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A Case Study of Complex Graph Analysis in Distributed Memory: Implementation and Optimization
[ "GM Slota, S Rajamanickam, K Madduri" ]
... Focusing on one of the largest publicly-available hyperlink graphs (the 2012 Web Data Commons graph1, which was in- turn extracted from the open Common Crawl web corpus2), we develop parallel ... 1 2 ...
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A Convolutional Encoder Model for Neural Machine Translation
[ "J Gehring, M Auli, D Grangier, YN Dauphin - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.02344, 2016" ]
... WMT'15 English-German. We use all available parallel training data, namely Europarl v7, Common Crawl and News Commentary v10 and apply the standard Moses tokenization to obtain 3.9M sentence pairs (Koehn et al., 2007). We report results on newstest2015. ...
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A Deep Fusion Model for Domain Adaptation in Phrase-based MT
[ "N Durrani, S Joty, A Abdelali, H Sajjad" ]
... test-13 993 18K 17K test-13 1169 26K 28K Table 1: Statistics of the English-German and Arabic-English training corpora in terms of Sentences and Tokens (represented in millions). ep = Europarl, cc = Common Crawl, un = United Nations ...
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A Large DataBase of Hypernymy Relations Extracted from the Web
[ "J Seitner, C Bizer, K Eckert, S Faralli, R Meusel… - … of the 10th edition of the …, 2016" ]
... 3 4 ... The corpus is provided by the Common Crawl Foundation on AWS S3 as free download.6 The extraction of ... isadb/) and can be used to repeat the tuple extraction for different or newer Common Crawl releases. ...
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A Maturity Model for Public Administration as Open Translation Data Providers
[ "N Bel, ML Forcada, A Gómez-Pérez - arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01990, 2016" ]
... There are techniques to mitigate the need of large quantities of parallel text, but most often at the expense of resulting translation quality. As a reference of the magnitude we can take as a standard corpus the Common Crawl corpus (Smith et al. ...
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A Neural Architecture Mimicking Humans End-to-End for Natural Language Inference
[ "B Paria, KM Annervaz, A Dukkipati, A Chatterjee… - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2016" ]
... We used batch normalization [Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015] while training. The various model parameters used are mentioned in Table I. We experimented with both GloVe vectors trained1 on Common Crawl dataset as well as Word2Vec vector trained2 on Google news dataset. ...
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A practical guide to big data research in psychology.
[ "EE Chen, SP Wojcik - Psychological Methods, 2016" ]
... as well as general collections, such as Amazon Web Services' Public Data Sets repository (AWS, nd, which includes the 1000 Genomes Project, with full genomic sequences for 1,700 individuals, and the Common Crawl Corpus, with ...
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A semantic based Web page classification strategy using multi-layered domain ontology
[ "AI Saleh, MF Al Rahmawy, AE Abulwafa - World Wide Web, 2016" ]
Page 1. A semantic based Web page classification strategy using multi-layered domain ontology Ahmed I. Saleh1 & Mohammed F. Al Rahmawy2 & Arwa E. Abulwafa1 Received: 3 February 2016 /Revised: 13 August 2016 /Accepted ...
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A Story of Discrimination and Unfairness
[ "A Caliskan-Islam, J Bryson, A Narayanan" ]
... power has led to high quality language models such as word2vec [7] and GloVe [8]. These language models, which consist of up to half a million unique words, are trained on billions of documents from sources such as Wikipedia, CommonCrawl, GoogleNews, and Twitter. ...
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A Way out of the Odyssey: Analyzing and Combining Recent Insights for LSTMs
[ "S Longpre, S Pradhan, C Xiong, R Socher - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05104, 2016" ]
... All models in this paper used publicly available 300 dimensional word vectors, pre-trained using Glove on 840 million tokens of Common Crawl Data (Pennington et al., 2014), and both the word vectors and the subsequent weight matrices were trained using Adam with a ...
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A Web Application to Search a Large Repository of Taxonomic Relations from the Web
[ "S Faralli, C Bizer, K Eckert, R Meusel, SP Ponzetto" ]
... 1 2 3 https://www.mongodb. com ... of the two noun phrases involved in the isa relations into pre-modifiers, head and post-modifiers [6], as well as the frequency of occurrence of the relation in the Common Crawl...
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Abu-MaTran at WMT 2016 Translation Task: Deep Learning, Morphological Segmentation and Tuning on Character Sequences
[ "VM Sánchez-Cartagena, A Toral - Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine …, 2016" ]
... 362 Page 2. Corpus Sentences (k) Words (M) Europarl v8 2 121 39.5 Common Crawl 113 995 2 416.7 News Crawl 2014–15 6 741 83.1 Table 1: Finnish monolingual data, after preprocessing, used to train the LMs of our SMT submission. ...
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Action Classification via Concepts and Attributes
[ "A Rosenfeld, S Ullman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.07824, 2016" ]
... To assign GloVe [19] vectors to object names or attributes, we use the pre-trained model on the Common-Crawl (42B) corpus, which contains a vocabulary of 1.9M words. We break up phrases into their words and assign to them their mean GloVe vector. ...
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Active Content-Based Crowdsourcing Task Selection
[ "P Bansal, C Eickhoff, T Hofmann" ]
... Pennington et. al. [28] showed distributed text representations to capture more semantic information when the models are trained on Wikipedia text, as opposed to other large corpora such as the Common Crawl. This is attributed ...
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Adverse Drug Reaction Classification With Deep Neural Networks
[ "T Huynh, Y He, A Willis, S Rüger" ]
... 4 5Source code is available at AdverseDrugReaction 879 Page 4. max pooling feedforward layer convolutional layer (a) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) (b) Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) ...
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All Your Data Are Belong to us. European Perspectives on Privacy Issues in 'Free'Online Machine Translation Services
[ "P Kamocki, J O'Regan, M Stauch - Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a …, 2016" ]
... http://​www.​cnet.​com/​news/​google-translate-now-serves-200-million-people-daily/​. Accessed 23 Oct 2014. Smith, JR, Saint-Amand, H., Plamada, M., Koehn, P., Callison-Burch, C., Lopez, A.: Dirt cheap web-scale parallel text from the Common Crawl...
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An Analysis of Real-World XML Queries
[ "P Hlísta, I Holubová - OTM Confederated International Conferences\" On the …, 2016" ]
... crawler. Or, there is another option – Common Crawl [1], an open repository of web crawled data that is universally accessible and analyzable, containing petabytes of data collected over the last 7 years. ... 3.1 Common Crawl. We ...
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An Attentive Neural Architecture for Fine-grained Entity Type Classification
[ "S Shimaoka, P Stenetorp, K Inui, S Riedel - arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05525, 2016" ]
... appearing in the training set. Specifically, we used the freely available 300 dimensional cased word embeddings trained on 840 billion to- kens from the Common Crawl supplied by Pennington et al. (2014). As embeddings ...
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Analysing Structured Scholarly Data Embedded in Web Pages
[ "P Sahoo, U Gadiraju, R Yu, S Saha, S Dietze" ]
... the following section. 2.2 Methodology and Dataset For our investigation, we use the Web Data Commons (WDC) dataset, being the largest available corpus of markup, extracted from the Common Crawl. Of the crawled web ...
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ArabicWeb16: A New Crawl for Today's Arabic Web
[ "R Suwaileh, M Kutlu, N Fathima, T Elsayed, M Lease" ]
... English content dominates the crawl [12]. While Common Crawl could be mined to identify and ex- tract a useful Arabic subset akin to ArClueWeb09, this would address only recency, not coverage. To address the above concerns ...
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Ask Your Neurons: A Deep Learning Approach to Visual Question Answering
[ "M Malinowski, M Rohrbach, M Fritz - arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.02697, 2016" ]
Page 1. Noname manuscript Ask Your Neurons: A Deep Learning Approach to Visual Question Answering Mateusz Malinowski · Marcus Rohrbach · Mario Fritz Abstract We address a question answering task on realworld images that is set up as a Visual Turing Test. ...
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Automated Generation of Multilingual Clusters for the Evaluation of Distributed Representations
[ "P Blair, Y Merhav, J Barry - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01547, 2016" ]
... (2013a), the 840-billion token Common Crawl corpus-trained GloVe model released by Pennington et al. (2014), and the English, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Chinese MultiCCA vectors5 from Ammar et al. ... Outliers OOV GloVe Common Crawl 75.53 38.57 5 6.33 5.70 ...
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Automated Haiku Generation based on Word Vector Models
[ "AF Aji" ]
... and Page 28. 16 Chapter 3. Design Common Crawl data. Those data also come with various vector dimension size from 50-D to 300-D. Those pre-trained word vectors are used directly for this project as they take considerably ...
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Automatic Construction of Morphologically Motivated Translation Models for Highly Inflected, Low-Resource Languages
[ "J Hewitt, M Post, D Yarowsky - AMTA 2016, Vol., 2016" ]
... sentences of Europarl (Koehn, 2005), SETIMES3 (Tyers and Alperen, 2010), extracted from OPUS (Tiedemann, 2009), or Common Crawl (Bojar et al ... Turkish, we train models on 29000 sentences of biblical data with 1000 and 20000 sentences of CommonCrawl and SETIMES ...
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B1A3D2 LUC@ WMT 2016: a Bilingual1 Document2 Alignment3 Platform Based on Lucene
[ "L Jakubina, P Langlais" ]
... 2013. Dirt cheap web-scale parallel text from the common crawl. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1374–1383. Jakob Uszkoreit, Jay M. Ponte, Ashok C. Popat, and Moshe Dubiner. 2010. ...
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Big Data Facilitation and Management
[ "J Fagerli" ]
Page 1. Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science Big Data Facilitation and Management A requirements analysis and initial evaluation of a big biological data processing service — Jarl Fagerli INF ...
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Bootstrap, Review, Decode: Using Out-of-Domain Textual Data to Improve Image Captioning
[ "W Chen, A Lucchi, T Hofmann - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05321, 2016" ]
... We report the performance of our model and competing methods in terms of six standard metrics used for image captioning as described in [4]. During the bootstrap learning phase, we use both the 20082010 News-CommonCrawl and Europarl corpus 2 as out- of-domain ...
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bot. zen@ EVALITA 2016-A minimally-deep learning PoS-tagger (trained for Italian Tweets)
[ "EW Stemle" ]
... The data was only distributed to the task participants. 4.1.4 C4Corpus (w2v) c4corpus8 is a full documents Italian Web corpus that has been extracted from CommonCrawl, the largest publicly available general Web crawl to date. ...
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Building mutually beneficial relationships between question retrieval and answer ranking to improve performance of community question answering
[ "M Lan, G Wu, C Xiao, Y Wu, J Wu - Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2016 International Joint …, 2016" ]
... The first is the 300-dimensional version of word2vec [23] vectors, which is trained on part of Google News dataset (about 100 billion words). The second is 300-dimensional Glove vectors [24] which is trained on 840 billion tokens of Common Crawl data. ...
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C4Corpus: Multilingual Web-size corpus with free license
[ "I Habernal, O Zayed, I Gurevych" ]
... documents. Our project is entitled C4Corpus, an abbreviation of Creative Commons from Common Crawl Corpus and is hosted under the DKPro umbrella4 at https:// under ASL 2.0 license. ...
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Capturing Pragmatic Knowledge in Article Usage Prediction using LSTMs
[ "J Kabbara, Y Feng, JCK Cheung" ]
... GloVe: The embedding is initialized by the global vectors Pennington et al. (2014) that are trained on the Common Crawl corpus (840 billion tokens). Both word2vec and GloVe word embeddings consist of 300 dimensions. ...
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Character-level and Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Networks for Large-scale Authorship Attribution
[ "S Ruder, P Ghaffari, JG Breslin - arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.06686, 2016" ]
... σ: Standard deviation of document number. d: Median document size (tokens). All word embedding channels are initialized with 300-dimensional GloVe vectors (Pennington et al., 2014) trained on 840B tokens of the Common Crawl corpus11. ...
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Citation Classification for Behavioral Analysis of a Scientific Field
[ "D Jurgens, S Kumar, R Hoover, D McFarland… - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2016" ]
... The classifier is implemented using SciKit (Pedregosa et al., 2011) and syntactic processing was done using CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014). Selectional preferences used pretrained 300-dimensional vectors from the 840B token Common Crawl (Pennington et al., 2014). ...
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CNRC at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Experiments in crosslingual semantic textual similarity
[ "C Lo, C Goutte, M Simard - Proceedings of SemEval, 2016" ]
... The system was 3We use the glm function in R. 669 Page 3. trained using standard resources – Europarl, Common Crawl (CC) and News & Commentary (NC) – totaling approximately 110M words in each language. Phrase ...
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Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion
[ "X Li, A Taheri, L Tu, K Gimpel" ]
... We use the GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) embeddings trained on 840 billion tokens of Common Crawl web text and the PARAGRAM-SimLex embeddings of Wieting et al. (2015), which were tuned to have strong performance on the SimLex-999 task (Hill et al., 2015). ...
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Comparing Topic Coverage in Breadth-First and Depth-First Crawls Using Anchor Texts
[ "AP de Vries - Research and Advanced Technology for Digital …, 2016", "T Samar, MC Traub, J van Ossenbruggen, AP de Vries - International Conference on …, 2016" ]
... nl domain, with the goal to crawl websites as completes as possible. The second crawl was collected by the Common Crawl foundation using a breadth-first strategy on the entire Web, this strategy focuses on discovering as many links as possible. ...
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[ "Y WIBISONO, DWIH WIDYANTORO… - Journal of Theoretical & …, 2016" ]
... To our knowledge, this paper is the first study of various DSM on RTE. We found that DSM improves entailment accuracy, with the best DSM is GloVe trained with 42 billion tokens taken from Common Crawl corpus. ... Glove_42B Common Crawl 42 billion tokens ...
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ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge
[ "R Speer, J Chin, C Havasi - arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03975, 2016" ]
... 2013), and the GloVe 1.2 embeddings trained on 840 billion words of the Common Crawl (Pennington, Socher, and Manning 2014). These matrices are downloadable, and we will be using them both as a point of comparison and as inputs to an ensemble. ...
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Content Selection through Paraphrase Detection: Capturing different Semantic Realisations of the Same Idea
[ "E Lloret, C Gardent - WebNLG 2016, 2016" ]
... either sentences or pred-arg structures, GLoVe pre-trained WE vectors (Pennington et al., 2014) were used, specifically the ones derived from Wikipedia 2014+ Gi- gaword 5 corpora, containing around 6 billion to- kens; and the ones derived from a Common Crawl, with 840 ...
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Corporate Smart Content Evaluation
[ "R Schäfermeier, AA Todor, A La Fleur, A Hasan… - 2016" ]
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Crawl and crowd to bring machine translation to under-resourced languages
[ "A Toral, M Esplá-Gomis, F Klubička, N Ljubešić… - Language Resources and …" ]
... Wikipedia. The CommonCrawl project 5 should be mentioned here as it allows researchers to traverse a frequently updated crawl of the whole web in search of specific data, and therefore bypass the data collection process. ...
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Cross Site Product Page Classification with Supervised Machine Learning
[ "J HUSS" ]
... An other data set used often is Common Crawl [1], which is a possible source that contain product specification pages. The data of Common Crawl is not complete with HTML-source code and it was collected in 2013, which creates many dead links. ...
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CSA++: Fast Pattern Search for Large Alphabets
[ "S Gog, A Moffat, M Petri - arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.05404, 2016" ]
... The latter were extracted from a sentence-parsed prefix of the German and Spanish sections of the CommonCrawl5. The four 200 ... translation process described by Shareghi et al., corresponding to 40,000 sentences randomly selected from the German part of Common Crawl...
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CUNI-LMU Submissions in WMT2016: Chimera Constrained and Beaten
[ "A Tamchyna, R Sudarikov, O Bojar, A Fraser - Proceedings of the First Conference on …, 2016" ]
... tag). Our input is factored and contains the form, lemma, morphological tag, 1 387 Page 4. lemma ... 2015. The second LM only uses 4-grams but additionally contains the full Common Crawl corpus. We ...
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D6. 3: Improved Corpus-based Approaches
[ "CP Escartin, LS Torres, CO UoW, AZ UMA, S Pal - 2016" ]
... Based on this system and the data retrieved from Common Crawl, several websites were identified as possible candidates for crawling. ... 8 9For a description of this tool, see Section 3.1.2 in this Deliverable. 6 Page 9. ...
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Data Selection for IT Texts using Paragraph Vector
[ "MS Duma, W Menzel - Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine …, 2016" ]
... models/doc2vec.html 3 4 5-gram LMs using the SRILM toolkit (Stolcke, 2002) with Kneser-Ney discounting (Kneser and Ney, 1995) on the target side of the Commoncrawl and IT corpora. ...
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David W. Embley, Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy, George Nagy &
[ "S Seth" ]
... tabulated data on the web even before Big Data became a byword [1]. Assuming “that an average table contains on average 50 facts it is possible to extract more than 600 billion facts taking into account only the 12 billion sample tables found in the Common Crawl” [2]. Tables ...
[ ",IJDAR,%2010.1007_s10032-016-0259-1.pdf" ]
Deep Recurrent Models with Fast-Forward Connections for Neural Machine Translatin
[ "J Zhou, Y Cao, X Wang, P Li, W Xu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04199, 2016" ]
... 4.1 Data sets For both tasks, we use the full WMT'14 parallel corpus as our training data. The detailed data sets are listed below: • English-to-French: Europarl v7, Common Crawl, UN, News Commentary, Gigaword • English-to-German: Europarl v7, Common</
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Deeper Machine Translation and Evaluation for German
[ "E Avramidis, V Macketanz, A Burchardt, J Helcl… - 2nd Deep Machine …, 2016" ]
... corpus entries words Chromium browser 6.3 K 55.1 K Drupal 4.7 K 57.4 K Libreoffice help 46.8 K 1.1 M Libreoffice UI 35.6 K 143.7 K Ubuntu Saucy 182.9 K 1.6 M Europarl (mono) 2.2 M 54.0 M News (mono) 89M 1.7 B Commoncrawl (parallel) 2.4 M 53.6 M Europarl (parallel ...
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DeepNNNER: Applying BLSTM-CNNs and Extended Lexicons to Named Entity Recognition in Tweets
[ "F Dugas, E Nichols - WNUT 2016, 2016" ]
... 850M words) 50 130K 51.43% 75.31% 84.63% 82.18% GloVe 6B Gigaword5+ Wikipedia (6B words) 50 400k 54.22% 82.71% 86.02% 84.17% GloVe 27B Twitter microposts (27B words) 50 1.2 M 57.47% 90.47% 83.67% 97.66% GloVe 42B Common Crawl (42B words) 300 1.9 ...
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Detecting Opinion Polarities using Kernel Methods
[ "R Kaljahi, J Foster - PEOPLES 2016, 2016" ]
... 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}. The pre-trained word vectors used are the publicly available ones trained using GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) trained on 42B-token corpus of Common Crawl (1.9 M vocabulary) with 300 dimensions. 4 4.1 Word ...
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[ "E JEONG, SR JEONG, MS RAO, VV KUMAR… - Journal of Theoretical and …, 2016" ]
... RTE. To our knowledge, this paper is the first study of various DSM on RTE. We found that DSM improves entailment accuracy, with the best DSM is GloVe trained with 42 billion tokens taken from Common Crawl corpus. We ...
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DFKI's system for WMT16 IT-domain task, including analysis of systematic errors
[ "E Avramidis, A Burchardt, V Macketanz, A Srivastava - Proceedings of the First …, 2016" ]
... Europarl (mono) 2.2M 54.0M News (mono) 89M 1.7B Commoncrawl (parallel) 2.4M 53.6M Europarl (parallel) 1.9M 50.1M MultiUN (parallel) 167.6K 5.8M News Crawl (parallel) 201.3K 5.1M Table 1: Size of corpora used for SMT. ...
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Dialogue Act Classification in Domain-Independent Conversations Using a Deep Recurrent Neural Network
[ "H Khanpour, N Guntakandla, R Nielsen" ]
... Word2vec embeddings were learned from Google News (Mikolov et al., 2013), and separately, from Wikipedia1. The Glove embeddings were pretrained on the 840 billion token Common Crawl corpus. ... Word2vec GoogleNews 300 71.32 Glove CommonCrawl 75 69.28 ...
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Discontinuous Verb Phrases in Parsing and Machine Translation of English and German
[ "S Loaiciga Sanchez, K Gulordava - 2016", "S Loáiciga, K Gulordava" ]
... all 2 2841 Page 5. monolingual data (Heafield et al., 2013). Approximately 4.5 million sentences were used for training, combining Europarlv7, CommonCrawl and News data. Optimization weights ...
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Discovering Disease-associated Drugs Using Web Crawl Data
[ "H Kim, S Park - 2016" ]
... System Online) database is used for the biomedical literature. 81.7GB sized text data of Common Crawl which Amazon Web Services hosts is used for the web crawl data. Gene symbol, Disease name and Drug name which ...
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Discriminating between similar languages and arabic dialect identification: A report on the third dsl shared task
[ "S Malmasi, M Zampieri, N Ljubešic, P Nakov, A Ali… - Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2016" ]
... PITEOG used their own custom web-based corpus, with no further details provided. • SUKI created an additional dataset using web pages in the Common Crawl corpus. 5 Results for Subtask 2: Arabic Dialect Identification ...
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Distributed Graph Storage And Querying System
[ "J Balaji - 2016" ]
... generation and consumption of such interrelated data. The number of Facebook users grew from 500 million in 2010 to 1.5 billion in 2014 [1]. The Common Crawl web corpora [2] covered for 2012 contains 3.5 billion web pages and 128 billion hyperlinks between these ...
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Distributed Platforms and Cloud Services: Enabling Machine Learning for Big Data
[ "D Pop, G Iuhasz, D Petcu - Data Science and Big Data Computing, 2016" ]
... Data sets are growing faster, being common now to reach numbers of 100 TB or more. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey occupies 5 TB of storage, the Common Crawl Web corpus is 81 TB in size, and the 1000 Genomes Project requires 200 TB of space, just to name a few. ...
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DRAFT: Interoperation Among Web Archiving Technologies
[ "DSH Rosenthal, N Taylor, J Bailey - 2016" ]
... WET (WARC Encapsulated Text, or Parsed Text), specified by Common Crawl and Internet Archive respectively, to represent only the text extracted from Web resources. 3 Page 4. ... [12] Common CrawlCommon Crawl. https://
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Dual Learning for Machine Translation
[ "Y Xia, D He, T Qin, L Wang, N Yu, TY Liu, WY Ma - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.00179, 2016" ]
... In detail, we used the same bilingual corpora from WMT'14 as used in [1, 6], which contains 12M sentence pairs extracting from five datasets: Europarl v7, Common Crawl corpus, UN corpus, News Commentary, and 109French-English corpus. ...
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Dynamic Coattention Networks For Question Answering
[ "C Xiong, V Zhong, R Socher - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01604, 2016" ]
... We use as GloVe word vectors pretrained on the 840B Common Crawl corpus (Pennington et al., 2014). We limit the vocabulary to words that are present in the Common Crawl corpus and set embeddings for out-of-vocabulary words to zero. ...
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Edinburgh's Statistical Machine Translation Systems for WMT16
[ "P Williams, R Sennrich, M Nadejde, M Huck, B Haddow… - Proceedings of the First …, 2016" ]
... Our final system used two different countbased 5-gram language models (one trained on all data, including the WMT16 Romanian CommonCrawl corpus, without pruning, and one trained on news2015 monolingual only), a neural language model trained on news2015 ...
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Efficient construction of metadata-enhanced web corpora
[ "A Barbaresi - ACL 2016, 2016" ]
... 3.3 Extraction I designed a text extraction targeting specifically WordPress pages, which is transferable to a whole range of self-hosted websites using WordPress, al- lowing to reach various blogger profiles thanks 8http://commoncrawl. org 9https://github. ...
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Efficient Data Selection for Bilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora
[ "A Hazem, E Morin" ]
... We used the FrenchEnglish aligned version at OPUS provided by JRC (Tiedemann, 2012). Common crawl corpus (CC) is a petabytes of data collected over 7 years of web crawling set of raw web page data and text extracts5. ...
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Electronic Commerce Meets the Semantic Web
[ "J Jovanovic, E Bagheri - IT Professional, 2016" ]
... The latest Common Crawl corpus (Winter 2014; consists of 2.01 billion HTML pages collected from more than 15.68 million pay-level domains (PLDs). An analysis of this corpus shows that 30 percent ...
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Embedded Sensors System Applied to Wearable Motion Analysis in Sports
[ "A Valade, A Costes, A Bouillod, M Mangin, P Acco… - 2016" ]
... the general aspect is good: the mean error is 2.5 degrees and the standard deviation is of 6 degrees. In a second time, we tested the system behaviour on a common crawl swimming movement to ensure the functionality on complex actions. 5.2.2 Tests on Sportsmen ...
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Enabling Network Security Through Active DNS Datasets
[ "A Kountouras, P Kintis, C Lever, Y Chen, Y Nadji… - Research in Attacks, …, 2016", "Y Nadji, D Dagon, M Antonakakis, R Joffe - … in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 19th …, 2016" ]
... These include but are not limited to Public Blacklists, the Alexa list, the Common Crawl project, and various Top Level Domain (TLD) zone files. More specifically, we are using the zone files that are published daily by the administrators of the zones for com, net, biz and org. ...
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Engineering a Distributed Full-Text Index
[ "J Fischer, F Kurpicz, P Sanders - arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03332, 2016" ]
... For our experiments we use the common crawl corpus as input.1 It provides world wide web crawl data and contains raw content, text only and metadata of the crawled websites from about 1.23 billion web pages. In total the corpus has a size of 541 TB (as of 27.07.2016). ...
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Engineering top-k document retrieval systems based on succinct data structures
[ "S Gog, P Sanders" ]
... relevant documents to a given query”. For large sets of documents, eg web crawls like gov2, clueweb, or CommonCrawl, time-efficient solutions rely on precomputed index data structures. For collections of natural language ...
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Enriching Product Ads with Metadata from HTML Annotations
[ "P Ristoski, P Mika - The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New …, 2016" ]
... Offers - WDC Microdata Dataset: The latest extraction of WebDataCommons includes over 5 billion entities marked up by one of the three main HTML markup languages (ie, Microdata, Microformats and RDFa) and has been retrieved from the CommonCrawl 2014 corpus 5 ...
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Examining the Relationship between Preordering and Word Order Freedom in Machine Translation
[ "J Daiber, M Stanojevic, W Aziz, K Sima'an" ]
Page 1. Examining the Relationship between Preordering and Word Order Freedom in Machine Translation Joachim Daiber Miloš Stanojevic Wilker Aziz Khalil Sima'an Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) University of Amsterdam {initial.last} Abstract ...
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Explorations in Identifying and Summarizing Subjective Content in Text
[ "P Kumar, V Venugopal" ]
... puted word embeddings using pre-trained word vectors from GloVe [14] (300-dimensional vectors trained on the 840B token CommonCrawl dataset) to encode our input tokens for both the opinion identification and the opinion summarization task. ...
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Exploring Corpora
[ "C Barrière - Natural Language Understanding in a Semantic Web …, 2016" ]
Page 1. Chapter 5 Exploring Corpora In previous chapters, we have worked with very small corpora. Some were even constructed manually to specifically illustrate a particular point, and they have generally contained ten to twenty sentences each. ...
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Exploring the Application Potential of Relational Web Tables
[ "C Bizer" ]
... crawls. This situation has changed in 2012 with the University of Mannheim [7] and in 2014 with the Dresden University of Technology [3] starting to extract web table corpora from the CommonCrawl, a large public web corpus. ...
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Fast Connected Components Computation in Large Graphs by Vertex Pruning
[ "A Lulli, E Carlini, P Dazzi, C Lucchese, L Ricci" ]
... Consider, for instance, the Web graph (Common Crawl provides 3.5 billion pages with 128 billion hyperlinks[1]), the Linked Open Data datasets (the LOD2 project indexes for 5.7 billion triples/edges [2]) or the Facebook and Twitter social networks (respectively 1.35 billion and ...
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Fast Gated Neural Domain Adaptation: Language Model as a Case Study
[ "J Zhang, X Wu, A Way, Q Liu" ]
... The glove 6b model is trained on Wikipedia data and the English Gigaword Fifth Edition corpus;7 the glove 42b model is trained on the Common Crawl data; and the glove 840b model is trained on the the Common Crawl and additional web data. ...
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Fast, Small and Exact: Infinite-order Language Modelling with Compressed Suffix Trees
[ "E Shareghi, M Petri, G Haffari, T Cohn - arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.04465, 2016" ]
Page 1. Fast, Small and Exact: Infinite-order Language Modelling with Compressed Suffix Trees Ehsan Shareghi,♭ Matthias Petri,♮ Gholamreza Haffari♭ and Trevor Cohn♮ ♭ Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University ...
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FBK HLT-MT Participation in the 1st Translation Memory Cleaning Shared Task
[ "D Ataman, MJ Sabet, M Turchi, M Negri" ]
... The English-German corpus was formed using KDE4, GNOME, OpenOffice, PHP, Ubuntu, Tatoeba (Tiedemann, 2012), Europarl v.7 (Koehn, 2005), CommonCrawl (WMT 2013) (Bojar et al., 2013), News Commentary v.11 (WMT 2015) (Bojar et al., 2015), MultiUN (Eisele and ...
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Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT16)
[ "O Bojar, R Chatterjee, C Federmann, Y Graham…" ]
... Some training corpora were identical from last year (Europarl3, United Nations, French-English 109 corpus, Common Crawl, Russian-English parallel data provided by Yandex, Wikipedia Headlines provided by CMU) and ... Monolingual data sets from CommonCrawl (Buck et al ...
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Findings of the WMT 2016 Bilingual Document Alignment Shared Task
[ "C Buck, P Koehn - Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine …, 2016" ]
... Espl`a-Gomis, 2009). 8NLP4TM 2016: Shared task shared-task/ 9 10 555 Page 3. 3 Training and Test Data We made available ...
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Finki at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Deep Learning Architecture for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
[ "D Stojanovski, G Strezoski, G Madjarov, I Dimitrovski - Proceedings of SemEval, 2016" ]
... Our system finki, employs both convolutional and gated recurrent neural networks to obtain a more diverse tweet representation. The network is trained on top of GloVe word embeddings pre-trained on the Common Crawl dataset. ... 154 Page 2. Crawl dataset. ...
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Gathering Alternative Surface Forms for DBpedia Entities
[ "V Bryl, C Bizer, H Paulheim" ]
... Surface forms have been extracted in a number of works from Wikipedia labels, redirects, disambiguations and anchor texts of internal Wikipedia links, which we complement with anchor texts of external Wikipedia links from the Common Crawl web corpus. ...
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Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation
[ "Y Wu, M Schuster, Z Chen, QV Le, M Norouzi… - arXiv preprint arXiv: …, 2016" ]
Page 1. Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation Yonghui Wu, Mike Schuster, Zhifeng Chen, Quoc V. Le, Mohammad Norouzi yonghui,schuster,zhifengc,qvl, ...
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Grammatical Error Correction: Machine Translation and Classifiers
[ "A Rozovskaya, D Roth - Urbana" ]
... Many teams also used native English datasets. The most common ones are the Web1T corpus (Brants and Franz, 2006), the CommonCrawl dataset, which is similar to Web1T, and the English Wikipedia. Several teams used off-the-shelf spellcheckers. ...
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Guided Alignment Training for Topic-Aware Neural Machine Translation
[ "W Chen, E Matusov, S Khadivi, JT Peter - arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01628, 2016" ]
... We first trained a baseline NMT model on English-French WMT data (common-crawl, Europarl v7, and news commentary corpora) for two epochs to get the best result on a development set, and then continued training the same model on the in-domain training set for a few ...
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Guided Neural Machine Translation
[ "F Stahlberg" ]
Page 1. Guided Neural Machine Translation Felix Stahlberg Department of Engineering University of Cambridge This first year report is submitted as part of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Queens' College August 2016 Page 2. Page 3. Declaration ...
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HeLI, a Word-Based Backoff Method for Language Identification
[ "T Jauhiainen, K Lindén, H Jauhiainen - Proceedings of the VarDial Workshop, 2016" ]
... We collected from the Common Crawl 3 corpus all the web pages from the respective domains as in Table 2. When language models were created directly from the pages, the accuracy on the DSL development corpus was 49.86%, which was much ... 3 ...
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Hybrid Morphological Segmentation for Phrase-Based Machine Translation
[ "SA Grönroos, S Virpioja, M Kurimo - Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine …, 2016" ]
... Due to TheanoLM limitations, only the Europarl and News data (but not Common Crawl) were used for training. ... As monolingual data, we used the Finnish side of Europarl-v8,, and Common Crawl...
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IIT Bombay's English-Indonesian submission at WAT: Integrating Neural Language Models with SMT
[ "SSAKP Bhattacharyya - WAT 2016, 2016" ]
... Since Commoncrawl provides raw data by web scraping, the Indonesian data obtained was cleaned for noisy sentences and then tokenized and truecased for training the language model. ... statmt. org/europarl/ 6 http://commoncrawl. org/ 70 Page 85. ...
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Impact of Data Placement on Resilience in Large-Scale Object Storage Systems
[ "P Carns, K Harms, J Jenkins, M Mubarak, R Ross…" ]
... Figure 2 compares the distribution of file sizes across three different example data populations.1 The first two (the contents of the 1000 Genomes [19] catalog of gene sequencing data and the Common Crawl Corpus [20] catalog of web crawler data) are available as Amazon ...
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Improving Translation Selection with Supersenses
[ "H Tang, D Xiong, OL de Lacalle, E Agirre" ]
... We set the Gaussian prior to 1 to avoid overfitting. 4There are 12 subcorpora: commoncrawl, europarl, kde4, news2007, news2008, news2009, news2010, news2011, news2012, newscommentary, openoffice, un 5 ...
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INSIGHT-1 at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Deep Learning for Multilingual Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
[ "S Ruder12, P Ghaffari, JG Breslin - Proceedings of SemEval, 2016" ]
... respective task. English word embeddings are initialized with 300-dimensional GloVe vectors (Pennington et al., 2014) trained on 840B tokens of the Common Crawl corpus for the unconstrained submission. Word embeddings ...
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Is an Image Worth More than a Thousand Words? On the Fine-Grain Semantic Differences between Visual and Linguistic Representations
[ "G Collell, MF Moens" ]
... 3.2 Word Embeddings We employ 300-dimensional GloVe vectors (Pennington et al., 2014) pre-trained in the largest available corpus (840B tokens and a 2.2M words vocabulary from Common Crawl corpus) from the author's website1. ...
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JU-USAAR: A Domain Adaptive MT System
[ "K Pahari, A Kuila, S Pal, SK Naskar, S Bandyopadhyay… - Proceedings of the First …, 2016" ]
... In this task, the information technology (IT) do- main English–German parallel corpus released in the WMT-2016 IT-domain shared task serves as the in-domain data and the Europarl, News and Common Crawl English–German parallel corpus released in the Translation Task ...
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Language Models with GloVe Word Embeddings
[ "V Makarenkov, B Shapira, L Rokach - arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03759, 2016" ]
... Despite the huge size of the Common Crawl corpus, some words may not exist with the embeddings, so we set these words to random vectors, and use the same embeddings consistently if we encounter the same unseen word again in the text. ...
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Language Semantic Embeddings in Deep Visual Representation
[ "Y Chen - 2016" ]
... As for the final system (shown in Figure 1.1), word representation is learned based on pre-trained GloVe model with Common Crawl data [5]. 2. Examine how to learn visual representation from weakly supervised dataset (Pixabay is the image data source) with ConvNets. ...
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Large-scale evaluation of splicing localization algorithms for web images
[ "M Zampoglou, S Papadopoulos, Y Kompatsiaris - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016" ]
... In reality, especially for the Web-based forensics case, despite the recent proliferation of PNG files, JPEG remains the norm: it is indicative that among the contents of the Common Crawl corpus,2 87 % of identifiable image suffixes correspond to JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg). ...
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Latent Space Inference of Internet-Scale Networks
[ "Q Ho, J Yin, EP Xing - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016" ]
Page 1. Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (2016) 1-41 Submitted 4/15; Published 4/16 Latent Space Inference of Internet-Scale Networks Qirong Ho∗ Institute for Infocomm Research A*STAR Singapore 138632 Junming Yin∗ ...
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Learning to recognise named entities in tweets by exploiting weakly labelled data
[ "KJ Espinosa, R Batista-Navarro, S Ananiadou - WNUT 2016, 2016" ]
... Pre-trained Word Embeddings Description Text Type Twitter 2B tweets, 27B tokens, 1.2 M vo- cabulary words, uncased, 100 di- mensions Tweets Common Crawl 840B tokens, 2.2 M vocabulary words, cased, 300 dimensions Web Pages Wikipedia 2014+ Gigaword 5 6B tokens ...
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Common Crawl Citations Overview

This dataset contains citations referencing Common Crawl Foundation and its datasets, pulled from Google Scholar.

Please note that these citations are not curated, so they will include some false positives. For an annotated subset of these citations with additional fields, please see citations-annotated.

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