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        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Aim To explore the predictive value of lactate-to-albumin ratio (LAR) on 28-day mortality in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methods According to ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnosis codes, patients diagnosed with AECOPD in the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care IV (v.2.2) database were selected. The primary endpoint was 28-day mortality after ICU admission. We used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, Kaplan-Meier (K-M) survival curve, logistic regression analyses and subgroup analysis to assess predictive power of LAR. Results 606 patients were included in this study. The 28-day mortality was 29.7%. The area under the ROC curves (AUC) for LAR were 0.641 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.592-0.689], which was comparable with OASIS (AUC: 0.662; 95% CI 0.616-0.709; p = 0.471) and SOFA (AUC: 0.660; 95% CI 0.612-0.708; p = 0.500). The cutoff value of LAR was 0.645 by ROC curve. The high-LAR group showed a bad prognosis in K-M analysis (p < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression shown that LAR was significantly associated with a poor outcome (odds ratio: 1.77; 95% CI 1.16-2.71; p = 0.008). Subgroup analysis showed no significant interaction of LAR with each subgroup (p for interaction: 0.175-0.775). Conclusion LAR is a rational and easily accessible marker, which is remarkably associated with 28-day mortality in ICU patients with AECOPD.",
        "output": "Relationship between lactate-to-albumin ratio and 28-day mortality in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admitted to the Intensive Care Unit",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Leisure activities play an important role in improving happiness levels for the elderly. The purpose of this study is to explore leisure-related factors that affect the happiness of the elderly using machine learning algorithms. For this research, the 2019 National Leisure Activity Survey released by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea, was used to analyze the data of 1769 elders over the age of 65 among 10,060 men and women aged 15 years and older in 17 cities and provinces nationwide, and it went through the process of data preprocessing, data segmentation, prediction model construction and evaluation, and model tuning. According to the findings of the study, the main factors predicting the happiness index of the elderly were leisure life satisfaction, leisure time, whether to use public leisure facilities, leisure policy satisfaction, and leisure activity companionship. The overall findings of this study imply that exploring sustainable policy towards the achievement of sustainable happiness for the elderly is important. Based on these results, policy measures to improve the happiness level of the elderly were discussed.",
        "output": "Leisure and Happiness of the Elderly: A Machine Learning Approach",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Since 1993, when the Gold Foundation held its first White Coat Ceremony (WCC) to highlight humanism in medicine, many health professions have launched these ceremonies. In 2021, the University of Colorado College of Nursing hosted its first WCC. Postevent, a seven-question survey was sent to all faculty, staff, and student participants. The analytic question driving this program evaluation was as follows: What is the significance of the White Coat Ceremony to APRN students? Quantitative data from survey items were overwhelmingly positive; qualitative analysis of open-ended survey text reinforced the central WCC concept of Being/Becoming an APRN and elicited four themes: recognition, transition, symbolism, and connection. A detailed analysis of these themes is presented.",
        "output": "A rite of passage: The White Coat Ceremony for advanced practice registered nursing students",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In light of the challenges posed by climate change and rural revitalization, high-quality construction in rural areas is facing significant obstacles from rainstorm flooding. This study adopts a regional disaster system analysis framework and examines the characteristics of rural rainstorm flooding disasters, including the instability of the breeding environment, the hazard characteristics, and the vulnerability of the exposure. Using this framework, we explore the various causes of rainstorm flooding in rural China, assess the effectiveness of responses to these disasters, and examine the differences between urban and rural responses. Our analysis reveals that the increase in rainstorm flooding in rural China is a complex result of multiple factors, including increased risk, instability, and vulnerability. While rural areas have made some progress in monitoring and responding to rainstorm flooding disasters, they remain weaker than cities in terms of governance and disaster management systems. To address these challenges, we recommend increased attention to rural flood control and disaster reduction, stronger preparation for disaster prevention and reduction plans, enhanced rural disaster infrastructure defense, increased financial support for water conservancy projects, and stronger professional emergency response teams, disaster relief equipment, and materials. Additionally, we recommend strengthening disaster prevention and reduction education and publicity among rural residents to promote the ability to self-rescue and mutual rescue.The disastrous impact of climate change and resulting extreme weather events on rural areas has become increasingly evident in recent years. China's vast rural areas have been particularly affected by frequent rainstorm flooding disasters. This paper identifies the increase in rainstorms, the instability of the disaster breeding environment in rural areas, and the increased vulnerability of exposures in these areas as the main reasons behind the intensification of rural rainstorm flooding. To mitigate the impact of these disasters, attention should be paid to natural disaster risk management, normalized flood control, and disaster reduction in rural areas. This requires overall coordination of rural disaster prevention and reduction planning, emphasis on improving the defense capacity of rural areas, increasing financial support for defensive water conservancy projects, promoting the construction of professional emergency rescue teams in rural areas, scientifically distributing flood prevention and disaster relief equipment and materials, strengthening publicity and education on disaster prevention and reduction, and enhancing rural disaster prevention awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities.",
        "output": "Rising to the Climate Challenge: Better Understanding the Rural Rainstorm Flooding Disaster Risk Management Using Practical Insights from China",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Passenger vehicles have significant environmental concerns, accounting for approximately 52% of total CO2 emissions in the transportation sector over well to wheel period. Understanding its historical emission trends and drivers is crucial for future carbon reduction interventions. Here, an integrated analytical framework is developed, consisting of the vehicle fleet-based fuel cycle carbon emissions accounting model, Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index method (LMDI) and scenario-based prediction method. The obtained results of case study in China show that: i) The annual CO2 emissions from passenger vehicles consistently increased from 228.4 Mt in 2012 to 459.9 Mt in 2022, primarily driven by income per capita and passenger vehicle ownership. ii) The reduction in vehicle fuel intensity and changes in market structure contributed to decreases in emissions of 41.6 Mt and 1.8 Mt, respectively. Moreover, the emission coefficient effect has more significant impacts in new energy vehicles (NEVs), leading to a reduction of 1.0 Mt. iii) By optimizing the market structure, 3425.8 Mt CO2 emissions could be mitigated by 2060, yielding the lowest aggregate emissions among all emission reduction strategies. iv) The adoption of advanced power technology will continue to contribute to carbon reduction till 2045. The effectiveness of the emission coefficient reduction strategy will be strengthened after 2045, leading to the lowest annual CO2 emissions of 26.0 Mt by 2060. Long-term emission curtailment will necessitate technological innovation and widespread adoption of new energy vehicles and clean electricity.",
        "output": "The driving factors and mitigation strategy of CO2 emissions from China's passenger vehicle sector towards carbon neutrality",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In today's competitive information environment, clicks are the currency of the digital media landscape. Clickbait journalism attempts to entice attention with provocative and sensational headlines, but what are the implications when public opinion polls are the hook? Does the use of survey clickbait-news stories that make misleading claims about public opinion-have implications for perceptions of the public, journalists, or the polling industry? In two survey experiments conducted in the United States, we find that exposure to apolitical survey clickbait that makes exaggerated claims about the incompetence of the American public undermines perceptions of their capacity for democratic citizenship. At the same time, we find no evidence that this type of survey clickbait damages the reputations of the media or polling industry, suggesting that the media may have perverse incentives to use low-quality polls or to misrepresent polling results to drive traffic.",
        "output": "Misleading Polls in the Media: Does Survey Clickbait Have Social Consequences?",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Limited (CRA) was the largest mining group in Australia after BHP. It had a major influence upon the post-Second World War mining sector and Australian economy. It was responsible for some of the country's largest resource developments, establishing an integrated aluminium industry, playing the principal role in the development of Australia's iron ore export industry, and developing a major copper deposit on the Island of Bougainville. CRA was established in 1962 as the Australian arm of the British mining group, Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Limited (RTZ), formed through the merger of The Rio Tinto Company Limited with The Consolidated Zinc Limited. Consolidated Zinc was also London-listed, although with a deep Australian heritage based on its involvement in lead and zinc mining at Broken Hill. CRA's status as a foreign-owned and controlled company had a major influence upon its corporate priorities for the two decades following its formation. The company's foreign majority ownership restricted its business opportunities, particularly during the 1970s. However, as early as the mid-1960s, anti-CRA sentiment was evident from politicians, public servants, Australian mining competitors and, to some extent, the public. CRA's standing as un-Australian was viewed by company management as an impediment to attracting and retaining quality employees. These factors led CRA to engage with successive Commonwealth Governments to attempt to secure arrangements more accommodating to its business interests. This involved considerations as diverse as the takeover of the London parent company - to facilitate greater Australian shareholding in the Australian entity - through to the restructuring of CRA's interests in a new majority-owned Australian company. Ultimately, CRA was instrumental in changing foreign investment legislation, providing a pathway for it as a foreign-owned company to move to an Australianised or majority Australian-owned status. With this, CRA had an ability to participate in resource investments on terms similar to those for Australian companies. CRA gained naturalising status in 1979 and, in 1986, that of a naturalised or Australianised company. Differences in perspectives relating to strategic direction and financial management between the parent company in London and CRA in Melbourne, brought to the fore issues of control. The situation became so serious that it resulted in the departure of the chairman and chief executive on the eve of CRA achieving Australian majority-owned status. The events had a later influence on the formation of a dual-listed company structure in 1996. Through this structure, RTZ regained majority share ownership of the assets previously held in the Australian company. CRA lost its naturalised status and its identity as Australia's then second largest Australian mining company.",
        "output": "Conzinc Riotinto of Australia - Foreign Ownership and Control",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In this paper, I aim to discuss what puns, metaphysically, are. I argue that the type-token view of words leads to an indeterminacy problem when we consider puns. I then outline an alternative account of puns, based on recent nominalist views of words, that does not suffer from this indeterminacy.",
        "output": "The metaphysics of puns",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: All politics relies on rhetorical appeals, and the ability to make arguments is considered perhaps uniquely human. But as recent times have seen successful large language model (LLM) applications to similar endeavours, we explore whether these approaches can out-compete humans in making appeals for/against various positions in US politics. We curate responses from crowdsourced workers and an LLM and place them in competition with one another. Human (crowd) judges make decisions about the relative strength of their (human v machine) efforts. We have several empirical 'possibility' results. First, LLMs can produce novel arguments that convince independent judges at least on a par with human efforts. Yet when informed about an orator's true identity, judges show a preference for human over LLM arguments. This may suggest voters view such models as potentially dangerous; we think politicians should be aware of related 'liar's dividend' concerns.",
        "output": "Large Language Models Can Argue in Convincing Ways About Politics, But Humans Dislike AI Authors: implications for Governance",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In Europe, especially the Low Countries, peat was intensively used as a fuel source. Yet, the identification of peat as a fuel source from archaeological combustion residues is challenging. Nevertheless, detecting peat fuel in archaeological contexts would significantly contribute to broader socio-economic questions, such as fuel and landscape management strategies. To achieve this goal, this study developed a new multiproxy approach by combining several analytical methods (light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, analytical pyrolysis, phytolith, faecal spherulite and ash pseudomorphs analyses and micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) to identify fuel types, predominantly peat, from combustion residues. This methodology was successfully applied to combustion residues discovered at 6 Roman salt production sites situated along the southern North Sea coast. Not only was peat, specifically Sphagnum sp. and Ericaceae peat, identified as the predominant fuel source, but the use of fossil coal as a secondary fuel source could also be hypothesised. This paper demonstrates the high potential of the proposed methodology to identify not only the use of peat in combustion residues, but potentially also the specific type of peat used as well as other fuel sources.",
        "output": "Fuelling the Roman salt industry. Developing a new multiproxy approach to identify peat fuel from archaeological combustion residue",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: We present language-guided exploration (LGX), a novel algorithm for Language-Driven Zero-Shot Object Goal Navigation (L-ZSON), where an embodied agent navigates to an uniquely described target object in a previously unseen environment. Our approach makes use of large language models (LLMs) for this task by leveraging the LLM's commonsense-reasoning capabilities for making sequential navigational decisions. Simultaneously, we perform generalized target object detection using a pre-trained Vision-Language grounding model. We achieve state-of-the-art zero-shot object navigation results on RoboTHOR with a success rate (SR) improvement of over 27% over the current baseline of the OWL-ViT CLIP on Wheels (OWL CoW). Furthermore, we study the usage of LLMs for robot navigation and present an analysis of various prompting strategies affecting the model output. Finally, we showcase the benefits of our approach via real-world experiments that indicate the superior performance of LGX in detecting and navigating to visually unique objects.",
        "output": "Can an Embodied Agent Find Your Cat-shaped Mug? LLM-Based Zero-Shot Object Navigation",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper provides a modeling method for predicting the internal structure of three-dimensional (3D) angle-interlock woven fabric. Inspired by the digital element method, the numerical model of micro-scale was established by using truss element. The numerical model was compared with the Computed Tomography (CT) cross-sectional scan of the actual fabric sample, and the results were consistent. The mechanical properties of the 3D angle-interlock woven fabric is closely related to the fabric's structure. Therefore, by changing the tension at both ends of the yarn tows to explore the influence on the yarn tows' geometry, it was found that different tensions affects the cross-sectional areas and crimp angles of the yarn tows. On the basis of fabric forming, multi-shape molds were designed to press the fabric into different shapes, which were semi-hexagonal, arc-shaped and L-shaped. The results of numerical simulation showed that the fabric will undergo inter-layer slip when compressed, especially in the region where the mold deformation is large.",
        "output": "Numerical simulation of 3D angle-interlock woven fabric forming and compression processes",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Physicist Percy Bridgman has been taken by Heather Douglas to be an exemplar defender of an untenable value-free ideal for science. This picture is complicated by a detailed study of Bridgman's philosophical views of the relation between science and society. The normative autonomy of science, a version of the value-free ideal, is defended. This restriction on the provenance of permissible values in science is given a basis in Bridgman's broader philosophical commitments, most importantly, his view that science is primarily an individual commitment to a set of epistemic norms and values. Considerations of external moral or social values are not, on this view, intrinsic to scientific practice, though they have a broader pragmatic significance. What Bridgman takes as the proper relation between science and society is shown through analysis of his many writings on the topic and consideration of his rarely remarked upon involvement in the most problematic example of Big Science of his day: the atomic bomb. A reevaluation of Bridgman's views provides a unique characterization of what is at stake in the values in science debate: the normative autonomy of science.",
        "output": "Bridgman and the normative independence of science: an individual physicist in the shadow of the bomb",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: How to effectively detect geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization is a challenging task due to the extreme class-imbalance of geochemical exploration data. To address this challenge, various machine learning techniques have been employed to detect geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization. However, almost all of these machine learning techniques have their limitations when it comes to modeling classimbalanced geochemical exploration data. To establish efficient robust high-performance models for detecting geochemical anomalies associated mineralization, a case study was carried out in the Helong area, Jilin Province, China. Decision tree (C4.5) classifiers were used as the base or weak classifiers, four imbalanced learning ensemble models, including self-paced ensemble model, under-bagging ensemble model, synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)-boost ensemble model and random under sampling (RUS)-boost ensemble model were established and compared in the detection of polymetallic mineralization anomalies from the 1:50,000 stream sediment survey data. The output of the base classifier is a vector consisting of the probability that the sample belongs to a mineralization anomaly and the probability that the sample belongs to the background. The performance of each ensemble model was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The ROC curves of the four models are close to the upper left corner of the ROC space. The AUC values of the four models are not lower than 0.9589. The polymetallic mineralization anomalies detected by the four models account for less than 7 % of the entire study area, but contain not less than 93 % of the polymetallic deposits found in the study area. In addition, the polymetallic mineralization anomalies detected by the four models spatially coincide with the regional controlling factors of polymetallic mineralization in the study area. To summarize, the four models have very high performance in detecting polymetallic mineralization anomalies, and the polymetallic mineralization anomaly detection results are consistent with the regional geological and metallogenic characteristics in the study area. Therefore, the imbalanced learning ensemble techniques are powerful tools for the establishment of high-performance ensemble classification models for detecting mineralization anomalies from geochemical exploration data.",
        "output": "High-performance imbalanced learning ensembles of decision trees for detecting mineralization anomalies from geochemical exploration data",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Previous research has highlighted that decentralization is key to understanding the marketization of the Swedish welfare state, while local political factors are important to explaining the subnational differences in actual degrees of welfare service privatization. Other research has highlighted the impact of pragmatism rather than ideology in local government's decisions to outsource welfare services, including policy diffusion through geographical proximity to highly privatized municipalities. However, little research has been done on the role or type of political representation and whether this matters to the diffusion of welfare service privatization. Thus, there is little knowledge about whether local governments are primarily responsive to public preferences, the ideological position of the local government, or influences from neighboring municipalities. Drawing on the literature on political representation and policy diffusion, I test three hypotheses: that the local governments are primarily responsive to public preferences (sanction representation), that local governments are primarily responsive to their own ideological position (gyroscopic representation), or that local governments are primarily influenced by outsourcing in neighboring municipalities (contagion). Using a time-lagged correlational design with survey data covering both local politicians and ordinary municipal residents, as well as public accounts of municipal outsourcing, I find that public preferences play a negligible role to the privatization process. A minor part of the between-municipal variation in welfare service privatization can be attributed to the preferences of local politicians (gyroscopic representation), while a more substantial part is due to pressures from outsourcing among municipal neighbors (contagion).",
        "output": "Why do local governments privatize? Political representation and contagion in the privatization of welfare services in Sweden",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Deacidification is a necessary and urgent means of protecting acidified paper documents. However, the contradiction between deacidification efficiency and uniformity in existing aqueous or organic phase deacidification methods has not been resolved yet, which is mainly attributed to the differences in capillary action of paper on solvents with different polarities. In this work, a strategy of two-phase deacidification was proposed to achieve efficient and uniform deacidification and long-lasting aging resistance. Impregnation of nano magnesium oxide organic dispersion of deacidified paper achieved efficient batch deacidification and sufficient alkali reserve. Using ultrasonic atomization of saturated calcium hydroxide aqueous solution, the penetration of alkaline substances into paper promoted uniform deacidification based on strong capillary action. Meanwhile, microstructural reinforcement of paper fibers was achieved based on the multiple interactions. This method can endow the treated paper with better thermal stability and long-lasting aging resistance. After artificial accelerated aging for 30 d, the treated paper samples still maintained the highest tensile index (18.46 Nm/g), folding endurance (8.5 times), tear index (3.95 mN center dot m2/g) and displayed negligible chromatic aberration (AE = 2.46 +/- 0.21). This method greatly extends the lifespan of acidified paper, which has significant value for the protection of paper documents. (c) 2024 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
        "output": "Enhancing capillary action of acidified paper to achieve uniform deacidification and long-lasting aging resistance",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The cultural heritage sector has increasingly explored the use of micro-CT (mu CT) across numerous projects seeking to better understand past cultures and the materials they have left behind. As such, the role of micro-CT (mu CT) is still being developed and projects continue to show novel ways that the technology can be adapted to. The Gjellestad ship, located in Halden (ostfold in Viken), Norway, is dated to the Viking Age and was found in a poor state of preservation. Both organic and metallic materials were deteriorated to the degree that standard excavation methods would have resulted in further damage to, or even the destruction of, these elements. A new approach was needed, and this presented an opportunity to explore the use for mu CT as a documentative tool for field archaeology and conservation. As the remaining rivets were too fragile to handle directly, they were removed together with the surrounding matrix as soil blocks. To retain important stratigraphic and position information, a georeferencing system was developed that would be visible to mu CT and included within each soil block. This enabled the spatial (re)positioning of the soil blocks by use of 3D GIS and in alongside with other spatial documentation gathered at the time of excavation. The quantity of soil blocks will give us a large dataset to work with and, although we continue to document the soil blocks with mu CT, we now can discuss our preliminary results pertaining to the positive impact that mu CT has for the documentation, conservation, and reconstruction of cultural heritage.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).",
        "output": "A new and 'riveting' method: Micro-CT scanning for the documentation, conservation, and reconstruction of the Gjellestad ship",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Understanding design processes and behaviors is important for building more effective design outcomes. During design tasks, teams exhibit sequences of actions that form strategies. This article investigates patterns of design actions in a paired parameter design experiment to discover design strategies that influence outcomes. The analysis uses secondary data from a design experiment in which each pair completes a series of simplified cooperative parameter design tasks to minimize completion time. Analysis of 192 task observations uses exploratory factor analysis to identify design strategies and regression analysis to evaluate their impacts on performance outcomes. The article finds that large actions and high action size variability significantly increase completion times, leading to poor performance outcomes. However, results show that frequently changing input controllers within and among designers significantly reduces completion times, leading to higher performance outcomes. Discussion states that larger actions can introduce unexpected errors, while smaller and consistent actions enhance designers' understanding of the effects of each action, aiding in better planning for subsequent steps. Frequent controller switching reflects effective communication and understanding within design teams, which is crucial for cooperative tasks.",
        "output": "Identification of Design Strategies and Their Effects on Performance Outcomes in Pair Parameter Design Tasks",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This study examines charred bread-like samples found in several archaeological sites across northern Italy and dating from the Early Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages, some of which are included amongst the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The aim is to investigate differences and homogeneities in bread production processes in different eras and cultures. Bread was a staple food in many ancient societies, but has rarely been found amongst the materials that survive in archaeological sites. When it is found, it is usually because the bread was charred by accidental combustion (falling into the oven during baking) or deliberate combustion (for ritual purposes). The literature on the issue is not abundant, but has been growing over the past decade. There is, therefore, room to propose new study methodologies at this time. We studied eight samples of charred bread-like products and we used optical and scanning electron microscopy to identify plant tissue remains attributable to cereal caryopses, partly modified by breadmaking processes. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and, for the first time, infrared spectroscopy in attenuated total reflectance mode (FTIR-ATR) were also used to investigate the composition and preparation methods of the different types of bread-like products. In particular, FTIR-ATR analysis can give indications about the presence of starch, gluten and lignin in the sample under investigation and it can, therefore, be used as a screening to guide subsequent SEM analysis in the search for specific cereal residues in the dough. In some cases, the different techniques used also revealed the presence of minerals such as silicates and carbonates, probably due to grinding residues or poor sample cleaning. During SEM observations, phytoliths, diatoms and framboids were also found in some of the samples. (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).",
        "output": "Ancient bread recipes: Archaeometric data on charred findings",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: As learning places for sustainable development, UNESCO biosphere reserves are specifically dedicated to sustainability. The Lima Action Plan of 2016 resolved to position the biosphere reserves more prominently as model regions in order to fulfill UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the question remains how and to what extent this resolution has been implemented and the ideal of sustainability filled with life at the local level. Based on surveys of municipal actors and fifteen in-depth interviews with political decision-makers, this article compares three adjacent Western European biosphere reserves, the Palatinate Forest, Northern Vosges, and Bliesgau, with regard to local initiatives aimed at fulfilling the overall task of sustainable development. The results show-besides generalized statements on the relevance of sustainability-that municipal politics is only, to a limited extent, guided by the requirements of concrete SDGs. Nevertheless, many of the measures implemented do ultimately reflect these goals. Along with specific ecological and climatic projects, these comprise future-oriented settlement policies and educational activities undertaken by the biosphere reserves and their municipalities. In this context, improved communication with local councils and residents might well lead to more effectively structured implementation of SDGs.",
        "output": "Between Global Expectations for Sustainability and Local Feasibility-A Comparative Analysis of Three Biosphere Reserves in Germany and France",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Most of the existing natural language processing systems for legal texts are developed for the English language. Nevertheless, there are several application domains where multiple versions of the same documents are provided in different languages, especially inside the European Union. One notable example is given by Terms of Service (ToS). In this paper, we compare different approaches to the task of detecting potential unfair clauses in ToS across multiple languages. In particular, after developing an annotated corpus and a machine learning classifier for English, we consider and compare several strategies to extend the system to other languages: building a novel corpus and training a novel machine learning system for each language, from scratch; projecting annotations across documents in different languages, to avoid the creation of novel corpora; translating training documents while keeping the original annotations; translating queries at prediction time and relying on the English system only. An extended experimental evaluation conducted on a large, original dataset indicates that the time-consuming task of re-building a novel annotated corpus for each language can often be avoided with no significant degradation in terms of performance.",
        "output": "Unfair clause detection in terms of service across multiple languages",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Sodium chloride (NaCl) is the main soluble salt component of marine waterlogged archaeological wood, and it causes deterioration of wood fibres. In this study, a molecular dynamics simulation of three types of archaeological wood from the Quanzhou Song Shipwreck was employed to investigate the impact of NaCl on the mechanical properties of amorphous components consisting of amorphous cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The findings revealed that water molecules bound to the fibres enhanced the mechanical performance of the woody fibres. However, NaCl affected the stability and mechanical properties of the amorphous components. By using molecular dynamics simulations, 24 sets of amorphous fibre models, consisting of fir, pine, and camphorwood with salt concentrations ranging from 0 % to 7 %, were constructed to further analyse the influence of salt content on the mechanical properties of the amorphous components. The results showed that all three species of archaeological wood exhibited similar trends, with the adsorption energy and radial distribution function between wood fibres and water molecules decreasing with increasing NaCl concentration, leading to the gradual rupture of hydrogen bonds in water molecules. Consequently, more water molecules engage in ion hydration, resulting in an increase in the amount of free water within the amorphous regions. This, in turn, degrades the mechanical properties of the amorphous components. This study contributes significantly to a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical properties of marine archaeological wood and is important for decision-making in studies related to the preservation and evaluation of marine waterlogged wooden artefacts. (c) 2024 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
        "output": "Effects of sodium chloride on mechanical properties in amorphous polymers of waterlogged archaeological wood: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: We experimentally analyze the effects of an intervention to induce the renewal of identification cards on access to a government social program in Panam & aacute;. On-time renewals and access to government transfers increased by 10 and 3.6 percentage points, respectively. Simple reminders about expiration dates generated larger effects than also enabling individuals to renew their documents through an online platform, which users struggled to use despite its being designed to simplify the process. The results suggest that increasing access to identity documentation can reduce exclusion errors in social programs and that simply granting access to e-government platforms may not necessarily improve public service delivery.",
        "output": "Expanding access to identification cards and social programs: Experimental evidence from Panam\u00e1",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To explore associations between type and number of abnormal glucose values on antenatal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with postpartum diabetes in South Asian women diagnosed with gestational diabetes (GDM) using International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria.METHODS: This post-hoc evaluation of the Lifestyle Intervention IN Gestational Diabetes (LIVING) study, a randomized controlled trial, was conducted among women with GDM in the index pregnancy, across 19 centers in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka. Postpartum diabetes (outcome) was defined on OGTT, using American Diabetes Association (ADA) criteria.RESULTS: We report data on 1468 women with GDM, aged 30.9 (5.0) years, and with median (interquartile range) follow-up period of 1.8 (1.4-2.4) years after childbirth following the index pregnancy. We found diabetes in 213 (14.5%) women with an incidence of 8.7 (7.6-10.0)/100 women-years. The lowest incidence rate was 3.8/100 women years, in those with an isolated fasting plasma glucose (FPG) abnormality, and highest was 19.0/100 women years in participants with three abnormal values. The adjusted hazard ratios for two and three abnormal values compared to one abnormal value were 1.73 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.18-2.54; p=.005) and 3.56 (95% CI, 2.46-5.16; p<.001) respectively. The adjusted hazard ratio for the combined (combination of fasting and postglucose load) abnormalities was 2.61 (95% CI, 1.70-4.00; p<.001), compared to isolated abnormal FPG.CONCLUSIONS: Risk of diabetes varied significantly depending upon the type and number of abnormal values on antenatal OGTT. These data may inform future precision medicine approaches such as risk prediction models in identifying women at higher risk and may guide future targeted interventions.",
        "output": "Antenatal oral glucose tolerance test abnormalities in the prediction of future risk of postpartum diabetes in women with gestational diabetes: Results from the LIVING study.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Individuals deceive themselves about a wide variety of subjects. In fortunate circumstances, where those who manage to leave self-deception embrace reality, an interesting phenomenon occurs: the formerly self-deceived often confess to having 'known [the truth] all along'. These post-self-deception judgments are not conceptually innocuous; if genuine, they call into question the core feature of prominent theories of self-deception, namely that self-deceived individuals do not believe the unwelcome truth. In this paper I argue that post-self-deception judgments do not track a belief, but rather a suspicion of the unwelcome truth. I do this by showing that post-self-deception judgments are themselves instances of self-deception where the individual is self-deceived that they believed the unwelcome truth. I then suggest that the motivational cause of the self-deceit is hindsight bias, specifically the kind known as foreseeability, and that as a result, post-self-deception judgments are not reliable because they do not accurately track previous self-deceptive experiences.",
        "output": "'I knew all along': making sense of post-self-deception judgments",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Simple Summary Through a preliminary analysis of animal remains from the large settlement site of Yucun, located east of the Longshan Mountain and associated with the Zhou people during the first half of the first millennium BC, the authors investigated the subsistence practices in relation to the exploitation of animal resources by the site's residents. The examination of animal species representation and the mortality profiles of major domesticates suggest similarities between Yucun and sites associated with the Qin people, located to the west of the Longshan Mountain. However, differences were observed when comparing Yucun to other contemporaneous sites in the middle and lower Yellow River valley. These patterns in animal use strategies appear to have been influenced by local environmental conditions.Abstract The first millennium BC saw the expansion of the Western Zhou dynasty in its northwestern frontier, alongside the rise and development of the Qin State in the Longshan Mountain region of northern China. Exploring the subsistence practices of these communities is crucial to gaining a better understanding of the social, cultural, and political landscape in this region at the time. While much of the research to date has focused on the Qin people, the subsistence practices of the Zhou people remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed animal remains from Yucun, a large settlement site associated with the Zhou people, located to the east of the Longshan Mountain. These animal remains were recovered in the excavation seasons of 2018-2020. Our results show that pigs, dogs, cattle, caprines, and horses, which were the major domestic animals at Yucun, accounted for over 90.8% of the animal remains examined in terms of the number of identified specimens (NISP) and 72.8% in terms of the minimum number of individuals (MNI), with cattle and caprines playing dominant roles. In terms of the taxonomic composition and the mortality profiles of pigs, caprines, and cattle, Yucun shared similarities with Maojiaping and Xishan, two contemporaneous Qin cultural sites located to the west of the Longshan Mountain, and differ from other farming societies in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River valley. Considering the cultural attributes and topographic conditions of these various sites, these findings imply that environmental conditions may have played a more significant role than cultural factors in shaping the animal-related subsistence practices in northern China during the first millennium BC.",
        "output": "Animal Use Strategies in the Longshan Mountain Region of Northern China during the First Millennium BC: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Yucun",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In May 1944, at the age of 33, the lawyer and writer Ott & oacute; Kornis was crammed into a cattle car in his native Transylvanian town, Kolozsv & aacute;r (in Romanian: Cluj; after 1974: Cluj-Napoca) with 72 of his fellow Jewish citizens, his parents included. They were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. His parents were murdered upon arrival. Out of all the passengers in that cattle car, only he and four other Jews survived the hell of the death and forced labour camps. As soon as he returned home, he wrote a book about his experience titled Smoke (F & uuml;st), which was published in November 1945 in Cluj by the Minerva Literary and Printing Institute and was one of the very first books about the Nazi camps. The present study deals with Kornis' career and fate from the early years of his youth until his death at the age of 38, only four years after the end of the war. It is a microhistory that explores the career and work of a celebrated and award-winning, then completely forgotten author. His life story reveals the central problems that preoccupied most of the survivors who returned from the Nazi camps to multi-ethnic Transylvania; it also helps to document the literary memorialisation of the Holocaust during the early post-war period.",
        "output": "Otto Kornis, a Forgotten Author and Survivor of the Nazi Camps",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BackgroundRough sex refers to consensual sexual activities that incorporate playful aggression, such as hair pulling, spanking, or choking. It is relevant in the context of sexual health as it can enhance sexual arousal, pleasure, and intimacy among consenting partners. However, it can also be associated with consent violations, discomfort, and injuries ranging from mild to severe or even fatal. The prevalence of rough sex in Germany is widely unknown. Our study aims to establish, for the first time, the overall age-related and gender-related prevalence rates of active and passive rough sex involvement among adults in Germany.MethodsA national online sample of 1101 adults from Germany, aged 18-69 years (50% men, 49% women, 1% gender-diverse individuals) gave informed consent and reported on their lifetime engagement in rough sex in active and passive roles. We recruited participants through a professional panel provider for a multi-themed sexual health survey. Data analysis was conducted using R, with 95% confidence intervals of prevalence rates computed to answer the research questions.ResultsLifetime prevalence of rough sex involvement was 29%. Adults below the age of 40 reported higher rates of involvement (up to 43%) than people over 40 (up to 26%). Men reported predominantly active role involvement and women reported primarily passive role involvement.DiscussionResults show that rough sex is common. Sexual health professionals, educators, and researchers should be prepared to guide current and aspiring practitioners of rough sex, helping them understand potential benefits, risks, and age- and gender-related differences.",
        "output": "Research in brief: How prevalent is rough sex? Results from a national online sample of adults in Germany",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In times of person-centered care, it is all the more important to support patients in making good decisions about their care. One way to offer such support to patients is by way of Patient Decision Aids (PDAs). Ranging from patient brochures to web-based tools, PDAs explicitly state the decisions patients face, inform them about their medical options, help them to clarify and discuss their values, and ultimately make a decision. However, lingering discussions surround effectiveness research on PDAs. In this article, I focus on two subjective measures of decision quality that are widely used as outcome measures in effectiveness research on PDAs (i.e., the Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS) and measures of regret). Although these measurement instruments have attracted critical attention in the scientific literature, bioethicists have hardly engaged with them. Therefore, I set myself to analyze the relationship between (the different subscales of) the DCS and measures of regret, on the one hand, and ethical principles such as beneficence and autonomy, on the other hand. In light of that analysis, I will clarify some discussions regarding the use of these measures of decision quality in effectiveness research on PDAs. This should help us to align the way we evaluate PDAs with ethical principles and avoid that our attempts to support patients in making good decisions about their care that is so central to person-centered care point in unethical directions.",
        "output": "On subjective measures of decision quality",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: A large public nursing data set was used to determine whether orientation and/or preceptor programs impact job satisfaction among registered nurses in Maine and Massachusetts. There was no association between orientation and preceptor programs and satisfaction, nor evidence that new nurse status modified the relationship. There is a need for evaluation of orientation and preceptor programs' structure and effectiveness, and innovation is needed in promoting job satisfaction, thereby increasing nurse retention.",
        "output": "An Analysis of Orientation and Preceptorship Influence on Nurse Job Satisfaction Across Two States.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The study provides a detailed investigation into several representatives of La Tene jewellery. Primarily, it deals with non-metallic decorative inlays from the Late La Tene period, particularly with their application on a metal base. Unique artefacts have been selected for the study, all coming from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A prime representative of the finds is a torc coming from a La Tene burial site in Prague (Czech Republic, Central Europe). In this geographical context, such finds are rather exceptional. The torc examined is remarkable both in terms of its origin and the production technology utilised, namely the application of decorative inlays made of red opaque glass. Available literature classifies this decorative element as an enamel technique. The highly specific type of red soda high-lead glass applied there was examined using LA-ICP-MS. Based on the trace elements detected, it can be established that the glass is most likely related to contemporary Egyptian production. Other items of the artefact set consist of two Munsingen brooches from Moravia and an exceptional brooch from Slovakia. The latter find was found to be decorated with coral (as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy). Besides identifying the materials of the decorations, we were also able to characterize the binder between individual decorative inlays and their metal base. The analysis of the binder has revealed the presence of birch tar (determined by FTIR and GC/MS). The results obtained expand the knowledge about the production technologies applied to the jewellery from the La Tene period.",
        "output": "Non-metallic decorative inlays in La T\u00e8ne jewellery - contribution of archaeometry to the understanding of production technologies",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVE: This study employed time series data to assess long-term changes in the burden of lung cancer (LC) caused by residential radon exposure, an important environmental risk factor, so as to develop evidence-based strategies for future public health management.METHODS: Based on the open data from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD 2019) database, we conducted an analysis of the residential radon exposure-caused LC mortality, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and corresponding crude rates and age-standardized rates (ASRs) for various age groups. We employed the employed age-period-cohort (APC) model to investigate the age, period, and cohort effects of the data, allowing us to discern the trends in LC disease burden attributable to radon exposure in residential settings over time.RESULTS: From 1990 to 2019, age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) and age-standardized DALYs rates of LC caused by residential radon exposure in China demonstrated an overall increasing trend, with males higher than females. The CMR and crude DALYs rate for males were higher than those for females across all age groups. The APC analysis revealed that the local drift of LC death and DALYs rates in males and females showed a decreasing trend before 60 and an increasing trend after 60.CONCLUSION: The persistent presence of residential radon exposure as a crucial risk factor for LC underscores the need for public health authorities and policymakers to take more proactive measures to reduce radon exposure. Particularly, attention should be paid on the elderly population and male patients.",
        "output": "Epidemiological trend of lung cancer burden caused by residential radon exposure in China from 1990 to 2019.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Bright violet-coloured aniline dyes were developed and produced from the late 19th century onwards. Primarily used for dyeing of textiles, they were also employed in inks for letters and drawings. The industrial production of these dyes comprised numerous companies in Germany, France and England and concurrent chemical synthesis methods rapidly evolved. ' Methyl violet' , also known as ' Violet de Paris' , is an example of an aniline dye that made a large impact in Europe and was widely used. This study aims to provide insight into the composition of historical ' Methyl violet ' dyes to gain a better understanding of the formulation of past inks, their degradation and to support colour reconstruction of old drawings and manuscripts. Thirty-nine ' Methyl violet' reference samples, dating from the late 19th century until the 1930' s, originating from leading dye producers in Europe, were analysed. UHPLC-PDA-HRMS was applied for the identification of the dye compounds. It was revealed that a significant part (ca. 35%) contained not only methylated, but also benzylated pararosanilines. Although benzylated compounds are mentioned in historical sources as ' Methyl violet ', ' Violet the Paris' , and ' Methyl violet 6B', they have only once been reported in modern literature and are now elucidated in detail for the first time. The relative amount of highly substituted pararosaniline increases when benzylation is performed resulting in an overall bluer  dye mixture. The benzylated Methyl violets were mostly found in ' Methyl violet 6B' samples, but not exclusively. This exploration of the composition of a large number of historical ' Methyl violet' samples highlights the complexity and compositional variety of early synthetic dyestuff productions and the importance of large-scale studies of historical references. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( )",
        "output": "Shades of violet: Study of the compositional variability of historical Methyl violet dyes",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Voltage fluctuations are common disturbances in power grids. Initially, it is necessary to selectively identify individual sources of voltage fluctuations to take actions to minimize the effects of voltage fluctuations. The selective identification of disturbing loads is possible using a signal chain consisting of demodulation, decomposition, and assessment of the propagation of component signals. The accuracy of such an approach is closely related to the applied decomposition method. This article presents a new method for decomposition by approximation with pulse waves. The proposed method allows for a correct identification of selected parameters, that is, the frequency of changes in the operating state of individual sources of voltage fluctuations and the amplitude of voltage changes caused by them. This article presents results from numerical simulation studies and laboratory experimental studies, based on which the estimation errors of the indicated parameters were determined by the proposed decomposition method and other empirical decomposition methods available in the literature. The real states that occur in power grids were recreated in the research. The metrological interpretation of the results obtained from the numerical simulation and experimental research is discussed.",
        "output": "Decomposition by Approximation With Pulse Waves Allowing Further Research on Sources of Voltage Fluctuations",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Walter Bock was committed to developing a framework for evolutionary biology. Bock repeatedly discussed how evolutionary explanations should be considered within the realm of Hempel's deductive-nomological model of scientific explanations. Explanation in evolution would then consist of functional and evolutionary explanations, and within the latter, an explanation can be of nomological-deductive and historical narrative explanations. Thus, a complete evolutionary explanation should include, first, a deductive functional analysis, and then proceed through nomological and historical evolutionary explanations. However, I will argue that his views on the deductive proprieties of functional analysis and the deductive-nomological parts of evolution fail because of the nature of evolution, which contains a historical element that the logic of deduction and Hempel's converting law model do not compass. Conversely, Bock's historical approach gives a critical consideration of the historical narrative element of evolutionary explanation, which is fundamental to the methodology of the historical nature of evolutionary theory. Herein, I will expand and discuss a modern view of evolutionary explanations of traits that includes the currentacknowledgement of the differences between experimental and the historical sciences, including the token and type event dichotomy, that mutually illuminate each other in order to give us a well confirmed and coherent hypothesis for evolutionary explanations. Within this framework, I will argue that the duality of evolutionary explanations is related to two components of character evolution: origin, with its evolutionary pathways along with the history, and maintenance, the function (mainly a current function) for the character being selected.",
        "output": "On the nature of evolutionary explanations: a critical appraisal of Walter Bock's approach with a new revised proposal",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Mediastinal neoplasms are typical but uncommon thoracic diseases with increasing incidence and unfavorable prognoses. A comprehensive understanding of their spatiotemporal distribution is essential for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. However, previous studies are limited in scale and data coverage. Therefore, this study aims to elucidate the distribution of mediastinal lesions, offering valuable insights into this disease.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This multi-center, hospital-based observational study included 20 nationwide institutions. A retrospective search of electronic medical records from January 1st, 2009, to December 31st, 2020, was conducted, collecting sociodemographic data, computed tomography images, and pathologic diagnoses. Analysis focused on age, sex, time, location, and geographical region. Comparative assessments were made with global data from a multi-center database.RESULTS: Among 7,765 cases, thymomas (30.7%), benign mediastinal cysts (23.4%), and neurogenic tumors (10.0%) were predominant. Distribution varied across mediastinal compartments, with thymomas (39.6%), benign cysts (28.1%), and neurogenic tumors (51.9%) most prevalent in the prevascular, visceral, and paravertebral mediastinum, respectively. Age-specific variations were notable, with germ cell tumors prominent in patients under 18 and aged 18-29, while thymomas were more common in patients over 30. The composition of mediastinal lesions across different regions of China remained relatively consistent, but it differs from that of the global population.CONCLUSION: This study revealed significant heterogeneity in the spatiotemporal distribution of mediastinal neoplasms. These findings provide useful demographic data when considering the differential diagnosis of mediastinal lesions, and would be beneficial for tailoring disease prevention and control strategies.",
        "output": "Spatiotemporal distribution of mediastinal neoplasms: A comprehensive multi-center study.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper examines the human osteological remains unearthed from six Late Helladic (LH IIIA2-IIIB2) (1390/70-1200/1190 BCE) tombs at Socha in the Peloponnese. It seeks to investigate the character of a Mycenaean community that though organically integrated into and highly dependent on the palatial system, manifested Mycenaean burial practices with a distinctly local character, namely, through the use of built cist-tombs. Our analysis investigates further the identity of this community and explores whether these people had also adopted a different way of life, diet and mortuary behavior toward specific groups. The results show that the demographic composition, diet, and health characteristics of the deceased of Socha were analogous to most Mycenaean sites: (a) equal representation of males and females, (b) burial exclusion of infants and young children, and (c) homogenous C3 terrestrial diet. In addition, a tendency for a more frequent inclusion of middle-aged females with subadults in the same tomb suggests gender and age differentiation are in play. On the other hand, even though the burials of Socha practiced collectivity, an emphasis on individuality through a less variable post-mortem manipulation of the deceased is also in evidence and is characterized by single secondary deposits within the original grave, no evidence for commingling, and no evidence for removal nor selection of bones in secondary deposits. These characteristics demonstrate the differentiation of the group of Socha during a period of intensive movement and the creation of new settlements in South Kynouria.",
        "output": "Bioarchaeological insights into the Late Helladic communities of South Kynouria, Peloponnese: The case of the LH IIIA2-IIIB2 burial cluster of Socha",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper analyses the writing of Black activists, planners, and critics to reconcile two opposing perceptions of the Model Cities Program: an initiative known for its elevation of Black elected officials and a program that used the guise of citizen participation to stifle more radical forms of dissent. In 1966, Model Cities emerged in part from the call for a domestic Marshall Plan for Black Americans. Yet as the program began making incremental changes to the country's neighbourhoods from 1967 to the early 1970s, participants and critics instead began to see Model Cities' relationship to Black Americans as a new form of colonialism. To determine how this shift occurred, this paper analyses this critical commentary against the archival evidence of Model Cities implementation in the cities in which it appeared. Situating these authors' arguments within the parallel emergence of Black studies and participatory planning as well as within larger Cold War diplomatic history, planning history, and African American intellectual history reveals how visions of revolution turned into a program of representation. Meanwhile, the plans these figures produced as part of Model Cities point to what a revolutionary program might yet be.",
        "output": "Marshall Plan or neocolonization? The Model Cities Program and Black planning criticism",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: IMPORTANCE: Disruption in school and the workplace are health concerns for transgender people.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate transgender individuals' thoughts and comfort with how others perceive their gender identity (social affirmation) and its association with outness in the workplace and mistreatment at work or school.DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey.PARTICIPANTS: Survey respondents older than age 18 yr from the Study of Transition, Outcomes & Gender cohort (N = 696; n = 350 assigned male at birth, n = 346 assigned female at birth [AFAB]).OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Ever out to employer and treated unfairly at work or school or fired from job. Predictors were high social affirmation and comfort with how others perceive own gender identity. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used for analyses.RESULTS: Individuals reporting high social affirmation were less likely to experience mistreatment at work or school than those with low social affirmation (odds ratio [OR] = 0.57, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.38, 0.86]). Individuals AFAB who felt comfortable with how others perceived their gender identity were less likely to be out to their employers than individuals AFAB who did not (OR = 0.45; 95% CI [0.20, 0.97]).CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Individuals with high social affirmation were less likely to experience work or school mistreatment, and feeling comfortable with how others perceive their gender identity did not signify the need to be out. Plain-Language Summary: Occupational therapy practitioners can play a pivotal role when working with transgender individuals by assisting in creating new routines for self-presentation at work or school, navigating social environments, and providing guidance in self-advocacy skills. Individuals assigned male at birth may be in greater need because they report lower levels of social affirmation and acceptance at school and work than individuals assigned female at birth.",
        "output": "Challenging Norms: The Impact of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Realities on Work and School Participation.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Citizen science (CS) is the most effective tool for overcoming the limitations of government and/or professional data collection. To compensate for quantitative limitations of the 'Winter Waterbird Census of Korea', we conducted a total of four bird monitoring via CS from 2021 to 2022. To use CS data alongside national data, we studied CS data quality and improvement utilizing (1) digit-based analysis using Benford's law and (2) comparative analysis with national data. In addition, we performed bird community analysis using CS-specific data, demonstrating the necessity of CS. Neither CS nor the national data adhered to Benford's law. Alpha diversity (number of species and Shannon index) was lower, and total beta diversity was higher for the CS data than national data. Regarding the observed bird community, the number of species per family was similar; however, the number of individuals per family/species differed. We also identified the necessity of CS by confirming the possibility of predicting bird communities using CS-specific data. CS was influenced by various factors, including the perceptions of the survey participants and their level of experience. Therefore, conducting CS after systematic training can facilitate the collection of higher-quality data.",
        "output": "Application of citizen science with the nationwide bird census.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: With the continuous advancement of technology, modern industrial equipment is becoming increasingly complex, integrated, and automated. The complexity of industrial processes often involves multiple variables, strong coupling, nonlinearity, variable operating conditions, and significant noise, making the establishment of accurate remaining useful life (RUL) prediction models a challenging research direction. This paper proposes a lifetime prediction model based on two-path convolution with attention mechanisms and a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) network. The model's front end employs two-path convolution scales and attention modules to extract key fault information from bearings, enhancing the model's noise resistance. It utilizes adaptive batch normalization and Meta-Aconc activation functions to adaptively adjust the neurons of the model, thereby enhancing its generalization capabilities. The model's back end uses a BiLSTM network to remember and process the degradation information of bearings, achieving the prediction of bearing RUL. Furthermore, the model's accuracy is evaluated using root mean square error and a scoring function assessment system. Comparative experiments demonstrate the model's higher predictive accuracy. Finally, robustness and generalization experiments have proven the model to adapt well in scenarios with noise interference and working condition transitions. This model provides a reference for the prediction of the life of rotating machinery in practical scenarios with strong noise and variable operating conditions.",
        "output": "A lifetime prediction model based on two-path convolution with attention mechanism and bidirectional long short-term memory network",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The urban planning evolution of Jaffa has been significantly shaped by political dynamics and conflict. Before 1948, Jaffa exhibited a diverse population and a distinctive urban layout reflective of its unique character. The British and Arab vision of the time aimed to expand and modernize Jaffa's urban fabric; however, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 led to a reevaluation of urban plans to accommodate a growing Jewish population and their vision for a modern city. Focusing on specific neighbourhoods, this article delves into the intricate interplay of social, political, and economic forces that have shaped Jaffa's urban structure, planning strategies, and development outcomes. Through this examination, valuable insights emerge, shedding light on the role of planning in shaping the social fabric of cities navigating significant historical and geopolitical transitions. The article emphasizes the delicate balance between modernization imperatives and the preservation of cultural heritage, underscoring the significance of fostering social inclusion and pursuing equitable development.",
        "output": "The urban planning transformation of Jaffa: pre and post-1948 perspectives",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Soil use and management practices influence the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM). From this perspective, the objective of this work was to evaluate the carbon stock and SOM fractions in a no-tillage (NT) and crop-livestock integration (CL) system in the Cerrado biome. The treatments were divided into four areas, subdivided into an area under NT with 11 years of cultivation, two areas under CL with 5 or 10 years of cultivation, and an area of native vegetation (NV). Undisturbed and disturbed soil (Ferralsols) samples were collected in layers 0.0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.4, and 0.4-0.6 m for the evaluations of soil properties, including bulk density, weighted mean diameter, clay content, carbon stock, carbon stock of light and mineral fractions, humification rate, and carbon management index. The results obtained suggest that the environments with the highest conservation of the physical properties of the soil are those that contain the highest levels of stable C. The main mechanism for C protection in the systems evaluated was mainly associated with physical protection, promoted by soil aggregates, capable of keeping C protected, and mitigation of C into the atmosphere. The values of the carbon management index in the agriculture areas were >100, indicating that these production systems could approach the soil quality of the native vegetation reference system.",
        "output": "Stock of Carbon and Soil Organic Fractions in No-Tillage and Crop-Livestock Integration Systems",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The claims that children's hand and footprints on formerly soft travertine at Qiusang, Tibet, are about 200 ka old and are the earliest rock art on the planet are reviewed. The uranium-thorium results are inconsistent with a previous age estimate of another set of such prints nearby, which is itself at odds with finger-drawn Tibetan letters at that site. The claims also ignore the high susceptibility of open-site calcite travertine to surface retreat by weathering and the likely removal of uranium by rainwater. Similarly, deposition of detrital thorium can occur in such porous and weathered carbonates. Both processes are known to increase age estimates of reprecipitated carbonate deposits significantly. There is no evidence that hominins of the Middle Pleistocene occupied the central Tibetan Plateau during the penultimate glacial period. Several issues are considered, and recommendations are made for resolving the controversy.",
        "output": "The hand and footprints at Qiusang in Tibet: Recommendations for dating rock art by U-Th",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Research suggests that economic inequality reduces political trust after the public recognizes the inequality and perceives it as a failure of the political system in Western democracies. This study challenges this presumed output evaluation model (OEM) both theoretically and empirically. We provide an alternative mediator evaluation model (MEM) contending that objective inequality affects political trust through government-performance mediators, without requiring accurate public perception of inequality or specific regime types. With nationwide economic inequality and public opinion data from China, we examined both the OEM implication and four MEM mechanisms through impartial governance, responsiveness, judicial fairness, and anti-corruption efforts. Findings indicate that the mediating mechanisms, rather than direct inequality, shape political trust, with robust evidence even after addressing endogeneity. This study broadens the understanding of the intricate relationship between systemic conditions and individual perceptions, offering significant insights into the dynamics of trust in political institutions in a general sense.",
        "output": "Why Economic Inequality Undermines Political Trust: An Analysis of Mechanisms",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Until recently, what was known about the trade of tin in the ancient Near East was based in large part on information derived from the extensive commercial archives found at the archaeological site of Kultepe (ancient Kanes \u02c7) in Turkey dating to the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) c. 1900-1750 BC. These archives were produced by an expatriate community of traders native to the city of Assur in modern-day Iraq and document an extensive shipping of tin ingots from unnamed sources east of their hometown. Tin was carried by donkeys through northern Syria and across the Taurus Mountains to Anatolia where it was sold for silver. This paper presents the first set of tin isotope analyses of bronze objects from Kultepe to test the image provided by these ancient archives, finding that all artifacts dated to the main period of Assyrian trade excavated in the residential areas of the site indeed have high tin content and high values of delta 124Sn (0.77-1.74%o) relative the NIST 3161a standard. Such high values currently compare best with ores from Central Asia. The isotopic analysis of artifacts from the Assyrian Trading Colony Period of Kultepe is therefore consistent with the textual evidence. However, Early Bronze Age samples recovered at the site are instead characterized by lower ranges that extend to neutral delta 124Sn values (0.02-1.31%o). Likewise, one artifact coming from Mound Level 7 (c. 1830-1700) at the center of the site where public buildings were concentrated, and one object dated to the Hellenistic Period (Mound Level 2), when the site saw a resurgence in political importance, likewise have lower delta 124Sn compositions of 0.11 and 0.31%o, respectively. Both samples also have low to moderate tin content. The Early Bronze Age artifacts form a linear array between artifacts from low delta 124Sn-low Sn wt% to high delta 124Sn-high Sn wt% that suggests a mixing of two compositional groups - not simply the mixing of two isotopically distinct reservoirs of tin, but also distinct in the amount of tin present in the alloy. This would be consistent with the recycling of low tin bronze objects with local tin, together with high tin bronzes containing tin from Central Asia. The two samples from Mound Levels 7 and 2 suggest that although Central Asian tin was predominant in the MBA, Anatolian tin may have continued to be used in a separate bronze production system that remained active at shifting varying of intensity throughout antiquity.",
        "output": "Tin isotopes reveal changing patterns of tin trade, connectivity and consumption from Anatolia and Central Asia at K\u00fcltepe",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Although prior research has documented a divergent relationship between leader Machiavellianism and abusive supervision, it fails to uncover the underlying mechanisms of this relationship. Drawing from trait activation theory as the overarching theory, we develop and test a dual-path model to examine how and when leader Machiavellianism leads to abusive supervision. Specifically, we theorize leader perceived threat to hierarchy (power-threatening process) and perceived power dependence on subordinations (power-sustaining process) as two parallel mechanisms through which leader Machiavellianism affects abusive supervision. We further identify leader position power as a boundary factor that influences the power-threatening and power-sustaining processes. Using multi-wave, multi-source data collected from 175 supervisors and their 763 subordinates, we found that Machiavellian leaders were more likely to perceive high threats from subordinates to the existing hierarchy, though this threat perception was not significantly associated with abusive supervision. Additionally, Machiavellian leaders were also more likely to perceive high power dependence on subordinates, which in turn reduced their abusive supervision. We further found that leader position power strengthened the positive effect of leader Machiavellianism on leader perceived threat to hierarchy, but did not weaken the positive effect of leader Machiavellianism on leader perceived power dependence on subordinates. The implications of our findings are discussed.",
        "output": "The complexity of Machiavellian leaders: how and when leader Machiavellianism impacts abusive supervision",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the psychological well-being of university students in the context of the impact made by knowledge exchange in online learning. The research includes case analysis and collects feedback from students and teachers on tasks in digital format. The study involved 219 students from two Russian universities, who formed experimental and control groups. Before the cluster training program, both groups took the Psychological Well-being Test method at the start of the educational process. After completing the digital knowledge exchange program, students took the test again. The results showed a significant correlation between the experimental and control groups. There was a significant improvement in the effectiveness of students in the experimental group in terms of interpersonal interaction during the preparation of reports (p = 4.187). Practically, this study confirms the effectiveness of digital knowledge exchange in the context of improving the well-being of students.",
        "output": "The role of digitalization in knowledge exchange and sources of knowledge acquisition for students' well-being",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The genus Ciliochorella is a group of pestalotioid fungi, which typically occurs in subtropical and tropical areas. Species from the Ciliochorella genus play important roles in the decomposition of litter. In this study, we introduce two new species (Ciliochorella chinensis sp. nov. and C. savannica sp. nov.) that were found on leaf litter collected from savanna-like vegetation in hot dry valleys of southwestern China. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, ITS and tub2 sequence datasets indicated that C. chinensis and C. savannica respectively form a distinct clade within the Ciliochorella genus. The comparison of the morphological characteristics indicated that the two new species are well differentiated within this genus species. Analysis of the evolutionary history suggests that Ciliochorella originated from the Eurasian continent during the Paleogene (38 Mya). Further, we find that both new species can produce cellulase and laccase, playing a decomposer role.",
        "output": "Taxonomy and evolution history of two new litter-decomposing Ciliochorella (Amphisphaeriales, Sporocadaceae)",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The paper delves into the role of communist ideology in urban planning during the late Soviet era (1960s-1980s). It claims that the implementation of new urban plans, which aimed at the radical reconstruction of pre-war populated areas, was deeply rooted in socialist ideological stances. However, chronic housing shortages made the associated demolitions problematic and undesirable. By addressing this conflicting situation, the concept of banal socialism was introduced. The concept asserts that the decreasing prominence of overt ideology in the reconstruction of historic cities does not imply a weakening of its influence or the rationalization of the planning system. Instead, it suggests that Soviet ideology underwent a process of banalization, a transformation that involved the ideology adopting routinized, mundane, almost invisible form. By examining the case of Vilnius, the paper argues that this process not only significantly influenced late Soviet era urban planning but also played an important role in shaping a distinctive socialist landscape.",
        "output": "Banal Socialism: The Role of Ideology in Late Soviet Era Urban Reconstruction-The Case of Vilnius",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Leonardo Bruni (1377-1444), chancellor of Florence, is today more famous as an initiator of civic humanism and a proponent of early modern republicanism than as a historian of medieval Florence. He owes this position most of all to Hans Baron, who argued that Florentine civic humanism-an exemplary mode of communal existence dedicated to the active life-as found particularly in Bruni's writings, stemmed from the resurgence of interest in antiquity, which pointed forward to a liberating, civilizing, and progressive modernity. Though James Hankins has recently argued that the dual theses of civic humanism and republicanism are mischaracterizations of the larger thrust of Italian Renaissance political thought, the scholarly literature overwhelmingly portrays Leonardo Bruni as incipiently modern and, by definition, un-medieval. But in emphasizing the role of antiquity in Bruni's modern thought, scholars have overlooked the importance of medieval history in the formulation and the content of Bruni's arguments. This article seeks to rectify this misappreciation by demonstrating how that quintessential medieval struggle, the conflict between popes and emperors, plays a central role in Bruni's political thought as it is found in the History of the Florentine People, written from 1415/16 to 1444.",
        "output": "Political Obligation and Self-Sufficiency in Leonardo Bruni's History of the Florentine People",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This study, grounded in survey data collected from farmers in three northeastern provinces of China -specifically Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning in 2019 -investigates the relationships among credit ratings, repayment willingness, and credit default among farmers. To address the dual sample selection issue stemming from both credit demand and credit accessibility, a three -stage Prohibit model is employed. The research empirically examines the impact of both traditional credit ratings and digital credit ratings on farmer credit default while delving into the interplay between the two. Furthermore, a mediation effect model is utilized to explore how credit ratings influence credit default through their effect on farmers' willingness to repay. The main findings as follows: Firstly, both traditional and digital credit ratings serve to deter farmers' credit defaults. Specifically, as a farmer attains a high -credit status in the traditional sense or achieves a higher digital credit score, the likelihood of credit default diminishes. Secondly, the inhibitory impact of both traditional and digital credit ratings on farmers' credit defaults is mutually reinforcing and complementary. Lastly, the mechanistic analysis reveals that both traditional and digital credit ratings effectively mitigate credit defaults by enhancing farmers' repayment willingness. In this regard, traditional credit ratings operate through the reputation and punishment mechanisms, while the supervision mechanism is not implicated. On the other hand, digital credit ratings operate through the reputation, punishment, and supervision mechanisms. Consequently, a comprehensive approach to reducing rural financial risks involves bolstering the cultivation of a robust reputation atmosphere and credit system within rural financial markets, along with the systematic enhancement of the efficacy of credit rating supervision mechanisms.",
        "output": "Credit rating, repayment willingness and farmer credit default",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Neuro-Behcet's disease (NBD) is defined as primary neurological involvement in patients with systemic symptoms of BD. The variety of clinical presentations seen in NBD and the long list of similar conditions make diagnosis challenging. This retrospective study aimed to estimate the prevalence and describe neurological involvement in patients with Behcet's disease who presented to King Abdulaziz Medical Cities in Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.METHODS: This was a retrospective, cohort study which utilized a non-probability consecutive sampling technique to include all patients diagnosed with NBD patients. All patients with BD (215) were screened for neurological symptoms. Thirty-five patients were found to be diagnosed with NBD. Outcomes were estimated using the modified Rankin scale (mRS).RESULTS: In our cohort, one in six patients with BD was diagnosed with NBD. A total of 35 patients were diagnosed with NBD (mean age 27.56 \u00b1 10.36 years; [2.88:1; Male: Female]). The main clinical features of NBD were headaches, weakness, unsteadiness, and dysarthria. The most commonly involved sites on imaging were the brainstem, diencephalon, cerebellum and basal ganglia. Oligocolonal bands were negative in all patients. Maintenance therapy most commonly included oral corticosteroids, azathioprine, and/or infliximab. Most patients received pulse corticosteroids alone when presenting with acute relapse. Half of our cohort was asymptomatic and three in four had favorable outcomes.CONCLUSION: NBD is common among patients with BD in our population with most patients having favorable outcomes. Patients might have a wide array of symptoms which might make the diagnosis challenging.",
        "output": "The clinical and radiological features and prevalence of Neuro-Behcet's Disease: A retrospective cohort multicenter study in Saudi Arabia.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper explains how a sanitized image of the late medieval German feud has come to predominate in contemporary German scholarship and explores its consequences for understanding the social implications of feuding violence. By tracing out the reception of Otto Brunner's seminal Land and Lordship (1939) in post-WWII German feud research, this paper shows how a complex interplay between democratic-liberal sensibilities, Brunner's feud as legal institution model, and his own historical vision of violence resulted in the sanitized model of feuding violence. This model divides feuding violence into categories of rational-functional violence and dysfunctional violence, which, as this article argues, do not map onto the empirical evidence for feuding violence. A series of case studies elucidates the limitations of this model, providing a de-sanitized and de-domesticated image of feuding by vividly demonstrating some overlooked realities of feuding violence: from high rates of interpersonal violence between elites to sexual violence against female non-combatants among others. On the basis of these case studies, this article argues for a fundamental revision of how medieval historians have hitherto approached the topic of violence more broadly.",
        "output": "Putting the Violence Back in the Late Medieval German Feud",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This article aims to clarify and expand our conceptual repertoire for understanding domestic violence and abuse by making legible different characteristic harms, particularly those that cannot be made sense of in terms of physical harm. Sections 2 and 3 of this article review popular understandings of the harms of domestic violence and abuse. These often emphasize either (a) pain and suffering or (b) the loss of capacities for self-governance as characteristic harms of domestic violence and abuse. In its second half, this article argues that domestic violence and abuse characteristically involve yet another harm to the victim, one that cannot neatly be explained in terms of hedonistic welfare or concerns for a victim's capacities for self-governance. More specifically, this article argues that through the characteristic social isolation of domestic violence and abuse, perpetrators alienate victims from what motivationally roots them to the world. Although relationships that motivationally root us to the world might make us fundamentally dependent on others and can cause us great pain, they nevertheless play a profoundly valuable role in our lives by giving us reasons to go on living.",
        "output": "Domestic Violence and Abuse: Expanding Our Conceptual Repertoire",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Drawing on social constructivist learning theory and a conceptual framework for meaningful physical education (MPE), the purpose of this self-study was to present and explore how one teacher-researcher (TR) evolved their approach to implementing pedagogy promoting MPE in an alternative secondary/high school education setting. Utilizing self-study, data were collected before, during, and after twenty 75-minute lessons over 15 weeks. One critical friend interview, 20 post-teaching reflections, 18 observations, and 22 journal entries were conducted. A deductive and inductive approach utilizing the Miles, Huberman and Saldana Framework for Qualitative Data Analysis (2014) was implemented, with thematic analysis then applied. The following themes were constructed: bringing the fun; steering between sparkling and sensitive social interactions; co-creating and reconsidering challenge; monitoring movements toward motor competence; and pursuing personal relevance in physical activity. Findings demonstrate the TR's explicit and intentional efforts to better implement the concept of MPE within their planning and pedagogy to develop a better understanding of what this looked like in practice and the role each feature played in teaching and learning. Utilizing and promoting democratic and reflective practices led the TR to consider and apply these features more frequently and readily to better teach knowledge, attitudes, and skills to their students through the conceptual lens of MPE. The experiences presented and discussed demonstrate the benefit of doing so not just for the TR's evolving approach to teaching and learning in physical education, but indeed for the learning of their students, researchers, and other practitioners too.",
        "output": "All the better for it: Exploring one teacher-researcher's evolving efforts to promote meaningful physical education",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Birch bark tar is one of the oldest man-made organic materials, which was most commonly served as adhesives in ancient Eurasia, but little is known about its usage in personal ornaments. In this study, we present the earliest direct evidence for the specific use of birch bark tar in the production of ornaments through chemical investigation (including FTIR, GC/MS, and Py-GC/MS) and imaging examination (including SEM and micro-CT). The chemical and microscopic analyses indicate that some beads and bracelets unearthed from a public cemetery (the Dayuanzi site) of an ancient state or tribe (Xinan Yi) on the eastern Yunnan plateau in southwest China dated to approximately 475 BCE-8 CE were exclusively made with birch bark tar. These ornaments represent a unique cultural phenomenon among ethnic groups in this region, which may contribute to a better understanding of plant exploitation and the related birch bark culture among different cultural groups and their interrelationships in the past.",
        "output": "Birch bark tar ornaments: identification of 2000-year-old beads and bracelets in southwest China",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Sports media research has often found that athletes are depicted differently based on stereotypes attached to their racialized bodies, and often along a Black/white racial binary. Furthermore, Black men often receive more and harsher penalties for drug use compared to all other racial and gender categories. Using critical discourse analysis, this study explores how NFL athletes who either openly admitted to using illicit drugs or failed National Football League (NFL)-mandated drug tests were covered by sports media. Four NFL athletes (two Black, two white) were selected based on their prominence - Josh Gordon, Randy Gregory, Chris Long, and Aaron Rodgers. The findings tell us that the selected Black athletes were often demonized in coverage by being portrayed as addicts or criminals and objectified as commodities whose value rose and fell with each suspension/return. Additionally, journalists often deployed neoliberal logics to both criticize and defend Black and white athletes. The white athletes in the study were portrayed as intellectuals looking to challenge the NFL's authority, good person(s), and went unpunished for their drug admittance. This study finds that monolithic coverage of athletes is not fair, however the stereotypical notions of the Black/white binary are present when analyzing media discourse on athletic drug use.",
        "output": "Playing (& Smoking) by the Rules: Sport Media's Racialized Coverage of Athlete Drug Use",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper develops the concept of transience of (in)formality to refer to the intersection of formal and informal negotiating procedures in the WTO decision-making system. It argues that both formal and informal negotiating processes are essential for delivering negotiating outcomes in the WTO. Particularly, the article assesses how informal negotiating practices emerge within the WTO formal framework and align with it. The analysis highlights how negotiating practices (re)shape existing norms, both formal and informal, adapting the WTO to overcome challenges and meet current needs. It also disputes legal formalistic perspectives that permeate trade literature and offer limited accounts of Members' agency in the WTO. The paper uses the Joint Initiatives as a case study to illustrate the convergence between formality and informality and a possible way ahead for the WTO negotiations. By broadening the understanding of law-making, it contributes to the discussion on WTO reform. It provides alternatives that reflect the reality of WTO negotiations and underlines the institution's relevance.",
        "output": "Transience of (In)Formality: The Role of the Joint Initiatives in Reforming the WTO Negotiations",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Platform designers create and implement incentive systems to encourage users to contribute content to online communities. This article examines the effect of a multidimensional incentive hierarchy in motivating users to engage in competitive and prosocial activities. Utilizing an external change observed in the data science community, Kaggle, and applying a quasi-experimental design, we compared users' engagement levels before and after introducing a multidimensional incentive hierarchy. We found that implementing a multidimensional incentive system directed users from submitting answers to Kaggle competitions to participating in Kaggle's online forum discussions. However, our additional analyses suggest that the most and the least motivated users may be less likely to be impacted by such incentives.",
        "output": "Do inclusive incentive systems encourage prosocial or competitive behavior in online communities?",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Stochastic and robust optimization approaches often result in sub-optimal solutions for the uncertain p-hub median problem when continuous design parameters are discretized to form different environmental scenarios. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a triangular fuzzy number model for the Non-Strict Uncapacitated Multi-Allocation p-hub Median Problem. To enhance the quality and the speed of optimization, a novel optimization approach, combining the triangular fuzzy number evaluation index with the Genetic-Tabu Search algorithm, is proposed. During the iterations of the Genetic-Tabu Search algorithm for finding the optimal solution, the fitness of fuzzy hub schemes is calculated by considering the relative positional relationships of triangular fuzzy number membership functions. This approach directly addresses the triangular fuzzy number model and ensures the integrity of information in the p-hub problem as much as possible. It is verified by the classic Civil Aeronautics Board and several self-constructed data sets. The results indicate that, compared to the traditional Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search algorithm, the Genetic-Tabu Search algorithm reduces average computation time by 49.05% and 40.93%, respectively. Compared to traditional random, robust, and real-number-based optimization approaches, the proposed optimization approach reduces the total cost in uncertain environments by 1.47%, 2.80%, and 8.85%, respectively.",
        "output": "A fuzzy interval optimization approach for p-hub median problem under uncertain information",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In this essay, for the debate series of Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, I argue against the oversimplified causal argument that the maintenance of local and traditional knowledge systems is related to less advantaged circumstances. This statement is based on a colonialist perspective of what a less advantageous circumstance is, which is being questioned by several authors. It also ignores the struggles and resistance of traditional knowledge holders and the urgent call for socioenvironmental justice. As an ethnobiologist, I argue that we must face this reality to build science with justice and inclusiveness.",
        "output": "Local and traditional knowledge systems, resistance, and socioenvironmental justice",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This study aims to comprehend and test the mediating effect of Green Process Innovation (GPI) and the moderating effect of Green Dynamic Capabilities (GDC) on Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled Green Business Strategies (GBS) and Environmental Performance (EP) relationship. 252 manufacturing sector employees in North India participated in the data collection. The study used Structural equation modelling and Process Macro for investigating the hypothesized model. The results supported the hypothesized association between AIenabled GBS and EP. The study found that GPI mediate the constructive association between AI -enabled GBS and EP. GDC emerged as significant moderators for AI -enabled GBS and EP relationship. The article offers some helpful inputs for the Indian manufacturing industry to understand the importance of AI -enabled GBS in enhancing EP to move towards Carbon neutrality. The results suggest some practical implications for organizations wherein firms can maintain their focus on GPI at the organizational level by having AI -backed GBS, which will help the business achieve better EP. There is a scope to dig deep on comprehending the moderating impact of GDC in this context. The study recommends that GDC can further boost GPI, which will ultimately impact the firm's goal of carbon neutrality by shaping EP.",
        "output": "AI-enabled Green Business Strategy: Path to carbon neutrality via environmental performance and green process innovation",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In this article, I examine the concept of shared or 'distributed' agency between humans and non-humans in the context of coastal environments. Drawing on critical theory from the environmental humanities and cultural geography, I begin by situating distributed agency within a relational paradigm for human existence in a more-than-human world, building on the idea of receptivity to bridge the gap between an ontological and a moral-political understanding of the other-than-human capacity to act. I subsequently bring the concept of distributed agency into dialogue with the idea of 'working with nature', notably examples of the 'sand motor' coastal landscape intervention found in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Ireland. The sand motor is a method for beach nourishment that operates on the basis of autonomous sediment dispersal, and that is meant to replace existing approaches to coastal protection that are labor-intensive and have a much shorter lifespan. Using the different cases, I demonstrate how planned and accidental deployments of the sand motor can be tied to varying paradigms for human/nature relationships, which may either contradict or support the principles of distributed agency. With regard to the latter, I highlight the importance of agential indeterminacy and human accountability for the long-term sustainability of pluriagential collaborations. Ultimately, by engaging productively with other-than-human expressions of agency through an ongoing practice of receptivity, important steps can be taken toward a more resilient future for all.",
        "output": "Sand patterns: distributed agency and the idea of 'working with nature' in coastal environments",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This comparative, mixed-methods study explores various definitions of Israel Studies as a discipline through their manifestations in library and archival collections. A survey and a follow-up interview with collection curators provide a glimpse into library operations and demonstrate their dependency on Jewish Studies across the board. Collection strengths, extensiveness, and uniqueness are shaped not by the presence of an on-campus Israel Studies center, but rather by individual curators guided by their own proactive approach to collection building. The article includes an annotated list of over 120 distinctive collections, among which we uncover several hidden collections. Taken together, our article illustrates the need for better communication between Israel Studies' scholarly and information communities.",
        "output": "Israel Studies collections in research libraries and archives outside of Israel: a survey",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The difficulty of collecting maize leaf lesion characteristics in an environment that undergoes frequent changes, suffers varying illumination from lighting sources, and is influenced by a variety of other factors makes detecting diseases in maize leaves difficult. It is critical to monitor and identify plant leaf diseases during the initial growing period to take suitable preventative measures. In this work, wepropose an automated maize leaf disease recognition system constructed using the PRF-SVM model. The PRFSVM model was constructed by combining three powerful components: PSPNet, ResNet50, and Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (Fuzzy SVM). The combination of PSPNet and ResNet50 not only assures that the model can capture delicate visual features but also allows for end-to-end training for smooth integration.Fuzzy SVM is included as a final classification layer to accommodate the inherent fuzziness and uncertainty in real-world image data.Five different maize crop diseases (common rust, southern rust, grey leaf spot, maydis leaf blight, and turcicum leaf blight along with healthy leaves) are selected from the Plant Village dataset for the algorithm's evaluation. The average accuracy achieved using the proposed method is approximately 96.67%. The PRFSVM model achieves an average accuracy rating of 96.67% and a mAP value of 0.81, demonstrating the efficacy of our approach for detecting and classifying various forms of maize leaf diseases.",
        "output": "Maize leaf disease recognition using PRF-SVM integration: a breakthrough technique.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper investigates whether the British pattern of an early transition from school to work persists. We apply sequence analysis to data from the British Household Panel Survey and the U.K. Household Longitudinal Study to study how education and employment trajectories of young adults born in 1974-1990 differ by 5-year birth cohort, gender, and socioeconomic background. The distinctive British early transition from school to work is still prevalent, although trajectories have become more complex and precarious with an increase in part-time employment and prolonged stays in education among the youngest cohorts. Occupational outcomes of highly educated men and women were similar. However, women who did not continue education were more likely to experience turbulent transitions with longer spells of part-time work and inactivity. The proportion of university graduates from lower socioeconomic backgrounds has increased, yet their chances of being in professional and managerial occupations remain significantly lower.",
        "output": "Increasing diversity, precarity and prolonged periods of education in the transition from school to work in Britain",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: To prevent tobacco use in Korea, the national quitline number was added to tobacco packages in December 2012, tobacco prices were raised by 80% in January 2015, and graphic health warning labels were placed on tobacco packages in December 2016. This study evaluated the association of these tobacco packaging and pricing policies with suicide mortality in Korea.METHODS: Monthly mortality from suicide was obtained from Cause-of-Death Statistics in Korea from December 2007 to December 2019. Interrupted time-series analysis was performed using segmented Poisson regression models. Relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated adjusted for suicide prevention strategies.RESULTS: Suicide mortality was 20 per 1,000,000 in December 2007 and showed a downward trend over the study period. After the implementation of tobacco packaging and pricing policies, suicide mortality immediately declined by-0.09 percent points (95% CI=-0.19 to 0.01; P>0.05) for the national quitline number,-0.22 percent points (95% CI=-0.35 to-0.09; P<0.01) for tobacco prices, and-0.30 percent points (95% CI=-0.49 to-0.11; P<0.01) for graphic health warning labels. The corresponding RRs for these post-implementation changes compared with the pre-implementation level were 0.91 (95% CI=0.83 to 1.00), 0.80 (95% CI=0.70 to 0.91), and 0.74 (95% CI=0.61 to 0.90), respectively. Significant associations between tobacco control policies and suicide mortality were observed even when stratified by sex and region.CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study provide new evidence for an association between tobacco control policies and deaths by suicide. An array of effective tobacco control policies should be considered for prevention programs targeting suicide.",
        "output": "Suicide mortality following the implementation of tobacco packaging and pricing policies in Korea: an interrupted time-series analysis.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Transgender populations experience disproportionately higher rates of mental and physical health issues such as suicidality and heart disease than their cisgender counterparts. Education of health professions students and providers is recognized as an effective method in mitigating transgender health disparities.PURPOSE: This narrative review investigated the methods in which transgender health is taught in undergraduate nursing programs. Suggestions for optimizing transgender health education are presented.METHOD: This review critically appraised and synthesized 28 articles that met these inclusion criteria: articles in English describing teaching strategies used in transgender health education with samples that include undergraduate nursing students.RESULTS: Didactic lecture is the most widely used method, followed by role-play simulation, use of film and video, guest presentation, and high-fidelity and standardized patient simulation.CONCLUSION: Lectures remain the dominant method of delivering transgender health content. Improvements in students' knowledge and attitude related to transgender care were noted posteducation.",
        "output": "Methods of Teaching Transgender Health in Undergraduate Nursing Programs: A Narrative Review.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: After the First Amendment's Religion Clauses were ratified, church and state became increasingly divorced from one another, as practicing religion became a private activity on which the government could not encroach. This separation, however, was slow, and much credit is owed to the U.S. Supreme Court for its efforts to disentangle the two. One particular area in which the Supreme Court exercised its influence was the U.S. education system; the Court invoked the Religion Clauses and neutrality principles to rid public schools of religious influences and ensure that private religious schools could partake in government programs that were available to all. The Court's efforts, in part, eventually yielded a rise in alternative education opportunities, including charter schools and, more recently, religious charter schools. This Note examines whether religious charter schools are private or state actors under the state action doctrine and, consequently, whether they are prohibited under the Religion Clauses. This Note argues that charter schools, generally, cannot be categorized as either private or public actors; rather, particular practices and characteristics of a charter school can be deemed state action such that the school must comply with the Religion Clauses' demands. This Note analyzes these instances, focusing on the Court's jurisprudence regarding religious curricula, teacher -led prayer, government funding, and religious symbols. Ultimately, this Note concludes that the most identifying feature of a religious charter school-its religious curriculum-cannot be considered state action and, thus, religious charter schools are permissible and beneficial additions to school choice.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This paper investigates the events and lessons from the 1848-49 cholera epidemic in Hungary. For contemporaries, the ongoing revolution and civil war pushed the devastation of the cholera epidemic into the background, even though the death rate was similar to that of the earlier 1831 infection. The epidemic hit the country in a period when the revolutionary Hungarian state was waging a war of self-defense. This article strives to refute the historiographic view that the movements of the different armies had a considerable influence on the development of the epidemic. Instead, this article argues that the cholera epidemic was a demographic crisis unfolding in the background of war, but for the most part independently of it. It mattered that most people of that time had already directly experienced cholera and that the Hungarian government did not want to cause panic with restrictive measures. In 1848, cholera was not a mobilizing factor, but in 1849 it contributed to the demoralization of the hinterland and frequently appeared in the political propaganda of the civil war.",
        "output": "Revolution, War, and Cholera in 1848-49: The Case of Hungary",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Objective: Longer end-stage renal disease time has been associated with inferior kidney transplant outcomes. However, the contribution of transplant evaluation is uncertain. We explored the relationship between time from evaluation to listing (ELT) and transplant outcomes. Methods: This retrospective study included 2535 adult kidney transplants from 2000 to 2015. Kaplan-Meier survival curves, log-rank tests, and Cox regression models were used to compare transplant outcomes. Results: Patient survival for both deceased donor (DD) recipients (p < .001) and living donor (LD) recipients (p < .0001) was significantly higher when ELT was less than 3 months. The risks of ELT appeared to be mediated by other risks in DD recipients, as adjusted models showed no associated risk of graft loss or death in DD recipients. For LD recipients, ELT remained a risk factor for patient death after covariate adjustment. Each month of ELT was associated with an increased risk of death (HR = 1.021, p = .04) but not graft loss in LD recipients in adjusted models. Conclusions: Kidney transplant recipients with longer ELT times had higher rates of death after transplant, and ELT was independently associated with an increased risk of death for LD recipients. Investigations on the impact of pretransplant evaluation on post-transplant outcomes can inform transplant policy and practice.",
        "output": "Impact of delayed listing after initiating kidney transplant evaluation on transplant outcomes",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In this article, we compare a tax and a standard as environmental tools depending on firms' R &D strategy and the government's ability to credibly commit to its policy. We consider a duopoly model where production is polluting and in an effort to mitigate emissions, firms invest in green R &D (in the presence of technological spillovers) either cooperatively or non-cooperatively. We explore two policy games in which the regulator establishes an emission tax or an emission standard either before or after firms engage in R &D. We endogenize both the firms' R &D strategy and the regulator's choice of policy instrument. We find that an emission standard is adopted only when firms choose not to cooperate. Conversely, a tax is desirable when firms collaborate in green R &D. Moreover, we expand our framework by offering the opportunity for the regulator to authorize or ban cooperation in green R &D before the firms make their strategic decisions.",
        "output": "Cooperation in green R &D and environmental policies: tax or standard",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Microbial lipid fermentation encompasses intricate complex cell growth processes and heavily relies on expert experience for optimal production. Digital modeling of the fermentation process assists researchers in making intelligent decisions, employing logical reasoning and strategic planning to optimize lipid fermentation. It this study, the effects of medium components and concentrations on lipid fermentation were investigated, first. And then, leveraging the collated data, a variety of machine learning algorithms were used to model and optimize the lipid fermentation process. The models, based on artificial neural networks and support vector machines, achieved R2 values all higher than 0.93, ensuring accurate predictions of the fermentation process. Multiple linear regression was used to evaluate the respective target parameter, which were affected by the medium components of lipid fermentation. Lastly, single and multi-objective optimization were conducted for lipid fermentation using the genetic algorithm. Experimental results demonstrated the maximum biomass of 50.3 g center dot L-1 and maximum lipid concentration of 14.1 g center dot L-1 with the error between the experimental and predicted values less than 5%. The results of the multi-objective optimization reveal the synergistic and competitive relationship between biomass, lipid concentration, and conversion rate, which lay a basis for in-depth optimization and amplification.",
        "output": "Improving lipid production by Rhodotorula glutinis for renewable fuel production based on machine learning",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This article focusses on the 'plague debates' which took place in the British parliament in 1819 and 1824, where the opinions of non-medical experts were also taken into account; particularly those of officials who had acquired relevant practical experience. Such opinions were crucial in politicising the medical debate from one of the nature of plagues, towards an evaluation of the impact of quarantine more broadly. Paying closer attention at the correspondence between the colonial governor of Malta and the Ionian Islands, and the colonial secretary, it reveals a different aspect of the contagion inquiry in Britain-one considering medical knowledge about plagues that was highly speculative. While most historical works illuminate the establishment of what was considered to be medical evidence, there is less work about the political, economic or even personal motives which underlined interventions in these debates.",
        "output": "'A System Only to Be Defended on the Principle of Positive and Ascertained Necessity': Quarantine and Thomas Maitland's Contribution to the Medical Debates of 1819 and 1824",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Although aging has a strong impact on visual acuity (VA) and falls, their interaction is understudied in generally healthy older adults. This study aimed to examine if and to what extent baseline VA is associated with an increased risk of all and injurious falls over 3 years in generally healthy community-dwelling older adults.DESIGN: Observational analysis of DO-HEALTH, a double-blind, randomized controlled trial.SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Multicenter trial with 7 European centers: Zurich, Basel, Geneva (Switzerland), Berlin (Germany), Innsbruck (Austria), Toulouse (France), and Coimbra (Portugal), including 2157 community-dwelling adults aged 70years and older without any major health events in the 5 years prior to enrollment, sufficient mobility, and good cognitive status.METHODS: The numbers of all and injurious falls were recorded prospectively by diary and in-person assessment every 3 months. Decreased VA at baseline was defined as better-eye VA lower than 1.0. We applied negative binomial regression models for all and injurious falls, adjusted for age, sex, prior falls, treatment allocation, study site, baseline body mass index, and use of walking aids.RESULTS: Among the 2131 participants included in this analysis (mean age: 74.9years, 61.7% were women, 82.6% at least moderately physically active), 1464 (68.7%) had decreased VA. Overall, 3290 falls including 2116 injurious falls were recorded over 3 years. Decreased VA at baseline was associated with a 22% increased incidence rate of all falls [adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR)= 1.22, 95% CI 1.07, 1.38, P= .003] and 20% increased incidence rate of injurious falls (aIRR= 1.20, 95% CI 1.05, 1.37, P= .007).CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Our findings suggest that decreased VA is an independent predictor of an about 20% increased risk of all and injurious falls, highlighting the importance of regular eye examinations and VA measurements for fall prevention, even in generally healthy and active older adults.",
        "output": "Association Between Visual Acuity and Prospective Fall Risk in Generally Healthy and Active Older Adults: The 3-Year DO-HEALTH Study.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Marine heatwaves (MHWs) and marine cold-spells (MCSs) are prolonged oceanic extreme temperature events that can severely impact large-scale ecosystems, fisheries, and human activities with consequent socioeconomic impacts. Although some studies have contributed valuable insights into the vertical structure and related mechanisms of MHWs, equivalent research on MCSs remains unclear. Thus, comprehensive and systematic analysis of the vertical structures and related mechanisms of MHWs and MCSs remains area of an active research. In this study, we classified MHWs/MCSs into two types in the Kuroshio Extension region: extended MHWs/MCSs that can extend through more than 70% of the water column and shallow MHWs/MCSs that are restricted from the surface layer to less than 70% of the water column. Analysis revealed that shallow events are characterized by stronger intensity and shorter duration compared with extended events. All shallow events are driven by surface heat flux anomalies, with shortwave radiation (latent heat flux) mostly inducing those in MHWs (MCSs). However, extended MHWs/MCSs are primarily driven by ocean anticyclonic/cyclonic eddies. These findings provide deeper understanding of the statistical characteristics, vertical structures, and physical drivers of MHWs and MCSs.",
        "output": "Vertical structures and drivers of marine heatwaves and cold-spells in the Kuroshio Extension region",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This research seeks to determine how sharing knowledge improves government employees' performance and how employee engagement mediates this effect. The descriptive and explanatory research method with a cross-sectional survey design and quantitative approaches were employed. As a result, the researchers used both primary and secondary sources of data to gather relevant information to meet the research purpose. To achieve the objectives of this study, explanatory analysis, including structural equation modelling was employed using Smart PLS4 software. The current study's confirmatory factor analysis result shows that the previous measurement items for each construct should not be used as they are, and the researchers developed a modified measurement model. This study discovered evidence to support the conclusion that knowledge sharing has a significant positive impact on employee performance, both directly and indirectly, through the mediating role of employee engagement; thus, the study can contribute to theory and practice in the field.",
        "output": "Does knowledge sharing enhance the job performance of employees? The mediating role of engagement",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: The treatment of the rubble from the fire at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris was the subject of an unprecedented protocol, drafted jointly by several departments of the ministere de la Culture and implemented by these same teams, assisted by compagnons (workers, foremen, forklift operators, automatic machine operators) present on the safety site. The aim of this approach, which was implemented immediately after the disaster, was to identify, from amongst all the collapsed materials on the floor and on the vaults, those that could be recovered, both for restoration purposes and for long-term scientific research - thus passing from the status of debris to that of vestiges. A sampling protocol, using robotic equipment on the ground and rope access technicians on the vaults, was thus organised to document and locate each material recovered (photographs, orthophotographs, geolocation): material specialists and archaeologists took turns for nearly twenty-four (24) months, in a context of lead pollution and according to an extremely constrained schedule, to carry out this sorting and draw up an initial inventory. At the end of this first phase of the scientific project, nearly ten thousand (10,0 0 0) pieces of timber, six hundred and fifty (650) pallets of stone items and three hundred and fifty (350) pallets of metal items are now stored in warehouses rented by the project management team, under the responsibility of the ministere de la Culture, and are currently the subject of a detailed inventory. All of the vestiges collected will thus be able to be used for the restoration of the building and, through the many research programmes already underway, contribute to a renewed knowledge of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
        "output": "From debris to remains, an experimental protocol under emergency conditions",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In a number of papers, Kit Fine introduced a theory of embodiment which distinguishes between rigid and variable embodiments, and has been successfully applied to clarify the ontological nature of entities whose parts may or may not vary in time. In particular, he has applied this theory to describe a process such as the erosion of a cliff, which would be a variable embodiment whose manifestations are the different states of erosion of the cliff. We find this theory very powerful, and especially appropriate to capture the intuition that the same process may go on at different times. However, its formal principles have been subject to some criticisms, mainly concerning the mereological structure of a variable embodiment. Moreover, since the notion of variable embodiment is very general, simply saying that processes are variable embodiments is not enough to understand their ontological nature. To address these concerns, in this paper we proceed in two phases: first, we propose a revised version of Fine's original theory adapted to the case of processes, which adopts a classical mereology instead of Fine's hylomorphic mereology, and a temporalized constitution relation in place of Fine's function of variable embodiment; second, we go deeper into the ontological nature of processes by revisiting the notions of homogeneity, intentionality, and telicity discussed in the literature, and propose an account based on ontological principles and not on semantic properties of predicates. This allows us to organize processes into a novel taxonomy based exclusively on their unity and individuation principles.",
        "output": "Processes as variable embodiments",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: This article presents aspects of the lives of the choirboys at Notre-Dame de Paris between the 14th and the 18th centuries. We evaluate the sound produced by children's voices during liturgical celebrations based on their location inside the choir using acoustic simulations. The enclosed liturgical choir of NotreDame created an acoustical subspace in the cathedral with suitable acoustics for the clergy within the choir, but not for the laypeople in the nave. These simulations demonstrate that this liturgy of the Hours was meant mostly for God and the canons who sang it. In addition to testing conditions where the children sang from within the chancel with and without the jube, we also investigate the situation where the children sang from on top of the jube as they did for certain special occasions. While placing singers on the jube may have had visual appeal or ceremonial importance, simulations reveal that moving the singers from the ground floor of the choir to the jube would have actually had a negative effect on the loudness and clarity of the sound heard by the canons in the choir. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )",
        "output": "The voices of children in Notre-Dame de Paris during the Late Middle Ages and the Modern Period",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Indoor scenes we are living in are visually homogenous or textureless, while they inherently have structural forms and provide enough structural priors for 3D scene reconstruction. Motivated by this fact, we propose a structure-aware online signed distance fields (SDF) reconstruction framework in indoor scenes, especially under the Atlanta world (AW) assumption. Thus, we dub this incremental SDF reconstruction for AW as AiSDF. Within the online framework, we infer the underlying Atlanta structure of a given scene and then estimate planar surfel regions supporting the Atlanta structure. This Atlanta-aware surfel representation provides an explicit planar map for a given scene. In addition, based on these Atlanta planar surfel regions, we adaptively sample and constrain the structural regularity in the SDF reconstruction, which enables us to improve the reconstruction quality by maintaining a high-level structure while enhancing the details of a given scene. We evaluate the proposed AiSDF on the ScanNet and ReplicaCAD datasets, where we demonstrate that the proposed framework is capable of reconstructing fine details of objects implicitly, as well as structures explicitly in room-scale scenes.",
        "output": "AiSDF: Structure-Aware Neural Signed Distance Fields in Indoor Scenes",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Indigenous peoples should be able to govern data about themselves, their territories, resources, and ways of life, collected by themselves or others. However, the progressive use of cloud computing for the geoweb raises data security and privacy concerns. We propose a complete and trustless approach for indigenous geospatial data sovereignty on the cloud by furnishing security functions at the core-the web browser. Geomasking permits sharing an anonymized dataset with less privileged users, while the original is protected and shared with sovereign data owners via public-key encryption. The encrypted dataset's hash value is notarized on the blockchain for the verification of its authenticity when on the cloud. The application was designed for the protection of Biodiversity Management Areas stewarded by the Maori people in Aotearoa New Zealand. It enables diversified functions of geospatial data protection compared with previous works focusing on the cloud by solving data-sharing problems without relying on a third party.",
        "output": "A cloud-based solution for trustless indigenous data sovereignty: Protecting M\u0101ori biodiversity management data in Aotearoa New Zealand",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Phenomena like echo chambers and societal polarization have often been linked to an individual preference for like-minded information (selective exposure). This view has been challenged recently: behavior on comment sections in online forums suggests the opposite dynamic, with users more likely to reply to attitudinally uncongenial content. Three experimental studies (total N = 1524) explore boundary conditions of this uncongeniality bias by measuring participants' tendency to reply to comments on climate science. Studies 1 (student sample) and 2 (non-student sample) replicate the uncongeniality bias. However, Study 3 (representative for age and gender in Germany) yielded a surprising congeniality bias (a preference for replying to congenial comments) which was driven by participants with higher age. Further results across studies suggest that high confidence increases engagement (general likelihood to reply) but reduces antagonism (likelihood to reply to uncongenial content). Conversely, high knowledge reduces engagement but increases the uncongeniality bias.",
        "output": "To whom do people reply in comment sections? Effects of attitude (un)congeniality, age, confidence, and knowledge",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: ABSTRACT: Donnelly, S, Collins, K, Burns, C, O'Neill, C, and Mangan, S. A comparison of elite and sub-elite match-play running performance of Gaelic football players. J Strength Cond Res 38(5): 912-923, 2024-This research aimed to examine differences in match-play running performance between elite and sub-elite Gaelic football players. Global Positioning System devices were used to record the match-play running performance of sub-elite and elite players during the 2018 and 2019 seasons, respectively. In total, 783 samples were collected from 31 sub-elite and 30 elite players, from 1 elite and 1 sub-elite team. Comparisons were made on a team and positional level. Statistical significance was accepted at p \u2264 0.05. Significant positional differences were present between all positions with varying effect sizes (ESs) and p-values. Effect size was used to determine the magnitude of statistical difference. On a team level, the elite covered significantly more relative distance (p = 0.021, ES = 0.007) and elicited significantly higher average speed (p = 0.023, ES = 0.007) in quarters 2, 3, and 4 than the sub-elite. The elite covered significantly more relative distance high-intensity running (17-21.9 km\u00b7h-1; p = 0.002, ES = 0.012) in quarter 3 and performed significantly more power events per minute (p = 0.006, ES = 0.009) in quarter 4. In quarter 1, the sub-elite performed significantly more power events per minute (p = 0.006, ES = 0.009), relative high-speed running (\u226517 km\u00b7h-1; p = 0.011, ES = 0.009), and relative distance high-intensity running (17-21.9 km\u00b7h-1; p = 0.002, ES = 0.012). Power events were defined as the estimation of the number of events that depend on anaerobic processes. The present study indicates that elite players possess superior conditioning, ability to read match-play, pacing, and anaerobic capacity. Sub-elite teams may use the present study to inform their training to potentially improve conditioning, pacing, and anaerobic capacity.",
        "output": "A Comparison of Elite and Sub-elite Match-Play Running Performance of Gaelic Football Players.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Purpose: Research shows that school leadership and working conditions strongly predict teacher turnover, but less empirical work has explored how school leaders grapple with this aspect of their work. This article investigates how school leaders across diverse geographic and institutional contexts understand human capital challenges and construct approaches to improve adult culture and teacher retention. Research Methods/Approach: This cross-case analysis includes interviews with 23 school leaders from four different public school systems (charter, suburban, rural, urban). Using both inductive and deductive coding approaches, we analyze how school leaders understand and approach human capital challenges and the logics they invoke in doing so. Findings: Perceiving teacher supply and dismissal challenges as outside of their control, leaders primarily focused on managing the adult culture of their schools to improve teacher retention. This focus raised additional challenges for school leaders around generating teacher buy-in and attending to teacher well-being. Whereas school leaders across different contexts named similar strategies for generating teacher buy-in around school or system-wide goals, some leaders framed focusing on teacher well-being as being in tension with their responsibilities to student outcomes. Implications: This work contributes to the literature on school leadership and teacher retention, which highlights school leadership as a point of intervention for stemming teacher attrition. Understanding how school leaders locate challenges, construct priorities, and manage the human capital side of their work is paramount to improving school leader preparation and support, teacher retention, and student outcomes.",
        "output": "Love the One You're With: The Logic(s) of School Leaders' Approaches to Human Capital Management",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Background: Psychological repurcussions of COVID-19 pandemic has received wide attention, but there's limited attention paid to psychological recovery afterwards. This study focuses on the changes and predictive factors of mental health of Chinese university students post-pandemic. Methods: This study included 1175 Chinese undergraduate students sampled in May 2022 and May-June 2023, right before and after peaks of infections following the end of lockdown policy in China. The participants completed a survey of demographic variables, and three questionnaires: 12-item General Health Questionnaire, Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire, and Prosocial Tendencies Measure. Results: The participants sampled in 2023 have significant lower GHQ scores and higher PPQ scores than those sampled in 2022, while there is no significant difference in PTM scores between them. The proportion of participants with GHQ-12 scores exceeding 12 in 2023 showed slightly decrease compared to that in 2022. The infection of significant others, the sense of hope, and PPQ self-efficiency, hope and optimism subscale scores were significantly associated with GHQ-12 scores in 2023, but actual infection or quarantine experience were not. Conclusions: The mental health and psychological capital of the university students have been significantly improved within a year. It is worthy to pay attention to the infection of significant others, the sense of hope, and psychological capital in a pandemic to improve the mental health of university students. Limitations: Compared to a cross-sectional study, longitudinal research is the better choice for a two-year comparison.",
        "output": "Changes and predictors of mental health of Chinese university students after the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-year study",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: As with other settler colonies, Aotearoa New Zealand has seen a long-running conflict between a Euro-centric 'master narrative' of the historical past and Indigenous counter-narratives. Previous research on these narrative struggles adopts the 'top-down' perspective on collective remembering, focusing primarily on how memory entrepreneurs deploy cultural texts and practices to construct particular representations of history. To broaden the methodological scope, the analysis developed in this paper follows the 'bottom-up' approach, which makes it possible to map the distribution of collective memories across individuals and investigate their attitudinal effects. By means of a rigorous survey study (N = 1,066), the paper reveals three key findings about collective remembering in Aotearoa New Zealand. First, individuals in the 'critical years' of adolescence are more open to weaving Indigenous Maori perspectives into their understandings of history than older generations. Second, when compared to the monocultural master narrative, historical reconstructions that reflect Maori experiences promote a more inclusive understanding of national identity and generate public support for redressing historical injustices against Maori. Third, the empirical analysis finds no evidence for claims made by conservative political actors that creating space for the articulation of Maori histories perpetuates social division and weakens popular identification with the nation.",
        "output": "Settler memory and Indigenous counter-memories: narrative struggles over the history of colonialism in Aotearoa New Zealand",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Previous research has concluded that the working-class is largely invisible on television. When the working-class is displayed; however, common frames highlight moral shortcomings and lack of responsibility. This study asks what difference such representations make. The study relies on cultivation analysis and a survey of the adult Swedish population to understand the extent to which heavy television viewers provide television answers in their descriptions of and attitudes toward the working-class. While some results are inconsistent, heavy television viewers seem more prone to view social inequalities as the result of working-class people's failure to take responsibility for their own well-being.",
        "output": "Does it Make a Difference?: Television's Misrepresentation of the Working-Class as Cultivation Effects",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Participatory and collaborative approaches in sustainability science and public health research contribute to co-producing evidence that can support interventions by involving diverse societal actors that range from individual citizens to entire communities. However, existing philosophical accounts of evidence are not adequate to deal with the kind of evidence generated and used in such approaches. In this paper, we present an account of evidence as clues for action through participatory and collaborative research inspired by philosopher Susan Haack's theory of evidence. Differently from most accounts of evidence for use in policies and interventions, our account combines action-oriented (the how) and actors-oriented (the who) considerations. We build on Haack's theory and on the analysis of examples of participatory and collaborative research in sustainability science and public health research to flesh out six procedural criteria for the generation and mobilization of evidence in and from participatory research. Action-oriented criteria invite to look at evidence from a (a) foundherentist, (b) gradational and (c) quasi-holistic perspective. Actors-oriented criteria point out that evidence generation and utilization are (d) social, (e) personal, and (f) embedded. We suggest that these criteria may reinforce participatory and collaborative approaches to evidence co-production when addressing complex problems in sustainability science and public health allowing for the generation of a kind of practical objectivity.",
        "output": "How is who: evidence as clues for action in participatory sustainability science and public health research",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Person re-identification (Re-ID) is a fundamental task in visual surveillance. Given a query image of the target person, conventional Re-ID focuses on the pairwise similarities between the candidate images and the query. However, conventional Re-ID does not evaluate the consistency of the retrieval results of whether the most similar images ranked in each place contain the same person, which is risky in some applications such as missing out a place where the patient passed will hinder the epidemiological investigation. In this work, we investigate a more challenging task: consistently and successfully retrieving the target person in all camera views. We define the task as continuous person Re-ID and propose a corresponding evaluation metric termed overall Rank-K accuracy. Different from the conventional Re-ID, any incorrect retrieval under an individual camera view that raises an inconsistency will fail the continuous Re-ID. Consequently, the defective cameras, in which the images are hard to be automatically associated with the images from other views, strongly degrade the performance of continuous person Re-ID. Since the camera deployment is crucial for continuous tracking across camera views, we rethink person Re-ID from the perspective of camera deployment and assess the quality of a camera network by performing continuous Re-ID. Moreover, we propose to automatically detect the defective cameras that greatly hamper the continuous Re-ID. Because brute-force search is costly when the camera network becomes complicated, we explicitly model the visual relations as well as the spatial relations among cameras and develop a relational deep Q-network to select the properly deployed cameras and the un-selected cameras are regarded as the defective cameras. Since most existing datasets do not provide topology information about the camera network, they are unsuitable for investigating the importance of spatial relations on camera selection. Thus, we collect a new dataset including 20 cameras with topology information. Compared with randomly removing cameras, the experimental results show that our method can effectively detect the defective cameras so that people could take further operations on these cameras in practice ( to yixing/MCCPD.html).",
        "output": "Revisiting Person Re-Identification by Camera Selection",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Childhood trauma is strongly linked to emotional distress. However, few studies have explored the impact of sense of coherence (SOC) on the relationship between childhood trauma and emotional distress in college students. This study aimed to explore its impact on the relationship between childhood trauma and emotional distress. Analyzing data from 2307 Chinese college students, we found that SOC moderated the association between childhood trauma and anxiety/depression levels. Females showed higher SOC and lower anxiety/depression despite experiencing more childhood trauma. Multiple linear regression revealed that anxiety was negatively associated with SOC(P<0.001) and grade(P=0.027), and positively with childhood trauma(P<0.001) and male gender(P=0.004). Similarly, the depression exhibited similar associations. SOC moderated negatively the relationship between CTQ and anxiety, as well as between CTQ and depression. Childhood trauma is associated with increased emotional distress risk among college students, but a strong SOC can reduce this risk.",
        "output": "The impact of childhood trauma on emotional distress and the moderating role of sense of coherence among college students in China.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Realistic images became available for the first time. The first major figure was Berengario da Carpi (1460-1530). He made contributions to knowledge. He stated the dura was attached all over the interior of the cranium not just at the sutures. He also noted that deterioration following traumatic hematomas was speedier the deeper within the brain the bleed had occurred and he noticed that post-traumatic neurological deficits were contralateral. Moreover, he introduced new instruments of a practical design. Specifically, he launched trepanation using a brace and bit handle. This instrument required two hands and rotated the trepan in the same direction all the time. In addition, he illustrated a crown trepan in which the bits could be interchanged. He also developed an improved elevator. He also provided the first drawing of a lenticular. The next illustrations came from Vidus Vidius (1509-1569). The illustrations in his text were elegant and realistic but some of them were impractical or unusable. Ambroise Pare (1510-1590) was a major surgeon. He designed an improved brace and bit trepan with a collar to control penetration. He also introduced instruments for expanding a cranial opening by biting up the bone and for depressing the dura to enable material to escape more easily.",
        "output": "Renaissance-Europe-16th century.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Nowadays, interdisciplinary fields between Artificial Life, artificial intelligence, computational biology, and synthetic biology are increasingly emerging into public view. It is necessary to reconsider the relations between the material body, identity, the natural world, and the concept of life. Art is known to pave the way to exploring and conveying new possibilities. This survey provides a literature review on recent works of Artificial Life in visual art during the past 40 years, specifically in the computational and software domain. Having proposed a set of criteria and a taxonomy, we briefly analyze representative artworks of different categories. We aim to provide a systematic overview of how artists are understanding nature and creating new life with modern technology.",
        "output": "A Survey of Recent Practice of Artificial Life in Visual Art",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Positron emission tomography (PET) is a powerful medical imaging modality used in nuclear medicine to diagnose and monitor various clinical diseases in patients. It is more sensitive and produces a highly quantitative mapping of the three-dimensional biodistribution of positron-emitting radiotracers inside the human body. The underlying technology is constantly evolving, and recent advances in detection instrumentation and PET scanner design have significantly improved the medical diagnosis capabilities of this imaging modality, making it more efficient and opening the way to broader, innovative, and promising clinical applications. Some significant achievements related to detection instrumentation include introducing new scintillators and photodetectors as well as developing innovative detector designs and coupling configurations. Other advances in scanner design include moving towards a cylindrical geometry, 3D acquisition mode, and the trend towards a wider axial field of view and a shorter diameter. Further research on PET camera instrumentation and design will be required to advance this technology by improving its performance and extending its clinical applications while optimising radiation dose, image acquisition time, and manufacturing cost. This article comprehensively reviews the various parameters of detection instrumentation and PET system design. Firstly, an overview of the historical innovation of the PET system has been presented, focusing on instrumental technology. Secondly, we have characterised the main performance parameters of current clinical PET and detailed recent instrumental innovations and trends that affect these performances and clinical practice. Finally, prospects for this medical imaging modality are presented and discussed. This overview of the PET system's instrumental parameters enables us to draw solid conclusions on achieving the best possible performance for the different needs of different clinical applications.",
        "output": "The detection instrumentation and geometric design of clinical PET scanner: towards better performance and broader clinical applications.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: In the studies on Prehistoric Graphic Expression, there are recurrent discussions about the tracings generated by different observers of the same motif. Methodological issues concerning the role of archaeological imaging are often implied within those debates. Do the tracings belong to the observational data exposition chapter, or are they part of the interpretative conclusions? How can the current technological scenario help solve these problems? In 2017, we conducted new documentation of the Pena Tu rock shelter, a well-known site with an intriguing post-palaeolithic graphic collection documented on several occasions throughout the twentieth century. Our objective was to provide quantifiable and, if possible, objective documentation of the painted and engraved remnants on the shelter's surface. To achieve this, we employed two data capture strategies. One strategy focused on analysing the vestiges of paintings using a hyperspectral sensor, while the other centred on the geometric definition of engravings and the rock support, utilising photogrammetric techniques and laser scanning. These approaches presented various parallax challenges. Despite these challenges, our results were highly satisfactory. We resolved uncertainties regarding the formal features of specific designs that had been subject to debate for a long time. Additionally, we discovered previously unpublished areas with traces of paintings. Lastly, we developed a map highlighting recent alterations and deteriorations, providing a valuable tool for assessing the site's preservation status. In conclusion, by employing advanced technology and comprehensive documentation methods, we significantly contributed to understanding and preserving the prehistoric graphic expressions at the Pena Tu rock shelter.",
        "output": "Geometric and radiometric recording of prehistoric graphic expression: the case of Pe\u00f1a Tu (Asturias, Spain)",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: The promotion of the latest medicines produced by the pharmaceutical industry is an important issue both from an ethical point of view (the level of accessibility, the way research is carried out) and from the point of view of marketing and especially from the lobbying issues raised.AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY: The ethical dilemmas raised by the promotion of new drugs revolve between the need to discover new molecules important for treating a wide range of diseases and the need to establish a battery of ethical rules, absolutely necessary for regulations in the field to be compliant with all ethical principles.DATA SOURCES: A literature search was conducted through PubMed, MEDLINE, Plus, Scopus, and Web of Science (2015-2023) using combinations of keywords, including drugs, medical publicity, and pharma marketing plus ethical dilemma.ETHICS AND THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES: The promotion of medicines is governed by advertising laws and regulations in many countries, including at EU level, based on the need for countries to ensure that the promotion and advertising of medicines is truthful, based on information understood by consumers. The ethical analysis of the issues raised is more necessary and complex as the channels used for promotion are more accessible to the population, and the information, easier to obtain, can be the cause of increased self-medication and overeating. Large amounts of money invested in the development of new molecules, but also the risk of scientific fraud through manipulation of data during clinical trials, selective or biased publication of information can have repercussions on the health of the population.CONCLUSIONS: The development of new pharmaceutical molecules is necessary to intervene and treat as many conditions as possible, but marketing must not neglect the observance of ethical principles. The promotion of medicines should be the attribute especially of the medical staff, which should also be a mandatory part of the mechanism for approving the marketing methods and means used by the pharmaceutical companies.",
        "output": "Drug Promotions Between Ethics, Regulations, and Financial Interests.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) infection remains common worldwide despite recent vaccine efforts. Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is the most severe form of Spn infection. Known individual risk factors for IPD include male gender and African American race. However, area-level socioeconomic factors have not been assessed. We examined the association of neighborhood-level disadvantages and risk of IPD in a tertiary medical center located in a socioeconomic diverse urban area in the Southeastern United States.METHODS: Patients hospitalized with culture-confirmed Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) infection from 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2019 were identified from electronic health record (EHR). The cohort's demographic and clinical information were obtained from EHR. Patients' residential address was geocoded and matched to 2015 area deprivation index (ADI). The association of ADI and IPD was evaluated using logistic regression after controlling for the demographic information (age, sex, race) and clinical factors (BMI, smoking status, alcoholism, immunosuppressive status, vaccination status, comorbidities).RESULTS: A total of 268 patients were hospitalized with culture-positive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection and 92 (34.3%) of them had IPD. The analysis showed that higher neighborhood deprivation (ADI in 79-100) was associated with increased risk of developing IPD in younger patients with age less than 65 (p = 0.007) after controlling for the individual demographic information and clinical factors.CONCLUSIONS: ADI is a risk factor for IPD in younger adults. Community-level socioeconomic risk factors should be considered when developing prevention strategies such as increasing vaccine uptake in high risk population to reduce the disease burden of IPD.",
        "output": "Neighborhood-level disadvantages increase risk for invasive pneumococcal disease.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Student hazing activities on American college campuses have resulted in numerous deaths reported in the news media. Despite regular reports on hazing-related fatalities, no research has examined how these deaths are reported. The current study aims to bridge this research gap by analyzing articles covering hazing deaths in the U.S. between 1994 and 2019. The analysis reveals consistent patterns highlighting the influence of alcohol, different classifications of deaths, punitive responses, and the emotional reactions of the campus community. While these reports provide records of important and tragic events, their recurrent publication may bias understandings of the relative risk of student hazing, particularly fraternity hazing. Based on these findings, we make several recommendations for reporting on hazing deaths and future research directions.",
        "output": "Windows into the Dark: Trends in Media Reports of US Hazing Deaths at Institutions of Higher Education (1994-2019)",
        "system": "",
        "history": []
        "instruction": "Based on the text of the abstract in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, give the most likely title, and output only the title and nothing else. ",
        "input": "Abstract: Spine degeneration is a normal aging process. It may lead to stenotic spines that may have implications for pain and quality of life. The diagnosis is based on clinical symptomatology and imaging. Magnetic resonance images often reveal the nature and degree of stenosis of the spine. Stenosis is concerning to clinicians and patients because of the decreased space in the spinal canal and potential for elevated risk of cord and/or osteoligamentous spinal column injuries. Numerous finite element models of the cervical spine have been developed to study the biomechanics of the osteoligamentous column such as range of motion and vertebral stress; however, spinal cord modeling is often ignored. The objective of this study was to determine the external column and internal cord and disc responses of stenotic spines using finite element modeling. A validated model of the subaxial spinal column was used. The osteoligamentous column was modified to include the spinal cord. Mild, moderate, and severe degrees of stenosis commonly identified in civilian populations were simulated at C5-C6. The column-cord model was subjected to postero-anterior acceleration at T1. The range of motion, disc pressure, and cord stress-strain were obtained at the index and superior and inferior adjacent levels of the stenosis. The external metric representing the segmental motion was insensitive while the intrinsic disc and cord variables were more sensitive, and the index level was more affected by stenosis. These findings may influence surgical planning and patient education in personalized medicine.",
        "output": "Cervical Column and Cord and Column Responses in Whiplash With Stenosis: A Finite Element Modeling Study.",
        "system": "",
        "history": []