interesting news
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
One would think the state will be eager to bring its evidence to the open.
Mmadụ ga-eche na steeti ga-achọsi ike iweta ihe akaebe ya niile.
Many of the projects are shoddily executed or abandoned.
Ọtụtụ ọrụ ahụ bụ ndị e ji nwayọọ arụ maọbụ ndị agbahapụrụ.
Silver , gold, coral and jewelry added to clothes.
Ọla ọcha, ọla edo, kọral, ọdụ na ọla a na-etinye n'akwa.
Five things you should know about breastfeeding
Ihe ise ị kwesiri ịma maka inye nwa ara
If a court makes a judicial pronouncement on a particular matter, it should be obeyed to the letter. “If you have any problem or disagree with the pronouncement, the next step is to appeal the pronouncement instead of disregarding or violating court judgments. If you are served a court order and you deliberately refused to obey it because you are a governor, president or any influential person, then you are setting a dangerous precedent."
Ọ bụrụ na ụlọikpe mee nkwuwa okwu banyere okwu, ekwesiri irubere ya isi. "Ọ bụrụ na i nwere nsogbu maọbụ nwee nsogbu site na nkwuwa, ihe ọzọ bụ ịrịọ nkwuwa okwu ahụ na abụghị ileli maọbụ ịda iwu nke ụlọikpe. Ọ bụrụ na enye gị iwu nke ụlọikpe, ma ị kpachapụ anya ghara ime ya n'ihi na ị bụ gọvanọ, onyeisi ala maọbụ onye welitere isi, ya bụ na ị na-edebe ntọala jọrọ njọ."
He stated that President Buhari always praises the well doing Nigerians in various spheres and he continues in this because he knows that they are amidst Nigerians
O kwuru na onyeisiala Buhari na-eto ụmụ Naịjirịa na-eme nkeọma na ngalaba dị icheiche oge niile ma ọ ga na-aga n'ihu na-emekwa nke a maka na ọ ma na ha nọ n'etiti ndị Naịjirịa.
In that message, EFCC said that they want to probe Ekweremadu for planning to use his position to manipulate carrying out of the country called money laundering in English.
N'ime akwụkwọ ozi ahụ, EFCC kwuru na ha chọrọ inyocha Ekweremadu maka ịkpa nkata, mmerụ ikike ọkwa ya nyere ya na ibupu ego nke Bekee kpọrọ 'money laundering'.
she is the founder and chairperson of the Women Political Enlistment Campaign.
Ọ bụ onye hibere nakwa onyeisi otu na-ahụ maka ụmụnwaanyị a kpọrọ Women Political Enlistment Campaign.
Story that will interest u:
Akụkọ ga-amasị gị:
In his words: 'Our annoyance in what Joe Igbokwe wrote is that it has made people loose their confidence in everything that concerns lawyers and judges in our country
N'ọnụ okwu ya: 'Iwe anyị na ihe Joe Igbokwe dere bụ makana ozi ya emeela ka ndị mmadụ kwụsị ịnwe ntụkwasị obi siri ike n'ihe niile gbasara ndị ọkaikpe na ọkaiwu n'ala anyị.
Many people in social media are celebrating #NoBraDay without knowing what it implies.
Ọtụtụ mmadụ apụtala na .social media' maka ncheta #NoBraDay mana ọbụghị ha niile ma ihe ọ pụtara.
The news getting to us is saying that kidnappers have kidnapped a king of Garin Labo in Katsina state.
Akụkọ na-eru anyị ntị na-ekwu na ndị ntọ atọrọla otu onyeeze na Garin Labo dị Kastina steeti.
Clause 15 (2a) of the bill, which identifies source of funding for the commission, stipulates that the equivalent of 10 per cent of the total monthly statutory allocation due to the member states of the commission shall be from the Federation Account.
Nkeji 15(2a) nke iwu, nke kwuputara ụzọ e si enye kọmishọn a nkwado ego, kọwapụtara na ihe ha ka 10 pe senti nke oké niile kwesiri ndị Steeti so n' òtù kọmishọn a n' ọnwa ga-esi akpa gọọmenti etiti.
We will enact any relevant law that will put to end violence against women and children in the state.
Anyị ga-eweputa iwu ọbụla dabara adaba ga-akwụsị mmesike megide ụmụnwaanyị na ụmụaka na steeti a.
there was a fire out break in INEC office at Awka Anambra state on Tuesday, whose source is yet to be known.
Ọkụ amaghị ebe osi gbapịala ụlọọrụ Inec dị n'Ọka, Anambara Steeti ụbọchị Tuzde.
Remember that the Democrats and the Republicans had a dispute because they disagreed on the national budget.
Cheta na ndị Democrat na ndị Republican sere okwu maka itnye aka na ya bu akwụkwọ maka ha ekwekọrịtaghị na ihe gbasara nkpata na mmefu akụ bụ bọjet.
All entreaties to ASD to return Nasiba to her matrimonial home fell on deaf ears, but he instead forced Nasiba to institute a case of Khul' (request for divorce) before Grade 1 Sharia Court, Tudun Wada, Kaduna where a controversial judgment was obtained and a dissolution of the marriage was pronounced without recourse to principles of nemo iudex in causa sua and audi alteram partem to the concerned parties.
Arịrịọ a rịọrọ ASD ka ọ laghachi Nasiba n'alụmdi na nwunye ya kpụrụ afọ n'ala, mana ọ manyere Nasiba ka o guzobe okwu nke Khul (arịrịọ maka ịgba alụkwaghịm) n'ihu ụlọ ikpe Sharia mbụ, Tudun Wada, Kaduna ebe e nwetara ikpe na-ese okwu ma kwupụta alụkwaghịm n'etiti di na nwunye ahụ na-enweghị mgbakwunye na ụkpụrụ nke 'nemo iudex in causa sua' na 'audi alteram pertem' nke metụtara ndị ahụ.
she exhibit all manner of character
Ọ na-eyi agwa ntutu na-apụ ọkụ
Super Falcons have won in the African female category seven times.
Super Falcons emeriela na asọmpi iko ụmụ nwanyị Afrika ugboro asaa
But English is the official language of Nigeria.
Mana asụsụ bekee bụ asụsụ ala Naịjirịa.
Can Timothy Weah perform excellently as people expected?
Timothy Weah ọ ga-emenwu ọfụma ka nna ya dịka ndị mmadụ si eche?
And her colleagues have expressed their dismay at her 'tarnishing' the force's reputation with her antics.
Ndị ọrụ ibe ya ekwupụtala iwe ha maka iji aghụghọ ya mee ihe ga-emebi aha ya.
Bill To Give More Money To Lawmakers Passes Second Reading
Bill iji nyekwuo ndị omebeiwu ego gafere ọgụgụ nke abụọ.
Communities should set up dump sites very far from their homes to reduce the chances of having rodents within homes.
Ọha obodo kwesiri itinye ebe ikpofu ahịhịa ka ọ ghara ịdị nso n'ụlọ ebe obibi ha iji belata ohere inwe oke n’ime ulo.
If you are done with the main thing you went to do, remember to visit places and look around.
Ọ bụrụ na ị gacha ihe buru gị bịa njem gị, cheta ilegharị anya.
UN secretary General Guterres calls for immediate implementation of security council resolution for cease fire in Syrian.
Onye odeakwụkwọ UN Guterres kpọrọ oku ka emee ngwa ngwa banyere mkpebi kansụl nchekwa maka ịkwụsị ịkwa mgbọ na Syrian.
know that cars are cheaper than trucks.
Mata na-ego ọnụ ụgbọoloko na-ada ọnụ karịa ụgbọala.
The facility investor blamed the collapse of most Nigerian stadia on their use for non-sporting activities like religious crusades and political rallies.
Otinye ego na ngwa egwuregwu a tara iji ama egwuregwu mee ihe n' abụghị ihe egwuregwu dị ka ọgbakọ okpukperechi na ọgbakọ ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị ụta maka ọdịda ama egwuregwu dara.
Ebere Amarizu, the spokesperson in Enugu police said, they have released three people that were kidnapped on Friday ,after interrogating them to find out the root cause of the problem
Ebere Amarizu bụ ọnụ na-ekwuru ndị uweojii kwuru na atọhapụla mmadụ atọ ahụ bụ ndị ejidere ụbọchị Fraịde dịka ha na-eme nchọpụta ebe ya bụ mmiri sị banye n'opi ụgbọghiri.
In those new cases, one person each died in Edo and Abia states.
Na mmetụta ọhụrụ ndị a, otu mmadụ nwụrụ n' Edo na Abịa steeti.
Cow skin populary called 'kpọmọ' by the yorubas, was eaten by the poor when there was no money for beef or chicken.
Akpụkpọanụ ehi nke ndị Yoruba na-akpọ, 'kpọmọ', bụbu ihe ndị ogbenye ji emegharị ọnụ oge ha ahụghị ego zụrụ anụ ehi ma maọbụ anụ ọkụkọ.
Federal high court of Nigeria mandates their sector in charge of the police to investigate the rumour of the confiscation of Ekweremadu's house.
Ụlọomeiwu ukwu Naịjirịa nyerengalaba ha na-ahụ maka ndị uweojii iwu ka e nyochaa ebubo mwakpo ụlọ Ekweremadu.
Mr Ajayi who disclosed that the State Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps will embark on aggressive Radio and Television campaign on traffic rules and regulations urged the public to always see Road.
Mazị Ajayi onye gosipụtara na ụlọ ọrụ na-ahụ maka nchekwa okporo ụzọ nke steeti ga-ebido mgbasa ozi kwụchịm na redio, ihe onyoonyo, gbasara iwu okporo ụzọ gwara ọha na eze ka ha kpachara anya mgbe niile.
Boluwatife Adekunle, the female undergraduate of the Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, who was physically assaulted by two ladies and a guy all said to be student of the institution, has given more insight into why she was attacked.
Boluwatife Adekunle, nwaanyị na-agwụ na 'Federal University of Technology' Akure, Ondo Steeti, onye ụmụ nwaanyị abụọ na ótù nwoke e kwuru na ha ncha bụ ụmụ akwụkwọ ụlọakwụkwọ a, enyewanyela nghọta banyere ihe e ji wakpo ya.
Bishọp Kukah responded to this by saying that ' peace cannot be bought with money'.
Bishop Kukah zara na ajụjụ a sị: 'Ejighị ego egote udo.
The most important news of today in summary:
Akụkọ ndị kachasị mkpa mere taa n'ichafu:
But Mayowa Adeleye is asking to be explained why Buhari's government who agreed to share $322 million stolen by Abacha went and borrowed $328 million in China.
Mana Mayowa Adeleye na-ajụ ka a kọwara ya etu gọomenti Buhari bụ ndị kwekọrịtara ka e kee ego Abacha zuru bụ nde dọla 322 mechara gaa bite nde dọla 328 na China.
What you should do about Christy Essien-Igbokwe
Ihe i kwesịrị ịma maka Christy Essien-Igbokwe
Sometimes unforseen circumstances arise in this situation, especially the woman dieing in the man's house when the cultural marriage rites were not performed.
A na-ahụtakwa mgbe ụfọdụ ihe mberede dị iche iche n'ọnọdụ a, ọkachasị nwaanyị ịnọ n'ụlọ nwoke ahụ nwụọ na-enweghị mmemme alụm ọbụla emere n'ụzọ omenala.
The Chamber, then, called for goodwill messages/adverts insertions for publication in the event's brochure.
Mgbe ahụ, chamber ahụ kpọrọ òkù maka ozi ekele/mgbasa ozi a ga-ebipụta n'ime akwụkwọ 'Brochure' emume ahụ
The Igbos in the ancient time believed that anybody that received this person has injured the wrath of land on his family.
Igbo n'oge gboo nwere nkwenye na onye ọbụla nabatara onye a anabataala iwe Ala n'ezinaụlọ ya.
January 15, 1966 - When the first of what would become a tradition of military coups occurred
Jenuwarị 15, 1966 - Mbido nnara ọchịchị ndị agha
How you will look beautiful with small amount of money.
Etu ị ga-esi jiri obere ego na-egbuke egbuke
The fifty-four year-old actress, known simply as Sridevi, drowned in her hotel apartment's bathtub following loss of consciousness.'
Onye na-eme ihe nkiri a dị afọ iri ise na anọ nke a maara dịka Sridevi nwuru n'ihe ịsa ahụ n'ụlọ ịsa ahụ na nkwari akụ ya mgbe ọ pụrụ mmụọ.
Premium Times, an independent news platform in Nigeria, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately fire Yusuf Bichi, head of the Department of State Services, over his role in his men's Invasion of the Federal High Court in Abuja last Friday to rearrest Omoyele Sowore.
Premium Times, ụlọ ọrụ akụkọ nọrọ onwe ya na Naịjirịa akpọọla Onye isi ala Muhammadu Buhari ka ọ chụọ Yusuf Bichi, onye isi Ngalaba nke Ọrụ ọrụ, maka ọrụ ya na mwakpo nke ndị agha ya na mwakpo ụlọ ikpe gọọmentị etiti na Abuja na Fraịde gara aga iji nwuchie Omoyele Sowore .
BREAKING: APC Agents Absent At Adamawa Supplementary Election Polling Units
Ozigbo: ndi otu APC anoghi na ebe enweputara maka ibinye aka na Adamawa
Eyewitnesses said that the issue between the Igbo boy and his girlfriend was the cause of the problem.
Ndị nọ ebe ihe mere kwuru na ọ bụ esemokwu dị n'etiti okorobia Igbo na enyi ya nwaanyị bụ ihe bidoro nsogbu ahụ.
Unfortunately, one of my friends, Mallam Jaji, is part of those peddling this narrative.
Ọ na-ewute m ikwu, otu n' ime ndị enyi m, Mallam Jaji, so na ndị na-ebusa akụkọ a.
This is one of the few times in planning and policy processes for agricultural development where we have strict adherence to different components and stages of policy formulation before we arrive at a concise policy document, which in this case is the National Policy on Agricultural Mechanisation. ' – Professor Ayoola Gboladade, Farm and Infrastructure Foundation (FIF).
'Nke a bụ otu n'ime oge ole na ole n'ime atụmatụ na usoro iwu maka mmepe ọrụ ugbo ebe anyị na-agbasochi akụkụ dị iche iche na usoro nke iwu anya tupu anyị erute akwụkwọ iwu nkenke, nke na nke a bụ Iwu Obodo Maka Ọrụ Ugbo. - Ọkamụta Ayoola Gboladade, ndị na-ahụ maka ubi na akụrụngwa (FIF).
Participants at a two day capacity training workshop in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state have identified the deconstruction of patriarchal dominant view in society as a major step towards actualization of thirty- five per cent Affirmative Action.
Ndị sonyere na nkụzị ụbọchị abụọ n'Abakiliki, Ebonyi Steeti achọpụtala nruzighari nke echiche ndị isi ala na ọha mmadụ dịka nnukwu nzọụkwụ iji gosipụta mmezu nkwupụta pesent iri atọ na ise.
Let me tell you a secret that many people don't know.
Ka m kwa gị ihe nzuzo ọtụtụ mmadụ amaghị
Not having light has spoilt my business
Enweghị ọkụ emebiela ahịa m na-azụ.
And one can forgive Uwa for her poor grasp of the issue as she embarrassingly attributed the directive in South Africa to the country's telecom regulator, while a little search on Google on the matter would have told her that the decision emanated from South Africa Competition Regulatory Authority, not the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa and the decision must have been scientifically based, not jejune subjective populist directive.
Mmadụ pụrụ ịgbaghara Uwa maka amaghị ihe na ihe ọmụma a dị na South Africa dị n’aka onyeisi ndị 'telecom', ebe obere ihe ọchịchọ n’igwe 'Google' banyere okwu a gaala agwa ya na mkpebi a sitere n'iwu asọmpi nke South Africa a kpọrọ 'South Africa Competition Regulatory Authority', na ọ bụghị Independent Communications Authority of South Africa na mkpebi ahụ kwesiri idabere na sayensị.
The same way we have different trading platforms.
Otu ahụ kwa ka anyị si nwe ụzọ izu ahịa dị iche iche.
Dr Onyemaechi also thanked Dozzy Foundation for spending millions of naira in renovating the Okija General Hospital, describing the act as philanthropy at its best'.
Dr Onyemaechi kelekwara Dozzy Foundation maka imefu nde kwuru nde naịra n'ịhazigharị ụlọọgwụ Okija, na-akọwa ihe ahụ dịka 'ọrụ ebube kacha mma'.
The surprising one to the entire world is the appearing of Nnamdi Kanu in the city of Jerusalem since September 2017
Nke gbara ụwa niile gharị bụ akụkọ mpụtagharị Nnamdi Kanu n'obodo Jerusalem kemgbe ọnwa Septemba nke afọ 2017.
A staff member of Eagle Food Processing Industry Nigeria Ltd.
Onye ọrụ nke Eagle Food Processing Industry Nigeria Ltd.
He said the increment would help reduce medical tourism, as some of the elite would begin to patronise local health facilities rather than go abroad.
O kwuru na iwelite aka a ga-enye aka belata ije mba ofesi maka ihe gbasara ahụ ike, dị ka ụfọdụ ndị ọchịchị ga-ebido iji ngwa ahụ ike anyị nwere mere ihe kama ijewe mba ofesi.
As Atiku stepped into the court, we are looking into those who rigged the election and won in court.
Dịka Atiku zọnyere ụkwụ n'ụlọikpe, anyị na-elebanye anya na ndị gbaghara mpụtara ntuliaka ma merie n'ụlọikpe.
Dr Okpala explained that people of all age groups, who come in contact with urine, faeces, saliva, and blood of rats, stand higher risk of contracting the disease.
Dọkịta Okpala kọwara na ndị nọ n'afọ niile, bụ ndị mamịrị, nsị, asọmmiri na ọbara oke metụtara nwere oke ihe egwu ibute ọrịa a.
Lagos state Commissioner of Police Edgal Imohimi said that was her husband's complaint that made them to start investigation and found out that it was his wife and other criminals that perpetuated the act.
Kọmishọna ndị uweojii na legos steeti bụ Imohimi Edgal, kwuru na ọ bụ mkpesa di ya wetara mere ka ha bido nyocha were chọpụta na ọ bụ nwunye ya na ndị omekemo kpara nkata ahụ.
NFF President, Amaju Pinnick; First Vice President, Seyi Akinwunmi; Dikko; and another executive member, Yusuf 'Fresh', are all facing corruption case in a 17-count charge on misappropriation of $8.4m belonging to the football body.
onye isi ndị NFF, Amaju Pinnick; osote onye isi nke mbu, Seyi Akinwunmi; Dikko; na onye so n'otu ndị isi ọzọ, Yusuf ' ịdị saam', ha niile nwere ikpe maka aka azụ na ikpe ọnụọgụgụ17 banyere ịkpafu dọla nde 8.4 nke otu bọlu .
He made use of his long legs by pacing in the ring, which not only frustrated his opponent but prevented Ruiz from landing his punches in a close range.
O jiziri ogologo ụkwụ ya nke ọma site n' ịgbagharị n' ime ogige ịkụ ọkpọ, nke n' emeghị naanị ka onye ya na ya na-eme ihe daa mbà kama ọ gbochiri Ruiz ịkụ ọkpọ ya n' ebe ọ dị nso.
The index, showed that out of one hundred points signaling maximum transparency and no corruption, Nigeria scored twenty- seven points.In a statement issued to the press, the NUJ expressed worry that while the rest ofthe world has improved in the perception on corruption, Nigeria deteriorates further down as the fight against corruption is being either ignored or stalled.
Ndekọ ịntanet gosiri na n'ime akara otu nari iji gosi kwụ ọtọ na-enweghi nrụrụ aka ọbula, Naịjirịa nwere akara iri abụọ na asaa. Na nkwupụta o nyefere ndị nta akụkọ NUJ kwupụtara nchegbu na ebe ndị mba ndị ọzọ na etolite n'ihe gbasara nrụrụ aka, Naịjirịa na-akawanye njọ ka a na-eleghara anya ọgụ a na-alụ megide nrụrụ aka.
There are numerous, seventy-one (at least) according to the pre-populated list that Facebook users can choose from when choosing a gender identity.
ha buru ibu n'ọnụ ọgụgụ, iri asaa na otu (opekata mpe) dịka nnukwu ọnụ ọgụgụ nke ndị Fesibuuku na-ahọrọ oge ọbụla ha chọrọ ịhọrọ mbụrụ ha.
If Mr Pantami wants to succeed, he needs all the regulators and operators on his side, and he can't achieve that by constantly pitching them against the consumers thereby making his narcissistic self-good and everybody that has contributed to the development of the industry bad.
Ọ bụrụ na Maazị Pantami chọrọ ime nke ọma, o nwee ndị niile na-ahụ maka nchịkwa na ndị na-arụ ọrụ n'akụkụ ya, ọ gaghị enwe ike imezu nke ahụ site n'imegide ha n'ebe ndị na-azụ ahịa nọ si otu ahụ na-eme ka a hụ ya dịka onye dị mma ebe onye ọbụla n'ụlọ ọrụ ahụ bụ onye ọjọọ.
this includes: AS and AS cannot marry, but AS and AA can marry.
Nke a gunyere: AS na AS agaghị alụli, mana AS na AA ga-alụli.
Another thing is, she understands the role of TALENT before HARD WORK. Let me tell you another story. You remember Olajumoke and ‘Taju goes to School’, right? Well, Olajumoke became famous for photo-bombing a prominent British model’s photo-shoot and fame smiled on her. However, Olajumoke, though hardworking, has a no visible talent that we can pin her to. She is amazing and hardworking but what is her TALENT? What does she have to give to SUSTAIN the FAME?
Ihe ọzọ bụ, ọ ghọtara usoro Ọnatarachi tutu Ịgba mbọ. ka m kọọrọ gị akụkọ ọzọ. I chetere Olajumoke na 'Taju ejee akwụkwọ' nke ọma? Ọ dị mma. Olajumoke bụụrụ onye wuru ewu site na mgbazi foto na ịdị ukwuu wee rue ya ahụ. Etu ọ dị, Olajumoke, agbanyeghị ịgba mbọ, enweghị ọnatarachi nke eji amara ya. Ọ na-eme nke ọma ma na-agba mbọ mana gịnị bụ ọnatarachi? gịnị ka ọ nwere iji jigide ịdị ukwu ahụ?
Saraki and Ekweremadu: People are talking about avoiding them
Saraki na Ekweremadu: Ihe ndị mmadụ na-ekwu maka mgbochi ha
The group, who previously said that Igbo people living in the northern part of Nigeria should go home, had said that they neither want Buhari nor Atika to become the president.
Otu kwuburu ka ndị igbo bi n'ugwu hausa kwaralawa ekwuola na ha chọghị Buhari ma ọ bụ Atika dịka onyeisiala.
BREAKING: AGF Takes Over Prosecution Of Sowore's Case After DSS Court Invasion
Akụkọ mgbanye: AGF weghaara ebubo nke ikpe nke Sowore mgbe mwakpo ụlọ ikpe DSS gasịrị
Most times people ask the reason behind marrying a woman's corpse in some areas of Igbo land, this story explained it.
Ọtụtu oge ka ndị mmadụ na-ajụ ihe kpatara e ji alụ nwaanyị n'ozu n'ụfọdụ mpaghara ala Igbo, akụkọ a kọwara ya.
My kindsmen said that Ishould not come back home again till I find a husband
Ndị ụlọ anyị sị m ma alọtazina ụlọ ọzọ ma m ahụghị di'
Court Gives INEC Green Light To Conduct Supplementary Governorship Election In Adamawa
Uloikpe nyere INEC oku na-acha ndundu nke na - eziputa igbanye ha ukwu izoghari ochichi okwa onyeisi steeti Adamawa.
We saved many people from their collapsed building-Waziri
Anyị dọpụtara ụfọdụ mmadụ ebe ụlọ ha dagidere ha- Waziri
He killed Osama Bin Laden and he passed into law the Affordable Health Care Reform Law that offered medical insurance coverage to 46 million Americans with the stroke of his pen.
O gburu Osama Bin Laden ma mee ka e mebe iwu nke iwu mgbanwe nleta ahụ ike dị ọnụ mma nke nyere nde 46 ndị Amerịka inshọọransị ọgwụ site n' imegharị mkpịsị odee ya.
Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, Guterres described the situation in Eastern Ghouta as 'hell on earth', as Syrian government forces continue an aerial bombardment campaign in the rebel-held enclave. .
Mgbe ọ na-ekwu okwu na kansul kọmitii na-ahụ maka nchekwa mmadụ nke otu mba ụwa na Geneva, Switzerland, Guterres kọwara ọnọdụ ahụ dịka 'ọkụ mmụọ nọ n'ụwa' ka gọọmentị Syria na-aga n'ihu na-agba mgba na mkọsa nke ndị nnupụisi enwere.
DSP Nnamdi Omoni, spokesman of the Rivers Police Command appealed to the residents of Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, to show understanding and cooperation.
DSP Nnamdi Omoni, ọnụ na-ekwuru ndị uwe ojii Rivers rịọrọ ndị bi na Port Harcourt, isi obodo Rivers steeti, iji gosi nghọta na imekọ ihe ọnụ.
In Adamawa Ahmadu Fintiri of PDP has three hundred and ten votes
N'Adamawa Ahmadu Fintiri nke PDP ewerela vootu dị puku narị atọ na iri
This happened in first Amanato in Nkanu West of Enugu state
Nke a mere na Amanato mburumbu dị na Nkanu west nke Enugwu Steeti.
A complete set of cushion chairs would also be given to each and every couple, which includes three-seater chairs and other side chairs. Window blinds and plastic carpets will also be provided.
A ga-enye di na nwunye ọbụla oche zuru ezu, nke gụnyere oche mmadụ atọ ga-anọ na ya na oche ndị ọzọ. A ga-enyekwa ihe e ji emechi windo na kapeetị.
(Let us call him Walter, because we have no permission to use his real name.)
(ka anyị kpọọ ya Walter, makana enwetabeghi ikike ịkpọ ezigbo aha ya.)
The young Nigerians now threatening to actualize Biafra (to) forget or shelve the plan.
Ụmụ Naịjirịa na-eyi egwu ugbu a na ha ga-eme ka Biafra bịa (na ha) chefuo ma ọ bụ kpachie atụmatụ ahụ.
When I got to that place, they took m to the office of the Nigeria Ambassador.
Mgbe m ruru ebe ahụ, ha kpọrọ m ga n'ụlọọrọ onye na-anọchịte anya Naịjirịa.
Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Indigenous Artworks, Culture and Tourism, Mrs Sally Mbanefo has described Ogbaukwu cave/waterfalls as Anambra's priceless treasure.
Kọmịshọna ihe gbasara mba Diaspora, ọrụaka ndi nwa afọ obodo,omenala na nkịrị, bụ Odoziakụ Sally Mbanefo akọwara Ogbaukwu cave/waterfall n'asụsụ bekee dịka ihe kachasị mkpa garalụ ọnụ na Anambra.
The device was later returned to the BBC journalist in the evening, but only after Lagos state media advisor Idowu Ajanaku intervened.
Emechara nyeghachị onye BBC ngwaọrụ ya na mgbede, mana ọ mgbe onye ndụmọdụ onyenachị Lagos steetị maka mgbasa ozi bụ Idowu Ajanaku tinyere ọnu n'okwu.
You should touch her lightly, beat her so as to adjust her behavior.
Ị kwesịrị ịmetụ ya nwaobere aka, tie ya ihe iji hazigharịa omume ya.
After seeing the items these people came with, the left and said that the commissioner would come.
Ka ọ hụchara ngwa agha ndị a ji bịa, ọ la sị na onyeisi ya ga-abịa.
She called for a society where continuous development was achieved and sustained.
Ọ kpọrọ okwu maka obodo ebe a ga-enwete mmepe ga adịgide ma bụrụ nke e jigidere.
Operators did not come up overnight to charge four Naira.
Ndị ọrụ abịaghị otu abalị tinye ụgwọ naịra anọ
A gwala ụmụ akwụkwọ ka ha wulie egwuregwu, ma belata otu nzuzo dịka Ụlọakwụkwọ nke St. Edmund, Nkpọọ na-emerube emume nke asọmụmpi ụlọ na ụlọ.
Rwanda and Mozambique joined in 2009 and 1995 but there has not been any ruled by Britain
Rwanda na Mozambique banyere n'afọ 2009 na 1995 ma o nweghị nke mba Britain chịburu.
Now many Igbos do not believe that bad spirit lives in any child that is born into this world with dreads.
Ugbua ọtụtụ ndị umụafọ Igbo ekweteghị na ajọ mmụọ bi n'ịme nwata ọbụla buru isi dada pụta n'ụwa.
women has changed the local hair style
Ụmụnwaanyị ewechighala isiowu n'ụdị ọhụrụ
He said that nobody knows who would be the winner in the competition between these two groups.
O kwuru na amabeghi onye ga-eme nke ọma n'asọmpi ahụ ga-adị n'etiti ndị otu abụọ ndị a.
court has given an order for the arrest of Innoson
Ụlọikpe enyela iwu ka anwụchie Innoson
Because in a sense, I am indeed advocating for western toilet habits.
Makana n' otu ụzọ, ana m akwado àgwà mposi ọdịda anyanwụ.
But the issue here is neither the contentiousness of the result of the presidential contest nor the side which Tai Solarin supported.
Mana ihe dị ebe a abụghị esemokwu nke nsonaazụ onye isi ala ma ọ bụ akụkụ nke Tai Solarin kwadoro.