1 value
2 values
1 class
3 values
3 values
2 classes
2 classes
Stuck in "Resolving data files..."
{ "login": "Luciennnnnnn", "id": 20135317, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjIwMTM1MzE3", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/20135317?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn", "html_url": "https://github.com/Luciennnnnnn", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Luciennnnnnn/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug I have an image dataset with 300k images, the size of image is 768 * 768. When I run `dataset = load_dataset("imagefolder", data_dir="/path/to/img_dir", split='train')` in second time, it takes 50 minutes to finish "Resolving data files" part, what's going on in this part? From my understand, after Arrow files been created in the first run, the second run should not take time longer than one or two minutes. ### Steps to reproduce the bug # Run following code two times dataset = load_dataset("imagefolder", data_dir="/path/to/img_dir", split='train') ### Expected behavior Fast dataset building ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.14.5 - Platform: Linux-5.15.0-60-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 - Python version: 3.10.11 - Huggingface_hub version: 0.17.3 - PyArrow version: 10.0.1 - Pandas version: 1.5.3
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6359/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Mounting datasets cache fails due to absolute paths.
{ "login": "charliebudd", "id": 72921588, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjcyOTIxNTg4", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/72921588?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd", "html_url": "https://github.com/charliebudd", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/charliebudd/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug Creating a datasets cache and mounting this into, for example, a docker container, renders the data unreadable due to absolute paths written into the cache. ### Steps to reproduce the bug 1. Create a datasets cache by downloading some data 2. Mount the dataset folder into a docker container or remote system. 3. Attempt to access the data from within the docker container. 4. An error is thrown saying no file exists at <absolute path to original cache location> ### Expected behavior The data is loaded without error ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.14.4 - Platform: Linux-5.4.0-162-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.29 - Python version: 3.8.10 - Huggingface_hub version: 0.16.4 - PyArrow version: 13.0.0 - Pandas version: 2.0.3
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6358/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Allow passing a multiprocessing context to functions that support `num_proc`
{ "login": "bryant1410", "id": 3905501, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjM5MDU1MDE=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3905501?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410", "html_url": "https://github.com/bryant1410", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/bryant1410/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" } ]
### Feature request Allow specifying [a multiprocessing context](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#contexts-and-start-methods) to functions that support `num_proc` or use multiprocessing pools. For example, the following could be done: ```python dataset = dataset.map(_func, num_proc=2, mp_context=multiprocess.get_context("spawn")) ``` Or at least the multiprocessing start method ("fork", "spawn", "fork_server" or `None`): ```python dataset = dataset.map(_func, num_proc=2, mp_start_method="spawn") ``` Another option could be passing the `pool` as an argument. ### Motivation By default, `multiprocess` (the `multiprocessing`-fork library that this repo uses) uses the "fork" start method for multiprocessing pools (for the default context). It could be changed by using `set_start_method`. However, this conditions the multiprocessing start method from all processing in a Python program that uses the default context, because [you can't call that function more than once](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#contexts-and-start-methods:~:text=set_start_method()%20should%20not%20be%20used%20more%20than%20once%20in%20the%20program.). My proposal is to allow using a different multiprocessing context, not to condition the whole Python program. One reason to change the start method is that "fork" (the default) makes child processes likely deadlock if thread pools were created before (and also this is not supported by POSIX). For example, this happens when using PyTorch because OpenMP threads are used for CPU intra-op parallelism, which is enabled by default (e.g., for context see [`torch.set_num_threads`](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.set_num_threads.html)). This can also be fixed by setting `torch.set_num_threads(1)` (or similarly by other methods) but this conditions the whole Python program as it can only be set once to guarantee its behavior (similarly to). There are noticeable performance differences when setting this number to 1 even when using GPU(s). Using, e.g., a "spawn" start method would solve this issue. For more context, see: * https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/dataset-map-stuck-with-torch-set-num-threads-set-to-2-or-larger/37984 * https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/using-num-proc-1-in-dataset-map-hangs/44310 ### Your contribution I'd be happy to review a PR that makes such a change. And if you really don't have the bandwidth for it, I'd consider creating one.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6357/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Add `fsspec` version to the `datasets-cli env` command output
{ "login": "mariosasko", "id": 47462742, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQ3NDYyNzQy", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/47462742?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko", "html_url": "https://github.com/mariosasko", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/mariosasko/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008775 / 0.011353 (-0.002578) | 0.005304 / 0.011008 (-0.005704) | 0.108912 / 0.038508 (0.070404) | 0.075589 / 0.023109 (0.052479) | 0.456612 / 0.275898 (0.180713) | 0.502303 / 0.323480 (0.178823) | 0.006695 / 0.007986 (-0.001291) | 0.004404 / 0.004328 (0.000076) | 0.084802 / 0.004250 (0.080552) | 0.062711 / 0.037052 (0.025659) | 0.465062 / 0.258489 (0.206573) | 0.505321 / 0.293841 (0.211480) | 0.049401 / 0.128546 (-0.079146) | 0.014784 / 0.075646 (-0.060862) | 0.378202 / 0.419271 (-0.041069) | 0.069826 / 0.043533 (0.026293) | 0.461161 / 0.255139 (0.206022) | 0.484616 / 0.283200 (0.201416) | 0.035998 / 0.141683 (-0.105685) | 1.846343 / 1.452155 (0.394189) | 1.999439 / 1.492716 (0.506723) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.317779 / 0.018006 (0.299773) | 0.605967 / 0.000490 (0.605477) | 0.011412 / 0.000200 (0.011212) | 0.000410 / 0.000054 (0.000356) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.031118 / 0.037411 (-0.006293) | 0.095425 / 0.014526 (0.080900) | 0.108002 / 0.176557 (-0.068554) | 0.184625 / 0.737135 (-0.552511) | 0.108180 / 0.296338 (-0.188159) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.587497 / 0.215209 (0.372288) | 5.818632 / 2.077655 (3.740977) | 2.629776 / 1.504120 (1.125656) | 2.266129 / 1.541195 (0.724934) | 2.324618 / 1.468490 (0.856128) | 0.830049 / 4.584777 (-3.754728) | 5.380062 / 3.745712 (1.634350) | 4.808525 / 5.269862 (-0.461336) | 2.960368 / 4.565676 (-1.605309) | 0.093637 / 0.424275 (-0.330638) | 0.009187 / 0.007607 (0.001580) | 0.703468 / 0.226044 (0.477424) | 6.924509 / 2.268929 (4.655580) | 3.380582 / 55.444624 (-52.064043) | 2.689118 / 6.876477 (-4.187358) | 2.712418 / 2.142072 (0.570345) | 1.017144 / 4.805227 (-3.788084) | 0.212874 / 6.500664 (-6.287791) | 0.080053 / 0.075469 (0.004584) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.623663 / 1.841788 (-0.218125) | 23.668872 / 8.074308 (15.594564) | 20.245972 / 10.191392 (10.054580) | 0.236448 / 0.680424 (-0.443976) | 0.029730 / 0.534201 (-0.504470) | 0.491525 / 0.579283 (-0.087758) | 0.593780 / 0.434364 (0.159416) | 0.548776 / 0.540337 (0.008438) | 0.799370 / 1.386936 (-0.587566) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.009714 / 0.011353 (-0.001639) | 0.005328 / 0.011008 (-0.005681) | 0.078460 / 0.038508 (0.039952) | 0.077791 / 0.023109 (0.054682) | 0.510124 / 0.275898 (0.234226) | 0.547769 / 0.323480 (0.224289) | 0.006868 / 0.007986 (-0.001118) | 0.004145 / 0.004328 (-0.000183) | 0.088696 / 0.004250 (0.084445) | 0.072387 / 0.037052 (0.035334) | 0.527373 / 0.258489 (0.268884) | 0.561948 / 0.293841 (0.268107) | 0.049769 / 0.128546 (-0.078777) | 0.014401 / 0.075646 (-0.061246) | 0.097541 / 0.419271 (-0.321731) | 0.062237 / 0.043533 (0.018705) | 0.531001 / 0.255139 (0.275862) | 0.561797 / 0.283200 (0.278597) | 0.038482 / 0.141683 (-0.103201) | 1.783558 / 1.452155 (0.331404) | 1.864339 / 1.492716 (0.371622) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.289389 / 0.018006 (0.271383) | 0.595326 / 0.000490 (0.594836) | 0.004583 / 0.000200 (0.004383) | 0.000114 / 0.000054 (0.000060) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.034492 / 0.037411 (-0.002919) | 0.102934 / 0.014526 (0.088409) | 0.121689 / 0.176557 (-0.054868) | 0.182121 / 0.737135 (-0.555015) | 0.127087 / 0.296338 (-0.169252) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.645726 / 0.215209 (0.430517) | 6.462235 / 2.077655 (4.384580) | 3.044176 / 1.504120 (1.540056) | 2.731181 / 1.541195 (1.189986) | 2.805508 / 1.468490 (1.337018) | 0.846324 / 4.584777 (-3.738453) | 5.341074 / 3.745712 (1.595362) | 4.687111 / 5.269862 (-0.582751) | 3.035472 / 4.565676 (-1.530205) | 0.099193 / 0.424275 (-0.325082) | 0.008825 / 0.007607 (0.001218) | 0.795102 / 0.226044 (0.569058) | 7.895770 / 2.268929 (5.626842) | 3.826752 / 55.444624 (-51.617873) | 3.112217 / 6.876477 (-3.764259) | 3.526878 / 2.142072 (1.384806) | 1.011352 / 4.805227 (-3.793875) | 0.213424 / 6.500664 (-6.287240) | 0.076228 / 0.075469 (0.000759) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.805232 / 1.841788 (-0.036556) | 24.049100 / 8.074308 (15.974792) | 23.056011 / 10.191392 (12.864619) | 0.261656 / 0.680424 (-0.418767) | 0.032021 / 0.534201 (-0.502179) | 0.483829 / 0.579283 (-0.095454) | 0.602208 / 0.434364 (0.167844) | 0.565848 / 0.540337 (0.025511) | 0.818678 / 1.386936 (-0.568258) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#71fc5e2ca41f5f725b9117f4cf99f348534902f3 \"CML watermark\")\n", "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008043 / 0.011353 (-0.003310) | 0.004642 / 0.011008 (-0.006366) | 0.102592 / 0.038508 (0.064084) | 0.099508 / 0.023109 (0.076399) | 0.377692 / 0.275898 (0.101794) | 0.409929 / 0.323480 (0.086450) | 0.006363 / 0.007986 (-0.001622) | 0.003881 / 0.004328 (-0.000447) | 0.076636 / 0.004250 (0.072386) | 0.067021 / 0.037052 (0.029969) | 0.371454 / 0.258489 (0.112964) | 0.423637 / 0.293841 (0.129796) | 0.038632 / 0.128546 (-0.089914) | 0.010055 / 0.075646 (-0.065591) | 0.352021 / 0.419271 (-0.067251) | 0.064988 / 0.043533 (0.021456) | 0.369614 / 0.255139 (0.114475) | 0.396972 / 0.283200 (0.113773) | 0.028866 / 0.141683 (-0.112817) | 1.757620 / 1.452155 (0.305465) | 1.886283 / 1.492716 (0.393567) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.257579 / 0.018006 (0.239572) | 0.529859 / 0.000490 (0.529369) | 0.011720 / 0.000200 (0.011520) | 0.000455 / 0.000054 (0.000401) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.034163 / 0.037411 (-0.003248) | 0.101422 / 0.014526 (0.086896) | 0.114858 / 0.176557 (-0.061698) | 0.180265 / 0.737135 (-0.556870) | 0.116034 / 0.296338 (-0.180305) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.477609 / 0.215209 (0.262400) | 4.830116 / 2.077655 (2.752461) | 2.323844 / 1.504120 (0.819724) | 2.174496 / 1.541195 (0.633301) | 2.268594 / 1.468490 (0.800104) | 0.612429 / 4.584777 (-3.972348) | 4.265277 / 3.745712 (0.519565) | 4.095741 / 5.269862 (-1.174121) | 2.561532 / 4.565676 (-2.004144) | 0.068043 / 0.424275 (-0.356233) | 0.009139 / 0.007607 (0.001532) | 0.545512 / 0.226044 (0.319467) | 5.456403 / 2.268929 (3.187475) | 2.778937 / 55.444624 (-52.665688) | 2.428560 / 6.876477 (-4.447917) | 2.557483 / 2.142072 (0.415411) | 0.696721 / 4.805227 (-4.108506) | 0.157217 / 6.500664 (-6.343447) | 0.071334 / 0.075469 (-0.004135) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.617755 / 1.841788 (-0.224032) | 23.368508 / 8.074308 (15.294200) | 17.028591 / 10.191392 (6.837199) | 0.195881 / 0.680424 (-0.484542) | 0.021788 / 0.534201 (-0.512413) | 0.468484 / 0.579283 (-0.110799) | 0.474604 / 0.434364 (0.040240) | 0.544738 / 0.540337 (0.004400) | 0.771722 / 1.386936 (-0.615214) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007939 / 0.011353 (-0.003414) | 0.004684 / 0.011008 (-0.006324) | 0.077273 / 0.038508 (0.038765) | 0.088763 / 0.023109 (0.065654) | 0.489178 / 0.275898 (0.213280) | 0.531547 / 0.323480 (0.208067) | 0.006214 / 0.007986 (-0.001772) | 0.003988 / 0.004328 (-0.000340) | 0.076685 / 0.004250 (0.072434) | 0.066628 / 0.037052 (0.029576) | 0.497153 / 0.258489 (0.238664) | 0.538301 / 0.293841 (0.244460) | 0.037939 / 0.128546 (-0.090607) | 0.010054 / 0.075646 (-0.065592) | 0.084642 / 0.419271 (-0.334629) | 0.057140 / 0.043533 (0.013608) | 0.487701 / 0.255139 (0.232562) | 0.519676 / 0.283200 (0.236477) | 0.026560 / 0.141683 (-0.115123) | 1.809676 / 1.452155 (0.357521) | 1.864884 / 1.492716 (0.372168) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.259005 / 0.018006 (0.240998) | 0.522900 / 0.000490 (0.522410) | 0.006885 / 0.000200 (0.006685) | 0.000156 / 0.000054 (0.000102) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.039838 / 0.037411 (0.002426) | 0.117777 / 0.014526 (0.103251) | 0.129189 / 0.176557 (-0.047368) | 0.198584 / 0.737135 (-0.538552) | 0.129753 / 0.296338 (-0.166586) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.543366 / 0.215209 (0.328157) | 5.241502 / 2.077655 (3.163847) | 2.719079 / 1.504120 (1.214959) | 2.525337 / 1.541195 (0.984142) | 2.648908 / 1.468490 (1.180418) | 0.589239 / 4.584777 (-3.995538) | 4.379856 / 3.745712 (0.634144) | 4.139919 / 5.269862 (-1.129943) | 2.633412 / 4.565676 (-1.932264) | 0.074582 / 0.424275 (-0.349693) | 0.009106 / 0.007607 (0.001499) | 0.635540 / 0.226044 (0.409495) | 6.072965 / 2.268929 (3.804037) | 3.327233 / 55.444624 (-52.117391) | 3.012637 / 6.876477 (-3.863840) | 3.113226 / 2.142072 (0.971154) | 0.712705 / 4.805227 (-4.092523) | 0.159550 / 6.500664 (-6.341114) | 0.073446 / 0.075469 (-0.002023) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.718732 / 1.841788 (-0.123055) | 23.249445 / 8.074308 (15.175137) | 17.630643 / 10.191392 (7.439251) | 0.201017 / 0.680424 (-0.479407) | 0.024162 / 0.534201 (-0.510039) | 0.475054 / 0.579283 (-0.104229) | 0.492348 / 0.434364 (0.057985) | 0.587118 / 0.540337 (0.046781) | 0.777462 / 1.386936 (-0.609474) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#feb036956a592b9a9ecdf048cc801549f233dbef \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
... to make debugging issues easier, as `fsspec`'s releases often introduce breaking changes.
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{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6356", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6356", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6356.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6356.patch", "merged_at": "2023-10-26T18:32:21" }
More hub centric docs
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[ "The docs for this PR live [here](https://moon-ci-docs.huggingface.co/docs/datasets/pr_6355). All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint.", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006941 / 0.011353 (-0.004412) | 0.004255 / 0.011008 (-0.006753) | 0.085237 / 0.038508 (0.046729) | 0.080962 / 0.023109 (0.057853) | 0.312016 / 0.275898 (0.036118) | 0.353161 / 0.323480 (0.029681) | 0.005756 / 0.007986 (-0.002230) | 0.003591 / 0.004328 (-0.000738) | 0.065416 / 0.004250 (0.061166) | 0.057837 / 0.037052 (0.020785) | 0.316169 / 0.258489 (0.057680) | 0.372345 / 0.293841 (0.078504) | 0.031958 / 0.128546 (-0.096588) | 0.008798 / 0.075646 (-0.066848) | 0.294764 / 0.419271 (-0.124507) | 0.053954 / 0.043533 (0.010421) | 0.310961 / 0.255139 (0.055822) | 0.330063 / 0.283200 (0.046864) | 0.025298 / 0.141683 (-0.116385) | 1.454715 / 1.452155 (0.002560) | 1.557915 / 1.492716 (0.065198) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.274830 / 0.018006 (0.256824) | 0.565890 / 0.000490 (0.565400) | 0.009242 / 0.000200 (0.009042) | 0.000321 / 0.000054 (0.000266) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.031092 / 0.037411 (-0.006320) | 0.087558 / 0.014526 (0.073033) | 0.103395 / 0.176557 (-0.073162) | 0.160078 / 0.737135 (-0.577057) | 0.102356 / 0.296338 (-0.193983) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.402912 / 0.215209 (0.187703) | 4.029374 / 2.077655 (1.951719) | 2.048237 / 1.504120 (0.544117) | 1.887470 / 1.541195 (0.346276) | 1.994807 / 1.468490 (0.526316) | 0.491109 / 4.584777 (-4.093668) | 3.645059 / 3.745712 (-0.100653) | 3.516376 / 5.269862 (-1.753486) | 2.103267 / 4.565676 (-2.462409) | 0.058072 / 0.424275 (-0.366203) | 0.007796 / 0.007607 (0.000189) | 0.480544 / 0.226044 (0.254499) | 4.795422 / 2.268929 (2.526494) | 2.507770 / 55.444624 (-52.936854) | 2.187106 / 6.876477 (-4.689371) | 2.271005 / 2.142072 (0.128933) | 0.585376 / 4.805227 (-4.219851) | 0.134741 / 6.500664 (-6.365923) | 0.060684 / 0.075469 (-0.014785) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.264349 / 1.841788 (-0.577439) | 19.448735 / 8.074308 (11.374427) | 14.521197 / 10.191392 (4.329805) | 0.167295 / 0.680424 (-0.513129) | 0.018352 / 0.534201 (-0.515849) | 0.396345 / 0.579283 (-0.182938) | 0.418690 / 0.434364 (-0.015674) | 0.469703 / 0.540337 (-0.070635) | 0.637852 / 1.386936 (-0.749084) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006939 / 0.011353 (-0.004414) | 0.004196 / 0.011008 (-0.006812) | 0.064719 / 0.038508 (0.026211) | 0.077517 / 0.023109 (0.054407) | 0.401977 / 0.275898 (0.126079) | 0.431089 / 0.323480 (0.107609) | 0.005624 / 0.007986 (-0.002362) | 0.003680 / 0.004328 (-0.000649) | 0.065817 / 0.004250 (0.061567) | 0.058297 / 0.037052 (0.021245) | 0.399614 / 0.258489 (0.141125) | 0.440089 / 0.293841 (0.146248) | 0.032492 / 0.128546 (-0.096054) | 0.008974 / 0.075646 (-0.066672) | 0.071311 / 0.419271 (-0.347961) | 0.048001 / 0.043533 (0.004468) | 0.394763 / 0.255139 (0.139624) | 0.416754 / 0.283200 (0.133554) | 0.023730 / 0.141683 (-0.117953) | 1.509677 / 1.452155 (0.057522) | 1.605711 / 1.492716 (0.112994) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.265490 / 0.018006 (0.247483) | 0.561745 / 0.000490 (0.561255) | 0.004616 / 0.000200 (0.004417) | 0.000105 / 0.000054 (0.000051) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.033371 / 0.037411 (-0.004040) | 0.092763 / 0.014526 (0.078238) | 0.108905 / 0.176557 (-0.067652) | 0.160380 / 0.737135 (-0.576756) | 0.106968 / 0.296338 (-0.189370) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.430268 / 0.215209 (0.215059) | 4.299313 / 2.077655 (2.221658) | 2.308971 / 1.504120 (0.804851) | 2.155855 / 1.541195 (0.614661) | 2.392698 / 1.468490 (0.924208) | 0.498464 / 4.584777 (-4.086313) | 3.694473 / 3.745712 (-0.051239) | 3.409625 / 5.269862 (-1.860236) | 2.106144 / 4.565676 (-2.459532) | 0.058992 / 0.424275 (-0.365283) | 0.007395 / 0.007607 (-0.000212) | 0.511291 / 0.226044 (0.285247) | 5.101806 / 2.268929 (2.832877) | 2.853100 / 55.444624 (-52.591524) | 2.527216 / 6.876477 (-4.349260) | 2.819380 / 2.142072 (0.677308) | 0.635155 / 4.805227 (-4.170072) | 0.135816 / 6.500664 (-6.364848) | 0.062056 / 0.075469 (-0.013413) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.353479 / 1.841788 (-0.488308) | 20.318513 / 8.074308 (12.244205) | 15.105336 / 10.191392 (4.913944) | 0.166186 / 0.680424 (-0.514238) | 0.020742 / 0.534201 (-0.513459) | 0.399286 / 0.579283 (-0.179997) | 0.431785 / 0.434364 (-0.002579) | 0.478667 / 0.540337 (-0.061671) | 0.654683 / 1.386936 (-0.732253) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#b39d1ce0b8f231649752f28cb724971f4df1c7ae \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
Let's have more hub-centric documentation in the datasets docs Tutorials - Add “Configure the dataset viewer” page - Change order: - Overview - and more focused on the Hub rather than the library - Then all the hub related things - and mention how to read/write with other tools like pandas - Then all the datasets lib related things in a subsection Also: - Rename “know your dataset” page to “Explore your dataset” - Remove “Evaluate Predictions” page since it's 'evaluate' stuff (or move to legacy section ?) TODO: - [ ] write the “Configure the dataset viewer” page
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6355/reactions", "total_count": 1, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 1, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6355", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6355", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6355.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6355.patch", "merged_at": null }
`IterableDataset.from_spark` does not support multiple workers in pytorch `Dataloader`
{ "login": "NazyS", "id": 50199774, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjUwMTk5Nzc0", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/50199774?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS", "html_url": "https://github.com/NazyS", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/NazyS/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
### Describe the bug Looks like `IterableDataset.from_spark` does not support multiple workers in pytorch `Dataloader` if I'm not missing anything. Also, returns not consistent error messages, which probably depend on the nondeterministic order of worker executions Some exampes I've encountered: ``` File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 79, in __iter__ yield from self.generate_examples_fn() File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 49, in generate_fn df_with_partition_id = df.select("*", pyspark.sql.functions.spark_partition_id().alias("part_id")) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/instrumentation_utils.py", line 54, in wrapper logger.log_failure( File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/databricks/usage_logger.py", line 70, in log_failure self.logger.recordFunctionCallFailureEvent( File "/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-", line 1322, in __call__ return_value = get_return_value( File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/errors/exceptions/captured.py", line 188, in deco return f(*a, **kw) File "/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-", line 342, in get_return_value return OUTPUT_CONVERTER[type](answer[2:], gateway_client) KeyError: 'c' ``` ``` File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 79, in __iter__ yield from self.generate_examples_fn() File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 49, in generate_fn df_with_partition_id = df.select("*", pyspark.sql.functions.spark_partition_id().alias("part_id")) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/utils.py", line 162, in wrapped return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/functions.py", line 4893, in spark_partition_id return _invoke_function("spark_partition_id") File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/functions.py", line 98, in _invoke_function return Column(jf(*args)) File "/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-", line 1322, in __call__ return_value = get_return_value( File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/errors/exceptions/captured.py", line 188, in deco return f(*a, **kw) File "/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-", line 342, in get_return_value return OUTPUT_CONVERTER[type](answer[2:], gateway_client) KeyError: 'm' ``` ``` File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 79, in __iter__ yield from self.generate_examples_fn() File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/envs/pythonEnv-68c05436-3512-41c4-88ca-5630012b70d1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/spark/spark.py", line 49, in generate_fn df_with_partition_id = df.select("*", pyspark.sql.functions.spark_partition_id().alias("part_id")) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/utils.py", line 162, in wrapped return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/functions.py", line 4893, in spark_partition_id return _invoke_function("spark_partition_id") File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/functions.py", line 97, in _invoke_function jf = _get_jvm_function(name, SparkContext._active_spark_context) File "/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/functions.py", line 88, in _get_jvm_function return getattr(sc._jvm.functions, name) File "/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-", line 1725, in __getattr__ raise Py4JError(message) py4j.protocol.Py4JError: functions does not exist in the JVM ``` ### Steps to reproduce the bug ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np batch_size = 16 pdf = pd.DataFrame({ key: np.random.rand(16*100) for key in ['feature', 'target'] }) test_df = spark.createDataFrame(pdf) from datasets import IterableDataset from torch.utils.data import DataLoader ids = IterableDataset.from_spark(test_df) for batch in DataLoader(ids, batch_size=16, num_workers=4): for k, b in batch.items(): print(k, b.shape, sep='\t') print('\n') ``` ### Expected behavior For `num_workers` equal to 0 or 1 works fine as expected: ``` feature torch.Size([16]) target torch.Size([16]) feature torch.Size([16]) target torch.Size([16]) .... ``` Expected to support workers >1. ### Environment info Databricks 13.3 LTS ML runtime - Spark 3.4.1 pyspark==3.4.1 py4j== datasets==2.13.1 and also tested with datasets==2.14.6
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6354/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
load_dataset save_to_disk load_from_disk error
{ "login": "brisker", "id": 13804492, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjEzODA0NDky", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13804492?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker", "html_url": "https://github.com/brisker", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/brisker/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "solved.\r\nfsspec version problem" ]
### Describe the bug datasets version: 2.10.1 I `load_dataset `and `save_to_disk` sucessfully on windows10( **and I `load_from_disk(/LLM/data/wiki)` succcesfully on windows10**), and I copy the dataset `/LLM/data/wiki` into a ubuntu system, but when I `load_from_disk(/LLM/data/wiki)` on ubuntu, something weird happens: ``` load_from_disk('/LLM/data/wiki') File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/load.py", line 1874, in load_from_disk return DatasetDict.load_from_disk(dataset_path, keep_in_memory=keep_in_memory, storage_options=storage_options) File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/dataset_dict.py", line 1309, in load_from_disk dataset_dict[k] = Dataset.load_from_disk( File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_dataset.py", line 1543, in load_from_disk fs_token_paths = fsspec.get_fs_token_paths(dataset_path, storage_options=storage_options) File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fsspec/core.py", line 610, in get_fs_token_paths chain = _un_chain(urlpath0, storage_options or {}) File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fsspec/core.py", line 325, in _un_chain cls = get_filesystem_class(protocol) File "/usr/local/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fsspec/registry.py", line 232, in get_filesystem_class raise ValueError(f"Protocol not known: {protocol}") ValueError: Protocol not known: /LLM/data/wiki ``` It seems that something went wrong on the arrow file? How can I solve this , since currently I can not save_to_disk on ubuntu system ### Steps to reproduce the bug datasets version: 2.10.1 ### Expected behavior datasets version: 2.10.1 ### Environment info datasets version: 2.10.1
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6353/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Error loading wikitext data raise NotImplementedError(f"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).__name__} is not supported.")
{ "login": "Ahmed-Roushdy", "id": 68569076, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjY4NTY5MDc2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/68569076?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy", "html_url": "https://github.com/Ahmed-Roushdy", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/Ahmed-Roushdy/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "+1 \r\n```\r\nFound cached dataset csv (file:///home/ubuntu/.cache/huggingface/datasets/theSquarePond___csv/theSquarePond--XXXXX-bbf0a8365d693d2c/0.0.0/eea64c71ca8b46dd3f537ed218fc9bf495d5707789152eb2764f5c78fa66d59d)\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nNotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)\r\nCell In[14], line 4\r\n 1 get_ipython().system('pip install -U datasets')\r\n 3 # Load dataset from the hub\r\n----> 4 dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name)\r\n\r\nFile ~/anaconda3/envs/python38-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/load.py:1810, in load_dataset(path, name, data_dir, data_files, split, cache_dir, features, download_config, download_mode, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, keep_in_memory, save_infos, revision, use_auth_token, task, streaming, num_proc, storage_options, **config_kwargs)\r\n 1806 # Build dataset for splits\r\n 1807 keep_in_memory = (\r\n 1808 keep_in_memory if keep_in_memory is not None else is_small_dataset(builder_instance.info.dataset_size)\r\n 1809 )\r\n-> 1810 ds = builder_instance.as_dataset(split=split, verification_mode=verification_mode, in_memory=keep_in_memory)\r\n 1811 # Rename and cast features to match task schema\r\n 1812 if task is not None:\r\n\r\nFile ~/anaconda3/envs/python38-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1128, in DatasetBuilder.as_dataset(self, split, run_post_process, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, in_memory)\r\n 1126 is_local = not is_remote_filesystem(self._fs)\r\n 1127 if not is_local:\r\n-> 1128 raise NotImplementedError(f\"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).__name__} is not supported.\")\r\n 1129 if not os.path.exists(self._output_dir):\r\n 1130 raise FileNotFoundError(\r\n 1131 f\"Dataset {self.name}: could not find data in {self._output_dir}. Please make sure to call \"\r\n 1132 \"builder.download_and_prepare(), or use \"\r\n 1133 \"datasets.load_dataset() before trying to access the Dataset object.\"\r\n 1134 )\r\n\r\nNotImplementedError: Loading a dataset cached in a LocalFileSystem is not supported.\r\n```", "+1\r\n\r\n```\r\nFound cached dataset csv ([file://C:/Users/Shady/.cache/huggingface/datasets/knkarthick___csv/knkarthick--dialogsum-cd36827d3490488d/0.0.0/6954658bab30a358235fa864b05cf819af0e179325c740e4bc853bcc7ec513e1](file:///C:/Users/Shady/.cache/huggingface/datasets/knkarthick___csv/knkarthick--dialogsum-cd36827d3490488d/0.0.0/6954658bab30a358235fa864b05cf819af0e179325c740e4bc853bcc7ec513e1))\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nNotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)\r\nCell In[38], line 3\r\n 1 huggingface_dataset_name = \"knkarthick/dialogsum\"\r\n----> 3 dataset = load_dataset(huggingface_dataset_name)\r\n\r\nFile D:\\Desktop\\Workspace\\GenAI\\genai\\lib\\site-packages\\datasets\\load.py:1804, in load_dataset(path, name, data_dir, data_files, split, cache_dir, features, download_config, download_mode, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, keep_in_memory, save_infos, revision, use_auth_token, task, streaming, num_proc, storage_options, **config_kwargs)\r\n 1800 # Build dataset for splits\r\n 1801 keep_in_memory = (\r\n 1802 keep_in_memory if keep_in_memory is not None else is_small_dataset(builder_instance.info.dataset_size)\r\n 1803 )\r\n-> 1804 ds = builder_instance.as_dataset(split=split, verification_mode=verification_mode, in_memory=keep_in_memory)\r\n 1805 # Rename and cast features to match task schema\r\n 1806 if task is not None:\r\n\r\nFile D:\\Desktop\\Workspace\\GenAI\\genai\\lib\\site-packages\\datasets\\builder.py:1108, in DatasetBuilder.as_dataset(self, split, run_post_process, verification_mode, ignore_verifications, in_memory)\r\n 1106 is_local = not is_remote_filesystem(self._fs)\r\n 1107 if not is_local:\r\n-> 1108 raise NotImplementedError(f\"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).__name__} is not supported.\")\r\n 1109 if not os.path.exists(self._output_dir):\r\n 1110 raise FileNotFoundError(\r\n 1111 f\"Dataset {self.name}: could not find data in {self._output_dir}. Please make sure to call \"\r\n 1112 \"builder.download_and_prepare(), or use \"\r\n 1113 \"datasets.load_dataset() before trying to access the Dataset object.\"\r\n 1114 )\r\n\r\nNotImplementedError: Loading a dataset cached in a LocalFileSystem is not supported.\r\n```", "This error stems from a breaking change in `fsspec`. It has been fixed in the latest `datasets` release (`2.14.6`). Updating the installation with `pip install -U datasets` should fix the issue.\r\n", "> 此错误源于 中的重大更改。此问题已在最新版本 () 中修复。更新安装应该可以解决此问题。`fsspec``datasets``2.14.6``pip install -U datasets`\r\n\r\nthanks , 太好啦,刚好解决了我的问题,GPT都没解决了,终于被你搞定了" ]
I was trying to load the wiki dataset, but i got this error traindata = load_dataset('wikitext', 'wikitext-2-raw-v1', split='train') File "/home/aelkordy/.conda/envs/prune_llm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/load.py", line 1804, in load_dataset ds = builder_instance.as_dataset(split=split, verification_mode=verification_mode, in_memory=keep_in_memory) File "/home/aelkordy/.conda/envs/prune_llm/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/builder.py", line 1108, in as_dataset raise NotImplementedError(f"Loading a dataset cached in a {type(self._fs).__name__} is not supported.") NotImplementedError: Loading a dataset cached in a LocalFileSystem is not supported.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6352/reactions", "total_count": 2, "+1": 2, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Fix use_dataset.mdx
{ "login": "angel-luis", "id": 17672548, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE3NjcyNTQ4", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/17672548?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis", "html_url": "https://github.com/angel-luis", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/angel-luis/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007718 / 0.011353 (-0.003635) | 0.004730 / 0.011008 (-0.006278) | 0.097262 / 0.038508 (0.058754) | 0.077880 / 0.023109 (0.054771) | 0.363855 / 0.275898 (0.087957) | 0.394470 / 0.323480 (0.070990) | 0.006416 / 0.007986 (-0.001570) | 0.003596 / 0.004328 (-0.000732) | 0.076494 / 0.004250 (0.072243) | 0.062656 / 0.037052 (0.025603) | 0.366160 / 0.258489 (0.107671) | 0.421383 / 0.293841 (0.127542) | 0.035756 / 0.128546 (-0.092791) | 0.009430 / 0.075646 (-0.066217) | 0.327722 / 0.419271 (-0.091550) | 0.061252 / 0.043533 (0.017719) | 0.352167 / 0.255139 (0.097028) | 0.385166 / 0.283200 (0.101966) | 0.026656 / 0.141683 (-0.115027) | 1.718533 / 1.452155 (0.266378) | 1.886646 / 1.492716 (0.393930) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.254564 / 0.018006 (0.236558) | 0.490942 / 0.000490 (0.490452) | 0.011656 / 0.000200 (0.011456) | 0.000313 / 0.000054 (0.000259) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.028753 / 0.037411 (-0.008659) | 0.093076 / 0.014526 (0.078550) | 0.096441 / 0.176557 (-0.080116) | 0.154848 / 0.737135 (-0.582287) | 0.092903 / 0.296338 (-0.203435) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.395611 / 0.215209 (0.180402) | 3.860736 / 2.077655 (1.783082) | 1.908808 / 1.504120 (0.404688) | 1.708975 / 1.541195 (0.167781) | 1.848173 / 1.468490 (0.379683) | 0.527022 / 4.584777 (-4.057755) | 3.815171 / 3.745712 (0.069459) | 3.621132 / 5.269862 (-1.648730) | 2.220238 / 4.565676 (-2.345439) | 0.063169 / 0.424275 (-0.361106) | 0.008906 / 0.007607 (0.001299) | 0.510478 / 0.226044 (0.284433) | 4.828116 / 2.268929 (2.559187) | 2.340801 / 55.444624 (-53.103824) | 2.040834 / 6.876477 (-4.835642) | 2.092316 / 2.142072 (-0.049757) | 0.579194 / 4.805227 (-4.226033) | 0.135525 / 6.500664 (-6.365139) | 0.062720 / 0.075469 (-0.012749) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.393091 / 1.841788 (-0.448697) | 19.751526 / 8.074308 (11.677218) | 14.161795 / 10.191392 (3.970403) | 0.163340 / 0.680424 (-0.517084) | 0.021504 / 0.534201 (-0.512697) | 0.393183 / 0.579283 (-0.186100) | 0.448407 / 0.434364 (0.014043) | 0.504169 / 0.540337 (-0.036169) | 0.663698 / 1.386936 (-0.723238) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007390 / 0.011353 (-0.003962) | 0.004381 / 0.011008 (-0.006628) | 0.074501 / 0.038508 (0.035993) | 0.078242 / 0.023109 (0.055133) | 0.481108 / 0.275898 (0.205210) | 0.512111 / 0.323480 (0.188631) | 0.006280 / 0.007986 (-0.001705) | 0.003820 / 0.004328 (-0.000509) | 0.071602 / 0.004250 (0.067351) | 0.068359 / 0.037052 (0.031307) | 0.478484 / 0.258489 (0.219995) | 0.519543 / 0.293841 (0.225702) | 0.036211 / 0.128546 (-0.092335) | 0.009433 / 0.075646 (-0.066213) | 0.086140 / 0.419271 (-0.333132) | 0.054177 / 0.043533 (0.010644) | 0.466726 / 0.255139 (0.211587) | 0.514085 / 0.283200 (0.230885) | 0.026729 / 0.141683 (-0.114954) | 1.743770 / 1.452155 (0.291615) | 1.833469 / 1.492716 (0.340753) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.251339 / 0.018006 (0.233333) | 0.472294 / 0.000490 (0.471804) | 0.013381 / 0.000200 (0.013181) | 0.000117 / 0.000054 (0.000062) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.037845 / 0.037411 (0.000433) | 0.105977 / 0.014526 (0.091451) | 0.124446 / 0.176557 (-0.052111) | 0.180432 / 0.737135 (-0.556703) | 0.120844 / 0.296338 (-0.175495) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.470928 / 0.215209 (0.255719) | 4.738154 / 2.077655 (2.660499) | 2.558618 / 1.504120 (1.054498) | 2.359745 / 1.541195 (0.818550) | 2.458438 / 1.468490 (0.989948) | 0.548580 / 4.584777 (-4.036197) | 3.912145 / 3.745712 (0.166433) | 3.764174 / 5.269862 (-1.505687) | 2.325265 / 4.565676 (-2.240411) | 0.078022 / 0.424275 (-0.346254) | 0.008279 / 0.007607 (0.000672) | 0.571635 / 0.226044 (0.345590) | 5.672445 / 2.268929 (3.403517) | 2.760577 / 55.444624 (-52.684047) | 2.544229 / 6.876477 (-4.332248) | 2.537509 / 2.142072 (0.395436) | 0.609858 / 4.805227 (-4.195369) | 0.131053 / 6.500664 (-6.369611) | 0.056433 / 0.075469 (-0.019036) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.567231 / 1.841788 (-0.274556) | 21.415586 / 8.074308 (13.341278) | 15.982328 / 10.191392 (5.790936) | 0.167648 / 0.680424 (-0.512776) | 0.023562 / 0.534201 (-0.510639) | 0.477307 / 0.579283 (-0.101976) | 0.471929 / 0.434364 (0.037566) | 0.549996 / 0.540337 (0.009659) | 0.753927 / 1.386936 (-0.633009) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#1fb2785be9198997e8b9006225b0e231f4d8ed31 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
The current example isn't working because it can't find `labels` inside the Dataset object. So I've added an extra step to the process. Tested and working in Colab.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6351/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6351", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6351", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6351.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6351.patch", "merged_at": "2023-10-26T17:10:27" }
Different objects are returned from calls that should be returning the same kind of object.
{ "login": "phalexo", "id": 4603365, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQ2MDMzNjU=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4603365?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo", "html_url": "https://github.com/phalexo", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/phalexo/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "`load_dataset` returns a `DatasetDict` object unless `split` is defined, in which case it returns a `Dataset` (or a list of datasets if `split` is a list). We've discussed dropping `DatasetDict` from the API in https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/5189 to always return the same type in `load_dataset` and support datasets without (explicit) splits. IIRC the main discussion point is deciding what to return when loading a dataset with multiple splits, but `split` is not specified. What would you expect as a return value in that scenario?", "> `load_dataset` returns a `DatasetDict` object unless `split` is defined, in which case it returns a `Dataset` (or a list of datasets if `split` is a list). We've discussed dropping `DatasetDict` from the API in #5189 to always return the same type in `load_dataset` and support datasets without (explicit) splits. IIRC the main discussion point is deciding what to return when loading a dataset with multiple splits, but `split` is not specified. What would you expect as a return value in that scenario?\r\n\r\nWouldn't a dataset with multiple splits already have keys and their related data arrays?\r\n\r\nLets say the dataset has \"train\" : trainset, \"valid\": validset and \"test\": testset\r\n\r\nSo a dictionary can be returned,, i.e.\r\n\r\n{ \r\n\"train\": trainset,\r\n\"valid\": validset,\r\n\"test\": testset\r\n}\r\n\r\nif a split is provided split=['train[:80%]', 'valid[80%:90%]', 'test[90%:100%]']\r\n\r\nwould also return the same dictionary as above.\r\n\r\nsplit='train[:10%]' should return the same value as split=['train[:10%]']\r\n\r\n{\r\n\"train\": trainset\r\n}\r\n " ]
### Describe the bug 1. dataset = load_dataset("togethercomputer/RedPajama-Data-1T-Sample", cache_dir=training_args.cache_dir, split='train[:1%]') 2. dataset = load_dataset("togethercomputer/RedPajama-Data-1T-Sample", cache_dir=training_args.cache_dir) The only difference I would expect these calls to have is the size of the dataset. But, while 2. returns a dictionary with "train" key in it, 1. returns a dataset WITHOUT any initial "train" keyword. Both calls are to be used within exactly the same context. They should return identically structured datasets of different size. ### Steps to reproduce the bug See above. ### Expected behavior Expect both calls to return the same structured Dataset structure but with different number of elements, i.e. call 1. should have 1% of the data of the call 2.0 ### Environment info Ubuntu 20.04 gcc 9.x.x. It is really irrelevant.
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6350/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Can't load ds = load_dataset("imdb")
{ "login": "vivianc2", "id": 86415736, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjg2NDE1NzM2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86415736?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2", "html_url": "https://github.com/vivianc2", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/vivianc2/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "I'm unable to reproduce this error. The server hosting the files may have been down temporarily, so try again." ]
### Describe the bug I did `from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric` and then `ds = load_dataset("imdb")` and it gave me the error: ExpectedMoreDownloadedFiles: {'http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/aclImdb_v1.tar.gz'} I tried doing `ds = load_dataset("imdb",download_mode="force_redownload")` as well as reinstalling dataset. I still face this problem. ### Steps to reproduce the bug 1. from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric 2. ds = load_dataset("imdb") ### Expected behavior It should load and give me this when I run `ds` DatasetDict({ train: Dataset({ features: ['text', 'label'], num_rows: 25000 }) test: Dataset({ features: ['text', 'label'], num_rows: 25000 }) unsupervised: Dataset({ features: ['text', 'label'], num_rows: 50000 }) }) ### Environment info - `datasets` version: 2.14.6 - Platform: Linux-5.4.0-164-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.17 - Python version: 3.8.18 - Huggingface_hub version: 0.16.2 - PyArrow version: 13.0.0 - Pandas version: 2.0.2
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6349/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Parquet stream-conversion fails to embed images/audio files from gated repos
{ "login": "severo", "id": 1676121, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE2NzYxMjE=", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1676121?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo", "html_url": "https://github.com/severo", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/severo/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892857, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODU3", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/bug", "name": "bug", "color": "d73a4a", "default": true, "description": "Something isn't working" } ]
it seems to be an issue with datasets not passing the token to embed_table_storage when generating a dataset See https://github.com/huggingface/datasets-server/issues/2010
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6348/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Incorrect example code in 'Create a dataset' docs
{ "login": "rwood-97", "id": 72076688, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjcyMDc2Njg4", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/72076688?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97", "html_url": "https://github.com/rwood-97", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/rwood-97/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "This was fixed in https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6247. You can find the fix in the `main` version of the docs", "Ah great, thanks :)" ]
### Describe the bug On [this](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/create_dataset) page, the example code for loading in images and audio is incorrect. Currently, examples are: ``` python from datasets import ImageFolder dataset = load_dataset("imagefolder", data_dir="/path/to/pokemon") ``` and ``` python from datasets import AudioFolder dataset = load_dataset("audiofolder", data_dir="/path/to/folder") ``` I'm pretty sure the imports are wrong and should be: ``` python from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("audiofolder", data_dir="/path/to/folder") ``` I am happy to update this if this is right but just wanted to check before making any changes. ### Steps to reproduce the bug Go to https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/create_dataset ### Expected behavior N/A ### Environment info N/A
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6347/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
Fix UnboundLocalError if preprocessing returns an empty list
{ "login": "cwallenwein", "id": 40916592, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQwOTE2NTky", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/40916592?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein", "html_url": "https://github.com/cwallenwein", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/cwallenwein/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.009286 / 0.011353 (-0.002067) | 0.005478 / 0.011008 (-0.005530) | 0.109768 / 0.038508 (0.071260) | 0.088460 / 0.023109 (0.065351) | 0.387664 / 0.275898 (0.111766) | 0.457379 / 0.323480 (0.133899) | 0.006517 / 0.007986 (-0.001469) | 0.004037 / 0.004328 (-0.000292) | 0.083911 / 0.004250 (0.079661) | 0.071658 / 0.037052 (0.034605) | 0.385065 / 0.258489 (0.126576) | 0.460928 / 0.293841 (0.167087) | 0.048062 / 0.128546 (-0.080484) | 0.016343 / 0.075646 (-0.059303) | 0.373675 / 0.419271 (-0.045597) | 0.067640 / 0.043533 (0.024108) | 0.391730 / 0.255139 (0.136591) | 0.432908 / 0.283200 (0.149708) | 0.035748 / 0.141683 (-0.105935) | 1.767625 / 1.452155 (0.315471) | 1.965606 / 1.492716 (0.472889) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.277405 / 0.018006 (0.259399) | 0.538448 / 0.000490 (0.537958) | 0.013795 / 0.000200 (0.013595) | 0.000518 / 0.000054 (0.000464) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.043962 / 0.037411 (0.006550) | 0.115305 / 0.014526 (0.100780) | 0.117572 / 0.176557 (-0.058985) | 0.182168 / 0.737135 (-0.554968) | 0.114833 / 0.296338 (-0.181505) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.604209 / 0.215209 (0.389000) | 6.186113 / 2.077655 (4.108458) | 2.771067 / 1.504120 (1.266947) | 2.425420 / 1.541195 (0.884226) | 2.475200 / 1.468490 (1.006710) | 0.887096 / 4.584777 (-3.697681) | 5.214349 / 3.745712 (1.468637) | 4.989606 / 5.269862 (-0.280256) | 3.092135 / 4.565676 (-1.473541) | 0.104464 / 0.424275 (-0.319811) | 0.008994 / 0.007607 (0.001387) | 0.732819 / 0.226044 (0.506775) | 7.396007 / 2.268929 (5.127078) | 3.371167 / 55.444624 (-52.073457) | 2.645475 / 6.876477 (-4.231001) | 2.704215 / 2.142072 (0.562143) | 1.034724 / 4.805227 (-3.770504) | 0.219063 / 6.500664 (-6.281601) | 0.073863 / 0.075469 (-0.001606) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.625020 / 1.841788 (-0.216768) | 23.369980 / 8.074308 (15.295671) | 22.480951 / 10.191392 (12.289559) | 0.228219 / 0.680424 (-0.452204) | 0.026981 / 0.534201 (-0.507220) | 0.487670 / 0.579283 (-0.091613) | 0.582310 / 0.434364 (0.147946) | 0.539182 / 0.540337 (-0.001156) | 0.791962 / 1.386936 (-0.594974) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008657 / 0.011353 (-0.002696) | 0.004971 / 0.011008 (-0.006037) | 0.089499 / 0.038508 (0.050991) | 0.075963 / 0.023109 (0.052854) | 0.497719 / 0.275898 (0.221821) | 0.507912 / 0.323480 (0.184432) | 0.006067 / 0.007986 (-0.001919) | 0.004118 / 0.004328 (-0.000210) | 0.079397 / 0.004250 (0.075146) | 0.059181 / 0.037052 (0.022129) | 0.501108 / 0.258489 (0.242619) | 0.565792 / 0.293841 (0.271951) | 0.048818 / 0.128546 (-0.079729) | 0.014813 / 0.075646 (-0.060833) | 0.093863 / 0.419271 (-0.325409) | 0.060824 / 0.043533 (0.017292) | 0.489289 / 0.255139 (0.234150) | 0.533624 / 0.283200 (0.250425) | 0.034997 / 0.141683 (-0.106685) | 1.770574 / 1.452155 (0.318419) | 1.837213 / 1.492716 (0.344496) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.237319 / 0.018006 (0.219313) | 0.594976 / 0.000490 (0.594486) | 0.008888 / 0.000200 (0.008688) | 0.000124 / 0.000054 (0.000070) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.036955 / 0.037411 (-0.000456) | 0.097825 / 0.014526 (0.083299) | 0.111139 / 0.176557 (-0.065418) | 0.174776 / 0.737135 (-0.562359) | 0.117755 / 0.296338 (-0.178584) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.606498 / 0.215209 (0.391289) | 6.089874 / 2.077655 (4.012219) | 2.811135 / 1.504120 (1.307015) | 2.428486 / 1.541195 (0.887292) | 2.399512 / 1.468490 (0.931022) | 0.823492 / 4.584777 (-3.761285) | 4.897107 / 3.745712 (1.151395) | 4.407589 / 5.269862 (-0.862272) | 2.868442 / 4.565676 (-1.697235) | 0.098774 / 0.424275 (-0.325502) | 0.007998 / 0.007607 (0.000391) | 0.699489 / 0.226044 (0.473445) | 7.139214 / 2.268929 (4.870285) | 3.511158 / 55.444624 (-51.933466) | 2.775459 / 6.876477 (-4.101018) | 2.951549 / 2.142072 (0.809477) | 1.006921 / 4.805227 (-3.798306) | 0.200105 / 6.500664 (-6.300559) | 0.071064 / 0.075469 (-0.004405) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.680599 / 1.841788 (-0.161189) | 23.399777 / 8.074308 (15.325469) | 21.776357 / 10.191392 (11.584965) | 0.264697 / 0.680424 (-0.415726) | 0.034272 / 0.534201 (-0.499929) | 0.506984 / 0.579283 (-0.072299) | 0.609556 / 0.434364 (0.175192) | 0.599014 / 0.540337 (0.058677) | 0.824068 / 1.386936 (-0.562868) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#3ab9de69420de8bd5d057579d71d07187b3a2c60 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
If this tokenization function is used with IterableDatasets and no sample is as big as the context length, `input_batch` will be an empty list. ``` def tokenize(batch, tokenizer, context_length): outputs = tokenizer( batch["text"], truncation=True, max_length=context_length, return_overflowing_tokens=True, return_length=True ) input_batch = [] for length, input_ids in zip(outputs["length"], outputs["input_ids"]): if length == context_length: input_batch.append(input_ids) return {"input_ids": input_batch} dataset.map(tokenize, batched=True, batch_size=batch_size, fn_kwargs={"context_length": context_length, "tokenizer": tokenizer}, remove_columns=dataset.column_names) ``` This will throw the following error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'batch_idx' referenced before assignment, because the for loop was not executed a single time ``` for batch_idx, example in enumerate(_batch_to_examples(transformed_batch)): yield new_key, example current_idx += batch_idx + 1 ``` Some of the possible solutions ``` for batch_idx, example in enumerate(_batch_to_examples(transformed_batch)): yield new_key, example try: current_idx += batch_idx + 1 except: current_idx += 1 ``` or ``` batch_idx = 0 for batch_idx, example in enumerate(_batch_to_examples(transformed_batch)): yield new_key, example current_idx += batch_idx + 1 ```
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6346/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6346", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6346", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6346.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6346.patch", "merged_at": "2023-10-25T16:36:38" }
support squad structure datasets using a YAML parameter
{ "login": "MajdTannous1", "id": 138524319, "node_id": "U_kgDOCEG2nw", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/138524319?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1", "html_url": "https://github.com/MajdTannous1", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/MajdTannous1/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ { "id": 1935892871, "node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwxOTM1ODkyODcx", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/labels/enhancement", "name": "enhancement", "color": "a2eeef", "default": true, "description": "New feature or request" } ]
### Feature request Since the squad structure is widely used, I think it could be beneficial to support it using a YAML parameter. could you implement automatic data loading of squad-like data using squad JSON format, to read it from JSON files and view it in the correct squad structure. The dataset structure should be like this: https://huggingface.co/datasets/squad Columns:id,title,context,question,answers ### Motivation Dataset repo requires arbitrary Python code execution ### Your contribution The dataset structure should be like this: https://huggingface.co/datasets/squad Columns:id,title,context,question,answers train and dev sets in squad structure JSON files
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6345/reactions", "total_count": 1, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 1 }
set dev version
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "The docs for this PR live [here](https://moon-ci-docs.huggingface.co/docs/datasets/pr_6344). All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint.", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008237 / 0.011353 (-0.003116) | 0.004658 / 0.011008 (-0.006351) | 0.105902 / 0.038508 (0.067394) | 0.082690 / 0.023109 (0.059581) | 0.471745 / 0.275898 (0.195847) | 0.464772 / 0.323480 (0.141292) | 0.006373 / 0.007986 (-0.001613) | 0.003823 / 0.004328 (-0.000505) | 0.077721 / 0.004250 (0.073471) | 0.068371 / 0.037052 (0.031318) | 0.457004 / 0.258489 (0.198515) | 0.500989 / 0.293841 (0.207148) | 0.036688 / 0.128546 (-0.091858) | 0.010004 / 0.075646 (-0.065643) | 0.363398 / 0.419271 (-0.055874) | 0.065354 / 0.043533 (0.021821) | 0.440326 / 0.255139 (0.185187) | 0.475314 / 0.283200 (0.192115) | 0.029024 / 0.141683 (-0.112659) | 1.851005 / 1.452155 (0.398851) | 1.939997 / 1.492716 (0.447281) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.269739 / 0.018006 (0.251732) | 0.510411 / 0.000490 (0.509922) | 0.013423 / 0.000200 (0.013223) | 0.000513 / 0.000054 (0.000458) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.032912 / 0.037411 (-0.004499) | 0.097497 / 0.014526 (0.082971) | 0.111945 / 0.176557 (-0.064612) | 0.179264 / 0.737135 (-0.557871) | 0.111901 / 0.296338 (-0.184437) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.480994 / 0.215209 (0.265785) | 4.800969 / 2.077655 (2.723314) | 2.467390 / 1.504120 (0.963270) | 2.283219 / 1.541195 (0.742024) | 2.407735 / 1.468490 (0.939245) | 0.573862 / 4.584777 (-4.010915) | 4.213394 / 3.745712 (0.467682) | 4.120092 / 5.269862 (-1.149770) | 2.479549 / 4.565676 (-2.086128) | 0.077204 / 0.424275 (-0.347071) | 0.009165 / 0.007607 (0.001558) | 0.583887 / 0.226044 (0.357842) | 5.760759 / 2.268929 (3.491830) | 3.089220 / 55.444624 (-52.355404) | 2.652330 / 6.876477 (-4.224146) | 2.746255 / 2.142072 (0.604182) | 0.689010 / 4.805227 (-4.116217) | 0.158042 / 6.500664 (-6.342622) | 0.072789 / 0.075469 (-0.002680) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.658877 / 1.841788 (-0.182911) | 22.928756 / 8.074308 (14.854448) | 17.231823 / 10.191392 (7.040431) | 0.201475 / 0.680424 (-0.478949) | 0.025533 / 0.534201 (-0.508668) | 0.467023 / 0.579283 (-0.112260) | 0.470779 / 0.434364 (0.036415) | 0.643192 / 0.540337 (0.102855) | 0.822006 / 1.386936 (-0.564930) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008096 / 0.011353 (-0.003257) | 0.004708 / 0.011008 (-0.006300) | 0.076607 / 0.038508 (0.038099) | 0.086278 / 0.023109 (0.063168) | 0.478027 / 0.275898 (0.202129) | 0.533121 / 0.323480 (0.209641) | 0.006331 / 0.007986 (-0.001654) | 0.004005 / 0.004328 (-0.000324) | 0.076018 / 0.004250 (0.071767) | 0.067240 / 0.037052 (0.030188) | 0.484882 / 0.258489 (0.226393) | 0.536924 / 0.293841 (0.243083) | 0.045064 / 0.128546 (-0.083482) | 0.010071 / 0.075646 (-0.065575) | 0.084319 / 0.419271 (-0.334953) | 0.066267 / 0.043533 (0.022734) | 0.479283 / 0.255139 (0.224144) | 0.507832 / 0.283200 (0.224633) | 0.026436 / 0.141683 (-0.115247) | 1.820043 / 1.452155 (0.367889) | 1.954663 / 1.492716 (0.461947) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.292672 / 0.018006 (0.274666) | 0.495523 / 0.000490 (0.495033) | 0.020836 / 0.000200 (0.020636) | 0.000143 / 0.000054 (0.000088) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.038326 / 0.037411 (0.000915) | 0.114629 / 0.014526 (0.100103) | 0.126036 / 0.176557 (-0.050521) | 0.191498 / 0.737135 (-0.545638) | 0.128763 / 0.296338 (-0.167575) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.507657 / 0.215209 (0.292448) | 5.062056 / 2.077655 (2.984401) | 2.765895 / 1.504120 (1.261775) | 2.590335 / 1.541195 (1.049141) | 2.790912 / 1.468490 (1.322422) | 0.582819 / 4.584777 (-4.001958) | 4.350034 / 3.745712 (0.604322) | 3.899466 / 5.269862 (-1.370396) | 2.499655 / 4.565676 (-2.066021) | 0.068909 / 0.424275 (-0.355366) | 0.008633 / 0.007607 (0.001026) | 0.593597 / 0.226044 (0.367553) | 5.934398 / 2.268929 (3.665470) | 3.358549 / 55.444624 (-52.086075) | 3.145686 / 6.876477 (-3.730791) | 3.232153 / 2.142072 (1.090080) | 0.753039 / 4.805227 (-4.052188) | 0.164043 / 6.500664 (-6.336621) | 0.072084 / 0.075469 (-0.003385) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.632702 / 1.841788 (-0.209086) | 23.411084 / 8.074308 (15.336776) | 17.035726 / 10.191392 (6.844334) | 0.223460 / 0.680424 (-0.456964) | 0.023723 / 0.534201 (-0.510478) | 0.474160 / 0.579283 (-0.105124) | 0.538638 / 0.434364 (0.104274) | 0.595591 / 0.540337 (0.055254) | 0.803324 / 1.386936 (-0.583612) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#84855c8ddc8d3e33b516f04b687e01d498d0906e \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008300 / 0.011353 (-0.003053) | 0.004667 / 0.011008 (-0.006341) | 0.101028 / 0.038508 (0.062520) | 0.100269 / 0.023109 (0.077160) | 0.418651 / 0.275898 (0.142752) | 0.459061 / 0.323480 (0.135581) | 0.006786 / 0.007986 (-0.001199) | 0.003926 / 0.004328 (-0.000403) | 0.076682 / 0.004250 (0.072432) | 0.066173 / 0.037052 (0.029120) | 0.430644 / 0.258489 (0.172155) | 0.466244 / 0.293841 (0.172403) | 0.040601 / 0.128546 (-0.087946) | 0.009856 / 0.075646 (-0.065790) | 0.351467 / 0.419271 (-0.067805) | 0.068727 / 0.043533 (0.025194) | 0.419527 / 0.255139 (0.164388) | 0.431245 / 0.283200 (0.148045) | 0.028933 / 0.141683 (-0.112750) | 1.749540 / 1.452155 (0.297386) | 1.829076 / 1.492716 (0.336360) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.282248 / 0.018006 (0.264242) | 0.587293 / 0.000490 (0.586803) | 0.014497 / 0.000200 (0.014297) | 0.000383 / 0.000054 (0.000329) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.031861 / 0.037411 (-0.005550) | 0.097395 / 0.014526 (0.082869) | 0.113610 / 0.176557 (-0.062946) | 0.181208 / 0.737135 (-0.555927) | 0.115340 / 0.296338 (-0.180999) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.459746 / 0.215209 (0.244537) | 4.582387 / 2.077655 (2.504733) | 2.247968 / 1.504120 (0.743848) | 2.032340 / 1.541195 (0.491145) | 2.151766 / 1.468490 (0.683276) | 0.567664 / 4.584777 (-4.017113) | 4.491732 / 3.745712 (0.746020) | 4.000651 / 5.269862 (-1.269211) | 2.429113 / 4.565676 (-2.136564) | 0.067052 / 0.424275 (-0.357223) | 0.009095 / 0.007607 (0.001488) | 0.546461 / 0.226044 (0.320417) | 5.473524 / 2.268929 (3.204595) | 2.902091 / 55.444624 (-52.542533) | 2.517510 / 6.876477 (-4.358966) | 2.572537 / 2.142072 (0.430464) | 0.683499 / 4.805227 (-4.121728) | 0.154863 / 6.500664 (-6.345801) | 0.071298 / 0.075469 (-0.004171) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.625236 / 1.841788 (-0.216552) | 23.531541 / 8.074308 (15.457233) | 16.762514 / 10.191392 (6.571122) | 0.215922 / 0.680424 (-0.464502) | 0.021928 / 0.534201 (-0.512273) | 0.466055 / 0.579283 (-0.113228) | 0.553036 / 0.434364 (0.118672) | 0.590063 / 0.540337 (0.049725) | 0.789959 / 1.386936 (-0.596977) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.008240 / 0.011353 (-0.003113) | 0.004151 / 0.011008 (-0.006858) | 0.077988 / 0.038508 (0.039479) | 0.092865 / 0.023109 (0.069756) | 0.468238 / 0.275898 (0.192340) | 0.512882 / 0.323480 (0.189402) | 0.006632 / 0.007986 (-0.001354) | 0.003879 / 0.004328 (-0.000450) | 0.076238 / 0.004250 (0.071988) | 0.069372 / 0.037052 (0.032319) | 0.481040 / 0.258489 (0.222550) | 0.526332 / 0.293841 (0.232491) | 0.036768 / 0.128546 (-0.091778) | 0.009891 / 0.075646 (-0.065756) | 0.084426 / 0.419271 (-0.334846) | 0.062382 / 0.043533 (0.018849) | 0.480667 / 0.255139 (0.225528) | 0.509001 / 0.283200 (0.225802) | 0.029215 / 0.141683 (-0.112468) | 1.776075 / 1.452155 (0.323920) | 1.948558 / 1.492716 (0.455841) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.257879 / 0.018006 (0.239873) | 0.471038 / 0.000490 (0.470548) | 0.009273 / 0.000200 (0.009073) | 0.000208 / 0.000054 (0.000154) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.039249 / 0.037411 (0.001838) | 0.133281 / 0.014526 (0.118755) | 0.138261 / 0.176557 (-0.038296) | 0.191051 / 0.737135 (-0.546084) | 0.134493 / 0.296338 (-0.161845) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.507165 / 0.215209 (0.291955) | 5.081018 / 2.077655 (3.003364) | 2.747633 / 1.504120 (1.243513) | 2.558265 / 1.541195 (1.017070) | 2.710839 / 1.468490 (1.242348) | 0.579913 / 4.584777 (-4.004864) | 4.843657 / 3.745712 (1.097945) | 3.942503 / 5.269862 (-1.327358) | 2.529641 / 4.565676 (-2.036036) | 0.068826 / 0.424275 (-0.355449) | 0.008847 / 0.007607 (0.001240) | 0.605332 / 0.226044 (0.379287) | 6.039574 / 2.268929 (3.770646) | 3.437291 / 55.444624 (-52.007333) | 3.086631 / 6.876477 (-3.789846) | 3.189340 / 2.142072 (1.047267) | 0.702650 / 4.805227 (-4.102578) | 0.157403 / 6.500664 (-6.343261) | 0.074637 / 0.075469 (-0.000832) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.816532 / 1.841788 (-0.025256) | 24.526675 / 8.074308 (16.452367) | 17.371691 / 10.191392 (7.180299) | 0.236044 / 0.680424 (-0.444380) | 0.024759 / 0.534201 (-0.509442) | 0.530578 / 0.579283 (-0.048705) | 0.527424 / 0.434364 (0.093060) | 0.620267 / 0.540337 (0.079929) | 0.791159 / 1.386936 (-0.595777) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#78cfce823b98b6cce79a9297fe6fa9e8f80a869c \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
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Remove unused argument in `_get_data_files_patterns`
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[ "The docs for this PR live [here](https://moon-ci-docs.huggingface.co/docs/datasets/pr_6343). All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint.", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006584 / 0.011353 (-0.004769) | 0.004197 / 0.011008 (-0.006812) | 0.083598 / 0.038508 (0.045090) | 0.075502 / 0.023109 (0.052392) | 0.312986 / 0.275898 (0.037088) | 0.344630 / 0.323480 (0.021150) | 0.005394 / 0.007986 (-0.002591) | 0.003485 / 0.004328 (-0.000843) | 0.064529 / 0.004250 (0.060279) | 0.055003 / 0.037052 (0.017950) | 0.320522 / 0.258489 (0.062033) | 0.362623 / 0.293841 (0.068782) | 0.030900 / 0.128546 (-0.097646) | 0.008459 / 0.075646 (-0.067187) | 0.286986 / 0.419271 (-0.132285) | 0.052310 / 0.043533 (0.008777) | 0.315873 / 0.255139 (0.060734) | 0.333962 / 0.283200 (0.050762) | 0.023836 / 0.141683 (-0.117847) | 1.481806 / 1.452155 (0.029651) | 1.567926 / 1.492716 (0.075209) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.268188 / 0.018006 (0.250182) | 0.520542 / 0.000490 (0.520052) | 0.017617 / 0.000200 (0.017417) | 0.000631 / 0.000054 (0.000577) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.028828 / 0.037411 (-0.008584) | 0.083028 / 0.014526 (0.068502) | 0.099808 / 0.176557 (-0.076748) | 0.154282 / 0.737135 (-0.582853) | 0.098590 / 0.296338 (-0.197748) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.407548 / 0.215209 (0.192339) | 4.066128 / 2.077655 (1.988474) | 2.036757 / 1.504120 (0.532637) | 1.870130 / 1.541195 (0.328935) | 1.949031 / 1.468490 (0.480541) | 0.489263 / 4.584777 (-4.095514) | 3.506269 / 3.745712 (-0.239443) | 3.457232 / 5.269862 (-1.812629) | 2.060097 / 4.565676 (-2.505580) | 0.057252 / 0.424275 (-0.367024) | 0.007727 / 0.007607 (0.000120) | 0.480229 / 0.226044 (0.254185) | 4.807064 / 2.268929 (2.538135) | 2.495438 / 55.444624 (-52.949186) | 2.186194 / 6.876477 (-4.690283) | 2.243372 / 2.142072 (0.101300) | 0.580550 / 4.805227 (-4.224678) | 0.135398 / 6.500664 (-6.365266) | 0.061878 / 0.075469 (-0.013591) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.305635 / 1.841788 (-0.536152) | 19.194421 / 8.074308 (11.120113) | 14.531699 / 10.191392 (4.340307) | 0.167144 / 0.680424 (-0.513280) | 0.018270 / 0.534201 (-0.515931) | 0.393702 / 0.579283 (-0.185581) | 0.406518 / 0.434364 (-0.027846) | 0.458126 / 0.540337 (-0.082211) | 0.639839 / 1.386936 (-0.747097) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006742 / 0.011353 (-0.004611) | 0.004092 / 0.011008 (-0.006916) | 0.065547 / 0.038508 (0.027039) | 0.076293 / 0.023109 (0.053184) | 0.389701 / 0.275898 (0.113803) | 0.429158 / 0.323480 (0.105678) | 0.005606 / 0.007986 (-0.002380) | 0.003491 / 0.004328 (-0.000837) | 0.065903 / 0.004250 (0.061653) | 0.057346 / 0.037052 (0.020293) | 0.393233 / 0.258489 (0.134744) | 0.433106 / 0.293841 (0.139265) | 0.032612 / 0.128546 (-0.095934) | 0.008777 / 0.075646 (-0.066869) | 0.073135 / 0.419271 (-0.346137) | 0.048167 / 0.043533 (0.004635) | 0.389309 / 0.255139 (0.134170) | 0.416442 / 0.283200 (0.133242) | 0.022839 / 0.141683 (-0.118844) | 1.531607 / 1.452155 (0.079453) | 1.598950 / 1.492716 (0.106234) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.254856 / 0.018006 (0.236850) | 0.528186 / 0.000490 (0.527697) | 0.006975 / 0.000200 (0.006775) | 0.000102 / 0.000054 (0.000048) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.032377 / 0.037411 (-0.005034) | 0.092706 / 0.014526 (0.078180) | 0.107618 / 0.176557 (-0.068939) | 0.160103 / 0.737135 (-0.577032) | 0.107226 / 0.296338 (-0.189112) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.430922 / 0.215209 (0.215713) | 4.312556 / 2.077655 (2.234901) | 2.287686 / 1.504120 (0.783567) | 2.111103 / 1.541195 (0.569908) | 2.284105 / 1.468490 (0.815614) | 0.485987 / 4.584777 (-4.098790) | 3.557320 / 3.745712 (-0.188392) | 3.341150 / 5.269862 (-1.928711) | 2.056705 / 4.565676 (-2.508972) | 0.057265 / 0.424275 (-0.367010) | 0.007264 / 0.007607 (-0.000344) | 0.505191 / 0.226044 (0.279146) | 5.045379 / 2.268929 (2.776450) | 2.732357 / 55.444624 (-52.712267) | 2.390256 / 6.876477 (-4.486220) | 2.643676 / 2.142072 (0.501604) | 0.584630 / 4.805227 (-4.220597) | 0.132402 / 6.500664 (-6.368262) | 0.061387 / 0.075469 (-0.014082) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.340721 / 1.841788 (-0.501066) | 19.744145 / 8.074308 (11.669837) | 14.694482 / 10.191392 (4.503090) | 0.166294 / 0.680424 (-0.514129) | 0.020691 / 0.534201 (-0.513510) | 0.398359 / 0.579283 (-0.180924) | 0.423831 / 0.434364 (-0.010533) | 0.474365 / 0.540337 (-0.065972) | 0.649410 / 1.386936 (-0.737526) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#b29bc9cef6237eb0d18f77c56686705f468bed25 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
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Release: 2.14.6
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[ "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007051 / 0.011353 (-0.004302) | 0.004291 / 0.011008 (-0.006717) | 0.085557 / 0.038508 (0.047048) | 0.087919 / 0.023109 (0.064810) | 0.356912 / 0.275898 (0.081014) | 0.394835 / 0.323480 (0.071355) | 0.004464 / 0.007986 (-0.003522) | 0.003688 / 0.004328 (-0.000640) | 0.065437 / 0.004250 (0.061186) | 0.060156 / 0.037052 (0.023103) | 0.361807 / 0.258489 (0.103318) | 0.420917 / 0.293841 (0.127076) | 0.031704 / 0.128546 (-0.096842) | 0.008921 / 0.075646 (-0.066726) | 0.287828 / 0.419271 (-0.131443) | 0.053600 / 0.043533 (0.010067) | 0.361833 / 0.255139 (0.106694) | 0.396732 / 0.283200 (0.113532) | 0.025874 / 0.141683 (-0.115809) | 1.474926 / 1.452155 (0.022771) | 1.563186 / 1.492716 (0.070469) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.316823 / 0.018006 (0.298817) | 0.604085 / 0.000490 (0.603595) | 0.020828 / 0.000200 (0.020628) | 0.000351 / 0.000054 (0.000297) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.030468 / 0.037411 (-0.006943) | 0.083904 / 0.014526 (0.069378) | 0.103019 / 0.176557 (-0.073537) | 0.159018 / 0.737135 (-0.578117) | 0.102737 / 0.296338 (-0.193602) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.405311 / 0.215209 (0.190102) | 4.029060 / 2.077655 (1.951406) | 2.046590 / 1.504120 (0.542470) | 1.919335 / 1.541195 (0.378140) | 2.030371 / 1.468490 (0.561881) | 0.484209 / 4.584777 (-4.100568) | 3.486888 / 3.745712 (-0.258824) | 3.390777 / 5.269862 (-1.879084) | 2.110744 / 4.565676 (-2.454933) | 0.056587 / 0.424275 (-0.367688) | 0.007766 / 0.007607 (0.000159) | 0.488217 / 0.226044 (0.262173) | 4.853904 / 2.268929 (2.584976) | 2.595122 / 55.444624 (-52.849502) | 2.217712 / 6.876477 (-4.658765) | 2.500368 / 2.142072 (0.358296) | 0.580843 / 4.805227 (-4.224384) | 0.132719 / 6.500664 (-6.367945) | 0.060202 / 0.075469 (-0.015267) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.260748 / 1.841788 (-0.581040) | 20.148848 / 8.074308 (12.074540) | 14.738779 / 10.191392 (4.547387) | 0.167562 / 0.680424 (-0.512862) | 0.018944 / 0.534201 (-0.515257) | 0.394314 / 0.579283 (-0.184969) | 0.409345 / 0.434364 (-0.025019) | 0.458743 / 0.540337 (-0.081594) | 0.638175 / 1.386936 (-0.748761) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007097 / 0.011353 (-0.004256) | 0.004304 / 0.011008 (-0.006705) | 0.065539 / 0.038508 (0.027030) | 0.094078 / 0.023109 (0.070969) | 0.412411 / 0.275898 (0.136513) | 0.441900 / 0.323480 (0.118420) | 0.006038 / 0.007986 (-0.001948) | 0.003647 / 0.004328 (-0.000682) | 0.065298 / 0.004250 (0.061048) | 0.062571 / 0.037052 (0.025518) | 0.405156 / 0.258489 (0.146667) | 0.443779 / 0.293841 (0.149938) | 0.034470 / 0.128546 (-0.094077) | 0.008858 / 0.075646 (-0.066789) | 0.071840 / 0.419271 (-0.347431) | 0.050468 / 0.043533 (0.006935) | 0.404198 / 0.255139 (0.149059) | 0.430196 / 0.283200 (0.146997) | 0.025710 / 0.141683 (-0.115973) | 1.525374 / 1.452155 (0.073219) | 1.591830 / 1.492716 (0.099114) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.294330 / 0.018006 (0.276324) | 0.516943 / 0.000490 (0.516453) | 0.004807 / 0.000200 (0.004607) | 0.000103 / 0.000054 (0.000048) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.034505 / 0.037411 (-0.002907) | 0.096645 / 0.014526 (0.082119) | 0.111926 / 0.176557 (-0.064630) | 0.165241 / 0.737135 (-0.571894) | 0.111834 / 0.296338 (-0.184504) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.436370 / 0.215209 (0.221161) | 4.357568 / 2.077655 (2.279913) | 2.360529 / 1.504120 (0.856409) | 2.196375 / 1.541195 (0.655180) | 2.307481 / 1.468490 (0.838991) | 0.494072 / 4.584777 (-4.090705) | 3.565078 / 3.745712 (-0.180634) | 3.405174 / 5.269862 (-1.864688) | 2.203307 / 4.565676 (-2.362369) | 0.058582 / 0.424275 (-0.365693) | 0.007410 / 0.007607 (-0.000197) | 0.514323 / 0.226044 (0.288279) | 5.139834 / 2.268929 (2.870905) | 2.884111 / 55.444624 (-52.560513) | 2.589021 / 6.876477 (-4.287456) | 2.787577 / 2.142072 (0.645504) | 0.590765 / 4.805227 (-4.214462) | 0.135237 / 6.500664 (-6.365427) | 0.061078 / 0.075469 (-0.014391) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.346938 / 1.841788 (-0.494850) | 21.009948 / 8.074308 (12.935640) | 15.203281 / 10.191392 (5.011889) | 0.166208 / 0.680424 (-0.514216) | 0.020634 / 0.534201 (-0.513567) | 0.413825 / 0.579283 (-0.165458) | 0.416477 / 0.434364 (-0.017887) | 0.485888 / 0.540337 (-0.054449) | 0.664941 / 1.386936 (-0.721995) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#395b30ee2c0f6088e28fe78a3e61b591e40a4668 \"CML watermark\")\n", "_The documentation is not available anymore as the PR was closed or merged._", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.005927 / 0.011353 (-0.005425) | 0.003622 / 0.011008 (-0.007386) | 0.081414 / 0.038508 (0.042906) | 0.061031 / 0.023109 (0.037922) | 0.358323 / 0.275898 (0.082425) | 0.394192 / 0.323480 (0.070712) | 0.003471 / 0.007986 (-0.004515) | 0.002930 / 0.004328 (-0.001399) | 0.064215 / 0.004250 (0.059964) | 0.048678 / 0.037052 (0.011625) | 0.367966 / 0.258489 (0.109477) | 0.412618 / 0.293841 (0.118777) | 0.027192 / 0.128546 (-0.101355) | 0.007921 / 0.075646 (-0.067725) | 0.262213 / 0.419271 (-0.157059) | 0.044750 / 0.043533 (0.001217) | 0.351573 / 0.255139 (0.096434) | 0.389000 / 0.283200 (0.105800) | 0.020842 / 0.141683 (-0.120840) | 1.448925 / 1.452155 (-0.003229) | 1.530478 / 1.492716 (0.037761) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.227787 / 0.018006 (0.209780) | 0.423161 / 0.000490 (0.422671) | 0.007557 / 0.000200 (0.007357) | 0.000205 / 0.000054 (0.000150) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.024703 / 0.037411 (-0.012709) | 0.074044 / 0.014526 (0.059518) | 0.085520 / 0.176557 (-0.091037) | 0.146132 / 0.737135 (-0.591003) | 0.085637 / 0.296338 (-0.210701) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.393177 / 0.215209 (0.177968) | 3.926740 / 2.077655 (1.849085) | 1.892420 / 1.504120 (0.388300) | 1.716844 / 1.541195 (0.175650) | 1.784040 / 1.468490 (0.315550) | 0.499570 / 4.584777 (-4.085207) | 3.057764 / 3.745712 (-0.687948) | 2.885463 / 5.269862 (-2.384399) | 1.905206 / 4.565676 (-2.660471) | 0.058216 / 0.424275 (-0.366059) | 0.006805 / 0.007607 (-0.000802) | 0.465406 / 0.226044 (0.239361) | 4.658569 / 2.268929 (2.389641) | 2.461737 / 55.444624 (-52.982887) | 2.170620 / 6.876477 (-4.705856) | 2.373715 / 2.142072 (0.231643) | 0.592818 / 4.805227 (-4.212409) | 0.127960 / 6.500664 (-6.372704) | 0.061696 / 0.075469 (-0.013773) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.229073 / 1.841788 (-0.612715) | 17.832087 / 8.074308 (9.757778) | 13.889485 / 10.191392 (3.698093) | 0.142237 / 0.680424 (-0.538187) | 0.016752 / 0.534201 (-0.517449) | 0.338342 / 0.579283 (-0.240941) | 0.383933 / 0.434364 (-0.050431) | 0.393017 / 0.540337 (-0.147320) | 0.557621 / 1.386936 (-0.829315) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006218 / 0.011353 (-0.005135) | 0.003679 / 0.011008 (-0.007329) | 0.062934 / 0.038508 (0.024426) | 0.066764 / 0.023109 (0.043655) | 0.482737 / 0.275898 (0.206839) | 0.483241 / 0.323480 (0.159761) | 0.004828 / 0.007986 (-0.003158) | 0.002880 / 0.004328 (-0.001448) | 0.063111 / 0.004250 (0.058861) | 0.049500 / 0.037052 (0.012448) | 0.453155 / 0.258489 (0.194666) | 0.488776 / 0.293841 (0.194935) | 0.028568 / 0.128546 (-0.099978) | 0.008490 / 0.075646 (-0.067157) | 0.068202 / 0.419271 (-0.351069) | 0.040695 / 0.043533 (-0.002838) | 0.457473 / 0.255139 (0.202334) | 0.471968 / 0.283200 (0.188768) | 0.021261 / 0.141683 (-0.120422) | 1.476304 / 1.452155 (0.024150) | 1.503433 / 1.492716 (0.010716) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.227108 / 0.018006 (0.209102) | 0.428330 / 0.000490 (0.427840) | 0.004637 / 0.000200 (0.004437) | 0.000074 / 0.000054 (0.000020) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.027253 / 0.037411 (-0.010158) | 0.081990 / 0.014526 (0.067464) | 0.092763 / 0.176557 (-0.083794) | 0.146155 / 0.737135 (-0.590981) | 0.093175 / 0.296338 (-0.203164) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.464585 / 0.215209 (0.249376) | 4.630704 / 2.077655 (2.553050) | 2.583272 / 1.504120 (1.079152) | 2.393810 / 1.541195 (0.852615) | 2.463255 / 1.468490 (0.994765) | 0.507045 / 4.584777 (-4.077732) | 3.181972 / 3.745712 (-0.563740) | 2.902321 / 5.269862 (-2.367541) | 1.905431 / 4.565676 (-2.660246) | 0.059427 / 0.424275 (-0.364848) | 0.006387 / 0.007607 (-0.001220) | 0.542247 / 0.226044 (0.316203) | 5.426868 / 2.268929 (3.157939) | 3.073489 / 55.444624 (-52.371136) | 2.719620 / 6.876477 (-4.156857) | 2.861865 / 2.142072 (0.719793) | 0.593757 / 4.805227 (-4.211471) | 0.125439 / 6.500664 (-6.375225) | 0.060901 / 0.075469 (-0.014568) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.359938 / 1.841788 (-0.481850) | 18.484867 / 8.074308 (10.410559) | 14.685645 / 10.191392 (4.494253) | 0.164098 / 0.680424 (-0.516325) | 0.018090 / 0.534201 (-0.516111) | 0.339760 / 0.579283 (-0.239523) | 0.376668 / 0.434364 (-0.057696) | 0.396963 / 0.540337 (-0.143374) | 0.549305 / 1.386936 (-0.837631) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#0c896f4195ec8a91e09f8bb9a57950bcec8b8450 \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006052 / 0.011353 (-0.005301) | 0.003715 / 0.011008 (-0.007293) | 0.079646 / 0.038508 (0.041138) | 0.059053 / 0.023109 (0.035944) | 0.393016 / 0.275898 (0.117118) | 0.424758 / 0.323480 (0.101278) | 0.005407 / 0.007986 (-0.002578) | 0.002920 / 0.004328 (-0.001408) | 0.062145 / 0.004250 (0.057894) | 0.047289 / 0.037052 (0.010237) | 0.399848 / 0.258489 (0.141359) | 0.434239 / 0.293841 (0.140398) | 0.027388 / 0.128546 (-0.101158) | 0.007967 / 0.075646 (-0.067680) | 0.262546 / 0.419271 (-0.156725) | 0.045014 / 0.043533 (0.001482) | 0.398086 / 0.255139 (0.142947) | 0.414615 / 0.283200 (0.131415) | 0.020410 / 0.141683 (-0.121272) | 1.447276 / 1.452155 (-0.004879) | 1.512390 / 1.492716 (0.019673) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.224854 / 0.018006 (0.206847) | 0.434173 / 0.000490 (0.433683) | 0.010091 / 0.000200 (0.009891) | 0.000259 / 0.000054 (0.000205) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.025316 / 0.037411 (-0.012095) | 0.073284 / 0.014526 (0.058758) | 0.085177 / 0.176557 (-0.091379) | 0.148905 / 0.737135 (-0.588230) | 0.084696 / 0.296338 (-0.211642) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.438259 / 0.215209 (0.223050) | 4.380679 / 2.077655 (2.303025) | 2.310329 / 1.504120 (0.806209) | 2.144002 / 1.541195 (0.602807) | 2.203761 / 1.468490 (0.735270) | 0.500559 / 4.584777 (-4.084218) | 3.031172 / 3.745712 (-0.714540) | 2.839425 / 5.269862 (-2.430436) | 1.878391 / 4.565676 (-2.687285) | 0.057325 / 0.424275 (-0.366950) | 0.006719 / 0.007607 (-0.000888) | 0.510122 / 0.226044 (0.284078) | 5.108632 / 2.268929 (2.839704) | 2.805716 / 55.444624 (-52.638909) | 2.422183 / 6.876477 (-4.454293) | 2.635280 / 2.142072 (0.493207) | 0.589351 / 4.805227 (-4.215876) | 0.125416 / 6.500664 (-6.375248) | 0.061142 / 0.075469 (-0.014327) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.234997 / 1.841788 (-0.606791) | 17.731828 / 8.074308 (9.657520) | 13.858081 / 10.191392 (3.666689) | 0.145975 / 0.680424 (-0.534449) | 0.016827 / 0.534201 (-0.517374) | 0.335701 / 0.579283 (-0.243582) | 0.361867 / 0.434364 (-0.072497) | 0.394620 / 0.540337 (-0.145718) | 0.532146 / 1.386936 (-0.854790) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.006091 / 0.011353 (-0.005262) | 0.003663 / 0.011008 (-0.007345) | 0.062596 / 0.038508 (0.024088) | 0.061649 / 0.023109 (0.038539) | 0.440647 / 0.275898 (0.164749) | 0.472974 / 0.323480 (0.149494) | 0.005009 / 0.007986 (-0.002976) | 0.002879 / 0.004328 (-0.001449) | 0.062815 / 0.004250 (0.058565) | 0.049000 / 0.037052 (0.011947) | 0.442990 / 0.258489 (0.184501) | 0.477622 / 0.293841 (0.183781) | 0.028512 / 0.128546 (-0.100034) | 0.008031 / 0.075646 (-0.067615) | 0.067853 / 0.419271 (-0.351418) | 0.040823 / 0.043533 (-0.002710) | 0.437811 / 0.255139 (0.182672) | 0.464615 / 0.283200 (0.181416) | 0.021348 / 0.141683 (-0.120334) | 1.479230 / 1.452155 (0.027075) | 1.544053 / 1.492716 (0.051337) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.210697 / 0.018006 (0.192691) | 0.436450 / 0.000490 (0.435960) | 0.003413 / 0.000200 (0.003213) | 0.000089 / 0.000054 (0.000035) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.027190 / 0.037411 (-0.010222) | 0.083254 / 0.014526 (0.068728) | 0.092936 / 0.176557 (-0.083620) | 0.147261 / 0.737135 (-0.589874) | 0.092910 / 0.296338 (-0.203429) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.454195 / 0.215209 (0.238986) | 4.569122 / 2.077655 (2.491468) | 2.497198 / 1.504120 (0.993079) | 2.314337 / 1.541195 (0.773142) | 2.378471 / 1.468490 (0.909981) | 0.515402 / 4.584777 (-4.069375) | 3.199374 / 3.745712 (-0.546338) | 2.899300 / 5.269862 (-2.370562) | 1.873314 / 4.565676 (-2.692362) | 0.058820 / 0.424275 (-0.365455) | 0.006651 / 0.007607 (-0.000957) | 0.526681 / 0.226044 (0.300636) | 5.275232 / 2.268929 (3.006303) | 2.969107 / 55.444624 (-52.475517) | 2.600959 / 6.876477 (-4.275518) | 2.762930 / 2.142072 (0.620858) | 0.605726 / 4.805227 (-4.199501) | 0.127618 / 6.500664 (-6.373046) | 0.062840 / 0.075469 (-0.012629) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.367276 / 1.841788 (-0.474512) | 18.069385 / 8.074308 (9.995077) | 14.691945 / 10.191392 (4.500553) | 0.147203 / 0.680424 (-0.533221) | 0.018484 / 0.534201 (-0.515717) | 0.333759 / 0.579283 (-0.245524) | 0.395503 / 0.434364 (-0.038861) | 0.387031 / 0.540337 (-0.153306) | 0.550428 / 1.386936 (-0.836508) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#4c8f7eb79dff66dd03211321dcb55f7a7a05ef38 \"CML watermark\")\n", "<details>\n<summary>Show benchmarks</summary>\n\nPyArrow==8.0.0\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007675 / 0.011353 (-0.003678) | 0.004532 / 0.011008 (-0.006476) | 0.088176 / 0.038508 (0.049668) | 0.103257 / 0.023109 (0.080148) | 0.314785 / 0.275898 (0.038887) | 0.354280 / 0.323480 (0.030800) | 0.004638 / 0.007986 (-0.003348) | 0.003736 / 0.004328 (-0.000592) | 0.066744 / 0.004250 (0.062493) | 0.064647 / 0.037052 (0.027595) | 0.320227 / 0.258489 (0.061738) | 0.369581 / 0.293841 (0.075740) | 0.032347 / 0.128546 (-0.096199) | 0.009226 / 0.075646 (-0.066421) | 0.292966 / 0.419271 (-0.126306) | 0.055738 / 0.043533 (0.012206) | 0.316537 / 0.255139 (0.061398) | 0.334699 / 0.283200 (0.051499) | 0.027401 / 0.141683 (-0.114282) | 1.482390 / 1.452155 (0.030236) | 1.594771 / 1.492716 (0.102055) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.322181 / 0.018006 (0.304175) | 0.577701 / 0.000490 (0.577212) | 0.014565 / 0.000200 (0.014365) | 0.000393 / 0.000054 (0.000338) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.033255 / 0.037411 (-0.004156) | 0.094271 / 0.014526 (0.079745) | 0.105360 / 0.176557 (-0.071197) | 0.163699 / 0.737135 (-0.573436) | 0.105620 / 0.296338 (-0.190719) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.383449 / 0.215209 (0.168240) | 3.824292 / 2.077655 (1.746637) | 1.861809 / 1.504120 (0.357689) | 1.698153 / 1.541195 (0.156958) | 1.819460 / 1.468490 (0.350970) | 0.488277 / 4.584777 (-4.096500) | 3.622772 / 3.745712 (-0.122940) | 3.486041 / 5.269862 (-1.783821) | 2.211679 / 4.565676 (-2.353998) | 0.057637 / 0.424275 (-0.366638) | 0.008028 / 0.007607 (0.000421) | 0.461917 / 0.226044 (0.235873) | 4.626493 / 2.268929 (2.357565) | 2.374846 / 55.444624 (-53.069779) | 1.976003 / 6.876477 (-4.900473) | 2.325342 / 2.142072 (0.183269) | 0.582538 / 4.805227 (-4.222689) | 0.133575 / 6.500664 (-6.367089) | 0.061696 / 0.075469 (-0.013773) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.271846 / 1.841788 (-0.569941) | 20.944702 / 8.074308 (12.870394) | 15.438119 / 10.191392 (5.246727) | 0.167334 / 0.680424 (-0.513090) | 0.019538 / 0.534201 (-0.514663) | 0.401467 / 0.579283 (-0.177816) | 0.428222 / 0.434364 (-0.006142) | 0.466108 / 0.540337 (-0.074229) | 0.645326 / 1.386936 (-0.741610) |\n\n</details>\nPyArrow==latest\n\n<details>\n<summary>Show updated benchmarks!</summary>\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_array_xd.json\n\n| metric | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_array2d | read_batch_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_batch_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_array2d | read_col_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_col_unformated after write_nested_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_array2d | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_flattened_sequence | read_formatted_as_numpy after write_nested_sequence | read_unformated after write_array2d | read_unformated after write_flattened_sequence | read_unformated after write_nested_sequence | write_array2d | write_flattened_sequence | write_nested_sequence |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.007096 / 0.011353 (-0.004257) | 0.004398 / 0.011008 (-0.006610) | 0.066253 / 0.038508 (0.027745) | 0.089415 / 0.023109 (0.066306) | 0.395760 / 0.275898 (0.119862) | 0.436058 / 0.323480 (0.112579) | 0.005944 / 0.007986 (-0.002042) | 0.003821 / 0.004328 (-0.000507) | 0.065286 / 0.004250 (0.061036) | 0.060990 / 0.037052 (0.023937) | 0.394674 / 0.258489 (0.136185) | 0.437672 / 0.293841 (0.143831) | 0.032370 / 0.128546 (-0.096177) | 0.009025 / 0.075646 (-0.066622) | 0.071365 / 0.419271 (-0.347906) | 0.048232 / 0.043533 (0.004699) | 0.395677 / 0.255139 (0.140538) | 0.415869 / 0.283200 (0.132669) | 0.024632 / 0.141683 (-0.117051) | 1.511386 / 1.452155 (0.059231) | 1.604475 / 1.492716 (0.111759) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_getitem\\_100B.json\n\n| metric | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_random_rows | get_batch_of\\_1024\\_rows | get_first_row | get_last_row |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.312864 / 0.018006 (0.294858) | 0.535432 / 0.000490 (0.534943) | 0.005195 / 0.000200 (0.004995) | 0.000101 / 0.000054 (0.000047) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_indices_mapping.json\n\n| metric | select | shard | shuffle | sort | train_test_split |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.035827 / 0.037411 (-0.001584) | 0.099353 / 0.014526 (0.084827) | 0.110796 / 0.176557 (-0.065761) | 0.165224 / 0.737135 (-0.571911) | 0.112111 / 0.296338 (-0.184228) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_iterating.json\n\n| metric | read 5000 | read 50000 | read_batch 50000 10 | read_batch 50000 100 | read_batch 50000 1000 | read_formatted numpy 5000 | read_formatted pandas 5000 | read_formatted tensorflow 5000 | read_formatted torch 5000 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 | shuffled read 5000 | shuffled read 50000 | shuffled read_batch 50000 10 | shuffled read_batch 50000 100 | shuffled read_batch 50000 1000 | shuffled read_formatted numpy 5000 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 10 | shuffled read_formatted_batch numpy 5000 1000 |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 0.428873 / 0.215209 (0.213664) | 4.284264 / 2.077655 (2.206609) | 2.303966 / 1.504120 (0.799847) | 2.153868 / 1.541195 (0.612674) | 2.275669 / 1.468490 (0.807179) | 0.495452 / 4.584777 (-4.089325) | 3.706773 / 3.745712 (-0.038939) | 3.471988 / 5.269862 (-1.797874) | 2.194851 / 4.565676 (-2.370825) | 0.058998 / 0.424275 (-0.365277) | 0.007522 / 0.007607 (-0.000085) | 0.511222 / 0.226044 (0.285177) | 5.097058 / 2.268929 (2.828130) | 2.856793 / 55.444624 (-52.587832) | 2.521907 / 6.876477 (-4.354569) | 2.783133 / 2.142072 (0.641060) | 0.600511 / 4.805227 (-4.204717) | 0.134130 / 6.500664 (-6.366534) | 0.061726 / 0.075469 (-0.013743) |\n\n### Benchmark: benchmark_map_filter.json\n\n| metric | filter | map fast-tokenizer batched | map identity | map identity batched | map no-op batched | map no-op batched numpy | map no-op batched pandas | map no-op batched pytorch | map no-op batched tensorflow |\n|--------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n| new / old (diff) | 1.385272 / 1.841788 (-0.456516) | 21.149260 / 8.074308 (13.074952) | 15.548746 / 10.191392 (5.357354) | 0.167506 / 0.680424 (-0.512918) | 0.020494 / 0.534201 (-0.513707) | 0.400697 / 0.579283 (-0.178586) | 0.427386 / 0.434364 (-0.006978) | 0.478514 / 0.540337 (-0.061824) | 0.655753 / 1.386936 (-0.731183) |\n\n</details>\n</details>\n\n![](https://cml.dev/watermark.png#4c8f7eb79dff66dd03211321dcb55f7a7a05ef38 \"CML watermark\")\n" ]
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6342/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6342", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6342", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6342.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6342.patch", "merged_at": "2023-10-23T15:07:25" }
Release 2.14.5
{ "login": "lhoestq", "id": 42851186, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjQyODUxMTg2", "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42851186?v=4", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq", "html_url": "https://github.com/lhoestq", "followers_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/followers", "following_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/following{/other_user}", "gists_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/gists{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/starred{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/subscriptions", "organizations_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/orgs", "repos_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/repos", "events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/events{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "https://api.github.com/users/lhoestq/received_events", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }
[ "The docs for this PR live [here](https://moon-ci-docs.huggingface.co/docs/datasets/pr_6340). All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint." ]
(wrong release number - I was continuing the 2.14 branch but 2.14.5 was released from `main`)
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/issues/6340/reactions", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 }
{ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/datasets/pulls/6340", "html_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6340", "diff_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6340.diff", "patch_url": "https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/pull/6340.patch", "merged_at": null }

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