cluewsc2020 label is wrong

by Doreamonzzz - opened

It seems that on line 359 of, the code should be

"label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(names=["false", "true"]),

instead of

"label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(names=["true", "false"]),

While on line 178, the label_classes are right:

label_classes=["false", "true"],
Datasets Maintainers org

Thanks for reporting, @Doreamonzzz .
We are investigating it...

Datasets Maintainers org

After investigation, we have checked that the data is coherent with "label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(names=["true", "false"]) (the order in label_classes=["false", "true"] is ignored)

  • When the source data is False, it is labeled as False and assigned the integer 1
  • When the source data is True, it is labeled as True and assigned the integer 0

Maybe we could align both definitions (or better, use only one), so that no other people get confused about a possible issue with the labels.

Thank you, my concern has been solved.

Doreamonzzz changed discussion status to closed
Datasets Maintainers org

This PR defines class labels only once for cluewsc2020 config: #6

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