“Last week Friday, they stormed our school again and some bold teachers confronted them which in turn led to the fight between the teachers and students.”
Na Fụraịdee gara aga, ha bịara n'ụlọakwụkwọ anyị ọzọ ma ọtụtụ ndị nkuzi nwere ntachiobi bakwuuru ha nke butere ọgp n'eiti ndị nkuzi na ụmụakwụkwọ
Arinze Idemili polled 66 votes to defeat his opponent, Sunday Muoghalu who polled 23 votes.
Arinze Idemili nwetara vootu iri isii na isii iji merie Sunday Muoghalu onye nwetara vootu iri abụọ na atọ.
10,000 are from Nigeria,with 33%accepted by Canada.
N'ime ndị a, mmadụ 10,000 si Naijirịa nke ndị Kanada nabatara pesentị 33.
The State number One lawmaker who expressed the resolve of the House to continue to work harmoniously with the Executive Arm of Government for the collective good of the citizens announced that the House under her leadership which has been adjudged the most peaceful among the comity of legislatures will continue to work in unity.
Onye omebe iwu mbu nke steeti ahụ bụ onye kwupụtara mkpebi nke ụlọ omeiwu ka ọ gaa n'ihu na arụ ọrụ ya na ndi na-achi nke gọọmentị maka mkpokota odimma nke ndi a na-achi. O kwuputara n'ụlọ ikpe dị n'okpuru ya bụ nke nwere udo na ịdị n'otu kachasị n'etiti ndị omebe iwu.
After grueling court battles, the Supreme Court ruled that the President was obligated to release the infamous tapes to government investigators.
Ka agha ụlọ ikpe na-agwụ ike gachara, ụlọ ikpe ukwu kpebiri na iwu ji onyeisi ala iweputara ndị nchọcha gọọmenti teepu ọjọọ ahụ niile.
Orji Kalu’s Properties Marked By EFCC Over N7bn Fraud
Akụnaụba Orji Kalu abụrụla nke EFCC Kara akara n'ihe karịrị wayo ijeri narịa asaa
Reactions have continued to trail the unfortunate incident where a man killed his four children, maid and stabbed himself
Mmeghachi omume na-aga n'ihu na-eduga ihe ọjọọ mere ebe nwoke gburu ụmụ ya anọ, onye na-eje ozi na onwe ya .
They are in charge of keeping the roads, rivers and market clean.
Ha bụ ndị na-ekpocha ụzọ, mmiri na ahịa ma o nwee ihe gbochiri ya maọbụ na mmiri buru ahịhịa nọchie ụzọ.
she was born in 1995
A mụrụ ya n'afọ 1995.
No Bra Day- would it stop breast cancer?
#NoBraDay: Ọ ga-akwụsị ọrịa kansa n'ụmụnwanyị?
But the president has told them to hope and trust that the investment will start improving.
Kama onyeisiala agwala ha nwee olileanya na ntụkwasịobi na azụmahịa ha ji ego ahụ eme ga ebido ritewe elele.
Bukola Saraki: I did not take any bribe
Bukola Saraki: Anataghị m ngarị ọbụla
The question remains: Will this be Trump's triumph or trial? We only have a short while left to see as the political games in the United States continue to unravel.
Ajụjụ ka bụ: Ihe a ọ ga-abụ mmeri ma ọ bụ ekpem ikpe Trump? Anyị nwere nanị obere oge ịhụ ka ịgụ okwe ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị na Yụnaịted Steeti na-ekpughe.
but the US has never said if this is true or not.
Mana ndị US ekwubeghị ka nke a bụ eziokwu ka ọ bụ eziasị.
In other hand,the Chelsea and man city Fan's are yet to know the outcome of the match until it is over.
N'aka ọzọ, ndị na-akwado ndị Chelsea nakwa Man City, chị aka n'obi na-eche ihe ha ga-agbata ma e gbuzuo bọọlụ taa.
People now know the food that are not good for the health.
Ndị mmadụ amatago ihe ị ga-eri onyewe gị nsogbu n'ahụ ma nwekwa ike nyewe gị nsogbu n'ahụ.
I was called and told that there are people been beating and as we got there, they were Nigerians.
Anọ m a kpọ m gwa m na o nwere ndị a na-eti ihe, anyị ga-ebe ahụ ọ bụrụ ndị Naijiria.
Ben Nwabueze and Atiku
Ben Nwabueze na Atiku
Watch today's video
Lee ihe nkiri nke taa
The level of impunity in our citadel of knowledge is astronomical.
Ogo enwetaghị ntaramahụhụ n' ajọ ihe n' ebe mmụta anyị dị ukwuu.
Court has given order to hang the criminals.
Ụlọikpe enyela iwu ka akwụgbu ndị omekome
Former Nigeria Vice President and presidential candidate in the 2019 elections, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar said: 'We've had many preventable fuel tanker tragedies.
Onye bụbu osote onye isi ala Naịjiria nakwa onye zọrọ ọkwa onye isi ala na ntụli aka 2019, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar kwuru: 'Anyị enwela ọtụtụ ọdachi tanka mmanụ ụgbọala dị mgbochi.
She was born in 1993
A mụrụ ya n'afọ 1993.
Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor, Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese has praises Anambra State Government for using its security apparatus to track two Awka Diocesan priests kidnapped last year in Ondo State.
Most Rev. Paulinus Ezeokafor, Bishop nke Dayosis Katọlik dị n'Ọka etoola gọọmentị steeti Anambra maka iji akụrụngwa nchekwa nyochaa maka ndị Ụkọchukwu abụọ atọọrọ n'afọọ gara aga na steeti Ondo
AUUU will investigate on Ebonyi State University's dismissals of lecturers'
ASUU ga-enyocha ọchụchụ Ebonyi State University chụrụ ndị nkuzi'
Stephen Mbonuagreed to what Mbonu-Ezeoke said, but he warned saying: 'the time has come for people to recognize the skill of many women in football.
Stephen Mbonu kwetala na ihe a Mbonu-Ezeoke kwuru, mana ọ dọrọ aka na ntị sị: 'oge eruola ịchọpụta ọtụtụ ụmụnwanyị nwere ike ị gba bọọlụ ọfụma ọfụma.
This must be done first so as to remove the fear of domination.
A ga-ebu ụzọ mee nke a iji wepu egwu nke nnara ike .
The spokesman of the state's police Haruna Mohammed said this when they rescued one man kidnapped by criminals in Ogidi, Idemili North local government
Ọnụ na-ekwuru ndị uweojii na steeti ahụ bụ Haruna Mohammed kwuru nke a mgbe ha zọrọ ndụ otu nwoke ndị omekome tọọrọ n'Ogidi, okpuruọchịchị Idemili North.
He said a higher birth rate would achieve faster progress.
O kwuru na oke ịmụ nwa ga-eweta nnukwu ọganịihu
He expressed appreciation to the Institution and other security outfits for working in synergy to give Ndi Anambra sustainable security.
Ọ gọsịpụta ekele na-ebe ụlọ ọrụ a nọ nakwa ndi otu nchekwa n'ile na-arụsị ọrụ ike inye ndi Anambra nchekwa zụrụ oke
He said this when the BBC reporters interviewed him on the chances of the youths in Nigerian leadership
O kwuru nke a mgbe ndị ntaakụkọ BBC gbara ya ajụjụ ọnụ banyere ohere dịrị ndị ntoroọbịa ịchị Naịjịrịa.
He contested for presidency three times (2003, 2007 and 2011) before he won in 2015.
Ọ zọrọ ọkwa onyeisiala ugboro atọ (2003, 2007 na 2011) tupu ọ zọta ya n'afọ 2015
I do not know what could motivate someone as comfortable as 'Sho' to leave his family, job and convenience to fight against base conditions that ordinarily have little effect on him.
Amaghị m ihe kpalitere onye ihe zuru dịka 'Sho' ịhapụ ezinaụlọ ya, ọrụ na ebe ahụ jụrụ ya oyi ibuso ọnọdụ ntọala nke n' emetụtaghi ya nke ukwuu.
Some Igbos have said their mind concerning the meeting Atiku had with their leaders on November 14, 2018 in Enugu.
Ụfọdụ ndị Igbo ekwuwela uche ha gbasara ọgbakọ Atiku na ndị isi ha mere n'Enugwu n'ụbọchị November 14,2018.
The movie which was directed by ace Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji according to the Los Angeles Times ran afoul of the academy rule which states that an International feature film category must have 'a predominantly non-English dialogue track.'
Ihe nkiri nke nwaanyị ọkachamara Nollywood, Genevieve Nnaji, duziri dịka 'Los Angeles Times' sịrị kwuo dara iwu na-achị ụlọ mmụta nke kwuru na fiimu nọ ogo Ozuruuwa ga-enwekaririri mkparịta ụka n' asụsụ abụghị Bekee.
14) Rita Chikwelu
14) Rita Chikwelu
The students' body had accused the school's management of plotting to install a stooge, who would do the management's bidding as their leader.
Òtù ụmụ akwụkwọ a ebola ndị nlekọta ụlọakwụkwọ ebubo na ha chọrọ itinye onye ga-eme ebumnuche ndị nlekọta ka onye ndu ha.
Another news that will interest you:
Akụkọ ndị ọzọ ga-amasi gị:
Is the DSS saying it does not have the capability to mount surveillance on one man in Abuja ?
Ndị DSS ha na-akọwa na ha enweghị ike ilegide otu onye nọ n'Abuja anya .
PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar was also involved in the postponement of the election.
Onye na-azọ ọchịchị n'okpuru pati PDP bụ Atiku Abubakar tinyekwara ọnụ n'atụmatụ ndọtị aka a emere ntụliaka a.
Bigamy: ASD Daughter's Marriage, Mulan and Abubakar Musa Abubakar By Dr Muhammad Bashir Maru
Bigamy: Alụmdi na nwunye nwa nwanyị ASD, Mulan na Abubakar Musa Abubakar nke Dr Muhammad Bashir Maru
The suspense in the misty air of Diriyah Arena turned to an atmosphere of celebration as Nigerian-born British heavyweight boxer, Anthony Joshua, reclaims his titles.
Obi iko n'elu dị n' edonghi anya nke 'Diriyah Arena' tụgharịrị bụrụ ihe ọñụ ka ọkụ ọkpọ 'heavyweight' onye Britain a mụrụ na Naijiria, Anthony Joshua, bughachitere ihe nrite ya.
Obasanjo told BBC that he has looked at what Buhari has done and realised that Atiku is better than him in manifolds.
Obasanjo gwara BBC na ya elelechar ihe Buhari mereela ma hụ na Atiku ka ya mma mmaji abụọ.
In Overseas
The Igbos believe in 'give us our right' - adviser to Ekweremadu
Ndị Igbo kwenyere n'ụkpụrụ 'nye anyị nke ruru anyị' - Onye ndụmọdụ Ekweremadu
That was a new school to me: that a military man known for brutality would be so dedicated to enriching himself intellectually and culturally.
Nke ahụ bụụrụ m ụlọakwụkwọ ọhụrụ: na onye agha amaara maka imenye mmadụ bụ onye na-ewuli onwe ya n'ọgụgụ isi na omenala.
Falana saw a way out.
Falana hụrụ ụzọ a ga-esi pụta na ya.
But on account of the refusal of the SSS to comply with the order of Justice Ojukwu for the release of Sowore and Bakare on bail, the defendants were unable to prepare their case.
Mana n' ihi ọjụjụ ndị SSS jụrụ ime ihe Jọstis Ojukwu nyere n' iwu maka mgbapụta Sowore na Bakare, ndị na-azara ọnụ ha enweghị ike ịkwado ikpe ha.
The Nigerians are vibrant in the commonwealth competition
Ụmụ Igbo chị ọkụ n'asọmpị Commonwealth
show by example the need to reduce cost of governance, restore the rule of law, rededicate himself to defending democracy, protect all citizens' human rights and deepen the fight against corruption.
gosi ọmụma atụ mkpa ọ dị ibelata ịda ọnụ ọchịchị, weghachite usoro iwu, rakwara onwe ya nye n' ịchekwa ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya, chekwaba ikie dịịrị nwa amaala ọbụla ma bawanye ibu agha megide mpụ.
The election was conducted through option A4 – the open ballot system.
A na-eme ntuli aka site na nhọrọ A4- usoro vootu gho oghe.
The federal high court in Abuja has told senator Eyinnaya Abaribe and two others who bore witness for Nnamdi Kanu to pay one hundred million naira.
Ụlọikpe ukwu di n'Abuja agwaala Sịnetọ Eyinnaya Abaribe na mmadụ abụọ ọzọ gbara Nnamdi Kanu aka ebe ha kwụọ otu nde narị naira.
'She is not only hoping to win the prize money but she wants the exposure that being in Big Brother Naija House brings so that she can do societal good.
Ọ bụghị naanị na ọ na-ele anya inweta ego mmeri ahụ mana ọ chọrọ ikpughe ịnọ na Big Brother Naija na-eweta ka o wee mee nke ọma.
Nigerians seem confused about the appropriate pronoun to use for Idris Okuneye, a popular cross-dresser and self-acclaimed transgender.
Ndị Naịjirịa dịka ndị ọ gbagwojuru anya banyere nnọchiaha kwesịrị ka e tinyere Idris Okuneye, onye gbanworo ụdị ya.
But, if all that CCECC is doing is to construct a university as part of its corporate social responsibility, then Amaechi's display of a sense of achievement is totally misplaced .
Mana, ọ bụrụ na ihe niile CCECC na-eme bụ ibulite mahadum dị ka akụkụ nke ọrụ mmekọrịta ya na ụlọ ọrụ, mgbe ahụ, ngosipụta Amaechi gosipụtara na ọ ga-eme ka a mata nke ọma ma inwe mahadum njem ọ bụ ihe kachasị mkpa na Naịjirịa .
If Shoprite does not evolve to online sales, Jumia will kill them and that's the truth.
Ọ bụrụ na Shoprite
Interesting news:
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
eat nutritious foods:
Rie nri na-edozi ahụ:
He said N20,000 would be given by the state government as dowry for every bride, amounting to N30million.
O kwuru na gọọmentị steeti ga-enye puku naịra iri abụọ dịka ụgwọ isi nwaanyị ọbụla, nke pụtara nde naịra iri atọ.
@atiku sent his regards to all the fathers in Nigeria
@atiku na-ekele ndị nna malitere Naịjirịa.‏
She is the first woman to become 'Director of Currency Operations' in Central Bank of Nigeria
Ọ bụkwa nwaanyị nke mbụ ga-anọ n'ọkwa 'Director of Currency Operations' n'ụlọakụ etiti na Naịjirịa.
Higuain who is thirty-one years old said that he wants to really play for Chelsea now.
Higuain dị afọ iri atọ na otu kwuru na ọ chọrọ igbado anya n'ịgbara Chelsea bọọlụ ugbua.
Amaraizu, who said they rescued cutlass and the things they stole, went on to say that their victim was helping them with the investigation.
Amaraizu onye kwuru na ha napụtara ha mma nakwa ihe ndị mmadụ ha zutere, gara n'ihu kwuo na onye nke ha ji aka na-enyere ha aka na nchọpụta.
got burnt in Lagos State.
Ọkụ tanka bu mmanụ ruru puku iri atọ na atọ n'ime ya, gbaara ọkụ n'Ojo, Lagos Steeti.
President Muhammadu Buhari played host to various groups, while in his hometown, Daura, in Katsina State, on Friday.
Onye isi ala Muhammadu Buhari kpụrụ ndị ọbịa otu dị iche iche n'obodo ya na Daura, Kastina steeti ụbọchị fraịde
Oby Ezekwesili: My two cents on IPOB
Oby Ezekwesili: Ebumnobi m ebe Ipob nọ
Wole Soyinka, Nigeria’s only Nobel Laureate, says those who spread fake news are cowards and may need psychiatric evaluation.
Wole Soyinka, naanị Nobel Laureate nke Naịjirịa, kwuru na ndị na-agbasa akụkọ asị bụ ndị agamefu ma kwesikwa ije nnyocha akọnauche
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo
The PDP and the APC accuse themselves of the postponement of the presidential and the federal and state house of assembly elections by Inec.
PDP na APC na-ebo onwe ha ebubo maka ndọtị aka ngalaba na-ahụ maka ntụliaka bụ Inec mere ntụliaka ọkwa Onyeisiala nakwa nke ndị omeiwu nke etiti na steeti dị iche ịchị.
Important news today: China wants to give Nigeria $ 60b
Akụkọ dị mkpa taa: China chọrọ inye Naịjirịa $60b
Nigerian youths have dared Buhari for calling them lazy youths.
Ntorobịa Naịjirịa amaala Buhari aka maka ịkpọ ha 'ndị umengwụ'
How l gave birth to Quadruplets.
Etu m jiri mụọ ejima anọ'
He won governor of Anambra state under APGA in 2003 But was not sworn in till March 2006 when he won in court, but he was later impeached in November of that year.
Ọ zọtara gọvanọ Anambara steeti n'okpuru pati APGA n'afọ 2003 mana ọ rigoghị n'oche ruo Maachị 2006 mgbe o meriri n'ụlọikpe, mana e mechara chutuo ya n'ọnwa Nọvemba afọ ahụ.
Ayegba, who represented Akwa Ibom State said, 'I thank God for what he has done for me to emerge the second national champion in the bible competition.
Ayegba, onye nọchitere anya Akwa Ibom Steeti kwuru, 'Ekelere m Chukwu maka ihe O merele m ịbụ onye nke abụọ na asọmpi ala anyị n' ịsọ mpi baịbụl.
God bless Anambra State, the Light of the Nation! (MOI)
Chukwu gọzie Anambra Steeti, Ìhè nke ala! (MOI)
President Muhammadu Buhari's spokesperson, Femi Adesina, said on his facebook handle 'The fake news is attributed to Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP).
Ọnụ na-ekwuru onyeisisala Muhammadu Buhari bụ Femi Adesina kwupụtara n'igwe okwu Facebook ya na ' akụkọ ụgha' ahụ nke ha boro otu jikọrọ ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị (Coalition of United Political Parties(CUPP) .
Talking of 2023 is irrelevant, whoever does that is up to deceiving the Igbos.
Ikwu maka 2023 bụ okwu akwụghị ọtọ, onye ọbụla na-ekwu ya bụ iji ghọgbụ Ndịgbo.'
Big Brother Naija: Sex Content On Reality Show Contemptible, Says Women Council
Big Brother Naija: Inwe mmekọrịta dị n'ihe nkiri ahụ, ọgbakọ ụmụnwaanyị kwuru
Festus Keyamo, a member of the APC, said it was because the PDP was on the losing track that they had Inec postponed the election.
Festus Keyamo nke otu APC sị na ọ bụ makana PDP nọ n'ụzọ ịda na ntuliaka mere ha jiri mee ka Inec dọtịa emume a aka.
Moving the motion earlier, Abonta said that it was in order to ensure a seamless ratification of such an agreement in line with the provisions of relevant laws.
N' iweputa iwu na mbụ, Abọnta sịrị n' ọ bụ iji hụ na enweghi ihe ga-egbochi nnabata nkwekọrịta ahụ n' usoro iwu.
it was Barrister Robert Mueller that brought this to light, who is investigating on the Russians misbehaviour
Onye kwupụtara ihe a bụ onye ọkaiwu Robert Mueller,onye nke na-enyocha nkpatọsị aka ndị Russia.
One article said: 'There are now fears that Khafi may leave Big Brother Naija House pregnant as she and lovebird Gedoni continued their sizzling romance.
Otu edemede kwuru: 'Ugbu a, egwu dị na Khafi nwere ike ibu afọ ime hapụ ụlọ Big Brother Naija dịka ya na Gedoni na-aga n'ihi enwe mmekọ nwoke na nwaanyị.
The Sector Commander of the Corps in the State, Mr Sunday Ajayi disclosed this in a telephone interview with Abuchi Nwozor.
Onye isi ngalaba nke steeti bụ Sunday Ajayi kpuhere nke a n'mkparịta ụka ekwenti ya na Abuchi Nwozor
she got the award of the golden boot given to the highest goal scorer in AWCON who took place in 2014
O nwetara ihe nrite boot ọlaedo a na-enye onye kachasị nye goolu nke asọmpi AWCON e mere n'afọ 2014.
I am not confident in the elections because of corruption - Atiku
Obi esighi m ike maka mpụ n'ime ntuliaka 2019' - Atiku
It is the law for the oldest person to pray on the colanut, while some five the youngest person the colanut to break and share.
Ọ bụ iwu na onye kachasị bụrụ okenye ga-agọ ọjị, ebe ụfọdụ na-enye onye kacha bụrụ nwata ka ọ waa ya ma kesaa ya.
Medical Doctors urge mothers to maintain exclusive breast feeding of babies for atleast six months.
Ndị dịbịa bekee na-akwado ndị nne ka ha na-enye umu ha sọ ara ruo ọnwa isii
Best evening news: The Igbos have given Buhari a grievous command
Akụkọ kachasị n'abalị: Ohaneze ndịgbo enyeela Buhari iwu kpụ ọkụ n'ọnụ
He was, however, countered in the evening by Mohammed Abdullahi, the Publicity Secretary, who confirmed that 'APC would take part in the governorship supplementary election'.
A biakwutere ya ,kosiladi, na mgbede ka Mohammed Abdullahi, ode akwukwo ndi mmadu, kowara na otu APC ga - esonye na- ibinyeghari aka na-akwukwo nke okwa govano steeti
The Nasarawa State House of Assembly says it will enact a law that will protect women and children against violence in the interest of development of the state and the country.
Ụlọ ọmebe iwu Nasarawa steeti sị na ya ga-eme iwu ga-echekwaba ụmụnwaanyị na ụmụaka na mmesike maka mmepe nke steeti ahụ nakwa ala anyị.
the picture of one of the banks that were robbed
Ihu otụ n'ime ụlọakụ ndị a wakporo
Sanusi said that one who supports investing money in Africa should take Nigeria, Ghana, Ruwanda, Kenya, and South Africa.
Sanụsi kwuru na onye na-akwado itinye ego n'Afịrịka, 'o nwere Naijirịa, onwere Gana, o nwere Rụwanda, Kenya na Sawụt Afịrịka'.
Since it is common knowledge that Sowore and Bakare are not among the well known merchants of violence and coup plotters that had successfully but illegally removed democratically elected governments in Nigeria, we are not going to join issues with Mr Shehu over the highly contemptuous statements credited to him.
Kamgbe ọ bụ ihe onye ọbụla mara na Sowere na Bakare esoghị na ndị mgbere ọgba aghara a ma ama na ndị mkwatu ọchịchị wepụrụla n' ụzọ n' akwụghị ọtọ gọọmenti ndị nkịtị a họpụtara na Naijiria, anyị na Shehu agaghị ese ọnụ banyere okwu nnukwu mkparị a sị na o kwuru.
lnec said even after the fire outbreak in their office at Anambra state,election must be done as supposed.
Inec ekwuola na agbanyeghị ọkụ gbara ụlọrụ ha na Anamara steeti, ntulliaka ga-aga dịka e siri kwado ya na steeti ahụ.
A lot of Nigerians were also deported from Libya earlier this year
E sikwa mba Libya chụlata ọtụtụ ụmụ Naịjirịa na mbido afọ a
The TRACE unit commander said that the vehicle had been towed to Ifo police station to ease traffic flow in the area.
Ọchịagha TRACE ngalaba a kwuru na e kpụgala ụgbọala n' ọdụ ndị uwe ojii Ifo iji belata ihe mfiahụ n' iga n' okporo ụzọ.
Obrador said that he will be joining public aeroplane to see that he fulfilled his promise about the fine America wants to fine their people.
Obrador sị na ya ga na-agbazị ụgbọelu ọha iji hụ na ya mejuputara nkwa ya kwere maka nha mba America chọrọ ịda ndị be ha.
No pain relief nor anything to stop the bleeding is given during the process.
Onweghị ihe ọbụla ha ga-enye ya maka ị nye aka idi ụfụ maọbụ ị kwụsị ọbara ga-agba n'oge igbu iche a.
If the Presidency is so sure that our clients committed treasonable felony or any other offence whatsoever, it should keep its powder dry and advise the prosecution to commence the trial without any further delay.
Ọ bụrụ na o doro ụlọ ọrụ onyeisi ala anya ọfụma na ndị anyị na-ekpere ikpe gbara gọọmenti mgba ma ọ bụ daa iwu ọzọ ' ụdị ọbụla, ya kee nkwụcha ma gwa ndị ikpe ka ha bido ikpe n' egbughi oge ọbụla.
Patricia Ann Spann who is 45years admitted that she got married to her own daughter, misty velvet Dawn spann who is 26 years of age, they got married and became intimate.
Patricia Ann Spann, onye gbara afọ iri anọ na ise kwetara na ya na nwa ya nwaanyị bụ Misty Velvet Dawn Spann dị afọ iri abuo na isii, gbara akwụkwọ ma nwe mmekọrịta ndị bụ ọbara ya.