything like atheism.
I am assuming there are many ex-religious people here. You have to put yourself in their mindset and use arguments they understand. I was a very devout Christian for many years. I know how I thought back then, and most atheist arguments make too big of a leap intellectually for people to process and just end up coming off as snooty and dismissive. You have to carefully dissect what they are saying and use their own arguments against them. Many religious people have their beliefs heavily engrained in their culture, so you have to understand where the arguments are coming from and why. If you can get them to start admitting flaws in their culture and religion, and start to look at the hypocrisy of their own opinions then you can start to chip away and show them how they haven't really thought things through. You can have good debates with religious people that have thought things through but post people just have never given any other ideas any thought and come back at you emotionally and feeling attacked.
Most religious people just haven't thought any other way, you have to argue from inside their religion in a respectful way before they even consider anything like atheism.
So this fuck up actually happened a couple years ago, but just came to my mind and I thought I should share. A couple years ago I had just started my sophomore year of college and had finally moved out of the dorms and into a quaint townhouse with my close friend. I was so excited to finally have my own space, and with that space I found it was much easier to smoke the occasional bowl without fear of being reprimanded. Enter me with a nice new bag of ganja. I'm relaxing in my room on the second story of the apartment which happens to have a small balcony I can step out onto. I've managed to roll a pretty impressive joint, so I ask my roommate if he'd like to come smoke this work of art with me. He obliges and we step onto my balcony, making sure to shut the sliding door nice and tight so as to not let excess smoke into the apartment. We carry on talking for a while and decide to go back inside to play some Mario Kart. I turn to open the balcony door and after trying a few times to open it, it dawns on me that we have somehow locked ourselves out of the apartment (I still to this day don't understand how the door locked, as it is one of those latches that flips upwards and slots into a hole to lock. I can only assume I shut the door so hard that the latch flipped itself 180 degrees into its locking position). I immediately decide I will call my father who lives only 30 minutes away and see if he can come open our door for us since he has a spare key. He answers and says he will be right over. Phew, crisis averted. Suddenly I notice out of the corner of my eye the bag of weed sitting on my desk, with rolling papers right next to it. Now I'm freaking out. I can't have my dad see this when he comes into my room to open the balcony door for us. Instantly I call him back and tell him to abort mission as we have managed to jimmy the lock and are back inside. Phew, crisis averted. Shit, now what do we do. It's slowly getting chillier as the sun starts to set and we have not come equipped to deal with anything under 70 degrees. I throw an idea out to my roommate: lets call a locksmith and have him come unlock our door for us and let us in. My roommate then points out the fact that the locksmith will also undoubtedly see the weed on my desk and might not be 420 friendly. Shit. Ok, I'm not very athletic, but maybe I can lower myself off the balcony to the ground and after the locksmith opens the door I'll just come let my roommate in. In our impaired state we determine this to be the best course of action. I start to lower myself off and immediately freak out because the drop is way farther than I had anticipated. I climb back up and tell my roommate there's no fucking way and resign to kick the glass door of the balcony in and just pay the repair costs. He stops me and says he will do it, but agrees that it is definitely too far to fall without hurting himself. We have all but lost hope when a neighbor walks by coming home from work. She's a small girl, maybe 4'5'' at most. I don't pay her much attention, but my roommate sees something in her that I have not. He calls out to her and asks her if she has a ladder. She say's that she might and will be right back. She comes back out of her apartment with a nice fancy BIC lighter and asks "will this work?" Even though I'm quite distressed and starting to freeze my ass off I can see the humor in this miscommunication. My roommate does not and yells back "A LADDER, NOT A LIGHTER". Turns out she doesn't have a ladder. We explain the events that brought us to this point (minus the weed) and ask if she has a boyfriend or some guy living with her that could spot my friend as he drops off the balcony. She does not unfortunately, but she'd be happy to spot him, she was a cheer leader in high school! With the knowledge of this tiny girls cheer leading skills we proceed to lower my roommate off of the balcony. He is now about three feet under the balcony holding onto my arms and his feet are directly above the girl on the ground as he looks me dead in the eyes with fear I have never seen in my life and have yet to see matched and tells me to let him go. He drops rather gracefully and lands on the ground with no incident. The girl looks very confused about what just took place and says something involving 'pretty', 'short' and 'fall'. Her words go in one ear and out the other because all I can hear is the sound of my heart pumping faster than I knew was humanly possible. My friend looks absolutely ecstatic, like he just successfully parachuted out of a plane and stuck a 10/10 landing. I call the locksmith, he arrives, breaks my front door lock trying to get it open, spends about 30 minutes trying to open the broken lock, somehow succeeds by hammering the shit out of the lock and my friend rescues my frozen ass after 2 hours of sitting on the balcony. I pay the locksmith $70 for breaking my lock. The next day I pay the landlord $80 to replace the lock. That night I catch the tiny girl heading to her apartment after work and give her a $50 VISA gift card. TL;DR: Rolled a joint, locked my roommate and I out on the balcony, had a harrowing near death experience trying to get back inside involving a tiny girl, a washed up locksmith, and frozen asses.
So this fuck up actually happened a couple years ago, but just came to my mind and I thought I should share. A couple years ago I had just started my sophomore year of college and had finally moved out of the dorms and into a quaint townhouse with my close friend. I was so excited to finally have my own space, and with that space I found it was much easier to smoke the occasional bowl without fear of being reprimanded. Enter me with a nice new bag of ganja. I'm relaxing in my room on the second story of the apartment which happens to have a small balcony I can step out onto. I've managed to roll a pretty impressive joint, so I ask my roommate if he'd like to come smoke this work of art with me. He obliges and we step onto my balcony, making sure to shut the sliding door nice and tight so as to not let excess smoke into the apartment. We carry on talking for a while and decide to go back inside to play some Mario Kart. I turn to open the balcony door and after trying a few times to open it, it dawns on me that we have somehow locked ourselves out of the apartment (I still to this day don't understand how the door locked, as it is one of those latches that flips upwards and slots into a hole to lock. I can only assume I shut the door so hard that the latch flipped itself 180 degrees into its locking position). I immediately decide I will call my father who lives only 30 minutes away and see if he can come open our door for us since he has a spare key. He answers and says he will be right over. Phew, crisis averted. Suddenly I notice out of the corner of my eye the bag of weed sitting on my desk, with rolling papers right next to it. Now I'm freaking out. I can't have my dad see this when he comes into my room to open the balcony door for us. Instantly I call him back and tell him to abort mission as we have managed to jimmy the lock and are back inside. Phew, crisis averted. Shit, now what do we do. It's slowly getting chillier as the sun starts to set and we have not come equipped to deal with anything under 70 degrees. I throw an idea out to my roommate: lets call a locksmith and have him come unlock our door for us and let us in. My roommate then points out the fact that the locksmith will also undoubtedly see the weed on my desk and might not be 420 friendly. Shit. Ok, I'm not very athletic, but maybe I can lower myself off the balcony to the ground and after the locksmith opens the door I'll just come let my roommate in. In our impaired state we determine this to be the best course of action. I start to lower myself off and immediately freak out because the drop is way farther than I had anticipated. I climb back up and tell my roommate there's no fucking way and resign to kick the glass door of the balcony in and just pay the repair costs. He stops me and says he will do it, but agrees that it is definitely too far to fall without hurting himself. We have all but lost hope when a neighbor walks by coming home from work. She's a small girl, maybe 4'5'' at most. I don't pay her much attention, but my roommate sees something in her that I have not. He calls out to her and asks her if she has a ladder. She say's that she might and will be right back. She comes back out of her apartment with a nice fancy BIC lighter and asks "will this work?" Even though I'm quite distressed and starting to freeze my ass off I can see the humor in this miscommunication. My roommate does not and yells back "A LADDER, NOT A LIGHTER". Turns out she doesn't have a ladder. We explain the events that brought us to this point (minus the weed) and ask if she has a boyfriend or some guy living with her that could spot my friend as he drops off the balcony. She does not unfortunately, but she'd be happy to spot him, she was a cheer leader in high school! With the knowledge of this tiny girls cheer leading skills we proceed to lower my roommate off of the balcony. He is now about three feet under the balcony holding onto my arms and his feet are directly above the girl on the ground as he looks me dead in the eyes with fear I have never seen in my life and have yet to see matched and tells me to let him go. He drops rather gracefully and lands on the ground with no incident. The girl looks very confused about what just took place and says something involving 'pretty', 'short' and 'fall'. Her words go in one ear and out the other because all I can hear is the sound of my heart pumping faster than I knew was humanly possible. My friend looks absolutely ecstatic, like he just successfully parachuted out of a plane and stuck a 10/10 landing. I call the locksmith, he arrives, breaks my front door lock trying to get it open, spends about 30 minutes trying to open the broken lock, somehow succeeds by hammering the shit out of the lock and my friend rescues my frozen ass after 2 hours of sitting on the balcony. I pay the locksmith $70 for breaking my lock. The next day I pay the landlord $80 to replace the lock. That night I catch the tiny girl heading to her apartment after work and give her a $50 VISA gift card. TL;DR: Rolled a joint, locked my roommate and I out on the balcony, had a harrowing near death experience trying to get back inside involving a tiny girl, a washed up locksmith, and frozen asses.
So this fuck up actually happened a couple years ago, but just came to my mind and I thought I should share. A couple years ago I had just started my sophomore year of college and had finally moved out of the dorms and into a quaint townhouse with my close friend. I was so excited to finally have my own space, and with that space I found it was much easier to smoke the occasional bowl without fear of being reprimanded. Enter me with a nice new bag of ganja. I'm relaxing in my room on the second story of the apartment which happens to have a small balcony I can step out onto. I've managed to roll a pretty impressive joint, so I ask my roommate if he'd like to come smoke this work of art with me. He obliges and we step onto my balcony, making sure to shut the sliding door nice and tight so as to not let excess smoke into the apartment. We carry on talking for a while and decide to go back inside to play some Mario Kart. I turn to open the balcony door and after trying a few times to open it, it dawns on me that we have somehow locked ourselves out of the apartment (I still to this day don't understand how the door locked, as it is one of those latches that flips upwards and slots into a hole to lock. I can only assume I shut the door so hard that the latch flipped itself 180 degrees into its locking position). I immediately decide I will call my father who lives only 30 minutes away and see if he can come open our door for us since he has a spare key. He answers and says he will be right over. Phew, crisis averted. Suddenly I notice out of the corner of my eye the bag of weed sitting on my desk, with rolling papers right next to it. Now I'm freaking out. I can't have my dad see this when he comes into my room to open the balcony door for us. Instantly I call him back and tell him to abort mission as we have managed to jimmy the lock and are back inside. Phew, crisis averted. Shit, now what do we do. It's slowly getting chillier as the sun starts to set and we have not come equipped to deal with anything under 70 degrees. I throw an idea out to my roommate: lets call a locksmith and have him come unlock our door for us and let us in. My roommate then points out the fact that the locksmith will also undoubtedly see the weed on my desk and might not be 420 friendly. Shit. Ok, I'm not very athletic, but maybe I can lower myself off the balcony to the ground and after the locksmith opens the door I'll just come let my roommate in. In our impaired state we determine this to be the best course of action. I start to lower myself off and immediately freak out because the drop is way farther than I had anticipated. I climb back up and tell my roommate there's no fucking way and resign to kick the glass door of the balcony in and just pay the repair costs. He stops me and says he will do it, but agrees that it is definitely too far to fall without hurting himself. We have all but lost hope when a neighbor walks by coming home from work. She's a small girl, maybe 4'5'' at most. I don't pay her much attention, but my roommate sees something in her that I have not. He calls out to her and asks her if she has a ladder. She say's that she might and will be right back. She comes back out of her apartment with a nice fancy BIC lighter and asks "will this work?" Even though I'm quite distressed and starting to freeze my ass off I can see the humor in this miscommunication. My roommate does not and yells back "A LADDER, NOT A LIGHTER". Turns out she doesn't have a ladder. We explain the events that brought us to this point (minus the weed) and ask if she has a boyfriend or some guy living with her that could spot my friend as he drops off the balcony. She does not unfortunately, but she'd be happy to spot him, she was a cheer leader in high school! With the knowledge of this tiny girls cheer leading skills we proceed to lower my roommate off of the balcony. He is now about three feet under the balcony holding onto my arms and his feet are directly above the girl on the ground as he looks me dead in the eyes with fear I have never seen in my life and have yet to see matched and tells me to let him go. He drops rather gracefully and lands on the ground with no incident. The girl looks very confused about what just took place and says something involving 'pretty', 'short' and 'fall'. Her words go in one ear and out the other because all I can hear is the sound of my heart pumping faster than I knew was humanly possible. My friend looks absolutely ecstatic, like he just successfully parachuted out of a plane and stuck a 10/10 landing. I call the locksmith, he arrives, breaks my front door lock trying to get it open, spends about 30 minutes trying to open the broken lock, somehow succeeds by hammering the shit out of the lock and my friend rescues my frozen ass after 2 hours of sitting on the balcony. I pay the locksmith $70 for breaking my lock. The next day I pay the landlord $80 to replace the lock. That night I catch the tiny girl heading to her apartment after work and give her a $50 VISA gift card.
Rolled a joint, locked my roommate and I out on the balcony, had a harrowing near death experience trying to get back inside involving a tiny girl, a washed up locksmith, and frozen asses.
I met a girl on the internet we chatted for 3 months prior to meeting, we met early in March and went on a couple other dates afterwards. We get along great and are a perfect match but she lives 2 hours away, I'm just looking for a little guidance and advice. TL;DR: Met a girl that lives 2 hours away, need help.
I met a girl on the internet we chatted for 3 months prior to meeting, we met early in March and went on a couple other dates afterwards. We get along great and are a perfect match but she lives 2 hours away, I'm just looking for a little guidance and advice. TL;DR: Met a girl that lives 2 hours away, need help.
I met a girl on the internet we chatted for 3 months prior to meeting, we met early in March and went on a couple other dates afterwards. We get along great and are a perfect match but she lives 2 hours away, I'm just looking for a little guidance and advice.
Met a girl that lives 2 hours away, need help.
> What is this obsession with income equality? Decreasing marginal utility. On average, each additional dollar in income benefits an individual slightly less. Thus, high levels of inequality indicate an inefficient allocation of resources in terms of maximizing utility. The challenge is to find a system that combines the advantages of market economies (e.g. price signaling, incentives) with a distribution that is fairly efficient in terms of maximizing utility, while also > The free market always reveals what a service or product is worth because if it isn't worth what it costs no one will buy it or pay for it. No. No it doesn't. And it'd be mighty nice if you internet libertarians could read a few economics textbooks every once in a while, rather than just religiously worshipping the market. In reality, market failure can occur due to things like externalities, monopolistic competition, monopsonistic competition, public and non-excludable goods, information asymmetries, principal-agent problems, time-based inconsistency in preferences, and quite a few other things. And as it happens, just about all markets in existence feature at least one of the things mentioned to some extent. But even if you ignore all of that (which you *really* shouldn't), the free, efficient market only shows value given a specific distribution. Change the distribution, and price levels (and thus market signals) change, providing a market signal to alter the allocation of resources. So, for example, if you have a few really wealthy people, you'll probably have enough demand to drive prices for giant private yachts to a level that ensures that some of society's resources will be allocated to production of giant private yachts. Change the distribution so that the wealthy have a bit less and the poor have a bit more, and the result will be that fewer resources are allocated to production of giant private yachts, and more to things like working class housing. > Based on growth rates, the US economy is going to overtake the EU economy soon. This is interesting because the EU actually has more people. Yes, there are different economic situations in different countries. But I don't think anyone will argue when I say that as a whole the EU has far more liberal tax and spend policies than the US. As a whole, the US is doing far better than the EU economically. If the US's lower taxes and spending policies didn't work better we'd be seeing a different picture. No. But since actually explaining this stuff to you would take several dozens of pages, [here's a helpful link instead]( The TL;DR version: shit's complicated. > Of course. But I would prefer to err on the side of prosperity rather than mediocrity. Whose prosperity? High inequality entails less prosperity for a very large part of the population.
> What is this obsession with income equality? Decreasing marginal utility. On average, each additional dollar in income benefits an individual slightly less. Thus, high levels of inequality indicate an inefficient allocation of resources in terms of maximizing utility. The challenge is to find a system that combines the advantages of market economies (e.g. price signaling, incentives) with a distribution that is fairly efficient in terms of maximizing utility, while also > The free market always reveals what a service or product is worth because if it isn't worth what it costs no one will buy it or pay for it. No. No it doesn't. And it'd be mighty nice if you internet libertarians could read a few economics textbooks every once in a while, rather than just religiously worshipping the market. In reality, market failure can occur due to things like externalities, monopolistic competition, monopsonistic competition, public and non-excludable goods, information asymmetries, principal-agent problems, time-based inconsistency in preferences, and quite a few other things. And as it happens, just about all markets in existence feature at least one of the things mentioned to some extent. But even if you ignore all of that (which you really shouldn't), the free, efficient market only shows value given a specific distribution. Change the distribution, and price levels (and thus market signals) change, providing a market signal to alter the allocation of resources. So, for example, if you have a few really wealthy people, you'll probably have enough demand to drive prices for giant private yachts to a level that ensures that some of society's resources will be allocated to production of giant private yachts. Change the distribution so that the wealthy have a bit less and the poor have a bit more, and the result will be that fewer resources are allocated to production of giant private yachts, and more to things like working class housing. > Based on growth rates, the US economy is going to overtake the EU economy soon. This is interesting because the EU actually has more people. Yes, there are different economic situations in different countries. But I don't think anyone will argue when I say that as a whole the EU has far more liberal tax and spend policies than the US. As a whole, the US is doing far better than the EU economically. If the US's lower taxes and spending policies didn't work better we'd be seeing a different picture. No. But since actually explaining this stuff to you would take several dozens of pages, [here's a helpful link instead]( The TL;DR version: shit's complicated. > Of course. But I would prefer to err on the side of prosperity rather than mediocrity. Whose prosperity? High inequality entails less prosperity for a very large part of the population.
What is this obsession with income equality? Decreasing marginal utility. On average, each additional dollar in income benefits an individual slightly less. Thus, high levels of inequality indicate an inefficient allocation of resources in terms of maximizing utility. The challenge is to find a system that combines the advantages of market economies (e.g. price signaling, incentives) with a distribution that is fairly efficient in terms of maximizing utility, while also > The free market always reveals what a service or product is worth because if it isn't worth what it costs no one will buy it or pay for it. No. No it doesn't. And it'd be mighty nice if you internet libertarians could read a few economics textbooks every once in a while, rather than just religiously worshipping the market. In reality, market failure can occur due to things like externalities, monopolistic competition, monopsonistic competition, public and non-excludable goods, information asymmetries, principal-agent problems, time-based inconsistency in preferences, and quite a few other things. And as it happens, just about all markets in existence feature at least one of the things mentioned to some extent. But even if you ignore all of that (which you really shouldn't), the free, efficient market only shows value given a specific distribution. Change the distribution, and price levels (and thus market signals) change, providing a market signal to alter the allocation of resources. So, for example, if you have a few really wealthy people, you'll probably have enough demand to drive prices for giant private yachts to a level that ensures that some of society's resources will be allocated to production of giant private yachts. Change the distribution so that the wealthy have a bit less and the poor have a bit more, and the result will be that fewer resources are allocated to production of giant private yachts, and more to things like working class housing. > Based on growth rates, the US economy is going to overtake the EU economy soon. This is interesting because the EU actually has more people. Yes, there are different economic situations in different countries. But I don't think anyone will argue when I say that as a whole the EU has far more liberal tax and spend policies than the US. As a whole, the US is doing far better than the EU economically. If the US's lower taxes and spending policies didn't work better we'd be seeing a different picture. No. But since actually explaining this stuff to you would take several dozens of pages, [here's a helpful link instead]( The
version: shit's complicated. > Of course. But I would prefer to err on the side of prosperity rather than mediocrity. Whose prosperity? High inequality entails less prosperity for a very large part of the population.
I can't really comment on your style and which toe is better, but hopefully I can explain their weird sizing. On the US Standard (same as Allen Edmonds) size chart, I'm a 9.5E. My 9.5 in Clarks fit well, but do seem to be cut pretty wide. My Thorogoods at a 8.5EE are just about right, I was considering going down to a 8EE, but worried they'll be too short. Thorogood does have a [size chart]( but please don't rely on it. It apparently has thick wool socks and wiggle room built in... I first bought the size the chart recommended (9.5EE) and they fit like clown shoes, easily an inch and a half extra in the toe box. tl;dr: size down at least half a size from the Clarks, but buy from a site with a good return/exchange policy just in case. Width is up to your judgement, but I would suggest trying the wide if you like how the wide Chippewas fit; I am told they are true to size.
I can't really comment on your style and which toe is better, but hopefully I can explain their weird sizing. On the US Standard (same as Allen Edmonds) size chart, I'm a 9.5E. My 9.5 in Clarks fit well, but do seem to be cut pretty wide. My Thorogoods at a 8.5EE are just about right, I was considering going down to a 8EE, but worried they'll be too short. Thorogood does have a size chart and they fit like clown shoes, easily an inch and a half extra in the toe box. tl;dr: size down at least half a size from the Clarks, but buy from a site with a good return/exchange policy just in case. Width is up to your judgement, but I would suggest trying the wide if you like how the wide Chippewas fit; I am told they are true to size.
I can't really comment on your style and which toe is better, but hopefully I can explain their weird sizing. On the US Standard (same as Allen Edmonds) size chart, I'm a 9.5E. My 9.5 in Clarks fit well, but do seem to be cut pretty wide. My Thorogoods at a 8.5EE are just about right, I was considering going down to a 8EE, but worried they'll be too short. Thorogood does have a size chart and they fit like clown shoes, easily an inch and a half extra in the toe box.
size down at least half a size from the Clarks, but buy from a site with a good return/exchange policy just in case. Width is up to your judgement, but I would suggest trying the wide if you like how the wide Chippewas fit; I am told they are true to size.
i was raised protestant, but at the start of highschool my family relocated to be part of a charismatic (now) megachurch. i adhered to all the beliefs that were presented to me (most without thinking because fitting in with my christian "family" was more important to me than critical thinking at the time). i was on the youth leadership team, as well as 4 other teams (worship, dance, prophetic, and prayer), so i spent 6/7 days at the church trying to glorify god. my brother and i even headed up a club at our school. we had a lot of "intimacy" retreats that were focused on creating and building a personal relationship with god. i always found myself thinking about other things, making to-do lists, or falling asleep during the "soaking" quiet times. three years of that level of involvement and commitment and i never heard god speak to me. i never saw visions of angels. i did feel great conviction in my soul and overwhelmingly peaceful emotions at times during the services. i danced (poorly) during worship to avoid having to raise my hands or cry or kneel down or start "manifesting" (shaking and involuntarily shouting - the only times i did this were faking it). i experienced some physical improvement and disappearance of minor pain, but i always doubted the legitimacy of other testimonies presented in the services (particularly crusade-style conferences for healing and "encounters"). i felt that the adult leaders played favorites with the youth leaders, and i felt left out, like i wasn't christian enough or that i was clearly not "pressing in" to god enough. so i tried harder and got fewer results. this left me terribly disillusioned and even marginalized within the community. what stuck out to me in all this is that "they will know we are christians by our love" was *never* modeled by anyone. my christian friends were the most divisive, backstabbing, gossipy, entitled people i knew. people identifying as atheists and agnostics were so much kinder and loving. this was a bit of a wakeup call for me. i quit all the teams i was on. people stopped talking to me. i rarely attended service, but when i did, my peers and leaders would see me and ask how i was doing with great concern and pity. i stopped going entirely, except for attending the youth summer conference (which draws a few thousand people). i wasn't terribly moved and i felt like i really didn't know anyone there. and then i went to college. i met people of different faiths who were kind and didn't gossip (which was evidence of total hypocrisy in my church), which made me realize that the value of a person is not their creed or faith, but how they treat others. part of my GE was a 6-quarter sequence of society and culture throughout history and around the world. this opened my eyes to a great variety of "ways of living" i didn't know existed. i also took some philosophy and psychology courses that really prompted to challenge my own beliefs against logic. i basically rejected everything i believed and tried to give myself a clean slate, only accepting the things that i have thought through. 7 years later, i don't consider myself religious at all. i believe humans are soulful beings and that there is some higher entity that ties all humans together. i believe this entity should be accepted and acknowledged, but not necessarily revered or worshipped for fear of wrath raining down. i believe that morality is relative. i don't feel the need to find a religion that expresses that for me, and i don't think putting my beliefs in a box makes sense because i feel they should be out in the open for questioning. that about sums it up, i think. **tl;dr** : raised in the church, burned out & disillusioned by a charismatic church, eyes opened in college, now not affiliated with any religion.
i was raised protestant, but at the start of highschool my family relocated to be part of a charismatic (now) megachurch. i adhered to all the beliefs that were presented to me (most without thinking because fitting in with my christian "family" was more important to me than critical thinking at the time). i was on the youth leadership team, as well as 4 other teams (worship, dance, prophetic, and prayer), so i spent 6/7 days at the church trying to glorify god. my brother and i even headed up a club at our school. we had a lot of "intimacy" retreats that were focused on creating and building a personal relationship with god. i always found myself thinking about other things, making to-do lists, or falling asleep during the "soaking" quiet times. three years of that level of involvement and commitment and i never heard god speak to me. i never saw visions of angels. i did feel great conviction in my soul and overwhelmingly peaceful emotions at times during the services. i danced (poorly) during worship to avoid having to raise my hands or cry or kneel down or start "manifesting" (shaking and involuntarily shouting - the only times i did this were faking it). i experienced some physical improvement and disappearance of minor pain, but i always doubted the legitimacy of other testimonies presented in the services (particularly crusade-style conferences for healing and "encounters"). i felt that the adult leaders played favorites with the youth leaders, and i felt left out, like i wasn't christian enough or that i was clearly not "pressing in" to god enough. so i tried harder and got fewer results. this left me terribly disillusioned and even marginalized within the community. what stuck out to me in all this is that "they will know we are christians by our love" was never modeled by anyone. my christian friends were the most divisive, backstabbing, gossipy, entitled people i knew. people identifying as atheists and agnostics were so much kinder and loving. this was a bit of a wakeup call for me. i quit all the teams i was on. people stopped talking to me. i rarely attended service, but when i did, my peers and leaders would see me and ask how i was doing with great concern and pity. i stopped going entirely, except for attending the youth summer conference (which draws a few thousand people). i wasn't terribly moved and i felt like i really didn't know anyone there. and then i went to college. i met people of different faiths who were kind and didn't gossip (which was evidence of total hypocrisy in my church), which made me realize that the value of a person is not their creed or faith, but how they treat others. part of my GE was a 6-quarter sequence of society and culture throughout history and around the world. this opened my eyes to a great variety of "ways of living" i didn't know existed. i also took some philosophy and psychology courses that really prompted to challenge my own beliefs against logic. i basically rejected everything i believed and tried to give myself a clean slate, only accepting the things that i have thought through. 7 years later, i don't consider myself religious at all. i believe humans are soulful beings and that there is some higher entity that ties all humans together. i believe this entity should be accepted and acknowledged, but not necessarily revered or worshipped for fear of wrath raining down. i believe that morality is relative. i don't feel the need to find a religion that expresses that for me, and i don't think putting my beliefs in a box makes sense because i feel they should be out in the open for questioning. that about sums it up, i think. tl;dr : raised in the church, burned out & disillusioned by a charismatic church, eyes opened in college, now not affiliated with any religion.
i was raised protestant, but at the start of highschool my family relocated to be part of a charismatic (now) megachurch. i adhered to all the beliefs that were presented to me (most without thinking because fitting in with my christian "family" was more important to me than critical thinking at the time). i was on the youth leadership team, as well as 4 other teams (worship, dance, prophetic, and prayer), so i spent 6/7 days at the church trying to glorify god. my brother and i even headed up a club at our school. we had a lot of "intimacy" retreats that were focused on creating and building a personal relationship with god. i always found myself thinking about other things, making to-do lists, or falling asleep during the "soaking" quiet times. three years of that level of involvement and commitment and i never heard god speak to me. i never saw visions of angels. i did feel great conviction in my soul and overwhelmingly peaceful emotions at times during the services. i danced (poorly) during worship to avoid having to raise my hands or cry or kneel down or start "manifesting" (shaking and involuntarily shouting - the only times i did this were faking it). i experienced some physical improvement and disappearance of minor pain, but i always doubted the legitimacy of other testimonies presented in the services (particularly crusade-style conferences for healing and "encounters"). i felt that the adult leaders played favorites with the youth leaders, and i felt left out, like i wasn't christian enough or that i was clearly not "pressing in" to god enough. so i tried harder and got fewer results. this left me terribly disillusioned and even marginalized within the community. what stuck out to me in all this is that "they will know we are christians by our love" was never modeled by anyone. my christian friends were the most divisive, backstabbing, gossipy, entitled people i knew. people identifying as atheists and agnostics were so much kinder and loving. this was a bit of a wakeup call for me. i quit all the teams i was on. people stopped talking to me. i rarely attended service, but when i did, my peers and leaders would see me and ask how i was doing with great concern and pity. i stopped going entirely, except for attending the youth summer conference (which draws a few thousand people). i wasn't terribly moved and i felt like i really didn't know anyone there. and then i went to college. i met people of different faiths who were kind and didn't gossip (which was evidence of total hypocrisy in my church), which made me realize that the value of a person is not their creed or faith, but how they treat others. part of my GE was a 6-quarter sequence of society and culture throughout history and around the world. this opened my eyes to a great variety of "ways of living" i didn't know existed. i also took some philosophy and psychology courses that really prompted to challenge my own beliefs against logic. i basically rejected everything i believed and tried to give myself a clean slate, only accepting the things that i have thought through. 7 years later, i don't consider myself religious at all. i believe humans are soulful beings and that there is some higher entity that ties all humans together. i believe this entity should be accepted and acknowledged, but not necessarily revered or worshipped for fear of wrath raining down. i believe that morality is relative. i don't feel the need to find a religion that expresses that for me, and i don't think putting my beliefs in a box makes sense because i feel they should be out in the open for questioning. that about sums it up, i think.
raised in the church, burned out & disillusioned by a charismatic church, eyes opened in college, now not affiliated with any religion.
"Laws and treaties are equal under law, the only thing that can usurp them is the Constitution." Close but this is actually incorrect. [Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause, establishes the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Treaties, and Federal Statutes as "the supreme law of the land."]( tl;dr: Treaties = Constitution. Edit: ...I guess except for treaties with Native American tribes...
"Laws and treaties are equal under law, the only thing that can usurp them is the Constitution." Close but this is actually incorrect. [Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause, establishes the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Treaties, and Federal Statutes as "the supreme law of the land."]( tl;dr: Treaties = Constitution. Edit: ...I guess except for treaties with Native American tribes...
Laws and treaties are equal under law, the only thing that can usurp them is the Constitution." Close but this is actually incorrect. [Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause, establishes the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Treaties, and Federal Statutes as "the supreme law of the land."](
Treaties = Constitution. Edit: ...I guess except for treaties with Native American tribes...
My boyfriend (M22) and I (F24) are a weird situation where because we were good friends while single, we ended up being roommates in a 4-bedroom house. Two months after moving in, we were dating. We've been dating for about 4 months now. So far, this has actually been great and we haven't had much for problems except: Even before we started dating, he always invited me to any event with "the guys". I've been friends with all of his friends for a while and I like hanging out with everyone. Recently though, I've found that once-a-week, he wants to hang out and get drunk with all of them... without me. I get that people need space sometimes and want to hang out on their own, but I really considered these people OUR friends. It makes me jealous to know that he's out having a great time while I'm at home, uninvited to join. I would invite him to any type of group situation and it hurts me that he wouldn't do the same. Is it reasonable for me to feel jealous and a little unwanted, or does he need extra space because we live together and see each other so often? (In the times I've tried talking to him about it, he says he just wants "a night out with the guys". When he comes home, though, I usually hear that he was at a party with 10+ people [guys+girls], or that everyone else's girlfriends showed up, etc.) tl;dr Boyfriend won't invite me to group events with his friends anymore. I don't know whether I'm overreacting by feeling jealous or not.
My boyfriend (M22) and I (F24) are a weird situation where because we were good friends while single, we ended up being roommates in a 4-bedroom house. Two months after moving in, we were dating. We've been dating for about 4 months now. So far, this has actually been great and we haven't had much for problems except: Even before we started dating, he always invited me to any event with "the guys". I've been friends with all of his friends for a while and I like hanging out with everyone. Recently though, I've found that once-a-week, he wants to hang out and get drunk with all of them... without me. I get that people need space sometimes and want to hang out on their own, but I really considered these people OUR friends. It makes me jealous to know that he's out having a great time while I'm at home, uninvited to join. I would invite him to any type of group situation and it hurts me that he wouldn't do the same. Is it reasonable for me to feel jealous and a little unwanted, or does he need extra space because we live together and see each other so often? (In the times I've tried talking to him about it, he says he just wants "a night out with the guys". When he comes home, though, I usually hear that he was at a party with 10+ people [guys+girls], or that everyone else's girlfriends showed up, etc.) tl;dr Boyfriend won't invite me to group events with his friends anymore. I don't know whether I'm overreacting by feeling jealous or not.
My boyfriend (M22) and I (F24) are a weird situation where because we were good friends while single, we ended up being roommates in a 4-bedroom house. Two months after moving in, we were dating. We've been dating for about 4 months now. So far, this has actually been great and we haven't had much for problems except: Even before we started dating, he always invited me to any event with "the guys". I've been friends with all of his friends for a while and I like hanging out with everyone. Recently though, I've found that once-a-week, he wants to hang out and get drunk with all of them... without me. I get that people need space sometimes and want to hang out on their own, but I really considered these people OUR friends. It makes me jealous to know that he's out having a great time while I'm at home, uninvited to join. I would invite him to any type of group situation and it hurts me that he wouldn't do the same. Is it reasonable for me to feel jealous and a little unwanted, or does he need extra space because we live together and see each other so often? (In the times I've tried talking to him about it, he says he just wants "a night out with the guys". When he comes home, though, I usually hear that he was at a party with 10+ people [guys+girls], or that everyone else's girlfriends showed up, etc.)
Boyfriend won't invite me to group events with his friends anymore. I don't know whether I'm overreacting by feeling jealous or not.
I was driving a commercial truck in NJ. Some dick was ass-hurt by my merging onto the highway at 50 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. (What can I say, it was a really slow truck.) The dick was doing 75 in the slow lane. He waited until the last second to slam on his brakes and honk his horn at me. And then, all road rage style, zoomed around me, cut me off and slammed the brakes. So I, of course, slowed down and changed lanes. He cuts me off again and hits the brakes. Again I slowed down and changed lanes. He does it again. The 4th time he does this I don't slow down, remain at my top speed of 62 MPH (slow ass truck!). He comes within 3 feet of my front bumper. I signal to bring it on, macho style, with a wave of my hand. Fully calling his bluff, and having gotten my message across that I was not slowing down again and an accident was OK with me, he flips me the bird and zooms off. Wish I had an iPhone back then... TL:DR - Asshat tries to run my commercial truck off the road, I call his bluff, he runs off.
I was driving a commercial truck in NJ. Some dick was ass-hurt by my merging onto the highway at 50 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. (What can I say, it was a really slow truck.) The dick was doing 75 in the slow lane. He waited until the last second to slam on his brakes and honk his horn at me. And then, all road rage style, zoomed around me, cut me off and slammed the brakes. So I, of course, slowed down and changed lanes. He cuts me off again and hits the brakes. Again I slowed down and changed lanes. He does it again. The 4th time he does this I don't slow down, remain at my top speed of 62 MPH (slow ass truck!). He comes within 3 feet of my front bumper. I signal to bring it on, macho style, with a wave of my hand. Fully calling his bluff, and having gotten my message across that I was not slowing down again and an accident was OK with me, he flips me the bird and zooms off. Wish I had an iPhone back then... TL:DR - Asshat tries to run my commercial truck off the road, I call his bluff, he runs off.
I was driving a commercial truck in NJ. Some dick was ass-hurt by my merging onto the highway at 50 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. (What can I say, it was a really slow truck.) The dick was doing 75 in the slow lane. He waited until the last second to slam on his brakes and honk his horn at me. And then, all road rage style, zoomed around me, cut me off and slammed the brakes. So I, of course, slowed down and changed lanes. He cuts me off again and hits the brakes. Again I slowed down and changed lanes. He does it again. The 4th time he does this I don't slow down, remain at my top speed of 62 MPH (slow ass truck!). He comes within 3 feet of my front bumper. I signal to bring it on, macho style, with a wave of my hand. Fully calling his bluff, and having gotten my message across that I was not slowing down again and an accident was OK with me, he flips me the bird and zooms off. Wish I had an iPhone back then...
Asshat tries to run my commercial truck off the road, I call his bluff, he runs off.
Apologies for length but this will probably get completely buried so… Went to a burning angel function in NYC a few years ago, took the train in from CT. Had brought a friend with me who wanted to try and catch the last train home so we’d have to leave at around 11:30 in order to do so. We we’re, I thought in my drunken state, making progress with a couple of cute girls so I naturally wanted to stay and see where the night would take us. He however convinced me to go so we hail a cab and get about a block away from the bar, some place in Greenwich Village if I remember correctly, I probably don’t – any who, we get a block from the bar and am like “Eff this shit, I’m goin back.” Cabbie pulls over, I lay a halfhearted excuse on my buddy and trot back to the bar, my pal remains in the cab and heads home. I get back and the girls we’re talking to are now outside the bar drinkin 40s from a liquor store across the street – 24 access to booze, one of many reasons I love NYC. The girls jump in a limo and call it a night – I had tried to tag along but to no avail. So now I’m stuck in an unfamiliar part of the city. Alone. And with another 4-6 hours before I could catch a train back home. Here’s where things get fuzzy. I vaguely remember unsuccessfully trying to crash at a patron of the bars place. I was literally going to person to person explaining my situation and would the possibly have a place to let me stay for the luck. To not even my surprise, no luck – mind you I’m 6’7” and probably wobbly and slurring my words in a cramped dark bar – so no it wasn’t a shock some stranger didn’t take me in. what was a shock is how I didn’t end up in much worse condition than I did. Continue drinking into full black out oblivion and black-back-in sitting across the street from grand central with two homeless guys on either side of me and a 6 pack at my feet. It’s daylight and I’m still drinking. I do a recon of my belongings and find my phone is in pieces in my pocket, my ear is bleeding and by some stroke of luck I still have my wallet full of the money I had brought with me. I decided to continue my romp with these fine gentlemen and end up spending most of the morning wandering around the city with two homeless dudes – one of whom had a handicapped brother who also tagged along. The rest of the day gets fuzzy again, I parted ways with my new friends at some point and tried to catch a train home. In my state I took the wrong train and ended up lost in queens or the Bronx – it was one of the boroughs and I didn’t recognize it. Cut to a few hours later I’m finally on the train back to CT and accidentally get off about 3 stops short of my destination. I think I recognize the area and decide now would be a good time to hit up a cell store and replace my phone. Again, no dice as in my stupor they wouldn’t give me a replacement on the spot. I end up finding a payphone and call someone to come pick me up about 45 minutes outside of my town, finally getting home and passing out for almost 2 full days. I was gone for over 24 hours the majority which I do not remember. **TL;DR Blacked out in NYC, was gone for over 24 hours and spent a good chunk of it drinking with homeless dudes.**
Apologies for length but this will probably get completely buried so… Went to a burning angel function in NYC a few years ago, took the train in from CT. Had brought a friend with me who wanted to try and catch the last train home so we’d have to leave at around 11:30 in order to do so. We we’re, I thought in my drunken state, making progress with a couple of cute girls so I naturally wanted to stay and see where the night would take us. He however convinced me to go so we hail a cab and get about a block away from the bar, some place in Greenwich Village if I remember correctly, I probably don’t – any who, we get a block from the bar and am like “Eff this shit, I’m goin back.” Cabbie pulls over, I lay a halfhearted excuse on my buddy and trot back to the bar, my pal remains in the cab and heads home. I get back and the girls we’re talking to are now outside the bar drinkin 40s from a liquor store across the street – 24 access to booze, one of many reasons I love NYC. The girls jump in a limo and call it a night – I had tried to tag along but to no avail. So now I’m stuck in an unfamiliar part of the city. Alone. And with another 4-6 hours before I could catch a train back home. Here’s where things get fuzzy. I vaguely remember unsuccessfully trying to crash at a patron of the bars place. I was literally going to person to person explaining my situation and would the possibly have a place to let me stay for the luck. To not even my surprise, no luck – mind you I’m 6’7” and probably wobbly and slurring my words in a cramped dark bar – so no it wasn’t a shock some stranger didn’t take me in. what was a shock is how I didn’t end up in much worse condition than I did. Continue drinking into full black out oblivion and black-back-in sitting across the street from grand central with two homeless guys on either side of me and a 6 pack at my feet. It’s daylight and I’m still drinking. I do a recon of my belongings and find my phone is in pieces in my pocket, my ear is bleeding and by some stroke of luck I still have my wallet full of the money I had brought with me. I decided to continue my romp with these fine gentlemen and end up spending most of the morning wandering around the city with two homeless dudes – one of whom had a handicapped brother who also tagged along. The rest of the day gets fuzzy again, I parted ways with my new friends at some point and tried to catch a train home. In my state I took the wrong train and ended up lost in queens or the Bronx – it was one of the boroughs and I didn’t recognize it. Cut to a few hours later I’m finally on the train back to CT and accidentally get off about 3 stops short of my destination. I think I recognize the area and decide now would be a good time to hit up a cell store and replace my phone. Again, no dice as in my stupor they wouldn’t give me a replacement on the spot. I end up finding a payphone and call someone to come pick me up about 45 minutes outside of my town, finally getting home and passing out for almost 2 full days. I was gone for over 24 hours the majority which I do not remember. TL;DR Blacked out in NYC, was gone for over 24 hours and spent a good chunk of it drinking with homeless dudes.
Apologies for length but this will probably get completely buried so… Went to a burning angel function in NYC a few years ago, took the train in from CT. Had brought a friend with me who wanted to try and catch the last train home so we’d have to leave at around 11:30 in order to do so. We we’re, I thought in my drunken state, making progress with a couple of cute girls so I naturally wanted to stay and see where the night would take us. He however convinced me to go so we hail a cab and get about a block away from the bar, some place in Greenwich Village if I remember correctly, I probably don’t – any who, we get a block from the bar and am like “Eff this shit, I’m goin back.” Cabbie pulls over, I lay a halfhearted excuse on my buddy and trot back to the bar, my pal remains in the cab and heads home. I get back and the girls we’re talking to are now outside the bar drinkin 40s from a liquor store across the street – 24 access to booze, one of many reasons I love NYC. The girls jump in a limo and call it a night – I had tried to tag along but to no avail. So now I’m stuck in an unfamiliar part of the city. Alone. And with another 4-6 hours before I could catch a train back home. Here’s where things get fuzzy. I vaguely remember unsuccessfully trying to crash at a patron of the bars place. I was literally going to person to person explaining my situation and would the possibly have a place to let me stay for the luck. To not even my surprise, no luck – mind you I’m 6’7” and probably wobbly and slurring my words in a cramped dark bar – so no it wasn’t a shock some stranger didn’t take me in. what was a shock is how I didn’t end up in much worse condition than I did. Continue drinking into full black out oblivion and black-back-in sitting across the street from grand central with two homeless guys on either side of me and a 6 pack at my feet. It’s daylight and I’m still drinking. I do a recon of my belongings and find my phone is in pieces in my pocket, my ear is bleeding and by some stroke of luck I still have my wallet full of the money I had brought with me. I decided to continue my romp with these fine gentlemen and end up spending most of the morning wandering around the city with two homeless dudes – one of whom had a handicapped brother who also tagged along. The rest of the day gets fuzzy again, I parted ways with my new friends at some point and tried to catch a train home. In my state I took the wrong train and ended up lost in queens or the Bronx – it was one of the boroughs and I didn’t recognize it. Cut to a few hours later I’m finally on the train back to CT and accidentally get off about 3 stops short of my destination. I think I recognize the area and decide now would be a good time to hit up a cell store and replace my phone. Again, no dice as in my stupor they wouldn’t give me a replacement on the spot. I end up finding a payphone and call someone to come pick me up about 45 minutes outside of my town, finally getting home and passing out for almost 2 full days. I was gone for over 24 hours the majority which I do not remember.
Blacked out in NYC, was gone for over 24 hours and spent a good chunk of it drinking with homeless dudes.
**RANT INCOMING** I don't think that the zombies in dayz satisfy or provide any core mechanic that is particularly fun in any capacity for DayZ. In fact, they only seem to change your experience in various extremes -- I will clarify.   At the beginning of the game when you first spawn and having nothing or close to nothing, zombies are not fun to deal against. You can make the argument that they are an adversary to slow you down and make your choices/moves deliberate, but they aren't FUN to play against or with. There is nothing satisfying about killing or encountering a zombie. In fact I would describe the experience of encountering them as the following: * Fear, in wondering if they will do the magical 1/2 hit kill that seems totally contrived and unfair for the player. * Frustration in having them see you literally at times a kilometer away, and then seemingly never lose aggro at a distance gamers are accustom to in other titles. * Confusion, as to whether or not you are successfully avoiding detection, let alone lose them through line of site in a chase.   When you are beginning the game, zombies provide you only the extreme of frustration, fear, and confusion -- but completely fall flat in terms of satisfaction or fun.   Now let's talk about mid to end game where you have some gear. In this phase of the game, regardless if you have a half-decent firearm, melee weapon, or both, zombies pose no threat at all, while also breaking core pvp interactions between players. At this stage players don't even think about zombies in the game -- their engagement comes in sporadic bursts through 1 to 2 hit kills with a splitting/fire axe, and then that's it. There is nothing beyond that. They still lack any form of satisfaction, but even worse, fear frustration and confusion suddenly turn into apathy. Now there isn't even a hint of emotional engagement. They are in fact completely pointless.   That being said, have you ever detected a player off in the woods or behind come clever hiding spot because a zombie bolted towards them arbitrarily? This is a daily occurrence for me. The broken mechanics of the zombie's actually come at the expense of player to player interaction, because they break a key mechanic between players, the cat and mouse nature of the game.   IMO, zombies are the wrong solution to having more environmental challenges in the world. It needs to be completely rethought and redesigned. The interactions are not satisfying, and are right now completely broken. That's my two cents.   **TLDR;** Zombies are not fun to deal against in the beginning or end of the game. In the beginning they only inspire contrived fear, confusion, and frustration. Once you get gear, they are merely a nuisance and don't serve any real purpose. In fact, their broken nature harms the mechanics of the game for player vs. player.
RANT INCOMING I don't think that the zombies in dayz satisfy or provide any core mechanic that is particularly fun in any capacity for DayZ. In fact, they only seem to change your experience in various extremes -- I will clarify.   At the beginning of the game when you first spawn and having nothing or close to nothing, zombies are not fun to deal against. You can make the argument that they are an adversary to slow you down and make your choices/moves deliberate, but they aren't FUN to play against or with. There is nothing satisfying about killing or encountering a zombie. In fact I would describe the experience of encountering them as the following: Fear, in wondering if they will do the magical 1/2 hit kill that seems totally contrived and unfair for the player. Frustration in having them see you literally at times a kilometer away, and then seemingly never lose aggro at a distance gamers are accustom to in other titles. Confusion, as to whether or not you are successfully avoiding detection, let alone lose them through line of site in a chase.   When you are beginning the game, zombies provide you only the extreme of frustration, fear, and confusion -- but completely fall flat in terms of satisfaction or fun.   Now let's talk about mid to end game where you have some gear. In this phase of the game, regardless if you have a half-decent firearm, melee weapon, or both, zombies pose no threat at all, while also breaking core pvp interactions between players. At this stage players don't even think about zombies in the game -- their engagement comes in sporadic bursts through 1 to 2 hit kills with a splitting/fire axe, and then that's it. There is nothing beyond that. They still lack any form of satisfaction, but even worse, fear frustration and confusion suddenly turn into apathy. Now there isn't even a hint of emotional engagement. They are in fact completely pointless.   That being said, have you ever detected a player off in the woods or behind come clever hiding spot because a zombie bolted towards them arbitrarily? This is a daily occurrence for me. The broken mechanics of the zombie's actually come at the expense of player to player interaction, because they break a key mechanic between players, the cat and mouse nature of the game.   IMO, zombies are the wrong solution to having more environmental challenges in the world. It needs to be completely rethought and redesigned. The interactions are not satisfying, and are right now completely broken. That's my two cents.   TLDR; Zombies are not fun to deal against in the beginning or end of the game. In the beginning they only inspire contrived fear, confusion, and frustration. Once you get gear, they are merely a nuisance and don't serve any real purpose. In fact, their broken nature harms the mechanics of the game for player vs. player.
RANT INCOMING I don't think that the zombies in dayz satisfy or provide any core mechanic that is particularly fun in any capacity for DayZ. In fact, they only seem to change your experience in various extremes -- I will clarify.   At the beginning of the game when you first spawn and having nothing or close to nothing, zombies are not fun to deal against. You can make the argument that they are an adversary to slow you down and make your choices/moves deliberate, but they aren't FUN to play against or with. There is nothing satisfying about killing or encountering a zombie. In fact I would describe the experience of encountering them as the following: Fear, in wondering if they will do the magical 1/2 hit kill that seems totally contrived and unfair for the player. Frustration in having them see you literally at times a kilometer away, and then seemingly never lose aggro at a distance gamers are accustom to in other titles. Confusion, as to whether or not you are successfully avoiding detection, let alone lose them through line of site in a chase.   When you are beginning the game, zombies provide you only the extreme of frustration, fear, and confusion -- but completely fall flat in terms of satisfaction or fun.   Now let's talk about mid to end game where you have some gear. In this phase of the game, regardless if you have a half-decent firearm, melee weapon, or both, zombies pose no threat at all, while also breaking core pvp interactions between players. At this stage players don't even think about zombies in the game -- their engagement comes in sporadic bursts through 1 to 2 hit kills with a splitting/fire axe, and then that's it. There is nothing beyond that. They still lack any form of satisfaction, but even worse, fear frustration and confusion suddenly turn into apathy. Now there isn't even a hint of emotional engagement. They are in fact completely pointless.   That being said, have you ever detected a player off in the woods or behind come clever hiding spot because a zombie bolted towards them arbitrarily? This is a daily occurrence for me. The broken mechanics of the zombie's actually come at the expense of player to player interaction, because they break a key mechanic between players, the cat and mouse nature of the game.   IMO, zombies are the wrong solution to having more environmental challenges in the world. It needs to be completely rethought and redesigned. The interactions are not satisfying, and are right now completely broken. That's my two cents.  
Zombies are not fun to deal against in the beginning or end of the game. In the beginning they only inspire contrived fear, confusion, and frustration. Once you get gear, they are merely a nuisance and don't serve any real purpose. In fact, their broken nature harms the mechanics of the game for player vs. player.
This quest is about a bodyguard that impresses his customers by arranging fake attacks by a gang of four his buddies. It becomes pretty obvious after he fires three rounds, presumably blanks, dropping four people. This happens in a back alley where random ACTUAL thugs occasionally spawn. So sometimes, four guys limply drop to the ground and the fifth guy in the group charges your body guard with a sledgehammer. This is, of course, completely hilarious. While three shots were enough for the first four, the bodyguard lights up the fifth guy with six head shots from a .50 cal pistol before he goes down. **TL;DR:** The headless guy in the picture was the fifth man and is, in fact, very dead.
This quest is about a bodyguard that impresses his customers by arranging fake attacks by a gang of four his buddies. It becomes pretty obvious after he fires three rounds, presumably blanks, dropping four people. This happens in a back alley where random ACTUAL thugs occasionally spawn. So sometimes, four guys limply drop to the ground and the fifth guy in the group charges your body guard with a sledgehammer. This is, of course, completely hilarious. While three shots were enough for the first four, the bodyguard lights up the fifth guy with six head shots from a .50 cal pistol before he goes down. TL;DR: The headless guy in the picture was the fifth man and is, in fact, very dead.
This quest is about a bodyguard that impresses his customers by arranging fake attacks by a gang of four his buddies. It becomes pretty obvious after he fires three rounds, presumably blanks, dropping four people. This happens in a back alley where random ACTUAL thugs occasionally spawn. So sometimes, four guys limply drop to the ground and the fifth guy in the group charges your body guard with a sledgehammer. This is, of course, completely hilarious. While three shots were enough for the first four, the bodyguard lights up the fifth guy with six head shots from a .50 cal pistol before he goes down.
The headless guy in the picture was the fifth man and is, in fact, very dead.
As a psychology major, I've learned that it's really a matter of not committing a thought to short-term memory before leaving the room. It's easier to remember something if you are in the room where you first thought/learned it. The time it takes to commit something to memory is usually longer than the time it takes you to walk into another room. This is why people retrace their steps to remember something - Like returning to your desk only to remember you wanted something from the fridge. I guess doorways can be associated with it, but it isn't the sole cause. Edit: I have read the aforementioned articles, but I also found the [actual study (PDF)]( which suggests "one possible interpretation of the updating effect is that the forgetting of object information during room shifts is due to the disruption of visual–spatial processing in working memory." So I still stand with my notion of it involving memory and the doorways just aide in disrupting the commitment to memory. I also needed confirmation that it was an actual study and I managed to find the peer-reviewed publication, so I was happy. Edit Edit: I read the publication some more and the psychologist came to the conclusion: "This updating process can reduce the availability of information in memory for objects associated with the prior event. Here, we were able to show that this effect extends to different degrees of immersion and is not a result of an encoding specific problem." So yes, TL;DR, doorways are associated with mental "closes."
As a psychology major, I've learned that it's really a matter of not committing a thought to short-term memory before leaving the room. It's easier to remember something if you are in the room where you first thought/learned it. The time it takes to commit something to memory is usually longer than the time it takes you to walk into another room. This is why people retrace their steps to remember something - Like returning to your desk only to remember you wanted something from the fridge. I guess doorways can be associated with it, but it isn't the sole cause. Edit: I have read the aforementioned articles, but I also found the [actual study (PDF)]( which suggests "one possible interpretation of the updating effect is that the forgetting of object information during room shifts is due to the disruption of visual–spatial processing in working memory." So I still stand with my notion of it involving memory and the doorways just aide in disrupting the commitment to memory. I also needed confirmation that it was an actual study and I managed to find the peer-reviewed publication, so I was happy. Edit Edit: I read the publication some more and the psychologist came to the conclusion: "This updating process can reduce the availability of information in memory for objects associated with the prior event. Here, we were able to show that this effect extends to different degrees of immersion and is not a result of an encoding specific problem." So yes, TL;DR, doorways are associated with mental "closes."
As a psychology major, I've learned that it's really a matter of not committing a thought to short-term memory before leaving the room. It's easier to remember something if you are in the room where you first thought/learned it. The time it takes to commit something to memory is usually longer than the time it takes you to walk into another room. This is why people retrace their steps to remember something - Like returning to your desk only to remember you wanted something from the fridge. I guess doorways can be associated with it, but it isn't the sole cause. Edit: I have read the aforementioned articles, but I also found the [actual study (PDF)]( which suggests "one possible interpretation of the updating effect is that the forgetting of object information during room shifts is due to the disruption of visual–spatial processing in working memory." So I still stand with my notion of it involving memory and the doorways just aide in disrupting the commitment to memory. I also needed confirmation that it was an actual study and I managed to find the peer-reviewed publication, so I was happy. Edit Edit: I read the publication some more and the psychologist came to the conclusion: "This updating process can reduce the availability of information in memory for objects associated with the prior event. Here, we were able to show that this effect extends to different degrees of immersion and is not a result of an encoding specific problem." So yes,
doorways are associated with mental "closes."
All batteries have an optimal discharge current at which its mA/H rating is calculated. For standard (alkaline) AA cells that is well below 1A, which is why there are specific chemistries recommended for "high" current use such as camera flashes. TL;DR: standard AA cells are only really good for USB "trickle" chargers. At proper USB power levels they aren't a cost or weight efficient choice.
All batteries have an optimal discharge current at which its mA/H rating is calculated. For standard (alkaline) AA cells that is well below 1A, which is why there are specific chemistries recommended for "high" current use such as camera flashes. TL;DR: standard AA cells are only really good for USB "trickle" chargers. At proper USB power levels they aren't a cost or weight efficient choice.
All batteries have an optimal discharge current at which its mA/H rating is calculated. For standard (alkaline) AA cells that is well below 1A, which is why there are specific chemistries recommended for "high" current use such as camera flashes.
standard AA cells are only really good for USB "trickle" chargers. At proper USB power levels they aren't a cost or weight efficient choice.
You're right, in the early game, if the entire team is clustered together then Battle Fury is better, but it makes it weaker in a 1 on 1 (which is when it truly shines and when you need it for early ganks) and it makes you dependent on enemy positioning. Say the enemy team is standing together close enough that each individual Omnislash hit will cleave them. With a level 1 Omnislash you deal 175-250 damage per slash and have 3 slashes. We can expect the average of each slash damage to be roughly in the middle of that range, which is around 213 damage. So the total primary target damage dealt by Omnislash, on average, would be roughly 640 damage. The chance of being hit by a slash given Omnislash's random search is 1 in 5, assuming no creeps/illusions/Meepos or whatever. The chance of receiving 35% cleave damage is 4 in 5, since it would affect you if you weren't the primary target. This means the expected average damage per hero of Omnislash comes out to: (640 x (1/5)) <- how much they'll take from direct hits, on average + (640 x 0.35 x (4/5)) <- how much they'll take from cleave, on average = 128 + 180 = 310 damage per person With Omnislash at 6 jumps by Scepter, this is now (1280 x (1/5)) = 256 damage per person So in the early game you get a pretty negligible increase in damage, on average just over 50 extra physical damage per person- this is like a creep melee attack. And this is assuming the entire team of 5 stands within cleave range. But this is very situational and Scepter gives you much better stats overall, which is why I prefer it. Also, in the early stages, it's rare to see constant five-man grouping, and a Scepter ultimate is much more effective against a single opponent or even two opponents than a Battle Fury ultimate. Say you run into two people standing within Cleave range. If you have Scepter the average expected damage is (1280 x 1/2) = 640 per person That's a ton. That's like two Finger of Death casts. With Battle Fury it becomes (640 x 1/2) + (640 x 1/2 x .35) = 320 + 112 = 432 per person This is an over 200 damage difference between the two in favor of Scepter, even with multiple opponents. It still stands true with three opponents: (1280 x 1/3) = 430 per person versus (640 x 1/3) + (640 x 2/3 x .35) = 210 + 150 = 360 per person Only with 4 people does it break even for Battle Fury, and just barely: (1280 x 1/4) = 320 per person (640 x 1/4) + (640 x 3/4 x .35) = 160 + 168 = 328 per person tl;dr > In terms of raw damage you have to have literally the entire enemy team of 5 standing within cleave range for Battle Fury to have any measurable advantage, and in return you get shittier stats. This is of course only speaking for Omnislash level 1, but ideally as a "rush" item, you want the item that will make it stronger early on so you can farm quicker. Now, this isn't accounting for a lot of factors obviously- whether or not you're autoattacking during the jumps makes a difference (since it was very early game that I considered, I just assumed that neither item would give you the speed necessary to attack during Omnislash) or for factors like the fact that if you hit an enemy with extremely low or possibly negative armor from debuffs, that the cleave damage could actually deal more than a direct attack against a heavily armored hero, since cleave damage is calculated based on the primary target's physical armor, but in the simplest terms, Aghanim's Scepter is a clear winner in the early game. In the late game, against big groups, I agree that Battle Fury makes the bigger difference, but when you're that farmed, Scepter remains relevant since it gives you more time for invulnerability and more time to dish out autoattacks, which is why I pick up Battle Fury really late.
You're right, in the early game, if the entire team is clustered together then Battle Fury is better, but it makes it weaker in a 1 on 1 (which is when it truly shines and when you need it for early ganks) and it makes you dependent on enemy positioning. Say the enemy team is standing together close enough that each individual Omnislash hit will cleave them. With a level 1 Omnislash you deal 175-250 damage per slash and have 3 slashes. We can expect the average of each slash damage to be roughly in the middle of that range, which is around 213 damage. So the total primary target damage dealt by Omnislash, on average, would be roughly 640 damage. The chance of being hit by a slash given Omnislash's random search is 1 in 5, assuming no creeps/illusions/Meepos or whatever. The chance of receiving 35% cleave damage is 4 in 5, since it would affect you if you weren't the primary target. This means the expected average damage per hero of Omnislash comes out to: (640 x (1/5)) <- how much they'll take from direct hits, on average + (640 x 0.35 x (4/5)) <- how much they'll take from cleave, on average = 128 + 180 = 310 damage per person With Omnislash at 6 jumps by Scepter, this is now (1280 x (1/5)) = 256 damage per person So in the early game you get a pretty negligible increase in damage, on average just over 50 extra physical damage per person- this is like a creep melee attack. And this is assuming the entire team of 5 stands within cleave range. But this is very situational and Scepter gives you much better stats overall, which is why I prefer it. Also, in the early stages, it's rare to see constant five-man grouping, and a Scepter ultimate is much more effective against a single opponent or even two opponents than a Battle Fury ultimate. Say you run into two people standing within Cleave range. If you have Scepter the average expected damage is (1280 x 1/2) = 640 per person That's a ton. That's like two Finger of Death casts. With Battle Fury it becomes (640 x 1/2) + (640 x 1/2 x .35) = 320 + 112 = 432 per person This is an over 200 damage difference between the two in favor of Scepter, even with multiple opponents. It still stands true with three opponents: (1280 x 1/3) = 430 per person versus (640 x 1/3) + (640 x 2/3 x .35) = 210 + 150 = 360 per person Only with 4 people does it break even for Battle Fury, and just barely: (1280 x 1/4) = 320 per person (640 x 1/4) + (640 x 3/4 x .35) = 160 + 168 = 328 per person tl;dr > In terms of raw damage you have to have literally the entire enemy team of 5 standing within cleave range for Battle Fury to have any measurable advantage, and in return you get shittier stats. This is of course only speaking for Omnislash level 1, but ideally as a "rush" item, you want the item that will make it stronger early on so you can farm quicker. Now, this isn't accounting for a lot of factors obviously- whether or not you're autoattacking during the jumps makes a difference (since it was very early game that I considered, I just assumed that neither item would give you the speed necessary to attack during Omnislash) or for factors like the fact that if you hit an enemy with extremely low or possibly negative armor from debuffs, that the cleave damage could actually deal more than a direct attack against a heavily armored hero, since cleave damage is calculated based on the primary target's physical armor, but in the simplest terms, Aghanim's Scepter is a clear winner in the early game. In the late game, against big groups, I agree that Battle Fury makes the bigger difference, but when you're that farmed, Scepter remains relevant since it gives you more time for invulnerability and more time to dish out autoattacks, which is why I pick up Battle Fury really late.
You're right, in the early game, if the entire team is clustered together then Battle Fury is better, but it makes it weaker in a 1 on 1 (which is when it truly shines and when you need it for early ganks) and it makes you dependent on enemy positioning. Say the enemy team is standing together close enough that each individual Omnislash hit will cleave them. With a level 1 Omnislash you deal 175-250 damage per slash and have 3 slashes. We can expect the average of each slash damage to be roughly in the middle of that range, which is around 213 damage. So the total primary target damage dealt by Omnislash, on average, would be roughly 640 damage. The chance of being hit by a slash given Omnislash's random search is 1 in 5, assuming no creeps/illusions/Meepos or whatever. The chance of receiving 35% cleave damage is 4 in 5, since it would affect you if you weren't the primary target. This means the expected average damage per hero of Omnislash comes out to: (640 x (1/5)) <- how much they'll take from direct hits, on average + (640 x 0.35 x (4/5)) <- how much they'll take from cleave, on average = 128 + 180 = 310 damage per person With Omnislash at 6 jumps by Scepter, this is now (1280 x (1/5)) = 256 damage per person So in the early game you get a pretty negligible increase in damage, on average just over 50 extra physical damage per person- this is like a creep melee attack. And this is assuming the entire team of 5 stands within cleave range. But this is very situational and Scepter gives you much better stats overall, which is why I prefer it. Also, in the early stages, it's rare to see constant five-man grouping, and a Scepter ultimate is much more effective against a single opponent or even two opponents than a Battle Fury ultimate. Say you run into two people standing within Cleave range. If you have Scepter the average expected damage is (1280 x 1/2) = 640 per person That's a ton. That's like two Finger of Death casts. With Battle Fury it becomes (640 x 1/2) + (640 x 1/2 x .35) = 320 + 112 = 432 per person This is an over 200 damage difference between the two in favor of Scepter, even with multiple opponents. It still stands true with three opponents: (1280 x 1/3) = 430 per person versus (640 x 1/3) + (640 x 2/3 x .35) = 210 + 150 = 360 per person Only with 4 people does it break even for Battle Fury, and just barely: (1280 x 1/4) = 320 per person (640 x 1/4) + (640 x 3/4 x .35) = 160 + 168 = 328 per person
In terms of raw damage you have to have literally the entire enemy team of 5 standing within cleave range for Battle Fury to have any measurable advantage, and in return you get shittier stats. This is of course only speaking for Omnislash level 1, but ideally as a "rush" item, you want the item that will make it stronger early on so you can farm quicker. Now, this isn't accounting for a lot of factors obviously- whether or not you're autoattacking during the jumps makes a difference (since it was very early game that I considered, I just assumed that neither item would give you the speed necessary to attack during Omnislash) or for factors like the fact that if you hit an enemy with extremely low or possibly negative armor from debuffs, that the cleave damage could actually deal more than a direct attack against a heavily armored hero, since cleave damage is calculated based on the primary target's physical armor, but in the simplest terms, Aghanim's Scepter is a clear winner in the early game. In the late game, against big groups, I agree that Battle Fury makes the bigger difference, but when you're that farmed, Scepter remains relevant since it gives you more time for invulnerability and more time to dish out autoattacks, which is why I pick up Battle Fury really late.
I own a house and rent two rooms out, I have had multiple renters with no issues. I have been renting the rooms out for about three years. Well against my better judgement I moved in a friends girlfriend and she has pretty much gone nuts on me. She signed a lease agreement and is on a month to month agreement or lease. The agreement requires a 30 day written notice of intent to vacate from the tenant before moving. A problem arose in which the tenant refused to cut the grass or rather refused to fix the half ass job she did (yard upkeep is also in the rental agreement in that "yard upkeep is the responsibility of all renters equally"). Lets just say it was the straw that broke the camels back. She stated via text "Im going to start looking for a place this week. I know i have 30days and prob wont find a place that soon but I'd rather be homeless than deal with you" I reminded her she needed to give 30 day written notice. She apparently found a place and is planning on leaving but will not give me the 30 day notice and thinks she can pro-rate the rent herself from Monday. When she said this I told her I still needed a notice and would prorate from the time I received the notice. Her response was "Well take me to court, I've been before and won." So my question to the landlords out there past and present, what would you do? Should I serve her a 30 day notice to vacate ASAP and put on there how much she owes and sue for the difference. I admit I was dumb on this one and did not collect a security deposit because of the circumstances, I still cant believe im going through this much trouble with the only chick that has ever rented from me. Would you just let it fly? Her attitude and the way she has handled herself like a child make me think this needs to go to court. TLDR; Renter wont give 30 day notice, moving out sooner. What should I do?
I own a house and rent two rooms out, I have had multiple renters with no issues. I have been renting the rooms out for about three years. Well against my better judgement I moved in a friends girlfriend and she has pretty much gone nuts on me. She signed a lease agreement and is on a month to month agreement or lease. The agreement requires a 30 day written notice of intent to vacate from the tenant before moving. A problem arose in which the tenant refused to cut the grass or rather refused to fix the half ass job she did (yard upkeep is also in the rental agreement in that "yard upkeep is the responsibility of all renters equally"). Lets just say it was the straw that broke the camels back. She stated via text "Im going to start looking for a place this week. I know i have 30days and prob wont find a place that soon but I'd rather be homeless than deal with you" I reminded her she needed to give 30 day written notice. She apparently found a place and is planning on leaving but will not give me the 30 day notice and thinks she can pro-rate the rent herself from Monday. When she said this I told her I still needed a notice and would prorate from the time I received the notice. Her response was "Well take me to court, I've been before and won." So my question to the landlords out there past and present, what would you do? Should I serve her a 30 day notice to vacate ASAP and put on there how much she owes and sue for the difference. I admit I was dumb on this one and did not collect a security deposit because of the circumstances, I still cant believe im going through this much trouble with the only chick that has ever rented from me. Would you just let it fly? Her attitude and the way she has handled herself like a child make me think this needs to go to court. TLDR; Renter wont give 30 day notice, moving out sooner. What should I do?
I own a house and rent two rooms out, I have had multiple renters with no issues. I have been renting the rooms out for about three years. Well against my better judgement I moved in a friends girlfriend and she has pretty much gone nuts on me. She signed a lease agreement and is on a month to month agreement or lease. The agreement requires a 30 day written notice of intent to vacate from the tenant before moving. A problem arose in which the tenant refused to cut the grass or rather refused to fix the half ass job she did (yard upkeep is also in the rental agreement in that "yard upkeep is the responsibility of all renters equally"). Lets just say it was the straw that broke the camels back. She stated via text "Im going to start looking for a place this week. I know i have 30days and prob wont find a place that soon but I'd rather be homeless than deal with you" I reminded her she needed to give 30 day written notice. She apparently found a place and is planning on leaving but will not give me the 30 day notice and thinks she can pro-rate the rent herself from Monday. When she said this I told her I still needed a notice and would prorate from the time I received the notice. Her response was "Well take me to court, I've been before and won." So my question to the landlords out there past and present, what would you do? Should I serve her a 30 day notice to vacate ASAP and put on there how much she owes and sue for the difference. I admit I was dumb on this one and did not collect a security deposit because of the circumstances, I still cant believe im going through this much trouble with the only chick that has ever rented from me. Would you just let it fly? Her attitude and the way she has handled herself like a child make me think this needs to go to court.
Renter wont give 30 day notice, moving out sooner. What should I do?
My guess is that your disk is scratched in a certain area which contains the digistruct peak part of the game. i suggest going back to a lower difficulty like tvhm (if ur in uvhm) or normal. I think that if you load up a old playthrough you spawn in the last place you were at in that playthrough, but when you go back into your current playthrough it changes your loacation to the one of the previous playthrough location that you were just on. TLDR: Go to old play through and fast travel to random area then change back to your current playthrough
My guess is that your disk is scratched in a certain area which contains the digistruct peak part of the game. i suggest going back to a lower difficulty like tvhm (if ur in uvhm) or normal. I think that if you load up a old playthrough you spawn in the last place you were at in that playthrough, but when you go back into your current playthrough it changes your loacation to the one of the previous playthrough location that you were just on. TLDR: Go to old play through and fast travel to random area then change back to your current playthrough
My guess is that your disk is scratched in a certain area which contains the digistruct peak part of the game. i suggest going back to a lower difficulty like tvhm (if ur in uvhm) or normal. I think that if you load up a old playthrough you spawn in the last place you were at in that playthrough, but when you go back into your current playthrough it changes your loacation to the one of the previous playthrough location that you were just on.
Go to old play through and fast travel to random area then change back to your current playthrough
I just got out of a ten month relationship, I've met a new girl and we've been on a couple of dates now. Over the last couple of weeks we've opened up to each other a lot. However, she only seems to want to have one date on the weekend, and never really wants to hang out during the week when she's free. Is there any way to get her to be interested in me enough to want to step it up and want to do things more often? Or should I just give it some time? She also just got out of a long relationship, one and a half years, so I know she doesn't want to take things too fast. tl;dr- How can I get my woman of interest to want to spend more time with me?
I just got out of a ten month relationship, I've met a new girl and we've been on a couple of dates now. Over the last couple of weeks we've opened up to each other a lot. However, she only seems to want to have one date on the weekend, and never really wants to hang out during the week when she's free. Is there any way to get her to be interested in me enough to want to step it up and want to do things more often? Or should I just give it some time? She also just got out of a long relationship, one and a half years, so I know she doesn't want to take things too fast. tl;dr- How can I get my woman of interest to want to spend more time with me?
I just got out of a ten month relationship, I've met a new girl and we've been on a couple of dates now. Over the last couple of weeks we've opened up to each other a lot. However, she only seems to want to have one date on the weekend, and never really wants to hang out during the week when she's free. Is there any way to get her to be interested in me enough to want to step it up and want to do things more often? Or should I just give it some time? She also just got out of a long relationship, one and a half years, so I know she doesn't want to take things too fast.
How can I get my woman of interest to want to spend more time with me?
No. Not better a buggy unfinished game. When it hits Alpha, we'll have it, it's still currently in Development. That's not even a game yet, that's still an engine with as many issues as resources. Besides, if there are bugs, there will be players exploiting them. World of Warcraft released zones before they were finished and players invalidated their characters by finding broken spots and leaving the map. They were getting invalid player locations and requiring GM resets (Silithus). Guild Wars 2 release had Karma Vendors that sold level 60 equipment for level 5 Karma Prices. they took the low road and BANNED the players that exploited those vendors. Many MANY other examples exist, and are all good arguments that spending the time fixing the game, finishing it, is time well spent. Rocket has plainly stated that after very short amounts of uptime on 20 players, the server starts to operate at a full fledged 15FPS. this is not a frame rate issue you can fix by changing graphics settings, it's the server not updating the game fast enough to see the differences when it's time. I'm sure you, i know i can, remember the days when the server would be up for a short time and suddenly bam, 10fps in the woods, 5fps in the cities, and connections failing because the server couldn't keep up with itself long enough to actually make the player connections work. **TL:DR: Wrong mentality, bro. Let them finish their game.**
No. Not better a buggy unfinished game. When it hits Alpha, we'll have it, it's still currently in Development. That's not even a game yet, that's still an engine with as many issues as resources. Besides, if there are bugs, there will be players exploiting them. World of Warcraft released zones before they were finished and players invalidated their characters by finding broken spots and leaving the map. They were getting invalid player locations and requiring GM resets (Silithus). Guild Wars 2 release had Karma Vendors that sold level 60 equipment for level 5 Karma Prices. they took the low road and BANNED the players that exploited those vendors. Many MANY other examples exist, and are all good arguments that spending the time fixing the game, finishing it, is time well spent. Rocket has plainly stated that after very short amounts of uptime on 20 players, the server starts to operate at a full fledged 15FPS. this is not a frame rate issue you can fix by changing graphics settings, it's the server not updating the game fast enough to see the differences when it's time. I'm sure you, i know i can, remember the days when the server would be up for a short time and suddenly bam, 10fps in the woods, 5fps in the cities, and connections failing because the server couldn't keep up with itself long enough to actually make the player connections work. TL:DR: Wrong mentality, bro. Let them finish their game.
No. Not better a buggy unfinished game. When it hits Alpha, we'll have it, it's still currently in Development. That's not even a game yet, that's still an engine with as many issues as resources. Besides, if there are bugs, there will be players exploiting them. World of Warcraft released zones before they were finished and players invalidated their characters by finding broken spots and leaving the map. They were getting invalid player locations and requiring GM resets (Silithus). Guild Wars 2 release had Karma Vendors that sold level 60 equipment for level 5 Karma Prices. they took the low road and BANNED the players that exploited those vendors. Many MANY other examples exist, and are all good arguments that spending the time fixing the game, finishing it, is time well spent. Rocket has plainly stated that after very short amounts of uptime on 20 players, the server starts to operate at a full fledged 15FPS. this is not a frame rate issue you can fix by changing graphics settings, it's the server not updating the game fast enough to see the differences when it's time. I'm sure you, i know i can, remember the days when the server would be up for a short time and suddenly bam, 10fps in the woods, 5fps in the cities, and connections failing because the server couldn't keep up with itself long enough to actually make the player connections work.
Wrong mentality, bro. Let them finish their game.
I know I'm my gym people who are injured typically don't show up at all. Where in my background of football you learn that taking mental reps or a different view on the situation can sometimes help with development. I had bad back spasms for a month. During that month off the mats I continued to go watch, and learn as you can see so much more when you have an outsiders perspective. I came back and had definite rust, but it took a few rolls and now I have felt a huge increase in my feel and understanding from being on the sidelines. tldr ; still go if your hurt, you can see and learn lots with a different perspective.
I know I'm my gym people who are injured typically don't show up at all. Where in my background of football you learn that taking mental reps or a different view on the situation can sometimes help with development. I had bad back spasms for a month. During that month off the mats I continued to go watch, and learn as you can see so much more when you have an outsiders perspective. I came back and had definite rust, but it took a few rolls and now I have felt a huge increase in my feel and understanding from being on the sidelines. tldr ; still go if your hurt, you can see and learn lots with a different perspective.
I know I'm my gym people who are injured typically don't show up at all. Where in my background of football you learn that taking mental reps or a different view on the situation can sometimes help with development. I had bad back spasms for a month. During that month off the mats I continued to go watch, and learn as you can see so much more when you have an outsiders perspective. I came back and had definite rust, but it took a few rolls and now I have felt a huge increase in my feel and understanding from being on the sidelines.
still go if your hurt, you can see and learn lots with a different perspective.
Sitting in an office chair 5 days a week, if I have bad posture, I think I will look like a cripple by the time I'm 30. I've been trying to sit upright with good posture lately; however, by mid-late day, I experience upper-back/shoulder blade pain. I also notice this over time when I try walking with good posture. Any reasons why this would happen or help fixing this problem? I foam roll before and sometimes after every workout to try and help.. Any recommendations would be great! TL;DR good posture = shoulder blade pain
Sitting in an office chair 5 days a week, if I have bad posture, I think I will look like a cripple by the time I'm 30. I've been trying to sit upright with good posture lately; however, by mid-late day, I experience upper-back/shoulder blade pain. I also notice this over time when I try walking with good posture. Any reasons why this would happen or help fixing this problem? I foam roll before and sometimes after every workout to try and help.. Any recommendations would be great! TL;DR good posture = shoulder blade pain
Sitting in an office chair 5 days a week, if I have bad posture, I think I will look like a cripple by the time I'm 30. I've been trying to sit upright with good posture lately; however, by mid-late day, I experience upper-back/shoulder blade pain. I also notice this over time when I try walking with good posture. Any reasons why this would happen or help fixing this problem? I foam roll before and sometimes after every workout to try and help.. Any recommendations would be great!
good posture = shoulder blade pain
I was coming home from work one day, very tired, and I exited the freeway and paused at the at the red light at the bottom of the exit ramp with a bunch of other cars. There were 3 lanes and I was in the far right lane waiting to turn right. The middle lane could go left, right or straight. The light turned green. I turned onto the next road where there was also a red light. Right after turning some idiot in a big red truck who was waiting in the left turn lane of Road 1 starting honking his horn, swearing at me and flipping me off. I looked at him confusedly and slowly rolled forward. My light turned green and I drove down Road 1 for a moment and then decided to do a U-Turn and drive back to the intersection. I pulled over and waited for red-truck idiot to turn onto Road 2 and then started following him. Usually I hate any type of conflict. Anyway, red truck idiot notices me following him and pulls over. I pull up next to him, roll down my window and say in a very stern tone of voice "Is there a problem?" He says "Yeah, you almost ran into a lady back at the freeway exit! You veered into her lane when you turned onto the road and she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting you!" I hate when people drive like idiots (happens a lot here) and here it was I that had been an oblivious asshole. Flipping me off and cursing me out was probably excessive but I was obviously in the wrong when I veered into her lane (I had probably mistakenly assumed she was turning left. I said "oh, I didn't see her. Well, I guess that was justified, thank you," and I drove off. Sometimes you are affected by the asshole, sometimes you are the asshole. TL;DR: Stereotypical asshole in a big red truck curses me out and flips me off. Turns out, I had cutoff some lady and was driving like an idiot. It was I who was the asshole. EDIT: "breaks" EDIT 2: Unnecessary info and typos
I was coming home from work one day, very tired, and I exited the freeway and paused at the at the red light at the bottom of the exit ramp with a bunch of other cars. There were 3 lanes and I was in the far right lane waiting to turn right. The middle lane could go left, right or straight. The light turned green. I turned onto the next road where there was also a red light. Right after turning some idiot in a big red truck who was waiting in the left turn lane of Road 1 starting honking his horn, swearing at me and flipping me off. I looked at him confusedly and slowly rolled forward. My light turned green and I drove down Road 1 for a moment and then decided to do a U-Turn and drive back to the intersection. I pulled over and waited for red-truck idiot to turn onto Road 2 and then started following him. Usually I hate any type of conflict. Anyway, red truck idiot notices me following him and pulls over. I pull up next to him, roll down my window and say in a very stern tone of voice "Is there a problem?" He says "Yeah, you almost ran into a lady back at the freeway exit! You veered into her lane when you turned onto the road and she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting you!" I hate when people drive like idiots (happens a lot here) and here it was I that had been an oblivious asshole. Flipping me off and cursing me out was probably excessive but I was obviously in the wrong when I veered into her lane (I had probably mistakenly assumed she was turning left. I said "oh, I didn't see her. Well, I guess that was justified, thank you," and I drove off. Sometimes you are affected by the asshole, sometimes you are the asshole. TL;DR: Stereotypical asshole in a big red truck curses me out and flips me off. Turns out, I had cutoff some lady and was driving like an idiot. It was I who was the asshole. EDIT: "breaks" EDIT 2: Unnecessary info and typos
I was coming home from work one day, very tired, and I exited the freeway and paused at the at the red light at the bottom of the exit ramp with a bunch of other cars. There were 3 lanes and I was in the far right lane waiting to turn right. The middle lane could go left, right or straight. The light turned green. I turned onto the next road where there was also a red light. Right after turning some idiot in a big red truck who was waiting in the left turn lane of Road 1 starting honking his horn, swearing at me and flipping me off. I looked at him confusedly and slowly rolled forward. My light turned green and I drove down Road 1 for a moment and then decided to do a U-Turn and drive back to the intersection. I pulled over and waited for red-truck idiot to turn onto Road 2 and then started following him. Usually I hate any type of conflict. Anyway, red truck idiot notices me following him and pulls over. I pull up next to him, roll down my window and say in a very stern tone of voice "Is there a problem?" He says "Yeah, you almost ran into a lady back at the freeway exit! You veered into her lane when you turned onto the road and she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting you!" I hate when people drive like idiots (happens a lot here) and here it was I that had been an oblivious asshole. Flipping me off and cursing me out was probably excessive but I was obviously in the wrong when I veered into her lane (I had probably mistakenly assumed she was turning left. I said "oh, I didn't see her. Well, I guess that was justified, thank you," and I drove off. Sometimes you are affected by the asshole, sometimes you are the asshole.
Stereotypical asshole in a big red truck curses me out and flips me off. Turns out, I had cutoff some lady and was driving like an idiot. It was I who was the asshole. EDIT: "breaks" EDIT 2: Unnecessary info and typos
||| --:|:-- || __Details__ _Vendor: |[Top_Gear_UK] _Market: |[Agora] _Product: |[115ug LSD Tabs] _Shipped from: |[UK] _Shipped to: |[US] _Required FE: |[YES] ||__Rating__ _Communication: |[N/A] (Not Needed) _Stealth: |[9] / 10 _Shipping time: |[10] / 10 _Price value: |[10] / 10 _Aesthetics: |[10] / 10 _Quantity: |[10] / 10 _Transaction: |[10] / 10 _Vendor: |[10] / 10 _Drug: |[N/A] | | | | _TOTAL SCORE:_ | __[69] / 70__ [Will update with quality after sampling] I was somewhat scared to order 50 tabs from a vendor with so much drama surrounding them, but you shouldn't spend money you can't afford to lose on DNMs, especially when dealing internationally. I'd also recently read a thread on here claiming TGUK was selectively scamming. I've also read of him shipping orders short, there was even one guy that claimed he got a single tab in the mail (why would a vendor bother to ship a single tab?). I went in understanding this, but deemed the value worth the risk. BlueViking was on vacation following a sale, and TGUK had awesome prices. He was running a "Get 20% Extra" sale at the time. I read on his FAQ that "Free tabs are ~70ug". So I thought I'd get my 50x 115ug, and then some freebies that were underdosed and he needed to get rid of somehow. In fact I got a full 60x regular 115ug blotters. Stealth is adequate. You're shipping an odorless sheet of paper in the mail... what do people want from a vendor? You don't need 5 layered moisture barrier bags and vac sealing. That would make it more suspicious, not less. I have not sampled this substance, so I cannot speak on potency. Even if the tabs are only dosed at 60ug, then I still got a better $/ug ratio than ordering from some other vendors. If someone else wants to foot half the bill (is bitcoin groupfunding/escrow a thing?) then I'll donate a tab to testing via EnergyControl. Are there any labs that do what EnergyControl does, but cheaper/free? Also, just a side-rant. But why the fuck does everyone rate vendors when they FE? "FE'd for trusted vendor" doesn't help me. Do people not realize you have like 6 weeks afte ordering to review, you don't have to initially review? If no one reviewed until their pack did/didn't land that'd make sorting through Agora reviews a LOT easier... TL;DR: I got my pack in &lt;5 days to the US. I got the exact number of tabs promised (incl. 20% extra for the sale). TGUK may be a selective scammer, but I got my order fine so I'm happy.
Details _Vendor: [Top_Gear_UK] _Market: [Agora] _Product: [115ug LSD Tabs] _Shipped from: [UK] _Shipped to: [US] _Required FE: [YES] Rating _Communication: [N/A] (Not Needed) _Stealth: [9] / 10 _Shipping time: [10] / 10 _Price value: [10] / 10 _Aesthetics: [10] / 10 _Quantity: [10] / 10 _Transaction: [10] / 10 _Vendor: [10] / 10 _Drug: [N/A] TOTAL SCORE: [69] / 70 [Will update with quality after sampling] I was somewhat scared to order 50 tabs from a vendor with so much drama surrounding them, but you shouldn't spend money you can't afford to lose on DNMs, especially when dealing internationally. I'd also recently read a thread on here claiming TGUK was selectively scamming. I've also read of him shipping orders short, there was even one guy that claimed he got a single tab in the mail (why would a vendor bother to ship a single tab?). I went in understanding this, but deemed the value worth the risk. BlueViking was on vacation following a sale, and TGUK had awesome prices. He was running a "Get 20% Extra" sale at the time. I read on his FAQ that "Free tabs are ~70ug". So I thought I'd get my 50x 115ug, and then some freebies that were underdosed and he needed to get rid of somehow. In fact I got a full 60x regular 115ug blotters. Stealth is adequate. You're shipping an odorless sheet of paper in the mail... what do people want from a vendor? You don't need 5 layered moisture barrier bags and vac sealing. That would make it more suspicious, not less. I have not sampled this substance, so I cannot speak on potency. Even if the tabs are only dosed at 60ug, then I still got a better $/ug ratio than ordering from some other vendors. If someone else wants to foot half the bill (is bitcoin groupfunding/escrow a thing?) then I'll donate a tab to testing via EnergyControl. Are there any labs that do what EnergyControl does, but cheaper/free? Also, just a side-rant. But why the fuck does everyone rate vendors when they FE? "FE'd for trusted vendor" doesn't help me. Do people not realize you have like 6 weeks afte ordering to review, you don't have to initially review? If no one reviewed until their pack did/didn't land that'd make sorting through Agora reviews a LOT easier... TL;DR: I got my pack in <5 days to the US. I got the exact number of tabs promised (incl. 20% extra for the sale). TGUK may be a selective scammer, but I got my order fine so I'm happy.
Details _Vendor: [Top_Gear_UK] _Market: [Agora] _Product: [115ug LSD Tabs] _Shipped from: [UK] _Shipped to: [US] _Required FE: [YES] Rating _Communication: [N/A] (Not Needed) _Stealth: [9] / 10 _Shipping time: [10] / 10 _Price value: [10] / 10 _Aesthetics: [10] / 10 _Quantity: [10] / 10 _Transaction: [10] / 10 _Vendor: [10] / 10 _Drug: [N/A] TOTAL SCORE: [69] / 70 [Will update with quality after sampling] I was somewhat scared to order 50 tabs from a vendor with so much drama surrounding them, but you shouldn't spend money you can't afford to lose on DNMs, especially when dealing internationally. I'd also recently read a thread on here claiming TGUK was selectively scamming. I've also read of him shipping orders short, there was even one guy that claimed he got a single tab in the mail (why would a vendor bother to ship a single tab?). I went in understanding this, but deemed the value worth the risk. BlueViking was on vacation following a sale, and TGUK had awesome prices. He was running a "Get 20% Extra" sale at the time. I read on his FAQ that "Free tabs are ~70ug". So I thought I'd get my 50x 115ug, and then some freebies that were underdosed and he needed to get rid of somehow. In fact I got a full 60x regular 115ug blotters. Stealth is adequate. You're shipping an odorless sheet of paper in the mail... what do people want from a vendor? You don't need 5 layered moisture barrier bags and vac sealing. That would make it more suspicious, not less. I have not sampled this substance, so I cannot speak on potency. Even if the tabs are only dosed at 60ug, then I still got a better $/ug ratio than ordering from some other vendors. If someone else wants to foot half the bill (is bitcoin groupfunding/escrow a thing?) then I'll donate a tab to testing via EnergyControl. Are there any labs that do what EnergyControl does, but cheaper/free? Also, just a side-rant. But why the fuck does everyone rate vendors when they FE? "FE'd for trusted vendor" doesn't help me. Do people not realize you have like 6 weeks afte ordering to review, you don't have to initially review? If no one reviewed until their pack did/didn't land that'd make sorting through Agora reviews a LOT easier...
I got my pack in <5 days to the US. I got the exact number of tabs promised (incl. 20% extra for the sale). TGUK may be a selective scammer, but I got my order fine so I'm happy.
Not quite! Spot pricing on these instances range between $0.20/hr - $6.00/hr. I'm using on-demand pricing, which is fixed at $0.676 (averaged across all regions) Multiply by the 20 instances that I am running to attain this hash rate and I am burning credits at a rate of $13.52/hr! And in less than 24 hours, I still haven't mined even that value. TL;DR: I'm "spending" approximately $324 for 90K DOGE per day.
Not quite! Spot pricing on these instances range between $0.20/hr - $6.00/hr. I'm using on-demand pricing, which is fixed at $0.676 (averaged across all regions) Multiply by the 20 instances that I am running to attain this hash rate and I am burning credits at a rate of $13.52/hr! And in less than 24 hours, I still haven't mined even that value. TL;DR: I'm "spending" approximately $324 for 90K DOGE per day.
Not quite! Spot pricing on these instances range between $0.20/hr - $6.00/hr. I'm using on-demand pricing, which is fixed at $0.676 (averaged across all regions) Multiply by the 20 instances that I am running to attain this hash rate and I am burning credits at a rate of $13.52/hr! And in less than 24 hours, I still haven't mined even that value.
I'm "spending" approximately $324 for 90K DOGE per day.
Please define "News Organization". Is there a legal definition that holds water? The de-facto definition of news and news organizations lies in the perception of those who receive their output. If, for example, a television viewer believes a particular show consistently provides an accurate representation of reality, then for that person, the show is a news provider. If the same viewer has reason to believe that a show misrepresents reality for any reason, be it deception, parody, ignorance, etc. the show ceases to be a provider of news for that viewer, and becomes something else. The problem with Fox specifically is that those who consider them to be a news organization *want to believe* what they say is true. They neither seek conflicting information nor accept it if offered. This is known as *confirmation bias*, it is one of the many errors of logic that humans use to filter information, and if the last several thousand years are any indication there is nothing that can be done to change it. For anyone that cares to look, FOX News is clearly NOT a purveyor of facts, i.e. a news organization. For true believers, FOX News provides confirmation of a worldview they would hold with or without FOX News. If FOX News were suddenly forced to provide only accurate information that conflicted with their viewers perception, they would become former FOX News viewers and seek a more agreeable source of "information". **TL: DR** The only cure for FOX News is skepticism and critical thinking skills in the general public. Good luck with that.
Please define "News Organization". Is there a legal definition that holds water? The de-facto definition of news and news organizations lies in the perception of those who receive their output. If, for example, a television viewer believes a particular show consistently provides an accurate representation of reality, then for that person, the show is a news provider. If the same viewer has reason to believe that a show misrepresents reality for any reason, be it deception, parody, ignorance, etc. the show ceases to be a provider of news for that viewer, and becomes something else. The problem with Fox specifically is that those who consider them to be a news organization want to believe what they say is true. They neither seek conflicting information nor accept it if offered. This is known as confirmation bias , it is one of the many errors of logic that humans use to filter information, and if the last several thousand years are any indication there is nothing that can be done to change it. For anyone that cares to look, FOX News is clearly NOT a purveyor of facts, i.e. a news organization. For true believers, FOX News provides confirmation of a worldview they would hold with or without FOX News. If FOX News were suddenly forced to provide only accurate information that conflicted with their viewers perception, they would become former FOX News viewers and seek a more agreeable source of "information". TL: DR The only cure for FOX News is skepticism and critical thinking skills in the general public. Good luck with that.
Please define "News Organization". Is there a legal definition that holds water? The de-facto definition of news and news organizations lies in the perception of those who receive their output. If, for example, a television viewer believes a particular show consistently provides an accurate representation of reality, then for that person, the show is a news provider. If the same viewer has reason to believe that a show misrepresents reality for any reason, be it deception, parody, ignorance, etc. the show ceases to be a provider of news for that viewer, and becomes something else. The problem with Fox specifically is that those who consider them to be a news organization want to believe what they say is true. They neither seek conflicting information nor accept it if offered. This is known as confirmation bias , it is one of the many errors of logic that humans use to filter information, and if the last several thousand years are any indication there is nothing that can be done to change it. For anyone that cares to look, FOX News is clearly NOT a purveyor of facts, i.e. a news organization. For true believers, FOX News provides confirmation of a worldview they would hold with or without FOX News. If FOX News were suddenly forced to provide only accurate information that conflicted with their viewers perception, they would become former FOX News viewers and seek a more agreeable source of "information".
The only cure for FOX News is skepticism and critical thinking skills in the general public. Good luck with that.
I got more out of going to Sachsen-Housen in Germany than Auschwitz, personally. It was very interesting, the difference in how they're set up and presented. Sachsen-Housen was of course not an extermination camp, and much smaller, but you're allowed free reign of the grounds and able to explore on your own. Auschwitz was crowded (not a bad thing) but there is a very specific very guided experience you go through. For me, that took a bit away from it. I like to wander and reflect. There is nothing beautiful at Auschwitz, while Sachsen-Housen was 3 different camps, and today much of it is actually quite nice looking. The dichotomy of what happened there and what's there now really struck me. tl;dr Auschwitz is awful and they make sure you know it. Some of the others offer a more personal experience.
I got more out of going to Sachsen-Housen in Germany than Auschwitz, personally. It was very interesting, the difference in how they're set up and presented. Sachsen-Housen was of course not an extermination camp, and much smaller, but you're allowed free reign of the grounds and able to explore on your own. Auschwitz was crowded (not a bad thing) but there is a very specific very guided experience you go through. For me, that took a bit away from it. I like to wander and reflect. There is nothing beautiful at Auschwitz, while Sachsen-Housen was 3 different camps, and today much of it is actually quite nice looking. The dichotomy of what happened there and what's there now really struck me. tl;dr Auschwitz is awful and they make sure you know it. Some of the others offer a more personal experience.
I got more out of going to Sachsen-Housen in Germany than Auschwitz, personally. It was very interesting, the difference in how they're set up and presented. Sachsen-Housen was of course not an extermination camp, and much smaller, but you're allowed free reign of the grounds and able to explore on your own. Auschwitz was crowded (not a bad thing) but there is a very specific very guided experience you go through. For me, that took a bit away from it. I like to wander and reflect. There is nothing beautiful at Auschwitz, while Sachsen-Housen was 3 different camps, and today much of it is actually quite nice looking. The dichotomy of what happened there and what's there now really struck me.
Auschwitz is awful and they make sure you know it. Some of the others offer a more personal experience.
My husband (29) and I (28) have been married for 7 years, together for 10. We've always had a good sex life and although we've been through some rough patches, I think we have a great relationship and communicate well. However, the more of my friends that divorce, and the more I read about seemingly healthy marriages falling apart, the more I worry that we will face this type of situation sooner or later. We were both virgins when we met (although not by the time we were married), and I worry that sooner of later he will decide that he wants to try someone different. I try to stay physically attractive (and I find him very attractive still). We have no children and no plans to have any. My question is this: Men, what do you wish your wives would do/would have done differently after you'd been married for a while? Wives, what do you do to help spice up your sex life? I'm not interested in swinging, but am open to other suggestions. TLDR: What tips do you have on making sex seem less routine and new?
My husband (29) and I (28) have been married for 7 years, together for 10. We've always had a good sex life and although we've been through some rough patches, I think we have a great relationship and communicate well. However, the more of my friends that divorce, and the more I read about seemingly healthy marriages falling apart, the more I worry that we will face this type of situation sooner or later. We were both virgins when we met (although not by the time we were married), and I worry that sooner of later he will decide that he wants to try someone different. I try to stay physically attractive (and I find him very attractive still). We have no children and no plans to have any. My question is this: Men, what do you wish your wives would do/would have done differently after you'd been married for a while? Wives, what do you do to help spice up your sex life? I'm not interested in swinging, but am open to other suggestions. TLDR: What tips do you have on making sex seem less routine and new?
My husband (29) and I (28) have been married for 7 years, together for 10. We've always had a good sex life and although we've been through some rough patches, I think we have a great relationship and communicate well. However, the more of my friends that divorce, and the more I read about seemingly healthy marriages falling apart, the more I worry that we will face this type of situation sooner or later. We were both virgins when we met (although not by the time we were married), and I worry that sooner of later he will decide that he wants to try someone different. I try to stay physically attractive (and I find him very attractive still). We have no children and no plans to have any. My question is this: Men, what do you wish your wives would do/would have done differently after you'd been married for a while? Wives, what do you do to help spice up your sex life? I'm not interested in swinging, but am open to other suggestions.
What tips do you have on making sex seem less routine and new?
eSfere looks like more like a stationary android device made for a large screen rather than a gaming console based on android. I'm not so sure that people would want to spend 99$ to play a host of cheap games on a large screen, which is what it seams to be targeting. perhaps it would make a better media center than OUYA, but who knows. Oh, and who ever thought that silicone stick-on buttons would be a replacement for a physical control really tells me that they don't understand console gaming, I cannot imagine them being anything close to a replacement. **tl;dr:** no, eSferes emphasis is android, OUYAs emphasis is console games.
eSfere looks like more like a stationary android device made for a large screen rather than a gaming console based on android. I'm not so sure that people would want to spend 99$ to play a host of cheap games on a large screen, which is what it seams to be targeting. perhaps it would make a better media center than OUYA, but who knows. Oh, and who ever thought that silicone stick-on buttons would be a replacement for a physical control really tells me that they don't understand console gaming, I cannot imagine them being anything close to a replacement. tl;dr: no, eSferes emphasis is android, OUYAs emphasis is console games.
eSfere looks like more like a stationary android device made for a large screen rather than a gaming console based on android. I'm not so sure that people would want to spend 99$ to play a host of cheap games on a large screen, which is what it seams to be targeting. perhaps it would make a better media center than OUYA, but who knows. Oh, and who ever thought that silicone stick-on buttons would be a replacement for a physical control really tells me that they don't understand console gaming, I cannot imagine them being anything close to a replacement.
no, eSferes emphasis is android, OUYAs emphasis is console games.
Long time (end game) player of Runes of Magic. I quit about 2 years ago, although I log in every once in a while to check on things. The game itself is in free fall just as it was when I quit playing. When I played I was probably in the top 10 NA as far as skill/knowledge/gear goes, so I can give you some insight. First of all, yes it's pretty much identical to WoW style. It's a traditional tab target, skill spam MMO with a typical treadmill style gear system and it's great. But if you're just starting to think about playing it I would say this: 1. Like I said the game is in free fall, the publisher is horribly greedy and it shows. Meaning it's not very populated. At end game its even worse, if you manage to play that far, the community is so small that you actually KNOW all the end game players, their class and how they're geared. Even players from other servers. No other MMO has that small of a community and that's all thanks to the the publisher milking the players before the game dies fully. 2. As far as the payment system goes.. The game itself is "Free to play, Pay to win". Meaning, if you want to ever run anything end game you'll have to spend money.... and LOTS of it. Several hundred atleast to get some decent starting gear. The situation has changed a bit since I quit because the game has major economic issues due to duping and what not so weapons end up costing 50+ mil gold. (Also lots of gold sellers in the game). 3. As far as PvP goes, you're basically looking at one type and that's Siege. Essentially guild vs guild for 1 hour, first guild to take down the other guilds "castle" wins. There is arenas, but not many people play it and they're not very fun. The pvp in the game is a "one shot" fest.. meaning the fighting comes down to the flavour of the month class and who has the highest tier gear. In siege its fun because you get in fights with healers and immunes and what not. In Arenas the fights are over quickly. 4. As far as raiding goes, the game has 6 man and 12 man instances, they're pretty fun but once again due to problems in the game with duping and what not, instances quickly become farming sessions to get weapons to sell for 40+ mil gold. Do I regret spending several years playing it? Absolutely not. I loved it, and its the best experience I've had with an MMO (Most of the experience is due to the small community. You become more of a family rather than just another guild to join to gear up). Would I suggest new players to play it? Eh probably not. It's a good game, plagued with problems due to the publisher, and a developer who has ZERO communication with the publisher and the community. Meaning there are still bugs in the game which have been there since the beginning. Hell the whole Siege PvP system is still in "Beta", after several years. If you really like what Runes of Magic has to offer, I suggest playing it on a private server. There are a few out there, and they fix some of the issues the actual Runes of Magic servers have as far as the economy goes. Honestly I've been looking for a game to replace Runes of Magic ever since I quit, I've tried several games (Including Rift) which the user above me has mentioned. Rift is a good game, and has a much better "Free 2 play" system. In Rift you don't NEED to buy anything, where as Runes of Magic you pretty much HAVE to buy from the item shop. However the two games are very different. Rift does not replace Runes of Magic, only reason I quit Rift is because the massive amount of farming you have to do at end game. (You have to farm reputation/notoriety with these factions to get certain items which are necessary to advance) Some notoriety take months to reach the cap, and you need to reach the cap in order to get the necessary items. TL;DR: Play Rift if you want a traditional MMO that's Free to play. Play WoW if you want the best experience and don't mind paying. Runes of magic is in free fall and has greedy publishers. Its a great game, and if you WANT to play a WoW clone, I suggest looking into the private servers of Runes of Magic.
Long time (end game) player of Runes of Magic. I quit about 2 years ago, although I log in every once in a while to check on things. The game itself is in free fall just as it was when I quit playing. When I played I was probably in the top 10 NA as far as skill/knowledge/gear goes, so I can give you some insight. First of all, yes it's pretty much identical to WoW style. It's a traditional tab target, skill spam MMO with a typical treadmill style gear system and it's great. But if you're just starting to think about playing it I would say this: Like I said the game is in free fall, the publisher is horribly greedy and it shows. Meaning it's not very populated. At end game its even worse, if you manage to play that far, the community is so small that you actually KNOW all the end game players, their class and how they're geared. Even players from other servers. No other MMO has that small of a community and that's all thanks to the the publisher milking the players before the game dies fully. As far as the payment system goes.. The game itself is "Free to play, Pay to win". Meaning, if you want to ever run anything end game you'll have to spend money.... and LOTS of it. Several hundred atleast to get some decent starting gear. The situation has changed a bit since I quit because the game has major economic issues due to duping and what not so weapons end up costing 50+ mil gold. (Also lots of gold sellers in the game). As far as PvP goes, you're basically looking at one type and that's Siege. Essentially guild vs guild for 1 hour, first guild to take down the other guilds "castle" wins. There is arenas, but not many people play it and they're not very fun. The pvp in the game is a "one shot" fest.. meaning the fighting comes down to the flavour of the month class and who has the highest tier gear. In siege its fun because you get in fights with healers and immunes and what not. In Arenas the fights are over quickly. As far as raiding goes, the game has 6 man and 12 man instances, they're pretty fun but once again due to problems in the game with duping and what not, instances quickly become farming sessions to get weapons to sell for 40+ mil gold. Do I regret spending several years playing it? Absolutely not. I loved it, and its the best experience I've had with an MMO (Most of the experience is due to the small community. You become more of a family rather than just another guild to join to gear up). Would I suggest new players to play it? Eh probably not. It's a good game, plagued with problems due to the publisher, and a developer who has ZERO communication with the publisher and the community. Meaning there are still bugs in the game which have been there since the beginning. Hell the whole Siege PvP system is still in "Beta", after several years. If you really like what Runes of Magic has to offer, I suggest playing it on a private server. There are a few out there, and they fix some of the issues the actual Runes of Magic servers have as far as the economy goes. Honestly I've been looking for a game to replace Runes of Magic ever since I quit, I've tried several games (Including Rift) which the user above me has mentioned. Rift is a good game, and has a much better "Free 2 play" system. In Rift you don't NEED to buy anything, where as Runes of Magic you pretty much HAVE to buy from the item shop. However the two games are very different. Rift does not replace Runes of Magic, only reason I quit Rift is because the massive amount of farming you have to do at end game. (You have to farm reputation/notoriety with these factions to get certain items which are necessary to advance) Some notoriety take months to reach the cap, and you need to reach the cap in order to get the necessary items. TL;DR: Play Rift if you want a traditional MMO that's Free to play. Play WoW if you want the best experience and don't mind paying. Runes of magic is in free fall and has greedy publishers. Its a great game, and if you WANT to play a WoW clone, I suggest looking into the private servers of Runes of Magic.
Long time (end game) player of Runes of Magic. I quit about 2 years ago, although I log in every once in a while to check on things. The game itself is in free fall just as it was when I quit playing. When I played I was probably in the top 10 NA as far as skill/knowledge/gear goes, so I can give you some insight. First of all, yes it's pretty much identical to WoW style. It's a traditional tab target, skill spam MMO with a typical treadmill style gear system and it's great. But if you're just starting to think about playing it I would say this: Like I said the game is in free fall, the publisher is horribly greedy and it shows. Meaning it's not very populated. At end game its even worse, if you manage to play that far, the community is so small that you actually KNOW all the end game players, their class and how they're geared. Even players from other servers. No other MMO has that small of a community and that's all thanks to the the publisher milking the players before the game dies fully. As far as the payment system goes.. The game itself is "Free to play, Pay to win". Meaning, if you want to ever run anything end game you'll have to spend money.... and LOTS of it. Several hundred atleast to get some decent starting gear. The situation has changed a bit since I quit because the game has major economic issues due to duping and what not so weapons end up costing 50+ mil gold. (Also lots of gold sellers in the game). As far as PvP goes, you're basically looking at one type and that's Siege. Essentially guild vs guild for 1 hour, first guild to take down the other guilds "castle" wins. There is arenas, but not many people play it and they're not very fun. The pvp in the game is a "one shot" fest.. meaning the fighting comes down to the flavour of the month class and who has the highest tier gear. In siege its fun because you get in fights with healers and immunes and what not. In Arenas the fights are over quickly. As far as raiding goes, the game has 6 man and 12 man instances, they're pretty fun but once again due to problems in the game with duping and what not, instances quickly become farming sessions to get weapons to sell for 40+ mil gold. Do I regret spending several years playing it? Absolutely not. I loved it, and its the best experience I've had with an MMO (Most of the experience is due to the small community. You become more of a family rather than just another guild to join to gear up). Would I suggest new players to play it? Eh probably not. It's a good game, plagued with problems due to the publisher, and a developer who has ZERO communication with the publisher and the community. Meaning there are still bugs in the game which have been there since the beginning. Hell the whole Siege PvP system is still in "Beta", after several years. If you really like what Runes of Magic has to offer, I suggest playing it on a private server. There are a few out there, and they fix some of the issues the actual Runes of Magic servers have as far as the economy goes. Honestly I've been looking for a game to replace Runes of Magic ever since I quit, I've tried several games (Including Rift) which the user above me has mentioned. Rift is a good game, and has a much better "Free 2 play" system. In Rift you don't NEED to buy anything, where as Runes of Magic you pretty much HAVE to buy from the item shop. However the two games are very different. Rift does not replace Runes of Magic, only reason I quit Rift is because the massive amount of farming you have to do at end game. (You have to farm reputation/notoriety with these factions to get certain items which are necessary to advance) Some notoriety take months to reach the cap, and you need to reach the cap in order to get the necessary items.
Play Rift if you want a traditional MMO that's Free to play. Play WoW if you want the best experience and don't mind paying. Runes of magic is in free fall and has greedy publishers. Its a great game, and if you WANT to play a WoW clone, I suggest looking into the private servers of Runes of Magic.
I have two and both during flight training.I was 16 and getting my private pilots license at a local airport in a relatively rural area. #1 we were practicing engine failure emergencies and the instructor would pull the engine to idle and we would go over procedures. this time when he did it the engine sputtered even when we added power back in and eventually died. I set up to land on in a corn field and at about 100 feet he got the engine to start back up and we made a b-line for the airport. #2 I was doing my first cross country solo and so was a friend of mine. We both headed to the same airport him following me the whole time until the landing. I announced I was landing on runway 27 and performed the appropriate approach procedures. The other student just said he was following me in on all of the radio calls then he announces his final approach just as I am turning onto my final. I look for him everywhere while starting to go around and see him landing on 90 (same runway different direction). The worst part was the few seconds I didn't know where he was. I have a few more from other pilots as well. Sorry for the block of text, this is my first comment ever. TLDR: Engine failed over a corn field, student pilot almost caused a head on collision
I have two and both during flight training.I was 16 and getting my private pilots license at a local airport in a relatively rural area. 1 we were practicing engine failure emergencies and the instructor would pull the engine to idle and we would go over procedures. this time when he did it the engine sputtered even when we added power back in and eventually died. I set up to land on in a corn field and at about 100 feet he got the engine to start back up and we made a b-line for the airport. 2 I was doing my first cross country solo and so was a friend of mine. We both headed to the same airport him following me the whole time until the landing. I announced I was landing on runway 27 and performed the appropriate approach procedures. The other student just said he was following me in on all of the radio calls then he announces his final approach just as I am turning onto my final. I look for him everywhere while starting to go around and see him landing on 90 (same runway different direction). The worst part was the few seconds I didn't know where he was. I have a few more from other pilots as well. Sorry for the block of text, this is my first comment ever. TLDR: Engine failed over a corn field, student pilot almost caused a head on collision
I have two and both during flight training.I was 16 and getting my private pilots license at a local airport in a relatively rural area. 1 we were practicing engine failure emergencies and the instructor would pull the engine to idle and we would go over procedures. this time when he did it the engine sputtered even when we added power back in and eventually died. I set up to land on in a corn field and at about 100 feet he got the engine to start back up and we made a b-line for the airport. 2 I was doing my first cross country solo and so was a friend of mine. We both headed to the same airport him following me the whole time until the landing. I announced I was landing on runway 27 and performed the appropriate approach procedures. The other student just said he was following me in on all of the radio calls then he announces his final approach just as I am turning onto my final. I look for him everywhere while starting to go around and see him landing on 90 (same runway different direction). The worst part was the few seconds I didn't know where he was. I have a few more from other pilots as well. Sorry for the block of text, this is my first comment ever.
Engine failed over a corn field, student pilot almost caused a head on collision
This is mostly a rant, but I would appreciate any input, advice, or general observations about the situation. During a recent visit to her school's open house/freshmen orientation, my sister managed to describe several people as "creepy". First, we were swimming in our hotel's pool. We were the only two people in the pool, though there were two other women sunning themselves next to it, when a fat bald man walked into the pool area. My sister shot me a look, which I interpreted as "Oh well, it was fun to have the pool to ourselves for a while." I shrugged and we continued to bob up and down in the water, gossiping and comparing our complexions. The man who'd just entered took off his shoes and shirt, put on a pair of goggles, and proceeded to swim up and down the length of the pool. We'd been in the pool for maybe an hour anyways, so when my sister said she wanted to leave I figured she was just done with the water. But as we were walking back to our room she says, "Can you believe how creepy that guy was?" No, I could not believe his creepiness, because I hadn't noticed it, he was just using the pool (just like us!). "But Moxiecontin, he was a fat bald guy, and he was wearing *goggles*! That's so creepy!" She giggled and I made some faces but did not continue the conversation, I wanted this to be a fun trip with no drama (and she's 18, she hasn't quite mastered thinking before she speaks). But then we were at a restaurant for dinner, and she feels the need to point out a man sitting by himself at the bar. "Look at that guy" she says, "So creepy! Who sits by themselves at the bar?" I shushed her (didn't want him to hear her!), and theorized that maybe he was hungry and didn't want to take up a whole table or booth. "Yeah, but only creepy people have to eat at restaurants *alone*, he should just by some ramen." I asked her if *she* would rather be eating ramen than the (fairly) tasty mexican food we were enjoying, and she just stuck her tongue out at me and the conversation moved on. At about 11pm that night we were hitting the hotel's vending machines, filling up on snacks and soda, when a man walked past the alcove where the machines are. I caught his eye over the pile of soda cans in my arms and he greeted us, while he continued walking, with a "How y'all doing tonight?" "Doin' great!" I replied, brandishing my sugary treasure at him, "Aw, that's nice" he said, never having stopped walking or saying anything bad. My sister turns to me and says, "Holy shit that was so fucking creepy!" Now, this was not a creepy exchange. We live in the south, where if you make unexpected eye contact with someone it's okay (and often demanded) that you politely acknowledge it. I told her that there was nothing "creepy" about that, he was just saying hello. He didn't even stop! But I was wrong, he was creepy because he was wearing a striped tank top and shorts that showed his knees. So in the course of five hours she'd picked out three strangers and gone into detail about why they were creepy. Of course, the next morning it starts again. The man using the waffle machine before us? "Whoa, creepy". I didn't even bother with that one, but I think he could hear her. But then a new development! Women can be creepy too! While I checked us out she stood outside next to the cigarette butt dispenser puffing away on her new bad habit, and another woman came outside and did the same thing. She was middle-aged and thin, and I said hello to her as I collected my sister and headed to the car. "That old lady was creepy" she says once she closes her door. "Why, did she say something to you?" "No, she just stood there and smoked" EXACTLY LIKE YOU WERE?! I pointed that out, and she laughed and said, "Yeah, but *I'm* not like that." Once at the school she used the word several more times, usually to describe why she didn't want to sit in a particular area during the presentations. "No, that guy looks creepy" "No! That girl's got a wolf on her shirt, she's fucking *creepy*" "Oh god, that guy's dad is wearing overalls, what a creepy family, we can't sit next to them!" I just tuned it out. On the drive home she even called a passenger in another car creepy! Besides her labeling of other people as "creepy", we had a great time. I generally enjoy her company, and she's a very bright girl with an awesome future ahead of her. She received a "full ride" to the fantastic private university of her choice, and she's talented beyond belief! She has a large group of friends, and a smaller group of really great friends, and things just generally seem perfect for her. But I'm worried that her quickness to put strangers down is going to hurt her in the future, especially starting school without anyone she knows going with her. I'm also starting to think of her as annoying, and I don't want to think badly of my own sister. **TL;DR** My sister referred to several strangers as "creepy" over the course of two days, and went into fairly detailed descriptions as to why. I've found this off-putting and worrisome.
This is mostly a rant, but I would appreciate any input, advice, or general observations about the situation. During a recent visit to her school's open house/freshmen orientation, my sister managed to describe several people as "creepy". First, we were swimming in our hotel's pool. We were the only two people in the pool, though there were two other women sunning themselves next to it, when a fat bald man walked into the pool area. My sister shot me a look, which I interpreted as "Oh well, it was fun to have the pool to ourselves for a while." I shrugged and we continued to bob up and down in the water, gossiping and comparing our complexions. The man who'd just entered took off his shoes and shirt, put on a pair of goggles, and proceeded to swim up and down the length of the pool. We'd been in the pool for maybe an hour anyways, so when my sister said she wanted to leave I figured she was just done with the water. But as we were walking back to our room she says, "Can you believe how creepy that guy was?" No, I could not believe his creepiness, because I hadn't noticed it, he was just using the pool (just like us!). "But Moxiecontin, he was a fat bald guy, and he was wearing goggles ! That's so creepy!" She giggled and I made some faces but did not continue the conversation, I wanted this to be a fun trip with no drama (and she's 18, she hasn't quite mastered thinking before she speaks). But then we were at a restaurant for dinner, and she feels the need to point out a man sitting by himself at the bar. "Look at that guy" she says, "So creepy! Who sits by themselves at the bar?" I shushed her (didn't want him to hear her!), and theorized that maybe he was hungry and didn't want to take up a whole table or booth. "Yeah, but only creepy people have to eat at restaurants alone , he should just by some ramen." I asked her if she would rather be eating ramen than the (fairly) tasty mexican food we were enjoying, and she just stuck her tongue out at me and the conversation moved on. At about 11pm that night we were hitting the hotel's vending machines, filling up on snacks and soda, when a man walked past the alcove where the machines are. I caught his eye over the pile of soda cans in my arms and he greeted us, while he continued walking, with a "How y'all doing tonight?" "Doin' great!" I replied, brandishing my sugary treasure at him, "Aw, that's nice" he said, never having stopped walking or saying anything bad. My sister turns to me and says, "Holy shit that was so fucking creepy!" Now, this was not a creepy exchange. We live in the south, where if you make unexpected eye contact with someone it's okay (and often demanded) that you politely acknowledge it. I told her that there was nothing "creepy" about that, he was just saying hello. He didn't even stop! But I was wrong, he was creepy because he was wearing a striped tank top and shorts that showed his knees. So in the course of five hours she'd picked out three strangers and gone into detail about why they were creepy. Of course, the next morning it starts again. The man using the waffle machine before us? "Whoa, creepy". I didn't even bother with that one, but I think he could hear her. But then a new development! Women can be creepy too! While I checked us out she stood outside next to the cigarette butt dispenser puffing away on her new bad habit, and another woman came outside and did the same thing. She was middle-aged and thin, and I said hello to her as I collected my sister and headed to the car. "That old lady was creepy" she says once she closes her door. "Why, did she say something to you?" "No, she just stood there and smoked" EXACTLY LIKE YOU WERE?! I pointed that out, and she laughed and said, "Yeah, but I'm not like that." Once at the school she used the word several more times, usually to describe why she didn't want to sit in a particular area during the presentations. "No, that guy looks creepy" "No! That girl's got a wolf on her shirt, she's fucking creepy " "Oh god, that guy's dad is wearing overalls, what a creepy family, we can't sit next to them!" I just tuned it out. On the drive home she even called a passenger in another car creepy! Besides her labeling of other people as "creepy", we had a great time. I generally enjoy her company, and she's a very bright girl with an awesome future ahead of her. She received a "full ride" to the fantastic private university of her choice, and she's talented beyond belief! She has a large group of friends, and a smaller group of really great friends, and things just generally seem perfect for her. But I'm worried that her quickness to put strangers down is going to hurt her in the future, especially starting school without anyone she knows going with her. I'm also starting to think of her as annoying, and I don't want to think badly of my own sister. TL;DR My sister referred to several strangers as "creepy" over the course of two days, and went into fairly detailed descriptions as to why. I've found this off-putting and worrisome.
This is mostly a rant, but I would appreciate any input, advice, or general observations about the situation. During a recent visit to her school's open house/freshmen orientation, my sister managed to describe several people as "creepy". First, we were swimming in our hotel's pool. We were the only two people in the pool, though there were two other women sunning themselves next to it, when a fat bald man walked into the pool area. My sister shot me a look, which I interpreted as "Oh well, it was fun to have the pool to ourselves for a while." I shrugged and we continued to bob up and down in the water, gossiping and comparing our complexions. The man who'd just entered took off his shoes and shirt, put on a pair of goggles, and proceeded to swim up and down the length of the pool. We'd been in the pool for maybe an hour anyways, so when my sister said she wanted to leave I figured she was just done with the water. But as we were walking back to our room she says, "Can you believe how creepy that guy was?" No, I could not believe his creepiness, because I hadn't noticed it, he was just using the pool (just like us!). "But Moxiecontin, he was a fat bald guy, and he was wearing goggles ! That's so creepy!" She giggled and I made some faces but did not continue the conversation, I wanted this to be a fun trip with no drama (and she's 18, she hasn't quite mastered thinking before she speaks). But then we were at a restaurant for dinner, and she feels the need to point out a man sitting by himself at the bar. "Look at that guy" she says, "So creepy! Who sits by themselves at the bar?" I shushed her (didn't want him to hear her!), and theorized that maybe he was hungry and didn't want to take up a whole table or booth. "Yeah, but only creepy people have to eat at restaurants alone , he should just by some ramen." I asked her if she would rather be eating ramen than the (fairly) tasty mexican food we were enjoying, and she just stuck her tongue out at me and the conversation moved on. At about 11pm that night we were hitting the hotel's vending machines, filling up on snacks and soda, when a man walked past the alcove where the machines are. I caught his eye over the pile of soda cans in my arms and he greeted us, while he continued walking, with a "How y'all doing tonight?" "Doin' great!" I replied, brandishing my sugary treasure at him, "Aw, that's nice" he said, never having stopped walking or saying anything bad. My sister turns to me and says, "Holy shit that was so fucking creepy!" Now, this was not a creepy exchange. We live in the south, where if you make unexpected eye contact with someone it's okay (and often demanded) that you politely acknowledge it. I told her that there was nothing "creepy" about that, he was just saying hello. He didn't even stop! But I was wrong, he was creepy because he was wearing a striped tank top and shorts that showed his knees. So in the course of five hours she'd picked out three strangers and gone into detail about why they were creepy. Of course, the next morning it starts again. The man using the waffle machine before us? "Whoa, creepy". I didn't even bother with that one, but I think he could hear her. But then a new development! Women can be creepy too! While I checked us out she stood outside next to the cigarette butt dispenser puffing away on her new bad habit, and another woman came outside and did the same thing. She was middle-aged and thin, and I said hello to her as I collected my sister and headed to the car. "That old lady was creepy" she says once she closes her door. "Why, did she say something to you?" "No, she just stood there and smoked" EXACTLY LIKE YOU WERE?! I pointed that out, and she laughed and said, "Yeah, but I'm not like that." Once at the school she used the word several more times, usually to describe why she didn't want to sit in a particular area during the presentations. "No, that guy looks creepy" "No! That girl's got a wolf on her shirt, she's fucking creepy " "Oh god, that guy's dad is wearing overalls, what a creepy family, we can't sit next to them!" I just tuned it out. On the drive home she even called a passenger in another car creepy! Besides her labeling of other people as "creepy", we had a great time. I generally enjoy her company, and she's a very bright girl with an awesome future ahead of her. She received a "full ride" to the fantastic private university of her choice, and she's talented beyond belief! She has a large group of friends, and a smaller group of really great friends, and things just generally seem perfect for her. But I'm worried that her quickness to put strangers down is going to hurt her in the future, especially starting school without anyone she knows going with her. I'm also starting to think of her as annoying, and I don't want to think badly of my own sister.
My sister referred to several strangers as "creepy" over the course of two days, and went into fairly detailed descriptions as to why. I've found this off-putting and worrisome.
"Has had to become callous to survive" what a load of shite. Unless his job is to decide which one out of a hundred babies survives the grinding machine so that we may still eat and survive a dystopian future in which we can't grow crops or whatever, this is an excuse and a copout. His completely voluntary callousness is simply due to his inability and unwillingness to deal with stuff in his life. TL;DR fuck dis guy
"Has had to become callous to survive" what a load of shite. Unless his job is to decide which one out of a hundred babies survives the grinding machine so that we may still eat and survive a dystopian future in which we can't grow crops or whatever, this is an excuse and a copout. His completely voluntary callousness is simply due to his inability and unwillingness to deal with stuff in his life. TL;DR fuck dis guy
Has had to become callous to survive" what a load of shite. Unless his job is to decide which one out of a hundred babies survives the grinding machine so that we may still eat and survive a dystopian future in which we can't grow crops or whatever, this is an excuse and a copout. His completely voluntary callousness is simply due to his inability and unwillingness to deal with stuff in his life.
fuck dis guy
Sorry if this is really confusing. I'm just trying to use my time as a single so I get ready to at some point in my life I'm ready to be in a relationship. I've always had trouble with relationships with other people and most of them are probably related to my weird mixture of high self esteem paired with extremely low self esteem. It's difficult to explain but I don't think many people notice I have low self esteem. I have no problems hiding it most of the time. I do appear to be pretty confident. I make good first impressions. My main issue is probably that I'm never happy with myself and realized that I've never thought of myself as good enough (not necessarily for other people but for myself. I want to be better, learn how to be perfect, have no mistakes, and I beat myself up for every single flaw) and I don't believe I can ever reach the point where I will be happy with who I am. I don't think I can ever be good enough for myself. I constantly try to change everything I realize is perceived as a flaw. It's almost impossible to change all of myself. And I realized I probably shouldn't. What do I mean with change - I mean stuff like - getting "confident" (I was really shy younger when my parents were talking about someone who was shy and said how someone like this has difficulty being successful and finding friends, etc. So I started changing myself.) - stop being egotistic (asked what that word meant when I was 5 years old. My mother explained and I realized I was like this. Since then I've been struggling with it because I believe I still am pretty egotistic but I am working on being a better person. I always help anyone who needs help, I always try to remember asking people how they feel so I don't just talk about myself, I sometimes do charity work etc.) - I am pretty chaotic and forgetful, people don't appreciate that so I keep working on that but it is extremely difficult - as a result I am often late. People don't appreciate that either. I have been making lots of progress with that - there's a lot more but it's not that interesting anyway I've heard so many times that if you don't love yourself you can't be in a relationship. I've been in many relationships but now that I'm not I think it would be the best time to fix myself. But I just don't know how. I date a lot. I always do. I like the attention because it makes me feel better about myself (kind of like: I am turning into a person other people want to be with. So I must be doing something right. That makes me feel better. Because all the work I'm putting into myself to turn into someone amazing resonates with other people). I even like the attention when I'm in relationships (even though I would NEVER act on it). My question is: Do I need to stop this? I don't want to because I like spending time with other people. But I've heard that you're not supposed to look for your value like this. I just don't know what else to do? And I also don't think I can really stop. I mean the attention comes anyway and I have trouble being mean to men who try to flirt with me (also have trouble saying no unless it's something I really, really don't want) because I think if someone spends their time being nice to you because they like you, you can't just be unfriendly. Also I think in the long run it would make me unhappy if I don't see anyone anymore. I know I have trouble accepting myself but it's at least easier if other people in some way accept me. Relationships are difficult for me because at least in all my long term relationships I feel like the people I'm with at least know me. But then I also am almost always more self-conscious when in relationships. Friends... are difficult too. I feel like because I need attention I sometimes end up getting too friendly with my male friends who in turn start to like me and then I create a mess. I also am always scared that my friends don't really like me too much. Because I always try to make myself better I have been told by my ex that I intimidated him and in turn made him say hurtful things about me because it was so difficult to ever win with me. I'm also not sure (nobody has ever told me so) if maybe because I try to look good in front of other poeple that I might seem like I think too highly of myself. --- **tl;dr**: I always hear people saying you need to be happy with yourself before you can have a relationship. But I don't know how to fix myself. EDIT: tried to make it easier to read. probably not successful.
Sorry if this is really confusing. I'm just trying to use my time as a single so I get ready to at some point in my life I'm ready to be in a relationship. I've always had trouble with relationships with other people and most of them are probably related to my weird mixture of high self esteem paired with extremely low self esteem. It's difficult to explain but I don't think many people notice I have low self esteem. I have no problems hiding it most of the time. I do appear to be pretty confident. I make good first impressions. My main issue is probably that I'm never happy with myself and realized that I've never thought of myself as good enough (not necessarily for other people but for myself. I want to be better, learn how to be perfect, have no mistakes, and I beat myself up for every single flaw) and I don't believe I can ever reach the point where I will be happy with who I am. I don't think I can ever be good enough for myself. I constantly try to change everything I realize is perceived as a flaw. It's almost impossible to change all of myself. And I realized I probably shouldn't. What do I mean with change - I mean stuff like getting "confident" (I was really shy younger when my parents were talking about someone who was shy and said how someone like this has difficulty being successful and finding friends, etc. So I started changing myself.) stop being egotistic (asked what that word meant when I was 5 years old. My mother explained and I realized I was like this. Since then I've been struggling with it because I believe I still am pretty egotistic but I am working on being a better person. I always help anyone who needs help, I always try to remember asking people how they feel so I don't just talk about myself, I sometimes do charity work etc.) I am pretty chaotic and forgetful, people don't appreciate that so I keep working on that but it is extremely difficult as a result I am often late. People don't appreciate that either. I have been making lots of progress with that there's a lot more but it's not that interesting anyway I've heard so many times that if you don't love yourself you can't be in a relationship. I've been in many relationships but now that I'm not I think it would be the best time to fix myself. But I just don't know how. I date a lot. I always do. I like the attention because it makes me feel better about myself (kind of like: I am turning into a person other people want to be with. So I must be doing something right. That makes me feel better. Because all the work I'm putting into myself to turn into someone amazing resonates with other people). I even like the attention when I'm in relationships (even though I would NEVER act on it). My question is: Do I need to stop this? I don't want to because I like spending time with other people. But I've heard that you're not supposed to look for your value like this. I just don't know what else to do? And I also don't think I can really stop. I mean the attention comes anyway and I have trouble being mean to men who try to flirt with me (also have trouble saying no unless it's something I really, really don't want) because I think if someone spends their time being nice to you because they like you, you can't just be unfriendly. Also I think in the long run it would make me unhappy if I don't see anyone anymore. I know I have trouble accepting myself but it's at least easier if other people in some way accept me. Relationships are difficult for me because at least in all my long term relationships I feel like the people I'm with at least know me. But then I also am almost always more self-conscious when in relationships. Friends... are difficult too. I feel like because I need attention I sometimes end up getting too friendly with my male friends who in turn start to like me and then I create a mess. I also am always scared that my friends don't really like me too much. Because I always try to make myself better I have been told by my ex that I intimidated him and in turn made him say hurtful things about me because it was so difficult to ever win with me. I'm also not sure (nobody has ever told me so) if maybe because I try to look good in front of other poeple that I might seem like I think too highly of myself. tl;dr : I always hear people saying you need to be happy with yourself before you can have a relationship. But I don't know how to fix myself. EDIT: tried to make it easier to read. probably not successful.
Sorry if this is really confusing. I'm just trying to use my time as a single so I get ready to at some point in my life I'm ready to be in a relationship. I've always had trouble with relationships with other people and most of them are probably related to my weird mixture of high self esteem paired with extremely low self esteem. It's difficult to explain but I don't think many people notice I have low self esteem. I have no problems hiding it most of the time. I do appear to be pretty confident. I make good first impressions. My main issue is probably that I'm never happy with myself and realized that I've never thought of myself as good enough (not necessarily for other people but for myself. I want to be better, learn how to be perfect, have no mistakes, and I beat myself up for every single flaw) and I don't believe I can ever reach the point where I will be happy with who I am. I don't think I can ever be good enough for myself. I constantly try to change everything I realize is perceived as a flaw. It's almost impossible to change all of myself. And I realized I probably shouldn't. What do I mean with change - I mean stuff like getting "confident" (I was really shy younger when my parents were talking about someone who was shy and said how someone like this has difficulty being successful and finding friends, etc. So I started changing myself.) stop being egotistic (asked what that word meant when I was 5 years old. My mother explained and I realized I was like this. Since then I've been struggling with it because I believe I still am pretty egotistic but I am working on being a better person. I always help anyone who needs help, I always try to remember asking people how they feel so I don't just talk about myself, I sometimes do charity work etc.) I am pretty chaotic and forgetful, people don't appreciate that so I keep working on that but it is extremely difficult as a result I am often late. People don't appreciate that either. I have been making lots of progress with that there's a lot more but it's not that interesting anyway I've heard so many times that if you don't love yourself you can't be in a relationship. I've been in many relationships but now that I'm not I think it would be the best time to fix myself. But I just don't know how. I date a lot. I always do. I like the attention because it makes me feel better about myself (kind of like: I am turning into a person other people want to be with. So I must be doing something right. That makes me feel better. Because all the work I'm putting into myself to turn into someone amazing resonates with other people). I even like the attention when I'm in relationships (even though I would NEVER act on it). My question is: Do I need to stop this? I don't want to because I like spending time with other people. But I've heard that you're not supposed to look for your value like this. I just don't know what else to do? And I also don't think I can really stop. I mean the attention comes anyway and I have trouble being mean to men who try to flirt with me (also have trouble saying no unless it's something I really, really don't want) because I think if someone spends their time being nice to you because they like you, you can't just be unfriendly. Also I think in the long run it would make me unhappy if I don't see anyone anymore. I know I have trouble accepting myself but it's at least easier if other people in some way accept me. Relationships are difficult for me because at least in all my long term relationships I feel like the people I'm with at least know me. But then I also am almost always more self-conscious when in relationships. Friends... are difficult too. I feel like because I need attention I sometimes end up getting too friendly with my male friends who in turn start to like me and then I create a mess. I also am always scared that my friends don't really like me too much. Because I always try to make myself better I have been told by my ex that I intimidated him and in turn made him say hurtful things about me because it was so difficult to ever win with me. I'm also not sure (nobody has ever told me so) if maybe because I try to look good in front of other poeple that I might seem like I think too highly of myself.
I always hear people saying you need to be happy with yourself before you can have a relationship. But I don't know how to fix myself. EDIT: tried to make it easier to read. probably not successful.
I was a horrible, wretched person only a few years ago. I was angry at the world, but who wasn't at that age (post-high school)? In college it only got worse. The thing that set me off was rejection. I'd never had a girlfriend, never had sex, and it turned me into a sexual deviant. I got into sicker and sicker things...things that I think about now and it makes me really uneasy. I had alot of violence in me too. I never acted on it, thank god, but it got out in verbal abuse and really hurtful words. I hurt alot of people. This really sweet girl rejected me, and I know she cried because of me more than once. I'd lash out at her and then that night rape her in my mind. Another girl, my fiancee, helped drag me out of that pit. Now I'm a much better person, but I'm afraid that if she ever left me or hurt me I'd go back to the way I was. TL:DR - Three years ago I put away a great darkness, and my fear is that it might get out again.
I was a horrible, wretched person only a few years ago. I was angry at the world, but who wasn't at that age (post-high school)? In college it only got worse. The thing that set me off was rejection. I'd never had a girlfriend, never had sex, and it turned me into a sexual deviant. I got into sicker and sicker things...things that I think about now and it makes me really uneasy. I had alot of violence in me too. I never acted on it, thank god, but it got out in verbal abuse and really hurtful words. I hurt alot of people. This really sweet girl rejected me, and I know she cried because of me more than once. I'd lash out at her and then that night rape her in my mind. Another girl, my fiancee, helped drag me out of that pit. Now I'm a much better person, but I'm afraid that if she ever left me or hurt me I'd go back to the way I was. TL:DR - Three years ago I put away a great darkness, and my fear is that it might get out again.
I was a horrible, wretched person only a few years ago. I was angry at the world, but who wasn't at that age (post-high school)? In college it only got worse. The thing that set me off was rejection. I'd never had a girlfriend, never had sex, and it turned me into a sexual deviant. I got into sicker and sicker things...things that I think about now and it makes me really uneasy. I had alot of violence in me too. I never acted on it, thank god, but it got out in verbal abuse and really hurtful words. I hurt alot of people. This really sweet girl rejected me, and I know she cried because of me more than once. I'd lash out at her and then that night rape her in my mind. Another girl, my fiancee, helped drag me out of that pit. Now I'm a much better person, but I'm afraid that if she ever left me or hurt me I'd go back to the way I was.
Three years ago I put away a great darkness, and my fear is that it might get out again.
First, background info: My wife can't travel outside of the US yet. We have been married 5 months. She met me when I was at the peak of my "party" period. At the very beginning of our relationship, we started dating but didn't quite say that we were monogamous (it was assumed though). She had to go to San Francisco and was unsure if she would return. I went out one night (while she was in San Francisco) and a girl pulled me in for a kiss that I was lightly flirting with, it even surprised me. Two mutual friends were supposed to come there that night but cancelled last minute :( . Still my fault, should of cancelled the whole thing. Ever since we met, I have told her that I plan to travel the world, take some adventurous trips and try some crazy things. Fast forward to now, and I bring up the idea of me going to central america or somewhere similar for a backpacking trip with the guys. She responds negatively, and asks "why I don't want her to go" or if "I would be ok with her going somewhere with friends". I tell her I am completely fine with her going to Las Vegas, New York, etc to see her friends, I completely trust her. The reason I can't go with her is her heart condition (which acts up even when we go out to dance), which would be very dangerous if we are in the middle of a 3-4 day hike on a mountain. I also bring up the visa issue and the fact that time is running out before she want's kids and it's going to be hard for my to travel after that. My wife also brought up the fact that " I can't trust any guy friends! Guys don't care what they put their dick in, and they'll just keep it a secret", etc etc. Her father was a compulsive cheater and I think this is why she can't trust men in general, and also the incident from early in our relationship. Anyways, this leaves me in a tough place, she doesn't want me to travel with guys, she will kill me if I travel with any females haha, and she wont trust me to travel alone (which I also don't want to do - seems boring). This morning she even said "you don't even know how girls try and seduce guys", I wish that would happen atleast once when I was single.... I have explained it to her like this "sometimes I want to have a beer with you, and sometimes I want to have a beer with friends only to talk about random shit you don't like, same with trips/vacations". I honestly don't want to hide any details of my trips and want to be as open as possible. Since the incident I have not done anything for her to lose my trust, I have been everywhere with her, blown off the few girls that message me on occasion with typical messages, and haven't violated her trust. She even checked my skype messages and got mad at a "Ashley" i was messaging but never read the messages... it was a Chinese supplier that is actually a guy with the name "Nick wu" and I was getting quotes on items. Apparently having a girls name and thumbnail is good for business, which I explained to my wife. I haven't even been able to talk to lifelong friends in Ukraine (some female) because she tends to get jealous. Also, my friend DJ's for a local club and I promote for him through my network of friends - she also gets jealous when I come up to friends that all know I am married and with my wife at the club... My original plans were Thailand when I was single, as I have a lot of friends there with places to stay and people to show me around. As a result of marriage I have had to cancel that because of the infamy. Then again, if a guy wants to cheat, he will find a whorehouse anywhere (shiiit, I work on my cities whore street). Since then I have changed my travel plans to Central America as it is still interesting and not so infamous I guess. TL;DR: It has been my life dream to travel around the world, especially central america, thailand, mongolia, etc, but my wife doesn't trust me to go anywhere alone or with friends. Also feels like she should go on every trip. I feel like I have lost my freedom.
First, background info: My wife can't travel outside of the US yet. We have been married 5 months. She met me when I was at the peak of my "party" period. At the very beginning of our relationship, we started dating but didn't quite say that we were monogamous (it was assumed though). She had to go to San Francisco and was unsure if she would return. I went out one night (while she was in San Francisco) and a girl pulled me in for a kiss that I was lightly flirting with, it even surprised me. Two mutual friends were supposed to come there that night but cancelled last minute :( . Still my fault, should of cancelled the whole thing. Ever since we met, I have told her that I plan to travel the world, take some adventurous trips and try some crazy things. Fast forward to now, and I bring up the idea of me going to central america or somewhere similar for a backpacking trip with the guys. She responds negatively, and asks "why I don't want her to go" or if "I would be ok with her going somewhere with friends". I tell her I am completely fine with her going to Las Vegas, New York, etc to see her friends, I completely trust her. The reason I can't go with her is her heart condition (which acts up even when we go out to dance), which would be very dangerous if we are in the middle of a 3-4 day hike on a mountain. I also bring up the visa issue and the fact that time is running out before she want's kids and it's going to be hard for my to travel after that. My wife also brought up the fact that " I can't trust any guy friends! Guys don't care what they put their dick in, and they'll just keep it a secret", etc etc. Her father was a compulsive cheater and I think this is why she can't trust men in general, and also the incident from early in our relationship. Anyways, this leaves me in a tough place, she doesn't want me to travel with guys, she will kill me if I travel with any females haha, and she wont trust me to travel alone (which I also don't want to do - seems boring). This morning she even said "you don't even know how girls try and seduce guys", I wish that would happen atleast once when I was single.... I have explained it to her like this "sometimes I want to have a beer with you, and sometimes I want to have a beer with friends only to talk about random shit you don't like, same with trips/vacations". I honestly don't want to hide any details of my trips and want to be as open as possible. Since the incident I have not done anything for her to lose my trust, I have been everywhere with her, blown off the few girls that message me on occasion with typical messages, and haven't violated her trust. She even checked my skype messages and got mad at a "Ashley" i was messaging but never read the messages... it was a Chinese supplier that is actually a guy with the name "Nick wu" and I was getting quotes on items. Apparently having a girls name and thumbnail is good for business, which I explained to my wife. I haven't even been able to talk to lifelong friends in Ukraine (some female) because she tends to get jealous. Also, my friend DJ's for a local club and I promote for him through my network of friends - she also gets jealous when I come up to friends that all know I am married and with my wife at the club... My original plans were Thailand when I was single, as I have a lot of friends there with places to stay and people to show me around. As a result of marriage I have had to cancel that because of the infamy. Then again, if a guy wants to cheat, he will find a whorehouse anywhere (shiiit, I work on my cities whore street). Since then I have changed my travel plans to Central America as it is still interesting and not so infamous I guess. TL;DR: It has been my life dream to travel around the world, especially central america, thailand, mongolia, etc, but my wife doesn't trust me to go anywhere alone or with friends. Also feels like she should go on every trip. I feel like I have lost my freedom.
First, background info: My wife can't travel outside of the US yet. We have been married 5 months. She met me when I was at the peak of my "party" period. At the very beginning of our relationship, we started dating but didn't quite say that we were monogamous (it was assumed though). She had to go to San Francisco and was unsure if she would return. I went out one night (while she was in San Francisco) and a girl pulled me in for a kiss that I was lightly flirting with, it even surprised me. Two mutual friends were supposed to come there that night but cancelled last minute :( . Still my fault, should of cancelled the whole thing. Ever since we met, I have told her that I plan to travel the world, take some adventurous trips and try some crazy things. Fast forward to now, and I bring up the idea of me going to central america or somewhere similar for a backpacking trip with the guys. She responds negatively, and asks "why I don't want her to go" or if "I would be ok with her going somewhere with friends". I tell her I am completely fine with her going to Las Vegas, New York, etc to see her friends, I completely trust her. The reason I can't go with her is her heart condition (which acts up even when we go out to dance), which would be very dangerous if we are in the middle of a 3-4 day hike on a mountain. I also bring up the visa issue and the fact that time is running out before she want's kids and it's going to be hard for my to travel after that. My wife also brought up the fact that " I can't trust any guy friends! Guys don't care what they put their dick in, and they'll just keep it a secret", etc etc. Her father was a compulsive cheater and I think this is why she can't trust men in general, and also the incident from early in our relationship. Anyways, this leaves me in a tough place, she doesn't want me to travel with guys, she will kill me if I travel with any females haha, and she wont trust me to travel alone (which I also don't want to do - seems boring). This morning she even said "you don't even know how girls try and seduce guys", I wish that would happen atleast once when I was single.... I have explained it to her like this "sometimes I want to have a beer with you, and sometimes I want to have a beer with friends only to talk about random shit you don't like, same with trips/vacations". I honestly don't want to hide any details of my trips and want to be as open as possible. Since the incident I have not done anything for her to lose my trust, I have been everywhere with her, blown off the few girls that message me on occasion with typical messages, and haven't violated her trust. She even checked my skype messages and got mad at a "Ashley" i was messaging but never read the messages... it was a Chinese supplier that is actually a guy with the name "Nick wu" and I was getting quotes on items. Apparently having a girls name and thumbnail is good for business, which I explained to my wife. I haven't even been able to talk to lifelong friends in Ukraine (some female) because she tends to get jealous. Also, my friend DJ's for a local club and I promote for him through my network of friends - she also gets jealous when I come up to friends that all know I am married and with my wife at the club... My original plans were Thailand when I was single, as I have a lot of friends there with places to stay and people to show me around. As a result of marriage I have had to cancel that because of the infamy. Then again, if a guy wants to cheat, he will find a whorehouse anywhere (shiiit, I work on my cities whore street). Since then I have changed my travel plans to Central America as it is still interesting and not so infamous I guess.
It has been my life dream to travel around the world, especially central america, thailand, mongolia, etc, but my wife doesn't trust me to go anywhere alone or with friends. Also feels like she should go on every trip. I feel like I have lost my freedom.
[Here](#s " is a good explanation of demisexual. I use that label myself because I rarely want sex when considering romantic relationships. If sex is in a relationship of mine it's because that person and I have such a connection AND sex is something they desire. I can enjoy sex if it is with someone I have a deep connection with romantically and friendly but it isn't a necessary thing for me. TL;DR I can live without sex. It's more for the other partner for me. Panromantic, to me at least, doesn't take out the sexual part of things. It just puts them fairly low on the priority scale. And in the end you can call yourself whatever you want. Just be able to describe it because even people who use the same labels define them differently.
[Here](#s " is a good explanation of demisexual. I use that label myself because I rarely want sex when considering romantic relationships. If sex is in a relationship of mine it's because that person and I have such a connection AND sex is something they desire. I can enjoy sex if it is with someone I have a deep connection with romantically and friendly but it isn't a necessary thing for me. TL;DR I can live without sex. It's more for the other partner for me. Panromantic, to me at least, doesn't take out the sexual part of things. It just puts them fairly low on the priority scale. And in the end you can call yourself whatever you want. Just be able to describe it because even people who use the same labels define them differently.
Here](#s " is a good explanation of demisexual. I use that label myself because I rarely want sex when considering romantic relationships. If sex is in a relationship of mine it's because that person and I have such a connection AND sex is something they desire. I can enjoy sex if it is with someone I have a deep connection with romantically and friendly but it isn't a necessary thing for me.
I can live without sex. It's more for the other partner for me. Panromantic, to me at least, doesn't take out the sexual part of things. It just puts them fairly low on the priority scale. And in the end you can call yourself whatever you want. Just be able to describe it because even people who use the same labels define them differently.
I also had a similar incident when I was 3 years sober so I can provide you with my experience. There was a girl who came in that i was attracted to and knew it was a dangerous thing to get involved with someone newly sober. She got one of my friends to be her sponsor, and began hanging out in the same 'meeting after the meeting' crew as me. I tried to make sure that I was never alone with her, and strictly hung out with her in a group setting. I also felt the need to conceal these feelings from my fellows because of the 13th step stigma, but i think that was the worst thing i could have done. I felt guilty just for thinking and feeling these things, but the excitement of the idea was still appealing. So i kept my mouth shut and we hooked up the first time we were alone together. After that, the guilt multiplied and i felt horrible. It was the first time in a long time that i became uncomfortable with who i was. Meetings were unbearable. I felt distant and insecure. I got 'looks' that i interpreted as 'shame on you, you're disgusting'. After a few days, i finally decided to tell my sponsor. He was compassionate and caring as usual. He suggested that I quit beating myself up and focus on the solution. So we did. If I wasn't comfortable with the situation, then something needed to change. Her and I decided to break until she finished her 9th step. In that time, we were able to become friends. In the beginning, i would also get jealous when she rode around with other guys, or sat next to someone at dinner, which all revolved around my insecurities. She was not my property and could make her own decisions, even if they were decisions i didn't like. These are all very important things to consider before getting into a relationship with someone. If i am unable to handle situations like this, then i am not in a good place to begin a relationship. I watched as she worked the steps with her sponsor, and her life began to get better. I continued to be a part of aa and service, and my insecurities lessened. I was comfortable with who i was again. I think it's important to note that we did not do this perfectly. We had some 'slips' and they were always when i decided to leave my sponsor out of the decision making process, and those are the decisions i regret. I do not regret letting her focus on herself and figure out who she wants to be, no matter who she is with. Through this process, we both reached a point where our sponsors and friends were both supportive of our decision to try and be a couple. This is a decision i do not regret. We learned to be friends before being a couple, and it has been far better than any relationship I've had in the past. We communicate as friends and don't bicker like lovers. When we harm, we make it right. There are no hidden intentions or agendas. Suspicion is not a part of our lives together. Other girls i have crushed on and gotten to know first before pursuing a relationship, and all of those i do not have regrets about, and it eventually became apparent that it was just lust and nothing to do with their personality or anything that i would want long term. So, if any of that sounds like something you want, then try that. tl;dr- let her work the steps. Be friends first, then take the next step if it is still something you both desire.
I also had a similar incident when I was 3 years sober so I can provide you with my experience. There was a girl who came in that i was attracted to and knew it was a dangerous thing to get involved with someone newly sober. She got one of my friends to be her sponsor, and began hanging out in the same 'meeting after the meeting' crew as me. I tried to make sure that I was never alone with her, and strictly hung out with her in a group setting. I also felt the need to conceal these feelings from my fellows because of the 13th step stigma, but i think that was the worst thing i could have done. I felt guilty just for thinking and feeling these things, but the excitement of the idea was still appealing. So i kept my mouth shut and we hooked up the first time we were alone together. After that, the guilt multiplied and i felt horrible. It was the first time in a long time that i became uncomfortable with who i was. Meetings were unbearable. I felt distant and insecure. I got 'looks' that i interpreted as 'shame on you, you're disgusting'. After a few days, i finally decided to tell my sponsor. He was compassionate and caring as usual. He suggested that I quit beating myself up and focus on the solution. So we did. If I wasn't comfortable with the situation, then something needed to change. Her and I decided to break until she finished her 9th step. In that time, we were able to become friends. In the beginning, i would also get jealous when she rode around with other guys, or sat next to someone at dinner, which all revolved around my insecurities. She was not my property and could make her own decisions, even if they were decisions i didn't like. These are all very important things to consider before getting into a relationship with someone. If i am unable to handle situations like this, then i am not in a good place to begin a relationship. I watched as she worked the steps with her sponsor, and her life began to get better. I continued to be a part of aa and service, and my insecurities lessened. I was comfortable with who i was again. I think it's important to note that we did not do this perfectly. We had some 'slips' and they were always when i decided to leave my sponsor out of the decision making process, and those are the decisions i regret. I do not regret letting her focus on herself and figure out who she wants to be, no matter who she is with. Through this process, we both reached a point where our sponsors and friends were both supportive of our decision to try and be a couple. This is a decision i do not regret. We learned to be friends before being a couple, and it has been far better than any relationship I've had in the past. We communicate as friends and don't bicker like lovers. When we harm, we make it right. There are no hidden intentions or agendas. Suspicion is not a part of our lives together. Other girls i have crushed on and gotten to know first before pursuing a relationship, and all of those i do not have regrets about, and it eventually became apparent that it was just lust and nothing to do with their personality or anything that i would want long term. So, if any of that sounds like something you want, then try that. tl;dr- let her work the steps. Be friends first, then take the next step if it is still something you both desire.
I also had a similar incident when I was 3 years sober so I can provide you with my experience. There was a girl who came in that i was attracted to and knew it was a dangerous thing to get involved with someone newly sober. She got one of my friends to be her sponsor, and began hanging out in the same 'meeting after the meeting' crew as me. I tried to make sure that I was never alone with her, and strictly hung out with her in a group setting. I also felt the need to conceal these feelings from my fellows because of the 13th step stigma, but i think that was the worst thing i could have done. I felt guilty just for thinking and feeling these things, but the excitement of the idea was still appealing. So i kept my mouth shut and we hooked up the first time we were alone together. After that, the guilt multiplied and i felt horrible. It was the first time in a long time that i became uncomfortable with who i was. Meetings were unbearable. I felt distant and insecure. I got 'looks' that i interpreted as 'shame on you, you're disgusting'. After a few days, i finally decided to tell my sponsor. He was compassionate and caring as usual. He suggested that I quit beating myself up and focus on the solution. So we did. If I wasn't comfortable with the situation, then something needed to change. Her and I decided to break until she finished her 9th step. In that time, we were able to become friends. In the beginning, i would also get jealous when she rode around with other guys, or sat next to someone at dinner, which all revolved around my insecurities. She was not my property and could make her own decisions, even if they were decisions i didn't like. These are all very important things to consider before getting into a relationship with someone. If i am unable to handle situations like this, then i am not in a good place to begin a relationship. I watched as she worked the steps with her sponsor, and her life began to get better. I continued to be a part of aa and service, and my insecurities lessened. I was comfortable with who i was again. I think it's important to note that we did not do this perfectly. We had some 'slips' and they were always when i decided to leave my sponsor out of the decision making process, and those are the decisions i regret. I do not regret letting her focus on herself and figure out who she wants to be, no matter who she is with. Through this process, we both reached a point where our sponsors and friends were both supportive of our decision to try and be a couple. This is a decision i do not regret. We learned to be friends before being a couple, and it has been far better than any relationship I've had in the past. We communicate as friends and don't bicker like lovers. When we harm, we make it right. There are no hidden intentions or agendas. Suspicion is not a part of our lives together. Other girls i have crushed on and gotten to know first before pursuing a relationship, and all of those i do not have regrets about, and it eventually became apparent that it was just lust and nothing to do with their personality or anything that i would want long term. So, if any of that sounds like something you want, then try that.
let her work the steps. Be friends first, then take the next step if it is still something you both desire.
"Building an Empire is just more fun than ruling one." Originally said by /user/AlbrechtVonRoon in a previous thread. To me, this is the Total War series crowning achievement, and most lamentable failure in one sentence. It sums up the reason why we all play, the narrative we create for ourselves of taking over the world, and the problems we run into in terms of motivation to continue playing, which at the time of writing is the most up voted (and generally agreed upon) discussion on /r/totalwar. What changes would you like to see made in future Total Wars? Because although the statement is true, and I'm sure has been true throughout our empire driven history, generally, the people at the top don't just go "fuck it" and quit to windows. So what systems would you like to see in place to a) motivate the player and b) replicate the struggles and pitfalls of large empires? And maybe more importantly, somehow, through the power of the medium, conquer these problems in a way that historical empires couldn't? Tl;dr Boredom was not a solution to historical empires, how can Total War replicate and innovate on the end game challenge, after the military one fades. The re-alignment of victory conditions? Additional mechanics coming into play?
"Building an Empire is just more fun than ruling one." Originally said by /user/AlbrechtVonRoon in a previous thread. To me, this is the Total War series crowning achievement, and most lamentable failure in one sentence. It sums up the reason why we all play, the narrative we create for ourselves of taking over the world, and the problems we run into in terms of motivation to continue playing, which at the time of writing is the most up voted (and generally agreed upon) discussion on /r/totalwar. What changes would you like to see made in future Total Wars? Because although the statement is true, and I'm sure has been true throughout our empire driven history, generally, the people at the top don't just go "fuck it" and quit to windows. So what systems would you like to see in place to a) motivate the player and b) replicate the struggles and pitfalls of large empires? And maybe more importantly, somehow, through the power of the medium, conquer these problems in a way that historical empires couldn't? Tl;dr Boredom was not a solution to historical empires, how can Total War replicate and innovate on the end game challenge, after the military one fades. The re-alignment of victory conditions? Additional mechanics coming into play?
Building an Empire is just more fun than ruling one." Originally said by /user/AlbrechtVonRoon in a previous thread. To me, this is the Total War series crowning achievement, and most lamentable failure in one sentence. It sums up the reason why we all play, the narrative we create for ourselves of taking over the world, and the problems we run into in terms of motivation to continue playing, which at the time of writing is the most up voted (and generally agreed upon) discussion on /r/totalwar. What changes would you like to see made in future Total Wars? Because although the statement is true, and I'm sure has been true throughout our empire driven history, generally, the people at the top don't just go "fuck it" and quit to windows. So what systems would you like to see in place to a) motivate the player and b) replicate the struggles and pitfalls of large empires? And maybe more importantly, somehow, through the power of the medium, conquer these problems in a way that historical empires couldn't?
Boredom was not a solution to historical empires, how can Total War replicate and innovate on the end game challenge, after the military one fades. The re-alignment of victory conditions? Additional mechanics coming into play?
Hey guys, so now its time. another one of these " i wanna go pro blogs". But first off, for those of you really reading this, here is my story. So i started playing sc2 back in 2010 with no RTS experience. i started out in bronze back then.... After 3 Years of full dedication to the game and a lot of time spend for this game, i hit Grandmasters. Since then, i always wondered if i could actually make it to pro level........ Right now, 1 year later, im still in GM. I didn't dedicate that much time into it anymore because of my Studies..... But still there always was the thought, what would happen if i try?. By now, i have to say that i hate my studies and i don't know if i even wanna still do this.... so i decided to take 2 semesters off (pause the studies, not cancel it) and do something else..... and then it came again to my mind... should i try it? I can dedicate myself to something completely. For example, back in diamond, i dedicated my self completely to starcraft for 2 weeks, training 10 hours every day and got to masters in that time. I know that i would have to train a lot to come from low-mid gm to the real top, but i think i can do it. What do you think guys? Should i try it? Is it worth it? Starcraft is my passion and my love, i spend a lot of time thinking about it even when im not playing..... TL:DR Just another faggot who wants to eventually go pro :D Greetings ;)
Hey guys, so now its time. another one of these " i wanna go pro blogs". But first off, for those of you really reading this, here is my story. So i started playing sc2 back in 2010 with no RTS experience. i started out in bronze back then.... After 3 Years of full dedication to the game and a lot of time spend for this game, i hit Grandmasters. Since then, i always wondered if i could actually make it to pro level........ Right now, 1 year later, im still in GM. I didn't dedicate that much time into it anymore because of my Studies..... But still there always was the thought, what would happen if i try?. By now, i have to say that i hate my studies and i don't know if i even wanna still do this.... so i decided to take 2 semesters off (pause the studies, not cancel it) and do something else..... and then it came again to my mind... should i try it? I can dedicate myself to something completely. For example, back in diamond, i dedicated my self completely to starcraft for 2 weeks, training 10 hours every day and got to masters in that time. I know that i would have to train a lot to come from low-mid gm to the real top, but i think i can do it. What do you think guys? Should i try it? Is it worth it? Starcraft is my passion and my love, i spend a lot of time thinking about it even when im not playing..... TL:DR Just another faggot who wants to eventually go pro :D Greetings ;)
Hey guys, so now its time. another one of these " i wanna go pro blogs". But first off, for those of you really reading this, here is my story. So i started playing sc2 back in 2010 with no RTS experience. i started out in bronze back then.... After 3 Years of full dedication to the game and a lot of time spend for this game, i hit Grandmasters. Since then, i always wondered if i could actually make it to pro level........ Right now, 1 year later, im still in GM. I didn't dedicate that much time into it anymore because of my Studies..... But still there always was the thought, what would happen if i try?. By now, i have to say that i hate my studies and i don't know if i even wanna still do this.... so i decided to take 2 semesters off (pause the studies, not cancel it) and do something else..... and then it came again to my mind... should i try it? I can dedicate myself to something completely. For example, back in diamond, i dedicated my self completely to starcraft for 2 weeks, training 10 hours every day and got to masters in that time. I know that i would have to train a lot to come from low-mid gm to the real top, but i think i can do it. What do you think guys? Should i try it? Is it worth it? Starcraft is my passion and my love, i spend a lot of time thinking about it even when im not playing.....
Just another faggot who wants to eventually go pro :D Greetings ;)
Except he pretty much said himself that he just picked a randomish sounding number, and I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have done that. Especially given the point he seemed to be making. EDIT: &gt; The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do'. I typed it out. End of story. &gt;--Douglas Adams Unlike (apparently) most of his fans, I believe him. EDIT 2: I'm still getting a lot of replies so I'll try and explain *why* I believe him. The complete lack of a meaning and the randomness of it was really **the whole point**, if you read the context in the story. It wasn't supposed to be a profound metaphorical statement about the meaning of life, it was supposed to very deliberately be the complete opposite of that; a *staggeringly disappointing lack of profundity* as the punchline to a shaggy-dog joke. A race of people had spent thousands of years building an all-powerful computer, and waiting for it to finally answer their question...the final result was supposed to fall completely flat and be *absurd and meaningless*. That was what was funny about it. As a writer if I were trying to come up with a number for that context, I would carefully make it as random and unimportant a number as I could possibly think of. If it had some meaning to me, I would reject it as an appropriate number to use to make that joke work. And really the fact that so many readers do seem to take it so seriously anyway almost makes the joke seem even funnier in hindsight, and shows you how well written it was. **TL;DR: I'm not trying to "squash the fun" here; my own 'fan theory' and honest interpretation of the whole 42 thing (backed up by the author himself) is that it very deliberately and purposefully doesn't mean anything**
Except he pretty much said himself that he just picked a randomish sounding number, and I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have done that. Especially given the point he seemed to be making. EDIT: > The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do'. I typed it out. End of story. >--Douglas Adams Unlike (apparently) most of his fans, I believe him. EDIT 2: I'm still getting a lot of replies so I'll try and explain why I believe him. The complete lack of a meaning and the randomness of it was really the whole point , if you read the context in the story. It wasn't supposed to be a profound metaphorical statement about the meaning of life, it was supposed to very deliberately be the complete opposite of that; a staggeringly disappointing lack of profundity as the punchline to a shaggy-dog joke. A race of people had spent thousands of years building an all-powerful computer, and waiting for it to finally answer their question...the final result was supposed to fall completely flat and be absurd and meaningless . That was what was funny about it. As a writer if I were trying to come up with a number for that context, I would carefully make it as random and unimportant a number as I could possibly think of. If it had some meaning to me, I would reject it as an appropriate number to use to make that joke work. And really the fact that so many readers do seem to take it so seriously anyway almost makes the joke seem even funnier in hindsight, and shows you how well written it was. TL;DR: I'm not trying to "squash the fun" here; my own 'fan theory' and honest interpretation of the whole 42 thing (backed up by the author himself) is that it very deliberately and purposefully doesn't mean anything
Except he pretty much said himself that he just picked a randomish sounding number, and I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have done that. Especially given the point he seemed to be making. EDIT: > The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do'. I typed it out. End of story. >--Douglas Adams Unlike (apparently) most of his fans, I believe him. EDIT 2: I'm still getting a lot of replies so I'll try and explain why I believe him. The complete lack of a meaning and the randomness of it was really the whole point , if you read the context in the story. It wasn't supposed to be a profound metaphorical statement about the meaning of life, it was supposed to very deliberately be the complete opposite of that; a staggeringly disappointing lack of profundity as the punchline to a shaggy-dog joke. A race of people had spent thousands of years building an all-powerful computer, and waiting for it to finally answer their question...the final result was supposed to fall completely flat and be absurd and meaningless . That was what was funny about it. As a writer if I were trying to come up with a number for that context, I would carefully make it as random and unimportant a number as I could possibly think of. If it had some meaning to me, I would reject it as an appropriate number to use to make that joke work. And really the fact that so many readers do seem to take it so seriously anyway almost makes the joke seem even funnier in hindsight, and shows you how well written it was.
I'm not trying to "squash the fun" here; my own 'fan theory' and honest interpretation of the whole 42 thing (backed up by the author himself) is that it very deliberately and purposefully doesn't mean anything
This may become a wall of text and I'm sorry. About a month and some change ago I had gotten over a recent breakup and decided to start seeing this guy. Here's the short (but still a lot of text) history: Last year I was in an open relationship with a womyn that ended this year. The guy that I just ended with today was a guy that I started dating while I was in this relationship with my lady at the time. Long story short, my partner and I had agreed to make each other a priority over our side relationships. Well, after this guy and my partner had some words before they were supposed to meet, my partner decided she did not like him. Thus, I had to end it with this guy. He did not take it well at this all. He got very angry, sent me very long and angry messages. He also sent my partner very long messages. He eventually cooled down. So, throughout my continuing relationship with my partner, he would pop back into my life and try to see me again. I would tell him that it wouldn't be respectful to my partner. So let's fast forward to me being a single person. He pops back up into my life. We start hanging out again. Quickly turns into dating and seeing each other almost every night. Things are going great. Except for this. I've been struggling with my sexuality for quite some time now. I do identify as a bisexual person, but the more relationships I find myself in with womyn, the more I prefer them. I just don't get the heart melting feelings with men that I do with womyn. For some reason I thought this guy would be different. I did enjoy his company, I even enjoyed /most/ of the sex. I felt smitten. But I didn't have those feelings. Those feelings when you can't help but smile when you see them, those butterflies, when you feel weak in the knees. So, it got to the point that I was trying to force myself to get those sensations with him. Wouldn't happen. But anyways, I would miss him. So after a couple times of hooking up, he had gone limp, he swears it wasn't me. He got pretty distant after that. Understandably so, I'm assuming it was performance anxiety and he was simply embarrassed. But, as a result, I didn't see him as often, and like I said I began to miss him. I tried to make him feel better about the situation and apparently I did, but he never tried to hook up again. So, he was supposed to go out with me one night. Decided not to. Assuming cause it was at a grimey dive bar, but whatever. He said it had nothing to do with us, but that we would talk about it in person. Well, the next time we hung out in person, we didn't talk about it. I'm sure because we were with friends, but it seems he always wanted to hangout with me with friends after our issues in the bedroom. After that, we made plans the next day to hang out. When he finally hit me up, it was getting late and he was couple towns over at a beer tasting. It made me a little frustrated that he expected me to wait up. I told him I might fall asleep, and I did. You know, I'm not going to wait for someone that made plans with me to finish their beer and expects me to wait. Well, the next day he seemed pretty mad that I fell asleep. His anger kind of bugged me. But, I still wanted to see him. So, I asked him if he would like to go out with me to this special club night since it only happens once a month. He said no, he was going to hang out with his friends (that he hangs out with every night). At this point, I'm like ok have a good night...and it was like a light switch. I just didn't care anymore. I did not emotionaly care. I did not miss him. Did not want to see him, didn't really care to talk to him. I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset. I was indifferent. So, I went out to the club anyways with friends. Was open to meeting someone, kind of keeping an eye out for an attractive lady. Didn't meet one, oh well. So, he (apparently) calls me several times and texts me. I was not expecting to see him that night, so I wasn't paying any attention to my phone. The next day I only see one text from him, and I asked him what was up. He was angry. Again. He said that he left his friends early to hang out with me...well, I didn't know he was gonna do that. At this point, it didn't make me upset. Still did not care. So, I haven't cared for about four days now. In these past four days, it really started to hit me about my sexuality. That I'm pretty sure I'm only interested in womyn. Something I'd rather not face, but it's the way it is. Like I said, I WANT to have feelings for this guy, I just can't. Never have had those feelings with a man; even if I did enjoy intimacy and whatnot. The fact that it was so easy to get over him, just like a lot of other men in my life. So hard to fall and so easy to get back up. I decided to break the news to him today. That I can't live this lie anymore. I can't lead him on, it would only be worse down the line with more time. He did not take it well at all. He cried, told me that I'm forcing myself to be this queer person. Kept asking me what womyn have that he can't offer. Going on about how womyn always just throw him away. I tried to explain that it isn't anything he's doing or isn't doing, just that I don't feel. He told me that my excuse was a cop out, which was rather insulting. I did not like that, but I know he is angry. I did tell him I still want to be friends with him, but it really would've just ended worse. I would've been miserable in the long run, and he would've grown more attatched. He also told me that this isn't the first time a womyn came out to him as she was breaking up with him. Although, he did know that I'm active in the queer community and was okay with letting me date and hook up with womyn...even though I didn't while I was seeing him. I did feel empathetic at this point because he was crying and I've been there with a womyn telling me she's actually straight. He tried grabbing at straws. "why didn't you tell me sooner" "why would you have feelings for me at all if you only like womyn" All in very angry tones. The best I could tell him is that I was still confused up until I've really been chewing on it these past couple days. So. I feel really bad. I do feel like I'm losing something. But, I'm not sad...I'm not angry (besides having my sexuality thrown out the door). I'm not anything. I just feel bad. Bad about myself. We haven't even being seeing each other that long. I feel weird even calling it a breakup. But, I do feel like I broke his heart. And like I said, I don't feel good about it. I know this is a wall of text, but I'm really curious if anyone could possibly relate to situation like this and help me out with some insight. **tl;dr** Started dating this guy I dated in a past open relationship. Struggles with sexuality. He knew I was bisexual, but when I told him I prefer womyn, he took it very hard. Disregarded my sexuality. I feel horrible, but I can't live a lie. Need some insight.
This may become a wall of text and I'm sorry. About a month and some change ago I had gotten over a recent breakup and decided to start seeing this guy. Here's the short (but still a lot of text) history: Last year I was in an open relationship with a womyn that ended this year. The guy that I just ended with today was a guy that I started dating while I was in this relationship with my lady at the time. Long story short, my partner and I had agreed to make each other a priority over our side relationships. Well, after this guy and my partner had some words before they were supposed to meet, my partner decided she did not like him. Thus, I had to end it with this guy. He did not take it well at this all. He got very angry, sent me very long and angry messages. He also sent my partner very long messages. He eventually cooled down. So, throughout my continuing relationship with my partner, he would pop back into my life and try to see me again. I would tell him that it wouldn't be respectful to my partner. So let's fast forward to me being a single person. He pops back up into my life. We start hanging out again. Quickly turns into dating and seeing each other almost every night. Things are going great. Except for this. I've been struggling with my sexuality for quite some time now. I do identify as a bisexual person, but the more relationships I find myself in with womyn, the more I prefer them. I just don't get the heart melting feelings with men that I do with womyn. For some reason I thought this guy would be different. I did enjoy his company, I even enjoyed /most/ of the sex. I felt smitten. But I didn't have those feelings. Those feelings when you can't help but smile when you see them, those butterflies, when you feel weak in the knees. So, it got to the point that I was trying to force myself to get those sensations with him. Wouldn't happen. But anyways, I would miss him. So after a couple times of hooking up, he had gone limp, he swears it wasn't me. He got pretty distant after that. Understandably so, I'm assuming it was performance anxiety and he was simply embarrassed. But, as a result, I didn't see him as often, and like I said I began to miss him. I tried to make him feel better about the situation and apparently I did, but he never tried to hook up again. So, he was supposed to go out with me one night. Decided not to. Assuming cause it was at a grimey dive bar, but whatever. He said it had nothing to do with us, but that we would talk about it in person. Well, the next time we hung out in person, we didn't talk about it. I'm sure because we were with friends, but it seems he always wanted to hangout with me with friends after our issues in the bedroom. After that, we made plans the next day to hang out. When he finally hit me up, it was getting late and he was couple towns over at a beer tasting. It made me a little frustrated that he expected me to wait up. I told him I might fall asleep, and I did. You know, I'm not going to wait for someone that made plans with me to finish their beer and expects me to wait. Well, the next day he seemed pretty mad that I fell asleep. His anger kind of bugged me. But, I still wanted to see him. So, I asked him if he would like to go out with me to this special club night since it only happens once a month. He said no, he was going to hang out with his friends (that he hangs out with every night). At this point, I'm like ok have a good night...and it was like a light switch. I just didn't care anymore. I did not emotionaly care. I did not miss him. Did not want to see him, didn't really care to talk to him. I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset. I was indifferent. So, I went out to the club anyways with friends. Was open to meeting someone, kind of keeping an eye out for an attractive lady. Didn't meet one, oh well. So, he (apparently) calls me several times and texts me. I was not expecting to see him that night, so I wasn't paying any attention to my phone. The next day I only see one text from him, and I asked him what was up. He was angry. Again. He said that he left his friends early to hang out with me...well, I didn't know he was gonna do that. At this point, it didn't make me upset. Still did not care. So, I haven't cared for about four days now. In these past four days, it really started to hit me about my sexuality. That I'm pretty sure I'm only interested in womyn. Something I'd rather not face, but it's the way it is. Like I said, I WANT to have feelings for this guy, I just can't. Never have had those feelings with a man; even if I did enjoy intimacy and whatnot. The fact that it was so easy to get over him, just like a lot of other men in my life. So hard to fall and so easy to get back up. I decided to break the news to him today. That I can't live this lie anymore. I can't lead him on, it would only be worse down the line with more time. He did not take it well at all. He cried, told me that I'm forcing myself to be this queer person. Kept asking me what womyn have that he can't offer. Going on about how womyn always just throw him away. I tried to explain that it isn't anything he's doing or isn't doing, just that I don't feel. He told me that my excuse was a cop out, which was rather insulting. I did not like that, but I know he is angry. I did tell him I still want to be friends with him, but it really would've just ended worse. I would've been miserable in the long run, and he would've grown more attatched. He also told me that this isn't the first time a womyn came out to him as she was breaking up with him. Although, he did know that I'm active in the queer community and was okay with letting me date and hook up with womyn...even though I didn't while I was seeing him. I did feel empathetic at this point because he was crying and I've been there with a womyn telling me she's actually straight. He tried grabbing at straws. "why didn't you tell me sooner" "why would you have feelings for me at all if you only like womyn" All in very angry tones. The best I could tell him is that I was still confused up until I've really been chewing on it these past couple days. So. I feel really bad. I do feel like I'm losing something. But, I'm not sad...I'm not angry (besides having my sexuality thrown out the door). I'm not anything. I just feel bad. Bad about myself. We haven't even being seeing each other that long. I feel weird even calling it a breakup. But, I do feel like I broke his heart. And like I said, I don't feel good about it. I know this is a wall of text, but I'm really curious if anyone could possibly relate to situation like this and help me out with some insight. tl;dr Started dating this guy I dated in a past open relationship. Struggles with sexuality. He knew I was bisexual, but when I told him I prefer womyn, he took it very hard. Disregarded my sexuality. I feel horrible, but I can't live a lie. Need some insight.
This may become a wall of text and I'm sorry. About a month and some change ago I had gotten over a recent breakup and decided to start seeing this guy. Here's the short (but still a lot of text) history: Last year I was in an open relationship with a womyn that ended this year. The guy that I just ended with today was a guy that I started dating while I was in this relationship with my lady at the time. Long story short, my partner and I had agreed to make each other a priority over our side relationships. Well, after this guy and my partner had some words before they were supposed to meet, my partner decided she did not like him. Thus, I had to end it with this guy. He did not take it well at this all. He got very angry, sent me very long and angry messages. He also sent my partner very long messages. He eventually cooled down. So, throughout my continuing relationship with my partner, he would pop back into my life and try to see me again. I would tell him that it wouldn't be respectful to my partner. So let's fast forward to me being a single person. He pops back up into my life. We start hanging out again. Quickly turns into dating and seeing each other almost every night. Things are going great. Except for this. I've been struggling with my sexuality for quite some time now. I do identify as a bisexual person, but the more relationships I find myself in with womyn, the more I prefer them. I just don't get the heart melting feelings with men that I do with womyn. For some reason I thought this guy would be different. I did enjoy his company, I even enjoyed /most/ of the sex. I felt smitten. But I didn't have those feelings. Those feelings when you can't help but smile when you see them, those butterflies, when you feel weak in the knees. So, it got to the point that I was trying to force myself to get those sensations with him. Wouldn't happen. But anyways, I would miss him. So after a couple times of hooking up, he had gone limp, he swears it wasn't me. He got pretty distant after that. Understandably so, I'm assuming it was performance anxiety and he was simply embarrassed. But, as a result, I didn't see him as often, and like I said I began to miss him. I tried to make him feel better about the situation and apparently I did, but he never tried to hook up again. So, he was supposed to go out with me one night. Decided not to. Assuming cause it was at a grimey dive bar, but whatever. He said it had nothing to do with us, but that we would talk about it in person. Well, the next time we hung out in person, we didn't talk about it. I'm sure because we were with friends, but it seems he always wanted to hangout with me with friends after our issues in the bedroom. After that, we made plans the next day to hang out. When he finally hit me up, it was getting late and he was couple towns over at a beer tasting. It made me a little frustrated that he expected me to wait up. I told him I might fall asleep, and I did. You know, I'm not going to wait for someone that made plans with me to finish their beer and expects me to wait. Well, the next day he seemed pretty mad that I fell asleep. His anger kind of bugged me. But, I still wanted to see him. So, I asked him if he would like to go out with me to this special club night since it only happens once a month. He said no, he was going to hang out with his friends (that he hangs out with every night). At this point, I'm like ok have a good night...and it was like a light switch. I just didn't care anymore. I did not emotionaly care. I did not miss him. Did not want to see him, didn't really care to talk to him. I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset. I was indifferent. So, I went out to the club anyways with friends. Was open to meeting someone, kind of keeping an eye out for an attractive lady. Didn't meet one, oh well. So, he (apparently) calls me several times and texts me. I was not expecting to see him that night, so I wasn't paying any attention to my phone. The next day I only see one text from him, and I asked him what was up. He was angry. Again. He said that he left his friends early to hang out with me...well, I didn't know he was gonna do that. At this point, it didn't make me upset. Still did not care. So, I haven't cared for about four days now. In these past four days, it really started to hit me about my sexuality. That I'm pretty sure I'm only interested in womyn. Something I'd rather not face, but it's the way it is. Like I said, I WANT to have feelings for this guy, I just can't. Never have had those feelings with a man; even if I did enjoy intimacy and whatnot. The fact that it was so easy to get over him, just like a lot of other men in my life. So hard to fall and so easy to get back up. I decided to break the news to him today. That I can't live this lie anymore. I can't lead him on, it would only be worse down the line with more time. He did not take it well at all. He cried, told me that I'm forcing myself to be this queer person. Kept asking me what womyn have that he can't offer. Going on about how womyn always just throw him away. I tried to explain that it isn't anything he's doing or isn't doing, just that I don't feel. He told me that my excuse was a cop out, which was rather insulting. I did not like that, but I know he is angry. I did tell him I still want to be friends with him, but it really would've just ended worse. I would've been miserable in the long run, and he would've grown more attatched. He also told me that this isn't the first time a womyn came out to him as she was breaking up with him. Although, he did know that I'm active in the queer community and was okay with letting me date and hook up with womyn...even though I didn't while I was seeing him. I did feel empathetic at this point because he was crying and I've been there with a womyn telling me she's actually straight. He tried grabbing at straws. "why didn't you tell me sooner" "why would you have feelings for me at all if you only like womyn" All in very angry tones. The best I could tell him is that I was still confused up until I've really been chewing on it these past couple days. So. I feel really bad. I do feel like I'm losing something. But, I'm not sad...I'm not angry (besides having my sexuality thrown out the door). I'm not anything. I just feel bad. Bad about myself. We haven't even being seeing each other that long. I feel weird even calling it a breakup. But, I do feel like I broke his heart. And like I said, I don't feel good about it. I know this is a wall of text, but I'm really curious if anyone could possibly relate to situation like this and help me out with some insight.
Started dating this guy I dated in a past open relationship. Struggles with sexuality. He knew I was bisexual, but when I told him I prefer womyn, he took it very hard. Disregarded my sexuality. I feel horrible, but I can't live a lie. Need some insight.
Tested this with a friend. Left him at ten health and he had an ancient watcher on the board. My board consisted of 2 and 1 attack creatures with a 5 attack leper gnome. I then equipped a truesilver (to add to the animation time.) I sent truesilver to the watcher and everything else to face. I sent all minions to face, and leper gnome went last. When i was unable to make any more moves since i had won the game, I conceded. The enemy hero exploded before the leper gnome attacked thanks to the new concede buff. Tldr; You can cancel animations via concede to win faster. Edit: Fixed usage error and capital problem.
Tested this with a friend. Left him at ten health and he had an ancient watcher on the board. My board consisted of 2 and 1 attack creatures with a 5 attack leper gnome. I then equipped a truesilver (to add to the animation time.) I sent truesilver to the watcher and everything else to face. I sent all minions to face, and leper gnome went last. When i was unable to make any more moves since i had won the game, I conceded. The enemy hero exploded before the leper gnome attacked thanks to the new concede buff. Tldr; You can cancel animations via concede to win faster. Edit: Fixed usage error and capital problem.
Tested this with a friend. Left him at ten health and he had an ancient watcher on the board. My board consisted of 2 and 1 attack creatures with a 5 attack leper gnome. I then equipped a truesilver (to add to the animation time.) I sent truesilver to the watcher and everything else to face. I sent all minions to face, and leper gnome went last. When i was unable to make any more moves since i had won the game, I conceded. The enemy hero exploded before the leper gnome attacked thanks to the new concede buff.
You can cancel animations via concede to win faster. Edit: Fixed usage error and capital problem.
This is why I was in love with Eve mid and if I got mid in ranked I would only play her. Bot lane losing hard pre 6 and you're 0-0 but have farmed well.. No worries - hit 6 gank bot and get double kill/if you're feeling extra nice give double kill to your adc. Worked so well particularly in my placement matches when no one would pink for Eve mid (lol). TL;DR EVE I MISS YOU :(
This is why I was in love with Eve mid and if I got mid in ranked I would only play her. Bot lane losing hard pre 6 and you're 0-0 but have farmed well.. No worries - hit 6 gank bot and get double kill/if you're feeling extra nice give double kill to your adc. Worked so well particularly in my placement matches when no one would pink for Eve mid (lol). TL;DR EVE I MISS YOU :(
This is why I was in love with Eve mid and if I got mid in ranked I would only play her. Bot lane losing hard pre 6 and you're 0-0 but have farmed well.. No worries - hit 6 gank bot and get double kill/if you're feeling extra nice give double kill to your adc. Worked so well particularly in my placement matches when no one would pink for Eve mid (lol).
While I was fighting Ebrietas for what seemed like the hundredth time, I started to notice something similar about her appearance. [This]( is just a baby version of [Ebrietas]( If you look closely at the Celestial Larvae you'll notice that the body shape is very similar to Ebrietas. Also, the Celestial Larvae have two tendril like appendages on their back, and these look very similar to wings that haven't formed yet. As for Arianna, you'll notice that the baby that she gives birth to is actually a [newborn Celestial Larvae]( So, what does this have to do with Adella? Well, the wiki doesn't mention all of her dialogue, but when you save her she mentions that all of the women have been taken and *she is the only one left*. Now, this doesn't mean every woman in Yharnam, as Arianna can be saved and you can speak to other women in their homes. However, that might be because of the burners protecting their homes. Now, on the night of the Red Moon, *all* women who can bear children will be given a child by a Great One. This is proven by Arianna's state and Iosefka's state as soon as Rom is out of the way. However, what does this say about Adella? She is barren. Have you ever wondered why Adella was left and the other women of Yharnam taken away? Because they are being taken by the Hunters of Yahar'gul (the Bag People) to a place to give birth to their infant great ones. So, what happened to all of those infant great ones? They headed towards the oldest of their kind, Ebrietas. This might be how the Healing Church managed to contact Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice Dungeon and why there is an Ebrietas in the Chalice and in the Healing church. The church needed the blood of a great one, so it's possible that they performed a ritual that gave birth to another Ebrietas and they kept her as a means to retrieve the blood. However, it's also possible that they could have taken a sample from the Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice and took it to the Altar of Despair and called another to Yharnam. However, considering that the Great One's method of manifestation in Yharnam has been through birth, it's likely that she was brought to the Cathedral the same way. TL;DR The Celestial Larvae are the baby version of Ebrietas, Arianna and the other women of Yharnam are giving birth to these Celestial Larvae, Adella was taken by the hunters of Yahar'gul, but she is barren and cannot give birth to a great one. Arianna is spared this fate because you save her and send her to the Cathedral which is protected. This also might explain why you always hear a baby's cry when you're walking around areas of Yharnam.
While I was fighting Ebrietas for what seemed like the hundredth time, I started to notice something similar about her appearance. [This]( is just a baby version of [Ebrietas]( If you look closely at the Celestial Larvae you'll notice that the body shape is very similar to Ebrietas. Also, the Celestial Larvae have two tendril like appendages on their back, and these look very similar to wings that haven't formed yet. As for Arianna, you'll notice that the baby that she gives birth to is actually a [newborn Celestial Larvae]( So, what does this have to do with Adella? Well, the wiki doesn't mention all of her dialogue, but when you save her she mentions that all of the women have been taken and she is the only one left . Now, this doesn't mean every woman in Yharnam, as Arianna can be saved and you can speak to other women in their homes. However, that might be because of the burners protecting their homes. Now, on the night of the Red Moon, all women who can bear children will be given a child by a Great One. This is proven by Arianna's state and Iosefka's state as soon as Rom is out of the way. However, what does this say about Adella? She is barren. Have you ever wondered why Adella was left and the other women of Yharnam taken away? Because they are being taken by the Hunters of Yahar'gul (the Bag People) to a place to give birth to their infant great ones. So, what happened to all of those infant great ones? They headed towards the oldest of their kind, Ebrietas. This might be how the Healing Church managed to contact Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice Dungeon and why there is an Ebrietas in the Chalice and in the Healing church. The church needed the blood of a great one, so it's possible that they performed a ritual that gave birth to another Ebrietas and they kept her as a means to retrieve the blood. However, it's also possible that they could have taken a sample from the Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice and took it to the Altar of Despair and called another to Yharnam. However, considering that the Great One's method of manifestation in Yharnam has been through birth, it's likely that she was brought to the Cathedral the same way. TL;DR The Celestial Larvae are the baby version of Ebrietas, Arianna and the other women of Yharnam are giving birth to these Celestial Larvae, Adella was taken by the hunters of Yahar'gul, but she is barren and cannot give birth to a great one. Arianna is spared this fate because you save her and send her to the Cathedral which is protected. This also might explain why you always hear a baby's cry when you're walking around areas of Yharnam.
While I was fighting Ebrietas for what seemed like the hundredth time, I started to notice something similar about her appearance. [This]( is just a baby version of [Ebrietas]( If you look closely at the Celestial Larvae you'll notice that the body shape is very similar to Ebrietas. Also, the Celestial Larvae have two tendril like appendages on their back, and these look very similar to wings that haven't formed yet. As for Arianna, you'll notice that the baby that she gives birth to is actually a [newborn Celestial Larvae]( So, what does this have to do with Adella? Well, the wiki doesn't mention all of her dialogue, but when you save her she mentions that all of the women have been taken and she is the only one left . Now, this doesn't mean every woman in Yharnam, as Arianna can be saved and you can speak to other women in their homes. However, that might be because of the burners protecting their homes. Now, on the night of the Red Moon, all women who can bear children will be given a child by a Great One. This is proven by Arianna's state and Iosefka's state as soon as Rom is out of the way. However, what does this say about Adella? She is barren. Have you ever wondered why Adella was left and the other women of Yharnam taken away? Because they are being taken by the Hunters of Yahar'gul (the Bag People) to a place to give birth to their infant great ones. So, what happened to all of those infant great ones? They headed towards the oldest of their kind, Ebrietas. This might be how the Healing Church managed to contact Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice Dungeon and why there is an Ebrietas in the Chalice and in the Healing church. The church needed the blood of a great one, so it's possible that they performed a ritual that gave birth to another Ebrietas and they kept her as a means to retrieve the blood. However, it's also possible that they could have taken a sample from the Ebrietas in the Isz Chalice and took it to the Altar of Despair and called another to Yharnam. However, considering that the Great One's method of manifestation in Yharnam has been through birth, it's likely that she was brought to the Cathedral the same way.
The Celestial Larvae are the baby version of Ebrietas, Arianna and the other women of Yharnam are giving birth to these Celestial Larvae, Adella was taken by the hunters of Yahar'gul, but she is barren and cannot give birth to a great one. Arianna is spared this fate because you save her and send her to the Cathedral which is protected. This also might explain why you always hear a baby's cry when you're walking around areas of Yharnam.
In Karnataka and Kerala, you'll find some of India's best highway roads, Western Ghats included. A good amount of Golden Quadrilateral also passes through K'taka. Recently I drove from B'lore to Chikmaglur to Udupi to Karwar. The last part of the journey was incredibly beautiful. Some of the most scenic routes in the world! Pity it is so low profiled. But personally, I find that to be good. Tourists bring all sorts of infection with them. The more beautiful the place, the more damning the affliction of tourists. Anyways. **TL;DR** Western Ghats are amazing!
In Karnataka and Kerala, you'll find some of India's best highway roads, Western Ghats included. A good amount of Golden Quadrilateral also passes through K'taka. Recently I drove from B'lore to Chikmaglur to Udupi to Karwar. The last part of the journey was incredibly beautiful. Some of the most scenic routes in the world! Pity it is so low profiled. But personally, I find that to be good. Tourists bring all sorts of infection with them. The more beautiful the place, the more damning the affliction of tourists. Anyways. TL;DR Western Ghats are amazing!
In Karnataka and Kerala, you'll find some of India's best highway roads, Western Ghats included. A good amount of Golden Quadrilateral also passes through K'taka. Recently I drove from B'lore to Chikmaglur to Udupi to Karwar. The last part of the journey was incredibly beautiful. Some of the most scenic routes in the world! Pity it is so low profiled. But personally, I find that to be good. Tourists bring all sorts of infection with them. The more beautiful the place, the more damning the affliction of tourists. Anyways.
Western Ghats are amazing!
So I am a 20 year old guy.. I've been told I'm good looking I take care of my body Im kinda built but I never ever had any girl friend or even a female friend. I got sick of being lonely so i decided I'd make a move. I was in a restaurant with my friends, one of him had his birthday dinner, and the hostess was really cute so after we ate and got motivated by my friends, I just walked up straight to her and said hey you're cute we should hangout she smiled and said thank you but I can't give out my number at work especially now.. can you come back tomorrow around 5? I said sure so I came back and she gave me the number.. I texted her 2 days later. no reply .. so I called her .. she told me she's busy this week and shell let me know when she's free .. What am I suppose to do now?? should I wait for her should I text her? **TL;DR : Asked for a girls number she gave it to me after having a nice conversation, I text her 2 days later no reply I call she says she's really busy and shell tell me when to hangout what should i do?** Thanks everybody
So I am a 20 year old guy.. I've been told I'm good looking I take care of my body Im kinda built but I never ever had any girl friend or even a female friend. I got sick of being lonely so i decided I'd make a move. I was in a restaurant with my friends, one of him had his birthday dinner, and the hostess was really cute so after we ate and got motivated by my friends, I just walked up straight to her and said hey you're cute we should hangout she smiled and said thank you but I can't give out my number at work especially now.. can you come back tomorrow around 5? I said sure so I came back and she gave me the number.. I texted her 2 days later. no reply .. so I called her .. she told me she's busy this week and shell let me know when she's free .. What am I suppose to do now?? should I wait for her should I text her? TL;DR : Asked for a girls number she gave it to me after having a nice conversation, I text her 2 days later no reply I call she says she's really busy and shell tell me when to hangout what should i do? Thanks everybody
So I am a 20 year old guy.. I've been told I'm good looking I take care of my body Im kinda built but I never ever had any girl friend or even a female friend. I got sick of being lonely so i decided I'd make a move. I was in a restaurant with my friends, one of him had his birthday dinner, and the hostess was really cute so after we ate and got motivated by my friends, I just walked up straight to her and said hey you're cute we should hangout she smiled and said thank you but I can't give out my number at work especially now.. can you come back tomorrow around 5? I said sure so I came back and she gave me the number.. I texted her 2 days later. no reply .. so I called her .. she told me she's busy this week and shell let me know when she's free .. What am I suppose to do now?? should I wait for her should I text her?
Asked for a girls number she gave it to me after having a nice conversation, I text her 2 days later no reply I call she says she's really busy and shell tell me when to hangout what should i do? Thanks everybody
My freshman year of college, I was invited to an end of the year toga party, at a house called Kingwood, where all the theater and music majors gathered to get smashed. I had never been to a toga party before, and I didn't know that the togas were supposed to be baggy, so I used one of my roommate Natalia's hot pink bedsheets, and she and my best friend Sam spent about half an hour pinning and wrapping it into a slutty little minidress. I had just gotten a spray tan that day (I swear it wasn't orangey or "Jersey Shore"), my hair looked hot as hell, put on two bras and my tits looked fantastic. I put on my cute black 4 inch heels and a black belt, and I looked hot as hell, not gonna lie. Sam did something similar, and she looked amazing. I show up, and the whole party pretty much cheers and gasps, because I'm the only one there in a non-white sheet, looking sexy as hell, and most of the girls were jealous, because they hadn't thought of looking sexy at a toga party. I soon became the Slut of the Night. I got totally wasted, hit the bowl and the bong a couple of times, and went out back to smoke a cigarette. At this point, I'm feeling pretty loose and spacey. I attracted the attention of five guys, one of which I had a huge crush on, and four of which were fellow theater majors who I had most of my classes with and which I was pretty good friends. They were almost as drunk as I was, and I let all of them motorboat me, grab my tits, and smack my ass. I must have flashed about twenty people that night, and I'm sure I made out with and slutted it up with more than five guys, but I can't remember at this point. I don't care what anyone says, I was loving it. I'm a pretty sexual person, so it really didn't phase me. I also met this guy who was really interesting and sweet, and we made out *all* night. I must have looked so skanky and desperate, but I really didn't give a damn. I'm *never* the type of person to be a slutty attention whore, but it was the end of the year, I was transferring next year, and I thought **fuck it**, I'm gonna go hard. It was probably one of the few times in my life where I was *loving* being single. One of the only disadvantages of having a boyfriend is that I would feel pretty awful doing that nowadays. **TL;DR: I let an entire party take complete advantage of me at a toga party, where I was wasted and looked like a total bimbo, and it was the sluttiest and most fantastic party I've ever been to, and probably one of the few times I've felt 100% confident and sexy.**
My freshman year of college, I was invited to an end of the year toga party, at a house called Kingwood, where all the theater and music majors gathered to get smashed. I had never been to a toga party before, and I didn't know that the togas were supposed to be baggy, so I used one of my roommate Natalia's hot pink bedsheets, and she and my best friend Sam spent about half an hour pinning and wrapping it into a slutty little minidress. I had just gotten a spray tan that day (I swear it wasn't orangey or "Jersey Shore"), my hair looked hot as hell, put on two bras and my tits looked fantastic. I put on my cute black 4 inch heels and a black belt, and I looked hot as hell, not gonna lie. Sam did something similar, and she looked amazing. I show up, and the whole party pretty much cheers and gasps, because I'm the only one there in a non-white sheet, looking sexy as hell, and most of the girls were jealous, because they hadn't thought of looking sexy at a toga party. I soon became the Slut of the Night. I got totally wasted, hit the bowl and the bong a couple of times, and went out back to smoke a cigarette. At this point, I'm feeling pretty loose and spacey. I attracted the attention of five guys, one of which I had a huge crush on, and four of which were fellow theater majors who I had most of my classes with and which I was pretty good friends. They were almost as drunk as I was, and I let all of them motorboat me, grab my tits, and smack my ass. I must have flashed about twenty people that night, and I'm sure I made out with and slutted it up with more than five guys, but I can't remember at this point. I don't care what anyone says, I was loving it. I'm a pretty sexual person, so it really didn't phase me. I also met this guy who was really interesting and sweet, and we made out all night. I must have looked so skanky and desperate, but I really didn't give a damn. I'm never the type of person to be a slutty attention whore, but it was the end of the year, I was transferring next year, and I thought fuck it , I'm gonna go hard. It was probably one of the few times in my life where I was loving being single. One of the only disadvantages of having a boyfriend is that I would feel pretty awful doing that nowadays. TL;DR: I let an entire party take complete advantage of me at a toga party, where I was wasted and looked like a total bimbo, and it was the sluttiest and most fantastic party I've ever been to, and probably one of the few times I've felt 100% confident and sexy.
My freshman year of college, I was invited to an end of the year toga party, at a house called Kingwood, where all the theater and music majors gathered to get smashed. I had never been to a toga party before, and I didn't know that the togas were supposed to be baggy, so I used one of my roommate Natalia's hot pink bedsheets, and she and my best friend Sam spent about half an hour pinning and wrapping it into a slutty little minidress. I had just gotten a spray tan that day (I swear it wasn't orangey or "Jersey Shore"), my hair looked hot as hell, put on two bras and my tits looked fantastic. I put on my cute black 4 inch heels and a black belt, and I looked hot as hell, not gonna lie. Sam did something similar, and she looked amazing. I show up, and the whole party pretty much cheers and gasps, because I'm the only one there in a non-white sheet, looking sexy as hell, and most of the girls were jealous, because they hadn't thought of looking sexy at a toga party. I soon became the Slut of the Night. I got totally wasted, hit the bowl and the bong a couple of times, and went out back to smoke a cigarette. At this point, I'm feeling pretty loose and spacey. I attracted the attention of five guys, one of which I had a huge crush on, and four of which were fellow theater majors who I had most of my classes with and which I was pretty good friends. They were almost as drunk as I was, and I let all of them motorboat me, grab my tits, and smack my ass. I must have flashed about twenty people that night, and I'm sure I made out with and slutted it up with more than five guys, but I can't remember at this point. I don't care what anyone says, I was loving it. I'm a pretty sexual person, so it really didn't phase me. I also met this guy who was really interesting and sweet, and we made out all night. I must have looked so skanky and desperate, but I really didn't give a damn. I'm never the type of person to be a slutty attention whore, but it was the end of the year, I was transferring next year, and I thought fuck it , I'm gonna go hard. It was probably one of the few times in my life where I was loving being single. One of the only disadvantages of having a boyfriend is that I would feel pretty awful doing that nowadays.
I let an entire party take complete advantage of me at a toga party, where I was wasted and looked like a total bimbo, and it was the sluttiest and most fantastic party I've ever been to, and probably one of the few times I've felt 100% confident and sexy.
I've been on the other end of the interview process for hiring sysadmins/devs. A lot of the times, for me I can't answer these questions because until you're with us and in good standing I *really* don't want to give away any of our information to you. I'll tell you the framework of what we don, but nothing specific or detailed. Leaked, collective knowledge is something we really don't need to come back and bite us later on. Trade secrets are intense, man. That being said, there's a difference between protecting company knowledge and being shady. You must determine the difference to help yourself form a better opinion about the company. In the end, your ultimate goal is to protect yourself and your future. So play it cool and be smart. Re: they act rude afterwards; with us, if we invite you in for a sit-down interview that means we're **seriously** interested in you, and everyone you meet has taken time out of their busy day to see you. At another company with less mature individuals, rejecting an offer can make them feel entitled and upset. tl;dr Protecting yourself is smart, but a company not wanting to divulge specific details isn't necessarily a bad thing. What they hide from the public could be pretty thrilling (and still quite legal). Edit: general work environment isn't so sensitive. If you didn't ask about that we might see it as a red flag.
I've been on the other end of the interview process for hiring sysadmins/devs. A lot of the times, for me I can't answer these questions because until you're with us and in good standing I really don't want to give away any of our information to you. I'll tell you the framework of what we don, but nothing specific or detailed. Leaked, collective knowledge is something we really don't need to come back and bite us later on. Trade secrets are intense, man. That being said, there's a difference between protecting company knowledge and being shady. You must determine the difference to help yourself form a better opinion about the company. In the end, your ultimate goal is to protect yourself and your future. So play it cool and be smart. Re: they act rude afterwards; with us, if we invite you in for a sit-down interview that means we're seriously interested in you, and everyone you meet has taken time out of their busy day to see you. At another company with less mature individuals, rejecting an offer can make them feel entitled and upset. tl;dr Protecting yourself is smart, but a company not wanting to divulge specific details isn't necessarily a bad thing. What they hide from the public could be pretty thrilling (and still quite legal). Edit: general work environment isn't so sensitive. If you didn't ask about that we might see it as a red flag.
I've been on the other end of the interview process for hiring sysadmins/devs. A lot of the times, for me I can't answer these questions because until you're with us and in good standing I really don't want to give away any of our information to you. I'll tell you the framework of what we don, but nothing specific or detailed. Leaked, collective knowledge is something we really don't need to come back and bite us later on. Trade secrets are intense, man. That being said, there's a difference between protecting company knowledge and being shady. You must determine the difference to help yourself form a better opinion about the company. In the end, your ultimate goal is to protect yourself and your future. So play it cool and be smart. Re: they act rude afterwards; with us, if we invite you in for a sit-down interview that means we're seriously interested in you, and everyone you meet has taken time out of their busy day to see you. At another company with less mature individuals, rejecting an offer can make them feel entitled and upset.
Protecting yourself is smart, but a company not wanting to divulge specific details isn't necessarily a bad thing. What they hide from the public could be pretty thrilling (and still quite legal). Edit: general work environment isn't so sensitive. If you didn't ask about that we might see it as a red flag.
Because people are individuals and take into account more variables than we could ever fit into your simple equation when it comes to social interaction. No one deserves to be loved, nor doe anyone deserve companionship. They need and they want and that is all. The secret to society is that you have to live it with other creatures as willful as yourself, therefore, you must find a balance between what you impose on the world(your standards) and what you let it impose on you(their standards). **tldr: Free Will is a bitch.**
Because people are individuals and take into account more variables than we could ever fit into your simple equation when it comes to social interaction. No one deserves to be loved, nor doe anyone deserve companionship. They need and they want and that is all. The secret to society is that you have to live it with other creatures as willful as yourself, therefore, you must find a balance between what you impose on the world(your standards) and what you let it impose on you(their standards). tldr: Free Will is a bitch.
Because people are individuals and take into account more variables than we could ever fit into your simple equation when it comes to social interaction. No one deserves to be loved, nor doe anyone deserve companionship. They need and they want and that is all. The secret to society is that you have to live it with other creatures as willful as yourself, therefore, you must find a balance between what you impose on the world(your standards) and what you let it impose on you(their standards).
Free Will is a bitch.
Otterbox for sure. I've had them since the 3G, and the 5 is no exception. It feels *absolutely solid* in your hand, so you can get a strong grip on it without feeling like you're manhandling it. Lifeproof sacrifices a bit too much form in the name of function IMO; the new OB has a better silicone skin, so it won't "stick" in your pocket if you try and slide it out. Overall a better construction than their case for the 4. TL;DR- Otterbox.
Otterbox for sure. I've had them since the 3G, and the 5 is no exception. It feels absolutely solid in your hand, so you can get a strong grip on it without feeling like you're manhandling it. Lifeproof sacrifices a bit too much form in the name of function IMO; the new OB has a better silicone skin, so it won't "stick" in your pocket if you try and slide it out. Overall a better construction than their case for the 4. TL;DR- Otterbox.
Otterbox for sure. I've had them since the 3G, and the 5 is no exception. It feels absolutely solid in your hand, so you can get a strong grip on it without feeling like you're manhandling it. Lifeproof sacrifices a bit too much form in the name of function IMO; the new OB has a better silicone skin, so it won't "stick" in your pocket if you try and slide it out. Overall a better construction than their case for the 4.
So I really like this guy (F) in my economics class. We aren't great friends or anything, but we are friends, talk in class, etc. I've been deciding on whether to make a move or not for awhile. I'm really good friends with his half brother, who tried to find out if F was interested in me, but he's having trouble because he doesn't want to make it totally obvious. I haven't been in a relationship for like two years, and I've been dropping hints but I can't really tell if F is picking them up. He's a really nice guy in general. I've decided to just go for it and tell him how I feel. But I'm worried if he doesn't like me, our friendship will be awkward from now on. Like I said earlier, I think I'm just going to go for it and tell him I like him after class. I want other peoples opinions though, just in case I'm overlooking something. Tldr; should I ask this guy out even if I don't know if he likes me. We're friends.
So I really like this guy (F) in my economics class. We aren't great friends or anything, but we are friends, talk in class, etc. I've been deciding on whether to make a move or not for awhile. I'm really good friends with his half brother, who tried to find out if F was interested in me, but he's having trouble because he doesn't want to make it totally obvious. I haven't been in a relationship for like two years, and I've been dropping hints but I can't really tell if F is picking them up. He's a really nice guy in general. I've decided to just go for it and tell him how I feel. But I'm worried if he doesn't like me, our friendship will be awkward from now on. Like I said earlier, I think I'm just going to go for it and tell him I like him after class. I want other peoples opinions though, just in case I'm overlooking something. Tldr; should I ask this guy out even if I don't know if he likes me. We're friends.
So I really like this guy (F) in my economics class. We aren't great friends or anything, but we are friends, talk in class, etc. I've been deciding on whether to make a move or not for awhile. I'm really good friends with his half brother, who tried to find out if F was interested in me, but he's having trouble because he doesn't want to make it totally obvious. I haven't been in a relationship for like two years, and I've been dropping hints but I can't really tell if F is picking them up. He's a really nice guy in general. I've decided to just go for it and tell him how I feel. But I'm worried if he doesn't like me, our friendship will be awkward from now on. Like I said earlier, I think I'm just going to go for it and tell him I like him after class. I want other peoples opinions though, just in case I'm overlooking something.
should I ask this guy out even if I don't know if he likes me. We're friends.
I can tell you the neighborhood association (FSJNA) has a lot of members constantly lobbying for the city to "Tag and Bag" the kayaks. Meaning, post notice on the boats that the city will remove them on "x" date. It was done a couple years ago. With the number that are out there now. It will happen again. I can also state that it is true that kayaks that are not well maintained are removed by citizens interested in keeping down mosquitoes and allowing the grass mowers access. I have two friends that built [these]( And use them weekly. TL;DR you are taking a risk chance of it being taken.
I can tell you the neighborhood association (FSJNA) has a lot of members constantly lobbying for the city to "Tag and Bag" the kayaks. Meaning, post notice on the boats that the city will remove them on "x" date. It was done a couple years ago. With the number that are out there now. It will happen again. I can also state that it is true that kayaks that are not well maintained are removed by citizens interested in keeping down mosquitoes and allowing the grass mowers access. I have two friends that built [these]( And use them weekly. TL;DR you are taking a risk chance of it being taken.
I can tell you the neighborhood association (FSJNA) has a lot of members constantly lobbying for the city to "Tag and Bag" the kayaks. Meaning, post notice on the boats that the city will remove them on "x" date. It was done a couple years ago. With the number that are out there now. It will happen again. I can also state that it is true that kayaks that are not well maintained are removed by citizens interested in keeping down mosquitoes and allowing the grass mowers access. I have two friends that built [these]( And use them weekly.
you are taking a risk chance of it being taken.
On a cold, wintery night, in a land full of dragons, big beautiful breasted female elves, and centaurs and stuff, there was a man born that became renowned for his awesomeness. That man's name was none other, than CrAzY_MoFo_13. CrAzY_MoFo_13 was no mere man, but the combination of semen from Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, and 1980's Sylvester Stallone ( mixed by the Witch from The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (see screenshot for reference After it was mixed, the special "syrum" was cryogenically frozen for thousands of years. On one fateful day, a woman in the future opened this enigmatic syrum, encased in the Barbasol shaving cream container from Jurassic Park, which was the only medium that could contain the awesomeness of it. Sensing how important it was, the woman realized that her ovaries could not contain the overwhelming power at her current state, but could also not deny spreading it in her vajayjay. However, because her friend Krillin just died, she transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 and was able to bear this child. This woman is now known as Christina Hendricks ( -- yes, he got to breast feed on those). After five minutes, CrAzY_MoFo_13 was born and this is when the dinosaurs became extinct. Not because of the big bang event, but what happened after that. CrAzY_MoFo_13 didn't take kindly to Dinosaurs, so he was renowned in Triceratopsland to punch T-Rex's on their chins. However, the Triceratops ( of Triceratops land became afraid of CrAzY_MoFo_13's power, and in a final nuclear explosion, they destroyed all living life on the Earth. Too bad 2c2c doesn't have a heart, or else he may have cared about everything that died. CrAzY_MoFo_13 recalls the event in his book "How to influence people and Fuck Hot Women" by saying "it tickled." After fapping all over the universe and creating planets purely out of his jizz (yes, I'm referring to you Venus), CrAzY_MoFo_13 decided to recreate the world, but needed a flux capacitor first, as he was going to use a DeLorean to be his time machine vessel ( In the end, he said fuck it and ran around the earth a few billion times until the Earth became to it's modern technological level. Nobody knows if we're in the future or the past, only CrAzY_MoFo_13 knows, and he doesn't give a fuck enough to explain. Did I mention he also created Reddit, but gave credit to some douchebag, as he felt some other guy had to experience how awesome he was? That man died 20 seconds later. CrAzY_MoFo_13 still travels time like Scott Bakula ( -- quantam leap style -- but instead, uses this power to elbow dinosaurs in the face because he can. He now lives in isolation, playing DOTA 2 and getting kill streaks with Venomancer, as he needs to equalize his rapeness by losing on occasion. He once did an interview with Barbara Walters ( and was asked "what is left for you?" He was noted as saying "giving my DOTA 2 beta key to Genose." The End TLDR: you're a cool guy
On a cold, wintery night, in a land full of dragons, big beautiful breasted female elves, and centaurs and stuff, there was a man born that became renowned for his awesomeness. That man's name was none other, than CrAzY_MoFo_13. CrAzY_MoFo_13 was no mere man, but the combination of semen from Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, and 1980's Sylvester Stallone ( mixed by the Witch from The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (see screenshot for reference After it was mixed, the special "syrum" was cryogenically frozen for thousands of years. On one fateful day, a woman in the future opened this enigmatic syrum, encased in the Barbasol shaving cream container from Jurassic Park, which was the only medium that could contain the awesomeness of it. Sensing how important it was, the woman realized that her ovaries could not contain the overwhelming power at her current state, but could also not deny spreading it in her vajayjay. However, because her friend Krillin just died, she transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 and was able to bear this child. This woman is now known as Christina Hendricks ( -- yes, he got to breast feed on those). After five minutes, CrAzY_MoFo_13 was born and this is when the dinosaurs became extinct. Not because of the big bang event, but what happened after that. CrAzY_MoFo_13 didn't take kindly to Dinosaurs, so he was renowned in Triceratopsland to punch T-Rex's on their chins. However, the Triceratops ( of Triceratops land became afraid of CrAzY_MoFo_13's power, and in a final nuclear explosion, they destroyed all living life on the Earth. Too bad 2c2c doesn't have a heart, or else he may have cared about everything that died. CrAzY_MoFo_13 recalls the event in his book "How to influence people and Fuck Hot Women" by saying "it tickled." After fapping all over the universe and creating planets purely out of his jizz (yes, I'm referring to you Venus), CrAzY_MoFo_13 decided to recreate the world, but needed a flux capacitor first, as he was going to use a DeLorean to be his time machine vessel ( In the end, he said fuck it and ran around the earth a few billion times until the Earth became to it's modern technological level. Nobody knows if we're in the future or the past, only CrAzY_MoFo_13 knows, and he doesn't give a fuck enough to explain. Did I mention he also created Reddit, but gave credit to some douchebag, as he felt some other guy had to experience how awesome he was? That man died 20 seconds later. CrAzY_MoFo_13 still travels time like Scott Bakula ( -- quantam leap style -- but instead, uses this power to elbow dinosaurs in the face because he can. He now lives in isolation, playing DOTA 2 and getting kill streaks with Venomancer, as he needs to equalize his rapeness by losing on occasion. He once did an interview with Barbara Walters ( and was asked "what is left for you?" He was noted as saying "giving my DOTA 2 beta key to Genose." The End TLDR: you're a cool guy
On a cold, wintery night, in a land full of dragons, big beautiful breasted female elves, and centaurs and stuff, there was a man born that became renowned for his awesomeness. That man's name was none other, than CrAzY_MoFo_13. CrAzY_MoFo_13 was no mere man, but the combination of semen from Vin Diesel, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, and 1980's Sylvester Stallone ( mixed by the Witch from The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (see screenshot for reference After it was mixed, the special "syrum" was cryogenically frozen for thousands of years. On one fateful day, a woman in the future opened this enigmatic syrum, encased in the Barbasol shaving cream container from Jurassic Park, which was the only medium that could contain the awesomeness of it. Sensing how important it was, the woman realized that her ovaries could not contain the overwhelming power at her current state, but could also not deny spreading it in her vajayjay. However, because her friend Krillin just died, she transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 and was able to bear this child. This woman is now known as Christina Hendricks ( -- yes, he got to breast feed on those). After five minutes, CrAzY_MoFo_13 was born and this is when the dinosaurs became extinct. Not because of the big bang event, but what happened after that. CrAzY_MoFo_13 didn't take kindly to Dinosaurs, so he was renowned in Triceratopsland to punch T-Rex's on their chins. However, the Triceratops ( of Triceratops land became afraid of CrAzY_MoFo_13's power, and in a final nuclear explosion, they destroyed all living life on the Earth. Too bad 2c2c doesn't have a heart, or else he may have cared about everything that died. CrAzY_MoFo_13 recalls the event in his book "How to influence people and Fuck Hot Women" by saying "it tickled." After fapping all over the universe and creating planets purely out of his jizz (yes, I'm referring to you Venus), CrAzY_MoFo_13 decided to recreate the world, but needed a flux capacitor first, as he was going to use a DeLorean to be his time machine vessel ( In the end, he said fuck it and ran around the earth a few billion times until the Earth became to it's modern technological level. Nobody knows if we're in the future or the past, only CrAzY_MoFo_13 knows, and he doesn't give a fuck enough to explain. Did I mention he also created Reddit, but gave credit to some douchebag, as he felt some other guy had to experience how awesome he was? That man died 20 seconds later. CrAzY_MoFo_13 still travels time like Scott Bakula ( -- quantam leap style -- but instead, uses this power to elbow dinosaurs in the face because he can. He now lives in isolation, playing DOTA 2 and getting kill streaks with Venomancer, as he needs to equalize his rapeness by losing on occasion. He once did an interview with Barbara Walters ( and was asked "what is left for you?" He was noted as saying "giving my DOTA 2 beta key to Genose." The End
you're a cool guy
Yes. When I was 21 I applied to an ad posted online hiring "marketing professionals" with "little to no experience." I called and told them I was interested and I was asked to come in and check out the office. When I got there I remember thinking it was so fantastic. A fountain in the lobby of a nice building in a nice town. The manager was vague but really got my hopes up, telling me that the hours were great and promotions came easy. I told everyone I knew about my potential job. I agreed to come in for 8 hours unpaid and shadow someone to get a feel for the job. I show up and wait and was introduced to two young frat guys that were 18 or 19. Total douche bags. A reminder, at this point I have no idea what this company even does. I just knew it was marketing related. After what seems like an eternity we leave the office and are ready to go meet some clients. I was excited. The two frat guys started smoking in the car and were really into Taylor Swift. We talked a bit. They had matching fro-hawks and told me they were going to school to become lawyers. I asked them "So, are we going to a business or something?" They said no and informed me what the company was really all about. They sold coupon books door-to-door. I was mortified. They hadn't mentioned a word of that the first day or in the job posting, obviously, or I wouldn't have came back. So here I am with these two guys, wearing full interview attire (suit and dress shoes) walking door to door for 8 hours unpaid, in wealthy neighborhoods selling coupons. I didn't have the heart or courage to ask these guys to drive all the way back to the office (30 minutes) so I just went with it. In hindsight, I'm a giant pussy. So after a full day of door to door selling, getting doors slammed in our faces and hearing no a hundred times, we drive back to the office. On the way there we stop for gas and this kid is trying to sell coupon books to people at the gas station. Are you kidding me? When we arrive they go and tell the owner what a great prospect I am and how he should hire me immediately. Meanwhile I have a written "exam" in the lobby to test the knowledge these kids were supposed to instill in me throughout the day. I begin to write a strongly worded letter on the back of the test telling them to go fuck themselves. I knew what they did and so did they. I gave the test to a receptionist and told her to hand it to the owner. I left and they called my house later and left me a voice mail. The owner sounded really pissed. TL;DR - Door to door coupon selling disguised as amazing marketing company. What I learned - If you agree to work 8 hours unpaid, find out first what the company does.
Yes. When I was 21 I applied to an ad posted online hiring "marketing professionals" with "little to no experience." I called and told them I was interested and I was asked to come in and check out the office. When I got there I remember thinking it was so fantastic. A fountain in the lobby of a nice building in a nice town. The manager was vague but really got my hopes up, telling me that the hours were great and promotions came easy. I told everyone I knew about my potential job. I agreed to come in for 8 hours unpaid and shadow someone to get a feel for the job. I show up and wait and was introduced to two young frat guys that were 18 or 19. Total douche bags. A reminder, at this point I have no idea what this company even does. I just knew it was marketing related. After what seems like an eternity we leave the office and are ready to go meet some clients. I was excited. The two frat guys started smoking in the car and were really into Taylor Swift. We talked a bit. They had matching fro-hawks and told me they were going to school to become lawyers. I asked them "So, are we going to a business or something?" They said no and informed me what the company was really all about. They sold coupon books door-to-door. I was mortified. They hadn't mentioned a word of that the first day or in the job posting, obviously, or I wouldn't have came back. So here I am with these two guys, wearing full interview attire (suit and dress shoes) walking door to door for 8 hours unpaid, in wealthy neighborhoods selling coupons. I didn't have the heart or courage to ask these guys to drive all the way back to the office (30 minutes) so I just went with it. In hindsight, I'm a giant pussy. So after a full day of door to door selling, getting doors slammed in our faces and hearing no a hundred times, we drive back to the office. On the way there we stop for gas and this kid is trying to sell coupon books to people at the gas station. Are you kidding me? When we arrive they go and tell the owner what a great prospect I am and how he should hire me immediately. Meanwhile I have a written "exam" in the lobby to test the knowledge these kids were supposed to instill in me throughout the day. I begin to write a strongly worded letter on the back of the test telling them to go fuck themselves. I knew what they did and so did they. I gave the test to a receptionist and told her to hand it to the owner. I left and they called my house later and left me a voice mail. The owner sounded really pissed. TL;DR - Door to door coupon selling disguised as amazing marketing company. What I learned - If you agree to work 8 hours unpaid, find out first what the company does.
Yes. When I was 21 I applied to an ad posted online hiring "marketing professionals" with "little to no experience." I called and told them I was interested and I was asked to come in and check out the office. When I got there I remember thinking it was so fantastic. A fountain in the lobby of a nice building in a nice town. The manager was vague but really got my hopes up, telling me that the hours were great and promotions came easy. I told everyone I knew about my potential job. I agreed to come in for 8 hours unpaid and shadow someone to get a feel for the job. I show up and wait and was introduced to two young frat guys that were 18 or 19. Total douche bags. A reminder, at this point I have no idea what this company even does. I just knew it was marketing related. After what seems like an eternity we leave the office and are ready to go meet some clients. I was excited. The two frat guys started smoking in the car and were really into Taylor Swift. We talked a bit. They had matching fro-hawks and told me they were going to school to become lawyers. I asked them "So, are we going to a business or something?" They said no and informed me what the company was really all about. They sold coupon books door-to-door. I was mortified. They hadn't mentioned a word of that the first day or in the job posting, obviously, or I wouldn't have came back. So here I am with these two guys, wearing full interview attire (suit and dress shoes) walking door to door for 8 hours unpaid, in wealthy neighborhoods selling coupons. I didn't have the heart or courage to ask these guys to drive all the way back to the office (30 minutes) so I just went with it. In hindsight, I'm a giant pussy. So after a full day of door to door selling, getting doors slammed in our faces and hearing no a hundred times, we drive back to the office. On the way there we stop for gas and this kid is trying to sell coupon books to people at the gas station. Are you kidding me? When we arrive they go and tell the owner what a great prospect I am and how he should hire me immediately. Meanwhile I have a written "exam" in the lobby to test the knowledge these kids were supposed to instill in me throughout the day. I begin to write a strongly worded letter on the back of the test telling them to go fuck themselves. I knew what they did and so did they. I gave the test to a receptionist and told her to hand it to the owner. I left and they called my house later and left me a voice mail. The owner sounded really pissed.
Door to door coupon selling disguised as amazing marketing company. What I learned - If you agree to work 8 hours unpaid, find out first what the company does.
Perhaps I'm in the minority regarding this, but I really enjoyed doing boss-runs in Diablo 2, both alone and in groups. I think what D3 managed to take from D2 and even expand on it is weaving a fine line between excitation and orderliness. Those may seem a bit contradictory, but that's really how it seems. You feel even more like an epic god of destruction when moving through levels, yet the enemies also have more tricks. Combined, this makes the game even more exciting. At the same time, you have the same nice orderliness of waypoints, teleporting to players, and set number of floors until boss time. The loot goes the same way. The loot is random, which is exciting. Simultaneously, you know when it's coming and that's kind of relaxing almost. Especially now that I don't have to frantically click like a madman when the boss dies. The crafting system has the same nice duality. When random gear drops and you don't need it, it almost feels like there's a round 2 for more excitement. The properties of the loot are random, yet there's the orderliness of knowing what you're putting together and how close you are. The whole game just seems to tap into two opposing parts of your brain for pleasure. There's the typical gaming pleasure that comes from chaos, chance, excitement, action, killing. But then D3 also taps into the... almost OCD part of your mind, for a lack of a better term. The mild relaxed pleasure you get from doing some simple repetitive task, whether it's sorting mail or peeling a ton of potatoes or whatever else. TLDR: D3 is the perfect drug, expertly combining uppers and downers. Beware for your life!
Perhaps I'm in the minority regarding this, but I really enjoyed doing boss-runs in Diablo 2, both alone and in groups. I think what D3 managed to take from D2 and even expand on it is weaving a fine line between excitation and orderliness. Those may seem a bit contradictory, but that's really how it seems. You feel even more like an epic god of destruction when moving through levels, yet the enemies also have more tricks. Combined, this makes the game even more exciting. At the same time, you have the same nice orderliness of waypoints, teleporting to players, and set number of floors until boss time. The loot goes the same way. The loot is random, which is exciting. Simultaneously, you know when it's coming and that's kind of relaxing almost. Especially now that I don't have to frantically click like a madman when the boss dies. The crafting system has the same nice duality. When random gear drops and you don't need it, it almost feels like there's a round 2 for more excitement. The properties of the loot are random, yet there's the orderliness of knowing what you're putting together and how close you are. The whole game just seems to tap into two opposing parts of your brain for pleasure. There's the typical gaming pleasure that comes from chaos, chance, excitement, action, killing. But then D3 also taps into the... almost OCD part of your mind, for a lack of a better term. The mild relaxed pleasure you get from doing some simple repetitive task, whether it's sorting mail or peeling a ton of potatoes or whatever else. TLDR: D3 is the perfect drug, expertly combining uppers and downers. Beware for your life!
Perhaps I'm in the minority regarding this, but I really enjoyed doing boss-runs in Diablo 2, both alone and in groups. I think what D3 managed to take from D2 and even expand on it is weaving a fine line between excitation and orderliness. Those may seem a bit contradictory, but that's really how it seems. You feel even more like an epic god of destruction when moving through levels, yet the enemies also have more tricks. Combined, this makes the game even more exciting. At the same time, you have the same nice orderliness of waypoints, teleporting to players, and set number of floors until boss time. The loot goes the same way. The loot is random, which is exciting. Simultaneously, you know when it's coming and that's kind of relaxing almost. Especially now that I don't have to frantically click like a madman when the boss dies. The crafting system has the same nice duality. When random gear drops and you don't need it, it almost feels like there's a round 2 for more excitement. The properties of the loot are random, yet there's the orderliness of knowing what you're putting together and how close you are. The whole game just seems to tap into two opposing parts of your brain for pleasure. There's the typical gaming pleasure that comes from chaos, chance, excitement, action, killing. But then D3 also taps into the... almost OCD part of your mind, for a lack of a better term. The mild relaxed pleasure you get from doing some simple repetitive task, whether it's sorting mail or peeling a ton of potatoes or whatever else.
D3 is the perfect drug, expertly combining uppers and downers. Beware for your life!
as a heroin addict, I will tell you that coming off of heroin and STAYING off the shit is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. I'll get some clean time under my belt (1 month here and there) but I'll always go back to the drugs. I'm at the point where I don't want to do it anymore, but I keep doing it. as I am still an addict and do not know what will work for long periods of time, I will tell you what will NOT work for sure. If he is detoxing and has legs, he WILL find a way to go get high. If he's spending his time with people that are using, he WILL get high. I've found that keeping busy is the best thing to do for an addict. in AA/NA they say there are three alternative for the addict: Jails, institutions and death. I have experience with all three, and jail was just recently about a month ago. For the first time ever, I had to detox without the ability to go and get high and I can tell you it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Jail straightens alot of people out because of how bad the detox is. it's when they get out of jail and get some sobriety where they forget just how bad the detox was, and they go out and relapse. it's a viscous cycle man, it almost feels like you're fighting a losing battle. Stop spending money on rehab facilities, true change comes from within. if he wants to stop bad enough, he will. if you are going to send him to rehab or somewhere to detox, for the love of god do not let him leave there and go back to the same environment he was using in.. that's asking for a relapse. I could go on with this shit forever, so i'll just leave you with this: Unfortunately, there ain't shit you can do about this. hope that he gets caught stealing something or selling something and is forced to sit in jail for a little bit so he can think about his life and how awesome heroin has made it. It might sound terrible, but at least jail offers guaranteed sobriety.. not to mention it's one of the better three alternatives. TL;DR: Your brother is a dopehead and shit is going to have to get real bad for him to want to stop, and he won't ever stop if he wants to keep doing it. sadly, all you can do is watch.
as a heroin addict, I will tell you that coming off of heroin and STAYING off the shit is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. I'll get some clean time under my belt (1 month here and there) but I'll always go back to the drugs. I'm at the point where I don't want to do it anymore, but I keep doing it. as I am still an addict and do not know what will work for long periods of time, I will tell you what will NOT work for sure. If he is detoxing and has legs, he WILL find a way to go get high. If he's spending his time with people that are using, he WILL get high. I've found that keeping busy is the best thing to do for an addict. in AA/NA they say there are three alternative for the addict: Jails, institutions and death. I have experience with all three, and jail was just recently about a month ago. For the first time ever, I had to detox without the ability to go and get high and I can tell you it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Jail straightens alot of people out because of how bad the detox is. it's when they get out of jail and get some sobriety where they forget just how bad the detox was, and they go out and relapse. it's a viscous cycle man, it almost feels like you're fighting a losing battle. Stop spending money on rehab facilities, true change comes from within. if he wants to stop bad enough, he will. if you are going to send him to rehab or somewhere to detox, for the love of god do not let him leave there and go back to the same environment he was using in.. that's asking for a relapse. I could go on with this shit forever, so i'll just leave you with this: Unfortunately, there ain't shit you can do about this. hope that he gets caught stealing something or selling something and is forced to sit in jail for a little bit so he can think about his life and how awesome heroin has made it. It might sound terrible, but at least jail offers guaranteed sobriety.. not to mention it's one of the better three alternatives. TL;DR: Your brother is a dopehead and shit is going to have to get real bad for him to want to stop, and he won't ever stop if he wants to keep doing it. sadly, all you can do is watch.
as a heroin addict, I will tell you that coming off of heroin and STAYING off the shit is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. I'll get some clean time under my belt (1 month here and there) but I'll always go back to the drugs. I'm at the point where I don't want to do it anymore, but I keep doing it. as I am still an addict and do not know what will work for long periods of time, I will tell you what will NOT work for sure. If he is detoxing and has legs, he WILL find a way to go get high. If he's spending his time with people that are using, he WILL get high. I've found that keeping busy is the best thing to do for an addict. in AA/NA they say there are three alternative for the addict: Jails, institutions and death. I have experience with all three, and jail was just recently about a month ago. For the first time ever, I had to detox without the ability to go and get high and I can tell you it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. Jail straightens alot of people out because of how bad the detox is. it's when they get out of jail and get some sobriety where they forget just how bad the detox was, and they go out and relapse. it's a viscous cycle man, it almost feels like you're fighting a losing battle. Stop spending money on rehab facilities, true change comes from within. if he wants to stop bad enough, he will. if you are going to send him to rehab or somewhere to detox, for the love of god do not let him leave there and go back to the same environment he was using in.. that's asking for a relapse. I could go on with this shit forever, so i'll just leave you with this: Unfortunately, there ain't shit you can do about this. hope that he gets caught stealing something or selling something and is forced to sit in jail for a little bit so he can think about his life and how awesome heroin has made it. It might sound terrible, but at least jail offers guaranteed sobriety.. not to mention it's one of the better three alternatives.
Your brother is a dopehead and shit is going to have to get real bad for him to want to stop, and he won't ever stop if he wants to keep doing it. sadly, all you can do is watch.
I know it's wrong of me, and I feel really guilty and I'm incredibly embarrassed at myself. So, here's the story. I've been dating my boyfriend(22m) since early August of 2013. He's the most amazing guy I know, and I fully trusted him, for a while. We've had kind of a rocky relationship, and we've been a little on and off, never off for too long though. He's a bit of a relationshipophobe(excuse my lack of a better word) and the whole concept of love is a little foreign to him, and it's been kind of hard on our relationship. So, back in July of 2014, he asked for an open relationship. We fought about it for a while, and I was pretty hurt by the suggestion. I eventually talked it out with a friend and mentioned to him that I'd be willing to try it if he was willing to be patient with me. This was over text and he responded with something kind of vague and an "I love you" so I was a little confused but just set out like we were in an open relationship. I didn't have contact with other guys during this time, and my dumb insecure brain was like, "yep. he's with someone else right now" and it drove me crazy. So, one day I asked if we could talk, took a deep breath and told him that I hated this open relationship idea and he was like "well...I thought we weren't doing that" so basically I felt like an idiot, I was happy again and we moved on. So then in late August we broke up over a stupid fight, but then we both realized that we needed to kind of get our lives on the right track and maybe it would be best to not have any relationship stress to deal with or shape how we lived our lives. He assured me that I was the only one he wants, and that this wasn't a break up to see what else is out there, but just a break to get it together. Fine, I lived with that. We still saw each other a lot, we were still sleeping together, he was still my best friend. Sometime around November, we decided to get back together because neither of us liked not "officially" being together. Things have been pretty great, but something has felt so wrong to me for kind of a while. I had the opportunity to go through his phone on a few separate occasions. Like an idiot, I did it once. It started off innocently enough until I got towards the older texts. I found texts from this girl, we'll call her Jenna. So, Jenna had wished him a happy birthday, and I scrolled up a little and it all seemed okay but something felt off. So, I went all the way to the top, and it turns out they'd been talking since, you guessed it, July. It started off okay, but she'd asked if I was still around(I had an idea of moving for a little that was more a thought than anything, and it was exciting had I been single, but the idea made us both super sad...or so I thought) and there was talk of her coming over(which I vaguely remember him mentioning after the fact and it sat with me wrong but I let it go because I didn't want to make a psycho-bf scene) and she would say stuff like "I'm just trying to figure you out" and stuff, in the way high school girls used to use that line to ask a guy if he liked her. He seemed pretty faithful at first but then he got flintier as time went on and they talked about coming over and having the house to themselves and stuff. So, finally he asks her when the last time she'd been properly "fucked" was. and she said it had been a while and he asked if she wanted to(in his defense, this was right after he and I broke up...but also right after he assured me that he didn't want anyone else) and she said yes but she was hesitant about him "having" her for the first time and then disappearing or something. so stuff goes on like that for a while, then there's a text from her asking which condoms to get, and he said it didn't matter just get the biggest box there was. (I had seen this box in his room because it was a different brand than the one we used, and I tried to not make a big deal out of it, but I wanted to puke) and then from there on I basically forget the rest because I was so upset. She wished him a happy birthday in November, but I was too upset to really read the rest. So, I have a few questions for you guys. Do I even have a right to be upset about this, I mean I went through his phone, that's almost as bad. How can I move past this, since I read these texts, I've felt sick to my stomach. Should I talk to him about it? How do I even bring up that conversation without making it a fight? I think I would have been able to get over it, had it just been during the "break up" but he'd been talking to her since July...and that bothers me. I don't know what to do here. This is so not the kind of person I am and I hate myself for doing this...but what he was doing wasn't right either. Would he have been honest with me otherwise? After we got back together, we talked about it and we both said that we could have had sex, but we didn't because we wanted each other too much. But now that huge box of condoms is haunting me. I know what I did was wrong and stupid and childish and I, in some ways, deserve what I found. But I'm so scared now. **tl;dr:** I went through my boyfriends phone and found texts from a girl implying sex, and they've been talking since July. **Edit:** paragraphs **Edit #2:** I am not looking for justification, or to be told nice things. I'm just looking for advice on how to approach the subject matter. I'm also wondering if I even have any right to be upset. **Edit #3:** Please, PLEASE keep in mind this is only part of the story. He's not a bad guy, and I'm not a saint myself. Just please try to understand there's more to our relationship than me making stupid decisions, and him being unsure of how to be faithful in a relationship. Maybe we need to clarify what we both constitute as "cheating" and come to a compromise. I am NOT interested in ending the relationship. Please respect that.
I know it's wrong of me, and I feel really guilty and I'm incredibly embarrassed at myself. So, here's the story. I've been dating my boyfriend(22m) since early August of 2013. He's the most amazing guy I know, and I fully trusted him, for a while. We've had kind of a rocky relationship, and we've been a little on and off, never off for too long though. He's a bit of a relationshipophobe(excuse my lack of a better word) and the whole concept of love is a little foreign to him, and it's been kind of hard on our relationship. So, back in July of 2014, he asked for an open relationship. We fought about it for a while, and I was pretty hurt by the suggestion. I eventually talked it out with a friend and mentioned to him that I'd be willing to try it if he was willing to be patient with me. This was over text and he responded with something kind of vague and an "I love you" so I was a little confused but just set out like we were in an open relationship. I didn't have contact with other guys during this time, and my dumb insecure brain was like, "yep. he's with someone else right now" and it drove me crazy. So, one day I asked if we could talk, took a deep breath and told him that I hated this open relationship idea and he was like "well...I thought we weren't doing that" so basically I felt like an idiot, I was happy again and we moved on. So then in late August we broke up over a stupid fight, but then we both realized that we needed to kind of get our lives on the right track and maybe it would be best to not have any relationship stress to deal with or shape how we lived our lives. He assured me that I was the only one he wants, and that this wasn't a break up to see what else is out there, but just a break to get it together. Fine, I lived with that. We still saw each other a lot, we were still sleeping together, he was still my best friend. Sometime around November, we decided to get back together because neither of us liked not "officially" being together. Things have been pretty great, but something has felt so wrong to me for kind of a while. I had the opportunity to go through his phone on a few separate occasions. Like an idiot, I did it once. It started off innocently enough until I got towards the older texts. I found texts from this girl, we'll call her Jenna. So, Jenna had wished him a happy birthday, and I scrolled up a little and it all seemed okay but something felt off. So, I went all the way to the top, and it turns out they'd been talking since, you guessed it, July. It started off okay, but she'd asked if I was still around(I had an idea of moving for a little that was more a thought than anything, and it was exciting had I been single, but the idea made us both super sad...or so I thought) and there was talk of her coming over(which I vaguely remember him mentioning after the fact and it sat with me wrong but I let it go because I didn't want to make a psycho-bf scene) and she would say stuff like "I'm just trying to figure you out" and stuff, in the way high school girls used to use that line to ask a guy if he liked her. He seemed pretty faithful at first but then he got flintier as time went on and they talked about coming over and having the house to themselves and stuff. So, finally he asks her when the last time she'd been properly "fucked" was. and she said it had been a while and he asked if she wanted to(in his defense, this was right after he and I broke up...but also right after he assured me that he didn't want anyone else) and she said yes but she was hesitant about him "having" her for the first time and then disappearing or something. so stuff goes on like that for a while, then there's a text from her asking which condoms to get, and he said it didn't matter just get the biggest box there was. (I had seen this box in his room because it was a different brand than the one we used, and I tried to not make a big deal out of it, but I wanted to puke) and then from there on I basically forget the rest because I was so upset. She wished him a happy birthday in November, but I was too upset to really read the rest. So, I have a few questions for you guys. Do I even have a right to be upset about this, I mean I went through his phone, that's almost as bad. How can I move past this, since I read these texts, I've felt sick to my stomach. Should I talk to him about it? How do I even bring up that conversation without making it a fight? I think I would have been able to get over it, had it just been during the "break up" but he'd been talking to her since July...and that bothers me. I don't know what to do here. This is so not the kind of person I am and I hate myself for doing this...but what he was doing wasn't right either. Would he have been honest with me otherwise? After we got back together, we talked about it and we both said that we could have had sex, but we didn't because we wanted each other too much. But now that huge box of condoms is haunting me. I know what I did was wrong and stupid and childish and I, in some ways, deserve what I found. But I'm so scared now. tl;dr: I went through my boyfriends phone and found texts from a girl implying sex, and they've been talking since July. Edit: paragraphs Edit #2: I am not looking for justification, or to be told nice things. I'm just looking for advice on how to approach the subject matter. I'm also wondering if I even have any right to be upset. Edit #3: Please, PLEASE keep in mind this is only part of the story. He's not a bad guy, and I'm not a saint myself. Just please try to understand there's more to our relationship than me making stupid decisions, and him being unsure of how to be faithful in a relationship. Maybe we need to clarify what we both constitute as "cheating" and come to a compromise. I am NOT interested in ending the relationship. Please respect that.
I know it's wrong of me, and I feel really guilty and I'm incredibly embarrassed at myself. So, here's the story. I've been dating my boyfriend(22m) since early August of 2013. He's the most amazing guy I know, and I fully trusted him, for a while. We've had kind of a rocky relationship, and we've been a little on and off, never off for too long though. He's a bit of a relationshipophobe(excuse my lack of a better word) and the whole concept of love is a little foreign to him, and it's been kind of hard on our relationship. So, back in July of 2014, he asked for an open relationship. We fought about it for a while, and I was pretty hurt by the suggestion. I eventually talked it out with a friend and mentioned to him that I'd be willing to try it if he was willing to be patient with me. This was over text and he responded with something kind of vague and an "I love you" so I was a little confused but just set out like we were in an open relationship. I didn't have contact with other guys during this time, and my dumb insecure brain was like, "yep. he's with someone else right now" and it drove me crazy. So, one day I asked if we could talk, took a deep breath and told him that I hated this open relationship idea and he was like "well...I thought we weren't doing that" so basically I felt like an idiot, I was happy again and we moved on. So then in late August we broke up over a stupid fight, but then we both realized that we needed to kind of get our lives on the right track and maybe it would be best to not have any relationship stress to deal with or shape how we lived our lives. He assured me that I was the only one he wants, and that this wasn't a break up to see what else is out there, but just a break to get it together. Fine, I lived with that. We still saw each other a lot, we were still sleeping together, he was still my best friend. Sometime around November, we decided to get back together because neither of us liked not "officially" being together. Things have been pretty great, but something has felt so wrong to me for kind of a while. I had the opportunity to go through his phone on a few separate occasions. Like an idiot, I did it once. It started off innocently enough until I got towards the older texts. I found texts from this girl, we'll call her Jenna. So, Jenna had wished him a happy birthday, and I scrolled up a little and it all seemed okay but something felt off. So, I went all the way to the top, and it turns out they'd been talking since, you guessed it, July. It started off okay, but she'd asked if I was still around(I had an idea of moving for a little that was more a thought than anything, and it was exciting had I been single, but the idea made us both super sad...or so I thought) and there was talk of her coming over(which I vaguely remember him mentioning after the fact and it sat with me wrong but I let it go because I didn't want to make a psycho-bf scene) and she would say stuff like "I'm just trying to figure you out" and stuff, in the way high school girls used to use that line to ask a guy if he liked her. He seemed pretty faithful at first but then he got flintier as time went on and they talked about coming over and having the house to themselves and stuff. So, finally he asks her when the last time she'd been properly "fucked" was. and she said it had been a while and he asked if she wanted to(in his defense, this was right after he and I broke up...but also right after he assured me that he didn't want anyone else) and she said yes but she was hesitant about him "having" her for the first time and then disappearing or something. so stuff goes on like that for a while, then there's a text from her asking which condoms to get, and he said it didn't matter just get the biggest box there was. (I had seen this box in his room because it was a different brand than the one we used, and I tried to not make a big deal out of it, but I wanted to puke) and then from there on I basically forget the rest because I was so upset. She wished him a happy birthday in November, but I was too upset to really read the rest. So, I have a few questions for you guys. Do I even have a right to be upset about this, I mean I went through his phone, that's almost as bad. How can I move past this, since I read these texts, I've felt sick to my stomach. Should I talk to him about it? How do I even bring up that conversation without making it a fight? I think I would have been able to get over it, had it just been during the "break up" but he'd been talking to her since July...and that bothers me. I don't know what to do here. This is so not the kind of person I am and I hate myself for doing this...but what he was doing wasn't right either. Would he have been honest with me otherwise? After we got back together, we talked about it and we both said that we could have had sex, but we didn't because we wanted each other too much. But now that huge box of condoms is haunting me. I know what I did was wrong and stupid and childish and I, in some ways, deserve what I found. But I'm so scared now.
I went through my boyfriends phone and found texts from a girl implying sex, and they've been talking since July. Edit: paragraphs Edit #2: I am not looking for justification, or to be told nice things. I'm just looking for advice on how to approach the subject matter. I'm also wondering if I even have any right to be upset. Edit #3: Please, PLEASE keep in mind this is only part of the story. He's not a bad guy, and I'm not a saint myself. Just please try to understand there's more to our relationship than me making stupid decisions, and him being unsure of how to be faithful in a relationship. Maybe we need to clarify what we both constitute as "cheating" and come to a compromise. I am NOT interested in ending the relationship. Please respect that.
So I have read the story several times during my life and have always had a different view of the end than the general consensus. In the story she opens the box and all of the evils inside are let out into the world, and the only thing left in the box was hope. Doesn't that mean that there is no hope in the world? That hope is still inside the box that was holding all the evils of the world inside? I was just wondering if anyone else sees it like this, or to see if there is something I'm missing or misunderstanding. TL;DR Hope is still in that damn box.
So I have read the story several times during my life and have always had a different view of the end than the general consensus. In the story she opens the box and all of the evils inside are let out into the world, and the only thing left in the box was hope. Doesn't that mean that there is no hope in the world? That hope is still inside the box that was holding all the evils of the world inside? I was just wondering if anyone else sees it like this, or to see if there is something I'm missing or misunderstanding. TL;DR Hope is still in that damn box.
So I have read the story several times during my life and have always had a different view of the end than the general consensus. In the story she opens the box and all of the evils inside are let out into the world, and the only thing left in the box was hope. Doesn't that mean that there is no hope in the world? That hope is still inside the box that was holding all the evils of the world inside? I was just wondering if anyone else sees it like this, or to see if there is something I'm missing or misunderstanding.
Hope is still in that damn box.
(First of all, let me just say, there are no mods installed, and I am running the latest snapshot. Also, this is a selfpost, so I get no Karma. Please be kind.) Has this happened to anyone else? I have a village I have been living in for quite some time now. I have built more houses for them, I have built my base underneath the town, and I have spent countless nights protecting them from zombie attacks. But today I head on in, and they are all missing? It was the middle of day when I first noticed it, that they were all gone! I searched everywhere looking for them. I have even searched some nearby caves to see if the amateurs decided to go spelunking, and nothing! They all just vanished! POOF! I am not looking for a solution. I know I can always just install TooManyItems or something and use villager eggs to repopulate. I just want to know why this happened. Any insight or similar stories? **TL:DR:** All the villagers in a town I have been playing have all vanished! Why? And has this happened to anyone else?
(First of all, let me just say, there are no mods installed, and I am running the latest snapshot. Also, this is a selfpost, so I get no Karma. Please be kind.) Has this happened to anyone else? I have a village I have been living in for quite some time now. I have built more houses for them, I have built my base underneath the town, and I have spent countless nights protecting them from zombie attacks. But today I head on in, and they are all missing? It was the middle of day when I first noticed it, that they were all gone! I searched everywhere looking for them. I have even searched some nearby caves to see if the amateurs decided to go spelunking, and nothing! They all just vanished! POOF! I am not looking for a solution. I know I can always just install TooManyItems or something and use villager eggs to repopulate. I just want to know why this happened. Any insight or similar stories? TL:DR: All the villagers in a town I have been playing have all vanished! Why? And has this happened to anyone else?
First of all, let me just say, there are no mods installed, and I am running the latest snapshot. Also, this is a selfpost, so I get no Karma. Please be kind.) Has this happened to anyone else? I have a village I have been living in for quite some time now. I have built more houses for them, I have built my base underneath the town, and I have spent countless nights protecting them from zombie attacks. But today I head on in, and they are all missing? It was the middle of day when I first noticed it, that they were all gone! I searched everywhere looking for them. I have even searched some nearby caves to see if the amateurs decided to go spelunking, and nothing! They all just vanished! POOF! I am not looking for a solution. I know I can always just install TooManyItems or something and use villager eggs to repopulate. I just want to know why this happened. Any insight or similar stories?
All the villagers in a town I have been playing have all vanished! Why? And has this happened to anyone else?
Trolling when you don't get your pick is stupid. Being a douche about having an earlier pick and making a big show about taking what someone else called or asked for is asking for trolls and butthurts. The army that marches with butthurts loses every time. tl;dr fill what hasn't been called, it's easier ps You can also "call" support, everyone will love you.
Trolling when you don't get your pick is stupid. Being a douche about having an earlier pick and making a big show about taking what someone else called or asked for is asking for trolls and butthurts. The army that marches with butthurts loses every time. tl;dr fill what hasn't been called, it's easier ps You can also "call" support, everyone will love you.
Trolling when you don't get your pick is stupid. Being a douche about having an earlier pick and making a big show about taking what someone else called or asked for is asking for trolls and butthurts. The army that marches with butthurts loses every time.
fill what hasn't been called, it's easier ps You can also "call" support, everyone will love you.
I've completed quite a few GRs on PTR now and am a little confused as to why anyone would even try to get past wave one in the trial. As it is; it seems far more efficient to just start from level one and receive the loot at the end (progressing through a handful of GRs) rather than just skip the the last GR the trial thinks you can complete and *struggle* to finish within the time limit. TL/DR: Moar lewt from completing multiple lower leveled GRs than skipping to the last GR.
I've completed quite a few GRs on PTR now and am a little confused as to why anyone would even try to get past wave one in the trial. As it is; it seems far more efficient to just start from level one and receive the loot at the end (progressing through a handful of GRs) rather than just skip the the last GR the trial thinks you can complete and struggle to finish within the time limit. TL/DR: Moar lewt from completing multiple lower leveled GRs than skipping to the last GR.
I've completed quite a few GRs on PTR now and am a little confused as to why anyone would even try to get past wave one in the trial. As it is; it seems far more efficient to just start from level one and receive the loot at the end (progressing through a handful of GRs) rather than just skip the the last GR the trial thinks you can complete and struggle to finish within the time limit.
Moar lewt from completing multiple lower leveled GRs than skipping to the last GR.
I have been friends with this girl for around 7 years. We have the same sense of humor and we like similar things. Sometimes she can really tick me off, or make me feel bad. Recently we had a huge argument about things I won't get into detail about but she got mad enough to the point of saying she didn't want to be my roommate anymore. I was upset at first but I began to see the positives of not having her as a roommate. When it came time to sign up for housing she asked If I put her name down on the form so that we could room together, I told her no. She got upset and asked why I didn't, and I told her it was because she told me she didn't want. After having a long conversation she apologized for saying that and she keeps pestering me to be her roommate because she doesn't want to get assigned a random person and she says I'm her friend. I don't really know what to do. I don't know if I should room with her to make her happy and have the upside of living with someone I know, or room with a stranger and maybe get the chance to make a new friend. tl;dr I don't know if I should room with my high school best friend or not. I don't know if we'll end up hating each other or what
I have been friends with this girl for around 7 years. We have the same sense of humor and we like similar things. Sometimes she can really tick me off, or make me feel bad. Recently we had a huge argument about things I won't get into detail about but she got mad enough to the point of saying she didn't want to be my roommate anymore. I was upset at first but I began to see the positives of not having her as a roommate. When it came time to sign up for housing she asked If I put her name down on the form so that we could room together, I told her no. She got upset and asked why I didn't, and I told her it was because she told me she didn't want. After having a long conversation she apologized for saying that and she keeps pestering me to be her roommate because she doesn't want to get assigned a random person and she says I'm her friend. I don't really know what to do. I don't know if I should room with her to make her happy and have the upside of living with someone I know, or room with a stranger and maybe get the chance to make a new friend. tl;dr I don't know if I should room with my high school best friend or not. I don't know if we'll end up hating each other or what
I have been friends with this girl for around 7 years. We have the same sense of humor and we like similar things. Sometimes she can really tick me off, or make me feel bad. Recently we had a huge argument about things I won't get into detail about but she got mad enough to the point of saying she didn't want to be my roommate anymore. I was upset at first but I began to see the positives of not having her as a roommate. When it came time to sign up for housing she asked If I put her name down on the form so that we could room together, I told her no. She got upset and asked why I didn't, and I told her it was because she told me she didn't want. After having a long conversation she apologized for saying that and she keeps pestering me to be her roommate because she doesn't want to get assigned a random person and she says I'm her friend. I don't really know what to do. I don't know if I should room with her to make her happy and have the upside of living with someone I know, or room with a stranger and maybe get the chance to make a new friend.
I don't know if I should room with my high school best friend or not. I don't know if we'll end up hating each other or what
Back in high school I was a bit of a band nerd. Our city band is a really big and nationally famous high school band. We are all the way down in Alabama and have been to Macy's upwards of 20 times and Disneyworld and Disneyland parades a dozen or so times. Band is a big deal here... Well my senior year we got invited back to New York City for Macy's again. Instead of riding us, our band director decided to basicaly give us free time to "celebrate" during our regular band class the week before we left. Wanted us fresh and not burnt out. Well kids were goofing off as we do... This one guy in the band named Joe Pritchard was standing talking to one of his friends when another mutual friend snuck up behind him and got on all fours. The friend talking to Joe then wound up and shoved him, making him trip over the guy on all fours. Classic trip prank. Well our band room had these very hard wood floors. Joe was pushed a bit too hard and landed back first... hard. After about 10-15 minutes of crying, we decided maybe he really was hurt and went for help. We ruptured his spleen and he had to be taken into emergency surgery 2 days before a paid trip to New York. He missed the trip and pretty much hated us for the rest of high school. TL;DR - Tried a trip prank, he lost an organ.
Back in high school I was a bit of a band nerd. Our city band is a really big and nationally famous high school band. We are all the way down in Alabama and have been to Macy's upwards of 20 times and Disneyworld and Disneyland parades a dozen or so times. Band is a big deal here... Well my senior year we got invited back to New York City for Macy's again. Instead of riding us, our band director decided to basicaly give us free time to "celebrate" during our regular band class the week before we left. Wanted us fresh and not burnt out. Well kids were goofing off as we do... This one guy in the band named Joe Pritchard was standing talking to one of his friends when another mutual friend snuck up behind him and got on all fours. The friend talking to Joe then wound up and shoved him, making him trip over the guy on all fours. Classic trip prank. Well our band room had these very hard wood floors. Joe was pushed a bit too hard and landed back first... hard. After about 10-15 minutes of crying, we decided maybe he really was hurt and went for help. We ruptured his spleen and he had to be taken into emergency surgery 2 days before a paid trip to New York. He missed the trip and pretty much hated us for the rest of high school. TL;DR - Tried a trip prank, he lost an organ.
Back in high school I was a bit of a band nerd. Our city band is a really big and nationally famous high school band. We are all the way down in Alabama and have been to Macy's upwards of 20 times and Disneyworld and Disneyland parades a dozen or so times. Band is a big deal here... Well my senior year we got invited back to New York City for Macy's again. Instead of riding us, our band director decided to basicaly give us free time to "celebrate" during our regular band class the week before we left. Wanted us fresh and not burnt out. Well kids were goofing off as we do... This one guy in the band named Joe Pritchard was standing talking to one of his friends when another mutual friend snuck up behind him and got on all fours. The friend talking to Joe then wound up and shoved him, making him trip over the guy on all fours. Classic trip prank. Well our band room had these very hard wood floors. Joe was pushed a bit too hard and landed back first... hard. After about 10-15 minutes of crying, we decided maybe he really was hurt and went for help. We ruptured his spleen and he had to be taken into emergency surgery 2 days before a paid trip to New York. He missed the trip and pretty much hated us for the rest of high school.
Tried a trip prank, he lost an organ.
Heh, I have no idea how you might have seen that number. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that you heard it on the news, someone said it nearby, or you read it at while surfing, etc. It's like that old shenanigan of saying random numbers while someone is counting out loud to throw off their count. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I think we've all been there before. tl;dr: On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.
Heh, I have no idea how you might have seen that number. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that you heard it on the news, someone said it nearby, or you read it at while surfing, etc. It's like that old shenanigan of saying random numbers while someone is counting out loud to throw off their count. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I think we've all been there before. tl;dr: On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.
Heh, I have no idea how you might have seen that number. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that you heard it on the news, someone said it nearby, or you read it at while surfing, etc. It's like that old shenanigan of saying random numbers while someone is counting out loud to throw off their count. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, since I think we've all been there before.
On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.
I was with you up until the crazy complicated scenario you created to prove a very simple point. tl;dr: If the government goes bad, the people can fight them easier if they have access to guns.
I was with you up until the crazy complicated scenario you created to prove a very simple point. tl;dr: If the government goes bad, the people can fight them easier if they have access to guns.
I was with you up until the crazy complicated scenario you created to prove a very simple point.
If the government goes bad, the people can fight them easier if they have access to guns.
I stopped playing ranks because of the amount of trolls and bad players in my bracket, which I might add is extremely low lately because I had a string of trolls five ranked matches Ina row...each match had a 10 minute que interval...personally I find it sad that people enjoy doing this... Then when I watch streams of higher elo players and see them trolling it kind of pisses me off because they encourage the trolling. TL;DR Fuck all trolls even the assholes who have thousands of stream viewers.
I stopped playing ranks because of the amount of trolls and bad players in my bracket, which I might add is extremely low lately because I had a string of trolls five ranked matches Ina row...each match had a 10 minute que interval...personally I find it sad that people enjoy doing this... Then when I watch streams of higher elo players and see them trolling it kind of pisses me off because they encourage the trolling. TL;DR Fuck all trolls even the assholes who have thousands of stream viewers.
I stopped playing ranks because of the amount of trolls and bad players in my bracket, which I might add is extremely low lately because I had a string of trolls five ranked matches Ina row...each match had a 10 minute que interval...personally I find it sad that people enjoy doing this... Then when I watch streams of higher elo players and see them trolling it kind of pisses me off because they encourage the trolling.
Fuck all trolls even the assholes who have thousands of stream viewers.
**Backstory:** 4 years ago we [Mary and I]used to work together, but never really talked or hung out. After I left, and a couple of months later, she 'popped' up on my feed and wanted to hang out. We went out, mostly as friends in my head, and didn't i didn't pursue it as such. She's reeeeally good looking. Very attractive. To the point where other girls hate her/don't get along/doesn't have many girl friends. She was in an industry that validated physical appearance. She's a 9, I'm a 5, but knowing the crazy/hot matrix, and where we worked was the 'good looking place' I knew well enough that looks aren't everything. Being outside 'the bubble' I could see that everyone wanted to give/get attention to/from her, which was the reason why she had to hit me over the head caveman style to tell me 'Hey dummy, I like YOU!". I'm happy enough to be friends with someone hot, but I wasn't going to 'compete' with everyone else for her attention. I already know that I'm worth more than that. Somewhere along the way, she developed an attraction for me, and she was a really nice person one on one when separated from all the BS, and I enjoyed time with her and we decided to make it more official as BF/GF. A little after we decided to make it a bit more official, she flew back home, and while home, she told me that she was at a party with her ex-FWB [Jim] and everyone was drunk, so she 'had to' sleep over in his bed. Jim was a bit handsy and he had a premature accident that didn't lead to much. She was disgusted and she told me and wanted to continue with me in a real relationship. She said that she knew that it was a bad choice, but once he 'came' she realized that I was more important and wanted to come clean, and that the whole situation was ok since her and I weren't 'official, official' yet. Yes I know I was stupid and trusting. Obviously something more happened. The beginning of the relationship was great. A really good caring relationship for 6 months, then it slowly devolved. It's not 100% her fault. I'm a pretty simple quiet person. I don't need a lot of outward validation from other people. She did. So what I thought was a fantastic relationship, she was very happy too, but she felt that she needed 'all the trimmings' which includes daily things such as 'I love/miss you texts' which I, as an introvert, don't understand. I'm a firm believer of absence/heart/fonder, and daily texts/facebook posts to me seem like a pathetic salve to deal with separation anxiety. (part of the reason why I'm fine that we're not together anymore.) We were both born to families that weren't very nurturing, and I realize that can create issues. For me it used to be attention seeking/validation, but now I'm perfectly fine being alone or with good company. For her she needed some sort of outward validation. And somewhere around the 6 month mark she gave me an ultimatium that I had to be the first one to say 'those three words' first, because she was tired of being the one to say it first in previous relationships. Then everything slowly devolved while I did nothing to address very important issues. In retrospect, at or around the 6 month time, these were issues that I've given thought to that created conflicts in our relationship that I wasn't 'man enough' to address. * Her ex-fiancee [Bob]. She had broken up with him and went no contact waaay before we got together. Around the 6 month mark she told me that he had reconnected with her, but she was keeping proper boundaries with him. Caught her with a 'I love you' text from him and now realize that she gaslighted me with "That's what good friends say to each other" * Her ex-high school crush[Cal] . He broke up with his long time girlfriend. Cal emailed Mary as a 'high what's up' email and she told me. She gaslighted me and told me that he was a dummy. But as idiot people do when they break up, he played the 'I wonder what would have happened if you and I gave it a shot now/back then.' email game with Mary. Mary flew back to see if 'there was anything there'. There wasn't. She flew back, felt guilty and told me how stupid she was for fantasizing about something so stupid. * Her re-devotion to organized religion and adoration of her pastor. Church provided that 'family' that I couldn't and validation that she craved for provided by her pastor, of whom, had never met me but gave our relationship no hope (correct), because I didn't go to church (incorrect), and also provided her future husband. (More on that later). So after the first six months, the relationship just devolved. The end came when I picked her up at the airport when she came back from a visit to her family. It was a dead drive for some food, and a drop off at her place. We sat, and talked. It was the break up talk. I don't remember much, but I do remember when she said her ex-fiancee re-proposed to her and she said that she "couldn't" because she was in love with someone else, of which I though "Who?". So we broke up, and she asked me to sleep over, of which I said, 'This is it. It's over. Goodbye." And I meant it. I didn't want to speak to her again for a long, long time, if ever at all. So for the next three months, she emailed and called a couple of times, but I never responded, or looked her up on facebook. All the smart things, but at the end of three months I got a whole bunch of emails/messages, and I got curious, and I went to her facebook page (don't have one myself) and it said that she was engaged. I was upset, but couldn't understand why. We had a couple of loose ends to tie up so we had to meet, and since she was getting married, it had to be done right away. Can you guess what happened? Yep, she was marrying some guy in her church that was "Whiteknighting" her the whole time. He would ask her out to salsa dances even while we were together. I thought it was weird and she agreed, but when she announced she was getting married, I knew it was him, and she knew I would have been smart enough to figure it out anyways. He put the moves on her weeks after we broke up, and somewhere within the past three months he proposed and she accepted and were going to get MARRIED three months after when we met again. She said that it's been a whirlwind, and she's really confused and tired, and I'm the only person she feels comfortable talking to because she feels really lonely. She wants me to be at the wedding. I refuse to go because when it comes to the forever/hold/peace part, I told her that the pastor would have to agree with me that it's waaay to soon, and just even inviting me shows poor intuition. She said that she though of that. After all this time, I'm still amazed that her pastor would agree to marry the two so quickly right after he 'broke us up', but again, this is what men will do for attention to/from her. In anycase, at that meeting, I told her under no uncertain terms, that I never wanted to speak to her ever again, that I gave her my blessing for her marriage, that she's allowed to move forward and pursue her happiness, and that I refused to stand in that way, [Like 99% of all the men in her life who are dirtbag ex's, whiteknights, and father figures] She a freakout about the fact that we'd never see each other again and that our relationship in all forms was over, but I demanded that it was all for the best for both of us to go no contact and it's better to start right then and there. And I did. After we left, I never contacted or cyberstalked her ever. Although I did think about what happened very, very often, and I realized that I had a hand in the devolution of the relationship, and that I needed to do a lot of growing up before I went into another relationship. I needed to stop being that 'people pleaser' and that 'nice guy' that I thought that everyone was supposed to be. It was exhausting for me, and also probably for her. It took a long time for me (with my poor family background) that I should stop 'being nice' and focus more on being my authentic self, and to be kind and honest, and more decisive, and to set boundaries that I'm willing to enforce and not compromise. I'm better, but it's a lifelong process. It wasn't a bad relationship. I needed it. I'm learning from it and still discover new insights. **Two Months Ago** I wake up to a knock on my door. It's her, and I haven't seen or spoke or cyberstalked anything of her (for my own sanity) for three years. I'm dumbfounded and all I can do is listen as she apologetically retells me the last three years of her life. She says I was right about everything (although I don't remember ever bringing it up). She got married soon after last we met, and soon after she got married the church boy turned out be exactly that. A church boy that whiteknighted her, and with the blessing of the pastor, preyed on her religious beliefs to make her believe that the marriage was supposed to be ordained by God himself, that she thought of me every day, and she wanted to talk to me too, but she knew that I would have refused to talk to her while she was married. (Correct) She said that the divorce was finalized and as soon as that was done, she wanted to reconnect with me. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't say much, except for that I wasn't angry or hated her for what happened, that I was mostly angry for not doing the right things to respect myself and her. I closed the door and she left. After talking to a bunch of people, they told me that divorce is a pretty humiliating event, and that if I was still confused, that I could at the very least still listen, and that I had put a considerable amount of work in self realization that could probably help the both of us. So I sent an email that simply said "I'm still confused, but if you need me to, I will just listen." Sent it. And. Nothing. Nothing the day after, the week after. After a month, a sense of relief came. She came, she saw, after 3 years decided that it was a bad idea. Great. I put it completely out of my mind. Wrong. Two weeks ago, I get an email from her. She asks to meet the next day. We meet in a coffee shop, and she just starts talking. About nothing, as if nothing has ever happened and we are all completely fine and it's a just a bunch of 'girls getting together to chat'. I'm uncomfortable, but I say a couple of things, mostly apologizing about certain things about me in the relationship. She talks about work, maybe one or two things about her terrible marriage, but mostly on things about work. Nothing of substance really gets talked about for 15 minutes. She says she has to go get something to eat, and asks me to join her. Reluctantly I agree, and it's another 45 minutes of 'girl talk' which is her mostly talking. After she's done talking we leave. She tries to give me a warm hug, and we separate and leave. I thought about it for a day or two. And I got angry because this time I was really confused. She said that she wanted to talk to me every day for 3 years, gets divorced, shows up at my door unannounced. I send an email that I can talk/listen to her and it gets ignored for a month by her. I'm not proud of it, but for the first time in 3 years I looked at her facebook profile. If it was set to public for my sake, I don't know. But in that one month window, she went on a vacation to east asia with some guy. Another whiteknight? I really don't know, but the parallels to our other relationship make my gut queasy. It makes no sense. She thinks about me everyday for 3 years, yearns to talk to me, but given the choice, she'd rather go on vacation first. Why not go on vacation with the FWB/Whiteknight then reconnect with me instead of forcing me through another cycle? I facebook some more, and it does seem like some sort of solid relationship. She's pretty private overall, so 'love selfies' aren't her thing. I was so angry at being manipulated again and I came to an epiphany. Trust. I just don't trust her. I never did. I don't now. I sent an email saying essentially "I wanted our meeting to validate the past, but I got nothing. I don't trust you, but I wish you all the best." Now for the past two weeks I've gone crazy with facebook stalking, trying to work out the timeline. It makes absolutley no sense. She said she came to me as soon as the divorce was over, but then this new guy/FWB. Her thinking about me constantly, and even stalking me at work. I am so confused. Is this what FWB is? Is what she is doing rude and selfish? What's the point of all of this? Why am I feeling so crazy? **tl;dr**: Ex-GF Divorcee is trying to reinsert herself into my life in a very inconsistent manner, and i'm very confused and it's upsetting me.
Backstory: 4 years ago we [Mary and I]used to work together, but never really talked or hung out. After I left, and a couple of months later, she 'popped' up on my feed and wanted to hang out. We went out, mostly as friends in my head, and didn't i didn't pursue it as such. She's reeeeally good looking. Very attractive. To the point where other girls hate her/don't get along/doesn't have many girl friends. She was in an industry that validated physical appearance. She's a 9, I'm a 5, but knowing the crazy/hot matrix, and where we worked was the 'good looking place' I knew well enough that looks aren't everything. Being outside 'the bubble' I could see that everyone wanted to give/get attention to/from her, which was the reason why she had to hit me over the head caveman style to tell me 'Hey dummy, I like YOU!". I'm happy enough to be friends with someone hot, but I wasn't going to 'compete' with everyone else for her attention. I already know that I'm worth more than that. Somewhere along the way, she developed an attraction for me, and she was a really nice person one on one when separated from all the BS, and I enjoyed time with her and we decided to make it more official as BF/GF. A little after we decided to make it a bit more official, she flew back home, and while home, she told me that she was at a party with her ex-FWB [Jim] and everyone was drunk, so she 'had to' sleep over in his bed. Jim was a bit handsy and he had a premature accident that didn't lead to much. She was disgusted and she told me and wanted to continue with me in a real relationship. She said that she knew that it was a bad choice, but once he 'came' she realized that I was more important and wanted to come clean, and that the whole situation was ok since her and I weren't 'official, official' yet. Yes I know I was stupid and trusting. Obviously something more happened. The beginning of the relationship was great. A really good caring relationship for 6 months, then it slowly devolved. It's not 100% her fault. I'm a pretty simple quiet person. I don't need a lot of outward validation from other people. She did. So what I thought was a fantastic relationship, she was very happy too, but she felt that she needed 'all the trimmings' which includes daily things such as 'I love/miss you texts' which I, as an introvert, don't understand. I'm a firm believer of absence/heart/fonder, and daily texts/facebook posts to me seem like a pathetic salve to deal with separation anxiety. (part of the reason why I'm fine that we're not together anymore.) We were both born to families that weren't very nurturing, and I realize that can create issues. For me it used to be attention seeking/validation, but now I'm perfectly fine being alone or with good company. For her she needed some sort of outward validation. And somewhere around the 6 month mark she gave me an ultimatium that I had to be the first one to say 'those three words' first, because she was tired of being the one to say it first in previous relationships. Then everything slowly devolved while I did nothing to address very important issues. In retrospect, at or around the 6 month time, these were issues that I've given thought to that created conflicts in our relationship that I wasn't 'man enough' to address. Her ex-fiancee [Bob]. She had broken up with him and went no contact waaay before we got together. Around the 6 month mark she told me that he had reconnected with her, but she was keeping proper boundaries with him. Caught her with a 'I love you' text from him and now realize that she gaslighted me with "That's what good friends say to each other" Her ex-high school crush[Cal] . He broke up with his long time girlfriend. Cal emailed Mary as a 'high what's up' email and she told me. She gaslighted me and told me that he was a dummy. But as idiot people do when they break up, he played the 'I wonder what would have happened if you and I gave it a shot now/back then.' email game with Mary. Mary flew back to see if 'there was anything there'. There wasn't. She flew back, felt guilty and told me how stupid she was for fantasizing about something so stupid. Her re-devotion to organized religion and adoration of her pastor. Church provided that 'family' that I couldn't and validation that she craved for provided by her pastor, of whom, had never met me but gave our relationship no hope (correct), because I didn't go to church (incorrect), and also provided her future husband. (More on that later). So after the first six months, the relationship just devolved. The end came when I picked her up at the airport when she came back from a visit to her family. It was a dead drive for some food, and a drop off at her place. We sat, and talked. It was the break up talk. I don't remember much, but I do remember when she said her ex-fiancee re-proposed to her and she said that she "couldn't" because she was in love with someone else, of which I though "Who?". So we broke up, and she asked me to sleep over, of which I said, 'This is it. It's over. Goodbye." And I meant it. I didn't want to speak to her again for a long, long time, if ever at all. So for the next three months, she emailed and called a couple of times, but I never responded, or looked her up on facebook. All the smart things, but at the end of three months I got a whole bunch of emails/messages, and I got curious, and I went to her facebook page (don't have one myself) and it said that she was engaged. I was upset, but couldn't understand why. We had a couple of loose ends to tie up so we had to meet, and since she was getting married, it had to be done right away. Can you guess what happened? Yep, she was marrying some guy in her church that was "Whiteknighting" her the whole time. He would ask her out to salsa dances even while we were together. I thought it was weird and she agreed, but when she announced she was getting married, I knew it was him, and she knew I would have been smart enough to figure it out anyways. He put the moves on her weeks after we broke up, and somewhere within the past three months he proposed and she accepted and were going to get MARRIED three months after when we met again. She said that it's been a whirlwind, and she's really confused and tired, and I'm the only person she feels comfortable talking to because she feels really lonely. She wants me to be at the wedding. I refuse to go because when it comes to the forever/hold/peace part, I told her that the pastor would have to agree with me that it's waaay to soon, and just even inviting me shows poor intuition. She said that she though of that. After all this time, I'm still amazed that her pastor would agree to marry the two so quickly right after he 'broke us up', but again, this is what men will do for attention to/from her. In anycase, at that meeting, I told her under no uncertain terms, that I never wanted to speak to her ever again, that I gave her my blessing for her marriage, that she's allowed to move forward and pursue her happiness, and that I refused to stand in that way, [Like 99% of all the men in her life who are dirtbag ex's, whiteknights, and father figures] She a freakout about the fact that we'd never see each other again and that our relationship in all forms was over, but I demanded that it was all for the best for both of us to go no contact and it's better to start right then and there. And I did. After we left, I never contacted or cyberstalked her ever. Although I did think about what happened very, very often, and I realized that I had a hand in the devolution of the relationship, and that I needed to do a lot of growing up before I went into another relationship. I needed to stop being that 'people pleaser' and that 'nice guy' that I thought that everyone was supposed to be. It was exhausting for me, and also probably for her. It took a long time for me (with my poor family background) that I should stop 'being nice' and focus more on being my authentic self, and to be kind and honest, and more decisive, and to set boundaries that I'm willing to enforce and not compromise. I'm better, but it's a lifelong process. It wasn't a bad relationship. I needed it. I'm learning from it and still discover new insights. Two Months Ago I wake up to a knock on my door. It's her, and I haven't seen or spoke or cyberstalked anything of her (for my own sanity) for three years. I'm dumbfounded and all I can do is listen as she apologetically retells me the last three years of her life. She says I was right about everything (although I don't remember ever bringing it up). She got married soon after last we met, and soon after she got married the church boy turned out be exactly that. A church boy that whiteknighted her, and with the blessing of the pastor, preyed on her religious beliefs to make her believe that the marriage was supposed to be ordained by God himself, that she thought of me every day, and she wanted to talk to me too, but she knew that I would have refused to talk to her while she was married. (Correct) She said that the divorce was finalized and as soon as that was done, she wanted to reconnect with me. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't say much, except for that I wasn't angry or hated her for what happened, that I was mostly angry for not doing the right things to respect myself and her. I closed the door and she left. After talking to a bunch of people, they told me that divorce is a pretty humiliating event, and that if I was still confused, that I could at the very least still listen, and that I had put a considerable amount of work in self realization that could probably help the both of us. So I sent an email that simply said "I'm still confused, but if you need me to, I will just listen." Sent it. And. Nothing. Nothing the day after, the week after. After a month, a sense of relief came. She came, she saw, after 3 years decided that it was a bad idea. Great. I put it completely out of my mind. Wrong. Two weeks ago, I get an email from her. She asks to meet the next day. We meet in a coffee shop, and she just starts talking. About nothing, as if nothing has ever happened and we are all completely fine and it's a just a bunch of 'girls getting together to chat'. I'm uncomfortable, but I say a couple of things, mostly apologizing about certain things about me in the relationship. She talks about work, maybe one or two things about her terrible marriage, but mostly on things about work. Nothing of substance really gets talked about for 15 minutes. She says she has to go get something to eat, and asks me to join her. Reluctantly I agree, and it's another 45 minutes of 'girl talk' which is her mostly talking. After she's done talking we leave. She tries to give me a warm hug, and we separate and leave. I thought about it for a day or two. And I got angry because this time I was really confused. She said that she wanted to talk to me every day for 3 years, gets divorced, shows up at my door unannounced. I send an email that I can talk/listen to her and it gets ignored for a month by her. I'm not proud of it, but for the first time in 3 years I looked at her facebook profile. If it was set to public for my sake, I don't know. But in that one month window, she went on a vacation to east asia with some guy. Another whiteknight? I really don't know, but the parallels to our other relationship make my gut queasy. It makes no sense. She thinks about me everyday for 3 years, yearns to talk to me, but given the choice, she'd rather go on vacation first. Why not go on vacation with the FWB/Whiteknight then reconnect with me instead of forcing me through another cycle? I facebook some more, and it does seem like some sort of solid relationship. She's pretty private overall, so 'love selfies' aren't her thing. I was so angry at being manipulated again and I came to an epiphany. Trust. I just don't trust her. I never did. I don't now. I sent an email saying essentially "I wanted our meeting to validate the past, but I got nothing. I don't trust you, but I wish you all the best." Now for the past two weeks I've gone crazy with facebook stalking, trying to work out the timeline. It makes absolutley no sense. She said she came to me as soon as the divorce was over, but then this new guy/FWB. Her thinking about me constantly, and even stalking me at work. I am so confused. Is this what FWB is? Is what she is doing rude and selfish? What's the point of all of this? Why am I feeling so crazy? tl;dr : Ex-GF Divorcee is trying to reinsert herself into my life in a very inconsistent manner, and i'm very confused and it's upsetting me.
Backstory: 4 years ago we [Mary and I]used to work together, but never really talked or hung out. After I left, and a couple of months later, she 'popped' up on my feed and wanted to hang out. We went out, mostly as friends in my head, and didn't i didn't pursue it as such. She's reeeeally good looking. Very attractive. To the point where other girls hate her/don't get along/doesn't have many girl friends. She was in an industry that validated physical appearance. She's a 9, I'm a 5, but knowing the crazy/hot matrix, and where we worked was the 'good looking place' I knew well enough that looks aren't everything. Being outside 'the bubble' I could see that everyone wanted to give/get attention to/from her, which was the reason why she had to hit me over the head caveman style to tell me 'Hey dummy, I like YOU!". I'm happy enough to be friends with someone hot, but I wasn't going to 'compete' with everyone else for her attention. I already know that I'm worth more than that. Somewhere along the way, she developed an attraction for me, and she was a really nice person one on one when separated from all the BS, and I enjoyed time with her and we decided to make it more official as BF/GF. A little after we decided to make it a bit more official, she flew back home, and while home, she told me that she was at a party with her ex-FWB [Jim] and everyone was drunk, so she 'had to' sleep over in his bed. Jim was a bit handsy and he had a premature accident that didn't lead to much. She was disgusted and she told me and wanted to continue with me in a real relationship. She said that she knew that it was a bad choice, but once he 'came' she realized that I was more important and wanted to come clean, and that the whole situation was ok since her and I weren't 'official, official' yet. Yes I know I was stupid and trusting. Obviously something more happened. The beginning of the relationship was great. A really good caring relationship for 6 months, then it slowly devolved. It's not 100% her fault. I'm a pretty simple quiet person. I don't need a lot of outward validation from other people. She did. So what I thought was a fantastic relationship, she was very happy too, but she felt that she needed 'all the trimmings' which includes daily things such as 'I love/miss you texts' which I, as an introvert, don't understand. I'm a firm believer of absence/heart/fonder, and daily texts/facebook posts to me seem like a pathetic salve to deal with separation anxiety. (part of the reason why I'm fine that we're not together anymore.) We were both born to families that weren't very nurturing, and I realize that can create issues. For me it used to be attention seeking/validation, but now I'm perfectly fine being alone or with good company. For her she needed some sort of outward validation. And somewhere around the 6 month mark she gave me an ultimatium that I had to be the first one to say 'those three words' first, because she was tired of being the one to say it first in previous relationships. Then everything slowly devolved while I did nothing to address very important issues. In retrospect, at or around the 6 month time, these were issues that I've given thought to that created conflicts in our relationship that I wasn't 'man enough' to address. Her ex-fiancee [Bob]. She had broken up with him and went no contact waaay before we got together. Around the 6 month mark she told me that he had reconnected with her, but she was keeping proper boundaries with him. Caught her with a 'I love you' text from him and now realize that she gaslighted me with "That's what good friends say to each other" Her ex-high school crush[Cal] . He broke up with his long time girlfriend. Cal emailed Mary as a 'high what's up' email and she told me. She gaslighted me and told me that he was a dummy. But as idiot people do when they break up, he played the 'I wonder what would have happened if you and I gave it a shot now/back then.' email game with Mary. Mary flew back to see if 'there was anything there'. There wasn't. She flew back, felt guilty and told me how stupid she was for fantasizing about something so stupid. Her re-devotion to organized religion and adoration of her pastor. Church provided that 'family' that I couldn't and validation that she craved for provided by her pastor, of whom, had never met me but gave our relationship no hope (correct), because I didn't go to church (incorrect), and also provided her future husband. (More on that later). So after the first six months, the relationship just devolved. The end came when I picked her up at the airport when she came back from a visit to her family. It was a dead drive for some food, and a drop off at her place. We sat, and talked. It was the break up talk. I don't remember much, but I do remember when she said her ex-fiancee re-proposed to her and she said that she "couldn't" because she was in love with someone else, of which I though "Who?". So we broke up, and she asked me to sleep over, of which I said, 'This is it. It's over. Goodbye." And I meant it. I didn't want to speak to her again for a long, long time, if ever at all. So for the next three months, she emailed and called a couple of times, but I never responded, or looked her up on facebook. All the smart things, but at the end of three months I got a whole bunch of emails/messages, and I got curious, and I went to her facebook page (don't have one myself) and it said that she was engaged. I was upset, but couldn't understand why. We had a couple of loose ends to tie up so we had to meet, and since she was getting married, it had to be done right away. Can you guess what happened? Yep, she was marrying some guy in her church that was "Whiteknighting" her the whole time. He would ask her out to salsa dances even while we were together. I thought it was weird and she agreed, but when she announced she was getting married, I knew it was him, and she knew I would have been smart enough to figure it out anyways. He put the moves on her weeks after we broke up, and somewhere within the past three months he proposed and she accepted and were going to get MARRIED three months after when we met again. She said that it's been a whirlwind, and she's really confused and tired, and I'm the only person she feels comfortable talking to because she feels really lonely. She wants me to be at the wedding. I refuse to go because when it comes to the forever/hold/peace part, I told her that the pastor would have to agree with me that it's waaay to soon, and just even inviting me shows poor intuition. She said that she though of that. After all this time, I'm still amazed that her pastor would agree to marry the two so quickly right after he 'broke us up', but again, this is what men will do for attention to/from her. In anycase, at that meeting, I told her under no uncertain terms, that I never wanted to speak to her ever again, that I gave her my blessing for her marriage, that she's allowed to move forward and pursue her happiness, and that I refused to stand in that way, [Like 99% of all the men in her life who are dirtbag ex's, whiteknights, and father figures] She a freakout about the fact that we'd never see each other again and that our relationship in all forms was over, but I demanded that it was all for the best for both of us to go no contact and it's better to start right then and there. And I did. After we left, I never contacted or cyberstalked her ever. Although I did think about what happened very, very often, and I realized that I had a hand in the devolution of the relationship, and that I needed to do a lot of growing up before I went into another relationship. I needed to stop being that 'people pleaser' and that 'nice guy' that I thought that everyone was supposed to be. It was exhausting for me, and also probably for her. It took a long time for me (with my poor family background) that I should stop 'being nice' and focus more on being my authentic self, and to be kind and honest, and more decisive, and to set boundaries that I'm willing to enforce and not compromise. I'm better, but it's a lifelong process. It wasn't a bad relationship. I needed it. I'm learning from it and still discover new insights. Two Months Ago I wake up to a knock on my door. It's her, and I haven't seen or spoke or cyberstalked anything of her (for my own sanity) for three years. I'm dumbfounded and all I can do is listen as she apologetically retells me the last three years of her life. She says I was right about everything (although I don't remember ever bringing it up). She got married soon after last we met, and soon after she got married the church boy turned out be exactly that. A church boy that whiteknighted her, and with the blessing of the pastor, preyed on her religious beliefs to make her believe that the marriage was supposed to be ordained by God himself, that she thought of me every day, and she wanted to talk to me too, but she knew that I would have refused to talk to her while she was married. (Correct) She said that the divorce was finalized and as soon as that was done, she wanted to reconnect with me. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't say much, except for that I wasn't angry or hated her for what happened, that I was mostly angry for not doing the right things to respect myself and her. I closed the door and she left. After talking to a bunch of people, they told me that divorce is a pretty humiliating event, and that if I was still confused, that I could at the very least still listen, and that I had put a considerable amount of work in self realization that could probably help the both of us. So I sent an email that simply said "I'm still confused, but if you need me to, I will just listen." Sent it. And. Nothing. Nothing the day after, the week after. After a month, a sense of relief came. She came, she saw, after 3 years decided that it was a bad idea. Great. I put it completely out of my mind. Wrong. Two weeks ago, I get an email from her. She asks to meet the next day. We meet in a coffee shop, and she just starts talking. About nothing, as if nothing has ever happened and we are all completely fine and it's a just a bunch of 'girls getting together to chat'. I'm uncomfortable, but I say a couple of things, mostly apologizing about certain things about me in the relationship. She talks about work, maybe one or two things about her terrible marriage, but mostly on things about work. Nothing of substance really gets talked about for 15 minutes. She says she has to go get something to eat, and asks me to join her. Reluctantly I agree, and it's another 45 minutes of 'girl talk' which is her mostly talking. After she's done talking we leave. She tries to give me a warm hug, and we separate and leave. I thought about it for a day or two. And I got angry because this time I was really confused. She said that she wanted to talk to me every day for 3 years, gets divorced, shows up at my door unannounced. I send an email that I can talk/listen to her and it gets ignored for a month by her. I'm not proud of it, but for the first time in 3 years I looked at her facebook profile. If it was set to public for my sake, I don't know. But in that one month window, she went on a vacation to east asia with some guy. Another whiteknight? I really don't know, but the parallels to our other relationship make my gut queasy. It makes no sense. She thinks about me everyday for 3 years, yearns to talk to me, but given the choice, she'd rather go on vacation first. Why not go on vacation with the FWB/Whiteknight then reconnect with me instead of forcing me through another cycle? I facebook some more, and it does seem like some sort of solid relationship. She's pretty private overall, so 'love selfies' aren't her thing. I was so angry at being manipulated again and I came to an epiphany. Trust. I just don't trust her. I never did. I don't now. I sent an email saying essentially "I wanted our meeting to validate the past, but I got nothing. I don't trust you, but I wish you all the best." Now for the past two weeks I've gone crazy with facebook stalking, trying to work out the timeline. It makes absolutley no sense. She said she came to me as soon as the divorce was over, but then this new guy/FWB. Her thinking about me constantly, and even stalking me at work. I am so confused. Is this what FWB is? Is what she is doing rude and selfish? What's the point of all of this? Why am I feeling so crazy?
Ex-GF Divorcee is trying to reinsert herself into my life in a very inconsistent manner, and i'm very confused and it's upsetting me.
So yesterday i went to a huge house party with a few friends, we arrived at like 1 a.m so many people were already wasted, and there was this guy in particular who was wasted af, there were people taking selfies with the guy and all,nobody was helping him, so me and a few others decided to call his dad to pick him up(It was the right thing to do, since this guy was SERIOUSLY wasted) we picked him up and went outside to wait for his dad, after his dad picked him up and we all went inside this girl started talking to me, she was telling me that it was great that we helped a guy who we didn't even knew, so she added me on FB, Kik etc. TL;DR: Always try to help a brother out, believe me, some good will come out of it:)
So yesterday i went to a huge house party with a few friends, we arrived at like 1 a.m so many people were already wasted, and there was this guy in particular who was wasted af, there were people taking selfies with the guy and all,nobody was helping him, so me and a few others decided to call his dad to pick him up(It was the right thing to do, since this guy was SERIOUSLY wasted) we picked him up and went outside to wait for his dad, after his dad picked him up and we all went inside this girl started talking to me, she was telling me that it was great that we helped a guy who we didn't even knew, so she added me on FB, Kik etc. TL;DR: Always try to help a brother out, believe me, some good will come out of it:)
So yesterday i went to a huge house party with a few friends, we arrived at like 1 a.m so many people were already wasted, and there was this guy in particular who was wasted af, there were people taking selfies with the guy and all,nobody was helping him, so me and a few others decided to call his dad to pick him up(It was the right thing to do, since this guy was SERIOUSLY wasted) we picked him up and went outside to wait for his dad, after his dad picked him up and we all went inside this girl started talking to me, she was telling me that it was great that we helped a guy who we didn't even knew, so she added me on FB, Kik etc.
Always try to help a brother out, believe me, some good will come out of it:)
I had the same problem. I could only cover 3/4 of the screen with the nub. My hands are relatively large, so I don't know if a lot of people are gonna have luck with this. That being said, the thumb straps are pretty cheap, and it's worth a try for anyone having trouble with a stylus. Personally my best solution was to use the extra stylus that came with the DSiXL. It can cover a lot of ground, and comfortably too! And yeah, using pressure from your right hand is *the* way to bring some of the strain off of your left hand. **TL;DR:** Dis guy got the right idea, yo.
I had the same problem. I could only cover 3/4 of the screen with the nub. My hands are relatively large, so I don't know if a lot of people are gonna have luck with this. That being said, the thumb straps are pretty cheap, and it's worth a try for anyone having trouble with a stylus. Personally my best solution was to use the extra stylus that came with the DSiXL. It can cover a lot of ground, and comfortably too! And yeah, using pressure from your right hand is the way to bring some of the strain off of your left hand. TL;DR: Dis guy got the right idea, yo.
I had the same problem. I could only cover 3/4 of the screen with the nub. My hands are relatively large, so I don't know if a lot of people are gonna have luck with this. That being said, the thumb straps are pretty cheap, and it's worth a try for anyone having trouble with a stylus. Personally my best solution was to use the extra stylus that came with the DSiXL. It can cover a lot of ground, and comfortably too! And yeah, using pressure from your right hand is the way to bring some of the strain off of your left hand.
Dis guy got the right idea, yo.
I don't know about you, But I'd rather have money than owe it. I just got out of college, spent a bit more than was probably neccessary, and can't get a job at the moment. (Bachelor's in Accounting). We're working very hard to completely get rid of our debt. Why not buy a house in cash? Judging from our frugal lifestyle, the amount we're throwing at our debt right now could be saved and we could have a decent house ($50k-90k) within a few years. Why go through a mortgage just to stretch out the amount of time under debt ultimately just to pay more? I would rather my money be working for me than against me. **tl;dr: I agree with Luminose.**
I don't know about you, But I'd rather have money than owe it. I just got out of college, spent a bit more than was probably neccessary, and can't get a job at the moment. (Bachelor's in Accounting). We're working very hard to completely get rid of our debt. Why not buy a house in cash? Judging from our frugal lifestyle, the amount we're throwing at our debt right now could be saved and we could have a decent house ($50k-90k) within a few years. Why go through a mortgage just to stretch out the amount of time under debt ultimately just to pay more? I would rather my money be working for me than against me. tl;dr: I agree with Luminose.
I don't know about you, But I'd rather have money than owe it. I just got out of college, spent a bit more than was probably neccessary, and can't get a job at the moment. (Bachelor's in Accounting). We're working very hard to completely get rid of our debt. Why not buy a house in cash? Judging from our frugal lifestyle, the amount we're throwing at our debt right now could be saved and we could have a decent house ($50k-90k) within a few years. Why go through a mortgage just to stretch out the amount of time under debt ultimately just to pay more? I would rather my money be working for me than against me.
I agree with Luminose.
Very broadly, it started with the revolution in Egypt that overthrew Mubarak and in Tunisia. The revolutionary ideal spread (through what is known as diffusion in political science) to neighboring countries and eventually to Libya. Libya, another authoritarian society, essentially said "why not us?" More specifically, due to the success of the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and other places in the Arab world, Libyans felt that this was their chance to overthrow their dictator. To answer your question as to "why now?" I'll use a bit more social science. Essentially, there is an inherent cost-benefit analysis in deciding to start a revolution. The revolutionaries must feel that they have a better chance in succeeding in overthrowing the government than in failing. Further, the government has a same cost-benefit analysis in deciding to repress the revolution, or to accept it as they did in Eastern Europe 1989. In Libya, the cost-benefit analysis for the revolutionaries was skewed because of recent successful revolts in their neighboring countries. So not only did they feel they could be successful, but they were spurred on by seeing it successfully done elsewhere. Further, they believed that support from the West of their cause would legitimize it, deterring Qaddafi from using force. Qaddafi and his government saw these as well and realized that they must preempt the revolution and respond with overwhelming violence (which is what we see, for example, in Bahrain). As we also saw due to the necessity of NATO in defeating his forces, he maintained a strong security force to back him. Qaddafi knew that he had no chance of maintaining power once the revolution picked up enough force. Unfortunately for Libya, this quickly deteriorated past the point-of-no-return. **tl;dr**: Libyans felt they would be successful in overthrowing Qaddafi's government due to recent events in neighboring countries, the influence of the West in creating legitimacy for their cause, and that Qaddafi would not respond with force. Qaddafi had no choice but to try to repress the protests in order to hold on to power, which quickly deteriorated into a civil war. I wrote my masters thesis on social movements and democratization and could get into more detail if you're interested. I love this stuff
Very broadly, it started with the revolution in Egypt that overthrew Mubarak and in Tunisia. The revolutionary ideal spread (through what is known as diffusion in political science) to neighboring countries and eventually to Libya. Libya, another authoritarian society, essentially said "why not us?" More specifically, due to the success of the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and other places in the Arab world, Libyans felt that this was their chance to overthrow their dictator. To answer your question as to "why now?" I'll use a bit more social science. Essentially, there is an inherent cost-benefit analysis in deciding to start a revolution. The revolutionaries must feel that they have a better chance in succeeding in overthrowing the government than in failing. Further, the government has a same cost-benefit analysis in deciding to repress the revolution, or to accept it as they did in Eastern Europe 1989. In Libya, the cost-benefit analysis for the revolutionaries was skewed because of recent successful revolts in their neighboring countries. So not only did they feel they could be successful, but they were spurred on by seeing it successfully done elsewhere. Further, they believed that support from the West of their cause would legitimize it, deterring Qaddafi from using force. Qaddafi and his government saw these as well and realized that they must preempt the revolution and respond with overwhelming violence (which is what we see, for example, in Bahrain). As we also saw due to the necessity of NATO in defeating his forces, he maintained a strong security force to back him. Qaddafi knew that he had no chance of maintaining power once the revolution picked up enough force. Unfortunately for Libya, this quickly deteriorated past the point-of-no-return. tl;dr : Libyans felt they would be successful in overthrowing Qaddafi's government due to recent events in neighboring countries, the influence of the West in creating legitimacy for their cause, and that Qaddafi would not respond with force. Qaddafi had no choice but to try to repress the protests in order to hold on to power, which quickly deteriorated into a civil war. I wrote my masters thesis on social movements and democratization and could get into more detail if you're interested. I love this stuff
Very broadly, it started with the revolution in Egypt that overthrew Mubarak and in Tunisia. The revolutionary ideal spread (through what is known as diffusion in political science) to neighboring countries and eventually to Libya. Libya, another authoritarian society, essentially said "why not us?" More specifically, due to the success of the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, and other places in the Arab world, Libyans felt that this was their chance to overthrow their dictator. To answer your question as to "why now?" I'll use a bit more social science. Essentially, there is an inherent cost-benefit analysis in deciding to start a revolution. The revolutionaries must feel that they have a better chance in succeeding in overthrowing the government than in failing. Further, the government has a same cost-benefit analysis in deciding to repress the revolution, or to accept it as they did in Eastern Europe 1989. In Libya, the cost-benefit analysis for the revolutionaries was skewed because of recent successful revolts in their neighboring countries. So not only did they feel they could be successful, but they were spurred on by seeing it successfully done elsewhere. Further, they believed that support from the West of their cause would legitimize it, deterring Qaddafi from using force. Qaddafi and his government saw these as well and realized that they must preempt the revolution and respond with overwhelming violence (which is what we see, for example, in Bahrain). As we also saw due to the necessity of NATO in defeating his forces, he maintained a strong security force to back him. Qaddafi knew that he had no chance of maintaining power once the revolution picked up enough force. Unfortunately for Libya, this quickly deteriorated past the point-of-no-return.
Libyans felt they would be successful in overthrowing Qaddafi's government due to recent events in neighboring countries, the influence of the West in creating legitimacy for their cause, and that Qaddafi would not respond with force. Qaddafi had no choice but to try to repress the protests in order to hold on to power, which quickly deteriorated into a civil war. I wrote my masters thesis on social movements and democratization and could get into more detail if you're interested. I love this stuff
In Canada, a club can discriminate against any group they wish as long as they receive no financial support from the government. That's how all girls, all Boys etc clubs can exist. At least that's what a law class taught me. I think it's the same in the states, judging by an episode of the people's court that I just watched. Tldr I learn the USA legal system from reality TV and I should not be trusted
In Canada, a club can discriminate against any group they wish as long as they receive no financial support from the government. That's how all girls, all Boys etc clubs can exist. At least that's what a law class taught me. I think it's the same in the states, judging by an episode of the people's court that I just watched. Tldr I learn the USA legal system from reality TV and I should not be trusted
In Canada, a club can discriminate against any group they wish as long as they receive no financial support from the government. That's how all girls, all Boys etc clubs can exist. At least that's what a law class taught me. I think it's the same in the states, judging by an episode of the people's court that I just watched.
I learn the USA legal system from reality TV and I should not be trusted
I'm with a great guy and we've been together about a year. I haven't been this happy with someone in a very long time. We gel. But he.. does things. He might say something painfully insensitive, or leave his underwear on the floor in the bathroom, or spit nasty loogies (is there even a correct spelling for this?) in my sink. I'm fairly passive and don't like conflict by nature, so I when I feel myself boiling over, I retreat and then bring it up jokingly days later when I've relaxed in a "oh ha remember that one time when I was pissed the f off at ____?.. oh you didn't know?" kind of way. Those days inbetween are killer though, because I'm a nightmare where I'm mad but I won't say why. Mostly because I just don't have the language to express it. TLDR: Where is the line between expressing needs and nagging? How do you say "Hey that hurt my feelings?" or "You do this really annoying thing" without ... sounding like you're bitching?
I'm with a great guy and we've been together about a year. I haven't been this happy with someone in a very long time. We gel. But he.. does things. He might say something painfully insensitive, or leave his underwear on the floor in the bathroom, or spit nasty loogies (is there even a correct spelling for this?) in my sink. I'm fairly passive and don't like conflict by nature, so I when I feel myself boiling over, I retreat and then bring it up jokingly days later when I've relaxed in a "oh ha remember that one time when I was pissed the f off at __ ?.. oh you didn't know?" kind of way. Those days inbetween are killer though, because I'm a nightmare where I'm mad but I won't say why. Mostly because I just don't have the language to express it. TLDR: Where is the line between expressing needs and nagging? How do you say "Hey that hurt my feelings?" or "You do this really annoying thing" without ... sounding like you're bitching?
I'm with a great guy and we've been together about a year. I haven't been this happy with someone in a very long time. We gel. But he.. does things. He might say something painfully insensitive, or leave his underwear on the floor in the bathroom, or spit nasty loogies (is there even a correct spelling for this?) in my sink. I'm fairly passive and don't like conflict by nature, so I when I feel myself boiling over, I retreat and then bring it up jokingly days later when I've relaxed in a "oh ha remember that one time when I was pissed the f off at __ ?.. oh you didn't know?" kind of way. Those days inbetween are killer though, because I'm a nightmare where I'm mad but I won't say why. Mostly because I just don't have the language to express it.
Where is the line between expressing needs and nagging? How do you say "Hey that hurt my feelings?" or "You do this really annoying thing" without ... sounding like you're bitching?
Me and my girlfriend were playing scatagories and the letter was s and the category was appliances. I said stovetop and didn't get a point because her grandma said stove. Anyways she said salad spinner for two points and I refuse to accept it. Long story short I won't let it go so I'm bringing reddit in to judge. Does it count or not? TLDR girlfriend gave bogus answer on board game should it not count!? Edit: either way I'm getting laid tonight
Me and my girlfriend were playing scatagories and the letter was s and the category was appliances. I said stovetop and didn't get a point because her grandma said stove. Anyways she said salad spinner for two points and I refuse to accept it. Long story short I won't let it go so I'm bringing reddit in to judge. Does it count or not? TLDR girlfriend gave bogus answer on board game should it not count!? Edit: either way I'm getting laid tonight
Me and my girlfriend were playing scatagories and the letter was s and the category was appliances. I said stovetop and didn't get a point because her grandma said stove. Anyways she said salad spinner for two points and I refuse to accept it. Long story short I won't let it go so I'm bringing reddit in to judge. Does it count or not?
girlfriend gave bogus answer on board game should it not count!? Edit: either way I'm getting laid tonight
Hey all, I'm headed in tonight to get my nose pierced, and I've heard mixed things about whether to go with a ring or a stud. (And of course, I'll be discussing my options with my licensed professional as well!) Ultimately, I'd like to be able to wear a ring or a stud once the site has healed, but I'd like to minimize healing time and keloid formation (if that wasn't obvious to begin with), especially before I head out of the country in June! I've heard that the angle that piercers pierce for a stud is different than for a ring, so I pretty much want to make sure that I don't get it pierced with the "wrong" type of jewelry, as I've heard that some people who get their nose pierced with studs aren't able to pull off rings/hoops as much due to the angle with which the initial piercing was performed. Is there any truth to this? If it's any help, I've definitely probably got to change to a stud either way by the beginning of July, as I'll be starting a full-time job where I will need to look professional, and I'll probably be starting off with a stud until my coworkers understand that any nose piercing I have shouldn't influence their ideas regarding my work ethic... THANKS IN ADVANCE, I'll make sure to check back before I have any needles shoved anywhere! (T-minus approx. 1 hr) tl;dr: Pierce with stud or ring? Want to minimize healing time before traveling to Central America and will probably need to put a stud in before beginning my big-girl job at the beginning of July (for professional dress reasons).
Hey all, I'm headed in tonight to get my nose pierced, and I've heard mixed things about whether to go with a ring or a stud. (And of course, I'll be discussing my options with my licensed professional as well!) Ultimately, I'd like to be able to wear a ring or a stud once the site has healed, but I'd like to minimize healing time and keloid formation (if that wasn't obvious to begin with), especially before I head out of the country in June! I've heard that the angle that piercers pierce for a stud is different than for a ring, so I pretty much want to make sure that I don't get it pierced with the "wrong" type of jewelry, as I've heard that some people who get their nose pierced with studs aren't able to pull off rings/hoops as much due to the angle with which the initial piercing was performed. Is there any truth to this? If it's any help, I've definitely probably got to change to a stud either way by the beginning of July, as I'll be starting a full-time job where I will need to look professional, and I'll probably be starting off with a stud until my coworkers understand that any nose piercing I have shouldn't influence their ideas regarding my work ethic... THANKS IN ADVANCE, I'll make sure to check back before I have any needles shoved anywhere! (T-minus approx. 1 hr) tl;dr: Pierce with stud or ring? Want to minimize healing time before traveling to Central America and will probably need to put a stud in before beginning my big-girl job at the beginning of July (for professional dress reasons).
Hey all, I'm headed in tonight to get my nose pierced, and I've heard mixed things about whether to go with a ring or a stud. (And of course, I'll be discussing my options with my licensed professional as well!) Ultimately, I'd like to be able to wear a ring or a stud once the site has healed, but I'd like to minimize healing time and keloid formation (if that wasn't obvious to begin with), especially before I head out of the country in June! I've heard that the angle that piercers pierce for a stud is different than for a ring, so I pretty much want to make sure that I don't get it pierced with the "wrong" type of jewelry, as I've heard that some people who get their nose pierced with studs aren't able to pull off rings/hoops as much due to the angle with which the initial piercing was performed. Is there any truth to this? If it's any help, I've definitely probably got to change to a stud either way by the beginning of July, as I'll be starting a full-time job where I will need to look professional, and I'll probably be starting off with a stud until my coworkers understand that any nose piercing I have shouldn't influence their ideas regarding my work ethic... THANKS IN ADVANCE, I'll make sure to check back before I have any needles shoved anywhere! (T-minus approx. 1 hr)
Pierce with stud or ring? Want to minimize healing time before traveling to Central America and will probably need to put a stud in before beginning my big-girl job at the beginning of July (for professional dress reasons).
Basically, I want to be more *sure* of what I say. I'm always questioning what I say long after I've said it. It's really irritating, and I know that the other person probably aren't focusing on what I've said as much as I have. But it still makes me self-conscious whether or not something I might have said could have changed that person's opinion of me in some way. I have trouble conveying my thoughts to people in public, and I think this has a lot to do with self-confidence or something (of which I'm sorely lacking at the moment, trying to work on it though). But basically, whenever I say something, I always worry that I'm going to say something stupid that will make the other person/people not like me. TL;DR: I regret things I've said, and think too much about things I'm going to say, because I don't want people to get mad at me/not like me anymore. How can I be more sure about what I'm saying, and not dwell on it so much afterwards?
Basically, I want to be more sure of what I say. I'm always questioning what I say long after I've said it. It's really irritating, and I know that the other person probably aren't focusing on what I've said as much as I have. But it still makes me self-conscious whether or not something I might have said could have changed that person's opinion of me in some way. I have trouble conveying my thoughts to people in public, and I think this has a lot to do with self-confidence or something (of which I'm sorely lacking at the moment, trying to work on it though). But basically, whenever I say something, I always worry that I'm going to say something stupid that will make the other person/people not like me. TL;DR: I regret things I've said, and think too much about things I'm going to say, because I don't want people to get mad at me/not like me anymore. How can I be more sure about what I'm saying, and not dwell on it so much afterwards?
Basically, I want to be more sure of what I say. I'm always questioning what I say long after I've said it. It's really irritating, and I know that the other person probably aren't focusing on what I've said as much as I have. But it still makes me self-conscious whether or not something I might have said could have changed that person's opinion of me in some way. I have trouble conveying my thoughts to people in public, and I think this has a lot to do with self-confidence or something (of which I'm sorely lacking at the moment, trying to work on it though). But basically, whenever I say something, I always worry that I'm going to say something stupid that will make the other person/people not like me.
I regret things I've said, and think too much about things I'm going to say, because I don't want people to get mad at me/not like me anymore. How can I be more sure about what I'm saying, and not dwell on it so much afterwards?
everything went better than expected. [Original Post]( Let me start by doing this part for simplification: Me:Kyle Gal I like:Rose Friend:June So, after reading through the comments here and talking with June some more (where she basically said be a man and talk to her) I went for it. Rose teaches a study for teens on Wednesday night, so I didn't think I would see her, but I did. We talked about the new iOS update and how we love it. She then left after the song to go to class. Things were cool. I just kept telling myself it't not a big deal and to stop worrying so much. End of service comes and the talk of eats comes up. As a group, we determine the location and ask June and her BF if they want to ride with me. "Sure...if you as Rose to come." Well, played friend... So, I find her and ask her to come. She excidingly agrees. BUT while we were filing in my car, another kid jumps in the front seat. I see the look on Rose's face and determine that on the way back, she WILL be riding up front. Group feast goes well, we head out of the diner and I look at her and say "Get in the front." And she smiles. Butterflies again. We go back to the church and we stand around talking. She then realizes that she has to get gas for her vehicle before the station closes. I grab us 2 ALE8s (the official best drink in KY) and we sit and talk for 2 hours. By then end, we were talking about shared interest in music and she is interested in a band I mentioned "Text them to me." "Well, give me your number." I GOT IT!!! THINGS ARE RIGHT IN THE WORLD!!! We text back and forth for a while and things are...good. *FAST FORWARD* It's now friday and we just went on our first "date" We went to the lake and enjoyed the view for a bit and talked. It started raining so we ran to my car. After laughing and joking about the situation, we decide to drive around and listen to music. We soon pull into an area and talk a little more and enjoy the rain. It's late and she is getting sleepy. I offer to take her home and she just says "No, I'd rather you keep me awake." Soon we hold hands and before I let my heart completly bang out of my chest, I lean in and go for the kiss.....SUCCESS!!! We kiss for a bit and sit and smile like a big pair of dummies. I work nights so I have to cut it short, so I make sure she gets home safe and head on my way. We are planning on more hangouts next week (she feels she can beat me in pokemon stadium, I disagree) Moral of the story is: Be a man! GET THAT NUMBER! --- **tl;dr**: Got the number. Walked by lake. Kissed cute girl. I am a MAN!
everything went better than expected. [Original Post]( Let me start by doing this part for simplification: Me:Kyle Gal I like:Rose Friend:June So, after reading through the comments here and talking with June some more (where she basically said be a man and talk to her) I went for it. Rose teaches a study for teens on Wednesday night, so I didn't think I would see her, but I did. We talked about the new iOS update and how we love it. She then left after the song to go to class. Things were cool. I just kept telling myself it't not a big deal and to stop worrying so much. End of service comes and the talk of eats comes up. As a group, we determine the location and ask June and her BF if they want to ride with me. "Sure...if you as Rose to come." Well, played friend... So, I find her and ask her to come. She excidingly agrees. BUT while we were filing in my car, another kid jumps in the front seat. I see the look on Rose's face and determine that on the way back, she WILL be riding up front. Group feast goes well, we head out of the diner and I look at her and say "Get in the front." And she smiles. Butterflies again. We go back to the church and we stand around talking. She then realizes that she has to get gas for her vehicle before the station closes. I grab us 2 ALE8s (the official best drink in KY) and we sit and talk for 2 hours. By then end, we were talking about shared interest in music and she is interested in a band I mentioned "Text them to me." "Well, give me your number." I GOT IT!!! THINGS ARE RIGHT IN THE WORLD!!! We text back and forth for a while and things are...good. FAST FORWARD It's now friday and we just went on our first "date" We went to the lake and enjoyed the view for a bit and talked. It started raining so we ran to my car. After laughing and joking about the situation, we decide to drive around and listen to music. We soon pull into an area and talk a little more and enjoy the rain. It's late and she is getting sleepy. I offer to take her home and she just says "No, I'd rather you keep me awake." Soon we hold hands and before I let my heart completly bang out of my chest, I lean in and go for the kiss.....SUCCESS!!! We kiss for a bit and sit and smile like a big pair of dummies. I work nights so I have to cut it short, so I make sure she gets home safe and head on my way. We are planning on more hangouts next week (she feels she can beat me in pokemon stadium, I disagree) Moral of the story is: Be a man! GET THAT NUMBER! tl;dr : Got the number. Walked by lake. Kissed cute girl. I am a MAN!
everything went better than expected. [Original Post]( Let me start by doing this part for simplification: Me:Kyle Gal I like:Rose Friend:June So, after reading through the comments here and talking with June some more (where she basically said be a man and talk to her) I went for it. Rose teaches a study for teens on Wednesday night, so I didn't think I would see her, but I did. We talked about the new iOS update and how we love it. She then left after the song to go to class. Things were cool. I just kept telling myself it't not a big deal and to stop worrying so much. End of service comes and the talk of eats comes up. As a group, we determine the location and ask June and her BF if they want to ride with me. "Sure...if you as Rose to come." Well, played friend... So, I find her and ask her to come. She excidingly agrees. BUT while we were filing in my car, another kid jumps in the front seat. I see the look on Rose's face and determine that on the way back, she WILL be riding up front. Group feast goes well, we head out of the diner and I look at her and say "Get in the front." And she smiles. Butterflies again. We go back to the church and we stand around talking. She then realizes that she has to get gas for her vehicle before the station closes. I grab us 2 ALE8s (the official best drink in KY) and we sit and talk for 2 hours. By then end, we were talking about shared interest in music and she is interested in a band I mentioned "Text them to me." "Well, give me your number." I GOT IT!!! THINGS ARE RIGHT IN THE WORLD!!! We text back and forth for a while and things are...good. FAST FORWARD It's now friday and we just went on our first "date" We went to the lake and enjoyed the view for a bit and talked. It started raining so we ran to my car. After laughing and joking about the situation, we decide to drive around and listen to music. We soon pull into an area and talk a little more and enjoy the rain. It's late and she is getting sleepy. I offer to take her home and she just says "No, I'd rather you keep me awake." Soon we hold hands and before I let my heart completly bang out of my chest, I lean in and go for the kiss.....SUCCESS!!! We kiss for a bit and sit and smile like a big pair of dummies. I work nights so I have to cut it short, so I make sure she gets home safe and head on my way. We are planning on more hangouts next week (she feels she can beat me in pokemon stadium, I disagree) Moral of the story is: Be a man! GET THAT NUMBER!
Got the number. Walked by lake. Kissed cute girl. I am a MAN!
I'm currently in the market for some sort of centralized storage to help provide HA for the district that I support. Also looking to possibly fit two into my budget for replication. We are a tiny district: 2 schools approx 750 students. Schools are moving from a 100M wireless P2P radio to a gig wired connection via AT&amp;T services. Currently down to 4 physical servers: 3 VM hosts and 1 file sever that will be migrated to a VM this summer. There are currently 7 VMs spread across the 3 hosts: 2 DCs 2 File servers/DHCP/Printer servers, 2 SQL based applications (SIS and library) and an MDT server. I'm currently working on a WSUS server as well. We have a total of about 2TB worth of data in the district. Anyway I'm wonder if anybody could recommend a storage solution for a district of our size/needs. I'm going back and forth between a freenas solution and a cheap iscsi nas/San appliance. I also have access to a Brocade 40 port FCoE switch but I'm not sure if we really need FC speeds. Anyway all help is greatly appreciated and if you need any further info just let me know. TL;DR recommend centralized storage solution for a tiny district.
I'm currently in the market for some sort of centralized storage to help provide HA for the district that I support. Also looking to possibly fit two into my budget for replication. We are a tiny district: 2 schools approx 750 students. Schools are moving from a 100M wireless P2P radio to a gig wired connection via AT&T services. Currently down to 4 physical servers: 3 VM hosts and 1 file sever that will be migrated to a VM this summer. There are currently 7 VMs spread across the 3 hosts: 2 DCs 2 File servers/DHCP/Printer servers, 2 SQL based applications (SIS and library) and an MDT server. I'm currently working on a WSUS server as well. We have a total of about 2TB worth of data in the district. Anyway I'm wonder if anybody could recommend a storage solution for a district of our size/needs. I'm going back and forth between a freenas solution and a cheap iscsi nas/San appliance. I also have access to a Brocade 40 port FCoE switch but I'm not sure if we really need FC speeds. Anyway all help is greatly appreciated and if you need any further info just let me know. TL;DR recommend centralized storage solution for a tiny district.
I'm currently in the market for some sort of centralized storage to help provide HA for the district that I support. Also looking to possibly fit two into my budget for replication. We are a tiny district: 2 schools approx 750 students. Schools are moving from a 100M wireless P2P radio to a gig wired connection via AT&T services. Currently down to 4 physical servers: 3 VM hosts and 1 file sever that will be migrated to a VM this summer. There are currently 7 VMs spread across the 3 hosts: 2 DCs 2 File servers/DHCP/Printer servers, 2 SQL based applications (SIS and library) and an MDT server. I'm currently working on a WSUS server as well. We have a total of about 2TB worth of data in the district. Anyway I'm wonder if anybody could recommend a storage solution for a district of our size/needs. I'm going back and forth between a freenas solution and a cheap iscsi nas/San appliance. I also have access to a Brocade 40 port FCoE switch but I'm not sure if we really need FC speeds. Anyway all help is greatly appreciated and if you need any further info just let me know.
recommend centralized storage solution for a tiny district.
&gt;What I am saying is that the concept of marriage as the institution endorsed in Christianity is fairly explicit. Why anyone who isn't Christian cares about that definition is beyond me. Marriage is not a specifically Christian institution. Anyone who says so is lying or ignorant. Marriage predates christianity by thousands of years and is culturally universal. Like many human institutions it has changed significantly over time. Therefore the state cannot enforce a certain religious view of marriage. Unless you live in a Christian Theocracy. If you want to have a Christian Marriage, knock yourself out. Why should that give you the right to say to others that they can't get married? tl;dr: if you're against gay marriage just don't get gay married and STFU about saying what other people can or cannot do.
>What I am saying is that the concept of marriage as the institution endorsed in Christianity is fairly explicit. Why anyone who isn't Christian cares about that definition is beyond me. Marriage is not a specifically Christian institution. Anyone who says so is lying or ignorant. Marriage predates christianity by thousands of years and is culturally universal. Like many human institutions it has changed significantly over time. Therefore the state cannot enforce a certain religious view of marriage. Unless you live in a Christian Theocracy. If you want to have a Christian Marriage, knock yourself out. Why should that give you the right to say to others that they can't get married? tl;dr: if you're against gay marriage just don't get gay married and STFU about saying what other people can or cannot do.
What I am saying is that the concept of marriage as the institution endorsed in Christianity is fairly explicit. Why anyone who isn't Christian cares about that definition is beyond me. Marriage is not a specifically Christian institution. Anyone who says so is lying or ignorant. Marriage predates christianity by thousands of years and is culturally universal. Like many human institutions it has changed significantly over time. Therefore the state cannot enforce a certain religious view of marriage. Unless you live in a Christian Theocracy. If you want to have a Christian Marriage, knock yourself out. Why should that give you the right to say to others that they can't get married?
if you're against gay marriage just don't get gay married and STFU about saying what other people can or cannot do.
Throwaway as don't want this in my main account. So this will be long but I'll be a brief as possible. Here's my issue... My partners best friend has a girlfriend we'll call Faye. When I first met Faye and her boyfriend (we'll call Peter) we all got along really well. Faye and Peter have two beautiful children to whom my partner is a Godfather to their youngest daughter. It soon became apparent to me that while Peter is an average bloke, very funny, caring, easy to get along with, Faye is a bit of a drama Queen. She's the story of person that will one up any anecdote, you can't speak with her she simply talks at you. She is a massive gossip and will parrot back anything she hears, generally twisting peoples words to make things seem worse than they are. She believes everything she hears and doesn't bother to use common sense or fact check anything. She hides all this behind an overrated opinion of herself, she tries her best to come off holier than thou and nothing is ever her fault. She basically acts like she knows best and is very nice to your face but obviously isn't when she thinks you won't find out. It took me a while to realise this pattern of behaviour in her and I'll admit that I thought of her as a friend and sought advise, or even just an ear to talk to on occasion when things were difficult for me. I have just moved far enough away from my home town that I don't have many friends locally. Recently I found out she had been talking about sensitive subjects I'd shared with her about my relationship with my partner, to him. Causing him to get upset with me for sharing. I explained that I didn't have anyone else to 'vent' to and that I told her not to bring it up with him as it was a sensitive subject. My partner ended up being really upset with me on a night out and refused to speak to me, going off with Peter instead. I called Faye who wasn't out with us and asked her if they had gone back to Peters house. She said no but I should come over. Wanting to ask her what had happened I did. By the time I got to be house my partner and Peter are there so she simply drove me home. On the way home I asked her why she had said those things and she denied it all. That's when I realised for sure that she is a toxic person who I don't want in my life. I decided I would have nothing more to do with her but a few days later I got messages from her basically trying to start a fight. I ignored the first message and a day later got another telling me not to ignore her. Not wanting to put anymore strain on my partner and Peters relationship I decided not to rise to it immediately. But I'll be honest, she really riled me and I told her how I thought of her as a shit stirrer and general bullshitter and that I wanted nothing to do with her. Since then relations between my partner and Peter have been stained, but I want to make it clear. I have nothing against Peter and I have suggested many times that my partner invite him to sports matches or meet up etc etc. I don't want to get involved in their relationship. However tonight my partner has said that Peter has asked me to go around to their house to clear the air, as basically the two men are finding it too awkward to be friends whilst knowing I dislike Faye. I personally feel no need to do this, as far as I am concerned she doesn't exist and my life is better off without her. If my partner wants to be involved in their life that's fine and I understand the situation, but I don't want to be. My relationship was nearly ruined because of all the many (as this is just one instance) times Faye has caused bother. I have said my piece and don't want to change my stand point. I'm willing to accept an apology from her if she feels she can do so, but I do not care to apologise to her. My partner is yet again going in a mood with me, calling me stubborn and saying I am ruining his relationship with Peter. I want to stand up for myself because I feel I've done nothing wrong, and I think someone needs to tell Faye it's not ok to stir up trouble all the time, but I don't want to ruin my partners relationship with his very good friend and how Good children.... What should I do? Do we all meet up and I just bow down to peer pressure and forgive all? Or do I only agree to accept her apologies if she's willing to give them? Or do I just stand firm on completely blocking her existence out of my own personal life? To make matters worse Peter was supposed to be best man at our wedding on 18 months and the kids are going to be in the wedding party too. I'm ok with her coming to the wedding PURELY for the sake of my partner and because I do like Peter and the kids. But I intend just not to pay her any notice at all. Please give me some advice and perspective? TL;DR - Partner and his best mate want me to make up with his girlfriend, who has caused more trouble than good in our relationship. I say I'm done with her, he says I'm stubborn and ruining his relationship with his mate. What do I do now?
Throwaway as don't want this in my main account. So this will be long but I'll be a brief as possible. Here's my issue... My partners best friend has a girlfriend we'll call Faye. When I first met Faye and her boyfriend (we'll call Peter) we all got along really well. Faye and Peter have two beautiful children to whom my partner is a Godfather to their youngest daughter. It soon became apparent to me that while Peter is an average bloke, very funny, caring, easy to get along with, Faye is a bit of a drama Queen. She's the story of person that will one up any anecdote, you can't speak with her she simply talks at you. She is a massive gossip and will parrot back anything she hears, generally twisting peoples words to make things seem worse than they are. She believes everything she hears and doesn't bother to use common sense or fact check anything. She hides all this behind an overrated opinion of herself, she tries her best to come off holier than thou and nothing is ever her fault. She basically acts like she knows best and is very nice to your face but obviously isn't when she thinks you won't find out. It took me a while to realise this pattern of behaviour in her and I'll admit that I thought of her as a friend and sought advise, or even just an ear to talk to on occasion when things were difficult for me. I have just moved far enough away from my home town that I don't have many friends locally. Recently I found out she had been talking about sensitive subjects I'd shared with her about my relationship with my partner, to him. Causing him to get upset with me for sharing. I explained that I didn't have anyone else to 'vent' to and that I told her not to bring it up with him as it was a sensitive subject. My partner ended up being really upset with me on a night out and refused to speak to me, going off with Peter instead. I called Faye who wasn't out with us and asked her if they had gone back to Peters house. She said no but I should come over. Wanting to ask her what had happened I did. By the time I got to be house my partner and Peter are there so she simply drove me home. On the way home I asked her why she had said those things and she denied it all. That's when I realised for sure that she is a toxic person who I don't want in my life. I decided I would have nothing more to do with her but a few days later I got messages from her basically trying to start a fight. I ignored the first message and a day later got another telling me not to ignore her. Not wanting to put anymore strain on my partner and Peters relationship I decided not to rise to it immediately. But I'll be honest, she really riled me and I told her how I thought of her as a shit stirrer and general bullshitter and that I wanted nothing to do with her. Since then relations between my partner and Peter have been stained, but I want to make it clear. I have nothing against Peter and I have suggested many times that my partner invite him to sports matches or meet up etc etc. I don't want to get involved in their relationship. However tonight my partner has said that Peter has asked me to go around to their house to clear the air, as basically the two men are finding it too awkward to be friends whilst knowing I dislike Faye. I personally feel no need to do this, as far as I am concerned she doesn't exist and my life is better off without her. If my partner wants to be involved in their life that's fine and I understand the situation, but I don't want to be. My relationship was nearly ruined because of all the many (as this is just one instance) times Faye has caused bother. I have said my piece and don't want to change my stand point. I'm willing to accept an apology from her if she feels she can do so, but I do not care to apologise to her. My partner is yet again going in a mood with me, calling me stubborn and saying I am ruining his relationship with Peter. I want to stand up for myself because I feel I've done nothing wrong, and I think someone needs to tell Faye it's not ok to stir up trouble all the time, but I don't want to ruin my partners relationship with his very good friend and how Good children.... What should I do? Do we all meet up and I just bow down to peer pressure and forgive all? Or do I only agree to accept her apologies if she's willing to give them? Or do I just stand firm on completely blocking her existence out of my own personal life? To make matters worse Peter was supposed to be best man at our wedding on 18 months and the kids are going to be in the wedding party too. I'm ok with her coming to the wedding PURELY for the sake of my partner and because I do like Peter and the kids. But I intend just not to pay her any notice at all. Please give me some advice and perspective? TL;DR - Partner and his best mate want me to make up with his girlfriend, who has caused more trouble than good in our relationship. I say I'm done with her, he says I'm stubborn and ruining his relationship with his mate. What do I do now?
Throwaway as don't want this in my main account. So this will be long but I'll be a brief as possible. Here's my issue... My partners best friend has a girlfriend we'll call Faye. When I first met Faye and her boyfriend (we'll call Peter) we all got along really well. Faye and Peter have two beautiful children to whom my partner is a Godfather to their youngest daughter. It soon became apparent to me that while Peter is an average bloke, very funny, caring, easy to get along with, Faye is a bit of a drama Queen. She's the story of person that will one up any anecdote, you can't speak with her she simply talks at you. She is a massive gossip and will parrot back anything she hears, generally twisting peoples words to make things seem worse than they are. She believes everything she hears and doesn't bother to use common sense or fact check anything. She hides all this behind an overrated opinion of herself, she tries her best to come off holier than thou and nothing is ever her fault. She basically acts like she knows best and is very nice to your face but obviously isn't when she thinks you won't find out. It took me a while to realise this pattern of behaviour in her and I'll admit that I thought of her as a friend and sought advise, or even just an ear to talk to on occasion when things were difficult for me. I have just moved far enough away from my home town that I don't have many friends locally. Recently I found out she had been talking about sensitive subjects I'd shared with her about my relationship with my partner, to him. Causing him to get upset with me for sharing. I explained that I didn't have anyone else to 'vent' to and that I told her not to bring it up with him as it was a sensitive subject. My partner ended up being really upset with me on a night out and refused to speak to me, going off with Peter instead. I called Faye who wasn't out with us and asked her if they had gone back to Peters house. She said no but I should come over. Wanting to ask her what had happened I did. By the time I got to be house my partner and Peter are there so she simply drove me home. On the way home I asked her why she had said those things and she denied it all. That's when I realised for sure that she is a toxic person who I don't want in my life. I decided I would have nothing more to do with her but a few days later I got messages from her basically trying to start a fight. I ignored the first message and a day later got another telling me not to ignore her. Not wanting to put anymore strain on my partner and Peters relationship I decided not to rise to it immediately. But I'll be honest, she really riled me and I told her how I thought of her as a shit stirrer and general bullshitter and that I wanted nothing to do with her. Since then relations between my partner and Peter have been stained, but I want to make it clear. I have nothing against Peter and I have suggested many times that my partner invite him to sports matches or meet up etc etc. I don't want to get involved in their relationship. However tonight my partner has said that Peter has asked me to go around to their house to clear the air, as basically the two men are finding it too awkward to be friends whilst knowing I dislike Faye. I personally feel no need to do this, as far as I am concerned she doesn't exist and my life is better off without her. If my partner wants to be involved in their life that's fine and I understand the situation, but I don't want to be. My relationship was nearly ruined because of all the many (as this is just one instance) times Faye has caused bother. I have said my piece and don't want to change my stand point. I'm willing to accept an apology from her if she feels she can do so, but I do not care to apologise to her. My partner is yet again going in a mood with me, calling me stubborn and saying I am ruining his relationship with Peter. I want to stand up for myself because I feel I've done nothing wrong, and I think someone needs to tell Faye it's not ok to stir up trouble all the time, but I don't want to ruin my partners relationship with his very good friend and how Good children.... What should I do? Do we all meet up and I just bow down to peer pressure and forgive all? Or do I only agree to accept her apologies if she's willing to give them? Or do I just stand firm on completely blocking her existence out of my own personal life? To make matters worse Peter was supposed to be best man at our wedding on 18 months and the kids are going to be in the wedding party too. I'm ok with her coming to the wedding PURELY for the sake of my partner and because I do like Peter and the kids. But I intend just not to pay her any notice at all. Please give me some advice and perspective?
Partner and his best mate want me to make up with his girlfriend, who has caused more trouble than good in our relationship. I say I'm done with her, he says I'm stubborn and ruining his relationship with his mate. What do I do now?
I am in grad school to finish my Masters of Social Work degree. I am scheduled to finish up in the Spring. But, I have to complete an internship during my final semester. It's 450 hours spread out over 16 weeks. It's hellish when working full-time. I did it once, and basically there's no way I can do it again. So, my plan was to go on leave at my current job. This would allow me to balance the internship and school work while not dying from exhaustion. It's great too, because my house is on the market and might sell by mid January. This means I'd have no rent (I am staying with my father in law) and can float my bills much more easily. Well, here's where I fuck up. Remember that job I was mentioning? I've been working 12-13 hour days. Every day. Since September. I just got an email from the field office telling me that they were "concerned for my field readiness" as I had not completed the required training session this past weekend. FUCK. This training happens once per semester and I've heard that they have turned down students from entering field when they miss it. Awesome. My job thinks that I'm quitting (as they just denied my request for leave and PTO). And, that safety net that I potentially built up with the sale of my house? Worthless. Thanks, Career Point! **TL;DR:** I missed a required training for an internship and now I probably cannot finish school in the Spring. I have already gone through the motions to quit my job and had a great plan to have almost no expenses while in the internship...and that is gone.
I am in grad school to finish my Masters of Social Work degree. I am scheduled to finish up in the Spring. But, I have to complete an internship during my final semester. It's 450 hours spread out over 16 weeks. It's hellish when working full-time. I did it once, and basically there's no way I can do it again. So, my plan was to go on leave at my current job. This would allow me to balance the internship and school work while not dying from exhaustion. It's great too, because my house is on the market and might sell by mid January. This means I'd have no rent (I am staying with my father in law) and can float my bills much more easily. Well, here's where I fuck up. Remember that job I was mentioning? I've been working 12-13 hour days. Every day. Since September. I just got an email from the field office telling me that they were "concerned for my field readiness" as I had not completed the required training session this past weekend. FUCK. This training happens once per semester and I've heard that they have turned down students from entering field when they miss it. Awesome. My job thinks that I'm quitting (as they just denied my request for leave and PTO). And, that safety net that I potentially built up with the sale of my house? Worthless. Thanks, Career Point! TL;DR: I missed a required training for an internship and now I probably cannot finish school in the Spring. I have already gone through the motions to quit my job and had a great plan to have almost no expenses while in the internship...and that is gone.
I am in grad school to finish my Masters of Social Work degree. I am scheduled to finish up in the Spring. But, I have to complete an internship during my final semester. It's 450 hours spread out over 16 weeks. It's hellish when working full-time. I did it once, and basically there's no way I can do it again. So, my plan was to go on leave at my current job. This would allow me to balance the internship and school work while not dying from exhaustion. It's great too, because my house is on the market and might sell by mid January. This means I'd have no rent (I am staying with my father in law) and can float my bills much more easily. Well, here's where I fuck up. Remember that job I was mentioning? I've been working 12-13 hour days. Every day. Since September. I just got an email from the field office telling me that they were "concerned for my field readiness" as I had not completed the required training session this past weekend. FUCK. This training happens once per semester and I've heard that they have turned down students from entering field when they miss it. Awesome. My job thinks that I'm quitting (as they just denied my request for leave and PTO). And, that safety net that I potentially built up with the sale of my house? Worthless. Thanks, Career Point!
I missed a required training for an internship and now I probably cannot finish school in the Spring. I have already gone through the motions to quit my job and had a great plan to have almost no expenses while in the internship...and that is gone.
So, I recently found out that I qualify for the BOGW (Board of Governor's Waiver - in California) which effectively waives all my enrollment and class fees. In addition, I qualify for about $5,800 for a year in grants through FAFSA. I will be attending a CC next year in California where I will be fully supporting myself financially. However, I still need to pay for almost $900 a month in personal expenses for housing/food/utilities, etc because the city I live in is very expensive and my parents live in another state. (I have been in California supporting myself without going to school for the past three years since I graduated high school and finally have a desire to go to college) I may need to take out loans to support myself while maintaining a solid focus on school to be able to make the grades needed to transfer to the 4-year of my dreams (also an in-state school). I plan to get a job, but balancing a school with a part-time job will not only be stressful (although possible), may not meet me minimum financial need to make it through school at this point in time. My parents are unable to co-sign a loan due to their poor financial situation paired with poor credit. What do my options look like in terms of paying for school? I have already applied for MANY scholarships but have not heard any good news back yet. TL;DR : Need advice on financially surviving school.
So, I recently found out that I qualify for the BOGW (Board of Governor's Waiver - in California) which effectively waives all my enrollment and class fees. In addition, I qualify for about $5,800 for a year in grants through FAFSA. I will be attending a CC next year in California where I will be fully supporting myself financially. However, I still need to pay for almost $900 a month in personal expenses for housing/food/utilities, etc because the city I live in is very expensive and my parents live in another state. (I have been in California supporting myself without going to school for the past three years since I graduated high school and finally have a desire to go to college) I may need to take out loans to support myself while maintaining a solid focus on school to be able to make the grades needed to transfer to the 4-year of my dreams (also an in-state school). I plan to get a job, but balancing a school with a part-time job will not only be stressful (although possible), may not meet me minimum financial need to make it through school at this point in time. My parents are unable to co-sign a loan due to their poor financial situation paired with poor credit. What do my options look like in terms of paying for school? I have already applied for MANY scholarships but have not heard any good news back yet. TL;DR : Need advice on financially surviving school.
So, I recently found out that I qualify for the BOGW (Board of Governor's Waiver - in California) which effectively waives all my enrollment and class fees. In addition, I qualify for about $5,800 for a year in grants through FAFSA. I will be attending a CC next year in California where I will be fully supporting myself financially. However, I still need to pay for almost $900 a month in personal expenses for housing/food/utilities, etc because the city I live in is very expensive and my parents live in another state. (I have been in California supporting myself without going to school for the past three years since I graduated high school and finally have a desire to go to college) I may need to take out loans to support myself while maintaining a solid focus on school to be able to make the grades needed to transfer to the 4-year of my dreams (also an in-state school). I plan to get a job, but balancing a school with a part-time job will not only be stressful (although possible), may not meet me minimum financial need to make it through school at this point in time. My parents are unable to co-sign a loan due to their poor financial situation paired with poor credit. What do my options look like in terms of paying for school? I have already applied for MANY scholarships but have not heard any good news back yet.
Need advice on financially surviving school.
Here's my current 60 that I will be using in a GPT on Saturday: 20 Mountain 4 Foundry Street Denizen 3 Zurgo Bellstriker 4 Monastery Swiftspear 2 Lightning Berserker 4 Mardu Scout 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 3 Searing Blood 4 Wild Slash 4 Lightning Strike 4 Stoke the Flames 4 Dragon Fodder I feel like with low-to-the-ground Red strategies Hordeling Outburst is too slow. The card is objectively powerful, but sits in a very awkward spot in your curve. You want to sequence it alongside Rabblemaster but that delays the Rabblemaster another turn. The other issue is you want to be aggressive but you also want to hit your land drops to play these things on time, which means you're either running less lands than you'd like to or too many for a deck that wants to keep slamming threats. Moving on to Dragon Fodder, the card does a lot of amazing things for the deck. It utilizes the 2CMC slot in a fantastic way and synergizes well with your 2 strongest 1-drops. It has the same combo potential with Stoke that Outburst does, but I'd argue it might be better as it opens up the possibility for turn 3 Stokes more consistently and still being able to swing in with some creatures. An issue that would happen a lot (in my experience) is you'd end up with 2 lands in play and some combo of Stokes, Rabbles, and Outbursts but you can't do anything with them. Fodder at least gives you dudes to convoke Stoke or put down some pressure with Rabble if you get your land. Lastly, the sequence of Foundry -&gt; Fodder -&gt; Rabble will end games in no time. TL;DR I'm high on Dragon Fodder and I don't care who knows it.
Here's my current 60 that I will be using in a GPT on Saturday: 20 Mountain 4 Foundry Street Denizen 3 Zurgo Bellstriker 4 Monastery Swiftspear 2 Lightning Berserker 4 Mardu Scout 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 3 Searing Blood 4 Wild Slash 4 Lightning Strike 4 Stoke the Flames 4 Dragon Fodder I feel like with low-to-the-ground Red strategies Hordeling Outburst is too slow. The card is objectively powerful, but sits in a very awkward spot in your curve. You want to sequence it alongside Rabblemaster but that delays the Rabblemaster another turn. The other issue is you want to be aggressive but you also want to hit your land drops to play these things on time, which means you're either running less lands than you'd like to or too many for a deck that wants to keep slamming threats. Moving on to Dragon Fodder, the card does a lot of amazing things for the deck. It utilizes the 2CMC slot in a fantastic way and synergizes well with your 2 strongest 1-drops. It has the same combo potential with Stoke that Outburst does, but I'd argue it might be better as it opens up the possibility for turn 3 Stokes more consistently and still being able to swing in with some creatures. An issue that would happen a lot (in my experience) is you'd end up with 2 lands in play and some combo of Stokes, Rabbles, and Outbursts but you can't do anything with them. Fodder at least gives you dudes to convoke Stoke or put down some pressure with Rabble if you get your land. Lastly, the sequence of Foundry -> Fodder -> Rabble will end games in no time. TL;DR I'm high on Dragon Fodder and I don't care who knows it.
Here's my current 60 that I will be using in a GPT on Saturday: 20 Mountain 4 Foundry Street Denizen 3 Zurgo Bellstriker 4 Monastery Swiftspear 2 Lightning Berserker 4 Mardu Scout 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 3 Searing Blood 4 Wild Slash 4 Lightning Strike 4 Stoke the Flames 4 Dragon Fodder I feel like with low-to-the-ground Red strategies Hordeling Outburst is too slow. The card is objectively powerful, but sits in a very awkward spot in your curve. You want to sequence it alongside Rabblemaster but that delays the Rabblemaster another turn. The other issue is you want to be aggressive but you also want to hit your land drops to play these things on time, which means you're either running less lands than you'd like to or too many for a deck that wants to keep slamming threats. Moving on to Dragon Fodder, the card does a lot of amazing things for the deck. It utilizes the 2CMC slot in a fantastic way and synergizes well with your 2 strongest 1-drops. It has the same combo potential with Stoke that Outburst does, but I'd argue it might be better as it opens up the possibility for turn 3 Stokes more consistently and still being able to swing in with some creatures. An issue that would happen a lot (in my experience) is you'd end up with 2 lands in play and some combo of Stokes, Rabbles, and Outbursts but you can't do anything with them. Fodder at least gives you dudes to convoke Stoke or put down some pressure with Rabble if you get your land. Lastly, the sequence of Foundry -> Fodder -> Rabble will end games in no time.
I'm high on Dragon Fodder and I don't care who knows it.
Right but my point is that we don't know that it is unhealthy for dogs to do it. We just prefer them not to. How can we judge animals for certain behaviors if we do not actually understand it. tl;dr: you can't project human judgements onto animals because they aren't subject to our morals, perceptions or behaviors.
Right but my point is that we don't know that it is unhealthy for dogs to do it. We just prefer them not to. How can we judge animals for certain behaviors if we do not actually understand it. tl;dr: you can't project human judgements onto animals because they aren't subject to our morals, perceptions or behaviors.
Right but my point is that we don't know that it is unhealthy for dogs to do it. We just prefer them not to. How can we judge animals for certain behaviors if we do not actually understand it.
you can't project human judgements onto animals because they aren't subject to our morals, perceptions or behaviors.
I've been thinking lately about what Engineering education is and what it is good for. I remember looking at what engineers use to learn, it was the stuff you usually think of when you hear the word engineering. i.e Drafting classes, working slide rules, calculus 1 (?), design classes.. If you're in any respectable engineering program, you will realize that your classes are nothing like that. They would rather teach you things like solving linear ODEs, solving AC circuits, or trying to explain wtf fugacity is. Compared to the past, our classes are much more theory and math heavy. I'm going to make the assumption that most schools require ODEs, probability and statistics, single variable, multivariable calc, vector calc, linear algebra, numerical methods and some exposure to PDEs. Obviously some majors are more math heavy than others, but these are the general requirements for my school. If this trend keeps continuing perhaps we will eventually need real analysis, calculus of variations, and even more math to keep up with advances in other fields in undergrad. I can see FEA becoming a requirement in Civil/Mech/Aeraspace E and CFD becoming a requirement for any engineer dealing with fluids at the undergrad level. Anyways the point is, none of this prepares you to be a good corporate worker, it is clearly biased towards academia and advanced math/science. If the goal was to be able to use advanced math/science, wouldn't a math/physics undergrad prepare you better? The only thing that engineering gave me was more exposure to different fields. However, the trend is to specialize. Wouldn't it be better to scrap the engineering undergrad program altogether and only have math/physics undergrad with engineering as a grad school only thing. Often times you can't do any design work within engineering without grad school anyways. Engineering Technologists can fill the role of what most engineers do now (coding, excel, misc labour). Engineering will become similar to what math/physics is now. tl;dr We spend so much time learning theory that we have evolved beyond what engineers once were, it is pointless to keep up this charade.
I've been thinking lately about what Engineering education is and what it is good for. I remember looking at what engineers use to learn, it was the stuff you usually think of when you hear the word engineering. i.e Drafting classes, working slide rules, calculus 1 (?), design classes.. If you're in any respectable engineering program, you will realize that your classes are nothing like that. They would rather teach you things like solving linear ODEs, solving AC circuits, or trying to explain wtf fugacity is. Compared to the past, our classes are much more theory and math heavy. I'm going to make the assumption that most schools require ODEs, probability and statistics, single variable, multivariable calc, vector calc, linear algebra, numerical methods and some exposure to PDEs. Obviously some majors are more math heavy than others, but these are the general requirements for my school. If this trend keeps continuing perhaps we will eventually need real analysis, calculus of variations, and even more math to keep up with advances in other fields in undergrad. I can see FEA becoming a requirement in Civil/Mech/Aeraspace E and CFD becoming a requirement for any engineer dealing with fluids at the undergrad level. Anyways the point is, none of this prepares you to be a good corporate worker, it is clearly biased towards academia and advanced math/science. If the goal was to be able to use advanced math/science, wouldn't a math/physics undergrad prepare you better? The only thing that engineering gave me was more exposure to different fields. However, the trend is to specialize. Wouldn't it be better to scrap the engineering undergrad program altogether and only have math/physics undergrad with engineering as a grad school only thing. Often times you can't do any design work within engineering without grad school anyways. Engineering Technologists can fill the role of what most engineers do now (coding, excel, misc labour). Engineering will become similar to what math/physics is now. tl;dr We spend so much time learning theory that we have evolved beyond what engineers once were, it is pointless to keep up this charade.
I've been thinking lately about what Engineering education is and what it is good for. I remember looking at what engineers use to learn, it was the stuff you usually think of when you hear the word engineering. i.e Drafting classes, working slide rules, calculus 1 (?), design classes.. If you're in any respectable engineering program, you will realize that your classes are nothing like that. They would rather teach you things like solving linear ODEs, solving AC circuits, or trying to explain wtf fugacity is. Compared to the past, our classes are much more theory and math heavy. I'm going to make the assumption that most schools require ODEs, probability and statistics, single variable, multivariable calc, vector calc, linear algebra, numerical methods and some exposure to PDEs. Obviously some majors are more math heavy than others, but these are the general requirements for my school. If this trend keeps continuing perhaps we will eventually need real analysis, calculus of variations, and even more math to keep up with advances in other fields in undergrad. I can see FEA becoming a requirement in Civil/Mech/Aeraspace E and CFD becoming a requirement for any engineer dealing with fluids at the undergrad level. Anyways the point is, none of this prepares you to be a good corporate worker, it is clearly biased towards academia and advanced math/science. If the goal was to be able to use advanced math/science, wouldn't a math/physics undergrad prepare you better? The only thing that engineering gave me was more exposure to different fields. However, the trend is to specialize. Wouldn't it be better to scrap the engineering undergrad program altogether and only have math/physics undergrad with engineering as a grad school only thing. Often times you can't do any design work within engineering without grad school anyways. Engineering Technologists can fill the role of what most engineers do now (coding, excel, misc labour). Engineering will become similar to what math/physics is now.
We spend so much time learning theory that we have evolved beyond what engineers once were, it is pointless to keep up this charade.
So yea why doesn't Riot just make two servers for the NA region? My ping before the move was about the same as it is now but a persistent problem as been occurring since the move happened. Almost every game my ping would spike around 500 for a good minute, I don't know about you but a minute of lag in league can change the whole match. I'm sure if there were two servers this issue wouldn't exist, plus it's not like Riot doesn't have the money to do it. TL;DR Two servers= Better results for both coasts.
So yea why doesn't Riot just make two servers for the NA region? My ping before the move was about the same as it is now but a persistent problem as been occurring since the move happened. Almost every game my ping would spike around 500 for a good minute, I don't know about you but a minute of lag in league can change the whole match. I'm sure if there were two servers this issue wouldn't exist, plus it's not like Riot doesn't have the money to do it. TL;DR Two servers= Better results for both coasts.
So yea why doesn't Riot just make two servers for the NA region? My ping before the move was about the same as it is now but a persistent problem as been occurring since the move happened. Almost every game my ping would spike around 500 for a good minute, I don't know about you but a minute of lag in league can change the whole match. I'm sure if there were two servers this issue wouldn't exist, plus it's not like Riot doesn't have the money to do it.
Two servers= Better results for both coasts.
I've been in a relationship with this guy for the past year, and like all it started out great, and we encountered some problems, and we got through a lot of them. This past summer though, I got increasingly busy with summer course, work, traveling, and trying to spend time with friends only in town for the summer. Our relationship was good where we both knew we were busy and didn't need to be around each other all the time to prove we loved each other. Yet as the summer went on, I started to feel as if I was obligated to spend my free time with him. Not in way where he forced me to, but in the way where if I did have any free time I felt guilty if I used it for alone time rather than spending time with him. So I asked if for the summer we could take a break, just with our different schedules and what not, I thought it would help bring back wanting to be with each other for the sake of being with each other, if that makes sense. Turned out we are not really good at taking breaks, and we still went out to movies or dinner, and had sex and hung out. It just felt different though, like we really did want to be with each other, even though technically we kept calling it a break. Flash forward a month and I just get back from a three week trip, couldn't be more excited to see him, and to celebrate a year of being together. (Only because we decided the break was stupid, and we would just count our time like we didn't even take one.) Now that was a Monday, one of our best dates ever, come Wednesday he tells me we need to talk. So we meet up, and he starts off by saying how much he loves me and cares for me and would never do anything to hurt me, then starts to tell me about how while we were on our "break" he had slept with another girl. (Long story about who it was too.) So now I'm torn between technicalities and how I feel. --- **tl;dr**: Sorry for wall of text. Basically BF got drunk and slept with another woman (who he knows I dislike) while we were technically on break, yet while on said break we still went out, and had sex. Now I feel betrayed like he really cheated on me, even though technically we were on break, and I feel like I did this to myself because I suggested we go on break. Need help please.
I've been in a relationship with this guy for the past year, and like all it started out great, and we encountered some problems, and we got through a lot of them. This past summer though, I got increasingly busy with summer course, work, traveling, and trying to spend time with friends only in town for the summer. Our relationship was good where we both knew we were busy and didn't need to be around each other all the time to prove we loved each other. Yet as the summer went on, I started to feel as if I was obligated to spend my free time with him. Not in way where he forced me to, but in the way where if I did have any free time I felt guilty if I used it for alone time rather than spending time with him. So I asked if for the summer we could take a break, just with our different schedules and what not, I thought it would help bring back wanting to be with each other for the sake of being with each other, if that makes sense. Turned out we are not really good at taking breaks, and we still went out to movies or dinner, and had sex and hung out. It just felt different though, like we really did want to be with each other, even though technically we kept calling it a break. Flash forward a month and I just get back from a three week trip, couldn't be more excited to see him, and to celebrate a year of being together. (Only because we decided the break was stupid, and we would just count our time like we didn't even take one.) Now that was a Monday, one of our best dates ever, come Wednesday he tells me we need to talk. So we meet up, and he starts off by saying how much he loves me and cares for me and would never do anything to hurt me, then starts to tell me about how while we were on our "break" he had slept with another girl. (Long story about who it was too.) So now I'm torn between technicalities and how I feel. tl;dr : Sorry for wall of text. Basically BF got drunk and slept with another woman (who he knows I dislike) while we were technically on break, yet while on said break we still went out, and had sex. Now I feel betrayed like he really cheated on me, even though technically we were on break, and I feel like I did this to myself because I suggested we go on break. Need help please.
I've been in a relationship with this guy for the past year, and like all it started out great, and we encountered some problems, and we got through a lot of them. This past summer though, I got increasingly busy with summer course, work, traveling, and trying to spend time with friends only in town for the summer. Our relationship was good where we both knew we were busy and didn't need to be around each other all the time to prove we loved each other. Yet as the summer went on, I started to feel as if I was obligated to spend my free time with him. Not in way where he forced me to, but in the way where if I did have any free time I felt guilty if I used it for alone time rather than spending time with him. So I asked if for the summer we could take a break, just with our different schedules and what not, I thought it would help bring back wanting to be with each other for the sake of being with each other, if that makes sense. Turned out we are not really good at taking breaks, and we still went out to movies or dinner, and had sex and hung out. It just felt different though, like we really did want to be with each other, even though technically we kept calling it a break. Flash forward a month and I just get back from a three week trip, couldn't be more excited to see him, and to celebrate a year of being together. (Only because we decided the break was stupid, and we would just count our time like we didn't even take one.) Now that was a Monday, one of our best dates ever, come Wednesday he tells me we need to talk. So we meet up, and he starts off by saying how much he loves me and cares for me and would never do anything to hurt me, then starts to tell me about how while we were on our "break" he had slept with another girl. (Long story about who it was too.) So now I'm torn between technicalities and how I feel.
Sorry for wall of text. Basically BF got drunk and slept with another woman (who he knows I dislike) while we were technically on break, yet while on said break we still went out, and had sex. Now I feel betrayed like he really cheated on me, even though technically we were on break, and I feel like I did this to myself because I suggested we go on break. Need help please.