## IELTS WRITING TASK 1 - Map ***The diagrams below show changes in Felixstone in the UK between 1967 and 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.*** The pictures illustrate how the town Felixstone in the UK changed from 1967 to 2001. Overall, the seaside town underwent a number of dramatic changes, the most important of which are the disappearance of farmland, the development of amenities catering for recreational activities, and the demolition of the port beside the beach. In the northwest of the town, the golf course and the shops to the left side of the highway remained, while the shops on the opposite side were demolished to make way for the development of the apartments. The farmland in the northeastern area was transformed into an amenities complex, with a swimming pool, a hotel, and two tennis courts. The southeast of the map also saw dramatic changes, with the marina and the pier being transformed into a public beach, and the fish market being converted into a beach catering for private use. In the southwestern area, a tree was cut down and some wind turbines were built along the side of the beach. A parking space was constructed next to the hotel in the center of the downtown. *
Include the number of images used in the original. Even though the years that are indicated would be a indirect reference to the number of images, a direct representation will not hurt since the main focus of the summary is information clarity. There should also be a more different way of addressing the years covered. It sounds too much like a cut and paste right now. Vary the reference point whenever you can. Avoid a direct citation of the original to show sentence structure control and word variation abilities. The same observation applies to the location reference. The writer shows a severely limited knowledge of punctuation usage. He must strive to vary the grammar range of the presentation through the use of other punctuation macks. The second paragraph in particular is GRA problematic. However, the description provided is still clear and on point throughout. Even with the existing errors, this essay may still recieve a good score.
***In many countries today, people in cities prefer to live alone or in small family units rather than in large and extended family groups.*** ## Is this a positive or negative trend? ESSAY In many places of the world, there is a citizen's phenomenon that they intend to live by themselves or in a nuclear family rather than live in a big family which includes several generations. From my point of view, both two perspectives are equal in their merits and demerits. To begin with, there are several compelling reasons which prove that living under the same roof with extended family is better than living with a small number of family members. For one thing, family members can spend more time together which stimulates their relationship. The more, the merrier, family members can gather together for meals or watch TV together after a hectic day. Therefore, grandchildren and offspring can understand more about their grandparents, as a result, they will be more close-knit with their seniors. Additionally, living with more people under a roof can assist to save on living expenses. There is no longer a financial burden if the accommodation budget can be cut off and the total electricity and water and service bills are declined moderately. On the other hand, living in an extended family can lead to several inconveniences and conflicts which are related to the generation gap and living conditions. First and foremost, the private time and place for members are reduced. Due to living in the city, the general living area of a family is restricted, thus maybe there are not enough private rooms for each individual. The consequence is people will be uncomfortable because of a lack of personal space. Furthermore, because of the generation gap, people can have distinct hobbies which have an uncomfortable influence on others. The younger generation are usually interested in some boisterous activities such as parties or karaoke which is an annoyance for older people. Thus, this divergence can lead to some inevitable conflicts that affect family relationships. To conclude, people in urban areas have a temporary habit of living alone or in a nuclear family instead of living in a big family for generations. Personally, these two statements are equal for its own benefits and drawbacks.
The essay does not respond in the expected format. The question provides for a single opinion option with a 2 paragraph defense reason presentation. It is not a comparative nor extent discussion, upon which this type of reasoning presentation would apply. The writer has misunderstood the question. Although a comprehensive response was provided what will prevent the awarding of a passing grade will be the incorrect response format. When an essay does not achieve the correct discussion requirements one cannot expect to receive a passing score. The exam taker's ability to respond and discuss as instructed in a single opinion essay is what is scored here. Saying both sides are correct when that is not a response option is both incorrect and a prompt deviation. Partial scores will be given where possible but these will not merit a passing final overall score.
## summarise the information from the plans The two given plans illustrate how the ground floor of a museum looked like in 1990 and two decades later. Overall, there were significant changes in the twenty year period, with the repurposing of the archaeology gallery area and the addition of newer facilities to be the most striking features. In 1090, the ground floor of the museum consisted of an archaeology gallery and a local history room to the left of the entrance and the office, natural history room and the gift shop to the right. Additionally at the opposing side of the entrance were the stairs and a statue. The layout, however changed significantly by the 2010. The archaeology gallery, for starters, was replaced by the children's interactive zone and poster display area, both of which were sepearted by a wall. Furthermore, a café was added to the gift shop, resulting in a slight increase of its size. The reception counter and the statue were moved from the original locations, the former closer to the entrance and the latter more to the center. Finally, a lift was also installed between the café and and the natural history room. *
The summarized information should contain all specific year references. Do not use alternative year references at this point since the information is still being laid out for the reader to understand. Do not make it a habit to continue using the class taught outline format for the summary presentation as these are mere learning tools but should be removed once one begins to write academically. The summary overview should be combined into one paragraph of 3-5 sentences. This is how one can gain a higher task accuracy score. Information accuracy was negatively affected by errors in the presentation that were overlooked by the miter. What does 1090 refer to? Such lack of writing review shows that the writer has run out of writing time during the test. He submitted a rough draft rather than final copy for scoring. Better time allotment is a must to avoid such errors. Paragraphs must be uniform in length. No paragraph can be comprised of 2 sentences. That is a non-academic presentation and will affect the C + C and GRA scores. All paragraphs must meet the 3-5 analytical sentence requirement.
## Ielts writting task 1 - Process The given diagram illustrates the stages involed in the process of recyling plastics. Overall, there are essentially six stages of the bottles recyling , beginning with the buying, using and discarding of new bottles and ending with newly recycled products entering the market again. Meanwhile, the number of steps for bags and rubbish is halved compared to the bottles recyling. As can be seen from the diagram, in the first stage of the process, after people buy and use bottles, it is collected from anywhere such as shops, schools, residential areas,...In contrast, if the plastics are bag and rubbish, they will have only one destination which is landfill. Next, the collected bottles are transported to sorting house in order to sort bottles into recyclable and non-recyclable bottles. The next step is to drive the recyclable bottles to the processing plant, in this step the bottles are stored and cooked under the suitable condition for hours and hours. At the end of the process, newly recycled products are entered the market or shop again, ready to be sold. * *The diagram below shows the recycling process of plastics. Summarise the information by selecting an*
The given reference of a diagram should have been changed to a flow chart in the writer's interpretation. A change of wording from the original is expected as a part of vocabulary scoring considerations. Note that there are 2 manufacturing options presented which is why the flow chart description would be more accurate when considering the factual word meaning. An enumeneration of the possible manufacturing steps can and should be committed in the trending statement as the process should not be thoroughly outlined in this section. Clues and Vague references are acceptable in this section instead. A report cannot be based upon "As seen in ... " since the reader is presumed to not have a copy of the image. Describe or discuss immediately instead. A topic sentence / hook will work beat in this case. Punctuation marks cannot be used successively. The GRA score will be reduced because a comma and ellipses were used one after another in the presentation without words, phrases, or other thought gaps to justify its use. This is a highly common error among Asian students showing a clear lack of proper English sentence structuring lessons in their ESL classes. While the word count was met, the number of paragraphs was not correctly presented. Marks will be deducted for writing less than 3 paragraphs.
## **The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured.** *Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.* *Write at least 150 words.* *Answer:* The given picture depicts the manufacturing process for instant noodles. Overall, the entirely man-made operation includes 8 stages commencing with raw ingredients and finishing with packing for eventual consumption. The process of producing instant noodles begins in flour storage silos. The flour is transported and fed into a mixing machine, where it is combined with water and oil from another source. Following this stage, the resulting mixture is rolled out to form dough sheets before going through factory machinery to be separated into strips During the next stage, these dough strips are formed into compact " Noodles discs" which will be fried in oil and left to dry in the next step. Next, the fried noodles discs are ultimately arranged in cups with assorted vegetables and spices. The final part of the production process is to label and seal contents so that the finished cups of instant noodles are ready for sale. *
The image is not simply a picture. The examiner will be looking for a more definitive identifier in relation to the image content. This is actually a procedural illustration or diagram. Always refer to the correct image name for accuracy scoring. A punctuation mark is missing in one of the paragraphs. Lack of punctuation usage will result in GRA deductions. The writer must make it a point to proofread the paper and fix any grammar and punctuation errors he might catch. He should also take the opportunity to fix any sentence structure problems he may find. Take the time to perfect the essay content for better scoring potential. It is important to write more than just the minimum word count. 152 words are not enough for the examiner to consider a higher than base passing score for each rubie section. Aim for 175 words next time for increased scoring possibilities through a deeper analytical or reporting presentation.
## Alcohol abuse is becoming more and more common nowadays in many countries. ***What are some of the problems associated with alcohol abuse? And what are some possible solutions?*** In this day and age, alcohol abuse is becoming increasingly prevalent in a lot of nations. This essay will discuss both the consequences caused by excessive alcohol consumption and many measures to tackle this problem It is undeniable that alcohol dependence causes a number of negative impacts. Firstly, if people drink excessively frequently, the possibility is that they will suffer from alcohol-related mental disorders. Compared to those who rarely consume liquor, the alcoholics have unstable mental health. Despite the relaxing feeling the drinkers get after drinking, in the long run, alcohol can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, which decrease their life quality. Secondly, since numerous drunken people try to drive home after knocking off, they can cause serious traffic accidents, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of deaths due to excessive drinking reported every year. For instance, according to WHO, 40% of road crashes in Viet Nam are linked to overdrinking, which is an alarming rate for a developing country. Governments now should take steps to address this problem. The most practical solution to this problem is a government-sponsored awareness campaign. An effective advertising campaign could be warned of the dangers of alcohol abuse and the numerous benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and hopefully, raise awareness amongst the public. For example, the UK recently lobbied their citizens to shed some pounds every week by joining outdoor activities and this resulted in fewer people gathering at beer bars. Moreover, the government should inflate the tax on alcoholic drinks in order to discourage people from buying and consuming them. In many countries, alcoholic beverages are very affordable due to the low taxes, which leads the liquor to be widely accessible. In conclusion, excessive intake of alcohol causes lots of detrimental effects on not only our mental health but also our physical health. However, it can be addressed thanks to the collaboration between the government and members of the community.
The writers opinion in missing from the opening statement. It is important that he offers single sentence responses for each question asked as a part of the prompt restatement. Without the direct responses, his immediate opinion as required by the preliminary task accuracy score will be insufficient as he will have failed to depict his opinion and its basis. The essay could fall short of a preliminary passing score. Avoid consistently repeating the discussion questions. Provide direct topic responses as paragraph anchors instead. Repeating instructions does nothing for scoring considerations. Do not use slang terms such as knocking off either because this is an academic opinion paper. As such, everyday academic words should be used. Slang should only be used during informal writing. The discussion paragraphs are quite well developed. These are informative and well supported It is too bad that the reverse paraphrase conclusion was not as well presented to the reader.
## factors influencing a child's development Opinions differ as to whether parents obviously play an important role in their child's development or social factors outside of the family are influencing the way that their child develops. Personally, i am in agreement with the latter view, eventhough the other one also shows positive aspects. There is no doubt that there are factors outside of the family that significantly impact to their children's development. For instance, there is television and the Internet. Children nowadays need to get more access to these than in the past, they will learn more languages and will be more influency with the language they learn and see things that will teach them about life. Friends also impact seriously on them, they will have more fun and be more friendly when thay have best friend, these bring to them many positive aspects but also negative action such as: smoking, taking drugs, drinking beers, etc... However, the family which has the most important impact to children. They spen most time of their life on their family, parents who bring them up and carefully take care of their child, they teach their child about social skills, life, etc....When children was a baby, who was teaching them how to walk the first step, how to say the first word and looked after them when thay was ill, it is absolutely the one who gave birth to children In conclusion, While some people believe that the main factors influencing a child's development nowadays are social factors outside of the family, it seems to me that parents who has the most important impact to the way that their child develops
Always use 2 sentences to present the separate public opinions. Try to mirror the original presentation at much as possible since the idea is to mimic the original presentation. The original is a 3 sentence paragraph presentation. The restatement should number the same so as to maintain task accuracy. Once you are in agreement with one side of the argument, that is the only aspect you should focus on. The discussion requires a single opinion statement. The next statement needs to be the reason why you disagree with the other side. That helps deliver the clear basis of your opinion. This current presentation may be considered somewhat complete in its current form. Kindly remember that the most effective way to discuss these views are by: 1. Explaining the valid public reason for the opposing argument then, disproving that by presenting your opinion that disproves the valid public opinion. 2. Explaining the reasons the public supports the 2nd pov. Strengthen the same with your personal opinion. Sprinkle the reasoning paragraphs with properly placed 3rd person and 1st person pronouns to meet the GRA requirement. The previously suggested response formats are the best and most proper way to gain the most scoring considerations overall. This piece of writing shows your potential to score well. Use the correct paragraph presentation and you should have better scoring considerations with the next essay.
## the impact of Katrina hurricane on florida area In August 2005, a massive typhoon called Katrina destroyed the Southern United States, it crashed in New Orleans the biggest city in Florida, causing huge losses to the economy and human lives. New Orleans Levee system including Industrial Canal, Lake Borgne, and Lake Pontchartrain was fully overloaded. By the afternoon of August 29, nearly 20 percent of the city was submerged and 80 percent was underwater by the day after. According to Britannica's report, the hurricane killed more than 1,800 people, cost 160 billion US dollars and it directly decreases the population of New Orleans fell by 29 percent from 2005 to 2011. The damage of Hurricane Katrina devastated seriously the economy of the United States, especially in the Florida States; forcing millions of people to fall into homelessness, and lack food and clean water.
The information provided should be more complete. Mention all the areas affected in the Southern United States by degree of effect. Make New Orleans a special mention because it was the most devastated by the hurricane. correct the description from a typhoon to a hurricane since the latter is the correct term for the weather disturbance that occurred. Also, the hurricane "landed" rather than "crashed" since the storm made "landfall" at the time. The levee and canals were destroyed rather than overloaded. These all crumbled under the heavy rainfall conditions. Watch out for incorrect tense presentations. Do not use current tenses. These all need to be in past tense based on the year the event happened. Florida is a state.There are no states within Florida. The state system of the U.S. does not work that way. Florida States is incorrect terminology,
***Many people like to eat unhealthy food even though they know it's bad for them.*** ## Why? What are the most effective ways to improve people's eating habits? Many individuals tend to consume food that is not good for their health despite knowing its adverse effects. In this essay, I will discuss that being tastier is the main reason why unhealthy food is consumed as much. Furthermore, making healthy food more accessible and increasing awareness about hazardous effects of junk food are the best methods of making people's eating habits better. People eat unhealthy and junk food because it tastes much better. This is because there is excessive amount of salt and oil, which is what threatens our health, in this type of food. These ingredients stimulate our taste buds more than other types of food and makes us conusme more of it. Fast food such as burgers and pizzas, for instance, have large amount of oil and salt among other ingredients, which makes them tastier and so popular. Thus, the tastier the food is, the more likely it is to be consumed more. Nevertheless, there are two methods that can help improve eating habits of people. Making healthy food cheaper and more accessible is the first method. People buy junk food because healthy food such as fresh vegetables and fruits are often priced much higher than their unhealthy counterparts. In America, for example a burger is around two dollars, while a dozen of bananas are more than five dollars. Thus, currently people can feed themselves on much less if they only bought junk food. Additionally, increasing awareness about the adverse effects of junk food can also help. People often underestimate the hazardous effects of unhealthy food. In other words, they think junk food might only make them fatter. Hence, it is necessay to make people aware of the actual adverse effects, specifically obesity and caridac problems among others, through advertisements or public campaigns. In conclusion, people eat junk food despite its dangers to the human health due to better taste. Moreover, making people more aware and making healthy food more accessible are the best methods of curbing people's eating habits.
This essay contains a very well developed paraphrasing and highly informative opinion statement. Both of which will help increase the preliminary score of this discussion. The writer shows a clear grasp of the reasoning expectations and shows an ability to discuss these as needed. While his discussions are clear, he may want to consider the use of more linking references in the discussions. He should also avoid stating: "For example", since the mention of the reference already indicates that. Avoid the use of placement holder words and other commonly used linking phrases like "in other words" as these are seen as memorized phrases learned in IELTS review classes. Develop more original representations. The writer has done a passing job with this presentation. Just note the above observations for additional improvement going forward.
## spending on mobile phones and landline services I have written this writing task 1 in IELTS, but wondering whether there are any faults or things I need to improve. My target within 6 months is to achieve 7.0-8.0 in writing task 1. I really appreciate your help! Thank you! The graph illustrates the average yearly spending on mobile phone, national and overseas landline services in a period between 2001 and 2010. The units are measured in dollars. The graph illustrates the average yearly spending on mobile phone, national and overseas landline services in a period between 2001 and 2010. The units are measured in dollars. In common, the annual expenditure of national fixed-line services experienced a downward trend while the opposite was true for cellular phone spending. Also, the figure of overseas landline services was relatively stable during the period. As regards the first year of the period, the yearly national landline payment was ranked as the highest among other services with $700. However, in 2006, its figure dropped considerably by roughly $200 which equaled the annual handphone spending. Since consumers gradually spent more for mobile phones in the following 4 years, its expenditure grew significantly from $200 to $500. Meanwhile, the international fixed-line consumption increased incrementally from around $250 to roughly $320 before declining by $20 in 2004. Then, it remained stable at 300$ until the fifth year of the period. In 2006, domestic landline services became less popular with a drop of $100 in its annual spending. On the contrary, cell phones were increasingly consumed which induced its payment to rise from $500 to over $700. Additionally, the amount of money paid for overseas fixed-line services was unchanged with around $300 throughout.
It is important to remember the sentence number requirement per paragraph to avoid GRA deduction. All paragraphs inclusive of the summary must contain 3-5 individual reference/ information sentences. Getting used to such a practice ensures 3 things: 1. Clearly informative paragraphs. 2. Proper mix of compound, complex, and simple sentences. 3. Avoidance of possible GRA deductions based on run on presentations, punctuation errors, and possible information confusion. The summary is too compressed and automatically contains at least 2 of these errors. A complete image identifier is needed. A graph in a general reference. What type of graph is it? More familiarity with image types will help the accuracy score. Always use the year reference in the reporting paragraphs. These will help the reader track the information from the summary into the report itself. The task 1 essay focuses on information accuracy and clarity. Always place the currency marker before the digits. Use a uniform currency presentation at all times. Let us say that you have the potential to achieve your target score. You are not there yet, but you are getting closer to it.
***Around the world, many adults are working from home, and more children are beginning to study from home because technology has become cheaper and more accessible. ## Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.*** The development of technology has allowed many adults and youngsters to work and study from home. Although I believe that technology has excessive beneficial impacts on people's lifestyles, I also think that the improvement of technology can be negative in some ways. On the one hand, recently due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, smart devices such as computers and mobile phones have become an essential element in people's lives as they allowed people to keep in touch with others and work from home. Moreover, because technology is cheaper nowadays, children in rural areas can easily get access to the Internet which positively contributed to their learning. For instance, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries, digital classes enable students to make effective use of traveling time. With this significant amount of preparation time, these juniors will have more spare time for hobbies and outdoor activities. On the other hand, using smart devices without limitations can cause health problems. In fact, if children concentrate on playing computer games, their eyes will be affected by the screen lights from technologies. Furthermore, they can easily get addicted to computer games. In accordance with a survey made by my classmates, more than 70% of high school students have to wear glasses from a young age because of having bad eyesight. In conclusion, even though I agree that technology has beneficial effects that can help adults and children tackle many issues, spending excessive time using technology can create a detrimental lifestyle that will damage people's health. That is why people need to limit their time spent on the usage of technology to avoid having health issues. (273w)
The essay meets the word count requirements but not the opinion criteria. The lack of a clear opinion is evidenced by the agreement of the willr in a partial manner with both provided ideas. Such a discussion format is allowed only in an extent comparative essay which is not the format required by this discussion. The writer has accidentally produced 2 problems at this point: 1. A lack of single opinion focus. 2. Incorrect task format. These mistakes dangerously lower the preliminary score as only partial scores will be awarded in other sections due to the discussion format error. It may cause an overall failing score. The writer must become familiar with more Task 2 discussion types and how to properly approach them to avoid the same mistake in the future.
***IELTS 1 The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. ## Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.** (Write at least 150 words)* The graph illustrates how many grams were consumed weekly by European people on fish and three types of meat: chicken, beef, and lamb from 1979 to 2004. Overall, there was an upward trend in the consumption of chicken as opposed to the data for lamb and beef. In addition, the lowest could be found in fish consumption. Looking first at beef and lamb consumption, over 200 grams of beef were used by each individual per week at the beginning of the period, followed by the figure for lamb was 150 grams. Then, the amount of beef peaked at approximately 240 grams in 1984 before hitting a constant fall to around 100 grams in 2004. Meanwhile, the figure for lamb had a substantial decrease after 1979 and fell to its lowest point at around 50 grams in 2004. Turning to the remaining figures, the amount of chicken consumed was accounted for just below 150 grams in 1979. After that, this number experienced a considerable increase to precisely 200 grams in 1989 and fluctuated slightly to end at around 250 grams in the last year. While the data of fish remained stable at approximately 50 grams throughout the period time. *
There should not be any rush to compress data from the image. The more sentences referenced in the summary overview (3-5) the clearer and more informative it will be considered by the reader. Even if it is easier and possible to refer to all the information in a single breath/ sentence, it is not always a good thing. Such presentations cause GRA errors that the writer may not be aware of. Therefore, it is best to use single idea sentences in the summary section. The phrase "at the beginning of the period" should be referenced in the trending overview where vague references do not affect information coherence yet. It is best to mention the actual starting year in the analytical paragraph. The comparative paragraphs must always use the data as provided, even if it is only a year reference. The data for fish was incorrectly referred to as stable. Going forward, it will do your score well to properly reference this type of graph movement as "nominal with no significant changes." By the way, identify the image accurately next time by type. This is a line graph. Do not rely only on provided data for the summary. It may need correction or clarification in the actual report.
***Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the restrictions of the government.*** ## Do you agree or disagree? It is controversial whether the government should impose restrictions on the exchange activities between countries. In my opinion, I agree that any nation should be allowed to freely sell goods although this could contain some disadvantages. On the one hand, permitting unlimited commerce could bring certain drawbacks. Since governments do not establish a trade barrier, several foreign companies could export their goods without difficulty. As a result, domestic enterprises would have less opportunities to develop successfully since they could not compete with overseas brands that both have previous experience as well as financial support from mother companies behind. For example, the open car market in the UK has globally attracted various automobile exporters from other nations, causing a noticeable decline in the number of cars sold by domestic manufacturers. In addition, criminals could take advantage of the free trade policy to commit smuggling, causing viable threats to the public. On the other hand, governments should allow unrestricted transactions to improve the life of people. By permitting trading ability, goods would not only increase in quantity but also widely vary in model. Thus, customers would gain access to different buying options, fulfilling the unique demand of each individual. Furthermore, multiple companies would potentially lose their dominance as more imported goods are approved. Consequently, they would be forced to enhance the goods quality or otherwise reduce the price to contend for revenue, which directly benefits people purchasing items. For instance, the average cost of motorcycles in Laos has declined significantly after the government granted foreign manufacturers the selling permission, helping numeral people. In conclusion, I believe that any nation should be able to sell goods to others without limitation from governments despite the following disadvantages.
The writer tried to exaggerate his restatement and opinion paragraph which led to a less than accurate retelling of the orginal prompt. He also changed the discussion instruction through his diect opinion response. The writer set-up his introduction paragraph for an immediate failing score. The discussion topic is based on an opinion, not a controversy. This is a single opinion agree or disagree consideration. It is not an agree or disagree + advantage v. disadvantage debate. These 2 errors will ensure a failing overall score due to the confusing discussion format. The approach should have been based upon *"I agree with the previous statement based on the advantages of such a practice."* or something similar. That opinionpresentation is clear and considered non-prompt deviant because the single opinion explanation has an advantage discussion basis. Both paragraphs after will explain the validity or acceptability of the writer's opinion. That is the main focus of the task.
***The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010. ## Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.*** The diagram depicts the proportion of females and males who passed their driving test in one Asian country from 1980 to 2010. As is highlighted from the bar charts, the percentage of women and men who passed their driving test is on the increase between 1980 and 2010. Looking at the details, the proportion of driving tests passed by women commenced at approximately 50% in 1980, then improved significantly to around 70% during 2000. After that, there was a marginal decrease of nearly 5% in the year 2010. Meanwhile, the rate of men who passed their driving test gradually increased from 1980 to 2000 and stay the same during 2010. The year 1980 recorded a steady improvement from nearly 30% to approximately 40% in 1990 and 50% in 2000. Nonetheless, whilst women experienced a downward trend between 2000 and 2010, the proportion of men who passed when they took their driving test showed a stable change. *
Provide an accurate number for the images given for the comparative report. That plus the correct image identifier should open the summary information. There is no diagram in this case, only 2 bar charts. The incorrect image reference implies both a lack of English word meaning and an unfamiliarity with the task requirements. Both are score deductible. Avoid the use of direct quotes from the given image as there will be scored as cut and paste elements, even if only a phrase or half a sentence. A cut and paste presentation is prominently seen in the summary presentation. All highlights must be reworded to avoid lower score considerations. Paraphrasing skills through comprehension must be evident in that paragraph. Majority of the paragraphs should have a more analytical consideration. That is normally found in paragraphs of 3-5 sentences. Combined comparisons such as these do not work as well when considered against real sentence type mash-ups. Even as I consider these errors and shortcomings of the writer, it is still a good effort. I know he can do better next time.
## THE PROCESS OF PRODUCING CHOCOLATE The diagram shows how chocolate is produced. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The flowchart demonstrates the process of making liquid chocolate. Looking at the graph, it can be seen that there are ten stages involve in the process, starting with the collection of cacao pods and finishing with liquid chocolate being made. First, cacao trees are grown in S.America, Africa and Indonesia which bear the ripe cacao pods. After being harversted, the white cacao beans are collected inside the ripe cacao pods. Next, the beans then get fermented before being spread out and left in the sun to dry. Then all the beans will be put in large packs to transports to the manufacturers by train or lorry. At the factory, the beans are roasted in high temperature at about 350 degrees. The roasted beans continue to be crushed to remove the outer shells from the inner part. Finally, liquid chocolate are made by pressing the inner part of the roasted beans. The procedure is completed (154w) *
This is not a flowchart. A flowchart is defined as; a graphic representation, using symbols interconnected with lines, of the successive steps in a procedure or system. The word cannot be used interchangeably with diagram. A more appropriate alternate ward would have been a descriptive chart or outline. These are actual synonyms for a diagram. Be careful with word choices. One incorrect choice can alter the focus of the discussion and cause a failing paragraph score. There are not enough information within the diagram to warrant a 4 paragraph set-up. This is only a 3 paragraph design. The summary and overview should have been blended into one paragraph. Single sentence presentations are not acceptable as paragraph presentations. It will not geta helpful score. It is not advisable to say Looking at the graph because the assumption is that the report is detailed enough to be understood without needing to look directly at the image. Always frame these as factual descriptive reports. Do not refer the reader to the image for any reason. First, cacao trees are grown in S.America, Africa and Indonesia which bear the ripe cacao pods. Good information, bad sentence structure. What was the problem? There was no need to start with "first" because the topic sentence did not need it. There was no point in using that format since there was no second or third reference. Use a uniform ordinal next time.
## the proportion of salary in Japan to the price of tv receiver Task: **The graph shows Japanese people's average monthly salary (thousands of Yen or ¥) from 1953 to 1983, and the prices of black and white television and color television during the same period.** The given line chart illustrates Japanese citizens' average income per month between 1953 and 1983, and the value of two kinds of TV during the same period. On the whole, the payment for a black and white TV and a color TV observed a downward trend while the reserve could be seen in the average individual earnings in Japan. Additionally, a color TV cost more than a black and white one. In particular, the amount of money that Japanese people paid for a black and white TV declined exponentially from ¥110 thousand in 1953 to ¥40 thousand in 1963 before a moderate drop to ¥20 thousand in 1983. Likewise, a color TV's valuable also fell rapidly from ¥100 thousand to ¥60thousand between 1963 and 1973, followed by a minimal decrease to ¥48 thousand at the end of the period. Conversely, the Japanese monthly personal salary mostly reached a plateau at ¥20 thousand from 1953 to 1963 after which it went up minimally to ¥30 thousand in the next ten years. Subsequently, it rocketed to nearly ¥70thousand in 1983 which overwhelmed the price of two kinds of TV. *
3 problems in the summary overview alone: 1. An apostrophe or apostrophe S is not used when indicating the plural form of a word. It is not a proprietorial mention. 2. There should be a mention of the Yen, as in thousands of Yen, as the salary currency to clearly indicate the fiduciary value and currency of the salaries. 3. The presentation should have been seperated into several stand-alone sentences to clearly reference the provided information. Run-on sentences do not represent proper simple, complex, and compound sentence variations and cause severe GRA deductions. There are LR problems as well that show an unfamiliarity with English word meaning and usage: Wrong: reserve - to keep back or save for future use, disposal, treatment Right: reverse - opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character Wrong: valuable - having considerable monetary worth; costing or bringing a high price: Right: value - monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade Look up the meaning of overwhelmed to understand why it is also a wrong word choice for the sentence. These are but a few of the word usage problems that will result in LR deductions.
## low priority of Wild animals protection Some people believe that wildlife doesn't worth being preserved as they have no priority in the 21st century. Personally, I strongly disagree with the statement above In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. As the increase in the world's population, more lands, and animals' habitats are being exploited for farming or building large-scale infrastructure, and innovative facilities. However, there is plenty of rooms in high-rise apartments for us to dwell. As a result, we can utilize the remain of space for animals. Furthermore, there are no compelling reasons why we should let these species be on the brink of extinction. Moreover, I also disagree with the idea that conservating wildlife is a waste of resources due to its significant advantages for the world. It appears that protecting natural resources ensures the survival of these wild animals. To be more precise, when we guard the biological diversity of rainforests means we stabilize the Earth's climate because rainforests absorb Carbon dioxide and release oxygen for breathing. They prevent many specific regions from flooding reservoirs. By protecting natural dwellers and their habitats, we can maintain the sustainability of the Earth To put everything in a nutshell, it is believed that wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so people have no obligation to protect them. From my point of view, I totally disagree with that idea because they are precious and humans have no right to let them die out.
The prompt given is an opinion. Where no extent or disagree response is asked for, the writer must discuss the essay from a logical point of view. Does the writer share the same opinion ? Why or why not? The rephrasing should only be 3 sentences long: 1. Restate the topic 2. Answer if one shares the opinion (e.g. I can understand why one would think this. / I can see reasons to not believe this statement) 3. Give a summary of 2 supporting reasons. The essay is frustrating to read because the writer shows a total disregard for paragraph formatting. A consideration heavily observed by the examiners. Expect severe deductions because of this. Careless writing will always result in a failing score.
## method of transport **The table and bar chart show how journey times in a city centre changed after improvements were made to the transport network, and the cots of using different form of transport in the city. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.** The table shows how long it took to transport around a city before and after the transport network was improved. The bar graph shows how much it cost to use various types of transport. Traveling by taxi is the fastest way of getting around the city throughout the innovative process, at 9 minutes and 12 minutes respectively. The car experienced the biggest rise in journey times after improvements to the network, from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. The bus is the slowest form of transportation, it takes passengers 28 minutes around the city, but thank to the improvement the average journey time is decreased 5 more minutes to 23 minutes. The tram witnessed the biggest fall in journey times after improvements to the worldwide innovation, from 22 minutes to 16 minutes. Passengers who travel by taxi have to pay €1.80 per kilometre which is more expensive than car (€1.00). It takes €0.50 per kilometre for traveling by tram while the cheapest form of transport is bus - just €0.4 per kilometre. In a nutshell, depend on distances, the quickest way to travel is taxi but high-priced, otherwise bus is the best way for the pocket. *
Since this is a 2 image report, the writer should have used the 4 paragraph reporting format composed of: Summary overview + 2 trending statements (one for each image) 3 Reporting and comparison paragraphs There are 3 reporting paragraph because the paragraphs should be composed of: Image 1 reporting paragraph Image 2 reporting paragraph Comparison of information paragraph The writer has not completely analyzed the images in the manner that would have showed a thorough study of the data and comparison of information. While he did an accurate job of reporting the information from each image in their respective body paragraph, he did not offer a proper analysis of the image based on contrasting observations of the two images when compared side by side.
## cars problem nowadays In the hustle and bustle of today's world, owning a car has become one of the essential parts of many people's lives. Cars grant owners convenience, and also provide ready access to a variety of services and leisure options. Nevertheless, there is still a range of problems that should be identified and addressed. There are innumerable drawbacks caused by this means of transportation, but one evident minus point is the environmental costs that frequent car use brings about. Vehicles have long been reported as a major cause of air pollution due to the released toxic fumes. The more cars traveling on the roads, the more emission being exhausted, leading to a severely polluted atmosphere. The noise from cars' horns is also an indisputable reason for the increase in noise pollution, especially in urban areas. Not only does the environment have to suffer but also the human's safety. Numerous casualties have been recorded annually resulting from car accidents. Therefore, it is a must to tackle these issues, and some people support that a strict restriction on the use of cars should be imposed. However, it's not the best option at the time, especially when the need for flexibility is rising high and the car industry's role in a country's economy is becoming dominant. To alleviate the environmentally related impacts, encouraging citizens to travel by public means of transportation (bikes, buses...) or promoting environmentally-friendly cars which run on solar power should be taken into consideration. Another practical solution is to expand and enhance transport infrastructures to reduce the traffic jams and accidents. To encapsulate, the regular use of cars does result in many problems related to not only the environment but also humanity. Despite the seemingly positive effects of limiting people's car use, it is unfortunately not a permanent cure. Immediate actions should be taken with the view to avoiding severe consequences.
The prompt restatement is not even remotely related to the original discussion. The questions being asked as the establishing platform for the writer's opinion were also not addressed directly with topical responses in the first paragraph. The opening statement is a failure in terms of responding to the task. The first paragraph has one objective alone, to do a simple rewording of the original topic, then respond directly to the questions within 2 sentences that will establish the succeeding discussion paragraphs. When the writer does not address the concerns of the paragraph properly, he is said to not have met task accuracy requirements. This is an example of an empty restatement. It neither meets the topic paraphrasing nor the opinion response needs to meet receive a decent accuracy score. Stick to the script in the first paragraph. The author has incorrectly used a possessive apostrophe in this case. Nobody owns the cars in terms of reference. It is just a general description of the object. There is no need for an apostrophe at the end of the plural form of the word (cars not cars'). The paragraph should not have had a 3rd reason presented. The most one should present in these paragraphs are 2 connected reasons (air and noise pollution) that can share the same reasoning. The last reason was not properly connected nor explained anymore. It affected the cohesiveness of the paragraph negatively. The writer should provide a direct response to the given question "Should people be discouraged to use cars?" The paragraph should kick off with a clear opinion sentence such as "I believe that people should not be discouraged to use cars at this point." Then proceed to explain 2 related reasons for this belief. There is no sense in unnecessarily making the paragraph longer since longer does not always mean better. It is the author's logic and intelligence, not the words written that is being assessed here. Long essays usually mean more mistakes or irrelevant discussion points.
## gap year dilemma It is true that some students who finish high-school opt to work or travel for a period before they start university. While I accept that there are benefits and drawbacks of this decision in terms of their studies, I would argue that it is better to take a year out to work or travel. It is true that taking a gap year before higher education to get more time for a casual job or going abroad is becoming more and more popular. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this trend, I strongly believe that these are outweighed by the advantages. On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks when people decided to take a gap year. Firstly, the expense to go abroad these day are expensive due to plane tickets or living costs of a different country. For example, going to Australia from Vietnam would cost about 15-20 millions vnđ, not mentioning the living costs. Even working inland, the income from the jobs would not be sufficient enough to live independently thus adult still have to pay most of your expense. Secondly, a gap year will disrupt existing study habit since school is not a part of gap year. From studying to working then studying will make people feel overwhelmed by the constant changing environment. In addition, when coming back for a gap year, people tend to feel like they are slower and older than their friends who do not take a gap year. On the other hand, I believe that the benefit are more significant than such disadvantages. One reason for this view is that, the experiences people get from a gap year is enormous. Take going abroad as an example, people will have to adapt to the new environment that they never seen before, have to meet with strangers of different languages, have to learn how to solve problems independently. From there, they will accumulate various skillset to use before becoming a student. Another reason for this is that, a gap year will prevent student from burning out and help them to perform better when studying in the university since they can feel free from stress. In conclusion, it seems to me that the advantages of taking a short break or a gap year are more significant than the disadvantages. (328w)
Please note that you will not be able to write 328 words during the actual 40 minute test. Time yourself next time and make sure you write a prompt adherent essay. What you currently have is a prompt deviant essay that does not respond to the task in the correct format.This is a general comparative essay. It is to be written without a writer's opinion since one is not asked for in the writing instruction provided. This essay discussion is already 50% incorrect. The writer further adds to the non-passing marks for the essay as he combines other discussion formats in the presentation such as an extent response and a corroborative statement where none is required. Due to the incorrect discussion representations, it will be difficult to gain a passing mark. A lengthy essay is not useful when the content does not meet the scoring requirements. English comprehension skills as evidenced by a correct and applicable response format is imperative and must be proven to pass this test.
## GLOBAL MOBILE SALES The given bar chart demonstrates the worldwide sales of the top five cell phone brands over the span of 4 years, starting from 2009. Overall, despite an upward trend in the global sales of Samsung, Apple and ZTE, LG and Nokia's figures experienced an unwanted decline. Looking at the graph, it is readily seen that Nokia was by far the market leader of nearly 450 million in 2009, followed by Samsung with halved sales (230 million). The corresponding figures for LG, ZTE and Apple are 125 million, 50 million and 25 million respectively. Nevertheless, Nokia's global sales witnessed a slight decrease in 2011, and after that was a considerable tail-off of virtually 200 million two years later, stepping down from first to second place. LG also experienced the same propensity, with a decrease of about 30 million every two years. By 2013, Samsung's sales had doubled to take the first place, with Apple's being sixfolded to 150 million. Meanwhile, there was only a 1o million increase in the sales of ZTE. *
Divide the summary overview into individual information sentences. starting off with a run- on sentence means major point deductions that can lower the TA score to a failing level. The writer opened by showing a lack of sentence structure control due to the missing mix of appropriate sentence styles. "Despite" is a preposition that connotes "in spite of" or " not withstanding". This can only be used to refer to a situation where a common scenario exists which has been overcome by the group. This is not the case for the trending statement since s of the companies have a different scenario. There is a word usage error that affected the clarity of the idea presentation in that aspect. Do not ask the reader to look at the graph.That is never an instruction given in an analytical report. Use a different way of starting off the sentence. Use a topic rather than directional reference. All sentence references must be between 3-5 to represent an academic analytical paragraph. Use the uniform minimum to maximum sentence count paragraph. That is the best way to meet the GRA requirements.
## physical education courses for students -----START----- A School is supposed to be there to teach you the skills and ideas that you will use in life. Aside from the topics that you will learn schools should try to do more for their students. They must try to instill certain values that the school thinks would be beneficial for their students to have. Furthermore beyond the mental aspect of an individual. Schools have to also think about how to ensure the physical well-being of their students. The value of health cannot be overstated. It literally dictates whether or not we get to live. Personally, I think schools should require their students to go through physical education courses. Provided that the student is physically capable and there are no other causes for concern regarding the student doing the activities. Even if some students may not take kindly to being required to take physical education courses. It is still in their best interest and I think the school should understand this and push their students. ------END------- I tried to write something within an hour to emulate what it's like writing something in school. I would appreciate any feedback at all. Don't be worried about coming across as overly critical I would appreciate that.
There are 2 ways to approach the riting of this essay. These are: 1. Prompt restatement + personal opinion 2. Direct discussion The difference between the 2 is that the former allows you to highlight hour well you can interpret an English discussion.The latter, immediately highlights your English thinking and writing style. The commonality of the 2 is the need for strong English comprehension skills. In this writing, the student shows logical English prowess, but tends to overdiscuss to the point of topic alteration. The focus of the discussion should focus on that foundation without meddling the discussion with values references. When writing a 2 paragraph direct response, one must be certain of his opinion since this has to be proven to be the correct and acceptable opinion. Words of uncertainty create a sense of doubt because you have made your own opinion weak. "I think" has no place in an opinion or analytical essay. Good job reasoning out though. It is not a bad first attempt. There is definitely room for improvement based upon this presentation. The writing skill can be developed easily.
## how clogs are made The diagram shows how traditional wooden shoes, known as clogs, are made. At the general glance, the process consists of six stages involving the manual rather than machine-driven, using special tools like the saw, axe together with main material, the poplar or willow wood. The first stage, namely "Outlining", contains three small steps. At the beginning, poplar or willow is cut into pieces by saw. The next process is using an axe to chop the piece of wood whose size is in proportions to that of a clog. After that, a special knife is used to carve the clog-shaped pieces into a clog. Second stage, "Boring out shoe interior", unfinished-clogs are bored by a spoon drill to make a hole fitting with each customer foot. Finally, in the "Finishing" stage, the clogs are rubbed by sandpaper both inside and outside in order to make it smoother and less-rugged. Decorating these traditional wooden shoes will be an option for customers who want it. *
The procedural report is short by one paragraph even as the word count was met. There should be 3 paragraphs present here since the manufacturing process is divided into 2 phases. Therefore: 1st paragraph = Summary + Trend 2nd paragraph= First 3 steps 3rd paragraph = Last 3 steps The grouping is used to signify the start and end of the clog creation process. It makes the process clearer and easier to follow for the reader. When summarizing the image information, there is no need to create a "machine driven" comparison since there is no reference to that in the reference/source image. The second sentence is actually confusing to read. The reference to machine creation threw off the sentence structure in terms of clarity. Good job explaining the process. Though not grammatically perfect, the explanation can be understood by the reader. However, the paragraph should have been divided into 2 to properly represent the related movements.
***Some people think that more money should be spent to promote the use of bicycles in cities. Others, however, believe that cities should focus on investing in public transport systems.*** ## Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It would be argued by some that city authorities should spend more money to encourage people to use bicycles in the city. In my opinion, however, concentrating on building public transport systems is the better choice. On one hand, there are a number of reasons why people believe that money should be invested more in bicycle use. The first reason is that cycling is a very environmentally friendly mode of transport. Unlike motor vehicles, a bicycle does not consume any fossil fuels so it cannot emit any carbon dioxide into the environment. As a result, it not only reduces air pollution but also makes the air fresher. Another reason is that people riding a bike can improve their health. In fact, when people cycle, the excessive calories in their bodies will be burned out. Therefore, they tend to be in good shape and get more energy for work or study. On the other hand, I would argue that cities should spend bigger money on the public transport system. Firstly, the public transport system allows cities to lower traffic congestion. To be more specific, more people utilizing the system such as buses and subway means the individual vehicles will be reduced. As a result, people tend to be easier to commute and transport goods faster. Secondly, traveling by public transportation will save citizens money due to the large number of passengers sharing the transport. Therefore, it seems to be affordable for most people compared with other transport. For that reason, I strongly agree with the idea of promoting public transport. In conclusion, although some people think that cities should invest in bicycle use, I personally believe that it is more important for authorities to spend money on the public transport system. which mark will you guys give to this essay? please support me!
The prompt restatement is incomplete as it does not offer an accurate depiction of the original topic. The first 1 public opinion statement was turned into an argument. The second public opinion was not interpreted by the writer. The paragraph will not meet TA requirements for a passing score. The reasoning paragraphs are as incomplete as the prompt restatement. It is totally missing a discussion of the 2nd public opinion. The sudden jump to the personal opinion means the essay is underdeveloped and lacking the expected discussion focus. Failing to compare the draft with the prompt instructions caused these errors. The writer failed to check his work for prompt compliance. That error will ensure a non-passing score. There is no need to ask what mark it will receive. It has to improve overall to even come close to a passing score.
## allowing risky sports or not? Dangerous sports are a concerning topic in contemporary society. Whilst many people think that it could be necessary for governments to abandon them, I completely concur that people have the right to choose sport freely. This essay will justify this phenomenon as well as give my view. There is a common belief that risky sports should be strictly prohibited because of some main reasons. Firstly, there are various threats which can lead to unexpected accidents, and even cause fatal consequences unless equipped with essential sports gear. According to recent reports, annually, practising adventure sports has a higher mortal rate than playing ordinary sports. Secondly, it is more likely to take the authorities a large amount of money to invest and maintain equipment in these activities. Instead of concentrating on them, governments can spend a budget developing others such as education, and infrastructure which can improve people's quality of life. Despite the above argument, I have a positive attitude that people can play any sports they want. Thanks to the development of technology, scientists are able to invent various appliances which reduce fatal accidents. As a result, it could be an opportunity for sportsmen to engage in extreme sports regardless of the adventure rank. Moreover, the more sufficient people's lives are, the more people are more inclined to sample new experiences; therefore, they seem to be willing to take risks. Owing to fulfilling their desires, it could be vital to introduce different sorts of sports for people not only to discover their limits but also to overcome themselves. To sum up, although imposing an official ban on risky sports is quite rational due to their danger and waste of money, because of technological advancement, I strongly believe that it could be better for people to try these activities and challenge themselves.
Representing a statement of concern was totally unnecessary since this was not represented as such in the essay. It was however, shown to be a debatable subject based on 2 public perceptions. Therefore the concern should have been indicated as a debate instead. The writer needs to differentiate the topic intentions so that he can use the correct descriptive term for the subject focus. Prior to presenting his opinion, he should have represented the associated public opinion restatement for accuracy scoring. The missing public reference means point deductions will be applied. The paper can be scored only as representative of 1 out of 3 required opinions. The writer has not discussed /analyzed the 2 differing public views in the third person manner prior to his personal opinion presentation. He has not met he complete discussion requirements to be considered for a passing score.
**Task 2: *Most people are not interested in how their food has been produced.They only care about how much it costs.* ## How true is this statement? What influences people when they buy food? *Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.*** *Answer: Overtime, a wide range of food products are supplied in markets or shops to adapt daily needs, which influences food choices. In other words, individuals have different attitudes toward food and food options when they go shopping. Some people make their decision depending on their lifestyle and financial situation, while others consider quality and food production methods as well as geographic location. I believe that there are some reasons affecting food choices and the following essay will support my opinions with evidence why people decide to purchase food differently. Most people shop to fit their lifestyle. In particular, those who are engaged at work, their options are fast food, pre-cooked or packaged food because they worry about time. However, large families frequently consider a meal which is suitable for their income due to the fact that they have to balance their finances and shop for a number of members with little money. As a result, they are interested in special offers- two for the price of one. On the other hand, those who have plenty of time choose food carefully and are concerned about a range of aspects including quality and food production. Some people are in favor of food which has popular certified labels related to country origin, reliable production company, traditional products, or protected geographical indication. Freshness of food is also an essential criterion when people choose food for their meal. In other words, they usually purchase fresh vegetables, fruits, or meat in wet markets where food is produced locally or shop in supermarkets where food is properly preserved in specified time. In conclusion, factors such as finance, lifestyle, food production and quality affect food choices. Although some people look at price prior to quality, others have little interest in these things and will spend a considerable amount of money on food to satisfy their needs and beliefs.*
The essay will get a non-passing score even though the writer provided a lengthy discussion in his presentation. His prompt restatement is Inaccurate because it does not reflect the original discussion points. Rather, the author depicted a statement that reflects his misunderstanding of the given topic. An ewor that extended all the way to his opinion presentation. He did not respond to the 2 given questions. Anstead, he created his own discussion points which ffurther reflect the seriousness of his English comprehension problems. His accuracy is nonexistent as neither the prompt restatement nor personal . relate to the original paragraph. When a full prompt alteration is present, a failing score is given by the examiner.
***Topic: In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. ## To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?*** Many people claim that in the upcoming years, printed publications such as printed newspapers or physical books will be replaced by online reading materials which are available for everyone for free purchase. From my personal view, I firmly disagree with this conviction due to the significance of printed publications in our life, and not all online materials are free. First and foremost, personal reading preference opens up a world of possibilities, regardless of whether the reading materials are available online or offline. The disturbance of constant pop-up advertisements or message notifications is an annoying barricade of deep concentration when we read free articles on a modern device. Additionally, printed materials can be sought by collectors enthusiasts of paperback written their favorite authors to build their collections. Moreover, many people purchase printed publications because they enjoy reading and collecting physical books. Secondly, While it is the truth that online data can be accessed from anywhere in the globe and provide individuals with access to vast amounts of information that we search for every day, claiming that people can read everything online without purchasing is erroneous. I acknowledge that many websites operate with free access enabling visitors to read entire content and be profitable through advertisement contracts. However, famous online publications like The New York Times always have some policies regarding reading fees; particularly, providing subscription plans that give subscribers full access to premium features while non-subscribers can only read a restricted amount of articles. Similarly, most ebooks and other types of internet content are only available to purchase if they are lawfully distributed. In conclusion, although traditional forms of providing data are becoming obsolete due to their limited accessibility, it is flawed to claim that people can read everything free on the internet and reduce the purchase flow of printed publications. I admit that the exponential growth of technology brings a new era of reading preference with the appearance of ebooks and online newspapers but traditional reading materials are always important in our life.
Do not make claims that are not present in the original version so as not to negatively affect prompt restatement accuracy. There was never a reference to " many people". There is no point of view representation orginally so there should not heone in the retelling. It is also incorrect to say "free purchase" because a purchase connotes a financial sale of goods. There is no such thing as a free purchase. Do not confuse the please with the commonly used reference to "free with every purchase" indicating anon-sall related item or gift with purchase. That said, the paragraph contains a highly compliant opinion and reasoning foundation. Good job with that! The first reasoning paragraph does not use the correct linking word since the preceding topic is not related in reference to the second part of the paragraph. Rather than the word "additionally", a transition sentence to introduce a different but related discussion focus should have been used. know when to use a linking word or transition reference in the paragraph. These are the reasons why the second reasoning paragraph better develops its discussion points. It is the stronger of the 2 paragraph presentations. traditional forms of providing data This could refer to any reference beyond printed newspapers and books. It could also mean televised ?news, among others. Use a more specific synonym next time that clearly relates to the original keywords. The essay has equal good and bad points. It may result in q passing but not high score in an actual setting.
***Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.*** ## Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. It is true that students should study with their passion. Meanwhile, some people believe that learners should be taught what is necessary for their expertise. From my perspective, these two point of views are reasonable, however not comprehensive. On the one hand, students' interest has a crucial role in learning process. Students appealed in a particular area usualy are more curious and likely to find it is easier to acquire knowledge. Whilst learners who do not attracted by the subject seem to be harder to study. As a result, students ought to spend more time on the subject they prefered. On the other hand, B eing expertise in a sector may not enough for learners' study or career path. Other skills such as interpersonal skill, teamworking or knowledge in other fields are also needed. For instance, in the information and technology age , computer is an important tool in any work field so that people must be able to know some IT terminology and how to use it. In short, beside of learning what students like, knowing the basis of some relative subject is also matter. From my personal experience, there is an optimal solution that can integrate the benefits of these two opinions. Students should focus on their interest but also accumulate skills and knowledge from other states which is needful for them after university so that they can approach a better opportunity. In conclusion, there is no denying that all students should chose their major based on passion. However, they ought to study some of the general knowledge related to their primary interest.
The first sentence in this presentation is a prompt topic deviation but not an opinion misrepresentation. Placed in the current position, it serves as a score deduction due to an unsupported claim that is not part of the topic statement. It will serve as a scoring plus only when correctly merged with the personal opinion statement towards the end of the paragraph. Correct opinion reasoning placement is imperative in the opening paragraph. The problem, is that even the writer's opinion is not aligned with the claim either, making it a true negative score contributor. The writing does not use correct third person group pronouns to differentiate between the public and personal opinion The assumption becomes that these are all writer perspective opinions. This is indicative of an incorrect response format. It is no longer a comparative discussion based on public reasons vis a vis a personal viewpoint or understanding.
**Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. ## Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.** *Whether specialized data should be widely available or not has become a topic of debate. It is argued that accessible knowledge in such branches like science, business and so on might result in copyright violation and unsafe practice; however, I am of the opinion that sharing knowledge of the world is beneficial for global development, as will be explained in the essay. To begin with, sharing the utter work of one's research might be unfavorable. If people could look up information at a push of a button without payment, it would be unfair for the researchers of that; since the work often requires enormous effort, time and money. Because the data is easily accessible, it could be taken for granted and the user might forget to give credit. Moreover, non controlling the spread of valuable information can lead to risky application both unawarely or with bad intention which may cause great consequences. A case can be taken as a good example is when people search for beauty methods online and inject filler and botox to their facial parts like lips, cheeks and chin at home. On the other hand, knowledge on science, trading and academia should be shared generously. It is undeniable that the aim of doing research and experiment is to share its achievement to the world so that everyone can recognise one's work and make use of it. Otherwise, it would be pointless if a research is carried out without the awareness and application of others. Furthermore, it is widely agreed that publishing data in such specialization impacts information receivers' living standard which is attributed to help them gain their knowledge and apply it into their work. If people read and take lessons from scientists, professionals or successful businessmen's knowledge, they probably would be capable of enhancing their aspects of life associated with that field. To conclude, while being able to access specialized documents without payment or restriction might lead to copyright issues and uncontrollable application, I strongly believe that it is beneficial for society to share the knowledge in order to give credit to the researchers and enhance life quality.*
The prompt paraphrase is not going to receive passing considerations for 3 reasons: 1. The writer indicates a debate where none is present. What does exist are opposing opinions. That is how it should be referred to in the topic interpretation. 2. He added a reference to copyright violation and unsafe practice. Data that is not originally referred to. Since there is no reason for such a mention in the paraphrasing, it will be considered a prompt alteration and result in a failing accuracy score. 3.He neglected to present the reasoning basis for his opinion. His opinion statement lacks summarized validity. The reasons presented do not discuss the public opinion. It is a general discussion of his personal opinion of the 2 public views instead. When references to"some people" and "others" are provided The writer must use the correct 3rd person pronouns in the discussion to clearly separate his personal point of view as instructed by the prompt. This essay does not provide a passing score presentation based on the aforementioned reasons.
## schools curriculum dilemma In this day and age, most optional subjects such as art, sport, and music are being removed as substitutes for Sciences. Numerous youngsters struggle with these unexpected changes. I strongly disagree with the statement above changes Firstly, art, sport, and music enhance one's potential. To be more specific, lots of students have a fancy for being well-known singers, artists, or even sports coaches They find these curricula useful for them and help them form the basis to develop to further extent In case there these wonderful lessons are deleted, however, children: are depressed, and disappointed due to having no interest in going to school. Therefore, they even fail to maintain excellent academic performances in other compulsory subjects, for instance, math, literature or physics, etc Furthermore, these subjects are healthy means of entertainment. Particularly, after having difficult and tiring lessons, the children tend to play sports during break time to boost their spirit and relieve stress. Girls can participate in the vocal room to sing cheerful songs with smooth melodies having to help them chill out after an industrious curriculum There are such friendly and harmless ways for relaxing. If drawing lessons, outdoor activities, and singing classes fall into disuse, as a result students may lose their motivation to keep learning. On the other hand, they are easily addicted to playing games and using gadgets excessively to relax. To put everything in a nutshell. It appears that many useful Subjects like art, sport, and music are being erased, leading to multiple consequences for children themselves. In my opinion, I reject it that schools continue this practice
It is important that the exam taker understand the importance of opinion clarity to the essay. Most specially in the first paragraph where the task accuracy score is based heavily on the method by which the writer makes his thoughts understood. His restatement is confusing and his opinion lacks a reference to the topic and reasoning subjects for the next paragraphs. Based on this exercise, it is clear that the writer does not have a working knowledge of how to format English sentences. His skills are so bad that he cannot even present a proper paragraph, nor use punctuation marks properly in the sentences. The use of certain words out of meaning adds to the failure of this presentation. Understand this, do not just keep writing for the sake of meeting the word count. Write to make yourself properly understood, using correct writing skills. Without which passing sectional scores cannot be given. Failure to do so means the essay will still get a failing score like in this case.
## IELTS WRITING TASK 1 - RECYCLING BOTTLES The shown diagram depicts the procedure for reprocessing plastic bottles. Overall, the whole process consists of nine distinctive steps, starting with the action of putting used bottles to the recycle bin and ending with the production of reprocessed commodities. On closer inspection, initially, waste is collected by trucks and then transported to the recycling centre. Later on, gathered waste is sorted in order to select bottles which are still in sufficient conditions. Thereafter, bottles are compressed under tremendous pressure to form well-shaped blocks. In the next step, those blocks are broken into small chunks by crushing cogs. Moving on, after having been washed to ensure hygiene, those small pieces are grinded into particles. After the heating section, raw material is produced. In the final stage, commodities are made from mentioned material and then the procedure repeats.
This type of essay writing does not receive a passing score. That is because when less than 150 words are written, a word count percentage deduction is applied. This essay only represents 136 words so a hefty ple-scoring deduction will be applied. That will limit the sectional scoring considerations later on. The essay will be scored from a failed base score that will be difficult to overcome. Make sure to meet the minimum word count to avoid the auto fail score at the start. Do not make any reference to a seeable diagram. This task is based on your ability to recreate the given information . without linking it to the image. Failure to do so will result in additional deductions. The chance of this essay to pass will be further limited by this reference mistake. The trending statement is also faulty in the sense that itis a run-on presentation which resulted in sentence structure mistakes. We have not even gotten to the report paragraphs and yet, I can already tell that the essay will have too many starting problems to receive a passing mark. The reporting paragraphs are concise and with limited word usage errors. The problem is that the report became too brief. That is indicative of a report that has not thoroughly analyzed the image. The writer's perspective is highly limited leading to an underpresented procedural report.
## The line chart illustrates how many people visited 4 international museums between 1980 and 2015. Overall, there was an increase in the number of visitors who visited the Louvre and the Vatican Museums, with the most dramatic rise seen in the figure for the second one. While the Shenzhen Museum seemed to be no change and the London Science Museum had suffered a big drop. In addition, Louvre was the museum which had the highest number of guests visited throughout the period. 8 millions people were visiting the Louvre in 1980, with a subsequent increase to shy of 10 million in 2015. Similar changes can be seen in the figure for the Vatican Museum, which witnessed an upward trend. From 1980 with just around 5 million visitors, it had been twice as much as when it came to 2015 with the amount of 10 million people, nearly the same as the number of guests visiting Louvre in the same year. The amount of Shenzhen Museum's tourists started at approximately 4 million, after which it experienced a progressive decrease to around 3 million in 2000, before ending the period at 4 million again. Meanwhile, the figure for London Science Museum was at precisely 4 million in 1980 and stayed still to 5 years later it seen to have a downward trend and then ending the period at the number of 2 million visitors. *
The summary overview is incomplete as it does not mention the value reference of the data as collated. The trending paragraph should be limited only to the high and low reference. This is not a paragraph that allows for a comparative analysis. The comparison should be integrated into the analytical report paragraphs. The summary should only highlight scannable information from the image. A quick representation will suffice. Do not overdo the trending reference as was done here. Avoid the use of archaic English words such as "Millions". Modern English grammar rules dictate that an S at the end of large and specific numbers is no longer needed when indicating the value. Therefore, 8 million~~s~~ is the correct reference for the values in this report. An S is only added when uncertain values are mentioned (e.g. millions of people, hundreds of dollars) as per analytical considerations. The early numerical reference is incorrect but the writer corrected the value title later on. He should have corrected the early reference to avoid LR and GRA deductions in relation to the specific word usage.
## IELTS Wirting Task2 Happiness As a positive spiritual experience, happiness may be seen as an invaluable treasure in most people's hearts. In society, we can see all sorts of people are in pursuit of their happiness. Some people may argue that accompanies with family has the meaning of utmost happiness, while other may hold the firm belief that only the success in one's career means happiness. So, everybody has his/her own opinion about the definition of happiness. And that's why it is difficult to define happiness. In my opinion, no matter what definition of happiness you take, there are three relatively unchangeable factors critical to achieve happiness. The first and the most important factor is the clear knowledge or understanding about the happiness you want to achieve. Although it has a wide range from success in career, accompanies with family to anything you like, you ought to pick just one as your understanding of happiness. Two or more may distract your time and energy, leading your effort to come to nil. Further, the effort you devote in your pursuit of happiness is the second factor. If you are reluctant to devote your time, your energy, happiness is always in your dream and has no chance to be achieved. Someone may think the two factors above is enough, but it's essential to add contemplation and reflection as the third factor. Only by reflection can you obtain further understanding of the happiness you want to achieve and lose yourselves to enjoy the happiness you have got. Happiness is such a thing everyone yearn to obtain, but different people have different understanding of it. With clear understanding of three factors above, I hope happiness could be closer to you.
While the essay more than meets the required word count, the presentation format is incorrect. The IELTS Task 2 requirements are as follows: Paragraph 1: Prompt paraphrase + personal opinion based on a thesis statement Paragraphs 2-3: Explanatory paragraphs that establish the basis of the personal point of view statement. One topic per paragraph. Paragraph 4: A summarized version of the preceding topic, opinion, and supporting reasons. The writer has not met the response format requirements with this presentation. He should not have began his opinion explanation in the first paragraph. This portion should have established his discussion representation instead. The reasons need to number no more than 2. Each reason should be fully developed individually. This presentation is lacking in both analysis and development since attention to detail was overlooked. The concluding summary does not meet the 40 word requirement and does not properly recapitulate the previous topic and discussion points. It does not properly close the essay. While the essay is a bit acceptable, achieving a passing score may be difficult due to the lacking scoring expectations. The writer should use the correct format next time.
## social media, paying bills, emailing - purposes of using internet in Australia The given bar charts compare the percentage of Australian home users for three types of purposes and illustrate these figures in six age groups between 2010 and 2011. Overall, the main purpose of using the internet in Australia evidence was sending mail which had the same popularity in every age group. Meanwhile, the proportion of users who had the main purpose for surfing social media decreased in the older age group. The largest proportion of users in Australia had the main purpose for mailing, at approximately 98% which ranked first over the period. Otherwise, the proportion of people using the internet for paying their fees or transferring money was slightly higher than for social media purpose, at about 62% and 60% respectively. The network was the most likely chosen for social media activities by people aged 15-24 years old, conversely, this type of users had the smallest percentage in banking or paying purpose, at 90% and 40% respectively. Meanwhile, using the internet for emailing were popular in all age group, at around 80% 169 words May you give me my band score or range of score, please, thank you so much *
The presentation has 4 images which means it should have followed the 4 reporting paragraph format. The lack of an additional paragraph affected the presentation score in the sense that a complete comparative analysis was not presented. This should have 200 words at the most, over 4 paragraphs. Bar chart identifiers for each image and the actual number of images should have been indicated in the opening summary sentence to deliver a fully accurate overview. The measurement type should have been included to help the reader understand how the data was collated and how it would be used in the report. The paragraphs do not meet the academic 3-5 sentence requirement. The writer must learn to write more clearly by properly formatting his sentence ideas. Based on this simple presentation, one can see the potential of this writer to pass this test. What he needs to focus on are content and sentence structure improvements.
## exam preparation tips If you want to well prepare before sitting for an exam, you should follow these three steps. First, you should review all the old lessons. This step is vital as it helps you get the overall idea of what you have learned. Using charts or diagrams would do you good for remembering all the concepts, especially the scientific concepts. Doing some exercises is also a good idea for applying those concepts to solve real problems. Second, you should organize a study group. By doing this, you happen to figure out new things through your friends' questions while having more chances to review the old lessons. Third, you must take care of your health. You certainly do not want to get any common cold or other kinds of sickness in general. You have to make certain that your mental and physical health care on the best stage for the exam. In sum, you can confidently enter the exam if you follow those three steps.
The essay has good ideas that could have been better developed. I see this essay as a 4 paragraph presentation: Introduction: The topic presentation should have been accompanied by a 3 reference outline to establish the forthcoming paragraph topics. One paragraph per topic: By properly separating the discussions, a more developed and convincing topic can be presented. The explanations would have been clearer and the writing would be less rushed allowing for a more completed topic presentation. Conclusion: The closing remarks could have allowed the writer to try and convince the reader of the strength of his suggestions in a manner that would have shown further consideration and analysis. The presentation is acceptable as a summary but not as a discussion essay.
Hi everyone, I am practicing my ielts writing skills and i will be grateful if receiving your all helps. Thank you so much!!! Topic: Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be? Should governments give more financial support to local film industries? In recent years, along with the development of science and technology, an increasing number of qualified movies have been produced in the film industry, providing a host of choices for audiences. They have a tendency to watch overseas movies instead of their home ones. This essay will outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of possible solutions for governments to help tackle the issue. For a variety of reasons, many viewers pay more attention to foreign films than locally produced ones. Firstly, it is often noticed that international films are created with higher technological quality. For example, in some blockbusters Batman and Aquaman, people can immerse in spectacular scenes with sophisticated digital effects, which can not be seen in local films of developing countries. Another rationale behind this problem could be that foreign big-budget films often appeal to megastars in the biggest movie markets like Hollywood and Bollywood, therefore, grab the great attention of audiences. Meanwhile, actors and actresses in the developing world may lack professional acting skills and also often unpopular names, as a result, they may not be embraced by movie lovers/nerds. In order to address the problem, some possible measures should be taken by governments. To begin with, more financial budgets should be allocated to talented amateur filmmakers for enhancing technical effects. Therefore, these local directors can turn their creative ideas into movies and shoot professional plots, finally, earn an enormous amount of money and fame for their country. For example, Korea is a typical example for the success in spreading its nation's image throughout famous movies like the Kingdom and Squid Game. In fact, this success is made by the efforts of the Korean government in patronising the national industry films for many years, which helps Korean movies reach out to all over the world. Secondly, governments can play a role as a mediator to give chances for domestic actors to cooperate with international stars. This will be a great opportunity to improve acting skills for local actors because they can learn experience from popular overseas veterans in the film fields and apply them in their domestically produced films. In conclusion, there are main contributors to the problem including spectacular visual and sound effects used in foreign films and celebrities participating in them, so several measures like more money investment and collaboration with famous actors are suggested to put an end to the situation.
The topic paraphrasing is off-base. The writer's interpretation of the original topic does not reflect the correct meaning and considerations. He has altered the topic requirement and did not establish his opinions for the questions presented since he chose notto answer the questions, opting to just restate the questions in statement form instead. It is already obvious to the examiner that the author does not know what he is doing and could fail the test.This error was caused by the unrelated run-on topic discussed in the first sentence. It altered the discussion basis. A straightforward restatement was required without additional information at the start. That reference could have been more beneficial as a part of the opinion presentation. The writer will not get a good GRA score since he uses run - on sentences, commas, and periods only, he shows an inability to properly structure simple ' complex, and compound sentences. He should improve his sentence development and presentation skills to geta better score in this section.
## development of the Colwick Arts Centre area The 2 maps describe how the Colwick Arts Centre changed between the year 2005 and today. Overall, we can see there were many changes made to the centre, notably the utilization of wasteland and the constructions of new buildings. In the past, the concert hall and the cinema shared a building. However, they are now seperated into two buildings, which are placed next to each other on the upper left-hand corner of the centre. The two galleries in 2005 are demolished. They build a new gallery and a café in west side of the center. The meeting rooms are moved to the north-west corner. In addition, they also build a drama studio between the meeting rooms and the cinema and a central exhibition area in the middle of the centre. The centre transforms the wasteland into outdoor exhibition and performance area. A stage has been built in the middle of the land which is surrounded by rows of trees. There are many desks on each side of the trees for students of the centre. * *
The summary overview and trending statement are well developed in this essay. The 2 sentence presentation is concise, clear, and displays a good control over sentence structure development.This is one of the high scoring considerations of this image interpretation. The comparison method used in the paragraphs are also well developed. Grammatically though, the writer should have avoided using certain current action references in the reporting paragraphs. The present indicative plural was misused in this case since the images from the " today" image has already been completed. So, a reference to the works already having been completed should have been used. An immediate past indicative term should have been used instead. Save for the aforementioned grammatical error, the writer shows talent in comparative report writing.
## Schools should prepare students for work rather than university. ***To what extent do you agree or disagree?*** Education has become a must for people everywhere in the world. Schools should aim to make pupils ready for jobs instead of post-graduate studies. Personally, I completely agree with this statement due to the fact that many students cannot attend universities and other who do must work alongside. Many students are unable to pursue further studies after schools. In other words, some pupils might not have the adequate financial resources to continue education, while others may not see themselves capable of keeping up academically with the demanding studies of university. Hence, if they are not adequately prepared for jobs, they will struggle immensely after school. Many of my classmates from school were live examples, because they could not bare the financial expenses of post-graduate education and remained without a job because they were not prepared for it. Additionally, even if someone enrolls in a university, that person must still work in order to keep up with the university's financial expenses. This is because unlike school, where education is free and the expenses that do come up are paid by the either the student's guardian or parent, universities have greater costs and students are expected to pay for It themselves. For instance, I had to take up a part time job to make sure that I was able to get all the required textbooks and other required material in time. Thus, the more you are ready to take jobs, the easier your life will be without concern for your educational choices. In conclusion, I believe schools should teach skills needed for jobs rather than preparing students only for universities. This is mainly because many students are unable to pursue higher education after school and even if they do, being job ready will certainly prove fruitful.
The prompt restatement + personal opinion paragraph should only be 2 sentences long for agree or disagree and extent essays. That is because the prompt paraphrasing does not require a personal opinion at the start. That should be a part of the personal opinion sentence. The 3 sentence paragraph is used in the discuss both views and give your opinion writing instruction since there are 2 public opinions to individually state plus a personal opinion to establish. Even though he has the potential to score well based on this writing (the other essays he presented were non-passing), the writer is constantly making the same errors in his first paragraph presentation throughout various essays including this one regardless of the corrections given. He is incapable of learning from corrections so this will be the last advice I will be giving him. It is senseless for me to continue advising him.
## increased numbers of newcomers from different countries - benefits and drawbacks It is true that there is an increase in the proportion of immigration from war countries or poorer countries to developed countries these days. While some people believe that this has numerous drawbacks, I would agree with that but I also believe there are several benefits as well. On the one hand, there are some advantages of immigration. Firstly, a diverse workforce will allow a variety of companies and industries to flourish. In Europe, for example, immigration helps to balance out the aging workers. Secondly, since governments welcome many people to live and work in their countries, the job markets will be increasingly competitive, then employees will make efforts to develop themselves, and as a result, enterprises could have more qualified workers. Finally, immigrants will also pay bills and taxes like native people which contributes to national finance. On the other hand, in terms of accepting many immigrants, developed countries will have to tackle with a wide range of problems. This is because unskilled local individuals will be threatened to be jobless because some immigrants might willing to work with small salaries. In addition, unregulated immigration may harmful to people's safety, and the crime rates will be skyrocketed among unidentified people who moved from other countries. Terrorists might hide in normal people for negative purposes like shootings or worse, especially from Muslim countries. For instance, a shooting attack at a Christmas market in France caused many people's death. In conclusion, I would argue that immigration has both pros and cons, governments should strictly control the percentage of newcomers in order to protect people's life.
The original prompt does not indicate the origin or basis of immigrants or multi-cultural societies. This information as provided by the writer created a topic deviation as he even attests to the truthfulness of his claim. Both of which are not part of the original presentation or discussion question. Significant deductions will be applied in relation to restatement accuracy. With regards to the writer's opinion, the question asked requires the writer to only write 2 paragraphs. One for advantages and another for disadvantages, in no particular order. Nowhere in the original discussion instruction is he asked to agree or disagree with the listing. Additional percentage deductions will be applied to this section since the writer shows a clear misunderstanding of the discussion writing instructions. These 2 errors are indicative of a failing preliminary score. Now, the reasoning paragraphs align with the expected discussion points and use ample connectors in the presentation. However, these will not be enough to pass the test since the concluding summary introduces a new discussion topic rather than a summarized discussion. The result of which will be a failing overall score due to an open ended presentation.
## Pros and cons of moving abroad It is common for people to travel abroad in these days, whether if it is for job oportunities, healthier standard of life or simply due to needs of pursuing new experiences. It is undeniable that there are mutiple benefits of moving and studying overseas. However, when being put side by side with the adavantages, the drawbacks are also worth mentioning. In this article, there will be discussion of both pros and cons of living or studying in other contries. On the one hand, moving abroad can be an excellent chane for anyone who seeks new set of life skills. Living in a completly bizzare country can force an individual to get out of their comfort zone as they will have to rebuild their lives nearly from scratch. This will gradually form ability of solving wide range of tasks such as renting house, socializing or finding a job. Through these activities, the self esteem and critical thinking of a person can be substantialy improved leading to an independent personality and the capability of presenting their own desicions or ideas about problems. In addition, people traveling overseas can obtain new valuable perspective of life. Approaching new cultures and surroundings can expand a person knowledge and enrich their worldview giving them new experiences to enhance their sentimental values. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages to be concerned. First of all, being isolated in a new country might lead to depression or homesick, this occur espeacially to introverts. Having to face new customs and life styles can be frustrated and disturbing as there are no companions or family, without any proper supports, in the long run it might result into many complex mental problems. Moreover, having language barrier can be an upsetting situation which can greatly affect a person social life. It is not rare for a student to be zoned out from their peers or can not be a part of any conversation with their friends because of comunication problems. This may continuoe perpetually if the person can not overcome their language issuse and can end up causing stress or anxiety. To conclude, albeit having to moving away from homecountry can be stressfull and horrific because of isolation and lacking assits from family and friends, this can also be seen as an opprotunity to achieve new thoughs of life and knowledge to furthermore improve a person skills and mind.
The writer has combined 2 different prompt discussions in this essay. It cannot be reviewed properly because it does not follow the standard IELTS question and answer essay format. The writer has tried to improve his writing by creating his own prompt requirement. A creation that does not follow IELTS essay question standards. As such, the essay cannot be judged based on the scoring requirements of the rubic. The writer has wasted his time with this presentation because it is not a realistic discussion presentation that will help him pass the test. It is either he discusses living abroad or studying abroad. These were created as 2 different topic questions because these have 2 different discussion targets. He has also written almost 400 words for an essay that does not need more than 300 words to explain itself. No prompt similar to this will ever be provided during the actual test.
Are the ideas chosen relevant to the topic? **Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflects the power of advertiseming the not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.** ## To what extent do you agree or disagree? Modern methods if marketing have drastically changed consumer choices. This is why some argue that the reason why most consumer products are purchased are due to the influence of advertisements rather than requirements of the society it is purchased in. From my point of view, this statement is completely accurate and in this essay I will argue that that this is due to excessive spending by companies in ads and the mindset people have today. Companies spend large sums of their budget on advertising, whether they are large corporations or small start-ups. This leads to the creation of increasing numbers of advertisements, with some so creative that they instantly attract the customer towards the product. The company Apple, for example spends around 30% of its budget on marketing, citing that if it were not for the large amounts spent on creating innovative ads, sales would not be as high as they are now. Hence, the more money is spent on advertising, the higher the returns in profit. In addition, people have gotten a mindset, where they buy something that is advertised rather than an unknown brand's product. This is simple because people prefer things that are familiar. In other words, it is human nature to assume something is better if it is familiar. When we are traveling, for instance, we tend to buy a brand's product that we recognize even if the alternative available is cheaper and of higher quality. In conclusions, when compared to the needs of a society, I believe in modern times advertisement is the main driving factor in the purchasing habits of people.
2 problems exist in the prompt paraphrase. The first problem is that the author has opened with non- supported claims. A non supported claim is seen as information added by the writer that creates the wrong emphasis or a prompt deviation. Either of which will result in point deductions based on restatement inaccuracy. Never add or remove information from the ougenal. Always use the same idea without exaggerations or additions. From what I have read though, the writer has misunderstood the given topic and discussion basis. This is not about purchasing habits although purchases are involved in the discussion. The second problem is that the writer is not using the correct discussion reference for his extent opinion. There is no arguement, only the personal opinion of the writer that he is expected to explain over 2 paragraphs. He is confused about the response formats. His interpretation is also faulty as it is not aligned with the discussion as provided. These errors mean that there are severe prompt deviations leading to a failing preliminary score. Misaligned discussions will deliver a final failing score overall.
## What are the benefits of pursuing university education? Tertiary education is a major topic of concern in today's society. Thus, there are a variety of advantages for pupils to follow the higher learning path after graduation. First and foremost, higher education includes colleges, universities, continuing education has provided learners with knowledge and skills needed to find work. For instance, when learners participate in university education, they will not only be equipped with theoretical knowledge, but also the internship opportunities to achieve practical skills. Actually, the employers nowadays usually seek a staff that is well-educated and promising in career prospects. Then, university education creates an ideal environment to accumulate knowledge about different fields. These days, college's lecturers have applied effective teaching methods instead of traditional learning models. It assists learners to broaden many different types of occupations in society. This is a good time for students to experience many different positions and collect the treasurable knowledge for their work in the coming years. To sum up, university is an opened learning environment where students are capable of learning the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and intentionally preparing materials for their career paths.
The basic question that is being asked is with regards to the benefits of a college education. There is a single question asked without establishing points of view or a question of opinion on the part of the writer. Yet, the writer was not able to create a proper restatement + opinion paragraph. He altered the prompt from simple benefits to a major concern. An opinion presentation not found in the original prompt at all. Then, he offered an opinion that did not establish the topic focus for the reasoning paragraphs. There is no actual thesis statement that responds to the question being asked. The first paragraph is inaccurate and cannot receive passing preliminary marks. He also defines what higher education is in the first reasoning paragraph. An unnecessary presentation that is not related to the original discussion points. Rather than increasing his score, the continued alteration of the discussion will result in additional deductions. It will lower the paragraph score even though the last part of the presentation is relevant to the discussion. The second paragraph is focused on the correct discussion points but could have been better developed and presented. The reasoning paragraphs lack in proper discussion development and relevance, leading to lower scores in the C+C section. Based on the summary conclusion presented, it appears that the writer does not have a good understanding of how the concluding summary is to be presented. It is less than the 40 word count, 2 sentence minimum requirement. It does not refer to the original discussion points and fails to properly represent a short form of the discussion presentation. While the writer shows potential in presenting good reasoning paragraphs. His inability to properly restate the prompt, provide a relevant thesis sentence, and accurately recap the information provided for the conclusion means that he will struggle to receive even a base passing score in an actual test. He must become more familiar with the writing standards for the IELTS test and also, work on his restatement skills.
Essay topics: ## Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. ***To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?*** As competition among companies about numerous advertisements has become further fiercer, consumers have been bombarded with them on a daily basis. In this essay, I will demonstrate the detrimental effects of these kinds of commercials before taking into consideration some practical solutions so as to mitigate this worse situation. To begin with, among various problems related to the drawbacks of advertisements from competing entrepreneurs, two major ones will be apparently analysed. In the first place, it is obvious that commercials have a tendency to make their clients buy goods and products impulsively which make a contribution to their budgets. As a matter of fact, people in the middle and low class have frequently attracted by advertisements on account of eye-catching ads and misleading words. To cite an example for the latter, a large quantity of food corporations use strategic marketing methods by putting various billboards, running online ads about promotions with attractive benefits during purchasing experience without providing them with enough condition to apply for their coupons. Additionally, potential risks related to the security of customer database has turned into one of the most alarming issues in this aspect. On almost social networking sites, consumers are likely to face up with the invasion of privacy just by their accidental click on junk links and as a consequence, their information could be leaked to the homepage of advertisers and brings about a great deal of disturbance by their sales service. Nevertheless, this situation can be eradicated by different practical measures that I will mention. In terms of individuals, residents may take some cautions in providing important personal information on online platform as well as raising self-awareness of the danger of cybercrime. In particular, users should minimize getting access to some alien links in order to prohibit viruses invading their gadgets. On the governmental level, authorities should enact stricter rights about the cyber security and control this serious phenomenon. Particular entrepreneurs should be forced to bear sole responsibilities for managing consumer database and governments give punishment as a civic role to the offender as a precaution with other circumstances to go on their illegal action. In conclusion, people who drown in advertisements may be lured into purchasing unnecessary things and experience the leakage of their personal database. However, the proposed steps should be taken to eradicate the influence of advertising.
The prompt restatement should carry an academic tone and should not be using slang English words such as "bombarded". While the interpretation is acceptable, it should be more educated and representative of proper academic learning next time. The writer has not provided a scorable opinion statement as he did not provide summarized topic responses to the questions but only question paraphrasing. These do not fulfill the clear opinion statement requirement of the paragraph. Only a partial prompt restatement score will be applied. Taking into consideration that the discussion restatement provided does not follow the original 2 questions, it is safe to say that the writer has completely altered the discussion targets. He cannot get a passing score for this essay as his discussion paragraphs are not suited to the provided writing instructions. An overall failing score will be given to this essay.
## the effectiveness of advertisement Marketing and advertising are the backbones of the modern capitalist economy. This has led to a debate where one side thinks advertisements are greatly effective in influencing our purchases, while the other party believes that they have become redundant to an extent that they no longer attract our attention. On the one hand, some believe that advertising are enormously successful at motivating us to buy what they advertise. They explain this by saying that if marketing wasn't successful, large international companies would not spend billions of dollars on it every year. Apple, for example, spent around 33% of its budget last year on advertising. Thus, such huge and successful corporations would not waste this much money if it wasn't effective. On the other hand, there are others 3ho believe advertisements to have become boring and no longer affect us. They further their point by stating that adverts have become so abundant that they have lost their creative touch, which has caused them to become repetitive and uninteresting. Due to this, they no longer influence our purchasing habits. A famous company called Oppo, for instance has completely removed marketing department, stating that it is a waste of money and the less they spend on ads, the more they can spend on meaningful things such as quality improvement. Personally, I think advertising is certainly effective even if it has become common. This is because ads work on our thoughts on a subconscious level and influence our choices without us knowing. In other words, bill boards and TV ads, which we see everyday, are implanted into our memory and unknowingly become more familiar to us. A study done in 2016 stated that we are likely to buy a brand that is advertised even if its of a lower quality, plainly due to the fact that its more familiar. Hence, marketing affects us even if we don't know it. In conclusion, although some believe advertisement are very successful at what they are built for, other think they have become boring and too common. Personally, I believe that despite becoming significantly abundant they still are extremely effective.
The prompt restatement should never include a personal opinion or statement of fact that is not part of the ouginal ffocus. Inclusions such as the first sentence in the first paragraph will result in accuracy deductions. Such declarations are only acceptable as a part of the establishing sentence of the writers opinion. The incorrect sentence placement had a negative effect on the sectional score. That said, a proper presentation of the relevant topics and writers opinion are present which offset the applied deductions a bit. A study done in 2016 By whom ? Refer to a source since you are allowed to makeup information anyway. The lack of reference weakened the strength of the explanation. The writer has a spelling error present that should have been seen and corrected during the editing process. It shows a lack of interest in the quality of writing on the part of the writer. His collective existing mistakes show that he does not care about point deductions that may affect his final score.
## who should take the charge of helping kids having healthy lifestyle? In these days and ages, human society is developing positively in variety aspects of life such as technology or living standards; however, some negative problems also exist. One of that is more children have an unhealthy way of living. I believe both parents and schools have responsibility to solve this issue. On the one hand, children today have opportunities to get access to technology devices like computers or smartphones at really young age. They often use it for watching video on Youtube, surfing the Internet or playing video games. Besides, all these activities are addictive to children, they can spend extended hours in front of screen that lead to several health problems such as eye strain and bad posture. In other words, they have an inactive lifestyle. Sadly, these problems mainly come from parents who do not impose strict rules on children and not carefully supervisor them. For example, in Vietnam most parents give smartphones to their children when they want to feed them. On the other hand, schools are apart reason of this issue. Now, education system too focus on teaching academic subjects and children's score. Therefore, schools are lack of physical activities that cause unhealthy lifestyle at children. In addtion, I suppose that who created undesirable content or violent video games should be blamed as well because of damaging children's mental health. In conclusion, it seems that everyone is should take charge of helping kids having better way of life. If parents combine with schools in this, we might have a dynamic generation for developing society.
The prompt restatement does not accurately seem up the original discussion points. The mistake in the interpretation was caused by the writer expressing a personal opinion that is not aligned with the prompt. His statement totally changed the discussion topic. That is also the reason why he did not present an extent response as required. The essay has failed to meet the task requirements early on due to these prompt deviations. The essay will receive non-passing marks in terms of accuracy while only partial scores can be applied to the remaining sections due to a non-compliant discussion presentation. Since the discussion is relevant only to the topic created by the writer, the essay cannot receive a passing score.
## coffee and tea buying and drinking The chart below gives information about the results of a survey about the proportion of people in five different cities in Australia who consumed coffee and tea in the last four weeks. Overall, people in all cities preferred going to cafe for drinks like instant or fresh coffee, except for Adelaide where buying instant coffee was the most common. The routine of buying drinks was a bit different in each city. Instant coffee was more consumed than fresh coffee. The gap was high between these three cities Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart, which was about or more than 15%. In Melbourne and Sydney, the gap was a bit narrow, which was from 2% to 7% percent. On the other hand, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart had the highest percentage of people going coffee shop. Brisbane, Which was also on top, but much lower, just about 55%. Although the habit ranked second between cities, Adelaide - the figure was still merely on top.
It is important for reporting purposes that the writer treat this as an actual analysis. An accurate analysis never indicates the image position as it is irrelevant to the summary or report presentation. Only the summarized data must be in focus. The first paragraph does not meet the academic paragraph format requirement. It will lose GRA points as it is a run on presentation rather than individual idea presentations that represent scannable and highlightable data. It is a failed summary attempt. The writer also gives a general identifier for the image rather than a specific image type. The writer is showing that he has not familiarized himself with the assorted specific image presentations. What sort of graph is this? The non-specific identifier will lower the accuracy scores. Analysis requires accurate specifics for reader information and consideration. A proper enumeration of the involved cities as apart of the overview was missed by the writer, further weakening the validity of the claims made in the report. The writer has not made an effort to present a strong reporting task in this presentation. He has missed several scoring considerations in the?presentation.
## problems of overpopulation It is clear that many people migrate to metropolia to find a better life, which leads to detrimental issues for society. There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon, but measures can be taken by governments to improve the situation. As the overpopulation issue is committing more harmful to society, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that the environment bears detrimental effects from overpopulation, which leads to a deficit of food, water, space for living and contamination in big cities. For example, overpopulation results in increasing waste households being discharged into the environment, causing contamination of air and water sources. Another problem is the governments have suffered harmful effects on public services, infrastructure transportation and increased unemployment rate. For example, serious traffic congestion, medical services overload and employees without formal academic qualifications who can be paid a low salary, so they can not afford the cost of living in cities. Since these issues are serious, the government should immediately take steps to address these problems. The first solution would be to move industrial production factories to rural areas to create more job opportunities for residents. For example, governments should subsidize enterprises to encourage them to build more factories in provincial towns rather than focusing on the heart of the city. The second would be to improve the public services like medical facilities and infrastructure transport, reducing the number of people going to the city for treatment and commuting with residents easily. In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for overpopulation in cities being harmful to society and the environment. This is a joint effort by governments such as improve public services and make more jobs for employees, which can hopefully address these problems.
There are 2 direct questions that are to be the basis of the writer's opinion. The instruction is to provide an overview of 2 related problems and accompanying solutions. The introduction of these answers in the short form help to increase the clarity of the establishing response as it sets the tone for the succeeding discussion paragraphs. The first paragraph is incomplete without it While the problems presented have a direct relationship, the writer did not successfully connect the 2 topics in the paragraph. There is a lack of cohesive device and transition word/phrase usage in the presentation. The missing links prove to be a scoring problem as it affects the coherence of the paragraph. A connecting reference is required to establish the topic discussion chain in relation to the problems to prove the seriousness of the problem. With regards to possible solutions, the presentation is also under explained. The examples presented must specifically indicate what or which of the 2 problems it should solve. The 2nd solution could also use more development in terms of how it supports the first solution. The problem is again cohesive and transition device usage. A complete summary conclusion is also presented. The problems related to overpopulation should have been restated to represent the fist discussion basis. There is no logic to the solutions recap if the problems these solve are not presented as the establishing topics.
**SOME PEOPLE SAY THAT THE BEST WAY TO IMPROVE PUBLIC HEALTH IS BY INCREASING THE NUMBER OF SPORTS FACILITIES. OTHERS, HOWEVER, SAY THAT THIS WOULD HAVE LITTLE EFFECT ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND THAT OTHER MEASURES ARE REQUIRED. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION? SUPPORT YOUR STAND WITH RELEVANT EXAMPLES.** Some people propose that building more sports facilities would be the best solution to improve the community's health. Meanwhile, others say that sports arenas are not the main factor to achieve better public health without other initiatives. In my view, gyms and stadiums are not as important as a conjunction of various methods. On the left, improving sporting infrastructure could motivate people to do more exercise. People can gather together at the same place for not only physical exercise but also to make friends and talk to them to ease pressure on themselves. This helps them enhance their physical and mental health. Weight training in a wide space mostly brings higher effectiveness than at home. For instance, according to WHO statistics, the obesity rate in the US has fallen by 20% as a result of states' investing more funds to build sports centers across the country. However, the advancement in public health needs other steps. On the right hand, the government needs to ensure food apply. Even more, nutrition education should be popular with people, raising public knowledge of the health benefits of a well-balanced diet, and frequent exercise. For example, the media is emphasizing nutrition education initiatives in schools and colleges resulting in a 25 percent reduction in obesity among teenagers in Japan. Consequently, different ways all bring advantages to our community, but not just any of them. To summarize, adding sporting facilities is not the best effective strategy for our public health, various solutions need to be implemented for our better lives.
The first paragraph shows that the writer is unfamiliar with English word meaning. His misunderstanding of an arena representation and what activities are undertaken at stadiumA forced word usage errors in the paragraph. The second sentence of theparagraph is also a misrepresentation of the alternate discussion point from the orginal. The prompt restatement is not a correct interpretation of the original discussion. As for his personal opinion, it is clear enough when one considers the simple reasoning summary he included at the end. I am just not sure if that will be enough to earn him a passing preliminary base score. There is no connected discussion presentation in the 2 reasoning paragraphs. The lack of a clear relationship between the reason why less sports facilities are needed in favor of a healthier diet is not clearly explained, The supporting evidence is lacking and weak leading to an underdeveloped reasoning discussion, How does food education and diet relate to healthier people without more exercise facilities in place? That is the connecting idea that would have completed the 2 discussion paragraphs. The discussion presented lost sight of the central discussion which is whether more sports facilities are needed or not. Note that in the food discussion, a mention of exercise was still made but not properly developed in connection with food education. This was a clear discussion oversight in the presentation. It is not about strategizing but about the effect of building more sports activities venues to improve public health. There is a slight topic deviation here. Strive for a more complete summary conclusion. Always meet the 40 word, 2 sentence requirement to achieve a higher task score.
## the changing rates of crime in the inner city The line chart illustrates the changes of incident number happened in three areas of crime in Newport city center including burglary, car theft and robbery between 2003 and 2012. Overall, the number of incidents made by car thieves and robbers increased slightly while at the same time, the figure for burglary incident dropped considerably. all of them have some fluctuations. Although rate of burglary incident is highest initially, at the end of period, the number of car theft incident outraced the others. With regard to the number of car theft incident, it began at about 2800 incidents at the first year before increasing slightly to around 2900 incidents in the next year, and hitting a lower-point of about 2000 incidents in 2006. Then, it witnessed a inconsiderable spike before falling again to around 2001 in 2008 and claimed back gradually to over 2500 in 2010 and reach a peak at about 2750 at the of period. Likewise, about 700 robbery incidents were recorded in the first year and the number increased extremely to approximately 900 incidents in 2005 before falling gradually to about 600 incidents in 2007 and 500 in 2008. In the rest of period, the robbery incident number rose significantly to around 750 in 2010 and the last number recorded was about 525 incidents in 2012. On the other hand, initially burglary incidents number recorded at almost 3500 in 2003 and reached a peak at around 3750 in the next year. However, the figure dropped gradually and hit a lower-point of about 1200 incidents in 2008. From 2009 to 2011, the number of incidents only fluctuated below 1500 before falling to about 1850 incidents in 2012. *
An "incident" is too general a reference that does not accurately identify the basis of the analysis. The please that should have been used is "crime incidents" in reference to the acts involved. The writer mistakenly used a ven-on sentence in the summary paragraph. He tried to connect 2 ideas in one sentence. These should have been stand alone sentence presentations as it refers to different topics, though connected to a main discussion point. The writer shows a tendency to be redundant ashe continously writes "incident" with a very slight variation with "incidents'. Aside from being a grammatical issue, it also reduces the LR score as he proves to only be able to write using memorized words. He shows a degree of limited vocabulary that prevents him from presenting a better sentence structure. A spike in measurement is not inconsiderable.This incorrect word usage, based on word meaning in relation to idea presentation will further lower the LR score as he proves to understand English word meaning. These are but 2 references to the consistent word usage problem in the analysis essay. He has a problem with sentence structuring as well. He failed to capitalize the first word of a sentence and did not even realize and correct the error. More practice and a conscious effort to proofread his work prior to submission is needed. He should focus on word usage accuracy and correct grammar instead of just writing a long analysis. His vocabulary needs to be accurate at all times.
## **Young people who commit crimes should be treated the same way as adults** . *To what extent do you agree or disagree?* These days, the rising rate of juvenile crimes has become an alarming practical for the public. It is argued that the young who break the laws should be punished equitably as adults. From my perspective, I partly agree with this view and this essay will hold the reasons for my view. On the one hand, juvenile delinquents should receive the same punishments as mature lawbreakers. If youth crimes receive reduced sentence, they may not be aware of the seriousness of their action. In particular, youngsters think that the law cannot severely punish them because they are under 18 years old. Therefore, they can rely on this leniency to re-offend which lead to more severe consequences. Furthermore, if a teenager is tried in court as an adult, others will consider the results which they have to face when they take part in unlawful acts. Thus, this contributes to decline in juvenile offender rate. On the other hand, I am inclined to think that the young and adults should be convicted in different forms. First, in this period, adolescents' mental capacity is not full developed in structure and functions. They could be impacted by many negative external factors such as Internet, environment and even family resulting in an increase in criminal trends. In addition, they are more likely to suffer from permanent emotional damage if punished in ways that adults are. Thence, this greatly affects their ability to renovate and restore successfully. Instead of being severe sentences, the youth should be placed in appropriate rehabilitation and re-education programs. To conclude, the youth have to take the punishments for what they did. However, I think the youth should be judged differently from adults.
The prompt restatement has become partially inaccurate due to the inclusion of information that is not mentioned in the original presentation. Rather than presenting an accurate restatement of only 2- 3 sentences, the writer created a partially deviant rephrasing with a missing reasoning statement. The writer failed to establish his discussion grounds to provide the clear extent of his partial opinion in a summarized form as needed for this discussion.This opening paragraph will not receive full marks credit due to these reasons. Both explanations lack full development. There are no examples provided in each instance to convince the reader to consider the points presented. Each reason could use better cohesive devices to better connect the sentence thoughts and paragraph relationships. Vocabulary misuse is also evident in the writing. A person cannot be renovated and restored. He can be rehabilitated though. Expect IR deductions due to the lack of proper vocabulary usage leading to GRA deductions caused by a lack of proper sentence structuring. Both of which will also reduce the C + C score as the reference lacks clarity and confuses the reader in relation to thought meaning. The concluding summary does not fulfill the scoring requirements of the reverse paraphrase either. It does not recap the reasons for the writer's given opinion. An important scoring element in this case it does not contain the menemum 40 word requirement either. Overall, the writer shows evidence of writing ability and comprehension skills but requires development and correction in the aforementioned areas. This essay is a slight improvement over the first attempt that I reviewed.
***It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. ## To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?*** Educational tactics play a pivotal role in forming a civilized world, hence orientating children to the right is indispensible. While an army of people believe that punishment could teach children to discriminate between right and wrong effectively, this essay will partly disagree with this opinion before outlining thư appropriate penalty. On the one hand, it is reasonable that punishment is more discouraging to a certain degree. First, the kids could suffer from obsession prompted by harsh retributions. In fact, the adults may abuse the children acting naughtily, which in turn could leave them highly susceptible to a wide range of both mental and physical conditions, such as depression or injuries on body. Another problem is unsuitable penalties could trigger mistaken actions. Undoubtedly, the youth is rather rebellious and sensitive in some contexts, thus if parents' incorrect handling, typically excessively take control on their child, constantly occurs, this might not only make the youngster desire to wrongdoings but also have an enormous influence on their manners, which is the root of one's personality. On the other hand, moderate-level punishment without insulting and violation should be taken into consideration to educate the boys and girls to be well-behaved. One efficacious punishment is not giving the misbehave what they are craving for. Particularly, if a young individual behaves in the wrong way, parents should explain how discourteous this action is for them or stop accommodating them their favorite objects or wishes such as purchasing toys, taking them to the theme park with the view to admonishing . Consequently, they might notice the adverse repercussion and then make a herculean effort not to be at fault again. To conclude, severe retribution could be more disadvantaged to some extent attributed to triggering excruciating feelings on the kids' bodies and memory, therefore mild punishment is recommended as a viable approach to differentiate right and wrong.
The writer has several errors in this essay that need to be addressed. He has tried his best to present an educated and logical discussion regarding the topic but, he has not adhered to the formatting requirements for the response. Without proper addressing of the questions, the logic of his essay will not meet the task accuracy requirements. A task 2 essay first paragraph is composed of the prompt restatement and personal opinion. That means, the paragraph should be composed of 3-5 sentences that present the writer's understanding of the topic. A basic representation of the discussion is required, but not a personal opinion at the start. The paraphrase should not indicate the writer's opinion in the first sentence. This must be properly blended into his opinion sentence via the correct reasoning thesis. When the writer presents an opinion at the start, he automatically circumvents the original topic foundation, leading to a prompt restatement inaccuracy and lower paragraph score. The writer's statement should not merely repeat the instructions and questions provided. Instead, he is expected to represent the full discussion paragraph presentations through a shortened or summarized opinion + thesis statement. The clarity of his opinion and the reasoning behind it will be scored in this section. Therefore, restating the instructions will mean he will not receive any points for that part of the paragraph. An opinion response without a direct question resonponse = Partial score for the writer's opinion. The phrases "On the one hand" and "On the other hand" are used only when discussing comparisons of the same topic, based on 2 different points of view. Since the writer is responding to 2 different questions in each paragraph, the phrases cannot be used as a cohesive tool. The essay is faulty when it comes to cohesive paragraph presentation because of this error.
## The map shows the changes in a museum between 1998 and 2008. Overall, it can be seen that there are more recreational options for visiters and the garden has been used for some another purposes. In the center of the museum has a few changes, a part of the garden is served as siting area for the coffee shop nearby and there are some fountains are planted. To the north of the green area , the cafe is reduced in size and a toilet are built next to it. To the west, most rooms are used as permanent exhibition rooms. A new restaurant is located on the east-north edge of the museum. The shop and bags and clothing stalls are being built on the other side of the tickets entrance which still remains unchanged. The temporary display room now is more bigger and relocated to the east of the garden. * *
This sort of presentation is the type that would automatically get a failing score. The failure of the essay shall be based on specific reasons: 1. Lack of word count (138/150). The minimum word requirement or more must be met at all times. 2. Incorrect paragraph formatting. The essay did not present a summary overview. It went directly to the trending sentence. The minimum 3 paragraph summary + analysis paragraphs format are not present in the report. The writer made the most minimal of efforts to analyze the image. It was a half-hearted attempt at completing the task. Even if the student is self-studying, he surely has made efforts to review the sample presentations online. He should at least be familiar with the most basic of the task 1 presentation formats basedon the freely available samples online.
## how plastic bottles are recycled The diagram illustrates the procedure for recycling of plastic bottles. Overall, it consists of 9 major steps, starting with throwing of plastic bottles in dustbins and finishes with converting them into various daily use products. When we throw plastic bottles and other things into dustbin, it is collected by a garbage truck. These trucks collect trash of all over the places and move them to recycling Centre. Here in the center garbage is sorted and plastic waste is separated. This plastic waste is converted into compression blocks, which makes further work easier. These blocks are crushed by passing them into the crushing machine and are washed. After this they are put into the machine, where they are turned into plastic pellets. In subsequent step pellets are exposed to heat in order to form raw material. Once the raw material is created it can be further use for development of other products. In the final step this raw material from plastic bottles can be used to make various products like clothes, bags, stationary even bottles and food containers. *
There are 9 steps indicated. There is only 1 major step involved. There is an error in the trending analysis of the writer. The major step is always the halfway mark between the initial step and final product. Review the image again. This is a 3 sentence summary paragraph. Personal pronouns are unacceptable in a Task 1 essay, This is a general report on a procedure. Objectivity dictates that a personal or group point of view cannot be indicated due to bias concerns. Always use general references and do not include any personal opinion or insight in the presentation. In subsequent step The plural form of step must be used because there are several procedures indicated in the paragraph. Be aware of proper sentence stucturing and word references.
## Allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters Please help me with my essay from writing task 2 Thank you so much **Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes, and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.** *Answer:* There is an argument that youngsters should have their own decisions in daily life matters (such as food, clothes, and entertainment), which make them selfish, while others think that is essential for one's growth. In my point of view, children should have their own decisions with guidance from the elder people. On one hand, making their own choices will encourage them to be more responsible. This makes them understand the consequence of their own decisions, which makes children dignify their wishes more important than others. That may make them think they are the best. For example, when they are working in a group, children often think their view is the best solution for any situation without consideration. But that could be changed, especially when they have trouble and get some advice from the others for a routine. On the other side, decisions play a crucial role in children's lives, which help adolescents stand up from their failures and give them the knowledge to deal with their issues in some situations. There is a small percentage of youngsters who won't have any trouble in their life. For example, a child who has a better condition than others can have a better position or even finance in daily life. But other adolescents who don't have that chance push them to deal with their problems through their own experiences which they have learned from their failures many times. Take finance as an example, this makes youngsters have to consider or plan to use their own money logically. In conclusion, although there are some disadvantages, I believe that the advantages bring better benefits than its drawback. This may help adolescents adapt to any problems in the future. Word count: 283
There can be no aspect of the paraphrasing that is used in a cut and paste manner. The writer must state everything in his own words or risk score reduction based on a partial cut and paste reference. Word alternatives play an important role in the TA and LR scoring considerations. By not changing the parenthetical reference, the writer incurred point deductions in the paragraph presentation. The stated personal opinion is good and strong. but lacks the 2 supporting reasons sentence /s. These are the reasons why awarding of full points will not be possible in this section. The discussion paragraphs only represent the writer's opinion for both topics. This is an improper approach as it does not properly use the comparative analytical discussion format. The writer must first state the basis for the acceptability of the public opinion via group pronouns,before comparing these to his personal dialagreement with the said point of view. This essay will receive nminimal scoring due to the underdeveloped discussion. The public perception was not properly represented so scoring will only be applied to the personal opinion, leading to a 1 out of 3 scoring consideration. Discussing the reasons behind the public opinion creates the basis of the personal opinion. Correct pronoun usage is needed.
**Topic:** ***Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them.*** ## In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits? Essay: In recent times, the playing video games considered to bring harmless joy and a utile education tool. Meanwhile, many people assert that video games bring negative effects on players. This presents both pros and cons, however, in my opinion, its drawbacks are much more significant than the benefits. Firstly, one reason why playing games is advantageous is that can help to reduce stress after the rest of hardworking or study time. For example, the players can enjoy the stories, music throughout the game, or even chat with their friends. This not only help gamers forgets the work pressure but also improve player's mood, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety. Furthermore, one further justification which should not be ignored here is that this activity could be used in education as a useful training method. This means that these games encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking, and problem solving, all of which are useful skills in real life. However, I would argue that these drawbacks are outweighed by the benefits. It is important to remember that gamers are extremely competitive. In other words, the users usually want themselves to constantly get higher score, new targets, and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to win their friends or reach the best of high score table. As a result of getting lost for hours in a game, the gamers start to get not enough sleep, lack exercise, or lack time for real life relationships. In conclusion, although video games exerts some adverse aspects, the disadvantages can justify these. In my point of view, playing games gain the potential dangers more than the possible benefits. --- Please give me feedbacks and corrections on my essay, thank you.
While "utile" is a middle school level word, it is not an everyday English word that can be used to define "useful". I realize that the student has chosen to use an uncommon word in the hopes of impressing the examiner, and gaining a higher LR score. However, the opposite will happen when the word is used out of context, like in this case. The examiner is not looking for impressive sounding advanced English words. He is looking for everyday conversational words that easily fit in normal conversations or writing. Keep it simple. The higher LR score will come from the proper use of words, not simply from the advanced level of words used. The writer has offered an opinion statement that leans towards one side of the essay. As such, he is expected to fully explain his reason for supporting this idea within 2 paragraphs. As he is not asked to discuss both views and give an opinion, the actual discussion should only be with regards to his actual opinion. This is not represented as a comparative essay in the original presentation. That said, the only paragraph that will receive a score is the one related to the actual opinion. Then the essay will develop scoring problems as the presentation will not fall under the minimum word count. It will be deemed under developed and will be scored based on an incomplete defense or explanation of the given opinion.
***Some people believe that we have too many choices.*** ## Do you agree or disagree? These days, with the enhancement of new technologies, there are a variety of choices available to facilitate human's life. I completely agree with this point of view. Firstly, with regards to education, students have more than one option to choose from in modern society. In former days, it was compulsory for learners to fully attend offline classes to gain a solid understanding of the studies. However, in digital era, aside from registering for face-to-face studying sessions, students are able to learn from their home with a laptop of a smartphone connected with the Internet. Thus, the development of the latest technologies has offered learners at any ages a wide range of studying methods. Secondly, it is evident that there has been more means of transports manufactured to meet individuals' traveling demands. Taking Vietnam as an example, to travel on their regular basis, workers are free to choose different kinds of vehicles, such as buses, motorbikes, planes or even electric ones, based on the affordability or convenience. In the past, the old generations have fewer options regarding commuting in distance because of undeveloped technologies. For instance, some people went on foot, or rode a bike to pay a visit to their relatives, which was challenging in long distances. Therefore, thanks to the numerous availability of transportations, individuals have the freedom to choose better alternatives serving their purposes. To conclusion, following the emerging technologies, there are a range of choices for human beings to select, which makes our life easier and more enjoyable.
The writer should not have focused on technology as the basis of his topic restatement. This is because the original prompt did not imply reference point to that effect. It created an altered topic statement that will cause deductions to be applied to that section. Though the opinion presented is relevant to the original statement, the irrelevant discussion point addition cannot be ignored. The lack of a thesis statement to support the opinion is also going to affect the preliminary score. The upcoming discussion topics should have had a summary outline to complete the scoring requirements. Please note that the essay lost cohesiveness the minute the writing indicated a focus on technology then suddenly moved on to the transport sector without a proper connecting transition. As this topic was not mentioned earlier, it will cause a lowering of the score due to lack of proper connecting and transition words. This is why a general topic focus would have been best. The concluding summary is less than 2 sentences and 40 words. It is not a proper recap of the discussion. It will score less than expected as well. The writer understood the question and delivered a focused single - discussion. However, his eifors in the restatement, lack of thesis presentation, incorrect discussion focus, and incomplete summary conclusion worked against his final score.
## Reply for Mono Bookshop email Your local bookshop has invited members of the public to recommend a guest speaker for an upcoming event that will include a series of talks from well-known people. Dear Mono bookshop, I have receive your email about the upcoming event in our town and Mono want to invite a guest speaker as well-known people. Therefore I have a suggest about a person whom I know is one of the face popular, Mr. Kim Namjoon also know as RM leader of BTS. At first, to explain why I have a highly recommend about this man because he IQ is 148 point. Next, he already speak at many the interviews and the awards ceremony such Unicef, Grammy... This can prove that he have a great experience of talking and communicating. This could be a key point for this event. Furthermore, his private Instagram owned more than 33 millions followers and it is increasing everyday. If he join the event it could be an outburst for Mono bookshop in this time. Besides, he is a person whom have a lot of interest in book and knowledge hence Mono can invite him by the book name 'The Mystery of Mono'. That is my idea for the upcoming event. I hope this can help Mono Bookshop a hand. Thank you for reading this email and have a nice day.
The letter cannot make a recommendation for a book speaker without indicating a theme for the event. Since the person being suggested is part of K-Pop, then the theme should be related to Korean entertainment. Otherwise, only legitimate book authors can be recommended. The guest speakers are invited based on their popularity as a writer. Their established popular books are part of the consideration. The reference to IQ and international speeches delivered do not matter unless it is relevant to the theme and suggestion criteria. There were not mentioned in the letter while it is an important reference for the validity of the suggestion. The essay shows that the writer knows what he wants to sayin English. He has made great efforts to express himself in English. The problem is that his vocabulary is too limited to allow for clear thought sharing. Due to his word usage problem, he exhibits weak sentence structuring / writing as well. He must focus his review classes on strengthening his grammar skills to improve in these 2 areas where his skills are weakest. This is a good attempt at letter writing. The writer shows promise and should improve over time with more lessons and regular practice.
The diagram illustrates step wise process of extracting sugar from sugarcane. Overall, there are 7 steps clearly depicted ,but the process starts with growing sugarcane in the farms and finishes with drying and cooling sugar syrup in large open containers. The starting step of sugar making process begins with growing sugarcane ,which takes around 12 to 18 months. This is followed by harvesting them ,that can be done using 2 methods, one is manually cutting sugarcane or by using big vehicles, which have choppers attach to them. In subsequent stage sugarcane is crushed by using crushing machine into sugarcane juice. This juice is further purified using limestone filter.It is then passes through an evaporator, which is constantly supplied by heat. Here sugarcane juice is converted into syrup. The next step is centrifuging the syrup to separate it from sugar crystals. The last and the final step is drying and cooling ,which turns sugar syrup into sugar. *
The first paragraph sentence contains a redundant process reference. It also uses a conjunction that does not suit the sentence structure as there is no opposing process to speak of in the reference. These are errors that show a greater need to develop the writer's ability to with proper English sentences. While the sentence may read clearly in meaning, grammatical structure errors are evident in the presentation. The paragraphs are acceptable in cases of informal writing, but not in an academic or formal report presentation. Each paragraph must meet the standard 3-5 sentence requirement to receive proper scoring within 3 sectional considerations. This is achieved by separating the sentence or procedural references into individual sentence presentations.
## export between The US and Vietnam The Pie chart illustrates exchange of various goods worth million$ between The USA and Vietnam. Overall, in exchange business from Vietnam to The US contribution of coffee is highest and that of garments and other goods is lowest. In goods transported from The US aircrafts parts seems to make to the top of the list and car to the bottom. Coffee accounts for about quarter of the goods exported to The US ,which is the highest. Rice and Seafood share similar value in exchange business to The US of around 4.3 and 4.4$millions respectively. The export business of fruits and vegetables is around 16$million from Vietnam .Lowest among all goods transported are garments and some miscellaneous products valuing of about 2$million. Aircraft parts are the highest valued (72$million) product exported from The US. Vietnam also imports machinery and other products of worth of 30.5$million and 35$million respectively. The least value is added by car to the export business which is of around 6$million. Fertilizers contribute 16$million and cotton around 12$million to the exchange business. *
The writer inappropriately identifies the comparison images. The inaccuracy lies in the number of images stated and its representative measurements. The overview is confusing to the reader, who cannot see the images as the information content is obviously meant for more than one image. Incorrect reference points have a deduction effect on sectional scoring as it reduces the correctness of the restated reference points. The second sentence in reference to the trend can also use a better sentence structure for clarity sake. Proper use of punctuation marks would have provided that needed format. A clear identification of the currency type and internationally accepted currency writing format should have been provided. There are several versions of the dollar internationally and businessowners prefer a clear currency reference to guide them. In this case the US dollar should have been used in the following format: US $ XXX .XX This is the more widely standardized and accept currency writing method. The current writing style is in the European format which is normally confusing for non-Europeans to read. Since the essay is meant for a general audience, the more commonly used format should be indicated to help avoid reader confusion.
***There is ample evidence that increased car use contributes to global warming and has other undesirable effects on human health and well-being.*** ## What can be done to prevent people from using their cars? Car usage has grown significantly over the years, bringing increase mobility to those who owns cars but many problems to the society. This essay will explore how better urban planning and investment in public transport can reduce car usage. Any strategy to reduce car usage must be able to provide the same level of accessibility that cars offer. While no other form of transport can offer this, investment in a holistic public transport infrastructure more people can be persuaded to use mixed mode transportation by walking, cycling and public transport. For example, bike racks at railway stations, park and ride terminals and multi-modal public transport terminals can offer a seamless journey for commuters. For decades, many of the cities have been planned and built to around a car centric lifestyle. The growth of car ownership has enabled businesses, shops and other institutions to locate farther away from urban centers. Misguided government policies and zoning rules have regularly promoted this to drive business growth, citing cheaper land values and availability of larger lots. However, this has perpetuated the dependency on cars as most of these sites can be reached conviniently only with cars. Mixed land use policies, which incorporate residential and commercial developments can result in drastic reduction in the distances people have to travel. Extension of pedestrian friendly infrastructure and bicycle lanes would also encourage commuters to ditch cars for more eco-friendly transport modes. Perceived difficulties in walking and cycling can be overcome by investing in better and wider pavements, installing more street lighting and putting up more benches. In summary, investments in urban planning and infrastructure are often neglected in cities, resulting in people using cars to navigate the cities. However, this has a negative impact on the environment and the citizens. It is critical that cities adopt a holistic transport, land use and urban planning strategy to make city and neighborhood more livable by reducing emissions and pollution brought about by cars.
This is just a simple opinion discussion that should be dealt with quickly but comprehensively.Think of it in terms of a classroom discussion. Professors like it and students get a better score during class recitations where the student manages to quickly explain himself in an accurate manner.The same rules apply to the task 1 essay. There is no need to overdiscuss since there are several tasks to be accomplished in the essay within 40 minutes. At this length, the writer has not really accomplished much beyond a vocabulary and grammar exercise. While the discussion is on point, it is simply too long and as such, open to accidental presentation errors. He did not completely perform the check and balance tasks either. The repetition of the discussion question is not score increasing. A direct foundation topic in response to the question was needed to clearly layout the discussion target points. It would have clearly shown the clarity of thought of the author in relation to opinion clarity scoring criteria. Repeated instructions do not meet this requirement. The conclusion is guilty of using redundant word and please references in the previous paragraphs. This will be assumed to relate to a limited vocabulary on the part of the exam taker, who has limited synonym and paraphrasing skills. What could have been a truly impressive presentation was held back by oversights on the part of the author. Keeping the essay concise will help fix that tendency on the writer's part.
***Some suggest that children do not understand the world of work and schools should make all teenagers spend a short time working as well as studying academic subjects. ## To what extent do you agree?*** It is argued that beside the tuition of academic subjects, schools should provide students with chances to get work experience. From my point of view, the young will benefit from this sensible movement. First off, in order to become refreshingly employable, not only do graduates acquire proper qualifications but they also need a wide range of work based skills such as networking and time management. Although students work on projects at school, which probably train them in such abilities, there are many things to be learnt on the job. For example, cooperating with colleagues is a far cry from doing assignments with friends since teenagers have no concern about earnings or promotion. Without practical experience, they might hold the false assumption that studying subjects at school is enough for work. Furthermore, getting involved in a real-life professional environment goes a long way towards directing students' career paths. Those who have not set their hearts on anything yet can find out their desires in this way. For people who have realised their ambitions, they can check whether the current choices suit them. As a result, students avoid wasting their university years on unappealing disciplines. In conclusion, it is necessary that work time account for an appropriate proportion of the curriculum, so that the young prepare themselves better for employment in the future.
The student is getting his word meanings confused. He must increase his English vocabulary and word usage understanding in order to avoid unitentional misinterpretations of the prompt topics. If he will bother to look up the word meaning difference between "suggest" and argue, he will come to understand why his interpretation of the topic and its foundational reason is incorrect. It will also serve him well to familiarize himself with the various response formats required for the task 2 essays. There are opinion essays, dis/agree essays, and measured response essays. The writer did not properly identify the response format as required (measured response) and provided another incorrect presentation in terms of his opinion. Based on these 2 first paragraph errors, the essay will start with a failing score. He did not correctly restate the prompt, nor did he provide the expected response in the presentation. The foundation of the discussion and reasoning response are invalid. While the resaoning paragraphs can be deemed as related to the original discussion question, the inaccurate representation in both the prompt restatement + personal opinion and concluding summary are what may prevent this essay from receiving a passing score in an actual setting.
## Many museums charge for admission while others are free Human beings have been through so many crucial events both in art, politics,..., therefore, to remind and treasure what had happened in the past, museums were established all over the world. There is a school of thought believe that the entry of museums should be free for everyone, while their opponents think that the fee of ticket is resonable. In my opinion, I believe the advantage of this entry fee far outweighs its disadvantage because many museums wouldn't be able to protect their ancestral possessions without it. People who on the side of free entry into museums have their own arguments since not everyone is wealthy enough to afford the fee. For example, people have to pay 17 euros to get access to Louvre Museum, some visitors would it is would rather affordable to see to "mysterious smile" of Mona Lisa, however, it would be an economic burden for the poor, or travellers for under developing countries, those hardly pay for the cost of accommodations and food. As I already mentioned, museums are the place for people to learn new things, charging for entry could be a barrier for people to achieve new knowledge and could potentially raises a inequality among people. Despite the aforementioned disadvantages, I am still on the side that museums should be allowed to charge people when entering. The chief rationale could be the bills for other expenses. Since the displacement in museums have been collected after a long time being scattered around the world, the majority of them were not in a good conditions, consequently, the cost for reserving and storing each year is enormous. The electricity, water bills, and other costs for security and management, additionally, are noteworthy. The sales of tickets could somehow diminish the heavy burden of finance on every museums' shoulders, and could lead to better services which would satisfy customers. Moreover, to solve the problem given by the former, thanks to the development of technologies, museums are now able to hold online exhibitions which include spectacular pieces of art and clear descriptions of each masterpieces. In conclusion, although I recognize that the museums ticket sales can cause drawbacks to stakeholders in societies, I believe that museums should not remain free for all so as to be operated and developed most effectively.
The writer has over written this opinion paper. It may not be possible to complete an almost 400 word paper within 40 minutes because of the editing and proofreading that he has to complete to finalize the paper. Even without actually reviewing the content, I already saw uncorrected punctuation usage errors, grammar problems, and misused words in the overall presentation. These cumulative errors should have been spotted and corrected if the writer paid attention to the content rather than length of the essay. There has never been an exam taker who passed the test based on length of writing alone. word count does not countin any sectional scoring consideration. Proper grammar and punctuation usage, clarity of explanation , and thought conciseness heavily factor in the scoring though. These are the factors that the writer ignored when writing this essay and these will be the reason for the low score awarding in the end. Next time concentrate on being brief bbut clear, avoid grammar errors, and stick to short sentence presentations. That is how one passes this test. Quality over quantity above all else.Draft, review, edit, repeat until the time runs out. Perfect the content through brief, clear, discussions.
student accommodation in 2010 and now The maps illustrate how a student accommodation building has changed from 2010 to the present. Overall, there have been many significant changes in the building between 2010 and today. Looking at the maps, it can be clearly seen that the student bedrooms and the gardens have experienced extensive modification over the same time period. As can be seen from the maps, the building was a relatively green area with three gardens to the northwest, the north, and the south of the map in 2010. However, only the northern one remains unchanged in the here and now while the others were knocked down to make way for a new student bedroom and a car park. Moreover, the addition of two bedrooms brings the number of the student ones to 5, replacing the former living room. Turning to the other features, the current building has a lot of doors added to travel more easily between the rooms and the exterior. Other major changes include the instruction of an en-suite room and the construction of a new social area in the kitchen. The big bathroom in the center part of the map, however, remains at the same location. *
It will do the writer well to remember that this is an interpretative essay based on provided information from a given image. The interpretation should be clear enough to the reader without having to refer to the image. The writer who asks the reader to refer to the given image will automatically lose points as he is seen as unable to properly reconstruct the image based on data reporting. The reference to a glance at the image was done twice in this essay. So the writer can expect to receive deductions for that reference. It will be minimal but still, a deduction is a deduction that will affect the final score. When referring to directions, the term used should be "area" or "location" instead of "one" since that is not a numerical reference but rather, a location marker. Wrong word references will also cause deductions in the LR score, specially when it is used incorrectly in the sentence. The explanatiion is pretty much acceptable, but problematic in presentation format and word usage. These are areas where the writer can easily improve his scores in based on the growth of his English vocabulary and his ability to remember that he is reconstructing an image for the reader, who has no access to the image at that point.
Essay topics: ## The table below shows information about travelling to work in one US city. ***Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.*** The given table illustrates the average distance, time, and speed of various types of transportation which people use thoughtly their commute to work in one US city. Overall, car for more than 1 person is the best means of transport for long distances, but for short distances, cycle and walk are the quickest and the least time. As can be seen from the table, it is the greatest distance for inhabitants who use car for more than one person and public transport to travel to work on average 24 or 23 miles, while cyclists or pedestrians have the lowest distance - just 4 miles. By comparison, car drivers without passengers travel an average of 17 miles. Travelling by bus or train takes the longest distance, around 49 minutes to reach work. Following by the first longest time to commute to work are cars with passengers and without passengers on average 42 or 33 minutes. Walkers and cyclists take the least amount of time because they get to work in just 20 minutes. People who drive cars together and alone tend to be the fastest transport because their speed is 34 mph 31 mph. The third fastest means of transport are bus and train. Finally, the lowest modes of transport which teach to work are cycle and by foot, at 10 mph and 3 mph respectively.
The task 1 essay should not be more than 175-200 words.That is because of the final editing and rewriting requirements that must be completed within 40 minutes. The presentation only needs a 3 paragraph presentation. The writer has over extended his writing for no reason. The shorter and more concise the writing , the better the overall scoring prospects in the end. The summary overview is not complete as a presentation. Shortened references to the types of transportation as listed in the table are missing, creating a confusing trending statement for the reader. There should also be a measurement type indicated somewhere in this mention. The summary could have been better presented in this instance. Assume that the reader cannot see the image. Refrain from asking them to look at the image Your summary report should be able to present an imaginable report based on an accurate and descriptive data presentation.
**Question** ***Some people feel that the design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments. Others believe those who finance the construction of a building should be free to design it as they see fit.*** ## Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Nowadays, industry's development pushes big cities in many countries growth more, which results in the appearances of tall buildings. There are people think that governments should control the new buildings, while the others believe that people or organisations who finance the buildings have the right to freely design them as they pleased. I would like to discuss my view about this matter. On the one hand, the job of designing and commanding how to construct the building belongs to engineers. Engineers are people who have studied about constructing and they have knowledge about designing and evaluating blueprints. If they are provided with a piece of land, they will know about the pros and cons of the land and they will draw a blueprints fit with it. Constructing a building is not an easy task. Therefore, engineers are assigned to do such a job. If the engineer is a professional one, they can do their job right no matter how hard it is. On the other hand, there are a few problems to deal with if the buildings are not in management. Without proper monitor, some constructing projects will encroach more land than it suppose to have. This may results in the lack of land for some other project. Another problem is, there are people and organisations who uses land illegally. While a piece of land is not managed seriously, there are people try to utilise the holes of law to construct something without someone's notice. And when it is find out, it costs no little money to remove the building. Not only that, in several countries, there are constructing projects which have been left unprogressed for many years due to the lack of governments's management. My conclusion is, engineers are free to design buildings and to construct them as they see fit. However, at a certain level, there must be governments's management in order to ensure engineers and owners of these constructing projects abide the law of their country.
The prompt restatement was off to an illogical opening sentence. It showed a lack of proper sentence formation on the part of the writer who struggled to make the topic sentence understood. After that, he reverted to using an all too similar representation of the original prompt, to the point where it may be seen as a mere cut and paste of the original. From there, he failed to represent a clear opinion of the topic within the prompt restatement + writer's opinion paragraph. That paragraph will result in a failing TA score. Meaning the essay will have already failed, even before he started presenting his opinion paragraphs. When the essay has a "Discuss both views and give your opinion" requirement, the writer is expected to represent 3 points of view in each paragraph. The format for the paragraph asks him to write an explanation of why the public opinion is correct, by correctly using the representative pronouns throughout. That means, use third person group pronouns for the explanation of the public opinion then, using first person pronouns in the same paragraph to show his dis/agreement with the presentation. The essay cannot, as the writer has currently presented, be addressed solely from the personal opinion of the writer. The essay will fail due to the non-compliant discussion format. The concluding summary is missing from the essay since the writer used the conclusion to discuss his personal opinion. This created an open ended essay which will result in an automatic failing score. The lack of a proper summarized discussion is pivotal to the overall scoring process as it partners with the score of the prompt restatement + writer's opinion found at the beginning of the presentation.
## essay about a famous person you like The celebrity whom I admire is a girl band named Girls' Generation. Girls' Generation is a South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment. The group is composed of eight members: Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun. They are talented at vocals. There isn't a single member in Girls' Generation who sings poorly. They all sound great. Being in a large group can be hard to perform the dance routine. However, they always seem to show it easy and enjoyable every time when they perform. Girls Generation or SNSD is one of the powerful girl groups in K-Pop history. They received hate from almost all other girl groups fans. The 2008 Dream Concert was a nightmare for them. When they performed at the event, the fans of other artists purposely turned off their lightsticks and made the whole stadium dark. But now they are one of the most legendary girl groups that South Korea has offered. Girls' Generation has earned the honorific nickname "The Nation's Girl Group" in their home country.
The writer did write about admiration and the reasons for it in the essay. While his basis for writing is on point, the subject/ topic of his discussion is incorrect. The writing instruction called for an explanation related to a person (singular) that he admires. He wrote about a group of people (plural) instead. He did not write the description based on the target subject. He wrote about why he admires the group rather than a person. Had he mentioned a specific person from the group, he would have met the descriptive requirements for the essay. These are the reasons why the essay cannot be considered prompt responsive even though most of the information presented responds to the question list. It cannot pass when the main discussion requirementis not met.
## young people spend too much of their time in shopping malls Some people believe that spending too much time in shopping centres could be detrimental for young adults and society as a whole. To a certain extent, I agree that this trend does some bad effects on the youths, I also think that there are several positive outcomes for communities. On the one hand, by spending leisure time shopping, young people are exposed to a large number of commercials and products which only drives their desire to purchase and consume more. This can create an unhealthy state of mind and a consumerist attitude toward life. Besides, for individuals, spending too much time in shopping centres also means they are missing out on other recreational activities. It is well-known that those who spend the outdoors playing sports and doing volunteer activities will enjoy a much healthier lifestyle. On the other hand, the reason why many youngsters use their spare time on shopping varies. One explanation for this could be the living standard of people is improving such as high salary. Therefore; people's demands are increasing significantly. In addition, Along with the growth in demand, more and more shopping malls are being established to trigger people's greed for possession and also provide more jobs. Furthermore, in a competitive market, companies not only focus on the quality of products but also consider the price. This causes the price down and boosts people's purchasing. In conclusion, there is a tendency that young people are spending a large amount of time on shopping while it does some negatives on the young generation, It is undeniable that there are also positive influences on economics
Though this is an extent essay, it does not allow the writer to both agree anddisagree with the topic presented. That is because the given discussion does not use the balanced comparative reasoning presentation. The 2 reasoning paragraphs still need to support a single opinion point of view. As such, the task will get minimal accuracy scoring as it does not state a clear opinion based on the required discussion format. The overall essay will also receive less scoring considerations because of the incorrect response presentation. The writer must have a clear single opinion right from the start1 discussed over 2 supporting paragraphs of valid supporting reasons. Try to avoid the memorized phrase " To a certain extent I" because it is only a placeholder that should be replaced with an emotional descriptive response. The writer tried to write a well scoring essay that was held back by the incorrect response format. He must familiarize himself with the various correct discussion format per question to achieve this full scoring marks.
**Topic: *Some people say that it is impossible for a country to be both economically successful and have a clean environment.*** ## To what extent do you agree or disagree? To a certain extent, I agree that a nation can be both prosperous and able to protect environment. However, I also think that economic development is perhaps causing environmental pollution if the government doesn't have an appropriate policy. On the one hand, economic stability can't happen without the harmful effects of nature. The main reason is that more and more industry factories and transport in the modern society, which emits a lot of dust, waste and so on.... These problems will lead to air pollution, water pollution, and especially the issue of global warming causing the greenhouse effect. It can be seen that in Vietnam, the industry is on the rise making wastes such as wastewater, emissions released into the atmosphere, rivers. This matter represents a great economic potential of Vietnam, but it is suffering from heavy pollution. Moreover, the use of fossil fuels is also one of the causes of pollution problem. Nevertheless, it is my belief that one of the methods to develop the economy while protecting the surroundings is to utilize renewable energy. By using these energy sources, we can reduce not only the need of fuel, coal but also pollution caused by industrial productivity. For example, Japan has people who take advantage of solar energy and even make a lot of money by selling it to other countries making their country more prosperous. In conclusion, although it is argued that environmental damage is inevitable due to the accelerating economic development. I think it is entirely possible if people take steps to increase the use of alternative energy and encourage recycling with that the government should come up with measures to balance the economy and the environment.
The prompt restatement is faulty for 2 reasons : 1. The topic rewording, based on the understanding of the author is missing in totality. 2. The writer used the "certain extent" properly as a measured reference point, but does not use a correct supporting statement. The use of the terms "However" and "I think" is inappropriate in this case as it appears to change the discussion and reasoning slant It should have been more properly integrated in the extent response to show that this is where his disagreement with the statement starts. Had the aforementioned words not been used, the "certain extent" reference would have been properly met. The writer will not be scored based on his comparative discussion as this is a single opinion defense essay. 2 supporting reasons for the given opinion are required. Partial scoring will apply only to the limited or relevant reasoning paragraph that lends credence to the previously stated opinion.
## study food at school While some believe that it's important to teach students biology aspect of food and cooking skills, others think school time should be spent covering more significant subjects. I strongly agree with the former for many substantial reasons. To begin with, preparing meals for oneself is a crucial adult skill because it allows them to live seperately from their parent support. As a result, it offers people more freedom in choosing appropriate jobs regardless of distance and cultural issues. For examples, those who cannot cook usually accept career options in their locals because they are constantly in need of prepared meals from their family. When they are, unfortunately, assigned to work in other countries, they will definitely have a hard time adjusting eating habits because the difference in foreign food cuisine. Moreover, the extra-budget that self-prepare food save for oneself can effectively contribute to their total income, preventing junior workers from overspending and borrowing money from their parents. In addition, when people are taught about the importance of healthy food and cooking recipes, they prefer making their own meals to fastfood. This helps them avoid taking in too much sugar, fat and cholesterol from junkfoods, which are all major risk factors for many future chronic diseases. In some asian cultures, children are induced by their family to add more vegetables to their meal to reduce and balance out the intake calories. This early age-developed healthy eating habits has resulted in the low obesity rates in these countries in comparison with America, where junkfood is a big part of a child's dietary. In conclusion, it is should be mandatory for students to learn about food science and cooking methods at school due to the wide range of advantages it offers. High schools around the world can figure out ways to attach cooking classes to students' curriculum and encourage them to prepare food with high-quality and healthy ingredients.
The expectation for the paragraphs is that the writer should present at least 3 sentences in it, specially in the replacement + personal opinion section. That is because every sentence is expected to represent 1 idea each. While the first paragraph presentation is acceptable, it does not meet the sentence format requirementso the task score will he limited for that section.The lack of opinion thesis topics after the opinion response also added to the deductions for this section. There isa lack of public opinion discussion in the presentation. The required GRA presentations are not seen in the overall discussion. These missing elements indicates that the writer wrote from a personal opinion viewpoint alone. Rather than being scored based on 3 discussion related scoring criteria, the presentation will be scored based on only 1. It may not be enough to receive a passing score since not all the discussions presented are relevant to the original topic. The writer wrote selectively instead of addressing all of the prompt topics.
Write about the following topic. To meet the growing need for food to support an increasing population, a country should make use of edible insects as a food source. However, some people believe that insects are not only unhealthy but harvesting them will also negatively affect nature. What are the benefits and drawbacks of eating insects? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 words. ## edible insects as a food source? **ANSWER** As the growth of our population which was infect the rose of our foods needed, a country could use an insects for their new food supplies. Although some person trust that we were not supposed to eat insects because it is not good for our health and we could get bad effect after we harvested them. There is a good reason for us to make an insects as our new food supplies. If we start to consumed insects, the price of another food will be decreasing because their demand will go down. Another good idea, the supply of insects was very large in this era. We also don't need a big space if we are going to farm them, because they physically small and easily fit. Their needs is not complicated because they usually lived in the open air. Insects have many kind of species that we should observe if we are going to eat them. Some kind of them have poison in their body that can give us after effect if we ate them. That can be a positive or negative effects. With their small postures, we hardly recognize which kind of insects it is, then we need more time to know is it consumeable or not. Insects could be our new food source, but we should have a research first about any kind of insects that can we eat. After get the research's result, the government of the country supposed to give knowledge to their people which kind of insects is safe to be consumed and how to mark each kind of insects.
The writer will clearly get failing marks in all the sections of scoring. This is because the writer does not have even an intermediate grasp of the English language and word meaning. His vocabulary is at the beginner level at the most, while his writing skills are definitely within the failing range of the GRA considerations. He does not have the ability to construct correct English sentences that will pass as simple, complex, and compound. His structure is confusing as he is constantly using past tense references when he should be speaking in present tense. His presentations lack in coherence and cohesive paragraph development. The ability of the writer to make himself understood is limited by his inaccurate sentence structure and word usage. While he is making an effort to make himself coherent to the reader, he fails to do this due to his lack of ability to control his word formations. He must enroll in formal English language classes, at the beginner level, before he can even attempt to take the IELTS test for the first time. If he does so take the test at his current English level, he is going to fail every test section and every scoring aspect of each test.
## Can any obstacle or disadvantage be turned into something good? Living life in this strange world may be challenging for everyone. Some are fortunate to live a luxurious lifestyle and others are born with hardship. In either case, everyone faces different kinds of challenges in life and I believe it depends on the people how they are going to adapt and manage the situation to overcome all the obstacles they may experience in life. This is what I have learned recently as a mom. Saying to a child that he/she is fortunate to live a life without problems is not ideal. Because of the fact that children at a very young age also experience different kinds of difficulties such as: not getting enough attention, not being able to express themselves, not getting what they want, and so on. In this case, parents are supposed to address and help the children overcome these hardships and the best way to do this is to bring out something positive about the situation. People are made uniquely individuals. I believe that each person is purposely made differently because each one of us has different kinds of roles in this world. Sometime last week, I came across this video of a woman who was interviewed for mother's day. She was sharing all the hardships that she faced in her life. There is one line that she said that really stuck to me. She said, "God gave her obstacles not because He is punishing her but to prepare her for the greater things that she will receive." In her interview she said at the end, she realized that all the hardship she experienced helped her to become a better person for herself and for her children. Everything that we do is based on our choices and if we want to turn every obstacle, challenge, or negative thing that happens to us into a positive, then we must work on our personality, mental health, and mindset. Each person is responsible for her own happiness and it is us that will decide if we want to bring the positive in every negative we may face in the future. Therefore, In my opinion, yes, any obstacle or disadvantage can be turned into something good. Thank you for reading! This is just my practice entry. I will take my accuplacer test this Friday and I'm super nervous. Kindly help me and criticize my work. :)
Since you are taking the accuplacer test as an ESL, you need to consider the number of words you will be writing in relation to the time allottment for the WritePlacer ESL. Kindly ask the testing center, if possible, for the time allottment that you will be given to complete the discussion. At 360 words, I feel like you are overwriting in terms of presentation. Just like any other ESL test, the main consideration of the examiner will be your ability to make yourself quickly and coherently understood in English. Overwriting will open you up to certain scoring errors that you may not be conscious of. It will do you well to know the time constraint in advance, so that you can adjust your writing style accordingly. At any rate, try to keep the presentation simple and concise as much possible. Your score will benefit from it. It will be best to avoid any religious references in any presentation as religion is a bit of a controversial topic whenever touched upon in the essays. It is best to remain neutral in this aspect and avoid stepping on any toes, just in case. You won't lose points for offering a general discussion, which is what the examiner will expect to read about. Good job on using your life experiences though. That always helps in the scoring consideration. It shows how well you understood the question and its relationship to you.
IELTS Writing Task 2 Actual Test: Topic: **Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Others think they should begin after 7 years of age. Discuss both views and give your own opinion** ## Opinion essay There is a long-running debate on the optimal age for children to commence formal school. While some believe that we should introduce structured education to children as soon as possible, I am of the opinion that the school curriculum should be delayed until the age of seven. On the one hand, those with the former view argue that the sooner approach to academic learning methods could form a stronger foundation of phonological and literacy skills since young children are believed to learn at a more rapid pace than older ones. Early introduction of literacy and numeracy at school could also allow students "not to fall behind" others, giving them better chances to compete with their peers and gain more success in life. In addition, being familiar with academic-intensive curriculum and school regulations, those juniors could develop a range of skills in organizational behaviors, competitiveness and independence at the very early age, which enable them to more easily adapt to their future work. On the other hand, I firmly believe that a later start of formal education, around age of 7, has outweighed benefits for children. There are several strands of evidence which all point towards the importance of play in young children's development, and the value of the extended period of playful learning before the start of formal schooling. A play-based early educational program could enhance crucial interactions between children and the environment, allowing them to strengthen their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. It is noticeable that those skill sets, if under the application of formal structure of learning, are certainly hindered by the pressure of academic study load and the lack of access to active, creative and outdoor play. As for long-term impacts, the stress-free childhood, earned by the delay of formally taught lessons at school, could massively contribute to their later educational achievements. Recent research shows that in countries where playful experience and self-discovery methods are implemented until the age of 6 or 7 like Sweden and Finland, the rankings in academic results are significantly higher than those with earlier official school entry age. In conclusion,while early academic education could benefit to some extent, I hold a belief that the delayed engagement in formal school could offer more foreseen advantages in the interests of children's future achievements and their emotional well-being.
The writer understood the topic for the essay, but failed to properly represent the 2 public opinions as required of the prompt restatement section of the first paragraph. He went directly to his personal opinion, which created an altered discussion topic and opinion writing instruction. The essay failed to deliver the task restatement + writer opinion in the expected format. This paragraph will receive a failing score due to the inaccurate requirement representation. The reasoning discussions are also inaccurate as these are all stemming from the personal opinion of the writer rather than following the correct format of: Par. 2: Public opinion 1 + Explanation of the valid public reasons supporting it Par. 3: Public opinion 2 + Explanation why the belief is valid Par. 4: Personal opinion + reasons supporting its validity The concluding paragraph is also in error as it suddenly shifts the discussion to a measured opinion presentation, which is not part of the original discussion consideration. This further alters the presentation from the original, creating a failing concluding paragraph as well. At this point, there is a highly limited possibility that this essay might receive a passing score. The writer needs to learn how to focus only on the given discussion instructions and to change nor go overboard with his discussion reasoning paragraphs.
A glance at the graph provided reveals the number of people in 3 nations who are fond of living in the metropolis rather than living in the countryside over the 25 years from 2000 . It is evident that all three countries have had a steady increase in the number of migrants through many years . Particularly, country C has the largest proportion compared to 2 countries A and B respectively . In 2000 , around 10 million people of nation B chose the city as the ideal place to live and lower than 3 million people as opposed to nation A . Whilst , just a small proportion of nation C nearly 5 million people moved from the city at the early stages . Experienced for 2 decades , this was followed by a period of exponential growth with citizens in country C reaching the same figure as country A . The figure in country B increased steadily ; however , the population gap was just one-quarter of that of the two remaining countries . By 2025 , the population in nation C is expected to be nearly 100 million people . To be specific , the figure 's nation C has a steep rise over 5 years and nation A also goes up slightly above 85 million people . By contrast , nation B's growth is far less striking than the other two countries and will have stability in the figure during the same period. *
Never ask the reader to look at the image reference in any case. The assumption for this and all task 1 report analysis essays is that the writer will be delivering a comprehensive and coherent discussion, without the need to look at the image. The assumption is always that the reader does not have any access to the image and therefore, will be reliant on the ability of the report to help the reader create a mental image as a reference point. The writer has provided misinformation in the presentation which will affect the accuracy of the report. The numbers indicate the movement of people between the city and country areas. It does not at any time or any form refer to: who are fond of living in the metropolis rather than living in the countryside As such, the writer has a topic interpretation inaccuracy that will affect the TA score due to the misdirection of the discussion topic. He has also delivered only a semi accurate image representation since he only indicated the existence that a graph was included, but not the type of graph, which would have led to a more accurate summary information presentation. The word count is 232 words, which is over the 200m maximum word count. The writer needs to learn to write shorter presentations as this is only a concise analysis and not an opinion presentation. It may not be possible to complete such a word count within 20 minutes during the actual test.
## distance-learning or attending a college? In the age of technology, online study is highly considered by lots of people through the Internet and study material. While many people think it is so beneficial, I believe that the advantages brought by traditional learning are superior to that of studying at home. On the one hand, there is no doubt that distance-learning provided a ton of merits to students. When studying on their own at home, students will have a flexible timetable that is arranged based on their personal time to relieve the burden and stress caused by a heavy curriculum at school. Some theoretical subjects such as math, physic, and chemistry can be compatible with online learning due to the diversity of teaching and rich resources on the Internet, which will make the lessons become more interesting. Moreover, the cost of studying at home will also decrease significantly compared to that of attending college or university. On the other hand, I agree that if they have the chance, students should go to college regardless. School is a society in miniature. If students are limited by achieving knowledge at home, they will not have an opportunity to connect with others and create more close relationships. University promotes students' physical, intellectual and emotional development and helps foster an outlook on the world and life. Besides, facing the computer screen every day can cause harm to physical and psychological issues. Some practical and interactive subjects that need the space to study should be taught at school to obtain the best effect. During the Covid 19 pandemic when we have to keep our distance from the whole world, back to school was a top priority. In conclusion, whether distance-learning or attending college has caused a heated debate. However, I believe that there are many things that we can achieve only at school but not at home.
It is almost as if the student did not bother to read the discussion instruction before writing this essay. While I believe that he read the whole prompt, he did not read the writing instructions for the essay. The opinion presented is incorrect as he has opted use an A/D discussion where the actual writing instruction was that of a measured opinion presentation. Therefore, the writing format is incorrect and will receive a failing score for the most part. He failed to accurately address the task. The discussion format was not met in his overall presentation. Therefore, while he will receive minimal scoring for the LR and GRA sections, he cannot receive any passing marks for the TA and C+C sections. This is due to the incorrect discussion slant of his presentation. The lack of proper understanding with regards to the writing instructions caused the failure of this essay.
The graph demonstrates the figures for oil which was consumed and produced in China over the course of 24 years from 1982 to 2006. Overall, it is obvious that there was an upward trend in China's oil consumption and production over the years. However, the rising speed of consumption was much faster than that of production. At the year of 1982 the figures for oil consumption and production were fairly equal at 2 million barrels per day. However, while the rate of oil consumption remained unchanged over 8 years at the figures around 2 million barrels per day, oil production witnessed a significant upward trend to 3 million barrels per day before staying constant until 1990. From 1990 to 2006, the amount of oil that was consumed made a breakthrough and reached the peak at 6 million in 2006. Meanwhile, the figures for oil production continued to increase, but only marginally and finally end up at to approximately 3.5 million barrels per day, which was 3.5 times smaller than that of consumption. *
The writer must make an effort to create a properly formatted summary overview. This is accomplished by writing at least 3 individual infomation sentences in the paragraph, with the last 2 sentences representing the high and low of the graph. The trending sentences need not be separated from the summary overview as the correct format for the first paragraph follows the following set-up: Summary overview + Trending statement = Comprehensive summary report The separated summary overview and trending statement is only a tutoring tool that is meant to help the student keep track of the information requirements per paragraph. The student should be able to write a comprehensive paragraph as he progresses to show his increased writing ability for the task 1 essay. He should eventually be consolidating the summary report + trending scenario in one paragraph. A 4 paragraph presentation is only useful in increasing the score of the presentation when there are 2 images present. 4 paragraphs allows for a more comprehensive analysis and report. For single images, the 3 paragraph format is more than sufficient and helps to add to the scoring potential of the essay. The writer should learn to analyze when to use the 4 paragraph and 3 paragraph presentations for increased score targeting. The writer is constantly writing in run-on mode with some fragments thrown in. These will adversely affect the final GRA and C+C score as the paragraphs lack analytical clarity and proper information separation. The writer must strive to present clearer sentences and more efficient paragraph formatting.
Topic: ## Now big cities have many problems. ***What are these problems? Do you think the government should encourage city residents to move to small cities and towns?*** Nowadays, many metropolises have faced with a number of issues, and the authorities should persuade their citizens to migrate to rural areas or smaller cities. There are some problems happening in big cities. Firstly, natural environment has become seriously in negative way as more. Individuals from other places tend to move to major cities which is the promise land for job opportunity, so exhaust gases such as Carbon dioxide from their private vehicle or daily activities has contributed to air contamination. For example, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi City are two largest urbans in Vietnam which always hit the air hazardous level, compared to another provinces. Secondly, the rapid increase of crime rate is the biggest concern. Even though career options in these cities are various, it is also competitive and unemployed people are likely to sins for living. For instance, big state in United States - California possesses a third highest robbery rate according to Wikipedia. Hence, government should encourage urban people to live in minor cities and towns. The first reason is that environmental issues can be improved. Lower density population would reduce car, motorbike, and allow plants to have time for transformation waste gases. Index of atmosphere during Tet holiday in Ho Chi Minh City, when everyone back to their hometown, turns green indicated good quality. Besides, this is a good chance for rural areas to grow the economy. Companies, industries in small cities are often underdeveloped due to lack of well-training employees. In conclusion, big cities have a lot of problems in these days, and the state should come up with conviction for movement of civilians to another provinces and town due to many reasons mentioned above.
The prompt restatement + Personal opinion paragraph will receive a failing score because: 1. It presents itself as a run-on sentence. 2. It does not answer the 2 part question to deliver a writer's opinion that can be scored. Instead, he merely repeats the discussion questions. These errors alone will be enough to assure the writer of a failing score at the end as she shows a lack of ability to follow the discussion instructions and correct paragraph presentation format. The reasoning paragraphs do not follow the correct information presentation either which should have been: 1. Present the problem as the topic sentence 2. Explain why this is a problem. 3. Provide an example of the problem 4. Indicate a possible solution to the said problem 5. Explain why the solution is going to work By using the Cause+Effect+Solution discussion presentation, the writer will deliver a well developed, clearly explained, and cohesive paragraph presentation every time.
## Summarize the chart information The bar chart illustrates how many jobless women in some nations of United Kingdom between 2013 and 2014. Overall, there was a decline in the percentage of unemployed women in both years. In addition, the proportion of unemployed women in the year 2013 was generally higher compared to the figure for unemployed females in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2014 In 2013, the share of women who are jobless in England was at 6.8%, higher than that of unemployed women in Scotland and Northern Ireland, at 6.1% and 5.6% respectively. Meanwhile, Wales had the lowest unemployment rate of women among the four nations (5.4%). In the following year , Scotland surpassed all four countries and had the highest unemployment rate, at 6.7%. Conversely, the rate of unemployed females in Northern Ireland was the lowest (4.6%), lower than that of unoccupied women in England and Wales at 6.5% and 5% respectively. (152 words) What band can I have for this writting task 1? Pls let me know. Thanks! *
The writer has not written enough words to allowthe examiner to completely assess his English report writing skills. While he met the minimum word requirement, a full assessment can be carried out only if at least 1275 words are written. The current wordcount severely limits the scoring considerations overall. The summary presentation is improperly presented as it first assumes a qquestion presentation before shifting to a factual statement It is grammatically incorrect and confuses the reader in terms of actual thought presentation. The presentation also shows LR weakness as it uses the word "between" when the more appropriate term is "within ". The paragraphs do not represent the correctsentence requirement of 3-5 sentences. The lack of expanded sentence presentation proves limited analytical abilities \* Contact me privately for essay scoring review.
## films rented and sold The graph illustrates the number of films rented and sold in a variety of formats during the period of ten years, starting in 2002. Overall, the number of rentals and VHS sales experienced gradual drops throughout the years. Meanwhile, the opposite was true to the sale of DVD and blue-ray films. In 2002, the figure for rented films started at over 180 thousand a year and started to plummet to nearly 60 thousand in the year of 2011. Similarly, VHS sales saw a dramatic decrease from 85 thousand in 2002 to its lowest point of 10 thousand in 2005 before paving the way for the other forms of films. Between 2002 and 2007, it can be seen that DVD was the most preferred form of films which experienced a remarkable increase from nearly 50 thousand to over 200 thousand in terms of sales followed by a slight decrease over the next 5 years. Blue-ray films began to be included in the four formats in 2007 with 2 thousand versions sol;d, and slightly went up to over 5 thousand in 2011.
As there are several types of graphs used in a task 1 essay, the summary presentation should use a graph type identifier (line, row bar, column bar, etc.) for specific image reference purposes. That will help the summary presentation achieve a clearer pre-report analysis clarity. While it is definitely easier to refer to "10 years" but, it is too simplistic and will not help increase the LR score.Try to use a more advanced alternate word. "Decade" is the go to alternate but other references like decennary would also work. Since this is a reporting essay, more complex vocabulary should be present. in the year This should reference a steady decline in measurement so "by the year " would have been the more appropriate measurement reference phrase. At this point, it has become clear to me that the writer needs more LR and GRA skills development.
## The consumption of fish and different kinds of meat in a European country The line graph illustrates the amount of fish and various types of meat consumed in European country between 1979 and 2004. Overall,it is apparent that the amount of beef,lamb and fish consumed decrease while chicken witnessed a slight increase from 1979 to 2004. The number of beef comsumed per person started at around 220 grams followed by chicken and lamb(stood at 150 grams and nearly 150 grams) and fish(about 50 grams). Within the first 5 years(from 1979 to mid-1984) the figures of chicken grew sightly whereas it is opposite of anothers.From mid-1984 to 2004 witnessed downward trend of fish and beef,hit the lowest point about below 50grams and 100grams per person per week.In contrast,the amount of chicken continued rose considerably and peak at over 200grams per person per week.After the decline in lamb in mid-1984,there was a fluctuation above 100grams in the early 1989 to 2004.Whereas,a significant increase of 100grams in the figures of chicken and reach a highest point of nearly 250grams per person per week in the years 2004. In summary, people started consuming more chicken than beef and lamb and the fish consumption remained almost the same.
It is not enough to merely meet the word count in a task 1 essay. While there are ample words written, there will still be formatting deductions due to lack of clear writing references in the presentation. The writer cannot offer 2 summaries in this report. The summary is provided at the beginning, in the first paragraph, not at the end. There is also only 1 trending statement section, also in the 1st paragraph. There cannot be 2 trending references either. A task 1 essay does not require a concluding summary, which I believe the writer was trying to refer to in this essay. That is a task 2 requirement. Bear in mind that the data presented comes from a previous report. It has already taken place.Therefore the present tense reference cannot be used anymore. All references must indicate previously reported data via past tense usage. The essay does not meet the correct 3 paragraph requirement.The writer must learn to properly group his presentation to create the perfect 3 paragraph analysis. This is a somewhat promising start. At least the writer shows an effort to meet the task requirements. He just needs more guidance to achieve it.
***The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences. Only government action can solve this problem.*** ## To what extent do you agree or disagree? Lack of accommodation is one of the challenges that urban areas are faced with, which is believed to be solved by nobody other than the government. I disagree with this belief and argue that such a problem requires collective effort from not only policymakers, but also non-governmental bodies. Compelling arguments can be made that companies and individuals are also responsible for allomeriating the pressure on housing that overpopulation inflicts on big cities. Firstly, the former can contribute by relocating offices and branches from the inner city to the outskirts. By doing so, population density will be spread as employees will migrate to live closer to their workplace. Concerning the latter, I believe that individual cooperation is instrumental in coping with almost every problem, housing shortage included. One of the things people can do is to adopt living arrangements that utilize houses or apartments, consequently optimizing the scarce living space available in compact cities. For instance, students attending the same schools or single workers being employed in the same company can share an appartment instead of seperate houses, which geometrically reduces the room needed to accommodate the same number of people. I do admit that governments has a crucial role in addressing the housing problem. This is because only they can conduct large-scale measures that results in far-fetch changes. However, government endeavours will not be as successful as they would should they be carried out in conjunction with other members of society. To illustrate, a tactic to sooth accommodation scarcity that urban planners often employ is to build residential skyscrappers, which is intuitively plausible. However, unless people opt for sharing schemes, the rooms available can only accommodate half of the tenants they are capable of taking in. In conclusion, despite the fact that the role of governments is irreplaceable in combating housing shortage, those ordinary people and companies are comparably significant.
The writer should have separated the discussion topic and the basis for the topic. These are 2 different subjects that needed 2 separate restatements. His opinion is also flawed as he does not offer an extent response. Rather than arguing, since nobody is opposing him but asking for his opinion instead, the correct response format would have been "to the extent that" prior to his reasoning platform. He will lose accuracy points due to the incorrect format of his response. He has over discussed his first reasoning paragraph causing an imbalance in the reasoning paragraphs. One is more developed than the other in terms of explanation and example. The end result will be a lower c + c score and overall rating.
***Many people feel violent media encourages real-life violence among young people.*** ## What are the causes? What are the solutions? Violent mainstream seems ubiquitous in today's society. Accordingly, many worry that it can stimulate practical violence among young adults. I would argue that parental negligence and ignorance in censorship are the main catalysts of youth violence. Perhaps this phenomenon would be limited if parents pay adequate attention to their children in conjunction with carefully censoring from the government. The lack of parental responsibility and carefully censoring movie content can cause overexposure to violent media. Most movies today have some form of physical violence like brutal murder, communal riots, and rape to satisfy the need of experiencing the thrills of audiences. Meanwhile, parents subjectively suppose that children are still immature, so they will not pay much attention and imitate those scenes of violence. And even if they are curious, there are parents around to prevent them from extreme acts. Besides, the government always considers that teenagers are always under the supervision of their parents, as follows, it is not essential to limit aggressive scenes that boost movie-grossing. Without any prohibition, these adolescents are likely to be exposed to crime and brutality at a very young age and start believing that it is alright to resort to violence. Strict censorship and family education are two measures to reduce this issue. The government must vigorously brush off violent scenes. The young should be educated about the reality of violent behavior, and how it can impact themselves and others. Parents should also encourage their children to form healthier relationships with their peers instead of spending time watching movies. In recapitulation, carelessly monitoring by parents and government is the prominent result of violent media. However, with the involvement of both authority and parents, the situation can be reduced.
The first sentence is not a reflection of the original prompt. It is an observation of violent portrayals in the media, which is the writer's personal opinion. It should not be contained in the prompt restatement portion. Next time, place such observations in your personal opinion presentation or thesis sentence. Know where to place a personal opinion so that it can help increase, rather than decrease your score. In this case, it works to decrease the score. You do not need to argue with anyone in this statement. There is no opposing opinion for you to contradict. Where no contradicting reason exists, the writer should merely state his opinion, without any exaggerations that will result in score downs due to improper response formatting. This is a discussion since an idea is presented without any opposing views. Do not argue where it is not necessary, required, nor implied. The above observations are the main problem points of the presentation. The discussion paragraphs themselves are well developed and presented. The concluding summary is a proper summary that uses the correct paragraph format.
## "Learning is best done at one's own pace" This quote would definitely be widely accepted. Still, the current method of teaching students in schools does not follow this at all. In schools, the concepts taught to the students are at the teachers' comfort, pace, and style of teaching. Still, nor are two fingers the same, neither the teachers, adding one more variable to the already many. This highlights two major flaws in today's systems, diversity in teaching methods and diversity in students' capacities. Every student in a class is bound to the teacher's teaching style and pacing of the topic, A coaching class or private tuition helps solve the problem. In private tuition, students get to learn the same concept from two people in two different lights. The student definitely benefits from this. he or she may even ask for multiple repetitions of the topic with less strict time constraints, unlike in schools. Teachers in schools too try and follow suit, but lack behind because of the huge number of children and an even more amount of administrative work. School teachers too try providing multiple repetitions, but the large number of students are just extremely hard to cater to. In coaching institutions, the atmosphere is near school-like, but with a big difference. Coaching institutions provide students with constant tests, engraving the topic in their minds. This not only does help the students to retain knowledge for longer but also allows them to have more time for extracurricular topics. Coaching institutes being better funded than private tuitions, divert more attention to better faculty, recreation, et cetera. This allows them to provide better results overall. This is why students joining private tuitions or coaching institutes generally show improved results and better knowledge and understanding of topics when compared to students dependent solely on schools. Doing so also follows the quote "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", where the basket being the schools. having multiple sources of knowledge and learning are never bad and instead might help if anyone's doubts aren't being solved in either of the places. Now, even both cases do not solve the main problem completely. In both solutions mentioned are teachers involved, bringing forth the same issue with the schools. And the answer to that would be, tuition and coaching nor were neither will be meant as a replacement for schools, they exist only to help students solve their doubts and allow them to "learn at their own pace".
When opening with a quote, do not forget to add to the impact or drama of your opening statement by referring to the person you have quoted and how his background lends itself to the application of the text in your context. This will help create a more marked and analytical opening for your speech. You can do a lot with the citation if you know how to use the background of the source for impact. Prove the validity of the quote in terms of the topic being discussed. Right now, the quote is relevant but lacking in a strong impression. Doing so also follows the quote "Don't put all your eggs in one basket", where the basket being the schools. What does the quote represent in this case? You cannot just say the school is the basket. What concept does it represent and why should all the possible learning possibilities be placed in schools? There are portions of the essay that need to be corrected for grammar. Even with the editing needed, the essay still represents an interesting and somewhat strong argument for private institutions.
## Education With Fun A group of people think that school should have more entertainment, whereas, others belive that schools should only focus on education purpose. The aim of this piece of writing is clarify both views and express the author's opinion. On the one hand, people who support the idea that school should to be more entertaining believe that school is a place where children spend most of their time. It would be boring and also could make students tired as well as study ineffectively if there were no entertainment at school. Moreover, having more entertainment in school can help students identify their own forte, as well as improve their social skills. For instance, students, after stressful classes, often look forward to light lessons such as music or outdoor extracurricular activities to freshen up their minds and show their talents. That makes students feel more comfortable and learn much better. On the other hand, a school only focus on education purpose makes students feel stressed and depressed. Students can not concentrate on lessons and always feel tired when going to school. In addition, if students did not have entertainment, they could not promote their creativity as well as their fortes, which might make them become inflexible, taciturn and put them under stress. For example, a student who only study and have no relaxation or outdoors activities may study very well; nevertheless, his soft skills are not good and there is no flexibility in communications situations. In conclusion, both ideas have their own positive and negative aspects, as well as diffents impacts on students. Personally, I belive that school should be more entertaining because it can make students become more creative and study better.
The essay is not qualified to receive a passing score due to task writing instruction inaccuracy. The provided writer opinion sentence committed 2 errors: 1. The discussion representation is incorrect. He has indicated a comparative discussion + personal opinion format when the requirement was to discuss the public opinion he agrees with over 2 supporting paragraphs. 2. He has not presented a personal opinion + thisis statement to refer to his personal opinion His prompt paraphrase is also incorrect as it is a run-on sentence. Both the first and last paragraphs must contain 3-5 sentences to qualify for scoring. These 2 paragraphs are very format focused in terms of scoring. The writer does not present his own opinion until the closing paragraph, causing another task format error. The personal opinion must be the basis of the reasoning paragraphs. The current format will result in a failing score.
## the importance of interpreters in the next years These days, the drastic development of technology has provided people with a myriad of options for translating activities. While many people stated that AI and other intelligent technology tools would replace the position of translators in the future, I still strongly believe that the importance of interpreters will still be maintained in the near future. First and foremost, translation machines still make mistakes in the translating process, and could not ensure to maintain their accuracy. Specifically, AI software is prone to malfunctions, and the solutions available for people now are not foolproof. Furthermore, complex vocabulary and industry-specific terms can also be problematic to machine translation software. As a consequence, we could come to a statement that there is no evidence for a robotic translation machine being able to perform better than a well-educated interpreter. For instance, hosts of netizens today are familiar with using online translating software, named Google translate due to their free access, amazing speed and a wide selection of languages that are available for the users. However, as this website is free of charge, its translating products are only acceptable for looking up some words or translating some basic sentences. In terms of interpreting a contract, academic paper or a conversation with native speakers, people had better resort to the assistance of a translator as it seems that humans are able to catch up with and tackle the situation more flexibly than programmed machines of applications. Secondly, although translating and artificial intelligence software can be recalibrated or programmed to translate words, phrases, and language patterns, they could not fully comprehend humor, sacastims, human emotions, and other extra linguistic nuances. Thus, these platforms also fail to deliver original ideas of the author to the general public which might bring about a drastic change in the meaning of the text or speech. An apparent example for this incident is Automatic speech recognition (ASR), which is utilized to help with live speeches but its translations are unable to offer high-quality products for people. In fact, ASR programme has such a hard time to cope with spontaneous, continuous and context-dependent speech compared to the productivity of a cabin translator. In brief, there are some people who hold a view that the future of translation looks rather gloomy because of the continual introduction of translation tools, however, it is still not enough for us to predict the scenario of the disappearance of translators. This is due to the fact that translating programs are still confronted with insufficient precision accompanied by their failure when conveying the meaning of the speech or text through the employment of the author's attitude and other artistic methods.
The writer has totally missed the point of a task 2 essay. The discussion is all about creating a short but comprehensive discussion within 40 minutes. Based on the time allotment and editing requirements, He should only be presenting a maximum of 300 words. It need not be an academic paper in length. A simple everyday discussion that develops simple reasons will suffice in receiving a passing score. Extra long essays are more prone to scoring penalties. Keep it short next time. Do not change the response format. This is not a measured response essay. It is a simple agree or disagree consideration. The incorrect response format will cause accuracy penalties. That is too bad because the reasoning basis of the writer's - is quite strong and could very well have helped increase the score along with the solid interpretation of the prompt topic. The essay also risks getting an automatic failing score due to the lack ofa proper concluding summary. Instead of delivering the required reverse paraphrase, the writer continued the discussion instead, leaving the essay without a recap closing paragraph.
## Films were produced by big companies in the past, but today people are able to make a film Recently the phenomenon aroused wide concern about the ability of making films by individuals instead of by big companies. This writing would argue that the benefits of this trend are greatly more significant than the drawbacks it has. One benefit of this trend is that independent filmmakers may explore their hidden talents in film industry. In other words, those who have a passion for media, particularly in making movies, may not have a chance to pursue professional careers. When embarking on making films by their own, they can realize their ability and it allows them further opportunities. Another positive aspect is that independent filmmakers can express themselves freely. To be specific, filmmakers by individuals do not have to allow the same demands that big box office films have to. For example, those who make films independently do not follow the stereotypes or the motifs that are old-fashioned. Despite these benefits, many people still claim that the movies which were not produced by big companies can be at low-quality. They may believe that independent filmmakers are not able to afford to buy cutting-edge devices such as digital cameras with high performance or having camera crews to set up before filming. However, I would argue that this trend can create a competitive market so that major producers have to work hard to produce high-quality movies. In more detail, this forces all producers to be more creative and make impressive films which contain innovative contents or outstanding messages in order to satisfy their audience's taste. In conclusion, the merits of this trend certainly surpass it demerits. Not only hidden talents can be discovered by also the freedom to deliver what independent producers want. Moreover, the worry about the quality of films is not a concerning issue as many people claim.
One cannot say that the topic has created a great concern since it does not carry a negative meaning. A concern is related to something of serious importance that carries a heavy result upon a person. This is an exaggerated realelement that does not follow the flow and implied meaning of the orginal topic. seeing as how a direct question was posed before the writer, his C must be presented clearly in the first person point of new. He must be an active voice in the discussion to indicate a direct response, within the expected format, to the task. This sort of writing does not lend itself to a general discussion format. The response is also altered from the original question which is "is this a positive or negative development?". There is a different prompt style for advantages v. disadvantages and benefits and drawbacks. The writer needs more response format familiarity to learn how to properly respond to the questions. The answer format must be correct to receive the correct scoring consideration. To keep the response in the correct format, the reasoning paragraphs need to use alternate words to positive such as clear, conclusive, factual, and sure. Benefits, merits, demerits do not qualify as alternative words. When words are used in a method not applicable to its meaning within he discussion requirement, the LR score will be adversely affected.
IELTS Test - Task 2 TOPIC: ***It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subject.*** ## What are the causes? And what will be the effects on society? Nowadays, it is experienced that students are not likely to choose science subject for studying in many countries. This can stem from many causes, which can give rise to several issues. There are a number of factors responsible for reasons why science subject has not been chosen by students. Firstly, science subject brings numerous difficulties to students. It demands they a good memory with a wide range knowledge, which make students can hardly approach. As a result, students, especially those who reckon that science subject like biology, chemistry, ... is not suitable for them, they may feel tired and do not get anything left in their brains after being lectured. Another cause could be that science subjects are not necessary in these days. Nowadays, jobs do not require the science knowledges than back in the day, so that students tend to choose another way to gain their learning by others easier subjects. Doing this, however, can lead to several problems. First of all, jobs that require other subjects or social knowledges could be more competitive. Most students choose soft subjects to study because it does not demand a large amount of knowledge, and after graduation, they compete with each other to look for a job. Consequently, it will lead to an increase of unemployment rate in the future. Another issue could be that career would be more imbalanced. Social jobs like business, education, ... will lack job opportunities for students. On the other hand, scientific jobs like investigation, doing research ... will become redundant in the future. In conclusion, students does not choose science subject to study for several reasons and this can result in a number of issues.
The prompt restatement has an unchanged phrase from the orginal text that will negatively affect the TA scoring consideration. The prompt restatement must be a totally new telling of the given topic. By presenting it within the measures of your own understanding, the examiner will be able to assess and score your basic English comprehension skills. A major part of the comprehension consideration is connected to your direct response to the given questions as well. The lack of proper summarized responses to the questions does not help with the necessary comprehension assessment. Repeating the questions shows a paraphrasing ability. It does not prove comprehension skills. The writer shows a lack of proper sentence structuring skills. His GRA score will be adversely affected by his incorrect use of punctuation marks. Proper education with regards to how punctuation macks are used is a must. He must understand that punctuation marks are used one ata time. These are never used successively in a sentence.He will receive a failing score in this section that will prevent the essay from receiving a final passing score.
## Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information shown below. That picture shows the transparent surey to change temperture. Used the closed box and sun rays to let air and water become warm. The nature energy activity. The test can enhass on wram water power. Even can use it to future building. Box and pipe metal is a importent part can change to inprove effect. Installing in one wall which face the wind let insider getting warm in winter. Be oppsive. the green air-con can affect by this base rule. IF the surey is enough powerful. Solar panel can change the energy to be gthereen. the earth is not getting hurt. *
The essay will automatically recieve a failing task score because it did not meet the minimum 150 word requirement. The lacking wordcount is just too insurmountable to allow this essay to receive a passing score. There will also be a failing score applied to the C + C section as there is neither cohesiveness nor coherence to be found in the statements. The writer writes in broken English without knowing how to form proper English sentences, resulting in failing L R and GRA scores. There is nothing positive to be said about this presentation. The writer must enroll in ESL classes to help him improve overall. By starting his basic English language lessons now, he may be ready to take the IELTS test sometime next year.
## households accommodation in England and Wales The bar chart compares the rate of households owning and renting amenities in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011. Overall, it can be observed that households marginally favored renting accommodation over owning accommodation between 1918 and 1961. By contrast, the proportion of households in owned accommodation was virtually higher than that in rented accommodation from 1918 till the end of the period shown. From the beginning, households renting took dominance, with a support rate of nearly 80% in 1991, which was almost 4 times higher than that of households owning. Subsequently, the percentage of households renting gradually went down, but the rise in households owning continued. As a result, the figure for these two types of households had a balanced rate of 50% of each. Over the following 30 years, the proportion of households owning reached 69% in 2001 after a steady increase. While renting households experienced the opposite trend, reaching around 30% in 2001, which was three times lower than in 1918. There were nearly no changes over the next decade, but there was a minor drop in households owning and a slight rise in households renting. *
The word meaning for accomodation is not the same as the word amenities. So that is an LR error in the presentation that will cost the writer in terms of scoring. The writer must familiarize himself better with word meaning and alternative word usage. Just because a word sounds applicable, does not mean that it is applicable. Always double check the word meaning before applying it to the written work. Comparison paragraphs must start from 1918 as these are the starting points for the presentation. The presentation tends to not have a solid comparison trend within the paragraphs, making these difficult to follow. The writer must assess how he wants to write the report in each paragraph, focusing in a specific presentation style, prior to drafting it. After drafting, he must think of how he can further tighten the presentation for clarity. Learn to group the discussions.
## self employment *Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organisation. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?* Answer: The structure of employment is being changed with the expansion of population. Indeed, rather than working for a company or organization, many people are going for self-employment. This essay will discuss about the reasons behind this, including reduced number of jobs and flexibility in working in own environment, and the disadvantages of the decision. Self-employment gives an individual the maximum flexibility possible in professional life. A typical employee has to take permission from his boss to take a leave, while a self-employed person can take it anytime because he is the boss of his workplace. This opportunity enables a self-employed person lead his life flexibly, resulting in increased efficiency and peace of mind for him. Meanwhile, he does not have to take stress about job availability, although it has become an alarming issue. Since a self-employed person can start working alone for himself, reduction of job circular will not make him worried. However, working alone comes with two major disadvantages. First of all, it has some potential risk of losing investment. While working for a company, a employee gets his salary on a regular basis and he doesn't have to invest anything for that, except time. Any loss of the company will be taken care by the share holders. But in case of self-employment, one has to invest some money to grow his business. While it brings an opportunity to get revenue, it also brings some risk. He has to bear the loss if anything goes wrong. Moreover, too much self-employemnt brings greater competition in the market. When there are too many people in the market providing similar services, it becomes difficult for the providers to keep a hold of customers. To conclude, people are choosing self-employment nowadays because it reduces stress about the job market and brings flexibilty in life. It also comes with potential risk and competition in the market which one has to be careful of.
Keep your personal opinion to yourself. Do not use it as the introduction to the topic in the prompt restatement. The prompt restatement is altered when compared to the original when you do that. The representation no longer carries the correct information output as the you have indicated information not linked to the original idea. It is also important for the TA score, that is based on the clear opinion of the writer, that you respond directly to the questions provided. The direct responses help meet the task accuracy requirement and allows the examiner to judge how well you understood the discussion requirements. They do not give scores for merely repeating the questions in the form of a direct statement. This current statement has adhered to the discussion instructions only once out of the expected response forms. The discussion format is also incorrect as the writer strayed from the discussion focus which is the disadvantages of being self-employed. As referenced in the relevant paragraph, he had 2 reasons to discuss as the disadvantage. These should have been thoroughly discussed over 2 relevant paragraphs. There was no need to discuss the advantage. That irrelevant presentation needlessly lengthened the presentation. A futile exercise since it will not be scored and the irrelevant paragraph word count will be deducted from the overall word count. Falling under the 250 minimum count will result in percentage deductions.
## Tell us about a thing you try to unlearn Growing up as an Asian in general and a Vietnamese in specific, I understand the importance of etiquette usually manifested with shades of "respect", "good manners", and "docile". This issue may be rigid but not completely wrong. However, it still affects people's awareness about raising their own voices, especially the young that should have many ambitions and the desire to prove themselves. Therefore, to start sharing something I try to unlearn, I would choose to give up the conception of being an obedient person. While learning is known as the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, attitudes, etc., to unlearn is to do the opposite: forfeit and lose old understanding. I have grown up being taught to be a good child that always obeys my parent's or olders' orders. Coming to the choice of forsaking other people's thoughts, obedience is not a way to show a disrespectful attitude but express my own feelings and opinions. When a child gets a compliment like: "They are such a good obedient girl/boy!", the real situation is that the child is totally listening and does what adults tell them to do with no questioning or denial. Then when you become an adolescent, having your own vision, and gaining a great deal of experience, do you still want to be like that "good obedient child" who always acts like what other people want? From my own perspective, submissive expressions belong to those who can not stand on their own, do not have enough bravery to raise their voice, and lack the courage to confirm their position in life. The power of unlearning the act of listening to other people is not to be underestimated. Going the opposite way compared to the crowd, you can become the pioneer of your creative ideas, so that would be able to bring change to the world. Having your own voice, you are able to convince other people, receive respect and have a certain position in life. Independent thinking also allows you to come up with a plethora of marvelous discoveries, and train your critical thinking to approach problems in a consistent and systematic way. If there were no act of unlearning many harmful thoughts such as prejudice, unequal, and constraint, how can a variety of movements such as fighting for gender equality emerge? Women would never have been entitled to participate in social issues and had to obey men's requests if they had not unlearned the public thoughts in those days. The same situation was for the black. If they had followed the way white people assumed them are inferior, the racist ideologies would have continued. Women and the black, are not born to submit themselves to anyone and they chose to unlearn the dictate that others gave to them. In Vietnam, we have a proverb: "First learn proper behavior, then learn book knowledge" which also became a widely-known objective for schools. However, that sentence has recently received many conflicting opinions saying it would expand the distance between the teacher and the students and avoiding them to have a comfortable discussion. This is also said to be the reason why Vietnamese students are too scared to speak out and lack guidance. From my own perspective, I still doubt a couple of points in this notion. Because no matter how liberal, respect for the other is always a requirement of any culture. Being bold does not mean losing your standards and general rules of morality. So the key here is to balance the way you raise your opinion and your respectful attitude toward others. In conclusion, unlearning is new learning. By unlearning to become an obedient person, you learn how to share your ideas, have independent thoughts, and become a leader who can pursue others with your confident and unique personal identity.
I am not sure that one would want to unlearn obedience. For all the reasons you presented, one thing remains clear about it. Obedience is necessary so that the concept of law and order can exist. Without obedience to law war would continue to range on a large scale at different levels. Do not discuss unlearning obedience in general. Be specific about what sort of obedience you would want to unlearn. You wish to unlearn "cultural obedience". The reference to "Black" people in this essay is offensive and politically incorrect. The proper descriptive term for the race is "African American". Only they may refer to their race as "Black". It is considered disrespectful for other races or skin color to call them "Black".
***Topic: In some countries, schools are open till late so that children can be looked after when parents are at work.*** ## Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Essay: Schools in several nations stay open late so that children can be cared for while their parents are at work. This essay will look at both advantages and disadvantages of the statement. On the plus side, it is critical for parents to work in order to improve their financial situation, which will benefit their toddlers in the future. There are, however, countless schools care for children while their parents are at work. In almost countries, school hours are from 8 a.m to 4 p.m, but after that, children are left at home with no one to supervise them. Parents, on the other hand, have no concerns about their children when they are at shool and under the supervision of a teacher. Futhermore, students study a variety of exercises and participate in a variety of games, all of which are beneficial to their health and fitness. On the other hand, there are a slew of negative consequences for children who spend too much time in school. First of all, it is too expensive for parents, and some cannot afford such exorbitant costs. In the long run, having children away from them is inconvenient, and new borns have less time to engage with their parents. In short, I believed when both parents work and no one is at home to care for the children, the children suffer. About the cost element, parents can see the benefits that apply to them and make specific decision based on the scenario. **Please give me feedbacks and corrections on my essay, thank you.**
The prompt restatement is a problem because it contains too much of the original keywords, phrases, and references to be judged as revised or rewritten by the exam taker. By showing that he can only use cut and paste sections for his writing, the writer's TA score will have to be a failing one. He must always restate the topic in his own words, never using any of the original words. Without direct topic references for the advantage and disadvantage, the writer fails to present a clear opinion. A repeated discussion instruction will not receive a score. Only direct topic foundations will receive considerations. A toddler does not attend school yet. The most they attend is daycare. Which is not the same set- up as a school. This is a wrong synonym usage that will negatively affect the LR and C + C score. The writer needs to build his vocabulary to help him score better in these sections. The conclusion should be a recap of the overall discussion The writer did not dothat. Instead he offered an unwarranted personal opinion, which will not be scored as it is a prompt alteration. It will result in a reduced score instead.
**Prompt:** Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today's world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. **Response:** Every subject taught in school is selected by considering their importance on the later of the students. While some people believe that History is one of the most crucial subjects, others argue that Science and Technology related subjects are more important. In this essay, I will discuss both views and explain why I think both subjects are necessary. History prepares a student for real life by delivering practical knowledge. By looking at the past, one can gain a vast knowledge. It can be used to get away with a similar situation happening again in the future. Because the students will have the knowledge beforehand by studying history, they can stay prepared for an identical event. For instance, by looking at the Bangladesh-Pakistan war in 1971, it is observed that we have to be united to bring justice against immorality. If the same scenario comes again, we can use this acquired knowledge from history to get on the winner side. The more prepared a student for the battle in practical life, the more possibility of his victory. With the recent technological advancement, a nation can be developed by utilizing science and technology. The population of the world is growing and the need for making tasks faster is also increasing. This has lead to an ever expanding field of applications of science and technology. Because science can make life easier and tasks faster with new innovations, it has become a crucial subject to study in recent times. Crops, for instance, need to grow faster to meet the needs of growing population of the world. This can be done by engineering the genes of the cereals. The more efficient a nation is with its tasks, the more it can be developed. To conclude, every subject has their own impacts on a student's career. While history can prepare him for upcoming real life events, science and technology can increase his efficiancy in executing a certain task. I believe both of them are crucial to make a student successful. Please grade me in a IELTS Writing band score. Thanks.
The first sentence is an incomplete thought. It should not be presented in the paragraph for 2 reasons: - It does not relate to the original discussion foundation - It is a personal opinion of the writer that should be presented in the writer's opinion sentence. The topic sentence of the prompt restatement should always follow the content of the original presentation, without any alterations or additional information. This sentence will force score reductions in terms of restatement accuracy. However, the essay will have limited deductions since the writer presented a strong personal opinion + summarized reason presentation towards the end of the paragraph. The student has not proven the 2 public opinions to be true or false, or of equal importance based on public opinion. The reason for the public opinion must first be stated, followed by the writer's opinion of that viewpoint. Either he supports it or not. His opinion should be effectively merged into the public discussion paragraphs. By including a clear explanation of his personal opinion in the concluding paragraph, the writer will cause the essay to get a failing score due to the lack of proper reverse paraphrase in the concluding summary. The essay is open ended rather than concluded in this current format. \*Contact us privately for detailed scoring services.
## Nowadays many people enjoy keeping pets at home. ***What are the causes of this? What effects can be seen as a result of this? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.*** FOCUS ON CAUSE. Keeping pets at home is an issue that arouses greater and greater concern today. / Nowadays, many people tend to enjoy keeping pets at home and it become an issue that arouses greater and greater concern today. Having pets at home changes today's life positively. It can help people have a companion in life, change their thinking, and so on. Keeping pets at home is chosen for many reasons: safety, improved human health, and enhanced mood. Safety is the first thing that appears in many people's brains when they talk about keeping pets at home. Some kinds of animals have been recognized for their ability to support and protect humans like dogs, cats, birds, horses,...For example, a dog might attack a robber or thief who is sneaking into your home at night. TV has also published stories about cats that realize children are about to be in danger and promptly help them. Moreover, pets are also a burglar alarm. Many people keep dogs, gooses, and parrots at home to protect their property and alarm when something happened. Humans can easily hear their pets shout when strangers break into the house, warning when having a fire or someone are in danger. At the same time, pets also improve human health. Scientists have researched and realized that people who have pets in the house will find it easier to control their blood pressure than those who do not. The reason for it is having pets at home will reduce cardiovascular reactivity during stressful period. That means the heart rate and blood pressure will not be affected too much and can turn to normal quickly. Besides that, keeping pets at home is a source of exercise. Pets are uncomfortable when staying at home day by day so people have to pick them up and go outsides, which leads to humans also having companionship when they do exercise. Moreover, when people have pets, they have some games to play outsides with their pets too. The enhanced mood is the last effect that people pay attention to when they get pets. Because keeping pets at home has both reduced physiological and psychological stress. Keeping pets at home leads to humans having more time to do exercise and it is good for stress management and overall health. Besides that, nobody can angry with a cute puppy or a super-soft cat, some stupid activity of pets will make a day funny and something cute will make a day comfortable. People who have pets are told that pets are an antidote for loneliness, especially old-man. When having pets, people will not worry about not having someone beside them because pets will be there anytime and can companion with humans anywhere. In conclusion, keeping pets at home has many benefits for people, so it attracts more people daily. Having pets at home is not only good for people's health, and psychology but also good for connection and we can't admit that people are happier when having pets of their own.
The prompt restatement paragraph is faulty as the writer repeats himself over several sentences. It also shows that the writer can only write in memorized phrases as he reuses the phrase Keeping pets at home and its variation several times in the presentation. Each time the phrase is used, he merely repeats his first meaning, thus creating redundant presentations throughout the paragraph. He also uses the word "concern" incorrectly. The word usually carries a negative connotation referring to worry and distress. If the reference is positive then this is not the word that should be used. Good work on presenting the positive causes of keeping pets though. That was definitely on point and helped clarify the writer's opinion even though the prompt restatement was confusing for the reader. The writer has over-written the discussion points in the sense that he presents 3 reasoning paragraphs where only 2 discussion paragraphs are needed. So the writer will basically not meet the time limitation for the essay, which is 40 minutes. He has written so much, and failed to review the essay for errors that can lower his score. There problem points were left in the presentation, uncorrected. So the essay will not be leaning towards a passing score. He has punctuation errors that should have been corrected. He used a comma and ellipse successively in a sentence. 2 punctuation marks cannot be used simultaneously in a sentence, these must be separated by a phrase. One punctuation mark per idea. Ellipses are used to connote unspoken thought, which is not allowed in the Task 2 essay. This shows the lack of punctuation usage knowledge on the part of the writer and will reduce the score accordingly.
## prioritizing professional workers It is believed to be contentious to dispute which profession should be deemed pre-eminence and paid more than others. Many people believe that professional workers, such as doctors or teachers, should obtain better revenues. This essay will discuss the aforementioned sentiment and devise the author's opinion. First, it is universally agreed that well-trained workers, such as doctors or educators, must spend a huge amount of time pursuing sought-after occupations. Therefore, it is understandable that they deserve a better salary to support their living. On the contrary, doctors are demanded to contribute their effort saving people, teachers are asked to burn the midnight oil. What do they receive in return? Few promotion opportunities, inconvenient workplaces and more important, substandard income which merely affords bare necessities. As a result, it is discouraging for young generations to adhere to these jobs unless they are truly passionate. Moreover, professional workers are societal indispensable labor force, with insufficient quantity might decelerate the improvement within the community. The second apparent observation is that in some Asian countries, especially Vietnam, entertainment industries tend to broaden spaciously with the increase in television series broadcasted daily. However, with such inappropriate content, several entertainment programs might not acquire much enthusiasm or support from the audience. People working for these enterprises, on the other hand, are usually well-compensated. For a firm ground, which most people believe, is that they must exchange substantial physical strength for high productivity such as higher views. It might sound contrary to me since doctors and teachers also put their health at risk to contribute to public health and education. As I noticed, professional workers should be highly paid for their great devotion. Although the role of entertainment is still vital, we must devise several methods to balance both sides and increase the income for well-trained individuals.
The writer has turned the essay into a vocabulary usage exercise that does not meet the discussion requirements at all. The writer was expected to present an opinion based on a measured response within the prompt restatement, he did not do that. He did not offer any sort of response that met the measurement requirements. The restatement itself does not really make much sense, nor carry much logic for an English reader because the presentation uses English words that do not suit the original presentation. The discussion paragraphs are faulty for the same reason. As such, this is nothing more than a vocabulary building exercise. It is not a task 2 essay that can receive a passing score due to incorrect response formatting, incorrect LR presentation, and confusing C+C formats. The final error comes in the form of confusing GRA presentations from the beginning to the end of the discussion essay.
## The bar chart report **Prompt**: The bar chart below shows the top ten countries for the production and consumption of electricity in 2014. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. **Response**: The given bar chart illustrates the amount of electricity produced and consumed, in kWh units, in the top ten countries - China, the US, Russia, Japan, India, Canada, France, Brazil, Germany, and Korea by the year 2014. A glance at the chart reveals that China was generating and using the maximum amount of electricity while Korea was doing the opposite. Production of electricity was higher than consumption in all of the nations except Germany. In terms of production, China was clearly ahead of all the other countries, producing 5398 billion kWh. As this number dropped slightly for the US, at 4099, it secured the second position for the US in the list. There was a dramatic reduction in the amount of generated electricity for Russia, Japan, and India which was 1057, 936, and 871 billion units respectively. While keeping similarity among them, the remaining countries produced electricity in the lowest quantity ranging from 485-618 billion units. Regarding the consumption of current, a similar characteristic is shown by all the countries. China and the US was at the first and second position respectively in this category too by using 5322 and 3866 billion units of current. Meanwhile, the usage of electric goods were very low for other countries ranging from 449-1038 billion kWh. Despite generating different amounts of current in each nation, all of them were able to meet their needs except Germany which produced less energy in the form of electricity than it consumed. Can you please suggest me expected band for this task? *
Avoid stating all the summarized information in one sentence. Such a format does not properly showcase your sentence structure ability. It is not considered simple, compound, nor complex in presentation. A sentence can only be properly structured when it contains one reference topic per sentence. This paragraph will greatly reduce the GRA and C + C scores. Once the clarity of thought is lost in the written paragraph, the reader will automatically be confused by the presentation. Avoiding that confusion is important as it is a major scoring consideration. There is no need to create a reference to how the writer viewed the image. Read the stock market reports as a reference. Describe the measured movements only. That is what the report is based on. in this category ~~too~~ Since the countries are not first compared to others, there is no need to use an adverb here.
## gdp - three groups of nations comparison TOPIC: The graph below shows the average growth in domestic products in wealthy countries, countries that have adopted a global apprach to business and countries that have not. MY ESSAY: The bar graph gives comparison among three groups of nations' average annual growth in GDP from 1960s to 1990s. It is apparent that there was an improvement in the number of gross domestic products of the developing countries through decades. Nevertheless, the non-globalisers lost their track during this period of time while the others did not. In terms of the developed ones, they seemed to be gradually economically slow. In the first decade, those with either world-wide or non-worldwide pursuits began with the lowest statistics of more than 1% and 2% respectively. Despite this fact, the global approach adopters soon kept pace and had its ratio reached its peak of one-twentith in the last years.As a result, the globalisers appeared to have a potential economic status. In contrast. the highest figure for the non-globalisers had been witnessed in 1970s right after their economic outputs fluctuated to the final percentage of 1,5%. The rich nations' data showed a downward trend over the years. Ever since the greatest decline of 2% in GDP in the 70s, the changes were unconsiderable, leading this group's economic development proportion as halved high as the first years. In addition, it can be seen that the developed countries were still able to maintain stable prosperity. * *The graph*
When you speak of the plural form of words such as "nations", there is no need to use an apostrophe as you only need tofollow the + S rule for plural word formation. This incorrect word presentation will affect the GRA score. As for the presentation format, a 4 paragraph report must be used in instances of 2 image comparisons. A single image needs only 3 paragraphs. The first paragraph contains the 3-5 sentence summary + trending statement. That format creates a more cohesive and coherent presentation. Never use vague references to the years involved. Always use the data as provided. The reader cannot?guess these information, Remember, he cannot see the image. Therefore the report must be factually accurate. Good job on reporting just the same. The analysis is understandable and easy to scan while reading.
**Traveling in a group is a preferable for some people. Others who do not share this idea want to have a trip alone. ## How would you like to travel: alone or in a group? *Present enough reasons and examples for your choice.*** Traveling is now becoming facile due to the improvement in vehicles and cheaper expenses. A lot of people travel every single day, they do it with other people or by themselves. In my case, I favor going outside with my friends or my familiar ones. The first gain of traveling with relationships is turning their sentiment better. People can interact with others when they perform together. For instance, they can make a plan, choose a pertinent time, customize destinations that were opted for, and chill the tour. I had a memorable trip, it happened last year when the weather was turning to summer. I and my high school friends decided to make a trip to Da Nang, a city in Vietnam, we prepared a lot and brought several things, then we had a wonderful time eating meals, sharing our stories that we did't have time to do in normal days, and staying up overnight together to drink beer. Through this experience, we understood each other more, and perhaps we obtain more tours in the future. The second reason that helps me choose to travel in a group is the reduction of costs and the diminished risks. Booking a tour with other people can save lots of charges such as tour fees and service fees, moving fees, and purchase fees cause all fees are divided on each one, moreover, we maybe get a fortune discount from organizers. In addition, when we go with our companions we can refrain from unpredictable dangerous circumstances that we may meet in our itineraries. Providing that we go climbing or skiing then an accident occurs like falling down from the mountain or falling out of skiboard and no any rescue team can go straight to you. It is such a bad thing, however, luckily you have friends beside you, and they can save you right away. Many people were met numerous bad situations while traveling alone, and some of them died. Pitiful things can happen at any moment without previous alert and we can't realize them, therefore, we should go with companions. These opinions and experiences can't be found by personal travel. There is a variety of undeniable benefits if people make a trip alone, nevertheless, I strongly believe traveling with a team attains plenty of worthy things
going outside This is a word phrase error. Going outside means that one merely steps outside of the home. It does not carry the same meaning as travel or any of its synonyms. The writers opinion then becomes incorrect as it slightly deviates from the given topic and response consideration. familiar relationships Again with the LR problem. Look up the meaning of the words. There have been used as incorrect references in each sentence. The emerging problem trend at this point has a direct relationship with the writers lack of familiarity with various English words meanings. The writer has a tendency to use run-on sentences in the essay. These sentence structure errors tend to reduce the possible GRA score of the essay. While the writer understood the topic and offered interesting discussion paragraphs, his grammar errors cannot be ignored. These will greatly reduce his final score.
***Some people think that the death penalty is the only suitable punishment for some of the worse crimes, but others think it is wrong and should not be allowed. ## Consider both sides and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words.*** All over the world, capital punishment is carried out against convicted delinquents who have been found guilty of committing heinous crimes. On the one hand, opponents of capital punishment agree that it should be forbidden, whereas proponents can point to a number of equally arguments in favor of the death sentence. From the pro-life viewpoint, it is morally wrong for a government to execute its own citizens, and the death penalty is an ineffective deterrent. Indeed, there is inconclusive evidence to show that it deters people from committing horrific crimes. For example, in the USA pro-death penalty states do not have lower murder rates. In addition, pro-life lobbyists point to the fact that while poor people are over-represented in death penalty statistics, rich people often pay their way out of trouble with clever lawyers. Consequently, innocent poor people could be unjustly executed, whereas some culpable rich people might escape justice. Thus unless a legal system is flawless, capital punishment ought to be illegal. Despite the above arguments, advocates of capital punishment would argue that executing murderers and serial killers is justified. To begin with, if a criminal murders someone, then the victim's family ought to expect a punishment that is proportionate to the convicted killer's crime, which will help the bereaved family to find 'closure' and move on with their shattered lives. Moreover, it is unfair to expect taxpayers to pay for convicted murderers, rapists, and serial killers to live in prison for life. For instance, it costs the U.S. taxpayers approximately $100.000 a year to keep a lifer in a high-security prison. Finally, while D.N.A and forensics have made it less likely for innocent people to be convicted, some dangerous killers have escaped or been released from prison and killed successively. On balance, it is my opinion that if somebody has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt to have intentionally murdered another citizen, then the punishment should be equal to their crime. Therefore, in order for justice to be fair, I believe that the death penalty ought to be applied to the most evil of crimes.
The prompt restatement should not include a reference to the global scale of death penalty agreement as that is not indicated in the original prompt topic or reason. As that is the writers personal opinion, it should be presented elsewhere in the appropriate discussion paragraphs. It must also be pointed out that the lack of the writers clear opinion atthe end of this paragraph makes it incomplete since the paragraph is scored on the prompt restatement + writers opinion consideration. The lack of the latter means the scoring consideration will be incomplete for that section. This is a 5 paragraph essay. There needs to be 3 reasoning paragraphs + 1 conclusion. Without a proper concluding summary, the essay could automatically garner a failing score due to an incorrect discussion format. Never neglect to present a concluding summary or reverse paraphrase at the end. Avoid all reasons for scoring deductions that could lead to an auto-fail in the final score. The reasons and explanations are clear to the reader.The opposing arguments are well represented in a general manner to show the difference from the writer's personal opinion.something most writers of this prompt format often fail to do. Good job!
## Benefits of learning English English is the most useful language that people should learn to get good at. Firstly, it is an important language because it helps to communicate with people from other countries easily. Secondly, it can improve your knowledge effectively because most important documents were written in English. We can read famous original books, and watch US-UK films without translation. Finally, if we are masters in English, we will get a good job, earn a lot of money and get more promotion
The paragraph is acceptable as an English learners writing exercise. The message of the essay regarding the importance and benefits of knowing how to use the English language is clearly referenced, even though there are grammatical errors here and there. However, there are a few arguable points in the presentation. One of the arguements will be that certain countries refuse to learn English and do not use it as a medium of education in their countries. Going to grammar specifics, the writer should learn more about the use of plural past indicatives. There are instances in this presentation where present indicative plurals should be used but the former was used instead. Proof reading should also be practiced so that obvious errors like the missing period at the end of this paragraph can be avoided.
## the punishment for youth crime Teenagers should be received adults' punishment if they commit crimes. I completely agree with that statement. Government should put into practice the same laws about crimes for both the young and the adult for two reasons: make young criminals recognize their serious consequences and frighten others who have intentional motive for crimes. For the most part, the chances are that teenagers can not realize how severe their bad results are. Therefore, Nations' responsibility is to make them understand that. The common characteristics of the young is that they are critically arrogant and impetuous, especially when Government's law is over-protected them. Youngsters freely commit crimes such as thef, robbery, burglary and even murder since they comprehend that there's no heavy rules or punishments for them.From that, government strongly need to execute adults' penalties according to their deserts. Apart from that, young people who have intentional motive for crime will be worried and scared of that rules. Teenagers clearly understand that there is no young partial right at all, everything is absolutely fair between adults and youngsters. To be more precise, if we execute adult's penance for juvenile criminals such as go to the jail or to be under sentence of dealth. Hopefully, it in somehow can make them change their behavioral style. To sum up, I highly believe that young criminals should be penalized as adults.
There is a difference between a juvenile delinquent who participates in crimes more often attributed to the youth and a juvenile who enacts adult crimes. That is a differentiation made clear in the orginal presentation but is missing from the replacement. The rewording is only partially accurate and can be considered misinformation due to the lacking referee. It is not topic accurate and the TA score will reflect that. The complete writer opinion will buffer that deduction though as the writer's opinion Is clearly established with supporting reasons. Good job ! Nations' Government's Review proper noun and apostrophe usage. These are not proper nouns. Learn about how to write words in plural form as well. An apostrophe is not required. The writer has writing problems in reference to singular v. plural word usage. His lowest score will come in the GRA section. The aforementioned problem will affect the score in relation to proper English sentence formation. Regardless of the existing clarity of the explanations, points will still be deducted for incorrect grammar.