He revealed that his government has targeted to complete forty roads which it started late last year before the dry season runs out.
O kpughere na gọọmentị ya ezubere irucha ụzọ iri anọ nke ọ malitere ngwucha afọ gara aga tupu oge ọkọchị agafee.
African countries have failed abysmally to liberalise their economies; they still rank at the bottom of the Heritage's Index of Economic Freedom.
Mba Afrịka emeghị nke ọma ịhapụ akụ na ụba ha; ha ka nokwa na nkenke akara ngosiputa ihe Nketa nke Onwe ha .
Falana revealed this while speaking at a colloquium in Lagos on Thursday .
Falana kwuputara nke a, ebe enwere ogbako ndi nkuzi n legosu , ubochi Tozde
What if the bloody January 15, 1966, coup and the attendant assassinations didn't happen ?
Ọ bụrụ na ọgbaghara ọbara nnatụ ọchịchị nke ọnwa Jenụwarị 15, 1966 emeghi .
world cup 2018: what the super Eagles did after been defeated by the Croatians.
World Cup 2018: Ihe ndị Super Eagles mere ka ndị Kroeshia merichara ha
Tell us why your father is different from other fathers?
Gwa anyị ihe mere nna gị ji pụọ iche tunyere nna ndị ọzọ?
We could have had three countries as opposed to one at independence.
Anyị kaara inwe mba atọ na-abụghị otu na mgbe nnwere onwe .
'The 20 Fellows were selected from the Consular District with a priority being placed on five key sectors: energy, technology, transportation, agriculture, and health.
'Ndị mkpakọrịta 20 ka a họpụtara site mpaghara ụlọ ọrụ nnọchianya ukwu site n' ilekwasị anya na ngalaba ise gacha dị mkpa: ọkụ, nkanụzụ, njem, ọrụ ugbo, na ahụ ike.
No wonder, they have recently scaled up recruitment of new fighters across both English and French speaking countries in the surrounding countries of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. Information gleaned from contacts within the fold of ISWAP paint an insight that seems to have challenged the position of politicians and the military in respect of holding territory. ISWAP always considered the territories of Northern and Central Borno their Caliphate territories. The presence of the Nigerian troops and particularly military bases were considered invasion by the military.
o kwela nghọta, ha nabatara ndị agha ọhụrụ ma ndị mba na-asụ Bekee na French na mba ndị gbara gburugburu dịka Cameroon, Chad, Niger na Naịjirịa.Ozi nke batara site n'aka ndị ISWAP gosiri ịma aka n'ihu nye ndị ọchịchị na ndị agha n'ijide obodo. ISWAP na-ewe mpaghara Ugwu na Etiti Borno dịka nke dị ha n'aka. Npụta ndị agha nke Naịjirịa na ọdọ ndị agha bụ nke ewerela dịka nke ndị ewerela n'ike site n'aka ndị agha.
He said: 'that their aim and objectives was to inspect their certified distribution paper given to consumers'
O kwuru: 'Isi ozi e zigara ha bụ ị ga lele akwụkwọ oriri na nkesa ọgwụ ụkwara nwere codeine nye ndị na-aṅụ ya.'
With Senator Kalu’s conviction however, the corruption cases of former governors (now distinguished senators) that has been ongoing for “eternity” should be expedited and offenders convicted and jailed. Most importantly, the EFCC should be re-organised and re-engineered as a matter of urgency.
Sitekwa n'amamikpe nke Sinetọ Kalu, okwu mpụ nke gọvanọ ndị chịrịla (bụzi ndị omebe iwu ugbua) na-aga n'ihu kamgbe, kwesiri ịbịa n'isi njedebe ma ndị dara iwu, ama ha ikpe ma tụọ ha mkpọrọ. Nke kasị mkpa, aga ahazigharị na nụchaa ndị otu EFCC n'ihi ọrụ dị oke mkpa
An expe in the study of Africa and language in the University of Lagos Chiagozie Nnabuihe explained to BBC Igbo that Igbo land in the ancient time did not have any belief about people with dreads
Ọkachamara n'ihe ọmụmụ gbasara Afrịka na asụsụ na Mahadum University of Lagos bụ Chiagozie Nnabuihe kọwara BBC Igbo na ala Igbo n'oge gboo enweghị nkwenye ọbụla gbasara ndị bu isi dada.
DSS Spokesperson, Peter Afunanya, had initially denied the invasion despite evidence.
Onye na-ekwuchitere DSS, Peter Afunanya, agọnarị ụzọ mwakpo ahụ n'agbanyeghị ihe akaebe.
Nwosu said what he would do for Imolites if he wins the forthcoming March 2019 Gruber.
Nwosu kwupụtara ihe ọ ga-emere ndị steeti Imo ma o were ọkwa ọchịchị na ntụliaka a ga-eme n'ọnwa Maachị afọ 2019.
Dennerby also was a police man, he was also a teacher in Allsvenskan in Hammarby in the year 2001.
Dennerby rụkwara ọrụ ndị uwe ojii. Bụrụkwa onye nkụzi nke otu Allsvenskan na Hammarby na afọ 2001.
The CBN has merely found a way to increase Nigeria's external debt using what Diezani Alison-Madueke famously called 'non transparent opacity'.
CBN achọtala ụzọ iji bulie ụgwọ mpụga nke Naịjirịa site na iji Diezani Alison-Madueke a ma ama akpọrọ 'non transperent opesity'.
The list goes on and on without end but Donald Trump is still there despite an abysmal approval opinion of only 33 percent or less.
Ngụsịsị a ka na-aga n' ihu enweghị njedebe mana Donald Trump ka nọ ebe ahụ n' agbanyeghi n' ọ bụ sọ pesent 33 ma ọ bụ pekarịa nabatara ya n' ụtụ uche nnabata e mere nke jọgburu onwe ya.
As in the interpretation of sound.
Dịka nkọwaputa nke ụda.
Champion league: as today's sports have
Champions League: Ka egwuregwu taa nwere
The governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha has lifted the law of civil servants working for just three days in a week.
Gọvanọ Imo Steeti bụ Rochas Okorocha eweliela iwu ahụ o tinyere maka ndị ọrụ bekee ịbia ọrụ abalị atọ n'izuụka.
Audu Ogbeh was a former PDP national chairman but left the post to the APC.
Audu Ogbeh bụbu onyeisioche otu PDP n'ala Naịjirịa niile mana ọ hapụrụ ọkwa ahụ gbalaga na APC.
that only the smoke from that place is dangerous to health.
Awụlụ si ebe a ana-etufu ahịhịa na-ebute nnukwu ọrịa
He went further to say that they have reported to the police and the state fire services for more investigation.
Ọ gara n'ihu kwuo na ha ewegarala ndị uweojii na ụlọọrụ na-agbanyụ ọkụ ozi, ndị maliterela nyocha.
That's even without considering our own employees.
Nke ahụ ọbụnadị bụ ileghara ndị ọrụ anyị anya.
At the very least, we can quarrel about all things gender-related and that’s always a blast (or not).
N"ọpekata mpe, anyị ga-enwe esemokwu n'ihe banyere okike ma nke a na-adịkarị egwu (ma ọbụ ghara)
students of Regina Pacis, taught by Uche Onwuamaegbu in Eduide Stem Hub in Onitsha - defeated 150 nations and came out first.
Ụmụakwụkwọ Regina Pacis, - nke Uche Onwuamaegbu kuziere ihe n'Edufun Stem Hub dị n'Ọnịcha - meriri obodo dị nari na iri use wee gbaa ndị nke mbụ n'ụwa.
Taiwo ogbunjiobi, the former secretary of NNF died,on Monday after a brief illness.
Taiwo Ogbunjobi, onye bụbu odeakwụkwọ ukwu otu NFF nwụrụ ụbọchị Monde ka ọ rịachara ahụ obere oge.
Seven things that EU said about 2019 election.
Ihe asaa otu EU kwuru gbasara ntuliaka 2019
He said that the condition of Nigeria is supposed to be of uttermost concern to every Nigerian citizen.
O kwuru na ọnọdụ Naịjirịa ugbua kwesiri ịna-emetu nwafọ obodo a ọbụla n'obi.
What does Nigeria benefit from CHOGM?
Kedu ihe Naịjirịa na-erite na CHOGM?
The secret police had stormed the place to effect the rearrest of pro-democracy campaigner and journalist, Omoyele Sowore, who was standing trial in a case brought against him by the Nigerian Government.
Ndị uwe ojii nzuzo wakporo ebe ahụ iji wee ruo ọrụ azụ nye onye nta akụkọ na-ekwu maka ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya na onye nta akụkọ, Omoyele Sowore, onye na-ekpe ikpe n'okwu gọọmentị Naịjirịa wetara ya.
speaking about the incident. Okoye said that this has made it , the 3rd time the incident has occurred within the twelve days it happened at their office in Isiala Ngwa. Abia state and the Qua'an pan local government of plateau state.
Okoye kọwara na ọdachi nke Anambara bụ nke atọ ya n'ime abali iri na abụọ dịka ọkụ gbara ụlọọrụ ha dị na Isiala Ngwa, Abia steeti nakwa Opuru ọchịchị Qua'an Pan dị na Platu steeti.
Someone should wake Uwa up and hand over a mug of coffee to her together with the contrasting news of India's example that hiked data prices to as much as 40 per cent.
Mmadụ kwesịrị ịkpọte Uwa ma nyefee ya iko kọfị ma kọọ akụkọ dị iche iche banyere etu ndị India si mee ka ọnụ ahịa ruo pasenti iri anọ.
Expose Prostitutes In Your Locality, Hisbah Tells Kano Residents
Gbakpo ndị akwụna nọ n' gburugburu gị, Hisbah gwara ndị bi na Kano.
Now, has won the senatorial seat under the APC.
Ugbua o meiriri oche n'ụlọomeiwu ukwu n'okpuru otu APC.
National Agency for food drug administration and control, Nafdac have closed three pharmaceutical companies: Bioraj pharmaceutical limited, Emzor pharmaceuticals lnd
Ngalaba na-ahazi nlekọta nri na mmepụta ọgwụ bụ Nafdac n'aha ịchafụ emechiela ụlọrụ ọgwụ atọ; Bioraj Pharmaceutical Limited , Emzor Pharmaceuticals Ind.
Nwagwu in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Abuja said that the jailing has faulted the notion that once people with criminal record join the ruling party they were covered.
Nwagwụ n' ajụjụ ọnụ ndị News Agency of Nigeria (NAN ) gbara n' ụbọchị Tọzdee n' Abuja kwuru na ịtụ mkpọrọ a egosila na ọ bụghị eziokwu bụ echiche na ozugbo ndị mmadụ ndekọ mpụ banyere pati na-achị achị ha nwere onwe ha.
Narrating the incident to our correspondent, a lady who witnessed the scenario, said the suspect had been acting like a deranged person around the bridge for the past months before he was discovered on Thursday when he tried to attack a motorcycle rider.
Nwaanyị nọ ka ihe mere na-akọwara onye nta akụkọ anyị ihe mere, kwuru na onye a na-enyo enyo na-eme dị ka onye isi mebiri na akụkụ àkwà ahụ ọnwa ole na ole tupu a chọpụta ya na Tọzdee mgbe ọ nwara ịwakpo onye na-agba ọgba tumtum.
Alex Iwobi the Nigerian footballer is getting ready to sign new contract with Arsenal in 2022
Alex Iwobi bụ onye ọgba bọọlụ Naịjirịa na-akwado ibinye aka n'ime akwụkwọ ọrụ ọhụrụ ga-eru afọ 2022 n'otu Arsenal.
Remember that Rogers and Toure worked together in Celtic, where Rogers won seven trophies within a year.
Cheta na Rogers na Toure rụkọrọ ọrụ n'otu egwuregwu Celtic, ebe Rogers buliri iko asaa n'ime otu afọ na ụma.
According to report reaching the BBC, no one one died in the accident and no one was injured.
Dịka BBC siri nụ, onweghị onye nwụrụ na ya bụ ihe mberede nke a na-enwe onye merụrụ ahụ.
Scotland Yard said it had not granted Ms. Kareem's request to appear on the programme and that an internal investigation would be carried out, reports UK Press Association.
Scotland Yard kwuru na enyebeghị Nwaada Kareem ikike n'arịrịọ iji pụta na mmemme ahụ nakwa na a ga-eme nyocha nke ime ụlọ, ka UK Press Association na-akọ.
One could say that ultimately Hillary Clinton may have had the last laugh after all.
Mmadụ nwere ike ikwu na n' ikpeazụ nwere ike bụrụ onye nwere agamniihu n' agbanyeghi ihe niile.
A woman cannot marry a man.
Nwaanyị anaghị alụ nwoke
Unachukwu said 'Server is a computer that links other computers used for storing different information together.
Unachukwu sị na 'Server' bụ kọmpụta na-ejikọ kọmpụta ndị ọzọ ọnụ eji edewe mkpụrụozi dị iche iche'.
It was AlHassan from Nigeria team that scored one goal , tore the net while competing with Nijiey country in the AFCON U20 championship,which took place on Friday.
Ọ bụ AlHassan nke Naịjirịa jiri otu ọkpụ goolu dọọka neeti ndị mba Nijiey n'asọmpị AFCON U20 mere ụbọchị Fraide.
That's why I'm back, he explained.
Ya mere m jiri nachie azụ, ọ kọwara.
UN secretary General Guterres calls for immediate implementation of security council resolution for cease fire in Syrian.
Ode akwụkwọ otu jịkọrọ mba ụwa ọnụ bu Guterres na-akpoku ka akwụsị ịlụ ọgụ na Syrian nke bụ mkpebi nke mpaghara ha na-arụ ọrụ nchekwa
He berated successive sports administrators in the country for misuse of the multi-billion Naira facilities for momentary gain.
Ọ kpọrọ ndị nchịkwa egwuregwu ala anyị gara aga maka ejizighi ngwa ọtụtụ ijeri naịra n' ihi uru oge nta.
Sankore said it was the failure of the Nigerian Government to take strategic steps to protect Nigerians that have led to Nigerian citizens resulting to self help and some people taking advantage of the protest to loot shops.
Sankore kwuru na ọ bụ maka na gọọmentị Naịjirịa emeghị ihe ha kwesiri ichekwa ndị ọ na-achị mere ka ndị Naịjirịa chekwaba onwe ha ma ọtụtụ si n'ụzọ ahụ zuo ohi n'ụlọahịa
charm was used to scare them on phone.
E ji ọtụmọkpọ yi ha egwu n'ekwenti.
South African country left when her segregation against whites and blacks was condemned
Mba South Afịrịka pụrụ mgbe a katọrọ oke ha na-akpa n'etiti ndị ọcha na ndị ojii
Please do not be deceived by the press release by the SSS as same is merely a smokescreen designed to save its already badly battered image locally and internationally in the circumstance.
Biko ekwela ka arafue gị site na mkpesa ndị SSS ebe nke ahụ bụ ihe efu ha merubere iji kpuchie ihu maka omume ọjọọ ha n'anya ndị ime obodo na mba ụwa banyere ọnọdụ ahụ
In yesterday's match, Ostersunds FK won Arsenal with 2 goals against 1
N'egwuregwu nke ụnyaahụ, Ostersunds FK meriri Arsenal ọkpụ abụọ a satara otu.
So, let's keep quiet and know what's going to happen.
Ya bụ ka anyị dere duu mara ihe ga-eme.
Sankore said it was the failure of the Nigerian Government to take strategic steps to protect Nigerians that have led to Nigerian citizens resulting to self help and some people taking advantage of the protest to loot shops.
Sankore kwuru na ọ bụ maka na gọọmentị Naịjirịa emeghị ihe ha kwesiri ichekwa ndị ọ na-achị mere ka ndị Naịjirịa chekwaba onwe ha ma ọtụtụ si n'ụzọ ahụ zuo ohi n'ụlọahịa
there has been a search for this child since the beginning of July
A na-achọ nwata a kemgbe mbido Julaị
He said this to press men who asked him questions in Owerri as he was about going for the ceremony in honour of Alex Ekwueme.
O kwuru nke a ebe ndị ntaakụkọ gbara ya ajụjụ ọnụ na Owere (Owerri) ka ọ na-akwado ịga mmemme nkwanye ugwu Alex Ekwụeme.
He said that it is a pity that the government is not doing anything concerning the too much kidnaps, murder and theft in Nigeria.
O kwukwara na ọ dị mwute na o nweghi ihe ndị ọchịchị na-eme gbasara oke mwakpo, ntọrọ nakwa ohi na-arị ibe ya elu na Naịjirịa.
As the news had it that the fire outbreak destroyed all the voting equipped including the Ballot paper and box
Dịka akụkọ siri kwuo, ọkụ ahụ repịara ihe niile dị n'ime ụlọ ahụ gụnyere akpati akwụkwọ vootu nakwa akwụkwọ vootu dị icheiche.
When Buhari went to London for the meeting of Common Wealth of Nations leaders, CHOGM, he said that Nigerian youths were lazy.
Ka Buhari gara London maka nzukọ ndị ọchịchị mba ndị nọ n'okpuru Commonwealth nke a kpọrọ CHOGM, o kwuru na ndị ntorobịa Naịjirịa dị umengwụ.
Codeine: Nafdac has closed down three hospitals.
Codeine: Nafdac emechiela ụlọọrụ ọgwụ atọ
Treat Humphrey Nwosu like his mates - Chewas Okorie
Mee Humphrey Nwosu ka ibe ya - Chewas Okorie
Overall, Kebbi state was also the most expensive part of the country, as the cost of goods and services increased by 14.97 percent.
Na mkpokọta, steeti Kebbi bụkwa mpaghara kacha dị ọnụ n'ala maka na ọnụahịa nke ngwaahịa na ọrụ ji pasenti 14.97 bawanye.
In Degema Local Government, Wike polled 12,133 votes to Awara's 5,071 votes.
N'okpuru ọchịchị Degema, Wike nwetara vootu 12,133 ebe Awara nwere 5,071.
A country peopled by individuals who fail to appreciate little things will find it unworthy to reckon with the heavy sacrifices a few persons from amongst them make.
Obodo ndị jụrụ igosi afọ ojuju n' obere ihe bi ga-ahụ ka ihe erughi eru ịdọnyere nnukwu àjà ụfọdụ mmadụ n' etiti ha na-achụ ukwu.
Mkpúrú ógwú
In August 2019, food inflation on a year on year basis was highest in Kebbi (17.20%), Kano (16.08%) and Adamawa (15.95%), while Bayelsa (10.22%), Katsina (9.64%) and Kogi (8.97%) recorded the slowest rise,' the report stated.
“N’ọnwa Ọgọstụ 2019, ọnụego nri n’afọ n’afọ bụ nke kacha elu na Kebbi (17.20%), Kano (16.08%) na Adamawa (15.95%), ebe Bayelsa (10.22%), Katsina (9.64%) na Kogi (8.97) ka e dere jiri nwayọọ bilie, akwụkwọ akụkọ kwuru.
World Cup: A clairvoyant has said that Super Eagles will reach quarter final.
World Cup: Ezi 'na-ahụ ụzọ' ekwuola na Super Eagles ga-eru ọkara-ikpeazụ
That said, the main focus in my column is gender politics as it relates to women and men.
nke kwuru, isiokwu m n'ederede m bụ ndọrọndọrọ okike , etu o siri metuta nwaanyị na nwoke.
'Give your child the opportunity to breastfeed'
'Nye nwa gị ohere ka ọ mịta ara'
I have tried to be the best I can be, stayed away from them just because they blame me for their mistakes and they can't love, help and take care of me like their own.
Agbalịala m ịdị mma, zeere ha n'ihi na ha na-ata m ụta maka mmehie ha na ha enweghị ike hụ m n'anya, nyere m aka ma lekọta m anya dịka nke ha.
Tribal mark is for beautification
Igbuichi a bụ maka ị chọ mma
NASS inauguration: Dozie Nwankwo unifies citizens as he returns.
Nguzobe NASS: Dozie Nwankwọ jikọtara ụmụ amaala ka ọ lọtara
Peter Obi has called the words of the leader of APC Adams Oshiomole
Peter Obi akọọla okwu onyeisi ndị APC bụ Adams Oshiomhole
The judge handling the case told the court that under Sudanese law, people over the age of 70 cannot serve jail terms, the BBC reports.
Ọkaikpe nke okwu ahụ dị n'aka gwara ụlọikpe na dịka iwu Sudan siri dị, ndị karịla afọ iri asaa anaghị eje mkpọrọ, ka BBC kwupụtara
he said when he took the BBC round the workshop.
O kwuru mgbe ọ kpọrọ BBC gagharịa ebe a na-arụ ọrụ.
Newcastle and AFC Bournemouth
Newcastle na AFC Bournemouth
Madunagu, mathematician and journalist, writes from Calabar, Cross River State.
Madunagu, onye na-ahụ maka mgbakọ na mwepụ na odeakụkọ, dere si Calabar, Cross River Steeti.
Dignitaries at the ceremony include Archbishop Valerian Okeke of Onitsha Archdiocese, Owerri Provincial Bishops, a former Governor of Anambra State, Mr Peter Obi.
Ndị nnukwu mmadụ bịara mmemme ahụ gunyere Archbishop Valerian Okeke nke Archdiocese Onitsha , Ndị Bishop nke Province Owerri, na aka chụburu steeti Anambra bụ Maazị Peter Obi
Nnabuihe said, 'It is what gives a man strength to do the work meant for him.'
Nnabuihe sị, 'Ọ bụ ihe na-enye nwoke ike ọ ga-eji rụọ ọrụ dịrị ya.'
Electoral commission said that the election that was conducted at Ekiti and Osun state in the year 2018,and the words of Onnoghen shows that the 2019 election will be with the help of soldiers.
Ndị ọkachamara n'okwu ikike diri onye ekwuola na ntuliaka e mere n'Ekiti na Osun steeti n'afọ 2018 nakwa okwu Onnoghen na-arụ aka na a ga-eji Ndiagha mee ntuliaka 2019.
Remember that the former vice president of Nigeria Atiku Abububar, went to Enugu where he met with some Igbo leaders.
Cheta na onye bụbu osote onyeisiala Naịjirịa bụ Atiku Abububar gara Enugwu ebe ya na ndị isi ụfọdụ ndị ndu Igbo nwerr nzukọ.
The guy is just too arrogant to admit that the Obama couple was far superior to him and his Melania in intellect and education.
Nwoke a nwere nnukwu mpako ikweta na Obama na nwunye ya ka ya na Melania ya nke ukwuu n' ọgụgụ isi na agụmakwụkwọ.
As it is now, Furtado is in their prison in Rio de Janeiro resting
Ka ọ dị ụgbụa, Furtado nọ na ụlọ mkpọrọ ha na Rio de Janeiro ezuru nwaike.
Arsenal were not favoured in today's match as Wolves defeated them with 3 goals against 1
Arsenal ahụghị bọọlụ gbaa taa dịka Wolves napụrụha ha ụkwụ site n'ịsụnye ha ọkpụ goolu atọ asatara naanị otu.
He is contesting for president under Mass Action Joint Alliance (MAJA) and also, he is the flag bearer of the Coalition of United Political parties (CUPP) in the 2019 elections.
Ọ na-azọ ọkwa onyeisiala n'okpuru pati Mass Action Joint Alliance (MAJA) ma bụrụkwa onye na-efe ọkọrọtọ ndị 'Coalition of United Political parties (CUPP)' na ntuliaka 2019.
Whatsoever she does, it's done perfectly.
Ihe niile nwaanyị chọtara ime, ọ ga-eme ya ọfụma.
The Debt Management Office says the Federal Government borrowed a total of two point three-two trillion naira in 2017 to fund deficit in the budget.
Ụlọ ọrụ na-ahụ maka ụgwọ na-ekwu na gọọmentị etiti gbaziri ego ruru ijeri naira iri atọ na abụọ na afọ 2017 iji kwado mmefu ego di na bọgetị
Eke defeated Mike in the final round of the contest, walking away with the coveted prize of N30m cash, N25m Sports Utility Vehicle, a trip for two to Dubai among other things.
Eke meriri Mike na ngwụcha asọmpi ahụ, were ego dị nde naịra iri atọ, nde naịra iri abụọ na ise maka ụgbọala a kpọrọ 'Sports Utility Vehicle', njem nke abụọ ịga Dubai na ihe ndị ọzọ.
A man has burnt a woman and her family for refusing to befriend him.
Nwoke agbaala nwaanyị na ezinaụlọ ya ọkụ maka ịjụ ya enyi
The Igbos contest kingship in Kano.
Ndị Igbo na-azọ eze na Kano
these are among the people thought to be armed with guns and other weapons, snatching bags and valuable things from people in the area.
Ndị a bụ so n'otu ndị e chere na ha ji egbe na ngwaọgụ ndị ọzọ anapụ ndị mmadụ akpa na ihe dị mkpa na akụkụ ahụ.
In his speech 'Buhari has deceived before, we will be goat if we allow him to deceive us again.'
N'okwu ya, 'Buhari alafu go anyị na mbụ, anyị ga-abụ ewu maọbụru na anyị kwe ka ọ rafuo anyị ọzọ.'
Despite everything, Nigeria football team still worn.
Mana agbanyeghị ihe niile a, otu egwuregwu bọọlụ Naịjirịa na-enwe mmeri.
2018 budget: 'Buhari wants to be cunning to lgbo'
Bọjetị 2018: 'Buhari chọro iji ihe a ghọgbuo ndị Igbo'
Importance of kolanut
Uru ọjị bara