usually , he would be tearing around the living room , playing with his toy . | <end of text> | but just one look at a minion sent him practically catatonic . | <end of text> | that had been megan 's plan when she got him dressed earlier . | <end of text> | he 'd seen the movie almost by mistake , considering he wa a little young for the pg cartoon , but with older cousin , along with her brother , mason wa often exposed to thing that were older
, he would be tearing around the living room , playing with his toy . | <end of text> | but just one look at a minion sent him practically catatonic . | <end of text> | that had been megan 's plan when she got him dressed earlier . | <end of text> | he 'd seen the movie almost by mistake , considering he wa a little young for the pg cartoon , but with older cousin , along with her brother , mason wa often exposed to thing that were older .
she liked to think being surrounded by adult and older kid wa one reason why he wa a such a good talker for his age . | <end of text> | are n't you being a good boy ? | <end of text> | she said . | <end of text> | mason barely acknowledged her . | <end of text> | instead , his baby blue remained focused on the television . | <end of text> | since the movie wa almost over , megan knew she better slip into the bedroom and finish getting ready
liked to think being surrounded by adult and older kid wa one reason why he wa a such a good talker for his age . | <end of text> | are n't you being a good boy ? | <end of text> | she said . | <end of text> | mason barely acknowledged her . | <end of text> | instead , his baby blue remained focused on the television . | <end of text> | since the movie wa almost over , megan knew she better slip into the bedroom and finish getting ready .
each time she looked into mason 's face , she wa grateful that he looked nothing like his father . | <end of text> | his platinum blond hair and blue eye were completely hers . | <end of text> | it wa only his build that he wa taking after his father . | <end of text> | where megan wa a diminutive 5 ' 3 , davis wa 6 ' 1 and two hundred pound . | <end of text> | mason wa already registering off the chart in height and weight according to his pediatrician
time she looked into mason 's face , she wa grateful that he looked nothing like his father . | <end of text> | his platinum blond hair and blue eye were completely hers . | <end of text> | it wa only his build that he wa taking after his father . | <end of text> | where megan wa a diminutive 5 ' 3 , davis wa 6 ' 1 and two hundred pound . | <end of text> | mason wa already registering off the chart in height and weight according to his pediatrician .
davis had seen mason only twice in his lifetime-the day he had been born and the day he came home from the hospital . | <end of text> | after that , he had n't been interested in any of the picture and email megan sent . | <end of text> | with his professional football career on the rise , davis had n't wanted to be shackled with the responsibility of a baby . | <end of text> | instead , he wanted to spend his time off the field partying until all hour of the night
had seen mason only twice in his lifetime-the day he had been born and the day he came home from the hospital . | <end of text> | after that , he had n't been interested in any of the picture and email megan sent . | <end of text> | with his professional football career on the rise , davis had n't wanted to be shackled with the responsibility of a baby . | <end of text> | instead , he wanted to spend his time off the field partying until all hour of the night .
he only paid child support when megan threatened to have his wage garnished . | <end of text> | she dreaded the day when mason wa old enough to ask about his father . | <end of text> | she never wanted anything in the world to hurt him , and she knew that being rejected by his father would . | <end of text> | with a sigh , she stepped into the dress and slid it over her hip . | <end of text> | wrestling around to get the zipper all the way up caused her to huff and puff
only paid child support when megan threatened to have his wage garnished . | <end of text> | she dreaded the day when mason wa old enough to ask about his father . | <end of text> | she never wanted anything in the world to hurt him , and she knew that being rejected by his father would . | <end of text> | with a sigh , she stepped into the dress and slid it over her hip . | <end of text> | wrestling around to get the zipper all the way up caused her to huff and puff .
standing back from the mirror , she turned to and fro to take in her appearance . | <end of text> | she 'd always loved how the dress made her feel sexy , but at the same time wa very respectable . | <end of text> | while it boasted a sweetheart neckline , the hemline fell just below her knee . | <end of text> | she put on her pearls-a high school graduation gift from her uncle aidan , or ankle , a she often called him
back from the mirror , she turned to and fro to take in her appearance . | <end of text> | she 'd always loved how the dress made her feel sexy , but at the same time wa very respectable . | <end of text> | while it boasted a sweetheart neckline , the hemline fell just below her knee . | <end of text> | she put on her pearls-a high school graduation gift from her uncle aidan , or ankle , a she often called him .
aidan wa her mother 's baby brother and only son of the family . | <end of text> | when she wa born , he wa only eight and a half . | <end of text> | a the first grandchild , megan spent a lot of time with her grandparent , and that in turn , meant she spent a lot of time with aidan . | <end of text> | he had devoted hour to holding her and spoiling her rotten
wa her mother 's baby brother and only son of the family . | <end of text> | when she wa born , he wa only eight and a half . | <end of text> | a the first grandchild , megan spent a lot of time with her grandparent , and that in turn , meant she spent a lot of time with aidan . | <end of text> | he had devoted hour to holding her and spoiling her rotten .
when it came time for her to talk , she just could n't seem to get uncle aidan out . | <end of text> | instead , she called him ankle . | <end of text> | it wa a nickname that had stuck with him even now that he wa thirty-four and married . | <end of text> | while it had been no question that she wanted him a godfather for mason , she had been extremely honored when he and his wife , emma , had asked her to be their son , noah 's , godmother
it came time for her to talk , she just could n't seem to get uncle aidan out . | <end of text> | instead , she called him ankle . | <end of text> | it wa a nickname that had stuck with him even now that he wa thirty-four and married . | <end of text> | while it had been no question that she wanted him a godfather for mason , she had been extremely honored when he and his wife , emma , had asked her to be their son , noah 's , godmother .
she loved her newest cousin very much and planned to be the best godmother she could for him . | <end of text> | a she stepped out of the bedroom , she found that mason had yet to move . | <end of text> | okay buddy , time to go . | <end of text> | when he started to whine , she shook her head . | <end of text> | we have such a fun day ahead of u
loved her newest cousin very much and planned to be the best godmother she could for him . | <end of text> | a she stepped out of the bedroom , she found that mason had yet to move . | <end of text> | okay buddy , time to go . | <end of text> | when he started to whine , she shook her head . | <end of text> | we have such a fun day ahead of u .
it 's noah 's baptism , and then there 's a party at uncle aidan and aunt emma 's house . | <end of text> | beau ? | <end of text> | he asked . | <end of text> | she laughed . | <end of text> | yes , you 'll get to see and play with beau , too
's noah 's baptism , and then there 's a party at uncle aidan and aunt emma 's house . | <end of text> | beau ? | <end of text> | he asked . | <end of text> | she laughed . | <end of text> | yes , you 'll get to see and play with beau , too .
a she went to the couch and picked him up , she could n't help finding it amusing that out of everyone he wa going to see today , he wa most excited about being with aidan and emma 's black lab , beau . | <end of text> | one day when they had their own place again , she would get him a dog . | <end of text> | he loved them too much to be denied . | <end of text> | oomph , she muttered , a they started up the basement stair
she went to the couch and picked him up , she could n't help finding it amusing that out of everyone he wa going to see today , he wa most excited about being with aidan and emma 's black lab , beau . | <end of text> | one day when they had their own place again , she would get him a dog . | <end of text> | he loved them too much to be denied . | <end of text> | oomph , she muttered , a they started up the basement stair .
heawy ? | <end of text> | he asked . | <end of text> | yes , you 're getting to be such a big , heavy boy . | <end of text> | when they made it to the kitchen , megan paused to catch her breath . | <end of text> | she only had a second before her mother breezed in with sean , and her youngest brother , gavin . | <end of text> | ready ? | <end of text> | she asked . | <end of text> | megan nodded
? | <end of text> | he asked . | <end of text> | yes , you 're getting to be such a big , heavy boy . | <end of text> | when they made it to the kitchen , megan paused to catch her breath . | <end of text> | she only had a second before her mother breezed in with sean , and her youngest brother , gavin . | <end of text> | ready ? | <end of text> | she asked . | <end of text> | megan nodded .
feeling like she wa once again a teenager , she filed behind her parent a they headed into the garage . | <end of text> | i want to drive , gavin said . | <end of text> | with a smirk , sean replied , like i 'm gon na let you drive my car . | <end of text> | he then slid into the driver 's seat a gavin reluctantly walked around to the passenger 's side
like she wa once again a teenager , she filed behind her parent a they headed into the garage . | <end of text> | i want to drive , gavin said . | <end of text> | with a smirk , sean replied , like i 'm gon na let you drive my car . | <end of text> | he then slid into the driver 's seat a gavin reluctantly walked around to the passenger 's side .
we 'll see you there in just a few , her mother called . | <end of text> | sean acknowledged her with a two finger salute before cranking up and pulling down the driveway . | <end of text> | megan worked to get mason into the car seat in her parent ' land rover . | <end of text> | once he wa safely strapped and buckled in , she hopped in beside him
'll see you there in just a few , her mother called . | <end of text> | sean acknowledged her with a two finger salute before cranking up and pulling down the driveway . | <end of text> | megan worked to get mason into the car seat in her parent ' land rover . | <end of text> | once he wa safely strapped and buckled in , she hopped in beside him .
her parent rattled along to each other a they made their way through the tree-lined suburb where megan had grown up . | <end of text> | while some might look on her a having a mark against her character being an unwed mother , she had lived a relatively non-rebellious life . | <end of text> | even though she 'd been a cheerleader and ran with the popular crowd in school , she rarely partied to excess . | <end of text> | instead , she had focused on getting good grade
parent rattled along to each other a they made their way through the tree-lined suburb where megan had grown up . | <end of text> | while some might look on her a having a mark against her character being an unwed mother , she had lived a relatively non-rebellious life . | <end of text> | even though she 'd been a cheerleader and ran with the popular crowd in school , she rarely partied to excess . | <end of text> | instead , she had focused on getting good grade .
at that time , she had her heart set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor . | <end of text> | from the time she wa a little girl , she had wanted nothing more than to help people . | <end of text> | she wa always mending bird with broken wing or trying to resuscitate squirrel who had been hit by car . | <end of text> | she ditched playing princess for playing hospital
that time , she had her heart set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor . | <end of text> | from the time she wa a little girl , she had wanted nothing more than to help people . | <end of text> | she wa always mending bird with broken wing or trying to resuscitate squirrel who had been hit by car . | <end of text> | she ditched playing princess for playing hospital .
her desire to become a doctor wa why she needed the best score and best activity and why she generally shunned any temptation to lead her off the right path . | <end of text> | she had even managed to bypass the usual freshman craziness when she went off to the university of georgia . | <end of text> | it wa n't until she fell in love for the first time in her life that she threw everything away . | <end of text> | sadly , she could n't say that her first love wa davis , mason 's father
desire to become a doctor wa why she needed the best score and best activity and why she generally shunned any temptation to lead her off the right path . | <end of text> | she had even managed to bypass the usual freshman craziness when she went off to the university of georgia . | <end of text> | it wa n't until she fell in love for the first time in her life that she threw everything away . | <end of text> | sadly , she could n't say that her first love wa davis , mason 's father .
instead , it wa another football player , this time a running back at uga , who captured and later broke her heart a year later . | <end of text> | carsyn ran with the fast crowd , and when she wa with him , she partied and drank too much . | <end of text> | he wa controlling and possessive , and he wanted all of her time . | <end of text> | when she wa with him , she had little time for studying
, it wa another football player , this time a running back at uga , who captured and later broke her heart a year later . | <end of text> | carsyn ran with the fast crowd , and when she wa with him , she partied and drank too much . | <end of text> | he wa controlling and possessive , and he wanted all of her time . | <end of text> | when she wa with him , she had little time for studying .
with her grade already in the toilet , she wa unprepared for the emotional breakdown she experienced when carsyn broke up with her . | <end of text> | devastated , she stopped going to class and ended up flunking the semester . | <end of text> | by the time she got back on track with her grade , she had abandoned any hope of medical school . | <end of text> | instead , she decided that she would become a nurse , which would fulfill her need to care for sick people
her grade already in the toilet , she wa unprepared for the emotional breakdown she experienced when carsyn broke up with her . | <end of text> | devastated , she stopped going to class and ended up flunking the semester . | <end of text> | by the time she got back on track with her grade , she had abandoned any hope of medical school . | <end of text> | instead , she decided that she would become a nurse , which would fulfill her need to care for sick people .
of course , her relationship with davis ended up derailing shortly before graduation when she got pregnant unexpectedly . | <end of text> | she had to take several semester off after mason wa born . | <end of text> | she wa a few year off from when she had originally planned on graduating , but she wa excited after everything had that had happened , she wa finally finishing . | <end of text> | her mother 's voice brought megan out of her thought . | <end of text> | here we are , she said pleasantly
course , her relationship with davis ended up derailing shortly before graduation when she got pregnant unexpectedly . | <end of text> | she had to take several semester off after mason wa born . | <end of text> | she wa a few year off from when she had originally planned on graduating , but she wa excited after everything had that had happened , she wa finally finishing . | <end of text> | her mother 's voice brought megan out of her thought . | <end of text> | here we are , she said pleasantly .
leaning forward in her seat , megan eyed the clock on the dashboard . | <end of text> | she wa n't surprised to see they had arrived half an hour before the baptism started . | <end of text> | one thing her mother prided herself on wa being on time and lending a hand . | <end of text> | a they started into the church , her mother reached for mason . | <end of text> | we 'll take him so you can go see if emma need any help
forward in her seat , megan eyed the clock on the dashboard . | <end of text> | she wa n't surprised to see they had arrived half an hour before the baptism started . | <end of text> | one thing her mother prided herself on wa being on time and lending a hand . | <end of text> | a they started into the church , her mother reached for mason . | <end of text> | we 'll take him so you can go see if emma need any help .
megan bent over to kiss mason 's cheek . | <end of text> | see you in a little while , sweetie . | <end of text> | he grinned and then happily dodged her mother 's arm for her father 's instead , which made megan smile . | <end of text> | he wa such a man 's man already . | <end of text> | he loved sitting between her brother on the couch and watching tv
bent over to kiss mason 's cheek . | <end of text> | see you in a little while , sweetie . | <end of text> | he grinned and then happily dodged her mother 's arm for her father 's instead , which made megan smile . | <end of text> | he wa such a man 's man already . | <end of text> | he loved sitting between her brother on the couch and watching tv .
while it wa good that he had so many male role model , she only hoped he had n't inherited too much of his father 's personality . | <end of text> | after megan watched them disappear in the crowd of family and friend waiting in the church alcove , she bypassed everyone by turning right and heading down the hallway . | <end of text> | at the last door on the right , she knocked . | <end of text> | it 's me , megan
it wa good that he had so many male role model , she only hoped he had n't inherited too much of his father 's personality . | <end of text> | after megan watched them disappear in the crowd of family and friend waiting in the church alcove , she bypassed everyone by turning right and heading down the hallway . | <end of text> | at the last door on the right , she knocked . | <end of text> | it 's me , megan .
emma 's best friend , casey , answered the door . | <end of text> | well , if it is n't the fairy godmother , she mused with a grin . | <end of text> | after megan stepped inside , casey threw her arm around her . | <end of text> | megan had only met her a few time , but it wa hard not liking emma 's vivacious and outgoing friend
's best friend , casey , answered the door . | <end of text> | well , if it is n't the fairy godmother , she mused with a grin . | <end of text> | after megan stepped inside , casey threw her arm around her . | <end of text> | megan had only met her a few time , but it wa hard not liking emma 's vivacious and outgoing friend .
casey 's long brown hair wa pulled back in a lose knot , and she wore a demure black slip dress and heel . | <end of text> | so how 's it going ? | <end of text> | megan asked , gazing from noah 's diapered but na * * d form to emma . | <end of text> | she wa feeding him a bottle while her upper body wa draped in a towel . | <end of text> | peeking out from the covering , she saw emma wa wearing her signature color , green
's long brown hair wa pulled back in a lose knot , and she wore a demure black slip dress and heel . | <end of text> | so how 's it going ? | <end of text> | megan asked , gazing from noah 's diapered but na * * d form to emma . | <end of text> | she wa feeding him a bottle while her upper body wa draped in a towel . | <end of text> | peeking out from the covering , she saw emma wa wearing her signature color , green .
a noah sucked on his bottle , he twirled a strand of emma 's auburn hair between his finger . | <end of text> | both father and son were fan of emma wearing her hair down . | <end of text> | emma grinned . | <end of text> | good , i guess . | <end of text> | i mean , i do n't have a lot of experience with baptism . | <end of text> | megan laughed and motioned to the towel and noah
noah sucked on his bottle , he twirled a strand of emma 's auburn hair between his finger . | <end of text> | both father and son were fan of emma wearing her hair down . | <end of text> | emma grinned . | <end of text> | good , i guess . | <end of text> | i mean , i do n't have a lot of experience with baptism . | <end of text> | megan laughed and motioned to the towel and noah .
it look like you 're taking all the proper precautions-nothing like spit-up on your dress or his . | <end of text> | with a nod , emma replied , tell me about it . | <end of text> | especially since his gown is so old . | <end of text> | megan eyed the lacy baptismal gown hanging on the closet door . | <end of text> | she recognized it from picture of ankle 's baptism . | <end of text> | he had worn it , and now it wa being passed down to his son
look like you 're taking all the proper precautions-nothing like spit-up on your dress or his . | <end of text> | with a nod , emma replied , tell me about it . | <end of text> | especially since his gown is so old . | <end of text> | megan eyed the lacy baptismal gown hanging on the closet door . | <end of text> | she recognized it from picture of ankle 's baptism . | <end of text> | he had worn it , and now it wa being passed down to his son .
casey snorted . | <end of text> | i 'm sure aidan would n't appreciate you alluding to the fact his gown is an antique , thus in turn saying he 's old . | <end of text> | emma laughed . | <end of text> | no , i 'm sure he would n't . | <end of text> | of course , he 'd probably argue that while the gown might not have held up , he still look fabulous and much younger than his age . | <end of text> | megan smiled
snorted . | <end of text> | i 'm sure aidan would n't appreciate you alluding to the fact his gown is an antique , thus in turn saying he 's old . | <end of text> | emma laughed . | <end of text> | no , i 'm sure he would n't . | <end of text> | of course , he 'd probably argue that while the gown might not have held up , he still look fabulous and much younger than his age . | <end of text> | megan smiled .
that sound just like him . | <end of text> | she bent over emma to rub one of noah 's hand . | <end of text> | he grabbed her thumb in his fist and held on for dear life . | <end of text> | aw , you love your godmother , do n't you noah ? | <end of text> | emma asked . | <end of text> | noah momentarily stopped sucking on the bottle to flash a quick smile , which warmed megan 's heart
sound just like him . | <end of text> | she bent over emma to rub one of noah 's hand . | <end of text> | he grabbed her thumb in his fist and held on for dear life . | <end of text> | aw , you love your godmother , do n't you noah ? | <end of text> | emma asked . | <end of text> | noah momentarily stopped sucking on the bottle to flash a quick smile , which warmed megan 's heart .
he 's such a sweet boy , she mused . | <end of text> | and a charmer , just like his old man , casey mused . | <end of text> | that too , megan agreed . | <end of text> | thinking about her position , she cocked her head at casey . | <end of text> | are you sure you 're fine with me being the godmother ? | <end of text> | casey waved her hand dismissively
's such a sweet boy , she mused . | <end of text> | and a charmer , just like his old man , casey mused . | <end of text> | that too , megan agreed . | <end of text> | thinking about her position , she cocked her head at casey . | <end of text> | are you sure you 're fine with me being the godmother ? | <end of text> | casey waved her hand dismissively .
honey , the last thing i need is the responsibility . | <end of text> | i plan on spoiling noah rotten and corrupting him a only a good auntie can do ! | <end of text> | emma rolled her eye . | <end of text> | i 'm very satisfied with both my choice , megan . | <end of text> | you do n't have to worry . | <end of text> | so who is the godfather again ? | <end of text> | i know he 's not part of the family
, the last thing i need is the responsibility . | <end of text> | i plan on spoiling noah rotten and corrupting him a only a good auntie can do ! | <end of text> | emma rolled her eye . | <end of text> | i 'm very satisfied with both my choice , megan . | <end of text> | you do n't have to worry . | <end of text> | so who is the godfather again ? | <end of text> | i know he 's not part of the family .
casey gasped a her hand flew to her chest dramatically . | <end of text> | you mean , you 've never met dr. mcdreamy bollywood ? | <end of text> | megan shrugged . | <end of text> | no , i have n't . | <end of text> | i mean , i 've heard about him and how he flew aidan home in time for noah 's birth . | <end of text> | she noticed the pleading look that emma exchanged with casey . | <end of text> | why
gasped a her hand flew to her chest dramatically . | <end of text> | you mean , you 've never met dr. mcdreamy bollywood ? | <end of text> | megan shrugged . | <end of text> | no , i have n't . | <end of text> | i mean , i 've heard about him and how he flew aidan home in time for noah 's birth . | <end of text> | she noticed the pleading look that emma exchanged with casey . | <end of text> | why ?
what should i know about him ? | <end of text> | casey tapped her chin with her index finger . | <end of text> | hmm , what should you know about the good godfather ? | <end of text> | she winked at megan . | <end of text> | first off , he is seriously delectable . | <end of text> | i mean , the man is like sex on a stick . | <end of text> | tall , jet-black hair , dark eye , and he 's built like a brick shithouse
should i know about him ? | <end of text> | casey tapped her chin with her index finger . | <end of text> | hmm , what should you know about the good godfather ? | <end of text> | she winked at megan . | <end of text> | first off , he is seriously delectable . | <end of text> | i mean , the man is like sex on a stick . | <end of text> | tall , jet-black hair , dark eye , and he 's built like a brick shithouse .
megan suddenly felt her interest piquing . | <end of text> | she had n't imagined that the godfather would be good-looking . | <end of text> | it had been such a long time since she had dated anyone . | <end of text> | scratch that-it had been a long time since she 'd had sex with anyone . | <end of text> | she 'd spent the last two year completely dateless since she and davis broke up
suddenly felt her interest piquing . | <end of text> | she had n't imagined that the godfather would be good-looking . | <end of text> | it had been such a long time since she had dated anyone . | <end of text> | scratch that-it had been a long time since she 'd had sex with anyone . | <end of text> | she 'd spent the last two year completely dateless since she and davis broke up .
she could practically join one of the local parish a a nun with how long she had abstained . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | mmm , hmm . | <end of text> | he reminds me of that bollywood actor john abraham , casey said . | <end of text> | emma snorted . | <end of text> | since when do you watch bollywood movie ? | <end of text> | since one of nate 's friend asked u to an indian film festival
could practically join one of the local parish a a nun with how long she had abstained . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | mmm , hmm . | <end of text> | he reminds me of that bollywood actor john abraham , casey said . | <end of text> | emma snorted . | <end of text> | since when do you watch bollywood movie ? | <end of text> | since one of nate 's friend asked u to an indian film festival .
casey grinned at megan . | <end of text> | besides the fact that he 's a serious looker , he 's also kind , compassionate , and caring-an overall wonderful man . | <end of text> | really now ? | <end of text> | megan questioned . | <end of text> | and he 's loaded because he 's a doctor . | <end of text> | this man wa sounding better and better by the minute . | <end of text> | is he single
grinned at megan . | <end of text> | besides the fact that he 's a serious looker , he 's also kind , compassionate , and caring-an overall wonderful man . | <end of text> | really now ? | <end of text> | megan questioned . | <end of text> | and he 's loaded because he 's a doctor . | <end of text> | this man wa sounding better and better by the minute . | <end of text> | is he single ?
emma made a strangled noise before casey replied , oh , yeah , he 's single . | <end of text> | he 's a widower actually . | <end of text> | megan pursed her lip at the prospect . | <end of text> | widower usually fell into two categories-those who were still devastated by their wife ' death or those who were ready to have fun and live a little . | <end of text> | she certainly hoped this pesh guy fell into the second category
made a strangled noise before casey replied , oh , yeah , he 's single . | <end of text> | he 's a widower actually . | <end of text> | megan pursed her lip at the prospect . | <end of text> | widower usually fell into two categories-those who were still devastated by their wife ' death or those who were ready to have fun and live a little . | <end of text> | she certainly hoped this pesh guy fell into the second category .
more than anything , she wanted to have a little fun herself . | <end of text> | do you really think you might be interested in dating pesh ? | <end of text> | emma asked , a she moved noah to her shoulder to burp him . | <end of text> | with a shrug , megan replied , dating him or just having some fun with him . | <end of text> | sound like he could use some . | <end of text> | emma grimaced a she wiped noah 's face off
than anything , she wanted to have a little fun herself . | <end of text> | do you really think you might be interested in dating pesh ? | <end of text> | emma asked , a she moved noah to her shoulder to burp him . | <end of text> | with a shrug , megan replied , dating him or just having some fun with him . | <end of text> | sound like he could use some . | <end of text> | emma grimaced a she wiped noah 's face off .
this is exactly why i told aidan not to try and fix you two up . | <end of text> | what do you mean ? | <end of text> | pesh need a relationship , not a hook-up after all he 's been through . | <end of text> | besides his wife 's death , he ha n't had it easy on the dating front . | <end of text> | what happened ? | <end of text> | when casey snorted , emma shot her a death glare
is exactly why i told aidan not to try and fix you two up . | <end of text> | what do you mean ? | <end of text> | pesh need a relationship , not a hook-up after all he 's been through . | <end of text> | besides his wife 's death , he ha n't had it easy on the dating front . | <end of text> | what happened ? | <end of text> | when casey snorted , emma shot her a death glare .
nothing . | <end of text> | it 's just he doe n't need to get involved with someone who is n't interested in a long-term relationship . | <end of text> | em , you might a well tell her , casey urged . | <end of text> | megan glanced between the two of them . | <end of text> | tell me what ? | <end of text> | fine , emma huffed resignedly . | <end of text> | she handed noah to casey
. | <end of text> | it 's just he doe n't need to get involved with someone who is n't interested in a long-term relationship . | <end of text> | em , you might a well tell her , casey urged . | <end of text> | megan glanced between the two of them . | <end of text> | tell me what ? | <end of text> | fine , emma huffed resignedly . | <end of text> | she handed noah to casey .
make yourself useful by changing his diaper . | <end of text> | a casey got busy cleaning up noah , emma turned to megan . | <end of text> | when aidan and i broke up- what you meant to say is , after you left aidan when he did n't show up for noah 's gender ultrasound because he wa cheating on you ? | <end of text> | casey interrupted , waving around the wet wipe in her hand
yourself useful by changing his diaper . | <end of text> | a casey got busy cleaning up noah , emma turned to megan . | <end of text> | when aidan and i broke up- what you meant to say is , after you left aidan when he did n't show up for noah 's gender ultrasound because he wa cheating on you ? | <end of text> | casey interrupted , waving around the wet wipe in her hand .
emma closed her eye for a moment before shaking her head . | <end of text> | yes , that 's right . | <end of text> | thank you so very much for bringing up that aspect of our break-up on today of all day . | <end of text> | casey gripped noah 's ankle and hoisted up his little butt to slide on the new diaper . | <end of text> | you 're welcome . | <end of text> | anyway , a you were saying , megan pressed
closed her eye for a moment before shaking her head . | <end of text> | yes , that 's right . | <end of text> | thank you so very much for bringing up that aspect of our break-up on today of all day . | <end of text> | casey gripped noah 's ankle and hoisted up his little butt to slide on the new diaper . | <end of text> | you 're welcome . | <end of text> | anyway , a you were saying , megan pressed .
right . | <end of text> | so it wa when aidan and i were broken up that i met pesh . | <end of text> | i wa with your papa fitzgerald the day of his heart attack at the vfw , and pesh wa the doctor who treated him . | <end of text> | so ... you both struck up a friendship then ? | <end of text> | megan asked . | <end of text> | emma grimaced . | <end of text> | not exactly
. | <end of text> | so it wa when aidan and i were broken up that i met pesh . | <end of text> | i wa with your papa fitzgerald the day of his heart attack at the vfw , and pesh wa the doctor who treated him . | <end of text> | so ... you both struck up a friendship then ? | <end of text> | megan asked . | <end of text> | emma grimaced . | <end of text> | not exactly .
you see , patrick wanted to force aidan to really fight for me , and he felt the best way to do it would be for him to have some competition . | <end of text> | megan felt her eye widening in surprise . | <end of text> | papa wanted pesh to date you ? | <end of text> | yeah . | <end of text> | did you ? | <end of text> | emma wa momentarily distracted by casey blowing raspberry on noah 's stomach
see , patrick wanted to force aidan to really fight for me , and he felt the best way to do it would be for him to have some competition . | <end of text> | megan felt her eye widening in surprise . | <end of text> | papa wanted pesh to date you ? | <end of text> | yeah . | <end of text> | did you ? | <end of text> | emma wa momentarily distracted by casey blowing raspberry on noah 's stomach .
a smile spread across her face a noah kicked his leg and giggled at casey . | <end of text> | want me to get him in his dress ? | <end of text> | casey asked , a she glanced up . | <end of text> | if you do n't mind . | <end of text> | bringing her hand to her hip , megan huffed out an exasperated breath . | <end of text> | um , could you please focus for just a minute considering the bomb you just dropped on me
smile spread across her face a noah kicked his leg and giggled at casey . | <end of text> | want me to get him in his dress ? | <end of text> | casey asked , a she glanced up . | <end of text> | if you do n't mind . | <end of text> | bringing her hand to her hip , megan huffed out an exasperated breath . | <end of text> | um , could you please focus for just a minute considering the bomb you just dropped on me ?
i 'm sorry . | <end of text> | i did n't want to tell you at all . | <end of text> | i mean , whatever wa between u is all in the past . | <end of text> | neither one of u really cared for each other like we thought we did . | <end of text> | did you ... megan said . | <end of text> | at emma 's confused expression , she wiggled her eyebrow suggestively . | <end of text> | emma 's face flushed
'm sorry . | <end of text> | i did n't want to tell you at all . | <end of text> | i mean , whatever wa between u is all in the past . | <end of text> | neither one of u really cared for each other like we thought we did . | <end of text> | did you ... megan said . | <end of text> | at emma 's confused expression , she wiggled her eyebrow suggestively . | <end of text> | emma 's face flushed .
no , of course not ! | <end of text> | casey eyed emma a she took the baptism gown off the hanger . | <end of text> | you did make out with him though . | <end of text> | one time . | <end of text> | and he certainly did n't get to second base , emma argued . | <end of text> | with a wicked grin , casey added , pity
, of course not ! | <end of text> | casey eyed emma a she took the baptism gown off the hanger . | <end of text> | you did make out with him though . | <end of text> | one time . | <end of text> | and he certainly did n't get to second base , emma argued . | <end of text> | with a wicked grin , casey added , pity .
wish you could inform u on what he ha going on below the waist . | <end of text> | emma rolled her eye . | <end of text> | you 're impossible . | <end of text> | she snatched the gown away from casey and then started wrestling noah into the yard of fabric . | <end of text> | it wa n't like we were in a relationship . | <end of text> | we did n't really even go out together
you could inform u on what he ha going on below the waist . | <end of text> | emma rolled her eye . | <end of text> | you 're impossible . | <end of text> | she snatched the gown away from casey and then started wrestling noah into the yard of fabric . | <end of text> | it wa n't like we were in a relationship . | <end of text> | we did n't really even go out together .
he came to the house once to bring me dinner and check on me when i wa on bed rest , and then he took me to the opera . | <end of text> | that wa it . | <end of text> | wa there no chemistry between you two ? | <end of text> | megan asked . | <end of text> | without responding , emma pulled noah up into a sitting position and started fastening the row of button down the back of the gown . | <end of text> | em
came to the house once to bring me dinner and check on me when i wa on bed rest , and then he took me to the opera . | <end of text> | that wa it . | <end of text> | wa there no chemistry between you two ? | <end of text> | megan asked . | <end of text> | without responding , emma pulled noah up into a sitting position and started fastening the row of button down the back of the gown . | <end of text> | em ?
megan pressed . | <end of text> | she gave a heavy sigh before picking noah up . | <end of text> | she stared into his face before she responded . | <end of text> | we had great chemistry together . | <end of text> | he wa an amazing kisser who got all my sens up and running in all the right way . | <end of text> | besides the physical part , he is smart , kind , and intelligent-any woman 's dream . | <end of text> | she shook her head
pressed . | <end of text> | she gave a heavy sigh before picking noah up . | <end of text> | she stared into his face before she responded . | <end of text> | we had great chemistry together . | <end of text> | he wa an amazing kisser who got all my sens up and running in all the right way . | <end of text> | besides the physical part , he is smart , kind , and intelligent-any woman 's dream . | <end of text> | she shook her head .
but it did n't matter because he wa n't aidan . | <end of text> | i could never , ever love another man like i do him . | <end of text> | giving noah a kiss on the cheek , she added , neither one of u were really in a good place-i wa trying to make sure that aidan really wa the one , and after being pressured by family and friend , he wa trying to date for the first time after his wife 's death
it did n't matter because he wa n't aidan . | <end of text> | i could never , ever love another man like i do him . | <end of text> | giving noah a kiss on the cheek , she added , neither one of u were really in a good place-i wa trying to make sure that aidan really wa the one , and after being pressured by family and friend , he wa trying to date for the first time after his wife 's death .
megan crossed her arm over her chest . | <end of text> | i get that he doe n't need to be hurt , but who is to say that having a fling is going to hurt him ? | <end of text> | maybe it could give him the confidence he need to go out and find the real woman of his dream ? | <end of text> | casey snorted . | <end of text> | how could a man that look like that have any self-confidence issue ? | <end of text> | megan shrugged
crossed her arm over her chest . | <end of text> | i get that he doe n't need to be hurt , but who is to say that having a fling is going to hurt him ? | <end of text> | maybe it could give him the confidence he need to go out and find the real woman of his dream ? | <end of text> | casey snorted . | <end of text> | how could a man that look like that have any self-confidence issue ? | <end of text> | megan shrugged .
you never know . | <end of text> | if he wa married a long time before his wife died , he might find it hard to get back into the dating world . | <end of text> | especially if the last woman he cared about loved someone else . | <end of text> | emma shook her head . | <end of text> | trust me , he is n't the fling kind of guy . | <end of text> | he want a wife and child
never know . | <end of text> | if he wa married a long time before his wife died , he might find it hard to get back into the dating world . | <end of text> | especially if the last woman he cared about loved someone else . | <end of text> | emma shook her head . | <end of text> | trust me , he is n't the fling kind of guy . | <end of text> | he want a wife and child .
although megan had a son , she wa n't quite ready for marriage . | <end of text> | maybe in a few year but right now she just wanted to date and have fun . | <end of text> | she 'd willingly sacrificed so much to ensure that mason could have all of her attention since he wa short a father . | <end of text> | after all , he wa the greatest hurdle in her having a committed relationship
megan had a son , she wa n't quite ready for marriage . | <end of text> | maybe in a few year but right now she just wanted to date and have fun . | <end of text> | she 'd willingly sacrificed so much to ensure that mason could have all of her attention since he wa short a father . | <end of text> | after all , he wa the greatest hurdle in her having a committed relationship .
she did n't want to open her son up to any hurt that might come from him getting attached to a man she dated only to have them disappear when they broke up . | <end of text> | ankle really want to fix u up ? | <end of text> | megan questioned . | <end of text> | emma nodded . | <end of text> | regardless of what happened with pesh when we were broken up , aidan doe respect and admire him . | <end of text> | he want pesh to be happy
did n't want to open her son up to any hurt that might come from him getting attached to a man she dated only to have them disappear when they broke up . | <end of text> | ankle really want to fix u up ? | <end of text> | megan questioned . | <end of text> | emma nodded . | <end of text> | regardless of what happened with pesh when we were broken up , aidan doe respect and admire him . | <end of text> | he want pesh to be happy .
she gave megan a pointed look . | <end of text> | most of all , he want that for you , too . | <end of text> | megan wrinkled her nose . | <end of text> | but i 'm really not ready for all of that yet . | <end of text> | then think long and hard before you agree to do anything about pesh
gave megan a pointed look . | <end of text> | most of all , he want that for you , too . | <end of text> | megan wrinkled her nose . | <end of text> | but i 'm really not ready for all of that yet . | <end of text> | then think long and hard before you agree to do anything about pesh .
he is unknowingly very persuasive , and in the moment , you might forget your resolve only to have it come back later to hurt you ... or him . | <end of text> | megan held up her hand in defeat . | <end of text> | okay , okay , i promise . | <end of text> | emma smiled . | <end of text> | nothing would make me happier than if you were to fall in love with pesh
is unknowingly very persuasive , and in the moment , you might forget your resolve only to have it come back later to hurt you ... or him . | <end of text> | megan held up her hand in defeat . | <end of text> | okay , okay , i promise . | <end of text> | emma smiled . | <end of text> | nothing would make me happier than if you were to fall in love with pesh .
with a laugh , megan said , did you just hear anything that i said ? | <end of text> | i 'm anti-love . | <end of text> | so wa aidan . | <end of text> | just a megan opened her mouth to protest , aidan waltzed into the room . | <end of text> | everything okay ? | <end of text> | fine . | <end of text> | just finished feeding and dressing him , emma replied good
a laugh , megan said , did you just hear anything that i said ? | <end of text> | i 'm anti-love . | <end of text> | so wa aidan . | <end of text> | just a megan opened her mouth to protest , aidan waltzed into the room . | <end of text> | everything okay ? | <end of text> | fine . | <end of text> | just finished feeding and dressing him , emma replied good .
the native are getting restless to see the little man of the hour before the baptism . | <end of text> | he strode over to them and took his son into his arm . | <end of text> | you ready to go work the crowd , noah ? | <end of text> | noah 's response wa to grunt and reach for aidan 's tie . | <end of text> | with a laugh , aidan announced , i 'll take that a a yes
native are getting restless to see the little man of the hour before the baptism . | <end of text> | he strode over to them and took his son into his arm . | <end of text> | you ready to go work the crowd , noah ? | <end of text> | noah 's response wa to grunt and reach for aidan 's tie . | <end of text> | with a laugh , aidan announced , i 'll take that a a yes .
he then leaned in to kiss emma 's cheek . | <end of text> | ready mr . | <end of text> | fitzgerald ? | <end of text> | she smiled before linking her arm through his . | <end of text> | yes , mr. fitzgerald , i am . | <end of text> | megan and casey followed them out the door and down the hallway . | <end of text> | they entered a noisy room crammed with family and friend
then leaned in to kiss emma 's cheek . | <end of text> | ready mr . | <end of text> | fitzgerald ? | <end of text> | she smiled before linking her arm through his . | <end of text> | yes , mr. fitzgerald , i am . | <end of text> | megan and casey followed them out the door and down the hallway . | <end of text> | they entered a noisy room crammed with family and friend .
she left aidan and emma 's side to seek out her parent to check on mason . | <end of text> | she found her parent , but their arm were empty . | <end of text> | in a panic , she demanded , where 's mason ? | <end of text> | her father smiled and pointed over to where a pile of her younger cousin were . | <end of text> | mason wa on the lap of her aunt becky 's oldest son , john
left aidan and emma 's side to seek out her parent to check on mason . | <end of text> | she found her parent , but their arm were empty . | <end of text> | in a panic , she demanded , where 's mason ? | <end of text> | her father smiled and pointed over to where a pile of her younger cousin were . | <end of text> | mason wa on the lap of her aunt becky 's oldest son , john .
mason wa mesmerized with what whatever john wa doing on his phone . | <end of text> | megan smiled a she walked up to them . | <end of text> | everything okay ? | <end of text> | without taking his eye off the screen , john replied , we 're fine . | <end of text> | are you sure he 's not bothering you ? | <end of text> | what she wa n't asking wa if john wa actually keeping an eye on mason between playing on his phone
wa mesmerized with what whatever john wa doing on his phone . | <end of text> | megan smiled a she walked up to them . | <end of text> | everything okay ? | <end of text> | without taking his eye off the screen , john replied , we 're fine . | <end of text> | are you sure he 's not bothering you ? | <end of text> | what she wa n't asking wa if john wa actually keeping an eye on mason between playing on his phone .
john glanced up . | <end of text> | considering i have two younger brother , i think i can handle him . | <end of text> | besides , he 's really into this game . | <end of text> | okay then , megan replied . | <end of text> | she spoke to john 's brother , percy and georgie , before making her way around the room . | <end of text> | all her relative were interested to hear how her schooling wa going and how mason wa
glanced up . | <end of text> | considering i have two younger brother , i think i can handle him . | <end of text> | besides , he 's really into this game . | <end of text> | okay then , megan replied . | <end of text> | she spoke to john 's brother , percy and georgie , before making her way around the room . | <end of text> | all her relative were interested to hear how her schooling wa going and how mason wa .
she had just turned away from talking to her great aunt and uncle when someone pressed up against her back . | <end of text> | do n't look now , but there 's dr. mcdreamy bollywood now , casey whispered into her ear . | <end of text> | without hesitation , her eye scanned the crowd . | <end of text> | and then she saw him . | <end of text> | ankle wa taking him around and making introduction . | <end of text> | pesh wa impossibly tall and wearing a tailor-made black suit
had just turned away from talking to her great aunt and uncle when someone pressed up against her back . | <end of text> | do n't look now , but there 's dr. mcdreamy bollywood now , casey whispered into her ear . | <end of text> | without hesitation , her eye scanned the crowd . | <end of text> | and then she saw him . | <end of text> | ankle wa taking him around and making introduction . | <end of text> | pesh wa impossibly tall and wearing a tailor-made black suit .
even beneath the line of the clothing , she could make out his large biceps and thick thigh . | <end of text> | he obviously spent his downtime between hospital shift working out . | <end of text> | his wavy , jet-black hair wa cut short , and his dark eye took in all that ankle wa saying . | <end of text> | and while she may have been in a church about to stand up a a godmother , she could n't help the ni * * le tightening and panty moistening reaction of seeing him
beneath the line of the clothing , she could make out his large biceps and thick thigh . | <end of text> | he obviously spent his downtime between hospital shift working out . | <end of text> | his wavy , jet-black hair wa cut short , and his dark eye took in all that ankle wa saying . | <end of text> | and while she may have been in a church about to stand up a a godmother , she could n't help the ni * * le tightening and panty moistening reaction of seeing him .
he wa all the way across the room , but he had the same effect a if he were standing by her side , rubbing against her . | <end of text> | see what i mean ? | <end of text> | casey questioned . | <end of text> | megan licked her lip . | <end of text> | oh my , she finally managed . | <end of text> | sure you do n't want to give him a chance
wa all the way across the room , but he had the same effect a if he were standing by her side , rubbing against her . | <end of text> | see what i mean ? | <end of text> | casey questioned . | <end of text> | megan licked her lip . | <end of text> | oh my , she finally managed . | <end of text> | sure you do n't want to give him a chance ?
fighting the urge to fan herself , megan quickly replied , i 'd like to give him many , many chance . | <end of text> | chance at ripping off my clothes , chance at kissing and licking me all over my body , chance at allowing his hand , finger , and the promising bulge in his pant to stroke me until i orgasm ... yep , many , many chance . | <end of text> | a if she could read megan 's mind , casey laughed
the urge to fan herself , megan quickly replied , i 'd like to give him many , many chance . | <end of text> | chance at ripping off my clothes , chance at kissing and licking me all over my body , chance at allowing his hand , finger , and the promising bulge in his pant to stroke me until i orgasm ... yep , many , many chance . | <end of text> | a if she could read megan 's mind , casey laughed .
oh girl , this ha trouble written all over it . | <end of text> | chapter three pesh paced nervously around the back of the cathedral . | <end of text> | the fact he wa in a catholic church wa n't the only reason he felt out of his element . | <end of text> | a he eyed the massive statue of jesus , he fidgeted absently with his tie
girl , this ha trouble written all over it . | <end of text> | chapter three pesh paced nervously around the back of the cathedral . | <end of text> | the fact he wa in a catholic church wa n't the only reason he felt out of his element . | <end of text> | a he eyed the massive statue of jesus , he fidgeted absently with his tie .
although emma had sworn aidan wa fine with the idea of him a godfather , he wa still a little apprehensive about seeing aidan again . | <end of text> | the last time they 'd been together , pesh wa the hero flying aidan from north carolina to atlanta just in time for noah 's unexpected birth . | <end of text> | but that wa six month ago . | <end of text> | the euphoria of the moment now had time to fade , and to aidan , pesh could still be the man who almost stole emma away
emma had sworn aidan wa fine with the idea of him a godfather , he wa still a little apprehensive about seeing aidan again . | <end of text> | the last time they 'd been together , pesh wa the hero flying aidan from north carolina to atlanta just in time for noah 's unexpected birth . | <end of text> | but that wa six month ago . | <end of text> | the euphoria of the moment now had time to fade , and to aidan , pesh could still be the man who almost stole emma away .
a side door opened , and aidan stepped out . | <end of text> | he immediately met pesh 's anxious gaze . | <end of text> | when his lip curved into a wide smile , pesh exhaled the nervous breath he 'd been holding . | <end of text> | well , there you are , aidan said , a he strode up . | <end of text> | he bypassed throwing out his hand , and instead , he pulled pesh to him for a bear hug
side door opened , and aidan stepped out . | <end of text> | he immediately met pesh 's anxious gaze . | <end of text> | when his lip curved into a wide smile , pesh exhaled the nervous breath he 'd been holding . | <end of text> | well , there you are , aidan said , a he strode up . | <end of text> | he bypassed throwing out his hand , and instead , he pulled pesh to him for a bear hug .
emma wa worried about you . | <end of text> | she wa ? | <end of text> | yeah , she asked me to come out and see if i could find you . | <end of text> | i 'm sorry . | <end of text> | i wa n't sure where to go , and no one wa out here . | <end of text> | do n't worry about it . | <end of text> | aidan pulled away
wa worried about you . | <end of text> | she wa ? | <end of text> | yeah , she asked me to come out and see if i could find you . | <end of text> | i 'm sorry . | <end of text> | i wa n't sure where to go , and no one wa out here . | <end of text> | do n't worry about it . | <end of text> | aidan pulled away .
so how the hell are you ? | <end of text> | pesh could n't help laughing at aidan 's choice of word , especially in a church . | <end of text> | i 'm good , thank you . | <end of text> | he cocked his head at aidan . | <end of text> | and what about you ? | <end of text> | is fatherhood agreeing with you ? | <end of text> | a beaming smile lit aidan 's face . | <end of text> | i 'm absolutely fantastic
how the hell are you ? | <end of text> | pesh could n't help laughing at aidan 's choice of word , especially in a church . | <end of text> | i 'm good , thank you . | <end of text> | he cocked his head at aidan . | <end of text> | and what about you ? | <end of text> | is fatherhood agreeing with you ? | <end of text> | a beaming smile lit aidan 's face . | <end of text> | i 'm absolutely fantastic .
i never could have imagined that being a father would be this ... amazing . | <end of text> | pesh nodded . | <end of text> | i want you to know what an honor it is for me to be noah 's godfather . | <end of text> | we 're glad to have you . | <end of text> | aidan patted pesh 's back . | <end of text> | and i do mean that . | <end of text> | i hope you do
never could have imagined that being a father would be this ... amazing . | <end of text> | pesh nodded . | <end of text> | i want you to know what an honor it is for me to be noah 's godfather . | <end of text> | we 're glad to have you . | <end of text> | aidan patted pesh 's back . | <end of text> | and i do mean that . | <end of text> | i hope you do .
i have had my concern ... aidan shook his head . | <end of text> | well , do n't . | <end of text> | i 'll admit i wa n't too thrilled with the prospect at first , but em wa able to make me see the light . | <end of text> | you were there for u when we really needed you . | <end of text> | i mean , besides my wedding day , i would 've missed the most important day of my life-my son 's birth
have had my concern ... aidan shook his head . | <end of text> | well , do n't . | <end of text> | i 'll admit i wa n't too thrilled with the prospect at first , but em wa able to make me see the light . | <end of text> | you were there for u when we really needed you . | <end of text> | i mean , besides my wedding day , i would 've missed the most important day of my life-my son 's birth .
i can never thank you enough . | <end of text> | so when it come down to it , i do n't think i could ask for a better godfather for my son . | <end of text> | aidan 's word touched pesh . | <end of text> | thank you . | <end of text> | that mean a lot . | <end of text> | you have my word that i will always do what is right by noah
can never thank you enough . | <end of text> | so when it come down to it , i do n't think i could ask for a better godfather for my son . | <end of text> | aidan 's word touched pesh . | <end of text> | thank you . | <end of text> | that mean a lot . | <end of text> | you have my word that i will always do what is right by noah .
after giving him a hearty thump on the shoulder , aidan said , come on back with me . | <end of text> | i want to introduce you to everyone . | <end of text> | do they ... pesh wa n't sure how to ask if aidan 's family knew the story of how he and emma truly knew each other . | <end of text> | aidan chuckled . | <end of text> | let 's just say that pop 's the only one who know the truth
giving him a hearty thump on the shoulder , aidan said , come on back with me . | <end of text> | i want to introduce you to everyone . | <end of text> | do they ... pesh wa n't sure how to ask if aidan 's family knew the story of how he and emma truly knew each other . | <end of text> | aidan chuckled . | <end of text> | let 's just say that pop 's the only one who know the truth .
the others just think you met u when pop had his heart attack . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help the relieved breath that whooshed out of him . | <end of text> | it would have been a nightmare to have most of aidan 's family hating him for trying to steal emma away . | <end of text> | i see . | <end of text> | he followed aidan back into a large room filled with chattering people
others just think you met u when pop had his heart attack . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help the relieved breath that whooshed out of him . | <end of text> | it would have been a nightmare to have most of aidan 's family hating him for trying to steal emma away . | <end of text> | i see . | <end of text> | he followed aidan back into a large room filled with chattering people .
a he craned his neck , he saw emma in the corner with noah in her arm . | <end of text> | she looked radiant a ever in an emerald suit . | <end of text> | noah , however , did n't seem too thrilled to be outfitted in the lacy gown that flowed over emma 's arm and stopped mid-thigh . | <end of text> | his tiny brow wrinkled a he waved his fist back and forth a if any moment he might let loose with a scream
he craned his neck , he saw emma in the corner with noah in her arm . | <end of text> | she looked radiant a ever in an emerald suit . | <end of text> | noah , however , did n't seem too thrilled to be outfitted in the lacy gown that flowed over emma 's arm and stopped mid-thigh . | <end of text> | his tiny brow wrinkled a he waved his fist back and forth a if any moment he might let loose with a scream .
taking him by the elbow , aidan guided him over to a group of men and woman . | <end of text> | aidan introduced him to his four sister and their husband . | <end of text> | pesh smiled , nodded , and shook their hand before being bombarded by a hoard of aidan 's niece and nephew . | <end of text> | now i want you to meet my niece , megan . | <end of text> | she 's the godmother . | <end of text> | it would be my pleasure
him by the elbow , aidan guided him over to a group of men and woman . | <end of text> | aidan introduced him to his four sister and their husband . | <end of text> | pesh smiled , nodded , and shook their hand before being bombarded by a hoard of aidan 's niece and nephew . | <end of text> | now i want you to meet my niece , megan . | <end of text> | she 's the godmother . | <end of text> | it would be my pleasure .
aidan surprised pesh by leaning in and whispering in his ear . | <end of text> | i 'm pretty sure over half of the people here are gunning for you two to get together . | <end of text> | you know , a real romantic story to tell future kid about how you two met being the godmother and godfather of this sweet and adorable kid . | <end of text> | pesh gulped . | <end of text> | why wa everyone he knew hell-bent on setting him up
surprised pesh by leaning in and whispering in his ear . | <end of text> | i 'm pretty sure over half of the people here are gunning for you two to get together . | <end of text> | you know , a real romantic story to tell future kid about how you two met being the godmother and godfather of this sweet and adorable kid . | <end of text> | pesh gulped . | <end of text> | why wa everyone he knew hell-bent on setting him up ?
had emma harbored some secret , ulterior motive in asking him to be noah 's godfather ? | <end of text> | i 'm flattered , but i do n't know if that 's such a good idea . | <end of text> | pulling back , aidan surmised him before winking . | <end of text> | normally i would agree because she is , after all , my niece-my favorite one if i 'm being honest
emma harbored some secret , ulterior motive in asking him to be noah 's godfather ? | <end of text> | i 'm flattered , but i do n't know if that 's such a good idea . | <end of text> | pulling back , aidan surmised him before winking . | <end of text> | normally i would agree because she is , after all , my niece-my favorite one if i 'm being honest .
but a much a it piss me off to admit it , you two would make a great couple . | <end of text> | we would ? | <end of text> | hell yeah . | <end of text> | aidan swept his hand over his chin . | <end of text> | megan need someone strong and stable like you are , and then you need someone who is so full of life like she is
a much a it piss me off to admit it , you two would make a great couple . | <end of text> | we would ? | <end of text> | hell yeah . | <end of text> | aidan swept his hand over his chin . | <end of text> | megan need someone strong and stable like you are , and then you need someone who is so full of life like she is .
i can guaran-damn-tee you that you 've never been out with a woman like her before . | <end of text> | emma is like , one tenth the sassiness that megan is . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help giving aidan a skeptical look . | <end of text> | just keep an open mind , okay ? | <end of text> | with a reluctant nod , pesh replied , i will . | <end of text> | megan , aidan called
can guaran-damn-tee you that you 've never been out with a woman like her before . | <end of text> | emma is like , one tenth the sassiness that megan is . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help giving aidan a skeptical look . | <end of text> | just keep an open mind , okay ? | <end of text> | with a reluctant nod , pesh replied , i will . | <end of text> | megan , aidan called .
when the tiny blonde turned around , pesh fought to catch his breath . | <end of text> | everything about her from her sparkling blue eye to her long blonde hair wa just like jade 's . | <end of text> | how wa it possible for someone to remind him so much of what he had lost ? | <end of text> | aidan grinned a he glanced between the two of them . | <end of text> | i wanted to introduce you to pesh nadeen , the godfather
the tiny blonde turned around , pesh fought to catch his breath . | <end of text> | everything about her from her sparkling blue eye to her long blonde hair wa just like jade 's . | <end of text> | how wa it possible for someone to remind him so much of what he had lost ? | <end of text> | aidan grinned a he glanced between the two of them . | <end of text> | i wanted to introduce you to pesh nadeen , the godfather .
thrusting out her hand , megan smiled warmly at him . | <end of text> | it 's very nice to finally meet you . | <end of text> | he stared at it a moment before his good manner overrode his shock . | <end of text> | he took her hand in his and shook it . | <end of text> | it 's very nice meeting you , too . | <end of text> | i 'll leave you two to get to know each other , aidan said
out her hand , megan smiled warmly at him . | <end of text> | it 's very nice to finally meet you . | <end of text> | he stared at it a moment before his good manner overrode his shock . | <end of text> | he took her hand in his and shook it . | <end of text> | it 's very nice meeting you , too . | <end of text> | i 'll leave you two to get to know each other , aidan said .
before pesh could protest , aidan turned and disappeared into the crowd . | <end of text> | he turned to megan and tried clearing his throat of what felt like a wad of sawdust . | <end of text> | he knew he should try to make polite conversation , but he wa still so shell-shocked by the way megan looked . | <end of text> | finally , she took pity on him . | <end of text> | so , emma tell me you 're a doctor . | <end of text> | pesh smiled politely
pesh could protest , aidan turned and disappeared into the crowd . | <end of text> | he turned to megan and tried clearing his throat of what felt like a wad of sawdust . | <end of text> | he knew he should try to make polite conversation , but he wa still so shell-shocked by the way megan looked . | <end of text> | finally , she took pity on him . | <end of text> | so , emma tell me you 're a doctor . | <end of text> | pesh smiled politely .
yes , i am . | <end of text> | what type of medicine ? | <end of text> | emergency service . | <end of text> | megan 's face lit up . | <end of text> | oh , how interesting . | <end of text> | i 'm about to finish nursing school , and i 've asked for clinical placement in the er . | <end of text> | pesh widened his eye in surprise
, i am . | <end of text> | what type of medicine ? | <end of text> | emergency service . | <end of text> | megan 's face lit up . | <end of text> | oh , how interesting . | <end of text> | i 'm about to finish nursing school , and i 've asked for clinical placement in the er . | <end of text> | pesh widened his eye in surprise .
aidan had failed to mention that they had the medical profession in common . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | megan nodded . | <end of text> | i 'm hoping to get placed at grady , even though my parent would die a thousand death . | <end of text> | he cocked his brow at her . | <end of text> | i assume they 're afraid for your safety ? | <end of text> | yes
had failed to mention that they had the medical profession in common . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | megan nodded . | <end of text> | i 'm hoping to get placed at grady , even though my parent would die a thousand death . | <end of text> | he cocked his brow at her . | <end of text> | i assume they 're afraid for your safety ? | <end of text> | yes .
they ca n't help worrying about the neighborhood . | <end of text> | they sometimes forget i 'm an adult , rather than a child . | <end of text> | what is it about grady that attracts you ? | <end of text> | besides the fact that it 's nationally recognized for it er ? | <end of text> | he smiled . | <end of text> | yes , besides the accolade . | <end of text> | megan tilted her head in thought
ca n't help worrying about the neighborhood . | <end of text> | they sometimes forget i 'm an adult , rather than a child . | <end of text> | what is it about grady that attracts you ? | <end of text> | besides the fact that it 's nationally recognized for it er ? | <end of text> | he smiled . | <end of text> | yes , besides the accolade . | <end of text> | megan tilted her head in thought .
i guess it 's the fact i really want to feel like i 'm making a difference and saving life . | <end of text> | i feel like at grady i would be seeing some of the worst case imaginable , and in turn some people who really do n't have a lot of hope . | <end of text> | he wa taken aback by her word and the passion with which she delivered them
guess it 's the fact i really want to feel like i 'm making a difference and saving life . | <end of text> | i feel like at grady i would be seeing some of the worst case imaginable , and in turn some people who really do n't have a lot of hope . | <end of text> | he wa taken aback by her word and the passion with which she delivered them .
while she possessed a beautiful exterior , she certainly seemed to have a greater depth of character than he had originally expected . | <end of text> | he did n't often meet someone like her . | <end of text> | most of the woman at the hospital who threw themselves at him possessed only surface beauty . | <end of text> | he did n't have to be with them very long to perceive their true shallowness and self-centeredness . | <end of text> | to them , he wa a prize to be won
she possessed a beautiful exterior , she certainly seemed to have a greater depth of character than he had originally expected . | <end of text> | he did n't often meet someone like her . | <end of text> | most of the woman at the hospital who threw themselves at him possessed only surface beauty . | <end of text> | he did n't have to be with them very long to perceive their true shallowness and self-centeredness . | <end of text> | to them , he wa a prize to be won .
he could n't ever imagine megan feeling that way . | <end of text> | she wa n't the type of woman to care about a trophy man on her arm-she wanted to make her own way in the world . | <end of text> | it is so good to hear someone speak with such passion about nursing . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | he nodded . | <end of text> | we desperately need more people like you
could n't ever imagine megan feeling that way . | <end of text> | she wa n't the type of woman to care about a trophy man on her arm-she wanted to make her own way in the world . | <end of text> | it is so good to hear someone speak with such passion about nursing . | <end of text> | really ? | <end of text> | he nodded . | <end of text> | we desperately need more people like you .
i know i would love to work alongside someone who had your passion . | <end of text> | she smiled at his compliment . | <end of text> | he could n't help noticing what a nice smile she had . | <end of text> | the way it framed her heart shaped face made her appear much le like jade than he had originally thought . | <end of text> | thank you . | <end of text> | maybe we 'll end up together
know i would love to work alongside someone who had your passion . | <end of text> | she smiled at his compliment . | <end of text> | he could n't help noticing what a nice smile she had . | <end of text> | the way it framed her heart shaped face made her appear much le like jade than he had originally thought . | <end of text> | thank you . | <end of text> | maybe we 'll end up together .
she licked her lip before adding , you know , at the same hospital . | <end of text> | i would like that . | <end of text> | but i 'm afraid that wellstar pale in comparison to grady . | <end of text> | surely the suburb offer some interesting case ? | <end of text> | they do . | <end of text> | i 've been there since my residency , so i ca n't imagine working anywhere else
licked her lip before adding , you know , at the same hospital . | <end of text> | i would like that . | <end of text> | but i 'm afraid that wellstar pale in comparison to grady . | <end of text> | surely the suburb offer some interesting case ? | <end of text> | they do . | <end of text> | i 've been there since my residency , so i ca n't imagine working anywhere else .
after all , i would n't be standing here today with you if it were n't for wellstar and your grandfather . | <end of text> | that 's true . | <end of text> | tilting her head , she gave him a very alluring smile . | <end of text> | and what a pity that would be if our path had n't crossed . | <end of text> | he sucked in a breath at the directness of her statement . | <end of text> | could she really be interested in him
all , i would n't be standing here today with you if it were n't for wellstar and your grandfather . | <end of text> | that 's true . | <end of text> | tilting her head , she gave him a very alluring smile . | <end of text> | and what a pity that would be if our path had n't crossed . | <end of text> | he sucked in a breath at the directness of her statement . | <end of text> | could she really be interested in him ?
sure , it wa common knowledge that aidan and others wanted them to get together , but he had imagined that she had not known their intention . | <end of text> | and while originally he had been turned off by aidan 's suggestion of fixing them up , he could n't help but be intrigued now . | <end of text> | there wa something so refreshingly different about megan , despite her physical similarity to jade . | <end of text> | mommy ! | <end of text> | a small voice cried
, it wa common knowledge that aidan and others wanted them to get together , but he had imagined that she had not known their intention . | <end of text> | and while originally he had been turned off by aidan 's suggestion of fixing them up , he could n't help but be intrigued now . | <end of text> | there wa something so refreshingly different about megan , despite her physical similarity to jade . | <end of text> | mommy ! | <end of text> | a small voice cried .
pesh glanced over megan 's shoulder where a fair-haired toddler came bounding over . | <end of text> | he wrapped his arm around megan 's thigh . | <end of text> | she gave him an apologetic look before bending over . | <end of text> | what 's the matter , sweetie ? | <end of text> | he grinned up at her . | <end of text> | miss you . | <end of text> | with a smile , she bent over and picked him up
glanced over megan 's shoulder where a fair-haired toddler came bounding over . | <end of text> | he wrapped his arm around megan 's thigh . | <end of text> | she gave him an apologetic look before bending over . | <end of text> | what 's the matter , sweetie ? | <end of text> | he grinned up at her . | <end of text> | miss you . | <end of text> | with a smile , she bent over and picked him up .
when he sat on her hip , she turned her attention back to pesh . | <end of text> | this is my son , mason . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help noticing how megan searched his face to see if there wa any judgment or even disgust at her having a son . | <end of text> | he felt neither of those emotion . | <end of text> | he had to admit he wa a little surprised . | <end of text> | aidan had failed to mention that fact a well
he sat on her hip , she turned her attention back to pesh . | <end of text> | this is my son , mason . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help noticing how megan searched his face to see if there wa any judgment or even disgust at her having a son . | <end of text> | he felt neither of those emotion . | <end of text> | he had to admit he wa a little surprised . | <end of text> | aidan had failed to mention that fact a well .
not to mention , she seemed young to be a mother , considering she wa just finishing her clinicals . | <end of text> | it 's nice to meet you , mason . | <end of text> | can you tell pesh hi ? | <end of text> | megan urged . | <end of text> | hi , esh , mason said , with a grin . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help laughing , and he wa thankful that megan giggled a well
to mention , she seemed young to be a mother , considering she wa just finishing her clinicals . | <end of text> | it 's nice to meet you , mason . | <end of text> | can you tell pesh hi ? | <end of text> | megan urged . | <end of text> | hi , esh , mason said , with a grin . | <end of text> | pesh could n't help laughing , and he wa thankful that megan giggled a well .
how old are you ? | <end of text> | mason held up two finger to which megan shook her head . | <end of text> | he 's seventeen month . | <end of text> | pesh smiled . | <end of text> | you must be very proud of him . | <end of text> | i am . | <end of text> | she snuggled mason against her chest . | <end of text> | he 's the sweetest and best boy i could ever hope for
old are you ? | <end of text> | mason held up two finger to which megan shook her head . | <end of text> | he 's seventeen month . | <end of text> | pesh smiled . | <end of text> | you must be very proud of him . | <end of text> | i am . | <end of text> | she snuggled mason against her chest . | <end of text> | he 's the sweetest and best boy i could ever hope for . exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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