stringclasses 1
value | output
dict | image
images listlengths 1
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "BUNGAI ARA",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "BUNGAI PINGGIR, 08-08-1970",
"gol_darah": "GOL.DARAH A",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "INDRAGIRI HILIR",
"kecamatan": "KEMPAH",
"kel_desa": "BUNGAI ARA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "JUBANASI",
"nik": "1404195004700002",
"pekerjaan": "PETANI/PEKERJAAN",
"provinsi": "RIAU",
"rt_rw": "007 / 004",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BUNGAI PINGGIR",
"tgl_lahir": "08-08-1970",
"tgl_terbit": "10-06-2017"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "KRISTEN",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"gol_darah": "Gol. Darah-A",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kecamatan": "SERPONG UTARA",
"kel_desa": "PONDOK JAGUNG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3174075509780006",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "BANTEN",
"rt_rw": "001/017",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "19-05-1978",
"tgl_terbit": "11-09-2020"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "MUNGKUNG",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "MUNGKUNG",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "WONOSOBO",
"kecamatan": "KALIKAJAR",
"kel_desa": "MUNGKUNG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "MUCH TAUFIQ",
"nik": "3307061803890005",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "003/004",
"status_perkawinan": "CERAI HIDUP",
"tempat_lahir": "WONOSOBO",
"tgl_lahir": "18-03-1989",
"tgl_terbit": "14-02-2019"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "Gg. 1 dari RT 01",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"kecamatan": "KECAMATAN PALMERAH",
"kel_desa": "KELURAHAN DEPOK",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3173022011000003",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "DKI JAKARTA",
"rt_rw": "RT 01/RW 01",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "10-12-2004",
"tgl_terbit": "27-12-2017"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "DUSUN DUKUH",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "NGANJUK",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "NGANJUK",
"kecamatan": "LENGKONG",
"kel_desa": "KETANDAN",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3518196202010001",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TIMUR",
"rt_rw": "00/203",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "NGANJUK",
"tgl_lahir": "22-02-2001",
"tgl_terbit": "25-04-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. IBROHIM NO. 14 A",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"gol_darah": "AB",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"kecamatan": "KEBON JERUK",
"kel_desa": "SUKABUMI UTARA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3671070610900002",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "DKI JAKARTA",
"rt_rw": "002/005",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "TANGERANG",
"tgl_lahir": "06-10-1990",
"tgl_terbit": "03-12-2021"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "PERUM ASABRI BKI",
"berlaku_hingga": "13-03-2017",
"domisili": "SUMEDANG",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "SUMEDANG",
"kecamatan": "CIMALAK",
"kel_desa": "CITIMUN",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3211221303790012",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "002/006",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "LEBAK",
"tgl_lahir": "13-03-1979",
"tgl_terbit": "11-05-2012"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. CENIGAN SARI 31 A",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA DENPASAR",
"gol_darah": "B",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "KOTA DENPASAR",
"kecamatan": "DENPASAR SELATAN",
"kel_desa": "SESATAN",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "DIAH NOWO LATRI, S.kom",
"nik": "517103606860003",
"provinsi": "BALI",
"rt_rw": "000900",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "DENPASAR",
"tgl_lahir": "20-06-1986",
"tgl_terbit": "08-04-2015"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "BUKIT RIVARIA G.2/19",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA DEPOK",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA DEPOK",
"kecamatan": "SAWANGAN",
"kel_desa": "BEDAHAN",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3374151507010005",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "002/011",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "SEMARANG",
"tgl_lahir": "15-07-2001",
"tgl_terbit": "27-08-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "DUSUN BONTORAMBA",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "MAROS",
"kecamatan": "MANDAI",
"kel_desa": "BONTO MATENE",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "SAWIRUDDIN",
"nik": "7309013112640064",
"pekerjaan": "PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL (PNS)",
"provinsi": "SULAWESI SELATAN",
"rt_rw": "000/000",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "PANGKEP",
"tgl_lahir": "31-12-1964",
"tgl_terbit": "01-01-2005"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "14-01-2017",
"domisili": "KOTA MAKASSAR",
"gol_darah": "A",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA MAKASSAR",
"kecamatan": "TAMALATI",
"kel_desa": "PA'RAE'NG-RAENG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "7371101401690005",
"pekerjaan": "PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL (PNS)",
"provinsi": "SULAWESI SELATAN",
"rt_rw": "003/001",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "14-01-1969",
"tgl_terbit": "29-04-2012"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "KARANGKASAW",
"berlaku_hingga": null,
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KABUPATEN BANTUL",
"kecamatan": null,
"kel_desa": null,
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "34020261705610002",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"rt_rw": null,
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BANTUL",
"tgl_lahir": "08-03-2012",
"tgl_terbit": "27-05-2017"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "DUSUN HALABOLU",
"berlaku_hingga": "12-12-2017",
"domisili": "DUSUN HALABOLU",
"gol_darah": "GOL. DARAH A",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI LAKI",
"kabupaten": "GORONTALO UTARA",
"kecamatan": "SUMALATA TIMUR",
"kel_desa": "KOLUWOKA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "HARI KAPIDJAL",
"nik": "7501011122900011",
"pekerjaan": "WIRASWASTA",
"provinsi": "GORONTALO",
"rt_rw": "KOLUWOKA",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "LIMBOTO",
"tgl_lahir": "12-12-1990",
"tgl_terbit": "30-12-2012"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": null,
"alamat": "SEPANG",
"berlaku_hingga": "08-12-2018",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": "Gol Darah",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "MAMASA",
"kecamatan": "BAMBANG",
"kel_desa": "ULUMAMBI BARAT",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "7603110812850001",
"pekerjaan": "GURU",
"provinsi": "SULAWESI BARAT",
"rt_rw": null,
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "ULUMAMBI",
"tgl_lahir": "08-12-1985",
"tgl_terbit": "03-05-2013"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "CANG MANGGIS",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "REJANG LEBONG",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "REJANG LEBONG",
"kecamatan": "GURUIP SELATAN",
"kel_desa": "AIR PUTIH BARU",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "1702186405000001",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "BENGKULU",
"rt_rw": "001/002",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "CURUP",
"tgl_lahir": "24-05-2000",
"tgl_terbit": "02-12-2017"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JLN. GUDANG SAMPAH",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA PEKANBARU",
"gol_darah": null,
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "KOTA PEKANBARU",
"kecamatan": null,
"kel_desa": null,
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "147210560300022",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "RIAU",
"rt_rw": "TAMPAN",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "PEKANBARU",
"tgl_lahir": null,
"tgl_terbit": null
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA DEPOK",
"gol_darah": "B",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA DEPOK",
"kecamatan": "SUKMAJAYA",
"kel_desa": "SUKMAJAYA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3276050611701006",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "011/403",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "PEKALONGAN",
"tgl_lahir": "06-11-2001",
"tgl_terbit": "29-12-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "DUSUNI",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTAPINANG",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kecamatan": "KOTAPINANG",
"kel_desa": "MAMPANG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "1222030207830013",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN HONORER",
"provinsi": "SUMATERA UTARA",
"rt_rw": "000/000",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "KOTAPINANG",
"tgl_lahir": "02-07-1983",
"tgl_terbit": "08-12-2015"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "DUSUN BLENDUNG",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "DUSUN BLENDUNG",
"gol_darah": "Gol. Darah A",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KABUPATEN SUBANG",
"kecamatan": "PURWADADI",
"kel_desa": "BELENDUNG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "U.SUDRAJAT",
"nik": "3213061907800009",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN BUMN",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "014/004",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BANDUNG",
"tgl_lahir": "19-07-1980",
"tgl_terbit": "20-03-2020"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. KAPUK NO.4",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
"kecamatan": "CIPAYUNG",
"kel_desa": "BAMBU APUS",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "ZULFA NADIA",
"nik": "317104408940002",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "DKI JAKARTA",
"rt_rw": "011/003",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "04-08-1994",
"tgl_terbit": "08-07-2022"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "KP. KEBON KOPI",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "BOGOR",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "BOGOR",
"kecamatan": "CIAMPEA",
"kel_desa": "CIAMPEA LIDIK",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "ROHMAN HALIM",
"nik": "3174092410840008",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "064/902",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "24-10-1984",
"tgl_terbit": "04-12-2019"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. MARISMA BIMA",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": null,
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "BANYUWANGI",
"kecamatan": null,
"kel_desa": null,
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3510020202020002",
"pekerjaan": null,
"provinsi": "JAWA TIMUR",
"rt_rw": null,
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BANYUWANGI",
"tgl_lahir": "20-02-2002",
"tgl_terbit": null
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. DANAKULI MULTIGUNA C3 No. 1",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA MALANG",
"gol_darah": "Gol.Darah A",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "KOTA MALANG",
"kecamatan": "KOTA MALANG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "1671057004010002",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TIMUR",
"rt_rw": "002/006",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "TANJUNG ENIM",
"tgl_lahir": "30-04-2000",
"tgl_terbit": "21-06-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. H. AHMAD NO. 74",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA TANGERANG",
"gol_darah": "B",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "KOTA TANGERANG",
"kecamatan": "CILEDUG",
"kel_desa": "PANINGGLAN UTARA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3671064905920005",
"pekerjaan": "WIRASWASTA",
"provinsi": "BANTEN",
"rt_rw": "002/013",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "TANGERANG",
"tgl_lahir": "09-05-1992",
"tgl_terbit": "10-06-2020"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "KAMPUNG KERAMAT",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KAMPUNG KERAMAT",
"gol_darah": "Gol. Darah",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "KATINGAN",
"kecamatan": "KATINGAN KUALA",
"kel_desa": "KAMPUNG KERAMAT",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "6206104210780001",
"pekerjaan": "PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL (PNS)",
"provinsi": "KALIMANTAN TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "004/001",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "KAMPUNG TENGAH",
"tgl_lahir": "02-10-1978",
"tgl_terbit": "29-05-2020"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KATINGAN HILIR",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KATINGAN",
"kecamatan": "KATINGAN HILIR",
"kel_desa": "KASONGAN LAMA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "HAIRIL ILMI",
"nik": "6206020908040001",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "KALIMANTAN TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "020/004",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "HAMPANGEN",
"tgl_lahir": "09-08-2004",
"tgl_terbit": "12-08-2021"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "20-12-2017",
"domisili": "KOTA TANGERANG",
"gol_darah": "Gol Darah",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA TANGERANG",
"kecamatan": "PERIUK",
"kel_desa": "GEBANG RAYA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3671082012870002",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "BANTEN",
"rt_rw": "010/007",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "20-12-1982",
"tgl_terbit": "23-07-2012"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "DK. DONOREJO",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "DK. DONOREJO",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "BATANG",
"kecamatan": "LIMPUNG",
"kel_desa": "DONOREJO",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3325086108000002",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "001/001",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BATANG",
"tgl_lahir": "21-08-2000",
"tgl_terbit": "09-07-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "SIDOARJO",
"gol_darah": "AB",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "SIDOARJO",
"kecamatan": "KEDUNGCAPAL",
"kel_desa": "KEDUNGCAPAL",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "1515131502022004",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TIMUR",
"rt_rw": "RT 01/RW 01",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "SIDOARJO",
"tgl_lahir": "15-06-2000",
"tgl_terbit": null
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "BONJERUK DALAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": null,
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "LOMBOK TENGAH",
"kecamatan": "JONGGAT",
"kel_desa": "BONJERUK",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "520202221200004",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "NUSA TENGGARA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "000/000",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BONJERUK",
"tgl_lahir": "22-12-2000",
"tgl_terbit": "04-01-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL SWADAYA 3 NO 73",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA DEPOK",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA DEPOK",
"kecamatan": "BEJI",
"kel_desa": "BEJI",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "AQMAL FIRDAUS",
"nik": "3276062306030006",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "005/002",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "BANDUNG",
"tgl_lahir": "23-06-2002",
"tgl_terbit": "29-01-2020"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "KRISTEN",
"alamat": "JL.BOJONEGORO NO.8",
"berlaku_hingga": "18-06-2017",
"domisili": "KOTA BANDUNG",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA BANDUNG",
"kecamatan": "ANTAPANI",
"kel_desa": "ANTAPANI KIDUL",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "PETER F.HUWAE",
"nik": "3273201806900004",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA BARAT",
"rt_rw": "004 / 012",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "DENPASAR",
"tgl_lahir": "18-06-1990",
"tgl_terbit": "16-12-2012"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": null,
"alamat": "DESA KALIREJO",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": null,
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "PATi",
"kecamatan": "JEPANG",
"kel_desa": "KALIREJO",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3313082101000001",
"pekerjaan": null,
"provinsi": "JAWA TENGAH",
"rt_rw": null,
"status_perkawinan": null,
"tempat_lahir": "SUKOHARJO",
"tgl_lahir": "21-01-1980",
"tgl_terbit": null
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. H. IKAP",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": "Gol. Darah",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KATINGAN",
"kecamatan": "KATINGAN TENGAH",
"kel_desa": "SAMBA KATUNG",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nama": "SUPIAN EFENDI",
"nik": "6206050711770001",
"pekerjaan": "PETANI/PEKEBUN",
"provinsi": "KALIMANTAN TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "007/003",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "TALAGA",
"tgl_lahir": "07-11-1977",
"tgl_terbit": "13-03-2023"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": null,
"gol_darah": null,
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kabupaten": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
"kecamatan": "CIPAYUNG",
"kel_desa": "MUNJUL",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3175106203010008",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "DKI JAKARTA",
"rt_rw": "006/006",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "22-03-2001",
"tgl_terbit": "11-07-2018"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "HINDU",
"alamat": "BTP - BLOK AA. NO. 125",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KOTA MAKASSAR",
"gol_darah": "A",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KOTA MAKASSAR",
"kecamatan": "TAMALANREA",
"kel_desa": "BUNTUSU",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "7371140906922014",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "SULAWESI SELATAN",
"rt_rw": "004/002",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "TARIPA",
"tgl_lahir": "09-06-1992",
"tgl_terbit": "24-09-2021"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "KP. PONDOK BENDA",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"gol_darah": "Gol Darah",
"jenis_kelamin": "PEREMPUAN",
"kecamatan": "SERPONG",
"kel_desa": "BUARAN",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3275045106900010",
"pekerjaan": "KARYAWAN SWASTA",
"provinsi": "BANTEN",
"rt_rw": "001/004",
"status_perkawinan": "KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "MALANG",
"tgl_lahir": "11-06-1990",
"tgl_terbit": "03-08-2016"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "JL. MADRASAH I",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"gol_darah": "O",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "JAKARTA BARAT",
"kecamatan": "KEBON JERUK",
"kel_desa": "SUKABUMI UTARA",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3173052503990001",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "DKI JAKARTA",
"rt_rw": "007/009",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "JAKARTA",
"tgl_lahir": "25-03-1999",
"tgl_terbit": "01-04-2016"
} | |
You are an AI assistant specialized in extracting information from Indonesian ID cards (KTP).
Your job is to accurately extract all required fields from the KTP image provided.
If a specific field is not clearly visible or cannot be detected with confidence, return None for that field.
Do not guess or fabricate information that is not visible in the image.
Pay special attention to:
1. The 16-digit NIK number
2. Correct spelling of names and places
3. Exact formatting of dates (DD-MM-YYYY)
4. Proper capitalization as shown on the KTP.
'The output should be formatted as a JSON instance that conforms to the JSON schema below.
As an example, for the schema {"properties": {"foo": {"title": "Foo", "description": "a list of strings", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["foo"]}
the object {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]} is a well-formatted instance of the schema. The object {"properties": {"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is not well-formatted.
Here is the output schema:
{"description": "Indonesian ID Card (KTP) Information Model", "properties": {"provinsi": {"title": "Provinsi", "description": "Province name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kabupaten": {"title": "Kabupaten", "description": "Regency/City name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "domisili": {"title": "Domisili", "description": "Domicile area as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_terbit": {"title": "Tgl Terbit", "description": "Issue date of the KTP in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "nik": {"title": "Nik", "description": "16-digit National Identity Number (NIK)", "pattern": "^\\d{16}$", "type": "string"}, "nama": {"title": "Nama", "description": "Full name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "jenis_kelamin": {"title": "Jenis Kelamin", "description": "Gender as written on the KTP", "examples": ["LAKI-LAKI", "PEREMPUAN"], "type": "string"}, "gol_darah": {"title": "Gol Darah", "description": "Blood type as written on the KTP", "examples": ["A", "B", "AB", "O", "-", "GOL.DARAH A", "GOL.DARAH B", "GOL.DARAH AB", "GOL.DARAH O"], "type": "string"}, "tempat_lahir": {"title": "Tempat Lahir", "description": "Place of birth as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "tgl_lahir": {"title": "Tgl Lahir", "description": "Date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format", "type": "string"}, "alamat": {"title": "Alamat", "description": "Street address as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "rt_rw": {"title": "Rt Rw", "description": "RT/RW numbers as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kel_desa": {"title": "Kel Desa", "description": "Village/Ward name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kecamatan": {"title": "Kecamatan", "description": "District name as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "agama": {"title": "Agama", "description": "Religion as written on the KTP", "examples": ["ISLAM", "KRISTEN", "KATOLIK", "HINDU", "BUDDHA", "KONGHUCU"], "type": "string"}, "status_perkawinan": {"title": "Status Perkawinan", "description": "Marital status as written on the KTP", "examples": ["BELUM KAWIN", "KAWIN", "CERAI HIDUP", "CERAI MATI"], "type": "string"}, "pekerjaan": {"title": "Pekerjaan", "description": "Occupation as written on the KTP", "type": "string"}, "kewarganegaraan": {"title": "Kewarganegaraan", "description": "Citizenship as written on the KTP", "examples": ["WNI", "WNA"], "type": "string"}, "berlaku_hingga": {"title": "Berlaku Hingga", "description": "Validity period of the KTP", "examples": ["SEUMUR HIDUP"], "type": "string"}}, "required": ["provinsi", "kabupaten", "domisili", "tgl_terbit", "nik", "nama", "jenis_kelamin", "gol_darah", "tempat_lahir", "tgl_lahir", "alamat", "rt_rw", "kel_desa", "kecamatan", "agama", "status_perkawinan", "pekerjaan", "kewarganegaraan", "berlaku_hingga"]}
| {
"agama": "ISLAM",
"alamat": "PLUMBUNGAN",
"berlaku_hingga": "SEUMUR HIDUP",
"domisili": "KUDUS",
"gol_darah": "-",
"jenis_kelamin": "LAKI-LAKI",
"kabupaten": "KUDUS",
"kecamatan": "JEKULO",
"kel_desa": "GONDOHARUM",
"kewarganegaraan": "WNI",
"nik": "3319060310940002",
"pekerjaan": "PELAJAR/MAHASISWA",
"provinsi": "JAWA TENGAH",
"rt_rw": "007/002",
"status_perkawinan": "BELUM KAWIN",
"tempat_lahir": "KUDUS",
"tgl_lahir": "03-10-1994",
"tgl_terbit": "24-03-2020"
} |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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