In his speech, 'Nigeria constitution gave provision to carry all the results of elections in Form EC8A at hand to collation centres of their wards.
N'olu ya, 'iwu Naịjrịa nyere ikike iburu mpụtara ntuliaka niile nke dị na 'fọm̀ EC8A' n'aka buga ebe a ga-egbokọba ha na wọdụ.'
Minister of Finance was in Washington DC, but she was there for the meeting of world bank and IMF.
Mịnịsta na-ahu maka ego nọ na Washịntịn DC, mana ọ bụ maka nzụkọ ndị ụlọakụ ụwa na IMF.
Europol , one of the European police has been reported to have found the women living in a cave where the group has arrested them.
Europol bụ otụ ndị uweoji nke mba Europe ekwuola na ha chọtara ụmụnwaanyị a ebe ha bi n'ime ọgba ebe otu ahụ jichiri ha.
There's Still Time To Change, Group Tells Buhari
A ka nwere oge ịgbanwe, òtù gwara Buhari.
Later, another election will be held to elect two candidates, one of whom will be the British Prime Minister.
Ka nke a mechere, a ga-eme ntuliaka ọzọ iji hotụpata mmadụ abụọ, nke otu n'ime ha ga-abụzị Praịm Minista Briten.
Watch this video and see how Pete Edochie prayed on the colanut for BBC Igbo.
Lee ihe nkiri a ịhụ ka Pete Edochie si gọọrọ BBC Igbo ọjị:
The committee later paid curtsey visit to the Idemili LGA Chairman, Mr Don Unachukwu, who congratulated them over their victory, promising to cooperate with workers.
Otu kọmịtị ahụ bịara onyeisi oche ndi okpụrụ ọchịchị ldenmili nleta kwesịrịnụ,Mazi Don Unachukwu,onye kenele ha maka I tụrụ ugo ha, kwe nkwa na ya na ndị ọrụ ha na -arụkọta ọrụ ọnụ
READ ALSO: Orji Kalu's conviction shows Magu fears no one — Anti Corruption group
Gụ kwuo banyere: Amamikpe Ọjị Kalụ gosiri na Magu anaghị atụ egwu onye ọbụla - Anyị Corruption Group.
It is not lack of money that has caused crisis in Nigeria, rather, too much money.
Ọbụghị ụkọ ego mere na udo adịghị na Naịjirịa, ka ma ọ bụ oke ego dị na obodo a kpatara ya.
He said that workers will start going to work five days in a week starting from the first day of March because Nigeria is no longer in crisis.
Ọsị na ndị ọrụ ga-amalite ịga ọrụ ụbọchị ise n'ime otu izu site n'ụbọchị mbụ n'ọnwa Machị maka na ọtanisi nke jibu obodo Naịjirịa ebeela.
Please if your healthcare worker suspect Lassa fever, advise him or her to contact your Local Government Disease Surveillance and Notification Officer (DSNO) to access care.
Biko ọ bụrụ na ndị ọrụ ahụike enwe nlegara anya maka ahụ oku oke ,nye nwoke maọbụ nwanyi ahụ ndụmọdụ ka ọ kpọkụọ ndi okpụrụ ọchịchị ha na eme nyocha ọria nakwa onye ọrụ ngosipụta (DSNO) maka inweta ọgwụwọ
Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti Bans Students Unionism Over Protest
'Federal Polytechnic' Ado Ekiti machiri òtù ọchịchị ụmụ akwụkwọ maka ịkpọ ganigani.
The warriors who will compete in Imo and Abia states
Dike ndị ga-akwata ya n'Imo na Abia steeti
In a resent dialogue between BBC and Obasanjo, He condemned Buhari of not been physically fit, not knowledgeable enough to work
Na mkparịtaụka BBC na Obasanjo nwere na nsonso, o kwuru na Buhari amaghị ọrụ ma ncha, na ọ na-akpa oke nakwa na o nweghị ahụ ike nke elu ahụ nakwa nke uche.
A Toyota and a Honda, what is the difference? Nothing! They both are cars.
Otu Toyota na otu Honda, gịnị bụ ndị iche? Onweghi! Ha abụọ bụ ụgbọala.
First, she understands the place of talent, nurturing, mentoring and hard work. She saw a son who loved to draw decided to NURTURE the TALENT by enrolling him with an artist, who will MENTOR and TRAIN him so that his TALENT can boom.
Na mbụ, ọ ghọtara ihe banyere ọnatarachi, ọzụzụ, mgbazi na ịgba mbọ. Ọ hụrụ nwa ya nwoke nke hụrụ eserese n'anya ma kpebie na ọ ga-azụ ọnatarachi ahụ site n'iziga na nke onye eserese, onye nke ga-azụlite ma zụọ ya ka ọnatarachi ahụ chawaa.
they said this on social media as BBC released a recorded video on the 30th April on television.
Ha kwuru nke a na igwe okwu soshal midia ka BBC wepụtachara ihe onyonyo ha mere n' ụbọchị Monde abali 30 nke ọnwa Epreelu.
these are the people who snatch people's bags.
Ndị a bụ ndị na abụ ha hụ mmadụ, ha lee anya,lee anya, ha anapụ gị akpa gị.
Peddlers Of Fake News Are Cowards, Says Soyinka
Ndị na-agbasa akụkọ asị bụ ndị agamefu, ka Soyinka kwuru
Three years ago, the story was that generation of power was a big problem we had in Nigeria.
Afọ ato gara aga, akukọ bụ na mmepụta ọkụ latrik bụ nnukwu nsogbu anyị nwere na Naijirịa.
In the few days leading to the eclipse on 2018, reports from the warfront in North East Nigeria provoked huge concerns, fiercely stirring panic within communities in and around Maiduguri, Borno state. Governor Kashim Shettima, within this period, quickly called an emergency security meeting to receive briefs from different security commands in the state. At the Executive chambers of the Government House, Maiduguri, the seat of power in the state, the situation was grim and faces drawn.
ka ọ fọrọ ụbọchị olenaole ka eklipsi mee n'afọ 2018, mkpesa si n'ihu agha nke Ugwu Ọwụwa anyanwụ nke Naịjira wetara mkpali, maka oke ụjọ dị n'obodo dị iche iche gbara Maiduguri, steeti Borno gburugburu. Gọvanọ Kashim Shettima, n'oge, kpọrọ ọgbakọ mberede nke nchekwa iji nweta ozi ndị ọrụ nchekwa na steeti ahụ. Ndị isi ngalaba niile n'ụlọ gọọmentị, Maiduguri, n'ọkọrọtọ ikike, ọnọdụ ahụ siri ike ma bụrụkwa nke elebanyere anya
Asuu strike: The happenings in Igbo universities.
Asuu strike: Ihe na-eme ugbua na mahadum ala Igbo
Saints manager, Ralph Hassenhuttl — who accepted the blame for the humiliation — has the daunting task of rebuilding his players’ morale ahead of two trips to Manchester City this week.
Onye nwe Saints, Ralph Hassenhuttl nke nabatara mweda n'ala, nwere ọrụ iwuli mmụọ ndị egwuregwu ya maka njem abụọ na Manchester City n'izuụka a
Mr Chikwelu Adigwe, NULGE President, Anambra Chapter said this during his 21 LGAs familiarisation tour at Ojoto, Idemili South Local Government Area (LGA).
Mazi chikwelu Adigwe, onyeisi ndi NULGE,nke ngalaba Anambra kwụrụ na mgbe njem nmata nke ịrị abụọ na otu ọ mere na Ojota, odida anyanwụ okpụrụ ọchịchị Idemili( LGA).
she was born in 2000
A mụrụ ya n'afọ 2000.
But the problem is that since she discovered of her triplet pregnancy, she has not seen her husband
Mana ihe bụ nsogbu bụ na kamgbe ọ chọpụtara na ime ya bụ ime ejima atọ, ọ hụbeghi di ya.
PDP members who joined APC
Ndị si PDP fere na APC
The winner of the 'Nigerian Prize of Literature,' Ikeogu Oke has said that Igbo will not go into extinction if the Igbos value it
Onye ritere ihe nrite dịka onye bụ ọkachasị n'ide akwụkwọ na Naịjirịa n'afọ 2017 bụ Ikeogu Oke ekwuola na asụsụ Igbo agaghị anwụ ma ndị Igbo kpọọ ya mkpa.
she cried bitterly that the father's brother( her father died) refuses to give them what rightfully belongs to them because they are still single
Ọ tụrụkwara arịrị na nwanne nna ya (nna ya anwụọla) anaghị enye ya na nwanne ya nwaanyị oke ruru ha n'ihi na ha alubeghị di.
'I can't sit down and watch young players being abused by a minority.'
'Enweghị m ike ịnọdụ ala na-ele ebe ndị dị nta na-emegbu na-eto eto.”
One rich Tanzanian man has been kidnapped in a restaurant in Dan es Salaam which is the capital of the nation.
A tọrola otu aka jiakụ nwa mba Tazania na ụlọ ọṅụṅụ na nkwarị dị an Dar es Salaam isiobodo mba ahụ.
Anambra state citizens, especially those of the Njikoka, Dunukofia and Anaocha councils have been reassured of abundant democracy dividends by Chief Dozie Nwankwo, who took oath of office last Thursday as he was formally inaugurated by the leadership of the Federal House of Representatives, Abuja.
Ụmụ afọ Anambra Steeti, ọ kachasị ndị nọ n' okpuru ọchịchị Njikoka, Dunukọfịa na Anaọcha, ka Chifu Dozie Nwankwọ, onye ñuru iyi ọrụ ka ndị ndu ụlọrụ ọmebe iwu 'Federal House of Representatives' guzobere ya ụbọchị Tọzdee, kwegoro nkwa ịrite ihe nketa ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya n' uju.
Nigeria soldiers denied the alligation
Nd agha Naịjirịa agọọla ebubo
We are confusing regulation with policy.
Anyị na-ewehie ndozi dịka iwu
Napoleon was checked at Waterloo.
Egbochinwuru Napoleon na Waterloo .
It is an abomination to touch the hair of someone with dreads.
Ọ bụ arụ imetu aka na ntutu onye bu isi dada.
Kinsmen - These are the first born sons from every family in the community.
Ụmụnna - Ndị a bụ ụmụnwoke ụmụọkpala si n'ezinaụlọ dị icheiche n'obodo.
Super Eagles' coach, Gernot Rohr has said that he is confident that his team will win the African Cup because there are older football players who play well as well as new ones.
Aka na-achịkọta otu Super Eagles bụ Gernot Rohr ekwuola na o kwenyesiri ike na otu ya ga-ebulata iko mba Afrịka n'ihi na e nwere ndị ọgba bọọlụ ochie ụkwụ kara aka nakwa ndị ọhụrụ.
The Head of Service Mr Uduh says Anambra is ahead of many States in the payment of workers salaries.
Onye isi ndị ọrụ bụ mz. Uduh kwuru na Anambara na-edu ndị steeti ọzọ n'ịkwụ ụgwọ ọnwa.
It is ridiculous.
Ọ bụ ihe ọchị.
They went further to explain that it was the Nigeria soldiers that killed the Boko Haram members.
Ndị agha kwuru na ọ bụ ndị otu ha gbagburu ọtụtụ n'ime ndị agha Boko Haram.
Dr Nwachukwu who warned that mismanagement of diabetes could lead to death or amputation encouraged the people to go for regular checks and always keep to their Doctors advise.
Dkt. Nwachukwu onye dọrọ aka na ntị na ileli ọrịa shuga nwere ike ibute ọnwụ ma ọ bụ ịgbụpụ ukwu. Ọ kwadoro ndị mmadụ ka ha gaa lele ahụ ha mgbe niile ma debe ndụmọdụ dịbịa bekee ha nyere ha mgbe niile.
Hospital staff that clean, disinfect contaminated surfaces, materials and supplies without adequate protective gear.
'Ndị ụlọ ọgwụ na-ehicha, na-ehicha ihe ndị butere ọrịa a, ihe na akụrụngwa na-enweghị ngwa nchebe zuru oke.
BBNaija is Satanic.
BBNaija bụ ihe si n'aka ekwensu.
The roads, which were on contract finance basis, were being handled by a prominent individual, Mr Daniel Nkwonta in Oraukwu.
Okporoụzọ ndị ahụ, nke e kwekọrịtara n'ego, bụ nke otu onye a ma ama n'Oraukwu, Maazị Daniel Nkwonta, na-edozi.
Okoye said that Nigeria constitution does not permit them to do that.
Okoye si na iwu Naịjirịa enyeghị ha ohere ime otu ahụ.
Ụzịza spice
Fruits like strawberries and blueberries prevent dementia.
Mkpụrụ osisi dị ka 'Strawberries' na 'blueberries' nwere ihe na-egbochi mbido nsogbo ọmụmụ nke ụbụrụisi.
News on Friday is that Atiku Abubakar has chosen the former governor of Anambra state, Peter Obi as his vice.
Akụkọ n'ụbọchị Fraide na Atiku Abubakar ahọpụtala onye bụbụ gọvanọ Anambra state bụ Peter Obi dịka onye ga-abụ osote ya.
Actors and Actresses from Nigeria and other countries in Africa , gathered in Lagos yesterday for the African magic viewers choice Award.
Ndị ihe nkiri si Naijirịa na mba ndị ọzọ n'Afrịka gbakọrọ na Legọs unyaahụ maka emume akpọrọ Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards.
What Ekweremadu's position resulted for Nigeria
Ihe ọkwa Ekweremadu pụtaara Obodo Naịjirịa
We started our business with bicycles and bicycle parts way back in 1988.
Anyị ji anyịnya ìgwè na ngwa anyịnya ìgwè bido azụmahịa anyị oge gara aga na 1988.
Other interesting stories
Akụkọ ndị ọzọ ga-amasị gị
What is Simba Group all about?.
Kedụ ihe bụ Simba Group?
The family of Peter and Amuche Ejiofor told BBC Igbo what they experienced in the hands of their family and neighbours for being childless over the years.
Ezinaulo Peter na Amuche Ejiofor agwaala BBC Igbo etu ndị agbata obi ma ndị ulo ha ụfọdụ gbawara ha obi maka amụghị nwa ruo afọ asaa.
How does the TVS brand help the Nigerian Economy?.
Kedụ ka ụdị TVS si enyere akụnụba Naijiria aka?
'Coincidentally, we had people of diverse Nigerian cultures among the participants.
'Na ntụmadị, anyị nwere ndị mmadụ nwere omenala Naijiria dị iche iche na ndị so sọ mpi a.
'The urban inflation rate increased by 11.48 percent (year-on-year) in August 2019 from 11.43 percent recorded in July 2019, while the rural inflation rate increased by 10.61 percent in August 2019 from 10.64 percent in July 2019.'
Ọnụego nke obodo mepere emepe ji pasenti 11.48 bawanye (kwa afọ) n'Ọgọstụ 2019 site na pasenti 11.43 e dere na Julaị 2019, ebe e dere na ọnụego ime obodo ji pasenti 10.61 bawanye n'Ọgọstụ 2019 site na pasenti 10.64 na Julaị 2019.
Ministerial Clutching At Straws By Barnabas Igho
Ịchọpụta olileanya nke ndị Mịnịsta nke sitere n’aka Banabas Igho
But this Buhari's statement vexed many Nigerians which they showcased on social media
Mana okwu a Buhari kwuru kpara ọtụtụ ndị Naijiria iwe nke ha gosiri na sochal midia:
Anichukwu said that the people came to kill Ekweremadu and his family
Anichukwu sị na ọ bụ ogbugbu ka ndị bịara igbu Ekweremadu na ndị be ya.
The legal document also notes that “the Commission reserves the right to amend and review this Determination at any time, as well as to consider other options to incentivise the communications industry,” and not the ministry.
akwụkwọ iwu ahụ kwukwara na kọmịshọn nwere ikike imenwo ma megharịa Mkpebi ahụ oge ọbụla, ma lelekwaa ohere ndị ọzọ iji wulie ụlọ ọrụ akpọm oku, ma ọbụghị ụlọ ozi.
Gloria Orji, an Igbo women who was healed of cancer, said that since she has Been treated and is free from cancer ,so shall anyone with the same disease be healed.
Gloria Orji bụ nwaada Igbo meriri kansa ma dị mma, o na-ekwu na ebe o meriri kansa, onyeọzọ ga-emeri kansa.
It is used to offer sacrifice
Eji ọjị achụ aja
Kidnappers have replied in Enugu
Ndị ntọ asaala asịsa n'Enugwu
Is bride price important?
Ụgwọ isi nwaanyị ọ dị mkpa taa?
Recall that BBC released a video showing that it may be taking bribe before selecting who will play for the team.
Cheta na BBC wepụtara ihe nkiri gosiri na o nwere ike na-ana aka azụ tupu ọ họrọ ndị ga-agba bọọlụ.
Ekweremadu, through his adviser to the media, Uche Anichukwu said that all his assets had been disclosed to the Code of Conduct bureau as provided in the law.
Ekweremadu site n'ọnụ onye ndụmaọdụ ya na mgbasa ozi bụ Uche Anichukwu kwuru na okwuputala akụnaụba ya niile nye ndị ụlọọrụ Code of Conduct dịka e dere n'iwu.
Ebonyi state students developed the Community Data Base App.
Ụmụakwụkwọ Ebonyi steeti wepụtara ihe a kpọrọ 'Community Data Base App'
Yemi Osibanjo is among those whose names are in the book for organising the meeting.
Yemi Osibanjo so na ndị aha dị n'akwụkwọ eji hazie ha bụ nzụkọ
Water yam has fibre
Ji mmiri nwere fibre
To be frank, all brokers offer the same thing.
N' ikwu eziokwu, ọre ahịa niile na-enye otu ụdị ihe.
These teachers refusal to work was as a result of their 9th month payment that has not been paid even after extra three months has been added without payment of salary
Ndị nkuzi ahụ na-agba abụbụ ọrụ maka ọgwọ ọnwa itoolu eji ha kemgbe izuụka abụọ.
A professor of economics Boniface Chizea explained that there is gain in the removal of the money for fuel subsidy
Ọkammụta n'ihe gbasara akụnaụba bụ Boniface Chizea kọwara na uru dị n'iwepụ ego a na-agbakwunye na mmanụ ụgbọala.
The news of a prominent pastor in Nigeria who begot triplet after nineteen years gave the Igbos and the whole Nigeria great joy.
Akụkọ Ụkọchụkwụ ama ama na Naịjịria mụrụ ụmụ ejima atọ ka afọ iri na itoolu gafechara, nyere ụmụ Igbo nakwa Naịjirịa niile oke obi ụtọ.
Ugandan press: Report on assault and get a bottle of alcohol
Ụlọọrụ ntaakụkọ Uganda:Kọọ maka mwakpo emere gị ma nweta karama mmanya
People should just let bygone be bygone.
Ndị mmadụ kwesiri íwè ihe gara aga dịka ihe gara aga.
Environmental commissioner in Anambra Michael Okonkwo has spoken that they are ready for flood any time it comes
Kọmishọna na-ahụ maka mbaraezi n'Anambara bụ Michael Okonkwo ekwuola na ha dị njikere mgbe niile maka idemmiri na-abịa.
Iceland has stopped male circumcision
Iceland amachiela ibe nwoke ugwu
It is a good time to be in business because we are now helping people now to start making money from a source they never thought existed.
Ọ bụ oge dị mma iji nọrọ n'azụmahịa n'ihi na anyị na-enyere ndị mmadụ aka ugbu a ịmalite ịkpata ego n'ebe ha na-echeghị na ọ dị.
Republicans elected a man who has claimed that his own opinion or decision is all that counts and who has proclaimed most institutions of the fourth estate of the realm as 'fake news' disseminators.
'Republicans' họpụtara nwoke onye kwuru na ọ bụ uche nke ya ma ọ bụ mkpebi ya bụ ihe kasị mkpa na onye kọwara ọtụtụ ewumewu nta akụkọ ka ndị na-agbasa akụkọ ụgha.
The eyewitnesses said that oil spilled from the car in the morning, and eventually set the area on fire.
Ndị hụrụ ka ọkụ a gbara, kwuru na mmanụ agbịdị si n'ụgbọala ahụ na-atapụ n'ala n'ụtụtụ, mechaa gbaa ọkụ n'ogige ahụ.
Men wear shirts and trousers
Ndị nwoke na-eyi uwe elu na traụza.
Five things you suppose to knwo about Alvan Ikoku
Ihe ise i kwesịrị ịma maka Alvan Ikoku
Then power suppliers were saying that they had no power to supply in Nigeria.
Mgbe ahụ, ndị na-eke ọkụ na-ekwu na ha enweghị nke ha ga-ekenye ụmụ Naịjirịa.
In incidents like this when Nigerians are attacked, what you do is to summon their ambassador and demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice and that the victims be compensated. Also demand than police be deployed to protect Nigerians’ shops and businesses from further attacks. This would demonstrate to the looters that their actions are not acceptable. If they then fail to act, you send the ambassador home and if the attacks continue, you can then take further measures like, seizing assets of the offending countries to compensate victims.”
N'ihe mberede dị etu mgbe awakporo ndị Naịjirịa, ihe ị ga-eme bụ ịkpọku ndị Nnọchite ha ma kwue ka ndị dara iwu ahụ nweta ntaramaahụhụ ruuru ha ma ndị ihe a metutara nweta iti aka n'obi. Ọzọ bụ ime ka uweojii bịa chekwa ụlọahịa ụmụ afọ Naịjirịa maka mwakpo ọdịnịihu. Nkea ga-eme ka ndị dara iwu na anabatghị omume ha. ọ bụrụ na ha emeghị ihe ọbụla, ị zilaga onye nnọchite ahụ ụlọ ma ọ bụrụ na mwakpo ahụ gaa n'ihu, ị ga-emezi ihe dịka, iweghara ihe nnweta ndị mba na-ada iwu iji ti ndị ana-emegide aka n'obi
Diabetes concerns every family.
Ọrịa shuga gbasara ezinaụlọ niile
Buhari's spokesperson, Femi Adesina, said that Nigerians misunderstood what he said.
Onye na-ekwuchitere ọnụ Buhari bụ Femi Adesina, kwuru na ndị Naịjirịa ghọtaghiere ihe o kwuru.
While that seems like a brilliant plan that could drive the fans wild, it would have placed Joshua in a vulnerable position resulting in a second defeat.
Ka nke ahụ dị ka atụmatụ amamihe ga-enye ndị faan nnukwu obi añurị, ọ gaara etinye Joshua n' Ọnọdụ ọjọọ ga-ebutere ya mmeri nke ugboro abụọ.
Saoirse Roman
Saoirse Roman
People who protested
Ndị mere ngagharịiwe
what President Buhari has said about children today
Ihe 8 onyeisala Buhari kwuru maka ụmụaka taa
IPOB: Rerun of Buhari will give us Biafra
IPOB: Mpụtagharị Buhari ga-enye anyị Biafra
Investing too much money is not the problem especially in a country like Nigeria where money rules.
Ya bụ itinye ọtụtụ egọ abụghị nsogbụ, ọkachasị na obodo ihe niile bụ ego dịka Naịjirịa.
through his speech in video when he was caught yesterday, Furtado said that Calixto's death is painful because he has been in that business for a long time
Ihe nkiri o kwuru okwu ka ejidechere ya ụnyahụ Furtado sị na onwu Calixto dị nwute maka na ọbụghị taa ka ya bụ oke enwe tawara akwụ n'ohia.
This is not the first time of entrusting the decision concerning the peace of Nigeria to the vice senate president Ike Ekweremadu.
Ọ bụghi mbụ a na-etinye ihe gbasara udo Naịjirịa n'aka osote onyeisi ụlọ omeiwu ukwu bụ Ike Ekweremadu.
He said that they would like to have a portion of land at the Diaspora estate when activated.
O kwuru na ha ga-achọ inweta ala na mpaghara ndị ọbịa mgbe enyere ha.
Enugu state government has budgeted the fund for relocating Orie Emene
Gọọmenti Enugwu steeti amapụtakwala ego a ga-eji bugherie Orie Emene.
An interesting story
Akụkọ ga-amasị gị
Thus the Federal Reserve figured out that when credit was scarce and interest rates were high, it could buy up government securities from the banks to boost liquidity and lower those rates.
Federa resav si kọwaa na mgbe akwụmụgwọ dị ụkọ na ọmụrụ nwa dị elu, ọ nwere ike zụta nchekwa gọọmentị site na ụlọ akụ iji bulie oke mmiri na belata ọnụego ndị ahụ.