Scaling of values

by olafm - opened

Am I right to assume that the values are raw L2A_DN values as described here? If yes, can you provide us with the BOA_ADD_OFFSET and QUANTIFICATION_VALUE values for each image and band?
According to this document, the values are band specific since product baseline 4.00.

ChaBuD Team org

The Quantification is for every image set to 10000, while I have not encountered any offset. Many of the samples are some years old, so baseline 4.00 was not used.

Thanks for the clarification. With the quantification of 10000 we see some reflectance values above 1.0. Is this to be expected?

P.S: Sorry for all the nagging questions, we are not very familiar with remote sensing data.

ChaBuD Team org

Yes, this is possible thanks to highly reflective surfaces. For example, if you encounter snow, clouds, or certain rocks, you can get higher values than 1.

Thanks for the clarification!

olafm changed discussion status to closed

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