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Dataset origin:
Wiktionary is the lexical companion to Wikipedia. This multilingual dictionary includes glosses, examples, semantic relations and translation links that anyone can modify.
Its content is available as dumps that includes all articles' wiki code. This format is not structured and hardly suits NLP usage. The English and French Wiktionary's dumps have been converted into a workable XML format.
author = {Navarro, Emmanuel and Sajous, Franck and Gaume, Bruno and Pr\'{e}vot, Laurent and Hsieh, ShuKai and Kuo, Ivy and Magistry, Pierre and Huang, Chu-Ren},
title = {Wiktionary and {NLP}: {I}mproving synonymy networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 ACL-IJCNLP Workshop on The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources},
month = {August},
year = {2009},
address = {Suntec, Singapore},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
pages = {19--27},
url = {}
@InCollection {sajousEtAl2010-IceTAL,
author = {Sajous, Franck and Navarro, Emmanuel and Gaume, Bruno and Pr\'{e}vot, Laurent and Chudy, Yannick},
title = {Semi-automatic {E}ndogenous {E}nrichment of {C}ollaboratively {C}onstructed {L}exical {R}esources: {P}iggybacking onto {W}iktionary},
booktitle = {Advances in Natural Language Processing},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor = {Hrafn Loftsson and Eir\'{i}kur R\"{o}gnvaldsson and Sigr\'{u}n Helgad\'{o}ttir},
publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
isbn = {978-3-642-14769-2},
pages = {332--344},
volume = {6233},
abstract = {The lack of large-scale, freely available and durable lexical resources, and the consequences for NLP, is widely acknowledged but the attempts to cope with usual bottlenecks preventing their development often result in dead-ends. This article introduces a language-independent, semi-automatic and endogenous method for enriching lexical resources, based on collaborative editing and random walks through existing lexical relationships, and shows how this approach enables us to overcome recurrent impediments. It compares the impact of using different data sources and similarity measures on the task of improving synonymy networks. Finally, it defines an architecture for applying the presented method to Wiktionary and explains how it has been implemented.},
year = {2010},
url = {}
author = {Sajous, Franck and Navarro, Emmanuel and Gaume, Bruno},
title = {Enrichissement de lexiques s{\'e}mantiques approvisionn{\'e}s par les foules : le syst{\`e}me WISIGOTH appliqu{\'e} {\`a} Wiktionary},
journal = {TAL},
volume = "52",
number = "1",
year = "2011",
pages = {11-35},
url = {},
journal={Language Resources and Evaluation},
title={Semi-automatic enrichment of crowdsourced synonymy networks: the {WISIGOTH} system applied to {W}iktionary},
publisher={Springer Netherlands},
keywords={Synonymy networks; Semantic relatedness; Collaboratively constructed resources; Wiktionary; Semi-automatic enrichment; Random walks; Small worlds},
author={Sajous, Franck and Navarro, Emmanuel and Gaume, Bruno and Pr\'{e}vot, Laurent and Chudy, Yannick},
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