the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
an anti - staining , antibacterial dentifrice comprises an anti - staining effective amount of an orally acceptable polymer or copolymer that comprises a plurality of monomeric groups of formula wherein one of a and a ′ is hydrogen and the other is a moiety n m , n in individual such moieties is independently 0 or 1 , linking groups x if present independently comprise an oxygen , sulfur , nitrogen , phosphorus or silicon atom , where n is 0 , m is 1 , and where n is 1 , m is independently an integer from 1 to 3 as determined by x , terminal groups r are independently hydrogen or c 1 - 18 organic radicals , and m and m ′ are independently selected from hydrogen , alkali metal and ammonium ; said polymer or copolymer having an average molecular weight of at least about 1 , 000 . the dentifrice further comprises an antibacterial effective amount of an orally acceptable halogenated diphenylether antibacterial agent , and an antibacterial enhancing effective amount of an orally acceptable polyvinylmethylether / maleic anhydride copolymer .
the present invention is a thermoplastic composite liftgate system with reinforcements in key areas to allow the system to meet performance requirements , while lowering the tooling investment , lowering the system mass , and improving the styling flexibility . the present invention includes an inner panel and at least one bracket or reinforcement member connected to the inner panel such that when a force is applied to the bracket , the force is distributed to the inner panel .
described herein are processes of making biocompatible water - soluble polymers conjugates . in particular , large scale processes of making poly conjugates that can be useful for a variety of drug delivery applications are described herein .
graft copolymers of hydrophobic polymers and hydrophilic polymers , a method for their preparation , and their use in membranes for medical treatments such as hemodialysis , hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration , in membranes for water purification , and in membranes for bioprocessing .
a grouting composition comprised of 84 - 95 % by weight of granular water - swellable sodium - based bentonite , 1 - 8 % by weight of finely divided salt - water hydratable sepiolite , and 4 - 8 % by weight of a clay stabilizer . the grout composition which contains no organic polymeric substances is mixed with fresh water to provide a pumpable , rehydratable , and easily applied grouting slurry . the slurry admixture will form a solid seal with low hydraulic conductivity and high structural stability . the grouting composition is useful for sealing the annular space around a well casing and plugging abandoned wells in practically all types of formations . a preferred grouting compostion comprises 88 - 90 % by weight of granular sodium bentonite , 6 - 7 % by weight of sepiolite , and 4 - 5 % by weight of granular ammonium sulfate . in use , 50 pounds of the preferred grouting compostion is mixed with 13 - 14 gallons of fresh water directly to provide a grouting slurry with a total of 30 - 32 % by weight of active solids and a density of 10 . 1 - 10 . 3 pounds per gallon . the slurry admixture is a completely inorganic , non - toxic , and environmentally safe grouting system .
a substantially pure capsular exopolysaccharide adhesin of coagulase - negative staphylococcal strains , and a gonoral method to prepare such adhesins , are described . vaccines composed of such adhesins , and uses of such adhesins to produce polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against such adhesins , are also disclosed . the adhesins are useful in coating polymoric medical materials to prevent colonization by coagulase - negative staphylococcal strains , and as a probe in selecting desirable polymeric medical materials . such adhesin antibodies are useful in vivo to prevent infection by nosocomial coagulase - negative staphylococcal strains , in assays for the detection of such bacteria , in assays for the estimation of such adhesins in complex mixtures , and as an affinity chromatography matrix .
the invention describes a method for bonding components of a sputtering target , comprising the following steps : providing a first component and a second component , the harder of which has undercut protrusions ; positioning them against each other ; and pressing them towards each other resulting in a plastic deformation of the material of at least one of the two components , filling the undercuts thereby creating interlocking , as well as the bonded assembly so created , and its recycling . no step creating bonding other than interlocking on a major part of the bonded surface area is necessary .
a plastic food container has a body and a removable lid . in a closed position , the lid forms a watertight seal to contain food or liquids . the lid is easily removed in a “ pop - open ” fashion using two fingers of one hand to squeeze outwardly - protruding tabs . upon squeezing , the tabs operate as levers to open the lid .
a bakeware for preparing food includes a container for receiving ingredients and for separating a resulting food into predetermined portions during a cutting operation . the container has a bottom portion and at least one side wall extending outwardly along a periphery of the bottom portion . the bottom portion and the at least one side wall define an interior surface of the container . the at least one side wall terminates at an upper rim . a cover is disposed on the upper rim and is formed from a low thermal conductivity polymer . the cover includes a portion indicating indicia formed thereon , and each indicium of the portion indicating indicia has a cooperating indicium on an opposing side of the container . the cover includes a portion indicating indicia formed thereon , and each indicium of the portion indicating indicia has a cooperating indicium on an opposing side of the container .
a hanger system hangs flexible plastic bags by an increased thickness of plastic near the tops of the bags . the bags &# 39 ; increased thickness results from ridges of slightly thicker plastic wall at the top of the bag , such as is common to rib and groove bag closures . bags are supported downhanging from slots defined between adjacent rails , or fingers . the width of the slot is normally such as to maintain a downhanging bag securely closed , but may be widened over a short region . the seal of the bag may be opened at this widened region and material , particularly liquids and gases , may be inserted into or extracted from the cavity of the downhanging bag , particularly by use of a tube , or straw .
a method of using fluorinated - nanostructured poss chemicals as alloying agents for the reinforcement of polymer microstructures , including polymer coils , domains , chains , and segments , at the molecular level . because of their tailorable compatibility with nonfluorinated polymers , nanostructured chemicals can be readily and selectively incorporated into polymers by direct blending processes . the incorporation of a nanostructured chemical into a polymer favorably impacts a multitude of polymer physical properties . properties most favorably improved are surface properties , such as lubricity , contact angle , water repellency , deicing , surface tension , and abrasion resistance . improved surface properties may be useful for applications such as anti - icing surfaces , non - wetting surfaces , low friction surfaces , self cleaning . other properties improved include time dependent mechanical and thermal properties such as heat distortion , creep , compression set , shrinkage , modulus , hardness and biological compatibility . in addition to mechanical properties , other physical properties are favorably improved , including lower thermal conductivity , dielectric properties , fire resistance , gas permeability and separation . these improved properties may be useful in a number of applications , including space - survivable materials and seals , gaskets , cosmetics , and personal care .
current chemotherapeutic approaches for cancer are in part limited by the inability of drugs to destroy neoplastic cells within poorly vascularized compartments of tumors . we have here systematically assessed anaerobic bacteria for their capacity to grow expansively within avascutar compartments of transplanted tumors . among 26 different strains tested , one appeared particularly promising . we created a strain of c . novyi devoid of its lethal toxin and showed that intravenously injected c . novyi - nt spores germinated within the avascular regions of tumors in mice and destroyed surrounding viable tumor cells . when c . novyi - nt spores were administered together with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs , extensive hemorrhagic necrosis of tumors often developed within 24 hours , resulting in significant and prolonged anti - tumor effects . this strategy , called combination bacteriolytic therapy , has the potential to add a valuablle dimension to the treatment of cancer .
photon welding devices of this invention comprise a non - coherent photon source , and a light pipe coupled to the photon source at one end . a thin mask is positioned at another end of the light pipe that defines a weld location for photon delivery . a work piece to be bonded by the device comprises a top layer of transparent plastic and a base layer of absorbing plastic . the thin mask is in the form of a reflective coating positioned on the end of the light pipe over all surfaces that are not in contact with the work piece . a device includes a member that imposes a controlled , compressive force to the work piece while it is being welded and during a short time thereafter . the device also includes a member that maintains a desired alignment of the light pipe , top layer of the work piece , and base layer of the work piece during the bonding cycle .
a mounting assembly is provided for effecting the flush mounting of a non - movable window with respect to adjacent body panels of an automobile . the assembly provides a molded plastic annular frame member positoned between the window and a depressed flange of the vehicle body . the frame receives a plurality of fasteners in rotatively fast relationship for assembly on the body flange .
an improved plansifter having an open trough - shaped housing on which is centrally mounted an oscillation generator having a drive motor and a rotary and balance weight for imparting oscillation movement to the housing . a pair of sieve stacks , each having a plurality of individual sieves , is mounted on the floor of the housing stradling the oscillation generator . the housing is suspended for free oscillation . in a preferred construction , the rotary unbalance weight is accelerated by the drive motor to operational speed in a short period of time in order to preclude adverse resonance effects . the deleterious effects which might occur to the structure as it goes through its resonance frequency during acceleration and deceleration of the rotary unbalance weight can be further minimized by providing a suspension means comprising an elastic suspension element at one of four positions on the housing . each element may include a plurality of circularly cylindrical plastic bars extending parallelly from a point or locus of affixation on the housing . in one preferred embodiment , first and second ends of the bars can be secured at the point or locus of affixation to the housing and an external support respectively by means of a plurality of facing clamping members with facing clamping surfaces having contours formed therein to accommodate and securely retain therebetween the plastic bars .
spaced seams in a disposable garment web containing a plastic component and moving rapidly along a direction of manufacture is formed by bringing an ultrasonic welder into pressurized contact with the machine web for a predetermined period of time , heating the web along the seam for a first segment of the predetermined period of time and then maintaining pressurization with the ultrasonic welder during a second segment of the predetermined time period without heat sufficient to permit the plastic material to resolidify .
the invention relates to a novel method for the in - vivo labeling of biopolymers such as proteins , nucleic acids , lipids , carbohydrates and biodegradable plastic using isotopes , especially stabile isotopes . the invention also relates to the use of chemolithotrophic bacteria for the in - vivo isotopic labeling of biopolymers . in particular , the invention relates to the use of co 2 - fixing bacteria , such as ralstonia eurtropha and related methanogenic bacteria for the in - vivo isotopic labeling , especially for labeling using the stable isotope 13 c alone and in combination with other isotopes . in addition , the invention relates to the use of isotropically labeled biomolecules in therapeutic and diagnostic applications , especially in spectroscopic methods and generally as tracers .
the specification relates to certain imido - oxamide - type compounds and derivatives thereof which are useful for preventing metal catalyzed oxidative degradation of polyolefins . the specification also relates to olefin homopolymer and copolymer compositions containing such compounds and derivatives thereof and to a method for enhancing the resistance of olefin homopolymers and copolymers against metal - catalyzed oxidative degradation by incorporating these compounds therein .
aqueous fluorocarbon polymer coating compositions which contain colloidal silica and mica particles are provided . these compositions are useful for coating substrates , especially metallic cookware and bakeware to give non - stick finishes having improved resistance degradation by hot oil .
the present invention is a novel , ultra - small tip , internal referenced , amperometric microbiosensor that uses an immobilized biological interface to measure the concentration of an analyte in a specimen . it consists of a casing that narrows to an aperture having a diameter at the tip no greater than 4 μm ; enclosed within the casing a reference electrode and a working electrode both immersed in electrolyte ; within the aperture , an inner polymer film , an immobilized biological interface layer , and an outer specimen - compatible , non - virulent polymer film . another important feature of the present invention is that the microbiosensor can readily be encased in a durable protective sheath . the microbiosensor is especially useful in situ for specimens that cannot be mixed , such as in situ compounds in unmixed fluid , or semi - solid specimens . the microbiosensor provides 90 % response time less than 5 seconds and typically about 1 second , less than 5 % change in output current due to changes in the stirring rate , and the ability to measure in viscous , semi - solid or porous - solid specimens with a spatial resolution as small as 30 μm .
manufactured articles and methods of producing such articles are disclosed where the article has a thermoplastic polymer component and a curable polymer component . the curable polymer may be moisture - curable polymer , or microwave , dielectric or radio frequency curable polymer . the articles may be manufactured by a variety of polymer processing methods including extrusion , co - extrusion , co - molding , injection molding and calendering . a variety of articles and shapes may be made by the method including electric wire and cable , and weatherstripping .
the present invention is directed to polymeric coating formulations in which addition of an antimicrobial to a solution , containing solvent and polymer , significantly alters polymer entanglements . benefits include alternative routes to , and customization of the polymer &# 39 ; s degradation pathways . the dramatic entanglement changes also provide manufacturing advantages such as ease of stirring , pumping , and spraying . furthermore , the coatings may have faster drying times , less shrinkage , more complete fill , and a more even coat for a given thickness . methodology for production of coating formulations of the desired properties and their use to provide antimicrobial coatings is also described .
a method comprising : forming a living liquid polymer , wherein said living liquid polymer is anionically initiated and comprises a cation ; adding a functional initiator precursor of the formula fi - h , wherein h is hydrogen and fi is a functional group , said h terminates said living liquid polymer resulting in said liquid polymer having a number average molecular weight of about 20 , 000 to about 100 , 000 , and said fi and said cation form a functional initiator ; adding monomer , wherein said functional initiator initiates anionic polymerization of said monomer ; and terminating the polymerization reaction initiated in step . steps through may be conducted in a single reactor , allowing a liquid polymer to be dispersed in a functionalized polymer in a single polymerization step . thus , the liquid polymer does not have to be handled separately and processing efficiency is improved .
apparatuses and methods are described for distributing gas which may be applicable in the field of polymer oxidation and melt curtain ozonation in particular . ozone applicators and other features of ozonation apparatuses , which may be used separately or in combination , are also described .
a glazing table of the type for supporting a window pane , plate or window assembly thereof , said table including a support frame having a pair of oppositely disposed support columns , an elongated hollow manifold member rotatably journaled on said columns adapted for pivotally mounting said table , a base member fixedly attached to said rotatable manifold member , a resilient platen member made from an elastomeric or polymeric material attached to said base member , a plurality of vacuum ports extending through said base and resilient platen members , and a vacuum supply source for automatically applying a vacuum confronting undersurface of a glass plate or panel mounted on said base member .
a laminated transparent assembly suitable for use as a windscreen for a high speed vehicle , e . g . an aircraft or railway locomotive , comprises a load bearing sheet of toughened glass having a second sheet of glass laminated thereto by means of an impact resistant interlayer of plastics material , e . g . polyvinylbutyral , and an insert of high tensile strength flexible material which extends around the periphery of the interlayer and which has an inner part embedded in the outer marginal portion of the interlayer in a plane parallel to the surfaces of the interlayer , and an outer part extending outwardly beyond the edges of the interlayer to provide for attachment of the assembly to the structure of the vehicle . the insert is preferably a sheet of fabric material , e . g . a fabric woven from rubber - impregnated glass fibre cords and nylon , with the glass fibre cords substantially perpendicular to the adjacent edges of the assembly , embedded between layers of soft polyvinylbutyral . the outer part of the insert may have a flexible portion adjacent to the edges of the interlayer and an outer marginal portion which is reinforced , e . g . with metal , to render it rigid to provide means for attachment of the assembly to the vehicle structure .
a method for increasing the long term storageability of a cellulosic paper or paperboard product . the method includes providing a paper or paperboard product made from cellulosic fibers having a basis weight ranging from about 80 to about 300 pounds per 3000 square feet . a holdout material is applied to at least one surface of the paper or paperboard product . the web is then coated with an ink receptive material selected from the group consisting of an aqueous acrylic polymer coating material , an aqueous biocidal agent and a combination of aqueous acrylic polymer coating material and aqueous biocidal agent and dried to provide a paper or paperboard product having enhanced long term storageability . webs made according to the invention are suitable for making file folders which exhibit improve long term storageability by resisting damage from moisture and / or biological activity .
a process for separating components of a gas mixture using gas - separation copolymer membranes . these membranes use a selective layer made from copolymers of partially fluorinated or perfluorinated dioxolane monomers and a second monomer , such as dioxane or a partially fluorinated dioxolane . the resulting membranes have superior selectivity performance for gas pairs of interest while maintaining fast gas permeance compared to membranes prepared using conventional perfluoropolymers , such as teflon ® af , hyflon ® ad , and cytop ®.
a highly - sensitive , rapid response fluorescent probe is based on the affinity of a polymer matrix for an analyte of interest . the probe includes a polymer matrix and a dye immobilized in the matrix . the polymer matrix has an affinity for an analyte of interest and the dye has little or no sensitivity to the analyte of interest when excited by an excitation source in a free state but has significant sensitivity to the analyte of interest when excited by the excitation source when immobilized in the matrix . sensors incorporating the polymer / fluorophore probes of the present invention have the sensitivity and rapid response needed for detection of chemical agent and biological materials . sensors using the probes provide sensitivity to sarin at several hundred parts per trillion in one second or less . that is a notable advance over state - of - the - art detectors that require preconcentration steps , which in turn restrict response times to one minute or more . a wide - range of near - infrared excitable fluorophores are used as sensitive probes for analytes not detectable when the fluorophores are outside the polymer matrix . the present sensors provide early warning of the presence of toxic chemicals , provides for on - line analysis of trace materials in chemical and biological processing operations and biomedical processing operations , and provides for effective biomedical and environmental monitoring .
a method of automatically wrapping in plastic film a shallow tray filled with irregularly - shaped contents such as meat or vegetables is provided . no elevator for tray movement is required yet the method forms a lap seal on the bottom of the tray with any of the modern soft plastic films , including stretching and shrink films . the trays advance into a curtain of the plastic film arranged transversely to a tray feed track . a first air blower blows onto the film surface above the tray , billowing the film smoothly ahead of the tray to prevent folds from forming in the film and to keep moving air between the tray and the film during tray advance to avoid snagging therebetween . a lower edge of the film is captured between the tray bottom and tray support rollers . the film is draped over the top and back of the tray . a second fan blows air upwardly onto the under - tucked film to ensure proper placement thereof . a tucking device displaces the support rollers downwardly and tucks and forms a lap joint between the film ends beneath the stationary tray . end folders then tension and fold the tubed ends of the film upwardly to the sides of the tray and downwardly to the bottom of the tray prior to shrinking or final heat treatment of the film .
the invention provides a new method of recycling recyclable waste products suited for household use wherein the container is a plastic injection - molded container having a monolithic body formed from plastic resin and includes a pair of integral compartments . fibrous waste is placed in one compartment and nonfibrous waste comprising rigid and semirigid container , e . g ., glass jars , metal beverage and food cans , plastic bottles and glass bottles are placed in the other compartment so as to presort the recyclable articles . the container is then taken to a collection point where the presorted products can be picked up by a recycling collection contractor and maintained separate from one another during transport to a recycling center .
the present invention relates to a composition for bone - filling , more particularly , to a bone - filling composition for stimulating bone - formation and bone consolidation comprising calcium sulfate and viscous biopolymers . the composition of the present invention can easily be administered into the missing part of injured bone . since the composition of the present invention does not diffuse to surrounding organs , it can effectively be used for bone - filling material suitable for body .
a water purification system including a rectilinear housing having a plurality of vertical baffles spaced therein . the ends of each of the baffles are located a certain distance below the housing upper edge or above the housing floor to allow for the flow of washwater therethrough from a housing inlet to a housing outlet . a rectilinear array of media , e . g . corrugated plastic , is located between the baffles for harboring bacteria , and an air supply means is provided therebeneath . a feeder mechanism is also provided on an exterior wall of the housing for feeding supplemental bacteria into the housing to make up for bacteria depleted through the operation and use of the system .
disclosed is a method for modifying the surface properties of a silicone or siloxane - based polymer or copolymer substrate comprising , exposing the surface to a basic aqueous resolution comprising a substance capable of graft - polymerization with the silicone or siloxane - based polymer or copolymer substrate , the aqueous solution having a ph above about 8 . 0 , the exposure to the basic aqueous solution being for a time sufficient to enhance the graft - polymerization and subjecting the surface and basic solution to conditions whereby the polymerizable substance is polymerized to form a graft - polymerized coating on the surface . also disclosed are compositions of matter prepared by the above - described process as well as articles manufactured therefrom .
a method of coating an article is provided . the method includes : preparing a solution including a bioactive agent and a carbon nanotube precursor ; treating the solution to form carbon nanotubes ; and applying the solution to the article . a method of producing a medical device is provided . the method includes : forming a core of the medical device with a pattern on a surface of the core and assembling a multi - walled carbon nanotube array on the pattern on the surface . the pattern on the surface may determine an orientation of the multi - walled carbon nanotube array . a method of manufacturing a medical appliance is provided . the method includes creating a mixture of a carbon nanotube precursor and a polymer and injecting the mixture into a mold . the mold forms the mixture into a shape of the medical appliance . a method of forming a nanotube tissue scaffold is provided . the method includes forming a nanotube precursor and treating the nanotube precursor to form the nanotube tissue scaffold . the nanotube tissue scaffold is electrically conductive .
this invention provides a method for chamber conditioning with deposition mode . the method includes performing organic gas introduced constantly into a chamber , wherein said organic gas comprises halogen . adhesive polymers are formed from said organic gas and particles in the chamber , and deposited onto the wall of the chamber to form heavy polymers subsequently . it is necessary to make a similar chamber condition for manufacturing every batch of wafer . in other words , the development of a non - ignored pollution problem , which is increasing with batches of the manufacturing of wafers will not occur . by using said method of deposition mode , it is speedily and easy to decrease the amount of particles in the chamber for the requirement for wafer manufacturing .
an image projector that drops into the accessory slot of a luminaire and projects high quality images printed on plastic slides in full color and photographic detail for extended time periods without heat degradation . the projector comprises a cooling fan , infrared and ultraviolet light filter means , and an inexpensive and removable slide assembly comprising a plastic image slide , a protective film slide and at least one mounting plate . the cooling fan is combined with layered , reflective filters to create a protected environment for the plastic image slide to survive the extreme heat at the gate of today &# 39 ; s efficient luminaires . the plastic image slide is created on a plastic sheet using conventional computer printing technologies .
a flow - through vacuum degassing unit for degassing a liquid includes a vacuum chamber adapted to be connected to a source for creating a vacuum in the chamber , inlet and outlet connections for admitting and discharging liquid to be degassed and one or more tubes for conducting the liquid through the chamber , wherein the tube is formed in a predetermined , memoried configuration and capable of self - supported containment in the vacuum chamber , the tube being of a thin - walled semi - permeable polymeric resin material .
fluidic methods and devices for conducting parallel chemical reactions are disclosed . the methods are based on the use of in situ photogenerated reagents such as photogenerated acids , photogenerated bases , or any other suitable chemical compounds that produce active reagents upon light radiation . the present invention describes devices and methods for performing a large number of parallel chemical reactions without the use of a large number of valves , pumps , and other complicated fluidic components . the present invention provides microfluidic devices that contain a plurality of microscopic vessels for carrying out discrete chemical reactions . other applications may include the preparation of microarrays of dna and rna oligonucleotides , peptides , oligosacchrides , phospholipids and other biopolymers on a substrate surface for assessing gene sequence information , screening for biological and chemical activities , identifying intermolecular complex formations , and determining structural features of molecular complexes .
a waste treatment system which is capable of handling materials of widely different physical characteristics such as glass , metal , and fibrous and plastic waste , incorporates a rotor rotatably mounted in a waste receiving vessel , the rotor being adapted to fracture brittle material , compact malleable material , and otherwise pulverize the frangible waste to a particulate form small enough to be extracted through a perforated plate . the rotor also circulates the material in a slurry form within the vessel in a vortical pattern so that the waste is repeatedly treated until it is ejected from the vessel . a series of space attrition bars are mounted outwardly of the rotor to provide an annularly shaped , discontinuous attrition surface , and hammers or flails are pivotally mounted on the rotor to reduce into smaller pieces materials which are flung upon or between the attrition bars by the rotor . where the waste material contains a high proportion of rags , tubing and other stringy material , a rotating chopper blade is provided to chop this portion of the waste into smaller pieces which are more readily handled by the rotor and flails . waste materials which are not readily reduced to a pulverized state by the system are segregated from those which are and removed separately .
this invention relates to a carpet tile that includes a polyolefin secondary backing layer . in particular , this invention relates to modular carpet tiles having at least one layer of polyolefin - containing thermoplastic polymer in the secondary backing of the carpet tile . by modifying the composition of the carpet tiles in this manner , the carpet tiles are able to withstand the high temperatures associated with surface printing of the tiles , while still maintaining cold temperature flexibility .
a ceramic fiber band that can fulfill a plurality of functions in connection with the injection and / or extrusion process of an injection molding or extrusion apparatus , thereby reducing overall energy costs and creating a safer working environment . the ceramic band , being an insulator and having heating and / or cooling elements with a faster response contained therein , exert the desired heating / cooling effect upon the barrel portion of the injection / extrusion machine thereby raising , lowering , or maintaining the temperature of the fluid plastic compound passing through the barrel .
a method and an apparatus to thermocrystallize amorphous thermoplastic material in a bottom portion of a preform while producing a container . by means of at least one heating device the plastic material is heated to an elevated temperature at which the material crystallizes thermally . the supply of energy is discontinued once the material crystallizes at a speed entailing that the thus released effect corresponds to or exceeds that effect which departs from the material undergoing crystallization . the apparatus includes a mandrel having a forming surface which at an increased temperature is brought into abutment against a defining surface of the bottom potion . the forming surface has a curvature which deviates from the curvature of the defining surface so that during the initial phase of the abutment the forming surface is abutting against the defining surface only in a central area thereof . on continued displacement of material in the bottom portion in order to form the portion the size of the central area thermoplastic material intended for temperature - conditioning abuts against the forming surfaces .
a novel reusable plastic drum container assembly and a process for installing a fitting - receiving member in an opening provided in a drum head wherein the opening is formed by a cylindrically - shaped neck member having an outer sloping surface including a circularly - shaped indentation portion extending perpendicularly from top surface of the drum head and wherein the fitting - receiving member in cross - section is of an inverted u - shape having an inner cylindrically - shaped portion , a circularly - shaped base portion , and an outer cylindrically - shaped leg portion defining a channel and is disposed over the neck member of the drum head with an electromagnetic bonding material fused between the outer surfaces of the neck member and the interior surfaces of the fitting - receiving member .
a permanent magnet array iron filter has a generally circular collar made of a high magnetic permeability material with a plurality of magnetic assemblies interiorly disposed longitudinally around an interior circumference therein . each magnetic assembly has two magnets with opposite poles facing the center of the filter and a gap between the adjacent assemblies . this arrangement intensifies the resultant magnetic field and projects the field deeply within the interior region of the filter . rare earth permanent magnets are used to maximize the magnetic field . the collar may be coated with a plastic coating to protect the filter . the collar has a gap to provide flexibility when sliding the filter over an oil filter . the thickness of the collar may be adjusted to meet the requirements of a particular application .
this biomaterial comprises at least a compound consisting of an association of collagen , chitosan acetylated to a degree of acetylation between about 10 and about 40 % and of glycosaminoglycans . it has its application in orthopedics and plastic surgery and for making extracellular matrices for regeneration of nerve cells and bones as well as biocompatible envelopes . a particular application is the making of artificial skin consisting of a dermal layer of the velvet type obtained from biomaterials such as those described above . the process of obtaining this dermal layer consists in adding a collagen solution of the chitosan , then in adding to the collagen - chitosan a mixture of chondroitins 4 - and 6 - sulfate .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of vinylic and dicarboxylic monomers such as vinyl acetate or vinyl alcohol and maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride , or combinations thereof . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers , which are then hydrolyzed to replace ester groups with alcohol groups . the polymers may be complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seed to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly , to seeds , to fertilizer , or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
a laminate comprising a soft polyolefin resin layer , an ethylene - unsaturated carboxylic acid ester - maleic anhydride terpolymer resin layer , and a soft urethane foam resin layer is disclosed . the laminate is produced by a process comprising co - extruding a soft polyolefin resin and an ethylene - unsaturated carboxylic acid ester - maleic anhydride terpolymer resin to prepare a two - layer sheet and continuously laminating a soft urethane foam fabricated in a stratiform state on the ethylene - unsaturated carboxylic acid ester - maleic anhydride terpolymer resin layer by hot pressing . the laminate has a satisfactory appearance , toughness , a soft touch , and a cushioning effect .
a polymer having a repeating unit of ## str1 ## and a method for preparing it through zr - catalyzed polymerization of methylenecyclopropane is disclosed .
a laminate which is useful as a construction material is disclosed . the laminate has a substrate layer which contains vinyl chloride polymer , a butadiene rubber graft copolymer , and has a superstrate layer which contains vinyl chloride polymer , butylacrylate rubber graft copolymer , and titanium dioxide . the superstrate layer protects the substrate layer from excessive exposure to ultraviolet light , heat and moisture , and thereby protects the substrate layer from weathering during outdoor use of the laminate as a material for siding , gutter systems , downspouts , shutters , window casings , and other exterior outdoor weather exposed building material applications .
a method of molding a blister for a display package wherein there is provided a plurality of mold units , each mold unit having a base , a first surface extending from the base , a second surface adjacent to the first surface and forming with the first surface an angle less than 90 °, providing a planar plastic sheet and orienting the mold unit so that the first surface is essentially normal to or forms an angle about equal to or less than 90 ° to the plane of the plastic sheet , with the proviso that the angle formed by the plane and the second surface is less than 90 °, providing wire filaments for physically compressing upon the planar sheet and between each of the plurality of mold units and for segregating the plurality into rows of individual mold units , further conforming the plastic sheet to the shape of the mold unit , whereby a shaped plastic sheet is produced , and removing the shaped plastic sheet from the mold unit according to a translation direction substantially identical to the translation direction of the step of conforming the plastic sheet to the shape of the mold unit .
a method for homogeneously assaying biopolymer bonding includes obtaining signals from a test sample before , during and / or after the application of stimulus to the test sample and correlating the signals . the signals , whose magnitude correlate with binding affinity , can be , for example , electrical conductance and / or fluorescent intensity . the stimulus can be , for example , electric voltage and / or laser radiation . preferably , different types of signals are measured and compared so as to enhance the reliability of the assay .
compositions of matter and methods for enhancing bioassay performance are disclosed . more particularly , the composition of matter comprises a molecularly compact polymer - ligand conjugate capable of self - orienting on a surface to improve the orientation of the ligand / receptor binding domains within the bioassay at the nanoscopic level . in a preferred embodiment , the molecularly compact polymer comprises a dendrimer polymer such as a fifth generation polyamidoamine dendrimer having exterior surface hydroxyl and amine functional groups , and the ligand / receptor comprises an antibody or fab .
the invention relates to an acrylate monomer of formula 1 dtp - coo — n — o — co — ch ═ ch 2 wherein dtp is a diterpene group derived from a resin acid and n is a number from 2 - 4 as well as a process for the preparation thereof . the resin acid is in particular abietic acid or an isomer thereof . these monomers and the prepolymers and polymers derived therefrom can be used as biodegradable adhesives for materials such as metal , plastic , glass , paper and wood , in particular as construction adhesive .
the invention is a fiber reinforced thermoplastic automotive bumper wherein the reduced fiber additions consist of a long , chopped glass mat with the addition of mineral fillers such as mica , talc or clay . the modified thermoplastic is used to produce i - section bumpers . the improved reinforced thermoplastic material has favorable flow characteristics which enable the material to substantially fill the deep ribs and mounting stay structures used in i - section bumpers during compression molding while improving the modulus or cross - face stiffness of the finished part . for the first time , improved flow characteristics during molding permit the material to flow evenly into small ribs , bosses and other features . the invention makes it possible to increase part integration , molding pencil braces , fascia supports , mounting holes and mounting stays . the front surface of the bumper may be covered with a conformal energy absorber made of plastic foarn . moreover , the absorber serves to mount appearance fascia . the result is a cost - reduced , weight - reduced bumper with improved impact resistance .
a method is provided for more efficient application of a polymeric coating to a substrate surface . one aspect of the method comprises applying an organic liquid to the wafer and spinning it to coat the entire wafer surface prior to the application of die coat . this reduces surface tension on the wafer and reduces the amount of die coat required to achieve a high quality film .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane - based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active histrelin at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of histrelin to tissues or organs .
a method for intermittent production and continuous supply of a resin - filler mixture in the course of production of plastic molded parts and an installation for intermittent production and continuous supply of a resin - filler mixture . a method and an installation , by which it is possible to ensure a continuous supply of a resin - filler mixture reliably and in continuous operation , an optimum and precise mixing ratio of the individual constituents of a resin - filler mixture , mostly consisting of a resin mixture and fillers , in which components , particularly portions of very small or highly viscous components , are dispersed finely and uniformly . optimizing the production of resin - filler mixture for the supply of small components and achieving a continuous supply of the resin mixture that is reliable for continuous operation occurs .
a composition veneer that is extremely flexible , foldable and moldable , is provided by impregnating a wood veneer with a plastic film . the veneer has a smooth protective polymer surface without separate and distinguishable layers . as a result , the composition veneers of this invention exhibit moldability and shapeability properties similar to plastic sheeting , but contain natural wood and have the appearance of natural wood .
a closure device for closing a mold tool for manufacturing objects from thermoplastic materials includes a frame including a first yoke , which supports directly one of the two displaceable mold plates supporting the halves of the mold tool , a second yoke remote from the first yoke and spaced tie and pressure rods extending between the first and second yokes . the ends of the tie and pressure rods , proximate to the first yoke , are rigidly connected with the first yoke and the opposite ends of the tie and pressure rods are hingedly connected to the second yoke . the closure device further includes a mechanical drive extending between the second yoke and the other of the two mold plates and a synchronization device for enabling synchronous displacement of the two mold plates .
a process for regenerating and recycling aqueous alkaline or neutral degreasing and cleaning solutions contaminated with emulsified oils by adding thereto cationic surfactants or cationically modified polymers or a combination of cationic surfactants and cationically modified polymers to break the emulsions . the contaminants which precipitate are mechanically separated off and the cleaning solution is thereby regenerated without loss of cleaning efficacy .
a container body is formed of a polymer material and contains coloring matter effective to render the body substantially opaque to electromagnetic radiation having a wave length of about 5 to about 600 nm and translucent or semi - transparent to electromagnetic radiation having a wave length of about 600 to about 800 nm . the container permits storage and transport of photosensitive fluids , for example , body fluids for test purposes which contain bilirubin and other photo - degradable substances , but at the same time the contents of the container body are apparent from visual inspection .
this invention relates to a thermal dye transfer assemblage comprising : i ) a dye - donor element comprising a support having thereon a set of sequential repeating dye patches of two subtractive primary color image dyes dispersed in a polymeric binder ; and ii ) a dye - receiving element comprising a support having thereon in order : a ) a layer comprising a heat - sensitive , dye - forming precursor of a third , complementary , subtractive primary color image dye dispersed in a polymeric binder , the dye - forming precursor being capable of forming the third , complementary , subtractive primary color image dye at a temperature which is higher than the temperature used to transfer the other two subtractive primary color image dyes ; and b ) a dye image - receiving layer ; the dye - receiving element being in superposed relationship with the dye - donor element so that the dye layer is in contact with the dye image - receiving layer .
biomimetic tendon - reinforced ” composite structures feature improved properties including a very high strength - to - weight ratio . the basic structure includes plurality of parallel , spaced - apart stuffer members , each with an upper end and a lower end , and a plurality of fiber elements , each having one point connected to the upper end of a stuffer member and another point connected to the lower end of a stuffer member such that the elements form criss - crossing joints between the stuffer members . the stuffer members and fiber elements may optionally be embedded in a matrix material such as an epoxy resin . the fiber elements are preferably carbon fibers , though other materials , including natural or synthetic fibers or metal wires may be used . the stuffer members may be rods , tubes , or spheres , and may be constructed of metal , ceramic or plastic . the stuffer members are preferably spaced apart at equal distances . if the members are tubes , the fiber elements may be dressed through the tubes . alternatively , the fiber elements may tied to the ends of the stuffer members and / or to each other at the joints . both linear and planar structures are disclosed .
a method of minimizing kogation of a heater element in a thermal inkjet printhead . the method comprises the steps of : supplying an inkjet ink to a nozzle chamber of the printhead ; and repeatedly actuating a heater element in the nozzle chamber so as to heat a portion of the ink to a temperature sufficient to form a bubble therein , thereby causing droplets of ink to be ejected from a nozzle opening associated with the nozzle chamber . the ink comprises an acrylic polymer having a glass transition temperature of less than about 100 ° c ., which minimizes kogation of the heater element .
in textile printing using a printing paste containing a dye and a biological polymer as thickener , removal of the thickener and excess dye is made much more efficient by washing the printed textile in the presence of a suitable enzyme . the enzymatic breakdown of thickener decreases process time as well as the amount of energy and water needed to achieve a satisfactory quality of the textile .
this invention provides packages and containers produced by a solid state method for the manufacture of foamed polymeric material . the packages are suitable for pre - cooking or sterilization , insulated transport , cooking vessel , reheating , and storage of food . the gas impregnated thermoforming process includes interleaving an article of raw polymeric material with a gas channeling means ; exposing the article to a non - reacting gas at elevated pressure to achieve a desired concentration of gas within the polymer , thereby forming a partially gas - saturated article , separating it from the gas channeling means , then decompressing , foaming and forming it at a temperature below the material &# 39 ; s melt temperature ; and finally trimming it to produce a finished foamed polymeric material and recycleable scrap solid state process foamed polymer .
new polymers and anti - reflective or fill compositions including those polymers are provided . the polymer comprises recurring monomers according to the formula wherein r comprises a light attenuating compound . the inventive compositions can be used to protect contact or via holes from degradation during subsequent etching in the dual damascene process .
a method for manufacturing a casing includes steps of providing a film ; attaching a strengthening plate onto the film ; placing the film and the strengthening plate into a mold ; and injecting a plastic material into the mold such that the plastic material and the strengthening plate are combined with each other .
methods and systems for microbial fuel cells with unproved cathodes are provided , in accordance with some embodiments , methods for microbial fuel cells with improved cathodes are provided . the methods comprising : abiotically reducing oxygen on a cathode having a catalyst layer bound to a gas diffusion layer using an anion conductive polymer , consequently accumulating off at the catalyst layer , and reducing local ph by conducting the oh ″ away from the catalyst layer , directly or by transport of anionic buffers that act as oh ″ carriers , through the anion conductive polymer , in accordance with some embodiments , a system for microbial fuel cells is provided . the system comprising : a container , an anode , anode - respiring bacteria , and a cathode having a catalyst layer bound to a gas diffusion layer using an anion conductive polymer .
a new and useful process is disclosed for manufacturing a device for use in a bioprocess , comprising : providing solid support means insoluble in water or organic solvent solutions ; coating said solid support means with organic - solvent based polymeric film means capable of applying one or more biomaterials ; and adsorbing or covalently bonding at least one functional biomaterial to said polymeric film means . the polymeric film means , for example , can be used to coat antigens , antibodies , haptens , enzymes , living bacteria , yeasts , etc . to a glass support material , e . g ., a glass tube , with surprising retention of the biomaterial &# 39 ; s essential characteristic properties . the solid support means include but are not limited to those comprising glass , ceramics , metals , polymers and woods . the device of the invention is particularly useful in various immunoassays using a solid support for separation of phases .
capillary tubes useful for performing capillary zone electrophoresis separation techniques are prepared by precoating the capillary tubes with an adhesive agent , preferably a dilute agarose phase . the analytical agarose - based media then is positioned in the tubes , where it adheres to the earlier coating . the analytical media exhibits strong structural integrity and adheres well to the capillary tubes ; moreover , the media is suitable for capillary zone electrophoretic separation of biopolymers .
the use of poly - poly block copolymers in pharmaceutical compositions useful for modifying the surfaces of contact lenses and other medical devices is disclosed . the present invention is based in - part on a discovery that this class of compounds is particularly efficient in wetting hydrophobic surfaces , such as the surfaces of silicone hydrogel contact lenses and other types of ophthalmic lenses . such compounds are also useful for cleaning purposes . the use of the compounds as surfactants in various types of compositions for treating contact lenses therefore represents a preferred embodiment of the present invention .
a method and apparatus for pulverizing into fine powder in one step scrapped difficult to crush plastics of fiber reinforced thermosetting plastics by using a rotating diamond wheel having diamond grits of rough grain size of more than 270 mesh on the outer surface , a pushing unit to press plastic materials against the diamond wheel above and a powder collector .
a coating and method for a coating an implantable device or prostheses are disclosed . the coating includes an undercoat of polymeric material containing an amount of biologically active material , particularly heparin , dispersed therein . the coating further includes a topcoat which covers less than the entire surface of the undercoat and wherein the topcoat comprises a polymeric material substantially free of pores and porosigens . the polymeric material of the topcoat can be a biostable , biocompatible material which provides long term non - thrombogenicity to the device portion during and after release of the biologically active material .
n - halamine biocidal materials and coatings are provided . monomeric oxazolidinones or hydantoins are homopolymerized or copolymerized with other monomers so as to produce materials or coatings , which upon exposure to solutions of chlorine or bromine become biocidal . the biocidal materials and coatings are effective at inactivating microorganisms upon surface contact and are regenerable following loss of efficacy upon further exposure to solutions of chlorine or bromine . surfaces which could be treated with the materials and coatings include , but are not limited to : glass , plastic , metals , fibers , and wood for use in pool and tank liners , food wrappers , catheters , paints , tiles , shower walls , fabrics , sterile bandages , pipes , medical and dental coatings , preservatives , and the like .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or the absence of at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of the biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against the disease .
a method for manufacturing a blow - molded body employs a two - part blow - mold . a tubular preform is introduced , with the material in a thermoplastic state , into the opened blow - mold halves , and a reinforcing element is supported inside the preform by a displaceable holding device . during closing of the blow - mold halves , pressure is exerted on the wall regions of the preform that are adjacent to the reinforcing element . this pressure results in a reduced cross section of the preform wall in the region of the reinforcing element , and thermoplastic material is displaced . the interior of the preform is subjected to a blowing - pressure no later than when the pressure is applied from the exterior , and the blowing pressure causes the preform to inflate inside the mold . the displaced material anchors the reinforcing element inside the blow - molded body , and preferably forms bridges which extend across the blow - molded body and which cover the sides of the reinforcing element . the reinforcing element may also be provided with passages into which displaced material enters to form further bridges .
the present disclosure relates to a new polymerisation process in which ethylenically unsaturated monomers are polymerised by a living radical polymerisation process in the presence of an initiator and a catalyst . polymers produced by this new process are also thought to be novel and may be used to derivatise biological molecules to improve their efficacy as therapeutic treatments . a preferred polymer is of formula the polymers are particularly suitable for derivatising proteins , such as interferon - α .
post - mold cooling of injection molded plastic articles such as preforms is achieved by transferring the articles directly from the mold cavities onto cooling cores carried by a take - out plate . the molded articles are supported on the cooling cores until they become sufficiently frozen that they can be stripped from the cores .
a joining element to be anchored in an object with the aid of a thermoplastic material and mechanical vibration comprises a sealing portion and a wall anchoring portion . the sealing portion is substantially cylindrical and has a smooth circumferential surface . the wall anchoring portion has a circumferential surface which comprises the thermoplastic material and energy directors . a cross section of the sealing portion envelops the cross section of the wall anchoring portion and is arranged adjoining to the latter on its proximal side . the joining element is anchored in an opening provided in the object wherein a cross section of the opening corresponds to the cross section of the sealing portion of the joining element such that the latter can be forced into a mouth of the opening resulting in a press fit . for anchoring the joining element in the opening , mechanical vibrations e . g . ultrasonic vibrations are coupled into the joining element and the latter is forced into the opening until at least a distal part of the sealing portion is positioned within the opening . thereby , the thermoplastic material of the circumferential surface of the wall anchoring portion is liquefied and pressed into the opening wall , wherein the sealing portion prevents the liquefied material to penetrate through the mouth and therefore the mouth remains clear cut , i . e . does not get blurred by the liquefied material .
although analysis can be very quickly conducted at a low cost by a method for measuring a biopolymer using a nanopore , the accuracy of distinguishing the individual monopolymers constituting the biopolymer is low . to both ends of a biopolymer through a nanopore , molecules which are larger than the nanopore are attached and then the biopolymer is reciprocated by an external force to thereby perform repeated measurements .
non - pvc multi - layer film containing an outer layer , a supporting layer together with at least one interposed central layer , characterized in that the outer and supporting layers contain polymers having vicat softening temperatures of above approximately 121 ° c . and that at least one central layer contains polymers having softening temperatures of below approximately 70 ° c . the non - pvc multi - layer film is particularly suitable for the production of medical bags , in particular multi - chamber bags , as the materials of the individual layers are selected in such a manner that the film is transparent and flexible , but in particular also heat - sterilizable , fusible and heat sealable . the film is moreover completely recyclable .
a composite membrane structure for immobilizing biologically active materials , such as enzymes , is formed by coating a microporous polymeric membrane with a thin layer of an inert proteinaceous material , such as zein or collagen , so that the resultant coated membrane retains intercommunicating capillary pores that extend through its structure . immobilization of a biologically active material is carried out by contacting the coated membrane with the biologically active material in solution and drying . biologically active materials immobilized on the membrane can be used to perform biochemical reactions and are useful in carrying out tests for glucose and uric acid .
the invention relates to a process for the performance of chemical reactions , more particularly for the production of plastics by means of extruders . the conveying path in the extruder is subdivided into different temperature zones whose temperature can be adjusted independently of one another . as a result , numerous chemical reactions can be performed in a controlled and continuous manner . the invention also relates to an apparatus for the performance of the process , the corresponding extruders having separately temperable casing compartments and being equipped with independent tempering devices . application to chemical reactors for light to medium production runs .
a play arch attachable to the chair of a stroller having space - apart side . the arch is an elongated strip of rigid though pliable plastic material and has a length greater than the distance between the sides of the chair . the arch is formed with a plurality of non - bendable segments which are interconnected by bendable integral hinges and comprises a coupler fitted at either end of the strip to connect the strip to the sides of the chair to cause the strip to assume the curvature of an arch .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain cationic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . such properties include the ability to extract the polymerized medical devices with water . this avoids the use of organic solvents as is typical in the art . the polymer compositions comprise polymerized silicon - containing monomers end - capped with polymerizable cationic hydrophilic groups .
a vinyl chloride homopolymer or copolymer composition contains a silane , a compound capable of generating free radicals and a stabilizer comprising a lead compound or an organotin compound which is effective to prevent discoloration and degradation of the homopolymer or copolymer and does not inhibit the grafting of the vinyl silane on the homopolymer or copolymer . the graft homopolymer or copolymer is exposed to moisture to cross - link it , suitably after molding or otherwise fabricating the graft polymer to form an article . there is also provided a method of moisture cross - linking poly and vinyl chloride copolymers .
a knife to be mounted in an oscillating tool for cutting through the adhesive that fastens a window pane in place , especially in a motor vehicle . to reduce the risk of damage to its edge and to the window frame or other areas of the vehicle body , the knife has a rest made out of a soft material , especially plastic , associated with at least one side of the blade .
only two symmetrical stabilizers in a polyolefin or copolymer thereof , provide thermooxidative or antioxidative stability . one is an arylphosphite or arylfluorophosphite ; the other is a monomolecular tri - substituted triazine in which each of three chlorine atoms on a trihalo - s - triazine is substituted with a piperazinone in which the n atom in the 4 - position is alkylated . only a trace amount of phosphite , at least 0 . 01 phr but less than 0 . 1 phr , is used so that the ratio of the piperazinone - substituted stabilizer to ester is greater than 1 ; additional phosphite has no noticeable effect . the trace amount of phosphite has a surprising booster effect , giving the stabilized composition excellent to stability . articles thermoformed from the stabilized polyolefin or copolymer thereof may be used under the hood or the dash of a vehicle , and , in containers for packaging goods , all of which articles are subject to to degradation even if they are not subject to ultraviolet light degradation .
a method of making a one - piece , rigid thermoplastics body for a discrete , releasable push - in tube coupling device of the collet type comprises initially injection moulding the body about one or more rigid cores . each rigid core is then withdrawn axially while the moulding is still in a plastic state whereby the outer , narrower bore portions of the body expand radially . the expanded portions are then radially contracted back to their as - moulded configuration using a jaw - like tool and finally the body is allowed to cool .
a plastic tubular member , open longitudinally along one side , is compartmented across its width to receive a plurality of media for supporting different bacteria cultures ; and is equipped with an inoculating wire which extends axially along the tubular member through aligned intramural openings between the compartments . to prevent contamination between compartments , and maintain them in a sterile condition before introduction of bacteria cultures , the intramural openings are sealed with drops of wax in a two - step process . in a first step , the inoculating wire , which extends beyond the ends of the tubular member , serves to support the tubular member with the compartment openings directed downward over a vat of molten wax . a reciprocating comb having a plurality of prongs is mechanically moved from a lower position in which it is immersed in the molten wax , to an upper position , in which the prongs engage the compartment openings . the prongs of the comb have recesses or v - shaped notches in the upper ends , which function to carry puddles of molten wax to immerse and coat portions of the inoculating wire when the prongs engage the respective tubular compartments . in a second step , the plastic tubular member is disposed in a vertical position with the terminals of the inoculating wire engaged in closed - contact relation with the contacts of a heater circuit which heats the inoculating wire causing the wax deposits thereon to flow into and hermetically seal the space between the wire and the aligned intramural openings in each of the compartments .
light weight metal bonded abrasive tools consisting of an annular rim of metal bonded superabrasive joined to a central core or hub made from a dissimilar metal , such as aluminum powder , are manufactured in a single sintering step that yields a near net shape abrasive tool . the abrasive tools are useful for the grinding of optical components made of plastic or glass .
the present invention provides a sustained release pheromone formation comprising the sex pheromone substance which is an aldehyde compound wherein the formation can prevent the degradation of the aldehyde compound and release the compound at an uniformed rate during the control term of the subjective pest insects . the sustained release pheromone formation is obtained by mixing an aliphatic derivative of which number of carbon atoms is equal to or less than that of the sex pheromone substance with a c 10 - 18 aldehyde which is a sex pheromone and then filling the resulting liquid mixture in a plastic container .
peg and related polymer derivatives having weak , hydrolytically unstable linkages near the reactive end of the polymer are provided for conjugation to drugs , including proteins , enzymes , small molecules , and others . these derivatives provide a sufficient circulation period for a drug - peg conjugate and then for hydrolytic breakdown of the conjugate and release of the bound molecule . in some cases , drugs that previously had reduced activity when permanently coupled to peg can have therapeutically suitable activity when coupled to a degradable peg in accordance with the invention . the peg of the invention can be used to impart water solubility , size , slow rate of kidney clearance , and reduced immunogenicity to the conjugate . controlled hydrolytic release of the bound molecule in the aqueous environment can then enhance the drug delivery system .
universal recycling disposal machine designed to recycle and dispose almost all daily municipal solid wastes that generated by homes , offices and public places which refer to trash / rubbish . machine will maximize the delivery of the clean materials to re - production plants and minimize or eliminate the volume / weight of msw which should be delivered to landfill . the main concept was to design a machine that can be fixed within every kitchen cabinet or kitchen area and to be used as a home appliance . machine designed in a way to minimize the sound & amp ; dust pollution during recycling and disposal processes . all items after recycling will be washed and rinsed before storing in plastic bins . during disposal process , big particles of disposed items will be filtered to avoid drainage blockage and all fog will be removed from water .
a process for making printing plate material suitable for imaging by laser radiation . a metal substrate is electrocoated in a bath containing a polymeric resin and laser - sensitive particles , thereby depositing a laser ablatable layer on a principal surface of the metal substrate . in one embodiment , the laser - ablatable layer is treated with a corona discharge for a time sufficient to render the layer non - ink wettable . in other preferred embodiments , the laser - ablatable layer is overcoated with an overlayer such as a non - ink wettable silicone layer or a water - wettable layer comprising an organophosphorus polymer , preferably a copolymer of acrylic acid and vinylphosphonic acid .
silicone elastomers exhibiting non - transitory biofilm inhibiting properties are prepared from crosslinkable components which include an organopolysiloxane bearing at least one silicon - bonded hydrogen and / or at least one alkenyl group , and at least one carboxylic acid , carboxylic acid ester , or carboxylic acid anhydride group , which becomes covalently bonded to the polymer before or during curing .
a process is provided for making thermoplastic - composites from recycled thermoplastics together with phosphogypsum waste by - product from the phosphate fertilizer wet process or , in an equally preferred embodiment with fluorogypsum waste by - product from fluorine production wet process to produce lumber profiles . the process involves admixing phosphogypsum and / or fluorogypsum waste byproduct and / or flue gas desulfurization gypsum and / or crude gypsum and / or calcined gypsum with thermoplastics and a functionalized compound with or without coupling agents to produce a filled thermoplastic - composite composition , and melt processing the composition to produce a filled thermoplastic - composite article . the articles are preferably in the form of railroad cross ties or construction articles such as common lumber profiles , panels , tiles , poles , utility poles , crossarms for utility poles , roofing tiles , pipeline skids , pilings , marine fender - piles , bulkheads , revetments , and are useful for constructing various structures , such as oilfield board roads and equipment mats . the process avoids the accumulation of undesired phosphogypsum / fluorogypsum “ stacks ” and provides environmentally friendly useful products which require no chemical preservatives to prevent insect infestation or decay from the elements . tailings from ore processing can also be used as a filler .

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