Who will be the Governor of Imo Steet in 2019?
Onye ga-abụ Gọvanọ Imo Steet na 2019?
These are the different clothes our people wear in Igbo land.
Ndị a bụ uwe dị icheiche ndị be anyị na-eyi n'ala Igbo.
Were an alien species to conduct an in-depth study of the human species, they would say of Nigerian men – a well-adapted group, intellectually vigorous, entrepreneurial and charming, but with disgraceful toilet manners.
Ọ bụrụ na ụmụ ndị ọbịa eme nchọcha miri emi banyere mmadụ, ha ga-ekwu banyere ụmụ nwoke Naijiria---Òtù, sịrị ike ọgụgụ isi,
This shows that people have interest in this game.
Nke a gosiri na egwuregwu a na-amasị ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ'
Ojukwu based his action on the resolution, four days earlier, on May 26, 1967, of a joint conference of the Eastern consultative assembly and leaders of thought that asked him to declare the Eastern region as a separate republic at an 'early practicable date .
Ojukwu dabere ihe o mere na mkpebi, abali anọ gara aga na Mee 26, 1967 nke ọgbakọ nzukọ ndị isi mpaghara ọwụwa anyanwu na ndị isi nke gwara ya ka ọ kpọọ mpaghara ọwụwa anyanwu dịka mba ọzọ na mbido ụbọchị.
Title holders- the council of title holders is the highest group in the community, they are the last resort to every case.
Ndị nze na ọzọ - Ndị nze na ọzọ bụ dị kachasị n'obodo, ha bụ ndị ikpeazụ okwu na-agakwu.
For example, in the widely followed English Premier League, table toppers – Liverpool – fought a resilient Crystal Palace team to walk away 2-1 winners at the end of 90 minutes to keep their title hopes alive.
Ọmụmaatụ, na mgbaso nke 'English Premier League' na-agbaso, ndị nke mbụ n'egwuregwu - Liverpool - lụrụ ọgụ na mgba ma were ọkpụ abụọ a sara naanị otu merie ndị Crystal Palace na njedebe nkeji iri itoolu iji nọgidesi ike n'ọkwa ha.
In a bid to find other ways of earning money, early in 1992, the Federal Reserve banks started buying government bonds from banks so they could at least earn some interest.
N'ịchọ ụzọ ndị ọzọ ha ga-esi nweta ego, na mbido 1992, ụlọ akụ Federa resav malitere ịzụ nkekọ gọọmentị site na ụlọ akụ ka ha wee nwee ike inweta ma ọ dịkarịa ala.
Stories that will interest you
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
It is evil to offend them or to annoy them.
Ọ bụ arụ ị chọ ha okwu obụla maọbụ kpasuo ha iwe.
The chairman emphasised that Anambra by all standards was the political giant among nations, under the present leadership of Gov. Obiano.
Onyeisi oche doro aka na ntị na Anambra site n' ọnọdụ niile na bụ okaibe na ihe gbasara ndoro ndoro n'etịtị obodo niile, site na ọchịchị ụgbụa nke Gov. Obiano.
See what he said in the picture.
Lee ihe o kwuru n'onyonyo a.
Total number of recorded goals in the two championship are seventeen, what will happen to them?
Ngụkọ goolu niile nke mba Thailand ritere n'asọmpị abụọ ha bụ iri na asaa, gịnị ga-eme ha ugbua?
I am so sorry Collins, I had to leave you this way, Maryam Olayemi you have [been] more than a bestie to me.
Ọ dị m nwute Collins, e kwesiri m ịhapụ gị otu a, Maryam Olayemi ị karịrị ịbụ ezigbo onye nke m. Ọ dịkwa m nwute nyere ndị enyi m niile na ndị na-echere m ezigbo echiche.
the actors of 'Black Panther' show cased Africa in their opening ceremony.
Ndị ome ihe nkiri 'Black Panther' gosiri Afrịka n'emume mbido ha
The former president of Egypt, Mohammed morsi died yesterday in court.
Onye bụbu onyeisiala Ejipt bụ Mohammed Mosi alala mụọ ụnyahụ n'ụlọikpe.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has quizzed the Registrar of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic Owo, Ondo State, Mr Sule Atiku, and the Bursar of the institution, Mr Matthew Adejuwon, over alleged financial impropriety.
'Economic and Financial Crimes Commission' ajụọla odeko aha nke Rufus Giwa Politeknik Owo, Ondo Steeti, Maazị Sule Atiku, na ojide ego ụlọakwụkwọ a, Maazị Matthew Adejuwon, ajụjụ maka ebubo e boro ha banyere imefu ego n' ụzọ ezighi ezi.
there is no benefit her husband is deriving from this journey he is embarking upon
8.O nweghi uru ọ hụrụ di ya na-erita na njem a ọ nọ na ya
The injured persons who are the workers of Consar Limited are the contractors in charge of changing of that path/pipeline
Ndị merụrụ ahụ bụ ndị ọrụ Consar Limited bụ ndị ji ọrụ ị gbanwe elu ọwara ahụ.
Wole Soyinka, a well known writer, has advised Nigerians to be at alert and not to allow politicians deceive them in the forthcoming 2019 election.
Wole Soyinka bụkwa odee akwụkwọ a mara amara adọọla ndị Naịjirịa aka na ntị ka ha saa anya mmiri ghara ikwe ka ndị ndọọndọrọ ọchịchị ghọgbu ha ọzọ na ntuliaka na-abịa n'afọ 2019.
Olayinka ajeba the NEMA representative said that this problem started from the manual drilling of fuel.
Olayinka Ajaba bụ onye nnọchịanya NEMA kwuru na nsogbu nke a sị n'oge ha jị aka na-amịpụta mmanụ ụgbọ ala .
The reality is that this country will not get better anytime soon—not with the ruinous path her wicked handlers have intentionally put her.
Nke bụ eziokwu bụ na obodo a agaghị adị mma na nso---ọbụghị n' ụdị ụzọ ilaniyi a ndị nchịkwa obi ya kpachara anya tinye ya.
He boxed me around.
Ọ kụrụ m ihe tinka kuru pan.
The armed robber shall forsake the pleasure of his bed at night in order to visit pain on the neighbourhood and thereby qualify for punishment and eternal damnation.
Oji egbe ezu ga-ajụ ihe ụtọ nke àkwà ya n' abalị iji mee agbataobi ya ihe mgbu wee sị n' ụzọ dị otú a nweta ntaramahụhụ na mbibi ebighiebi.
Nigeria's inflation rate has dropped by 0.06 in the last month, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday.
Ọnụego mmachi nke Nigeria adaala 0.06 n'ọnwa gara aga, National Bureau of Statistics kwuru na Tuesday.
Speaking at the occasion, which held at the INEC headquarters in Yola on Friday, Fintiri thanked the electorate for their confidence in him.
Na-ekwu okwu na nnọkọ ahụ, nke e mere na isi ụlọ ọrụ INEC dị na Yola na Fraịde, Fintiri kelere ndị nhọpụta ndị ọchịchị maka ntụkwasị obi ha nwere n’ebe ọ nọ.
Godson Ikeokwu wrote that it was the Hausa who live in Orlu helped and found Naziru's parents and made sure he reached them.
Godson Ikeokwu dere na ọ bụ ndị Awụsa nọ n'Orlu nyere aka chọta nne na nna Naziru ma hụ na o ruru ha aka.
Simi is being sued for N50 million damages for using the word 'Joromi' in her song and as the title of one of her tracks.
Simi bụ onye nke ekpere n'ụlọikpe n'ego dị naịra nde iri ise maka mmebi site n'iji okwu 'Joromi' n'egwu ya ma dịka aha otu n'ime egwu ya
Abaribe told the journalists that it is only government who can see to it that peace reigns again in single belief in various towns in Nigeria
Abaribe gwara ndị nta akụkọ na ọ bụ sọọsọ gọmentị nwere ike ị hụ na udo laghachịtere az ụ n'etiti otu okwukwe n'obodo dị iche iche na Naịjirịa.
when it gets soft or the water in it have did not cover it anymore,add red oil and salt to taste.
O ghewe nakwa mmiri dị n'ime ya tawa, tinye ya ose akwọrọ akwọ, mmanụ nri na nnu
Nigeria Election 2019: Election will hold in Anambra according to Innec
Nigeria Election 2019:: Ntuliaka ga-aga n'Anambara dịka e siri hiwe ya - Inec
said that even if Ighalo decides to score seventy goals, all he knows is that Nigeria did not qualify in the first stage of the world cup.
@Thayour_B_ kwuru sị na ọ masị Ighalo ya nye goolu iri asaa, na ihe ọ ma bụ na Naịịjirịa apụtaghị n'agba nke otu n'Iko Mbaụwa.
Haruna said are clearing the road to avoid causing traffic for other vehicle.
Haruna kwuru na ya na ndị otu ya nọ na-akwalisi ihu ebe ihe a mere ka ụzọ were gara ndị ọzọ were were.
This borrowed money would be used to develop the electricity that is not functioning well.
Ego a ha bụtere ga-abanye ibulite nkekọrịta ọkụ latrịk, bụ nke ha sị adịghị eme ọfụma.
Nigeria scored three points when south Korea and Norway finished their football opening match.
Naịjirịa nweterala pọinti atọ dịka ha na South Korea na Norway gbachara n'egwuregwu mmepe.
Ways to make your children happy during holidays.
Ụzọ ị ga-eji mee ụmụaka gị obi aṅụrị n'oge ezumike
How is the malaria problem?
Kedụ etu nsogbu ọrịa ịba dị?
The institution's Director of Protocol, Information and Public Relations, Adeyemi Adejolu, in a statement issued in Ado Ekiti on Sunday, denied the students' claims that authorities were interfering with the union's affairs.
Onye nhazi ihe omume, nzisa ozi na mmekọrịta ọhaneze nke ụlọakwụkwọ a, Adeyemi Adejolu, n' okwu o kwuru n' Ado Ekiti ụbọchị Ụka, gọrọ ihe ụmụ akwụkwọ kwuru na ndị na-achị ụlọakwụkwọ na-etinye anya n' ihe òtù ụmụ akwụkwọ na-eme.
The Senate President also said that the bill will ensure divisional and state police boards, which will be responsible for maintaining partnerships, promoting communication and building cooperation between communities and the police.
Onye isi oche otu sinet kwukwara na ọ ga-ahụ na ngalaba nke ndị uwe ojii steeti nkea ga-ahụ maka njigide mmekọrita, ịkwalite nkwukọrịta na iwulite mmekọrịta n'etiti ndị obodo na ndị uwe ojii
A Togo police officer who did not want to be named (because he has no right to speak on behalf of the police) told BBC Igbo on the phone that the incident happened.
Otu onye uweojii mba Togo achọghị ka a kpọọ aha ya (n'ihi na o nweghị ikike ikwu n'aha ndị uweojii) gwara BBC Igbo n'ekwenti na ihe ahụ mere n'ezie.
The decision to overturn the ban was postponed after study as the government will organize special crackdown campaigns with a focus on addressing the illegal trade in rhinos, tigers and their by-products.
Ekpebila mkpebi a machibidoro iwu a mgbe nyocha gara, gọọmentị ga-ahazi mkpọsa ngwa ahịa pụrụ iche iji gbado anya leba anya n'ụzọ megidere iwu ahịa nzuzo nke rhino, agu na ngwa ahịa ha.
If Barack Obama had uttered half the statements credited to Donald Trump, he would never have secured the nomination of the Democratic Party in 2008 and would have been ostracized for life.
Ọ bụrụ na Barack Obama kwuru ọkara okwu a sịrị na Donald Trump kwuru, ọ gaghị enweta ntupụta nke 'Democratic Party' na 2008, e nwekwara ike ịmachi ya ogologo ndụ ya.
See what some people are saying
Lee ụfọdụ ihe ndị mmadụ na-ekwu:
Child trafficking is on increase in Eastern part of Nigeria. some have been caught, others are still on the run
Itu mgbere ụmụaka agbalitela nso nso a n'ọwụwa anyanwụ Naijịrịa.Ụfọdụ ka anwuchịgoro, ụfọdu ka nọ n'ọsọ.
On the coming Nigeria Police Games scheduled to hold at Rojenny next year, Ezeonwuka described Rojenny as the proverbial parish waiting for the priest to come and conduct the Holy Mass.
Banyere Egwuregwu ndị uweojii Naijiria na-abịa abịa e dowere ka e mee na Rojenny afọ ọzọ, Ezeọnwụka kọwara Rojenny dịka pariishi a tụrụ n' ilu na-eche ụkọchukwu ka ọ bịa chụọ àjà maasị dị asọ.
Thus, in a press statement on Sunday, December 8, 2019, a presidential spokesperson, Mr Garba Shehu claimed that 'Sowore called for a revolution to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nigeria.'
Otu a, n' okwu edere ede ụbọchị ụka, Disemba 8, 2019, onye okwuchite okwu onyeisi ala, Maazị Garba Shehu kwuru 'Sowore kpọrọ maka mgbanwe ịkwatu gọọmenti nkịtị a họpụtara na Naijiria.'
There is no better indication to the effectiveness of the tactical approach of ISWAP against the military than seeing that Nigerian troops in the troubled locations are unable to undertake patrol duties. Rather, they are mostly in the trenches practically waiting for the next attack. One troubling outcome of this is the escalating number of troops on desertion charge. For instance, in just one detention centre in Jos, Plateau state, there are over 20 military deserters rounded up and detained. Similarly, a growing army of deserters are being held across major military detention facilities in the country. Obviously embarrassed at this turn of events, the military authorities are zealously covering up on these.
enweghị ezigbo ihe ngosi nke ụzọ aghụghọ ndị ISWAP nwere megide ndị agha karịa ịhụ na ndị agha Naịjirịa nọ n'ebe ndị enwere ọgbaaghara ka ha hapụ inwe ike rụọ ọrụ ha. kama, ha nọ ebe dị iche iche na-eche ụbọchị mwakpo ọzọ. nsogbu dị na ya bụ ipe mpe ndị agha n'ebe ndị ahụ. ọmụmatụ, na naanị n'otu ebe ndote ndị ejidere na Jos, steeti Plateau, enwere ihe karịrị ọdọ ndị agha nke ahapụrụla na jide. N'otu aka ahụ, ndị agha chọrọ ịgbapụ bụ ndị nke ejiderela site na ngwaọrụ ndị agha na mba. n'oke ihere nke ọnọdụ na-eweta, ndị isi agha na-ezochi ihe ndị dị etu a.
I have spoken with officials of the National Broadcasting Commission because what is going on now is terrible.
Agwala m ndị isi nke ụlọ ọrụ Mgbasa Ozi Mba n'ihi na ihe na-eme ugbu a dị egwu.
Lt. Col Ojukwu refused to recognize Lt. Col Gowon as head of state.'
Lt. Col. Ojukwu juru ịnabata Lt. Col. Gowon dịka onye isi ala.
They were not drafted as an introduction to a 'lecture' which, perhaps, I was preparing to deliver; nor were they rhetorical questions (which demand no answers) nor exam-type questions (which demand answers from entities that exclude the examiner).
E deghị ha ka okwu mmeghe nke 'nkuzi', ikekwe, m na-akwado ikwu; ha abụghịkwa ajụjụ ajụrụ (na achoghi azịza ha) ma ọ bụ ajụjụ (nke chọrọ azịza site n'aka ndi mmadụ ewezuga onye nlere).
Bullying and harassment is a matter for the state or federal government, it should be avoided
Tigbuo zọgbuo bụ okwu dịrị gọọmentị steeti ma ọ bụ nke etiti, ekwesiri ịgba mbọ gbochie ya.
Justice is not final when people, who have been declared vandals of the public purse, are still maintained by public money.
Ikpe ziri ezi abụghị ikpe mgbe ndị mmadụ, bụ ndị e kwupụtara na ha zuru ohi dị iche iche n’ihu ọha, ka na-ejide ego ọha na eze.
Her sister Funke Bucknor-Obrute wrote on facebook that her sister died of the disease called sickle cell
Nwanne ya nwaanyị bụ Funke Bucknor-Obrute dere na Facebook na ihe gburu nwanne ya nwaanyị bụ ọrịa ahụ Bekee kpọrọ Sickle Cell.
Nnabuihe said that in the olden days, women do not put on trousers and if they climbs a tree, anybody under the tree will see her nakedness
Nnabuihe kọwara na oge gboo, nwaanyị anaghị eyi akwa na-awachi ahụ nwaanyị nke mere na ọ rịa elu, onye nọ n'ala ga-ahụ ọtọ ya.
'As I speak, I feel pains all over my body due to the beatings.
Dịka m na-ekwu ana m enwe mmetụta ihe mgbu n' ahụ m niile n' ihi ihe ha kụrụ m.
This still happened within the 21-day coincidence Uwa claimed to have provided the copy and paste effect in South Africa.
Nke a ka mere n'ime mkpụrụ ụbọchị iri abụọ na otu Uwa kwuru na ọ nyere nwepụghachi mpụtara na South Africa.
The zonal intervention funds used in executing constituency projects by the lawmakers has been marred with cases of corruption.
Ego ndị omebe iwu na-eji arụ ọrụ mpaghara jupụtara maka nrụrụ aka.
Earlier, Chairman NUJ, Anambra State chapter, Mr Emmanuel Ifesinachi commended Gov. Willie Obiano for supporting the group.
Na mbụ, Onyeisi oche NUJ, ngalaba nke steeti Anambra, Maazị Emmanuel Ifesinachi jara Gov. Willie Obiano mma maka ịkwado ndị otu a.
what is preventing woman from ruling this country Nigeria?
Kedụ ihe na-egbochi nwaanyị ịchị Naịjirịa?
Ekweremadu: the legislators are tired
Ekweremadu: Ike agwụla ndị ụlọ ome iwu
the coach of Falcons Thomas Dennerby was among the five persons who got award of 'the best coach' in 2018
Onye nchịkọta otu Falcons bụ Thomas Dennerby, sokwa na mmadụ ise nwere ike inweta ihe nrite 'Onye nkuzi kacha akuzi' nke 2018.
Because the win will give Libya that has seven points now, a point to top South Africa that has nine points
Makana mmeri ahụ ga-eme ka Libya nwere pọintị asaa ugbua ga-eji otu pọịntị gafee Saụt Afrịka nwere pọịntị itoolu.
The federal government has sued deputy senate president and the candidate representing Akwa Ibom North East, Baseey Akpan.
Gọmenti etiti akpụpụla osote onyeisi Sinete bụ Ike Ekweremadụ na onye nnọchite anya Akwa Ibom North East bụ Baseey Akpan ụlọikpe.
Africa Free Trade Agreement: Five things you need to know
Africa Free Trade Agreement: Ihe ise ị kwesiri ịmata
verbally, 'we shall make sure that those survived victims Will be properly taken care of'
N'ọnụ 'anyị ga-agba mbọ ị hụ na ndị ji ndị ha pụta n'ihe a ga-enweta ọgwụgwọ kwesiri ha'.
He said: 'Agricultural soil is the real wealth of a nation as it is basic to human existence, essential for food, feeds, fibres and fuel production.
O kwuru, sị: 'Ala a na-akọ ugbo bụ akụ na ụba nke mba dị ka ọ bụ ihe ndabere maka ịdị adị mmadụ, dị mkpa maka nri, nri anụmanụ, eriri na mmepụta mmanụ.
What is Rally Trade all about?.
Kedu ihe ahịa Rally pụtara?
In Lagos, it was heard that a child died became of the chil'd inability to hold her breathe as a result of the smoke that are coming from those areas.
Na Lagos, akụkọ kwuru na otu nwata nwụrụ makana onweghị ike iku ume n'ihi na anwụlụ sị ebe a juputara ebe niile.
Prisoners have written an examination called UTME to enter the university.
Ndị ụlọ mkpọrọ eleela ule nke a kpọrọ UTME iji banye Mahadum
Anambra State will pay the minimum wage.
Anambara Steeti ga-akwụ ụgwọ ọnwa opekatampe'
some people normally add limestone or ash to enable it boil fast.
Ụfọdụ na-etinye akanwụ maọbụ ngọ iji mee ka o dee ma ghee ọsịsọ
Mbaka, Oyedepo and other priests whose prophesies are true.
Mbaka, Oyedepo na ụkọchukwu ndị ọzọ okwu ha na-adị ire
I read the statement by the Presidency on the Sowore-Bakare treason trial.
A gụrụ m nkwupụta onye isi ala gbasara ikpe Sowore-Bakare .
They were locked up in Zaragoza where the police rescued sixteen women from sexual slavery.
Anwụchiri ha na obodo akpọrọ Zaragoza ebe ndị uwe ojii zọpụtara umu nwaanyi iri na isii emere ohu mmetọ ahụ.
Man caught raping little girl inside bush in Abia (photos)
Nwoke e jidere ka ọ na-awakpo nwata nwaanyị n' ike n' ime ọhịa n' Abịa steeti (ihe onyonyo)
You know Igbo idiom quite well?
Ị maara ilu Igbo nke ọma?
Some say it is the five states (Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo) in south-east Nigeria where the Igbos are the major ethnic group .
Ụfọdụ kwuru na ọ bụ steeti ise ( Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu na Imo) na south-east nke Naịjirịa ebe ndị Igbo bụ ndị kacha na agbụrụ.
He is therefore seeking to invalidate or demolish anything the first black President had ever done during his 8 glorious years in the White House.
Ya mere ọ na-achọ ịkagbu ma ọ bụ imebi ihe ọbụla onye isi ojii izizi bụ onyeisi ala merela n' ime asatọ dị ebube na 'White House. '
As a result of this violation of the rules ,they have to lock up the shops of Nigerians in the year 2008.
Ha mepụtara iwu iji machie ya nke mere ka e mechie ọtụtụ ọdọahịa ndị Naijira nwere n'afọ 2008.
'During the operation, one policeman on duty was shot dead and his rifle carted away.
N' oge mwakpo a a gbagburu otu onye uwe ojii n' ọrụ ma were egbe ya gbalaga.
The players of seventh-tier outfit Haringey walked off the field with about 25 minutes to go, shortly after Yeovil had scored a penalty.
Ndị egwuregwu bọọlụ nke Haringey pụrụ n'ámá egwuregwu ka egwuregwu ahụ fọrọ ihe dịka nkeji iri abụọ na ise ka ọ kwụsị, obere oge Yeovil gbachara 'penalty' ma nye ọkpụ.
He also said that the community was worried because the sand earlier coated on the roads was posing health challenges to residents of the community.
O kwukwara na obodo ahụ na-echegbu onwe ha n'ihi na ájá ahụ a wụrụ n'okporo ụzọ ndị ahụ na-ewetara ndị bi n'obodo ahụ nsogbu ahụike.
Amaechi's action, reminds me of the popular Yoruba adage that says forcing a man to get married is not a big deal, but making him to make provision for the family is the real work .
Ihe Amaechi mere, na-echetara m usoro ilu ndị ofe mmanụ a ma ama na-ekwu na ịmanye nwoke ịlụ nwaanyị abụghị mkpa, mana ime ka ọ zụọ ezinaụlọ ya nri bụ ọrụ .
At the same time, it gives them a cast iron guarantee that when they need their dollars back in 1 years' time, it will sell it to them at an agreed rate no matter what the actual rate at that time is.
N'otu oge ahụ, ọ na-ekwe ha nkwa nke ihe nkedo na mgbe ha chọrọ dọla ha n'ime afọ 1, ọ ga-erere ha ya na ọnụego ekwenyere na agbanyeghị etu ọnụego ahụ n'oge ahụ dị.
She also urged Nigerians to purchase only cylinders with SON registration marks in order to safeguard their homes from fire incidents caused by substandard cylinders.
Ọ gwakwara ndị Naịjirịa ka ha jiri naanị akara aha SON jiri zụta silinda iji chebe ụlọ ha pụọ ​​na ọkụ ọgbụgba nke silinda na-etozughị etozu na-akpata.
Driver of the bus conveying the team was said to have been shot while some members of the coaching crew and players were critically injured.
Ọkwọ ụgbọala ụgbọala bụ ndị òtù a ka a sịrị na a gbara egbe ebe ụfọdụ na ndị ọrụ nchịkwa na ndị ọgba bọọlụ meruru nnukwu ahụ.
In a statement on Tuesday, the bloc said,'The ECOWAS Parliament calls for compliance with community provisions and the reopening of borders and a coordinated fight against smuggling in the region.
Na nkwupụta na Tuzdee, òtù a kwuru na 'ọgbakọ omebe iwu ECOWAS kpọrọ oku ka ekwenye na usoro obodo yana imepe okeala na njikwa ọgụ megide ndị na-ezubata ihe na mpaghara obodo.
Who even wants to get married to a working class lady?
Onye chọkwaranụ ilụ nwaanyị na-arụ ọrụ
Now is the time for the government to stop the disobedience of court orders, no one is above the law including activists and people in government.
Ugbua bụ oge gọọmentị ga eji kwụsị ịnụpụrụ iwu ụlọ ikpe isi, enweghi onye ka iwu, nkea gunyere ndị na-akwado ọrụ na ndị nọ na gọọmentị
The sector commander reiterated the call for pedestrians to be careful on the road, especially during festive periods, because of increased vehicular movement.
Onyeisi mpaghara a kpọkwara ndị ji ụkwụ aga okwu ọzọ ka kpachara anya n' ụzọ, ọ kachasị n' oge mmemme, maka na ngagharị ụgbọala n' amụbanye.
A doctor child trafficker has been arrested.
Aka akparala dibia na-atụ mgbere ahia ụmụaka
She said it is her pleasure that her son leads CHOGM one day.
Ọ si na ọ bụ mmasị ya ka nwa ya Charles chịa CHOGM otu ụbọchị.
Kolanut and breaking of kolanut are important in Igbo culture, because Igbo people say that he who brings kola brings life'
Ọjị na ịwa ọjị dị oke mkpa n'omenala ndị Igbo, maka na Igbo na-ekwu na 'onye wetara ọjị wetara ndụ'.
See these things before they are revealed
Lee ihe ndị a bụ tupu ha apụta ihe
Nigerians have insulted Keyamo about the case of WAEC
Ụmụ Naijiria ejiriala ogbo na ncha saa Keyamo ahụ maka okwu Waec
HOS, then, assured them of government's continued support, promising them synergised relationship and transformations with the state's print media; National Light Newspaper.
Ya mere, HOS mere ka obi ha sie ike na gọọmenti ga na-akwado, na-ekwe ha nkwa na mmekọrịta na mgbanwe site n'ụlọ ọrụ mgbasa ozi nke steeti ga-emegharị; akwụkwọ akụkọ National Light.
We are practicing a democratic government
Ọ bụ ọchịchị onyekwuouche ya ka a noọ na ya.
Norway won Nigeria with 3-0 in the first half which Nigeria could not get equalize till the final whistle of the competition
Norway ji ọkpụ atọ merie Naịjirịa mgbe alara ezu m ike bụ nke Naịjirịa enwetaghị ụsa ya rụọ mgbe egbuchiri ya bụ asọmpi.
Lupita Nyong'o won Oscars award in 2012 for his role in a movie titled 'Twelve Years a Slave.'
Lupita Nyong'o nwetara Oscars n' afọ 2012 maka ihe nkiri o mere nke a kpọrọ 12 Years a Slave