<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that depicts medical anxiety? [/INST] I'm sure I won't make it to 2019 I'm just a broken failure. I'm tried of fighting all the time. I just want to be done with it all. </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say if they are experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] I've made up my mind and going through with suicide I'm gonna hang myself tomorrow. I haven't told any friends or family how I feel because I don't want anybody to get in my way. It's better for all of us this way. I have rope, a location, and a stool that I can stand up on. I'm gonna do this tomorrow and nobody will stop me. Goodbye. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give a quote that represents medical anxiety? [/INST] To weak for suicide I want to die so bad , but i know i will not be able to do it Becous of my mother who i love. When im close to a atempt the thought of hurting her stops me from doing anything. Still im scared that 1 day i will feel so bad that even that tought wont stop me and that i will go trough with it. </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] I'm so tired. I feel like an empty shell of a person. I have no purpose. I do nothing but hurt people and push them away even when I don't mean to. I was prepared to kill myself last night, but my roommate caught me on the way to the bathroom and he (unknowingly) distracted me from it for a little bit. I woke up this morning wishing to god that I had just done it. I know the damage it would do to the people I care about and my family. But I am not strong enough to fight this battle anymore. I am 27 and have had depression since I was about 17. I think what has effected it the most was having my dad pass away, when I was 13, from cancer. I never really got over it. I also have crippling anxiety, which doesn't make things any better or easier. I have asked the doctors for years to put me on an anti-depressant and they won't do it. They tell me that the side effects aren't worth it. I had a great job that I lost because of my depression. I recently got back into school for what I have always wanted to go to school for, I studied hard last term and got straight A's, but it isn't enough. I should have been proud of myself for getting such good grades, but I wasn't. Nothing makes me happy. I pretend I am okay around other people, but when I get by myself the thoughts are so overwhelming. The thing is, no one really cares. My family cares, sure. But they are related to me. I don't think anyone not related to me would be phased if I was here anymore or not.. I will never be good enough. Not for myself, not for anyone else. This isn't a life that I want to live.I'm so tired of feeling depressed, lonely, and tired all the time. I honestly can't do it anymore. I'm sick of fighting it. I just want to feel okay again. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] I tell people '' happy new year'' but I'm terrified about the future All new years has done is pretty much take my ongoing depression and lack of a solid purpose in life and somehow made it even worse. Everyone else is so damn happy about the new years, but all I'm thinking about is how much longer this shit is going to go on for, how I'm going to survive of I don't actually kill myself before that, and how much longer I will have to suffer . I feel like life is not worth it for the tiny good moments or what have you. Because anytime I am happy, life promptly shits all over it and makes sure I am ten times as miserable afterwards. It's to the point where I am afraid of being happy and can't actually relax because I feel like I will get punished for it if I do. Anything I have to live for is also incredibly uncertain and not even something I give that much of a shit about. My family feels like they only care about me when I'm mentally okay or do what they want me to do, and get mad at me for being depressed. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety? [/INST] cry&amp;die i just wanna cry and die in my own puddle of blood and tears. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] What a great way to start off the year. Cried myself to sleep last night, wasn't on the agenda at all. Siblings treat me and each other like shit. It's driving me insane. 2017 wasn't a good year at all. I wish I could honestly just hit my siblings and show them their place. They're ungrateful, they fight with the whole family. I'm so tired and i'm a failure of an older sibling. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings? [/INST] I’ve almost ended up killing myself So... yeah, my 2017 was going not so well as you might have guessed. Depression got worse, school performance dropped and I fcked things up with my crush. On Sylvester I was invited to a party of a friend and we drank a lot and had fun. He’s living in a village not too far from here and they are close to some bridges and the highway. Just about 10 minutes before the year ended I walked away. My plan was to go to a bridge and jump as soon as I see a car -or even better- a truck driving underneath it. However, I was very drunk and I rarely ever am in that village, so I had no plan where I could find the bridges and I ended up being lost. And my phone died So I was wandering around, drunk, suicidal at New Year. Good. Fucking. Shit. My friends went to on to search for me as soon as they noticed me being not there and having no idea where I could be. And they found me. That friend that invited me over told me that he even searched at and underneath bridges. We haven’t talked more about my depression, it was only that one statement. When we were back at the party, we had some nice other conversations, played karaoke and eventually I kinda blacked out. Like, not fall and vomit, but I can’t remember anything that happened after I sang some songs. I’m a mess. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] I just realized I had depression for way too long I can't believe it that only now (im 26m) I realized that depression started at around 16 years old or later, but one thing I'm sure of is that I feel same now and I felt the same when I was 16. But I just could not understand. Still what a suprise, that people called me intellegent person and blablabla (expecially familly), or if I went for some "deep" stuff, then I was a philosopher. Seriously, from where I come from, people do not understand what is depression (in school if you underperform, then u are a loser, if you can't make friends, then you are weirdo), maybe that is why I struggled to understand what is wrong with me? I also had strong beliefs in certain things, my ex was depressed, I did not see that as depression, but more of a ideology. There is some issues with my feelings, when I met her, it was beatufull, then I left her for fucking weird reasons. I met her not long time ago, she told I'm the person who is interesting to be with, how the fuck I missed those words? After I had another girlfriend, which was so confusing to understand, she accused me of being retard for trying to speak with her calmly, but there were feelings and after I left her, some love cooldown or something prevented me to fully understand the person who would had gave anything to me. She is fine now, got a boyfriend, but she told me he is more of a casual guy, fuck... That was about 5 months ago I met her. She accepted the fate and just went with the guy. I once told her, that I do not understand why I am like this (maybe when I was 24). So I did not finish school at 17, it was only 6 months to finish, I just ignored everything, then I went london, done gym instructor course, barelly finished, lost of interest again, then went to this town hoping for a change, started music in college, barelly finished, same thing again, left my girlfriend, same fucking thing again, sold my music equipment hoping to get it back if I really got the love for music, did not happen, loss of interest, same and same and I have no idea what is keeping me here. And guess what, I took a loan, spend everything, I think I said to my self, that I will do something about it, will give my self a short brake, same happen again woot. I lied all this time to some of my friends (basically non) and family that I still got a job, and so on. Now I have no idea what is going to happen to me, but I got a rope and ready to go if I find no why out, I just still can't believe. Went to my doctor two times before, got some tabs but was not working, just gave me this more happy feeling, that is all. I think that my perception that 'I can do anything and everyone is the same' dragged me for so long without noticing this decease (and lack of understanding). Tried meditation, red the book called Awakening 2 times, tried the breathing method (mindfulness), basically I understand by now, that compassion and love what this world is all about. What can I do, I lost my passport and just ignored it, I might go to jail. I can't stop crying. I am aware of what is happenning with, I just seeking some guidance. edit. rephrasing Oh and the gaming... I spend so much time on it, then I realized that it is nothing, it does not give anything, I was not even enjoying it anymore and just deleted my MMO charater, everything was working out, seems like I finally off it! Ofcourse not, since the day I stopped, I've been getting back to it once in a while. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone articulate their medical anxiety? [/INST] Should I commit suicide to avoid dropping out I want to drop out of college because I feel that I'm too sad and afraid to put the effort into producing anything creative or to put on a brave face three or four times a week. I'm not cut out for this world but I don't want to disappoint my parents who paid for my education. </s>
<s>[INST] What is an example of a sentence that shows someone is experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] I chose a date I settled on the date I will kill myself this year. It's quite a few months away but I'm already comforted knowing this is it. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of what someone anxious about their health might say? [/INST] Please someone give me hope My wife of nearly 13 years is leaving me. We still love together and right now she's getting all gussied up to go on a second date. She's the love of my life and I feel so much pain right now that I fantasize about ending it, but I don't want to do it to my kids. I'm so hurt and alone. I have nobody I can go to. I'm huddled in the garage sobbing. I can't even get my safe open </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] I just wanna die I don't know for how much longer can I keep on going like this. </s>
<s>[INST] What could a person say if they are suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] I’m confused about myself... Primarily, I don’t mean to mislead you all with the clickbait-esque title. I didn’t know how else to phrase it. This post probably doesn’t 100 percent belong here on sw, but it is. Anyways, on to what I made this post for. While I don’t have the constant urge to kill myself, it does appear in my mind a lot. Every so often per week the urge will (for a short period of time) come up again. In those moments I find myself lying on my stomach on my bed, my hands either stiffly folded behind my back, so that I can’t do anything to myself, or out in front of me gripping the edge of the bed, so that I can not in any way get up from my bed to harm myself. I find this tactic works, but I wish I didn’t have to use it. You see, there’s are times that I really, really want to—no I need to cry, but no tears come out. It’s awful. I’m not dehydrated, so my body can afford to cry, but it just doesn’t. Instead I end up fighting to suppress tears at the most inconvenient moments. I feel so over-dramatic for making this post, because others who make these types of posts have such better reason behind theirs, and I feel as if my "reason", which is stated in the first few sentences, seems pathetic. Ugh, not this really sounds like some sort of woe-is-me pity party. Please forgive me. I guess I don’t know how I feel. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a common sentence said by someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] my plan I am 14 and am killing myself on the 26th, I just want to share my plan. I will hang my self on the tree outside at midnight between the 26th and 27th. I have made my mind up, I just need to buy the rope. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give a quote that represents medical anxiety? [/INST] Don't you hate new years? Soon as I started hearing fireworks and I looked outside my window to see them, there was only one thought that came to mind. "new years really puts a perspective on how much time has past and what little I did". I have to start looking for an apprenticeship as I am not going uni, but i can't. I just can't I dont know what the fuck I can be, Im literally going with what subjects I chose which I dont even know if i can enjoy with my social anxiety. Im looknig at all these apprenticeship wondering "what will happen then? will I be happy" I came into work today, and for some reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about my future. I mainly kept wondering if I was to grow old alone, I dont mind if that was my future, but I think the whole time I would be wondering I would kill myself. If I had a partner, maybe I can be happy for her. Maybe I can make my life meaningful, make it a reason to live. but who would want me? I play a lot of games and sometimes record myself, and when I heard myself, I just feel like crawling into a hole and never getting out. why do i sound so weak? so fucking pathetic? Why cant I be a inspiration, why am i me. As I kept wondering about this a made a mistake in work which led to everyone looking at me. I know they said stuff behind me, but i dont care, I deserve it. I asked this nice girl if she would give me a lift home which she agreed. This only led to me being the last to walk out of the store with everyone gone, including my ride. Guess she was joking, or just didnt want to give me a ride. So I walked with songs on my earphones in. I just wanted to run, be stabbed anything. I felt so depressed I wanted to cry, why am i me, why cant i be something instead of nothing? Its because I was raised that way, raised to be pathetic and stupid, like everyone has ever said to me since my birth. At one point a man was actually walking towards me in a shady way, I had my earphones in I quickly looked up to notice, which he immediately walked in a different direction and passed me. I just thought then "why, Im fucking self loathing here wanting to die, and im so godamn selfish to want to live, what the fuck do I want" I dont want to die, I want to start a new life, I want to be free of burden, and be a new me. I want a plan for my future, I want to know what I want for my future, I want to love someone, I want to feel that warmth of knowing that someone really cares for who you are. I want to have kids, I want to see there happy face as I grow up with them and play with them as long as I can. I want to let go of this burden of being me and buy a new me. I want to live a happy life, I want a reason to live. and not a reason like "It will get better" but "Im living for this/them" But I can't. I'm me, im damaged, and I just want to be thrown away, I'v tried. Iv tried so much to change, but I cant change. Im me, broken, worthless, no future for happiness, and deserves to die for it. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] Yep, I'm getting closer and closer Usually at this time of the year I'm not that depressed because I like christmas and spending time with my family. This time around it was ok, but I could feel that something was wrong. Now that everyone's gone and I'm alone again I feel so bad. There's also this girl. I started liking hier and impressed myself a lot by doing things that are basically superhuman for me, like approaching her. I thought that maybe it was time for me to be happy after all I have endured, especially as I was also having great success in school after getting back this year. But she basically killed all these dreams I had in one Facebook conversation today. And I'm definitely not stable enough right now to take that well. I'm supposed to study this week for my finals next week, but I'm not because there's no point. I already said it here but school (and basically everything) doesn't give me any satisfaction. I'm pretty sure she was my last chance at happiness. The thought of suicide is creeping up in my head so much it's insane. Few years ago I felt like I could never do something like that, even being depressed and all. And nowadays I'm thinking about logistics while crying in bed. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] I need a girl to help me not be suicidal, but she won’t speak to me Why is that worth it to her? </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement? [/INST] I wish I could just do it. 17F. I’m absolutely fucking worthless. I hate myself more than anything on this entire planet. I have no desire to live anymore. I have no desire to go back to school on Wednesday. How can I get through 3 more semesters of high school feeling like this? As of now, I am currently ranked #1 in my class, but there’s no way I could ever make that last. I’m going to lose the chance to be top of my class just like I’ve lost everything else I care about. I’m a failure and I don’t deserve to live. I will never accomplish anything and I will always be miserable. No one will ever love me or care about me. I’m so done. I’m so tired of this constant agony. I feel I should cry but I can’t even do that. I just want it to stop and I wish I had the courage to make it stop. Now I know how my father must’ve felt when he took his life. I understand now. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] It's been a month since I tried to kill myself and I haven't felt this low in awhile. I've been on medicine, very low stress situations, and have genuinely felt happy for the first time in awhile. Today I've had thoughts of ending my own life again. Why? Why do I think this? I didn't ask for these thoughts! </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give a sentence that exemplifies medical anxiety? [/INST] I don't know what to do Im really struggling in life right now. I have no money and still in school. I have so much I need to pay for and I have no way to pay for it. I have a little saved up and i feel like if I keep running it'll be okay. But I know one day it won't be okay and that'll be the day I try to kill myself. All my issues will catch up to me and it'll be too much to handle. </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] My mother found me after I overdosed and left me there I'm a 19 year old former uni student. I dropped out of studying for a degree in manufactured engineering just before christmas. I moved out of the city I'd lived in these past 4 years and moved back in with my mother. We argued a lot, or to be more accurate I'd piss her off by not realising x thing needed doing (because she wouldn't say anything, just silently fume) and she'd yell at me. Tell me I'm disgusting, lazy, not mentally ill, dirty, vile. She told me, a borderline personality sufferer, that I'm a manipulator. That I use people... that I'm a train of self destruction that hurts everyone in my life and leaves them. She's been this way all my life, and started saying this stuff to me when I was around 10. I finally realise that she doesn't actually believe these statements, rather she remembers things I've mentioned. She knows I'm scared of becoming a user and she decides to hurl it at me because she *knows* it'll hurt me. She says statements knowing that it'll hurt, and when I cry she raises her voice, then yells about me acting like a baby by crying. She takes enjoyment out of belittling me when she's hurt by something that I've accidentally done. So christmas eve I took a overdose of dihydrocodeine and amitriptyline. I took about 15 pills each. I began to fall asleep whilst eating pizza in the evening. My mother kept shouting me and asking me "how can you sleep sitting up?". I could still respond at this point but in a slurred way, saying I was just very tired. I went to bed. My mother promised me that she would wake me in 20 minutes, so it'd be a nap as it was only 6pm ish. My last memory is sitting on my bed as she promised me she'd wake me. I woke at 3am with no memory of what I'd done, hallucinating. Every time I'd close my eyes I'd see something, and when I opened them I'd see even more disturbing things. I have hallucinations due to BPD so it didn't disturb me too much. I woke my mother up around 11am christmas day with a coffee. Later in the day I began remembering what had happened, my overdose and asked her if she tried to wake me. She looked at me and said "I tried, you wouldn't wake up. I shook and pulled you and you carried on asleep. So you overdosed?". I admitted it. She just nodded. She didn't look upset or angry or even empty or defeated, just mildly annoyed. I asked her why she didn't phone an ambulance. She just said I was still breathing. My life has gone into shambles. I sleep on my mothers fold up bed in the hallway of her one bedroom flat. I have no friends, no purpose, nothing. I live with a soul destroying mental illnesses which leaves me on the verge of abusing people regularly, and in an effort to not hurt people I hurt myself through cutting and burning and using drugs and alcohol, and have done for nearly 10 years. I am heavily scarred, most are keloid. Red and purple and silver keloid scarring, raised and dents in my skin, all over from my arms to my breasts to my legs. I pissed myself the other month because the prescription painkillers, the constant use for years have done something to my bladder. I suffer with stomach pains due to the amount of pills I regularly take. I have no job, and considering the fact I can't even talk to people without stuttering and struggle to do basic things like go to the supermarket or talk to strangers it's no easy feat to get a job. Still I had a volunteer job at my old city, but I live too far away now. I'm broken, finally broken, and my own mother left me knowing I could die, because only a stupid person can walk on somebody unconscious and unable to wake and decide that theres zero chance that person will die. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] I’m really hoping I did in 2018 tbh. I’m only a 15 year old girl. Some might say that’s young, but I don’t really care. My life is pointless. Everyone yells at me no matter what I do. Everyone leaves me for no reason. Ugly with low self esteem. Never had a boyfriend. Nothing redeeming about me. I highly doubt I’ll do anything successful in life, so why continue? My parents always tell me being an adult sucks. I hate my life already, so why in the world should I continue into adult hood? I’m on antidepressants and they make me (I guess too happy?) and I laugh too much while I’m on them and it supposedly pisses of my parents so I’m confused. I can’t be happy nor sad. When I’m trying to make friends, I’m either too annoying and clingy or jealous, or boring and uninteresting. I haven’t done anything the cool kids have done such as drugs and drinking. I’ve never been to a party (unless a birthday party when you were like 10 counts) and I’m not talented or smart in anyway. School stresses me the hell out. I’m just done. My mom claims she loves me more than anything but I don’t believe that. My dad probably doesn’t care about me nor do my non existent friends. What’s the best way to kill yourself? That would be the best wish of 2018.! </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone verbalize their medical anxiety? [/INST] It's never good enough You do this and you want better. Have a good conversation with someone? It could have been better. Get a scholarship? Why didn't I go to Princeton or Yale? Why didn't I do this? Why didn't I do that? Why did I waste my time? You have a nice family. Why couldn't they be better? Why didn't they make me do more as a kid? You have good looks. Why can't I look better? You had girls flocking to you. Why didn't I just force myself to talk to them instead of being an autistic waste of space? Can I just start over? </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say if they are experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] Cheque Please Seems like we're all the same boat here, just desperately trying to stay afloat and make it to dry land. I'm just so tired of holding on, things just keep getting worse and worse. Everyday I wake up and wonder what shit will happen today, I'm lucky if I can get through a day without crying/getting yelled at by my boyfriend or others. I spent New Years Eve alone and crying, and today I'm doing the same thing. I was really hoping my boyfriend would have invited me to his work party today because even just such a small invite would have changed everything today for me. But he said no I can't go. So he's out having fun and he knows I'm suicidal, but doesn't care. Which hurts even more... Everything just hurts. I wish I didn't feel like this... Wish we all didn't feel like this. Just had to get that off my chest... </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] Off to the hospital we go. I dont have much faith in it nor do i see much of a point. I think its all just a waste of time for myself, then again my whole life has been a vast waste of time. Regardless wheather it works or not at least i tried to get better. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings? [/INST] Ridiculous that I even write here, but guess even I come to that point I have strong suicide thoughts. I never had it in my teens, bc at that time I always had hope that the future would turn out bright. But now I am 31, I have lost all hope. Leaving me wiht severe suicidal thoughts. I just see no more hope. My mind is totally fucked up. No hope to enjoy life ever again. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence that reveals medical anxiety? [/INST] don't know why I'm still alive i'm so done with all this crap and living and being upset and exhausted day in day out and not really knowing what i'm doing it for ive fucked up my life for as long as i can remember and have been trying for years to get better and happier and it just.. doesnt work? im almost 20 now and ive started getting therapy at 12. ive been cutting myself since i was 10. its not getting better. its getting worse. i have like 0 friends, my boyfriend broke up with me because of my mental issues, i quit school and work for inpatient therapy (currently home for the holidays and i dont want to fucking go back ever again). ive tried to commit suicide 2 times in those years and all i can think of now is that im a failure bc i cant do anything, not even killing myself, and finding out ways to succeed next time. its like the moment i woke up in the hospital i already knew 100% that it was gonna happen again. im so sad and used up and alone and tired of doing this and suffering and im so so so ready to give up i dont want to live anymore and i dont want to feel worthless anymore </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that depicts medical anxiety? [/INST] 40 and alone I'm 40... or will be soon. I don't have a husband or a boyfriend.... my longest relationship was 5 months last year. I don't have kids. What is wrong with me? Why do I repel men? I tried last night, and all it did was put me into a deep sleep. I can't even do that right. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of what someone with medical anxiety might say? [/INST] I think it's best to slip away Seeing the way my declining mental health is having such an effect on my loved ones is heart-breaking. I'm draining her, sucking the beauty out of her life. I'm a drain on resources. I wouldn't blame her if she left, she deserves all the happiness in the world. It's getting no better, I think disappearing is best all round. After the sadness has passed she'll be better off. I love her but I am unlovable like this. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that reflects the thoughts of someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] why is it so hard to die? yesterday i tried to kill myself, hung myself twice in a row but there was always something wrong all i managed to do was bite myself and my whole body hurts but i didn't have the energy to try again. for Months i've been based on the fact that i wouldn't be alive this year i never even considered the fact that i might still be alive and i am so fucking desperate i don't know what to do, my mental health is going to be even worse now that i know i'm so useless i can't even kill myself right but i can't stay alive i can't i can't i can't i sure as hell don't want to and i am So lost i was supposed to die this wasn't supposed to happen , i can't live and apparently i can't even die i just need everything to stop but it WONT why is it so hard just please kill me </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health? [/INST] I'm the worst person ever and I deserve to die for supporting piracy..... T_T For the longest time, I have been testing out countless video game emulators and downloading roms only because their games were recommended by reviewers. But then very recently I found out that the very notion of downloading ANYTHING I don't own is illegal and will result in a death sentence!!! I have been doing that constantly with games and even more obscure movies to a lesser extent! I am just the worst person ever for committing a crime and I am going to fucking kill myself right now!!! </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally? [/INST] Looking for a purpose I don't get it. It feels like my life has no meaning. I was really unstable for most of this year and now I'm probably the most "sane" I've ever been. But the only purpose I could find the only thing that made me push through the B's was my friends and now that they're gone it feels like I'm without purpose. There's nothing I really want to do. No dreams or ambition's. It makes me sad. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings? [/INST] Im searching for meaning I'm 19. Every year becomes more devastating and devastating. My whole life is one big crisis. I don't have friends, girlfriend, family, nothing. That's why I'm writing here, because i have nobody else. I had dreams and goals when I was a kid, but all of them faded in fog. None of them became real and it wasn't even my fault. And the fact that I never had a girlfriend and I'm 19... Everyone had someone by that time. I feel neverloved and I just want hang myself. And now when I should seeking for a job, I'm afraid of talking with the bosses and overall with the people. And I don't know what can I say about my life, because I never achieved something. Like really, nothing! I spent all my life dealing with the problems and trying to not kill myself. I spent all my life on PC and watching YouTube. What kind of boss want to hear that? Yeah, no one. I always knew that my life isn't covered with flowers. But seeing others happy and with good money wealth makes me depressed. I was never happy and I never had money. I'm starting to think that money can actually buy you a happiness. I wish, I could be born in another family. My dreams are broken and I'm late for making it real. I don't know it is just me or I really don't fit in this world? In this time I should enjoy every second of my life but I don't and I can't. I don't even have a dog to cuddle damn it! I don't know if I Will survive this week. I have suicidal thoughts for many years now, circa 5 years. Even if I commit suicide, no one Will miss me, because i have no one. Maybe it sounds stupid to you when I said that i have suicidal thoughts for 5 years now, but believe me, I lost roof above my head (home) when I was 12 years old (my moms fault). I know I'm not worth of life like this. I know I deserve better, but in this situation I'm right now, I can't do nothing. Is suicide my only option? I think it is. I hope I'm not too repetitive. English is not my foreign language. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a quote from someone dealing with medical anxiety? [/INST] The time has come. My pain ends now. This has been a really long time coming. I decided to sleep on it one more night, in the hopes of maybe waking up to the usual dulled pain and lethargy that forces me to go on another day. Instead I woke up with the pain in full force and I'm ready to silence it. I bought a rope last year that's been sitting under my bed. It's always been a comfort to me as my "way out" if it ever got too bad. Somewhere in my mind I always thought that's all it would ever be. Just one option out of many. I never thought I'd really lose all hope to the point of having no other options in front of me. I have hung the rope and I placed the chair. I don't know how long it will take me to work up the nerve to get up there but I'll wait as long as I need to. I don't want to talk here about my problems. I've talked about it more than enough and it's draining and only makes me feel more alone and hopeless when others don't get it. I've been told everything I possibly could from another person. And I understand. Everyone lives their own life and has their own struggles, and I can't expect people to understand or bring themselves to care about mine. If I don't want to live my life, that's nobody else's problem and nobody can fix it. I understand and I make my peace with that. I am posting here because I feel like I need to get all my thoughts out so that when I die I'll be empty. Nothing left unsaid and no reason to hesitate. I wasn't able to live a happy life but I hope that I can at least go in peace. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give a sentence that exemplifies medical anxiety? [/INST] I joined just to make this post... I plan on killing myself on Wednesday, which is two days from now. I'm on break from college, and I made three separate dates during this holiday period that I wanted to do it. This is the last date I can do it without having to interfere with any other responsibilities. I have bipolar disorder, and right now I'm riding a dangerous mixed episode, which is perfect ... maybe this time I will actually go through with it. I don't know what I am trying to even get from posting on here. I can't tell my family and the friends I have told are tired of hearing me. I also don't want to hurt them by letting them know. I just want to go out in peace, you know? </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] The thought of going back to school tomorrow scares me 0233 hrs School starts tomorrow I'm supposed to be asleep but I'm up and crying my eyes out. I feel so alone all a sudden. I feel like no one understands me. I feel homesick but home isnt home and I'm not welcomed either. 0238 hrs Voices flooding my head. I'm having an anxiety attack. I'm tired, I need sleep. But Im afraid to sleep because of the never ending nightmares that follow. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a statement that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] Struggling to stay safe I'm really struggling to stay safe just now and it too much. 2017 saw me lose my family, my friends and have to leave my job after being harassed. I'm still trying to deal with the nightmares and pain. I can't keep going through remembering my childhood abuse but I can't stop the flashbacks. I just want it all to go away. </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say to express their medical anxiety? [/INST] Would anyone be interested in reading my suicide note? It is essentially a biography. Hi, I plan to kill myself soon and I am writing my note/biography right now and was wondering if anyone would like to read it? Or perhaps should I post it elsewhere on the internet? I don't know. But I will be posting it the day or prior to the day of my death. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] Why shouldn’t I kill myself?? I literally have nothing to live for. I don’t have friends or a family. No one in my life truly cares about me. I am always alone. I have absolutely no future ahead of me because of my social anxiety, and I am too depressed and tired to fix that. There’s no reason to continue living. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health? [/INST] Anxiety. Loneliness. Confuse. 24m. Im an only child. The way i deal with loneliness as a young adult is seeking the warmth of another body and this often meant prostitution as In really bad socializing. Got gonorheaa last year. Recovered. And now it seems I might had contracted another STI. Too afraid to go to doctor for checkup. Friend of mine attempted suicide last year. Really admire her having that courage. I just dont know why Im doing these things or having these thoughts. I, dont know what to live for. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] Sour Love I swear, I'll never love again. Whenever I get a crush, he already has someone 10x more awesome than me, or isn't interested in me. I mean, I don't blame them...I'm a wreck. I'm just a teen but I know I won't get anywhere in life. I try to find a space here in the internet, but I can't even fit in here...I have only a few friends and my mother hates me. Welp...time to leave this place soon. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings? [/INST] Propanolol/Inderal overdose survivors share your story please How was it? Was it painful? What happened? </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally? [/INST] so... I still wanna die after surviving an OD, you'd think I'd have a bit more of an appreciation for living but I honestly just wish I hadn't called that person who called in the ambulance. I hate that my family says that if I do something again, they'll kill themselves. I hate that they spent money to keep me alive. I hate having these mental illnesses. I hate that this one person who was supposed to be there for me is the one who's causing the biggest problems. I hate that I still find myself wanting to be with him. I hate how I am. I hate being alive. Everything's always just so tiring. I just want to not. exist. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence that reveals medical anxiety? [/INST] getting closer and closer no matter how hard i try i can't see the point of living. it's all so predictable and vain. i might just end it all one of these days. totally sick of constantly chasing the rabbit; might just slaughter him. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of how someone might voice their medical anxiety? [/INST] Why I refuse therapy: a 2018 rant Sad? Therapy. Angry? Therapy. Happy? Therapy. Just telling my parents my sister molested me for six years? Of course, they sent me to therapy. That was last week. They just threw me in with some old man. He tried probing my brain, asking me how the moelstation effected my intimacy, commitment, and ability to forge relationships. Some man, I HAVE NEVER MET IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, wants me to reveal my deepest darkest feelings to him to try to "fix me." Well, I had my second appointment tomorrow...and I just got off the phone cancelling it. They're LITERALLY charged me the full amount because I waited so long to cancel, but I don't mind because that's how badly I do not want to go. I hate therapy because I have survived for nineteen years alone. I don't think I need it quite honestly. I have overcome suicidal thoughts, depression, and self-harm on my own. Sometimes, you just gotta get over that shit happened to you. Shit happens to everyone and I don't think I will ever be cured. Sure, I am a pretty fucked up, emotionally detached asshole who can't commit to a relationship to save my life, but why can't I fix my problems on my own? Why do I even have to change? Tbh I like being closed off and alone. Maybe I am just running from my problems. Maybe I refuse to acknowledge I need help. Or maybe I find solace in knowing human beings are POWERFUL and we can overcome adversity without some grumpy old man half-listening to my problems, scratching doodles on a notepad. I continue to run from my problems, but I hope one day I can figure this shit out on my own...without therapy. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence said by a person expressing medical anxiety? [/INST] The holidays are always rough on me... I hope everyone’s doing well. My depression seems to have come back full force the past two months, and now I can’t seem to be able to hold back all my suicidal thoughts. It’s the new year, and yet all I can think about is how much I want to be... gone. I think about what’s coming in the next few months, and everything just feels so depressing to me. But I don’t want to spend time with anyone, nor do I want to be alone. I’ve been telling some of my closest friends and my boyfriend what I’ve been struggling with, and I see how they look at me like “holy shit, she’s fucking losing it”. I don’t know who else I can spill my thoughts out to, and I feel so alone about it. I can tell that they’re getting tired of hearing about it and dealing with me... and it makes me want to disappear. Please help me. I’m so tired... and I’m hanging on the best I can, but i feel like I’m drowning. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say? [/INST] I don't think I can face another year Despite having a relatively nice new years eve, I've never felt so hopeless. The past year has been awful. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship towards the start, eventually allowed myself to start dating again despite pretty intense trust issues and once again got hurt. The last person to talk me out of hurting myself killed himself this year. Another year just feels like more emotional pain and I dont think I can take it. I never really use reddit but I just need to get out these feelings because they are eating me up inside and I'm about to snap. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a typical sentence said by someone experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] I really want to kill myself at work Frankly I'm too big of a pussy to do it at home, so I doubt I would ever even begin to get the ball rolling on this. But it's always in the back of my mind. In my fantasies, I walk in the front door, arms covered in fresh deep cuts, and blow my head off with a shotgun in front of all the customers and employees. It would be a revenge against my work as a whole. I actually really like most of the people I work with, which is one of the main things keeping this a fantasy. The thing is though is that I also fantasize about showing up for the first half of my shift and then just disappearing midway, only for them to discover me hanging in a bathroom stall hours later. This one is a lot easier to go through with than the other one so it scares me. Once again though I don't have the guts to do it at home so how would being at work make it any different. idk I've just felt really fucked in the head and I need to tell SOMEBODY about this </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] I'm gonna do it tonight I've got a well-thought plan of committing suicide and I'm gonna go through with it as I've tried all the so-called ways of getting better and nothing ever helped me really. I know my loved ones are gonna be in so much pain but I can't keep on going any longer. I don't even know why I'm writing this here. Maybe I still have some hope that you people will give me advice as I'm hopeless, don't have anyone to talk to. I've told my parents I'm suicidal and they don't give a fuck. I just wanna stop existing </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] Everything is telling me to die My life is completely worthless. I work a customer service job with no future, I dropped out of college and couldn’t get back in if I tried, and now I know I don’t matter to anyone. I asked what few friends I have left if they had NYE plans, and not only did they not respond, they posted a bunch of pictures of their party. Everyone I would’ve called a friend was there, and not a single one of them let me know. I thought I was worthless before this, but now I know I don’t matter at all. Suicide is clearly my only option going forward, and I have a method, place, and time all picked out. Just need to follow through now. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health? [/INST] My girlfriend has anxiety problems suicidal thoughts, how can I help her? Hey everyone. So when we got home from last night's party, me and my girlfriend had our usual random drunk honest conversation. I asked her about her on-going anxiety problems and if she still has suicidal thoughts and she said yes but she's 100% sure that she'll never do it because she doesn't want to cause pain to me and her family. * She's in her last year of her degree but she doesn't enjoy it. She'll randomly break down when she's studying or doing her dissertation. * She doesn't have a friend in her classes. Not even someone to have lunch with. So sometimes she skips her classes and says "oh don't worry, it's recorded". But one day she said that she hates sitting alone and people would stare at her because she's alone. * She's a foreign student. She only has me and her best friend (she's far away) here. I always tell her that it doesn't matter how many you have as long as you know you can trust them. I'm a very sociable person but I only have 2 friends too. * If I'm not home with her she always think that she's alone. * She doesn't know where her suicidal thoughts are coming from. I feel like she does but she just doesn't want to say it. More than likely because of the things I've written above. * So last night she say's "Don't worry. I would never do it because I don't want to hurt and burden you or my family." I told her she can't live her life for the sake of someone else. However, when I thought about it while writing this post I sounded very hypocrite. Since my mother passed away, the very main thing that's keeping me going is my 8 year old sister. I want her to be happy and have a bright future. Before we slept it off, she cried and I said to her that she can always talk to me. I assured her that I'm always here for her but honestly I don't want her to feel this way, that she's alone and I'm just scared that one day she'll do it. </s>
<s>[INST] What might someone with medical anxiety say in a moment of distress? [/INST] That's all folks. I've made my mind up few months ago, been preparing for this moment for a very, very long time - it's not like a bad decision made in a rush - I'm not a desperate person who is looking for some attention. The true fact of the matter is that, I've been reading about suicide behaviours and came across this site - been lurking reddit from time to time, but didn't really got interested in it. Why am I posting this here? Well, mainly because it will make me calm a little bit - it's 4PM in my country and I booked hotel for night - few hours of loneliness - nothing to do really. I've been dealing with depression for so many years, I'm currently 26 years old - got plenty of money and my own apartment for myself - basically I could carry on for at least 1 year od carefree lifestyle - **but choose not to**. Why? Well, I'm fed up with vegetative state of my life - I've realized that I haven't fulfilled myself, didn't have money to start college education altought I got myself in top university in IT - I have lame job, low salary, noone is really appreciating my person - no doubt, I'm ordinary guy - and I always thought that education will put me higher/above my peers - sadly, didn't have a shot to prove myself - plainly, I have much time to turn this around - but I choose not to. I'm not going to fool myself, I know how serious depression can be and that I ain't going to make up the most precious time I've lost once I've hit 20 years old - the best part of my life is gone. I don't stay in contact with my family - I don't care, so do they - I've abandonded my personal life - I've abandonded everything, I no longer have a desire to fulfill myself - I don't any goals in my life, motivation, some kind of mojo. Perhaps this state would change but I doubt that this will stay for more than a few months - once you come to realization that you are what you are - you have to stuck with it - simple as that. Didn't even put much of the fight once I realized my fate is decided - I know that I won't be happy with harms that have been done to me, **with things that I regret** and mostly with unfulfilled wishes that were possible to achieve, but in the end they were not accomplished. It's like having a really awful start to sprint, you won't make up the lost time in the short distance - you'll never win the race - and you have to stick with it. I fucked up the most important part of my life and had to come to realization. I was always really competetive man, always had this kind of mentality of being better than everybody else - whether at school (grade A student) or in other areas of life - but once I concluded that I'll never going to make up the lost time - and I'm not going to stick with lowering my expectations, been trying to do that for the past several years - it's just not working. Plain and simple, I have obtained a poison (not going to elaborate on this one, since I assume most of people reading this subreddit are suicidal or may attempt to off themselves) - I bought it as a chemical reagent - it's quite easy to get it, at least in my country - been reading lots of studies - I have a good shot of being succesfull. So tick tock, I'm going to spend my last hours on listening to some good music and I hope I won't forget to take some pills to make me chill. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] My new year's resolution is to work up the courage to commit suicide 27/male/worthless </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of dialogue showing medical anxiety? [/INST] I need a distraction Umm idk what to say but ive suffered through depression most of my short life and it really hit me hard this christmas season. Idek Why im such a mess, I have a gf friends and a fantastic life for anyone from the outside looking in. Yet I have such a change in attitudes and moods all the time I also feel life is pointless and is death is inevitable why wait till im 70 if i can just die now </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings? [/INST] Social anxiety and suicidal thoughts Don't even know how to start this, but as the title says, I have bad social anxiety that leads to suicidal thoughts. This isnt the only thing to make me feel this way but it's a major factor, especially now after last night. Every time I go out and get really drunk I can't help but analyze every stupid thing I did or said and it makes me hate who I am and how I act. Last night I did a shit load of blow and drank way too much and was just acting like a fool. The thing that pisses me off is that I know I'll feel this way after I do that shit but I do it anyways. I know this is a really stupid reason to want to end it but I can't help but fuckimg hate who I've become (there's also other huge factors but this is what's getting to me a lot right now). I'm going to stop drinking heavily as of now (hopefully, but probably not) but I can't deal with the shame of knowing I've made a complete fool of myself my entire life. I know I'm probably delusional and people probably don't notice or care, but I still can't help but hate myself for this. If anyone relates to this at all, how can I get past these thoughts and be comfortable with who I am? I don't want to kill my self but on days like these I can't shake the negative thoughts and end up sitting in my closet with a belt around my neck ready to hang or clearing out the garage so I can pull in with my car and fall asleep in it. Again, I know I just sound like a major pussy with trivial problems but these thoughts are very pervasive and I know I need to address them somehow. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety? [/INST] I spent New Year's Eve alone, and I didn't feel anything I want it to end. please help </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] Who am I? I don't even know anymore. Being alone fucking sucks. Being everybody's last choice fucking sucks. BEING TOO SCARED TO MEET NEW PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TALK TO THEM WITHOUT HAVING A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK SUCKS. 11th of November. That's when my last real friend left me. Knew them for years, fought all the time. One day we kinda just drifted away and now we don't speak at all. It affected me a lot more, because they were all I fuckin had. Don't blame them. I'm a pessimistic, worthless, talentless idiot without anything good to say about myself. I can truly and wholeheartedly say without a doubt; 'I. HATE. MYSELF.' I don't know. I can laugh with people, I can joke around and forget everything. But sometimes it all gets too much and even if nothing happened that day, everything starts closing in on me and my heart starts beating faster and I just want to die. I dig my nails so hard into my legs and forearms that it draws blood and I shrink away wanting nothing more than to cry. But I don't. My friends either laugh at me or tell me it's bullshit and I'm just seeking attention. So I sit silently beating myself up with a blank expression, tearing up my own skin and planning a new suicide attempt. That's what it's like now. Nothing happened nothing FUCKING happened why is this happening to me I did nothing wrong I was OKAY, I was FINE but now I'm not and I want to die and I just..god. I can't even put it into words. I just want to die so much. So so much. My life is meaningless. I have no future to look forward to. I have no talents, no friends, nothing to live for. I haven't really done much these past few days. I haven't eaten since Saturday. I don't do anything productive. I've just laid in my bed with the blinds closed, staring at the fucking wall with drying blood on my hands and bandaged arms. No one notices. And no one WILL notice. Not until the neighbors notice the rotting smell in a few weeks. I suppose this is the end, right? I'll probably be dead and gone in a few days anyway. There's rope in my closet, pills in the bathroom, blades on my floor and a gun under my pillow. But right now I can't really get up. I can't get out of bed today. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a quote from someone dealing with medical anxiety? [/INST] I’m still alive. I don’t know why, or for how long. Throwaway account, too many people I know IRL may see this. I’ve finally gotten tired. Tired of pretending. Tired of being rejected. Tired of being loathed by my family. Tired of being a burden. Im tired of trying to get approval. I’m tired of the only men that want me, just want me for sex, nothing more. Men I want to pursue something meaningful with reject me. I’m just tired of it all. 2018 can fuck itself with a hot poker. I looked up psychiatrists, maybe I’ll make an appointment and try therapy again. But I really just don’t have the energy to try anymore. I always feel like I have to watch what I say. If I say The wrong thing I’ll get locked up, or I’ll expose the family secrets and they’ll make me pay dearly. It takes so much energy, and I just don’t have it. Worse of all. I just don’t care about anything anymore. The only reason I haven’t killed myself yet is my BFF would be shattered. But I can’t talk about this with her because I don’t want to burden her anymore than I already have. I’m just tired. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety? [/INST] I'm sick and I'm so fucking alone I don't want to be alon any more. But I'm toxic </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say to express their medical anxiety? [/INST] i'm so sad of living i have suffered from depression pretty much all my life. i don't really have friends, one who i don't really see or talk to and my boyfriend who lives in another country. i'm 26 and i don't have any passions or goals, except to die. i live in the upstairs of my parents house alone, i don't ever go talk to mom and dad and only go there to eat. things should be okay in my life. yet i feel like the weight of just existing is crushing me, i'm so tired. i don't want to do anything. i can't. i feel sad because i said to myself that this would be my last year. i have betrayed me. i spent the new years sleeping, doing nothing as always. all i feel like is to just curl up in a ball, sleep and never wake up and its so hard to get up every day. i don't know what to do. i'm afraid to show my feelings to my bf because he is slightly depressed as well and if i show/tell him i'm sad it will bring him down too. so often i'm just stuck with my own thoughts i guess. i'm getting violent thoughts every day and i feel like bashing my head against a knife or cutting my stomach open. we have guns in the house and i think about getting the shotgun and ending it every day. i'm too much of a pussy. i hate this. i don't know what to do. i wish i would get into an accident and die so it wouldn't be my fault that i'm dead. i want death so badly. it's my dream. i'm sorry this is messy, i made an account just to vent a little. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that reflects the thoughts of someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] There is no hope left in me So I have been struggling with saddness and anxiety for around 10 years now. I have lost all hope that everything will be better. But I don't know what "getting better" means anymore. I don't want anything in life excepting dying. I hate myself and most people don't seem to care about me. And I don't blame them, I wouldn't like someone me either. Today is hard day because even my mother didn't reply to my Happy New Year message. I am alone and hopeless. My life came down to only survival. Every day is the same. My life consists of studying and going to collage I don't like where everybody is better than me, comming home to an empty apartment and thinking of ending it. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give a sentence that reflects medical anxiety? [/INST] I just want the pain to stop. I'm so tired of trying. I'm so tired of people telling me things will get better when I always end up in the same position at the end of the day: crying to the point of being numb and feeling trapped in a life I can't escape. I'm sitting in the dark at 6 AM, periodically bursting into tears and feeling like a terrible person for not being happy on New Years while also being jealous of those who are..... I know I'm only 17 and I have so many years ahead of me to make things better but the prospect of living through another year of turmoil is terrifying. I don't want to participate in my own life and I wish I could just disappear. No one needs me around and everyone would be better off without me in their lives, whining about stupid shit. I don't have talents, I don't have dreams or aspirations, and I don't have the drive to do anything. I'm useless and unproductive and a waste of space. I'm so sick of everything. I just want it all to stop. </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety? [/INST] I'm just sick of this. I am breaking apart. I'm falling apart at my seams. I wanted to badly to want to live but I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. I'm all alone; I don't have any friends, I don't talk with my family, the one person I loved and wanted to be with left me after 2 years and is now engaged within a few months. I'm just sick of feeling this way. I hate how I look, i hate how I am, I hate everything about me. There are no positive qualities to me. I can't meet new people, every time i try it just never works out. I get left behind, abandoned, ghosted. I'm scared to die but I'm also too scared to keep living. I'll never find anyone who actually truly cares for me. I won't find anyone who will try and fight for me as much as I will for them. I'll never be happy with myself. I have no idea who I even am. I'm just tired of being a waste. But why can't I pull the trigger? Why can't I kill myself? I want to be happy, I want to be loved and to love someone again but I doubt it will. Why do I feel like I deserve to be happy? Why do I feel like I am owed love and adoration? I'm not. I'm just some 23 year old who is fucking delusional. I want to live yet I hate doing it. I want to die but I'm too scared to. I try to say that things will pan out, everything will be okay but why should I think that? What have I done to warrant that kind of salvation from these dark unending thoughts? Who the fuck am I to think that I deserve happiness, to be loved or cared for, to be honored a place on this world? What have I ever done to deserve this sort of cosmic kindness? I haven't contributed anything at all. I most likely never will. So what sort of cosmic joke is this? I can't cry. I can't show emotions. I can hardly feel them ffs. I know I want to be sad, everything is screaming that I am not okay, that I am sad. But I can't feel it, I can't cry, I can't yell, I can't do anything to vent these emotions. Even when I'm happy I still feel nothing. My smiles and laughs are fake. I am constantly in a state of just numbness. Why? I can't be happy, I'm too afraid to die. When will one of these feelings win? I'd rather be one extreme than stuck in the middle. This trigger is so hard to pull. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] 12 years ago today I overdosed It was New Year’s Day 2006 and I had made my plan to overdose on a cocktail of different pills, mostly sleeping pills. I couldn’t stand the thought of going through another year with this depression and in a way, it was my news years resolution to end it all. I had everything in order, started swallowing them a few at a time, then sent my final goodbye messages to some close friends (tried to keep them vague). I was living in an apartment at the time and apparently one of my friends called my parents to come check on me after getting the text message and then me not answering my phone. My mom knocked on the door and I broke down. The pills were already taking effect and I felt really loopy and had felt some pain in my stomach. She took me to the hospital where I had my stomach pumped and was interviewed by a couple doctors and was eventually released to my family. I always consider this as my lowest point. I was able to find my way out of that depression with a year or so of counseling and making some big life changes. That was until about 2 years ago when the pain started to return. I’ve been experiencing an unbearable depression that seems to be getting worse. It’s almost like the depression learned how to build up a tolerance and has come back to finish me off. I can’t stop thinking about that moment 12 years ago, how it seemed like the best way out, and how I could finally go through with it since I know the mistakes I made before. Today is going to be a hard day. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of what someone anxious about their health might say? [/INST] Taking my meds, doing the therapy; Yet I still cry every day, want to kill myself every day. My work has changed hands recently, and the new team has forced us to understaff every shift, making things dangerous and stressful. So moral is low. People are leaving, signed off on stress leave. So we become more understaffed. Should have had 6 staff on last night. We had 3. I did everything alone, until the last 30minutes, when I asked someone to help me with a 2 minutes task. They blew up in my face and there I was, crying again. I want to die. I don’t want to do this all over again. I’m all pale skin, black bags, split skin and spots. I want to scream and punch and break myself and let everything out until I don’t exist any more. I want to die. I just want to die. </s>
<s>[INST] What might someone with medical anxiety say in a moment of distress? [/INST] I need someone, I don't know what to do I honestly don't know how much hope I have writing this post but I feel so alone right now and have no idea what to do. I made a really bad mistake and my girlfriend won't talk to me. She meant everything to me because she was one of the only people who I felt genuinely appreciated me. I don't really have many friends and the ones I do have, I am struggling to keep. I feel like they'll only talk to me or hang out with me because they feel obliged to. My parents yell at me for being too "moody". I try my best but I'm slowly giving up. I try to hope that things will get better but I can't seem to picture a happy future for me after everything that has happened. I think of suicide almost on the daily but I'm too scared to act on it. I live in really lucky circumstances; I live in a good house, I have a good family, I go to a good school, I'm really well off financially. I feel like dying now would be such a waste of so many people's time and money. But on the other hand I have nobody, I don't know what to do. I'm constantly in pain. Now that I'm typing this, it sounds so over the top, but I don't know how else to describe it. I just want someone to talk to. I want to do something about this. Thank you if you made it through the whole thing. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally? [/INST] human error 404 im sorry I feel like there's so much to say and no one to say it to. I feel like no matter what I am going to be alone in the end and I don't know if this is my fault or if this is a preordained fate that the universe decided for me. I am just so fucking sad and I don't know what I can do to make it better anymore. It honestly feels like no one cares that I exist and the only time they do is when they need me to be there for them or when it's convenient. I am last choice everytime. I was alone for every single holiday this year, including my birthday. I try so hard and I put so much effort in but I get nothing in return. I am always the friend that's there for everyone but no one is there for me. I can honestly say that there is no one i can go to, as a companion, as someone to be there for me. No one hits me up. No one texts, calls, snaps, direct messages, IM's me. We have so many means of communicating but here I am in this void of not mattering and no one caring. I know what you're thinking, someone does care even if it might not feel like it. No they don't care. They care because it's what works for them at the time and then when they're done with using me they ghost me. I think I offer a lot to people but I guess I am wrong. I go the gym everyday, maybe twice, because I literally have no other plans and no one to hang out with. Then I go on every social media network and see everyone who claims that they're my friend at a party or with someone else when I haven't hung out with anyone in two months. I guess I am to the point now where I wake up crying because I know that day will guarantee me loneliness and apathy. I wish I could say it get's better but it doesn't. Somehow even though I go to school full-time, double majoring, having a job, and a roommate would allow me to fill a social void I've been missing for a long time, but no one fucks with me. I am alone. I don't know why I don't matter. I've tried to matter for so long and I am exhausted. Everyone always says, it'll get better or someone will come along...but fucking when? When I am 80 with nothing to show for my life but a few degrees? Therapy doesn't work, medicine doesn't work, exercise doesn't work. Nothing will make me into someone people want to be around even when I am not this far along the line. I am hot, that's all that I have going for me, and that doesn't even work for my advantage because the only people that hit me up, if at all, are thirsty ass guys I know from wherever and they just want to sleep with me. It's seems so much easier to just quit, to just disappear, because that is easier than to wake up everyday knowing that no one cares about my existence. Now I don't either. I don't care anymore. This might not be the end of the world, but I think this is the end of my time on it. I'm sorry for not being enough and I am so sorry that I wasn't worth getting to know or having around. I am sorry that I wasn't good enough. </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] Got nothing to live for. I survived a suicide attempt two weeks ago. And I honestly wish I didn’t. I got liver damage from what I did. And they said that every attempt from now onwards could be my last due to the damage I did. And that just makes me want to do it again more. I wish I was dead. I’m suffering and I want it to end. I have nothing and no one. It hurts so badly.. it hurts so fucking much. I have nothing going for me and I’ve fucked my entire life up. I’m begging my mother to help me and she won’t. No one will help me. Im on a waiting list for mental help. I’m no one’s priority. I feel so helpless. I’ve tried everything I can and suicide seems like the only answer for me at this point in time </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] I can't see a point in either living or dying Seeing everyone here, knowing how many people are suicidal, I don't understand why I can't find anyone who actually feels the same way I do. I'm so sick of seeing the bullshit "happiness comes from within" stuff, because it doesn't. If there's nothing to be happy over, you can't be happy. It's not even a chemical thing, not for everyone. There are people who, with a little tablet or two, instantly feel great about life. Those people have their solution. So what about when those same tablets do nothing? It's because there's nothing wrong inside, you just have nothing to be happy about. That's why there's two types of suicidal people, the ones who want to die because there's something wrong inside stopping them feeling how they normally would, and the ones who have no idea why they should be alive or dead. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence said by a person expressing medical anxiety? [/INST] hurting loved ones I just got an evalution for smi (seriously mentally ill) and I found to be elgible, not a surprise to me my mind is all kinds of twisted yet Im intelligent I also got a recent diagnosis of psychosis then bipolar NOS (not otherwise specified) Im so delusional Im the biggest critic of myself Im a victim of long term abuse (emotional, sexual, and munchausen by proxy and narcissistic parents) and the result of that all Is that I cant love myself but I do try, Im with a boy whos the only one thats truly been there I do feel guilty as though my illnesses have taken a toll on him.. I get very jealous and sensitive I try to give him all the love I can and make things right.. I feel like a burden and just depressed Ive been prescribed seroquel which helped with my auditorial halluncinations and I dont 'switch' so rapid or intensely and for the most part the delusions I have of people after me is fading afterall my past 2 suicide attempts were mainly caused by the belief everyone wanted me to die and were plotting to kill me so I tried to do it myself so I could be in 'control of my own death' and the first one (Nov 13th 2017) I had been up, tried to OD on cough medicine in the middle of target admitted myself in the hospital and tried to escape a couple times, ended up assaulting 1 medical staff then had to be completely restrained and shot up with ativan was gunna go to jail had quite a few encounters with the police but I admitted myself after telling an officer I was talking to an officer I had told them I was talking to a nurse and they told me I wasnt talking to anyone.. I was all alone that whole day and even in the hospital everyone seemed to be more understanding when I broke down and talked about my feelings which was because I thought they were gunna kill me and I told them 'Whatever you do to me please keep it peaceful, I never got to live a good life Ive just been living a life of suffering' and this is coming from an 18 year old girl who was doing a few grams of meth a day, being told things about myself I can't even recall.. Im sober and I have more clarity now .. And Im doing better too but I feel like a burden and guilty for the damage ive caused to my love ones through my self destruction my boyfriend had to see me almost die.. I dont mind hurting myself but when It comes to hurting my loved ones cause of it I just feel so terrible yet I cant stop .. wish I didnt think about death when it comes to peace Does anyone ever get this? feeling bad cause you hurt those around you with your mental illness but also feeling like you should push them away so it doesnt faze them if you end up dying .. I dont even live for myself I live to make others happy I hate when I make them sad or upset.. just scared they lie or just feel bad for me </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone verbalize their medical anxiety? [/INST] My life is falling apart, I wanna talk... Every thing I bring to conversations is me drunk,please talk to me </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence? [/INST] How is everyone after the new year? It is a lonely time seeing midnight roll around on 1/1. Supposed to be magical I've heard. Hoping all u great people got through it ok. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a sentence that reflects the thoughts of someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] What even is the point What am i here for? what is the point of my existence? All my life i’ve felt lost &amp; that i don’t belong. I attempted to kill myself when i was 15 but when it went horribly wrong I thought to myself that i should give life a second chance but now it’s been 8 years &amp; nothing has changed. I still feel depressed, i still feel alone. So what is the point in keeping on </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say if they are experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] Not going to see my next birthday My birthday's next Monday and I can't think of any reason to keep living. I've spent years on antidepressants and in therapy and I'm still alone and miserable despite doing everything my therapist told me to. I mean what's the point in me staying alive? My family will get over it, I don't have friends and my job can be done by anyone with half a brain so why should I be forced to suffer year after year? </s>
<s>[INST] What could a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] I really need STD testing advice. I met a girl a party tonight, anyways we ended up making out and we eventually went to her room and started messing around. I ended up having oral sex with her, and we made out while naked. I’m a virgin and I’ve never done anything besides kiss before this. I feel so disgusting, I threw up after. How do I get tested for STDs? Do I wait until symptoms come up? There is a Planned Parenthood in my town. Ive never felt this awful. I honestly just want to end everything, I never thought I’d feel this awful. </s>
<s>[INST] What could a person with medical anxiety say? [/INST] The new year.. I have been depressed for months, but even worse ever since my ex left me in February. My life already felt fucking miserable and her leaving + the bullshit she put me through after our break up ruined me. She’s totally fine while I’m still fucked up. I can’t stop thinking about disappearing but I wouldn’t be capable to commit suicide, I don’t think. Sometimes I hope an accident happens but I’m scared. I became an alcoholic unintentionally and in August I started internally bleeding. I’m better now but I was battling with myself whether I should even recover or not. Today when I celebrated New Years with my family I felt sad. I wanted to cry at the thought of a new year. Another year to barely live, to suffer. It feels like a chore, I feel like I can’t do it anymore. I am so sad and tired. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a common sentence said by someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] Maybe this is the year I finally do it. Happy new year to everyone else out there who doesn't know if this is their last new year or not. IDK if my bitch ass will finally find the guts to do it this year, but I am optimistic for all of us here in the /r/. Cheers! </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say? [/INST] I don't know what's going on. I was feeling sad per usual so I took 11 of my anti depressants and a handful of other pills. I keep shaking and spazing. I don't know what's going on. Oh well </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of what someone anxious about their health might say? [/INST] Really got nothing left to give For the last couple of years I've had difficulty caring about anything at all for more than a few days. I had a girlfriend who was basically my shelter from the downpour of depression that follows me around but she broke up with me a couple of months ago. I had to withdraw from uni for a year before that because of depression which drained my motivation and my doctor gave me pills and forwarded me to a counsellor who actually really helped, but after I got out of the relationship I just stopped caring about that. My luck is so bad that my friends always joke about how I'm cursed, everything bad that could possibly happen happens to me. Also being dead must be easy because you're literally incapable of regret and that sounds like paradise to me. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally? [/INST] I fucked up bad Im on vacation with my family, we were on the 2018 party and we drank. My aunt and mom got drunk and i got a bit tipsy. I share a bed with my aunt and i got super horny and i took advantage of my aunt, i fingered her. She didnt say no or move out of the way but shes drunk and i feel like i raped her. I dont know what happened to me my hormones are out of control, as soon as i wasnt that horny anymore the reality hit me and i went to the bathroom. I dont know what to do rn im scared im just a teen and that wasnt me i cant go to sleep and i dont want to wake up tommorow help me please. </s>
<s>[INST] What might someone with medical anxiety say in a moment of distress? [/INST] I don't know why I keep going Life hasn't been good for a long time no, my hope that it will get better has been slowly going away. I don't know what to do with my life, thr pressure of college and having to become an adult is too much. It seems like everyone around me has a better life than mine. I don't even know what it feels like to bs loved, and ive given up hope that i even will. This new year will be the same, and I'm probably gonna end it before 2019. </s>
<s>[INST] What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety? [/INST] I'm going to jump off a freeway bridge. I've been depressed and suicidal for 4 years now and I can't deal with it anymore. I've tried everything. I've been on numerous anti depressants, talked to a therapist and other family members about it and I can't seem to find a solution. So I'm going to kill myself because I don't see any other way. And don't tell me "people care about you and will mourn for you" shit, it wouldn't matter if I'm dead. I'm finally going to do it and I'm so ready to finally kill myself I don't enjoy living anymore. I won't have to suffer anymore it would just all be gone. </s>
<s>[INST] What is an example of a statement from a person with medical anxiety? [/INST] I understand murder-suicide. The only reason I am still alive right now is because of my kids. My wife is strong and she'll pull through. I can't fuck her life up any more than I already have. But my kids. I know that having their dad dead, and dead in this way, will fuck them up more than I could possibly do by staying alive. The only reason I am alive is because I understand the pain that I would leave behind. I wouldn't wish the pain i am going through on anyone else, ever. But if we all die together then at least the ones I care about the most wont be in pain. Because it will be over. (And to any religiously motivated responders, No, there is nothing after we die.) Yah, I know there will be a ripple and the people beyond my immediate family will be hurt. But I don't really care about them as much and they don't really care about us as much. They'll get over it. So i understand it. In a twisted way it's the only logical solution when it comes to ending my pain and minimizing the pain I leave behind. But I won't ever do that. I am only saying that I understand now why some people do it. I have this fucking moral compass or something that says it wouldn't be fair to them if I ended their lives too. They deserve the chance to be happy. And it isn't fair to them for me to die either. Because then they wouldn't have their dad. And somehow I know that is important. But that makes my pain all the worse. I am trapped in a paradox from which there is no reprieve. It will never be better. It will never let up. It will never change. There will only be periods where I manage it better. Where I can keep a smile for a few minutes longer. Where things seem to be on the way up and life is totally awesome for a moment. But it never fails that as soon as that happens, as soon as I think things are actually OK, My karmic ass is going to get whipped and the illusion I had of happiness or satisfaction will be shattered. And the reality of the piece of shit I am will stare me back in the face. What the hell did I ever do to deserve to be like this? How is it that I could have fucked things up so badly along the way that this is where I am now? Nobody deserves this pain. Nobody deserves to feel this way. But here I am. Here it is. It is not fucking fair to me either and I am so sick of it. Every choice I make is wrong. Every thing I do makes things worse for my family. And if I go through with the only thing that will bring me any rest it will be the one thing that utterly destroys my poor boys. I can't do go on anymore and I can't end it either. But the day is coming where the pain is going to be too much to bear and it will win. And I am scared shitless for how my boys are going to get through it. Somebody PLEASE tell me that their dad killed himself and they were ok in the end. Please tell me that I can let go of this forsaken life. </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say to express their medical anxiety? [/INST] Why is this so difficult First of all happy new years.... This is actually my first post on reddit and I honestly have no idea how to work this. But to start of this post, I'm tired of fighting everyday just to get up... I'm tired of being told to let go of the past and pretty much pretend nothing has happened and that I've forgiven all parties involved... I'm tired of pretending I'm okay, that I'm happy when I'm really not..... I'm tired of not being able to take responsibility of my own emotions, which allowed to me to fall into this state of mind...... I'm tired of wanting to die... I just want to be happy, but I can't. I don't know why I can't be happy. I just came out as gay, have a loving family, and I also have a long term boyfriend, but I can't be happy. Every little thing makes me sad and go into a downward spiral of terrible thoughts. It's been like this since my early child hood years.. I'm trying so hard to fight and win, for the sake of not burdening my loving family, but its just so hard. I'm currently imploding and slowly pushing everyone away, just so I could feel at peace doing it. But I want to live.... But living is just so hard. I have so many feelings, but it is just too much. I don't know why I think killing myself is the best option. I just want to be happy. I want to be thankful towards my family for being so supportive, but right now I just loathe them, since I want to be as distant towards them to escape and be happy. I'm sorry if the formatting is terrible, but I'm just not feeling well. Also for the second year in the row, I'm backed up in the national suicide chat and I'm too scared to call... I just don't have the strength or courage to do anything right lol </s>
<s>[INST] What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety? [/INST] I have to take large amounts of Tylenol and Advil every single day. I'm 21. It's been a few years since I started doing this to take the edge off a chronic pain injury. It's probably from a slipped or herniated disc in my neck. I don't know, because I was never able to get the MRI. I'm hoping that I'm slowly destroying my stomach and liver so I could just die. Proper pain management medication is out of the question due to no money or health insurance </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone verbalize their medical anxiety? [/INST] When the ball drops. Hopefully 2018 willl bring better things in my life. My mother's mental health is slowly detoriating, and there's nothing I can do about it. Everytime I try to make her feel good, it's to no avail. I just want to cross things off my bucket list, so when I'm ready to transcend, I'll leave in a better place than I was when I began this save file. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health? [/INST] I thought I was content with how I look I was fine with how I looked for a few months, but I'm 100% certain that I'm so ugly that I'm beyond redemption. I was talking to someone on Whisper, and she basically made it seem like I was exactly what she was looking for. The only problem was that I asked if we could exchange pictures. I realized it was over when she sent a picture and she looked more than decent. I look like garbage in the shape of a human. &amp;nbsp; I know that relationships are not happiness generators, but I really can't find anything worth living for. &amp;nbsp; I'm ugly, my upper body hurts, and I'm really stupid. There are no positive qualities that I possess. &amp;nbsp; My resolution for this year is to die, like I should have last year. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone with medical anxiety express their fears? [/INST] Why can't I just do it I've stared at the floor for hours. I got cucked like the piece of shit I am. Can't get up to dance. NYE, full bar, and I'm sitting ina corner watching her dance with another man. Can't just find someone else. I wish I was never born. Why do I exist? I don't want to. All I've done is accumulate debt. I want to get shot and die. </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement? [/INST] It’s all my fault I lost my wife and two wonderful kids because I’m a compulsive liar and adulterous piece of shit. I never felt like I was good enough for my wife and she left me today when she found out about my lies. This is the worse I’ve ever felt in my life. I put a gun in my mouth and tried to pull the trigger but my kids faces came into my mind so I stopped. I can’t picture my life without them. </s>
<s>[INST] What is an example of a phrase from a person with medical anxiety? [/INST] I really, really just want to die I will never be good enough. I will never be cool enough to smart enough or pretty enough or kind enough. I hate myself so much. I just want to die. </s>
<s>[INST] What might a person say to express their medical anxiety? [/INST] I can't go any longer I'm sorry but this is it. I just can't do this anymore. These past two days have been the worst. The thoughts, feelings, everything. I've cut my whole fore arm last night and tonight and I feel really bad about it. I hid the gauzes so hopefully no one in my family finds about it. I have my arm wrapped up with pressure so hopefully it will stop before anyone notices but man I really am considering ending it all tonight. I don't know... I WANT TO END IT TONIGHT!!! </s>
<s>[INST] What is a common sentence said by someone with medical anxiety? [/INST] hurting so very bad i really feel like killing myself tonight... but i'm helpless because i have no good way to do it now. i don't know why i'm posting this. i'm 18, applying to colleges for next year, this year in an hour and a half, but i dont know how i'll make it till then and i have no money to pay for it. i drink and smoke weed every day and cut myself like twice a week. no friends, boyfriend of two years broke up with me recently, and i am so alone. it sucks seeing all the people i know but arent friends with doing fun things on social media. no one cares about me anymore. i don't want to live anymore. i've had enough pain. fuck new years for being so arbitrary but hurting when you're home by yourself. </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone articulate their medical anxiety? [/INST] None of my friends care. I see no reason to keep going. Holidays did nothing but make me want to die more None of them called. Family didn't visit/call. I just sat alone in my home wishing someone would atleast say "Happy holidays" but it didnt happen. Just told a close friend of mine that i have felt like i dont belong and i should just kill myself. All they said is "why havent you done it yet then?". I dont know what to do anymore. </s>
<s>[INST] What is a typical sentence said by someone experiencing medical anxiety? [/INST] (insert attractive post title that will encourage people to comment on my post) i want to kms, I could do it too. imagine if i just hang myself that would be rad. i have nothing to live for anyway. No relationship, no friends. is it normal to post this stuff more than once a week? idk... I need to die. </s>
<s>[INST] How would a person voice their medical anxiety in words? [/INST] not really into 2018 i was going to kill myself, but the only pills i have would cause seizures which sounds terrifying. i've been suicidal for five years off and on, and i'm really tired of these thoughts being a near daily occurrence. i don't know what to do and i don't know what i want from posting this. </s>
<s>[INST] How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement? [/INST] At a NYE party and sitting by myself I hate being fucking forced to go to these shitty parties where everyone is forced to interact with each other even though nobody gives two shits about anybody. All I wanted was to stay home in bed and sleep the night away but now I'm stuck with these miserable fucks and contemplating offing myself in the bathroom. Fuck this bullshit. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you give an example of a sentence said by a person expressing medical anxiety? [/INST] I can't. And I won't I won't put this bullet through my brain. I won't put this noose around my neck. I want to talk to someone and work through my problems. I'm not killing my self when the clock ticks to 12. I can't just lie here and die. To give up is to admit that I was wrong, and they were right. I was not born just to end my own life. That in itself is a paradox. So I say again. To reassure myself. I am not checking out. I will say this again and again if I have to. I'm not gonna tell myself that it's gonna be easy, I'm telling myself that it's gonna be worth it 3..2...1 </s>
<s>[INST] How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally? [/INST] The honest truth 2017 was a really rough year. Probably the worst year of my life tbh. There were some good memories. But it was mainly filled with loneliness and self destruction. I turn 21 in April. Don’t know if I’ll make it. Don’t know if I won’t die that day tbh. Not having a birthday hangout or anything for sure that day though. You know I’m hoping that maybe the beginning of 2018 will give me that fresh start I need. But that voice in my head is saying it won’t get any better. I’m running out of time. My time is coming, I can feel it. If this year is remotely like 2017, that’ll be it for me. I feel suicide pouring within me. In my veins. Poisoning me. It’s almost ready to take me. And there are a lot of times where I feel at peace with it. Where I am starting to say that I’m okay with leaving this world behind. This is my last push. There’s no coming back if I fail. The next failure will be my death. I love you all. And wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours. </s>
<s>[INST] Can you provide a statement that indicates medical anxiety? [/INST] Every Day Is Hard, Every Year Is Even Harder... I'm turning nineteen this year. Young, some of you will say, and I get that. I know I've got a lot of life ahead of me, but still... Every day is hard. I think about what things I could have accomplished by now, and what things I *should* have accomplished by now. I think of all the things I've failed, and every day drags on and yet goes too fast. I wish the day would end but I wish it would slow down and give me time to breathe and just think. Every year is even harder. It's 2018. I'm already almost through my teenage years. I'm almost in my twenties, and I'm a nobody. I'm useless. I've never dated a girl, never been found attractive or wanted, and the only friends I have are the few in college that I managed to make. I'm scared they hate me. I'm scared nobody will like me. I'm scared I'm a freak. I'm scared that I'll grow old and die meaningless. I'm scared because I *am* growing old. I'm almost *twenty*. I'm *scared.* I'm just so scared, and so tired, and I just want to be done, but I'm so scared of death that I can't do it myself, so I just sit here and waste away... Guys I'm so scared... </s>

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