Shoda said, 'Having live sex on stage is the thing affecting my sensibility and it is impacting negatively on the young children coming up.
Shoda kwurusị, 'Inwe mmekọ nwoke na nwaanyị n'ọgbọ bụ ihe na-emetụta echiche m, ọ na-emetụta ụmụaka na-eto eto n'ụzọ adịghị mma.
Commented the former governor: “Our politicians have to be clear about how they intend to lift people out of poverty.”
N"okwu gọvanọ chiburu kwuru. "Ndị ndọrọndọrọ anyị kwesiri ime ka o doo anya etu ha ga-esi dọpụta ndị mmadụ n'olulu ụbịam"
He added 'We saw nothing when we came into office in 2015' '.'
O kwukwara 'O nweghi ihe anyị hụrụ mgbe anyị batara n'ọchịchị n'afọ 2015'.
Each one of the bags contain 50 pairs of shoes.
Otu akpa nwere akpụkpọ ukwu iri ise.'
If on the other hand you are a Nigerian female, by all means set your eyes on a non-Nigerian husband, but our legislation will always consider your marriage as one to a foreigner.
ọ bụrụ na n'aka nke ọzọ n'ịbụ nwaanyị Naịjirịa, ma na-ele anya di abụghị onye Naịjirịa, iwu anyị ga-ewe alụmdi gị dịka nke ndị ọbịa.
She was attacked by her colleagues for revealing how one of their boyfriends forcefully tried to have an affair with her.
Ndị òtù ya wakporo ya maka ikpughe ka ótù enyi ha nwoke si chọọ ka ha nwee mmekọahụ n' ike.
lawyer Trump have set a drug trap for his land.
Ọkaiwu Trump agbarala ya ọnya ogwu
He is also a Senior Advocate
Ọ bụkwa ọkaiwu ọnụ na-eru n'okwu
Dikko carried out the plan so that he and other NFF executives undergoing investigation by EFCC and ICPC would be free.
Dikko mere atụmatụ ahụ ka ya na ndị isi NFF ndị ọzọ na-eme nyocha nke EFCC na ICPC ga-enwere onwe ha.
From this poser I propose that Nigerian Leftists, especially those of Marxist orientation, should advance the debate on the National Question and Geopolitical Restructuring in Nigeria with the twin-objective of arriving at a common position in Nigeria and simultaneously contributing to the further development of Marxism on this question.
Site n'okwu a, m na-ekwupụta na ndị akaịpa Naịjirịa, ọkachasị nke mgbakwasị ụkwụ Marxist, kwesịrị ịkwalite arụmụka ahụ na Ajụjụ mba na idozi gburugburu ọchịchị Naịjirịa nwere ebumnuche ibilite n'otu ọnọdụ na Naịjirịa ma n'otu oge na-enye aka maka mmepe nke Marxism n'ajụjụ a.
The special assistant to the president Garba Shehu has argued the rumour of Federal Government changing the democracy day to June 12
Onye enyemaka pụrụcihe onyeisiala Naịjirịa bụ Garba Shehu agbaghala okwu na-efegharị na gọọmentị etiti na-akwado ịgbanwe ụbọchị onyekwuouche ya ruo Juun 12.
He said that if Obasanjo was sincere, he would have called president Buhari in private.
Ọ sị na ọbụrụ n'obi dị Obsanjọ ocha, o kwesiri ịkpọ onyeisiala Buhari n'akụkụ gbaa ya izu.
Remember in the morning, we brought to you the news that the EFCC attacked and blocked Saraki's house and his deputy Ike Ekweremadu
Cheta n'ụtụtụ, anyị wetaara unu akụkọ na ndị EFCC wakporo ma gbochie ụlọ Saraki na osote ya bụ Ike Ekweremadu.
Atiku and Obi are flying the flag of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in this 2019 elections
Atiku na Obi na-efe ọkọrọtọ Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) na ntuliaka 2019 a
What will be said about the Federal Executive Council' decision on using 200 billion naira on digital connection in prison houses?
Gịnị ka a ga-ekwu maka mkpebi ndị ọchịchị Federal Executive Council ịmapụta ijeri naịra abụọ maka itinye ozi na-aga n'ikuku a kpọrọ 'digital connections' n'ụlọ mkpọrọ?
Nigerian government has been ordered to release Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the independent fighters Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)
A gwala Gọọmenti Naịjirịa ka ha tọhapụ Nnamdi Kanu bụ onye ndu ndị otu na-achọ mnwereonwe bụ Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).
more than four lawyers will prosecute these people in the military prison
Ihe karịrị ndị ọkaịkpe anọ ga-ekpe ndị a ikpe n'ụlọ mkpọrọ ndị agha.
From all indications, Nigeria is set to miss the targets and the SDG on health except some dramatic and systematic reforms are initiated and sustained from now until 2030,' he said.
'Site n' ihe niile a na-ahụ, Naijiria dị nkwadebe enwetaghị ebumnuche a nakwa SDG nke ahụ ike beeresọ ma a malitere ma jigidekwa nhazigharị dị egwu n' usoro e si eme ihe bido ugbua ruo 2030,' o kwuru.
2019 Election: Mr Obasanjo and Atiku's decision.
2019 Election: Mkpezi Obasanjo na Atiku.
News has it that many parties may begin to merge next week in order to avoid any irregularities in the forthcoming election.
Akụkọ na-ekwu na ọtụtụ pati nwereike imalite ijikọ n'izuka na-abia iji wee kwusi mgbagọ ọbụla na ntuliaka na-abia nu.
We wish to commend them for understanding the need for functional health system,' Onyemaechi said.
'Anyị chọrọ ịja ha mma maka ịghọta mkpa ụlọọrụ ahụike na-arụsi ọrụ ike dị,' Onyemaechi kwuru.
If you haven't heard, let us tell you that President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to rule Nigeria for another four years.
Ọ bụrụ na ị nụbeghị, ka anyị gbaara gị ama na Onyeisiala Muhammadu Buhari alọghachịla ịchị Naịjirịa afọ anọ ọzọ.
He added, We respect Prof Soyinka .
Ọ gbakwunyere, 'anyị na-asọpụrụ ọka mmụta Soyinka.
Who is someone with dreads?
Onye bụ onye isi dada?
One way you can do this is to take them to different cinema houses in Igbo land.
Otu ụzọ ị ga-esi mee nke a bụ ị kpọrọ ha gaa n'ụlọ ngosi dị ịcheịche n'ala Igbo.
He said that he had lots of passengers but God saved them all.
O kwuru na o bu ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ n'ụgbọala mgbe mke mere mana Chineke zọrọ ha ndụ.
As Commonwealth countries are meeting, see seven things you do not know about the meeting
Ka ndị mba Commonwealth na-eme nzụkọ, lee ihe asaa ị maghị maka ọgbakọ a.
This is to show that Sowore's rearrest was a decision reached by the service even before his release on December 5!
Otu onye n'ime ụmụ nwoke na-eje ozi n'ime ụlọ ikpe ahụ nke onye ọrụ ike Sowore nwere bụ Marshall.
Imo State Government are saying that the idea of contribution of money is not from them but they will support it with ten billion naira.
Gọọmentị Imo steetị na-ekwu na atụmatụ ụtụ a esịghị ha n'aka, mana ha ga-eji naira nde iri akwado ya.
Wolves remained the aggressors and Romain Saiss' glancing header four minutes later forced Gazzaniga into a fine stop.
Wolves bụlịrị ndị mwakpo ma isi ntachara Romain Saiss na nkeji nke anọ ka e mesiri manyere ka ọ kwụsị.
He is a businessman.
Ọ bụ onye ojiegoachụego
For clarity, the officer's name in question is Dekko Nelly (Marshal).
Iji doo anya, aha onye ọrụ ahụ bụ Dekko Nelly (Mashal)
Joe igbokwe, an APC representative in Lagos state have reacted to the words of Olusegun Obasanjo concerning Mohammadu Buhari.
Joe Igbokwe,ọnụ na-ekwuru otu APC na Legos steeti asaala Olusegun Obasanjo okwu o kwuru maka Muhammadu Buhari.
Asisat Oshoala was the first African to score in a women champions league as Barcelona and Lyon played.
Asisat Oshoala bụ onye Afrịka mbụ nyere goolu n'asọmpị ụmụnwaanyị champions League ebe Barcelona na Lyon gbakọrọ bọọlụ
Story that would interest you
Akụkọ ga-amasị gị:
Obasanjo's merging has started.
A malitela otu njikọ nke Obasanjo
He was a lecturer at Bayero University, Kano
Ọ kuziburu nkuzi na mahadum Bayero dị na Kano
Juan Guaido has appointed his person, the president and has gotten an approval from the America and other countries as he traveled to be the president without vote.
Juan Guaido echiele onye ya onyeisiala ma nweta nkwado n'aka mba Amerịka na ụfọdụ mba ndi ọzọ ka ọ nọ na njem ịbụrụ onyeisiala ejighi itu vootu tinye n'ọkwa.
In July when he met with Nnamdi Kanu, one of the things he told him was his aversion to the snide remarks members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) make against members of other ethnic stock in Nigeria.
Ka o zutere Nnamdi Kanụ na Julaị, otu n' ime ihe ndị ọ gwara ya bụ asị ọ kpọrọ nkọcha n' ezighi ezi nke ndị òtù 'Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) banyere agbụrụ ndị ọzọ na Naijiria.
Before colanut is broken in Igbo land, prayer is said first
Tupu awaa ọjị n'ala Igbo, a na-ebu ụzọ gọọ ọjị (kpeere ya ekpere).
Do you know the functions of the kindsmen and four other groups in Igbo land?
Ị ma ọrụ ndị ụmụnna na otu anọ ọzọ kachasị mkpa n'ala Igbo?
When you enter a toilet cubicle that has just been used by an American man, nine out of ten times it will be pristine.
Ịbanye ụlọ mposi nke nwoke Amerịka jere mposi na nso, iteghete n' ime iri ga-adị ọcha.
Ronaldo scored 44 goals for Real Madrid in the last season's competition, including 15 goals he scored in the Champions League for his third best goal scolar.
Ronaldo nyere goolu 44 n'otu Real Madrid n'agba asọmpi gara aga, gụnyere 15 o nyeburu n'asọmpi Champions League n'ụzọ inweta nturugo nke atọ n'otu ahịrị.
In August, it was only the rate of increase in the price of goods and services in urban areas that increased, when compared with July.
N'Ọgọstụ, ọ bụ naanị ọnụego nke ọnụahịa na ọrụ n'obodo mepere emepe mụbara, ma e jiri ya tụnyere Julaị.'
The party chairman Uche Secondus said that he and his party members are still considering that thought.
Onyeisi pati ahụ bu Uche Secondus kwuru na ya na ndị otu ya ka na-atule ya bụ echic
He played a cute one-two with Dele Alli to leave the midfielder with just Patricio to beat but his low strike hit the post.
Ya na Dele Alli gbara ezigbo pam pam pam ịhapụrụ nanị Patricio ọ nọ n' etiti ka ọ gafee mana shọtụ ọ gbasighi ike kụrụ na postu.
The state law makers said that the reason behind the delay in the 2018 budget is because the three arms of government has not concluded on how to budget their own, in spite of the allocation given by the lawmakers on the 2018 revenue.
Ndị omeiwu sị na ihe mere ha ejibeghi wepụta 'bọjeetị 2018' a bụ maka ngalaba gọọmentị dị icheiche ewetabeghị nkọwa etu ha sị chọọ ime mkpata na mmefu nke ha, n'agbanyeghị na akwụkwọ ndị omeiwu ji nwere nhazi etu ngalaba dị icheiche kwesịrị isi mee ego na 2018.
Fashola holds three ministries joined together in Buhari's government
Fashola jị ngalaba atọ achịkọtara ọnụ na gọọmentị Buhari
Contact with objects, household items and surfaces or eating food contaminated with urine, faeces, saliva or blood of infected rats.
'Imetụ ihe, ihe di n’ime ụlọ maọbụ iri nri metụrụ mamịrị, nsị, ọnụ mmiri maọbụ ọbara oke bu ọrịa ahụ.
But we agree completely that the NPN, as a political party, is today the best organization of the Nigerian bourgeoisie and the most accurate reflection of Nigerian bourgeois interests.
Mana anyị kwenyere kpam kpam na NPN, dịka ndị otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị, bụ taa ọgbakọ kacha mma nke ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị Naịjirịa na ngosipụta ziri ezi gbasara ọdịmma ndị Naịjirịa .
What will happen to who refused marrying a woman's corpse
Ihe ga-eme onye jụrụ ịlụ nwaanyị n'ozu:
He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to obey court orders by mandating the security agency to release Sowore to his family.
Ọ kpọkuru Onyeisi Muhammadu Buhari ka o rubere iwu ụlọikpe isi site n'inye ndị nchekwa iwu ịtọhapụ Sowore nye ezinaụlọ ya
Do not forget that the police have summoned Saraki to answer for himself about the theft in Offa
Echefula na ndị uweojii kpọrọ Saraki oku ịza ọnụ ya maka etu ohi e zuru n'Offa si metụta ya.
They will play with France this evening
Ha na France ga-achịpụ ya taa na mgbede
BBC will make them known
BBC ga-agba ha n'anwụ.
Anambra's president said the resignation that happened a few days ago would not affect Saturday's election.
Onyeisi Anambara kwuru na ndọhachi azụ bere abalị ole na ole gara aga agaghị emtuta ntuliaka Satode.
That is where brokers make their money.
Ebe ahụ ka ndị ọre ahịa si enweta ego ha.
He said that the law if enacted would protect, respect and promote the rights of women and children in order to improve their health and their standard of living.
O kwuru na iwu a na-ewube ya ga-echekwaba, sọpụrụ ma kwalite ikike ụmụnwaanyị na ụmụaka iji kwalite ahụ ike ha na obibi ndụ ha
In 2013 and 2014, Dangote Flour was on the loss trail.
N'afọ 2013 na 2014, ụlọ ọrụ ntụ ọka Dangote nọ n'okporo mfu
Since this news broke, there have been arguments for and against the decision by Oscar.
Kemgbe a nuru ozi a, na e nwere okwu arụmụka na okwu imegide gbasara mkpebi Oscar.
Again, Mele Kolo Kyari, the new NNPC chairman
Ọzọ, Mele Kolo Kyari, onyeisi ọhụrụ NNPC
world sickle cell day: Anybody suffering from sickle cell will benefit from this foods
World Sickle Cell Day: Onye na-arịa 'Sickle Cell' ga-enwete uru na nri ndị a
Look out for the 'Perfect Gift' campaign and the 'TRUE UnlimitedPremium' campaign.
Lebe anya maka mgbasa ozi 'Onyinye Zuru oke' na mkpọsa ' Ezigbo Premium n'enweghị njedebe '.
Actually the way he saw it: if you read a book, that deserved a lavish supply of those beverages, to help with a full interrogation of the ideas in it.
N'ezie, etu o siri hụta ya, ọ bụrụ na ị gụọ ndị ahụ, ị kwesiri inweta ihe ọṅụṅụ ndị ahụ, iji nye aka ịza ajụjụ na ịghọta ebumobi dị na ya.
A woman that newly delivered a baby uses this period of postnatal care to rest while the mother takes care of her baby
Ụfọdụ oge, ọ na-abụ nne mụrụ nwa laa, nne di ya abịa bido lewe ya ọmụgwọ nke ya.
Chadwick Boseman
Chadwick Boseman
Dr Okpalaeke said that bush fires constituted sabotage against governments at all levels.
Dr Okpalaeke kwuru na ọhịa ịgba ọkụ bụ mmebi iwu megide gọọmentị n'ọkwa niile.
Others include
Ndị ọzọ bụ
The secretary of CAN has died.
Onye odee akwụkwọ ndi otu CAN awụọla
Republicans have elected a man who openly emulates and praises dictators like Vladimir Putin.
'Republicans' ahọpụtala otu nwoke onye na-eñomi ma na-eto ndị ọchịchị aka ike dị ka Vladimir Putin n' ụzọ doro anya.
A reliable source told the ABS that the man, who hails from Imo State and married to a nurse, was deported from oversea and his behaviours suggested that he was abnormal which may be as a result of certain injection given to him for misdemeanor overseas.
onye a pụrụ ịdabere na ya gwara ndị ABS na nwoke nkea si Imo steeti wee lụọ onye nọọsụ, bụ onye achụpụrụ na mba ofesi na omume ya doro anya na ọ bụ onye ezighi ezi nke nwere ike ibu n'ihi nsi ụfọdụ enyere ya maka iga ọrụ ọjọọ.
Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, Guterres described the situation in Eastern Ghouta as 'hell on earth', as Syrian government forces continue an aerial bombardment campaign in the rebel-held enclave.
Mgbe ọ na-ekwu okwu na kansul kọmitii na-ahu maka nchekwa mmadụ nke otu mba ụwa na Geneva, Switzerland, Guterres kọwara ọnọdụ ahụ dị ka 'ọkụ mmụọ nọ n'ụwa' ka gọọmentị Syria na-aga n'ihu na-agba mgba na mkọsa nke ndị nnupụisi enwere.
There was no Internet and mobile phone, so the trading could not come to Nigeria.
Enweghị intanetị na ekwentị mkpanaka, ya mere azụmaahịa ahụ abịaghị na Naịjirịa.
Some of the villagers including Chief Celestine Mozie and Mrs Ngozi Okeke while commending the pace of work on the road, said they can now evacuate their agricultural produce with ease and thanked Governor Obiano for his benevolence towards them.
Ụfọdụ n'ime ndị obodo ahụ gụnyere Chief Celestine Mozie na Oriaku Ngozi Okeke mgbe ha na-ekele ha maka ọrụ ha na-arụ n'okporo ụzọ, kwuru na ha nweziri ike iwe ihe ubi ha ma kelee gọvanọ Obiano maka mmeso ọma o nwere n'ebe ha nọ.
The Producer of Anambra Rice, Mr Akai Egwuonwu said that they have checked and approved the quality and size of the rice, attesting that every grain was cultivated, harvested and processed in the State .
Onye na-emepụta osikapa steeti Anambara bụ mazi Akai Egwuonwu kwuru na ha enyochala ma kwado ogo ya na osikapa. Na-agba aka ebe na mkpụrụ ọbụla n'ime ya ka a kụrụ, gbute ma hazie na steeti.
@JorimJerry said that he missed his father's presence
@JorimJerry kwuru na owu nna nwụrụlanụ na-ama ya.
Igbo BBC interviewed people to find out those who speak Igbo very well.
Kedụ ihe bụ 'window' n'asụsụ Igbo?
Nigeria's OMO does not mop up excess liquidity and does not have any effect on interest rates.
OMO nke Naịjirịa anaghị achịkwa oke mmiri ma ọ nweghị mmetụta ọ bụla na ọnụego ọmụrụ nwa.
There is great potential.
Enwere ikike dị ukwuu.
Plateau: 'condolence message is not enough'
Plateau: 'Ozi ịtiakanobi ezughi'
She told BBC Igbo that it is not her big buttocks that gives her roles rather her expertise in acting.
Ọ gwara BBC Igbo na ọ bụghị nnukwu otele ya na-enye ya ọrụ, kama ọ bụ makana ọ na-emete ihe ọbụla a sị ya mee dịka onye na-eme ejije.
A journalist at Borno, told BBC that three suicide bombers were at Kanduga, where football fans were watching a match and the bomb exploded
Onye ntaakụkọ na Borno gwara BBC na ndị ogbunonweya atọ gbagburu ogbunigwe ha n'ezi Konduga ebe ndị na-ekiri egwuregwu nọ na-ekiri ya bụ egwuregwu bọọlụ.
A spicy
Mkpụrụ ehu akwọrọ akwọ
They ate, drank, danced, and, went home.
Ha riri, ñụọ, gbaa egwu, ma laa ụlọ.
Do you know that in Igbo land, kolanut is not blessed using the English language?
Ị ma na ọjị anaghị anụ bekee n'ala Igbo?
Nigeria Election 2019: Contestants in the elections and their running mates.
Nigeria Election 2019: Ndị na-azọ ntuliaka na osote ha
The suspension is imperative to prevent trading in the shares of the company beyond the effective date of the scheme of arrangement for Crown Flour Mills Limited to acquire the entire issued and fully paid ordinary shares of 50 kobo each in DFM held by scheme shareholders, subsequent to which the company would be delisted from the main board of the NSE
Nkwụsị ahụ dị oke mkpa iji gbochie azụmaahịa oke nke ụlọ ọrụ ahụ karịa ụbọchị dị mma maka atụmatụ maka nhazi nke ụlọ ọrụ ntụ ọka Crown iji nwete ego niile enyere na ịkwụ ụgwọ òkè zuru ezu nke kobo iri ise ọ bụla na DFM ndị haziri ya bụ ndị nwere òkè, nke ga-esote ya bụ ikewapụ ụlọ ọrụ ahụ na ndị isi nke NSE .
He said this at the last memorial ceremony of Achuzia in Asaba yesterday
O kwuru nke a ka e mere emume ncheta ikpeazụ Achuzia n'Asaba ụnyaahụ.
Owele Rochas Okorocha
Owele Rochas Okorocha
one of the worker in the court said ' He was still talking to the court when he slumped '
otu onye na-arụ ọrọ n'ụlọ ikpe sị: 'Ọ na-agwa ọkaikpe okwu tupu ọ daa.
According to tradition, women don't eat the gizzard of a chicken.
Nwaanyị ekwesighị iri eke ọkụkọ dịka omenaala Igbo siri dị
'We are calling on the state governor to help us because some of us have families to take care of.'
Anyị na-akpọkwu gọvanọ steeti a ka ọ nyere anyị aka makana ụfọdụ n'ime anyị nwere ezinụlọ anyị ga-eleta anya.
They might as well change the name back to 'Foreign language',' a Twitter user, Steven Chuks, stated.
Ha nwekwara ike gbanwee aha ahụ laghachị 'Asụsụ Ọzọ', otu onye twita, Steven Chuks kwuru.
this made the Nigerian police and that of the south Africa to start investigation on the matter
Nke a mere ka ndị uweooji nke Mba Naịjirịa na Saut Afrịka bido nyocha n'ime okwu a
Turkish Airlines Deploys Bigger Aircraft To Nigerian Route After Passengers' Protest NCAA had threatened to sack the airline from Nigeria if it continued to delay passengers' check-in luggage on arrival at Lagos and Abuja airports.
ọdụ ụgbọ elu Turkey butere nnukwu ụgbọ elu n' ụzọ Naijiria ka ndị njem kpọrọ ganigani na NCAA yiri egwu ịchụ ụgbọ elu na Naijiria ma ọ gaa n'ihu na-egbu ndị njem oge n' ebe iburu ibu ma ha bata n' ọdụ ụgbọ elu Legosi na Abuja.
After all, in a federation, the federating units (states) are supposed to manage their affairs substantially and contribute to the sustenance of the Federation.
N'ihe niile, na ngalaba, gọọmentị etiti, ngalaba ndị a na-achị (steeti) kwesịrị ijikwa ihe omume ha nke ọma ma na-enye aka na nkwalite nke gọọmentị .
The executive director, who doubled as secretary of the panel noted that it was wrong to start rebuilding shops and malls without integrity tests by the State Physical Planning Board and other relevant bodies.
Onyeisi ụlọ ọrụ ahụ, bụ onye jikwa ọrụ dịka odeakwụkwọ nke otu ahụ chọpụtara na ọ bụ ihe ọjọọ ịmalite ịrụ ụlọ ahịa na nnukwu ụlọ ahịa na-enweghị ule iguzosi ike n'ezi ihe nke ga-esite n'aka Physical Planning Board nke steeti ahụ na ndị ọzọ dị mkpa o metụtara.
Kinsmen and first born daughters are like the community representatives.
Ndị ụmụnna na ndị ụmụada dịka ndị nnọchite anya n'obodo.
Breaking of kolanut
Ịwa ọjị