What is the ID of the device?
Get me the id of the device thats normally in base64.
Based on the information, the ID of the device is Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VybjpURUFNOmV1LWNlbnRyYWwtMV9rL0RFVklDRS9jNTkyYzkzNS1jOTkyLTQ4YWQtODUyYy1iNzBkZTE5Y2Q4M2E=
What is the display name of the device?
Get me the display name of the device that tells me the unique name of the device.
Based on the information, the display name of the device is chnair-te home Desk Mini
What is the person ID of the device?
Getting personal id of the device
Based on the information, the person ID of the device is Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS9iNmYyODRiNC04N2RiLTQ3ZmEtYjg1OS05N2YwZGM4NGQyN2I
What is the organization ID of the device?
Retrieve the org id of the device.
Based on the information, the organization ID of the device is Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi8yZWUyOGY0OS01OGNhLTRlZmItOTNmYi1kYTMwODhhMzc3NTY.
What capabilities does the device have?
Retrieve the capabilities of the device, specifying the features or functionalities it supports.
Based on the information, the device has the capability xapi.
What permissions does the device have?
Obtain the permissions assigned to the device, detailing the allowed operations or access rights.
Based on the information, the device has the permission xapi.
What is the product name of the device?
Get the product name of the device, which typically indicates the model or brand of the device.
Based on the information, the product name of the device is Cisco Desk Mini.
What type of device is it?
Identify the type of the device, such as whether it is a room device, desk device, or another category.
Based on the information, the type of device is roomdesk.
What is the IP address of the device?
Retrieve the IP address of the device, which is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network.
Based on the information, the IP address of the device is
What is the MAC address of the device?
Obtain the MAC address of the device, which is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.
Based on the information, the MAC address of the device is A8:4F:B1:E3:59:5B.
What is the serial number of the device?
Retrieve the serial number of the device, a unique identifier assigned by the manufacturer.
Based on the information, the serial number of the device is FOC2625PU5J.
What is the active interface of the device?
Determine the active interface of the device, indicating which network interface is currently in use.
Based on the information, the active interface of the device is LAN.
What is the software version of the device?
Get the software version of the device, which specifies the current firmware or operating system version installed.
Based on the information, the software version of the device is RoomOS b8eaf527a3a.
What is the upgrade channel of the device?
Obtain the upgrade channel of the device, specifying the update path or release channel it follows.
Based on the information, the upgrade channel of the device is Stable.
What is the primary SIP URL of the device?
Retrieve the primary SIP URL of the device, which is used for initiating and managing communications.
Based on the information, the primary SIP URL of the device is
What are the SIP URLs of the device?
Get all the SIP URLs associated with the device, used for communication purposes.
Based on the information, the SIP URLs of the device are and
What are the error codes of the device?
Retrieve any error codes reported by the device, indicating issues or faults detected.
Based on the information, the error codes of the device are provisioningdeveloperoptions.
What is the connection status of the device?
Obtain the current connection status of the device, indicating if it is connected, disconnected, or has issues.
Based on the information, the connection status of the device is connected_with_issues.
When was the device created?
Get the date and time when the device was created or registered.
Based on the information, the device was created on 2024-04-19T23:32:25.091Z.
When was the device first seen?
Determine when the device was first seen or detected on the network.
Based on the information, the device was first seen on 2024-04-19T23:32:25.091Z.
When was the device last seen?
Obtain the most recent date and time when the device was seen or detected on the network.
Based on the information, the device was last seen on 2024-07-02T07:43:05.299Z.
What is the workspace location ID of the device?
Retrieve the workspace location ID of the device, indicating its assigned location or area within the organization.
Based on the information, the workspace location ID of the device is Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VybjpURUFNOmV1LWNlbnRyYWwtMV9rL1dPUktTUEFDRV9MT0NBVElPTi8yZWUyOGY0OS01OGNhLTRlZmItOTNmYi1kYTMwODhhMzc3NTYjZGFhZGY1N2YtMTM4Zi00YWNiLWJjZTUtY2QzZGNlODBmMzVm. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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